
Devotional Guide Table Of Contents Table Of Contents 2 Introduction 3 The King’s Identity 4 The King’s Ministry 15 The King’s Disciples 27 The King’s Parables 39 The King’s Power 51 The King’s Rejection 63 Big and Small 77 Form/Faith 89 Demands 101 Dense Disciples 113 Money, Marriage, and Power 126 The King Enters 138 The King Teaches 150 The King Promises 162 The King Dies 175 The King Lives 188 Writer Biographies 200 Artwork By 201

2 Introduction

Welcome to the Mark Devotional Guide! Written by members of Exodus Church, this guide is a labor of love from us to you. We sincerely pray this guide will be a blessing to your family as we study the gospel of Mark. The guide is broken into weekly sections with suggested dates for each reading and family devotional. These dates are simply to help keep you on WUDFNVRSOHDVHIHHOIUHHWRDGMXVWWKHPWREHVW¿W\RXUIDPLO\¶VVFKHGXOHDQG needs. The daily readings and family devotionals are designed to be done the ZHHNEHIRUHWKHVHUPRQ)RUH[DPSOH\RXZLOOEHJLQ\RXU¿UVWUHDGLQJVDQG devotionals on Monday, December 30, in preparation for the sermon that will be given Sunday, January 5. The Community Group Guide for each section will be used during the ZHHNDIWHUWKHVHUPRQWRUHÀHFWRQWKHPHVVDJHDQGWRJRGHHSHUWRJHWKHU Thank you for joining us on this journey through Mark!

3 The King’s Identity

Mark 1:1-13

Written by Valerie Stranathan

Sermon Date: January 5, 2014 Reading

Day 1 (December 30) Isaiah 40:3-5, Luke 3:1-18

Day 2 (December 31) Mark 1:1-4, Luke 1:67, 76-80

Day 3 (January 1) Mark 1:5-8, Acts 1:4-5, Acts 2:2-4

Day 4 (January 2) Mark 1:9-11, Matthew 3:13-17

Day 5 (January 3) Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13

5 Reading

Day 1 (December 30) Isaiah 40:3-5, Luke 3:1-18 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

6 Reading

Day 2 (December 31) Mark 1:1-4, Luke 1:67, 76-80 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

7 Reading

Day 3 (January 1) Mark 1:5-8, Acts 1:4-5, Acts 2:2-4 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

8 Reading

Day 4 (January 2) Mark 1:9-11, Matthew 3:13-17 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

9 Reading

Day 5 (January 3) Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

10 Family Devotions December 30, 2013

A Messenger

,I\RX¶UHD\RXQJJLUO\RXSUREDEO\KDYHD5DLQERZ/RRP(YHQLI\RX GRQ¶W\RX¶YHSUREDEO\VHHQWKHEUDFHOHWVPDGHZLWKWLQ\UXEEHUEDQGV,W¶V the “in” thing for the pre-teen set, like Cabbage Patch dolls or Pogs or Tickle 0H(OPRZHUHWKHLPSRVVLEOHWR¿QG&KULVWPDVWR\VRIWKHSDVWDQGWKH WKLQJVWKDWPDGH\RXDZHVRPHO\FRROLI\RXKDGWKHP)RUJURZQXSVLW¶V the new iPad Air or one of the other “must-have” tech toys. But how did you know about them? Someone had to tell you they existed. Someone had to convince you of how amazing they were. :KDWDUHVRPHRIWKHWKLQJVWKDW\RX¶YHUHDOO\ZDQWHGODWHO\"+RZGLG you hear about them? What made you want them?

Read Luke 3:15-18

-RKQWKH%DSWLVWZDVDPHVVHQJHU+HVWDUWHGSUHDFKLQJDQGWHOOLQJSHR- SOHKRZWROLYHDQGKRZWRUHODWHPRUHSHUVRQDOO\WR*RG+LVMREZDVWRJHW SHRSOHUHDG\WROLVWHQWR-HVXVZKHQKHFDPH+HNHSWWHOOLQJSHRSOHDERXWD wonderful, great Messiah who was bigger and better than himself. This Mes- siah was going to come soon and they would need to listen to him and believe what he had to say. John the Baptist helped people get ready and excited about listening to -HVXVKRZLVWKLVOLNHZKDWDFRPPHUFLDOGRHV":K\ZDV-RKQWKH%DSWLVW¶V message better than any commercial? What can we do to be a messenger for Jesus like John the Baptist?

11 Family Devotions January 3, 2014

Fully God and Fully Man

You probably have many friends. You might consider your parents to be your friends or your grandparents. What about your pastor or your teacher? Most of your friends are probably people that are about your own age. Kids in your class at school or on your soccer team or people you work with or fami- OLHVZKRKDYHNLGVDERXWWKHVDPHDJH:H¶UHIULHQGVEHFDXVHZHKDYHWKLQJV in common to talk about. They are having the experiences we are. Who are your best friends? Why are they your friends?

Read Mark 1:10-13

When John baptized Jesus, a remarkable thing happened - a dove repre- VHQWLQJWKH+RO\6SLULWGHVFHQGHGIURPWKHKHDYHQVDQGWKHYRLFHRI*RGWKH Father announced that Jesus was his son. The three members of the Trinity *RGWKH)DWKHU*RGWKH6RQDQG*RGWKH+RO\6SLULW ZHUHDOOWRJHWKHUDW this one important moment showing everyone that Jesus WAS God in human form that could walk and talk among men. :KLOHZHFDQUHVSHFWDQGORYH-HVXVDV*RGLW¶VKDUGWRFRQVLGHU someone so awesomely powerful to be a friend. With his baptism, Jesus had proved he was God, but now he had to prove that he was also a man, some- RQHMXVWOLNHXVZKRDOVRKDGWRIDFHKDUGWKLQJV+HKDGWROHW6DWDQWHPSW him, which means try to make him do bad things. Satan even tried to make him to do good things for bad reasons. Both of those things were wrong and Jesus was able to stop Satan and not give in. Because he went through the same kinds of hard things we do, we know we can trust him to help us and we can be his friend. :KDWDUHVRPHRIWKHZD\V\RX¶YHEHHQWHPSWHGWRGREDGWKLQJV":KDW can you do to not give in?


Read Mark 1:1-13 What stood out to you from this passage or from the sermon? Were there any points in the family devotions or daily readings that generated a good discussion in your family? Any that stood out for you per- sonally? Why?

Deepen Why do you think Mark starts with John the Baptist and the baptism of Jesus rather than his birth? John the Baptist was teaching the individual confession of sins, repen- WDQFHIRUWKHIRUJLYHQHVVRIVLQVDQGEDSWL]LQJSHRSOHDVDV\PERORIDSHUVRQ¶V GHFLVLRQWRUHSHQWDQGIROORZ*RG¶VSODQIRUWKHLUOLIH7KLVZDVDUDGLFDOO\ different way to relate to God than what the Jews had been taught all their lives. What was so compelling about this man and his message that hundreds RISHRSOHHYHQWKH3KDULVHHVDQG6DGGXFHHV 0DWWKHZ ZHUHFRPLQJWR listen and be baptized? Why does John frequently point out that he is just an unworthy forerun- ner, that there is one following him that will be much greater? Why do you think Jesus desired to be baptized? After all, baptism is a symbol of becoming dead to sin, of living in new life with Christ. Jesus had QRVLQRIZKLFKWREHFOHDQVHG+RZZDV-HVXVVHWWLQJDQH[DPSOHIRUXVDV believers? After his baptism, Jesus went out into the wilderness where he was WHPSWHGE\6DWDQ5HDG/XNH:K\ZRXOGWKHVH WKUHHWHPSWDWLRQVKDYHEHHQGLI¿FXOW for Jesus? What are some things we can continue to learn from KLVH[DPSOHLQ¿JKWLQJ temptation?


0DUNTXRWHGWKHZRUGVRI,VDLDK¶VSURSKHF\DERXWDPHVVHQJHUWR ³PDNHUHDG\WKHZD\RIWKH/RUG0DNHKLVSDWKVVWUDLJKW´+RZGR we prepare ourselves for the work of God in our lives? What can we do to prepare the way for others so that they are able to know and accept Jesus? We face many temptations in this life. What are we doing as a community group to help each other as we come against the tempta- tions in our life? What more could we do? 13 Sermon Notes

14 The King’s Ministry

Mark 1:14-2:12

Written by Alex Kneen

Sermon Date: January 12, 2014 Reading

Day 1 (January 6) Mark 1:14-20, Luke 4:16-21

Day 2 (January 7) Mark 1:21-34, John 10:22-39

Day 3 (January 8) Mark 1:35-39, Luke 4:42-44

Day 4 (January 9) Mark 1:40-45, Mark 9:14-28

Day 5 (January 10) Mark 2:1-12, John 5:19-20, John 6:1-14, 22-29

16 Reading

Day 1 (January 6) Mark 1:14-20, Luke 4:16-21 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

17 Reading

Day 2 (January 7) Mark 1:21-34, John 10:22-39 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

18 Reading

Day 3 (January 8) Mark 1:35-39, Luke 4:42-44 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

19 Reading

Day 4 (January 9) Mark 1:40-45, Mark 9:14-28 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

20 Reading

Day 5 (January 10) Mark 2:1-12, John 5:19-20, John 6:1-14, 22-29 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

21 Family Devotions January 6, 2014

Do It Right Away

Give your family a few things to do and tell them to do it IMMEDIATE- LY, putting emphasis on the word. Go get me a snack IMMEDIATELY! Go get your jammies on IMMEDIATELY!

Read Mark 1:14-2:12

+DYHWKHIDPLO\FRXQWKRZPDQ\WLPHVWKH\KHDUWKHZRUG³LPPHGL- ately”. Ask, “Does it seem like the story is going really fast?” Explain that it GRHVQ¶WQHFHVVDULO\PHDQWKDW-HVXVGLGWKLQJVUHDOO\IDVW,WLVUDWKHUDZD\ RIVD\LQJWKDW-HVXVGLGQ¶WGRWKLQJVDFFLGHQWDOO\RUZDVWHWLPH+HKDGD purpose, a goal, a plan, and all of the things he did were part of the plan. 1RZDVN³:KDWKDSSHQVLI\RXGRQ¶WREH\\RXUSDUHQWVRU\RXUWHDFKHUULJKW away? For example, what happens when Mom tells you to go brush your teeth but you stop by your room to play with your toys for a bit? When you GRQ¶WREH\ULJKWDZD\GRHVLWPHDQWKDWPD\EH\RXDUHQ¶WVRVHULRXVDERXW doing what you need to do?”

22 Family Devotions January 8, 2014

Do It Intentionally

Talk about why members of your family do what they do. Why do Mom and/or Dad go to work? Why do Mom and/or Dad cook? Why do kids go to school? Why do we do chores? 'LVFXVVWKHIROORZLQJTXHVWLRQV³+DYH\RXHYHUGRQHVRPHWKLQJRQ DFFLGHQW"+DYH\RXHYHUDFFLGHQWDOO\FOHDQHG\RXUURRP"'RHVGLQQHUJHW “accidentally cooked?” ([SODLQWR\RXUIDPLO\WKDW-HVXVGLGQ¶WMXVWDFFLGHQWDOO\GRDQ\WKLQJ DQGKHGLGQ¶WHYHUKDYHWLPHVZKHUHKHGLGQ¶WNQRZZKDWKHZDVJRLQJWRGR and stumbled across an opportunity.

Read John 5:19-20

Discuss “Why did Jesus do what he did? Is what we do every day import- DQW"+RZGRRXUDFWLRQVVKRZRWKHUVZKDW*RGLVOLNH"´

23 Family Devotions January 10, 2014

Do It Truly

Play charades where the family has to guess who/what someone is by what they do. Obviously, there is no speaking in Charades! Next, have a parent or older child work to convince the rest of the family that he/she is a superhero. Try to be really convincing! Discuss why no one believes this is WUXH7KH\PLJKWFRPHXSZLWKDQVZHUVOLNH³%HFDXVH\RXGRQ¶WGRWKHWKLQJV WKDWVXSHUKHURHVGR

Read Mark 1:14-2:12

Make a list together of all the things listed that Jesus did. Explain, “Jesus did the things he did not just to show off what he could do, but to prove who KHZDV+HQRWRQO\WROGSHRSOHZKRKHZDVEXWKHSURYHGLWWRWKHPE\ ZKDWKHGLG´'LVFXVV³'R\RXWKLQNLW¶VWUXHWKDWDFWLRQVVSHDNORXGHUWKDQ words?” For older children/teens, read Mark 2:1-12 and discuss why Jesus an- swered the scribes the way he did in verses 8-11.

24 Community Group Guide Remember 'LVFXVVDGYHUWLVLQJ+RZGRFRPSDQLHVDWWHPSWWRVHOOWKHLUSURGXFW" Do you ever get the feeling that ads are trying to sell more than a product? Anyone have any stories of a product not living up to its ad?

Read Mark 1:14-2:12 +DYHHDFKPHPEHURIWKHJURXSVKDUHRQHWKLQJWKDWVWRRGRXWWRWKHP IURPWKHSDVVDJH(QFRXUDJHHDFKPHPEHUWRVKDUH«LWGRHVQ¶WKDYHWREHD deeply theological observation! Also, encourage the group to share anything they remember from daily or family devotionals.

Deepen According to the passage we read, here are some questions for discussion. 1. What was Jesus proclaiming? 2. What was he doing? +RZZHUHSHRSOHUHDFWLQJWRKLP" 4. What did his ministry, his work, say about him? According to Mark 2:1-12, why did Jesus do the works that he did?


Do we, as Christians, live our lives with the same concentrated purpose that Jesus did while on earth? Is it possible? What would change about your daily life? (Use this question as a launching point for KRZZHFDQSUD\IRURQHDQRWKHUDQGKROGRQHDQRWKHUDFFRXQWDEOH

25 Sermon Notes

26 The King’s Disciples

Mark 2:13 - 28 & Mark 3

Written by Kate Stranathan

Sermon Date: January 19, 2014 Reading

Day 1 (January 13) 0DUN5RPDQV

Day 2 (January 14) Mark 2:18-28

Day 3 (January 15) Mark 3:1-6, Exodus 16:29-30

Day 4 (January 16) Mark 3:7-19

Day 5 (January 17) Mark 3:20-35

28 Reading

Day 1 (January 13) 0DUN5RPDQV R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

29 Reading

Day 2 (January 14) Mark 2:18-28 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

30 Reading

Day 3 (January 15) Mark 3:1-6, Exodus 16:29-30 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

31 Reading

Day 4 (January 16) Mark 3:7-19 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

32 Reading

Day 5 (January 17) Mark 3:20-35 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

33 Family Devotions January 13, 2014



Read Mark 2:13-17

Explain to your family that you and I are like Levi, the tax collector. We DUHWKDWJX\

Lets Ask Jesus to help us to see people as he sees them.

34 Family Devotions January 15, 2014


In the beginning God said three words - “let there be” - and BAM! There was a whole universe! A measureless galaxy with countless constellations, in which are innumerable stars, which grow to more than a billion times more WKDQWKHVL]HRIWKHHDUWK¶VVXQ$QGOHW¶VQRWIRUJHWDERXWHDUWK2KZRXOG you look at that earth! Think about the elements, and laws, and mechan- LFVQRQHRIZKLFKFRQ¿QHRXU*RG Talk about how God created the world that we live in. What do you think is the most amazing thing about creation?

