Edinburgh Research Explorer Metriorhynchid crocodylomorphs from the lower Kimmeridgian of Southern Germany: evidence for a new large-bodied geosaurin lineage in Europe

Citation for published version: Abel, P, Sachs, S & Young, M 2020, 'Metriorhynchid crocodylomorphs from the lower Kimmeridgian of Southern Germany: evidence for a new large-bodied geosaurin lineage in Europe', Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 312-326. https://doi.org/10.1080/03115518.2019.1701079

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Metriorhynchid crocodylomorphs from the lower Kimmeridgian of Southern Germany: evidence for a new large-bodied geosaurin lineage in Europe

Journal: Alcheringa

Manuscript ID TALC-2019-0003.R3

Manuscript Type: Standard Research Article

Date Submitted by the 27-Nov-2019 Author:

Complete List of Authors: Abel, Pascal; Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften Sachs, Sven; Naturkundemuseum Bielefeld, Geowissenschaften Young, Mark; University of Edinburgh School of GeoSciences,

Metriorhynchidae, Geosaurinae, , Weißjura Group, Limestone- Keywords: marl-alternations, Geosaurini, Crocodylomorpha

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1 2 3 4 Metriorhynchid crocodylomorphs from the lower Kimmeridgian 5 6 7 of Southern Germany: evidence for a new large-bodied geosaurin 8 9 10 lineage in Europe 11 12 13 14 15 PASCAL ABEL, SVEN SACHS and MARK THOMAS YOUNG 16 17 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Abel, P., Sachs, S., Young, M.T., 2019. Metriorhynchid crocodylomorphs from the lower Kimmeridgian of 20 21 Southern Germany: evidence for a new large-bodied geosaurin lineage in Europe. Alcheringa XXX, X–X. ISSN 22 23 0311-5518 24 25 26 27 Over the last two centuries, numerous exquisitely preserved thalattosuchian crocodylomorph skeletons have been 28 29 found in the Jurassic strata of Southern Germany. While the majority of these specimens occur in Toarcian and 30 31 upper Kimmeridgian–lower deposits, thalattosuchian remains are otherwise rare in strata representing 32 33 different stages of the Jurassic. Here, we describe skeletal elements from two large-bodied thalattosuchians 34 35 attributable to the family Metriorhynchidae — these were recovered from lower Kimmeridgian sediments in 36 37 Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, respectively. These new metriorhynchid are closely comparable in both 38 39 stratigraphic age and dental morphology, and thus may be congeneric. Furthermore, our phylogenetic analysis 40 41 suggests affinity with metriorhynchid remains from France, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. We interpret 42 these taxa as members of an as yet unnamed geosaurine metriorhynchid lineage (herein termed the “E-clade”) 43 44 from the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian of Europe, which appears to be related to species of Torvoneustes from 45 46 and Mexico, and Purranisaurus potens from Argentina, collectively contributing to “Subclade T” of the 47 48 tribe Geosaurini. Finally, the metriorhynchid material described herein suggests preservation as a “bloat and 49 50 float” carcass that underwent diagenetic dispersal within a limestone-marl-alternation deposited in an off-shore 51 52 epicontinental marine environment. 53 54 55 56 Pascal Abel [[email protected]], Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment, 57 58 Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen, Sigwartstraße 10, 72076 Tübingen, Germany. Sven Sachs 59 60 [[email protected]], Naturkunde-Museum Bielefeld, Abteilung Geowissenschaften, Adenauerplatz 2, 33602

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1 2 3 Bielefeld, Germany. Mark T. Young [[email protected]], School of GeoSciences, Grant Institute, 4 5 University of Edinburgh, James Hutton Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3FE, United Kingdom. 6 7 8 9 Key words: Metriorhynchidae, Geosaurinae, Geosaurini, Crocodylomormpha, Jurassic, Weißjura Group, 10 11 limestone-marl-alternations. 12 13 14 15 THALATTOSUCHIANS were a clade of predominantly marine crocodylomorphs that 16 17 flourished during the Jurassic and Early (e. g. Andrews 1913, Westphal 1962, 18 For Peer Review Only 19 20 Wilberg 2012, Chiarenza et al. 2015, Fanti et al. 2016). Early in their evolution, 21 22 thalattosuchians split into two subclades: the Teleosauroidea and Metriorhynchoidea (Young 23 24 & Andrade 2009). In Germany, teleosauroids are well known from abundant skeletons found 25 26 27 in the Holzmaden area of Baden-Württemberg (e.g. Westphal 1962). Metriorhynchoids are 28 29 comparatively less common, with the most complete remains discovered in the upper Upper 30 31 Jurassic limestones of Southern Germany (e.g. Fraas 1901, 1902, Young & Andrade 2009, 32 33 Sachs et al. 2019a). Fragmentary metriorhynchid skeletons have also been documented from 34 35 36 the Middle Jurassic (e.g. Michelis et al. 1996, Waskow et al. 2017) and Lower Cretaceous 37 38 (Koken 1883, Schröder 1921) of western and northern Germany. 39 40 In Southern Germany, thalattosuchian fossils are mainly restricted to Toarcian and upper 41 42 43 Kimmeridgian/lower Tithonian strata (e.g. Wagner 1852, Fraas 1902, Westphal 1962, 1965, 44 45 Sachs et al. 2019a, b). Dietl & Etzold (1977), Abel et al. (2018), and Aiglstorfer et al. (2019) 46 47 additionally reported fragmentary material from the Aalenian of Baden-Württemberg. 48 49 50 Wellnhofer (1978) described several vertebrae from the middle Oxfordian near Sengenthal in 51 52 Bavaria, which he assigned to Steneosaurus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1825. The currently best- 53 54 preserved specimen is the holotype of the teleosauroid Machimosaurus buffetauti Young et 55 56 al., 2015a from the lower Kimmeridgian Lacunosamergel Formation near Neuffen in Baden- 57 58 59 Württemberg (Young et al. 2014). 60

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1 2 3 Here, we identify two new unpublished metriorhynchid specimens from the Upper Jurassic 4 5 6 lower Weißjura Group of Southern Germany. The first, SMNS 80149, comprises the anterior 7 8 section of adentary with several in situ teeth. The was found by Alfons Berreth in the 9 10 1950s or 1960s on Braunenberg hill near Aalen-Wasseralfingen in eastern Baden- 11 12 Württemberg. The second specimen, PSHME PH1 incorporates disarticulated postcranial 13 14 15 elements and some associated teeth. It was discovered in 1999 by members of the 16 17 Landesverband für Höhlen- und Karstforschung Bayern (LHK) at the Reichold limestone 18 For Peer Review Only 19 quarry near Drügendorf in northern Bavaria (see Weisel 2000, Abel 2016). Both specimens 20 21 22 derive from the upper Subnebrodites planula Tethyan ammonite Biozone and share the same 23 24 diagnostic dental character states. 25 26 27 28 Institutional abbreviations 29 30 BRSMG, Bristol City Museum & Art Gallery, Bristol, UK; CAMSM, Sedgwick Museum of 31 32 33 Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; DORCM, Dorset County 34 35 Museum, Dorset, UK; UE, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK; FAU, Friedrich- 36 37 Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany; GLHAM, Hunterian Museum, 38 39 40 University of Glasgow, UK; GPIT, Institut und Museum für Geologie und Paläontologie 41 42 Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany; HME, Heimatmuseum Ebermannstadt; IMPRS-TP, 43 44 International Max-Planck Research School for Translational Psychiatry, Munich, Germany; 45 46 47 LEIUG, Department of Geology, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK; LHK, 48 49 Landesverband für Höhlen- und Karstforschung Bayern e.V., Langquaid, Germany; LMU, 50 51 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany; NHMUK, Natural History 52 53 Museum, London, UK; NMO, Naturmuseum Olten, Olten, Switzerland; OUMNH, Oxford 54 55 56 University Museum of Natural History, Oxford, UK; PSHME, Paläontologische Sammlung 57 58 Heimatmuseum Ebermannstadt, Ebermannstadt, Germany; SMNS, Staatliches Museum für 59 60 Naturkunde Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 Geological setting 7 8 9 Both SMNS 80149 and PSHME PH1 were found in carbonate rocks of the lower Weißjura 10 11 Group. This Upper Jurassic marine succession comprises limestones, marlstones, and 12 13 dolostones that form the uppermost strata of the Southern German Franconian and Swabian 14 15 16 Jura (Niebuhr & Pürner 2014; Fig. 1). 17 18 For Peer Review Only 19 SMNS 80149 is partly encased in a micritic limestone matrix (=wakestone sensu Dunham 20 21 1962) that derives from the uppermost Wohlgeschichtete Kalke Formation, a limestone-marl- 22 23 24 alternation in the lower Weißjura Group of the Swabian Jura (Schmid et al. 2005, German 25 26 Stratigraphic Commission 2016). There is no specific locality data available for the specimen, 27 28 but catalogue information from the SMNS indicates that it derived from the Braunenberg 29 30 region in a stratum closely below the base of the Lacunosamergel Formation: “oberer 31 32 33 Weißjura , nahe zu Weißjura 1” (“upper Weißjura , closely to Weißjura 1)”). This section 34 35 represents the upper Subnebrodites planula Tethyan ammonite Biozone, which dates back to 36 37 38 the early Kimmeridgian (Schweigert & Callomon 1997, Énay & Howarth 2017; Fig. 1). 39 40 41 PSHME PH1 was recovered from a thin-bedded micritic limestone unit (=wakestone) of 42 43 the Feuerstein Formation in the northern Franconian Jura, whose top correlates with the 44 45 Wohlgeschichtete Kalke Formation (Niebuhr & Pürner 2014; Fig. 1). Stromatometric analysis 46 47 48 has identified the matrix around PSHME PH1 as consistent with limestone bank 139, and the 49 50 overlying marl layer 139a (Weisel 2000) of the upper Subnebrodites planula Tethyan 51 52 ammonite Biozone (von Freyberg 1966). 53 54 55 Both the Wohlgeschichtete Kalke Formation and Feuerstein Formation were deposited in 56 57 an off-shore epicontinental extension of the northern Tethys, and under well-oxygenated sea 58 59 floor conditions (Schmid et al. 2005). Koch & Hornung (2003) interpreted the 60

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1 2 3 paleoenvironment of the Feuerstein Formation as a distal shelf area within the lower energetic 4 5 6 realm, proximal to the sponge-microbial reefs (“Wiesent Riff” facies) of the Frankenalb 7 8 Formation (Niebuhr & Pürner 2014). The Wohlgeschichtete Kalke Formation is faunally rich 9 10 in ammonites with occasional siliceous sponge biostroms and patch reefs (Schmid et al. 11 12 2005). An indeterminate ammonite has been preserved with SMNS 80149. Macrofossils 13 14 15 found in the fossil-bearing strata of PSHME PH1 include belemnites, ammonites, bivalves, 16 17 and chondrichtyan teeth. 18 For Peer Review Only 19 20 21 Systematic palaeontology 22 23 24 CROCODYLOMORPHA Hay, 1930 25 26 THALATTOSUCHIA Fraas, 1901 27 28 METRIORHYNCHIDAE Fitzinger, 1843 29 30 31 GEOSAURINAE Lydekker, 1889 32 33 GEOSAURINI Lydekker, 1889 34 35 36 37 Geosaurini indet. 38 39 40 41 42 Referred material. SMNS 80149, part of the right dentary bearing two in situ teeth. 43 44 45 46 Source locality, unit and age. SMNS 80149 was reportedly found in the Braunenberg region, 47 48 east of Aalen-Wasseralfingen in eastern Baden-Württemberg, Germany; Wohlgeschichtete 49 50 51 Kalke Formation, lower Kimmeridgian, Subnebrodites planula Tethyan ammonite Biozone. 52 53 54 55 Description and comparisons 56 57 58 Dentary. SMNS 80149 is a broken section of the right dentary that bears eight alveoli (Fig. 2, 59 60 Table S1). The external dorsal surface is heavily weathered, and the seven anterior-most

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1 2 3 alveoli are filled with sediment, but are clearly lateromedially broader than anteroposteriorly 4 5 6 long (Fig. 3). This trait is consistent with the maxillary alveoli of “Metriorhynchus” cf. 7 8 hastifer Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1868 described by Lepage et al. (2008), which we herein 9 10 refer to as “Chouquet cf. hastifer” for taxonomic distinction. The SMNS 80149 dentary is 11 12 dorsoventrally deeper relative to other metriorhynchids, such as Cricosaurus Wagner, 1858, 13 14 15 Tyrannoneustes lythrodectikos Young et al., 2013a, and Dakosaurus Quenstedt, 1856 (Young 16 17 et al. 2012, Sachs et al. 2019a). The exposed Meckelian groove on SMNS 80149 (Fig. 2A) 18 For Peer Review Only 19 extends to the level of the anterior-most alveolus. The symphyseal contact extends the full 20 21 22 preserved length of SMNS 80149, suggesting that all preserved eight teeth were adjacent to 23 24 the symphysis, unlike Dakosaurus where only four–five alveoli make up the symphyseal row 25 26 (Young et al. 2012). 27 28 29 30 Teeth. Two teeth of SMNS 80149 are preserved in situ (Fig. 2, Table S2). The root is exposed 31 32 33 on the tooth in the posterior-most alveolus, and is over twice the height of the crown. The 34 35 tooth crowns are both conical with a circular bases and slight distal curvature (crown angles = 36 37 54° and 59°: Foffa et al. 2018; Table S2). As in most other metriorhynchids, thin carinae 38 39 40 extend mesiodistally from the base of the crown to the apex (e.g. Young et al. 2010). Irregular 41 42 microscopic denticles (=incipient microziphodonty: Young et al. 2013b) are visible along the 43 44 carinae, and resemble those occurring on the teeth of Tyrannoneustes lythrodectikos, Ieldraan 45 46 47 melkshamensis Foffa et al., 2017, and the non-geosaurin geosaurine “Metriorhynchus” 48 49 brachyrhynchus Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1886 (see Young et al. 2013a, Foffa et al. 2017, 50 51 2018). The enamel ornamentation of SMNS 80149 comprises thin, widely-spaced apicobasal 52 53 ridges at the basal half of the crown that sometimes extend to the apical half and are most 54 55 56 prolific on the lingual surface (Fig. 4). The enamel ridges approach the carinae but do not 57 58 form false serrations as seen in Torvoneustes carpenteri Wilkinson et al., 2008 (Andrade et al. 59 60 2010); this is also consistent with Tyrannoneustes lythrodectikos and Torvoneustes

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1 2 3 coryphaeus (Young et al. 2013a, b), “Chouquet cf. hastifer” (Lepage et al. 2008), and the 4 5 6 geosaurin “Mr Passmore’s specimen” (OUMNH J1583) (P.A. pers. obs.). 7 8 The teeth of SMNS 80149 differ from those of geosaurinans, such as Geosaurus spp. (see 9 10 Cuvier, 1824) and I. melkshamensis, which are mediolaterally compressed and exhibit a labial 11 12 sub-division into three apicobasal planes (e.g. Young & Andrade 2009, Andrade et al. 2010, 13 14 15 Foffa et al. 2017). They can also be distinguished from those of Dakosaurus by the absence of 16 17 macroziphodont denticles, carinal flanges, and obvious microwear along the carinae (Andrade 18 For Peer Review Only 19 et al. 2010, Young et al. 2012, Young et al. 2015b). In addition, Plesiosuchus Owen, 1884 and 20 21 22 other plesiosuchinans contrast in their possession of weak carinal flanges, strong distal 23 24 curvature and a rectangular denticle shape (Young et al. 2012, Chiarenza et al. 2015). Lastly, 25 26 Torvoneustes Andrade et al., 2010 differs in its blunt tooth apices and anastomosed apical 27 28 enamel ornamentation (Andrade et al. 2010, Young et al. 2013a, b, Barrientos-Lara et al. 29 30 31 2016). 32 33 34 35 Discussion 36 37 38 We conclude that SMNS 80149 most closely resembles geosaurin metriorhynchids in its tooth 39 40 morphology, and is reminiscent of specimens assigned to taxa of “Subclade T” (Foffa et al. 41 42 2017), especially “Chouquet cf. hastifer”, OUMNH J1583, and also Tyrannoneustes 43 44 45 lythrodectikos. Because “Subclade T” is an informal clade designation, we propose 46 47 assignment of SMNS 80149 to Geosaurini indet. 48 49 50 51 GEOSAURINI Lydekker, 1889 52 53 54 55 56 Geosaurini indet. 57 58 59 60

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1 2 3 Referred material. PSHME PH1, fragmentary skeleton comprising 11 teeth, 14 dorsal 4 5 6 vertebrae, a sacral and caudal vertebra, at least 14 dorsal ribs, the distal end of a sacral rib, the 7 8 right ilium, the distal section of the right femur, and other unidentified bone fragments. 9 10 11 12 Source locality, unit and age. Reichold limestone quarry (49.813619, 11.132927) near 13 14 15 Drügendorf in northern Bavaria, Germany; Feuerstein Formation, lower Kimmeridgian 16 17 Subnebrodites planula Tethyan ammonite Biozone. 18 For Peer Review Only 19 20 21 22 Description 23 24 The skeletal elements of PSHME PH1 are largely embedded in a series of six limestone slabs, 25 26 numbered I–V (Fig. 5). These were reassembled for exhibition, but their exact orientation is 27 28 uncertain (Dieter Gebelein [IHK] pers. comm. 03/2017). Two associated vertebrae were 29 30 31 recovered from the overlying marl layer, and most of the teeth were dispersed from their 32 33 original positions. 34 35 36 37 38 Teeth. Remnants of 11 teeth were recovered, five of which are still embedded in matrix. The 39 40 crowns resemble those of SMNS 80149 in being conical and slightly lingually curved, with 41 42 sub-cylindrical roots that are approximately twice as high as the crowns (Table S4). The 43 44 45 crown angles are 59°–69° and the carinae exhibit incipient microziphodonty. Thin, well- 46 47 spaced apicobasal ridges extend to the apical half of the crown and are densest across the 48 49 lingual surface (Fig. 6, Table S3). 50 51 52 53 Dorsal vertebrae and ribs. Fourteen dorsal vertebrae are preserved. These are massive with 54 55 56 medially constricted centra (Fig. 7, Table S5). The articular faces are mostly covered by 57 58 matrix, but appear to be amphicoelous. The parapophyses and diapophyses form a single 59 60 transverse process that extends horizontally from the neural arch. In lateral view, each

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1 2 3 parapophysis is anterolaterally inclined and situated dorsally relative to the diapophysis (a 4 5 6 typical condition amongst metriorhynchids: Andrews 1913). The transverse processes are 7 8 longer than the height of the centrum. The prezygapophyses are diagenetically deformed and 9 10 observable on only one vertebra on slab I (Fig. 7 B), however, these clearly have semi- 11 12 circular articular surfaces and are anterolaterally directed but do not overlap the anterior 13 14 15 margin of the centrum. The neural spines are short, nearly as high as the centrum, and widen 16 17 dorsally. 18 For Peer Review Only 19 The dorsal ribs are disarticulated and displaced, and most are fragmentary; five ribs on slab 20 21 22 II are aligned (Fig. 8). The dorsal ribs are consistent with those of other thalattosuchians (e. g. 23 24 Andrews 1913; Young et al. 2013a), in being slightly curved and ‘bullet-shaped’ in cross- 25 26 section with depressions extending along the anterior and posterior sides. Proximally, the 27 28 diapophyseal (tuberculum) and parapophyseal facets are separated in some of the ribs; this 29 30 31 reflects different anatomical positioning along the axial column (Andrews 1913). 32 33 34 35 Sacral vertebra and rib. An isolated sacral vertebra is present on slab V (Fig. 9), but it is 36 37 unclear whether it is the first or second sacral vertebra in the sequence. Like other 38 39 40 metriorhynchids (e.g. Fraas 1902, Andrews 1913, pp. 174–175, fig. 71, 72) the sacral vertebra 41 42 of PSHME PH1 is massive with ventrally oriented transverse processes. The centrum articular 43 44 surfaces are wider than high, imparting an ellipsoid shape — a classic metriorhynchoid 45 46 47 synapomorphy (Ősi et al. 2018). The sacral neural canal is higher than wide, which differs 48 49 from other metriorhynchids where the neural canal is wider than high (Fraas 1902, Andrews 50 51 1913, Herrera et al. 2013). The neural spine (visible only in posterior view) is massive and 52 53 girder-shaped with its height exceeding that of the neural arch; the apex is broken off. An 54 55 56 isolated distal end of a sacral rib appears to have been flattened with an elliptical articular 57 58 surface. 59 60

