Vote in the Bison Vote in the Bison Ace Contest! Ace Contest! heBOOST THE ZEST; QUESTIOr' pectrum7-IE WORST; KNOCK NOTHING ••6 VOLUME 40. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1925. NUMBER 12. BISON MEET FLICKERS TONIGHT CREIGHTON CINCHES LITTLE EIGHT FLAG UST BLUEJAYS COME THRU DRILLIANT FLICKERS PROMISE Speaks Sunday J TUFF Notice! WITH THIRD PENNANT S ---By Ee Fy BISON CAGE STARS Contrary to the original an- Why is it that when a team nouncement the first game of the IN CIRCUIT HISTORY gets "hot" • they always put the TWO HARD BATTLES game on ice? annual North Dakota A. C.-Uni- WIN FROM MORNINGSIDE ENDS versity series to determine the state championship will start at HOUSER WILL USE VARIED CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Now that is improbable, in fact as- 8 tonight in place of 2:30 as had STYLE OF GAME TO DE- OF CHAMPS sured, that we will not get an ap- propriation for a new armory, why been previously announced. The FEAT BISON FIVE not try to coax the powers that be second contest will also be chang- WON 46 TO 18 to give us a score board that runs ed, the game starting at 4 p. m. FLICKERS IMPROVE past 50. "Red" responded beautifully A special train will not be secured CONFERENCE CHAMPIONS HAVE Friday night and deprived the score- but every effort is being made on board of figures. If the Bison insist BISON GUARDS AND CENTER BEATEN BEST TEAMS and off the campus to secure 125 HAVE EDGE ON FLICKER on running scores halfway to the cen- fares in order that a reduced rate IN COUNTRY tury mark we'll have to have a new DEFENSIVE TRIO scoreboard. may be received. W. L. Pct. Whether or not the band would By EUGENE FITZGERALD Creighton 8 0 1.000 BE AT the "U" and help BEAT go was uncertain at the time that Bison 6 3 .666 this went to press, although indi- Coach Edgar Houser and his gang the "U." of tossers have been working earn- State 4 5 .444 cations were that at leasta good- estly for the invasion of Dewey's Bi- Wesleyan 2 3 .400 The Nodaks are not a "setup" team ly part of the Gold Star musi- Des Moines ..._ 1 2 .333 son hoopsters which opens at the No- and if they beat the Bison it would cians will ride the rattlers north. dak armory Friday evening. The sec- North Dakota U.. 1 4 .200 be in the nature of an "upset." Morningside . 1 7 .125 ond game of the series is scheduled for Saturday afternoon at the same If Creighton were a distin- place at 4 p. m. Creighton won their third confer- VOTE WILL CLOSE The Nodaks at the start of the sea- ence basketball championship on Mon- guished rating school in military, it is our opinion that this "Ike" son were called "a gang of misfits" (lay of this week when they downed Mahoney would be a wonderful by several critics. Perhaps it is true the Morningside Maroons, 46 to 18, on L. B. Hanna instructor in artillery fire. MONDAY FOR ACES that at the start of the season they the Morningside court. were as the critics had named them. As was the case when the Blues With the band, a gang of Bison BALLOT WILL CLOSE MONDAY Houser has worked untiringly with his put the skids under Bison titular as- AT NOON; 200 HAVE AL- squad pointing them for the Bison pirations, Ike Mahoney was leading rooters, a two game,victory over the EX-GOVERNOR HANNA Nodaks and—the Bison should have a READY VOTED series in an effort to get an even killjoy. The tall center seemed to be break. unable to miss the hoops from any good time at Grand Forks. angle or distance, and as a result Only two full voting days remain Houser Is Smart WILL SPEAK SUNDAY hve scored 15 points. --- Dewey says "We our eyes before ballot boxes in the Bison Ace Houser's reasoning has been logical Trautman Finds Easy Going on the State Championship Pen- section election which opened Tuesday inasmuch as the Bison have been an FORMER STATE HEAD WILL TELL nant." We would rather get our of this week, are closed. At noon in and out team. Should the Nodaks A feature of the contest was the OF THE PASSION PLAY hands on it. Monday the polls wil be closed, leav- catch the Bison in one of their slumps work of Trautman. The Bison guards OF 1922 ing only this afternoon, tomorrow and the chances for an even break in the Monday morning for students to cast evidently have an edge on anything We hope this man Wild at the "U" series assumes a rosy aspect for the in the conference, as Trautman again their votes for the eight most repre- Honorable L. B. Hanna, former