Read Mark 3:1-5


35 Family Devotions January 17, 2014


The Book of Mark was written in a time when Augustus Ceasar was called “God”, and his son, Tiberius Ceasar, was called “Son of God”. With this is mind, Jesus making a proclamation to be the legitimate Son of God was a radical challenge to the norms of that day. The “sinners” that Jesus FKRVHWRVSHQGKLVWLPHZLWKZHUHLQÀXHQFHGE\&DHVDU¶VDXWKRULW\DQGPD\ have even believed that their leaders were gods. Therefore, not only was Jesus radical to the average citizen for claiming to be Son of God, but he was radical to the religious leaders for hanging with the average citizen. Jesus was so radical, that his own family believed him to be insane! Others thought he was possessed, and many thought he was just plain lying! But the disciples closest to Jesus knew that he was the One True Son of God. As a follower of Christ, you have to know Jesus for who he really was. In times when others VD\*RGLVRQHRUPXOWLSOHMXVWRUSDUWLDOGLVWDQWRUORYLQJUHDORU¿FWLRQDOLW is vitally important that you know your God and his Son well. If Jesus were in your family, how you feel towards him? Do you think it would be easier or harder to follow him? +RZFDQ\RXJURZFORVHUWR*RGDQGOHDUQPRUHDERXWKLP",V*RGWKH /RUGRYHU\RXUOLIH",VKLVLQÀXHQFHRQ\RXUDGLFDO"

36 Community Group Guide Remember What part of the message impacted you most? +RZKDYH\RXVHHQ*RG¶VUDGLFDOLQÀXHQFHWKLVZHHN"6SHFL¿FDOO\KRZ have you seen his righteousness and grace? What have you found humbling LQWKLVZHHN¶VSDVVDJH" Read Mark 2:13 and Mark 3


:KDWZDV-HVXV¶UHVSRQVHWRDEXVHDQGMXGJHPHQW" What authority does Jesus demonstrate and how does he use his authority? :KDWDUHVRPHZD\VWKDWRXUFXOWXUHVWUXJJOHVZLWK-HVXV¶DXWKRULW\" Jesus was interested in saving sinners - those that the religious people would have rejected. What are some situations in which you have struggled with hostility and judgement towards other people?


What truths were particularly convicting this week and how do you need to repent? /RRNLQJWR-HVXV¶H[DPSOHVDQGRWKHUUHIHUHQFHVGHDOLQJZLWK righteousness and judgement, how should you deal with any resent- ment in your heart? +RZFDQ\RXEHUDGLFDOHYHQLQWKHPXQGDQHOLNH-HVXVZDVLQ Mark? +RZFDQ\RXHQFRXUDJHRQHDQRWKHUWREHKXPEOHJUDFLRXVDQG radical? 37 Sermon Notes

38 The King’s Parables

Mark 4:1-34

Written by Jon Wiersbe

Sermon Date: January 26, 2014 Reading

Day 1 (January 20) Mark 4:1-9

Day 2 (January 21) Mark 4:13-20; 2 Tim 1:8-12

Day 3 (January 22) Mark 4:10-12; Isaiah 6:8-13

Day 4 (January 23) Mark 4:21-25

Day 5 (January 24) Mark 4:26-34

40 Reading

Day 1 (January 20) Mark 4:1-9 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

41 Reading

Day 2 (January 21) Mark 4:13-20; 2 Tim 1:8-12 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

42 Reading

Day 3 (January 22) Mark 4:10-12; Isaiah 6:8-13 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

43 Reading

Day 4 (January 23) Mark 4:21-25 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

44 Reading

Day 5 (January 24) Mark 4:26-34 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

45 Family Devotions January 20, 2014


Parables are not something that we commonly think of using. The English word for parable comes from two Greek words that mean “to cast alongside.” A true parable gets the listener deeply involved and compels that OLVWHQHUWRPDNHDSHUVRQDOGHFLVLRQDERXW*RG¶VWUXWKDQGKLVRUKHUOLIH One author notes that a parable begins as a picture that catches our at- tention, but as we study the picture it becomes a mirror in which we see our- selves. If we continue to look by faith, the mirror becomes a window through which we see God and his truth. Why did Jesus use parables to teach the large crowds that gathered around him?

Read Mark 4:3-9, 13-20


46 Family Devotions January 22, 2014


Throughout Mark 4:1-34, a form of the word “listen” is used thirteen times. In this chapter, the word “hear” is used thirteen times. If you have kids who are reading, ask them to read the passage and count the number of times “hear” is used. Jesus is certainly stressing the importance of needing to hear. +RZPDQ\WLPHVDUHZHJXLOW\RIVLPSO\KHDULQJEXWQRWDFWXDOO\OLVWHQLQJ to what is being said to us because we are distracted or because we are only hearing for the opportunity to speak? In what ways can we listen to God? In what ways can you be better about hearing and listening to those around you? If you are intentionally listening, KRZPLJKWWKDWFKDQJH\RXURSSRUWXQLW\WRVRZVHHGVLQRWKHUV"+RZFDQ that provide a fertile ground for seeds of truth to be sown in you? Pray that God would make your family better listeners to one another and to his word.

47 Family Devotions January 24, 2014

Mustard Seed

+DYH\RXHYHUVHHQDPXVWDUGVHHG",WZDVSUREDEO\WKHVPDOOHVWVHHG at that time that Jews planted. Tiny mustard seeds that are only 1-2 mm in diameter turn into large trees 9 feet tall. Jesus is providing both encourage- ment and a warning to his disciples in this parable.

Read Mark 4:30-32


48 Community Group Guide Remember What stood out to you from this passage or from the sermon? Were there any points in the family devotions or daily readings that generated a good discussion in your family? Any that stood out for you personally? Why? Deepen Parable of the Sower

Read Mark 4:1-20 The parable of the sower is the only parable explained in Mark by Jesus. 7KLVKHOSVXVWRXQGHUVWDQGPRUHDERXWWKHGLVFLSOHVDQG-HVXV¶SXUSRVH- IXOLQWHUDFWLRQZLWKWKHP+RZVKRXOGZHFRQQHFWZLWKWKHGLVFLSOHVLQWKLV passage? While we go to church and read the Bible, do we truly understand what it is we have heard and believe in?

Read Mark 4:21-25 Similar to the disciples, we have been given a light that others have not yet received and are responsible in sharing that light with others. But the dis- FLSOHVQHHGHGWR¿UVWWDNHLQWKHOLJKWWRWKHQFDVWWKDWOLJKWWRRWKHUV+RZ are you taking in the light of God and if others were asked would they say they see the light of God from you? If not, how can that change? Jesus continued to speak in parables related to farming.

Read Mark 4:26-32 ,QWKHSDUDEOHRIWKHVRZHUZHVHHWKH¿HOGV¶\LHOGDQGWLPHV the normal amount. In these verses we see that a man plants, but he does not know how the seed will grow. Who does the true work of growing the harvest? $UHZHFRQ¿GHQWLQ*RG¶VDELOLW\WRXVHHYHQDWLQ\PXVWDUGVHHGWREH- JLQDJRRGZRUNLQVRPHRQH¶VOLIH":KDWLVRXUUHVSRQVLELOLW\WKHQUHODWHGWR the sowing and the harvest?



49 Sermon Notes

50 The King’s Power

Mark 4:35-5:43

Written by Joy LaPrade

Sermon Date: February 2, 2014 Reading

Day 1 (January 27) Psalm 46; Isaiah 43:1-2

Day 2 (January 28) 0DUN-RKQ+HEUHZV

Day 3 (January 29) 0DUN  -DPHV

Day 4 (January 30) Mark 5:21-34

Day 5 (January 31) Mark 5:35-43; John 11:5-6; 25

52 Reading

Day 1 (January 27) Psalm 46; Isaiah 43:1-2 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

53 Reading

Day 2 (January 28) 0DUN-RKQ+HEUHZV R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

54 Reading

Day 3 (January 29) 0DUN  -DPHV R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

55 Reading

Day 4 (January 30) Mark 5:21-34 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

56 Reading

Day 5 (January 31) Mark 5:35-43; John 11:5-6; 25 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

57 Family Devotions January 27, 2014

Don’t Fear the Storm

When you were little, were you afraid of the sound of thunder during VWRUPV"'RHVLWVWLOOVFDUH\RXQRZ",QWKHVWRU\ZH¶UHDERXWWRUHDG-HVXV and his disciples were out on a lake in a small boat during a huge storm. 6RPHRIWKHGLVFLSOHVZHUH¿VKHUPHQ(YHQWKRXJKWKH\ZHUHXVHGWRVDLOLQJ in stormy weather, this storm was so big and so terrifying, they thought they were going to die.

Read Mark 4:35-41

Why do you think Jesus was able to stay asleep on the boat in the storm? It seems like the disciples would have been happy when Jesus calmed the storm, but instead, the story says they were afraid. Why do you think that is? 7KHGLVFLSOHVDVNHGHDFKRWKHU³:KRLVWKLV"´+RZZRXOG\RXDQVZHU them? -HVXV¶GLVFLSOHVKDGVHHQKLPGRPDQ\DPD]LQJPLUDFOHV7KH\KDG KHDUGKLPVD\WKDWKHFDPHIURP*RGEXWWKH\GLGQ¶WUHDOO\XQGHUVWDQG WKDWKHZDV*RG7KH\WKRXJKWKHZDVDVSHFLDOWHDFKHUDQGWKDWKHFRXOGQ¶W do anything about the storm. After Jesus calmed the storm, he asked them, ³:K\DUH\RXVRDIUDLG"´+HZDQWHGWKHPWRNQRZWKDWKHZDVQ¶WMXVWD teacher, he was the same God who created the sea and the sky, the wind and the waves. When he was with them, a storm was nothing to worry about. This is still true for us today. When we know who Jesus is and that he is with us, ZHGRQ¶WQHHGWRIHDU

58 Family Devotions January 29, 2014

Show and Tell

+DYH\RXHYHUJRWWHQDQDZHVRPHQHZWR\RUVHHQDUHDOO\DPD]LQJPRY- ie? What did you do afterwards? You probably went to show it to your friends or to tell your family about it, right? When we see or receive something incredible, we usually want to share it with someone else. For the youngest kids - There was a man who had been very sick for a long time. No one could help him get better and he was living alone by himself. One day Jesus came to the place where he lived, and the man asked Jesus for help. Jesus healed him right away! The man was so happy, he wanted to stay with Jesus and travel with him wherever he went. But Jesus ZRXOGQ¶WOHWKLP

Read Mark 5:19-20

For older kids - Read Mark 5:1-20

+RZGR\RXWKLQNKLVIULHQGVUHVSRQGHGZKHQKHWROGWKHPDERXWWKH way Jesus helped him? What has Jesus done for you that you are excited to tell someone about?

59 Family Devotions January 31, 2014

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait


Read Mark 5:35-43

Why do you think Jesus stopped to talk to the woman when he knew -DLUXV¶GDXJKWHUZDVDERXWWRGLH" When he came running to Jesus, Jairus knew that Jesus healed people ZKRZHUHVLFNDQGSDUDO\]HG+HWKRXJKW-HVXVZRXOGFRPHDQGKHDOKLV daughter the same way. Instead, it seemed like Jesus forgot what he was GRLQJRUGLGQ¶WFDUH%XWEHFDXVH-DLUXVKDGWRZDLWKHZDVDEOHWRVHH-HVXV do something even more amazing than heal a sick person -- he got to see his GDXJKWHUUDLVHGWROLIHDJDLQ+HJRWWRVHHWKDW-HVXVZDVUXOHURYHUGHDWK 6RPHWLPHVZHPLJKWSUD\DQGDVN-HVXVIRUVRPHWKLQJDQGKHGRHVQ¶WVHHP to answer. But even when it seems like Jesus is taking too long to help us, we can wait knowing that he loves us and might even be planning something better for us. When we wait, we get to see more of who Jesus is.

60 Community Group Guide Remember :HUHDQ\RIWKHVWRULHVLQWKLVSDVVDJH 0DUN QHZWR\RX",I\RXZHUH familiar with them already, was there anything new that stood out to you when you read or heard them this time? Was there anything from the sermon that particularly spoke to you, or was there a part of the daily readings or family devotionals that sparked a good discussion at home? Read Mark 1:14-2:12 Deepen You would expect the disciples to be relieved after Jesus calmed the storm. Instead, WKHWH[WVD\VWKH\ZHUH³¿OOHGZLWKJUHDWIHDU´:K\GR\RXWKLQNWKLVLV" ³:KRLVWKLV"´KDVEHHQDUHFXUULQJTXHVWLRQWKURXJKRXWWKHVH¿UVWIRXUFKDSWHUV RI0DUN+RZKDYHWKHFURZGVWKH3KDULVHHVDQG-HVXV¶IDPLO\DQVZHUHGWKLVTXHVWLRQ" +RZGR\RXWKLQNWKHGLVFLSOHVZRXOGKDYHDQVZHUHGLWEHIRUHWKHVWRUP"+RZZRXOGWKHLU answer have changed afterwards? Notice also, that soon after the disciples ask “Who is this?”, the demon in 5:7 imme- GLDWHO\UHFRJQL]HVDQGLGHQWL¿HV-HVXV7KLVKDSSHQVLQRWKHUSDVVDJHVDOVR VHH  :KDWGRHVWKLVWHOOXVDERXWKDYLQJNQRZOHGJHRI&KULVW¶VLGHQWLW\" ,Q-HVXVDVNVWKHGLVFLSOHV³:K\DUH\RXVRDIUDLG"+DYH\RXVWLOOQRIDLWK"´,V fear a form of unbelief? Why were the townspeople afraid after Jesus healed the man, and why did they ask him to leave? Before her healing the woman was ceremonially unclean and anyone who touched her would also become unclean. She had been a social outcast for years and going out in DFURZGDQGWRXFKLQJDIDPRXVUDEELZDVDYHU\GDULQJDFW6KHPXVWKDYHEHHQWHUUL¿HG when Jesus asked her to identify herself. Why do you think he asked her to do this? Jairus clearly had faith in Jesus when he asked him to heal his daughter. What did he believe about Jesus then? What do you think he believed about him when he learned his daughter had died? What do you think he believed after Jesus raised her to life? Would he have had the same Transform perspective In the boat, the disciples thought they knew who Jesus if Jesus had was, but then they realized he was something much more awesome saved her and even frightening. Do you think of God as a “tame lion” or a power before she WKDW¶VXQGHU\RXUFRQWURO":RXOGKDYLQJDELJJHUYLHZRI*RGFKDQJH died? anything in your life? What can you do to better see God for who he is? The disciples in the storm and Jairus were both probably tempted to WKLQNWKDW-HVXVGLGQ¶WFDUHDERXWWKHPEHFDXVHRIZKDWKHZDVDOORZLQJWR happen. Tim Keller writes, “If you have a God great enough and powerful HQRXJKWREHPDGDWEHFDXVHKHGRHVQ¶WVWRS\RXUVXIIHULQJ\RXDOVRKDYHD *RGZKR¶VJUHDWHQRXJKDQGSRZHUIXOHQRXJKWRKDYHUHDVRQVWKDW\RXFDQ¶W XQGHUVWDQG

62 The King’s Rejection

Mark 6:1-29

Written by Lenora Crabtree

Sermon Date: February 9, 2014 Reading

Day 1 (February 3) Mark 6:1-2, Luke 4:16-21, Isaiah 61:1-3

Day 2 (February 4) Mark 6:3-6, Luke 4:22-30, John 7:5, Acts 1:14

Day 3 (February 5) Luke 10:1-3, Mark 6:7-13, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Day 4 (February 6) Mark 6: 14-16, Matthew 16:13-17

