SPLASH PARTY THE ECHO FRIDAf "Ye Shall Know the Truth"—John 8:32

VOL. XXXIII, NO. 4 TAYLOR UNIVERSITY UPLAND, INDIANA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1948 CLIMAX FRESHMAN WEEK ON FRIDAY Tug-of-War Is Revival Is Over, But Grand Finale Climaxing a week of formal and ltss-formal initiation of the Fresh­ Not Its Effects man Class, the annual Freshman- Sophomore Tug-of-War will be "Search me, 0 God, faculty, and student body exceeded fought somewhere on the banks of And know my heart today; his expectations. He was especial­ the muddy Mississinewa. Opposing Try me, 0 Savior, ly impressed with the true spirit­ teams will face each other from op­ Know my thoughts, I pray: ual atmosphere. The student body, posite banks of the surging water at See if there be he believes, is far above the aver­ 4: 0 p.m. on Friday. Some wicked way in me: age. Cleanse me from every sin, Students and faculty will be as­ And set me free." During the meetings Rev. sembled to witness the mighty Householder lay before the student struggle and cheer the efforts of heir favorite teams. Tradition has This was the theme song of the body the basic truths of the Bible regarding God, Christ Jesus, and t that the place of the Tug- of War revival that was held on the cam­ The Freshman-Sophomore Tug-of-War is an Annual highlight in the pus of Taylor University last the Holy Spirit. In describing the remain a secret to both teams until modern concept of the Christian Taylor calendar. Here is shown the class of '49 struggling at the lie/ are assembled for the great week under the ministry of Rev. river's edge—theyi won. Don Householder. This speaker had faith today, he words it, "We have pull. The whole event is carried out charge of each evening service, sentimentalized God until He is under the strict supervision of the the chapel services and held con­ nothing more than a big, eternal Student Council and impartial sultations as well. Rev. House­ sponge who absorbs the good and judges. When the two teams are holder was a native of Ohio and bad indifferently. We have hum­ I AM A FRESHMAN linea up and ready to begin, a Fresh­ attended Asbury College where he anized Jesus Christ, deified man, man wil bring one end of the rope secularized the Bible socialized the by Bill Wortman is acquired in the class room. Now from the opposite bank of the river obtained an A.B. degree. Upon I'm beginning to believe it. For ex­ graduating from this school he gospel, streamlined sin, denied the In the year 1876, Theodore to his teammates. An allotted time devil, remodled heaven and air- ample: the dining hall. That's al­ is given for each team to get a went to the Bibical Seminary in Roosevelt began his freshman year most an educational institution in New York City. This was not the conditioned hell, until salvation at Harvard College. In 1896, Albert foothold, a gun is fired, and the has become nothing more than a itself. They're so many rules and struggle against "dark water" begins end of his school days for he also Einstein began as a freshiman at manners to remember that I eat in attended the University of South­ spiritual cosmetic to rub on man the University of Zurich. And now in earnest. making him up rather than over." a state of constant nervous strain. ern California. Rev. Householder in this year, 1948, I begin my When they have baked potatoes on After the Tug-of-War is over and received an honorary D. D. from To illustrate that the main pur­ freshman year at Taylor Univers­ th imenu, I'm lost. How can any­ the victorous team Is proclaimed the Asbury College. pose of these meetings was to ity. Not that there's any connec­ one politely wrestle with those vhole student body will join together At the present time Rev. House­ bring the Truth of the Word to tion between Albert and I, but it calloused things? Another thing at a nearby spot for a picnic supper. holder is co-oastor of the Trinity every needy soul and not to com­ just goes to show that we all have I've learned is that you can carry Transportation to the scene of action Methodist Church in Los Angeles, pare- various creeds or denomina­ to begin at that common point—as politeness too far. Scene: break­ vill be available for everyone. California, where he has been now tions. Rev. Householder told the a freshman. So far as I know, fast table. There's one pancake left for twelve years. He is also pastor little incident about a little girl there are no short cuts around this over and it's making the rounds. CLASS DAY ACTIVITIES who invited another little girl to period of college life; it's there, Even with gnawing hunger, polite­ of the Church of the Air which is and it has to be crossed; so here, Class Day activities will be held a weekly, Sunday broadcast from go to her church on the folowing ness makes me pass it on. There, during an all-school assembly on the Los Angeles. Besides this Rev. Sunday. The little friend said that with 185 others—I'm a freshman. it's stopped and no one took it! Beginning college life was a big morning of Friday, October 8. After Householder does evangelistic she would like to go but that she "Will someone please pass the pan­ wearing their clothes backwards, work and is the speaker at Youth couldn't. Quite naturally the little change for a lot of us. There were cake back?" But alas, it's too late, so. many new rules, wayq, and cus­ walking on the roads, and carrying Conferences and camp meetings. girl asked her- why she couldn't. the waitress has carried it away. their books in suitcases all week, He is also vice president of the The other little friend