The MizoraRi Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authorit.,

REGN. NO. N.E.-313 (MZ) Rs. 2/- per Issue

Vol. XXXV Aizawl, W.!dnesday, 26.4.2006, Vaihsakha 6, S.H. 1928, Issue No. 104


No .A. 23022/5/2006 EDN, the 12th April, 2006. In exercise of the power con­ feired by c1ause (xxxv) of sub-section (2) of section 30 of the Educa­ tion Act, 2e03 (Act No. 5 of 2003). the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to rnake the following rul es, namely :-


(1) These Rules mhY be called the Mizo ram Education (Transfer and Posting of School Tea cbers) Rules, 2006.

(2) It shall extend to the whole of Mizoram in respect of Elementary Educ.ltion and Secondary Education, ex(ept Chakma Autonomous District, Lai Autonomous District and Mara Autonomous Dis­ trict inte spect of Elementary Education only.

(3) These TU les sh all com:: into force from tbl.! date of notification in the Mizuram Gazette.


(1) 4'Act" means Mizoram Education Act, 2003 (Act No. 5 of 2003) (2) "Appro pr iate Authority" shall mean the authority as specified in Rulo 9; (3) "District" means the jurisdiction area prescribed by the Government of District Educatio n Officer; , (4) "Elementary School" meanS Primary Schools and Middle Schools. (5) "Government" means the Government of Mizoram. (6) "Sanctioned strength" means th" number of posts of teachers as a particular Schuol a� Sanctioned by the Govc:rnment. (7) "Schedule" means a Schedulo appended to these Rules; 1

Ex-l04/1006 2 \

(8) "Secondary School" means High Schools and Higher Secondary Scho ols .

(9) "Sub-Division" meanS the jurisdiction area prescribed by the Government f,Jf Sub-Divisional Education Officer .

(10) "Teacher" means all c a tegories of teachers employed by Government :n Schools on time scale basis.


(1) N() teachers sha ll be deployed In a schcwl in exce�s of the slnctioued strength.

(2) The sanctioned strength of tea ch ers in a school may vary from time to tinle al decided by the Government.


There may be a fixed minimum tenure in a post , after th:.� completion of which a te acher may be lia ble to be transferred.


(1) A different minimu m tenure may be fiXed amonist the urban and the rura l habitations and graded accord ing to degrees of difficu lty of pos- ting : ' s follows: '.

(a) All schools within the limit of Aizawl and Lunglei may be graded as 'A Category ' with a minimum tcnure of six years. (b) Schools in the District Headquarters other than Aizawl and Lung­ lei, towns and villages aloBg NH 54 may be graded as 'B Ca teg ,)ry ' with a minimum tenure of 5 years. (c) School in villa ges connected by all wea t her trucka ble roads may be graded as 'C Category' with a minimum tenure of 4 years. (d) Schools in villa ges nat mentioned above in clause (a), (b) ad (c) of Sub-Ru le (1) may be graded as 'D Category' with a minimu,n of ten ure of 3 )'e ars.

(2) The list of villages and towns in each category may be as listed

itt Schedules 1 to IV. . .. (3) In the event of omis s ion of a particular village in the grading as per the schedule, the Government sha U have the power to catcg'ories that particular village as one of the categories as may be consid�­ red appropriate by the Government.


(1) A teacher pos ted in a school of'D Category' may b:! considered fqr transfer to a school of A or B or C Category . after completion of minimum tenure and subject to availab �lity of a vacantposr. 3 Ex-to ;/2006

(2) A teacher posted in a school of C Category may be considert!d for transfer, to a sc!looI of A ,or B Category on his own application Or t o a schooli- of D Category according to the necessity as decided by the appropriate authority, after the teacher hat complete d his minimum ten ure in a school of C Category.

3) A teacher posted in a schoell of B Category mlY b. considered for transfer to a school of A Category on his, own application or to a sc'w.11 of 0 and C G-\tegory according to the neces:iity as decided by the appropriate authority, after th� teacher has co:npleted his min­ imum tenure in a school of B Category.