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1 2 3 Caudal vertebra. The anterior caudal vertebra of PSHME PH1 lies adjacent to the sacral 4 5 6 vertebra, and is exposed in ventral view (Fig. 9). The articular surface is circular and deeply 7 8 amphicoelous, but has a distorted margin. The transverse processes are lateroventrally 9 10 directed, and thinner than those on the sacral vertebra; the neural arch is broken off. 11 12 13 14 15 Ilium. The right ilium (Fig. 10 A, B, suppl. tab. 6) is similar to those of other metriorhynchids 16 17 in exhibiting a sub-triangular shape with a spike-shaped anterior process. A posterior 18 For Peer Review Only 19 postacetabular process, usually typical of teleosauroids and other crocodylomorphs, is not 20 21 22 present (e.g. Andrews 1913, Johnson et al. 2015). The dorsal border of the ilium is shortened 23 24 and connects with the near-vertical posterior border at an angle of about 99°. The dorsal 25 26 margin of the acetabular facet is ventrally deflected by about 71°; this contrasts with 27 28 Tyrannoneustes, where the dorsal margin is horizontally oriented and terminates prior to the 29 30 31 posterior margin of the acetabulum (Young et al. 2013a). The ilium of PSHME PH1 thus 32 33 more closely resembles those of Cricosaurus and Metriorhynchus von Meyer, 1832 (Fraas 34 35 1902, Andrews 1913, Herrera et al. 2013), as well as “Metriorhynchus” brachyrhynchus 36 37 38 (GLAHM V995: P.A. pers. obs.), and Geosaurus (NHMUK PV R 1230: P.A. pers. obs.). 39 40 PSHME PH1 otherwise differs from these metriorhynchid taxa in the distinctly acute angle 41 42 between the dorsal and posterior margins of its ilium. 43 44 45 46 47 Femur. The distal end of the right femur is the only limb element preserved with PSHME 48 49 PH1 (Fig. 10 C, D). The bone has weakly developed condyles separated by a shallow 50 51 depression. 52 53 54 55 56 Phylogenetic analysis 57 58 59 We used the “Hastings + Young matrix” or “H+Y matrix” from the Crocodylomorph 60 SuperMatrix Project (Ristevski et al., 2018, Ősi et al., 2018, Foffa et al. 2019; Sachs et al., 10 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 11 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 2019a) to test the evolutionary relationships of SMNS 80149 and PSHME PH1 within 4 5 6 Thalattosuchia. This dataset has 148 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) scored for 464 7 8 characters. We treated 27 multistate characters as ordered (see Supplementary Data), and 9 10 designated Postosuchus kirkpatricki Chatterjee, 1985 as the outgroup taxon (sensu Nesbitt 11 12 (2011)). We also merged the character score changes from Foffa et al. (2019) and Sachs et al. 13 14 15 (2019a), and included four new OTUs based on first-hand observations (PSHME PH1 and 16 17 SMNS 80149 scored by P.A.; CAMSM J18212 scored by M.T.Y.) and photographs (NMO 18 For Peer Review Only 19 26589) — these were intended to test monophyly of the “E-clade” (terminology following 20 21 22 Foffa et al. 2017). Finally, we also experimented with combined scoring of PSHME PH1 and 23 24 SMNS 80149 as a single species terminal. 25 26 Our analyses were conducted in TNT v1.5-beta (Goloboff et al. 2008, Goloboff & Catalano 27 28 2016). Memory settings were increased with General RAM set to 900 Mb and the maximum 29 30 31 number of trees set to 99,999. Cladogram space was searched using ‘new technology search 32 33 methods’. A driven search was performed with 100 initial addition sequences, and the 34 35 minimum score set to 10. The ‘new technology search’ default settings were altered to 36 37 38 increase the iterations per replicate (except for tree fusion, which was kept at 3 rounds). 39 40 The sectorial search used 10 drift cycles for selections of above 75, with 10 starts and tree 41 42 fusing below 75; consensus sectorial searches (CSS) and exclusive sectorial searches (XSS) 43 44 45 were both increased to 10. Ratchet and drift settings included 20 iterations with the 46 47 perturbation phase terminated at 20 substitutions (or 99% of swapping). The resulting 48 49 cladograms from the driven search were then saved to RAM, and subjected to a ‘traditional 50 51 search’ with TBR branch swapping. 52 53 54 Our initial analysis showed that “Subclade T” (sensu Foffa et al. 2017) was destabilized by 55 56 the inclusion of our new OTUs, with Thalattosuchia and Crocodylomorpha otherwise 57 58 returning comparable topologies those of Foffa et al. (2019) and Sachs et al. (2019a). 59 60 Exclusion of PSHME PH1 and SMNS 80149 yielded 11,664 most parsimonious cladograms

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1 2 3 (MPCs) with 1526 steps (ensemble consistency index [CI] = 0.415, ensemble retention index 4 5 6 [RI] = 0.847, ensemble rescaled consistency index [RC] = 0.352, ensemble homoplasy index 7 8 [HI] = 0.585). Our strict consensus topology recovered the “E-clade” with NMO 26589 9 10 recovered as the sister taxon to a polytomy comprising CAMSM J18212, “Chouquet cf. 11 12 hastifer” and OUMNH J1583 (Fig. S1). 13 14 15 Subsequent inclusion of the combined scores for SMNS 80149 and PSHME PH1 yielded 16 17 34,992 MPCs with 1527 steps (CI = 0.415, RI = 0.846, RC = 0.351, HI = 0.585), and 18 For Peer Review Only 19 collapsed the “E-clade” into a polytomy (Fig. 11 A). 20 21 22 Separating these taxa produced 99,9999 MPCs with 1527 steps (CI = 0.415, RI = 0.846, 23 24 RC = 0.351, HI = 0.585), but only recovered the “E-clade” in the sub-optimal majority rule 25 26 consensus (Fig. 10 E). The number of MPCs hit the maximum hold limit for TNT, thus it 27 28 appears likely that the netual number is higher. The “E-clade” alternatively collapsed 29 30 31 completely in the strict consensus (Fig. 11 D). 32 33 Exclusion of PSHME PH1 returned 34,992 MPCs with 1527 steps (CI = 0.415, RI = 0.846, 34 35 RC = 0.351, HI = 0.585), and the “E-clade” again forming a polytomy (Fig. 11 B). 36 37 38 On the other hand, exclusion of SMNS 80149 yielded 99,9999 MPCs with 1527 steps (CI 39 40 = 0.415, RI = 0.846, RC = 0.351, HI = 0.585), and a strict consensus topology incorporating 41 42 the “E-clade” in a monophyletic grouping with Torvoneustes spp.; CAMSM J18212 was 43 44 45 recovered as sister to “Chouquet cf. hastifer” and OUMNH J1583 within the “E-clade” (Fig. 46 47 11 C). 48 49 Our majority-rule consensus placed PSHME PH1 in a polytomy with the “E-clade” + 50 51 Torvoneustes spp. + Purranisaurus potens Rusconi 1948. 52 53 54 55 56 Discussion 57 58 Relationships of the “E-clade” taxa 59 60

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1 2 3 We interpret the poor resolution of our trees as a result of missing data. For example, the 4 5 6 species of Torvoneustes are known from multiple incomplete skulls, but none preserve the 7 8 complete range of generic apomorphies (see Young et al., 2013, Young 2014, Barrientos-Lara 9 10 et al. 2017). Likewise, the “E-clade” taxa have largely non-overlapping character state suites; 11 12 although, SMNS 80149 and PSHME PH1 share a unique combination of dental features (Fig. 13 14 15 12) that are morphologically intermediate between the species of Torvoneustes and 16 17 Dakosaurus: the distinctive enamel ornamentation and circular basal crown cross-section also 18 For Peer Review Only 19 occurs in Torvoneustes (Andrade et al. 2010, Young et al. 2013b, Barrientos-Lara et al. 2017); 20 21 22 and the enlarged, lingually curved tooth crowns with distal mediolateral compression are 23 24 evident elsewhere in Dakosaurus. 25 26 In addition, SMNS 80149 shares the diagnostic presence of mediolaterally broad alveoli 27 28 (Fig. 13), and narrow interalveolar spaces (

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1 2 3 Unlike other Southern German Jurassic thalattosuchian skeletons (e.g. Westphal 1962, Sachs 4 5 6 et al. 2019a), which are typically found articulated and thus suggestive of rapid burial on the 7 8 sea floor (Fürsich et al. 2007, Beardmore et al. 2012), PSHME PH1 was recovered in a 9 10 disarticulated state (Fig. 5). This is consistent with a “bloat and float” decomposition scenario 11 12 (Beardmore et al. 2012, Syme & Salisbury 2014), with subsequent burial dependent upon the 13 14 15 contrasting depositional models of the limestone-marl-alternations (LMA). Traditionally, 16 17 LMAs like those found in Southern Germany have been interpreted as evidence for cyclical 18 For Peer Review Only 19 changes in sediment input (e.g. Einsele 1952, Eldrett et al. 2015). Indeed, this was favoured 20 21 22 by Fatschel & Bausch (2009), who reported that in the lower Feuerstein Formation, both 23 24 lithologies differed in grain-size distribution between their non-carbonate components. 25 26 Extrapolating such observations throughout the entire succession would therefore suggest that 27 28 the carcass of PSHME PH1 probably lay exposed on the seafloor for an extended period, or 29 30 31 was reworked during deposition of the marls. A similar scenario has been envisaged for a 32 33 specimen of Metriorhynchus (LEIUG 90985) from the British Formation 34 35 (Martill 1986), which was found extending through both shale and overlying Gryphaea beds, 36 37 38 indicating reworking (Martill 1986). However, other studies have shown that many LMAs 39 40 may have formed secondarily via diagenetic differentiation of original homogenous deposits 41 42 (e.g. Munnecke & Samtleben 1996, Westphal et al. 2008, Westphal et al. 2015). If correct, 43 44 45 then PSHME PH1 would have been buried under stable sedimentary conditions with its 46 47 contrasting lithological preservation resulting through diagenesis. This accords with the lack 48 49 of obvious erosional surfaces and/or alterations in grain-size throughout the encasing matrix, 50 51 and is consistent with observations from other associated fossils (e.g., tabulate corals: Nohl & 52 53 54 Munnecke 2019) and thallatosuchian remains recovered from elsewhere (most notably 55 56 NHMUK PV R 5703, a specimen of the teleosauroid Steneosaurus bollensis Jäger, 1828 from 57 58 Runswick Bay in Yorkshire, UK, which was discovered in a limestone nodule with the limbs 59 60 protruding into the surrounding shale: Lorna Steel [NHMUK], pers. comm. 09/2019).

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1 2 3 4 5 Conclusions 6 7 8 The two fragmentary specimens of large-bodied geosaurine metriorhynchids, SMNS 80149 9 10 and PSHME PH1, that we describe from the lower Kimmeridgian Subnebrodites planula 11 12 Tethyan ammonite Biozone of Southern Germany are morphologically closely compatible 13 14 15 with coeval remains recovered from France (“Chouquet cf. hastifer”), Switzerland (NMO 16 17 26589), and the United Kingdom (CAMSM J18212 and OUMNH J1583). We interpret this as 18 For Peer Review Only 19 evidence for an as yet unrecognized geosaurin clade in the Upper Jurassic of Europe — herein 20 21 22 termed the “E-clade”. Our phylogenetic analyses place the “E-clade” with species of 23 24 Torvoneustes and Purranisaurus potens within “Subclade T” of the tribus Geosaurini as 25 26 defined by Foffa et al. (2019). Consequently, we conclude that at least three closely related 27 28 Late Jurassic metriorhynchid lineages were present in the late Tithonian of Argentina with P. 29 30 31 potens, the Kimmeridgian and possibly early Tithonian with Torvoneustes in England and 32 33 Mexico, and in the Kimmeridgian–early Tithonian of England, France, Germany and 34 35 Switzerland with the “E-clade”. Finally, PSHME PH1 appears to have undergone a “bloat and 36 37 38 float” decomposition phase prior to burial, with subsequent diagenetic dispersal of its skeleton 39 40 through limestone and marl deposits. 41 42 43 44 Acknowledgements 45 46 47 This work formed part of an undergraduate thesis supervised by Wolfgang Kiessling (FAU), 48 49 with contributions from Fabian Schulze, Anika Abel and Marius Stephan (LMU/IMPRS-TP). 50 51 Erin Maxwell (SMNS), Manfred Franze (HME), Ingmar Werneburg (GPIT) and Hans Weisel 52 53 54 (HME) provided access to collections. Joschua Knüppe produced the life reconstruction of 55 56 PSHME PH1. Axel Munnecke (FAU) and Fabian Schulze discussed the diagenetic history of 57 58 PSHME PH1. Dieter Gebelein (LHK) provided information about the excavation history and 59 60 invited P.A to the Treffen Nordbayerischer Höhlenforscher 2017. The Alcheringa Editorial

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1 2 3 YOUNG, M. T., HUA, S., STEEL, L., FOFFA, D., BRUSATTE, S. L., THÜRING, S., 4 5 6 MATEUS, O., RUIZ-OMEÑACA, J. I., HAVLIK, P., LEPAGE, Y. & ANDRADE, M. B., 7 8 2014. Revision of the Late Jurassic teleosaurid genus Machimosaurus (Crocodylomorpha, 9 10 Thalattosuchia). Royal Society Open Science, 1 (2), 140222. 11 12 YOUNG, M. T., HUA, S., STEEL, L., FOFFA, D., BRUSATTE, S. L., THÜRING, S., 13 14 15 MATEUS, O., RUIZ-OMEÑACA, J. I., HAVLIK, P., LEPAGE, Y. & ANDRADE, M. B., 16 17 2015a. Addendum to ‘Revision of the Late Jurassic teleosaurid genus Machimosaurus 18 For Peer Review Only 19 (Crocodylomorpha, Thalattosuchia)’. Royal Society Open Science, 2, 150024. 20 21 22 YOUNG, M. T., STEEL, L., RIGBY, M. P., HOWLETT, E. A., & HUMPHREY, S., 2015b. 23 24 Largest known specimen of the genus Dakosaurus (Metriorhynchidae: Geosaurini) from 25 26 the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Late Jurassic) of England, and an overview of 27 28 Dakosaurus specimens discovered from this formation (including reworked specimens 29 30 31 from the Woburn Sands Formation). Historical Biology, 27 (7), 947–953. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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1 2 3 Fig. 1. Stratigraphic diagram of the lower Upper Jurassic formations in Bavaria (top) and 4 5 6 Baden-Württemberg (bottom). Occurrences of SMNS 80149 and PSHME PH1 are indicated. 7 8 9 10 Fig. 2. Anterior section of the right dentary SMNS 80149 in (A) medial, (B) lateral, (C) 11 12 ventral and (D) dorsal view. Anatomical abbreviations: Mck, Meckelian groove; sym, 13 14 15 mandibular symphysis. Scale bar equals 10 mm. 16 17 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Fig. 3. Dorsal view of SMNS 80149 showing lateromedial expansion of the alveoli. 20 21 22 23 24 Fig. 4. Enlargement of the teeth from SMNS 80149 shown in (A) lingual, and (B) labial view. 25 26 Scale bar equals 2 mm. 27 28 29 30 31 Fig. 5. (A) PSHME PH1 as reassembled for display, with (B) graphic indicating the different 32 33 skeletal elements. Scale bar equals 1 m. 34 35 36 37 38 Fig. 6. Isolated teeth recovered with PSHME PH1 in (A) labial, (B) lingual, and (C) apical 39 40 views. Scale bar equals 5 mm. 41 42 43 44 45 Fig. 7. Dorsal vertebrae of PSHME PH1. (A) Isolated dorsal in posterior view. (B) Anterior 46 47 view showing the prezygapophyses and left transverse process. (C) Anterior, (D) lateral, and 48 49 (E) ventral views of the isolated dorsal (A). Anatomical abbreviations: dia, diapophysis; par, 50 51 parapophysis; prz, praezygapophyses. Scale bars equal 30 mm. 52 53 54 55 56 Fig. 8. Dorsal ribs of PSHME PH1. Anatomical abbreviations: aDr, anterior dorsal rib; pDr, 57 58 posterior dorsal rib; Tb, tuberculum. Scale bar equals 100 mm. 59 60

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1 2 3 Fig. 9. Slab V of PSHME PH1 containing the sacral and caudal vertebra. Anatomical 4 5 6 abbreviations: caV, caudal vertebra; saV, sacral vertebra. Scale bar equals 50 mm. 7 8 9 10 Fig. 10. Ilium and femur of PSHME PH1. Right ilium in (A) lateral, and (B) medial views. 11 12 Distal end of the right femur in (C) medial, and (D) lateral views. Anatomical abbreviations: 13 14 15 ace, acetabulum; ailp, anterior iliac process; cdy, condyles. Scale bar equals 10 mm. 16 17 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Fig. 11. Phylogenetic placements of SMNS 80149 and PSHME PH1 (see also Table S7). (A) 20 21 22 Strict consensus topology of the “E-clade”, SMNS 80149 and PSHME PH1 scored as one 23 24 species-level terminal. (B) Strict consensus topology including SMNS 80149. (C) Strict 25 26 consensus topology including PSHME PH1. (D) Strict consensus topology including SMNS 27 28 80149 and PSHME PH1 within the “E-clade” polytomy. (E) Majority rule consensus 29 30 31 topology including SMNS 80149 and PSHME PH1. (F) Majority rule consensus topology 32 33 including PSHME PH1. 34 35 36 37 38 Fig. 12. Comparative mesiolingual view images of the teeth from (A) SMNS 80149, (B) 39 40 PSHME PH1, (C) Torvoneustes carpenteri (BSRMG Ce17365), and (D) OUMNH J1583. 41 42 Scale bars equal 10 mm. 43 44 45 46 47 Fig. 13. Comparative images of the dental alveoli from (A) SMNS 80149, (B) CAMSM 48 49 J18212, (C) OUMNH J1583, and (D) NMO 26589. Scale bars equal 10 mm. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 For Peer Review Only 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Fig. 1. Stratigraphic diagram of the lower Upper Jurassic formations in Bavaria (top) and Baden- 28 Württemberg (bottom). Occurrences of SMNS 80149 and PSHME PH1 are indicated. 29 169x104mm (300 x 300 DPI) 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 29 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 For Peer Review Only 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Fig. 2. Anterior section of the right dentary SMNS 80149 in (A) medial, (B) lateral, (C) ventral and (D) 45 dorsal view. Anatomical abbreviations: Mck, Meckelian groove; sym, mandibular symphysis. Scale bar equals 10 mm. 46 47 168x196mm (300 x 300 DPI) 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 30 of 173