replied, toms that the first weelc was one Or maybe it's the milk they're of confusion. Report here, take a the Freshmen will undoubtedly wel­ National Association of Evangeli­ "You see, our family are all mem­ passing. I can see it's almost gone, come Class Day. cals. bers of another abomination." test there, find this room, get your and what happens ? Some milk accounts settled, wait in this line. fiend fills his glass brim full and I As is traditional, each class will In the minister's personal life, Rev. Householder not only re­ I was glad when the end was in Rev. Householder is married and flected the Spirit of Christ in his end up with dry cereal. And so it present its emblem to the rest of the sight. Then there was registration. goes. school and to their class sponsor on he has a boy who is eighteen years preaching but in his smile and What a time! After going to great of age and starting college this friendliness as he walked with, The most important event in a this day and during the morning as­ lengths to work out my detailed sembly. The Freshman will wear year, and a girl seventeen. His ate with, and conversed with all schedule, I found after registering freshmans life (from the soph­ hobby is "enjoying life." He likes those here on campus during this omores point of view) is the initia­ their green caps and the Sophomore that English and Bible were the class will show its new sweaters for to preach and to have a good time past week. Needs were met, pray­ only subjects that I had selected, tion week. For generations back in a good, clean way. ers were answered, and hearts this old custom has clung to the the first time. The Junior Class will and they're both required. present its emblem, a cl. ss key, and Rev. Householder said that he were filled in the Lord. One thing for sure, there wasn't freshie. I don't know whose night­ mare was responsible for this the Seniors will have their tradition­ had always heard of Taylor Uni­ From here Rev. Householder any time lost those first few days. al emblem of maturity—the class versity and he almost spent his Everyone was learning names, year's list of "activities," but to went to speak at some meetings in humor the sophs I guess we'll have cane. college days here. The buildings, Columbus, Ohio. finding classrooms, "opinionizing" teachers, pressing clothes, arrang­ to go through wit it. I would like ing roams, and timing the chow to elaborate here on this point, but lines to give the least possible my roommates are both soph- Rush Week Is wait. The week's climax was the mores. Calendar of Events 1 beautiful student faculty reception. Another campus must is the I thought it was very nice, even attachment of adjectives to the Coming Up WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6 though I got weak knees waiting freshman description. I wouldn't 9:38 A.M. Prayer Meetings: On the campus of Taylor Univers­ for my name, and then I met only have bothered to mention this ex­ ity there are three literary societies Faculty, A-l two faculty -members. cept for the alarming fact that Seniors, A-4 functioning—the Pi Eta Chi Kappas, I've heard it said that only a even old Noah Webster is guilty the Philaletheans, and the Thalo- Juniors, S-ll small part of our college education of this He describes the freshman Sophomores, Society Hall as a novice, which in turn he des nians. Each society has a week in Freshmen, Shreiner Auditorium cribes as, and I quote—"one who. vhich to introduce their theme, and 3:55 P.M. Chorus, Shreiner Auditorium is on probation." Doesn't anyone thus acquaint the freshmen hnd 6:40 P.M. Thalos, Shreiner Auditorium Taylor Meets Ohio show mercy to the freshman? transfer students with their particu- 6:40 P.M. Philos, Society Hall 'ar socVy. During this period, which 6:40 P.M. Chi Kappas, Recreation Hall Northern Saturday When we first came to Taylor, is called "Rush Week", the society 9:48 P.M. Girls Dormitory Meeting, Campbell we all had our first impressions. relates a spiritual emphasis in their One of mine, and one that I trust Parlors October ninth at 2:15 p.m., the Rush Day Chapel. Throughout the will be a lasting one, was the won­ week the campus is decorated' with THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7 Taylor football squad will meet Ohio derful school atmosphere. I really Northern College. The game will be he banner, the t heme and various 9:38 A.M. Chapel, Dr. Meredith ike that ideo of "one big Talyor literature concerning that society. To played in Marion. family." I only wish I didn't have 3:55 P.M. A Capella Choir, Shreiner Auditorium Grant County High Schools will climax the week of rushing the so­ 6:40 P.M. All-College Prayer Meeting, Shreiner so many indifferent "sisters" ciety entertains all of the students be celebrating high school day, and though. Auditorium for this reason, high school student's at a formal banquet, which is fol­ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8 I could go on and tell about the lowed by a program. admission to the game will be only "razor symphonies" we have on 8if to cover the state tax. This will, Each year the students look for­ 9:38 A.M. All-Student Chapel, Class Day Exercise our radios, the campus terminology ward to each Rush Week. New 3:55 P.M. Band Rehearsal, Music Hall in part, show the appreciation of from SP's to Prexy, what it's like Taylor for the fine way in which the students are permitted to join their 4:00 P.M. Tug-O-War, All-school picnic doing housewife duties, why selected society the first week of school officials of Marion and Grant cultured voice is a low voice, etc., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9 County have cooperated with Taylor the second semester. Thus the stu­ 2:15 P.M. Football game with Ohio Northern but I've got some other work to dents will be able to know the soc­ in this initial venture into inter-col- do— namely emptying my suit­ at Marion legiate football. iety of which they will become a case for othe duties this week. part. