Spartan Daily

Volume 92, No. 27 Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 Monday. March 6, l99 Water erupts in Clark Library

By Rob Lyon he removed it. Daily staff writer "I think it would have shot about Water erupted t row an eit,:1101 three to four feet into the air," shaft in Clark Library Friday morn- Thomas said. "That's how much ing, threatening to flood the build- pressure there was.'' ing's basement. The eruption was due to an unex- SJSU plumber John Hawk and pected amount of groundwater that several other plumbers from Facili- escaped when the core of the shaft ties, Development and Operations was drilled, Hawk said. Officials (MO). pumped the water out of the originally were unsure of the cause, shaft, thus preventing any serious hut believed a water pipe may have damage. ruptured. "Initially there was the threat of flooding," Hawk said. "But once It just came up through the we got the (temporary) pumps in, hole,' Hawk said. "There wasn't everything was fine." anything broken.' The incident occurred when Chris Installation of the sump pump, Thomas, a concrete core driller from which was completed late Friday af- Lombardo Diamond Core Drilling, ternoon, was designed to combat water was boring a 12-inch hole into the seepage accumulated in the el- evator bottom of the shaft so a water pump shaft, a problem that has been occurring "off and on." could be installed. Hawk said. "All I know A sump pump was supposed to be is that they've had water problems over installed to prevent groundwater there before," Hawk said. flooding, which has caused prob- "I don't know anything more lems in the library before. Hawk than that." said. Jerry Warmsley. a maintenance Groundwater is water 20 to 25 feet mechanic for EDO. alerted the below the ground's surface. plumbing cress While Thomas was drilling, ex- "I heard somebody yelling 'Help! cess water was "coming out the Help! Emergency !. Wamisley sides of the drill,'' Thomas said. said. "Hut my main concern was "I had to abandon my equipment getting him (Thomas) out of the because it was coming out so fast." shaft because the surge of water was Lisa Isaacs-- Daily staff photographer he said. at a heavy volume." Thomas said he left his drill in the Warmsley also alerted electricians Students wade through water spilling out onto the sidewalk near ter surge in the etc% au.,- shaft before plumbers could replace the hole because he feared the water because of electrical wiring in the Clark I ihrary during routine pumping. Drilling caused a groundwa- p. The unexpected v) liter nearly flooded the building's basement. eruption would have been worse had See WATER, bad page Foreign languages, A.S. settles vice chairperson issue; culture focus of week Kessler takes position from Walters By Andy Nystrom and ap. lie had not for- Daily staff writer By Mary R. Callahan s ice president. that didn't attend meetings election hec.iii,c been Daily staff writer pointed chair that has never mally reimiy ei &NU will be transformed ink) a land of many nations starting A.S. President Terry McCarthy a vice from office. There Jennifer Jo Kessler was recon- missed a meeting. never left early was no vacancy for her to fill, today. said the minutes should be amended he In conjunction with Governor George Deukmejian's proclamation firmed as vice chairperson for the to reflect the board's intention. from a meeting, never came late to a said. of Direc- never left early to avoid The of Walters' term dedicating this week to foreign languages, the Foreign Languages De- Associated Students Board Wednesday . they were. meeting arid stated length voting," Kessler said Thursday. was a moot point, because Robert's partment organized a full week's schedule of activities that include in- tors Wednesday The board needed to clarify the of rights issue once issue of defining a nevessity formation on foreign study and travel, career opportunities and a film Kessler. director students and for all. Phillips said "It's an Rules of Order declare that the sec- festival. and responsibilities and the Respon ond motion supercedes the first. Mc- However, the main focus of the week is to enhance awareness of sible Alliance Party's presidential Carthy said last week. In other words, the importance of foreign languages in the community. nominee, was unanimously elected Kessler's election 'It's an issue of defining a necessity and was 1111mediately official "There are a lot of job opportunities in San Jose for students who to the post Feb. IS. regardless of Walters' speak a foreign language." said Carmen Sigler. professor of Spanish. But Jim Walters, who missed the tenure, he said. oh solving the problem.' Walters resigned from the position "Having this special language ability can definitely make one more Feb. 15 board meeting, later successful after graduating." jected to the decision. Wednesday but voted against Walters, director of academic af- Jennifer Jo Kessler, amending the minutes. This topic will he addressed at a panel presentation entitled "Job fairs and an independent vice presi- "1 had to object. he said after and Career Opportunities for Foreign Language Graduates.' ' The panel new A.S. vice chairperson dential candidate, was elected vice the meeting. will meet in the Almaden Room of the Student Union tomorrow from chairperson at the Sept. 28 board Walters initially contended that 11:30 a.m. to I p.m. in an inters iew. and solving the problem." the Kessler's appointment was a po- The panel consists of recent college graduates and prospective em- meeting. was to hold the post for Thc s ice chairperson, whose pri- McCarthy and Leigh Kirmsse, di- litical ployers who will discuss the usefulness of foreign language study to He one maneuver instigated by the according to the minutes from mal y responsibility is conducting rector of state affairs. R Al .-dominated government service and teaching careers. year, A . S . board. meet! nes in the absence of the have said in past interviews that Peter Collins. an SJSU French professor, said another main topic that meeting. hoard REAL member, wanted to make However. say vice president. is "someone I really Walters' meeting attendance was Kessler an obvious choice on this week's agenda is foreign study. Language instructors will dis- board members for exec- Walters appointment was intended need to trust in and rely on, she prxw. utive office, he said cuss "Study and Travel Abroad" in the Almaden Room today from last only one semester. said. Walters admitted last week that he Party members said the appoint- noon to 3:30 p. to meetings early. ment was motivated necessity . See LANGUAGES. hail page 'It's alw ay been a semester he often leaves by fore.'' said Patricia Phillips. A S "The A.S. took out a vice chair Howes Cr. lie opposed Kessler's not politics. Officer 'checks out' man in library Looking up By Daniel Vasquel who was using library facilities on "I was there the whole time and I Daily staff writer the second floor, he was cooper- didn't see him bothering anybody... A man and his tilusic A woman ative. Ramire/ said. said the student, who asked not to he and her job. In most instances both Even though the officer detected identified could coexist, hut not this time. alcohol on the man's breath, he did The man was listening to albums University police "checked out" seem to pose any threat. Ramirez not with headphones a non -student listening to music at when police tip said. proached him. according to the ski Clark Library after a library em- In fact, the man offered to leave dent. ployee reported a man causing a dis- the premises. turbance Thursday night. Police did not ask the man to iden- "He was listening to sonic pretty But when UPI) arrived, they tify himself. high-brow stuff." the student said. found no such problem. Sonic: students were bewildered "We received a call about a man by the fact that police were involved The music the student referred to being obnoxious in the library and at all. was opera recordings by George responded." Officer Aniado Ram- "I don't see what the problem London of the "Bolshoi Theatre irez said. was," one student who witnessed Production of Mussorgsky's Boris When police confronted the man the incident said. See DISTURBANCE, hack page Local judge kicks off Women's Week By Elena M. Dunivan wise it on campus, said Room at 2 p.m. Marge Kintscher. of the Women's Daily staff writer Tuesday's events will focus on so- Resource Center. The events will Human rights advocate LaDoris cial awareness, and will feature clin- show from a woman's perspective Cordell will help launch Women's ical sexologist Deborah