
TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Saturday, June 27 Day 1 Topic: Practicing Self Denial Scripture Reading: Mark 8:31-38


A young Muslim man dreams of Jesus. Not knowing anything about Jesus, he searches and through rumors he finds an underground church. He hears about Jesus! He accepts Jesus! He is born anew in his new life with Jesus! There is a catch… he will lose his family, his job, his country. He is about to lose everything because he is now a Christian. In the coming months he will soon have his life threatened by ISIS. If you ask him why, why did you risk it all and I mean all!? His answer is simple: Jesus is the Son of God!

Has there ever been a time in your life that you were forced to give something up? I’m sure we all have. Parents will punish disobedient behavior and take away something that should make us feel the sting of a punishment.

“What! You’re shutting off the WiFi for how many hours?”

The worse the crime the harsher the time and ‘thing’ taken away. Look, we live in a world that where we don’t go without much.

Think about it, most of us have everything we ‘need’. It really is embarrassing if you go to an underprivileged country like Haiti. Let’s let a Haitian child ask you a few questions:

“Do you have a house?” “How big is it?” “Do you have more than one room in it like ours?” “I heard you have water in your house?”

If you start to answer the questions with details about your house, your room, your electronics it will become very clear that we are a people who don’t go without much.

Here’s a fact: Jesus says in scripture ‘let him deny himself’. This means that we need to say no to ourselves. Take something away.

Most of us will never have our family, job or our life taken away like the young Muslim convert. Most of us will really never suffer for our faith if we don’t choose to suffer as a discipline of growing closer to Jesus Christ.

I am excited for what God is going to do in you as you practice self-denial! God is going to do something very special in you and in all of us!

Suggested Prayer: - God be with the others who are participating in this TI preparation. Help us to persevere. - God help me to understand what you want me to give up for you today? - Pray for others around the world who really have to sacrifice to follow God. - Pray for your Tidal Impact team, that participants would know what it means to deny themselves and serve sacrificially July 11 – 18.

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Sunday, June 28 Day 2 Topic: Take Up Your Cross Scripture Reading: Luke 9:23-27


What is the heaviest thing you’ve ever had to lift? Ever tried to lift something and it’s like WOW, that’s crazy heavy! Maybe you have gone to the gym and looked at the beefed up people in there and said,

“I can do that!”

You did and maybe you found that hmm… you’re not as strong as you thought!

Every year here in Atlantic Canada we hold the Scottish Highland Games. One event has these guys, as big as a Volkswagens, that are wearing dresses (I know they are kilts) and they pick up and throw a telephone pole… a telephone pole! I am sure there is a point to it all or a purpose but I don’t get it. I do get this: That is one crazy heavy thing to pick up and throw!

In our scripture today Jesus says “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” Jesus is saying that following Him is about daily doing something that may require effort. Actually that might be an understatement, there will be some days that we may have to sacrifice something for Jesus. Sometimes we may have to say no to our friends. Someday we may even have to sacrifice a relationship with someone we are really crazy about but we know it is not pleasing to God. Some days will be just awesome and others will just plain stink because we have to do the right things rather than the popular or desirable thing. But do you know what? God honours that choice! It may not be easy, some days it may feel like a pretty heavy cross to carry, but God will pour out His love, grace and peace into you.

As you prepare for Tidal Impact, practice taking up your cross. You may choose to give up something like sugary treats for a period of time. I know that is tough! Especially after day 7! These are days of practicing, training, growing closer to God for when the days come where you will have to pick and carry a telephone pole size issue. I guarantee those huge guys in dresses were once young boys picking up and throwing sticks.

Stick to it and remember you are denying yourself as we are to grow closer to God and one way we do this is by daily denying ourselves and carrying our cross.

Suggested Prayer: - Lord, please show me what it means to deny myself for you. Give me the courage to try to give up something for you today. - Pay for courage to stand firm in your walk with Jesus. - Pray for the 800 people that will be participating in Tidal Impact that we will be able to give up some of the things that we love for the week and fully commit to serving Jesus.

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Monday, June 29 Day 3 Topic: Live Self-Controlled Scripture Reading: Titus 2:1-15


One cookie..bah... two makes more sense and three is perfect… oops the whole row is gone!

Self-control is hard! Try eating one chip of your favorite flavour? Can you? If you can than you have more self-control then most.

Everyone struggles with self-control. Even the most disciplined person has an area(s) in their life that they could do a lot better job at controlling. That person in the gym is so good at going every day and doing a regular exercise routine but school work is never on time, a person who keeps their room clean and tidy yet their locker is a mess, a person who publicly has it all together but privately struggle with sins that nobody knows about, a person who struggles with gossip, criticism, bullying, lying, obsessive phone use, obsessive gaming, etc. are all signs of a life without control.

If everyone struggles with this then maybe we should practice it and by that I mean train ourselves to exercise self control. Our scripture lesson states clearly that we should do it, we need to do it, so we better do it. So what is the solution, decide to do it and just do it? The answer would be yes but you are not alone in this process. As Christians we have so many tools and helps to help us gain self-control.

One of the most important things to remember is that when you accepted Jesus into your life He gave you the gift of the Holy Spirit! Galatians 5:22-23 states: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Catch that? One of the by-products of the Holy Spirit is to gain more self-control!

