' \ , ¦:¦ I ; i: I -j^LO - \

1 ¦ - ¦ -:J ' . . 4. ¦¦ ¦ '¦'I ' - ' ¦a.v - ;¦ V • ' if- ^/' . . , ., ; • '¦ - " ' . jgr . ;r pa j j M S , • j . . ^ ¦: I ; ^ I . /£&*&$&: on¦ij jBedsijeadls ! ~ ~~n~~r c% ^ BdrronstrandM ' X , Perambulators ! T' - , . #iBMHED ! IN ! l848 ?J7 DB O VOL. ikni i Na 3,408 MAY , j FKIDA^.; 20, BEaiBTEBED AT THE GENERAL 'U _-i_L__L 1914. POST¦ OFnOE A8 A NEW8PAPEB. ; 1 ONE ! - : i : ; " - ¦ • ¦ i ii i TT - if i • ' ¦ • I- ¦ P^IC| PEJJNY ;] ¦ ' . :' - |i ; r- • - "-" ¦ ¦¦ -!' -V\ I . ¦ • . : nipmna Son\pariie5 B«nks Iddtl Offices, et || jc«D«iii^wi|8ements public : ^.nnouneements. ¦ LW , , . ¦ ¦ ¦ — — Clyde] p . i i i . ;. , ^r . .- : . —rr Ship ing! Company, ! :; j! ! . 1 Im^ortaiit to Farmers 3 pqXTJiACtS -^OB OOAlis iFX»B .HB3£¦ • •• .ad Powerful ¦tjtuaniert. ' Excellent Passenger Accommodation.' Electric Light. ^c ^ Orti ^rl^^^ ' ¦ ' ' i ^™! " PEISOJSS;' ! | | Steward* and Stewardesses carried. j I V . .J j. isies . • . Reel and CHEAPEST KOUTE (nil ' , CMHO and LWa 8tock,to mdjfxom. all part* ol •; WEB QW^EMJ SRJ8ONBBOARD -will •tWjfcAND, SCOTLAND, arid N((!UTH OF JBELAIJD; buBLlSs, and OQBK. i THE CITY AND leoeive'i Beiled Teodera up to 13 o't«k ¦ : I couNmy IJOAN- co. LIMITEI); noon on SATPiaxA !l ; ! I 1 : "~ / i Y; «th?JitJ^B;I Sl^tot ; the supply o< : - ¦' >¦- ; ' - INTENDED 8AILINO8 FROM INTENDED BAttiNGB TO O'CON: il^Sf^rc^" 1 -¦ . ' HOUSE JLJJD 8SEA3I OCULS \ WASEBVOHD. ; ;. . WATEEFOBD. {or ^•ke Ojuh AdT«nc * ¦ ¦dil j to L»diw, Gen " i K !:. I ; t^meo, F«rm^m. Shopkeeper *! if'/ year endinr30th, Jane, 1SQ6.; ! , - : To LI VEBPOOL—Every j Monday, V.cd- F om LIVERPOOlr-iEiery Mi.r.dayi ^ \jig&^ ; . jiesdjy. und Saturday m m G>7T«nim«nt OffieUJ*, »nd »illeeponaihlo II — ] ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . Tender Fatrw' can l>&obtaiD&i ia Bab * , direct. Wednesday^ andlF.ndaj, direct, ^ ^i ^^; I pexeons 1 - L«flJ*T ^ jd ik ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ' fo QLASGOW-tyery Monday '' . In any part ol Ireland, .90 ftffl :!¦ f t: I ;l : MW^I . Ifl lin. *i. the Omoa1 of the 'Board and intt» (direct) F om GLASGOW—Every ' Monday LOANS 1 I lApptOTed Hi ^itSr ^ 1 ^ coontry at an ol the IPrUond. and, Wednesdays, via Plymouth. ! Penond 'Seoority-note >M m «^G& ¦ / To BRISTOL—Kvery and Thursday (direct): ... 2 p.m. v*e I h*nd UOJJ«, md itnthont >^l« QkA W : . TheGetMraf Pri&onfl£ oard do not bind ¦ : Tuesday di eet £10 UPWAI **w« I I ' pabliottri I im _^&rr J%% ' ! .• : themselves '(cargo - only). ' 1 i From BRISTOL—Every .Thurs lay Uatgo Reptyxpenia can be mide by jnstalmenM ^ V^9 I jj| !BANi)ON .: }¦ U> accept¦ the low**{¦ ar toy 110 ^ '. ^na ! Tenden. I' ,' - - ' ¦ ' ! . ' . To CARDIFF—Every alternate Toes ay. only). | !: temji|oir«ry ¦i"""^^ * , or »ii4»T be «rr*D«ed.|Those wqniriog v r ' JTBTTL ^ -!¦ 1 : 4dvanoea will id <2u> cbore the beat «nd. an |T B1> A. |] ! ¦ fo LONDON (St. | Katharine i Dock>- FiW CARDIFF—Every alternate Friday . adr»noln» «a i personal snrity. , moat Ireliable^ flniacieriR _'tfj %LJP " " ' V^ (CO CQR KJ) .|. 1 . Kyeif Batorday (via From LONDON (St.' C«U ofwriie for terrn««Ddj>aitlcBl*Te, wliio« ^y II i - ' E. METPAiS'E. 'ConiroUer of Industries. Southampton Katharine Dock)- , I wiU be akhed on receipt | Ck«l. Mot by port i^* «TV^^ (J **.%+ tp + ' II , General Prison* Board, Dublin CatQe Newhaven, and| Dover) i ...' 4 p.m. | Every Thursday and Saturday. J ' ^iJ » " _, Goods also carried to' London by all Goods also carried from London by all 1 j-ACt W* ^*E3 I . Bailings via Liverpool, BriBtpl, . nd Sailings via Liverpoolj and Bristol. ¦ j DOBLET 4 SflUfH-EAOTEBS | Southampton. ( ! 1 From DUBLIN (direct^Erery ; 2)f5'ittt«5. oj .; ' .' !!¦ • #o Plymouth—Evef ¦ Wed- ! MONEY ! MONEYS 1 : • . ¦RAniwAYi : i y Wednesday ' (direct). | neaday | ; ... 6 p.m. MONEY! i ...^f w , _^ ^ : Atk *o Southampton . —I Every Satui- I From (via &^ \' \ ' day (direct) Dublin)—Every 8UMMEB ITBAIN ; 8EBVICE. MM. I | ..;. | ... 4 p.m. | Tuesday | ... 7 p.m. fo iNawhaven—Every Saturdsyj ...A' pim. From Cork—Every THE Ifo !Dover—Every Saturday Friday . (direct; 6 p.m. WATERFdltD LOAN Train Alteration*. 1»t« June, j ... 4 p m. I Siuve ¦ ' COMPANY • From Pl ?ot ¦ ymouth—Every Saturday StUl ¦;• ¦ ¦]• O • 19t4,. nly • . To Belfast—Every Saturday (direct) I 8 (direct) ] i .; ' | . I j' ^ ! cargo .only. I 1 |..;12n(on From Southampton—Every 8, JOHN STREET, • • A Whiskey : t\SO UiNTIil, iJUBTHEB NOTICE. To Cork| Friday, via ^I\ ¦ of Fine Quality ' (direct)—Every Thursday | Plymouth. ! *PJ1pni J 220? I and Flavour. i .i •; WATEREOBD 8ECTIOH, : . ¦ (cargo only) I Makes Cash ¦ | | 1 | I ... 2 p m. From Newhaven—Ever; Monday (cargo Advances from £ UPWARDS on your own ' ¦ ' 11.45, a.m. Ttaln froni Wateriord, altered To Pubiin—Kvcry Saturday i(yra Approved Personal ' ;¦¦ . ¦, ?'<¦ i: ; )¦ , ¦ : I only). : , Security. REPAYMENTS-fl eekly, || , " ,\ > ] to leave at llJO a.m. I : : ! Belfast), cargo only¦ I .J12ocon Monthly, or. as may be arranged to suit con-': i \ III I I i' : From Dover—Every Tuesday (cargo on.'y). venience of If^^^^ aj ^^^ lJt/t p.m. Train from Macmine JtrnctioD Borrowers. AH 8 jplications will receive te ^4tS^SS^ii8 ^^l immediate attention , and ; . . j , . . . ;- ¦ .,. to Waterford ,|a|teredito leave at IA p.m. will be treated confidentiAlly : . .| . aiid run corTespondinjr'.y early throughout For Rates of Freight,] Passenger are s, ind with ! courtesy. ¦ Hi E«tnb. 1828.1 ' and other information; apply to ; . = the Journey. | '* . ' i . ': - ; | . CLYDE 8HIPPING C Telegrams f'Allman ., LTD). Custom House Qoay,; Waterford Apply, 5^ , Bantfon." i «« 5£6 p.m. Tjaitt .Waterford to Macmine T»l«rraphic Adrefl»y-".OopBBAS.j' I TH i MANAGER , 8 JOHN STREET, WATERFORD. Telephone : No. 2 * Junction, altered ; to ' leave »t 6A6 p.m. I . 1 SUPPORT. . . . H ME INDUSTRY I . Bandon. ¦;¦! ft •:4 , ; ¦ : . .4. . . - ! j This Train gryes *. connection to Sppliru i ^ 8.6 p.m. Train : [ Macmine Junction to ' THOMPSON'S nt ; " ALL-STEEL Wnterford, altered to leave at 8.46 p.m. WHITE STAR LINE iThe 9.16 e..rd. Train from Waterionl tnli IRISH CIVIL ph{\ TO £6,000 LOANS grtfited byi ROYAL MAIL TRIPLE-SCREW J3E aO/iV «iva a connection at MacmW ihioictSoa I ROYAL MAII STEAMERS. • post. Money lent without security. 1 HAY BA (Nsl AND ¦ - STEAMER: | Ladles or Gentlemen can for WexfordJ due at latter station at !¦ ! —T- : have their own ¦ ; : •¦ : i I i OLYMPIC (46.359 tons). BUILDING S()G: acceptances discounted or 10^0. ! FASTEST VESSELS IN WORLD poet-dattH CATTLE HOUSES I i JOHN COGKLAN, Traffio Manager. TjHE BRITANNIC, 60,000 tons cheques 'cashed without any securitleli TO NEW!YORK (dir.cil i To (launched) | W«8tUnd Baw , May, 1914. BOSTON j (Open to the Q«ner«l P hllo), sureties, ' or interview. ' : erected unde Board of Works fiom LIVF.RHOOL,l». o H «"«f"?'" [LARGEST BRITISH! STEAMKB 3 b WE8TMORELAND Clergymen, Merchants 1 pru. Piom l| i»c.i"«olit 5 p.m | QUEEN8TOWN I 8 RKET. . Medical Practi- ¦ COUNTY(BOROUGH OF WATESiEORD; •A ]u:i: nii |Sat .. Mav ^ifi-n.a tioners, Farmers, Shopkeepers, and 'all ¦ ¦ 30 - ^"" i Iiitic CO NEW YORK. . TO BOSTON. i D0BLTN. : ¦y ; itirelauU S>t, June - r> jtoaiu | rTuiiJ Juac J Responsible Persons. 1(6 Fees or Before- ¦!" v: L iN« j ; j I Made. in our WN WORKS. ' . UtWtLLEIlX. Prices to snif all. • 914;'Bales, jas;|Jieieundat mcnljotw,t •"liable" and ."Cymric " Carry 'onedau JAME3 0 WAL8HE, See., , Eepairs of ererytdesinption execij ed on tint London,jto. Liverpool, at 6.p!m. every Fj ) Cabla(aod. ( Catalogues :Plans the Premises. Perfect >4rstiant:(° the-prcrrdsion*-^ P»» . dayO and ttdfU*« ftnwieri onrr""'1 ;'^ , _ , ad Estimates Free Workmanship; Gnar nteed. ' ¦] ¦ ¦ ^ day, eomineridng 29th| XIay.l ' ! ! I .(fnsnf ' 44-ANOLpEA-STBECT.WBUiL - : , - i ' . Lets, :'. axe »lnlul Ito' te" m»d» oiv-, th»- passe^rccomrrMrdatlonfor FirrtJ uurats inootne, ( '*-SuittMaIs 'Dtflli ¦ ¦ Uia! Second • ,Qn*Tt«ij01 k Mllltoo • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦!; ^¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ . uJpperty,. «dbiito^Jtt Vxrre Camtf , and Third Clasa Passenger* at •^U- , . ..J / 1..: " • •-•• ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦"r ' i ¦ !¦ ¦ ; © £ JL ! '' • ^""©¦ •• • r-> ' «rt '5oroSghti wrtJpfrHiil ¦&*&) *.d jw»» ' | LowlRates. .: I I I i ' ' ¦ ' ' I': - j : WE SFEClAtKHriS ~ nr- " - [•¦ ! TO CAjtad/Q-! i ! ¦R. i ¦ ¦¦"" "' ' : ¦ ' ' ' WATCH BEPAlKS: r; ; . . :• ! - .knowli '*»¦Wetijbttok\)-: i -Pjl-f-ZTF: * From! Serjlharapton. *ta QaaenttoWn Second and'Third Class' Passengers are RESERyE Ij-DNS, £20 000 . 8MULLlAN f !Firianoierv ] ¦ . I -\' ' .¦ : . .: .', ' ' •ilovied Free Tickets p rf-\ .,• |WEDJDING AlfD ;£NGAGE1IENT ¦ Th* Kite*tie to cover, the expenater!ora ; ) Messrs.' Ward Ceit. p or Annum .v M ¦ A . i ¦ Apply Canard Line 1 ^».» in , Liverpool ; From £3 upward* o. A Public Water Ra-ti of Three Peao * London), ForOneoiTwoye*»a to all Bros.. 2 Barronstrand street,;' U • ¦ i respectable "" >, . | 81 i Bisbopssate, E.C. ; 129-30 :Cockspur-stJ Waterford ; For r I *^' I " •: the'e. I ¦ | ¦; I ' ! '- ..I* ' :. , i JJoree Year# i LTHOfflFSDH : -Miss Margaret Cotter, Pewone on their own Approved ' S.W; or Paris, 37 Boulevard Post Office, Baily- H » 6ecurity> !: ' ' JAND SON, LTD., COUNTBY ; A Domestic Water Bate ol Five PeaoS des CapucirieB dufl, Co. Waterford ; 'Geary, Current OHDKRS PB0MPTLY ATTENDED TO. ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ (opposite Rue Mr: jT.| , Lis- I AocoinU Opened, an 1 Lateral, Addrew?- CLOCKS IN PBI fATE ' '. ¦ • : • • - ¦ Scribe), dr to their Agents-}- more, Co. Waterford; Neptune Works, Waterford HOUSES AND in-the £. , I ; ]• J . Ward Brothers and Harvey : James McGrath, utowed on the mlnfmnm Ixnoi khl/ IMI- ! FUBLrO[INSTITUTIONS WOUND AND KEPT A Statement! of the proposed Bates'Is and Son, WE Shipping Agent, Carrick-on-Suir;to James «ooe| • . :. ' ¦ ' ' :TN ; BEPAIB AT \ ?orford; Miss M. BolgerJ Ballydufl ' i ! R. 8MULLIAN , Financier, ¦ Jgi < <[ ¦ g MODEBATE CHABGES.i ' ESTIMATES GIVEN. now deposited an. the Town Clerk's OrBoe, Boot11 and Co., Queenstowni E. Daly, For - : . : . : Uichael Foley and P. Evans; Dun'garvan Bonane, Kenmare; Pro*pec.u» «sd tU is ann»tlon \ 'I Town Hall, Walerlcrrd, «nd may bo Michael iF Walsh J. C. Smith, Eilmea- wnly to i 1 S iPABNEIi 8TBEET (Near Town H»ll), ' 1 l ll ! ' f , Cappoqtrin ; Jamei den ; | Michael F. Walsh, Cappoquin ; or «I» inspected up W 13 o clock on the said 2nd ihearue or J03. Geary) Lisroore ; Jamei ALFRED jt^^&a * ^^ day of June, 1314. [by any Ratepayer on UcQrath White Star Line, Liverpool, 11 Cockspur EL MEBOEB. 6* Uurr. I WATKBFOBD. AH A!/*Hl^^^ , Garrick-on-Suir. | ; 1 •treef S.W.. and Any intervening; day ; (except Sunday) , 88 Lesdenhall street, ' i ; ; London. E.C. ' I i during office hfrursl i . ' - 1,, i i ! . ¦ : !• !. T I i || j.: \BJ ¦ Order /:! I Mi " . i • I JAMES J. FEEL/Y :-. ¦ £20TO £5,000 ADVANCED ! Stockowners and i ¦ ¦ . i gtg ¦ FOB Farme i: - "i : . . Town Ctork. . • " ¦ ¦ : ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ I . I ; try Pavate Lender on Blropl* * gr •* • : ! -| . ; ^ ^ I ' !: - ' .. ; ¦ • ; ¦¦ Dated thig 2Sth'd*y 1314. • , ; I 1 i > v of M«y, AF/JERlCAfa ¦ ¦ I ¦ LIKE, Proiuiuoir Vole. . ' . i . i ; inJSASE • • - . . . WHITE STAR LIRJE. MONE^t ^LEliT; j HOTK THAI . : Liverpool j 3r;orm lo;;KAxtic' 26). • ! ; ' to Philadelphla-r-Wednesdays. j IN 6THI(JTEST PBIVAOY Ne BIU B of Bale taken, nad .bsoluU *e Caliing at Queenstown on Thursday. ! privacy - /^B ^i ^» COUNTY COC?J/?IL OF WATEKFOfiD. 1 fo FarmeriJ' guaranteed. Firat letter of «p- '• ' ¦ Passengers and Bhopkeepen, Pobllcam, Alia AAOaMtSt^ I- ¦ — ' ¦: '¦ • i LIVERPOOL TO A USTRALIA. Goods are landed at ' plication receives prompt attention, anc _ J**MtM Kf aif UM&ryV i I . Philadelphia on the Wharf of Merchants, Clergymen, and all other the Pennsyl- Intending |borrowera are waited upon bj . ; NOTICE PUBLISHING TIME AHD. vania t Railroad, which has the Shortest private Ladle* and Gentlemen! with- ; [ I I " PMOE OF AUDIT. : Calling at' out security or • representative, who l» empowered ti ft $&HM I j : Cape Town (South Africa). and Most fees, at ' , Direct Route to all law interest. ! Kccfe placeB in the «omplet« transaction ltd ' Easy, on terma mutual!* BirrtmitiWtiijtirf _ Western States. , j ' Repayments to «uit {Bortowon' .rranged NO CHABGE V. ws. «w'«»»»fn« A. f XTlOTiqE IS-KEBSSV GIVES, Ibal Uve QueenBtown convenience. 11 Distance no . being made 'k "^__ QRACEDIEU, WATERFORD to New York direct—Thurs- object. anlees Business ACTOALLY ; COM- ^. ,: ! Xij Audit of the 'Accounts of th* abovo- days during winter months. ' 3aah sent by po«t|to any part of Tr»- StiVtt, 4* "V n med Council] for the fliutncUl period RUNIC ... 12 Iand without PLETED.j fipedal Quotatiom for Bhdrt ,- ^«C Pays HIGHEST ,490 ons J. June. 4 Apply to American Line, Liverpool, a personal lpter law. Lban». Write In confidence to *• T >." A f \V XS' ^ X'BICESfor DEAD AND DISABLED HORSE ei ded the 31st day of March. 1914, wiD be or. to I ¦ ! ^^»/ /r* P J?V>^ i 3 AND CAI MEDIC - ... 12,032 tdns ..j June 25 I . 42%: SOUTH MALL, C^>BK Same removed fron any place or ened in. thelOounty' Council Offices, Waterford—Harvey and within « reaeonaole distance from 8heehjka tooil AFRIC ! I ... 12.000 tons .1 July i 16 8oni 12 Gladstone to. WELLS, ^gj <£^ Waterfon D mgarvan. by,Mr. D. IB. , street. • The British Discount Co. Ltd. 31 ¦XCHBQUIR-ST., All aiiimala immediately removed on receipt of ¦ G ivernment Au'ditor,; on the 6th day o( Slft;\7C| ... 12,531 fons .. Aug. ' Waterford—Ward DUBLIN. |.; : Tel grams: j 6 Bros., ¦ 2 iBarronstrand Ji n^; 1914, ti the hour of Twelve o'clock, These Steamers are itfrln-BCrew fitted, street. . ' i : Bead Offlee: Corridor Chamber!, Lileailtr I ¦ I w: len And where objections to: any with bilge keels, and have been specially Tipperary—John Carrigan , 61 Main street. O'Keefe's, G raced , m i.Uer contained i in ' tho said several Carrick-on-Suir—Jas. ieu Waterfon constructed Ifor the Colonial Trade. iTha McGrath'. ¦ ¦ : AdoggMs will be heand. The Accounts : accommodation Clonmel—P. Nugent. 75 \ ; Or|by TELEPHO NE No. 89. ! ' • ' the comprised Smoking, Read- O'Connell street. J \ wfS&open during office hours to ing, " and Dining Dungarvan—.Tames Daly,!The Square. HgP&Aoriof all persons interested for Rooms Surgeon , and HIGHEST PBI0E8 PAID ¦ '¦ Stewardess carried. Farts—To Australia, Graigue—Michael Murphy. Grocer. FOB LIVE HO JSE9 BROUGJai : X> OUB WOI seven days before the 'Audit , i • New Ross—Pntrick Hunt; HOLI AND CASH £21 to £32; I to Cape Town, |£14 14s to 15 Quay, and i\ Tf lE DAYS PAID FOR SAJIE B Y OUB . Xated the 25tti day of May, 1914. W. G. Williams. !Jnsuto^Jdli O'Kccfc's pay Timpson. 19 South Main-st. Higher; prices tlian any other Firm, ¦ X3Terpool;il|Cocfc8pur street, |S.\V.; and Rilmacthomas—w.' O'Donoghue. j ENOkVEEU REQUIRED. : 83 Lesdenhall street, E.C.l London. . Kilmeaden—John C. TH f. WATEUFORD Nfct R'S ¦ = | - > ' Smith. : i (T HE iBoard of I Guardians:oi •bottt .._ M r -1 I • Queenstown—Jas. Scott and Col " " X Union will, I at their Meeting on ti« ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' \ I ' FREE |: "DBIEF BiAGS yth June, 1614, consider Tender*- tow tb* J?'f fl if) I carrying out of their Engineering Vfo dc INSURA CE ' • S 1510• N Accident and Guarantee for a period of 3 ]Ycars. . - . 1 -i ONDtlliK SN Or THI QUIT GASES Fosters containing farther partlcsWa JBELFAST TO ^AHAUA , Corporation, Limited, & can be obtained era application to : , ND ¦ ¦ ¦ PLrect Fortnjshtly : Seryice ] of Large V£ jpaujtKa | " JOHN R. DOWER, Ocean Accident c nd OFFERS TO PBOFESSIONAL 0 ^ Magnificent T, win-Scretv Steamers. : | ANP ^ ' I I Cerk of ¦ Union. : From LIVERPOOL; " Empress " Royal » M EBlL m^KS Kfa> Cle k's Office.- ! ¦ . j < BOSlNESa MEN. THROUGH ITP ¦ Mail Steamers. I I j | . Guarantee Corporati on J\ 1 27th Miy, 1914. ! (Exu[iom t$*4hj Sptdf lAct of Pt/iuntnti ' UP-TO-DATE " I FAST SERVICE;TO ]cAN,ADA.|. j Cui ard CA DA POLICIES. COM- tfKOU : [§| rnucipBi orricc PRICES RT^HT. AT BELFAST. KKOM LIVEKFOOL j : PLETE PROTECTION AGAINST IE IF ISH VOLUNTEERS i-ili llii.lloba i lane 7 Tyiolial I S-t!, May 30 3* 10 -M, Moortate St., Londpi. l*,C L.u ^UnitabU i (uly [6 Utkc MjluUubU June 6 e THE MANY BISKS OF ACOI- OXXPPnV'C l^uc Manitoba ! ut; JO Kiuprc.-Eoi lictandjutie la .!¦' - IRELAN D tjLlAjMULJI. O 'Passengers from Belfast embark ! by T*-1I Coapoo In»priacc-Tkkei .««»' DENT AND 8ICKNE88 TO Waterford I Cily Battalion e> 36> Ballyl)rlcken. lender at 10 a.m. from Donegal! Quay bn 1 tot ht dcMchei. ' I WHI CH ALL morning 6f' sailing. . '; ' , ABE ¦ PROVISIONAL CONSTITUTION. I i¦ .„ J . secure, and 'maintain the rights : Unsurpassed! accommodatiion. J , ' I Waterf< rd lJ[To ffBfl SiffS octA ! N EiPasED. and liberties common to all the people of Cheap Through Tickets fo a]\ inland QUEENSTdiN JL ACCIDENT | ¦ . S BO AND ODARAN j . destinations inj Canada and United States. it [f Iieli nd. . . . I i | ¥» I IIII CORPORATION , JLim! ted. ' 1 , discipline, arm and equip Pamphlets^ information, etc., free from CfiS V Principal Office , NoV ¦ 0 to ¦^drfl ii ii Wit 2.| To train I \ . U Head Office ' l TT a bopy of Irish Volunteers for the above C.PJJ., -a & 143 Victoria-St.J or P. Nugent 44 |£cror£J te Strect^on on ' ¦ ¦ ' III you [ want a really good Photograph E.C. to tftfl*J*l p<"lo:iJJ ft.pffcieitt *tl-t •) tha W*i# purpose. . i ; • •nd SOD , 75 O'Connell street/i Clonmel ; f idt hold.r of this Cbup<:.i-In>ur^nr*.Ti'f«d by an **cMcat , S. please your friends; visit A. H. vrithlo Ibf Voltt^ Xi'i.^duQ I' o koy H»llw»y in- ^Sv^W ^ ever;' creed and I of every party and Jteniiy ; John! Slmkin and Co., Emigration P px oy t ¦ ¦ : joole and Co., Artists and Photographers, p *%*raff Ukiu in whico Ibe hotderi$l/»?# ilnf LONDON. clasi . | i Agents, Youghal ; Harveyl and Son; J2 84 Mall. Waterford. M • «c.«t-bi»r!o< t tyt»j\atp ftM«nfcr. J$3^ i » hi>3*t undertaking U|iob)« Kealy, Kilkenny; Ward Bros., 2 Barron- iht following tprcla) ' 110 ' . II 48, Michael Street. gel anywhere else. i ! ' ocn^iuou. *kl«k-4^" af lk« „• -ml- "PELLOW-CITIZEN'B, i «tr*nd street ' «tt«auoi tb icoolrtct. vis. 1 1 ¦ ¦ . , Waterford. I I i , j £$; m\ r$k ¦ . : i 1 ai Tbil dt*tb r«tutlwlIhJa £ . i r Ihtrtf rfiTC tfbr Xht Yo 1 1 have lecentiy had the opportunity of hearing the airm and objects of the la ink |o Xtiv ip^c« provider; THE I PATRI6TIC / ur^eroMtfc ; (c) k*f |!: A|J Irish. Volunteers clearly and authorita- •otic* of tb* icddtnl b4 £l\«»toth»C«reoT«Ins n ni/ I. • f: , 1; Pnr.clpiil • tively put before you it a Public Meeting '!• O.iicrui Loudua wltlilfl Ifuinca Linoleum held n this city. Ip your thousands you A tofet tad ASSUPANCE other inlorniitioTl b* furoUhcd k\ Ike I co listened to and cheated the speakers La cjitoltif " : " ~ £ct»<>n OMD rt*jn«#t tor tb* ¦ami kjrtht FOB * " ' ¦ ! ¦ ¦ . .I . j ] ! ; rTn ; j J_LJ_ • i, !' they Outlined the principles guid-inc the : ' ' I ' P j : % "B ^ C ^ T ^ J mnvftmj inf. fwi'votirfii>tv^» •oly to ptnhtt*oBtr tt**>*c sod u»:d«r Mteiity i FIRE, ACCIDENT ' ¦ " nnri vnn 'nf^Hir f/l f«*r« %4 SfC, J» limllcri (0 out Courxu)'In*andjc« . WOHKMiJN'S . ^^ 0 : - II ! | - i give the Wateriord f( $lyBattalion that I leWt for iav »nc koltftr. ; " I Ii I -, -i i-i- !• ; A Church must be Burlt in honour *•* kal«« t,o« b»ii«r to tk* b«mltt CAPITAX FOLLY PAID **\ HOTELS. | i j jjlS ¦ ' f ' of, >nd U tnb)*ct to. tb« ;c0cdillont 0/ OM '1 . JS1OO.OOO ¦ an effective National unit. j v- ' ; ;-j of St. i\nthonj of Padua. ] Accident and Oc«in ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 ^ ii. . - . ; ¦ j ~ OuflfanUCl Company, Ltk., ~ i. .; I. ! ni I We jhave no doubt you meant to back Act, i$\.. Rftk* No*. $, wkia trj#>; i o( ¦ ¦ '¦ ' ¦ ' 'i ¦ ¦ ¦ locotnpjtibU with * * w* . Registered and ¦ ¦ ¦ ' FOR THE. up your resolution, ind still intend to do ' ¦ . "r I: , ' , tk* cpcclil cODditloot 1MJ1 ttalM. Head Ofljce, \< V • I jUliJNDRy. | so; we therefore remind yon that the i i . j . \ j j I : Thf pouoiMn of 9 COLLEGE ¦ TCUTHES GEAiI '8 oonderful efforts ^O iplanfi the " faith once delivered to the tbfft Oup«e-l«*»r*ae*-Tk«« GREEN. DCBL1N. ) , , . . |, . , time for complying -with the spirit of that ^ U lOwlttid to b* tb* piymeat *f a ^fmJum noittr FOUR 1 ¦! 8aints "iin tho Non-Catholic Toyn of Fakenham, have been rewarded. The S»c'i.-o }} of Ibf Act. A == COURTS u resold ion has now! arrived. . We- ask JD ' Print •' ttif Act CU fct Mtaa "Wilderness has blossomed as tlie rose "—men, women, and children are now /*tt« PrjflCi*-'omc*c< (ij« C«^ortU«O> I every; able-bodied rn,Bii;to stea' intw the 'be the Bread of Life. The ^ earnestly seeking for Truth,—longing to fdd with] JOHN " HOTEL, M rank& at once and become an fcive mem- Temporary Sacristy-Church is now far too small to accommodate the increasing Uf ntntn of kGtaer I M00N£Y E^"C.V.O.. J W' STREET'S -her, sh owing by his eamestaeSthst be -Is : i . = ' '.P " , INN'S «ongregation ; ;therefore Fatliex Cray p"rays dAily beibre God'B Holy Altar ] that _ = .J.. ... • Chairman, QUAYJ i DUBLIN j j prepared .to- make sacrifices of time to Hi ¦ I \\ Wfcoleiile «od OeUll kind/ generous souls may be touched to assist in building a Honse of Prayer for j ' 11 ..: . - . 1 FAMILY AND COSiyEEOIAli: himself for the duties iof a soldier in Ire- Re- O-C0N0B DON, H.M.L. . H«h, G r^n land's (National Army. Of thoee •who -from all nennlp. What a blessine; to Fakenham—a Tabernacle in which our dear FRIDAY, MAY S», ]9H. : ame, pOUI r SO^P , tha TaJbemac a of God'is with men." ' I ; I any . CAUSO are unable! to become active doenier ever resides! " Behold ' ! ¦ ! ¦ : • loo BeOtooms from 2/-) per Nlghl, ' ' , the (ollowing indisputable facts of the great work already ! ! memMra we ask generous financial : Many will appreciate¦ LADIES' OOFFBE 'BOOM. Q|J asnswnce tx> help in eVjui accomplished:-— I :¦ ": ' ¦ ¦'¦ ¦ ' ' | ] CK-EASY--RELIABLE . ¦ pping our Jocal . . . J ¦ i j . I ' ! ' ' i 'i Battalion. " •¦ - I , ¦ i . ' . ' have] bean received, 1 Restaurant—Popilir fr isti. \ < in Foar years over 12O .Cqnver(s each - receiving not less me I voiuuwers are me nncieut oi a than tNine Months,' Instruction. ..A Magniflcetit Site, secured , Presbytery l and . ... Speciil Low Tariff.j | OT fioarden. \ permal ent defence force, of; a Natiooo] "(Bacristy now iised 'as|a Tolnporanr Ohnreh), Managing -i WAlEKhORO. yA !LEtS^-«n Sacristy completed alto « 8paclons El|lPL(i)XERS pirector. # i- ' *-, f«^»i<» . Army.) They will be|an arm and a posj -lectuTp.'HaU., All thie ha»;been acbompliibed an>J paid (or by] the 8«oq«et« :«bQ Qbli Olaiert c»l«ed te r ^ M'siori of the OlubVnd ¦ ¦' lowtow Hates ¦ ~ j |ai io Ctrlom everywhere. whole nation, and the -jenerjsity; of -Benefactors. . . I ;.!.: j ...... : ; of Premium and Prompt and - !!! i I i Bpool*l AtcommoaaUtmtor ' Woflilng ! ' voluntary defenders and guardiansof a iU INSURANCE, -, i )¦ ' ; be Liberal Settlement of Claims. . .- •' Goods of the ChofeflSt | p*r«*»' | ; 1 KbflrtieB both now and hereafter. . niiisi now If ever there was -a' , work warrtx>tin? ' Tho p^rGh i Bui!f« ; j | se:iousj jasrlflce* of time ti ' ' Smoking Conctri *. Q/ and money. ^i ' 0! thfl C0mmj'iU AnlNr MUNTRY 0R0E8S iAREPUUt RRIINSTON, hvra its 'magnitude and incomparable ! lip not begin a Work am! then Hegleoft it I JAMES Secured,l r TIndependent ; Xationaj importance |the equipment of WHITTYi ! and aU of C*pittl. ! II ATTENDEDAlrKH^U TOM1- I Henry Q. Kithey. j the Irish Volunteers ' , " seedling " Mission' of St. inthony of (Ptdoa another Mission P'?P°. ^ Forms mforinatton on i DUBLIN r in that work. [ From this little application i TriistOM UJ» Mu«la( fknetor. i j We therefore a»k of every : man; has been started 'at East Dereham4-13 mile8 frdm Faieniam: a good site b«s been 42 Q^AV, WyVTSRFORD to Company <8 Agentii, • TctejMBa- «BiUBon, - » ' ' :;! to do 'in ;oi to! W»ltl!oM. Wire*:"E xoel. .Doidia.^ V ¦^— hi* part—nay. we remind hlmi; hisjluly— obtained -for a'ChurcliNdien-the oneU;t» at FakCDOam is | completed, Tet, etiQ for* Blon contetbplatiori another ¦; ; ¦:w. «>oTe ge tai .. . « ™-} . -j oonfident that in. doing so we:«hiH b7?ng ?her tfflo^-CSV?' 14 J^iri'Mt' pOTtipn,^Of .._ ! ¦ ! !' ..! [ > i^. , & y/ . *& * .j l. , j , . forth a!Worthy response ' -hX " • ' ! which ehall make Pstber Gr^'B^dWrictr-LrL : . . '. ( • ; ": j " ]''| ^ manifest that our native -city is intensely \ ewer iA niwMiTa .^J ITV»O—1— »v. _s_£?.. ' &eM reader, m do iverdon of fintlara reallyjal h|»A? If «o, COMFORT & COHVeMI^UCK QUITE & MISTMCCN IDEA.) * mM on behalf of the W«U>rfard Alms offlie F*lihjul' [ •, I, - - -, |- | — ' • |.- • „.- > • • • • . . :•• .! While yon 1 ' ; . ' '¦¦ : - '• ¦ ¦ City | i have Iriabnea to Support : : : " i i O \ Don 't imagine a Piano U neces- . BfttUHta. : . I : -: ¦ ¦ '«•¦ themselves the riete t&*}*e¦.to thf. iitrufr P " WDtorford HLfetfcoile* could only i^lUse , 1 PradtitnIJ£ >CoaehhuUder,^%^ ^ IA The 'WioklV .ttandafMf tn thiithese U aD Ve U r ¦ R. A. KZTiLY, ahMnnko. <&m WZfio v. boHi tor ¦nh.YU-belW done and wh»t .'»U«M» done, «na what U TTTRlTTCtr H TOQ convey. SUndtog' ^ we5rI Xha=.»e T>iPianos^f j^ronni l^vhe^ veryf ' . W. I. JACOB T«W S CB&> PATRICK KIRBY 'ioTCIEBEB word* in UK bntl- fi , fieoretary. Cot iane,; it ltf- eesBilri' they jwoWia be more alive m ino ana urgem « . , EVo , Vho t»Ven, Waterfbrd. ness centol^t PubltB^ rt 1 J&- P. a hVQGV. ¦:-' ; i 1 Wh'-'hptWo OHt be Great 6r '8ini» |! ^ T th» HoWMta S *ff J? ^j "* f T^0t"' ^ «» of:completing' Uia C8m«a:ito PAKeohain. ; ¦ ¦ < CARRICKjON-SOlB, I^^SM^' NEAB EVBBYWHEBji of lnteMrt to d r i E. J. KEDMO2QX i youf &o& intention^ " . i j j " ' ' ' S ?f *™J%t£ 5?l^* ^Vir §• ¦ tend it to ni before the 'ran-goes down on AJiL KTND8 OP : *"** CUOOtEl, \mOUSmb , ABB ibf Tr«v«D«r. ifii and rbotn. »» ' . r : ;i " : 1 " ' ; ' ' • " ¦ OABBIAGE^ oim; iiSl* = :, ??£$%££;f S^^LS§• '|f • A 8»«JWTS. ¦v ' IW. QBAV, , - :. I . '. . : , . | ! Will pay Highest Trice* tai tU dUui of ! are as good M tetiningl car», «nd¦ gW go«4 «•»* nil tnciord g . Tte : >Uowing . i AddrBB|irFA.THBB¦ ':M. ¦ ; ««»?» . ' q rentMman. have iiwCj ¦ ' ¦;¦ ¦'':¦/¦ jCHDECB. . ¦ ! Feathers (OH' and New), *l«o for Bid t ¦^HDBBEaMfcPS JKF "**™®- ' i v ! • W* ; ^o^gTcirSaStSnl.¦:} • S*«i . MU«. .tlfL »rJi uile g roowiWd to recwve i : ''is ; MV :.: . ; \ 8T. f ANTBOtfi'B and Skini Mid . TYBING ON THB i ' •—'— i Mihecriptions:—lAM. Horse and Cow |Ha t. ' : R Power, Mayor.of Wftertotd:Bev. T. F, Attends Fowl Market: at Carriek-oa-8ol t \' ; . :¦: PBEKtros. ;|. • ' ^tf mr^D\asimxiimru 1 rariooe . JNoiJiNb ' ' V, «^«'4» 1/-.WP r nut CL,t . .S- g Aim.;, -Mr. iW. & • Ru*^ t - J •nd principal centres in South Tlppertry.i OrSfEBAI,SMJTHWOBKi ; BATHB i OPHf . :¦• j * cnJAMKft, WOOD It CO, C-athoruVStreet ; Mi. !F. Ay- tcbiowiedgeS wd a] Beautiful HctdtM 'KT and paji ' •- , WICKX0W 8TBEET, DTJBLTNJ . . 'S ' JL MorpJiy, | VM —Ml ' Done tlcmi promptly Highest Prices lor til «latW*l PBBSONAHATTENTION . ^. - '. J. 'S 'i eW each Benefactor. i of Fowl. .' i. ' ' I i: i i • ¦ TOAUTO I —T~ I • • : . WettoortittttMt-BoMiar&- Baoiedj Heart and 8t. Anlhomy:¦ of ni^. ^ *U l . T. MAHOlf, Manager. *'*f John Eetra*O*Bmin& ¦ ' ¦ I i I ' OBDEB8. . g Btr *4'. \Sditcr ' " ¦!' i . , . ;. "Wai*rtord ¦ V?^M *-1 >.a.U7*>L Phone Numbers 1858-J859. ' Wews"; Edito " WateiioTd ; ;: : ' i : i : p VSSS&SSV : C3SS3SSSO Bto " r ' .; ; i |EdKor " MunUer Exprf's. ," ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ " ¦ v :¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' " ¦ ¦¦ ¦ : ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦! ,rJ • ! 1 ¦ - A-:¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ' 3 . 1 I ! : i , . . - ' I ' - ' .- ii b^:. . . . , \ . . i i . . ! . 1 f . I LLv-Kfe-^V'&i ¦ ¦ • ; ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ \.i h '[ ¦ II !!' I " - i JV^ 1 Li h! ! :l- - CAE RICK ON-SUIR PETTr DDf^GARVAN PETTY SESSIONS BISHOP OF WATERFORD } :¦ J . I i SUPPORT IRS ''' ! ' ¦ j : ' ¦ SESSIONS. I ¦¦: : ¦ ' ; • . - . i . _AT LISRONAGB . . j I :: 1 .. 0 [ j vT ' Trlese sessions were held i U1I& w««k K- ' ¦ " ' TV ' ' ¦ ¦ A, Case o[ ' Swank " ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - " ' ;¦ > • . . ; i before l ia&srs. A. M. Harper, R JM:. and . . . . , i Michael Power. | Tha .magistrates | p :«jsent at the abov< :On Batiirday 'his Lordeh p the Most, SeAslotw: oi' 8a,tunLay ^viaar-iitisii Wml ¦RevJ l>r. cjheelian, Biahop ' >f watenOird. Spaedy - pe nd Soap UNLICENSED HOG8-A EOBK -BBED A aiid X*uunore 'tadiniixi&tered t le tiacramvnt ¦ On, RM.^-p iuudiasi R,vfc~Lons ^Lt ^ < - r . • 1 M • | : j . . I of ,. . Michael McCarthy ' vas charged, by Bet? about eignty childrea from tne, parish^ Sergeant Hayes, had .- abiut a dozen .geant Hannan with; di&brderly conduct'on i^owtolown and LiBronagh. Mass | *ai persons burnmoned for having unlicensed the lOUi inst. with abusing his I wife on celebrated at 11 o'clock by tho ¦RevArj DIRT Uojji in their possession. J :ti:o public " street , and using filthy and Uiui-ke, O.C;, and assisting rtia I/wdslup The d efendants wcr© fined 2s. 6d. anu -J were the Venerable Archdeacon i'lsvlinj • >l>scene : language.: He wa3 a dlsordex^ 1 DISPELLER costs. I ;charaot«r. The peiplfi of Abbeyside were P.P., _Vji\, SS. Peter and Paul's, Clon- ¦ Ope 0 the defendants said he found tho afraid of tUs mad when he. takes drinW,! mcli Vo.y Kev. Canoa Spr'att, iP;P.^ I3t. ; ;- :, dog;-i n..T tspect of which ho had boon pro- •and he (Sergeant) woilid ask tha Bench to Mary 's, Otonme! ; Kev. K J. ) i:-asey ^v l ^ i ' secuted lying on the river bank with its i'-P.', Powerstown and Lisronaugh ; lane . went- to Sergeant 'inflict . tho . more-, oexious ¦:¦pena•J¦•--ty. the ' feet tie . He Hayc* could.oniilrf. 1¦ i I ' Heri P. ' CusaxAi CO., GanjDOnane;ld next in< rning at 4 o'clock drj the evening i| There was a very Tiie defendant d d hot appear. largo Icongregation (laughbdr) and-told him about the dog. 8^r(!eapt Tristan deposed he found AtU-'ir Mass, I j | th •His LcrdBhip addressed the congrega ALLBC ED THREAT WITH A JCNLPE. defendant drunk ljHiig on the footpau tion; and said that owing that ni^ht at jiine ' ' b} the prc-Uila; USING RINSO the Malrgaret .By-ron v. John Daniel. jO clock. position in which the parishesof Powers' ¦Oomp tn|it. attendant The dsfendant Wjaslnned 10s..and oast aanant deposed ¦in town,,andXisroaa gb,;were *ituat«d-jtliej wash is just left to dr«!\v an open poniuufe ana tnreaumetl 10 eack case ox sevpri JdayV -imprisonmen' could not have iag many membess art th« : ! : • Corjtable Neilmj charged Margaret Co: 1 \ ^\ ^ N- atao hen. ¦ti branches of the League of tho Cross inc ' Dpteo' lant i-aid he was going to feed uie gan with being disorderly on Uie publi tlie IConfraternity of tho Saired iHeatti a.- soak all night and is rinsed jennet 1 rtien Airs, 'byaon vailie up ueiund street and using bid language. : they had in'other parishes. |The brancnc! diui a»l struck him witn a stone. He Serjeant Hannoii said defendant was < inCjlonmel, Fethardj and other places had uud ne\or iujauy way dnterfered with Uie the tratnp c'.a.»s. | I j a good many of their people! in their cbn-j out in the j morning, when woman. Bhb abused him and his Fin^d : 23.. 6d. and icosts. fraternities. The reports of the Iriipec-j daughter and called them scandalous Const.ible Neilan. chareed James Wala tor showed ^ ' that the religious instruction, the clothes are snowy white, names. Witness, as the police could w'-hli drunkenness on! the 18th May. in tho schools was, as usual. -vory goodj certify, never interfered with anyone in F.iiiidiSs.-and cf -st^. i Thej-Powergtown and .RaUikeevin schools iFw :¦ .;¦ ¦ SoJ 'Hannf n ¦!- ' tha ^own. ' i*ant I charged Richar had I both received the mack of' " V, «^ SS^ip : . soft and, comfy. Rinsp is Mr. Harper—Did you threatea her with Morm with drunk snAess. This was hi good," and tho iLisronagh school wasJ bet-i ; Ongmal Rapid Qleanser. a knife? . ¦ flr?i offence. | 1 ter stili with the mari of ; "ExceL'eat.' ; The ¦^Vitnciss—I; did n'ot. Tlie Swpteant ¦sud th.it ,thia man ofte That was a pleasant state of affairs,! and ! : f Jll UJUUJVC j ; a' cold-water washer, being Comp ainant applied to have the case assisted**ot-»»>- u theh-wc pol|n^it^ice|tT in arreWkliU^stingllll^ drunke I one on which he had to congratulate ihi peopDeonle.le. ' ' ';¦ m. adjourn :d to enaole her witnessos to " Ho jhoped, however, that tjie other | two attend.! : ; ' ! : " Fined 1». and costs. ! fch«», and iu the joy of Uwr No matter how soiled a fair day. He was a tramp. ' : impprtanoe that" I find ¦ hjueeessary )• u ^T' !' Oyrnp ainaht deposed that defendant BrauCb Established In triumph t:ey wiU:ttiink ol ; the poet* t( most The District Inspector «-aid ffiat thede hririg beloro you to-dar.. .Db to..ths( pre ¦ •¦ ¦ ¦ ' came iherus| c^mplainta about tlia sent tima;thesoparishes of Poweretowr ' 1 • ' ¦ "• ' ¦ ¦ " garment is, Rmso makes unper6O(natoV names ' r arrtrk ' "' ' '¦ ' ' r " ' j threw a st«ne into yjo,house. conduct of tho?? tTamps, and he wou'.d ask and- Usrcmagh have been singular I ir ;• jV?f * . ; hour of «>nwr ! the Bench to deal this! respeci-7 i . p ;"In hit deepest bf .; "piMPLY] PUT THE Mr Harper—J):d the stone strike you ? [seriously with,.them.! that .they .hav J provided! nd ! ' ' 'I " ' ! . ;• Jri hirrdafKesti hour shafhe;' ' , Fined 10s. and costs ox «everi days, t residence for their parish >neat ©r tht>ir ¦ 1 ¦ ^ ; it snowy white. ;¦Witness—Wo, I dodged'it, but it broke ' ' ! " i I, , ¦ ThoirbountiT.»tUl wfll ch,eH4H ' IN RINSO AND COL] $j S™g \ some cnxkery. JCate O'Brien , qharged by Constablo curate. Tho result of thi i is Bad Ibotli ! Bratch rif thelr iiatoe. • : foKithe priests and j • T le John1 Francia Meaehcr | ih*]klorril ol . ,. . ' Uefeiiaant eaid complainant is always Neilan with TiotoUKi ] conduct spd with for.th .people | iri . t r C f \-Kni m r iwut «f trinmpn, I flghtiug on the gjiblic ' these parishes. As you know l.ristt 'Wi|t«w»»-*'*-* <« ?i' F rf'^T' * calling Iher child names and no mother street, was sen- , tho p«ii!i iuir* wia-formally 'Opened , on. . l>4ndaV f WoeiL-historxshall bear;-¦• ;, would listen |lo that. tenced to a monthlwith hard laboux. De, priest was unable to find a[ houje in Any " Mr! Harper—Go home, both of you, and Leiiuatik -was auuuicx x^aaip. . . cohyenient. parttof this parish. At !Uid Organisation. 