(4) A teacher posted in a school of "A' Category may be considered for transfer to a school of n or C or B Category, as the case may be, ��ccordjng to the necessity as decided by the appropriate autho rity, after completion of mini:num tenure in a school of A C:ltegory;

Provided that a marri!d lady teacher having family may be con­ sidered for exemption from such transfer even after completion of the minimum tenure except on h�r own volition.


On the commencement of these Rules, the minimum tenure or oth erwise shall be made from the date of posting of a teacher iIi. his/her existing category of school.


In a cycle of 18 years from the date of commencement of these Rules. a teacher may be required to serve �t least one spell of minimum tenure at a school located in D Category.


For the purpose of Rule 6, 7 and 8, the following Officers shall be the ap­ propriate authority for consideration of transfer and posting of teachers, namely; -

j' (1) In transfer and posting of teachers, which r�quires inter-district,deploy­ n:tent the Director of School Education shall be the appropriate autho­ rity for both Elementary School Teachers and Secondary School Teachers.

(2) In tran�fer and posting of teachers, which requires inter-sub-division depjoyment of Elementary School Teachl:!Ts, the District Education Officer shall be the approptiate authority within his own district. :�3

\ 1 Ex-l04/20C6 .,

(3) In transfer and posti ng of tea_heIs, \\hich requires intra-distl 'ct de­ ployme nt of Secondary School Tea chers. tbt: District Education Officer shall be the appropriate authority wirhin his own district.

(4) In transfer and posting of teachers, which requires intra sub diviskn­ deploymellt cf Elementary Sehool Teachers, the Sub Divisional Educa� tion Omcer shall be the appropriate au thority within llis own Sub­ Division.


(1) Any application for transfer must be submitted by a t ea ch er himselfl herself thIough proper channel only. The concerned officer shall scru­ tinize the application with reference to t he teacher's service particulars and ca tegory under which the transfer application has been made. Any application for transfer from other persons on his/her bt:half shall sumnlarily be rt'jected

(2) Any a pp licati on for transfer rec ei ved by an authority t hroug h proper channel must be consiu�red or forwarded, as the ca�e may be, to ap­ propria te authority within three weeks with i ntimation to the applicant.


(1) Due preference may be given to teachers who have completed their tenure at schools of D or C or B C ategoryl (in the order) for tranl­ fer and posting to schools of A or B or C Category (in the orde r).

(2) I n tbe Annual Confidential Reports of Teachers, the fact that they have completed their minimum tenure in schools located at D and C Cat eg or ies sha11 be specia lly "11en tioned.


Notwithstanding anything contained in Rules 3 (I), 6,7 and 8, the Director of School Education may, in consultatinn with the Government, deploy a teacher in any sc hool if, according to his or her opinion, the exigencies of circumstances so demand. Provided that the reasons for deploying such teacher shaH be recorded in writing.

L. Tochhong, Commissioner & Secre tary to the Govt. of Mizoram .. • Education & HumaD Re sourc e Development. SCHEDULE-I See Rule' (6) GRADING OF POSTINGS

1 A.€at·lory Name of District -.------. - -- - - ,--

1. Aizawl Aiza w1 District

!. l.uBgJei i.llnglei District

• ', " �.,,\ ..,. . :..I Ex-104/2C06 6


II B.Cakgory Name of District . --- �,. - ----' 1. Kepran Aizawl District 2. Sawler:g -do- 3. Aibawk -do-

4. Selinae -do- 5. Thin}2sulthliah -do- 6. Darlawn -do- 7. Phullen -do- 8. Sairang -do- 9. Sailual -do- 10. E.Phaileng ··do­ 11. Pehlawn -do- 12. Kbanpui -do- 13. Falkawn -do- 14. Muallungthu -do - 15. 1 hingda \\ 1 Mel-8 -do- 16. Khawruhlian -do- 17. Sihphir -do- 18. Sateek -do-

19. Tbingsul Tlangnuam -do- , 20. Neibba wi -do- .. 21. Rulchawm -do- 22. Ru "Hung -do- 23. TluD!2vel'"' ·-do­ 24. Keifang -do- 25. eha

