Gypsy iVLoth, Lvmantria gispar CL.>t ana its Natural Enemies in tne ¥ar East vEspecially ) ■ Annotated DiDiiosrapny and Cjuide to tne Literature tnrougn 1986 and List for Japan ■ Paul W ScWfer Ixcizo IkeDe Jasutomo Hígasníura

DelacWai« Agricultuial Experiment Station Bulfetin*476 Gypsy , Lymantría dispar (L.) and its Natural Enemies

in the Far East (Especially Japan).

Annotated Bibliography and Guide to the Literature through 1986

and Host Plant List for Japan.1


Paul W. Schaefer^, Keizo Ikebe^j^ and Yasutomo Higashiura^

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Beneficial Research Laboratory

501 South Chapel Street

Newark, Delaware 19713 U.S.A.


Department of Entomology and Applied Ecology

University of Delaware

Newark, Delaware 19717 U.S.A. ABSTRACT

This annotated bibliography contains 396 entries pertaining to gypsy moth, dispar (L.)> or the natural enemies associated with this forest , in the Far East. About 72% of all entries were originally written in Japanese, followed by English (20%), and Chinese, Korean, Russian, French, German and Italian (together 8%). Articles were included if either: (1) the subject matter applied directly to the Far East, (2) content was of a review, bibliographic, taxonomic, or natural enemy survey nature or, (3) contained ecological information on the gypsy moth and/or its natural enemies. A gypsy moth host plant list for Japan containing ca. 152 is included. Synonyms or alternate names of natural enemies are tabulated. An alphabetical subject index serves as a guide to the annotated literature. DEDICATION

To the memory of the late Keizo Ikebe, of liamamatsu, Honshu, Japan,

who devoted many hours of his short life to this project.

His memory lives on in the hearts of those who knew him.


1. Abstract . • Page I

2. Dedication H

3. Contents II i^

4. Preface IV

5. Acknowledgment V

6. Introduction 1

7. Annotated Citations 5

8. liost of in Japan 126

9. List of Japanese Entomological Journals 134

10. List of Insect Synonyms or Alternate Names 138

11. Abbreviations 1^^

12. Footnotes I^^

13. Subject Index 145


This bibliography was prepared by Paul W* Schaefer, Research Entomologist and Location Leader, and the late Keizo Ikebe, Biological Control Assistant at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Asian Parasite Laboratory (APL), then located in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. APL was established in Sapporo on 15 May 1975 by Paul Schaefer for the purpose of studies on the natural enemies of insects for possible importation and utilization as biological control agents in the United States. From May 1975 to July 1979, a major emphasis of this laboratory was the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.) ( : L3niiantriidae). Schaefer and Ikebe worked on the bibliography from 1975 to 1979. From 1979 until his death in 1982, Ikebe worked to update and complete the bibliography but it is unknown what he intended to add. In 1984, Yasutomo Higashiura joined in the effort and has contributed to the updating of this bibliography, especially covering material available since 1979. The need for this publication was apparent from the very beginning as we became aware that considerable literature on the gypsy moth existed in the Far East (especially in Japan) which was generally unavailable to biologists who read only Western languages. Although increasingly more scientific papers now include an English summary, most older Japanese papers did not, and often these older papers referred to the subject insect only by a common name, failing even to include the scientific name. Thus, retrieval of such articles was impossible without a technical command of the original language. Actual translation from the original languages was not undertaken, but the translation of segments of major interest to the ecology of the gypsy moth, biological control and natural enemies was attempted. From that translated information, an annotation was written and we trust that these represent a fair assessment of the original author's contents. Not all topics were covered equally as we have heavily favored the type of information mentioned above and have not dwelt on topics like descriptions of the insects, life history and methods of control.

Paul W. Schaefer June 1988


vJe acknowledge the assistance and support of the Agricultural Experiment Station, especially those of the office of Agricultural Sciences Communications, University of Delaware, in the publication of this bibliography. The cover was designed and drawn by Susan Paul and Paula Ziegenhagen. Mary Pritchard proofread the final draft and several others were involved in the reproduction and binding. At various times, Jane R. Schaefer, Barbara A. Schaefer, William P. Schaefer, Heidi L. Schaefer, Roberta Donofrio, and Elise Harvey provided editorial assistance. Kyo Yamaguchi, Ikuko Suzuki and Betty R. Witmer each provided typing efforts at various early stages of the project. Early in the accumulation of references, Keiji Kanamitsu and Kimito Furuta provided lists of references which they had accumulated during their respective studies on the gypsy moth. Similarly, Je Ho Ko provided some references to Korean publications. Translators other than the junior authors included Haipoong Lee (Korean), and Philip Y. K. Fu, Waikuen Cheung and Derling Qiu (Chinese). The draft manuscript was reviewed by Jack R. Coulson, Ralph E. Webb, and Douglas W. Tallamy. To all these involved in various ways, we express our sincere thanks and deep appreciation for their efforts in helping to make this bibliography a reality.


In North America, the gypsy moth, Lymantria (previously known as Porthetria) dispar (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) is surpassed by only a few other insect species in the total volume of literature written about any one species. Certainly no other exotic forest insect has received more attention. Since this species became established in North America about 1868, extensive funding has been designed to suppress this invading species and this effort continues to the present. As a result of these efforts, countless reports have been written on the gypsy moth. Originally distributed across Asia from the Japanese archipelago to Europe and into England and northern Africa, the gypsy moth (sensu lato) has a distribution which transects many political boundaries. Accordingly, the literature on this insect is scattered in the scientific literature of many languages. This often makes studies of this insect difficult because of the lack of universal availability of published literature. With this publication, we hope to further expand the universal awareness of this insect by providing a compilation of the available Far Eastern literature on this species. As the efforts at the Asian Parasite Laboratory (APL), Sapporo, Japan, were directed toward the natural enemies of the gypsy moth, we also include in this bibliography those references that directly concern the primary parasites, predators, pathogens or other natural enemies, which have a direct bearing upon the ecology of the gypsy moth in the Far East. With a few exceptions, references are included only if they apply directly to the gypsy moth or associated organisms in the Far East. European or American references are generally not included since they are readily available to Western scholars through bibliographies or reviews that are listed in this work. The few exceptions are comprehensive reviews or classic works, which are listed principally for the benefit of Far Eastern audiences. Such exceptional works should be consulted in the original since the annotation presented does not intend to provide a adequate summary of all detailed information. Other bibliographic works on the gypsy moth (references cited here are included in the main bibliography) include Forbush and Fernald (1896), who present an exhaustive non-annotated listing of early references to this insect, mostly European in origin. French (1974) provided an annotated bibliography covering the period from 1890 to 1972, but few references to Far Eastern literature are included. A compilation of Russian publications on the gypsy moth was compiled by Richerson (1975), but unfortunately this was never published. In a review article, Leonard (1974) lists citations that provide insight into the more recent world literature. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, as a result of the Expanded Gypsy Moth Research and Development Program, initiated a Gypsy Moth Technical Information Project (GMTIP). As a preliminary result of the GMTIP work, "A bibliography of gypsy moth publications" (Anon. 1977) was produced containing 2400 entries to the world literature on gypsy moth. At the time, it was anticipated that a final computer-generated bibliography would be produced in the future, but that seems not to have reached fruition. Literature specific to population dynamics of gypsy moth is contained in Campbell et al* (1978). Griffiths (1980) compiled a two-volume bibliography containing 4140 citations to gypsy moth literature of the world. Most recently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's efforts resulted in the so-called gypsy moth compendium (Doane and McManus 1981), which contains bibliographies at the end of each chapter or subchapter. As one example, the bibliography at the end of subchapter 6.1 on "Parasites" contains 262 entries. Other sections contain equally exhaustive bibliographies. Other reviews or bibliographies focus on the natural enemies of the gypsy moth. These include those specific to parasites and predators (Hanson and Reardon 1973, Griffiths 1976) and those under the broad category of biological control (Anon, or Maclean 1982). We are aware of few sources of literature in the Far East of a bibliographic nature. Ilirano (1955) provided a list of references on the Ljnnantriidae including some entries on Lymantria dispar and> in a continuation of the series (Hirano 1955b), listed 180 references specific to the gypsy moth. Shiraki (1952) lists 17 citations on gypsy moth in a compilation on Japanese insect pests. All of these bibliographic lists cite only a few Far Eastern references. In , 42 bibliographic citations under _L. dispar were compiled by Je Ho Ko (Forest Research Institute, Seoul, 1969), approximately a quarter of which refer to Korean reports. In , we are aware of no bibliographic work devoted to gypsy moth, and most Chinese literature is of a general nature (Bao, Jianzhong and Zhand Niaxin, pers. comm. to R. M. Weseloh, July 1980). In a revision of the Lymantriidae (Chao 1978), a total of 167 natural enemies of jL. dispar were listed but this list included species from geographical areas other than China. In the study of the (Diptera) parasitic on the gypsy moth worldwide, Sabrosky and Reardon (1976) clarify much on the taxonomic confusion that has prevailed about this of which are so important as parasites of gypsy moth. Besides standard taxonomic information, they provide information on biology, including immature stages, on host information, and on the history and present status of each of 34 tachinid species parasitic on gypsy moth. Fifty-three other minor or incidental parasites are considered to varying extents. In the family Braconidae (), Marsh (1979) described two new species of Apanteles parasitic on the gypsy moth in Japan. Other coverage ^^ Meteorus and Rogas, as well as nine species of Apanteles (sensu lato), updates our knowledge on braconid parasites. Many generic names of species in the old Apanteles have been changed based on the work of Mason (1981). Nomenclatural changes resulting from the work of iiason and an update to the biological control work performed since the publication of the compendium (Doane and McManus 1981) have recently been published by Coulson et al. (1986). In the (Hymenoptera) parasitic on gypsy moth, Gupta (1983) has identified 24 various species associated with gypsy moth worldwide. These include a number of species which have been used in biological control attempts, many of which have been liberated in North America. However, only Phobocampe unicincta is clearly established. We now have more recent data to indicate that Coccygomimus disparis is now also established (Schaefer et al. 1988). Gupta further clarifies 38 other reported parasitic species, the exact identity being doubtful or unconfirmable, and he lists 31 ichneumonid names that have been associated with the gypsy moth in the literature but which have been ruled out as erroneous associations. Lastly, Gupta covers hyperparasitic ichneumonid species associated with gypsy moth via being parasitic on other ichneumonid, braconid or tachinid primary parasites. The Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) is the one major group of gypsy moth parasites that remains to be covered as have the above three families. This group would cover a number of primary parasites, principally pupal parasites, and many hyperparasitic species. This taxonomic group currently awaits the attention of a specialist. In the present work, we have extracted 396 references from all available sources that met our criteria for inclusion in the present bibliography and that have apparent significance to the gypsy moth and its natural enemies in the Far East. Reports in the original form were viewed by one of us. Those in Japanese were translated in part by the junior authors, the majority by Keizo Ikebe and the more recent additions by Yasutomo Higashiura. Assistance in Chinese was obtained from Philip Y. K. Fu and Waikuen Cheung (both from The Chinese Univ. Hong Kong, Shatin N.T., H.K.) or Derling Qiu (formerly of Newark, DE). Reports in Korean were translated by Haipoong Lee (Dongguk Univ., Seoul). In most all cases, important segments of the general topics covered were read and translated into English notes. From these notes, the annotation was drafted by Schaefer. Generally the contents of these annotations were biased toward biological, behavioral and ecological information on the gypsy moth and on its natural enemies. All other references were more briefly annotated and perhaps did not receive proportionate coverage. For articles in English, Schaefer only was responsible for the annotation. The end result of this procedure was that very few reports written entirely in a Far Eastern language were translated into English completely, since this was not our original intention nor was it within our capabilities. In the end, we intend this information to be a guide into the literature to (1) direct interested persons to the major sources of relevant information written entirely or partially in English, and (2) provide initial 'working insight' into the contents of reports written in the Far Eastern languages. If these reports appear critical for further studies, these reports will have to be translated in their entirety. Western bibliographic reports or reviews, which are significant in any literature search, and descriptions of parasites imported from the Far East are included because of the geographical nature of the subject matter. The authors take full responsibility for any failure to properly guide readers or to appropriately present the original authors' intentions. We do hope that these references and annotations will prove useful to subsequent workers and will alert Western students to the Far Eastern literature on the gypsy moth in all its endemic forms. The arrangement and general format of the bibliography is modeled after French (1974), however our references are listed strictly alphabetically by author. All abbreviations used are listed in a separate section, including those for the languages. All accent marks are intentionally omitted. Scientific names are updated whenever possible based on the most current taxonomic interpretation. In such cases, the updated name appears only in the annotation, at the point of first encounter, followed by the name (or spelling) as presented in the original citation. If higher taxa are not covered in the translation of the title, these too are inserted at the time of first encounter of a scientific name; generally only family names are given while order names are omitted. Within the list of indexing words that immediately follows an entry, the Latin names are intentionally not underlined for simplicity and greater readability. Indexing words do not include specific names, only generic. One exception to this format is in the congeneric forms of Lymantria (i.e. fumida, mathura, monacha, xylina), where specific name only is indexed. Instead of citing host plants in the individual annotations, which would lead to extensive repetition, a composite host plant list was kept for Japan which is presented herein as a separate section. A similar list for China was recently published in Schaefer et al. (1984b), however that list is certainly only a tentative one. We have tried to include all references known to us on the gypsy moth and its associated organisms which have significance in the ecology of the gypsy moth in the Far East. No doubt there are omissions or errors which appear, none of which are intentional. By our failure to include a report, we in no way infer that the original article was unimportant. We hope that in time these oversights will be corrected and that this bibliography will become increasingly more useful and will help to stimulate further studies on the gypsy moth and its associated organisms in the Far East. This way, further understanding of this interesting forest insect, the gypsy moth, and its associated organisms will lead to greater comprehension of the ecology, behavior, variation, and possible control, by biological means preferably, of the gypsy moth worldwide. Academia Sínica Institute Zoology, Che-Kiang Agricultural Univ., etc, 1978. Insect Illustrated Handbook, Series 3; Insect Natural Enemies. (C) Scientific Publ. Center, Peking. 300 pp, 50 color pi. In a general coverage of some of the beneficial insects among 7 insect orders, those parasitic species of Ifymenoptera and Diptera and predatory Heteroptera and Coleóptera that are associated with gypsy moth are covered under individual sections. Those genera covered include: Coccygomimus, Theronia, Hyposoter, Casinaria, Rogas, Apanteles, Meteorus, Monodontomerus, Ooencyrtus, Tyndarichus, Anastatus, Trichogramma, Telenomus, Crossocosmia, Exorista, Parasetigena (as Phorocera), Compsilura, Arma, Picromerus, NATURAL ENEMIES; CHINA; PARASITES/PREDATORS (Above list included)

Akasofu, Y. 1973. Extraordinary outbreak of gypsy moth in Takaoka City. (J) Forest Protection News 22(9):214-217. Recorded an outbreak of gypsy moth in Takaoka, Toyama Prefecture, in middle to late May. The lower half of the mountains were covered with Cryptomeria japónica while the ridges were covered mostly with natural forests of Pinus densiflora and others (Quercus serrata, ^. acutissima, Acer spp.. donarium var. spontanea, etc.). The infestation began in the broad-leafed and spread to the evergreens, killing more than 200 C. japónica trees 3-4 years of age. Female gypsy moth prefered to oviposit on trees x^ith smooth bark and avoided rough-barked trees ( and ^. variabilis). Egg masses were found 0.5 - 2 m high. No preference of direction was clear except that frequently eggs were deposited on the east side of trees. Egg masses averaged 180 eggs/mass, and on average, 25% of these were parasitized. But on the ridges, where few egg masses were found, parasitism was highest (54.8%, 43.4% and 40.3%). OUTBREAK, Toyama 1973; ECOLOGY; HOST PLANT; BEHAVIOR, oviposition; PARASITISM, egg; EGG MASS, size, direction

Akita, K. 1942. Gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 46(536):127 Reports an outbreak of gypsy moth in Akita Prefecture during 1941. Many egg masses were found and control measures applied. OUTBREAK, Akita 1941

Anonymous. 1908. Dr. "Wasp" visited Japan. (J) Insect World 22(128):175 Reports that Dr. Howard will come to Japan for collections of parasitic wasps. Summarizes the invasion of the gypsy moth in North America. HISTORY; DEPORTATION Anonymous. 1908. Mr. Kincaid visited Japan for importing natural enemies of the gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 12(127):125. Reports on the forthcoming trip of Professor Kincaid, Washington State University, to Japan to collect parasitic wasps of the gypsy moth. HISTORY; IMPORTATION

Anonymous. 1908. Named an egg parasite of the gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 22(136):519. Reports on the naming of a new egg parasite of gypsy moth from Japan. Dr. Howard, Chief of the Laboratory of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, described Tyndarichus japonicus Howard) (Now known as Anastatus japonicus (Howard)) (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae). PARASITE, egg; AI^ASTATUS; TYNDARICHUS

Anonymous. 1909. Export of gypsy moth's parasites. (J) Insect World 13(141):216. Announces the exportation of natural enemies of gypsy moth to the U.S. As requested by the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, the Laboratory of Entomology, Nishigahara Government Experiment Station, exported these insects but no mention was made of the species or the quantities shipped. HISTORY, importation/exportation; NATURAL ENEMIES

Anonymous. 1910. Outbreak of gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 14(155):307. Records a gypsy moth outbreak in Gifu Prefecture, where persimmon trees ( kaki) were seriously defoliated. As a result of this damage, in parts of the prefecture no persimmon fruit was produced. OUTBREAK, Gifu 1910; DAMAGE; DIOSPYROS

Anonymous. 1911. Damage by gypsy moth on Diospyros kaki. (J) Insect World 15(5):213. In the southern part of Motosu-gun, Gifu Prefecture, persimmon trees (Diospyros kaki) were badly damaged by gypsy moth during 1910. Surveys in early May indicated that the outbreak continued into 1911. OUTBREAK, Gifu; DAMAGE; DIOSPYROS

Anonymous. 1917a. Tremendous outbreak of invaded from Shimane Prefecture to Hiroshima Prefecture, Closed primary schools. Inhabitants took refuge in the hills. (J) i^ihon-nogyo-zasshi (Mag. Jap. Agrie.) 13(9) :86. Reported that a gypsy moth outbreak occurred in Naka-gun, Shimane Prefecture, and it spread into Hiroshima Prefecture through the Chugoku mountain chain. OUTBREAK, Shimane/Hiroshima Pref. 1917.

Anonymous (Shimane Prefectural govt.). 1917b. Report of investigations on insect pest outbreaks in Shimane prefecture. (J) Byochugai-zasshi (J. Plant Protection) 4(8): 642-646. This report lists ca. 50 plant species that are fed upon by gypsy moth larvae. (These species are incorporated into the host plant list in appendix.) Of all species listed, Alnus japónica, Quercus serrata, Quercus variabilis, Castanea crenata and Cryptomeria japónica seemed to be preferred host plants and were completely defoliatied. Reasons for outbreaks were given as: (1) Population of gypsy moth increased steadly over the last several years. (2) No detrimental weather (cold temperatures or snowfall) occurred in mid-winter. (3) Populations of natural enemies decreased because of the above influences. (4) Little rainfall occurred after gypsy moth hatch which favored development of larvae. (5) There was an abundance of food for feeding larvae. (6) No important parasites were present. Since Blepharipa (as Ugimya) sericariae Rond. (Tachinidae) often parasitized the gypsy moth, it is difficult to control this "pest" in silkworm rearing rooms. HOST PLANTS, preferred species; POPULATION, regulating factors; PARASITE, Blepharipa; BLEPHARIPA; SILKWORM PEST

Anonymous (Mie Agrie. Expt. Stn.). 1923. Control experiments on gypsy moth larvae. (J) Gyomu-hokoku (Operational rept. Mie Agrie. Expt. Stn. (1922)), pp. 217-218. Insecticidal tests were conducted against gypsy moth larvae in May 1922. Pyrethrin was found effective for control whereas Derris was not. CHEMICAL CONTROL, spray; INSECTICIDE; PYRETHRIN; DERRIS

Anonymous (Nagano Agrie. Expt. Stn.). 1924. Control experiments on gypsy moth. (J) Nojishiken-seiseki (Results of Agrie. Expt. at Nagano Expt. Stn.) 1:122-126, Insecticide tests were made on gypsy moth larvae from an outbreak which occurred at Nakashioda, Chiisagata, Nagano Prefecture, in 1917. Pyrethrin was found effective and zinc arsenate was more effective than lead arsenate. Host plants defoliated were listed (ca. 32 species). (Species listed are incorporated into host plant list in appendix.) OUTBREAK, Nagano 1917; CHEMICAL CONTROL, spray; HOST PLANTS; PYRETHRIN, ARSENATE LEAD & ZINC

Anonymous (Nagano Agrie. Expt. Stn.). 1026a. Controlling experiment on gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 30(35): 374-377. In a gypsy moth outbreak in Nagano Prefecture (Nakashioda, Chiisagata), larvae in the fields were treated with insecticides for measures of effectiveness. Of the materials tested, Dalmatian insect powder was effective. Plants (32 species) defoliated were listed. (List incorporated in host plant listing in appendix.) OUTBREAK, Nagano 1926; CONTROL, chemical; DALMATIAN; HOST PLANTS

Anonymous. 1926b. Outbreak of gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 30(8):288. Reports on a 1 ha area in a larch (Larix) plantation in Tomioka-cho, Otaru, Hokkaido Prefecture, where gypsy moth caterpillars defoliated all larch trees and spread out from there. Many invaded homes causing considerable nuisance. Mechanical collection of larvae as a means of control in or on homes produced from 2-4 to 7-9 liters of caterpillars per home for destruction. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido 1926; LARIX; CONTROL, mechanical

Anonymous. 1927. Transportation by plane of natural enemies of gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 31(354):72 (Feb.). Reports on the aerial transportation of natural enemies of gypsy moth from Spain to Algeria. During May to June 1925, shipments totaling 3500 Xylodrepa quadripunctata, 4000 Calosoma inquisitor, and 3300 pupae of Apanteles sp. were imported into Algeria. HISTORY; IMPORTATION; EXPORTATION; NATURAL ENEMIES, Xylodrepa, Calosoma, Apanteles

Anonymous. 1933a. Digest of foreign insects. 2: Gypsy moth and . (J) Insect World 37(430):215-216. Reports on the situation in Massachusetts, that gypsy moth feed on leaves and new branches of trees causing heavy damage. Control recommendations were for spraying with lead arsenate 2-3 lbs, slaked lime 2-3 lbs, water ca. 100 gal. and fish oil 1-2 pints. CHEMICAL CONTROL; LEAD ARSENATE; PEACHES

Anonymous (Kagawa Agrie. Expt. Stn.). 1933b. Control experiments on gypsy moth. (J) Gyomu-nenpo (Ann. rept. Kagawa Agrie. Expt. Stn. (1931)) p. 231-232, 236-237. Insecticide tests against gypsy moth larvae were conducted and the three insecticides "Imazu", "Kanko" and "Derris" soaping liquid were determined effective for gypsy moth control. CHEMICAL CONTROL, insecticide; IMAZU; KAMKO; DERRIS

Anonymous. 1933c. Digest of foreign insects (41): Ooencyrtus kuvanae Howard and Anastatus disparis Ruschka. (J) Insect World 37(436): 433-434. Anastatus dísparís Ruschka (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) is more important as an egg parasites of gypsy moth than is Ooencyrtus kuvanae Howard (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) in New England because A. disparis is univoltine. It was believed that both species had three larvae stages but they are now shown to have five . PARASITE, egg; ANASTATUS; OOENCYRTUS;

Anonymous. 1933d. Outbreak of gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 37(429):181. Records a gypsy moth outbreak in persimmon orchards (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) in Motosu and Inaba-gun, Gifu Prefecture, Honshu. OUTBREAK, Gifu 1933; DIOSPYROS

Anon)mious. 1936. Ecology of Apanteles liparidis. (J) Insect World 40(472):456 (Dec). (as Apanteles) liparidis (Braconidae), a gregarious larval parasite of gypsy moth, overwinters by parasitizing spectabilis () and emerges in the spring. Two parasite generations occur on the univoltine gypsy moth and 10 to 30 coccoons appear from one host. One female lays ca. 60 eggs preferably in first through third hosts. Development time from egg to larvae (19 days) and (9 days) in the first generation is longer than the corresponding times in the second generation (15 days and 6 days respectively). PARASITE, larval; GLYPTAPANTELES; DENDROLIMUS

Anonymous. 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955. Gypsy moth. (J) Forest Protection News, in 1952, 3:9, 4:14, 5:20, 6:26, 9:46; in 1953, 11:60, 12:70, 14:96, 16:121-123; 17:133-135, 18:146, 19:157-158; 20:170; 21:182; in 1954, 28:303, 29:320, 30:337, 31:350; in 1955, 1:3, 40:136, 41:154; 42:171.

Each of these short notices give records of regional foresters' surveys which involve the gypsy moth during a widespread outbreak of this insect over a 4 year period. Extensive lists of host trees attacked are included in many regional reports. These plant species reported form the basis for a host-plant list incorporated in this bibliography (see appendix). Locations reporting in 1952 include Hokkaido (Kamikawa and other locations), Tokyo, Toyama, Aichi, Niigata, Ishikawa; In 1953, Hokkaido (Iwanai, Furano, Kitami, Abashiri), Niigata (where parasitic wasps were released for control and egg masses were collected and destroyed), Saitama. In 1954, Hokkaido (Tokachi, Mombetsu, Sapporo, Abuta, Sorachi, Isoya), Niigata. In 1955, Iwate, Kyoto, and Yamagata (Interestingly, no reports from Hokkaido in 1955). OUTBREAK, national reports, 1952-55; HOST PLANTS; DAMAGE 10

Anonymous. 1953. Outbreak of gypsy moth in Hokkaido. (J) Shobubutsu-boeki (Plant Protection) 7(9):336-337. Reports on a gypsy moth outbreak in Hokkaido (Abashiri) in which 115,000 ha of forest were infested. Caterpillars invaded crops from the forested areas and caused damage to rice, barley, oats, potato, beans, flax and other crops. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido 1953; DAMAGE, crops; INVASION

Anonjnnous. 1954a. Gypsy moth. (J) Forest Protections News 20:170-171. Report on a number of outbreaks of gypsy moth which occurred in plantations of larch, Larix leptolepis. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido; LARIX

Anonjnnous. 1954b. Control of gypsy moth by natural enemies. (J) Forest Protection News 3(26):277-278 In 1951 a gypsy moth outbreak occurred in Nishikublki, Niigata Prefecture, Honshu, and by 1952 it had expanded to Nakakubiki. Damaged areas were over 30,000 ha including forests and cultivated fields. In 1953, egg parasites were present and encouraged by permitting egg parasites to emerge from collected egg masses distributed in 100 - 500 g of host eggs. Samples were placed in the field in early September and retrieved in mid-December, at which time the masses were burned. In late October, emerging parasites were observed lying on clear days or sitting within the releasing containers (Illustration in Forest Prot. News 10:55) on rainy days. OUTBREAK, Niigata, 1951-52; PARASITE, egg; BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, encouraging egg parasite emergence

Anonjnnous. 1955. Areas infested with gypsy moth egg masses and the status of its control in the Fall of 1954 -- Hokkaido. (J) Forest Protection News 4(3):49. In tabulated form, locations, degree of outbreak, area infested with egg masses, amount of egg masses collected for destruction and the forest area sprayed for control were presented. Totals for Hokkaido were 3930 ha infested with gypsy moth eggs, 255 kg egg masses collected and destroyed, and 2250 ha of forest sprayed. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido (1954); CONTROL, chemical, mechanical

Anon3niious. 1959. A hand list of the Korean (2). (K) Forest Experiment Station, Seoul, Korea, publ, no. 4292. 11

Listed (pg. 7) is the subspecies of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar chosenensis Goldschinidt stating that adults appeared in June and July, given is the distribution of the nominate species, and listed are a number of important host plants. All told, 40 plant species were fed upon by the gypsy moth in Korea. DISTRIBUTION; HOST PLANTS; PHENOLOGY; VARIATION, subspecies, chosenensis

Anonymous. 1977a. A bibliography of gypsy moth publications. (E) The Expanded Gypsy Moth Research and Development Program, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Combined Forest Pest Research & Development Program, 200 pp. This unpublished document is a preliminary result of the Gypsy Moth Technical Information Project (GMTIP) efforts to gather all gypsy moth literature together. This computer-generated printout contains 2400 references and generally is related to a reprint collection. (As of January 1987 stored at the USDA, Forest Service Laboratory, Morgantown, West Virginia.) Each entry contains the author(s), year, title, source publication, and a file and/or accession number. BIBLIOGRAPHY, world literature

Anonymous. 1977b. Proceedings of the 1976 Conference of Researchers. (J) Laboratory Insect Pathology, Asakawa Forest, Govt. Forest Expt. Stn., Tokyo, 71 pp. Various segments throughout the proceedings refer to work on gypsy moth. Variability in susceptibility (p. 49-50) to cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) included a statement that reared 4th instar larvae were tested and that the Bihoro, Hokkaido, strain was less susceptible to CPV than larvae from Aizu, Fukushima, and Asakawa, Tokyo. This suggested that susceptibility to CPV was inherited. Collection of egg masses (p. 61-62) for maintenance of laboratory cultures were made and 9 pure strains and crosses among these were made. Results of some rearings (p. 63-64) showed that intersexes appeared in crosses from Kumamoto, Kyushu, females mated with males from laboratory strains originating from Iwate Prefecture. In crosses using Sapporo, Hokkaido, females mated with males of laboratory strains originating from Kanagawa, Fukushima, and Iwate Prefectures, only male progeny appeared. Females apparently failed to hatch. Field collection of 653 egg masses from Tokyo, Okinawa, Iwate, and Aichi Prefectures were made. PATHOLOGY, variable CPV susceptibility; CPV; GENETICS, intersexuality; VARIATION

Aoki, K. 1969. Diseases and insects of silkworm mulberry. (J) Publ. Dept., Japanese Sericultural Newspaper, vol. ? Under a segment on 'pests' of silkwonn. (Bombycidae), this book tabulates 3 tachinld parasites. All have now been confirmed as paraslLes oí gypsy moth. Biological infonnation on Blepharipa sericarlae of Authors (as Sturm!a) (Tachinidae) indicates that the gray-colored females 12

lay 3000-5000 eggs on the back surface of leaves. Injested eggs hatch in the digestive system after 30 days and larvae feed in ganglia and trachea. Larvae reach 2 cm in length, have 3 twisted spiracular slits and emerge from gypsy moth pupae to pupate on the ground. This tachinid has one generation per year (rarely two). Gypsy moth is cited as one of many alternate hosts. Pales pavida (Meigen) (Tachinidae) have females that are dark shining blue, 7-9 mm long and lay 1000-2000 eggs on the back surface of leaves. Injested eggs hatch in 40 days in the host digestive system, and larvae migrate into dorsal thoracic area where they reach 1 cm long, have 4 rod-like spiracular slits, and emerge from the host larvae and pupate on the ground. Yearly, 4-5 generations may occur, each requiring 17-24 days each. Exorista sorbillans (Wiedemann) (as Tricholyga) (Tachinidae) are greyish yellow, 12 mm long and lay 800 eggs on the host integument, where they hatch in 1-3 days and penetrate into the host thorax. Larvae reach 1 cm long, have 3 rod-like spiracular slits and emerge from host larvae to pupate on the ground. One generation requires 20 days, and 5-6 generations may occur annually. PARASITES, larval; BLEPHARIPA, EXORISTA, PALES

Aoki, J. 1974. Mixed infection of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar japónica Motschulskv (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), in a larch forest by Entomophthora aulicae (Feich.) Sorok. and Paecilomyces canadensis (Vuill.) Brown et Smith. (E) Appl. Entomol. Zool. 9(3):185-190. In a gypsy moth infested larch (Larix leptolepis) forest at Esashi, Iwate Prefecture, an epizootic was observed in 1972 in which about 99% of the population was killed by fungus. Of these disease-killed larvae, about 20% showed mixed infections of Entomophthora aulicae and Paecilomyces canadensis, while the remaining deaths were caused by E, aulicae alone. Dead larvae were found near the bases of trunks. OUTBREAK, epizootic; FUNGUS, Entomophthora, Paecilomyces; EPIZOOTIC

Aoki, J., K. Yanase, T. Yanbe and R. Koyama. 1976. Hibernation of resting spores of Entomophthora aulicae in egg masses of gypsy moth, Porthetria dispar. (E) Jour. Invert. Path. 27(3): 395-396. Resting spores or azygospores of Entomophthora aulicae were found in all gypsy moth egg masses sampled (150 from 3 forest areas)«in December 1974 following an epizootic in Iwate Prefecture during the summer of 1974. The resting spores are haline, spherical, with epispore smooth and 29-44 X 26-39 (av. 34 X 32) um in size, and containing three walls. Spores in the hairs of egg masses may help to carry the fungus over to the subsequent generation and help to perpetuate the fungus. PATHOLOGY, epizootic, ENTOMOPHTHORA, host egg mass

Aoshima, K. 1953. Report of gypsy moth infestation areas in Hokkaido. (J) Forest Protection News 20:176-177. 13

This report records the presence of an outbreak at Monbetsu in a forest of broad-leafed trees where white (Betula platyphylla) were abundant• Larch (Larlx leptolepis) were also damaged. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido; HOST PLANTS

Aratake, Y. and T. Kayamura. 1972. Cross transmission of polyhedrosis viruses of the gypsy moth, Ljnnantria dispar japónica Motschulsky, to the silkworm. Bombyx mori L., and other lepidopterous insects. (J, E summ.) Proc. Assoc. Plant Prot. Kyushu 18:17-20. A nuclear-polyhedrosis virus (NPV) of the Japanese gypsy moth was not infectious to silkworm, Bombyx mori (Bombycidae), but was infectious to the moths, Euproctis similis (L3miantriidae), Dendrolimus spectabilis (Lasiocampidae), and Clostera anastomosis (). A cytoplasmic-polyhedrisis virus (CPV) of gypsy moth was infectious to silkworm and 9 other lepidopterous larvae. Lymantria CPV showed a wider host range (pathogenic to 10 moth species) than the NPV and continued to be pathogenic to jB. mori after passage through six different alternate hosts. The CPV remained pathogenic to gypsy moth after repeated passage through B_. mori but the incubation period for a lethal infection was longer than in the original CPV isolate. PATHOLOGY; VIRUS, cross transmission; BOMBYX; EUPROCTIS; DENDROLIMUS; CLOSTERA.

Aratake, Y. and T. Kayamura. 1973. Pathogenicity of a cytoplasmic-polyhedrosis virus of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, for a number of lepidopterous insects. (J, E. summ.) Jpn. J. Appl. Ent. Zool. 17(2):101-106. Pathogenicity of two strains of CPV from Bombyx mori (Bombycidae) were tested on several lepidopterous larvae. Both strains of CPV, which occluded in hexagonal polyhedron and tetragonal polyhedron respectively, were transmitted to Japanese gypsy moth. Various other lepidoptera were susceptible also. PATHOLOGY, Bombyx CPV; VIRUS; CPV, Bombyx crosstransmission

Asano, S., K. Nakamura and Y. Matsushita. 1973. Some biological effects of Bacillus thuringiensis product on gypsy moth larvae. (J, E. summ.) Jpn. J. Appl. Ent. Zool. 17(3):141-146. Investigated the insecticidal and antifeeding effects of Bacillus thuringiensis (Thuricide A) using larvae of gypsy moth fed leaves of (Rosa sp.) treated with this product. Larvae showed decreased feeding but mortality was low, although it increased 3-8 days post-treatment. Larvae given a choice of treated and non-treated leaves readily avoided the treated leaves and fed on the untreated ones, confirming an antifeedant activity when bioassayed on Japanese gypsy moths. PATHOLOGY, Bacillus; THURICIDE; ANTIFEEDANT 14

Ashiba, M. 1958. Hymenopterous parasites and tachinids of Ijnnantriids. (J) Shin-konchu 11(9):32-34. This report tabulates a number of alternate hosts for gypsy moth parasites such Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidls (Bouche) (Braconidae) and Brachymeria lasus (Walker) (as JB. obscurata) (Chalcididae) from Euproctis similis (Fussly) (Ljnnantriidae) ; Exorista japónica (Townsend) (as Eutachina) (Tachinidae) from E^. similis> Euproctis flava (Bremer), and Euproctis pseudoconspersa Strand (as E^. conspersa) (Lymantriidae) ; and Carcelia gnava Meigen (Tachinidae) from E^. flava. PARASITES, larval; GLYPTAPANTELES; BRACHYMERIA; EXORISTA; CARCELIA; EUPROCTIS

Ashmead, W. H, 1906. Descriptions of new Hymenoptera from Japan. (E) Proc. U. S. Nat. Museum 30:190. Provides original description of Meteorus japonicus (Braconidae). No host associations were given. PARASITE, larvae; METEORUS

Beroza, M., K, Katagiri, Z. Iwata, H. Ishizuka, S. Suzuki, and B. A. Bierl. 1973. Disparlure and analogues as attractants for two Japanese Lymantriid moths. (E) Environ. Entomol. 2(5):966. Disparlure (cis-7, 8-epoxy-2methyloctadecane), the sex attractant of Lymantria (as Porthetria) dispar, was shown to be attractive to males of L. dispar japónica in tests in Honshu and Hokkaido. "" SEX ATTRACTANCY; BEHAVIOR, male; DISPARLURE

Bokura, U. 1921. Research on flachery disease of gypsy moth. (1). (J) Jour. Plant Disease & Insect Pests 8(12):615-622. Three bacteria were separated from diseased larvae of gypsy moth. One was Bacillus prodigosus Glugg., common in silkworms. Another was tested and it showed pathogenicity to gypsy moth and this was named Bacillus disparis Hori et Bokura. The third had no pathogenicity to gypsy moth alone but enhanced the pathogenicity of B^. prodigosus when tested in combination with it. PATHOLOGY; BACILLUS

Bokura, U. 1922. Research on flachery disease of gypsy moth. (2). (J) Jour. Plant Disease & Insect Pests 9(2):90-93. Presents the description of Bacillus disparis Hori et Bokura as: a middle-sized bacillus, 1-1.35 u long by 0.7 - 0.8 u wide. Mostly living solitarily, but in some cases two were linked together. Motile by using 6-8 flagella. Not decolored by Gram's stain. Deliquesces glue, coagulates milk, ferments glucose, sucrose, fructose, maltose and glactose. Does not 15 produce índole. Cultured on bouillon base, it makes its media alkaline, which reduces nitrate, produces ammonia gas and hydrogen sulfide, and has saccharification. Optimum temperature is 30-320 C. Withstands high temperatures but susceptible to low (die at -15^ C for 10 minutes). Gypsy moth larvae die 1-7 days after feeding on this bacillus. Silkworm and other insects were not susceptible. PATHOLOGY; BACILLUS

Brown, M. W. 1984. Literature review of Ooencyrtus kuvanae (Hym.: Encyrtidae), an egg parasite o^ Lymantria dispar (Lep. : Ljrmantriidae). (E) Entomophaga 29(3): 249-265. Literature on Ooencyrtus kuvanae (Howard) from throughout the world is reviewed. References from Asia, Japan, Europe, Africa and North America, covering the years 1900-1983, are included. The information is divided into the following subject areas: , host range, distribution and introductions, biology and life history, host suitability, behavior and spatial distribution, effectiveness and population dynamics. Suggestions for future research are presented. (Author's abstract) PARASITES, OOENCYRTUS, literature review, bibliography

Brown, M. W. and E. A. Cameron. 1982. Natural enemies of Lymantria dispar (Lep.: Ljnnantriidae) eggs in central Pennsylvania, U.S., and a review of the world literature on natural enemies of I^. dispar eggs. (E) Entomophaga 27(3): 311-321. In a survey of natural enemies of gypsy moth eggs in Pennsylvania, natural enemies found include Ooencyrtus kuvanae, Dibrachys cavus and Pediobius sp. (the latter two probably hyperparasitic). In the review of world literature, Ooencyrtus kuvanae (Howard) from Japan, Tyndarichus navae Howard from Japan, Anastatus japonicus Ashmead from Korea, and Pachyneura gifuensis Ashmead from Japan are cited from the Far East. Similarly, predators of eggs in thé Dermestidae include Dermestes sp*, Attagenus sp., Anthrenus verbasci (L. ) and A. museorum L., and in the Ptinidae, include Ptinus japónica Reitter, all citing Schaefer (1980). PARASITES, egg; OOENCYRTUS; DIBRACHYS; PEDIOBIUS; TYNDARICHUS; ANASTATUS; PACHYNEURA; PREDATORS, egg; DERMESTES; ATTAGENUS; ANTHRENUS; PTINUS

Bryke, F. in Strand, E. ed. 1934. Lepidopterorum catalogue Pars 62, Lymantriidae. (G) W. Junk, Berlin, , 441 pp. This world catalog of the species of Lymantriidae recognized at the time contains extensive taxonomic references to the taxa containing Lymantria dispar sensu lato. TAXONOMY; BIBLIOGRAPHY, taxonomic 16

Burgess, A. F. and S. S, Grossman. 1929. Imported insect enemies of the gipsy moth (sic) and the brown-tailed moth. (E) Ü. S. Dept. Agrie, Tech. Bull. no. 86, 147 pp. Although this bulletin is a comprehensive, detailed report of the efforts to introduce certain beneficial insects into North America, very little mention is made of work and/or material which originated in Japan. Reference to Japan is included in sections on Anastatus disparis (Ruschke) (probably referring to A. japonicus Ashmead) (Eupelmidae), while Ooencyrtus kuvanae Howard (as Schedius) (Encyrtidae), endemic to Japan and not Europe, was imported and established in North America. A section on Cotesia melanoscelus (as Apanteles) Ratzeburg (Braconidae) is only now applicable since this species has recently been recovered from Hokkaido. Further sections on Phobocampe disparis Viereck (as Hyposotor) (Ichneumonidae), Compsilura concinnata Meigen (Tachinidae), Blepharipa scutellata Robineau-Desvoidy (as Sturmia) (Tachinidae), Meteorus japonicus Ashmead (Braconidae), Carcelia separata Rondani (Tachinidae), Blepharipa sericariae Coronalia (as Crossocosmia) (Tachinidae), Brachymeria lasus (Walker) as JB. obscurata) (Chalcididae) has direct significance to work in the Orient since these species or their ecotypes are present. Many details are provided concerning early biological control work of the gypsy moth and the browntail moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea (Lymantriidae). BIOLOGICAL GONTROL; PARASITES; PREDATORS; NATUÉAL ENEMIES; ANASTATUS; OOENGYRTUS; PHOBOGAMPE; GOMPSILURA; GOTESIA; BLEPHARIPA; GARGELIA; BRAGHYMERIA; METEORUS; GALOSOMA; EUPROGTIS

Gampbell, R. W., L. G. Levitan, E. R. Sobecki, and M. F. Tardiff. 1978. Population dynamics of the gypsy moth: An annotated bibliography. (E) Northeast For. Exp. Stn., Broomall, PA, (U. S. Dept. of Agrie, For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-481), 124 pp. This annotated bibliography contains 592 references, each dealing with some aspect of the population dynamics of the gypsy moth. BIBLIOGRAPHY, population dynamica

Ghao, Ghung-Leng, ed. 1978. Memoirs of Ghinese Economic Entomology, vol. 12: Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae. (G) Scientific Publ. Genter, Peking, 121 pp, 21 color pi. In this taxonomic revision of the L)nnantriidae present in Ghina, the section on gypsy moth (pp. 74-76) contains descriptions of the insect, the life cycle, distribution, control methods and a listing of the natural enemies. In this latter list, 167 species of parasites or predators are listed, including records from the literature outside of Ghina. It is not clear if a list of natural enemies in Ghina was intended nor if any such list exists. TAXONOMY; BIOLOGY; DISTRIBUTION; GONTROL; NATURAL ENEMIES; GHINA 17

Chen, T. W., L, M. Xu, W. H. Chen and Y. Y. Huang. 1980. Records of some forest insect viruses. (C) Acta Entomológica Sinica 23(4):443-444. Among records of viruses from various forest insects in China, they list a nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) from Lymantria dispar. DISEASE; VIRUS, nuclear polyhedrosis

Cheng, Changjie. 1978. A preliminary study on the nuclear polyhedrosis virus of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar). (C, E summ.) Scientia Silvae Sinica 3:44-46. Following a naturally occurring epizootic in Lymantria dispar in Gei County, Liaoning Province, in 1976, a study of the causative agent revealed a nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV). In laboratory studies, the LC^O was measured at 2.1 X 105 PIBs/ml. and an application of 2.0 X 10^ PIBs/ml on 4th and 5th stage larvae produced 100% mortality within 15 days. DISEASE; VIRUS, nuclear polyhedrosis

Chin, M. 1936. Notes on two Hymenopterous parasites of Pieris rapae Linne. (C) Entomol. & Phytopath. 4:596-599. Records Brachymeria lasus (Walker) (as B^. obscurata) (Chalcicidae) as parasitic on Lymantria dispar pupae in China. PARASITE, pupal; BRACHYMERIA

Chosen, K. 1920. Pest wasp of and gypsy moth. (J) J. Plant Protection (3):frontispiece. Illustrates life stages of gypsy moth. No text is included. ILLUSTRATION, life stages

Chu, J. T. 1935. Preliminary notes on the -flies in Kiangsu and Checkiang Provinces, China. (C) 1924 Yearbook, Bur. Entomol. Hangchow 4:19-20. Records three collection sites for Meteorus japonicus (Braconidae) in China and lists host species in four lepidopterous families but does not include Li^antriidae). Citation in Watanabe (1939) questions this identification. PARASITE, larval; METEORUS

Clarke, Sir C. and E. B. Ford. 1980. Intersexuality in Lymantria dispar (L. ). A reassessment. (E) Proc. Royal Soc. London B 206:381-394. This investigation into the genetics of jL. dispar was based on material from Honshu, Shikoku and South Korea (but not Hokkaido) crossed with West German material. It involved rearing adults to characterize the intersexes in relation to normal progeny as well as to analyze the sex of larvae based 18 on a technique to identify sex by the presence of sex chromatin as exhibited by the heteropyknotic 'Smith' (S) body found only in females. This procedure permitted sex determination in live larvae through haemoljrmph samples obtained from an amputated proleg. The overall results are compared to Goldschmidt's (1934) findings and they only partially support his theories and findings. Although intersexes were produced, significantly fewer were obtained than Goldschmidt had reported. Where Goldschmidt predicted half of the females progeny from interracial crosses (Japan X German) to be intersexes, only five appeared among 360 females and 419 males. Similarly where half of the males were predicted as intersexes, only 23 of 164 males and 231 females resulted. The deficiency in intersexes puts further doubt on some of Goldschmidt's theories. These findings were discussed in light of the differences in techniques, sources of material, and selection pressures which have probably exerted their influence since Goldschmidt studied this topic. GENETICS, intersexuality; INTERSEXES

Comalia, E. 1870. The Ugi or Japanese worm parasite (Ugimya sericariae, Rondani). (I) Bull. del. Soc. Entomol. Italiana 2:217-227 (English translation by Agence Tunisienne de Public-Relations, Tunis, Tunisia, TT 75-55111, 1975, 14 typ. pp.) Provided developments in the known description and biology of the "Ugi" (possibly Blepharipa sericariae) (Tachinidae), the silkworm parasitoid in Japan. This parasite reportedly caused ca. 80% parasitism to silkworm thereby causing a shortage in silkworm egg production. Discussion of Ugi indicated that females deposited eggs on the host caterpillars, indicating that the author was not referring to Blepharipa, which lay micro-type eggs on host leaves awaiting consumption by the silkworms. This unusual means of parasite attack may explain why the author mentions that silkworm producers were at a loss to explain how the silkworms were being attack. (If Blepharipa was involved, the eggs were being brought in with the mulberry leaves (food)). Based on nearly mature adults extracted from killed puparia, author described the adults and accepts the name provided by Rondani (1870). Perhaps two different tachinids species were confused in these studies. PARASITE, silkworm; BLEPHARIPA; SILKWORM; "UGI"

Coulson, J. R., R. W. Fuester, P. W. Schaefer, L. R. Ertle, J. S. Kelleher and L. D. Roads. 1986. Exploration for and importation of natuiral enemies of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L. ) (Lepidoptera: Ljrmantriidae), in North America: An update. (E) Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 88(3):461-475. This report constitutes an update on the developments in gypsy moth research, biological control efforts, and on numerous taxonomic changes concerning natural enemies associated with gypsy moth since the publication by the U. S. Department of Agriculture compendium report (see Doane and McManus 1981). Only those changes that have significance to work in the Far 19