1 M- foccemjst thew,",' i Rinso Washes so j gently so easily, that even the most I present' M- Secretary of "the f Theirfa shall bfe have sdose. ' moment he . to liv very clost arrived in! UM*fterDeonJ from '. , ; ). MORRISSE5T r . iHEGARTY . by the town of Clonmel, and, indeed} in Hu chinV>o , ¦ , Mr. Ryan, 'a eriord'-aocomponied by Bro. Moraii , ! : - / ; i delicate fabrics!-are Quite unharmed, for all rubbing and -SEGIJECT OF CHILDREN. *o!r.J f. rlcomphinant. drden jojo • drihk. He told witness that he had elept of his house (or a>niej nights, being afraid Now, however, the matter Is beitig taller pubUc roeetMg, at benfeBt or :ii«>ranc< society let be. •» «f him. On r har dsome b inrferl' Ji . if Soak the clothes that ' s all three n iles away in Co. Water'- - ¦ ' " aaoth' occasion at rilghtthU in hands, and 1 !hoe that befarA lone. th* which there wa» a vehr large attendiioi},- Irish one! ! Somet! ing liko two 'millioo ^•it.'nft'sd ft«/*,>rtj)inv>d ftfterwnrds n ciino to the house with a knife iri people of these parishes •will see a suitable an front : qf thfe pounds y >«r went mt of -Wsndto '£jfr . hand shouting for "Mike," the lviin: houise waf held1 an New-str^t. * . ; was a tie and that tho man ha. .p . provided lor their parish pHesti 'o*n-HaU Hrom the *tepsP of i which . Jish sociel e». Let hem reflect on!wh*t home the previous night. WTiii :, I'Uintiff wai v ay much afraid W Tho, cost of such a house: need not [ be b} that meant to a poo, county like to*in«k inTestogspeeSesTere delivered : , ¦ was speaking to Kavanagh his «reat. No unnecessary expense need rx TfluWunB^r MrT Moran, and, :M?. In | conclu i:on tb* speaker made, an : i yU " on the scene, and complained th I 'laintiff in evidence also deposed , an medrred in the matter. The Board o! Redmond earaest appeal to t boso present to «p- out the 1 asl Kiely Chief Ranger J. E oor lell his children without food ai liticii to beann^ aoliciUuj-s 'Works will lend the greater part of lfh« fJJfvK BrS NichoUs Jowei, port the ifih Nati .nal -Voluntee* «- RINSOjIS THE EASYt WASHER. EASY .e.m»ht, tliat i^bch" I had iM >. in: his pocket. Wit ¦ he t equontly threatened money required in order to build | !thc hief .Banger CaJrick-on-Suir ' Johh moat. Th< y had be m long enough giving mohstruted with KaTanagh for ' Ire the hou.-ver put his hxnd on her. ceotlonal parishes are mostly provided army Of he own soas, driiled andj «rmed n-B-st - - i • . , that h< r husband beat¦ her and 1 JoHn 'Francis | Meaf her,; their ffl^owj a black eye. I ¦ . , ie?«ty. the defendant, said that le with houses in another way already,I as had Toady to ; defend . her " nationality j ¦ r for pnstance,. townsman, after whon Uie branch! Defei dant denied that he- hi working for ptaintiffof 's lather whot« to d 'in the town At Clonmel| it ii been called, was one of the men who in a *1 to pH tlio the pigs ¦po>F-ibie.-to obtain a rented, house for!th< Jao e».Kiely, Chief Ranger; W«W- I I b»kina for drink in iBridg*-stre< . pr^cs take ' dark and evlil days . oved Iiel'iqd not Sxo ¦ hnd business there trlth a man t ne Plaintiff would not give him-ti t parjfJi. priest and .for the euirate- Thai is wisely; but 100: well and suffered for ford 'Eranc 1 here; and j jhii loving; her. With regard to the |Insh the course ol an interestingaddress , said C^lWiCItjoN SIJIR ONION j -Master-Lit ar.d U not suitable URBAN COUNCIL Tlie lest r*-mh; therefore, should 'fall into| lim although J ej had niver before 'heimt. of ¦ -|: ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' CARRICK Mr. Hanper—We adjourn the • of the affair was a drop >1 National Foresters, a branch of ; ; yiaicti j • '[" ' - .• ' " • U *»r[ washinp.. k. without delay, with tho other parishei o Jobs iiao as Moagier, the name ii.oerib- ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦'" next : the Caoick brand), ¦ ¦ 'J very pi operly in bringing h on. r. Byan-Of opuijse, cemttemen, I.<» n come that organisation showed tha'Wsbj'peop^ ed"o '!¦ ' i; ! ;| " ' ' . . wwfer Amply ¦V i th» workhous s «nd «2 *et pressingthe easels I ought; ti«xt lh*t I ghall find thU houw-proyldec ainoe Slte '41 nMS to C orick'he'h»d learned rostctntkms wi 1 be finall ' le&l Proceedingsstarted the! way to"HoTDe Bale long pefore-rt wais ; Ju2ie] usual weeJily meeting o! the above y fixed at next SCKOOL.ATTB»m.\(SCE. lairtDin—We Recognise Ihat. .. \. for .and occupied , by the parish priest; sought to .give their country Homo Ru.« entxegh «i> rat 1am and about hii good I&jaid-WJL" held jon Saturday. Aiso pe-e- meetinffiOl the (TbuuoiU Mr (P. Gray, School Attendax defendant was bound, to tbe peace, and tcsday 'I deatn} to exhort tte pVopli work ond, nffeTing for Ireland to maka ' l- ' : ' .' < I * , to take «n jr&igh..tbe:,'«n»dium X»f a British Act of : f&xW^Miss Kemy ; Messrs [J. Mara and ' i I I do spector had a number of person ly what .is required. The oooiiTaiior Bro; Hutdhinson : 1 le • i - : . ; . ! UNLICRNSED D0G8. of the parish is not very large, but ifieacr brsjnch that had been carried through the proud that the I JS.F. was a non-wcturian \ '!: . ; ¦ STATE OF HHE HOUSE. meeting: on-3uir 'Urban Oounoil, held on Monday The iRual; fines were -imposed. nstabto . Hickey . chaxged . Johant a person rives his share then there Irjeec organisatiohiand th it they did not «sk a ;—Messrs. M. Bald- I . not- be «oWn the motto of the I.NJ.—Unity, evening. Also present Mr. M.-F. Quirke -appeared I nun' with ihavinfr two unlicen5*d docs. anvlhir? in th« least degree lilje r ¦Benevolenoe and iNationality. | Everjr man seeki]iff admis :o:i at what altAT he i Remaining previous Saturday iiipht; THE LATE LIEUT.-COI.. VILLIERB win, N. Gaivin, Thomas Morrissey. R- School Attendance Committee. ted 2s. 6d. irid costs and ordered o burden i>!«oed upon .anybody, (te p ^ne- worshipped if he was a-' • decent, ttrifty, :! iP. Kirby. TOiig. Irihman fell keenly the need for unity in 1 100, ; oorrespondihg period last year, 235; 1 ' T 1 0'Dpnnelli R. Power, ^ out-a license) ; therefore, and <*r«t th!*'htttw| foi wofkrriit fot ltheir country's welfare ;anU patriouc ilrishmaii. They h»ve' Hoi»-t - . admitted during (the -week, 96; discharged, STUART. PROSEOUTJON 'BY THE GUAR ' tramp named Jeremiah Coliins, the; parish p"iest . for «Jie parish, for yhur national jirfiU1. and they all knenf the ants In Ihi .Waterbrd branch, and one of ] 300; died, . 4;;in hospital, 82b in fever hoi- R.ECENTjARiBrrRATION. The Guardians of Carrick red b f«lv«», and for religion. I the 'iProtMiant iBrtthers wouid have been ' I OOSTS OF y ConstiWe Ncilarl with h»vins | many I bitter lessons to; be le»rned| from : pital. |14 ; on outdoor relief lists , 107; coil Union >umnioiied Alice Shea for 1 cense for hisi was fined 2a. 6d. arid : 1 of¦; vnaty. speaking in Carrick that day only Ual The Clerk rad the following:— ch Id to the][ past throtigh the absence ! of out-door lieliei for . week ,f£14 13*. 8d.|j , The Qerk read the following : — he^ become a -charge Over and over, again when their ibopds .pressure Ol business prevented 11101 from : Oastiite. Canick-oo-Suir, , ¦' ¦ ¦ ! <»st .Qf provjs iohs, eto., Teceived during i -. mouse of Commons rates. j ;rick Wright Was fined Id. and co3ts were brighteit and their hearts -bdoyarit coming with themj «The branch lof the tip weak. £37 18s. 3d. ; eo$t of; do. con- I 'M 20th May, 1914. ; ; May 6th , 1914. Mr. O'Donnell , sok., appeared <>t havini? IJf J. In Carrick jwjmldlhe a living' monl- ' Dear-Sir—Ma/ a license for a "March AT CLONMEL. I and the fruits ! of the sacrifices of thpie • 6Jiraed. t£42: 19s. |/rd.; average -weekly cost I -aok you to convey rhy I Dear Sir—Re claim fof Urban Ck>un«l Guardians. ( , all for Ireland were just «bout ment to ibe memory of their iila^triou» sincere thanks of 'Mr. who gave ' j of maiatenance-j-Inhouse , 3s. 8d!; in hof *nd tha^e myiamily to against Staunton Iron Works. Co., Mr.' James Walsh, Master of th ream O'Connor charged; Anastatia to be .secured ail had been lost forj wait townsman . have in tho ' ronltluxue. "¦ " ¦ regret not jh*viaz b >com» a^membior .'or.n ¦ j » 11 «i named McCarthy was fined 23. w«rsliips if he i is-a 8e|f-respecti3i«IIrij;i ¦ ' ¦ state into the church and ito the- throne i- ¦ ¦ • ¦ msmory.—Youi 1 faithfully. leaving a balance in hand 1 neol Witrt 'egard to the ladies, he trusted I . , I received £6.726, Mr. Harper -said Uio.b&QCb we fd costs for in unlicensed Nationalist. 'It is non-political in thst jt . have dog. { on the High Altar.- Mass was then!dele-! they, vouli not onl r become a branch ; COAL CONTRACT. of I £339 7s. 4d. The Council joqrn the case to. give the w^man anas Power, Kilgobinet, was fined brated-by the Rev. W. Ryan, is independent I of all sectional politics: : T. K. VILI.LIEES STDART. actually lost by the award £284. and coM*. C.C.. | • themseves but that they would insisi chance of taking out the child, •bx id cosU,fox[having an unlicensed ' J ! But it; is. national dn the fullest setis : rovi*:on The l/xai Government.iT Board wrote :—;= Chainrt|in—I knew the law Colonel Vil- ed in the arbitration can be attributed to to Kaoll nond Beresford . beriat his initiation a declaration that We ' l'Ata Stuart' we 1 as dt was the chief item for wy* chirjred by Con- hefB is decreasing in the land. We ara no' fcr ih'j'r f ltnre by joining the iFtorester*. I j i : ; 22nd May, 1914. j , 1' artd 'He deserved all that this finding, Mr. O'Dounell—If she will un Hickey witll having four unlicensed . believes that Ireland** can-' bo'-goverac-a SirvT-The iLocu Government Board ob- was said aboui hiai ai last meeting. which the arbitrator found for the con- to pempve tlie child from the wou longer condemned to witness the sad better:by her own sons. than : by] 1 any No trirl should msrxy A man who wou'd been influenc- 'n hu> po.^sosskm. [.. scenes with which we were so familiar in not [have : i imple . pr >vi»ion made for . Ui* fiorve from tt/»r pJ»n of niist. th»l the.guardians rejected the/lower Evejything used by the branches of making; ;h costsl of the arbitration. Mr. Reade is of not have relnoycd tho child by tl> In the sense of the word that there | was, fcacfV. banners, ftationeryj , n nrovision>ould •be adopted tindoT for the contract for ^he coal!=upply 1 •d 5s. and opjU.j there are still too.many victims amongst orgiai&«tion, than to jo n the Ir sli National ti j tiie workhouse submitted by a Water- opinion that the 6taunton Iron Works will go to gaol.' : ' etoH"not"only ln:Ireland but in jeyertr ForosUcs award . They 1am Morrissey , Kiladan™an. w is us;; and in another way, too, though in a (anplaiijc). ' ; ' ' ; I . , ." totd firm on: the grounds! that expense The Setretar r Limerick County Coun- should be notified of the I OBUNKfi. '». and costs country under ! the sun where branches oil| £j per day for for having »n u i- less degrading form than in other tjnies, On th* t ror>os!tlo 1 -of Bro. Hutran; a vote ofjtrwjiks of Mr. days I beyond the contract term; wlr.eh 'tnblo H:ck *y charged Anostat 1 amongst us. Continuing, he said', urilor- waif puspec to th» C mfrman fcr ioreredJnr. M-Hord. and in reference thereto thejLocal P.|0'Shiuchne4y, seconded by Mr ed to 4 month's imprisonment for with hiving sent to Ireland , every year from branches MJ Quinlan :—That owinjr to recent politj- would '-.ean a yum of £8A3. Since f ¦ an unlicensed dog. turiately in some cases there were; fcus- After the meeting a 1P :CP number ]o'-e<1 G^vemmentiBo^rd requite jo be iniormeii enness and disorderly, conduct. <1 6d. and cojt»." : in England, America, Australia and Bout* the-, cal events And pArticularlyJto the attitude heard t- >m Mr. Reade he hna called on a*. torriB and practices that were very jiuju- 1 ete. Iocn '.j branch . Over 100 rrpn ihsd •v(hy it ¦would be necessary to have <% Serg< ant 'Hewitt prosecuted. •table Drought • diareed a nx n rious to the cause of temperance. Africa for .banners. Manvs. books, ; pajfed tin* for co»l .inspected at.Waterfoid by thelwork- of |.the irmy on the . Ulster question we,' me ljf ' and supeested that I should get Confiapte iKerr summoned Joh Sunday MrJ Hutchitifon then detailed at Ienpih brarw^idoctcr¦ member»h!p insW- tions from" the Council to make I 1 , Mitthaw Organ with disorder y drinking was of a particularly demoralis- before tlia meeting. ; . ; 8|< u3e!; officials when the usual practice 'the member*thor itthe Limerick County Coun- Gr.ith [or drunkenness. the! benefit syjtem of the I JN.F^ \ Tlie ]: cil^ -consider the tcm» hii come when ihe '4'aims apainst tha Staunton Co. and As il was!his second conviction ing character, and surely ho Catholic;rieed if to jeKirroie on' delivery lat the Jwork- ¦written d a.,. &d and cost). be told that that was not the way to spend ordinary section in Ireland has at present every effort -sJ ould b4 made to organise slab net copies of letters by you twelve months he was fined 5A. and these with BI-. use. ¦ I |; i . . . ; Uie! day which is specially a membership of 80.000, , !¦'- the Irijih| Volu ite*r torce:ijn every parish and their replies.—Yours, et«.. Thor las Houlihan and Thomas V consecrated to their wives and children who receive tlie j • \- JJ E. PEVLIN.i^istant Sec. ! J.!J. O"SHEK. the' service and reverence of God. j .The 1 A F&nionp. {The; Clerk|-was directed.1i> inform the •ia| Ireland. We are >k p:ace at fi 'e day [Mass for all, and religious instruction be ,(some whb iay that if they Th& Lpcal ! Government Board 'wrote oopner.: I . that they I in the morninfr. manied thai would lose the «. | All Ijje - realised 1, 100 guine « . yet we rather think [ I In reply to Mr. Galvin. Ihe Clerk said Constablo Neil* n fori the young, should. |be ..observed. that an. incident yesterday at Christie's ttihctwminj' HieS, following Payments:—£8 pierk-jWe had a very enthusiastic meet- th him on patrol . There was lTlbs " When will the day dawn," he asked, (spbaker) coTild say that any man I wljo Sx to. Mi. G. P McDonnell, the Board's ing here the lhe| Staunton Co. had ! not «> far claimed •n in the pjiToel ' would have| come to marriageable age even bettejr illustra .es the growing craze. r otjhor niplit and a large num- from him the balance [due to them. | j " when the Irish people will take!their Everybody remembers Gainaborongh't pnginfcsr,-:ioT nUfEerrices I in connectidii ber joined the Volunteer*. Shiney deposed jthat she found her place with and could afford to marry should be ¦with ' " I On the proposition \ of (lie Chairriisn. tho other people oMhe w6rld, ' famous—a most notorious—" Ducheu of the sanitary works iat the fever hoj- Mr. iM/ofrisiey—If | ," which, after its sale for I I I Volunteers wsjlkftd up the Toad With a the| Council's solicitor, was authorised to nd mi»?ed| tlie j bacon. The baon When that day dawned, it would be the 10,000 guii eas £1 13. oiDr.'\Murphy for assisting nr. loaded rifle od. his «houlder I wonder ¦ed) was hers, i .weekly payments of members, is £^20,000 in 1878. was stolen, and, " proceed Aoainst the Staunton Iron Com- fftirc.n day that dawned upon Irelhnd. years late , recovered " with rio ques- Sfcphanson, :M.O., in an operation in the •would he be- atrasted. . iofendant jrefusbd to plead purity . He did not care what advantage the; Go- a year. The) total siim paid every jyear ih * Jxlspiitatl. : •! - pany for delay in suppl ying the pipe.' berieats to n erjibers Is £60,000, an<$ the tions asked." In,the year of its disap- 'f : j .Clerk-ffHe rkurht be. but if 100 men 1 he found]the parcel on the Bally- vernment or any other power might eon- pearance ; plain m zzotlnt ol the'portrait : walked up thelroad Armed with rifles who o«d. He asked .to be returned for ferjupon the people of tnis| country—until accumulate funds of tho I-N.F.|at pre- 'I ¦¦ ¦' '¦ ' ' I RATES AND WATER CHAKG'ES. , ,000. Provision ft was sold i or £27. , It was considered s - .{! ' ' ' i ¦w.j>uld arrest tjiera? | the Assizes, they rid themselves of the qemon of drink cent onroun to £150 annA nrii>A us 4hi» n ATTnfint ttrvttr \t»A nnt 1 ' ¦ f i I i mwle .for insuring the children of | mem- ; CHILDREN AT N JRSE. i Chairman—It is a fine movement, and I Ihe Oieik submitted his estimate and iiajristrate; returned him for trial. they would never be the people that they then begun to ¦ I wish the promoters be should be. ¦ bers an the ordinary -way and ajso fyr rivfl the black-tulip en- ] ¦ l i .; I of it would extend the figures ot tue jaueo ^o btruck lur j' ' I ! thusiasm I at the Dutch. In 1901 one of 'j" • - . . i •it to the o>uatry districts. Most of the the eusuing year. Tiie following are the AT ABB ^VSIDE—"WHAT ISA insiuranco for grown-up people for eums . Mr. R: fowerl R.O.,' bro\ ght before the Referring to the picture-, : houses,! ) the from £10 to £100. These onsiurances'could these m< zzotints4by WiUism Wbiston young men ii the country nowadays figures of uie rates:—Total, 7s. ed. JU the Bishop said this form of amusement I was Barney—fi tched 280 guineas, a very good ¦! )oard liieicase] of & wonu n who applied scarcely[ever ;ive » thought to Ireland S'VANK ." be 'availed n was adopted. late was £2!M. \ pictures. town in Grdatj Britain and' Ireland -and for his whole-length picture. As Bar- iav.m;ir reapng emd tnafm- : . ] dnef object^ organisation. | TB«r Royal Mi itary Academy, he won only: LonKoce. oh the iratd? ¦ TW; Committee was appointed t-o go into the Mr. Orr, R.M., who ! administered, also unfortunately, calculated to be as lasting1 but 1 . Wo shouM refui^ m lUUtiMf iT wvvinn AKU }ist of atre-arR of rates uud rx-purt to the as they were bad. members »w nsirly• all workincmen, journeyme n's wag is for his, work , •pub- io-take the . children]into the house.' | -i ' ' A dull dragging,ache in the small ol placed his hat oh. ' I I Referring to the; pic- tluiy are wclrkingmen who work aid not the had f iCouncil. j • , the 'back wllfJell on the healthiest mm Ipstein deposed ture houBeB in Clonmel, the Bishop ex- lished by one Thomas Palser, of tba ;Chai>rman—1^ guardians adopt-. : I that he was , a marine loafers or u)eu who would go oution Ji J " in si Ihe-iixrovaaions ' _, ' . I The following were Uie ciittrgcsj ' for or wotoan. rAna if the kidneya 'farl in doiler.' He wm he blood, it leads to painful at- there. not be a cause of evil. He wished jpar- : " Duchess "; he ran away to be a . soldier, x' Jhia «6uld ^ave Jbeen,^aypiHftd. ..-JI qut£l?S *21 SI *T?9*} *nether hair \ He isaid to Power whom he knew , a itect ch f< r Iwomen members, and pe sMttrosses hadt>e*a J bottlers, As. in the £; J>akere, chemists, •toeks of oeuralgi*,- Theunvatism, sckticaj ".Hullo iiwank" ' ticularly to tell them they weTe respon- and rose ' o eome c ietinction in the Fea- irou !had the Act in force iStheTiiiion no- piwUed for the male and hotel proprietor!- 1 _ - ^Uughter). , Power got wis -glad io, say that thia .section;, .was written!t« give ' Ji^M|nrth« w«rk1i<>U8e« weU M ¦water; , ls in the £ each; grave}, headaches—to worrying attacks offended, and; Power put hi3 fish sible before God for the avils which : bad he insula. I nough hts been woauia ooold take a-chfld: to nursetrith- sallow manufacturing: works-, 10s. per &u- .basket pictures might do, growuig Tapidly. A few days J«o point to .,the modem enthusiasm |for col- wt«t^Tst gi-rfn" iti > OwSuaoxlians parti- -Pf"* .sheets w those[anroates who -are of of driiiness,, nervousness, heart pal- dora ¦and struckl witness, and the crowd especially to | the opened « Btrong women a aectlcn (in ite ?*¦ w« ^^ «•» ;num; exceeding iix I and not exceeding of •nd AnM in iisiWorirnjs Wotfies Whe* wit- " tosm. In -tonnection with the NiUoitii ^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ •¦->l*;.i faJ ***=rpTi»lf ^^•?t»«nd, -aiey:aje 1 'si^n baeiwihe'cr disorders of' ' lie w.quld be a Ttlague. spot and a curse to in thi pr^s . 1 Mariii«ey- ^|wa9 fevoar »{^»r*1 ufed¦ wh«a¦ iCTt, £4 per annum; exceeding ien, £5 per ness went into "tie puoiichou»e,, Witness the people ; Insutaoee Acti he had>en . . ^.i... ^ ing this Act enforced at ihe time. After «>we*8»ry.- . - - Ijmne , UBe Doan'i BackaAe Kidney -?iU». said io Power. "Hulloswanlt" in »friendly who nad the ¦ misfdrtaile io AWt?M ¦ ¦; ;»nnum. : Charges to; local iristitutibiis-^. ,The-beneficial eflects of Doan's Baok- visit them, . ' " ¦'' : ; an inquest onta intoe ••clwd « «oupl«|of • i' 4Burke-Asyhrro, £S per Annum; Wadding way. 'Fowe.-j got offended. Witn»3S did [ y^trn^he«rS ^ ;' . : YOUR ; P?EN yojss 4go ''Mr.|Wodds,-D.l.,' ¦wrote to the . ¦ ! ' _jJ_. aihe Kidney Pills are often found &fte| not pull 'd UwTthepeoWejare payine large *u?>ste*Jid L Charity, £il 10s.; Presentation, and Mercy the first box or two--tho bladder ^owcr .no*e or lock his hands ^ A# yon otdit H youra^seall giumtoa^^ reooVnmefaddns iiie edoptdon|of DOCTOR'S HOLIDAYS. Convents, £16 each ; B.I.C. Barrack* ; acts (laughter). Pow^r, , w»s A quiet fellowj«s ^ the Act/ but nothing ' ' . £3 mW freely and without pain, the water wa* dome.. It ss ne- : 128.'; -iWorkhouise,. £40; Fever Hospital, in dr >psy 1 far as witness knew. It was with his fist ¦ £10.; Post Office Js released, and the uiic acid Power struck witness. from." the,ittutft 'that , statement Was ;he al as Wr n. n«,n D.I1W.. I. He¦< J »_ L , £3; Courthouse^: X2; deposits in rheumatic patients The crowd were ¦ ti^ childreri weU 'lhe protection *:?'• lif,*iP ' S??^ ? ^ - "5?. CHristian Brothers', £5; are dis- urging both of thoraon and they both fell (f 'peakei) «ed only ipehtion that in the ^A Ronjan Catholic posed of. Other cases are harder to treat ¦ . . : ' of the Church, £2. All wiater supplied from the ; on ihe road together. Witness got ihe THE A.O.H. AND M - ' ' Nltion*l.Health'In«iraho8»ectionJ . becau se they have been neglected longer; ' I I NiF. "theri a're '83,000,'' ! insured persdns beginningwill be eharged for- in accord- b^it I oan' successful, best beatinr'OaiiglrMr); f: l aoee with.the above list. It . I a Pills have been in j Michael Power/¦deposedhe wa4 ft fish THE NATlOHAi VOtUNTKERS and they pay i out H beDefll» £300 evtry even advanced cases of dropsy, stone, dayr!lriclU(iang .8«aday,- 4Uid, ;they| rep>e- , In reply to Mr.' -Morrissey, -the Clerk lumbigo, rheumatism, dealer. He* .was|selling. Ilia fish "in ^ffi|«na«r dient i-whatflver. . | 1 \ |"We axe plqivse*, io;£!e |.i$itithe jrish are Kationalljts—« number 'of the n 170- ¦ MWi.lM of .chargies, the aniourit put Mr.;Ry4n-r-W3|at,do you think a swink ' down>for!.thev.woirkJi«>U6e;wag'JE30 and \tnil9 boxet ' only, tix. $oz-f lf lu. Never, mean3?. ' ¦ ' [ " {' ¦ Vplunteer movement" as i .a"resultLot tbe testant "Nationalists—*nd yet some people ' ^ar ' : I impetus given it recently, is " spreading did the[fever hospital ¦£&. Vftieti ' the igiuir- told I wui ] O/ aU dtemUf and ttore; or, Witness—Ij tliink It ia a fellow thai is bid the audacity to say. that 'Ulster dis^» tea this charge; they will not be f tom Fatter-HcCUllan Co., 8, WelXi-itreet rapidly throughout the - country. This is not wan> 9lid have »lTeady taken it irr ihi \ A \ . :• i ! MrJjLwgan—^And,jwere-you.jofleqde ^ ¦ -¦ ¦¦• Lre ¦ c^M' a rk : • vince.- ,-Nothirigr indeed, [¦CQiiW' w«[io4 8te M.O.IU f i ' - ' .r :-5;r 1 »»*l*H»I^—X K4V, blf \11kUKUl(7^. (atisfadbry uian the jonfti „ J. 1:L. J&rif^> wrote--ainpa f*1ier:of Vh«Win queWHoa w»V«nW- Mr. Kirby-acreed iwitli Jlrj Monrissey " ,Wiloes» opotidu^iweaidie^iBd noth ng 'manifestation of naoljthattari at.-^hat.'aKar r .fney «5ie fextensSprtW- tt o TavaUay systemT^io lisa sb)djfir and said the ,It v cs decided to reduce the sum for tha loyalty and support on the part of south- worehiWWojlWlp.terj'to-. Te-establvih.h^T , { Ital^qed -jn ,Carrick. OTCT'I) figures j shoald be fixed'at fever hospital'to;£6 a year and to allow to eay-«t *ny Urn© to plaintiff; and when , t *4«tlH«JS\»e"rtifit fir8f?,- -> - .-.- , j j . ern, i eastern . and I Western: . Na- nationhoodl appiitee). He *wlld (remain ,j f ¦ttjo . e jm-rf«iv^..wprkbon«e.-tO;«tand- till he said tlua he went over io- him and th«y ¦floHallrtB- —to—their-i- -brethren"1 v in with them in Carrici that nkht only that " Cierk-rflVWi Jlie ium for tlie work, the midians will negotiate for the wataij h«d' a row. jXho two of them! went out- house was aiHd at ^£30 and for 9 . North' - East Ulster^ . This': is ha had to J» ra LondjW,on , Monday niiht ; the the fever »iippl&. _ |- -].- ¦/ . ., . ! T\ aide and Ipslehijwaa' going to bis cut for al*eslto?wWct» -- - *° j 't;h r Sllt*l d^trufirective !'place3: It has side the The ' Oomatoni' ito :,' *^ t ^WJ t urban area come in to. town ami . defendant waa'fined•¦ 2s. 8d. ' northern capiUtists-' «nd tradirs", tttrt 'are witness the; ereatast and mart important take iflTgcfpuppIiea of |water,;ironrthe town Thef Court 'Adjourned. ' | «vei! mt™iW'gu«pdia:i5 to " ' ¦ ' • l ¦¦ dependent ao roach^ctha Nationalist and ^6nt lt»-ito5BsWito |egaT ,. ^SL ^^ an' re- ! Ei*l»s(hM*ri \3iS-ioaS hould have"taken : fount tns. !. .U i-.-l. - i !*l -..- i. the water the Surely thsie'^!ol{*«kea:af«alise t>eijWoa olhw;«ouirce» •. •|i-i> - - • - •• : FAILINGS - , . . , -: . uow work of all-w>o iJie« !thetT blood in m\? i the '«t«« \»in have talte. r i . -j- ,•(; , B^tf^D. Jo!W Mlj| J1a(T'.' iP!-:! '^:!' ¦ || i 1 that they cannot expect to do i butlness "M« (sppliTiw).«« lnott* «nsh of »!el*r?7' ' f ChaiTman—Thatis a very proper mitt«] The &.; <t forget the work; «nd the eacriflces!! ^^¦WttiT'Wif ^iitoirtyfiSi . Thi ea&efoii2i^*r|olnlr j Mad\t by Bro * -n A Pol *in, Faulty, it. T>e_ is concerned and ¦inform Ihom iha' first' shipjajeint of Jivp.etcok ! from' this •xeek- to prevent the-: realisation . ' ¦ Miff bv;chaf CinS £40 for Ahe' workhon«« if 'thiy Uko the " . " Of-' their men ]cf 'JM.I;'<8, "87i ahd ol ibe tungiwheii and.nld f n ii.3ia.Sk 14.packets :- ww*^rat»ble f .;- ;• =¦ .: . ¦;¦ ¦ "' > 1 wffl not l . water -witJiout-enJerinj t«rt ..sirice' th*1 dosing order .was issued lost aspirations by attamptine,to their ;; ': felkrw-townsmah i' ' ' ¦¦ ' ' . : nJBs;B<:-ird *J[-.>us.Sd '• ¦ yo> induce itbem to toke it ' t ,>rou«^ , John TTfaiieif il' ' : ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ : ' "¦ ' " ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦:¦ to iqto in agreement to pay for it they will J>y: 1h& . ' " iy a -groctn.^ - ; - : -| ' i " : ' " ' " ' • ¦ • there. . -. • , ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ Dertartmeri¦ ^ about eiiit. weeks the rasial passions and TeligioUB-"preju MecRher. worked;and suffered,/Tit . i J. v I] ¦¦ ¦ ! T ^ : : j . |. bi prJMeoutea'.' ' • • • " ago. '¦ ! • •V : fas • - ¦ • ¦ - : ' dices or the British people." ! 1! , -Uie work and the sufferings and .;¦ • ' - " ' : ¦ the in- ¦ r-Hi- i . i i : ll :¦ ! i • "' • - . \'- ' ¦ ¦ ; \< r I - ¦• ! ¦ ; . 1 • i I- - - » |r iil ; |- ¦ I ! I • • • . -! I ) i

rClasa S igef B : D«M I'arm, soril914. Tbbe giv,

¦ ¦ ¦ ovfr whose lands tl 1 ¦ I ' • ! ' more Harriers :Hut KN ughbred. £<:i9s. Od room's Fee, 2s. i6d. i I: " I """ i f ! NOTES. FROM | JBELPING THE fQTATOES TO |i UUS-iSSJSARS; " THE FARMERS* GAZETTE. THE FARM LABOURER l uitPilPi L 1 GROW. ¦ MAN URES Bay Horse, 10 years old ' ,; by, Queen's ! ! Birth- O7i getting, S F day out of Perchance, by Persimmon, out j PILLE Thank s lo tlie Ue^artiueut and other ANALYSIS ot Golden Light {hall sister to Buihj r. For 16 years iti] Cleaning Manure' bislrUiiilor.-j-IIow educative nioueiic* This week the "Irish ¦ ¦ Park), by Springfield oiit of Sunshine .^, j ine cullivauou oi tackles Ho n este-id " GUARANTEED; ' , by e* ins fife entire I satisfaction •houjd! 1 clean niy minurc jdistrih tor? i:«Jand"s staple crop, tho potato, has Ow problem of Irist farn labour. - .] ' ;- . ' i . l. i : i • Tbormanby. i He 'is a good-lookingj bay The old phosphate is calked on it as hvd advanced upon scientific princip-es It asks: " How are we t< arrange our horrfo, black legs, 1C hands high,' measur- p-called "Fjurity" Bran as moment. A cold chisel ]V rather risky &9 national aaiffrs FOR ing B ins. of bone, opposed to traditional uiag no i>y tjie reasons wh agricultur ' Leicester; ' 2nd.. West' Riding oip*r:cnccd hands, is ciivapct , anil so low y il WR ge& are , Autumn conic quite hard. !You ]do not 6tat< the wliere horse labour :s in Irolanu. Kirnjers (?ay tHat they Handicap, ' Pontefract; J3rd, fE6\plant*. icuce one 01 tne main Apply P. W: BUDD Esq., Sweetbrtar «iSE--rr:-i .;"4-*(a*ri-:';'.i {birly Accurate? J Modern work! w-ith the crop largely reasons! for the low Park, : ^¦ ¦ (jreauuimetera are not sists of con- wages paid. " Tho agricultural tforker ia Above Sessioqg iTramore.' ' ! ' '¦ ' ' I a. all (reliable for (he' determination working the Jan 1 -r u i- uitter fat 'there- -tire slo many fac ors ithfe planU, and make his work more Tocuiiioa< jiiiirucaou dosao lo cujl T lxich Voiild affect •breaking the ' ridges and profitable to the far- , n I Dowley.i ' . ¦;¦ ; ' the 'Jesuits! that She Growers remoulding. mer:" It is a case of Fharoar and the u-liciil-bn 01 laniiori and oUitr ry Uie it*oaUuasi«r-G«uerai tor Ui« a. Pertainingthe true 'percentage! o! butter the move. . Moreover. • the fear without -straw; fi t in aj of breaking the side The Irish farmers—and oooperaLve use ol & ' teiepnone -service1. - Constable- Hickey . Bummoned Joseph aunple ' would be'the Uijrber tjut- shoots of the roots, Mr. Wibberley proves it XJie x*vieiiuasletr-(j^ii^rai tuts* l^^uetl t ! J- :' i- 1 ; 1 Ihe soreness in her leg, I setting K> hard , corn binde rs, 161 corn lino :s not necessary in order to enjoj] Defendant said he'had tatfen Ihe pledge - ! think, is a little that moisture escapes too drills, 3 disc harrows , lOiniar,ure many of U10 ' EVERY '¦ >. J. above the pastern, as roadily. distri- advantages ot a WiepiuW and meant lo keep it. TUESDAY j : ' i^l-'i v O'Mahony, Esq: F. ¦ , Mouldinir j ¦ ' is ' ' C^ sinew-aaro' done expeditionsly butors. 6 horse! sprayers] 1 | \ ¦ ¦ " I' j puffer or 'jswollfen s little. 11 combined servioe. Tho I'ostiriasi.cr-Generai ja Mr. Bowers ¦ I and| now said as defendant . , ehjall Jeil ivery much: cb<\sply bri the- fhrwviTn^ ri~.i.»~- threshers, and' 10 power engi ies; heappeared For Season 1914. Beawn '' ! I obliged if [you'v 11 Dutjthis is not bV any there are | and pceparod to arrange that subscribers, and had turned ove^-a newj leaf would ends 12tb 'July. By Sir Hugo (winner of th«'Derby , out of SXYS wilH BEGAfip iO I let me fcho\v il I should bliiter it or what means entirely de- 21,910 . holdings ' in tie county ; where there are a bufllcicnt number of let I him; tho celebrated , .' pended upon.. The earth ' iit the {percentage of off with s fine of U and costs. . \ - I I: i Mare Joe Light (dam of you >'puldjrecommend for it. . This mare shoiild lie the ridpes the total art a tilled is tftein living in o%near a country rotul Same complainant Bummoned Andrew ; . Siif Archibald, Best light and- .Electric has powerful action,] and I lichtly. a-nd cultivMtion" should 6.7 per cent. We find if We ta ;e leading Houlihan , Roce the dam think it is bo done deeply. [For county,.j, ..cii <¦ another to a town where Uwre is a for druokennesa snd disorderly f I ; ii I of Re $eworthy aru ^Rose- frdm the effects of striking the ground 10 this reason the space ^-r Wexford.uiu, uiaithat tnereihe>-» tilet nu*..;..».«.jnber telephone exchange, and wlien they will conduct. Fee, £2; Groom's Feer 28 6d. 1 Nominated land, all winners)/ between Ihe ridges and of agricultural I ' ' '' ! : oy PriEm—Pe*et by LOGO-LAC' ' ' ' : : hak-d that the lameness hafe bean caused. far1 . into them is implementsjof trie modern agree to Use one line, can telephone as Complainant said 1 ! I : :¦ ¦ Peter—Electric tight ' ' ! i j kepf stirred by fhc horse hoe or kind is infinitely greater ' defendant was dis- Mares Free, , | i ; - ; "This CALFJ MEAI' -I -—r-The^ lameness is vfery probably due o There is grubber. [and I the |area often as they please-to people on that ' orderly by shouting ,and cursing. He had except Groom a Fee. '¦; ( " ¦ ' , , has mptX a)n- the cause you mention n<> need to be anxious to pet the tilled increases in proportion ,'' " " able and nutritious materials ¦opi- , vii., concussio^. -potatoes fully moulded plements; io the im- exchange ; tot *'moderate annual charge got married since (Uughter). _-1 ]. I ') " We would advise you Ito keep berlhouse 1, up unti l the timo 22.6 per cent, of tne land is ranging from a to littio more than £3 lus Jtr. Bowers—That Arch Duke is e wirrier on the "bined in ah appetiaiog forrfl and is ^eirhed when it is necessary tilled, and wages for may reform him. fl it and " ts-hen mixed . into a and to apply cold, Wet woollen bandag e of the bic because agricultural labour according to' the number of subscribers We; fine him 23 6d and costs, :| over hurdles. He is 16'Bands'tigli;with gruel) trill b« to the leg.!.These haulm. j : are ^higher. Wherever we ilook for it per mile. I j Owner will not be (responsibleT I : ' good bone 1 "found to be ' an admirable I rabati- bandagea should be ri- -ill «o: in ' . Same complainant! gummpneq Thomas lor ae.I , cubstanee and symmetr, r. netved . sbveral times|daily, j* do not Teouire to >x> wrked Ireland we will find that when the| ' 1 Sweeney.ana cidents. ¦, : | 1 "tut«.for milk."' - .; ; I I • and]put on similarlv. Those mers employ good far- 'In the United Statef. there are to-day John Pay' for?dnlnSenne&s ' ~ ! ¦ fairly tight. In a few days, when tne which ! work meilowlry , moderp agricultural more telephoned in use by farme-ra than at Mooncoin.—Fined 2s 6d eachl Fee~£3. " vi'f"" ' -. ' j :• ' ' jtN BAGS: i I- ! ! I under - A]] conditr'ins and doinot set implements the pej-ccntarejof lhnd ; I can,| of course, ' hard is greater tjlled there -are used by all clashesin the U-nifed I Charges of id/unkephess against John Nominated afa 2nd you say, in your answer rturi")2 which the equipped with spades ¦ •Postmaater-Gtjier&ito is ready. .• to provide dmnkennesB. ~ to "Ciaos.V l»nd jirradually »t.« 1 into rthe fields.! 