
that address this Now Geo. P. Hon. A. P. Gould and should he administered to the condemned be- bit first appearance here when be met meeting. I wish to say that Hon* Sewall, BETJNION. wss As as a flash LEGISLATIVE noted speech of Delesdernier of Baileyville at the time John C. Talbot was President of many other able men were members of the fore he executed. quick JUntubfc Journal a friend of gatlg the Hon. William Pitt Fessenden, a s*im the Senate the gentlemaD who first addressed House. In the Senate among others were came the retort of the Hon A. the that it was the young man. He displayed a most wonderful yon. ,was speaker, Hon John A. Peters and Hon. N. Far- bill, 'overwhelming Members in him with a of the House, and that waa the first time I ever well. the Hon. J. G. of the medical fraternity Ansrnsta, Thursday Morning, Jan, 7. Session—Appropriate power, and I always remembered Over House presided opinion — a of chloroform Presentation of the great deal of feeling. had the pleasure of meeting him. At that Blaine. The experience to be gained in that the administering a as further was Speeches I could talk for an hour ur two of one of time, with brother of mine ami with our legislature composed ot such able men is dangerous to life. Nothing At the State House M. Morrill. own as Portrait of Hon Lot the wonderful young men that have come teams, there were no railroads, we these was valuable. I he questions to be heard from the amendment. The session of ex-members at the State up and passed away, in my day; young men came through Augusta on our way to Bow- met at that time were not those of ordinary Further remarks were made by Messrs. of health, that bare away doin College. My honored father at that legislation, but of the life and Wm. Freeman of Cherrs field. J. M Haynes House was an occa- perfect passed questions | yesterday enjoyable was Represeittatives* Hall. ) almost without sickness, while I, myself, time President of the Senate and to Han- deAth of the nation. It was a session which j of Augusta, Charles Hamlin of Bangor. Mr. to were 1886 sion those present. They carried Augusta, Jan. 6, / hare lived a long while, never having had nibal Hamlin, who was speaker of the he could never forget, and it was a pleasure Kilby of Kastport. Geo Bi«bee of Buekfleld I was hack in fancy to the time when they occu- Member* of the Legislative and Executive very robust health, vet always well; never House. then introduced for to him to meet to day some of those who sat j and others. Hall to- baring had a and never having the first time I was also introluced in these halls at that time. During the seats in the Senate Chamber or Association met in Representatives’ physician, years pied Rep- to Governor the first he had day and were called to order at 10.50 A. M. taken any medicine Dunlap, living governor served in the legislature he had formed j THE BANOUET. resentatives’ in council or I ever saw. Hall,and joined by Hon. Fred Atwood of Winterp >rt But. gentlemen. I will not weary you: there the friendships of men now scattered through- to k. and 1 there- In a tew after debate upon important public affairs. The Prayer va* offered by Rev. D B. Randall, are others who desire spe years coming from college I out the Union, friendships which had not onl> The Gather About the was elected a nt-raber of the Ex-Legislators but little in chaplain of the present House of Representa- fore close. [Applause.] House, ami in continued but strengthened and increased as rooms have changed appear- sixteen Festive Board tires. Hob. Hiram Buggies. years after that I had the honor of the years had gone by No friendships ance. The of the State for an over it as necessity Secretary of State Smith then read a list Hon. Hiram said : presiding speaker. Since then mv formed in the ordinary relations of Mf »are Ruggles And in a Feast- and the or- has been with a or more Participate Sumptuous enlarged capitol has grown to be very i of the officer* of the Association, Mr. President -.—There is nothing that sur- acquaintance large stronger lasting than those formed in during the issued number of of this who halls. would have de- to those who now attend the d*-r of exercises week, by prises me more in a public assembly like this people State, legislative Nothing apparent have been sent here Po«t Prandial i xrrriMiat Which Eminent the executive committee than to be called for remarks. While I to tran- terred him, except actual necessity, from be- is upon tat nt Irmeii Talk. sessions of the legislature, but action executive committee, sact legislation. And how to He who ♦ Mr. Atwood, of the am perhaps quite well known throughout the you may judge ing present day. thanked those Bion my heart swells with to meet so of had conceived the a and deferred and the building remains very then announced that the Hon Bradbury, S ate, yet you will all say that ray silence joy many project of reunion o<.c old associates as I now meet. Last who had been el**cte1 President, found it more would attract my For I sup- made it so successful. evening the ex-legislators much as it was at the beginning. than my words, perhaps, participated on of business en pose I have a seat here more ses- essary to decline account attention. I came into this House 40 years occupied Hon. David Dudley. in a grand banquet .at Granite Hall in honor The session was enlivened excellent sions than other by and stated that the election of a We had a summer commenc- any gentleman in the State gagements. ago session, Hon David Dudley said that certain of their first reunion and it one of the afternoon. I have had the honor to mv con- proved speeches both forenoon and President would be in orJer. ing. 1 think, in