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 For Peer Review Only 17 18 19 20 Fig. 3. Dorsal view of SMNS 80149 showing lateromedial expansion of the alveoli. 21 22 116x46mm (300 x 300 DPI) 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 31 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 For Peer Review Only 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Fig. 4. Enlargement of the teeth from SMNS 80149 shown in (A) lingual, and (B) labial view. Scale bar 31 equals 2 mm. 32 33 168x122mm (300 x 300 DPI) 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 32 of 173

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 For Peer Review Only 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Fig. 5. (A) PSHME PH1 as reassembled for display, with (B) graphic indicating the different skeletal 31 elements. Scale bar equals 1 m. 32 33 168x123mm (300 x 300 DPI) 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 33 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 For Peer Review Only 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Fig. 6. Isolated teeth recovered with PSHME PH1 in (A) labial, (B) lingual , and (C) apical views. Scale bar 25 equals 5 mm. 26 27 168x91mm (300 x 300 DPI) 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 34 of 173

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 For Peer Review Only 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Fig. 7. Dorsal vertebrae of PSHME PH1. (A) Isolated dorsal in posterior view. (B) Anterior view showing the prezygapophyses and left transverse process. (C) Anterior, (D) lateral, and (E) ventral views of the isolated 40 dorsal (A). Anatomical abbreviations: dia, diapophysis; par, parapophysis; prz, praezygapophyses. Scale 41 bars equal 30 mm. 42 43 169x169mm (300 x 300 DPI) 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 35 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 For Peer Review Only 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Fig. 8. Dorsal ribs of PSHME PH1. Anatomical abbreviations: aDr, anterior dorsal rib; pDr, posterior dorsal 29 rib; Tb, tuberculum. Scale bar equals 100 mm. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 36 of 173

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 For Peer Review Only 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Fig. 9. Slab V of PSHME PH1 containing the sacral and caudal vertebra. Anatomical abbreviations: caV, 29 caudal vertebra; saV, sacral vertebra. Scale bar equals 50 mm. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 37 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 For Peer Review Only 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Fig. 10. Ilium and femur of PSHME PH1. Right ilium in (A) lateral, and (B) medial views. Distal end of the 36 right femur in (C) medial, and (D) lateral views. Anatomical abbreviations: ace, acetabulum; ailp, anterior 37 iliac process; cdy, condyles. Scale bar equals 10 mm. 38 168x148mm (300 x 300 DPI) 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 38 of 173

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 For Peer Review Only 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Fig. 11. Phylogenetic placements of SMNS 80149 and PSHME PH1 (see also Table S7). (A) Strict consensus 33 topology of the “E-clade”, SMNS 80149 and PSHME PH1 scored as one species-level terminal. (B) Strict 34 consensus topology including SMNS 80149. (C) Strict consensus topology including PSHME PH1. (D) Strict 35 consensus topology including SMNS 80149 and PSHME PH1 within the “E-clade” polytomy. (E) Majority rule 36 consensus topology including SMNS 80149 and PSHME PH1. (F) Majority rule consensus topology including 37 PSHME PH1. 38 168x134mm (300 x 300 DPI) 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 39 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 For Peer Review Only 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Fig. 12. Comparative mesiolingual view images of the teeth from (A) SMNS 80149, (B) PSHME PH1, (C) Torvoneustes carpenteri (BSRMG Ce17365), and (D) OUMNH J1583. Scale bars equal 10 mm. 31 32 168x119mm (300 x 300 DPI) 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 40 of 173

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 For Peer Review Only 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Fig. 13. Comparative images of the dental alveoli from (A) SMNS 80149, (B) CAMSM J18212, (C) OUMNH 25 J1583, and (D) NMO 26589. Scale bars equal 10 mm. 26 168x89mm (300 x 300 DPI) 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 41 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 4 Supplementary material for 5 6 7 “Large-bodied metriorhynchids (Crocodylomorpha: Thalattosuchia) 8 9 10 from the lower Kimmeridgian of Southern Germany, evidence for an 11 12 13 unknown taxon of the tribus Geosaurini” 14 15 16 Pascal Abel, Sven Sachs and Mark Thomas Young 17 18 For Peer Review Only 19 20 21 Institutional abbreviations SMNS, Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart; PSHME, 22 23 24 Paläontologische Sammlung Heimatmuseum Ebermannstadt. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Table 1. Measurements for the dentary of SMNS 80149. 34 35 Length [cm] Depth [cm] Height of Meckelian groove [cm] 36 20.6 7.09 4.06 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Table 2. Measurements for the teeth in SMNS 80149. 45 46 Crown diameter Height complete Crown angle [°] 47 Crown height [cm] [cm] [cm] 48 - 58.88 49 1.84 0.91 50 1.86 1.53 4.78 53.55 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Table 3. Measurements for the tooth heights and crown angles in PSHME PH1. 11 12 Crown height [cm] Root height [cm] Crown angle [°] 13 67.23 14 1.2 0.6 15 1.4 1.9 59.18 16 1.9 1.5 59.41 17 2.2 0.3 60.87 18 For Peer Review Only 68.94 19 2.6 3.8 20 2.1 2 69.69 21 1.9 ca 4 - 22 - 23 2.1 3.4 24 ca 2 4.7 - 25 1.1 - - 26 1.3 ca 1.5 - 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Table 4. Measurements for crown diameters in PSHME PH1. 34 35 Diameter, crown Diameter, crown Diameter, mid Diameter, mid 36 base, mesiodistally base, labiolingually base, mesiodistally base, 37 [cm] [cm] [cm] labiolingually [cm] 38 1.05 0.7 0.78 0.67 39 40 1.08 1.05 0.87 0.79 41 1.03 1.01 0.92 0.87 42 1.41 1.25 1.08 1.06 43 0.95 0.94 44 1.13 1.24 45 1.34 1.41 1.22 1.11 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Table 5. Measurements for the vertebrae in PSHME PH1. 13 14 15 Centrum length [cm] Centrum diameter [cm] Spinal process height [cm] Transversal process [cm] type 16 7.8 7.4 - 9.8 dorsal 17 6.8 - - 5.4 dorsal 18 For Peer Review Only 19 5.5 8.2 5.2 10 dorsal 20 8 7 - 7.6 dorsal 21 - 6.7 - 8.2 dorsal 22 - - - - dorsal 23 24 - 4.6 - - dorsal 25 6.5 6.8 - 8 dorsal 26 4.4 7.5 - 5.7 dorsal 27 28 5.7 6.6 4.8 6.2 dorsal 29 5 5.8 - - dorsal 30 5.4 5.7 - 6 dorsal 31 32 3 7.2 - 8 dorsal 33 - 6 - - dorsal 34 - 6.3 - 6.7 sacral 35 6.7 6 - - caudal 36 37 38 39 40 41 Table 6. Measurements for the ilium in PSHME PH1. 42 43 44 Ilium width [cm] Ilium height [cm] Lenght of the anterior process [cm] 45 9.2 ca 8 ca 2 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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1 2 3 Table 7. The descriptive statistics of the five phylogenetic analyses. * indicates that the 4 5 maximum hold limit in TNT of 99,999 MPCs was hit. 6 7 Analysis MPCs Length CI RI RC HI 8 9 1 11,664 1526 0.415 0.847 0.352 0.585 10 11 2 34,992 1527 0.415 0.846 0.351 0.585 12 13 3 99,999 * 1527 0.415 0.846 0.351 0.585 14 15 4 34,992 1527 0.415 0.846 0.351 0.585 16 17 5 99,999 * 1527 0.415 0.846 0.351 0.585 18 For Peer Review Only 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For Peer Review Only 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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1 2 3 Fig. 1 First performed phylogenetic analysis (strict consensus) of the Crocodylomorpha with 4 5 6 Postosuchus kirkpatricki as an outgroup. NMO 26589, CAMSM J18212, Mr Passmore’s 7 8 specimen, and Chouquet cf. hastifer form a common clade (“E-clade”) within “Subclade T”, 9 10 which is the sister clade to Purranisaurus potens and Torvoneustes. Length: 1526; CI: 0.415; 11 12 RI: 0.847; RC: 0.352; HI: 0.585. 13 14 15 16 17 18 For Peer Review Only 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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1 2 3 #NEXUS 4 BEGIN DATA; 5 6 DIMENSIONS NTAX=148 NCHAR=464; 7 FORMAT DATATYPE = STANDARD GAP =- MISSING =? SYMBOLS ="0~5"; 8 MATRIX 9 10 Postosuchus_kirkpatricki 0 ? ? 0 ? 0 2 ? 0 11 0?2???0????0 12 01011000000? 13 14 0?100000?003 15 0?00?200011? 16 01-001000000For Peer Review Only 17 00?000101102 18 301000000001 19 2100001-01-0 20 21 00-110010100 22 00?0000000?1 23 0-0100?0?232 24 000100000--1 25 0000300?0??0 26 000????10-?? 27 ??000?0002-0 28 29 ?0?00001???? 30 ?000???0??00 31 0?0?00???000 32 000000??00?0 33 00220???2312 34 ???????00000 35 100??0----00 36 37 21100000??2? 38 ?0???000000? 39 ? ? ? ? 2 ? 0 ? 0 0 0 {12} 40 0000?0000000 41 110???3??00? 42 ??0000?????0 43 44 ????0?????0? 45 ???0?0000??? 46 ??????0??2?? 47 110000000??0 48 0?0?00?10000 49 00000??00-?1 50 23100111??00 51 52 ???010-?0??? 53 11?000100??? 54 ????0?----- 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 48 of 173

1 2 3 Dromicosuchus_grallator ? ? ? 0 ? 0 2 0 0 4 0021???????0 5 6 ??0?00??00?? 7 00100000?000 8 1?00?200011? 9 010?01?0000? 10 002000101102 11 3000000???01 12 2000011-0?-0 13 14 00-000011000 15 0?10100000?? 16 0-030000?230For Peer Review Only 17 000000000--? 18 0000?01?0??0 19 ?2???????-?? 20 21 ???0???????? 22 ???1???0???? 23 ???????0???? 24 ????00???1?0 25 ???????????0 26 0012????2?12 27 ????00?0?00? 28 29 ?00????????0 30 12??0000???? 31 ???????????? 32 ???0200????? 33 ?00?00000000 34 110??230200? 35 ???????0???0 36 37 0?????????0? 38 ??????????0? 39 ?0????11???? 40 010000?00??? 41 ???????????? 42 ????0??????2 43 44 22100111010? 45 ?????1?100-0 46 1100001001?? 47 ????00----- 48 Hesperosuchus_cf_agilis ? ? ? 0 ? 0 2 0 0 49 0021???????0 50 ?10?00??000? 51 52 00100000?000 53 1?00?200011? 54 0?0101?00000 55 002000101102 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 49 of 173 Alcheringa

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1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ??????----- 8 Hemiprotosuchus_leali 0 0 0 0 ? 0 2 0 0 9 0??02?1???10 10 ??0??0?0000? 11 ??10000??00? 12 1?0012100?1? 13 14 ?001?0?????? 15 ?????0101001 16 100000100000For Peer Review Only 17 100001000?00 18 ?0-00???01?0 19 ?1??000000?? 20 21 1?10000???20 22 000?10000--? 23 ?0002?1?0?00 24 11?????????? 25 ????0?????-0 26 0??1?0???00? 27 101???????0? 28 29 ???????????0 30 ??0?00?00000 31 0 0 ? 0 0 ? ? ? 2 {01} 0 2 32 ???????????? 33 1????0?????0 34 ????0?0????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ?????????100 38 10????0?000? 39 ??????0-?00? 40 ??000??????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????0 49 ????????1??? 50 1100?020???? 51 52 ??????----- 53 Protosuchus_richardsoni 0 0 0 0 ? 0 2 0 0 54 1100211??01? 55 ?20110000000 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 54 of 173

1 2 3 0?100000?000 4 1?0012100110 5 6 000100000000 7 ?0?000?????? 8 ?0?00?110000 9 100002000200 10 00-000000101 11 012000000001 12 101000010220 13 14 000010000--2 15 000020110000 16 1 1For 0 Peer ? ? Review {12} ? 2Only 0 - ? ? 17 ??0000?????0 18 ???1101????0 19 101???????0? 20 21 ??1?????0??0 22 ?00000?00000 23 001000??2502 24 00?????0?00? 25 1?0??00---00 26 21??0?00???? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???0???0?100 30 1 0 {01} {01} ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 ? 31 ??????0-?00? 32 ??000?000000 33 0???000???0? 34 0000-0000-00 35 ?000?0200110 36 37 110000000??? 38 000?0001100? 39 00000???1001 40 111001110110 41 00022??11020 42 1100002001?? 43 44 001110----- 45 Protosuchus_haughtoni 0 0 0 0 ? 0 2 0 0 46 1100211????0 47 ?2011000000? 48 0?100000?000 49 1?001210011? 50 000100000000 51 52 000000101001 53 100000110000 54 100002000200 55 00-000000101 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 55 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 012000000001 4 101000010220 5 6 000010000--2 7 000020110000 8 ? 0 0 ? ? {12} ? 2 0 - ? ? 9 ????000??1-? 10 ??01101?0000 11 10100??0??00 12 00100??00110 13 14 100000000000 15 001000002?02 16 0?1000010001For Peer Review Only 17 100??00---?0 18 21??0000???? 19 ?0?????????? 20 21 ???0200?01?0 22 1 0 {01} ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 110??????00? 24 ??000??????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ??????----- 36 37 Fruitachampsa_callisoni 1 0 ? ? ? 0 0 0 0 38 010021?????0 39 ??0??0?0000? 40 ??1000?????? 41 ??00?2100110 42 0001???0000? 43 44 ?1000000---0 45 0----011??00 46 000001000?00 47 ?0-00???01?0 48 0120?00000?? 49 1?1000????10 50 00???0000--2 51 52 00003011??00 53 12?1?202100? 54 ????20?00?1? 55 00?1???????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 56 of 173

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ?????????110 5 6 ??0?13?00000 7 001000?????? 8 0??????0?00? 9 ?????0?????0 10 ?0??0??0???0 11 0??????????? 12 ?????0?????0 13 14 ?01?00000000 15 ?0-?--0-00?? 16 ????00?????3For Peer Review Only 17 ????3??????? 18 2??????????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ????0?000??? 22 ??00???????? 23 000????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ?????1?????? 26 ???????????? 27 ??????----- 28 29 Mariliasuchus_amarali 1 4 0 0 ? 0 2 ? 0 30 0200?00??0?0 31 ?20110000050 32 ??000??????0 33 1?011010010? 34 010100?000?? 35 ??000000---0 36 37 0----0111000 38 030002000100 39 00-?00?0???0 40 0020000000?? 41 101100????20 42 001100000--2 43 44 000??0100??0 45 ?1?0-20210?? 46 1-002??10?11 47 ?1?110?????? 48 011?0???0?10 49 001000?????? 50 ????1??00011 51 52 002??0002002 53 0?0---?0?001 54 010?11?2???0 55 30??0-01??3? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 57 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ?0?????????? 4 ???0?100?002 5 6 102000000000 7 110?0210200? 8 ??100??????? 9 ??????????1? 10 ???0???????? 11 ???????????? 12 1????0?????? 13 14 ???????2???? 15 0??0???????1 16 10100???????For Peer Review Only 17 ?????0-????? 18 ???????????? 19 ??????----- 20 21 Notosuchus_terrestris 1 4 0 0 ? 0 2 ? 0 0 22 200200??010? 23 20110000050? 24 0000??????01 25 ?011010010?0 26 1010000000?1 27 ?10001000001 28 29 000001110000 30 000020001000 31 0-00?00???00 32 000000000?11 33 011?0????200 34 000?????--2? 35 00??0100?101 36 37 1010202100?1 38 -002?010?11? 39 1?1101?1??00 40 11?0???00100 41 01000??111?? 42 ??11?0000110 43 44 02??00021020 45 ?0---00?0010 46 1001102??002 47 0??0?01??3?? 48 0???0??????? 49 ??0??00?002? 50 020000001001 51 52 10?021021??? 53 ?100??1?0?0? 54 ???0?????1?0 55 0?0???????0? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 58 of 173

1 2 3 ????0??01111 4 ?0000?00???1 5 6 00?1102??1?? 7 ?????????011 8 0100??1111?? 9 ????0-1???0? 10 00000??????? 11 ?????----- 12 Adamantinasuchus_navae 0 ? ? ? ? 0 2 ? 0 13 14 0200???????0 15 ??011000005? 16 ??100????000For Peer Review Only 17 1?011010010? 18 0?0?00?000?? 19 ?1100000---0 20 21 0----011?000 22 0???02?00100 23 00-??0?????0 24 00?0000000?? 25 10???0????20 26 001100000--? 27 00003010???0 28 29 ??????0????? 30 ???02?????1? 31 ???1???????? 32 ?11????????? 33 ??1?00?????? 34 ????1??00011 35 {01} 0 2 ? ? ? ? ? 2 0 0 2 36 37 ????0??00001 38 ?10????????0 39 30??0-00??3? 40 ???????????? 41 ???0?100?002 42 ?02?0000?000 43 44 110?0210200? 45 ??210??????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???0???????? 48 ??00???????? 49 ???????00??? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????1 53 1???0??????? 54 ?????0-????? 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 59 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ??????----- 5 6 Sphagesaurus_huenei 0 {04} 0 0 ? 0 2 ? 0 0 7 200?0??????? 8 201100?005?? 9 ?100????0001 10 ?011010010?0 11 1010000000?? 12 0100000---00 13 14 ----0100?000 15 000020001000 16 0-????00????For Peer Review Only 17 ???0???????? 18 ?????????200 19 01100000--?? 20 21 0003010??101 22 100-20210?41 23 -002??1??11? 24 ???1???????? 25 11???????100 26 ?1?????????? 27 ???1???????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ??????????03 32 0???-00??3?? 33 ???????????? 34 ??0?1?0?0020 35 022000011001 36 37 10?0210211?? 38 ?210???????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ????0-?????? 48 ???????????? 49 ?????----- 50 Caipirasuchus_montealtensis 0 {04} 0 0 ? 0 2 ? 0 51 52 0200?10????0 53 12011000005? 54 ??100????000 55 1?0110100100 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 60 of 173

1 2 3 010100000000 4 101000100000 5 6 000000100?00 7 000002000100 8 00-000000100 9 0000000000?? 10 ??110001?220 11 001100000--2 12 000030100?10 13 14 1000-2021004 15 1-002?010?11 16 ?1?11011????For Peer Review Only 17 ?1100?0???1? 18 ??1????0???? 19 ??0?1??00011 20 21 ?02?00??2002 22 0?0---000001 23 ?10????????0 24 ?0100?00??3? 25 ?0???0?0???0 26 ???0?100?002 27 00220000?100 28 29 110?0210211? 30 ?02100????0? 31 ???????????? 32 ?0???0000??? 33 ?????0?????? 34 ?000000????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????0 39 ?????0-1???? 40 ??0000??01?? 41 ??????----- 42 Baurusuchus_pachecoi 0 4 0 0 ? 0 2 0 0 43 44 0200?10???1? 45 ?20110000050 46 00000000?000 47 1?002210010? 48 01010100000? 49 ?0100000---0 50 0----0111000 51 52 040001100100 53 00-010?0???? 54 00?0000000?0 55 10120001?220 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 61 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 000000000--2 4 010?30100??0 5 6 1100-20210?? 7 1-002??10?11 8 ?1?11010???? 9 ?11?0???0?10 10 001000???111 11 ??0113?00000 12 002??2102002 13 14 1?0---10?000 15 110??1021000 16 20200?00??3?For Peer Review Only 17 ?0???01?01?0 18 ???11000?110 19 100000000000 20 21 010??230200? 22 ??000???0??? 23 ??????????1? 24 ???0?0000??? 25 ??00???????? 26 10????0????? 27 ????11??1??? 28 29 0??0????10?1 30 10100??????? 31 ?????0-????? 32 ???????????? 33 ??????----- 34 Araripesuchus_patagonicus 1 0 0 0 ? 0 2 0 0 35 0100200????1 36 37 ?20???00?0?? 38 ???00??????? 39 ???00?1???1? 40 000100?0000? 41 002000100000 42 100000111000 43 44 000002000000 45 ?0-00000?100 46 0020000000?1 47 1010000???20 48 000000000--2 49 00000010??10 50 120??20210?? 51 52 01002?011?11 53 ?2?11?11???? 54 ?11?0??10010 55 001000???111 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 62 of 173

