NIDCVIEU CWNSAASI Andover's Own Newspaper Since 1887 VOLUME 75 NUMBER 1 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, OCTOBER 5, 1961 PRICE 10 CENTS Submit Report /1 Tribute To Woody Main St. Store Project Is On Recreation Interested town officials arc Endangered By Brook Delay urrently studying a report from vans Associates, listing data on The continuing hold-up on But he can't build until some- he job of recreational director, on Rogers Brook is threatening a thing is done about Rogers Brook. everal single-rate positions and Main st. commercial project which The town holds an easement n posts within the Library. could net the town over $10,000 through the middle of his property The firm, which originally drew in real estate taxes annually. - taken last March when local lie personnel and wage classifica- Samuel M. Glazerman of Bidden officials believed the brook project ion proposal for the town, has been Way, who owns all of the property was about to get underway. orking on the newest report for on the west side of Main st., Now the town has the land, neither ome time. from Hill I lardware to the Merri- Glazerman or the town seems to Included, among the other jobs, mack Valley National Bank, is be able to do anything with it until re the positions within the re- anxious to construct a $400,000 the project starts or town meeting . reation program - Pomp's Pond building there. It would provide returns the land to Mr. Glazerman i rector, playground director, some 40,000 feet of mercantile and others along the path of the ifeguards and playground staff. space, plus a second floor for brook. Job descriptions and suggested offices. No Solution alary levels are provided, it is Mr. Glazerman has a June, 1962, The Selectmen briefly discussed nderstood. deadline for completion of the tine problem Monday night, but Of special interest at theSelec structure, based on leases already failed to come up with any solution. (Continued on Page Nine) signed for occupancy of a portion They agreed to meet, if possible, of the space. (Continued on Page Two) Workshop Tryouts ome Next Week Garden Club Plans Tour Children's Theatre Workshop ryouts for the fall production Of Several Andover Homes 'Long Nosed Princess", a delight- Saturday, Nov. 4, from 11 a.m. ill fairy tale, will he held at the to 5, the Andover Garden am on the following dates: Mon- One-Day Drive Club is sponsoring a unique open . ay.Oct. 9, 2:30 to 4 p.m., for Planned By League house tour, "Ilarvest Homes of grades seven and up, and Andover," during which seven of Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2:30 to 4 The Andover League of Women Andover's lovely and gracious p. in.. for the fifth and sixth grades. Voters will conduct a one-day fund homes of various types and periods "The Long Nosed Princess" is drive Tuesday, Oct. 10. of architecture will be open to the Su award story written by Mrs. League members, under the public. N. Penrose ilallowell Jr. of Mrs. Ralph II. !fill is chairman JOIN THE TRIBUTE - Friday night at the Country Club direction of Mrs. Sidney Zussman, Andover and will also be directed will ask Andover citizens for of the house tour, assisted by Mrs. by her. This summer Mrs. Hal- friends of Woody Crowley will pay him tribute, at a special financial support of the League. Leslie N. Hutchinson, hospitality; lowell adapted her wonderful story dance. Tickets for the affair are still available, and may be All contributions will be used to Mrs. George B. W es t 11 a ve r, into a play for the special use of secured at the door as well. Woody is confined to a wheel chair assist the League in its tickets; Mrs. Richard I. Anderson, the Children's Theatre Workshop. after being stricken some weeks ago. many programs at the local, state, Junior Garden Club; Mrs. George At the general meeting Friday and national levels. V. West, traffic directions; Mrs. Oct. 13, at 3:30 at the Library, The Andover League has a long Ernest L. Wilkinson, hostesses; the names of the cast will be record of usefulness in the com- Mrs. Donald Amy, ticket design announced and production workers Hoffman Gets Permit munity. In its earlier years the and Mrs. Dudley Robinson, for the "behind the scenes" duties League worked for tax reforms publicity. will be recruited. Scenery, make- and improved town services. Im- !louses to be open will be those up, and the various other technical From Appeals Board mediately after World War II, the of Mr. and Mrs. Dean K. Webster fields will have many openings League advocated the construction Jr. of Sunset Rock rd., an authentic available to interested children. The Board of Appeals has given the neighborhood favored allowing of two new elementary schools, reproduction of the traditional Joseph W. Hoffman permission to Hoffman to park his truck in the new zoning by-laws, and a Colonial home at its best, featuring park his plumbing truck in his residential area, while "substan- strengthened Planning 13 o a rd. an unusual over-mantel treatment fieldstones garage on Marilyn rd. tial opposition" was also voiced, More recently the League has and beautiful panelling; Mr. and The Board specified that the open every day ex :t piing the Board stated that it is well played important roles in the es- (Continued on Page Three) Tuesdays - year 'round truck must be kept in the garage, aware of the importance of tablishment of the Town Manager- cocktails - luncheons and "not at any time to be parked preventing business uses in re- Selectman form of government and dinner - special functions outside". • sidential areas. the formation of a community-wide gift shop Noting that many residents of The Board stated, however, that: Recreation Council. "To prevent the parking of a The League has also provided A MESSAGE TO pl u to bing contractor's panel extensive services to Andover SERIOUS HOME BUYERS service truck in his garage to voters over the years including provide his transportation to and (Continued on Page Nine) We hove at this time listed a from work, however, is carrying fine selection of homes in this concept to an illogical and un- every price range. just extreme". Ours is an active office. (Continued on Page Nine) EXPERIENCE JOHN & RITA HEWITT Braltorm Home remedies can't be com- pared with today's modern 8 ELM ST. ANDOVER prescription drugs—your big- TELS. GR 5-0973 - 5.1834 gest health value today. The directions on your prescrip- eietedeouttt tion represent your Doctor's experience and knowledge of • --Ansi f==sWairtfasigner what's best for you or a loved THE PIED PIPERS OF ANDOVER 614.4 one. See us for prompt com- pounding at fair prices. 50 up 6 PARK STREET GR 5-6464 ANDOVER IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC BEST SELECTION NOW Plumbing 6 The Heating MCCLELLAN FUEL OILS Formerly Buchan & McNally NOW WITH GIFT SHOP 24 HOUR "IIAL" RUTTER, PROP. TEXACO 211 No. MAIN ST. GR 5-5121 South Main and Orchard Sts. OIL BURNER RFC. NO. 6S10 TEL. GR 5-1724 HEATING OILS SERVICE DfILT011 iltat= HOWE =ID PHARMACY iliGiAllf Monuments MAIN COR. PARK STREET II i GUY HOWE & TED LELAND t v of ihr 11esters- Tel. MU 3.2775 GR 5-0107 ",„„,It LUPINE RD. GR 5-0365 100 Water St.,

We assure you skilled craftsmanship, enduring beauty and quality in a "personalized monument of your choosing." Con- sult us without obligation. OF DISTINCTION WE'RE SORRY! BEST BARRE or IMPORTED GRANITE! . we disappointed so many people by running short of stock during our sale last week. Your Andover response was far greater than we anticipated. ANDOVER We are continuing this SALE AN ADDITIONAL Monument Company TOWNSMAN WEEK and now have all items in stock. Park Street — Andover, Mass. PAINT & HARDWARE John B. White Roger W. Collins For Your Printing Needs., COLE 10 MAIN ST. GR 5-1156 GR 5-5851 — Telephone — GR 5-3243 Call GR 5-1943 2 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, OCTOBER 5, 1961

STORE PROJECT In fact, at this moment, the town meeting, not one called for the Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN IS ENDANGERED Selectmen seem to have hit snags specific purpose. Demo (Continuer) from Page One) in every direction. Members of the Boa rd expressed their regret at the inconvenience Comm PLANTER'S COCKTAIL with Jack Ricciardi, state com- M r. Glazerman offered to install ANDOVEL Spokesio missioner of Public Works, to see the culvert on his own land, accord- being caused Mr. Glazerman, but PEANUTS force witt if he can expedite the project in any ing to state specifications but at his felt that short of calling a halt to $1.00 r a 3 cans 7 oz. way. Ricciardi is in overall com- own expense, in order to get under- the whole project, they have no TOWNSMAN AMERICAN FOOD PRODUCTS choice but to continue pressing addressed mand of the DPW, including the way. Town Manager Thomas E. by the Anc 495 Common St. Tel. MU 2-1855 Duff says the state has flatly re- the state for action. LAWRENCE, MASS. Waterways Division that has Established 1887 Committee fused to allow this. Mr. Glazerman Where's The Money? Published Every Thursday Service" Super-Morkets with Candy specific responsibility for the in Andover brook job. wanted to gamble that the brook Mr. Duff noted that the director 166 No. Main Street, Andover, Ma, Explainit would be reconstructed sometime, of the Waterways Divis ion, Second Class Postage Paid at Andover, greater I) and suggested that if the job is ever Rodolphe Bessette, has not written Mass. Representa done, the town could reimburse to the town stating that the $195,000 Price lot per Copy SS.00 per y,. him for the small section. Other- in matching funds are available. Publisher Irving E. Re, ofi3rand wise, he would have put in a useless -This is the amount most recently Editor David Et LeXir4kiir pipe, at his own expense. promised by the director, who had flu:tines" mitteentan Town Counsel F red ric S. O'Brien earlier agreed to provide Adv. Mgr.... Raymond R. Defluisne• Bot:t a re Ci i e reset told the Selectmen that nothing can thousands more for the work. Duff NATIONAL EDITORIAL p be done on the land covered in the asked the director for such a letter A sg the need f easement, except work on the more than two weeks ago, following ) cTitN Democ ratic brook. A proposal that would have a conference during which the ver- Massachusi allowed Mr. Glazerman to, in bal promise was made. patios mal effect, trespass on a five foot The Selectmen need to have this •••••••111, •11.•.1.•11.•111,111 strong, and construction easement in order to assurance before they can legally is the bes TOWNSMAN gevernment get work accomplished, can not be take the step of agreeing to a call CORRESPONDENTS Kaplan Winner of 11 ACADEMY approved, it was explai ned, for bids. West Parish Tel. GR 5-2445 because of legal problems. More- It was also noted at the meeting Mrs. Sarah Lewis portance of over, Mr. O'Brien said it would be Monday that a grand jury investiga- Ballardvale Tel. GR 5-6261 and cited II AWARDS of doubtful legality to reimburse tion into the Waterways Division Mrs. Rath Green worse - wit a citizen for part of a public con- would start Tuesday, Oct. 3, and Shawsheen GR 5-1941 as an exan including BEST PICTURE tract. that everyone in the Division 'can do. Engineering difficulties were seemed to be tied up with prepara- Sullivan Andover Meets Democratic "BEST also sited by the Selectmen, who tions for this activity. not alone i SUPPORTING wondered if installation of a section Deadline Asked Marblehead Next ACTOR" of the culvert, followed by erection In a discussion of the problem "A steadil Andover I ligh's Blue Devils ab- regular to "BEST of a building, would interfere with Tuesday. the Townsman was told sorbed their second defeat in a "BEST • later engineering and construction that Mr. Glazerman has asked for nlittees are FILM EDITING" row Saturday, going down 32-0 CINEMATOGRAPHY" (1 around the property. Specific men- an Oct. 31 deadline, for some info rmat before a strong Danvers teals. leSclership, u•,,Iwn "BEST tion was made of possible problems specific action. Mr. Glazerman They meet Marblehead herethis associated with tunnelling under said lie will be in great difficulties "BEST SPECIAL EFFECTS" Saturday, for the third Northeast Considei ART DIRECTION" Main st., if the new building is up, if lie can't get underway with Conference game. "BEST SOUND" and in the way. (COLOR) footings for the structure before Last Saturday's whipping re- Of Comn Special Meeting heavy freezing takes place - and "BEST sulted, in large part, from two The Sele "BEST COSTUME" Mr. O'Brien mentioned the believes that lie must have sonie interceptions that resulted in MUSIC SCORE" and tiousiol (COLOR) possibility of calling a special town answer from the town by the end scores, and another that set up a meeting, at which former Rogers have made of the month. TD. A bad pass from center gave this was v if/ Brook votes could be rescinded, if TRO Co/ )1\ 1/..1);V? In describing his planned build- Danvers possession deep in night. this is the wish of the voters. Then ing, Mr. Glazerman said there will Andover territory for still another %V1LL1AV1 WY STS easements could be returned to the Chairmar be room for 10 to 11 stores; that score. was presen former owners by that meeting. parking will be available for 125 The Blue Devils put together two Town Manager Thomas E. Duff and presen cars at a time, with a two-hour threats - the first sloweddownand nottlinees said he believes any action of this limit that will allow satisfactory stopped at the Danvers 20, the sort should be done at a regular mittee on u turnover; and he indicated that second came at the game's end. Mr. Duff employment will be given to over When the final whistle blew, 10 Years Under Same Management review the 200 persons, in the offices and Andover had the ball inside the next two w BENNIE'S stores. Danvers 10. ments are t The project has been in the The only SANITARY planning stages for two years. w rega rd to the completion dead- PARItING ANDOVER Niv A DMISSION two weeks a DAILY BARBER SHOP Project Dragged On lines. authority wa PLAYHOUSE When the town took an easement Back in March, it is recalled, the MAT. 1:45 ADULTS 4 EXPERT BARBERS explanation Mat 90 c through the land last March, Mr. town believed that the brook project agreed with STARTS THURSDAY At Your Service All The Time Glazerman said he wrote to the would start immediately, if final EVE. 7:30 Eve. 1.25c TEL. GR 5-1955 persons be town manager, pointing out that this easements were taken. It was ex- committee; OCT 5th CHILD 50 17 MAIN ST. ANDOVER should not be allowed to drag in- plained than that the state required LIMITED ENGAGEMENT out, and the cLosEr, MONDAYS definitely. lie indicated that lie this final action by the town, then SOD should !believes in the brook project, and would call for bids. It was shortly,. Authority r !wants the town to move forward after this time that the Division possible apr with it - but feels that the constant of Waterways came under such served on a NOW ! McDougall-Butler delay has jeopardized his position violent attack and public scrutiny. mittee. The It was learned later that the pro- (made up of mixed funds from that public town board; agency a re not available, except fraternal, 1 o n a m a tchi ng basis purpose is .2aaovi 12emarking on the problem renewal plat Tuesday, Mr. Glazerman Housing A u CHEK FOR suggested that in offering toinstall on themto the culvert himself, possibly with- FALL NEEDS out any future reimbursement, he GARDEN l has gone more than half way PLANS Tc towards solving the problem. MAKES SNOW REMOVAL ANDOVER (Conant, Mrs. William McLellan of Nona Mrs. Henry FINANCE CO. Scotia is visiting her daughter anc. rd., a mod Street Floor Musgrove Bldg. family, Mr. and Mrs. henry eve r-popula ((t E-A-S-I-E-R ELM SQ- GR 5-1998 Meyers of Marland st., Ballard- Cod, surrot vale. stone wall, At last someone has done something about the weather! artfully use McDougall-Butler hasn't eliminated snow or snow and ac.joinirt David C. Anc shoveling, but they've made a hard job a lot easier For your smart a conternpor from a Lim for you. new clothes... Before the snow falls, apply CHEK to your concrete walks and driveways. CHEK is a superior silicone water repellent that actually changes the surface character- a smart new pair o EASY TO APPLY WITH: istics of masonry and inhibits ice from bonding to con- crete. Snow will still fall, but now with amazing CHEK BRUSH - MOP - ROLLER it can't penetrate masonry surfaces. Works equally well /7/77 or BROOM with new power operated "snow blowers" or the old fashioned snow shovel. Also prevents cracking and Shoe" For II rt COVERS 150 to 250 SO. FT. chipping caused by freezing, protects against salt cor-

rosion. For best results renew annually. Was there ever a better season 4.49 GAL Do yourself a favor . . . all winter long. Order some or reason for a new outfit, CALI McDougall-Butler CHEK right now. and new Trim Treds! FROIY The air is Iron, Am, brighter, your step milli. Ins CHEK SAFE6UARDS MASONRY FROM COSTLY WATER DAMAGE! own ompo, is more fashionable and today lighter in these good-looking DIAL MI lot da• WE GIVE shoes that are also justly S&H famous for comfort, fit and FRE EASY BRUCKMANN'S GREEN STAMPS value. SERVING ANDOVER SINCE 1885 158 SO. BROADWAY • LAWRENCE • TEL. MU 6-4105 REINHOLD'S FREE DELIVERY • f REF PARKING AT REAR OF STORE SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY 2?$ Est.. 13 MAIN ST. ..... ..7 TEL. GR 5.0078

THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, OCTOBER 5, 1961 Democratic Town of-the-Year design and modified to the taste of its owners; marble Committee Met floors, mural paper and a unity of 11 MAIN STREET ... ANDOVER, MASS ANDOM Spokesmen for Col), the new color throughdut make this home (ince within the Massachusetts distinctive. Democratic Party, recently Mr. and Mrs. Phillip K. Allen's TOWNSMAN addressed a special meeting called 19th century home at 1 Highland by the Andover Democratic Town rd., surrounded by the beautiful Established 188/ Committee at the Public Library campus and playing fields of Phil- Published Every Thursday , in Andover. lips Academy, has an interior rich 166 No. Main Street, Andover, Maw Explaining COD's plans for a in interesting woodwork and Second Class T'ostage greater Democratic party were marble fireplaces typical of this Paid al Andover, Mass. Representative Sumner Z. Kaplan period. rice 10$ per Copy per y,, $5.00 of Brookline and Boston attorney The home of Mr. and Mrs. Munro ublisher Irving E. RN,. Leaf, 56 Salem st., is a custom- and Lexington Democratic Com- dna!' ()avid P. yeu, designed contemporary pre- %artiness X. mitteeman Lawrence A. Sullivan. fabricated house with attached dv. Mqr. . . . Raymond H. Donuts'', Both are COD directors. greenhouse, reflecting the cultural Representative Kaplan stressed IATIONAL EDITORIAL pursuits of its owners and giving the need for new life within the it unusual warmth and charm. AC6TIth Democratic Party organization in Refreshments will be served at FLATTERING SILHOUETTES ...ENTRANCING COLORS... Massachusetts. "Citizen partici- the home of Mr. and Mrs. James AFFILIATE MEMBER pation makes a political party KK. Selden, 42 School st., a gracious strong, and a strong political pa rty . 1/ 1w•ew• -sis•-es•vw•ie••s and comfortable home located on is the best guaranty of effective TOWNSMAN one of Andover's most beautiful government," Kaplan said. streets. CORRESPONDENTS Kaplan emphasized the im- Top Fabric Names in 'est Parish Tel. GR 5-2445 The home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Sarah Lewis portance of strong party discipline 'Frederick A. Higgins, 44 Central ,allardvale Tel. GR 5-6267 and cited the paralysis - and st., built in 1951, is a handsome Mrs. Ruth Green worse - within the state legislature Georgian Colonial, commanding a hawsheen Tel. GR 5-1941 as an example of what a lack of it fine location directly across from . can do. Andover's historic South Church. Untrimmed Winter Coats Sullivan noted that the Andover Fall decorations, including a ndover Meets Democratic Town Committee was harvest table, will be featured iarblehead Next not alone in its interest in COD. throughout each home. There will "A steadily-growing number of be at sale of pine cones and seasonal Andover I ligh's I3lue Devils ab- regular local Democratic com- orbed their second defeat in .-. decorations by the Junior Garden mittees are calling upon COD for Club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ow Saturday, going down 32.1 information, assistance and David C. Anderson. efore a strong Danvers tean. leadership, Sullivan revealed. They meet Marblehead herethi: Tickets may be obtained front aturday, for the third Northeast any member of the committee or at Considering List any of the open houses on the day of onference game. Last Saturday's whipping re- Of Committee People the tour, which will be held what- alted, in large part, from twc The Selectmen, town manager ever the weather. All proceeds iterceptions that resulted it and Housing Authority apparently derived from this tour will be cores, and another that set up:. have made their peace - at least used by the Andover Garden Club D. A bad pass from center gave this was visibly evident Monday to further its civic projects. anvers possession deep night. ndover territory for still anothe: Chairman David MacDonald Jr. International Night core. was present at Monday's session, The Blue Devils put togethertwc and presented a list of possible By Couples Club treats - the first slowed downarK nominees to the citizens com- The South Church Couples Club Lopped at the Danvers 20, the mittee on urban renewal. will stage an International Fun econd came at the game's end. Mr. Duff and the Selectmen will Night Saturday evening. 'hen the final whistle blew, review the list, at least for the Dinner will be served at 6:30 by ndover had the ball inside the next two weeks, before appoint- Mr. and Mrs. William Long and anvers 10. ments are made. their committee. The desert and iThe only reference to a clash ith regard to the completion dead- program are being planned by Mr. two weeks ago over the appointing and Mrs. Joseph Senuta. nes. authority was Town Manager Duff's Back in March, it is recalled, the All members of the Church and explanation that he originally their guests are welcome. ,wn believed that the brook project agreed with the idea that three `-1/3 Nov.,----- ould start immediately, if final persons be co-chairmen of the PERSONAL - 1/3 Dec., iseinents were taken. It was ex- committee; that this didn't work Miss Roberta MacCausland, 1/3 Jan. allied than that the state required out, and then he believed one per- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William is final action by the town, the son should be chairman. The MacCausland of Woburn st., has mild call for bids. It was shortly. Authority presented the list of resumed her studies at Boston ter this time that the Divisiol Possible appointees, some of whom University. THE SEASC:. S Waterways came under sucl served on a previous citizens corn- MOST WANTED olent attack and public scrutiny. rnittee. The committee is usually was learned later that the pro-1,4de- up of persons representing HEISEEMEHE COAT SILHOUETTES ised funds front that public town boards and agencies, civic, combining expert styling ,ency are not available, except fraternal, religious groups. Its and beauty, plus the all- a matching basis. purpose is to review the urban EVERY Remarking on the problen renewal plans, as presented by the important signature tiesday, Mr. Glazet-mar. Housing Authority, and to report of the country's foremost ggested that in offeringtoinstall on them to their various groups. PARENT e. culvert himself, possibly with- names in fashion fabrics. t any future reimbursement, he GARDEN CLUB Come find Anglo Tweeds, SCIENCE s gone more than half way PLANS TOUR S Worumbo "Furlaine" wards solving the problem. HEALTH needs (Continued from Page One) WITH KEY blend fabrics, Forstmann

