Newsletters, but We Anticipate Th That the First Function Will Be Held Early in 2005
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Building 160 Keswick Barracks, Royal United Services Keswick SA 5035 Institute Tel/Fax: 61 (8) 8305 6378 of Office Hours: Wednesday to Friday 10am to 4pm South Australia Inc A Constituent Body of the Royal United Services Institute of Australia Inc RUSI-SA Issue No 392 October/November 2004 !"#$%"&&"'( Promoting National Security and Defence RUSI-SA CYBERLINKS PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE RUSI OF SA EMAIL ADDRESS It is an honour to once again be President of RUSI- [email protected] SA, and I hope I can continue the good work of my RUSI OF AUSTRALIA WEBSITE predecessor. My congratulations to the three newly elected councillors: Ms Fay Leditschke, Dr John RUSI FOR DEFENCE STUDIES WHITEHALL WEBSITE Bruni and LCDR David Stryker. All three have in fact served previously on the RUSI-SA Council. I AUSTRALIAN STRATEGIC POLICY INSTITUTE also thank those councillors who retired at the last meeting, as well as those who have stayed on to face Patron the challenges of the year ahead. Her Excellency Marjorie Jackson-Nelson, AC, CVO, MBE Governor of South Australia Congratulations also to COL Neville Bergin for his outstanding leadership of RUSI-SA over the past COUNCIL MEMBERS 2003/04 four years. While membership levels are still President: AIRCDRE J.R. McCulloch (Rtd) declining, the rate of decline has been slowed Senior Vice President: BRIG D. Willett AM (Rtd) Vice President: Mr C.C. Brooks significantly. This is a direct result of the hard work Councillors: Dr J.C. Bruni that Neville and his Council have put in to our Miss F.J. Leditschke organisation over recent years. CAPT B.M. Newman, RFD,ED (Rtd) COL D.J. Stoba, RFD, ED (Rtd) And membership remains the major challenge facing LCDR D.L. Stryker, RAN (Rtd) Imm Past President: COL N.R. Bergin (Rtd) us. Now that the downward trend has been slowed, if Representing: not arrested, it is up to us to now try to reverse it and RAN CMDR A. Atkinson, RAN strive for a nett increase over the next year or so. We Army MAJ G. Crosland RAAF WGCDR R. Subotkiewicz can all help in this by promoting RUSI, even if it is just by talking about it and what it offers. Treasurer: COL L. Thompson, RFD, ED (Rtd) Hon Auditor: LCDR R.C. Penglase An important tool will also be the further DSC, RFD, VRD, RANR, AUA, (Rtd) Secretary/Librarian/ development of the Second Program Concept. The Public Officer: Mrs Pam Jones idea of providing an additional program that might Hon Editor: CAPT M.J. Orchard, RFD, ED (Rtd) be more attractive to those members, and potential members, who are unable to attend our Monday OCTOBER LUNCHEON Luncheons has been bubbling away for some years. Speaker: Hon Alexander Downer However, the Council has now developed a plan to hold a similar event in the early evening, at a city NOVEMBER LUNCHEON location. The aim is to provide something that is of Speaker: MAJGEN John Hartley (Rtd) interest to our current members as well as being DECEMBER LUNCHEON attractive to the wider government, defence, industry Speaker: LTGEN David Hurley and academic communities. More details will be RUSI LUNCH IN THE PATIO published in future Newsletters, but we anticipate th that the first function will be held early in 2005. Sunday, 24 October 2004 RUSI Sundowner Many of you would be aware that our long serving Saturday 27th November 2004 Secretary, Mrs Pam Jones, is to retire at the end of 1 this year. She will be missed and, after nineteen government, industry, academic, business and years, impossible to replace. However, we must try, service organisations in South Australia. However, and this issue of the Newsletter includes an it is hoped that, by adopting event timings better advertisement for a new Secretary/Librarian. We suited to the availability of people in this group, the will, of course, be seeking applications from outside new program will also attract new members from the RUSI-SA. However, I am of the belief that the our under-represented Defence community and best solution would be to attract the services of one facilitate attendance by existing members who are of our members. If you are interested, please contact presently unable to attend the Monthly Luncheon Pam or any member of Council. program because of work commitments. As the Our new Vice President, Mr Colin Brooks, is hoping management of two programs in parallel will present to follow up the very successful visit to CHC a significant challenge to Council, it is important Helicopters with a day at the Avalon Air Show. He that all Council positions be filled at this year’s Annual General Meeting. has organised a package that will see us fly directly in and out of Avalon on a Trade