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10 Along with the high school com­ memoration, Marion will be honoring Seriously though, I like being a The Philaletheans have scheduled 9:00 A.M. Campus Sunday School freshman and I wouldn't trade it their Rush Week for the week of the Veterans Day. For these ceremonies 9:30 A.M. Sunday School, Upland Churches right now for anything else. It's eighth of November, the Thalonians Taylor has secured the American 10:30 A.M. Morning Worship, Upland Churches this year that one builds the foun­ for the week of the eighteenth of Legion Drill Team, from Byron 4:00 P.M. Holiness League, Society Hall dation for the next three—it's an October, and the Pi Eta Chi Kappas Thornburg Post Number 10. This 7:30 P.M. Evangelistic Service, Shreiner Audi­ important year. For me personally, for the week of the fifteenth of torium drill team will officiate at the flag the very fact that I'm a freshman raising ceremonies. November. MONDAY, OCTOBER 11 in a Christ-exalting school makes The Grant County school band it even a more important year! I'm 3:55 P.M. Chorus, Shreiner Auditorium under the direction of Fred Reiter truly glad that I'm a freshman at "For the Lord God will help me; 6:40 P.M. Ambassadors for Christ has offered its services again. They Taylor! therefore have I set my face as a TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12 have been secured through the co­ there fore have I set my face as a 7:45 A.M. Faculty Meeting A-3 operation of Mr. Reiter and other flint, and I know that I shall not be 3:55 P.M. A Capella Choir, Shreiner Auditorium school officials. Mr. Reiter stated The business of a Christian is not ashamed."—Isa. 50:7 that the band would be larger this to get a following, but to set a stand­ God has never failed me because week. ard. He is God. PAGE TWO THE ECHO Tuesday, October 5, 1948

THE ECHO FROM HERE Quiet Hours Published weekly during the school year except for holidays and vacations, by the Echo Staff, Taylor University, Upland, Indiana. By Busch By Zinke Subscription price, $1.00 per school semester. Don Rose sat on a pin- Human Destiny, Lecomte du Nouy, Entered as second-class matter September 18, 1946, at the post Don rose! Pierre. New York, Longmans', office at Upland, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 187(1. He failed to rouse himself when she finished—consequently Green & Co., 1947, 289 pp., $3.50. Member coach kept saying "I'm almost certain I assigned someone to "Peace must be established by Fbsociated Golle6iate Press report on Chapter 4." This went on for several minutes—Fin­ transforming man from the inter­ Editor in chief Maurice W. Coburn. ior and not by erecting external ally he said, "Guess I'll have to assign some more topics— structures... the source of all Assistant Editor Eileen Lageer. Coefield, take the next chapter—" This was Mai's cue to News Editor Wallace Good. wars, the source of evil, lies in us. Feature Editor William Jamieson. leap excitedly up and blurt, "But coach, I've already been No outside protection will be ef­ Society Editor Merry Lynn Johnson. assigned chapter 4!!" ficient if the enemy cowering at Sports Editor Merlin Wilkins. the bottom of our hearts is author­ Business Manager Robert Coughenour. Her friends tell us that Anna Louise is hard as iron when ized to live." Mind you, these are Business Asst Paul Steiner. it comes to love—She's now our "Cast Iron" Annie. not the words of a theologian, but Advertizing Asst Leon Fennig. of an outstanding scientist, Le­ Circulation Asst Tim Warner. Poor Merlin didn't know what he let himself in for when comte du Uouy, in his latest work, Bookkeeper Avis Morehead. he entrusted the key to his red convertible to Louisa. The Human Destiny. The book repre­ Co-ordinator of affairs Wilbur Cleveland sents a large stride toward true Cartoonist Keith Lochner city oi Marion will never be the same. They could erect Christianity on the part of sci­ Columnists Martha Busch, Norm Wilhelmi, Wanita Sheagley, signs to passengers explaining "Louisa drove here." ence. This may explain the ex­ Lydia Zinke, Dillon Hess, Leigh Maclver tremely favorable reviews it re­ Wonder who will win the Tug-O-War? ceived on the one hand and bitter Reporters Betty Thompson, Dolly Holman, Donna Harfdle- criticism on the other. ben, Jean Knowles, Pat Stow, Carlene Mitchell, Elizabeth S. Toney couldn't find an inconspicuous spot in Winifred Murray, Harold Berk, Marjorie Katha- "The author sees evidences of rie, David Tropf, Ruth Robinsony Bill Kim- which to fall asleep so she took the most obvious, front row design in nature so all-perversive brough, Norm Marden, Nancy Mudge, Louisa in American Lit. Maybe you've got something there, Liz—- as to prove the existence of a su­ Mize, Florence Smith, Frank Carver, Carl Hassel, and perhaps Miss Butz doesn't mind—just don't disturb the perior Designer. .. .In the end God A1 Kahler, Ed Shy class by falling off the chair please. is a scientific necessity. .. . Office Manager Ted Hopkins ...God's plan for the universe Secretary Kathryn Lundgren Who are the couples on campus who are unofficially is aimed at a culmination too dis­ Proof Readers