U Nited States Patent (19)
United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,059,718 Vargas, Jose M. et al. 45) Date of Patent: Oct. 22, 1991 54) OXO PROCESS FOR INCREASING YIELD 4,656,215 4/1987 Haninet al. ......................... 524/376 OF OXO ALCOHOL 4,658,068 4/1987 Hanin ..... 568/451 4,683,343 7/1987 Hanin et al. ......................... 568/594 (75) Inventors: Vargas, Jose M., Baton Rouge, La., Jean A. Hanin, Rixensart, Belgium; FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS John C. Reisch, Hilton Head, S.C. 756877 3/1971 Belgium .............................. 568/881 (73) Assignee: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc., OTHER PUBLICATIONS Linden, N.J. Kirk-Othmer, Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 21 Appl. No.: 586,906 vol. 16, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 637-653, 22) Filed: Sep. 24, 1990 1981. (51) Int. Cl. ....................... C07C 29/14: CO7C 29/74 Primary Examiner-Werren B. Lone 52) U.S. C. .................................... 568/881; 568/810; Attorney, Agent, or Firm-J. J. Mahon 568/880 (58) Field of Search ................ 568/462, 880, 881, 810 (57) ABSTRACT References Cited Improved oxo process for preparing higher alcohols by (56) hydrolyzing prior to hydrogenation a demetalled hy U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS droformylation reaction product in the presence of an 3,925,490 12/1975 Reich et al. ......................... 568/881 alumina catalyst having a surface area between 40 to 3,935,285 1/1976 Tunnes et al. ... 260/638 about 60 m2/g. 4,401,834 8/1983 King .................... ... 568/881 4,404,119 9/1983 Lagace et al. ..., 252/413 4,419, 195 12/1983 Young ................................... 204/78 9 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet CUMULATIVE AVERAGE ACETAL CONVERSION, o 9 O 85 75 ALUMNA TYPE -- TYPE A, 49 m2/g -- TYPEB, 53 m2/g 65 -e- TYPE C, < m2/g -- TYPE D, 237 m2/g O 2OO 4OO 6OO 8OO OOO 2OO 4OO 6OO TIME ON STREAM, HRS U.S.
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