Synopsis of Lecture to RAeS Loughborough Branch on 12 April 2011 Concorde – From Beginning to End by Ted Talbot, retired Chief Design Engineer, Airbus. Serious design work on what was to become Concorde started in the UK in 1958/9. Collaboration with France began in 1962, following an intergovernmental agreement. Much of the technology input to the design came from the UK. Aircraft such as the Fairey Delta 2 (1952), Handley Page HP 115 (1961), Bristol Siddeley Type 221, a much modified FD2 with an ogee wing shape (1964) and the Bristol Siddeley Type 188 (1962) all represented important technology demonstrators for the Concorde design. Significant data on the effects of engine location on the consequences of engine failure were also obtained from the US Convair Hustler (1962). Initially aircraft manufacturers were required to submit plans for a Super-Sonic Transport (SST) aircraft operating at Mach 1.2, 1.8, 2.2 and 3. The Bristol 221 was selected as the basis for the SST design. The Bristol Aeroplane company had already been split into Bristol Aircraft and Bristol Aero Engines. The former was integrated into the British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) in 1959 and the latter eventually became part of Rolls-Royce in 1966. The final design for Concorde was thus a joint design between BAC and Sud Aviation (SUD) of France and the engines were a joint Rolls-Royce and SNECMA of France development of the original Bristol Olympus engine. The configuration defined by this design remained substantially unchanged right through to production. There were also two competing SST aircraft being designed in the 1960s. These were the Boeing 2707 (developed only to the wooden mock-up stage) and the Tupolev 144 (otherwise known as Concordski) which flew just ahead of Concorde in 1969. In addition the US were developing the Rockwell B-70 supersonic bomber (1964). One of the most difficult design areas for Concorde proved to be the engine/intake combination. The Olympus engine was originally designed for V-bomber applications. Rolls-Royce/SNECMA further developed the Olympus engines for Concorde such that their thrust was increased by a factor of three. The problem to be overcome was the extreme range of airspeeds at the engine air intake. This meant that the intake was required to reduce the airspeed from Mach 1.91 down to Mach 0.5 between the front of the air intake and the front of the engine, i.e. the compressor face. At the same time the air intake was required to allow the aircraft to operate at comparatively low speeds during take-off, landing and subsonic flight. The necessary control was effected by incorporating front and rear ramps and an air bleed door into the air intake section of the engine system. The bleed door was used during landing to reduce the air flow to the engine and hence the engine thrust and also to prevent any engine surges, for example, following the ingestion of water on the runway. The fact that the engines remained surge free under all operating conditions was an important feature of Concorde. In addition the engine air intakes were fitted with “directors/wedges” to take out the adverse effects of the air boundary layer accumulated as the air passed under the wing in front of the intakes. Both the Tupolev 144 and the Rockwell B70 suffered from problems with their engine air intakes but in these instances the design problems were not solved as successfully as with Concorde. The movements of the engine ramps and bleed door were controlled by an analogue electro- mechanical control system. Overall the air intake control laws were three times more complex than those of the actual engine. The aircraft fuel was contained in 13 separate tanks and it was necessary to move the fuel from one tank to another to compensate for the changes in the aircraft centre of lift which occur with changing Mach number. In an emergency slow down it was necessary to achieve a rapid transfer of fuel from the back to the front tanks in order to maintain aircraft stability. This was tested during development using a complex and very large fuel transfer test rig. The engines were mounted on the aircraft such that they could flex independently of the other parts of the aircraft structure. The full engine system was tested in a full size test cell at the National Gas Turbine Establishment (NGTE), Pyestock, UK. The system was also tested in a Major Failure Test Rig where it was subject to the full aircraft hot/cold temperature cycle. Further engine tests were carried out on the Vulcan Flying Test Bed. The single Concorde Olympus engine, mounted for test with a representative intake under the Vulcan fuselage, could provide sufficient power to maintain the aircraft in flight without the use of any of the aircraft’s own engines. Thoughout most of its in-service life Concorde was subject to only minor problems requiring rectification. The Gonesse accident in France was the exception. Here a piece of metal, which had previously dropped off a Continental Airlines aircraft on take-off from Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, was spun round by the Concorde tyre and then propelled upwards towards one of the aircraft fuel tanks. The piece of metal hit a relatively thick section of the fuel tank casing and produced a shock wave which was transmitted to a thinner section of the casing. This ruptured causing a fuel spillage. In addition the control electrics in the wheel well were damaged. It was not possible to retain control in this situation given that the aircraft was fully loaded and in the process of taking off. As a result the aircraft crashed at Gonesse not far from the airport. The remaining Concorde aircraft were retired from normal airline service in 2004. Concorde – The Last Touchdown (at Filton, Bristol on 26th November 2004).