Caust and a the type of problems women face Week festivities at SJS1.1. panel on the future of abortion. each day, she said. Cordell. a Santa Clara County Su Wednesday is International Wom- perior Court judge, will speak today Today's events reflect the theme en's History Day. Events will fea- at noon in the Student Union Ball- of women in performance. High- ture a presentation called "War is a room on issues concerning women. lights include a self-esteem Woman's Issue.'' Well-known au- The week acknowledges National workshop in the Costanoan Room at thor and lecturer Lillian Rubin will Women's,History Month, 9:30 a.m., a panel presentation on and SJSU speak on "Friendship in the Second is sponsoring a series of events coor- women in sports in the Almaden Half of Life.' dinated by the Women's Resource room at 10:30 a.m.. and Cordell's Center. address followed by Starhawk, a Thursday's theme is Women's Lisa Isaacs Daily staff photographer "Our goal (in planning women's witch and feminist peace activist. A Health and will feature a discussion John Johnson, who works for Telephone Plant near Clark 1.ibrary, lie is installing a new Rher week) was to present a program ad- poetry panel will feature SJSU fac- See WOMEN, back met Construction Corp.. looks up from a manhole optics backbone. dressing women's issues not other- ulty and students in the Almaden Page 2 Monday. March 6, I 989 /Spartan Daily Forum Spartan Mattison Avenue

Sallie Daily Mattison Published for the University and the University Community by the Department of Journalism Religious approach and Mass Communications Since 1934 a child of God. IamMore specifically, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In other words, I'm Mormon. Campus Voice While I've always been God's child, I haven't always been Mormon. Two years ago, I lost my job. The Help quake victims relationship I was in was going nowhere rebuild universities fast. My pancreas was slowly disintegrating, and with it, my future. It David Kevorkian is an American -Armenian seemed there were no dreams anymore, student currently attending Rutgers University in only despair. New Jersey. What I As I begin the new semester. I can't help but I desperately searched for hope. wonder how the students in Armenia feel. Most, if found was Debbie, a friend I had known not all, of the students have lost loved ones and for some time, but had lost touch with. friends and many have been injured, some She lent a sympathetic ear and some permanently. In addition, most of the universities encouraging comments. She was so in the area have been completely destroyed. It is estimated that 88 schools were leveled within three serene, so together, so knowing. I wanted minutes on the day the earthquake hit. whatever it was she had. None of us could have predicted or prevented She had the Church. the earthquake. However, we can help to rebuild Eighteen months ago, I took the plunge, shattered lives. In particular, I am appealing to the was baptized. students of American universities to help ease the and pain of the students in Armenia. I am asking that My best friend Kathy was skeptical. we as students organize fundraising events for the "You'll have to give up things," she told specific purpose of rebuilding the schools and me. "You'll have to give up drinking." universities. That's okay. I'm allergic to alcohol, anyway. The cost to rebuild Letters to the Editor "You'll have to stop swearing." Fine. Men are not attracted to women the shattered region in Uphold standards who resemble drill sergeants. argument there. What I hope that already this morning!" Incidentally, that. "And Armenia is too large Ms. Pels and other feminists take I was number four. But she knew me better than Editor. into consideration when stating She mumbled her complaint no more sex," she added. , for any one nation or We wish to express our their viewpoint is that no offense is when I came up to pay my 10 cents. Okay, okay. What is something really people to bear alone. disagreement with Spartan intended. Something about what/why I want worth if there isn't some sacrifice Bookstore's decision not to display I think that the world could use a to buy a cup of hot water. What involved? copies of Salman Rushdie's book, female hand in the script rewriting, nerve.1 paid and left to seat myself "Satanic Verses." We realize that and In spite of all the worldly habits I Since the earthquake, I have been actively but until that time, society will still write this letter. such action may be prompted in use the term girl to connote a Perhaps she is one of the few desired to weed out in my commitment to involved in relief efforts, organized by the part by concern for the safely Armenian General Benevolent Union. The AGBU, of woman. Ms. Nis and her kind people at SJSU who never has to try church, the transition was easy enough. your patrons and employees, but we would surely get further in their and juggle with a slim budget and But I still had a lot to learn. established in 1906, is the largest Armenian think philanthropic organization in the world. The that the resulting policy is cause if they realized the lack of sometimes go without. Some of the Turning to the church for answers to misguided. intent in the use of the term girl and SJSU students have to think about AGBU created the Armenian Aid program. The Teaching students to read problems took conscious effort on my AGBU Board of Directors has pledged to spend and simply requested to be referred to as the many ways to stretch a think critically and to make their a woman, rather than immediately paycheck till the next payday. part, but the rewards I reaped were 100 percent of all money raised to aid the victims own judgments about important placing the offender in a defensive Sometimes a cup of warm water remarkable. in Armenia. Donations earmarked for a specific social and economic matters is why posture by purpose will be used only for that purpose. implying that he (or she) with a packet of tea (brought from About a year ago, my sister Marie and I universities in general, and SJSU in is either sexist or behind the times. home) is one way of budgeting. We particularly rough time The AGBU will attempt to provide speakers for particular, exist. Protection of It is much more difficult to ask pay the 10 cents without were having a if requested. In complaint you and your student groups intellectual freedom is a primary for understanding when you offer because the way I see it an financially, but she was trying to shore up addition, the AGBU would be happy to discuss responsibility of this campus and none in return. If if can be establishment enough money to pay for her divorce. help and turned has to charge for the ways in which your student groups can one that it gladly shoulders. into an issue of courtesy, rather than use of its equipment and materials even more recent convert to provide you information about the fundraising She was an Therefore, actions taken by SJSU men vs. women, I think you'll be (i.e. cup). But what is her beef'? the church than I. We talked about how activities of other schools in your area. Posters agencies to ignore or evade this amazed at the progress I am been made. appalled at her lack of several hundred dollars advertising the plight of the Armenians have responsibility arc direct attacks on Believe me, if we wanted to offend sympathy for the concerns of she could collect printed and are available upon request. Please feel the communal principles that you, girl would be in a hurry, but we weren't coming up with of the one of the last others. She has been in the free to call Alex Markarian, Chairman underlie our university. We believe words chosen. establishment for a while; for the any answers. AGBU Armenia Aid Fundraising Committee at his that your present policy constitues Ray Wood five years I have been here I have decided to pray and fast. This office at (212) 221-5730, for further information. such an attack and we urge you to Senior seen her. Does she think that those Wewas something I'd never tried The cost to rebuild the shattered region in rescind it. Economics less fortunate than the mainstream Armenia and the number of lives of those affected SJSU Deans should be treated less appropriately before, and frankly, I didn't see are too large for any one nation or people to bear than the more fortunate ones? I how on earth it was going to work. alone. The Armenians need our assistance. As the On a budget hope the establishment cares The next day, as we were pulling up in new semester begins with all the hope surrounding No offense intended