AMERICAN SQUARE DANCE THE EDITHS' PAGE if HAPPY NEW YEAR "I was so tired until the music has been discussed in local magazines in started, but then we danced every tip." Kansas and Australia. And while we've We'll wager you've all heard some form moved from "music" to "listening," of this statement. What is the magic we think you'll enjoy Bob Wickers' that makes your foot tap if you're account of his travels with CB radio. sitting, and then propels you into a Its length meant that it must be con- square on the dance floor? Is all square tinued, but we wanted to share his dance music the same, or does some stories without cutting. have more of the magic ingredient than January is always time for a begin- other selections? We asked the advisory ning, so we are glad to introduce to board this year to comment on today's you a new writer for Challenge Chatter, music and the changes we have .seen Jim Kassel of Clarion, Pa. Many thanks over the years. The board members also are due to Dewey Berry for over two responded to such debatable topics as years of articles on challenge dancing. the use of gospel tunes and the growing We're sorry to take his name from the prevalence of slightly risque lyrics. This masthead due to job pressures but wel- issue of a new volume of American come our new addition. Send any news Squaredance Magazine contains their items and challenge articles to the answers. magazine for use in Jim's column. A companion article might be John That's the January lineup. Happy Jones' article on noise, a topic which 1973! AMERICAN VOLUME 28, No. 1 SQUARE * JANUARY. 1973 DANCE -)E "THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE WITH THE SWINGING LINES" Publishers and Editors Stan & Cathie Burdick Workshop Editor Willard Orlich Easy-Level Editor Bob Howell Record Reviewers Doug Edwards Phyl & Frank Lehnert Feature Writers 2 Editors' Page Harold & Lill Bausch 4 Grand Zip Fred Freuthal 6 Meanderings Jim Kassel 9 Advisory Board Report Myrtis Litman 11 The Squared Circle 12 Considering the Legal Angle Editorial Assistants 14 Caller-Leader Directory Mary Fabik 15 Too Much Noise Mef Merrell 17 Teal's Tips National Advisory Board 20 CB And The Caller 22 Straight Talk Edna & Gene Arnfield 24 A Wave And A Flutter Bob Augustin -X- 27 Product Line Al "Tex" Brownlee Louis Calhoun 28 Dancing Tips Orphie Eesson 29 Calling Tips Phyl & Frank Lehnert 30 Easy Level Page Singin' Sam Mitchell 32 Best Club Trick Ken Oppenlander 37 Grand Square Dancer Vaughn Parrish 38 Workshop Dave Taylor 46 Challenge Chatter Bob Wickers 47 Puzzle Page 48 S/D Record Reviews 50 R/D Record Reviews 52 News 54 Events AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE magazine is 57 Sketchpad Commentary published monthly at 216 Williams St., Hur- 58 Steal A Little Peek on, Ohio, by Burdick Enterprises. Second class postage paid at Sandusky, Ohio. Copy 59 Mix 'n Match deadline first of month preceding date of is 61 Ladies' Choice sue. Subscription: $5.00 per year. Single co- 65 Bookshelf pies: 50 cents each. Mailing address: Box 788, Sandusky, Ohio 44870. Copyright 1973 by 67 Sign-Off Word Burdick Enterprises. All rights reserved. 68 Do-Ci-Do Dolores 3 This letter should have been written some time ago — just kept putting it off. I want to thank you folks for aid using so much of my material from the Valley Circle and the Canadian Dancers News I get a real charge out of seeing myself in print in your very fine magazine. We are planning a trip to South America next summer visiting Lima, Santiago, Buenos Aires, Montevideo and Rio de Janeiro with a side trip to Sao Paulo and Iguasu Falls. Know any square dance clubs down that way? We do enjoy your magazine so much May I add my tribute to the others and truly appreciate your sending it you have received for your feature on to me. Thanks again for brightening Bob Osgood in your August number. my days so often by seeing my name I had a short chat with Becky and Bob on your pages when I open it up! when they were in London recently; Elisabeth Evans they certainly are a grand couple. Burnaby, B.C. In closing may I congratulate you Enclosed is our check for subscrip- on an excellent magazine tion renewal and our congratulations Charles Tottle on the production of this fine book. It Editor, Let's Square Dance, England is just jam packed with helpful square Please start a subscription for 1 year dance information. I to the Center Moriches Free Public Arnold & Nobuko Strebs Library. Okinawa, Japan I am a member of the Friends of From 1955 to 1964 the late Mr. the Library and after reading the