3-VIEWS - TABLE of CONTENTS to Search: Hold "Ctrl" Key Then Press "F" Key
3-VIEWS - TABLE of CONTENTS To search: Hold "Ctrl" key then press "F" key. Enter manufacturer or model number in search box. Click your back key to return to the search page. It is highly recommended to read Order Instructions and Information pages prior to selection. Aircraft MFGs beginning with letter A ................................................................. 3 B ................................................................. 6 C.................................................................10 D.................................................................14 E ................................................................. 17 F ................................................................. 18 G ................................................................21 H................................................................. 23 I .................................................................. 26 J ................................................................. 26 K ................................................................. 27 L ................................................................. 28 M ................................................................30 N................................................................. 35 O ................................................................37 P ................................................................. 38 Q ................................................................40 R................................................................
Pegasus Vectored-thrust Turbofan Engine Matador Harrier Sea Harrier AV-8A International Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark 24 July 1993 International Air Tattoo '93 RAF Fairford The American Society of Mechanical Engineers I MECH E I NTERNATIONAL H ISTORIC M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING L ANDMARK PEGASUS V ECTORED-THRUST T URBOFAN ENGINE 1960 T HE B RISTOL AERO-ENGINES (ROLLS-R OYCE) PEGASUS ENGINE POWERED THE WORLD'S FIRST PRACTICAL VERTICAL/SHORT-TAKEOFF-AND-LANDING JET AIRCRAFT , THE H AWKER P. 1127 K ESTREL. USING FOUR ROTATABLE NOZZLES, ITS THRUST COULD BE DIRECTED DOWNWARD TO LIFT THE AIRCRAFT, REARWARD FOR WINGBORNE FLIGHT, OR IN BETWEEN TO ENABLE TRANSITION BETWEEN THE TWO FLIGHT REGIMES. T HIS ENGINE, SERIAL NUMBER BS 916, WAS PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND IS THE EARLIEST KNOWN SURVIVOR. PEGASUS ENGINE REMAIN IN PRODUCTION FOR THE H ARRIER II AIRCRAFT. T HE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF M ECHANICAL ENGINEERS T HE INSTITUTION OF M ECHANICAL ENGINEERS 1993 Evolution of the Pegasus Vectored-thrust Engine Introduction cern resulted in a perceived need trol and stability problems associ- The Pegasus vectored for combat runways for takeoff and ated with the transition from hover thrust engine provides the power landing, and which could, if re- to wing-borne flight. for the first operational vertical quired, be dispersed for operation The concepts examined and short takeoff and landing jet from unprepared and concealed and pursued to full-flight demon- aircraft. The Harrier entered ser- sites. Naval interest focused on a stration included "tail sitting" types vice with the Royal Air Force (RAF) similar objective to enable ship- exemplified by the Convair XFY-1 in 1969, followed by the similar borne combat aircraft to operate and mounted jet engines, while oth- AV-8A with the United States Ma- from helicopter-size platforms and ers used jet augmentation by means rine Corps in 1971.
The Preserve Celebrating lots of anniversaries Alvis Fiat Club Armstrong Siddeley Triumph Herald Mini Jaguar Mk 9 & Jaguar Mk 2 VOLVO Car Club Datsun 240Z Hudson AMC Car Club Bolwell Nagari August 2019 Shannons Sydney Classic President’s Report Your 2019 Committee Executive Committee Terry Thompson OAM President The 2018/2019 year has continued the CMC NSW growth and advocacy of our member- VSWG, RSAC & Govt. ship and the historic/classic vehicle movement in general. The Committee has worked Liaison / AHMF Delegate diligently to catch up with things since the unfortunate passing of our wonder woman Secretary, Ms Julie Williams, in June 2018. Tony De Luca Vice President & SSC I again suggest to ALL clubs that you must have plans in place for succession as our hard working executive members are getting older and nothing is certain in this big bad world Kay De Luca folks. Encourage those younger folks please. Treasurer/SSC/Editor Enough of the doom and gloom huh? Our membership of clubs and hence people in Affiliation Renewals those clubs has grown quickly and I will try to set out some numbers below to give you Karen Symington an idea of the size of our group. Secretary General / SSC Last year’s Shannons Sydney Classic display day at Sydney Motorsport Park was once again a booming success. It never ceases to amaze me how Tony De Luca and Allen General Committee Seymour can fit in all the vehicles when the grounds are finite to a major degree. They Lester Gough are wizards in my opinion but fortunately they do not wear robes and pointed hats.