Norma Holmgren engaged? tant. for man to comprehend; mean­ Verna Steury while the processes of evolution One of the organic chemistry students was asked to name take place in relative freedom, in­ volving what seems to us with our substance hard to analyze. He piped up with the bright limited vision, endless trial and er­ answer "T.U. hash." " ror. Man's mistakes and sins are The Editor Sayt the outcome of the free will he Scene: Marion Stadium. In a few weeks, the nation will be going to the polls to possesses. Under this "telefinal- Occasion: Homecoming Football Game. istic" plan, the individual has the elect the next president of the United States. To be president Highlight of Evening: Crowning of the Queen. choice of participating, or not, in of this nation today means to assume worldwide leadership in Two convertibles transport eight lovely girls out on the the spiritual evolution of his the fight against those forces which would destroy our race.... football field—The crowd is tense—reporters and cameramen American way of life. The eyes of all the nations of the . . . The message is not new. dash around hurriedly—Latchaw star photographer of the world are turned toward America today, and the question What is new is du Nouy's reliance Taylor Echo rushes frantically through press men and flash­ uppermost in the minds of all great leaders is: "Who will be on science rather than on religion ing lights to take a picture of the referee!!!!! to drive home his point." elected president of the United States?" Although we readily admit du Right here at Taylor University this question is also being Someone has stated that Taylor is like a shoe factory, Noey is not always logical in his asked more and more frequently as election day draws near. lakes in old heels—repairs their souls and sends them out presentation, we hold that his book It is important that we as Christians do our part in going in pairs—! represents a distinct contribution to the polls and voting for the man of our choice, in order in the fields of both science and Our one and only Teuber, after completing one of his religion; the author imay have gone to practice the democratic principles for which we stand. as far toward reconciling science But what would be the choice of the students and faculty sensational head stands, was repermanded for violating eti­ and Christianity as it is possible of Taylor? Which man would be elected as president if the quette rules and mussing his hair in the process. Ralph to go in a work of that nature. election would be held here and nowhere else? This interest­ pondered this thoughtfully for a moment—then his face Etui, from the Christian point of broke into a 100 watt smile, "I've got it—I'll wear a hat!!!" view, we wish to point out some ing question will be answered in the next few days in a places where we would differ or 1 pre-election poll to be taken here on the campus. Did you know a professor is a textbook wired for sound? hold a more extreme point of view. Du Nouy postulates that from Shirley and John knocked us off our feet Friday night now on man's development is to College Life Is Like by announcing their engagement—A few more occasions of be no longer in the physioligical What, Where, and Why this nature, and who knows—we may have another "Engaged or mental realms, but only in the Girl's Club" on our campus. " ®Plrl^ual- By citing the fact that A Three-Ring Circus by Ruth Robinson the human brain contains approx­ Lehigh University Director Offers These one-ten classes really get us down at times—Coefield imately 12 billion brain cells, we "My faith looks up to thee, maintain that there are yet in­ Advice to New College Students Thou Lamb of Calvary, Savior was taking a siesta during History of P.E. the other day while finite possibilities for purely phy­ Bethlehem, Pa.— (LP.)—College divine; Barb was giving her report—however siological development in man. lige goes on in the main tent of a Now ear me when I pray, Next, the full development of such three ringed circus with all sorts of Take all my sin away, Maizie says the one thing she likes especially about physiological potentialities would excitement going on to distract stu­ O let me from this day be wholly Initiation Week; you wonder and wonder for weeks and indicate undreamed-of mental cap­ dents from their main purpose of thine!" weeks and then oh—he wears his name on his back. acity. If man is to make progress vetting an education, according to With the singing of this great in terms of the realization of a Dr. Wray H. Congdon, director of hymn there began a week of chapel larger or more significant des­ admission at Lehigh University in a services that will long be remem­ tiny, he may be compelled to do new booklet, "Brains Aren't Every­ bered. Dr. Householder spoke on, CORNERSTONE so in terms of what he now is, thing," for prospective students "What, Where, and Why," using as that is, a physical and mental issued here recently. his text John 20:31; "But these are by Sheagley Alumni News being, together with a measure of Survival in this main tent will written that ye might believe that spiritual understanding, the whole Jesus is the Christ, the son of God; May our lips pour forth with by Jamieson depend on eight "can von" questions self1 g in terms of a larger proposed by Dean Congdon, plus a and that believing ye might have thanksgiving to God for the vic­ ilfe through His name " tories He has given on the campus Having disposed of the newly- •road smile and a neat appearance. he ibl clearl "What shall we believe?" From this week and for the time