NIDCVIEU CWNSAASI Andover's Own Newspaper Since 1887 VOLUME 75 NUMBER 1 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, OCTOBER 5, 1961 PRICE 10 CENTS Submit Report /1 Tribute To Woody Main St. Store Project Is On Recreation Interested town officials arc Endangered By Brook Delay urrently studying a report from vans Associates, listing data on The continuing hold-up on But he can't build until some- he job of recreational director, on Rogers Brook is threatening a thing is done about Rogers Brook. everal single-rate positions and Main st. commercial project which The town holds an easement n posts within the Library. could net the town over $10,000 through the middle of his property The firm, which originally drew in real estate taxes annually. - taken last March when local lie personnel and wage classifica- Samuel M. Glazerman of Bidden officials believed the brook project ion proposal for the town, has been Way, who owns all of the property was about to get underway. orking on the newest report for on the west side of Main st., Now the town has the land, neither ome time. from Hill I lardware to the Merri- Glazerman or the town seems to Included, among the other jobs, mack Valley National Bank, is be able to do anything with it until re the positions within the re- anxious to construct a $400,000 the project starts or town meeting . reation program - Pomp's Pond building there. It would provide returns the land to Mr. Glazerman i rector, playground director, some 40,000 feet of mercantile and others along the path of the ifeguards and playground staff. space, plus a second floor for brook. Job descriptions and suggested offices. No Solution alary levels are provided, it is Mr. Glazerman has a June, 1962, The Selectmen briefly discussed nderstood. deadline for completion of the tine problem Monday night, but Of special interest at theSelec structure, based on leases already failed to come up with any solution. (Continued on Page Nine) signed for occupancy of a portion They agreed to meet, if possible, of the space. (Continued on Page Two) Workshop Tryouts ome Next Week Garden Club Plans Tour Children's Theatre Workshop ryouts for the fall production Of Several Andover Homes 'Long Nosed Princess", a delight- Saturday, Nov. 4, from 11 a.m. ill fairy tale, will he held at the to 5 p.nr., the Andover Garden am on the following dates: Mon- One-Day Drive Club is sponsoring a unique open . ay.Oct. 9, 2:30 to 4 p.m., for Planned By League house tour, "Ilarvest Homes of grades seven and up, and Andover," during which seven of Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2:30 to 4 The Andover League of Women Andover's lovely and gracious p. in.. for the fifth and sixth grades. Voters will conduct a one-day fund homes of various types and periods "The Long Nosed Princess" is drive Tuesday, Oct. 10. of architecture will be open to the Su award story written by Mrs. League members, under the public. N. Penrose ilallowell Jr. of Mrs. Ralph II. !fill is chairman JOIN THE TRIBUTE - Friday night at the Country Club direction of Mrs. Sidney Zussman, Andover and will also be directed will ask Andover citizens for of the house tour, assisted by Mrs. by her. This summer Mrs. Hal- friends of Woody Crowley will pay him tribute, at a special financial support of the League. Leslie N. Hutchinson, hospitality; lowell adapted her wonderful story dance. Tickets for the affair are still available, and may be All contributions will be used to Mrs. George B. W es t 11 a ve r, into a play for the special use of secured at the door as well. Woody is confined to a wheel chair assist the League in conducting its tickets; Mrs. Richard I. Anderson, the Children's Theatre Workshop. after being stricken some weeks ago. many programs at the local, state, Junior Garden Club; Mrs. George At the general meeting Friday and national levels. V. West, traffic directions; Mrs. Oct. 13, at 3:30 at the Library, The Andover League has a long Ernest L. Wilkinson, hostesses; the names of the cast will be record of usefulness in the com- Mrs. Donald Amy, ticket design announced and production workers Hoffman Gets Permit munity. In its earlier years the and Mrs. Dudley Robinson, for the "behind the scenes" duties League worked for tax reforms publicity. will be recruited. Scenery, make- and improved town services. Im- !louses to be open will be those up, and the various other technical From Appeals Board mediately after World War II, the of Mr. and Mrs. Dean K. Webster fields will have many openings League advocated the construction Jr. of Sunset Rock rd., an authentic available to interested children. The Board of Appeals has given the neighborhood favored allowing of two new elementary schools, reproduction of