The Connection ROYAL AIR FORCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 2 The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the contributors concerned and are not necessarily those held by the Royal Air Force Historical Society. Copyright 2011: Royal Air Force Historical Society First published in the UK in 2011 by the Royal Air Force Historical Society All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the Publisher in writing. ISBN 978-0-,010120-2-1 Printed by 3indrush 4roup 3indrush House Avenue Two Station 5ane 3itney O72. 273 1 ROYAL AIR FORCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY President 8arshal of the Royal Air Force Sir 8ichael Beetham 4CB CBE DFC AFC Vice-President Air 8arshal Sir Frederick Sowrey KCB CBE AFC Committee Chairman Air Vice-8arshal N B Baldwin CB CBE FRAeS Vice-Chairman 4roup Captain J D Heron OBE Secretary 4roup Captain K J Dearman 8embership Secretary Dr Jack Dunham PhD CPsychol A8RAeS Treasurer J Boyes TD CA 8embers Air Commodore 4 R Pitchfork 8BE BA FRAes 3ing Commander C Cummings *J S Cox Esq BA 8A *AV8 P Dye OBE BSc(Eng) CEng AC4I 8RAeS *4roup Captain A J Byford 8A 8A RAF *3ing Commander C Hunter 88DS RAF Editor A Publications 3ing Commander C 4 Jefford 8BE BA 8anager *Ex Officio 2 CONTENTS THE BE4INNIN4 B THE 3HITE FA8I5C by Sir 4eorge 10 3hite BEFORE AND DURIN4 THE FIRST 3OR5D 3AR by Prof 1D Duncan 4reenman THE BRISTO5 F5CIN4 SCHOO5S by Bill 8organ 2, BRISTO5ES
THE RAF HARRIER STORY ROYAL AIR FORCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 2 The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the contributors concerned and are not necessarily those held by the Royal Air Force Historical Society. Copyright 2006: Royal Air Force Historical Society First published in the UK in 2006 by the Royal Air Force Historical Society All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the Publisher in writing. ISBN 0-9530345-2-6 Printed by Advance Book Printing Unit 9 Northmoor Park Church Road Northmoor OX29 5UH 3 ROYAL AIR FORCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY President Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Michael Beetham GCB CBE DFC AFC Vice-President Air Marshal Sir Frederick Sowrey KCB CBE AFC Committee Chairman Air Vice-Marshal N B Baldwin CB CBE FRAeS Vice-Chairman Group Captain J D Heron OBE Secretary Group Captain K J Dearman Membership Secretary Dr Jack Dunham PhD CPsychol AMRAeS Treasurer J Boyes TD CA Members Air Commodore H A Probert MBE MA *J S Cox Esq BA MA *Dr M A Fopp MA FMA FIMgt *Group Captain N Parton BSc (Hons) MA MDA MPhil CEng FRAeS RAF *Wing Commander D Robertson RAF Wing Commander C Cummings Editor & Publications Wing Commander C G Jefford MBE BA Manager *Ex Officio 4 CONTENTS EARLY HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES AND EMERGING 8 STAFF TARGETS by Air Chf Mshl Sir Patrick Hine JET LIFT by Prof John F Coplin 14 EVOLUTION OF THE PEGASUS VECTORED
{PDF} Cold War Delta Prototypes : the Fairey Deltas, Convair Century
COLD WAR DELTA PROTOTYPES : THE FAIREY DELTAS, CONVAIR CENTURY-SERIES, AND AVRO 707 PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Tony Buttler | 80 pages | 22 Dec 2020 | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | 9781472843333 | English | New York, United Kingdom Cold War Delta Prototypes : The Fairey Deltas, Convair Century-series, and Avro 707 PDF Book Last edited: Apr 6, New page book apparently due from Tony Buttler this coming December via Osprey's X-Planes series although no cover image available yet : Cold War Delta Prototypes: The Fairey Deltas, Convair Century-Series, and Avro Description from Amazon: This is the fascinating history of how the radical delta-wing became the design of choice for early British and American high-performance jets, and of the role legendary aircraft like the Fairey Delta series played in its development. Install the app. Added to basket. Brendan O'Carroll. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. As said before, I'll await more details from SP readers to order or not. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. I couldn't find it on Amazon. Out of Stock. Gli architetti di Auschwitz. Norman Ferguson. Risponde Luigi Cadorna. Joined Oct 29, Messages 1, Reaction score Torna su. Meanwhile in America, with the exception of Douglas's Navy jet fighter programmes, Convair largely had the delta wing to itself. In Britain, the Fairey Delta 2 went on to break the World Air Speed Record in spectacular fashion, but it failed to win a production order. Convair did have its failures too — the Sea Dart water-borne fighter prototype proved to be a dead end.
