Vote in the Bison Vote in the Bison Ace Contest! Ace Contest! heBOOST THE ZEST; QUESTIOr' pectrum7-IE WORST; KNOCK NOTHING ••6


UST BLUEJAYS COME THRU DRILLIANT FLICKERS PROMISE Speaks Sunday J TUFF Notice! WITH THIRD PENNANT S ---By Ee Fy BISON CAGE STARS Contrary to the original an- Why is it that when a team nouncement the first game of the IN CIRCUIT HISTORY gets "hot" • they always put the TWO HARD BATTLES game on ice? annual North Dakota A. C.-Uni- WIN FROM MORNINGSIDE ENDS versity series to determine the state championship will start at HOUSER WILL USE VARIED CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Now that is improbable, in fact as- 8 tonight in place of 2:30 as had STYLE OF GAME TO DE- OF CHAMPS sured, that we will not get an ap- propriation for a new armory, why been previously announced. The FEAT BISON FIVE not try to coax the powers that be second contest will also be chang- WON 46 TO 18 to give us a score board that runs ed, the game starting at 4 p. m. FLICKERS IMPROVE past 50. "Red" responded beautifully A special train will not be secured CONFERENCE CHAMPIONS HAVE Friday night and deprived the score- but every effort is being made on board of figures. If the Bison insist BISON GUARDS AND CENTER BEATEN BEST TEAMS and off the campus to secure 125 HAVE EDGE ON FLICKER on running scores halfway to the cen- fares in order that a reduced rate IN COUNTRY tury mark we'll have to have a new DEFENSIVE TRIO scoreboard. may be received. W. L. Pct. Whether or not the band would By EUGENE FITZGERALD Creighton 8 0 1.000 BE AT the "U" and help BEAT go was uncertain at the time that Bison 6 3 .666 this went to press, although indi- Coach Edgar Houser and his gang the "U." of tossers have been working earn- State 4 5 .444 cations were that at leasta good- estly for the invasion of Dewey's Bi- Wesleyan 2 3 .400 The Nodaks are not a "setup" team ly part of the Gold Star musi- Des Moines ..._ 1 2 .333 son hoopsters which opens at the No- and if they beat the Bison it would cians will ride the rattlers north. dak armory Friday evening. The sec- North Dakota U.. 1 4 .200 be in the nature of an "upset." Morningside . 1 7 .125 ond game of the series is scheduled for Saturday afternoon at the same If Creighton were a distin- place at 4 p. m. Creighton won their third confer- VOTE WILL CLOSE The Nodaks at the start of the sea- ence basketball championship on Mon- guished rating school in military, it is our opinion that this "Ike" son were called "a gang of misfits" (lay of this week when they downed Mahoney would be a wonderful by several critics. Perhaps it is true the Morningside Maroons, 46 to 18, on L. B. Hanna instructor in artillery fire. MONDAY FOR ACES that at the start of the season they the Morningside court. were as the critics had named them. As was the case when the Blues With the band, a gang of Bison BALLOT WILL CLOSE MONDAY Houser has worked untiringly with his put the skids under Bison titular as- AT NOON; 200 HAVE AL- squad pointing them for the Bison pirations, Ike Mahoney was leading rooters, a two game,victory over the EX-GOVERNOR HANNA Nodaks and—the Bison should have a READY VOTED series in an effort to get an even killjoy. The tall center seemed to be break. unable to miss the hoops from any good time at Grand Forks. angle or distance, and as a result Only two full voting days remain Houser Is Smart WILL SPEAK SUNDAY hve scored 15 points. --- Dewey says "We our eyes before ballot boxes in the Bison Ace Houser's reasoning has been logical Trautman Finds Easy Going on the State Championship Pen- section election which opened Tuesday inasmuch as the Bison have been an FORMER STATE HEAD WILL TELL nant." We would rather get our of this week, are closed. At noon in and out team. Should the Nodaks A feature of the contest was the OF THE PASSION PLAY hands on it. Monday the polls wil be closed, leav- catch the Bison in one of their slumps work of Trautman. The Bison guards OF 1922 ing only this afternoon, tomorrow and the chances for an even break in the Monday morning for students to cast evidently have an edge on anything We hope this man Wild at the "U" series assumes a rosy aspect for the in the conference, as Trautman again their votes for the eight most repre- Honorable L. B. Hanna, former gov- don't go wild and get a wild qpiota sentative members of their classes. upstaters. struck the score column with a heavy ernor of North Dakota, will speak on of baskets, and further we hope Boe Dewey is taking no chances on his count of 13 points. Against the Bison Votes are to be dropped in the Spec- "The Passion Play as Given at Ober- looks like a "be" against the Bison. trum box in the main building. team going into the' series in the he was able to get but 3 points. ammergau," at the monthly Vesper wrong frame of mind and has spared service to be held in the Auditorium Ace Features The interest of the conference now Tardiness is becoming less common no efforts to get them to a position centers on the race for second and of the Y. M. C. A. building at 4 The Ace section which is to be a o'clock Sunday afternoon, Feb. 22. in a class in a certain western college prominent feature of this year's Bison where they will realize that the No- third honors. At the present time the where a professor removes vacant dak contests are no setup matches. Bison seem firmly entrenched in sec- Saw It in 1922 chairs from the room so that late com- annual, will contain the pictures of A musical program will be given in the eight most