of re­ weds in our previous issues, we r,J P ? y indicates the Here are the eight questions pros­ the lips of the multitudes this future development of man in such pective college applicants should ask freshing to all of us. turn from the sublime to... the question rises. People searching "Now thanks be unto God, which verses as the following: "As many of themselves: endlessly.. .but for what? What always causeth us to triumph in only slightly less sublime. as received him, to them gave he "Can I write five consecutive Shall We Believe? Believe, my Christ, and maketh manifest the power to become the sons of God" paragraphs on a given topic and ex­ friends, in the Lord and Jesus Ruth Brose is currently working u^i ,are £0£is: and all of you savour of His knowledge in every at the Department of Public Wei press mvself coherently, correctly Christ who was God walking on place." II Cor. 2:14. are children of the most High" and intelligently ? Earth in man. Believe in this God ™m«nan'°n' D?rle"e Barker Let this mind be in you which who loves and forgives. He wants Edith Dollar-and-a-Quarter" Bol- was also in Christ Jesus." "C?n I read an article in "The At­ Many favors which God giveth er are teaching in the Marion lantic Monthlv" raoidly (400 to 500 to be your friend. us ravel out for want of hemming, ^UiN°Uy,claims that the future "Where? Where shall we go?", schools. For the benefit of their evolution of men is to be the re­ words per minute 1 and retain the through our own thankfulness; for friends, the three girls are room­ ~re,,r~ents lucidly in mind for three comes the cry. Then hungry hearts though prayer purchaseth bless­ sult of his own efforts to "cooper­ ing together at 1306 South Maple w days? begin the search. They turn to na­ ings, giving praise doth keep the Avenue in Marion. ate 'th God" and deliberately "Can I listen to an address or ture, but find no answer. Yes, na­ quiet possession of them. choose to live on the higher level. lecture and note briefly the main ture speaks of God, but it does not Donna Jean Mougin, Alyce According to 2 Cor. 5:17, the trans- points so that, when I've gone home, tell of his great redeeming love A seeking Christ and a seeking Rocke, and Mary Helen Zimmer­ ormation of an individual from and forgiving power. Do they find sinner are not long separated. man are working at the Depart­ within is a supernatural process— T can reconstruct the essential theme the answer in reason, science, con- of what the lecturer said? ment of Public Welfare in Fort any mail be in Christ, he is a sciousess, or ritualism? No, in My sin was old-fashioned Wayne. Donna is in the Child Wel­ new creation." This transformation "Can I prepare successfully for none of these do they find what to My guilt was old-fashioned I know. fare Division, while Alyce and is according to the power that examinations so that I don't be­ believe. The answer is only in The way I was saved was the old- Mary Helen are doing visiting come confused, panicked, and in­ God's word. Go, hungry hearts, to fashioned way, work. s rf01God m US'" that is' the power effectual when I face the necessity the Bible and read; it is God By the blood that makes whiter <• Y^.as tke author frankly states, of taking a test or examination? speaking to you. You have God's than snow. word whn i jS not to convince those "Can I go to a library and find My Favorite Roommate who already are believers. It is -uicklv the reference and source "Why? We know not why." This You may whitewash yourself, „, preser,t-day college students books I need for preparing a paper, the death of Christ, and his great but only God can wash you white. thinkWh 1tme confused in their and take the necessary notes effect­ question is answered in the Cross, She was born at a very early age j ' by t^e emphasis of lead- ively for writing an assignment on love for you and me. Whom God calls He can instruct and started her life with a yell holars of Ever since, her life has been one 12* J? " the day on the the topic? "Can I make uo a As Dr. Householder ended his and equip. In", °r^ree?ent between science budget for the dailv use of mv time message, this prayer was on the Wham God commands He can explosion after another. Living with and religion that this book should to meet all necessary assignments, hearts of many, "O let me from make efficient. her keeps me in constant suspense S greatest a e Whom Christ sends He can make In our inner sanctum, she enter­ turn H PP al. It should have a proper amount of time left this day be wholly thine." "L011?6 more to the Bible for sleeping, eating and wholesome fearless. tains our neighbors with her fish faith authoritative source of true Whom Christ directs He can recreation and then stick to the bud­ faces and humorous readings when dignity attainment of human get in spite of all lures of the flesh There's just as much horse sense make victorious. not disturbed by the Dean. You may and devil? as ever, but seems like the horses Whom the Holy Spirit energizes think she has serious moments but have it. can do great things. Quotations from U. S. Quarterly "When 1 have homework to do, even in her sleep she sits up in' bed Whom the Holy Spirit empowers and howls. She has not found her R™t » ' June- 1947- N- Y. Times can I settle down to it promptly and Anybody who wears out the seat shall see the glory of God. concentrate on mv work at once life work yet but is still looking for mmt J tVleW'Teb' 23' 1947- Verses of his pants before his shoes is r tbe Bible Jn without daydreaming and frittering him. When she finds him she in­ Ps 89 « °^., " °. 