服務業統計摘要 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector

二零零五年版 2005 Edition

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二零零五年六月 June 2005 目錄 Contents

頁數 Page 緒言 Introduction iv 統計表一覽 List of Tables vii 統計圖一覽 List of Charts xii 概論 Overview xv

服務行業 Service Industries 1. 航空運輸業 Air Transport Services 1 2. 銀行業 Banking Services 15 3. 電影業 Film Entertainment Services 37 4. 金融市場及基金管理業 Financial Markets and Fund Management 47 Services 5. 進出口貿易業 Import and Export Trade 79 6. 保險業 Insurance Services 109 7. 陸上運輸業 Land Transport Services 127 8. 海上運輸業 Maritime Transport Services 147 9. 專業服務業 Professional Services 163 10. 地產服務業 Real Estate Services 173 11. 電訊服務業 Telecommunications Services 189 12. 批發及零售業 Wholesale and Retail Trade 213

服務界別 Service Domains 13. 電腦及有關服務 Computer and Related Services 231 14. 旅遊 Tourism 249

附錄 Appendices 政府統計處刊物一覽 List of Publications of the Census and Statistics A1 Department 政府統計處唯讀光碟產品一覽 List of CD-ROM Products of the Census and A5 Statistics Department 獲取政府統計處刊物及其他統計 Means of Obtaining Publications and Other A7 產品的方法 Statistical Products of the Census and Statistics Department 郵購表格﹝政府統計處刊物﹞ Mail Order Form (Publications of the Census and A8 Statistics Department) 訂閱表格﹝二零零五年服務業 Subscription Form (2005 Quarterly Supplements A10 統計摘要按季補充資料﹞ to Statistical Digest of the Services Sector)

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 iii Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

緒言 Introduction

《服務業統計摘要》由政府統計處出版, The Statistical Digest of the Services Sector is 就香港十四個主要服務行業/界別提供 published by the Census and Statistics Department. 最新的統計資料,方便各界查閱。 It is designed to provide a handy source of up-to-date statistical information about fourteen major service industries/domains of Hong Kong.

出版本統計摘要的主要目的,是提供一九 The main objective of this Statistical Digest is to 九四年至二零零四年的統計資料,大致上 provide statistical data for the period from 1994 to 以最近五年和先前第十一年的數字顯 2004, in the form of most recent five years and the 示,以助讀者比較過去十年的發展。並在 last eleventh year to facilitate comparison over the 適當之處輔以二零零四年第四季的數 past decade. Where appropriate, the statistics for 字,提供有關服務業的最新短期經濟指 the fourth quarter of 2004 are supplemented to 標。十四個主要服務行業/界別以個別章 provide some latest short-term economic indicators 節闡述,資料分門別類,就每個服務行業 on the services sector of Hong Kong. The data are /界別,提供各類統計數字,以供參考對 organized in respect of each of the fourteen leading 照,並輔以圖表,以便翻查及理解。 service industries/domains in a way that different types of statistics for a specific service industry/domain are collated in a dedicated section, supported by graphical presentations, for easy reference and interpretation.

本刊登載的統計資料主要來自政府統計 The principal sources of the statistical data presented 處和其他政府部門。在適當地方亦引用了 in this publication are official statistics compiled by 其他機構發表的統計數字。 the Census and Statistics Department and other government departments. Statistics produced by other organizations are also referred to as appropriate.

本刊中某些資料項目是根據有限數據而 It should also be noted that there are data items 作出的粗略估計,在日後得到更多資料時 which are crude estimates compiled based on limited 可能會作頗大的修訂。這些項目以「**」 data. They may be subject to considerable revisions 標明在統計表內。使用這些統計數字時應 when more data become available. Such items are 小心留意這點。 marked with a “**” sign in the statistical tables. In using such statistics, users must take special care.

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每章節均附有「概念及方法」部分,詳述 Description of the scope and nature of the statistical 統計資料的範圍和性質,以及本刊內所用 data and terms and definitions used in the publication 的用語及定義。 are provided in the “Concepts and Methods” part in each section.

使用個別統計表的數字時,讀者須注意相 When using figures from each individual table, 應的註釋,以便了解在這十年間有關定 readers should pay attention to the corresponding 義、涵蓋範圍、計算方法及點算規則方面 footnotes which describe as far as possible changes 的變化,以及資料的局限性。任何上述變 in the definitions, coverage, methods of calculation 化均可能令整段期間內的數列不能作全 and counting rules over the decade as well as 面的比較。 limitations of data. Any change may render the data series not fully comparable over the whole period.

除另有註明外,每節的「其他有關刊物」 Unless otherwise specified, the publications in 所述的刊物是由政府統計處編製。 “Further References” of each section are produced by the Census and Statistics Department.

由一九九七年七月一日開始,香港成為中 On 1 July 1997, Hong Kong became a Special 華人民共和國的特別行政區。就本刊登載 Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of 的統計資料而言,自一九九七年七月起, China. In respect of statistics in this publication, 「香港」是指香港特別行政區。 “Hong Kong” stands for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region with effect from July 1997.

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代號 Symbols

本刊內各代號的含意如下: The following symbols are used throughout the Digest : - 不適用 - not applicable * 修訂數字 * revised figures ** 粗略估計數字 ** crude estimates N.A. 沒有數字 N.A. not available

計量單位 Units of Measurement

1 立方米 = 219.969 英加侖 1 cubic metre (cu.m.) = 219.969 imperial gallons 1 公頃 = 10 000.000 平方米 1 hectare = 10 000.000 square metres 1 公斤 = 2.205 磅 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.205 pounds = 1.653 斤 = 1.653 catties 每小時 1 公里 = 0.540 浬 1 kilometre/hour (km/h) = 0.540 knot 1 平方米 = 10.764 平方呎 1 square metre (sq.m.) = 10.764 square feet 1 公噸 = 2 204.623 磅 1 tonne (t) = 2 204.623 pounds = 0.984 噸 = 0.984 ton 6 6 每秒兆比特 = 每秒1 x 10 比特 1 megabit per second (Mbps) = 1 x 10 bits per second 12 12 1 兆兆比特 = 1 x 10 比特 1 terabit = 1 x 10 bits

貨幣數字 Monetary Figures

本刊內所有引述的貨幣數字,除特別聲明 All monetary figures quoted are in Hong Kong 外,均為港元。港元是香港特別行政區的 dollars unless otherwise specified. Hong Kong 法定貨幣。 dollar is the legal tender in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

匯率 Exchange Rate

自一九八三年十月十七日起,政府透過一 As from 17 October 1983 the Hong Kong dollar has 項有關發行紙幣的措施,將港元與美元聯 been linked to the US dollar through an arrangement 繫,由發鈔銀行以 7.8 港元兌 1 美元 in the note issuing mechanism permitting note 的固定匯率發行紙幣。自此,港元兌美元 issuing banks to issue Hong Kong dollar notes at a 的匯率在外匯市場僅有窄幅變動。 fixed rate of HK$7.80=US$1.00. Since then, the exchange rate of Hong Kong dollar against the US dollar in the foreign exchange market has moved only within a narrow range.

數字的進位 Rounding of Figures

由於進位原因,統計表內個別項目的數字 There may be a slight discrepancy between the sum 加起來可能與總數略有出入。 of individual items and the total as shown in the tables owing to rounding.