enough to look into certain human it, let us think about our fellow students in front of our apartment complex, Marie Editor. relations courses for its employees opened the passenger door, leaned Armenia who now have no schools to attend and Editor, I am sitting here in the Student who share the same appathy for out and who have questions rather than hope surrounding Regarding Ms. Pels's editorial of Union cafeteria seething over a others like me. snagged what she thought was a dollar their future. Please help. Feb. 21 concerning the use of the cashier's complaint about disliking Irene Geh bill. Donations should be sent to AGBU Armenia word girl in referring to a female students who come in to buy a cup Graduate It was a fifty. Aid, 585 Saddle River Road, Saddle Brook, New over the age of 18. I agree that a of water (10 cents). She had been We stood in the gutter, marveling Jersey 07662, (201) 797-7600 or 1-800-282-9877. female at this over the age of 18 does counting since she sat at her register Individuality first unexpected windfall, when I looked deserve to be called a woman; no and said, "There's been three down Editor, and saw another bill. A fifty. I would like to express the shock They were everywhere. By the time we I felt when I read a statement made finished scooping them up, we had $250. by Amy Swan in Friday's issue of the Spartan Daily. She commented, Exactly the amount she needed after "Engineers are lifeless and socially borrowing what she could from family retarded." and friends. One who labels a group of When people discover my religious people like canned goods is not affiliation, their reaction is often surprise. only rude, but also shallow. I "You're Mormon? personally know many engineers But you seem so who arc far from being "socially normal!" retarded." A statement like that is as I'm sure they mean it as a compliment. bad as saying, "Blondes are all But perhaps the reason I seem so "normal" dumb" or "Businessmen are all is that I have not forgotten where I came ruthless." These stereotyped views from, nor will of people are ridiculous and I lose sight of where I'm bigotted. They should be discarded going. if we want our society to be a united Growing up, my religious education one. was, in a word, meager. Isn't it time to start thinking with Throughout my an open mind, to look at every adolescent and teenage person as an individual? years, I frequented houses of the Lord in Amanda Lei the name of Catholics, Protestants, Freshman Lutherans, Seventh-Day Adventists and Electrical Engineer born-again Christians. As I entered adulthood, however, my /7' REAL worried daily life became my religion. With Editor, common sense and compassion as my I read with interest Terry doctrine and my Earthly father as my McCarthy's concern over questions bishop, I searched for the meaning of life /4 it from the Spartan Review. This and sought the approval of my Heavenly sudden concern begs one important question. What does the Spartan Father in my own way. But I knew I Review know about the REAL needed more. party that Terry McCarthy is so My ideals meshed nicely with Mormon \ worried about? Is he worried doctrine. Perhaps the principle of which I because the rumors are true? Why do self-serving REAL party am most fond is that of free agency, that members feel they can arbitrarily everyone in or out of the church is control free speech by shutting off individually free to make their own debate that they dislike and choices. Negotiations encourage debate that furthers their The budget cause? It is a shame McCarthy does I've made mine. not value free speech. I know Heavenly Father is pleased. AT LEAST YoU'RE n4INKJAR, Parag V. Patel Sallie Mattison is the Assigning ALoNe, nit s'AlMf utatc. I' L --.;e:',74 Senior Editor/News. Business Management Spartan Daily/Monday, March 6, 1989 cA.S. t-4 ELECTION '89 A report on the candidates' road to victory Candidates unite on need for parking, divide on methods

By Shelby Grad puses around the state. ceive. Instead of opposing the faculty. It is not clear yet whether stUdi:111 is possible it the 1.1,ully diiesn't pa% Daily stall writer The California Faculty Associa- Scott Santandrea. the independent A.S. representatives should work fees will automatically go up, and it the increased fees From the half-mile line that forms tion and the CSU have been in me- presidential candidate. seconded with the CFA to press CSU trustees is improper to assume at this prnnt . mediator is likely to determin, in front of the Seventh Street Garage diation since the beginning of the se- Kessler 's motion to approve the res- into finding ways other than fee in- that it will, Santandrea said. a yveek %%heftier the faculty every morning to the hefty permit mester to determine whether faculty olution. creases to pay for garage construc- George Pardon of the CSU in sly mid pay incieased tees fee, parking has proven be to an fees should also rise to student lev- Santandrea, who chose to run as tion, he said. Arng Beach said it is too early to tell s en it the medimiii favors Ilit issue that can raise a student's ire. els. an independent after being denied "This is another example of an at- if students will have to pay more for Lti:111D., ('St Both Responsible Alliance The REAL-dominated A.S. is the top spot on the REAL slate, now tack -oriented policy." Santandrea parking, but he said mull a scenario irk (REAL) party and independent can- vigorous in its view that the faculty says this approach to parking is too said. "We need a common fron- didates in the Associated Students should pay the higher fee. bellicose. t against paying the increase." elections are united in their belief The A.S. officials fear that if in- cc).upcm that more parking is necessary, but structors don't pay, student parking CANDIDATES In many ways, the parking issue FREE DELIVERY represents the broader disunity between FOR A.S. ELECTION '89 President Director of Ethnic OFF ANY the two sides. Jennifer Jo Kessler (R) Affairs 16" PIZZA g Scott Santandrea (I) Andrew G Flores (I) $200 disagree on the merits of the course fees will go up still higher. the current A.S. is pursuing. 'The students will have to pick up Vice President Director of Intercultural OFF ANY In many ways, the parking issue the slack,'' said Ron Lynch, Ron Lynch (R) Affairs si on represents the broader disunity be- REAL's vice presidential candidate. Jim Walters (I) Jennie Reyes (R) 17 12" PIZZA I tween the two sides, with indepen- "The money has to come from NOT GOOD WITH dents charging REAL takes too con- somewhere," he said. Controller Director of Non- ANY OTHER OFFER frontational a position on key issues. Mimi Amulan(R) EXP.3-27-89 Since last year. students have paid The A.S. adopted a strongly Traditional Minority Gregory J. Eissner (I) Affairs $81 per semester for a parking per- worded resolution Feb. 8 calling on Patrice Fusenig (I) - 707 ' mit while faculty members pay the faculty to pay the same fee as Melissa M. Butchart (R) $33.75. students. If they refuse to do so, the The higher fees will go to the con- resolution states, SJSU President Academic Senator Director of Personnel struction of new parking facilities at Gail Fullerton should reduce the Natalie L. Wells (R) Karen A. Patterson (R) California State University cam - number of spaces instructors re- Jeff Realini (I) Director gj Academic Term Papers with Class Affairs Director Sponsored Rod Diridon, Jr. (R) Programs SpartaGuide Scott Lane (I) hours preparing your term pvers and David A. Marlinison (I) You spend Tim Morley (I) reports. Show them off with quality copies and TODAY formation call 998-5586. Director of Business Catholic Newman Community: SJSU Taekwondo Club: Prac- Affairs Director Student Rights professional binding at Kinko's Copy Center. Daily Lenten mass, Tenth and San tice, 3 p.m., Spartan Complex David Lewis (R) and Carlos Streets. For more information Room 202. For more information Gabriel Miramontes (I) Responsibilities = call 298-0204. 258-9800. call Yogi Chugh (R) Order of Omega: Due dates for A.S. Intercultural Steering Director of California Cid Galindo (I) applications, 5 p.m., Administration Committee: Meeting. 3 p.m., S.U. 51.21g Student Affairs Gina Sutherst (I) Building Room 242. For more infor- Montalvo Room. For more informa- Dave Fuller (I) mation call 924-5900. tion call 292-3197. Director of Student Soccer Club: Meeting. (new Spartan Review: Meeting. 