' \ , ¦:¦ I ; i: I -j^LO - \ 1 ¦ - ¦ -:J ' . 4. ¦¦ ¦ '¦'I ' - ' ¦a.v - ;¦ V • ' if- ^/' . , ., ; • '¦ - " ' . jgr . ;r pa j j M S , • j . ^ ¦: I ; ^ I . /£&*&$&: on¦ij jBedsijeadls ! ~ ~~n~~r c% ^ BdrronstrandM ' X , Perambulators ! T' - , . #iBMHED ! IN ! l848 ?J7 DB O VOL. ikni i Na 3,408 MAY , j FKIDA^.; 20, BEaiBTEBED AT THE GENERAL 'U _-i_L__L 1914. POST¦ OFnOE A8 A NEW8PAPEB. ; 1 ONE ! - : i : ; " - ¦ • ¦ i ii i TT - if i • ' ¦ • I- ¦ P^IC| PEJJNY ;] ¦ ' . :' - |i ; r- • - "-" ¦ ¦¦ -!' -V\ I . ¦ • . : nipmna Son\pariie5 B«nks Iddtl Offices, et || jc«D«iii^wi|8ements public : ^.nnouneements. ¦ LW , , . ¦ ¦ ¦ — — Clyde] p . i i i . ;. , ^r . .- : . —rr Ship ing! Company, ! :; j! ! . 1 Im^ortaiit to Farmers 3 pqXTJiACtS -^OB OOAlis iFX»B .HB3£¦ • •• .ad Powerful ¦tjtuaniert. ' Excellent Passenger Accommodation.' Electric Light. ^c ^ Orti ^rl^^^ ' ¦ ' ' i ^™! " PEISOJSS;' ! | | Steward* and Stewardesses carried. j I V . .J j. isies . • . Reel and CHEAPEST KOUTE (nil ' , CMHO and LWa 8tock,to mdjfxom. all part* ol •; WEB QW^EMJ SRJ8ONBBOARD -will •tWjfcAND, SCOTLAND, arid N((!UTH OF JBELAIJD; buBLlSs, and OQBK. i THE CITY AND leoeive'i Beiled Teodera up to 13 o't«k ¦ : I couNmy IJOAN- co. LIMITEI); noon on SATPiaxA !l ; ! I 1 : "~ / i Y; «th?JitJ^B;I Sl^tot ; the supply o< : - ¦' >¦- ; ' - INTENDED 8AILINO8 FROM INTENDED BAttiNGB TO O'CON: il^Sf^rc^" 1 -¦ . ' HOUSE JLJJD 8SEA3I OCULS \ WASEBVOHD. ; ;. WATEEFOBD. {or ^•ke Ojuh AdT«nc<a: ¦ the aeveral Jrish.( Hriaoos durioc"> * ¦ ¦dil j to L»diw, Gen " i K !:. I ; t^meo, F«rm^m. Shopkeeper *! if'/ year endinr30th, Jane, 1SQ6.; ! , - : To LI VEBPOOL—Every j Monday, V.cd- F om LIVERPOOlr-iEiery Mi.r.dayi ^ \jig&^ ; . jiesdjy. und Saturday m m G>7T«nim«nt OffieUJ*, »nd »illeeponaihlo II — ] ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . Tender Fatrw' can l>&obtaiD&i ia Bab * , direct. Wednesday^ andlF.ndaj, direct, ^ ^i ^^; I pexeons 1 - L«flJ*T ^ jd ik ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ' fo QLASGOW-tyery Monday '' . In any part ol Ireland, .90 ftffl :!¦ f t: I ;l : MW^I . Ifl lin. *i. the Omoa1 of the 'Board and intt» (direct) F om GLASGOW—Every ' Monday LOANS 1 I lApptOTed Hi ^itSr ^ 1 ^ coontry at an ol the IPrUond. and, Wednesdays, via Plymouth. ! Penond 'Seoority-note >M m «^G& ¦ / To BRISTOL—Kvery and Thursday (direct): ... 2 p.m. v*e I h*nd UOJJ«, md itnthont >^l« QkA W : . TheGetMraf Pri&onfl£ oard do not bind ¦ : Tuesday di eet £10 UPWAI **w« I I ' pabliottri I im _^&rr J%% ' ! .