Mrs. William McLellan of Nova Mrs. Henry J. Nassar, 32 Hidden STiCRTIPHETLIRES Fleeces, J. J. O'Donnell this :otia is visiting her daughter ant rd., a modern adaptation of the Mohair Tweeels., Imported mily, Mr. and Mrs. Herr;, ever-popular New England Cape Oatmeal Tweeds, Stafford eyers of Marland st., I3allard• Cod, surrounded by an old field- onim book le. stone wall, with brick and pine MARY BAKER EDDY Fleeces, Worumbo artfully used hi the family room Ebonique, Imported Worsted and ac.joining kitchen; Mr. and Mrs. Petti-Point wools. David C. Anderson, 19 Ka rlton cir., to guide him a contemporary ranch house, built Prophetic silhouettes with from a House and Garden I louse- in the training large puritan collars, con- of his children vertible chin collars, large fringe collars, small club These are not easy days for collars, cape collars, notch parents. There appear to be many conflicting forces outside collars, stand-away chin IS ALL the home that would nullify the collars. Many with Milium good that parents hope to ac- insulated linings for warmth TO-WALL complish for their children. without weight, for the Thousands of conscientious ultimate in bulk-free BROAD parents have turned to the truths comfort. Don't miss this in the Bible and in Science LOOM and Health with Key to the opportunity for really big Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy fashion . . . at a really •14 and have found comfort and small price! r season guidance in bringing up their children. w outfit, CALL THE MAN Science and Health may be .eds! FROM ELLIOTT'S read or examined, together with horll show you •amploo MARVELOUS PRICE REDUCTIONS le air is brighter, your step from America • most famous the Bible, at any Christian mills. Installation by Science Reading Room. Or it is more fashionable and own exports. Phone or come to today may be purchased at $3. BETTER QUALITY TOP-MAKER DRESSES tiller in these good-looking DIAL MD 3-8751-9-9172 for day or evening appoint,. shoes that are also justly =oat. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. New-season dresses in wanted fabrics, colors and silhouettes. 88 FREE ESTIMATES !All price-reduced from stock to save you budgeted dollars. Be 'amous for comfort, fit and READING ROOM EASY CREDIT TERMS early for best selection. Sizes for everyone! 1 MAIN ST. ANDOVER e HOURS 12-4 DLD'S Monday through Saturday L'S Elton 11.-12 So. /roadway SHOP OUR ANDOVER STORE FRIDAYS 'TIL9 P.M. NTIRE FAMILY g1018.1gJOJEJAAggl 1EL. CH 5-0078 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, OCTOBER 5, 1961 4 Andover Baptist Church-- REV. W. CARTER JOHNSON, PastaW omo AT THE CNURCUES FRIDAY: 3:15 p.m. JuniorChoim Your Friends and Neighbors rehearsal. 7:30 p.m. Philathez et Christ Church a.m. Second Session Church Bible Class. like To SHOP CO-OP REV. J. EDISQN P1.15,11, Rector School; Adult Coffee-Forum llour SUNDAY: 9:30 a.m. Nurseryani The openin 7 p.m. Boy Scouts. conducted by the Rev. Claude A. Church School. 10:45 a.m. Mornitv sheen Villagy FRIDAY: Worship Service, message by the SUNDAY: Nineteenth Sunday Smith. 11 a.m. Morning Prayer held Monday' pastor, the Rev. W. Carte after Trinity. 8 a.m. 1 loly Com- and Sermon, "Psychophysiologi- r Country Clu Johnson. Anthem, "The Shephards munion. 9 a.m. First Session cal", by the Rector. Music is under Ainscow, pre Psalm" by Lang. 4 p.m. Installa- Church School; Adult Coffee- the direction of Irvin Wilkinson, the business tion service for Mr. Johnson. 5:31 Forum I lour conducted by the Rev. Organist and Choirmaster. 5 p.m. Special gt p.m. Reception for Mr. Johnson. Claude A. Smith. 10 a.m. Family Holy Communion. 5 p.m. Junior James V. Bt MONDAY: 8 p.m. Friendly Service - Morning Prayer. 10:30 EYC. 7 p.m. Senior EYC. Tenth Dist: MONDAY: 7:45 p.m. Friendly Circle. Templetot Guild meeting. TUESDAY: '7:30 p.m. Standing correspondin TUESDAY: 6:3(1 p.m. St. Ann's,1 Committee. following To Choir rehearsal. WEDNESDAY: 7:30 p.m. Mid- dents: Mrs. THURSDAY: 6:30 p.m. Christ Week Prayer Service. Woman's CI Church Choir. THURSDAY: 10:30 a.m. Woman's Middlesex Union at Mrs. Henry Albers', Wat- Sellars, Tt The North Parish Church son ave. Ladies please bring Gordon, Met (Unitarian I - North Andover lunches, tea will be served. Mrs. Harris Minister REV. E. A. BROWN JR. St. Augustine's Church Club; Mrs. K FRIDAY: 7 p.m. The Choir will REV. HENRY It. SMITH, pniitor Club; Mrs. rehearse at the church. SATURDAY: Confessions 4 'to Andover Doug Howe SUNDAY: 10:30 a.m. Church 5:30 and 7:30 to 9 p.m. Thurleau, Nt about this question: School meets in the Educational SUNDAY: Masses 6:30, 8, 9,10, Club; Mrs. B Building. 10:30 a.m. Morning 11:15 and 12:30. lerica; Mrs. "The auto dealer financed Service of Worship - Sermon by St. Augustine's Hoy Name So- Whittier Chit Mts. Thomas Meyers my new car, and included the Minister. 2 p.m. Youth Fellow- ciety will receive I lolyCommunior Pearson, Te ship members meet to attend Essex sident's Club 17 Rennie Drive Andover auto insurance in the deal. in a body at the 8 o'clock Mass . Federation meeting at Marblehead. The followi I was SL Joseph's Church Later, discovered I MONDAY: '7:30 p.m. Essex welcomed to paying a higher premium ( BALL AHD VALE I Mrs. Thomas Meyers is one of the many hundreds of local Teachers, Training Institute at by Mrs. Ait SUNDAY: Mass at 9 o'clock. home makers who like to shop at the Andover CO-OP. than from my local agent, this church. Palmieri, MI Confessions heard before Mass . here is what Mrs. Meyers has to say: and the policy included ex- WEDNESDAY: 2:45 p.m. Girl Fred Morris pensive extras such as tow- Scouts meet at the church. Cochran Chapel ton, Mrs. Ji REV. A. GRAHAM BALDWIN, ?Athlete, Lewis "I have lived in Andover two years and since th ing, bail bond, and life in- Roger SUNDAY: 11 a.m. Service of Mrs. Sey first week have done all my shopping at the CO-O surance. Can I insist that DYSON and Worship. The speaker will be the Mrs. Alan Not only because of the consistantly good quality I trade my car only, and not and ORGANS he Rev. Frederic A. Pease Jr., As- Means Com] groceries, meat and produce, but also because of t my local agent?" Buys • Sells • Tunes friendly, warm feeling that prevails In the store. sociate Minister at Phillips flounced that "The boys are always willing to carry my many, larg e, TRADES - REPAIRS Academy. able for the i DOUGLAS N. HOWE KINSMAN heavy bundles to the cRr without being asked to do it. to he held O Insurance - Real Esta'e ELECTRONIC ORGANS Christian Science Society "My growing, hungry family of seven also makes my (6 Locke Street ) Andover hip rebate check a very attractive one." 52 Main St. GR 5-5100 MU 6-5829 GL 3-3824 SUNDAY: 9:30 a.m. Sunda% success of I; School. 10:30 Nursery at 14 High- show, it was sor a show fe The above is one customer's reason for marketing at ou land ter. North Andover. 11 a.m . store. There are other reasons which appeal to othe Church Service. ;object of lessor fashion creat people. sermon: "Are Sin, Disease, and leading fashi Death Real?" The coopera What are YOU looking for at your source of supply f Reading room, 1 Main st. open 12 rence's lead groceries? Chances are that we have it in abundance to 4 p in., Monday through Satur- for women p day. success of th WEDNESDAY: Testimony meet- Short rep( ing P p.m. by the chair For Super Values - Try CO-OP club depart Ballard Vale United Church Heritage, Mt WENDELL E. MINNIGH IR., Minster worth; D r a FRIDAY: 5 p.m. Boy Scouts Mulick; and I SALE! SALE! SALE! leave for camporee. vester Berge SUNDAY: 9:30 a.m. Church Mrs. F. School. 11 a.m. Service of Worship. George W. D SWIFT'S PREMIUM 6 p.m. Youth Fellowship. men, were as THURSDAY: 8:30 a.m. Youth Hodges, Mrs Fellowship Paper Drive begins. Edgar Johai GEN. SPRING LAMB NOTICE: Oct. 14 Women's Guild Jones, Mrs. is sponsoring a Harvest Dinner. James Keega KIDNEY 0 C Servings will be at 5:30 and 6;3( stall, Mrs. 12( p.m. James Kitche CHOPS lb 7 South Church son. Mrs. C LEGS Barnes REV. FREDERICK B. NOSS, panto, Allan Kryz RIB FRIDAY: 7:30 Boy Scouts, Tr. Lamanna, Mi 73, Ralph L. Greenwood, Scout- Gordon Lac CHOPS lb 69c master. Leary, Mrs. SATURDAY: 6:30 p.m. Couples' and Mrs. .Wi lb SHOULDER College Outline Club roast beef dinner and oro- Mrs. G. Et 55c CHOPS lb (Continued on Page Seven) William Th 5 9c pourers. Series TEI.N CEN LAMB FLANK LAMB 01 The Teen c building on S PATTIES lb %) 9 and open both I 2 ibs 25c evenings this Combination lb. 35C Lamb for Stew Everyday Handbooks ORANGES ANDOVER GROWN CELERY bch JUICY FANCY CELLO These low-priced, high-power handbooks are an SUNKIST dor. 49c undisguised boon to busy college students. Easy- CARROTS2 RAGS 1 9c PROMF to-read, easy-to-study, easy-to-review digests, GOLD MEDAL FLOUR BETTY CROCKER these convenient books have been approved by professors ... work like an extra set of notes ALL PURPOSE A BRO W NIE prepared by outstanding experts in each field. PRES 5 lb. BAG all 5c M IX More than 140 titles in the following PLAN S CAPT KITT subjects: CAT FOOD 5 CANS 49C 4 PKG Anthropology Etiquette Political Scleem Art Government Psychology •NO MONEY Business BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES Handicrafts Recreations White, Yellow, Devil's Food, Lemon. Velvet, Drama History Mix or Match - 3 pkgs99c Sciences PRES Economics Languages DOWN Sociology Ncum BETTY CROCKER NOODLES Education Mathematics Speech DI L " RONANOFF CASAROLE PKG 39c Engineering Music Study Aids •10 MONTH' English Philosophy TO PAY GR OPEN TIL 9 THURSDAY AND RIDAY START YOUR YEAR RIGHT Good Selections ... buy your Outlines and Handbooks when Good Values you get your textbooks! At... Good Service SH The PH PRESC Andover Bookstore 94GR.5. 236 Essex St. -92 So. B...Y .. PAU MAIN Cor. Chestnut St. LAWRENCE SUPER-MARKET • 68 M ANDOVER Wilmington Shopping Pia,. 216 Central St. Lowell Mny 18 Mein/muck St., Haverl.ill THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, OCTOBER 5, 1961 5 Andover flaptist Church 1'1 RSON Al. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Doyle of :V. W. CARTER JOHNSON, Pasta 9 Frederick Caspar woman s Club Rummage Sale Dr. and Mrs. Fred W. Doyle Chandler rd. They have returned FRIDAY: 3:15 p.m. JuniorChoil Receives Top Honor spent part of the weekend with to their new home in l3ethseda, Md. hearsal. 7:30 p.m. PhilatheMe Is Oct. 12 F rederick G,Caspar, 22 W illiam ble Class. Monday SAVE MONEY ON HOUSE PAINTING .. st., has been made an honorary SUNDAY: 9:30 a.m. Nurseryan The Lawrence General Hospital The opening meeting of the Shaw- 33rd degree Mason, the highest INSIST ON lurch School. 10:45 a.m. Mornity Hospitality Shop Committee will sheen Village Woman's Club was honor that can be bestowed. )rship Service, message by the hold its first fall rummage and held Monday evening at the Andover white elephant sale ()et. 12, at the Ile received the honor in Chicago, stor, the Rev. W. Ca rter Country Club. Mrs. George W. Trinity Congregational Church, from the Supreme Council of the BPs boson. Anthem, "The Shephards Ainscow, president, presided over Law rence. Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. alm" by Lang. 4 p.m. Installa- the business session. The affair is held annually for Three other Andover men have n service for Mr. Johnson. 5:3( Special guests included Mrs. the benefit of the hospital. On sale been similarly honored - Walter n. Reception for Mr. Johnson. James V. Butler, director of the will be clothing, household articles N. Webster, Ralph A. Woodcock HOUSE PAINT Lf‘* ' 1 1 MONDAY: 8 p.m. Friendly Tenth District; Mrs. Clifford and Raeburn B. Hathaway. rcle. • Tepipleton, State Federation and many other items. Contributions for the sale may / TUESDAY; 7:30 p.m. Standing corresponding secretary, and the ,/ mmittee. fo wing Tenth District presi- be made by contacting any member of the Committee or by calling the nf EDNESDA Y: 7:30 p.m. Mid- de : Mrs. Zanfagna, Lawrence ANNUAL CHURCH FAIR hospitality Shop. Articles for the :ek Prayer Service. W an's Club; Mrs. Eliades, TO BE HELD NEW BEAUTY HURSDAY: 10:30 a.m. Woman's Mi lesex Woman's Club; Mrs. sale may be left at the Church Oct. 11 from 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Vic annual church fair of ion at Mrs. Ilenry Albers', Wat- Se rs, Tuesday Club; Mrs. FOR YOUR HOME Mrs. Andrew B. Sutherland the Ballard Vale United i ave. Ladies please bring Gordon, Methuen Woman's Club; heads the Committee, assisted by Church Guild will he held in ches, tea will be served. mrs. Harris, Haverhill Woman's Mrs. J. Rodney Ball, Mrs. Joseph the Comm u nity Room Satur- • WHITE that stays WHITE St. Augustine's Chi); Mrs. Killilea, MethuenCivic Church T. Gagne, Mrs. John B. Edmonds, day, Nov. 4, from 2-5 p.m, and many modern colors REV. HENRY R. SMITH, Pastor Club; Mrs. Wysocki, No rth Mrs. Franklyn J. Emmett, Mrs. SATURDAY: Confessions 4 'to A ndover Woman's Club; Mrs. Charles B. Hodges, Mrs. Ilarold • COVERS MORE 10 and 7:30 to 9 p.m. Thttrleau, Newburyport Woman's Club; Mrs. Beane, 1900 Club, Bil- W. Leitch, Mrs. Herbert I1, Veit, SUNDAY: Masses 6:30, 8, 9,10, Mrs. W. J. Schwarz, Mrs. Ralph 15 and 12:30. lerica; Mrs. McGrath, Elizabeth • COSTS LESS H. Hill, Mrs. Walter E. Curtis, Whittier Club, Amesbury; and Mrs. . K PARv St. Augustine's Hoy Name So- Mrs. Julius F. Emmert, Mrs. anIMMAC Pearson, Tenth District Pre- • PROTECTS LONGER ty will receive I loly Communion William II. Searle, Mrs. Francis INTRAno a body at the 8 o'clock Mass. sident's Club. A. O'Reilly, Mrs. George B. West- The following new members were St. Joseph's Church haver, Mrs. Mitchell Kolsky, Mrs. welcomed to the Shawsheen Club $ 7 3 5 ( BALLARDVALE Nathaniel Stowers, Mrs. Thomas u son ina Lollobrigida by Mrs. Ainscow: Mrs. Edward HOUSE poi' r per gal. SUNDAY: Mass at 9 o'clock. R. Sutton and Mrs. J. Heyworth Palmieri, Mrs. Alex Ritchie, Mrs. ", nfessions heard before Mass. Kellett. *I 218 "I" ' ANOTHER Fred Morrison, Mrs. WinfredSut- Sandra Dee Bobby Darin Cochran Chapel ton, Mrs. John Wilkinson, Mrs. PERSONAL BF3 QUALITY PAINT FAVORITE V. A. GRAHAM BALDWIN, Minieter Roger Lewis, Mrs. OwenGarfield, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ketchum Walter Slezak 1UNDAY: 11 a.m. Service of and family have moved from the and Mrs. Seymour Gilman. TECHNICOLOA• 45 MAIN STREET rship. The speaker will be the Mrs. Alan Chadwick, Ways and Ritchie house on Lowell st. to their 4444 /. Frederic A. Pease Jr.. As' recently-purchased home in Plais- SHOWN AT 9:30 — Richard Widmar14 Means Committee chairman, an- "SECRET WAYS" AT 7:7I1 GR 5-0102 iate Minister at Phillips nounced that tickets are now avail- tow, N. HILL'S idemy. able for the imported fashion show :7hristian Science Society to be held Oct. 18 at 8 p.m. at the (6 Locke Street ) Andover High School. Due to the UNDAY: 9:30 a.m. Sunday success of last year's outstanding 10:30 Nursery at 14 High- show, it was decided to again spon- I ter. North Andover. 11 a.m. sor a show featuring the glamorous Once again Ford Dealers rch Service. Subject of lesson fashion creations from some of the mon: "Are Sin, Disease, and leading fashion houses of Europe. th Real?" The cooperation of one of Law- ding room, 1 Main st. open 12 rence's leading specialty stores I p m., Monday through Satur- for women promises to insure the . success of the venture. are first with the rEDNESDAY: Testimony meet- Short reports were also given 8 p.m. by the chairmen of the followinv club departments: American allard Vale United Church Heritage, Mrs. Palmer L. South- NDELL E. MINNIGH JR., Minster finest in New England worth; D r a ma, Mrs. Nicholas 'RIDAY; 5 p.m. Boy Scouts Mulick; and Bowling, Mrs. U. Syl- ve for camporee. vester Berger. UNDAY: 9:30 a.m. Church Mrs. F. Jerry Leone and Mrs. ool. 11 a.m. Service of Worship. George W. Desmet, llostess chair- in. Youth Fellowship. men, were assisted by Mrs. Robert 'HURSDAY: 8:30 a.m. Youth Hodges, Mrs. Glenn Inman, Mrs. lowship Paper Drive begins. Edgar Johanson, Mrs. Manfred °TICE; Oct. 14 Women's Guild Jones. Mrs. Alfred Kayworth, Mrs. sponsoring a Harvest Dinner. James Keegan, Mrs. F rank Keffer- vings will be at 5;30 and 6;30 stan. Mrs. Robert Kefferstan, Mrs. James Kitchens, Mrs. Robert Kit- South Church son. Mrs. Chester Kopatch, Mrs. V. FREDERICK B. NOSS, Pastor Allan Kryzynski, Mrs. Carl RIDAY: 7:30 Boy Scouts, Tr. Latitanna, Mrs. Robert Lane, Mrs. Ralph L. Greenwood, Scout- Gordon Lauder, Mrs. Charles ter. Leary, Mrs. Jack D. Ledbetter TURDAY: 6:30 p.m. Couples' and Mrs. Lichtenberger. t roast beef dinner and aro- Mrs. G. Edgar Best and Mrs. Continued on Page Seven) William Thompson served as you re rs.