May. I was then upon the represent strange noises had been heard through ih» stituents here at most and successful feasts ever Harrison Hume suggested the name were a fifteen sessions, and as I sumptuous The of the portrait of ex Gov- Hon democratic side, 1 think the Whigs State recently.and upon investigation they had presentation of Hon. of Wiscasset, and that look back upon my past life, I know of no given in the State, whether the Henry Ingalls few in the minority, but both sides were rep- been found to arise from ex members prac distinguished ernor was an ceremo- POWDER Morrill pleasanter associations than I interesting gentleman was accordingly c ioseo President resented by distinguished men. Fessenden ; formtd ticing impromptu speeches before their mir- gentlemen in attendance, the choicest1** of while here and Mr. remarks in Mr. came forward and, in assuming was Barnes was the meeting engaging rors. and Pure. ny. Bradbury's present- Ingalls here, here, [Laughter applause,] Of cour-e the menu or of th»* tables are re- in 1 that elegance Absolutely the duties of the chair, said Allens were and so I legislation hope by my all of the were The the were a faithful and valu- here, might speeches impromptu. of ing portrait I have learned how to treat the garded. This never varies. A marvel parity (gentlemen of the Legislative Reunion: on and enumerate a number of experience currency in his had been cedar powder and character ot gi Urge men, county .-trengtn, and wholesomeness. More economical than able sketch of the history honor me mv frailties of human nature and how to The decorations of the hall for the occasion For the conferred upon by who have since been conspicuous, that be- appre- shingles, until of late years, a hen it had be- the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In comped* the and the election as President of this I extend ciate its sterling And I am glad to were elaborate and and are :lon with tne multitude of low test, short weight, distinguished ex-Governor, body. longed upon that side of the House, but upon qualities. come potatoes He hadn’t seen his way clear profuse. meet to-d»y. have been the same for the ball .ilura or "old only in can*. to you my sincere and heartfelt thanks I our we could cast the most you My thoughts t) come to the but unex to-night, phosphate powders, of Governor Robie for the State, side, although reunion, potatoes j Koval ft am so Powdkr 106 Wa) street, N. Y. response abilities turned to the fact that the duties im- rtu-v were under the of Co., a< cept the position, and with the best votes, we had no men; no men took a rise, an l when that occurred personal supervision ocdltfcwlv was and professional pectedly N. ot just felicitous. am to ent »r the posed upon have a Mr. Geo. Beale, the Boston Decorative I have ready upon discharge to make speeches, but we let the Whigs legislators tendency he also took a ris# and rose with the occasion. to shorten life, and round Go., ami do great credit to hi* skill ami taste. of the duties of the office. The meeting i« make the speeches, and then we would vote upon looking upon [Laughter and applause.] He had then said, I I>i“UHter these here I see whose heads On entering the corrid »r, decorations ami Aiir«rtim*rnt“M o. The Bridge now open for pueh ex- rcises as are proper as we felt to be the right thing to do, without many “Sink or swim,” he would come to Augusta tjteriul are hair are met *ith on everv side, in for the occasion. It is hoped that all will regard to the It so that silvered, yet every may not He had been troubled to know what he should draperies pro- The away by the ice and speeches. happened Swa..' n^hK"**' h>'*, hoj erc+etitnp tkrrr »n* carrying short ami be in the line of I can see fuse abunda: cc. In pt**ing front the outer participate by making speeches by this was the very legislature I was in when just duty upon do it called upon to sneak. He might be like *Htler the head WAM*itn. Fok “Al.x two to the the is of freshet of of the railroad bridge j as will make this an their brows the mark of and I corridor stairway eye caught •>»*< spans such other exercises this distinguished gentleman was a candidate intelligence, the Iri-hmtn who, when very sick, w** by .0 Lkt, Lost. 4C., tool fee *h*« .'rd feere r**n a was a will see can see their faces as magnificent banner. su*pen led from tin* *cr sa cents, fferee fame* for 40 cents, anti >r.« »«v. yesterday morning disaster that interesting occasion. I ex-G>vrrn>r for the United Mates Senate. I was the ar- joyful they recognize asked by his wife if he was dying, replied, j Hamlin and I tike the to me. And the only embarassinent I have is ceiling, beaming the inscription “Welcome.” ''.ar 50 csh/». Ire h it more in the inconvenience to travel prenent. liberty dent friend of Hannibal Hamlin. The House “No, but I am speechless [Laughter.] when 1 take them the ban I. I knjw their | j Th»* stairway ami inner corridors art* also call upon him [Applause ] toiled hard to give him an election, but in the by He then referred in a feeling manner to the i W’rtn/rd. and the passage of freight than in any countenances, but canm.t recollect the handsomely decorated. On «ntering the Mon. Hannibal llamlln. Senate that same Allen, with that straight ex-members who had been removed by death, was names of all of them hail a scene of beauty ami splendor and gentlemen in city or other way. The company engaged hair, was in jut wav every time. It was a { and taking up the question ot legislation and Mt President : Fifty-six years ago to-day Now, it is sometimes said that these is unfolded to the gaze. Rich draper- WAMTKH—Ladiv*country to take light work at their own homes. un- sore to me that