Colonial Classic Britain’S Hairy-Chested Austin Healey in South Africa
ARMSTRONG SIDDLEY 17 WILLYS STATION WAGON CADILLAC SERIES 62 R47.00 incl VAT • December/January 2014/15 COLONIAL CLASSIC BRITAIN’S HAIRY-CHESTED AUSTIN HEALEY IN SOUTH AFRICA HEAVEN IN THE ON YOUR MARKS, GREEN HELL GET DRESSED, GO! A week at the Nürburgring Goodwood Revival 2014 HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY | FRANK COPE | KYALAMI HAS A FUTURE FOR BOOKINGS 0861 11 9000 IF PETROL RUNS IN YOUR VEINS, THIS IS A SIREN CALL TO THE OPEN ROAD... TO BOOK THIS & MANY MORE GREAT MOTORING SPECIALS VISIT GEAR UP FOR THE GEORGE OLD CAR SHOW DATE: 14 – 15 FEBRUARY 2015 George lies in the heart of the Garden Route at the foot of the Outeniqua Mountains. This sleepy town comes to life with the beautiful noise of purring engines once a year at one of the biggest Classic Car events in South Africa, the George Old Car Show. We invite you to be our GUEST with these all inclusive value for money packages. PROTEA HOTEL KING GEORGE PROTEA HOTEL OUTENIQUA This hotel offers you luxury 4-star accommodation with a Enjoy the hospitality in this national heritage site: fantastic package deal including: Car wash on arrival. Full English Breakfast every morning. Car wash on arrival. Welcome Braai on Friday night. Full English Shuttle to the show with a weekend pass. VIP access to the Breakfast every morning. Shuttle to the show with a weekend Protea Hotels VIP hospitality Marquee overlooking the show. pass. VIP access to the Protea Hotels VIP hospitality Marquee overlooking the show. *R950 *R675 per person sharing per person sharing *Terms and conditions apply.
Spring 2018 BRINGING HISTORY TO LIFE Kits & Accessories NEW! USS HAWAII CB-3 PG.45 PANTHER See page 3 Books & Magazines for details on this exciting new kit. NEW! PANTHER TANK IN ACTION PG. 3 Tools & Paint EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR MODELMAKING PGS. 58-61 Model Displays OVER 75 NEW KITS, BOOKS MARSTON MAT pg. 24 LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEED!* & ACCESSORIES INSIDE! * * See back cover for full details. Order Today at WWW.SQUADRON.COM or call 1-877-414-0434 Dear Friends, Now that we’ve launched into daylight savings time, I have cleared off my workbench to start several new projects with the additional evening light. I feel really motivated at this moment and with all the great new products we have loaded into this catalog, I think it is going to be a productive spring. As the seasons change, now is the perfect time to start something new; especially for those who have been considering giving the hobby a try, but haven’t mustered the energy to give it a shot. For this reason, be sure to check out pp. 34 - our new feature page especially for people wanting to give the hobby a try. With products for all ages, a great first experience is a sure thing! The big news on the new kit front is the Panther Tank. In conjunction with the new Takom (pp. 3 & 27) kits, Squadron Signal Publications has introduced a great book about this fascinating piece of German armor (SS12059 - pp. 3). Author David Doyle guides you through the incredible history of the WWII German Panzerkampfwagen V Panther.