'It smilax 'ta^iiities the rural'districts 'of-1 rJ6arSeait'B>-mesaid ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' aftt r describing how the ground should h»rder. it is advisable :T»ot is not profitable to the f armer.I the defendant had ' fin"! jmonldipc. to hurty th<> mits not; He ad- GnSafiBritainiandIreland.; ".By means 'of token the pledge. i - ' [ I SEA80N-; ! ¦ I i [ MANU:?ACTTJREDBY! - ¦ be | irepared for carrot [growing, to use ng According to the patw I it. It is fair to , the nabourer. The " case i9M." • of the a telephone .farmer .««n Epeik ;Ir«m. his ' .".was aajDdrnea for three a f |. 1 | manure. | 'Do you mean by this not to sotl and clirnntc, final He is revolting. His revolt can be ^' • ¦!¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦RprrcE "r.dpes met Whs. ;¦ - ] ¦ ¦ . should jarm , j»pp y anv larmyard o^ artificial h * left with an- only iby. providing 10 au we people wno?ttte telephone . j I LE.JACOB S Co;, Md. manure) ooute> or rrkr^ oocn' ar>ex : Ithem-with Better im- subsoriberiwith whom he does business.| U / wha (ever jfor the growing df carrots? • I th? one tn fJioot rain away plements to work with, whjch will make ' thir k this very .into th© from the r>!nnta his labour more If a piece of agricultuzal or other machin-. BATES ON LAB0UREB8' COTTAGES. strange. If the ,;rouoc furrowir. and the- oUjer, to collect , profitable jo tlik farmer, ery is broken' , ! ¦ "Lfe {. ,./ :_ : CORK- .. :-; .1 : l inteided for carrots is :in a| decent it, ' so! *o mfliri^ijn and also by adopting s system hi tie can orcter » new .-part| I" -I • I-' I By Le Eahcys ^toarPkTtiireENof IRol IHerod*);Itti o( . stat* rooti ** rhoisfnre' abniit tho more' tillage without thb trouble of & laaineyViuto the. Mr. M- EockeU; rate coBector. obtained dam- 8ylbbine ¦ cultivation and has been manured well and to t»lt^ adv^ntace : suitably to the Irish climate. . .1 . ;. ¦ ¦¦ ¦ by;iBnioe oat of Sonven -> ' ¦' ' of even town or tho delay ol sending an order by"'• lecrees for rates due against the follow- * * *¦ ¦]¦ ¦ - •• ¦ ¦ for previous; crops, it is-uioit srrytf)|s howers. There "The machine haslcome into , -:ii- •! '--] ¦¦ ¦ : my?&& likelybe thai «honW ..be 'ivery |iri- ing;—Daniel Brian V T|;: !' cleaner andi jbetter ro^its will ; covering, because . nmple dustry. The individual post. Ho I can g«t the" latest informatioa•< , Granrar 10s 2d; Bobt. ' i mys &>\ I 1 [grown then there islf** cJianco -bootmaker with as to rnarm , ¦ ;Hunt. 30a 2d; Patrick Allen VB SO VVEXIR ' i* k-6ei«Ulful-«tey' Hide/JBkio, Wool! tod • ¦• PHBg• jBCfl without any added manure pf any] tor dise>s«> wraj his few tools has disappeared pnees «rrd arrange to the ' ' I , I Grange, 20» horse, «nd. U a winner ¦ Tta ^Vne Xat, , • '•: , I. -1- • -,¦- / ¦ kind. ¦Hieh-rid to reach [the tubers vith the best Advantage for the sale of his produce 2d; John Purcelf, 13s 3d; Catheruie Eng- of £3,7SOina taiea. -H<*sa and C*ttW eiwghtereei. . :- - -:.l'- .i:- t U'hdt may| not spoil a carrot from the far- pes «.!w> ersiirp n mxieh advent of the gTeat power factor es. The *'lish, IMa 2d; 20s Sd. winning: twelve races oni tha flat and THOMA* L : ,.: . .CBt«:uiioaiaia.Oeae.SJ4j mer's point . cu!.\tion- frper oir- weaver with and " .»•« of view (the production of of air «r>oi»tTt the hj»ulm should f the handloom is a jelicl of the defendants are tenanta of , beating amongst otberi Ex Voto; impouSiila. whsa' the lira. several rather than one roit) be st^rm-hroVoT. i the past, only surviving Summon a doctor or a veterinary Burgeon la jourers' winner ol the ¦ ¦ ¦ Is prepArad to wroovk Bead 'cad Bia- biouiach arid Ki does not Mw° Jies Hr'er. n-H he e ar d there, for his hordes and cattle. fottages in Woterford No. 2, Ku -al Dis- f rench Dyby., ' ' . • f l ; abled Hone* and i di»7» ar« »IoMfali :mecii mini tne approval ol the gardener, i* i-s wet hau'm < 1iat mnk«: and- be cannot earn by the bes use of He can speak I LE SO-trVENTB' ,C*ttlo from any;plaoa or irregnUri Ht.Uo»»l'« MU(n« one »b!<» lirtat «<"!i i viiit- the handloom to any neighbouring railway Rtetion. and i - ig tin of' over one' within » tadiua bt ntteeo 1 et«ilr«ha| Jwho want^ clean, straight root; only. for the- disease to establish what the _wt rkeri 1 in ' he 'I Mr! Bowers asked the hundred winners including twenty Mil«*¦ ¦ ol U oeedoa—« f^all* ;To be sure;, it would.be upon. I :tfWf gTeat!';weaving an3 tpinninj Arrange for the despatch .or delivery of • defendants i! ¦ ' in one , Wilarfoid. . ;. ' i j ; but tboroogbi .cdmclivn. a difficult job to ' mi IsieaTi. hia goods and produce, they iwould undertaketo pay the rates dua season. .! : j ' .' "¦ j . .:.To«T squ& ize water from a ptone, and, |there- One ' may regret this de.itn ctio Of 1 he and in many other r> gulite the; blliarr tccr ¦y care • IUwI«cbd( ««1 j>ut in, but buried very; difficult things to get over, telephone. \So true, indeed, i» this -that that it made! no dif- than any, ¦ . - lidicewl^j, '•!; ¦ : , deeply if shapely , pven in agri; in a short time the ference to them how long they got to pay otite Finn. . ; \ ; j •roota are Idesired: Natural ior culture the individual churn ihas telephone will becomo ¦ •artificial ;one pe- the rates, ; because they -could not ' ¦ ' ~| ' ' manure wiuld do. It is tbej practice FOOT-AND-MOUTH fore the creamery equipped wit! 1 power a most valued implement on the farm. afford 1 • ' I i ! of machinery, Those who would like to have a rur.-il to pay them at al]. They found lit bard " VIEW; AU Animala Immediatel 1 ihe best gardeners to cultivate carrots on boilers, steam separat >rs, and enough to: pay the rent. 1 ! HOLLOA !' y BcmoTec on plots] that Vere devoted to RESTRICTIONS pasteurising and refrigerating telephone senrico in their di&trict should. , By Flying Fox, dam Be» Air by Insonoray Reoaipt of -Telejtnio, Letter or : onions or cel- plant. The ¦write to the Secretary, Mr.! Rockett 'gave ah undertaking not . Postoard. ; ery the previous y[ear.I' Nothing- more cheesa factory , the brewery J tnel scutch-i General Post VIEW HOLLOA i| » . half brother io mills, J and a score Office, I/>ndon. They should first , how- to execute the decrees jtill,after-trie expi- Pietermanritzburg \ than deep nigging is then reduircd. shipping Still of other cnvcrprides! ration of three' months: whose progeny has won Please ¦ j h ' Hampered have replaced home 'and limjd 1 over, try to interest their neighbours in He added that over £41,000 in stakes. RoU Addw»a|| - I I I ! ' 'I industries tho scheme practically all the defendants had their , > ' I Petjr Tree Diseased.—I have a pear uee on thfe farm. The next thing V> RoWs' and -find <«ut how many «T* minds made VIEW HOLLOA • is « perfectly sound EDWARD. WAUIH, Thoma. fi manual laDour on ' willing to join at'the rate of £3 per : up not to pay the rates at horso. I growing in] my garden! for:the past 14 the land, with sufhj year all. i i' i! Kes:— • j :| WATJ^RFOBD. years] which [during that time o'nlv] bore At the monthly meeting of primitive implements as have continued for unlimited calls or their own exchange Thoroughbred j the Harbour from the time with the power of talking to other town> ANIMALS ON THE ROAD. Mares ...... £9 9 0 I1 about fourl pears. When I| touch the Board { tha Secretary read , the ' rni- of the Tuatha da Danaahs. Tcletrrama: "Wilah,|:Tbomaa [ Holiowij 'i 6'nimenc. H vxr bloods they fall off. The tree is always nutea of a meeting No more than the " savage with bows arid w.ithin a distance ot 100 to 150 mile* at A Few Half-bred Maic-a.J ...I... £5 5:0 ': S function with of the Quay ' Commit- ' low rates. Sergeant! Carthy summoned Kobert Watorfotd. M : ! ; . ' the Ptils I* CO. well manured.; What iaj the ciiuse of the tee at yrhich the question arrows can fight on equal terms >jith the The only maUrial limitation Every care frill be' taken of mares j |i raaiched •' t Skln Cora, of cattle restric- army supplied imposed by the Brannigan^ Mooncoin, for turning a pony and ' •sudll/ leaves] being black and withered and the tions was discussed, ar.d the with the modern rifle, can Postmaster-Genera]is U>*t sod three goats foaJs, tutttha t>wner«. aiwreptino'WB. pon- xtmoi\af al) idif-faiihng bvHcl*^ Iniit following the agricultural ravage on an average there must be three tt'le- loose on the road at night. sibility for! plmpla and ifalling off? Blaijk scab -is ) the statement was made by Mr; E. A. Watt, armed only with Complainant said the ^defendant was accidents. No mares attended blackhoJar' It ha cau«ej ol the, injury to leaves and blooms. agent for the Clyde the spade hope to compete in his i idustry nhone.s to each mik- of line, that in to fay in to on Sundays. ; , »ure rcnioHr for Obitlul* Shipping Company :— with the hi it is e= .««chta.il the habit pf putting the animals on the I Sort* Caterpillars' were also in evidence. | Use •'The order which has been issued by the ghly-efficient farmers < f othir that a sufficient number of rejad every night, For nominations and >nd Old Wimniti, at well at lot half strength i countries who have organised; fnbfcrihors whose Tesidence« lie in and 'sometimes turned furtheripaTticnlara YOU CANNOT I Rhcorwlitn, Mmbago.Ac Bordeaux | mixture against Board [of Agriculture permits the ship- the nselvcs ; triem into other people's lands. , a apply to ¦ '¦ ' ¦ ! ¦ . whitd me scat), and; arsenate , ol lead spray for ment of cattle, from into powerful industrial machine s, who same rt -*ection from the exchange riwuld J !¦] in cases of f Zbat ind Throal ¦ Waterford to Wboii- be wilii -ir [Defendant denied the. charge and made JOHN i ; REAR CHICKENS Trouble! il the destruction: of the caterpillars. jit is side lairage; Birkenhead, buy co-operatively, f^ll co-opet itively, toinhare & oc-opeTative or party WIDGER & S0N8, 1 . ¦ I - ii gtvn almost magical and to Bristol manufacture iri J.i"e. . The Poftmaster a |longr stafement, endeavouring td anow Bachelor' ^Especially early lots with unI relief. Pried ¦ probable from ] what you state that the (Avonmouth dock) for slaughter at the the h'8- { Kainit and Blag. ' (Cumberland Basin) and to Pishguard engineering skiU successful «ehemA being established a was ' ' —Kindly in orm .tie il . can provide. One man roprewnt'tive will call V> Hifctiss Uie Cfendant fined 2s and costs. SKip kainit can be ; (riixed with baspc elag for snbject to 96 hours' quarantine at Uhe with] a team of OS j ^EAR turnips. I .-..u...a ^nakc anu x« uay6 supervision horses hnd a corn binder can <[ut, iheavtj. matter « th persons interested I CO I intend using 6 cwt. basic Blag, at and tie up more corn lin a day FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE FOR THE SEASON 1914, to Cure GAPES ===== plenty of cut 'seaweed (jvhich hag a bout destination. ,So far as stores are con- Mian 13 : [ PROSECUTIONS. : !j , PIOK, \t PIP. i 7jor 8 per cent] cerned,! however, the men working with scythes ;or| twice that AT BALLYBRICKEN. WATERFORD. 1 6d., , of potash and soda), and difficulties in con- numbeij with sickles. nstable Nicholas Power sunrmoDed 1/- 2;- per Tin; wst ree 9d. ,1/3, gji* HOW TO REAR FOWL farmyard manilre per statute acre. Is nection] with the . restrictions imposed by __ A man wjth an LAND PURCHASE AND Patrick Grace, 1 PBOFITABiY. : ] the County up-to-dite plough or disc harrowf will Ballincrunny.j Michael Thb Oyello Sp Ice Co., Thje preat enemy] to profitable fowl tour- gainit necessary under | these cirdum- Councils of Great i Britain , with Pa'rrell; Windgap, James Kenny, James r Nowry ing is gapee or pip] and glances? Kainit can nnd also the regulations ofi the 1 lifrse labour till an acre ol Iknd EVICTED TENANTS Wplsh f ' TESTIMONIAL. ' ' the great.oore fur safely be mjxed ment aei to Depart- more thoroughly and more rapidl;' . John McGrath. Margaret Dugean, I . . | thia Vlina&trous disorder! is "Pi- pnlinc." With basic Blag. For turnips] howqver , detention, were likely, in his than Peicr Butler. James Phelan YANKEE I Miss (M. Cleary, Soldi, in la. the sldg alorie jpinion[ to prevent a doterl men working" with spade; . Our , , Kyjan Pur- A Brown Hofse, BPY fl Cairbury. Co. Kildari :-!• Has or; Is. bellows by H. | l shuld be sufficient to give s very ) large trade contributor drives home cell and Michael Murray for unlawfully 16-il . by Dobbins or The " OSCO IS MOST 8AT «- BELL, 62, Quay, Waterford. Also !y6u the mosl profitable y|ield, t(nd especi- ielng done for the present. [ The condi his points. It it removing cattle and pig' Americue—Lady Mitchpll , by Candlemas, FA|CTORY. M Jactu'rera month- ally :ions imposed upon perfectly clear that it is the farnii r who Statement by Mr. Birrell s to Carriek-on- the y .thickens are qi ite of the- -Liver Cure, DUrrhoe* as) you propose to use seaweed a|ong Waterford are now is at fnult. He will Suir fair on: April 30th from the-BCho' duled property of Mr.i J ohn Morgan , will cured ot the Gapes. I Powder and othest »xcel!ent with farmyafd' manure. iThe dentical with those in operation at not read an 'thing areas in Co; serve Thorqughbred Mnres and : ii j ctuei W , addition of in , and Dub- useful in his craft- He remains iff lorant the Kilkenny portion of ¦ gentle- fowl and youn? riirkej^, all It each; ; kainit |or otberl potash 'manures is a while as a beginning they are Carried Union. ' ; | I j men's Mares. : . postage, 3d. Advice-! ^mixture for atisfactory, it is hoped of what| farmers are doing elscjwhe e. He I Terms:—Gentlemen' !\ ! Agente—Waterford . free. i i I [turni ps has been J shown to that'before long complains about the ^inefficiency )f In the House of Commons on Monday, Some of the defendant* appeared and s Mares and Tho- ,] R. Pools ' and BW give ari increased yield, | but ! the extra iome further substantial relief may]be his on the motion for the adjournment, Mr. Raid they were not aware roughbred Mares, JC5 0». Od. Groom's G lost, deputation himself , owing to an impor- display that Parlia- . but we will fine you all only a penny and from hereditary disease and sound for inj miiture, js I prepared as . follows!:— the [matter up a'gain. ! , - J mentary knowledge which he (Mr; Bir- costs. I . , Stud purposes. 1 Mr. Arthur Phelan, on them, Do they think that laboui) half- I 1 r ; i ' i ' Retin, 3 part.); tar, 6 par s'; red ochre , 2 in Feconding the starved will stand much rell) knew him to possesa. It was per- The police 'of the petty spsBions district ARTHUR DOBBYN, MiR.C.V.S. Prime Cow Hay paijts. Dissjjlye. jthe resin in thje tar by v >te of thanks, said'if it was ;not lor the longer (these had a number v ork done by shallow 1 ixcuses for the Irish payment of fectly impossible; having regard to the of persons [prosecuted for Best care {will be taken of Mares EEPING RECORDS lOF ' MrLK heating|it overla fire, and when liquid Mr. Redmond and Mr. a wage ne-half stato of business and the important ques- hav ng unlicensed dogs in their and add i urphy the deputation would have leas than it can get in posses- Foals, but owner will not be reBponsible I 4t is quite ' universally! agreed thatl I Free on Raila at iWateriord. the; red pchre. As this mixture is f r less' had a Wales 0] Scotland? We fight for] this tions now belore the House, to give that sion. Small fines were imposed! and the for accidents. ! !ono of the most inflammable chre must be taken in blend- easy task in i meeting Mr. time and close attention which such a defendants were ' essential methods of iiiolit tt. mnJ< Vlo linnM tuhov. iico^ nUA ffussell. ] ' just as ' well . nay . rather mo|e, in the ordered! to take out For furthe^ particulars apply to improving the milk (qualities of cow* s i i interests of farrBers ftiah of complicated measure demanded unless licences. Ilieibrard waring Mr. Graves—Are not cattlei laboure r 1. If JOHN MORGAN, Ballybricken is Ito keep milk records. I The advan* For Terms Apply • I 1 shipped again? being the farm rs are incompetent thcjlabo jrers there had been first some previously as- , . . taie ia that it ennblts Uie"jvw-keepet to I . jj ' . ! go, certained measure of agreement upon its t-ATE COL. VILLIER9 STUART. Motherless |Mr. Waitt—Pat cattle are and when labour goes Irish land will to [weed out the poor!milkers , thereby M. . Fpa(.—I have a foal|that lcjst being shipped, become, even more than it is, the ranch main and most contentious I principles. raising the average milk-yield 8HEEHANI& SONS Us "moth >r last) week.' I am giving ]t one but stores are not, for tia'H , Castliino, agiin tltat pure milkli6 a. Superior food , LIMERICI " ' dcT harm be gaged at \l , but farewell to any idea of an concerned—IriBh landlords, Irish ten- ' on the AT . BAI.LVBRICKEN. provided the cow is' fed on rrntritious; >»gar mixed, put of a bowl.every two to say we, have "no doubt that, ants, Irish members, and the Irish tax- death of , her| husb. anJ , thej lafc Colonel ; food. In this flours. as soon bs possible, Irish rural civilisation.! One hag to talk Villiers Btuart, who pu^e &i^sl by ' itfeelf is It is getting this Irom Ti a.m: to they will, see full very plainly. Nothing {makes the i ural payer were interested. Mr. Ginnell was was up to a few tha new-cooked, •>?;">., naking 8 quarts jper day. iDo facilities 'are given to the port for the years ago in constant attendance; at this all-cereal prodnct I IP0RTANT TO you; shipment [of stores. ¦ population decay in Ireland eicept the very fond of adjuring him as if he were C'outt. The called "Clarendo," Jis in'anutactured. MOTHERS. . thin]; this [is too much? He [takes it - I incompetence and ijrnorance of the custodian jof the British Treasury, late Colonel ! Villiers Stuart Ever, ' mother who values the health »r.d fell every time, saw, in your last issue It was {unanimously decided those who was » most useful and conscientious i in IBeifast at the C!irendo Mills, by: cleanli lesBOf her j J Messrs. to thank direct its| methods. Ndw that ;so much and also claimed that he (Mr. Birrell), had ma- SWEET LESTER ! Me isrs. White, Tomkins dp i Cobrage,! Child should use HAK- t"-i<< a foal so reared should get sotne solid Redmond and Murphy for their destroyed' land purchase. A great many gistr te and a! kind and charitable gentle- RISON S " RELIABLE." 1NUR8ERY food work in connection with of the l.ind hus been transferred) frorr the man ; ! A Brown Ior.o. oflfirkina corrosponddng week Isst of their laaliitrv «ii The genuine article should be given [some freshly-cut graes or yesir, 231. Price, ton. to and their readiness to combine with ebch becii tlirown back into tlieir former state, "ay important Insurapop. Act oase was {j st>ld by ! mill some soft hay at iiight. i be ad- 101s. ! ' ants was 0 [htardl JB which, the: stores Uirovghout Ueltnd.!;The name I ' ' It iwould: other to produce and market and bViyt To, obtain those] additional gr ' CountyISwncil were ; . : ] IKDIG£«riON. j visable toi tum |hiin out fluring/the. day and while .this distaste for learning Con- airftcult'task. He was prepared to;adniW | «tiar«ea m tbiieo summonspi withjfailing SEASON 1914 is stomped in plain letters Da thW bag. into a paddock- bt 'cood ireBh pasture. • GENERAL PRODUCE; that the £nancial provisions of the Act of ,-»iatoe3, The State has done its LL3-. ^OUNG > ! ;The very large tenny, 6d. .to 6J ' , and as such ¦ Cream I for Eczema." la& country ." , i The jjnrears were great, notwitlistandinB f'.'!Mr ?8ent, and tho men employed by . I places:— ' '. . j . '• prepared -by, Mr. acidity end burning sensation and , /un- -yoar [experience when jyoo Flynn and Young's prices:— j ; ' him Belf,' which removed uU-tracvj) of tlie dif- comfortable feeling, yoaneli ¦ vietlm to torn*! fora of Seflmon, wholesale, , all the ,exertion»jof the Land i Comnus- w£re servants of Uie County Council Wednesdays, ISaturdays. and Fair Days and ; restore -tto 4«- 6d. per lbjiretail ioners, wjio were sJniply concerned iiii | al 0, and the County at Mr. Michael Phelan's, easelafier a'few rubs. P. Moylarr,1 Dun- i/rt-a'ns toi thei r r.orma! condition . .S&'d iodtfeitioni liyer tremble, or c-)o-, 2J . fld. per 3b.- ' ' Council was I liable Ballybricken, ' : carrying out outstanding transactions, but . lo ^taiiip their boards, under I the Waterford; Thursdays -and Fair Days' at kittJNJB., KiJmacow, Waterford. j This in 3s. fidi bottles; pos age. 4d. extrt; Sole, Is 6d per Ib. ' 1 .let. »It ?majler •tipmtlon,—«fld| it b qniea probt i\» ii/.-. the de-lay was not so great or «.-r:ous as' «'« s admitted by the Co. Mr. McEniry's.l Kilmacthornas. I excellent Ecusia OeBin!poss«ss«s 'those .iize, 2s. ; postatp, :id. 'Solely by tnch timen iy Turbot. U. 6d. per lb. Council that the ingredients which render ho OrigiAator that, tooneror Itrer, • _ Brill, it was sometimes supposed , to; be. ' He.|In}nira.>ee1 card of O'Oonnellihad not been YOUNG LUMINARY ri% a chestnut it {both 'Anti- . IIENHY Bl-XL, Chtn.i t *.. como-ryonm rekdvliedtorldyonritlj" lOd.jper lb. RAT8. MldE, MoiEB; COCKBOACHI 8, stftmpea horEe, 8 years J6 septic i'nd healing, and Us sold, only by X QuayT W4terford. C3d, 6d j)ef1r>. oould BMure the 1 on. member that he was , by the County CounoU.- I fold; . hands 1 inch in ' EctabUshed¦ l« di'tonM witberot |deUy by' most 'anxious in this session of Parlia- The defence height, with great bone and the originator,.H. Bell. .FamBy-:Che oiii, rears. 1 ' ' 1 ' • ol the] , Hake. 63'per. lb. ' I ¦ was that O'Connell was A ¦ girth and ralOuaV, Ukin»»£ewdow»ofBeecJum 'iPillj. I AND BEETliBs ment to put the] Land Purchase Bill/. Jjartraetor, ' not;* servant- ! perfect action. 1 • ; I Waterford, uj]2s. exoept/Hif a contractor) takeui with"advantage ; B Poinon. > Qats snd doga.'wilj dot touch i\. by «me mensun of preliminary .agree- fJi^t e men employed by Boy. Lominaryi.wssown brother to Em- '2 J a bottte; Jpost- I: I- . -I I i i.. hr thooMndi of., [inffereri (ha mi itt . . iting. 2d. to 3d. Verminveruim dry-upary-up and leave 1 ' jO'Conholl lo age-/ !no smell.!smell.' FrieePrideti ment. He was finddad to think that the assist . iJm wer« not servant press Maud, dam'by Lady KosberryjMon- , CDBE OOBuVS. j.) powerrol «ld |' towardt . health «ad - 6d..6d., Is , 2s < Sd., and SsSs. I|8d.8d. PaPost—3d.st-3d. Ilandlordsdndlords and tei ants, Counci , of tKe Co. taiguo.. Knight of the Thistle, 1 : The Quiiy, Waterford. : tfivcrybofly, has cQrn^-, 1 but why, -when ' , JDobsfers, ls.Gd to lg 9d each; '; •G. WW;i :; through their re- and Mo Council were not liable . etci, by j ^ hippineii, tnl,tfrr^ at* ' «f O*«ll- » TTI_1- Ifll-- V-l , • ¦ ,:¦ , . W-cUyJ by ^rekl tdyaneid in lie', ¦ ] •'Agent->Agentss' for"W)' W^itorfol«rfo Vdd ing the matte r, ind he was still quite After a long ^».* - 1 I -;- i !- !- :¦ Xtxnd?' "Jltine." is' Uje, pninlese. ! sure, v : ¦ ! -WHiTE—WHITE ANPAND' SONS,' lefal Argument .--«nd .- the 'and apefcdy cure, kipd h«linipt\ • " > EGGS. ' ' I .IIXi.Aa.,, ' O'OonnO'QonnsUiU hftpeful—althoujih that did not mean he citing of authorities Eon, her dam Gulltnoch, by Lamfitonxiut the .-Wixich- doc.i ' ' ' Street;Street: BELLBELL.. 62, Quay. I-CarrickCarrlck--OonD^^Oalr Mas;was; full of hope or on -both.'sidCB,' the of Fanriy Fen TJot fail. A gehtUman jwihes;—"A f mjmbeit oi pooplo.. tort jfpr he1p :', . 7s; ld per 120 for ducks and hens: I hope |or that such, measure*s nwjority of the magiatratcft dismissed . by- Slave. - BeaucletK by ~ ^w -J—JTT..T. T.-TDBNER the 1 iappljcatioi s of your ' ' ' . IT MaMainlr-Strtt.TStret."-1 rDutj "Dofc-' of n<>, and agreed Rosacruclan oat of Bonny Bell, out ol v Jexcel^-nt Eiiro . , on Mr, bMltbward to tb» HmaoU remedrj— ; garvan—D. J. . NUGENT, I BrldBrldgege- Stre«ffBtreol , enable FTewen 's Appli- Queen Mary, me of , them il had been CeE&r Report:—Top¦ price, 67», (up to ¦ ¦ IWith regard to the evicted -t.cnant8 dam [ af Jerry M., wmner of j ' - ' ¦'¦ JAME8 BABB7BAKB7, )!¦¦ • • !| I1 ' li - troubled « ith for 16 ye«r*. ' I tried ,co»i) I& . 2b:.7lb9). \ • : r ' i -I I ' ¦ ¦ i what the hon. meiiiber called " quips and the Grand National ' and Grand' SUeple- ' ; 1 . ' 1 . quibbles " were the chose of Paris,' js -fatlf-siator to' Young »OV3 prei ipusly in tri^ | United State* . . . OSAIN. ' . 1 ! languaea of 'Acts of ¦ ¦ of;' - j I • I i Parliament. ''THE NATIONALIST." CLONMJ5L. Luminary. I; :¦''¦; • And other parts tlie ( world, bnt'tihey < I. and 3.' - Phelan.. O'Ooanell-rtiW j—: ;—-r—: i .He coiild only .deal, -with - "The 1 TO. unsu xeBsful. '" BEECHAM¦ ¦ S MflJ« :- - evicted tenant* v bo *' " I Nationalist" ia published j rom Luminary, his sire-, ~won' 5,400 sovs. in 'e Spread on!>ili. ¦ . | • • , i ' ¦ came within the ¦ " : ¦¦ ¦ ¦;• ; ' ¦ I . . . ' I timea every [week. It baa stakes, I BUIIJDEBB,r jrti_ P*i: p iciel, or ' io law botUe* . i- ¦j kiift r »;¦*% ; ! Flo 1ir. ."!»to 32s- : I j 1 scope of the Act. It was sometimes a (uU«st the largsst and beating. I amotigBt others; fMelton * ¦ ' ' : ' ; II ate " .]^Soct. j W' .- - .JOOaE-ETJBXIBHlira BH1,O1 great diffl julty -Local, Telegraphic, and Sportlni ! -oeifqvuiit )We ufi Urn Premier and adjoining Connbeii 1 ' , ' ¦ r/S Bi4-'k Oats (farmers' price), lfls. :,. rioSr. do not •tock It °,'ne.r and-better holdinR^ You best part ot Thi Te^n8^-^G«nt^*mens Mareat .- £3 10s. ; S • ' ft BUaDING- A HOCSE, " j. « ¦ ¦r-Indian, Meal , 17s. 9d. per sack. I ferior goodiru all.: Walter WalabJ «ifi did^ not^. do justice to an old evicted Ireland. Quotations and aP Groom's Fee, 5s. Farmers' Mans. £2; S, -. 1 Jc .FROM BRICKS.AND • ¦' g. ¦ ¦ r 8onl; i • * • > ¦' ten- bwt poi ibid Advertising Medium ' • ¦• r' l Barley Meal, 15s. ' . , - . ! '. !), ,..!! . . ,.I int hy .majang-alnewrevicted .' tenant. ¦ in, ti» Grooms. Fee-,! 2s;, $d.: Groom's fee fa be 3:, f• -fi -,! CEMENT TO ' WAIJ. i .; ] . '¦& • . iauwirW^ . - -; i 1 - ,, Many;;ofjthem, ¦further; iofomnattosffrom - . li ' n,f ¦¦ *• 4>aid -aV first aervice. Serviceimaniy, ¦ Irish Flake Oatmeal, 16a. per cwt.: ! __ j [ haa alsoiaccjuiredimother , ;. w ." w ,W. I.' to: g- TBOOif BHKCHAa.tt. BO—.U*. ! Red Pollard, 6s 9d per cwt. i . ' hahita, maybe in }ows or abroad. | Were .;.j J. - -...:.: *£g ¦ Wh te Pollard, 8s 9d per .cwt. I I • • of the reinstatement of ¦ ~ ' ' ; i " for ! Irta \)H Ci ld») ft U> tl»¦ >0bV ! i evicted tenants to be WDS ~ ' any accidents that may! happen to mares ; TBOMAS! 'I ' ' I I • . ' WALTER WALSH & told he | afraid \ ¦ s 15T?'AriTirC s • -ill • 1 ' • • COiL l SONS hojd oo* dl it iwould be found I to contain T I sent to Ibis horse, but «v«ry oare) -will S: X>|X/UU AlO» abd Co Ltdj hoourage - > toe lurireM stocks of Hl^b-dau I Iron ¦ many mis- HOUSEHOLD and STABLE BRCSHE8 ¦ S theaj j Us. to 26B. W ton. I talfos which had been made rn the desire of every be taken of them: No attendance on j Sun- S; SAOKVILtE PLACE, DUBLIN. ; ¦ mongery ia XMland, ' | . ' " iWtore them description at Walter Walsh and days. Season ends 12th July.; For, g ¦ '• v> to their old homes. Bon'o. ' ! fur-¦ t ' I " ! ; . ther particularsapply to tie owner.! CiitfaaiisP- ' r * • ccaaBssO ¦ ;: i ; ¦ l-: \ . l : ' ; I i i r TTT ' ^^Fi' . .i - i -1 ! II . : ! ; ¦ ¦ II :; - H - ' I , \t .: . " . . . I: . . ¦ ,.;im/tei!LE] -|1- F : : ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' T~ " ' ¦ ¦ :• ¦ ¦ -J-i—iil—i- V ! l ;¦ I 1 i : J _ TUNAi NOTICE TO CXAIMANTB AITO Ei IMtiU011B£JJfOEBS-Oourt; of the Irish' Land Commission—Land(Purchase s|5Ntt$Hion Centre Ads; Becord No &J3. 31T8. {Estate of ^J.9i ;., . I 1 N- - TrwnMjtfl ,'wILLLAMiMABSHA OJL IFUOE ¦ RQARET JAKE tfUGB, Comity !¦ • • ¦ ¦ ¦ and Hi • j - i i ' - ¦!" W«teriSd.,- T«ia|MoUoethat the final !! ; ¦ • ; .!: : u ¦ • | ¦ == M of'Iaetfmbraooes aflectlng the d)l¦ . I r : i fichedulfl i - I proceed i'of the Bile of ¥ntla of | the tanas 2 (0 i • oootalnlng 190s. lr. ¦ here becom M :y.or ? popiij.ir . and =eaeou after ^euson of Drumgu)l4oeiW«>i > £5 C3 ' ¦ Year afteT year shopi ing 2Sp. »nd Kilmew(y iBaat, contalnln?900a. dnd eituata ' ! the noveltieskve show are the m03t-up-to-J.»!e I'RODCCTIOXS OF PARIS I AND Or. 4p., both fttatuto^KMure. B t2 ; DecdM-wlthin-IXrurrjand ' +•>' I ! ¦ : I ' ' ' Midsummer in the i arony ol g ¦ I ' 1 of Woterford, wbioh MT» been -JT O ' i " LONDON. Special Show this week of advanced styles in Millinery & Costumes. i - ' : j County ' ¦' ¦ ' ¦ told uri ler theabove iActi; in fee-alnrpl.e ^V «J ! ' . I I ' * . A-> i : Xew Hats—Pandans and tutural Javas, Fancy Satin, Straws , River Hats; etc Fashions has been.lodged in tho Reffistrsia Office "O *• i 1 pir Q9 A IJ'E of thi»fotSeeJfiMt . -«rry .deraaod-,•-!•- P5?EPA»O ApVERTISBWENT _.. - dr. ii I corfed b7,roch8chedul«.ot:InnHnb*sna» , ¦t. , ' SCAUE i WATERFpRD. ' liablA & be obWM :li -i-nWiinL ithe ; _ y .|"j Urn**Wre*airL tAnd further T&ka HoUee i WEEKLY tJEVVS. DAINTY BLOCSES AND ROBEr^ that I hare £sed Wednesday,tly s 1st day of .Tuli,. 19U, «tj 'my Chambert now we are; showing a . 2* .. : charming selection of Mid-Sum- all parties interested shouldattend'be- 30 .. j ; 10dj .. fore ma on that Hay with itbe Ineceuery mer Styles in Blouses] nnd Robes— proofs toiTomehtheir respective, claims 36 .. ' Is. OdJ .. these goods were only delivered this week and represent the very idsuinnier Fasbions with a l iew to th< funds beioir distrihnted ¦ : ! *2 „ , Is. 2dj „ latest fashion. ' I in Profusion. on the i aid 6th day of July, 191*. < Dat«d ?8 .. i . lls 4dJ „ f 'hfl 25Ui day of'May, 191*. I - ^JENEY. J. ' : • ¦ ' ¦ !. . i- : I . . We sre offerinR 0 special line of MOVAHAiN. Examiner. : WILLIAM i J. 1 Then try Nature's Own VERLTN'. Solidtar far Vendors. 33 Nassau Dainty Jap Silk Blouses fashioned O-DAY-MORE DAINTY MILLINERY, BLOUSES, ROBES, COSTUMES , '¦ {'¦ ' ¦ ¦ " in the very latest) styles and Street, Dublin. . j . . . . ¦[}. r. | ¦ v .' ' At»AR rMENTS. ANH _ FEATHER BOAS . FLOWERS. GLQVKS AND (HOS IKRY , ETC., ETC., AT jj j neatl y trimmed, at 2/9J each. i "ABOVE KEFEBBBDj "SO, POPULAR PRICES. I j SCHEpUI/E Al.L DEPARTMENTS " FULL OP • ' J OK THE XF.W STYLES OF THE [ Item ).{ Judgment for £300 And £3 Is. Smart Robes in White Muslin | obtainedon the16th HorembeT Quay. Suit ,-md Crepe Cloths, also a range in j MOMENT. : Ud. cos s . T (JEKJIXCS- W Let on! I * 1857. Queen'a Ben^h iDivision, Hirh Court XJ bu-sinessgentlemen ; loi.; fr-.e i«ard, White Pique, from J3/11 upwards. ; nSIT OUR NEW WAREROOMS-YOU WILL BE MUCH PLEASED. ' by Margaret Flynn, MERRfS , , of Justlte Ireland ¦ ; ; PORTl , I^PLJD ly 60S2 this olflce. App ; TO late ofilVraghaljICb.Cork , Widow, de- WJi EN YOJU CALL KINDLY A^K SEE THF.SEJ BARGAINS ceased. ' aeainst Thomas Fuge, iregistered is a Judgment Mortgage r on 25th Jan- } * ' Nutritious M RTICLCS FOR 8ALI. Strengrth^Hirg- uary, 1813. • i . . | . V p.; : V - ¦ ^/ - ¦• ¦ " : I ! i ; ¦ • ¦ BROS.¦ i ¦ 1 ' • : * 3; Jiadgr icnt for ££00 and: £3 3s. i|; I LY^CH . : , i \ Item'! 12 Od. cost > obtainect on the lfith May, 0662. TTt^R S.VLE-j-KT : Boss; U-:i-. iuta- PCR ! BOTTLE. ! Exchequer Divii 19S, High Oourt , oi J? ; ;.->eue-prife. £ 4, will take in*. Also f Wineryand Dress Specialists jojEtice, Ireland,j >y RererendPierce W. . 2 ¦ C'aH L?n.s with civer V pla:e.1 9* | Drew, 1 it* of Youphal, Co. Cork, ' de- &nr.-ri. os. 1 plaeCanura with dvjb.o , 'ed. ; against Thomas Puge, JregWertd " I & Fron u °9 °5 Michael Street, Waterford. A ceaf l>vk f.>r C.D.Y. or 12 .Midpe}.*. 2s. 6d. j Wonderful! Restc rative Mortgage' I on - 6th > Jaly. as a Judgment ' ¦ i i-I :io fitrti ior Uf« " ¦ ¦( ¦ wUK to clear 6uf: hav* | 1882. ¦ !! |M ;¦; The Quay, , . . : ||: for them. Hay U seen it !13. Henrietta Waterford. ' Ask for 'Mr. Hoiborn ' Item 4. Judgment for the penal turn Streot. Watorfordj I i ' Od.iOOBts|ob- from 10'a.ni. until I p.m. I • Of £2271 5s. IOd. ind £3 3s. tained dnithe Mtf June, -1807, Ewheques ! Divisiori, High Ck ikrt of Justice, areland. 1710R SAiLEi-Sav Bencih, felf-foedi-ng, : Mallow ' 2 jTiinher Car- PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS—Continued by (Frederick «Atj ahall. Jate of. . i with .Borons liable, rThoeI Carburettor , engine 0ITUATI0N8 VACANT. House, Two Cottages, lately occupied, by GEORGE'S STREET A FINA ¦« ' \liu QUAY IN JUiTBRAJSP^KS-^-'ourt (Of : the VV' price.paid [for aU clasps. - FiU- ju*t been overhauled! A Bargain. Price, I LA RGE JSTORE on Grattan Quay, also Coastguards; also Boat House. I on—land 1 0Pii:cba« The Keltic Warehouse, Irish Land'Commissi ! PRtiick and Co., £65. Cordner/sGarage ¦ , Waterford. Offlci s. ! Ei!tatejol ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ Acts. ' Record NoT ii.C. 42171 vyatsrford; | I i . : I , , . •i I I 1 A PPRENTICE Boy to Cabinet Making HUNRV WriJUliM DREW, Colinty td ¦ BENTS [ BC ILDING GROUND in Mayor's ESTATES MANAGED. ¦ xx and Polishing wanted. Heame and ¦ ¦ { ¦ I . Waterford.of T&ko| Notice that | the jtinal ¦ \ 1 , COLLECTED. " ~i i ¦ ; i I Go., Ltd., Waterford. Walk. ! Incambraaces' affecting the 1 i I . 1 I . 1 MltBCILLANDOUO , Schedal^ W. ; s J. !' ' ; j nooics. AcL SiVlllTH proceed of the tale of the .Lands de- ! ¦ k CO 1 1; .M l /I - . - r I - 1. LARGE; HOUSE AND SHOP , 41 Cash Received on Deposit ol 9 per c«nt, scribed an the schedule hereto, which are BARMAID wanted. Steady, respect repayable (practically) on demand. situate n the £ai bny of-Deci«*4Without- ' - ¦:•: • i • I I I' able girl of experience. Appl y 608J Micli ael Street; seven rooms, we . two THE ~ M I- cba- J, A OI DINE is an excellent Oough Cora Baked Drum and the Ab >VO County, atoq which AOODBACT;Taste , and Neatnei* News office. j entro noes. Coupons and. American Money Cashed. Waterford. have been"sold ui der the Above Act* in !• rtct«riB8alljhe Printing turned] oul XX' prepared from the prescriptionof a ' ¦ Werk' noted physician; to be had only at Bell's. i ! ' ! i ! I ¦ fee-simple^ has ' been lodged I til i the •I iha "¦ Nowii " Printing e; Water- ; ¦ ¦ ¦ • '! tt and 89, way- I ' Registrar'* Offi ce of t&is Court 1 1 at 34 i ».t ; I ; -i , BARMAID wanted to take charge of Upper Merrion S reet, .Dubiin^ an* «»y I. h ' J' I I - . - ' Bar in Tramore. Apply 6078 this person having any eCaim not herein in- office. i serted, lor objecti ig thereto, either on SIX-3HILLLNG Novels .for 16. -each; a 'A GQ0D Plan.—Keep your Feet Warm I PPERIOR account ot the an ount or - the priority of I Urgeiassortment, all Idiflerent , oi /a. aid Dry this weather. It prevents Does this tempt any ch rge !the« la reported «s. due to by tlje best authors, : Good uosoles sold at Bell's on the lAlD wanted! immediately; quali- dnn library copies, oold. 1 RVRi him, or any other person, or f or'anj ciber' it Foole's Stores and Libtary, 134, Quay, Quay, from 2d. per pair. fied person. App i y R. K. tButler. reason s require;, to lodge an Objectioa Watorford.i A> bargain that cannot bel¦ re- Bailey 's (New Street Waterford. You ? ' . the-reto, .stating t le particulai4 llof] his *Mi»d. M ::| !