that hair duties its effects argued that should In the when the assumed the of a in disappointment equal justice $:i to $4 a day can be easily made; work sent by strengthening bridge I position representative of do not amount to ies cover the walls in every directum, should stand in the so as to cause the legislation much; that be meted out to the rich as well as the mall; no We have demand for our the of . The interior con- way poor, canvassing. good ari'l unusual rise of the watersof legislature who have nothing else i'he national colors, red. white and blue, art work and furnish Address with expected defeat of that distinguished at that gentlemen to do the strong as well as the weak, he steady employment. struction of this hall at that time differed i man, which, come here and a little while to he seen; streamers, tiags, stamp, CROWN M’F’u CU -W Vine St.. Cincln the river and the of the ice time. I am not a maker. spend in passing is not the case everywhere breaking up from its construction. We had cir- Gentlemen, speech : claimed, to-day. uati.Ohio. j.m7dlkw4w present laws that are But look back banners, tapestry, pennants,every- came to interf ire with and their unnecessary. Hoii.JosInIi Crosby. draperies, destroy cular seats. But in looking about me now I J [Applause.] At the rear upon the history of your State and see what where, in the utmost profusion. ANTKD—e.very woman who is in want of Hon. Farwcll. a \\T work. was evident think the seat which I then must Joseph Hon. Josiah related reminiscence a If a new machine to call at our office It Tuesday evening occupied j lias been effected by legislation as a whole Crosby of the stage is hung magnificent velvet sewing Hon. Farwell said : of the Senate ot ’07. He ha i endeavored to und examine our "New Premium Machine." have been precisely the point at which I am Joseph I have had occasion banner, adorned with gilt fringe,and bearing, Sewing that there was to the bridge, and recently to visit the Price with THK HO :»E F tKM, one 'ear only $18. danger now have rolled Mr. President: I am very sorrv indeed that have a bill removing the standing. Fifty long years West, and I was astonished to find such a passed prohi- in letters «»t gold, the “Legisla- Warranted as as sell tor $:ife. all were taken to save inscription. good ugents precautions possible their course the of half a you should call upon me. as I am not a poli- bition »f marriage between white and colon d S. L. R >AROM AN 4 CO. away, cycle century, large proportion of Maine men who are tive and Executive Reunion, 1820—18.86, janfetf trains from disaster. The and when I come back with all the emotions tician, although I have the honor of having people The bill passed the Senate, but it and prevent prominent there. They gathered their Dingo.” This is surrounded upth appropri 1TF.H-A first-class printer to take charge of that are excited in meeting those been in the Council with my friend, Mr. tailed in the House, both democrat* of a must be will be in a thorough pleasure strength and education trout this legislation, ate decorations ot bunting and moss paper WA job department; thoroughly bridge repaired who lave in the councils of the one of God’s best an honest man, anl it. In after competent and must understand the mingled Cony, men, which tnabled them to become in republicans opposing The whole stage is experienced; as (an be. ft pioneers beautifully arranged. of a and smaller and the manner and as it « if ever one lived, in I was the matter was taken and runuing cylinder presses speeddy nation, it can be hut tinged with motions of my judgment. our years up the a ban- settling great country. The influence if From proscenium hangs office engine. Inquire personally or by letter at the since the old wood sadness at the of the faces we shall associated with him in the Council for two carried through without a dissenting is almost sixteen years thought our legislation is felt throughout the whole ner, b* aring the State seal, sur- 11 MRS OFFICE, Biddcfbrd, Emm,_Janftdlw never see again. Not one of the members of years. Our associations were very pleasant voice, such had been the progress of public cn bridge was carried aw.ay by ice and land and it will have its influence upon rounded by elaborate decorations. Red, that legislative b with whom I mingled at indeed during that two years, although it was opinion. He claimed for himselt a little For Sate, iron >dy generations unltorn. The speaker closed white anti blue bunting and moss pa- freshet, to which the bridge that time have 1 met And while I in the time of the of this credit for having started that hill He claimed replace to-day. perils government. with a reminiscence of the legislature of 1874. per descend in gr.ic- ful curves from the WALK,—Houses In different parts of the have come to no In that Council each year there were ten of to be a good man and did not now ^ from to was built. pronounce eulogy upon Mr. Stolon t'ltaar. temperance centre of the hall, and are caught up in 1«ffOWcity, ranging in pric«* $A5® $5000. Also ami what was a rememb r of ever drunk a ot a store on Water street. Also their memory, I pay a passing tribute to their us, most peculiar thing the having glass folds at the cornices. The fronts desirable good farms Mr. Solon Chase was then called elsewhere. at the offloe members of both Councils were all what were upon.and Considerable had been said about in this city and Apply of Tlie Banquet worth. liquor. of the and windows arc alsodtcora made some hnmorous allusions to “them galleries K. 8. FOGG, Mr. President, I can say that in called **ram-rods,” everv one of us temper- Gen. Grant’s invitation here and the liquor ted and emhellishel