East and developments since the published report by Schaefer (1981) are highlighted here. Foreign exploration work has resulted in numerous shipments from Japan, China or Korea to the U.S. As a result of field collections and the resulting shipments, several records indicate extensions of known ranges of gypsy moth parasites (as noted parenthetically). These significant developments are extracted from a exhaustive table of "Foreign species of gypsy moth natural enemies shipped to the United States, 1963 - 1985.'* These include the collection of Cotesia melanoscelus (as melanoscela) (Ratzeburg) (Braconidae) from both Japan and Korea (new geographical record); Cotesia schaeferi (Marsh) (Braconidae) from both Japan and Korea (new to Korea), Glyptapantles liparidis (Bouche) (Braconidae) from China and Korea, Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael) (Braconidae) from Korea, Rogas lymantriae Watanabe from Japan, Casinaria arjuna Maheshwary & Gupta (Ichneumonidae) from Korea (new record), Coccygomimus disparis (Viereck) (Ichneumonidae) from Korea, Phobocampe lymantriae Gupta (Ichneumonidae) from Korea, Phobocampe unicincta (Gravenhorst) (Ichneumonidae) from Japan, Anastatus disparis Ruschka (may more properly be A. japonicus) (Eupelmidae) from Japan and China, Brachymeria lasus (Walker) (Chalcididae) from Korea, Robineauella pseudoscoparia (Kramer) (Sarcophagidae) from Japan, Blepharipa schineri (Mesnil) (Tachinidae) from China, Korea, and Japan, Blepharipa sp. indet. (Tachinidae) from Japan, Exorista japónica (Townsend) (Tachinidae) from Japan, Parasetigena silvestris (R.-D.) (Tachinidae) from Japan, China, and Korea, Parasetigena spp. indetermined but not silvestris (Tachinidae) from Japan (possible new species); Indetermined Tachinidae from Japan, Dinorhynchus dybowskyi Jakovlev (Pentatomidae) from Japan, Calosoma maximoviczi (Morawitz) (Carabidae) from Japan, Xylodrepa sexcarinata Motschulsky (Silphidae) from Japan, Hexamermis sp. (Nematoda; Mermithidae) from Japan (apparently two new species involved). Virus (NPV) samples from China, Korea and Japan, and fungus (Entornophthora) samples from Japan. As a result of the importation work, recent evidence suggests that the Asian species Coccygomimus disparis (Viereck) (Ichneumonidae) is now established in the northeastern United States. The origin of this establishment is either Japan (shipments made Aug. 1976) or India (shipments made in 1972), but the exact source is uncertain. Another encouragement is Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael) (Braconidae), as a single specimen was recently collected in Pennsylvania and may represent another establishment. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, Recent developments; IMPORTATIONS; EXPORTATIONS; ESTABLISHílENT, in U.S.; PARASITES; COTESIA; GLYPTAPANTELES; METEORUS; ROGAS; CASINARIA; COCCYGOMIMUS; PHOBOCALVIPE; ANASTATUS; BRACHYMERIA; ROBINEAUELLA; BLEPHARIPA; EXORISTA; PARASETIGENA; HEXAIffiRMIS; DINORHYNCHUS; CALOSOMA; XYLODREPA

Grossman, S. S. 1925. Two imported egg parasites of the gipsy (sic) moth, Anastatus bifasciatus Fonsc. and Schedius kuvanae Howard. (E) Jour. Agrie. Research 30(7): 643-675. Presented are details on the distribution, value as an egg parasite, colonization, propagation, alternate hosts, development and establishment in North America of both Ooencyrtus (as Schedius) kuvanae (Howard) 20

(Encyrtidae), which is endemic in Japan, and on Anastatus bifasciatus Fonsc, (Eupelmidae), which is primarily known from Europe but was also imported from Japan (those from Japan probably as A, japonicus Ashmead). The established Anastatus in America now is considered A. disparis Ruschka (but may have originated in Japan and may more properly be named A. japonicus). Extensive details on methods and all aspects of the introductions were recorded. PARASITES, egg; ANASTATUS; OOENCYRTUS; IMPORTATION

Doane, C. C. and M. L. McManus (eds.). 1981, The Gypsy Moth: Research Toward Integrated Pest Management U. S. Dept. of Agrie. Tech. Bui. 1584, 757pp. This comprehensive compilation by many contributors provides a relatively recent update on all aspects of research relative to the gypsy moth. It should be one of the first references consulted when engaging in a literature review. Arranged into nine chapters, topics include (1) Introduction (History of efforts mounted against the gypsy moth in the U.S.), (2) Bioecology of the gypsy moth, (3) Methods of gypsy moth detection and evaluation, (4) Population Dynamics, (5) Effects of Defoliation on trees and stands, (6) Alternative Controls, (7) Socioeconomic Impacts, (8) Pest management systems development, and (9) Summary (Program overview, present situation and future). Nearly all topics apply to work in the United States. However, one subject covered under Chapter 6: Alternative Controls, includes coverage on parasites of the gypsy moth and one contribution by Paul Schaefer is entitled "Explorations in Japan and Korea by the ARS Asian Parasite Laboratory, 1975-77" deals directly with the geographical coverage of this bibliography. Accordingly, this one contribution is abstracted separately (See Schaefer 1981). HISTORY; BIOECOLOGY; DETECTION & EVALUATION; POPULATION DYNAMICS; DEFOLIATION EFFECTS; CONTROL; BIOLOGICAL CONTROL; INSECTICIDES; MICROBIAL CONTROL; ; FEEDING DETERRENT; STERILE-MALE TECHNIQUES; SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT; PEST MANAGEMENT

Drea, J. J. 1978. A resume of recent studies made by the European Parasite Laboratory with Lymantria dispar and its natural enemies in Europe, Iran and Japan. (E) Zastita Bilja 29(1/2):119-125. Studies centered in Europe but reference is made to diminished gypsy moth parasite species abundance in Japan as compared to that in Europe. PARASITES, species abundance

Esaki, T, 1934. Diplopods disturbing railway trains. (J) Shokubutsu-oyobi dobutsu (Plants & ) 2(5):821-833. Cites an occasion in 1928 when railroad trains were unable to travel on tracks because of large quantities of gypsy moth larvae on the rails. OUTBREAK; RAILROAD, caterpillars on tracks 21 Ferguson, D. C. 1978. Lymantriidae. (E) In The moths of America north of Mexico, Fase. 22.2 (in part). The Curwen Press, London, England, 110 pp*, 9 pl. The author revises the family Lymantriidae in North America and considers the genus Lymantria insofar as it pertains to dispar, the only accidentally introduced species of this genus in North America. Important taxonomic and nomenclatural decisions were addressed, including correcting the usage of Lymantria dispar in lieu of Porthetria dispar which had been used extensively in the New World. TAXONOMY; NOMENCLATURE, Lymantria; DESCRIPTION

Forestry Agency, Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry. 1973. Annual Report on Forest Pest Conditions. (J) Ministry Agriculture & Forestry Publ., 53 pp. A segment on gypsy moth (pg. 11) contains a general description of the insect and recorded occurrences of outbreaks during the past years and, via a map, illustrates the distribution of damages for gypsy moth (also many other insects) during the 1973 season. Records indicate that in 1953, in Hokkaido, 410,000 ha were destroyed (noting that this was the greatest damage ever recorded). In 1958, in Shimane and Hiroshima Prefectures, 70,000 ha were damaged. Damage in other years was less that 20,000 ha. In 1973, 16,201 ha were damaged, mainly in Niigata, Toyama, and Ishikawa Prefectures, and this damaged area was about 5000 ha less than during the previous season. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido, Shimane, Niigata; DAMAGE LEVELS

French, E. W. 1974. The gypsy moth, Porthetria dispar (L.). An annotated bibliography 1890 - 1972. (E) Ü. S. Dept. of Agrie, Forest Service, Northeastern Area, State & Private Forestry, Delaware, Ohio 43015, 169 typ. pp. Bibliography from Forbush & Fernald (1896) included. Annotates 592 references on gypsy moth, mostly European and American, with author and subject indexes. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Fukaya, S. 1936. On the hymenopterous parasites of gypsy moth. (J) Jap. Jour. Appl. Zool 8:332-335. Recovered 16 species of parasites from gypsy moth, including five new host records, i.e. Exeristesoides spectabilis Matsumura (Ichneumonidae), Apanteles sp. (appears likely to be 'gregarious yellow' recently rediscovered and now referred to as Cotesia schaeferi Marsh), Rogas sp. and Phanerotoma sp., (Braconidae) and Anastatus albitarsis Ashmead (Encyrtidae)• Other species recovered include Coccygomimus (as ) disparis (Viereck) and Theronia atalantae Poda (Ichneumonidae), Meteorus sp. and Glyptapanteles liparidis (Bouche) (as Apanteles) (Braconidae), 22

Brachymeria lasus (Walker) (as B^. obscurata) (Chalcididae), Anastatus dísparis Ruschke (Eupelmidae); Ööemcyrtus kuwanae (Howard) (as 0. (Schedius) kuvanae Howard) (Encyrtidae), a pteromalid species, Exorlsta larvarum L. (as Tachina) and Blepharipa sericariae of Authors (as Crossocosmia) (Tachinidae), and an unidentified dipteran. Multiple parasitism was reported with Glyptapanteles liparidis, and Exorista larvarum (L.) (perhaps E. japónica) emerged from the same host. Cotesia schaeferi (as Apanteles sp.) was unlike G. liparidis, having coxae of all legs black and the color of the cocoons a light yellow-green. Collected material from two hosts at Kosugi, Kawasaki, Honshu. Thirteen cocoons appeared from both hosts on June 14th. PARASITES, multiple parasitism; ANASTATUS; APANTELES; BLEPHARIPA; BRACHYMERIA; COCCYGOMIMÜS; COTESIA; EXERISTESOIDES; EXORISTA; GLYPTAPANTELES; METEORUS; OOENCYRTUS; PHANEROTOMA; ROGAS; THERONIA

Fukaya, S. 1937. Hymenopterous parasites of gypsy moth. (J) Nogyo-Kenkyu (Agrie. Research) 7(2):154. This is an abstract of Fukaya (1936) which lists the same species of parasites as recorded in the earlier report. PARASITES

Fukaya, S. 1938. Effects of temperature and humidity upon the development of Apanteles liparidis Bouche and its parasites. (J) Jap. Jour. Appl. Zool. 10:234-244. Development of Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis (Braconidae) in a host was 14 days at 20^ C. Humidity had little effect. Rate of development increased with higher temperature between 10^ and 25^ C. Maximum temperature for emergence was 32^ C at over 70% RH, and no emergence occurred under 13^ C or over 30^ C at 60% RH. Gypsy moth hyperparasites which parasitized G. liparidis included Atoposomoidea ogimae, H^popteromalus sp. and Hemiteles sp. All required 12 - 15 days for development at 25^ C and 92% RH, which coincided closely with that of their host. PARASITES; HYPERPARASITES, development; GLYPTAPANTELES

Fukuizumi, Y. 1971. Rearing of Apanteles liparidis. (J) Forest Protection 20(10):230-232. Larval development of Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis (Braconidae) under natural conditions required 21 - 30 days in both Lymantria dispar and in Lymantria fumida (Lymantriidae), 46-54 days in Dendrolomus spectabilis (Lasiocampidae), and 30-42 days in Malacosoma neustria (Lasiocampidae). Development in the cocoon required 21, 7, and 4 days in March, May-June, and July respectively. Adults require a source of honey. Males live longer than females. Parasitized Dendrolimus hosts may be stored for 3 months at 7.5^ C. PARASITE; GLYPTAPANTELES, development; DENDROLIMUS; MALACOSOMA; FUMIDA 23

Fukuizumi, Y. 1973. Relationships between parasitism of Apanteles liparidis and its host's reaction. (J) Forest Protection 22(9): 203-206. Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis (Braconidae) can parasitize 1-3 instars of Dendrolimus spectabilis (Lasiocampidae), 1-6 instars in L^. dispar, and 1-4 instars in Lymantria fumida (Lymantriidae). Overwintering larvae of D^. spectabilis parasitized by G_. liparidis are 10 times heavier than non-parasitized caterpillars. When JS. liparidis is reared successively ^^ Jk* dispar, parasitism and number of progeny per host decrease suddenly. PARASITE; GLYPTAPANTELES, development, alternate hosts; DENDROLIMUS; FUMIDA

Furuno, T. 1964. On the feeding quantity of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar Linne) and the camphor silk moth (Dictyoploca japónica Butler). (J, E summ.) Jour. Jap. For. Soc. 46(1):14-19. Investigations on the correlation between the quantity of food and the amount of frass produced was investigated through individual rearings of gypsy moth and the camphor silk moth (Dictyopoca japónica) (Saturnidae). In gypsy moth fed on leaves of Quercus acutissima Carr., the quantity of leaf surface required was 700-1100 cm^ for males and 1100-1800 cm^ for females. In comparison with the total leaf area required, 60-70% of the food was consumed in the last instar. The average number of frass pellets produced was 1500 with little differences between the sexes. The correlations given for gypsy moth were: Log Quercus leaf area (cm^) = 0.8297 log frass dry wt (mg) + 0.01225 and Log Quercus dry wt (mg) = 0.8681 log frass dry wt (mg) + 0.60078. Corresponding data is also given for the camphor silk moth. DEVELOPMENT, food requirements; QUERCUS; CORRELATION, food quantity/frass; DICTYOPLOCA

Furuta, K. 1968. One method of population analysis by the 'inoculation* of insect pests at its latent period of outbreak. (J) Forest Protection News 17(6):2-5. Described is a method of population analysis involving the inoculation of insect pests into the population at the latent period. Gives an example using Dendrolimus spectabilis (Lasiocampidae). POPULATION, analysis; INOCULATION, population analysis; DENDROLIMUS

Furuta, K. 1972a. Integrated control of insect pests and the latent period of their outbreak. (J) Forest Experiment Stn. Newsletter no. 99, p. 1-2. Polyphagous predators such as birds are very important for the control of very low populations of insect pests, such as gypsy moth. POPULATION, control; BIRDS; PREDATORS 24

Furuta, K. 1972b. The effects of larval density and starvation on the weight of pupae and the number of eggs deposited. (J) Forest Protection News 21:92-95. Using leaves of Betula platyphylla, gypsy moth larvae were reared in groups of 5, 10 and 50. The weight of pupae in the 50/group was significantly lighter than in both smaller groups. Weight of female pupae and number of eggs deposited showed a direct linear relationship. Starvation at later instars scarcely influenced the resulting pupal weights. DEVELOPMENT, density effects; STARVATION; BETÜLA; PUPAL WEIGHTS; NUMBER EGGS

Furuta, K. 1972c. The relationship between population density and mortality in the range of latency of Lymantria dispar L. (J, E summ.) Jap. Jour. appl. Entomol. Zool. 16(3):121-126. In artifically established populations of gypsy moth in Hokkaido, mortality factors were analyzed during periods of latency of the gypsy moth population. Except for losses due to dispersal of the first instar larvae, most mortality was attributed to prédation by the sparrow, Passer montanus kaibatod MunsterjeIm, and other birds which fed on later stage larvae. Prédation was independent of larval density at first but changed to density dependent as development progressed. Most larvae were lost from the population during the 3rd and 4th instars. Parasitism by Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis (Braconidae) caused less than 20% mortality. Prédation by birds, beginning during the 3rd instar, was regarded as the major regulatory factor in the population. POPULATION, regulation; MORTALITY; PREDATORS, birds; BIRDS, Passer; PARASITE, Glyptapanteles

Furuta, K. 1973. Developmental zero temperature in gypsy moth in Hokkaido. (J) Forest Protection News 23(2):27-31. Using only female gypsy moth reared through the sixth instar and fed on larch (Larix leptolepis), developmental zero temperature was calculated at 2.48, 8.19, 8.20, 9.54, 6.56, and 6.46^ C for the egg, and instars one through five respectively. Developmental zero for the sixth instar was not determined because of an extremely slow development rate. DEVELOPMENT, developmental zero temperature

Furuta, K. 1974. Prédation of forest insects by birds as an environmental resistance factor. (J) Forest Protection News 23(2):27-31. Prédation by birds was evaluated in a very low-level gypsy moth population using the method of 'inoculation' of the pest into small plots consisting of small larch (Larix leptolepis) trees. When the larches were covered with small wire screen cages for elimination of bird prédation, 75% 25 of 3rd instar larvae pupated and 72% emerged as adults, while in trees with large sized screens (allowing smaller birds to enter freely), all larvae were killed by predators. The most important predator was Passer montanus kaibotoi. POPULATION, regulation; MORTALITY; PREDATION, birds; BIRDS; Passes; LARIX

Furuta, K. 1976. Studies on the dynamics of low-density populations of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, and todo-fir aphid. Cinara todocola; Analysis of the environmental resistance factors by artificial host increase methods. (J, E summ.) Bull. Govt. For. Exp. Sta. no. 279, 85 pp. Recognizing three types of low-density insect populations, this study investigated the mortality factors in a gypsy moth population that was low for a period of years and then occasionally increased to outbreak conditions. The interval between these outbreaks (latency period) was studied to identify the resistance factors during the latency period. The method used involved establishing small artificial populations and recording the mortality which occurs in these experimentally low populations. In a 100 ha larch (Larix leptolepis) plantation of 10-16-year-old trees, 3 plots of 500 larvae each showed 99% mortality, and in 3 other plots of 50 larvae each, the corresponding mortality was 90-92%. In a control cage open to parasites but excluding predators, 90% of the larvae completed the larval stage, and 10% of these were parasitized. Parasitism was not exceptionally high, whereas bird prédation was far more important as a regulating factor at low-density populations. Furthermore, bird prédation would normally eliminate the parasites as well as the host. During the trial, bird prédation rates increased gradually during the period and may be due to aggregative behavior responses by the birds. In released gypsy moth larvae on Betula platyphylla, larvae were released to observe the response of Sturnus sturninus to the population. In similar experiments over 3 seasons, prédation rates by birds appeared directly related to prey density. Thus S^. sturninus showed an aggregative behavioral response to gypsy moth prey densities causing density-dependent mortality. In gypsy moth populations released on larch trees, 90% of hatch larvae dispersed by ballooning, while the remaining larvae were devoured by birds, especially Passer montanus. In caged trees where prédation was prevented, 70% of larvae pupated and emerged. Again birds appeared responsible for population regulation during periods of latency. POPULATION, regulation; PREDATION, birds; STURNUS; PASSER; LARIX

Furuta, K. 1977a. Evaluation of spiders, Oxyopes sertatus and £. bidius (Oxyopidae) as mortality factor of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) and pine moth, Dendrolimus spectabilis (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae). (E) Appl. Entomol. Zool. 12(4): 313-324. Hunting spiders, Oxyopes sertatus and £. badius (Arachnida: Oxyopidae), occurring in pine (Pinus) plantations in Kyoto, Honshu, fed on 3rd instar gypsy moth larvae at a rate not exceeding 3 in 10 days. This rate was affected by the hunger of individual predators and on the number of prey. 26

In a pine plantation, one spider killed fewer than one 3rd instar gypsy moth. No aggregation to prey densities was observed and spider distribution was determined through dispersal, prédation by natural enemies and other factors, and was not sufficiently large to cause high mortality in macrolepidopterous caterpillars. The possible roles of spiders in determing the density of caterpillars were presented. PREDATION, spiders; SPIDERS, Oxyopes; PINUS

Furuta, K. 1977b. The mortality and distribution pattern of the low density population of gypsy moth. (J, E summ.) Jour. Japanese Forestry Society 59(11):428-430. Immigration and mortality rates were studied in a population of Lymantria dispar at Fushimi, Kyoto, during April-May 1976. The larvae had a contiguous distribution. Mortality due to prédation by birds was much greater in the survey plots where larval density was high than in the low-density plots. DISTRIBUTION, contigious; PREDATION, birds; MORTALITY, density dependent

Furuta, K. 1981a. Experimental analysis on the process of natural control of the gypsy moth populations at innocuous density levels in Hokkaido. (E) Proc. XVII Intern. Union Forest Res. Organiz World Congr. Japan, 1981, pp. 463-467. Using artificial field populations of gypsy moth larvae in Hokkaido, levels of environmental resistance were measured. Using various population densities, birds were shown to respond to the presence of the larval populations and caused high mortality in a density-ndependent manner. Local populations artificially produced were eliminated within one generation. Density-dependent mortality factors played the most important role in the natural control of gypsy moth populations at these innocuous levels. Birds responsible for this prédation were Sternus philippensis (Aves: Sturnidae) while larvae were also attacked by the , Exorista japónica (Tachinidae), but this occurred primarily in restricted areas. POPULATION DYNAMICS, low-density; PREDATION, birds; NATURAL CONTROL; PARASITES, Exorista

Furuta, K. 1981b. Natural regulation mechanisms of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, and the todo-fir aphid. Cinara todocola. (J) Forest Protection News (Forest Pests) 30(6):90-92. The author summarized his doctoral thesis (Furuta 1976). He emphasized the larval prédation by birds as the natural regulating mechanism of the gypsy moth population. Since birds showed both functional and numerical responses to the different larval numbers of local artificial populations, birds probably regulate abundance of the gypsy moth populations during the latency periods. PREDATION, birds; POPULATION REGULATION 27

Furuta, K. 1981c. Bird prédation and forest pest management. (J) Shokubutsu Boeki 35(8):357-362. The author summarized his original papers (Furuta 1976; 1982) from the viewpoint of forest management for insect pest control. Aggregative distribution within clumps of 10-20 trees was found in a larval population of gypsy moth in a young birch, Betula platyphylla Sukatchev, plantation. Predatory behavior of birds to aggregative larval populations was revealed using artificially introduced populations with different larval densities. Birds attacked more larvae with each passing day, and they changed their attacking behavior to a density-dependent manner. Sturnus philippensis (Sturnidae) continued to feed on larvae for longer periods at higher population densities, even after the larval density decreased due to depletion. Five plots were established in two forest stands, a natural forest (three plots) and a young birch plantation (two plots). Bird densities were higher in the natural forest (22 per ha) than in the plantation (six per ha). Although mean larval densities in the two forests were identical, survivorship curves were very different. Larval numbers decreased rapidly from mid-June in the natural forest with many birds present. However, in the plantation, larval numbers were rather constant until early July. Insectivorous birds (e.g. Parus major (Paridae) and Emberiza spodocephala (Fringillidae)) were observed eating gypsy moth larvae in the natural forest. It was concluded that forest management practices that attract insectivorous birds were useful for controlling pests. Establishing mixed species forests and uneven-aged plantings was proposed for such management. Bird-nesting boxes might also be useful in encouraging forest bird residency. SURVIVAL; MORTALITY; PREDATION, birds; BIRDS; PARUS; EMBERIZA; BIOLOGICAL CONTROL; FOREST PEST MANAGEMENT

Furuta, K. 1983. Behavioral response of the Japanese paper wasp (Polistes jadwigae Dalla Torre; H3nnenoptera : Vespidae) to the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L. : Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). (E) Appl. Entomol. Zool. 18(4):464-474. Larvae of gypsy moth were placed on trees in forests and the foraging behavior of jP. jadwigae was observed. The wasp showed aggregative response to the prey populations. When there were 50 or more larvae in the study plots, the number of the wasps foraging in the plot increased linearly day by day, and all of them succeeded in capturing larvae. The number of larvae disappearing in a day showed linear relationship with the number of wasps seen in a 15 min period at the same place. Most of the wasps shuttled between their nests and the foraging site and spent about 21 mln in capturing a and feeding their own larvae. When fewer larvae were placed, not all the wasps succeeded in capturing a larva, and the time spent for foraging was about 1.2 times longer. One hundred larvae, which were placed at 17 plots in four forests, showed a very high mortality rate in a 28

10-day period. Polistes wasps seemed to have foraged for the larvae at 16 of the 17 plots or sub-plots. (Author's abstract). LARVAL PREDATION; POLISTES; PREDATION, wasps; NATURAL ENEMIES

Furuta, K. and Y. Higashiura. 1974. The outbreak of gypsy moth at Furano, Hokkaido. (J) Forest Protection News 23(9):168-170. An outbreak of gypsy moth in a larch (Larix leptolepis) plantation less than 15 years of age is recorded. Although the area was not large, the damage was great. The authors investigated the numbers of egg masses deposited in both 1972 and 1973. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido; EGG MASSES

Furuta, K. and C. Koizumi. 1975. The mortality factors of experimental populations of Lymantria dispar in a larch plantation and natural forest. (J, E summ.) Jour. Jap. For. Soc. 57(12): 432-435. Mortality factors in experimentally established populations of gypsy moth were analyzed to elucidate the factors which stabilize the insect population during periods of low density. By placing gypsy moth larvae on trees of Betula ermanii var. communis in a natural forest and on Betula platyphylla in a 100 ha plantation, it was shown that over 90% of the larvae on both Betula species were killed in one month (in June & July), while only 65% of larvae were killed on Larix in the natural forest. Differences in mortality seem due directly to bird prédation. A nematode worm, Hexamermis sp. (misidentified as Gordioidea), parasitized about 20% of the larvae on the birch trees. A species of dipterous parasite caused high mortality and showed a tendency toward density dependency. POPULATION, regulation; MORTALITY; PREDATION, birds; PARASITES, Hexamermis, Diptera

Gerardi, M. H. and J. K. Grimm 1979. The history, biology, damage, and control of the gypsy moth, Porthetria dispar (L.). (E) Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press, Cranbury, NJ, 233 pp. All aspects of the North American gypsy moth are considered in the 19 rather short chapters. Aspects of control are covered most intensively with sterilization and chemical, biological, microbial, physical, and silvicultural control being considered separately. Other topics on behavior including dispersal, sex communication and mating, and population ecology are covered. Host plants and the effects of defoliation on tree physiological stress are discussed. Chapters on survey methods, quarantine, management and the future of the problem complete this book. CONTROL, chemical, sterilization, biological, microbial, physical, silvicultural; POPULATION ECOLOGY; DISPERSAL; BEHAVIOR; HOST PLANTS, effects of defoliation; SURVEY; QUARANTINE; MANAGEMENT 29

Giese, R. L. and M. L. Schneider. 1979. Cartographic comparisons of Eurasian gypsy moth distribution (Lymantria dispar L.; Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). (E) Entomol. News 90(1):1-16. Using published Eurasian distributions and locality records for Lymantria dispar, a zoned classification of gypsy moth distribution was constructed which depicted areas of reported outbreak or mere presence. This distribution roughly corresponds to a band across Eurasia (60^ N latitude south to 3(P N or 20o N west and east of 90o E respectively). The distribution generally corresponds to areas with annual precipitation of at least 10 cm and between average isotherms of 15-270 C for July and minus 18-12^ C for January. Major outbreak areas typically received 25-100 cm of precipitation and the largest such area was focused in the western third (40-55O N by 0-50O E) of the distribution band. DISTRIBUTION; OUTBREAK, Eurasia

Goldschmidt, R. 1934. Lymantria. (G) Biblio. Genet. 11:1-186. This comprehensive review is the culmination of nearly 25 years of study which focused primarily on genetic aspects of the gypsy moth of Asia, Europe, northern Africa, and America. Particular importance was placed on the Japanese gypsy moth because of the interesting differences in this moth within Japan. This evidence prompted the designation of "sex races" based on development, morphology and genetics, especially the expression of intersexuality. These sex races were analyzed in detail and a hypothesis of sex determination was formulated (subsequently this was shown to be inaccurate). Details on all aspects of geographic variation were included. A statement on evolution of gypsy moth was included and known mutations were listed. A shorter segment on L3nnantria mo nacha L. and the genetics of this pest follows that of the gypsy moth. A study of the gypsy moth in the Orient would be incomplete without referral first to this classic work. A bibliography of 107 citations, mostly European, was included, of which 68 were of previous works by Goldschmidt. BIBLIOGRAPHY; REVIEW; DISTRIBUTION; GENETICS, intersexes, sex determination; VARIATION; EVOLUTION; DEVELOPMENT; MORPHOLOGY, intersexes; SEX RACES; MONACHA

Griffiths, K. J. 1976. The parasites and predators of the gypsy moth: A review of the world literature with special application to Canada. (E) Canadian Forestry Service, Dept. Environment, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, P6A 5M7, Canada, Report O-X-243, 92 pp. Contains data on native distribution, life history and effectiveness of nearly 400 parasites and predators of the gypsy moth as well as data on attempts to colonize exotic species in North America. Extensive references. (Authors abstract) REVIEW/BIBLIOGRAPHY, natural enemies; PARASITES; PREDATORS 30

Griffiths, K. J. 1980. A bibliography of gypsy moth literature: Volume I and Volume II. (E) Canadian Forestry Service, Dept. Environment, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, P6A 5M7, Canada, Report O-X-312, 350 pp. This report contains 4140 citations from the world literature on the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.). Approximately three-fourths of the citations also contain references to abstracting journal entries. (Authors abstract) BIBLIOGRAPHY, world literature

Gupta, V. 1983. llie ichneumonid parasites associated with the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). Contrib. Aner. Entomol. Insti. 19, pt. 7, 168 pp. This contribution covers all recorded Ichneumonidae parasitic on the gypsy moth worldwide. Very valuable are lists of species (I) Parasitic on gypsy moth and commonly reared from field-collected specimens, (II) Species recorded from gypsy moth but these records not confirmed by examination of reared material, (III) Species definitely not associated with gypsy moth, (IV) Hyperparasites associated with gypsy moth, and (V) Parasites associated with Lymantria obfuscata. Keys to subfamilies, tribes, genera and species of Ichneumonidae are included. Although many species do not occur in the geographical area covered by this bibliography, genera and species covered in list I are Coccygomimus 6 spp., Itoplectis 4 spp., Ephialtes 2 spp., Theronia 1 sp. with 3 subsp., Iseropus 1 sp., Casinaria 2 spp., Campoletis 1 sp., Phobocampe 2 spp., Hyposoter 2 spp. and Lymantrichneumon 1 sp. Contained in List II are 38 species that have been recorded as associated with gypsy moth, but the identity of many of these species is doubtful and reconfirmation is needed. List III definitely eliminates many species that were once thought associated with gypsy moth. Hyperparasites listed in List IV include Mesochorus 12 sp., Acrolyta 1 sp., Atractodes 1 sp., Bathythrix 1 sp., Gelis 17 spp., Lysibia 1 sp., Mesoleptus 1 sp. and Phygadeuon 1 sp. with mention that some of the Pimpline species in Itoplectis and Theronia are faculatively hyperasitic through other ichneumonids. Five ichneumonids contained in List V were recovered from Lymantria obfuscata. Known details on each species covered include synonyms, redescriptions, size, specimens seen, distribution, hosts and biological notes. PARASITES, Coccygomimus, Itoplectis, Ephialtes, Theronia, Iseropus, Casinaria, Campoletis, Phobocampe, Hyposoter, Lymantrichneumon, Mesochorus, Acrolyta, Atractodes, Bathythrix, Gelis, Lysibia, Mesoleptus, Phygadeuon- ICHNEUMONIDAE, taxonomy; HYPERPARASITES

Gyotoku, N. 1957. An example of hibernation of Brachymeria obscurata Walker. (J) Shln-konchu 10(7):52. Overwintering adults of Brachymeria lasus (as obscurata) Walker (Chalcididae) were found under the bark of Chamaechyparis obtusa Endl. (Cupressaceae) in Fukuoka Prefecture. The 30+ adults were in two colonies 31

0.6-0.9 m and 1.5-1.8 m above ground. Both colonies were on the south-facing surface of the trunk. PARASITE, pupal; BRACHYMERIA, overwintering behavior; CHAMAECHYPARIS

Habu, A. 1962. Fauna Japónica, Chalcididae, Leucospididae and Podagrionidae (Insects: Hymenoptera). (E) Biographical Soc. Japan, Tokyo, 232 pp., 19 pi. This taxonomic monograph covers the genus Brachymeria (Chalcididae), which includes B^. lasus (Walker as jB. obscurata (Walker)) and B^. fiskei (Crawford). Brachymeria lasus, a primary parasite of jL. dispar pupae, occurs thoroughout Japan, Formosa and eastern Asia and has been introduced into Hawaii. It is highly polyphagous (over 100 recorded hosts) and occasionally is hyperparasitic on tachinidae. Extensive citations and host relationships are tabulated. Brachymeria fiskei is consistantly hyperparasitic, utilizing Blepharipa, Parasetigena, or other tachinid parasites of Li. dispar, and is distributed throughout Japan and much of eastern Asia. Oviposit ion by B^. fiskei occurs before the tachinid emerges from the lepidopterous host. PARASITE, pupal; BRACHYMERIA, taxonomy; HYPERPARASITE; BLEPHARIPA; PARASETIGENA

Hamazaki, S. 1931a. Castration of gypsy moth. (J) Kontyu 5(2):100-101. This article summarized the experiments of J. Th. Ondemans, "Falter aus kastrierten Raupen, wie sie aussehen und wie sie benehmen." (Zool. Jahrb. Abt. f. Sys. Geogr. u. ßiol. d. Tiere Bd., vol. 12, 1899) in which 32 larvae were castrated and 23 of these grew into adults (Males: 1 testis removed-1, both testes removed-4. Females: 1 ovary removed-15 [right-8, left-7], both ovaries removed-3). No differences appeared in secondary sex characters. Making normal females mate with males without testis, 70, 42, 160 eggs were obtained from 3 females and 5, 7, and 53 of these eggs hatched respectively. In experiments by H. Weyenbergh, ca. 400 eggs were obtained from ca. 60 unmated females. From these, 50 larvae hatched and 27 developed into adults (14 females). These females laid many eggs also without mating and many larvae hatched but no eggs of the next unmated generation hatched. Dissection of these eggs revealed developed embryos. Author concluded that parthenogenesis was induced through stimulus of sperraatheca by transportation of mucus from the male's accessory glands. REPRODUCTION, parthenogenesis; CASTRATION; GENETICS; PARTHENOGENESIS

Hamazaki, S. 1931b. Influences of castrating operations on gypsy moth. (J) Oyo-Dobutsugaku-Zasshi (Jap. J. Appl. Zool.) 3(2):144. This is a Japanese summary of the findings of Kopec (1921), "Archiv fur Entwicklungsmechanik der Orgamismen." who reported that when one gonad of gypsy moth larvae was removed, the remaining gonad in either male or female enlarged markedly but histologically the tissues were unchanged. Ovaries 32

removed after the 5th molt caused enlargement in length of ovarioles in remaining ovary to 9-18 cm and the number of eggs per ovarioles to 60-75 (normal condition 6-7 cm and 40-50 eggs). Removal of an ovary after the 3rd molt caused even larger egg production of the remaining ovary. When a testis was removed, the remaining one enlarged to about two times the normal size. When both gonads were removed, the vas deferens of males did not develop normally, and in females the oviduct hypertrophied. In males, the removal of one or both testis caused no abnormal changes in reproductive genitalia. CASTRATION; GONADS, removal of

Hamazaki, S. 1933. Control of tachinids of silkworm. (J) Oyo-Dobutsugaku-Zasshi (Jap. J. Appl. Zool.) 5(2):85-88. Tachinid (as common name, probably refers mostly to Blepharipa sericariae) (Diptera: Tachinidae) not only attack silkworm but many other lepidopterous hosts. Without feeding, the adults die before mating. Their food is flower nectar or sap, honeydew secreted by scale insects, termites, and especially aphids on and . Control of aphids by spray or natural enemies should be investigated as a factor to reduce the presence of tachinids. Aggregations of the tachinids were observed on trunks of pine. An effective trap might help to clarify this taxis to pine. Killing eggs of tachinids or hastening their embryonic development by chemicals was recommended as a control and to lessen damage to the silkworm industry. PARASITE, Blepharipa, behavior; SILKWORM, tachinid parasite; TACHINIDS

Hanson, J. B. and R. C. Reardon. 1973. Selected references pertaining to gypsy moth parasites and invertebrate predators. (E) Ü. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeast Area, State & Private Forestry, Delaware, Ohio 43105, 26 pp. This bibliography cites 263 non-annotated references to the parasites and predators of the gypsy moth. BIBLIOGRAPHY, natural enemies/parasites/predators

Hasegawa, Y. 1954. Process of controlling gypsy moth. (J) Forest Protection News 33:390. In Niigata Prefecture, Honshu, a gypsy moth outbreak first appeared in 1951, expanded in 1952 and spread northward in 1953. Disease appeared in the original area in 1953. Control was attempted by spraying larval stages, collection of pupae for destruction, attraction of adults to light traps or fires, and collection of egg masses from which egg parasites were allowed to emerge and return to the forests while the newly-emerged unparasitized larvae were killed. OUTBREAK, Niigata; CHEMICAL CONTROL, spray; MECHANICAL CONTROL, light traps, destruction pupae, collection eggs; EGG PARASITE 33

Hayashi, T. 1928. Controlling the gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 32(372):285-286. Presented is the recommended method of gypsy moth control, that is the collection of egg masses for destruction by burning. This could be done from fall through early spring. For masses high on the trees, a long stick with a petroleum-soaked rag attached can be used to douse the egg masses to kill the eggs. MECHANICAL CONTROL, egg mass destruction, petroleum; CHEMICAL CONTROL, petroleum

Hidaka, T. 1976. Function of lepidopteran sex pheromones in the natural . (E) Proc. Symposium Insect Pheromones & their Applications, Nagaoka, Tokyo, Dec. 8-11, 1976, pp. 61-64. The diurnal mating flight of Lymantria dispar was found to be similar in mate-finding behavioral sequence to that of Hyphantria cunea (Arctiidae), i.e. specifically it was as follows: (1) Males fly straight-line "random" flights; (2) Females remain sedentary, (3) Effective range of male was 3 m from the female, at which point the male shows a sinuous searching flight pattern; (4) Vision is stimulated by white object with raised wings; (5) Once finding a female, the male touches it with his antennae; after which, (6) Pairing follows promptly. It is suggested that the limited sphere of effectiveness of the natural sex pheromone assures dispersal of the males and prevents inbreeding. PHEROMONE; MATING BEHAVIOR; MATE RECOGNITION, visual; GENETIC, prevention of inbreeding

Higashiura, Y. 1974. The outbreaks of gypsy moth in Furano district 2. (J) Forest Protection News 23(9):170-172. Complete defoliation of larch (Larix leptolepis) occurred at Nisshin, Kamifurano, Hokkaido, in 1.4 and 0.6 ha of 8- and 15-year-old trees. Egg masses totaled 6.4 +/- 5.9 old and 12.8 +/- 15.8 new egg masses per tree (N = 165). At Hinode, Kamifurano, defoliation of 0.4 ha of 8 year old larches with 2.8 +/- 5.4 old and 2.0 +/- 2.6 new egg masses per tree occurred. Eggs per mass (N) were estimated by the length X width (in cm^) or 'D' and the relationship was given by N = 82.8 X D-8.4 (r^ = 0.77). Distribution of egg masses was contagious (clustered). Hatchability of 500 eggs was 89.6%, and 13.9% of early stage larvae were killed by virus. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido; VIRUS; EGG MASS, density, eggs per mass; EGG, hatchability

Higashiura, Y. 1978. Evaluation of bird prédation of egg masses of gypsy moth and its description by Holling's disc equation using C-D ruler. (J) Soc. Res. Population Ecol. trans. 31:33-36. Studies in Bibai, Hokkaido, in a white birch (Betula platyphylla) forest from 1974 through 1978 showed that bird prédation of gypsy moth egg 34

masses began in late November, but birds usually only scratched the egg mass surface until early January. Prédation of egg masses peaked in early February when snow averaged 1 m deep. Almost all prédation occurred during periods of heavy snow cover, with some prédation occurring as late as April. Bird species were not specifically identified, but it's likely the Japanese great tit (Parus major) (Paridae) was involved. No constant relationship occurred between density of egg masses and prédation rate. The latter varied greatly among seasons and was closely related to the total amount of snow, greatest in 1976, following in order 1974, 1975, and 1977. More than 50% of egg masses were lower than 3 m on trunks, and the rate of prédation (checked at 0.5 m height intervals) increased immediately above 1 m of height on the trees. Those higher egg masses were more frequently attacked. The author concluded that birds fed on egg masses when snow depth exceeded 1 m, this explained using the Rolling's disc equation for prédation during 1976 (Illustrated in a figure). PREDATION, eggs; BIRDS, Parus; EGG MASS, prédation, density

Higashiura, Y. 1980. Analysis of factors affecting bird prédation on gypsy moth egg masses by using Rolling's disc-equation. (E, J summ.) Res. Popul. Ecol. 22(1):147-162. Analysis of gypsy moth egg prédation by birds during winter months in Rokkaido revealed that prédation was nearly independent of egg mass density at low egg mass densities but became inversely proportional to density when at height egg mass densities. Prédation was shown to be highest when snow accumulation exceeded 1 m in depth. The snow tended to protect egg masses low on trees from the birds, thus favoring gypsy moth survival. Birds responsible for egg prédation was primarilly the great tit. Parus major (Paridae), but the jay, Garrulus glandarius (Corvidae), was recorded feeding on eggs from the ground or snow surface, and the nuthatch, Sitta europaea (Sittidae), is cited as another egg predator. PREDATION, birds; NATURAL MORTALITY, dependence on snow; BIRDS, predators of eggs

Rigashiura, Y. 1984. Oviposition site in the gypsy moth in Kashihara, Nara Prefecture. (J) Nature Study 30(2):17-19. Differences in oviposition site preference in the gypsy moth was found between two populations in Nara and Hokkaido Prefectures. In heavy snow regions of Rokkaido, most moths oviposited under 2 m high on tree trunks. In contrast, at Nara, where only slight snow occurred, females deposited egg masses in tree crowns. Since bird prédation on the egg mass was concentrated during February and early March in Bibai, Hokkaido, egg masses deposited on the lower part of tree trunks were protected by the insulative effects of the snow and also protected from bird prédation pressure. This prédation is probably an evolutionary force in the oviposition site selection by the gypsy moth. The prelerred hosts In NüHJ were SaLlx spj). , Ce It is sinensls and 35

Zelkova serrata. The moths deposited few egg masses on Prunus spp. and Cryptomeria japónica. OVIPOSITION, preference (Nara); EGG MASS, distribution, height; SALIX, CELTIS; ZELKOVA; PRUNUS, CRYPTOMERIA;

Higashiura, Y. 1987. Larval densities and a life-table for the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, estimated using the head-capsule collection method. Ecological Entomol. 12(1):25-30. In order to estimate the absolute larval density in each stage of a larval population of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L., in a deciduous forest in northern Japan, the head-capsule collection method was used. An estimate by this method was compared with estimates based on two kinds of frass collection methods. IWenty-one traps made of cloth were put in a study plot. Each trap was of 24.5 cm diameter. Larval head-capsules falling into the traps were collected and sorted by hand. On the first sampling occasion, the population was also estimated using the frass-collection method. Larval numbers estimated by the head-capsule collectiom method were almost identical to estimates by the two frass methods. Larval numbers entering the four larval instar were successfully estimated by the head-capsule collection method, and a age-specific life table was established using the resultant estimates. (Author's abstract) LARVAL POPULATION ESTMATION, head capsule vs. frass methods; POPULATION DENSITY; LIFE-TABLE

Higashiura, Y. and K. Kamijo. 1977. Ovipositional sites of gypsy moth. (J) Meet. Res. Forestry, transact. 1976, pp. 106-107. Reports on the distribution of gypsy moth egg masses at an area in Higashimokoto, Abashiri district, Hokkaido Prefecture, where 97.1% of egg masses were on Betula platyphylla, with 1.4%, 1.3% and 0.2% on Acer mono, Juglans mandshurica, and Quercus crispula respectively in a natural deciduous forest. Overall density was 9,700 old and 46,000 new egg masses/ha. At Kiyosato, Abashiri district, the distribution of egg masses relative to the distance from the forest edge showed that most were located on trees along the edge of the forest. No inference is made that female flight in either direction caused the observed egg mass distribution. EGG MASS, distribution, density; HOSTS, ovipositional

Higashiura, Y. and K. Kamijo. 1978. Mortality factors during the declining phase of a gypsy moth outbreak in a larch plantation in Hokkaido, Japan. (J, E summ.) Bull. Hokkaido For. Exp. Sta. bull. no. 15, pp. 9-16. Mortality factors present in gypsy moth populations in larch plantations (Larix leptolepis) 5-15 years of age were studied at Nakafurano, Hokkaido. As the outbreak began in 1973-74, the study commenced in 1974, and by 1975 no egg masses were found in the plantation. During this decline, mortality factors were identified and life-tables constructed 36 indicating that nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) was responsible for high mortality, especially during the 1st instar when 32% were killed by this virus. Following this, another peak of mortality occurred in the 3rd instar suggesting that the source of the inoculum was the dead 1st instar larvae. Parasitism was not high in 1974 but reached 54.2% in 3rd and 4th instar larvae during 1975. Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae) was the most important parasite. A solitary Apanteles sp. (undescribed, either Cotesia melanoscelus or Protapanteles lymantriae (Marsh) (Braconidae)) caused 20%, 3%, and 4.3% parasitism in three collecting sites in 1975. Hyposoter vierecki Townes (Ichneumonidae) caused 7 and 3% parasitism while Rogas l3naantriae Watanabe (Braconidae) caused 1% parasitism, in one collection. At Nakafurano, total parasitism in 3rd and 4th instar larvae was 8.3% in 1974 and increased to 51% in 1975. In 5th and 6th instar larvae, total parasitism reached 52% with 32% of this due to G^. liparidis, with the remaining parasitism attributable to tachinids. No egg parasites were detected. The predator, Dinorhynchus dybowskyi Jakovlev (Pentatomidae), was noted as feeding on last stage larvae, but the significance of this mortality was not assessed. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido; PARASITES, tachinids, Cotesia, Glyptapanteles, ifyposotor, Protapanteles, Rogas; PREDATOR, Dinorhynchus; LIFE-TABLES; MORTALITY FACTORS

Hirano, M. 1954. Two types of spermatozoa of gypsy moth in Sendai district (Honshu). (J) Dobutsugaku-Zasshi (Zool. Mag.) 65(11/12):430-431. Rearings of gypsy moth from five egg masses collected at Sendai, Honshu, produced a constant ratio of sperm types, both among eggs of one mass and among masses. From one egg mass, half the larvae were reared on different kinds of food (without stating what species of plant), while the rest were reared on only one food species. Variable food was better than the single food since body length (1.96 vs. 1.89 cm), number of spermatozoa bundles (870 vs. 647), ratio of sperm types (normal/heteromorphic (acephalous) 0.476 vs. 0.467), and length of spermatozoa bundles of normal type (1140 u vs. 1141 u) differed somewhat. The sex ratio obtained was 100 females to 109 males. FOOD QUALITY, effects of; SPERMATOZOA, types of, effected by food; SEX ÎIATI0

Hirano, I. 1955a. Desultory talks on plant protection (4). (J) Osaka Plant Protection 4(41):150-151. In this presentation the author cited the history of gypsy moth outbreaks in Japan as follows: 1883, Hokkaido; 1906, Saitama; 1910, Gifu; 1916, Nagano and Saitama; 1917, Sanin and Sanyo districts; 1926, Hokkaido and Kanto district; 1927-28, Hokkaido; 1941, Yamagata and Akita; 1947-48, Hokkaido; 1951, Ishikawa and Toyama; 1952-53, Hokkaido, Ishikawa, and Niigata. Following this, the history of the invasion of the gypsy moth into North America is told. OUTBREAK, history 37

Hirano, I. 1955b. Partial hatch of non-hibernating eggs of gypsy moth. (J) Osaka Plant Protection 3(34):358. Collected gypsy moth eggs hatched 9 March 1922. Reared larvae pupated on 24 May and adults emerged 10 June and oviposited on 17 June. Partial hatch of these eggs occurred on 6 December. REARING; EGG HATCH, prediapause

Hirano, I. 1955c. The list of Japanese references on insects. No. 136 Lymantriidae. (J) Osaka Plant Protection 4(45):319-326. Lists Japanese references to the family Lymantriidae and contains a few pertaining to closely allied forms of Lymantria, some of which are synonymous with L^. dispar, BIBLIOGRAPHY, Lymantriidae; VARIATION

Hirano, I. 1955d. The list of Japanese references on insects. No. 137: Lymantria dispar Linnaeus. (J) Osaka Plant Protection 4(45): 327-335. Lists 180 references to the gypsy moth. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Hirose, Y. 1969. Comparative ecology of some hjmienopterous egg parasites of the pine moth, Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), with special reference to the factors affecting their efficiency as natural enemies. (J, E summ.) Sei. Bull. Faculty Agrie. Kyushu Univ. 24(2):115-148. Contains biological comparisons of five egg parasitoids attacking Dendrolimus spectabilis in pine forests in Fukuoka, Kyushu. Details are presented on each species; all but Anas;tat|is gastropachae (Eupelmidae) and Telenomus dendrolimi (Scelionidae) are elsewhere recorded as gypsy moth parasites. Triehogramma dendrolimi (Trichogrammatidae) has a mean fecundity of 186, a sex ratio which favors female by ca. 87% due to deuterotokous parthenogenesis, and a developmental period of 8 days at 28^ C. Three generations may occur on one host generation. Adults are short-lived (mean 11 days at 28^ C). Parasite populations are restricted since no alternate hosts exist in pine forests for overwintering. Invasion from surrounding deciduous forests initiates the first generation in pine eggs. Many other host eggs are attacked. The number of parasites produced per host egg was 15 - 29 progeny and, on average, each female attacks only nine host eggs. Females prefer to attack egg masses in high tree crowns. Hyperparasitism by Pachyneuron sp. was recorded rarely. Telenomus dendrolimi (Scelionidae) has a mean fecundity of 70 and developmental period of 12 days at 28^ C, permitting two generations on one D. spectabilis generation. This species is arrhenotokous parthenogenic and 75% - 86% of progeny are females. Females fed honey lived for 50 days 38 at 28^ C. Females prefer ovipositon in host egg masses in the lower tree crown and 5-7 parasites develop per host egg. Hyloicus caligineus Butler acted as the only alternate host in the forest studied. Anastatus japonicus, A. gastropachae, and Pseudanastatus albitarsis (Eupelmidae) are all synovigenic with long-lived adults (53, 28, and 26 days at 28^ C), have long developmental periods (20, 20, and 16 days at 28^ C), and produce progeny which favor females (84%, 79%-86%, and 75%-79%) for the three species respectively. Fecundity for all three species was high. In A. japonicus this was 153 eggs or more. As long-lived adults require a food source, nectar-bearing flowers or honeydew, the scarcity of these foods was a limiting factor in the pine forest. Females were capable of ovisorption. One generation occurred per host generation. These species are arrhenotokous parthenogenetic. All species were solitary egg parasitoids and may live the entire year attacking only pine moth eggs in Kyushu. PARASITES, egg; DENDROLIMUS, egg parasites; ANASTATÜS; TRICHOGRAMMA; TELENOMUS; PSEUDANASTATUS; HYLOICUS;