representative mem- The series should bring out several onti place, although a loss of two of ers are obliged to stand. bers of the three upper classes of the heretofore unknown stars on the No- the remaining six conference games connection with this address by the Moorhead State Teachers College school. dak squad, principal amongst them (Continued on Page Three) Freshmen at Alleghency college in Chapel Choir. The choir is under the Pennsylvania claims to have contrived Each student in these classes is eli- being Viegel, former ' Dickinson high direction of Professor Dan Preston a new game of "spudball," which is gible to vote for eight students iri his school star. Viegel in games thus far of the Teachers College. a combination of football, soccer and own class. The student vote is to this year has demonstrated that his THETA CHI SECRETARY (Continued on Page Three) basketball. (Continued on Page Three) defensive play is good and is the most dangerous short shot artist of the COMPLETES PHI VISITS Flicker quint. Flickers Have Subs Bernard M. McIlhany of New York, Busdicker is the most likely per- who is traveling secretary of the BISON ACE BALLOT former to start at the guard berth Theta Chi fraternity and who spent opposite Viegel. Busdicker has the several days visiting Phi chapter of earmarks of a coming star and it is the fraternity, left Tuesday evening The following consists what is to be known as the Bison Ace ballot, eight members to be selected from each in the defensive and dribbling end for the west coast. While on the coast of the game that he shows most ap- he will visit other chapters located of the three upper classes. Each student will be allowed but a single vote and that must be signed. The follow- titude. Boe, Loughlin and Edwards there and will also assist in the in- ing is being repeated from the Tuesday Spectrum, and the contest will *lose Monday, Feb. 23, at noon. All bal- (Continued on Page Three) stallation of new chapters at the Uni- lots are to be cast in the Spectrum drop box. Every student has a vote in his own class only. He need not be versity of Washington at Seattle, Wash., and at the University of Ore- a purchaser of the Bison to vote; every one is included; it is an all-collegeaffair. 6 KAPPA PHI ANNUAL PARTY gon at Eugene, Ore. The official ballot follows: Monday evening Mr. Mcllhany was (Names to be filled in by voter.) the honored guest and main speaker WAS GIVEN TUESDAY EVE at a banquet given at the Commercial Sophomore. Juinor. Senior. club at which about 50 active and Members of the Alpha Kappa Phi alumni members were present. The 1. 1. ..1. fraternity were guests to their honor- speaker reviewed national activities ■ ary members and their ladies at a and related instances to prove his as- 2. 2. 2. formal dance and dinner held at the sertions that fraternities are greatly Waldorf hotel dining room Tuesday worth while to the individual and col- 3. 3. evening. lege community development. The dinner was served at 7:30 and Kenneth Kuhn, member of the Uni- 4. 4. was followed by a formal program versity of Michigan chapter, and a of 16 dances lasting from 9 until 12. member of the agricultural college Several features were put on during faculty, talked on scholarship and 5. 5. 5. the evening, one a special number by Dean E. S. Keene of the engineering the pianist and the climax of the department told of some of the promi- 6. . 6. 6. party was the distribution of the fav- nent positions members of Phi chap- ors for the ladies. ter have taken in the east. C. A. 7. _7. 7. These favors were in the form of Williams, alumnus member, and Theo- blue leather vanity cases with a gold dore Greenfield, active president, talk- 8. , 8. border and emblem of the fraternity ed on the activities of the alumni and embossed on the cover. actives, respectively. Matt E. Tin- Students can only vote in the class in which they are enrolled. Patrons and patronesses for the dall was toastmaster. party were Dr. and Mrs. John Lee Special dance numbers were given (Signed) Coulter, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Pearce, by Wilfield Hurt and Jeanette Euren Prof. and Mrs. W. F. Sudro, Dr and of Fargo. The Phi chapter orchestra Class Mrs A. F. Schalk and Captain and gave numerous selections. Mrs. Thomas S. Smith. Seen Our New Charms? A. C. Book Store


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will be taken to LaMoure, Enderlin and Lisbon. T H E SPECTRUM "The World Will Support The Prince of Wales.. Bruce Rindlaub Beau Brummel Charles Wells 5,200,000,000 P eopl e" Richard Brinsley Sheridan Official publication of the students of the North Dakota Agricultural Emory Putnam O Reginald Courtney Dan Denis College. POINT OF SATURATION IS' STILL similar to North Dakota, except in Mortimer Jack Knapp Published every Tuesday and Friday during the college year. 150 YEARS AWAY , SAYS DR. location. "There is no reason to be- Address all communications to the Editor in Chief. GILETTE TO POLYTECHNIC SO- ileve that North Dakota, despite the Mr. Oliver Vincent.... Thomas Caniff Subscription rates are $2.00 per year. CIETY WEDNESDAY fact that her leading cities develop Mr. Abrahams Emory Putnam Advertising rates and information sent on request. at the rate they have in the past three The Dutchess of Leamington Entered as second class matter at the Agricultural College under the . Dr. J. M. Gilette of the sociology decades, can boast of a city of 200,000 Helen Krueger act of March 3, 1879. department of the University