Another tool we have is fellowship. We have each other to encourage one another and to keep each other accountable. If there is an area of your life that really needs to get under God’s control ask a friend or leader to help you stay accountable.

Another tool is to practice self-control by fasting. Hey guess what? That is exactly what we are doing right now! Fasting is just choosing to give something up in order to focus on God.

It’s only day three and you’ve made it this far! This fast and prayer will help you grow everyday and you will be thankful or this exercise in self control.

Suggested Prayer: - Lord forgive me of my sinful behaviors. Help me to grow in your ways and seek self-control. - Pray for others today as they fast - Pray for the speakers, Jason Ballard and Ben Woodman, as they prepare to speak at the rallies during Tidal Impact.

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Tuesday, June 30 Day 4 Topic: Crucified with Christ Scripture Reading: Galatians 2:17-21


In the Province of Pampanga in the Philippines there is a very and gross Good Friday Service. Having said that, I can’t decide if I respect them or want to tell them they are crazy!! Every year on Good Friday there is a grand procession where groups of men will carry a cross down the road to a hill. Once at the hill they will actually be physically nailed to the cross and hung up right to be crucified to show their devotion to Christ.

This is not at all the point of today’s Scripture reading!!

The apostle Paul is writing a very practical piece of scripture. We are to die to our old self.

Have you been baptized? It is one of the most exciting things you can do as a Christian!! It is a public testimony of your decision to follow Christ. Many pastors will lead the baptism with these words and actions:

When you are about to be put in the water. Pastor: “______is Dead: When you are put under the water. Pastor: “Buried” When you come out of the water. Pastor: “Resurrected a new in Christ!”

Seems like graphic words to describe a happy event… well yes. Think about it, when you become a Christian you are dead to your old way of life, dead to your sin, dead to old habits, dead to old ways of talking and you begin a new life in Jesus!

Some of you have given up a bad habit or a sin that you want to be done with. I really admire you for doing this. This is a great exercise in self-control and crucifying that sin. There are some of us today that may have something that is lingering in our life that maybe we need to die to; something that is a sin, something weighing us down in our spiritual journey. Would you like to die to that today? If so pray now and tell a friend or leader.

Suggested Prayer: - Lord forgive me and help me to die to my sin. - Pray for all our teens to be free from the sin in their lives - Pray for our Bands, Jeff Somers Band and The Informants, as they prepare for TI worship!

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Wednesday, July 1 Day 5 Topic: If I call, He Answers Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 29:11-14


Do you ignore phone calls? How about a message on your phone? Are there some you just archive or delete… sigh… so you’re one of them? Doesn’t it drive you crazy when someone ignores your messages? How about those apps where you can see they read it and an hour goes by, two hours, half a day and you KNOW they are messaging other people! Ugh, it is no fun to be ignored. Your mind starts to think maybe they are mad? Was it something I said? Maybe something happened to them!?

This piece of scripture is one of the most popular in the Bible. If you ask people what their favorite Bible verse is they just might say this one. Why is this so popular? Well for one thing God says He is going to give you a future and a hope! There is something else here that is just as wonderful. When you call Him, He will answer! Nice right? How about that, God not only listens to you and cares for you but He will answer you.

So when you are on the phone who does the talking? Admit it, we all have that friend that they talk, you listen… and they talk and talk and talk. At the end of the call you haven’t said a word!

God wants us to pray. He really wants to hear your voice. He wants to hear your troubles. He wants to hear your fears. God listens to you. Do you listen to God? How badly do you want to hear His voice?

How can we hear God’s voice?

1. Through reading God’s word. This TI preparation guide has 3 parts: 1. fast 2. prayer 3. Bible reading. Reading the Bible is hearing God’s voice 2. Through teaching. Your pastor, youth pastor, church leaders. When they teach the Word of God, God can use them to speak to you. 3. Events. God can use Tidal Impact. God can also use tragic events. 4. Worship. Praise and Worship can impact you greatly and God speaks to us in a worship service 5. Quietness. Prayer can be silence. After your words… listen. It can be powerful!

Isn’t it cool that we have a God who wants to chat? Imagine the powerful and famous creator of the entire universe wants to chat with you!

Suggested Prayer: - Dear God speak to me, I want to hear you. I look forward to a conversation with You. Thank you for being there for me. - Pray that God speaks to all of us through TI. - Pray for all the organizers of TI as they do last minute prep!

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Thursday, July 2 Day 6 Topic: Temptation to Fold Scripture Reading: Luke 4:1-13


It’s day six! Wow I have been at this for 6 days! I’ve been pretty good. I deserve to maybe take today off, give in. Nobody will notice. Jesus is perfect, He is God so he didn’t give in but hey we’re not perfect, nobody expects us to perfect… right? Sigh, well just one day off and I’ll finish strong.

I fasted ice cream but all my friends are going to the ice cream shop. I don’t want to be rude. I will just have less than I usually get. I can get back on track after.

I have fasted this sinful behaviour. I’ve been pretty good. It’s been six days! I really do deserve to indulge, after all, look at the progress I’ve made… who will know.

Are you being tempted? If you are you are very normal, EVERYONE is tempted. Temptation is normal and very much expected when you are fasting. It seems the devil shows up when God’s children get serious about their faith.