Hirose, Y., M. Shiga, and F. Nakasuji. 1968. Interspecific relations among three h3rmenopterous egg parasites of the pine moth, Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), in the Japanese black pine forest. I. Methods of the study and general sketches of the biology of the host and parasites. (E) Jour. Faculty Agrie, Kyushu Univ. 14(3) :459-472. Although this study concentrated on the pine caterpillar moth, Dendrolimus spectabilis, and its egg parasites, details are presented on interspecific relationships among Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura (Trichogrammatidae), Telenomus dendrolimi (Matsumura) (Scelionidae) and Anastatus japonicus Ashmead (Eupelmidae). Of these three species, only Telenomus dendrolimi is not recorded as an egg parasite of the gypsy moth. Details on the life history of these parasites may have significance to the ecology of gypsy moth since both Dendrolimus and gypsy moth may serve as alternate hosts for these egg parasites. PARASITE, egg; DENDROLIMUS; ANASTATUS; TELENOMUS; TRICHOGRAMMA

Hongo, J. 1955. A mature larva of gypsy moth. Shin-Konchu 8(10):34. Presents only a photograph of a mature gypsy moth larva. PHOTOGRAPH, larva

Honjo, I. 1947. Tropisms of animals. (J) Hoppo Publ. Co. Ltd., Sapporo, Hokkaido, 120 pp. Cited (pp. 74-75) are the experiments of A. Hundertmark who demonstrated that gypsy moth larvae tend to go straight to a tree or to a vertical black line against a white background. Larvae oriented to black lines equally at any compass direction, but they prefer longer and wider lines. The minimum width discernable was 12 cm thick at 30 cm distance. If the width of the black line is very large, larvae orient toward the margin 39 between black and white. This reaction results from a most primitive vision form. This behavior results from telotaxis. BEHAVIOR, larval orientation

Hori, M. 1922. Remarks on some habits of Dinorhynchus dybowskyi. (J) Insect World 26(294):45-50. Discussed is the life cycle of Dinorhynchus dybowskyi Jakovlev (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae) which is a predator of lepidopterous larvae, including the gypsy moth. Its eggs hatch in early June and nymphs reach adult stage by mid-July, after which mating and oviposition (in two columns of 30 - 50 eggs laid on the bark of trees) lasts into early September in Hokkaido. Further discussed is the importance of other predatory pentatomids as beneficial insects. PREDATOR, Dinorhynchus, biology; BENEFICIAL INSECTS

Hori, ("Hitosi" from another source). 1953. Outbreak warning of gypsy moth in Hokkaido. (J) Plant Protection 7(7): 240-241. In 1952, an outbreak of gypsy moth occurred in parts of Abashiri, Hokkaido, and it was predicted to continue into 1953. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido 1953

Igarashi, M. 1974. The development of Apanteles liparidis on pine moth caterpillars. (J) Jap. Forestry Soc. trans. 85th Meeting, p. 195-196. Studies on Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae) included the collection of parasitized larvae of Dendrolimus spectabilis overwintering in a red pine forest (Kitakami) and a white pine forest (Kouma, Tamayama) in Iwate prefecture in March 1972. The average weight of larvae was 288 +/- 107 mg (r = 161 - 673) and 253 +/- 110 mg (r = 88 - 478) for the two forest types, and the average number of G_. liparidis emerging per host was 14.8 (max. 39). Some larvae were multiple-parasitized by Carcelia bombylans R.-D. (Tachinidae), which indicates that overwintering by this species occurs within the D^. spectabilis host. Using pooled data for the locations, total effective temperatures and developmental zero were calculated and tabulated. The regression of development to temperature from warming to emergence of adults was given by the equation, V = -2.61 + 0.47 T. Developmental zero was 5.6^ C, which required 213 day-degrees Centigrade. Using this equation and temperature date for the locations, the date of first emergence of G^. liparidis was calculated as 11 May (Kitakami) and 15 May (Kouma), but these dates were not confirmed in the field. PARASITE, larval; GLYPTAPANTELES, development; DENDROLIMUS; CARCELIA 40

Igarashi, Y. 1982. Life history of Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) in Kochi, Shikoku. (J) Jour. Jap. For. Soc. 64(12): 486-490. Larval development of the Kochi race of the gypsy moth was investigated by rearing larvae both individually and collectively on leaves of three host plants, Alnus hirsuta, Corylopsis spicata and Liquidambar formosana. The number of larval instars increased from larvae fed on jL. formosana (females: 5 & 6 instars; males: 5 instars) to those fed on A. hirsuta (females: 5 & 6 instars and 7 instars in a feW; male: 5 & 6 instars) to those fed on jC. spicata (females: 6 instars in a few, 7 & 8 instars, and 9 instars in a few; male: 6, 7 & 8 instars). ITie number of larval instars decreased in larvae reared collectively. Larval mortality occurred mostly in the first instar in larvae fed on C. spicata and L,. formosana, and 70% - 80% of these larvae pupated. In A. hirsuta, larval mortality increased in the third instar, and reached 40%"~- 50%. A. hirsuta seemed to be an unsuitable host. Adult emergence was earliest in larvae fed on L,. formosana and latest in those fed on A. hirsuta. Larval periods increased with increasing additional molts. The shortest period was 54 days in fifth instar larvae (male) reared collectively on I^. formosana. The longest period was 99 days in ninth instar larvae (female) reared individually on jC. spicata. The additional molting larvae shortened the period of each instar after the first instar. w The development of the Kochi race of gypsy moth differed in its food plants. Larvae fed on suitable foods reduced the number of molts and shortened their larval periods. Log-width of head capsule exuviae to instar number was represented by two lines which intersected at the third instar. DEVELOPMENT; HOST PLANTS; FOOD, quality; SHIKOKU; INSTAR, numbers of; ALNUS; CORYLOPSIS; LIQUIDAMBAR

Imazeki, M. 1951. Important plant diseases and insect pests in forests this year and their control. (J) Plant Protection 12:35-37. Most serious damage caused by the gypsy moth in 1951 occurred in the western part of Ishikawa Prefecture. OUTBREAK, Ishikawa 1951

Inoue, H. 1957. A revision of the Japanese Lymantriidae (II). (E) Med. & Biol. 10:187-219. As the second part of a family revision, the genus Lymantria is considered. Under L.. dispar, five subspecies are recognized including hokkaidoensis Goldschmidt, japónica (Motschulsky), obscura Goldschmidt, tsushimensis Inoue, postalba Inoue, and a possible aberration umbrosa (Butler). TAXONOMY; DISTRIBUTION; VARIATION; SUBSPECIES 41

Inoue, H. 1959. Lepidoptera: Family Lymantriidae. (J) In Inoue, H., M. Okano et al. ed. Iconographia Insectorum, Japonicorum Colore natural! edition. Vol. 1 Hokuryukan Publ. Co., Tokyo, Japan 284 pp. + indexes. Provides color illustrations of adults of Lymantria dispar subspecies japónica. Adult emergence period listed as July - August, males diurnally active, females generally inactive. Distribution given as Honshu, Shinkoku, Kyushu. States that sometimes abnormal outbreaks occur in the northern half of Japan. TAXONOMY; DISTRIBUTION; BEHAVIOR; EMERGENCE PERIOD; OUTBREAKS

Inoue, H. 1982. Studies on the mode of foraging of the gregarious assassin bug, Agriosphodrus dohrni Signoret. (E) Res. Popul. Ecol. 24:211-223. Details into the biology and behavior of Agriosphodrus dohrni (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) were studied in the vicinity of Kyoto, Honshu. This diurnally active but slow moving predator was found to feed on a wide variety of insects (representive of seven orders) and other , and frequently group fed to apparently enhance the overall survival of the group's individuals. Among the Lepidoptera selected as prey when available, Lymantria dispar japónica was attacked, especially during May when these larvae were available. LARVAL PREDATION; PREDATOR, Agriosphodrus

Inoue, M. 1954a. Gypsy moth outbreak in Hokkaido. (J) Forest Protection News 27:289-292. Records a serious gypsy moth outbreak in Monbetsu, Hokkaido. Recorded predatory species (one each Silphidae, Staphylinidae, Dermestidae, Anisolabidae, Formicidae), parasites (three Ichneumonidae, one Braconidae, and 2 Tachinidae) and a high level of virus wilt disease. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido 1954; PARASITES; PREDATORS; DISEASE, wilt

Inoue, M. 1954b. The outbreak of gypsy moth in Hokkaido. (J) Hopporingyo 60:59-61. Reports on the gypsy moth situation in Hokkaido, with details reported elsewhere (Inoue 1954; Kosugi 1954; Kato 1954; Koyama 1954), all in Forest Protection News. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido 1954

Inouye, H. 1952. Biology of Calosoma maderae chínense Kirby. (J) Shin-Konchu 5(2):42. Campalita (Calosoma) chínense Kirby (as Calosoma maderae chínense 42

Kerby) (Coleóptera: Carabidae) is a common predator of lepidopterous larvae in Hokkaido. It is univoltine, first appears in mid-May and is most active early July to late /itigust. Egg laid individually in soil hatch in 7 - 10 days, larvae appear on the soil surface in two days, and development requires 5-8, 7~10, and 10-14 days for the first through third instars respectively. Prepupae are found in soil (2-5 mm deep) for 2-3 days and pupal stage lasts 7-11 days. Adults are active until late September and then overwinter in soil (5-20 mm deep). Overwintering may also occur in the third instar to complete development the following spring. As predators, the third instar larvae are the most voracious, as are adults. This predator is recorded as feeding on Agrotis (3 spp.) and Mamestra (both ). PREDATOR, Carapalita, biology; CALOSOMA (see Campalita); AGROTIS, MAMESTRA

Inouye, H. 1953. Biology of Calosoma máximoviezi. (J) Shin-Konchu 6(2):34. The predator Calosoma maximoviczi Morawitz (Coleóptera: Carabidae) is univoltine. In mid-May it appears and is active only during the middle of the day. In early June its activity increases, especially in early morning and evening, and mating and oviposition begin. Progeny develop to adults by August. In early October they start hibernating in decaying, fallen trees or in soil of hillsides which have a southern exposure. Immature and adult beetles attack lepidopterous larvae (which may include gypsy moth but not herein recorded). Observed prey include Lymantria mathura (as I., aurora Butler) (Lymantriidae), Zeuzera leucontum Butler (Cossidae), Camptoloma interiorata Walker (Arctiidae) and Naganoea manleyi Leech (Notodontidae). PREDATOR, Calosoma, biology

Inouye, H. 1954. Biology of Damaster blaptoides rugipennis. (J) Shin-Konchu 7(3):34-35. The carabid, Carabus (Damaster) blaptoides Kollar subsp. rugipennis Motschulsky (as used in title), has one generation per year. In Hokkaido, it appears in middle to late May from overwintering sites. Mating and oviposition begin in early June. Females have ca. five eggs which are individually laid in holes in soil. The egg stage takes 15-20 days and first through third instar larvae require 7-10, 10-15, and 15-20 days respectively. Adults emerge in August, then enter hibernation by the end of September. Diurnally active, adults can easily climb trees where they prey mainly on snails, but lepidopterous larvae (including the gypsy moth) are also eaten. Overwintering sites are often decayed trees (Fraxinus, Alnus, or Quercus). PREDATOR, Carabus, biology; DAMASTER (see Carabus);

Inouye, H. 1955. Biology of Calosoma chínense Kirby. On the predaceous habits of the first instar larvae. (J) Shin Konchu 8(1):47-48. The egg stage of Calosoma chínense (Coleóptera: Carabidae) required 10 43 days In June and 7 days in July-August. First instar larvae appear on the ground 1-2 days after hatching, were highly active both day and night, and preyed on small insects, especially lepidopterous larvae. Prey were usually attacked from behind, but these young predators appeared not to have a special attack point as occurs in later life stages. PREDATOR, Calosoma, biology, behavior

Inouye, H. 1956. Life cycle and habit of the third instar larvae and pupae of Calosoma chínense. (J) Shin Konchu 9(4):58. Matured third instar larvae of Calosoma chínense Kirby (Coleóptera: Carabidae) are 3.5 - 4 cm in length. The prepupal stage takes 2-3 days and the pupal stage ca. 10 days. Larvae are very active both day and night. Lepidopterous larvae are not preferred as prey. In cultivated fields, mature larvae of Barathra (Mamestra) brassicae L. (Noctuidae) were eaten because of their abundance. In experiments, third instar larvae consumed three sixth instar B^. brassicae. Pupation occurred in ellipsoidal chambers (3 X 1 cm in size) in soil. PREDATOR, Calosoma, biology, behavior; BARATHRA

Inoue, S. and S. Arisawa. 1984. Outbreaks of gypsy moth in Japanese cedar plantations at Imajoh, Fukui Prefecture. (J) Forest Protection News (Forest Pests) 33(5):84-87. Outbreaks of gypsy moth were widespread in 1983 with over 3500 ha defoliated near Takefu City, Fukui Prefecture. There most of the young Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japónica) five years old were completely defoliated on the east side of the hills. On the west side of the hill, leaves in the lower layers of the crowns were defoliated. Larvae cut new shoots which had emerged in the spring and ate only old shoot leaves. In large trees, ten or more years old, only old shoot leaves in the lower crown layers were defoliated. DEFOLIATION, Cryptomeria; OUTBREAK, Fukui 1983

Iriki, S. and T. Inui. 1954. Ratio of two types of spermatozoa of mud snail and gypsy moth. (J) Oyo-Dobutsugaku-Zasshi (Jap. J. Appl. Zool.) 63:109. In two diverse organisms, spermatozoa were examined. In mud snails reared with food, more normal types of spermatozoa were found than in non-fed snails. In gypsy moth, the Hokkaido (weak) race had fewest normal spermatozoa and the Aomori (strong) race the greatest quantity. Kyoto (medium) race possessed an intermediate quantity. GENETICS, spermatozoa types; VARIATION; RACES 44

Ishida, (NI) and (NI) Shoji. 1902. Gypsy moth, (J) Hokkaldo-nokalho (Kept. Hokkaido Agrlc. Meet.) 2(19):92. Reported a gypsy moth outbreak on Sallx at Ooe, Yolchi district, Hokkaido. Collections of egg masses and killed hatched larvae and collection by netting adults were recommended for control measures. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido 1902; SALIX; CONTROL, mechanical

Ishihara, T. 1941. Heraiptera - Heteroptera as natural enemies for controlling pests. (J) Shokubutsu-oyobi-dobutsu (Botany & Zoology) 9:223-229. Of all beneficial groups of bugs covered, only the Pentatomidae, subfamily Asopinae, are relevant to the gypsy moth and similar forest insects. Sixteen species are known in Japan. Dinorhynchus dybowskyi Jakovlev (Pentatomidae) attacks gypsy moth (citing Hori 1922), Picromerus bidens L. (as P_. lewisi Scott) (Pentatomidae) was recorded as an important predator of Dendrolimus Sibiriens Tschetverikov (Lasiocampidae) in Sakhalin, and Arma custos (Fabricius) (as Auriga) (Pentatomidae) feed on lepidopterous larvae. These three species may also feed on plant tissues during part of their development. PREDATORS, Dinorhynchus, Picromeris, Arma; PENTATOMIDAE; BENEFICIAL INSECTS

Ishihara, T. 1943. Zur Biologie der Raubwanse, Picromerus lewisi Scott (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). (J, De title only) Shokubutsu-oyobi-dobutsu (Botany & Zoology) 11:14-20. Observations on Picromerus lewisi were made on an adult of each sex collected at Mt. Hikosan, Fukuoka, Kyushu, on 15 June 1943. Fed on larvae of Pieris (Pieridae) and Athalia (Tenthredinidae), 58 and 36 eggs were laid on 23 and 25 June. Ten days later 47 and 32 eggs hatched. The first instar njnnphs were gregarious, did not attack hosts and appeared phytophagous since njnnphs fed on leaves of radish, Raphanus sativus L. var. acanthiformis Makino. Cited that plant feeding was common in first instar nymphs of Asopinae (e.g. Dinorhynchus dybowskyi). Dates for successive molts were 10, 16, 19, and 23 July, but they died thereafter. Cannibalism was not observed, Egg and first through fifth instar nymphs were described and illustrated. Hosts recorded included Lepidoptera, H^enoptera, Diptera and Hemiptera, but gypsy moth was not recorded. The life cycle in Honshu suggests that it is bivoltine, with adults appearing in May-July and again August-October with both eggs and perhaps adults overwintering. PREDATOR, Picromerus, biology; DINORHYNCHUS

Ishii, T. 1941. Gypsy moth. (J) Sericultural Report 50(594)j 65-66. Cites the widespread gypsy moth outbreaks in Japan in 1885, 1917, 1928, etc. and states that these outbreaks are related to climate and fluctuations in the numbers of parasites and predators. OUTBREAK, history; POPULATION, regulation 45

Ishii, T. and S. Nagasawa. 1948. On the hosts of Brachymeria obscurata (Walker) in Japan. (J) Matsumushi 2:113-115. Presented a host list for Brachymeria lasus (as obscurata) (Walker) (Chalcididae)and cautioned that some records should be checked carefully. In all, 30 hosts are listed but of these, B^. lasus is recorded as a hyperparasite in three cases, i.e. Henicospilus striatas Cameron attacking thyellina Butler (Lymantriidae), Phythmonotus takagii Matsumura attacking Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler (Lasiocampidae), and Argyrophlax nigritibialis Baranoff attacking a Hesperiidae. PARASITE, Brachymeria, host list; HYPERPARASITE

Ishimori, N. 1941. Some notes on the outbreak of gypsy moth caterpillars in Yamagata Prefecture. (J) Oyo-konchu (Appl. Entomol.) 3:120-122. Gypsy moth outbreak in Yamagata occurred in forests but then fifth instar larvae moved down into valleys where some larvae fed on leaves of rice plants. However, damage to rice was not great. Larvae fed on leaves of 17 plant species but did not defoliate the following: bombycis. Glycine max, Pueraria thunbergiana, Lespedeza bicolor var. japónica, Phaseolus angularis, Deutzia crenata, several species of Compositae, Artemisia vulgaris var. indica, or Solanum melongena. Quercus serrata, Larix leptolepis and Hamamelis japónica were all completely defoliated. These species and the remaining partially defoliated species are included in the host plant list (See appendix). OUTBREAK, Yamagata 1941; BEHAVIOR, larvae; HOST PLANTS, non-acceptable species

Iwata, K. 1963. New host records of Brach3rmeria obscurata (Walker). (J) Kontyu 31:209. Brachymeria lasus (as jB. obscurata) (Chalcididae) is recorded as parasitic on pupae of Kaniska canace no japonicum Siebold (Nymphalidae) and ^^ Pbiludora potatoria albomaculata (Bremer) (as Cosmotriche) (Lasiocampidae) in central Honshu. PARASITE, Brachymeria, alternate hosts

Iwata, Z. 1967. Effects of environmental conditions on the hatch of gypsy moth. (J) Jap. Forestry Soc. 49:176-180. Refrigeration of gypsy moth eggs for short periods before warming in preparation for hatching in many cases caused lowered hatchability. Treatment by hydrochloric acid failed to induce hatch prior to diapause. Cold treatment is essential, this indicating an obligatory diapause in the egg stage. To repress hatching for long periods, temperatures of 0^ - 46

2.5^ C was optimal. DEVEL0R4ENT, diapause; EGG, storage, cold treatment, hydrochloric acid, DIAPAUSE, requirements

Iwata, Z. 1968. Control of hatch of gypsy moth (We can rear larvae in every season). (J) Forest Protection News 17:51-52. Recommended eggs of gypsy moth be stored for medium periods at 5^ C and for long periods of time at QO C. Larvae can be reared on the following diet. Ingredients include: dried powdered leaves of Quercus acutissima, Diospyros kaki or comfrey, 50 g; soybean or corn powdered, 25 gm; glucose or saccharose, 12 g; agar, 10 g; soybean oil, 0.5 g; vitamin C, 1.5 g; vitamin B complex, 10 cc; and water, 200 cc. EGG, storage; LARVAL, rearing medium; DIET

Ixv^ata, Z. 1971a. Experiments on keeping pupae of gypsy moth in cold storage. (J) Forest Protection News 20:269-270. Study shox^ed that gypsy moth pupae could be stored for 2 weeks at 5^ C and 7.50 C, and for 3 weeks at 10° C and 15^ C. In pupae stored for 7 days at 5^ C, emergence was delayed 4-5 days; 3 weeks at lOO C. caused 2-week delay; and storage for 30 days at 150 C caused 20-day delay. DEVELOmENT; COLD TREATMENT, pupae; PUPAE, storage

Iwata, Z. 1971b. Methods of rearing tree defoliating insects. (J) Forest Protection News 20(3):59-64 and 20(4):81-83. Provides the general procedures for rearing and handling gypsy moth and other forest defoliators (Dendrolimus spectabills (Lasiocampidae), Lymantria fumida (Lymantriiidae), liyphantria cunea (Arctiidae), and Euproctis flava (Lymantriidae) ). For gypsy moth, recommended food plants are larch, Quercus acuitissima, Alnus inokumae, and cultivated roses. The Alnus is particularly good for hatched larvae. When sterilization of eggs is required, they should be submerged in I/o formalin solution for 15-20 minutes, then rinsed with water. For control of egg hatch, readers are referred to Iwata (1971). REARING METHODS; EGG STERILIZATION; FOOD PLANTS; DEFOLIATORS; DENDR0LIMÜS; HYPHANTRIA; FÜMIDA; EUPROCTIS

Iwata, Z. 1975. Differences in virulence among NPV virus isolates. (J) Jap. Forestry Soc. Trans. 86th Meet. p. 377-378. In tests on gypsy moth larvae (fifth instars) from Shizukuishi, Iwate Prefecture, Honshu, virulance of nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) isolates diminished in the order: American, Yugoslavian, Japanese and French. PATHOLOGY; VIRUS; NPV, relative virulence 47

Iwata, Z. 1976. Mating ability of Lymantria dispar and Dendrolimus spectabilis male moths. (J) Japan Forestry Soc. trans. 87th Meet. p. 295-296. The average number of effective matings of male gypsy moth originating from Hokkaido (fourth generation reared in laboratory) was 3.0; Iwate (6th generation) was 4.0, and Iwate (2nd generation) was 5.2. Over 10 minutes of mating by males was required for successful egg fertility. BEHAVIOR, mating by males; VARIATION; MATING

Iwata, Z. and H. Ishizuka. 1971. Hatch control of Lymantria dispar larvae by temperature treatment. (J) Jap. Forestry Soc. Trans. 82nd Meeting, pp. 242-244. The best time to store gypsy moth eggs at cold temperatues is 20 days after oviposition. Adequate periods of storage are 60 and 80 days at 5^ C and 7.50 C respectively. At these treatments, about 80% hatchability resulted. Adequate temperature for repressing egg hatch has a wide range for a short storage period and a narrow range for long storage treatment periods. DEVELOPMENT; EGG, hatch, storage temperature; œLD TREATMENT

Iwata, Z. and K. Katagiri. 1972. Inactivation of Lymantria dispar CPV by ultraviolet and differences in pathogenicity at different temperatures between CPV of tetragonal and hexagonal inclusion bodies. (J) Jap. Forestry Soc. trans. 83rd Meet., p. 275-277. CPV from Lymantria dispar as a control treatment has over 80% disease incidence rate but 5 minutes irradiation by ultraviolet (Toshipa GL-15 at 10 cm) made this inactive. At 30^ C no disease by this CPV appeared but at lower temperatures (20^ C and 22^ C) pathogenicity occurred. DISEASE; VIRUS; CPV, inactivation

Iwata, Z. and K. Katagiri. 1974. Inactivating effects of heat and formalin on CPV of gypsy moth. (J) Jap. Forestry Soc. trans. 84th Meet., p. 357-358. Incidence of disease by cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) from Lymantria dispar at 60^ C for different periods was: no-heat control, 70.8%; 0.5 hours, 28%; 1 hour, 13%; and over 2 hours, 0% Formalin (5% solution) made CPV completely inactive within 20 minutes. DISEASE; VIRUS; CPV, inactivation; FORMALIN; HEAT TREATMENT

Joseph, K. J., T. C. Narendran, and P. J. Joy. 1973. Oriental Brachymeria. A monograph on the Oriental species of Brachymeria (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae). (E) Zool. Monogr. no. 1, Dept. Zool., Univ. Calicut, India, 215 pp. This monograph on Brach3rmeria of the Orient provides details on 71 species with keys to distinguish most species. Brachymeria species associated with gypsy moth include jB. lasus (Walker) (=B^. obscurata in Habu 1962), which is 48 highly polyphagous and usually acts as a primary pupal parasite but may resort to secondary parasitism by attaching tachinids, B^. fiskei (Crawford) is hyperparasitic attacking tachinid parasites of gypsy moth. PARASITE, Brachymeria; HYPERPARASITIC

Kamijo, K. and Y. Higashiura, 1974. Gypsy moth at Furano. (J) Koshunai-kiho 19:1-5. In 1972 and 1973 gypsy moth outbreaks occurred at Furano, Hokkaido, in several larch (Larix leptolepis) forests, 5-10 years of age. Initially the damaged area was ca. 3 ha with distinct margins deliniating the outbreak areas. The 1974 season was predicted as a turning point if a massive outbreak was to occur. (Apparently this did not materialize.) OUTBREAK, Hokkaido 1972-73, characteristics

Kamiya, K. 1931. Control of pine moth by means of Apanteles liparidis. (J) Bull. Forest Exp. Sta., Govt. General Chosen 12:1-6. Morphological description of all life stages and development of Glyptapanteles liparidis Bouche (as Apanteles fulvipes Haliday) (Braconidae) are presented. In Tokyo, three generations occur per year, overwintering in Dendrolimus (Lasiocampidae), then two generations in gypsy moth. Adults appear in late May-early June and again in late June-middle July. Adult longevity is 7-10 days for males and 10-20 days for females when honey is provided. Mating occurs in daytime and oviposition starts 2-3 days after mating. Number of progeny per host (N = 63) averaged 15 (range 1 - 40) in laboratory studies. Distribution of G. liparidis included Nagano, Fukui, Fukuoka, Kumamoto, Chiba, and Kanagawa Prefectures. It was not reported in Korea, therefore release in Korea was recommended and suggested that this be done during the later half of August, as this was the optimum time for oviposition in pine moth larvae, as opposed to latter half of July for releases in Japan. PARASITE, Glyptapanteles, biology; BIOLOGICAL CONTROL; KOREA

Kamiya, K. 1934. Studies on the morphology, bionomics, and hymenopterous parasites of the pine-caterpillar (Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler). (J, E Summ.) Bull. Forest Exp. Sta., Govt. General Chosen 18:1-110 + 5 p. summary in English. Although this extensive report deals primarily with the pine caterpillar, Dendrolimus spectabilis (Lasiocampidae), those parasites common with gypsy moth are discussed in varying details, including Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura (Trichogrammatidae), Anastatus albitarsis Ashmead (Eupelmidae), Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae), Brachymeria lasus (Walker) (as B^. obscurata) (Chalcididae), and Coccygomimus (as Pimpla) disparis Viereck (Ichneumonidae). Other parasites are considered but are not known to have any association with gypsy moth. Extensive details are presented on G. liparidis indicating that four to six generations occur yearly, two on gypsy moth, two on pine caterpillar and one or two on other unspecified hosts. The sex ratio favors females when the 49 host is pine caterpillar but males are favored in the gypsy moth generations. Dissection of female wasps reveals av. 371 ova prior to oviposition and av. 240 after, the difference was taken as the fecundity. Development required 7-9 days for eggs, 19-40 days (av. 29.4 days) for larvae, becoming shorter with the advancing season, and pupae required 17-24 days in early April and 5-11 days in mid-May to early June. Alternate hosts of G^. liparidis include Qrgyia postica (Walker) (as Notolophus postica), Euproctis chrysorrhoea (L. )> Euproctis similis (Fuessly) (as Porthesis similis), as well as species of Dendrolimus (Lasiocampidae) and gypsy moth. Ten parasites of ^. liparidis pupae and an ant predator were recorded. Methods and successes of artificial breeding of this parasite were reported. PARASITE, Glyptapanteles, biology, HYPERPARASITE; BRACHYMERIA; TRICHOGRAMMA; ANASTATUS; COCCYGOMIMUS; DENDROLIMUS, parasites

Kamiya, K. 1936. Parasitic wasps of Dendrolimus spectabilis and their relationship with other hosts. (J) Oyo-Dobutsugaku-Zasshi (Jap. J. Appl. Zool.) 8(4): 224-227. Author provides a detailed diagram of the parasite-host relationships of the known parasites of £. spectabilis (Lasiocampidae). Those parasites which utilize gypsy moth as alternate hosts include Brachymeria lasus (as obscurata) (Chalcididae); Itoplectis atlaci and Coccygomimus (as Pimpla) disparis (Ichneumonidae); and Glyptapanteles liparidis (Braconidae), which reportedly will attack Orgyia (as Notolophus) postica (L3niiantriidae). Overall, the 20 species of parasites are associated with 36 different potential hosts. PARASITES; BRACHYtlERIA; ITOPLECTIS; COCCYGOMMUS; GLYPTAPANTELES; DENDROLIMUS; ALTERNATE HOSTS; PARASITE-HOST RELATIONSHIPS

Kamiya, K. 1938a. Biology of Apanteles liparidis. (J) Oyo-Dobutsugaku-Zasshi (Jap. J. Appl. Zool.) 10:196-199. Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae) has four generations per year, two on gypsy moth and two on Dendrolimus spectabilis (Lasiocampidae). In Tokyo, pupation by the overwintering generation of B. spectabilis larvae occurs in middle-late May and emerge as adults about 1 June. These adults again oviposit in gypsy moth larvae with progeny pupating in late June and emerging in early July. These adults then attack D^. spectabilis first instar larvae and their progeny pupate at very high levels on trees in middle-late August (records emergence dates 13-29 August 1936 and 6-10 Sept. 1937). Adults of the fourth generation again attack JD. spectabilis for the overwintering generation. G^. liparidis can parasitize only young larvae of D^. spectabilis which are found in Tokyo in early July and late August. Generally D^. spectabilis occurs in uniform stages in pine forests and in more diverse stages in mixed species forests. This accouints for the greater presence of G_. liparidis in mixed species forests. PARASITE, Glyptapanteles, biology; DENDROLIMUS 50

Kamiya, K. 1938b. Notes on the hymenopterous parasites of the pine-caterpillar, Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler. (J) Kontyu 12(6): 201-203. Listed are the known parasites of Dendrolimus spectabilis (Lasiocampidae) which includes a number of gypsy moth parasites, including larval parasites Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis (Bouche) (Braconidae); egg parasites Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura (Trichogrammatidae), Pseudoanastatus (as Anastatus) albitarsis Ashmead, Anastatus japonicus Ashmead (as bifasciatus (Fonscolombe) (all Eupelmidae); and pupal parasites, Brachymeria lasus (Walker) (as B^. obscurata) (Chalcididae), Theronia atalantae Poda (Ichneumonidae), and Coccygomimus (as Pimpla) disparis (Viereck) (Ichneumonidae). PARASITES, alternate hosts; DENDROLIMUS; GLYPTAPANTELES; TRICHOGRAMMA; PESUDOANASTATUS; Al^STATUS; BRACHYMERIA; THERONIA; COCCYGOMIMUS

Kamiya, K. 1938c. Relationship between parasitic wasps of Dendrolimus spectabilis and their environment. (J) Oyo-Dobutsugaku-Zasshi (Jap. J. Appl. Zool.) 10(3,4): 85-89. Parasitism in Dendrolimus spectabilis (Lasiocampidae) by hymenopterous parasites was quite low, and species diversity was poor in pine forests. Parasitism was high and diversity rich in mixed-species forests such as those at school campuses, residential areas, near sporting grounds and parks. Parasites having known relationships which involve the gypsy moth include Brachymeria lasus (as B^. obscurata) (Chalcididae), Coccygomimus (as Pimpla) disparis (Ichneumonidae) and Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis (Braconidae). PARASITES, alternate hosts; GLYPTAPANTELES; BRACHYMERIA; COCCYGOMMUS; DENDROLIMUS

Kamiya, K. 1940. Natural enemies of Apanteles liparidis. (J) Oyo-Dobutsugaku-Zasshi (Jap. J. Appl. Zool.) 12(3/4):120-122. Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae) has two generations each on Dendrolimus and on gypsy moth. Although it lives most of its life as a parasite inside a host, this species has a comparatively large number of natural enemies (hyperparasites), including 11 hymenopterous parasites (listed) and two predators, larvae of the coleopteran, Othniidae, and Crematogaster brunea matsumurai Forel (Formicidae). Of the hyperparasites, nine of the 11 species were recovered only when the G_. liparidis had attacked the gypsy moth. PARASITES, Glyptapanteles; HYPERPARASITES; GLYPTAPANTELES; DENDROLÜWS; ANT PREDATION, Glyptapanteles

Kanamitsu, K. 1974. Searches for parasites of the larch casebearer and the gypsy moth in Japan in 1974. (E) Unpublished report, 6 typr. pp. 51

The second part of this report lists 23 species of parasites and four species of predators of gypsy moth in Japan (citing Yasumatsu & Watanabe 1965). A brief statement on Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis (Braconidae) stresses the importance of this species as a parasite, citing its rapid multiplication, ability to attack larvae of any size, wide range of alternate hosts, and gregarious development. The report promotes G^. liparidis as a promising candidate for biological control. In a section on microbial pathogens, seven species were listed (citing Koyama 1963 and Aoki 1974) and Bacillus thuringensis was mentioned as a very effective biocontrol agent not found in the field naturally. In regard to population dynamics, author states that frequent collapse of gypsy moth populations occurs 1-2 years after reaching a peak outbreak. Citing other reports, mention is made that in Fukushima Prefecture, 100% mortality (62% NPV, 35% Entomophthora sp. and 3% £. liparidis) caused termination of an outbreak. In another case in larch forests in Tohoku district in 1972, about 99% mortality was caused by a fungus disease. During a field survey in 1974, ca. 200 egg masses were found. A few were in Toyama and Fukushima, but most were in Iwate where egg masses were abundant on larch trees (Larix leptolepis)— where many cadavers remained in October following death due to Entomophthora aulicae. This disease was studied by K. Katagiri, who maintained samples of this and many other pathogens. No results of the egg mass survey were reported. PARASITES; PREDATORS; PATHOGENS, Entomophthora, Bacillus; POPULATION DYNAMICS, decline; OUTBREAK, Iwate; ENTOMOPHTHORA; GLYPTAPANTELES; BACILLUS; LARIX; NATURAL ENEMIES, lists of

Katagiri, K. 1969a. Review on microbial control of insect pests in forests in Japan. (E) Entomophaga 14(2): 203-214. This review deals primarilly with Dendrolimus spectabilis (Lasiocampidae) and Lymantria fumida (Lymantriidae), but because of similar environments infested by similar forest insects, this discussion has application to the gypsy moth. PATHOLOGY, review; MICROBIAL CONTROL; VIRUS; DENDROLMUS ; FUMIDA

Katagiri, K. 1969b. Use of viruses for control of some forest insects in Japan. (E) Rev. Plant Prot. Res. 2:31-41. Although this report reviews a number of insect pests which may be controlled via applications of virus, discussion relative to gypsy moth indicates this insect was ideal for study since it was reared on artificial diet and can be reared in all seasons. It is also suitable for propagation of viruses and, on average, 3.5 X 10^ polyhedral bodies were produced per host larvae. Susceptibility of gypsy moth larvae to CPV varied according to food plant: Larvae reared on Quercus were more susceptible than ones reared on Diospyros or Larix. Gypsy moth larvae were susceptible to CPV from Dendrolimus spectabilis and from Lymantria fumida, thus gypsy moth may be used for propagation purposes if virulence of the virus is not diminished 52 after passage through gypsy moth. Susceptibility of larvae was independent of larval density during rearing. PATHÜLÜGY, virus, review; CPV, Review

Katagiri, K. 1973. Bacillus thuringiensis and it's application in forest pest control. (J) Forest Protection News 22(6):133-137. In this review of Bacillus thuringiensis or BT and its applications concerning gypsy moth, BT reportedly enhances the action of cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) when a mixture of the two agents was sprayed on leaves fed to gypsy moth larvae. Considerable other data applies to Dendrolimus. PATHOLOGY, Bacillus; BT; BACILLUS; CPV; HICROBIAL CONTROL; DENDROLIMUS

Katagiri, K. 1980. Use of viruses for the control of the forest pest insects. (E) Abst. XVI Intern. Congr. Entomol., Kyoto, Japan, Aug., p. 190, Abst. 6S-1,6, Although work on the cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) of Dendrolimus spectabliis (Lasiocampidae) is featured, mention is made that viruses from several different forest insects, including Lymantria dispar, in combination with silica powder, were effective in controlling these respective species. PATHOLOGY, Virus; CPV; DENDROLBiUS; SILICA

Katagiri, K., Z. Iwata, and K. Okada. 1967. Rearing gypsy moth on artificial diets. (J) Trans. Jap. Forestry Soc. 78th ann. Meet. p. 172-173, Provides ingredients of artificial diet (See Iwata 1968 for identical recipe) tested against fresh leaves of Larix or Rosa for rearing gypsy moth. Results showed that pupal weight of larvae feeding on the diet was greater than the weight of those feeding on the fresh leaves, but no differences occurred in the development rates or the number of eggs deposited by the females. DEVELOPMENT; REARING, artificial diet vs. leaves; LARIX; ROSA

Katagiri, K. and T. Kushida. 1972a. Virulence of Bacillus thuringiensis to some forest insects and a synergistic action between BT and CPV of L. dispar. (J) Jap. Forestry Soc. Proc. 83rd Meet. p. 273-275. Virulence of Bacillus thuringiensis was enhanced when a mixture of BT and CPV was inoculated into gypsy moth larvae. PATHOLOGY, BT & CPV synergistic effect; DISEASE

Katagiri, K. and Y. Fukuizumi 1972b. Some observations on the ecology of Apanteles liparidis. (J) Jap. Forestry Soc. Proc. 83rd Meet., p. 294-296. The developmental period of Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae) in Dendrolimus spectabilis (Lasiocampidae) was twice as 53 long in I), spectabills than in gypsy moth. When in ]). spectabilis diapausing larvae, development required half a year. Parasitism and the number of G_. liparidis progeny per host decreased when it was reared successively on gypsy moth. V7hen larvae of D^. spectabilis (first through third instars) are parasitized by G^. liparidis, the larvae swell up larger than non-parasitized host insects. PARASITE, Glyptapanteles, alternate host, development; DENDROLIIiUS

Katagiri, K. and Z. Iwata 1972c. On intersexes of gypsy moth (prediction). (J) Jap. Forestry Soc. Proc. 83rd Meet. p. 296-298. In studies to elucidate the strength and weakness of the sexual factors of the races of Japanese gypsy moth, five lineages were both inbred and cross-bred to determine the extent of the expression of intersexes. Five races were used, Kyushu (K), Tohoku (S), Hokkaido (M), and Kanto Strains A and H. In all possible crosses (female represented by first symbol), only the mating of K x S resulted in intersex females while the opposite S x K produced normal females and males. Intersex females were illustrated and were slightly smaller than normal females and possessed abnormal genital openings, recognized both in the pupal and adult stages. Internal morphological differences were recognized, while externally, wings of intersex females were nearly normal in size but with dark coloration normally found in males. Based on the relative differences in expression of the intersex, it was concluded that Kyushu was a weak sex race, Tohoku was strong, while Konto strains and Hokkaido were all medium in strength. These findings differ from Goldschmidt (1934), who concluded that both Kanto and Hokkaido races were strong. (An inaccuracy appears since Goldsiunidt (1934) indicated that Hokkaido was a weak race.) A scheme for production of a hightly potent genetical race was postulated, which if developed might lead to a genetical method of gypsy moth control. GENETICS, intersex; VARIATION, population; SEX RACES; CONTROL, Genetical

Katagiri, K. and Z. Iwata. 1973. Differences in susceptibility to NPV among some strains of gypsy moth. (J) Jap. Forestry Soc. trans. 84th Meet. p. 358-360. Relative susceptability of gypsy moth to nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) indicated that fifth instar larvae from Kumamoto, Kyushu, strain were much more susceptible than larvae from Iwate Prefecture, Honshu, xvhile a strain resulting from the cross of Kumamoto female mated with Iwate F]_ male using fourth instar larvae was less susceptible than larvae from Kumamoto. A cross strain, Tokyo female and Kanagawa F2 male using fourth instar larvae, was the least susce^ -'ble of all strains tested. PATHOLOGY, NPV susceptibility; VARIATION,

Katagiri, K. and Z. Iwata. 1974. Comparative study of gypsy moth strains (susceptibility to NPV). (J) Jap. Forestry Soc. trans. 84th Meet. p. 358-360. Fifth instar larvae of gypsy moth from the Kumamoto, Kyushu, race were considerably more susceptible to Nuclear Polyhedrosis virus (NPV) than were 54

those of the Iwate Prefecture race. PATHOLOGY, NPV susceptibility; VARIATION

Katagiri, K. and Z. Iwata. 1980. Breeding of the local races of the gypsy moth and a comparison of their susceptibilities to a CPV and a NPV. (E) Abst. XVI Intern. Congr. Entomol., Kyoto, Japan, Aug. p. 294, Abst. 9R~1,4. Egg hatch can be controlled by temperature treatment of eggs: Storage of eggs at a lox^ temperature accelerated or depressed egg hatch. Egg masses were collected from various localities of Japan and these broods have been inbred repeatedly for several generations to differentiate the races. They were found to be different in susceptibility to virus diseases (a nuclear polyhedrosis and a cytoplasmic polyhedrosis). The hybrids between these broods were also studied. In inter-race crosses, some sex abnormalities were observed: A female of a Kyushu race, if crossed to a male of the Tohoku race, produces in the F]^ abnormal intersex offspring, and likewise, some other crossings produce the sex abnorraalities. (Author's abstract). VARIATION, Geographic; GENETICS, Intersexes; VIRUS, NPV, CPV; EGG HATCH

Kataoka, T. 1955. A female gypsy moth. Shin-konchu 8(2): frontispiece. Presents only a photograph of an adult female gypsy moth. PHOTOGRAPH, Adult female

Kato, A. 1954. Hosts of Brachyiiieria obscurata Walker. (J) Shin-konchu 7(13):34. Citing the host list of Brachymeria lasus (as obscurata) (Chalcididae) presented in Ishii and Nagasawa (1948), three additional host insects were recorded. PARASITE, Brachymeria, Host list

Kato, N. and K. Okazaki. 1941. On the outbreak of Liparis dispar japónica Motschulsky in the year of Showa 16 nen (1941). (J) Oyo-kontyu 3:103-119. Records the damages caused by Lymantria (as Liparis) dispar japónica Motschulsky in an outbreak at Miyazawa, Yamagata Prefecture, in 1941. Outbreaks in the same area occurred in 1919, 1932 and 1938, from which the current outbreak has likely been building yearly. Climatic conditions were favorable in 1940. Larval instars were best distinguished by mandible width. Although 17 host plants were damaged (incorporated in host plant list in appendix), there was almost no damage to Morus bombycis (Moraceae) and none to potatoes, Solanum tuberosum (Solanaceae). Migration into rice paddies was not due to shortage of food since oaks and many other trees retained foliage while larches and other trees were completely defoliated. Many larvae were dead from disease. Exorista (as Tachina) larvarum (L.) (Tachinidae) was abundant since four of 21 hosts were killed by these flies. Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae) was not found in the late stage hosts. Average wing length was 32.2 mm in females (n = 4) and 25.8 mm in males (n = 9). Damage to rice plants was greatest in late-planted fields. Refoliation by Paulowina tomentosa (Scrophulariaceae) was very rapid; larches (Larix) had new sprouts, but Cryptomeria japónica (Pinaceae) seemed to have difficulty in recovering. Control using the insecticide "Haruku" and calcium arsenate was sprayed on forests for protection. Trees along edges of rice fields were cut to destroy pupae and egg masses. OUTBREAK, Yamagata 1941, history; HOST PLANTS; PARASITES, Glyptapanteles, Exorista; DAMAGE; MORPHOLOGY, adult size; CONTROL, Cliemical, Mechanical; INSECTICIDE, "Haruku"

Kato, R. 1954. Host plants of gypsy moth. (J) Forest Protection News 3(27):293-295. Documents the host plants of gypsy moth during an outbreak at Takinoue, Monbetsu, Hokkaido Prefecture, as observed on 13 - 19 July 1953. Lists 25 plant species as preferred food plants of larvae (Species incorporated into host plant list in appendix) and also lists 18 plant species which were not damaged or fed upon. Author recognized that damage by gypsy moth varied according to different forest compositions but rather little damage occurred in natural forests. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido 1953; HOST PLANTS; DAMAGE

Kawata, A. 1935. Gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 9(3):124-125. Provides brief descriptions for four photographs of life stages of Lymantria dispar subsp. japónica Motschulsky. PHOTOGRAPH, Life stages

Kawauchi, C. 1898. Importation of gypsy moth h3nnenopterous parasites to U.S.A. failed because of hyperparasites. (J) Insect World 2:357 This report is basically a letter from Kawauchi, then a student at Princeton University, to Director U. Nawa, at Nawa Entomological Laboratory, Gifu, Gifu Prefecture, Honshu, stating that gypsy moth parasites (presumably Glyptapanteles liparidis), which had been sent from Japan to the the U.S. three years previously, had failed to survive the shipment because of the emergence and reinfestation by hyperparasites. Letter asked that more parasites be sent for release in the gypsy moth outbreak near Boston, Massachusetts. PARASITE, Importation; HYPERPARASITES; IMPORTATION; BIOLOGICAL CONTROL; GLYPTAPANTELES 56

Kenda, I. 1959. On the biology of gypsy moth which were attracted to light traps. (J) Forest Protection News 8:73-75. Results of the capture of gypsy moth at light traps in Hiroshima Prefecture, Honshu, indicated the sex ratio of captures were variable with a tendency for more females captured early in the season. For control, light traps should be operated beginning in early July. Flight by females more likely occurred earlier in the evening, 20:00 - 21:00 h, than flight by males but all flight ceased by 24:00 h. Eggs carried by flying females av. 270 (range 116 to 556), while the number of eggs in a low population area somewhat removed from the actual light trap site was av. 475 (range 174 - 738) eggs. Author regarded this difference as a result of population density since individual size was inversely proportional to population density. BEHAVIOR, female flight; LIGHT TRAPPING; DISPERSAL; MECHAIvilCAL CONTROL, light traps

Kim, Hun-Kyu. 1956. Insect fauna on Dukjuk Island. (K) The 70th Anniversary thesis, Ewha Womens Univ., Seoul, Korea. Recorded Lymantria dispar (L.) as present on Dukjuk Island, Korea. DISTRIBUTION, Korea

Kim, Hun-Kyu 1961. New Entomology. (K) Samil Publ. Co., Seoul. In this general entomological text book, gypsy moth (pp. 216-217) feeding habits and their host plants are mentioned. States that population outbreaks occur every eleven years in Japan and in Hokkaido. Reportedly, outbreaks occur at times of maximum sunspot activity. BIOLOGY, Korea; FOOD PLANTS; POPULATION DYNAîlICS, sunspots; SUNSPOTS

Kinefuchi, H. 1964. Studies of eupyrene and apyrene sperm of Lepidoptera. III. On the eupyrene and apyrene sperm bundles of L3niiantria dispar Linne, from Hokkaido, Aomori, and F^ hybrids between them. (E) Mem. Fac. Educ. Niigata Univ. 6(2):36-45. In studies of the quantity of eupyrene and apyrene sperm bundles in male gypsy moth, comparisons were made between males from Hokkaido, Aomori, and the F^ hybrids (which are all males) produced when crossing these two strains, confirming the work of other investigators. A bimodal distribution of the ratio in the Fj^ was expected but not confirmed, however the variance in the F^ was higher than either parental population. Quantity of eupyrene sperm of the paternal cousins caused the author to conclude that masculinizing genes (Goldschmidt's (1934) M-Faktoren) carried by the Z chromosomes cause production of eupyrene sperm. Similarly, maternal factors would cause production of apyrene in male testis since apyrene of maternal cousins does not differ from the parents. The ratio of eupyrene to apyrene (E/A) of Hokkaido males was smaller than that of Aomori and this is due to 57 an abundance of apyrene sperm in the Hokkaido males. Production of apyreno sperm was influenced by environmental conditions during larval development. GENETICS; VARIATION, sperm production; SPERÎ1

Kinoshita, E. 1917. Tree diseases and insect pests which occurred this year from the view of forestry in Hokkaido. (J) Meeting report Hokkaido Forestry 15(8):8-10. Records gypsy moth outbreaks in larch (Larix leptolepis) (Pinaceae) plantations and windbreaks near Sapporo and in plantations at Uenbetsu, Hokkaido. Recommended controlling the pests by the destruction of egg masses, killing egg masses high on trees by soaking them with petroleum from a soaked rag tied to a stick, collection and destruction of larvae, use of light traps for killing adults, and recommended the protection of natural enemies. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido 1917; MECHANICAL CONTROL; NATURAL ENEMIES, Protection of

Kobe Newspaper. 1917. Gypsy moth outbreaks. (J) Insect World 21(240):348. ^ gypsy moth outbreak of ca. 100 acres of forest at Shishiguri, Hyogo Prefecture, Honshu, in which almost complete defoliation occurred, is recorded. Author lists tree species that were defoliated (Species listed are incorporated in host plant list in i^pendix). OUTBREAK, Hyogo; HOST PLANTS; DAMAGE