Day 5 (February 7) Proverbs 14:12, Mark 6:17-29, Matthew 5:34-37

64 Reading

Day 1 (February 3) Mark 6:1-2, Luke 4:16-21, Isaiah 61:1-3 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

65 Reading

Day 2 (February 4) Mark 6:3-6, Luke 4:22-30, John 7:5, Acts 1:14 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

66 Reading

Day 3 (February 5) Luke 10:1-3, Mark 6:7-13, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

67 Reading

Day 4 (February 6) Mark 6: 14-16, Matthew 16:13-17 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

68 Reading

Day 5 (February 7) Proverbs 14:12, Mark 6:17-29, Matthew 5:34-37 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

69 Family Devotions February 3, 2014

Seeing Our Family

Materials needed:%HIRUH)DPLO\'HYRWLRQDOWLPH¿QGWZRSLFWXUHV One picture should be a recent one of your family. The other picture should be a SLFWXUHRIDIDPLO\\RXGRQ¶WNQRZDWDOO6RXUFHVIRUWKHVHFRQGSLFWXUHPLJKWEH DPDJD]LQHRUWKHLQWHUQHW,ISRVVLEOH¿QGDSLFWXUHZLWKFKLOGUHQVLPLODULQDJH to your children. Let’s Talk! Look at the picture of your family together. Talk about the day it was made. Did anything funny or stressful happen as you were getting ready for the picture? Did everyone get along during picture taking time? Now look at the IDPLO\\RXGRQ¶WNQRZ'RWKH\ORRNOLNHWKH\DUHKDYLQJIXQ":RXOG\RXOLNHWR meet them? Would you like to have them over for dinner? Read Mark 6: 1-6 As we have been learning, Jesus has been traveling around Galilee, preaching DQGWHDFKLQJ+HKDVGRQHLQFUHGLEOHPLUDFOHVDQGKHDOHGKXQGUHGVRISHRSOH+H has been followed by crowds of people, eagerly listening to every word he says. When Jesus comes home to Nazareth, the response to him is very different. Why GR\RXWKLQN-HVXV¶IDPLO\DQGKRPHWRZQIULHQGVUHVSRQGHGWRKLPWKLVZD\" Does the fact that they knew him so well keep them from seeing that he was the promised Messiah? How do these scriptures relate to us today? +RZGR\RXWUHDW\RXU own family members? Would you talk with a stranger, a new friend, or any friend the way you talk to members of your family? Does your familiarity with your brothers, sisters, mom, dad, or spouse keep you from being helpful and kind? Pray together as a family asking God to help you see one another with new eyes. Pray that he will help each family member be kind to everyone in the household, treating them as you would treat friends or someone in your neighborhood, school, or workplace. +RZGR\RXYLHZ-HVXV"6RPHWLPHVZHFDQNQRZVRPXFKDERXW-HVXVDQG feel so comfortable with him that we forget he is King of King and Lord of Lords. +HLVWKHSURPLVHG0HVVLDK+HLV(PPDQXHO*RGZLWKXV$UHZHH[SHFWLQJ Jesus to do miracles in our midst? Do we believe he can and will do more than we can possibly ask or imagine? Pray together: Ask God to help us remember that Jesus is both our friend AND the King of the Universe!! Ask that he will give us faith to trust him to do miracles in our family, our town, and our church.

70 Family Devotions February 5, 2014

Let’s Go!

Materials needed: %HIRUH)DPLO\'HYRWLRQDOWLPH¿QGDODUJHVXLWFDVH Write the following Scripture on a piece of paper - “And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19. (You PD\FKRRVHWRSXWWKHHQWLUH6FULSWXUHRQWKHSDSHU±RUMXVWWKHUHIHUHQFH 3XW the paper inside the suitcase and close the suitcase. If possible, lock the suitcase - but keep the key handy! Let’s talk! Gather the family together and ask them to guess what is in the suitcase. Tell them to pretend that you are going on a weeklong trip, and the item in the suitcase is the one thing that you need to take with you. Brainstorm as a family about all of the things that they would need to take if they were going on a ZHHNORQJWULS'RQ¶WRSHQWKHVXLWFDVH\HW Read Mark 6:7-13 :KDWVSHFL¿FLQVWUXFWLRQVGLG-HVXVJLYHKLVGLVFLSOHVDVKHVHQWWKHPRXW" What do you think Jesus wanted them to focus on? Who were they to trust to take care of them? How do these scriptures relate to us today? Do we trust God to supply what we need as we journey through life? Are we so focused on buying stuff, taking care of stuff, carrying stuff around that we miss what God is calling us to do each day? What would life be like if we were traveling with less stuff? Can we trust God to provide what we need and watch him do miracles in the process? Open the suitcase and have someone read the Scripture inside. God has promised to supply what we need – just as he did for the disciples. When we trust him to provide, we are free to be watchful for opportunities for ministry. We can invite others to our home, reach out to hurting friends and neighbors, and prayerfully consider an opportunity to go minister in a different place because we know that God will provide what we need to do so. Pray: Pray together, thanking God for the opportunities he is giving your family to minister in his name. Ask him to help you remember that he will give you everything you need to do what he has called you to do. Tell him you know that he can do much more than we even know how to ask. Watch for God to do big things as you allow him to work in and through your family! Suggested additional Activity– Take a walk together as a family. Use walking sticks and talk about what it would be like to travel a long distance with only a ZDONLQJVWLFNRQHRXW¿WDQGDSDLURIVDQGDOV

71 Family Devotions February 7, 2014


Materials needed:%HIRUHWKHVHVVLRQSXUFKDVHDIUXLW RUYHJHWDEOH DW WKHJURFHU\VWRUHRUIDUPHU¶VPDUNHWWKDWLVQRWIDPLOLDUWR\RXUIDPLO\)RUWKH VHVVLRQ\RXZLOOQHHGDWOHDVWRQHSLHFH QRWFXWRSHQ RIWKHIUXLWDQGPDWHULDOVWR cut and serve it. Let’s talk! Show your family the unusual fruit. What do you think it looks like inside? What do you think it might taste like? Why do you think that? Does the fruit look like other foods with which you are more familiar? Are you using what you know about other foods to describe this one? Read Mark 6:14-16 As more and more people began to hear about Jesus, who did people say that he was? Why do you think they described him as one of the prophets? Did they realize he was someone completely new – the Son of God on Earth? Who did +HURGWKLQNKHZDV":K\ZDVWKLVVRWURXEOLQJWR+HURG"$OWKRXJKPDQ\SHRSOH served as “forerunners” of Christ, his appearance on Earth was a totally new HYHQW+HZDV*RGKLPVHOIOLYLQJDVDPDQEXWDEOHWRGRWKLQJVRQO\WKH.LQJRI Kings could do! How do these scriptures relate to us today? Who do you think Jesus is? Our normal tendency is to relate something new to something with which we are already familiar. We may think of Jesus as Santa Claus – someone who is VXSSRVHGWRJLYHXVHYHU\WKLQJZHDVNIRU:HPD\WKLQNRI-HVXVDVDWUDI¿FFRS – someone who is waiting to “get us” if we do something wrong. Jesus is none of WKHVH+HLV(PPDQXHO*RGZLWK8V7KH%LEOHXVHVPDQ\ZRUGVDQGSKUDVHVWR describe Jesus. We can read about him but the best way to truly know him is to experience him! Examine the fruit again together. Open it – does it look like what you expected it to? Slice it and allow everyone to have a taste. Does it taste like what you expected? Could you really know the fruit when you were just investigating it from the outside? Pray: Ask God to help each member of your family to see Jesus for who he really is. Pray that we will experience Jesus and move from being “curious inves- tigators” to “active followers” as we get to know the many facets of who Christ truly is. Continued on Next Page...

72 Family Devotions February 7, 2014

Expectations - Continued

For households with older children and/or adults , you may choose to read Mark 6:17-29 and discuss these scriptures together. As we read in Mark 6:16, +HURGWKRXJKWWKDW-HVXVZDV-RKQWKH%DSWLVWZKRKDVUHWXUQHGIURPWKHGHDG 7KLVZDVYHU\WURXEOLQJWR+HURGEHFDXVHKHKDGEHHQWKHRQHUHVSRQVLEOHIRU having John the Baptist beheaded. After reading the scripture together, personal DSSOLFDWLRQPLJKWLQFOXGHGLVFXVVLQJKRZZHUHVSRQGWRQHJDWLYHFULWLFLVP+RZ GLG+HURGDQG+HURGLDVUHVSRQGWR-RKQWKH%DSWLVWZKHQ-RKQVDLGWKDWWKH\ should not be married? Are we willing to hear convicting words from others? Do ZHDOORZ*RGWRXVHRWKHUVWRVSHDNLQWRRXUOLYHV"$IWHU+HURGLPSULVRQHG-RKQ WKH%DSWLVWKHPDGHDEDGVLWXDWLRQZRUVHE\VZHDULQJDQRDWKDIWHU6DORPH¶V dance, promising her up to half of his kingdom. In Matthew 5:34-37, we are encouraged to let our “yes be yes, and no be no.” Pray as a family, asking God to help you be open to how he might desire to teach us through the words of others. Ask him to continue to tame our tongues.

73 Community Group Guide

$V\RXEHJLQWRGLVFXVVWKLVZHHN¶VVFULSWXUHDVN\RXUFRPPXQLW\JURXS members to respond to this question: What or where is home to you? (Note to the leader: One of the primary goals of Community Groups is that individuals in our church would get to know one another on a more personal level. This question truly lends itself to that goal! Allow time for everyone who wants to share to do so. If your group is large, this may take a ZKLOHEXWWKHGHHSHQLQJRIUHODWLRQVKLSVZLOOEHZRUWKLW  ,QWKLVZHHN¶VSDVVDJH-HVXVUHWXUQVWRKLVKRPH1D]DUHWK

Remember What stood out to you from the reading and sermon this week?

Read Mark 6:1-6 +RZGLG-HVXV¶IULHQGVDQGIDPLO\UHVSRQGWRKLVUHWXUQKRPH" -HVXV¶IDPLO\DQGIULHQGVZHUHXQDEOHWRVHHKLPDV0HVVLDKEHFDXVH WKH\KDGNQRZQKLPVRORQJ+HZDV³VWXFN´LQWKHLUPLQGVDV-RVHSK¶VVRQ the carpenter. This phenomenon may still affect us today. Deepen Are we so familiar with Jesus that we forget who he truly is? In Mark 6:5, Mark makes the troubling statement that Jesus could do few miracles in his hometown. The commentary in the MacArthur Study Bible, NASB, offers some insight that it may be helpful for your group to consider. ³7KLVLVQRWWRVXJJHVWWKDW>-HVXV¶@SRZHUZDVVRPHKRZGLPLQLVKHGE\WKHLU unbelief…he had the power to do more miracles, but not the will, because they rejected him. Miracles belonged among those who were ready to believe.” Are there situations in your family in which you long to see Jesus act mi- raculously? Are you struggling to believe that he can? Read Mark 6:7-13 Jesus sent out his disciples in pairs! Scriptures suggest many reasons for this common practice. Perhaps the most loved verses on this subject are found in Ecclesiastes Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 +RZFDQWKHGLVFLSOHVKHOSHDFKRWKHURQWKHLUMRXUQH\":KDWUROHKDYH IULHQGVSOD\HGLQ\RXUZDONZLWK&KULVW"+RZFULWLFDOLVLWWR³WUDYHO´LQSDLUV" Are you longing for deeper companionship with other believers? What do you need to do to be a companion? Are you willing to “lift up” a companion when they fall? In this passage, Jesus instructed his disciples to “travel lightly.” Why do you think they are to take so little?

74 Community Group Guide Deepen - Continued As a group, talk about “traveling lightly.” +RZZRXOGKDYLQJDORWRIEDJJDJHKDYHDIIHFWHGWKHGLVFLSOHVRQWKHLU MRXUQH\":KDWGLG-HVXVZDQWWKHPWRIRFXVRQ"+RZZHUHWKHLUQHHGVIRU food and shelter going to be met? :KDWDERXWXV"+RZPXFK³EDJJDJH´DUHZHFDUU\LQJDURXQG"$UHZHVR focused on providing for ourselves and our family that we are unable to focus on the ministry to which God has called us? %HIRUHZHOHDYHWKLVSDVVDJHOHW¶VFRQVLGHUZKDWLWWUXO\PHDQVWREHDGLV- FLSOH$IWHUWKHGLVFLSOHVKDGVSHQWVLJQL¿FDQWWLPHZLWK-HVXVOLVWHQLQJWRKLV teaching and experiencing many miracles, he essentially said, “Now you go!” When you think of being a disciple, do you think about “following” or “go- ing?” As parents, we want our children to “follow” Christ, to be obedient and live Godly lives, but are we comfortable knowing that as they follow Christ they may be called to “Go!”? Are we willing to send them out into the world? +RZZRQGHUIXOLWLVWRNQRZWKDWLIRXUFKLOGUHQDUHEHOLHYHUVWKH\GR not go out into the world under their own power! Thank you, Father, that as DPEDVVDGRUVWKH\JRXQGHU-HVXV¶DXWKRULW\ZLWKWKH+RO\6SLULWHPSRZHULQJ them to serve in your name! Read Mark 6:14-29 +HURG¶VXQZLOOLQJQHVVWRIDFHKLVRZQVLQIXOQDWXUHOHGWRWUDJLFFRQVH- TXHQFHV+RZGLG+HURG DQG+HURGLDV UHVSRQGWRWKHFRQYLFWLQJFULWLFLVP WKH\UHFHLYHGIURP-RKQWKH%DSWLVW"+RZGR\RXUHVSRQGZKHQRWKHUVSRLQW out sin in your life?


Are there any areas of conviction or repentance this week as you consider these truths? Encourage your members to pray for each other, asking God to give us wisdom in areas that involve our families. ‡ Pray for family members in whom we desire to see God work miraculously. ‡ Pray that we would be encouraging companions to others. ‡ Pray that we would trust God to supply our needs and be willing to GO as his followers. Thank him for the awesome privilege to be his Ambassador.

75 Sermon Notes

76 Big and Small

Mark 6:30-56

Written by Debbie Miller

Sermon Date: February 16, 2014 Reading

Day 1 (February 10) Mark 6:30-32, Exodus 23:12, 1 Sam. 16:23, Acts 3:19, 2 Tim. 1:16

Day 2 (February 11) Mark 6:32-44, Matthew 9:36-37, John 12:37, Mark 6:52

Day 3 (February 12) Mark 6:45-52, Matthew 14:28-32, John 6:21, 33; Psalm 107:29-31

Day 4 (February 13) Mark 6:53-56

Day 5 (February 14) John 6:22-40

78 Reading

Day 1 (February 10) Mark 6:30-32, Exodus 23:12, 1 Sam. 16:23, Acts 3:19, 2 Tim. 1:16 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

79 Reading

Day 2 (February 11) Mark 6:32-44, Matthew 9:36-37, John 12:37, Mark 6:52 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

80 Reading

Day 3 (February 12) Mark 6:45-52, Matthew 14:28-32, John 6:21, 33; Psalm 107:29-31 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

81 Reading

Day 4 (February 13) Mark 6:53-56 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

82 Reading

Day 5 (February 14) John 6:22-40 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

83 Family Devotions February 10, 2014

Balance in Life

Most of us have very busy lives. Sometimes our world can seem overwhelm- ing. We run between school, church, work, play, sports, laundry, cleaning house, the demands of family and friends, and you can probably add to this list! Last ZHHNZHUHDGKRZ-HVXVKDGVHQWWKHGLVFLSOHVRXWWZRE\WZR 0DUN  They had preached repentance, cast out demons, and anointed the sick with oil. Jesus recognized the disciples had worked hard and now needed to rest and pre- pare for the next assignment. Read Mark 6:30-31 Jesus shows that he is interested in hearing an accounting of the work and the results, but he is also interested in the disciples” health and effectiveness in future assignments, so he tells them to “come aside and rest a while.” Even Jesus GHSDUWHGWRWKHPRXQWDLQWRSUD\LQYHUVH+HDOVRQHHGHGDWLPHRIUHIUHVK- ment to deal with the death of his cousin, John the Baptist, and the pressing crowds that followed him whenever they saw him. What things make you tired? What brings you refreshment after hard work or trying times? Read Exodus 23:12, 1 Sam. 16:23, Acts 3:19, 2 Tim. 1:16 What are some of the examples of refreshment in these passages?