1:12, making too many contacts in the God never put anyone in a place 2:5 E away my time? tends to continue living the rest of hn'i ' ' > Pb- 3:30. The wrong places. too small to grow in. her life. book was also reviewed in the March, 1947 Reader's Digest. Tuesday, October 5, 1948 THE ECHO PAGR TIIREg WILMINGTON BLANKS TAYLOR 46-0 Quakers Down Cross Country Team Picked BETWEEN HALVES lrojans Last week six husky athletes By Maclver lined up, got the gun and took off The speedy Quakers of Wil­ like rabbits as the time trials for Softball Intramurals mington, Ohio, coasted to a 46-0 cross country got under way. Just Louis Driskol found out that walking on the gyin floor victory over the Trojans last Sat. seventeen minutes and forty-five Get Under Way with street shoes caused him to volunteer a wash job for night on the Wilmington gridiron. seconds later the pack came strag- j T.U.'s station wagon. Taylor won the toss and elected gling in from the three and one By Carver to receive. The first play of the half mile jaunt with Dick Plants game Taylor completed a pass first and Tueber fourth. In second Third floor Wisconsin opened the Coefield to Beckett, "You may be the quarterback, but I'm from Granitz to Beckett for a 25 place was Joe Beeson. Third spot Softball Intramurals Monday night a sophomore policeman for this weeks freshman initiation yard gain only to have it called was held down by Regi Alford, and by turning back the Odle and Gil­ and you look mighty green to me." back for an off side penalty. On in fifth and sixth places were bert Houses 6-2 in five innings. the next play the Trojans lost the McDonald and Snyder. These The game started off slow with no John Barrain fell down and got the "wind knocked out ball on a fumble deep in their six imen received uniforms and will runs and only one hit in the first of him." All because he (weighing 200 pounds) fell on a own territory and in a short while represent Taylor in the coming inning. In the last half of the the Wilmington team was in the meets. second inning the game began to little football filled with 13 pounds of air. lead by a score of 6-0. They failed liven up as 3rd floor Wisconsin to imake the extra point. Oct. 5 Ball State There Everett "Daddy" Parks staggered to his feet after six blasted out five runs with that Again Wilmington kicked off Oct. 13 Ball State Here many hits and two walks. Again in other men had gotten up from on top of him and remarked, Oct. 16 Manchester Here and again the Trojans faded to the third inning Wisconsin scored "Ain't this the mostest fun you ever did see?" pass. The pass which was intended Oct. 23 Manchester There to bring their runs to a total of Nov. 6 Little State Notre Dame for Granitz was intercepted by six. The Odle and Gilbert Houses BIG NINE FOOTBALL SCORES Baugh, who proceeded to scoot scored on run each in the fourth Michigan slid by Oregon 14-0 sixty-five yards to score standing and fifth innings to leave the Ohio State smothered U.S.C. up. Berrano came in to boot the The Coaches Corner finalfinal score at 6-2 in favor of conversion and the Quakers led third floor Wisconsin. Doc Hart­ Minnesota rolled over Nebraska 39-13 Wisconsin edged Illinois 20-16 13-0. The best part of a Football Practice ley, the winning pitcher, allow­ Taylor took over the ball on is when it is over....ask the man ed 4 hits and 2 walks while strik­ Indiana shaded Iowa 7-0 their 27 yard line and began to who owns one ing out eight. Northwestern upset Purdue 21-0 march. Just when it looked as if In the second game of the series the offense was at last rolling, Here comes Coach Odle...one 2nd floor Wisconsin showed its In all of the Big Nine's four games against Pacific Coast lap and let's drift jog and sprint.. . Conference foes, the football warriors of the far West have the ball returned to the Quakers superiority by defeating 1st floor via the fumble route. The ending come on, Baker and Driscoll, prac­ Swallow Robin and the Owen yet to cross a Western Conference goal line. tice will be over before you g t in... of the half found Taylor with House 12-5. Second Floor jumped six first downs to Wilmington's Parks will lead in calesthenics.. . off to a 2-1 lead in the first inning, LINEMAN OF THE WEEK line up... 1234.. .lets get down five and no points to Wilmington's but only to find itself on the short John Barram, 6 toot, 200 pound freshman of the "Fightin twenty-six. where we live...oh that ground is end of a 5-3 score at the close of Trojans" is this weeks "lineman of the week." "Joltin John'" cold tonite.. . give us a break and the third inning. Second floor Wis­ The second half opened with slow down Pappy Parks...walk on consin recuperated and fought its was virtually a 60 minute man as he played guard on offense both teams uncorking long passes those ankles.. .loosen up those vis­ way once imore back in the lead by and backed up the line on defense. In a game that was and both team's passes were caught ceral muscles... an athlete must adding 4 runs in the 4th and 5th by Wilmington boys if they were rough, and rougher at times, Barram was consistently break­ caught at all. About the only have good legs...lets run another innings and one for good measure, ing up Wilmington line plunges and plays around end. Future fourteen miles in place...all over here in the sixth for a final score of bright spot for the Trojans was now in a huddle... (I wonder what 12-5. Osberne, pitching for 2nd Trojan opposition will find Mr. Barram quite a nuisance the off tackle plunges of Shy and help these things are to football) Wisconsin, gave up 5 hits and to