Kojima, G. 1917. On pest control in Shimane Prefecture. (J) Forest Bull. 10:997-998. Report mentions an outbreak of gypsy moth at Naka and BCanoashi, Shimane Prefecture, Honshu, where most trees were completely defoliation but then subsequently refoliated. New buds did not occur on cedar (Cryptomeria) and no fruits were expected on Chestnut (Castanea) and persiimnon (Diospyros). Rice plants partly damaged recovered and new branches appeared on Cannabis sativa (Cannabinaceae). The parasite, Glyptapanteles liparidis (as fulvipes) (Braconidae), was very active. Many larvae parasitized by tachinids and disease were evident. Parasite emergence holes were found in pupae. Author listed other parasites that are likely found attacking gypsy moth. Tliese are: Anastatus cingari and A. blfasciatus (Eupelmidae), Ooencyrtus kuvanae (Ooencyrtidae), Crossocosmia sp. and Exorista (as Tachina) japónica (Tachinidae), Theronia atalantae (Ichneumonidae) and Brach3mieria (as Chalcis) obscurata (Chalcididae). Diseases listed include Entomophthora gypsi. Bacillus gypsi, and Bolrytis bassiana. (It is unclear which species some of these names refer to.) OUTBREAK, Shimane; PARASITE, list; DISEASE; GLYPTAPANTELES; ANASTATUS; OOENCYRTUS; CROSSOCOSMIA; EXORISTA; THERONIA; BRACHYMERIA; ENTOMOPHTHORA; BACILLUS; BOLRYTIS 58

Kojima, G. and E. Mori. 1911. On the gypsy moth and its parasitic wasps. (J) Insect World 15: 276-280, 363-368, 410-413, 443-446, 495-498. In Kumamoto, Kyushu, emergence of 72 pupae gave a sex ratio of 54% males. Number of eggs per mass (n = 37) was 641 (range 126 - 1102). Days needed for complete hatch of mass averaged 12 days (range 7 - 19) but the day of maximum hatch was the fourth day after the first hatching. Author suggested that larvae hatched simultaneously and were strongly influenced by surrounding conditions. Larval parasites present included Glyptapanteles liparidis (as fluvipes) (Braconidae), Meteorus sp. (Braconidae), and Brachymeria lasus (as Chalcis obscurata) (Chalcididae). Details on £. liparidis indicated that 20% to more than 60% parasitism of gypsy moth occurred in the field. Of 619 parasites of the second generation from gypsy moth, 55.78% were females. Tïie number of cocoons per female averaged 71.39 (range 8 - 189) with 10 and 28 the number of parasites per host for the two generations respectively. Females laid most eggs 2-3 days after emergence, preferred to ovipost on instars one through three occasionally on fourth instar, but never on fifth instar hosts. Development of larvae was 19 and 15 days and development of pupae was 9 and 6 days for the two respective generations. Adult survival was 2-3 days with honey at room conditions, 5-6 days in a darkened room, and ca. 9 days at 12 - 13^ C. DEVELOPMENT, Kyushu; EGG MASS, size, hatch; SEX RATIO; PARASITES; METEORUS; BRACHYMERIA; GLYPTAPANTELES, biology, development

Konikov, A. S., S. P. Aleksandrova and I. G. Aleksandrina. 1977. Regulatory mechanisms of the abundance of forest insects. (R) In Problemy Lesovedeniya Sibiri (Problems of Forest Science in Siberia). E. S. Petrenko, ed., Moscow, USSR, Nauka. pp. 215-225. Used data on Lymantria dispar to support the view that intrapopulational relations exercise the greatest effect in the regulation of forest insect abundance. Physiological conditions of the insects must be considered and this is determined by an analysis of the degree of morphophysiological polymorphism. Authors use data on Lymantria dispar to support this thesis. POPULATION, regulation; PHYSIOLOGY, quality; USSR

Kono, H. 1938a. Über den Einfluss der Sonnefleckenperiode auf die periodische Massenauftretung von Porthetria dispar L. und Japan 1. (J, De title only) Shokubutsu-oyobi-dobutsu 6:1361-1376. Gypsy moth, Lymantria (as Porthetria) dispar, outbreaks in Japan were classified as Type 1— Area large or outbreaks occurred simultaneously at several locations; or Type 2— Small in area with less preferred hosts, (a) () or larch (Larix), or (b) persimmon (Diospyros) trees. Type 1 outbreaks were taken as a major or important outbreak while a Type 2 was considered for reference days of lesser significance. Outbreaks at certain areas occurs approximately every 11 years in Japan and this cycle coincided closely with that of solar sunspot activity. 59

Several outbreaks at areas of different latitudes in a certain year occurred on the isotherm. Type 2 (a) outbreaks occurred near the peaks of the cycle of sunspot activity, whereas those in the warm areas (b) occurred during the lower parts of the sunspot cycle. POPULATION DYNAMICS, sunspot activity; SUNSPOTS; PREDICTION, solar activity

Kono, H. 1938b. Relationship between the number of sunspots and outbreaks of gypsy moth in Japan. (J) Jap. Jour. Appl. Zool. 10:146-148. Appears to be the same information as reported in Kono (1938a). POPULATION DYNAiMICS, sunspot activity; SUNSPOTS

Kono, H. 1939a. Relationship between fluctuations of the number of sunspots and periodical outbreaks of pest insects. (J) Sapporo-Noringakkaiho (Meeting rept. Soc. Sapporo Agrie. & For.) 31(147):397-398. The gypsy moth has ca. 11 year cycle of outbreaks in Japan. Outbreaks occurred in cooler areas in apple (Malus) and larch (Larix) at the peak of solar sunspot activity. In warmer areas where persimmon (Diospyros) is fed upon, outbreaks occurred at minimum sunspot periods. In Hokkaido, Malacosoma neustria L. (Lasiocampidae) and Spilarctia imparilis Butler (Arctiidae) had similar periodism to that of gypsy moth outbreaks. In 1938, a period of high sunspot activity, in Hokkaido, outbreaks of gypsy moth occurred at Ishikari district. Other species such as M. neustria, Phalera flavescens (Notodontidae), Sasakai charonda (Nymphalidae), and grasshoppers also occurred in high numbers at the same time. POPULATION DYNAMICS, sunspot activity; OUTBREAK, cycles; SUNSPOT ACTIVITY

Kono, H. 1939b. Über den Einfluss der Sonnenfleckenperiode auf die periodische Massenauftretung von Porthetria dispar L. in Japan 2. (J, De title only) Shokubutsu-oyobi-dobutsu 7:1356-1358. Additional information is provided to supplement the Kono (1938a) report based on an outbreak in Hokkaido in 1938. Data does support the previously proposed hypothesis that sunspot activity was correlated with gypsy moth outbreaks. An additional outbreak occurred in Tokyo in 1926. OUTBREAKS, Tokyo 1926, Hokkaido 1938; PREDICTION; SUNSPOT ACTIVITY

Kono, H. 1940. A method of prediction for outbreaks of gypsy moth. (J) Jap. Jour. Appl. Zool. 12(3/4):151. In hedges of larch (Larix) (Pineaceae) or Japanese plum (Prunus) (), which the gypsy moth prefer, you can predict population density in the next generation or year by checking the egg mass density in trees in the mentioned hedges. POPULATION, prediction; PREDICTION; EGG MASS, density; LARIX, PRUNUS 60

Kono, H. and Y. Sugihara. 1940. On the oviposition behavior of gypsy moth. (J) Jap. Jour. Appl. Zool. 12:69-74. Gypsy moth egg mass distribution was studied in a hedge of 1.2 - 1.6 m tall larches (Larix leptolepis) (Pineaceae) in Hokkaido Prefecture. ííany egg masses were found on larch but only a few on other tree species. As ovipositional sites, gypsy moth prefer larches with many branches, and where undercover grasses grow well. More than half of all egg masses found were positioned less than 40 cm high on the trunks and almost none occurred more than 80 cm high. EGG MASS, distribution, height; BEHAVIOR, ovipositional

Kosugi, K. 1954a. Light trap investigations of a population of gypsy moth and the distribution of overwintering egg masses. (J) Forest Protection News 3(27): 292-293. During operations of light traps at Takinoue, Monbetsu, Hokkaido Prefecture, on 18 - 19 August 1953 between 19:30 and 03:00 h, 344 gypsy moth were captured. Of these, 26.74% were females. On 21 August, only six moths were caught, while on 22 August, only one was captured. The number of egg masses per tree was checked in January 1974. This survey showed the following numbers of egg masses per tree: Takinoue, 2.7 - 4.4; Okoppe, Miyanoshita (26.9 at Sato Farm, 9.1 at Akisato, and 18 - 20 at Nishiokoppe and Setoushi). Most egg masses were on white birch (Betula platyphylla). The number of egg masses was about 1/10 that of the previous year. Average hatchability of 33 collected egg masses was 96% but the variance was high. From these one adult and one larvae of a Chalcidoidea parasite emerged. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido 1954; LIGHT TRAPS, results; EGG MASS, density; OVIPOSITION, preference; BETULA; PARASITE, egg

Kosugi, K. 1954b. On the hatching of the gypsy moth which hibernate as egg (Prediction). (J, E suram. ) Rept. Hokkaido Branch, Gov. For. Expt. Stn. 2:101:105. In a study of the hatchability of gypsy moth eggs collected at Kitami, Hokkaido Prefecture, from 0% to 97% egg hatch was recorded in individual egg masses. This indicated the variability of environmental conditions and their effects on the winter mortality of overwintering larvae within the eggs. EGG, Hatchability; ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS; WINTER MORTALITY; HATCHABILITY

Kotake, H. 1905. Talking of gypsy moth. (J) Shin-noho (New Agricultural report) 81:63-66. Gypsy moth larvae, adults and life cycle are described. Mention is made that a braconid and a tachinid were known as larval parasites. 61

Recommended the collection of egg masses in winter as a good method of population control. BIOLOGY; MECHANICAL CONTROL; PARASITES

Koyama, R. 1953. Outbreak of the gypsy moth and its natural enemies in Hokkaido. (J) Forest Protection News 2:151-152. An outbreak on 250,000 ha was reported at Monbetsu, Hokkaido Prefecture. The outbreak first appeared two years previously. Larvae preferred to feed on Quercus sp. (Fagaceae), Betula platyphylla (Corylaceae), and Salix spp. (Salicaceae). Larch (Larix leptolepis) (Pinaceae) was only partially defoliated with almost no damage to other . Natural enemies found included Exorista japónica (Townsend) (Tachinidae), Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae), and polyhedrosis virus. Many caterpillars killed by the polyhedrosis virus were found on Picris hieracoides L. var. japónica Regel (Compositae) in the same forests. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido; HOST PLANTS, preferences; PARASITES; EXORISTA; GLYPTAPANTELES; DISEASE; POLYHEDROSIS VIRUS, associated with Picris

Koyama, R. 1954. Two epidemic diseases of gypsy moth. (J) Forest Protection News 3(27): 296-298. Compares the diseases of gypsy moth caused by polyhedrosis virus (PV) and the fungus Entomophthora aulicae (as auricae) (Reich.) and provides a history of epizootics, providing distinguishing features of the symptoms in individuals and the characteristics of epizootics. Larvae infested by PV have the unusual behavior of climbing to the tops of trees. Their activity is slowed, and resting with head upright, they finally die high on the tree. At death, larvae have a glossy appearance to the integument. One day later, the body ruptures and internal fluids drip down. Rain and wind spread this polyhedra containing material to other leaves. Injury to larvae or hymenopterous parasites may transmit the virus to other individuals. Forest sites with epizootics have a bad smell. With Entomophthora disease, infected larvae show no abnormal behavior or symptoms, but activity slows and they remain on tree trunks. Body length gets longer than normal and the width narrows. Larvae die head downward. Cadavers are not washed off by rain but stick to the trunk, dry, and eventually a spore shower occurs. At the epizootic site, there is no unpleasant odor. Epizootics caused by these two diseases are easily distinguished and sometimes occur together. High temperatures favor Entomophthora disease while PV is favored by lower seasonal temperatures. Seven illustrations show some of the mentioned features. PATHOLOGY; PATHOGEN, Polyhedrosis virus, Entomophthora; VIRUS; EPIZOOTIC 62

Koyama, R. 1959. Overwintering of Dendrolimus spectabilis and its natural enemies. (J) Forest Protection News 8:196-200. Dendrolimus spectabilis (Lasiocampidae) larvae were collected under straw mat bands placed on large Pinus densiflora (Pinaceae) trees in February at Sayama, Saitama Prefecture. Predatory reduviids and spiders were found and less than 0.05% were parasitized by Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis (Braconidae). Generally D^. spectabilis overwinters as fourth and fifth instars, but the parasitized ones were as large as seventh instar larvae and were apparently resistant to the fungus Spicarina farinosa. In November, collections of parasitized larvae, G. liparidis emerged in 10 - 14 days (25<^, 75% RH), and after parasite emergence, the fungus readily developed in the host remains. In the laboratory, G^. liparidis laid eggs in reared sixth instar gypsy moth larvae and appeared from the host to pupate in ca. 7 days. PARASITE; Glyptapanteles, alternate host; DENDROLIMUS, overwintering; SPICARNIA; FUNGUS

Koyama, R. 1963. A revised list of microbes associated with forest insects in Japan. (E) Mushi 37(16):159-165. A comprehensive list of all known pathogenic microbes and the host insect species are listed. In all, 32 microbes are listed with the family and species of known hosts presented for each. The following microorganisms are listed as pathogens for Lymantria dispar japónica (Motschulsky): Entomophthora aulicae Reich (as Empusa), Aspergillus flavus Link, Isaria farinosa (Cicks.) Fr., cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV), and nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV). A brief discussion of the survey findings followed, especially with regard to infections by two organisms simultaneously and the potential for use of double infections for use in microbial control strategies. PATHOLOGY; MICROBIAL CONTROL, organism list; ENTOMOPHTHORA; ASPERGILLUS; ISARIA; CPV, NPV

Koyama, Y. 1952. Unhatched gypsy moth eggs. (J) Forest Protection News 2:6. During an outbreak of gypsy moth at Ishikawa Prefecture, Honshu, in 1951, most dead larvae were infested by Entomophthora aulicae (as Empusa auricae). Also hatchability of eggs was 18.2% (n = 73,655) and this low hatchability was to receive further research. OUTBREAK, Ishikawa 1951; DISEASE; FUNGUS; ENTOMOPHTHORA; EMPUSA; EGG, low hatchability

Koyama, Y. 1953a. Collection of egg masses of gypsy moth and protection of its egg parasites, (J) Forest Protection News 10:55-57. Gypsy moth populations may be controlled by insecticide spray. 63 attracting and killing adults by fire or light traps, or collecting and burning egg masses. The latter is recommended because of effectiveness and low cost, and eggs are usually positioned low on trees. Egg parasites Anastatus spp. (Eupelmidae) and Ooencyrtus kuvanae Howard (Encyrtidae) (these species presented as Anastatus disparis, Ruschke, A. bifasciatus Fonscolombe, and Anastatus Kuwanae Howard) emerge as late as mid-November, and eggs should be collected after this time to permit maximum parasite activity. For protecting egg parasites, an apparatus is diagrammed which permited the emergence and escape of parasites but prevented escape of hatched larvae. CONTROL; FIRE; LIGHT TRAP; PARASITE, Egg; OOENCYRTUS; ANASTATÜS; APPARATUS, egg parasite emergence.

Koyama, Y. 1953b. Infestation of gypsy moth in Niigata Prefecture. (J) Forest Protection News 17:139. Observations were made in adjacent populations, a very low gypsy moth population in Toyama Prefecture and in two seriously damaged outbreak areas in Nakakubiki-gun, Niigata Prefecture, where the population was reported to be decreasing. The larval parasite, Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae) killed second and third instar larvae. Brachymeria lasus (Walker) (as ^. obscurata) (Chalcididae) was observed laying eggs in fifth instar larvae. (This observation strongly suggests a misidentification since Brachymeria fiskei (Crawford) commonly attacks late stage, tachinid fly-parasitized gypsy moth larvae. B^. fiskei is normally hyperparasitic, whereas B^. lasus is commonly a primary pupal parasite.) Many larvae were also killed during an epizootic of virus disease. OUTBREAK, Toyama, Niigata 1953; GLYPTAPANTELES; BRACHYMERIA; VIRUS

Kozhanchikov, I. V. 1950. Fauna USSR, Part 12. Family Orgyidae. (R) Zool. Institute, Acad. Sei., Moskva, USSR, 581 pp. As a comprehensive taxonomic monograph of the family Orgyidae (in part, Lymantriidae) in , under Lymantria dispar, in addition to the normal taxonomic data, the distribution is presented through a map, and extensive lists of host plants and natural enemies are included. TAXONOMY; DISTRIBUTION; HOST PLANTS; NATURAL ENEMIES; PARASITES; PREDATORS

Kumazawa, S. 1933a. Some biological observations on Tachina larvarum Linne. (Diptera: Tachinidae). (J) Jap. Jour. Appl. Zool. 5:110-113. Exorista (as Tachina) larvarum (L.) has two methods of oviposition: (1) Female comes close to a host, bends down its abdomen, stretching its ovipositor forward, and then lays an egg on the host, touching the host only with the ovipositor. (2) Flying female lands momentarily on the host and lays an egg. This method is used much less frequently. In October, oviposition was observed almost daily from 09:00 to 16:00 hours. The head was the most preferred site on the host for oviposition, 64 followed by the thorax, while eggs were rarely laid on the abdomen. In most cases, the number of eggs on a host was one, while a maximum of 39 was observed. Oviposition was observed only on active hosts, never on hosts at rest. Hatched maggots can move well prior to penetrating the host cuticle. PARASITE, Exorista, oviposition behavior

Kumazawa, S. 1933b. An additional host list of Tachina larvarum Linne. (J) Jap. Jour. Appl. Zool. 5:293. Four new species added to the host list of Exorista (as Tachina) larvarum (L.) (Tachinidae) included species in the Lasiocampidae, Arctiidae, and . PARASITE, Exorista, alternate hosts

Kurahashi, S. 1959. A list of Tachinoidea of Aichi prefecture. (J) Shin-konchu 11(4):46-47. A total of 49 species of Tachinidae (Diptera) were listed for Aichi Prefecture, most being collected in the Minami-mikawa district. No host records were included but those probably associated with gypsy moth included: Compsllura concinnata Meigen, Pales pavida Meigen, Exorista (as Eutachina) japónica Townsend, and Exorista (as Tricholyga) sorbillans (Wiedemann). PARASITES, Tachinidae; COMPSILURA; PALES; EXORISTA

Kuwana, I. 1908a. A parasitic wasp of the gypsy moth. (J) Nippon-konchugakkai-kaiho (Trans. Entomol. Soc. Japan) 2(4):95-103. In laboratory rearings, parasitism of fourth instar gypsy moth larvae by Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis (Braconidae) development was found to require 16 - 17 days from oviposition to appearance from the host larva and 48 hours for cocoon formation and pupation. Adults emerged 5-8 days later. Adult longevity was 2-5 days. Parasitism in the field first occurred on second instar larvae, thereafter 7.08 and 37.9 parasite larvae emerged from fourth and fifth instar hosts respectively. Parasitism in the field was variable over short distances and the author speculated that this occurred because of a weakness of flight in the adult wasps. PARASITE, Glyptapanteles, development

Kuwana, I. 1908b. Apanteles, parasite of the gypsy moth. (J) Nogyo-zasshi 33(13):198-200. Reported that Prof. Kincaid had come to Japan to collect parasites of the gypsy moth and had sent parasites to Massachusetts. Stated that Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) (Braconidae) was one of the important parasites of the gypsy moth in Japan. Briefly reviewed is the invasion of the gypsy moth in the U.S. PARASITE, Glyptapanteles; PROF. KINCAID; EXPLORATION 65

Kuwayama, S. 1928. Pest insects of rice in Hokkaido. (J) Hokkaido Agrie. Expt. Stn. bull, (shuho) no. 47, 107 pp. Within this coverage of the pests of rice, under gypsy moth (pp. 81-84), the morphological description and general biology were presented. A host plant list of 18 tree species was included (Incorporated into host plant list in the appendix). Mention was made of the cyclic nature of gypsy moth with 10 years of active populations followed by 5 years of inactivity in Hokkaido. Control of gypsy moth was recommended by the collection and destruction of the egg masses, spraying lead arsenate against young larvae, and killing pupae and adult females. Mechanical barriers around rice fields prevent invasion by larvae from adjacent forests. Light traps were not effective for control. BIOLOGY; HOST PLANTS; POPULATION, cycles; CONTROL, chemical, mechanical; LIGHT TRAPS; RICE, pest of

Kuwayama, S. 1929. Activity of gypsy moth in Hokkaido. (J) Jap. Jour. Appl. Zool. 1(2):106-109. The period of gypsy moth population inactivity was ca. 10 years followed by outbreak activity which last ca. 5 years. This appeared to characterize the outbreak cycles in Hokkaido. In 1928, an outbreak occurred at Kaminopporo, Sapporo, in which masses of larvae moved from the forests because of starvation. They moved onto train rails and were killed in such numbers that the trains slipped on the rails on several occasions. Natural enemies observed in the outbreak areas were the bird, Sturnus philippensis Forster (Sturnidae), and insects, Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae), Exorista japónica Townsend (?) (Tachinidae), ^^^ Anastatus japonicus Ashmead (Eupelmidae) (given as, respectively, Sturnia violácea, Glyptapanteles japonicus, Tachina japónica (?) and A. bifasciatus). POPULATION, dynamics, outbreak cycles; OUTBREAK CYCLES; PREDATOR, bird; PARASITE, Glyptapanteles, Exorista, Anastatus

Kuwayama, S. 1954. Trial of spraying insecticide by airplane in Hokkaido. (J) Plant Protection 8(8):328-331. An insecticide spray using BHC 5% powder was sprayed by airplane for control of gypsy moth at Kitami, Hokkaido. Actual coverage was estimated at less than 1 kg BHC per "tan" (1 tan = 0.236 acres). Mature larvae collected at the spray plots showed 72.4%, 68.3%, and 70.4% mortality in three plots (exclusive of mortality due to disease and parasites) due to the applied insecticide. In the non-sprayed control, 43.8% of larvae died because of unexplained causes. CONTROL, chemical, aerial; BHC; AERIAL SPRAY 66

Kuwayama, S. and K. Oshima. 1964. Ecological studies on Calosoma chínense » a predacious carabid against army worm and cut-worms, and some related species. (J, E Summ.) Hokkaido Nat. Agrie. Expt. Stn. rept no. 66, 45 pp. The predaceous beetle, Calosoma chínense Kirby (Carabidae), is univoltine and overwinters as adults buried in the soil. Emerging in mid-May, they mate and oviposit until September. Eggs are placed in loose masses in soil (5-7 cm deep). Eggs hatch in 2 days, larval development requires 11-20 days and ca. 59 cutworms consumed as prey. Prepupal stage average 7 days and the pupal stage requires 9 days. New adults emerge in August and may live 2-3 years. During the first season, females lay 54 - 78 eggs in 13 - 18 locations while second-season females may lay 303 eggs; but this is closely related to the amount of food consumed, making beetle density closely related to prey density. Beetles will readily eat gypsy moth larvae but their climbing ability is weak. Adults assemble on molasses but are not generally attracted to lights. PREDATOR, Calosoma; CALOSOMA, biology, development; CUTWORMS

Lee, H. P. (Hai-Poong). 1978. A study on the egg parasites of Lymantria dispar in Korea. (K, E summ.) Korean Jour. Entomol. 8(2):25-30. In gypsy moth egg masses collected from seven locations in Korea, more than 90% of the egg masses contained parasites while 3.2% - 13.5% of the total eggs were parasitized. Ooencyrtus kuvanae (Howard) (Encyrtidae), Anastatus japonicus Ashmead (Eupelmidae) and the hyperparasite Tyndarichus nawae Howard (Encyrtidae) appeared from almost all locations sampled. The maximum parasitism was 70.9%, 48.6% and 16.3% in any one egg mass for the three species respectively. At Taejun, percent parasitism ranged from 0.6% to 13.5% depending on the collection date. £. kuvanae was most prevalent in fall collections while A. japonicus predominated after winter diapause. A few of each species emerged in the reverse seasons. In a limited number of egg masses collected at Taejun on 2 August, 0^. kuvanae reportedly exceeded 90% - 96% parasitism, but emergence patterns suggested that reparasitization occurred after the first adult emergence, and this represents cumulative parasitization over three and four generations. PARASITES, egg; HYPERPARASITE; OOENCYRTUS; ANASTATUS; TYNDARICHUS; KOREA

Lee, H. P. 1980. Egg parasitoids parasitizing gypsy moth (Porthetria dispar) in Korea. (E) XVI Intl. Congr. Entomol, Kyoto, Japan, Aug., p. 295, Abstr. 3R-3,9. Egg parasitoids, Ooencyrtus kuvanae (as kuwanai) (Encyrtidae) and Anastatus japonicus (Eupelmidae), parasitizing gypsy moth, Lymantria (as Porthetria) dispar (L.), collected from various parts of Korea were investigated during fall and winter in 1977 and 1978. From 89.3% to 98.7% of the collected egg masses of gypsy moth were parasitized by the two parasitoids. Total percent of parasitization of egg masses by two parasitoid species are varied from 17.0 +/- 1.9% to 11.7 +/- 1.4% depending on the collection site. Fall generation of the egg parasitoids on egg masses were the major part of the total parasitization with 12.6 +/- 3.1% per egg mass being the 67

highest. The highest parasitization by Ooencyrtus kuvanae (as kuwanai) (Encyrtidae) was 93.8% of the total parasitization in fall generation and by Anatatus japonicus (Eupelmidae) was 85.5% (highest) in spring generation, with slight differences according to the sites. The highest total parasitization by £. kuvanae throughout whole year, was 70.8%, but varied according to the sites. The number of emerging £. kuvanae during the fall season had peaks every three weeks. (Authors summary, edited). PARASITES, egg; OOENCYRTUS: ANASTATÜS; KOREA

Lee, D. S. and S. W. Pak. 1959. Ecological studies and control of the gypsy moth. (K, E Summ.) Res. Rept. Forest Res. Inst., Seoul, no. 8, pp. 118-121. In studies of the Korean gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar chosenensis Goldschmidt, 71% of egg masses were found on pine (Pinus sp.) (Pinaceae) and 23% were found on deciduous trees. Most were positioned 2 - 3 m. high, with some as high as 12 m. More were positioned on the east (31.7%) than on the north (15.5%) side of trees. Other directions were intermediate between these. Egg masses averaged 597 eggs per mass but some masses exceeded 1000 eggs. Control by collection and distruction of eggs during winter was suggested since one man could collect 8 - 15.5 kg of eggs per day. Insecticide efficacy was Filidol-95.5%, Fosferno-93.5%, E.P,N.-81.5%, and Diazinon-63.0% mortality. The first two sprays only were recommended to users. Cost analysis of egg mass collection verses spray for control was 1:11, therefore the recommended procedure was to spray only heavily infested areas. In low population areas, egg masses could be collected and destroyed. EGG MASS, size, location, direction on tree; CONTROL, mechanical, chemical; SPRAYS

Leonard, D. E. 1974. Recent developments in ecology and control of the gypsy moth. (E) Ann. Rev. Entomol. 19:197-229. This review article covers recent research developments on the gypsy moth, covering damage, aspects of biotic and abiotic factors, population models, U.S. of Dept. Agriculture Research & Development program, and control. REVIEW; BIBLIOGRAPHY; DMAGE; BIOTIC FACTORS; ABIOTIC FACTORS; BEHAVIOR; POPULATION MODEL; RESEARCH PROGRAM; CONTROL

Liu, C. L. 1941. Beginnings of a north China pest survey. (E) Peking Nat. Hist. Bull. 15(3):225-234. A variety of Lymantria dispar was discovered in an apricot (Prunus) (Rosaceae) orchard in the western hills and damage was apparently limited to that host. Heavy damage also occurred on apricot in Peking and Hopei regions. DAMAGE; CHINA 68

Machida, J. 1924. Crossing experiments with gipsy (sic) moth (Lymantria dispar !•)• (E) J. Coll. Agrie. Imperial Univ. Tokyo 7(3):237-292. Three male color forms (Black, Brown, and Intermediate) were distinguished, propagated, and used in crossing experiments to determine the inheritance of coloration, a mutant wing character, and the intensity of ground color. Females, indistinguishable in the three lines, were not studied. All lines originated from the Tokyo vicinity (Komaba and Ogu). From resulting crosses, male colors are inherited as simple Mendelian characters, and Bl was dominant to In and Br, while In was dominant over Br. Coloration appears controlled by a system of triple allelomorphs. In 1915, eggs collected at Ogu produced normal adults, but in the F^ a reduced wing venation mutant was found and established in a true breeding strain. Crosses showed that the wing mutant behaved as normal Mendelian inheritance and was recessive to normal wings, and this mutant and ground color inherited independently from each other. Using Hokkaido strain (light coloration in males) and Honshu (dark) strain, investigations showed 7 male and 4 female distinguishable color classes. Hokkaido males (Class V-VII) and females (Class mostly 4) indicated Hokkaido females were usually lighter than those from Honshu. Hokkaido stock came from Sapporo in March 1912 and 1915. Crosses of Hokkaido females mated with Honshu males did not usually produce females, but in two broods females were produced. Goldschmidt (1920) attributed this to a Tokyo female mated with Fukuoka male parent in crosses and these were "Extraweibchen". Dark coloration dominated incompletely over the light, which gives an intermediate color. Light coloration of Hokkaido strain was maintained through many generations breeding on Honshu. A little deeper strain can be obtained by selection. The intensity of ground color and wing markings inherited independently. The F^ between Hokkaido (lightest form) and Japónica (darkest form) represent the intermediate (slightly more intense than the median). The F2 showed great variability in color. Hereditary behavior of color intensity was interpreted as caused by two different allelomorphic factors which produce similar effects but which have different valency. GENETICS, male color inheritance; MUTANT, reduced wing; VARIATION

Machida, T. 1937. Short report. (J) Insect World 41(473):27-28. Because of snow and very cold temperatures in Tokyo in the winter of 1936, gypsy moth larvae, which normally appear in ifey and June, were very scarce in the author's yard the following spring. POPULATION, scarcity; WEATHER; WINTER MORTALITY

Machida, J. 1948. Memory of the study of gypsy moth. (J) Iden (The Heredity) 2(7) : 210-212. The author reflects on the gypsy moth crossing experiments of Goldschmidt's work which culminated about 1934. HISTORY; GENETICS 69

Marsh, P. M. 1979. The braconid (Hymenoptera) parasites of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Ljnnantriidae). (E) Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 72:794-810. In this worldwide consideration of the known Braconidae parasitic on the gypsy moth, Meteorus (2 spp.), Rogas (2 spp.) and Apanteles (9 spp.) were treated. (In the discussion which follows, current nomenclature for Apanteles spp. is followed; this results from changes made by Mason (1981), also see Coulson et al. (1986)). In addition to coverage of the most common Glyptapanteles liparidis, four new species of Apanteles were described and keys to distinguish the species were presented. Information pertinent to the Orient included the description of Protapanteles (as Apanteles) lymantriae (Marsh), a new species recorded from Hokkaido, Japan, that attacks young larvae. Its larvae are solitary and emerge to form greenish-yellow cocoons. Another new species, Ctotesia (as Apanteles) schaeferi (Marsh), occurred only at Utsunomiya, Honshu, Japan, where young host larvae were attacked. It is gregarious (3-21 per host), and the parasites emerge to form yellow cocoons. A congeneric species, Cotesia (as Apanteles) melanoscelus (Ratzeburg), was recorded from Japan for the first time. This species is solitary and forms pale yellowish-white cocoons. Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael) represents a new synonym for M. japonicus Ashmead, which is known to occur in Japan and China. Rogas lymantriae Watanabe was found to overwinter in Orgyia recens mummies and will attack Orgyia thyellina (both Lymantriidae) in the laboratory. The report concluded with a brief consideration of 11 other species of minor importance or of questionable association with gypsy moth. PARATIES, larval; APANTELES; METEORUS; ROGAS; COTESIA; PROTAPANTELES; GLYPTAPANTELES

Maruko, N. 1956. Forest insect pest outbreaks in Iwate Prefecture and their countermeasures. (J) Forest Protection News 5(6):148-149. In a gypsy moth outbreak in larch (Larix leptolepis) (Pinaceae) at Koromogawa, Izawa, Iwate Prefecture, many larvae were killed by polyhedrosis virus (PV), which was the most effective mortality factor. There had been excessive rainfall and cooler temperatures than normal. Other larvae were killed by Entomophthora. The average tree contained 13 dead and 45 live larvae on 17 June 1956. Control was attempted by spraying 50 kg of BHC per ha against late-instar larvae. Thiá treatment did not seem effective. OUTBREAK, Iwate 1956; LARIX; ENTOMOPHTHORA; CONTROL, chemical; BHC; PATHOLOGY, PV

Masaki, S. 1956. The effect of temperature on the termination of diapause in the egg of Lymantria dispar Linne (Lepidoptera: Ljrmantriidae). (E) Jap. Jour. Appl. Zool. 21(4):148-157. Diapause requirements were investigated using gypsy moth eggs collected 70 in Kitami, Hokkaido, and Yokohama, Honshu, but no fundamental differences occurred between these source populations. Eggs exposed to 5^ C for increasing lengths of time before incubation at 26^ C indicated that: (1) the percent hatch increased, (2) mean hatching time after transfer to 26^ C was shortened, and (3) the degree of variability was reduced -- all proportional to the duration of exposure to 5^ C. Optimal temperature for diapause was 5 - 12^ C with upper and lower thresholds about 20^ and OO C respectively. No distinction was evident between diapause and post-diapause stages as larvae approached the time of hatch. PHYSIOLOGY, egg diapause; DIAPAUSE; EGG HATCH

Mashanov, A. I., V. I. Baranovskli and A. I. Pakhtuev. 1980. New bacterial preparations and their use in forest protection. (R) Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdelenlya Akademil Nauk SSSR, Biol. 10(2):63-68. Among other insects, Lymantrla dispar larvae were used to field test the effectiveness of the bacteria Bacillus thuringlensis and B^. tuviensis in forests in Siberia. Combinations with virus preparations proved very promising for forest protection. MICROBIAL CONTROL, Bacillus, Virus

Masul, K. 1948. Genetics Illustrated (9): Sex change in gypsy moth. (J) Iden (The Heredity) 2(7): 1 unnumbered page. Illustrates normal sexes and a series of six specimens representing the range of intersexes of both gypsy moth sexes. Little description was provided except that size of the moth had no relationship to the degree of expression of the intersex. No hint of the parental origin of the Intersexes was provided. GENETICS, Intersexes; VARIATION; INTERSEXES, Illustrated

Matsueda, A. 1974. The effects of CPV and NPV on gypsy moth. (J) Forestry Society, 84th Ann. Meet. p. 360-361. Effectiveness of polyhedrosls viruses against gypsy moth larvae Increased in the order as follows: NPV, mixture of the two, CPV. Generally 10^ units/ml is the most effective concentration. Spraying 200 liters/ha was recommended. A spreader is necessary. Spraying should be done in early and middle June in Ishikawa prefecture. MICROBIAL CONTROL; SPRAYS, VIRUS; CPV, NPV

Matsumura, S. 1899. Nippon Gaichu Hen (Manual of Japanese Injurious Insects). (J) Shokabo Publ. Co. Tokyo, 504 pp. + 32 p. index. Presented in this manual is a general description of the gypsy moth (pp. 35 - 37), Ljrmantria (as Ocneria) dispar L., its life cycle, life stages, behavior and lists^f number of favored host plants. (The latter incorporated into host plant list in appendix.) Stated that the number of eggs per egg mass was 200 - 400 and that females fly sluggishly while the males fly with a very active movement. Suggested control methods include (1) 71 collect and destroy egg masses in winter, (2) kill hatched larvae in aggregations in Spring, and (3) net adult moths in summer. BIOLOGY; DESCRIPTION; BEHAVIOR, flight; EGG MASS, size; CONTROL, mechanical

Matsumura, S. 1909 - 1914. Zoku Nippon Senchu Zukai (Illustrated Thousand Insects of Japan, Supplement 1). (J) Keiseisha, Tokyo. Under a section on the gypsy moth, (p. 89, with figure), information similar to that found in Matsumura (1899) was presented. BIOLOGY; DESCRIPTION; GENERAL INFORMATION

Matsumura, S. 1917. Oyo Konchu-gaku 1 (Applied Entomology). (J) Keiseisha 731 pp. + index. Gypsy moth was considered (pp. 696 - 697) but information presented was similar to that provided previously by the same author (1899 and 1909 - 1914). BIOLOGY; DESCRIPTION; GENERAL INFORMATION

Matsumura, S. 1931. Nippon Konchu due Zukan (6000 Illustrated Insects of the Japanese Empire). (J). Toko Shoin, Tokyo, 1497 pp. This book contains a brief description and an illustration of each insect species. Under gypsy moth, aside from a morphological description, mention is made that it feeds on almost all fruit trees and that adults are not highly attracted to lights. GENERAL INFORMATION; DESCRIPTION; HOST PLANTS; BEHAVIOR, attraction to lights

Matsumura, S. 1933. Lymantriidae of Japan-Empire. (E) Insects Matsu. 7(3):111-152. The author considers ca. 170 species of Lymantriidae (Lepidoptera) belonging to 27 genera (11 new species and 3 new genera) in Japan, Korea and Formosa. It is apparently an expanded work and English translation of "6000 Insects of Japan-Empire." Under Lymantria dispar is given the distribution (as all major Japanese islands, Korea, China, Europe and North America). Author recognized the forms of jL. dispar, that is albescens Mats., on Okinawa; hadina Butles and japónica Motsch., both on Honshu; and umbrosa Butler on both Honshu and Kyushu. TAXONOMY; DISTRIBUTION; VARIATION; SUBSPECIES 72

Matsuo, K. 1926. Insect pests at larch forests; Research and control of gypsy moth at 1000 ha larch forests in Sorachi district, Hokkaido. (J) Hokurinkaiho 24(3):136-142. Author records a gypsy moth outbreak in larch (Larix leptolepis) (Pinaceae) plantations at Otoe, Sorachi. Although 70% - 80% of adults emerged during late July, two light traps were operated August 3-6, catching 570, 1710, 380, and 1172 moths nightly on the respective dates. Included in these captures were a very small number of female moths. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido 1926; LIGHT TRAPS, nightly captures and sex; MECHANICAL CONTROL

McFadden, M. W., D. L. Dahlsten, C. W. Berisford, F. B. Knight and W. W. Metterhouse. 1982. Forest Pest Management in the People's Republic of China (E) U.S. Dept. Agrie, Office Intern. Coop. & Develop. & Society Aner. Forest. 86 pp. ^ Lists Lymantria dispar as a major forest insect pest in the People s Republic of China (pg. 75). Host plants listed are Xylosma congestum, Betula sp., Salix, Larix, Malus, Pyrus. Range where L. dispar is present is given as the northeastern area. CHINA; HOST PLANTS, RANGE

Miao, C. P. 1939. Study of some forest insects of Nanking and its vicinity. III. Observations on the gypsy moth (Porthetria dispar L.). (C) Contrib. Biol. Lab. Sei. Soc. China. Zool. Ser. 13(5):57-77. Lymantria (==Porthetria) dispar is widely distributed in China. Food plants in the vicinity of Nanking (32^ N, 118^ E) are Prunus pérsica Stokes, JP. salicina Lindley, £. pseudocerassus Hance, Liquidambar formosana Hance, Quercus fabri Hance, £. acutissima Carrière, ^. aliena Blume, £. serrata Thunberg, and ^. galauca Thunberg. A morphological description of each life stage is given. There are four larval molts prior to pupation, with a total larval period of 43 to 60 days. Newly hatched larvae rest on the egg cluster 1+ days, begin to eat leaf hairs, and then make holes in the leaf. They feed little on rainy days and simply cling to the underside of the leaf or suspend themselves on a short thread. Normally larvae feed day and night, become very active, and hang on a long silk thread when disturbed. After feeding for 6 days, they rest 1 to 2 days before molting. Feeding resumes after the molt when the head turns black. They have an irregular feeding pattern. Third and fourth instar larvae feed on the edge of a leaf or cut through it. Older larvae eat from the edge without boring through the leaf. They rest before spinning a silky, flimsy cocoon which is attached to a tree trunk or between two leaves. The prepupal period is 1 to 3 days. They pupate May 15 - June 7 for about 2 weeks. Imago emergence is primarily June 4-8. The female is unable to fly except when disturbed. Copulation is soon after emergence; eggs are laid (June 9-12) on any fixed object, especially under branches. They hatch March 31 - April 10. (Abstract from Cambell 1978). CHINA; HOST PLANTS; PHENOLOGY; BEHAVIOR; FEMALE FLIGHT 73

Miike, T. and H. Kamlraura. 1961. On Trichogramma dendrollmi Matsumura, a parasite of Plusiodonata coelonata Koller, (J) Kyushu-byogaichu-kenkyukaiho (Proc. Kyushu Plant Prot. Assoc.) 7:59-61. Trichogramma dendrollmi Matsumura (Trichogrammatidae), a recorded egg parasltoid of the gypsy moth, was studied in populations of Plusiodonta coelonata Koller (Noctuidae) in Kumamoto, Kyushu. There the j[. dendrollmi had seven generations per year and had four hosts. Parasitism was recorded at 49.8%, and an average of 2.6 wasps emerged per host egg. Parasitized eggs were easily distinguished since the egg turned dark after parasotoid pupation. Adults emerged in the morning, mated and oviposited in the afternoon of the same day. Adults lived only 24 hrs, but could live 4.3 days with a 10% honey solution available. Other laboratory hosts included Qraesia emarginata Fabricius (Noctuidae) and Phalera flavescens Bremer et Grey (Notodontidae). PARASITE, egg; TRICHOGRAMMA, biology, alternate hosts; PLUSIODONATA; PHALERA; ORAESIA

Minamikawa, J. 1934. Reports on insect pests of tea-plants. III. (J) Rep. Gov. Formosa, Sotokufu Agrie. Exp. Stn. no. 84. Listed hosts of Brachymeria lasus (as B^. euploeae Westwood) (Chalcididae), which includes about 40 species, mostly Lepidoptera, when it acts as a primary parasite of host pupae. Occasionally it is recorded as a hyperparasite, as in the following instances: Enicospilus striatus Cameron (Ichneumonidae), Argyrophylex nigritibisalis Baranoff (Formosa), and Hyposoter (as Rhythomonotus) takagii Matsumura (Ichneunomidae) (Japan and Korea). BRACHYMERIA, hosts; HYPERPARASITE

Mishiro, S,, Y. Shiobara and N. Yoshida. 1967. Damage by an outbreak of gypsy moth in Gumma Prefecture. (J) Forest Protection News 16(3):60-65. In a gypsy moth outbreak at Oomama, in northern Gumma Prefecture, larvae died from entomophagous disease and polyhedrosis virus (PV). Tachinid parasites were encountered. Fungus infested both high- and low-density populations but PV occurred only in high-density areas. Areas with more than 20 old egg masses per acre coincided with seriously damaged areas, while with fewer than 10 masses per acre, damage was light. The number of new egg masses decreased to 12% of those in the previous year. Egg masses were deposited on trees with smooth bark, with 90% on trees with dbh under 5 cm and 90% of egg masses laid lower than 60 cm on tree trunks (only 2% were over 1 m). Egg masses of the new generation were much smaller than those of the parental generation. Eggs per mass in the new generation averaged 200, with 262 found in lightly damaged areas and only 84 in seriously damaged areas. OUTBREAK, Gumma 1967; BIONOMICS; DISEASE, fungus, PV; EGG MASS, size, oviposition site; DEFOLIATION, relative to density egg masses 74

Miyamoto, Y. 1950. On some parasitic wasps obtained from the cocoons of Apanteles llparldls reared from the caterpillar of the gypsy-moth. (J, E summ.) Kontyu 18(4):76-85. From cocoons of Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) llparldls Bouche (Braconldae) collected In the Kyoto vicinity, 17 species of secondary parasites were obtained (eight families of Chalcldoldea, one Ichneumonldea and one Proctotrupoldea). Most noteworthy was an Anastatus sp. (Eupelmldae) and Ooencyrtus (as Schedlus) kuvanae (as kuwanae) (Ooencyrtldae). Parasitism of cocoons was 38.6% and 43.4% In the two generations of G. llparldls. No constant relationships existed since percentages of total number of cocoons In a mass and of the number of cocoon masses attacked compared to the total, all varied greatly. Indicating that all secondary parasites were Influenced by other environmental factors. Emergence of secondary parasites, relative to emergence of G. llparldls, was used as a measure of secondary parasitic development, which differed from 17 to 23 days for various species. G. llparldls also required 23 days during late June. Author concluded there was a high level of synchronism between G. llparldls and Its parasites. PARASITE, Glyptapanteles, hyperparaslte development; HYPERPARASITES; ANASTATUS; OOENCYRTUS

Mlyata, W. 1973. Morphological studies on the occipital region of Lymantrlldae (Lepidoptera) from Japan with reference to Its bearing on systematlcs. (J, E summ. & tables)) New Entomologist 23(3,4): 25-32. Based on the morphology of the occipital region of 38 species of L3rmantrlldae In 13 genera, phylogenetlc relationships are presented. The occipital region Is composed of a marginal furrow, scale band and an inner plate. Five types were recognized. Four phylogenetlc groups of species were recognized, with Lymantrla the only genera in one of the four groups. MORPHOLOGY, Occipital region; PHYLOGENY, Lymantrlldae; OCCIPITAL MORPHOLOGY

Miyatake, M. and S. Yano. 1950. Ecological notes on Arma custos Fabrlcius (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). (E) Trans. Shikoku Entomol. Soc. 1(3):40-44. Arma custos eggs were found on Hydrangea paniculata Slebold (Saxlfragaceae) at Mt. Saragamine, near Matsuyama, Shikoku, on 29 May. Eggs were in an irregular mass of 17 eggs on the upper surface of a leaf. On hatching on 7 June, molts occurred on 12, 22, 27 June and 3 July and they matured to adults on 14 July. Feeding occured on larvae of Plerldae, Noctuldea, and Chrysomelidae. N3nQiphs sucked juice of the leaf of Sallx babilónica L. and were also cannibalistic. All life stages were described and illustrated. PREDATOR, Arma, biology

Miyawaki, T. 1928. Gypsy moth. (J) Hokkaido-ringyo-kaiho 308:590-595. 75

The author reports on an outbreak of gypsy moth at Kaminopporo, Sapporo, Hokkaido, where 10 host plants were listed as being defoliated (Species listed in host plant list in appendix). Control of gypsy moth by collection of eggs for burning, killing hatched larvae and pupae, killing adult moths at light traps, and digging ditches for prevention against caterpillar migration and then killing them in the ditches was recommended, Kuwayama (1929) reported on this same outbreak. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido (1928); HOST PLANTS; MECHANICAL CONTROL, ditching, burning, light traps

Mizuta, K. 1960. Effect of individual number on the development and survival of the larvae of two Ijrmantriid species living in aggregations or living singly. (J, E summ.) Jap. Jour. appl. Entomol. Zool. 4(3):146-152. Using gypsy moth as a species which generally feeds singly (compared to Euproctis pseudoconsperga (Lymantriidae) which feeds gregariously), larvae were reared at varying densities (1 - 20 per container) at 23 - 27o C. With increased rearing density, larval and pupal duration, pupal weight, and fecundity decreased progressively. Comparable effects in the gregarious species were more variable. REARING, density effects; DEVELOPMENT; PUPAL WEIGHT; FECUNDITY; EUPROCTIS

Mizuta, K. 1971. Synchronized hatching of some lepidopterous insects. (J) Saijo Hiroshima Agrie. Coll. Bull. 4(2):91-96. When comparing egg hatch of isolated eggs to eggs in a mass, Lymantria ("Porthetria) dispar japónica Motschulsky eggs showed no acceleration of hatching in the mass as was demonstrated in three species of Euproctis. All species showed a diurnal rhythm of hatching. It is believed that synchronized hatching was related to the behavior of the hatchlings; while 11* dispar japónica hatchlings disperse, those of the Euproctis spp. aggregate and feed communally. BEHAVIOR; EGG HATCHING; EUPROCTIS

Mochizuki, M. 1954. Extraordinary outbreak of gypsy moth and its damages. (J) Shokubutsu-boeki (Plant Protection) 8(6): 1 unnumbered p. This report uses photographs to illustrate the damages caused by an outbreak of gypsy moth at Toyama Prefecture, and it provided a brief explanation of these photographs and a spray application of BHC used to control the population. OUTBREAK, Toyama 1954; CHEMICAL CONTROL, BHC; DAMAGE

Momoi, S. 1961. A list of Pimplinae of Saghalein and the Kuriles in the collection of the Entomological Institute, Hokkaido University (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), (E) Insecta Matsu. 24(2):125-133. 76

Of the Ichneumonidae associated with gypsy moth, Theronia atalantae (Poda) and Coccygomimus (as Pimpla) turionellae (L.) were recorded on Sakhalin and Kurilesk, Apechthis capulifera Kriechbaumer only on the Kuriles, and Coccygomimug (as Pimpla) disparis Viereck was not recorded on either island, although Uchida (1928) had recorded £. disparis from Sakhalin. PARASITE, Theronia, Coccygomimus, Apechthis

Motomura, I. 1940. Color of abdominal hairs on local varieties of gypsy moth. (J) Ecological Review 6(1):73-75. Hair colors of egg masses of gypsy moth obtained at four locations (Hokkaido, AoMori, Miyagi, Gifu) were examined and compared to standard color charts published by the Government Printing Office. Although there were several varieties among samples at the same location, it was difficult to say that each location has its own special color. VARIATION, egg mass color; COLOR ABDOMINAL HAIR; MORPHOLOGY

