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American Square Dance Vol. 28, No. 1

American Square Dance Vol. 28, No. 1



"I was so tired until the music has been discussed in local magazines in started, but then we danced every tip." Kansas and Australia. And while we've We'll wager you've all heard some form moved from "music" to "listening," of this statement. What is the magic we think you'll enjoy Bob Wickers' that makes your foot tap if you're account of his travels with CB radio. sitting, and then propels you into a Its length meant that it must be con- square on the dance floor? Is all square tinued, but we wanted to share his dance music the same, or does some stories without cutting. have more of the magic ingredient than January is always time for a begin- other selections? We asked the advisory ning, so we are glad to introduce to board this year to comment on today's you a new writer for Challenge Chatter, music and the changes we have .seen Jim Kassel of Clarion, Pa. Many thanks over the years. The board members also are due to Dewey Berry for over two responded to such debatable topics as years of articles on challenge dancing. the use of gospel tunes and the growing We're sorry to take his name from the prevalence of slightly risque lyrics. This masthead due to job pressures but wel- issue of a new volume of American come our new addition. Send any news Squaredance Magazine contains their items and challenge articles to the answers. magazine for use in Jim's column. A companion article might be John That's the January lineup. Happy Jones' article on noise, a topic which 1973! AMERICAN VOLUME 28, No. 1 SQUARE * JANUARY. 1973 DANCE -)E "THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE WITH THE SWINGING LINES" Publishers and Editors Stan & Cathie Burdick Workshop Editor Willard Orlich Easy-Level Editor Bob Howell Record Reviewers Doug Edwards Phyl & Frank Lehnert Feature Writers 2 Editors' Page Harold & Lill Bausch 4 Grand Zip Fred Freuthal 6 Meanderings Jim Kassel 9 Advisory Board Report Myrtis Litman 11 The Squared Circle 12 Considering the Legal Angle Editorial Assistants 14 Caller-Leader Directory Mary Fabik 15 Too Much Noise Mef Merrell 17 Teal's Tips National Advisory Board 20 CB And The Caller 22 Straight Talk Edna & Gene Arnfield 24 A Wave And A Flutter Bob Augustin -X- 27 Product Line Al "Tex" Brownlee Louis Calhoun 28 Dancing Tips Orphie Eesson 29 Calling Tips Phyl & Frank Lehnert 30 Easy Level Page Singin' Sam Mitchell 32 Best Club Trick Ken Oppenlander 37 Grand Square Dancer Vaughn Parrish 38 Workshop Dave Taylor 46 Challenge Chatter Bob Wickers 47 Puzzle Page 48 S/D Record Reviews 50 R/D Record Reviews 52 News 54 Events AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE magazine is 57 Sketchpad Commentary published monthly at 216 Williams St., Hur- 58 Steal A Little Peek on, Ohio, by Burdick Enterprises. Second class postage paid at Sandusky, Ohio. Copy 59 Mix 'n Match deadline first of month preceding date of is 61 Ladies' Choice sue. Subscription: $5.00 per year. Single co- 65 Bookshelf pies: 50 cents each. Mailing address: Box 788, Sandusky, Ohio 44870. Copyright 1973 by 67 Sign-Off Word Burdick Enterprises. All rights reserved. 68 Do-Ci-Do Dolores 3 This letter should have been written some time ago — just kept putting it off. I want to thank you folks for aid using so much of my material from the Valley Circle and the Canadian Dancers News I get a real charge out of seeing myself in print in your very fine magazine. We are planning a trip to South America next summer visiting Lima, Santiago, Buenos Aires, Montevideo and Rio de Janeiro with a side trip to Sao Paulo and Iguasu Falls. Know any square dance clubs down that way? We do enjoy your magazine so much May I add my tribute to the others and truly appreciate your sending it you have received for your feature on to me. Thanks again for brightening Bob Osgood in your August number. my days so often by seeing my name I had a short chat with Becky and Bob on your pages when I open it up! when they were in recently; Elisabeth Evans they certainly are a grand couple. Burnaby, B.C. In closing may I congratulate you Enclosed is our check for subscrip- on an excellent magazine tion renewal and our congratulations Charles Tottle on the production of this fine book. It Editor, Let's Square Dance, England is just jam packed with helpful square Please start a subscription for 1 year dance information. I to the Center Moriches Free Public Arnold & Nobuko Strebs Library. Okinawa, Japan I am a member of the Friends of From 1955 to 1964 the late Mr. the Library and after reading the cur- Fred Honerkamp published a National rent issue of Squaredance, thought it Callers Directory for each of those would be a good idea. Maybe it will years. For those of you who haven't start the local kids doing something to seen a copy the last Edition was a 4" I use their un-spent . We do have a by 6" 138 page book with over 6000 problem as the Moriches are small world wide listings. His wife Joyce is villages with absolutely nothing to do. now going to spearhead the printing This year the school is on an austerity of the Eleventh Edition. budget so they don't even have sports. The Eleventh Edition will be larger Thanks for your time and I hope the and have more entries, perhaps 10,000 magazine inspires a new interest. of the 19,000 active callers and round Fannie Huggler dance teachers in the nation. This will Center Moriches, N. Y. be the first printing in eight years, so Thanks for the note reminding us the interest should be great. To make that the American Squaredance is due this issue a really outstanding Publica- for renewal. Would hate to get along tion, one of which American Folk without it! Please find a check for Dancing can be proud, your help is 59.00 enclosed. earnestly solicited. We enjoy Squaredance a lot and use Your way, if you will is to provide it for reference a great deal. As they us a list of all callers and round dancers say, "You've come a long way, baby" in your area. Everyone is invited to be Best Wishes for continued success! listed: professional and amateur, full Jess & Nell Miller time and part time, experienced and North Platte, Nebraska Continued on Page 64



P O Box 788 A ME RIC ANSQURRE DANCE SANDUSKY OHIO 44870 Please start my subscription NOW. My check (or money order) is enclosed- E One Year at SS. D Two Years at S9.00 anadian and Forelen add 50c a year n.r pustaee. U.S. Fundy





5 C onsider this scene. It happened in North America will gather in Cleveland, a quarter of a jiffy, just a few weeks including some very well-known callers, ago, in the city of Cleveland. Bob Os- and NOT ONE STEP of square dancing good, illustrious editor of that other is planned for the three day conference' great national magazine from sunny Strange, isn't it? Delegates will be California, scooped up a fistful! of snow spending so many hours "spinning their (which he sees very little of in the mental gears" to solve some common golden state), took careful aim, and problems found in today's activity fired away at Charlie Baldwin, editor there will hardly be a minute left over of the voluminous New England Caller to spin any choreographical gears, by magazine. Charlie is no stranger to the golly. fluffy white stuff, which hits him up around Boston in quantities far greater CONFUSION SAY: Caller who pre- than a snowballfull. tend to be great glowing star of the It was a spontaneous moment of East often has moon rocks in his head. levity, stolen from three days of deep deliberation and discussion, as the three of us set the stage for LEGACY meet- ings, coming up in early May (A-SID, Dec. '72, p. 26) right in my "back- OK, chullun, it's story time again. yard." More will be said about the big Gather 'round in your long collar-bone event to time, but at this to ankle-bone night gowns and stocking particular planning session we three caps, pull up close to the fire with a big editors had the proverbial "good time bowl of popcorn and listen in. . . . that was had by all," and tossed more Once upon a time there was a mild- of that kind of editorial cliche at each mannered traveling caller who wore other than snowballs, I reckon. glasses, worked in a publishing estab- If LEGACY isn't an historical event lishment, and often changed clothes in for any other reason, it will be an a phone booth or similar enclosure, historical event from this standpoint — since he was "on the road" so much over 100 key leaders in the square and and didn't have all the comforts of round dance activity from all over home.

6 It was Thanksgiving time, and time country and he had no idea that a for that mild-mannered caller to go fierce wolfish border guard would be over the river and through the woods to waiting to sieze him and his basket. his grandmother's house far away in a Furthermore, the basket was so full of northern province to call a dance. printed goodies the border guard's Little did he know that when he natural wolfish instincts told him that would cross the dreaded border line LURRCH ought to be gobbled up like between his land and that great north- a blueplate special, because one with ern land there would be a fierce wolfish such a full basket of goodies could border guard waiting to pounce on the certainly be up to no good. mild-mannered caller and tear up his Furthermore, there were many many composure and his itinerary and cover electrical and electronic devices ancr him with bloody red tape. strange cases and contrivances and We'll call the caller Little-Urban unusual clothing in the blue bomber teil Red-Riding-Calling-Hood because he make the suspicious border guard'i. came from a little city (very little), jawbone fairly drop to his anklebone.. and he was wearing his red pants, and LURRCH had to be the number or:tit he was riding in his big blue bomber as victim to be scrutinized so intently its usual, and he was a caller, and he was would make the great Inquisition look thought to he a "hood" by the fierce like a tea party. The FWBG (fierce, wolfish border guard, who stood there, wolfish, etc.) was fairly frothing at the ; at the border, waiting to cover him mouth when he asked: with bloody red tape, and to rip up his "Where do you think you're going?'" composure and his itinerary. "To grandmother's house," said Henceforth, throughout this satirical LURRCH. piece, we will refer to Little-Urban- "Well, what have You got in the Red-Riding-Calling-Hood simply as basket?" LURRCH, in order to save printing so "Nothing but a few goodies to give many words and wasting so much to grandma and to the dancers." paper which ultimately will fill so many "Goodies, my foot! I believe you're waste cans in so many homes of readers a door-to-door traveling salesman or a which would cause both ecologists and dreaded tooty-fruity rose bug, or some garbage truck drivers to sigh and sputter other undesirable alien which I'll gobble through their beards. up, and if you're a lowdown hijacker LURRCH drove joyfully through I'll get a handsome commission for the woods and over the river on a doing it," thought the FWBG. northerly course toward his grandma's The FWBG took LURRCH into the house, where many dancers waited to inner wolf lair for the Inquisition. It hear his musical intonations and ex- was intense. Other FWBG's got into the citable exhortations and feast their eyes act and asked probing questions. Fin- on the published goodies he had car- ally LURRCH was sent to the inner ried to them in his basket. Even grand- inner wolf lair for more probing ques- ma herself would leap from her bed tions. with a joyful expression and an arth- "Pretend I'm your grandma at the ritic groan and jog jovially around the dance," said one FWBG, "so what are dance floor when he came. you going to say to me and do with all But alas, there would be a great and those goodies?" terrible encounter that would cause "I'd say, courteously and kindly, much gnashing of teeth before that here are some free goodies — abso- LURRCH could reach that northern lutely free — no charge — no duty — province. for you, grandma, and please, grandma, LURRCH was naive about crossing stop gnashing those big teeth at me..." the border into the great northern The FWBG's then really pounced on

7 poor LURRCH and pulled his compo there are far more H- BG's than FWBG's sure completely loose from his itin at the border, we're certain. LURRCH erary, and covered him with bloody lived happily ever after, no matter red tape. The goodies were taxable to where he traveled, hoping all the while the tune of $19 since they were full of that what few FWBG's there are in the printed advertisements. The infernal world would go out for a cup of coffee machines and evil contrivances required far more often, in order to improve a deposit of $50 which would be their dispositions. waived this time within 24 hours at I) the same checkpoint if all were listed in A FEW FINAL WORDS: From the detailed data and not bought or sold bottom or our hearts, friends (gut-level or traded or bartered and if LURRCH genesis) we wish you all a very pleasant exhibited exemplary behavior loops — "good night, good dreams, and happy behaviour). The $19 couldn't be New Year" until we gather for another waived. The printed goodies couldn't foolish fable. Take care of yourselves— be thrown in the trash can to avoid you're all the readers we've got. You the payment, at least on the soil of that know — it is better to cause happiness land. They could be thrown in a trash where you go than to cause happiness can a quarter of a mile back on the soil WHEN you go. Someone said that if of that other land. Moses were to come down from Mt. LURRCH grabbed that latter loop- Sinai today, the tablets he would bring hole in the law and flung himself out and dispense to the people would pro- of the wolf lair and back to the other bably be ASPIRIN. country. Then he waited briefly and turned around and came back to the 41mmimmil s 0- gate, holding only a handful of the goodies from the basket. Lo and be- hold, a friendly farmer-type border guard was at the gate. He smiled as LURRCH held the few goodies in a trembling hand,and the FFBG (friendly farmer etc.) said: AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE subscription "Go on through to your grandma's dances. Write for details about organizing one. house. I heard the whole story. The REMEMBER: "All we're asking is other FWBG has gone for his cup of your time...." because there is ab- coffee. Have a good time." Moral: solutely NO RISK in conducting a Thank God that 99 and 10Crths% of subscription dence in your area.... the people in that great northern pro- COLUMBIA, S.C., Thursday, Jan. 18 vince are as nice as can be, and that Contact Carroll & Virginia Frick


What do you think of the square dance music in use today?

Advisory board members this year arrangements released, but music quali- were asked to comment on square ty remains high. dance music, how it has changed over Bob Augustin: I think the trend away the years, including the use of country- from "hayseed" music has been a boon western tunes, gospel hymns, songs to the recruitment program of clubs with risque lyrics, waltz tunes conver- and callers. Slowly, but surely, the pub- ted to square dance rhythm, and lic is finding out that square dance mu- square dances written to already popu- sic embraces all kinds of songs and lar round dance terms. rhythms. Here, divided into general categor- Edna & Gene Arn field: Music is steadi- ies, are the answers from several of the ly improving and has a definite beat. advisory board members: Re-releases are very popular with new CHANGES IN S/D MUSIC: dancers as well as old. Some of the med- Orphie Easson: I can remember when leys on singing calls are receiving terri- being selective in choosing square dance fic response. Hoedowns have improved. music was unheard of. You took what- There is that "let's get up and dance" ever you could get and growled on the feeling to many of the hoedowns these low notes and screeched on the high, days. Instrumentations are not mono- and were delighted to have something tonous. new. The abundant supply and great variety of both hoedowns and singing Bob Wickers: The record companies calls signifies the most noticeable change are doing a great job and music has im- in 20 years of square dancing. proved tremendously over the last 10 Ken Oppenlander: The greatest feature years. Records are of better quality and of our music is the great variety avail a caller can use one over a longer period able. The wide selection allows the caller of time today than years ago. to project his individual talents and per- Sam Mitchell: When I started recording sonality through the selection of music. 12 years ago, I did so to a bass, fiddle, This same variety provides greater en- and guitar. Anything added to these joyment for the dancers. has to be an improvement. The quality of today's square dance I think that it is not the caller that music is excellent. There are some bad sells a record, it's the music.

9 In the past five years, the up-dating cast over the radio and TV networks. of square dance recording bands has Phyl & Frank Lehnert: Country-western given dancing a much-needed lift. Spe- music is always good especially when cialty instruments are now being fea- done well. I feel risquelyrics are defin- tured on recordings that give a lift to itely out of place in our field, even if both dancers and callers: vibes, celeste, the music is great, which it often is. coconut shells, wooden blocks, ching Sam Mitchell: I enjoy both country- rings and various muted horns. These western and gospel tunes but too much add a little echo and a little reverb. I of either would not only be unneces- anticipate even more changes to come. sary but foolish for recording compan- ies. I'm happy to see some popular R/D Phyl & Frank Lehnert: There definite- dunes converted to square dance tunes. ly has been great improvement both in I dislike both risque lyrics and waltz quality and variety. The changing of tunes converted to square dances. keys, changing of melodies, addition of Bob Wickers: I personally like country- sounds, such as hand clapping, tam- western tunes in square dance tempo; bourines, ping pong taps, etc., show they just seem to go together. great imagination and variety in both Edna & Gene: Objections have been singing calls and hoedowns. raised by a majority on risque lyrics and gospel tunes, although "Put Your John Hendron: Square dance music has Hand in the Hand" was a favorite this changed over the last 15 years, just the past year. Most callers we have worked same as dancing has. The image in years with have eliminated the "naughty and past was "barn dancing," with visions suggestive" lyrics from their programs. of bib overalls, heavy checked shirts, Square dance arrangements of waltz and long calico gowns, to the music of tunes are only acceptable according to old-time fiddle variety. the quality of the arrangement and in- Today's dress is more modern and strumentation. Familiarity of the melo- the music reflects the change because dy plays a great part in its acceptance. it is written to all the top pop and When square dance tunes are used western tunes of the day. The musical for rounds, or vice versa, neither lasts arrangements are for the most part ex- for very long, with a few exceptions. ceptionally well done, with a variety of experienced good singing callers. Bob Augustin: I disagree with those who contend that any song can be ef- On the influence of country-western fectively put to square dance tempo. gospel tunes, risqublyrics and waltzes: Any song can be transposed, but all Orphie Easson: I like country-western will not be danceable or effective. I music. Popular music is strongly influ- don't think square dance music should enced by it, and it keeps square dan- be disrespectful, but I see nothing cing contemporary. Most gospel hymns wrong with such songs as "I See The come from folk music and seem to be Light" or "When the Saints Go March- treated with good taste. I use a few and in' In." like what they do for my program. I've As long as we interest those who not had success with waltz tunes con- know music, such as Don Franklin verted to square dance tunes. and C.O. Guest, and others in the John Hendron: Numbers such as "Glory square dance music field, in produ- Glory" are fine, but I wouldn't use the cing records, we can look for contin- "Old Rugged Cross." As far as risque ued improvement in the field of square lyrics are concerned, I cannot see any- dance music. thing wrong with numbers such as Sam Mitchell: I hope my predic- "Help Me Make It Through The Night" tion for even better music in the future or "Another Night Of Love." The ly- is correct, as I feel that good music rics are the same as those being broad- makes better callers and better dancers.