|. .: . i |:i , . | ' demand and duly verified, with ' th* ¦ on or ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' ''Cottage" Distemper Wash I j " Yes. you are quite right, this is a RARE Registe r of ^this-Court before the ¦ • : - ¦ - for th^ I - ¦! ¦[ ¦ ¦\ ~\\\ k8K i. : l | , for! Walls. Admitted to be best. TTIITTER—Wanted, j a thorough good treat, for I have never in all my long life— acth day of June, 1914, and to appear on I EMPLOYMENT WANTED. , - ¦ ¦ ¦ Agent—H.- Bell, 62| Quay, Waterford. J. all round man used to Engines and I have travelled a bit in my timo—en- ^^- 4051 DESIGN AND jflNISH. llondayj the 6th' day of JulyJ 1914. at I - - - - ' i - i -. Farming Machinery-fLathe. State age, a^JI eleven o'clock he ore the Judicial Com- - i = i n 7 Jb. tin; la. 6d. I joyed a Cigar so much as this one. Where Sn^^^i~Slf gS- TT- TT"?—T~ T~i : wages and copy only Testimonial. Reply fe=^^ I " QD. missioner, at hi.' Court, ,«t par 'FOOT f *\A RDENER sekks • situation , job I or COM this office. 1 do you deal for youf smokes? j p ^5 Courts, (DuWan. when he will adjudicate' y xeoommended. DININGROOM 1 ' \J: permanent ; 11highl¦ ¦ ¦ in the Cottage " Ah' I thought BO much, all my friends & DRAWINQROOM SUITES. SOJAS upon tne : scvera.l|c:aims' Appearing on Apply 6074 this office. • ' . A VARIETf? of Colorura . CHAIRS JlNlL- ' Schedule ox ilncumbrar^ces; and ¦ ¦ iix . Distemper Wasi for Walls at Bell's. GO'>J Cook-General wanted ; Tramore; are so pleased with my favourite brand. TABLES. AND ALL CLASSES OF FURNITURE A^ such I- ' ' ¦ I " t :| . i 11 I- LOWEST rmwisPRICES» JIN« TTOWN™ upon ar y iobjoctiods lodged thetetb. j And I Best and cheapest. 7 lb. tin for Is. 6d. v ;-rly riser; clean and tidy ; all fine Well, I have dcalt| at P. M. DOYLE'S, |79, IBISH-MADE BEDDJNG A5TD ™- ; ~ ¦ ~ wasl- .ng given out. ilust be well Tecom- JL4TTRESSES. j | Take N< tice that ny demand r*past and Moneyeprm West.;. part! j of the Mis3--Kennedy, 'Klleannori Hou=e, Annes- Apply 6079 Evening (News. Lands if Ballyhiihe of Co; Waterfprd. ;. FOR Biliousness and Indigestion you n Sergeant, [Farm Produce Soh, Ltd., ; ChemUU, Waterford. ferred. Apply Box 450 Eason and Son, ; Quality a Sample Lot . ETC.. OF BEST QUATITY C INOUiM'BR.UfCERS—Court! lot the 2£erchanC'23 BrunsTvicklJStroet. liver- AND IN GREAT VARIETY Irish Land Comnlission—Land (Purchase at Dublin. { STOCKED. Record No £.C. 9534. (Estate of pool. Would entertain Commission ¦ ' ' Act*. BlRGAUfS—We are clearing Wo carry a Large Stock of Paints, Oils), Ropes. Twines, . : E, M. KENT WILLIAM .EDWARD ¦KOLTON', i County IM 'Pi i - i ;[ ¦ : • GREAT the WANTED—A Cook-Genens!; n>u?t be > piopeietms. • - -I- oftiat a] great reduction during strictly honest'- Salmon and Herring «*ets. Tanned Garden^Fruit Netting of .Kilkenny. Taie Notice that fthc (Final ' ' mot tn a limited amount of Nail , wages £10 to £12. Schcduli ot Iocumbrances 'affecting the ^ : ~T" ensuing Apply by letter only to 609G New 3 office. : I ; and Qonerai/Ha~dwar«j of of T~i - I,. I :| " -i -J M and Hair B ushes and all Toilet R* | j iroc«ed^ the Sjile the Lands of NORtn. V IHI¦ CLBS, I f ARNf¦ S» *o iquisites. Ccnne" and .see .our windows Tr r our Dolphin: and Sanitary Brands Mixed Paints innislalty, : At^tcemore, I IPArkHowa "" ' ¦ , Ltd.. O'Oonnell WANTED-Good) General Servant. Rathaglieh, M situate in the i\- :- ':v T ;•?!•¦ ; ::i G. White abd Sons Moist have good reference;. Apply Upper ana Street, Watebford. I ~ ¦ ' Barony of Ida vaA County of iKllkenny, Hire, with I Rubber. Tyres. 6076 this office. j 1 I r : the above PARS for j j TO SECURE which Have beenl sold under \J Jipply K -Whelan,; Wine and -Spirit ' | Acts-,.id fee-sinJple. has been lodged in Merchant, Bridgetown, Cb.j Wexfoxd.|... JOSEPH CO3TWAY » 8ON8; "Master " ¦ be 'Regktnufs Office of this Court, at 24 tl Chlmne r T sample*ol -aoi Kzarelsa : 6r to any other pe rson, and especially any ¦ t) - ;JoU)Sn(r promptly «tteqided to. Book*. PeaaiU. 1 and other Behiol £»qui. I ;paji ; ' ¦ ¦¦ " ¦ ;. - ¦: ; ¦f. ;. of - . . . : V ¦1 • : ¦ person Cavine aar claim in.Teariectof ths I. : .- - J -T .' I -M - . -i.. . :- jttM. " Hnra PrfaUnx Worfa, 'Watet- THE HANDIEST AGENT. YOU rax sum of £-400 Irish being part o( a! sum of ' jMpVt¦tS. Ab., FpR |«ALE OW tort*, v" j ¦ ' I ! * I ' ' £1600 Irish.chafed on (inter]alia) too • ¦ : ¦;, ¦ - . !' " ¦ ~ ! (, : WANTED! : * \ i~[ j i ands sc ld in this matter by Indenture of ¦! ¦ ;. ' I ' M'l r __ T AWE'S Manures my be obtained from GAS WAI iettlemunt dated 30th October, 1784, made ¦ ¦ ' ' PArMDR : ¦ : ' 1 i i . T ITi 1 Jj the local agents, Geo. White and SPORTINQ. SHOW PIXTURKS. «ko. IT CANNOT BEiEXCEIXEO Mtween 'Richard Kearney let part, Jamen X\f\VnSETl, for immediate -occupation, Sons' Ltd., OTaterfoid. THJE |WAT^ «B PAIOT. Kearne) 2cd pan, iWilliam lAlcock 3rd iV .f a hou« ih iMamor rtr|d:~triet. Rent Barronstrand Street, part, to ne'Alcock!4th part. Her)ry Atoock 6063 this RAOIKO Be*ulu!-Ih« irnultt ^t any . «l&-to £25. .^ply office.¦ I , I«M and Co nelius (Boiton 5th part.' and '¦ • I ; ' ¦ : 'I. RollTickets for checking teleffraphsd to an» •ddreu M FOR i. - : I I- I NUMBERED ««c«ipl of L.- Paiat lw j| i | LOi T AND l|ouNP ; Tickets in i Boll yhich tool of £400 Irirtrnothing , :» sd- ; aach. to. . 'yews" Printing Works. j QAB-yaiEa FOB : . jWays. ALsed in tiw PriL ' mittw} io A ITICi APARTMBNTS. i J § Churches, Convenjs. S RtatiDgjthe particulars of hi* demand and J-li Watch, finder rewarded this office. XVil°X-IO Bodice, the swift and dead- ? •' WARMING duly verified, with the Begi«Jry of this ly Tat 'poist n. £iUs lats on the spot, ' LJ ; Schools ¦ ^ THE BICK BOOM, NUBflE4x. . Public Halls, «1 c. Court 6h or bef Wajls. You wUl onW 'several J claims swearing on the flchedule ft.' Widper, Maijor. Watetord¦ , will he i suit aiy butinest. "N«ws" Print- more. j . For tullparticulars ol »U DomeskloQu | and vavn any abjections lodced thereto. fswarded.;- -I. ¦ ;: •'• • . . ' Ipplianoes, GET IT ' ¦ : • • ' ing Work*, [waterford. < | OT apply Qu Qffioei , Watonld*. " l^e . AT f£J ' ]And Take Notice/ that any demand re- I • ' . r . I- ' l! : I - T>EQftJIRBD--Sittfrij Room and Bed- or Gu Compiny'. BhOTrroomii portedIby Each iBcherkle: is liable to be j 1 ' ( niQg Room, . . ¦ NeTtt "Jt TTNIVEtelN-E GaU Lotion cures T*n :AppIy Ihe Qaay. . '. I • ~ I :r objectec to withiri the time aforesaid. And STRATTKKEDED. frontfrom thethciaids iaads o: KnooKiwkeentcen; Ulj- 1i iadsaddlefie «ndand hiineasharness Balkgalls. "Vet-"Vet ' ws sg%^aT " J. further ,Tak« Notice-that I lava Axed • » Bay Fi ly, i4 years jbld, marked11 I W G. McCAUl < my ¦ ** mEAMORE : ; (f ucassor Monday, the 29t&dsy of June. 1911 at 'S? 1 ¦ horses/. .White's¦: Cattle Cordial ourea (Strand StreetHHouse to Drawing LIMESTONEGRAVEL AND to W. Powar)!. I Charnb*r i •' iPour |Courts, • Dubljn '. - jat U »ewarded«t^*S' byk? S*k?Johb wWa^dger;and ^a? Sons.! . - ¦ I nl €11 pactlea[iht«rert»> !'• I 'MORE-Boae 1 ' TRj Bank Cottage to Let, Bedrc om, BUILDING PUJBPO8E8. ; WATERFORD shoulda ttend hotore me on thsA,day with I' " ^^ "- ; - ^iEi>EB ^or Ud. .per i ron/ .nji X Jujniabed, mouth or se*s6a, : seren j the neoeai»aryi proof» to Touch their rf- ¦ ^. "^f 'l " j ; —- —I—-I— ' -1 ' —\ , TV; -;quariti(y, large or small;.supph. "P'jtoents. e&e and w»AarJ laid on, 1 IStEcan delivw s good' quality:ol «bore e.peolive' cl*'tn«v»jth.a> view to' Ovi fund' ¦¦ j - ' : ' ¦ : ' *t wnoUsale prices;- Cur etoci ex- sanitation, pettect. .Apply UeCUie. i ibeine ilintrihntixfon the aalrl 1st drr of .L- .. - - - - 1:1 ' -i 1 • • *d ! , y-V alongBide Quay, Waterford, at ret- i , ALL SHADES IN 8TOCK . f ifZQIXa-i^ 6(»n*ii«»di Cydesi aB, «eedBt SGO.06CI rolls. I .Write for pattemsj f" Kitchen. ¦ ¦[ '¦¦ Jnlv. .HIM. TMM ^be '»tt> dav of M»y. »tinij wJmt - CUM'1 you requfae-Dept.,' 10 I'ET-^niisned sonable paces, and wonld be /glad ol I J^' 5K?&J* iSS^'^^-LJS ^ - T Housi, .^0. a enqulriei. -' ' . ¦ SHADE CARBa rREE. 914.. =W1 .DICKTfExamWr. KK>Tff * ta^*tt&JB~tBTftea: ;^BSiage-WMhr«th^ .^l», TSe ^iaft '•^TdHp«p«^«oa. -^Ltd.. • ™^ ' I ITBRHENSWrd 'a-n'd • O'KEEFFE ZMvHeaidetta-Street ^oearG. P. O^. . CarnpfieldIPenue i [Owners of Motor Boat " COOLAWN"). * . MaiSSter~ . GBAIGNAMANAGH. i ; . T ( LYNCH.- Solicitor* for' VendorilflO, Mol«»- ; ¦' ¦ ¦ steads; Bedding fi WireMattresk^s worth Streat -BnbUn. -:i " I-l i ;¦¦¦¦!•: - • I r.; -Hv • I P - I-¦'¦!.:i 1 : ¦ l- . -^ -- \ . \ | j ¦ ! -. > • . . I I

- ¦:¦ >¦ j - !-i- luw» : - . ,- ; ¦ 1 ' ' ' '¦ f»| I';./.-. '; il . < L«-~t^> i_ f ' ¦ • " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' K _ I «-:--R- iH UON'T >MIS9 8ESINQ -i I- :• L< wer-Dlvision.—Grade One (Ho&qtirs') TRUCKS ON '—•-.¦'•r- :-. ' ' FOOTPATHS. peraricV Hall, I resided : over, by J Dr. " b' BIRTHD/LY m -H iyea. May ¦ (Pf) (Mi. H. C. Downey). : It seemg to have been an unwritten iaw CITY' PEiTTJ'' y J WEpbJNCj . ;-} g • Gi ade One (Paisfwilh^fliitinction)— O'Byrae -win* made a, atimng *Mech, and SESSS[d^f \ , . j ., ; in WWterford thkt the'Jfootpa'iii' !¦ r ^J ^ K«4 .. V' Aheirne, Mary ^. (Pf) (MrST-Peter Mur- could be at|it»..«on6U»JOn J oollftd i fevthee rs for .^ T- ' *;! ^: W^ ' utilised for lolling trucks 00 as well as for Messrs Redmond, Devlin and Tlie CitjK mf '»iob3 wtte,th»ld: hy) Gantley, Bridie (P)):(do.), tiantley. the ' Di Ion, 6*s to- COM pfu^ENljAHY i SHAMROCK . i legJUmate purpose for which '. they which were gjven withja hearty good vill. day befljte- theJ a>orj(jd. the^<were irespanaiblej- for Constable] But er. eummoned a wornin (Mrf ¦ • j and benefit. Tlio result 'has been that named Bridget : ON WH. T-AIOJUUY Jfl G HT, AND Preparatory . Grade (Honours) ' — the demonstration hi Kjlmactliomis. [Green for i jegging it 1 many person s in! order! to avoid collisions T- - ¦ ; ; Henry street on Monday eveni ig. ; ' LINER SINKS Aheiirne , Moggie (Pf) (Mrs. Peter Mur- witli tmcks »n^ small hand carts —'T - I I - have The prosecuto: stated that i iany ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' WtlJlT TUESDAY NIGHT. THE com- . ¦ - / . PREMIER MAGAZINE." j- ! < ; ' • • phy), Ronnn . Mary (Pf) i (do.), Ronun ; I . . . WATER FORD ¦ occasionally toltrve the paths and go out ,'We have received tha third numbe^ of plaints/were being made. &bo it the '.de- " Maggie (P0 (do.) . ' . 1 or»!th3 1 ' (Special Telegram.) ^l^^TxESTABD 17B0 PLEASE NOTE ONLY ADDRESS JUNE 1st ind &id. «ire»U. . 'Many] compledn * have " The. Premier Magazine." lit is a mar- fendant, who was a regular njlsahce 'o been made' to! the Mayor »nd tho police vellous budget of stories, no less than houjeholderi. | j j • | 'A notice posted in. the window* of ttu ANNUAL COLLECTION . | authorities, and She Defendant' Canadian Pacific Railway ofB Tlie annual collections for the Clerks of Corporation Mire now seventeen complete tales ] being igiven. s di ughUr made < an appe il 1 qta inof Loo haying posters ,vp,' 1 for leniency! for- her. stating.! don to-day \ttyt :—The: Eropre*» 1st the Pariah Churches will take place on put warning all- and Atrthe price—4}d.—we do ' not know of that hir ^ THE PAVILION, I ^AlflORE sundry that any! person found rolling a any; better j value in the magazine tongue was paralysed; and that she w< s land, homewara bound from Canada, wa Sunday -next according to , the usual cus- truck unable to speak herself, ¦ ia CollUiorl tom, on tll« footpatbS i Or otherwise caus- matketi > i ! 1 I for i i ' ' at 3J0 this morningwith UM lu? "obstruction [ on same will be pro- She was let off with [a cautid 1. : .- • 1 . collier Storrst&ndt off Father Poin^Jn81 oecuted. ¦ Persona so Constable [Foley summoned { Catherir a Lawrence River. Sho Aink immediaJely i " WATERFORD BICYCLE CLUB. prosecuted, if con- PQUCE BABRACKS FOR SALE. | Tiro «teamerj MAGNIFICENT COSTU1CES, victed, are liable to penalty , of £1 for We notice itom our advertisements Connors. for begg ing &t Mall li ne on the were at oace. onjthe scfu* Tito annual ganeril meeting of the Wa- * 22nd inst. • She was going art undj Large numbar of ¦terford the first offence and £0 for further offences. that the fee simple interest in the But- froi i pMjenger*were pickic Bicycle Club was held at the Town the house to ho ise , ind giving gn at anno] - up and landed at Koumoski. SCENERY, AND MUSIC Hell on Tuesday This -warning b^ [Corporation may lerfetown Police Barracks, subject to (the !_ night when Mr. II. L: have the ance to the f>eop le. 1 | . Mr. JohhjBunisvdsjted the Wanl , P.L.O., presided, ' effect of reserving the footpaths tenancy of tha constabulary authorit es, \ offioea twia and the attend- forithe u« of pedestrians. will be offereil for Bale by MrJ Jbhn There • were fblir previous c mvictioris during the porn-ing to make ramiiite. ancc was large. Owinjr to the discontinu- against the Idefe idant, and j she I wa s ¦> The Ptti * Association' anco of the annual Murphy, auctioneer, on the 10th|Jine, «ayi tie foUov Prices, 2s., Is., aid 6d; : Whit Monday fixture bylorder of the County [Court Judge. order«ij .to bi im| irijoried for ft' month.' ing announcement was issued theoffice . the business to be- 4ran»acted was light *tl Time, 8 o'eloc c. : . of ihe Caotaian Pacific Railway in Io» • and eonsirted in thfr m*in of receivingjthe OTHER FORMS' ' ¦ ; ' x doa tW» There are other OFforms! OB8TRUCT10X. of oh»trnctlort too FR08T ralMAY " '• 'i- ' ! : ¦ CLAIM FOB WAGES . -I afternoon:—":We har* rtetirti treasurer's state.nent and fixing luns for i' - 1 '' ' ' ' ¦ ' ' S-jneteage lipery. which might reserve attention *JO» «d' Wliile the weather has be^fi Hiild en- • I " 1' I ' i stating; that the .Ethanes ol NOTEi the pomini: season. The 1 Bicycle . Club Mary Finn tui SPEQIAL TRAIN RETURN vantage to the ci ty's reputation. At *>me oUjfh in the Ireland MA "lpproiimatdythe! follown x sports is one of a number of once popiilar recover 9a 4d, bilance of wagt a number of INC! FROM TRAMORE AT 11.30. •! ¦and of the street corners, more especially in there was some rather keen- frost ad hjght due for jpawenger.: j tiiStltlui.. ii; We have a S attractive sportin* events whicl^ in Johh«street services.-rendered , -. - I , • i ; , ' :; second class, 010; third plendid Collection Wat*rford have , smal| knotsof " out of vtotW and considerable damage hn been done clasj; «0; total, ¦ suffered at the hands pf a and neer-do-well'a congregate from day to to' 4btato crops and fruit itrecj : Plaintiff stated that the went to servic 1 788, including crew of -03. :i capricious public t&ate, iand for many , in thii MJt with i» ntf • day. The block |up! the free passage ot of the country. Ou Sunday nightl tfere defendant (in the 2nd i January , cured, that! out of these' OT hire been I ' year? past signs were not wanting of •agreeing with he ¦ ¦ • ¦• i BIRTH. I I the I footpath and otherjvise m»ke a nuis- was a very ijharp frost for tha time [of the fpr Is 6d a I reek. Sh i savtd. .' I -i I i ; of Srriari:, Inexpensive, •MYERS-On I apathy and indifference on the part of ) left on the ] 10th April, after 114 week! , ' ¦ ¦ the 26th . Insd.. at her| resi- ance of themselves, their language not yotT', and riiajiy farmers woke up in the A sad scene; was witnesfed . ta tto • • -i Uios4 whom the committee atrived to en- having in the ! I dence, Huron Road. BaEhnru, London, beirie of tlio choicest on all occosions. morning to find 1hoir potato crops w/ icn nicoiitiiue recej retl Is 86 Lwe:i)6ora8ico of the Cansdi-m I tent*5n until two year*iago' when the fix- 1o Of , in money and vi Uie. . Pacifle the wife of Reginald: Coortenay Myers course no one ^ould Jike see poor WfiTe-' Com5nK ,tice that m many parts ol Erjgl ind *i . . I eiKerea to>:»ks claim in respect of the ?READY - T< - WEAR HATS teniimi ot the membera to hold together , but it is , Defendant I s»i>ses, and durinjr the oni- complainant 'at all nor made an ',' arranx* Monday.' • At' —You get nconomyj and badi reputation to h&vd crowds of-comfr pouawy wasjdoiie to .fro,>*'bvi frost during jthe time she.was bot«wara ^punctuality byisendingl yoii to iiur iea.*>n « .series of .'runs will be: ar- of ! ment-wHh Mier^ fEhe told -h«{ that "i oJ'ih'Biditakl^ She heard 'You will have r o difficulty in getting r orders 27- " boyk standins atjthe:A lreet ends all day. die! W<-M. jHoadred^ fxu. jt tree* hkve n* fl* --¦: special feature is the J. d^airoytd, and nnrket jra fi^^rs und'tayin- Alayor—You ga re her What sUamef pleased and a ,G. McCaull successor to W, Power. jTelo- nuTRin to credit , but the funds were fur SHIPPING : ¦ some n oney ani did you ia/ h,ad »iink»". "Tbi Eorprto ' too siender brook NEWS. ?rs larc seriously troubxd byilhsir Io4es. other things?! . • 1 . : . ' ¦; ¦ grams: McCaul; IronmonRrir, Waterford. bad Xhc womoii. immediatel y; toraed deatilT — ¦—: r- :- iiiR «nc!o*tiro in tho park stili remain! in bou;;li t her boots and gave her in. I di< pals and fa I f= i ^"^ of week include the following:—SS. Zeno »nssi^«ion the club, and perhaps ot not agree for, any wages. i ; she had a son on the liner. I from Rosario with imilw for R. and H. iU::f felt. ! ' i ! Pltintiff—Don' sonic future daw when prospects jaic Hall t mind her, sli .' A y?' Quebw meMage concernhw , Ltd.; ss. Riter Fisher {two voyiges) Jul^a Kennedy i'as called by: lefendan .u h f pgtm ticxtpxh bricnter an3 of salnion ax«jcdm- amount:. : I ' ^AftOT deciding to hold Uie firtt run 61 Dublin with ¦ \ quirers. and at timas the Kenn wtra " manure for W. and H. M. !n?1into the looil market* from Check- - . i . . I -. . I , , heirtrendint. - Tbe Skirts Muslin F obes and I the season on Tuesday, Jnrie I2th, start ;ng Gouldinjr. Ltd.; -u. I/xle-« from .Newport point and Passnpe.' and also a littlsi from cables exhibited wer» , Gowns, is a LA^T EDI¦!¦ TION, A ROW IN NEW STREET, i eagerly re ii. One lady, i 1 - i i from [the Courthouse grounds to Tranu re, wil.li coal (or M.|Morris .whowlbnsbasd r , Fiddown; ss. tho piackwater. The piesent ; price 33 Is. was returning to her after the ejection of officers took place and re- Balmoyle from Part'ngion with coal for 6d. per lb wholesale. Ming terenl very varied one, and the big business : i Mary Sulli\ an 1 umm'oned het brother, years in Canada, could- not control her sulted as follows:—President, Dr. George ClonmelGas Co. ; \i. Bsll Rock from Elles- I. Maekesy; vice-preisidcnts ¦ ¦ ¦ William Moloney, for dssault 01 Sunday grief. . She fobbed violently for! orer as I , 8ir William more port with coal for Waterford Gas FEIS CARMAN. . ' evening, hour. 1 ' : . I ¦ we are doingj is proof of the value we li. Dj Goff. Bart., J.P; Messrs E. W. Kar- - and | the e was a croti-cise of LOJCAL i AlND Co. ; ss. The Duk4 from: Troon with, coal THi<> great; national cVent willjbe ' h^id Moloiiey against Mary - rou. D'.L. J.P; the Ritcht Wowhiptu: ihv> for McCullagli , '. Sullivan, , for Ltd.; ss. Pebble from Glas- in New Roison Sunday tiext, and as usual assault also.! |The; e was a furth r case of MR. CHURCHILL'S MAycjr (Aid. Richard Power the Cty gow from ¦ FLIGHT Ian , J P), jwith coal ' ¦' ' i giving. for|M. ¦ Murphy, Kilkenny; willjattr.ict huge crowd^ a'.t cenijjes ¦¦ ¦ ¦ : • ¦- ' DISTRICT Alice Sullivan against ! I \' « GiOSSIP Moloney . and of 1 . High Sheriff (Councillor M McDonnell) ; schooner Z&yda . from Cardiff wita coal for in the Soutlt^East ot. Ireland. Ttie 6ptd . 'ri addition to the above on Monday. In, connect on with 'the: Fiis , asked j for her '4 J W. J the ri-guts' ' bit ckleg husban Her PI""",, to Portsmouth thi» morning. Oo ONLY ADDRESS : ¦ i " Wherever ^oug o you'll nn et a Carrick- , H«'ndBrf»n; commit-tco, Messrs A. cross-Channel stesmew arnived a football contest flill tike place ¦atlBir- husband went to ihe door, P. O'Brien. W. E. Jones E. ind tailed. i , audl foloney alighting, the Mrst \ A>T A w*a met by CbL mun." Thi: can be appliei I with added , E..O'Graay, rett'i Park on Sunday evening at 4| o'clock. kicked him in th a • stomach. - ( He also W. KH!y. C. Dnrae, W. E. Mcred Ui Ford, of the|Roval Field ArtiUery, wbma force to Waterford, fot it 1 their time WiiK two «uch excellen team3 as Kerpr caught hold af her, and, as shi had to he accompanied to the ' Wuterfordjnen have mude (junr ). W. Mercer . H. WhaUey and T. A THE:TUBERCULOSIS DISPENSARY and Wcxford enpajred a briliiaritl display officers' [mew »» their mnrk all . defend herself, she hit him. j Hilsca, Barracks. He afterward*{motored over the glqbe. We sea by the Torontu Lon4rmiTo. It was decided to reduce Ui» Anionnst th? nlany Tecomniendations of football at its best iniy be looked for. Mayor—Whit di I you hit him with?— to' Portsmouth dockyard. : where he. em- liapers that the Hon. R. A fnie. Minister annual subscription from 23. 6d. to ls.lto from'the Public Health Committee to tlie Two specials will I MVC Waterford j foriNuw I hit him with a 1 mall 'poker (U lighter). jl .induce all cyclists to become it barked on the "JBnchantreis¦ " for a cmiw I-Muration, ha3 been pre: anted' with a nicmbjK, Council to be eomMde/ed at the monthly •Ross on Sunday. !ho fir ^-t starting 11 I bad to defend mj husband, or 1 e would westward: . f- : • ' • . ¦ silver tea service and aa address in and with the programme ljod out for liie nicetin? oi the Corporation on Tuesday and ;the seoond . at 11.30. Large; coiitih- be leaving me, wit! nine orphan! (laugh- *hioh are =!et forth hi.s 111 ny fxminiier months, -when cycling spins iiito next is on? which! has reference I ¦ r excellent to the ieiit.4 are likely to travel from Waterford. ter). K \ i 1 qualities a.s a public man c nil a3 a I pri- the country should prove most enjoyable tuberculosis dispensary i In order to com- The defendant, l loloney, whot i head FRUITS OF SYMPATHETIC the l ' : vate individual. The " Tc ronto ' Miiil !' «eft.4on should wind up with a material p y with the law «hd to Obtain the £750— was swathed in ba dages, said a. mplain- ! , " - STBlKB . j -h ' describes the Hon. Dr. Py le as oTie addition toithe membership roll. I ami wjuivaleiu and other grants—it U VOLUNTEER CORPS iFORMED. I ant's husbandldelibemtely walked out of :^; . "' j , under whose unostentutio is leud On- neci'ssory, to appoint ii i-ommittco »i A corps of the Irish [National Volun- the house and, ass tulted him. His wife In ' Edinburgh : to-day John 87 & 88, Q ay, tario has ac vanced over CYCIilNC. MEMS. in inaconient. ', MiUi?«n Water ford th ! gre.if span . Vlthoueh. thU is purel y teers. was formefl in 'Bulterstown on Sun- then hit him (Mol >ney)| with a) lammer and Co., shipowners, Bel/aftj which divides the Now) that Uie weather has -sottled fued:tba Art education 1 systems oi dojln ssnitnry adminis:r|itioii under the Tuber- day last, organised by Mr. ! Pierae on the! head, and he iad to be lemoved Harbour Trustees ior damage* for the to-day froni the backward (ne inherited Inrse nuinbcrs of- people .who£e machines culosis Act . ¦ '' ¦ ' d«- the minutes of meetings, pro- McGuire and ofllcere of jLhe A.O.H. jTI e to boipital. .I ' J . - . - • tentiion of' the!frteameV Eve'een «t Aft dur- by the Whilney Government." Andithe wore lying tip for the winter months have cedure, accounts, «tc., nrust be kept eeper- Company went through ^ts ; first ; nwv i- In tbe case tit Alice Sullivan I againat ing- ,the Belfist dock address say: that " ' labourer* «mt* ja ' no man could l». «?ain [taken to tlie wheel, and on Thurs- rate and distinct acoordmir to the rules monts. very cree peis CAtttnAti , more confiaerate, more day evenhi(. nnd Sundays many ¦ Bel- sympathetic, 's cyclists laid down by vhe Local Government instr^ictcr, in a |Held kindly giyeri by-M '. house on Saturday evening and;" " kicked . - * "" v " ¦¦ fast men the Ayr trirnnisr,* laboureo and more desiro\ s ol bringing thb interests oi visit faisape. Woodsiown, Dunmore and Board, and from next P. F J Morris fo( the occasionJ Another her. ! ' I •¦ - ' : -l ¦ • ' Tuesday under this oi I . craoemen refused to load itbe Eveleen. individuals'und of the pubJic genenilly Tram<}re. The only thins .vhich tends to Act amw committee will be added to the assemblage -will ; take plice on Sunday In the ca&^. 1 Money againi t Sulli- and .the •;¦ - . ->r . .,- . ..,; ¦- ' I . parish worth of the when passing lap . 31st| May and 1st June number of motors on the road. The motor SIGNS OF INDUSTRIAL REVIVAL- name will step into 1 few street Mf . Sullir i Lord Andersonfonnd for tha pltintiff», THK PYNK|FAMILY. I ; | : is the .bane of Uv; cyclist's life. . In f\ne CROP OF NEW BMLBING8. line. ! ! ' ', - . ! ] Viin's husband rutned out and |1 cocked i ; ' 1 iaw«rdhig damages «t £10 a day, making JWe understand that Dr. Pyne j is j tho weather it leaves a trail of dust ini,ts At the meotimr of the Finance #nd Law ; 7 - ' r him down, and when; he wat on ,the owner of considerable house property in rere vhirh envolops the unhappy cyclist Committee on TW«lay it was decided poor cyclist finds himself splash- Bank of premises It Gladstone-street and of Ordnance Stores, Irish Command, ca - from which bi ble d profusely, j ie had Waterford, but it is very 1 ikely ' been attending] '- , OPENING C KREMOXY BY* LORD ASHBOURNE ! he | be- ed air over with mud by the; passing ear. O'Coiinell-street fot 99 years from Maxell , ried out inspections at Kilkermy on We'd- the iaDrniary since. ' WATERFORD BRANCH UXL longs to the family of P.yne the head oi Undvri the cir-nimslance-s it is almost |s 1914. '; One of tile conditions of the Jease nefday. Waterford yesterday, Moore Park Constable Butler stated .that v heo he which was aj member of the medical pro- wondejr that cycling still survives at all u that the bank undertakes to spend a and Kilworth¦ to-day, and Mallow! to-mo - arrived on the | seer e the' jp v waij practi- IK —T ¦ A large and representative mectiox cc^) PRIZES HOUSANDS OI] COMPETITORS—HUNDREDS OF PIPERS fession here seventy or eighi y years ago. and yet il docs. Perhaps in time to come sum of £5,000 in j«rmanciit repairs within row. I ; I j cally over. . Moloi ey was standing :.in of Under the head of ¦ the;Waterford City Branch OJ.L. waa .V SCORK OK BANDS-THE UBF.Al'EST FOOTBALL ENCOUNTER EVER SEES' Apoth :caries and when motor cycles are pxoductxl more two years, and thi^ of , course means that New street and wn covered with blood. " " : Druggists ini a Directory ol Waterford Witness took him to the infirmi ry and held in the Mayor's Office , City Hal), 00 KKRRjSt v. WEXFORD. Admission to Field 6d.; (irand Stand. If. extra cheaply the old pedal-propelledcycles will the proposed extension Of the buildinps ¦ ¦ ¦ Wednesday evening. for the iyear 1846, which [has becajnje a rsra avis, but >t is a far cry to will betrin as early possible. The REG1|LNIVLD'S TX^PER. ] [ got his head (JrefcseU. - j . j j ' ¦ Aid. B. Hear 1*,' J-F» ^s bank ' \ \ \ * . Presideut in the chair. 1 been lent tofus by Alderr ian Maurice th.it day. and the handy cycle sliK holds will take in the two houses in OlConnpll- A new weathe r vane has been ' erected Molobey and M< ry Sullivan > ere or- " ; BAND PROMENADE 0>! SUNDAY NIGHT at Seven o' c lork QuinUn . tlijere is an en ry: ]' Pyne, on RegrinaJd's Tower to replace the Ion dered to find, sure ies fpr their) future ! The. following resolution j wai proposed its own asainst all comer*. street which intervenesbet ween the comer ' by Ecv, T. F,. Thomas. 17 Little George's Stree^." iHe blown, down by a xecent fetorra. good behaviour, and the other coses were Furlong, Adm.. lecooded of G ladatone-stroot and the Oatholic Club, |:_ j ( 1 by Mr..Owen1 Dawson TWO Fi'.I* CONCERTS ON MONDJJ Y NIGHT BY IRELAND'S BEST ARTISTES i.-i also entered under the heading of and Jiere a dismissed. - 1 I • i i , . - T.Cv, and pMsed Physicians ahd Surgeons. handsome froiit entrance will ! with acclamation.—" That tbe heartWt i ENJOYABLE RUN. | be erected. On tlio opposite eide the pre- INTERESTING- i SPORTING |: ! CHEAP EXOfR^IONS FROM ' WALTER' FORD AT II a.m. and 11.30 a.m ANNOUNCEMENT. ' ' I congratulatiorijol the memben, in union ON The openina run of the Star Cycling mises-occupied by the late Mr. Michael | , Ij 1 with those ' WHIT S UNDAY. DiRUGGISTg| SEVENTY YEIVRS AGO. j It Is stated. good . ASSAULT ON A]¦ BAR¦ MANAGER. of their " fellow-couritrynMn Club t»«k place on Sunday last to Dun- Middock, who far a |>n ; authority tha - .number of years car- ¦ ; -t ¦ • the wida wetld over, be corrreytd iThe apothecaries and drugj ists who| re- morv , larce body turning out. A Captain McCalmont intends establishih ' •' to oar sided in the I city in 1846 in mo^t ried on an extensive sadderly and har- A cherished' representative, John. E Bed- w< re :—Samuel enjoyabl ? evenine was spent by (he sea- ness business, a racing stud at NoreiandB. near Thomas ., Timothy Feehily, manager <: ! Mrs. , Brown Ardagh 12 Mail;! Janes William have been purchased by townj and that 1 Murphy' mond, Esq., M.P., on the final pisaags . «ide, hhme rjeinu rcached in pood time aiid Messri Kenny i»nd Ftcplienson, solr.. in Arrangements with tha s licensed premises in . Lrundel Sala by John Murphy & 3on Condell . 7 Mall; Wm. Fitipatrlck .: 14 objec in view are already in progress. lane, summoned Wj 1. Kirwan for issault. of;the Home jRula Bill on Mondiy but; Broad street without i»ny mi."tiap. The next run wui trust ;for iloat-TA Harvey 1 and Co. whose ' and, further, that their deepest gratitude ! Denia Harrisot, 4 Barton- be to Woodstoi-n on Sunday, May list. I 1 Mr. P. O'Conhor : ippeared for • le com- strand st.; Kehoe and Pajnie: , 99 Custom office adjoins, and is thsyltoo conteniplate ¦ - be, offered both to him and the Ifational extending a inujh-nccded filli i; i I— I •! ii i - plainant, and Mr. H. V, Keane for tbe ' SEAVIEW COTTAGE, | County of Waterford—Division of .» 'attT- House Quay j James Kenny . 181 Broad p will bo RESIGNATION <)F NATIONALIST defendant. ; ¦ ! Party for the!untiring devotion to duty, THE rNEBRIATES HOME. | civen to euiploymojit in the building line M.I I • ' j -1 ! thi) disinterested 5 lord-Keeord No. 328. Equity .Mile stect: John Mackesy. 5 Mi ll; Nugent Tho; 7/ondon; correiponijentof the "Irisl Mr. O'Connor, , in spening the case; said and unswerving{ patriot- BONMAHON, ! St. Patrick s Inebriates Home st Hen- in the nenr future ! ism ever, displayed by him ¦ UIReilly, 10 Broad street : Tl omas[ Pyno, ' Independent", «ays:—il Jearned !l»st nlgli he appeared fof Mi. Feehily, wl o was i and ai» fol- CO. WATERFORD. i 171 Little George's street , nossy .'t Road wil i cease to exist as a teui- 1 lowers, to which that glorious victory is AI red Byrley Smith, George ]u s> Vin cent White, reformoiori1 tliat Mr. Richard ( Huleton. M.P, for' Noxt! manager of Mt^. Murphy's licensed pre- STANDING OX 3 ACRES OF LAN!). •il' Brond sticct. There is inly pne ol perancfr from the bsgimiiriy I.S.F. SECR^TATIY G»lway, has ©si mises. ; Their; I Morri*. and Marcus . Smiih , irad'tug a* l of J-unie and on the 21st of that month gned ftis[«at in |ParIia worships might remember - | HELD IN PEE SIMPLE. . ' sinitii and Lister these-^Vineent WTiite—wljose descelidants . Mr. John iTIutc]tin.«on . General Secre- nicnt.l : It was laiijwn having! a similar c ise before them in In putting tke resolntion ihi President Contain^ 0 Rooms, Bath Hoorb, . Plaintiffs possei>4ioii will be handed over to the Cor- 4hat 4he state of,hi referred j | fi Ytc- ." Richard J. Stafford, ¦ Defendant are identified with the pr ifession ! of tary of the Irish N.itional Foresters, ar- hesitninas beOT |un»atBfactory, December last. ; Mr Feehily found , it Im- in feeling and erpressivi words with h & < • water, »• ., Out-liousw, Sti ib.eb: poration «!K> intend using the building for somi to the - .< * _J Apothecary at the present tit 10. iUnder rived in Waterford from j Dublin by the ¦tirne past, but II liave ito ' possible, as manage r of the prernises, to innumerable services of tl e Irijb. knd Coa'eji Hou-o. «•!«. jiluated -J I as a ti bemilosis dispensary i under the ' reason believi Leader to his !na '. Is II 8 | th? head of Druggist? thb 18 G Directory lO.JO a.m. Ir.iin on Saturday nipht last and tint this announwment,' conduct them as they should be con- ,tiv« land, to the matcb- height | and command* uninterrui tei OF Tubercliilosij (Ireland) Act , 1903. The Ro\{. was met wWch may be xe less statesmanship and '^ ALCTION HOUSE PROPERTY ,»ND has one entry—William Whrte arid Co., by a number of the John E. Red- garded. as reliable , will 'come'as:a «ur ducted owing to the constant intenerence remarkable tdf- yiews ot Jlie liay arid Strand ; excel en Tliomas street. Father] Mciiiiinmss who has charge of the mond branch, including tHc Chief Ranger, ' denial Which, in ; face of unparalleled vio- GROUND ATTACHED, HELD ' inltesrs i.v a i* connected' by (more than one lie wit! get behind the coui iter, but Mr.j -eehily ¦ 70R (SALE BY (AUCTION, j at onon: i ii.jv. ordihation was a student at St. Mary'ls local "Foresters jciirneyed in brakes to The officers wtre re-elected, u d sob- ' -lty and that fciitimentausm of tnn Waterford. In jour Fifty Years Ag< prevented him. I He refused to lei ve the J Salerooms, the Mai], Wnterf/rd. I. kind i> not a mark of 1 Irii K juries, a Semuiiiry a> St. Patrick's was then known. Carrick-on-Suir where 1iiey were • en- shop when requestetl and he askimed a acriptions were banded In by tha follow- airectioris oi Mr. \Y. Queaily, •r. ' rT7° iiy- S01-0 lBY PUBLIC AUCTION. rary -will column this week i& reference will be- fooiK . ing, who- werej on! SAT ":t, ' ^.nit^r in a Dublin ont^rup: |s»ays-^ Fath«r|Mctiuinne«i, it is understood, thus-taHioally received, and at a public to th4;iTnn very threatening att tude,;having!i heavy appointdon th Exfeentire toAY, ' 6tH JUNE. \m . at 12 o'clock. I -L at the Property Salerooms, O'Con- to the diocese of of dTazleton, |0'Donnell anc Committee, w th power to' ¦ " I rt'inoniber ab->m 13 yeirs a oin ^Vater- be transUU>d Salfor^ meeting it was decided to' form a branch Co. who carried whip in his hand. Ur. Feehily v« ry pro- add to their For further particulars: appl y to nt-ll Str<-€t , Waterford, on WEDNESDAY. (Manchpste.n. and he leaves Waterford at On the dtapery busines: ' number:—Tho Mayor, Bev.iW. B. 10th JUNE, 1914 at 12 o'clock noon , pur- for;l ."efiim -i we'.l-knowiJ juc je in tears of the Ordor. Ovvt one hundred names in W&terford in the premises novy! perly sent for the p alice. 