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統計表一覽 List of Tables

頁數 Page 1. 航空運輸業 Air Transport Services 1.1 航空運輸業的機構單位數目、就業人數、 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, 8 業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Air Transport Industry 1.2 航空運輸服務容量的統計數字 Statistics on Capacity of Air Transport Services 9 1.3 航機升降次數 Aircraft Movements 9 1.4 民航機的客運量 Passenger Throughput of Civil Aircraft 10 1.5 以空運進出香港的貨物及郵遞 Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo and Mail by 10 Air 1.6 航空運輸設備的進出口貨值 Imports and Exports of Air Transport Equipment 11 1.7 航空運輸業的選定最新統計數字 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Air Transport Services 12 2. 銀行業 Banking Services 2.1 認可機構及本港代表辦事處 Authorized Institutions and Local Representative Offices 24 2.2 銀行業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, 25 收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Banking Industry 2.3 外滙儲備資產及貨幣供應量 Foreign Currency Reserve Assets and Money Supply 26 2.4 認可機構的流動資金、資本充足比率及盈 Liquidity, Capital Adequacy and Profitability of 27 利能力 Authorized Institutions 2.5 認可機構的資產質素比率 Asset Quality of Authorized Institutions 28 2.6 所有認可機構的港元資產負債表 Hong Kong Dollar Balance Sheet of All Authorized 29 Institutions 2.7 所有認可機構的外幣資產負債表 Foreign Currency Balance Sheet of All Authorized 30 Institutions 2.8 客戶存款 Deposits from Customers 31 2.9 貸款及墊款 Loans and Advances 32 2.10 香港銀行同業拆息市場 Hong Kong Interbank Market 33 2.11 外匯市場 Foreign Exchange Market 34 2.12 銀行業的選定最新統計數字 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Banking Services 35 3. 電影業 Film Entertainment Services 3.1 電影業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, 42 收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Film Entertainment Industry 3.2 票房收入及經評級的電影數目 Box Office Takings and Number of Films Classified 43 3.3 影碟及其他已錄製的磁帶的進出口貨值 Imports and Exports of Video Discs and Other Recorded 43 Magnetic Tapes 3.4 電影業的選定最新統計數字 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Film Entertainment 44 Services 4. 金融市場及基金管理業 Financial Markets and Fund Management Services 4.1 金融市場及基金管理服務業的機構單位 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, 60 數目、就業人數、業務收益指數、生產總 Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added 額及增加價值 of the Financial Markets and Fund Management Services Industry 4.2 證券期貨市場的持牌人/註冊人數目 Number of Licensees/Registrants in Securities and 61 Futures Markets

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統計表一覽 (續) List of Tables (Cont’d.) 頁數 Page 4.3 證券期貨市場的受規管活動數目 Number of Regulated Activities in Securities and Futures 62 Markets 4.4 在香港交易所上市的公司數目、總市值、 Number of Listed Companies, Market Capitalization, 64 收益率及市盈率 Yield and Price Earning Ratio of Stocks Listed on Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 4.5 香港交易所的成交金額 Turnover in Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 65 4.6 香港交易所的賣空量 Short Selling in Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing 66 Limited 4.7 香港交易所新證券的發行情況 New Issues in Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing 67 Limited 4.8 香港交易所衍生產品市場的平均每日成 Average Daily Turnover in the Derivatives Market of 68 交量 Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 4.9 金銀業貿易場的黃金買賣報價及平均每 Trading Prices and Average Daily Turnover of Gold 69 日成交金額 Trading in the Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society 4.10 港元債務工具市場 Hong Kong Dollar Debt Instruments Market 69 4.11 認可基金數目及資產淨值 Number and Net Asset Value of Authorized Funds 70 4.12 強制性公積金(強積金)計劃業務 Business of Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Schemes 71 4.13 金融市場及基金管理業的選定最新統計 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Financial Markets and 72 數字 Fund Management Services 5. 進出口貿易業 Import and Export Trade 5.1 進出口貿易業的機構單位數目、就業人 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, 90 數、業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Import and Export Trade 5.2 商品貿易指數 Merchandise Trade Index Numbers 91 5.3 香港在世界主要商品貿易國家的排名位 Hong Kong’s Position among Leading World 92 置 Merchandise Traders 5.4 按貨品類別劃分的進口貨值 Imports by Commodity Section 92 5.5 按貨品類別劃分的港產品出口貨值 Domestic Exports by Commodity Section 93 5.6 按貨品類別劃分的轉口貨值 Re-exports by Commodity Section 94 5.7 按選定國家/地區劃分的商品貿易統計數 Merchandise Trade Statistics by Selected Countries / 95 字 Territories 5.8 涉及外發中國內地加工的貿易 Trade Involving Outward Processing in the Mainland of 96 China 5.9 按主要服務組別劃分的服務輸出及輸入 Exports and Imports of Services by Major Service Group 97 5.10 從事製造業相關活動的進出口公司及製 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Value 98 造業公司的機構單位數目、就業人數、增 Added and Sales Revenue of Import/Export Firms with 加價值及銷貨收益 Manufacturing-Related Activities and Manufacturing Firms 5.11 進出口貿易業的選定最新統計數字 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Import and Export 100 Trade 5.12 服務貿易的選定最新統計數字 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Trade in Services 105 6. 保險業 Insurance Services 6.1 保險業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, 118 收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Insurance Industry 6.2 保險人、保險經紀、保險代理人及精算師 Number of Insurers, Insurance Brokers, Insurance Agents 119 數目 and Actuaries 6.3 長期保險業務 Long Term Insurance Business 120 6.4 一般保險業務 General Insurance Business 122

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統計表一覽 (續) List of Tables (Cont’d.) 頁數 Page 6.5 受保險安排所規管的職業退休計劃 Occupational Retirement Schemes Regulated by 123 Insurance Arrangement 6.6 香港出口信用保險局的保險業務 Insurance Business of the Hong Kong Export Credit 124 Insurance Corporation 6.7 保險業的選定最新統計數字 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Insurance Services 125 7. 陸上運輸業 Land Transport Services 7.1 陸上運輸業的機構單位數目、就業人數、 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, 137 業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Land Transport Industry 7.2 每日乘搭陸上公共交通工具的平均人次 Average Daily Public Land Transport Passenger Journeys 138 7.3 經道路及鐵路進出香港的乘客人數 Inward and Outward Movements of Passengers by Road 139 and by Rail 7.4 經道路及鐵路進出香港的貨物 Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo by Road and 139 by Rail 7.5 進出香港的車輛 Inward and Outward Movements of Motor Vehicles 140 7.6 進出香港的火車 Inward and Outward Movements of Trains 140 7.7 牌照及道路統計數字 Licence and Road Statistics 141 7.8 陸上運輸設備的進出口貨值 Imports and Exports of Land Transport Equipment 142 7.9 陸上運輸業的選定最新統計數字 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Land Transport Services 143 8. 海上運輸業 Maritime Transport Services 8.1 海上運輸業的機構單位數目、就業人數、 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, 154 業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Maritime Transport Industry 8.2 進出香港的船隻 Inward and Outward Movements of Vessels 155 8.3 經海運及河運進出香港的乘客人數 Inward and Outward Movements of Passengers by Ocean 155 and by River 8.4 按營辦商劃分的港內客運服務估計乘客 Estimated Passenger Journeys of Internal Passenger 156 人次 Transport by Operator 8.5 以海運及河運進出香港的貨物 Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo by Ocean and 156 by River 8.6 按主要貨物裝卸地點劃分的貨櫃吞吐量 Container Throughput by Main Cargo Handling Location 157 8.7 海員統計數字 Seafarers Statistics 158 8.8 註冊船隻統計數字 Statistics on Vessels Registered 158 8.9 海上運輸設備的進出口貨值 Imports and Exports of Maritime Transport Equipment 158 8.10 海上運輸業的選定最新統計數字 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Maritime Transport 159 Services 9. 專業服務業 Professional Services 9.1 專業服務業的機構單位數目、就業人數、 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, 169 業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Professional Services Industry 9.2 法律服務 Legal Services 170 9.3 會計服務 Accounting Services 170 9.4 建築及工程服務 Architectural and Engineering Services 171 9.5 專業服務業的選定最新統計數字 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Professional Services 171