Day. This will be a The National Defence Debate good opportunity to see the Air Show without the With some 2,000 members of the Australian hassle of the public days. The Secretary can provide Defence Force (ADF) deployed on more than 10 details to anyone who is interested. operations around the world, public interest in matters of national security and defence have I look forward to an interesting and challenging year remained high and, during the year, RUSI of SA has for RUSI-SA. The defence and security environment been privileged to receive two first hand accounts of is certainly challenging, and providing many topics Australia’s involvement in Iraq, and another on the for debate and discussion. I hope to add to that highly successful Australian initiative, the Regional debate in future Newsletters. We would, of course, Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands also welcome any letters or contributions from our (RAMSI). membership. Regrettably, much of the defence debate has been Jeff McCulloch confined to a narrow media focus on negative issues Air Commodore (Rtd) associated with the Government’s commitment of President the ADF to Iraq and the perceived failure of Coalition forces to stem insurgent (terrorist) RUSI-SA activities in that country. While it is important to PRESIDENT’S ANNUAL REPORT 2003-2004 address such matters, the general public would be The Year in Review better served by more balanced reporting that I am pleased to report to members on the general included the many positive outcomes achieved, not state of affairs of the Royal United Services Institute only in Iraq but also on other operations, such as of South Australia (RUSI of SA) and its progress East Timor and the Solomon Islands – two very during 2003-2004. successful operations about which the media has been predictably quiet. Through our program of In general, 2003-2004 has been a very successful carefully selected guest speakers, RUSI of SA has year, during which a full and varied program was attempted to redress this imbalance. again offered to members. However, following a marked revival of member support during 2002- Other highlights of our Guest Speaker Program this 2003, falling attendances this year threatened the year included addresses by the Ambassador of the viability of some activities. In view of Council’s Russian Federation, the High Commissioner for the continued efforts to provide relevant and enjoyable Republic of the Fiji Islands and Singapore, and the high quality events, this was disappointing but not Chairman of the Joint Standing Committee on unexpected. The steady decline in membership Foreign Affairs and Trade. Within the limits of time experienced in the past two years continued during and guest speaker availability, I believe the RUSI of 2003-2004, reinforcing the need for Council to SA has gone a long way, this year, to achieving its implement, as soon as possible, the aim of creating a better understanding of matters of national security and defence. recommendations from last year’s Recruitment Strategy Study aimed at attempting to arrest such Management of Activities losses. Council proceedings continued to be conducted in Council’s plan to introduce a new, “Second accordance with the Constitution of the RUSI of SA, Program” of activities was announced in the with the Council and the Events Steering Group August/September issue of the RUSI of SA meeting on the third week of alternate months, Newsletter. This program aims to attract new except for January 2004. In addition, a number of members from the professional people to be found in Special General Meetings were held to deal with 2 actions arising from the Recruitment Strategy Study. of books, periodicals and magazines. The Library Members of Council, the Honorary Editor and the Committee purchased 32 books in 2003-2004, and Honorary Auditor also gave their time to meetings members donated another 105. The total number of and business associated with the seven committees library loans in the year was 1,539. that report to Council. The cataloguing of books onto the BookMark Following last year’s Annual General Meeting a electronic management system has been a major casual vacancy existed on Council, and during the task. Following an approach to Employ SA, Mr year one Councillor resigned. The task of finding Frank Visconte was made available to undertake this volunteers to fill vacancies on Council has been task under the supervision of our Librarian. Well difficult, and I am grateful to Captain Barrie over half of our books have now been catalogued Newman for agreeing to fill a casual vacancy as a onto the new system and it is anticipated that the Councillor and for nominating for election this year. task will be completed by the end of the year.