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1] The Courier-gazette Established January, I 846. Entered u Second Clu* Mall Matter THREE CENTS A COPY By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Saturday, October 9, 1937 Volume 92..................Number 121. The Courier-Gazette Big Black Bears Arthur Orne Case Law And Order TIIREE-TIMES-A-WEEK CAME FROM ALL OVER ANOTHER KELP CONCERN Editor Claims For Bounties Indicate Local Insurance Man, Who Rotarians Yesterday Given ,, -, — .......,, ............... ...................... WM O. PULLER They’re Plentiful—So Are Associate Editor ^mo«ve,0n Trfjilh L°' h By ChwCam'len Garden Club Entertains Workers From New York Corporation Is Negotiating For the FRANK A W1NSIGW Partridges By Subscriptions 83 00 per year payable ln advance: single copies three cent*. Big, shiny black bear which belle Arthur L. Orne, prominent local It helps in many ways, in these ’ Twenty-One Of The States Crockett’s Point Lime Privilege Advertising rates based upon circula tion and very reasonable their speed and cunning by an ap Insurance man, was arraigned be days, to understand our world at , NEWSPAPER HISTORY pearance of clumsiness are falling large, if one can understand it. It is The Rockland Oarette was established fore Judge Z. M. Dwinal in Muni In 1846 In 1874 the Courier was estab before accurately aimed rifles of cipal Court Thursday morning on a equally Important that we under- A11 official and social success ls Bumble Bee (Rimsky-Korsakow). The Those large brown seaweeds, to be negotiating for a portion of lished and consolidated with the Gazette quick shooting hunters in Maine’s stand our local communities and espe- credited to Camden Garden Club with Widow's Lament ((Manojlovic, At the In 1882 The Free Press was established charge of violating traffic regulations. which are classed by the dictionary the (Crockett’s JPoint property In 1855 and In 1891 changed It* name to vast forests, The complaint was the aftermath cially those who are endeavoring to completion today of its hostess role to Fountain (Schumann-Siegel), Song owned by the Rockland & Rockport under the head of kelp, and which the Tribune These papers consolidated That the short-snouted beasts are serve us ln some trusted public and rDance'"'“ /w-.(Slavenski)—vn-; Motto dPer--- Lime Co., Inc., and if the deal is March 17. 1897 of an accident which occurred July 13 the fall conference of the National plentiful ln virtually all sections of the at the railroad crossing on upper capacity. petuo (Novacek). grow profusely along the North At successful will there inaugurate an Council and annual meeting of the 8t***w..**********n| Pine Tree State Is evidenced by Rotarians yesterday were treated to lantic shores, may yet play an im industrial plant, employing for the Llmerock street when an automobile i North Atlantic Region of Garden Z I am a great friend to public Z t>0Unty and dama8p Clai™S Paid by driven by Mr. Orne was in collision a comprehensive and informing talk ; Yesterda/’s Proceedings portant part in Rockland's indus moment about 12 men. Clubs which opened Thursday at amusements, for they keep peo- ♦ 'he State during the summer months. with the locomotive of the Llmeroci by Chief of Police Almon P. Richard Running the middle course yester CarXing coals to Newcastle ap Whitehall Inn. Registrations from 21 trial scheme. ♦ pie from vice —Johnson. ♦ Many of the claims came from Island Railroad Company. son; a talk that gave his hearers day, regional vice presidents reviewed One plant has been in operation plies to the method by which the States were recorded by Mrs. William Palls. Wlllamitlc, Athens, Topsfield, An impressive array of witnesses something of an insight into the prob concisely the attainments in their on the Southend waterfront thej corporation will obtain its material, B. Hay and Mrs. Walter E. Tobie of ------------------ j Carroll, Prentiss and Lee. appeared on behalf of the complain lem of maintaining law and order immediate localities, Mrs. Peter past year—established by W. H.|for the kelp will be brought here Portland Mntnr I ironcac Bear are J115' “ thick, however, ln ant, consisting of the engineer, fire among us. He emphasized the fact _ , ...__ JCorpstein of Phoenix, Arizona, being and L. B. Betz. It has pursued from Nova Scotia waters, and thus, Preparations for entertainment , ______ ________ ___ ____ moior Licenses other especially in the man, conductor and other trainmen. that police officers are appointed by the only official absent. The finan- the even tenor of its way, appar it may be .explained, is necessitated reached the perfected stage through _, _ f __ _ , ! 