'and wh< n they CTDca- MESSRS. D. DTJ-XFORl) & !-&>.. an early d&tp much to the regret of a very were hjanded in for] meinbership, occu 5eU. P.P. : E. Igan. .Dr. O-gulliTan, suant to an Order of the County Court wbeti ANit«iiciue .1 man' to be Jianged. and the pi?d by Messrs Cdrroil ana! Co arrived Kirwan* we t away. At;. M he Soiicitbrs. O'Comiell Street. Water fe r<,l| wide crroli* ot friends by whom he n held General Secretary expressed himself . ii I (in; IMesars. M. SuDrvan, M. Catsin, "tJC.; J. I - ' , Judge, made in the { above-mentioned Afterward? a no:? v us t-int < own jto the again returnedJ for ed his way and Pr . "• • [ , .1 rejiorter* not to ihontiun 1 he . judge's in the highest esteem. hiehlyj pleased with tho prospects which i! ¦ . I r 1 il I created a dreadful scene. | He had a stick iBrennan; O. Dcwsos, T.CJ; P. Cahill, THOMAS TC.VLSH SON" ; eaifse , and dated 6th January, 1914 , f.C. s M. GaUajhe,r A . trootion." The jud;:e roforivd t» abojvc wai< he siw of Carrick becoming a strong in his hand ori that occasion, 't July. The tenement valuation is moderate, the lat ' I .E?|55 . ' Sapanish Ambassador at the 1 ,'ourt] of St. and Liverpool . u>r was runningion I 'll and ask the Bench to inflict a very severe ¦ i ' the finish Tlie of IMly had l penalty on the defendant which might ¦ - i — i I This property is situated about threo James s, an invitation 'to attend the -f>n in | how. | , T1O BE SOLD r BY AUCT16:' ¦*N , Spanish Exhibition at EaH 's ^ourt :, Lon- NEW GROCERY | ever, esfablished'^uch a lead the , earl; have the effect of keeping him out of the niije.- from the City of Waterford The day by As annou nced :n our advertisinp and ' Bfty M^i l THE STORY OP WATERIORD X at 'our Salerooms, The Mall,- Wa :ere " Building is commodious and in good ordor don, which wa3 opened y^estei Sir R.I.C. BITS middle parts if thecontestthat eatch' premiseB. He mlgh^. |hat Mui- ¦ columns. Mr. Laurence O'Connor han Tlie men drawn from Watcrford City and imr l>1m in th« ord, on| TUESDAY,|9th JUNE. ;1914 , I ?; '• throughout. I Tliomas Bowater , Lord Mayor of London. Btraight iv¦ as an impo* phy, the owner [ol the licensed pt( mises, ¦: • ' ; 12 o'clock, by directions! of Mis3 Al oi(is ¦ p One of the objects of the Exhibition is taken over the business of Messisl County who Joft Ihere oh Tuesday for sibilty. j . - i ; : was defendant's1 sister-in-law, and, es he ! ' / i —- i '. ' or Terms and Conditions of Sa 'e Murphy, Sutton and Co.. the Quay. He : I In- the courie of «, review ofI Mr. Wall, the interest in tha following [ n • ¦ to j demonstrate to Londoners arid to special duty at Derry in connection with mentioned on a previous ,'occasloii , shs ' 1 ¦ ati ly to ! • ' ^ i Mmund Downey new HUtory ct ¦Water- perty.:viz. :— ' ¦ | visitors to London, that wh: le " Sunny :> now fully stocked with goods of the the passing of tlie Home]Rule Bill Te- volunturily handed over £1,000 to defen- * „ P. R. BUGGY. Solicitor, O'Conn verv beht qual ity at moderate prices. Mil ¦ ord Oity, ,the! "j *Irish Times'' of to-day Threes-storied Licensed Dwelliajho ISPISP Spain " retains her old-world charm, sh turnedjto their stations on Wednesday THE NEW POSTMASTER: : dant and his wife. . X500 was paid 11 them I A I Street , Waterford ; or .e O'Connor : I .ays -.—•• One of j the best featore* in. the 1 nnd' 01 : is 'making rapid advance* in nodern me- is very well known In Water- nicUt -after a. quie-t , if anxious time. Wo learn that IMx. Portch , who takpf in cash, and, they settled : the othe r £500 situate in Morgan Street corner oi IOHX MURPHY , Auctioneer . ' ford. He was for a (Treat xxj k ia the care with which the Whor Grace's Lane, at pre-tint occupied J! is- thods of industry under the progressive number of Tile iruiny friendi* of Acting-Sergeant up hi? duties hereias Postmaster this week with trustees, Fathek- Furlong bei g one, jby 1 11 O'Connell-St., Waterford years the monnxer for Messrs. H. (White; describes euch! institaticos as the l/sper Wall: also the 4 Dwiellinghouses! ddjrinill- ' rule of King Alfonso. : O' has been appointed Spanish Ambassador A meeting of the Committee of the R.I.C. remembered, married Charles ' nanifAted in jlreland to procure Pro- (M years; unexpireil from ;Mareh lastvlat to ihp Court of St. JameB's. This lionour Wal tz .Class was held during the week Kean, the distingjiished actor, who was Kirwan was now separated from hjs wife and the income! wat being paid < for her estant foreigners. The connection be- present yearly rent of. £6 lls. 6d. J 2nd . a alii fell to the lot of Richard jWallJa Co. SUPPORT HOME MANUFACTURE. when |Jie treasurer fiibrhiUed a very born'fn 1811 in the! same house in Colbeck- : .weea tha coming of these French[people Reversionary Lea.=e iranted by the Cor- Waterford gentleman, wh^> wajs Ambassa- satisfactory statements of accou nts which street in which William Vincent Wallace support, Mrs. ,Murphy augmenting it. ¦ In thb course of his speech at Bally She was living ih: Birrack [street nd (be renewalof the penal Jews in Xre- porationlto Miss Afitin Wall for CO ye irs dor in the reign of George; II. | dhawed that a considerable balance TC- first saw Hie light. We understand that , ;and de- ')asd oug|M toi- 25th March VTHtRINE STREET. WATERFORD briekon on Tuesday night Mr. R. A. Kelly fendant was living out in BallynSacai*. be suificieDtrjri obrions. from the^ 1?2B. at £15 Oi )d. appealed lo the people to support mains in hand* to begin next daucing sea- Mr. Porfch is a devoted son of the Church :jn « good chapter the author collects THK (U'lDF TO WATERiFOgD. j homej son. ¦to which about nJnety Kirwan had, Mr. O Connor saidj squan- Poor Law Valuation I of ! Uie Licenied,. I Attractive Sale of Superior Household manufa >ture and do ce*se boycolting the per cent, of ,- the much information upon municipal 'life in House, £10 103 0d: Poor Law 'Valnat ona The 191-f edition of the, Off cial Guide people of Waterforti belong.! So that apart dered the first $500, and now he' wanted : ¦ ° I I furniture. Etc. products of .their own land. . Mr. Koi!i( .yie . ume 01 vaanes 11. . flu. JDowscy -» of the 4 Houses, £0 Of Od. to j Waterford : will be ready earlyj next FARMERS' ASSOCIATION. from his abilities iind hvs courtesy, ;which to get hold of. the Other £500 arid was j ' gave some tellins figures. He said tli a'i going to Mrs. MurpUy*a shop, kick ng up 'rightly glad of iah opportunity of brincinsj month. It will be found to contain a A meeting of thelWaterford and South havo earned for Km the respect and es- out the civic pride of seventeenthdentnry I I ! PARTICULARS. number of new £5,000,0p0 leaves Ireland evefy year ioi a row, and not |alone that, but he went features! wh ch should Kilkenny Farmors'i Association will bo teem of every place in which he has ser- < ' Vaterford. i W4 are much, intereifcd in interest dwellers in the ctt clothes.j woollens and Jr,aperyb £1,600,000 held on Monday 1 next (Fair Day) ovor ved we have to Mrs. Murphy's private : resides e last Licensed] House • in [ Vendor'B ri\O UK SOLD BY PUiBCLIC AUCTUON. y ,the , loyalty of Ground Bent I ..I. 2 U S members of tie'present generation.! - Irish indu«iries>. I Wednesday and Thursday,! injury? [ . ! .. .- . -i WWeriordCor- 15th and 18th destroyed around. Passage «nd Cbeekpoint ' ' ¦ porationvvAauuu toW (KOwyMQueenI Anne aa» STATUTORY NOTICE TO CREDITORS It is what a number o( WitneBs-I am. i. ,| . . 1 . . / i>(uwu aam m w-wantedjyiim noteworthy July. They have also secured the ser- where it was 6l»tod they Were destroying ' in « work of thf i nature. iWbeft come Oross Annual Profit ..; 33 IE interestin" projects were mooted in Ire- TRIPLETS. vices of the finest military band that is And you want: tha protection o the wj ¦ ihe salmon. I ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ to th« days of ;tbe House of we 1 ! ! I :— The wife of Mr Michael Brennan, mast* i I court?—Yes. | ' | . I H*noy«r . ¦: larid durin? the Sixties , and low few of possible to secure, |and lovers of music <|rtce more beer about the oommerciilside Gross Annual Profit from | I I them fructifiecl. ' IminlrcssOT, Waieriord, gave binh to ;tin may look forward ito a treat in this Mr. Keane—Oh tne first occasio 1 on - I I Entire I . . ..i£jM IB 0 | In the Goods of ' OK.UIG-E OF ABDRESS. j i | I which he went in on Saturday-ni| ht he of the Corporation, and when Mr. Downey lets o;i Wednesday morning. tespect. \ deats with ICHOJi4S MOLONEY, late of Bally- wATERFORflj NUN'S JU BII EE. 1 Air, J. A. Ryanl OIE., Catherine-street, did not attempt jto slrfke you?—No ; even!sp prosaic a subject«• tbe For the convenience of intending plir- "\T , has removed into] new offices y&t No, [6, Company of Bakers ha is intcra»tioa% chaBers the Property will be sold in eitfier 1> hus'sa, Kilmacthomas, in the County In the " Fifty Years Ago " t niunin will THE IRISH VOLUNTEERS. So that apparently this is not di -ected : Fjnner, deceased, AUCTION IN THE CITY. Michael-street, opposite Lady lane.. 1 | )t : A special word! of praise- is due to tbe One or Two Lots. «s niav be deeme-l id- I of'.Waterford. also be found! an n'TOunt of the recep- Mr. Maddock' In consequence Of .«. general order a against you personal y ?—I would & «»y ¦ IS HEREBY GiIVEN. pur- s house at Gladstom ; 60. ' ; ! ¦ ' ! " e- | the Mercy Convent in Roc lestera- , in 206 guineas. Mr. Henry D. Kean?, solr. hour. I Return from Kilmacow imme- i4 r >w of £15 'Nicholas Molooey, -who idied on or about which she has^ resided for half century. 1 Ger.ild Kelly idspatched A number of able people and] is , L respectable man TO TBS EDITOB W1TIR»O«B VZWS. ing two-thirds of .the Beh'l had carriage of the sale. diately 'after arrival. • | competitors from' the Quay | at two i ¦ ¦ tinder the 1 Reversionary .Lease. ! On tli4 4 the' 12th day. of February, 1913, are re- The present Editor of "The News 'f is a ' . himself 1 but he "bis h is moment* ol {weak- : ' -. "| The Ertn a Hope . Band will accompany minute inttrvals. . The speed required : ! . I i New Stxeet; v: Dwellinghouses £2 ! 11F "".I per ar ijum nii- Quired, on ox .before tho 18th day of July, first cousin of) hers, and ihe s an aunt th« battalion to Kilmacow; { ness, the same ai the lot ofiua, indlwhen :! . ' (in PIONEER TOTAL ABSTINENCE was 15 miles «n hour over a 45} ' mile -\ . . j I-];- Friday;S9th May: til 1928. 1 and thereaf'-- £6 per|annSm W1.4. to fuhiish the| particulars of Ciiptnin Walter FarreU an 1 oil Mr. poor Kirwan goi into trouble, although writing;) of such claim or demand to the ' " ASSOCIATION. . ' course. iiCompetitoiswere mot "allowed ito it is not a pleasant thing; to stand op De-tr Sir—TheloommiUeeof Erin'4Hope ba^fit jsASdb The condition re- J'cting the required J,u°>°r. of Powersfajocfc ; KJlmeaden, in LECTURE ATI THE MERCY tONVENT. have joined the ranks of the Pioneer Tota THE ELECTRIC LIGHTING reneage him, and I am nbt'thelnerson, I tho County orWatertord, Farmer, one of Abstinence Association which is doini petitor covering nearest to the 15 milea en to do it. Mr. O'Com ibr reft^tea icrniat- pbat«xi»Uy ctrebgdened their fends] expenditlire on ' irr-. ioTeffients (has been Dom Bede Camra ,.O.S.B., the afstin. SCHEME. I I ' ' th« Executors named in the last Will and guished ecclesiastical histbrisb, lectured such excellent work tin the temperanc< hour over the coutfe. The jroute was , ito ters which will obvli te the! necessity for WILLIAM FAULKNEB, e complied with, an- he premises are nbw , Three! Provisional ) Order j Bills, which Tramore via the old road and back via the ; i fe In a firstclass cor ";ion . . I | TeartaineTit of . the said deceased/ .and to on (Wednesday evening at the Convent of cause. At» fneetins: of promoters held 01 had reference to .the electric lighting of me going into itlmor 1 Jnllyr but wl ether w WAS, new road, to Waterford, onlto Mooncoin, Kirwan is right' or wronjr - he be iev«s ' For further par ' ulnrs apply to h«m Probate of the said Will on Mercy, Philip jitreet, to the Sisters of the Tuesdayl evening at Mount Slon it w&s de Waterford Eurgan, land Castlebar, were , F ROCE93IONI T BISTBBS OF MBRCY. granted forth ,/ Fiddown. and Pottlaw Bridge, back to that he has a "grievance, and it'is with . HENRY D. K'IAKE/Solr., p"CorineH the| 28th day cf Mar, 19W. Comminity .ii)d a large number ;of tho cided to! postpone Ihe next general meet on Mondav sent by ihe Examiners for se- !; Th*- amnial proceaalon of the Sodality ¦ ¦ of Waterford Distnct Registry of the clergy of the ing. until- Monday, 8th June Waterford. on to Ballygunher and back respect to that Bebond|£S00. | Mrs Murphy- . ' ¦ ' Street. Waterford ; or ¦! pie 1 . city. The: leettire was on , next Mon cond reading in the jHouse jof Commons. The will 0 ihe Ci)i'dren| oi. .Mary, -and popIU at- : Kituj's Bench Division tie< schools of tba fibster*of Mercy Hiih Court of Justice in Ireland. illustrated with limelight, end was most holiday [ The next general Communion : ¦ ¦ £500 in trust, as Mr C ^Cormbi) state( , but ' . Auctioneers, the Mall, Waterford. ; HOME RTJLE REJOICING8 J¦N' KlL- [ j I . 1 ' 1 ftinVent. PUilijy*tfe«t;took pJ*i» ahmad* •.AiND NOTICE IS HEREBY PUBTHER interesting. j . j »: for th» members was flxed for Sunday, i MACTHOMA8. ji : ]¦ -. • . ¦ f Mr. Kirwan believed that (he won d be gioymtl * on ¦ > j -; ¦TiL COE33 OF A JWIATERPARK tie | Sunday lut. The beud- 18th July ne.Tt J 1 - 1 ' ' j- ! entitled to the j use < I that money and. GIVJJN. that after tie .'aid 28th June, at 8 o clock Mass in the Cathe- Kilmacthoma s was(not behixid. hand in "• I < Tlie owwiwoni^ts. Dffltly attired. .defands of which- notice; shall Iiave been May 8th, I9I4J The examiners were B. N«tional~CatbolioTotal Abstinence Con- discovered.: arid [I d: actfvered, Mr. tpe 1 ¦¦ - •• FootiwH dub and ;tho ! Iidies Camogie in the 'Civil Servto> and j! children .TOMiring" ' handfiroe Jwhite Vitei Session: Joly ilat to 29«i. I given' as-aforesaid. •: • , - - Johnion, E&d., B.A.. : MuslB.Cantab. gress to be held thcr»^ Three- delegates has -been «p-. Kirwan cbuld not get tbe trnit money, ' Clab turned out and headed by'the local pointed to the Jjarid Oommlseion Dapart- 'sV y paid over^ but it- dresses with f eaU and carrying bisketa Second!Session: -August .trd to 29th . - Dated thin 29th.day of Stay, 1914. . F.R.CXJA of Nottingham*,- land W.,Mon« will also' fee" appointed; to represent the ' believe iti was ictu 1 rt/vY, .4 i> 1 *¦• fire andjdhjm band ,marched throug-h the nient. Mr. C4?ev I scored first p'* In iw»s n .breach of \TU&t, and I bad haod. c . twinclusion of tb* \*o- C«Mt Irish. Best Staff. :. Best |iAoeo m : D.vNiBt nciNiPORp & 00.: . Gould,. Esq., of 8outh!e.a:-r :L Mount Sion- centre -at Ihe Congress. In streets of Uie villaga to the strains- of "A ^ ci&fiorvJi enedictioomt» impartedby the ; . • modatlon: • ' i 1. . : ' ::; ¦ Solicitors for : the eaid Executor, Higher Division.—Grade- Eouri : (Ad- t;'e UniM KiprHota in Laljn and ««cond with i Mi.f O'Connor In (retting bae t the., li I 1 ¦ cormectiion with ihe neJ* general meeting Notion pnee AgairJ.V In the Main-street Kevd. MarUnT Dowky. 8C jSm's cSbtet. Syllabus i from HAM »E. . BOTSTE • ' -«,- WelKwrton, . Quay, ,OlnbUji. vanced) (Honou rs)-Wlieian; I JUy (PI) *>l»pt "In Ire'«nd la French: Comrratii- 'money, and we had t< sell the farm- — I ' A concert is beiiur ttrnaaeiand a suitable severs! |tar barrels' were -iichtipg and a MM^nn. Arp rl.ie Catfy *k»i*(*d irjr Bevd.-M. F. WalshTT*-, .: IHh no NgsedHeaJ, Oori. end Waterford.! (Jfc. H. C. Poi-ney). r [ ~ ; (/>|JUr. arid io bis ¦' ' ¦ ' [ ¦ ! protriamme will ba drawn up. : public tireetins;ifs s held outalde tlie Tern- te»oh«:s in ¦ Waterl»rk. I : • I ' • : (CONTINITED DN PAGE 80 i B»J!jbri<*«n,' .f| . - , - . . . - . ' ; ' : ¦ , ! ' ¦ ' ¦ / • i ' ¦;- 1 ' • ! I ! M ! i ! : . 1 . A * 'I . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ \i. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . : ¦ = ¦ ' !¦ : . U&;M ¦; -I - '!- ¦ : ¦ I: . . ;! ; . . : • : : : :: ¦ ] I ¦d:VL^^ |. i r : . ¦ : [ . • ! iiJ Aii di. i

J^HE ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ^ATEp I - 1 . ; ¦ : I r I ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ' -^ • }-• • i ' . i\r.:- | ¦ , .\U: ,: : IN NEXT FRI DAY'S "W ( i < "O S"" '"'-.>s&^J ¦ WILL : ipp • -¦ - ¦ ¦ ; ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦!¦ • • ;: ' ' :¦ II •!¦ ' -I.''.: : I . . I! . L' I IREIAND . THE FIEST iNBT. 1 " LLMENT.OF fl •¦ ¦ .; fc :¦ - t ¦ ¦ ' ii'-Stife to»' nnd • | ' ¦ ^7W ?5*F t «*- : . : !:¦ . , : . ;l ' rhenttoricd race meetfi[g»*ii' > • »• • ¦ ' " " - ¦ • : SAMvfl j ;i-: s T J Hu>A P«rKi*, • D HJJA 1 ' ' A I 'Pi . jst and 2id. jptfjnne lAifiSAeiOeAt. ! ' Redo tf-^Juae. 1st inaaniUl GOSSIP AN !R!SH TRANSLATION ¦WohmrhamW BY iH EMINENT 'jGAELIC SCHOLAR >nH3nna jgt aod 2»L "**••• ' ' ¦ ' ' j " " v i : . i ¦. i ! . SI A I ,|R, Walah, J. J). iUpham, in the1 ut:on bpatpfiup £541 in an jj-redCcriiain jep , and ¦ ¦ T. , R. White; S. Harris - ¦ j P ate at Bsldoyl© oh Mon- the passagte of Mia, Home Rul« 'Bill BT V- V , J. Kent, ;(t. A. aii/ . day. £ r.« !Johi c',p^ i . :; . ;| . .Widger'a Lsveline and in Ihc! Ibstivi ies on very l im- : : th7 ml Mr. J^-fprjtWidcer's Ked CuSAti /in\vS Oe^nn jonpeJifc "DO next in th 1 historic to\Wi by, the iBarrow portant report , was read from Uftl'John 1 Eefifil To be obtained from all loadlns Wlno JusM' ,,. ¦¦> Danlfeiare en- a trdunipha»t Coode relative . : WBBBf Morchantc tjirougtiqu*; .Ireland, : , ¦: . t»ged j U^J^iropfllittinH^rtdlcap Stee- ru cloTDdtniO, t O jiiSne.iT)4p will tie mo e in! thfe lorm Of Edmund I Downey to the '-deepening, of the . CTBWw .'Sur pin the magniO«nt : Ford Channel. t)' i iAMrc:and celebration ol . j EDITOR J3F " THE WAI EEF0RD NEWS." Mr. Ooode . stated he e»pti i o. Ace ip cuma 6 ^noij*. ¦ Teached -j victory iri the House ol Commons on Mon- • Waterford on • : : ¦ jthe 11th Jahuary ...un Jl 1 1 f me seconoaay vi beit) copse .» rc^" iu) ^5-iinn :e Worthy in evefa respect of , and found tliat the Ford |i and : the tlie Home 1 ule year. No expense is beang Docjc Committees 'iyinr rlate . and- Mr. R. - PowerVBajazet ¦ ; "Sesolvod, with one dissenting vo|ee w.erp. then sitting,at the ¦ ' ' n theJ. ¦ Sruifl 'p. ' . ' |' j | spared by tiie Organising Comroitteei to 1 -B&3last Office. Thosa iffontloinpn lumm. EACH jBOTTLE OUA WANT eED BY SHIPPFH^ 6iCN«TUHe;- > Hi. ! I WaiajadoTHurdle Race.l (no THE VOLUNTEERS only. That the right honourable end hon- . ' • ' •"'••¦ tS <* Corner <> Yn % tomir; lnako 'ihe iFei* tlie) most succesoiul ever paolcd hiaj down ¦ • ¦! ! j.'t Y\ *' r :i ' the nver And . thtough ¦ ¦ ! 1 1 ourable the minority in Parliament who I I I . \ > '.. .- .i- .> . 1 Amosii:it|ie entries-for CorVi' J-t Dotlp.Mi ma i CugcUl Aip minic) held in tlie iiisiorV of the Irish Ireland Bw JOHN MITCHEL thdJFotd and OKing's C-hannele on o pre- ' . Vk ' urk are— 50 County Wexlord. ino hav6 supported these our constitutional imon^Sisfi'r, Ihe Mop; D«nii Dear and YJO ; HA movement 61 the liminary- vieffJ On t(io two following ¦;• - . <5e<»p v 011.1 Of^tuia tjdotfieJ l be opened! at 1.30 p.m. on Mint (CONTINUED.) ! ighls, are entitled to our most grateful JsJazeJ. • «|-* ;| . . ; 1 | . Fci^wiJ hariks, and that the ann' days he mado a thorough Jnspeotion. Aci tje/pr A n., gaoi'tle 5 ¦po'n' Sunday by Lord Ashbouriie, who wjii exed address be _J .isn :d by the chaitman guhfteqilently K4-««ated before these- Com- A LADY$ GOSSllP M:; I J ' S-p ^.;- e»\n. , Cwin 'ACj UW ipo .Vavoi many interesting things to fay on, , and pubUsneS NEWS FBpiyi , IFl nTirTzVurcnasea-C tptam • ?iOT)l ! vitli these resolutions. mittees- that the deepening pf the pord larry,! winner or tit ; the policy o tholGnelic Ixsagne under the ] .C!opef, Mate »i- AOHA C iiiri 1 Aip ijibli&oain, CJITIAII All the yeur 178lj had been a time of " lesolved, wnanimously, That four Channel was the greatest improvement •hoenix l'ark oi|; Saturday, j r^ regime of a Home l'arliament. fcW could be effected In the navigable forl laci sovs. VC VUUUtlllUUU j active organisation jfor • the Volunteers; men bers from each county of the pro- The French colt "oe bliAiftaiifcAt D 6V fI -Ml.in.i ! iI . Nimbus, will-not be the companies jinoi of Ulster, eleven to be a quorum approach to tbo' clty and|at the same time I The visit of their Majesties of Denmark isnt Do Hi Comir •A RRiVN-aEltl fcN'tS FOR THK FEIS i had ', been forrlied into , U>i «ii (c> ceAC Aim C-SASAIJIC fhjpdifce. ellattfactiveness associated, numerous reviews continued tc| be held; °' * V ^^ •l Grand HnrdJeKate- include Warmo many featuri!:.* iind, as occasion shall Court circles1 SUCCE§3F i ,'L TEST/ , Balv ' and it was determined that the regiments at of require , to call which this deepening should • be- «arjried and at the ppera. For the ¦ MXICHEg: • • • caddenj Carttietoa-:- ' AD " the principal being ' ¦!' ' ¦ ' • '¦ ¦ " '' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ..Obr(Hii>f. Wriu>li /L t> FiAFp|lj!S t ean eke with ttiis ye£r £- FeiB. tho ; ! .: .¦; - ' .jjn j tie cidnniij* should how be -brigaded. f^ene meetings province, viz.:J- cut. 1 He also felt that in accurate : plan last four years the . queen-mother-has J- ~5v 11 , iOTd JiMian.l t)o 01 in the 5t«kt fo<:kba 'Jlconteit on Whit Sunday |The County r nurd ii <n tb« succesJlul'.btinjSiii; . . i ' p6 : FueJiSpj ul ppi. '06 ol pe Kerry 1 nd Wextord The contest an lt.-e.I cers and delegates Irvine, Col . Kb- pxpenenced Surveyor in! order to satisfy; h^r -DA >| n* . of the first Ulster Re- to.rt feC-lintbcic, Col. John Ferguson, Col. tho Public "Works Loan 0onimifs:oner4,"tc seclusion; she may be seen this season at off de- -Pa JSUf. : .in tros in Ix>i:i: tor andl .Munstor.be The pro- met at Armagh and resolved ijo hold a Uol. rr.incis Lucas 1 she WBB prevailed a;vary rf ?;r.att«iid-inc«-, the b-' r>, ~ -oJD Bio* pcoii 1 5-Cnoc-A- ce-d' xvil! , Col. Thos. M. Jones, rrulor the Harbiur and Kassine TolU Act. upon to open tho 30\h . g.Ate palici"!! nit sei» id entri vi'caii be oiadej * .C3s dur ivg tlie ^eis enlivened Convention of the Ulster delegates at Col . lames Hamilton. Col. Andrew chart) Exhibition of the Home [Arts £13. : Hie; nimb3r travelling friiu Slid up to biiii Ai^e, JUc|niiAi|t cLsinig AM •Ojibe- IJV 1HV liri'iiV , 1/.JIIUB uiiy From the whioh he submitted 1 it and Indus- Tuesday, June 1 th, - ': l/'fAio i»""i "*¦* Pungannon. It wasjthe idea oflGrattan ; >CAliliii'U VOTJO tiiooUIOO Majo Francis Dobbs, Major James Ford Channel ind that the centre line month of May no fewer than, five queens from FennoyJ ¦' ' ?T of Sati pnat lir-s imdrr the- baton el Mr. Bi ght in Parliament, and reso|ved now M I ¦[ ! '! I' '!• i ' : !' innr-m A C McC! ntock, Major Charles Duffen, Capt. vyould be about 160 yards distant fromlthe and an empress ia London and its neigh- . [The football e' eut between • • has• • had +lmi» ¦ a! permit to hold! I a race meeting . «a«J» T3o hri01 diversion'S ' Ckpt. John Coulson, Capt. Robert Black; isting-Ohannel. At abou 600 yards from 1 ¦ : . filled -most' cjWilably b 'O>Su1ii»'«n, of ; >ejuui Cum t»l<> Ann ;|| tinpuiihed Irish srtifete* will contribute. startlne. 1 ! mode from forty-five . to fifty ypnrg since f j X4i the second halt the Bids lc'3\-(ec ded fo rerer the question to thfe tpotd pontal's achievtment haa been eclipced | | SJ | | '- waeiriord by ine ntq6siare express trom ipre6erve the same, oil th most constitutional means of •and Dock Committees with a' -view I of by; that of Mdlle The hurlingjconieat ^ i "Resolved , That to avert carrvi IR them into . Leontine Zanta, who betweenTHoonrxrnl 8:r ' clilrlea A Uieton-Smith S«i ar~ Cork on! SatiErdayj night and trill aiter- the j impend- effect. ••' t«.k3nK the opinion bl Ur. Coode. Mr. ha just won the degree of : «nd, the -City, selected f ing danger from the nation, and to ,"In cbtifeqaicnce of ,th Doctor of .then came off aid rapged w take down-to "Vaynol Park, ¦Do wards I be conveyed by special train an restore e above resolu- Hfrtic afldMr. Stephens as to Uio expe\ ise Philosophy. Her theses were moBt resulted in a Tattling encou-nterJ-TheNiil- ' BT-rifiicpfc r!°ii -w, W»mtie, the constitution to its original j purity, tions, the committee' have appointed the diffi- , OilrnarvoT shae, Jil » two famous , norsei ¦| Vv the Dublin snd| South-eastern Railway to the most Which' would be neoessary to make the cult, but ehe expounded them with great Ireiandj-champions had a strong Ififtetu'. Oovercout and Suiiloch , and with Jerry ttlil nAlscf^p & CAOp|cA« >nn ; New fto.k vigorous and effective (methods fo|low ng gentlemen for saia committee; present . s. Tlie train wiU leave Witcr- must be pursued to root three o be dredce-vessel ' competent to caTy brilliance and erudition:. This is the and evidently hoped to gat easily tlirouih Mj, who] g now [ permanently quartered' t^iOp-CuiTJ ptynA ' fetfil ' ford North atjl,O.-e pirn. ont , corruption a quorum, viz.:—Col . Mervyn ont the dredging operations. first time tho degree has been the hoTne3ter5.l pcfniOAne , and Court influence from the legislative Archd ill , Col . Vv'illiam Irvine won tiy a The Waterford teain 0*1- there, tht ' - will bo on. view to th*! pnbJie- Special oxcu.rs-ion I trains will leavo ¦ ' , Col. John woman ; and Frenchmen Bhow a greater sisicd of the Gar«ldine« i Afp bAJya$]uii. tAf^cAoin sreBI Waterfoijd fot- body. j M mtfiomery. Col . Thomas M. .Jones; , Meagher« aid In! the pa k in th«!second week ot.Jun*. Neyt Jto&» at 11 a.m. and Mijor Pt&ncis appreciation of erudite women than they Shanvrocts luf-h, iond every ona ol /thefei Hi will b- roterestlng, . to fee the : Grand Oo pt Veiiit Cptlis inn TJO! t)i po-mili' 11.30 alni. on Whit Sinday. The I " Resolved, That to open a pSth to- Dobbs, Capt. Francis 1 receive in this country, i r return E\ an£ Cant, James DiW6on' '"', 'il the weekly meeting iol the ; (Board of where the learned was in . iexceJlehtltrim. The .iloOWme National! dinners , iof 1912, 1913, : snd , 1914 1 *Oo" B5 Ann rp^il TinniTi** 'rMinuni trains are daq to leav=e New Ross at 6.45 wards the attaining I of this desirable , Capt. Joseph ' societies are much morel *core was ¦ ;| point, it is Polloc t , llr. Robert Thompson. Guardians oa Wednesday, Mr. Jadob 'dijpoEed to Waterfprd 1 goal; Mobn^braAlJ together .i i the park. ,.**-. - . "• | | ' : ¦ Mj ¦ p.m. and .11.301 p.m. [iVisdtors -who wish absolutely requisite that a i withhold honours from tlipm. points. The second ¦ ' I M . !5«'^ :. meeting be held in the ' Re olved, unanimously. That the iiioved and Mr. , Qrubb seconded the fo)- ' I half was vigofonwy I ls I 1 v ¦ J •••'•!- . i . t ' Qo to witneis the bind promenade at seven most central town '• congested, both sides ^t r) ths marked 1OM , E. Loder s Pretty Pollf; 1905^ , Rusaaif- iuck, I jaen . inn, ex pire, in such a manner as( to call upon quired at the medical depot to ;bo estik- I ; GAELIC PARS.¦ Mr, W. Hill Walker's Cherry LaA»; 1306. ¦]¦ ' - : : • J. "BesoTved, That a? many real and changes that have come about, sonio of ;. .: I tjassimer neuci, i : . proceedings. ; ¦ I us! to declare and 1 pledge ourselves to-eacK lished ^at Feriyt^nk , ! ant^ request* the ; 1 -i - i - I ;- ' •: : i V-y : , Lord Derby' Keyiione II.; 1907, i£r. J. B lasting ^advantages may arise to this, king- other wWcb. it must be confessed, are not for . . . . * jSpanish i ijsne CeAjw OTIA j ' haV we will not consume any wine: Committee they uaderstand is ad- Joel' Oliij Doll ; -i_ re- Mr, W. P ¦odariek ;C;oete'4 rCherimova>, the 16th day of February next.. at ten cept ttewinp One will be of the same material;- • the Division between Ag-lish-and IiisrooVevia ¦ fpott ^n^ioo'n ji.iirle ir> Uoipt)e, Banrettsl' Party ind we would like to : o'clock in at present in this kingdorn.' port to the 'Board leach month th5 uumber other will be striped or checked, mstcb,- fixed ior 1912, -Mr.i. .' PrattiiM.ir.*i;3TO3 , MI. .1. d-rect the ; the forenoon, i3 her by ap- until luch time as our of tickets received at the Dppuu&iirv . Duns^rvan, and the aenior) tiurj- ' An clonAtige AS atte fion' ofjreaders to the l&c\ \ pointed for said exports shall be ing the plain coat In colour, or a direct ing;between B. Joel's }J «*. ; j| [' . - : '! : slUAipeAfcc te JI ASIA , meeting at Dun annon, received in the Meagbersand Clonea W45 ' ¦ ¦ ' ^ that the price it admission to the ground «s aforesaid. mi the kingdom ol Portugal as during the preceding montb, same to bo I.. 1 • Pi * • • ¦ . .|- j : . an T)iiAitce, . , : \ I wiU be " ] Ih^ inufacturcs of ehterod on our proceedings^ so that if contrast, such as mustard I with blue, or fixed for the eamel venue. f " ' j .fid. anc -hot'one shilling «s stated part of the British tho ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ It is th. > j presenVi intention that Irish : • red with black. Both ikirfs are fre- I '•¦ '¦ • ' ' 1 A6c in soma of the i Dungannon was then, and is Empir i. number ol ticketsshould indicate an in- ' . ; i : »• . . • ' ¦ -h«j ruri iri Itlie Irish Derby n<>xv " ' ¦' *n a small market town of Tyrone Oounty, 'f Retolvied, therefore. That as men and crea£« of d,uty alter the appointment bf 1 ' ' /;• . Vui«4 'At»l v , ! ' I- ' THE OBKBAGi lTAS. about Irishmen ing , below tho hips. The new tunica -will The senior football ' learn to top essi t month, ,it! which c*?e lie will b« ridden I • I six miles from the shore ol lough , as Christians and as Prote«t- tbe new medical officer , the] Board may be Wakrford apainft by |B. Bon< ghue. Jn. the event 0} the ewitv At HiellasV meeting- of . the Keagh. Two anfs, we rejoice " ! afford much variety also iri dresses ;made Oork on the 14th Juri OiroacJitas hundred a^ars. befon it had in the relaxation of tho aVare of tho fact' &3 it. is! Uieii uizious- from the new washing materials will, I understand, nqt cominj: acw?s |«m Newmarket Donog- KUlaraqyConin ittee1, leRAs were read bom been the chief scat «nd stronghold penal lays agairlst our d^s:re tally to afford the sick poor , which be 9 from Rathpirmt] T)o ; ,ra of Roman'Catholic the are ! more fascinating every season, and and: 2 each from D« la 8&lle, Agliiian hue will Ji robably .have the mopm . ira W -01/ nn ; 45^ «!ot' Ami, ou A' - Mr- ;G- W. pt n > | iHc>n. Sec Redmond H ugh O'Neill , h,igH chief of Tyr-obghain. fel|ow-*ubjects and that we!conceive the benefit of proper inedical idvice. " 'd ' ' ' J Hurnns Club ! this year beat all records. ' . i • Durigatiungarvan.rvan. ,. 1 Ij ,. :. ,1 .¦ King'* Coi unon. I ll ¦ II \~ , -captvuge, . Cork , and Mr. Thomas: who was the moat formidable enemy that measure to be fraught with (he happiest . ! r • ¦ ' '¦. : i - ; .[; / . ii Ker»o6k • i . • • • ¦ ¦ . .I •:.*J* •• . '| ; , Hon. See. Tbiirles Huiling Club ' English power had ever consequences to the union and ! 1 . 1 .- . . ! ih T)oWt»unA6l&' V[on Ann - agreeing . enoountired in prosperity 1 1 ifT. 'j.^re Wid'reris' recent pnrobasc irv. r| , »nop.Curo' to pi yI «rj-exhibition malch on! Ireland. The littlo town had no as sembly of the uihabitants of Ireland." On Saturday the Mayor] accompanied 999 I Ballihamult and Dunsarvan will I ACtffbpey the opemng ¦ :r, ' m« Bnirinnd, |-S M oi Go'd, won the Rock Cup- st>!i, enr¦ ie, 3e 6W1I1 da/J 26thjJuly. room capable of liy Mr."iP. FaraiEng, Marl(et Juror, aiid C«mogi9 at ¦ coinf- The Com-i accommodating the (To the Ehandoa eroand o ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ be continued^ 8KILFOL NEEDLEWOMEN AND at-Cashel'< a Tuesdiy. Mount j Heckl* -;: ¦ ¦: - n -oej - . ¦™«f meeting; , Ki* . . ;. .] have*pplied|to!the Munster and it was determined attended by \rA staff, jnspected the Sunday when .an ' ~h ; Coun-] to uso , CUTTER8. ; ! ¦ excellent caroe i.' walked OV- T for tfie Raflway 'H&ndieap. rC > * l *™5 PA-\- /orlflie¦necessary ! the parish church for that Market* thoroughly. In the Square ja I pected. It will be ' r Co^A 3CAitle!A. t)t»oth n\ - . . I ¦ r InfopAlJ JIY 4n-Cuit» ™™ rena tna tefttival an addefl <*arm in Ulster, the delegates' met. Thejj repre- sequently buried by order M his wor&hij>. clothes began to be cecorded has so intich when the. homo-'team' won a point , . , ;. ¦ ¦ ana the; Committee sented thirty to nil. Fart BrV". idan, winner of the jMajdem : i; in #r %n, ]. \\¦ . . ;; of the Oireaehias look thousand armed •men. ana FEIS NA nOEISE Thw is irood semce to the poor. ; cars and skill been necessary in cutting 1 : rd tothe felt that ¦ •••»••¦ Plate Hi I MipKrea |on Weaiif.iday, . was • ! DoiTAia«e ¦ ™™* . . cooperation of the STunster they had foil power and Creden- out|~and handliiuT the dedicate, fairy-like, j ; j , Sjcreeps,-AW 1i<>»JAi*e, ConnciIloT the GAlA. tials to deliberate '0. Waterford Fels) ridden bv! 'raaik Morgan. . . | . in this and .'decide for k «nd;«xpensive iabrios now in general itse. ¦ ' ! ' ¦ »ation.-U great A ;C»inoaie chib hasbeen started h Ki. . I : . I • ' ' "Do ftV.-oejrip 'Ar ttn»»$e*ncA 1 ! lt - Tt •wa* =Jd ^cTcIod! to army, not only for A musical rehearsal in connectoin with '- I ¦ nxieipe JJ«: . invite 3fr. P the Ulster VoluSiteers, Tulle, fine net,, minion, mousseline ; de rossanty and a 'qood twelve -will sion b , :. -ni rcfrtt»fe- ¦;. •¦: ¦ :¦ -; OT>alajBh; Geberal Secretarythe but for those of Ireland. tho Protestant Youns Wonien's Christian eoioi an3 other transparencies ! . ; i . . League ^>f the *n What might ^ are almost able lo be fielded. ... . I | ^^ c lto«3peak «t they not have done on: that day ! 1 The e nniial iFeis Na olteiso. Association was hfelfl in the Protestant <« flne as ihc -spider's web, and yet the ¦ ' tte jfteAj«CA«In** bjwr •DA n-(5L Ann public Eng- which wi! . I - ! ; iitteKpre. ~r' ineetnjr' m Killamey: on Tuesday, land had suffered deep] hiiiriiliatioki, S^ imld this year at Duru^arvan, Hall , Catierino-slreeUon .Tuesday even- most beautifuljiand-embroidcry is work- ?