10 The Squared by Frank Lehnert Circle Toledo, Ohio The appearance of many interna- portant thing is understanding by those tional dance figures in round dancing who can handle these figures with ease the past few years has caused a great that they must not force the issue, but deal of discussion, concern, (and would let what happens just develop. you beiieve,i even some differences of There is obvious interest in learning opinion. this new phase, since workshops, clinics The first period of invasion caused and weekends are being devoted to some people to "choose up sides" as to international dance instruction. As in whether we would allow it to happen. so many other fields, there is disagree- F-or the most part, the greatest resis- ment at tne top level. I have been told tance has subsided, and some figures by one authority in the field, that he are generally accepted as part of the took lessons from the three top men movement. As a matter of fact, the in the world, and they all had different Des Moines National Choreography ideas on execution. His final styling Panel even standardized such figures as was a composite of the three plus his the fishtail, spin turn and telemark plus own. Multiply this by the times this is others. passed down thru the teaching ranks, One of the greatest battles, still heing and you can easily see some real basis waged, is the extent of the complete for non-basic differences, acceptances of all parts of these figures, The second period of invasion oc- such as contra body, diagonal move- curred a year or two ago when the ment, and rise and fall. So far, the market was flooded with international National Panel has only defined the type dances. The good old round dance steps and leaves the styling up to the waltz was almost lost and most of the individual teacher or dancer. challenge dances were "quicksteps". It appears to me that a middle of This caused a rebellion and adverse the road attitude seems to be prevailing feelings toward international dancing. right now. First off, the majority Of I feel this crisis has passed and a more dancers that participate in these two equitable balance of choreography is types of dancing are dancing for vastly being published. different personal goals. The interna- There will be problems, such as tional dancers are striving for perfection small steps vs. international long gliding which will extend their personal image, steps; diagonal figures cause circle prob- especially in competition dancing. They lems where others go straight down are willing to drill and work hard to LOD; the diagonal fishtail, where origi- achieve this goal with a great deal of nally teachers were teaching the step practice. back and side; contra body and modi- The vast majority of round dancers fied banjo position developing as the want to look good doing their thing, steps demand; individual styling vs. but primarily want fun, fellowship and school figure type competition styling. relaxation from their dancing. Many do The whole situation is much the not practice at all from one dance to same as when Latins appeared on the the next...or very little. So to do these scene. Let's hope that when the dust intricate international figures in a way clears, that international dancing will that will satisfy the personal goals of blend with round dancing as well as the both types of dancers would seem im- Latins did. Just be happy in what you possible. Therefore, the middle road are doing and all else will take care of may be the eventual answer. The im- itself.

11 i 131, i

-----D ' 1 CONSIDER

by Murray Horne I Sunnyside, New York As square dancers we engage in an these, compensation for traveling ex- evening's recreation and fun without penses, furnishing of equipment) and being cognizant of the various relation- the rights and method of cancellation ships arising from the activity and the with or without partial compensation. possible dangers and liabilities. We should also consider the safety The informality of what we do and of the caller. Depending upon the the facts that we are participants, and location of the dance, conditions will that there are small financial elements vary from well-built and well-lighted of admissions and expenses, militate halls to those which are makeshift. against our thinking that our gyrations The place of operations of the caller give rise to important legal situations. must be safe for him. Not only should But we should consider the relation- his stand be properly constructed but ship of the Caller and the sponsoring it should allow him freedom of move- Organization. The agreement for calling ment and be adequate for his equip- may take the form of a written contract ment. If he uses the equipment of the evidenced by an exchange of letters, club, it should be in good working or a contract may be made in the order so that there is no danger from course of telephone calls. If there is electrical or other agencies or condi- written correspondence, then of course, tions. the rights and liabilities of caller and Another safety-wise thought must club should be clearly defined; if they be for the caller and the dancers. We are not, there will be room for argu- are engaging in a group activity of ment with resulting rancor and destruc- eight people with possibilities of col- tion of empathy. If the agreement is lision and bodily contact and injury. made orally, there are always open These may becaused by our own inept- questions dependent upon memories ness. But suppose they are the result of and the desire to remember which will a mistake of the caller or by his in- be certain to cause difficulty. There adequacy in preparation or training. should be clear and definite under- Thus lawsuits against the caller may standings upon the fee to be paid, its occur and he should protect himself method of determination (i.e. basic fee against financial liability by obtaining or minimum, bonus calculated upon insurance covering personal injury and number of squares, or variations of property damage. Such insurance is


Murray Horne is a "caller's taw" (or whatever the proper title may be). Wife Charlotte is the caller, actively teaching in the New York City area, to all ages. Murray is a lawyer and here presents some aspects of the activity long neglected in organizational thinking. government participation by way of obtainable through caller organizations additional taxation. Some states have or directly from insurance companies. already taken a position that the "do- The safety of the environment must nation" or fee is taxable under their be assured for those who dance. If sales or admissions tax laws. Some they are defective and there is injury participant activities like bowling or the club, if it is sponsoring the dance, swimming pool attendance have been would be responsible along with the exempted and attempts are now being owner of the hall. If, however, the made to exempt square dancing on the caller is the sponsor, he would be same basis. There is also a good likeli- liable. For instance, while it is true hood that there may be income tax that the dancers accept the ordinary liability. Of course, the "donation" risks (just as in any other activity) in admission charge is a paradox. It may dancing on a floor prepared in the be so titled to circumvent certain laws customary manner the sponsor would or characterize the event as being dif- be liable if it were excessively slippery. ferent from what it really represents. The refreshments served must be edible Basically and legally a gift or donation and without risk of injury. Care should is a voluntary act. If a sign at the entry be taken to prevent spoilage which of the hall states the amount of the might react unfavorably. Dishes, re- donation, then it cannot be voluntary. ceptacles, and seating arrangements It ceases to be a donation and becomes must be safe. a regular admission charge with its Basically we have always relied upon resultant complications. good manners to regulate us. But sup- I have discussed the liability of the pose some of the dancers pull or push club. If it is merely an informal organi- each other, or misdirect by voice, and zation of people then in a proper case, someone as a result is hurt. The person all of the members personally would doing such would then become liable. be liable. It would seem advisable that If we did not pull or push or direct, the Club protect itself with insurance the dancers would not be susceptible to or incorporate. liability, and we would have a well- These observations shou I d encou rage mannered and more enjoyable dance. the dancers to be more interested in In these days of skyrocketing taxes, what they do and become better danc- we must look forward to increasing ers to fortify their pleasure. 13 CALLER-LEADER &iti 1/4.9-% DIRECTORY CONTACT THESE CALLER LEADERS FOR THEIR AREA DANCE INFORMATION AND FOR ROOK INGS AT YOUR CLUB OR EVENT CALLERS, LEADERS, BOTH "LOCAL" Bob Beau AND Dick Kenyon 59 Sycamore St. "NATIONAL" 598 Mayfield Dr. Millbury, Mass. 01527 Lansing, Michigan ARE Now booking 73-74 Hash, sings, anytime, anywhere INVITED Don Belvin Jay King 1002 Oak Drive TO P.O. Box 462 Manchester, Tenn. 37355 INQUIRE Lexington. Mass. 02173 Personalized caller coaching via tape. Caller for H.A.T. records ABOUT Stan Burdick LISTING Ken Oppenlander Box 788 319 S. 6th St. Sandusky, Ohio 44870 NAMES Manhattan, Ks. 66502 Bringing the HI and HO from OHIO AND Festivals, Clubs, Workshops Louis Calhoun ADDRESSES Russ Perf ors 992 Tioga Trail 635 Suthard Drive ON THIS Madisonville, Ky. 42431 Willoughby, Ohio 44094 PAGE Caning tours Rustle your bustle with Russell Mal "Yikes" Cameron Bill Ryan Box 97-A Rt. 1 138 University Gossville, N.H. 03239 Buffalo, N.Y. 14214 Recording on TOP, tours Recording on TOP, tours (Yodeling) Jack Cloe Charlie Trapp 3507 Drumm 23 Sunnyside Ave. Independence, Mo. 64055 Hanover, Mass. 02339 Traveling full time—booking 73-75! You call for me, I'll call for you... Gene Webster Ed F raidenburg 1803 Heather Lane 1916 Poseyvllle Rd., Rt. 10 Midland, Michigan 48640 Port Clinton, Ohio 43452 Recording on TOP, tours Open dates — western style Willie Harlan Bob Wickers P.O. Box 338 714 La'Marite Dr. Vinita, Oklahoma 74301 Manchester, Mo. 63011 For the best in square dancing Traveling full time anywhere Jim Harris Deuce Williams RFD 5, Box 182 3452 Iroquois Norwich, Conn. 06360 Detroit, Michigan 48214 Square 'em up with the Clinton man! The Rhythm Dealer—Hash & Songs Dave "Hash" Hass Web Witter P.O. Box S 2904 Northeast Dr. East Hampton, Conn. 06424 Austin, Texas 78723 NOW booking for 1973-74. Square Tunes recordings for fun Frannie Heintz Clyde Wood (453-2137) 27 Flynt Ave. 3210 N.E. 39th St. Monson, Mass. 01057 Kansas City, Mo. 64117 Dance with con-fer-dance! Open dates — You ring, I'll sing! Bob Holup Francis Zeller 1237 South 5th St. Box 67 Wausau, Wis. 54401 McCracken, Ks. 67556 Clubs, workshops, festivals 73-75 Calendar Available—vinyl cover

14 TOO

Although %lave been squareRevieW: dancing for 22 years, circurnstances have re sulted in a temporarY reduction in rny square dance activities during the last Jinl White, $otith Pacific S/D six months. These six months have helped to confirm sornething 1 have sus- pected for Many years, narnell.rnaln that factors square in dancing people leavingis at too square noisy anddancing. that

the probably this is one of MUCH Travel On: Dr. Jack C. Medical Westrnan, Professor of Psychiatry at the ment at Wisconsin School said a study conducted by the Environmental University University and other electronic of Wisconsin nervous tension. Design entertainmentshowed: Noise from kitchen appliances,Depart- and sources increases physical and NOISE John Jones Glendale, California

fact that we in squaredancing are doing Squaredancing is too loud. It doesn't much the same thing to ourselves in have to be. Before the days of the the same manner. I don't think we public - address (PA) system, callers regularly hit the 110-decibel (db) level (and, before them, prompters) got common in rock sessions. But I would along quite well, usually, with nothing hazard a guess that 90 db is not at all more than good voice projection, per• uncommon — and friends, 90 db is haps aided occasionally by a mechanical loud — way too loud. megaphone. If someone were forcing that level of Now that the PA system is available, sound upon us, we would complain there is nothing wrong with using it, bitterly about "cruel and inhuman since it is a device helpful to both caller treatment." But since we inflict it and dancer. But there is no need to upon ourselves, under the delusion overdo its use, and we most assuredly that it is adding to our enjoyment of are doing so at the moment. the dancing, we see nothing at all It has become fashionable of late wrong with it. to write articles about how the young Well, there is something wrong with people are harming their hearing with it — badly wrong with it. It is doing the din of electronically amplified rock grave harm to our ears. Worse yet, we "music." The articles are true. But it is set up for ourselves a vicious circle. high time someone woke up to the The more damage we do to our hear-

15 ing mechanism, the less well we can No, I do not have supersensitive ears. hear. To compensate for our hearing To the contrary, recent auditory tests loss, we go on to even higher levels of showed that a considerable range of sound, thus doing greater harm to our frequencies come thru my right ear auditory apparatus,... Do you get the quite poorly. Not hearing-aid badly, picture? I said "DO YOU GET THE but definitely down from normal. PICTURE?" Eh? So it stands to reason that a person Currently it is standard practice, in with really keen ears would be acutely connection with almost any kind of uncomfortable when subjected to the sound system (hi-fi, PA, movies, etc), blast of noise almost universally en- to "surround oneself with sound" or countered at squaredances. It also fol- "immerse oneself in sound." It is the lows that if such a person attended 'in' thing — and it is stupid. Let's stop very many such events and did not being stupid and instead use our heads. imitate "the Kleenex Kid," he shortly If we do, then I can stop being "the would no longer enjoy keen hearing, Kleenex Kid." because part of it would be destroyed. Until now I have had a practice that Do you think I am exaggerating in most people consider peculiar. When my description of the loudness of the first tip begins, I pack my ears squaredancing? Next time you go danc- chock full of small wads of Kleenex. ing, take careful note, with what could With that in place, the sound of the be called "the stranger's ear," and see music and calling usually is still a bit (or hear) for yourself how loud it too loud, but bearable. I remove the really is. It is absurdly loud. It is un- packing at "the half" and replace it necessarily loud. It is unconscionably when the dancing is resumed. loud. Let's cut it down — way down.

Ken Anderson John Hendron NEW RELEASES JK-601 Hoedown JK-140 MAMA BEAR FOXHI LL/FIRESIDE Caller: Curley Custer

RECENT RELEASES JK-139 STREET FAIR JK-138 CLOSE TO YOU Caller: Ken Anderson Caller: Randy Anderson

JK-119 SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN Caller: Dick Jones NEW ROUNDS J K-509S JK-509C IF I COULD WRITE A SONG CLOSE TO YOU by Ted & Lois Mack by Howard & Phyllis Swanson PRQOUCED BY: J—B—K, Box 54, Newtonville, N.Y. 12128

16 by Jim Teal TR'S TIPS Last Installment Columbus, Ohio Singing call records that are suitable for one night stands are very hard to find and for many of the old favorites, they are completely unavailable. Luckily, western style figures have been written for many of the old standards, and these records can be adapted to one night stands. Since the visiting couple firprec are much Innger than the western style, it is usually nee y to start the record over again after the first two couples have completed the figure. Sometimes it is necessary to slightly change the original figure, but this usually tends to make the figure more danceable. The following dance is a good example' HOT TIME IN OLD TOWN—TOP RECORD NO. 25046 OPENER Now you all join hands and you circle to the left Break that ring and swing with the one you love the best. Promenade back home with the sweetest girl in town There'll be a square dance in the old town tonight. FIGURE The first couple right and circle four hands round Break with the left and pick up two and circle six hands round Open up that gate and you circle eight hands round There'll be a square dance in the old town tonight. Allemande left with that lady on the left — swing, Swing with your own (call this quickly or they will pull partner by) She's the one you love the best Now allemande left, that lady on the left. Grand right and left go two times around. That's two times around that ring, you pull your partner by Keep on goin' round that ring, you meet her on the fly Promenade back home with the great big handsome guy There'll be a square dance in the old town tonight. (repeat with couples 2, 3 & 4 leading out) CLOSER All join hands and you spread that ring way out Let's all go into middle and give a great big shout (hey) Right back home and swing with the sweetest girl around. There'll be a square dance in the old town tonight.

MARCHING THRU GEORGIA—WINDSOR NO.4112 OPENER—BREAK— Everybody swing your partner, swing her round and round (Go to the corner) allemande left, grand right and left around When you meet your honey, promenade the town That's the way we do it down in Georgia The first ol' lady promenade, walk inside the ring Then hurry home and give your man a great big healthy swing Now everybody raise right hands and march around the ring (Everyone face right to form single file circle, raise right hands, place left hand on Shoulder of one in front (optional) and march counterclockwise) Hip, Hip, Hooray, you're going the wrong way (reverse directions & hands) (cont.) 17 Hip, Hip, Hooray, go back the other way (reverse directions & hands) Now when you get to your backdoor Stop and take a swing, that's the way we do it down in Georgia. (Repeat with first two ladies, then three ladies, then four ladies promenading inside ring). Note—For variety have dancers march right way at times and have them help out on the Hip Hip Hoorays. The call furnished with the record can be used, hut I feel it is too difficult to teach.

SPANISH CABALLERO—OLD TIMER NO. 8055 OPENER—BREAK—CLOSER It's allemande left with the lady on the left A grand old right and left around that ring-o When you meet your own promenade her home Promenade that gay caballero. FIGURE The first lady lead to the gent on your right *Swing, won't you swing with your hero After you have swung, go back where you began Swing with your Spanish caballero The same lady lead to the gent across the way The same lady lead to the gent on the left (Repeat - ending with everybody swing) BREAK Repeat figure with first 2 ladies, then no. 3 lady only, then four ladies leading out in turn.


