Gnvernment of Mizoram Part I J'orfoilal
Re,d. No. NE 907 • 1,9IS,. Issue No. 47 VOL. XXV Aizawl, Friday, 6.9.1996,.Agrahayana I, S.E. Gnvernment of Mizoram Part I AJIp<>intmenls, POSlin.. , Transf,,", Power. and � J'orfOilal NoiiCd jIDd·OnIers.· ,,�. ,. o � � , ,__ , (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) • NOTIFICATIONS No. A. 22012/4/89-PERSi(B), the 18th November, 1996. Tn partial modi fication of this department's Notification of even number dt, 22, 8. 96 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of- Mizoram is pleased to Qrder trans fer and postingofPu Zothanmawia, MCS, A.D.C., Lunglei as Circle Officer, Lunglei with "immediate effect and until further orders. The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to order that Pu Zothanmawia, MqS, C.O., Lunglei will also fun�tioa as P.S. to Vice Chairman, HPC, Lunglei in addition to h;s own duties as C.O., Lunglei. Tlanglianruma, Deputy Secretary to the GoVt. of Mizoram . • No. A. 22012/4/89- PERS (B) 'Pt. II, the 21st November, 1996. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order trl!llsf ers I!Ild postings of the followin, M.C's. Officers as shown against their !\I!Illcs... with immediate \ • effect and until further orders : _ R-47j96 2 SENIOR GRADE - - .- - - --- - - - -- - - ---- - - - o. -l\jame of 01licer Pn:sent posting SIN - Transferred to - ---- - ----- --- ---- -- ---- - -,- - 1. Pu Ngurhuzauva S.D .0. ,Kolasib ii.A.C. ,Aizawl 2. Pu R. Liankima Under Secy., Home S.D.O., Kolasib 3. Pu V. Lalremthanga L.O., Silchar lJIS, DP&AR (GSW) 4. Pll Jimmy Vanlalruata UiS, DP&AR (GSW) P.S., to C.M.
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