Council Committee as a Whole Agenda August 29th, 2019

5:30 pm in the Council Chambers In attendance: Tim Lewis, Mel Baxter, Ruth Murray, Margaret Johnston, Chris Hamblin, Trevor Thiessen (arrived at 5:35) Scott Crick Not in attendance: Also in attendance: CAO Brigitte Doerksen, CFO Chris Janke ______

Delegations: 5:30 pm – Melissa Marion Manager of facilities report

 Melissa provided this report to Council and had discussion

Facilities Report – August 2019

Morris Multiplex  Club Chiller cracked on August 19th. This caused the brine and Freon to mix and travel through the system including the compressor #2. o We’ve contacted Western Financial and have started a claim. Prairie HVAC has been on site since the 19th and have managed to temporarily repair the issue. o It has been recommended to replace the entire circuit – this includes the chiller, compressor #2, piping and evaporator however, it has not been determined yet if insurance will cover it all.

 We’re working on restructuring our Hall Rental Costs, and would like to look at adding a Do-It- Yourself option in order to compete with other venues nearby. I’d like to set up a meeting to discuss the numbers and present the new pricing. We’d also like to test the “DIY” pricing on several rentals this fall to ensure we’re not overlooking anything major that might affect pricing and cost.

 We budgeted for new outdoor signage for 2019 and would like to look at changing the names of the halls before moving forward with ordering the signage. o Crocus Hall –> North Hall o Bison Hall –> South Hall . This would make it easier for guests and renters to differentiate between the two halls. (North hall is located north… etc.) as we have seen a lot of confusion on what doors to use, etc.

Morris Pool  The Morris Pool welcomed 295 students for public lessons, up 4% from last year.  We also increased the number of private lessons from 213 in 2018 to 240 this year – a 13% increase.  Although not all deposits and fees have been collected yet, we’re currently at a 14% increase in pool revenue from last year.  2019 Pool Highlights: o We hosted new courses (WSI) and grew existing programs such as the Jr. Lifeguard Club and Teen Swim. o The addition of dedicated Private Lesson weeks and a 5th public lesson session allowed for more variety for parents and participants – we received a lot of positive feedback on this o We were able to give out 8 family pool passes this year to local families in need, thanks to donations from several individuals and companies.

Splash Park  There has been some discussion about removing the west and south fence for the splash park – this would up the space and make it more welcoming and inviting. Are there objections or thoughts on this before we proceed?

6:00 pm- John Derksen, Animal Control report (and review of request) John met with Council at 6:00 pm John to be added to the email chain for upcoming newsletters

 CAO to request from the surrounding muni’s if they would contribute to a net gun  Chip reader  If I don’t catch the animal it’s an hourly rate, if I catch it’s the bounty fee

To whom it concerns:

I have been providing Animal Control to Town of Morris for 20 plus years. Remuneration has remained stagnant while cost of living has not. I am proposing that monthly retainer fee be raised to $300.00 monthly, hourly rate to $ 22.00 and bounty fee per animal to $150.00. I have based my increases in cost of living increases. I would also appreciate a yearly increase based on inflation rate. I am prepared to continue Animal Control at present rates until July 31 2019.


John Derksen

6:15 pm- Brian Wiebe PW report

 Brian presented his report to Council and had discussions on top issues Public Works Report August 2019

Open House  Thank you to all that attended  Approximately 100 people attended

Cemetery  New rows to be marked and constructed for burial locations  New ash plot area to be marked for 2020

Tree order  PW will place the tree order earlier in 2020  Have received requests from the public to be part of the tree order o Discussion with council about how this can work

Asphalt patching  Asphalt patching to continue in late August & early September  Will be focusing on multiple potholes

Road infrastructure  Kennedy Street West road work has been completed o Boulevard dirt work currently being done  Additional patches have been prepped and the first layer of asphalt has been laid down o Completion of those patches are to be done before September 1st o Boulevard dirt work to be completed after that

Charles back lane storm sewer has been installed  Southeast corner of Home Hardware to Lucinda  Will greatly reduce any standing water or drainage issues

Manitoba Stampede week  Assisted with tables for Stampede kick-off (Morris Chamber)  Assisted with tables for pancake breakfast (Access CU)  Assisted sweeping in front of grandstands (VAS)