of North people at the decade ending in 1950," Mariana Vincent...Lucille Thompson Dakota gave a very interesting lec- said Dr. Gilette. "It is very unlikely Mrs. St. Aubyn . Margaret Richardson MEMBER NORTH CENTRAL PRESS ASSOCIATION ture on "Population Study" before the that these cities will continue to show Kathleen Myrtle Euren members of the Polytechnic society such a rapid rate of increase in the Winner 1924 Paper Contest Wednesday evening. next three decades," he continued. Dr. Gilette presented several start- Bobs at A. C. Barber Shop. EDITORIAL STAFF ling facts in regard to world popula- tion growth, and the possibilities of MMUUMMWWWMMAMWMWMMOMM 0 Edward M. Yocum Editor-in-Chief caring for such an increase. EDWIN BOOTH ACTORS Philip H. Boise . . Associate Editor No Cause for Alarm Eugene J. Fitzgerald Managing and Conference Editor "There is no cause for alarm," Dr. Grace Ross . • . Campus Editor (This Issue) Gilette stated, "as this period is at PLAY BEAU BRUNEI least 150 years away. Industrial BUSINESS STAFF chemists have reason to believe that CHARLES WELLS, THE DAINTY Richard V. Cripe Business Manager the future food supply of the world BEAU (BUM) 'PLAYS Paul Revell Assistant Business Manager will be made in the chemistry labora- EXCELLENTLY tory, which will eliminate the problem of providing sufficient land to raise ARRICK 1111111■11111111111111111111,1111111111R1111111111111111111111111{111111111 1141111111111111111111i11111!111111111111111 ,11111111111 REPORTORIAL STAFF crops for such a threatening situa- The Edwin Booth Dramatic club last (This Issue) tion." The saturation point of the night presented in the Little Country world's population, according to sta- theater Clyde Fitch's four act play, Now Showing Bruce Rindlaub M. A. Cramer K. V. R. Brown tistics which Dr. Gilette read is 5,200,- "Beau Brummel." Thru Charles Wells, Emory Putnam Ruth Von Sien Philip Burger 000,000 people. "The big problem, the dainty Beau once again lived his Jackie Coogan Carrie Dolphin Beatrice Sjoquist Wallace Mattson should the world reach this saturation life of bravado, romance and tragedy. Charlotte Blake Edris Probstfield point and necessitate the manufacture of foods chemically, would be the Lucille Thompson gave a skillful pre- — in — adaptation of this chemically manu sentation of the role of Marianna, and BEST WE GO factured food as against the natural Jack Knapp as Mortimer, repeated his Tomorrow the climax of the basketball season will be reached but not foods to which the population is ac- success of last spring when the play "The Ragman" passed. The Bison will open their campaign for a third consecutive state customed," Dr. Gilette said. was given here. college title. Should they win both games this week they will immediately Charts shown by Dr. Gilette showed The production will be given at the various reasons attributed to the Masonic temple on the 21st, and later gain the crown of North and South Dakota state champions. great increase in urban population, The Bison will not be the favorites that many think they are in the and the decrease in rural population. COMEDY . coming games. Early season scores mean less than nothing now. Every Migration from the small rural set- Bison student that can possibly muster the funds had best grab the rattlers tlements to the centers of urban popu- on the Great Northern this afternoon and stop at the University Station lation, natural increase, immigration, ay 6 o'clock. March over to Coach Paul Davis's play room and line up, for and the incorporation of small places Students! the first game of the state title series. has tended- to add to the population The Bison will need every bit of support that can be hauled from Fargo of the urban centers at the expense ORPHEUM of the rural population. Get a northward in two days. The Flickers are at a fever pitch; their team gave Migrate Cityward Now Showing Creighton two awful battles and followed by taking an overtime game from The migration from the rural cen- the Coyotes. They want a pair of Bison horns this week and will get them ters to the centers of urban popula- Meal Coupon Ramon Novarro unless the Bison backers get to Grand Forks and chase the noisy little tion, alone, is large enough each year Flickertail into his hole and pound sand in it. If they don't, he will perch to build a city the size of Boston, it —in— on the Commons and for a year his chatter will resound over North Dakota, was shown amongst the charts exhi- Book telling of his prowess. bited by Dr. Gilette. Better go to Grand Forks, Fargo will be a lonesome place for an A. C. Dr. Gilette 'showed several charts "The Arab" student Friday and Saturday. of the leading cities of North Dakota, $5.50 .nd contrasted them against the lead- ing cities of Nebraska, which is very RIP VAN WINKLE SAYS: Page 1, our catalog, under the head of "Physical Training for men: $5.00 Provision is made for giving gymnasium instruction to all students in the (Shur-on \ college who desire it. In addition to this optional attendance, students in the first year are required to take two hours a week of physical exercise Viking Hotel under the direction of the instructor in physical training." Our In as much as A. C. has no armory or gymnasium large enough to Our Eyeglass Service begin to take care of even the freshmen, it would seem about time to tell the inquisitive fresh who inquired about this part of our curriculum that this is only a little bit of history on which the departments dote as signi- Is