13,000,000 acres of woodland from The particular provision of the law the political party in power and | ctal report of the council was sup- ently to the satisfaction of the pro- by the fact that the Governor and committee appointment of Mrs. E. J. r ourtccn Of Them Suspend- which damage claims are only oc- relating to the case requires a trav stated that civil service applied to I plied by Mrs. Brice P. Disque of New prietors. Council leased to the Betz concern Cornells and Miss Emma Alden who ed—What Was Done In casional because there are few if any eler upon the way where a railroad police departments in our American Ycrk who also recounted the general Comes now the interesting re the kelp rights along the Maine were supported by the local club of pv.i p I camps or storehouses for bear to crossing is located to reduce the speed cities would be a marked gain for the activities and aims of the organiza port that another concern is com coast, it apparently not having been ficers; Mrs. Pearl G. Willey, presi er aS€S break Into and no domestic animals of his vehicle and proceed cautiously public in law enforcement. tions in her State. ing here to operate in an experi taken into consideration that a sec dent; Mrs. Allston K. Thorndike. Mrs. Licenses of 14 motor vehicle opera- for 'hem to kill. ovei the crossing. He gave very interesting figures on Mrs. Kemble White of Clarksburg, mental way for the present, hut ond company would appear. Charles A. Perry, vice presidents; and Witnesses called by the State told the different offenses for which of W. Va.. dealt with conservation work with a very fair prospect that a tors of Maine were indefinitely sus- _ The bear 5eason OP™*1 lhe same Miss Bessie Bowers, secretary-trea In Nova Scotia the Alzine com day as the partridge and woodcock of an usually heavy rain, accom fenders are taken into custody. He in her commitee report; Mrs. Wind large production plant may even pany is understood to have already pended Thursday by Secretary of Qct t BW sh<x)ters haye surer. The general chairman was | panied by considerable wind. The dwelt upon difficulties growing out sor T. White of Ohio, garden centers; tuate. Mrs Fred S. Woods of Portland, past leased a wharf and made plans for State Frederick Robie after he had returned with reports of having seen whistle was blown 100 feet south of of the fact that our country has a i Mrs. Jerome W Coombs, horticul- president of the Maine Federation. The new concern is known as a large warehouse. The kelp would conducted hearings on various com- many bear signs and a lot of deer, the crossing and the bell was ring liquor license while surrounding ! ture; Mrs. E. W. Frost ot Texar Several members of the summer Algine Corporation of New York be gathered by Nova Scotia fisher- plaints and petitons for restoration wUl become legal targets In the ing continuously. The train con countries do not. kana. Ark., roadside beautification; colony who remained late for the which, through the production of men, and shipped to Rockland by six northern counties commencing sisted only of the locomotive and the The problem of law enforcement Is Mrs. Waldo Cummer of Jacksonville, of operators' certificates. autumnal foliage, held open house for pla ylglUng gardens; Mrs F Joel algine from kelp may discover new water. October 16 and In the rest of Maine entire crew was In the cab. Only one of cooperation between the pub In the new proposition there are Robie issued a conditional license the visitors. Mrs. E. J. Cornells was , gwlft Q{ Nyaclc.on.Hudson. N. Y„ processes which will have a profit j beginning Nov. 1. those on the left side witnessed the lic and the police department. This possibilities which make jfor pleas hostess at a 4.30 tea Thursday at her advlsory councll able industrial value. to John B. Barry of Belfast, whose Many sportemen who seelt accident. The automobile was ap fact was driven home by Chief Rich ant consideration, to say the least. estate which overlooks Camden The Algine Corporation is said permit had been revoked because of only the swift and wary deer now parently not visible until the lo ardson's talk. harbor, the mountains Battle and a drunken driving charge, Robie said, concentrate on bear as they have comotive arrived at the street line. Visiting Rotarians were Frank Po- An old fashioned clam bake ln Megunticook forming a background Maine style Is becoming something of He suspended for 30 days the found that it requires Just as much Its position was placed at between 30 land. Boston; Gilbert Harmon. Cam- for a setting acclaimed a gem by the a lost art but Dr. Fred S Woods of licenses of Ephrem Cote of Augusta. ,11 "ot 7°re skl11 °ne of the and 40 feet at the time.