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統計表一覽 (續) List of Tables (Cont’d.) 頁數 Page 10. 地產服務業 Real Estate Services 10.1 地產服務業的機構單位數目、就業人數、 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, 179 業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Real Estate Services Industry 10.2 政府土地拍賣及批租 Disposals of Government Land 180 10.3 按樓宇類別劃分的住宅單位落成量 Completions of Domestic Units by Type of Premises 181 10.4 按類別劃分的私人非住宅樓宇落成量 Completions of Private Non-domestic Premises by Type 182 10.5 住宅單位總存量 Stock of Domestic Units 183 10.6 私人非住宅樓宇總存量 Stock of Private Non-domestic Premises 184 10.7 送達土地註冊處登記的文件數目 Number of Documents Received for Registration in the 184 Land Registry 10.8 送達土地註冊處登記的文件涉及的總值 Considerations of Documents Received for Registration 185 in the Land Registry 10.9 地產服務業的選定最新統計數字 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Real Estate Services 186 11. 電訊服務業 Telecommunications Services 11.1 電訊業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, 199 收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Telecommunications Industry 11.2 有線電話服務 Wireline Telephone Services 201 11.3 對外電訊通訊量 External Telecommunications Traffic 202 11.4 對外電訊設施容量 Capacity of External Telecommunications Facilities 203 11.5 互聯網服務 Internet Services 204 11.6 公共流動無線電話服務 Public Mobile Radio-telephone Services 206 11.7 公共無線電傳呼服務 Public Radio Paging Services 208 11.8 電訊設備的進出口貨值 Imports and Exports of Telecommunications Equipment 208 11.9 電訊服務業的選定最新統計數字 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Telecommunications 209 Services 12. 批發及零售業 Wholesale and Retail Trade 12.1 批發及零售業的機構單位數目、就業人 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, 218 數、業務收益指數、生產總額、增加價值 Business Receipts Index, Gross Output, Value Added and 及零售業總銷貨額 Total Retail Sales of the Wholesale and Retail Trade 12.2 零售價值指數 Value Indices of Retail Sales 219 12.3 零售量指數 Volume Indices of Retail Sales 221 12.4 食品批發 Wholesale of Food Items 223 12.5 批發及零售業的選定最新統計數字 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Wholesale and Retail 224 Trade 13. 電腦及有關服務 Computer and Related Services 13.1 資訊科技相關服務公司的機構單位數 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Gross 242 目、就業人數、生產總額及增加價值 Output and Value Added for Information Technology Related Services Companies 13.2 辦公室器材(傢具及固定裝置除外)經銷 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged for 243 商的機構單位數目及就業人數 Distributors of Office Machines, Appliances and Equipment (except Furniture and Fixtures) 13.3 電腦產品的進出口貨值 Imports and Exports of Computer Products 244 13.4 電腦及有關服務界別的業務收益指數 Business Receipts Index for the Computer and Related 245 Services Domain

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統計表一覽 (續) List of Tables (Cont’d.) 頁數 Page 13.5 從事資訊科技職務的就業人數 Number of Persons Engaged in Occupations with 245 Information Technology Functions 13.6 資訊科技在工商業的使用情況和普及程 Information Technology Usage and Penetration in the 246 度 Business Sector 13.7 電腦及有關服務界別的選定最新統計數 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Computer and Related 247 字 Services Domain 14. 旅遊 Tourism 14.1 酒店及旅行社的機構單位數目、就業人數 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged and 263 及業務收益指數 Business Receipts Index for Hotels and Travel Agents 14.2 訪港旅客 Visitor Arrivals 263 14.3 訪港旅客消費 Visitor Spending 264 14.4 訪港過夜旅客訪港目的及平均留港時間 Purpose of Visit and Average Length of Stay of 265 Overnight Visitors 14.5 酒店統計數字 Hotel Statistics 266 14.6 按目的地劃分的本港居民離港人數 Hong Kong Resident Departures by Destination 268 14.7 餐館、零售商、運輸服務營辦商及其他為 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged for 269 訪港旅客提供服務的機構的機構單位數 Restaurants, Retailers, Transport Operators and Other 目及就業人數 Service Providers Serving Visitors 14.8 會議及展覽數目及來自香港以外地區的 Number of Conventions/Exhibitions and Delegates from 270 代表人數 Places Outside Hong Kong 14.9 增加價值及就業人數 Value Added and Number of Persons Engaged 271 14.10 旅遊、會議及展覽服務界別的業務收益指 Business Receipts Index for the Tourism, Convention and 272 數 Exhibition Services Domain 14.11 旅遊的選定最新統計數字 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Tourism 273

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統計圖一覽 List of Charts

頁數 Page 1. 航空運輸業 Air Transport Services 1.1 航空運輸業的機構單位數目及就業人數 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged in 4 the Air Transport Industry 1.2 航機升降次數總計 Total Number of Aircraft Movements 4 1.3 航空貨運量及客運量 Cargo and Passenger Throughput by Air 5 1.4 航空郵遞量 Mail Throughput by Air 5 2. 銀行業 Banking Services 2.1 認可機構及本港代表辦事處 Authorized Institutions and Local Representative 18 Offices 2.2 銀行業的機構單位數目及就業人數 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged in 18 the Banking Industry 2.3 外滙儲備資產 Amount of Foreign Currency Reserve Assets 19 2.4 存款及貸款 Deposits and Loans 20 3. 電影業 Film Entertainment Services 3.1 電影業的機構單位數目及就業人數 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged in 39 the Film Entertainment Industry 3.2 票房收入 Box Office Takings 39 4. 金融市場及基金管理業 Financial Markets and Fund Management Services 4.1 金融市場及基金管理服務業的機構單位 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged in 50 數目及就業人數 the Financial Markets and Fund Management Services Industry 4.2 在香港交易所上市的公司總市值 Market Capitalization of Stocks Listed on Hong 50 Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 4.3 香港交易所平均每日成交金額 Average Daily Turnover in Hong Kong Exchanges 51 and Clearing Limited 4.4 恆生指數期貨平均每日成交量 Average Daily Turnover of Hang Seng Index Futures 51 4.5 認可基金數目及資產淨值 Number and Net Asset Value of Authorized Funds 52 5. 進出口貿易業 Import and Export Trade 5.1 進出口貿易業的機構單位數目及就業人 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged in 82 數 the Import and Export Trade 5.2 按主要供應地劃分的商品進口貨值 Imports of Goods by Main Supplier 82 5.3 按主要目的地劃分的港產品出口貨值 Domestic Exports of Goods by Main Destination 83 5.4 涉及外發中國內地加工的貿易 Trade Involving Outward Processing in the Mainland 83 of China 6. 保險業 Insurance Services 6.1 保險業的機構單位數目及就業人數 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged in 112 the Insurance Industry 6.2 保險人數目 Number of Insurers 112 6.3 保費收入 Premium Income 113 6.4 出口信用保險保單的受保出口貨值及佔 Value of Insured Exports Covered by Export Credit 113 本地整體出口貨值的比率 Insurance Policies and as a Percentage of Total Value of Exports of Hong Kong

