American Sentinel for 1893
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and exact Justice to all Men, of Whatever state or Persuasion, Feligious or 'Political." VOLUME 8. NEW YORK, AUGUST 17, 1893. NUMBER 33. baths ; and they shall be a sign between his heart, and by peace shall destroy American Sentinel. me and you, that you may know that I many : he shall also stand up against the PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY THE am the Lord your God." And " I gave Prince of princes." " Yea, he magnified PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY them my Sabbaths, to be a sign between himself even to [even against—margin] No. 43 BOND STREET, NEW YORK. me and them, that they might know that the Prince of the host." Dan. 8 : 25, 11. Entered at the New York Post-Office. am the Lord that sanctify them." Eze. By comparing the phrase " stand up," in 20 : 20, 12. This is the meaning of the this verse, with the same phrase in verse EDITOR, - - - - ALONZO T. JONES. ASSOCIATE EDITORS,1 CALVIN P. BOLLMAN. Sabbath of the Lord, as he made it and as 23, and Dan. 11: 2, 3, 4, 7, it will be plain WILLIAM H. MC KEN. he gave it. to all that in this verse " stand up " sig- LAST week, from a number of consider- nifies " to reign," as a king. It is seen, BUT in the scriptures of the prophets, ations of Scripture, we found that the therefore, that there would appear in the it is told that there would arise another Sabbath question is not a question merely world a power opposed to Christ, reigning power, putting itself above God and in of days as such : not a question merely in his stead, putting himself in his place, the place of Jesus Christ, as the Com- as to whether we shall have one day or and even above God, showing himself off mander and Saviour of men. Thus it is another. But it is a question as to as God. written : " That day [the day of the whether we shall worship the one true Lord's coming] shall not come except God, or another; and whether we shall Now, everybody knows that there has there come a falling away first, and that have him the one true Saviour, or another. appeared, and that there still continues, man of sin be revealed, the son of perdi- It is a question as to whether we shall in the world, just such a power as is here honor the one true Creator and have him tion ; who opposeth and exalteth himself described. It is the Papacy. Everybody above all that is called God, or that is for our Sanctifier, or another. knows that the head and the embodiment worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in of this power, calls himself before all the AND this, because the Sabbath of the the temple [the place of worship] of God, world, " Vicar of Jesus Christ." A vicar Lord which he made, the seventh day showing himself that he is God. Remem- is a substitute. He therefore poses as which he appointed—this, the Lord has ber ye not that when I was yet with you the substitute of Jesus Christ. While declared to be a sign between him and I told you these things ?" 2 Thess. 2:3-5. Christ is absent from the world he is his men that they might know that he is the This is in the letter addressed to the Thes- substitute to rule it, and to save or des- Lord our God; and a sign by which they salonians. When Paul was at Thessalo- troy it as his " infallible " will shall might know that he sanctifies us. This nica, he had told them these same things. dictate. And as God is the Saviour and being the sign that he is the Lord, the Now, of his visit to Thessalonica we there is none else, and as this power puts true God, the Creator, and he being also read, " When they had passed through itself in the place of God, and even above the Saviour, it is also the sign by which Amphipolis and Appollonia, they came to God, it follows in itself that this power— men may know him as Saviour. The Thessalonica where was a synagogue of the Papacy—should, of necessity, put it- Sabbath of the Lord being the sign that the Jews : and Paul, as his manner was, self in the place Of God and Jesus Christ men may know that he is God, and as no went in unto them and three Sabbath days as the only way of salvation. reasoned with them out of the Scriptures. man can know him except in Jesus Christ, Every one is obliged, under pain of eternal dam- it is, when hallowed, the sign of what . And some of them believed, and nation, to become a member of the Catholic Church, Jesus Christ is to men. consorted with Paul and Silas; and of the to believe her doctrine, to use her means of grace, devout Greeks a great multitude, and of and to submit to her authority. IT is by the power of God manifested in the chief women not a few." Acts 17 :1-4. Hence the Catholic Church is justly called the only saving Church. To despise her is and through Jesus Christ alone, and by the same as to despise Christ ; namely, his doc- his Holy Spirit, that salvation is wrought. REASONING with them out of the Scrip- trine, his means of grace, and his powers ; to And this to every one that believeth. tures he told them of the apostasy and of separate from her is the same as to separate Therefore, " I am not ashamed of the the development and exaltation of this from Christ, and to forfeit eternal salvation. Therefore St. Augustine and the other bishops of gospel of Christ, for it is the power of man of sin above God, putting himself in Africa, pronounced, A.D. 412, at the Council of God unto salvation to every one that the place of worship of God, showing Zirta, this decision: " Whosoever is separated from believeth." Rom. 1 : 16. " Neither is himself that he is God. Now, the only the Catholic Church, however commendable in his there salvation in any other." Acts 4:12. Scriptures that they then had, and out of own opinion his life may be, he shall, for this very "There is no God else beside me; a just which he taught them, were what are now reason, that he is at the same time separated from God and a Saviour; there is none beside the Old Testament Scriptures. Where the unity of Christ, not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him."—De Harbe's, Full Catechism me. Look unto me, and be ye saved, all then in these Scriptures did he find this of the Catholic Religion ; Imprimatur, N. Card the ends of the earth: for I am God and teaching concerning one who would set Wiseman ; Imprimatur, John, Card. McCloskey, there is none else." Isa. 45 : 21, 22. " And himself in opposition to God and above Catholic Publication Society Co., 9 Barclay Street, no man knoweth the Father, save the Son, God ? Read this : " Through his policy New York, 1883; p. 145. Italics as in the book. and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal also, he shall cause craft to prosper in his God in Jesus Christ being the only him." Matt. 11: 27. " Hallow my Sab- hand; and la) shall magnify himself in Saviour; his power being the only power 258 ..A.WITIO ELI CA.1%1- VOL. 8, No. 33. unto salvation; and the Sabbath of the of papal authority, and to call upon all shorn of their power to restrain the Sabbath-break- ers. And with the loss of the Sabbath every safe- Lord being the sign of this; it follows of the people of the United States to receive guard to morals is lost. All history proves that a necessity that when another puts himself and wear this badge of allegiance to the Sabbathless people is a people given up to license above God and in the place of God and Papacy. In this Sunday legislation, by and immorality. There has been no exception to another power is manifested unto a pro- which the seventh day the Sabbath of the the general rule. And the Sabbath is going. And the alarming fact is that this advance of the posed salvation, if that other power is to Lord, was interpreted out of his law, and enemy is against the most active and earnest en- have a sign by which it would be known the first day the Sunday of the Papacy deavors of the Christian people to retain the dis- and recognized as of authority, this sign was interpreted into that law instead of tinctively Christian features in our national life.. would have to be a rival Sabbath. It is God's Sabbath, the churches and Congress Never was the battle waged more vigorously for the Sabbath than during the past year. And impossible that it should be otherwise. of the United States have, so far as lies never have the enemies of the Sabbath obtained As he puts himself above God and in the in their power, shut away from men the greater victories against the Sabbath. In the face place of God, and of the Saviour—as he knowledge of the true God and Saviour, of the combined opposition of the Christian cit- is therefore the rival—the substitute and have required that men shall receive izens the advance has been made.