In our scripture today the devil shows up just as Jesus is starting His ministry. Jesus was just baptized and BOOM temptation hits Him in three waves. Now as you read Jesus puts the devil in his place. Jesus doesn’t give in and uses scripture to kick the devil down.

The temptation you are experiencing in this may be just minor to the different temptations you’ll face in life. Maybe right now you are facing some pretty serious temptations. You maybe be dealing with a major issue and your mind is a mess with all kinds of thoughts and temptations. You don’t have to and you should not deal with this temptation alone. Remember you are normal and if you told somebody you would find out right away that they understand completely. Make sure you seek help from a leader and or solid Christian friend. You also need to know that God will help you too. He is there and ready to give you the strength and self-control to stay strong!

Suggested Prayer: - Lord I am being tempted. I do not want to give in this time. Lord keep me pure, keep me strong, keep me firmly focused on the goal of growing in You. - Pray for each of us to kick the devil out and keep him powerless through prayer and reading of God’s word! - Pray for all the youth leaders as they prepare to participate in Tidal Impact.

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Friday, July 3 Day 7 Topic: Time Spent with God = Shine Scripture Reading: Exodus 34:27-35


Woah! I think you got a sunburn! Have you ever seen someone walk into class and it looks like they fell asleep at the beach. They aren’t tanned… they are flame broiled. I know I’ve had a sunburn so bad that I felt I was glowing for days.

Moses comes down from the mountain in today’s scripture and he doesn’t know it but everybody else does… he’s glowing!

“Hmm Moses, you alright?”

“Great, fine, why do you ask?”

This is such a cool piece of scripture! Imagine meeting God face to face and afterwards your face was radiating light. Yes the people didn’t think it was cool, they were afraid and we can see why.

Get this, every time we meet with God we should come away with a glow! We should come away with happiness, a peace, a smile. Will we actually have a shine on our face… probably not. Time spent with God does give us something that will radiate in our soul which can leak to our face and our attitude.

I have this friend and he came from a pretty messed up place. He ended up with a rough crowd, in fact it was a pretty bad bike gang. He was into some stuff, saw some mean stuff and became mean stuff. Mean was written on his face. But guess what? Jesus got a hold of this mean dude because that is what Jesus does, he loves mean dudes. This guy accepts Jesus into his life and everything changed! I have never seen a mean face become such a loving face! This guy’s is a teddy bear now and faithfully serves in his local church. Great story and it’s true! A meeting with God can change your face!

In a few days we are going to meet with God! We are coming from all over Atlantic Canada to meet with each other but most importantly we are going to meet with God. We will leave glowing! Friends will say to you back home:

“Woah! What’s with you?”

“I met Jesus!”

Suggested Prayer: - Lord we want to meet with you. We want to worship you. We want to be changed by you. Lord let us radiate Your glory to the world! - Pray that we all come expecting to meet with the Lord. - Pray for our host churches as they prepare to welcome us into their community.

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Saturday, July 4 Day 8 Topic: Scripture Gives Instruction/Hope Scripture Reading: Romans 15:1-7


Have you ever had someone in your life that was hard to Love? I definitely have had a lot of those people come and go. The fact is; it can be really hard to love people sometimes. I’ll let you in on a little secret though; everybody has trouble with loving others. Christians and non-Christians alike have a hard time with Love and there is no way around it. What is different for us as Christians though is that God teaches us how and why we need to love others.

These opening verses in Chapter 15 of Romans give us some great insight about why we need to help others. Oh and by the way if you haven’t read Romans read it, it’s awesome. I love the way the passage begins in verse 1 with: “you who are the strong”. Our writer, the apostle Paul doesn’t say that it’s hard for us to love others so we might as well give up trying, he says “you who are the strong” and he’s talking about us! We as Christians are considered the strong; in the whole world we are those who are strong! This strength though doesn’t come from going to the gym, it comes from God and the strength is a result of the Holy Spirit in us. It’s amazing to know that the Spirit of the Almighty God is living in us and provides us with strength! But even though this pumps us up, what we really need to know is what we do with our strength.

Paul clearly outlines for us what to do with this strength. He calls us to love others. Paul teaches us as Christians not to bring glory to ourselves because of our strength, but instead to have compassion by helping those who are weak. Every one of us was weak at one time, and often we still are, but Jesus the King of the universe didn’t choose to look down on us because we are weak, he chose to love us and save us. We as Christians find exactly what to do in the example Jesus sets for us. We are called to love others just as he loved us. By doing so, not only do we help those who are weak, but we bring glory to the one who saved us. I will conclude by restating verse 7 and I’d like you guys to think and pray about this as you leave.

“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.”- Romans 15:7

Suggested Prayer:

Dear God, Thank you for making us strong, thank you for the love that you have showed us. Help us to Love others and to show them your love. Fill us with your Spirit, and give us the strength we need to love you and tell others about you. Thank you for everything you have done for us.

-Pray for the lives of those you will help this week

-Pray for the strength of the Christians ministering with you

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Monday, July 6 Day 9 Topic: Scripture Guides and Gives Courage Scripture Reading: Joshua 1:1-9


Have you ever had a Championship Game, a big solo or even an exam that was worrying you? Sometimes these things can really concern us but trust me none of them were as scary as what Joshua was facing.

