
Page Four RENEGADE RIP Annual Frosh-Soph Cage Tilt To Set Off Season • ------·------+ I Renegades Head For Long Beach Clicking Frostmen Veteran Quintet t Tromp Glendale Favored Over VOL. XIV BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DECEMBER 3, 1941 No. 11 Cl 1941 F b II S To imax oot a e~-o~n ______In 10_0 Battle Yearlings Running true to form, the Experts Give Up-And-Coming Frostmen Local football fans ,vitnessed n wild !Announcer Has His Renegade cagers will start their Toss-Up To Take Viking Eleven t'xhibition of forward passing in basketball season by first en­ Troubles: Williamson Griffith Stadiuin last week as the dulging ln a old-fashioned fam­ Coach and his Renegades gazed at the slightly Renl•gacle gridiron vanquished the overscast skies today and prayed for the weather gods to withold '·Hey, you, dat ain't Pet('. Dat'sJ ily brawl-the Freshmen versus the Lakeshore fogs long enough tomorrow for them to settle Butch running wid da bawl. An' dat Vaqu1'ros of Glendale Junior Co1lege the Sophomores. The annual ain't Elmer who tackled dat guy 10-0. their 1941 gridiron controversy with the Long Beach Vikings. Inter-class game is scheduled Earlier this season the Renegades journeyed all the way to either. Tt's number Rixty-six. You ALiy applying their lightning of- for Friday afternoon. the beach city only to receive a misty reception from the fog­ read his number up-side-down," con­ f Pn:'it' tht' Frost1ncnt n1adc the second tradicts son1e nosey fan aR the an­ Yet, the. odda on this ~amily affair filled Pacific skies which caused the game to be postponed. quart{'r of the fracas n most import- ~--- nouncer tries despc>rately io dran1a­ are far from true to form. For the Bakersfie 1d scouts report that the. ant ont'. All stores ,vcre 1nade in this Applications for next sen1ester's WeJco111ing an opportunity to "g-o tize a game over the public address Viking crew is as tough as a boot. first time in many moons, the upper­ Tickets Now Available formal" and to pay ho1nage to thl' systen1. quarter. Civil Aeronautics Authority flight I The starters are big and strong, and clf:Lssmen are pre-game favorites. Defeated but not downcast by their rnembcrs of the Renegade squad fnr George Williamson, Renegade foot­ Don Wachob':, heads-up line play training program are now being taken For Banquet Friday their reserves are plentiful and Heretofore, the Yearlings have. a.:.­ 1941, Rena and Reynald today arl' ball announcer has been thC' fall guy in the jaycee office, announced Dean loss of the Hi-Jinks attendance con- Tickets for the annual FootbalJ I capable. They, not unlike the Rene­ in rel'overing n Glendale fumble on Theron Taber. Flight training will i·eadying thernselves for the annunl for know-'e111-all-fans all season. If the visitor's 28 paved the way for the sumed the role as leaders, and invar­ Attendance figures for the home te~t, aophomore members of the Asso· Banquet will be on sale today, Junior College Football Banquet, to gades, have had an in and out season, anyone has suffered football ,voes, it::; be given by operators who have been first BakerRfield tally. Herndon and iably, they have proved it. Bllt this football games were released by ciated Won1en Students wilJ treat the Thursday and Friday by members be hC'ld Friday evening at 7:30 in the losing to good t.eams by narrow mar­ George Williamson. approved by the C, A. A. at the air­ Ross<•tto cracker! the line moving UP year it's a different story. The Sopho· Kenny Shelton, Business Manager of the eommittee in charge of Br· Pnhn Roo1n of lVIotcl Inn. Dr. F. R. gins. Yet, as for improvement, the "The major requisite of p;ood an­ }lort. victotjous freshman class to a wiener Long Beach gridders are probably the to the Vaqueros 8. Shcllhanlmer mores, with four men from last seaM of the Student Body, today. A total rangements. TicketR are $1.03 per Woellner of Univel'sity of California nouncing is to have good spottc>r:=:;, son's varsity are almost certain to Students enrolling must pas:, a 1·oast · in the cafeteria, at 5:00 this most improved club in the conference. passed to Bob J-Ierndon on the 2-yard of 16,016 spectators viewed the plate for the turkey dinner, and the at Los Angele,:,, will deliver the chief some one ,i.rho is familiar with th,~ show the underclassmen who their medical f'Xamination, ,vhich will C"ost evening. price includes admission to the line fron1 where he stepped off the re- 1 games in Griffith stadium. address. Johnny Derdivanis, student RENEGADES READY players," said Williamson when the . . big bruddera' are. $12.00 and n1ust be paid at the time By :a hairbreadth margin -of three dance after the banquet. Johnny However, come what lllay, the . . . . 1na1n1ng yardage unmolested. Con· Largest attend:ance was at the body president, will be toast111aster. Rip reporter Joked with him uboul . f UPPER-CLASSMEN SALTY of examination. Derdivanis, Olivette Gingra!-1, Gerry Renegades are ready. They showed . version success u I . Bakersfield-Taft game, with a total signatures, freshman women won the Special guests ,vill be the tean1's his troubles as a sports announcer. I A t t d' t f th The SophomoreB", whose athlete:-. Students enro11ing 1nust also take Baldwin, and Bob Johnson are sell· more than a little speed and drive in " . . b . . , n ou s an 1ng spec acI e o e h . . of 4,146 spectators. Low mark was honor of bringing the greater number coaches: \VallaC'e D. uJack" Fro;;t, No, this announcing us1nesss rnn t l C t . W k fl Id' ave rehshed some of the saltiness out individual accident insurance poli­ ing" ticketR. They may also be pur­ ., . d w·ii· .. uss Ie ,vas ap a1n a e e s 25 f . d the Compton game which drew a !Joiner Beatty and Don Robesky . their workout today, and their team Pasy, <'Ont1nue 1 1anu1on. 0 lit' fi f , d o time an experience wil 1 start a 1- cies prescribed by the C, A. A. after of mothers and guests to the recent · yar,1 <' 11< goa1 rom a 4u eg1·ee ang1 e , chased from Miss Lorraine Rayes in Tickets for the banquet, a turkey spirit and courage was unquestion­ has to b~ on the alert. He 1nust see h I . fi I I S . t most to a man, Coach Frosts prob- passing the medical examination. The crowd of only 1400. The remaining Hi-Jinks. Living up to the terms of 1 the Junior College office. dinn{'l' ,vith all the tri1n1nings, ,vent able., h h d l th t II on t {' p ay1ng 1e c . evera m1nu es bl 't F d J h Cl k insurance policy costs $7.20 and 1nust games drew approximately 2000 the contest, the losing sophomores \V nt t e crow sees anc en t' latt'r Bakersfh•ld l'C!c·overed another a e va_rsi y. orwar s o npy ar on sale Th-Ionday at $1.03 per plate. With the exception of the season's I them what they are looking at.. ()n<' and Dick Sheehan, Walter Permen- be paid for by the candidate nt the Rptttators each. will rE!ward the ,vinners today with Vaqul•ro fumblt• on the Glendale 10. Tickets 111ay be purchased frorn opening game, Coach Frost's boys are also has to be very careful, for a ter, center, and Roger Nabers and time tie takes it out. The attendance at this year's an aftier-schooJ picnic. Maior Coast Meet Pay dirt v.•as reached but the touch- Johnny Del'tlivanis, Olivette Gingt·a:;, in their best physical condition. Kenya hasty decision can t•asily turn the Wilbur Shellhammer at guard~, round Those applying for the training football game, was conaiderably Heltn Offutt is in charge of food down \\"as call(!d by us the officials Gt'r1·y Bald,vin and Bob Johnf!on, ur Sakamoto, a great ground-gainer, is crowd against the official." out the polished quintet. must 1neet the following require­ lower than that of last year and for the wiener roast. On the enter­ 1·ult'd a Bakersfield man offiside. Debaters To Attend from :\fiss Lorraine Bayes in the the only man on the injury list for Mr. Williamson, who ah,o teachHs While the underdog Fresh,nen will ments: sets a low attendance record for the tainm¢nt com111ittee are Ruby Bald­ F!'o1n this point of the game the ,Junior College office. the season's final. The little Oriental physical education in high ~(·hool, is divide their playing between Dave l. They n1ust be between ninctec>n last few years which is not propor- win aiid Shirley Cuneo. otft•nsivP 8tyll.'s of both teams toOk Speech Tournament GRiil ME:-/ I~ MINIATCRE back suffered an ankle injury early frequently the victi1n of blt'ary-,!yed, Bannister and Jin1my Benjainin at and t,vcnty-six years old. tionnl to the reduction in Jaycee "WQ want everyone to come," de- to tht• air. A total of 54 passes were Jlel'orations Jor thl' bttnquet tabll·;.; in the Glendale game, and it is doubt­ gutter1ninders; who arc evf·r-ready to forwards, Keith King, u foriner Okla- 2. The~· n1ust not have held n pilot registration. clares~ Rosalind Dewar, A "\VS p1·csi­ At Pomona Jaycee attt'lHJ)tt>1l. G!(•ndale, far from being will be miniaturt' figures of all foot­ ful as to whether he will play. pick out kiddish humor. Onct' he an- I" h. t _ hon1a prep star, at center, Ray H•JIJ· license. -Oent1 !'.and be sure to wear slacks." 1 1 -·: · t I W St A ss~c1a ec omen u en s w1 11 · ..,.:.. h . C J'f · s h T s1·on•s, g-a1nt•d nn1ch vartla.ge VU\ the d __ , L v - d It -R· k in chJWrge of decorations for the foot- _,.,,out e1n a I orn1a .~ peec ourna- About eight irwhcs in height, the fig­ has already salted the Metro Confer­ halfback, Kenya Sokemoto, who has his own end zone. So1ne glePpc>r in- . . ·. . i ut,v,, anu ee ••l'Pe aµ arry 1n ·- year of college and be planning "" r }'aluedI Material ·-;i- t F 'd D b ment, one of the maJor meets of the ures will be claU in red and ,vhitl! played a baITg~up game throughout terpreted the announcen1ent a.:, thl· aii' l.1ut failed to capttalize on the r f 0 rm r Bakersfield High Sehool continuing for a second year or have b a 11 uanque , r1 ay, ecem er 5, h" k d p J · ence crown away, this battle isn't al­ seorin ,. o ortuni"tics. er, e V M r , t Ob ·u h d th •t coast, t 1s wee en at on1ona un1or uniforn1s, con1p1ete with numeral. In the season, may n()t see action in player being tackled on his own end K g PPC" l f cagers, at forward and guttrd respec- e 1cen er w1 ea e comm1 • College. together without compctetive inspir­ (•nva .-.,a 1,antoto !'itoot1 ou or t' l completed t,vo years of accredited addition, ea('h player will be identi­ the Long Beach tussle due to ankle zone. 1 B· TC L 'b ation. Two of the league's hardest Urillia~t bac·kfield play but received -~~e college work. • n 'J l rary tee, Under the sponsorship of the Sou- fied further by so1nc feature, such a;.; injuries received during last week's "!."_ __ 9 plugging tail-backs will be out to a twistt·cl ankle late in the first quar· 4. If undel' 21 year:-; of age, thc>y I 'C' J Friday, December 1 , ,viii be Wo- thern California Tournament Associa­ Charlie "\VakefielJ's bandaged fing·c1·. victory over Glendale. s men's · Day on the Bakersfield Junior yank the scoring lead fro,n Los An­ were among the many pJ1;1.yers tlult tion, the contest will be directed by Sophomore Women tt,r :1 nd v.•as l"L'moved fro1n action. _must have wri!t~n parental consent I£' or tuaentS College campus, according to A WS Other figures on the tables Viill be of geles' widely publicised Jackie Fel­ contributed greatly to the Bakersfield to take the tra1n1ng. Crawford Brubaker, head of the the thres Lynch, Edwards, Valen­ plans. Alumnae who wiH be home lows. The Los Angeles ace is leading 1 Tangle With Frosh t·ia, Voll, Rossetto, Chenney, Lousta­ victory. Fina) score, Bakersfield 10, 5. They n1ust pledge then1selves to 'For lower division work, there is for the vacations are to be speech department at Pomona J. C. Scott, Betty Lee Bnldes, Bebe Hub­ the scoring parade with seven touch­ lot, Cap't. "\Vakefield, and Wachob Glendale 0. apply for flight training in the army Ralph Palla and Jack Ste,vart ,vill bn1·d-an