12:30 Director of Services members welcome), 3:30 p.m., p.m., S.U. Montalvo Room. For in- Communications Ke,,in L. Hejlal (I) S.U. Guadalupe Room. For more in- formation call (415) 656-6335. Susie Layman (I) Dana M. Jones (R) Arneze Washington (R) Bring in this ad and we will give you 20. oft on your binding order You may choose any of our wide selection 01 00001 styles and colors Otter applies to all types and sizes OF binding available Only one discount per customer Otter valid through Spartan Daily Director oi Community R=Responsible Alliance Serving the San Jose State University Community Since 1934 Affairs I=Independent (UCPS 509480) Lynn Christine Bachelor (R) Se.ond I. la, p001110( NUJ ut San lom. Caltiornta Mernter, ol 'sr...paper Puhl..h,r.'.,,, iatton and i A.sof.lated Pre., Puhltshed daily by San lose State l'nivermty. . during int .1.11,c .car Eh ontnionn expressed in Beckie Six (I) the par., arc not nc.c.sanly those ol ISn Ikpanment ti loom:Alton and Ma.. Commun....mon.. he I anent.) Sd -Spartan Daily Graphics kinkos rront.ttation of an) student or lacully organstaloon subscnpnon, accepted cm renmender ol .ernestet Ad.,. Full a.adetnt. year. 5211 Each semester. S101111 011.sampus pnee pet copy. IS .ent. I )n .antpu. Miser, pad lor through Instructamally -Related ...mine, band, 41 per lull.time enefIlled student Phone KlIt0f1111 924. QM, the copy center Adveromne 924 12711 Pnnted by FncltePark. Press Postmaster Pleam send all address "'erection. to Spanan ILO). San lose Stale l'neser.o. line Ma.htninon Square 310 S. Third St. 481 E. San Carlos St. San low C 94192 (Across from McDonald's) (Between 10th & 111h) STAFF 2 9 5 - 4 3 3 6 2 9 5 - 5 5 1 1 Editor in Chief Denise Zapata Reporters NEED MONEY? City Editor Teresa l.yddane Matthew 0 Anderson, Joel Beers, Phillip Advertising Director Anne Kloster Best. Mary R Callahan. Andrew H Chan This offer is good 315/89 - 4 15-89 only! News Editor Lisa Hannon ning. Elena M Dunivan. Lisa Elmore, Let Us Do The Work For You! Layout Editor Zac Shess Shelby Grad. Elizabeth James, Doris Assigning Editor News Kramer, Rob Lyon, E Mark Moreno. Ste- NO MATTER WHAT YOUR GRADES ARE.. Salhe Mattison ven Mout. Andy Nystrom. Daniel Vasquez Assigning Editor Feature Dan Turner Photographers NO MATTER WHAT YOUR FAMILY INCOME IS... Managing Editor Mike Daliemer. I.isa Isaacs. Alyssa Jen WE GUARANTEE TO FIND 5 - 25 SCHOLARSHIPS Darren Sabedra sen. David Pipkins. Shelley Scott Forum Editor Leah Pels Account Executives AND FINANCIAL AID SOURCES FOR WHICH YOU Sports Editor Sean Mukaster Hannah Brooks. James Cabral. Hilda WILL QUALIFY OR WE REFUND YOUR MONEY' Assistant Sports Editor Reggie Burton Cardenas. Nancy Donegan. Lisa Emenan, Lifestyle Editor Many Hayes Scott Camel. Elie Goldstein. Chnsnna Photo Editor Lam,i Strong Keller. Teresa Kra Wanen Lam. Larry CALL US FOR FREE Assistant Photo Editor Doug Duran Peters, Scott Ruth. Susan Salmmen. Jen INFORMATION AT Chief Photographer Mark Studysan niter Smith. Devra Stearley. Robert Semi 983-2670 anytime of the day! giel. Amy The. John Waco' Art Department National Advertising Manager Nicole Chan, Miguel Cortez. Doug Duni, Academic Resources Company is a protessonoi scholarship research Ten,' Felix Sabnna Goes. Rick Haddad. Craig Mcln organization helping freshmen and soohmore students locate sources of Retail Advertising Manager tire. David Otampo. Vincent Rodngues. financial aid for college I )ehorah Gross Debra Twdo Downtown Retail Advertising Manager Co-op Account Executive,' I Wry Adler Linda Birk, Vicki Hendin Art Director Lisa Borba National Account Executives Production Manager Theresa Brady Stephanie Kaye Co-op Manager Nana I amben Special Projects Group Special Projects Manager John Angden. Aimee Reaudrot. Gayle l.0 Knsan Compant , Brett Welch TOP VIDEO CO CENTER S. MOVE RENTAL


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Monday, March Daily Page 4 6, 1989/Spartan Lifestyle artsentertainmen features Mojo rises at Cactus Club By Joel Beers Daily staff Writer to get want bleary-eyed You How introspection? You want flashy -sequined spandex-covered Icather-clad sex muffins? You want neutered mainstream pop? Then you don't want . Nixon, along with Country Dick Montana of , ex- Blasters guitarist , and a through college nine-person back-up band, are the Pleasure Barons, a slightly less than super "super group" who performed at San Jose's Cactus Club Tuesday night. Formed for the sole MUSIC purpose of touring, Review t h e Pleasure Barons haven't released any revelatory albums designed to with enshrine themselves in the pantheon of rock immortals. Nor have they produced any self-indulgent, pompous black-and-white concert film footage meant to win friends To call the -based Nixon money to spare: irreverent is an understatement. He's a certified lunatic. and influence critics. Nopc, they're just three (plus nine) musicians on the duller edge of mainstream fame and acceptance Joe Watson - Special to the Daily who decided to get together and draw on nearly every musical style Mojo Nixon of the Pleasure Barons at the Cactus Club ever devised by mortal man. Sort of. Barons are just as much a parody as But Mojo wasn't the only For those not yet familiar with the schmaltzy nightclub scene they Pleasure Baron front man. the Pleasure Baron mythos, the poke fun at. Country Dick Montana, the Beat following introductions will Think again. Farmer's lead singer and drummer, hopefully suffice: Comprised of members from the was more familiar with the band Mojo Nixon imagine Pee Beat Farmers and Dave Alvin's All- than Nixon but couldn't come close Wee Herman as a musician. Throw Nightcrs, the back-up band was to capturing his energy. In fact, as in Lenny Bruce's sense of humor, experienced, tight and versatile. the show wore on, it began to 1. Bruce Springstecn's theatrics and a Although it really couldn't stretch resemble an Abbot and Costello- Buy a Macintosh. pinch of an epileptic seizure and out when Nixon or Montana was on type affair, with Montana playing you've got Nixon, a hero for the stage, it did open the show with a the straight man to Nixon's hero-starved masses of the 80s if 45-minute set that included a variety absurdity. ever there was one. of musical styles, ranging from I'm not going to bother Country Dick Montana he straight country and to mentioning what songs were played. looks like a cross between Jim inner-city jazz and even some delta Chances are if you're familiar with Morrison and Willie Nelson, sounds blues. either band you know what they like on downers and The band was entertaining, but played. And if you're not familiar performs classics such as Tom the show really took off when Nixon with the music of Mojo Nixon or the 1111110. Jones' "What's New Pussycat." slimed onto stage. To call the San Beat Farmers, you're never going to Dave Alvin he missed the Diego-based Nixon irreverent is an be unless you take it upon yourself San Jose show after "succumbing to understatement. He's a certified to find it. the lifestyle of a Pleasure Baron," lunatic. And as far as the Pleasure Barons according to the band. But as Sec. Mojo's got something that go, San Jose may never hear them 2. Add a peripheral. Montana said after the show, while not many entertainers have much of again. The band is currently on a his face was buried in a bucket of these days: his own personal nation-wide tour and may never ice water, the only difference in the albeit slightly twisted style. And return to Northern California. band's performance with Alvin gone as far as social significance goes, his Because the band members arc was that "he wasn't here." hilarious diatribes directed at signed to different record labels, an The back-up band let's see, at , Tiffany, Michael J. album, even a live one, could be any given time on stage there were Fox, the Ayatollah, the difficult to release. three electric guitars, a steel guitar, scatologically minded Jon Bon Jovi Of course, you never know. acoustic guitar, harmonica, electric and Journey arc far more relevant Maybe the Pleasure Barons will stay organ, trombone, saxophone, drums, than the oh -so-profound Tracy together and eventually reach the tambourines, maracas and ten back- Chapman muzak schfick. pinnacle of success and respect up singers. Whether imitating Peter Gabriel's reserved for the truly talented, the Performing in tuxedos before a fall into the audience or truly deserving and the truly backdrop of Las Vegas pleasure Springstcen's leap to the stage from mainstream. 3. Get a nice, fat check. palaces such as the Stardust, the the speakers, Nixon's best asset is But then again, it's really hard to Sands and Caesar's Palace, some that he never takes himself too imagine a movie called, "The might think that the Pleasure seriously. Pleasure Barons: Rattle our Bums."

