Name of Municipality

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Name of Municipality Municipal Economic Enhancement Program (MEEP) Municipal Allocations Per Capita Per Capita Name of Municipality Mun Status RM # Allocation Name of Municipality Mun Status RM # Allocation Estevan City $ 1,097,006 Shields Resort Village $ 18,711 Humboldt City $ 543,717 South Lake Resort Village $ 11,423 Lloydminster City $ 883,131 Sun Valley Resort Village $ 13,925 Melfort City $ 564,821 Sunset Cove Resort Village $ 2,828 Melville City $ 451,357 Thode Resort Village $ 16,971 Moose Jaw City $ 3,495,538 Tobin Lake Resort Village $ 9,464 North Battleford City $ 1,434,898 Wakaw Lake Resort Village $ 3,808 Prince Albert City $ 3,713,764 Wee Too Beach Resort Village $ 6,527 Regina City $ 19,499,602 West End Resort Village $ 2,828 Saskatoon City $ 22,011,925 Aberdeen Town $ 57,331 Swift Current City $ 1,625,928 Alameda Town $ 33,506 Weyburn City $ 1,026,186 Allan Town $ 68,644 Yorkton City $ 1,635,936 Arborfield Town $ 35,791 Flin Flon City $ 26,326 Arcola Town $ 54,829 Alice Beach Resort Village $ 7,398 Asquith Town $ 62,661 Aquadeo Resort Village $ 13,381 Assiniboia Town $ 250,754 B-Say-Tah Resort Village $ 22,410 Balcarres Town $ 65,055 Beaver Flat Resort Village $ 6,310 Balgonie Town $ 150,561 Big Shell Resort Village $ 4,895 Battleford Town $ 400,879 Bird's Point Resort Village $ 9,573 Bengough Town $ 36,661 Candle Lake Resort Village $ 86,159 Bienfait Town $ 81,373 Chitek Lake Resort Village $ 23,824 Big River Town $ 79,197 Chorney Beach Resort Village $ 2,285 Biggar Town $ 221,164 Cochin Resort Village $ 22,628 Birch Hills Town $ 101,716 Coteau Beach Resort Village $ 3,264 Blaine Lake Town $ 51,347 District of Katepwa Resort Village $ 31,004 Bredenbury Town $ 35,791 Echo Bay Resort Village $ 8,377 Broadview Town $ 66,469 Etters Beach Resort Village $ 1,632 Bruno Town $ 53,849 Fort San Resort Village $ 23,389 Burstall Town $ 34,268 Glen Harbour Resort Village $ 7,941 Cabri Town $ 47,757 Grandview Beach Resort Village $ 3,808 Canora Town $ 218,988 Greig Lake Resort Village $ 2,176 Carlyle Town $ 136,745 Island View Resort Village $ 9,573 Carnduff Town $ 110,092 Kannata Valley Resort Village $ 14,469 Carrot River Town $ 102,368 Kivimaa-Moonlight Bay Resort Village $ 13,707 Central Butte Town $ 40,469 Leslie Beach Resort Village $ 3,264 Choiceland Town $ 37,640 Lumsden Beach Resort Village $ 4,351 Churchbridge Town $ 76,586 Manitou Beach Resort Village $ 25,347 Colonsay Town $ 46,234 Melville Beach Resort Village $ 4,460 Coronach Town $ 83,766 Metinota Resort Village $ 9,682 Craik Town $ 44,385 Mistusinne Resort Village $ 6,092 Cudworth Town $ 80,285 North Grove Resort Village $ 7,398 Cupar Town $ 61,573 Pebble Baye Resort Village $ 2,937 Cut Knife Town $ 57,875 Pelican Pointe Resort Village $ 2,502 Dalmeny Town $ 169,490 Saskatchewan Beach Resort Village $ 16,862 Davidson Town $ 104,218 1 Municipal Economic Enhancement Program (MEEP) Municipal Allocations Per Capita Per Capita Name of Municipality Mun Status RM # Allocation Name of Municipality Mun Status RM # Allocation Delisle Town $ 97,691 Marshall Town $ 66,142 Duck Lake Town $ 66,360 Martensville Town $ 540,453 Dundurn Town $ 70,385 Meadow Lake Town $ 519,022 Eastend Town $ 51,239 Midale Town $ 50,260 Eatonia Town $ 48,845 Milestone Town $ 61,138 Elrose Town $ 49,280 Moosomin Town $ 245,532 Esterhazy Town $ 254,126 Morse Town $ 25,674 Eston Town $ 105,632 Mossbank Town $ 35,900 Fleming Town $ 8,159 Naicam Town $ 75,063 Foam Lake Town $ 122,168 Nipawin Town $ 443,415 Fort Qu'Appelle Town $ 208,762 Nokomis Town $ 43,950 Francis Town $ 16,100 Norquay Town $ 44,820 Govan Town $ 25,239 Ogema Town $ 33,071 Gravelbourg Town $ 118,469 Osler Town $ 100,737 Grenfell Town $ 103,021 Outlook Town $ 210,829 Gull Lake Town $ 104,979 Oxbow Town $ 123,908 Hafford Town $ 39,163 Pilot Butte Town $ 203,105 Hague Town $ 76,912 Ponteix Town $ 57,766 Hanley Town $ 50,477 Porcupine Plain Town $ 85,180 Herbert Town $ 80,720 Preeceville Town $ 114,226 Hudson Bay Town $ 179,063 Qu'Appelle Town $ 67,883 Imperial Town $ 34,921 Radisson Town $ 45,799 Indian Head Town $ 177,758 Radville Town $ 82,134 Ituna Town $ 67,665 Raymore Town $ 63,205 Kamsack Town $ 186,352 Redvers Town $ 95,515 Kelvington Town $ 94,209 Regina Beach Town $ 130,000 Kerrobert Town $ 108,896 Rocanville Town $ 94,536 Kindersley Town $ 479,967 Rockglen Town $ 39,816 Kinistino Town $ 69,950 Rose Valley Town $ 36,770 Kipling Town $ 105,850 Rosetown Town $ 247,708 Kyle Town $ 46,017 Rosthern Town $ 150,343 Lafleche Town $ 40,251 Rouleau Town $ 43,515 Lampman Town $ 68,971 Saltcoats Town $ 50,803 Langenburg Town $ 114,009 Scott Town $ 9,900 Langham Town $ 121,841 Shaunavon Town $ 183,959 Lanigan Town $ 134,134 Shellbrook Town $ 132,176 Lashburn Town $ 99,431 Sintaluta Town $ 10,661 Leader Town $ 95,841 Southey Town $ 77,347 Lemberg Town $ 27,741 Spiritwood Town $ 99,105 Leroy Town $ 44,820 Springside Town $ 53,741 Lumsden Town $ 165,682 St. Brieux Town $ 53,523 Luseland Town $ 62,117 St. Walburg Town $ 73,105 Macklin Town $ 140,335 Star City Town $ 46,561 Maidstone Town $ 112,812 Stoughton Town $ 71,038 Maple Creek Town $ 239,113 Strasbourg Town $ 79,632 2 Municipal Economic Enhancement Program (MEEP) Municipal Allocations Per Capita Per Capita Name of Municipality Mun Status RM # Allocation Name of Municipality Mun Status RM # Allocation Sturgis Town $ 62,552 Briercrest Village $ 12,728 Tisdale Town $ 324,294 Brock Village $ 12,510 Turtleford Town $ 50,151 Broderick Village $ 8,377 Unity Town $ 233,565 Brownlee Village $ 5,439 Vonda Town $ 35,029 Buchanan Village $ 24,477 Wadena Town $ 143,055 Buena Vista Village $ 53,306 Wakaw Town $ 93,992 Bulyea Village $ 11,314 Waldheim Town $ 94,427 Cadillac Village $ 8,703 Wapella Town $ 33,833 Calder Village $ 8,703 Warman Town $ 518,260 Canwood Village $ 36,661 Watrous Town $ 189,615 Carievale Village $ 26,218 Watson Town $ 78,218 Carmichael Village $ 1,088 Wawota Town $ 56,787 Caronport Village $ 99,975 White City Town $ 121,080 Ceylon Village $ 9,791 Whitewood Town $ 94,536 Chamberlain Village $ 11,749 Wilkie Town $ 132,937 Chaplin Village $ 25,565 Willow Bunch Town $ 32,310 Christopher Lake Village $ 23,389 Wolseley Town $ 85,071 Clavet Village $ 37,531 Wynyard Town $ 189,724 Climax Village $ 19,799 Yellow Grass Town $ 40,360 Coderre Village $ 4,351 Zealandia Town $ 9,791 Codette Village $ 24,042 Abbey Village $ 14,142 Coleville Village $ 26,979 Abernethy