••••• I ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ June and proauec^ ¦ &KL >Aa&esse.4TTill. was truly in ing before' a large audience. ! The piayins ¦ ¦;• ; ; be .presented immukent peril. In to be a hugo success. Th© event ed lipon' fhem. Cork had >•! :• ¦ ¦ to Or. America, aa» baen Anything but the inost a pTeat hurling triumpa r«an:i*iions in ^rry still at war both: wtih; France and with hosting, being situated within & few miles the piano, I -the ernbroidrDS3es, so light is the !«fin, UnW The most .i mportant question one half the -number ,of the Volunteer A iFleis o Dungajvan is.* .Euibankmcnt project 15 as warmjas ever, " ¦ subject bei.ig .".Thai Passing of StiiBene- ¦ ¦ before the army; ana tonic to ine mg,\ one' would imagine they bad iicver- . . ! • ! J .J. ..* . . ' i dicti" Of; the articl|e» published, that by ;-M; ! I USc rceW«*tnst,i' '• ' . Irish .Inbland pniblid at present is the even of that half thd Irish Jjeasimi itio Irishman. The use of Eng- and hopes AKO eqtiertained of :ts acconi- bven touched by human hands. Not oiily I I ; ! regular force would, without doubt) lish is 1 rot i"f.««ai' ?asuy aeieatea tne yiilei Professor C rltan Flood on Father I Faber, nEW W DACB^rTAnAfnrM AIT X r>tnt .mo : tedcbJngLo! Iriahjesl an ordinary-subject have neceisarjr at an Iri^h 110 ^^ piishmeut at no distant day. To thaw •the -lightest but quite | heavy fabric* «i» gianb oni Sunday in jthe sihools, nnd every effort fratrnrzed with the Volutteers. " Had Xestlval in tho Old Borough ; tlvit tho undertaking is noi|oj a {Utopiaii to. the Dublin •s jnior whofe cent inary occurs on June 28th, is tk):W bjteit IriVfctup&ApA should be they chosen stewards embellished byhandwoxk. Lawns an*cot- hurlln? final; i I «t' ' , pUmnceroi : ciAde bV' the branch**; 'AnH f^nntc Ctwri. that mode 'of action," says •Uakct f allers, judges, fonipctitora character a few ol Ithe raain leaUlres oori- ton imate'iiials are hemstitched the | mo. - important, The life lot tie- ! n: |: ' : ' Thomas MacJJevin, - " Jo &curn ^ or worked famous Oratonan isj given succincur and .; < f.cn U»4*i*, ' : ; - ; mittees to| supptrt the Uemaoda of the which manyi 'lacqliaijit tneir tongues" with nocted with it maj { be mentioned | to show un tiny d/>st and rootik, and )f.t)1: : Cpiste ] Cbanntair several as th. i path , even the panting rea of the CO© football Irien'Oly! ; :! . ,;| I: , ' CiinAi^e A> loiniti, • • ence of-National d would have teen perilo is iw- i •VVo i g western bay JS J9Q^ acre* of: land ; ;! ] ish civitisa ion is nbt oi the most) elabo- ¦ | Schools to i meetinp ol deed. We *S lad to learnJrom Die energetic I covered ' . theAWjtApA A the Gaiste) held Ion jPnesdajr cannot doubt the issu( of a ' Hon|. So:. (Mr. with a fine sheetiof water rate descrii tion; - A most affecting paper An tme Y PiS'nuOe. - , M»y 26th, war. A national W. C. Hickey) tiat a fargo . , which, if rq- THE MAHARAJAH TUNIO. : | Ballylaneon ¦ and it was decided if> fend a deputation army,' composed >f the. number of entries are claimed, would rirove of incalculable and Kill have both «! rtet on V Madn us lor the: Divine " is con- 1 " ' : ' flo-wer-o! a bol d and valiant being received A typp of tunic that will be sure 10 find foot! all. riubi arid tributed by Carmel -i: !- :|. - VL ; h , - . to several |«*t and waist is held by a sasii which ¦ 16 have - i 1 1 ; 1 ', - ' I- ¦¦ ¦ ¦ medals, jnd » -very undertaking and offered to execute , can be 0 of : i ¦ ¦ ¦ large entry M ti»e " «W»C «P- the game. n' , :¦ . , 1 1 swathed and x? .iS "!' - ;r nethm|!), i 01 the resolutions prepared for trie espoctedl In the Bands section work if he got the fee of the jland.l John fall below the hips, or be Matches between them and Tho Ju ie riuraber. of " Popular ,v5eAiUior>A adoption of sure there is adjusted after osighbouriiifi ' ilJon Bpiu «uic rrofol Ap Aon Cop. P*Hpe | bptroe, the military delegate*, the «> be a very keen contest for D Walker. .JEfq.. C.E.,|gave -M as his opinion' the Empire fashion, or a club-j 'are iikely 1o como ofl soon. I Mechanic-si Magariie " • contain^ 333 ^ ¦An . first was wrfiten by Grattan t:fo and IP belt iuay |be worn. The neck is low ¦ ¦ lAnrrapfiip pcAin lap fcitlins le , and the DrumfliaBa nrijo (t:\\. t~ «.v,^v, that the undertaking would render croat but articles and) 340 ilius rations. The| cover . i ; ; second by Flood. 'Mr. Dobbs, of Carrick- " 160 OI Cd; benefit to Dancarvan.- Mr. Bolster round, and isJin some cases, finished : : design haiuteoruely depicts a popular I !. I vn. j . ! • ",ipiS« ; n T'Fi ^ " rieee-^ary. The , tho "j 'P" • ! I I fergns, was jnst about "jto start for the Pipeb Aand contest eminent agriculturist, and with |a frill of tulle or net. This shape U " KilkennyI defeated Queen's County water sport (' s.harple " raeing, modified An Bd Unn-Uog HA Sfrati jvl^dopOA, U& toigeeA-6 Coavention aUo promifc* keen many, others on 1 > turn' rim cfi 1 rcoi4£e , wrien 'Orattan, the unchang- rivairy, and fomo excellent were of opinion that 1.B00 icres of tJiia particularly suited .to all washing mater- Sund»>; in the | Ii|in3ter junior hurlins form lor yacht racing, affording much ex- . 'JOO Of r? X|AOP A retain \ : ¦ : ' ing friend df -the music The ials, and If '¦ < i' ' ! • ¦ * n Catholics, thrust into waste could be made of the mo*t rn- made in whits could be worn champion jhip after a close game. citement at [little expense. How two pr»- S6 pfl 'ihc I r I his 'hand,Ore Tesdlutionjin for eolo 1 lolimrts calcu' ovar Idifferent coloured: miceiit air/men ri\ve 6 r^jtlinse A' r PAOI, TnAfSA.ra^ r<»<>n \, j mapsAifte^AopA their favour., (senior and junior), and .able value. I i *kirts .snd thus • • 4 • • • , Glerm Curtisa) and , which afterwards paRsed at Dungannon a eontcs' for Eolo ¦ . afford constant varieiy. It 1 could a!yo Lincoln'Beafchey, plan, to reconstruct proL AY- 1 "? BFui§pe4 .an luo$ gAn : 0 A«ncAiSe 50 with only ' flutist?. • • • • « ' ¦ , ^i«inj x>c6 'ceACc ; two dis«entidg voices of be- In the Fresh pnrnes ea9ily be built b the amateur, being, JO The! Cork v. Walorford matehei lori- Saoiuel Piarpout X- Jtgley'e aerodrome,, ¦ ' ¦' i nighted 'department the mo«|. I ; . - . t)o *onnA) c me CAOpii Protestants. ¦popuJar tern wiil probibly ¦simr>l£ in cut ana mak<> ' Rinally fixed for! the 8portffie!d on 3SU1 equip it with a mode rP motor, anflr de- ™ ce^nn-pUABAii ofbe the Iri* in the Convent of MercyJ Roiliester June tome, . 4fl fjeAF^ro *°Tt> » T>oJEefqi • ; ! ' nn. j M ! ^^rr oSsassi?^-!- Mr. >ticli&cl EVENING WRAPS. : ; not c«>me off till tU-sl 28th. y detail! " l'liying tlie War;- ^ regiments of TJlster—one hundred and ?' lhTO^'«>«t the wrnos ¦Downoy, was receiv(}d into religion' ^ame By I ; "DO BI AH oonAf le tiAoipe ¦"9o & f forty-three lTrf5»rl . wii by thc\ For! evening ¦ ¦ ' Louis 'E. ilrpwrie, describes tho AJ\ pOnlep r *fl 'ft 'Sit) le tK> opeA$*A corps—march d to the sacred name of Sister Mary [Gertrude The ilo.-.ei>iir 1 Twb l pagftj of piatore.< ¦ | ' tiAfpAitiig ¦ had been committed y. very ample * i - •x. ;aci-uui]>any juiis article} ! '!¦ " , i | Vinpi ;1 to I their prudence , but in some instances •>?> C.A.A.-Get iiomethjna new r.) .; riiA^u .! ¦ ¦ : ¦ ' aro your FOOT- :•; , • t)o and courage ; but they were equal to All .coir petitors nre nothing mora thas ' in inotur cars|:s a two-wheeled rflicnme tiuAip earns- Si^le jrieApt)AiJi tneM the requeHiPd to be at a slit in tho folds 6t 5ALLS 4 * O jbAtle tTlirceAlaW A noiol Ann ; r'i task, and had not lightly pledged their p an appointed f or itw, O'Coanor and daughter, Mrs. «nd the cloakj. or coat, for both ' HJNDBALLS at balanced by [a gyrosctjpe. The gyroscope, flCAttApTA their oomneti shapes un- 1 50 * f^ lDlOt Y^n flOrCA. faith to a trustful counfry. The aspect °n n Ood time o) .'M*> witon.1 1 t»u\4 imp. JIVU uuj ii«»i; Hi- seen. I Taaetas makes ideal tin OldJK-staWJsHed j it as said, J.} 10 mounted Uiat it not ' n t ?,i' l ' herwi8e theTcsn- cummer even- House. Large i* ' ¦ ¦ ¦ x^ of the church, the tempi* of religion, in U SlTenllV ll rived on a vut at iiaithlegg IHouso, tlie ing wraps,' and it is now ' affected by any gtrAe \dr horizontal turn , ¦[^. i VAO - ' " ' ; ' ' • M I eAr I Fntrlv| ' -' '0Wea t0 C»™P^ seat of H: so supple that Stick of IRISH-MADE BALLS. but nm -I" - Do Bt bp^'f A ' which, nevertheless, no grinder ceremony ? 1 re ved irp »o Power, Kiq., BX. Thejilayor it falls in the most graceful folds act* instkntlr *heri tho -car starts to .A ' | cAnca ^u p curry- >•Afayfnv , 30tin T, 'u «' Saturday of Wateriord or dra- Ycu will surel ,i tip sidewi^e; • :¦ j jgceAnnAC Aft AOtjjvJpc nJl Ann. : was ever performed , was imposing, or, it . by Wm. c. Hiokey arrived at tlie Hibernian periesl With collars of beautiful lace ' y core by going to i | L* . • I oombs CApUti Ann, might be said, sublime. Square , I The Hotel, Dublin, to attend embroidered^ or i iiieiv are nany nne|page gtnl A[P piot CeahnAi¦ g SeAAn Never, on that- uncarvan. the National net, these are very desirable J. G. MoCAl U (successor to j viewa apd tpf viewe in tho Juno rnaga-' ¦J |:;-i.T;Wun .i. :l . . . . ' seat, . y woman there Wil. -Power), 28 & 29 ' . Cu|t»n A'r FB^prf") ! aht>, was a nobler offering made to tiod town for London.! Arthur Kavanagh are exquisite brocades lined with BAR- zjr.e, besides tho« already mcntidnetl. X>& feAFAinfn rflAdU I r?:? Clubs- ! b' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ uoOo;i B01l cupmcuptnpp ATA meACAio a nation s liberty. Colonil Irwin, a gen- at the European Hotel from Punjfarvan. wearer; moves, for to hide so CpllegesL .Schools, clc. A ution< of the unialow -porch;: the ifL-ft ' j.^OrniApU H •:¦• ¦ . Y meACAio AnnAnn., is 3pread of n}ulh beauty ¦ < ' j . . ; i t>eAp tleman of rank, a man firm and cautious, SrefinSeSnionlrt. - P° ^^tioT^id Tho Very Hcvd. Deaii Hoare left the city would be barbarous, indeed. ?* bewspai>er printed in I the ; Eagllsh. - Jin- c^roj l 5<>, of undoubted courage Coarseness in feeding no on j Tuesday for Dublin. \\ I ! M L-uape;; Uie I iiew An re*n.tiuine cUon T OL IAO. but breat prudence, Jougorj ap Jdetpli Fisher. ¦ ' ¦ T <\* United States. super- »1*I PtamAitle ieaU to " the multitude 1 boob ttd Af rit4mt)e-; . presided as chairman. . it is Esq., left this city on!Tuesday for liondon Ireodnoueliti, ;• Texas ".; eflccts of a • • ¦ ¦ mU> that Poetry, : ' ' ¦ |., ¦ ^i? u ' and art Committee on Irish. (Taxation, wh:cli ad- TH£ BOUpOIR AND FLOWER CAP. | ' bientf at th# Panama-PacrfScExposition j Oo * | feAn-t mi cpionj, ' Cflga, 5411 . (Wtr«4nTiei I " Whereas, it has been journed to, iFridav. 27th insl. HONOpRS lTtrfi/*inl.urnfArvava .in 'm*rrw IftnHa*. \fftnf-- ' ¦ ' asserted that 8e m to be w» sudden FOB WOMEN. • !. ; ! Bpl$ Ann) ' " ' I - . Af mm «Se AS CArrriAipc 'HA Volunteers, aB such, ca mot with pro- Sfs • ^f^ . ^ ? outbreak Frenchwomen have! little Blanc's aerial .railway,[etc. I : j- . ' S^r« d« •••••• in the 1 direction of caps; ond the most to complain AV -'-A «c r: I ' . t)CinJ6e'AU..|- . priety debate or publish their opinions charming of as- regards pubUc (recognition of their A new weapon for Ihe United States inj£A\-j;d ; lJ<»ifit4 ig : ' " - on political subjects, or The National Exhibition for the pro- confections ol muslin and lace services, for thpy army weighs ; 'j.Jxi ¦ '¦ • ¦ ' " ¦ j i - I • iarvj . : . n tho conduct ;are *hown this have always been elig- but: 35 lh) and will |iire I i; 5j\T uiteAcc ; : ¦ I of Parliament or political men. motion of'Irish manufactures IUS opened season for homi wear, un- ible to receive ; the: lepante snot! or may] be made 'to t)t rcAbim «rJ 30 1 in ' :uer the generic terra of I , ribbon of the Legion fire,. \ HucaipeaCtfi ^Aince A > :A le* «^nc ' ¦; po .6ApAUe 45 A t»*1ol " Resolved, unanimously, That » claim 61 its iDublih on iWfdnesday evening boudoir caps. It ot Honour. which I Napoleon iutoralaieaJlv-. 300 ehotal a ; mimrte. ' ¦ , I . $&'fe 'srP«etss'j s£E- Amongst those !cannot| be denied that the delicate founded In : \tU , -A %cioirind DO . AS; mAttgAipe Ann, ¦ i or any body ol men, other than the King, T^y? ^ , aiid ats artiats mvitcd to the i Lord filmy 1802; bUt in this country the public has an efJecu re range bf ab^put, ou^ mile. -btjiJilc 6'n ipp- Lords, and Commons ^ * Mayor 's banquet, given in ijace _ provides a soft and becoming frame' work Other ' ¦ ' • ' J t>1OpAnA15 6fil&i,:A ' f t)Ob' (5p of Ireland, to make connection tna face; of wonien is ignored, aud;it is only is ;featu.t si of tha jjiino maitaane. .; /, [BprnieAnn. . - . . * 1AW ; ' laws; to bind this kingdom is unconstitu- 7n % ofj'ts beautiful country,! for it with the ripening of uie Exhibition; wero ;?° especially in the case of 'an'. wives of decorated worthy . of 'spocial SleABCAn, criir r SUg&r ie elderlyj woman, but 1 lusbands that holi- notice,/ aTe: IPrench X) o W -odCAiS TTA! "DQtCCe • < nR, tuCc ^cLviipAise, poncAin AY tional, illegal, and a griey nee. m T I ?. the P««M i oi Vutri! Mr. John iLuwlor, Mayor of Waterford • there is Ino reason ours come to women. There Buiid L\Mific2al Island! if Concrete^ ".; ¦¦]' • ¦ ' " Resolved L» ?°s MV»>"y' -ia Very Revd. iwliy,o young girl should hide a is a growirlg .;• ' ' |trick bf-the-;oop, , J: , SleAmA Si . 1 | . , with one d renting voice Tn^" 1 I . the extreme, and Dr. Hally, J\P.. Dunparvan; head of beautiful' feeling that I a Epeciol Otder should fee 'tMovins-Picwre . .Theatre) , w;u^ . Open : only; That the powers ex jrcised t>y the 0 181 8 the bod ° Mr. Cornelius Redmond, -Waterford. hair under even the pettiest con- created; for Roof" ; ; .Co3i ¦ I A it>A 't IU DpA?Ain Wf .f ri ic AU o'n g ™ lvithou distinguished women, whi, " of' Sending [Wireless Mttr i*: ADis VO I SAC Iu6c S? c-SMim privy councils of both kir gdoms, S Z.lh? " and Irrritaboiit Amongst those invite^ who could .ceptjon of the milliner. A niuch more sages" '¦¦¦ ' 1 ' - iunder, bmnX x ^^ "^ ol y not sensible whatever thler qualifications for public : "Whal Educallotrboes for 'the |;j ; , : | CApc iiS« ; ' / . • .h - . *™-> I'M or uhdefkcolour or preterite of , the law f b -by n ceM rlesh attend were—Willmni Malcnnwon idea, and pretty also, is the close- ' affairs , claim Convict!':¦ ' "RimarkabJe | •Do 'UsevZ the OrA rrant daily.^ ^ d:et , John fitting floder toque or ' jean equality with men iri | PltotoirrAphI-of ' "Oo 01 C^CACA 1 njjlun tit) W ptottin o n 6(:Aipse, Fp«odAi n of Poynings, are unconstitutional and a (Let if be i Tesular Bright, St.R ; Richard Cobdcn, M J P cap, made of all matters! Intellectual, Women Autombpilo iXccrde'nt"; ! '^Kle«rIc»i '! ¦ r<>An>puine pripvflnro I kinds of dainty blossoms are throw- - Jlap-' • ¦U« ;.: . 'n^ jcArin John E. Redmond, SfJP. I crushed closely ing off the shacklej or their Bex. TeacheR. Georiaphy"; "New JiLife-Sarjine ' *nn 1 They ¦Vi .iMwiV i»Y "Resolved, l nduoive ¦ together and without foliage. Jipparatiifl " ¦ ' • unanimously. Thiit «° . to health •! IWitb 1830 do not j»sk , etc. - ' • ¦< • ¦An a I : SppiOn^in 50 pai^ns tlie rofinement;rfifiSlrii' ^ £ and .••• . n-6nit> hakes A «Iot ;: : . . •{ ;.: ; ?V. , . " Resolved, with one diisentinz voico 1 teaspoonful bi. ithe issue functions with nn ap- passed partment is de.»ll Walpole l cjumpA bejl bU Binno leAC 6, 1 ; ^.scmti^rAi ff At\ IOIMAO , unanimously, That the in- Jail' well , China ^ ¦ ¦ DASA¦ 6- together, fin in two Hall. *tf l?int>J A scum in Ireland as in Enuland lana that oven for sbbut ill hours: and!Co., 63, Quay ; K. O'Shaughnessy this week fiof AT . ; ' ' * rcAn . the WaroleH Bedmdn , Race H«re» ^ ¦;[ ) :! n5«V! ;1 • U:;y % tmhtM, refusal or delay of this right to Ireland . The Turkishl Diivan, 967 .Quay Owner. - reading m'his • ; *sl>r. : \ makes a distinction Woodward Mason, W, Qiiay;| < victokons- 'ehaseiv A.r!S<>^..PF'4iJP»^S i cpe |CTiornAineAT>Ap where] there s'noulii Thomas ¦ ; »ow«iBule/' jupoo whfch - l . mtpc 50 penCAnA A A' be no distinction Walsh, Auctioneer, 101, ¦' " ¦ j i the winning ¦l, " ¦ ' 1 £ , may excite jealousy Custom House -j. ¦:• : ¦ ¦:¦¦ J ey qx ia in . r.F>op fmioji. - , .| -j \noiunAt-I ' - wherc[ perfect Quay; R. Lawlor, Coaoh Factory, I . j B| Y MICIWEL DOBENT j. !¦ -; . . iEr '4f 5ilf <"»ntecl in American ¦ ¦ ¦ j -I j union should prevail , nnd 1 CaiJier- "We The ^fogbwing ia ' • ¦ ¦i : !• ¦•¦# : : ' ine Btreet; 4u| .posed to 1>e. • n. . t»» rseipt> ' O . is in itseli unconstitutional and ^ 'Michael Downey, Steariiyi4p thejconvewattori - i S tiattjcewe A4A A' A nnR I . a criev¦ ¦ . ' between , ' . j , X i* ^ Agent. lAdelphl ,Wharf «rid ¦ .owner¦ ' aiid "Do •W piC A' T)ACAt> ' n ' : Custom House ORIGINAL EDITION jockey :—. I : ! , j . 1 i ri ve¦ p)f ~¦ ¦Aft . : -V."!'^! '? cpoinnigte, Quay ; Johrx Sparrow, ; WITH jD'ARCY xicGEE'S k'ABBATIVE " - ' ' ' ¦:. ' d' : Resolved, ;with eleven dissentinr' I Shipping lAgent OF 1848, A PEE . •|. Mr,. Bedmd4((I ; '1 ¦¦ I;CrcaiUi*,; . . ! .! rOo DA« ittrtrin leAc voices' k Bereriord-street and Waterside}- FACE.J8OME ACCOUNT WelljriddenV I -i ' ni boitg A5 A .only. That it is our decided and :£i! r; . Safe 's OF THE AUTHOR'S CO NTEJJPORARrES, i Mr. AsquitrT: "Tes A'r piflncA ; ¦ ' lM.IMiifMMiifflln ' ' '' -- Cabinet (Factory,. 35 anil 37 AN INDEX . rlj know; but n*\ «i An leAt-pingtn unaltemable determipation sraUptniBll PaBrni"^Mi ui. , GeWe'fi-st - AND ILLUSTBXTIONS ' ¦ ' ' <5 : to seek a, re- ; j. Crown 8vo. ; b52 ¦ ¦ : ¦ *» came roUdd the • ' r " ¦ ¦ • • - -• .!' j*4'f?^' ^n)^! i dress of the^e grievances .F. Ti iHoward, "MuMc! Warerwiuse ' f Page- . .\ . . t . ;. . . comer an ' obieo- : ;- ; Sfgle;:i -i . ' ' Ai&CJ-' ./DO >DOJ>CA^i Aft" . Bid we pledge 93 ' tioM*:ofcoftrrea , to me - - ' ¦ ¦ JSOJIA* Ap CUITjJ ourselves to eaci other- and to qur Qua.}* ; William ajurrowcf. Boot Factory I NO GAEL ) . *rid ll feePlound :f«^P A' t , ¦ * . WC4U Un ¦ ' . -i-i-. coun- ; |_ SHOltlJ . BE WITHOUT THIS BOOSC. ; to,:lodeB itfrnVselfi. I-hope' ¦ ¦ LA coic- . j- . ' Aftaj ACp f iAvb , ' try, )B8 free-holders ' 1 JOBWNimE ».J"2£&£5!?> Barronstrand-etiect : ¦ you- worl't I ¦• ¦¦ ' i , fellow-citizens, W. W. Murphy ' - ' • . •-1: -¦ - - :• J I and nund, i I 1 i , \ I I i . ::te4ireAnA ... . • , men' ol honour, that we v ill, at every Waterford-Arms;rJTolciV Dlivld ' Lcck'V • ;•! A|r. W* se«pp s° COSA6 Ajt \ ' TtocanoBn'^,*.17clever .Bui S& -Ipd iiiiji ¦'• : ¦ '¦ ! V° ' ensuirig electlon , support th se only Wine Merchant. . .F,xchingc-stree,t; J: ,p (Bernard pe** e«m perte.rcAJStnt. . ; ; . An A0nA i ' . ' . j ' ' who j ¦ ¦ ' ' have supported Graves and C ip. ¦ • ¦> im , ^ teat-Bins n r • - : ., "tJAph uro nA Soittre " ! tronal rneatts to make such air ins ^y ? makfis orily Dawson. Room-roper Warehouse - • . - v - ¦ "PuWtoliere :-^! - - ' » ,v». nurflllj oi Sbeffleld^ and Irish Manufacture. , : 1 85. ,. r •; '• :i«S '¦r"$f EH*»m,noV-dx4 M J iPIJB -4:^^ge^' ,-ti roctrecj (needy and effectual. Walter " - Quay; Michael^ •Hurtigan. He3taurant ! ' radeboriie, 1.ut ^a \VaIsl and 8on§. , 9. stripping, hestyflreleht hnnter, BarrojstraDd'itrect. I P, 112, Quay, Waterford. 110 mcli an t^ ridin ' WfU^d ?l0 "y ^ ' '"'

l':. ! i

I •>

¦¦' i ¦¦' ^ I ¦ j l. .^Uiji : I . I- I < Cx AJL\i . I. . ¦ " ' ' ' - * J t. V J- >>^.k'J. i.ii. 1 >| : IRISH VOLUNTEER! HOME RULE REJOICINGS sent thousands of pounds: o Ireland with- • ' - I . ' i !i • ! I ; ¦ i out which H would have 1 ecn difflcult; 'if WATERFORD BOARD OF ; " not impossible,' to car y c i :tbe >, oor>»tiiiif Ttr . ii" i tion»l movement. We are told that gr&ti ; GUARDIANS. ( March to Tramore on Son The demonstration held on TueBday hide is ' one of the pight in cetebratian out standing character- of the passing of the istics of oiir race. If t mt he so, I am'.no phird reading of the Home Rule ©ill wa» ' v : i i without: hope- that the caj ital of Irelaini Vl^'; . ;i :iT^!^ :J : i»i: | I an extremely large and enthusiastic 'one; will yet eee an . endu ing memorial " ^: ' and was in keeping; with to The ,weekb/.meeting! of -ihj', Water ord Meeting in Pavilion what the oe- Patrick Ford, for in honou ing that Ulu44 ulti Guardians was held' on Wednesday. ^a.-uon required trom a city like Water- Mr mm ¦ ¦ trioui Irishn>an we ' r ¦ ¦ - ford. . ' ¦ , ; hut the . Irish in David .Hy'lan'd, TX).,'Chairman, presided, TI -i r ¦ y ~ " " ¦ '' • ' 'V'^mtx '. -: • . •; Hi I j | America where his name aid his national and there were Also present—UapU -R. C: I Apart from the public demonstraticii services will never be which consisted forgotten. ' One of Carew, JiP., Ald.- .-Janiea Hackett, 'land of a monster proeesilon the many pretty sequel; 1 he famine was Messrs. JB. ¦through the streets and a meeting 10, Wfl^sh, T.O.; -Miuriice Vower, The Waterford Battalions.qf the IrishIns!i j on that in a space of ») yo irs i S3.000 families' Moonamintra; iMartin Power. J.V., 'iBal>y- VoUmlcets, on Sunday, • marclmd to Ira-Tra- BaUybricken Hill and vidual citvions gave were evicted; " : e-nd iii Gl >nvc agh , Co. Donc- gunhertempie; tfamej YoungC I,C.j Tho«. mm 1 f thetn expression to aiore' where a meeting in support 01 : .their own rejoicing by de- jal, a Jandlord. with i, BrtUah regimen riolden, TJioinas Power^ CallsighiHie; il T. cqm Mnaho!i rpone "Dorating and iilluminatint; their t Volunteer movement, and for the P"JP°?« houses. >tanding by; evicted al the families from Shipsey, DuDroore, and . ¦Wm. j GallweJ, ikjmm ^BtB of forming a locai battalion ,. *as ht Id in At the apple market And on Ballybricken i whole distraet-«ome 1 J.P., i)X., Tremore- |, ¦ Rve hundred souls . -I T the Pavilion. ¦' !I : i . ¦ : Hill huge bonfires burned and there WMA n«ll. Thank God : The altogether a great .there has been a. benefi Clerk and other erfHoials i were in The City Volunteers, numbering aomesome air of enthusiasm about Mai change in land a< mir tstraliori attendance. ¦! ¦ ' • ; i , i | ' ** , and T&SOTsgl ¦ si T .71)0 strong, started from High Stre :t a the city. Die street s beinjr crowded with ve -shall ¦ ' car. j Cimfort, , onr not see ' a redurre ice of b-ittor-j •. ::. J. : i ! sj^od UOHWHIHB 'I •-•.ao. I Xney marched i four deep, amsue people, «!1 of whom \vere niost orderly. ng-nam expeditions ' ! a sight , the men pro-pre- , bit t> ere are many . sileace, safety; - Und ^ *^j- ' iJHBlpHr tormejd an imposing: ] The gathering on | Ballybricken Hill , )t her matters which wil require ' ¦ BXATE OF THE (HOUSE. i l military appearance an-L the meat The Clerk read a return showing the >¦ mounted, ; his party. As Mr. Mi J. Murphy. M.P.. ostly ui flie world. In 1 state; of the h6use to be as follows :—In rivalled vehicle. i jThd infinitely 'yariaij le Jfulti Gear, tnpt:iSii; Captuins: | Daltoti. B azilj remarked England where ,, if Mr. Rodjiiond had been there ou have an average of 66, (Sy indictable, the]workhouse' -last Saturday night, 683 - operated by^a single lever like a cair is the foundation O'Neill , Quinn, and Walsh; arid Initruc-j ¦he would be proud of such a satherinc. •fiences the cost' , Fitzgerald, and F. ynnj of police p r head of the persons, being 7. less than in that day f ¦ ' : tors Toomey. and he would have cause to be as Die Population is 3s. twelve months; admitted of its 8u :ces8( ' l' ' . . '\ I . . < ;. ; Therejwere two battalions, the | first being 4Jd.,|any l&r^e crowds qty/.cns, who; 6s. 8d, pei head of the ! p o* ! \ .) j- " bodies:—Irish Volunteers (ab^ui 1,001 population. Surely U LS s&i ! Chairman—That is very closer ' greatly adnnred thiir orderl y appear rice. h an instance: MiE^wr i | : stronc), Irish National Foresters :with Where remedial measures a e , Clerk—We appear to have unfortunate y Hall-way to Tratiiore a I IM K |was i iiule ¦ called for.!1 . :Jtog Rudge-Whitwprth.litd. ' \)'ar Pipers Band), Hibernian Boy ." Bri g- Ifake another branch °*v ions ade. ¦ Boy Scouts and jHibemians. The Nothing, of thelbntulions; and wiien Hearing Tra- and we find the numb er ^nd aggregate serves! old slgd |m such good stead as 61 maintenance of the housel which < were met! by the Harrnck Street Brass Band and 'lie Erin 's salaries of the officials *ho nire assessed to : thfe ' due to the increased price of bread. I i r '\ i> . HEMEIETTA^#^8TEEET • " -J - ,' • ;¦ - . ' lights were also in ! maturity—adhered to ¦»* ¦ ¦ ¦ c-heered them as they passedl i'lhe nen the procession and fol lows:—Ireland, 4,530 officiali at a coat ¦ all I thrWfa lifej ' ! Expenses of the house as. w£U j U ';] I i - |- , - ^ .; . ; . j - . , r ; ;; - - 'i . ; . -i i . »g| tnore, find looked esiee-.liuglj; voolj niu- from ' ' Lifebuoy- -Soap: ' Y J sidenrig the seven |iiiila marisi they hhd .Bridge-street into trie -QiMy ; -tben liature I will refer, to this e' 'etting ii 'tbe: . ?¥."?* °J . is a good i I Clori—Toil CA» .controHheJncreafe li i. ¦ : ¦ ¦ along the habit forliealth; too done. I ' . . : Quay*, out William-street, ¦reform of oar poor law «ystein; ite cost i ' ^hilelitisjocvrt t . -•he outdoor rotiet but you csimot ; oOntfoS acrOM Lower Newtown; *f At the Railway Square they . were di.->- down John's Hill which is enormous and tiie a Imlnistrati^m' {atc ' ta cultivate the!habit; jlou caW i 'ho 'increase in the prlco if hretd. i ! | ' ¦ and Johnstown and : along ! ParnelUtreet. oi which ! Stinvalanty consumed during Ihe : woek^f 1 niHsed by Instructor ; '1'wouivy. fo » is insufficient. It is monsjrous begin it t^ MriyTLifebuoyfSoapIwiU 1 ' ' ' ' interval ' ¦ it was intended holding a meeting st the o think that this iystenl coj | 10 glasses of wine against 7 last year;; -43 actuaffir not'Only a the servic 3 of |the •wheTeaa peoJle going in and ooi of A* twent>j minutes , and j on re- t* is. Bd. per protect you from toe many ' Local Government Board but is n ider jormniL' they marched \o Uie '¦ Pavi iou, CSty Hall "but owing to the vast dimen- head of the whale popitlati< n. AK these germ-laden irlassse; of whiskey against 57i .last yearj pay new sate uld come later ori when, the national w'ish to make it clear thai, i he d.iyi oi To be forwarded. ,. I '¦: : i 1 wouldiiaVe to be- road*il fleeting of residents of Tramore it is de- cause and the Home- Rule question wa? ascendancy and patronage in by Lever ] Broihers Luriited, who not tolerate the id? L .that any official i» (he new gate were to be | used, bbt ; Uw» the adminis- practise what entitled to throw uj etzi ¦ that «&» sirable |to form a corps of Irish Vo un- further advanced; all - they had to say now tration of Irish affairs are p xne for ever they preach in regard] his poaltion without MA^irnian a matter licr iho tbers which shall take its place as a unit was ti health and hygiene in notice -to us. : \ - •' I j ' : , thai they should be as conciliatory (hear, hear), and that Dublin Castle inile. their Garden I^TTER FROil DR: STBPHEKSQX. J : ot our National Army, and that we pie ctye and as kind to their enemies as they were which accomplished almost i City at Fort SunlightT | | Mr. Walsh—IsDr O'Suliivan t cting as ( Mr. Wi.Aon «1*J said that one If their 1 verythiug it surwtitute? . ' ;•' : i:! ¦ ¦ ourselves to give it. all the assistants in <© their friends (applause). He hoped they was .set up for, short of' absolute extinc- ! ' Windows, was fust alongside tho dew uch a brief space of time as the Ir sh MSI Ireland has good cause for re- our Volunteers. subsequent to May 20th. I I .regret -that ¦£rom;H.O.'' Kehnedy>-;, 1- : r ,- ¦ . agamauhe proposed joicing, . but Ire dn WaterfoTd have parti- We shall have a Na- change. Mad.it nte- SplunUcJrs. Most-of you present ton: ay tional Army that will not' onl be a safe- circumstances did not permit of a longer r>»yer*,thejr ttwht they - v.pll.recollect a timej when if Nationalist cular reason to be jubilant, because those ' been informed .weV^Sfired to guard to our rights and libei ties, but a notice, but you will understand-that jit ' Gentlemen—H^vin; j on, some oooaidenltion in toe matter '¦ Ireland [assembled Ito' merely | protest who will yet write the history of our times valuable would | be quite impossibly for me i ito Thursday. Ja«t "by D •. ,E,' F. Stephetisbn,; ' Wrig,t^ftfrs. that will truthfully set it forth that asset to the- kfngdoi I generally L(VtR iROTHERJ LIMITED. POST SUMLIOKT Wilaonfiaja the ajainst flie many gross injustices under hi the long when the occasion arises. I appeal ^_ ^ undertake , the dual I resDonsibility _ of ;Medioal'. Inapecior Locali , Gov< ni/nent wiU^ leave that louse, of which our country laboured , |nbt oil an^ trying struggle for Home Rule there ,.tu ' ; which I am land- y the young men here to-night t come into medical inspector la Deny and medical Board; ihat.he.had o .'eave for) he di*-! *2^dfi-^?* J'.T"jriiW..-Ui* nlc*on. all would siioh a gathering be proclaimed;, was no more brilliant leader, eloquent ad- the Volunteer ranks officer in Waterford. ¦ I : I ' • ¦ !¦-' ''¦ chafge of his new idutie*,' and oo lid" no. these', cottagei vot-ate, iior more patient anq to mako-;h,lt -^TT ^mmmi I • there, and J thtai It U but its organisers wojuld be treaTed to uie politician than organisation a power Dr. O'Sullivan has been appointed by longer be available 'or:the medi ;al ; ser-i hardly faSr jthit ' thel distinguished in our ! and. My my¦ ¦ propertir abauld ¦1M hospitality; of a plank-bed. ToAlay iloji. Parliamentary repre- friends, there is no use indulging in day- Mr. Kennedy, B.O., temporary- medical vice' of the Woodstown district, |[. ihgaged deprecUted.' - • • : f ~< . • ,| . ' . only do I we enjoy jthe liberty; of frjee sentative of Waterford City—John Edward ' when1 dreams or . extravagant langi S»ge. but I officer iuntil your next, meeting^ I l>r, O'8irlliTan; on Or, ^lephense n'if »\ LClbsirnwh—J think yon mirfit a» well s:(oech,- uiit we are [able to go: out into Redmond (applause). To-day in the words vail amor.y.-t them, and people of ail ATERFORO trust that you will makel arrangements cpmmendatjoa'.to «c^ ' as Jil»,«a utitute, t OD do believe there is a new era o prosperity asses of HARBOUR . ?>je? *° to* 7^ P°ing the ToadJ Ma. tiio open and drill and arm jorleventit- of tlmt crest leader "'The Union of Pitt and hapipness dawning.for us religion would pull together for ' for. the] district pending the appointment untiL .-fo-monioif Inigrjt, «t the nk ial . Te-.' ,Wil^on'« bousd is ' and' and that, the betterment ¦ not the¦ onhr¦ on* «f- nlities . which I hope will not arise, but Castlcreajtfi 19 deaa!'. (applause). I t>f the nation. Both spoak-i BOARD of [ my ( successor as it mWt bo<-clearly rouneratioh of JC^-ta.1 tor ' ¦ ' ¦ ; :• Itcted.- .•¦ r- V ' ¦: ¦] ¦ ;- • *'.( ¦ ¦ . ' instead of a sanguinary battin, we shall 0>ose join ' the weeldl ' which it \i weTi to be prepared for. And woiider do we in Lreiaud--and I refer par- ers e^hoirte^ present to the t. '. : ; undersold that. hn-»ing-resigned . B>y.«pr ,, :. Ajl Dr. 'O'^nJiiranJnJormed *nej thai- ' all be found engaged, in the da a to come, lational .Voluntii " he hike. let. nie say ' thai imder on 1he disastrous 'offeots oi ths Act doctor's aal* ty and. PJMt .the Boaid, work in conrEctk* tory" < •! man than the making of the Union occasion , and had very great reason to and if I can accept. Whether any . official ite : tha new ¦tr;e, and [thorough disci pline. ,Ours li» ^In Tallow Cappoquin districts Aldermen Andrew FUirell. I W. 1 J. Smith what you/will )»y"tlie locura'teiiJ5n»-wei Jjith. -esljance to bo nupoded|» between England arid Ireland (applause). do ;so. but the people ofl Wa ferford had alfeo qualified , without giving- the notice that t^ jneanUma .j/a» uc; an aj-'gressivc orgaui-alion. In a fiw there was great rej-xicings and .Messrs. Matthew Casata, IT.C.'J Arthur are prepared 4opi«e« it. You paid jour % depiitatioD ^(»2«|«il 1 MI no: going to weary you with a r>v more reason to rejoice and be troud than tar-barrel> P-helanJ is contained in the conditions of his ap- sij..rt week's Home Ktile! should he: the law c-it«'tioii of tiie. ini and bonfires wero lit, and Uie houses B.L;; G. A. WattJ Edgar White. pontment in throwing up his poaiuon doctor over £3 a|.weelt and you Wfll ;h has the slight- At Tallow . Mr P. F. .Waish. M.C.C.. ad- 4 | provide^;a successor instanter, teems• io ¦ ¦ liberties which that to be represented in the Bnlis! I House of dres«cd Messifa. John Alllnghami morrow moniinfrHo<3|> duty, as.subpitute. Cie^meefUog Adjourned.: ' . tlut the rights and ; est knowledge- of our country's- hisory. The Commons by one of the " the larjre assembly which accom- B.L., Secre- me a vctry doubtf ul propositiod indeed. . ' mkasure confers upnn the Irish people j grea' est 6tate.- panied the National tary, arid Wm. Frier. C-E- Engineer, were ' Mr. Yoime—That clears :Om,iH.'- It inttjre.sts of Ireland were-! lost sight of in men and finest leaders that .ver lived, Volunteer* . It mipht have the effects-one doei riof : art luaiittdincd (applailse). It is: beconi; -ibb" the officials in attendance, j would be well tt> jnention the 'c ocior's -in» the |.rqu. e for bribes ; j jnduitTirj were John E. Redmond (prolonged applause;. wish to strain thines or to anticipate diffi- - ¦ ¦ ' i ; ' evident that niulclij reliance cajni CARKIOK-ON-SOIR. The Secretary read the minutes of the cult ies-J-but I it roijiht be a- very incon- name. i , . I '' ' ari army and navy paialysed , and most extraordinary of ail They should be proud of having such a last meeting,1 R.O: not be jilaced upon for years four-fifths, of the ~h popu- * and bf the j Quay, Pilot, venient arrangement indeed for the Guar- 'Kennedy-¦ |-I was , speaking to Dr. to I whosd upkeep you and I contribute! pS lrJ- representative (applause).' Th people of The pa.