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R l!fN Ii II AD B RI P Page Two RENEGADE KIP Page Three 'Gade • . . Speech 21 Called chicken A.M.S. Meet Campus Personality Men Students To See O R G A. N I Z A T I O N S Published by the Associated Students of the Bakersfield Junior College chatter Vicky McClure Telephone: Executive Office 8-8767 'Capades Cinch Course ;> Touchdown Shots ,-,L-if_e_W-ith-F-at-he-,-, _fi___ C_a_p_e_/_l_a_C_·_n_or-.r-Ja-y-ce-_e_R_a-di_o_C_lu_b_ What with the big game between If dictionaries wel'e in the habit of Cal and Stanford, and our own game, EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Now that everything has sorta "'We urge everyone to attend the T Be R ad To Pl defining proper nouns, one could plop EDITOR...... ROMA STONE By Students this was another busy week. meeting Friday morning," explained c open an unabridged edition to the "V" cahned down after the past hectic O e 'P. l c t IVe ayS Assistant Editor...... Neva I,ee Budworth Pretty At Palo Alto •••• Roger Nabers and Walt Permenter, section, and find there the name weeks, we can begin to concentrate "Oh what a snap course!", "Oh ans oncer Feature Editor...... King Taylor Spotted around Stanford was JE­ president and vice-president, respec- Highlighting the Delta Psi Omega "To study and produce radio "Vicky McClure", in bold black type . on the forthcoming final~. Boy, h:in't what an easy set of units". Thus the Special Features Editor ...... Dorothy Davii, MIMA McCORMICK in a very smart tively, of the A. M. S., when asked meeting was the readin&' of the p~, ~ounod's '~Saint Cecilia's Mass" dramas is the purpose of a new Jay­ Webster's definition would probably that going to be lovely? Women's Editor...... Esther Foley jaycee easy course seekers sign up tailored plaid suit. . . OLIVETTE ab()Ut tbe important meeting of the uLife With Father," by Mrs. Marion w~ presented by the Junior College cee radio club, called the Radio Work- be something like this: "an efferves­ News Editor...... : .. - ...... ,...... , ...... Lyska Herring To fellow sufferers may I dedicate for Public Speaking 21. Bot, ae GTNGRAS in a black torso d?-l!ss with A, M. S. to be held this week. Henry, A Capella Choir and the High School •)top," stated Mr. Parker, adviser. cent jaycee co-ed with gobs of get-up­ Assistant News Editor ...... Norm.an Christensen the following: Shakespeare said in one of his a rhinestone pin and earrings to match The meeting will feature SJ)Qrts pie- Mrs. Henry, an outstandinl" leader ChPral Club last Sunday evening at The Radio Workshop is an outgrowth and-go, gla1nour and graciousness." Exchange Editor...... Helen Offutt tures taken of the outstanding touch- in the Dramatics field here in Bakers- th, Baptist church. Soloists on the of a joint organization of Jaycee and Time is passing; I'm not sad dran1as, there's the rub. And what a was doing very well at the Stanford BRISK AND BUSY .... Copy Editor ...... Joellyn Scott Time is passing; I'm glad ruh! After a week of the choice dance. Then up at the Mark.Hopkins down plays of the 1940 football sea- field, read the play to the honorary prc>g""m were Roberta Ownby, 80• K. C. U. H. S. students which was dis­ Sports Department Time is passing; but I'm not!! !'ourse of many a student's schedule, VICKY l\.lcCLURE really stole all son. The!Je films will show the fa- dramatiea society of B. J.C. at the PI1,no; Armand Jackson, baritone; solved last spring. Any description of Vicky is un­ SPORTS EDITOR...... HAROLD ROAT! the bedraggled (disspirited too) fashion spotlight in an ice blue vel- moue plays of the teams in the Pa- home of Miss Ethel Robinson, adviser and James Dennan, tenor. Mr. Ron- A meeting of the new organization necessary, because you all know her BIG GAME SEE'ERS Speaking students report what they veteen drees with pearl accessories, citic Coast conference. for the clu~. aid Clark directed the presentation. wai; held recently at which the con- as the popular secretary of the Bak­ BUSINESS DEPARTMENT ersfield Junior College student body. BUSINESS MANAGER...... LESTER HIEBERT OUVETTE GINGRAS, VICKY encounter. and JOSEPHINE GIMINIANI looked The Central California Conference After a short business meetins, the t'uesday evening, December 2, the stitution was proposed and the plans McCLURE, JIMMIE GIMINUNI, charming in a black dress trimmed will have a general meeting of repre,. club decided to have their next meet- eotnbined groups sang for the North and purposes of the organization were Her snappy brown eyes and hair to Advertiaiar Manager...... Jack Leddy NORMAN CHRISTENSEN, ROGER Hours of searching, of probinr into in light blue. All in all, our gals did match, her friendly "Hi", and her Circulation Manarer...... Kirby Blodget sentatives from the member schools ing at the home of Vicky ·McClure. of the River women service club outlined. A script committee was NABERS, HARRY RINKER and the mysteriou• contents of the library, themselves proud. eon,.etime in the spring, according to Then, records were played and re- in. the Standard school auditorium. also appointed. brisk, collegiate walk are all familiar JACK ALLEN were just a few of the of frantically tearing throuch tile At our own game, BARBARA Prexy Naber!. At this meeting, the freahmente were served.. Tfle program included mainly The club plans to give special radio to Beejayceers. Bakersfield people going to Palo Alto home 'library masterpi--.1 for DOUGLASS looked well groomd ftowlnr Bani which Taller·• "We are planninir to have a meet­ State Collegians junior year of high school, she' began statements are false as a brief review of the Renegade season the annual Football banquet. Rene- With the securing of an article, ChrtHtrnu Formal of the College of the Pacific at Stock· dj>wn at fearful Younr l'!g-Burt, ing the ftrst Sunday after the Com­ at once to take part in student or­ will show. gadc grid stalwarts and their ladies which fits the above speciftcations, We suppose all you gals have your munity theater play next week. We Invite Speakers ton. \fhose knees ate Buckley·ns 11ftlller ganizations. Her ability in leader­ The Renegades bowed down In the season's opener to the will reign supreme on thi• auspicious comes the nerve-racking moments be- dates,, and so for the all important Six students, four women and two are all going together so that we can him. ship became evident when she entered Stanford Frosh, far superior In reserve strength. But two weeks occasion. Oh yes, the party is for- fore the even mo,-,, nerve racking ~reH: The atores are showing m&DJ men, were Inducted Into thla honor The judre strok.. hla Beard while di1cus1 the play after each act," said ''To acquaint 1tudents with tradi· junior college last fall. In addition later, the local boys went south to give L. A. C. C., top team In ma!; so fellas, press your levis and, presentation. Out of courses like tbia Jersey gowns In all colors. By the scholarship orranizatlon of the col· ,i,e lawyer for the plaintiff Levyo Ed Andrews, president of the club. tiontJ and requirements of state cot. to "boosting morale" as one of the loge. Haakln was active In apeech charges against poor Eg-B•rt. The the conference, their battle of the season, Victory would no !aches, comb your hair. emerges such ingenious inventions way, you know color ia really running leges and to develop individual lead­ 1940 song leaders, she starred as a and debate activities while In B. Y. O. tefendant, claim• the Jaw,-er, has doubt have been ours If we had not been so handicapped by lack FLASHES • • • concerning shirking techniques, a~ rampant this season · · • anything erahip, the State Collegians organit.ed feminine lead, "Tommie," in last of reserve material. . . managing to rehearse orally one's roes. Net skirt, tullod onto metallic last fall," pointed out Mr. Thomas and bolds a opeech scholarahlp at the ,tolen a Peairs,Arrow car from Davy 11 1 year's student body production, Ceil­ The Bakersfleld defeat by Santa Monica was a hard knock; Accordmg to the •':'t news _re- own ape..ch while apparently llawn- tops are popular as a~e long black Jlersol\,' advitJeT, to members at a Collere of the Paciftc. leynolda' garage In Forllllerr. · 1 ing Zero." still almost every leading team on the coast this grid season ha ,,ases from the Grapevme, we brmg ing to someone elses. This is com- skirts won> with evenmg aweaters. meeting third period Friday in Science : "My Franz," declare, the judge, suffered an unexpected and "disgraceful" defeat-it happer-,1 +""".; these absolutely unconfirtnl'~, un- manly 1l. 19 je1tV'ls. $55.00. singing and going to parties. jaycee campus. flying lessons or is there some other just a slow trot but fast enough to the Play Production class. 11 Alas," cries Eg-Burt, "I have sac- Any prospirous community, any successful institution needs attraction out at KC airport? get you there before your knees shake rificed my Freed-om!" the support given only through an Acting Pride. Bakersfield out and forget to spring in again. needs It .... BJC need It .... and YOU have it, but under a 'Nother Poem (It says h•r•). Then a deadly silence-no applause, bushel of Indifference. So wake up that pride and ACT as 1941 All about me just a silence longe enough to let El~in 'k)l,ai? ' eye catchers fuo]19 .IIWllS marches on to a new year and new activities. R. S. Was a death like silence so1neone elRe get the floor and pay ~'.~~- SUPERB NEW STYLES ... STARTIMED ------I feared to look behind, for those three easy units. ~.;:i:r:;!~"' miss forker's silver For foot steps CMice of J4 a.,. jewelry .... eddie bryant's walk ... Jlow i ltilS Nineteenth St. 8Kay KYSER drawn into the cafeteria line. Some­ on. thiR week that Til E B(lYS have 1621 19th Street Buy Her a Lane WICKERSHAM one handed me a tray and silverware. Hovering near, r watched the heavi­ been kicked out of th" Lihrnry). Guy LOMBARDO Crisp tempting salads were spread ly loaded trays go by. Then with G COMPANY Flaf:.h . . . And \Vhat's this \\'('!:------, before me.. I hesitatingly reached, resolution, I hurried to tho line again. hear 1·un101·(•d about !\Ir. PEH!\1EN­ CEDAR CHEST JEWELERS only to see my choice nimbly snatched. This time with head flung high, I de­ TI~R and his autoinohih,? S(•t•1ns that 9Sammy KAYE Nineteenth at "Eye" Street "Oh well," I thought, and with a good­ fiantly scanned the counters and chose after a HWt'<·t sojoun1 ,,n ih1, bluffi,; The Renegade Knights liJasy 'rPr111B; GOc per \Veek hatured grin, tried again. An urgent 1ny lunch with tin1e and. I ~lapped down his dad's car '\'ht>n it didn't. '"tarL In PHONE 6-6037 ly gazed ahead at Htea111ing · veget­ the money and swaggered to a table dt>111onstrnting· h i ~nlJh•r-man ? ? ? 'I l'lt111,e .~-.%41 I Silt anr, tiful Walnut finish cabinet. outstretched hand, I grasped a small Mighty pleased to ~et a little mail Enoug·h for no\v, \uu'1·,· p1·

RENEGADE RIP R;negade Quintet Will Meet Lancaster Here Friday •