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統計圖一覽 (續) List of Charts (Cont’d.) 頁數 Page 7. 陸上運輸業 Land Transport Services 7.1 陸上運輸業的機構單位數目及就業人數 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged in 131 the Land Transport Industry 7.2 每日乘搭陸上公共交通工具的平均人次 Average Daily Public Land Transport Passenger 132 Journeys 7.3 經道路及鐵路進出香港的貨物 Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo by Road 133 and by Rail 7.4 進出香港的車輛 Inward and Outward Movements of Motor Vehicles 133 7.5 領牌車輛及駕駛執照數目 Number of Vehicles Licensed and Number of Driving 134 Licences 8. 海上運輸業 Maritime Transport Services 8.1 海上運輸業的機構單位數目及就業人數 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged in 150 the Maritime Transport Industry 8.2 以海運及河運進出香港的貨物 Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo by Ocean 150 and by River 8.3 按主要貨物裝卸地點劃分的貨櫃吞吐量 Container Throughput by Main Cargo Handling 151 Location 9. 專業服務業 Professional Services 9.1 專業服務業的機構單位數目及就業人數 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged in 165 the Professional Services Industry 9.2 律師人數及註冊建築師人數 Number of Lawyers and Registered Architects 165 9.3 會計師人數及香港工程師學會法定會員 Number of Certified Public Accountants and 166 人數 Corporate Members of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers 10. 地產服務業 Real Estate Services 10.1 地產服務業的機構單位數目及就業人數 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged in 175 the Real Estate Services Industry 10.2 物業轉讓契約的數目及涉及的總值 Number and Total Considerations of Assignments of 175 Properties 11. 電訊服務業 Telecommunications Services 11.1 通訊業的機構單位數目及就業人數 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged in 193 the Communications Industry 11.2 電話線數目 Number of Exchange Lines 194 11.3 公共流動無線電話用戶系統及公共無線 Number of Public Mobile Radio-telephone 195 電傳呼接收器數目 Subscriber Units and Public Radio Paging Receivers 12. 批發及零售業 Wholesale and Retail Trade 12.1 批發及零售業的機構單位數目及就業人 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged in 215 數 the Wholesale and Retail Trade 12.2 零售指數 Indices of Retail Sales 215 13. 電腦及有關服務 Computer and Related Services 13.1 資訊科技相關服務公司的機構單位數目 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged for 236 及就業人數 Information Technology Related Services Companies 13.2 辦公室器材(傢具及固定裝置除外)經銷 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged for 237 商的機構單位數目及就業人數 Distributors of Office Machines, Appliances and Equipment (except Furniture and Fixtures) 13.3 電腦產品的進出口貨值 Imports and Exports of Computer Products 238

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統計圖一覽 (續) List of Charts (Cont’d.) 頁數 Page 14. 旅遊 Tourism 14.1 酒店及旅行社的機構單位數目及就業 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged for 255 人數 Hotels and Travel Agents 14.2(a) 訪港旅客消費 Visitor Spending 256 14.2(b) 訪港旅客人均消費 Visitor Per Capita Spending 256 14.3 酒店房間數目及房間入住率 Number of Rooms and Room Occupancy Rate of 257 Hotels 14.4 餐館、零售商、運輸服務營辦商及其 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged for 258 他為訪港旅客提供服務的機構的機構 Restaurants, Retailers, Transport Operators and Other 單位數目及就業人數 Service Providers Serving Visitors 14.5 會議數目及平均每項會議來自香港以 Number of Conventions and Average Number of 259 外地區的代表人數 Delegates from Places Outside Hong Kong per Convention 14.6 展覽數目及平均每項展覽來自香港以 Number of Exhibitions and Average Number of 259 外地區的代表人數 Delegates from Places Outside Hong Kong per Exhibition

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概論 Overview

在一九九四年至二零零三年的十年 During the decade from 1994 to 2003, services sector in 間,服務業在香港經濟體系的地位變 the Hong Kong economy has gained greater 得更為重要。這轉變明顯地反映在服 prominence. This change has already been reflected in 務業於本地生產總值中所佔的比重。 the share of contribution of the services sector to the 服務業對本地生產總值的貢獻由一九 Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The contribution of 九四年的83.3%上升至二零零三年的 the services sector to GDP increased from 83.3% in 88.5%。 1994 to 88.5% in 2003.

服務業包括批發、零售、進出口貿易、 The services sector includes wholesale, retail and 飲食及酒店業;運輸、倉庫及通訊業; import/export trades, restaurants and hotels; transport, 金融、保險、地產及商用服務業以及 storage and communications; financing, insurance, real 社區、社會及個人服務業。 estate and business services; and community, social and personal services.

在服務業內的主要經濟活動(1)中,批 Among the major economic activities in services 發、零售、進出口貿易、飲食及酒店 sector(1), wholesale, retail and import/export trades, 業合計在二零零三年佔本地生產總值 restaurants and hotels together contributes 27.3% of the 的 27.3%,其次是金融、保險、地產及 GDP in 2003, followed by financing, insurance, real 商用服務業(23.1%),社區、社會及個 estate and business services (23.1%), community, social 人服務業(22.4%),運輸、倉庫及通訊 and personal services (22.4%), and transport, storage 業 (10.5%)。服務行業所佔比率在一九 and communications (10.5%). While the service 九四年至二零零三年間均有所增加, subsectors registered increases in shares of the GDP

(1) 在國民經濟核算中,除了上一段所提及的服務外,服務 (1) Apart from the services mentioned in the above paragraph, two other 業還包括「樓宇業權」及「非直接計算的金融中介服務 components “ownership of premises” and “adjustment for financial 調整」這兩個項目。「樓宇業權」被視為一項經濟活動, intermediation services indirectly measured” are also covered under 這包括業主以個人身分為租客提供的租賃服務及住戶、 the services sector in the context of national accounts. “Ownership 政府及私人非牟利機構等以業主身分為自己提供的同類 of premises” is treated as an economic activity in the national accounts 服務。另一方面,「金融中介服務」是指金融中介機構(如 and covers the leasing services provided to tenants by owners of 銀行和接受存款公司)對借貸者提供的服務。這些金融中 premises in their individual capacity and those leasing services which 介機構對其所提供的服務並沒有明確地收取服務費,而 owners of premises like households, government and private 是賺取借貸的利息差額。在計算本地生產總值時,非直 non-profit institutions, provide to themselves. On the other hand, 接計算的金融中介服務的價值,會加入金融服務業的生 “financial intermediation services” are services provided by financial 產總額內,因而亦包括在其增加價值之內。這做法亦等 intermediaries (such as banks and deposit-taking companies) to 於必須把這類服務費用從使用這項服務的行業的增加價 lenders and borrowers. These financial intermediaries do not charge 值中扣除。不過,在實行上要設立準則以進行這個計算, explicitly on the services they provide. They earn from paying and 是十分困難的,而國際認可的做法是把這項收費總額從 charging different interest rates to lenders and borrowers. In 所有生產者的總增加價值中扣除,以調整本地生產總值 compiling GDP, the value of financial intermediation services 的數字。 indirectly measured (FISIM) is added to the gross output and consequently to the value added of financing services industry.