Muesebeck, C. F. W. and D. L. Parker. 1933. t^posoter disparis Viereck, an introduced ichneumonid parasite of the gipsy (sic.) moth. (E) Jour. Agrie. Res. 46(4):335-347. Details on distribution, biology, behavior, life stages and parasitism are presented for the European Phobocampe (as Hyposoter) disparis Viereck (Ichneumonidae), which was introduced into the Boston, Massachusetts, area. Although this report contains no specific reference to the Japanese Phobocampe, this report likely contains much relevant biological information. PARASITE, Phobocampe, biology; HYPOSOTER

Muesebeck, C. F. W. and D. L. Parker. 1934. Parasitism of Hyposoter disparis on gypsy moth. (Ichneumonidae). (J) Insect World 38(440):147. Provides a brief summary of work on Phobocampe (as Hyposoter) disparis, which was done in North America. Records that upon dissecting host parasitized by this parasite, from 10% to over 30% of parasite eggs and larvae were dead. All dead individuals apparently were encapsulated in host tissues. More details of this study were found in Muesebeck and Parker (1933), which applied to European material. Article does not refer to the similar Japanese species but likely biological information does apply. PARASITE, Phobocampe, biology; HYPOSOTER

Mukaigawa, U. 1915. Drought and Insects. (J) Insect World 19(218):432. Rainfall was low from 1913 until July 1915. This seemed to be the cause of very low populations of large Lepidoptera such as Dictyoploca japónica (Saturniidae), yamamal (Saturniidae) and Lymantria dispar ( Ljnnant riidae ). POPULATION DYNAMICS, weather effects; RAINFALL; DICTYOPLOCA; ANTHERAEA 77

Mukaigawa, U. 1916. A tachinid attacked a gypsy moth caterpillar. (J) Insect World 20(229):384. Article described an observation of a tachinid attacking a mature gypsy moth larvae on Quercus acutissima on 10 June. Although the female was not collected (thus the species remains unconfirmed) it probably was Exorista japónica or another multivoltine tachinid parasite of silkworm. The female attached twice, flew with a wasp-like sound, and each time attached an egg on the head or dorsum of the mesothorax. The eggs were pointed at both ends, measured 0.024 by 0.012 inches, and were a yellow color with a luster. TACHINIDAE, oviposition behavior; EXORISTA (?); QUERCUS

Mukaigawa, U. 1919. Genenmon caterpillar. (J) Insect World 23(264): 304-305. The author provides a historical note about a local name for the gypsy moth. It seems that about 1670, a wealthy farmer was burned out by other local farmers in retaliation for unscrupulous behavior. After the farm was burned, gypsy moth eggs hatched from the ruins. These larvae were given the name of the deceased victim, "Genenmon". The author believed that the eggs had been in the cut fire wood which had not burned. NOMENCLATURE; COMMON NAME; LEGEND; "GENENMON"

Nagano, K. 1907. Gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 11(116):137-139, 191-195, 223-225. Article included a history of the scientific name and common Japanese names of the gypsy moth as well as a history of its establishment in North America. Descriptions of all life stages and detailed measurements of body length and outstretched wing length were presented. The origin of the material was not stated (author was located at Gifu and material was very probably local there). For males (N = 64), size of body, wing, and the ratio between these were 0.62 sun, 1.6 sun, and 1:2.6 (range 2.46 - 2.95) where 1 sun = 1.193 inches. For females (recalculated) wing length was 2.47 sun (N = 50, range 1.85 - 2.47 sun). Complete or partial oviposition caused the ratio to fluctuate from 1:2.5 to 1:4. Biology of gypsy moth was presented and a listing of 15 host plants was included (incorporated in host plant list in appendix). HISTORY; DESCRIPTION, life stages; MORPHOMETRY, adult size; WING LENGTH; SIZE

Nagano, K. 1913. Research on the bracyosis of gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 17(187):124. This report summarized the research of Glaser and Chapman (1912), who reported the finding of a pathogenic bacterium from gypsy moth larvae. The disease, called bracyosis, was caused by Gyrococcus flaccidifex, which 78 measured 0.51 - 0.85 microns, and was thought transmitted by the diseased larvae and in the frass, since bacterium were found in these materials. PATHOLOGY; PATHOGEN, Bacteria, Gyrococcus

Nagano, K. 1914. Darkening and lightening of gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 18(201):177-181. Low temperatures during the gypsy moth pupal stage and highly nutritious food caused darkening of male moths, while high temperatures and poor food resulted in lighter males. Author speculated that dark moths should be larger than lighter males but in measuring three dark and two light specimens, no differences of size were noticeable. VARIATION, color in males; TEMPERATURE, effects of; FOOD QUALITY, effects of

Nagasawa, S. 1957a. On the increment of size of fecal pellets following the growth in larvae of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. Problems on the breeding of insects for biological assay of insecticides XVI. (E, J summ.) Botyu-Kagaku 22:176-182. In an effort to correlate head capsule width to fecal pellet (frass) size, one male gypsy moth larva from Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture, was reared at 25^ C and 89% RH and fed leaves of Zelkova serrata Makino (Ulmaceae). Daily recorded number and maximum diameter of each fecal pellet (perpendicular to the long axis), showed a curvilinear relationship between the mean log-width of fecal pellets and days after hatching. It appeared possible to estimate rate of growth of head capsule in successive instars from the rate of increment in mean width of fecal pellets grouped by instar. Fecal pellets did not increase stepwise, but the mean width of all fecal pellets on a day would indicate the correct instar number for a given larva, as based on one male. DEVELOPMENT; REARING; MORPHOMETRY, head capsule; FECAL PELLET, size; ZELKOVA

Nagasawa, S. 1957b. On the problems of breeding insects for biological assay of insecticides. XVII. On the number of larval moults in the "Takatsuki" race of the gypsy nioth, Lymantria dispar L. (E, J. Summ.) Jap. Jour. Appl. Entomol. Zool. 1:27-31. Gypsy moth larvae of the "Takatsuki" race from Takatsuki City, Osaka Prefecture, which were reared on leaves of Zelkova serrata Makino (Ulmaceae) at 25^ C and 89% RH, produced females with either six or seven larval molts and males with five or six larval molts. Log-width of head capsule exuviae to instar number was represented by two straight lines intersected at a point between the third and fourth instars; thus measurements of head capsule exuviae will indicate instar number for the first through third instars but fails for the fourth and later instars. REARING; MORPHOMETRY, head capsule width; INSTAR DETERMINATION; ZELKOVA 79

Nagasawa, S. 1957c. On the number of larval moults in the "Noheji" race of the gypsy moth, Lymantrla dispar L. Problems on the breeding of insects for biological assay of insecticides. XVIII. (J, E summ.) Botyu-Kagaku 22:255-259. Hearings of gypsy moth larvae from Noheji, Aomori Prefecture, Honshu, at 250 and 89% RH, which were fed leaves of Zelkova serrata Makino (Ulmaceae), indicated that females underwent five, six or seven molts while males had five or six larval molts. Log-width of head capsule exuviae to instar number conformed to two straight lines which intersected at the third instar. Head capsule size was there useful in determining the first through third instars, but in the fourth and later instars, this procedure was not reliable. REARING; MORPHOMETRY, head capsule width; MOLTING FREQUENCY; INSTAR DETERMINATION; ZELKOVA

Nagasawa, S. 1958a. On the number of larval moults in the "Hirosaki" race of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. Problems in the breeding of insects for biological assay of insecticides. XIX. (J, E summ.) Botyu-Kagaku 23:37-39. In rearing gypsy moth larvae of the "Hirosaki", Aomori Prefecture, race at a constant 250 C and 87% RH which were fed leaves of Prunus subhirtella Miq. (Rosaceae), females had five or six larval molts. The relationship of log-width of exuviae of the head capsule to instar number was closely represented by two straight lines with intersecting points at the third instar. Instar number in the first through third instar could then be determined by measuring the width of the exuviae head capsule, but this relationship was not reliable in the fourth and later instars. REARING; MORPHOMETRY, head capsule width; INSTAR DETERMINATION; PRUNUS

Nagasawa, S. 1958b. On the number of larval moults in the "Sapporo" race of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. Problems on the breeding of insects for biological assay of insecticides. (J) Noyaku-no-shinpo (Progress of Insecticides) 4(5):1-10. Gypsy moth larvae from Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture, were reared on leaves of Zelkova serrata (Ulmaceae) and females underwent five, six or seven molts while males underwent five or six larval molts. Log-head capsule exuviae to instar number was represented by two straight lines each intersecting at the third instar, therefore earlier instars (one through three) could be distinguished by their head capsule size, but thereafter overlap prevented definitive determination of instar number. This report continues with a brief recapitulation of molting frequency from previous work. REARING; MORPHOMETRY, head capsule width; INSTAR DETERMINATION; MOLTING FREQUENCY; ZELKOVA 80

Nagasawa, S. 1958C. Problems on the breeding of insects for biological assay of insecticides. XX. On the number of larval moults in the "Ueda" race of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. (J, E summ.) New Entomologist 7(2.3):5-9. Gypsy moth larvae from Ueda, Nagano Prefecture, were reared at 25^ C and 89% RH and were fed leaves of cherry. Prunus subhirtella Mig. (Rosaceae). Female moths underwent five or six and males four or five larval molts. Log-head capsule width and instar number were described as two straight lines intersecting at midpoint between second and third instars. First through third instars, but not fourth and later instars, could be distinguished by their head capsule size. REARING; MORPHOMETRY, head capsule size; INSTAR DETERMINATION; MOLTING FREQUENCY; PRUNUS

Nagasawa, S. 1965a. On the number of larval moults in the "Edosaki" race of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. Problems on the breeding of insects for biological assay of insecticides. XXXVII. (J, E summ.) Kontyu 33(2):199-206. Laboratory rearing of the "Edosaki", Ibaragi Prefecture, race of gypsy moth fed leaves of apple, Malus sp. (Rosaceae), indicated that both sexes had five or six larval molts. Log-width of exuviae of head capsule to instar number was represented by a curvilinear equation of Grimes and Campbell (1935), which permitted determination of the instar for any individual in the first through third instar by measuring the width of the head capsule exuviae, but the relationship did not apply to the fourth through later stage larvae. REARING; MORPHOMETRY, head capsule width; INSTAR DETERMINATION; MALUS

Nagasawa, S. 1965b. Number of larval moults and the growth of the head capsule in successive instars in the "Shimizu" race of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. Problems on the breeding of insects for biological assay of insecticides. XXXVIII. (E) Kontyu 33(4): 466-474. Rearing gypsy moth larvae of the "Shimizu", Shizuoka Prefecture, race on leaves of apple, Malus sp. (Rosaceae), produced females that underwent five, six or seven and males five larval molts. The relationship of log-^idth of head capsule exuviae to instar number conformed to the curvilinear equations of Gaines and Campbell (1935). Instar number could be determined from head capsule exuviae for first through third instars but was not useful for determining fourth and later instars. REARING; MORPHOMETRY, head capsule size; HEAD CAPSULE; INSTAR DETERMINATION; MALUS 81

Nagasawa, S. 1965c• On the number of larval moults in the "Takamatsu" race of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. Problems on the breeding of insects for biological assay of insecticides. XXXIX. (J) Jap. Jour. appl. Entomol. Zool. 9(1):62-63. Gypsy moth from Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture, Shikoku, which were reared on leaves of apple, Malus sp. (Rosaceae), underwent 5 or 6 larval instars in both sexes. Log-width of head capsule exuviae to instar number was represented by two straight lines, conforming to Dyar's equation. REARING; MORPHOMETRY, head capsule width; INSTAR DETERl^INATION; MALUS; DYAR EQUATION

Nagasawa, S. 1980. Geographic variation of number of larval moults of the gypsy moth in Japan. (E) Abst. XVI Intern. Congr. Entomol., Kyoto, Japan, Aug., p. 293, Abst. 9R-1,3. This abstract mentions that this study has been in progress for over twenty years. During this time, gypsy moth collected at more than fifty localities in Japan were reared. (Results of some of these rearings have been noted above.) Unfortunately, no general conclusions or findings are presented in this abstract. VARIATION, Geographic ; LARVAL MOLTS

Nagasawa, S. and I. Nakayama 1965. On the number of larval moults in the Kyoto race of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. (J, E summ.) AKITU 13:8-13. Gypsy moth larvae from Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Honshu, were reared at 250 C or 18^ - 230 C and fed on Rosa sp. (Rosaceae) leaves. Results indicated the females underwent five, six or seven larval molts while the males underwent four or five larval molts. Log-width of head capsule exuviae to instar number conformed to the curvilinear equation of Gaines and Campbell (1935). REARING; MORPHOMETRY, head capsule width; INSTAR DETERMINATION; ROSA; MOLTING DETERMINATION

Nagasawa, S. and I. Nakayama. 1966. On the number of larval moults in the "Gifu" race of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. Problems on the breeding of insects for biological assay of insecticides. XLII. (J) Jap. Jour. appl. Entomol. Zool. 10(1):48-49. Rearing gypsy moth larvae of the "Gifu", Gifu Prefecture, race indicated that, at 25^ C, females underwent six and males underwent five larval molts, while at temperatures of 17^ - 23^ C, some males also underwent a sixth larval molt. Only seven and 11 larvae were reared under each mentioned temperature respectively. REARING; DEVELOPMENT, number of larval molts 82

Nagâsawa, S, and I. Nakayama. 1967a. Number of larval moults and growth of head capsule between successive instars in the Soshigaya and Nakaizu races of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. (J, E summ.) Tyo To Ga (Trans. Lepido. Soc. Jap.) 18(1&2):12-19. In individual rearing of gypsy moth larvae from Soshigaya, Tokyo Prefecture, and Nakaizu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Honshu, fed on leaves of Rosa sp. (Rosaceae) and Diospyros (Ebenaceae), females from both areas underwent five or six larval molts. Males from both areas underwent five larval molts but some males from Nakaizu underwent only four larval molts. Log-width of head capsule exuviae to instar number conformed to a curvilinear equation. Duration of the pupal period of females was shorter than that of males from both areas. First through third larval instars were distinguishable by head capsule size. In later stages, overlap permitted only an approximation of instar number. REARING; MORPHOMETRY, head capsule size; INSTAR DETERMINATION; MOLTING FREQUENCY; ROSA; DIOSPYROS

Nagasawa, S. and I. Nakayama. 1967b. Problems of breeding of insects for biological assay of insecticides. ILIII. Number of larval moults and growth of head capsule in successive instars of the Yokote race of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. (J, E summ.) Proc. Kansai Plant Prot. Soc. 9:1-5. Gypsy moth larvae of the Yokote, Akita Prefecture, Honshu, race were reared on leaves of persimmon, (Diospyros kaki) (Ebenaceae). Based on the head capsule exuviae, females underwent five or six larval molts and males four or five larval molts. Log-width of head capsule size to instar number was represented by a curvilinear equation. REARING; MORPHOMETRY, head capsule width; INSTAR DETERMINATION; DIOSPYROS

Nagasawa, S. and I. Nakayama. 1968. Growth and its variation in the Kurashiki race of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. Problems on the breeding of insects for biological assay of insecticides. XLVII. (J, E summ.) Kontyu 36(3):237-249. Gypsy moth larvae were collected at Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture, and reared on persimmon leaves, (Diospyros kaki) (Ebenaceae), at conditions of 150 -. 22^ C and 40% - 85% RH. Reared females underwent five or six larval molts and males only four or five. Relation of log-width of head capsule and instar conformed to a second- or third-order regression equation. In larvae having the same number of molts, female larval development was longer than that of males but pupal development of females was shorter than males. Relationship of log cube root of cumulative weight of fecal pellets to instar number was represented by a second-order regression equation. REARING; MORPHOMETRY, head capsule width; PUPAL WEIGHT; DEVELOPMENT; INSTAR DETERMINATION; DIOSPYROS 83

Nagasawa, S., T. Kanazaki and A. Nagatsu. 1977. The size factors in the toxic action of furamethrin and tetramethrin used on gypsy moth larvae. (J, E summ.) Botyu-Kagaku 42:165-170. Multiple regression equations were determined for expressing the relation between the rate of toxic action of furamethrin and tetramethrin applied to gypsy moth larvae, dose per larva, and body weight. Values of size factor mean that k-times larger required k2*585 times more furamethrin and k2-657 times more tetramethrin than indicated by the ratio of their body weight to induce mortality in the same time as with smaller larvae. Log-doses adjusted for differences in body weight were computed and presented. TOXICITY, insecticides; FURAMETHRIN; TETRAMETHRIN; BODY WEIGHT, relative toxicity

Nakahara, J. 1953. Gypsy moth attracted by light traps. (J) Forest Protection News 2:110. The number of gypsy moth caught by blue fluorescent lamp light traps were counted at Ishikawa Prefecture, Honshu, in 1952. Greatest number captured was during the period just after twilight and into the early part of the night. Number of eggs of 50 females captured averaged 228.2 eggs (variance 84.4). In 12 females emerged from pupae (others were parasitized), the average was 181.5 eggs (variance 57.6). Because of the low number of controls, no conclusions can be drawn as to whether females had previously deposited some eggs. Captured females had not completed oviposition at the time of flight to the light traps. BEHAVIOR, flight, light trap captures; LIGHT TRAP CAPTURES; FEMALE, egg complement; EGGS, per female

Nakamura, H. 1929. A gypsy moth flew in the room. (J) Insect World 33(387):389-390. On 7 July 1929, a male gypsy moth flew into the author's room, attracted by a caged female which had just emerged. BEHAVIOR, mate finding; PHEROMONE; MATE FINDING

Nakamura, H. 1934. Control of gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 38(446):371-372. Control of gypsy moth populations can be accomplished by (1) collection and destruction of egg masses, (2) killing larvae in aggregations in April through May, (3) collection of larvae in summer by wrapping trunks with straw mats, and (4) spraying with Derris and Dalmatian insecticide. MECHANICAL CONTROL, banding, egg and larval collection & destruction; CHEMICAL CONTROL, spray; DERRIS; DALMATIAN; BANDING TREES 84

NakaiÄura, H. 1937. Control of larvae of gypsy moth, (J) Insect World 41(476):167-168. Wrapping trunks with straw mats was found as a very useful means for collecting fourth and fifth instar larvae of gypsy moth. Collected larvae could then be destroyed by burning or crushing. MECHANICAL CONTROL, larval collection & destruction; BANDING TREES

Nakamura, M. 1976. Pupa« of Japanese Lymantriidae (Lepidoptera). (E) Kontyu 44(4):411-434. Pupae of 33 species belonging to 16 genera of Lymantriidae are described and classified into two groups with nine subgroups. Author then provided a phylogenetic relationship of these species based on the pupal characters. Under Lymantria, a key to pupae of four species is presented and this contained a detailed description of the pupae of Lymantria dispar. MORPHOLOGY, pupa; PUPA; LYMANTRIIDAE, phylogeny; TAXOMOMY; PHYLOGENY

Nakano, H. 1937. Gypsy moth outbreak in young-aged forests of broadleaf trees. (J) Proc. Tokyo Reg. For. Off. 48:89-94 and an abstract appeared in 1938 in "Agrie. Research" 8(5):520. Although exact location of the gypsy moth outbreak is not specified (author worked at Fukuoka Forest Office, therefore what follows probably relates to a situation in Kyushu), heavily damaged tree species were Quercus mongólica, Q. serrata, £. acutissima, ^. dentata, Castanea crenata, Alnus japónica, floribunda, Salix sp. and other species of broadleaf trees. Conifers were not damaged. Young (one to five year) trees were seriously damaged but older trees were scarcely damaged. Areas of only broadleaf trees were seriously damaged but those mixed with Pinus densiflora were scarcely damaged. Damage was heavy on young coppice forests planted in high density and not in those planted in low density. Control was recommended by building fires at night for attracting and destroying adult moths, collecting and destroying egg masses, and for encouraging predaceous birds, especially Parus atricapillus restrictus, JP. major minor, and jP. varius varius (Paridae), by providing nesting boxes in suitable to encourage these bird populations. OUTBREAK, Kyushu (?) 1937; MECHANICAL CONTROL, fire for moth trapping, egg destruction; BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, encouraging birds with nesting boxes; PARUS BIRDS

Nakatake, M. 1953. A new aspect of the ecology of Apanteles liparidis Bouche. (J) Shin-konchu 6(6):29-30. During investigations on the host trees of gypsy moth at Koyo Gun, Miyazaki Prefecture, Kyushu, larvae were found feeding on several listed host plants. (These species tabulated in host plant list in appendix.) From one collected fifth instar gypsy moth larvae, 40 - 50 larvae of Glyptapanteles (as ApantejLes ) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae) emerged and spun 85 cocoons on 16 June. Adult parasites emerged on 22 June but the gypsy moth host did not die until 26 June. HOST PLANTS; PARASITE, Glyptapanteles, biology; KYUSHU

Nakazima, S. and K. Furukawa. 1933. Bionomics and external structures of Liparis dispar, an insect noxious to Livistona chinensis R. BR. (J, E summ.) Miyazaki'-kono-gakujutsuhokoku (Science report Miyazaki Agrie. School) no. 5, pp. 1-12. On Aoshima, an island 200 m off the coast of Miyazaki Prefecture, Kyushu, the gypsy moth (Lymantria (as Liparis) dispar) feeds on the palm, Livistona chinensis (Palmae). Females oviposit on the undersurface of palm leaves, egg hatching occurs in early April, and adults appear in mid-June. Detailed morphological illustrations are presented. Recommended control of this pest was by collection and destruction of egg masses or the capture of adults by using light sources. BIOLOGY; DEVELOPMENT; MORPHOLOGY; HOST PLANT, Uvistona; PALM; MECHANICAL CONTROL

Nawa, U. 1908a. Arrival of gypsy moth parasites in the U.S.A. (J) Insect World 12(131):294. This note reports on a letter from Dr, Howard to Mr. Kincaid in Japan stating that the parasite Anastatus japonicus (Eupelmidae) sent from Japan was established. PARASITE, Anastatus; IMPORTATION; BIOLOGICAL CONTROL

Nawa, U. 1908b. Ifyperparasites of the gypsy moth emerged. (J) Insect World 12(131):294-295. In Motosu, Gifu Prefecture, Honshu, where a gypsy moth outbreak occurred, many white cocoons of a parasite (Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis (Braconidae) were collected. Hyperparasites of G. liparidis emerged and were identified but names not presented in the report. It was thought that some species might represent tertiary parasites. PARASITE, Glyptapanteles; HYPERPARASITES

Nawa, U. 1914. ^ ^feteorus japonicus Ashmead. (J) Insect World 18(202):234-247. Stages in the life cycle, except for the egg, of Meteorus japonicus Ashmead (Braconidae) were illustrated. Larvae of this solitary parasite are not active but when mature they emerge from the host, spin a silk strand and pupate at the end of this silk strand, forming a pendulous cocoon. The complete life cycle was not clear, but this wasp was known to emerge from Spilosoma sp. (Arctiidae) in the late fall. Thus it may overwinter as adults, and in spring attack gypsy moth and possibly Malacosoma sp. (Lasiocampidae). 86

Females parasitize young host larvae• There may be three generations per year. PARASITE, Meteorus, biology

Nawa, U. 1933. Migration of gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 37(427):102-103. Newly hatched gypsy moth larvae migrate by wind (ballooning), therefore egg masses should be collected not only in the persimmon (Disopyros kaki) (Ebenaceae) orchards but also on other trees in the vicinity of orchards to prevent these small larvae from reentering the orchard. BEHAVIOR, dispersal by wind;. DISPERSAL, ballooning; BALLOONING; DIOSPYROS; MECHANICAL CONTROL

Nawa, U. 1935. On the behavior of gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 39(454):223-224. Larvae of gypsy moth stay on the back sides of leaves and feed on them at night during the younger stages. After the fourth instar, larvae stay on the trunks and begin to feed on leaves in the evening. This fact makes it difficult to find them in daytime because of their similarity in color to that of the tree trunks. BEHAVIOR, feeding, diel periodicity

Nawa, U. 1938. Control of forest insect pests. (J) Insect World 42(486):54-58. Generally gypsy moth outbreaks occur on Alnus japónica, Salix sp., Celtis sinensis, and other favored trees scattered on hillsides and along rivers, then move into orchards of (Pyrus sp.) (Rosaceae) and persimmon (Diospyros sp.) (Ebenaceae). Eggs are laid in the former habitats and it is necessary to collect and destroy these egg masses for adequate control. MECHANICAL CONTROL; HOST PLANTS; ORCHARDS; POPULATION ECOLOGY

Nawa, Ü. 1942. Control of gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 46(534): 54-55. As a recommended control for gypsy moth, collection and destruction of egg masses was suggested, but egg parasites were recognized, and these should be protected by allowing them to emerge before destroying the eggs. MECHANICAL CONTROL; PARASITE, egg

Nawa, U. 1944. Gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 48(567):123. Recorded gypsy moth outbreaks occurring in Gifu Prefecture (Gifu, Motosu, Ibi, and Anpachi), Honshu, where larvae caused serious defoliation of 87 persimmon (Dlospyros sp.) (Ebenaceae). For control under these conditions, the author recommends the collection and destruction of egg masses. The author warned that the first instar larvae may disperse by the wind. OUTBREAK, Gifu 1944; MECHANICAL CONTROL; DISPERSAL, via wind; BALLOONING; DIOSPYROS

Nishiguchi, C. 1961. Larvae of the gypsy moth and tannin. (J) Nippon Rin Gakkai-Shi (Jour. Jap. For. Soc.) 43(6):226-228. The effects of tannin on feeding behavior of larvae of the gypsy moth were investigated using third and fourth instar larvae fed on leaves of 13 species of plant coated with 0%, 5% and 10% tannin solutions. The amounts of larval food consumption during three or four days increased considerably when suppling them with Trifolium repens and Brassica nepus leaves coated with both 5% and 10% tannin solutions. Since these two species were unfavorable food plants for the gypsy moth, tannin solutions accelerated feeding behavior of the larvae. Pisum sativum. Plantage asiática, Viola sp. and Populus trémula var davidiana were favorable food plants irrespective of treatment. The remaining species (Taraxacum sp., Thalictrum aquilegifolium, Artemisia montana, Cacalia hastata var. orientalis, Kolopanax pictus, Fraxinus mandshurica var.. japónica and Cercidiphyllum japonicum) were not fed upon at all, both tannin-treated and untreated leaves. The leaves of these species probably contained anti-feedants for the gypsy moth larvae. FOOD PLAINTS, effects of tannin

Nishiguchi, C. and H. Arisawa. 1966. Differences of development of gypsy moth fed different plant species. (J) Jap. Forestry Soc, Hokkaido Branch, 1966 Ann. Meet. Trans, p. 132-136. Acceptability of various trees as food of the gypsy moth in Hokkaido Prefecture was measured from the standpoint of length of larval stage, mortality of larvae, pupal weight, and the relationship between pupal weight and the number of eggs in females. Gypsy moth from central Hokkaido readily preferred Populus japono-gigas, Quercus crispula, Populus trémula var. davidiana, Salix miyabeana, and Larix leptolepis. Intermediate species of food plants were Larix gmelini, Acer mono var. eupictum, and . Tilia maximowicziana and Alnus hirsuta were least preferred. Three other species were not acceptable : Fraxinus mandshurica var. japónica, Betula maximowicziana, and Populus maximowiczii. When gypsy moth were reared on Populus japono-gigas, there were no differences in mortality between rearing temperatures of 26^ and 16^ C conditions. When reared on Acer mono var. eupictum mortality increased, and on Tilia maximowicziana, mortality was 100%. Tliere was a linear relationship between pupal weight of females and the number of eggs produced, independent of the different food plants. DEVELOPMENT, on various food species; HOST PLANTS, food quality, preferred species; PUPAL WEIGHTS 88

Nishiguchi, C. and lU Arisawa, 1972. On the development of gypsy moth fed different plant species. (J) Jap. Forestry Soc. Trans. 83rd meeting, p. 298-300. Authors compared foods of gypsy moth by using leaves of Populus japono-gigas and Populus alba and found that development was better on the former. Larval period was shorter and pupal weight heavier in the following order in both food plants: 14^ C, rearing outdoors, rearing indoors, 18^ C, and 260 C. In comparing ^. japono-gigas and Acer mono var. eupictum, development was again better on the Populus. Larval development period got shorter and pupal weight heavier on both foods in the following order: rearing outdoors, rearing incoors, rearing at 26^ C. Mortality was high only under the conditions of outdoor rearing on P^. alba and both outdoors and indoors rearings and constant low temperatures using Acer. DEVELOPMENT, different food plants; HOST PLANTS, food quality; FOOD PREFERENCES; POPULUS; ACER

Nishitani (possibly Nishigaya), J. 1918. On the caterpillars of Lyinantria mat hura that appeared in abundance on the apple in Aomori Prefecture in 1918. (J) Insect World 22:366-372. The outbreaks of Lymantria mathura were widespread over 300 ha in apple orchards on sides of the mountains near Hirosaki City, Aomori, in 1918. Larvae hatched in late I^lay through early June and pupated in late July through early August. Adults emerged in August. A pentatomiidae was recorded as a predator of the larva. Most females of L. mathura flew to pine (Pinus sp.) and Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japónica) forests to deposit their eggs. The behavior of L^ mathura had some differences from that of L. dispar. (1) Hatched larvae ascended to shoot-tips at first and changed feeding sites from newly emerged leaves to base leaves. On the other hand, the hatched larvae of gypsy moth ate leaves freely, but left veins. (2) Most of the late instar larvae of gypsy moth descended from tree crowns and rested on north side crevasses of tree trunks and under bases of large branches in the daytime. But most of L. mathura larvae remained in canopies. (3) The flying activity of male adults of L. mathura was more sluggish than that of malej adi^ilts of L. dispar. But in female adults, L. mathura was more active than JL. dispar. BEHAVIOR, comparative; MATHURA

Nobuchi, A. 1961. Natural enemies of Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler. Ifymenopterous egg parasites. (J) Shinrin-boeki News 9:179-182. Although this report d^als predominately with species specific to Dendrolimus spectabilis (Lasiocampidae), it does list the following four species that have also beçn associated with the gypsy moth, although no reference herein furthers that association: Pseudanastatus albitarsis (Ashmead) (Eupelmidae), Anastatus bifasciatus (Fonscolombe) (Eupelmidae), Tyndarichus navae Howard (Encyrtidae) and Pachyneuron sp. (Pteromalidae). Anastatus japonicus Ashmead (as bifasciatus, which is distributed only in Europe) (Eupelmidae) and Pseudanastatus albitarsis (Ashmead) (Eupelmidae) 89 are solitary egg parasites in Pendrolimus spectabilis Butler (Lasiocampidae). These parasites are found mainly in deciduous forests, hardly ever in pine forests. They have a significant pre-oviposition period. A. japonicus is polymorphic for wing length with both long- and short-winged types. The lift span of A. japonicus is long, 10-25 days in glass tubes with honey. It begins to oviposit 2-3 days after emergence. Eggs are laid mostly during the period 6-13 days after emergence. Duration of development is 20-24 days after oviposition in late August. The female deposits male eggs without mating. Z* ^Ibitarsis will also parasitize eggs of Dictyoploca japónica Moore (Saturniidae). Mention is made that Tyndarichus navae Howard and Pachyneuron sp. (=¿. solitarium (Hartig) are hyperparasites of these two species. (jP. solitarium is not recorded from gypsy moth, according to Kamijo and Takada (1973) (Insecta l^latsu. N.S. 2:39—76)). PARASITE, egg; PSEUDANASTATUS; ANASTATUS; TYNDARICHUS; PACHYNEURON; DENDROLIMUS; HYPERPARASITE

Nomura, K. 1947. Outbreak of gypsy moth. (J) Gaichu-kisho-tsuron (Introduction to insect pests and meteorology). Hokuryukan Publ. Co., Tokyo, pp. 96 - 97 pertain. The author cited both the work of Kono (1938) concerning the relationship of gypsy moth outbreaks with sunspot activity and the work of Kato and Okazaki (1941) in regard to unusual climatic conditions and their effects on the gypsy moth populations. POPULATION, causes of fluctuations; SUNSPOT ACTIVITY; SOLAR EFFECTS; CLIMATE

Notsu, R. 1917. Host plants of the gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 21(241):391. Author provided a host plant list of ca. 50 plant species which were damaged by the gypsy moth at Shimane Prefecture, Honshu. (This list in incorporated into the host plant list presented in the appendix.) HOST PLANTS, Shimane

Noyama, T. and S. Ono. 1965. Test of the effectiveness of smoke-borne insecticide against gypsy moth. (J) Forest Protection News 14(3):41-43. In field tests for the control of gypsy moth in Shizuoka Prefecture, Honshu, smoke-borne insecticide produced 93% and 90% mortality in two field plots 72 hours after treatment. Most mortality occurred 24 to 48 hours after the smoke treatment. Authors recommended this treatment for the control against fourth instar gypsy moth larvae. CHEMICAL CONTROL, smoke-borne insecticide; FIELD TESTS, smoke-borne insecticide 90

Oho, N. 1963. Feeding habits of Campalita chinense Kirby. (J) Kontyu 31:15. The predator Campalita (sometimes as Calosoma) chinense Kirby (Carabidae) was observed feeding on Leucania separata (Noctuidae) larvae, which were feeding on grasses (Zoysia sp.) at Hiratsuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, Honshu. Adults and larvae of C^. chinense feed on the caterpillars at the rate of 4 - 5 mature caterpillars per day. Prodenia litura Fabricius (Noctuidae) was also present in the area but were not preferred by _C. chinense. Spraying of Bycid killed almost all exposed C^. chinense. PREDATOR, Campalita, biology, feeding preference; BYCID; CALOSOMA

Oishi, T. 1926. Research on pest insects on cherry trees (2). (J) Byochugai-zasshi (J. Plant Protection) 14(11):651-652. Author presented a general description of the gypsy moth larvae and adults and the life history and important host plants. Recommended control of this pest on cherries (Prunus sp.) (Rosaceae) was to collect and destroy egg masses during the winter, kill sluggish adult females before oviposition in summer, and to spray with pyrethrin insecticide against third or fourth instar larvae. LIFE HISTORY; GENERAL DESCRIPTION; CHEMICAL CONTROL; MECHANICAL CONTROL; PYRETHRIN

Okamoto, H. 1916. Notes on the life-history and habits of Dinorhynchus dybowskyi Jakovlev. (J) Insect World 20(232):487-489. Development of Dinorhynchus dybowskyi (Pentatomidae), a predator of lepidopterous larvae, in Hokkaido, is documented. Oviposition occurred in mid-September during mid-day, when 39 - 55 eggs were laid, which overwintered and hatched in early June. Nymphal development lasted into mid-July. Thereafter and into September, mating may occur in this univoltine predator. PREDATOR, Dinorhynchus, biology

Okamoto, K. 1942. Observations on Dinorhynchus dybowskyi Jakovlev (Asopinae; Pentatomidae) by rearing. (J) Entomol. World 10(98): 247-258. Describes and illustrates all life stages of Dinorhynchus dybowskyi and records the development and behavior of the five nymphal stages and adults of this forest predator. Concerning feeding behavior, author records the host preferences (generally rather polyphagous on lepidopterous caterpillars) and the amount of prey killed during the various stages. Indicated the importance of this predator as a natural enemy of forest pests. PREDATOR, Dinorhynchus, development, life stages 91

Okazaki, G. 1941a. Damage to rice by the gypsy moth. (J) Byochugai-zasshi (J. Plant Protection) 28(11): frontispiece. Presented photograph of gypsy moth caterpillars feeding on rice plants and the resulting damage caused to rice. DAMAGE, rice; PHOTOGRAPH

Okazaki, K. 1941b- Outbreak of gypsy moth in Yamagata Prefecture. (J) Byochugai-zasshi (J. Plant Protection) 28(12):839-844. Damage by gypsy moth to rice was difficult to evaluate. Local agricultural committees recognized damage as a 5 - 10 day delay in earing of the rice and a 20% - 50% decrease to the rice crop yield relative to the unaffected crop as of early September. Tests for control of gypsy moth showed Dalmatian insect powder was most effective whereas Nicotine and Derris insecticides were ineffective. Additional details reported in Kato and Okazaki 1941. OUTBREAK, Yamagata 1941; CHEMICAL CONTROL; DALI4ATI0N; NICOTINE; DERRIS; DAMAGE, rice

Omura, S. 1940. Spermatozoa of Lepidoptera, II. Sperm behavior in the artificial insemination between Bombyx and Lymantria. (J, E summ.) Jap. Jour. Genetics 16(2):63-68. In Bombyx mori (abbr. (B)) (Bombycidae), spermatozoa had been shown to be activated by prostatic secretions (ps) and artificially inseminated female B^ laid many fertile eggs. Next, B^ sperm was activated by Lymantria dispar (abbr. (L^)) (Lymantriidae) ps and three of five female B^ were fertilized. The failure in the other two was due to difficulties in technique since the jL próstata were 1/10 the size of that of the B^. The L próstata activated the jB spermatozoa and no functional specificity existed. Next L^ spermatozoa activated by either species ps, inseminated into the bursa copulatrix of B^, resulted in sperm never reaching the receptaculum seminis and failure to enter egg cells of B^. Apparently physiological character of JL spermatozoa was such that it would not reach the egg cells in female B^ even if ecological or mechanical reproductive barriers were overcome. GENETICS, interspecific insemination; INSEMINATION; PHYSIOLOGY, insemination; BOMBYX; SPERMATOZOA

Osaka, Asahi Newspaper, 1917. Closed primary schools because of caterpillars. (J) Insect World 21(239): 306-307. In a gypsy moth outbreak in Shimane Prefecture, Honshu, that also spread into Hiroshima Prefecture, ten towns and villages were overrun with invading gypsy moths. Larvae covered walls and roofs and inhabitants were generally disturbed. Primary schools were closed temporarily for fear of injury to school children. OUTBREAK, Shimane, lüroshima 1917; LARVAE, Nuisance 92

Otaru Newspaper. 1926. The awful gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 30(348):288. This article reports on a gypsy moth outbreak in a larch (Larix leptolepis) (Pinaceae) forest at Tomioka, Otaru, Hokkaido Prefecture, in which all trees were defoliated and the surviving larvae spread into an adjacent pine (Pinus sp.) (Pinaceae) forest. Residents were troubled by the invasion of caterpillars into their homes. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido 1926; LARVAE, Nuisance; PINUS; LARIX

Pak, Sea-Wook. 1962. Studies on natural enemies of gypsy moth. (K, E summ.) M.S. thesis, Sunggun Kwan University, Seoul, Korea. Studies on the biology and ecology of Lymantria dispar chosenensis Goldschmidt (Korean subspecies of gypsy moth) (Lymantriidae) in Korea revealed the presence of the following natural enemies: (1) Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae), which averaged 15.2 progeny per host (but apparently the percent parasitism remained low throughout the study); (2) Exorista (as Eutachina) japónica (Townsend) (Tachinidae) only two individuals emerged from host pupae; (3) Blepharipa (as Stermia) sericariae Comalia (Tachinidae), which caused 75.8% parasitism in more open, drier, coppiced forests, while in a shady and damp area it was 17.4% (Presented also was the frequency of single or multiple parasitism as 89.12%, 8.48%, 2.14% and 0.2% for one through four puparia per host respectively, some of which were hyperparasitized by Brachymeria fiskei (Crawford) (Chalcididae); (4) Ooencyrtus kuvanae Howard (Ooencyrtidae), present in egg clusters emerging as adults in October; and (5) A fungus disease, which developed in hosts in the shady and damp areas studied. Author speculated on the importance of Blepharipa sericariae being the most important natural enemy present, while Ooencyrtus kuvanae and the fungus both had potential for manipulation for biological control purposes. ECOLOGY; NATURAL CONTROL; POPUALTION REGULATION; PARASITES, Glyptapanteles, Exorista, Blepharipa, Ooencyrtus; HYPERPARASITE, Brachymeria; PATHOGEN, Fungus; BIOLOGICAL CONTROL

Pintureau, B. 1979. Study of in Lymantria dispar and L. japónica (Lepidoptera: L)niiantriidae). (F) Archives de Zool. Experimentale et Generale 120(2):155-162. Based on measurements of the legs and wings of moths of Lymantria dispar, subspecies japónica Motsch., dispar (L.) and hokkaidoensis Goldschmidt, laboratory reared in , dissimilarity between japónica and dispar was greater than between dispar and hokkaidoensis. Sexual dimorphism was greatest in hokkaidoensis. Females of all subspecies had generally larger measurements than males, except for lengths of leg spurs and some of the tarsal joints. VARIATION, subspecific; TAXONOMY; MORPHOMETRY 93

Pintureau, B. 198Üa. Biometrical study of Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), first part: variability among three forms• (F) Ann. Soc. Entomol. France 16(1): 91-107. In this biometrical study of three forms of Lymantria dispar, 27 male characters and 34 female characters were studied, in addition to wing shape. The form japónica (Motsch.) from Honshu Island, Japan, was morphologically close but both were different from the Eurasian form, I.. dispar. Cross mating of japónica with the other two forms occurred only with difficulty. VARIATION; GENETICS, crossmating forms; BIOMETRICS

Pintureau, B. 1980b. Biometrical study of Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), second part: multidimensional analysis of three forms, speciation and evolution. (F) Ann. Soc. Entomol. France 16(2): 249-264. Further biometrical studies revealed that 16 adult characters for each sex were all that was necessary to distinguish moths from France, Hokkaido (Japan) and Honshu (Japan). A consideration of speciation and evolution led to the conclusion that the Honshu form (L^. japónica (Motsch.) was a distinct species and that the Hokkaido form was a subspecies of h. dispar, ie. h. dispar hokkaidoensis Goldschmidt. Redescription of both sexes of both species are included. VARIATION; BIOMETRICS; SPECIATION, L. japónica

Pschorn-Walcher, H. 1962. Final report on work in Japan in 1961. Commonwealth Inst. Biol. Control, European Stn., Delemont, , Unpubl. report, 25 typr. pp., dtd Jan. 1962, pg. 20 pert. In a section on gypsy moth under "Other Forest Insects", mention is made of a serious 1961 outbreak covering more than 500 acres of 10 year old larch in the Tachikawa District of central Hokkaido. The utilization of the larch (Larix leptolepis) by gypsy moth was noted by the author and compared to only one other known similar situation in Switzerland. Phenology of gypsy moth development was recorded as full grown larvae by the end of June and the first of July. Adults first emerged ca. July 20 and lasted into early August. Parasites emerging from collected material were Exorista japónica, Carcelia (as Eucarcelia) separata, Coccygomimus (as Pimpla) disparis, Glyptapanteles liparidis (as Apanteles disparis) and Brachymeria fiskei (usually hyperparasitic). Also a sarcophagid and a phorid were common in dead larvae. Mention is made that disease was prevalent in collected larvae. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido (1961); LARIX; PARASITES, Exorista, Carcelia, Coccygomimus, Glyptapanteles, Brachymeria; INSECT, Sarcophagid, Phorid; DISEASE; PHENOLOGY 94

Pschorn-Walcher, H. 1964. On the parasites of some injurious Lepidoptera from northern Japan. (E) Tech. bull. Commonw. Inst. Biol. Control 4:24-37. Records a severe outbreak of gypsy moth in the Takikawa Forest District, Takikawa, Hokkaido, in 1961 where defoliation was exclusively in young larch plantations. Collections of larvae revealed the presence of Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis (Braconidae), which was the most numerous parasite. Coccygomimus (as Pimpla) disparis (Ichneumonidae) was also collected. Brachymeria fiskei Crawf. (Chalcididae) was found but this is usually hyperparasitic on tachinids. Exorista japónica (Townsend) and Carcelia (as Eucarcelia) separata (Rond.) (both Tachinidae), both very polyphagous species, were found. Sarcophagid flies were quite abundant, but it was uncertain if they were primary parasites or if they were only taking advantage of virus-killed larvae. NATURAL CONTROL; PARASITES, Glyptapanteles, Coccygomimus, Brachymeria, Exorista, Carcelia; SARCOPHAGIDS; VIRUS

Pu, Che Lung. 1976. Biological control of insect pests in China. (C, E summ.) Acta Entomol. Sinica 19(3): 247-252. Although this review contains numerous examples of the use of parasites, predators, and diseases for the control of agricultural pests, under a section on the control of forest insect pests, mention was made that in northern and northeastern China there were attempts at conservation and attraction of entomophagous birds as a biological control approach. Gypsy moth, Lymantria (as Ocneria) dispar (Lymantriidae), was cited as one of several target forest pests. The encouraged bird species included Parus major, Cuculus spp.. Turdus spp. Larius sp. and Dendrocops spp. Results of this effort at the time were reported as "promising". BIOLOGICAL CONIIIOL, Use of birds; PREDATORS, Birds

Richerson, B. 1975. Russian publications concerning gypsy moth. Unedited preliminary compilation, Aug. 1975. (E) Gypsy moth technical information project, 42 typr. pp. This unpublished, partially annotated bibliography contains 178 entires on Russian literature pertaining to the gypsy moth. Most entries include a brief annotation (maximum of several sentences) and list references to abstracting journal entries. Apparently, a final compilation and/or publication was never completed. BIBLIOGRAPHY, USSR; RUSSIAN LITERATURE

Riley, C. V. and L. 0. Howard. 1890. The imported gipsy (sic.) moth. (E) Insect Ufe 2(7/8) : 208-211. Although the gypsy moth was accidentally released in Massachusetts about 20 years earlier, this report records the events surrounding the finding of an established population which was causing damage and consequent alarm. In passing, the authors cite Prof. W. P. Brooks as having found 95

gypsy moth abundant in Sapporo, Hokkaido, in 1883 where they were feeding on strawberries (Fragaria sp,) (Rosaceae). European outbreaks were recorded in southern France in 1817 and at Lyons in 1878. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido 1883; HISTORY; HOST PLANTS

Rondani, C. 1870. The insect Ugi. (I) Bull. del. Soc. Entomol. Italiana 2:134-137 (Engl. trans, by Agence Tunisiene de Public-Relations, Tunis, Tunisia, TT 75-55110, 1975, 4 typr. pp.). This Italian publication contains the original description of Blepharipa (as Ugimyia) sericariae (with some uncertainity) (Tachinidae). The imperfect description was based on larvae and pupae attacking the silkworm, Bombyx mori (Bombycidae). Mr. Menegazzi collected this silkworm pest in Japan and took samples back to . The author speculated on how the maggot or adult fly could escape from the hardened silkworm cocoon and concluded that the maggots pierced the cocoons prior to pupation. PARASITE, Blepharipa (?); UGI; BLEPHARIPA; BOMBYX

Ryu, Y. 1907. Report on the insect pests on Al nus japónica. (J) Insect World 11(116):164. Author records an outbreak of gypsy moth in Saitama Prefecture, Honshu, where, in addition to Alnus japónica Steud. (Corylaceae), fruit trees, vegetables, and crop plants were defoliated. The suggested control methods included (1) banding trees with pieces of straw mats for incouraging pupation, then collecting the pupae and destroying them; (2) having school boys collect egg masses during winter; (3) killing aggregates of hatched larvae in early spring; and (4) collecting male moths with a sweep net as they were attracted to females during the summer. OUTBREAK, Saitama 1907; MECHANICAL CONTROL, banding, netting, collecting life stages; DAMAGE, fruit, vegetables

Sabrosky, C. W. and R. C. Reardon. 1976. Tachinid parasites of the gypsy moth, L3miantria dispar, with keys to adults and puparia. (E) Misc. Publ. Entomol. Soc. America 10(2):1-80. This work covers all known Tachinidae (Diptera) that are known parasites or have been associated with the gypsy moth worldwide. After considering all species, the authors have narrowed this list to 34 tachinid species which are known gypsy moth parasites. Each of these species is then covered relative to their taxonomy, biology, hosts, history and present status. In addition to these, 53 other species considered minor or incidental parasites of gypsy moth are considered to varying extents. Taxonomic keys to the adults and puparia of the known gypsy moth parasites are included. PARASITES, tachinidae, taxonomy, biology 96

Saito, T., K. Katagiri and Z. Iwata. 1981. Biological responses and field attraction of gypsy moth to optically active disparlure. (E) Proc. XVII lUFRO World Congress, Div. 2, p. 632. The attractive power of eis (+)-disparlure was very effective but not (+) and (-)-disparlure mixture (racemic) . Traps have been used in Japanese forestries for detection of the male gypsy moth by eis (+)-disparlure. Box type traps were very effective and they have very long-term effectiveness in the fields. The use of pheromone trap in a management programme will be discussed in light of these results. (Author's abstract) PHEROMONE; DISPARLURE; SURVEY

Saitoh, K. 1952. Interracial gonadal transplantation carried out between larvae of strong and weak races of Lymantria dispar L. (J, E suram.) Oyodobutsugaku-zasshi (J. Appl. Zool.) 61(10):303-308. Using gypsy moth larvae of the strong race (liirosaki and Niigata) and weak race (Sapporo and Fj^ Sapporo male X female receiving two ovaries from a Hirosaki donor) as both doner and host in nearly all combinations, 250 ovarian and 244 testicular grafts performed produced ca. 26% adults in each group following the graft attempts. Examination of these adults indicated that gonadal transplantations exerted no appreciable influence on any external sex characters. Of 33 adult males that received ovarian grafts, 12 were found to contain yellow-colored eggs in the abdominal cavity. Some larvae of the strong race showed abnormal asymmetrical testes. GENETICS, gonadal transplantation; VARIATION; GONAD, transplantation

Saitoh, K. 1953. Experiments of gonadectomy and gonadal transplantation carried out in the larvae of the strong and weak races of Lymantria dispar L. (J, E summ.) Idengaku-zasshi (Jap. Jour. Genetics) 28(2):69-78. Successfully performed gonadectomies and gonadal transplantations between larvae of the strong and weak races of gypsy moth indicated that gonad removal made larvae more inactive, pupae somewhat deformed, and male wings of the strong race darker as a result of the operations. Gonadal transplantations produced active larvae, and ovaries introduced into male bodies produced eggs of an unusual yellowish color, while the same operation on a female caused eggs to be a flesh color. Spermatogenesis occurred in testes, even if individuals were recipients of ovaries. Transplants did not modify the sex characters. GENETICS, gonadal transplants; GONADECTOMY; GONADS, transplantation