FOR INFORMATION, WRITE: HARRY P. TUCCIARONE, P.O. Box 212, Trumbull For information, write: HARRY P. TUCCIARONE, P.O. Box 212, Trumbull, Ct. 06611


18 Trist A MC 11 GRENN GR 14169 WHILE WE DANCE Waltz by Chet & Barbara Smith SO FINE Two-step by Charles & Alida Lugenbuhl GR 15016 FLIP FLOP MIXER by Jack & Helen Todd ST. LOUIS BLUES Two-step drill by Clancy F. Betty Mueller TOP TOP 252A,1 GOOD MORNING COUNTRY RAIN Flip Square by Mike Litzenberger, Slidell, La. TOP 25272 SALLY FORTH (hoedown) RAILEY TWO (hoedown) Instrumental only Twel g renn (Dealers Only) We stock square dance LP's for EASY FUN, for TEACHING, for ADVAIVCED . EASY FUN EASY TRADITIONAL Blue Star 1004 MacGregor 1204 Grenn 43014 MacGregor 1207 Grenn 43015 RCA LPM1238 PARALLEL SERIES OF TEACHING LP's FAMILY SQUARES SETS IN ORDER SETS IN ORDER KIMBO DECCA 43004 4002 6001 4060 9051 43002 4005 6002 5080 9052 43004 4007 6003 8070 43001 4012 43005 4013 4014 PARALLEL SERIES OF ADVANCED LP's: B&B BLUE STAR BLACK MOUNTAIN 1000 1012 Alt LP's 1013 0.1 SQU4, •

N. \\ Win A 12006 NO. 12

19 CITIZEN .AND RADIO Right now I'm riding along the give the location of the accident, and turnpike between Oklahoma City and ask the listener to get help. Someone Tulsa. . .stooped and picked up a tape who is sitting at a base in his home can and thought I'd give you the informa- immediately pick up his phone and tion about the CB radio that you asked contact or state patrol, who for. I guess the best thing to do is to will send a police car or ambulance or start at the beginning and tell you how both, depending on what has happened. I got started in it, what I use it for, This has saved a lot of time. Many CBers and what not. will do the same thing. It sure has been great as far as In many many cities as I travel, entertaining me as I go along, especially especially cities in which I call three traveling alone. There are CB radios all or four times a year, I have friends over this country and Canada. I talked now that I talk to every time I go to several people in Canada when I through that city. After first meeting called up there. them on the radio, and talking several I'll tell you about a few of the ex- times passing through they ask you to periences I've had with CB radio. On stop by and have a cup of coffee and a one occasion I ran out of gas. It was chat, if you have time. If I don't, some- late at night, coming back from Illinois times I catch them on the way back. to St. Louis. I hadn't even checked the These are towns like Lansing and Battle gas tank, when it ran out. Nothing was Creek, Michigan; Evansville, Indiana; open, so I got on the radio, asked if Kansas City and Springfield, Missouri; anyone could hear me. This fellow —places two or three hundred miles answered me almost immediately and from my house that I go through quite wanted to know the problem. I told often, getting to other locations on my him I was out of gas, and asked if there tour. were stations near by, gave him my I think I told you about the blind location, and wondered if he could fellow in Battle Creek, Michigan who help me out. He said he had a five sits at the radio all day, waiting for gallon can in his garage and he would someone like me to come by and say run it right over to me. And he did! something, so he'll have something to Within eight or nine minutes, he was do and someone to talk to. I've talked there. We poured the gas in the car and to him every time I go up there, and got it started. I offered him some sometimes when I've passed by and am money, and he said, "No, just pay me getting out of range, I pull off so I can for the gas. I'll fill the can up again, and talk to him a little longer, before I get put it in my garage." He was glad to do out of his range. To a person like this, it, because someday he hoped if he ran it means a lot to have someone enter- out, someone would help him out and tain them. He really gets a big kick out just charge him for the gas. That's the of it, and after you start talking to way that little story went. him, you can hear his voice change to, On three or four different occasions not really laughter, but a happy tone I've come upon accidents, some of of voice. them serious. Immediately, I pulled up, Last year, a year after I got the CB got on the radio, started asking for radio, I was heading for California someone to come in. To get help, I again. It was really late at night and we

20 by Bob Wickers Manchester, Missouri . — - AND THE CALLER were rolling into Kingman, Arizona. one wants to contact another or has We decided to hunt for a motel, so trouble going to or from a dance. Just we got on the radio. The oilier cuupie, tlriviiiy to a dance we have a good con- the Carters, were along, and Shirley and versation most of the time, with every- myself. We asked anyone who was one chatting back and forth. Everyone sitting up listening to answer, and can hear everyone else, so all know turned two or three channels. Some what is going on. It's the same after a fellow came right back to us and wanted dance. You get in your car and pull to know what the problem was. We away, and someone will holler and say, told him there was no big problem, but "Are we going to stop somewhere for we were approaching Kingman and a sandwich and coffee?" and pretty wanted to know if there were motels soon we all head down the same road on the road or close to the road, and and stop together. You don't have to could he recommend one. He said, "I'll stand around in a parking lot and make do better than that. There's a Roadway plans; you make them after you're in Inn." He gave us the location, and told your car moving down the road. us to stand by a minute. He phoned I have a base unit in my house, the Roadway, and made reservations which has come in handy many times. for both couples. When we arrived If I've left to go out of town, within there ten minutes later, we just pulled ten minutes or so, if I've forgotten up, with our reservations already made something, Shirley gets right on the over the radio before we ever reached radio and calls me. town. I thought that was pretty nice. I can't even tell you the number of In my travels around, I usually park times that I've come into a strange by the front doors of halls, to carry in town that I have never called in before. equipment. I find there are numerous I have a contact's name to get hold of, square dancers who have CB units, who but before I even do that, sometimes as never mention it to anyone until they I approach, I'll ask on the radio for the discover you have one. With my car at hall location and am guided from where the front doors, the CBers who walk by I am to the right side of town, the right notice the antenna and come up to talk number of blocks, the right road or about CB radio. expressway, until I am right in front There are several traveling callers of the hall. I thank the contact a whole who have CB radios. I can't name them lot, and can then backtrack from the all, but know for sure Tex Brownlee hall, find a motel that is close to the has one in his car and I have talked to dance. On other occasions, if I get into him on it when approaching Fontana. town real late, possibly without time Don Franklin has one, I've been told, to get checked into a motel before the but I don't know that for a fact. In dance, I can use the radio to locate the my three clubs around St. Louis, there hall in a hurry. This happened to me must be eight or nine good friends of in Ohio, when I arrived later than I mine, who are square dancers, who would like to be, and a fellow answered have CB, and it gets to be quite inter- my radio call, led me right to the hall esting on the way to a dance Wien we and at ten minutes to eight, I was set all have our radios on. In that area we up ready to call at eight o'clock. all stay on the same channel, in case To be continued next month

21 Vag TALK Readers are invited to send opinions, suggestions and thoughts for publication in this new regular feature. Opinions expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect those of the editors.

We have a few thoughts to share erous changes that have been made in with you concerning new dancers. This our activity. We feel very strongly that is mainly for callers who do workshop these fine people will be making a very and seminars for callers or prospective large contribution to Square Dancing callers. as we know it in the years to come. We This past summer a nationally known also feel that the contribution a caller caller did a week seminar for phys. ed. who gives these seminars is extremely teachers at a college in our state. Two invaluable. We thank all callers who of the teachers in attendance were from take time to go into the schools and our immediate area. Neither had much give instruction to teachers. exposure to square dancing as the clubs Bruce & Bonnie Busch were doing it up to that point. Both Appleton, Wis. came back extremely interested in tak- ing square dance lessons. One of them Reports still flow steadily to this is now dancing with us in our new corner regarding callers being cancelled, dancers class and another is in the class for nebulous reasons, on short notice, of another caller from our area. The after being firmly booked at clubs, frosting on this cake is not of course, halls, and resorts. This procedure is that we have two new square dance reaching alarming proportions. couples but that these fellas are going Examples: to be teaching square dancing in their * Two well-known callers were can- schools the way it's taught in local celled (with six month's notice) from a clubs. One of them has already started resort program because of "too few a teen group and has 4 squares of en- registrations." Other similar cases were thusiastic teen-agers. reported. One of the main problems we feel • A well-known caller was cancelled has been that Physical Education Teach- (with two week's notice) from a popu- ers have not been aware of the num- lar S/D hall enterprise because of a

THE RINGO— Unlined with an elas- ROUND or ticized throat, an instep strap TAPERED TOE joined by an elastic ring. Cush- ioned innersole and 1/2 " heel. WHITE or BLACK... $9.98 GOLD or SILVER...811.98 COLORS ...S10.98 BA ta WIDTHS: MEDIUM RUTH & REUEL deTURK or NARROW 1606 Hopmeadow Street Simsbury, Conn. RTS 10-202 06070 SEND FOR OUR ADD S1 POSTAGE MAIL ORDER CATALOG

22 management oversigh t in having another today: leading caller booked "too close to the Sickness: No Excuse. We will no date." A subsequent bill sent by the longer accept your doctor's statement caller was never paid. as proof, as we believe if you are able * A club on the east coast of Florida to go to the doctor, you are able to cancelled a whole series of callers (two come to the club. of whom were full-time traveling callers Death: (Other Than Your Own) This given one week and one month notice is no excuse—there is nothing you can respectively) because of "internal prob- do for them and we are sure that some- lems." Both callers in question felt one else can attend to the arrangements. 1101101 - bouritj to fill other obi iydbui However if you feei you must go you in the area and each made week-long, will be excused only if you send some- 2,000-mile "washout" trips in the name one to dance in your place. of professional honor. Leave Of Absence: (For An Opera- Other inexcusable incidents such as tion) We are no longer allowing this callers cancelling clubs to take alternate practice. We wish to discourage any dates and callers cancelling callers are thought that you may need an opera- being reported. What can be done about tion as we believe that as long as you it? A callers' union? Boycotts for listed are a member of this club you will offenders? Better contracts? Twenty- need all of whatever you have and you five percent "earnest" fee paid to the should not consider having anything caller in advance? Send us your ideas removed. We accepted you as you are, and experiences. Also send a stamped, and for you to have anything removed return envelope for 3 pages of sugges- would certainly make you less than tions, courtesy of this magazine. what we bargained for. by Yeeds Death: (Your Own) This will be accepted as an excuse but we would TO: ALL CLUB MEMBERS like to have two weeks notice, as we SUBJECT: ABSENTEEISM feel you should help find someone to It has been brought to our attention take your place. that the attendance record of this club Also too much time is spent on is a disgrace to our gracious club of- smoke and coke breaks. In the future ficers, who at your own request, did we will follow the practice of taking allow you to join this club. Due to breaks in alphabetical order. For in- your lack of consideration for such a stance those whose names start with fine club, as shown by your frequent "A" will have the first break at 9:00 absenteeism, it has been necessary to p.m., "B" will break at 9:15, etc. If revise some of our club policies. The you miss your break you will have to following changes are in effect as of wait until the next club dance.

•w 4 In,'..•• •'•.W. .W...... 4IW.•.....W•'.4r4I..41 r fr. 4 ri IIn fr•WIIV• • • 4 I Recordings by • • 4 * RED BOOT FLUTTER WHEEL STARDUST • • 4 I • • 4 I RB133 THANKS FOR THE MEM'RIES by Bill Vother • • 4 I RB134 ALL I HAVE TO OFFER YOU IS ME by Don Williamson . • d I RB135 JUST ENOUGH TO KEEP ME HANGING ON • • 1 I by Ralph Silvius • • 4 I RB136 GOOD MORNING COUNTRY RAIN by Elmer Sheffield t • I RB137 JUST LIKE WALKING IN THE SUNSHINE by Ted Frye • • I Lion tNill~on r, • • ROUTE 8, GREENEVILLE, TENNESSEE 37743 PHONE 1615) 638-7784 4 I • I „4 0,4 k,•,•,••,..,,•,...... 4*A.• • • •,,•„••••••,••,••• ...AI*. 40,1P ..

23 I am a little nylon flag, about 14x8, fellow flag coming down the highway. with square dance figures painted on My master and his wife see it too. my face. I am attached to car antennas They wave, as it passes, but in my and oh, the places I have been. My secret code I send out the distress signal. corners are somewhat frayed, my color It sees! It hears! It stops! My master a little faded. I have flown in snow, goes with this other flag while his wife rain, hail, and sunshine, but always my and I sit and wait for their return. For purpose has been to extend the hand over an hour we sit, with no other help of friendship. even offered. Soon my master returns One day I played a very important and informs us that help is on the way. rola as I flew about in the breeze. I A few minutes later the State Patrol was on my way home to Longview shows up. from Seattle. My master was towing ME! I'm as proud as a Scout who his brand new travel trailer home, has done his good deed for the day. when what should happen but a flat And I know my master is very proud tire on that new rig. Here we all sit on of me. But best of all I have created Interstate 5, several miles from you another friendship. know what. Cars coming and going but Harvey and Betty Cliffton none stopping. Aha, I spy another Wash. Footnotes


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•,,,...... ••••••••••"•••••••••••.••••• - - - lem. One day my owner decided to I am a petticoat. My owner and I bring all of us (dress, pettipants and do lots of things together. Whenever shoes, too) to work and go straight to we travel, she puts me in a great big the dance instead of coming home for plastic bag so I won't get squashed or us first. Well, riding on the subway is dirty. Since it is clear plastic, passers- always a bit terrifying because I never by often stare at me. Most frequently, know what's going to happen, and it they think I'm some kind of laundry - can be almost suffocating and very ugh! Those who get close enough to squashing during the rush hours. But see my net think I'm a wedding dress this time, we almost didn't make it to or veil. No one who hasn't already met the subway. My owner had decided to me guesses what I really am. Actually, try out her new wig that day, and had most people just look, but never dare a hat pinned on, too. Besides carrying say anything. We travel in many ways. all of us, she had to take some other When I go on her bicycle, we ride tan- packages with her, so her hands were dem with me in the back in my big full. Suddenly, the wind swooped down plastic bag. The only problem with that and soon her hat was bobbing by her is the bumpy Boston roads. I really ear, held on only by the hat pin. Being have to hold on tight sometimes. I quite annoyed and half blinded and remember one evening a couple of worried that she'd lose her wig, she put months ago when we were coming down the packages and us to save her home from Tech Sqs. The Harvard hat, wig and composure. Another gust Bridge on Mass. Ave., had some badly of wind carried me away — what a dug out spots at its joinings. It was a time we had getting back together. On pleasant evening and the air felt good, one flight we took, the ticket agent but all of a sudden we hit one of those gave me an empty seat, but next time I spots and I completely lost my grip. I was snuggled at my owner's feet. If fell right out into the roadway. Besides we are in a car, and there's room being afraid of the cars (luckily, there enough, my owner spreads me out on was very little traffic) I was afraid of the back seat. Gas station attendants the wind. Imagine being swooped up make eyes at me. Usually, I pretend by the wind and dumped into the not to notice, but I make sure I'm Charles River! But luck was with me— fluffed out as nicely as possible. So two students walking across the bridge you see, life's pretty good — if you are rescued me and brought me back to a petticoat, I hope you're as lucky as my owner. We were both quite relieved. I am. Veronica McClure The wind really is my biggest prob- From N.E. Caller

25 Chula Vista 1 1 1 1 1 LI 1 1 I Square and Round Dance Weekend ti...r1 --rt Tr II , I For Reservations, write or call NORTH RIVER ROAD Vera Kaminski CHULA VISTA RESORT WISCONSIN DELLS, WIS. Wisconsin Dells, Wis. 53965 Phone: 608/254-8366 1973 Schedule

hay 4, 5, and 6 Jack Lasry of Florida 11, 12, and 13 Jim Coppinger of Tennessee 18, 19, and 20 "Singin' Sam" Afitchell of Michigan 25, 26, and 27 Ken Anderson of New York June 1, 2, and 3 Bob Wickers of Missouri 8, 9, and 10 Bob Yerington of Iowa September 7, 8, and 9 Johnny Wykoff of Indiana 14, 15, and 16 Ken Anderson of New York 21, 22, and 23 Louis Calhoun of Kentucky 28, 29, and 30 John Hendron of Massachusetts October 5, 6, and 7 Bob Fisk of California 19, 20, and 21 (To be announced) 26, 27, and 28 (To be announced) November 2, 3, and 4 Johnny Creel of Louisiana 9, 10, and 11 Allen Tipton of Tennessee

Round Dance and After Parties with Edna and Gene Arnfield from Skokie, Illinois

26 4..444. Product Line

Most callers (and others involved in long-range planning) use a three-year calendar which gives them spaces about an inch square to write in the key information. But often that space is inadequate to fill in complete details — time, place, name of club, location, fee agreed on, etc. At last, the problem is solved. There's a generously-proportioned three-year calendar on the market now with spaces for each day at least two inches square. Make a New Year's resolution today to write for your copy and to keep better and handier records. Callers now using this have found another advantage. There is space enough to write in all expense, after each dance is over, which becomes a permanent record for income tax computation (and it's time to do it again, friends). How much better to record your finances day- by-day than to dig through all those receipts and notations and add gray hairs a year later! Large wall calendars are also available. Write for prices to Cliff Brodeur, 235 First St., Pittsfield, Mass. 01201.