Having done this, it is necessary to deduct such from the value added of other industries which are charged for the use of services. However, in practice it is very difficult to establish a basis for this to be done, and the internationally accepted practice is to adjust the GDP by deducting the value of FISIM from the aggregated value added of all producers.

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製造業的相對重要性則下降,它對本 over the period from 1994 to 2003, the relative 地生產總值的貢獻由一九九四年的 importance of manufacturing has declined, as reflected 9.1%下降至二零零三年的4.1%,反映 by its contribution to the GDP, which went down from 製造業活動轉移至貿易活動,這個發 9.1% in 1994 to 4.1% in 2003. This reflects the 展跟分判製造工序予中國內地的活動 shifting of manufacturing activities to trading activities, 有很大關係。在這些業務的帶動下, which are much related to the sub-contract processing 對香港其他支援服務的需求,例如陸 arrangement in the mainland of China. This has also 上運輸、航運、貿易融資、保險和各 generated considerable demand for other support 類專業服務,亦相應大幅增加。 services from Hong Kong in areas such as land transport, shipping, trade financing, insurance and various professional services.

服務業亦提供了香港的主要就業機 The services sector also become our principal source of 會。服務業就業人數在總就業人數中 employment. The share of the services sector in total 所佔的比率在過去十年顯著上升,由 employment has increased markedly over the past 一九九四年的75.8%增至二零零四年 decade, from 75.8% in 1994 to 85.6% in 2004. In 的 85.6%。在二零零四年,整體就業人 2004, the services sector as a whole employed 2.82 數共有329萬人,而整個服務業共僱用 million persons out of the 3.29 million overall 了 282萬人。在就業人數增加的同時, employment. Along with the growth in employment, 服務業的機構單位數目亦由一九九四 the number of establishments in the services sector also 年的270 000 間增至二零零四年的 increased from 270 000 in 1994 to 273 000 in 2004. 273 000間。

服務業對保持本港對外貿易平衡,發 The services sector is a major contributor to our external 揮極大作用。在二零零四年,服務輸 trade balance. In 2004, the value of exports of services 出總額達4,076 億元,與一九九四年比 reached $407.6 billion, representing an average annual 較,平均每年增長率達6.3%。在二零 growth rate of 6.3% over 1994. In 2004, merchanting 零四年,商貿服務及其他與貿易相關 and other trade-related services was the most important 的服務是服務輸出組成部分中最重要 component, contributing 35.5% to total exports of 的一項,佔服務輸出總額的35.5%。緊 services. Transportation and travel were the other two 隨的兩個重要組成部分是運輸和旅 important components coming after, contributing 32.2% 遊,在二零零四年,兩者各佔服務輸 and 17.2% respectively to total exports of services in 出總額的32.2%及 17.2%。在一九九四 2004. In 1994, the respective percentage shares of 年,這三個部分佔服務業的百分比則 these three components in the services sector were 分別為20.0%, 36.5%及 24.3%。 20.0%, 36.5% and 24.3%.

把十四個主要服務行業/界別納入本摘 The inclusion of the 14 leading service 要,反映我們確認其對本港經濟的重 industries/domains in this Digest reflects our 大貢獻。事實上,這些行業/界別合共 recognition of their economic contribution. They 佔本地生產總值一個相當大的比例。 together account for the lion’s share of the services sector’s contribution to the GDP.

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航空運輸業 1 Air Transport Services

概要 Highlights

由於頻繁的貿易和旅遊業務,香港已成為亞 Through its busy trade and tourist activities, Hong 洲的主要航空中心。香港國際機場是全球其 Kong has become a leading aviation hub in the region. 中一個最繁忙的機場,亦是四間國際航空公 Our Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world, 司(國泰航空有限公司、港龍航空有限公司、 and is home to four international airlines (Cathay 香港華民航空有限公司和中富航空有限公 Pacific Airways Limited, Hong Kong Dragon Airlines 司)的總部。 Limited, Air Hong Kong Limited and CR Airways Limited).

航空運輸業包括以香港為根據地的航空公司 The air transport industry included Hong Kong based 和直升機公司、海外航空公司駐港辦事處、 airline and helicopter companies, local representative 航空貨運代理公司及為航空運輸提供輔助服 offices of overseas airline companies, air cargo 務的公司。在二零零四年,從事航空運輸業 forwarding companies and firms providing supporting 的機構單位有 869 間,就業人數約 36 000 人。 services to air transport. In 2004, there were 869 establishments, engaging about 36 000 people, in the air transport industry.

在二零零三年,航空運輸業為香港帶來約 The value added generated by the industry was about 293 億元的增加價值,佔本地生產總值的 $29.3 billion, or 2.5% of the Gross Domestic Product 2.5%。與零二年比較,受到零三年早期嚴重 (GDP) of Hong Kong in 2003. Affected by the 急性呼吸系統綜合症爆發的影響,這行業的 outbreak of SARS in the early part of 2003, the value 增加價值下跌 10.1%。 added of the industry decreased by 10.1% compared with 2002.

在二零零四年,共有 74 間航空公司為香港提 A total of 74 airlines provided scheduled services to 供與超過 130 個城市的來往定期航班服務。 Hong Kong from over 130 cities in 2004. Together, 他們合共提供了 232 008 班定期國際班機及 they operated 232 008 scheduled international flights 5 244 班不定期國際班機。平均每星期有 and 5 244 non-scheduled international flights. On 1 982 班來港的定期載客班機,提供共 average, there were 1 982 incoming scheduled 528 810 個機位。 passenger flights per week, providing a total seat capacity of 528 810.

二零零四年的航機升降次數( 包括載客和載 A significant increase of 26.5% in aircraft movements 貨航班)較零三年顯著上升 26.5%至 237 252 (including passenger and cargo flights) was recorded 班次。在一九九四年至二零零四年期間,總 in 2004 compared with 2003, bringing the annual total 航機升降次數每年平均上升達 5.2%。 to 237 252. From 1994 to 2004, total aircraft movements had increased at an average annual rate of 5.2%.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 1 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

來往香港的空運需求在二零零四年顯著增 The demand for air travel increased significantly in 加。零四年的總客運量(包括抵港和離港) 為 2004. Total passenger throughput (including arrivals 3 630 萬人次,較零三年上升 35.6%。 and departures) in 2004 increased by 35.6% to 36.3 million when compared with 2003.