Saitoh, K. 1954a. On the gonad of F^-hybrids between the weak and strong races of Lymantria dispar L. (J) Jap. Jour. Genetics 29(4):172. This brief abstract of a presentation noted the production of intersexes when crossing Sapporo females (weak race) with males from 97

Niigata, Hirosaki, Noheji, and Honshu (all strong race), GENETICS; VARIATION; INTERSEXES

Saitoh, K. 1954b. Ovarian and testicular transplantations in the larvae of the neutral and strong races of Lymantria dispar L. (J, E sumra.) Idengaku-zasshi (Jap. Jour. Genetics) 29(3):123-125. Gonadal transplants were made on fifth instar larvae using larvae of the strong race from Noheji, Aomori Prefecture, Honshu, as donors for pairs of ovaries and testis and larvae of the neutral race from Miyazaki, Kyushu, as recipients, but without gonadectomies. Transplantation success was 22% and 29% respectively. Of the 32 and 13 adults that emerged from the ovarian and testicular transplants respectively, no changes in the external sex characters of the recipients could be attributed to the transplantations. GENETICS; gonadal transplantation; GONADS, transplantation

Saitoh, K. 1954c. Ovarian and testicular transplantations undertaken between larvae of the weak and neutral races of Lymantria dispar L. (J, E summ.) Oyodobutsugaku-zasshi (J. Appl. Zool.) 63(5): 204-207. Without undergoing a gonadectomy, larvae of the weak race of gypsy moth from Sapporo, Hokkaido, received gonads from larvae of a neutral (minus) race from Iliyazaki, Kyushu. In 124 ovarian and 100 testicular transplantations, 91% and 79% of the recipients emerged as adults but no morphological changes in the sexual characters of these recipients resulted. GENETICS; gonadal transplantation; GONADS, transplantation

Saitoh, K. 1954d. Some aspects of crosses carried out with the strains of Lymantria dispar L. from Sapporo, Hirosaki, and Niigata. (J, E summ.) Idengaku-zasshi (Jap. Jour. Genetics) 29(4):140-143. Females from Sapporo were crossed with males from Hirosaki and a second similar female was crossed with a male from Niigata. All progeny were males, conforming to Goldschmidt's (1934) hypothesis that sex reversal occurred in the genetical daughters. It was not possible to distinguish the sex-reversed males from the normal males in external characteristics or in the structure of the testes. In reciprocal crosses of those made above, normal males and female progeny resulted. Mean eggs laid in all-male producing crosses was 36.5 (N = 4). GENETICS, Intersexes; SEX-REVERSAL; VARIATION; FECUNDITY, sex reversal crosses; SEX-RACES

Saitoh, K. 1955a. Morphology of the F]^ from the crosses between the Sapporo and Noheji strains of Lymantria dispar L. (J, E summ.) Oyodobutsugaku-zasshi (Jour. Appl. Zool.) 64(4):117-119. Three crosses of male gypsy moths from Noheji, Aomori Prefecture, Honshu, and female of the weak race from Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture, 98 produced 142 progeny. External morphology indicated all progeny were males; however, histological examination of the gonads revealed that four female intersexes were produced, all in one pairing. This confirmed that the males from Noheji were of the strong race. GENETICS, intersexuality; INTERSEXES; VARIATION

Saitoh, K. 1955b. On some abnormal testes found in the larvae of Lymantria dispar (preliminary report). (J, E summ.) Oyodobutsugaku-zasshi (Jour. Appl. Zool.) 64(11): 331-333. Normal gypsy moth larval testes are reniform in outline and normally possess four testicular chambers. In certain individuals, abnormal larval testes were recognized and diagrammed. These contained three or five chambers, instead of the normal four. MORPHOLOGY, testes; TESTES, abnormal chamber numbers

Saitoh, K. 1955c. Ovarian transplantation carried out in the F^-larvae of the cross between the weak and strong races of Lymantria dispar L. (J, E summ.) Oyodobutsugaku-zasshi (Jour. Appl. Zool.) 64(4):113-116. Gypsy moth host recipients in an ovarian transplantation were the fi gypsy moth larvae from a cross between the Sapporo (weak), Hokkaido Prefecture, female and a Noheji (strong), Aomori Prefecture, Honshu, male. The donors of larval ovaries were fourth instar Noheji larvae. Resulting adults were all males in external appearance but histological examination of the imaginai gonads revealed that three specimens were female intersexes with gonads containing both male and female germ cells. The grafted ovaries exerted no recognized influence on the external sex characteristics of the recipients. GENETICS, gonad transplantation, intersexes; INTERSEXES; MORPHOLOGY

Saitoh, K. 1955d. Some observations on gonadal transplantations undertaken between larvae of the weak race and Gifu-type race of Lymantria dispar L. (J, E summ. & Table) Oyodobutsugaku-zasshi (Jour. Appl. Zool.) 64(7): 211-213. Goldschmidt (1934) found the Gifu-type race of gypsy moth the weakest among the strong gypsy moth races and it was characterized by producing a special type of female intersex. Larvae of a weak race from Hakodate, Hokkaido prefecture, without receiving a gonadectomy, received a pair of gonads from fourth instar, Gifu-type larvae. Although 86 ovarian and 67 testicular transplantations emerged as adults, no alternations in the sex characters resulted from these transplantations. GENETICS, gonad transplantation; VARIATION; GONADS, transplantation

Saitoh, K. 1956. Chromosomes of the F^-offspring between the weak and strong races of Lymantria dispar L. (J, E summ.) Jap. Jour. Genetics 31(1):18-21. 99

Chromosomes of the all-male gypsy moth progeny of crosses between females from Sapporo (weak race), Hokkaido Prefecture, and males from Hirosaki and Niigata (strong race), Honshu, were studied for their external male characteristics and the structure of the gonads due to the sex-reversal in female progeny. The haploid number was 31 in both primary and secondary spermatocytes and conjugation of homologous pairs, formation of the equatorial plate, and arrangement of chromosomes on the metaphase plate at the first and second meiotic divisions were all perfectly normal. Haploid chromosomes were round or oval in outline and varied only very slightly in size. GENETICS, chromosomes, intersexes; CHROMOSOME, number; VARIATION

Saitoh, K. 1958. Studies of sexuality and morphology in the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. II. On the chromosomes of F^-hybrids between the weak and strong races. (E) Jap. Jour. Genetics 33(4): 97-101. Metaphase chromosomes in primary and secondary spermatocytes were studied in the hybrids from strong mated with weak and in weak mated with strong crosses with special regard to their size and behavior. The 31 haploid chromosomes showed the usual circular arrangement at metaphase and were oval or round in outline, showed no remarkable size differences, and were quite regular during meiotic pairing. GENETICS, chromosomes; CHROMOSOMES; VARIATION

Saitoh, K. 1959. Studies of sexuality and morphology in the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. III. Morphology of F^ Sapporo-Noheji hybrids. (E) Jap. Jour. Genetics 34(6):174-179. Morphological examination of the progeny of gypsy moth crosses of females from Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture, and males from Noheji, Aomori Prefecture. (Previously reported in Saitoh 1955). The F^ hybrids were all male based on external examination, but five of 736 adults examined were bisexual or were female intersexes according to Goldschmidt (1934). Detailed morphological examination of the gonads of these intersexes indicated that the haploid number (N = 31) and morphology showed no differences from normal male chromosomes. Findings presented confirm other works in diploid intersexuality and confirm that Sapporo gypsy moths belong to a weak race and the Noheji moths were of the strongest race. GENETICS, intersexuality; MORPHOLOGY, gonads; INTERSEXES

Sasaki, C. 1900, 1901. Manual of Japanese tree insects. (J) "Sanraku-sha", Tokyo, Japan. Pt. 1 (1900), 190 pp., Pt. 2 (1901), 186 pp., Pt. 3 (1901), 176 pp. Author lists the gypsy moth as an important insect pest of fruit trees. Tilia miqueliana, Quercus dentata, and other broadleaf trees, vegetables, and even some trees. MANUAL, tree pests; HOST PLANTS 100

Sato, H. 1973. Growth of larch trees defoliated by gypsy moth. (J) Jap. Forestry Soc. trans. 86th Meet. p. 351-353. An outbreak of gypsy moth occurred at Esashi, Iwate Prefecture, Honshu, in 1972, which damaged larch forests (Larix leptolepis) (Pinaceae). In a 21-year-old plantation, almost complete defoliation occurred in late June and the density of larvae and pupae was ca. 800,000 per ha. By September, trees had refoliated somewhat but by 1973 many weakened trees were dead. In damaged (690 m2) and control (200 m^) forests about 500 m apart, trunk weight and volume were somewhat smaller in the damaged forest. Branch weight, leaf weight, and annual increment growth of trees in the damaged forest was 69.6%, 43.6% and 57.5% of the corresponding values in the control forest. In the damaged forest, volume growth of healthy trees was 50% - 60% and of weakened trees was 10% - 20% of the growth of the same trees in the previous year. In the control forest, trunk volume of healthy trees increased and weaker trees decreased volume growth compared to growth rates the previous year. DEFOLIATION, effects on tree growth; OUTBREAK, Iwate 1972; LARIX PLANTATION, tree growth post-defoliation

Sato, H. and S. Sotodate. 1975a. Growth of larch defoliated by gypsy moth. (J) Jap. Forestry Soc. trans. 86th Meet. p. 343-344. In a gypsy moth outbreak in a 12 ha larch (Larix leptolepis) (Pinaceae) plantation at Tamayama, Iwate Prefecture, Honshu, in 1974, ca. 1.5 ha of larches were completely defoliated. Most gypsy moth larvae were killed by fungus disease (Entomophthora aulicae) (See Sato & Takamura 1975). Dead larvae density was estimated at 470,000/ha in seriously damaged areas and 630,000/ha in lightly damaged areas (this result discussed separately). Tree branch weight, leaf weight, and increment growth in seriously damaged areas were 66%, 41%, and 58% respectively of that in the lightly damaged areas. Percentage of growth in 1974 to that in the previous year for lightly damaged area trees was: Height 91%, Dbh 77%, trunk volume 94%, and in seriously damaged areas was: 71%, 47%, and 77% respectively. Decrease in growth in 1973 was likely due to dry climate in June-August. DEFOLIATION, effects of; OUTBREAK, Iwate 1974; ENTOMOPHTHORA

Sato, H. and N. Takamura. 1975b. Biology and control of the gypsy moth. (J) Rept. Iwate Pref. Forest Expt. Stn. no. 7, pp. 11-21. Gypsy moth and Lymantria fumida Butler (Lymantriidae) are important pests of larch Larix leptolepis (Pinaceae) in Iwate Prefecture, Honshu. History of gypsy moth outbreaks include Kinugawa (Koromogawa?) Village 1955 - 1963 (500 ha damaged); Iwate, Tamayama, and Johoji in 1964 - 1966; at Esashi in 1971; and Kanagasaki, Iwate, and Tamayama in 1973 - 1974. Outbreaks generally terminate in 2 - 3 years because of epizootics caused by virus and the fungus, Entomophthora. Damage to trees is most serious in late June when 80% of the total 101 amount of food is eaten 10 days before pupation. Tree volume growth of completely defoliated trees decreased to 50% of non-defoliated trees, and if trees were under stress, they died. Prediction of populations in the next year can be made by egg mass surveys. Existence of larvae after May can be confirmed by the presence of frass on understory vegetation and on webs of spiders. Adult moths emerge in late July and early August. Diurnal males fly in the morning and evening and during periods of sunshine on rainy days. When disturbed, as by walking through vegetation, both male and females fly. At night they are attracted by lights. Females often lay eggs on telephone poles and on buildings, generally near the ground. Control can be achieved by collection of egg masses in small areas, but spraying against larvae by late May is needed for larger areas. The insecticide Dipterex (DEP) is an effective chemical. OUTBREAK, history, Iwate; POPULATION ECOLOGY; BIOLOGY; BEHAVIOR, female flight, oviposition site selection; DAMAGE; SPIDERS; PATHOLOGY, virus, Entomophthora; MECHANICAL CONTROL; CHEMICAL CONTROL

Sato, H. and N. Takamura. 1975c. Larval density, degree of damage, and disease at an area of gypsy moth outbreak and their relationship. (J) Jap. Soc. Forestry trans. 86th meet, p^ 345-346. In late June 1974, at Fuñada and Tamayama, Iwate Prefecture, Honshu, in a 19-year-old plantation of larch (Larix leptolepis), 1.5 ha of the 12 ha plantation was completely defoliated by gypsy moth. Most larvae and pupae were killed by the fungus, Entomophthora aulicae. An estimation of the original larval density was made from the dead cadavers and 47% of the dead larvae were positioned 0.5 - 1.5 m high on the trees sampled. At Esashi in 1972, mortality from disease was highest at the center of an outbreak area and lower near the border. At Fuñada, plots with originally high gypsy moth densities received light damage because of the high larval mortality before feeding was completed. The low initial population density areas received high damage since many larvae successfully reached the last stadium. OUTBREAK, Iwate 1974; POPULATION ECOLOGY; POPULATION DENSITY, High/low vs. damage; DAMAGE; LARIX; ENTOMOPHTHORA; FUNGUS

Schaefer, P. W. 1978. Betula platyphylla; the preferred oviposition host of Lymantria dispar japónica in Hokkaido, Japan. (E) Environ. Entomol. 7(1):168-170. Author documents the preference for white , Betula platyphylla (Corylaceae), as oviposition sites by female gypsy moth in mixed species forests in Hokkaido Prefecture. In an area of very low gypsy moth population density, ca. 98% of 90 egg masses in 3.3 ha of forest were on Betula, which was less than 30% of the stand composition. At high population densities, three Betula among 154 trees held 85% of all egg masses. One single tree held 482 egg masses. POPULATION ECOLOGY; BEHAVIOR, oviposition, host selection; OVIPOSITONAL HOST, Betula 102

Schaefer, P. W. 1980. Natural enemies of gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) in Japan and Korea, especially new and potentially useful species. (E) Abst. XVI Intern. Congr. Entoraol., Kyoto, Japan, Aug. p. 297, Abst. 9P,2. The USDA, Asian Parasite Laboratory in Sapporo, Japan, conducted exploration for natural enemies of gypsy moth (1975 - 1979). Currently, records include 41 parasites of jL. dispar (in Japan unless indicated) including the following (total species and new records or species): Tachinidae-11 (including Actia jocularis, Blepharipa schineri, Exorista larvarum. Pales pavida, Parasetigena n. sp. (Korea)); Braconidae-7 (Cotesia (as Apanteles) melanoscelus, Cotesia (as Apanteles) schaeferi, Protapanteles (as Apanteles) lymantriae); Chalcididae-1; Encyrtidae-1; Eupelmidae-2; Eulophidae-2 (Elachertus charondas); Ichneumonidae-12 (Hyposoter vierecki, Melalophacharops sp., Phobocampe sp. not disparis); Scelionidae 1; Torymidae-1; ïrichogrammatidae-1; and Nematoda, Mermithidae-2 (Hexamermis n. spp.). Presently 15 insect species are confirmed (including lab. confirmation only *) predators of gypsy moth. New records include predators on eggs- Anthrenus museorum, Anthrenus verbasci, Attagenus sp., Dermestes sp. (Dermestidae) and Ptinus japónica (Ptinidae) and predators on larvae- ^Rhyncoris leucospilus Sibiriens (Reduviidae), ^Arma custos, Picromerus fuscoannulatus (Pentatomidae) and Xylodrepa sexcarinata (Silphidae). Diseases include virus (CPV and NPV) and the fungus Entomophthora aulicae. Those organisms considered the most successful natural enemies possess high biological control potential (Hexamermis spp., Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis, Exorista japónica, Brachymeria lasus, Dinorhynchus dybowskyi, Entomophthora aulicae, and the viruses) or moderate biological control potential (Blepharipa spp., Parasetigena spp., Cotesia or Protapanteles (as Apanteles) spp. other than liparidis, Rogas lymantriae, Xylodrepa sexcarinata, Calosoma maximowiczi) . However, the single most significant mortality factor in Hokkaido was mid-winter prédation on eggs by mixed species flocks of overwintering birds. Prédation of 34.5%, over a wide area, or frequently over 90% in favorable sites (well sheltered areas) was recorded. (Author's abstract, names updated) NATURAL ENEMIES, in Japan; PARASITES, Actia, Blepharipa, Exorista, Pales, Parasetigena, Cotesia, Glyptapanteles, Elachertus, Hyposopter, Melalophacharops, Phobocampe, Hexamermis; PREDATORS, Anthrenus, Attagenus, Dermestes, Ptinus, Rhyncoris, Arma, Picromerus, Xylodrepa; DISEASE, NPV, CPV, Entomophthora; PREDATION, eggs by winter birds; BIRDS; BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, potential agents

Schaefer, P. \U 1981. Explorations in Japan and Korea by the ARS Asian Parasite Laboratory: 1975-77. pp. 340-348, In Doane & McManus (eds.). The gypsy moth: research toward integrated pest management. U.S. Dept. of Agrie, tech. bul. no. 1584, 757 pp. This report emphasizes exploratory work on parasites, especially egg and larval parasites in Japan and South Korea. This work was performed from a laboratory located in Sapporo on the northern island of Hokkaido. 103

Although printed in a slightly scrambled manner (last two paragraphs on pg. 341 through entire left hand column on pg. 343 should all appear between two paragraphs under "Egg Parasites" on pg. 344), a section on the gypsy moth in the Orient relates some of the differences found when comparing this species in Japan to those found in other areas of the world. Most significant is the ability of females of the Japanese and Korean forms to fly. Noted differences in color, host plant utilization, and variations in color and size provide a backdrop on which to examine the natural enemies. Major efforts concentrating on egg parasites revealed the inconsistent presence of Anastatus japonicus throughout Japan and Korea, but Qoencyrtus kuvanae occurred only in southern Japan and Korea. An unknown species of Anastatus, a species of Telenomus, and a hyperparasite Tyndarichus navae were also recorded. Details on these species can be seen in a subsequent report (Schaefer 1988?). Larval parasites recovered include four species listed as "Apanteles". Nomenclatural changes detailed in Coulson et al. (1986) and descriptions presented in Marsh (1979) now indicate that Glyptapanteles liparidis (the most successful and abundant of the early larval parasites), Cotesia melanoscelus, Cotesia schaeferi and Protapanteles lymantriae were recovered from gypsy moth in Japan. Other larval parasites include Rogas lymantriae, Phobocatape sp. and Meteorus japonicus and a complex of tachinid flies. That complex includes eight or nine species as listed: Actia jocularis, Blepharipa schlnerl, Blepharipa "sericariae," Carcelia bombylans, Carcelia excisa and/or separata, Compsilura concinnata, Exorista japónica, Exorlsta sorbíHans, Pales pavida and Parasetigena silvestris. Some details on the recovery of a mermithid nematode Hexamermis albicans or other species suggest that this can be a significant mortality factor among larval gypsy moths, especially in moist habitats. Pupal parasites recovered included Brachymeria lasus, Coccygomimus disparís, Ephlaltes capulífera, and Lymantríchneumon disparís. In addition, the probable hyperparasitic Theronia atalantae gestator was found occasionally. Of these species, prospective biological control agents Glyptapanteles liparidis seem most promising but overwintering hosts in new environments appear to be a major drawback. Mention is made of the importance of tachinid species Brachymeria lasus and the nematode as potentially useful agents. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL; EXPLORATION; NATURAL ENEMIES; VARIATION; BEHAVIOR; PATHOGEN, Entomophthora; PREDATORS, Dinorhynchus; PARASITES, Ooencyrtus, Anastatus, Telenomus, Glyptapanteles, Cotesia, Protapanteles, Rogas, Phobocampe, Meteorus, Actia, Blepharipa, Carcelia, Compsilura, Exorista, Pales, Parasetigena, Hexamermis, Brachymeria, Coccygomimus, Ephialtes, Lymantríchneumon, Tyndarichus; HYPERPARASITE

Schaefer, P. W. and K. Furuta. 1979(81). A black-backed larval mutant of Lymantria dispar (L. ) (Lepidoptera : Lymantiriidae) in Japan. (E) Jour. Res. Lepido. 18(3) :167-170. Six mutant larvae of Lymantria dispar (L.) were found in Sekigahara, Aichi prefecture, Honshu, Japan, in June 1977. The distinctive 'black-backed' mutant late-stage larvae had nearly solid black dorsum. 104

Otherwise, all setae, veruccae, and dorsal glands were colored as in normal larvae. All mutant larvae died of natural enemies, thus we could not determine if mutant larvae produced distinctive adults. The mutant appeared in less than 1% of the total population. Author's summary. VARIATION, larval mutant; MUTANT, Black-backed larva

Schaefer, P. W., R. C. Hedlund, and K. Ikebe. 1979 Dinorhynchus dybowskyi, an arboreal predator of forest insects including the gypsy moth, in Hokkaido, Japan, and laboratory rearing success. (E) Environ. Entomol. 8:744-751. Authors review all available information on this species and report the results of field observations and collections designed as the preliminary evaluation of Dinorhynchus dybowskyi Jakovlev (Pentatomidae: Asopinae) as a candidate for introduction into the U.S. for biological control against the gypsy moth. Characteristic egg masses (av. 39.9 eggs/mass, max. 83) overwinter on southwest-facing trunks of smooth-barked hardwood trees (Cornus, Acer) in Hokkaido. First-instar nymphs are not predaceous, require a water source and probably extract water from plant tissues. All subsequent stages are predaceous, feeding on caterpillars. They die in the presence of plant tissues alone, and later stages will attack even pupae and adult gypsy moths. This pentatomid was illustrated and translations of descriptions of life stages, lists of parasites, behavior and host list were compiled. Release of this species in the U.S. was pending. PREDATOR, Dinorhynchus, biology, behavior; BIOLOGICAL CONTROL

Schaefer, P. W. and H. Shima. 1981. Tachinidae parasitic on the L3aiiantriidae in Japan. (E) Kontyu 49(2): 367-384. In this coverage of all Tachinidae (Diptera) parasitic on Lymantriidae, which includes 23 new host associations, 11 species are listed as recorded from Lymantria dispar (L.). Three of these are recorded for the first time—Actia jocularis Mesnil, Exorista larvarum (L.) and Pales pavida (Meigen). Other genera associated with gypsy moth include Blepharipa, Carcelia, Compsilura, and Parasetigena. PARASITES, Tachinidae; ACTIA, EXORISTA, PALES, BLEPHARIPA, CARCELIA, COMPSILURA, PARASETIGENA

Schaefer, P. W. and K. Ikebe. 1982. Recovery of Hexamermis sp. (Nematoda: Mermithidae), parasitizing gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.), in Hokkaido, Japan. (E) Environ. Entomol. 11(3): 675-680. Hexamermis sp. (Nematoda: Mermithidae) were recovered from natural populations of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), in Hokkaido, Japan. This parasite has spotty distribution, and it appears to favor moist, deciduous forest areas and not Larix leptolepis Gord. plantations where gypsy moth outbreaks usually occur. Hexamermis sp. emerged from host larvae but not pupae, and superparasitism occurred frequently. In 1979, experimental field exposure of 105

laboratory-reared gypsy moth larvae confirmed an extended period of parasitic attack (26 May to 19 July), during which a maximum of ca. 84% parasitism occurred at a maximum rate of 683 mermithids produced per 100 recaptured hosts• Infection was highest during periods of rainfall. Under natural conditions, maxima of 61, 77, and 86 per 100 hosts were recorded. Other Lepidoptera attacked include Lymantria mathura aurora Butler (Lymantriidae), mongoliana Butler (Sphingidae) and an unidentified arctiid species. Author's summary. PARASITE, Hexamermis, biology, behavior, hosts; NEMATODE

Schaefer, P. W., W. E. Wallner, and M. Ticehurst. 1984a. Incidence of the black-backed larval mutant of Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) in Ukrainian SSR. (E) Jour. Res. Lepidoptera 23(1):103-104. In collections of larvae of L3nnantria dispar made at four sites in the Ukrainian SSR, the frequency of appearance of the black-backed mutant was recorded. Although the overall sample of 1228 larvae showed 1.8% mutants, one collection of 100 larvae made at Zaporozje possessed 8% mutants. Adults reared from mutant larvae showed no apparent variation from normal adults. VARIATION, larval mutants; USSR; BLACK-BACKED MUTANT

Schaefer, P. W., R. M. Weseloh, X. L. Sun, W. E. Wallner and J. J. Yan. 1984b. Gypsy moth, Lymantria (=Qcneria) dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), in the People's Republic of China. (E) Environ. Entomol. 13:1535-1541. In a 2-month expedition to Beijing and northeast People's Republic of China (PRC) to investigate natural enemies of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.), much was learned about the pest itself. Its distribution is wide in the PRC but it is more abundant in the northeast where local outbreaks occurred in 1980 and/or 1981. Known outbreak history is tabulated. Gravid adult females are capable of sustained flight and often lay eggs on structures near outdoor lights, to which they are attracted. Larval behavior is similar to that of larvae in North America. At low population levels, much feeding is done at night, and large larvae rest under bark flaps, stones or leaf litter during the day. Larval food plants are listed and are similar to those of New World larvae except that persimmon, Diospyros sp., in the Beijing area, and larch, Larix spp., in the northeast, are highly preferred. Larval developmental phenology based on our collected larvae is presented. Larval color variation is pronounced (greater quantities of yellow) but this varies within sites and geographically. About 0.3% of larvae collected were black-backed mutants, an example of which is illustrated. Author's summary. DISTRIBUTION, China; OUTBREAK, history; BEHAVIOR; HOST PLANTS; VARIATION; LARIX; DIOSPYROS

Schaefer, P. W., Yan Jingjun, Sun Xilin, W. E. Wallner, R. M. Weseloh. 1984c. Natural enemies of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) in China. (C, E summ. & E translation available from authors) Scientia Silvae Sinicae 20(4): 434-440. A 2-month survey of natural enemies of the gypsy moth, Lymantria 106 dispar (L.) in Beijing and the northeastern People's Republic of China confirmed the presence of 22 parasitic species (including Hexamermis, Exorista, Carcelia, Parasetigena, Chetogena, Blepharipa, Elachertus, Anastatus, Tyndarichus, Rogas, Meteorus, Glyptapanteles, Cotesia, i^anteles, Phobocampe, Casinaria, Hyposoter, Campoletis, Ephialtes) and 12 predaceous species (including Araneus, Harpactor, Epidaus, Picromerus, Dinorhynchus, Pinthaeus, Xylodrepa, Carabus, Calosoma), Parasite species diversity was greatest at Mengjiagang, Heilongjiang Province. Nuclear Polyhedrosis virus (NPV) and Entornophthora aulicae diseases were present. The most abundant parasites were the tachinids (five species combined) and the gregarious braconid, Glyptapanteles liparidis. Estimates of the levels of natural mortality are presented. NATURAL ENEMIES, parasites, list of (Above list indexed); DISEASES

Schaefer, P. W., K. Kanamitsu and H. P. Lee. (1988?). Egg parasitism in Lymantria dispar (L.) in Japan and South Korea. (E) Kontyu (in press) During surveys for egg parasites of gypsy moth, L3niiantria dispar (L. ), in 1975 - 1978, 2110 egg mass samples were collected on all major Japanese islands and in South Korea. Emphasis was to collect over a wide geographical range in low host density sites, however some outbreak situations were sampled. Overall parasitism was 1.28% in Japan (I^x. 2.93% at Chubu, Honshu) and 10.01% in South Korea (Max. 11.88% in NW region). Distribution of Qoencyrtus kuvanae (Howare) (Hjnnenoptera : Encyrtidae) was spotty but it dominated in southern Japan and was widespread in South Korea. Anastatus japonicus Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) was recovered in northern Japan (Most consistantly at Jyozankei, Hokkaido). Both species were widespread in South Korea, where the hyperparasitic Tyndarichus navae Howard (Hjnnenoptera : Encyrtidae) was also common. Bird prédation in Hokkaido caused heavy losses of host egg masses and made recovery of A. japonicus (which overwintered in host eggs) possible only after erecting wire guards in the fall to exclude birds during winter. Qoencyrtus kuvanae emerged in fall but its parasite, T^. navae, overwintered in host eggs to emerge in spring. One new record, a male specimen of Anastatus sp. (not japonicus), was recovered at Gifu, Honshu. Telenomus sp. (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) is recorded from earlier work in Hokkaido, Japan. Occasionally egg parasites appeared as significant mortality factors under certain situations. Usually they accounted for only minor levels of parasitism. A simple apparatus convenient for dehairing individual egg masses is described and illustrated. Six confirmed primary egg parasites (Anastatus japonicus Ashmead, Qoencyrtus kuvanae (Howard), Pseudanastatus albitarsis Ashmead, Anastatus sp. (not japonicus), Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura, Telenomus sp.); one hyperparasite, probably on 0. kuvanae (Tyndarichus navae Howard); and one doubtful record (Marietta javensis (Howard)) are now recorded as associated with gypsy moth in these two countries. (Authors abstract, slight editing) PARASITES, egg; ANASTATUS; QOENCYRTUS; PSEUDANASTATUS ; TRICHOGRAl^MA; TELENOMUS; TYNDARICHUS; MARIETTA; 107

Schaefer, P. W., R. W. Fuester, R. J. Chianese, L. D. Rhoads and R. ß. Tichenor, Jr. 1988?. Introduction efforts and North American establishment of Coccygomimus disparis (Viereck) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a pupal parasite of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.). Environ. Entomol. (in press). This report contains the history of efforts to introduce Coccygomimus disparis into North America and the recent recoveries from widely scattered locations in northeastern North America. A significant part of this biological control story includes the collection of this species in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan and the subsequent rearing and release of many thousand of specimens. Earlier releases were made from material collected in India and released in 1984 and thereafter were made of Korean material. Therefore, it is not possible to identify definitively the origin of £. disparis in North America. Its significance as a biological control agent remains to be seen. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL; IMPORTATION/EXPORTATION; PARASITE, Coccygomimus

Sekimori, Y. 1952. On the control of gypsy moth. (J) Forest Protection News 1(6):25. This report addressed some of the legal and economic ramifications for management of gypsy moth populations citing outbreaks in Ishikawa Prefecture. Information on methods available for control to prevent damage to forests was provided. POPULATION, management; CONTROL; FOREST MANAGEMENT

Senba, M. 1953. The eastern gray wagtails' and sparrows' role as controllers of gypsy moth ~ Niigata. (J) Forest Protection News 2(17):140. At Yoita and Mishima, Niigata Prefecture, Honshu, an outbreak of gypsy moth occurred at a shrine where the insects attacked Celtis sinensis var. japónica (Ulmaceae) trees. On 30 May, a strong wind blew, and the next morning great numbers of caterpillars were found on the ground. At mid-afternoon, an eastern gray wagtail (Motacilla cinérea) flew down to eat the caterpillars, and four sparrows (Passer montanus) followed and ate larvae. On 1 June, ten sparrows and five wagtails were seen feeding on gypsy moth caterpillars. By 5 June, very few caterpillars remained. OUTBREAK, Niigata 1953; PREDATION, birds; BIRDS; PASSER; MOTACILLA

Shervis, L. J. and R. D. Shenefelt. 1973. A bibliography on Apanteles melanoscelus (Ratzeburg), A. porthetriae Muesebeck and A. ocneriae Ivanov, parasites of the gypsy moth, Porthetria dispar (L.). (E) Jour. Wash. Acad. Sei. 63(2):61-68. This bibliography on three species of Apanteles (sensu lato) (Braconidae) parasitic on the gypsy moth, Lymantria (as Porthetria) dispar (Lymantriidae) applies mostly to European and American literature. (These species are now known as follows : Cotesia (as Apanteles) melanoscelus 108

(Ratzeburg); Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) porthetriae (Muesebeck); and Cotesla (as Apanteles) ocneriae (Ivanov). In light of the recent discovery ^^ Cotesia melanoscelus being present in Japan, listed references likely contain information pertinent to oriental parasitic species. BIBLIOGRAPHY, Apanteles (sensu lato); COTESIA; GLYPTAPANTELES

Shi, Q. and Z. Zhao. 1986. Sex pheromone and reproductive isolation: Lepidoptera. (C, Engl. suram.) Chinese J. Biological Control 2(4):178-181. In this review of sex pheromones and their consequential effects on reproductive isolation in Lepidoptera, gypsy moth is cited as one noteworthy example. It states that gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, and the nun moth, Lymantria monacha, are both attracted to disparlure, the sex pheromone of the former. In Europe, dispar mate attraction using the sex pheromone occurs during the day time while corresponding mate attraction in monacha occurs from 6 p.m. to about 1 a.m. Since the gypsy moth was accidentally introduced into North America in 1868, thereby relieving any competitive pressures between the two species in North America, the period of mating has shifted. In Europe, gypsy moth mating is said to occur 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., but as a result of the lack of interference due to nun moth in North America, the daily period of mating has shifted to 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. BEHAVIOR, mate attraction; PHEROMONE COMMUNICATION; DISPARLURE; INTERSPECIFIC COMPETITION; MONACHA

Shimada, S. 1941. Infestation of gypsy moth on rice. (J) Agrie. & Gardening 16(9):1539-1540, and Agrie. Research 11(10):1051. The author reports on a gypsy moth outbreak at Oyu, Shikatsuno district, Akita Prefecture, Honshu, where larvae invaded rice paddies from the nearby forests, which had been completely defoliated. Ditches were found effective as barriers to keep invading larvae from entering the paddies. Spraying with Dalmatian insecticide was effective in the paddies. Seventeen plant species (incorporated in host plant list in the appendix) reportedly were defoliated but Solanum tuberosum, Artemisia vulgaris, and Equisetum arvense were not fed upon. OUTBREAK, Akita 1941; DAMAGE, rice; HOST PLANTS, non-acceptable species; MECHANICAL CONTROL, trenching, barriers; CHEMICAL CONTROL, Dalmatian; SOLANUM; ARTEt4ISIA; EQUISETUM

Shimazu, M. and R. S. Soper. 1986. Pathogenicity and sporulation of Entomophaga maimaiga Humber, Shimazu, Soper, and Hajek (Entomophthorales : Entomophthoraceae) on larvae of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: L3anantriidae). (E) Appl. Entomol. Zool. 21(4):589-596. Pathogenicity, spore type and number of conidia of Entomophaga maimaiga produced by infected gypsy moth larvae were investigated. This fungus was highly pathogenic to gypsy moth larvae older than second instar at temperatures between 15^ and 25^ C. The third and fourth instar larvae were the most susceptible to this fungus. The rate of resting spore formation was higher in older instar larvae; however, conidia were 109 often produced on these cadavers. The rate of resting spore formers was not affected by the temperature. Almost 100% RH was necessary for the infection of conidia of this fungus. The number of discharged conidia from a cadaver was generally higher on older larvae reared at 15^ and 20O. (Author's abstract) PATHOLOGY, FUNGUS, Entomophaga maimaiga, biology; ENTOMOPHAGA

Shinohara, H. 1964. Outbreak of gypsy moth and its effects on larch plantations. (J) Jap. Forestry Soc. trans. 75th meet. p. 405-408. Many gypsy moth egg masses were found at Utashinai, Sorachi district, Hokkaido Prefecture, in 1958. Since 1959, control measures have been applied. Investigations of the larch (Larix leptolepis) (Pinaceae) plantations infested by gypsy moth were completed in 1963. In 1959 - 1961, collection of egg masses was made as a control measure and for protection of natural enemies. Although 1473 kg of egg masses were collected during the three years, the population seemed to increase in the spring of 1961. This outbreak required spraying for control since then. The area damaged was 693 ha, and 288,440 trees were damaged (ca. 416 trees/ha). Plantations facing south-west were damaged most severely. OUTBREAK, Hokkaido 1958-63; LARIX; POPULATION DYNAiilCS; MECHANICAL CONTROL, egg mass destruction; CHEMICAL CONTROL

Shinohara, H. and Y. Higashiura. 1982. Factors influencing frequent outbreaks of the gypsy moth in Furano region, Hokkaido, Japan. (J) Forest Pests 31(11): 210-213. Gypsy moth outbreaks occurred frequently in the Furano region, Hokkaido. During the period, 1952 to 1981, population outbreaks occurred in 13 of the 30 years in several Japanese larch plantations (Larix leptolepis) in the region. Areas of heavy defoliation (defoliation of more than 70% of the leaves) were small (one to nine hectares) in each plantation. The outbreaks characteristically continued only for one to two years before the population declined sharply due to NPV infection. Outbreaks frequently occurred in young larch plantations (6 to 18 years old) with a south-facing exposure. OUTBREAK, frequency (Hokkaido), cycles; DEFOLIATION; DAMAGE; POPULATION, decline, cycle; NPV; LARIX

Shioda, K. 1905. Distribution of the gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 9(95):297. A gypsy moth outbreak was recorded in Gifu Prefecture, Honshu, where larvae fed on Salix gracilistyla. (This species in host plant list in appendix.) OUTBREAK, Gifu 1905; HOST PLANT; SALIX lio

Shiraki, ï. 1952. Economie and Scientific Section, Natural Resources Division, Preliminary Report No. 71 Volume I: Catalogue of injurious insects in Japan. (E) General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 1952, 129 typr. pp. + 85 p. index. This catalog gives an English common name, common Japanese names, host attacked, distribution in Japan and elsewhere, and a bibliography for 3,090 insect pests. Listed under gypsy moth (pp. 108-109), 10 common Japanese names were listed. A host list contains 39 entries mostly by common names. The bibliography refers to 19 literature citations (all of which are covered in the present bibliography). NOMENCLATURE, common names; DISTRIBUTION; HOST PLANTS; BIBLIOGRAPHY

Slingerland, M. V., C. R. Crosby and M. D. Leonard. 1915. Index to experiment station literature 1888 to 1915. Lepidoptera. (E) Apparently unpubl. compilation, pp. 202-206 pertain to I^. dispar. Lists citations to early literature published mostly by state experiment stations in the United States. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Smilowitz, Z. 1972. Parasites and predators of the gypsy moth and their other hosts. (E) Pennsylvania State Univ., Unpubl. report, 53 typr. pp. total (multiple pts.). This unpublished compilation is a series of lists of the predators and parasites of gypsy moth and other prey or hosts as extracted from Thompson's (1943 - 1965) catalogue. Although outdated and in need of revision, particularly with respect to nomenclature, these lists form a synopsis of the numerous sections of the Thompson Catalogues, giving synonyms, alternate hosts and distribution. Separate lists include predators : hjonenopterous parasites of gypsy moth, dipterous (introduced) parasites of gypsy moth, and other species of parasites of gypsy moth. PREDATORS, list; PARASITES, list, alternate hosts; DISTRIBUTION, natural enemies

Smith, H. R. and R. A. Lautenschlager. 1978. Predators of the gypsy moth. (E) U.S. Dept. of Agrie, Agrie. Handbook no. 534, 72 pp. This highly illustrated handbook discusses the significance of prédation on populations of gypsy moth and in detail covers all groups of known predators— that includes birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and invertebrates. Nearly all information pertains to North America but Dinorhynchus dybowskyi is illustrated as a predator being considered for introduction from Japan to North America. Any study dealing with prédation in gypsy moth populations should use this handbook as a reference. PREDATOR, all groups; DINORHYNCHUS ni

Sonan, J. 1929. (Author is the same as Minamikawa, J. ) Brachymerla obscurata as a parasite and a hyperparaslte. (J) Kontyu 3(1):40. Host insects of Brachymerla lasus (as obscurata) (Chalcldldae) in include Homona menciana Walker (), Adoxophes privatata Walker (Tortricidae), Ferina nuda F. (Lymantriidae), Porthetria obsolata Walker (L)miantriidae) and Henicospilus striatus Cameron ( Ichneumonidae), which was parasitic on Qrgyia australls (Lymantriidae) (as Notolophus posticus). PARASITE, Brachymerla; HYPERPARASITE

Sugi, T. 1946. Gypsy moth this year, etc. (J) Seitai-Konchu (Insect Ecology) 1(2/3):92. Author noted that gypsy moth was unusually scarce in the author's gardens at Oomori-Ku, Tokyo, Honshu, during 1946, but that Euproctis pseudoconspersa Strand (Lymantriidae) was abundant on Camellia japónica (Theaceae). POPULATION, scarcity; EUPROCTIS

Summers, J. N. 1924. The gipsy (sic.) moth, Porthetria dispar, in Japan with an account of its parasites and their importation into the United States. (E) Unpubl. manuscript, 30 typr. pp. This unpublished manuscript records the history of efforts to introduce natural enemies of gypsy moth (Lymantria (as Porthetria) dispar) (Lymantriidae) from Japan into New England. Information is based on shipments received from Japan at Melrose Highlands Gypsy Moth Laboratory, beginning first in 1891. Thereafter, efforts continued during the period 1905 - 1910, and then again during Summer's two seasons in Japan in 1922 and 1923. In 1907 - 1910, numerous boxes of egg masses, larvae, and pupae were exported from Japan. In 1922 - 1923, no egg masses but larvae and pupae were shipped. By 1923, known natural enemies in Japan were two egg parasites, Anastatus japonicus (as bifasciatus) (Eupelmidae) and Qoencyrtus (as Schedius) kuvanae (Encyrtidae); larval parasites, Glyptapanteles liparidis (as Apanteles fulvipes Hal.) (Braconidae), Meteorus japonicus Ashm. (Braconidae), Exorista (as Tachina) japónica Towns. (Tachinidae), Blepharipa (as Crossocosmia) sericariae of Authors; and pupal parasites Brachymerla lasus (as Chalcis obscurata Walk.) (Chalcldldae); "two species of Pimpla, a Theronia, and a Limnerium" and diseases from wilt (virus) and fungus. Those species received alive, after shipment from Japan and which were subsequently cultured or liberated include Anastatus japonlcus, Qoencyrtus kuvanae, Glyptapanteles liparidis, Brachymerla lasus, Exorista japónica, and Blepharipa sericariae and the fungus Entomophthora. They were eventually released. Meteorus japonlcus, Pimpla (perhaps Coccygomimus), Theronia and Limnerium were never released. Only Ooencyrtus kuvanae was ever definitely established. Significant measurements of parasitism reported included: 1% and 3.5% by Anastatus japonlcus at Fukuoka, 7% and occasionally up to 30% in small egg masses by Ooencyrtus kuvanae, 20% and up to 70% in late collections in two 112 generations by Glyptapanteles, 5% by Meteorus japonicus, 10% of pupae by Brachymeria lasus, 8% by Exorlsta japónica, and a mean of'38% (range 11% - 100%) by Blepharipa sericariae. Disease caused 50% mortality. No other details on locations of the collection sites were presented. Summers concluded that gypsy moth populations were controlled by virus caused wilt, G^. liparidis, and j3. sericariae, and that the other natural enemies were only of minor importance. He concluded that "Japan does not hold so much promise as Europe as a source of parasites which may prove valuable additions to (U.S.) fauna. This conclusion has been reached in spite of our experience with (Qoencyrtus) which, notwithstanding its apparent unimportance in Japan, is a valuable enemy of the gipsy (sic.) moth in New England." HISTORY; IMPORTATION; EXPLORATION; PARASITES, Anastatus, Glyptapanteles, Blepharipa, Brach)nneria, Exorista, Limnerium, Meteorus, Ooencyrtus, Pimpla, Theronia; PATHOLOGY, virus-caused wilt, Entomophthora; PARASITISM, levels of

Taguchi, M. 1932. On the prey of Carabus blaptoides lewisi Rye. (J) Insect World 36:248-250. An occasional predator of gypsy moth, Carabus (Damaster blaptoides oxuroides (Schaum) (as C^. b^. lewisi Rye) (Carabidae) frequently feeds on snails and slugs (those species eaten are listed) but no specific mention of lepidopterous larvae appears in the results of feeding tests conducted. PREDATOR, Carabus, food preference

Takagi, I. 1925. Studies on the methods for the control of Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae). (J) Rept. Chosan (Korean) Forest Expt. Stn., no. 2, 45 pp. Records Brachymeria lasus (as obscurata) (Chalcididae) as a hyperparasite attacking Casinaria (as Hyposoter?) takagii Matsumura (Ichneumonidae) which attacks Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler in Korea. PARASITE, Brachymeria; HYPERPARASITE; CASINARIA; DENDROLIMUS

Takahashi (NFI). 1928. Damage by gypsy moths. (J) Hokkaido-ringyo-kaiho (Rept. Hokkaido Forestry meeting) 308:600 Reports a gypsy moth outbreak at Kaminopporo, Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture, in 1928. (See also Kuwayama 1929) OUTBREAK, Hokkaido 1928

Takahashi, S. 1930. Kaju Gaichu Kakuron (Treatise on Orchard Insects). (J) Meibun-Do, Publ. Co., Tokyo, pp. 339-345. This coverage on orchard insects lists the following fruit trees as being damaged by gypsy moth: Malus pumila (Rosaceae), Pyrus serótina (Rosaceae), Diospyros kaki (Ebenaceae), Prunus mume (Rosaceae), Prunus aemeniaca (Rosaceae), Prunus salicina (Rosaceae) and Castanea crenata 113

(Fagaceae). Other non-fruit trees are then listed. (These species are incorporated into the host plant list presented in the appendix.) Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis (as fulvipes Ashm) Bouche (Braconidae) is the most important single parasitic species, which caused a low level of parasitism during the first generation but often may cause 205 - 60% parasitism during the second parasite generation. HOST PLANTS, fruit trees; PARASITE, Glyptapanteles, parasitism level

Takamura, N. and H. Sato. 1973. Observations on the epizootic of Entomophthora sp. in populations of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar japónica Mots. (J) Jap. Forestry Soc. trans. 84th meet. p. 353-357. In a gypsy moth outbreak of ca. 7 ha of larch (Larix leptolepis) (Pinaceae) forest in Iwate Prefecture, the population greatly declined due to an epizootic of Entomophthora, a fungus pathogen. The average number of larvae and pupae per tree was 410 (n = 3), distributed 0 - 0.5, 0.5 - 1.5, and 1.5 - 2.5 m high on the trees as 40% - 45%, 22% -^29%, and 12% - 18% respectively. Estimations of the number per ha in 80% - 100% defoliated areas was 796,600 and for 50% - 80% defoliated areas was 383,800 individuals. Mortality by disease in 3,354 larvae was 98.6% and by Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) sp. (Braconidae) was 0.9%. Larval survivability was only 0.5%. Mortality from disease in pupae was 78.2%. Disease was caused by Entomophthora aulicae (Reich) Sorok. and a few were found killed by nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV). Tlie fungus, Paecilomyces candensis (Vuill.) Brown et Smith was also found in dead insects but the relationship to the death of the host gypsy moth was not clear. OUTBREAK, Iwate 1973; POPULATION DYNAMICS, mortality; PATHOLOGY; PATHOGENS, Entomophthora, NPV, Paecilomyces; VIRUS

Takano, S. 1931. A tachinid of Hesperiidae in Formosa and Brachymeria obscurata Walker. (J) Insect World 35:328-329. Brachymeria lasus (as obscurata) Walker was found as a parasite of tachinids in two species of Pama (Hesperiidae). (Also see Minamikawa 1934). HYPERPARASITE, Brachymeria; PARNA

Takewaki, K. 1927a. Two tératologie larvae of gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 31(359): 226-229. In the first of two tératologie larvae of gypsy moth, a fifth instar larva appeared with verrucae and dorsal glands on the 6th and 7th abdominal segments in unusual positions. Also the dorsal margin between the 5th and 6th segments was not defined. In the second case, a last instar larva with its prolegs on the second segment fused along the midline into a single larger proleg but it retained two sets of crochets. Diagrams presented illustrated these abnormal morphological conditions. MORPHOLOGY, abnormal larvae; TERATOLOGY, larvae 114

Takewaki, K. 1927b. Carnivorousness of gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 31(360): 259-262. Author noted two examples where gypsy moth larvae showed cannibalistic feeding. In one case, two last instar larvae, one in preparation for its last molt, was devoured by the other when available leaves for food were nearly gone. In the second case, one of five last instar larvae killed and partly devoured (remains were removed daily) all other larvae one at a time until only the cannibalistic individual remained. BEHAVIOR, Cannibalism

Takewaki, K. 1927c. An example of prothetely in gypsy moth. (J) Insect World 31(361): 296-298. One larva of gypsy moth just after the last molt was found with an abnormal antennae. This antennae had three segments with the third segment having on its end one large and one small trichoid sensillae, plus one styloconic sensilla and a few basiconic sensillae. This was very similar to that of pupae morphologically and histomorphologically. MORPHOLOGY, abnormal antenna; PROTHETELY

Takewaki, K. 1930. (Untitled short note). (J) Insect World 24(389):24. The author observed that reared gypsy moth larvae ate completely dried straw when other more preferred food was unavailable. BEHAVIOR, Feeding on STRAIN

Takizawa, Y. and T. Yanbe. 1986a. Oviposition sites of the gypsy moth in height and direction on trunks of Japanese larch. (J) J. Jpn. For. Soc. Tohoku Br. 38:190-192. Oviposition sites of the gypsy moth were examined in a larch plantation in Tamayama, Iwate Prefecture. Mean tree height was 13 m, and mean dbh was 15 cm. Females preferred to oviposit on larch at heights under 1 meter, although on mountain ridges the height was between 1 and 2 meters. Almost all egg masses were deposited in a certain direction on the tree trunks. In the inner part of the forest and in the forest edge which faced south-west, 86% of the egg masses were deposited in the north-east to north-west quadrant of the trunks. In contrast, 78% of all egg masses were deposited in the south to south-west quadrant in forest edges facing the north-east. In all cases, the preferred direction was in positions of low illumination and lower temperatures. OVIPOSITION, preference (Iwate), EGG MASS, distribution, height; LARCH 115

