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':# Bollenino delh Societh Paleontologica ltaliana 43(3),2004 rssN0375-7633 36r-382 2 pls. Modena,Dicembre 2004 Eoderoceratidae(Mollusca, Ammonoidea) from tht Central Apennines, related to the Sinemurian-Plier the Mediterranean area Federico VExruRI Carlo NnNNARoNE Massimiliano BIlor Dipartimento di Scienze dellaTerra Universitl di Perugia KEY IVORD S - Mo lluscA, Ammono idea, Eoderoceratidae, S in emurian- P liens b ac h ian boui "Corniola" ABSTMCT - TheJurassic calcareous successions of the unit in the lJmbria- known bedsreferable to ti, lower Pliensbachianof the eitire MeditercaneanTbthys. These beds in this aret ofrht global faunal renewalarsociated"*;ttt the Sinemtrian-Pliensbatbia, transition. afrer the disippeirarcebf fch;oceratidae(as Paltechioceras/, and, in theApennines, it consistso. (mall, t*ooltl, Polymorihitidae, lacking a keel), Catriceras (primitiae anl morphologicallyqui, ukn keeledand ti;rttttl, Galaticeras(*att-otturrence), Radstockiceras. This bioeu/ntis-afcon i.t. b the moreo, lessclo,mplete loss of the ornumentation,u,ith the transition.fom b;spiyqyg,1 (( 'Quorry'DresentDaDer deak taith the Eoderoceiatidaefound in the rich fossiliferousbed-"Wnturi'78" (i4ount a iubstantial ,rrt*iftoipared to undoubtedlySinez Acuto), uthich represents 'Teffaspidoce-rai io"ti Oeconsidered the frst afiei-Sinemurianrecord (beginni"s ofrhe quadr All the taxa reDresentedin our collection(67 speii*"rrr, lnThidlns someforms lefr wiihout ious morphological'andstuctural (namelysutural)'features, and tbeffire wi think ihat they m, subfam ' ily, th it we called Parami ro derocerati n ae. Foi our specimenswe recognizedfourspecies, onb oneof -proposed u,hich.(Paramicroderoceras tf \itf The remainiiq threes\ecies arl ;nclidcd in two new, here {enera: Omode roceris (wh well as O. cfTarinodosum,which is aform comparableilth'a ta*in preuiouslyassigned toEpi new speciesP. picenum/. Tht orrttntt of an inner monos\inateDhase ofdeueloDment in the netil{enus Omoderocera the sooliation of thi Eodzroceratoidiawas i ,omn[expanirn, includins a paidomorphic transitio onri (this mon'ospinatecharacter is well establiihedin Caleites,Milt"oc.r"r and to*t yet unde: lnte Sinemurian',this uariation was mainly a peramorphosis,simply occurring with thi change1 smoothouter whorls (this is,for example,iht tatt ofBpiderocetis). The GSSPof the Sinemurian-Pliensbachianboundary proposed for the Wine Hauen sectit uidesa good refeiencefor Borealand Sub-borealregions (Nort[-Wesi Europe),but not for the etc.). Hoere,in"fact, thi stardard biosnatigraphicciteria that characterizeihe beginnini of tbe r ed'in the staioty7e with Bifericerasdon?vini, and/or presenceofTevaspidoceias qu-adtat-" the Sinemurianl?liensbachianboundary cannot be ideittified wiih precisionand, in- the bestca sectionsfor the earlyPliensbachian lacki reliabilitv and resolutionbeyond the Subzonescale. Sinc u.,ithaiceotabte cohfrdence the exDectedcorrekti'o, potrrtial outsirt the Boreal domain, d st/d.t, am basel on the tintrt knowledse,misht hauea ialaeogeographicualue limited merelyto that Tatifcition of thi aboui-*"triioned GSSPmight not {rttorytt. ,As a .matte,tft* 1 fornially Pliensbachianin the entire Tbthys. The difficulties in establishinqcareful correktions betweenBoreal and MeditennneAnZone by a numb"i of pakeobiogeograpE;toid/or pakeoecologicfactors. T'hismust induce the researc siudies,apeciilfy in the frthyai domain, wltere,exceptln-the Apenninel the recordfor thefirsr "Corniola" RIASSUNTO- [Gli Eoderoceratidae(Mollusca, Ammonoidea) nella dell'A Pliensbachianoin areamediterranea] - L,esuccessioni calcaree giurassiche aPPartenenti alk contenaonodei liuelli riferibiti at Plieisbachianoinferiore che tori probabilmiite i piil antichi ,o datTimportanti per?elinearein quest'areAil rinnouamentofaunisticoglobnle assiciato al pal ad ammoiit; qutti cambiamentoiuuiene dopok scompArsA.ZrSljEchif,ceratidae (come Paftec me di ,o*pirrc concomitanti: Furlites (piccoli Polymorphiti"daelisci e senzt care.nA,che (Tropidoceitinaeprimitiui, morfologicamenteassai airiabil;, ry(.pilt o menoeuoluti, lenticolat sa ii massa),Raditockiceras. ntt b"ioeuentob accompagnato dalli spoliazionedegli "ll Eoderocera dell'ornamentazione,con passagio da bispinateZ *onrspinite o spoliate. presentelau, 'Vnturi'78"forme uati nel riccoliuello fossilifero (bioeuentoa CatriCerascatriense) della Cat,adel [' sostanziileriipetto a indubitabilmentesinemuriane, ed anche questodot' nouamento faune 'Tetraspidoceras ") Per 'post-Sinemuriana (inizio'della Zoro o quadrarmatum dell'Appeinino. ':#",::,::;::::,:*:i'*;n'f';:;*::##'x!;,':t';i"l:;":;:;;:,'::,;:"i,:,:::,ii,,tti;i,'iti"l:,,ii),Tutti itaxa rappresentatinel nosto mateiiok (67 esinplari. cotnpresealc,tii lbrme ilon r't 362 F. VENTUN, C. NANNARONE, M. BILOTT, Per i nosni esempkri abbiamo riconosciutoquatto specie,di cui solo una (Paramicroder generi p 'prrnd"'kaeneresih noto. Le ristanti ne sDeciesono state iicluse in'due nuoai, di cui uieneaui nuoaaspecie O. canti"n.rrr. ed ancheO. cf larinoJot.t-, cioi una forma confroit Epideroceras)' e Paraderoceras(istituito per k nuoat specieP. picenum/. LA presenz,adi uno stadio interno monospinatonel nuouo'gene.reOmoderoceras testimont ore, k sioliazione degli Eoderoceratoideai auuenuta con un passagtopedomorfico da giri intern si ? ooi'affermatoine"leiter, Miltoceras ed alcuni taxa mediterdnei-ancorA ineditil.