1 l Eleven Finishes Hatcher Hits •Footballers : Cagers To Invade Ventura BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DECEMBER 10, 1941 No. 1~ Season Beating U, ay 7 o Finals Outscore !Hardwood Saturday Night VOL. XIV Christmas Play Long Beach Opponents BakPrsfield .Junior College's crimson clad men of the hard­ Football Banquet The Way Things .L4re Now • • • In Tourney wornl floors will lift the lid oft the 1941-42 basketball season After playing in ang and fun-filled occasion with The Individuals who come forth with, "Oh, Upon the shoulders of the younger genera- Womati's Club. Five busses will be points by co11vera1ons. . could enter his advanced tenn1_s cl~ss la ed through one of the toughest Fellows first place total of 48 points. SHIFT BA'M'LE PLANS which to enJesus, while playing, wounds bis hand ,...... which were made by the Prospects for a successful ~asket- Bakersfield ...... 3 3 0 .soo 11 1~: Amazon Stick Artists ! d A d Jackson1 provided musi on a nail of the door. The dool' takeR 'Gades ball season is almost a certa1nty as Compton 2 3 1 .417 5 an rman - In accordance with the annual cir.. s;·dent-what's your opinion? Outling their semester's work and 417 , cal entertainment in between course_s. cuit of naval recruitin8' officers N week more than two h11n.. drafting a constitution has been the on the :form of a cross. The whole With this ou~nding triumph, the four of the twenty athletes responding Long Beach ...... 2 3 l • s: :; Ready For Prepsters The long .table_s we1.·e. decorated _m th,·ouo. bout CAiifornia collegei, the play is a preview of what is to co1nc. Rene,rades proudly b1came the undis- to Coach Jack Frost's cage call this Santa Moniu .... 2 4 0 .333 4 h t fi " di'_. ,•tudents of Bakerafleld Junior early work of the newly organized J h · po t ayed by Eugene i·ed and white wit m1n1a ure gu1 es A. M. S. will sponsor a·n as.,.emblv00 ~ osep is r r - puted occupants of third place in the week are veterans from last season's Glend•le ...... l 5 9 .167 38 62 Jayree women hockey players are , Col.. '-e will be asked to express Associated Negro Student,, accord. A k I M b v·r · · Ta of all the footba 11 payers,I th e ,o.ng Fri'day t"~ period, feat"•lng .·~- - c er y, ary y I gmia rver, . Metropolitan confer:.ence, In confer~ starting quintet. ,varming up the,ir techniques for a b h Id ...... - ""' thfki oplnlona on Important iasues in& to Mr. William Van Ewert, ad- A b p 1· O'Ha R be b ence games they defeated Long Coming back for more action are ~titk clash \\'ith the eighth period leaders, and band. mem ers o ing n1otion picture, "Wina, of the Navy", Qf ,tJie day. The opinions of thtse viaer. nna Y au ine re, u n Y s h T I of prominence. . pl'esented by the States Navy. atq.a..i.-s will be taken as a crots· the Nu and the child Jesu~ by positions United Adopting name uAlpha Bob Anderson . Beach, Com~ton, and Glendale and Roger Nabers, s1nooth working guard, op ·s ramp e high school players ifonday at 3:16 Dancing to the rhythms of Ba.id Little ia known of the nature of this ~·· David Mack. A group of shepherds lost to L. A. Qity College, Santa Johnny Clark, high point man of the p. m. k , h t ded the even , aectf~n of the student body and' the Sigma", which was presented by Fay and town.s,\•omen include Lois Knight, Suver rop s ore es ra en . - assembly, but judging from laat year's ru11w.- will be compiled into the Sanders the students h t t Monica, and Ventura. 1940 team, Walter Permenter, tow- Frosh Cagers Coach "Willie" Williams has ing which officially closed the grl(] naval p1'cture, the performance of the Ill.& • ' ope o presen Bf.•tty l\Iagee, Betty Jo Avery, Vicky 11 . Phoenix Junior College and U. C. ering pivot-man and Eugene Shee- called off the freshman-sophomore . &Mersfteld Junior College Poll of their club formally to the student McClure, Lois 11cCa\\', Janis Hendsch, L~ A. Reserves fell victims to the ban, sharp shooting forward. I 25 11 T• It battle in order to prepare her hockey seasofl, of the committee in Navy's "Winged Men" is so outstand.. Stad~nt Opinion" whieh will appear body in the very near future at a Marian Overocker Jewel Bradley, . Maroon and White._ squad, while the Two freshmen guards, Murphy I squad for the coining onslaught. AU 1\1'.ernberii J h ingly depicted by the naval cameras weellly In this newapaper. The prl- third period rally. Bruce Wilfong U:uis Homfeld and n - charge of arrangements w. ere ~ nny that everyone who attends the a,.. ' D I · · h ' ' squaP- wae defeated by the Stanford Pruett and Ray Hoppas, are battling jaycee gals interested in playing for Ol tt marw function of the poll will be to e ving into t e problems of the Richard Reaves. Derdlvanis, Kenny W egis, ,ve e sembly will leave J·. C. 117 with not • N Fro!ffl ;and tied by Taft J. C. These for the lone opening on the Rene. Walter Perementer ied the Bakers- the jaycee team a1·e urged to come out Bald I d Bob determine the reneral attitude of egro, each member will write to two The same play will be given Satur- Gingras, Gei·ry w n an only an educational knowled 0 e· of our . I A N were non,-conference games. gade's gold plated five. field Junior College Sophomores to to J)ractice tomorrow at 4:00 p. m. Johnson. Melicent Ober, tn charge ?f nati'on'• power but also a re;l illspfr.. the lstudents concerlUng pertinent c ass . egro colleges to exchange day for the University Women, and on Due io the Renegade onslaught the Pruett ,a former Driller standout, victory over , the Freshmen Friday According to Coach .. Willie'\ the · · t d by Mia ' queaiiqns In political, educational, information regarding their club and Monday afternoon for the Woman's decorations, was assis e ation. The officers present at the pro.. 1 ... 1 d I th h f activities as well as their views on Club. Viklnga sank to a tie for fourth place jumped into prominence when he won afternoon, in the men's gyn1 by scor- undefeated woman athletes of B.J·,C. Suverkrop Jewell Bradley, Lanette . k th t d ts d Hc..,, an var ous o er P ases o 1 with Compton. all-valley honors at K. C. U. H. S. last ing 13 points out of the 29 points] are set for ~nother win over th~ prep \ ' M . 0 k gran1 w1l spea to e s U en an evervday Ameriean life the current Negro problem. A com- Brane1on, and arian veroc er. answer any questions. M..:h d f t' t. b d . mittee has been selected to do re- Year. Hoppas, who hailed from Pen- . d b th sO phs The Fresh· school gals if enough "'omen will re .. L B a h (25) pt 1e up Y e • b "Th" ' t' ,C:OVBBT 0 0 Bakersfield (40) ong eMc C I' dleton, Indiana, moves over the hard- men led b Dave Bannister, scored 11 port for t e game. is ls no ime To quote A.M.S. prexy Roger •• s . opera ion ° ~ use m search work on the Negro in Kern Wieners Sizzle On Range Edwards ...... L.E...... · c as in. wood floor at bullet speed. . 't y to he 1nodest about how well you Nabers: "The films promise excite- tthhe pPll wdillb beDsomGewllhot .simhi)ar to County. po1n s. Buy A Book Now! LT c t d te t . nt nd w,·11 real ose, use Y r. a up in is na- Al h N s· ·11 W D f D I Cheney ...... orporon The other squad members are as Being the inltial basketball ga1ne play," Kays Miss Williams. IL.I.CHI men an 60 r amme a • tfonall famOUB oil Of ublic O in• • p a U 1g_mas WI do their pU!·t Omen e y e u ge Lo~stalot ········ -- .L.G. ················ Neal foll~ws: Lee Karpe, Dave Dannis~ of the season, this fracas gave the l)ribbling, scooping, and driving ly be swell We expect a larae at-. , ,.AY t~ f p . pt during the Christmas season by fur- Rae Prices To Rise . me ion. . cross-sec ion o approx1ma e- . . A I d Lynch ... .'.: ...... C ...... ~nnen ter Keith King, Jimmy Benjamin, hoop fans a preview of whut to ex· for thP W. A. A. squad are such tendance at t hi s mee t mg, so co I t · t t f th t· t mshmg a basket to one of the needy t n OOr p'ICnlC ' * Yale otucleall •wl•d a 'f ts" Y wenypercen o een1resu- .. Wachob· R G .. Henderickson ' · k M G ~t·nRoned athletes as Roma Stone, Sue aalloaal d-ud for oo.ert . ..: .. •······ • ' ·· k Harry Frazier, Fran oore, eorge pect fron1 this season's Renegade After Holidays early or •ea · d en t 'b· o d y w1. 11 b e quizze . d . M'1meo- fam1hes of. Bakersfield. They a1·e Wak~elcl ,, ...... R.T. . . .. Broo : Hottle, Vic Cerro, Eugene Leong, Bucketeers. John Clark and hDink" Bu1·dick, Mable Bone, Mable Voyles, olotlt. that', 1waJaplng the grapb,ed sheets containing a brief ex- also ~Janning a Cbristm~s party for "fsn't it a lovely day to be out of Valenela ...... R.E. . ... Bryan Ernest Macon, Alvin Pyeatt, Robert Shee.han each netted 6 points for the and Eudora Jaynes. The starting few •Ill• In America th&t I Emphasizing the many advantages d plan11ition of the poll and two ques- the h1~h school gr.ad~at1ng Negro~H the rain?" crooned thirty members of Morr~on ,...... - Q .. . Sh~ffer Kelly, Fred Valentich, and Wilbur upper·classmen. For the Freshn1en, lin<'up for the approaching game has ... Off111PPR to ...... thll and enjoyinents in having a Racon- Debaters Returne tiona, will be dlstributed at random who. will enter the Junior college this the A WS, as they burned wiener:. ove1· Shellham~er ···-···- L.H..... "E·b· t~ee Shellhammer. Dave Bannister led wtih 4 points. not yet been selected but will depend !on91a, laarcl nula9 11loth. teur, salesman are carrying out an in-IF S h M t among 20 per cent of the students. Spring. the gas range in the cafeteria, Vv' ed­ Herndon ...... R.H. e~ ing Central California. Conference Lineups were as follov.·s1 upon the sho"•ing made by the girls lfo~ol CoHrtClotho, thoui,la, II Hany Coif.. '•,,, tensive campaign under the able lead- rOffl peeC ee Filled in sheets will then be collected nesday afternoon, December 3. Rosetto ················ F...... Dimas schedule. Sopha: John Clark and "Oink" Thursday. Wiae tailored 1laak1 from ersbip of Les ~eibcrt, business man-'\ Participating in oratory, externpor- and· t_he r?sults·will be tabulated and IMen Students Show Refusing to be th\\'arted by the de­ January 9, San Luis Obispo, here. Sheehan, forw•rdsi Walt Perntentcr ------ager of publications. aneous speaking, and impromptu compiled into percentages. n luge, freshman and soph1nore \\'01nen January 10, Santa Marta, here. and Ernie Macon, centersj Roger Na- At 1!?:30 a. ,n. in n cathedral at 6.95 to 12.95 "Prices of the Roe will go up after speaking in their quest for debate . E11fh ~eek an_ article will .appe_ar Colored Comedies abandoned plans for an outcloo1· bake CHRISTMAS January 16, Porterville, there. hors, Vic Ce1·ro and Wilbur Shell- Salt Lake City, police found a man Christrnas," says Les, "so hui-ry and honors, the members of B. J. C.'s de- 1n the Rip 1nclud1ng-l.) a brief dis­ at Jastro Park in favor of a feed in January 17, Coalinga, here. hammer, guards. \Vhose feet ,vere padded . with. bat_h buy your Rae now, especially if you hate squat felt the full etfect of cusaion of the subjects covered in the Two animated color comedies pro­ the cafetcl'ia. S·UGGESTIONS January 23, Visalia, here. Froah: Dave Bannister, ,Jim Benja~ towels, who held a flashlight in hts IIU!COJTII want padded covers." strong competition at the Southern questions of that week, 2) the ques- vides the entertainment at the A.M.S. Miss ~icKinley stal'ted the "go.-,sip" January 24, Reedley, there. ntin and Eugene Leong, forwarld wa8 re­ Ski Rentals Skis, Bindings Hams, and Nadine Elder. three-man team including A. B. J·en. Pr~liminary registration for the Nabers to see that this was done. warded for his gi·eat toe-work when Tobboggans Ski Clothing ------·-----·--~- ··------kins, Bill Anderson, and Jean Philippe aprlng semester wlll take place dar­ A spring sport,<,; day of California he was chosen on the all-state junior Notice: Women Stu.dents! made finals in debate, wi11ning 8 out in1, second period on Wednesday, A. M. S. clubs in which individual Finals Begin January 7 Roux & Kuentzel college first team. Johnny Rossetto, and Ski Boots for Men and Women of 5 rounds. December 17th, for all junior col­ sports such as archery, badminton freshman football sensation, landed A call has eome for one hundred "University of Southern California lege students now in attendence. and ping pong would be stressed was Final examination.