Jon Had T UCKY I*1 John Shallow RELEASES ECORDS 49k LRO16 I Square Danced All Night Long, Don Shotwell LR015 Peg Of My Heart, John Shallow LR014 Haying A Square Dance, Jon Hed LR013 My Gal from San Francisco, Bob Van Antwerp LR012 Ray Of Sunshine, Don Shotwell P.O. Box 5008, Long Beach, Ca. 90805

27 x.4.... ••

28 believe it is just that. We believe a move to more realistic rates must start with callers. So we'll put the burden squarely on your shoul- ders, "brothers." Perhaps you might start by rejecting those jobs where no minimum guarantee is made, where only a percentage is promised. Have -11.4•••••••••••••••••-# you ever traveled several hours to visit a club which paid you only $50 for the RAISE THE DO-CI-DOUGH LEVEL night, had ten sets in attendance, and We've always "sold" square dancing charged each couple only $1.50 admis- to our prospects as a very economical sion? Does this seem equitable? In tune package, and bragged of the value one with the times? Do you still work for gets for so little. But sometimes a closer only $35 per night for your local club, look at this practice is called for. which charges members $2.00 a couple Maybe the economy kick is a detriment per night, just as they did five years in disguise. For instance, do our class ago, and the treasurer keeps the club members really appreciate what they surplus in his baby's ankle sock at are getting for their dollars? Would home? Think about it. attendance and continuity be strength- ened if the activity generally had a VIEWPOINT slightly higher price tag? Are callers We like this thought by Jack Lasry adequately paid for their services, or as printed in his notes to callers: "Not are they playing the "good guys" with long ago I was on staff at one of the clubs that could pay more if those major festivals along the East Coast. clubs charged more? Would a compre- Like all large programs the main ball- hensive quality factor be enhanced for room was for FESTIVAL LEVEL both the club and the caller if more dancing. Which to most of us on the money became available? staff was the basic 75 plus what ever This may be a coincidence, but the the floor would handle. . . We were able most successful class in several years, to call Flutter Wheel and sweep Y., one caller reported, is one he's now Curliques as well as Spin Chain the Gears and the dancers did just great. conducting in a college setting, with first class facilities, which costs the HOWEVER if we called an all eight circulate after a swing thru, or from a participants S30. per couple for the Dixie Style to a wave set up, the floor first ten weeks, paid in advance. There went to pot. There are other examples are few absentees. Another caller is but what I want to impress you with is now getting 52.50 per couple per night the dancers are well up on the in advance, while other callers in his "latest area still charge the old standard dollar- and greatest" but really are not well a-person-a-night. That caller has the founded on their basics. What's the biggest class, strangely enough. rush??? Teach them well and give them In club situations, many clubs in a good foundation on which to grow New England and elsewhere that now and they will dance much better and charge S3.00 and more for a club dance a lot longer. . ." are flourishing, while clubs in some THE BEAT OF LIFE locations who've charged S2.00 per A bit of sage advice from one of the couple per night for the past five or ten all-time great callers of the past was years are hurting badly. The cost of recalled when a new caller asked re- living is changing rapidly - let's get out cently: "What is the single most im- of the nickel and dime doldrums and portant qualification of a caller?" Cer- price our form of entertainment with tainly few would dispute the word of the best form of entertainment, if we Continued on Page 64

29 by Bob Howell wee WALK, DON'T RUN MIXER (This one was given to me by Dr. Wm. Litchman from the U. of New Mexico at Albuquerque.) RECORD: Liberty 54518 INTRO: Drum roll and 16 beats of music. Formation: Circle couples facing line of direction in open position opposite footwork. Men begin on left foot. COUNTS 1-4 Walk forward three steps and kick right foot 5-8 Back up three steps and face partner on the last count. 9-12 Side-close, side-touch. (moving to man's left, step left-close with right, step left-touch toe of right foot to the instep of left foot. 13-16 Repeal counts 9-12 in reverse direction. 17.20 Back away from each other (man toward center of hall, lady towards wall) Away - 2 - 3 - touch. 21.24 Together - 2 - 3 - touch. 25-32 Solo turn away from each other in four slow steps, gents moving to the lady behind him and taking her as new partner. Dance is repeated 8 times thru.

Here is one by Marshall Flippo, that is not only easy, but a well written, smooth flowing dance. TRAVELING MINSTREL MAN

RECORD: Blue Star 1901 INTRO: BREAK: ENDING: Circle left My life is measured by the telephone poles The mileage lines are on my face Left allemande then do-sa-do with your own Gents star left around to place Turn thru with the partner, with the corner allemande You'll do si do and promenade her when you can I'll sing my song and move along I'm just a traveling minstrel man FIGURE: • Head two go right and left thru and turn with that Jane Crosstrail thru go round just one (make a line) You circle eight go walking round that old ring Left allemande and weave around that ring you run I'm just a traveling minstrel man You do si do and promenade her when you can I'll sing my song and move along I'm just a traveling minstrel man Note: If dancers have too much time on right and left thru, have head (side) couples promenade half way around that ring, then crosstrail 'Substitute phrase might be: Head two go right and left thru and roll a half sashay Pass thru go round just one, (makes it a little easier.)


MACGREGOR STEAL Page RECORD: Scope SC3128 Here's another suggestion from Andy Andersen of the Record Center in Chicago. Use the MacGregor Steal to the new hoedown "Handy" on Scope record SC312B. There is no call for this dance. A set is squared up the same as for a Square dance. E.:crib:a1y 3.stive a!! movements are dryne in 8 counb The 1 starts our with the head couples going forward and back while the side couples are swinging. Explaining the head couples first. Forward 1 2 3 4 Back up 1 2 3 4 Forward, split your corner and come back to your partner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Then swing your partners 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 Then separate and do-sa-do your corners 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 And back up to the home position. You are now ready to start from the beginning. Now for the sides. While the heads are going forward and back The sides will swing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Then separate and do-sa-do your corners 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Backing up to the home position Then forward 1 2 3 4 And back 1 2 3 4 Forward again and split their corners and come back To home position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Now they are back to swing as they did to start the dance The swing is done in 8 counts.

This is the complete figure, everyone is active at all times and now comes the stealing part. The people who are not in the square can get in by stealing a position. A gent or a lady can steal in or they can steal in as a couple. Stealing can only be done when one of the dancing couples is returning to home position to swing. If a lady is stealing one of the dancing ladies' partner, stop in front of the active lady and swing with her partner and this puts the other lady out who is then free to steal right back in, or steal any other ladiesposition. This also goes for the gent. If a couple is stealing in, they stand in back of the couple that is going forward and back. As soon as this couple leaves their position to split their corners, the stealing couple steps into their position and starts to swing. When the active returns to position they find a couple in their place and they have been cut out. JACQUE's ORIGINALS P.O. Box 8134 15121 853-3931 Flip Singing Call Corpus Christi, Texas 78412

PETTICOATS Nylon marquisette HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU 50 yard sweep S14.95 by ERNIE KINNEY 30 yard sweep S10.95 include 1(00 shipping. Ste length, waist, HI-HAT 420 size (30 ot,50 yard) and color. PETTIPAkTS C .1-7r .... SiS Watch For Our ron., Med., Lqe., In.lude shipping "Classic Series Hoedowns"

PROMPT DELIVERY GUARANTEED ! DANCE Petticoats manufactured by Jacque's Originals Dealer inquiries invited HI-HAT RECORDS

31 At3 Best Club Trick cf

Since the High Peaks Squares were booth at the Home Show, a column of formed last April its members have news of square dance activities pub- really been very much involved. Their lished weekly in the local newspaper involvement really began the first time as "High Peaks Hearsay," a good rep- modern western square dancing was resentation at a meeting of square introduced to the beautiful resort vil- dancers from N.Y. State to discuss lage of Lake Placid on Oct. 13, 1971. a State Federation and an even bigger Ralph Hoag, a retired Professor from group to work on Constitution and Plattsburg State College was the caller, Bylaws, a full page article by Presidents assisted by his wife, Carol, and several Dot and Bernie Baker about Lake square dancers. Placid and the newly formed club in Spectators soon became dancers, June Issue of American Squaredance and were quite surprised at and fas- are only a few of the many worthwhile cinated with this smooth, graceful new happenings in High Peaks Squares. kind of square dancing. Dancing in the Courtesy and friendliness seem to be floor-to-ceiling glass-fronted conven- ever present among the members of tion room of the Olympic Arena was a this club. They meet and greet every- pleasure for us and attracted the atten- one when they come; they introduce tion of both pedestrians and motorists. guests, dancers and non-dancers to one Actually less than 9 months old, the another and welcome them during the club has already joined the Capital President's announcements. Neither District Association and has applied for spectator nor dancer leaves without a membership in the Border Booster "thank you for coming," "come back Square Dance Association. Since the again," "safe journey," and "good- class was graduated last April, not to night" One leaves the great Olympic see a few couples from High Peaks Arena with the feeling that his presence Squares at dances far and near is most was truly enjoyed and appreciated. unusual. Miles and late hours mean "Greetings and farewells" are not just nothing to most members. given by an appointed committee. On October 1, less than a year from Everybody makes it their own respon- the first Fun Night, High Peaks Squares sibility to welcome everybody else and held its first Annual Flaming Leaves to dance with everybody. We have yet Festival with Dave Hass of Connecticut to see a "set up" square get on the calling. floor. Club members make sure that Exhibitions, demonstrations, a Continued on Page 50 CLIFF BRODEUR FULL TIME PROFESSIONAL CALLER TRAVELING ANYWHERE IN NORTHEAST U.S.A. May 21-23, 1973: Open in Ohio, Tenn., W.V., Va., N.C. etc. Early June, ]974: Open in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, etc. 235 First St., Pittsfield, Mass. Phone 413-443.3060

32 6

The fabulous SALT PALACE, site of the 1973 Natiunal Convention NATIONAL CONVENTION 1973

The finest dancing, and the finest company (other square dancers), of course. But there are more reasons to be in Salt Lake City in June: It's all under one air-conditioned roof. North, South, East or West, the natural beauty of the mountain states is worth a full vacation. For callers, round dancers, and square dancers, the National Convention will be an education. The local people are friendly; they understand dancing; and Mormons don't relly have two heads (or two wives.

Use the Advance Registration Form on the Next Three Pages, And Sign Up Now!

33 Nil II P11-1[ HF [NEE CONVEN 1111

Please fill out complete form. SALT PALACE Return to: ADVANCE REGISTRATION DIRECTOR SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH P. 0 BOX 09073 MILL CREEK STATION 1111,911•1 JUNE 28, 29, 30, 1973 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84109 . THE PLACE TO BE CHECK CONVENTIONS ATTENDED: ' 1952 R.verside " 1963 St Paul 1953 Kansas City 1964 Long Beach IN '73! ADVANCE REGISTRATION APPLICATION 1954 Deltas 1965 Dallas ' 1955 Oklahoma City • 1966 indian•polis PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY 1956 San Diego 1967 Philadelphia 1957 St Lows " 1968 Omaha 1958 Louisville 1969 Seattle Last Name 1 959 Denver 1970 Louisville 1960 Des Moines 1971 New Orleans Address :961 Detroit 1^ 1972 Des Moines 1962 Miami Beach City/State/Zip TOTAL USE NAMES YOU WISH Advance registration fees per delegate are: Check X for days attending ON YOUR BADGES S2 00 for 1 day. S3 75 for 2 days: SS 25 for 3 days; Thursday n Friday 7 Saturday E (twenty-five cents per day higher at the convention) FEE His First Name $ Make checks or money order payable to: Her First Name 22ND NATIONAL SQUARE DANCE Child's Name and Age Child's Name and Age CONVENTION. Child's Name and Age S Convention Programs St 00 each Cook Book 6' S2 50 each May 1 1973 is the deadline for refunds. Make total remittance for this No confirmations by mail after May 1 1973 amount only


Last Name His First Her First

Address City State Zip

Indicate your preference for accommodations now. and Motels will make reservations through our Housing Director only. Please refer to the reverse side for names, rates. and locations. Indicate four choices Your selections will be honored if possible. otherwise comparable accommodations will be arranged Ages of Children 1st Choice 2nd Choice HOTEL AND MOTEL 3rd Choice 4th Choice RESERVATIONS ROOM RATE DESIRED S to $ Type of accommodations desired: Room(s) with one double bed for two persons Room(s) with two double beds for four persons Room(s) with full size bed for one person (Single) Suite(s) with one bedroom with two Room(s) with twin beds for two persons (Twin) Dormitory space for Rollaways Needed




Your Name Street Address City State Zip The following are hotels and motels in Salt Lake City at which reservations are available. Please refer to map for locations. Rates listed as of January 1. 1972.


1 Hotel Utah 514-522 518-523 520-526 524426 550-575 2 Royal Inns of America 516520 $18-522 520-524 $28-532 $50-585 3. Tn-Arc $17.00 $19.00 $22.00 526.00 4. Temple Square Hotel $9-512 $11-$16 512-516 $16.00 5. Newhouse Hotel $16 50 $16.50 $21.00 $35,00 6. Hotel Miles $6.30 $8 40 $9.45 $10.50


7 Hotel Utah Motor Lodge $12-516 515421 S16-S22 520-524 $35-550 8 Salt Lake Travelodge $14 84 $16.96 518-519 521.20 $26.50 (Family Unit) 9. Royal Executive Inn $18 00 520.00 526.00 10. $13.00 $16 00 $19.00 $21.00 11 Salt Palace Travelodge $16.00 518.00 524.00 528.00 (Family Unit) 12 Friendship Inn Townhouse $18.00 518-520 18-$22 $34 00 13 Little America $20.00 522 00 $22 00 526.00 522.524 (Petite Suite) 14 Deseret Inn 51900 $25 00 15 Imperial 400 $10.00 $12.00 $15 00 $19 00 16 Downtown Travelodge $1400 $1700 523 00 17, $21 50 $29.50 18 $18.50 $21.50 $27.50 19 Inn $12.25 $16.00 520.00 $26.00 20 SeRancho Motor Hotel $16.50 522.50 $22.50 21 Holiday Inn (Airport) $2100 $21.00 $21.00 $29.00

22 Dormitories available at the University of Utah

'Prices are sublect to change and do not include taxes A GRAND

SQUARE • 44-zitie dancer

Eight years ago, a New Zealander who had spent some 20 years in Canada Art and Blanche as conveners have decided to return to his homeland with gathered an organizing committee his Canadian wife and the result is that around them to prepare for the South- hundreds of people in this South Pa- ern Hemisphere Convention which will cific country have been brought to- be held in Christchurch, Feb. 8-10, gether in the square dance movement. 1974. They are determined that this Art and Blanche Shepherd have will be one of the biggest events of its been responsible for the revival of some kind held outside the North American 30 to 40 clubs throughout the country, continent, and expect a large overseas giving assistance by way of tapes and attendance of 500 or more. Art asks traveling to distant cities and towns to that any caller or round dance in- help get dancing started. structor who wants to participate Art has also been encouraging young should confirm his intention by Nov. callers, the lack of which was the reason 1973. New Zealand businessmen are on why an upsurge in square dancing annual holidays from Dec. 24 to Jan. twenty years ago faded out very 14 and the program must be completed quickly. and in the printers' hands in November. Art first became associated with Participants should also send a 2" x 2" square dancing some 17 years dgo photo and a short resume. while a member of the R.C.A.F. and We wish Art and Blanche much was encouraged to try calling. He is success in their efforts to stage the New quick to give great credit to two great Zealand Convention in 1974. This is a teachers, Earl Park and Ed Gilmore, fitting climax to their years of building for his rapid progress as a caller who is square dancing to its present peak in now well-known internationally. their area. by Gordon Nuttall

From time to time, AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE will publish stories of dancers who have had unusual experiences or accomplishments through the activity. Be newshounds; when you hear such a story at a dance, send it in for publication. 11111111111.11IMIIIIIIIM 37 WORN SHOP WILLARD ORLICH

here the next command tells the danc- ers what to do. From couples facing each other, on command to Dixie chain, the right hand person leads out ahead with the right to pull by, all then use left hands and pull by, the trailers right hand pull by again finishing single file. The Dixie Chain has been around This rule also applies if two men as for quite awhile and is part of our basic partners face two girls as partners (or square dance training. In spite of this, any couple combination). The person it seems that the average dancer still on the right starts the Dixie chain doesn't know where it starts and how movement. The ending is always a back it ends. Perhaps this is the reason to- to hack single file position ready for day's callers don't use the movement the next command. very much. We used to crosstrail thru The all-8 Dixie chain is very seldom to our corner many times with the used but it is a good advanced club command "Dixie Chain, lady go left, level figure with interesting results. In gent go right to a left allemande". We this case the four ladies would right- do use the Dixie style variation to form hand star across to the opposite man, ocean waves or even into a Dixie Grand give him a left and pull him into the to a left allemande much more often, middle while she remains facing out. it seems. The four boys now in the middle will The single file set up of two people right-hand star across the set to stop meeting another single file of two standing single file behind their part- people seems to present no problem. ners. From above, the set would look The first two give right hands and pull like four spokes of a wheel. The next by. All give left hands and pull by, command could be varied in many the trailing two give right hands again ways. and pull by. All finish single file back Examples: to back with those pulled by. From All around the left-hand lady