Joshua had just been appointed as leader of the Israelites and this was stressful for a lot of reasons. The first reason is that Moses just died. Moses had led the Israelites out of Slavery in Egypt, given them the 10 Commandments, led them through the Red Sea and been God’s messenger to the Israelites for over 40 years. Moses had been a proven leader, God had asserted his commitment to Israelites time and time again under Moses and now he was dead. Joshua had big shoes to fill and there was no doubt that the people were wondering if he was up to the task. This task I’m talking about is the Promised Land. The Israelites had just spent 40 years wandering around the desert looking for the Promised Land, and they were finally sitting on the edge of it. Joshua knew the pressure facing him now that the Israelites were ready to walk into the Promised Land, but there was one final issue that was facing Joshua and it was a big one. The Promised Land already had people occupying it and they weren’t going to pack up and leave. These were massive kingdoms with massive armies far bigger than those of the Israelites and they were all over the Promised Land. Joshua was feeling some enormous pressure but this is where God comes in.

In this passage we hear exactly what God says to Joshua. God doesn’t explain exactly how all the battles will go down or how to set up his troops so they will win over and over again he simply tells him “be Strong and Courageous”. God doesn’t give this as advice either, it is a Commandment. God tells Joshua to be strong and courageous not because he’s a great warrior and can handle it, God tells him that because he is going to be with Joshua wherever he goes! And do you know what? (Spoiler alert) Joshua trusted God and God provided! Every enemy the Israelites face is destroyed and the Promised Land becomes theirs just as God promised. So what do we learn from this? Well God doesn’t break his promises, He’s always there with us and He helps us be strong and courageous, these are all true but what I really want you to see is that; if God is for you nothing can stand against you. I was reminded as I wrote this devotional about a time when I was applying to a church. I really wanted and needed the job but I was super nervous because I had heard 8 other people were applying (some likely with way more credentials than me). I knew I would do a great job if they gave me the opportunity, but I couldn’t help but feel worried. As I ranted one night to my girlfriend about it she said to me “even if the Pope shows up to the interview, if God wants you to get the job you’re going to get it”. I ended up getting the job and although this story seems funny and unrealistic it’s absolutely true. When God wants something nothing can stand in his way, all we need to do is trust, be strong and courageous, and follow his lead.

Suggested Prayer:

Dear God Thank you for providing my needs. Thank you for always being with me as I face good times and stressful times. Thank you for making me strong and giving me courage. Help me know that you are always in control and that there is nothing you cannot do.

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Tuesday, July 7 Day 10 Topic: Just Pray Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:4-9


As my wife and I came in the door Monday morning, we heard the phone ringing.

“Bring your wife to the hospital immediately.

“She needs to be prepared to stay but don’t take time to bring anything with you.

“I have the results of the tests she had on Friday.”

As I got off the phone from talking with Dr. MacDonald, my heart sank.

“Who was that? What did they want?” my wife asked.

“Dr. MacDonald. He wants you to come to the hospital and be prepared to stay.”

“I wonder what the tests showed.”

“We’ll find out soon enough.”

And off we went with perhaps the same fear of one going for the first time to the front lines of war, except we didn’t know yet who the enemy was.

My wife and I heard the news that she has acute lymphosytic leukemia and the prognosis was she will die within 10 days. We were driven to prayer. We began to follow Philippians 4:6. We knew that the Word of God said, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has done.” Now was the time to do what He said. We prayed, our church prayed, 20 other churches joined us and the next morning we got news from Nigeria that a 5000 member prayer band had also joined us in praying for what God wanted for us.

Philippians 4:7 became very, very real to both of us. “Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. I can honestly say that God’s peace flooded both our lives and for the next year before she died, neither of us were worried. We discovered you can’t both worry and have God’s peace. We choose God’s peace and because of that choice the last year of our 24 year marriage was the best. We didn’t understand it but we received it and were blessed.

Our all-knowing God prepares us for every eventuality if we trust Him. Take time to pray—not just at bedtime but all day. Ask Him to give you opportunities to thank Him. When you ask Him it’s amazing how often you can say, “Thank You for this, Lord!” It’s hard to worry when you are seeing all that God does as He cares for you. Just pray and worry fades away.

Suggested Prayer: Lord, remind me that occasions of worry can be turned into opportunities for thanking God and receiving His peace in exchange for worry. - Pray that God will give you everything that you’ll need to live for Him today - Pray that God will prepare you for whatever opportunities may come your way to serve, share with others and be involved in Tidal Impact.

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Tuesday, July 7 Day 11 Topic: Honest Prayer Not Empty Words Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:5-18


“In Jesus’ name, Amen.” Back in Old Testament times, only the chosen high priests could enter the “Holy of Holies” to commune with God once a year. The ability to talk openly with God was a very sacred, special event, reserved only for one person at one certain time. Once Jesus died, prayer became possible. Think about it for a moment. The chance to openly, boldly come before the Almighty Creator is now ours. We must not take advantage of this beautiful opportunity with empty, meaningless words. Christ has called us to fellowship with him, considering prayer as the most sacred, closest communion we can have with Jesus while on earth.

We can’t point fingers, because we’ve all done it. We pray mindlessly at certain times of the day: before meals and bedtime and so on. Exhaustion takes over as we let what should the focal pinpoint of our day become a routine blurb beginning with “Dear God” and ending with “In Jesus Name, Amen.” Don’t cheapen prayer; it is much too valuable and consecrated. When you pray, come before God with humility, confidence and purity. Don’t be afraid to ask the impossible of God, He is more than willing to provide for you above and beyond your wildest dreams!