-sin!i of the Fananco and .Fish -B Vincent 'White'on tie lelephooe to-day lali^n weje obliged to ajritote 'for the light Irekind has now cause to ctngratulate Home Rulo Bi.l guard Steama. Oom- dians supposing that otherJ Doctors acted mid -which bresumablv exists to 'carrv ou£ j nrouRh the House of Commons initteo meetings. '¦ • ' and he is willing- to act for, the ner - week. ' to have representatives of their OWTI re- themselves. They had emerged from the was cele- ¦ ¦ that way, threw up their] appointment* thb lawful behests o5 the -govarnment bf brated with wonderful enthusiasm in Ca'r- I ' " Mr. Martin Power-fThst flnishei St. 11 Chxlstlan B rothers, St Joba's. ligion returned fo Parliament . I> it anv darkness into the li ght , and fhey could THE GREAT WESTERN SERV ICE. on' very good grounds j possibly' without ! tlife countrj'. We arc tiof out for battle, TJck-on-Suir last nijrht. The display ¦ giving police of motion and M:d, "I de- gave a guarantee hex? this day wee k that but we are; detennined,1 come what may, wonder then that matters culminated m afford to treat those whom] thoy had from The minutes of the fr^shguard Steamers .penny the ^inine |of 1846 and '47 which brought beaten generously and kindly. They *as every standpoint the moist cline t<> be -reBpongible for , the < duties ', I there would not be one expense on Vnat the rlealifation oj oiir dearect nationnl remarkable and inspiring Committee contained the following letter: the guardians or [the iatepayers and I ain IFor sorne years put the boji- it tfas 1 forth an amount Of misery and suffering had beaten «arson—(hisses)—and now ever witnessed have agreed to perform and have per- Christian. ^Brothers' ' . aspirations if not to be set aside eithbr in the town , and demonitiated to an ex- . Great Southern-and Western .Kailwoy, " ¦satisfied to giveltheisame ;to-day.j! i i Schools (St. John s) which no rxm could depict, no word^ de- that they had beaten him £hey could formed !for a, numWi of jyears. It meat held; their. - annual sports etioer in the hv 'the ilidifference of jthe fori'es, of trie traordinary .degree the jfeclings of th? I UUblin, 8th May. to me tha t is a doe-trine wd cannot admit Oapt. OareMf—ThftAction of - the !Board ( ijown or the threals of iswaslibuckliflg scribe, and:the temembrinee of which it afford to treat him well. ' Therefore they 1 Walerford iwid i'jsriguard Service. ¦last Paddock or in tha 8p«rtsefild.; Throogk- should nil rejoice, wople on ihe realisation] of the hope-s «o for.' a moment at this 'Boarad. 1 I 'don't ,Wedriesday;.was to hold-Dr.i'SKphen- ITiiiorHst politicians.! I | may s.iy. .thatll it doiibtiu! if even time will eradicate. In and they sh( uld all be lomj cherished in Doar Sir—You will remember that at aon responsible: (or'liie Qftr thO'sehool year these were looked fc»- the year* from 1846 to 1851 there was a determined that they would lnave noth- the hearts ol the Irish think ill is necessary to report anything bf . dlscharg*s of p>>pu'.-ation of 2^X).O0O by *tar- ing '. undone that Irishmen, ougl t to do to many generation* what I ihuve: said. Ijecaufe we don't want t by;the. intending competHori, but Jbjr the hinteer niovement , or igive it jwhatevbi of Irishmen have suffered and died. The on the l&tii inst. the full sailirlgs of the that thus Be»rd should sayjanythmg that the Dunmore Dispensary District fot Uvree support .in my power; if, I thought tbe vaiitm. disease and emigration, while in carry on this movement to a successful Watorfdrd service it was aritioipated that many, little .one*, aa well, l I Encoor ajed IJ* finish . In conclusion , he celebration* b?sran witli ' drilling at the would bo deemed nngraoious; at the same weeks from to-day. ' We have not Sieved leaders of the Irish il'arty. were opposed the iiext teii years a further 1,500.000 loft appealed to the tne embargo : on li ve stock would have, him of that responsibility, -or: tbe enthusiasm:they,evoked ju>dtie our [slK>ri-s. younyouhffg men of Waterford to joinioln the Na- Tmvn Hal l at 8 p.m. of the local corps of time if .thnt letter coes lto ithe press and but I thank m lova of study and regular to I it. \Ve | do not inquire into j a man 's | The vast majority ot that en- ie Irish National Vo-un in the meantime, been removed' and that all the circumstances of ths casi 1 ihe . attendant they ormpii* uilmber found their way to tional Volunteers. .teers. ' This was tho public .i, will be .lead by the other fostered,, it was, resolved to; have ,-lUieni political lor religious IJcliofs. [All th t j the first drill since the cattle traflk- would J>o 'again flowing Doctors and would be la. precedent pre- more dicnlfied course now: .would Lbe to ;\sl; ;J that he sVioul Amerira. s^j justly termed-the Greater Ir<~ In response to loud calk for a speech, the corps was formed ', this vear in Tramore. inlordcr la »W« thu »port that letter. In full they certainly Stcphenson of that reiponsibilityan; order and maintuin the I rights andj liberti ^s theif home', treated with . the nio.-t bar- their legal ob|iigat:aii and Have no desire ' to facilitate themselves to. their beano':content.' AT- now). I am very proud of y >u all to- lollowed Uie instructions of the drill should al.=o add that the jBosrd do not him^Atipresent the iespon- rairgenents were made ?iUnthe.Baflway Co :unon to all the people; of Ire land, o barous tyra my, and finally made outcasts masters with keen wltatever to evade their profnise as to the acquiesce in;the >view that a ' slbility rest« on him it anything happened ' night , and of this fine gat lering—(A interest, and at tl«.' medical ' )omparrjr, and PC Wednesday:mornin gQ M unite Irishmen of ever>- creed, party ai d of , jlieir =f irit« were never broken, and Teir.stat«menw of the full service, at is officer is entitled : to throw up down in that di^rietJ . . ' , ; cl:is. Personally, think it i.-i a move- their love :or the land that, bore them voice: We are proud of you)- and your conclusion of the drill they gave every his ap- \ \ \ boyB, clad in holidayTattiraanditn^it ij evidence of bcirur ths honed that the Commissionerswill take a jiointmonl without notice I to the. Goar- ; Mr. Martin' Power-j-In his xesigtvation ment thaf. should appeal to our l'rotesta:it never crew one degree cbld&r. Yc3, my member is also proud of you, a id always nucleus of a splen- lenieait iriejv the fituatioh by allowing with, expectation for & :plea»anttdin ', (upplause), did Irish army coriw. At|nine o' t>f dialis. Otherwise t think! we will Jilid he aaid that he wjSuldiget » doenoif to dis- «« feljow-couiitrymen, and j I Tegrec that v e friends, if ire celebrate our national free- was and you can be all very of clockin the me present cunaiiea sailings to continue ' marched from .the schools to- the ftit f« proud of him, because he is dne of the window^ practically every house Uie ou rK>lv«» in difficulties/ . I I : i charge his duties juntil.a doctor wbilld b« Tb, have not more of them jin pur ranks. To dom! to-day WB should 7»t forget the , until tiie resumption of Uie cattle trafflo 't e memben of; the railway! staff placed finest leaders that was ever , on' his earth, town were illuminated and in, many places Mr. Walsh—I don't thlnkj be says he is appointed. "We doa f»ant to do |hat be- special carriages for their • *ccomn)od»- maintain their ascendancy tlie I grcec y magjiificien , co-operation | and the solid under nbrmaljconditfons. IlshaH be very entitled! to (rive up his [position without csu~o Dr.^ Stephenson (thought it wotld be pUce-hunters of Ireland betrayed ard -we and¦ he has brought the Home Rule Bill there were everereen decorations with ' , tton. ! The : journey ;was pleasant.: I Tbe financial help have received from our lighted lantern* plessed |to wait upon your Committee , at notice ; jn fact, he ftpologises for not hav- only for a week f his fuse new life ami new energy into them, j willlreap no such advantage as thit—in The minute s firrtlicr stated that Mr. strong fo the Board that employed Dr. drfiies. We desire jto relieve Djr. 8ter>- d-jnt Prjstestants aJ w'ell; It ' was tie worker (applause). ( | poorer class went to decorate and illumin- *11 ntr and they gave expressionto tieir itr}t "t* factfmany bf them have ] closed or will Tyler had hae an interview with?the Com- Stephenson for a number of years. , To henUTIISVson.U , butwit jyou.^/u nimuonstv ijcirememberuciui/^j wp 4M>t? ascendancy faction \yho drove out: of In- The meeting then dispensed. at their houses. A procession of huge ^iave by|:singing repeatedly :'.'The Pasting of close their «VeA in death without enpyin? mittee, and as a result tho; following re- use: this' language to' the Board ,is not, in a large body of officials -to deal will , - of trie great est and most unselfish Anic-ri- exceptional circumstances how affecting understood that, having resigned ,' teatants eft the land—jthe vultures re- In all the surrounding ciuntry districts Band and Uie Workmen's Temperance j my make fish of one lor flesh ot anothe r.! | yearned, and ofl which Jt U hoped (they can [worker i iii our glorious: cause l av- the[ cattle traffic, recommend that fulfil- appointment. I decline to accept any fur- The Clerk Tead the jmimite on tin Sub- mained/ Such words I as j "lniw|" aid bonfires were lighting on eminences last Club Fife and Drum Band. Tar barrels ment of the I undertaking given will make the most by giving tbe|bot ¦" passed fron us. You will pardon me if I night, and many of these!.coul'd be see n by the ther responsibility." That jis an attitude ject from last meetingjj which wasjrfsifol- loyalty i' assumed in Ireland a| differe it refer in par ticular to Patrick'Ford of the and lighted torches were! carried at vew G.W.R. |Co. l«t February, for resumption that will be in .them to promote the peace from the city, forming a'plea iant sight ious points in the procession May of the which I don't think this iboard i is pre- jlowa-.—"That Una ^esigination of Dr. Stcfr and , prosperity)of the country,r whole meaning from that which they possess : ri . " Irish Wo rld"—(applause)—as pure a , and the on tho ^5th full daily service, pared to tolerate. : I i I other, and happier lands, i HenrjrGrai- and; bringing, as it were, a message of whole presented a -most inspiring sight. jhenson be accepted en this day n ontn, sspiratidns have'at last been realised. patriot and is fine a type of Irish Oathoiie hone and peace to the people. should not be insisted on for the pre- Chairman—It is;verjr strong. ! | land if he is desirous of leaving Dunmoxe tari , in protecting th^ Iiublin Parliament our caute. The hills around Carrick on every side sent." . • ¦ Arrived at Tramore, tbe youthful band «>-> was ever associated with ' i ii : Captain Carew—I think that so: long as 'immediately -we place | no impediment in m4dei for the strand. The: tide was out House against the great final betrayal if Xot 'only di 1 Patrick Ford band'the Irish were ablaze from Slievehamon to the Chairnian—One sufficient reason for our-officials that we 'said :4- Comeraghs. As Uie procession * it is understood by Jhis way provided |ihe .Board are satisfied at ithe time, andj they scattered: akmt tbe Ireland by the ascendancy faction, togejher a!l bver the American States, but moved that is that the Pembrokeshire County don't accept that as a precedent no harm " They (tpe ascendancy] faction) chargejd i DUNGABVAlN. through the streets the greatest enthuj- ' ' : with the substitate appointed by him for erteniive area in groups, some to diiplaT , through the medium of his great piper he I Council have adopted a resolution that will result. .; • j , | : ; .1 rthe time." ' ; ', ¦ your struggle for (liberty as a I design i&snv prevailed, and National airs were Irish cattle aw not to be.aliowed to land ; ) • j . ) | their architectural j. talent in ithe land. At tho meeting of the DungarVan Board Aid. Hackett—I think we would not others to indulge ih « garhef of football. against property, a conspiracy I to rob pl ayed by the bands, and. the huge crowd in Pembrokeshire .it present; like to. do anything that would militate Capt. Carew—Qtfite to. He declin !S the the great I by a piUa'girig i cdmmpnalitt. of Guardians, held yesterday, ffl r. Richard at the conclusion of' .the (procession ¦ responsibility now in. Ilia letter. i : I The day was all that could be deaired. , presiding, M . Thomas sang Mr. Gravel-Not even for slauihter? against Dr. Stephenson in getting the ' 1 They made this chargejwith a style arid Tobin, Chairman " God Save Ireland" and j" A Nation One* Chairman—They are not! allowed to 1 Aid. Hackett-We are satisfied wi h! the There was a clear sky and ai bright «nv Morrissey proposed, and: Mr Thomas position! I ; ! : j , . I ehlae; . After Borne time on tbe-atnsd. an lair of Authority. a!i ifj property entitled Again" with sreat enthusiasm, and cheenj jand at all. ' . ' Captain Carew—KJuite so.; Idoctor appointed fo-d*y -and: thit ei ds it. not only to fell j him6eu, that before many months have elapsed Flynn, J.P., seconded:— I there was an adjournment to the old goU thn proprietor con- were aiven for Mr. Jolm Redmond, the T3ie rftcommendation was Approved of. Aid. Hackett—He may have put in little Chairman—Weare aeiiBfied.tbati'Uie ar- but to sell, and* load I the public iw'ith hj3 we i-liull possess a National 'Army which ••Tliat we tender our heartiest rangements :we Aave toow made wQl; be links, where the ; sporta wtr« held, and Irish Party and the Irish [Volunteers. Al] sharp/words which we might object; to, : ¦ d bu 1 ••¦•*^ -i^*^«— H which gave gratulations to - Mr. John Redbiond < ' friends and patrons, of the school*very vui 111 <4UWk> [**i*v* J r " 'f^ ' ! i will j he cerit to the land' the local clubs -and societies joined in the Tim HARBOUR UGHTS. any satisfactory.! | . f 1. Mil which the Irish Party; on the successful passing but I Hein't think he1 meant to be in kindly gave valuable prizes, .anfl .for tbe consequence and consecration to' such in- them hirih and to the great cause organisation of the demonstration and the Board. iln parV It was then. orly,won fa a" Ard contest will, w« are : , and TRAMORE. great, so thut in hazy weather some risk Aid. Hackett—I would lleaVe it drop. ' ; ¦ to who would sink in a nation ; that inferior jury and fraud, I J on his noble stand for Irish frei idom word. sure, be highly treasured and- help gold, as that we assure him he has! woi the ever- is involved injentering the harbour owing Captain Carew—1 woald odd one show 'the little -onts that sueeeu tbe species bl plausible character, actunied By slaves that sold their land for remembered that . it is merely said that a deputati on.of faf ; intellect, ¦ sold his God; j asting admiration of the Irish beojjlc for to the uncertainty of being';able to pick It muntlbe Aid. Hackett wdrVpf ' 'y'la '1o- .be gained by »a»- by I little objects and ri weak Judas ss »n A further arrest was made ai Tramore lights in lime, a transference from, one;office under; the residents of |John"(S Hill were waitr ig an ^da shine in a! court but to shnv.sl By all the gTacelesa acts that yet have his ^steadfastness and earnesta. the .case up Ihincannoti leading fuUy.^Btrivfb'ar to gain some definite goaL formed to last Tuesday in connection with the wnile at| preset veseels '¦ are sometimes ceneral control of;the Local Government £he Board witri lefereice to .the | pWpoeed in ti free country, fell irito' the same ldl s, followed England's track— Home Rule cause. That copies be sent in which three men named Denis 'Power TbA ' following are the ' reeurta r ior * obliged o liel of! the harbour dn thick Board to another; Well, the local (Go- change in the . enkraoce g»t« to 4b»^tever ¦ ¦ : of ;talking. ' The Ipitch-cap and the bayonet, the gibbet to Mr. Redmond, Mr. .Aaquith, Sir. 'Birrell " ' . OCUIUIQ;~~ ' . : I insolent; I conceited way ; John Power, and Joseph •: Power are jqulte safely vernment Board would be iheiiast body, boapilal«t Johii.'e Hia, andi he I proposed i 1 which'the greit , ind the jack." ,' j andithe County.IWaterford [members." unlawfully ^assaulting and weather when! they knight; " " -ap»Jrajds Bace John McGrath, 1; folia These are the words in charged with to- summarily vacate thai Uiey:be«aiBiUedL:;. . , ' '|. ill '! ' ¦ ' ' r ¦ " •¦ ¦ ¦' Buppoxted the l esolution, enter if i& iigit. were- placed somewhere to lequiia any doejtor ! • i :|- ; - . •; Protestant ! patriot j described > | his , CJ - Referring to the question jof present sala- Mr. Higgins inflicting grievous bodily!'harm on John ' ¦ the- PdwerjA Mr. Kelly wh ich was passed unanimbuslj . between thesej points. i j j ¦a position of great responsibility in ch^nje It- was .proposedto <3hange entrance '.Baff Kace—Thomas Cosack; : 1; B. religionists l of the lAscendmcy. I Party. ries assessed for income!tax; Flavin at Tramore on Friday, May 22nd. ' ¦ ¦ ' Ordered to ask the mastersof the Great of an important dispensary district j. for iromthe lower g»ld to;6ne opposite-(Percy •' '¦ ] ¦ '" ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ '¦ ¦ Ireland was 4,539, 1 ¦ «¦ . _ ¦ f » y>_ l I _ _ A ¦ fc__! kdJ Mtitpby,? • , . .' These wordB were true^ when.^.Grattan said the, number in The latest arrest is that j>f David Power, -r» -1. - ^. - — - Al^^v; - ep. • ¦ - . -I- - ¦:. .' .1-.| |:| -| I ' ' "hey , while in Scotland the .Western iiaiiway W>.. B sieiuuers «uu UK the purpoje of taking, up «ny : othef Terrace. . : | . ' - . Coat Haee—Mturice Cnsack.'l; John' spike thein ; they are true to-day. I cost ng £1,412 000, Bttllyscanlon; and to-day. -ot a special '¦users the iiotTeiqembeTedithat Jie -The Chainnan said lie did sot feeithe '' : we ;was 9G3, costingi £311,000. Mr. I LI6MORE. masters of other frequent of poiritment. It is McQrath.'S."- '' r r 'i ; ' -I - described I the men tfhd carried; AjJ number court held before Mr. Harper, !E.M., he a similar sequeet ; dn order ' lequired peremptorily by. i thfe W ot'.hearing ihe depvrUtion wMnltii* desenbe'the meir who are Kellv. in conclusion, aaid that Mr Thos. port to send has beeii . ^lOO •yirtis Eaci—Thomas. CusackJ I; of Onion i they was also charged with the same offence. | |to th '¦ ' : aelt-governinent and iAincfou M.P., in his address to the Lime- Never was there such excite meat and - " that the Boar^rapply JJghts Local Gpyemment to take *ip ne Jimta }t»ifief,Si ' -i i - i ' oposingj natipnal Sergeant- Gough. Tramore, deROBed:-- Comroie«ioner> to place flighted tuoy on any;Med.date. '¦' ing^. After the rmpodfcnce -irhich of t: aBcendsncy tb- rick l Co. Council, stated : '""The army, for enthusiasm ; witnessed in Xismire »s on ^ ' I' ¦ ¦ : position ai i / Siarr(es« -B»c*r-Maurice Cusack aad uphbldini therTCmnahts of ' 1 Froni information received wanf % to ' ' ' ¦' " <' ' ' ¦ Tieed esy' the deputatiba gara i !hiin. oo .-th» « trtet« ¦ ' ) •*. gentlemen; who mil cad the first time, had failed to do its duty; Monday n!ght, T»hen the . third reading of ' at 11 tbe-bar. •! | . -j - Chairman—I. don't think we Jaitres Murray, h :' ?- . '! ' :• ' day. • Tl ere are Bsllyscanlon laH'night. 26th. May, further-Cotnmittee meeting held | , .. . | . ' • »- ; lyesterdV *e- didlaot fthrok:the> t bould ' England ;be- whole Empire^ and-her e but | when the time came, .after ; Home tho Home Rule 'Bill wa» alpouiK»d to be o'clock. I arrfc»ted the prisoner ' now At a anymore about • •> i:l 11, 1V Kennedy, S;--' 11. i . - . . '" • ' - ' I: clusive j) >wer Jnd dommation i the gen Rule was passed passed by 77 present and charged him with unlaw^ «aidlitMf! le iivirii near -s "h at those Iris "Radical . Party, would Bettle with in the Main J Ircet wcro forwarding an application ' tooro the ought ti mention that Dr. Stephenson, i^ I Mr. Walah peop V ttefar, racer between :boyf of Koa, Sid rail wella re. . . I laug English all Jthe house* fully a-s.iulting and causing grievous ' ' ' - 's steam- ¦ -. ¦ - " |the place complained to him and h< jsym- . ' J - masters of the Great iWestern Oo. , . i ; Item; Jtrf gentlemei Iwho talk , as i if' they: were T the armv before the electorate. The army illuminated. The houses in Ihe : other bodily harm to one John Flavin on the . : - \ . -. i and ftb.';8chpoVJ^-Th'« -wae. erg iaskimj for ' a lighted hu y emild be In fact the Home Rule would be worth haying if . only which marched to and fro - playing the on behalf of th« shipping¦ ;of tho port REPORTS. . , « provementon the; . .jj l I : Cong.JuAp—P. Coffey, 1; WaMer Pew- anil so ailing they I nni still making inquiries into ' ; . ¦ were read and 'decrded'to ''rf : ' ' * : ¦ ' tlieirlsalaryJ; Lot jne to etrike the 6hackle»;that bind , the R.I.C Nationa] airs. Next came th" corps of generalljr. ' : I The following reports .; It was then¦ admit tte de- d( r^2. i . I ' . ; i ' • . - cepresent itives of case, and I pray for a remand' for eight these j ' : ¦ ' ; ¦ : ' ! I I¦¦ • ; " 'if they irgj'not Iris I- to the grip of Dublin Castle ; and the offii the National "Volunteers. Tkr burcel* ' Ordered to write thanking both- aPPr ~ putation. |' Ii ' i • Hooj?' Saee—Cbrjrty ; Stephen*,;' 1; "tern tell tlibsefgentlemen " i duys or sooner. i gentlemen and to place proposal ^)e" 's Office/Qoayii '- ' The ¦deputation consisting of Mestn^fc- meii tiieyi-are nothing; and if \fe hre not eerBL or at least the majority of _ them, wer* lit at different part J c,t the -Main Tho remand was granted. the: H4tbour Mas er . in! common with the ' - the win- fore the masters of-Vthet vessels tiading I 25th May, , 19U. Guire V<>*iLSY>.-JJ r. 1-, rioWhrftie, a ., : , i ii • •¦,_ thirrg. ' " . dows of the J Commiss:oner8. explain- (>¦• fear oi liberty, and throvrrb love ' ( awe >- an^jequaHy tender conscience like j the V: R. Cennehy. J J.; and Mh .Hkx Heskm . 8ecretxry, Hai*OOT MoGuire acted *k<*foi»tmaa- *Di to ft-n. Yards-;Jol»n/ Nol^n, I; Tom upon- to 'Jargo 1 fidrr-X beg ; to report., that; .the ed the objection ofltH^re aidenta b»v- dancy, betrayed their r '•live label are. I l- Curjiigh cavalry officers If called . (CQeik of the TJmon>-4ddr(!8sed 'the Waterford United Trades and ; ROOM . Doar . ;; ; ¦ rirotect Nationalict life : and;property in; iofld, «nd THE QUiW CaFFJEE buovs, ll^U '»na . tnporlDg».'a»9;.jn 300a iag the entireoce'ifil^-w Ihei^vw'lxKpStal . -Hiiih iump-r-J orrn Nolan, 1; I Christy de«d, asjn6«hing. Th^'y have ; -sold 1-h assemblage oh tha victory aUi ;- ; c '' ' ; ' ¦¦ ¦ ~ ' ' Castle rules in thiB Labonr Conncli'L I : i ! conditidiH. I visited 'th i' -' forVlwKlcfi'Boldiis no r-fornpeta: 6. f •Th the (North. Dublin said no -religious intolerance.';! wild pTe- The Secretary read .the tallowing letter part: "" 'Judas. country, and not the Imperisl-Phrliament 6tat4on Iduring tbe month-,»nd tound-jaje Terr»te.'; 1Eh©"pr*setiW'«aW ¦wa*j'>«i<6Bhi . 'Hu^inriPtKk^P lKeonedy*'. 1; torn* haye^plajfedHhe •• ! As far i ¦ ¦ v - in reference to the pioposed coffee room l .-...• • t our-W»terford •battnf'i.n is | concerned, (applause). I sincerely hope that as a re- ! .. i The usual monthly meeting [was held . ' cut(et"& fp>od..«OTWntf ^o54 by drilled ¦ ; - ¦• ¦th.e - r buoys isluoWdwr, aod 'I optSe beiobbouTriooc qften of the faitiilthati^ i- (hem their aplei- and efficient corps - in Tramore, I I* Daltop),in . .cha.iro. .^The: d following 1 : l : . and naifl«5atlon all the toothers k * , if Katlicrine ' represen j^-ABylum atten,- S4th May. }914. conwdei it -wwld b« well to commence the alrijclffiieW HKJdrJMiftep V (for junlo»>-FrediDmv did turn-tut to- ..- .- : .-..:. . auehia lengthysm • -li in trying weather, called up, to Buttons was cliarged ' . Harbour Board the grateful[tranks of . liberties common to all the people of Ire- mel|thi» week.with attempting:loicomrnit, printers, .pipemakers; Postmen's Federa- the! suiUbleL—Tout^dient servantj ' ''lmj^j%e»g(do.>l>ficb«el FJyon,.»; injorder itp givej ncpurage.ment tp the r ¦ ' ¦ ¦ those who '*re interested In. the' men « ¦ " ¦•J' 'V r.-- f:J- , • Trt T .or'ei and .'itiltne «an e land .'liberties won by: the constitutional suicide by drowning hersell in a bog«ouw tlon. tfulorsi-etc. if, . , i ,'.i -A- ¦• !. -The^CharnDah'teinsnea 'rtbat we rand f' itmu pfeilR'J . ' l '- "i comrad»Bf''irt ' ' ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ • coffee rtom on; the.QuaJri ior.their gene- ¦ 1 J of -Party. the.twoi Irish of Olonmel. - - ; ¦ . ' :• • . ^TheirA&tter. of tegistratfon<:wa» . *$> . mWement-to which-.tlier ^e prftud hb- Protestant leaders. Butt Sad Partell. and Evidence «'oa given taai she was found cussedj tho . Council; deciding (to- caB « Ilbegfto report ;that no dredging work I playing .aborfti^'and a }acd/via*' $&?' Me* whose life- ' , secretaries the Corporation , bavfng «Jnoe aexruiseced '- 'to lon'g. rrltjtakefr' a-grelat d«ai!bf «eH-derii il riowiled by Johri E. Redmond, ryins; -in a stream;in-thel tog}.wlUiiher meeting of-the .preindentsifcnd The estimates 'are beimr was carried out during the past month.) Svure. tjidjaoV ^eepi i p['$e 'jlnto piffi ur "b&K^ workip^ rrien" ! ^"ft>»S r .*U lion havii irillinglr done, and they de-; roll |in the Irish Army. i the Irish Nationa to; be ,in* fit; and wus Attended -by a tentnta was also raided, and the gecrfltsry * J -1*** ^S'.t ANMUL 8TATtnOBT ilEBTJENG^f ' ! ; 1-?tha roejm reiidv for tuem: »nd',Owt they ,wilj «6rTB-mote!pralBe- arid gratitttdft-for their Volunteers. , , . j. '! . .] ' doctor, «jd removed,'to hospiti l, - snd der wag:directed to-. coramunifialejwith. : ,1 ;W{ft Jhany stsiutoryllineeting^lW Hbe j ' resolution was. seconded by Mr. Uaaed for some days -When -arrcsi'-d nn Corporatipn in order.;tha't'.i;:>eed,y' The annual unielflsb iwnrk tliunl any poor words >t , TBe , Board was..th«n held,.,when .the I*48V , i Costen supported by iii H Di Keane. ant being char*ed,.she !d; - 'Ttet i ie'ofl tl!i3 might be dealt with at their, next mpe^r h r ^ ' : ! minS cbUld: express.! 1 .appe4l to yo i . *5 ' ' the jpcared to '" ' ' ' ' ' waj the.election M ! , !« vote -of , . j\XCIrCNOW^PG-MpHT.:. / . Tbe next businet» . tend comin" ' into it for the sak8 of me ¦«. moved to the second -chair be depressed and silent frpm th. i Saturday tiie third reading of .the Home yRule Bi i ' ' ensuing; year; »ndj>n ?- passed tO Mr. Whittte for ¦ th rough the House,of Commons,'And it Mr. Samnel Morri«, iPl, ' also wrote Committees for th* arria»ementL-it-would Ije bettci {to remn n thanks was , j provtous. . -/¦ - T. >. - :':'i- : .' v •• " ¦' the: proposition of Mr. Cassm. i seconded ¦ ' ' ¦ : '' ' / " ..j !¦. ' : The court refused.'infonjuitK ot. ~ , was unanimously decided to send a tetlc* thankinp the JBoiird for their eipiession of ,tea -waa outside.. tPfa «ro in «arne!it; and *e on y; presiding. . , . . . J . . . by .'Ald^awell. the -varipiis ^JomiaiUeeB ' Mr. McGtiirc—Of «hB-!Biiti ja Trf: o! gix on the sifcesMul issue lot a long and . ;Both I,etter4 wwe ordered j ! in «nd out privaUljr ritlictit public notice, hsririg spent a wry enjoyable day. : lc3iilarlyjarid'.lo loyally obey . ' ' ' !. ' . The , Board tbea adjoirjrnea. , N i; ', - !; ¦ ¦ offlaSiVofliodi-s : -! J: firml y ¦belief P in the city. _ i women in the house, . !'!ronuoiis battle. 1 - . . . - oa the rnintte3. ] | . i ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : 1 ¦ r mands ¦ ¦ " j j j ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦;• ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ' " - -;¦¦¦ *¦] ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦•' i . :¦ ¦{. . i. . ii. . i . . . , i . ' ; i . .r -I I '!i!;i- \ \ - h/ . . ;i . \ i . r _, -!„.;.il

/r» X 'A!' m ; ;ti!i7i required, on ox. before tile 13th (lay , of AValsh. mrEj, P P., Lidmorc; Very; Bev. jJuiy, 14114, to furnish jthe particulars , P.P.; jBallyduff ; I Very Fec!y Tow n Clerk', i Also Jan—Fiist Vetttnre (W. RollaW), of or to {-n Messrs,'[M p rthy, iF. PreAderiast and Itstc OliccWi Mi*: Bowes' Ally (ft Stick or T\ (F ^writing) such claim! aeinani) the ^iitok-^C0.r jKev. Tl Condon P.P., [Ballydufi Dj)per; per). ¦;¦ ¦ , St. John's, Clampett a \i Quinlan were in attendance. Templeman), tipwtrolle (Robbins), jMag- iiindeteigned Solicitor for ono of the Kx- .; , :1\TAE;QPAY. iEev. E.| F.: Fitzgerald.. AdmV ntaia ] the!23th day ol May, 1914, granted forth ;nienie'.: Mis?rsMis?rs^y W.W.jCampiAri C.ampiAn Lismore ij E.; Messrs. HUGHES & CO., ¦ of the (Kilkenny District Registry, 's FRESH,] 8UPERI0B IN QUALITY, AND KEAgONABLE IN PRICE. C0UBTE8Y 'CaCaiiill'iiill , IfraroorcIfraniorc A. Lut«ay,y, Bliullullygunuer ; meeting bj the Chief Auditor, Local Go- ; Wpn by fou r lengths! a length and a King i.nnrpnnc 1 , WuteHordWateHord ; Photographers, = half- between second and third. pench Division (Probate) of the .High AND ATTRNTION-.TO AT.T.. A TI1IAI. ¦nRDERIWII.L UP. ESTEEMED. ! ' .Ijuirenoe: Walsh.Walsh, CathedralCathie ral ¦ vernment !>oard , who came specially to I Court of Justice in Ireland. '"¦? 'Y"" —- - ' ~- — "»•"- — "- Timotli'i i Hanari, Clash more ; Michael (Trained by ^forton). ' i "]:¦ \ r . T T ;¦: • -rp" ; O'Braiii; St. Waferford to udvi!se the CorjK>rution i p ! 8, THE [MALL,- 'M [. - •i- inCHLEHAM ; PLATE. j I AND NOTICE 18 01EKEBY FURTHER r.Ytjio . lNVv.iowii 1" . ll GIVliX, that after the iftid 13th day pf .)i> !:ii % , jWaterfWd '; Martin Lynch; Kil- ¦the mallei dealing with -rlio aiviiniu!at.d An. . objection to At<>n» wlto finished . rij^nntv :M :|mc!s LynchJ Dungarvan ; Ml. second on the ground that the rider, Brani- July, .1914, the said Executor will pro- •ar.reafti of , 16 years' st-anding, which 110- i WATER SF6RD. 1 ley1, outside [the beed to distributethe Assets of the said l),v.-or . ilinlpiri'iin; Tl omns Hahessy, 1 dismount*^ enclosure.was lt.-ithgoi mack ; IMauricW l'ower , Oarrjg- crued 'iinc< the paWny oi 1110 Local lio- have been' appointed agents for tno "World*8 Best* Prize kxiged by Ddoioghue, |but the Stewards neceascd, amongst ) the ; pai ties entitled ' = as as = thereto, having regard cnlylto the claims ]< »i2. Tijainii'O: Michael! Begley. Cajrpo- vernmen Scheme. )You should call sooa possible and ^cc for overruled it aal the' rider had junder Rule LAURENCE t J et. Tlie'e arreari toiai nnig iii 0X0NN0 y — \\utii : MU-haol. I Mctirut l, Dungaivan ; ^ yourself the valuable P4ctures and Books which arc given 151 dismounted within I nvasonable dis- and | demands of which notice shall have ¦ £15,000, the princii>al portion oi trhivh arc = ¦Unce. • i ' i ¦ ¦! been given as tiforosaid. : j ' Muuricfl K5ely,| Touriii eena; Michael »^ I | 41, THE QUAY; , wjltERFpRD Mi'tiratlij Modcligo ; Michael Hearrie, the uncolie ctable arrears on the Corpor- } free under this Scheme, = 2^—CHIPSTBAD STAKES (handicap) of I Dated this 29th day ol May, 19H. '" H-.illyneil: Ifatrijk Phelitii. Crookc;IJohn S ASK FOR ILLUSTRATED LIST GIVING FULL ?ARTICULAKS g 400 eove.—Last mile and U yards of P. A. >MUKPHY. ! . (LATE. OF H. WHITE AVD CO). ation cottaj i\». Thin , togotier witli otln-r H ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' the said Executor Flyim , i'iippoquui: Patri .-k CofTey, |Porl- ~ AH tho household articles with which thb " World'* Bost Ou-rantoo z= Derby Couise. j . i I Solicitor for laiv. Tiinm'as f \. J. Higgins, Cathedral, alleged irr covexabie items, it wa* con- rx 8oal» are pnekoa a**o of tno Hlehost Equality And nro Uto production* rrz ¦High and-Or r (Jl. Wing), lj White Ab- O'Oonnell 8treet, Waterford. j St. .ipnn s of woll-known flrmi. A •oloctTon l»siv«rn bolaw, : . —j Waterfowl . I Patrick lsrclt, . sidered it tvoujd T t Finot Soft S«p. I 1. ¦• . 4th. ZT bey . 3. • -j . . . | . I xather thai continue to carry them lot- S UMPO (W**hlnl Powd#rX < Roblrt't "t:i«a " Tellec Sot t. »;->'o<-i«l ^1 J ¦Veule. l I | : I I I ^ )i AJso ran—Ro ueo (G. Doller), Kodak (E STATUTORY NOTICEITO CREDITORS Secretary I stated |l(e had been re- ^g iJtihtniotf Sogf i. 4 tlzc*. Robl«*i S*owdo*n> Atrti«uC*f'1** ' S^ ;The ward from fear to year. , "« Cithatcro Toilot SOCT*. 2i!k«*. C2»lst*. I ^artotu), 2 IUC*. t3 ^««*. t~ Huxley), AnotJisr Bird 'oy). Evening !' : • -Jn the!Goods of . j Cahir, tli uipploiii^e absence, |ns he ZZZ Hume P*le i>onp. Z uxe*. ' (Cooper), Silver Mountain (Herbert),.Thox- BAKRON, late of 'Knockecn, owing to pa defaulterji , ;nouid be posted ' 1^ llvn« CUrbslie So«p, 2 tix*«. Cr«ebr (Soap liikea). - fc mgOJIAB would 1»- un:iblq to attend oiiisid* tiie ^= Oaccn't Ildiicr Soip. 2 •!»«* jura:(Dick). 1 ariindale (Robbins), land LL !^ jn'ttao County of Waterford , Faimet. roehiul lliitifcs. j | Letters jo f apelogyj for ~-m Qitccn's Cibolto Soap. 2 »!*«•. • '¦ ¦ • • . 1 Tomi Hall and .otrUr public undoing?. : P I ; - deceased. . ! . . j ¦niTi-av.c .ulanco, . were read fto:n Messrs. r¦ ~ P*n.hin« 3 Ugstl Kodak, (lo t .Uti-.n fuwU-li , 1.1'., Taltoj.v. mid- Michael — Bull's \Lf Avnted CcndlM Kin eirtou) pui- ' ' - D'PPO (Iklf W*»h€r). • [2 ti*m. Candytuft; 6 $ 1 Vdearia, 10 4o 1 Abra NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , ¦:¦ Meuru , \ilsjieclan. | I »o>.|ai aiiO ~¦^ Winner Sh.Tiofl Slick. and 23rd Nit., iPcivonat Inviuotbto Truii|»«raat Tolltt 8e«y. and Thorium, !l00 to 0 High and DryJ 100 Suant to the StjLtuJe22pd | : Agriculttrail Summer „ :. The minutes o' fjthe last penersl moving .* Sweat M«y Toitct Soap, to 7 others I ! | cap. '35, that ii 01 .\ir. Cjoilivcy. i^ Balmoral Carbolic Soap, 3 alia*. iTrained by A. Day). | Thomas Barron, Who died on or about gates an d thanked thei i| (or co:i.ii^ to J.J., ] J iv. i.., --il tMr|^. baaivi|, h.ocKJle.U , -Z Teannnt'i Special Fur* Sotp, 2 tUec Uio 7th day of Apidl, 1914, are required , the niee! ing,' whijrh was d very ren <:>eii- — Oltton't CoU Witcr So«*w | -ii rs l*«rafTla Soap. ! 3.0-OAK8 STAKES of o OCO sovs.; tiirec on or .beloro tha Ulh day of July, W14, #^j tative oi and indicated tiiat a good dc. : B«lmor*l . je . .HI . . xiutK w i ^ ivt-:, D.L., ' taker, ^ it a.Uncgv, B«l 31" ¦ : ¦ - : ¦ ; | ' such I claim or demand to the undersigned : - :i • ' th'rouglitlut the I oioce?e. iHe referred to mile and .a Ihalf. - , 1 i . ! • • I* < » • "= Balmoral Flncrt Soft Soap, lib- 21bM 41b. i| . {. I l . thei l><> ' statestate lieni of: iimnint:j (copies of which Whit«-Ll*ht Aerated Cuidlc* (In Mr. J.' B. JoeJ'» PRINCESS DORBIE. Solicitor for Executors named in the last i ! . Ji : were in he Jianiik of the delegates), ^fron i " Irish i. :e " to4iay publisJies a por- •^ZZ e«rtoa*X 2 alsca. [2 slx««. i ao i : forth) of tho iWaterford District Refostry, Housei Oa» leconier , on June 4th. ¦ ^5 Bounty CarboUt«d Soap, 3 «Uc*. ¦ stamped cards returned to the Insurance Saowdavra SOAP, 4 ilce«. | (G. Stem) 3 ¦Kline's J3ench Division {Probate) ot the Commissioners f^r the five quarters up -^« ' Snowdown Carbolitod Soap, 4 H %m» High! CouTt of Justice in Ireland. • ! ^rY^clnesday Thursda The to; October I^st [amounted: in volue to Unarrta fc'e arranged between Esme — Imperial Napiba Soap. AUo rah— I AND NOTICE IS -HEREBY FURTHER ' Georgiha Kc nyutrude, second daughter of •*- R/ihinV : •Knockeen. in tli© Couoty of Wate.rford, MONDAY, JUNE 8th ' materriiti ber efits amounting j to the Queen, i distinguished O'Connor, «hQ. deposed tu the au*id oj present' day. When MrJ - Kirwan ,geta Sunwin IB, White Lie 17, Pretty Belle] 18,! third hprEe, 10s. . Open weight for age 223J , company of " drunk he goes/to tho place} ¦ Calandria 19, Parmer> deceased, who died on tlio 7th . Hurdl# Race. WeightS-5: - i old £334 JOs.; were also paid, making a total guests- being invited. The dinner was thei accused, was read. but he ig not Sweetest Melody 20, Sanfa dks of April, 1914, by his'Wul dated the ya>r. |of £2,241 m. followed by 11 ball Air. il&urice,6hanahan wao first swbrn justified in , going there, and I am not; Quarimta 21. I I' • and upwards to carry list .711)6. - 81bs pd.