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7018 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 2, 1979 I do not have anything else at the GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Harris, James B. Poore, Wayne M. moment. Rowland G. Freeman III, of California, to Healy, David A. Porter, Glen E. be Administ rator of General Services, vice Heister, Earl W. Post , Donald H. Jay Sclomon, resigned. Henry, Daniel A. Primmer, Loren D., Jr. RECESS UNTIL WEDNESDAY, Hockensmith, Steven Reiman, Teryl L. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW APRIL 4, 1979 B. Ritchie, Jerry D. COMMISSION Hulland, Steven R. Roberts, James C. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Timothy F. Cleary, of Maryland, to be a Hux, Dory B. Rothwell, John W., Jr. if there be no further business to come member of the Occupational Safety and Jackson, George L., Jr. Rutherford, Thomas before the Senate, I move, in accordance Health Review Commission for a term ex Jacobus, David F. M., Sr. with the order previously entered, that piring April 27, 1985 (reappointment). Jones, Joseph M. Schatz, Robert A. IN THE MARINE CORPS Keegan, Frederick J. Sloan, John R . the Senate stand in r 0 •':' P.SS until the hour The following-named chief warrant officers Keene, Douglas R. Smit h , Paul W. of 12 noon on Wednesday. Klaus, Garry N . Smit h, Victor J . The motion 'A-as a.c; ... t:a;J to ; and at 6: 10 for t emporary appointment to the grade of first lieutenant in the Marine Corps, for Labonne, Michael D. Smit h , Wilbur M., Jr. p .m ., the Senate recessed until Wednes limited duty, pursuant t o title 10, U.S. Code, Laymance, Elbert Sorensen, Gerald R. day, April 4, 1979, at 12 o'clock meridian. section 5596, subject to the qualifications Lewis, Edward B. Stevens, Keith D. therefor as provided by law: Lucinski, Ronald J ., Tamayo, Mario H. Jr. Taylor, James C. Adams, Thomas E. Connelley, John R. NOMINATIONS Lusk, Stephen E. Thorpe, James G. Alderson, John H., Jr. Consford, Barton D., Lynch, Michael R. Throckmorton, Executive nominations received by the Anasagasti, Geza J . Sr. Lyon, Joseph R., Jr. Ronald Senate April 2, 1979: Anding, Winst on E. Crabill, Charles L. Mahoney, William R. Townsend, Jerrel R. Angely, Donald P. Cripps, Alan T. Martinez, Jacobo L. Trosper, John T. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Barnes, Kurt T. Davis, David Robert P. Smith, of Virginia, a Foreign Mason, Tyrone L. Vandeursen, John M. Beatty, Richard F. Dorsey, Robert D. McDaniel, Edward G. Varel11, John J. Service officer of class 1, to be Ambassador Blick, Jimmie L. Douglas, Donald D. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Mendez, Christobol H. Walczak, Daniel G. Boyer, Kenneth E. Dunphy, Thomas J . Monroe, William M . W111iams, Richard P. Unit ed States of America to Liberia. Bradford, John C. Dye, Dale A., II William Lacy Swing, of North Carolina, a Mullins, Daniel S. Wilson, Jerry L., Sr. Briscoe, Joseph O. Flores, Samuel L., Jr. Neel, John K. Windham, Alva R. Foreign Service officer of class 2, to be Am Brown, Randy P. Frazee, Rodney bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Palacios, Benjamin, Wolbert, Eugene E. Burke, William L. Frost, Jack D. Jr. Young, Richard D. of the United States of America to the Peo Burroughs, Joseph B., Fultz, Thomas E. ple's Republlc of the Congo. Jr. Fussell, Clarence R., The following-named chief warrant officer THE JUDICIARY Burwell, Edward Jr. (W-3), U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, for ap Frank Minis Johnson, Jr., of Alabama, to L., Jr. Gardner, Thomas H. pointment to chief warrant officer (W-3) in be U.S. circuit judge for the Fifth Circuit Cecil, Stephen E. Gaulin, George V. the U.S. Marine Corps, pursuant to title 10, Court of Appeals, vice a new position created Clyde, William L. Green, Edward U.S. Code, section 555, subject to the quall by Publlc Law 95-486, approved October 20, Cogswell, Merritt L. Green, Lawrence R. fications therefor as provided by law: 1978. Conley, Matthew W. Hannaford, John C. Reynolds, Thomas A. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A CONDOMINIUM OWNER'S BILL OF seek a judicial determination that a lease condominium housing. The conversion of is unconscionable: and rental projects to condominiums has also en RIGHTS gendered much controversy. Major problems Include an antifraud provision to pro associated with this phenomenon include: tect the buyer from misstatements in the the social and economic consequences result HON. HERBERT E. HARRIS II disclosure statement or in the advertis ing from the displacement of existing ten OF VIRGINIA ing literature. nants; the potential for consumer abuse IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through the conversion of older bulldings Enactment of the Condominium Act of which may require extensive repairs; and in Monday, April 2, 1979 