40. Bilkha wthlir - do- 41. W. Bunghmun Lunglei District 42. Lungsen -do- 43. Hnahthial -do- 44. Rawpui -do- 45. Leite -do- 7 Ex-104/20M

SCHEDULE - II See Rule 5 (6)


_ __4 ______--______., __ _ II B.Category Name of District

- .. _----,------,------_.-.------46. Thi1tlang -do- 47, Haulawng -do- 48. Pangzawl -do- 49. Tlabung -do- 50. Thingfal -do- 51. N.Tawipui -do- 52. S.Tawipui -do- 53. Mamit Mamit District 54. Zawlnuam -do- 55. Kawrthah -do- 56. Kanhmun -do- 57. Ka wrtetbawveng -do- 58. Rengdil -do- 59. Zamuang -do- 60. Lallen -do- 61. Rawpuichhip -do- 62. Saitb1:lh -do-

63. Phulduno0 sei ...,do­ • 64. TUldam -do- 65. W.Phaileng -do- 66. Reiek -do- 67. Lengpui -do- 6i. Serchhip Serchhip District 99. Keitum -do- 70. F .Bungtlang -do- 71. Eaktawng -do-- 72. Chhi ngchhip -do- 73. Chhiantlang -do- 74. Khumtung -do- 75. E.Lungdar -do- 76. N.Vanlaiphai -do- 77. Thenzawl -do- 8

SCHED U LE - III See Rule 5 (6)


III C.Category Name of District

1. Vaitin Aiza wI District 2. Sesawng -do- 3. New Vervek -do- 4. Phulpui -do- 5. Sumsuib -do- 6. Sialsuk -do- 7. Mutthi -do- 8. Sakawrdai (Lower) -do- 9. Tuirial Jail Veng -do- 10. Tuirial Leikai -do- 11. N.Lungleng -do- 12. Samtlang -do- 13. Mualmam -do- 14. Sihfa -do- 15. Mualpheng -do- 16. Darlawng -do- 17. Phulmawi -do- 18. Tuikhurhlu -do- 19. Bung I,B. -·do� 20. Sailutar -do- 21. Lailak - do- 22. N.Khawlek -do- 23. Thanglailung -do- 24. Phua ibuang -do- 25. Selesih -do- 26. Tachhip -do- 27. Khawlian -do- 28. Suangpuila wn -do- 29. District 30. Sia lba w k -do- 31. -·do- 32. -do- 33. -do- 34. ChawngtIai -do- 35. -do- 36. -do- 37. -do- 38. N.E.Kba wdungsei -do- 39. Kbawkawn -do- 40. Hnablan - do- 41. Bairabi Kolasib District 42. Setbawn -do- 43. Nisapui -do- 44. Mualkhang -do- 45. Hortoki -do- 9 Ex-l 04/2006

SCHEr:UlE - III See Ru Ie 5 (6) GRA DING OF POSTINGS ------III C. Category Name of District ------

�. 46. Saiphai -do- 47. Saipum -do- 48. N. Hbmen -do- 49. Buarpui Lunglei District 50. Mar 'S' -dn- 51. Rualalung -do- 52. Vanhne -d o- 53. New Dawn -do- 54. Malsuri -do- 55. Tuicha\\ng -do- 56. Lunglen -do- 57. S. Lungrang -do- 58. Chhipphir -do- 59. S. Mualthuam -do- 60. Thingsai -do- 61. Cherhlun -do- 62. S. Vanlai phai -do- r 63. Zawlpui Mamit District .. 64. Bungthuam -do- 65. Tuipuibari -do- 66. Damparengpui -d o- 67. Darlak -do- 68. Dampui -do- 69. Khawhnai -do- 70. Kawnmawi -do- 71. Chhlppui -do- 72. Pukzing -do- 73. Pukzing Vengthar -d o- 74. Hruiduk -do- 75. Marpara -do- 7':;. Tuabzawl -d o- 77. ])apchhuah -do- 78. Rulpuihlim -do- 79. Chungtlang Mamit District 80. AiJawflg -do- 8!. W. Lungdar -do- b2. Khawnhnim -do- 83, Hreichuk .-


