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3 if *■ ^ I*'* ®| !P 11 111 III it In ? / > V-.. XI.IV. IStS^aiaagS."*T,“1 ELLSWOBTi;, MAI S15, . EIWESDA1 I'KIINOOS,- SEITEMBEB 14, 1898. l”SEiVSS,KS*S^A”-' aoDcrtianiunta. f i I?!? A TPVi milted th- in default of YACIIT RACK. LiJ .aU * 4 iin• county jail SWmttefmm'r;. duo f< oxicatiou. To Bucksport’s 1 i' U .’ c”cr?;t It she tc'dom sends ’'lost Interesting Race ever Sailed Ir; IVUKRfLL boardet the unity I'nloii River l»ay. \«lmr entire h | hi Irn Cray. hostelry. I \ii imtire l. I -ma The race on was the M..iv. Mrs. mu J j. Lurr, of Ells- yncht Tuesday I' formerly I- .■ Mirth .Steamboat most worth, vi ting relatives and friends interesting ever sailed in Union -• i■ river Ten general It t!1 I■ ue here ned In Trenton. Mr. and Mr«. Carr bay. yachts started and the AGENTS, I' -if 111- visitors carried ai-i iul away the money. mcni left util ior the West nearly two ME. Bank ’i ■ 1 .. about went dow.* Buriull Bldo., ELLSWORTH, I mt*• in.i !■ .. ,1 1 in t ,ils. .k’ui.i '«uInn returned to Maine and have Only fifty people ti« A t i.ti pj N.. A.- v on the race, Ott ii i.ii n bay excursion to witness the I n*Ol VI I,,, I f \* > Thoimiwton for some tin WK KKIKK8EN1 THE y C l: r i. but more drove down the shore, ate fish The In., schedule went into effect on howls Friend A ( >> Clothing. how derand watched the yachts. Most Reliable Home ami I 1 1111, i1 11:1 s- Eu i. mill Kookhind boalv !ru| Foreign Companies. * I- .1 Walsh Shi.t* mnr.' " he yachts which started were Name- v k »*o-c ?vnve Ellsworth t»u n !'• n 'i >iu Bus ifcst Iiu/tti With 1 less," iLuihor; “Mabel,” North ComjKl/ih/r Snj'rft/. — Hulieri i. 1 fo1111>*-* urmtuiv. days, .... uiuys and Saturdays B-ooklln; “Mystic Belle,” Brooklin; North Hi mu d. HTid return from Koekland HuniH to on rovi fl mil c^tRte 7. *! -1 < in euit iii'.j and I I* iBn," Wint<•. r’.*rn t.”Th'>**-- ) IX)AN .tie. Wed; I Saturdays arid OKLAMi * aslon; “Marion and Marie.” Rout h west J 15 O Chun hill —From! notice. I I Ifarhor- “Kmprnaw “Annin lop’ phH *: -** us * 1ILC Klilt.l. The •* ; '■ ! t urc at * lie (\;ng “Old Comfort,’ KIlHWortb. line <>f 1 ■ ■ Finest S! v t II * in Wed ii tod ay Cvu. Thu “Cot. ct” vv.’i iir-1 away, with the It ROOK « T 1 1 pqwc d 1: fi’dv sr : attended, owinp to or u< “Narne!t*«s” ond “M vatic Belle” third Ab«' 1 (.’has II Perkin** -Notier forrelo-iii ’utc!;' attract u nd th< unfavond-l- wnnthf and “Empress’ fourth .Several df flu I f 1'ORTLAN l> v- 1 y ; t lie !.. nd of th. lie!: — mistook the shir in ; igna! e 7 I hu-ine- i..i.. t.ray’s « shaw u-ino Midniyi.i .nun,’ was excellently treated lost time at the start. 41 11--- 6 evn s|lown in from A runs* V and Rescript ive lecture. Th“ “Comet” loci around the course the Ellsworth, _ROYAL BAK Nil POWOCR Maine musical f* first time. The “Znir i” had crawled up j Ellsy. n people who met J. H Lange, CoRAOl'oLIs, !’ v to second from 1 ■ position fifth. The Pont r Sr! ted. E p i,d during f I .* “Nameless” was third, and “Empress” Maine Music t ». $12 to $30. ki* in in vi \ ;i girt to learn of his death. had held iier position in fourth On tiic second nigh' Mi. had been an invalid for place. For other luea! me sit pages 1, 7 and s. J*arip- some The “Old with her will be the grand •;•». W e are overstocked in this and offer * Comfort”, topmast, opera slightly line, stay ir this city a pea red to carried uway v. a.-. bunging on to the pro* when selections from I' Hev. D. L. Yt.* !’j EcnetE and it wa. in veellent Lesion for a low gr -illy, hoped bargains. cession, hut was l.opekvdy out of the Knglish operas will be sung, aim tn- days. that !■ would ultimately recover. He race, —Ii,/ ~- three great prim a dup: ••.>., di« 'j; ! in Th' on last I’ev. \\ K. 1. io nly Sunday. 1 ,,.j jur two b. On the second time nroun I tho / .m” different grind ar'as. W weeks’ visit in New Yorh. A. CUSHMAN & SON. Miss Agues M. Lord, of Hancock, who outsailed ttie fleet and led ut the lmi.oi. render with these artist Harold II. Cltti .V ii.. .oi u.nui to the as u relumed from The others finished in the certed numbers from ti FUNERAL DIRECTORS. | missionary Turkey, following Maine State coll .,’ronu. spoke to interested audiences in Ells- order: “Cornet,” “Nameless,” “M. and of “Luciadi Lammermo* N >. 