~ will, ht>gin 1817 Eye St. Wind / the fullback spot on the second team. Accessories such as Socks, Jackets, Caps, Ski Pants, women to work in the air filter ser· walked away with. most of the honors, Final registration on final official discussed. Wednesday, January 7, after Chri,;t.p Bakersfield also placed three n1c>n on Mitts, J pecially in the lower division de­ forins must be completed sometime The annual bean feed was also dis­ mas vacation and will last until the honorable mention Jh,t; Frank at least eighteen yea•s of age. All bate/' said Mr. Leonard McKaig, de .. between January 8th and January cussed and it was decided to hold it Thursday, Jan. 15. Schedule of tests · Loustulot, guardi Wilbur Sht!llhan1- SAY IT WITH girls interested in this work 8hould bate coach. 15tjt, 1942, in J. C. 17. Registra· this spring. Don Kohler, secretary­ may be seen on- the bulletin boardR n1er, fullbackj and Bob Herndon, ALLEN'S SPORT SHOP telephone Lt. Erwin! (2-1532) im­ Debaters attending the meet were tioll . of new students not now in t1·easurer, announced that men with or in the jaycet" office. Students Smith's Flowers halfback. mediately. They should also see Ralph Palla, Beverly Dean Parkes, Jul1ior college wlll he held Thursday A. M. S. membership cards would be are urged to consult the lists soon The teams were tabulated from Phone 2-4930 afternoon, January 15th, and Friday admitted free, otherwise the cost PHONE 6-6037 J.C. Penney Co., Inc. 722 Baker Miss McKinley or Miss Forsberg Mary Ann Rusaell, A. B. J·enkins, Bill and make their study plans accord· non1inations by the coaches of various in the jaycee office. Anderson, and Jean Philippe. morning, January 16th, In J. C. 17. would be 15 cents per person. ingly. 680 Eighteenth St. Bakersfield 2018 Chester Phone 9-9731 Coast junior colleges. L------.i

-----·-----~------·------·------RENEGADE RIP Page Three Page Two BENICGADE RIP Club Kids 'Gade ... It Can Happen • • chicken chatter Local Stores To ORGANIZATIONS Organizations Published by the Associated Students of the Bakersfield Junior College find Did . . !! Telephone: Executive Office 8-8767 'Capades Waltzin' round with their best Employ Studes Prove Fun football players were some mighty Hor~ion Pledges Arias Are Included ;J\{_ewman Club EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT In English 5A cute gals last Friday night at the Now that the football season hnR Fortified with v.aluab!e classroom Somewhere dashing about the EDITOR...... ROMA STONE banquet. On Fine Arts Program Has Meet .... Neva Lee Budworth definitely ended ,ve can '"b<•gin to diR- Ry Daisy Dunkirk campus and corridors are the "little Assistant Editor... " .. HELEN BURT ·Jooked scrumptious advice, the students are ready for the Gi1Je Service shots" that are the cogs in the So you think Public Speaking 21 is The Fine Arts Club concert for this Feature Editor...... ·····-······-···-···-·---···-·-·-···-···--·,··-··· .... King Taylor cuss Ro111ething else. But. -..vhat shall in a yellow chiffon formal with pink Christmas rush in the various stores. Gl'd' th B k fi Id I wheels or activities. To those who ...... Dorothy Davis we talk about? We could do a rP- a einl'h eou1·~t·, huh? WelJ, kids, you 1 1ng ac1·oss e a ere e ce week includes a group of arias from Plans to f.tart an all J.C. student Special Features Editor .. roses scattered in her long black bob. ho]d the jaycee, extra-curricular ····-·····-·······--·-··Esther Foley hash of the football banquet but that ain't heard nothin' yet. Have you Miss Bitner is working with the class Arena floor could be seen five promi- well known and popular operas. Newman Club were made at a mect- Women's Editor...... Plenty okay was PAT ABEL in a program on their willing and sturdy ...... Lyska Herring is pretty old stuff and 11l'8idP.s ...-..·ho ever taken tin1c out to find out about on such sales techniques as custorner nent Horizoners Friday evening. Led The program for this week will in­ News Editor...... black tight fitting bodice formal with ing of all the Catholic studentR of shoulders, the Orgalllization Staff of ...... Norinan Christensen cares that the whole Rifai!' \Vas thi::. course called English 6A?? I'm handling, suggestive selling, and by Joellyn Scott, presid0nt, the gals elude Micaela's Aria, Seguidilla and Assistant News Editor...... a huge skirt of wide black and pink B. J.C. third period, Friday. Chair- the Rip d.edicate-i-; this weekly col­ u,lJing you confidentially-like, fellows, keeping the store in contact v;:ith the slipped out for a chilly evening of the Card Song from Bizet's Carmen, Exchange Editor...... ··········-···-·--····-···-··-········------··-······--·Heten Offutt I gigantic, sti;pendous, n1arvelous and inset. She wore a halo of tiny Cecil umn. Copy Editor...... __ Joellyn Scott stuff. John Dcrdivanis as Master of ---t.hal iR really a snap, ho-hum course. customers. Criticism of the various thrills and chills , . , but no spills, and The Dream frotn Massenet's man for this meeting was Pauline Ceren1onies was okay and to hi1n \Ve Brunner roses clustered in her head. "sales" habits of the different stu- Among the skaters and prospective Ml\illon and Berceua:e from Godard's O'Hare. Shirley Augustus: Dashing in and Sports Department If you don't believe n1e .•• well, just give first prize for being tho I\1an of aRk n1c again. After all, any guy BETTY McCARTHY matched the dents are given verbally during class skaters we.re June Cauvel, Virginia Jocelyn, and In the Town of Razan Those attending voiced an opinion out of jaycec doors with a stencil in SPORTS EDITOR...... HAROLD ROAT! the Week. To John goes a hand <•n- torquoise blue of her gown with time. Tarver, Loretta Hollaway, Evelyn fron1 Maussorgsky's Boris Gadounow, one hand, a Rtack of books tucked ,vho's taken the same course for four r· for a big organization separate fro1n BUSINESS DEPARTMENT graved gold-filled spitoon, whkh, scmcstcl's should be a pretty good turquoise blue earrings--very strik­ Kresses have in their employ1ncnt, Lewis, and JoelI yn S cott. The group aud the Je~el Song from Gounod's under the other arm, and a cheery BUSINESS MANAGER...... LESTER HIEBERT when a bullseye is scored plays "The authority on the subject. ing with her black hair and blue eyes. Gladys ~llis and Esther Hart, who was chap1;1roned by Miss Jeane Cha11l- Fa.ust. the High School students. The plans "Hi Chum!" for everyone is the club Advertising Manager...... ,...... Jack Leddy Hut Sut Song''. That's okay John, EARRINGS EVERWHERE b ad · d M' s Margaret · I t were laid for a Christmas party, woman of the hour, Shirley Augus­ When you first enroll in this class, are picking up experience in bagging ers, v1ser, an is . ':f~ese concerts are given every as Assistant Advertising Manager...... Glenn Martin you're quite welcome. Anything for The most popular things these ~ays candy and cookies and learning to Momsen, Executive Secretary of ha.ff of the fourth in J·. C. 102, and which will be the traditional New- tus. Circulation Manager...... Kirby Blodget a friend. you see who's in it. You glance around and :,ice that some of the other wise are earrings·. At the banquet, NORA handle perishable and breakable mer· Camp Fire. the last half of fifth in J. C. 106. All man Club Kid Party. Heading· the A.W.S. and the Ger­ Have you heard this one? Said guys like Macdonald, Scott, Granger, BRITE, CONIE FRANK, VICKY Med~­ chandise carefully and quickly. Bar- PLEDGE TEAMS members interested is invited to come. Those attending discussed the pos- man Club, Shirley is a busy woman the pen to the paper, "I dot my eyes Parkes, Grahain, Engles, and .. ah, CLURE. and the above mention. bara Scaroni and Bettie Davis are B~sily marking pledge requirements Bibility of having the meetings alter- but not too busy to belong to the Letter Of Protest Helpful Hints By on you.'' Okay, so you don't get it. Taylor ... are also out for a cinch PAT ABEL and BE'ITY McCARTHY a!so working at Kresse, and are pruc- off their liats, the industrious pleda-es Planned nately at St. Francis' and St. Joseph's Lance and Shield, work in the High DEAR SIR (or sirs, or &l-?"() Well laugh anyway, it'll make you grade. You lean back in your chair, wore the pretty sparklers in their ticing clerking at the cosmetics of Pat ,A.bell'• team met at the home Parish. Thus1 the students from the School Registrar's office, haul in fav­ orable grades, and have a rip roar­ HaVe y()Q never read Rosseau or feel better. Rtick your legs out in the aisle, load ears. counter. of Mrs, Leonora Anderson, at 1800 Br. State Collegians East side will find it more convenient. Haggard Hanna ing good time in school to boot. Thoreau? Do you have no Idea as Among the Exchange papers from up with a fresh wad of gum and defy NEWS IN HAIR DO'S Rose Hashin, Mary · Ambrosini, Richard TarvE!r has scheduled a moon- The next meeting is going to be Alma Backtenkirchcr, and Margie light hike fol' .. some moonlight even· Final plans for the annual collegian Wednesday night, for J. C. students Willis Da11ons: More than just oc­ to the henetlta to be derived from other schools, we received one from Miss Levinson to tell you anythinr Bangs, bangs, arid more banra! Are you wonderjng what to get for Kelly are gaining selling ability and ing: for h~t' trouble chuera. ~~p.n~e Christmas dinner were completed at only, in St. Francis Hall. During this a life In the open 7 Do you not want Bret Harte Jr. High in Los Angeles. you don't know. MARIAN McKINNEY, ROMA casionally that black curly head can the children of this generation to "him" for Christmas, girls! well you Said paper was addressed to, believe learning stock care and ordering at We&;ver ia leadin1 the Jaycee .aala in a· club meeting Thursday eveninr. meeting nominations for officers will be seen peeking out from behind a he strong and healthy? Then why can forget alf about your problems it or not, PATTENGILL JR. COL­ After the first few weeks of pre- STONE. BE'M'Y. ~A;~JN;91S Newberrys. service. houra b:v wol.'kiq aa ·an as- Committees are meeting this week to be made. huge camera. Willis is a 'Camera don't yoU Jet us stay out in. the sun now that Haggard Hanna is on the LEGE! Did someone change the liminary lectures, you're more than KNIGHT and NAN Y are At Owens Variety Store, Reid sistant. Camp Fire Guardian .. o~. ~be .refort how · arrangements are pro- AU J-unior Catholic students are fiend on one hand and a swell fellow glad to be here. ff you just ltiten just a few of our popul11r co-eds who and fresh air 1 Do you want us to job. From my long experience with name of this college over the week Owens bas just finished putting to- Union Avenue School group. Vlrrlnla msslng. . urgently asked to attend. on the other. His club achievements men, I have derived soine very pro. once in a while to Levi, you 1ll learn sport bangs. . . . have to go down to the llbe In order end or tsh1 tsh kids, put away the gether the last of Christmas toys. Tarver donated her servlcas at a re- Committee chairmen include Jemi· amount to the jaycee Camera Club nounced ideas as to their likes and enough, and heck, who wants to wear Many_ gals a~e wearing thet~ and Publications Photographers. Be­ to talk? Heaven Forbid!! Then why uBaekwooda ambrosia." I know it's ·1 k' ?? , w 11 up. Sake for motance OL1Vr.11r. He has been combining stockroom cent meeting of tbs same a-ronp of m11 McCormick, invitations; Loretta SCA Ch . t D , do you have to go have the lawn their dislikes. But we can't all be purely trivia}, but so what if this out a penc1 