------,.'-- . -. -- --_. ------. _ -

IV O. Category Name of District ....-w_.. ______- ______

J • M :i uehar Aizawl Dis triet 2. Kant -do- 3. N. Tinghrnun -do- 4. Zohrnun -do-- 5. Palsdng -do- 6. Upper Sa kawrdai -do- 7. N. Khawdungsei -do- -do- 8. Khawpuar 9. Luakehhuah -do- lO. E. Damdiai -do- ll . Thingsat -00- 12. Lungsum -do- 13. Sunhluehhip -do- 14. l\f. Serza wI -do- 15. Chhdnehhuahna Khawpui -do- 16. Tuirinikai -do- 17. Hmlinnghak -do- 18. Vanbawng -do- , .- 19. Lamherh -do- 20. Zawngin -do- 21. LuangpawJ1 -do- d 22. N.B. Tlangnuam - o- 23. Daljo -do- 24. Hualngohmun -do- 25. KhawhmingloKawn -do- o 26. N. Lung�ai -d - 27. S. Mtiu -<10- 28. Thiak -do- 29. Hmuifang -do- 30. Lungsei -do- 31. Samlukhai -do- 32. Channing -do- o 33. Lamehhio -d - 34. Chawilu ng -do·- o 35. Sailam -d - 36. Sairum -d o - -do- 37. Nausel 38. Lungleng-I -do- --do- 39. BuhLan 40. Tualhung -do- -do- 41. Dilkhan 42. N. Lungpher -do- 43. Phaibawk -do- 44. Edenthar -do- 11 Ex-]04j2006


See Rule 5 (6)


--.------"'-,� IV D. Category Name of District ------' --_._------45. Aichalkdwn -do- 46. Saisih Vety Farm -do- 47. Lenchim -do- 48. Ta\dzo -do- 49. Maite -dn- 50. 51. -do- 52. setam -do- 53. -dC'- 54. Chaihpui -do- 55. Changz!lwl -do- :;6. Saicha 1 -do - 57. -do- 58. -do- 59. -do- 60. -do- 61. -do- 62. PamchuDg -do- 63. -do- 64. -do-

65. LungphunlhnlJ -do- 66. KIlUangthah -do- 67. N.E. Diltlang -00- 68. -do- 69. -do- 70. N. Khawbung -do - 71. -do- 72. Ngaizawng -do- 73. Nelhd3wn -do- 74. Kbuaiiui -do- 75. Ano -do- 76. -do- 77. -do- 78. Vanchengpui -do- 79. -do- 80. Khawpuitan -do- 8t. Mu'-�lzen -do- 8Z. Tuipui -do- 83. Champbai District 84. Melbuk -do- 85. Kelk1ng -do- , Ex-' 12 104/2006


See Rule 5 (6)


---- >It ------IV D. Category Name of District

86. -do- 87. -do- 88. -do- 89. N. Chalrang -d o- 90. Melhnih l Chalrang) -do- 91. Lunf.'tln -do- 92. 'IIC1ngpuite -do- 93. Dilkctwn -do- 94. -do- 95. -do- 96. Buang -dv- 97. Bulfek l -do- 9S. N. Hruaikawn -do- 99. Old Hruaikawn -do- IOU. Setllh -do- 101. -do- 102. -do- 103. Old Dungtlang -do- 104. New DungtJang -do- 1 (is. -do- 106. -do- 107. -do- lOS. Vongchhia -do- 109. Old -do- 110. New Samthang -do- 111. S. Khawbung -do- 112. -do- 113. E. Chawngtui -do- 114. -do- 115. -do- 116. Khawk.lwn -do- 117. -do- 11 8. TLtngpui -do- 119. Riangtiei -do- 120. Phainuam Kolasib District 121. Sa:hapui -do- 122. ChIte -do- 123. Vakultui -do- 124. N. Cbhimtuang -do- 125. N. Chawnpui -do- 126. Cbemphai -do- 127. Phaisen -do- L 13 Ex �1 04/2006


, See Rule 5 (6)!