Complete ficant of the fact that A. C. once had facilities to give athletic instruction Policy--- to the whole student body—(all twenty-seven of them)—and we still have Expert optometrists examine your the same old place it was done in and one more instructor. Verily, this is 4 eyes. : an To give the best that, is offered. etier Experienced Opticians adjust the the age of Practice with Science. To give what you want. glasses. To accommodate. Accuracy is the keynote of our , es- NORTH DAKOTA WEATHER To render the utmost in service, tablishment. Last fall we congratulated ourselves upon the unexpectedly fine weather Shoes of Quality When you come to its your eyes courtesy and honesty. that lasted until the day after Christmas. Even the oldtimers say they never are examined by an Optometrist experaienced such a long period of mild weather at that time of the year. To satisfy you. skilled by years of experience and thousands of searching eye exami- But after all, now that North Dakota weather has come at last, aren't we nations. just a bit glad. Its this cold, snappy weather that makes you move, and Come in and use the phone—say for Men The Glasses we furnish you are puts real pep and vitality n you. It fills you wiith the instinct and spirit hello. guaranteed to give you complete of "get up and go." North Dakota weather is hard on the loafer, and the satisfaction. indolent palefaced lounge lizard. But it simply sends the blood surging a and Women Consult Us About Your Eyes bit faster thru the veins of a healthy, red blooded person. It paints your cheeks in hues that rouge can never match. It puts snap in your step, cheer- Christianson Prug Co. Anderson-Varnson fulness in your soul and selfconfidence in your character. . OPTOMETRISTS The southern climates are wonderful for ease, luxury, indolence, play 10 Broadway Phone 23-W Kinnear Shoe Co. 226 Broadway Shoe Repairing 108 Bdwy. Fargo and malaria; the north for work, healthy vigorous sports, and strong vigor- Don't forget—free delivery. Next to the Garrick ous, ambitious men and women. Yes—we grant you—the California touch was nice—but let's be glad we have North Dakota's vigorous, bracing climate, and let's keep it a part of our lives, our actions and character. As North Dakota's climate is not made to suit the lazy and the shiftless, let our lives and characters be unfit for lazy thoughts and shiftless motives. North Dakota Agricultural College Fifteen Varsity Players; Sixteen For Completeness of Equipment and Facilities for Instruction is Unsurpassed in the Northwest. The College Department Offers AGRICULTURE — ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING — ARCHITECTURE — BIOLOGY — CHEM- . Frosh Are Awarded Sweaters ISTRY — CHEMISTRY AND ENGINEERING — CIVIL ENGINEERING — EDUCATION — HOME O ECONOMICS — MECHANICAL ENGINEERING — PHARMACY — SCIENCE AND LITERATURE Fifteen football men received var- Ankeny, Hanson, Bentson, guards; sity letters for last season's play; Magnuson, quarterback; Hazel, La- These courses are available to those who have completed the equivalent of a High School training. For sixteen players of the freshman squad Fleur, halfbacks; Zimmerman, full- those who have not had such training were also awarded sweaters, but with back. THE AGRICULTURAL AND MANUAL ARTS HIGH SCHOOL OFFERS the '28 numeral. With a loss of but This year's awards of letters have Complete Secondary Courses in Agriculture — Com merce — Domestic Science — General Science — three regulars, and with much fresh- added five new members to the Let- Mechanic Arts — Rural Teachers. man material on hand 1925 football termen's club. They are Wall, Baillie, prospects for N. D. A. C. are bright. Kneeshaw, Marks and Bliss. The club, SPECIAL COURSES Boise, Bridgeford and Hull will gradu- organized by Coach Stanley Borleske Business Training, Drafting and Building, Farm Husbandry Homemaking, Power Machinery ate this year. to perpetuate social and athletic rela- THIS COLLEGE offers to the young people of this state an education which is thoroughly in line with Those to win varsity letters are: modern thought and demands. It spends no time o n dead languages or such subjects as are of little tions df lettermen, has now 30 active practical value. It aims to fit young men and women to think and investigate for themselves; to deal Bliss, Boise, ends; Kneeshaw, Marks, members. Meetings are held bi-montli- intelligently with the social, agricultural and indus trial problems of the day. Thompson, tackles; Wall, Baillie, Kelt- ly on Sunday afternoons. Each let- THE LABORATORIES are thoroughly equipped, a rid the instructors are specialists in their line. Ex- , ner, Hull, guards; Bridgeford, center; terman will receive a gold pin having ceptional advantages are offered in chemistry, physics, botany, literature, mathematics, engineering and Arnold, Mach, quarterbacks; Rumpel- an N. D. set on a green enamel base; the social, economic and political sciences. tes, fullback; Augustine and Miller, also, according to Cyril Arnold, the Graduates from Approved High Schools are admitted to the Freshman class. Board and room $6.25 to halfba-cks. club's president, keyrings with stamp- $7.50 per Week. Freshman letters were given: New- ed identification marks which will ad- gard, Tilton, Reedy, Millard, Chas. mit lettermen to all games of the WRITE TO THE REGISTRAR FOR CIRCULARS, CATALOG, AND ADMISSION BLANKS Ankeny, ends; Gorder, McPherson, future are to be issued. Spring Term opens March 30; New Classes in All Curricula.

