l,lt Page Four RENEGADE RIP Annual Frosh-Soph Cage Tilt To Set Off Season • -----------------------------------·-- - - - --------------- ---+ I Renegades Head For Long Beach Clicking Frostmen Veteran Quintet t Tromp Glendale Favored Over VOL. XIV BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DECEMBER 3, 1941 No. 11 Cl 1941 F b II S To imax oot a e~-o~n ___________ In 10_0 Battle Yearlings Running true to form, the Experts Give Up-And-Coming Frostmen Local football fans ,vitnessed n wild !Announcer Has His Renegade cagers will start their Toss-Up To Take Viking Eleven t'xhibition of forward passing in basketball season by first en­ Troubles: Williamson Griffith Stadiuin last week as the dulging ln a old-fashioned fam­ Coach Jack Frost and his Renegades gazed at the slightly Renl•gacle gridiron vanquished the overscast skies today and prayed for the weather gods to withold '·Hey, you, dat ain't Pet('. Dat'sJ ily brawl-the Freshmen versus the Lakeshore fogs long enough tomorrow for them to settle Butch running wid da bawl. An' dat Vaqu1'ros of Glendale Junior Co1lege the Sophomores. The annual ain't Elmer who tackled dat guy 10-0. their 1941 gridiron controversy with the Long Beach Vikings. Inter-class game is scheduled Earlier this season the Renegades journeyed all the way to either. Tt's number Rixty-six. You ALiy applying their lightning of- for Friday afternoon. the beach city only to receive a misty reception from the fog­ read his number up-side-down," con­ f Pn:'it' tht' Frost1ncnt n1adc the second tradicts son1e nosey fan aR the an­ Yet, the. odda on this ~amily affair filled Pacific skies which caused the game to be postponed. quart{'r of the fracas n most import- ~--- nouncer tries despc>rately io dran1a­ are far from true to form. For the Bakersfie 1d scouts report that the. ant ont'. All stores ,vcre 1nade in this Applications for next sen1ester's WeJco111ing an opportunity to "g-o tize a game over the public address Viking crew is as tough as a boot. first time in many moons, the upper­ Tickets Now Available formal" and to pay ho1nage to thl' systen1. quarter. Civil Aeronautics Authority flight I The starters are big and strong, and clf:Lssmen are pre-game favorites. Defeated but not downcast by their rnembcrs of the Renegade squad fnr George Williamson, Renegade foot­ Don Wachob':, heads-up line play training program are now being taken For Banquet Friday their reserves are plentiful and Heretofore, the Yearlings have. a.:.­ 1941, Rena and Reynald today arl' ball announcer has been thC' fall guy in the jaycee office, announced Dean loss of the Hi-Jinks attendance con- Tickets for the annual FootbalJ I capable. They, not unlike the Rene­ in rel'overing n Glendale fumble on Theron Taber. Flight training will i·eadying thernselves for the annunl for know-'e111-all-fans all season. If the visitor's 28 paved the way for the sumed the role as leaders, and invar­ Attendance figures for the home te~t, aophomore members of the Asso· Banquet will be on sale today, Junior College Football Banquet, to gades, have had an in and out season, anyone has suffered football ,voes, it::; be given by operators who have been first BakerRfield tally. Herndon and iably, they have proved it. Bllt this football games were released by ciated Won1en Students wilJ treat the Thursday and Friday by members be hC'ld Friday evening at 7:30 in the losing to good t.eams by narrow mar­ George Williamson. approved by the C, A. A. at the air­ Ross<•tto cracker! the line moving UP year it's a different story. The Sopho· Kenny Shelton, Business Manager of the eommittee in charge of Br· Pnhn Roo1n of lVIotcl Inn. Dr. F. R. gins. Yet, as for improvement, the "The major requisite of p;ood an­ }lort. victotjous freshman class to a wiener Long Beach gridders are probably the to the Vaqueros 8. Shcllhanlmer mores, with four men from last seaM of the Student Body, today. A total rangements. TicketR are $1.03 per Woellner of Univel'sity of California nouncing is to have good spottc>r:=:;, son's varsity are almost certain to Students enrolling must pas:, a 1·oast · in the cafeteria, at 5:00 this most improved club in the conference. passed to Bob J-Ierndon on the 2-yard of 16,016 spectators viewed the plate for the turkey dinner, and the at Los Angele,:,, will deliver the chief some one ,i.rho is familiar with th,~ show the underclassmen who their medical f'Xamination, ,vhich will C"ost evening. price includes admission to the line fron1 where he stepped off the re- 1 games in Griffith stadium. address. Johnny Derdivanis, student RENEGADES READY players," said Williamson when the . big bruddera' are. $12.00 and n1ust be paid at the time By :a hairbreadth margin -of three dance after the banquet. Johnny However, come what lllay, the . 