Times Of Refreshing Writer/Composer: Martin J. Nystrom & Don Harris

Times of refreshing +HUHLQ

My soul is restored My mind is renewed 7KHUH¶VQRJUHDWHUMR\/RUG Than being with You

84 Family Devotions February 12, 2014

A Test of Faith

Read Mark 6:35-37, Hebrews 11:1 and 6, Mark 6:50, Psalm 23:1 and 4 The disciples were confronted with a problem. 5000 hungry men, plus ZRPHQDQGFKLOGUHQZHUHZHUHXQZLOOLQJWROHDYH-HVXVWRJR¿QGIRRG The disciples were overwhelmed by the idea of providing a meal for all these SHRSOHEXW*RGKDGDVSHFL¿FSXUSRVHIRUWKLVSDUWLFXODUSUREOHP1RWKLQJLV ZDVWHGLQ*RG´VSODQ+HZDQWVXVWROHDUQVRPHWKLQJLQHYHU\WULDO +DYH\RXHYHUIDFHGZKDWVHHPHGWREHDQLPSRVVLEOHWDVN"+RZZDV your faith tested? What did you learn from that stretching of your faith? $IWHUWKHSHRSOHDUHIHGWKHGLVFLSOHV¿QGWKHPVHOYHVLQDERDWURZLQJDV hard as they can against the wind which has swept them to the middle of the ODNH5HPHPEHUWKHVHPHQZHUH¿VKHUPHQDQGWKH\ZHUHIULJKWHQHG7KDW must have been some wind!! Are you ever afraid when your faith is tested? The disciples were! They thought they saw a ghost walking on the water! +RZGLG-HVXVHQFRXUDJHWKHGLVFLSOHVLQWKHERDW" Read Mark 6:50; Psalm 56:3-4 Read Mark 6:56 Contrast the reaction of the disciples to the crowd in Gennesaret who thought they would be healed if they just touch the hem of Jesus” garment. Read John 16:33 +RZELJLV\RXUIDLWKQRZ"+RZGRHVRXUIDLWKJURZ"&DQZHWUXVW*RG" Is he involved in our everyday trials?

85 Family Devotions February 14, 2014

What’s Your Passion?

What or who means the most to you? Maybe your passion is the latest book by a favorite author, the latest clothing, the latest game for the WII a new gaming system, or the latest tech device. (If you have kids have them go DQG¿QGWKHLUIDYRULWHWR\ 'R\RXVLWRXWVLGHWKHVWRUHWRJHWWKHODWHVWDQG greatest, even skipping sleep in your bed and work to buy that item? Would you drop everything or plan your schedule around hearing a favorite band in concert? Do you insist on seeing the latest superhero movie or animat- ed movie or the newest movie starring your favorite actor? Is your passion sports so that you make sure that you have tickets for the big game? In the story about Jesus feeding the 5000+, no one but the boy with the 5 loaves DQG¿VKHVFDPHZLWKIRRGWRHDW7KH\ZHUHVRLQWHUHVWHGLQKHDULQJ-HVXV most of them had not given any thought to what they would eat and they didn”t have a fast food restaurant on every corner like we do. Would you go somewhere, even if you had no food for the day and would not be where you can get any? Would you tell everyone you know about the event and encour- age them to come too? Read Mark 6:33, 54-55, Psalm 42:1-2, Luke 12:34 :KDWVDWLV¿HV\RXUJUHDWHVWORQJLQJ":KRDUH\RX³LQWKHFURZG´"$UH you curious to see if what he is saying or doing is real? Will you run like the crowd to hear Jesus, wanting him more than anything else?

86 Community Group Guide Read Mark 6:30-56 What stood out to you from this passage or the sermon? Were there any points in the family devotions or daily readings that gen- erated a good discussion in your family? Any that stood out for you personal- ly? Why? Deepen 9DQFH+DYQHUVDLG³,I\RXGRQ´WFRPHDSDUWDQGUHVW\RXZLOOFRPHDSDUW Jesus encouraged the disciples to rest a while.” Why is this so important? What principles about resting do you see in this passage? What happens if we don”t rest? This passage includes several vignettes, or short stories. The characters in these stories are quite different. What character can you most relate to this week? What can we learn from each of them? Consider Jesus, the 12 disciples, the crowd that was fed, the people of Gen- nesaret. The passage said that Jesus saw the great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. What does this tell us about the people; the sheep and the shepherds? :KDWGRHVWKLVWHOOXVDERXW-HVXV"+RZGLG-HVXVUHVSRQGWRKLVGLVFLSOHV through this section? Jesus said “It is I”, literally, I AM.

Read Exodus 3:14 What does this tell us about how Jesus will respond to you?


Where do you go for times of refreshing? Do you plan and use rest time effectively? What do you need to do to ensure you have energy and wisdom for the next assignment? What characters in these stories best describes you? Are you hard of heart like the disciples? Are you running to meet Jesus, eagerly anticipating what he is going to do in your life and to see how he will impact others?

87 Sermon Notes

88 Form/Faith

Mark 7

Written by Will Stranathan

Sermon Date: February 23, 2014 Reading

Day 1 (February 17) Mark 7:1-7, Isaiah 29:13-14

Day 2 (February 18) Mark 7:8-13

Day 3 (February 19) Mark 7:14-23

Day 4 (February 20) Mark 7:24-30

Day 5 (February 21) Mark 7:31-37

90 Reading

Day 1 (February 17) Mark 7:1-7, Isaiah 29:13-14 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

91 Reading

Day 2 (February 18) Mark 7:8-13 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

92 Reading

Day 3 (February 19) Mark 7:14-23 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

93 Reading

Day 4 (February 20) Mark 7:24-30 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

94 Reading

Day 5 (February 21) Mark 7:31-37 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

95 Family Devotions February 17, 2014

Tradition and Obedience

Most families have many traditions. Sometimes traditions are centered around holidays: which decorations go up when? what activities do you know are going to happen that day? what foods will be there? Sometimes traditions are based on vacations: are there games your family always plays in the car on the way? do you have a vacation spot you always visit? what songs will you sing when you go? From time to time, though, these traditions can get in the way of enjoy- ing the thing itself. Can you imagine a Thanksgiving where Mom and Dad were so focused on getting the turkey and sweet potatoes just right, and in doing so missed fellowship with the family? What are some of the traditions your family has that are really import- ant?

Read Mark 7:1-13

The Pharisees who followed Jesus around loved to catch him not obeying WUDGLWLRQV,QWKLVFDVH-HVXV¶GLVFLSOHVGRQ¶WZDVKWKHLUKDQGVH[DFWO\WKH ULJKWZD\7KH3KDULVHHVTXHVWLRQ-HVXVDERXWWKLVDVLIWKHYHU\VSHFL¿FZD\ you wash your hands is of critical importance. Jesus talks about some of their traditions and how these have gotten in the way of faithfully obeying God. What kind of traditions do you have that might keep you from walking with Jesus the way he wants? What traditions do you keep that help you walk with Jesus?

96 Family Devotions February 19, 2014

Inside Out

The things that go into your body are really important. What you eat can help prevent you from getting sick and help you be healthy, or if you eat the ZURQJWKLQJVLWFDQPDNH\RXXQKHDOWK\RUHYHQVLFN+RZHYHUZKDW\RXHDW XVXDOO\VWDUWVZLWKDGHFLVLRQDERXWZKDWWRHDWGRHVQ¶WLW")RRGLVQ¶WWKHRQO\ thing that goes into our bodies. Everything we see, hear, smell, and touch also goes in. The music you listen to can get stuck in your head, but do you usually get to decide what kind of music you listen to? What kinds of things do you take in that are good for you? What kinds of WKLQJVGR\RXWDNHLQWKDWDUHQ¶WVRJRRG"

Read Mark 7:14-23

Jesus explains to his disciples that the things in the world that you see, KHDUWDVWHWRXFKRUVPHOODUHQ¶WWKHWKLQJVWKDWUXLQ\RX,W¶VZKDW¶VDOUHDG\ LQVLGH\RXWKDWPDWWHUV7KHORQJOLVWRIWKLQJVLQYHUVHVDUHQ¶WDUHVXOW of things you take in, but more because of your heart. If you want to be free from those things, Jesus needs to give you a new heart. +DYH\RXDVNHG-HVXVIRUDQHZKHDUW"+DVKHFKDQJHG\RXUDIIHFWLRQV for sinful behavior to affections for him?

97 Family Devotions February 21, 2014

Faith in Action

We all have people that we trust. Maybe you trust your parents or other family members. Maybe you trust teachers. Maybe you trust your pastors. Maybe you have very close friends that you trust. The way we trust people affects the way they are able to help us. For example, because you trust that your parents are able to get you to practice, you get in the car, and they get you there. Who are some of the people you trust? Why do you trust them?

Read Mark 25-35

In verse 25, a woman whose daughter is tormented trusts Jesus to be able to help her daughter, and it shows when she falls down at his feet! In YHUVHDPDQZKRFDQ¶WKHDURUVSHDNKDVIULHQGVZKRWUXVWWKDW-HVXVLV able to help their friend hear and speak - they trust him enough to beg Jesus WRKHDOKLP,QWKH¿UVWVWRU\-HVXVKHDOVWKHZRPDQ¶VGDXJKWHUMXVWE\ speaking. In the second, he touched the man, but it was when Jesus spoke that the man was able to hear and speak. Jesus is able to do miracles just by speaking, and did even more great things on the cross for you! 'R\RXWUXVW-HVXV":K\FDQZHWUXVWKLP"+RZGRHVWUXVWLQJ-HVXV change the way we act toward him?

98 Community Group Guide Remember Mark chapter 7 covers an encounter Jesus had with the Pharisees who questioned him about ritual hand washing, then what causes us to sin, then goes on to cover two miracles Jesus performed. What from the sermon im- pacted you? What was interesting or new to you?

Read Mark 7:1-13

Read Mark 7:14-23 What observations came up during your family devotions this week? Were there any interesting discussions or teachable moments? Deepen What are some of the things that we hold dear that might be “tradition” as opposed to commands or things we should do in obedience? Do any of these hinder our ability to worship Jesus and share him with the world? In vv. 9-13, Jesus states that the Pharisees will give up things to God, but ZRQ¶WXVHWKHLUSRVVHVVLRQVWRKHOSWKHLUSDUHQWV Read 1 Timothy 5:3-8 +RZGR\RXWKLQNWKLVSDVVDJHUHODWHVWR-HVXV¶DUJXPHQWDJDLQVWWKH 3KDULVHHV¶EHKDYLRU":KDWGRHVYHUVHVD\DERXWVRPHERG\ZKRFDUHVIRUKLV widowed mother? In vv. 14-23, Jesus says that the things that make us sin are what comes out of us, not what we take in. What do you think this means? Read Matthew 5:29-30 +RZGRHVWKLVUHODWHWR-HVXV¶VWDWHPHQWWKDWZKDWLVLQXVLVZKDWFDXVHV us to sin? Do our hands or our eyes cause us to sin? What new body part do we QHHGWRUHFHLYHLQRUGHUWREHDEOHWRUHVLVWWHPSWDWLRQ" :HQHHGQHZKHDUWV  In vv. 24-37, how do the woman with the sick daughter and the folks who EULQJWKHGHDIDQGPXWHPDQWR-HVXVGLVSOD\WKHLUIDLWK"+RZGRHV-HVXV UHVSRQGLQHDFKRIWKHVHFDVHV"$UHWKHUHVSHFL¿FZD\V ZKHUH\RX¶YHFRPHWR-HVXVLQIDLWKDQG he responded with a miracle?


+RZZLOO\RXUHVSRQGWR-HVXVLQHYHU\GD\SUDFWLFHVRUWUDGLWLRQV that might get in the way of obeying Jesus and sharing him with those around you? ,Q5RPDQV3DXOHQFRXUDJHVXVWR³EHWUDQVIRUPHGE\WKH renewing of your mind”. What ways will you seek to make this happen so that you can obey Jesus?

99 Sermon Notes

100 Demands

Mark 8:1-38

Written by Jon Wiersbe

Sermon Date: March 2, 2014 Reading

Day 1 (February 24) Mark 8:1-13, Psalm 95:7b-11

Day 2 (February 25) Mark 8:14-21, Exodus 12:17-20, Leviticus 2:11

Day 3 (February 26) Mark 8:22-26

Day 4 (February 27) Mark 8:27-30

Day 5 (February 28) Mark 8:31-38

102 Reading

Day 1 (February 24) Mark 8:1-13, Psalm 95:7b-11 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

103 Reading

Day 2 (February 25) Mark 8:14-21, Exodus 12:17-20, Leviticus 2:11 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

104 Reading

Day 3 (February 26) Mark 8:22-26 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

105 Reading

Day 4 (February 27) Mark 8:27-30 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

106 Reading

Day 5 (February 28) Mark 8:31-38 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

107 Family Devotions February 24, 2014

Signs, Signs, and More Signs

The Pharisees are seeking another opportunity to make Jesus stumble, and this time they are doing so by asking for a clear sign from Jesus. In fact, the literal word is they came to test and tempt Jesus by asking him to per- form a miracle by providing manna from heaven.

Read Mark 8:11-12 and John 6:30-31

Why do you think the Pharisees wanted to make Jesus stumble? When has manna from heaven been provided previously? The Pharisees request is similar to that of the Israelites who, though they had been given evidence, doubted the previous signs and asked God to provide new evidence. ,QZKDWZD\VDUHZHVLPLODUWRWKH3KDULVHHV"'RHV-HVXV¶DXWKRULW\HYHU make you feel uncomfortable? Why? Pray that God would change our hearts so that we can know Jesus as Lord.

108 Family Devotions February 26, 2014

Got Leaven?

Read Mark 8:14-21

Leaven is an ingredient that causes bread dough to rise. (You can show \RXUFKLOGUHQDSLHFHRIEUHDG /HDYHQLVPHQWLRQHGWKURXJKRXWWKH%LEOH In the Old Testament we see that, during Passover, leaven is not to be used in offerings or be in the home and that grain offerings are to be free of leaven. In the New Testament, leaven is discussed not as an ingredient, but instead used as a symbol for evil. Look up the following passages and note how leav- en is used as a representation of sin: ‡ Galatians 5:7-10 ‡ 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 ‡ Luke 12:1-3 +RZGRHV0DUNXVHWKHZRUGOHDYHQDQGKRZGRHVLWUHODWHWRWKHSUHYL- ous 3 passages? Jesus is very direct with the disciples in telling them to beware the leaven RI+HURGDQGWKH3KDULVHHV\HWWKH\IRFXVRQZKDWIRRGWKH\KDYH+RZFDQ we be focused on God instead of focusing on our own temporary desires (see 3VDOP " Pray that God would help you to value his Kingdom more than tempo- rary things as a family.