ta. mg notes . e , GINGRAS' d BEVERLY HALL'S work with selling and is now ready to ten year olds and eliminated two Hqlloway decorations; Esther Foley, TIS mas rive sides club work, Willis is the Faculty torn up efery fall? perfect, can we 1 column won't repulse you then noth­ you keep on going to class day after au take on the Christmas rush. hours from her Hat of "muat do'•"· en!ertaln;,,ent; Jeanne Wallace, pur- Begins This Week Editor and Photographer of the Rac­ day . . . then something happens. off the face ~nd ear exposed' coi~ures. A very disgruntled First of all let us understand that ing will. J. c. Penny and Co. has employed Pairlee Robinson wi!J be the hoateaa c1*alng; Nancy Herlna-, cooking; Loa ontc.ur. the gifts should not be too personal. Levi says we are going to have a Well, thats 30 tor now. Don t for­ Jerry Harris: That tiny little red­ Lawn GO student. uKeep ~ .. Drooling'' is my new two units for straight stockroom to the Jaycee. Pamp Fire Girls tont,ht S~rrh, serving; and Paul Garret, Movies of a recent Student Christ- In spite of the present day laxity to little test on the Anglo-Saxon period. get the Basketball games! head one sees running busily here and motto, used on such pieces of liter&• work. Howard Hunting and Jimmy at her hO.me. on San Emidio Street. cl.. nup. · ian Association conference at Asilo- tradition, we should remember that But do you worry? Nab!! Just there these days is Jerry Harris who ture as the following: lJayes receive and wo1k the heavy Slated for .the .evening prQp&nl la mar were shown at the last meeting Premiere Party At C. J.C. no girl gives a man something she glance through your text book and poets. You learn al! the poets and is just as busy as she looks. Besides Sigma Delta Pl, Greek Jetter club Said one ear to the other ear, "I fflerchi.ndise, while Dot Davis and Chri$tma• carolinr practice •• well by Mr. Perry. This year's Christmas woudn't wear herself. Which of look at those guys' names and then everythinr they ever wrote. Boy, being one of the school's prime style of Compton Jay Cee, recently offered didn't know you lived on this block" Eloaine Davia are doing the softer as the preparation of a Chr11tmaa ear Catchers conference will be held at Santa course is silly, 10 we'll forget about you can pass the test easy. Let's see, this is ,t snap. I know the name of setters, Jerry takes an extremely the Tartar student body one of the Oh, boy, wa11 that a sharpie4 Brother lines and arranging stock. basket donation to some needy family. Cruz. Delegates will be selected to it. What eelf.respecting girl would where did I leave my notes. Oh yeah, every guy ••• she won't fool me this active part in activities. She very most gala atudent body dances in re... you're really on the el beamo. Lea McCoy and Paul Melfino are The girl• wil! carol for the hoap1tals clatters of renegade jltierbuggies tak- represent the local chapter. wear only a pair of wool socks to I know. They're over at Kimble1. time. Come on, give us the test and J ably acts as president of the Knit­ cent years. The occasion centered Attention all women!!!! Any of d.oing warehouse work at Sears, Roe· on the Tuead~y evening before Chriat ..· in, off from california avenue . , • Betty Galle, Florence Saecker, Don class? Now you see what I mean. Glan~ing through your notes fl.rat let's get goinr. First question is •. ters' Club, doing a little instructing around the hlllle Wold Premier of the you Bags who have recently lost your buck and Co. Employed in the house- mas. delete jingle of dottie davis' cluster Peaslee, and Warren Kecker were period (you have the test second), you (thinking of you know what) My on the side, and is one of the more new Student Union building. Every And then we have the second point men via the draft or some other dame, ware department ot the same store - ()f: key15 (plus bottle opener) , , · chosen to act as host and hostess to can't find anything about BEOWULF, gosh, I've been framed!! It say• here active memherR of the Public Rela­ particular showed the effect of the to remember. That is, not spE!nd any are eliirible to join the OMLBJC. For are Pat Green and Lois Lawrence. voices :al'ld· ToU.te merehandJsp at ll'fy's guffaws driftinlJ'' ~own ja)>cee service men at the city center recre- and all those Battles of Something to compare and discuss the styles and tions Council. World Premier theme from the door more on the gift for the man than he an explanation of the hieroglyphic!-, ln the soft lines department of Weill's. hWls iq, the early morning · , · otto ationa.1 room Monday evening. Levi Maid to know. Well, let's see • , contents ol the worka of Wyatt and Jack Stewart: Jack Stewart has pri1e (Ear! Carroll'• tickets) to guest is going to spend ·on You. Now don't we find 'that ,they refer to the Old Montgomery Wards are June Cauvel Brock's hlls employed Margaret kril,mer's "'high 'C" chortle · · · foley'a SCA Christmas Drive is in the BeoWolf . Oh &Ure, he must hav,e Sq.rrey, AJao. discuss Sam Dani.el .. the ad1nirable quality of being a bra"in stars from Hollywood. be that way; I'm not tight, but who Maid's League of Bakersfield Junior and Pegge Plaum·, while Walter Bay- Scott a,, a ,portiwear clerk ana-DOnna C:~erful "hi, babe" : • '. wait permen- capable hands of Bob Sabovich this been one of them real old time guys whointhehe11 are thofle guys? T?, Oh, without making it too obvious to That's what I classify as a pretty wants to get a gift costing more than College. All applicants ,vill see ~1iRR es• and Ruas DC>yland are assisting in Kimberley as_ a cosmetics clerk. W's rapid-fl.re chatter .. , yell lead .. year, who states, "AU canned goods who was a pretty good Wolf, or else quick ... give me an aspirin and a everyone. He is president of Alpha neat affair. Oh why can't things like the one that he sent to the giver? Lyska Herring, Joellyn Scott, Esther tho display d~partment. Bettyl, Andl'!!ws and Jane Jil:itchell .,_. disgruntled "cantcha do on bet- or toys for needy families will sure they wouldn't have written anything drop slip, Architecture 6, here I 0 Gan1ma Sigma and one of the best that happen here? That's the wrong answer. You should Foley, Pat Rockwell, Neva Budworth · June Oxford and Evelyn Brown are have gained experience in wrapping tat" ... kenn)" wegia' familiar 1otta' be appreciated." about him. (Hey, who's this "P.V." come. liked kids on the campus, either of say nobody. The only safe solution or others for details regarding 1nem~ learning to mark prices and check in- packages for delivery and maiUine, pencil?" • , . kay guiney's "hi sugar, Members have set December 16 for to that problem is to not send anr here'!? That sounds very familiar1.------, pTtc1ng and markin1 mercha'ftdf1e. what's cookin' " , . . date of a potluck dinner meeting which would be quite an acievement 11 bership. According to a recently con­ See that girl 1 That's my girl." gift at all and then any gift that is ... boy, he's no long-hair. He's veddy, and ripping and pressing at Judd's. follo:,ved by a bowling party. in itself. "Ub-huJt-good looking fur coat ducted poll, the girls would rather be vcddy nice!!) Heck, this is simple received is sure to cost more than the GIFTS FOR HlM I ,.. ~ :....~~~------~------known as "Unclaimed Treasures". Harry·, Coffee's girla1 Lora Parks 1 she'&: w,earinr.''. stuff, ... think I'll go get a coke. one sent and you end up with a favor­ and Margele Brown, have"beeh given ·~ 1; '"Ye&h, I gave her that". Don't be a Dud, Join a Club! Okay, so you did flunk that first able balance of Christmas trade. If the opportunity to learn ca•hlerlng exam. Don't worry, you'll knock oft' NATIONAL ":P.retty hat, _too". the economics of Christmas confuse A hum:tred swords are piercing me, and pack$ge wrapplnr. 11 I Yep, I gave her that''. you, skip the above. You hold me close, and I am brave; an A on the next one. Just listen a '1!oy what a sparkler she's wear­ little 1nore and quit making wise SHIRT SHOPS 1 Now, should the gifts be practical You cannot know the agony ...... IA .. cracks. America's Leading tJlS". or should they be Something that he But golly dear, why don't you shave? 0 Sure it is, I gave it to her''. Towards the end of the semester, Men's Furnishers will like? In my opinion, a scrub­ ...... "And say, that's a cute little boy Duck, here comes another one! Said Levi announces another big test. . brush or a bar of soap (while per­ "COAST TO COAST" she has with her." the soap to the bathtub, ••pn give you Well, you're not to be caught napping uveah, that's her little brother." haps needed) do not pass on the cor­ a ring Saturday night". Oh stop! this time ... you're going to study. 1427 19th St. ~ rect Christmas spirit. ft is always those jokes are killing rne!! This test is about a lot of long-haired '------"' safe to give him something that he can't use. In t.his way the odds arc The girl that write out our English Holiday Flowers greater that he won't have one like report& it, and that he won't use and wear it She's really one of the finest sports GIFTS and Corsages out; it will always be kicking around And the boy that "helps" us in the to remind him of you. long ha1h line, Reasonably Priced As a pal we'd say he's simply fine; NOw I am sure that the selection for Everyone of your Christmas gifts will be much But he who's read th.is column to the end, DISC DOINGS BEWICK'S I easier this year than it has ever been Here are just a few of the many gifts due entirely to the invaluable aid of That's the one we'll call our friend! we have for every member of the 1818 Chester Ave. e "Tonight We Love" - I my suggestions. But that's all right, WIISTll'I Freddy Martin. family. We'll help yon check off your MRS. R. H. BEWICK j Helpful Hanna is always glad to do NIW INTERNATIONAL This wHk's line-up ..• list economically. e "Elmer's Tune" - Glenn 0\> '------·· her part. Merry Christmas! Don't Puzzle Over Gifts DICTIONARY, Miiier 8Kay KYSER "Chattanooga Choo-Choo" \ for Him-let Harrison's e Party-lovln1 San, -Glenn Mlller NO ADVANCE\, For Dad For information and inll>lratlon dais with hi1h IN PIICEI \1 Only 12 More Days throullh the-- yean, give Webster'• C, Guy LOMBARDO e "Shepherd Serenade" - hecb •• low heels., Tools for Hobby Hovers Supply the Answers New foiemational; ita dally'* will Tony Pastor. wed1ieal Genuine Chisels Braces Saws To Christmas be a c:on,Wlt raninder of you, the Sil\leror Gold Kid! Still J giver. e "I Don't Want To Set the Aho whlte satin• Files Ila1n1ners Key Chains ... $1.0() to $~.r.o 8Sammy KAYE (tinted free), Time To Choose Those Here la a l!ift that carriea with it a World on Flre"-Sklnny Sweaters . $1.00 up lifetime o( appreciation - the per• Ennis. $3.95 feet llift becauae It laone book that everybody wanta to own. O Tommy DORSEY Gifts At Mufflers ... $ l.00 up e "This Love of Mlne"­ For. Mom $20.00 to $35.00. Tommy Dorsey Sport Shirts $1.!;G up O Eddy DUCHIN AAA to.C Electric Iron Ties ...... $ l.00 e "You and I"-By Glenn WEILL'S Miller Fostoria Beverage Sets Courtley Toiletries $1.00 up Store Open This Saturday Pffth ldttlon G ? ? ? ? e "Jlm"-Dinah Shore Flower Bowls, Etc. Until 9 P. M. Tie Racks . $1.00 up e "A Sinner Kissed an Webster"• Collegiate lo the per• Saturday night, for a full half hour, And many other useful gifts feet gift for anyone to whom the Angel"-Tommy Dorsey. SPORTS EQUIPMENT meaning and use of words, in Cora-Cola puts the Mpotlight 1>11 the e "Everything I Love" - We will be happy to g-ift wrnp speaking, readinQ:, or writing, ls band which,-according to our Int· Glenn Miiier. • SKIS SKATES Pioneer Mercantile Company them free on reque!>t. a matter of impo:rtance. Anyone est 'o\("ekly tabula1ion,-1nade the will appreciate Webster"• Col· recording that oulsold any other. Established 1899 legia~l. especially in one of the TOBBOGGANS Open until 9 p. in. until Xnias Eve Automotive Parts, Hardware fine II"' bindings. f,;1.50 to $8~- EVIRY NIGHT EXCEPT lUNDAY PHILLIPS Feed and Seed HARRISON'S M11t,ir,l Network Music Company BAKERSFIELD Baker1tleld Taft BROCK'S K P M C 7 :15 p. m. 1610 Nineteenth St. 20th and I Streete Freano 5th and Main Sta. 1618 19th Rt. DOWNSTAIRS DEPT. Phone 8.8181 1481 lh-oadway Phone 80 WINGATE'S OFFICE SUPPLY 1604 19th St. Phone 6-6986 HARDWARE CO. )