• : themselves '(cargo - only). ' 1 i From BRISTOL—Every .Thurs lay Uatgo Reptyxpenia can be mide by jnstalmenM ^ V^9 I jj| !BANi)ON .: }¦ U> accept¦ the low**{¦ ar toy 110 ^ '. ^na ! Tenden. I' ,' - - ' ¦ ' ! . ' . To CARDIFF—Every alternate Toes ay. only). | !: temji|oir«ry ¦i"""^^ * , or »ii4»T be «rr*D«ed.|Those wqniriog v r ' JTBTTL ^ -!¦ 1 : 4dvanoea will id <2u> cbore the beat «nd. an |T B1> A. |] ! ¦ fo LONDON (St. | Katharine i Dock>- FiW CARDIFF—Every alternate Friday . adr»noln» «a i personal snrity. , moat Ireliable^ flniacieriR _'tfj %LJP " " ' V^ (CO CQR KJ) .|. 1 . Kyeif Batorday (via From LONDON (St.' C«U ofwriie for terrn««Ddj>aitlcBl*Te, wliio« ^y II i - ' E. METPAiS'E. 'ConiroUer of Industries. Southampton Katharine Dock)- , I wiU be akhed on receipt | Ck«l. Mot by port i^* «TV^^ (J **.%+ tp + ' II , General Prison* Board, Dublin CatQe Newhaven, and| Dover) i ...' 4 p.m. | Every Thursday and Saturday. J ' ^iJ » " _, Goods also carried to' London by all Goods also carried from London by all 1 j-ACt W* ^*E3 I . Bailings via Liverpool, BriBtpl, . nd Sailings via Liverpoolj and Bristol. DOBLET 4 SflUfH-EAOTEBS | Southampton. ( ¦ oj j • ! 1 From DUBLIN (direct^Erery Wed- ! MONEY ! : ; • 2)f5'ittt«5. .; ' .' . !!¦ ¦RAniwAYi : i #o Plymouth—Evefy Wednesday ' (direc ¦ MONEYS MONEY! i 1 t). | neaday | ; ... 6 p.m. ...^f w , _^ ^ : Atk *o Southampton . —I Every Satui- I From Belfast (via &^ \' \ ' day (direct) Dublin)—Every 8UMMEB ITBAIN ; 8EBVICE. MM. I | ..;. | ... 4 p.m. | Tuesday | ... 7 p.m. fo iNawhaven—Every Saturdsyj ...A' pim. From Cork—Every THE Ifo !Dover—Every Saturday Friday . (direct; 6 p.m. WATERFdltD LOAN Train Alteration*. 1»t« June, j ... 4 p m. I Siuve ¦ ' COMPANY • From Pl ?ot ¦ ymouth—Every Saturday StUl ¦;• ¦ ¦]• O • 19t4,. nly • . To Belfast—Every Saturday (direct) I 8 (direct) ] i .; ' | . I j' ^ ! cargo .only. I 1 |..;12n(on From Southampton—Every 8, JOHN STREET, • • A Whiskey : t\SO UiNTIil, iJUBTHEB NOTICE. To Cork| Friday, via ^I\ ¦ of Fine Quality ' (direct)—Every Thursday | Plymouth. ! *PJ1pni J 220? I and Flavour. i .i •; WATEREOBD 8ECTIOH, : . ¦ (cargo only) I Makes Cash ¦ | | 1 | I ... 2 p m. From Newhaven—Ever; Monday (cargo Advances from £ UPWARDS on your own ' ¦ ' 11.45, a.m. Ttaln froni Wateriord, altered To Pubiin—Kvcry Saturday i(yra Approved Personal ' ;¦¦ . ¦, ?'