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David Pipkins - Daily sta p otograp er SIM! second baseman Mike Gonzalez completes a The game was the first of a two-game series with Latchkey Diary Gary Delamore double play during a 9-1 victory over St. Mary's. the Carts' and improved the Spartans' to 16-1. HEY, 7HERE MANCINE HUFFINoToN! HEN SUCH A. . ANP SHE'S WIrH MAI ;,thti A. - Classified cracry EforH-14APE12 CP.A1C, MiCLEZ64 HARDWARE TECHNICIAN - DCS Seek sures call (805) 682-7555. eel H- SEARCH" 0.11. work Call REF ANNOUNCEMENTS Jr 8 Sr computer Eng motor for 1513 for repo list your area at (408)292-7029 ARE technical YOU PAYING too much money position. familiar wIth STUDENT ROOMMATE WANT 0 10 'ING AND ALTERATIONS Casual for life insurance, Find out by IBM 80386 8 80286 PC board envl min from campus Non r.moker, end evening wear.s.ciellzing in 0, calling (408) 274-6686 tor no ob- ronment Part lull Plea. call Includes separate I bedroom. I weddings, formal, dc REASONA ligation Fells at free estimate 14081437-1003 or apply in bath. wash dry, dishwasher. BL E RATES, quality wort In Wil- person after 5 00 p m 10 minutes low Glen area call Marla at 448- FREE VISA MASTERCARD 8 SEARS fridge $360 $150 dep I 3 win. 7 driving Iron. SJSU Secretarial or 5494 application tor college students! lies 408-972-5382 receptionist with marketing po Will I Just send a self addressed VERY NICE 2 bedrm 20th apt (clean. T-SHIRTS for frarernities. sororities, tential el. needed Good English HA clamped envelope to KAIHATSU near SJSU Please call 788.9157 clubs. business Custom screen skills 8 able to operate &lice MARKETING. 734 5 4th St . Box for into printing on shirts, sweats, end computer preferred 5, Philadelphia, Pa 19147 Apply packets Quality work at reasona- 3 UNITS AVAR ABLE (I)carriage today for your future' ble rates SJSU DISCOUNTS Daily Interruption IMMEDIATE OPENINGS part-time house apt (2) apt w shared bath John Lascurettes Contact Doug at (408)262-7377, FREE, WHITE CAT - 9 months old 5500-52.000 a month No expert. (3) room Phone 298-2374 Non. Monday through Friday 3-10 PM. Lively. fun, cute, even neutered" ence necessary Call Mark Ons. smoker, no pets Has shots Call Kris 297-7396 toll at (408)274-6686 VISA OR MASTERCARD' Even if PERSONALS bankrupt or bad credit, We guar- NEED MEDICAL INSURANCE, Want LIFEGUARDS SEASONAL 8. year antee you a card or double your good coverage you can &Mord, round positions available now ABORTION ALTERNATIVE Have money back Call MOS) 682-7555 We have quality plans at low Salary Lifeguards $5 5046 40 hr you considered adoption All calls PI Po-I 103 prices Monthly terms available Pool Managers 5700-50 60 hr confident.' Coll collect (916) Call Mark Ellice at (408)943-9190 Call 942-2470 823-1225 WRITING. RESEARCH SERVICES for Inc obligation quote Academic paper thesis assts. LOOKING FOR CREATIVE designer to ECCL ESIA GNOST1CA SACRAMEN. lance Ghostwriting pilling. re- YAWNING STUDENT DENTAL OPTICAL PL AN draw sketches plans for 2nd 'tory TCIRUM For gnomics, religion is Sum.. word-processing All Sub- W . Enroll Now, Save your teeth, eyes remodeling of custom home In Gods sense of mystery, not 1,,,.111 let. 0.1111. write. Re and Money too Cleanings and of- Los Gatos Call 358.2297 man s insistence on dogma Cele- writing Catalogue WOrk guar fice vislts at no charge For bro- brale that mystery with us at NATIONAL MARKETING FIRM seeks ante. Low rates Collegiate chure see A S office or Student Mass. open to all 3 P M Sundays ambitious, mature student to Communications Berkeley (415) Health Center or cell (408)371. at the Vivan Chapel dl the ist men. on-campus promotions 841-5036 6811 In San Jose United Methodist Church. 24 N for top national companies this 5th St . San Jose We also train 4044976-2002 school year Flexible hours with TRAVEL clergy, both male end female. who SOUTH BAY BULL FTIN BOARD earnings potential to $2,500 Call share our vision For further into, TWA OFEEE RS SJSU STUDENTS 10% Something for every Interest, Ro- I-800.932 528. eat 26 off anywhere any fare Purchase mance, friendship, adventure merlon, call 374.7458 evenings OVERSEAS AND CRUISESHIPS EM- your TWA student discount card Laugh Lines Wanda Folk L.oe your message or you can ELECTROLYSIS CLINIC Unwanted PLOYMENT Many positions now Also ask *boa* TWA GET- h.r 1n messages from others. hair MM.. forever Specialist 00E5 THIS PEANUT BUT TF_Ft. 04 1914 CROP . T 14 iNtRECHEILE , HE L;AT_ER AT ARMY PLANO LI.A55 SIREAK Work month - home month Cal, AWAY credit card Cell Andy al mow Hes MANAGE To try it. you II be glad you did Call Confklentlal, your very own .51T PEINJT euTTER CAI EvERo- 0144 THE -NM HASN'T EVEN BEEN IN 714E c (805(687-7555. eat 5.1062 (408)297-8809. TWA campus rep , . T KNOW. MAN I OFrERED daily Messages change fre- probe 247 7486. 335 5 ,..RITER PRICE CAR TOM/. 014D HE GOT iPONOME Baywood THNE, HE HER s PEANu7 quently Only $2 any toll OVERSEAS AND CRUISESHIPS EM Ave , Serf Jose TOUCHES , , ,,- ( CASE 64, PURSE REP96824.31 MUTTER ON THE TYPING PUTTER COOKIES PLONWE NT Many positions --; ?? '14'6 s ‘ THE GOLF STEF-RIN6 WHEEL" LUTHERAN CAMPUS WORSHIP every ---.4 AM" sHE JUST AUTOMOTIVE Work Month - home month Cal AAAA.ACCURAC Y. ACHIEVEMENT, CLUBS Our, Sundt. morning at 10 45 AM at ,,.. - FREAKED (805)652-7555. net S-1062 LTD ACCOUNTABILITY ACKNOWL- ...II BUICK REGAL 81. fully, loaded. Campus Christian Center, K It It . M-7-- EDGEABLE in typing that's tops V6 rebuilt engine Runs great PHOTO LAB TECH Part-lime 15-3C San Carlos For more informal 'on Trust TONY. 296-2087 Thenks .1" $2.500 Excellent body 298-0331 tins wk $4 50-56 00 hr Paper about ectivItion, call Rev Norb IIIA St 50 per page double spaced --- needed Call 371-6664 dial BUY A NEW CAR hassle free FIrnhaber at 798-0704 tor less Auailabl.souen days weekly g- t. money You pick the PLANNER 1 model, make T-SHIRTS- Make money for your SJSU Oulck turnaround All work guar- , 4 MENNlir , and accessories We find you City ol San Jose ,...-.-- the Club. Fraternity. or Sorority by anteed Thanks .... best deal. no obligation indepen- $2174113 - $264300 mu (Approxi selling custom silk screened 7 - - PROFESSIONAL WORD PRO- dent broker, references cell KEN male) Entry level professions, shirts with your design or logo 48 a CESSING. 