Tasmanian Pepper): a Review

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Tasmanian Pepper): a Review The Phytochemistry and Chemotherapeutic Potential of Tasmannia lanceolata (Tasmanian Pepper): A Review Author Cock, Ian Published 2013 Journal Title Pharmacognosy Communications Copyright Statement © 2013 Phcog.net. The attached file is reproduced here in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher. Please refer to the journal's website for access to the definitive, published version. Downloaded from http://hdl.handle.net/10072/56795 Link to published version http://phcogfirst.com/article/840 Griffith Research Online https://research-repository.griffith.edu.au Pharmacognosy Communications www.phcogcommn.org Volume 3 | Issue 4 | Oct–Dec 2013 01 01 02 Review Article 02 03 03 04 04 05 05 06 The phytochemistry and chemotherapeutic potential of 06 07 07 08 Tasmannia lanceolata (Tasmanian pepper): A review 08 09 09 10 Cock IE*,a,b 10 11 aBiomolecular and Physical Sciences, Nathan Campus, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Rd, Nathan, Brisbane, Queensland 4111, Australia 11 12 bEnvironmental Futures Centre, Nathan Campus, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Rd, Nathan, Brisbane, Queensland 4111, Australia 12 13 13 14 14 ABSTRACT: Plants contain a myriad of natural compounds which exhibit important bioactive properties. These 15 compounds may provide alternatives to current medications and afford a significant avenue for new drug discovery. 15 16 Despite this, little information is available in the literature regarding many native Australian plants and their potential 16 17 for medicinal and industrial uses. Tasmannia lanceolata (Tasmanian pepper) has a long history of usage by Australian 17 18 Aborigines and European settlers as a food flavouring agent. Aborigines also used it for the treatment and cure 18 19 of skin disorders, venereal diseases, colic, stomach ache and as a quinine substitute. Apart from the reported 19 ethnopharmacological uses of Tasmanian pepper, surprisingly few studies have rigorously examined this species for its 20 medical properties. Recent studies have reported Tasmanian pepper to be an extremely good source of antioxidants. 20 21 Indeed, Tasmanian pepper has been reported to have free radical scavenging activities more than 4 times higher than 21 22 blueberries despite having ascorbic acid levels below the level of detection. Tasmanian pepper is particularly high in 22 23 terpenes and phenolic compounds but also has high levels of a variety of other antioxidants, including anthrocyanins 23 24 and anthrocyanins glycosides. Antioxidants have been associated with the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular disease 24 25 and neurological degenerative disorders. They are also linked with anti-diabetic bioactivities and have been associated 25 with the reduction of obesity. Antioxidants can directly scavenge free radicals, protecting cells against oxidative stress 26 related damage to proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. Therefore, T. lanceolata has potential in the treatment of a variety 26 27 of diseases and disorders and its potential bioactivities warrant further investigation. 27 28 28 KEYWORDS: Winteraceae, Tasmannia lanceolata, Tasmanian pepper, Australian medicinal plants, antioxidants, 29 flavonoids, terpenoids 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 INTRODUCTION Furthermore, medicinal plants serve as a starting point 33 34 for natural products discovery and the development of 34 35 Plants produce a wide variety of chemically diverse com- semi-synthetic agents with enhanced medical properties. 35 36 pounds which form the basis of their defense systems Indeed, approximately 25% of all prescription drugs cur- 36 37 against animal foraging, microbial infections and com- rently in use were originally derived from plants or are 37 38 petition.[1] These phytochemicals often have medicinally semi-synthetic analogues of plant derived compounds.[2] 38 39 important bioactivities and may be harnessed for new The statistics are even more impressive when we consider 39 40 drug discovery or used directly as therapeutic agents. the role of plants in the development of new antican- 40 41 Natural therapies not only form the basis of many tra- cer agents: approximately 75% of new anticancer drugs 41 42 ditional medicinal systems (particularly in developing marketed between 1981 and 2006 are derived from plant 42 43 countries), but are also gaining wide spread acceptance compounds.[1] Despite the impressive array of thera- 43 44 and increased usage in Western medicinal systems. peutics derived from plants, only 10% of the estimated 44 45 250,000 species worldwide have been screened for any 45 46 bioactivities. Most of these studies have utilized tradi- 46 47 *Correspondence tional knowledge and ethnopharmacology to target spe- 47 48 cific plants. The study of plant pharmacognosy could 48 49 Tel.: +61 7 37357637 lead to the discovery of commercially and/or therapeuti- 49 50 fax: +61 7 37355282 cally useful phytochemicals possessing a diverse range of 50 E-mail: [email protected] (I.E. Cock) 51 DOI: activities. As Asian, Middle Eastern and European tradi- 51 52 tional medicine systems have been the most extensively 52 © Copyright 2013 EManuscript Publishing Services, India 1 Cock IE: The phytochemistry and chemotherapeutic potential of Tasmannia lanceolata (Tasmanian pepper): A review 01 documented compared to those of other world regions, is the largest Winteraceae genus with approximately 01 02 the majority of studies have concentrated on plants 50 species.