Also, don’t forget to Praise God through your prayers. It’s hard to avoid treating prayer like a vending machine sometimes. But God also calls us to simply be still and acknowledge that He is God. Use your prayers and your words to bring honor and glory to the One who gives you life each and every day. God welcomes us as His own, and we exist to glorify Him. Prayer is an invitation to come before the throne of the everlasting God, a place where even angels fear to tread. Prayer brings us face to face with Lord Himself. Take time right now as an opportunity to thank God for bringing us all the way to Day 11, praise Him for His enduring love, and ask Him for the strength needed to carry on.

Also, don’t forget to ask God to provide for you as you need it. Prayer requests are a good thing because they allow for others to take on the burden you are carrying and bring it before God in their own prayers. Don’t hesitate to ask the Creator to heal, protect, provide or supply. He wants to answer your prayers

Suggested Prayer:

-Thank God for helping us make it thus far

- Thank God for the ability to pray

- Pray for one thing pressing upon your heart (Healing, friends, etc.)

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Wednesday, July 8 Day 12 Topic: Praying For Each Other Scripture Reading: James 5:13-18


“I’ll pray for you!” I’m so guilty of saying this little phrase and never following through. A friend shares a burden with you, you feel at a loss for the right words, and the only thing you can say is that you will “keep them in your prayers.” It seems so fitting, and it is, but what good is an empty promise? Yesterday, we discussed that prayer is powerful, and should not be taken for granted. Power comes through prayer. In the passage for today, we are told to pray for others if they are sick or in sin.

We must remember to hold one another up before God in prayer. You know it’s okay to thank God for our friends and family too, right? He has given us the gifts of family and friendship, and we can acknowledge that with thanksgiving. Don’t forget to consciously thank God for others in our lives.

God has given us the ability and power to love, which is a great gift. Thank God for that ability, and pray that you love others the way God would have you to. Pray that you would show love the ways that people need to see it. Don’t forget to ask God to give you love for those who are “less than lovable.” God calls us to pray for our family, friends, and even our enemies. Sometimes that irritating person at work is the one struggling the most, or that much too opinionated lady in your church needs love more than judgement. Pray blessings on your friends and enemies alike.

Sometimes hardships come and others will need strength. If you were the one going through a struggle, wouldn’t you want someone coming before God on your own behalf? God even tells us in James that the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Pray for those struggling, those hurting, and even those who are just going through the same old motions of daily life. Ask God for revival. He will provide for you and for those you love.

Suggested Prayer:

-Thank God for family and friends

-Thanks God for the ability to love others

-Ask God to provide for those you know who need strength or love now.

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Thursday, July 9 Day 13 Topic: Stir One Another Up! Scripture Reading: Hebrews 10:19-25


Chuck Swindoll, in his book Growing Strong, tells a story about Linda. One fall, as this young woman travelled along up the rutted and rugged highway from Alberta to the Yukon; she didn’t know that you don’t try to go to Whitehorse alone in a rundown Honda Civic. For that trip you need a four-wheel drive vehicle.

The first evening she found a room in the mountains near a mountain summit and asked for a 5 am wakeup call so she could get an early start. She didn’t understand why the clerk looked surprised, but as she woke to early morning fog shrouding the mountain tops, she understood. Not wanting to look foolish, she got up and went to breakfast.

Two truckers invited Linda to join them, and since the place was so small, she felt obliged. “Where are you headed?” one of the truckers asked.


“In that little Civic?” “There’s no way you can go in DANGEROUS weather like this.”

“Well. I’m determined to try,” was Linda’s gutsy, if not very informed, response.

“Then I guess we’re just going to have to hug you,” the trucker suggested.

Linda drew back. “There’s no way I’m going to let you touch me!”

“Not like THAT!” the truckers chuckled. “We’ll put one truck in front of you and one in the rear. In that way, we’ll get you through the mountains.”

All that foggy morning Linda followed the two red dots in front of her and had the reassurance of a big escort behind as TOGETHER they made their way safely through the mountains to Whitehorse.

Our Bible verses for today, Hebrews 10:19-25, calls us to get into fellowship with God and with other Christians to get us successfully through each day. We sometimes joke in our church that the definition of “fellowship” always include food. And, in a way, that’s right. Eating good food gives us physical growth and strength for the day. Good fellowship includes gaining spiritual and emotional growth and strength from each other for the day. When I have good fellowship with you each of us is better because we have spent time together. Each of us is stronger in our faith in God. I can weather the storms in my life better when I have good fellowship with you. Or, in the words of the trucker to Linda, “We’ll hug you and we’ll get you through the mountains [of life].”

Suggested Prayer:

Lord, I ask that you lead me to at least one person with whom I can have good fellowship that will see each of us grow spiritually and emotionally and get through the day with good success. - Pray that God will use you to be an encouragement to someone today. - Pray that God will give you an opportunity to have fellowship with someone new at Tidal Impact this summer.

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Friday, July 10 Day 14 Topic: Stay the Course! Scripture Reading: Hebrews 12:1-2


In Matthew 4:19 Jesus said "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."