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CA LEAVE THE TYPING TO ME Grad- 83 FORD ESCORT GT BULLETIN BOARD Now there black 55p sun- 95110 (408) 277-4705 FOE Stu- uate and undergred Resumes, Classified roof fm is fast, easy way to meet quality cas.11.4 spkrs 1. boost, dents greduating by June. 1989. term papers, theses, reports 01 811 people in the privacy of your fog lights. rIcarro seats, enkie are encouraged to apply Proof of Ann's, Sen. Clara, 241.5490 retarlai service for ALL your psyched for this Friday Were kinds Studenl rites tor Under. ter quality Term papers, group rims, now tires, clutch II more. home Ifs BO easy' When you call. going to have a blast. To the la- gredualion must be provided grads Available day. eves, week- A-1 SECRETARY WITH COMPUTER WORD processing needs Graph- you will be told how to leave your protects, theses, resumes, faculty $370000 406-972-5387 Must .11 prior to appointment Call (408) ics. charts, letters, reports. menu. dies of Della Gomma - We re ends by ppt Cell Anna 9724992 Close to school Available night protects. etc APA, MLA. Turoblan own message or hear six different gonna bop until we drop with you '64 OLDS Jetstar I Good Coed . Runs 277-4205 for further information Rush lobs are my spec, scripts, resumes, term papers. messages left by others There A BEAUTIFUL PAPEFI every time, Pro- and day formats Qua' guar (27 yrs exp theses Idt our words work for on Saturday To the ladles of AOP Needs TLC, call 924-6975 5650 RECORD STORE CLERK PT flexible silty Call Pam at (408)275-5025 or Cal Roy 274-3664 (leave mes- are messages horn people with all fessional word-processing serv- We might be hurgover horn (408)225.9009 you' Editing, grammar & spell hours Must be 18 or older Apply types of interests When you near ices that include fast turnaround sage) ...le 7 days week COMPUTERS ch.king All work done on Friday end bopped Oct from Sal in person at Underground Re- something you like, give that per. guarentee copy, gramma edtting, CALL t INDA TODAY for experienced, EVERYONE NEEDS TYPING some- PS Law Printer. or printing horn urday, but we re Min 401119 10 rlse IBM TURBO XT Clone. 20 MBHD 2 cords, 371 S First St son a call That s it, Call today $2 la.r printee, graphs and so much professional word processing time Why not make the best In, your disk Both IBM & M. II corn for the occasion on Satinets. floppys. color mtr. graphics. 1011, 11 any more Call PAMELA at (408(916- with Loser printer Theses. term SALES ASSOCIATE WANTED Worn passion, A nearly.typed paper puler* Special student rate, Call right, We II be ready ro rage untli many programs end ptres, 38A7 to reserve your time now papers, group women.. etc All ens contemporary clorhing bou- gets a higher grade For the best Prin. s WORDWORKS at 253' we dle so ge psyched"' From the $1.600 0E10 (408) 971.7685 SERVICES Only 15 minutes from campus including APA tique Perfect for responsible formats result call Barbara at WORD or 253-WORK en of ATO Vote on Wednesday & student $5-$6 hr comfy, Mon BARE IT ALL'Stop shaving, waxing. ABSTRACT WE'RE NOT, Academic $I 75 page double spaced (10 WRITE TYPE --(401)972-9430 Thursday Scott Santandrle for FOR PROFESSIONAL TYPYING II WORD SALE Tues. Wed 2-6, Err 7-9.5.1 17-6 tweezing or using chemical depill word processing our specialty pnch) Quick return TrenscrIptIon pr.Ident," AN EXPERIENCED SECRETARY tor PROCESSING 15 years yperl Occasional Sun Avalleble Imme- .rvices evallable Almaden. MATTRESS SETS" NEW" REDS" tortes Set mt. permanently re- Guar..ed quality accuracy your epidemic, legal TO MY FAVORITE Chl Omega Hope Brenham area Phone 2114-4934 once Reasonable rates 8 last TvAn $85. lull 589. queen $179, diately Math Fenwick. Old Town, move your unwanted hair (chin. Free disk storage proofing Rea- word processing needs Term pa- biro-around Close to campus Santa Barbara ease blast. Love king S168 You get both pieces Los Gatos Confect Marine Vonn bikini tummy, moustache. etc I son.. rates We re teat. depend- CALL MRS MORTON at 266-9448 for pers, reports, resumes, letters, Phone 292-4096 RPM loran appt 354-7771 Bunkbeds $129 Bedfrarnes snail. 15% discount to students and fan - able. gramma-experienced Col- EDITING & WORD PROCESSING group protects, manuals, theses. RESUME WRITING TYPING SVC WEI COME TO THE GREEK Vine Here able now If your bed Ian t giving SECURITY OFFICERS PROCESS city Call before June 1. 1969 and lege grads so cell us with moors. of tenn peperszemarch prolect all Litter quality! All formats at last the Greeks R11.0.10 applications word pro- ha. Chance you the comfort or the support SERVERS Full part time security gal your first appl at I 7 price reports, theses (asp SP..), resumes Will gladly easier w pus AP*. SPEL CHEK, punch.. ceasing Career consultetions to communicate amongst each you like, why not get now bed, offlca's all shifts Full part time Unwonted Hair Disappeors With Pc al 251-0449 grammar, pu.ictuation, and sen Hon. grammar essistance All Bay areas 1 professional .ry. other look here for (PC *norms Our beds are very comfortable evening process servers We will My Care Gwen Chelgren. R F . ACADEMIC 8 PROFESSIONAL desk- fence structure (knowledgable on work guaranteed Free disk stor- Ice tion Sports B-Ball on Wednes- 559-3500. 1645 S Bascom Turebran. APA. Campbell for- Career Center, 1765 Scott cheap C011945-8558 train Apply In person Mon-Fri. Ave top publfshing word pro- age *ROW.* student faculty Blvd. Santa Clara. 743.4070 day nights Soccer on Friday 260 Meridian San c Hair Today Gone Tumor. mats) Equlpnent used Word rel., For that professional, qui, k 9A61.4P0A, Ace, cessing Papers.thesis.resumes. days M.tIngs IFC on Mondays HELP WANTED row Perfect & HPLaserJetil Consider- dependable worro-frie service WORD PROCESSING. transcription Jose. neut... Inc reports, frumuscripts & group al 3 30 Philanthropies - Social able business expecienc and for- al rts best. call PAM at 247.2681 Term papers, them, resumes. ADDRESS ENVE1 OPES 9500 00 8, up TEACHER AIDE for preschool PT DESKTOP PUB( ISHING SERVICES protects welcome Student rites. *yenta and much mere," You mer English major WILLOW (S'Clara) manuscripts Fast turnaround per wee* Send SASE Renter. 56 hr 6 units ECE rag HOBBIT Brochures. flyers graphics 7 min frm campus nn 680£ McKee can place your ad here lo say hi to GLEN area Free dr. storage Espenlonced Associates. P0 Box 3747, San DAY NURSERY. 