Partner left, allemande thar, direction unless told to do otherwise. 00 Boys back up right-hand star Zoom and partner trade (for the trail- Shoot the star about once and a half ers) would be the same as a boomerang. Four ladies lead all-8 Dixie chain A loop the loop starts from a line of (Girls star, boys follow) four. The center couple archs as the Ladies go left, gents go right ends turn in and then loop back 360 To left allemande degrees to stand facing the arching 00 couple who have "dishragged" under All four ladies chain across to reverse facing direction. In effect Chain them back with might & main Ladies lead all-R Dixie chain this is an "ends turn in and substitute" from lines of four facing out. A loop The ladies zig (1/4 right), men zag (1/4 left) the loop done from a line of four with Swing thru across the set the centers facing north and the two Again swing thru and when you do ends facing south would end up with Turn thru to the corner, allemande left these two couples facing each other. All around the left-hand lady COLIN WALTON, Eau Gallie, Fla.: Partners left, allemande thar Dixie Chain seems to be very little used Boys back up in a star in today's club dancing. Shoot the star full around With corner all-8 chain ED NOTE: The trend does seem to be (right pull by, left to next, courtesy turn) no-hands pass by single files these days Four ladies chain across the set (tag the line, double pass thru, etc.). Send 'em back, a Dixie chain, boys follow We have a hunch that perhaps our Heads turn left, sides turn right callers aren't sure where the movement Single file, walk pass two ends because so many of their dancers (right & shoulders) break down if it is used from other than Dixie style ocean waves or to a With the next a Dixie chain left allemande. With this in mind, we Lady go left, gent go right have reviewed the Dixie Chain in the Left allemande choreography section this month. li MANY SOURCES: Why are dancers so weak in dancing Spin the Top? It's been f around for a long time now. ED NOTE: Like many other "basic" CALLERS' movements, callers have fallen into a trap of using it the same way all the QUESTIONS time. Dancers reach the point of for- getting the basic rule when they dance it the same way every dance, i.e., two boys on ends of right-hand wave to start. Even the square thru equivalent of a swing thru plus spin the top breaks RALPH SWEET, Enfield, Conn: Isn't down because the boys forget to move Zoom (new idea Dec. S/D mag) the up to the wave ends unless told to do same thing as the old loop the loop? so. Very few figures use a spin the top ED NOTE. - Not exactly. The command starting with a boy at one end and a to zoom is given to a lead couple girl at the other end. When is the last standing in front of another couple time you used a figure with a spin the as in a wheel and deal position or in a top from a left-hand ocean wave? The finished double pass thru position. The rule is still the same — ends swing half, lead couple separates and rolls back new centers 3/4 and ends move up. 360 degrees to end facing the backs of the trailing couple who have stepped MARV KEPPLER, St. Louis, Mo.: Is forward without changing their facing there material available about the tim- 39 ing of figures to singing calls? An advanced club level group whose ED NOTE: Yes, several sources. participants dance about six times a SQUAREDANCE magazine has a man- month (4 club dances and 2 advance ual, Easy Sing-a-long calls which adapt level open dances) must first be well patterns to a given singing call record prepared. Their knowledge of the first with breakdowns to show how to do 75 basics must be well intrenched for it. Sets in Order also has several helpful proper reaction. Exposure to and use manuals with material geared to singing of the +50 so-called experimental basics calls. must eventually be part of their pro- gram. The goal is possible and a good RON NFL SON, Norfolk, Va.: Are there one for the interested parties but — any guidelines for instituting advanced preparation time and practice is a must level lessons and forming an advanced to be successful. There are no short level club? cuts to this goal without causing frus- ED NOTE: There sure are but we're tration and drop-outs. sorry to say very few callers properly prepare their dancers for this fun level; therefore, it doesn't seem like fun to the unprepared. Today's so called ad- vanced dancer will breeze thru relay the deucey but break down on a crosstrail NE DEA thru. They dream thru a spin chain the gears but fail to know who their "partner" is when not the original. Example: Head couples pass thru, separate around FAN BACK one by Bill Davis, Menlo Park, California Into the middle and swing your partner From an ocean wave, two-faced line or Face the sides, allemande left diamond circulate set-up, the centers (it DOES work) cast % while ends do a U-turn back. Advance club level dancing means EXAMPLES by Will Orlieh different things in different areas. What Heads square thru four hands could be "advanced" dancing in one Swing thru, centers run area is considered low intermediate in FAN BACK another area. To your editor, advanced Girls swing thru and cast off % club level dancing means that the par- Boys circulate, girls run ticipants can dance the 75 basic pro- Bend the line, slide thru gram from any angle with all variations Left allemande included. They can also dance the Heads lead right circle to a line "+50" experimental group which Star thru, swing thru would mean that 15 or 20 of these FAN BACK would be constantly changing until Six circulate one notch they found a permanent place in our Center boys trade and cast off % choreography or were dropped in favor Bend the line, star thru, substitute of new ideas. The probable number of Swing thru and turn thru to square dance terms could reach 150 Left allemande which can be danced with instant recall and dancer reaction. Beyond this the Head couples spin the top average person becomes a "movement- Swing thru, FAN BACK maker" with very few dancing qualities Diamond circulate, FAN BACK left in the picture. Constant workshop- Turn thru, circle four ping, short-cutting and an abundance Head gents break to a line of time is the name of the game after Spin the top, swing thru this plateau. FAN BACK, diamond circulate

40 FAN BACK, boys run Promenade, sides roll back Wheel and deal Heads backtrack, half square thru Left allemande Girls roll back, star thru Heads lead right circle to a line Frontier whirl, promenade Pass thru, tag the line right Heads wheel around FAN BACK, centers swing thru Cross trail thru to the corner Diamond circulate, FAN BACK Left allemande Bend the line, star thru Heads lead right, circle to a line Centers square thru % Star thru, frontier whirl Left allemande Centers roll back square thru Heads square thru four hands Frontier whirl, right and left thru Swing thru, boys trade Star thru, frontier whirl Girls circulate, all scoot back Centers roll back, square thru FAN BACK, diamond circulate Frontier whirl, cross trail thru FAN BACK, right and left grand To the corner, left allemande Head couples right and circle to two- Heads lead right, circle to a line faced line Pass thru, wheel and deal Boys run, FAN BACK Centers roll back, new centers backtrack Six circulate, diamond circulate Square thru, wheel and deal FAN BACK, all-8-circulate Girls roll back, boys backtrack FAN BACK, six circulate Square thru, wheel and deal Diamond circulate, FAN BACK Centers roll back, new centers backtrack Swing thru, boys run Square thru 3/. California twirl, crosstrail thru to Left allemande Left allemande by Bill Barton, Ascutney, Vermont CROSSING IN AND OUT ROLL BACK VARIATIONS Four ladies chain, promenade Promenade, heads roll back Heads wheel around, pass thru Promenade, sides roll back Wheel and deal, double pass thru Promenade, men roll back Centers cross in, cast off % Left allemande Pass thru, wheel and deal Promenade, heads roll back Double pass thru, centers cross in Sides wheel around Cast off %, star thru, square thru 3/. Cross trail thru, to the corner Left allemande Left allemande Heads lead right, circle to a line Promenade, heads roll back Pass thru, wheel and deal Sides backtrack, pass thru Double pass thru, centers cross out Wheel and deal, double pass thru Bend the line, pass thru First pair left, next pair LEFT Wheel and deal, double pass thru Promenade, sides roll back, Centers cross out, bend the line Heads backtrack, pass thru Star thru, eight chain three Wheel and deal, double pass thru Left allemande First pair left, next pair LEFT Heads half square thru Promenade, four couples backtrack Right and left thru, star thru Four couples wheel around Pass thru, wheel and deal Promenade, heads roll back Double pass thru, centers cross in Sides wheel around Cast off 34, pass thru Cross trail thru, to the corner Wheel and deal, double pass thru Left allemande Centers cross out, bend the line Promenade, heads roll back Pass thru, centers arch, ends turn in Sides backtrack, square thru Square thru Boys roll back, star thru Left allemande

41 by Jack Lasry, Miami, Florida Spin chain thru, scoot back Heads square thru four hands Girls trade, right and left thru Swing thru, boys run Square thru three quarters, trade by Girls cast off 1/4, diamond circulate Do-sa-do, make ocean wave Boys swing thru, cast off 3/4 Scoot back, boys trade Girls circulate once, girls run Spin the top, right and left thru Girls trade, scoot back, boys run Square thru three quarters Girls trade, wheel and deal Left allemande Left allemande.... Head ladies chain, heads pass thru Heads lead right circle to a line Separate, go round one, in the middle Pass thru, wheel and deal Swing thru and swing thru again Centers square thru four Pass thru, spin chain thru Others divide and star thru Swing thru, right and left thru Do-sa-do to a wave, 8-circulate Dive thru, swing thru, swing thru Girls trade, spin chain the gears Pull by, allemande left Eight circulate to a curlique Side ladies chain Scoot back, boys run Heads right and left thru Left allemande.... Sides swing star thru Heads rollaway half sashay, circle eight Do-sa-do, make ocean wave Boys pass thru, around one to a line Scoot back, boys trade, boys run Pass thru, tag the line, cloverleaf Wheel and deal, star thru Boys square thru Square thru three quarters Do-sa-do to a wave, boys run Allemande left Left allemande by Clarence Rambo, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio NOTE: The following "crazy" circulate fig- OLE BUSTER ures are tough position teasers. Be careful Head ladies chain and rollaway where you use them as they may not be ac- Sides left square thru cepted by just any group: Arky allemande, partners right and Heads lead right circle to a line Spin the top three-quarters Pass thru, bend the line Eight rollaway half sashay Curlique, eight circulate Allemande thar, shoot the star Girls quarter right (right face turn) Heads lead Dixie chain, boys go right Eight circulate Girls go left, double star thru Dixie style Girls quarter left, right and left thru Zig, zag, spin the top, explode the wave Swing thru, turn thru Swap around, centers in, cast off % Left allemande.... Pass thru on to the next Crosstrail thru to arky allemande Heads lead right circle to a line Partners all, arky grand Curlique, boys quarter right Meet partners and swing, promenade.... Eight circulate,boys trade by Ed Fraidenburg, Midland, Michigan Girls quarter right, barge thru Heads square thru four hands Left allemande Curlique, ends trade Heads lead right circle to a line Same ends run, cast off 3/4 Curlique, boys quarter right Pass thru,ends trade, same ends run Eight circulate, eight circulate again Cast off 3/4, pass thru, wheel and deal Girls quarter right, box the gnat, Centers square thru three hands Right and left thru, barge thru Left allemande Left allemande.... Heads square thru four hands by Larry Jack Marconette Centers in, 'cast off 1/4, ends trade Sides square thru, spin chain thru Same ends run e Scoot back, girls trade (Repeat twice more from to .) Right and left thru Cast off 1/4, ends trade Square thru three quarters, trade by Left allemande

42 Four ladies chain 3/4 Heads pass thru go round one to a line Heads square thru four hands Spin the top, ocean wave, remake it Centers in, cast off % Everybody fold, swat the flea Ends trade, same ends run Left allemande Cast off %, ends trade Left allemande Heads lead right circle to a line Sides half sashay Pass thru, wheel and deal Heads square thru four hands Double pass thru, centers in Centers in, cast off 3/4 Cast off 3/4, pass thru Ends trade, same ends run Wheel and deal, substitute Cast off 3/4, centers square thru 3/4 Centers pass thru, curlique Ends move up and slide thru Fan the top, right and left thru Pass thru, trade by Flutter wheel, left allemande Left allemande Heads lead right circle to a line Heads square thru four hands Fan the top, curlique Circle half to a two-faced line Boys run, partner trade Couples hinge and trade, all sweep 14 Pass thru, wheel and deal Heads pass thru, all tag the line right Double pass thru, centers in Sides pass thru, bend both lines Cast off 3%, pass thru Pass thru, wheel and deal Wheel and deal, centers pass thru Substitute, centers pass thru Curlique, girls circulate Left allemande Boys trade, boys run, bend the line Pass thru, wheel and deal, Heads lead right circle to a line Centers curlique, single file circulate Pass thru, couples hinge and trade Boys run, flutter wheel, sweep 1/4 All sweep 1/4 , sides pass thru Pass thru, slide thru, crosstrail thru All promenade, heads wheel around Left allemande Left allemande Heads swing thru, turn and left thru REMAKES Flutter wheel, sweep 1/4, and 1/4 more Heads square thru four hands Left allemande Swing thru to a wave, remake it (1/4,%,%) Men trade, girls trade Sides half sashay, heads square thru Centers trade, men run Swing thru, curlique, fan the top Left allemande Step thru, partner trade Heads square thru four hands Square thru four hands, trade by Circle half to a two-faced line Left allemande Girls remake (1/4, 1/2 , %), men circulate Heads square thru four hands Men run, men remake (1/4, 1/2,34) Circle to a two-faced line Girls circulate, all remake ('/4,'/2, 3/4) Tag the line right, boys crossrun Ends circulate, men run, square thru four Fan the top, wheel and deal Trade by, circle to a line Sweep 1/4 , dive thru square thru% Crosstrail, left allemande Left allemande Heads lead right circle to a line Heads square thru four hands Dixie style ocean wave, men remake it Circle to a two faced line Girls turn back, girls circulate Tag the line left, boys crossrun Men run, girls remake, men circulate Fan the top, wheel and deal Ends trade, same ends run, cast off % Sweep 1'/4 , star thru, partner trade Box the gnat, crosstrail Pass thru, left allemande Left allemande Heads square thru four hands Heads square thru four hands Swing thru, boys crossrun Circle half to a two-faced line Fan the top, step thru, tag the line in Girls remake, all cast off '4 Spin the top, boys run, tag the line left Crosstrail to a left allemande Boys run, curlique, boys run

43 Partner trade, flutter wheel, sweep'/4 by Art Daniels, Southern Calif. Callers Left allemande Heads square thru, sides roll away, Circle four, boys break make lines of 4 Eight roll away a half sashay Four in line pass thru, wheel and deal Heads square thru that way Double pass thru, first two single file Swing thru, girls cross run Promenade left, next California twirl Fan the top, step thru, partner trade Pass thru, hello there! Right and left thru, flutter wheel Left allemande Square thru four hands, trade by Left allemande by Larry Brockett, Los Alamitos, Cal. SOUEEKY Heads lead right circle to a line Heads face partner back away Spin the top, boys cross run Four in line, pass thru Fan the top, girls cross run Tag the line, centers in, centers run Fan the top, curlique Ends circulate, wheel and deal Scoot back, boys run, partner trade Centers pass thru and star thru Right and left thru, flutter wheel Boomerang, two ladies star to a Left allemande Left allemande Heads slide thru, pass thru HUMPTY Slide thru, boys turn thru Promenade, heads wheel around Turn partner left 3/4 Pass thru, tag the line Ocean wave, girls circulate, boys trade Peel off, pass thru, tag the line Girls run, couples circulate Peel off, pass thru, bend the line Wheel and deal, square thru % Bend it again, cross trail thru Left allemande Left allemande Promenade, sides wheel around by Bill Armstrong, Southern Calif. Callers Pass thru, tag the line Heads slide thru, square thru Boomerang, centers in, centers run Left square thru 3/4, Pass thru, tag the line, boomerang Centerfour square thru, others cloverleaf Star thru, slide thru, dive thru Square thru five hands, partner trade Pass thru, star thru, cross trail thru Left allemande Left allemande Heads swing thru, spin the top HOOP I E Right and left thru with a full turn Heads lead right and circle to a line Swing thru, spin the top Pass thru, tag the line Right and left thru with a full turn Cloverleaf, double pass thru Move on to the next, right and left thru Centers in, cast off 3/4, tag the line right Slide thru, left allemande All promenade the wrong way round Sides swing thru, box gnat Sides back track, box the gnat Swing thru, spin the top Turn thru, bend the line Right and left thru with a full turn Cross trail thru, left allemande Circle four, sides break to lines of four Swing thru, spin the top DOOPI E Right and left thru a full turn around Side ladies chain, heads star thru Left allemande Boomerang, two ladies chain Slide thru, square thru %, tag the line Heads swing thru, box the gnat Boomerang, centers turn back, pass thru Face the sides, circle four Pass thru again, allemande left Heads break, square thru 3/4 Crosstrail, left allemande SQUAREDANCE magazine WORKSHOP features original material submitted to Promenade don't slow down the editor. New ideas are presented each Heads wheel around, swing thru month. Mail new and creative material Spin the top, right and left thru and questions to Willard Orlich, Workshop With a full turn around Editor, AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE, Left allemande Box 788, Sandusky, Ohio 44870.

44 guar -ante CLOTHING

ilfi - w.

FLORIDA CHEZ BEA for square and NEW YORK round dancing CREATIONS IRONDA Square Dance Shoppe 650 N.E. 128 St. (759-8131) 759 Washington Ave. (266-5720) N. Miami, Fla. 33161 Irondequoit, Rochester, N.Y. Everything for the square dancer! SQUARE DANCE CORNER (565-3781) 2435 No. Dixie Highway OHIO Wilton Manors, Florida BELT & BUCKLE Western Shop YOUR FRIENDLY ONE-STOP SHOP 1891 Mapleview Dr. (216-524.8970) Cleveland, Ohio 44131 INDIANA S/D Clothing, Jewelry, Records ALLEMANDE SHOP (219-663-2476) 7•W 250 North Main St. HERGATT'S WESTERN SHOP Crown Point, Ind. 46307 50 N. Linwood Ave. Norwalk, Ohio 44857 OUR BUSINESS— S/0 CLOTHING • EVERYTHING WESTERN B-BAR-B SQUARE DANCE APPAREL

1536 Main St. (Speedway) M & H WESTERN FASHIONS Indianapolis, Indiana 46224 13002 Lorain Ave. (216-835-0354) RECORDS SHIPPED SAME DAY Cleveland, Ohio 44111 DE DE THE WESTERN BOOTIQUE MAIL ORDERS WELCOME 65 East Main St. SQUARE TOGS Hagerstown, Ind. 47346 11757 U.S. 42 Appropriate, appealing apparel Sharonville, Ohio 45241 DE KANSAS RECORDS AVAILABLE, TOO! THE SQUARE DANCE SHOPPE THE WESTERN SHOP 2319 S. Seneca (316-263-5532) 33 South Main St. Wichita, Ks. 67213 Miamisburg, Ohlo 45342 7)F, Everything for the Square Dancer Will ship anywhere same day. KENTUCKY PENNSYLVANIA Preslar's Western Shop Inc. Marea's Western Wear & Records 3111 S. 4 St. 3/49 Zimmerly Road • Lousiville, Ky 40214 (Corner Love & Zimmerly) ;1 All 5/D supplies; Newcombs & mikes Erie, Pa. 16506 ;30, LOUISIANA SOUTH CAROLINA : BETTY-JO Enterprises (504-729-7182) Marty's Square Dance Fashion At; P.O. Box 73065 404 Cherokee Drive Metairie, La. 70003 Greenville, S.C. 29607 Petticoats for Adults, Teens, Pre-teens S/0 Clothing for men & women MASSACHUSETTS TENNESSEE Peg's 5/0 Shop (413-442-9335) Nick's Western Shop E 47 Weller Ave. Off Rt. 7 245 E. Market & Cherokee • • Pittsfield, Mass. 01201 Kingsport, Tenn. 37660 Mail orders; free catalog; fashion shows. WILL SHIP RECORDS & CLOTHING F MICHIGAN WEST VIRGINIA RUTHAD (313-841-0586) BUCK & SANDY'S WESTERN WEAR 8869 Avis Route 3, Meadowdale • Detroit, Mich, 48209 Fairmont, West Virginia 26554 Prettier, perkier, petticoats, pantalettes Complete Line for Square Dancers NEW JERSEY