several even- truthfully steers." He remembered bis | by bunting, by next south American Kxwrens offloe. febtirttf The at Granite Hall last men. I do not think ever first meeting ! bill. He would sav if Gen Grant and his banquet all mv long experience of political life the anc that hap- brilliants The whole hall is with Senator Hamlin inanv and large resplen- affdr. The hall was all be numbered before or since we have been a years ago staff had come to his house and wanted a NAl.E -Thr«M* Houses, One ing was a grand most pleasant of them may pened since, | glass dent with decorations, ami a mag- Pop Muggy, now thought that gentleman, with all Ins present* One Machine, One Bros* A.bums, in the five consecutive that I held a State., [Laughter and But that of whickey he would have got it if it was to be IlOK Sewing job decorated, the tables were loaded y--ars applause.] | nificent appearance. lot finely years, the youngest present. Allusions bad found in the State of Maine. His j cheap position in this hall. I witnessed then and is solemnly true, Mr. Speaker, and l stand I wife might R. W. SOULE. with luxuries, and the ex- been made to Maine men in the West The tables Ailed the hall. There were five toptiMjtf post prandial at other times within this House debates that before you to-day almost a pensioner on ! make a row if disposed, but it would make He bait been there anj the of the Hour and a sixth State in some found about no running length To l.et ercises would be a credit to any would honor and grace the halls of any legis- God’s bounty. In few months I shall every difference with him. other man anxious to hail from this State across beneath the north g dlerv This latter be seventy of and I never drank a lion. Harrison Hume. the It was a feast, take it all in lative body that ever met on earth. [Ap- years age, riffo IjI.T—The front upper room on second floor Union. He bad bad a natural born Dutchman conte was designated as “the head of the table.” And I retur to that of time glass of intoxic iting liquor in ray life, [Ap- Hon. Harrison Hume, of i of Runner building Inquire ot Mrs C. A plause ] period formerly Cherry- white were all. “(it for the While humor and to him and state that he was born in Maine. Spotless covering* used, and Ouinby, at residence, east side, 1 Jit. gods.” with unmixed ure. I remember the plause] and I am six feet in mv stockings; now of was the next Maple plea A man front this State is field, Boston, speaker. three hundred laid. the side ol intellectual over a always proud ol plates By janfldtf wit abounded the atmosphere friendships and associations which we then I have travelled the country good deal, He referred to his pleasant recollections of that no matter where he is each rested an » for the and have never wet fact, found. plate xquisite bouquet REFT—Horn, situated on 8tat# atmt. and the recol- formed. We have gone in the rugged my lips with intoxicating the of which he wa« once a mem- VjMIR was softened brightened by along legislature buttonhole and besides a bill of a I1 occupied by Dr W. 8. Hill, Good is am so until afternoon. plain fare, formerly of life from then until now, and I liquors, and that why 1 straight Adjourned and of Hon. F A. Hon. Lewis stable ami house. of former pathway ber, Like, in mu card in a box. carriage Fnqulrv IIokack lections of other days and compan- if I had the time I would be dainty enclosed neat regret that there are none of those Now-, glad to Aftekroon. Barker, Hon. James M St me, Hon. (’’has. Cony, Cony House. nov .ou deeply j This card, the wav. wa* a little The all hearts with an not by gem. ionship. and responded with whom I first associate.! now here t» tell anecdote, but I have time [Cries It. Whidden, and others, who were an The President called to order at I many front bore the J tat a* coat-of-arim ami the iff OR It K VT.—1 wo offices at low rates. “Go was a half-past warm to the words ol with us on this occasion. But I of on; go on.”] It very peculiar honor to that He related an instance quick and sympathy mingle two. | body. inscription, “182d. State of Maine, Legisla- 1 : Jambs w. nukth. haven’t come here to make a I circumstance. The legislature had instruct'd in the House in which he *as an octJ4tf the The Journal fur- speech. lion. H. A. Karwril. I opp >sing tive and Executive R. union Banquet, Au- eloquent speakers. don’t know but that I was limited t<> five Governor Conv to entertain General Grant. for an for the appeal appropriation agricul- 1886.” sur- nishes a this which its Hon N. A. Farwell of Rockland was gusta, Wednesday, January 8th, report morning minutes in what 1 But I see There are many men here who the tural and in his he had boast- might say. college, speech a IMPOTENCY in Man or Wouhiiicured next He said that in rounded bv gilt border with satin corners some men here to I were in that legislature, and wilt remember. speaker. the few re- ed that he was readers will find full and interesting. young whom, perhaps, ! raised upon a farm; (hat he of varied color*. At Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine. Sold F. G. marks which he to make his the upper right hand by by a word of advice. I want to cau- The Governor invited Gen. Grant and iiis proposed tex- was raised between two rows of corn, when may give j corner was attached a neat bow of blue silk. Kinsman. we would he a word of to tion mv friends from staff to the capital, and were to have a encouragement young his friend Barker b. UAHI)I.Vi:il. young my long experi- exclaimed, “Pumpkin, I he menu itself was on crimson satin time. The Governor said that he men who come to their printed KiJ- ence. I am going to speak ixperimentaliy, good represent thunder!