286-0863 HIGHTFCH RESUME DESIGNS of (BERRYESSA area) To ensure GEN TYPING WORD PROCESSING your blg little els or bro Tell that typist and legal transcriber 365 Jo., CA 95156 all fields up to pecullves We your papers completion on COMPUTER- fast-.curelic neer Hem. tape Iransc term papers re date Irorn Friel,ay to klss oft cur TELEMARKETING, APPOINTMENT 1393 offer 20 postscnpt laser printed schedule reserve your Ilm .rly & Winchester. Campbell Cali Bunws. manuscripts. reports you h. a lousy time, congrolu. AUTOMATED VAC EOPMT OPERA- SETTING Part time. $700 wk coples of your resume pl. 20 P..4923-2309 SHIRLEY al 379-3519 St 50 per Rees rates prompt service Copy late an act.* or pledge for doing TORS needed on graveyd shift P055I01 E. dolly cash Walking matching envelopes for lust $30. Type Ctr. (Santa Clare) 911- GREEK greet lob Just say something and weekend shin (78-40 hr work distance ftom campus. friendly ANN’ WORD PROCESSING Thes. An. FREE DELIVERY Fineline De- 5548 984-0597 outrogeous' Place yOur ad week) Requires 1.3 yrs mech or supportive atmosphere At. Reports - Letters No time to type EVERGREEN WORDPROCESSING ATO BIG BRO I ITT' F SRO WEEK," signs. (415)964-9183 today"' elan assembly Pp or pp.. ed In ternoon 8 evening shifts pall your paper, Cell May Ann at On campus pkkup delivery Lel- GO WITH THE BEST' Top-quality sec To the ladies of Chi Omega Get the sciences or computer prog able Good voice 8 personality DO YOU NEED HELP with paper? Most be a US citizen We offer Call BIAS at 296-3033 Editing. word processing. and re- 1011111111= 100% education reirniz Call search. etc Ann 9931709 TEL EMARKETING. $e 50 hr bo Print Your Ad Here 415 493-1600..45, VARIAN nuses Appt Wring day eves P T Join WSFCU - Your student Credit CHIL DC ARE POSITIONS AVAIL Bascom Ave. S J Call Todd at Unionbentnits Include Tuilloo- Ant E Full and part tine perma- 298-5439 RooksComputer Loons .Com- Ad Rates nent positions probable Northern petitive Savings Rates .Fr. VISA OR MASTERCARD, Even It Minimum three lines on one day Celifornia Nannies, 175 San Anto- Check Writing Cashing -Menu bankrupt or bad credit, We guar nio Rd. Suite 112. Los Altos, Ca facture, s Hanover OSL S Ve- antea you a card or double your 94022, (415)949-2933 Itaibie Member Privileges Cell Each money back Coll (805) 682.7555 947-7273 or drop by our oftrc el COUNSEL OR DIRECT CARE STAFF PI 11103 One Two Three Four Five Extra etc and San Salvador needed at residential facilities for Days Day WANTED - COLD CALLING maniac Day Days Days Days young adults 6 adolescents wfth MONEY FOR STUDENTS,' We 'retch M F Must have good phone vok 3 I ines $390 54 80 55 75 SS 50 55 75 St 00 autism I related disabilities Full students with *variable financial Work off script for local broker $1 IS and Dan time positions available ald regardless of grades or family 4 'nes $480 SS 70 56 15 $640 S6 60 55 50 hr start commIselon Call Starting 8646 25 hr Call (408) income 1.1 our unique compute- Stifles $5 70 S6 60 $700 57 30 S7 SO St 30 Steve at 725-0100 448-3953 r.ed findIng service provide you 6 I Ines $65), 57 SO S7 90 58 10 S840 51 4.1 WANTED - MANAGER FOR vIclorlan tvith custom 1151 of sources COUNSELOR GROUP HOME for muf iis. Add5ona(l lie Add $ 90 rooming house near campus Fo- After you fill out data form, our F ach lic children Greet pperlence for p...nee and refs 296-2374 eves computer selects only those (1,nt Name psych, spec ed and related Roo-smoker, no pets sources you ere qualified to re- Pokes FT 11 PT position. Call Semester Rates (All Issues) ceive. thus ensuring the best pos- 10-14) ities 570 00 F 377.5417 377.1494 $6-behr lo Man SO positions Recep- 5-9 t Ines 550 00 sible 1151 Our servrce Is Imo-cost tron Security, no pp nee FT PT, 15 Plus lines $9000 Addrf COUNSELORS WANTED Trim down. and guaranteed, Call or wrfte day swing grave shills Weekly filmes, co-ed. NYS camp 100 po- Student Aid Services, 100 P F. Phone 9244277 pay dental mod beneftle We are eltIons sports, crafts, many oth- mont Ave. looking for friendly poop, to .176. Sunnyvale. Ca City & 51,111' ers Camp Shane. 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Larson et Circle a Classification Promes phone orders for our 257-7923 Classified Desk Located 17500 DIP12013 noes. scientific. & political condi- SEND CHECK MONET ORDER p1e05015 People call you Helton PFIOFESSIONAI DISC JOCKEY by Announcements Help VVanted ffersona(b tions In home country for consult POO Free dPells Cell (Refuncla Gesrree Michel formerly of 6SJS OR CASH TO kg assistance For into send Automotive Housing Serv.ces 0.)1.516-4511-467 Eel 11404 You . got the party aro vo got resume to RCS Inri,700 St Marys SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Deadline Two days prior to publication the muldcl 1..1 Productions Travel F or Sale 1 051 A 1 ihirtil PI Sult 1400 San Antonio. HOUSING provIdes a wtde vertety of musk San Jose Slate University Consecutive publication dates only TX 70205 or 800-628-21211 Eel £58 Stereo I ming REPOSSESSED VA HUD HOMES for your wedding party or dame San Jose California 95197 No refunds on cancelled ads FURNITURE CO needs parttime help ...limble from government from et reasonable rates Call D.Ire days answering phones, Ming II *ghoul credit check You re- or Phil et 270.8160 or 927-7359 Call Judy, 436-1344 pel, Also tew delinquent forecio- PROOFREADING. EDITING. MO . Pat' Monday. March 6, I 989/Spanan Daily Disturbance: University police evict non-student from library Languages 'It's worthwhile for i rom pug, I It is also standard practice (M' the till.' 011111 iii,lilIIit,ll lam 51 ill students to join.' Gudiim . recorded in Moscow ," and UPI) to have an officer or cadet Intel nah,nal ewe 'It is fairly commonplace for transients to ins lude petsonal German musician Richard Wagner's watching the library exit when the li- 1111111 toieign language pro Collins, leit,:es Peter "Tristan Und Wilde- 0(86 perfor brary closes at night in case of any Bill cci. Sebastian wander into the library.' tessor ( icor d SJSU professor problems. Correa said. Cassat jIll. Chaote I in and Pam Pi The library employee who Ina& merittel Carole Correa, the call declined turther comment Reports of non -students involved "Orre 01 the things they %%ill he to - p iii Ill Kti)tIll I it iii BUSIlleitit student assistant at