109 Family Devotions February 28, 2014

Who Are We Most Like in the Gospel of Mark?

Jesus and the disciples are currently on their journey back to Jerusalem ZKHUH-HVXVZLOOGLHRQDFURVVDQGWKHHPSKDVLVRI-HVXV¶WHDFKLQJLVQRZRQ KLVGHDWKDQGUHVXUUHFWLRQ3HWHUMXVWULJKWO\UHVSRQGHGWR-HVXV¶TXHVWLRQLQ prior verses that he is the Christ, yet we see Peter immediately being rebuked by Jesus.

Read Mark 8:27-38

This seems like a very odd thing, yet we have seen throughout the Gospel of Mark that the disciples are taught directly from Jesus, but then they act as though they have heard or done nothing. Is that not like us? We look at the PLUURURIWKH*RVSHODQGLPPHGLDWHO\IRUJHWZKDWZHORRNOLNH -DPHV  ,QZKDWRWKHUZD\VGRZHNQRZDQGVHH*RG¶VFRPPDQGVDQGVWDWXWHV yet do not follow him as he has called us? What other examples from the dis- ciples mistakes can you see yourself in? What are some ways that we can help RQHDQRWKHUUHPHPEHU*RG¶VZRUG" Pray that God would help you to remember his teachings and gospel throughout the mundane moments of life.

110 Community Group Guide Remember What stood out to you from this passage or from the sermon? Were there any points in the family devotions or daily readings that gen- erated a good discussion in your family? Any that stood out for you personal- ly? Why? Deepen The feeding of the four thousand is often confused with the feeding of the ¿YHWKRXVDQGZKLFKLVUHFRUGHGLQDOO*RVSHOV7KLVHYHQWLVRQO\UHFRUGHGLQ Matthew and Mark though. Jesus recognizes the needs of the people who have come to hear him speak and has asked that the people be fed. Despite Jesus having done this before, the disciples act as though feeding such a large group of people with almost no resources available has not already been accom- plished by Jesus. ,QZKDWZD\VKDYHZHVHHQ*RGOHDGGLUHFWDQGPHHWRXUQHHGV"+RZFDQ we ensure that we do not so easily forget his love and grace when faced with trials? Are we acting as the Pharisees when we pray and ask God to provide us YDULRXVWKLQJV"+RZFDQZHHQVXUHWKDWRXUUHTXHVWVDQGSUD\HUVDUHGRQHLQ DFFRUGDQFHWR*RG¶VZLOO"


At the end of the chapter, as Jesus turned to the crowd, his words were words of instruction. Jesus was instructing men who had already confessed Jesus as the Son of God – he was not telling them how to be saved, but how to make the most of their lives now that they are in Christ. In that, Jesus provided 3 conditions for true discipleship: ł :HPXVWVXUUHQGHURXUVHOYHVFRPSOHWHO\WRKLP ł :HPXVWLGHQWLI\ZLWKKLPLQVXIIHULQJDQGGHDWK 5RPDQV ł :HPXVWIROORZKLPREHGLHQWO\ZKHUHYHUKHOHDGV If you were to evaluate yourself against these three things, in what area do you need the most growth? What steps do you need to take through &KULVW¶VSRZHUWREHDWUXHGLVFLSOH"+RZFDQZHKHOSRQHDQRWKHULQFRPPX- nity to move towards discipleship? Spend some time praying with one another. 111 Sermon Notes

112 Dense Disciples

Mark 9

Written by Valerie Stranathan

Sermon Date: March 9, 2014 Reading

Day 1 (March 3) Mark 9:1-13, Luke 9:28-36

Day 2 (March 4) Mark 9:14-29, Matthew 14-20

Day 3 (March 5) Mark 9:30-37, Mark 8:31-38, Mark 10:32-45


Day 5 (March 7) Mark 19:42-50, Matthew 5:13, Luke 14:34-35

114 Reading

Day 1 (March 3) Mark 9:1-13, Luke 9:28-36 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

115 Reading

Day 2 (March 4) Mark 9:14-29, Matthew 14-20 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

116 Reading

Day 3 (March 5) Mark 9:30-37, Mark 8:31-38, Mark 10:32-45 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

117 Reading

Day 4 (March 6) 0DUN3KLOLSSLDQV5RPDQV R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

118 Reading

Day 5 (March 7) Mark 19:42-50, Matthew 5:13, Luke 14:34-35 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

119 Family Devotions March 3, 2014

The Transfiguration

'R\RXNQRZZKDWD7UDQVIRUPHULV"2QHPRPHQW\RX¶UHORRNLQJDW a simple car, then right in front of your eyes, it becomes a huge, powerful robot! Wow! Of course, Transformers are just make-believe for the movies DQGWR\VEXWZRXOGQ¶WLWEHDPD]LQJWRVHHVRPHWKLQJOLNHWKDWLQUHDOOLIH" Something would look plain and boring and ordinary, then all of sudden it becomes something amazing and beautiful. What are some of the things you can think of that change from ordinary to beautiful? (Christmas trees, when you clean your room, when you see VRPHRQHGUHVVHGXSHWF

Read Mark 9:1-13

Jesus took his favorite disciples with him up to a mountain and right in front of their eyes, Jesus went from their regular-looking friend to an DPD]LQJVKLQ\JORULRXVEHLQJ+HVKRZHGWKHPWKDWKHZDVLQGHHG*RG Jesus even brought down Moses and Elijah from heaven for a conversation. :HOOWKHGLVFLSOHVZHUHMXVWDVVKRFNHGDV\RXRU,ZRXOGEHDQGGLGQ¶WTXLWH know what to do, but God had a special purpose for allowing the disciples to see Jesus that way. God said out loud, “This is My beloved Son, listen to him!” God wanted to make sure that the disciples believed everything Jesus said and that they really listened to what Jesus said. Not just, “Yeah, I hear you,” but “Yes, Jesus! I want to do what you you tell me! I want to remember everything you say!” Does your mom or dad ever say, “Listen to me!”? Why do they have to VD\WKDW",VLWEHFDXVH\RXZHUHQ¶WUHDOO\OLVWHQLQJDQGIROORZLQJLQVWUXFWLRQV WKH¿UVWWLPH" Do you think God had to tell the disciples to “Listen!” because they ZHUHQ¶WUHDOO\OLVWHQLQJDQGIROORZLQJLQVWUXFWLRQVWKH¿UVWWLPH" Pray that God would give us faith to know Jesus as God. Pray that God would give us ears to hear his word, trust and believe.

120 Family Devotions March 5, 2014

Servant of All

We all like to be helpers. In school, all the kids want to be chosen to be the line leader or to deliver a note to another classroom. We feel special when we get to pass out papers or sing in front of the church. We get to go places DQGGRWKLQJVWKDWZHQRUPDOO\ZRXOGQ¶WJHWWRDQGHYHU\RQHVHHVXVGRLQJLW What ways do you help at school or home? Does it make you feel special when other people see you helping? Does it make you feel good when people tell you thank you for helping?

Read Mark 9:30-37

Jesus was spending a lot of time teaching his disciples how they should act because he knew he was about to die on the cross. It was his last chance alone with them to make sure they understood what was going to happen. %XWWKHGLVFLSOHVGLGQ¶WUHDOO\XQGHUVWDQG,QVWHDGRIDVNLQJKLPWRH[SODLQ and teach them more, they started arguing among themselves about which RQHRIWKHPZDVWKHJUHDWHVW+RZWHUULEOHLVWKDW"$IWHU-HVXVZDVWU\LQJWR tell them he was going to die, the disciples went off and had a big discussion DERXWZKRZDVWKHPRVWDZHVRPH&DQ¶W\RXMXVWLPDJLQHKRZWKDWVRXQGHG" ³,¶PEHWWHUWKDQ\RX´³1RZD\PDQ-HVXVOLNHVPHWKHEHVW´ When Jesus asked them what they were talking about, the disciples were HPEDUUDVVHG7KH\GLGQ¶WZDQW-HVXVWRNQRZWKH\ZHUHDUJXLQJDERXWZKR was the best, but Jesus knew anyway. So he sat down with the disciples and WULHGWRH[SODLQDJDLQKRZ\RXVKRXOGQ¶WWU\WREHWKHEHVW

121 Family Devotions March 7, 2014

Stuff That Causes Sin

About 10 years ago, there was a story in the news of a man who went KLNLQJE\KLPVHOI1RZWKLVLVQ¶WH[DFWO\news as lots of people go hiking every day. What made this hiking trip newsworthy was what happened while KHZDVKLNLQJ:KLOHKHZDVZDONLQJDORQJD+8*(URFNIHOORQKLVDUP DQGKHZDVWUDSSHG7KHPDQFRXOGQ¶WJHWORRVHQRPDWWHUZKDWKHWULHG+H waited there for days and he was running out of food and water, but no one HOVHFDPHWRKHOSKLP7KHUHZDVRQO\RQHWKLQJIRUKLPWRGR+HWLHGDUDJ tight around his arm and then he used a small knife and cut off his own arm. Wow! It seems like a terribly drastic thing to have to cut off your own arm, but the man knew that it was only way that he could escape. 7KHKLNHUORVWKLVDUPEXWVDYHGKLVOLIH,VWKHUHDQ\WKLQJKDUG\RX¶YH KDGWRGREHIRUH\RXFRXOGJHWVRPHWKLQJEHWWHU" (DWDGLQQHU\RXGLGQ¶WOLNH so you could get dessert, clean your room so you could go to a party, do a job \RXGLGQ¶WOLNHVR\RXFRXOGHDUQPRQH\HWF  Read Mark 9:42-50 Jesus is using some really crazy examples about cutting off arms and feet DQGH\HVEHFDXVHKHZDQWVKLVGLVFLSOHV DQG\RXDQG, WROLVWHQYHU\FORVHO\ and pay attention to what he says. Jesus is making a point that whatever is getting in your way, whatever is making you sin, then you need to get rid of LW'R\RX¿JKWZLWK\RXUEURWKHURYHUDYLGHRJDPH"6WRSSOD\LQJLW'R\RX like candy so much that you sneak and eat some without asking? Ask your mom to hide it! Do your friends get you in trouble at school or at work? Find some new friends! 0RVWRIWKHWLPHLW¶VUHDOO\KDUGWRJHWULGRIWKHVWXIIWKDWPDNHVXVVLQ EHFDXVHZHUHDOO\OLNHWKDWVWXIIDQGXVXDOO\WKHVWXIILWVHOILVQ¶WEDG/LNHWKH hiker who lost his arm; his arm was a good thing, but it was keeping him IURPHVFDSLQJ+HKDGWRGHFLGHWKDWLWZDVEHWWHUWROLYHZLWKRQHDUPWKDQ die with two. Video games and candy and friends can be good things, but if we use them in a bad way, then they are bad for us. And if they are bad for us, then God wants us to get rid of them. God knows that the sinful behavior will GHVWUR\XV+HORYHVXVDQGZDQWVJRRGWKLQJVIRUXVDQGWKHEHVWWKLQJWKDW he gives us is himself. 'R\RXKDYHVRPHWKLQJLQ\RXUOLIHWKDW¶VPDNLQJ\RXVLQ"+RZFDQ\RX get rid of it? 122 Community Group Guide Remember 7KLVZHHN¶VUHDGLQJDQGVHUPRQIRFXVHGRQVRPHRIWKHZD\VWKHGLV- FLSOHVMXVWGLGQ¶WJHWLW7KH\GLGQ¶WXQGHUVWDQGZKDWZDVJRLQJRQDQGWKH\ were far more focused on themselves than on what Jesus was trying to help them understand. Read Mark 9 What stood out to you from this passage or from the sermon? Were there any points in the family devotions or daily readings that gen- erated a good discussion in your family? Any that stood out for you personal- ly? Why? Deepen :KDWGRHVWKHZRUGWUDQV¿JXUDWLRQPHDQ":K\GR\RXWKLQN-HVXVZDV WUDQV¿JXUHGEHIRUHWKHGLVFLSOHV"7KLQNDERXW*RG¶VPHVVDJHWRWKHGLVFLSOHV RQWKHPRXQWDLQ³7KLVLVP\EHORYHG6RQOLVWHQWRKLP´+RZFDQOLVWHQLQJWR -HVXVIRFXVLQJRQ-HVXVUHVXOWLQDSHUVRQDOWUDQV¿JXUDWLRQ" Jesus and the three disciples come from the glory of the mountaintop down to an angry, frustrated crowd. When Jesus helps the young man who is possessed by a demon, he rebukes the disciples and the father for a lack of faith. The father cries, “I believe; help my unbelief!” Where does our faith come IURP"&DQZHKDYHIDLWKRQRXURZQ"+RZGRZH¿QGWKHIDLWKWRIDFHJUHDW challenges? “Our faith must be put to work in order to mature, and the work of the kingdom takes place in the valley, not on the mountaintop.” (Community Bible 6WXG\RQ0DUN +DYH\RXHYHUKDGD³PRXQWDLQWRSH[SHULHQFH´"5HWUHDWVDQGFRQIHUHQFHV are often described as such, a time of renewal and recommitment to our faith DQGSXUSRVH+RZHYHULWFDQEHDURFN\UHHQWU\EDFNWRRXUHYHU\GD\OLIHZLWK LW¶VVFKHGXOHVDQGGHPDQGVDQGZHHLWKHUORVHVLJKWRIWKHJRDOVZHMXVWVHW back on the mountaintop or we get mired down in frustration that everything is JHWWLQJLQWKHZD\RIWKRVHJRDOV+RZGRZHRYHUFRPHWKRVHWZRSUREOHPVDQG get on with the work of the kingdom? Three times, Mark records Jesus trying to tell the disciples about his up- FRPLQJGHDWK  (DFKWLPHWKHGLVFLSOHVGRQ¶WJHW it and end up arguing with Jesus or with each other. Why do you think they are DIUDLGWRDVNTXHVWLRQV":K\GRHVWKHWDONWXUQVRTXLFNO\WRZKR¶VWKHEHVWDQG who will get the greatest reward? In vv. 9:38-41, John complains about some other guy who was trying to GRJRRGLQWKHQDPHRI-HVXV WKHQHUYHRIWKDWJX\ +RZTXLFNDUHZHWR MXGJHRWKHUVZKRGRQ¶WZRUVKLSH[DFWO\OLNHZHGR"+RZDERXWRWKHUVZKR KDYHGLIIHUHQWSULRULWLHVRUZKRVKDUHWKHJRVSHOLQDZD\ZLWKZKLFKZHDUHQ¶W comfortable? Continued on Next Page...

123 Community Group Guide Deepen - Continued 7KHGLVFLSOHVVSHQGDORWRIWLPHGLVFXVVLQJZKRZDVWKHJUHDWHVW5DQN was very important in Jewish society, so it was culturally understandable that they would focus on this, but Jesus spent a great deal of time trying to teach WKHPWKDW*RG¶VLGHDRIJUHDWQHVVZDVYHU\GLIIHUHQW5HDGWKHIROORZLQJYHUVHV and discuss what each teaches about how God measures greatness. 1. 1 Samuel 16:7 2. Matthew 5:19 3. Matthew 20:25-28 4. Philippians 2:5-8 Chapter 9 ends with a strong warning against allowing anything to stand EHWZHHQ\RXDQG*RG+DQGVIHHWH\HVWKLQJVWKDWDUHDOOXVHIXODQGJRRG - are used as examples of how ruthless you have to be about getting rid of any- thing and everything in your life that is causing you to sin. What are some of the things in our lives that might be causing sin? Try to think beyond the easy things like computers and TV.