TEEN CENTER The Teen Center, at the Grange building on Shawsheen rd., will be "VI open both Friday and Saturday evenings this week. '62 GALAXIE BY FORD * Enduring new elegance with new power to please you and your budget

Come see and drive the car that introduces They'll never catch up to that trend-setting luxury makes It wasteful to pay more! 1, twice-a-year maintenance! Now routine Thunderbird styling! Galaxie brings the They'll never catchup to that trend-setting sharp, crisp Thunderbird look to new BIG PROMPT • EXPERT service is reduced to a new low-30,000 Thunderbird power! Galaxie is swift as a miles on many items, no more than twice a perfection! The lean, clean look of action rumor, silent as a secret . . . 17% quieter QUALITY year or every 6,000 miles on the rest! that is years ahead of its host of imitators! than last year's quiet Galaxie! Come take a Ford's quality craftsmanship sets a new And it's matched by an interior elegance demonstration without obligation . . . PRESCRIPTION industry standard. unheard of at its low price! Galaxie's new you'll be amazed! PLAN SERVICE NO MONEY FREE DOWN PRESCRIPTION 10 MONTHS DELIVERY CALL TO PAY GR 5-2590 Good Selections Good Values Good Service SHAWSHEEN PHARMACY Galaxie/500 ... most beautifully built Ford in history. N.E.F.D.A. PRESCRIPT/ON DELIVERY See the features of the future, now at your Ford Dealer's 94GR.5•2590 SHAwSHEEtiSa 16 Essex St. -.92 So. B'way 4.. PAW. UPSON, al. PA. LAWRENCE Shawsheen Motor Mart, Inc. Vilmington Shopping Plaza M1,11ey ()11,11 . 1 • A11111.1 IC 1111 I 216 Central St. Lowell May 11e• Ailoweil Mew 47 HAVERHILL ST. ANDOVER, MASS. 8 Mariirnack St., Hayorl.ill


CHURCH °NEWS LETTER WRITING The flowers on the altar of the WEEK OBSERVED At Thi West Parish Church last Sunday Postmaster Stephen A. Boland morning were the gift of Mrs. has announced that the 24th annual onrin, Leverett White and Miss Marion Letter Writing Week is being ob- Abbott. in loving memory of their served Oct. 1-7. gig . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward The slogan of this year's event SUNDAY Abbott. is "Letters are links to friend- tion Class( shin". went. 10:31 Window Shades - Traverse Rods BAKED BEAN Nursery, I Venetian Blinds AND HAM SUPPER Prim' ry, 1 Cleaned - Re-taped - Re-corded I3oy Scout Troop 77 will serve 4. Grades 5 a baked bean and ham supper halm Morning W S.A. Shiepe Co., Inc. auditorium of the West Parish 10:30 a.m. ship. The I 344 Hampshire St. - MU 2-7403 Church, Saturday night, Oct. 21, front 5 to 7 p.m. will use "Venture i the text St Have Dinner With Us Friday tusk Quar to anthem FRIED CLAMS or Have 1 Tru: H. Gould, ( FRIED SCALLOPS play the Pr( French Fries - Cole Slaw Handel and 99c Fugue and Coffee - All For and Bach. Our FISH & CHIPS "TO GO" EVERY FRIDAY will be M Barracloug FRIED CLAMS AND SCALLOPS, TOO: Allyn B. Si High Pilgr . SHAWSHEEN LUNCHETTE Senior Iligl UNITED FUNDERS - A meeting of town department representatives for the United Fun- LOWELL Cor POOR ST. SHAWSHEEN SQUARE GR 5-9750 K7:i3n0depr.gnaLrtel solicitation was held in the town hall, to map plans for the annual drive. Seated are Calvi- Lect„„shir Plenty of Free Parking In Rear Metcalf, department of public works, Everett Ward, Library, and Philip Busby, tree departmentiectures. AIR CONDITIONED OPEN UNTIL 8 P.M. Standing behind the projector is William Mosher of the fire department, chairman of this year;s M( )N1)AY drive. (staff photo choir relle _._ . p.n . COINS WANTED Many Women In Larks: Doris Sciuto, captain, Kaczyanski, Kay Viets, Blanch Anniversar Barbara Bruce, Mary Lou Carron Davidowitz and Noreen Warne. p.m. Bible i We Will Pay As Shown for Average Good or Better and Lila Duke; Robbins: Jeanl far- Kings: Nellie Znamierowski, ca; UESDA1 Bowling Leagues rison. captain, Margaret Buckley, tain, Jessie Dunn, Chris Von Err. pack 73. Fe U. S. Coins Teams in the Early Bird Bowling Joyce Sullivan, Terry Pelletier cow, Tess Smeltzer and Man deffRobins, League, bowling Thursday and Mary Campbell; Jays: Evelyn Gerrish; Royals: Peg Townse: 1857 Flying Eagle $1 20 1887 to 1896 '60 Thompson, captain, Eva Townsend, captain. Mary Jacobson, 1, ' .. 1858 Flying Eagle 1 80 191213 30 evenings at 8 o'clock at the An- South Vestt 1859 or 1860 Indian Cent 90 1912S 9.00 dover Rec. include: Virginia Nolin and Millie Wright; Green, Mary Froburg and Barb; Prudentialfor the men 1861 Indian Head Cent . . . . 2.70 Average COMPLETE set .. $60.00 Wrens: .Elaine Duke, captain, Ross; subs: Po 11 y Morris 1862 60 iontuRoom. 1863 or 1894 45 BUFFALO NICKELS Cecile Nicoll, Kay Morin, Rita Terry Frederick. tLec 1864 Copper-Nickel 1 50 1913 Type I or Type II .. $ .35 Campbell and Erma Buckley. Results for Wednesday, Sept.'. 1864 Bronze or 1865 60 1913D Type I I 25 PRESCRIPTIONS 1866 - 1867 - 1868 3 00 19135 Type 1 2.25 Results for Thursday evening, were as follows: Aces 4, Royals 1869 or 1870 4 20 19130 Type 11 6 00 Sept. 28: Larks 3, Robins 1; Wrens Kings 4, Queens 0; high triple WEDNESI 1871 6 60 1913S Type II 10.00 FREE PICK-UF' tcltool anc1 1872 ...... 8.25 1914 or 1915 30 4, Jays 0; high triples, Doris Nellie Znarnierowski and Pei dinnerduc itio forn. I 1873 - 1874 - 1875 1 65 19140 6 00 Sciuto 338 and Kay Morin 303; Townsend 277 and Blanche Davide, THURSDA 1876 or 1878 2 40 1914S or 1926S 1.25 & DELIVERY 1877 . • • ...... 40.00 19I5D I 00 high singles, Doris Sciuto 117 and wicz 273; high singles, MinkService Sew 1879 - 1884 - 1886 60 1915S 2.50 et Kay Morin 115. Auchterlonie 107 and Peg Tov,,i• missions an 1885 • 1.20 19160 or 1926D 50 1880 to 1883 25 19I7D or 19175 90 CALL GR 5-3660 Teams in the Val-E-Roll Bowl- send 103; high team triple, Kin,. Appeal. 3:30 1887 to 1896 12 192IS 4.00 ing League, bowling Wednesday 1897 to 1908 10 1931S 75 1310 and high team single, King:I-- rsal, girl 7 50 19370 Throe legged 12.00 evenings at 7:45 at the Andover u'a--- 1908S .41199ert 448; most spa res, I3lanehl west i 1909 20 Average Complete set .... $55.00 Rec. are: Davidowitz 5. 1909S 37.50 All four figures of date must be REV. 110WAR Aver. COMPLETE set ... $150.00 legible. Queens: Millie Auchterlonie, 1938D Jefferson Nickel ... $ .15 REXALL DRUGS TI IURSDA LINCOLN CENTS 19385 Jefferson Nickel 25 captain, Lill Myers, Joan Baldwin, Neighbors Met 909 VDB $ .15 19390 Jefferson Nickel 65 SHAWSHEEN PLAZA Pat Pimpa re and Ann Eldred; Aces: Evening Cil 909S VDU 50.00 19500 Jefferson Nickel .. . . 2.00 Guest Night 9095...... 10.00 1955 Jefferson Nickel 15 Phyllis Pinipare, captain, June SUNDAY: 910S - 191 35 - 19155 1 00 BUST DIMES At Barbecue 911Dor 1912D 35 ae. School - Gr 911S 2 75 1796 to 1811 WANTED-WRITE A very delightful "Get 9I2S 1 50 1814 to 1828 Bust Dimes .. $ 2.25 quainted with your neighbor" part Service of 9130 20 1829 to 1837 1 00 by the paste 9140 19.00 1837 or 1838 No Stars . . . . 10.00 was held last Sunday eveningatth( 9I4S 1 50 1839 to 1891 50 junction of Shirley ave. amx Andrews, "1 9210 or 19245 15 BARBER DIMES IS '62 YOUR New Car YEAR? Virginia rd., when the neighbor: 10:30 a.m. C 922D 75 18923 . . . ...... $ 7.00 through Gr 923S 30 1884-0 1895 18963 12.00 on those streets joined forces tc 924D 2 75 ...... 20.00 annual l3ibli 926S 60 1895-0 . meet one another. 927S 08 1896-0 1897-0 19015 9 00 DO YOUR FINANCING THE A catered barbecue chicken sup- cored by 931 60 1903S or 1904S 4.00 Churches, 2 50 per, served by I lenry Nason of 9315 10.00 1913S 1) 932 or 1933 15 Common Dates 15 West Boxford, was enjoyed. Music, speaker, 9320 or 19390 10 Aver. COMPLETE set ... $140.00 933D 35 MERCURY DIMES balloons, favors and pony rider 955 Double Struck 35.00 were in order for the children. Harvardand world- Dig r 19160 Must be GOOD .... $35 00 scholar and 955S ...... 06 19I6S Must be GOOD 25 Altogether it was a most pleasant Aver. COMPLETE set .. . $115.00 1921 Must be GOOD 1 75 E ing 1)evelo HALF CENTS 1921D Must be GOOD 2.50 way to know your neighbor. 1793 Liberty Cap $50.00 19265 Must be GOOD 80 1794 to 1797 15.00 1930S 45 TO DISCUSS JAZZ 1857 7 50 19310 or 1931S . . 60 IN WORSHIP All other common dates .. .. 2.50 BAY STATE 1942 over 41 OVERDATE • • 30 00 Gary Ireland, student direct°, FA LARGE CENTS Average COMPLETE set .. $52 50 Complete with Overdate . . $85 00 of the Free Church Christian Edo' 1793 Chain or Wreath . . .. $50.00 Twenty Cent Pieces . . . . $ 4.50 1794 or 1795 7 50 BANK WAY cation program, will speak to IN 1796 12.00 EARLY QUARTERS P. F. of that Church this Sunda' 1797 4 50 1796 to 1807 WANTED-WRITE DP 1798 3 50 1815 to 1828 $ 6.00 evening, at 7. 1799 90.00 1831 to 1838 3.00 The subject of Mr. Ireland': 1800 to 1802 3 00 1839 to 1891 75 $100 or MORE 1803 Large Cent $ 2.00 18963 Barber Quarter 32.50 SAVE talk is "New Experiments inWor 1804 50.00 19015 85.00 ship wjth the use of Jazz". Mr. SP 1805 or 1807 3 00 1913S 37.50 • NO RED TAPE 1806.. 7 00 1916 Liberty Standing . . . . 70.00 Ireland is from Kansas City, Mc) 1808 to 1856 60 19183 over 19175 50.00' and is studying to be a minister 1857 7 00 19193 or 1923S 12.00 • FAST SERVICE TWO CENT PIECES 1921 7.50 at Ilarvard Divinity School 19320 Wash. Quarter 3.00 1864 to 1869 $ .45 • FREE LIFE INSURANCE Worship will be led by Jo-Ac 18/0 or 1871 1 50 1932S Wash. Quarter 3 00 Murray. Refreshments will be 1872 15.00 EARLY HALVES 18 Month Plan 36 Month Plan served. THREE CENT SILVER 1794 to 1802 WANTED-WRITE 1851 to 1853 $ .75 1803 to 1806 $ 7.00 Amount Finance Monthly Finonce 1807 to 1836 2.00 Monthly 1854 to 1862 2 00 Needed Charges Poyrnents Charges Poyments THREE CENT NICKEL 1837 to 1891 1 50 `e=7-15'. NORTH READING EARLY $1,000 $ 75.00 $ 59.73 1865 to 1868 and 1881 .. . $ .50 DOLLARS $150.00 $31.94 70a4ret 1869 - 1870 - 1873 60 $20.00 DRIVE .IN O9 All other dates 1 00 1795krt: VIOL A m is any date . 4.50 1,500 112.50 89.59 225.00 47.90 s••=, 4 on ROUTES 2Bar.a.62 HALF DIMES 2,000 BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:45 1794 to 1805 $27.50 CANADIAN COINS 150.00 119.45 300.00 63.88 1829 to 1837 1 00 848 Large Cent $ 5.00 1837 to 1838 No Stars 7 50 1190 - 1891 - 1898 75 2,500 187.50 149.31 375.00 79.86 NOW! Ends Tues. EXPERT' 1838 to 1873 50 892 or 1895 65 At' 1194 1.50 LESILE CARON SHIELD NICKELS 900 or 1905 40 'MAURICE CHEVALIER 1866 or 1867 WITH Hays . . $ 1 75 90713 4.00 HORST BUCHHOI. / All other common dates 75 922 Small Cent I 00 LIBERTY NICKELS 923 3.00 JOSHUA LOGANS 924 75 1883 NO CENTS $ .35 925 2 00 1883 WITH CENTS 1 50 926 35 1884 1 75 925 Canadian Nickel 7 00 1885 25.00 926 Far 6 Nickel "FANNY" 6 00 1886 11.00 942 "I't WRAC Nickel 30 Bay State Mer - Plus 2nd Featur , FAIR Indian Cents from 1857 to 1886 accepted harts of 2/3 rds of the above prices. No others wanted in FAIR condition. Please THIS REBEL BREED include an Invoice and Insure or Register all coins. We re- NATIONAL BANK serve the right to return any coin or coins not up to our stan- dards of grading. EXTRA FRIDAY NIGHT CARTOON CARNIVAL We also buy all other coins - medals - tokens - paperrnoney - 84 MAIN ST. ANDOVER scrap gold. Please bring or moil all material to our store, as THURS., SAT., MON. & TUES. we cannot evaluate lists or appraise coins without inspecting them. FANNY screened at 9:10 GR 5-6580 REBEL BREED at 7:25 We sell all , Catalogs and Supplies for Coin, Stamp FRI: Cartoons at 7:00; Collector. We buy stamp collections. - AMPLE FREE PARKING - Rebel Breed at 7:35 Fanny at 9:25 ANTIQUE & COIN EXCHANGE, INC. MEMBER F.D.I.C. NEXT ATTRACTION " 4 2 P 95 EAST POST ROAD WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK Bing Crosby - Danny Kaye Member; American Numismatic American Numismatic Society. WHITE CHRISTMAS -


Old Testament Scholarship". Education Committee wil. meet. the other victim had injuries to struction projects at the Rota in- MONDAY: 2:30 p.m. Girl Scouts. WEDNESDAY; 7 p.m. The Ex- both sides. stallation. At The Churches Troop 32. 3 p.m. Brownie Troops plorers will ;Meet in the Scout CALCINA SERVING 75 and 77. 7:30 p.m. Church Room. IN SPAIN GENTLEMEN'S ontinued from Page Four) Cabinet. 8 p.m. Biblical Lecture- THURSDAY; 7 p.m. Boy Scouts Serving in Europe with Mobile ship, sponsored by A ndove r will meet in the. lower Ilall. 7:30 Construction Battalion, Four at the Electric Council of Churches, South Church p.m. Senior Choir rehearsal. joint Spanish-American Naval DAY: 9:15 a.m. Confirtna- vest ry; speaker, Jack I lolliday, one NOTICE: The Christian Enlist- Classes; Junior High Depart- Base. Rota, Spa i is Joseph LADIES' of Dr. Wright's Ph.D. candidates, ment Committee will hold a brief Calcina, constructionman, USN, Shavers . 10:30 a.m. Crib Room, Sub- who served as his foreman in the meeting after the Worship Service ery, Nursery, Kindergarten, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carmelo recent excavation of the ancient on Sunday morning. Calcina, 58 Magnolia ave. JOHN H.GRECOE ary, Lower Junior. Gr. 3 and Biblical site of Shechem, "Recent ades 5 and 6 will attend Family The battalion, due to return to JEWELER - OPTICIAN Archaeological Discoveries and Buried When the United States in December, is Jeweler to Andover ing Worship before classes. the Old Testament". a.m. Family Morning Wor- completing more than a dozencon- 46 MAIN ST. GR 5-0830 TUESDAY: 7 p.m. Boy Scouts, •••.1...,•••••CM=N111e• . _ . The Rev. Frederick B. Noss Troop 77. 8 p.m. Biblical Lecture- Trench Caved In will use for his sermon topic, ship, sponsored by A nd over A water trench caved in on PRE3'CRIPTI0NS "Venture into the Interior", from Council of Churches, South Church Sherbourne st. Tuesday morning, FILLED PROMPTLY the,text St. Mark 1:35. The Sanc- vestry; speaker, Paul Riemann, sending two men to the hospital tus Quartet will sing the offer- student of Dr. Wright and a Teach- after being buried to their chests. MODERI1 Our pharmacy is to anthem "In Thee, 0 Lord, ing Fellow in Old Testament at A third workman, also buried, re- modern. fully-stocked, and Ha* I Trusted", by Ilandel. Keith Harvard, "The Old Testament and mained on the job. H. Gould, director of music, will the Church Today". Antonio Santosuosso, 34, 155 PHARMIKY sparkling with cleanliness . play the Prelude, "A rioso" by G.F. WEDNESDAY: 10:30 a.m. Wom- Marion st., East Boston and Joseph Prescriptions are quickly and Handel and the Postlude "Prelude en's Union. 7 p.m. Junior Choir O'Neil, 25, 39 Garfield st., Quincy, accurately compounded. Coll andt Fugue in G Minor" by J. S. SERVICE rehearsal. 7:45 p.m. Senior Choir were taken to the Lawrence on us too, for baby needs , Bac . Our greeters this Sunday General hospital by the fire rehearsal. vitamins to build-up health will be Mr. and Mrs. Norman NOTICE: The American Guild department ambulance. The third Barraclough and Mr. and Mrs. of Organists (including Choir- man was unidentified. cold remedies, and sundries! Allyn B. Stillman. 5 p.m. Junior masters) will be honored this The water main being installed YOU MAY PAY YOUR TELEPHONE BILL HERE High Pilgrim Fellowship. 7 p.m. Sunday at the Morning Service of on the street was authorized by Senior High Pilgrim Fellowship. Worship, In music, prayers and town meeting, and is being installed 7:30 p.m. Andover Young Adults, !Motives for the United Fun: sermon. by the Ruggiero Construction Co. Kindergarten Room. 8 p.m. Bible of Malden. It was reported that the Hartigan Pharmacy inual drive. Seated are Calvi• Free Church Lectureship, first of three RED(. I. Al-LYN BRADFORD, Pastor trench was about five feet deep 3 hilip Busby, tree department. lectures. when the cave-in occurred. tment, chairman of this year' MONDAY: 3:30 p.m. Chorister FRIDAY: 6:30 p.m. Senior P.F. 66 MAIN ST. • ANDOVER • GR5.J006 hayride. O'Brien was reported to have (Staff Photo) C3r rehearsal, boys, gr. 4-8. suffered abrasions of the eat, while 7: p.m. Sanctuary Choir and SATURDAY: 7:15 p.m. The Jr. Kaczyanski, Kay Viets, Bland A versary Choir rehearsal. 8 P.F. will meet to play miniature Davidowicz and Noreen Warne' I3ible Lectureship. golf. Kings: Nellie Znamierowski, ca; TUESDAY: 7 p.m. Cub Scouts, SUNDAY: 8:45 a.m. Junior and min, Jessie Dunn, Chris Von Erpe Pack 73, Fellowship I lall; Alexan- Youth Choir rehearsal. 9 a.m. thru corn, Tess Smeltzer and Mari, der Robins, Cubmaster. 7:30 p.m. Church School for grades 3 grade Serrisli; Royals: Peg Townser: Prudential Committee meeting, 12. 10:15 a.m. Nursery thrti captain, Mary Jacobson, Rt.', 2. 10:15 a.m. Morning Worship SAVE MORE South Vestry. 8 p.m. Ping Pong :.; reen, Ma ry F roburg and Barba for the men of the church, Recrea- Service conducted by the Rev. J. Ross; subs: Polly Morris a': tion' Room. 8 p.m. Final Bible Allyn Bradford, whose sermon title AT Terry Frederick. Lectureship. will be "Staying on the Ground" Results for Wednesday, Sept. r WEDNESDAY: 6:30 p.m. Annual Prelude, "Lord Jesus Christ, Be were as follows: Aces 4, Royals dinner for the staff of the Church Present Now" by Bohm and "An-