1na1n1ng yardage unmolested. Con· Largest attend:ance was at the body president, will be toast111aster. Rip reporter Joked with him uboul . f UPPER-CLASSMEN SALTY of examination. Derdivanis, Olivette Gingra!-1, Gerry Renegades are ready. They showed . version success u I . Bakersfield-Taft game, with a total signatures, freshman women won the Special guests ,vill be the tean1's his troubles as a sports announcer. I A t t d' t f th The SophomoreB", whose athlete:-. Students enro11ing 1nust also take Baldwin, and Bob Johnson are sell· more than a little speed and drive in " . b . , n ou s an 1ng spec acI e o e h . of 4,146 spectators. Low mark was honor of bringing the greater number coaches: \VallaC'e D. uJack" Fro;;t, No, this announcing us1nesss rnn t l C t . W k fl Id' ave rehshed some of the saltiness out individual accident insurance poli­ ing" ticketR. They may also be pur­ ., . d w·ii· .. uss Ie ,vas ap a1n a e e s 25 f . d the Compton game which drew a !Joiner Beatty and Don Robesky . their workout today, and their team Pasy, <'Ont1nue 1 1anu1on. 0 lit' fi f , d o time an experience wil 1 start a 1- cies prescribed by the C, A. A. after of mothers and guests to the recent · yar,1 <' 11< goa1 rom a 4u eg1·ee ang1 e , chased from Miss Lorraine Rayes in Tickets for the banquet, a turkey spirit and courage was unquestion­ has to b~ on the alert. He 1nust see h I . fi I I S . t most to a man, Coach Frosts prob- passing the medical examination. The crowd of only 1400. The remaining Hi-Jinks. Living up to the terms of 1 the Junior College office. dinn{'l' ,vith all the tri1n1nings, ,vent able., h h d l th t II on t {' p ay1ng 1e c . evera m1nu es bl 't F d J h Cl k insurance policy costs $7.20 and 1nust games drew approximately 2000 the contest, the losing sophomores \V nt t e crow sees anc en t' latt'r Bakersfh•ld l'C!c·overed another a e va_rsi y. orwar s o npy ar on sale Th-Ionday at $1.03 per plate. With the exception of the season's I them what they are looking at.. ()n<' and Dick Sheehan, Walter Permen- be paid for by the candidate nt the Rptttators each. will rE!ward the ,vinners today with Vaqul•ro fumblt• on the Glendale 10. Tickets 111ay be purchased frorn opening game, Coach Frost's boys are also has to be very careful, for a ter, center, and Roger Nabers and time tie takes it out. The attendance at this year's an aftier-schooJ picnic. Maior Coast Meet Pay dirt v.•as reached but the touch- Johnny Del'tlivanis, Olivette Gingt·a:;, in their best physical condition. Kenya hasty decision can t•asily turn the Wilbur Shellhammer at guard~, round Those applying for the training football game, was conaiderably Heltn Offutt is in charge of food down \\"as call(!d by us the officials Gt'r1·y Bald,vin and Bob Johnf!on, ur Sakamoto, a great ground-gainer, is crowd against the official." out the polished quintet. must 1neet the following require­ lower than that of last year and for the wiener roast. On the enter­ 1·ult'd a Bakersfield man offiside. Debaters To Attend from :\fiss Lorraine Bayes in the the only man on the injury list for Mr. Williamson, who ah,o teachHs While the underdog Fresh,nen will ments: sets a low attendance record for the tainm¢nt com111ittee are Ruby Bald­ F!'o1n this point of the game the ,Junior College office. the season's final. The little Oriental physical education in high ~(·hool, is divide their playing between Dave l. They n1ust be between ninctec>n last few years which is not propor- win aiid Shirley Cuneo. otft•nsivP 8tyll.'s of both teams toOk Speech Tournament GRiil ME:-/ I~ MINIATCRE back suffered an ankle injury early frequently the victi1n of blt'ary-,!yed, Bannister and Jin1my Benjainin at and t,vcnty-six years old. tionnl to the reduction in Jaycee "WQ want everyone to come," de- to tht• air. A total of 54 passes were Jlel'orations Jor thl' bttnquet tabll·;.; in the Glendale game, and it is doubt­ gutter1ninders; who arc evf·r-ready to forwards, Keith King, u foriner Okla- 2. The~· n1ust not have held n pilot registration. clares~ Rosalind Dewar, A "\VS p1·csi­ At Pomona Jaycee attt'lHJ)tt>1l.
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