What are some areas where you have been convicted this ZHHNDQGQHHGWRFRQIHVVDQGUHSHQW"+RZFDQWKHJURXSKHOS you in these areas?

124 Sermon Notes

125 Money, Marriage, and Power

Mark 10

Written by Will Stranathan

Sermon Date: March 16, 2014 Reading

Day 1 (March 10) Mark 10:1-12, Genesis 2:18-25

Day 2 (March 11) Mark 10:13-16

Day 3 (March 12) Mark 10:17-34

Day 4 (March 13) Mark 10:35-45

Day 5 (March 14) Mark 10:46-52

127 Reading

Day 1 (March 10) Mark 10:1-12, Genesis 2:18-25 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

128 Reading

Day 2 (March 11) Mark 10:13-16 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

129 Reading

Day 3 (March 12) Mark 10:17-34 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

130 Reading

Day 4 (March 13) Mark 10:35-45 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

131 Reading

Day 5 (March 14) Mark 10:46-52 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

132 Family Devotions March 10, 2014

The Importance of Marriage

There are lots of family relationships - married couples, strong friend- ships, brothers and sisters, extended families, children to parents, cowork- ers, etc. Marriage is a very special relationship, though. Many relationships KDSSHQDVDPDWWHURIFLUFXPVWDQFH\RXGRQ¶WUHDOO\JHWWRFKRRVHZKRDOO your coworkers are or who your neighbors are. Often, friendships just hap- SHQZLWKRXWDFRQVFLRXVFKRLFH+RZHYHUPDUULDJHLVDGHFLVLRQDUULYHGDWE\ both the husband and wife. What do you think makes marriage special?

Read Mark 10:2-9

In this passage, the Pharisees ask Jesus whether divorce is allowed. Je- sus quickly turns the question on its head, however, and talks about the im- SRUWDQFHRIPDUULDJH+HQRWRQO\HPSKDVL]HVWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIWKHUHODWLRQ- VKLSLWVHOIEXWZK\LW¶VVRLPSRUWDQWWRZRUNWRSUHVHUYHWKDWUHODWLRQVKLS

Read Genesis 2:18-25

Why does God see marriage as such an important relationship? What do others learn about our relationship to Jesus through a healthy marriage? +RZGRHVDQXQKHDOWK\PDUULDJHGLVWRUWWKDWLPDJH",I\RX¶YHEHHQWKURXJK a divorce, either directly or through a close family member, do you pray for *RG¶VJUDFHWKURXJKWKDW"+RZGRZHH[WHQGJUDFHWRRWKHUVZKRKDYHEHHQ through it?

133 Family Devotions March 12, 2014

Money and the Heart

The Bible spends a whole lot of time talking about money. It seems these GD\VWKDWYHU\OLWWOHFDQEHGRQHZLWKRXWPRQH\+RPHVFDUVIRRGDQG clothes cost money. Schools need money to operate. Lots of activities we do IRUIXQFRVWPRQH\&KXUFKHVQHHGPRQH\WRRSHUDWH+RZHYHULIZHFHQWHU our lives around money and how to acquire more of it, things quickly become bad. +RZGR\RXIHHODERXWPRQH\",VLWVRPHWKLQJXVHIXOIRUPHHWLQJVRPH other objective?

Read Mark 10:17-31

,QWKLVSDVVDJHZHVHHDULFKPDQ VHHYKHKDGJUHDWSRVVHVVLRQV  who comes to Jesus to ask how he can inherit eternal life. Jesus asks the man if he keeps the commandments, then he points out several of the command- ments. The man explains that he keeps all those commandments (does he UHDOO\" 7KHQ-HVXVVWDWHVWKDWWKHPDQVKRXOGVHOODOOKHKDVDQGJLYHWR WKHSRRU:KDWKDSSHQVQH[WLVVFDU\WKHPDQGHFLGHVKH¶GPXFKUDWKHUEH wealthy today than spend eternity with God. -HVXVDFWXDOO\JLYHVJUHDWKRSHLQWKHQH[WSDUDJUDSK:KLOHLW¶VH[- WUHPHO\GLI¿FXOWIRUDZHDOWK\SHUVRQWRPDNHLWLQWRKHDYHQ,QYHUVH Jesus points out that all things are possible with God. This includes for sinful people to be reconciled to God. What does your attitude towards money or possessions say about God? +DYH\RXSUD\HGIRU*RGWRGRZKDWLVLPSRVVLEOHIRU\RXDQGVDYH\RX" When God does this for you, how should it change your attitude towards money and possessions? Whose possessions are they, really?

134 Family Devotions March 14, 2014

Real Power

It seems many in the world want to be powerful. Sometimes folks aspire to be the leader of a big company, or President, or leader of a club. Some want to be the captain of a team, or the most popular student in school. +RZHYHUWKHUH¶VDELJGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQEHLQJLQDSRVLWLRQRIOHDGHUVKLS and being a real leader. Some people in leadership positions use the position to show others how great the leader is, but true leaders are different, and are willing to do the work nobody else wants to do. What is the real mark of leadership? Is it the power of the leader, or drawing others to a much more important goal?

Read Mark 10:35-45

In this passage, James and John ask Jesus to let them sit at his left and ULJKWKDQGZKHQKH¶VLQKLVJORU\7REHDWWKHULJKWKDQGRUOHIWRIWKHOHDGHU at a table was itself a position of power. It showed that the head of the table chose those people to be seated there. Jesus, however, explains to James and John that his position in glory will cost him a great deal. In the end, it cost him being arrested, beaten, and a horrible death. In verse 45, Jesus explains WKHYHU\UHDVRQKH¶VRQHDUWKQRWWREHVHUYHGEXWWRVHUYHDQGWRJLYHKLV life as a ransom for many. -HVXVZRUGVKHUHDUHGLI¿FXOWDQGFKDOOHQJLQJ,QYHUVH-HVXVVD\V WKDWWKHGLVFLSOHVZLOODOVRHQGXSVXIIHULQJIRUWKHVDNHRIWKH*RVSHODQGLW¶V QRW-HVXV¶GHFLVLRQZKRJHWVWRVLWZKHUHLQKHDYHQ7KHKRSHKHUHWKRXJK is in verse 45 - that Jesus is going to do something for those who trust in him that they could not possibly do for themselves. What do you think Jesus means when in verse 43 and 44 that whoever is WREHJUHDWPXVWEHDVHUYDQWWRDOODQGZKRHYHULVWREH¿UVWPXVWEHVODYH WRDOO"+DYH\RXWUXVWHG-HVXVDQGWKHZRUNKH¶VGRQHIRU\RX"+RZGRHVWKLV change your attitude toward leadership and power?

135 Community Group Guide Remember 0DUNPRYHVDURXQGTXLFNO\LQVPDOOVWRULHVLQ-HVXV¶PLQLVWU\VRWKHUH are lots of short stories, each of which has a lesson in itself. What are some things from the sermon which caused you to think the most? What thoughts do you have from the sermon which are particularly impacting to you? Deepen Read Mark 10:1-12

What things does Jesus say about divorce in this passage? Do his remarks on divorce say that a divorce is the only option, even when there has been adul- WHU\",QVWXGLHVRIXQKDSS\PDUULDJHVLW¶VEHHQVKRZQWKDWWKRVHZKRUHPDLQ married end up being happy in their marriages in the long-term, while those who divorce are no happier. God gives us commandments for our own good. In Genesis 2:18-25, God establishes the marriage coventant. Why else is marriage so important? What does divorce say about the importance of marriage or about God? What does Jesus say about the kingdom of heaven in verses 13-16 and 35- "+RZLVWKLVGLIIHUHQWIURPWKHZD\WKLQJVRSHUDWHRQHDUWK"

Read Matthew 10:38-39, Romans 12:1, Colossians 1:24

:KDWLV-HVXV¶VWDWHPHQWDERXWZHDOWKLQYHUVHV":KDWKRSHGRHVKH give even if we are wealthy? Whose wealth is it anyway?



137 The King Enters

Mark 11

Written by George Miller

Sermon Date: March 23, 2014 Reading

Day 1 (March 17) Mark 11:1-11, Matthew 21:1-11, Luke 19:29-44, John 12:12-15, Zechariah 9:9

Day 2 (March 18) Mark 11:12-14, Matthew 21:18-19

Day 3 (March 19) Mark 11:15-19, Matthew 21:12-16, Luke 19:45-47, Isaiah 56:7, Jeremiah 7:11

Day 4 (March 20) Mark 11:20-25, Matthew 21:19-22, James 1:5-6, Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13

Day 5 (March 21) Mark 11:27-33, Matthew 21:23-27, Luke 20:1-8

139 Reading

Day 1 (March 17) Mark 11:1-11, Matthew 21:1-11, Luke 19:29-44, John 12:12-15, Zechariah 9:9 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

140 Reading

Day 2 (March 18) Mark 11:12-14, Matthew 21:18-19 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

141 Reading

Day 3 (March 19) Mark 11:15-19, Matthew 21:12-16, Luke 19:45-47, Isaiah 56:7, Jeremiah 7:11 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

142 Reading

Day 4 (March 20) Mark 11:20-25, Matthew 21:19-22, James 1:5-6, Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

143 Reading

Day 5 (March 21) Mark 11:27-33, Matthew 21:23-27, Luke 20:1-8 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

144 Family Devotions March 17, 2014

Triumphal Entry


Read Romans 10:9-10, 13, John 3:16, John 3:36, John 5:24, John 6:47

Jesus came so you can live.

Read John 10: 9-11

145 Family Devotions March 19, 2014

Jesus Cleanses the Temple

Read Mark 11:15-19

7KLVLVWKHVHFRQGWLPH-HVXVKDVFOHDQVHGWKHWHPSOH -RKQ  The buying and selling took place in the court of the Gentiles. This should have been a place for prayer for all the nations. Instead the religious leaders had made it into a place of commerce. It was more convenient for DWUDYHOHUWRSXUFKDVHDQDQLPDOIRUVDFUL¿FHDWWKHWHPSOHUDWKHUWKDQULVN WKHLUDQLPDOQRWSDYVVLQJWKH+LJK3ULHVWLQVSHFWLRQ$OOVHOOHUVEHORQJHG WRWKH+LJK3ULHVWO\KLHUDUFK\RUSDLGDODUJHIHHWRVHOO,QHLWKHUFDVHWKH +LJK3ULHVW¶VIDPLO\EHQH¿WHG¿QDQFLDOO\3LOJULPVWUDYHOLQJWRWKHWHPSOH ZRXOGEHUHTXLUHGWRH[FKDQJHWKHLU*UHHNDQG5RPDQFRLQVWR-HZLVKRU 7\ULDQFRLQVIRUWKHWHPSOHWD[ KDOIVKHNHO([ 7KHIHHIRUH[- changing the currency was 10 to 12 percent. Are there ways that we rob God? Are we more concerned with the size of our bank account or a new toy than giving God the glory for what he has graciously given us?

Read Isaiah 56:7

+RXVHRI3UD\HURU'HQRI7KLHYHV"7KHFRXUWRIWKHJHQWLOHVZDVWKHRQO\ place in the temple that gentiles could pray and worship God, yet the reli- gious leaders had turned it into a den of thieves. A den of thieves is the place where thieves would run to when they wanted to hide. The religious leaders were using the temple to “cover up” their sin and hypocrisy. Isaiah (Isa 1:10-  DQG-HUHPLDK -HU KDGZDUQHGWKDWWKHSK\VLFDOWHPSOHGLGQRW guarantee the blessings from God. +RZFDQZHKLQGHURWKHUVIURPZRUVKLSLQJ-HVXVE\ZKDWZHGRZKHQ ZHJDWKHU"+DYHZHEHHQJXLOW\RIJRLQJWKURXJKWKHPRWLRQVRI³FKXUFK´" Does our worship come from the heart? God desires us to draw near to him. If we do he will draw near to us. Purify your hearts. James 4:8

146 Family Devotions March 21, 2014

Authority Questioned

Read Mark 11:27-33

7KH6DQKHGULQZDVWKHRI¿FLDOJXDUGLDQRIWKH/DZ7KH\KDGWKHULJKW to question anyone who claimed to be sent by God, so it was their job to question Jesus and ask by what authority he did “these things”. By cleaning out the temple of the business enterprise, Jesus had disrupted things to say the least. They were looking for a way to trap Jesus and destroy him (Mark  -HVXVWDNHVWKHFKLHISULHVWVWKHVFULEHVDQGWKHHOGHUVEDFNWR-RKQ the Baptist. They had already rejected John the Baptist. If they had accepted -RKQ¶VPHVVDJHWKHQWKH\ZRXOGKDYHDFFHSWHG&KULVWDQGKLVDXWKRULW\

Read John 7:17

The very ones who should know the scriptures were rejecting God in the ÀHVK 7KH0HVVLDK ULJKWEHIRUHWKHP-HVXVGRHVQRWJLYHWKHPDQDQVZHU because they were not interested in the truth. $UHZHZLOOLQJWRVWXG\WKHVFULSWXUHV" 6HH7LPRWK\ $UHZHLQWHU- HVWHGLQWKHWUXWK" 6HH-RKQ

147 Community Group Guide Remember Read Mark 11:1-33 What stood out to you from this passage or the sermon? Were there any points in the family devotions or daily readings that gen- erated a good discussion in your family? Any that stood out for you personal- ly? Why? Deepen Jesus is the King of the Jews. Read Mark 11: 1-11, Psalm 2:6, Zechariah 9:9 :KDWGRWKHVHSDVVDJHVVD\DERXW-HVXVDVWKH.LQJRIWKH-HZV"+RZGR the people respond to Jesus as he enters Jerusalem? In what ways can we be energized to “rejoice greatly” and “shout aloud” for King Jesus? Read Mark 11:12-14 and 20-25 -HVXVZDVKXQJU\KHZDQWVWRVHHIUXLWRQWKH¿JWUHH Does this seem to you that Jesus knew all things yet would have to go to the tree to see if it had fruit on it? We do not know why he did not just FUHDWHIUXLWRQWKH¿JWUHH God was looking to Israel to bear fruit for the kingdom. The religious lead- ers of Israel had the responsibility to teach the people. What kept Israel from bearing fruit for the kingdom? What was their faith in? What does Jesus say we are to do? In what ways have you experienced a season when your faith grew? Read Mark 11:27-33, 1 John 2:16 The chief priest, scribes and elders knew enough that if they answered that the baptism of John was from heaven that they would be guilty of unbelief. What were they really afraid of? What was the sin associated with that fear? +RZFDQZHEHJXLOW\RIWKHVDPHVLQ":KHUHDUHZHORRNLQJIRURXUDFFHSWDQFH today? Read 1 John 2:16 In what ways are we temped to be in love with the world?



