The Mizoram·Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY , , 9?U&£Isfted&".T\Utftority Regn
~~. ' The Mizoram·Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY , , 9?u&£isfted&".t\utftority Regn. No. Nt313(MZ) VOL - xxx Aizawl, Wednesday, 28.3.2001 Chaitra}" S.E.1923, Issue No. 65 NOTIFICATION NO.K.120Il/U/92-REV; the 26th March, 200 I : Whereas the land specified below has been trarisf~rred and the Environment & Forest Department, Government of Mizoram.for purpose-ot compensatory land/afforestation in lieu ofReserved Forest directed under' theForest(Cop~r:vaHon) Act, 1980 for Non Forestry purpose covering an area of 10.13 Hec. to facilitate impt~nt~~ation 'of ('.,""-" construction ofTipaimukh High Dam Project. The land so transferred shall be "Reserved'Forest" a,s provided under section 2(4) ofthe Lushai Hills District (House site) Act, 1953 section 3(a} p£t~eMizo District (Agricultural land) Act, 1963 and as assigned under 'sub paragraph 3o,fthe, ~bqh ~ch~iJleqto the constitution ofIndia. ' . , '. Now, therefore, this land is transferred and mutated to the Environment and ForestDepartment, Mizoram on 23rd march, 200 I in accordance with the provision ofsection 8(a) ofthe Mizo District (land & Revenue) Act, 1956. 51. Location, No Plot No. Survey No. ...,:' , District Area 1. NIL NIL Teikhang Village .Champhai 1013 Hec. .t-j iiir: ":h' I Sd/- C. ROKHAMA, , j"'"e,; COIllJTlf. & Secretary to the Govt. ofMizoram," ,-",- Revenue Department. ! ! .; ;..J.". Ex-65/2001 -2- BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION UNDER LAND LEASE CERTIFICATE No OF . 1. Name ofDepartment Environment ofForest. Govt. ofMizoram 2. Name ofdivision Champhai Forest Division 3. Head quarter Address PCCF, Govt. of Mizoram, Aizawl. 4. Purpose ofLand Site for Forest Plantation 5. Location Teikhang Village, Champhai District.
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