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Jut Received I New Spring Styles Brown Clothiers BROADWAY BISONELLIGIBLE FOR CONTEST

court at all times. This type of play BISON STUDENTS WILL Ex-Governor Hann Flickers Promise will force the forwards to keep Viegel ANDREWS HERALDS from scoring and they will find Bus- it6,, Will Speak Sunday Bison Cage Stars clicker a hard man to score against be- BE ELLIGIBLE FOR '25 GIRLS VARSITY (Continued from Page One) (Continued from Page One) cause of the type of play employed. Rumpeltes, Bechtel and Thompson will have been holding down the scoring Ex-Governor Hanna and his family all see service in the series if the VARSITY GIRL CAGERS WILL were in Europe in 1922 and visited positions at center and forward and games warrant it. MILITARY PRIZE $100 OPEN SCHEDULE ON FRI- Oberammergau at the time of the pro- have corn through in good shape in duction of the play there. DAY AFTERNOON several of the Flicker contests this WINNER MUST BE CITIZEN SOL- The Passion Play has been given year. Wild has been taking the place during the summer of the first year DIER IN ORDER TO COM- of each decade for the last two hun- of Loughlin and Edwards at a for- With the girls basketball tourna- ward berth and has proved a con- PETE IN CONTEST ment finished the task of selecting the dred years, except that the last pro- College Grocery duction was delayed until 1922, due sistent floor man and has also gath- varsity was exceedingly difficult. to the great war. The next produc- ered in his quota of the points. MUST BE 2000 WORDS Those who make the varsity are Edith FANCY AND tion is slated for 1930. The play de- Arnold and Miller should hold their STAPLE GROCERIES Skurdall, Nellie Mae Root, Christine Picts the life of Christ from the time own against the Nodak forwards and JUDGES TO BE NAMED BY BEAT- Reed and Anita Mary Blake, for- of his entry into Jerusalem until his Blakely will find nearly as much com- wards; Ruby Oscarson, Susie Martin, resurrection. petition in Boe as he did against Art RICE RESERVE OFFICERS Natives of Oberammergau take all Grace Bayliss, Gladys Bockwoldt and Busdicker last year. Greenfield and ASSOCIATION Neva Trowbridge, guards. the parts of the play, and the ten year period between the productions is Newgard will be kept on the move at Skurdall has the speed and the team all times as in Viegel and Busdicker, work that makes her a very import. spent in preparation for the next pro- Beatrice, Neb., Feb. 19.—R. 0. T. C. duction. Houser has two distinctive type of students at the North Dakota Agri- ant player. She and A. M. Blake guards. Viegel is the scoring type of Because cultural college, Fargo, North Dakota, may always be counted on for baskets. guard, while Busdicker plays the back as well as men undergoing similar Root at forward is aggressive and they are made by the training in all schools and colleges in fast and may be counted on for Blue Jays Come Thru world's largest makers the Seventh Corps Area of the United number of baskets a game. of fine clothes States Army, have been deemed eligi- Reed, forward, is clever on the floor With Third Pennant OUR ble for competition in the Beatrice and an accurate shot. (Continued from Page One) Price Essay Contest, which opens here The defense is nearly perfect with - Martin, Bayliss and Oscarson playing would change the complexion of the Kuppenheimer today, according to Captain Thomas race considerably. Rest P Wilson, president of the Beatrice guard. Martin is probably the most experienced player on the team. South Dakota University struck a (Nebraska) Officers Reserve Corps setback early this week when they Good Clothes and general supervisor of the contest. Bockwoldt plays a steady defence Rooms game and has little trouble as a guard. were able to get but an even break Must Be Essay Trowbridge is a tight guard but usual- with the cellar champions of the con- ARE ALWAYS OPEN embody the advantages of A cash prize of one hundred dollars ly gives out before the end of the ference, the Nodaks. North Dakota experience in manufacture is being offered this year for the prize game. won the first game and lost by a three authority in style and the winning essay on "The Citizen Sol- Two freshmen, Oscarson and Bock- point edge while the second went only Meet Me economy of volume . . . . dier." The essay, typewritten or in woldt, made varsity, which is a very the regular distance, but was won by legible hand, must be submitted be- difficult thing as the varsity is usual- two points. AT fore April 15, 1925. The writer may ly picked from the more experienced State to Make Bid handle the subject from whatever players. They are very capable, how- THE angle he may choose and judgment ever, to fill their places as guards on South Dakota State will make a The Globe will be passed primarily on the basic the varsity. determined bid for second place in thought and secondarily on the con- The varsity will play their first their corning two game series with Merchants Clothing Store structive value of the essay. game Saturday, Feb. 21, at 2:30 at the South Dakota University. A dou- Commanding officers of military Ceres hall gym against the Sports ble