Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), Tuesday 12 June 1945, Page 5
Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), Tuesday 12 June 1945, page 5 j Released Prisoners Having spent four years as a prisoner of war in Germany eincc his capture on Crete, Private Har- rold Finglcton is now safe In Eng- land. Ho is the eldest son of Mr and Mrs P. Fingleton, of Sandgate. Mr and Mrs R. J. Rice, of Gaunt Street, Newmarket, have been noti fied that their only son. Private Raymond John Rice, is now in Eng land, since his release from a Ger man prisoner of war camp, where he was held for four years. He was captured on Crete. Mrs E. W. Green, of Coorparoo, has received a cable from her hus band Flying Officer E. W. Green, telling of his safe arrival in England from a German prisoner of war is camp. Flying Officer Green the son of Mr and Mrs C L Green, of Toowong. Mrs J Shaw, of Young Street, Annerlcy, has received official ad vice that her only son, Sergt. George A. Shaw. A1F, who was taken prisoner of wnr moro than four years ago, has been repatriated to England. Mrs J. Warner, of 61 Park Road. Wooloowin, has received word that her sons, Privates V. G. nnd W. J. Warner, who have been four years as prisoners of war in Germany are now safe in England. Mrs T. P. R, Hardy lias received a cable from her son, Lieut. Slan B. R. Hardy to say that he has arrived in England fit and well after hav ing been a prisoner of war in Ger many for four years.
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