them. the defensive work of Barron don't neglect your studies.. .remem­ allowed 3 walks; while Lewis, for and Good. ber an athlete must have a C aver­ House, allowed 10 hits and 4 The last quarter opened with age... watch your conduct in that walks. Taylor behind 40-0 and having dining hall...if football is here to Fourth Floor Wisconsin kept up TROJANS TRAVEL twelve men on the field for two stay, you boys must be examples... the Wisconsin tradition Wednesday plays which incidentally failed to it is important that we don't overlook night by overwhelming 2nd floor Several amusing incidents and then took a place at the decorated aid the struggling team, and Wil­ these little things... revivals con­ Swallow Robin 20-0 in five innings surprises helped to make the Wilm­ tables on the side porch. Rev. and mington's drawing a total of 45 of play. Much of the credit for this ington trip a great success despite yards in penalties for the use of tinue tonite...all possible should at­ Mrs. Norris, Gerry, Dick, and Jim the kind of language that is not tend. . .everyone over to the tackling victory is due to the one-hit pitch­ the 46-0 defeat handed them by the kept serving and serving until every ing of Norman Wilhelmi, along veteran Quakers. used in Sunday School. dummy.. .Teuber just finished his one was completely filled. To cele­ The game ended with the Quak­ 36th lap.. .charge.. .grip that dum­ side of the infield combination of The Trojans were greeted at the brate Jim's nineteenth birthday the Mclver, Johnson, McElwee and ers knocking at the goal line of my... lift those knees high...get road by Ralph Teuber, loyal Taylor fellows broke out into a rousing the outclassed Trojans and the your body parallel to the ground on Lockner, who let only one man get rooter, who demonstrated a head Happy Birthday song. Then ice as far as second. The first inning score being 46-0. that blocking.. .backfield Beckett, stand on the concrete as the five cream and cake was served. To show Next Sat. Taylor takes the field was wide open as 4th Floor batted car parade passed by. After a hearty Grantiz, Stow, and Shy...run your almost twice around and put 12 their appreciation for the hospitalitv against Ohio Northern at 2:00 plays.. .let's have a defense Bar- laugh the fellows settled back, and extended by the Norris family the p.m. in Marion. runs across the plate. They added enjoyed the nations leading grid­ ram, Unkenholz, Daugherty, etc... more each inning to bring the boys cut loose with a "roof-raising" get low big Keith.. .drive, charge, score up to its grand total of 20. iron battles via radio. cheer. Coach Odle gave a few in­ float, hit low. . .you backs keep that Fourth Floor's fielding and pitch­ Soon the boys were over (into structions concerning the game, and' In praver it is better to have a ball hidden. . .work on that pass... ing kept 2nd floor on the 3 up 3 Buckeye land where a great surprise the boys were soon on the way heart without words than words again. without a heart. watch that footwork.. .who missed down basis all through the entire awaited them. Stopping at the Norris that block.. .defense, use your hands ball game. Outfielder of the day Chicken Ranch to inquire about a more. . .nice tackle, Anderson... Paul Gentile, who never got out of was Berny "DiMaggio" Goddard, restaurant in Dayton, the boys were the kitchen, expressed the concen­ move, Brownie.. .watch a Q B sneak who saved Wilhelmi's shutout with amazed to learn that the Norris ...how that Beckett moves in the sus of opinion when he muttered Material for the Craftsman a spectacular snag of Gerard's sure family had decided to feast the boys "Hmm I love these people." open... nicee kick, Don.. . keep your home run. themselves. "My Goodness!!!", ex­ head up, Howie...O.K. boys', run a Only three games were played claimed Coach Odle. "Good Deal!!!" The fighting Trojans came out of Willman Lumber Co. half mile and shower. . .WAS THAT this week as not enough players shouted "Doc" Jones. Soon the boys the game battered and bruised, but TRIP REALLY NECESSary. showed up on Thursday for either were out on the grass limbering up not discouraged, and it is the general PHONE 211 UPLAND Editor's Notes I'm sure that this team to make a game possible. their auto?weary legs, inspecting the opinion that not far hence the Men has never happened at T. U., but With this game put off until next farm, and loosening their belts. of Troy are going to get into high .Coach Odle will tell you that lots week, the schedule is as follows: When the call was given the fellows gear and come thru victorious. of parents like to watch practices, Monday, October 4, 3rd floor Swal­ lined up outside the kitchen. They especially if Johnny is an aspiring low Robin meets the Commutors then proceeded thru until each plate KELLER'S D & S STORE candidate. After practice the coach and Married Men in a first round was loaded with baked ham, escal- A good many of us have only then hears about a genius in the game. The second round on the loped potatoes, baked squash, tom­ licked the spoon and haven't got a FOUNTAIN SERVICE crowd who takes after his father and consolation side of the bracket atoes, pickles and olives, hot rolls, good dose of religion.