1 Franklin ME. worth >i f- vv sailed from The beautiful tone Street,.ELLSWOIITH, Miss Nora Doyle, of Lewiston, is visit- monlhsago, New M.,” “Empress,” “Annie I.ee,” “Mystic picti York Hal to return to this Towel o* imb* T*. II,> ing her brother, Ji ho L. Doyle. urday mission Belie,” “Mabel,” Obi Com-b.«L.” J»y field. Sii*• iroes to Erzroom, in eastern The “Zaim” was nine inches over be sung by the chorus, p"*'■ M iss Katharine Siimmton spent .Sunday - Turkey, which is a new appointment, length, and was ruled out. On corrected will render most brib » n ; in Bangor, the guest of Miss Maud her former station in time the “Naim! -s” won first numbers. Carriages. backboards. Dennis. being Smyrna, money, operatic western “Comet” “M. A M. third. In the afternoon of this g u; Stock in Eastern and all Turkey. second, largest Maine, up Mrs. Charles of was the Allen, Sullivan, The were John H. Walter offers attraction-, as ttu orchestra to date in Style, Finish and Workmanship. n. or judges Belaud, special of Mre. LaCoruia Lord the Muter, Washington, D. C., who is guest during .1. (’lark. ('tmrlpM Ihmmninl Timpr W will play its most popular selections spending the summer at Bar Harbor, was OPEN and TOP BUGGIES, EXPRESS and ROAD WAGONS. SURREYS. I C. Bellatty. Mrs. Barney and Mins _M the guest of Dr. E. Leslie Mason at the Hand made throughout and fully warranted. There was no service at t he I’nitarian All the yachtsmen who came to Ells- find Mr. Waterhouse will all be oeard m home ( f h s parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. \V. and •• r church the called to worth received fair treatment, and went solos, the presentat :!ag- ¥ /'A I / 1 )/ \ 4 1 > 1 All Mzes from at neat two-people Sunday, pastor being Mason, in this city, during the fair. Mr. -X U- V'l4 I VXY lO Jol» to one that will earry fourteen. Bai Harbor. home well satisfied with the race. The the different nations wifi repeated foi Slater had with him a concert phono- owner of the “Zaitu” was, naturally, dis- the benefit of the children «.iu tiiune who >OW IS THU TIME to put the summer vehicle through the paint-shop plenty of Mabel Monaghan sang at a concert in graph, and evening companies were appointed that his yacht should he dis- could nut atteiiu the concert me opening time to harden thoroughly before using. Franklin Monday evening, and at Cherry- pleasantly nteriained at Mr. Mason's field last qualitied. night. and done. evening. during his stay here. Repairing thoroughly quickly It is hoped by the yachtsmen of Ells- It CL fjupumi J.i- .i.iuit, uuj Charles W. succeeds C. E. Campbell Cross-actions for between Da- worth that this be the first of a old and at both to ,-c rLs. lines of IIAKN BLANKETS, ICOltES and WHIPS. trespass will series young 1 carry full EssEs. Bellatty as Ellsworth correspondent of vid Mo«ely and Isaac Vincent, both of of regattas to be sailed annually in Union A special train to Ellsworth will be ran largest manufacturer the and Courier. Original ITT?V'T?'V V Bangor Whiy Marlboro, were on the card for trial in river on this alter the Buckhoanl Man. XIA^^AVA aj% AflA, ¥ lo* and dealer In Ellsworth. bay. night, leaving Bangui' Four persons were baptized at the the Ellsworth municipal court Friday, concert. Franklin St„ Me. Methodist church day evening, and but a conference between the puriits and CHURCH NOTES. "•’’."i‘a..,..., Ellsworth, nine received into the church. C c <1 .-uited in a settlement of Drowned at Hai ",i .« or Ellsworth is vseii represented at tie bout trial, and the entry METHODIST E P1SCOPAL. James Hennessey, a. r. •. on Rev. J. P of Si X. B. Cherry field fair tins week, even thuugn the urt docket “neither party”. Simonton, pastor. years, John, 4 ladies’ circle i- .V .1 COLD WEATHER the trip could not be made by rail. Anil c' wholly went home happy. Wednesday, p. m., meets the school ild ].’ Lil i«• with Mrs. B. T. Soule, Hancock street. wharf at Bar Harbor \W.1 *uv e I And to prepare for it you must begin to think about heavier clothing. Miss Lillian IF vden, aft-, :<■ than! 'I'm 'can's Sedgwick correspor- Friday evening at 7.30, prayer meeting. and was tirowned. Tin \ was — in m L n I have received two months ... do '•Vlii!? on a visit to Capt. Sunday, 10.30 a.