...lv The Corral, John Pedersen, Jr. :. .:. • .: 41 Cooper Ave - •. A :iini West Long Branch, N.J. 07764 .. t•.; ". S/0 APPAREL AND ACCESSORIES .."'Iti.. lt10:. 111igellse.0.1110.0.•ba;11.;2;11,;C•10.1;4111;t;4111;2;111;:p..,111.4;•1;z;4 654 11Q...;••:6;4•;.2;41%4 64;4 I;o;••;,•;41•;16,21;• WWI* 741/74.71171.740.•...771,771.774,5N priZi pr;71,. lf• . • V ...41747.1...... •.1,...i...... 4 . .. A ...74 07.1.417,41.74;74117.1 070 45 basic organization. Advanced dancers should be working on 200 or more 0:?y• calls. Challenge dancing just about dou- bles this with 400 or more calls in use. I do believe that there should be lists of booklets prepared by the callers for the dancers with whom these callers work regularly. We do have such lists put out from time to time. A year ago, Jack Lasry C. in hisallers' notes listed tviienty calls by Jim Kassel beyond the 75 basics which he felt It is with a certain amount of joy would be lasting and worth using in and also some misgiving that I embark most clubs. Every two years Will Or- on this venture of editing and keeping lich issues his book of 50 experimental this column going in the direction all movements. Lee Kopman has a very of us who are interested in challenge fine book which is titled "Glossary of and advanced material feel it should go. Square Dance Calls" that he uses in When Stan called, he assured me challenge clubs. Ed Foote prepares lists the callers who have groups of this for his advanced group and his chal- sort, and many interested dancers, lenge club. In our advanced club, the would furnish me with (hopefully) Salem Whirlaways, we are adding some more material than we might be able calls to our list of "200" that we used to print. So, those of you who have last year. Truly a little more coordina- something for this department, please tion of lists is needed. Most clubs go send it along to me or to the magazine. beyond the "75" but many callers and I hope to be able to continue the dancers don't know where to go, so the fine job Dewey has done, and also material is often "hodge-podge," with from time to time, to give some atten- too many new ideas with no lasting va- tion to advanced groups. We will be lue. Your ideas on this are welcome. particularly interested in advanced A new organization, Mid-Atlantic groups where dancers are being pre- Challence Association, (MACA) has pared for "Introduction to Challenge" been formed in the Baltimore-Washing- or "Challenge" clubs. ton area. The primary purpose of MA- It is my desire to print news of CA is to promote, coordinate and fos- challenge and advanced dancing, and ter challenge dancing in the Mid-Atlan- interesting stories and ideas associated tic area. Presently MACA affairs are be- with this activity. We will avoid con- ing handled by a temporary board of troversial subjects and "ax gringing" directors consisting of two members as much as possible, but we do like from each of the associated and recog- constructive criticism as it often clears nized challenge clubs in the area. the air. The MACA promoted an "Introduc- Most of us have no problem differ- tion to Challenge" dance, featuring entiating among club, advanced and Keith Gulley, Jimmy Heatwole and challenge groups with the twilight zones Chuck Stinchcomb in the fall. These in between. Let me give you my idea of callers are members of MACA's Caller this breakdown and then we will con- Advisory Board. The dance was open tinue with some news items. to all experienced dancers interested in Today most club dancing includes this phase of square dancing. Good 75 basics, plus about 25 additional luck, MACA, and let us hear more! calls. Roughly, then, good club dan Word has just reached us of the 7th cers should have a working knowledge Annual National Challenge Convention of about 100 movements, unless the to be held June 14-16 at the Treadway club is definitely designated a 50 or 75 Confined on Page 64


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35 36 ACROSS 1. Grand it, 8. Publish ._.. . _ . 10. Elevated r CAS 12. Swing some ---- 13. Swing ---ter Kate 15. Spin the --- 16. Against (prefix) 17. Yale, Harvard, etc. = 18. Permanent prisoner --- League 22. the ring 19. Fruit 24. chain 20. Way out 26. Laundry equipment 21. mortis 28. Old movie 23. Fisherman 29. Maker of western jeans 25. S/D sets or caller Kopman 27. Boys names (French) 31. S/D clothes (sing.) 30. Rim 32. turn in 33. Opposite of happy 34. Hand that starts a Suzy 36. Note of scale Q (Abbr.) 35. Queenly LAST MONTH'S PUZZLE 37. Car models T I P MOON S WAT O NA ENDS WAS H DOWN P ART RI D RI S KY T I RE RUNT 1. your taw H ONEY HEDGE RS 2. Suzy - I CES VEE RS OE 3. Square 'em -- N E R CELLO BL T 4. Right - - turn G A I ANES LULU E NDS RUN C RI SP 5. Melee E ROS BAWL 6. Sign up for classes CANAL DOS A DOS 9. Lukewarm APS E WANT ELK N OEL EYES R A Y 11. Covered the inside of 14. thru


IF YOU'RE NOT GONE TOO LONG—Dance Ranch 613, Caller: Ron Schneider Ron Schneider, for many years one of the king pins of the Grenn label, has gone over to Dance Ranch. His first record on this la- bel is a fine one. FIGURE: Heads lead right and circle to a line, up and back, right and left thru, flutter wheel and sweep a quarter, SINGING CALLS square thru three quarters, left allemande, do-sa-do your own, swing corner, promenade. ALL RECORDS ARE REVIEWED AND AWARENESS OF NOTHING— Lightning S WORKSHOPPED BY DOUG EDWARDS. 5012, Caller: Lem Smith THEY MAY BE PURCHASED FROM: A screwy title but the dance and music are great. FIGURE: Eight to the middle and EDWARDS RECORD SERVICE back, heads promenade half around, side P.O. Box 538 ladies chain, sides do-sa-do, sides swing thru, same two turn and left thru, slide thru, pass Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 thru, swing corner twice around, promenade. WAKE ME UP EARLY IN THE MORNING— Well, well, two new hoedowns this month Blue Star 1936, Caller: Marshall Flippo and both are good ones, but each in a differ- ent way. The Wagon Wheel hoedown is not Good music, good figure, and altogether a fine record. FIGURE: Heads pass thru and quite the Billy John type. It has a solid beat, walk around one to a line, up and back, star but is quite wild and indeed, it is something thru and double pass thru, clover leaf, inside quite different in hoedown style. Many cal- two right and left thru, pass thru and eight lers will climb the walls with this one. The chain four, swing the next and promenade. other new hoedown this month is on the Hi-Hat label. It has a strong beat with a sub- YOU'RE THE ONLY WORLD I KNOW— dued fiddle lead all the way. It's a natural Kalox 1136, Caller: Vaughn Parrish for callers who like fiddle. Here they are: A real nice dance, not much "meat" in the Wagon Wheel 124, DON'S DREAM/DON'S figure but the break is a bit different than DILEMMA (No key given on record) run-of-the-mill records. BREAK: Join hands circle left, left allemande, come back and Hi-Hat 621 NEW STONE RAG/DEVIL do-sa-do, gents star left once around, box JUMPED UP (No key given on record) the gnat and weave the wrong way round, Here are the new singing calls: swing and promenade. FIGURE: Heads promenade half way, lead right and circle STROLLIN— Dance Ranch 611 to a line, up and back, star thru and do-sa-do, Caller: Frank Lane pass thru and swing corner, left allemande A combination of great music, great figure, and promenade. and of course, great calling by the old mas- ter makes this record a must. This has got to SOFT SWEET AND WARM— Wagon Wheel be the best record from a pile of really fine 123, Caller: Don Franklin ones this month. FIGURE: Head ladies A fine dance for baritone callers, but keyed chain across, turn the girl and roll away, join a bit low for most. FIGURE: Heads flutter hands, circle left, girls pass thru, turn left, wheel and sweep a quarter, pass thru, right keep on going single file, boys swing thru, and left thru, flutter wheel and sweep a quar- then turn thru, allemande the corner, back ter, square thru three quarters, swing corner, home and do-sa-do, corner swing and prome- left allemande, do-sa-do and promenade. nade. CLOSE TO YOU— Jay Bar Kay 138 SALLY SUNSHINE— Dance Ranch 612 Caller: Randy Anderson Caller: Frank Lane A nice smooth dance that our workshoppers We hate to do this, putting two records by liked very much. While doing the grand the same caller, No. 1 and 2, in the analysis, square in the break, the words of the song because callers will say we are working for are inspiring. FIGURE: Heads promenade him, but we've got to call them as we see half way, side ladies chain, sides square thru them, and we see these as the two top rec- four hands, swing thru, boys run, bend the ords of the month. FIGURE: Heads slide line, slide thru, square thru three hands, cor- thru, do-sa-do, curlique (or box the gnat) ner swing, allemande new corner, come back make a right hand star, star right half way, and weave the ring, turn partner right, men star left the other way, find corner girl, right star left, same girl promenade. and left thru, roll away and turn thru, left allemande and promenade. I SQUARE DANCED ALL NIGHT LONG— Lucky 016, Caller: Don Shotwell MAMA BEAR— Jay Bar Kay 140 Caller: Curley Custer A real nice dance with good Lucky music. The break is the interesting part of the dance. This is the third Mama Bear to be released, but we have to call It the smoothy of the BREAK: Allemande left, Alamo style and pack. It dances smoother than silk. The mu- balance, swing thru and balance, swing thru sic is delightful. FIGURE: Heads promenade and turn thru, left allemande and weave the half way, down the middle, right and left ring, do-sa-do and promenade. FIGURE: thru, square thru four hands, right and left Heads crosstrail, around one to a line, up and back, star thru, pass thru, trade by, left thru, dive thru, square thru three hands, allemande and do-sa-do, men star left once corner swing, left allemande, promenade. around, do-sa-do partner, corner promenade. 48 SANTO DOMINGO— Kalox 1135 STAIRWAY TO PARADISE— MacGregor Caller: Allen Tipton 2115, Caller: Tommy Stoye Dance quite similar to the old "Tonight Car- FIGURE: Four ladies chain, chain them men," but the entire record is a good one. back, join hands circle left, ladies center, Reminds one of gay caballeros and Spanish men sashay, circle left, left allemande the sombreros. FIGURE: Heads promenade half corner, do-sa-do at home, left allemande way, sides do-sa-do, square thru four hands, and promenade. split the heads, around one to a line, up and back, star thru, trade by, swing corner lady WRANGLER JOE— MacGregor 2116 and promenade. Caller: Tommy Stoye FIGURE: Heads promenade half way,'sides THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES— Mustang Square thru three quarters, sides wheel 148, Caller: Johnny LeClair around, all four ladies chain across, heads A long time since we have heard from John- rrnsc trail, swing the corner, left allemande, ny LeClair. This dance is good and the music weave the ring, promenade. is also good. Too bad that two others are already out and real good ones at that. FIG- URE: Heads square thru four hands, corner do-sa-do, swing thru, girls circulate, boys trade, boys run, bend the line, up and back, star thru, square thru three quarters, swing corner and promenade. LOVING YOU— Lore 1135 Caller: Johnny Creel A nice dance with fine music and good cal- ling by Johnny. FIGURE: Heads right and left thru, square thru four hands, swing thru, boys run, couples circulate, wheel and deal, dive thru, square thru three quarters, swing the corner and promenade. LITTLE BLACK BOOK— Square Tunes 148 Caller: Bob Wickers A good dance that does not have the drive that one would expect from a tune like "Lit- tle Black Book."FIGLI RE: Heads square thru four hands, corner do-sa-do, swing thru and boys run, four couples circulate, wheel and deal, pass thru, trade by, swing the corner, left allemande and promenade. LONG WAY TO HOUSTON— Blue Star 1938, Caller: Jerry Helt COVER TALK Cute tune, cute wording, and a fair dance, but the fair dances get lost this month with If we say that dancing is "moving all the great records that have come out. rhythmically to the music," then it fol- FIGURE: Heads square thru four hands, lows that without music, there would corner do-sa-do, star thru, two ladies chain across, send them back, flutter wheel, slide be no dancing. And, of course, without thru, corner swing, left allemande, prome- instruments there would be no music, nade. at least for square dancing purposes. GONE, GONE, GONE— HiHat 419 Caller: Glenn Zeno So the cover pays our respects to some The dance is good. FIGURE: Heads square of the instruments used in the music thru four hands, do-sa-do the outside two, that makes us want to tap our toes, swing thru, boys run right, girls trade, wheel across, bend the line, right and left thru, and our Advisory Board report explores slide thru, swing the corner and promenade. the effectiveness of today's music.


49 BEST CLUB TRICK, Continued guests are dancing before they fill up the squares. 171:113 High Peaks Squares is the youngest square dance club in the Adirondacks ROUND DANCES and yet has had more dancing experi- by Frank & Phyl Lehnerr ences than many clubs much older and larger. It has "sold" square dancing BEAUTIFUL RIVE R—RCA 447-0036 and what it represents to the Lake Callers: Bill & Irene Morrison Beautiful Ohio aone by tne Glen Miller Placid chamher "f commerce v:hich Orchestra. A good challenging, due to long has given its full support and 100% 3-part sequence, waltz routine. backing. Perhaps this is one of the GENERATION GAP—Blue Star 1937 secrets to success. Try it — it may Callers: Charlie & Marge Carter help your club to not only survive Good music. A flowing two part easy inter- by Mary Jenkins mediate two step. but also flourish. y• Minerva, N. Y. SENZA FINE—Blue Star 1937 0 Callers: Steve carter & Cheri Edman Pleasant Latin type music. Intermediate combination Latin routine. GOODNIGHT IRENE—Hi Hat 905 Callers: Nita & Manning Smith Good music to a familiar tune. A flowing easy waltz. FOOLIN AROUND—Hi Hat 905 Callers: Alvin & Mildred Boutillier Good lively music. A good peppy inter- mediate two step. CITRUS FESTIVAL WALTZETTE Windsor 4752 McAllen, Texas Callers: Ken & Dolly Walker February 23-25, 1973 Good organ/accordian music. Easy inter- mediate fast moving waltz routine. WINTER VACATION LAND Convention Hall and Tourist Center POLKA DOTS —Windsor 4752 Callers: Jess & May Sasseen CALLERS Good polka music. Fun type intermediate Chuck Bryant & Joe Young polka routine which includes "stacked Rounds by Don & Anne Fuller hands" pos. Gala After-Party in Mexico Plenty of Camping Facilities TURN IN ON —Barnaby Z57-2048 Callers: Joe & Diane Jennings Headquarters: Ramada Inn, McAllen Advance Registration: $6.00 per person Good Gospel music with vocal. Intermediate two step. Send to: Norma Bryant, 1314 Kenrock San Antonio, Texas 78227

di' 0111.10WVieleleielee 'Well% • li s, K A LOX—Belco— Longhorn on • New on Kalox: KI137 MARTHA ELLEN % Flip/Inst. Caller: C.O. Guest % % % % New on Longhorn: % III l H198 TAKE ME BACK TO TULSA NM Flip/Inst. Caller: Johnny Hozdulick lig aill New on Belco; M .• 8253A NAOMI u 1 wo-step by Bernard & Naomi Smith O m iOE-3253B SMILE AWAY EACH RAINY DAY IN le NAME-CLUB-SPECIAL N• Two-step by Ray & Ellen Hill au KALOX RECORD DISTRIBUTING CO. a Delron's BOX 364 s 2832 Live Oak Dr. Mesquite, Texas E o N LEMON GROVE, CAL. 92045

50 MERRBACH • Flip instrumentals PRESENTS BLUE STAR : 1023— Marshall Flippo calling the Kirkwood LP in stereo 1022— Al Brownlee calling the Fontana in stereo, half patter, half singing BLUE STAR CARTRIDGE TAPES: 8 track: $6.95 each plus 14i postage (12 dances on each tape) 1023— Marshall Flippo calling the Kirkwood tape in stereo 1022— Al Brownlee calling the Fontana tape in stereo 1019— Al Brownlee calling the Fontana Gold Record tape 1016— Marshall Flippo calls in stereo BLUE STAR 45 RPM RELEASES:

1939— Tweedle Dee Dee, Caller: Bob Rust' 1938— It's A Long Way To Houston, Caller: Jerry Heir 1937— Senza Fanay/Generation Gap, by Charles & Marge Carter 1936— Wake Me Up Early In The Morning, Caller: Marshall Flippo' 1935— Thanks For The Memories, Caller: Roger Chapman' DANCE RANCH RELEASES: 613— If You're Not Gone Too Long, Caller: Ron Schneider' 612— Sally Sunshine, Caller: Frank Lane' 611— StroIlin, Caller: Frank Lane' 610— Lookin Back To See, Caller: Barry Medford' 130G.AN RELEASES: 1249— It's Four In The Morning, Caller: Lem Gravelle' 1248— Back In The Race, Caller: George Leverett' 1247— Games People Play, Caller: John Johnston' ROCKING A RELEASES 1356— Broken Hearted Me, Caller: Mal Minshall' 1355— Countrified, Caller: Earl Wright' LORE RELEASES: 1135— Lovin You, Caller: Johnny Creel' 1134— Your Other Love, Caller: Bobby Keefe' SWINGING SQUARE RELEASES: 2359— Mama Bear, Caller: Clyde Wood' 2358— Country Green, Caller: Jack Winkler' 2357— West Texas Highway. Caller: Ken Oppenlander • MERRBACH RECORD SERVICE 323 West 14th St., Houston, Texas concerning what all areas should know. At the present time, our state is divided into, roughly, 11 geographical areas. Many of them do not even know the other 10 exist! This will change with the help of the NYSSRDF! With membership open to all square and round dance organizations (dancer, club, caller, R/D'er, etc.) in the state, the organization will be devoted to spreading the word about all activities in the state. "Founders' Fees" are S5 per club, association, individual, etc. to obtain the money necessary for organization. Twenty-three other state-wide or- ganizations have aided the N.Y. Com- mittee. Grant Johnson Syracuse, N. Y.