win would- put the Bunnies in the National Bank BROADWAY AT FIRST AVE. units are being asked to foster the club. Two games with the Moorhead running again and West says his men essay contest through the Seventh State Teachers are scheduled for a are out for University blood. Corps Area headquarters. Full infor- later date. Nebraska Wesleyan and Morning- mation relative to the conditions of side have come through "just aver- THE NEW ENGLISH MODEL the contest is obtainable from Capt. age" seasons, winning - a game here Thomas P. Wilson, Beatrice, Neb. and losing another there. Des Moines Vote Will Close will get a chance at second place next TUXEDOS FULL CONDITIONS week when the team from Iowa play THE BEATRICE MILITARY ESSAY Monday For Aces the Bison here in a two game series. Are Here Now (Continued from Page One) The Beatrice prize of $100 is Glo-co at A. C. Barber Shop. awarded to the writer, of the best count one-third in the final count, the essay, upon a military subject, chosen ballot of the Bison staff and the col- Price $35 lege faculty each contributing another each year by the donor. third to the final standing. Subject for 1925: "The Citizen Sol- Stewart Schlipf, editor-in-chief of SOCIETY BRAND C. A. Swansen Company dier." the year book, declared yesterday that Conditions: The writer must be an the vote during the first two days of 514-516 Front St., Fargo officer or an enlisted man in one of balloting was fairly light, but that he the component parts of the citizen expected it to pick up considerably army of the United States of the today and tomorrow. Seventh Corps Area. Results Named Soon Fall and The National Guard of the sev- Results of the election will appear (a) in the Spectrum within two weeks Well Dressed Men eral states. time. Winter (b) The Officers Reserve Corps. Copy for the annual is being sent Appreciate Ed. V. Price & Co. (c) The enlisted reserve. daily to the printer and engraver and (d) Men who have attended the C. the makeup of the book has been com- M. T. C. menced, according to Mr. Schlipf. Merchant Tailored Clothes Organization pictures must be in (e) R 0. T. C. Made Expressly for You (f) Accredited military schools.. the hands of the Bison staff by Wed- I. The article must contain not less nesday, Feb. 25, if they are to appear in the book, it has been announced. thin 2,000 words. The same dead line has been set on Suits and The Community Men's Shop II. Article shall be of a practical, snapshots which are to be contributed NO. 17 BROADWAY constructive nature. for the campus activities page. III. Article shall be typewritten, or written legibly. Haircuts at A. C. Barber Shop. IV. Article shall be in the hands Overcoats of: The President, Reserve Officers Association, The Bluebird Cafe PATRICK OVERCOATS, SHIRTS A Good School-- Beatrice, Nebraska. Thorough courses, trained experienced instructors, modern equipment, by April 15, 1925. Everything HOMEMADE and NO AND MACKINAWS Service that satisfies V. Manuscript is not to be signed Substitutes Used, But Just This school is a member of the National Association of Accredited with the name of the writer, but with Commercial Schools and guarantees the work satisfactory to the a non de plume. Like MOTHER Made student or refunds the unused tuition. VI. The manuscript shall be ac- Over eighty per cent of our graduates, during the past five years, companied by a second envelope con- have gone to positions in Fargo and Moorhead offices. taining: The Bluebird Cafe S. & C. Clothing It pays to take your training in a school that can secure for you the (a) The non de plume. best positions. A. A. Lee, Prop. Fargo, N. D. Company We have a fine attendance, join us and enjoy our service. (b) The name and address of the 51'7 N. P. Av., writer. INTERSTATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Metropole Hotel Bldg. 520 Front St. Fargo, N. D. (c) His grade or rank, and unit. This envelope shall be marked on the outside with non de plume only. VII. In searching for the best es- say, the judges will look for the in- tent of the writer, and will give credit Stylish Glasses Commence the School Year Right for basic thoughts, rather than for ■ _grammatical correctiveness. Neatness, Glasses may not improve your looks—but we have the most stylish and becoming glasses you could buy. Headache, eyeache or any trouble with your eyes or lasses may however, will be a factor. Much more important is the fact that we fit your eyes with cause you many uncomfortable and painful days, or make it impossible VIII. The judges: Judges shall be the correct lenses—and you will be immune from eye-strain for doing perfect work with your studies or your work. appointed by the president of the and headache—and other eye troubles while wearing a pair Beatrice Reserve Officers association. of our glasses. SEE US TO SEE BETTER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED I. No judges shall compete. University of Pittsburg is to build Cannon Optical Co. F. W. Peterson Co. a 52 story building, designed to ac- Phone 229 - A. E. CANNON 119 Broadway Jewelers and Optical Specialists 118 Broadway commodate 12,000 students - and to Optical Specialist cost ten million dollars.