1 2 3 10?113?00000 4 101?????2312 5 6 ????0?00000? 7 0?0??1010000 8 21???0?0???? 9 ???????????? 10 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 0 {12} 11 ?01?00000000 12 1??????????? 13 14 ??0?0???0??0 15 0???0??????? 16 ???0????????For Peer Review Only 17 ????????01?0 18 100000?00??? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????1 22 11110??????? 23 ?????1110020 24 ??00002001-0 25 ??????----- 26 Montealtosuchus_arrudacamposi 0 0 0 0 ? 0 2 0 27 00100200???? 28 29 1?2?10000005 30 ?00100000000 31 01?002210011 32 ?000??200000 33 ?02-00010000 34 010100011100 35 000000200000 36 37 000-00000011 38 0?000000000? 39 11110000???2 40 0000000000-- 41 201003010??? 42 011?10202100 43 44 ?01002?011?1 45 1?2?1101?0?? 46 ?01100???0?1 47 0001000?0??? 48 1??0113?0000 49 010200200231 50 21???0?11011 51 52 0010?1111000 53 011100000??2 54 ??00??00?00? 55 00???1000?11 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 63 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 010000000000 4 0010??230200 5 6 ???000?????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ???????????? 10 ?1?????????? 11 ?1?0???????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 11?????????? 15 ??????1????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????----- 18 Uberabasuchus_terrificus 0 4 0 0 ? 0 2 0 0 19 0100?00????? 20 21 ??0100000050 22 00100000?000 23 1?002210011? 24 000?120000?? 25 02-000100000 26 001000111000 27 040002000000 28 29 00-000?0011? 30 ?010000000?? 31 1110000???20 32 000000000--2 33 01003?10???0 34 ?10??20??0?? 35 ???02??????? 36 37 ?2?11010???? 38 ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 0 ? {12} 0 39 00?000?????? 40 ???1???00000 41 212002002312 42 1???0?1101?? 43 44 010??1110000 45 11?00000??2? 46 ?0?????????? 47 ???11000?110 48 10110000000? 49 010??230200? 50 ??000??????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???0???????? 54 ???????????? 55 1??????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 64 of 173

1 2 3 ????1??2??1? 4 ???????????1 5 6 1 {01} ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 7 ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? {01} 2 0 8 ???????????? 9 ??????----- 10 cf_Hamadasuchus_rebouli 0 5 0 0 ? 0 2 0 0 11 0100200?0?11 12 12000000000? 13 14 001000000000 15 1?002210011? 16 0?011200000?For Peer Review Only 17 000000100000 18 001010111000 19 000002000000 20 21 00-000000110 22 ?010000000?1 23 11100001?220 24 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 - - {12} 25 010130100?10 26 1111020210?? 27 01002?011?11 28 29 ?2?11010???? 30 01100??10?10 31 001000?01111 32 ?00313?000?? 33 ???002?????? 34 1???0??????? 35 0?0????????0 36 37 21100000??2? 38 ?01??01?11?0 39 0??01000?110 40 101?00000000 41 010??230200? 42 ??0?0??????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ??????----- 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 65 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 Sebecus_icaeorhinus 0 5 0 0 ? ? 2 0 0 0 4 100?0????11? 5 6 20000000?0?? 7 ?10???????0? 8 ?0022100?1?? 9 00112?000??0 10 ??00000---01 11 ----01110000 12 ?0002000000? 13 14 0-0000??1??? 15 0000000???11 16 1???0????200For Peer Review Only 17 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 - - {12} 0 18 101??10???0? 19 1???2???0??? 20 21 ??02?01??11? 22 2???01?1??0? 23 11?0???00100 24 0?000??111?? 25 ??2??????001 26 1????002???? 27 ???0????1??? 28 29 10??11?00002 30 0???0?0??2?? 31 ???????????? 32 ??02000?1101 33 0000000000?0 34 10??230200?? 35 ?000???????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ?????2?????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????0 42 ??00??0????? 43 44 ???0111111?? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ?????----- 48 Mahajangasuchus_insignis 1 ? ? 0 ? ? 0 0 0 49 0100200???1? 50 1???10000?0? 51 52 ??1?0???0??? 53 ???01??????? 54 100?12?000?? 55 02-000100100 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 66 of 173

1 2 3 101010111?00 4 240002000000 5 6 10-0000??111 7 ?000000000?1 8 1111000???10 9 000000000--? 10 010030100??0 11 11???20??0?? 12 ????2?111?21 13 14 ?0??1???0??? 15 011?0??10010 16 0?1????????1For Peer Review Only 17 ??0?13?00010 18 001??2??2312 19 1???0??000?0 20 21 010??1?10??0 22 ?02????0??3? 23 ?0?????????? 24 ? ? ? 1 1 0 0 0 ? 1 1 {01} 25 00?0?00??000 26 010??230200? 27 ??000?????00 28 29 0???0??????? 30 ???0??????0? 31 ?000?0???100 32 1?0000?00??? 33 ????1102??1? 34 00000???10?1 35 10110??1???? 36 37 ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? {01} ? ? 38 ???????????? 39 ??????----- 40 Alligatorium_meyeri ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 0 0 0 41 1002???????? 42 ?111000010?0 43 44 0100?00?00?1 45 ?002210?11?0 46 0?1?1000000? 47 0?00???????? 48 ????011?0001 49 00002000?00? 50 0-0000200000 51 52 120000000?1? 53 ?10000???100 54 00000000--10 55 1002?1??0101 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 67 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 20?????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ??????000?01 10 01000??2002? 11 ??????000?0? 12 ?0??11????0? 13 14 ???0??0????? 15 0??????????? 16 ??0100??1?0?For Peer Review Only 17 0??000000001 18 ????????00?? 19 ?0?0?????000 20 21 ???0????0??? 22 ??0-????-??? 23 ???????????1 24 ???00000??01 25 001????????? 26 ??????????00 27 11????????00 28 29 0??21?1???01 30 ?0000200???? 31 ? 0 1 ? ? - - - - - 32 Theriosuchus_pusillus1 {12} ? 1 ? 0 0 0 0 0 33 100200???111 34 21?100001000 35 0100?00?0021 36 37 ?002210011?0 38 00?0200000?0 39 0?0001000000 40 000101110000 41 00002000?00? 42 0-0000101?0? 43 44 120000000?11 45 11000?1??100 46 00000000--10 47 10020101010? 48 12??20210??0 49 0012?010?11? 50 0???01????0? 51 52 1100???00200 53 01000??111?? 54 002?3?000001 55 ??000022?020 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 68 of 173

1 2 3 ?100000?0100 4 10?0???00001 5 6 {12} ? 0 0 0 0 0 ? ? 1 ? ? 7 0????????000 8 2?0??00?100? 9 00000000000? 10 10?120-?00?? 11 ?000?01?000? 12 ???000?????1 13 14 000?0000??0? 15 000?02??1?0? 16 00000???00?1For Peer Review Only 17 00?11021???0 18 0 0 0 0 ? ? ? ? 0 ? {01} 0 19 1?10??111100 20 21 0 0 ? ? 1 ? 1 ? {01} ? 0 0 22 ?0000200??00 23 0 1 1 ? ? - - - - - 24 Eutretauranosuchus_delfsi 1 1 0 1 ? 0 0 0 0 25 0100200????? 26 ?21?1010010? 27 0???0????00? 28 29 1?002?101?1? 30 000102011000 31 00101000-0-0 32 0----0111000 33 000002000000 34 ?0-0000000?0 35 ?010001000?1 36 37 11100001?210 38 000000000--1 39 0100?0101010 40 102??20210?? 41 010?20010?11 42 ?0?110100??0 43 44 01100??1?020 45 001000?01111 46 ??0212????0? 47 110?????2002 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????0 50 ??100?00???? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ?????????10? 54 10110?000?0? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 69 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 4??????????? 4 ????0??????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ?????????1?? 8 ?????????0?? 9 ???????????? 10 0000???????? 11 ???????????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ??????----- 16 Amphicotylus_stovalliFor Peer 1 2 Review 1 1 ?Only 0 0 0 0 17 0100200????? 18 ?21??01?110? 19 00110??011?? 20 21 1?002?101?1? 22 0?010201100? 23 ?2-0?000---0 24 0----0111000 25 010002000000 26 ?0-00000?1?0 27 ?000001000?0 28 29 111000???210 30 000000000--? 31 0100??10?0?0 32 ??21?20????? 33 ????200????? 34 ????10110??0 35 ?1100???0020 36 37 00?000??1111 38 ?0021??????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????0 42 10100000???? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 70 of 173

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ??????----- 8 Goniopholis_baryglphaeus 1 ? ? ? ? 0 0 0 0 9 0100200????? 10 ??1?101011?? 11 0?110?00???0 12 1?002?101?1? 13 14 00010201110? 15 ?0?01000---0 16 0----0111000For Peer Review Only 17 0100010?0?00 18 ?0-000000000 19 ?000001000?1 20 21 1110000???10 22 0000?11??--1 23 010030101010 24 ?02??20????? 25 ???12?0?0??? 26 ?0??101?0??? 27 ?11?0???0?20 28 29 00?000??1111 30 ??0212?00000 31 210000020--2 32 ??100?0000?? 33 01???1?1???0 34 1?100000??1? 35 ?????10?00?? 36 37 ???010?0?100 38 101100000000 39 0100200-000? 40 410000????00 41 ????0??????? 42 ?0?????????0 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ??????1?1??? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ??????----- 53 Goniopholis_kiplingi 1 2 1 1 ? 0 0 0 0 0 54 10020???0??1 55 211101?11000 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 71 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 01100?0?1001 4 ?00221011100 5 6 00102011100? 7 0101000---00 8 ----011?0000 9 10001000?000 10 0-000000000? 11 000?01000011 12 11000?102100 13 14 00001100--10 15 10130101010? 16 021020210?20For Peer Review Only 17 1012??1????? 18 ?0?1011?0??? 19 110????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 00?12??????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????1 26 2100000????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ??????0?1?0? 30 01?00000000? 31 10?200-000?4 32 10?00??????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ?????----- 45 Goniopholis_simus 1 2 1 1 ? 0 0 0 0 0 46 100200?????1 47 2111010110?0 48 ?110000??001 49 ?002210101?0 50 00?02011100? 51 52 0101000---00 53 ----01110000 54 100010000000 55 0-000010000? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 72 of 173

1 2 3 000001000?11 4 110000??2100 5 6 00001100--10 7 ??13?10???01 8 02??20?????? 9 ??12?????11? 10 ??11011????? 11 11?0??1??2?? 12 01000?????11 13 14 002120000001 15 10?00??1102? 16 ???????0???0For Peer Review Only 17 10??1?????01 18 ?100000????? 19 0???10?00000 20 21 ??0100001001 22 01100000000? 23 100200-00014 24 10000?????0? 25 ???0?????0?? 26 ??0-????-??? 27 ???????????1 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???11??1?1?? 31 ???????1??00 32 1110???????? 33 ? ? ? ? 1 ? 1 ? {01} ? 0 1 34 ?000021?1??? 35 ?????----- 36 37 Anteophthalmosuchus_hooleyi 1 2 1 1 ? 0 0 0 38 00100200???? 39 ??21?1010??? 40 ???????????? 41 ?1??0???01?1 42 00001?201110 43 44 0?0101000--- 45 00----011100 46 003000100000 47 000-00000000 48 0?0000021000 49 111100001021 50 0001001000-- 51 52 100002?11?01 53 0112??2021?? 54 ?010120?10?1 55 1?0011010??? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 73 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ??1100???002 4 000?000?0??? 5 6 ??00212????0 7 0210000020-- 8 200100010?00 9 ??1????????? 10 0??100??0??? 11 01011010?000 12 00???1000?10 13 14 ?10110000000 15 ?0100200-000 16 ?410000????0For Peer Review Only 17 0????0?????? 18 ??0?0??????? 19 ??????020??? 20 21 ??0??0?????? 22 ?????11???01 23 01000?000?01 24 ?0???0????11 25 ??????1111?? 26 ?1?00002101? 27 ???????----- 28 29 Anteophthalmosuchus_epikrator 1 2 1 1 ? 0 0 0 30 0010020????? 31 ?12111010110 32 ?001?0000110 33 ?1?002210111 34 000010201110 35 0?0101000--- 36 37 00----011100 38 001000100000 39 000-00000000 40 0?0000021000 41 111100001021 42 0001001000-- 43 44 10000??11101 45 01121020?1?? 46 2?1012??10?? 47 ???01101000? 48 ?01100???002 49 0?01000?01?? 50 1100212????0 51 52 0110000??0-- 53 20?????????0 54 ?11??11??10? 55 0 1 {23} 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 74 of 173

1 2 3 0101101???00 4 00???1000?10 5 6 ??0110000000 7 ?010?200-000 8 ?410000????0 9 0????0?0???0 10 0000??0000?? 11 ??000?020000 12 0200000?0000 13 14 01001110?101 15 000010000101 16 000110111111For Peer Review Only 17 ??00?21111?? 18 ?1000002101? 19 ?010???----- 20 21 Elosuchus_cherifiensis 1 2 1 1 ? 1 1 0 0 22 0300200????? 23 ?211?00?010? 24 ?0?00000220? 25 1?0012???11? 26 00?1?101000? 27 ?0201000---0 28 29 0----011?000 30 020001000000 31 00-0000010?1 32 010000200001 33 1?1000010210 34 100000000--? 35 010030101020 36 37 1001120210?? 38 000?20?10?2? 39 ??011011?000 40 ?1100?????20 41 001010001??1 42 ?00212?????? 43 44 ?1??10?????? 45 0?????1?0??? 46 ??????1????0 47 1??2001???10 48 001000000000 49 00?????????? 50 ?01????????? 51 52 ??????????0? 53 ??0????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 75 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ?????1?????? 10 ???????????? 11 ??????----- 12 Elosuchus_broinae 1 2 1 1 ? 1 1 0 0 0 13 14 300200?????? 15 211?00?010?0 16 010000022001For Peer Review Only 17 ?001210111?0 18 001?101001?? 19 0201?00---00 20 21 ----011?0000 22 20001000?000 23 0-000001001? 24 100002000011 25 110000?0?101 26 000?????--10 27 ???30101?20? 28 29 0011202100?0 30 00120010?21? 31 20110?1????? 32 1100?0100200 33 0101000???11 34 ?0?12????001 35 ??010??????0 36 37 ???0?1?0??0? 38 ???011?00001 39 2120010001?? 40 01??0000?000 41 ???10???0?01 42 011000?00001 43 44 ?????0-?0??? 45 ?0?00??????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ????1??????? 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 76 of 173

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ?????----- 5 6 Vectisuchus_leptognathus 1 {12} ? 1 ? 0 1 0 0 7 03002?0????? 8 ?21?100-010? 9 ??1?0??????? 10 ??001??01?1? 11 000101?1001? 12 ?0101000---0 13 14 0----011?000 15 020001000?00 16 00-0000?10?1For Peer Review Only 17 ?100002??0?0 18 1?10000????0 19 210000000--1 20 21 0??0?010?020 22 ?1???202100? 23 01012?010??1 24 ?0?1?010???? 25 ?11?0???0?20 26 0010??00???? 27 ??0?1?????00 28 29 11?0101?2102 30 ????0?1????? 31 0????110???0 32 ???????0???? 33 ???????????? 34 ?????????000 35 1011?000000? 36 37 ??????0??00? 38 ??000??????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ?????1??1??? 48 ???????????0 49 ??????----- 50 Pholidosaurus_schaumburgensis 1 0 1 1 ? 1 1 0 51 52 00100200???1 53 ??21??00-??? 54 ???????0???? 55 ????0??????1 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 77 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ?0001?0?1001 4 000101000--- 5 6 00----011100 7 0000002000?0 8 0?0-0000?100 9 0?000?020000 10 11110000???1 11 0000000000-- 12 1?1001010?0? 13 14 ??121?2?2100 15 ?000120010?? 16 10001???????For Peer Review Only 17 ??1100?????2 18 000??????111 19 1??0212?0000 20 21 011101012??? 22 ???????1???? 23 ??????111??? 24 014110020??0 25 ??0????????? 26 000?0?0??00? 27 010110000000 28 29 ??????00-?00 30 04?000?????? 31 0????000???? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ????0??000?? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? 1 ? {01} ? 40 ?1?00??????? 41 ???????----- 42 Pholidosaurus_sp_(Charente) 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 43 44 0300200????? 45 ?21???0-010? 46 001000001100 47 11001210101? 48 00010001001? 49 ?0101000---0 50 0----0111000 51 52 000001000000 53 00-000001000 54 010000200001 55 111000010210 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 78 of 173

1 2 3 100000000--? 4 010010101020 5 6 112??2021001 7 010120000?21 8 ?001101000?0 9 01100???0020 10 001010001??1 11 ?00212?0?000 12 1110101?1202 13 14 000---1?0??? 15 0????11???00 16 131000100010For Peer Review Only 17 0010100?0000 18 00????0????0 19 10110000000? 20 21 110??00??00? 22 400000?????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ?????111?020 32 1000002101?? 33 ??????----- 34 Meridiosaurus_vallisparadisi ? ? ? ? ? 2 1 0 0 35 ?3???0?????? 36 37 ??111???010? 38 001001001101 39 110012121-?? 40 0???02?????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???10????0?? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 79 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????0 8 13?1002?00?0 9 ???????????? 10 ?????0?????? 11 ?????????0?? 12 ?10????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ???????????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ???????????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????10??? 25 ??????----- 26 Chalawan_thailandicus 1 ? ? ? ? 1 0 0 1 27 0??020?????? 28 29 ??1?????01?? 30 ??1??100?201 31 1?00???0?01? 32 00???001001? 33 ???????????? 34 ??????11??00 35 03??0?00??0? 36 37 ???????01??1 38 ???0??????0? 39 ??10000?0??? 40 {12} ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - - ? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ??1????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????1 48 ??0??20???00 49 111?30??2412 50 0?????1?0??? 51 52 ???????????? 53 14110020??00 54 00100010?000 55 00?????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 80 of 173

1 2 3 1011????00?? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ????0??????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ???????????? 10 ???????????? 11 ???????????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ?????1?????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ??????----- 18 Sarcosuchus_hartti ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ?1????0????? 22 ?????0?????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ??030??????0 42 0??????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 0?0000000100 47 0???????00?2 48 0??????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ??0????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 81 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ?????----- 10 Sarcosuchus_imperator 1 2 1 1 ? 1 0 0 1 11 0100200????? 12 ?21??000010? 13 14 001001001201 15 1?001210101? 16 0001?001001?For Peer Review Only 17 00101000---0 18 0----0111000 19 030000000000 20 21 ?0-000001001 22 ?00000200001 23 1110000?0210 24 210000000--1 25 ?1001010??20 26 1101020210?? 27 010?2001???1 28 29 ?2111010???? 30 01100??1?020 31 001????0?111 32 1?0212?00000 33 111030??1002 34 0???0??10110 35 0?0??1?10000 36 37 14110020??0? 38 ?01??0000010 39 0??0100??000 40 201100000000 41 110??00-000? 42 ?00000???000 43 44 ????0????00? 45 ???0???????0 46 ????????010? 47 1??0000????? 48 ????11?21010 49 00000??01000 50 0?110??????? 51 52 ?????1?1?120 53 1?0000210??? 54 ??00??----- 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 82 of 173