When Jesus called these four very ordinary fishermen from Galilee to be His disciples I would doubt they knew the magnitude of this call. I doubt they understood where it would take them. For some they would face persecution and prison and for others it would ultimately mean death for the sake of the gospel of Christ. They probably didn’t realize they would be leaders of the infant church that would eventually span the entire globe and would even be part of the revelation of scripture. The ministry these four were called to would literally change the world. Along with that if you we’re going out to choose people as prominent ground breaking leaders these four unimportant common fishermen would have been most unlikely picks. Yet for all those things they didn’t understand, despite all their inadequacies and shortcomings and considering all of this from a strictly human perspective none of this made sense whatsoever. These four simply knew that Jesus had called them and they were compelled far beyond their limited human understanding to answer His divine call first of all in obedience and secondly to answer His call by faith What Jesus did in equipping these four unlikely men He can surely do for any one of us if we’ll let him.

Suggested Prayer:

Lord I come to you this day with a true heart’s desire to follow you in obedience by faith making myself available to your call and surrendering my selfish will to you.

- Pray that God would help you to “stay the course” by showing you how you can grow in your faith, grow closer to God and give you opportunities to serve Him more.

- Pray that as we plan ministry opportunities for Tidal Impact (July 11 – 18) God will use your good attitude and desire to serve Him as a model for others to see your love for God and desire to live for Him.

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Saturday, July 11 Day 15 Topic: Let’s All Gather and Worship Scripture Reading: Psalm 95:1-6


Have you ever come across something that is awesome? By awesome, I don’t mean awesome like a yummy burger, the newest movie, or the exhibition. Those are all things that may seem great for a while but if you experience them a few days in a row, they quickly begin to seem ordinary and even boring. When something is truly “awesome”, it is different than that … it’s something that stops you dead in your tracks when you encounter it and creates true awe and wonder. When something is truly “Awesome”, it doesn’t tend to get old. Instead, when you experience it again, you tend to find out that there is always more to it than you have seen the time before.

Years ago, I was leading with a youth mission team at a Christian camp, called Edith Lank, on Campobello Island. I had been living in the city so this was a very different environment than the one I had grown accustomed to. In the middle of my first night, I awoke and headed out to the washroom facilities. On the way, walking with my dim flashlight, I looked up. I was shocked! It was beautiful!! I stopped, shut off my flashlight, laid down in the grass and spent an hour staring at the stars. There were so many stars that I never knew were there before. It was the darkest night sky I had ever seen and there were a sea of stars that were so crisp and bright. It was AWESOME. Every night after that, I would make a point of heading out at 1:00 AM and sitting or laying down in the grass and staring at the stars again. There was always more to see. It made me praise God in my heart every single night.

God is like that. He is AWESOME. We might have seen some of who God is in our life up to this point, but God is bigger and better than what we have experienced (no matter what we have experienced). This is the beginning of a week away; a week away from what we have become accustomed to. When we ask God to use us and when we ask him to change our heart, He often shows us a clearer picture of who He is. As you spend time serving God this week, and praising together, take moments to be in AWE of how amazing God is. Speak with him and listen for what He is speaking to you. And take time to respond by worshipping him in your heart ... It’s the natural response to an Awesome God.

Suggested Prayer: - Lord, help me to see you more clearly than I have ever seen you before. Help me to see you working around me and in me this week. - Each day, help me to both speak to you and to listen to you speaking to me. - Help me to make this week all about you, Lord, and to give you worship in all the things I do and say.

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Sunday, July 12 Day 16 Topic: Let Us Sing! Scripture Reading: Psalm 149:1-9


A few weeks ago we travelled three hours to attend a dance recital. I watched as three year old Ella and about 20 other little girls performed their numbers to a theatre full of people. She could hardly contain her excitement – twirling and leaping and grinning from ear to ear. I stood near the back with friends and family and we mouthed the words and performed the actions right along with her. When Ella and her group were done, the whole place erupted in cheers and applause. It was a good, good day.

I can’t help but think of Ella dancing when I read Psalm 149. There is a collective exuberance here, a party, a full-on, no-holds-barred celebration of God. Imagine you’ve got tickets to that concert with your favorite band and you’re in the mosh pit. Everyone is up out of their seats; everyone is singing along, everyone is dancing. No one gets to sit this out. That’s the intent of this Psalm. The language is punctuated with commands and exclamation marks: “Praise the Eternal! Write new songs; sing them to Him with all your might! Gather with His faithful followers in joyful praise; Let all Israel (or all God’s children) celebrate their Maker, their God, their friend; let the children of Zion find great joy in their true King. So let the music begin; praise His name-dance and sing …” (Psalm 149 1-3 The Voice)


Verse 4 says, “For the Eternal is listening, and nothing pleases Him more than His people; He raises up the poor and endows (or gifts) them with His salvation.” (Psalm 149:4 The Voice) God is listening and nothing pleases Him more than you and me and all His children singing and dancing to Him – praising AND serving Him together! Worship in music and dance and worship with our lives in great joy and thankfulness for His giving us salvation in Jesus!

That’s a great dance – it’s the best reason for a dance – the best reason for a new song! God meeting us in Jesus! Exclamation mark times infinity!

Suggested Prayer:

- As you go to the first rally for Tidal Impact tonight, pray that God will fill you with joy and excitement as the band leads in worship. Even if you don’t like to sing, try to focus on the words and celebrate what God has done for you and what He may be planning for you this week.