Takizaw¿i, Y., T. Yanbe and K. Kataglri. 1986b. Field attracLioa oí the eynthetlc pheromone in the gypsy moth. Male flying periodo and the effectiveness of traps. (J) Forest Pests 35(12): 212-218. The attractive power of eis (+)-disparlure was analyzed at Tamayama, Iwate Prefecture, Northern Japan, using several types of traps. Males were attracted from the middle of July to early September. Ninety percent of males were trapped between the middle of July and early August. This male emergence period was one half to one month later than that in Kumamoto, Kyushu. Pan-trap design with a roof was the most effective trap. However, the authors point out drawbacks to using these pan-traps—that water was needed and the captured moths quickly fouled the water in the pans. The authors suggest that several improvements in the box-type traps were needed. PHEROMONE; DISPARLURE; MALE EMERGENCE PERIOD, comparison; TRAP DESIGN

Taniguchi, K. 1950. Ovipositon site of gypsy moth in larch plantations. (J) Govt. Forest Expt. Stn., Hokkaido Br., yearly rept., Showa 24, p. 92-94. Oviposition sites of gypsy moth were examined in a larch (Larix leptolepis) (Pinaceae) plantation in Iwamizawa, Hokkaido Prefecture. Most egg masses were laid on larch trunks 0 - 4 m high, while 88.56% - 91.27% of these masses were laid on trunks 0 - 2.7 m high. Egg masses were positioned on 72% of the trees, with average of 6.7 masses per tree. Two white birch ^^^^^ (Betula platyphylla) (Betulaceae) in the plantation possessed 127 and 144 egg masses each. OVIPOSITION, Behavior, Preference; LARIX

Tateyama, I. 1954. Status of outbreaks of gypsy moth. (J) Forest Protection News 29:322-323. In 1953 the gypsy moth outbreak in Hokkaido Prefecture required several methods of control. These included collection and destruction of egg masses, spraying, and operation of light traps. Although the population decreased in 1954 to about 1/10 that of 1953, some areas were still in danger of damage from the larvae. OUTBREAiC, Hokkaido 1954; MECHANICAL CONTROL, Light traps, egg destruction

Teranishi, C. 1929. Notes on the pupa of Zephyrus saepestriata and its parasite Brachymeria obscurata. (J) Trans. Kansai Entomol. Soc. 6:35-39. Biology of Japónica (as Zephyrus) saepestriata Hewitson (Lycaenidae) and its associated pupal parasite Brachymeria lasus (as obscurata) (Chalcididae) was studied, and it was found that mature larvae of JB. lasus have a specific habit when parasitizing host larvae, J^. saepestriata. The mature larva does not spin thread, but coats or paints a wall in a space in the host larva using a liquid from which other insect species make silk. 116

The liquid is colorless and transparent. After the fluid hardens, its color turns red and finally a red-brown. The wajl has holes through to the host spiracles, and these holes are useful not only for ventilation, but also for making the wall more sturdy. jB. lasus is a solitary endoparaslte, and by using this method, makes its cocoon in the remaining inner parts of such large hosts as Lymantria dispar L. (Lymantriidae), Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler (Lasiocampidae) and Pseudoips fagana (Fabricius). PARASITE, Brachymeria, behavior; JAPÓNICA; DENDROLIMUS; PSEUDOIPS; ZEPHYRÜS

Uchida, T. 1948. Gypsy moth, an important pest insect in forests in Hokkaido and its control. (J) Insecticides 2(7/8): 37-38. Through conducted experiments and field observations, the gypsy moth was found to prefer Prunus slaicina of all plants tested, then Prunus pérsica, Malus pumila (all Rosaceae), Ribes sinanense (Saxifragaceae), Larix leptolepis (Pincaeae), and other species. Because of the presence of Larix plantations, fruit trees of the Rosaceae, and the climate in Hokkaido, conditions were found to be favorable for gypsy moth outbreaks. HOST PLANT, preference; POPULATION, regulation

Uchiike, T. 1925. Pest insects on cherry. (Gypsy moth). (J) Insect World 29:408-409. Biology of gypsy moth was presented. Egg masses were deposited mainly on the lower parts of cherry tree (Prunus sp.) (Rosaceae) trunks. For control, collection of egg masses for destruction by burning was recommended. Chemical spray use against larvae was recommended only with caution since the larvae occur at the time of maturation of the cherry fruits. BIOLOGY; MECHANICAL CONTROL, destroy by burning; CHEMICAL CONTROL

Wallner, W. E., R. T. Garde, Xu Chonghua, R. M. Weseloh, Sun X., Yan J., and P. W. Schaefer. 1984. Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) attraction to disparlure enantiomers and the olefin precursor in the People's Republic of China. (E) Jour. Chemical Ecol. 10(5):753-757. Pheromone traps baited with disparlure, cis-7,8-epoxy-2-methyl- octadecane, captured males of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, at locations near Beijing and at Dunhua, Jilin Province, PRC. The plus (+) enantiomer of disparlure attracted significantly more males than the racemate, while the addition of olefin reduced captures. Based on total trap captures, the male flight period at Beijing (June 16 - August 4) was 4-5 weeks earlier than that at Dunhua (July 28 - August 25), with peak captures for the two locations July 7 and August 4 respectively. PHEROMONE; DISPARLURE; FLIGHT PERIOD, Males 117

Wang P., L. Wang, C. Fang, J. Bai, H. Zhu Y. Liu, X. Liu, Y. Chen, G. Shen, B. Zhang, Z. Ahao, T. Hou, R. Cal. 1982. Iconographia Heterocerorum Sinicorum II (C) Inst. Zool., Academia Sínica, Science Press, Beijing, 235 pp. Listed under Lymantria dispar (pp. 165-166), a description of the insect and brief life history are presented. In the illustrations, a color print depicts a male and female specimen (plate no. 51). DESCRIPTION; ILLUSTRATION

Washiya, T. 1930. Gypsy moth goes abroad. (J) Sanrin (Forest) 568:55-56. Contains an anecdote about sending gypsy moth egg masses from Takanosu, Akita Prefecture, Honshu, to Dr. Chiyomatsu Ishikawa for reshipment to Dr. R. Goldschmidt in Germany. HISTORY; EXPORTATION

Watanabe, C. 1921. Notes on Braconidae of Japan. III. Apanteles. (E) Insecta Matsu. 71(1,2): 74-102. Under Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche, with six synonymous names, hosts were listed as Dendrolimus albolineatus Mats. (Lasiocampidae), D. spectabilis Butl. (Lasiocampidae), and Orgyia postica Walker (Lsrmantriidae) (in Taiwan) in addition to Lymantria dispar. Distribution of G. liparidis was given as Kuriles, Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, Taiwan (as Formosa), Europe and Siberia. The U.S. is also listed erroneously. PARASITE, Glyptapanteles, distribution, alternate hosts

Watanabe, C. 1933. Notes on Apanteles of Japan. (J) Insect World 37:147-151, 190-196. Although not exactly a taxonomic paper, ten species of Apanteles (sensu lato) (Braconidae) were considered, giving common names and sources in Japanese literature. Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche was formerly known in Japan as Apanteles fulvipes Haliday and Glyptapantles jjaponicus Ashmead, but the former was misapplied while the later was a synonjrm. Dr. Ishii first used "Apanteles liparidis" in Japan. Hosts listed are identical to those given in Watanabe (1932). Distribution is given as Kuriles ("Chishima"), all major Japanese islands, Taiwan (as Formosa), Siberia and Europe. PARASITE, Glyptapanteles, nomenclature, distribution, bibliography

Watanabe, C. 1934. Notes on Braconidae of Japan, IV Apanteles (First supplement). (E) Insecta Matsu. 8(3):132-143. Under Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae), two additional hosts were recorded, Dasychira pseudabietis Butler (Lymantriidae) 118

and Malacosoma neustria L. (Lasiocampidae). PARASITE, Glyptapanteles, alternate hosts; DASYCHIRA; MALACOSOMA

Watanabe, C. 1937. A contribution to the knowledge of the Braconid fauna of the Empire of Japan. (E) Jour. Faculty Agrie, Hokkaido Imperial Univ., Sapporo, 42(1):188. In this revision of the entire braconid fauna of Japan proper, Sakhalin, Taiwan, and Korea, 240 species (30 new species) are covered. Those genera significant to the gypsy moth include Rhogas (sic.) (p. 57) (now spelled Rogas which is used hereafter), Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) (p. 123) and Meteorus (p. 132-134), however the author confirmed only that Rogas lymantriae n. sp. and Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) llparidis (Borche) were gypsy moth parasites. Rogas lymantria was described from one female reared from gypsy moth larvae, while the male remained unknown. The host plant list for Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis includes species in the Lymantria, Dendrolimus, Dasychira, Malacosoma, and Orgyia in the Orient. PARASITES, Rogas, Glyptapanteles, Meteorus; BRACONIDAE; LYMANTRIA; DENDROLIMUS; DASYCHIRA; MALACOSOMA; ORGYIA

Watanabe, C. 1939. Meteorus japonicus Ashmead, a parasite of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar Linnae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). (E) Insecta Matsu. 13(2,3): 63-65. The author described the gypsy moth parasite Meteorus japonicus Ashmead (synon)^ M. nipponensis Viereck), a solitary parasite of young larvae of gypsy moth. This species is generally distributed throughout Japan. Citing Burgess and Grossman (1929), that M. japonicus reproduced parthenogenetically produced 400 females, which were liberated in the U.S. but were not recovered subsequently. Males remain unknown. PARASITE, Meteorus, distribution, taxonomy; BRACONIDAE

Watanabe, F. 1937. List of tree insects in Japan. (J) Í4aruzen Publ. Co., Tokyo, pp. 64-68. Under Lymantria (as Liparis) dispar (L.) (Lymantriidae), about 30 host plants were listed (this list is incorporated into host plant list in appendix), and the distribution is given as around the world. GENERAL TEXT; HOST PLANTS; PISTRIBUTION;

Witt, T. 1980. Bombyces und Sphinges aus Korea. I. Lepidoptera: Bombyces und Sphingidae, (G) Folia Entomol. Hungarica 33(1):167-174. Recorded Lymantria dispar from North Korea. DISTRIBUTION; NORTH KOREA 119

Yabe, T. 1941. Disaster caused by the gypsy moth in Akita Prefecture. (J) Appl. Entomol. 3(3):123-127. An outbreak in Akita Prefecture is reported in which the larvae moved out of the forests and invaded nearby rice fields. The area damaged, exclusive of crop areas, was ca. 70 acres. Many pupae were parasitized by tachinids. A list of 26 plant species were fed upon and the following nine species were not attacked; Xanthoxyum piperitum, Franxinus mandishurica. Cornus controversa, Kalopanax suptemlobus, Weigela hortiensis. Hydrangea paniculata, Zoysia japónica, Aralia cordata, and Artemisia vulgarls. OUTBREAK, Akita 1941; PARASITE, tachinids; HOST PLANTS, non-accepted species

Yagi, S. 1941. Outbreaks of insect pests are closely related to the climate. (J) Insect World 45(527):219-220. Gypsy moth outbreaks occur every 10 - 11 years, especially in the Tohoku region, Honshu. For the prevention of these outbreaks, it was recommended that parasites be reared and released when necessary. Predatory birds were recognized as important and the author recommended that nesting boxes be placed in the forest to encourage useful bird species. It was also stated that pathogenic viruses would become more useful in the future. OUTBREAK, history; POPULATION, regulation; BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, potential; VIRUS

Yago, M. and T. Tsutsumisaka. 1935. Experimental effects of pyrethrin, a contact insecticide. (J) Byochugai-zasshi 22(11): 908. Experimental tests were conducted on various pyrethrin combinations to show insecticidal effect on gypsy moth larvae. Data tabulated indicated that 50% - 90% mortality was achieved in all concentrations tested. CHEMICAL CONTROL; INSECTICIDE, Pyrethrin; PYRETHRIN

Yamada, E. 1971. An example of parasitism by Apanteles liparidis. (J) Forest Protection News 20:19. One gypsy moth larva parasitized by Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae) at Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, Honshu, produced 95 parasitized cocoons. From these, 56 adults parasites emerged prior to collection, 37 after collection (sex ratio was 56.7% female), and two hyperparasites. PARASITE, Glyptapanteles; PRODUCTIVITY; HYPERPARASITISM; GLYPTAPANTELES

Yamada, F. 1964. Essentials for an official survey on outbreaks of forest insect pests and tree diseases. (J) Forest Protection News 13(12): 289-293. The essential parameters for a gypsy moth damage survey are outlined. 120

These include population density estimates, number of larvae per tree, number of dead larvae and factors causing their mortality, number of egg masses, percentage emergence, sex ratio, egg hatchability, average number of eggs per mass, and the extent of forest damage. POPULATION, assessment; SURVEY, parameters; DAMAGE

Yamaguchi, H., K. Furuta and Y. Akita. 1971. Preliminary studies on the control of forest defoliators with Bacillus thuringiensis in Hokkaido. (J, E summ.) Govt. Forest Expt. Stn., Hokkaido Branch, ann. rept. 1971, pp. 29-34. Although this report primarily concerns other defoliators (field and laboratory studies on diversana Hubner and Archlps spp. (both Tortricidae)), gypsy moth larvae (first and third instars) were treated by dipping the larvae in solutions of Bacillus thuringiensis. The first instars were killed within 4 days of treatment while in the third instars mortality was less than 60% following the BT solution dipping. PATHOLOGY, BT; MORTALITY; BACILLUS

Yambe, T. 1973. Control of gypsy moth with NPV (2). (J) Kita-nihon-byogaichu kenkyukaiho (Ann. Rep. Soc. Plant Prot. N. Japan) 24:92. Using the probit analysis method, LC5Q of gypsy moth Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (NPV) was calculated as 4.93 +/- 0.470, 6.07 +/- 0.027, and 7.04 +/- 0.288 (P = 0.05%) for the second, third, and fourth instars respectively. PATHOLOGY, NPV; MICROBIAL CONTROL; VIRUS

Yano, S. 1916. Pest insects on Japanese and larch in Nagano prefecture. (J) Byochugai-zasshi (J. Plant Protection) 3(11):849-853. A gypsy moth outbreak in larch (Larix leptolepis) (Pinaceae) forests in Nagano Prefecture, Honshu, is recorded where nearby red pine (Pinus densiflora) (Pinaceae) next to the larch were scarcely damaged. Many egg masses were found on the larch trunks whereas very few were found in the pine forest. OUTBREAK, Nagano 1916; LARIX; PINUS; EGG MASS, oviposition site selection

Yano, S. 1919. On forest insects that have developed outbreaks in Japan. (J) Sanrin-koho (Forestry News) 6:453-470. The account reviews the recent status of gypsy moth noting that larvae feed on leaves of many species of broadleafed trees, larch, and red pine during April to June. An outbreak occurred in a 50 ha larch forest in Nagano prefecture in 1915 to 1917 and in many forests in Shimane Prefecture in 1917. Egg masses were reportedly easy to find and to collect. OUTBREAK, Nagano 1916, Shimane 1917; POPULATION STATUS, Review; HOST PLANTS 121

Yano, S. 1946. Gypsy moth. (J) Seitai-konchu (Insect Ecology) 1(2/3):91. Author noted that gypsy moth females were not particularly selective in their use of ovipositional sites, and he believed that this is because of the high dispersal ability of first instar larvae (ballooning). Young larvae do not aggregate. Preferred host plants (12 species) in the Tokyo, Honshu, area were listed. (These incorporated into host plant list in appendix.) BEHAVIOR, ovipositional, dispersal; DISPERSAL, ballooning; HOST PLANTS

Yasumatsu, K. and C. Watanabe. 1964, 1965. A tentative catalogue of insect natural enemies of injurious insects in Japan. Part 1. Parasite-predator host catalogue, 166 pp. 1964, (E, J); Part 2. Host Parasite-predator catalogue, 116 pp., 1965, (E, J); Part 3. Index to the literature. 64 pp., 1964. Entomological Laboratory, Fac. Agrie, Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka, Japan. This three-part set provides records of the host-parasite relationships known and provides a means of identifying the natural enemies of any insect, the hosts to any parasite or predator, and provides a bibliography to the literature. Under the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (Lymantriidae), in Part 2, p. 47 - 48, 27 parasites and predators are listed, and these natural enemies (listed separately in part 1) permit referral to the source citations listed in part 3. BIBLIOGRAPHY, Natural enemies; PARASITE/PREDATOR, List

Yogo, M. 1966. Prediction of damage by forest insect pests, especially that in the near future. (J) Forest Protection News 15(11):2-5. Methods are provided for a rough calculation for the prediction of damage based on parameters available before the feeding season occurs. Using the parameters and conditions that one egg mass contains 500 eggs, the amount of feeding per larvae was 10 g of leaf tissue; the quantity of fresh leaves relative to the tree trunk diameter at 1 cm = 400 g, 3 cm = 1000 g, 5 cm = 1500 g, and 7 cm = 1800 g. Using the above parameters and conditions, it was estimated that to achieve a level of 50% defoliation of the trees, the egg mass per tree must exceed 0.08 masses for 1 cm trees, 0.20 for 3 cm trees, 0.30 for 5 cm trees, and 0.36 for 7 cm trees. This predictive model does not take into account either immigration or emigration in a given population. POPULATION, Prediction; DAMAGE; EGG MASS VS. DAMAGE LEVEL

Yogo, S. 1963. A procedure in the forecast of the forest damage by the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) feeding on larch leaves. (J, E summ.) Govt. Forest Exp. Stn., Hokkaido Br., ann. rept., 1962, pp. 127-137. Ecological investigations and damage forecasting procedures for gypsy moth were presented. Although a great variety of host plants are used as 122 food, the larch (Larlx leptolepis) (Pinaceae) is often damaged since hatching of eggs coincides with the phenology of leaf foliation in spring, and therefore larch is more acceptable as food to gypsy moth than are other trees• Deciduous trees are often infested too, but rarely are they killed. Evergreen conifers are not favored food trees. Population outbreak cycles occur at ca. 10-year intervals in Hokkaido Prefecture. Outbreaks last one to three years. One outbreak causing severe damage began in 1953; another began in 1959 and continues. Recent damage to larch caused trees to die, especially those in areas repeatedly defoliated or in larch under poor growing conditions. More than 2/3 of all defoliation occurs in the fourth or later instars. Population prediction was possible from egg mass surveys where 20% failed to hatch, and determination of the number of egg masses per tree in a stand was compared and expanded by the amount of food necessary for one larva (estimated at 9.3 g), and this was compared to the total food available in the stand. From these parameters, an index of expected damage was calculated. Continued monitoring of larval stages was done by sampling twig lengths from the living crown and expressing these samples as the number of larvae per 100 cm of twig length. In heavy infestations, the frequency distribution of larvae showed a binomial distribution, while counts of egg masses gave aggregative distributions from dispersion indices. Natural enemies mentioned as being important in Hokkaido included Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae), Exorista (as Eutachina) japónica Townsend (Tachinidae), and Carcelia bombylans R.-D. (Tachinidae). Anastatus disparis Ruschka (Eupelmidae) did not occur in the study area but had been detected in a southern Hokkaido district. Survivorship curves were presented and details on the food consumption of larval stages permitted the prediction calculation based on a figure relating available food, tree diameter at breast height, and the number of larvae present. These data led to an expected degree of defoliation which was helpful for prediction purposes. POPULATION, Ecology, Prediction; DAMAGE/DEFOLIATION, Prediction; PARASITE, Glyptapanteles, Exorista, Carcelia, Anastatus

Yoshida, M. 1971. Control of gypsy moth at an areas around Lake Inawashiro (Fukushlma Prefecture, Honshu). (J) Forest Protection News 20(10): 235-237. Gypsy moth outbreaks were recorded at Aizuwakamatsu (200 ha), Kawahigashi (400 ha). Bandai (350 ha), and Inawashiro (400 ha), for a total of 1350 ha infested. Of these, 575 ha were sprayed from the ground and 270 ha viere sprayed by airplane. Sumithion (MEP 50%) was used as 1/40 Sumithion solution for aerial application at a rate of 80 liters/ha. For the ground spraying, 1/500 solution at 1.5 kl/ha was used. Spray was applied in the early morning hours. In areas along roads or without sufficient water supply, BHC "Jet Fuji" was used to fumigate using 3 cylinders/ha. OUTBREAK, Fukushima 1971; CHEMICAL CONTROL, aerial, spray operation; SUiMITHION, BHC 123

Yoshida, ï. 1971. Damage to forests by diseases and insects and their control in Kyoto Prefecture. (J) Forest Protection News 20(3):69-72. During an outbreak of gypsy moth in 1965 in the southern part of Tanba district, Kyoto Prefecture, Honshu, insecticide tests were conducted. The most effective insecticide was "DEP" at 4% concentration at 20 - 30 kg/ha. Effectiveness in the field showed 92% mortality within 48 hrs after spray application. CHEííICáL CONTROL, Spray; DEP

Yoshida, T. and S. Mima. 1965. Results of control efforts on gypsy moth. (J) Forest Protection News 14(11):234-237. An outbreak of gypsy moth occurred at Nishibetsuin, Kameoka, Kyoto Prefecture, in which 100 ha were damaged. Report listed 25 host plants (incorporated into host plant list in appendix) of which Castanea crenata (Fagaceae), Diospyros kaki (Ebenaceae) and Chamaechyparis obtusa (Cupressaceae) were seriously damaged. A spray of DEP, using in total 1000 kg, was applied to 50 ha of seriously damaged forest. The effectiveness was determined from 660 larvae collected, in which 93% mortality occurred within 48 hours after spraying. This compared to 7% mortality in a control plot. OUTBREAK, Kyoto 1965; HOST PLANTS, .Preferred species; CHEMICAL CONTROL, Spray; DEP

Yue, S.-K., Hou, A. - j. Shu, K.-L, Chen, C. Ren, H.-C, Shu, W.-R., Kao, S.-J., Li, C.-T., Chi, K.-E., Wu, H.-F., Liu, H.-M., Pi, S.-C., Chang, S.-D., Chi, R.-L., Ren, C.-H. , Kao, J.-F. 1979. Study on nucleiform-polygonal body virus of gypsy moth, (Lymantria dispar L.). (C, E summ.) Jour. North-Eastern Forestry Inst. 2:62-70. During studies in 1976-1977, nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) of Lymantria dispar was found in Fengcheng, Lioaling and Shengyang, China. A morphological study of the virus particles followed, indicating that the polygonal body was hexahedral or of irregular shape, containing 70-80 virus bundles. Each bundle contained 1-14 virus particles. These particles were baciliform. Toxicology was laboratory tested and then field applications were made at Tashi brigade. Gai district, Liaoling Province. The LC50 of each larval stage was determined but testing of the virus on oak silkworm showed no pathogenicity. PATHOLOGY, NPV; VIRUS; CHINA

Zwolfer, H. 1972a. Project for the United States Department of Agriculture; Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar). (E) Commonwealth Inst. Biological Control, Delemont, Switzerland, Quarterly Progress rept. no. 3, (Gypsy moth section only, 1 typr. p.). Reports on information obtained from Japanese entomologists during a Japan trip in 1972, during which time arrangement was made for a shipment of 124

Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae) to the United States. Mention was made of differences in morphology and biological characteristics of Japanese gypsy moth when compared to European and North American forms of !.. dispar, but without clarifying these differences. In northern Japan, outbreaks occur at 9- to 12-year intervals and outbreaks last 2-4 years. During the latent period, populations occur at very low densities, which is also true throughout southern Japan. Mortality factors mentioned included polyhedrosis virus (PV), Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis, and tachinid species. Citing the work of K. Furuta, at low-density artificially established populations, bird prédation was the key mortality factor. Of the parasites, G^. liparidis was credited as being the most important species since it had two generations attacking gypsy moth, but it needed an alternate host for overwintering (commonly Dendrolimus spp. (Lasiocampidae)). Glyptapanteles liparidis occurs throughout Japan and the report concluded, "Most, if not all, of the other Japanese gypsy moth parasites can parasitize several and often many Lepidopterous species. Thus, there exists an important reservoir of natural enemies which, without being specifically associated with L^. dispar, can reduce local populations of this pest." POPULATION, Regulation, Cycles, Ecology; MORTALITY FACTORS; VARIATION; PARASITES, Glyptapanteles, significance of; EXPORTATION; TACHINIDS; PREDATORS, Birds

Zwolfer, H. 1972b. Report on a survey of two forest insects in Japan. (E) Commonwealth Inst. Biological Control, European Station, Delemont, Switzerland, rept., 21 typr. pp. (pp. 9-20 pertain gypsy moth). This report included three parts; (1) details on Dr. Zwolfer's 1972 trip to Japan; (2) work on Christoneura (Tortricidae), and (3) a "Lymantria dispar project for the USDA. '! This latter report contains a listing of the Japanese entomologists with experience working on the gypsy moth. Lymantria dispar is reviewed citing the extensive work of Goldschmidt (see 1934), reiterating the variation in color patterns, number of molts, diapause behavior, development of gonads, adult body size, etc. from populations from all major areas of Japan. From the production of intersexes in hybridization experiments, Goldschmidt recognized various races and designated them subspecies. Most unlike all other Eurasian and Japanese races, the Hokkaido race has a tendency to outbreak in larch (Larix leptolepis) (Pinaceae) forests, and females have the ability to fly. In Kyushu, citing Prof. Yasumatsu, gypsy moth females do not fly (this has subsequently proved to be incorrect in that they do have the ability to fly), Concerning the biology and ecology of populations, gypsy moth was recognized as a forest pest with eggs deposited on tree trunks in Hokkaido, especially. In southern Japan, eggs were found in parks, orchards, and gardens near residential areas, while the species was found rarely in forests. Citing Goldschmidt (1932), egg masses were found under overhanging eaves, on walls or fences but rarely on trees. In the North, it was concluded that gypsy moth was an important forest pest, while in Honshu it played a minor role, and in Kyushu it was of negligible importance. Historically, large outbreaks were recorded in the 125 years: 1882, 1918 - 1919, 1928, 1952 - 1953, 1961 - 1963, with lesser outbreaks in 1905 and 1938. Citing Kono (1938), these outbreaks corresponded with periods of sunspot activity. The more recent outbreaks were reviewed in detail, listing specific mortality factors found in the outbreaks. Outbreaks in Honshu were generally terminated by NPV and a fungus, Empusa grylli Fres., plays an important role. (A similar pattern occurs in Lymantria fumida Butler (L3nnantriidae) according to Katagiri (1969)). Throughout Kyushu, gypsy moth are found in low densities, outbreaks were not observed. This may be related to the high species diversity which occurs in Kyushu, unlike areas of Honshu, and this may prove a "better balanced system of natural control of gypsy moth." Parasites and predators were reviewed in detail. Furuta's prédation studies in low-density, artificially established, populations were compared, where birds were credited as being the major mortality factor in the established larval populations. Parasite and predator lists were compiled, drawing heavily from Yasumatsu and Watanabe (1965) with some additions and 15 of these listed species were reviewed briefly. Conclusions as to factors significant in the population ecology of gypsy moth included the importance of: (1) bird prédation of larvae, (2) parasitization by Glyptapanteles (as Apanteles) liparidis Bouche (Braconidae), (3) Dendrolimus spp. as an alternate or overwintering host for species in the gypsy moth parasite complex, and (4) the density-dependent role played by virus disease in terminating outbreaks. Four recommendations were then presented leading to possibilities for the biological control of gypsy moth in America. REVIEIJ; PARASITES, Species list; BEHAVIOR, Flight; PREDATORS, Species list; POPULATION, ecology, outbreak cycles; DISEASE, virus, fungus; GLYPTAPANTELES; CHRISTONEURA; EMPUSA; FUMIDA; BIOLOGICAL CONTROL 126


During the bibliographic work phase of this project, many reports were found which contained various lengthy lists of host plants fed upon by gypsy moths. Because many of these lists involved considerable duplication, these lists were not transposed into the annotations. Instead, a master list of host plants was compiled from all available sources. As new lists were encountered, each species listed was checked against the master list and new species added. When articles referred to specific islands or gegions (in the case of Honshu only), geographic locations were coded and tallied.

Where uncertainties existed in the direct translation from the Japanese common names, we have listed the species we believe was most likely referred to by the original author. When old names were presented, we have attempted to present the most appropriate name according to Jisaburo Ohwi's 1965 "Flora of Japan" (complete reference below). Plant families not listed were inserted following a closely related family and are so indicated by an "a" following the Ohwi (1965) family number. An asterisk "*" denotes a name or part thereof that is not contained in Ohwi (1965).

The following list compiles the recorded host plant species for gypsy moth in Japan. We make no attempt to present any measure of host preference or utilization frequency; however, our experience in Japan clearly indicates that many plant species listed resulted from observations made a times of severe outbreaks when food became limited. At such times, normal food preferences are abandoned and marginally acceptable plant species are utilized as a means of survival. This list must be viewed with this factor in mind. It is hoped that this list will serve as an initial reference for detailed studies on host plant utilization and their acceptability to feeding low population densities; then as densities increase, the range of acceptable species expands to encompass otherwise marginally acceptable species. We believe that the greater majority of plant species listed normally fall into this latter category. Future studies will eventually put these species in better perspective in light of the overall ecology of the gypsy moth in Japan.

Any omissions, incorrect translations, or improper associations are entirely our responsibility. To authors whose information might be misrepresented, we offer our apologies.

One or more geographical codes are presented for each species listed. It is not possible to refer back to the exact original 127

reference but those references contributing to the host plant list are listed in abbreviated form following the host plant list. The same geographical codes appl}'' to both sections. Generally, letters apply to islands while numbers refer exclusively to regions of Honshu, and the code sequence used is presented in a general north to south and west direction.

Codes and their intended meaning or geographical area(s) included are as follows :

Code Meaning or Geographical Area:

Island Region Prefectures (Honshu only)

G General record or report, no specific area indicated. W Countrywide report covering more than one area. H Hokkaido 1 Honshu Tohoku Aomori, Iwate, Akita, Yamagata, Miyagi, Fukushima 2 " Chubu Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Nagano, Yamanashi, Shizuoka, Gifu, Aichi 3 " Kanto Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Ibaragi, Tochigi, S ai tama, Gunma 4 " Kinki Shiga, Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Wakayama, Hyogo, Mie 5 " Chugoku Shimane, Tottori, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi S Shikoku K Kyushu

Examples of the codes might be H12S (Hokkaido, Tohoku, Chubu, and Shikoku), 1-5 (all Honshu regions, inclusive), or G3K (listed in a general type publication with no specific area stated, and also listed in other reports for Kanto and Kyushu).

In total, 145 plant species are listed with an additional 18 genera listed separately. These latter may represent additional species in some cases but could very well be already listed. There appears to be no way to clarify these further. According to the plant classification used (Ohwi 1965), 53 plant families are represented — thereby illus- trating the polyphagous nature of the Japanese form of Lymiantrla dispar. 128


Ohwi Family Family and Species Geographical Number Code(s)

19 antiquum Makino 2 26 Taxaceae Torreya nucífera (L.) Siebold and Zuccarini 4 29 Pinaceae (Fr. Schm.) Masters H Larix leptolepis (Sieb. & Zuce.) Gordon H123 Larix leptolepis var. koreana* Nakai G (Sieb. & Zuce.) Garriere G Pinus densiflora Siebold and Zuccarini 1245 Pinus parviflora Sieb. & Zuce. var. penta- phylla (Mayr) Henry 2 30 Taxodiaceae Cryptomeria japónica (L.f.) D. Don 1-5 31 Cupressaceae Chamaecyparis obtusa (Sieb. & Zuce.) Endlicher 45 Thuga Orientalis Linnaeus G 41 Gramineae Hordeum vulgäre Linnaeus G25 Miseanthus sinensis Andersson 125 Oryza saliva Linnaeus* G125 Phragmites communis Trinius 1 Phleum pratense Linnaeus H Sasa veitchii (Carr.) Rehder 125 Sasa kurilensis (Rupr.) Makino and Shibata 1 Sasa sp. H Setaria viridis (L.) Beauvois H2 Triticum aestivum Linnaeus* G 43 Palmae Livistona chinensis R. Br. var. subglobosa (Hassk.) Beccari K 52 Liliaceae Smilax china Linnaeus 4 62 Salicaceae Populus maximowiezii Henry H 129

Populus nigra Linnaeus H Populus sleboldii Miquel H15 Populus spp. — Poplar H Sallx bakko Kimura H Sallx graclllstyla Miquel 25 Salix integra Thunberg 1 Salix miyabeana Seemen H Salix vulpina Andersson 1 Salix spp. — Hl-4 63 Myricaceae Myrica rubra Siebold and Zuccarini 4 64 Juglandaceae Pterocarya rhoifolia Siebold and Zuccarini 2 65 Betulaceae Alnus japónica (Thunb.) Steudel H1235K Alnus péndula Matsumura 2 Betula ermanii Chamisso H Betula platyphylla Sukatschev var. japónica (Miq.) Hara H Carpinus spp. 24 Carpinus cordata Blume H Corylus sieboldiana Blume 1 66 Fagaceae Castanea crenata Siebold and Zuccarini 1-5K Castanopsis cuspidata (Thunb.) Schottky 25 Fagus crenata Blume 2 Quercus acutissima Carruthers 2-5K Quercus dentata Thunberg H • Quercus mongólica Fisch, var. grosseserrata (Bl.) Rehder and Wilson HI Quercus myrsinaefolia Blume 2 Quercus serrata Thunberg H1-5S Quercus variabilis Blume 45 Quercus spp. — Oaks 34K 67 Ulmaceae Celtis sinensis Pers. var. japónica (Planch.) Nakai GH23 Ulmus davidiana Planchón var. japónica (Rehd.) Nakai H Ulmus parvifolia Jacquin 4 Ulmus spp. — GH3 Zelkova serrata (Thunb.) Makino 245 68 Moraceae Broussonetia kazinoki Siebold 5 Mo rus bombycis Koidzumi H 130

Morus spp. — Mulberry G 68a Cannabinaceae* Cannabis sativa Linnaeus* 25 89 Cercidiphyllaceae Cercidiphyllum japonlcus Siebold and Zuccarini G 90 Ranunculaceae Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews 5 Ranunculus sp, H 91 Lardizabalaceae Akebia quinata (Thunb.) Decaisne 5 94 Magnoliaceae Magnolia obovata Thunberg H125 95 Lauraceae Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Siebold 5 96 Papaveraceae Chelidonium majus Linnaeus var. asiaticum (Hara) Ohwi H 101 Saxifragaceae Astilbe thunbergii (Sieb. & Zuce.) Miq. var. congesta H. Boissieu 2 Deutzia crgnata Siebold and Zuccarini 6 Hydrangea scandens (L.f.) Seringe 1 Rib es siipianense F. Maekawa H Ribes latifolium Janczewskii von Glinka H 103 Hamamelidaceae Hamamelis japonica Siebold and Zuccarini 12 104 Rosaceae Chaenomeles japónica (Thunb.) Lindley 2 Cydonia oblonga* Miller G Eriobotrya japónica (Thunb.) Lindley G Fragaria sp. — Strawberry GH Fruit trees G Malus tschonoskii (Maxim.) C. K. Schneider 25 Malus pumila* Miller H125 Prunus armeniaca* Linnaeus G Prunus ansu (Maxim.) Komarov GH Prunus donarium Siebold var. spontanea* Makino Hl Prunus japónica Thunberg 5 Prunus mume Siebold and Zuccarini 245 Prunus pérsica (L.) Batsch H45 Prunus salicina Lindley H15 Prunus spp. — Cherry 35SK Pyrus pyrifolia (Brum. f.) Nakai GH125 Rosa spp. — Roses GH25 Rubus idaeus Linnaeus var. aculealissimus Regel and Tiling H Rubus sp. — Raspberry 5 131

Sanguisorba officinalis Linnaeus 2 Sorbus commixta Hedlund 2 Sorbus japónica (Decne.) Hedlund 5 Spiraea cantoniensis Loureiro 2 105 Leguminosa Lespedeza bicolor Turczaninow 4 Lespedeza cuneata (Dum. Cours.) G. Don 2 Lespedeza thunbergii (DC.) Nakai 25 Melilotus spp. — Sweet H Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi 5 Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus 3 Sophora japonicum Linnaeus H Trifolium pretense Linnaeus H Trifolium repens Linnaeus H Wisteria brachybotrys Siebold and Zuccarini 4 Wisteria floribunda (Willd.) DeCandolle G1245 Wisteria sp. 3 108 Linaceae Linum usitatissimum Linnaeus H 110 Rutaceae Citrus natsudaidai* Hayata G Citrus spp. — Orange G Zanthoxylum sp. 4 114 Euphorbiaceae Mallotus japonicus (Thunb.) Mueller-Aargau 2 119 Anacardiaceae Rhus ambigua Lavallee ex. Dippel 1 Rhus javanica Linnaeus 245 Rhus silvestris Siebold and Zuccarini 4 Rhus succedanea Linnaeus 25 Rhus trichocarpa Miquel 124 Rhus verniciflua Stokes 12 120 Aquifoliaceae Ilex pedunculosa Miquel 24 Ilex serrata Thunberg 5 121 Celastraceae Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Siebold 5 124 Aceraceae Acer japonicum Thunberg G Acer mono Maximowicz H Acer nipponicum Hara G Acer palmatum Thunberg G Acer sieboldianum Miquel 1 Acer spp. — Hl-5 128 Balsaminaceae noli-tangere Linnaeus H 132

132 Tiliaceae Tilia japónica (Miq.) Simonkai H13 Tilia miquelíana Maximowicz G 133 Malvaceae Gossypium sp.* — Cotton G Malva* verticillata Linnaeus 5 136 Theaceae Cleyera japónica Thunberg 6 Thea sinensis Linnaeus 5 Eurya japónica Thunberg 5 143 Elaeagnaceae Elaeagnus pungens Thunberg 2 144 Lythraceae Lagerstroemia indica Linnaeus G 149 Onagraceae * lamarckiana Seringe H 153 Araliaceae Acanthopanax sciadophylloides Franchet and Savatier 2 Fatsia japónica (Thunb.) Decaisne and Planchón 5 155 Cornaceae Cornus controversa Hemsley 2 157 Clethraceae Clethra barbinervis Siebold and Zuccarini 2 159 Ericaceae Pieris japónica (Thunb.) D. Don 5 Rhododendron japonicum (A. Gray) Suringer 1 Rhododendron kaempferi Planchón 2 Rhododendron macrosepáluin Maximowicz 2 Rhododendron metternichii Siebold and Zuccarini 5 Ehododendron sp, — Azalea G145 161 Primulaceae Lysimaehia clethroides Duby 2 163 Ebenaceae Diospyros kaki Thunberg 1-5 164 Symplocaceae Symplocos chinensis (Lour.) Duce var, leuco- carpa (Nakai) Ohwi 1 165 Styraceaceae Styrax japónica Siebold and Zuccarini 125 166 Oleaceae Fraxinus mandschurica Rupr. var. japónica Max-- imowicz H 177 Scrophulariaceae Paulowina tomentosa (Thunb.) Steudel 25 133

185 Plantaginaceae Plantago asiática Linnaeus H 187 Caprifoliaceae Viburnum awabuki K. Koch 3 Viburnum dilatatum Thunberg 2 Weigela hortensis (Sieb, et Zuce.) K. Koch 2 194 Compositae Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus 2 Chrysanthemum sp. — Wild chrysanthemum 2 Petasites japonicus (Sieb. & Zuce.) Miquel 2

Abbreviated references for sources of host plants. Complete citations are given in the preceeding bibliography. Codes specify geographical areas as used previously.

Anonymous, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955 (all W); Ishimori 1941 (1); Kato 1954 (H) ; Kobe Newspaper 1917 (4); Kuwrayama 1928 (H) ; Matsumura 1899 (G); Miyawaki 1928 (H) ; Nagano Agr. Expt. Stn. 1924 (2); Nagano 1907 (G); Nakatake 1953 (K); Nakazima and Furukawa 1933 (K); Notsu 1917 (5); Sasaki 1900, 1901 (G); Shimada 1941 (1); Shimane Pref. Govt. Kept. 1917 (5); Shioda 1905 (2); Shiraki 1952 (G); Takahashi 1930 (G); Uchida 1948 (H); Yabe 1941 (1); Yano 1946 (3); Yoshida and Mima 1965 (4); and Watanabe 1937 (G).

Botanical References Consulted:

Fernald, M. L. 1950. Gray's Manual of Botany, 8th edit. Amer. Book Co., New York, 1632 pp. Kitamura S. and S. Okamoto 1975. Coloured Illustrations of Trees and Shrubs of Japan. Hoikusha Publ. Co. Ltd., Osaka, 306 pp. Makino, T. 1961. Makino's New Illustrated Flora of Japan. Hokuryu-kan Publ. Co. Ltd., Tokyo Ohwi, J. 1965. Flora of Japan (in English). Meyer, F. G. and E. H. Walker, edits., Smithsonian Inst., Washington D.C., 1067 pp. 134


In the list which follows, the format includes the (1) abbreviated name as cited in this bibliography, (2) Japanese name (shown here with circumflex (A) but throughout the text these are intentionally omitted), and (3) complete English name. If one of these three name forms is missing, a " ~" appears in the respective position. Brackets [] indicate those titles that we have translated or provided an English name.


Ann. Rep. Soc. Plant Prot. N. Japan Kitanihon Byô-gaichô Kenkyû Kaihu Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of Northern Japan

Appl. Ent. Zool.

Applied Entomology Zoology

Shokubutsu-oyobi-Dobutsu Botany and Zoology: Theoretical and Applied

BÔtyû-Kagaku Scientific Pest Control

Bull. For. Exp. Sta. Gov. Chosen Chosen Sotoku-Fu Ringyô Shikenjo KÔkoku Bulletin of the Forest Experiment Station. Government-General of Chosen

Bull. Gov. For. Exp. Sta. Ringyo Shinkenjô Kenkyû itôkoku Bulletin of the Government Forest Experiment Station

Bull. Hokkaido For. Exp. Sta. Hokkaido Ringyo Shikenjo HÔkoku Bulletin of the Hokkaido Forest Experiment Station

Ecol. Rev. Seitai-gaku Kenkyu Ecological Review

Konchu-kai Entomological World Sinrin Boeki Forest Protection News, Forest Protection, Forest Pests

Iden The Heredity

Hokkaido Ringyo Kaihô (Abr. Hokurin-Kaiho) [Reports of Hokkaido Forestry]

Insect Ecol. Seitai Konchu Insect Ecology

Konchu Sekai Insect World

Iwate-ken Ringyo Shikenjô Seika HÔkoku [Annual Report of Iwate Forest Experiment Station]

Jpn. J. Appl. Ent. Zool. Nippon Oyo Dobutsu Konchu Gakkaisi Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology

ap. J. Appl. Zool. Èyo Dobutsu-gaku Zasshi Japanese Journal of Applied Zoology

Jap. J. Genetics Iden-gaku Zasshi Japanese Journal of Genetics

J. Jpn. For. Soc. Nippon Ringakkai-shi Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society

J. Plant Protection Byôchu-gai Zasschi Journal of Plant Protection


Igaku to Seibutsu-gaku Medicine and Biology

Mus hi 136

Nature Study

New i:lnLomol .

New Entomologist

Noyaku [Insecticides]

Noyaku no Shinpo [Progress in Insecticides]

Osaka Syokubutsu Boeki Osaka Plant Protection

A A Oyo Kontyu [Applied Entomology]

Proc. Assoc. PI. Prot. Kyushu Kyushu Byo-gaichu Kenkyu Kaihö Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu

Proc. Kansai Plant Prot. Soc. Kansai Byo-gaichu Kenkyu Kaiho Proceedings of Kansai Plant Protection Society

Proc. Tokyo Reg. For. Off. Tokyo Eirin-kyoku Ho Proceedings of the Tokyo Regional Forestry Office

Shokubutsu Boeki Plant Protection

Res. Popul. Ecol.

Researches on Population geology

Sanrin KÙho [Forestry News]

Sin-Konchu [New Insects]

Trans. 85th Ann. Meeting Jpn. For. Soc. Dai 85--kai Nippon Ringakkai Taikai Happyo Ronbunsyu Transactions of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society 137

Trans. Entomol. Soc. Japan Nippon Konchû-gakkai Kaihô Transactions of Entomological Society of Japan

Trans. Kansai Entomol. Soc. Kansai Konchu-gakkai Kaiho Transactions of Kansai Entomological Society

Trans. Shikoku Entomol. Soc. Shikoku Konshû-gakkai Kaiho Transactions of Shikoku Entomological Society

Tyo to Ga [ and Moth]

Zool. Mag. Dobutsu-gaku Zasshi Zoological Magazine

Kontyu Kontyu

Koshunai Kiho [Quarterly Review of Hokkaido Forest Experiment Station] 138

List of Insect Synonyms and Mternate Names

of Gypsy Moth and their Associated Parasites

Amblyteles amiatorius (Foerster) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Ichneumon armatorius Ichneumon or Mblyteles fasciatorius

Anastatus disparis Ruschka (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) Anastatus japonicus or bifasciatus

Blepharipa pratensis (Meigen) (Diptera: Tachinidae) Tachina pratensis Nemoraea scutellata Blepharipa, Blepharipoda, Crossocosmia, or Sturmia scutellata

Blepharipa schineri (Mesnil) (Diptera: Tachinidae) Blepharipoda schineri Masicera flavoscutellata Sturmia or Crossocosmia schineri Crossocosmia flavioscutellata

Blepharipa scutellata (Robineau-Desvoidy) (Diptera: Tachinidae) Sturmia scutellata Blepharipa scutekata

Blepharipa sericariae of Authors (Diptera: Tachinidae) ?Ugimyia sericariae Crossocosmia sericariae ? Crossocosmia zebina Blepharipoda or Sturmia sericariae

Blondelia spp, (Diptera: Tachinidae) Lydella

Blondelia nigripes (Fallen) (Diptera: Tachinidae) Tachina nigripes Anetia, Ceromasia, Dexodes, or Lydella nigripes

Blondelia hyphantriae (Tothill) (Diptera: Tachinidae) Lydella piniariae Dexodes nigripes

Brach3nTieria lasus (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) Brachymeria obscurata or euplaeae Chalcis obscurata, flavipes, or euploeae 139 Campoletis sp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Anilasta or Anilastus

Campoplex suglharal (Uchlda) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Omorgus suglharal

Careclla spp. (Díptera: Tachlnidae) Parexorista

Carcella bombylans Roblneau-Desvoldy (Díptera: Tachlnidae) Exorlsta bombylans

Carcella excisa (Fallen) (Díptera: Tachlnidae) Tachlna, Exorlsta^ Slsyropa, or Eucarcelia excisa

Carcella gnava (Melgen) (Díptera: Tachlnidae) Tachlna gnava Tachina excavata

Carcella laxifrons Villeneura (Díptera: Tachlnidae) Parexorista laxifrons Parexorista, Exorlsta, or Zenillae cheloniae

Carcella pollinosa Mesnil (Díptera: Tachlnidae) Carcella obesa Carcella, Parexorista, or Eucarcelia rutilla or rutila

Carcella separata (Rondanl) (Diptera: Tachlnidae) Exorlsta separate Carcella gnava (in part) Eucarcelia excisa (in part) Eucarcelia or Senometopia separata Carcella or Eucarcelia excisa var. separata

Carcella tibialis (Roblneau-Desvoldy) Euryclea tibialis Exorlsta patellipalpis

Caslnarla nlgrlpes (Gravenhorst ) (Piymenoptera : Ichneumonidae) Campoplex nlgrlpes Caslnarla anastomosis

Caslnarla tenuiventrls (Gravenhorst) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Campoplex tenuiventrls or conicus Caslnarla latifrons or tenuiventrls

Coccygomimus dlsparls (Viereck) (Díptera: Ichneumonidae) Pimpla dlsparls or porthetrlae

Coccygomimus instigator (Fabrlclus) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Ichneumon or Pimpla instigator Apechthis flavlpes 140

Coccygomiraus luctuosus (Smith) (Hymenoptera : Ichneumonidae) Pimpla luctuosa

Coccygomimus turionellae (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Ichneumon or Pimpla turionellae Cryptus or Pimpla examinator

Compsilura coneinnata (Meigen) (Diptera: Tachinidae) Tachina concinnata Machaeraea or Mâchaira serriventris

Cotesia melanoscelus (Ratzburg) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) Apanteles melanoscelus Cotesia melanoscelia Microgaster malanoscelus, solitarius

Cotesia schaeferi (Marsh) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) Apanteles schaeferi

Ephialtes capulifera (Kriechbaumer) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Pimpla destructor Apechthis or Pimpla capulifera Apechthis capulifera var. nigriorbitalis

Ephialtes compunctor (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Ichneumon compunctor or brassicariae Pimpla (Apechthis) brassicariae

Ephialtes rufatus (Cknelin) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Ichneumon rufatus Pimpla rufata

Eurithia consobrina (Meigen) (Diptera: Tachinidae) Tachina, Ernestia, or Eurythia consorbrina

Exorista spp. (Diptera: Tachinidae) Tachina

Exorista fasciata (Fallen) (Diptera: Tachinidae) Tachina japónica

Exorista japónica (Townsend) (Diptera: Tachinidae) Tachina or Eutachina japónica

Exorista larvarum (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Tachinidae) Tachina moreti, noctuarum, Utilis Musca, Eutachina, Tachina, Larvaevora, or Larvivora larvarum

Exorista sorbillans (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tachinidae) Tachina, Podotachina, Tricholyga or Thrycolyga sorbillans 141

Glyptapanteles liparidis (Bouche) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) Apanteles liparidis, posticae, awanomegiae, fulvipes Microgaster liparidis, nemorum Glyptapanteles japonicus, politus

Hyposoter takagii (Matsumura) (Hymenoptera; Ichneumonidae) Casinaria takagii

Hyposoter vierecki Townes, Momoi & Townes (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Campoplex (Diadegma) japonicus

Ischnus inquisitorius inquisitorius (Mueller) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Ichneumon inquisitorius Ichneumon or Ischnus assertorius

Iseropus (Gregopimpla) himalayensis (Cameron) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Pimpla or Gregopimpla himalayensis Epiurus hakonensis, satanus, or quersifoliae Pimpla japónica Itoplectis attaci

Itoplectis alternans spectabilis (Matsumura) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Pimpla or Exeristesoides spectabilis

Itoplectis viduata (Gravenhorst) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Pimpla viduata

Linnaemya picta (Meigen) (Diptera: Tachinidae) Tachina picta Linnaemya retroflexa

Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) Porthetria dispar Ocneria dispar

Lymantrichneumon disparis (Poda) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Sphex, Protichneumon, or Ichneumon disparis

Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) Meteorus japonicus, nipponensis Perilitus pulchricornis

Meteorus versicolor (Wesmael) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) Perilitus versicolor, bimaculatus, brevicornis Meteorus decoloratus

Ooencyrtus kuvanae (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) Schedius kuvanae or kuwanai Ooencyrtus kuwanai

Pales pavida (Meigen) (Diptera: Tachinidae) Tachina, Ctenophorocera, or Neopales pavida Pales pumicata 142

Palexorísta solennis (Walker) (Díptera: Tachinidae) Misícera solennis Crossocosmía discreta Sturmia inconspicuella Drino inconspicuella var. sinensis Drino discreta

Parasetigena silvestris (Robineau-Desvoidy) (Díptera: Tachinidae) Parasetigena agilis, silvestris, sylvestris, or segregata Phorocera agilis

Phobocampe lymantriae Gupta (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)

Phobocampe unicincta (Gravenhorst) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Campoplex unicinctus Hyposoter, Phobocampe, or Limnerium dlsparis

Phryxe vulgaris (Fallen) (Díptera: Tachinidae) Tachona, Exorista, Zenillia, or Blepharidea vulgaris

Pristomerus vulnerator (Panzer) (Ifymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Ichneumon vulnerator

Protapanteles lymantriae (Marsh) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) Apanteles Ijnnantriae

Pterocormus sarcitorius sarcitorius (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)

Rogas lymantria Watanabe (ifymenoptera: Braconidae) Rhogas

Tachina magna (Giglio-Tos) (Díptera: Tachinidae) Echinomyia magna

Tachina nupta micado (Kirby) (Díptera: Tachinidae) Echinomyia micado Tachina magnicornis orientalis

Theronia atalantae gestator (Thunberg) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Ichneumon gestator Theronia japónica

Theronia hilaris hilaris (Say) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Ichneumon hilaris Pimpla or Theronia melanocephala

Tríchomma (Trichomella) enecator (Rossi) (Ifymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Ichneumon, Anomalon, or Trichomma enecator

Tríptognathus amatorius (Mueller) (Ifymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Ichneumon, Amblyteles, or Diphyus amatorius 143

Zenlliia labatrix (Panzer) (Díptera: Tachinidae) Zenillia brown Musca, Tachlna, Exorista, or Myxexprosta labatrix 144


Language codes used: C - Chinese E - English F - French G - German J - Japanese K - Korean R - Russian

NI = No initial, following authors name

NFN = No first name, associated with authors family name

Summ. = Summa ry

u = Micron

+/- = Plus or minus

+ (In Index only) = Signifies junior author(s) omitted


1 The majority of the work to complete this bibliography was done at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Asian Parasite Laboratory, located at the time in Fukuzumi, Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan. The laboratory has since irelocated to Seoul, Republic of Korea.

