Topical Guide:


Facilities & People Related Government Departments Types of Bus Services Relating to & Bus Companies

Possible Keywords Possible Keywords Possible Keywords

Public Light Bus, Public Omnibus, Bus Terminus / Terminal, Bus Stop, Transport Department,

School Bus, Airport Bus, Bus Depot, Bus Route, Company,

Mini Bus Bus Corridor, China Motor Bus Company, Licence / Franchise, Company, Limited,

Bus Drivers New Lantau Bus Co. (1973) Limited

Archival (examples)  HKRS337-4-6852: Lot No. ... In D.D. 316,  Transport Department :  HKRS41-1-5274: China Motor Bus Pui Oi, Lantau Island - Application from Routes and Fare Structure Studies Report Company - Question of Amending Route the New Lantau Bus Co. (1973) Ltd. For No. 9/74, 1974 (388 PUB 1974) No.2 , 1948-52 the Grant of... For Bus Depot and Bus  Pang Hau-chung: The Cross Harbour Tunnel  HKRS41-1-5276: Quarry Bay School Maintenance Repair Garage. , 1974 - 78 Bus Service, 1972 (388.13 PAN NO96) (Happy Valley) - Bus Services to and  HKRS394-12-2: Public Transport in the Non-government publication from .....1949-53 N.T. - N.T. Bus Expansion Programme , (examples)  HKRS70-1-174: Mini-Bus - 1969, 1965-69 1973 – 78  KMB Bus Services : Improvements Now

 HKRS70-1-175: Mini-Bus - 1970, 1969-70  HKRS590-1-268: Association of Taxi Considerations for the Future (354.7653  HKRS70-2-356: Education, Schools - Drivers and Mini Bus Drivers KMB) School Bus Service  HKRS590-3-422: Public Travelling  Richard Butler: Bus Operation in the Colony

 HKRS70-6-12-1: Lantao Island Bus Omnibus Association , 1974 - 93 of Hong Kong - A Study of Public and Private Accident (Kiang Shan Rd.) July 22, 73 -  HKRS597-1-58: Transport Studies Enterprise (387 BUS) NC + DIB, 1973-74 Report on Lantao Island Bus Services ,  Kowloon Motor Bus Co. (1933) Ltd: KMB

 HKRS70-6-501: Education, Schools - 1980 Corporate Profile/ 九龍巴士(1933)有限公 School Bus Services - NC, 1971 – 73  HKRS711-1-1: Bus and Tram Priority 司《: 九巴概覽, 2003》(388.322 KMB 2003)  HKRS70-8-446: Bus Services - Public Schemes - , 1976 -78  陳志華,李健信《: 香港巴士 90 年》, 2011

Light Bus - D+N, 1976 – 78  HKRS711-1-28: Public Light Bus - (388.34 BUS 2011)  HKRS70-8-2477: Kowloon Motor Bus Legislation , 1972 - 82  陳自瑜:《香港巴士手冊: 第一集: 九龍 Company - D , 1976 – 1982  HKRS1015-1-47: Public Transport - 巴士》, 1996 (388.34233 CHA 1996/V1)

 HKRS70-8-4729: Traffic Accident - Route Studies, Bus Operation, 1972 - 75  容偉釗:《城巴: 近年城巴車隊資料總 Sekkong Bus Accident (Feb 25, 1977) -  HKRS1017-3-18: China Motor Bus Co. 覽》, 2003 (388.3423 CIT 2003) D+N , 1977 Ltd. - Labour Relations , 1973  容偉釗:《二十世紀:九龍區巴士路線發  HKRS156-1-10378: So Uk Bus Terminus - Government publication (examples) 展史》, 2001 (388.41322 YUN 2001) Construction of - , 1962 – 63  Hong Kong Transport Department:  郭炳華,陳鴻輝:《蛻變中的香港巴士 :  HKRS156-1-10379: Bus Terminus at Annual Departmental Report…1968-87 九龍新界編》, 2003 (388.34233 EVO 2003) Castle Peak - Construction of - , 1962 (X1000175)  HKRS170-1-735-1: Licence of China  S. A. Barden And J. R. V. Seneviratne: Motor Bus Co. , 1947 – 57 Public Light Bus Operation Survey 1972,

1973 (388 BAR NO115)