1 2 3 cf_Terminonaris_robusta 1 ? ? 0 ? 1 1 0 0 4 01002?0????? 5 6 ??1?1?0-010? 7 0010?1011201 8 1??01210101? 9 0?01?001001? 10 00200000---0 11 0----0111000 12 000000000000 13 14 ?0-000001100 15 ?000?0200001 16 1111000?0?10For Peer Review Only 17 000000000--1 18 1101?010??20 19 ?12??2021?0? 20 21 000?200???2? 22 ?201?010???? 23 ?1100?0??020 24 00101000???1 25 ??0?1??00000 26 1??0101?1?02 27 ????00?00000 28 29 ?????110???0 30 1?110030??0? 31 ?????00010?0 32 0??010?????? 33 ?0110000000? 34 110??00?000? 35 ??000????000 36 37 ????0??????? 38 00?0?0000??0 39 ?????02?0100 40 ??0000?0000? 41 100111??1010 42 ?0000??010?0 43 44 02210?111110 45 ?0???1?11120 46 1?0000210??? 47 ??????----- 48 Oceanosuchus_boecensis 1 ? 1 ? ? 1 1 0 0 49 ?1002??????? 50 ?21?1000010? 51 52 0010?1001200 53 1?00?210101? 54 0?01?0??00?? 55 ?0000?00---0 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 83 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 0----011?000 4 000000000?0? 5 6 00-000001000 7 ?00000200001 8 ??1000010210 9 0000?????--1 10 ???0?010???0 11 ???????21??? 12 ???12??????? 13 14 ??0110100000 15 ?1100??1???0 16 00101000???1For Peer Review Only 17 ?00????000?0 18 1??0101?0--2 19 ????001????? 20 21 ??01??1????0 22 12110030001? 23 ???????????? 24 ???110?????? 25 ?011?000000? 26 110??00-000? 27 ?00000?1???0 28 29 0???000????? 30 ?0?????????? 31 ?0?????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????0 34 00000???10?? 35 ???????????0 36 37 ?????1?1???0 38 1?0000210??? 39 ???1??----- 40 Pholidosaurus_purbeckensis 1 1 1 1 ? 1 1 0 0 41 0300100????1 42 ?21???0-???? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ??????????10 46 0001?0010000 47 ?0101000---0 48 0----0111000 49 000001000000 50 00-000001000 51 52 000002200001 53 111100010211 54 000110000--1 55 000020101020 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 84 of 173

1 2 3 112??2021?0? 4 ????20010?21 5 6 ?00113100000 7 01100?01?020 8 001010001111 9 10?213?????? 10 ????01?????? 11 00????1????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ??1????????? 15 0??????????? 16 ???0????0???For Peer Review Only 17 ?0??00?00000 18 110???0????? 19 ?0??0001???0 20 21 ????0??????? 22 ???????????? 23 ?????02????? 24 ?0?0000????? 25 ???????????? 26 000????????0 27 0??????????? 28 29 ?????1111??0 30 1?00002101?? 31 ??????----- 32 Fortignathus_felixi ? ? ? ? ? {12} ? ? 0 ? 33 ???????????? 34 ?1????0????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ????2???0??? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ????????0001 55 ? ? 0 0 1 ? ? {12} ? 0 ? 0 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 85 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 0??0?1?????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ?????????2?? 7 010001111000 8 1???????1??? 9 0??????????? 10 ???????????? 11 ???????????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ???????????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ???????????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ?????----- 24 Acherontisuchus_guajiraensis? ? ? ? ? 1 1 ? 0 25 ?0?????????? 26 ??1????0???? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ?????0?????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ?????????--? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ?????????000 47 1????13?1?02 48 0?????1????? 49 01??02?2??1? 50 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? {12} ? 51 52 ?0?0?0???001 53 10?????????? 54 ?0??000?0000 55 110????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 86 of 173

1 2 3 40?00??????? 4 ????0??????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ????11?????? 10 0000?00010?0 11 0??10?11111? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ??????----- 16 Anthracosuchus_balrogusFor Peer 1 ? Review ? 0 2Only 0 0 0 0 17 0100200????? 18 ??1??0??011? 19 111000101102 20 21 100022101110 22 1001011?00?? 23 ?010??00---0 24 0----0111000 25 000010000?00 26 00-110000-10 27 0000?0210100 28 29 111000010?10 30 00??1???0--? 31 0001??1????? 32 1??1?2021??5 33 01002??10??? 34 ??21???????? 35 ???10??????? 36 37 ??????0????? 38 101????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ????0??????0 42 ?0000?0000?0 43 44 0??????????? 45 ???0?0??1??0 46 ?0???0000000 47 01?????????? 48 ??????????00 49 ????0??????? 50 ???1???????? 51 52 ??00???????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 87 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ?????1?????? 5 6 ?0???02?0??? 7 ??????----- 8 Arambourgisuchus_khouribgaensis 1 ? ? 0 ? 1 1 0 9 0012100????? 10 ???100?0-010 11 ???10?001?00 12 01?00?210101 13 14 ?1?01?01?00? 15 ??0200000--- 16 00----011?00For Peer Review Only 17 0100010010?1 18 000-00000000 19 ??010?22?001 20 21 ???12100?011 22 000000????-- 23 ?0??1??1??0? 24 ? ? 0 ? ? ? {12} 0 2 1 ? ? 25 ?000?21?10?2 26 ???2??3??0?? 27 ????10?0?002 28 29 0?0?111?0??? 30 ???1???????? 31 0???000????? 32 ?0???0?????? 33 0??????????? 34 021000100??? 35 ??0????1111? 36 37 1?????0????? 38 ??01?00????? 39 ?110??00-0?? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????----- 53 Atlantosuchus_coupatezi 1 ? ? 0 ? 1 1 0 0 54 01011??????? 55 ??1??00-01?? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 88 of 173

1 2 3 ??1????1???0 4 1?00?210101? 5 6 ??01?0??00?? 7 ?02000?0???? 8 ?????011?000 9 1000100?0010 10 00-000?0?00? 11 ???0?2??0?10 12 ??12101?111? 13 14 ????0????--? 15 ???0??1??0?? 16 ?0??????????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ??2??310???? 19 ???10??????? 20 21 ?0??1??????? 22 ??1????????0 23 ???000?????? 24 0???0???1??? 25 01???12200?? 26 ???????0???? 27 ?0???00110?1 28 29 1???10?????? 30 ?01?00?????? 31 110??00-0??? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ??????----- 45 Cerrejonisuchus_improcerus 1 ? 1 0 ? 0 1 0 0 46 010020?????? 47 ??100000010? 48 211000101101 49 1?00?210111? 50 100??12?00?0 51 52 ?0-00000---0 53 0----011?000 54 000010000?00 55 00-000000-10 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 89 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 012000210000 4 ??100001011? 5 6 00001????--? 7 0??0?01??0?? 8 ? ? ? ? ? {12} 0 2 1 ? ? ? 9 000?2??????? 10 ??21?3???000 11 ?111??0????? 12 ???1?10????? 13 14 ??1??????000 15 1??001?????? 16 0?????1?????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 10000100??3? 19 ?0???01111?1 20 21 1???1????1?0 22 101????0000? 23 ?10?0??????? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ??????----- 36 37 Chenanisuchus_lateroculi 1 ? 1 0 ? 0 1 0 0 38 01002??????? 39 ??1??00?010? 40 ?1100010???1 41 1?00?210111? 42 1?01?0?1000? 43 44 ?0100000---0 45 0----0111000 46 000010000010 47 ?0-000001000 48 ?00002200000 49 1111000?0110 50 000000000--? 51 52 0??010?0?0?? 53 ?0?????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ??21?310???? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 90 of 173

1 2 3 ?1110?0????? 4 ?0?11??0???1 5 6 ?01?13?????? 7 ???????????? 8 ????0??????? 9 ??????2???10 10 ?1??0??0???? 11 ???????????? 12 ???01??????? 13 14 ?01?00?????? 15 ???????????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ???????????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ??????----- 28 29 Congosaurus_bequaerti 1 ? ? ? ? 1 1 0 0 30 022??0?????? 31 ??10000-010? 32 101000011101 33 100012101010 34 10?100??00?? 35 ?0200?0??--0 36 37 0?---01????? 38 ???????????0 39 ????000??10? 40 ???????????? 41 ??????????1? 42 ????0??????? 43 44 ??01???????? 45 ???1?20????2 46 ???????10??? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ?????????000 51 52 11?0????1002 53 ?00---1?0??? 54 01200?2??11? 55 2100010000?0 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 91 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 0??????????1 4 10?010??0100 5 6 1011?0000000 7 11??0?0??00? 8 40000??1??00 9 00??000?0?0? 10 00?1??????00 11 ?????0200100 12 100000?00??0 13 14 ?0??11021010 15 0000?00?1??0 16 0?210111111?For Peer Review Only 17 ????211?1??? 18 000010200??? 19 0?????----- 20 21 Dyrosaurus_maghribensis 1 5 1 0 ? 1 1 0 0 22 0100100????? 23 ?210000-010? 24 ??100001?000 25 1?00?210101? 26 1001?01?00?? 27 ?0000000---0 28 29 0----0111000 30 000010010010 31 ?0-000000000 32 ?12002210000 33 1112000?0010 34 000000000--1 35 01001?10?020 36 37 10?1020210?? 38 000121010?21 39 ??211310???? 40 ?1110?1?0020 41 10?111?0???1 42 ??1?13???000 43 44 111000??1002 45 0???0?1010?? 46 0120?122??10 47 23000100???? 48 00???0111??1 49 1??01??0?100 50 00110000000? 51 52 ?10?000-000? 53 ??000?01?000 54 0????00??00? 55 0001?0000??? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 92 of 173

1 2 3 ?????0???100 4 ???000?00??? 5 6 100111021010 7 00000??01000 8 0??10111111? 9 000??1?1???0 10 0?0010?0???? 11 ??????----- 12 Dyrosaurus_phosphaticus 1 ? ? 0 ? 1 1 0 0 13 14 010020?????? 15 ??10000-0100 16 10100001?001For Peer Review Only 17 1?00?210101? 18 1001?011000? 19 ?0000?00---0 20 21 0----0111000 22 000010010010 23 ?0-000000000 24 ?12002210000 25 111200010010 26 000000000--? 27 ?1001110?020 28 29 10???202100? 30 000121010?2? 31 ?221?310?000 32 0??10?110020 33 10111110?111 34 ??1?13???000 35 1??000?????? 36 37 0???001????? 38 ??????2???10 39 22000100???? 40 00???01111?1 41 1??01000?100 42 10110000000? 43 44 110?000-000? 45 ??000??????0 46 ???????????? 47 ???1???????? 48 ???????????? 49 ?0?????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ?????1?1???? 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 93 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 0?0010?????? 4 ??????----- 5 6 Guarinisuchus_munizi 1 5 1 0 ? 1 1 0 0 7 0001100????? 8 ?210000-0100 9 10100001?00? 10 ??00?210101? 11 1001?01?00?? 12 ?0100000---0 13 14 0----011?000 15 100010010010 16 00-00000000?For Peer Review Only 17 ?01000210010 18 ??12101?0?10 19 000000000--? 20 21 0??00?10???? 22 ?0???202100? 23 000121??0?21 24 ?2211310???? 25 ?1110???0010 26 ?01?11?1???1 27 ?01?1????00? 28 29 ??1000?????? 30 0???0??????? 31 ?1?????????0 32 21000100??2? 33 ?0?????????? 34 ????10???100 35 1011000?0??? 36 37 110??00-000? 38 ??000??????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ?????1?????? 48 0??????????? 49 ??????----- 50 Hyposaurus_rogersii 1 5 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 51 52 1012???????? 53 ?1??00?010?? 54 010?001?1001 55 ?00121110101 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 94 of 173

1 2 3 001?0??00??? 4 ?????0?---00 5 6 ?---?1110000 7 00010010010? 8 ?-????0010?0 9 020?02100001 10 11200110?100 11 0?0000??--?? 12 00?1?101020? 13 14 00????21???? 15 ???21??????? 16 ?21?31000000For Peer Review Only 17 111????????? 18 0????0?????1 19 01?130??00?? 20 21 ???003?2???? 22 ?0---1?0???? 23 ?20??2??0102 24 1000?00??30? 25 01000111?011 26 ????00?0???? 27 01??0?0000?1 28 29 1??0???????? 30 ?0???????000 31 ???0???????? 32 ???????????? 33 ????02001??? 34 ??0000?????? 35 ???11??????0 36 37 000?000?0??? 38 ???????????? 39 ???211?????0 40 ??????00???0 41 ?????----- 42 Phosphatosaurus_gavialoides ? ? ? ? 1 1 0 0 0 43 44 0??12??????? 45 ????????010? 46 1110?0101101 47 100012101110 48 10?1?11????? 49 ???0??0?---0 50 0----?111?00 51 52 ???010000?10 53 00?00??0?00? 54 0010????0001 55 ?????00?0?10 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 95 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 00??0????--? 4 00?01?1????? 5 6 ?0?????21??3 7 000?21?????? 8 ???????????? 9 ???????????? 10 ???????0???? 11 ?????????0?? 12 ????11?????? 13 14 ?0????1????? 15 ???????????? 16 2100010000??For Peer Review Only 17 00?0?0????01 18 01???????1?0 19 10?????????? 20 21 11??0??????? 22 4??????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ??????----- 34 Rhabdognathus_keiniensis 1 ? ? 0 2 1 1 0 0 35 00011??????? 36 37 ?2???0?????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????0??10 40 1001?0??00?? 41 ???0??0?---0 42 0----?111000 43 44 000010010010 45 00-000000100 46 0021?2210110 47 1?1210111110 48 000??00??--? 49 ???10?10???? 50 ??0????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ??2113100000 54 0111000????? 55 ?01111?1??1? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 96 of 173

1 2 3 101?130????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ?30????????0 9 ???????????? 10 ???????????? 11 ???????????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ???????????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ???????????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ??????----- 26 Rhabdognathus_aslerensis 1 5 1 0 ? ? 1 0 0 27 0001100???1? 28 29 ?2???00????? 30 ???????????? 31 ??????????10 32 1001?0110000 33 ?010000?---0 34 0----?111000 35 000010010010 36 37 00-000000100 38 0020?0210110 39 111210111110 40 000000000--? 41 000001101020 42 10???2021??? 43 44 00012111002? 45 022113101000 46 011100??0020 47 10111111?111 48 101?130????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ??0????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ???0?0?????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 97 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 1??????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ???????????? 10 ???????????? 11 ???????????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ???????????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ??????----- 18 Sabinosuchus_coahuilensis ? ? ? ? 0 1 ? 0 0 19 002????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ???0??????1? 24 00?????????? 25 ??????00---0 26 0----0?????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ????????1??? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 00?????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ??????0?1??? 35 ???02??????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ?????????000 41 11100?130--2 42 0?0---1?0??? 43 44 0120010??1?? 45 ??????????2? 46 ?010002?1001 47 10?????????? 48 ????00000000 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 98 of 173

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ??????----- 10 Sokotosuchus_ianwilsoni ? ? ? ? 2 1 0 0 0 11 011120?????? 12 ????????010? 13 14 111??0101101 15 ??00121011?? 16 ?0??01??00??For Peer Review Only 17 ??????0????? 18 ??---0111000 19 000010000?10 20 21 00-????0???? 22 0020??20??01 23 ??11000?0?10 24 00?0???????? 25 ????1?10102? 26 ??????021??? 27 00?????????? 28 29 ??2??311???? 30 0??????????? 31 ???????0???? 32 ????1??????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????0 36 37 210001000??0 38 0??????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ?????000000? 41 1??????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ??????----- 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 99 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 Bernissartia_fagesii 1 1 0 1 ? 0 0 0 0 0 4 1?0200?????1 5 6 21??00?000?? 7 01000?0?00?1 8 ?002210011?0 9 00?02000000? 10 ??00000---00 11 ----011?0000 12 00002000?000 13 14 0-????00???? 15 120??0000??? 16 ?1000????100For Peer Review Only 17 0??????0--?0 18 ???2?1??0?0? 19 ????20210??? 20 21 ???2??10?21? 22 ??110??????0 23 11????1??2?? 24 ??????????1? 25 ?0?1??000001 26 11000030--20 27 ??????0?0??0 28 29 1???1?0???01 30 1100000??2?? 31 0???????00?? 32 ???1??001001 33 01100010000? 34 0-0--0-000?? 35 ?0000????00? 36 37 ???0?????0?1 38 2??????????? 39 ???????????1 40 ????0?0000?? 41 ???11021?10? 42 ???????10100 43 44 1110???????? 45 ????1?111200 46 ?01002001?0? 47 1 0 1 ? ? - - - - - 48 Koumpiodontosuchus_aprosdokiti 1 1 0 ? ? 0 0 0 49 00110200???? 50 ??211100?000 51 52 0??10?????00 53 01000??101?1 54 000000200000 55 0?0?00000--- 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 100 of 173

1 2 3 00----011100 4 000000200010 5 6 000-00000011 7 ??120000000? 8 11?1000?1??1 9 0000000000-- 10 ?0??12010?01 11 0?1?????2100 12 ?010120????2 13 14 1???11010000 15 0???????1??2 16 ???1????0???For Peer Review Only 17 1????1??0000 18 0111000030-- 19 200????10?00 20 21 0??????????? 22 022100000??? 23 ??0???????00 24 ?????1?1?01? 25 0101?0001000 26 0?0-0--0-000 27 ???0000????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????----- 40 Susisuchus_anatoceps1 1 0 1 ? 0 0 0 0 0 41 1002???????? 42 ?1?100-0140? 43 44 ?100??????11 45 ?0012101?1?? 46 00??0?0000?? 47 2-00000---00 48 ----01110000 49 000020?0?00? 50 0-000?000000 51 52 0?0000000??? 53 ????0????100 54 00000000--?0 55 100??10?010? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 101 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 2??????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???0???????? 9 ???1?0?????1 10 ??000??????? 11 ???0????0??? 12 ????1?0???01 13 14 ??000?0????? 15 ???????????? 16 ??0???????0?For Peer Review Only 17 ????0?0????? 18 ???????????? 19 ???0???00?00 20 21 ???000???0?? 22 ?0??0000??0? 23 0???0????001 24 ?0000000???1 25 001????????? 26 ??????????00 27 ???????????? 28 29 ????1?112210 30 ?1100?0????? 31 ?????----- 32 Isisfordia_duncani 1 1 0 1 ? 0 0 0 0 0 33 100200?????? 34 2???0?-01400 35 ?1000??00011 36 37 ?0012101?1?? 38 001?0?0000?? 39 ?100000---00 40 ----01110000 41 000020000000 42 0-0000101?00 43 44 020000000?11 45 11000?1??100 46 00000000--?0 47 100??1010101 48 22??2021???0 49 1012?010?210 50 0?1?0100??00 51 52 11?0???00200 53 0?00????111? 54 ???13?000??? 55 ? ? 0 0 0 ? ? 2 {01} 0 2 ? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 102 of 173