Drop in and Inspect our New Spring Woolens in the $ new shades---London Lavender, Powder Blue, and -3 3 Gents' Furnishings Broadway Tailoring Co. Gull Greys. Tailored as you want them . . . . 116 Broadway Fargo, North Dakota

Page Pour THE SPECTRUM Flaten s for the Classy Spring Caps--3 1 8 Br'dway

Pop Pledges Entertain Mr. Jensen Leaves Bismarck Visitors Knewsey Knosey The pledges of Phi Omega Pi were Mr. T. D. Jensen, who recently ad- BAND:WAS "HOTTEST" Lee Scroggins and Alf Livdahl were hostesses at a dancing party given in dressed the students at convocation, guests of the Kappa Phi boys recent- Kampus Kolumn the Masonic temple Saturday evening. left for Alaska Tuesday morning, OF YEAR AT MEETING ly on their way to Grand Forks. The Red and white colors were used thru- Feb.. 17. young men are from Bismarck. out. The affair was in the nature The A. C. rifle team last week "The band played better this morn- of a valentine party. Don't Forget Lt. Kneeshaw Here defeated the Kansas A ggies in a ing than they have played before this All organization pictures for the year," said "Doc", Putnam after the Lt. Kneeshaw, who attended the of- telegraphic match, 3734 to 3660. A. C. Students in Play Bison are due this week. convocation program last Tuesday, ficers' guard school, was the guest of This week the team is shoot- Miss Florence Earley and Malve when the band furnished a few num- his brother, Ray Kneeshaw, while in ing the civilian rifle team of McKone of the A. C. were participants Junior H. E. Meet bers before and after President Coul- Fargo. He has returned to Devils ter's speech. "Doc" went on to say Lake. Blacksburg, Va. This is the first in "The Third Degree," presented by The Junior H. E. girls held a meet- that every member of the band was the Cathedral club of Fargo Tuesday ing in Ceres hall at 3:45 Wednesday, intersectional match of the year on his toes from the start. The phras- Mrs. Cole Entertains and if won by thee A. C. will evening, Feb. 17. Feb. 18. ing was excellent and Hanson fairly outdid himself in his euphonium solo. Mrs. Cole, dean of women, enter- give them a rating in the east, "Jimmie" Here Before "Prexy's" address the band tained the alumnae of Phi Upsilon Hold Pledge Services. Omicron in her rooms at Ceres hall where they are comparatively un- "Jimmie" Duncan spent the week played the overture—"Il Guarany" by Members of the Phi Kappa Lambda Gomez and "Pas des Fleurs," an in- Wednesday evening, Feb. 18. known. sorority will hold formal pledge ser- end here. "Jimmie" is now attending termezzo from the Ballet Suite Naila vices for Miss Nellie Ausbury of the U. of N. D. by Delibes. Fraternity Initiates Grand Forks at the home of Della After the president's talk Byron filvg11-74r1%,..r - Six students in the school of chem- Johnson. Helen Ill Hanson played his euphcinium solo, istry at the college were initiated by Vision Fugitif, baritone aria from i..- Miss Helen Curran has been con- "Heriodiade" by Massenet. The band Alpha Phi Omega, honorary profes- ...... e312DEPA7Tal ;';:4'44 -E/17:-TS;tix"'"'- 012_EaS sional chemistry fraternity, Wednes- Going Uward fined to her home this week. Helen then played the "Nobles of the Mystic day. Those initiated were: Walter Lucille Piper, Mildred Vold will be has experienced an attack of the flu. Shrine," a march by Sousa, and fin- Fargo's Pusiest Store Boerth, Fred Byerly, Lester Day, the guests of Miss Nellie Ausbury at ished with the "Yellow and the' Henry Wangen, Thomas Canniff and Grand Forks over the week end while Dan, the Business Man, Green." Men's Shirts Kenneth Mumford. attending the University games. Mr. Dan Denis has left school to enter business with his father. ? ? ? Of "Kyber" Cloth Ted Gets Trip More Flicker Guests For information concerning ballots ExClusive at J. C. Penney stores; Theodore Greenfield has been chos- "Vat" dyed; sun, tub and perspira- en delegate of Phi chapter, Theta Chi Miss Catherine Cockrell will be the 'Spectrum Representative interview Miss Marjorie Gullickson. fraternity, to the national convention guest of Miss Bernice Klingler while Eugene Fitzgerald is going to tion proof. of the fraternity to be held in Pitts- in Grand Forks for the University Grand Forks to cover the games for Cut full; neck-band or collar- burg April 16, 17 and 18. Frank N. games. the Spectrum. attached style; pockets with button- Leakey is alternate. For the alumni down flaps. Reginald Colley is delegate and Wal- Notice! Chicago ter Elliot, alternate. A big shirt value at— Present plans of College and State, Hoffman Visits Here alumni magazine, have been so ar- Cafe $1.98 Merritt E. Hoffman, '22, spent Sat- ranged so that the publication will 214 Broadway urday and Sunday with his brothers of represent the joint interests of stu- the Delta Pi house. Hoffmann has dents and alumni. Eng. Broadcloth been in the employ of the Truscon AMERICAN A N D Shirts for Men. Steel company at Detroit, Mich., and • Music Week was en route to his home at Cour- CHINESE SERVICE "Vat" dyed, neckband or collar tenay for a short vacation with his February has the honor of naming attached. parents. its third week National Song week. A list of material of interest to music BEST MEAL IN TOWN $2.98 Jones Speaks lovers is on the library bulletin. Prof. E. H. Jones spoke on "Com- munity Spirit and