Clerk Library hut corroborated Officer Ramireis are fairly common- using oil is the CS( International Classo.onis in disturbances report. place, according to Ramirei. ProgiariCsaid Collins Fire pro The films include a mixture of The employee also did not want to things like that... she said. campus library resources must pur- "The campus is surrounded by giani %onsists ot students has mg the documentaries and features troll) be identified. "It's pretty standard ter us to chase a user's card for $25, she said. non -students, so we are bound to lit stiisl Iii l foreign countries such as Russia, France. ttpptillll11111 But she was just doing her job, watch out for things like that ('or- It is not known if the man who have some problems,'' he said. ..0111111y lirair I and Spam according to an informal library. pol- rea said, was listening to music had a user's However, most cases are handled discussing the success ot the 'Fire testis al is tree to the public. In icy. Non -students who want to use all card without incident. Ramirei said. program. Collins said lie has !lowed "Nearly all the films hase English The staff is normally on the .1 great deal it impro%ement In many subtitles also, so students shouldn't lookout Hr any persons who are not ,tudellts' masternig of a foreign lan- he %ktilTICli it they can't speak other associated with the (mixer:say and guage upon [chiming horn abroad languages... Collins said. who might disturb students using the is Angel's Cleaners It is %ery 55 orthw bile tot these international food facilities, according to Carole ('or CAST YOUR BALLOT! students to 1(1111 the program." he something that its into anyone's rea. a student assistant at Clark Li .0,1 It gr% es them the chance week. On Wednesday and Thursday. hrary. & Alterations to 5 'sit other countries and get cultu the German. french, Russian and 'It is fairly commonplace tor 1.11 em h. hment " Portuguese clubs 5% ill be sers mg del- transients to wander into the library The Pavilion bow Cell Students can also experience all ica% ics it the barbecue pits and ask students for money.. or 2nd Street interliatronal atmosphere this week Ilia ill ;Ind 3 3(1 p.m. without ha% ening Se% eral foreign 298-3688 language el:INses skill he open to the ''It w :15 eCt:ellellt tealilssllrk. HOURS:

loi observation Wednesday Warmsley said. "They. (plumbers Water M -F 9-6 ant( 111111sday and electricians I responded within class ullelesled S1'111111! a I Ill minutes after I called and every Sat 10-6 A.S. ELECTIONS %an ,..111 the Loreign Language 1)e- non pave o shalt. He said he turned off that par- body chipped ii and did some Sun 12-5 1.11tment at 914 4(1(13 tor times and ticular circuit and electricians came tiling... WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8 locations out to inspect electrical panels and Damages from the water were un- Xnother highlight of the week is 10% off with student or and circuit breakers known, hut would probably he lull the loreign t liii lestrval. which '.s ill No damage was found. Thomas lied to Thomas' equipment. Warm- staff I.D. THURSDAY, MARCH 9 he held daily trom 3 p.m. to 5:30 was unharmed sley said. Free 2 hour parking validation FUNDED BY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS rii.....mmimim....mi....m....m Women 10 DRAFT BEER Irwrirrro / With purchase of sandwich ,Jennifer Anthony Congratu(atifi)13L_ 'ana glumphrey -Roots Bella\ Or for SJSU students only on ot akddictie I Shelley Avoux nya Yacobson SlIhstame .Thuse Nmong Women." Alpha ant a slide presentation till I Stephanie Belie 1988 fa i'le wileffe Keifer Vs 11111.11 alit' the Media.- and a I ake Back the Night" march in the 1NM I I. 1.1PI irde I Yennifer Cartoz 11.4.4 Ni% izabeth KfriLS eeiling I 'Deborah Cr lizabeth Kilduff I riday concentrates on the lute America 's Best Dressed Sandwich good thru I Highlights ii lush' a morning cycle 3-8-89 0 'Patricia E na Frost Lowtes panel ..111e.1 "Men's Alternato.e. to re 80 E. San Carlos Street, Between 2nd & 3rd Violence... and .1 discussion till I NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER OFFER 9 47 - 1 33 3.1 Susan Elliott cintI1$1 Grace _7ulie Re pirklu.hon \l1,155 itery . Alter imi=111MMI11111111111111NIIIIN INN im im mi 'Barbara Elwood Velfe Pasqua( min e itnlliiiltI Cross Cullman% Cyntitiakenting and I S DISCOVER GUADALAJARA Linda Ferr Keri Yoshikawa %rimplete listmg ot exerits is IS ailahle at the VGimen's YOUR TRUE SUMMER 'The Ladies of Alpha Omicron Pi Center In Room (it the Adminis SCHOOL li_ill 01111(ling TREASURES University of Arizona offers more than 40 DON'T MISS courses: anthropol- ogy, art, bilingual edu- STRENGTH THROUGH DIVERSITY WOMEN'S WEEK 1989 IMPORTANT cation, folk music and Quality Merchandise folk dance, history. Judge Ladoris-Cordell March 6-10 at the Student Union PHONE CALLS Affordable prices phonetics, political sci- Starhawk Organized by Women's Resource Center 24 HOUR ence. Spanish langu- Lushiah Tiesch Funded by Associated Students Answering Service Collector Plates age and literature and intensive Spanish. Six- PER Emmit Kelly Jr. week session. July 3- $ 1O N1ONTI I Capodimonte August 11, 1989. Fully THURSDAY, MARCH 9 WOMEN'S HEALTH***ROOM CHANGES SPECIAL Norman Rockwell accredited program. Pager with answering M.A. degree in Span- Jan Hagara 12:00pm-1 :00pm Mary Ann Vorasky, musician. Upperpad, SU ish offered. Tuition service only S25/mo. 1 :00pm-2:30pm "Roots of Addictive Behavior: Substance Abuse Among Women," by Janet Sports $5 1 0 Room and 3 months minimum sign up Anderson, Substance Abuse Program Coordinator, SJSU. Administration 222a board in Mexican home $540. 2:30pm-3:30pm Body Imagery Workshop. Administration 222a Quality gifts for all EEO/AA 3:30pm-4:30pm Women of Different Abilities Panel/Discussion, Guadalupe Rm., SU ONE ages and occassions Write 5:00pm-6:30pm Ann Simenton, Violence, Women & the Media: Slide Show. Guadalupe Rm., SU STOP Guadalajara 7:00pm TAKE BACK THE NIGHT MARCH. Outside of SU. Slimmer School -Lead by Ann Simenton COMMuNir A horrS COLLECTABLE Education Bldg.. Room 225 of Arizona CALL NOW! TREASURES University 315 Town & Country Village Tucson. AZ 85721 4(18-732-6667 San Jose 1602) 621-4729 or For More Information Call 923-6500 4 1 5-964-6667 244-5002 621-4720

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