-Nel Siner, di iioo' iira*orfico, com\ortundosokmente un transizioneda giri interni e medi bispinati a lisc If GSSPlet limite'Sinemuriano-PliensbachianoDroposto"per k sezionedi Vine Hauen (k un buon riferimento per le regioni borealie sub-bortafi Guropi Nord-occifuntale),tnd non per q ecc.),doui i principi biosnaiigrafici standard checaratterizzano l'inizio del Lias medio (pVagit Bifericeras donovani, e/o lreienza di Tetraspidocerasquadrarmatum,) -e, non sono appliu Pliensbachianonon pub tttirt indiuidunto con'precision€, nelk migliore delle ipotesi,'k , Pliensbachianoinferiore perdcaffi.dabitith e risofuzioneoltre il liuello di"Sonozona.PoichC k set accettabilesicureiza il [ouuto iitenziate di correlazioneal di fuori del dominio boreale,uno str basatosulle conuscenzeattualt potrebbeauere un ualorepaleogeografico esclusiaamente limitato co troppo ristetto. Di fono, s;e'siratificasse it GSSPin' quesTioir,"sipotebbe impedireforma, Ptienihachiano nell' iniera Tbtifu Le difficohh incontratenel correkreAccurAtamente le Zone borealie mediterraneeper il Plie ad un inslbmedi fanori paleobiogeograficie/o paleoecologici: questo deue spingere lz ricerchea n mentenel dominio teti/eo, doue,Zfoit l'Apfennino, li docimentaz;oni delk prima Zona del FORE\TORD Mount Pietralata o The. present work fits into the researcheson that oyr car- ammonite biostratigraphy ?gp?ttment ries out since many years in the Umbria-Marche Apennines. Here , the calcareous-marly successioni beloneine to the lithostratisraphic units of Corniola, MarnE aJt Vt. Serrone and"RossoAmmonitico yield- ed an impressive documentation for the Lias, starting from th; early Sinemurian (Guide GeologichE Regionali no 7, 1994) as far as the entire Toarcian (Venturi, 1999). Nevertheless, there are many issues left to investigate, both for the biostratigraphy and for the underitanding of the evolutive relationships between the main s/stematic groups (superfamili-es and families), also in relation to-the vicissitudesof the palaeogeoqr.aphigdomains. r, . From this -ispoint of view, one of the most interest- i.g bioevents represented by the fossiliferous bed "%ntu ri'78" from the the Paliareto Qu arry (Mount Acuto, Umbria-Marche Apennines; Text-fig. l), char- BOSSO acterised by a very rich faunal content (Venturi, 1978; Venturi & Bilotta, 2001). Its chronostrati- graphic position h."r.been the object of contrasting lnterpretauons: ongrnally,-bioevent this b6d, also known as Catriceras catrieme (Faraoni et dl., 1996; Dommergues et Al., 1997a), was attributed to the late Lotharinfian -early Carixian (Venturi, 1978), but subsequ.it Authors erroneously placed it in the mid- dle Pliensbachian (Ibex Zonel Valdani Subzone: Dommergues et dl., 1984; Dommergues et dl., 1997a). It has been proved (Venturi & Bilotta, 2001) precedes that this bioevent the Miltoceras sellae beds, Mount Acuto and therefore thaf it cannot pertain to the middle Pliensbachian,but the issueof its precisedating was, A by now, never completely resolved. According to the results of recent studies (Faraoni et Al., 1996; Venturi & Bilotta, 2001) and current researches(includitg - Pallareto,Bosso and "Venturi '78" Text-fig. I Geographic location of the the present work), the bed contains a Furlo sections. LUSSrc EODEROCERATIDAEAMMONITES FROM THE APENNINES 363 fauna characterizedby numerous GalaticerasSpath Tbtraspi do c eras q uadrarmatum (D umo rtier) (S chlaff er, and many til(a referableto the Eoderoceratoidea, 1977, 1980; Dommergues 6c Meister, 1992; includitg- the first Thopidoceratinae(CatricerAs Dommergues et al., 1994b, 1997a; Hesselbo et Al., Venturi) and smooth Polymorphitidae (Furlites 2000; Meister et aL.,2003). This definition allows to Venturi & Ferri).This representsa substantialrenew- identify the Thylori Subzone throughout North- - 'Western al compared to the undoubtedly Sinemurian Europe, but in most cases its base can be Echioceratidaeassemblages. Since, historically, the only tentaiively determined with some Sinemurian-Pliensbachiatbound ary correspondsfor Eoderoceratoidearequiritg further studies (Hesselbo the ammonites to a qlobal-scalefaunal renewal, et al., 2000; Meister et aL.,2003). marked by the Echioceritidaedisappearance
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