1 2 3 ????????0??? 4 ????1?0???01 5 6 2100000????? 7 ???????????? 8 ??010000??0? 9 0000000000?1 10 10???0-?00?? 11 ?000???00010 12 ???100???0?? 13 14 ?0??0000??0? 15 ?0000???0001 16 00000000????For Peer Review Only 17 ?????????1?0 18 000???????00 19 1110??11???? 20 21 ????11112210 22 ?1100?0????? 23 ? 1 ? ? ? - - - - - 24 Pietraroiasuchus_ormezzanoi 1 ? ? 1 ? 0 0 0 0 25 0?00200????? 26 ??1??0??01?0 27 00100100?002 28 29 1?0012101110 30 000100???000 31 02-000100000 32 00101011?000 33 100001000?00 34 ?0-000000110 35 0120?00000?? 36 37 1?1000????12 38 000?00000--? 39 0100?010?0?0 40 ?2???2?21??? 41 ????2?0???21 42 00?????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????1 46 ?00????00000 47 111100030--2 48 2?????2????0 49 ???????????? 50 11?00000??20 51 52 012000000000 53 03???????0?0 54 ?011??00000? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 103 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ????0?????02 4 ????2??????? 5 6 12?????????? 7 ?????020???0 8 2??0?0000??? 9 ??????0210?? 10 ????????10?0 11 031?0??????0 12 ?????1111211 13 14 001100???1?? 15 ?1????----- 16 Pachycheilosuchus_trinqueiFor Peer ? ? Review ? ? ?Only ? ? ? ? 17 ?????0?????? 18 ???????????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ?????0???0?? 23 ??????1?0??0 24 0?????????0? 25 ???????????? 26 ??-????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????000?? 39 ???100030--2 40 20?????????0 41 ???????????? 42 ??????????20 43 44 0120000?0000 45 03???????0?0 46 ????00?0???? 47 ???????????? 48 ????????0002 49 ??102?????0? 50 12?????????? 51 52 ?????020???0 53 20000000010? 54 ????11021010 55 00000?00?0?0 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 104 of 173

1 2 3 03110??1???? 4 ?????111???1 5 6 0011002001?? 7 ??????----- 8 Iharkutosuchus_makadii 1 ? ? 1 2 0 0 0 0 9 0100200????? 10 12????0?000? 11 001001000002 12 1?0012100-10 13 14 000100?00000 15 ?2-00000---0 16 0----011102-For Peer Review Only 17 ------0 18 -0-00000011- 19 --2--0000000 20 21 0-1--0010201 22 000?10000--? 23 0100301?1010 24 120111121002 25 000020010?31 26 10011010000? 27 011?0????020 28 29 ?11?0??????1 30 100213?00010 31 211000030--2 32 00????2?0??1 33 ????01?????0 34 111000000020 35 112100000000 36 37 0 2 ? 0 {12} 0 ? ? ? 0 0 0 38 101100000020 39 ?000000-000? 40 ?00000?????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ??????----- 53 Gavialis_gangeticus 1 1 0 1 ? 1 1 0 0 1 54 100200000111 55 210000-01000 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 105 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 0100100?0001 4 ?001212111?0 5 6 00100000000? 7 0200100---00 8 ----01111000 9 400010000000 10 0-0000010010 11 000000000001 12 110000?0?102 13 14 10100000--10 15 100301010101 16 1210202100?0For Peer Review Only 17 00120110?311 18 001101000000 19 1101?0100200 20 21 1101??001111 22 002230000001 23 100103320020 24 ?10001000000 25 100011000001 26 3100000001?? 27 0???0????000 28 29 ??0101000001 30 011000000001 31 100000-00004 32 00000?000020 33 ???200??00?1 34 200-0000-?00 35 0000????0001 36 37 000000001001 38 001??0210100 39 0000??010100 40 211011111100 41 002211101110 42 01100?01?000 43 44 1 1 1 ? 1 0 0 ? 0 2 45 Crocodylus_porosus 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 46 100200000111 47 210000101000 48 0100100?0021 49 ?002210111?0 50 001020000000 51 52 0100000---00 53 ----01111000 54 00002000000? 55 0-0000011010 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 106 of 173

1 2 3 000000000001 4 110000?0?100 5 6 00010000--10 7 100301010101 8 2210202100?0 9 00120110?311 10 001101000000 11 110100100200 12 1100??001111 13 14 002230000001 15 110000320020 16 ?10002000001For Peer Review Only 17 100011000001 18 1101000002?? 19 0???0????000 20 21 ??01000?1001 22 011000000001 23 100?20-000?? 24 000000000020 25 ???200??00?1 26 200-0000-?10 27 00000???0001 28 29 000000001001 30 001110210121 31 0010??010100 32 111011111100 33 002211102010 34 01100?01?100 35 1 1 1 ? 1 0 0 1 1 1 36 37 Crocodylus_niloticus 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 38 100200000111 39 210000101000 40 0100100?0021 41 ?002210111?0 42 001020000000 43 44 0100000---00 45 ----01111000 46 00002000000? 47 0-0000011010 48 000000000001 49 110000?00100 50 00010000--10 51 52 100301010101 53 2210202100?0 54 00120110?311 55 001101000000 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 107 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 1101?0100200 4 11001?001111 5 6 002230000001 7 110000320020 8 ?10002000001 9 100011000001 10 1101000002?? 11 0???0010?000 12 ??0100001001 13 14 011000000001 15 100000-00000 16 000000000020For Peer Review Only 17 ???200??00?1 18 200-0000-?10 19 00000???0001 20 21 000000001001 22 001110210121 23 0010??010100 24 111011111100 25 002211102010 26 01100?01?100 27 1 1 1 ? 1 0 0 1 1 1 28 29 Alligator_mississippiensis 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 30 010020000011 31 121000010100 32 001001000002 33 1?00121?011? 34 000102000000 35 02-00000---0 36 37 0----0111100 38 000002000000 39 ?0-000001101 40 002000100001 41 111000010010 42 000010000--1 43 44 010030101010 45 12210202100? 46 010120110?31 47 100110100000 48 011010010020 49 011001?00111 50 100223000000 51 52 111000002002 53 0?1000200000 54 010001100000 55 11101000002? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 108 of 173

1 2 3 ?0???0110000 4 03?010000101 5 6 101100000000 7 1100000-0001 8 000000000002 9 0???200??00? 10 1200-0000-?1 11 000000200000 12 100000000100 13 14 100111021011 15 00000??01010 16 011101111110For Peer Review Only 17 000221110111 18 001200?01?10 19 01111101010 20 21 Steneosaurus_gracilirostris 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 22 03002??11?0? 23 0?01100-011? 24 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 ? 0 0 {01} 25 100012121-00 26 01?1?0000000 27 ?0100?101101 28 29 100110000?01 30 0000010-00-0 31 00-000?00000 32 010000001101 33 0-1200010221 34 000010000--0 35 000030100001 36 37 ???1???????? 38 ???????????? 39 0?11101000?? 40 01100?0????? 41 ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? {01} ? ? 1 0 42 ?00?1?????00 43 44 000020??2102 45 00???0??0??? 46 ? ? ? ? {01} 1 ? 0 ? ? ? 0 47 24?0000???00 48 ?0?????????? 49 ??????1?0??? 50 ?01100000000 51 52 1??0?????000 53 {34} 0 0 0 0 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? 54 ?????????00? 55 00?0-????-?? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 109 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ?1?????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 0?00???????0 8 1?2?1??????? 9 ?????11110-0 10 10000020???? 11 ?0??0?----- 12 Mystriosaurus_laurillardi 1 ? ? ? 1 0 1 0 0 13 14 030????????? 15 ??11100-0011 16 00101000?011For Peer Review Only 17 100012121-00 18 010100000000 19 ?01000100000 20 21 000110000?01 22 0 {01} 1 0 0 0 0 - {01} 0 - 0 23 00-000000000 24 010?000011?? 25 ??????0??210 26 000010010--0 27 0?0030100001 28 29 ???10??????? 30 ???????????? 31 0????010???? 32 ????0??????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????00000 35 0110202?2002 36 37 00???0???11? 38 ??010??????0 39 2 4 ? 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 {01} 40 00100001001? 41 ? ? ? 0 ? ? {01} ? 0 1 0 0 42 001100000000 43 44 1??0?????000 45 400000?????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 110 of 173

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ??????----- 5 6 Chinese_teleosauroid 1 3 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 7 00020011??2? 8 2?1100-00110 9 010100000101 10 00012121-000 11 101000000000 12 010001000000 13 14 001100000010 15 010000-00-00 16 0-0000000000For Peer Review Only 17 110000011010 18 -12000102110 19 0001001?--00 20 21 ?0030100001? 22 0?10212110?0 23 ?00200100110 24 111101000000 25 1100?0001000 26 01010000??0? 27 00?111?????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ??????????02 32 310010000?00 33 ???????????? 34 ??0????????? 35 0??????????? 36 37 ???????????4 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ?????----- 50 Platysuchus_multiscrobiculatus 1 5 0 0 1 2 1 0 51 52 003002?0???? 53 2??01100-001 54 ?00101000??1 55 11?00?2121-0 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 111 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 0010100?0000 4 ?00100010000 5 6 000011000??0 7 10010000-00- 8 000-00000000 9 00101100011? 10 ?0-12000???1 11 1000010011-- 12 00???3010?0? 13 14 1?0????????? 15 ????0?????0? 16 ?????1??0???For Peer Review Only 17 ??11???????? 18 ?????10????? 19 ??00??1?000? 20 21 0111020?3210 22 2001100???1? 23 ???0?0110000 24 014?000?0??0 25 ??0???00100? 26 ????0?010010 27 000110000000 28 29 01100??0-?00 30 0400000??001 31 00???0????00 32 ?00?0-0000-? 33 ???00012?1?? 34 021000000000 35 01001?002100 36 37 000000?????0 38 0122111100?1 39 000?2210110- 40 01100002001? 41 ?000??1----- 42 Teleosaurus_cadomensis 1 5 0 0 ? 2 1 0 0 43 44 1300200???02 45 0????00-?01? 46 0010??0????1 47 1?0012121-00 48 0?0100000000 49 001000100000 50 000110000?01 51 52 0110000-00-0 53 00-000000000 54 010010001100 55 0-12000?0210 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 112 of 173

1 2 3 100010010--0 4 0??030100001 5 6 ?00??2121??? 7 000020010011 8 0111?0100000 9 ?1100?000100 10 00?010???110 11 200?111000?0 12 1??020?32?0? 13 14 0?????1????? 15 0?0101?00000 16 141??0?0??0?For Peer Review Only 17 ??????????10 18 ???0?01?0??? 19 ?0110000?000 20 21 1??????????0 22 ??0000??0??0 23 ????0?????0? 24 ???????????0 25 ??00????1??? 26 21????000??0 27 ???????21000 28 29 0000??????0? 30 ????11?????? 31 ?????10110-0 32 1100002001?? 33 000???----- 34 Mycterosuchus_nasutus 1 3 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 35 1300200????2 36 37 ??01100-001? 38 001010000010 39 100012121-00 40 01010000000? 41 0??000100000 42 000110000?01 43 44 0010000-00-0 45 00-000?00000 46 0110000011?0 47 0-12000??210 48 100010010--0 49 0???3010???1 50 ?0??0212?100 51 52 0?0?2??10??1 53 ??1110?????? 54 ?1100?0????? 55 ?01010000??? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 113 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ?00?1??00000 4 1 1 1 0 2 0 3 {23} 2 1 ? ? 5 6 00????1?0??? 7 0???01200000 8 241110000000 9 002000010010 10 00??1???0100 11 00110000000? 12 11000????0?0 13 14 4000000??010 15 ????000??000 16 ?000-0000-??For Peer Review Only 17 ?1???12?1200 18 210000000010 19 ???????21??? 20 21 ??????????00 22 133111100?10 23 ?????111???0 24 10000020?1?? 25 ??0???----- 26 Teleosaurus_megarhinus 1 ? ? 0 0 2 1 0 0 27 103100?????? 28 29 ??01100-0011 30 001010000210 31 100012121-0? 32 ????00???0?? 33 ???00??????? 34 ??????000?01 35 0000000-00-0 36 37 ?0-????00??0 38 0100??0011?0 39 ??12000?021? 40 ?0?0?????--? 41 ????3?10???? 42 ?0?10??????0 43 44 000????????? 45 ??11101000?? 46 0??00?0????? 47 ????0??00??? 48 ?0?????????? 49 ???02033???? 50 0??????????? 51 52 ?????????0?0 53 14?110000000 54 0?1000010010 55 0?1000??0100 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 114 of 173

1 2 3 00?100000?0? 4 11000??????0 5 6 40???0?????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ???????????? 10 ???????????? 11 ???????????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ?????11????? 16 ????????0???For Peer Review Only 17 ??????----- 18 Steneosaurus_bollensis 1 0 0 0 {01} 2 1 0 0 19 030020011?02 20 21 ?201100-0110 22 001010000001 23 100012121-00 24 010100000000 25 001000100000 26 000110000?01 27 0000000-00-0 28 29 00-000000000 30 010000001100 31 0-12000?0211 32 000010000--0 33 000030100001 34 ?001021??10? 35 00002?010111 36 37 011110100000 38 01100?000101 39 0010100001?0 40 ?00011100000 41 111020332102 42 001100110111 43 44 0?0101100000 45 241000000010 46 001000010010 47 000010100100 48 001100000000 49 1100??0-?000 50 4000000?0010 51 52 0?10000??000 53 00?0-0000-00 54 ?100012?1000 55 220000000000 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 115 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 100110021000 4 000000001000 5 6 122111100?10 7 0002211110-0 8 1000002001?0 9 00?001----- 10 Steneosaurus_leedsi 1 3 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 11 300200????2? 12 ?01100-01100 13 14 010100000011 15 00012121-000 16 101000000000For Peer Review Only 17 010001000000 18 00110000?010 19 0 0 1 0 0 0 - 0 {01} - 0 0 20 21 0-0000000000 22 120000011000 23 -12000??2110 24 00010000--00 25 00030100001? 26 001021211000 27 000200101110 28 29 111101000?0? 30 1100?0?01010 31 010100001?0? 32 00011?000001 33 1 1 0 2 0 3 {23} 2 1 0 2 0 34 ?110011011?0 35 ?01011000002 36 37 410000000000 38 010000100100 39 000101?01000 40 011000000001 41 ??0?????0004 42 000000100100 43 44 110000010000 45 000-0000-00? 46 100?12010002 47 20000000010? 48 0??100210000 49 010000010001 50 43111100110? 51 52 00??11110-01 53 000002001?0? 54 0 ? ? 0 ? - - - - - 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 116 of 173

1 2 3 Aeolodon_priscus ? ? ? ? 0 2 1 0 0 1 4 011????????? 5 6 ?????0-0?110 7 0?0?000???01 8 ?0012??1-000 9 ??1?0?0000?? 10 ???0??0??0?? 11 ?????0???0?0 12 010000-0?-00 13 14 0-?0??000000 15 100??0011?0? 16 ???00????111For Peer Review Only 17 0???????--0? 18 ???3010????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ??????000??? 26 ??0203?????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ????????0??2 30 41110????0?? 31 0?????????00 32 000????0???? 33 0??00000?001 34 ?0????????04 35 00000???0?0? 36 37 ?1?0?????0?0 38 0?0-????-??? 39 ???????????2 40 2????000010? 41 ???????????? 42 ??????????01 43 44 4411???????? 45 ??2?111?0-01 46 ?0000???1??? 47 ? 0 ? 0 ? - - - - - 48 Steneosaurus_heberti 1 3 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 49 300200????2? 50 201100-01100 51 52 0101000000?1 53 00012121-000 54 00100000000? 55 01?0?00---00 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 117 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ----0000?010 4 001000-00-0? 5 6 0-0???000000 7 1100???1?000 8 -12000102110 9 00010000--?? 10 ?0?30100?01? 11 0?1021???0?? 12 ????0?10111? 13 14 1211010000?? 15 1100?0???010 16 ?10??000??0?For Peer Review Only 17 00?111000001 18 110202?21020 19 0???011011?0 20 21 ?00011000002 22 41000000?000 23 0?0000100100 24 ?101?000?000 25 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 {12} 26 100?????0004 27 00000??????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ?????????-?? 38 ???????????? 39 ?????----- 40 Steneosaurus_larteti 1 ? ? ? 1 2 1 0 0 0 41 300200????2? 42 ?01100-01100 43 44 0101000000?1 45 0?012121-000 46 101000?00?00 47 010001000001 48 001100?0?0?0 49 ?0???0-??-00 50 0-000000000? 51 52 11?0000????? 53 ?12000??2110 54 0001??00--?0 55 ?0?30100001? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 118 of 173

1 2 3 ??1021211?00 4 00020?????10 5 6 111101?00??? 7 ??00?0????1? 8 ??0100001??? 9 00?11????0?1 10 ?1???2?2???? 11 ???????????? 12 ????????0?02 13 14 410000000?00 15 ???????????? 16 ?1???000????For Peer Review Only 17 011000000001 18 1000?0-?00?4 19 00000??????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ?????----- 32 Steneosaurus_edwardsi 1 3 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 33 0300200????2 34 ??01100-0110 35 001010000001 36 37 100012121-00 38 010100000000 39 ?0100000---0 40 0----0000?01 41 0001000-00-0 42 00-000000000 43 44 010000001101 45 0-12000?0211 46 000010000--0 47 0?0030100001 48 ? 0 ? 1 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 {12} 49 0???2??10111 50 ??1110100000 51 52 01100?0?0101 53 0010100001?0 54 ?00?1??00000 55 111020132102 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 119 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 00???01?0??1 4 0?0101100000 5 6 231000000010 7 001000010010 8 001?1?000100 9 001100000000 10 1100??0-?000 11 400000010010 12 000000000000 13 14 0000-0000-00 15 ?10??1201000 16 220000000010For Peer Review Only 17 ?0??10021000 18 001000001000 19 143111100110 20 21 ?????11110-0 22 10000020?1?? 23 0?0???----- 24 Lemmysuchus_obtusidens 1 3 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 25 0300200????2 26 ??11100-0110 27 001010000001 28 29 10?012121-00 30 1 {01} 0 1 ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 ?0100?00---0 32 0----?00??01 33 ?50100?-00-0 34 ?0-0???00000 35 0 1 {01} 0 0 ? ? ? 1 1 0 1 36 37 ??12000?0210 38 00????0??--? 39 ??0?301???01 40 ???10212110? 41 ???????1?1?? 42 ??1110??000? 43 44 01100?0??1?1 45 ???010000??0 46 ?00?1????000 47 1110201?2??2 48 0????01?0??? 49 0 ? ? ? 0 1 1 0 {01} 0 0 0 50 2410000???10 51 52 001000010?10 53 001?0???1100 54 001100000000 55 010021211000 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 120 of 173

1 2 3 410000???110 4 0?2?0000?010 5 6 00?0-????-?? 7 ?1??????100? 8 ????0??00010 9 ??????021000 10 0 0 1 0 {01} ? ? 0 1 1 0 0 11 1?3111100110 12 ?????13110-0 13 14 1000002001?? 15 ?0??1?----- 16 Machimosaurus_buffetautiFor Peer 1 3 Review 1 0 1Only 0 0 0 0 17 0300200????2 18 ??1110000110 19 001010000001 20 21 10?012121-00 22 010100000000 23 ???00000---0 24 0----0000?01 25 0501000-00-0 26 00-000000000 27 01000000??01 28 29 0-1200??0210 30 0000100??--0 31 0?0?3010??01 32 ?0?102121?01 33 0?0?2??10??? 34 ?111?010000? 35 ?1100?0????? 36 37 ????10000??0 38 ?00?11?00000 39 1110201?2102 40 00???01?0??1 41 0 0 0 ? 0 1 {01} 0 {01} 0 0 0 42 33100-000010 43 44 001000010010 45 0010000?1100 46 001100000000 47 0 {01} 0 0 2 ? ? ? ? 0 0 0 48 4 1 0 0 0 0 {01} 1 ? ? 1 0 49 ????0?00???? 50 ???0???????? 51 52 ?????1?????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 121 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ?????131???0 5 6 1?000020???? 7 ??????----- 8 Machimosaurus_mosae 1 ? ? 0 2 0 0 0 0 9 0200200????? 10 ??111?00011? 11 00101000000? 12 10?0?2121-00 13 14 0??10?000000 15 ???00?00---0 16 0----0000?01For Peer Review Only 17 0501000-00-0 18 00-????00000 19 01000?00???1 20 21 ??1200????10 22 000010000--0 23 0????010???1 24 ?0?102121??2 25 ???????????1 26 ???????0???? 27 ?110??0????? 28 29 ????10?????0 30 ?00????00000 31 1110201?2?0? 32 0?????1????1 33 ????01?000?0 34 321??-00??20 35 00?0000?0010 36 37 001000??1??? 38 ?01100000000 39 0100???????0 40 410000?????? 41 ????????0?10 42 00?0???????? 43 44 ?1???????1?? 45 ???????????? 46 ?????????000 47 0010??????00 48 1?311??????? 49 ?????131???0 50 1000002??1?? 51 52 ??????----- 53 Machimosaurus_hugii? ? ? ? ? 0 0 0 0 0 54 2??????????? 55 ?1???0?????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 122 of 173