<¦ i: ; )¦ , ¦ : I only). : , Security. REPAYMENTS-fl eekly, || , " ,\ > ] to leave at llJO a.m. I : : ! Belfast), cargo only¦ I .J12ocon Monthly, or. as may be arranged to suit con-': i \ III I I i' : From Dover—Every Tuesday (cargo on.'y). venience of If^^^^ aj ^^^ lJt/t p.m. Train from Macmine JtrnctioD Borrowers. AH 8 jplications will receive te ^4tS^SS^ii8 ^^l immediate attention , and ; . j , . ;- ¦ .,. to Waterford ,|a|teredito leave at IA p.m. will be treated confidentiAlly : . .| . aiid run corTespondinjr'.y early throughout For Rates of Freight,] Passenger are s, ind with ! courtesy. ¦ Hi E«tnb. 1828.1 ' and other information; apply to ; . = the Journey. | '* . ' i . ': - ; | . CLYDE 8HIPPING C Telegrams f'Allman ., LTD). Custom House Qoay,; Waterford Apply, 5^ , Bantfon." i «« 5£6 p.m. Tjaitt .Waterford to Macmine T»l«rraphic Adrefl»y-".OopBBAS.j' I TH i MANAGER , 8 JOHN STREET, WATERFORD. Telephone : No. 2 * Junction, altered ; to ' leave »t 6A6 p.m. I . 1 SUPPORT. H ME INDUSTRY I . Bandon. ¦;¦! ft •:4 , ; ¦ : . .4. - ! j This Train gryes *. connection to Sppliru i ^ 8.6 p.m. Train : [ Macmine Junction to ' THOMPSON'S nt ; " ALL-STEEL Wnterford, altered to leave at 8.46 p.m. WHITE STAR LINE iThe 9.16 e..rd. Train from Waterionl tnli IRISH CIVIL ph{\ TO £6,000 LOANS grtfited byi ROYAL MAIL TRIPLE-SCREW J3E aO/iV «iva a connection at MacmW ihioictSoa I ROYAL MAII STEAMERS. • post. Money lent without security. 1 HAY BA (Nsl AND ¦ - STEAMER: | Ladles or Gentlemen can for WexfordJ due at latter station at !¦ ! —T- : have their own ¦ ; : •¦ : i I i OLYMPIC (46.359 tons). BUILDING S()G: acceptances discounted or 10^0. ! FASTEST VESSELS IN WORLD poet-dattH CATTLE HOUSES I i JOHN COGKLAN, Traffio Manager. TjHE BRITANNIC, 60,000 tons cheques 'cashed without any securitleli TO NEW!YORK (dir.cil i To (launched) | W«8tUnd Baw , May, 1914. BOSTON j (Open to the Q«ner«l P hllo), sureties, ' or interview. ' : erected unde Board of Works fiom LIVF.RHOOL,l». o H «"«f"?'" [LARGEST BRITISH! STEAMKB 3 b WE8TMORELAND Clergymen, Merchants 1 pru. Piom l| i»c.i"«olit 5 p.m | QUEEN8TOWN I 8 RKET. Medical Practi- ¦ COUNTY(BOROUGH OF WATESiEORD; •A ]u:i: nii |Sat .. Mav ^ifi-n.a tioners, Farmers, Shopkeepers, and 'all ¦ ¦ 30 - ^"" i Iiitic CO NEW YORK. TO BOSTON. i D0BLTN. : ¦y ; itirelauU S>t, June - r> jtoaiu | rTuiiJ Juac J Responsible Persons. 1(6 Fees or Before- ¦!" v: L i<l .inu xv.. Adriatic Frl May - i M & 35 Vic., Cap. 163; 10 ill Vic, O»p. Juce . 13 Cirnuni;i T»«- ! Juce 19 ! 