J.lllN.GAD• J.lP Renegades Blast 1Here's Rip's All-:Jreetro Eleven Renegades Head For Southland The Renegade Rip sports department composed of Harold Pirates 45-29 Roat!, sports editor and Jimmie Benjamin, assistant sports edi­ For Week-End Cage Tilts tor have picked their own all-Metropolitan Conference eleven. ... Showing plenty of ·power, the Rene­ The offlclal team has n.Pt yet been selected. Frostmen To Engage Glendale Friday gade quintet continued their win J<'IRS'r TEAM l!ltreak of the season by toppling a Beauchamp, L. A. C. C., LE; Fitzugh. Glendale, LT; Lacovino, To Tackle Lancaster Again Saturday somewhat strong, but out-of-form Santa Monica, LG; Elushik, Ventura, C; Wachob, Bakersficlrl, ------Ventura Pirate five, 46-29 Saturday RG; Wakefield, Bakersfield, HT; Schroecler, L.A. C. C., ltlc; R d T • h Off to a flying start, those fast afternoon on the ene1ny hardwoods. Dimas, Long Beach, ll; l~el!ows, L.A. C. C., B;Whitn,•y. Ven- enega es rlUmp---- stepping Renegade cagers will travel t Lanky Johnny Clark again led his tura, B; Rossetto, Bakersfield, B. Q L J C south of the Ridge this week-end to teammates in high point honorR, HONORABLE MENTION: Herndon, Bakersfield; Lonstalot. Ver ancaster , , indulge in their weekly basketb.all VOL. XIV BAKERSFIELD, pALIFORNIA, DECEMBER 17, 1941 ~o. 1 :: swishing the nets for 13 counters. Bakersfield; Morrison. Bakersfield; Aylesworth, Santa Monica; I ' battles. Friday evening they tangll' Dink Sheehan waR second high Agee, Long Beach; Walker, Glendale; Davis, L.A. c. C.; Case. In Season's Opener with u strong Glendale club and then on the Renegade with 10 points. Compton; Fowler, Ventura; Kordlch, Compton. the following evening they ,vill delay Smith, Ventura forward, also chalked B,il,,:i·r:-dield ,Junior College's basket· their homeward trek long enough to AWS-WAA Merge Into Homecoming Day For Festive Christmas Formal up 10 counters. Lall fui·el'S pla~·cd ring-around-the~ give Antelope Valley Junior Co1lege Wc,men Stude1ts Coach Jack Frost indicated how­ Jaycee Girls Defeat Tennis Coach Hall limits rn~y with a Lantafiter Junior College a return game at Lancaster. ever, that the score does not indicate Advanced Class Number Iottl lit Friday afternoon in the Frost- The latest dope in on Glendale is This Friday Will Be Held T uesdav A Single Organization I the difference in s'trength of the two K:C.H.S. In Hockey llH•n's fil'Rt tilt of the season. The that southland cities are booming the teams, Frost stated that the Ven- Dribbling down the center of the With final registration ei·eeping up I\.1aroon and White quintet finished on Highlanders for Metropolitan spoil;,. lance And Shi,ld And turans showed strong potentialities field, Miss Frances Williams sent the on jaycee students, Coach LuiTy IJall tht• Ionµ: t·n~l uf a 55-:7 ~core.. . Bakersfield got by Antelope Valley For ·setter Service /monetrate the By S brightly deco1·ated Chr1stlnai:; tree, Kelly, g ...... 1 1 0 8 good defensive work. should have a chance to lC'al'n so1ne- Clark F. 7 1 2 16 they feinted a move in one direction ficers 1 the organization is divided into Sprint 1tme1ttr offices of the A. M, f wr"pping Chris1mas packages. and Christmai- packages. Punch \Vill Macon, g O O O O thing about the sport but only those Bannh,tl•r F. 0 1 2 and crossed the opposition by travel- three large departments-recreation, s. J'rldtJ moraine at the A. M. S. thll Burke, Alva Digior, Winnie Renewing the sacred spirit of b(' served fro,n u huge punch bowl, Moore, g O O O O who a1·e really interested in gaining Pt.•rn1enter C. 2 1 1 5 ing the opposite way. sa to activity, pa1·chuting, dive bombing, q~rtet performed familar folk songs, feet. (This group inclucl(,d Richard lives! Matched Sets, $3.95 Uy I'Vlajor Fl'ank L. Barnun1, prPsident peTfOl'hl on lhe east steps of the City catapulting from aircraft ca1·riers and "C,Jlrry Me Back", "Jacob Dreamt He Reaves, Paul Gal"l'ett, Loui,; Tlomfcld, up. Pens, $2. 75 up. Pen­ gro,vth of a joint radio organization ~-. of th(' Aviation Cadet Exun1ination cils, and up. of jaycee and high school i:.tuch•nts , landing on the carriers. Saw A Ladder", "Polly Wolly Doodle" Lois Knight, Betty l\tage(', Betty .lo $1.00 \,) ]{'1.11 next Nlonday evening fron1 7:16 Boan! at the Basic Flying Sr·hool near which was dissolved last spring. The .. and "Dark Town Strutters Ball"-at Avery, Vicky l\ilcClurc, Lois MeCaw, to R o'clock. Bakel'sficld. organization plans to product.' about the Kern County Union High School Janis }lendsch, Marian Ovt.•roekf.•r, Spt.'cial nnn,bcrs will be> p1·l·sented DANCE JS ONI Pr(·viou,-Jy, bon1l.iardiel's anll navi­ three plays a year. The fln,t show · Football Banquet. Jewel Bradley, and Bruce Wilfong.) "D,y.ProaP· Deiilc S.tt g·ators havl' bct•n trnincd separately, will probably be given in Dt•C"e1nber. by the Fin;t Baptist chur(:h choir and Christmas Formal is subject to The quartet consists of Bill Mason, One by one, the worshipp .... rs de- IOfhomeorofflc..REAL and t\vo YL'fi1·s' coll('ge ,vo1·k or it,­ utlllfy AND beatty. At the organization mel•ting tht.! ,, youth chorus, the Mennonite male ehange but at present it will be held Lemuel Schaad Armand Jackson and parted, leaving Mary knet•ling b('sidP Prlc• indudff hderal Ta,r From S5.00 up. <'quivalcnt ,,,as th(> 111inimum l'duca­ constitutiop. was propost>d and h·m. ehorus and 1nixcd choir, and Mrs. as scheduled, repo1·ts Olivette Gingras, Louis Homfetd.' Members of th~ trio her son. The chorus (•losed the GIFTS OF SPUN iional requirl'n1cnt. Under the ne,v porary officers appointed. llarry Ruby Duncan JI ick'~ V{OnH•n's ehorus, general chairman. are Olivette Gingras, Eva Boynton, pagaent \.Vith the singing nl' "O Coinl• ruling, the n1inimun1 educational l'L'­ STRAUSS JEWELERS VALLEY OFFICE Francil'lco is temporary chairman and l)ire('tors of the group are l1r. L. and Roberta Ownby. All Ye Faithful." ONE YEAR TO PAY I ALUMINUM quil'e1nent for the '-'Olnbined training· Marian Overocker is temporary trl'BS· G. Gates of the Baptist choir, Mr. cor. 19th and Chester Ph. 9.9649 1 and School Equipment Co, is as follov.•K: urer. Script, sound and publieity Ronald Clark of the Baptist youth Buy Raes Now .• Prices Go 1621 - 19th Street 1 Each applicant n1ust be a graduatf' committees will be appointl.>d at a Bun \\ ar1ners chorus, Mr. Spud Heinrich of the Up After Christmas/J Taber States: Postpone Student Opinion of an UL't.'J'Prlitcd high school ancl fur· "YOUR CHJUS'l'MAS S'l'OR.E" later date. • Cake Savers MennonitH n1ale chorus and Mr. John Poll Till After Holidays • Salad Sets Janzen of the Mennonite church choir. Puzzled· as to what to give your thf'l' exhibit his mental qualifications CHRISTMAS CAA Flight Training by pnsKinJ.!," the following test,;; (1) • • Silent Butlets ThP progrnn1 at the City llall will best pal for a Christmas present? Due to a recent congestion of Make it a 1942 RACONTEUR-. general <'iassification test; (2) physi­ • Cassercrles c.•]ofic \Vith con1n1unit.y singing of Will Continue Rtudent activities, the Junior Col­ eul tcst; und ({"!) gcnel'al 1ne(·hanieal SUGGESTIONS WINTER SPORTS ARE HERE! ft1.n1ilinr Chrhit1nas carols. something to enjoy for years to • Hors D'oeuvres lege Poll of Student Opinion, origi­ aptitude tt•:-t. Following the> progrn1n of the n1af'.s come. C. A. A. flight training will in all Spalding Tennis Rackets • and Canopy Trays nally scheduled to make its initial Qualyfying 111ental exa1ninations We Are Headquarters for- chorus, the con1bined gl'oup of the "Prices are definitely going up probability continue as usual, reports Ice Tub and Tongs appearance this week in the Rip, \\'ill be givl'n by the Aviation Cadet Ice Skates jnycee A Capella choil' nnd high after Christmas," says Les Reibert, Dean Theron Taber. The C. A. A. has been postponed until after the Ski Rentals Skis, Bindings • i.u·hool Choral Club \\'ill enrol in El "so don't wait 'till after the Christ­ Examining Board as often aK the Archery Tackle planes were grounded for a short time Christmas holidays. Prices from Tejon llotel lobby. mas rush to get your book." nu1nbcr of applications \\'arrant. Stu­ Tobboggans Ski C lathing aftC'r the start of war, but the 4th Eugene Ackerley, director and d(Jnts accepted for the bon1bardier­ At nine o'clock the songs of the Prices are $1. 75-$2.00 for holder• Interceptor Command granted leave originator of the poll, reported that ·Complete Line of Winter and Ski Boots for Men and Women gl'oup will be sent over th1• loud of student body cards and $2.00· nuvigator training will have thC' $1.20 to $2.95 to continue flying last Saturday. much work in the final organization Htatui- of aviation cadets and ,vill rf'­ Sports Equipment spt•nker :1,yst<·n1 of the Baptist Chu1"ch $2.25 for those without cards. Only However it wilJ be necessary for each of the poll has been completed, and Accessories such as Socks, Jackets, Caps, Ski Pants, Wind tower and carried to all parts of Ba· a 25 cent down payment is needed ceive the san1c pay and allo\vances pilot to make out a flight plan before that when school resumes after as thoRe cadets i·eceiving pilot in· Skis, Boots, Etc. 'kcn,field. to keep from paying the advanced Mitts, Etc., make the ideal Christmas Gift for Sport F'ans. BakersfieldHardwareCo. making any flights so that an the air Christmas, the first quizzes will be sti·uction. Then the studtinh> v..·ill earol at Dr. price later on; so buy your Racon­ observation posts may be notified. administered. The formation of The entire tl'nining· 1n·ogl'an1 v..·ill Nelson's hon1e whe1·(! Directo1· ijird, teur now from any of the following · There were run1ors that there would many pertinent questions regarding cover approxhnately seven n1onth:-., Dean :\1cKin1ey, Dean Tabet·, and the salesmen: Stan!ey Schultz, A. B. Roux & Kuentzel ALLEN'S SPORT SHOP be a cessation of C. A. A. flight train­ political, social, educational, and and upon satisfactoi·y con1pletion thl' St:hool Bo1trd will be assE'mbled. Jenkins, Vernon.Cline, Bill Granger, ipg next semester, but due to the fact other phases of everyday American graduate~ will be eligible i'or appoint­ Eye St. A Chl'istmas party for choir ·mem­ KennJ Wetrhl, Bob Johnson, Frank 1817 722 Baker Phone 2-4930 tl:tat the nation needs fliers the pro­ life has been among the various ffll!nt as :-iecond lieutenants in the Air bers at M1·. Clark's. home will climax Brown, Jack Leddy, H~gh Wiiliama, .ram will probably continue uninter­ tasks completed in the past two Co1·ps Reserve with a rating of air­ the eVeninK, and Nadine Eld»r. rupted. week&. craft observer. ' .,