138 Southwood  Storm sewer & driveway access created

Agassiz Trail  Road infrastructure completed  Signage ordered

New infrastructure codes  Inspection of main line hookups (water & sewer)  Minimum requirements  List of authorized contractors for hookups o Discussion with council about a new bylaw for building codes & authorized contractors

Fall Cleanup  Implementing a trial run of Town Cleanup “zones” o Zone 1 – Main St West from McMillan to Boyne o Zone 2 – Main St West from Boyne to Wellington o Zone 3 – Main St East from Gray St to Boyne o Zone 4 – Main St East from Boyne to Trailer Court (including New D) . Explanation of informing residents and how it works to be addressed with council

PW Policies  Questions??


Minutes from last Meeting:

Moved by: Ruth Murray Seconded by: Margaret Johnston

Be it resolved that the Minutes for the July committee as a Whole meeting be adopted as presented. ______

Council Round Table (Committee, Board, and Personal Reports):

 Mayor Scott Crick Mayor’s Report

For Committee as a Whole – Aug 29, 2019

Events attended or Mayoral activities (paid):

July 25 – Economic Development Committee Meeting (2 hours) July 25 – Long-form Interview with SEJ (1.5 hours) July 25 – Meeting with Golf Course President (1 hour) July 30 – Golf Course Board Meeting (2 hours) Aug 15 – Meeting with Deputy Mayor (1.5 hours) Aug 27 – Golf Course Board Meeting (2 hours)

Events attended or Mayoral activities (unpaid):

July 23 - Golf in Morris with Mayor Brian Bowman and Deputy Mayor Markus Chambers (4 hours) Aug 8 – Hosted summer camp children at the Town office (1 hour) Aug 13 – In the Mayor’s Chair interview (.75 hours) July-Aug - Various Correspondence, phone calls, etc. (10 Hours)

Items of Interest to Report on:

1. I am continuing to pass along the message that if we have citizens who do not access social media or online information that we identify these people, and ensure they are notified of any critical issues. Hopefully we can continue to deliver this message, and get a good list of those who need information 2. I believe we are close to having the Valley Fiber site finalized, and will be discussing this at CAAW tonight 3. The summer has been relatively quiet, but recently I have been fielding a higher number of calls and messages from our citizens. This has been very interesting, and I am curious if the rest of Council has been experiencing this? 4. We will be discussing the leaking culverts at CAAW tonight – the golf course needs to replace them to keep high water out. We need to determine if we bear some ownership here, as one or two of the culverts relate to our ability to drain the lagoon. 5. Thank you to Brigitte for assembling the quotations for engineering services and financing our land purchase and development. Moving forward with this development is very valuable for our community, and it is nice to see progress. 6. Mayor Bowman expressed interest in learning more about the flood detour that the Province is proposing for PTH 75, so I will share what information we have with him. Flooding, the fear of flooding, and a problematic detour affects Winnipeg as well as Morris. 7. I had noted the Province had put two-direction flashers on the crosswalk, as well as corrected the “no passing” stripes on PTH 75. We appreciate this, and will continue to work with the school, Province, and RCMP to improve crosswalk safety. 8. I am looking forward to our elections being over so that we can begin to move forward on initiatives with the Province and Federal Government.

Noted and Discussed ______

 Councillor Mel Baxter

An update on the Handivan Service has the financials in good shape with a reserve fund holding $84,485.00 as of July-31/2019. The new mini-van (Toyota) is fully paid off. The new bus had a warranty repair done to the back A/C unit the old bus is not sold yet. Rosenort motors is to drop the price and increase advertising exposure. A slight change in rate structure was introduced to allow for long waits on client trips (i.e.- regular dialysis trips to hospital) where the van is tied up for hours waiting for the return trip. New charge is mileage + $12.00 per hour. Previous charge was mileage + $25.00

Noted and discussed ______

 Councillor Margaret Johnston

Red River Valley Agency- new Chair Interagency- haven’t attended a mtg in a while Morris Manor- inspection performed August 29th, 2019 ______