'BURS., SAT., MON. & TUES. FANNY screened at 9:10 REBEL BREED at 7:25 CITY FRI: Cartoons at 7:00; Rebel Breed at 7:35 CLEANERS & DYERS Fanny at 9:25 SUPER MARKET NEXT ATTRACTION 42 PARK ST ANDOVER 43 PARK STREET ANDOVER GR 5-2740 Bing Crosby — Danny Kaye WHITE CHRISTMAS 8 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, OCTOBER 5, 1961 eeting's Quiet Subscri be to the TOWNSMAN Council Of Churches Andona Society as Shattered Sponsors Program SIMMERS Plans Activities The normal dignity of the The Andover Council of Churches PAINT & WALLPAPER Fall activities for the A en's meeting was shatter( presents its first annual "Biblical 267 So. Broadway, Lawrence Society were launched at a di ay night, when an angry Lectureship" Oct. 8-9-10, at South crated the Board for "rail VISIT OUR meeting held at the Lanam Church. Monday evening at 6:30, w trough" a loam and G. Ernest Wright, Parkman pro- WALLPAPER SALON members and newly elected p emoval permit. fessor of Divinity at Harvard Uni- John "BUD" MACKAY, Prop. visional members met to disc Mrs. Clarence A. Wot versity, will speak Sunday night on TEL. MU 3-3422 plans for the coming year. well st., present to disc Highlighting the activities ohm Philip Enterprises October is the annual fo eft the meeting room on: Harvest Ball, to be held at olice Sgt. Raymond Coll in Andover Country Club Friday, n summoned from the le and Mr. Wood had einc 27, front Co-chairmen USED the event this year are Mrs. meeting room just after t fusion of andthe heth ari they Keefe and Mrs. J. Kevin Coil en ngrefuel CARS Active committees include:M nend - Top VALUESAfiaame James A. Peirce, invitations;M some time without realiz hey were not to be heard. Charles Caldwell, decorati , Mrs. Edward Murphy and M When the fact hit home, It G. ERNEST WRIGHT JOHN S. HOLLADY JR. Edward N. Sabbagh, publicity;M hat there would be no opp o discuss the matter beta THIS WEEK'S BUYS! Testament studies at I larvard. Ilis Bruce Dodd, door; Mrs. Daniel the Old Testament, and "Why we arrived late, Mrs. Wood think as we do about it". In addi- topic will concern archaeological Valpey, chances and Mrs. Robe 1959 FORD THUNDERBIRD shouted at the Board memb tion to his affiliation with the discoveries in relation to the Old H. Clifton, finances. substanc CONVERTIBLE didn't reveal the Divinity School, he is also a Testament. Proceeds front this and the permit, Full power; leather interior; White f Andona-sponsored projects a jections to 2 member of the Department of Near Next Tuesday's speaker will be accuse the Board of "railr Radio & Heater. Eastern Languages and Litera- Paul A. Riemann, also studying. contributed to aid the youth Andover and among the newly it through. The permit cos tures at Harvard and is curator of towards his Ph.D. at Harvard in moval of gravel and loam I the Semitic Museum there. the Old Testament field. Ile will stituted plans for the Club is 345 motel area on Lowell st. 1958 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE $ Monday night's speaker will be discuss how to read and study the scholarship to be granted to from the residential deve Radio & Heater; Fordamo John Scott Hollady Jr., a Presby- Old Testament in the light of in- worthy college-bound A ndov weed by the firm. iisders; Green. terian graduate fellow in Old formation presented by the two High School graduate. Seated at the head table Sylvester Keaney, reprt earlier speakers. were he developers, had told tit following officers: Mrs. Tho Roland Moore The three-night program will hat a considerable am 1957 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN involve a 4,5-minute lecture J. I)ye, president; Mrs. Arthur mos Read, vice president; Mrs. Fra ravel probably will be H I ylinders; Radio & Beater; GUITAR STUDIOS followed by '30 minutes of discus- he motel location to the rem orditromic; low mileage; Black. '1,145 sion. Sherman Ill, secretary; Mrs. area - and a permit is t "t•v4.ryttatiq For Your :tot," Ham E. Caffray, treasurer; Mrs, Philip K. Ryder, Ways and Meant ecause the two are sepan porations. Although some' INSTRUCTION Coming Events Mrs. William C. Pratt Jr may be for sale, he indicn OCTOBER meetings; Mrs. Douglas N. limo SHAWSHEEN •Classic Guitars •Electric Guitars here will be mostly a 1 membership; Mrs. Robert I linme: •Amplifiers • Strings • Music 5 Historical Society, at Peabody f material front one jot • Bongos 'Drums House, 8:15. civic; Mrs. Harold A. Rutter, MOTOR MART, INC. 7 Catholic Men's Club Installa- nominating; Mrs. Hans Scharir the r. ALL ACCESSORIES tion Dinner, Country Club, placement; and Mrs. Edward HOFFMAN GETS 7:30. Sabbagh, publicity. GR 5-0767 575 A ESSEX ST., LAWRENCE PARKING PERMIT Junior Garden Club, Bay State (Continued [torn l'age 39 HAVERHILL ST. SHAWSHEEN VILLAGE MU 8-8592 Bank, 10:30. 10 DAR, 136 Elm st., 2. Junior Gardeners The Appeals Board 18 Shawsheen Village Woman's stated that the presence SAFETY IS OUR BUSINESS Club Fashion Show, !Ugh Will Meet Oct. 7 vehicle in the residentia School, 8. The first meeting of tins sea may, in fact, "provide 23-24 DAR Rummage Sale. of the Andover Junior GardenCI service to residents of Ai 28 Newcomers Club Halloween will be held Satutday, Oct. 7, case of emergency" Party, Log Cabin, 6:30. 10:30 a.m. at the Bay S The decision took not Merchants Bank on Main st. probability that an art& Young Adults Are Mrs. Richard I. Anders filed for town meeting chairman of the Junior Car passage of a by-law cc GET Meeting Sunday Club, announces that any girl allowed parking uses in re The Andover Young Adults, a boy in the fourth, fifth or s areas. fellowship group of high school grades of the Andover schools The decision on lloffnii graduates sponsored by the be welcome to join. expires June 1, 1962, bas Andover Council of Churches, will At the October meeting, me understanding. FULL a-WAY meet this Sunday evening, Oct. 8 bers are asked to bring their re The dispute over 1 loftily at the South Church, at 8 p.m. gistration money. Audube came to a head when two material will be passed out an of the street took the tows MEETING CHANGED members are asked to bring ti seeking to have the zonin The meeting of the executive pine cones they have been collect enforced, and the truck GUARANTEED 'board of Priscilla Abbot Chapter, ing during the summer. The court decision si DAR, originally scheduled for Oct. Mrs. Mitchell Johnson Jr. wi: the town should enforce to 6. has been changed to Oct. 9 at speak on "Fall Flower and Foli4 laws - and this was taker 3 p.m. at the home of Mrs. William ," featuring on-the in most quarters that A. Trow, treasurer. spot arranging by juniors wit would have to be remove. awards according to the age grog However, town official FOR FINER ENTERTAINMENT Members should bring small pin that the Board of Am PROThEiON holders, if available; container authority to grant permi• Distinctive Films will be provided. cases, and the question TOMORROW FRI EVE. 6 P.M. Mrs. Anderson will be assiste ferred to that body in Jul SAT & SUN 1:30 Continuous by Mrs. Adeline M. Wright hearing was held. GENERAL ,counselor, Mrs. Walter I.. Curti! THE TIRE SILENT SAFETY WINTER CLEAT treasurer; Mrs. Louis II. An 'ONE-DAY DRIVE JACK HAWKINS derson, Mrs. John B. Cecil] Jr PLANNED BY LEAG Mrs. David J. Fox, Mrs. Charle (Continued from Pa, G. Hatch, Mrs. Mitchell Johnse go in Snow or We Pay the Tow "LEAGUE of 1 You Jr., Mrs. Robert II. Lange, tdr! the sponsoring of candid; I . and we mean lust that. If your GENTLEMEN" Philip K. Ryder and Mrs. Ernes lags and the distribution General Silent Safety Winter Cleat snow L. Wilkinson. Refreshments ation sheets on all cant political office. tires don't take you where you want to AS be served. ...N.Y. Poet In addition the Leagu go the towing charge is on us! • Guar- LOW anteed in writing. AS PLUS SPFCIAL. St11311:CT1 cently completed an 00 FIRST MEETING survey of the town's ne OF THE SEASON All General Silent Safety Winter presently engaged in PER WEEK FRI FEATURE 6:40 & 9:10 The South Elementary Schoc urban renewal. 2 Cleat tires are guaranteed against I SAT & SUN 1:45-4:00-6:20-8:50 Parent-Teacher A ssociatic defects in workmanship and materials meeting will be held tonight at Eli Members of the Leagi solicit funds with Mrs. for the life of the tire. • Guaranteed BROADWAY THEATRE school. in writing. GET 'EM NOW... LAWRENCE — MU 8.2862 Principal Lionel Goulet will ti include Mrs. Ralph W the speaker and his subject willbt James H. Wilson, Mrs. Guaranteed Against Normal Road COMING FRI. EVE.'OCT 13 Andrews Jr., Mrs. Ilan "The Marking and Testing Sys' Mrs. 3 Hazards for 21 months.' • Guar- PAY LATER "General Della Rovere" tent". A spaghetti supper will b James Prout Jr., I anteed in writing. ;;erni us your natts, arse (Hicirt•:,. McLean, Mrs. Bruce I: for our Sot i HMI list PrOlirtlISS. served. EASIEST TERMS IN TOWN IMPORTED

We'll mount your new ITALIAN General Winter Cleats FREE MOUNTING on NEW WHEELS at SAVE We'll mount your new MOHAIR 50% off regular selling 25 cost. You can keep your General Silent Safety Winter GORGEOUS COLORS The Most Fashionable 50% tubeless snow tires Cleat tires on your car FREE mounted, avoiding risk of injury to Yarn of All at first sign of snow! tubeless seal bead! HEADQUARTERS • II N,ion It months I Pa,on ccnetruceon ArIpAtments pro rated on Generals current once, at lime of ect)ustrnent FOR ALL YOUR KNITTING NEEDS AT LOW, LOW PRICES Prepar ()VIA{ 100 ('OINKS OF UNIrl'ING tiousTElls B BARI THE YARN BAR HOME S. FAY & DRISCOLL 256 SO. i)vioN 576 HAVERHILL ST. • LAWRENCE • MU 3-3131 LAWRENCE FLOOR COVERING MARI SO. LAWIUNC TELEPHONE YOUR GLNLRAL TIRE DISTRIBUTOR OPEN TUES. & f ftl Mil 9 239 BROADWAY Near Haverhill St. ••••••••• gr LAWRENCE — MU 3-3791 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, OCTOBER 5, 1961 9

eeting's Quiet Jerald M. Cornwell, Mrs. Arthur Monroe Took Part Mrs. Luella Bartlett has re- rd. after spending the summer 3 Society Seikunas and Mrs. Paul Crane, turned to her home on High Plain months at Hyannis on the Cape. . as Shattered President of the League. In NATO Training Army Pvt. John S. Monroe III, Lcti viti es The normal dignity of the Select- SUBMIT REPORT lien's meeting was shattered Mon- whose parents live at 56 l ligh st., 'ales for the A ON RECREATION participated with other 101st Air- launched at a di ay night, when an angry woman crated the Boa rd for " rail roading (Continued from Page One) borne Division personnel in Check- d at the Lanam mate II, a NATO tactical training :ning at 6:30, w 'trough" a loan: and gravel men's meeting Monday night was emoval permit. the recreation director's post. exercise conducted in Turkey, id newly elected p Sept. 15-25. nbers met to disc Mrs. Clarence A. Wood, 282 Town Manager Thomas E. Duff .well st., present to discuss the said it should be possible to seek Monroe, a member of the divi- coming year. sion's 1st Airborne Battle Group, ig the activities olin Philip Enterprises permit, a director, now that the report is eft the meeting room only after in hand. Ile agreed with theSelect- 327th Infantry, was airlifted front the annual fo Fort Campbell, Ky., Sept. 9. Upon 1, to be held at olice Sgt. Raymond Collins had men, however, that changes can n summoned from the station. still be made in the description. arrival in Turkey, he joiped with int ry Club F riday, other NATO ground, air force and The Coat for le and Mr. Wood had entered the The Selectmen, Recreation Con:- -1. Co-chairmen naval personnel from G r ea t meeting room just after the con- mince and members of the ad- is year are Mrs. 13ritain, Greece, Turkey and Italy That Youthful flail Irs. J. Kevin Coil lusion of the hearing they came to visory Personnel Board are to ttend - and then remained for in the simulated combat exercise. runittees include: M study the document. Mr. Duff said Sortie 2,000 U. S. - based military :tree, invitations; M some time without realizing that he plans to meet with the latter hey were not to be heard. personnel participated. ildwell, decorati group sometime in November, and A rifleman in the infantry's rd Murphy and M When the fact hit home, however, will then be in a better poSition to hat there would be no opportunity Company A at Fort Campbell, he Rai air ibbagh, publicity; M finally establish the job desc'rjp- entered the A rtny in September, door; Mrs. Daniel o discuss the matter because they tion and salary range. arrived late, Mrs. Wood angrily 1960 and completed basic training ices and Mrs. R at Fort Dix, N. J. ,nances. shouted at the Boa rd members. She didn't reveal the substance of ob- Monroe attended Andover High from this and School Menu School and was employed by Susie jections to the permit, but did The public school menu for this isored projects a Sweets Bakery Inc. in Lawrence accuse the Board of "railroading" week includes: to aid the youth before entering the Army. COMMUTER: Styled for I among the newly it through. The permit covers re- Monday - frankfort in roll with everyday wear — rain or is for the Club is moval of gravel and loam front the mustard and relish, kernel corn, fair. Superbly blended of motel area on Lowell st. and also FOR CLASSIFIED AD to be granted to potato chips, apricot cobbler and Dacron polyester and cot- front the residential development milk. CALL GR 5-1943 ege-bound A ndov ton.. Comfortable split wned by the firm. Tuesday - hamburg and gravy, graduate. shoulders; roomy hacking .he head table were Sylvester Keaney, representing mashed potato, buttered carrots, he developers, had told the Board Vienna bread and butter, butter- pockets. Black, olive, ficers: Mrs. Tho oyster-tan. ;ident; Mrs. Arthur hat a considerable amount of scotch pudding and milk. ,resident; Mrs. Fr ravel probably will be moved from Wednesday - fruit juice, baked How he motel location to the residential secretary; Mrs. W hash with ketchup, green beans, Christian Science fray, treasurer; Mr area - and a permit is required cheese cubes, apple crisp and der, Ways and Mearm ecause the two are separate cor- milk. Heals porations. Although some material in: C. Pratt Jr Thursday - No School. Frs. Douglas N. II may be for sale, he indicated that Friday - tomato vegetable soup, ; Mrs. Robert I linma here will be mostly a transfer tuna salad roll, frosted plantation f material front one job to the cake and milk. RADIO I la rold A. Rune 7:15 a.rn., WHDH, 850kc, Boston• Mrs. Hans Schar 7: 45 a.m., WCOP, 1150kc, Boston and Mrs. Edward HOFFMAN GETS Radcliffe Club 9:15 p.m., WNAC, 680kc, Boston 'Hefty. TV - CHANNEL 5 PARKING PERMIT Sunday at,930 a.m. (Continued from Page One) Meets Tonight The Radcliffe Club of the Merri Gardeners The Appeals Board decision mad< Valley will hold its first eet Oct. 7 stated that the presence of such a meeting of the new year tonight vehicle in the residential section at 8 p.m., at the home of Dr. and meeting of tins s may, in fact, "provide quicker Mrs. Albert Rothseid, 29 Forbes ter Junior Garden service to residents of Andover in In. d Satutday, Oct. 7, case of emergency" Guest speaker of the evening will at the Bay S The decision took note of the be Montague Yudelman, visiting 3ank on Main st. probability that an article will be lecturer on economics at I larvard "Yes, dear, of chard I. Ander filed for town meeting, asking College and a member of the Center tf the Junior Gar passage of a by-law concerning on International Affairs. :flees that any girl allowed parking uses in residential Mr. Yudelman, a native of South: course I have fourth, fifth or s areas. Africa, will speak on the provoca- c Andover schools The decision on Hoffman's truck tive subject "South Africa Today". to join. expires June 1, 1962, based on this Preceding the program, dessert time to talk!" :tober meeting, me understanding. and coffee will be served. h lusbands ;ked to bring their The dispute over I loffman's truck and guests of members are invited n money. A tidubo came to a head when two residents to attend the program. Mrs. Ber- ill be passed out a of the street took the town to court, nard Mulholland of Andover will re asked to bring th seeking to have the zoning by-laws provide transportation. hey have been collect enforced, and the truck removed. le sunimer. The court decision stated that ENROLLS AT CAMDEN :hell Johnson Jr. wt. the town should enforce its by- John A. Greenwood, son of Mr. all Flower and Foliag laws - and this was taken to mean and Mrs. Ralph L. Greenwood Jr., rt," featuring on-the in most quarters that the truck 93 Porter rd. has enrolled as a Ong by juniors wit would have to be removed. cadet at Camden Military Aca- rding to the age grout however, town officials believed demy, Camden, South Carolina, for iould bring small p that the Board of Appeals has the current academic year. available; contain authority to grant permits in such ided. cases, and the question was re- arson will be assis ferred to that body in July, when a deline M. Wr hearing was held. BARNARD irs. Walter L. Curt A Mrs. Louis II. A ONE-DAY DRIVE I Since . John B. Cecil] Jr PLANNED BY LEAGUE N J. Fox, Mrs. Charle (Continued front Page One) 1930 Irs. Mitchell Jails(' E abert 11. Lange, Mr the sponsoring of candidates meet- Serving rder and Mrs. Ernes ings and the distribution of inform- IJ N .1. Refreshments wi: ation sheets on all candidates for political office. Your C In addition the League has re- R TING cently completed an important A Every Y ASON survey of the town's needs and is I Elementary Sella presently engaged in a study of N I her Associatio urban renewal. Insurance be held tonight at th Members of the League who will N solicit funds with Mrs. Zussman Need Lionel Goulet will h include Mrs. Ralph Wirtz, Mrs. C Ind his subject willh Janes D. Wilson, Mrs. Jerome E. , ng and Testing Sys ndrews Jr., Mrs. !Tarry Axelrod, 36 MAIN AT BARNARD ST. ghetti supper will h ..Irs. James Prout Jr., Mrs. E. W. Tel. GR 5-0202 -Eves GR 5-1214 McLean, Mrs. Bruce Dodd, Mrs.

HOURS: PORTED DAILY FALIAN (I A.M. to I() p.m. 10HAIR Lighten your life . . . ItGEOUS COLORS lost Fashionable Yarn of All 411S with an extension! NG NEEDS 'RICES Prepared Food Specialists They're available in the 3 styles shown 0 ILSTLI1S BAKERY TREATS here . . . in a wide choice of colors. For BARBECUED CHICKENS prices call your Telephone Business Office. BA R HOME STYLE DELICATESSEN 256 SO. UNION ST. LINCOLN AVE RING MAR' SO. LAWRI•NCE HAVERHILL PLAZA NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE ill St. TELEPHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED: MU 2-0890

THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, OCTOBER 5, 1961 10 have returned to their hoine Gloucester, after spending-e. weeks here at their summel EDITORIAL. THOUGHTS 25 Years Ago — October, 193i An itinerant salesman, flu SUSIE'S identified as coming from Sc. Stop The Nonsense Carolina, was killed last Satur, SONNETS night on the By-Pass. lie opers It's time to end this fiasco we call Rogers Brook Re- his car by hand, having defoni construction. legs and feet. The car strut{ beer truck, and then a seconds Back when the project was first proposed — and that's by Sylvia Neilson piled into the wreckage. The sak six years ago — this newspaper favored the project. We man had a sign on the baci his car asking other driven continued editorial support during times when it appeared pay attention to their own drivit that the project might not be favorably received by the not to him. Police said he fl, voters at town meeting. And eventually the town voted in the car, as it was fitted with racks and places to stores matching funds, amounting to $195,000. POOR RICHARD perishable foods. But time has produced a change in our thinking — it Everybody picks on A political rally will be he here Oct. 13, with the vital natim appears now that there may be an utterly fantastic ex- Nixon issues under discussion. Spoke penditure of funds, possibly exceeding even the $650,000 With the hope that some charge men for the various parties if, Sticks on. be present. estimated at this time. Trouble along the brook has been Punchard opened with a 33 at a minimum in the years just past; even the two heavy win over Boston Farm and Tr.& School last Saturday. rain storms produced by Hurricane Esther failed to bring The Junior King's Daughtersa! the brook to an overflow. It is now indicated that expendi- hope that some time in the next three months there will holding a bakery sale this after tures nearing a million dollars are not warranted. noon, from 2:30 to 5:30, at Plal be some action towards filling the post. don's flower shop. Additionally, we are sceptical over state control of the 10 Years Ago — October, 1951 construction project; how many extras will be approved by C40/701 An enthusiastic group of reps the Division of Waterways, noted for its largess? Funds sentatives from various local o. ganizations met last Thu r sch that seem to be available will do only a portion of the COMMENT night to map plans for the Ha project. Rut by doing part, we commit ourselves to do it loween party for the town's your4 stern. Last year a large crowd all eventually. At what cost? No one knows. But it seems 13y children turned out in costume h certain that if about $400,000 will do around half the job, YOUR CONGRESSMAN the affair. A traffic study will! made by the Selectmen, after n as contemplated, then the eventual cost of the overall BRAD MORSE ceving a request from resides project may be three-quarters of a million dollars, possi- of the West Parish, who are cot cerned about the safety of the bly even more. children. On domestic matters, the 87th through June 30, 1968, and from It's time to call a halt to this project, before we be- $50 million to $100 million an- Building permits issued dun: Congress racked up a record- September covered an estimate come so involved that we can't get out of it. breaking number of bills enacted nually for construction of treat- ment works; raises former 30% $140,050 of new construction. The Selectmen are even now setting up a meeting, during its nine-month-long first A hearing has been held by t' session. ceiling on Federal grants; exten- perhaps have already met, with the state commissioner of sion of saline water conversion Selectmen, on the applicatioi, Major home-front legislation program for another six years. Ann's Andover Cottage for a liquc Public Works, who has control of the Division of Water- either already on the lawbooks or Housing program for low and license. Several residents of Ai ways. They plan to ask his help in getting action from the at the White House awaiting the moderate income families on derbrook rd. objected to the Ia Division, so bids can be requested. President's signature includes: liberalized terms; urban renewal; cense being granted. Additional unemployment com- open-space development; college Over 300 interested adults ar In our opinion, they might as well give it up. pensation for the jobless, including dormitory construction; public enrolled in the evening study pm In fact, they would be well-advised to call a special railroad workers, and assistance housing, community facilities; gram at Phillils Academy. for their dependent children; $11.5 creation of Area Redevelopment Danvers beat Punchard, 12-* town meeting to reconsider whether this project should be billion for completion of the inter- Administration in Department of last Saturday. started. If the voters at this meeting don't want to keep state highway system by 1972; Commerce, to make loans and A principal will soon be select application of federal law to crimes grants for industrial plants and for the West Parish School, no, on, as we suspect they don't, then the same meeting on airplanes engaged in interstate public facilities in areas of econo- under construction. The Schoo should turn back the permanent and construction ease- or foreign commerce, making hi- mic distress. Committee has decided topromoa from ,within the ranks, and al ments, which have been in existence since last March. jacking punishable by death or life Many other measures•which have imprisonment; $375 million for attracted national interest, which teachers are being notified that th Action is needed here; more discussions with state airport construction over the next were not acted upon finally this appointment will be made. officials, more red tape, more in-fighting with promise- five years. year, will be carried over to the happy officials will be only a waste of time and potential- Increase of minimum wage to second session. Among them are: $1.25 and extension of coverage Postal rate increases; medical At The Library ly a gigantically-expensive error. to 3.5 million additional workers care for the aged; creation of a by gradual wage step-ups over the Department of Urban Affairs and Coming Events next five years; social security Housing at cabinet level; increased It's Up To You compensation for service- OCTOBER increases in minimum old-age 11 First meeting of the Robit payments, and in benefits to connected disability; extension of A critical test of the electorate will take place Oct. 24, GI "Bill of Rights" to peace-time group of Littlest Listener widows; lower reitrement age for 10 a.m. when each registered voter will have the opportunity to male workers at reduced benefits; veterans; a 10-year program of oceanographic research; congres- 12 Library closed, includingl3al help nominate the candidate of his choice for representa- liberalized disability provisions; lardvale branch. continuation of federal aid to im- sional consent to the Northeastern Water and Related Land Resources 13 Ballardvale branch open, 2- tive. pacted school areas for two years, and 6-8 p.m. and of the National Defense Educa- compact; establishment of a , Primaries normally attract only a small percentage of national wilderness preservation 16 Andover Civil War Round tion Act for one year; $20 million table, 7:45 p.m. the voters; this one might usually be expected to bring for four years of grants and system; three-year program of , training youths, aged 16 to 21, in 26 First meeting of the Ballard out even fewer of the faithful. Except for one reason — scholarships for practical nurse vale branch of Littlest Lister training. conservation projects; two-year there are six Republican and eight Democratic candidates program of training unemployed ers, 10 a.m. Extension of Civil Rights Com- Robins To Meet for the job. mission for two years; federal in vocational schools, or on the THIS IS job, to develop new skills. The pre-school children wh Thus the primary takes on added interest, for each of grants totaling $20 million for a will attend any other first grab YOUR Fl four-year program to finance If by chance I have omitted than that of Central Elementar the candidates has his circle of friends and supporters. projects to fight juvenile delin- mention of any legislation in which and St. Augustine's are invited t quency; additional assistant secre- you are interested, or if you wish the first meeting of.their group a We suspect that more than the normal amount of interest ts ry of labor on problems of women further particulars concerning the E'E will be shown, even possibly by men and women who Littlest Listeners Wednesda, in industry; extension of direct and measures I have mentioned, I will morning, Oct. 11, at 10 o'clock II be happy to hear from you. During never bother to help nominate candidates. guaranteed home loans for WW This will be known as the Robin veterans to July 26, 1967, and for adjournment I shall be home, ready E If this happens, it will be all to the good. We haven't group, and it will alternate wilt Korean conflict veterans to Feb. 1, to sit down with you personally to , discuss any matters involving the the Cardinals, who have already Line With been able to point to our primary voting record with much 1975. begun their program. Creation of theCape Cod National Federal government - or just to pride and it will be a welcome exception to the rule to Many mothers have already pre Your hoi Seashore Park; expansion of the get better acquainted. I'm looking registered their children; eact have a good percentage turn out. water program, increasing grants forward to seeing you! My Lowell child must have passed its tint( protection to state and interstate agencies office is at 15 Kearney Square. In birthday in order to join a group, vention W from $3 to $5 million annually Boston, it's 1705 Federal Building. as experience has proven that those portunity ' Slow Progress younger are less interested in the We're making progress — but slovb I y. stories and activities, and tire ter of thie easily. BUT IT Town Manager Thomas E. Duff finally has a report from Down the Years with The Townsman Ballardvale Branch the Evans Associates, relating to the recreation director's The branch library will be close: of the brc 50 Years Ago — October, 1911 Democratic town committee are Oct. 12, but open the following (la\ will tell • duties. George T. Abbott has remodelled Mahoney, O'Donnell, Keane, May- for its usual hours. Where till: Now the report is being circulated among the Selectmen, his cottage on Elm st. nihan and Crowley. would have been the opening data Harry Chadwick of Maple ave., Recreation Committee members, and the members of the Through the generosity of Mrs. for the Littlest Listeners for that who has been ill at his home, Joseph A. Smart and Mrs. Joseph community, the group will have it: Personnel Board. It will be up for review by these groups, is sufficiently recovered to re- W. Smith, there have been placed first meeting postponed until and may reach some final conclusion in November. sume his work at the Smith and in Memorial I tall two handsome Thursday, Oct. 26, at 10 o'clock . W. SH Manning store. tablets on which are inscribed the All programs for the pre-school Of course, the job was created last March, when mem- 11. A. Morse, who for some years names of 100 deceased soldiers age begin promptly at 10 a.m. ant bers of the town government urged the voters to appro- has been employed at Smith and of the Civil War, who enlisted run for three quarters of an hour MAIN Dove Manufacturing Co., has sev- from Andover. so that mothers may plan their priate funds because the need was apparent to them. ered his connection with that firm. The electrical storm that struck mornings easily. And as we all know by now, the town manafter attempted The first primary under the Andover Monday afternoon was one Civil War Roundtable state's new primary law was held of the worst in a long time. Light- The Andover Civil War Round- to make an appointment to the position earlier this year, Tuesday, with 264 votes cast. ening struck the home of Allen table .will have its second meetini. There were 197 Republican ballots Hinton, the ice cream dealer, and Monday evening, Oct. 16, at 7:4 but couldn't get confirmation from the Selectmen. and 67 Democratic. Elected to the Now a report on what the appointee should do in the peeled plaster off the walls in sev- p'clock. New members are wel- 11011 Republican town committee were, eral places. Similarly affected was come to attend at this time. An; way of work is presented by the consultants; and we may Hardy, Courts, Simpson, Boutwell, the home of Bradford Lewis. In and Bodwell. The members of the (Continued on Page 16) Mr. and Mrs. Addison Wonson 52 MAID

Virjr, '111,1,4 11 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, OCTOBER 5, 1961 x1 to their how: after spendinglev it their summer FIRE PREVENTION WEEK - OCTOBER 8th thru 14th co — October, 19, int salesman, fi. coming from s killed last Satur By-Pass. lie °pc: 'land, having defr) et. The car st r, and then a seem ! wreckage. The: sign on the bat (ing other driver to their own dri% Police said he as it was fitte; nd places to store cods. 1 rally will be with the vital nati discussion. Sp,, various parties:

opened with a 3:). ston Farm and Ti.& aturday. King's Daughters a: {ery sale this after !:30 to 5:30, at hit shop. to — October, 1951 Eastic group of reps •om various locale: met last Thu rsdi p plans for the Ha for the town's your,. year a large cro‘,,, ed out in costunief, traffic study will Selectmen, after n quest from resides Parish, who are co: t the safety of the ermits issued duri: :overed an estimate ew construction. has been held by th in the application ( :r Cottage for a liquc :rat residents of Al . objected to the 1r ;ranted. interested adults ar ie evening study pro Ills Academy. eat Puncliard, 12-'

I will soon be selects Parish School, not aiction. The Sc hoo is decided to proinot the ranks, and a: being notified that tle Jill be made.


!nts leeting of the 16 ,, f Littlest closed, including I canfiletelt fife! branch. ,ale branch open, 2' p. ni. Civil War Boone 42i p.m. FIRE PREVENTION IS A COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITY eeting of the Ballard. rich of Littlest Lister. 1.m. leet THIS IS A GOOD TIME TO REVIEW ;chool children wh ANDOVER'S ny other first grad Central Elementar YOUR FIRE INSURANCE COVERAGE stine's ace invited t FIRE RECORD ting of.their group c Isteners Wednesda, EXPERIENCE PROVES: NUMBER OF FIRE ALARMS 1. 11, at 10 o'clock known as the Robin Most Existing Policies Are Not In t will alternate wit 1959: 302 1960: 345 s, who have ahead Line With Today's Replacement Costs rogram. ASSESSED VALUATION OF BUILDINGS trs have already pre Your home... your INVESTMENT deserves FULL leir children; each ave passed its thin protection. It is just plain good business! Fire Pre- 1959: 1,203,100 1960: 3,262,875 rder to join a group vention Week provides an excellent and timely op- has proven that those portunity to review just where you stand in the mat- APPROXIMATE FIRE LOSS ess interested in the activities, and tire ter of this protection. It may cost a little more. . . 1959: 190,000 1960: 75,500 Irancli BUT IT IS MORE THAN WORTH IT! Consult any library will be of the brokers listed below. Without obligation they ien the following da) will tell you just where you stand. DO IT TODAY! hours. Where this :en the opening date st Listeners for that e group will have :t t postponed until W. SHIRLEY BARNARD BERNARDIN Insurance AGENCY, Inc. 26, at 10 o'clock. Real Estate s for the pre-school aptly at 10 a.m. and Insurance — Real Estate 166 NO. MAIN ST. GR 5-3414 quarters of an hour MAIN AT BARNARD ST. GR 5-0202 :rs may plan their ly. ndtable DOHERTY Insurance AGENCY • Civil War Round- Insurance — Real Estate its second meeting g, Oct. 16, at 7:45 4 MAIN ST. GR 5-0260 SMART & FLAGG Inc. members are wel- DOUGLAS N. HOWE 1 at this time. Any The Insurance Office Insurance — Real Estate 1 on Page 16) MAIN COR Chestnut Street GR 5.6161 52 MAIN STREET GR 5-5100 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, OCTOBER 5, 1961

FRIENDLY GUILD ARE YOU DISSATISFIED MEETS OCT. 9 WITH YOUR TELEVISION The Friendly Guild of Christ RADIO OR PHONOGRAPH - . Church will hold its next regular Vim.. let us re•air it meeting Oct. 9 at 7:45 p.m. in the Parish House. Mrs. Lyna Moore will give a demonstration on flower arrange- ments. The Refreshment Com- COMMUNITY mittee includes Mrs. Walter Howe, RADIO TV PHOMO SERVICE chairman; Mrs. Norman Benson, 17 14‘..L.,,, Nrcr rise, MU LAO Mrs. David Batchelder and Miss Evelyn Parker.


OUT FOR MONEY - The League of Women Voters will stage a one-day fund solicitation Oct. 10, to support its local, state and national work. Planning the affair are Mrs. Gerald Corn- well, back to camera; Mrs. Bruce Dodd, Mrs. James Wilson, Mrs. Sidney Zussman, chairman, Mrs. Ralph Wirtz, Mrs. Arthur Seikunas; members not present include Mrs. Harry Axelrod, Mrs. 1 Jerome Andrews, Mrs. E. W. McLean and Mrs. James Prout Jr. (Photo by Margaret Tinker) Fearon. 9305 East 82nd st., Ray- .ispital, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mrs. David Daniels, th I3irths... town, Mo. The mother was Shirley Beaulieu, 58 Haverhill st. The Main st., whose marriage BOURASSA - A son, Sept. 29, Murray, R. N., daughter of Mrs. mother was Pauline Parent. ian Church. at Lawrence General Hospital, to George Murray, 266 Salem st. The Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bourassa, 17 paternal grandparents are Mr. and Held Reception Marland st. The mother was Inez Mrs. Lester Fearon, 1 Conrad st., eddiwy. • • • Methuen. The family also includes Mathis. For Couple OBER - DULONG ROMANO - A daughter, Dorothy a daughter, Kirsten. A reception in honor of the re- Christ Episcopal Church r Ann. Sept. 28, at LawrenceGeneral GORDON - A daughter, Edith, setting for the twelve o Hospital, to M r. and Mrs. Laurence Sept. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. David cent marriage of Oscar E. wedding Saturday, Sept. I Romano, 4 Sweeney ct. The mother Gordon, 1153 Whipple rd., Tewks- Dufresne and Miss Venita Creller Miss Sandra J. Dulong, dai was Rosemary Lovallo. bury. The mother was Evelyn was held recently at the home of of Mr. and Mrs. Richard I PASSANISI - A daughter, Sept. Richmond, daughter of the late Mr. the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and of Union st., and Allen G. 28, at Bon Secours Hospital, to and Mrs. Albert I. Richmond of Mrs. Oscar J. Dufresne of A ndover son of Mr. and Mrs. Elm Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passanisi, Orchard st. The paternal grand- st., Ballardvale. 3 Rocky Hill rd. The mother was mother is Mrs. Beatrice Gordon The couple was married at the Ober, 169 Elm st. „ with Hutch The Rev. J. Edison Pike Angela Qua rta roro. of Andover. The family includes home of the bride in Alburg, Vt. FEARON -A son, Donald Lester, another daughter, Carolyn. The rooms were prettily ar- formed the double ring cert Sept. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph WINTER - A daughter, Nancy, ranged for the occasion with before an altar decorated The unique beauty of Early American Cherry sur- to Capt. and Mrs. Norman M. streamers and wedding bells. The bouquets of white carnation rounds the superb tonal quality of this Kimball Winter, 6412 Celestine st., Dayton, table centerpiece was a wedding gladioli. which features the exclusive Kimball Pipe Ohio. The mother was Betty Jane cake, which was cut by the bride. Given in marriage by her f Organ Tone Chamber. Exclusively at the bride wore a white THIS SUNDAY Cronin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A buffet lunch was served. The T John A. Cronin, 15 Flint cir. couple received many gifts. ballerina length gown, style Fricassee of Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Dufresne will make scalloped neckline and cap slt Her veil was a mantilla of ma CHICKEN Mrs. John W. Winter of Lake their home in East I la rtford, Conn. Stuttio Shoppt Katonak, N. Y. The family includes Guests were present from Ban- lace and she carried a whiter with two daughters, Joanne, Jane and a gor, Maine; Woonsocket, R. I.; surrounded by French carp Hot Biscuits son, Norman Jr. Lawrence, Andover, North An- and streamers. The matron of honor wat Colonial - Modern - Provincial $2.50 CAIRNS - A son, Mark Scott, dover, Tewksbury, Methuen, Bil- GALLERIES Sept. 25, at Munich U. S. Army lerica and Ballardvale. Beverly Fore of Danvers an Children, under 8 - 950 udith Ober of Andover w 124 CROSS ST. LAWRENCE !hospital, Munich, Germany, to Mr. RAYTHEON GETS bridesmaid. They were Wen (Turn loft at 373 Brqedway - at the lights) ANDOVER INN and Mrs. Donald Cairns, Bad As- ANOTHER AWARD gowned in pink coral bal MU 5-5023 OPEN EVENINGS sling, Germany. The mother was GR b-S9n Raytheon Co. in Shawsheen has dresses and wore small ma Beverly Jeanne Bisset, daughter Daily 10 to 9 Wed. 10 to 5 . . . . Sat. 10 to 5 received a contract valued at tiaras. Their colonial ho of Mr. and Mrs. Drummond Bis- $2,258,952 for technical manuals were of white and pink Diane set, 92 North Main st. relating to the Hawk missile; and Richard Greene of Law rein McHUGH - A daughter, Oct. 2, has also been awarded a contract the best man, and Joseph F at Bon Secours Hospital, to Mr. for $7,135,600 for engineering Amherst served as usher and Mrs. George Mcllugh, 29 services on Hawk guided missile both were college classnr Strawberry Hill rd. The mother systems. the bridegroom. our best ads aren't written was Carol Baldwin. U. S. Senator Leverett Salton- Following the ce rem° BEAULIEU - A daughter, Susan, stall announced the contract reception was held at the Mit ... they're worn! Sept. 30, at Lawrence General awards. rms, where the guest book

We use nothing but 100% Pure Wool Worsteds Custom-Made SUITS 69.75 (to your own individual taste) Ready-Made 4„,,, 75 SUITS •

You'd pay much more for identical garments elsewhere


17 Union Street Lawrence Everett Mill Building BEGLEY-MAYFLOWER Open Tuesday and LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING Friday Nights P. F. BEGLEY COMPANY PACKING - CRATING - STORAGE

62 SPRINGFIELD ST REETMu" Cotifir 2-1372 tu LAWRENCE THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, OCTOBER 5, 1961 13 ---- - I-, lance 2 Abbot Students ASSOCIATES MEET have been set aside for square 1110161000MOMISOW0a*V. The regular monthly meeting Of dances to be held at the South ton l ttW/ l Ar'*41104m44%,-., Are Semifinalists the Chestnut Court Associates will School front 8-12 o'clock: Nov. 18, e ? ? Mrs. Alexander Crane of Abbot be held Wednesday, Oct. 11, at Dec. 16, Jan. 20, Feb. 17, March Academy announced today that two 2 p.m. instead of 7:30 as originally 17, April 21 and May 16. of the school's students have been scheduled. Routine business will be ME DA given recognition for their high transacted. The Halloween Party FOR ' DRIVE achievement in the initial stage has been postponed until the follow- World Rook Incyclopedia of the seventh annual National ing Wednesday evening, Oct. 18, at Childeraft Call Merit Scholarship competition. 7:30 p.m. — She said the students were named WILL SPONSOR JANET S. CADOGAN semifinalists !71 the 1961-'62 Merit SQUARE DANCE 100 Dole St. North Andover Program, as a result of their the Balla rdvale Outing Club an- 7.7653 outstanding performance on the nounces that the following dates National Merit S chol a rship Qualifying Test. They are Carol Ann Moore and Ingrid Quarck. We& INSURANCE Replace It? These students are among approximately 10,000 seniors When fire destroys your home you want more than th roughout the country who attained just "some" insurance. You need enough semifinalist status through their to replace the values that have been lost. What it cost you high scores on the qualifying ex- amination, a test of educational ten, fifteen, or even five years ago is much too low development given last March in an estimate of what you would have to pay now. more than 15,000 high schools. The semifinalist group is composed of If we haven't checked insurance values for you recently,, the highest scoring students in each better let us do it for you right away. state and in the United States territories. Each semifinalist now moves a step closer to winning a SMAET 82 IFILACC. INC. four-year Merit Scholarship to the college of his choice. Wiz .9•11tzifewe Vice 62.MAIN ST. at CHESTNUT ANDOVER Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN TEL. GR 5-6161 ld solicitation . Gerald Corn. nan, chairman, Axelrod, Mrs. Irgaret Tinker)

and Mrs. Henry Mrs. David Daniels, the former Miss Linda Barrett, 446 So. iverhill st. The Main st., whose marriage took place Sept. 3 in the Free Christ- ne Parent. ian Church. charge of Mrs. Ruth Mott of 'ption Malden. Assisting the bridal party • • • "14419' in the receiving line were the le OBER - OBLONG bride's mother, wearing a lavender honor of the re- Christ Episcopal Church was the sheath dress with an orchid of Oscar E. setting for the twelve o'clock corsage, and the bridegroom's ;s Venita Creller wedding Saturday, Sept. 16, of mother dressed in chocolate brown y at the home of Miss Sandra J. Dulong, daughter and also had an orchid corsage. parents, Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dulong Leaving on a wedding trip to fresne of Andover of Union st., and Allen G. Ober, Washington, D. C. and Virginia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer S. the bride selected a light beige s married at the Ober, 169 Elm st. wool ensemble with coffee-colored le in Alburg, Vt. The Rev. J. Edison Pike per- accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Ober ere prettily ar- formed the double ring ceremony will reside in Reading. The bride is a graduate of the occasion with before an altar decorated with 'edding bells. The bouquets of white carnations and Andover Schools and is employed e was a wedding gladioli. as a secretary at Raytheon. cut by the bride. Given in marriage by her father, The bridegroom is a graduate of Andover High School and the was served. The the bride wore a white lace University of Massachusetts. He nany gifts. ballerina length gown, styled with lufresne will make scalloped neckline and cap sleeves. is a physicist with RCA in st I is rtfo rd, Conn. Her veil was a mantilla of matching Needham. resent from Han- lace and she carried a white orchid CALL AD TAKER )onsocket, R. I.; surrounded by French carnations iver, North An- and streamers. GR 5-1943 y, Methuen, 13H- The matron of honor was Mrs. Beverly Fore of Danvers and Miss dvale. PROTECT Judith Ober of Andover was the :TS bridesmaid. They were identically BABY'S LRD gowned in pink coral ballerina in Shawsheen has dresses and wore small matching HEALTH - Itract valued at tiaras. Their colonial bouquets echnical manuals were of white and pink Diane roses. GIVE THE NEW Iawk missile; and Richard Greene of Law rence was MOTHER A warded a contract the best man, and Joseph Field of fr„„,.. GIFT CERTIFICATE for engineering Amherst served as usher. They 'k guided missile both were college classmates of LIKE TO PUT YOUR FAMILY he bridegroom. GiC3UX ° c9OW JUJUY D101.1 Leverett Salton- Following the ceremony, a e d the contract reception was held at the Middleton Diaper Service rms, where the guest book was in. IN THIS PICTURE? MU 8-5454

It doesn't always have to be somebody else whose moving into a home of their own and enjoying all the pleasures and freedoms that go with it. It can happen the power to your family too if you are willing to do some ad- of lens' Ram vance planning. . . and advance saving. All hail the power of . name! Your Saving to make a down payment on the purchase Let angetr prim-kale fall; of a home is one of the most worthwhile anti satis- Bring forth the royal diadem, Savings And crown /lien Lord of fying projects you can undertake. And when it comes Insured to financing the balance we are ready to help with a low cost "tailored to fit your income" mortgage Edward Perronet, an associate of the In Full Wesleys for years, wrote 3 volumes of loan. sacred poems, now forgotten except By Law this one hymn. E. T. Scott, a mission- So stop by soon and tell us about your plans. ary to India, owed his life to it. When he was surrounded by savages pointing You'll be dealing with friendly and experienced spears at his breast, expecting instant people who believe in home ownership and want to death, he shut his eyes and began help. playing his violin and singing this hymn. When he opened his eyes, the tribesmen were grinning with delight. ' SAFE I He settled among them and worked with memorable results. Andover Savings Bank IV ER Offices In: ING


y Vihlot 1, 72 6fidiortf undgren II/IMP' ANee A MUTUAL STABILITY * SAVINGS BANK ...Hu.