- Pray that God would give you joy and excitement as you serve Him every day this week.

- Pray that your joy would be noticed by others and you’d have an opportunity to tell someone one good thing that God has done for you.

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Monday, July 13 Day 17 Topic: The Power of Being ‘One’ Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:1-11


With the seventh Star Wars movie set to be released in December, the world is bracing for a renewed wave of excitement about all things related to the ‘Force’ and all things Star Wars! In the first Star Wars movie (really – who calls the first movie episode IV??) Obi-Wan Kenobi taught Luke Skywalker how to “become one” with the Force. The Force was so strong in Luke that the villain Darth Vader famously said “The Force is strong with this one.” The Force of Star Wars was something mysterious that supposedly exists in the universe; something that humans and other beings could harness and use for either good or evil.

As a metaphor for the Christian life, the Force certainly has some faults, but there are some really cool similarities. While Jedi strive to become one with the Force, as followers of Jesus Christ our goal is to become one with Him (vs. 1) and to be united with other believers (vs. 2). We have access to the incredible power of the Holy Spirit that empowers us to do things that we simply could never do on our own. Both the Force and the Holy Spirit provide vast amounts of power and an unexplainable connection with others.

As Tidal Impact participants, we come from a lot of different backgrounds. Our families, churches, communities and youth ministries are radically different, but despite all that, WE ARE ONE! We are part of the Church, God’s plan for saving the world, and we have the same Holy Spirit living within us! AS ONE, we need to make sure we work toward the same things that Jesus worked toward when He was on earth – He became a humble servant (vs. 7-8) with the goal of bringing people into a saving relationship with Himself (vs. 9-11)!

Even if the Force of Star Wars was real, it would be nothing compared to the Power of the Holy Spirit filled Church of God!! We are that Church, and as we gather to serve God in communities all over southern NB, let’s listen as people say “The Spirit is strong with these ones!”

Suggested Prayer:

 Pray that teams will be able to put aside their differences and build strong friendships as they serve God.  Pray that everything that happens during Tidal Impact will be led and directed by the Holy Spirit, not by our desires  Pray that you will have a servant heart every minute of Tidal Impact!

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Tuesday, July 14 Day 18 Topic: Do It All In Love Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 16:12-18


In High School, I was on our track and field team. Well, to be honest, I was more on the ‘field’ team. What can I say? God made me good at throwing big heavy things like the Shot Put, Discus, and Javelin really far. Every year I trained and prepared to compete in these events.

In my grade 12 year during the provincial meet one of our 4x400 relay runners was barred from competing. The provincial championship was on the line. Our school needed someone - anyone to fill his spot, and apparently I was the only one who was eligible to fill that spot.

I wasn’t ready. I’d never run a relay race before. I didn’t even know the rules, but I was willing to run. So when the race started and the baton was handed to me; I ran as fast and as hard as I could. I barely finished my lap. In fact when I passed the baton to my team mate, I blacked out and landing face-down on the track.

I wasn’t prepared, and we lost the race. I had the road burn on my face to prove it.

Are you prepared to run the Tidal Impact ‘race’? You probably won’t be asked to do the 4x400, but you will be given jobs and responsibilities you weren't expecting. In 1 Corinthians 16:12-18 Paul tells us how we should partner and serve others. Unlike Apollos, who didn’t want to go and help, Paul urges everyone else to submit and serve their hosts, much like you will be called to do at Tidal Impact.

In verses 13-14, Paul tells us three things we can do prepare ourselves to serve. The first is to be ready to stand firm in your faith. Start preparing now by spending time reading the Bible and praying. Give God the time now to start preparing you for what’s about to happen

Secondly, be courageous. You’re going to serve in ways that are totally out of your comfort zone. Don’t shy away from being challenged. Try new things and push your limits.

Lastly, and most importantly, do everything in love. If it’s sweeping a parking lot, leading a craft at VBS or telling someone about Jesus, do it all because of your love for Christ and the people you're serving.

Tidal Impact isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. Prepare yourself now for the ‘race’ that is ahead of you as join God in changing Atlantic Canada one neighbourhood at a time!

Suggested Prayer: Pray that - God uses Tidal Impact to grow and stretch you - you stay focused on serving those you are called to serve - you serve because of Love for God and others.

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Wednesday, July 15 Day 19 Topic: Be Doers Scripture Reading: James 1:19-27


My dad died 12 years ago and over the last month of his life one of my friends went to visit him in the hospital. During their conversation my dad asked my friend a question about me, “Where did he come from?” Up to this point in my life I was not sure that my father saw the difference that Christ made in my life. But in this question he revealed that he realized that I was not like him and that I was different somehow. He did see the difference that Christ made in my life, he saw the life and heart- transformation that Christ makes.

James says, “Do not merely listen to the word,...do what it says.” Many people throughout time have claimed to follow Christ but have not had a change in behaviour. It is a belief that I can add Jesus to my life but not subtract sin. James goes on to say in verse 26, “Anyone who says he is a Christian but doesn’t control his sharp tongue is just fooling himself.” You see unwholesome speech, profanity, malicious gossip, slander, or anything that injures another and sparks dissension is sin and hurts other people. Our words should impart grace and encouragement. As followers of Jesus Christ, we want the words that flow from our hearts and out of our mouths to be a life-giving spring. And may all who hear our words receive a blessing.