 Councillor Tim Lewis

Nothing to report ______

 Councillor Ruth Murray

*promo items need to be purchased – have Arien look at items to purchase

I don't expect to make this in time for the CAA meeting but shall orally convey to Council at the meeting. Heard a number of compliments on the trees planted around town and they hoped we would continue to do so. We still have to do more pruning on the trees. I was asked why we didn't shop locally for trees so I did inquire & was told that letters from Public Works were sent out to obtain prices and selection of trees .They did not receive a reply from Hillbilly’s so they used Jeffries Nursery. This is the leading nursery in & both father & son are graduates from the U of M. & have full history of suitable trees for our location. They also are a Sponsor & the Silver Sponsor of Manitoba Community in Bloom. In the Public Works report the question was asked re orders for private property. This is not the Indian Head of tree program when trees were allocated to farmlands & people, free of charge .If people want trees on private property, they will have to pay for it themselves. Perhaps they could be picked up with the town order . Although we decided to take a year off for the CIB judges to evaluate the town, we still continued to plant, weed, & dead Head flowers. The Public Works with the Green Team did an excellent job. We are also very fortunate to have a very qualified Weed inspector who reports weekly. I did get the opportunity to visit the Harbor Landing Village for seniors & community in Regina. That has got to be the "Cadillac" of senior & assistant living homes. More on that later. I am registered as well as Anne Decima to attend the Bloom Conference in Morden, Mb. on Sept 6 & 7. Shall set up display promoting Morris as well as provide an article for the Auction Table. This brings to mind that the town as well as the Chamber must invest in materials promoting Morris. At the moment all we have is pens. We used to have mugs, water bottles, note pads, key chains, even shirts, or Bags. There is no place in town that carries any souvenirs. We can still provide Chamber Bucks’


 Councillor Trevor Thiessen


 Project Board Reports:

 Morris Manor Project – Trevor Thiessen

Meeting with Bruce Gregory regarding Morris Manor Board not dissolving- involve the churches again, invite them to engage once again to become Board members. The Town does not want to own the building

 Assisted Living Project – Chris Hamblin

 Medical Clinic Project – Tim Lewis

 any additional specific Board reports that need in-depth discussion outside of Mayor’s/Councillors’ Reports

______New Business:

 Valley Fiber- purchase of Dingwall property for infrastructure Alright we met in person yesterday to review a few options for the Central Office location and on our side we feel the lot of the former Mr Ding Wall would be best suited for our needs. Is this lot something we would be able to purchase? If so what would the price be?

Hank Wall

CEO | Valley Fiber Ltd. C 204 362-7300 E [email protected]

 North “Town of Morris” sign- approval. o Would like to know if this is still a go ahead o Will need to get more information for the sign itself **Bring it back to next meeting

 Rings of Influence (Dekalb) o Bring back to next council meeting

Good morning to all,

Hope you are all having a great summer. The 12th annual DEKALB SuperSpiel November 1-4 seems a long way away. With lots of preparation work to do we begin our program layout on September 3rd and other planning details. One of those is the RINGS of INFLUENCE hosted by the RM, the Town and the Morris Chamber of Commerce We would invite you to host the 6th annual Rings of Influence reception on Friday November 1 from 6:30 to 8 P.M. it is a great opportunity to showcase the Town, the RM and the Chamber to the world

Please confirm that you will be part of the 12th annual SuperSpiel.

2 other exciting events and initiatives

1) August 23 -25 - The Cargill Curling Training Centre Ice breaker bonspiels. This is the first event on the World Curling Tour and Manitoba Curling Tour being held in Canada for the 2019-2020 season right here in Morris. We are hosting 24 teams from around the Globe including Korea, Japan, Germany, Russia, USA and others. They are also spending time in CCTC before and after the event. 2) September 13,14 the 3rd annual GolfenSpiel -great chance to have some fun and meet some new people on the Golf course or at the curling rink – entre a team 3) Our most exciting initiative- with our connections around the Globe and the Cargill Curling Training Centre which includes the Rock Thrower – we are one of a kind in the world. Because of that the CCTC and us will be hosting and training the 3 males athletes-(age 25-27) from New Zealand. On October 20 the athletes arrive and they become part of the Town and RM for 6 months ! They will work, live (with host families) and train with us for 6 months. Their goal is to become Olympians and understand why Canadians are so passionate about Curling. We are currently in the planning stages of finding them places to stay, work opportunities and all the details that go with international visitors. If you are interesting in helping lets us know Please let us know about the Rings of Influence shortly

Cheryl Waldner, our program Chair will also be contacting you in early September about program messages ads etc.