*’ [Great laughter and Backache, Sharp Pains, Rheumatism, constituents in the applausej. enclosed between Lave* of cardboard, it be- met at their rooms and it renders it a little to would make the whole council a committee to legislature. By I'he also related other instances of ney Diseases, Liver, Troubles The city government unpleasant speak speaker as follows : Torpid Lung accident or three ing of But it is an incident from which make the arrangements. I was chairman of twenty-two years ago. the session, and said that while he was not or Lameness in any part quickly cured by Monday evening and the following business myself. tlemi. the on and it was he was elected to the Senate for two the Plaster. The I want them t > draw lessons of experience committee military affair*, years now a resident ot Maine, he had Hop soothing and pain- was tiansuc'ed : Bill of F. W Blanchard was an 1 the nten better to refer the matter to that com- young who were thin in the o< casion at all killing virtues ol combined with and profit. thought times to be proud Blue Points, Deep Shell. Hops for 8150, tor building the police mittee. I said to the Governor—whom I legislatnre. who have since become dis- of his native of her Gann and Extrac s. The best presented “An earthquake may intermit to spare State, proud lulls, strengthening by a faithful of i ever court at South Gardiner and was referred to A man who strangles by a single hair.” loved, and whose memory I love still,— tinguished performance her valleys and her rock-bound coast: SOUP. porous plaster made. 26e. for if ever God made an honest their duties as members of the 1 w the joint committee on accounts and claims And it is to that single hair alone that I leg- proud of the men she has given to literature, jreen Turtle. Consomme a la Cavore. janftdeod&w were man Samuel was that and isiature, numerous. The speaker re- for was i Boll of Bi is No. In amounting to $550.04 am going to invite your attention for a mo- Cony man, it upon her soil that America’s most “A God-send is Ely’s Cream Balm.” I know that when he left that he was ferred to the Hon. Lot M. Mor- FISH. was to the joint committee of ac- ment. Be careful and not exercise your wit office, eloquently gilt d poet was born; proud of the men she writes Mrs. M. A. of presented rill, Wnt Pitt ! .lackson, Portsmouth, and and orderid to be not worth so much bv 915,000 as when lie Fessenden, Hon. J. (’. Talbot, has contributed to the of the Baked Lobster on Shell. counts claims paid. or your mirth carelessly Sitting in that statesmanship N. 1L, on May 22, 1882. I had Catarrh for there to be on the George P. Sewall an 1 others, of On the claim of K. A. Williams the com- chair one day as the presiding officer while a entered,—“Is any liquor many notion, one of whom we have seen to-day in three had tried all remedies whom rose even to great eminence. At that Saratoga years! nearly that the solicitor be in was table?” said lie. Of course there i*. the and the other bv the aid of <'hips. mittee reported city long and tedious debate progressing, I flesh, to no purpose. Two or three times a week I should not think of G neral time there was a young man who had recent the the •trncted to s -ttie with him f r $50 On the noticed sitting in one of the seats one of the entertaining painter’s art, noblest creation | nose would bleed lite and I come into the who in the Senate REMOVES. my q freely claim ot (’. VV. tie* citv solicit >r was who was remarkable for the man Grant without having liquors.’ I said, “You ly Stale, of G id, an honest man, Hon. Hannibal Ham- Boyn'on gentlemen ( Boast Turkey. Boiled < thought the sores in it would never heal. will excuse me, ms I shall have noth- reported tin- poor of the liti and Young Philadelphia apon. [ instruct’ d to sctile with him for $10. The ner in which he dressed his hair. he please 1 speeches country lion Lot M. Morrill He Why, [applause]. Kng i.*h lleef Tongue. Your Balm has cured me This preparation to do with it.” He said that it belonged members for the daily press That young was to have a committee on negotiating for the purehase of w ould furnish a in that to ing proud been member of the is not a or a pattern respect any his his liquid smitT. and is easily ap- was to the committee on affairs, hut I man, by industry, perseverance, and of a Peas. Gardiner and 1’ittaton bridge authorized lady on earth. I slunk he went by the so- military Legislature Maine; body that has con- French Butter Beau*. Potato Croquettes. Price 60 HPtiis. See adv’t. ’’ close attention to his has plied. of said an said I should decline. The old gentleman studies, risen to be tained such men as in to offer the proprietors bridge briquet of the “peeled onion [ Applause and George Evans, who, 1 w the most distinguished man of our ENTREES. j«n5deod&w amount not exceeding $25,000. The hoard of During the debate I told the asked what he should do, and I suggested State, aye, years gone by, measured swords with no less laughter.] lie the j Pears ol that lie Select a committee from the might sav, most man in a man Rice, aux Cherries and alderman read the report of .fudge Larrahee page to call William C Allen to the Speak- outside, distinguished than Daniel Webster: proud to have; Apricots. WE WARRANT Gilmore's Magnetic this he referred to that of and December to citizens of Augusta, and this was done. country; distinguished In en a member of abodv that contained such Elixir to relieve the Asthma one minute. for the months November er’s chair, as I wanted speak with him He MA YONA1SF.. in believe it? citizen of the Hon. James G and it was then on tile. came and wanted to know what Don't you I Augusta, men as William Pitt whom lie Sold F. G. Kiusman