2 Formerly attached to the USDA, Asian Parasite Laboratory.

3 Deceased, June 1982

Formerly at Hokkaido Forest Experiment Station, Bibai, Hokkaido 079-01. Present address: Laboratory of Ecology, Hokkaido Forest Experiment Station, Shintoku, Tokachi, Hokkaido 081, Japan 145


The "+" indicates one or more junior authors omitted. Numbers following senior author or the "+" indicate year with the 19 understood (e.g. in line 7, Asano +73 means Asano 1973). Years in the 1800's are shown with all four digits. In the few cases of identical author names, the second one to appear alphabetically is distinguished from the first by the appearance of an initial for the given name (e.g. in line 8, Koyama, Y. 53a applies to Koyama, Y. and not Koyama, R. 53, which appears only as Koyama 53). Two or more references by the same author in the same year are distinguished from each other by letters a, b, c, etc. following the year. Generic or specific names are intentionally not italicized or underlined. Subject matter is grouped in outline form. For example, all referenced facets of behavior are listed under "Behavior"; all parasites including the hyperparasitic species, are listed under "Parasites, Genera of"; and all forms of control (biological, chemical etc.) appear listed only under "Control". Often there is a "General" category under topic headings as a catch-all and subdivisions are understood to also belong in the major heading. Subject contents are grouped making access to references on similar topics easier.

ABIOTIC FACTORS: Leonard 74 Climate: Nomura 47 Rainfall: Mukaigawa 15 Temperature: Nagano 14 AERIAL SPRAY: Kuwayama 54 MT PREDATION, on Glyptapanteles : Kamiya 40 ANTIFEEDANT: Asano +73 APPARATUS, for Egg parasite emergence: Koyama, Y. 53a BALLOONING: Nawa 33, 44; Yano 46 BEHAVIOR: Gerardi +79; Inoue 59; Leonard 74; Hizuta 71; Schaefer +81a, +84b Attraction to Lights: Matsumura 31 Cannibalism: Takewaki 27b Comparative Behavior (with mathura): Nishitani 18; Takizawa +86b Diel Periodicity: Nawa 35 Dispersal (balooning): Nawa 33, 44; Yano 46 Feeding: Nawa 35; Takewaki 30 Flight: Kenda 59; Matsumura 1899; Nakahara 53; Zwölfer 72b Flight Females: Miao 39; Sato +75b Larval: Ishiraori 41 Larval Orientation: Honjo 47 Male: Beroza +73 Hale Flight Period: Wallner +84; Takizawa +86b Mate Finding: Nakamura 29, Shi +86 Mating: Hidaka 76 Males: Iwata 76 Ovipositional (site selection): Kono +40; Sato +75b; Schaefer 78; Takizawa +86a; Taniguchi 50; Yano 16, 46 146

üEN¿FICIAL INSECTS (See also Natural Enemies; Parasites; Predators): Hori 22; Is hi ha ra 41 BIBLIOGRAPHY: World Literature: Anon, 77a; French 74; Goldschmidt 34; Griffiths 80; Leonard 74; Shiraki 52; Slingerland +15 Japan: Hirano 55b Lymantriidae (Japan): Hirano 55c, 55d Natural Enemies: Griffiths 76; Hanson +73; Yasumatsu +64 & 65 Population Dynamics: Campbell +78 Taxonomic: Bryke 34 USSR: Richerson 75 BIOECOLOGY: Doane +81 BIOLOGY: Chao (ed,) +78; Kim 61; Kotake 05; Kuwayama 28; Matsumura 1899, 1909-14, 17; Nakazima +33; Sato +75b; Uchiike 25 BIOMETRICS: Pinturean 80a, 80b BIONOMICS: Mishiro +67 BIOTIC FACTORS: Leonard 74 BIRDS: Furuta 72a, 72c, 74, 81b, 81c, +75; Higashiura 78, 80; Pu 76; Schaefer 80; Senba 53; Zwölfer 72a Emberiza: Furuta 81c Motacilla: Senba 53 Parus: Furuta 81c; Higashiura 78; Nakano 37; Senba 53 Passer: Furuta 72c; 74, 76 Sturnus: Furuta 76; Kuwayama 29 Predators of Eggs: Higashiura 80 BODY v/EIGHT: Relative Toxicity: Nagasawa +77 BRACONIDAE: See under INSECTS CANNIBALISM: Takewaki 27b CASTRATION: Iiamazaki 31a, 31b CHINA: Acad Sin. I.Z. +78; Chao (ed.) +78; Liu 41; McFadden +82; Miao 39; Schaefer 84b, 84c; Wallner +84; Wang +81; Yue +79 CHROMOSOME NUMBER: Saitoh 56; 58 COLD TREATMENT: Iwata +71 Pupae : Iwata 71a COLOR: Abdominal Hairs: Motomura 40 COIíiíON NAÍ'ÍES: Mukaigawa 19; Nagano 07; Shiraki 52 CONTROL: General: Chao (ed.) +78; Doane +81; Gerardi +79; Koyama, Y. 53a: Leonard 74; Sekimori 52 BIOLOGICAL: General: Burgess +29; Furuta 81c; Gerardi +79; Kamiya 31; Kawauchi 1898; Nawa 08a; Pak 62; Pu 76; Schaefer 80, +81a, +79, +88?; Zwölfer 72b Encouraging Birds: Nakano 37, Pu 76 Encouraging Egg Parasites: Anon. 54b Potential: Schaefer 80; Yagi 41 Recent Developments: Coulson +86 CHEMICAL: Aerial: Yoshida 71 Insecticides: (See listed separately under Insecticide) Smoke-borne: Noyama +65 Spray: Anon. 23, 24, 26a, 33a, 33b, 55; Gerardi +79; Hasegawa 54; Kato +41; Kuwayama 28, 54; Lee +59; Maruko 56; Mochizuki 54; Nakamura 34; Oishi 26; Sato +75b; Shimada 41; Shinohara 64; 147

Uchiike 25; ^ago +35; Yoshida 71; Yoshida, T. 71, +65 GENETICAL: Katagiri +72 MICROBIAL: Doane +81; Gerardi +79; Katagiri 69a, 69b; 73; Mashanov +80; Matsueda 74; Yambe 73 MECHANICAL: General: Anon. 26b; Ishida +02; Kato +41; Kinoshita 17; Kuwayama 28; Lee +59; î^atsumura 1899; Matsuo 26; Nakazima +33; Nawa 33, 38, 42, 44; Sato +75b Banding: Nakamura 34, 37; Ryu 07 Barriers: Shimada 41 Burning: Miyawaki 28; Uchiike 25 Destruction of Eggs: Anon. 55; Hasegawa 54; Hayashi 28; Kotake 05; Nakamura 34; Nakano 37; Nakazima +33; Oishi 26; Shinohara 64; Tateyama 54 Destruction of Larvae: Nakamura 37; Ryu 07 Destruction of Pupae: Hasegawa 54 Ditching: Miyawaki 28; Shimada 41 Fire for Trapping Moths: Nakano 37 Light Traps: Hasegawa 54; Kenda 59; Miyawaki 28; Nakazima +33; Tateyama 54 Netting: Ryu 07 Petroleum: Hayashi 28 NATURAL: Furuta 81a; Kanamitsu 74; Pak 62; Pschorn-Walcher 64; Schaefer 80; +84c Physical Control: Gerardi +79 Silvicultural Control: +79 Sterilization: Gerardi +79 chosenensis: Anon. 59 CORRELATION: Food Quality/Frass ~ Furuno 64 CYCLES OF OUTBREAKS: Kono 39a; Shonohara +82 DAÎ1AGE: General: Anon. 10, 11, 52-55; Forestry agency 73; Kato +41, +54; Kobe Newsp. 17; Leonard 74; Liu 41; Mochizuki 54; Okazaki 41a, 41b; Sato +75b; 75c; Shinohara +82; Yamada 64; Yogo 66; Yogo, S. 63 Crops: Anon. 53 Fruits & Vegetables: Ryu 07 Levels: Forestry Agency 73 Prediction: Yogo 66 Rice : Shimada 41 DEFOLIATION: General: Inoue +84; Sato 73, 75a, Shinohara +82, Yogo, S. 63 Cryptomeria: Inoue +84 Effects on Tree Growth: Sato 73; Doane +81 Prediction of: Yogo, S. 63 Relative to Egg Density: Mishiro +67 DEFOLIATORS: Iwata 71b DESCRIPTION: Ferguson 78; Matsuraura 1899, 1909-14, 17, 31; Nagano 07; Oishi 26 Life Stages: Nagano 07; Wang +82 DETECTION AND EVALUATION: Doane +81 DEVELOmENT: General: Goldschmidt 34; Igarashi 82; Iwata 71a, +71; Katagiri +67; Mizuta 60; Nagasawa 57a, +66, +68; Nakazima +33 Density Effects: Furuta 72b; Mizuta 60 148

Developmental Zero Temperature: Furuta 73 Diapause : Iwata 67 Food Quality: Furuno 64; Nishiguchi +66; +72 In Kyushu: Kojima +11 DIAPAUSE: Masaki 56 DIEL PERIODICITY: Nawa 35 DIET (Laboratory Food): Iwata 68 DISEASE: General: Chen +80; Cheng +78; Iwata +72, +74; Katagiri 69a, 69b, 73, +72a; Kojima 17; Koyama 53, 63; iCoyama, Y. 52; Mishiro +67; Pschorn-Walcher 62, Schaefer 80, 81, 84c Wilt: Inoue 54a DISP/iRLURE: Be roza +73; Saito +81; Shi +86; Takizawa +86b; Wallner +84 DISPERSAL: Gerardi +79; Kenda 59; Nawa 44; Yano 46 DISTRIBUTION: Anon. 59; Chao (ed.) +78; Goldschmidt 34; Inoue 57, 59; Kim 56 Matsumura 33; McFadden +82; Shiraki 52; Watanabe, F. 37; Witt 80 China: McFadden +82; Schaefer +84b Contiguous: Furuta 77b Eurasia: Giese +79 Natural Enemies: Smilowitz 72 USSR: Kozhanchikov 50 DYAR EQUATION: Nagasawa 65c ECOLOGY: Doane +81; Pak 62 EGG PARASITE: See under PARASITES. EGGS : Cold Treatment: Iwata 67 Hatchability: Higashiura 74; Iwate +71; Katagiri +80; Kojima +11; Kosugi 54b; Masaki 56; Mizuta 71 Prediapause Hatch: Hirano 55 Low Hatch: Koyama 52

Hydrochloric Acid treatment: Iwata 67 Number per Female: Furuta 72b; Nakahara 53 Sterilization: Iwata 71b Storage: Iwata 67, 68, +71 EGG MASS: Abundance: Furuta +74 Density: Higashiura 74, 78, +77; Kono 40; Kosugi 54a Direction on Tree: Akasofu 73; Lee +59 Distribution: Higashiura 84, +77; Kono +40; Takizawa +86a Height: Higashiura 84; Kono +40; Takizawa +86a Prédation: Higashiura 78 Size of Mass: Akasofu 73; Higashiura 74; Kojima +11; Lee +59; Matsumura 1899; Mishiro +67 EGG MASS VS. DAMAGE LEVEL: Yogo 66 EMERGENCE PERIOD: Inoue 59 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS: Kosugi 54b EPIZOOTIC: Aoki 74 ESTABLISHMENT OF NATURAL ENEMIES IN US: Coulson +86; Doane +81; Schaefer 88? EVOLUTION: Goldschmidt 34 EXPLORATION: Anon 27; Coulson +86; Doane +81; Kuwana 08b; Schaefer 80, +81a; Summer 24; Washiya 30; Zwölfer 72a FECAL PELLET, Size: Nagasawa 57a 149

FECUNDITY: Furuta 72b; Mizuta 60, Saitoh 54d FEEDING DETERRENT: Doane +81 FEMALE EGG COMPLEIIENT: Nakahara 53 (See also under Eggs) FIRE: Koyama 53; Koyama, Y. 53a FLIGHT BY FEMALES: Kenda 59 (See also under Behavior) FOOD: (See also Host Plants List for Japan in this Bulletin) Effects of Food Quality: Hirano 54; Igarashi 82; Nagano 14; Nishiguchi +66, +72 Preference: Nishiguchi +66, +72 (See also under Host Plants) Straw as Food: Takawaki 30 FOOD PLANTS: Iwate 71b; Kim 61, Kobe News. 17 (See also Host Plants) (See especially Host Plant List for Japan in this bulletin) Effects of Tannin: Nishiguchi 61 FOREST PEST MANAGEMENT: Furuta 81c; Sekimori 52 FOPuMALIN: Iwata +74 GENERAL INFORMATION or TEXT: Matsumura 1909-14, 17, 31; Oishi 26; Watanabe, F. 37 "GENLiíiíON": Mukaigawa 19 GENETICS: General: Hamazaki 31a; Kinefuchi 64; Michida 48 Chromosomes: Saitoh 56; 58 Crossmating Forms: Pintureau 80a Gonadal Transplantation: Saitoh 52, 53, 54b, 54c, 55c, 55d Intersexes: Goldschmidt 34; Katagiri +72c, +80; Masui 48; Saitoh 54a, 54d, 55c, 56 Intersexuality: Anon 77b; Clarke +80; Saitoh 55a, 59 Interspecific Insemination: Omura 40 Male Color Inheritance: Machida 24 Prevention of Inbreeding: Hidaka 76 Sex Determination: Goldschmidt 34 Spermatozoa Types : Iriki +54 GEOGRAPHY: In Japan: For Hokkaido and Honshu, see under Outbreaks Kyushu: Nakano 37 Shikoku: Igarashi 82 Other Countries: (See under Country Names) GONiVDECTOMY: Saitoh 53 GONADS: Removal: Hamazaki 31b; Saitoh 53 Transplantation: Saitoh 52, 53, 54b, 54c, 55d HEAT TREATL^ENT: Iwata +74 HISTORY: Anon. 08a, 08b, 09, 27, 52-55; Doane +81; Î4achida 48; Nagano 07; Riley +1890; Summer 24 Of Importation/Exportation: Anon. 09; Doane +81; Summer 24 HOST PLANTS: Anon. 17b, 24, 26a, 52-55; 59; Aoshima 53; Gerardi +79; Igarashi 82; Kato +41, 54; Kobe News. 17; Kozhanchikov 50; Kuwayama 28; Matsumura 31; McFadden +82; Miao 39; Miyawaki 28; Nakatake 53; Nakazima +33; Nawa 38; Notsu 17; Riley +1890; Sasaki 00, 01; Schaefer +84b; Shioda 05; Shiraki 52; Watanabe, F. 37; Yano 19, 46 (See especially Host Plant List for Japan in this bulletin) Effects of Defoliation: Gerardi +79 Fruit Trees: Takahashi 30 150

Non-Acceptable Host Plants: Ishimori 41; Nishiguchi 61; Shimada 41; Yabe 41 Preferred Host Plants: Anon. 17b; Koyama 53; Nishiguchi +66, Uchida 48 Yoshida +65 HYPERP/iRASITES: (Specific genera listed under Parasites) General: Kawanchi 1898; Minamikawa 34; Miyamoto 50; Nobuchi 61 Development of Hyperparasites: Fukaya 38; Ishii +48 Species: On Brachymeria: Ishii +48; Joseph +73; Sonan 29; Takagi 25; Takano 31 On Egg Parasites: Lee 78; Schaefer +81a, +87 On Glyptapanteles: Kamiya 40; Miyamoto 50; Nawa 08b On Ichneumonidae: Gupta 83 On Tachinidae: Habu 62 ICHNEUMONIDAE: See under INSECTS ILLUSTMTION OF LIFE STAGES: Chosen 20; Wang +82 mPORTATION: /\non. 08a, 08b, 09, 27; Coulson +86; Grossman 25; Kawauchi 1898; Nawa 08a; Schaefer 88?; Summers 24 INOCULATION METHOD OF POPULATION ANALYSIS: Furuta 68

INSECTS (By genera only except that species of Lymantria (all lower case) are included): Adoxophes: Sonan 29 Agrotis: Inouye 52 Antheraea: Mukaigawa 15 ßarathra: Inouye 56 Bombyx: Aratake +72; Omura 40; Rondani 1870 Braconidae: Marsh 79; Watanabe 37, 39 Christoneura: Zwölfer 72b Clostera: Aratake +72 Cutworms : Kuwayama +64 Dasychira: Watanabe 34, 37 Dendrolimus: Anon. 36; Aratake +72; Fukuizumi 71, 73; Furuta 68; Hirose +68; Igarashi 74; Iwata 71b; Kamiya 31, 34, 36, 38a, 38b, 38c, 40; Katagiri 69a, 73, 80, +72; Nobuchi 61; Takagi 25; Teranishi 29; Watanabe 37; Zwölfer 72a, 72b Egg Parasites Of: Hirose 69 Parasites: Kamiya 34 Overwintering: Koyama 59 Dictyoploca: Furuno 64; Mukaigawa 15; Nobuchi 61 Euproctis: Aratake +72; Ashiba 58; Burgess +29; Iwata 71b; Mizuta 60, 71 Sugi 46 fumida: Fukuizumi 71, 73; Iwata 71b; Katagiri 69a; Zwolfer 72b Grasshoppers: Kono 39a Homona: Sonan 29 Hyloicus: Hirose 69 Hyphantria: Iwata 71b Ichneumonidae: Gupta 83 Japónica: Teranishi 29 Lymantria: Watanabe 37 Lymantriidae: Ferguson 78; Hirano 55a; Miyata 73; Nakamura 76 Malacosoma: Fukuizumi 71; Kono 39a; Watanabe 34, 37 Mame s t ra: Inoue 5 2 151

Oraesia: Miike +61 mathura: Nishitani 18 raonacha: Shi +86 Orgyia: Sonan 29; Watanabe 37 Parna: Takano 31 Pentatomidae: Ishihara 41 Perina: Sonan 29 Phalera: Kono 39a, Miike +61 Phorid: Pschorn-Walcher 62 Plusiodonata: Miike +61 Porthetria: Sonan 29 Sarcophagids : Pschorn-V/alcher 62, 64 Sasakai: Kono 39a Silkworm: Comalia 1870 INSECTICIDES: General: Anon. 33; Doane +81 Arsenate of Lead: Anon. 24a, 33a Arsenate of Zinc: Anon. 24a iiliC: Kuwayama 54; Maruko 56; Mochizuki 54; Yoshida 71 Bycid: Oho 63 Dalmatian: Anon. 26a; Nakamura 34; Shimada 41 Derris: Anon. 23, 33b; Nakamura 34 Dipterex or DEP: Sato +75b; Yoshida, +65; Yoshida, T. 71 Furamethrin: Nagasawa +77 "iiaruku": Kato +41 Imazu: Anon. 33b Kamko: Anon. 33b Petroleum: Hayashi 28 Pyrethrin: Anon. 23, 24; Oishi 26; Yago +35 Sumithion: Yoshida 71 Tetramethrin: Nagasawa +77 INSEMINATION: Omura 40 INSTAli: Number of: Igarashi 82 Determination: Nagasawa 57b, 57c, 58a, 58b, 58c, 65a, 65b, 65c, +65, +67a +67b, +68 INTERSEXES: Clarke +80; Masui 48; Saitoh 54a, 55a, 55c, 59 INTERSPECIFIC COMPETITION: Shi +86 INVASION: Anon. 53 JAPAN: (Entries are predominately Japanese with the exception of those listed under China, Korea, North Korea, USSR) KINCAID: Kuwana 08b KOREA: Kamiya 31; Kim 56, 61; Lee 78, 80; Pak 62 LARVA CAUSING NUISAIviCE: Osaka News... 17; Otaru ... 26 LARVAL POPULATION ESTIMATION: Head capsule vs. frass methods: Higashiura 87 LARVAL REARING MEDIUM: Iwata 68 LEGEND: Mukaigawa 19 LIFE TABLES: Higashiura 87, +78 LIGHT TRAPS: Kenda 59; Kosugi 54a; Koyama, Y. 53a; Kuwayama 28; Matsuo 26 Female Captures : Nakahara 53 Nightly Capture by Sex: Matsuo 26; Nakahara 53 LYMANTRIIDAE: See under INSECTS 152 ilMAGEMEIÍT (Pest): Doane +81; Gerardi +79 MATE RECOGNITION: Hidaka 76 MATING: Iwata 76 MOLTING: Nagasawa 80, +65, 66 Frequency of: Nagasawa 57c, 58b, 58c, +67a MORPHOLOGY: General: Nakazima +33; Saitoh 55c, 58, 59 Abnormal Antennae (Teratology): Takewaki 27c Abnormal Larvae (Teratology): Takewaki 27a Adult Size: Kato +41; Nagano 07 Intersexes: Goldschmidt 34 Occipital Region: Miyata 73 Pupa: Nakamura 76 Size: Nagano 07 Testes: Saitoh 55b, 59 Wing Length: Nagano 07 MORPHOMETRY: Adult: Pinturean 79 Larval Head Capsule: Nagasawa 57a, 57b, 57c, 58a, 58b, 58c, 65a, 65b, 65c, +65, +6 7a, +67b, +68 MORTALITY: General: Furuta 72c, 74, 81c, +75; Takamura +73; Zwölfer 72a Density Dependent: Furuta 77b Factors: Higashiura +78 Natural Mortality vs. Snow Cover: Higashiura 80 Winter Mortality: Kosuji 54b; Machida 37 MUTA^JT: Reduced Wings: Machida 24 Black-backed Larval: Schaefer +79(81) NATURAL ENEMIES: See also under PARASITES, PREDATORS, and PATHOGENS: General: Acad. Sin. I.Z. +78; Anon. 09, 27; Burgess +29; Chao (ed.) +78 Furuta 83; Kanamitsu 74; Kozhanchikov 50; Schaefer 80, +81a List of Chinese: Schaefer +84c Protection of: Kinoshita 17 NEMATODE: (See Parasite, Hexamermis) NOMENCLATURE: Ferguson 78; Mukaigawa 19; Shiraki 52 NORTH KOREA: Witt 80 OCCIPITAL MORPHOLOGY: Miyata 73 OUTBREiiK HISTORY BY REGIONS: General: Inoue 59; Ishii 41; Yagi 41 China: Schaefer +84b / Eurasia: Giese +79 Epizootic: Aoki 74 Frequency: (See Population Cycles, Sunspots) Hokkaido: Anon. 26b; 53; 54a, 55; Aoshima 53; Forestry Ag. 73; Furuta +74; Higashiura 74, +78; Hori 53; Inoue 54a, 54b; Kamijo +74; Kato +54; Kinoshita 17; Kono 39b; Kosugi 54a; Koyama 53; Matsuo 26; Otaru Nev/s. 26; Pschorn-Walcher 62; Riley +1890; Shinohara 64; Takahashi 28; Takamura +73; Tateyama 54 Honshu: Akita 42; Anon. 10, 11, 17b, 23, 26a, 33d, 36a, 54b; Hasegawa 54; Imazeki 51; Inoue +84; Ishimori 41; Kanamitsu 74; Kato +41; Kobe News. 17; Kojima 17; Kono 39b; Koyama 52; Koyama, Y. 53a, 53b; Maruko 56, Mishiro +67; Miyawaki 28, Mochizuki 54; Nawa 44; Osaka News. 17; 153

Ryu 07; Sato 73, +75a, 75b, 75c; Senba 53; Shiraada 41; Shioda 05; Yabe 41; Yano 16, 19; Yoshlda 71; Yoshida +65 Japanese Summary of: Anon. 1952-55 Kyushu: Nakano 37 North America: liirano 55

OVIPOSITIONAL PREFERENCE: Higashiura 84, +77; Kosugi 54a; Schaefer 78; ïakizawa +86a; ïanaguchi 50; Yano 16 PARASITES, General Categories: General: Burgess +29; Coulson +86; Doane +81: Fukaya 36, 37, 38; Fukuizumi 71, 73; Inoue 54a; Kamiya 34, 36, 38a, Kanamitsu 74, Kojima +11; Schaefer 80, Smilowitz 72 Alternate Hosts: Kamiya 36, 38b, 38c; Smilowitz 72 Bibliography: Griffiths 76; Hanson +73 China: Acad. Sei. I.Z. +78; Schaefer +84c Egg: ikion. 08c, 33c, 54b; Brown +82; Grossman 25; Hasegawa 54; Hirose 69, +68; Kosugi 54a, Koyama, Y. 53a; Lee 78, 80; Miike +61; Nawa 42; Nobuchi 61; Schaefer +87? Importations: Kawauchi 1898 Larval: Anon. 36, Aoki 69, Ashiba 58; Aslimead 06; Chu 35; Igarashi 74; Kotake 05; Marsh 79; Schaefer 80; 84c Lists of: Kojima 17; Kozhanchikov 50; Yasumatsu +64 & 65; Zwölfer 72b Multiple Parasitism: Fukaya 36 Pupal: Chin 36; Gyotoku 57; Habu 62; Gupta 83 Relative Species Abundance: Drea 78 Silkworm: Comalia 1870 PARASITES, GENERA OF (Note: Also includes Hyperparasites): Acrolyta: Gupta 83 Actia: Schaefer 80, +81a, +81b Anastatus: Acad. Sin. I.Z. 78; Anon. 08c, 33c; Brown +83; Burgess +29; Coulson +86; Grossman 25; Fukaya 36; Hirose 69, +68; Kamiya 34, 38b; Kojima 17; Koyama, Y. 53a; Kuwayama 29; Lee 78, 80; Miyamoto 50; Nawa 08a; Nobuchi 61; Schaefer +81a, +84c, +87?; Summers 24; Yogo, S. 63 Apanteles (sensu lato): Acad. Sin. I. Z. +78; Anon. 27; Fukaya 36; Marsh 79; Schaefer +84c; Shervis +73; Watanabe 21, 33, 34, 37 Apechthis: Momoi 61 Atractodes: Gupta 83 Bathythrix: Gupta 83 Blepharipa: i\non. 17b; Aoki 69, Burgess +29; Comalia 1870; Coulson +86 Fukaya 36; Habu 62; Hamazaki 33; Pak 62; Rondani 1870; Schaefer 80, +81a, +81b, +84c; Summers 24 Behavior: Hamazaki 33 Brachymeria: Ashiba 58; Burgess +29; Chin 36; Coulson +86; Fukaya 36; Gyotoku 57; Habu 62; Ishii +48; Joseph +73; Kamiya 34, 36, 38b, 38c; Kato 54; Kojima 17, +11; Koyama, Y. 53b; Minamikawa 34; Pschorn-Walcher 62, 64; Schaefer +81a, Sonan 29; Summers 24; Takagi 25, Takano 31 Alternate Host: Iwata 63 Behavior: Teranishi 29 Host List: Ishii +48; Kato 54 Hyperparasite: Pak 62; Takamura +73 154

Overwi riLcriiií; lichavlor : (.'yoLoku ')7 Taxonomy: Ikibu 62 Caiapoletis: Gupta 83; 6chaefer +84c Carcelia: Ashiba 58; Burgess +29; Igarashi 74; Pschorn-Walcher 62, 64; Schaefer -f81a, +81b; +84c; Yogo, S. 63 Casinaria: Acad. Sin. !• Z. +78; Coulson +86; Gupta 83; Schaefer +84c ; Takagi 25 Chetogena: Schaefer +84c Coccygomimus: Acad. Sin. I. Z. +78; Coulson +86; Fukaya 36; Gupta 83; Kamiya 34, 36, 38b, 38c; Momoi 61; Pschorn-Walcher 62, 64; Schaefer +81a, 88?; Summers 24 Compsilura: Acad. Sin. I.Z. +78; Burgess +29; Kurahashi 59, Schaefer +81a, +81b Cotesia: Burgess +29, Coulson +86, Fukaya 74; Higashiura +78; Marsh 79; Schaefer 80, +81a, +84c; Shervis +73 Crossocosmia: Acad. Sin. I.Z. +78; Kojima 17 Dibrachys: BVrown +82 Diptera: Puruta +75 Llachertus: Scliaefer 8U; +84c Ephialtes: Gupta 83; Schaefer +81a, +84c Lxeristesoides: Fukaya 36 Exorista: Acad. Sin. I.Z. +78; Aoki 69; Ashiba 58; Coulson +86 Fukaya 36; Furuta 81a; Kato +41; Kojima 17; Koyama 53; Kurahashi 59; Kuwayama 29; Mukaigax^e 16; Pak 62; Pschorn-Walcher 62, 64; Schaefer 80, +81a, +81b, +84c; Summers 24; Yogo, S. 63 Alternate Hosts: Kumazawa 33b Oviposition Behavior: Kumazada 33a Gelis: Gupta 83 Glyptapanteles: Anon. 36; Ashiba 58; Coulson +86; Fukaya 36, 38; Fukuizumi 71, 73; Furuta 72c; Higashiura +78; Kamiya 31, 36, 38b, 38c, 40; Kanamitsu 74; Katagiri +72b; ICato +41, Kawauchi 1898; Kojima 17; Koyama 53, 59; Koyama, Y. 53b; Kuwana 08; Kuwana 08b; Kuwayama 29; Marsh 79; Miyamoto 50; Nakatake 53; Nawa 08b; Pak 62; Pschorn-Walcher 62, 64; Schaefer 80, +81a, +84c; Shervis +73; Summers 24; Watanabe 21; 37; Yogo, S. 63; Zwölfer 72b Alternate Hosts: Fukuizumi 73; Kamiya 38b; Katagiri 72b; Koyama 59 Watanabe 21, 34 Bibliography: Watanabe 33 Biology: Anon. 36; F^amiya 31, 34, 38a; Kojima +11; Wakatake 53 Development: Anon. 36; Fukuizumi 71, 73; Igarashi 74; Katagiri +72b; Kuwana 08a Distribution: Watanabe 21, 33 Hyperparasites: Kamiya 34, 40; Miyamoto 50; Nawa 08b; Yamada 71 Levels of Parasitism: Takahashi 30 Nomenclature: Watanabe 33 Productivity: Yamada 71 Significance of: Zwölfer 72a Hexamermis: Coulson +86, in Doane +81; Furuta +75; Schaefer 80, +81a, +82, +84c Biology: Schaefer +82 Hosts: Schaefer +82 155 iíyposoter: Acad. Sin. I. Z. +78; Gupta 83; íiigashiura +78; Muesebeck +33, +34; Schaefer 80, +84c (See also under Phobocampe) Iseropus: Gupta 83 Itoplectis: Gupta 83; Kamiya 36 Liranerium: Summers 24 Lyraantrichneumon: Gupta 83; Schaefer +81a Lysibia: Gupta 83 Marietta: Schaefer +87? Melalophacharops: Schaefer 80 líesochorus: Gupta 83 Mesoleptus : Gupta 83 íleteorus: Acad, Sin. I.Z. +78; Asliniead 06; Burgess +29; Chu 35; Coulson +86; Fukaya 36; Kojima +11; Marsh 79; Nawa 14; Schaefer +81a, +84c; Summers 24; Watanabe 37, 39 Distribution: Watanabe 39 Taxonomy: VJatanabe 39 Monodontomerus: Acad. Sin. I.Z. +78 Ooencyrtus: Acad. Sin. I.Z. +78; Anón. 33c; Brown +82; Grossman 25; Fukaya 36; Kojima 17; Koyama, Y. 53a; Lee 78, 80; Miyamoto 50; Pak 62; Schaefer +81a, 87?, Summers 24 Biology: Burgess +29 Bibliography: Brown 84' Literature Review: Brown 84 Pachyneura or Pachyneuron: Brown +82; Nobuchi 61 Pales: Aoki 69; Kurahashi 59; Schaefer 80, +81a, +81b Parasetigena: Acad. Sin. I.Z. +78; Coulson +86; Ilabu 62; Schaefer 80, +81a, +81 b, +8 4c Pediobius: Brown +82 Phanerotoma: Fukaya 36 Phobocampe: Burgess +29; Coulson +86; Gupta 83; Muesebeck +33, +34; Schaefer 80, +81a, +84c Phygadeuon: Gupta 83 Pimpla: Summers 24 (See also Coccygomimus) Protapanteles: Higashiura +78; Marsh 79; Schaefer +81a Pseudanastatus: Hirose 69; Kamiya 38b; Nobuchi 61; Schaefer +87? Robineauelia: Coulson +86 Rogas: Acad. Sin. I. Z. +78; Coulson +86; Fukaya 36; Higashiura +78; Marsh 79, Schaefer +81a, +84c; Watranabe 37 Sarcophagids: Pschorn-Walcher 64 Tachinids: Hamazaki 33; Higashiura +78; Kurahashi 59; Schaefer +81b; Yabe 41; Zwölfer 72a Biology: Sabrosky +76 Host Associations: Schaefer +81b Oviposition Behavior: Mukaigawa 16 Taxonomy: Sabrosky +76 Telenomus: Acad. Sin. I.Z. 78; Hirose 69; +68; Schaefer +81a, +87? Theronia: Acad. Sin. I.Z. +78; Fukaya 36; Gupta 83; Kimura 38b; Kojima 17; Momoi 61; Summers 24 Trichogramma: Acad. Sin. I.Z. 78; Hirose 69, +68; Kamiya 34, 38b; Miike +61; Schaefer +87? Biology & Alternate Hosts: Miike +61 156

Tyndarichus: Acad. Sin. I.Z. +78; Anon. Ü8c; Brown +82; Lee 78; Nobuchi 61; Schaefer +81a, +84c; +87? "Ugi": Comalia 1870; Rondani 1870 PARASITE-HOST RELATIOiNSHIPS : Kamiya 36 Pi\RASITISM: Akasofu 73; Levels of: Summers 24 PARTHENOGENESIS: Hamazaki 31a; PATHOGENS, SPECIES OF Kanamitsu 74 Aspergillus: Koyama 63 Bacillus thuringiensis (BT): Katagiri 73; Mashanov +80; Yamaguchi 71 Bacillus: Bokura 21; Kanamitsu 74, Katagiri 73; Kojima 17, Mashanov +80; Yamaguchi +71 Bacteria: Nagano 13 New sp.: Bokura 22 Bolrytis: Kojima 17 Cytoplasmic Polyhedrosis Virus (CPV): Anon. 77b; Iwata +72; ICatágiri 73, 80; +80; Koyama 63; Matsueda 74; Schaefer 80 Bombyx crosstransmission: Aratake +73 Inactivation: Iwata +79, +74 Review: Katagiri 69b Entomophthora: General: Kanamitsu 74; Kojima 17; Koyama 54, 63; Koyama, Y. 52; Maruko 56; Sato +75a; 75b, 75c; Schaefer 80, +81a, 84c; Shimazu +86; Summers 24; Tanamitsu +73 Host Egg Mass: Aoki +76 Fungus, Species of: General: Pak 62; Sato +75c; Zwölfer 72b Entomophthora: Aoki 74; Koyama, Y. 52; Mishiro +67; Shimazu +86 Summers 24 Empusa: Koyama, Y. 52; Zwölfer 72b Isaria: Koyama 63 Paecilomyces: Aoki 74; Takamura +73 Spicarnia: Koyama 59 Gyrococcus: Nagano 13 Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (NPV): Chen +80; Cheng 78; Iwata 75; Katagiri +74, +80; Koyama 63; I4atsueda 74; Schaefer 80, +84c; Shinohara +82; Takamura +73; Yambe 73; Yue +79 Relative Virulence: Iwata 75 Susceptibility: Katagiri +73, +74 Polyhedrosis Virus: Maruko 56; Mishiro +67 Thuricide: Asano +73 Virus : Aratake +73; Chen +80; Cheng 78; Higashiura 74; Iwata 75, +71, +72, +74; Katagiri 69a, 69b, 80, +80; Koyama 54; Koyama, Y. 53b, Mashanov +80; Matsueda 74; Pschorn-Walcher 64; Sato +75b; Summers 24; Takamura +73; Yagi 41; Yambe 73; Yue +79; Zwölfer 72b Cross Transmission: Aratake +72 Polyhedrosis Associated with Picris: Koyama 53, 54 Relative Virulence: Iwata 75 Review: Katagiri 69b 137

PATHOLOGY: General: Aratake +72; Bokura 21; Iwata 75; iCatagiri +73, +74; Koyama 63; Maruko 56; Nagano 13; Sato +75b; Takaraura +73; Yamaguchi +71; Yambe 73; Yue +79 Bacillus: Asano +73; Bokura 21, 22 Bombyx CPV: Aratake +73 BT & CPV Synergistic Effect: Katagiri +72a Epizootic: Aoki +76; Koyama 54 Review: ICatagiri 69a, 69b Variable CPV Susceptibility: Anon. 77b PENÏATOMIDAE: See under INSECTS or PREDATORS (Picromerus, Dinorhynchus, Anna) PEST: Of Orchards: Nawa 38 Of Rice : Kuwayama 28 Of Trees: Sasaki 00, 01 PEST MAIíAGElvlEN: (See Management (Pest)) PHENOLOGY: Anon. 59; Miao 39, PschornH/alcher 62 PHEROriONE: Doane +81; Hidaka 76; Nakamura 29; Saito +81; Shi +86; Takizawa +86b; Wallner +84 PHOTOGRAPH: Adult Female : iCataoka 55 Larvae: Hongo 55; Okazaki 41 Life Stages: Kawata 35 PHYLOGENY: Based on Pupae : Nakamura 76 Lymantriidae: Miyata 73 PHYSIOLOGY: Diapause: Masaki 56 Insemination: Omura 40 Quality: Konikov +77

PLANTS : Acer: Higashiura +77; Nishiguchi +72; Schaefer +79 Alnus: Igarashi 80 Artemisia: Shimada 41 Betula: Furuta 72b; Higashiura +77; Kosugi 54a; Schaefer 78 Castanea: Anon. 36a Celtis: Higashiura 84 Chamaechyparis: Gyotoku 57 Cornus: Schaefer +79 Corylopsis: Igarashi 82 Cryptomeria: Higashiura 84; Inoue +84 Diospyros: Anon. 10, 11, 33d; Nagasawa +67a, +67b, +68; Nawa 33, 44; Schaefer +84b Equisetum: Shimada 41 Juglans: Higashiura +77 Larix: Anon. 26b, 54a; Furuta 74, 76; Kanamistu 74; Katagiri +67; Kono 40; Maruko 56; Otaru ... 26; Pschorn-VJalcher 62; Schaefer +84b; Shinohara 64, +82; Takizawa +86a; Taniguchi 50; Yano 16;, Zwölf er 72b Tree groxvth after Defoliation: Sato 73, +75, +75c Liquidambar: Igarashi 82 158

Livistona: Nakazima +33 Malus: Nagasawa 65a, 65b, 65c Palm: Nakazima +33 Peaches: Anon. 33a Picris: Koyama 53 Pinus: Furuta 77a; Otaru ... 26, Yano 16 Populus: Nishiguchi +72 Prunus: líigashiura 84; Ko no 40; Liu 41; Nagasawa 58a, 58c; Uchiike 25 Quercus: Furuno 64; tiigashiura +77; Mukaigawa 16 Rice: Okazaki 41a, 41b; Shimada 41 Rosa: Katagiri +67; Nagasawa +65, +67a Sallx: lilgashiura 84; Ishida +02; Shioda 05 Solanum: Shimada 41 Zelkova: fligashiura 84; Nagasawa 57a, 57b, 57c, 58b

POPULATION Analysis: Furuta 68 Assessment: Yamada 64 Control: Furuta 72a (See under Control) Cycles: Kuwayama 28, 29; Shinohara +82; Zwolfer 72a, 72b Decline: iCanamitsu 74; Shinohara +82 Density: Higashiura 87 High/Low vs. Damage: Sato +75c Dynamics: Campbell +78; Doane +81; Kanamitsu 74; Kono 38a, 38b, 39a, 39b; Kuwayana 29; Mukaigawa 15; Nomura 47; Shinohara 64; Takamura +73 Low Density: Furuta 81a Ecology: Gerardi +79; Nawa 38; Pak 62, Sato +75b, +75c; Schaefer 78; Yogo, S. 63; Zwolfer 72a, 72b Management: Sekimori 52 Models: Leonard 74 Prediction: Yogo 66; Yogo, S. 63 Regulation: Anon. 17a; Furuta 72a, 74, 76, 81b; +75; Ishii 41; Konikov +77; Nomura 47; Pak 62; Uchida 48; Yago 41; Zwolfer 72a Scarcity: Machida 37; Sugi 46 Status Review: Yano 19 Sunspots: Kim 61; Kono 38a, 38b, 39a, 39b; Nomura 47 IVeather Effects: Mukaigawa 15 PREDATION: Birds: Furuta 74, 76, 77b, 81a, 81b, 81c, +75; tiigashiura 80, Pu 76; Schaefer 80; Senba 52 Eggs: liigashiura 78; Schaefer 80 Larva: Furuta 83; Inoue 82 Spiders: Furuta 77a Wasps: Furuta 83 PREDATORS : General: Burgess +29; Furuta 72a; Inoue 54a; Kanamitsu 74; Smith +78 Bibliography: Griffiths 76; Hanson +73 Birds: Furuta 72c Eggs : Brown +82 159

List of: China : Acad. Sin. I. Z. +78; Schaefer +84c Japan: Yasumatsu +64 & 65; Zwölfer 72b USSR: Kozhanchikov 50 World: Smilowitz 72 Pentatomidae: Ishihara 41 (See also Dinorhynchus, Anna, Picromerus) Polistes: Furuta 83 PREDATOR, GENERA OF: Agriosphodrus: Inoue 82 Anthrenus: Brown +82; Schaefer 80 Araneus: Schaefer +84c Arma: Acad. Sin. I.Z. +78; Ishihara 41; Miyatake +50; Schaefer 80 Attagenus: Brown +82; Schaefer 80 Birds: Pu 76; Zwölfer 72a (Also see under Birds) Calosoma (Also see Campalita): Acad. Sin. I.Z. +78; Anon. 27; Burgess +29 Coulson +86; Inouye 52, 53, 55, 56; Kuwayaraa +64; Oho 63; Schaefer +8 4c Campalita: Inouye 52; Ono 63 Carabus: Inouye 54; Schaefer +84c; Taguchi 32 Damaster (See also Carabus): Inouye 54 Dermestes: Brown +82; Schaefer 80 Dinorhynchus: Coulson +86; Higashiura +78; Hori 22; Ishihara 41, 43; Okamoto 16, 42; Schaefer +79, +81a, +84c; Smith +78 Epidaus: Schaefer +84c Harpactor: Schaefer +84c Picromerus: Acad. Sin. I. Z. +78; Ishihara 41, 43; Schaefer 80, +84c Pinthaeus: Schaefer +84c Ptinus: Brown +82; Schaefer 80 Rhyncoris: Schaefer 80 Spiders: Furuta 77a; Sato +75b Xylodrepa: Anon. 27; Coulson +86; Schaefer 80, +84c

PREDICTION: Kono 39b, 40; Yogo, S. 63 Based on Solar Activity: Kono 38a, 38b PROTHETELY: Takewaki 27c PUPA: Cold Storage Treatment : Iwata 71a Morphology: Nakamura 76 V/eight: Furuta 72b; Mizuta 60; Nagasawa +68; Nishiguchi +66 QUARALNITINE: Gerardi +79 RACES: Iriki +54 (See also under Variation) RAILROAD IMPAIRED BY CATERPILLARS ON TRACKS: Esaki 34 R/iNGE: (See under Distribution) REARING: General: Hirano 55; Iwata 71b; Nagasawa 57a, 57b, 57c, 58a, 58b, 58c, 65a, 65b, 65c, +65, +66, +67a, 67b; +68 Artificial Diet vs. Leaves: Katagiri +67 Density Effect: Mizuta 60 RESEARCH PROGRAi-l: Doane +81; Leonard 74 REPRODUCTION: Parthenogenesis: Hamazaki 31a 160

REVIEW: Goldschmidt 34; Doane +81; Leonard 74; Zwölfer 72b Microblal Control: Katagirl 69a, 69b; 73; 80 Natural Eneraies: Griffiths 76 RUSSIAN LITERATURE: Richerson 75 SEX ATTRACTANT: Beroza +73 SEX RACES: Goldschmidt 34; Katagiri +72c; Saitoh 54d SEX RATIO: liirano 54; Kojima +11 SEX REVERSAL: Saitoh 54d SILICA: Katagiri 80 SILKWORi^i PEST: Anon. 17a; liamazaki 33 SNAIL: Iriki +54 SOCIOj^ECONOMIC MPACT: Doane +81 SOLAR EFFECTS: Nomura 47 SFECIATION: Pinturean 80b SPERM: Kinefuchi 64 SPERJ^IATOZOA: Hirano 54; Oraura 40 SPIDERS: (See under Predators) SPRAYS: Lee +59; Matsueda 74 (See also under Control, Chemical, Microbial) STARVATION: Furuta 72b STERILE-MALE TECHNIQUE: Doane +81 STRAW: Takawaki 30 SUBSPECIES: Inoue 57; Matsumura 33; Pinturean 79, 80a, 80b SUNSPOT ACTIVITY: Kim 61; Kono 38a, 38b, 39a, 39b; Nomura 47 SURVEY: Gerardi +79; Yamada 64 Use of Pheromones: Saito +81 SURVIVAL: Furuta 81c TACHINIDAE: See under PARASITES TAMAIWSHI: Anon. 36a TANNIN: Nishiguchi 61 TAXONOMY: Bryk 34; Chao (ed.) +78; Ferguson 78; Inoue 57, 59; Kozhanchikov 50 Matsumura 33; Nakamura 76; Pintureau 79 TERATOLOGY: Takewaki 27a TESTES, Abnormal Chambers: Saitoh 55b TOXICITY: Nagasawa +77 TRAP DESIGN: Takizawa +86b U.S.S.R.: Konikov +77; Kozhanchikov 50; Mashanov +80; Richerson 75; Schaefer +8 4a VARIATION: General: Anon. 77b; Goldschmidt 34; Hirano 55c; Inoue 57; Iriki +54; Iwata 76; Katagiri +72c, +73; +74; Machida 24; î-lasui 48; Matsumura 33; Motomura 40; Saitoh 52, 53, 54a, 54d, 55a, 55d, 56, 58; Schaefer +79(81), +81a, +84b; Zwölfer 72a Color Abdominal Hairs: Motomura 40 Geographie Source: Katagiri +80; Nagasawa 80 Larval Color Mutant: Schaefer +79(81); +84a Male Color: Nagano 14 Sperm Production: Kinefuchi 64 Subspecific: Pintureau 79, 80a, 80b WEATHER: Machida 37 (See also ABIOTIC FACTORS)