1 2 3 ??0????????? 4 ??0?2??1-0?0 5 6 ??1?0?00000? 7 ??00???????? 8 ?????00??0?? 9 ?01???-??-?? 10 ?-?????????0 11 ?1?????????? 12 ??20?????1?? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ??????????1? 16 ??????21????For Peer Review Only 17 ???2???????? 18 ????0??????? 19 ???0???????? 20 21 ??????????0? 22 0??????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ????????0??? 26 ???????????0 27 ??1????????? 28 29 ???00??1???? 30 01?000000000 31 {01} 0 0 2 1 2 1 1 ? ? ? 4 32 1?001??????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ????1?????0? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ?????----- 45 Machimosaurus_rex ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 0 0 0 46 2????0?????? 47 ?????0?????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????1-0?0 50 ??1?0???0?0? 51 52 ??00???????? 53 ?????00??0?? 54 50100?-?0-?? 55 ?-?????????0 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 123 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ?1?????1???? 4 ??20?????10? 5 6 ????????--?? 7 ?????1?????? 8 ???????????? 9 ???????????? 10 ???????????? 11 ???????????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ???????2?0?? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ????1?0?000? 18 ???????????0 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???00??1???? 22 01?000000000 23 {01} 0 0 ? 1 2 ? ? ? ? ? 4 24 1??01??????? 25 ???0?0?????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ????131???0? 34 ?????200???? 35 ?????----- 36 37 Pelagosaurus_typus 1 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 38 300200110020 39 201100-01000 40 0101?00?0001 41 ?0012121-000 42 101000000000 43 44 010001010100 45 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 ? 0 1 {01} 46 000000-00-00 47 0-0000000000 48 000000011-10 49 -12000102200 50 00010000--01 51 52 000301000011 53 0010212110?0 54 000200100110 55 101101000010 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 124 of 173

1 2 3 110000000000 4 010100001102 5 6 00?111000001 7 110003321120 8 011011101110 9 00?011000002 10 310000000000 11 0?0000100100 12 000101?00001 13 14 011000000001 15 100000-00000 16 000000100100For Peer Review Only 17 ?100000?0010 18 010-0000-10? 19 200022?00002 20 21 100000000001 22 001100211000 23 0000??010001 24 221121001101 25 112?11110-01 26 000002000??0 27 1 0 ? 0 1 - - - - - 28 29 Peipehsuchus_teleorhinus ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 0 0 30 ?3?????????? 31 ???11???012? 32 00101000?001 33 1000?212?-?? 34 ????00?????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????21??? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 2??0000000?0 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 125 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 0??????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ???????????? 10 ???????????? 11 ???????????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ???????????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ???????????? 19 ??????----- 20 21 Teleidosaurus_calvadosii 1 3 1 0 ? 0 1 0 0 22 03002??????2 23 ???1100-0120 24 00101000?001 25 100012121-00 26 010100000000 27 0000001?1010 28 29 001110000?0? 30 0000000-00-0 31 00-010000000 32 0000000011-1 33 ??12000?0220 34 001110000--0 35 ???130110101 36 37 ?00102121102 38 0000200???11 39 ??0??0100001 40 ?1100?0??00? 41 ?01010?0?1?0 42 ?000?1?00000 43 44 111000222102 45 00110011011? 46 000?01100000 47 32100-000020 48 0000000?0010 49 00?0????0??0 50 10??000???00 51 52 110????????? 53 ???????????? 54 0??????????? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 126 of 173

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ???????????? 10 ???????????? 11 ??????----- 12 Magyarosuchus_fitosi ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ???????????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ???????????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ??-????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ?????1?????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???0???????? 41 ???????????? 42 ????00000000 43 44 ?100000-0??? 45 40??00?????? 46 ????0??????1 47 00???1?????? 48 ?????2?????? 49 ???????????? 50 ?????0021100 51 52 00?00??0???0 53 1?2?121?011? 54 ?????1211??? 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 127 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 200000200??? 4 ??????----- 5 6 Eoneustes_bathonicus? ? ? ? ? ? 1 0 0 0 7 30?????????? 8 ?????0?????? 9 ???????????? 10 ???1??2??00? 11 101??000???0 12 10000??????0 13 14 ????00???010 15 ????00?00?10 16 100110000000For Peer Review Only 17 00000001???? 18 ?????????210 19 00100000??0? 20 21 ??1???10???? 22 ?0?????????? 23 ???2???????? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ??????????0? 32 ??????0????? 33 ???????????? 34 ?????0?????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ?????----- 50 Eoneustes_gaudryi ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 0 0 0 51 52 30??0??????? 53 ????00?????? 54 ???????????? 55 ???1?????000 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 128 of 173

1 2 3 101???000000 4 100000120100 5 6 0111000??010 7 ???????00?10 8 100110000000 9 0000000????? 10 ?????????210 11 00100000??0? 12 ??1?0110?0?? 13 14 ?0???12?1??? 15 ???2???????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ????????1??? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ??????????0? 24 ?1????0????? 25 ???????????? 26 ??0????????? 27 ???????????1 28 29 10?????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ?????----- 42 Chile_metriorhynchoid ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 43 44 ??0????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????00??? 49 ????0??????? 50 ??????00??01 51 52 ?000?01?00?2 53 01?01??????? 54 00?00?00???0 55 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? {23} 1 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 129 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ????00000??0 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ???????????? 10 ???????????? 11 ???????????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ???????????? 16 ???????0????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ????????0??? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ??????----- 34 Zoneait_nargorum ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 0 ? ? 35 ?00??????0?? 36 37 ?????0?????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ?????000???? 41 ??10???????? 42 ????0000?011 43 44 000001-0?-2? 45 ??????????00 46 0?00100???0? 47 ????????23?0 48 0?100000??0? 49 ???3??????1? 50 ????2??????? 51 52 ??????00?1?? 53 ???????????? 54 ?????????000 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 130 of 173

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ???????????? 10 ???????????? 11 ???????????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ???????????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????2 18 10000000?0?? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ??????????01 22 ???????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ?????----- 26 Cricosaurus_sp_(Painten) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 27 ?2?????????? 28 29 ??11100-013? 30 0-301?0-?003 31 1-10121?1-?1 32 ???100000000 33 1??101012010 34 011111?????? 35 ?????????0?2 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????011?? 39 ??????????31 40 000100000??0 41 100130110101 42 ?20????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ????????0000 49 101000130--2 50 0011???1011? 51 52 0????1?????1 53 3320?-00??1? 54 ?0??0?????1? 55 ?0?0101?0000 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 131 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 100000000000 4 1100000-0000 5 6 000000???210 7 2??00???000? 8 00?0211211?? 9 ?210122??0?2 10 20111211???1 11 010????2?0?? 12 ????1????2?0 13 14 04511??0?201 15 23122--00--- 16 ---0------0For Peer Review Only 17 11--01----- 18 Cricosaurus_bambergensis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????-???? 22 ????????000? 23 ????1?1????? 24 ????00000??? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ??????????3? 32 ???????????? 33 100??0?????? 34 ???10??2??1? 35 ????2??????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????10000 41 101?001?0--2 42 001??0110??? 43 44 ???????????1 45 3310?-000010 46 00????????1? 47 ?0?010??0000 48 100000000000 49 1100000-0000 50 000000??1210 51 52 2??00?????0? 53 0010211210?? 54 ?210022????? 55 ?01112??1?01 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 132 of 173

1 2 3 010???021??? 4 ???????????? 5 6 04511????201 7 22122--00--- 8 ---0------0 9 11--01----- 10 Cricosaurus_elegans ? ? ? ? ? 2 1 0 0 0 11 20?0???????? 12 ?11100-013?0 13 14 -30??0-?0031 15 -1012121-010 16 10100?000001For Peer Review Only 17 1010101201?? 18 ?1??1000?012 19 000011-10-20 20 21 100100000002 22 00111?011?0? 23 ????10??2310 24 001000001001 25 00130110101? 26 20???????0?? 27 ??0????????? 28 29 ????1?0????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???10??01??? 32 ?00???100?01 33 01000130--20 34 0110?11?11?0 35 ?11?1?01??13 36 37 3200-?0??1?? 38 0??????????? 39 ??0101?00001 40 00?0?0000001 41 100000-00000 42 00000??????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ?????----- 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 133 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 Cricosaurus_suevicus 0 3 1 ? ? 2 1 0 0 0 4 2010???????? 5 6 ?11100-013?0 7 -301?0-?0031 8 -1012121-010 9 10100?000001 10 1010101201?? 11 ?1??1000?012 12 000011-10-20 13 14 100100000002 15 00111?011?0? 16 ?12010??2310For Peer Review Only 17 001000001001 18 00130110101? 19 20??2??????? 20 21 ??0????????? 22 ????1?0????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???10??01??? 25 ?00???100?01 26 01000130--20 27 0110?11?11?0 28 29 ?11?1?01001? 30 32000?0??1?? 31 0????????1?? 32 ??0101000001 33 0000?0000001 34 100000-00000 35 000001112102 36 37 ??00?1?010?0 38 010211210?0? 39 210122??0022 40 01112111?010 41 101???210-00 42 1--1??112000 43 44 4511?100??12 45 31??--00---- 46 --0------01 47 1 - - 0 1 - - - - - 48 Cricosaurus_schroederi 0 3 1 0 ? ? 1 0 0 49 003100?????2 50 ??11100-01?? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ??????????01 54 0101?0000000 55 0?0101012010 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 134 of 173

1 2 3 010111000?01 4 3?00011-10-2 5 6 010010000000 7 2001110011?0 8 ??120101?231 9 000100000100 10 1??130110?01 11 ?20???????0? 12 ?????0?????? 13 14 ???11110?001 15 ?1100?0????? 16 ?0?010?????0For Peer Review Only 17 ?00???1???0? 18 ????????0--2 19 ??110??1?1?? 20 21 ?0??01?01001 22 ??1????0???? 23 ???????????? 24 ???0101?0??? 25 ?01100000000 26 1100000-0000 27 00000011???0 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????0 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ??????----- 40 Cricosaurus_araucanensis 0 3 1 0 ? 2 1 0 0 41 0031000?11?2 42 ?211100-0130 43 44 0-301?0-0003 45 1-1012121-01 46 011100000000 47 ?10101012010 48 011111000?01 49 2400011-10-2 50 010010000000 51 52 200111001100 53 ??1201010231 54 000100000100 55 ??0?30110101 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 135 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 1201?2?21?0? 4 1-10200???11 5 6 0201?110?001 7 011001001?00 8 00101000?110 9 200?11?10000 10 101000?????? 11 00???0?10111 12 0?1101?01001 13 14 33100-000010 15 000000010010 16 0??0??100000For Peer Review Only 17 1011?0000000 18 ?100000-0000 19 0?0000?????0 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????0 23 ?????22????2 24 201112111?01 25 010?100210-0 26 01--1001??00 27 04?112?0020? 28 29 ?????--00--- 30 ---0------0 31 ??--01----- 32 Cricosaurus_vignaudi ? ? ? ? ? 2 1 0 0 0 33 0310???????? 34 ??????-????? 35 -30??0-???31 36 37 -??1??21-010 38 ?01?0?00?00? 39 ?010???????0 40 ?????0?0?012 41 400011-1?-20 42 100100000002 43 44 00111?011?0? 45 ??2010???3?0 46 001?????1001 47 ??????1010?? 48 ?0?????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ??????0????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ????????1??? 54 ?0?????????? 55 ??000?30--20 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 136 of 173

1 2 3 ?????11?1??? 4 ??????????13 5 6 2???-?0????0 7 0??????????? 8 ???1?1?0???? 9 ??????????0? 10 1??????????? 11 ?????1????0? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ???????????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ???????????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ????--??---? 22 ?????-----0? 23 ?--??----- 24 Cricosaurus_lithographicus ? ? ? ? ? 2 1 0 0 25 00310??????? 26 ???11??-013? 27 0-30??0-?003 28 29 1-10?2111-01 30 010100???0?? 31 ????0?????1? 32 0?????0??001 33 20000?1-1?-2 34 010010000?00 35 20?1?10011?? 36 37 ??12010??23? 38 00???????100 39 ??????1????? 40 ?????21????? 41 ????2?????1? 42 02?????????? 43 44 ???????????0 45 00?010?????? 46 ??0????100?0 47 1010001?0--2 48 001??0?????1 49 ?????1?010?1 50 33100-00???? 51 52 ?0?????????? 53 ???01?1?0000 54 ????00000000 55 1100000?0000 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 137 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 400000?????? 4 ??????????0? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 201112?1???1 9 ???????????? 10 01--1??????0 11 045????0???? 12 ?????--00--- 13 14 ---0------0 15 11--0?----- 16 Dakosaurus_lissocephalusFor Peer ? ? Review ? 0 ?Only ? ? ? ? 17 ??110??????2 18 ???????????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ??????????01 22 0101???????? 23 ?10????????? 24 ??????0???01 25 20000?1?1??2 26 01?0?0000??0 27 1??1?10011?0 28 29 ??12010??2?? 30 00?1?????10? 31 ??????1????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ?????31?0001 35 ?11????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ?0?????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 138 of 173

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ??????----- 8 Cricosaurus_sp_Cuba 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9 ?1?????????? 10 ???????????? 11 ???????????? 12 ?????????0?? 13 14 ??1?????0??? 15 ??10???????? 16 ?????0?0?012For Peer Review Only 17 0???11-0?-20 18 1001???0???1 19 00???001??0? 20 21 ??200????3?0 22 001?????100? 23 ???????0?0?? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ??????0????? 27 ???0???????? 28 29 0?010???1??? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ??????0????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????0???? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ?????----- 53 Rhacheosaurus_gracilis 1 3 1 0 ? 2 1 0 0 54 02?????????2 55 ??1?100-013? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 139 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 0-30??0-??03 4 1-1012121-01 5 6 010100?00000 7 ?10101012010 8 011111000?00 9 2000011-00-2 10 010010000000 11 ?00111001100 12 ???2000?0231 13 14 000100000100 15 10?1??110101 16 ?20???????0?For Peer Review Only 17 ???02?0???1? 18 020??1100001 19 ????0???1?00 20 21 00?010???1?0 22 ?0????110000 23 101000?30--2 24 0?110?11?11? 25 0?1??1101001 26 3 {23} ? 0 0 - ? 0 ? ? ? ? 27 ?0?????????? 28 29 ???000100000 30 ?0110?000000 31 10-0--0-0000 32 000000111210 33 2??00?1??00? 34 0010211??0?0 35 ?2100????00? 36 37 2?1112111??1 38 ?1??10?????? 39 01--1??????0 40 04511??00??1 41 22122--00--- 42 ---0------0 43 44 11--0?----- 45 Metriorhynchidae_indet_Cuba 1 ? ? ? ? ? 1 0 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ????????00?0 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????000?0 54 120???11-00- 55 ???????0?0?? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 140 of 173

1 2 3 ?100?1?001?? 4 0?????0????3 5 6 100010000010 7 0??????110?0 8 ??20???????? 9 ?????2?????1 10 ??????010?00 11 1????0????00 12 000?010???1? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ?????????0-- 16 2??110??1?11For Peer Review Only 17 ???1???????? 18 1??????????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ?????????0?? 22 ???????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????----- 36 37 Cricosaurus_macrospondylus ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 0 0 38 ?231???????? 39 ???1100-013? 40 0-30??0-?003 41 1-1012100-01 42 0?01?0000000 43 44 ??0101012010 45 01?????00?01 46 2??????-00-2 47 ?100101?0000 48 200?1100???? 49 ??????????31 50 000100000010 51 52 ???1???10??? 53 ??0????????? 54 ??????0???1? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 141 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ????10?????? 5 6 ???????100?0 7 101000??0--2 8 0?110??1?1?1 9 ?0???1?0???1 10 32?00-00??10 11 ?0?????????? 12 ???1101?0??? 13 14 ??1?00000000 15 1100000-00?? 16 00000011?210For Peer Review Only 17 ????0??????? 18 00?0???????0 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ?????--00--- 26 ---0------0 27 ??--0?----- 28 29 Cricosaurus_saltillensis ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 30 0231???????? 31 ?????0?-013? 32 0-30??0-?00? 33 1-10?2121-01 34 010100?00000 35 ??????012010 36 37 0?????0?0?01 38 30000?1-0?-2 39 ?10010000000 40 200?1??0?1?? 41 ??1200????3? 42 0001?????010 43 44 ??????1???0? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ????101????1 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ?0?????????? 51 52 ????00??0--2 53 00?????1?111 54 ??????1????? 55 32?00-00??2? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 142 of 173

1 2 3 ?00?000?00?? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ?01?00000000 7 ?10????????? 8 ??000??????? 9 ????0??????? 10 ???????????? 11 ???????????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ???????????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ???????????? 19 ??????----- 20 21 Metriorhynchus_palpebrosus 1 3 1 0 ? 2 1 0 0 22 02??10?????2 23 ?????00-013? 24 0-30??0-000? 25 1-1012121-01 26 01010?000000 27 ?10101012010 28 29 01111?000?01 30 2000001-00-2 31 110010000000 32 10011?0011?1 33 ???2000??231 34 000100000010 35 ???13??1010? 36 37 ??0??212???? 38 ???02?0???1? 39 ?1?11010?0?? 40 ????0??????? 41 ?01010???1?0 42 ?00????????? 43 44 ???000?20--2 45 0?110?11?111 46 0?0101101001 47 33100-00??10 48 00?????????? 49 ????????0??? 50 ?0?????????0 51 52 110????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 143 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ???????????? 10 ???????????? 11 ??????----- 12 Maledictosuchus_nuyivijanan? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 13 14 ?2???0???1?? 15 ????100-???? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ?????????-01 18 0101?0?00000 19 110101012010 20 21 010111?????? 22 ???????????2 23 ?1??1000000? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ??01?0?????? 28 29 ???????2110? 30 001?2??????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????0 40 0??????????? 41 ???0101?0??? 42 ?01?00000000 43 44 1100000-0000 45 400000?????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 144 of 173

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ??????----- 5 6 Maledictosuchus_riclaensis 1 3 1 ? ? 2 1 0 0 7 022?10?????? 8 ??11100-013? 9 0-20??0-0001 10 101012121-01 11 010100000000 12 110101012010 13 14 010111000?01 15 1100021-00-2 16 010010000100For Peer Review Only 17 1101110011?0 18 ??120001?231 19 000100000000 20 21 ?0013011?101 22 ?2?102121101 23 00102?00001? 24 03?11110?001 25 ????0?0?1?00 26 00?010?0???0 27 ????111????? 28 29 ???000?????? 30 00????1????? 31 ?????????0?1 32 34100-00??10 33 002?000?00?0 34 0 ? ? 0 {01} 0 1 ? 0 0 0 0 35 1011000?0000 36 37 10-0000-00?0 38 4??????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ??????----- 50 Gracilineustes_acutus ? ? ? ? ? 2 1 0 0 0 51 52 ?3?????????? 53 ??????-?13?? 54 02???00?0?01 55 ???1??21-0?0 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 145 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ?0?????????? 4 ??1????????? 5 6 ?????0???01? 7 00000?-0?-20 8 100100??0000 9 001??00???1? 10 ??2000???310 11 001?????000? 12 ??1???1????? 13 14 ?0?????????? 15 ???2???????? 16 2?????0?????For Peer Review Only 17 ?????????000 18 ????????1??? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ???????????3 24 4?00-0???1?? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????0???? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ?????----- 42 Gracilineustes_leedsi 1 3 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 43 44 03100?????20 45 211100-013?0 46 020100000011 47 0?012121-010 48 10100000000? 49 101010120100 50 11111000?011 51 52 000001-00-20 53 100100000000 54 00101001101? 55 ?1200??0?310 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 146 of 173