Thanks -have a great day

Lorne and Chris

C0-chairs DEKALB SuperSpiel 12

 Industrial Land- RFQ for borrowing and engineering (on sugarsync)

Below you will find the RFQ’s from the following Financial Institutions: **Scotia Bank was unable to provide a quote as it was slightly under their minimums for lending**

Access CU (I believe we should go with ACU- for the long term we will be able to sell the land without having a mortgage on it -much more attracting and less of a hassle)

Good morning Brigitte

Thank you for your financing request in regards to the purchase and development of land for the Town of Morris.

Access Credit Union would be willing to offer financing in the amount of $1,000,000. at Access Credit Union Base Rate (currently 3.95%) minus .50% and floating.

We would also offer interest only - monthly payments for up to 10 years. No fees would be charged unless a mortgage is required.

Please feel free to give me a call should you require additional information.



Hi Brigitte,

As promised, I’m following up regarding BMO’s level of participation for your quote.

BMO is prepared to finance the lesser of up to 75% LTV (Loan to Value) or 75% LTC (Loan to Cost) for industrial developments. Financing would need to be supported with pre-sale requirements, which I can discuss later.

This % of advance would be the same for the initial land purchase as well, which can be attractive as some financial institutions won’t finance land for up to that rate. We could provide a higher amount of financing if we had additional outside security, such as a pledge of investments.

We can offer development rates of Prime (3.95%) + 0.25%-0.50% based on a full review of the project. The application fee for a project is typically 0.50% of advances but I would be happy to knock this down to 0.25%.

If you are strictly looking to purchase the land with no immediate plans to develop, then we would need outside security to support the purchase as we don’t secure real estate financing for speculative purchases.

Hope this satisfies what you are looking for. If you needed something more formal let me know and I can provide. Happy to answer any other questions.

Thank you for the opportunity and have a great weekend.


Royal Bank of Canada

Hello Brigitte,

Thank you for requesting a loan proposal from RBC. The rate below is offered to the Town of Morris through our affiliate RBC Insurance.

Loan Amount - $ 1,000,000

Amortization & Term - 15 Years

Interest Rate 3.31%

Annual Payments due December 31st – First Payment due December 31, 2019 (including accrued interest from date of advance). Payments can begin in 2020 as well if required. Last Payment Due – December 31, 2034 (A payment schedule will be provided by RBC Insurance)

Loan Amount - $ 1,000,000

Amortization & Term - 20 Years

Interest Rate 3.47%

Annual Payments due December 31st – First Payment due December 31, 2019 (including accrued interest from date of advance). Payments can begin in 2020 as well if required.

Last Payment Due – December 31, 2039 (A payment schedule will be provided by RBC Insurance)

No commitment or draw fees to be charged for the application. Attached is some additional information on our value proposition, additional products and services.

If this offer is accepted by the Town of Morris on or before September 6, 2019, the rate will be held up to an additional 60 days to allow time for the necessary application and approvals.

Our pre-disbursement conditions will be Municipal Board Approval, evidence of 3rd reading in Council for the related By-Law, and satisfactory RBC credit approval based on your December 2018 Audited Financial Statements.

Please contact me if you have any questions or if I can help you further in any way. Please communicate your decision by email. Should this offer be accepted by the Town of Morris, I will commence with obtaining RBC approval immediately upon to ensure the approvals are in place for the purchase agreement timelines.

Thank you for your interest in Royal Bank Financial Services!

 Golf course o Culvert replacement

 Legion request

Mayor and Council August 28, 2019 Town of Morris P.O. Box 28 Morris, Manitoba R0G 1K0

Mayor and Council:

A major part of the mandate of the Royal Canadian Legion is “Remembrance”. As such, as you know, we have installed crosses and Canadian flags on the graves of past members and veterans. At our regular meeting in June it was suggested that we check with the Town of Morris to see if we would be able to install a flag pole and plaque in memory those who served. Please let me know of your decision.

Thank you for your consideration,

Tim Lewis Secretary

 Old Business

 MultiPlex Governance Discussion

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.