SEPTEMBER FEST WEDDING The fourth annual Septemberfest was topped off this year by a marriage during the square and round dancing ONE MILLION AWARD interlude. Married Thursday night, Sep- Norman Merrbach presents Marshall tember 28, were Clayton Eckels and Flippo with a gold record for the pro- Mary Sue Shannon of Florida. duction of 1,000,000 records on the Brother Ed Glover, Murray, offici- Blue Star Label. This presentation was ated at the ceremony. made at Kirkwood Lodge, and Bill More than 40 states were repre- Hagadorn of the Lodge is shown at sented at the festival this year. Partici- right. pants from California to New Jersey Flip, as he is called by his many were interviewed. friends, has produced 80 single records In past festivals, as many as 25 and 16 long play albums on this out- states have been represented . Th is year's standing label, will produce more in festival tended to draw an even larger the future. crowd. Dancing was held throughout Flip is the only squaredance caller the week in the activities building and who has received the gold record for the cafeteria at Kentucky Dam Village. production of 1,000,000 records. Since On Saturday night, the closing night, this is a first for a square dance caller, the halls were so crowded at times and a first for a square dance record people had to stand in line to watch the company, Blue Star is very proud of dancers. From the Tribune-Courier the accomplishment. 22ND NATIONAL CONVENTION NEW FEDERATION, NEW YORK The registration of delegates for the BIG NEWS!: New York has an of- 22nd National SquaredanceConvention ficial state-wide federation! to be held in the Salt Palace in Salt After 15 years of trying, it has Lake City, Utah on 28, 29 and 30 finally happened. The New York State June 1973 is off to a roaring start. Square & Round Dance Federation Over 3200 dancers who state that "I will not be a regulatory body; instead, always wanted to visit Salt Lake City" it will be dedicated to spreading vital were "signed up" by Sept. 1972. information to all areas of the state The Publicity and Registration Com-


mittees have distributed over 70,000 bition Hall, which is used for car shows registration forms and have completely and the like. To test sound and lighting, exhausted the supply. The printers are the committee flew in Bob Fisk of working nights to give us 40,000 more. Chino, Calif., and held a warmup dance. These forms have been sent to the vari- Over 200 squares were there. The iights ous state and local square dance associ- in the south half of the hall weren't ations. If they do not have one for you, turned on and on the edges — plenty of be sure to write for one from the room. Advance Registration Director, P.O. The big room remains untested by Box 09073, Millcreek Station, Salt square dancers. It's big enough for pro- Lake City, Utah 84109. fessional hockey, basketball and rodeos, The Salt Palace is situated less than and the sound system is good enough one block from the LDS (Mormon) to handle or Glen Temple, right in the heart of Salt Lake Campbell. But how many squares will City. It is completely air conditioned. it hold? Come to Salt Lake City June Except for after party dances, etc., the 28, 29, 30 and find out. entire convention program will be held The many rooms are large and under one roof, including round spacious so that there will be ample dancing. room for all of the clinics without Three main rooms will be used for crowding. The Sew and Save Clinic dancing. The "little" one has room for has been assigned an especially large 100 squares. It's called the Assembly room to accommodate the crowds that Hall. The middle sized one is the Exhi- are expected to attend. What lady Continued on Page 64 40 .1115tang anb ItOtntlici is) CLUBS CALLERS LEADERS A DANCERS BADGES THAT SAY HELLO—Any size, shape or design, 50 colors in stock. Can copy any design or motif, or de- sign a new badge for you. Send in LIGW1141110 sketch club samples. Write for new free 284 goofy saying and MUSTANG 296 fun qualifying badge booklets, just re- MS 149- KNOCK ON YOUR DOOR leased. Badges: standard S1.10; deluxe S1.35. Caller: Dave Smith New and used sound equipment—all MS 148- THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES makes and power sizes, featuring Bo- Caller: Johnny LeClair gen, Califone and Newcomb. Mikes: MS 147- MAMA BEAR AKG, Electro-Voice, Norelco, Shure; Caller: Curtis Thompson Sony and Vega Wireless Mikes. Sony MS 146- I WAS BORN ABOUT 10,000 tape recorders. Recording Tape Audio- YEARS AGO by Chuck Bryant Sony - Reel - Cartridge - Cassette.

LIGHTNING "5- Other equipment: sound columns, mo- LS5013- DON'T SHE LOOK GOOD nitors, mike and speaker stands, 7" re- Caller: Dewayne Bridges cord envelopes: clear plastic & green LS5012- THE AWARENESS OF NOTHING stock, Speedup & SloDown for floors. Caller: Lem Smith S/D Boosters bumper strips, auto an- LS5011- OOH LA LA tenna flags, decals, license plates. Caller: Nelson Watkins PL. ASI IC ENGRAVING SF R VICE S BOB ROTTMAN 11041 So. Talman Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60655 1314 Kenrock Dr.,San Antonio, Tx 78227 Beverly 3-5527 or 233-5527

53 B 0 0 s ....,,...„.....,._, X Pr Pe 4' 'rPtP Pr' la ‘1'44e • An all-time reference unnueld book of the gimmick 15`, Will °ROC?, Figures, old and new- —••—• ------+-"- EVENTS 7•4 . Will Orlich $5.00ppd. r, a 1,—:: ::—t• P.O. Box 8577 • Bayshore Gardens , II 1-= 7--___.---"E- 1.- Bradenton, Fl. 33505 II r,* '4:.... a.:;s:,:z4:•:.:w:.;i;:m:.:x:,:z:,:_itve. A AFTER PARTY FUN, 52.50 plus 151t mail- ing. Contains two books combined into One, ) t4k, toto 4y 4# ,..!ki t* 4, t4& tf N with new material that will put life Into your club or festival. Edited by the man who ori- ginated after party fun at dances and festivals. Order from Ray Smith, Star Harbor, Mala- koff, Texas 54148. TEXAS — 3rd Annual Winter Square Dance, sponsored by Sam Houston STEP-CLOSE-STEP ROUND DANCE BA- SICS, (64 exercises) S3.25 Ppd. 10 week dan- S & R/D Assoc., Jan. 6, Sam Houston cer proven basic course, dance positions, R/D State Univ. Student Center, Huntsville terminology, mixers, basic styling hints and Texas; Joe Abbott & Dick Hedges. and helps on teaching. Order from Frank Lehnert, 2844 S. 109th St. Toledo, Ohio. Write Harry Finer, P.O. Box 52432, Houston, Tx. CHALLENGE & ADVANCED CLUB DAN- CING: A pocket size (3..,1, 4) 66 page refe- ARIZONA — 25th Annual Southern rence book of the rules for the 150 most popular high level calls. Starts where the ex- Ariz. S & R/D Festival, Jan. 18-21, tended 75 club basics end and contains the Ken Bower, Don Franklin, Lou & Pat new "Experimental 50" and the next 100 Barbee, Tucson Community Center, most used calls of high level dancing. A must for club dancers, for these are the calls fil- Arena and Exhibition Hall. Write Dick tering down from challenge into club dan- & Boots Schwark, 1350 Havasu Rd., cing. If it's called at a dance, you can bet it is one of the 150 calls explained in this book Tucson, Az. 85718. or you already know it. The pocket size and hard gloss cover make it perfect to take to MEXICO TOUR — with the Rowlands, the dance for that extra confidence. from Seattle, Jan. 20 Feb. 2. Mexico UPDATED 1972 EDITION— S2.00. City, Taxco, Acapulco. Write Ralph & MODERN SQUARE DANCING SIMPLIFIED The "HOW To" Book for today's complete Eleanor Rowland, 1755 South 108th, club dancer. Pocket size and similar to "Chal- Tacoma, Wa. 98444. lenge" book above, but covers the rules and explanations of the first 75 basics and aP• HAWAII: Tour — leaving Tampa, Flo- proximately 60 other calls and commands rida; Jan. 20. Write Cliff Hendricks, encountered in club level dancing. Ideal gift Price only S2. Both books only S3.50 from 2045 US Hwy. 19 North, Clearwater, JIMCO, 6210 S. Webster, Dept. 2G, Ft. Fl. 33515. Wayne, Indiana 46807. leaving California, Jan. 29, attend CALLERS NOTEBOOK— 250 original S/D Aloha State S/D Convention. Write figures, all written and workshopped by Ed John Campbell, 1040 Golf Ct., Mt. Fraidenburg. Dances every caller can call. View, California. Order from ELF Enterprises, 1916 Posey vine Rd. Rt. 10, Midland, Mi.48640S2.50PP• -.Aloha Convention, Feb. 8-11. For Info, write S/D Convention Coordina- MODERN AMERICAN SQUARE DANCE tor, Box 2198, Honolulu, Hawaii 96805 CALLERS: Know the mechanics of square dance calls and expand your choreography TEXAS — Sandollar Festival, Jan. 27- through the use of COMPREHENSIVE 28, featuring Henry Thompson, Joe HASH. This book presents a new concept Young & Dick Hedges, Don & Anne in hash calling that will surprise your dan• Fuller; Paws & Taws S/D Hall, Fulton cers with the familiar basics. Price: S15.00. Beach. Write Dick & Dorothy Hedges, Send to: Louis P. Ouellet, P.O. Box 2507, 414 Robmore, Houston, Texas 77022 Noble Station, Bridgeport, Conn. 06608. OREGON — Mid Winter Festival, in Eugene, Feb. 3 & 4, with Al Berry

54 calling. Write Box 2624, Eugene, Ore- gon 97402 for information. MISSISSIPPI — 18th Annual Sweet- heart Festival, Hotel Heidelberg, Jack- Books son, Feb. 9-10, with Harry Lackey & 1970 Edition, PLUS-50 EXPERIMENTAL Louis Calhoun. Write Dr. & Mrs. L.A. BASICS, Close-out sale of the two-year-old Norville, Jr. 4736 Kings Hwy., Jack- edition of Willard Or best-seller, 51.00 son, Miss. 39206. each, plus 15e postage. NEW YORK — Fun 'n Frolic Weekend, Holiday Inn, Fishkill, Feb. 16-18. Write Earl Johnston, P.O. Box 2223, Vernon, Ct. 06066. SPAIN — 8 fun-filled days sight-seeing ecords • & dancing on the Costa del Sol, Feb. MODERN ALBUMS FOR INSTRUCTION 17-25. Write Rob Libby, 25 Murray "The Fundamentals of Square Dancing" St., Portland, Me. 04103. ISIO Label) Level 1; Level 2; Level 3; Write for descriptive literature to Bob Ruff, 8459 AFRICA — 20 day safari stopping at Edmaru, Whittier, California 90605. London. Limited. Write Al & Bea Brundage, 83 Michael Rd., Stamford, Ct. 06903. •Recorde DISTRIBUTORS OHIO TWELGRENN ENTERPRISES P.O. Box 16 Bath, Ohio

WASHINGTON A & K Record Distributors everythityc P.O. Box 24106 Seattle, Wash. 98124

MISSOURI WEBSTER RECORD DISTRIBUTORS 124 W. Lockwood 8ppiau St. Louis, Missouri 63119

Learn to call AND TEACH using the proven methods of the conceptual approach in education and recreation. A must for callers. Information on music, timing, phrasing. Learn to use mu- sic to its fullest potential. Designed by lead- for the AMERICAN SQUARE- ing educator, Pat Phillips, and national caller, Dick Leger. The series of three sets will sell DANCE tour to AUSTRALIA and itself; each set consists of one record and a NEW ZEALAND in July. Write us for teaching manual. Order 1 or all 3: Kimbo new colorful brochure and itinerary 4060, 5080, 8070; $8.95 each. Order from Dick Leger, 16 Sandra Dr. Bristol, RI 02809. just off the press.

55 Sill Products SQUARE DANCE SEALS— Colorful and •Record. eyecatching seals on your correspondence are an invitation to square dancing. Order from Bill Crawford, Box 18442, Memphis, Tenn. 38118. Samples on request. One DEALERS sheet 150)— 50t; Three sheets (150)— S1; Ten sheets— $3; Twenty— $5; Special dis- AR IZONA count on 100 sheets for club resale. Clay's Barn P.O. Box 2154 GREETING CARDS FOR Li DANCERS Sierra Vista 85635 GET WELL — BIRTHDAY — GENERAL Dancer's accessories, caller's equipment $2.001 box of 12, plus 2% tax in Indiana CALIFORNIA Please specify all Get-well or Assortment Nancy Seeley's Records for Dancing CADUBRAND,3002 Schaper, Ft. Wayne, Ind. P.O. Box 5156 China Lake, Cal. 93555 Also flags, books, shoes — All by mail! ILLINOIS Andy's Record Center Badges 1614 N. Pulaski Rd. Chicago 60639 Ask about our bonus plan KNOTHEAD BADGES— Official & Original Washington Knotheads INDIANA P.O. Box 245 Whirlaway News & Records Gig Harbor, Washington 98335. CALLERS DREAM 13261 Chippewa Blvd. LUDLOW TROPHY & BADGE Mishawaka 46544 Tom Curto & Sons MASSACHUSETTS 116 Sewall St. Jerry's Record Service Ludlow, Mass. 01056 48 Grove St. LLORRY'S Springfield 01107 5630 West 29th Ave. NORTH CAROLINA Denver, Colorado 80214 Raybuck Record Serv.& Callers Sup. Activity & Club Badges Route 1, Box 226 Advance, N.C. 27006 C.W. Eichhorn SPECIALTY ENGRAVING CO. OHIO 3470 Grandview Ave. Dept. A F & S Western Shop Cincinnati, Ohio 45241 1553 Western Ave. Toledo 43609 WESTRIDGE ENGRAVERS Belt & Buckle Western Shop 8301 Westridge Road. Lee Gervais Raytown, Mo. 64138 (816-353-28641 1891 Mapleview Dr. Club & Fun Badges (3-DI Cleveland 44131 WASHINGTON SDUAREDANCE FUNDAMENTALS shows in 335 beautifully clear illustrations exactly Kappie's Record Korral how the dancer looks to himself while per- P.O. Box 24106 forming each of the '73 fundamen- Seattle, Wash. 98124 tals from which all more complicated figures are constructed. Not just for beginners; also Phone (2061 722-7474 ANYTIME! tells exactly what a fundamental is and why. Same for a classic, a basic, etc. The biggest RILEY'S RANCH CORRAL STORES names in squaredancing have discovered new horizons through these 208 big power- 1006 Southcenter Shopping Center packed pages; you can, too. A fantastic buy (981881 or 750 Northgate Mall, at $7.50 ppd. from FRONTIER PUBLISH- Seattle, Washington 198125/ ERS, Box 44, Glendale, Cal. 91209. EVERYTHING for the square dancer

56 Rink% ititittattfat Ratatititatitttfilia h ti Sketchpad Commentary


Is conscious of Is perceptive of strengths and weaknesses the needs and feelings of groups of the big majority he deals with


Has a flair for showmanship, is well groomed, speaks clearly

Is skilled in his technical field

Seeks to improve himself constantly in all areas, is resourceful, has a professional, Is skilled in ethical attitude human relations towards all persons since he's dealing and to the business with people as of square dance a leader as well leadership. as an entertainer

51 .5teat a little Peek

Jim Horton is a newer caller hailing from Virginia Beach, Virginia. He recently called at the Richmond Festival. Here is a "peek" at his record case:


Green River — Grenn Thanks for the Mem'ries — Red Boot Bed of Roses — Kalox Sky of Blue — Top I Don't Know VVhy — MacGregor Put Your Hand in the Hand — JayBarKay Singing Your Song — Wagon Wheel So This is Love — Blue Star Sunshine Follows You — MacGregor Flat-Foot'n It — Wagon Wheel


Boil 'em Cabbage — Kalox Monongahela — Top Whiffle Tree — Top Billy John — Wagon Wheel Nancy — Red Boot Blay Hoedown — Rockin "A" Mojo — Jewel Rubber Dolly — SIO

SQUARE AND ROUND DANCE RECORDS BY MAIL • In Business since 1949 at same location. 4 • Same day service on most orders. • Catalog upon request. 'C§ • One of the largest stocks in the Southwest. it • Quantity purchase discounts. MAIL ORDER-MASTER RECORD SERVICE P 0 BOX 7176 • PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85011 • (602) 279-5521

58 Nix &


You can observe from the titles of the figures below that Fred has hatched out some interesting combinations. See if they give you a new start for the New Year TAG THE LINE — CLOVERLEAF — TRADE BY One and three pass thru, separate round one you do To a line of four, go forward and back and then you all pass thru Tag the line, you're doing fine, cloverleaf and then Centers pass thru, square thru you do, go about three hands Trade by to the corner (girl), swing that girl around Left allemande new corners, promenade the town (Tag — 16 beats)