----,------IV D. Category Name of Distr;ct

------.- ---' �- - - -- +--_. - -- ._- .- -. ------.-. -- _ ...... - - -' ---- 128. Buhchangphai -d,,- 129. N. Th i n ,!Iian dn-­ 130. Bulev., nnei -do - 131. Saiha-pui Kai -do- ,;-\ 132. BuiIum -do 133. ThinlZtheJh -do- 134. .. ' , Pangba1kawn -do- 135. s. Chbimluang -do- 136. Hmaibia Iveng -do- li7. Meidum -do- 138. Rastali -do- 1 . 39 Dilzau 6H' -do- 140. N. Bukpui --do- 141. N Chaltlani -do- 142. N. Mualvum -<10- 143. Khamrang - ,u ' do- ", 144. - r Lungmuat -do- 145. Terabonia Lunglei District 146. Sesawm -do- i 147. Laisawral , -do- 148. Darngawn -do- 149. Dengsur -do- 150. S. Khawlek -do- 151. New Kha wiek -do- 152. W. Bungtlang -do- 15J. S. Dampui -do- 154. W. Kawnpui -do- ' ,I 155. Tleu -do- 156. Thenhlum -do- 157. Kawlhawk: --do- 158. Changpui -do- ]59. Lunachem -do-

160. W. Bunghmun -- -48- 161. Sachan .." -do- 162. New Sacha. -do- '.\ 1'1. Phainuam -do- 164. Sal mar -do- j. ,.\'. I'S. Mauum -do- 166. Bandiaaora -do- 167. Saisen -do-

168. Devaauri -d o- 169. Puankbai -cdo- Ex � 1,04/2006 14


------.------�--�--- IV D. Category Name of District


.,. 170. Lokisury -do- 171. New Belkhai \Tuikawi) -do- 172- Samasumi -do- 173. Serte -do- - 174. S. Luugdai -do 175. Hmundo --<10- 176. Uklasuri -do- 177. Samuksuri (Chengkawl lui) -do- 178. Sugarbas ora -40- 179. Diplibagh (kawizau) -do,- 180. Rolui -do- 181. S. Adermanik -de- 182. Sibphirtlang -do- 183. Phairuangchhuah -do- 184. Kaucbhuah -do- \85. Putlungasih -do- 186. Belthei -do- 187. Chbuahthum -do- , .,.. 188. Balukiasuri -do- 189. New Ba!ukiaiuri -do- 190. Lamthai-I -co- 191. Lamthai-II -do- 192. Lamtbai -III -do - 193. Serbuan -do- 194. Nunsuri -do- 195. Champa sUfi -do- 196. Muriskata -00 - 197. Bindiasora -do- 198. Kbangrasuri -do- 199. Balungpuri -do- 200. S.Zahmun -do- 201. Chhumkhum -do- 202. Mautlang -do- 203. Phairuangkai �do- 204. W. Rotlang -odo- 205. Ran�te -do- 206. KhoJoisuri (New) -do- 201. Khojoisuri (New) -do-

208. Silkur ' : ,) -40- 4" 209. Borsegojasora -do-- 210. Tiperaghat-I -do - 211. Tiperagbat- II -d(\- 212. Tiperaghat-llI -do- 213. Letisuri -00- Ex-I04/2GO�


See Rule 5 (6)


IV D. Category Name of District

214. Khojaisuri -do- I. 215. Bornasuri -do- 216. S. Chawilung -do- 217. Thanz.amasora �do- 218. S. Lungrang -do- 219. Sailen - -do- 220. Zehtet -do- 221. Sedailui -do- :22. Lalnutui �o- 223. Vairawkai -do- u s 224. G l i1 -do- :25. Chawngte 'L' -do- 2�6. Hmunthar -do- 227. Semang -do- 228. Khawm3wi -do- 229. Kaiapani -40- 230. New Vaukmual -do- 231. S. zawl ui -do- 232. Tuisen oliaK ....0 - 233. Tuisen Chhuah -do- 234. BeJpei (Matiasora) -do- 235. S. K:iDghmun -do- 236. S. Zote -do - 237. Ramlaitui --<10- 238. Sekhum -do- 'V' 239. Bualpui -do- 'J 140. LUDgmawi -do- 241. Hmuntlang -do- 242. Mausen -do- 243. S. Phaileng -do- 244. Zotuitlaog -do-