gov- don't go wild and get a wild qpiota sentative members of their classes. upstaters. struck the score column with a heavy ernor of North Dakota, will speak on of baskets, and further we hope Boe Dewey is taking no chances on his count of 13 points. Against the Bison Votes are to be dropped in the Spec- "The Passion Play as Given at Ober- looks like a "be" against the Bison. trum box in the main building. team going into the' series in the he was able to get but 3 points. ammergau," at the monthly Vesper wrong frame of mind and has spared service to be held in the Auditorium Ace Features The interest of the conference now Tardiness is becoming less common no efforts to get them to a position centers on the race for second and of the Y. M. C. A. building at 4 The Ace section which is to be a o'clock Sunday afternoon, Feb. 22. in a class in a certain western college prominent feature of this year's Bison where they will realize that the No- third honors. At the present time the where a professor removes vacant dak contests are no setup matches. Bison seem firmly entrenched in sec- Saw It in 1922 chairs from the room so that late com- annual, will contain the pictures of A musical program will be given in the eight most representative mem- The series should bring out several onti place, although a loss of two of ers are obliged to stand. bers of the three upper classes of the heretofore unknown stars on the No- the remaining six conference games connection with this address by the Moorhead State Teachers College school. dak squad, principal amongst them (Continued on Page Three) Freshmen at Alleghency college in Chapel Choir. The choir is under the Pennsylvania claims to have contrived Each student in these classes is eli- being Viegel, former ' Dickinson high direction of Professor Dan Preston a new game of "spudball," which is gible to vote for eight students iri his school star. Viegel in games thus far of the Teachers College. a combination of football, soccer and own class. The student vote is to this year has demonstrated that his THETA CHI SECRETARY (Continued on Page Three) basketball. (Continued on Page Three) defensive play is good and is the most dangerous short shot artist of the COMPLETES PHI VISITS Flicker quint. Flickers Have Subs Bernard M. McIlhany of New York, Busdicker is the most likely per- who is traveling secretary of the BISON ACE BALLOT former to start at the guard berth Theta Chi fraternity and who spent opposite Viegel. Busdicker has the several days visiting Phi chapter of earmarks of a coming star and it is the fraternity, left Tuesday evening The following consists what is to be known as the Bison Ace ballot, eight members to be selected from each in the defensive and dribbling end for the west coast. While on the coast of the game that he shows most ap- he will visit other chapters located of the three upper classes. Each student will be allowed but a single vote and that must be signed. The follow- titude. Boe, Loughlin and Edwards there and will also assist in the in- ing is being repeated from the Tuesday Spectrum, and the contest will *lose Monday, Feb. 23, at noon. All bal- (Continued on Page Three) stallation of new chapters at the Uni- lots are to be cast in the Spectrum drop box. Every student has a vote in his own class only. He need not be versity of Washington at Seattle, Wash., and at the University of Ore- a purchaser of the Bison to vote; every one is included; it is an all-collegeaffair. 6 KAPPA PHI ANNUAL PARTY gon at Eugene, Ore. The official ballot follows: Monday evening Mr. Mcllhany was (Names to be filled in by voter.) the honored guest and main speaker WAS GIVEN TUESDAY EVE at a banquet given at the Commercial Sophomore. Juinor. Senior. club at which about 50 active and Members of the Alpha Kappa Phi alumni members were present. The 1. 1. ..1. fraternity were guests to their honor- speaker reviewed national activities ■ ary members and their ladies at a and related instances to prove his as- 2. 2. 2. formal dance and dinner held at the sertions that fraternities are greatly Waldorf hotel dining room Tuesday worth while to the individual and col- 3. 3. evening. lege community development. The dinner was served at 7:30 and Kenneth Kuhn, member of the Uni- 4. 4. was followed by a formal program versity of Michigan chapter, and a of 16 dances lasting from 9 until 12.
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