1 2 3 001000000001 4 0013011010?? 5 6 1 0 ? ? 2 1 2 1 1 0 {01} 0 7 010200???110 8 ?011010?001? 9 1100?0?1?000 10 0101000?1?0? 11 00??1?100001 12 01000130--20 13 14 011001100110 15 001011010013 16 4100-00??001For Peer Review Only 17 001000?00100 18 ??0101?00001 19 0110?0000001 20 21 100000-00004 22 000001?0210? 23 ???011??00?0 24 0001112101?? 25 2???2202002? 26 100111?????? 27 ??????210-00 28 29 ????001??000 30 ?41121002012 31 1122--00---- 32 --0------01 33 1 - - 0 ? - - - - - 34 Metriorhynchus_geoffroyii ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 0 0 35 ???????????? 36 37 ??111?0?013? 38 002010000001 39 1010?2121-0? 40 ????00?0000? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ????0??2???? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???0???????? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 147 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????1 8 3??00-0001?0 9 0??????????? 10 ???????????? 11 ???????????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ???????????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ???????????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ??????----- 26 Metriorhynchus_superciliosus 1 3 1 0 1 2 1 0 27 00300100?11? 28 29 20211100-013 30 000201000000 31 1101012121-0 32 101010000000 33 0?1010101201 34 0011111000?0 35 11000001-00- 36 37 201001000000 38 000010100110 39 00-120001023 40 100010000000 41 010013011010 42 1?1010212110 43 44 1001020000?1 45 101011010000 46 10110010?100 47 0?0101000011 48 0?0001111000 49 0101000120-- 50 200110011001 51 52 100010110100 53 133100-00011 54 000000001001 55 000?01010000 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 148 of 173

1 2 3 010110000000 4 01100000-000 5 6 040000011021 7 022?00111100 8 100000112101 9 0?2110220200 10 1?1001111000 11 1?1??100210- 12 001--1001110 13 14 004411210020 15 ?2112?--00-- 16 ----0------For Peer Review Only 17 011--0?----- 18 Geosaurine_indet_Argentina ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 19 ??0????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????00?0? 25 ?1?1000??0?? 26 0?????00???? 27 ?????01????2 28 29 010???0????? 30 0?0???00???0 31 ??????????3? 32 ??01???????0 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ?????2?????1 38 ???0???????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ????????0--2 42 ???????????? 43 44 0??????????1 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ????????0??? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 1??????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 149 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ??????----- 10 Metriorhynchus'_casamiquelai ? ? ? 0 1 0 0 0 11 0003??00???? 12 2?????000013 13 14 ??020??00?0? 15 210??1??21-0 16 10?010??0000For Peer Review Only 17 0??010001201 18 1011111000?0 19 12000?01-01- 20 21 201001000000 22 00001010011- 23 0??1200??0?3 24 000010000000 25 0???1??11010 26 ??10??2?2??? 27 ????02?0???1 28 29 ?0301?210000 30 1???00??01?? 31 0?0?010???1? 32 ?200?1111000 33 0101000130-- 34 200110??0?10 35 ?0?00?????0? 36 37 132?00-00??1 38 ??0????????? 39 ??0??100?000 40 0?0110?0?000 41 010-?--?-?0? 42 ???????????? 43 44 0????0?????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????----- 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 150 of 173

1 2 3 Metriorhynchus'_westermanni ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 4 00?3???????0 5 6 ??2????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ??????????0? 10 0??????????? 11 ???????00??0 12 12?????1??1? 13 14 2????????0?0 15 ?00?10?????0 16 ??????0??0?3For Peer Review Only 17 ?00????????? 18 0??????????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???0?12?00?? 23 1???0?1?0??? 24 ?????10????1 25 ?2?????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????----- 48 Neptunidraco_ammoniticus ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ??????????0? 54 ?????0?????? 55 ???10??????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 151 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ??????0???0? 4 2000???????2 5 6 ?100?00????? 7 11???10?1??? 8 ??????????3? 9 ??01???????0 10 ???????????? 11 ???????????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ???0???????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ???000??0--2 19 0?????1???0? 20 21 ?????1?0???1 22 ?21????????? 23 ?0?????????? 24 ???0100?0??? 25 ??1?00?????? 26 {01} ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 27 ???????????0 28 29 1??????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????0???? 38 ???????????? 39 ??????----- 40 Metriorhynchus_brachyrhynchus 1 3 1 0 {12} 0 0 0 41 00300100???? 42 202111000013 43 44 000201000000 45 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 {01} 1 - 0 46 101010000000 47 0?1010001201 48 0011111000?0 49 11000001-00- 50 211001000000 51 52 011010100110 53 0??120001023 54 100010000000 55 0?0013011010 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 152 of 173

1 2 3 1?1010212110 4 30100200?0?1 5 6 103011210000 7 1?1100?0?1?0 8 000101000?11 9 0?00??111000 10 0101000110-- 11 200110011000 12 100011110100 13 14 132100-00002 15 000000001001 16 0 0For 1 Peer ? 0 Review {12} 0 0Only ? 0 0 0 17 010110000000 18 011000121100 19 040000001021 20 21 012?00111100 22 100000112101 23 0?210??????? 24 ???????????? 25 ?????100210- 26 001--1001110 27 00?311210020 28 29 ??????--00-- 30 ----0------31 011--0?----- 32 Tyrannoneustes_lythrodectikos 1 3 1 0 ? 0 0 0 33 0030010????? 34 ?0?11100-013 35 000201?000?0 36 37 ?11??1?111-0 38 ?01?10000000 39 0??????????? 40 ???????000?0 41 11000001-0?- 42 201101000000 43 44 01101?100110 45 0??12000?023 46 100?1?????00 47 0??0?30110?0 48 ????10212110 49 {23} 0 1 0 0 2 0 ? ? ? ? ? 50 ???011210?00 51 52 1???00?0???? 53 ??????????11 54 0??0????1100 55 0101000110-- 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 153 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 2002100????? 4 10001??1??0? 5 6 132200-?0103 7 00000000?001 8 001?1?????00 9 010110000000 10 011000121100 11 0200000????1 12 01???011???? 13 14 ???????????1 15 ??????220??? 16 ??10011?????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????- 18 001--1111110 19 00??11210020 20 21 ??????--00-- 22 ----0------23 011--0?----- 24 CAMSM_J18212 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 25 2??????????? 26 ?1?1???013?0 27 020100000021 28 29 1 ? 0 1 2 1 {12} 1 - ? ? ? 30 ???0???????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ??11??2????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????3 50 ??00-0010?12 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 154 of 173

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ???????????? 10 ???????????? 11 ???????????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ?????----- 16 NMO_26589 ?For ? Peer ? ? Review ? ? ?Only ? ? ? 2 17 ???????????? 18 1?1???013?00 19 201000000111 20 21 1 0 1 2 1 {12} 1 - ? ? ? ? 22 ??0????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ?11??2?????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ??????????3? 42 ?00-0010?12? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 155 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ????----- 8 Chouquet_cf_hastifer ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 0 0 0 9 22??0??????? 10 ???????013?0 11 0201?00?0021 12 1101?1?1-010 13 14 1010000000?? 15 ???????????? 16 ?????0???012For Peer Review Only 17 0000?1-0?-2? 18 110100000001 19 10??10011??? 20 21 ??200????3?0 22 001?????000? 23 ?????1?????? 24 ??11??2????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????3 34 2200-0010?12 35 ???????????? 36 37 ??110??0???? 38 ???000000001 39 1000????00?5 40 00000????10? 41 ???0?1?????? 42 0???11?????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ?????----- 53 Mr_Passmores_specimen ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 0 54 032????????? 55 ??1?1?0?013? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 156 of 173

1 2 3 0020?000?0?2 4 111012?11-0? 5 6 01?10000000? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ???????-??-2 10 ?11????0000? 11 ???????????? 12 ??12000??2?? 13 14 ?????????00? 15 ???????????? 16 ???11??2????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ???10????00? 19 ?110???????? 20 21 ???000?????? 22 ?10?????10?? 23 ????000?0--2 24 002?????0??1 25 00???1?0???1 26 ?2200?0010?1 27 20?????????? 28 29 ???110??0??? 30 ??1?000?0000 31 110001211??0 32 50??00????1? 33 ???????????? 34 00?0???????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ?????--??--- 42 ---0------0 43 44 1?--??----- 45 cf_Torvoneustes_(MANCH_J6459) ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 46 0?22???????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ?????????1?0 50 10101?0?0000 51 52 0??????01201 53 001????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ?????1000000 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 157 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ??????????00 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ???????????? 10 ???????????? 11 ????0??????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ???????????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ??????????0? 18 ??1????????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????----- 36 37 Torvoneustes_coryphaeus 1 3 1 0 ? ? ? ? ? 38 022100?????2 39 ?????00????? 40 ???????????? 41 ??????????01 42 01?1??0??0?0 43 44 110100012010 45 010111000?01 46 2000011-00-2 47 111010000000 48 110101001101 49 ??1200010231 50 000100000000 51 52 ??0130110101 53 ?10??????1?? 54 ???????????? 55 ??0102100111 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 158 of 173

1 2 3 ???001001??? 4 ????????0??0 5 6 ????111110?? 7 ????????0--2 8 ??21????0??1 9 0???11101001 10 ?22????????? 11 ???????????? 12 ????10??1??? 13 14 ????00000000 15 11010??????? 16 41??00??????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ???????????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ??????----- 28 29 Torvoneustes_carpenteri ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 0 0 30 023100?????? 31 ?????00?0?3? 32 002?1000?0?1 33 11??1?111?01 34 010100000000 35 ??0????????? 36 37 ??????0?0?01 38 200000?-0?-2 39 ?11010000000 40 110101?011?? 41 ?????0????31 42 0001?????000 43 44 ?00???110?0? 45 ??011??2?1?3 46 ??0????????? 47 ??????????1? 48 ???00??????? 49 ?0?0???????? 50 ?00????????? 51 52 ???000?????? 53 00??0??????? 54 ????????10?1 55 31200-0010?0 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 159 of 173 Alcheringa

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1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ???????????? 8 ???????????? 9 ???????????? 10 ???????????? 11 ??????----- 12 Torvoneustes_sp_(SEC_K1707) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ???????????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ???????????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ???????????? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ?????????011 32 1???00?????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 161 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????----- 5 6 Purranisaurus_potens 1 3 1 0 ? ? ? 0 0 0 7 ????00????20 8 2???00?????? 9 ???????????? 10 ?????????0?0 11 ?01?0000000? 12 ??1000120100 13 14 ????1000?013 15 000001-00-21 16 1101??000001For Peer Review Only 17 10?0100110?? 18 ?12000102310 19 0?1?00?0000? 20 21 00?3011?101? 22 ????2?2??0?? 23 ???200???110 24 ?0102100001? 25 1100100?0000 26 0?010?0?1102 27 00?111110?01 28 29 01?????0--2? 30 ?21????0??10 31 ????1?0?0??? 32 ?200??????0? 33 ???????????? 34 ???10??????? 35 0??000000001 36 37 ??0?????0??? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ?????----- 50 Ieldraan_melkshamensis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 51 52 ?10????????? 53 ??????00???? 54 ???????????? 55 ?????????-?? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 162 of 173

1 2 3 ??01???????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ??????????0? 7 {12} 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? 2 8 ?110??000??0 9 1??????????? 10 ???????????? 11 00???????0?? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ???????????? 16 ????????1???For Peer Review Only 17 ???0???????? 18 ????10?????? 19 ???????110?0 20 21 1010????0--2 22 ??2?0?1????1 23 ?????????0?? 24 ???????????? 25 ???0???????? 26 ???????????? 27 ??0011000000 28 29 1100012110?1 30 10??00?????? 31 ???????????? 32 ???????????? 33 ???????????? 34 ???????????? 35 ???????????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ??????----- 42 Geosaurus_giganteus ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 0 ? 43 44 13???0?????? 45 ?1110000?3?0 46 02????0???21 47 0??2??11-010 48 10100000000? 49 101000120100 50 111110???012 51 52 00000?-00-2? 53 110100?00001 54 10?0?001??0? 55 ?????????310 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 163 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 001000000001 4 ?013011??01? 5 6 10??2??????? 7 ???????????? 8 ??????0????? 9 ??00???????? 10 0??????????? 11 0?????110?01 12 01000110--20 13 14 0210011?001? 15 ???????1??13 16 11??-?0003??For Peer Review Only 17 00?0???????? 18 2?12001010?1 19 000110000001 20 21 100023110010 22 00000?????0? 23 ???0?1?????? 24 ???????????? 25 ???????????? 26 ???????????? 27 ???????????? 28 29 ????00?????? 30 ???12??????? 31 ????--??---- 32 --???-----0? 33 ?--??----- 34 Geosaurus_grandis ? 3 1 0 ? 0 0 0 0 0 35 131?0??????? 36 37 ?111000013?0 38 020?0?0?0021 39 0?012?11-010 40 1010?000000? 41 ?010???????? 42 ?????0???012 43 44 00000?-00-2? 45 110100000001 46 10?0?001??0? 47 ?12000??23?0 48 001?????000? 49 ?????11??01? 50 ?0??2??????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ??????0????? 54 1100???????? 55 01?????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 164 of 173

1 2 3 00????110001 4 01000??????0 5 6 0?????1?0?1? 7 ???????10??3 8 ??00-00????? 9 00?0???????? 10 ??120??0000? 11 000110000001 12 100023110010 13 14 00000??????? 15 ???????????? 16 ????????????For Peer Review Only 17 ???????????? 18 ???????????? 19 ???????????? 20 21 ???????????? 22 ???????????? 23 ????????---? 24 ?????????-0? 25 ?--??----- 26 Geosaurus_lapparenti ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 27 ?3?????????? 28 29 ???????????? 30 ???????????? 31 ??????????1? 32 ????????0??? 33 ???????????? 34 ?????0????12 35 ??????????21 36 37 1101???0???1 38 1?????0????? 39 ?????????3?? 40 ????????000? 41 ?????????0?? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ???????????? 46 ??0????????? 47 ???????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ???????????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ???200?0???? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 165 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 ???010?00001 4 100023?????0 5 6 0??00?????01 7 ???0???????? 8 ???????????? 9 ???????????? 10 ???111?????? 11 ???????????? 12 ???????????? 13 14 ???????????? 15 ????--????-- 16 --???-----0?For Peer Review Only 17 ?--??----- 18 Suchodus_durobrivensis 1 3 1 0 ? 0 0 0 0 19 020010?????2 20 21 ??1???000?3? 22 0?2????????? 23 ?0??1?111?0? 24 010100?00000 25 ???????????? 26 01111?000?01 27 10000?2-0?-? 28 29 ?1?????00000 30 1?????????00 31 ??12000?023? 32 ?????????000 33 ???????????? 34 ???????21104 35 00002??????? 36 37 ??01121??001 38 ?110?????0?0 39 0??00000???? 40 ?10????11100 41 101000?10--2 42 0021001?0??1 43 44 00???1?01001 45 ?1?????00030 46 1001000?0000 47 01?210??0??? 48 ??0000000000 49 111001201?0? 50 30?000?????? 51 52 ???????????? 53 ???????????? 54 ???????????? 55 ???????????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 166 of 173

1 2 3 ???????????? 4 ???????????? 5 6 ???????????? 7 ?????--????- 8 ---???-----0 9 ??--??----- 10 Plesiosuchus_manselii 1 3 1 0 ? 0 0 0 0 11 021??0?????2 12 ?21??0000130 13 14 002010000002 15 10?012121-01 16 01?100000000For Peer Review Only 17 ??0????????? 18 ??????000?01 19 ?0000?2-0?-? 20 21 ?11???000000 22 ?10???0011?0 23 ??12000??2?? 24 ?????????00? 25 ??????1????? 26 ? 1 0 1 0 {12} 1 2 1 ? ? 5 27 000?2??????? 28 29 ???112100001 30 ?1100????0?? 31 ?0?010?0?110 32 ?10????11100 33 101000110--2 34 002100110001 35 000111101001 36 37 311??-000030 38 100100010000 39 02?2100?00?? 40 ?00000000000 41 11100230100? 42 300000?????? 43 44 ???????????1 45 ???????????? 46 ???????????? 47 ?0?????????? 48 ???????????? 49 ???????????? 50 ????12?????? 51 52 ?????--????- 53 ---???-----0 54 ??--??----- 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 167 of 173 Alcheringa

1 2 3 Dakosaurus_andiniensis 0 3 1 0 ? 0 2 1 0 4 0031?00?1??? 5 6 ??1110000130 7 0030?????002 8 10?012111-01 9 0?0100000001 10 ?10100012011 11 011111000?01 12 3000002-00-2 13 14 112110000000 15 210?010011?0 16 ??11000??231For Peer Review Only 17 000100000000 18 1?1130110101 19 ?10????2??0? 20 21 ????2?????11 22 ???11210?001 23 ?1100100???? 24 ?0?000???1?0 25 200?11111000 26 101000100--2 27 112110?100?1 28 29 0???????1001 30 30100-00??3? 31 10?????????? 32 ???21001000? 33 10000000000? 34 112002312000 35 000000?????? 36 37 ???????????? 38 ???????????? 39 ???????????? 40 ???????????? 41 ???????????? 42 ???????????? 43 44 ???????????? 45 ?????????--- 46 ??????????-0 47 ??--??----- 48 Dakosaurus_maximus? 3 1 ? ? 0 0 1 0 0 49 311?0??????? 50 ?111000013?0 51 52 03010???0021 53 0?012111-010 54 1?100000001? 55 ?0100??????? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Alcheringa Page 168 of 173

1 2 3 ?????000?013 4 000002-0?-21 5 6 1211?0?00001 7 101?10011?0? 8 ??200????3?0 9 001?????000? 10 ?????1?????? 11 10????2????? 12 ???2???????? 13 14 ????210???1? 15 ??0????????? 16 ????????1???For Peer Review Only 17 0?????110?01 18 01000?10--21 19 1211011?0010 20 21 0??11?010013 22 1100-0000301 23 021100?00000 24 3?21001000?1 25 000000000011 26 1200231200?0 27 00000???2101 28 29 ???011??0?1? 30 ???0????0??? 31 210022?2??1? 32 ?00111?????0 33 10?????????? 34 ???????11?00 35 ???12?00???? 36 37 ????--00???- 38 --0------?01 39 1 ? ? ? ? - - - - - 40 Mr_Leeds_dakosaur 1 3 1 0 ? 0 0 1 0 0 41 30010?????20 42 ?111000013?0 43 44 0???000?0021 45 0?0?2111-010 46 10100?00001? 47 1?10?0120110 48 1111?000?011 49 000002-00-21 50 111100000001 51 52 101010011?0? 53 ?12000??2310 54 0?1?00?0000? 55 00??01???0?? 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected] Page 169 of 173 Alcheringa

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1 2 3 4 ctype ord: 7 23 36 43 56 64 105 171 173 182 212 230 238 268 280 336 362 365 371 378 382 5 6 417 420 430 431 433 445; 7 8 END; 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 For Peer Review Only 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 URL: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/talc E-mail: [email protected]