Supplement to the Histelect News No. S75 August 2020 ENGINEERS’ WALK IN BRISTOL (Blue Plaques) - Part 1 by John Coneybeare There were three reasons why I suggested that the Retired Professional Engineers Club (now sadly closed) should set this up. a) In Sydney I saw the recently commenced series of pavement mounted plaques, celebrating famous Australian Writers at Circular Quay. b) The Retired Chartered Engineer’s Club in Exeter had already erected wall mounted plaques in their city and kindly showed me around. c) Bristol was planning to celebrate the bi-centenary of Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s birth in 2006. There are now 15 plaques erected on walls belonging to a science museum in Bristol called ‘We the Curious’. We are indebted to this museum for their great support. The following are mini biographies but you can see more by visiting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Samuel Plimsoll (1824 – 1898) Mr John Chambers, of a mine owning family, gave him another chance. Following the Plimsoll was born in Bristol but by his teens dismissal of corrupt staff there was the family lived in Sheffield. He wanted to be cooperation between GNR and Plimsoll. a coal merchant exporting coal to Kings Plimsoll designed and built a revolutionary Cross, London by rail.
Records of the British Aviation Industry in the Raf Museum: a Brief Guide
RECORDS OF THE BRITISH AVIATION INDUSTRY IN THE RAF MUSEUM: A BRIEF GUIDE Contents Introduction 2 Section 1: Background to the collection 2 Arrangement of this Guide 3 Access to the records 3 Glossary of terms 4 The British aircraft industry: an overview 3 Section 2: Company histories and description of records 6 Appendix The British Aircraft Industry: a bibliography 42 1 Introduction The RAF Museum holds what is probably Britain's most comprehensive collection of records relating to companies involved in the manufacture of airframes (i.e. aircraft less their engines) aero-engines, components and associated equipment. The entries in this guide are arranged by company name and include a history of each company, particularly its formation and that of subsidiaries together with mergers and take-overs. Brief details of the records, the relevant accession numbers and any limitations on access are given. Where the records have been listed this is indicated. A glossary of terms specific to the subject area is also included, together with an index. Background to the Collection The Museum's archive department began collecting records in the late 1960s and targeted a number of firms. Although many of the deposits were arranged through formal approaches by the Museum to companies, a significant number were offered by company staff: a significant example is the Supermarine archive (AC 70/4) including some 50,000 drawings, which would have been burnt had an employee not contacted the Museum. The collections seem to offer a bias towards certain types of record, notably drawings and production records, rather than financial records and board minutes.
'r , r.- • I - - 419 -Oc- CASE FILE C-0-11-5441Y AERONAUTICAL KTI1 IKT1 E 1NJI1N EL A SPECIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY WITH INDEXES Supplement 59 JULY 1975 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION ACCESSION NUMBER RANGES Accession numbers cited in this Supplement fall within the following ranges: STAR (N-10000 Series) N75-19126-N75-21218 IAA (A-10000 Series) A75-26156-A75-29188 This bibliography was prepared by the NASA Scientific and Technical Information Facility operated for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration by Informatics Information Systems Company. NASA SP-7031 (59) AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING A Special Bibliography Supplement 59 A selection of annotated references to unclas- sified reports and journal articles that were introduced into the NASA scientific and tech- nical information system and announced in June 1975 in • Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR) • International Aerospace Abstracts (IAA). Scieii:,jje and Technical li/onnaijm, 0//ice fiJ1Y 1975 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION EJ Wa.hiiiginn. D. C This Supplement is available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Springfield, Virginia 22161,for $4.00. For copies mailed to addresses outside the United States, add $2.50 per copy for handling and postage. INTRODUCTION Under the terms of an interagency agreement with the Federal Aviation Administra- tion this publication has been prepared by the National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion for the joint use of both agencies and the scientific and technical community concerned with the field of aeronautical engineering. The first issue of this bibliography was published in September 1970 and the first supplement in January 1971. Since that time, monthly sup- plements have been issued.