SWING THRU — U- TURN — LEFT SWING THRU One and three square thru, four hands around you go When you meet the corner, do-sa-do, all around you know Swing thru go two by two, and then do a U-turn back Left swing thru is what you do, and another U-turn back Right and left thru, you turn the girl, your corner lady swing Left allemande new corner, and promenade the ring (Tag — 16 beats)

r MI MN I= ME MO =I MI ME NM B. & S. SQUARE DANCE SHOP Billy and Sue Miller MAGNET, INDIANA 47555 Phone: (812) 843-2491 Stretch Pants - cotton - The shoe most square 14.44.14:Sityrej medium and knee length Dealer dancers wear. '/," heel 9 rows of I'/," lace inquiries with elastic binding ‘x.• welcome around shoe. Strap on knee length and 8 Petti-pants • .d.x• rows on medium length. & slips across instep. .c.Jas Wh,te, block, pink. yel• Black and White $8.95 low. orange. b'ue, red Yellow Pink Indiana - • and multicolor. residents and Orange Sizes. S-M-L-EoL add 2°o Silver and Gold $10.95 S5.99 ea. 2 Pr. $11 00 Sizes 4 to 10— Mod. 4.4 -61.1--v Sissy Pants- 6 rows lace-sales tax and Narrow $4.00.2LiS 35g_oostjae. Postage .65. Immediate delivery. II M 111111 Im' M. Iri IM AO _ too ism am mom smIl YOU GET A HAL L- I'LL DO THE CALL' I au Mac SOUAltE DANCES P.O. Box 2406 ED Muscle Shoals. Ala FRAIDENBURG PH. (205) 383-7585 Jim Wood BUS FARE Bill Oaywell Recording Artist LM 114 Caller. Jim Wood on TOP Records LADY OF SPAIN Jt t LM 113 Caller: Mac Letson 1.91(1 Poseyville Rd.. Route 10 Midland. Michigan 48(140 DADDY FRANK Phone (5 17 )835-9524 LM 112 Caller: Bill Claywell AVAILABLE TO CALL IN YOUR AREA If not available at record dealer, order directly

59 TRAVEL CLUB INTERNATIONAL 3Dea,n. & 1R--u.lz)3r Stevens ■ will send you bulletins on all forthcoming travel events. ■ membership entitles you to participate in any tour scheduled by the club. ■ provides opportunity for callers and leaders to direct a tour: choose the destination-. promote participation. accompany the group, and earn money,- too. ■ membership entitles you to receive discounts on tours. WRITE ■ will make all arrangements for travel, accommodations, FOR sightseeing, square dancing, etc. FURTHER ■is directed by bonded personnel. DETAILS TO TRAVEL CLUB INTERNATIONAL, LTD. 7021 Avrurr. Drive, Denver, Colorado 80221 Telephone: (303) 429-5352 Sys

GLOBESWINGERS ORIENT TOUR, April places 7-28, 1973, with Bob & Lois Fisk, John & Doris Campbell. Visit Japan, Thailand, Sing- apore, Malaysia, Phillippines, Hong Kong. John Campbell, 1124 El Camino Real, San to dance r"--17rif=::) Carlos, Ca, 94070. Would you like to visit and dance in exciting 5th ANNUAL SEPTEMBERFEST, Kentucky Hawaii, New Zealand and Australia on a 3 Dam Village State Park, Sept. 22-29, 1973. week tour in July, 1973 with Burdicks, Leh- Bob Wickers, Frank Bedell, Bob Rhinerson, nerts, Bausches, as hosts. Sponsor: Square Betty & Clancy Mueller. Air-conditioned. Dance Magazine, Box 788, Sandusky, Ohio. Write: Box 190, Murray, Ky. 42071.

FOUR GREAT WEEKS OF DANCING NEW CALLERS— It is not too early to Fun Fest, Swap Shop, Rebel Roundup, plan for the 2nd Annual Callers College, Aug. Accent on Rounds w/Squares, Spring & 27-31, 1973 at Round-dez-Vous Lodge, Ashe- Fah 1973, Write Fontana Village Resort ville, N.C. Write this magazine for information. Fontana Dam, North Carolina 28733

PROMENADE HALL YELLOW ROCK BARN 7897 Taft St. 011ie Scrivener, 8301 Westridge Road. Merrillville, Ind. 46410 Raytown, Missouri 64138 For information, call 219-887-1403 AIR-CONDITIONED for year•round TOTAL SQUARE DANCE PROGRAM! dancing comfort.


ladies' choice

4 N.'oece\ Plek.tsi \ 0100 9e see s• • c v tX`e .61Nes e .s,1 I roil' ttle The male is INDISCREET, 'ZN< so‘) la qo the female is FOOLISH. A man takes CREDIT, a woman is BRAGGING. t A man is only CRITICAL, HOW TRUE IT IS, GALS: but a woman is NAGGING. 'Tis a man's world, Men make CONCESSIONS, and for men it's rosy. women SURRENDER. For men INVESTIGATE, But nevertheless, the feminine gender while women are NOSY. Has one advantage it well deserves: Men stand FIRM, Men have TEMPERS, but women are MULISH. women have NERVES.

RECIPE FOR A SUCCESSFUL YEAR Take 12 months and divide into equal portions, party night size. Don't mix the whole batch at once. Prepare one party night at a time, into each portion put a well-balanced measure of friendliness, enthusiasm and originality.... add a cup of good spirits, a dash of fun, a pinch of foolishness, a dollop of good humor, and a jigger or two of laughter. Stir in one caller and a handful of tips and rounds. Blend all the ingredients in a "mixer" with musical rhythm. Pour into a suitably decorated hall. Garnish with smiles and sprigs of joy. Serve unselfishly. from Around The Squares, Peterborough, Ontario


ac-McroaidiN LET'S


These five albums are designed to be a "How-to-do-it" series in square danc- ing. The series is a graduating one, varying in difficulty from album to album, and also from selection to selection within each album. Each album includes one selection without calls, thus permitting the instructor or one of the dancers to obtain experience in calling. Each album contains fully illustrated instructions, and is available separately at 45 rpm. The series was edited and recorded by Professor Richard Kraus, Teachers College, Columbia University.

ALBUM No. 1 (Ages 8 to 10; Grades 3 aid 4) Shoo Fly; Duck for the Oyster; Red River Valley; Girls to the Center; Take a Peek; Hinkey Dinkey Parlez-vous; Divide the Ring; Thy Noble Duke of York; Little Brown Jug (without calls) EEB-3000 (45);

ALBUM No. 2 (Ages 10 to 12; Grades 5 and 6) Skating Away; Life on the Ocean Wade; Swing at the Wall, Nellie Gray; Form an Arch; Uptown and Downtown; Double Sashay; Bow Belinda; Angelworm Wiggle (without calls) EEB-3001 (45);

ALBUM No. 3 (Ages 12 to 14; Grades 7 and 8) Sicilian Circle; Right Hand Star; Captain Jinks; Lady Go Halfway 'Round; Down the Line; Coming 'Round the Mountain; Pass tie Left Hand Lady Under; Virginia Reel: Four and Twenty (without calls) EEB-3002 (45);

ALBUM No. 4 (Ages 14 to 16; Grades 9 and 10) Pattycake Polka; Swing Like Thunder; First Girl to the Right; Grapevine Twist; Dip and Dive; Texas Star; My Little Girl; Going to Boston; Ragtime Annie (without calls) EEB-3003 (45);

ALBUM No. 5 (Ages 16 to 18; Grades 11 and 12) Shake Them 'Simmons Down; When Jchnny Comes Marching Home; Wearing of the Green, Quarter Sashay; Hot Time in the Old Town; Four Bachelor Boys; When the Work's All Done This Fall; Haymakers Jig; Miss McLeod's Reel (without calls) EEB-3004 (45);

S3.49 each album 513.00 complete set (5 albums)

74 eeatet — CAlcago'• F•Icnaliels 11,...,4


62 fl the RHUMBA

...0e0K4 db.


maiR 4 ism ww144 mom mbrft

FOR BASIC DANCE STEPS For the beginner student, or students who have difficulty keeping time or dancing to music. On these wonderful records we have recorded, over the music, the electronic "beep" signal which gives the student the correct rhythm of the basic step of the dance. Record has three separate bands, regular tempo, slow and very slow. Beep signal on very slow tempo only. The description of basic step is printed and illustrated on back of each record jacket. Beautifully packaged in color jackets. Available for Cha Cha, Rumba, Lindy, Waltz, Foxtrot and Samba. This is the ideal way to learn the basics of social dancing 45 RPM $1.50 Each Ike


GRAND ZIP, Continued CHALLENGE CHATTER, Continued beginner or student; round dance teach- Inn, Niagara Falls, N.Y. Callers for the ers, experienced or beginner, even those '73 event will be Lee Kopman, Ed who may start within the year. Foote, Dewey Berry, Jim Davis and As this is a non-profit venture, Keith Gulley. There will be a Trail-end strictly to promote American Folk dance June 13, with regular convention Dancing, please cooperate in what ever dancing beginning Thursday afternoon. way you can. If you don't have an One objective of the convention will be association roster please make one up. to set a dance level that suits the major- So many callers and teachers, particu- ity of the floor. This means that any larly the newer ones have theiii feelings challenge dancer who is doing a reason- hurt if inadvertently omitted. Write to able amount of tape dancing should National Dancers Guild, 13455 Hadley find the convention both rewarding St., Whittier, Calif. 90601. and pleasant. The convention will have something for everyone: workshops, NEWS, Continued floor level challenge, and special ad- would travel to a National Convention vanced challenge sessions for those without obtaining the latest "tricks" who wish to try very difficult material. in sewing? Got a droopy petticoat? Those who have attended the con- Consult one of the nation's best experts vention in the past and are still active in the sewing clinic. The Contra Dance in challenge are being given first oppor- program has gained in popularity so tunity to register. Write Ed Foote, R.D. that the space for this event has also 3, McCandless Drive, Wexford, Pa. been expanded. Did we forget the Teens and Singles? No Sir! But, more CALLING TIPS, Continued about them at a later date. a master of the dance who said, "First, Utah is the State with five national you've got to be MARRIED to the beat parks, wide streets, no traffic jams, an of the music." That prerequisite will abundance of new or nearly new motels withstand the test of time. If a caller and hotels, beautiful restaurants, and is off the beat the dancers will not ample room for good dancing for every- enjoy his calling, no matter what he one in the new and beautiful Salt calls. We could add the thought that Palace. if the caller is only half-committed, or Who could ask for anything more? merely enjoying a "flirtation" with any Register now and start planning to of the various aspects of calling, he square dance and vacation in the Center ought to hang up the mike; and not of Scenic America. UTAH IS TRULY pretend there's going to be a wedding THE PLACE TO BE IN '73. unless he's serious.

172C)3,i4 RECORDS Join Dave & Jeanne Stevenson THE NIC0411) DISiGNII) W,1N NO (Mai iN MIND for WVV123 ottobeprest SOFT, SWEET AND WARM Sept. 16 — Oct. 2, 1973 by Don Franklin Visit Frankfurt, Rhine River Cruise, Heidel- berg, Zurich, Lucerne, Liechenstein, Inns- DON'S DREAM — bruck, Vienna (where we'll learn traditional WW124 waltzes at a festival) and Munich Ia real (un- DON'S DILEMMA filled Octoberfest here) 5889- plus tax Music by the Wagonmasters 948 State Rd., Hinckley, 0 44233 P.O. Box 364 Arvada, Colorado Phone 216-278-2119

64 .1.•lio. 7-1 MEM.


PROMENADE ALL by Janet Tobitt Published by the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. (1947) This is a compilation of forty-nine dealers who stock folk dances. A few "intermediate-type" dances, mostly are unavailable, to our knowledge, folk, with several squares added. It is such as the Norwegian, "Paul And His most helpful in working with children Chickens." of elementary school age, and repeats Some of the dances included are: only two dances used in "Teaching Ach Ja (German), Bow Belinda and a Tots To Dance," a book for pre-school Kentucky Mountain Dance (American), and kindergarten children published by Crested Hen and Seven Jumps, (Danish), Burdick Enterprises. Igloo (Canadian, Noriu Miego (Lithu- Any instructor working as consult- anian), Korobotchka (Russian), Cornish ant to Girl Scout groups on folk dan- May Dance (English), Highland Schot- cing, will find everything he or she tische (Scottish), Komarno (Bohemian), needs: a variety of dance formations Waves of Tory (Irish), Whirling Maiden from seventeen countries with com- (Czechoslavia) and the Elephant plete directions for each. The book is (Frnech). More American dances are useful, too, in finding ethnic dances given, including a contra-type Pop Goes for special events, and contains dances The Weasel. easy enough for use with retarded and handicapped groups of all ages. This inexpensive booklet is a great Melody lines for each song are addition to any teacher's library, and printed with the dance. Records for may be obtained at the Girl Scout de- most of the dances are available from partment in a store near you for 75e. GO MAGNETIC' SQUARE DANCE SIGNS for your car


Sold Exclusively By: THE MAREX CO. Box 371, Champaign, Illinois 61820


How to be a MOM/ ISquare Dancer

FOR CALLERS: S2.00 TEACHING AID S/D CARTOONS A Smooth Dancer S2.00 51.50 S3.00 copy or quantity prices

EASY J/116 w1-.00A5 craws r.

SPECIAL CLOSEOUT S/D DIPLOMAS ADAPTATIONS: S2.013 COMPLETE: 55.00 WHILE THEY LAST- R/D DIPLOMAS 1970 edition—$2. each 10c ea. or quant. or $1. for 10 or more! rates

THE W, 000424„ts WINDMILL ' ;oJ :fler'N,

Christmas cards S/D CARTOONS. S2 . GREAT NEW BOOK HASH SYSTEM 52. (Buy 'em early) $3.00 $1. pkg.of 10 with envelopes ASK ABOUT OTHER BOOKS, POSTERS, REPRINTS, DISPLAY CUTOUTS

1972 edition PLUS-50 ASK ABOUT Order from this magazine Experimental QUANTITY P.O. Box 788 Basics for PRICES Sandusky, Ohio 44870 Advanced Club Dancing $3. 66

S* IGN-OFF* * * * • * * *WORD * * * * *

The wide, wide world of square dancing belongs to the most enthusiastic, most energetic, most persevering, most active, most accommodating — hut you don't have to be "most" to really enjoy the activity. R. Aloorhouse Enfield, Ct.

Xi9 r: Recording Artist on Jay-Bar-Kay Records 54 Sewell St. Shrewsbury. Mass. 01545 Phone (617) 853-0065


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APRIL_ *CAL GOLDEN SQUARE DANCE TOUR 6 Hoquiam, Wa. Ca, will be calling in the following cities MARCH 7 Coos Bay, Or. 3 Springfield, Mo. JANUARY FEBRUARY 8 Albany, Or. 4 Adrian, Mi. 2 Waukegan, Ill, 4 Cape Girardeau, Mo. 9 Crescent Ct. C. 9 Sturbridge, Mass. 5 Dayton, 0 10 Crescent Ct, Ca 3 Morton Gr., III. 10 Skowhegan, Me. * 6 Chillicothe, 0 4 Trenton, III. 11 Portland, Or. 4K 12 Hartford, Ct. 7 Indianapolis, In. 5-6 Monterey, Ca. 12 Libby, Mt. 15 Frederickton, NB * 14 Danville, III. 9 Birmingham, Al. 13 Libby, Mt. 16-17 Bay Path Barn 14 Spokane, Wa. 19 Owatonna, Mn. 10 Opelika, Ala. Boylston, MMass. 20 Cedar Rapids, Ia. 13 Jackson, Ohio 17 Boise, Id. 21 West Point, la. 16-18 French Lick, In, 18 Woburn, Mass. 18 Boise, Id. 23 Washington CH, 0 19 Hartford, Ct. 20-21 Festival * 22 Ottumwa, la. 22 Ashland, Ky. 25 Plainview, Ill. Great Falls, Mt 26-28 French Lick, 23 Merrillville, In. 23 Milk River, Alta. Indiana . 25 Omaha, Neb. FOR OPEN DATES AND RATES WRITE: 26 Valentine, Neb. 25 Grand Forks AFB 41 North Dakota SHARON GOLDEN Phone (501(624-727427 Gillette, Wy. Spring Fling 28 Bngs, Mont. 27-29 P.O. Box 2274 Hot Springs, Ark. 71901 31 Vancouver, BC LaCrosse, Wisc. VACATIONS — CALLERS COLLEGES — FESTIVALS — WEEKENDS JANUARY APRIL JULY 411 26-28 French Lick, Indiana 14 Assoc., Spokane, Wa, 6-7 Pike's Peak or Bust Wk,uj FEBRUARY 20-22 2nd Ann. Roundup Colorado Springs, Colo. 10 Opelika, Alabama Great Falls, Mont. 13-14 3rd Ann. Fun Fest, 41( 16-18 French Lick, Indiana 27-29 Spring Fling Jekyll Island, Georgia MARCH LaCrosse, Wisc. AUGUST 10 3rd Ann. Spring Fling MAY 3-4 1st Ann. Dog Patch Fest. Skowhegan, Maine 5 All Nighter, Dance 8-? Harrison, Ark. 111 16-17 Bay Path Barn Wksp, 2-4, Winchester, In 9-11 Overseas Dan. Reunion Boylston, Mass 25-27 1st Ann. Festival Hot Springs, Arkansas 11( 18 2nd Show Your Colors Cherokee VIII., Arkansas 12-17 Callers College, Woburn, Mass. JUNE Hot Springs, Arkansas (full) 11( 31 Vancouver, BC, Canada 8-9 Fest., London, Ontario 26-31 Fun Valley, Colorado. * * * * * * * * * * * 4 * * * * 111( "I don't understand it — he did a RUN AND A QUARTER, then a CURLIQUE, then a CAST OFF ONCE AND A QUARTER, and W-H-0-0-S.1-1!"

POSTMASTER: If unable to deliver, notify publisher, using Form 3579. From: P.O. Box 788 scope 'ceouc6s Sandusky, Ohio 44870


I'LL TAKE CARE OF YOUR CARES Caller: Clyde Drivere Saugus, California

RECENT RELEASES: SC561 Now They Call Her May SC559 Nobody Till Somebody Loves You SC558 Aunt Maudie's Fun Garden 5C311 Ruby/Ruby's Fiddle (Hoedown) SC312 Handy/San Luis Ramble(Hoedown) TRY 'EM, THEN DECIDF Box 1448 San Luis Obispo, Cal. 93401