PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1862—VOL. 22._PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 13, 1885. SKssEPRICE THREE CENTS. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE J. Mutual Fire Insurance an act to PORTLAND HAILS PRESS, FROM AUGUSTA. j Bsndall, Manchester Haynes, S. J. Wal- Company; incor- HORRIBLE SCENE. KHARTOUM. U. 8. SENATORSHIPS. Published porate the Ellsworth Water Company; resolve in every day (Sundays excepted) by the | ton, AIoezo F, Adams, Isaac Newton, George favor OR. E. iS. REED. of the Maine Central Institute. PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, ! and John Webster. Tbe amount of A Critical Period in the Illinni* Contest. and Botanic Savage PAS8ED TO BE ENACTED. Clairvoyant Physician located At 97 Exchange stbbet, Pobtland, Me, Act to Amend the Law Relating The Insane of the The Mudir of Asserts Feb. 12.—The Daily News Albion, at No. 692 Maine. capital stock is not to exceed 810,000. An act extending the power of school district No. Department Dongola Chicago, Congress Street, Portland, | This afternoon fifteen men Dr. Reed treats old Chronic and dis- PUBLISHING CO. of bill 11 in the town of Bridgton; an act amending chap. that the Has 111., special says; Complicated to Taking Lobsters. The introduced in the House to cede to West Almshouse City Not went eases, also he treats Female Debility, Blood Poison, __PORTLAND 2, sections 40 and 41 R. S., lelativo to record of Philadelphia out to tbe residence of State Senator the United States jurisdiction over certain qualification of of the an act to in- Been Taken. who is and carried him Kidney Complaints, Liver Complaints, all Throat j justices peace; in Flames. BrowD, rep very 111, Troubles, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, all MAINE. land in Augusta, refers to such lot of land as corporate trustees of the 1-10-20 Maine Regiment Into Grayville, a distance of six or seven miles j an Lnng Complaints, Heart Diseases, Cancers and Tu- Hearing on the Proposed New Cape Association; act to establish the standard weight on a Btretcher. He will remain in Grayville mors. all kinds of humors that flesh may be selected as a site for the new public of a. bushel of an act to the is heir to. He A Pardon Ashed For. | beans; incorporate Details of the Engagement in which tonight end tomorrow morning will leavo for also treats Fits and Spasms of ail kinds snch as Elizabeth Ferry. building. Ossipee Yalley Telegraph and Telephone Company; of the to the Press. ; an Eighteen Inmates Perish. Sprint,field in a special car. He is weak Epilepsy and all Nervous diseases leading to Insani- Special act to amend the charter of the city of Augusta Den. Earle was Killed. very The House has directed its Clerk on and to the but his friends think h3 will stand the ty. Consultation free. Honrs from 9 a. m. to 12 Augusta, Peb. 12.—The Executive Council relating common council; resolve in relation trip I m. S. Grant He is paired with Senator till tomor- m.,from p. to 9 m. after uuder of the # r®a^or^n2 Ulysses to his rank of Bridges p. janlGsndtf gave a on ; Tuesday next, the direction general hearing today, the petition for a par- What the Committee on Temper- or the army on the retired list; resolve in favor of Philadelphia, Feb. 12.—Fire broke oat in row aud upon his presence in or absence from don for committee on business, to a the joint Feb. 12.—Sir Samuel Baker writes Elliott S. Walker of Harrison. 8. C. prepare printed standing committee on agriculture. the insane department of the coant; alms- London, tbe Capitol tbe election of a C. 3. Senator may ance Will that he believes Khartoum had fallen Andrews of for Report. i calendar of matters pending for legislation. house in West Philadelphia about 9 o’clock already depend. Without him tbe Republicans are Portland appeared the peti- when Klea The resolve the to-night. The dames spread rapidly, and.be- the battles of Abu and Gakdul one tu the minority on joint ballot. tioner. Walker was convioted at the appropriating 810,000 for January XLYIIItli fore the 900 inmates could be released 19 were were fought. He says that the treachery tarm in to the nse of tho Maine Central Institute at Pitts- Congress~-2d Session 1884, of the Supreme Court of Cum- (Special Press.) burned to death. The others were left to roam which caused the fail of the city originated Tbe Chicago Blockade. field as an endowment from ruined berland county, for the larceny of wool from Augusta, Feb, 12. fund was taken SENATE. about the grounds at will, and many of them among traders, who, being absolutely Chicago, 111., Feb. 12.