the traditional Joseph W. Hoffman permission to Hoffman to park his truck in the new zoning by-laws, and a Colonial home at its best, featuring park his plumbing truck in his residential area, while "substan- strengthened Planning 13 o a rd. an unusual over-mantel treatment fieldstones garage on Marilyn rd. tial opposition" was also voiced, More recently the League has and beautiful panelling; Mr. and The Board specified that the open every day ex :t piing the Board stated that it is well played important roles in the es- (Continued on Page Three) Tuesdays - year 'round truck must be kept in the garage, aware of the importance of tablishment of the Town Manager- cocktails - luncheons and "not at any time to be parked preventing business uses in re- Selectman form of government and dinner - special functions outside". • sidential areas. the formation of a community-wide gift shop Noting that many residents of The Board stated, however, that: Recreation Council. "To prevent the parking of a The League has also provided A MESSAGE TO pl u to bing contractor's panel extensive services to Andover SERIOUS HOME BUYERS service truck in his garage to voters over the years including provide his transportation to and (Continued on Page Nine) We hove at this time listed a from work, however, is carrying fine selection of homes in this concept to an illogical and un- every price range. just extreme". Ours is an active office. (Continued on Page Nine) EXPERIENCE JOHN & RITA HEWITT Braltorm Home remedies can't be com- pared with today's modern 8 ELM ST. ANDOVER prescription drugs—your big- TELS. GR 5-0973 - 5.1834 gest health value today. The directions on your prescrip- eietedeouttt tion represent your Doctor's experience and knowledge of • --Ansi f==sWairtfasigner what's best for you or a loved THE PIED PIPERS OF ANDOVER 614.4 one. See us for prompt com- pounding at fair prices. 50 up 6 PARK STREET GR 5-6464 ANDOVER IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC BEST SELECTION NOW Plumbing 6 The Heating MCCLELLAN FUEL OILS Formerly Buchan & McNally NOW WITH GIFT SHOP 24 HOUR "IIAL" RUTTER, PROP. TEXACO 211 No. MAIN ST. GR 5-5121 South Main and Orchard Sts. OIL BURNER RFC. NO. 6S10 TEL. GR 5-1724 HEATING OILS SERVICE DfILT011 iltat= HOWE =ID PHARMACY iliGiAllf Monuments MAIN COR. PARK STREET II i GUY HOWE & TED LELAND t v of ihr 11esters- Tel. MU 3.2775 GR 5-0107 ",„„,It LUPINE RD. GR 5-0365 100 Water St., We assure you skilled craftsmanship, enduring beauty and quality in a "personalized monument of your choosing." Con- sult us without obligation. OF DISTINCTION WE'RE SORRY! BEST BARRE or IMPORTED GRANITE! . we disappointed so many people by running short of stock during our sale last week. Your Andover response was far greater than we anticipated. ANDOVER We are continuing this SALE AN ADDITIONAL Monument Company TOWNSMAN WEEK and now have all items in stock. Park Street — Andover, Mass. PAINT & HARDWARE John B. White Roger W. Collins For Your Printing Needs., COLE 10 MAIN ST. GR 5-1156 GR 5-5851 — Telephone — GR 5-3243 Call GR 5-1943 2 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, OCTOBER 5, 1961 STORE PROJECT In fact, at this moment, the town meeting, not one called for the Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN IS ENDANGERED Selectmen seem to have hit snags specific purpose. Demo (Continuer) from Page One) in every direction. Members of the Boa rd expressed their regret at the inconvenience Comm PLANTER'S COCKTAIL with Jack Ricciardi, state com- M r. Glazerman offered to install ANDOVEL Spokesio missioner of Public Works, to see the culvert on his own land, accord- being caused Mr. Glazerman, but PEANUTS force witt if he can expedite the project in any ing to state specifications but at his felt that short of calling a halt to $1.00 r a 3 cans 7 oz. way. Ricciardi is in overall com- own expense, in order to get under- the whole project, they have no TOWNSMAN AMERICAN FOOD PRODUCTS choice but to continue pressing addressed mand of the DPW, including the way. Town Manager Thomas E. by the Anc 495 Common St. Tel. MU 2-1855 Duff says the state has flatly re- the state for action. LAWRENCE, MASS. Waterways Division that has Established 1887 Committee fused to allow this. Mr. Glazerman Where's The Money? Published Every Thursday Service" Super-Morkets with Candy specific responsibility for the in Andover brook job. wanted to gamble that the brook Mr. Duff noted that the director 166 No. Main Street, Andover, Ma, Explainit would be reconstructed sometime, of the Waterways Divis ion, Second Class Postage Paid at Andover, greater I) and suggested that if the job is ever Rodolphe Bessette, has not written Mass.
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