148 Sermon Notes

149 The King Teaches

Mark 12

Written by Kristi Lee

Sermon Date: March 30, 2014 Reading

Day 1 (March 24) Mark 12:1-12, Nehemiah 9:26-31, Acts 4:11-12

Day 2 (March 25) Mark 12:13-27, John 2:23-25, John 12:37-43

Day 3 (March 26) Mark 12:28-34, I John 4:6-12, I John 3:18

Day 4 (March 27) Mark 12:35-40, Psalm 146:7-9, Psalm 147:6

Day 5 (March 28) Mark 12:41-44, Proverbs 11:24, Acts 20:35

151 Reading

Day 1 (March 24) Mark 12:1-12, Nehemiah 9:26-31, Acts 4:11-12 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

152 Reading

Day 2 (March 25) Mark 12:13-27, John 2:23-25, John 12:37-43 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

153 Reading

Day 3 (March 26) Mark 12:28-34, I John 4:6-12, I John 3:18 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

154 Reading

Day 4 (March 27) Mark 12:35-40, Psalm 146:7-9, Psalm 147:6 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

155 Reading

Day 5 (March 28) Mark 12:41-44, Proverbs 11:24, Acts 20:35 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

156 Family Devotions March 24, 2014

Jesus, the Teacher


Read Matthew 22:33

+RZGLGWKHSHRSOHUHVSRQGWR-HVXV¶VWHDFKLQJ">DVWRQLVKHG@ Discussion: What are some ways we can seek to be good students of Jesus, the great Teacher?

157 Family Devotions March 26, 2014

Jesus, the Cornerstone

+DYH\RXHYHUEXLOWDVDQGFDVWOHDQGWKHQZDWFKHGWKHZDYHVZDVKLW away? :KHQSHRSOHEXLOGKRXVHVWKH\¿UVWKDYHWROD\DIRXQGDWLRQVRWKH house will stand. Today we typically make foundations out of cement, but in Bible times they used rocks or stones. The most important rock was called WKHFRUQHUVWRQH7KHFRUQHUVWRQHZRXOGEHVHW¿UVWDQGWKHQDOOWKHRWKHU stones would be set around it. The cornerstone was important because it determined how strong the foundation and the building would be.

Read Ephesians 2:19-22

:KRLVWKHFRUQHUVWRQH">-HVXV&KULVW@ :KDWLV&KULVWEXLOGLQJ">+LVFKXUFK@ Think about your ideal house. Would it be made from brick? Stone? Logs? According to the passage, what is Christ building his house with? >3HRSOH@ 'LVFXVVLRQ:KDWSHRSOHDUHWKHVWRQHVRI&KULVW¶VEXLOGLQJ"

158 Family Devotions March 28, 2014

Who to Love and How to Love

7KLQNDERXWRQHRUWZRSHRSOHWKDWORYH\RXWKHPRVW+RZGR\RXNQRZ WKH\ORYH\RX",I\RX¶UHDFKLOGWKLQNLQJDERXW\RXUSDUHQWV\RXNQRZWKH\ love you because they tell you that they do, they know you the best, they take care of you, they feed you, they clothe you, etc.

Read Mark 12:30-31


Read Mark 12:41-44

What is one of the best ways we can show love to God and others? [Giv- LQJ@ Discussion: What are some things that we, as a family, can give to show our love for God and others?



Jesus was the perfect teacher during his time on earth, but we can still call him 7HDFKHUWRGD\+RZFDQZHSHUVRQDOO\DQGDVDJURXSEHVWXGHQWVRI&KULVW" Not only are we students of Christ, but we can also look at his example as a WHDFKHU+HREYLRXVO\FDUHGPRUHDERXWWKHWUXWKWKDQSOHDVLQJSHRSOH+LVZRUGV ZHUHGLUHFWZLWKQRFDQG\FRDWLQJ+RZZRXOGRXULQWHUDFWLRQVZLWKSHRSOHFKDQJHLI we emulated the attitude of Christ – a supreme concern for the truth? 0XFKRI-HVXV¶VWHDFKLQJLQWKLVFKDSWHUGHDOVZLWKORYHDQGJLYLQJ7KURXJKRXW Scripture, the two themes are often connected side by side. What do you think - Is it SRVVLEOHWRORYHZLWKRXWJLYLQJ",VLWSRVVLEOHWRJLYHZLWKRXWORYLQJ" ,&RU  What prevents us from wanting to give? Conversely, why do we sometimes give without loving? What are some practical ways we can show love to each other? What needs are there in our church body right now that we can seek to give to? What about in our community? 160 Sermon Notes

161 The King Promises

Mark 13

Written by Debbie Miller

Sermon Date: April 6, 2014 Reading

Day 1 (March 31) Mark 13:1-4, Luke 21:5-7, Luke 19:41-44

Day 2 (April 1) Mark 13:5-23

Day 3 (April 2) Mark 13:24-27

Day 4 (April 3) Mark 13:28-31

Day 5 (April 4) Mark 13:32-37

163 Reading

Day 1 (March 31) Mark 13:1-4, Luke 21:5-7, Luke 19:41-44 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

164 Reading

Day 2 (April 1) Mark 13:5-23 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

165 Reading

Day 3 (April 2) Mark 13:24-27 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

166 Reading

Day 4 (April 3) Mark 13:28-31 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

167 Reading

Day 5 (April 4) Mark 13:32-37 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

168 Family Devotions March 31, 2014

The Second Coming Are you ready?

Read Mark 13:1-2 +DYH\RXVHHQDEXLOGLQJWKDWVWULNHV\RXZLWKDZH",I\RXKDYHEHHQWR :DVKLQJWRQ'&\RXPD\KDYHWKDWVHQVHZKHQ\RXORRNDWWKH:KLWH+RXVH the Capitol Building, maybe even some of the monuments. The Pyramids of Egypt have that impact on some. Mark 13 begins with the disciples admiring the mag- QL¿FHQFHRIWKHWHPSOHZKLFKZDVWKHFHQWHURID-HZLVKSHUVRQ¶VOLIH-RVHSKXV a historian, describes it as having stones covered with gold or made of white marble such that it could be seen glowing from far away. It was constructed of such massive stones that even modern engineers have trouble explaining how the ,VUDHOLWHVFRXOGKDYHFXWPRYHGDQGVWDFNHGWKHPVRSHUIHFWO\¿WWRJHWKHUWKDW they did not need mortar between the blocks. Some of the blocks were 40 feet by IHHWE\IHHWORQJ%XW-HVXVGLGQRWVSHDNRIWKHPDJQL¿FHQFH-HVXVWHOOV them that every stone in the temple will be thrown down. This was an amazing statement because of the size of the blocks and also because the temple meant so much to the lives of the Jewish people. The temple had become an idol to them, which means some of them worshiped the temple more than the God for whom WKHWHPSOHZDVEXLOW%HIRUHZHFDQORYH*RGDQGKLV6RQDVZHRXJKWZHFDQ¶W have other idols in our life. We are told to love the Lord, our God with all your KHDUWZLWKDOO\RXUVRXODQGZLWKDOO\RXUPLQG 0DWW Do you have an idol that keeps you from worshiping God properly? Read 1 John 1:9 Even though the temple was the worship center, Jesus did not lament his ZDUQLQJWKDWWKHVWRQHVZRXOGEHWKURZQGRZQ+LVFRQFHUQZDVPRUHIRUKLV followers. Read Mark 13:4-14 What encouragements do you see for believers? ł 'RQ¶WEHGHFHLYHGYV ł 'RQ¶WEHWURXEOHGYV ł 'RQ¶WTXLWYV +RZGRZHHQGXUHWRWKHHQG" Read Hebrews 12:1-2 Mark 13: 13 And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake, But he who endures to the end shall be saved. 169 Family Devotions April 2, 2014

Tribulations come before Jesus’ return

Did you know that there are people serving Christ in other lands that face the kinds of tribulations or troubles that are listed in this passage? They are delivered over to civil governments or rulers and punished for their Christian faith. Sometimes, even their family or neighbors are against them. The Voice of the Martyr organization has a pamphlet called, Kids of Courage. In the Nov. 2013 edition, a Syrian family is highlighted. This is part of the story. ³$+DUG3ODFHWR/LYH´ Violence is not the only hardship for people who remain in Syria. A Syrian pastor said that because of the war, he has elec- tricity only three hours a day, and that other parts of the country are worse. Some people stay in Syria because they have nowhere else to go. But a church offered to help Samer, Liena, and their two children move to Europe. The church said they would provide the family with a house, take care of them, and even send their children to a private school. Samer and Liena prayed and fasted for days until they made a decision. They decided to stay in Syria and be a light for Christ. One night the family huddled together in their home as bombs fell on their neighborhood. Liena tried to prepare her children for what could happen. She told them that one day, terrorists might come to the door, and they might have swords. But, she told them, even if something bad happened and they died, “We will close our eyes, and we will open them again in heaven. And we will be with Jesus, singing with the angels.” No one came to the door that night, and the bombs stopped. The family continued to serve God in Syria.

Continued on Next Page...

170 Family Devotions April 2, 2014

Tribulations come before Jesus’ return - Continued

In our passage in Mark 13, there are some good things that come out of these kinds of tribulations. Notice verse 9. The gospel to be heard by those persecuting Christians. In verse 10, the gospel will be proclaimed to all the nations. In verse 11, the +RO\6SLULWZLOOVSHDNWKURXJKWKRVHEHLQJSHUVHFXWHG Am I a Soldier of the Cross by Isaac Watts 1. Am I a soldier of the cross? $IROO¶ZHURIWKH/DPE" And shall I fear to own his cause Or blush to speak his name? 2. Must I be carried to the skies 2QÀRZ¶U\EHGVRIHDVH While others fought to win the prize And sailed thru bloody seas? 3. Are there no foes for me to face? 0XVW,QRWVWHPWKHÀRRG" Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God? 6XUH,PXVW¿JKWLI,ZRXOGUHLJQ Increase my courage, Lord! ,¶OOEHDUWKHWRLOHQGXUHWKHSDLQ Supported by Thy word. Are you willing to be used by God to bring the good news of Jesus to people who have never heard? 7KHUHDUHPDQ\SDUWVWRSOD\¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUWSUD\HUVXSSRUWEHWKHRQHWRJR KHOSWKHIDPLOLHVOHIWDWKRPH:HDW([RGXVKDYHSDUWQHUHGZLWK5HGHHPHU'XEDLDQG Echelon Africa. Pray now about how you can be a partner in these mission opportuni- ties.

171 Family Devotions April 4, 2014

The King Promises a Second Coming Are you ready?

Watch and pray. Read Mark 13:24-37 'RQ¶W\RXORYHVSULQJ"7KHÀRZHUVDQGWUHHVFRPHEDFNWROLIHVSURXWLQJ JUHHQOHDYHVDQGSUHWW\FRORUV+DYH\RXVHHQKRZEHDXWLIXOWKHEORRPVRQ the peach trees, the dogwoods, and the redbuds are in the early spring? They DUHVRPHRIWKH¿UVWWUHHVWREORRP7KLVSDVVDJHWDONVDERXWD¿JWUHHZKLFK is one of the last trees to sprout leaves. It is so late that you can be assured that verse 28 says summer is near when you see its leaves. Jesus used the late EORRPLQJ¿JWUHHDVDV\PERO+HPHDQWWKDW\RXFDQEHFHUWDLQWKDWVXPPHU LVFRPLQJZKHQLW¿QDOO\VKRZVLWVOHDYHV -HVXVKDGMXVW¿QLVKHGJLYLQJVRPHLQGLFDWRUVIRUKLVVHFRQGFRPLQJLQ YHUVHV,QYHUVHKHJLYHVDVLPLODUDVVXUDQFH³+HDYHQDQGHDUWKZLOO pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” Read Isaiah 40:8 'R\RXKDYHFRQ¿GHQFHLQ*RG¶V:RUG" Read John 14:1-3 The disciples asked for signs so they would know when these things would be. Many people have tried to determine when he is returning. One of the last expected dates was Dec. 21, 2012, when the Mayan calendar ended. Each time the date has passed and we wake up to a new day. Do you enjoy drop-in guests or are you concerned that the house is not ready for guests? Jesus said only One knows the day and the hour. Who is that? -HVXVZLOOEHOLNHDGURSLQJXHVW+HZLOOQRWFDOODKHDG$UH\RXUHDG\ for him or will you be caught sleeping? The instructions that Jesus gives are to “Take heed, watch, and pray.” +RZDUH\RXSUHSDULQJIRUKLVUHWXUQ"

172 Community Group Guide Remember Read Mark 13 What stood out to you from this passage or the sermon? Were there any points in the family devotions or daily readings that gen- erated a good discussion in your family? Any that stood out for you personal- ly? Why? Deepen It seems that recently there has been more and more interest in end times. Books, tv shows, and movies about the subject are very popular and everyone has an opinion about what will happen. Why do you think this is a common theme in the entertainment industry? This is no new question. The disciples asked, “What will be the sign and ZKHQZLOOWKHVHWKLQJVEHIXO¿OOHG"´$UHVRPHRIWKHVLJQVWDNLQJSODFHWRGD\" What are some of the things that must take place before Jesus returns? Why did Jesus give these prophecies?



174 The King Dies

Mark 14-15

Written by Joy LaPrade

Sermon Date: April 13, 2014 Reading


Day 2 (April 8) 0DUN,VDLDK-RKQ5RPDQV

Day 3 (April 9) Mark 14:53-72, Daniel 7:13-14, Isaiah 53:7-9, I Peter 2:21-25

Day 4 (April 10) 0DUN,VDLDK+HEUHZV

Day 5 (April 11) Mark 15:21-47, Isaiah 53:10-12, Psalm 22, Galatians 3:13-14

176 Reading

Day 1 (April 7) 0DUN([RGXV,&RULQWKLDQV5HYHODWLRQ R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

177 Reading

Day 2 (April 8) 0DUN,VDLDK-RKQ5RPDQV R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

178 Reading

Day 3 (April 9) Mark 14:53-72, Daniel 7:13-14, Isaiah 53:7-9, I Peter 2:21-25 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

179 Reading

Day 4 (April 10) 0DUN,VDLDK+HEUHZV R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

180 Reading

Day 5 (April 11) Mark 15:21-47, Isaiah 53:10-12, Psalm 22, Galatians 3:13-14 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

181 Family Devotions April 7, 2014


+DYH\RXHYHUWDNHQFRPPXQLRQEHIRUH",IQRWKDYH\RXQRWLFHGWKH little pieces of bread and the cup of juice in church and wondered what they PHDQ",QWKHVWRU\ZH¶UHJRLQJWRUHDGZHZLOO¿QGRXW ,Q-HVXV¶WLPHWKH-HZV*RG¶VSHRSOHKDGDVSHFLDOPHDOWKH\DWHRQWKH same day each year. It was called the Passover, and they ate it to remember how God saved them from slavery in Egypt hundreds of years before. On this night, Jesus and his friends were eating the Passover together. During the PHDOWKH\ZHUHVXSSRVHGWRWDONDERXWZKDW*RGKDGGRQHRQWKH¿UVW3DVV- over. They would remind each other about how God killed the Egyptians but VDYHGRU³SDVVHGRYHU´WKH-HZLVKIDPLOLHVZKRVDFUL¿FHGDODPEDQGSXWLWV blood on their door. But on this night, Jesus surprised his friends because he said something new and different. Read Mark 14:22-25 ,QVWHDGRIWDONLQJDERXWWKHIRRGWKH-HZVKDGHDWHQRQWKH¿UVW3DVV- RYHU-HVXVWDONHGDERXWKLVRZQERG\DQGEORRGEHLQJIRRGDQGGULQN+H VDLGKLVEORRGZRXOGPDNHDFRYHQDQWRUSURPLVHWRVDYHSHRSOHIURP*RG¶V judgment against sin, the same way the blood of the Passover lamb saved the -HZVPDQ\\HDUVEHIRUH+HNQHZKHZDVJRLQJWRGLHEXWKHDOVRNQHZWKDW by dying he would make a way for his people to escape their slavery to sin and to enjoy eternal life with him. +DYH\RXKHDUG-HVXVFDOOHGWKH³%UHDGRI/LIH´RUWKH³/DPERI*RG´" +RZGRHVWKLVVWRU\KHOS\RXXQGHUVWDQGWKRVHQDPHV" ,I\RXWDNHSDUWLQFRPPXQLRQLVWKHUHDQ\WKLQJDERXW-HVXV¶/DVW6XS- per that might change the way you think about it?