1979 would prevent future abuses and adequate notification of the intent to con • Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, on Wed provide remedies for the serious problems vert. nesday, March 28, 1979, I had the oppor that already exist. That is why I am a co The Condominium Act of 1979 would alle tunity to testify before the Banking, Fi sponsor of this bill and that is why I be viate these, as well as other, problems. It is nance and Urban Affairs Subcommittee lieve the bill should be adopted. I am indeed time that the Congress enact a "Con on Housing and Community Develop pleased to share my thoughts on this dominium Owner's Bill of Rights" that offers matter with my colleagues: · ' basic protections to those who have chosen ment in favor of the proposed Condomin this form of home-ownership.e ium Act of 1979. Mr. Chairman: As a co-sponsor of the Con dominium Act of 1979, I welcome this oppor This act addresses many of the major tunity to testify before this Subcommittee. problems and abuses faced by those who Mr. Chairman, the rapid prollferatlon of HOW TO GET MORE OIL choose to live in condominiums. Among condominiums in the 1970's has made a sig other provisions, this bill would: ficant impact on the Northern Virginia hous HON. LARRY McDONALD Require full disclosure to the pur ing market. Many factors can be attributed to this growth. Increased production costs OF GEORGIA chaser of any information necessary to for new homes, demographic changes, cer IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES make an informed decision including a tain tax incentives and various other reasons detailed description of the condominium, have contributed to the "condominium Monday, April 2, 1979 the developer's obligations, and the pur boom". In Alexandria City alone, almost 1,- • Mr. McDONALD. Mr. Speaker, the best chaser's rights; 000 new condominiums were constructed during the last year. answer to the OPEC nations and their Make automatic rent increase clauses inclination to constantly increase the unenforceable as to future increases The growth in condominium ownership has been accompanied by the appearance of a price of oil, is to increase U.S. oil pro when the rent increases are tied to the wide range of consumer issues, problems and duction. This will not happen if the price cost-of-living index and have no rela alleged a·buses not experienced beforb in the of U.S. oil is kept artificially low. How tionship to the developer's obligations housing market. Low-quality construction, ever, to hear some of our officials speak, under the lease; unconscionable management contracts, long you would think we find it prefer able to Require the developer to warrant the term recreation leases with very high esca lation clauses, complex and incomprehensi send our dollars overseas rather than common elements of the condominium ble legal documents and the failure of devel permit our own people to make profits in for at least 3 years and to give each opers to provide the number or types of fa the oil industry. Hopefully, President buyer a 1-year warranty on the main c111ties described in promotional literature Carter will soon make the free enterprise unit; are among the many problems associated decisison and lift controls. That is .the Allow condominium unit owners to with sales, development and ownership of only way in which we can extricate our- • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. April 2, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7019 selves from this self-created dependence movements of any one commodity. Nor does According to recent studies. on foreign oil. The Wall Street Journal the case for decontrol depend on the drlllers' Students today fare as well or better in assessment of U.S. oil potential. Even if they reading than students in the 1940s, when of March 12, 1979, explained the whole find no additional on at all, decontrol of all given identical tests, even though a much problem in a very lucid mannner. I in energy prices is the only way to bring on sub larger percentage of our youth are now en clude it at this point for the edification stitute forms of energy in a smooth and effi rolled in school. of my colleagues : cient pattern. Development of substitutes Our high school graduates score higher on How TO GET MORE OIL will be retarded until the drlllers' predictions international assessment tests in reading On June 1 President Carter has an oppor are proved or disproved. than all but three of the other industrial tunity to strike a blow in favor of U.S. en Today the incremental cost of oil to the countries, despite the fact that those coun ergy for a change instead of against it. On U.S. economy is more than $14 a barrel, and tries graduate a much smaller proportion of that day he acquires the power to suspend headed upward if Middle East instab111ties their students.