cur- Fred Honerkamp published a National rent issue of Squaredance, thought it Callers Directory for each of those would be a good idea. Maybe it will years. For those of you who haven't start the local kids doing something to seen a copy the last Edition was a 4" I use their un-spent energy. We do have a by 6" 138 page book with over 6000 problem as the Moriches are small world wide listings. His wife Joyce is villages with absolutely nothing to do. now going to spearhead the printing This year the school is on an austerity of the Eleventh Edition. budget so they don't even have sports. The Eleventh Edition will be larger Thanks for your time and I hope the and have more entries, perhaps 10,000 magazine inspires a new interest. of the 19,000 active callers and round Fannie Huggler dance teachers in the nation. This will Center Moriches, N. Y. be the first printing in eight years, so Thanks for the note reminding us the interest should be great. To make that the American Squaredance is due this issue a really outstanding Publica- for renewal. Would hate to get along tion, one of which American Folk without it! Please find a check for Dancing can be proud, your help is 59.00 enclosed. earnestly solicited. We enjoy Squaredance a lot and use Your way, if you will is to provide it for reference a great deal. As they us a list of all callers and round dancers say, "You've come a long way, baby" in your area. Everyone is invited to be Best Wishes for continued success! listed: professional and amateur, full Jess & Nell Miller time and part time, experienced and North Platte, Nebraska Continued on Page 64 4 SOME FOLKS DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT THE REST OF THE SQUARE DANCE WORLD...BUT YOU DO...RENEW TODAY. ..AND WE'LL DO THE DIGGING TO FIND YOUR RENEWAL DATE AND CARRY YOU ON FROM THAT POINT... THE SKY'S THE LIMIT. .SEE TO IT, FEATHERED FRIENDS. P O Box 788 A ME RIC ANSQURRE DANCE SANDUSKY OHIO 44870 Please start my subscription NOW. My check (or money order) is enclosed- E One Year at SS. D Two Years at S9.00 anadian and Forelen add 50c a year n.r pustaee. U.S. Fundy NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 5 C onsider this scene. It happened in North America will gather in Cleveland, a quarter of a jiffy, just a few weeks including some very well-known callers, ago, in the city of Cleveland. Bob Os- and NOT ONE STEP of square dancing good, illustrious editor of that other is planned for the three day conference' great national magazine from sunny Strange, isn't it? Delegates will be California, scooped up a fistful! of snow spending so many hours "spinning their (which he sees very little of in the mental gears" to solve some common golden state), took careful aim, and problems found in today's activity fired away at Charlie Baldwin, editor there will hardly be a minute left over of the voluminous New England Caller to spin any choreographical gears, by magazine. Charlie is no stranger to the golly. fluffy white stuff, which hits him up around Boston in quantities far greater CONFUSION SAY: Caller who pre- than a snowballfull. tend to be great glowing star of the It was a spontaneous moment of East often has moon rocks in his head. levity, stolen from three days of deep deliberation and discussion, as the three of us set the stage for LEGACY meet- ings, coming up in early May (A-SID, Dec. '72, p. 26) right in my "back- OK, chullun, it's story time again. yard." More will be said about the big Gather 'round in your long collar-bone event from time to time, but at this to ankle-bone night gowns and stocking particular planning session we three caps, pull up close to the fire with a big editors had the proverbial "good time bowl of popcorn and listen in. that was had by all," and tossed more Once upon a time there was a mild- of that kind of editorial cliche at each mannered traveling caller who wore other than snowballs, I reckon. glasses, worked in a publishing estab- If LEGACY isn't an historical event lishment, and often changed clothes in for any other reason, it will be an a phone booth or similar enclosure, historical event from this standpoint — since he was "on the road" so much over 100 key leaders in the square and and didn't have all the comforts of round dance activity from all over home. 6 It was Thanksgiving time, and time country and he had no idea that a for that mild-mannered caller to go fierce wolfish border guard would be over the river and through the woods to waiting to sieze him and his basket.
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