placed very readily [Laughter.] Fessenden, Lobster. Chicken. by That is so me G >d, Biaine. [Great There are inanv A special train leaves G irdiner for Augusts the Speaker desired of him; and the true, help [laugh- applause J remembered when he left this State and en- ter and At the entertainment young men whose names are now the A force that fights successfully against dis- every night during the legislative reuni n. Speaker said to him very pleas- applause]. upon tered the U. S. Senate and took the oatli of RKI.EVK. there were one hundred set. The roll as members of the legislature who, if ease. A host in itself, is Hunt’s A I,. Berry and 11 B. Neal have gotten antly, ami perhaps a little mischiev plates office the very night wh»*n the great debate in Ice d‘Orange Remedy. Governor sat at the head of the and they shall, with the same the same j*n4-dcod&w 1 w out some very pretty and neat calendars for ously, “Mr. Allen. as I sat here I table, industry, the Kansa- and Nebraska bill was on in full hi* Council on his left, and one of the high aim, and the same perseverance, GAME. 1»8«. noticed upon your head one hair that crosses every pursue force, and how he immediately entered into “Hunt’s is the most effective med- their arrive at Remedy is a it-ven of us turned out over, and calling, may the sstue emi- that debate with a Larded Prairie Chicken. Ma lard Gen'l John T. Richards the owner of another, and 1 thought you would like to goblets power that surprised every Dark. icine I ever used in my practice tor dropsy sat and I don’t know but a’e nence as tfiose whom he bail alluded. Turkey on Kellvue. very promising young colt by Black know it." [Laughter.] The man jumped they there, they one, and how, at the earnest solicitation of and kidney diseases. It has almost raised the other an own brother to Pilot Knox who a a sitting there yet the Mr. \TII»on of President Lincoln. Mr. Pilot and like pea in hot skillet, and he attracted ITpm Orono, Fessenden assumed SWEETS. dead. L A. Palmer, M. D., Mystic. ha' a record of He is six months of the whole didn’t side sat General Grant and his staff, the duties ot of the 219$. only the attention house. “I After Secretary Treasury He Frozeu jan4-deod&w 1 w a sketching the of Padding. old and is already valued at $15(10. be said I and they had good time, I suppose. graphically portraits was to have been a member of a come here to insulted,” he. asked of the proud, too, When the entertaiment was finished the land- many members of the legislature of Ilia Medicine for *J5 Tears. Moulton, Jr., has contracted with him if he couldn’t take a and he an- body which contained a man whose name has L'reara Cheese. Water Craokers. Olives. Only Joseph joke, 1880. closed as follows : The lord came with his hill of and grave and vet llsynvs & Lawrence of Augusta. Me., to swered, “not such a joke as that [Laugh- up 9-500, become a household word throughout the Chkater, Orange Co., N. \\, April 7, 1885. wanted it Audited the committee. I said eminently pertineit' question has often been DESSERT. till their houses in Pittston. Me., with ice and ter ] And he turned and went to his seat by land; a man better loved and more firmly BrandretITs Pills have been my only medi- asked and repeated “What the what Bananas. Pears. • the same for the with the of a the moral that I should not audit that bill. The ques- object, hated than anv man since the time of Henrv Oranges. Malaga Grapes. cine for the 26 two hip coming year dignity major. Now, the of this so-called past years By taking was “what are to do?” design ‘Reunion?’” And Confectionery. There will bean extra at the Hall comes here mv mirth on that occasion I tion asked, you going Clav, the Hon. James G. Blaine Jordan every night for 60 I cured myself of a Library By as it [(treat ap- Almond*. French Fruit. Lemon Sherbet. nights I said that I was not to do strange may appear, this identical ques- school next Friday evening. The lost an election as Senator of the United going He was of the men who to- Neapolitain Ices. Cake. had attack of Rheumatism and Biliousness, dancing tion seems to have been plause.] proud Fancy and that I would never anticipated by the Cafe a sell >ol so far has been a success. Prof Per- States, [Laughter] “strangled by a single anything, day represent 11s in the Congress ot the Unit- Nolr. Never lost meal and attended to my busi- that hill. The landlord said intelligent committee, who have had the en- kins having some fifty scholars. liasr.” But the incident never crossed my audit ted States, who began their careers in this ness during the time. ! have also found wanted his and I tire management of affairs, and the expres- "I count myself in nothing else so happy The of the shoe averages mind for years until some friend in the State he money, said hall; that we have sent to the them one of the best blood and liver fay-roll factory sive and proud Congress As in a soul remembering rny friends." purifiers that I could not it. The Governor asked truly appropriate answer good from $1,500 to $1,700 week. mv name for Senator, and elec- help promptly of the the brainest man in that in the world Will be to per suggested my made Thi* bill of fare wa* regulators glad was to ready. Every notice and letter carried out by J W. tion was defeated the vote of William C what I going do. and I replied that I every the Hon. Thomas B. Reed answer by of invitation issued contain the body, [applause.] Johnson & Go., of the enquiries. MAI.I.UWt.1.1.. would not do that I would never answer_ celebrated Quincy Allen. No power on earth could move him, I anything; a man who is able, at any time, to (’HARLEM II. WKATKR V K.l.T, audit the bill in the it contained “Should auld acquaintance be A House, Boston, an) the manner in which and the result was that I withdrew and James wor.d; 9800 forgot?” lead the House of Justice of the Peace. of Crescent A O. of on the Representatives, did it is a credit to The officers Lodge U for It was that he re- blessing head of him who conceived they their hotel. W. was elected Now I have liquors suggested it and who does lead and of Every 1 w Bradbury the idea. it; equally proud course served was jan5dcod&w W were installed hv \V M. p. M. W. ferred ro the whole hut it be- grand The author deserves to be prepared in the most Foss, given an illustration which will show how Council, no, our Senators. The other at the mer- per- canonized And what a re- day j fect and elegant manner, and in Vlnle’H nouey tM gTS4> as longed to the committee on magnificent accordance COttfb riiro,rK?.,fl0c.4fl last Friday evening follows K R. Lewis. careful one should be in using his mirth and military chants’ dinner in Boston, wanted a man j Look! Allow they with the of a reunion A wit. affairs It was then suggested that it sponse! your willing eyes to who had the requirements banquet. C>’leti!i’aMiil|t||iirMoaphoniH beautifies, Me. M. W ; Frsnk Atkins. F ; Warren Carleton, courage of his conviction*, and wander all over and around this j The catering was un ler the effi ient *.:<*n»iaiiC©rnRrinover kills Coma 4 Bunion* I am that I am in as health as I be referred to the next legislature, but I de- spacious who dared to personal t).; A. F. R ; II W. F.; M glad good say whit he believed : they Clough. Flagg, have hall. Peer into the supervision of Mr G *o 11. Mann of the fhil s Hair anil Whisker and I ever in life, and l to clined to anything to do with it It ran earnestly intelligent, called the Hon Win P. Dye—Black Brown,$0c. A. R ; ,1. A Hopkins, G ; Win. enjoyed my rejoice upon Frye. In all h.s House. I Tobey, along a time, and the Governor cheerful, happy countenances of these men Quincy Fifty trained waiters at- lke’aTootlinclieDropxrurnin i Mlnute.Mc Jones, 1. (I.; Foster. 1) <5. j meet and mingle with you n this occasion, | inquired experiences and observations with legislators Phillip that ; of “ye oiden rimes," and the stalwart men of ] tended. and everything moved and Itlici'.maHc PHI*are a suro And now, let us have a time. I again about bill. I replied that that hill he bad seen none that quietly euro, 50c. Joseph M. Locke, son f the Iste “Master” j boys, good later date. Behold tht-ir compared more favor- | ria l given me nights, and that I depleted lock*, smoothly. a resident of this sleepless ablv than the legislators of M aine in r. ex-Gov Dingley and th-ir ladi -s. Miss, clung (.astoria, of a til of our friends that have over train with Pullman hotei-cars ught passed We cannot, if we lion. Porter. the special and he came out in the Standard, as you will plete would, draw a veil Joseph Among many distinguished gentlemen in Whan ah# had Children, ah# gave them Casteria, new and will be used; while that unseen road into that and better elegant pattern happy remember, about that black over the reality of the past, and a moment's Hon Porter was called and attendance were noticed lion. Lewis I think their probablv repub- Joseph upon, j Barker, almost the entire round of travel through life. of them, numbers and their r- flection assures we T. lican legislature wasting so much money for us, too are mortal said he had been a member for six years.and W.Vose, Geo K Weeks. J. K It .dwell, Mexico w ill be made by day. The programme worth; tor instance, our Lincoln, and all our The former of Samuel rum on General Grant 1 waited to see what occupants many seals, now va- every succeeding year was the most impor- j Alien, John M Adams, J. W. At- includes not a liberal sojourn in the great men down to the present day, those cant bv the only the Kennebec Journal would say. Thev remorseless victor. Death, sol- tant and contained the greatest men. There well, C. C. Burrill, Geo. I). Bisbee, John L. have from us and are not of Mexico, with numerous carriage rides who passed here; remind us that aug25dTuTliK&wly were mum and did not say a word. I emnly this is not our abiding was one thing for which he had been noted. I Cutler, J. P. Bass, Geo. K. Brickett, John excursions, but visits will be w ho have down the vistas of 1 ami special paid pas«ed throogh a over nor continuing And on a and that was S. Wm. dropped line to the Journal and told place, city. roll to sit down when he got through Case, D. Baton of Boston, Clarence SHILOH’S (Cityto a dozen or more interesting seldom life, where dwell the mysteries of life, of leg- COUGH and Consumption Cur# points them that this statement of Mr. call of the House, I great'y fear the absen speaking. He thanked the for Hale, J. H, J. A. of and Pillsbury’s president j Kimball, Locke, is sold us on a It cures Con visited by tourists. The trip has been plan- t i.lation, government, the mysteries of tees, would H. by guarantee. in the Standard waa a falsehood; that there was beyond call, out-number the liv- calling upon him, and would give wav for Joseph Manley, Wm. P. Whitebouse, ned the most liberal teale, with a view G 'd and eternity. This sumption. by Bowditch, Webster A Co. upon not a of used there that I ing. thought Alia our sympathetic others. Charles Walker ot Lewiston. J. 8. Wheel- ^8old soon all drop liquor tai render the tour a thorough round of travel, We must pass away, and may we hearts with sorrow and knew of, and that I could swear and grief, yet we Judge Williamson. wrijht, W. A. Cromwell, J. C. Talbot, At- A Remarkable Escape and at the same time to provide every possi- | leave our legislative marks in such a manner and