Education" at the H. E. Club Meets Education club at the regular meet- The Home Economics club held a ing Tuesday evening, which was held meeting Feb. 18 at Ceres hall. The immediately following a supper in the Junior girls furnished the program. College Men Who Care Y. M. C. A. banquet room. Delta Pis Pledge Invariably Go To---- Good Idea Delta Pi, engineering fraternity, an- If you want to know how to compel nounces the pledging of Donald Bish- anyone to rise when the "Yellow and op aind Elvin Potter of Fargo, and Abner M. Ingebretson of Mayville. the Green" is played and have any Which Point doubt about the method to use ask Alex Stern & Co. Clara Birkland. She has a tried "hair Will You raising" recipe which she guarantees STYLE HEADQUARTERS to prove successful. N Have Dr. Gilette Speaker Dr. Gilette of the University of North Dakota spoke before the Poly- r • technic Lecture club on Wednesday Ofw CASE 6ngincerin Codc evening, Feb. 18. His subject was .. a ... --J=071 "Population Studies." 3— 1 OD Ill rt Refrigerator Plant Installed - ;Ow _,,... - 'IT%•, AL-- .. A refrigerator demonstration plant „ 7324-Vt-01 # -,) is being installed in the physics de- ... I I\ partment of the college. The plant &k-e. -fr ,-- ' ' was a gift to the college, from the S„ ) 7 I S • I .,,t." d Ashelman Brothers of Fargo, N. D. A The Secret of Case iaA. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Entertain Efficiency Mr. and Mrs. George Dewey enter- You can get all tained the members of the Deus Moix ASE field reports cover fully the cause and rem- five degrees in the Classic edy of every interruption in the satisfactory op- Bridge club Wednesday, Feb. 18. C GLO-CO Case engineers have re- 11 Duofold Pens 100 eration of Case machines. duced the handling of these reports to a science. Leakey's Guest eA'nd .411 Points guaranteed A. C. Grofcsik of Minneapolis was "Educates Month by month they chart the comparative effi- 25-Years' Wear ciency and durability of the parts and units affected. the guest of Frank Leakey at dinner 90 Wednesday evening at the Theta Chi the Hair OR what kind of writing Month by month the charted information is checked fraternity. Fdo you use a pen? How against the record of repair parts sold. From this do you holi it? And what record an endurance factor is established by the Byerly's Brother Here style of writing is entirely simple formula: A few drops natural to your hand? 80 Fred Byerly had as his guest over Number parts used the week end at the Theta Chi house Close figure work or fine — Endurance factor for each part. before school memoranda, for example, Number machines his brother, W. R. Byerly, who is call for a fine or an extra-fine connected with the Bank of North Da- keeps the hair ifta point. But the medium point, 70 Every effort is made to reduce this factor to the kota at Bismarck. the broad, or the stub—these lowest possible point. The whole process of refine- combed all V4 give one's penmanship a per- ment is continuous and now almost automatic in its Leo Visits Friends sonality and character that operation. No weakness of any kind can escape Leo Osman was in town renewing day. Refresh- win the world's respect. 60 attention. acquaintances the beginning of the r/0 So in the classic Duofold week. While here he attended the Pen, Geo. S. Parker gives This is why the development of Case machines can 6%1 Theta Chi banquet at the Commercial ing, pleasing. the world the whole five de- be, and has been, carried to a point far in advance of club. Monday evening. At drug grees of points that the five 50 This is the secret of the efficiency counters and barber iroge the ordinary. shops everywhere. degrees of writing require. and dependability of every Case machine. "U," Visitor Any good pen counter will . Miss Catherine Trepanier of the sell you this beauty. Flash- ing black or black-tipped lac- University of North Dakota is the a0 J. I. CaseThreshingMachineCo. a guest of Mrs. George Mayoue, 1118 quer-red, the color that makes (G0lossa-ComOb) tio this a hard pen to mislay. (Established 1842) Fourteenth street north. Miss Tre- Dept. B75 Racine, Wisconsin panier attended the Alpha Kappa Phi THE ORIGINAL THE PARKER PEN COMPANY 30 ;.$;' formal on Tuesday. Parker Duofold PenCila M in Case Farm Tractors, Steel Threshers, LIQUID HAIR DRESS to match the pen, $3.50; Over-size, $4 Silo Fillers, Baling Presses, Steam En_ Factory and General Offices y;: nines, Road Machinery, Grand Detour '' a FOR Plows and Disk Harrows. Pledges at "U" JANESVILLE, WIS. 1.11 1111 and Do 20 Marguerite Black, a former A. C. Real Men Boys . NOTE: Our plows and harrows are NOT student who entered the University of r the Case plows and harrows made by the Send for Sample Bottle Flow Works Company North Dakota this semester', has been - J. I Case Mail coupon for generous 1 pledged to the Kappa Gamma Delta trialr bottle. Romany Prodacts Co., 10 sorority. 6511 McKinley Av., Los -tngeles, Csl. Dark

Opal Biggs Entertains Nome 3 WI TI. 3517strrPoint • Opal Biggs entertained eight • '4 4(' Address Duofold Jr. $5 Lady Duofold $5 friends at a valentine luncheon Mon- Same except for size With ring for chatelaine , day evening. 7.-•TrafitrtZO Ti.:47

In All The Neiw Spring Colors. Select yours Now While The FARGO TOGGERY I Caps! Caps! "Picking" Is Good. Pioneei. Life Building