Maine State Legislature
MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) Public Documents of Mai11e: ANNUAL OF THE VARIO US I)UBLIC ffFFICERS AND INSTITUTIONS FOR THE YEAR 1883. VOLUME I. AUGUSTA: SP.H.A<:1-UE & SON, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1883. REGIS'rER OF THE ExecL1tive Depart1r1e11t OF THE STA TE OF MAINE, WITH RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT THEREOF; ALSO CONTAINING THM Names of State and County Officers and Trustees and Officers of various State Institutions, For 1883-4. "AUGUSTA: SPRAGUE & SON. PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1883. STATE OF MAINE. IN COUNCIL, January 10, 1883. ORDERED, That there be printed for the use of the Council, fifteen hundred copies of the Register of the Executive Department, with the rules for the government thereof. Attest: JOSEPH 0. SMITH, Secretary of State. ,-------------- ---~----------------------------------------~- --~--------------~-- State of Mai11e. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT FOR 1883-4. GOVERNOR: FREDERICK ROBIE, GORHAM. COUNCILLORS : SILAS c. HATCH, BANGOH. JOSEPH A. LOCKE, PORTLAND. w. w. BOLSTER, AUBUltN. COLBY C. CORNISH, Wrnsww. JOHN P. SWASEY, CANTON. A. F. CROCKETT' ROCKLAND. NICHOLAS FESSENDEN' FT. FAIRFIELD. SECRETARY OF STATE: ,JOSEPH 0. SMITH, SKOWHEGAN, MESSENGER: CHARLES J. HOUSE, MONSON. STANDING CO:\fMITTEES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL FOR 1883-4. ------. ---~------ On lYarrants-1\Iessrs. HATCH, BoLSTEri, ConKisII. On Acconnts-1\iessrs. LOCKE, HATCH, CuoCKETT. On State Prison and Pa.rclons - Messrs. CORNISH, FESSENDEN, SWASEY. On Election Retu.rns-1\iessrs.
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