182 Family Devotions April 9, 2014

Being a King

+DYH\RXHYHULPDJLQHGZKDWLWZRXOGEHOLNHWREHDNLQJRUTXHHQ" What would you like to do if you could become one? Usually we think of a king living in a castle, looking down from his WKURQHDQGWHOOLQJRWKHUSHRSOHZKDWWRGR,Q-HVXV¶WLPHWKH-HZVZHUH ruled by a king from another land, and they were waiting for a new king to come and defeat him, and make a new kingdom where they could be free. 0DQ\RIWKHPHYHQVRPHRI-HVXV¶IULHQGVWKRXJKWKHZRXOGEHWKDWQHZ king. We know that Jesus is really the king over the entire universe, but he GLGQ¶WWXUQRXWWREHWKHNLQGRINLQJWKH-HZVH[SHFWHG Read Mark 14:43-50 Why do you think the crowd brought swords and clubs to arrest Jesus? :KDWZRXOG\RXKDYHGRQHLI\RXZHUHRQHRI-HVXV¶IULHQGVZLWKKLPLQ the garden? 7KH-HZVDQGHYHQ-HVXV¶IULHQGVWKRXJKWWKDW-HVXVZRXOGWU\WR¿JKWD battle to become king, to show everyone that he was the strongest and make them obey him. If he could stop a huge storm with just his words or make paralyzed people walk, he could have easily defeated his enemies in a battle, ULJKW"%XW-HVXVZDVQ¶WWKDWW\SHRINLQJ,QVWHDGRIVKRZLQJHYHU\RQHWKDWKH ZDVWKH¿UVWRUWKHEHVWKHZDVJRLQJWRDOORZKLVHQHPLHVWRKXUWKLPPDNH IXQRIKLPDQGNLOOKLP+HNQHZKHKDGWRGLHLQRXUSODFHVRWKDWRQHGD\ we could live with him in heaven. If Jesus had become the kind of king his friends and enemies expected, he would have been in charge, but we would never have been able to live with him. Because he was the king who suffered and gave up his power and died, he made a way for us to know him and enjoy his love forever. Is Jesus the king in your life and in your heart? Are there ways you try to be “king” over your friends or family by being WKH¿UVWRUWKHEHVWE\JHWWLQJWKHODVWFRRNLHRUSOD\LQJZLWKWKHVSHFLDO WR\RUYLGHRJDPH"+RZPLJKWWKLQNLQJDERXW-HVXVDVWKHNLQJZKRVHUYHV others change that?

183 Family Devotions April 11, 2014

On the Cross

Can you remember a time when you were alone in the dark? Or have you ever had a scary dream and when you woke up at night, you called for your mom or dad to come to your room and help you feel better? When Jesus was on the cross, he felt something like that. All of his life he had known and felt how much God his Father loved him. But when he was on the cross, when it was dark and he was in pain and afraid, he called to God DQGIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHHYHU*RGGLGQ¶WDQVZHUKLP:K\GR\RXWKLQNWKDW happened?

Read Mark 15:33-39

:KHQ$GDPDQG(YH¿UVWVLQQHGWKH\KDGWROHDYHWKHJDUGHQZKHUH they had been close to God and known his friendship. But they would not let him be their king, so God told them they would have to leave the garden and die. Ever since then, all of us also have to die. Because of our sin, we cannot be close to God and know his friendship. On the cross, Jesus died so that we ZRXOGQ¶WKDYHWRGLH$QGHYHQWKRXJKKLVERG\KDGWRGLHWKHKDUGHVWSDUW RIWKHFURVVZDVORVLQJ*RG¶VIULHQGVKLSDQGORYH+HZDVDORQH +RZHYHUEHFDXVH-HVXVVXIIHUHGDQGGLHGDORQHZHFDQOLYHIRUHYHUZLWK *RG2QWKHFURVV-HVXVORVW*RG¶VORYHDQGIULHQGVKLSVRWKDWKHFRXOGJLYH LWWRXV:HGRQ¶WHYHUKDYHWREHDORQHDJDLQEHFDXVHZKHQZHWUXVW-HVXV we have his presence and love in our heart. Is Jesus your friend and your king? Do you trust him?

184 Community Group Guide Remember +DYH\RXKHDUGWKHVWRU\RI-HVXV¶FUXFL¿[LRQPDQ\WLPHVLQ\RXUOLIHRU LVLWQHZIRU\RX",I\RX¶YHKHDUGLWDORWZDVWKHUHDQ\WKLQJLQWKLVVHUPRQRU WKHSDVWZHHN¶VUHDGLQJVWKDWPDGHLWVHHPQHZWR\RX" Was there anything from the sermon that particularly spoke to you, or was there a part of the daily readings or family devotionals that sparked a good discussion at home?

Read Mark 14:32-42 and Mark 15:16-41 Deepen The woman who anoints Jesus is Mary, the sister of Lazarus. Why do you think she did this? Does her action help us think about our worship in DQ\ZD\":KDWGRHVWKHGLVFLSOHV¶UHVSRQVHWHOOXVDERXWWKHLUSHUVSHFWLYHRQ -HVXV"$QGZKDWGR\RXWKLQN-HVXV¶UHSO\PHDQV" In Jewish tradition, the lamb, the bread and the wine of the Passover PHDODOOV\PEROL]HGSRUWLRQVRIWKHRULJLQDO3DVVRYHUDQG*RG¶VDFWLRQRQEH- KDOIRIKLVSHRSOH,QZKDWZD\VGLG-HVXVEUHDNRUIXO¿OOWUDGLWLRQDWKLV¿QDO 3DVVRYHU"+RZGLGWKHPHDOORRNIRUZDUGWRWKHIXWXUH" When Peter swore that he would die with Jesus rather than deny him, what type of death do you think he was imagining? What is “the cup” that Jesus asked to be removed from him? What else does he ask the Father? +RZGR\RXIHHODERXW3HWHUDQGKLVGHQLDO"'R\RXLGHQWLI\ZLWKKLP pity him, or condemn him? Jesus spoke often to his disciples about the kingdom of God, and one of 0DUN¶VJRDOVLQZULWLQJKLVJRVSHOLVWRUHYHDO-HVXV¶LGHQWLW\DV.LQJ:KHQ KHLVFUXFL¿HGKHLVFKDUJHGDV³.LQJRIWKH-HZV´:KDWNLQGRINLQJGRPGLG his disciples and the Pharisees expect him to bring? What kind of kingdom did he inaugurate instead? Throughout his entire gospel, Mark shows that everyone around Jesus was mistaken about his identity, right up to the point of his death, when WKH\WKRXJKWKHZDVFDOOLQJIRU(OLMDK%XWDIWHUKHGLHVWKH¿UVWZLWQHVVWKH centurion, confesses the truth of who Jesus is. What did he see or hear that led him to belief?

185 Community Group Guide



Additional resources: Jonathan Edwards wrote about the Garden of Gethsemane: “Jesus had a near view of that furnace of wrath, into which he was to be cast; he was brought to the mouth of the furnace that he might look into it, and stand and YLHZLWVUDJLQJÀDPHVDQGVHHWKHJORZLQJVRILWVKHDWWKDWKHPLJKWNQRZ where he was going and what he was about to suffer …. In order to its being properly said, Christ of his own act and choice endured sufferings that were VRJUHDW«>LWZDV@QHFHVVDU\WKDWKHVKRXOGKDYHDQH[WUDRUGLQDU\VHQVHKRZ great these sufferings were to be, before he endured them. This was given in his agony.” Tim Keller: “If you want a loving God, you have to have an angry God…. Loving people can get angry, not in spite of their love but because of it. In fact, the more closely and deeply you love people in your life, the angrier you can get … Picture on the left a god who pays nothing in order to love you, DQGSLFWXUHRQWKHULJKWWKH*RGRIWKH%LEOHZKREHFDXVHKH¶VDQJU\DWHYLO must go to the cross, absorb the debt, pay the ransom, and suffer immense WRUPHQW+RZGR\RXNQRZKRZPXFKWKH³IUHHORYH´JRGORYHV\RXRUKRZ YDOXDEOH\RXDUHWRKLP":HOOKLVORYHLVMXVWDFRQFHSW

186 Sermon Notes

187 The King Lives

Mark 16

Written by Alex Kneen

Sermon Date: April 20, 2014 Reading

Day 1 (April 14) John 10:14-18, Mark 16:1-3

Day 2 (April 15) Mark 8:31, 9:31, 10:33, 16:4-8

Day 3 (April 16) John 20:24-29, Mark 16:9-13

Day 4 (April 17) John 14:1-3 and 18-19, Mark 16:14

Day 5 (April 18) Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:15-20

189 Reading

Day 1 (April 14) John 10:14-18, Mark 16:1-3 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

190 Reading

Day 2 (April 15) Mark 8:31, 9:31, 10:33, 16:4-8 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

191 Reading

Day 3 (April 16) John 20:24-29, Mark 16:9-13 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

192 Reading

Day 4 (April 17) John 14:1-3 and 18-19, Mark 16:14 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

193 Reading

Day 5 (April 18) Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:15-20 R - Read ______

E - Examine ______

A - Apply ______

P - Pray ______

194 Family Devotions April 14, 2014

Seeing Is Believing

Go place something very strange in your mailbox without anyone seeing you, maybe a bowl of cereal or sandwich, or something that would never end up in your mailbox. If it is raining, you might want to use the bathtub instead. Mention it as you are gathered as a family, “Oh! You would never believe what I found in WKHPDLOER[WRGD\´6HHLIWKH\EHOLHYH\RX$VVXPLQJ\RXKDYHDGLI¿FXOWWLPH convincing them of this, send another family member out to check and bring back a report. Then see if everyone is convinced. If not, send another family member out. Do this until either everyone is convinced or everyone has been out to see what it is. Read Mark 16 Discuss why it is hard to believe something sometimes unless you see it.

195 Family Devotions April 16, 2014

To Be Convincing

+DYHWKHIDPLO\GLVFXVVWRJHWKHUDWLPHZKHUHRQHRI\RXZDVDFFXVHGRI lying, but you were really telling the truth. Read Mark 16:9-10 1RZWU\DVDIDPLO\WRDFWRXWWKLVVFHQH+DYHRQHSHUVRQEH0DU\ trying to convince the rest of the family who are disciples, that she had seen Jesus alive. After the role-play, talk about how the person playing Mary felt. Talk about how Mary might really have felt.

196 Family Devotions April 18, 2014

Good News!

Prepare ahead of time a special treat for the evening. You could prepare a special snack or plan for an activity that the family really enjoys. An- nounce to the family, “I have good news! After devotional time, we are going to______!” Read Mark 16:15-20 and Matthew 28:16-20 $VN³:KDWLVWKHµJRRGQHZV¶WKDW-HVXVZDQWHGKLVGLVFLSOHVWRVKDUH with everyone?” Then ask your family how they felt when they received your “good news” about the special snack/activity. Discuss with the family whether the good news of the gospel feels as exciting as other good news they receive. Share why or why not. Encourage one another to remember just how JRRGWKHQHZVRI-HVXV¶VUHVXUUHFWLRQLVDQGJHWFUHDWLYHE\WDONLQJDERXW how wonderful the new heavens and the new earth is going to be!

197 Community Group Guide Remember Read Mark 16 +DYHHDFKPHPEHURIWKHJURXSVKDUHRQHWKLQJWKDWVWRRGRXWWRWKHP IURPWKHSDVVDJH(QFRXUDJHHDFKPHPEHUWRVKDUH«LWGRHVQ¶WKDYHWREHD deeply theological observation! Also, encourage the group to share anything they remember from daily or family devotionals. Deepen 'RHVWKHVWRU\RI-HVXV¶VGHDWKDQGUHVXUUHFWLRQVHHP³XQEHOLHYDEOH´WR you sometimes? Which character do you relate to most from Mark 16 and why? What promises have we been given as we proclaim the gospel? Read Psalm 25, Isaiah 28:16, and Romans 5:1-5 Discuss together the use of the word shame. What shame does the psalm- LVWIHDU"+RZGRHVWKHSVDOPLVWDGGUHVVKLVRZQIHDU":K\GRHV3DXOWHOO 5RPDQ&KULVWLDQVWKDW³KRSHGRHVQRWSXWXVWRVKDPH"´:KDWLVRXUKRSH"


Encourage group members to answer honestly, “What motivates you, personally, to share the good news of Jesus death and resurrection? In WKRVHPRPHQWV\RXIHHOXUJHGWRVKDUHWKHJRVSHODQG\RXGLGQ¶WZK\QRW"´ 5HPLQGWKHJURXSRIKRZWKHSVDOPLVWHQFRXUDJHGKLVRZQKHDUWWREHOLHYH 'LVFXVV³+RZFDQZHVSHDNWRRXUVHOYHVDVZHVHHNWRVKDUHWKHDPD]LQJ good news of Jesus death and resurrection that purchased salvation?” (Use this question as a launching point for how we can pray for one another and KROGRQHDQRWKHUDFFRXQWDEOH

198 Sermon Notes

199 Writer Biographies

Lenora Crabtree Lenora and her husband Scott have three sons, Taylor, Seth, and Sam. Lenora is a substitute in Exodus Kids and helps Scott host the “Where Can I Serve?” group at Leadership Summit. Alex Kneen $OH[DQGKHUKXVEDQG'DYLGDUHWKHSDUHQWVRIWZRER\V5RZDQDQG%DVWLDQ Alex serves on the worship team and in Exodus Kids. Joy LaPrade Joy is married to Konrad La Prade and they have two children, Kathryn and Jonah. Joy serves as a teacher in the K-2 Exodus Kids class. Kristi Lee Kristi and Adam Lee are the proud parent of three daughters, Aubrey, Makenna, and Brooke. Kristi serves with her husband to oversee the hospitality team and to lead and host a Community Group. She also occasionally play keys for the worship team. Debbie Miller Debbie is married to George Miller and they have three children, Chris, Geoff, and Cameron. Debbie volunteers as a substitute in Exodus Kids and leads a la- GLHV¶%LEOHVWXG\6KHDQG*HRUJHDOVROHDGDQGKRVWD&RPPXQLW\*URXS

George Miller George and his wife Debbie Miller have three children, Chris, Geoff, and Camer- on. George and his wife lead and host a Community Group in their home.

Kate Stranathan Kate is a member of Exodus Students and the daughter of Will and Valerie Stra- nathan. Kate is currently serving as the teacher of the 3-year-old class at 11am in Exodus Kids.

Valerie Stranathan Valerie is married to Will Stranathan and they have two children, Kate and Lydia. 9DOHULHVHUYHVLQ([RGXV.LGVDQGDV1DWKDQ&KDSPDQ¶VDGPLQLVWUDWLYHDVVLVWDQW Will Stranathan Will and his wife Valerie have two daughters, Kate and Lydia. Will serves as one of the drummers in the worship band and an occasional member of the security team. Jon Wiersbe Jon and his wife Jessica are the proud parents of Carson, Evie, and Nola. Jon and his wife serve as the hosts for the Stowe Pointe Community Group.

200 Artwork By

Luke Adams

201 Mailing Address P.O. Box 126 Belmont, NC 28012