WILL ALLOWFD left propety valued at about $80,000 Mrs. Emma L. Allen of Andover when she died July 23. Adminis- tration of her estate was allowed by Judge V. Phelan in Probate Court. - ANDOVER - Lulu J. Brinclelow of Lexington, Near Phillips Academy a niece, was appointed adminis- tratix. She and Arthur J. Thyng, Well built, 3 bedroom, also of Lexington, are the only 2 bath, modern Ranch in relatives named in the petition. choice location on over an acre lot. Price in- cludes wall - to - wan PRESCRIPTIONS carpeting, complete FREE PICK-UP modern kitchen, built- in Hi-Fi. & DELIVERY CALL GR 5-3660 ALUMINUM DOOR! F.M. & T.E. I B & B ALUMINUM DOOR & ANDREW 4199,ett' 4 urninum Windows, Doors, Ja RFAI, EsTATF INtiti RANCE . Awnings, Door Hoods, if Show Room Open 9 to 9 - APPRAISALS REXALL DRUGS ('EN'rRAL BLDG. LAWRENCI: Opp. Post Office MU 7-7121 SHAWSHEEN PLAZA * AUTO AGENCIES & ARLINGTON MOTORS, INC WORLD-WIDE Hume for COMET . . . The CA,In Greater Lawrence MOVING FIRST FALL MEETING - Members of the Andover Garden Club gathered Tuesday morning 6 ,Iroadway, Lawrence . , for their first meeting of the new season. Gathered around the coffee table are Mrs. Charles North, NorthVAmericari PACKING Hatch, Mrs. Elbert Weaver, Mrs. Leonard Lawrence, Mrs. Harry Godden, Mrs. I. Malcolm Humph. D & S SERVICE STATION VAN ONES INC7a3m Studebaker-Lark Sales 5, STORAGE rey, Mrs. Henry Van Zandt, Mrs. E. Wells McLean and Miss Marion Rudkin, guest speaker. (Cole) ver's Nearest Sales & Ser ee Us First For the New La II. Carter, Robert S. Chapman, 33 Pork St., N. Reading.... 26 Semi Finalists Jonathan B. Cohen, Carl W. Corey, LidAAtuarics .. • Are Named Thomas L. Crystal. MRS. WILLIAM II. GIBSON HARRISON PARK CORP. WM. B. KENT & SONS Also John G. Fabiano, Jon C. Mrs. Lucy (Mason) Gibson, uthorized VOLKSWAGEN De Twenty-six students at Phillips Geissman, Lawrence E. Hinkle, Locke st., died Saturday night Sales - Parts - Sei Academy have been trained semi- David II. Knight, Robert N. Levin, Sept. 30, at the Lombardi Nursi4 Broadway ( Rte. 28), Salerr 550 TURNPIKE ST. Authorized finalists in the seventh annual Randall J. Lewis, John W. Little. Home, following a long illness NO. ANDOVER Agent Merit Scholarship competition. Alexis P. Malozemoff, W i 11 i a m (Junction Rts 114-125) The widow of Williamll.Gibsor, for . . . As a result of their high stand- S. McKee, Monathan C. McMath,. .she was born in Andover 84 year. MU 3-9439 ing on the qualifying tests, the Robert B. Pruitt, Mark S. Sieg- ago and was a life-long resider PAUL'S RAMBLER SALE! students are now eligible to com- christ, Robert L. Sims, Harold of the town. She was a retire Authorized RAMBLER-A pete for the scholarships, to be L. Stults, James P. Timbie and bookkeeper, having been employee Sales - Service - announced in the spring. William M. Toivainen. by Valpey Bros., E. and I, Essex County's Oldest, Esta The young men included John Stephen Lynn of Richardmond, r On The Sq uare. R. Allison, Allen A. Anderson, Hetherington, James E. Greek Ind. was a recent guest of Mr. and and the Rockport Market. iddleton henry C. Binford, David 11. Bon- Mrs. Alfred Kayworth of Chandler nett. Christopher Burns, Timothy She was a 60-year member a cir. the South Church and had serve PLYMOUTH CENTRE, INC -_9n cream' for over 40 years as treasurer's( LYMOUTH-VALIANT Sale the Courteous Circle of the King': Expert Service - Good ELECTRONICS Daughters of the Church. - Open Evening ! Surviving are four nieces, Mn 73 So., Union St., . . Lawre COMMERCIAL Oscar Batchelder of Reading, NI r! e2)ivicienci Harry Barr of Pinellas Park, Fla. ,* AUTO BODY REPAII Miss Helen Tucker of Philadelphia METROPOLITAN AUTO B RESIDENTIAL and Mrs. C. Mason Tucker of Nort "The Oldest Shop In Li on Andover. uPont DUCO Finish-Promp Funeral services were het; er Repairs - Top s-Uphol st Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Lundgre: ork - Prompt Service All Savings HOWLEE ELEC. INC • Funeral Home, with the Rev. Fre. laims - CONTRACTORS derick B. Noss, minister of tli 41.S. Broadway. Lawrence South Church, officiating. Burin 63 PARK ST. ANDOVER was in South Church Cemeter. SHAWSHEEN MOTOR MAR GR 5-0664 or MU 3-9414 NICHOLAS PAOLINO Expert Body & Fender Repo Accounts - For All Makes of Nicholas Paolino, 64, 69 Love. 9 Haverhill St., ( Rte. 2i 133) • joy rd., died Thursday, Sept. - Opposite Raythe SEE THE at Lawrence General Hospital where he was taken by the firs department ambulance. Dr. J T. Bata], medical examiner, attri• AUTO DRIVING S, 4% LOW PRICE buted death to coronary throat D & G AUTO SCHOOL bosis. Geor ge Jabour, Instructor PAYABLE NOV. 3, 1961 Born in Lawrence, he had livd ur Driver-Education Course here for the past 23 years, ad afer, Better Driver & Save COMPOUNDED A was formerly employed as a shot urance. Classes Forming F 90 Broadway, Methuen AND PAID "I' TIMES A YEAR worker by the Copley Shoe Ca in Wakefield. Ile attended holy ' Rosary Church, Lawrence. AUTOMATIC TRAN Surviving are his wife, Florence EASTERN TRANSMISSIC51% e Repair, Rebuild & Adi Our Bank has specialized in (Damon) Paolino of Andover; sons. Raymond of Albany, N. Y. n All Makes: Dynaflow, Hy and Lawrence of Andover; matic, Powerflite & F Savings for 69 years 9 Jackson St., Methuen ... brothers, Pasquale of Haverhill and provides three different and Thomas of Lawrence; fiveSiP tens, Josephine, wife of Pew * BAKERIES methods of Saving: Isso, Clara, wife of Carmone Vi• SUN RAY BAKERY Greater Lawrence's Outst tale, Laura, wife of Carmine Wedding, Birthday & Party Paolino, Dora, wife of Anth 1. REGULAR SAVINGS — Deposit to Order - Bread & Rolls A SF Mele, all of Lawrence, and Ma - Donuts & Past your account whatever and whenever wife of John Brewer, of Patuxent 175 East St., Methuen •••• you desire. Md.; also several nieces ad 151 Essex St., Lawrence.. nephews. The funeral was held Saturday, BEAUTY SHOPS 2. PAID- UP CERTIFICATES — Sold in Sept. 30, from the Pitocchelli 13re MY FAIR LADY BEAUT' multiples of $200.00, each certificate thers Funeral Home in Lawrence, Permanent Waving - Ha with a high Mass of 12equien Coloring - Open 'til 9 F paying interest quarterly by check. in holy Rosary Church, Lawrence Wednesday Afternoons - at 9 a.m. 117 S. Union St., Lawrence 3. SYSTEMATIC SAVINGS — System- FLAMELESS Burial was in Immaculate Con' ception Cemetery. * atic monthly saving of a fixed amount BOATS-MOTOR ELECTRIC ACCESSORIES from $1.00 to $50.00 in a single FOR CLASSIFIED AD CALL GR 5-1943 MLRRIMAC MARINE SUP account or up to $100.00 in a JOINT alter Kalil, Prop. - "En Stop in — see this bargain- oat Owner". New & Usec account. priced Easy dryer with these DRYER Trailers. 24 East St. (Rte 110) Met' high-priced features: illumi- A.B.C. i,„ t.------nated control panel; timer dial; three position tempera- * BOTTLE GAS ture control dial with choice of heats for every fabric; LUMBER i WEDGE OILCO , IN C. MERRIMACK automatic safety door switr.h. Operates on 115 or 230- 24 ci Servi 24 Main St.. • . NOReaGling CO-OPERATIVE BANK volt circuit. Building Material Roof - Trusses r BOWLING ALLEYS 264 Essex St, LAWRENCE MERRIMACK-ESSEX ELECTRIC CO. Hardware AN DOVER RECREATIOt 15 Alleys - Open Mon • FAIT Of NEW ENGLAND ELECTRIC SYSTEM Sat: 9 to 11; Sun 1 44Ntic sr SO 49 LUPINE RD . Lawrence Recreation: Mitatifejwar.. GOES SO MUCH . . . COSTS SO LITTIUk Open Daily 9-12; Sui Gr. 5-2121 '34 Park St., Andover.... !NW `e•--w THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, OCTOBER 5, 1961 15

Mention the Phone-O-Rama Pages When Calling Our Advertisers * PHOTOGRAPHERS CHARLES STUDIO Portraits . . Commercial .. Industrial .. 79 North Main St., Andover ....•GR 5-2833

* PIANOS & ORGANS KNUEPFER & DIMMOCK, INC. Est. 1896 - Complete Line of Hammond Organs - "Music's Most Glorious Voice" one 286 Essex St., Lawrence MU 2-5664 As Near Ai Your Telvphone... -Rama * POULTRY STORES Vie This Check List (.1 llr lrrthlr Firms — to ... 11 hr rr trt ItuN'" THE CHICKEN MART - Quality Fresh Poultry & Eggs - Whole Barbecued Chickens -Deliciously Different Tues, Thurs, Fri & Sat 8 A.M. - 9 P.M. Mon ALUMINUM DOORS & * CHINESE RESTAURANTS * IRON WORK - ORNAMENTAL & Wed 8 A.M. -7 P.M. - Sunday 7 A.M. to WINDOWS CHINA BLOSSOM RESTAURANT AMERICAN IRON WORKS 2 P.M. - Special Business Men's Lunch - Open B & B ALUMINUM DOOR & WINDOW CO, For the Finest Quality In Ornamental Iron 129 So. Broadway, Lawrence ... MU 8-6621 11:30 to 1 - 7 Days A Week - Ample uminum Windows, Doors, Jalousies, Roll- - Interior & Exterior - Courteous Service 98 Essex St.. Lawrence Mll 2-4531 Awnings, Door Hoods, 11/4" Doors Parking - Orders Put Up To Go. - Free Estimates - No Obligation - Show Room Open 9 to 9 - Methuen Sq. 1120 Osgood St., N. Andover ... MU 2-2242 21 Methuen• St., Lawrence MU 9-9701 (Rte. 125-between Airport & W. Electric) * REAL ESTATE Post Office MU 8-1031 YOUNG REALTY CO. DRAGON VILLAGE * KITCHEN CABINETS Residential-Commercial-Industrial Proper- AUTO AGENCIES & DEALERS CHINESE RESTAURANT UNWIN LUMBER CO. ties in Andover & Greater Lawrence - ARLINGTON MOTORS, INC. - Try Our Delicious Combination Plate - Custom Styled Cabinets - Prefinished Cab- Listings Solicited - 5 Washington Ave. GR 5-1119' me for COMET .. . The Better Compact - All Orders Put Up To Take Out - Open inets - Saxon Fully Formed Tops - Com- r In Greater Lawrence Mon-thru Sat 3 P.M. to 2 A.M. Sun & plete Installations. uesday morning ?,Broadway, Lawrence MU 3-718° Holidays 12:30 P.M. to 1:30 A.M. 11.6 Spruce St., Lawrence MU 7-7853 * REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE re Mrs. Charles 281 Main St., N. Reading-Rte. 28..No 4-2461 F. M. & T. E. ANDREW Over 60* Years of Malcolm Humph- D & S SERVICE STATION * LAUNDRIES Service in the Greater Lawrence Area - Complete Insurance, Real speaker. Studebaker-Lark Sales Service - An- PROGRESS LAUNDRY & - * DRAPERIES & SLIPCOVERS Estate & Appraisal Services - Visit Our (Cole) ver's Nearest Sales & Service Dealer DRY CLEANERS, INC. Us First For the New Lark - CARMEN'S - A. Berube & Sons, Proprietors - New Offices - ee Custom Made Draperies & Slipcoyers Our Central Bldg., 2nd Floor 33 Park St., N. Reading No 4-3325 Wet Wash-Finished Work-Shirts Finished - Decorator Will Call At Your Home With Dry Cleaning - Call & Delivery in Andove; Lawrence MU 7-7121 ries Complete Samples - Member A.T.C.' Charge 64 Crescent St., Lawrence . . . . MU 2-4767 Plan - II. GIBSON HARRISON PARK CORP. Broadway & Main St., Salem, N. H. RELIGIOUS ARTICLES Mason) Gibson, uthorized VOLKSWAGEN Dealer. * TW 8-4118 * LAWN MOWERS - TIMOTHY C. SHINE id Saturday nigh; Sales - Parts - Service CHAIN SAWS Statues - Mi ssals - Rosaries Prayerbook s Lombardi Nursiq Broadway ( Rte. 28), Salem, N. H. And Selected Reli gious Gifts tg a long illness TW 8-2342 LARKIN LAWNMOWER SERVICE, INC. * ENGINES REBUILT— Dealer for McCulloch & Wright Chain Saws, 28 Lawrence St., Lawrence .... MU 2-1061 William II. Gibsor, RADIATOR SERVICE Toro, Jacobsen & Eclipse Power Mowers Andover 84 yearn PAUL'S RAMBLER SALES FOR-WAY ENGINE SERVICE Briggs-Stratton, Clinton, Lawn Boy & life-long resides The Best In Engine Rebuilding & Radiator Lauson Engines-Scotts Products, Seeds, * ROOFING & CHIMNEY WORK Authorized RAMBLER-AMERICAN - he was a retire etc, Rte. 62, Opp. Abbott Shoe NOReading W. F. KELLEY & SONS Sales - Service - Parts Service - 1 Day Service By App't On En- ring been employe( gines - Radiators Repaired & Recored 4-4100 ... Call a LOCAL Firm for Reliability. • ssex County's Oldest, Established Deal- g -os., E. and T, 342A Ja.kson St., Lawrence ... MU 2-7191 New Roofs, Repairs - Chimney Repointin fames E. Greek! s On The Sq uare. - . 5 Yrs to Pay . - Free Estimates Given SP 4-2010 * LINOLEUM CONTRACTORS Market. Adleton 192 No. Main St GR 5-0207 * FENCE CONTRACTORS NICKERSON FLOOR COVERINGS 0-year member a Floor 8, Wall Coverings-Custom Formica CONCORD ch and had serve PLYMOUTH CENTRE, INC. Counters - Latest Patterns & Colors To ANDOVER CEDAR FENCE PRODUCTS * SHOE REPAIRING irs as treasurers', LYMOUTH-VALIANT Sales 4, Service Suit Any Taste - BAY STATE SHOE REPAIRING Consult Us for Cedar Fences of All Types :ircle of the King': Expert Service - Good Used Cars - 247 Main. St.-Rte. 28 ... NOReading 4-215C• - Quality Shoe Repairing - Estimates & Suggestions Cheerfully Given e Church. - Open Evenings - Boy State Bldg., Lawrence .... MU 2-2789 73 So., Union St., ... Lawrence MU 8-6054 NEW: Rural Mail Box Cedar Posts - a four nieces, Mrs R.Hoyer, Prop., 66 Wildwood Rd. GR 5-5918 * LIQUORS-WINES-BEERS er of Reading, Mrs CARNEY'S PACKAGE STORE * SHOE STORES Pinellas Park, Fla. AUTO BODY REPAIRS Large Selection of Choice Imported & Do LORD'S - - EST. 1869 ;ker of Philadelphia * FLORIST - FTD Member For Women: Rhythm Step & Enna Jettick. METROPOLITAN AUTO BODY SHOP mestic Liquors, Wines & Beers - Conven son Tucker of Nort ROSE BUD FLOWERS "The Oldest Shop In Lawrence!' iently Located - Easy Parking. For Men: Bostonian, Nunn Bush, Mansfield. Floral Designs - Quality Flowers for All uPont DUCO Finish-Prompt Body & Fen- 80 Winthrop Ave., S. Lawrence, MU 6-4950 For Children: Little Yankee & Buntees. -vices were hek er Repairs -- Tops-Upholstery - Cushion Occasions - Daily Delivery In Andover - 445 Essex St., Lawrence MU 2-6536 m. at the Lundgre ork - Prompt Service On Insurance 85 Lawrence St., Lawrence .... MU 3-8704 with the Rev. Free bairns - * MATERNITY APPAREL Z. HERSHFIELD * TAILORS — Custom Work s, minister of tht 41.S. Broodway. Lawrence ....MU 2-4035 G. H. MALOOTIAN officiating. Buria: * FUNERAL DIRECTORS The Largest Selection of Maternity Styles - Practical, Custom Tailor -- JOHN BREEN MEMORIAL FUNERAL In The Merrimack Valley. Church Cemetery SHAWSHEEN MOTOR MART, INC. - New Suits Mode to Order - HOME, INC. 477 Broadway, Lawrence MU 3-1973 10 LINO Expert Body & Fender Repairs & Painting - Cleaning - Pressing - Remodeling - For All Makes of Cars - - Serving Greater Lawrence - )lino, 64, 69 Love Post Office Ave Andover 9 Haverhill St., ( Rte. 133) Established 1869 liursday, Sept. 2f GR 5-0767 - Opposite Raytheon 230 Hampshire St., Lawrence ... MU 2-8381 eneral Hospital * -MOVING-STORAGE-PACKING * TV & RADIO SERVICE WM B. KENT & SONS., INC. taken by the fire * FURNITURE LIBERTY TV SERVICE Est. 1932 - Agents for North American Van MICHAEL J. SULLIVAN, INC. All Work Guaranteed on Radio, TV, Hi-Fi ibulance. Dr. Joh Lines - Free Estimates Furnished - Local :al examiner, ;dui• AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL "The Largest Furniture Store In Essex & Tape Recorders By A Qualified Electronic County" - Serving Andover Homemakers for & Long Distance Moving - coronary throm D & G AUTO SCHOOL Technician - Prompt Service Generations - Open Tuesday & Friday 550 Turnpike St., N. Andover .. MU 3-9439 George Jabour, Instructor - Linwood Ave., N. Reading NO 4-4902 Evenings 'til 9 P.M. Jc't. Rtes. 114 & 125... Nites . MU 2-9784 ur Driver-Education Course Makes You A rence, he had live 226 Essex St., Lawrence .... MU 6-6157 last 23 years, as afer, Better Driver & Saves On Your In- * TOOL RENTALS LACROI X & SON GUTTERSON & GOULD smployed as a shot uronce. Classes Forming Regularly. * FURNITURE-CUSTOM MADE Reliable, courteous statewide service. Floor Sanders, Polishers, Chain Saw, Jack Copley Shoe Cc 90 Broadway, Methuen MU 6-3212 CRAFT-WOOD PRODUCTS Residential and commercial moving. Furni- Hammer, Saws, Paint Sprayers, Garden Ile attended "Anything In Furniture Made To Order" ture, Appliances, Pianos, etc. Tools, Plumbers & Painters Tools, Cement Law rence. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS Osgood St., Andover GR 5-2129 388 Haverhill St., Lawrence ... MU 2-1075 his wife, Florena EASTERN TRANSMISSION SERVICE Mixers & Finishers - Hrs. 8 to 5 Daily - 54 Medford St., Lawrence ,o of Andover; tv e Repair, Rebuild & Adjust-Specialists * FURNITURE REFINISHING — MU 3-7163 of Albany, N. Y n All Makes: Dynaflow, Hydramatic, Ford- FERRONETTI FURNITURE of Andover; tw; motic, Powerflite & Powerglide. FINISHING CO. * NURSERY SCHOOLS * TRAVEL AGENTS 9 Jackson St., Methuen wale of Haverhil MU 9-9664 Complete Finishing & Touching-Up - INGRAM NURSERY SCHOOL SUTTON TRAVEL SERVICE, INC. Law rence; five sin' Furniture Repaired-All Finished Matched Planned Programs - Class Work Mornings Merrimack Valley's Most Experienced Afternoons Supervised Free Play - wife of Pete: ;* BAKERIES Burns, Scratches, Dents, etc. Repaired. - Travel Agent - International & Domestic - Transportation-Call For Rates & Refer- fe of Carinone V. SUN RAY BAKERY 506 River St., Haverhill DR 2-9691 Tours, Cruises & Resorts - Free Consulta- Greater Lawrence's Outstanding Bakers ences. tion vile of Carmine 96 Marblehead Rd.,N. Andover .. Wedding, Birthday & Party Cakes Made To * GASOLINE SERVICE STATIONS A-4787 263 Common St., Lawrence „ MU 3-0200 wife of Author A ROLLING GREEN SERVICE CENTER - Bread & Rolls A Specialty. MU 8-4/62 twrence, and Mar - Donuts & Pastry - George Davis, Proprietor tewer, of Patuxent Tires - Batteries - Lubrication - * OILS - FUEL 175 East St., Methuen MU 7-7176 - * Vacuum Cleaners-ELECTROLUX reral nieces as 151 Essex St., Lawrence Accessories - Free Pick-up & Delivery WILLIAM F. BARRON, JR. MU 2-6580 JAMES PEABODY Minor Repairs - Tune-Ups - Reliable Home Deliveries - 24 Hour - Prompt, Friendly Service On Your was held Sattirda - We Give S & H Green Stamps - Power Burner Service - Your Dealer For 'A BEAUTY SHOPS ELECTROLUX Cleaner - Pickup & Delivery TORIDHEET Oil Burners. he Pitocchelli MY FAIR LADY BEAUTY SALON 309 Lowell St GR 5-9831 13 Concord St., No. Andover 38 So, Broadway, Lawrence . MU 5-5040 MU 3-3416 lome in Lawrence Permanent Waving - Hair Styling and vlass of IRexinier GLASS & MIRRORS Coloring - Open 'til 9 Friday - Closed * * WINDOW & HOUSE Church, Lawrence Wednesday Afternoons - CITY GLASS CO.. - Auto Glass Replaced - Insurance Re- CLEANING 117 S. Union St., Lawrence MU 8-1062 MARTIN OIL CO., INC. Immaculate CA- placements - Table Tops - Window Glass. MILT ALLEN Cor. West & Tremont Sts., Law. MU 3-3675 Complete Automatic Oil Heating Service - Point Washing - Floor Cleaning - Cellars Power Burner Sales & Service - Aluminum .y. * BOATS-MOTORS- & Attics Cleaned - Free Estimates - Call * HEARING AIDS Storm & Screen Doors & Windows. A Reliable, LOCAL Firm - 1208 Turnpike .SSIFIED AD ACCESSORIES ACOUSTICON OF LAWRENCE 39 Oakland Ave., Methuen . ... MU 2-757/ N. Andover. MU 2-4061 MERRIMAC MARINE SUPPLY GR 5-1943 Norman E. Crossman - "All That's Best of 'Walter Kahl, Prop. - "Everything for the All That's New" - Service & Repairs On Boat Owner". New & Used Boats, Motors, * WINDOW SHADES - 'Trailers. All Makes - * PAINTERS Andover St., Lawrence .... MU 3-9621 VENETIAN BLINDS 24 Eost St. (Rte 110) Methuen . MU 2-7291 276 CHARLES J. LUNDERGAN DAVIS WINDOW SHADE & VENETIAN /*C• INC HOME — NURSING - Successor to Walter E. Buxton - Interior BLIND CO. * & Exterior Painting, Decorating & Paper- BOTTLE GAS HENRY C. NEVINS HOME In Stock & Made to Order-All Colors & hanging - WEDGE OIL CO., INC. Private & Semi Private Rooms - Types - Free Estimates - We Measure & MBER 40 High St... • GR 5-5956 - 24 Hour Service - Very Moderate Rates; 24 Hr. Nursing Care - Install - All Work Guaranteed - Umbrellas Repaired & Re-Covered -- 103 Cross St., at 4 Main St.. • . NOReading - One of N. E.'s Finest Nursing Homes g Material 4-3431 &•4-3848 Broadway MU 2-0691 110 Bway, Methuen ... MU 2-8924 - 6-6181 * PETS & PET SUPPLIES - Trusses BOWLING ALLEYS * HOT TOP WORK DOTTIE-GEORGE PET TOGGERY rdware ANDOVER RECREATION CENTER Pet Supplies - Aquarium Supplies - Tropi- 15 Alley s - Open Mon - Fri 12 to 11 - H. E. HERSEY & SONS Pet Foods, Canaries, Parakeets - LIST YOUR BUSINESS IN Driveways - Walks - Cement Work cal Fish, Sat: 9 to 11; Sun 1 to 11 Trimming - Grooming - All Breeds PHONE-O-RAMA PINE RD. Lawrence - Walls & Steps - Recreation: 60 Alleys - (Near Oakland Ave.) Open Daily 9-12; Sunday 1-11 Reasonable Prices - Estimates Furnished CALL GR 5-1943 4 136 Lowell St., Methuen MU 2-3112 i-2121 Park St., Andover GR 5-1;1706. 9 Newhi.II Road, Methuen MU 3-1328