—The present snow were the the by England’s policy of abandonment, wisely the mills, of the value of THE LOBSTER LAW. the House table and given a passage. Feb. 12. picked np by police throughout blockade has developed a serions coal famine. Pondicherry $100, Washington, The are 11 still sought the Mihdi’s protection. Sir Samuel The act to charter the The city. buildings (at o’clock) Chicago consumes about 6000 tons of coal a all of which was returned to tne mills. Walk- amend chapter 40 of the Revised The reported in the Senate for chair laid before the Senate the House con- that new burning and the other departments are in urges the expedition consist of 12,000 day, and there is not enough in all tbe yards to er to fish and reads af Trust names as current resolution for a j ;int committee men and that all at Berber which wa3 ssuteacad to jail for a term of two Statutes, relating fisheries, People’s Company incorpor- providing great danger. converge last a week. Dealers who have contracted for of three members of the Houbo and would make abase that could be years. He been follows: ators Geo. W. W healer, Hiram Holt, Geo. M. Senate to no- LATER. supplied Illinois and Indiana coal at ton are has in jail since Jan 22, 1884, from $3.50 per tify Messrs. Cleveland and Hendricks of Snakim. Continuing he says: “If the to fill the time of his Section 1. Seotion 19 ef chapter 40 of the Re Currier, A. S. Butterfield, Hiram Bamsdell their elec- The lire originated in the wing of the old obliged orders with Erie coal at $5.50. arrest. He has been nnable to vised Statutes is present imbecile government delays any lon- hereby amended, so that a* tion. Referred to the committee on privileges and building of the insane department of the Coal is being peddled oat in baskets to fami- do it Bhall read as and Elbridge Smith of Farmington, and ger, the in Soudan will be par- any labor, and has physical troubles which" amended follows: elections. Blackley 3lmshonse, which fronts towards the splendid army lies. Armcnr Si Co's packing bouse and other have Seot. 19. There shall be a close time for lobster* Nathaniel B. Beal of alized by hot weather. England should let impaired his health. Up to the time of Phillips, Capital stock, The Senate Schuylkill river, and directly east of the main houses at the stock yards shut down yesterday between the 15th day of August and the 1st day oi passed the original joint resolution the Italians occupy Kassala the his arrest 850,000. of the almshouse. This is 115 relieving pres- for want of fael. The milkmen have no milk he had borne a good character. The October, daring which no lobster shall be fished for the President to return to the building wiDg ent authorizing govern- gallant garrison at that piaco and retain- and are unable to taken, caught, killed, bought, sold, fo* Tbe Beforrn School committee did not feet front and 60 feet deep, and is connected furnish their regular cus- Council have called for additional testimony, exposed ap- ment of Great Britain the steamer Alert with the ing the country from Massowah to the Atbara sale or in possession, in or otherwise on the south with the main of the old tomers.; Perishable goods are in very short The 5 cent of Jiew and cars, pounds of the building river.” He asks how will stand leading Cigar Eng- ihe hearing will be resumed next Tuesday. under a penalty of fifty dollars lor the offence and prove “family plan.” thankB of the United States. structures of the iDsane which long England supply, and there can be no relief until the land. Ask dealer for tills brand. department, the present terrible jour one dollar for every lobster so taken, caught, killed The resolve in favor of the Maine Industrial The resolutions Messrs. runs feet to a Bimilar misgoverument. blockade is lifted. There are 2500 carloads of Hon. Hannibal Hamlin JLcnven for New offered yesterday by Id. 1,000 wing to the one in The M. A. JEWELL & C0-, Successors to bought, sold, exposed for sale or in possession as Standard’s correspondent describes the ccal under tbo snow School for Girls at Hallowell galls and Hoar to the electoral vote were which the disaster occurred. In this north between here and the York. aforesaid. appropriates relating battle in which General Earle was killed on ft. W. SLMONTOH & CO., Agents, 444 to bnilding, where the fire broke out, there were mines. Sect. 2. Section 20 of said chapter is hereby 812,000 for 1885, of whioh, as stated in the referred without comment to the committee on Tuesday. 448 Fore St. Special to the Press. 60 cells for on amended, so that as amended it shall rsad as fol- and separate violent patients, 20 Chicago, Feb.
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