—Gipsv Smith. FILM DEVELOPING is a Glenn Davis, a Ted Williams, a starts out Tuesday Night as the and hot chocolate milk. The boys If we get down low enough, God will DRUG ITEMS Gil Dodds, and a Don Odle all rolled Odle and Gilbert Houses play 1st use us to His glory. PHONE 51 into one. If the next game is played floor Swallow Robin and the Owen without such an asset the comment House. On the other side of the will sound like this: If the team bracket on Wednesday night, Oct­ loses, "All they needed was Johnny. ober 6, 3rd Wisconsin and 2nd If the team wins, "Humph! It could Wisconsin will battle it out. On FLOWERS have been 60-0. I don t think^ that Thursday, if weather hasn't in­ coach is the man for the fob. But terfered, 2nd Swallow-Robin will HENLEY Watch Our Fighting Trojans we all know that this only happens meet the winner of Monday's game. elsewhere. FLORAL CO. R.M. Henley Wm. R. Henley . YOURS FOR SERVICE Overpower Ohio Northern Showalter's Grocery 1510 So. Walnut Street B. H. TROUT Hartford City, Indiana A Complete Food Market Frozen Foods BARBER SHOP Evan Bertsche, Campus Rep. Room 349, Wisconsin HOME MADE CHILI TASTES MIGHTY GOOD PHONE 61 UPLAND UPLAND, INDIANA THESE CHILLY DAYS. Shoe Repair COMPLIMENTS OF UPLAND BEAUTY SHOP TRY PANCAKES AND BACON OR SAUSAGE PROMPT SERVICE WILSON'S Post Office Building FOR A LATE BREAKFAST. GOOD WORK Appointment by Phone Hours 7:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Food Market CALL 72 West Washington St., Upland COLD WAVE, MACHINE Good Stock to Choose From AND MACHINELESS MODERN PERMANENTS VARSI-T-GRILL BILL WILSON, JANITOR SHAMPOOS—HAIR STYLING SHOE REPAIR Rose Hardwick, Manager PAGE FOUR THE ECHO Tuesday, October 5, 1948 Freshmen Win Again: University in Washington, D. C. Foreign Students Like most fellows from British countries, he likes to play soccer. Down Seniors 13-3 by Dave Tropf Track and field are also among his By Mize One day, while still in British favorites. Samuels thinks that West Africa, Isaac Apprey picked America is the ideal place to live, The Seniors met the Freshman up a copy of Ebony; a Negro mag­ and he feels that Taylor is an ex­ in the third of the Women's In­ azine simalar to Life. In it he saw cellent school. tramural Softball games on Satur­ an article about Taylor University. Another new student from day morning. The final score found Although he had already been ac­ Jamica, is Charles Meeks. He j the Freshman ahead 13-3. cepted by the University of Chi­ heard of Taylor through Colin For­ The Seniors were first to bat cago, Apprey decided to come to bes, who was here last year. | and managed to bring in two of Taylor instead. Isaac is majoring Charles is taking a pre-med course. ; their three runs in that first inn­ in pre-law with the intention of He plans to take his graduate ing against the fast pitching of practicing law in his native land. work at McGill University where Klopfenstein, who had proved such He received his elementary educa­ Forbes is continuing his studies. a menace to the Sophs. The short- tion in a British missionary school. Meeks has enough extra credits manned Frosh team had only He likes to read novels for relax­ from high school to classify him as seven players, but they were more ation and his favorite sport is soc­ a sophmore. He intends to return ! than enough for the tired Seniors cer. He played soccer with his to his home country after he has | after four innings of chasing long school team and was the captain completed his studies. drives into the outfield. Ingwerson on a professional team. Isaac feels pitched for the Seniors. that America has the most to offer If you look back too much, you foreign students by way of an ed­ will soon be heading that way. At one time during the game it ucation. i looked as if the Seniors had given | up completely and were "laying Ivan Samuels is already well down on the job." Ingwerson miss­ known on the campus for his clear ed an overthrow to second base and ringing testimony. He is en­ and fell down; not to be outdone. rolled here as a junior having pre­ Hansen fell flat on her back try­ viously attended Kingston Tech­ Upland Cafe ing to get a Frosh out at first nical School and Frankfort Pilgrim College. His major is in chemistry. base. However, the plucky Seniors FRENCH FRIES managed to walk off the field. Ivan comes from Jamica where he olans to eventually return as a The Sophs were supposed to SHORT ORDERS play the Juniors the same morning, medical missionary. Hewever, he but failed to appear. It looks as hopes to work in either Africa, SUNDAY DINNERS if the Freshmen are the intramural South America, or India first. He champs unless further games are plans to take his graduate work at planned. Indiana University or at Howard Home Made Pies Our The girl customer looked at the Specialty salelady. "Does this lipstick come BRUNSWICK BOWLING ALLEYS Wife: "Will you still love me Announcing the arrival of a off easily?" she asked. when I grow fat?" nine and one-half pound bundle at our "Well," said the saleslady, "not First & Main Phone 2201 Hubby: "I promised for better. house—the laundry came. if you put up a fight." or worse, not through thick or , , , GAS CITY, IND. thin." What a shame—the only people — | who really know how to run this Nothing cooks your goose quick­ Restaurant & Fountain Service Pa Robin: "How did this speck- 1 country efficiently are editorial er than a boiling temper. led egg get into the nest?" writers, columnist and commenta- 7 Ma Robin: "I did it for a lark." tors- 'si htppBCL, :'Jf Sr.: "Credit is when one honest October 9 SCHOREY'S man wants to be kind to another TEAR 'EM UP, TROJANS honest man." Ohio Northern Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some peo­ MEN'S WEAR ple ever read. GO GET 'EM TROJANS Upland Hardware MILLER THE OAKS MOTOR SALES PHONE 92 FLORSHEIM AND SHORT ORDERS SANDWICHES FORTUNE SHOES SOFT DRINKS 1 Nip and Sip Grill | GAS N OIL For Tasty |Specializing in