至於航空貨運方面,在二零零四年,香港國 As regards air cargo movements, the Hong Kong 際機場仍是全球最繁忙的機場之一。零四年 International Airport remained one of the world’s 航空貨運站處理的貨物約為 310 萬公噸,是 busiest airport in 2004. Being the highest record for 過去十年的最高紀錄,較零三年上升 the past decade, about 3.1 million tonnes of cargo 17.1%,較一九九四年更上升 139%。 were handled in the cargo terminal in 2004, an increase of 17.1% compared with 2003 and an increase of 139% over 1994.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 2 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

主要統計數字及統計圖 Key Statistics and Charts

航空運輸業 Air Transport Industry

年 機構單位數目(1) 就業人數(1) 增加價值(百萬元) 業務收益指數(2) Year Number of Number of persons Value added Business receipts index(2) establishments(1) engaged(1) ($ million) (2000=100)

1994 675 28 294 20,310 - 2000 834 32 919 29,505 100.0 2001 823 34 044 27,650 88.5 2002 857 35 325 32,627 98.9 2003 777 34 533 29,329 96.0 2004 869 36 444 N.A. 121.6

進出香港的航空交通 Inward and Outward Movements by Air

年 飛機(3) 乘客(4) (千人) 貨物(5) (千公噸) 郵遞(6) (千公噸) Year Aircraft(3) Passengers(4) Cargo(5) (thousand Mail(6) (thousand (thousands) tonnes) tonnes)

1994 143 251 25 248 1 293 28 2000 181 927 32 131 2 241 27 2001 196 833 32 027 2 074 26 2002 206 705 33 451 2 479 26 2003 187 508 26 752 2 642 26 2004 237 252 36 288 3 095 29

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Notes : (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (2) Business receipts indices of the industry were first 製。 compiled in 1996. (3) 指飛機升降的總架次,包括載客及載貨班機。 (3) Figures refer to the total number of landings and take-offs, including passenger and cargo flights. (4) 指乘民航機抵港及離港乘客的總人次,包括 (4) Figures refer to the total number of passenger 轉機乘客,但不包括過境乘客及空勤人員。 arrivals and departures of civil aircraft, including transfers but excluding transit passengers and crew members. (5) 指航空貨物總裝卸量。 (5) Figures refer to the total tonnes of air cargo unloaded and loaded. (6) 指航空郵遞總裝卸量,包括過境郵遞。 (6) Figures refer to the total tonnes of air mail unloaded and loaded, including transit mail.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 3 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

圖 1.1 航空運輸業的機構單位數目(1) 及就業人數(1) Chart 1.1 Number of Establishments(1) and Persons Engaged(1) in the Air Transport Industry

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged 1 000 40 000

800 32 000

600 24 000

400 16 000

200 8 000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Note : (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year.

圖 1.2 航機升降次數總計 Chart 1.2 Total Number of Aircraft Movements

航機升降次數 Number of aircraft movements 250 000

200 000

150 000

100 000

50 000

0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 4 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

圖 1.3 航空貨運量(1) 及客運量(2) Chart 1.3 Cargo(1) and Passenger(2) Throughput by Air

貨運量 (千公噸) 客運量 (千人) Cargo throughput (thousand tonnes) Passenger throughput (thousands) 3 500 50 000

3 000 40 000 2 500

30 000 2 000

1 500 20 000

1 000 10 000 500

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

貨物 乘客 Cargo Passengers

註釋 : (1) 指航空貨物總裝卸量。 Notes : (1) Figures refer to the total tonnes of air cargo unloaded and loaded. (2) 指乘民航機抵港及離港乘客的總人次,包括 (2) Figures refer to the total number of passenger 轉機乘客,但不包括過境乘客及空勤人員。 arrivals and departures of civil aircraft, including transfers but excluding transit passengers and crew members.

圖 1.4 航空郵遞量(1) Chart 1.4 Mail Throughput by Air(1)

郵遞量 (千公噸) Mail throughput (thousand tonnes) 40








0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

註釋 : (1) 指航空郵遞總裝卸量,包括過境郵遞。 Note : (1) Figures refer to the total tonnes of air mail unloaded and loaded, including transit mail.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 5 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

概念及方法 Concepts and Methods

為方便展示航空運輸服務各方面的統計數 To facilitate presentation of statistical data on various 據,航空運輸服務再分類為(一)客運服務;(二) aspects of air transport services, air transport services 貨運服務及(三)郵遞運輸服務。 are classified into (a) passenger transport services; (b) cargo transport services and (c) mail transport services.

用語及定義 Terms and Definitions

在編製統計數字時, 航空運輸業 包括提供航 For statistical compilation purpose, the air transport 空客運及貨運服務、航空貨運代理服務、機場 industry covers establishments rendering air passenger 地勤服務、機場轉運服務及營運航空貨運站的 and cargo transport services, air cargo forwarding 機構單位。 services, ground handling services at airport, airport transfer services and air cargo terminal operating services.

機構單位 是指在單一擁有權或控制權下,在單 An establishment is defined as an economic unit which 一地點從事一種或主要從事一種經濟活動的 engages, under a single ownership or control, in one or 經濟單位,例如個別工廠、工場、零售店及辦 predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single 公室。 physical location, e.g. an individual factory, workshop, retail shop and office.

就業人數 包括所有於統計日期工作最少一小 Persons engaged include all individual proprietors, 時及經常參與機構單位業務的東主、合夥人, partners and persons having family ties with any of the 以及與東主或合夥人有親屬關係並在機構單 proprietors or partners and working in the establishment 位工作而無正薪的人士;及所有於統計日期向 without regular pay, who are actively engaged in the 機構單位直接支取薪酬的全職受薪僱員,以及 work of the establishment for at least one hour on the 有限公司的在職董事,其中包括長期或臨時聘 survey reference date; and all full-time salaried 用的,無論這些僱員正在本港或其他地方工作 personnel or employees and working directors of limited 或暫時缺勤(即正在放病假、分娩假、年假、 companies directly paid by the establishment, both 事假的工人及罷工者)。在統計日期工作最少 permanent and temporary, who are either at work 一小時的兼職僱員,以及夜班或通宵班的僱員 (whether or not in Hong Kong) or temporarily absent 亦包括在內。由一九九九年三月開始,有關點 from work (viz. those on sick leave, maternity leave, 算就業人數的工作時數定義由原有的「在統計 annual vacation or casual leave, and on strike) on the 日期工作最少三小時」改為「在統計日期工作 survey reference date. Part-time employees and 最少一小時」。 employees on night/irregular shifts working for at least one hour on the survey reference date are also included. As from March 1999, the rule for counting the number of persons engaged has been changed from the previous definition of “working for at least three hours” to a new definition of “working for at least one hour”.

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本地生產總值 是指一個國家或地區的所有常 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the total 住生產單位,在一個指定的期間內,未扣除固 value of production of all resident producing units of a 定資本消耗的生產總價值。 country or territory in a specified period, before deducting allowance for consumption of fixed capital.

生產總額 是由收取所得的服務費計算,即客運 Gross output is measured by the service charges 及貨運收入。 received, viz. passenger and freight revenue.

增加價值 是生產總額減去中間投產消耗(生產 Value added is defined as the value of gross output less 過程中所耗用的貨物和服務的價值)。 the value of intermediate consumption (the value of goods and services used up in the course of production).

航空運輸設備的貿易統計數字 包括動力航空 Trade Statistics on air transport equipment includes 器(例如直升機、飛機)及有關的零件如推進 imports and exports of powered aircrafts such as 器、水平旅翼、起落架及飛機或直升機的其他 helicopters and aeroplanes and related parts such as 零件的進口及出口貨值。 propellers, rotors, under-carriages and other parts of aeroplanes or helicopters.

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統計表 Statistical Tables

表 1.1 航空運輸業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Table 1.1 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Air Transport Industry

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目(1) 675 834 823 857 777 869 Number of establishments(1) (11.9) (2.7) (-1.3) (4.1) (-9.3) (11.8)

就業人數(1) 28 294 32 919 34 044 35 325 34 533 36 444 Number of persons engaged(1) (5.6) (3.5) (3.4) (3.8) (-2.2) (5.5)

業務收益指數(2) (2000=100) - 100.0 88.5 98.9 96.0 121.6 Business receipts index(2) (2000=100) - (31.0) (-11.5) (11.7) (-2.9) (26.7)

生產總額 40,342 64,422 62,416 68,779 66,954 N.A. Gross output (17.4) (26.5) (-3.1) (10.2) (-2.7) (-)

增加價值 20,310 29,505 27,650 32,627 29,329 N.A. Value added (37.0) (14.2) (-6.3) (18.0) (-10.1) (-) 在以要素成本計算的本地生產總值內所 佔比率 (百分比) 2.1 2.4 2.3 2.7 2.5 N.A. Contribution to GDP at factor cost (%) 增加價值在生產總額所佔比率 50.3 45.8 44.3 47.4 43.8 N.A. Value added as % of gross output

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (2) Business receipts indices of the industry were first 製。 compiled in 1996.