,... ,.. RJ:I.OADJ: RIP RBN.'9AD•· KIP Pac• Three 1 Business Class 'Gade •.. Campus Personality Best BehalJior Club Kids Jlen•t~ill Leaders Launch ORGAN IZ ATIONS Buyers Faced By Published by the ABBociated Students of the Bakerstleld Junior College 'Capades Roma Stone In Blackout. • • Telephone: Executive Office 8-8767 Quaking Kids Whenever you think of Roma Stone Here It Is Season Former Students Wed A. U, . A. Heads French Clubbers To EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT you think of slightly mussed bangs, Ah, Yule Tide! Ah, thl' glorious Separated from the rushing, serg­ books piled chin high and a deep ftow­ Back to the drudgery of sehool­ At Recent Ceremony R S · Hold Yule Party EDITOR ...... ROMA STONE spirit of gWingt Ah, we wish the ing Christnias crowd by a thin counter ing voice. When all the lights go out now, it while others are cheerfully pushing Assistant Editor...... Neva Lee Budworth Salvation A1·my would hurry up and Culminating a romance which be- of 1nerchandise, the jaycee merchan­ This mighty little gal came to B. J. Isn't the thing to sit still and scream; their ways through the crowded Of uccess Celebrating the forthcoming holi­ Feature Editor...... King Taylor reliver our basket. dising students do their part in the C. last year via the farm lands out you Just sit still. Yes, I know that's Christmas slloppers and picking out gan when both were students at Ba­ days, members of the French Club Special Features Editor...... Dorothy Davis Gades, dm't let the proble1n of Associated Women's Activities will yuletide shopping season. Wasco way. A real farmerette, this thoee choice gift.. Yes, back to the kersfield Junior College, Eloise Rey­ will gather this Friday evening, eight 8 presents dq>ress you ... just give rather duH so here are a few things occupy the spotlight of feminine af- Daily classwork finds the student young 'un is one of the 1nost popular drudgery of sthool--but what of nolds and Bill Baxter, members of the ::;e~~i!~~.~~~::~:::·.::::::::::::::::::::·.::::::::·.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::L;s::e~e1;;J:~ your friend, a cheery little sniilc ... to do until the lights come on again. o'clock, at the home of Roy Darke, clerk8 compiling publicity scrap books maid:, wandering 'round the local t.hose busybodies who carry the class of '41, were married Sunday af'- fair,i for the few weeks to come with Ass1sta1lt News Editor...... Norman Christensen then look f•r son1e new friends. 2004 Trustun. to give to the different stores as well University campus. Back there at If you have a good eye and mem­ e:ottra burdenfl so the avera,te Ed ternoon, I;>ecember 7 in a single ring the newly organized club struggling Exchange Editor...... Helen Ofl'utt If you lack TGUTSD, The Glorious as to Miss Grace Bird and Docton W nsco 1-Jigh, Roma made quite a ory, you will have all the good-loQk­ and Co-eel tan enjoy a seaso.n of ceremony at First Presbyterian for existence in B. J. c. Entertainment will include card Copy Editor...... Joellyn Scott Urge To Squander Dinero, better Chu1·ch. Tho1nas Nelson. na1nc for herself as an actress and ing girls spotted as soon aR you get tlub parties and yuletide fun. This What is the A. w. A. and why? gameR, and dancing followed by a Sports Department known as 1ustlin' cabbagl', foldin' debater. She it, well known among KEEP DIARIES week we have- I Eloise, pretty blue-eyed brunette, stuff or an:y variety of conipletcly in. But don't be crude. That is the question which is on the buffet supper. Me111ber:. voted to Daily of SPORTS EDITOR...... HAROLD ROAT! the local boyf-1 as the gal with the was a member of the A Capella choir accounts the business n1isleading tern1s, juRt rip on down tip ~f the tongue of every jaycee co-ed forego the usLIP,l exchange of gifts hours is one'. of the requirementR of honl'Y voice. Listen next time, gals! This requires finesse. Don't forget LyAkB llerrin~: That inimitable while attending BJC. Attendant• at BUSINESS DEPARTMENT to town anc gaze into th1• hl'ightly who didn't attend the merger meet- and to donate foodstutl':1 instead, the course. Excerpt:; have bel'n Ron1a does a s,vell job of cornbin· she may be on edge, what with the link betweegn gchool and social life­ the ceremony were Lorna McClure, decorated ,vi1dows. They'rC' bound to ing. Following the lead of the four sPlected front so1ne of the ~tudent BUSINESS MANAGER ...... :...... LESTER HIEBERT ing good look~ and ~ood studies. A blackout and ail. that unpublicized newspaper woman, 1naid of honori Thelma Johnson, which will go to niake up a basket for inspire you. Then, when you g·ct year colleges and Universities, the Advertising Manager...... Jack Leddy all <'onseiC'ntious student, you rarely see One of the best m.~thods is.to get Lyska Herring. Through the Public bridesmaid; Betty Coleman, soloist; son1e needy family. diaries for publication. local gals seized the chance to make A~sista~t Advertising Manager...... Glenn Martin inspired, givt us a shot. th(' Roan1in' Stone 111inus a pile of between her (the one you have Relations Council, she shoots jaycee Gerry Baldwin h; in charge of en- l\'largaret Scott: ''1'111 so tired I can Chester Naron, best man; and Paul for a more cooperative social, service Circulation Manaaer...... Kirby Biodget POEM hooks that \\'ould nu1ke you bow in the picked) and the door. Then come to­ c.ampus news to the waiting public tertaininent, Jerry Harris of dccora- hardly write but, gee, what a dar. 1-lancock, usher. and athletic program on the Bakers­ -----·----~--·----- lnquhitive fly 1niddk•. ward her ns if you just got in and and through her Rip Staff position, tionfi, Lois .J\olcCaw of food, Josephine Hally, this n1orning (darn good o•e The newly weds are now at home tleld c»mpus. In t·asP you've never noticed, Loch­ can't see (ha, ha). One always walks ~he Rlups club new~ into flowin~ Gilniniani of invitations and Ainy too); "''orkcd this afternoon (but language. Along with her journul­ to their many friends at 1221 Flower invar, 01· othPrwisf'. known as Wilbur with one's hand stretched out in the BlilNEFITS Macdonald of cleaning up. hard); grabbed sorne food and off to Did YOU Know?? Tie 7 hat Binds . . ~:::::.: j:ge i!;::tie activities, Lyska finds time for street. Bill has been employed at the 8hi•llha1nn1t>r, is the constant com­ dark, so--. Then comes the question of 1'who Mcn1bers include: Betty Eng-le, football gan1e (we Vlon 12-13); then 'Th Pickltd bug. French club and Bridge club work. Santa Fe Railroad yards since he panion of th<' little Indy. It was for Another practically infallible bene:fits from the combination." At Leslie Chayplin, Joellyn Scott, Gay the danec (rn'1n'n1, those Co,npton ere Ain't No u rx. CHRISTMAS sHOPLIFTIN(; Square shooting, hot-tentpered, but co1npleted his studies in February. Or w ,..,... 1 CT0 l Orr rap Yes, yes, we betook ours,·lv.,s down \Vilhur that the Stone gal gave her 1nethod is to go over to the one of thiat those gals on the ' in" puff up Brietinger, Jerry Harris, Dorothy football players) Ohl !\Ir. Brork told all al thl• football ganie:-i. Remember your choice and con1fort her with the ;;ilwa.ys good fo1· a laugh-that's King, Roy Durke, Jack Stewart, Mar- n1e today that r ,vas to \Vork Blue and to do a shopping this and: point out the mutual gain result­ ' 0 I,yska. Well, chun1s, now that you have \Veek-end. Did anybody go into that tt>tTifit· noise during every time thought, What if a bomb does hit ing· fro1n the merger. While the W. ian 11acDonald, Margaret Garner, White day (to1norrow) so ~·Iiss Po,v­ Ed Andrews: That deceptively meek Knitters Knit Arlie/es (lilt? YPp thnt was Ro1na! the building? There's a chance we A. A. has been an athletic club in the Odette Harton, Lois MeCaw, Amyjell and l\liss Farnsworth and I de­ struggled through the Christmas Kresscs? NoYJ, we know ,vhat hap­ lit.tie guy peeping from behind shin­ Onl" of tht> 1nost enthusiastic boost­ might not be killed." For Chilly Weather past, they admit that the chief inter­ Macdonald, Lyska Ilerring, Josephine Ieided .to \VPar blue skir:s, ,v~ite shirts "There isn't a Santa Claus!" Do crowds and brought ho1ue your little pcned to the gas 1nun, .Anyway, we ing glasses is Ed Andrews. Ed i::i the contribution to Yule cheer, you art:! not only took insults, dirty looks, and Prs for a higger and better 8. J, C., Two minutes of this and you'll have est of the Association is the activi­ Gin1iniani, and Gerry Balchvin. and little S\\'enters. Right 111 style. you remember that fateful day pfel!'!ident of the Fine Arts club and They \V<'I'(' putting up Blue and sh1.• is very activl' a1nong the women's her clinging to you like a process ties· they have. If the women come ·when you learned the horrible truth, ~aced with the probletn of wrapping actual bodily injury, but WP ei\!nt• out in addition is active in the Gcr111an After ·a semester of picking up White pon1 pon1s all over the store it up so that it will look like soine- with a .sickly looking pair of pink hcd organizations, nun1bering A. W. S., server. That is, if you don't scare out for the recreational activities when your childish illusions were club and Public Relations Council. stitches, the jaycee co~ed knitters are when I finished v.rork tonight. Get• W. A. A., and Lance and Shield among yourself. theJJ the club is successful. On the crudely smashed. In the hearts of thing it never could be anyway. socks supposedly intended for poor, He's just a freshman, but he haH all at last whipping together the real Collegians Discuss it really looks good-except they I h1•r favorites. She is the even tem­ Still another rather efficient tech~ otbtr hand the primary purpose of the many a jaycee student burns the If you want to inake a really good trusting father. Next tinie \Ve'll do the qualifications necessary for sue- thing. should be 111aroon and white·-but pen•d l'hicf of the Renegade Rip, and nique is to pretend to be a little Under the capable leadereh1'p of A. W, S, is to provide social functions memory of that time. On our list in1pression, stick your idft in af.l large our shopping by carrier pigeon. <·tss in junior college. then I \'v'OU Jd be predjudiced. a n 1 al inspiration to those who write affraid yourself. Pretend-ha, ha! for the ,voincn students of the college. Place In Defense of interviews we find MARGARET a box as possible. Of course the re- Cl[RISTMAS FORM AL Jemima McCormick: Cheerful, fun, Jerry Harris the club boasts of two I for hl•r. Pretty soon some one \Vill slip an I Night." SCOTr as our first victim. cipient will glare at you for a couplt~ The gals are getting pretty diM~ and a good sport, is Jemi1na "Honey- finished, articles with fris Landry and By ·con1bining the two organizations Ho,nu i:> majoring in English and arm around you and start telling you the two councils have discovered •i.Win the \Var, then "''in the peace" Gladys Eddis: "Dear Diary: For n1y Scotty gleefully declared, "Santa of weeks after opening it, but just gui..;ted with the lack of bids to the _girl" McCormiek. This girl was sec- Jayne Campbell taking the bows. Iris ininoring in dramatics. She intends it isn't so bad. In a case like this mea'ns of offering every girl a conve. was the theme for a conference of ,vork today r continued wrapping Claus-I know, he's my daddy, Gee, think how nice he'll be before he finds forthcoming Formal. Whut can the l"~tary of the W. A. A. when that club has just completed a red and orange boxes of Xn1as toyR. I \\'rapped up to go to the University of California strike out with your elbow. If a mas­ nient opportunity to enjoy a well­ colleges in the southwestern area I n1ust have been nearly thirteen out what's in matter be? We consultt'd our t•ti- \\"_3S an independent organization and ski cap while Jayne has workt!d up so n1any boXl'S of toy blocks that I it. nPXl year. culine grunt is the result, one or both son1e red socke and is now at work rounded program of social and recrea­ which was held Saturday at Occi­ years old. I have two older brothers, Now, select about six sheets of quette expert Miss 1\-lcGlutz on thl;" h, a valuablo worker in State Colleg­ a.in afraid that I fl hall be seeing blocks ,Just \Vateh i\1rs. Stone's girl Roma of you have made a horrible mistake. on mittens to match. tion:al activities. dental College, reported Amy Mac­ but they wouldn't squeal." paper, Grasp the box firinly in one subject, but evidently several other So perhaps it's better just to take ians at the present time. McCormick donald, who with Jack Dowell and in n1y sleep." ro!J ... she' headed right uphill; you is finishing her jaycee career this Ruth Evans is producing a dusty Lyska Herring ren1arked, ''The dis- hand and the paper in the other. Got people have also consultt"d her, ht>­ can't rnisH her! your own woman out in the blackout. 