'Arabic Wed. lunc 3 EsUbli&bed hand Charges are made, and no Railway MI Uceaiiic Tliurv Juoe 4 I •Cyanic Wed Juuc 17 1884. faoorport, <A U74. Fares. ¦ ! ; ; 34; 41 4 43 iVlc., Cap. Se. j Special trains from Euslon t(j Livcrpo Cdrjc Fcl „ 5 I "Arabic Wed. July 1 • tOLTHnc Thuri op Saturdays at 9.25 [a.m. (for 2.30 p.n . 11 fCyrjirtc Wei.. 15 Borrowers dealing with I I LOANS GRANTED OK TBB MOST other firms c«n NOTICE THAT ! RATE BOOKS ABB1 sailing),] and on Tuesdays at 12 coon (Ii I and regularly thereafter. have their Loans paid;off or increased. JEX)K t THE INSPEOTJON 5 p.m. sailing). FAVOUBABLE|! TERMB TO BKiSL- OKrJN O* . ! I I . 1 ' }-OLYMPIC' »-Jl not | and these who are about to borrow should! .;. T~RkTZP£ZEB&. ' cmbutor Uod paucactn 'for Practical Watchmaker , . •AQClWxiA, Britain's Largest Liner I at Quceastowa. \ PEH8ON8 TO BUILD OR PDROHAe writa I full information, to : , i , 117 QUAY, WATEFFORD, t-'irst tAmerican Line Steamer, carrying one fete , Sailing, Liverpool to! X«W York, HonsES mt irowNB JOB TO JPAT THE 8TANDABD PRIVATE nNANCEU -ptVlTIB Inspectioa ol VfOTICE18 HEREBY GIVES <Wa j ; • MayjX). !¦ class .Cabin (2nd Class) and 3rd Class, pas- his 'Varied As«ortiient of WATCHES. J, 11O83DAT, tbb ebd ot : .| | OFF MORTGAGE8 CO. OF IRELAND, LTD.. ' -*- ¦' ' CLOCKS and ' -\ .ds^'. ll^Ji^, Special train from st: PancrnR Statioi sengers only. 1 j j THKHB >N« j ; j I Made. in our WN WORKS. ' . UtWtLLEIlX. Prices to snif all. • 914;'Bales, jas;|Jieieundat mcnljotw,t •"liable" and ."Cymric " Carry 'onedau JAME3 0 WAL8HE, See., , Eepairs of ererytdesinption execij ed on tint London,jto. Liverpool, at 6.p!m. every Fj ) Cabla(aod. ( Catalogues :Plans the Premises. Perfect >4rstiant:(° the-prcrrdsion*-^ P»» . dayO and ttdfU*« ftnwieri onrr""'1 ;'^ , _ , ad Estimates Free Workmanship; Gnar nteed. ' ¦] ¦ ¦ ^ day, eomineridng 29th| XIay.l ' ! ! I .(fnsnf ' 44-ANOLpEA-STBECT.WBUiL - : , - i ' . Lets, :'. axe »lnlul Ito' te" m»d» oiv-, th»- passe^rccomrrMrdatlonfor FirrtJ uurats inootne, ( '*-SuittMaIs 'Dtflli ¦ ¦ Uia! Second • ,Qn*Tt«ij01 k Mllltoo • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦!; ^¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ . uJpperty,. «dbiito^Jtt Vxrre Camtf , and Third Clasa Passenger* at •^U- , . ..J / 1..: " • •-•• ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦"r ' i ¦ !¦ ¦ ; © £ JL ! '' • ^""©¦ •• • r-> ' «rt '5oroSghti wrtJpfrHiil ¦&*&) *.d jw»» ' | LowlRates. .: I I I i ' ' ¦ ' ' I': - j : WE SFEClAtKHriS ~ nr- " - [•¦ ! TO CAjtad/Q-! i ! ¦R.
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