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表 1.2 航空運輸服務容量的統計數字 Table 1.2 Statistics on Capacity of Air Transport Services

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

服務香港的定期航班航空公司數目 57 66 69 79 80 74 Number of scheduled airline companies (9.6) (0.0) (4.5) (14.5) (1.3) (-7.5) serving Hong Kong

定期(1) 國際班機數目 122 086 173 639 191 894 202 108 183 845 232 008 Number of scheduled(1) international flights (11.5) (13.2) (10.5) (5.3) (-9.0) (26.2)

不定期(1) 國際班機數目 16 066 8 288 4 939 4 597 3 659 5 244 Number of non-scheduled(1) international (11.3) (-41.0) (-40.4) (-6.9) (-20.4) (43.3) flights

來港的定期(1) 載客班機數目(2) (以每星期計) 1 203 1 601 1 646 1 795 1 842 1 982 Number of incoming scheduled(1) passenger (8.5) (17.8) (2.8) (9.1) (2.6) (7.6) flights per week(2)

機位總數(2) (以每星期計) 358 703 450 284 445 754 483 143 490 842 528 810 Total seat capacity per week(2) (8.3) (12.7) (-1.0) (8.4) (1.6) (7.7)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 定期班機包括在預先發布的時間表內的航班 (1) Scheduled flights include the flights in the 及加班機,但不包括包機及非運輸業務班機。 published schedule and the extra-section flights but not include charter flights and non-revenue flights. (2) 單指十二月份內的定期班機。 (2) Figures refer to scheduled flights as of December.

表 1.3 航機升降次數(1) Table 1.3 Aircraft Movements(1)

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

升降總計 143 251 181 927 196 833 206 705 187 508 237 252 Total movements (6.0) (8.7) (8.2) (5.0) (-9.3) (26.5) 降落架次 71 609 90 953 98 423 103 357 93 749 118 635 Landings (6.0) (8.7) (8.2) (5.0) (-9.3) (26.5) 起飛架次 71 642 90 974 98 410 103 348 93 759 118 617 Take-offs (6.1) (8.7) (8.2) (5.0) (-9.3) (26.5)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 包括載客及載貨班機。 (1) Including passenger and cargo flights.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 9 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 1.4 民航機的客運量 Table 1.4 Passenger Throughput of Civil Aircraft

千人 Thousands 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

客運量(1) 25 248 32 131 32 027 33 451 26 752 36 288 Passenger throughput(1) (3.4) (10.6) (-0.3) (4.4) (-20.0) (35.6) 抵港人次 12 541 16 112 16 028 16 772 13 419 18 283 Arrivals (3.5) (10.7) (-0.5) (4.6) (-20.0) (36.2) 離港人次 12 708 16 019 15 999 16 679 13 333 18 005 Departures (3.3) (10.4) (-0.1) (4.3) (-20.1) (35.0)

來港過境人次 701 622 519 431 340 426 Arrival transits (-1.1) (-6.6) (-16.5) (-17.0) (-21.0) (25.2)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 包括轉機乘客但不包括過境乘客及空勤人 (1) Including transfers but excluding transit 員。 passengers and crew members.

表 1.5 以空運進出香港的貨物及郵遞 Table 1.5 Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo and Mail by Air

千公噸 Thousand tonnes 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

貨物 1 293 2 241 2 074 2 479 2 642 3 095 Cargo (13.5) (13.5) (-7.4) (19.5) (6.6) (17.1) 卸貨量 606 953 894 1 004 1 035 1 164 Unloaded (18.2) (13.2) (-6.1) (12.3) (3.2) (12.5) 裝貨量 687 1 288 1 180 1 475 1 607 1 930 Loaded (9.6) (13.7) (-8.4) (25.0) (8.9) (20.1)

郵遞(1) 28 27 26 26 26 29 Mail(1) (-0.1) (3.0) (-4.0) (-0.7) (0.6) (11.8) 卸貨量 11 11 9 9 9 9 Unloaded (-0.7) (-2.1) (-14.1) (-3.3) (-6.8) (5.2) 裝貨量 17 16 16 17 17 20 Loaded (0.2) (6.9) (3.0) (0.8) (4.6) (15.0)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 包括過境郵遞。 (1) Including transit mail.

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表 1.6 航空運輸設備的進出口貨值 Table 1.6 Imports and Exports of Air Transport Equipment

百萬元 $ million 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

進口 3,654 2,839 11,218 1,250 6,036 5,818 Imports (-40.1) (-49.6) (295.1) (-88.9) (382.9) (-3.6)

整體出口 535 854 1,021 965 1,485 1,984 Total exports (-9.0) (8.8) (19.6) (-5.5) (53.8) (33.6) 港產品出口 @ @ 0 0 0 0 Domestic exports (- 57.4) (2 366.2) - - - - 轉口 534 854 1,021 965 1,485 1,984 Re-exports (-9.0) (8.7) (19.6) (-5.5) (53.8) (33.6)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. @ 少於五十萬元。 @ Less than $500,000.

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表 1.7 航空運輸業的選定最新統計數字 Table 1.7 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Air Transport Services

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

機構單位數目 775 760 860 863 911 842 Number of establishments

就業人數 33 668 34 929 35 674 36 169 36 961 36 973 Number of persons engaged

業務收益指數 (2000=100) 99.6 120.0 101.8 112.9 129.5 142.3 Business receipts index (2000=100)

航機升降次數 48 067 56 286 55 679 58 464 61 021 62 088 Aircraft movements

降落架次 24 033 28 139 27 843 29 234 30 509 31 049 Landings

起飛架次 24 034 28 147 27 836 29 230 30 512 31 039 Take-offs

民航機客運量 (千人) 7 934 8 406 8 069 8 804 9 762 9 653 Passenger throughput of civil aircraft (thousands) 抵港人次 3 995 4 259 4 064 4 428 4 881 4 910 Arrivals

離港人次 3 939 4 147 4 005 4 376 4 881 4 743 Departures

來港過境人次 (千人) 100 108 109 102 111 104 Arrival transits (thousands)

以空運進出香港的貨物 665 353 776 905 689 799 742 653 787 381* 874 883 Inward and outward movements of cargo by air 卸貨量 (公噸) 258 797 285 961 271 290 291 834 293 233* 308 077 Unloaded (tonnes)

裝貨量 (公噸) 406 556 490 944 418 509 450 819 494 148* 566 806 Loaded (tonnes)

以空運進出香港的郵遞 6 285 7 143 6 541 7 285 6 953 8 178 Inward and outward movements of mail by air 卸貨量 (公噸) 2 173 2 306 2 051 2 264 2 233 2 432 Unloaded (tonnes)

裝貨量 (公噸) 4 113 4 836 4 490 5 021 4 719 5 746 Loaded (tonnes)