245. S. Tbuampui -.clo- .' 246. Changpui -do- 247. Ralvawng -do- 248. Theblep -do- 249. Pachang -do- 250. Runtutig --<10- 251. Chitbar -40- . 252. Buknuam -Go- ," <', , 253. Vaisam -do- 254. Thaizawl -do- 155. Hlumte -do- 256. Bua lte -do- .157. Thangpui -40- Ex -- f04i2006 16


Sec Rule 5 (6)


. --- _ -_._------.. - --

IV - D. Category Name of District------��------258. _ Thangte . - do- _-

259. ',. Thualthu -do------260. S. Mualthuam - -do- � -- - - 261. - -do- S. MualcheJIIg . - - - 262. Thleng ang . -do- - - - 263. Mamie . , -do- 264. Khawhlum -do- 265. S. Chawngtui i -do- 266. Tarpho -do- 267. Kbawhri -do- 268. Aithur -do- 269. Old Nghdl chbip -do-

270. New Ngharcbbip ) : -do- 271. Bualpui 'H' -do- , 272. S. Lungleng '-<10- ...... :� 273. Denlung . �: do-

274. Kutkawk �, , -do- 275. Maudarh ".t; . do- 276. E. Rodang 1.> -do- 277. Tuipui (Darzokai) r- .... - do - 278. Sairep -do- -do- 279. Muallianpui t,· 280. Luogpuitlaoe ; ,,,. - -do- 28 I. Darzo "- -do- -> 282. Moraicherra r Mamit District 283. Lushaicberra do- 284. Hriphaw �I' -dl)- 2 85 . Tumpanglui -40-

286. Sotapa Vena ; :, - -do- 287. N. Mualthuam -do- , 288. Thaidawr-I .'. -do- 289. Thaidawr-I1 {: -do- 290, Serbmun -do- > 291. N.W.Bunghmun -do- � �, 292. Nalzawl -do- � 293. Bawng•• -do- 294. Pha izau r' ," -do- 295. SaraH 'K' -do- ., 296. Chilui -do-

; ,' 291. N.SabuaI -do- .t 298.. - N. Tlllnakhau, J • .(i� -«u 17 Bx-, 104/.2006-


------. IV D. Category Name of District

------� ------j..- 299. Pathiantlang -do- 300. Sihthiang -do- 301. Lungmawi -<10- 302. Kananthar -do- 303. Suarhliap -do- 304. Sai khawth Iir -do- 305. Chuhvel -do- 306. Belkhai -do- 307. KhantIang -do- 308. Zomuan -do- 309. Rajivnag ar -do- 310. Andermanik (N) -do- 311. Tuir um -do- 312. Salem Boarding -do- 3 13. Teirei Forest -do- 314. Parvatui - do- 315. Keisalam-I -do- r 316. Zopui -do- • 317. W.Phulpui -do- 318. Si l suri -do- 319. Hnahva -do- 320. Saitla w -do- 321. W.Saitlaw �do- 322. Hmunpui -do- 323. Dilzawl - do- 324. Le ngt e -do- 325. Nghalchawm -do- 326. Bawlte - do- 327. Bawng thah -do- 328. Darlung -do- 329. Sabual -do- 330. Khawbel Serchhip District 331. Hmuntha -do- 332. Ruallam -do- 333. Thentlang -- do- 334. Sialhau - do- 335. Lung pho -do- 336. ..,. Ng entiang -do- 337. E. Thinglian -do- 338. Hmunzawl -do- 339. Hria ng tlang -do- 340. Vancheng te -do- 341. Buangpui' --d,o:-. 342. Neihlob· -do"� EX-I04/2006 18


IV D.Category Name of District

343. Hualtu --do-- --� 344. BUhkhangka wn -do- 345. Hmawngkawn -do- 346. N.Mualcbeng - do - 347. Chekkawn -do- 348. Piler -do-- 349. Sialsir -do- 350. Lungchhuan -do- 351. Leilet (NV) -do- 352. Lungkawlh -do- :53. Maicham -do-

Published and Issued by the Controller. Printing &: Stationery. Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government P-q, Aizawl c--'