[5–7] Until recently, Belliolum, Bubbia and 02 03 from these regions. Recently there has been an increase Exospermum were classified as distinct genera, although 03 04 in interest in the therapeutic potential of plants from most botanists now classify these as subgroupings of the 04 05 other regions internationally and the medicinal potential Zygogynum genus. Tasmannia is the next largest genus 05 06 of plants from Africa, South America and Australia are with approximately 30 species.[8] Drimys consists of 06 07 increasingly being reported. 6 species, Pseudowintera has 2 species, and Takhtajania 07 08 consists of a single species.[8] 08 09 As a result of its geographic isolation, Australia is home to 09 10 a large variety of unique and distinct flora not found else- Members of family Winteraceae have been used for a 10 11 where in the world. Due to the harsh conditions seen in broad range of dietary and medicinal purposes by a wide 11 12 many parts of the continent, Australian plants have devel- variety of ethnic and cultural groupings. The best docu- 12 13 oped unique survival methods specific to the environmen- mented of these is the South American species Drimys 13 14 tal conditions they inhabit and they may hold the key to winteri. The stem and bark of this species has been used as 14 15 the treatment of many diseases and medical conditions. a stimulant and as a tonic in traditional Brazilian medicinal 15 [9] 16 Traditional Australian Aboriginal knowledge of plants systems. They are also used for the treatment of a wide 16 17 as therapeutics is disappearing as the indigenous cultures variety of diseases and medicinal conditions including use 17 18 merge into main stream society and the passing of oral as an analgesic, and to treat diarrhoea, inflammation, and 18 [9,10] 19 traditions between each generation diminishes. Given the ulcers. This species also has widespread usage in the 19 [11] 20 diverse nature of the flora present and the diminishing treatment of scurvy due to its high antioxidant content. 20 21 traditional knowledge, Australian plants remain relatively Of the other Winteraceae species, several have a history 21 22 unstudied and it is surprising more research has not been of ethnobotanical usage, usually for purposes related 22 23 done into their potential. A recent study into the antioxi- to their high antioxidant contents and as flavourants. 23 24 dant properties of several Australian plants has identified Indeed, high levels of the compound polygoidal (which 24 25 several species (including Tasmannia lanceolata) as being of gives the Winteraceae a characteristic peppery flavour) 25 26 particular interest due to their very high antioxidant activi- and high antioxidant contents are characteristic of several 26 [3,4] 27 ties and interesting phytochemistry. Winteraceae species. 27 28 28 29 The family Winteraceae Tasmannia lanceolata (Tasmanian pepper) 29 30 Winteraceae is a family of flowering plants consisting of Tasmannia lanceolata (commonly known as Tasmanian 30 31 approximately 90 species of trees and shrubs divided into pepper or mountain pepper; Figure 1a) is shrub which 31 32 5 genera (Drimys, Pseudowintera, Takhtajania, Tasmannia is endemic to the woodlands and cool temperate rain- 32 33 and Zygogynum).[5] The Winteraceae have developed as forests of Tasmania and the south-eastern region of the 33 34 almost exclusively southern hemisphere plants, originat- Australian mainland (Figure 1b). The species was origi- 34 35 ing from precursor species on the Gondwanna super nally described by the French botanist Jean Louis Poiret. 35 36 continent. Their current distribution ranges from the Until 1969 it was classified in the genus Drimys and was 36 37 cool climate regions of the southern Australia (particu- named Drimys lanceolata. It is a medium to large shrub that 37 38 larly Tasmania) and New Zealand through to the temper- varies between 2–5 m in height. Individual plants are uni- 38 39 ate and tropical regions of Borneo, Madagascar, Molucca, sexual, having either male or female flowers. The stems, 39 40 New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and branches and twigs are red in colour. The aromatic leaves 40 41 Southern and Central America, with the majority concen- are lanceolate to narrowly elliptical in shape (4–12 cm 41 42 trated in Australasia and Malesia.[6] long, 0.7–2 cm wide) with a distinctly pale undersurface. 42 43 Small creamy-white unisexual flowers appear during the 43 The Winteraceae are characterized as woody evergreen summer months. These develop into small fleshy black 2 44 [5,6] 44 45 plants with vessel-less xylem and plicate carpels. They lobed berries (5–8 mm wide) during autumn.
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