{'3ome pajiahes had! ie- , which was numerously tb-in ; to justify 3rd day of April, 1914, bequeathed several • i'ifil— . sllowed lor each.year under 5 years old. 'iceived, im pronort on to the membership', attended, bu .'her Majesty did not remain and .deposed—I am a. laruier and reside his conduct now, because' 'Bcvting-11 M4 a K >t BBINCESS DOR- legacies, and amongst others to his Ex-j ' GR!.VXD ENtRY-GOOD SPOBT.1 far | mort for the doncine on at Castletown, Co. Watorford. I remem- l| thi ik it '1B [very reprehensible, and al- /RIB, 5 to 1 Glorvina.' 10 *> 1-Torchlight \VLnner) of a race to carry 71D9 extra; I benefits than! Jothera ;This account of the Court. most a cowardly ecutora a sum not txcecdLcg £20 in Ivav- ] two .ot] more, " DUtapce might be I caused' by epidemics breaking mourning fot the late Duke of Argyll. ber Wednesday, 15th May, 1914. I was thing to|go there and •and Her Ladyillip, 1C0 -to 0 Santa S 8nd uider. Weights for age ' and ded the looks out into the faont yard of tlie lion-'e. ber that he is under a rule of bail and height Jl rones Wi lo of the committees I they represented jihe subsequent' ball,' together with that his recognizances Dominican Convent/ Waterford; .£26 toj .1 i! ! ! .TO ' ' - . . : carry list (71O» inecessity jfor (vigilance 6f er jnembera many foreign diplomatists and a large My; sister Margaret was also in the kit- will be estrated. the Suporipr Franciscan Clmrch,1 'fT allowed) for each inch under): 4 years . assemblage chen. Myself and the three mea He w s placed under bail io the tune of THE RACE. iwhue >n receipt 101 . Denent. ne consy gf peers [and peeresses and naniDd £50 "Waterford ; £10 ! to I: the Revd.! NEWBROOK STATION old allowed 71bs; 3 years old] 141b a. dered thal^.whileJ jhe prefeint system] |ot other prominent: society had only come into the kitchen when (ho . i nd I would ask you now to adjou:» About U miles flat. Entranci 7s. 6d. I people. The dairy maid the c ise for the present Fither Doocey, . C^J., «.nd £5 TOedica] [certificttiioh prevailed therei floral decorations! were on a magnificent , Mary Walsh, camo to the without estreat- The preliminaries were got through in <*ch to the Rev.- Michael Walsh, CO.. ;|[-!i Winner of a race to carry 71bs extra; {would be a tehdehcy to malinger, scale.: kitchen door from the yard and made ing tl e recognizances, which would mean good time and . Railway Tickets admit Free to CoursJ two or j nore, 121bs extra: ; but'he. | the f( rfeiture of £50 by ?h« banriar ascended 1O a Revd. Father O'Donopliue, C.C., and -J j itrnsted.there irerp no persons so dishon- a statement to me. Jin confeq-uence j of two honeBt men capital istart. Calendria, Naughty Cr|rl R4vd. Father Egan, C.C.. all of Bally-j i i : I 3rd Bace—Confined Rac&—3.M p.m. ' Thej that 1 went to the yard and taw a man Who < ame to his aid. If y<)u can let ourable as| malingerers in the membership Joint Rasters of the East Kilkenny case i tahd the and Glon iBa d«e!t. Sunray was first!to bricken, in the City of Waterford. — ; SHELBpkNE PLATE of £9, of Which the of the Societyf It [was to|be hoped that Hunt;have given a (magnificent cup, standing about ififU'en or sixteen yards | in ovor for a time it will ensure break the line but give way to D»ly i il L! . of front of the house. u con inuancc of the peace -*oon And of his said 'Will the Testator ap-i | See Railway Advertisemnts second iborse receives £2 and third £1. by July next ,the( Commissj oners would massiveisilvejr, to;the New Boss and Dis- . iHe was a itranjje r for this young Girl \yho made khe niiujin; from Doj a- pointed Patrick Barron| and Richard _. Confine ! to Parishes of Bamserange, have completed negotiations with the tirct Agricultural Societ to me, and as far as 1 know I never saw nisn. Mr. Foehily; far better than anyJ bella , y as a prize in .him .before. filie of other penalty. Lancaster Iiady, Arfotfe, Sunray, Barron , of iKnockeen, aforesaid, .Farmers. Hook, Xintern , and Sutton's [ parish. medical profession Iwith a |view to adopt-! the eonipetiton at the forthcoming show I .said to him "Well, boy. La Marquise, SnWt Melody, Santa Quar- £xecutoTS, and Pr*l>ate .what's wanting?," He made no neply. but In rteply to Mr^Nelson , Mr. anta, 1 ; I 1 Keufie said Torchlightl and Waisilifsn, w^lh Was on the 25th day" of May, 1914, granted grange i Plate. Ponies to CATTT same • • • • • took two cards or letters out of his, that the of the at tiflcation. Tht R^v. Presiaent, on behalf , ^ pocket £500 was held in trust Pretty Belle District R«piBtry ¦iN OTICE paying at the same for Mu settling.dowii| lut jfor a quar- fo^th Water- i j weights as in Pony Race. Distance, pf the Society.,[thanked tiiej Chairmen and , Lord and Lady Templemore will remain time. "I was sent h4'o Kirwnjn , and the income would revert to ter of a iniie when Dolabellaj pud Lain- ford, King's Bench .Division (Probate) of about \ \ miles flat. Entrance Ts! 6d. members of the" Pariah Committees for: at Dunbrody JAbbey for another ¦from tho Labour Exchange ofDce." I saw Kirwdn if his wife predeceased goo serviee they Had give 1 fortnight a ijame and address one of the him, and caster Lady headed Daly Girl , these being the High Court of Justice in Ireland to 4th Bi.ce^HorJe Ba6e—4.15 i>.m. • ^he l d | s | n un- before returning to London. ^>n cards afterwards to their children, if they had pursued by Suip-Ay, Torchlight, Santa the said Patrick Barron ' and Richard I OF¦ ! REMOVAL. (rrudginglyi in {he interests of the Society.- ;hut don't know if it was my name or not. nriy, which unfortunately ' ' I I I :|- ABTHUBSTOWN PLATE of £8, of which I then asked him they had not. QuaranU, Arlet'.n| Sweet Melody, PrineeH CB&rron. • ' J ' the second receives £1. Open! weight He stated \iha\ id Waterforcl the Society The!magist atcs at{ Piltown Petty Ses- liisJDaine and where he Kp-waln thought that after his wile' Dwrie, Valise, Was5ilissa Dated this 27th day of May. 1914. I Mij was I blessed withl having sions on|n' was from. He said his name was iliclisel dqath , if s , :Mi ss]Dcnis arid J. X. ' X , C£., , has for age jace. Same weights and penal- i good officials. ed lesday adopted a resolution she predeceased him. he would Glorvina. Descending the hill)to Tat.ten- V. A. MURPHY. MR. I5Y- ¦ Architect - A'oonan and that he^ was from \ I ' ties as ui Ramagranga Plate. . jWioner The!Secretary,' Mi. .yealel,] was a most cxpre-sing re ;ret at the deatli of Lieut.- Bal!v- be en itled to the money, and that was Solicitor {or \ capable ofBcerJ and) discharged truckle. I a?ked kirn if he could why hara cornsr Sunija y wa-s | beaten , M iss said |Exeeutors, 19. transferred his Offices from ri7t, of: Ramagrange iPlate.to carrjl • J41b8 ' his duties Colonel. VillWrs Stuart, Carrick-on-Suir milk t ley agreed io put it I ' ¦ ' , into the furm , Dennis going on Itlurd in Eustace Street, Dublin, and ¦ ¦ • ' i na] conscientious!hnd efficient manner. who had been cows and ,he replied lie could not except but tl n he found ]tront of Torcli- \ extra. llDistance, \ \ miles' flai. En- 1 attending Piltown Petty jvery badly. that if he survives his lisht, Santi Quaranta, Was5.ilis«,i, G!or- Waterford. Catherine Street &j So. 8, Michael Streitbt trance, Zs 6d. " | . • I' ., 7Jie | staff at the Head : offie'e were most Sessions ; for c ver thirty years. I asked]hi m if he could wife lie will hsve a right to the 1 ; ¦ . plouch or manage liorses and lie on interest vjna . Princess Dorrie, .\rletie hnd Miss To; tho Comm-fsioncra of Charitable . i I' I ' il5th Rand—S o'rfnplc. 1 attentive to: their iuties, and the clerical said he th< £500 only. Dennis. A quarter Donation. and 'Bequests and all person? (opposite Lady I.t ne). ^rork was "carried oiit to the satisfaction ' Mr. John Redmond has arrived could not. I then told him he would not of a mile l^roin home " COUNTY IjPLATE of £7. of which the at Mr. Nelson—It was down in, Pririce^i Dorrie ipeedily jinproved her • i : I ¦ '¦ 9! the Insurance Commissioners and all Aughavahna from England. fuit me as that was jthe principal work black iind ___ second, Heceives £1. ' Confined to the ¦I wanted done. The] white, and he ought to have known all position and das' iing to Jlie front nt the parties concerned The Rev. President prisoner n<>w "piie- about it. : a ileetimib ild dn the Town Hal! \ i residents of County Wexford. [Handi- stated that specia l thanks were due |to There is no^ < little doubt sent ia the man wjth whom I had the distance she stal ed off tie challenge of AT cap on the ground. Distance about lj that the Duke conversation. Mr. \Ya4jilissa and T. rclilipht'jand won the , Master Tailors it was unana- the Vice-Presiden (Mr. Arthur J. . Phe- of Cohnaught when he relinquishes hia We then moved on tow- O'Connor—It wa.s only on Uie 5th easily THE CITY'S SANITARY niously decided, though reluctantly; to , nules na .: Entrance, 7s. 6d. J laii, B.LA, Mr.lLa itence Vfalsh, and Mr. postion us G( vernor-General ards Uie end of my house at tho end of Decemjber last that this man was bound by two lenjrths; (our lengOis between of Canada , the !ana and passed to the peace. second , and third. Daly increase the price i of makingto suiU (o Conditioi 13 under| which Entries are re- Gerald H. [ Kelly (Treasur irt , who were will consent 0 assume the position of out tho pateway into Drunk or sober, he'is dan- Girl was fourth, CONDITION 22«; and upward^ owing the regular attendants ait the the lane. We both stood gerousl to the community . Lancaster Lady fifth, fllorvina sixth, | large ceived:—E itries close with; Hon. Sec, w ekly meetings Lord Lieutenant of Ireland under the beside the gait' He is sup- increase in the j workmen's wages and Uie M. Barry,! Dn Oth June. No thlrdj money of ;the sub-comniitt ji, when their services Home iRu!e rbginie. [Correspondence for a short time. I offered him supper posed to bo carrying a revolver now una Naughty (Jirl tcv t'iitli, DoJabella eighth, on while we stood there threatening to Arlette ninth, Si twin tenth unless foui start in race. Entry [at post were , invaluable. As there' was a good the subject has been | taking place for bat lie refused faying shoot this young man . and , Her Lady- Slaughtering Animals in tbe City the public generally 2s 6d ertia. AU| riderB deal of business ot the agenda, he would some time he was not hungry. Heithen a?ked Mrs. Murphy and 1 do tiiip eloven-Oi. Vi ll?* twelfth, Louvence will talie the change to: appear in past, and no man would be so 3 match or if I had believe he will in a kindly spirit and attribute thelcaude jockey .costume. Colours to be slated at not trespass'furth ij on . the!time of the ¦so likely !to reconcile Ihc conflicting two, and I told him I hnd nof. attempt to shoot Mrs. Murphy if sonie- •thirteenth, Sant L Quarailla fourteenth. and' par- He got' angry-iookins.] thihe iR nnt dAnp Whito Lie fifteenth, Pretty Tho Report of Doctor Kennedy, Medical to ; the exigency ji of the. times. I The time of entry. A win here entails: a pen- meeting, agaii .thanked them all for ties in! the Eiperald Isle as the popular and I cloced the Belle *ix- '.Masters.; though [.regretting the cliaijgle alty. Particulars of age and their attendance. |. - . |J \- Juncle of the King. I gate and left him. As. I was closing tho Mxj .Keane—If you Itecnth, Miss Doiini? seveij:«en)h Siuu.ay Superintendent Otiicor of !Heaitii, dited height and gate I looked towards convict liira now his eighteenth £2iid May says: — forced upon tlipiii ,j' still hope .for the kind previous performahces of : horse's and :The election of t le Committee of Mah- the defendant , who two Sureties—John Molloy and another— , La Marquise nineteenth, patronage of the citizens at largo asii ponies to be given it time of «gement for thV ensuing year was prp- Xext . July spmething will was in the act of moving down , the land. will lore Sweetest Melodv next, and palenifria lasi. The health of tho city for, April was not entry.' The be heard in The roof over their £o0; but I think justice good. Pulmonary diseases oi all kiods trust they wiil foster home industry anil decision of Managing Committee to be ceeded with, and resulted as follows :¦- the Land Counts' about the estates of two my house at that time wal* will be met if you adjourn the case (Trained by C. Morton aj Wantage), j tfy,ond prevent final in all Very Rev. . WmJ OtDonnell , ' all right, and there was no one Q{ until wcio very common and helped to swell any work from lea-vini; cases-of! dispute.. .jNb ippeal P.P.; Water- County;' Waterford gentlemen. Uiat thip dafy month, ' •¦ ¦ ' and then, if he gets on thc'Tuther hi the eity which can bo done at home just to a Court of Law.I . , ford.;. Rev. R J. yitigeraiaj_ • :' \\ I* * • * ' * *' particular point except myself 3,33-THE gh death late. I .. ] : Adm., do.; i and Noo- all ! right, I will ask you to adjourn ACORN] STAKES of 1.000 sovs,; 1 %% "w^ell,! if | not better, than abroad. Very:.Rev. Robert Power,, I P.P. .Cahir; Lady: Talbof] Power nan. When I returned to the kitchen I for another it for two year old nlllss.—I' i ve. fur- Fever notified to me during the moni.h— f ¦Xdmis8io: 11 to Field 6d.; Cars , 2? 6d. I has left Bellevue; , had a conversation month. 6carlatina-^n the West Ward, ' Thanking all concerned for their generous Grand Stai d Very Rev F.' Pr^nde rgast. PiP,., BallyduO; Co. WeJtford , for London. * with David Baldwin longs. | 1 c&so. fuppcrt in , 2s 6d. • Rev. E. Prendet-ga:^. C.Cl ¦ in presence of Hyde and Flavin. Mr. Nelson—Why adjourn it tor a Lady | ¦Under the new regulations there were the ] pekt on -behali ot thi ! Canick-on- - M ]• •••!• • . About month if Josephine S. Donoehue), 1; Bani- Master Tailors and begging for a conf Suir ; , Messrs.lLa iience Vvilsh , Water- Mr. R. Burkti M.F.H-, a!- minute after arriving in the kitchen I the man Is dangerous? buia (C. Foy). 2; Po!yda(nna alaol notified io mo—Tuberculosis, 7 ca»«s. ——; 4-—. I ' " ' ' M ! disposed of nine heard tfea dairymaid Mr. Keane—I 1 don 't think (Walter Mortality, for five weeks tintiance :of sanip. I II ford ; John pondon M.P., Mlow ; S. J. hunters at Tat ersall's last week at good shouting. I .im- gerous.j he is dan- Gri«g«),.3. I | ending May 2nd !¦ ¦!. Purcell, Clonmel; James Harty, Ring; prjees; |; ' mediately ran out, andj l saw tmoke coin, Also ran—Fonin —Tilal registered deaths, Q6; deaths fnom . ! I i I remain, I I j ing from Mr. O'Connor—I willfihsk msv <\\lial!oy), H»izy- ¦ Michael Begley, ' Qappoquin; Kichard the back of the house, at the ' you to ask dawn (iWheatley). Miss Pinkerlon (Sarty), tubdreuloiis, 8; deatru. trom other re- ' j Yoxir pbedient Servant' Tobini Aglish; Tirr othy fflik , Clash- The late upper end; where I had parted from the police about him if ne is dangerous. spiratory diseases, 23.' Annual mortality Trei surer of Ferns Cathedral , Noo- He is »'ell known Silver Tag (Smyth), Cftrhullen (H. Jones), i I i i JOSEPH P. RUSSEU more;! Michael) M :Grath, jDungarvaq' ; ^•mion ffrench , [bequeathed a nan about one minute previously. I in Waterford. I think. Lady Eye (Wing), Bird' p or |l ,000, 25.1; highest ci,ty deatli-rate iVIpV-e than ]' • ,iTrj sum of £100 went towards the Sergei nt Curran was then s Eye (CoopsrH fame period, Maurice Power more. i to the Dean anj Chapter of the.Cathedral gablejof the hoiiEe and called. Conceriiha filly (J< His) . | ; 2B.5; lowest, city death nito The i officer' th; saw that the thatched Mr. 0 'Connor—Do you think this .. - i same ij eriod—Dorry, 18.0i Births re : s, o5 I Societjj-fviz., Presi- in aid of jthe ' .fjund for! the improvement Iroof was on fire .' is ¦ ¦¦ man Betting—0 to « dgrt Banibu.-ri , 1 1« 4 dent, Vice-P^esiden .[Trustees, Treasurer. pf the chancel My three workmen and myself , assisted dangirous? | gistflred during tlie same period, 61. ¦ ¦ a Tonic . . ; . by throe men Sor.cei nt Curran—He is Ladj Josephine, 6 -jo 1 Silvur Tag. 20 to ( I | BUTTER. • : - i . i- "I *nd Secretaij'—are also members of the I j | .•••!•• from Mr.) Power 's, assisted a man of very PoVdamna. 3t> '<¦ 1 others, i Tlio Sanitary Officers and Sanitary Eub- Tryingl to overcome . nervous Committee of ; Management. I ' Xady j 'MauriC in extinguishing the fire , which we even- hasty temper , especially in drink. When Oflioers have, in my opinion , Arbitrat on and Ap- Kathleen tually succeeded in doing. The damage sober hi is natural enough , but when in ]*>ng:i»- be- thoir duties' fox the month with energy ! ! : Fitzs raid have arrived at drink hn is very tween c X"ODd and hird . BF.ST IN TOWN- appetite by aid of stimulants peal Committee res 1 ted as follows:-r Queen Anne 's Mansions. London , done is estimated at £3. The house I hasty and stubborn and by and efficiency. ONLY t». PER jl. aggravat :a the j trouble.! Rev. W. O'Cbnnell from live in is about 00 feet long, won't do anything but what he likes (Trained Kalltii). In : at-corxlatioe with : You C.C., 1 W'aterford;; IWexrord. | . '••••• and the upper coif I him your rnl'.TS I have From my owd Firm at Ballymabin. need a • tEAL nerve food tonic. Messrs: H. D.| Kean , solr. ; Thomas Man- Th? annual Meeting jof the Irish portion of it . which was set on fire , is a ¦(.10-TirE unspccled Messrs. FitigoraJcl ilros., iBowc ¦ ¦ ¦ :James (Aylwi rd, I ; Bell- dairy and is not Mr. O|Connor—1 might also WAI.TJK SELLING PLATE of Bros,, ' Guaranteed Pu e—Trial . REXALL ; ';. I , nbci. Pakrick Keboe|, Hnsers' i AESoci Urn will be held in , internully connected that, mention 233 sows.—Fivepnriongs N. Caulneld'eand P. Piielan's pre- ¦ Solicited. I Luke McRedmond, jThomakl Coppinger, Waterford on \l M t-Mop with the dwelling portion, but is under we gave him u present of licensed . mises fur which temporary permits have i ! ' i -4— I Nervo & Brain Tablets ' I day, June 1st, premise! in Bakehouse Lespodori 'A. Wh«ii*v), !_ : Malheiir (I ' ' I J. J. ! BREEN and ThomagjF. J. l !iggins. [ . ! when represent itives of about one hun- the same thatched roof.j The eave of the lane that cost £250 Clark), been granted for slaugAtcring ot animal ¦ THE BRIDGE is a ,relii ble The statement : thatch, where it was set on or £3i)0. He had that free, 2: Light C!\Ar-.v (A. E^cott). 3. in cinisequcnce of tho remedy for all ner- | Of he financial position dred from i the j olfr e?lof Dublin . Bray. fire, is about but through A L .W ra cattle embargo, vous ofithe -Society, was obsiderem ¦ .1 Arklow, ! six feel Ironi the ground and his own convictions here and hia n—Modud «Piper), Marco Pni- and am of opinion > I I I I tri uble. They stimulate Limeri rk, Kilkenny Cathedrals about ihree bud nell a (Donoghue). : that fhoj e places, and brin rest to jthe nervous ' Mr. Arthur,J. PheUn gave] an explana- pi thd state ' [about 200 yards—at jabout 5.30 p.m. j . 4.40—BELMONT ' quirements of tho city. ! Baga t ogive meht of accounts) wa in reality only the!^ ! The These three men went to milk MrL Harper—Do you want him Pli\TE (handicip) of 300 I consider that Notice io hia Friendt »nd tht ;J Countess of Desart lias arrived at the cows over/ { bound *»v.*.—Sin furlojig f on Siw steps shoiild be lakon Publio that the Chimney difference, bewtween .he amounts paid in, 2 Rutland Gard nf , London in | houses away from tWe dweUinghouBe, 1 Cnut*v . as j ftcedpy as possible : to develop Cleaning bail J. TYRIE TURNER , , from Desart and , Mri O'Connor—I do, Diropwort (Foy) ll; Matter! (Clark). 2; the aesf ] of the lata [Vihvent Hogan is po» Tha Pharmacy, L.P contributions! to ihe Commis sioners and Court, Kilkenny!Kilkenny) I when the cows were milked , Hyde in hcany bails. Sporty (Walter ¦Abattoir in Mich a manner as would give transferred .S. I those received: for b riefita aid adminis-j ¦ ¦ ¦ and myself drove Mr[ Hifrper-Well . we will «»ve Grijjw). 3. i flrat-c]ass to Mr! E Phelan, 27 John [Bl. I : j *!••••[• them Jout through the to es- Also ran—Longtoucn (Smyth) rervice to all requiring it. At <7&terf6rd.! In futuie trationJ. It did riot il>9w whajt the " re- . Viscountess fateway, away from tho house. I saw treat ] thejpresent recognizances. Mix , N'«w York the present moment it all business *n« I Duncannon , accompanied ' D. !I. it (Pip^r) , Up (\viiurl . (iliiss Bjll has been worked municstions should be addressed :— CARRICK-ON-SUIR serve values "i were. These re «rve valiles by .Viscount Dud t>nnon '"opened a bazaar fyde close the gate, and I afterwards saw gg—Well , will your worships 'R. enureiy ueyona its proper capacity; and - Teleohond No. 8. : hel«stimatedi rpughl ab ,£33, Hyde, Baldwin sign Hho certificate on the . Stokef>. ¦Bnchv!or'-s!rrcb!c (Robhin.4). ajid (he I | . , «. L.A N ' [at >ty 000. on the training-s lip Northampton, in the , and Flavin go into my back of tho Crundell Chick (Herbert). conditions there would !not < appe«J |P|H|| , This 1 amount I would [be p) iced to the Thames, last wei k , and jwere received kitchen. These were the] only men I had recoghiza ices now, and.; later hn I will . j favourablx to a critical ;cye.: i : t by make a l ormal Betting-^-fl UH agsg MOHW. 4 to 1 Jjpe-rty, 1 credit pf a separate 1 dcount, liid the So- the Marquis, employed that day.—When I aitetwards !: application , to estreat 'I I have made the I | » JOHN ST.. of North ampton , who : con- them? ¦ • '¦ ' 7 to T "New York an ; tnendfetions-.— . • ' ¦ in :ome of £900 The Marquis Mr.] O' 1 Mjx Vp and B>htlor'i , {¦ i .; ' •would produce.ai^ about j of Northampton, proposing a vote of ojien. I am popular. I lhad no dispute onnor—I will ask you now to Treble 10 to 1 (l)That the cMmneys of the two larjje FAMOUS per; annum. When tie amount credited tlianks to Lady with anyone; Neither myself put him under a heavy rule of'bail—say Glass Bell. 100 to :'& otlier*. I : furnaces at 31 Duricanhon, said one of' nor!any of , John-street, be continued ¦ ¦ himself in .Won by a neck I a liMiith ! . - ¦;¦ ' ' to the Societyjin rese -ie valnds had been trie chief Objects these men were smoking in tho £100 and two sureties of £50 between ;with some i . . ! I p'. ; - of the ship was to jturn yard that each.; , second and third. 1 light fluo piping *¦*> *s high as I HOME RULE BADGE . liquidated byj deduct ons from;:the con- out the boys, as gentlemen; teach them evening. WKen I went to quench the flre i ' ,tho oaves of tho school adjoining. ; ' tributions, this!reserv s[value und would I looked Mayor-'U would be just 6.10-rTHE -BPFIXGHAM TVATE of 3fM Meeting¦ ofi the Co. ' Waterford¦ : as. worn by ' ' fo go straight w: in their fellows and in down the lane, T)iit did not see as wall to send 1 (2) That the iron fluo from the workshop ' : . ¦ : ' ¦ ¦ j i lj beebrhelthe property jf the Siciety. all- ways to jact i 3 men ;| Nponan; but there is a ditch in the field him to jai as that,; because ho will hardly *ovg*—City and |Suburban Courec, I ,«t No; 35, O'Connell-street ! I I I • ' ' THE IBISHJ PARLIAMENTARY. -The auditedittateni ml of a counts for and he. thought ¦with got driyon i to' go bail mile; 2 furlongs, (38 yards , be -also car- and South.; Kilkenny 1 PABTY that the boxing finch was to take place trees on it, and a person could have for him now. I ried vp above tho eaves o$:the main On passing the : six months to J ily. 19131 j was read on board . would gone along that without my observing, Mr.lNel on said he thought it would Halbed ^Jellia), 1; Pankntton (Wheat- hoTWe :adjoinlrig. ¦ of Home Bule Bill. . with I " go. a Iohg way towards far better bo ley), 2. Betting—15 ' \\ FARMERS' by Hhe secretary and 1 dppted; m the pro- attaining¦ [that' object. , him. When returning aftfeT my conversa- ¦ to put tire man under moral to 8' agstl winner. (3) That the owner of the I pi I ASSOCI ATI OK Inscription] "Ireland a Nation, 191 1,*" position of Mr.! Phelan, :.secon }fed by the •• I- - ¦ tion! with Noonan suasion, nd on ; ; his suggestion i ggery at ' ' i. I •M»> f I ssW jthe dairy maid Mr. LVo. 13, Spring Garden Alley] lie ordered j ' . TO BE ]3ELD ON ¦¦ , ,! ' PRICE 7 3. EACH POST FBEEL : Very iRev. Canon Walsh, D.D rip.p., Lj s- The Earl of Countess of Bessborough working in front of thej house, at the O'Coniior consented "to a month'R ad- ^o have the manure pit emptied . more;. | ,. . - .: .:| i . | • ' . now at journmenl on condition that regularly Can be had from the Makers, " ar^ J Bessborough!. their place, in dairy door. ' Mr Keane TH F> HORTON PLATE OBJECTION. once a week in future. I i MONDAY, litiJVNE (Fair Das ) ¦ ¦ It was unanimously |;rcsolved j that the Kilkenny/ Defendant—You paid his client's costs. I . I .{ 1. :¦: - . .I i - oi !where they, will spend the never jasked me if I ; (4) That the parties stitchin? jute wrap- Ovc • Messrs. Deevy' action df the Commit ^e Management I Whitsuntide 1 recess. . I could milk cows or follow horses. I did Mr. Kei ne agredd to pay Mr O'Con- R. Wootton comp] lined of | Win?, the ler? at iN'o. 8, s EBtoblishmerii in adopting the amen lment o( hiles pre- nor a jgujr ea costs j rider of Mlllpond, fo several Xittlo Michnel-street, be ' (Eritrancs P, Q UINN S CO.v 1 i i • r • • • r not i ask you for a match, nor did you and trie case was ac- times strik- nformed that they must [disconti ffon i Patrick St.) j ! pared; and Issued by the Insurance Com- Lady Decies left Moore ask me to supper. cordingly fadioumed for a month. ing Dick, the rider of Bobbin II., with his nue ]¦ ¦ ¦ I missioners in 1 Abbey, Mon- j whi akingiin home work or] get rooms in i ;. |4— CHURCH! STREET, BELFAST,! consequence of the Amend- asterevan , this week, for Sefton Lodge, Witness-I did. ( p. The Stewards distnie&ed this as at ome more hygienic locality. I Imnt Actj be ratified, ahd that bj e amend- Windsor. ' Lord Decies will join His worship returned accused LARCENY OP A WINKERS. ¦the time of, the blow me was dangftrously :A Good iAttenrfan 'e is Expected. ' " her there for trial On requisition of the district StirtUxrv "I :l " ' • ¦ ¦ ; THE ONLY ¦!: nfAMHX BADGE MANU- imenta should remain lih > force as part of on the conclusion] of the 'annual training to next Quarter Sessions, A young man named hampered and jo stled by JBobbiii II. Sub-Oifl(>er I inspected 1 I i "I ' . •• the rules of -UiV-SdcieK. ' I j John English was [Nos ! 1 and 11, • FACTfi EBS IN '"• I of ithe South! Irish H6rseJ in custody! charged with the larceny of Philin-street and have to state IBELAND.¦ ¦ | . I Mr.; Laurence Walsh] stated (hat the ;. I I •••••• a that as . ' : .; p.. . r . . ,; ¦::. ¦hon ¦a j pair oi wickers, the property of Patrick the .Committee Tecently decided to take • .1 orary members? gaVein good deal of Tie Marquis of) Ormonde, who joined LOCAL Cuddiby, Drumdowhey. rio action with regard to Vholesale Ag nt—Eason and Son, Ltd., ja ssistance to the P^ari Committees ana Sir Maurice CENTRE FOR 'METRICOM. the privies and Dublin Fitzgerald for a cruise in, the TION (K.U.I.) .EXAMINATION. The acci sed stole-the THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE'S dshpils! there T do not make any recom- and,Belfast. ; t- < {to the .Committee of 1 fknagemfent. They Julnoj , was {among the members at j winkers from a {attended, meetings oiU ritimea dtl personal the yard in B illybricken and pawned them mendation at present. ' The . A.O.HJ and the Irish Royal Yachi Squidron ' Castle, Cowes, Waterpark College has, been at Walsh' SPEECH. : ! I: . also inspected tha I Matthew. I - 'I Volunteer n&i n s pawn office. ¦ ¦ ¦¦• ¦ ¦ Shea KSLKENNY-1 Badges also sapplied. inconvenience baS|ex pense, and he con- during the past •• ¦ ¦ Price 7d. ¦ ¦ weekrendi centre for the above examination , Asylunu . • i each aidered H unreasoDabfel that {hey should .). - V*fleh Recently jin England, | lost free. Speplal terms . . • 1: 1 ••!•••••, will commence on Sergeant Rowan! gave evidence at a neeting of to DivUionsj . ! be asked; to pay, a stibs rription.lHe moved ' ' i ^ Thursday, June 25th. arrest, • ¦ of the Royal'Agriculturiii Society the | The drains in this institution have open \ Mr. Stephen Gwynn, MiP., paid a .visit j j . Duke traps ahd are 'evidently of an jthat' Rule 4 (2) shot W be- altered by to I Waterford yesterday of Devonshire made the i statement; ac- ¦class. obsolete GREAT SOnTHEBN AND WESTERS omitting!the ' land inspected Therb uag -a !previous conviction The privies and ashpits ar« well ¦ ¦ 1 • ¦ ¦- w^rdgj "but shallL |pay as an the City CharterBj old Parchment against the cording to the Press, that in the South ¦ I " ¦ I RAILWAY; . ; : Book, defendant for stealing kept. !While I have riot at any] time -I •I'M- - ' ' i . • annual subscription to lthe funds of the land the Council Chamber] a piece of Ireland the people were cloaking tho made aware of the been I , Society a sum pf -five 6h)llings,Y j . jil so the King of harness also, and he was sent to jai l cattle disease. incidence of any il lne»s COBJ ' !and add- uiiM lutt r, tuiix - swora. . iae expressed for three At Monday 's meeting -of due to the conditions |PAKK BACKS, ing the words " and ebJall be elected by himself months. .! the County- Agricultural above described. I Thursday, < ¦ highly pleased with .the many A.O.HJ Committee • Mr. think that it would be -well to call the j. \ MONDA' the Committee of Man »gement"1 interesting] pbject ' in A. J. F. Wi30 proposed that Mr. O'Sh«e, attention of I 1% 1st JXJNE,aW4: 1 •I Several of thB hpnoi ary members pre- g fhe Municipal POLI M.P., be requested the Governors toi the poor 1 Buildings shown wm by Mr. P. Higgins, TICAL PKAYERFULNESSi to ask the Depart- MnitaTy! accommodation 'supplied ienj protested against | this. alteration, I Assist. Town! 1 ! ment if there had been any cafee of foot- , and 2nd July, 1914 On above date Cheap Tickets will tx but Mr. i Clerk. Mr Cwynn slso| in- DIVISION «4. The Dean of Belfast preached a' sermon and-mouth let Uieni consider Uie feasibility of raisin? i sued TO Walsh ! persis :ed inby his resolu-P. epected Reginald's TowerJ the French in Belfast Cathedral diseaBe in-Co. Watcrford, arid the standard in C0BK from Waterford and; tion, ; which wa^ : seconded Mr. J. Church, r\DjART£HLYMeeting of above Djv- last Sunday, in the if. the Department were of opinion that a ; ;aocbrdanoe ¦ with the ideas - - Intermediate Stations by the Deam ry, and. the Cathedral course of which he urged that Providence 4( the d«s. . ' ' :: i : - - .w . -r- .; leaving . Special Train O'Brazil. l and resolved (subject | to the it Barrpnstrand street ti ** ision will be held on had , case in tno connty wart hushed Hip. The ) ! • • Water(6rd at 8.0 a.m., eviilablei' sanction ! oi ¦ the I In ;irance I, Comm!»- examine the WEDNESDAY, heiirke ed . io the prayers of the resolution was 'Any defects in 'tfie closet arrangements for return on date old .vestments thecel The object 3rd JUNE, J OrangeJ faction adopted unnnirtiously. ¦nt Power £500 in Cash Prize of issue* ony by gpeciat •iioners. !.• ;- . :|. - . j . . , [|, , . visit to of his at 8 10 p.m., in Hibernian and had supplied the At tho meeting of tbe|Technical 's ¦lane are due to circlensneBS Train leaving Cork ¦ J . Waterford] and other places of "Halt.! rowdy boyo i In North-E«Bt Ulster! with Instruc- «f the rWdentS; but the at 6,15 p.m. • ; 'I . \ Further business isla ive to administra- interest ' inkthe county is {to A lull attendance is' requeEted. wise a tion' Committee'the (Jiiairmsn (Dr. Den- proofless buDd^ TWO i USt' The:Cheap .licketR . win not beiavail- tion having been transacted, Mrl Phelan : collect ma- and¦ ei cere elader. Providence also nehy, Li»uiore) proposcfl inpi at Jthe upper «nd ought "to be en- PIKG j C JMPETITIONS, j B»Ie by Bosi'lare terial for a book Which Be is about to had, according to the Sean that the atten- clb«d in order to prevent Express tinder any cir- jtopbsedla, vote of Ttha ika to R«v. T. F. publish- He took, , answered tion; of the ;Department be directed i to people from ciiinstAnces. •' 'For particulars .furlong for presiding « ,Jthe (advantage of bis visit Qrange|pra; -ers. by " guiding, the good circumstances nfjuig them a'» damping .gToujnd for Te. «ae posters. of ¦ '(¦ F«r«> te meeting, and sl scj to call on Dean Day, 'shi fhe of the College! Lismpre, fuse. ; - " "* '¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ . 1 \VO HABNisi ' Jl i ' ' , ' -| ' referred in ;of whom he is p Fanny throughjihe, dark nights and j . - . | • . I; ' CLASSES. ! . ¦ , " eulo^ljtic -iig .to tr(e|manner a family connectiori, «nd clear W' ¦ and that they be asked! to make inquirfe* j ; |_ E. A J KEALE. General ¦ .'fo .which!.he^ conductei the w^etirigs of Ister had a chat dbys ber voyage to OUT relief. os to the feasibility >Vith rewird to tho complaim re m&nr uiingsbridxe ¦ Manager. 1 with, tha Mayor..-; In the (afternoon Mr. God's; handk f guided - her, ¦ qfj arranging that it hoie «t Tellor Road, Sfatlon . . , ; \ I ! ^e SocSetf. where; -iifl -? as a' mo^ repilar Gwynn leWfor Weiford . ; UMBRELLA9 and Pirasols 2fewlt 1 God'a fogs be.used aa a school foil technical instruc- I am Certain that it : EVTRIES d LE . FINALLY'¦ \ Dublin , May,' 19J4/ .' {¦ ¦ ' [ ¦ : ¦ - i ' shielded, hetj He had answered them in Ujwell founded :' but ,«8 *ucce««ve p j i • • ittendant. • of ,.\ , . ' . \ : , . I- 1 . -Jl !. ,•••• ' ::¦ Covered ,and, Repaired.' whether]with ( the supreme tion]- ana .agriculture,! pnd that tlie: De- Cotn- .; -i : j . . -adth , • : ¦ The ^vote pnnTc'i t •!• j ¦r<>"of.' ~l I >T •• broken ribs or* torn 'covers;) wisdom ;and marvellouts" skill partinent be. apked ralttees li&ve dUcuitBed the 'qoWtion < for- ; jjiJNE HM; \j J ' IRI8H UFE-Ttte Hiph-cla^ Ir;f h all made like that plannet and executed to' communicate witli •M[ yearsL and decided Mise 'Harrington; Clon :fc! , end | carried . PictorsJ. new, and not kept longer than three , the safe land- the -Duke oi Devonehire'R agent on the under official »