Village $ 21,431 Conquest Village $ 18,167 Albertville Village $ 11,967 Consul Village $ 10,117 Alida Village $ 11,531 Craven Village $ 29,808 Alsask Village $ 14,033 Creelman Village $ 8,812 Alvena Village $ 5,983 Dafoe Village $ 1,088 Annaheim Village $ 23,716 Debden Village $ 37,858 Antler Village $ 4,351 Denholm Village $ 6,636 Archerwill Village $ 20,126 Denzil Village $ 15,448 Arran Village $ 4,351 Dilke Village $ 8,703 Atwater Village $ 2,720 Dinsmore Village $ 29,264 Avonlea Village $ 41,448 Disley Village $ 6,745 Aylesbury Village $ 4,895 Dodsland Village $ 22,519 Aylsham Village $ 10,008 Dorintosh Village $ 13,816 Bangor Village $ 5,439 Drake Village $ 25,239 Beatty Village $ 6,636 Drinkwater Village $ 7,071 Beechy Village $ 26,435 Dubuc Village $ 5,983 Belle Plaine Village $ 6,962 Duff Village $ 3,264 Bethune Village $ 40,142 Duval Village $ 10,226 Bjorkdale Village $ 21,866 Dysart Village $ 21,540 Bladworth Village $ 7,615 Earl Grey Village $ 28,720 Borden Village $ 24,259 Ebenezer Village $ 15,121 Bracken Village $ 2,720 Edam Village $ 43,406 Bradwell Village $ 19,799 Edenwold Village $ 26,326 3 Municipal Economic Enhancement Program (MEEP) Municipal Allocations Per Capita Per Capita Name of Municipality Mun Status RM # Allocation Name of Municipality Mun Status RM # Allocation Elbow Village $ 31,983 Kenaston Village $ 28,176 Elfros Village $ 11,967 Kendal Village $ 6,418 Elstow Village $ 9,900 Kennedy Village $ 20,343 Endeavour Village $ 12,837 Kenosee Lake Village $ 21,105 Englefeld Village $ 24,695 Killaly Village $ 8,377 Ernfold Village $ 3,808 Kincaid Village $ 14,686 Eyebrow Village $ 14,686 Kinley Village $ 3,808 Fairlight Village $ 4,351 Kisbey Village $ 20,126 Fenwood Village $ 3,808 Krydor Village $ 2,720 Fillmore Village $ 20,996 Laird Village $ 22,519 Findlater Village $ 5,331 Lake Alma Village $ 3,264 Flaxcombe Village $ 12,075 Lake Lenore Village $ 33,289 Forget Village $ 4,351 Lancer Village $ 7,071 Fosston Village $ 5,983 Landis Village $ 12,946 Fox Valley Village $ 32,092 Lang Village $ 18,711 Frobisher Village $ 15,774 Leask Village $ 45,473 Frontier Village $ 30,787 Lebret Village $ 22,084 Gainsborough Village $ 27,197 Leoville Village $ 37,096 Gerald Village $ 13,490 Leross Village $ 4,569 Gladmar Village $ 5,766 Lestock Village $ 15,013 Glaslyn Village $ 40,142 Liberty Village $ 7,941 Glen Ewen Village $ 13,054 Limerick Village $ 14,142 Glenavon Village $ 19,908 Lintlaw Village $ 15,774 Glenside Village $ 9,356 Lipton Village $ 37,205 Golden Prairie Village $ 3,808 Loon Lake Village $ 33,289 Goodeve Village $ 5,439 Loreburn Village $ 12,293 Goodsoil Village $ 27,523 Love Village $ 5,983 Goodwater Village $ 2,720 Lucky Lake Village $ 32,092 Grand Coulee Village $ 47,322 Macnutt Village $ 8,703 Grayson Village $ 19,473 Macoun Village $ 18,276 Halbrite Village $ 10,661 Macrorie Village $ 8,485 Harris Village $ 20,343 Major Village $ 7,289 Hawarden Village $ 8,159 Makwa Village $ 10,444 Hazenmore Village $ 6,201 Mankota Village $ 25,891 Hazlet Village $ 9,247 Manor Village $ 33,941 Hepburn Village $ 57,657 Marcelin Village $ 18,385 Heward Village $ 2,176 Marengo Village $ 5,548 Hodgeville Village $ 15,448 Margo
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