Oswald Chambers says, “It is only when God has transformed our nature and we have entered into the experience of sanctification [becoming like Jesus] that the fight begins. The warfare is not against sin; we can never fight against sin —Jesus Christ conquered that... The conflict is waged over turning our natural life into a spiritual life…”

James says, “Do not merely listen to the word...do what it says.”

Suggested Prayer: - Lord Jesus, help me to not just listen to your word… help me to do what it says. Help me to be like more and more like Jesus everyday.

- Pray also for the people you are being Christ to today.

- Pray that God will help you to serve today with a joyful spirit and a happy heart. Remember when you are serving others – you are serving JESUS.

- Pray that God will help you to apply what you’ll learn at the Dive Deeper sessions today as part of your daily life. Ask Him which of the sessions you should choose to attend.

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Thursday, July 16 Day 20 Topic: The Servant King Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:1-11

Reflection: It’s often hard to look beyond our own interests and towards the interests of others. We’re encouraged to think of ourselves first. “Have it your way.” “Save money. Live better.” “I am what I am.” “I’m lovin’ it.” But to follow the example of Jesus, we need to humble ourselves and “count others more significant.” We need to follow his example and serve others. If the King of Heaven would come down to wash feet, who are we to say we can’t serve? My daughter has an incredible gift for compassion and serving. Even at her young age, she has an ability to recognize someone who may need encouragement or help. She loves to help her teacher, and she also loves to share samosas with men who sit on the sidewalks in our city. Her servant-heart is an example to me and motivates me to become more servant-like. But serving isn’t easy! It can be hard to serve people we like or don’t know; it’s even harder to serve people we know and don’t like. There’s a beautiful story of a servant girl in 2 Kings 5. In modern-day terms, we’d consider her a victim of human trafficking. She was an Israelite girl, abducted in a raiding party, and taken to serve the wife of a general in the enemy army. Despite her circumstances, when her master became ill with leprosy, she chose to show him love rather than scorn. She considered him to be more significant, and sent him to a prophet among her own people, where he experienced healing. The even greater turn of events was that he experienced salvation! In response to his healing, he came to know and worship the One True God; all because this servant girl chose to look beyond her own interests and towards the interests of others. I wonder how the Spirit can use your willingness to serve someone today. Could your gift of service be what that the Spirit uses to show that person who Jesus is?

Suggested Prayer: - Pray for eyes to look for opportunities to serve. - Pray for an opportunity to serve someone today. - Pray that the Spirit would be at work in someone’s heart because that person saw you serving. - Pray for the local food banks and the people that they’ll serve. Thank God today for the opportunity you had last night to collect food to help meet needs in these Southern NB communities.

TI Devotional Guide – Prayer & Fasting

Friday, July 17 Day 21 Topic: He Gave It All For Love Scripture Reading: John 3:16


I have to admit, I have a tendency to put something down thinking I will remember where it is so I can find it later only to forget where it is. Perhaps you know the thought process, “I’ll need my church keys later so I’m going to put them in the glove box of my car so I’ll have them on Monday.” What happens on Monday? On my way out the door, kids in tow, bags over my shoulders, lunch in hand…I can’t find my church keys. I don’t have time to look for them now but I do my best to look in all the usual places. No luck (Perhaps you can tell that this is a retelling of actual events). I ask at church but I didn’t leave them there on Sunday, no one has seen them. I grab an extra set so I can get back in on Tuesday. And you know what happens? I get in my car to go home and pop open the glove box, “Hello keys, how I’ve missed you”.

The whole day, after all my searching, my keys were right under my nose, in my car parked outside the church. Funny, right? Not so much in the midst of it.

In John 3 Nicodemus asks Jesus some tough questions. He is attempting to get at the heart of his own concerns and efforts to find God. What he doesn’t completely understand is that the answer is right under his nose. He is speaking to Jesus!

Jesus is the one sent by God to bring new life! In Jesus, God has shown the depth of his love for Nicodemus. Nicodemus gets hung up on the search, the asking of questions and trying to understand. What Jesus wanted him to know is that life comes in relationship with Him. God loved Nicodemus so much that he sent his son Jesus to bring healing, fulfillment, peace, purpose and life forever. It isn’t necessarily something Nicodemus can understand fully but the search is over, the personal effort to reach perfection is over, the pursuit of knowledge and right living is over. The answer is right in front of Him.

God is speaking to each of us. The same love he had for Nicodemus, he has for you. It’s what Jesus came for. God gave up his Son for you! Is there something right under your nose that you keep overlooking or overthinking? God wants you to know Him, the love demonstrated in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. He wants you to continue to know this love and grow in relationship with Him. Open the glove box right in front of you. God’s love will not disappoint.

Suggested Prayer: Lord, open my eyes to see you working around me. Open my heart to hear from you today. Thank you for sending Jesus to die in my place and to rise from the dead to give me life forever. Forgive me for the times when I don’t look to you for what I need. Give me the strength to live for you and find all that I need in You. I pray that I would know your love for me so I can share it with others.

- As you finish your week at Tidal Impact, pray that God would continue to give you opportunities to share your faith with your family, friends and neighbours. - Pray that God would help you to make it a priority to find time every day to read the Bible, pray and listen for God’s voice as He speaks to you.