REALTY IRANSFERS delightful pastime. These a re pal% Town of Andover (by treasurer) of the YWCA program, copies a which are available at the library to town of Andover, off County rd., STA I'EMENT OE owts11:fiSHIP Staff At Conference nit CHI TOWNSMAN River, Park ave. and Andover st. MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION Members of the staff of tit George W. Davis et uxtoGordon Required by the Act of Congress of Commonwealth of Massachuse Memorial !fall Library aft BUSINESS DIRECTORY R. Vivian et ux, Osgood st. August 24, 1912, us Amemded by the stit:nirr's SALE Charles M. Lea rd et ux to Philip Acts of March 3, 1933, and July 2, attending various sessions of tit Massachusetts. Library Assocli. ESSEX, SS. I)eRienzo et ux, Osgood st. 1946 (Title 39, United States Code, Lawrence, Septomber 12, 1961 tion Conference at Swampscott ARBORISTS INSURANCE John Philip Enterprises Inc. to Section 233) ity virtue of an execution wl this week. Preben Eggers et ux, Wild Rose Of the ANDOVER TOWNSMAN was issued on a judgment from For Committee Chairmen d r. published weekly at Andover, Massa- Essex Superior Court, Salem, C AMALIA chusetts for October I, 1961 Please keep in mind that tit monwealth of Massachusetts, on Alan K. Porter et ux to Richard Town Calendar, kept at tit TREE SURGEONS, Inc. 1. The names and addresses of the fourteenth day of August, 1961 E. Barton et ux, Lowell st. publisher, editor, and business man- Memorial I lall 1.ibrary desk, it favor of LLEWF:LLYN J. LIENS) A TREE SERVICE *ITN A Realty Construction and En- ager are: Publisher, Irving E. Rogers, there for the convenience of local of Woburn in the County of Middle: SENSIBLE ATTITUDE gineering Inc. to Realty Construc- Andover, Mass., Editor, David F:. organizations, and is designed it Commonwealth of Massachuse TOWARD COST tion of New England Inc., Dascomb Young, Methuen, Mass., Business prevent conflicts in setting dates against BARBARA R. HART of / GR S. 1848 DOHERTY rd. and to rear of Clark rd. Defluisseau, over, County of Essex, Cornmonwe Manager, Raymond B. for activities. If chairmen of eft Edwin 0. Otto et ux to Edwin of Mastsachusetts, 1 have taken all INSURANCE Lawrence, Mass. club or group will enter thei r dates, BUSS G. Otto et al Trs., Salem st. 2. The owner is: Corporation, And- others will leave them a clear lid right, title and interest which GR 5-0260 Conrad D. Owens et ux to Wil- over Publishing Company, Andover, for their planned parties, suppers, said BARBARA R. IIART of Ham T. Bride Jr. et ux, Stevens Mass.; Irving E. Rogers, Andover, fairs. etc. Andover, had on the seventeenth TREE SERVICE of October, 1960, at thirty mini cir. Mass. Chairmen in charge of program CERTIFIED ARBORIST past eleven o'clock, A.M., when A Complete Tree Service William T. Bride Jr. et ux to 3. The known bondholders, mortga- who wish to make special observe. Proc LANDSCAPE SERVICE same was attached on Mesne Buss, SY. TPI. OR 5-300'' Helen A. Britton, Stevens cir. gees, and other security holders own- tion of United Nations Week, Oct and special attachment, in and to Russ, jr. ing or holding I percent or more of OR 5-19 /5 1 Helen A. Britton to William T. 22-28. are invited to pick up a following described real es CALL US TO SOLVE Bride Jr. et Luc, Stevens cir. total amount of bonds, mortgages, or special booklist at the library. it situated in Andover, Essex Coi other securities are: None. William J. Deady et ux to includes books, pamphlets, films, to wit: GARDENING & Frederico DeParis et ux. 4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 include, in filmstrips and recordings avail- The land with the buildings thet cases where the stockholder or secu- TREE SERVICE LANDSCAPING Clara A. (Mellen to Clara A. able, with special accent on Africa situated in said Andover on by Ilitchen et al, North Main st. rity holder appears upon the books of and its place in the United Nations, easterly side of Salem Street beinc PROBLEMS Marie M. Deady to Frederico the company as trustee or in any numbered one on a plan ent I DODGE DeParis et ux, Boston rd. and other fiduciary relation, the name of "Plan of land belonging to LENA Massachuse WE'RE TRAINED Lafayette st. the person or corporation for whom GOP Committee. SCHERNER, Andover, D. W. CLARK, C. E.", being reco ASSOCIATES ALSO Francis G. Pare et ox to Vincent such trustee is acting; also the Wenharn, Massachusetts statements in the two paragraphs Held Meeting in the Northern District of E. Lawn Maintenance J. Maguire et ux, Main st. show the of fiant's full knowledge The Republica n Town Committet Registry of Deeds as plan nur follow ANDOVER REPRESENTATIVE Mowing — Fertilizing and belief as to the circumstances introduced GOP candidates for re. 478, bound and described as and conditions under which stock- Beginning at the southwest ALBERT R. RETELLE Aerating — Rotortilling ALUMINUM CLAPBOARDS presentative Monday night, at i CENT. MA. ' holders and security holders who do meeting designed to inform voters corner of said lot number one on MADE BY ALCOA not appear upon the books of the about the candidates. Salem Street and land now or form RFSERVATION ROAD north 54030' eas company as trustees, hold stock Several persons attending the of GRAY, thence Wildwood Nurseries o pc Tel. GR 5-0841 and securities in a capacity other affair noted, however, that the • ,,Ito ::haw, Prot rt,t.., northoc; 1:8:4wgief3e.6eftetefbetty: land 4 8 than that of a bona tide owner. osfen Wildwood Rood, Andover attendance was made up largely e3riyYs ofrwwgeA:8 t INCH INCH 5. The average number of copies of ufdtoh:G8Fi TEL. GR 5.2264 of stmporters of the severalcandi• to Sc AUTOMOBILES each issue of this publication sold dat es. thence south 6° 10' east or distributed through the mails or Street; The special primary, at whirl said Salem Street 253 9/10 feet to P- ALSO: SIDING OF ALL TYPES otherwise, to paid subscribers during one of the six men will be chose§ point of beginning; containing 17 PLUMBING Estimates Without Obligation the 12 months preceding the date EUROPA to compete with his Democratic square feet. shown above was: 1848. counterpart, will be held Oct. 2t And on Saturday, the fourth da Wm. P. DOYLE & SON IRVING E. ROGERS Ltd. There are eight Democratic November, 1961, at ten thirty o'c MOTORS, Publisher SINCE 1930 candidates seeking nomination. forenoon, Sworn to and subscribed before me ANDOVER GR 5-1483 Republicans include George SAAB LAKESIDE this 2nd day of October, 1961. fi tooBt:ha;:6°1S.11 Marad of Andover, Roger Ingalls t'Abliie ixn1 h::Shanfoilift dolAfo t'lea JAMES R. FOSS, Notary Public PLUMBING of Methuen, Albert Pettoruto of g th c m TRIUMPH (My commission expires June 30, 1968) t r es,,, n REAL ESTATE Lawrence, John Griffin of Methuen, LaLawrence, d. s & HEATING shallMo esr Guy Beal of Methuen and Philip L.:r , RALPH E. PEAK Public Auction to the highfoerst:b:11: 123 PRINCETON BLVD. For Efficient, Courteous Sutcliffe of North Andover. I.. IC. NO. 5722 At The Library ca e dn tq t, ti l (ROUTE' NO. 3) Service and ACTION! Democrats include James V, interest to satisfy said execution SERVICE QUALITY NO. CHELMSFORD, MASS. List Eveln,ively With Gerralighty of Andover, Augustine all fees and charges of sale. (Continued on l'age Ten! ALpine 1-4101 WORKMANSHIP J. Walsh and Philip Clark of Norti Terms: Cash R. C. SIMMERS person interested in the Civil War Andover, Walter J. Sliva of LaW• LOUIS SILVERMAN, Deputy Sh 49 Webster St. Som. REAL ESTATE — INSURANCE in all its phases is cordially invited rence, Charles A. I3uckley of Law. AUTO REPAIRS PR 6-2023 94 Main St. Tel. GR 5- 2316 to be present. Stanley Butcher is in rence, Joseph F. Devaney d Commonwealth of Massachuse charge of the group. HOME PHONE: GR 5-0162 Methuen, A rthur Foster of Methuen PROBATE COURT YWCA Display and George R. Anderson d Docket No. 25 JOHN J. The unusual displayof materials Methuen. Essex, se. CLARK MOTOR REAL ESTATE useful for making dried arrange- To all persons interested in the ments, which includes two wreaths tate of FRANCIS E. STF.INERT, CO. SULLIVAN of cones, will remain at the library Red Cross of Andover in said County, decea REAL ESTATE until the end of the week. These Offers Courses The adrnirdstratix of said et AUTHORIZED WANTED are shown in the display case in has presented to said Court fo Fall and winter courses are 1 CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH the vestibule, and have been ex- )lowance her first and final ace, GR 5-1164 being planned by the Andover 1:& For Ready Buyers tremely interesting to library 1 If you desire to object thereto Sales and Service Cross in first aid, canteen ani or visitors. your attorney should file a wr mass feeding, home nursing, gray opearance in said Court at Lawr PAINTING and BODY WORK Inside, there are a number of HOMES RESTAURANTS ladies, social welfare, and blood- before ten o'clock in the f orenoe watercolours done by local people, In Our Own Shop mobile aides. the ninth day of October 1961, with a few books for those whogain 1-2 and 3 Family The classes are of varyinc the return day of this citation. 41 PARK STREET, ANDOVER confidence and inspiration from the lengths, but a v e rage about 1( Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Tel. GR 5-6333 In All Price Ranges paintings done by the exhibitors, hours. Robert Zollner, chapter quire, First Judge of said C and are ready to venture into this ANDOVER REALTY chairman, is urging residents to this thirteenth day of September register now for these courses, Q7. JOHN J. COSTELLO, He, fe GENERAL AGENCY .:-28-5 SHAWSHEEN SQ. GR5-0600 that the instructors will know classroom accommodations PARK ST. REPAIRING Donall A. MacNeil, Prop. if r be made. The national Red Cr, GARAGE A J NN E Y hopes to have at least one per GAS & OILS 'Kane in every home trained in at Ic one of these services. 33 PARK ST. TEL .. GR 5-Q240 STARLING'S , W. Shirley Barnard For additional information, tl, interested are asked to telepll SUNOCO STATIOI BUILDING MATERIAL REAL ESTATE Funeral Home the chapter house. Main at Barnard Street otin W. Lane, J r. Eugene S. Lane Law rence Mitchell of Tewksbury FREE PICK-UP Telephone GReenleaf 5-0202 Robert E. Lane st. and Bruce Meyers of Marlaud and DELIVERY SERVIC LUMBER „. PAINTS SERVICE STATION 68 Pork Street, Andover st. have returned for their third WALLPAPER GR 5-1516 year at University of Massachu- GR. 5-9808 HARDWARE HERE To Serve .... setts. I 205 North Main Street, And SPORTING GOODS BRADLEY John M. Murray Dishes are easy with GULF • Holds average full clay's REAL ESTATE Super Service dishes for 4 AMMUNITION — TARGETS FRIGIDAIRE • Roll.To-You Racks— GEO. W GR 5-2529 MU 7-7029 CON. MAIN AND easy to load ciu:sTNtrr r.T1.11:1:Tr, • Swirling Water Action— LAM DISHMOBILE gets dishes really clean TAR AND GRAVEL ROO J.E. PITMAN Est. • 4 Cycle Dish Minder SPECIAL IZIN( 63 PARK Si., ANDOVER TELEVISION SERVICE rotiovbsv," Dial Telephone MU 7-7339 TEL. GR 5-0664 , Fred E. Cheever RADIO & TV SERVICE REG. 259.95 NOW ONLY CARPENTRY WORK REAL ESTATE MULLIGAN'S NOW AT 3 MAIN ST. RADIO & TV LAB. FOR ALL YOUR Tel. GR 5-3775 GR 5-1098 J 1.99 BROADWAY, 'I CARPENTER WORK TEL. LAW. 30396 FRIG IDAIRF REMODELING eel ale ii•Nff MAI INfltat..• OR TRAVEL ROOFING ANDOVER Al F. J. LEONE 0011ERTY TRAVEL BUREAU Agency for All Airlines COMPANY ED. OTTO REAL ESTATE and Steam Ship Lines REAL TORS Ml S FINE FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE TEL. GR 5-1396 NOW AT 3 MAIN STREE1 GR 5-0260 Tel. GR 5-3775 — GR 5-1098 430 ESSEX I_ AWREPCE MU 6-6197 FREE ESTIMATE'S