't th d . M C rose sweaterj Virginia Tarver, a yel· AIM Dr. Wilfred Mitchell represented Ba­ covery was a great revelation to me. it? Roll the box through the paper cause she merely glared at UH dark- ye_ar. Qu1 e e ancer 1s c ,,or- lo\v sweater· Mar A p rt kersfield at the eonc1ave. It's n1uch less complicated. nnc.k,-seen on eVl'l'Y reputable pro- . • Y nn o er, a "The eventual outcome," stated 1 ,vas a mere child of sixteen. They until it is fairly well enV(!loped. It's ly. muttered several unprintable ------The student's place in civilian de­ _gram in her Scottish costume and al- white angora scarf; Charlotte Ruth- Mia,3 F'rancis Williams, fO!':iner· W. A:. Returning Students shouldn't have broken it so suddenly a little bunchy, but we'll take care of/ things, and prooeeded to throw ,~ays displaying her friendly Scottish ei·ford, a gre.en cable stitched sweat- A ••dviser, "should be more unity and fense was the topic discussed at the -just look at me now.1' that with ribbon and Scotch tape. violent hy1tterJc-.,. A thyroid de~ Former BJC Students Holiday Flowers . . er; Donna Kimberly, a blue sweater; sch~ol spirit. Recreational activities morning 1neetings, with many of the To Tell Of College Cut ficiency perhal)d? 1\nyway, the Hi1> snu1 e. . J Joellyn Scott: Another ga1 who ~nd instr~ctor erry Harris is mak- can; oot hope to find a secure place in participating colleg~s giving reports \Villie Dobrenen related how his off approxilnatcly t,vice a;; office will be aH01utely delighted to on their preparations for blackouts, Loral studPnts attending other state dad filled stockings each Chrishnas much ribbon as you think you could furnish a practically unending Jb.;t In Army Service , h d . 1ng a white sleeveless sweater. the. jaycee program until the conno .. and Corsages r.pen< Is mos t of h e,r t1me o Ie up 1n 1 'h . . , air raids, and other einergencies. Stu- eolleg·es \','ill have a chance to reveal eve. "My little brother and r peeked possibly use and you'll have about of damsels who want to go, and to . ffi · th' f t E . h I C r1stmas vacation will find the tatfun of w A A as Amazons is E? thl• Air Corps Reserve. They were------' at the present thue. It will mean in the post war period of reconstruc- supper are: Jemima :r.-lcCormick, in­ into the closet and saw a huge stack the other bunching it up and tying it ILETI'ERS me1nbers of the largest class (133) An A-1 sense of humo1· accompaniei; Ed Andrews, Fine Arts Club presi­ sacrificing their offices for a bigger tion. The remaining seventy per vitations; Loretta Holloway, decora­ of presents." in the middle. We belong to the Dear Rena: thus far to receive wings at Luke that spol'kling smile that J·o wears dent, was student si,eaker of the In­ and better organizution. These women cent believed that all students ,vho tions; Esther Fpley, entertainment; When Mr. Guy Jaggard was a sly "bunchers" school because we've never Gee whii:z nobody loves mt', Fitdd. Graduation exercises were held con'stantly. ternational Relations Club Wednes­ are,setting the fine exan1ple of sports~ can, should stay in college, because Jeanne W¥!iace, purchasing; Nancy lad of eight and on his way to a quite figured out how to get rid of everybody is against me, I havt>n't last Friday. The Cadets will now be .------lday fifth period. The topic this week manship which will send the A. W. A. of desirability of bette1· educated llering·, cooking; Loa Starr, serving; country school Christmas celebration, the darned bow once it was tied any Christmas spirit, and my hair as~igned to various fields all over the ,vas the causes for the repeal Of Neu­ into action with flying colors-it is people to assu1ne leadership after the und Paul Garret, cleanup. :\Ir. :\1er- he remembered something he had left around our fingers. Be that as it won't curl. Do you think Santa wiH eountry as instructorfl or as pilots in Don't Puzzle Over Gifts trality Act. Officers this sem~ter are sin~erely hoped by the former ad­ war. son is club adviser. home and retraced his steps. When may, take your bow and turn again bring me anything? tacital units. Jack Dowell, president, and Amy 1 viatrs of the two clubs that the re- he reentered the house, Mr. Jaggard to you · package. Dorlina Drool. At present four forn1et' B. J.C. stu-1 for Him-Let Harrison's Ya inane, secretary. Mr. Jere King is maining women students of B. J. C. r------­ spied his mother unawares dressing As it to be expected, during the Dear D. D.: d('nt~ are cadets at Corpus Christi, adviser of the group. will willingly and cooperatingly fol .. Only in a huge Santa Claus outfit. process of fixing the bow your pack- Nothing like a good cheerful out- TexaR, the largest Naval air station Supply the Answers low their lead. Roger Nabers claims the Blue Fairy age has coine conipletely unwrapped. look on thingA t-0 start the ReaRon in the world. They are: Leslie De ------·~---- 6 More told him.· It's beginning to look a little soiled out rhtht. JuRt drop around; wt' Ce"'·, a forn1er Renegade Knight, who Key Chalns ...... $1.00 to $2.50 Betty Engle exclaimed, "An old around the edges, but what do you have a little remedy to curl up that left B. J.C. in October, 1940; J. L. Sweaters ...... $1.00 up SCA Sponsors Red Cross Shopping Days neighbor girl told me and I was solthink they have Christmas seals for? hair-you don't mind 8 ~.light wo,·t' Rice, also Renegade Knight, who mad at her." If a few edges are still protruding, in your t.Ot>s too, do you? graduated in 1940; L. R. Teaguej and Mutrlers ...... $1.00 up Drive Opening Thursday to So now you know too. Authorities just add a little Scotch tape, But be Well, wt1 must be off to deck the J. S. Wagner. Sport Shirts ...... $1.65 up have proved there is no Santa Claus. careful you don't wrap your hand in halls, drape the tree, nnrl hang up DISC DOINGS Ties ...... $1.00 Tags for the annual Red Cross Christmas! If you got right down to it, I bet the package. Retie the bundle, at- that sprig of 1nistletoe we gra~p in Drive will be sold tomorrow by e "Tonight We Love" - Courtley Tolletries.... $1.00 up Student Christian Association and you'd find there are no Donners or tempting to keep the bow on the top our grimy paws. E-gad, this cheer Freddy Martin. Blitzens either. side. What? Oh we1l1 he can turn is killing us. Farewell sweet chu1nH. George Scott, Air Cadet, Tie Racks ...... $1.00 up International Relations Club mem .. e "Elmer's Tune" - Glenn bers, according to Florence Saecker, • it over. Happy New Year and all that glop. And many other usef11.l gifts There! Isn't that pretty'! A little Now Training In Texas M!ller chairman. Tags will be ten tents We will be happy to gift wre.p unusual we'll admit, but-You don't e "Chattanooga Choo-Choo" eQch, or whatever the student You'll Engineers To See Film Aviation Cadet George N. Scott, the1n free on request. like it? You mea.n to tell n1e that -Glenn Miller wishes to give, she said. Public Relations Council R.. J.C. graduate and former A. M. S. On Cement Production you want your presents to look like e "Shepherd Serenade" - "Because of the national emer· find a To Become Class president, is now a member of the Open until 6 p, m. until X1nas E•;e other peoples' presents? 0. K., go Tony Pastor. gency, we want a good turn out," Colored movies illustrating the first class cadets in the new Air on down town and get it wrapped. e "I Don't Want To Set the Florence said, adding that because store full process of the manufacture of cwnent At a recent 1neeting of thL• Public CorpR Rf'placement Center (Aircrew) You don't have to get naflty; we were World on Flre"-Sklnn)' the school is large, the SCA feels it Relation~ Council, n1en1hers n•1·,·ivl'd at Kelly Field, Texas. Induction be­ at the Monolith Portland Cen1ent Ennis. HARRISON'S ia more important than ever before only trying to help. ,vord that the organization would IH' gan Noven1ber 12 with most of the of gift worthy articles for everyone on your Plant will be shown third period, e "This Love of Mlne"­ to ha\'t> a Jarge contribution. Jerry n1ade into a class next !,l.t•n1t>stPr. Pn•p• 1,972 cadet~ reporting on that day. 1618 19th St. February 13, in J'. C. 117, according Tommy Dorsey Lp.ke is in charge of publicity for gift list at arations for the assirnilation of the Resides gt•tting a thorough military to an announcement by Dr. M. A. e "You and I"-B:r Glenn 'the drive, a:.sisted by Bob Aitchi· club into a class, yielding one cn,dil a hackgl'ound for becoming an offlcer.:in Buckley. Miller son, treasurer. Mr. II. B. Robert­ Everyone is invited to attend this He1nest.er, have been cvn1pll·l1·d, ac­ tht> lfnited State~ Army on gradua­ e "Jfin"-Dlnah Shore son i:-i faculty advbier of the group. WEILL'S cording to Miss Peairs, club adv1.'it'r. tion front an advanced flying school assembly which will be presented by e "A Sinner Kissed an Going to the Formal? Club me,mbers met Monday to plan Deeiding that an uft(~r-fina!:-. party thirty w11eks later, Scott will partici­ Saturday night, for a full half hour, the Engineers' Club. Waldo A. Gil­ Angel"-Tommy Dorsey. Coca-Cola puts the spotllJrht on the the Red Cross drive, and members lette, traffic manager of the Monolith would fit in well with th1, Rho1·t Jl\'ri1)d pate in 1nany activities designed to "Everything I Love" - band which,-ccording · to our lat· - e of the cabinet met Tue!-iday to com· Portland Cement Company of Los of relaxation between St!111e.stl'r:>, the i111prove his physical condition beyond Buy Your Corsage est weekly tabulatiol\t--made the Pioneer Mercantile Company Glenn Mlller. plete plans. Angeles, will present the pictures. co1nmittee, under Eleanor Johnston, even the high s~andard requi~ for recording that outsold. "Bny other. Established 1899 AT THE Dr. Buckley again emphasizes the are n1aking plans to hold u big atfnir entrancP. Upon con1pletion of the Every Night Except Sunday SAY IT WITH Automotive Parts, Hardware fact that all students of enginee1·ing before the beginning of the spring course Cadet Scott will enter one of PHILLIPS are eligiblt for membership in the semester. the 18 printary schools located in the Bakersfield Flower Shop Mutual Network Smith's Flowers Feed and Seed Associated Engineers' Club. Those Several new members will be taken Gulf Coast Air Corps Training Area, Bakera8eld Tal'I Music Company Phone 4-4868 1669 Chester PHONE 6·6037 interested in joining may either see into the club next year, so anyone prepared to concentrate more fully KPMC-7:15 P. M. 20th and I Strool• Fresao 51h and Main Sto. Res. 2·1266 · 630 Eighteenth St. Bakerstleld Phone 8-8581 1481 Broad"af Phone 80 Dr. Buckley in J. C. 110 or Bill Her­ iterested in joining should i,ee Mar~ on flying itself than was possible in 1610 Nineteenth at. Near Clo~k Tower ring, club treasurer. garet Vestry or Miss Peairs. the past.

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