that these could prove by the whole council there was joy rejoice, illustrious men Judge Williamson of Starks wsb called torney General Baker, W. W.Thomas, Mrs. A. of ble and to the It that no one will ever find fault, and no one j Jr., Mary Dailey, Tunkhannock, comfort luxury passenger. a once lived, and so Solon not drop of liquor used by us, and I didn't faithfully and well upon and briefly expressed his pleasure at! Chase. The governor’s staff were in Pa., was afflicted for six with Asthma would be impossible to make so comprehen- will ever reflect upon our memory. acted their years know of any being used at the table, and that individual part* in the being present on this occasion. attendance in full dress uniform. Before and Bronchitis, which time the best sive a tour in other wav. The I remember wel! when our friend who has during any Raymond if he would and look at the Legislative drama of the State. We mourn to of go records, he Judge Knapp. proceeding paitske the good things, physicians could give no relief. Her life was 4 Whitcomb tours should not be confounded just addressed us, sat in the chair of this and lament their lots would find that to be true, and the Journal with becoming propri- Hon. J. 8. Wheelwright pronounced nntil in she which a House. We had in this to Judge Knapp of Livermore was next called ; despaired of, last October pro- with the cheap excursions ptovide House, previous and here a came out and gave Mr. what he ety ; renewedly pledge ourselves j blessing and at 8.45 cured a ticket and else. All travelling that the Hon. John Holmes, with all his Pillsbury upon. He thought there had been a mistake the ! bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery, railway nothing and told him he was a to cherish their and hon- waiters commenced needed, slanderer, and religiously memory in for their labors, the feast when immediate relief wss and con- a donble-herth in a Pull- wit and power. We had calling upon him, he understood it was felt, by expenses, including waggish that it was a ! or their many virtues, and would fain trans- until strictly temperance dinner, and the eminent continuing 10.45, strains of its use for a short time she was com- man hotel hills, that rising star, Jonathan here also only ex-members who were to i delightful tinuing sleeping-car, carrisge-rides, Oilley that ended mit them to their and our as music from it. successors, be Pullen’s select sta- a few a remember that Jonathan asked to speak. He had been called orchestra, pletely cured, in flesh 50 lbs. in transfers, etc., etc., are covered by Ray- Well do I Oilley more to be every- gaining priceless legacies, desired than tioned on the platform, adding to the occa- months. Free and the is of had his views and become a Hon. John C. Talbot. thing but eminent He then gave his recol- Trial Bottles of this certain mond ticket, passenger relieved changed political refined, and far more j gold, doubly durable sion. At 11 o’clock the ex- cure of all Throat at De- as as and Mr. Holmes had a discus- Mr. I was rather lection of several interesting ! pout prandial and Lung Diseses all care, well the incidental expense democrat, long President: opposed to than our mountains of experiences, granite. which ercises were inaugurated, Hon. J. H. vine A and trouble of being left to shift for himself. sion with him here, and used Mr. being called upon to on this occasion. occurred in the legislatures of ’58 and Drum- Coughlin Drug Store. Large Bottles Ciliey speak mond as master Halt. Xelson *71, ot which he was a member. officiating of ceremonies with 50c. and $100 The tours through Mexico will be more than preitv hard, but when the latter came to I was only waiting for volunteer* to rise one htagley. distinction, as well as in a man- and as answer, he said to him, The after another and address in order to Hon Nelson was Hon. Jotlah Drummond. very happy ordinarily attractive interesting: and. “Changed.' gen you get Dingley next called upon. ner: A Stich in time saves nine and a bottle of the number ol excursionists will be limited, tleman change his politics! Never. We up sufficient steam to say something. Before He had looked forward to this occasion Hon. life. | with Josiah Drummond, of Portland, said After Togus Cough Mixture may save your to but the I wish to correct one | prayer Hon. J. 8. the two will be filled at may charge from spot spot, leop- proceeding statement more than interest and had that one of by part'es unquestionaly ordinary delayed the quickest retorts he ever heard | of Wheelwright Of&wwtf ard’s will never From that in one of the I saw his for Bangor, Mr. Drummond arose and said. an early date. A full descriptive circular spots change." published papers. it departure Washington for the purpose w as on the occasion of the consideration of- that wounderfnl stated this that the Hon. CATARRH sweet can be had addressing W. Raymond. 295 time 1 remembered young morning John C. j of attending. He first became a member of the death the Ladiet and CURED, health and liy penalty by House of ’74. Ooe dentlemen—In the further per- striet School man that was killed in the duel with Graves. Talbot, the oldest member in the line of the legislature in the first of the civil of the j formance of the breath secured, by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Washington (opposite street,) year leading opponents of the bill, a physi-j duties assigned to me this Another I well remember, and Presidents of the Senate, would be here to war. At that time Hon. Bion Price 50 cents. Nasal free. Sold Boston, Mass. gentleman Bradbury, cian, moved to amend so that chloroform on Injector j (Continued fourth page.) by Bowditch, Webster & Co.