. These .i epee,r EASTERLY by said Lot A 20.00 grain, copies (' feet; le at the librall -1UPCI-ItS SOUTHERLY again by said Lot A 1C e 11 nit CI 140.20 feet; LEGAL NCTICES he staff of di WESTERLY by land of CHARLES Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts 1 Library aft D. 5, MARGARET M. SULLIVAN, as sticturr's SALE PROBATE COURT shown on said plan, 86.71 feet: and FOR CLASSIFIED AD sessions of di Docket No. 269694 Personal ESSEX, SS. NORTHERLY by Lot C, as shown CALL GR 5-1943 lb ra ry A ssoch. camber 12, 1961 Lawrence, Sep Essex, ss. on said plan, 182.05 feet. TIIERMOGRAVED WEDDING IN- at Swampscott To all persons interested in the By virtue of an execution which For title reference see said Deeds VITATIONS and a complete line of estate of DOUGLAS ROBERT AINS- Help Wanted—Female r was issued on a judgment from the Rook 755 Page 295. Wedding Stationery.'e'ine selection 'ha irme n COW late of Andover in said County, of papers and type-faces. Prompt Essex Superior Court, Salem, Com- Also another parcel of land located WOMAN WANTED FOR house- deceased. service. ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, mind that fit monwealth of Massachusetts, on the in Andover, said County, Massachu- work one day a week in Andover. A petition has been presented to The Colonial Center, No. Main St. kept at tit fourteenth day of August, 1961, in setts, together with the buildings One-floor, modern home. No heavy GR 54941. .ibrary desk, favor of LLEWELLYN J. RENSHAW said Court praying that GOERGE W. thereon being shown as lot A on a work. Excellent pay. Call GB of Woburn in the County of Middlesex, AINSCOW of Andover in the County renience of local plan entitled "Plan of Land in And- INTERESTED IN FORMING car 5-1679. eTE of Essex be appointed administrator is designed ti Commonvdtalth of Massachusetts, over, Mass., as surveyed for JOSEPH pool to arrive Copley Square at of said estate without giving a surety WOMAN WANTED TO do House- in setting date against BARBARA R. HART of And- CAT/40W: September 1951", which 8 a.m. Call GR 5-5924 . a28-5 on his bond. work, two days a week. Call :ha i !mien of ead over, County of Essex, Commonwealth plan is duly recorded in Essex North have taken all the If you desire to object thereto you GReenleaf 5-2967. enter thei r dates, of masegachusetts, I District Registry of Deeds, and being e-5-12-19-26 or your attorney should file a written Lost and Found them a clea r fie right, title and interest which the further bounded and described as appearance in said Court at Haverhill WOMAN WANTED TO do, house- parties, suppers, said BARBARA Ft. HART of said follows: ANDOVER SAVINGS BANK pass Andover, had on the seventeenth day before ten o'clock in the forenoon on Beginning at an iron pipe on the Book No. 67,906 has been lost work in Andover home one day a of October, 1960, at thirty minutes the twenty-third day of October 1961, week. Must provide own transpor- arge of progray westerly side of South Main Street at and application has been made past eleven o'clock, A.M., when the the return day of this citation. the Northeasterly corner of tation. Wages arranged. GR 5-2784 special observa. the for payment in accordance with same was attached on Mesne Process Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- granted premises; thence running Sec. 20, Chap. 167 of the General e5-12-19 dons Week, Oct, and special attachment, in and to the quire, First Judge of said Court, this westerly by Lot A, on said plan, Laws. Payment has been stopped. td to pick up TOO EARLY FOR Christmas? following described real estate twenty-ninth day of September 1961. thirty-eight feet to an iron pipe; b-28-5-12 it the library. It Not for an Avon Representative. situated in Andover, Essex County JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register thence turning and running Southerly Customers start shopping early amphlets, 5-12-19 ANDOVER SAVINGS BANK pass to wit: twenty feet to an iron pipe; thence with Avon. Be the first in your ecordings avail. The land with the buildings thereon Book No. 69293 has been lost Commonwealth of Massachusetts turning and running westerly sixty- neighborhood to show Avon Gifts. situated in said Andover on the and application has been made accent on Africa SHERIFF'S SALE three and 24/100 feet and seventy-six Write Mrs. Patricia Henerdson, 1 e United Nation& easterly side of Salem Street being lot and 96/100 feet to a stake at land of for payment in accordance with SUFFOLK, SS. Sec. 20, Chap. 167 of the General Punchard Ave., Andover or phone numbered one on a plan entitled CHARLES D. and MARGARET M. Lawrence, September 25, 1961 MUrdock 8-2686. e5 "Plan of land belonging to LENA S. Laws. Payment has been stopped. By virtue of an execution which SULLIVAN as shown on said plan, the lmittee. SCHERNER, Andover, Massachusetts, last four courses being by Lot B, as 6-28-5-12 was issued on a judgment from the D. W. CLARK, C. E.", being recorded shown on said plan; thence turning Dogs, Cats and Pets k ?tung Suffolk Superior Court, Commonwealth LOST GOLD PERSIAN Kitten. in the Northern District of Essex and running southerly by land of said Vicinity of School Street. Call of. Massachusetts, on the seventh day FOR SALE - BLACK Mare "Dixie Town Committee Registry of Deeds as plan number SULLIVAN and land of GEORGIANNA Greenleaf 5-0224. b-5 of August 1961, in favor of ROGER Girl", Morgan-Saddlebred. Rides, andidates for re- 478, bound and described as follows: BASSETT fifty-five and 03/100 feet A. SAUNDERS of Boston in said LOST OR STRAYED from 311 drives, good trail horse. Spirited xlay night, at Beginning at the southwesterly to an iron pipe at land of ROBERT County of Suffolk, against JOSEPH South Union St. in Andover - one but gentle. Safe for children. Tack corner of said lot number one on said 13. CROCKETT, JR.; thence turning to inform voters CATRONE also known as MICHAEL altered male Siamese cat. Special included. GR 5-6363. kTF Salem Street and land now or formerly and running easterly by said tes. JOSEPH CATRONE of Andover, pet of five children. Please call of GRAY, thence north 54030' east by CROCKETT land one hundred ns attending tit County of F:eses, Commonwealth of GR 5-5925. b-5 said GRAY land 182 feet to a point; seventy-six and 49/100 feet to South Articles for Sale ,wever, that the g Massachusetts, I have taken all the thence north 37 15' west by land now Main Street as shown on said plan; SEWING . MACHINES, LAY-A: made up largely right, title and interest which the said or formerly of WARD 136 feet; thence thence running northerly by said Services Offered WAYS, Unclaimed — New 1960 he several candi• JOSEPH CATRONE also known as south 83°50' west 49 feet to Salem South Main Street seventy-five feet to Models, complete with attach- MICHAEL JOSEPH CATRONE of `PHIL'S ELECTRONICS, FCC Street; thence south 6° 10' east by the point of beginning. ments, will zigzag, darn, button said Andover, had on the tenth day of Licensed. Servicing color TV, 7imary, at whict said Salem Street 253 9/10 feet to the Containing 10,550 square feet of hole. $21.00 full price — $1.25 per February, 1961, at ten minutes past transistorized TVs and Radios; en will be chosen point of beginning; containing 17,802 land more or leas according to said week. Call Collect COpley 7-5420. four o'clock, P.M., when the same Citizen Band transmitters. Call his Democratic square feet. plan. GR 5-2763. c28-5-12 1-TF was attached on Mesne Process and be held Oct. 24. And on Saturday, the fourth day of Being the same premises conveyed special attachment, in and to the DINING ROOM, QUEEN Anne, t Democratic-_ November, 1961, at ten thirty o'clock to me by SUSSIE GUERRERI and CURTAINS — WASHED, IRONED following described real estate; The exceptionally lovely. Mahogany g nomination. A.M., in the forenoon, at the office PHILIP GUERRERI by deed dated and starched. Also draperies and land and buildings situated in other household ironing. Prices full fifed bed. Chinese rug. include George of LOUIS SILVERMAN, Room 618 on January 21, 1955 and to be recorded Andover, Essex County to wit: reasonable. Call GR 5-2756. C-TF Original Paintings, shown by r, Roger Ingalls the sixth floor of the Bay State herewith. EASTERLY by Main Street, some- And on Saturday, the fourth aay of appointment. Call GR 5-0793. 1-5 ert Pettoruto of Building, so called, at the corner of EXPERT INVISIBLE WEAVING on time. called South Main Street, 24.12 November, 1961, at ten o'clock A.M., riffin of Methuen, • Lawrence and. Essex Street in said all types of wearing apparel mater- ANTIQUE MAHOGANY BEDROOM feet; in the forenoon, at the office of thuen and Philip Lawrence, I shall offer for sale by ials. Burns, mothholes and tears set - sleigh bed, bureau, dressing Public Auction to the highest bidder, SOUTHERLY by a stone wall and LOUIS SILVERMAN, Room 618 on mended invisibly. Special attention Andover. table, 2 mirrors, nice brasses; all the aforesaid right, title and by land now or formerly of EDWARD the sixth floor of the Bay State to Gabardines, Rayons and Silks. also, maple double bed in ex- :lude James V, J. DOUGLASS and RACHEL E. interest to satisfy said execution and Banding, so called, at the corner of Free estimates cheerfully given. cellent condition. GR 5-2178. 15 Idover, Augustine all fees and charges of sale. DOUGLASS 182.05 feet; Lawrence and Essex Street in said Mrs. Helen R. Koester, 142 Love ip Clark of Nortt Terms: Cash WESTERLY 24.22 feet and Lawrence, I shall offer for sale by joy Rd., Andover, GR 5-3823. CTF For Rent—Apts. and Flats o J. Sliva of Law. NORTHERLY 182.94 feet by land Public Auction to the highest bidder, LOUIS SILVERMAN, Deputy Sheriff SHIRT COLLARS NEED turning? now or formerly of said DOUGLASS'. all the aforesaid right, title and 5-ROOM APARTMENT in central . Buckley of Law. 5-12-19 'Clothes too long? Mending and Devaney d Commonwealth of Massachusetts The within premises are the same interest to satisfy said execution alterations done reasonably. Andover. Heated. floc water fur- as shown on plan of land in Andover, and all fees and charges of sale. nished. Call GR S-071. o28-5 'oster of Methuen PROBATE COURT GR 5-5456. c31.-TF Anderson of Massachusetts as surveyed for Terms: Cash Docket No. 259048 JOSEPH CATRONE, dated September 'TUTORING BY RECENTLY re- Essex, ss. LOUIS SILVERMAN, Deputy Sheriff Realtors 1951, CLINTON F. GOODWIN, tired teacher of English. English To all persons interested in the es- 5-12-19 Engineer, July recorded in Essex grammar, composition and reading DOUGLAS N. HOWE, REALTOR, tate of FRANCIS E. STEINERT, late North District Registry of Deeds, Commonwealth of Massachusetts comprehension in grades 6 through 52 Main Street, Andover, Phone S of Andover in said County, deceased. PROBATE COURT being shown as Lot C on said plan. 9. Call GR 5-1147. c21-28-12 GR 5-5100, evenings GR 5-2423. The administratix of said estate curses Being the same premises conveyed Docket No. 269459 U-TP has presented to said Court for al- Essex, ss. HOME IMPROVEMENTS •- INTER- ter courses are to me by deed of EDWARD J. DOUG- lowance her first and final account. To all persons interested in the IOR and Exterior. General. Con- the Andover Red LASS et us by deed dated October If you desire to object thereto you petition hereinafter described. tracting. Free Estimates on any Wanted to Buy 8, 1951 and recorded in said Deeds in aid, canteen and or your attorney should file a written Rook 756 at Page 494. A petition as amended has been type of. work. Gran Cutler, Tele- ANTIQUES OR ANYTHING old, 'me nursing, gray appearance in said Court at Lawrence Also another parcel of land located presented to said Court by MARGARET phone GReenleaf 5-5175 — 5-6669, Marble-top, Walnut, Grape and ;]fare, and blood• before ten o'clock in the forenoon on SIMON COHEN, born under the name in Andover, Essex County, Mass., on or call at 99 Shawshecn Road, c-tf Rose carved Furniture, Glass, the ninth day of October 1961, the of MARGARET ANN SIMON, and China, Silver, Jewelry, Clocks, the Westerly side of South Main are of varying the return day of this citation. CHARLES JEFFREY COHEN, minor CHAIRS CANED - A chair is only Prints, Frames, Guns, Coins, Street, being shown as Lot Ft on a arage about 10 Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- by PAUL A. CRANE his father and as good as its seat. Have them Furniture, Etc., William F. Gra- plan' entitled "Plan of Land in quire, First Judge of said Court, next friend, of Andover in said recaned with plastic. Call GR ham Jr., 165 Golden Hill Ave., Zollner, chapter Andover, Mass, as Surveyed for this thirteenth day of September 1961. County, praying that their names may 5-1957. c21-28-5-12-19-26-2-9 Haverhill, Mass. Telephone Haver- ;ing resident JOSEPH CA'FRONE, Sept. 1951" JOHN J. COSTE:LLO, Register be changed as follows: hill Drake 23708. Will call to look. these courses, so CLINTON F. GOODWIN, Eng. re- 21-28-5 MARGARET SIMON COHEN to Lawrence, held last Sunday after- V-TF rs will know what! corded in Essex No. Dist. Registry of MARGARET SIMON CRANE; noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ANTIQUES — BOSTON DEALER iimodations must Deeds as Plan No. 2438 and being CHARLES JEFFREY COHEN to Lester Nickerson, Pelham, N. H. buying gold leaf frames; brass tional Red Cross 1141 .1.1 further bounded and described as 1.„ CHARLES JEFFREY CRANE. A very delicious buffet dinner was beds; marble-topped furniture; oak, -or follows: least one per If you desire to object thereto you served by the hostess. round tables; fancy dishes; gold EASTERLY by So. Main Street, as -aired in at leal or your attorney should file a written During the afternoon, the pastor coins. Tel. Lawrence, MUrdock shown on said plan, 50.88 feet ices. STARLING'S appearance in said Court at Haverhill of the church, the Rev. Donald 8-3072 or write G. J. Silverman. riformation, those SOUTHERLY by Lot A, as shown 2 Lowell St., Boston. before ten 'o'clock in the forenoon on McAninch, showed slides of his ;ked to telephone on said plan, 38.00 feet; SUNOCO STATION the twenty-third day of October 1961, summer vacation trip to the West the return day of this citation. Coast. Television Service v, COMPLETE • Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- PLANNERS ANDREW TAKING hell of Tewkshim FREE PICK-UP orFtCE quire, First Judge of said Court, this FREE ESTIMATES ON television (See O. Showrooms) RADIO-TV COURSE repairs. Television Radio labora- eyers of Ma rlane DESKS—CHAIRS—FILES twenty-sixth day of September 1961. and DELIVERY SERVICE Arthur E. Andrew, son of Mr. and tories. Tel. MU 3-7726. Authorized d for their third MOSLER SAFES JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register Mrs. Edward F. Andrew, 4 Fleming for Jordan-Marsh Service. W-TF ty of Massachu- 5-12-19 [ GR. 5-9808 A. K. Thomas Co. ave., is attending Leland Powers Err, Parking On Premises PHIL'S ELECTRONICS, FCC Commonwealth of Massachusetts School of Radio, Television and 347 Comnion St. l.iscensed. Servicing color TV, 205 North Main Street, Andover Tel. MU 3.5]37 — MU 3-1359 PROBATE COURT Theatre, in Boston, where he is Docket No. 269525 transistorized "I Vs and Radios, full day's Essex, ss. taking the two-year professional Citizen Band transmitters. All To all persons interested in the es- course ill preparation for a career TV parts and Tubes guaranteed icks— tate of ANNIE G. MILLER late of in radio and television. for one year. Call GR 5-2763. GEO. W. HORNE CO. Andover in said County, deceased. COUPLES CLUB w-5-I2 Action— LAWRENCE MASS. A petition has been presented to The Free Church Couples Club ally clean TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK said Court, for probate of a certain will meet for an evening of folk WOULD YOU LIKE LIVING Itneler SPECIALIZING IN ASPHALT SHINGLING instrument purporting to be the last dancing, Friday evening, Oct. 13. IN A BRAND NEW Telephone MU 7-7339 Established 1854 will of said 'deceased by STATE Ken Young will be the instructor. APARTMENT IN ANDOVER? STREET BANK AND TRUST COM- Folk dancing is similar to square PANY, named in said will as HOCK- '.95 dancing, but there is more LAND-ATLAS NATIONAL BANK OF FOR THOSE INTERESTED! BOSTON, in the County of Suffolk, emphasis on participation by the In comfortable living in quiet and attractive surrounding., and yet appointed entire group. praying that it be executor within a step or two of all Ando- thereof without giving a surety on ver business 9 its bond. ATTENTION ! WE HAVE THE ANSWER! If you desire to object thereto you All new apartment. with either or your attorney should file a written For The Best I or 2 bedrooms on Ist and 2nd floors. Also attractive studio type appearance in said Court at Lawrence FISH & CHIPS apartments on 3rd floor. All units before ten o'clock in the forenoon have individual heating systems. Cross Coal Co. on the ninth day of October 1961, the or FRIED CLAMS new ceramic tile baths; Perking area and all the comforts of on• • return day of this citation. own horn• without the respon- Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- sibility. EST. 1 864 IF these conditions appeal to you quire, First Judge of said Court, this RICKEYS and apply to you. Pleas* write to DNE fourteenth day of September 1961. us indicating your specific needs FUEL AND RANGE OIL VARIETY STORE Monthly Rentals range from 3100 JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register to 3250. NY 21-28-5 53 ESSEX ST. AloDOVER THERE are some apartments avail. able immediately and others will APPLIANCES Next To Railroad Station he ready by the end of October. ATTEND CHOIR PARTY Plea. write: FOR QUICK SERVICE E MU 6-6197 Mr. and Mrs. Owen I linckley of Birch rd. attended the choir party JUST CALL GR 5-3012 CALL GR 5-3036 of the Central Methodist Church of

18 THURSDAY h it ANGCVEIR TOWNSMAN OCTOBER 5, 1961 MRS. NUTTON 10 Subscribe to the TOWNSMA WILD MEMBER Mrs. Percy Ntttton, 10 Canis- brooke st., is a member of the FOR AUTOMAT! Painters Guild of the Lexington A its & Crafts Society which is holding an Outdoor Exhibit on the DELIVERY OF Green of I listoric Buckman Tavern in Lexington Center Sunday, Oct. GULF SOLAR HE 8, from 1-5 p.m. SPECIAL I r(30, OLUME 75 NUMBER 2 SATURDAY •• / • OCTOBER 7th PRESTONE ontrad PERMANENT And Monel ANTI 1.59 CAL FREEZE vAL. r Legal Bill Although there have as yet be SULLIVAN bills for legal services in t ATLAS CO., INC. njantin F. Dimlich case, Sclii 1012 GORHAM ST. LOWELL pt. Edward 1. Erickson expo "find the money somewher BLOOD DONATION - One of the many donors at bloodmobile Tuesday afternoon was Philip PAINT & SUPPLY TEL. ENTERPRISE 5247 thin the department budg Retelle, 52 Reservation rd. Standing at his side are Elsbeth Peterson, 79 Pine st., a Red Cross 7 ELM ST. ANDOVER never bills are presented I Rita Levine, R. N. of Boston. For SURE-FIRE heating servict volunteer and (Co le) yment. Queried on the point, Mr. Eric League Members Country Fair At said there had been no budi Heard About Reading location for legal services. I indicated that there would Edwa rd 1. E rickson, superintend- Free Church ent of schools, emphasized the The Free Christian Church nds available from within basic importance of reading in Women's Union is sponsoring a neral budget. education Thursday, Sept. 28, at Country Fair to be held Saturday, Town Counsel F red ric S. O'Bri the panel discussion of the reading Nov. 4. Doors will open at 10 a.m. acting as counsel for the Seta program of the Andover schools, Mr. and Mrs. Charles I3arrett mmittee in the matter. N which followed the luncheon of the will have charge of the snack bar rickson said he doesn't kit' League of Women Voters at the from 11 to 1:30; and tea will be ether Mr. O'Brien will sub!' Yankee Doodle restaurant. served from 2 to 5:30 with Mrs. bill for the work in Superi Mr. Erickson said: "There arc Helen Adatns and Mrs. Mary Ellis urt, prior to the end of the yea many aspects of education which in Charge. whether he will present a b are important, and of these reading A large variety of articles will (Continued on i'age 20) is undoubtedly the most im- be on display. portant." Miss Ina Petrie, leader of the Mrs. R. Milton Cole, who with F lo nde re r's Circle and Mrs. Fashion Show Mrs. Robert Butler is co-chair- Muriel McA nern a re being assisted man of the education committee of by !natty helping hands of the Is Oct. IS the Andover League of Women church members. Oct. 18 at 8 p.m., the Andov Voters, introduced Mr. Erickson, Rev. J. Allyn Bradford if.; gh School Auditorium will who moderated the panel discus- supervising the decorations. scene of a style-setting eve sion. Mrs. Cole stressed the two- n the Shawsheen V i 11 a FOR CLASSIFIED AD fold purpose of the League of oman's Club presents, for t Women Voters in sponsoring the CALL GR 5-1943 nd time, imported fashio panel: "Members of the League m the great fashion salons wish not only to learn more about AIR-CONDITIONED rope. the schools but also to facilitate ACADEMY The outstanding success of la co min u nica t ion between the r's similar presentation by t' schools and the community." BARBER SHOP wsheen club is directly re Miss Catherine M. 13arret, 3 BARBERS GOOD t:t.liVICE 96 Main St. Andover nsible for this repeat perform principal of the Cent ral elementary FREE PARKING e. school, presented a comprehensive Across the street from A & P A new and complete line of in outline of the reading program at this fine rted designs will again be offer, silk print the elementary level. She called the fashion-conscious worn, a ttent ion to the "unending" by Sanitone Andover and surrounding con character of the learning process, unities. Included in the showil particularly as it applies to Dry Cleaning will be Italian knits, separa reading. coats, coat and dress ensemble Mrs. Helen Shannon described afternoon dresses, cockta the main techniques in the teaching ... endorsed of remedial reading, including the (Continued on Page 22) use of controlled readers, tape by recorders, filet strips, and tachistoscopes. fieldstones Mrs. Ansi De Cesare, chair- open every day ex :epting man of the English department of creator of fine fashions! Tuesdays - year 'round the Junior High School, presented cocktails - luncheons a detailed report of the Language dinner - special functions Research program which has re- gift shop cently been adopted at the Junior Protect A high for all students. Miss Beat rice L. Stevens, chair- To keep your lovely garments fashion right, color bright, do as man of the English department of Your Andover lligh School, talked briefly famous fashion houses recommend. Let us Sanitone dry about the rapid growth of the TABLE TOPS clean them . . . the one Developmental Reading program quality dry cleaning process that pteserves at the High School and stated And Other Fine Furniture the original shape, texture and freshness of your clothes. that three teachers are now With involved there in the teaching of Call on us today for service! developmental reading. Members of the League will PLATE GLASS Plain Dresses only $1.50 continue their study of the reading SKILL program with unit meeting dis- Why Gamble? You don't want to guess the cussions to be held Nov. 7 and 9. remedy when someone's sick. PAPER DRIVE Tel. MU 3-7151 Your Doctor is the only qual- BY TROOP 77 For Information SAME DAY SERVICE ified individual to prescribe A paper, rags and scrap metal for illness. And our pharma- drive will be conducted by Boy DAILY TO 3 P.M. cists have the skill to com- Scout Troop 77 of West Parish Lawrence Plate & pound your Doctor's prescrip- Church Saturday, Oct. 14, front tion—promptly and precisely. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pick-up service Window Glass Co. NO EXTRA CHARGE All prescriptions filled here will be available to all parts of 417 Canal St. Tel. MU 3.7151 are priced fairly. Andover. HIGH STYLING IS OUR SPECIALTY

4 HAIR mace... f ClA1~ STYLIST HILDA'S OPEN DAILY 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. TUES. - SAT. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. OPEN WED,- THURS. - FRI. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. (Sat. 8 to 6) WALK IN OR CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 0E011 GR 5 -2 5 31 357 North Main St., Shawslieen PHARMACY SE-11AWSHEEN PLAZA MAIN COR. PARK STREET - A IH °NM l'ION1•11) 1.01( YOUR comuoicr - GR 5.0107

- - 4,-••‘•