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 12 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 1.7 (續) 航空運輸業的選定最新統計數字 Table 1.7 (Cont’d) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Air Transport Services

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

航空運輸設備的進出口貨值(1) (百萬元) Imports/exports of air transport equipment(1) ($ million) 進口 1,703 3,783 1,273 1,106 1,704 1,735 Imports

轉口 398 409 440 531 466 547 Re-exports

註釋 : (1) 由於沒有航空運輸設備的產品出口,因此只 Note : (1) Since there is no domestic exports on air transport 提供轉口貨值數字。 equipment, only re-export value is presented.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 13 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

資料來源 Data Sources

表 資料來源 Table Sources

1.1 政府統計處 1.1 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組; Employment Statistics Section; 商業服務統計組; Business Services Statistics Section; 國民收入統計組(二) 一 National Income Section (2)1

1.2 民航處; 1.2 Civil Aviation Department; 香港旅遊發展局 Hong Kong Tourism Board

1.3-1.5 民航處 1.3-1.5 Civil Aviation Department

1.6 政府統計處 1.6 Census and Statistics Department 貿易資料分析組 Trade Analysis Section

其他有關刊物 Further References

就業及空缺統計(詳細統計表) Employment and Vacancies Statistics (Detailed Tables)

本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product

香港機場管理局年報,香港機場管理局編製 Hong Kong Airport Authority Annual Report, published by the Airport Authority of Hong Kong

香港統計年刊 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics

香港統計月刊 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics

服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries

就業及空缺按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Employment and Vacancies Statistics

運輸及有關服務按年統計調查報告 Report on Annual Survey of Transport and Related Services

香港民航處年報,民航處編製 Civil Aviation Department Annual Report, published by the Civil Aviation Department

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 14 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

銀行業 2 Banking Services

概要 Highlights

香港是全球其中一個主要銀行中心,使用香 As one of the world's leading banking centres, Hong 港銀行服務的國家遍及全球,其中尤以亞太 Kong's banking services are utilized by clients 地區為主。 throughout the world, especially in the Asia-Pacific region.

在二零零四年底,認可機構的數目為 208 At the end of 2004, the number of authorized 間,其中包括 133間持牌銀行、40間有限制 institutions stood at 208, comprising 133 licensed 牌照銀行及 35 間接受存款公司。當中 84 間 banks, 40 restricted licence banks and 35 認可機構在香港註冊、124 間在香港以外地 deposit-taking companies. 84 of these were 方註冊。除總辦事處外,各認可機構合共經 incorporated in Hong Kong and 124 were 營 1 285 間分行,組成一個遍布全港的龐大 incorporated outside Hong Kong. In addition to the 網絡。 main offices, these authorized institutions together operated a comprehensive network of 1 285 local branch offices spreading across the territory.

在香港經營的境外銀行為數甚多。在二零零 Hong Kong has a strong presence of foreign banks. In 四年,除前述 124 間在香港以外的地方註冊 2004, in addition to those 124 authorized institutions 的認可機構外,更有 85 間來自 26 個國家/ incorporated outside Hong Kong, there were 85 地區的境外銀行本港代表辦事處。截至零四 representative offices of foreign banks coming from 年十二月底,全球 500 間最大銀行中的 157 26 countries/regions. As at end December 2004, 157 間,以及 100 間最大銀行中的 70 間,均在 of the largest 500 banks and 70 of the 100 largest 香港設行。 banks in the world had a presence in Hong Kong.

為吸引更廣泛層面的本地及國際機構參與香 To attract a broader range of domestic and 港的銀行業市場,以進一步鞏固香港的國際 international institutions to carry on banking business 金融中心地位,在二零零二年五月,就持牌 in Hong Kong, which is conducive to maintaining 銀行所實施的進入銀行業市場準則已放寬。 Hong Kong’s status as a leading international 境外銀行申請人的資產額及客戶存款額的規 financial centre, the market entry criteria for licensed 定放寛至與本地銀行申請人的規定(現時分 banks were relaxed in May 2002. Asset size criterion 別定為 40 億港元及 30 億港元)相同。 for foreign bank applicants were relaxed to the same asset and deposit size criteria applicable to local bank applicants (currently set at HK$4 billion and HK$3 billion respectively).

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二零零三年,銀行業為香港帶來 1,017 億元 The value added generated by the banking industry 增加價值,佔本地生產總值的 8.6%,較一 amounted to $101.7 billion, or 8.6% of Hong Kong's 九九四年上升 38%。與一九九四年比較, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2003, representing 零四年銀行業的總收益也上升 46%。 an increase of 38% compared with 1994. The total receipts of the banking industry also increased by 46% in 2004 compared to 1994.

另一方面,從事銀行業的人數由一九九七年 On the other hand, the number of persons engaged in 高峰期的約 84 000 人下跌至零四年的約 the industry decreased from a peak of some 84 000 in 72 000 人,跌幅達 14%。同樣地,業內的 1997 to about 72 000 in 2004, representing a decrease 機構單位數目亦由一九九五年的約 2 000 間 of 14%. Likewise, the number of establishments in 下跌至零四年的約 1 500 間。兩者的下跌與 the industry also fell from a peak of around 2 000 in 近年盛行於銀行業的合併及架構重整有關。 1995 to about 1 500 in 2004. Both declines were related to the merging and restructuring prevalent in the banking industry in recent years.

二零零四年底,香港的外滙儲備資產已累積 Hong Kong’s foreign currency reserve assets 至 1,236 億美元,名列全球第六位,按人口 cumulated to US$123.6 billion by the end of 2004, the 平均計算的數字為 17,920 美元。 sixth largest in the world, with a per capita foreign currency reserve assets of US$17,920.

至於認可機構的資產素質方面,在二零零四 For the asset quality of authorized institutions, the 年,逾期三個月以上的貸款及經重組貸款從 overdue for more than 3 months and rescheduled 二零零三年的 2.8%下降至 1.5%,信用卡撇 loans dropped from 2.8% in 2003 to about 1.5% in 賬比率也從零三年的 10%下降至零四年的 2004, and the credit card charge-off ratio also fell 4.7%。 from 10% in 2003 to 4.7% in 2004.

二零零四年底,總客戶存款為 38,660 億 At the end of 2004, the total customer deposits 元,較零三年上升 8.4%,其中以港元為單 amounted to $3,866 billion, increased by 8.4% 位的佔 52%,以外幣為單位的則佔 48%。 compared to 2003, of which 52% were denominated in Hong Kong dollar and 48% in foreign currencies.

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主要統計數字及統計圖 Key Statistics and Charts

銀行業 Banking Industry

年 機構單位數目(1) 就業人數(1) 增加價值 (百萬元) 業務收益指數 Year Number of Number of persons Value added ($ million) Business receipts establishments(1) engaged(1) index (2000=100)

1994 1 925 78 795 73,757 72.8 2000 1 837 77 000 104,826 100.0 2001 1 798 76 335 101,715 102.7 2002 1 688 74 370 101,486* 101.8 2003 1 588 70 928 101,682 101.8 2004 1 529 71 910 N.A. 106.1

十億元(另有註明除外) $ billion (unless otherwise specified) 外匯市場平均每日 港元銀行同業拆息市場平 成交量(2), (4) 年 貸款及墊款(2) 客戶存款(2) 均每日成交量(3) (十億美元) Year Amount of loans and Amount of customer Average daily trading Average daily advances(2) deposits(2) volume of Hong Kong trading volume of dollar interbank market(3) foreign exchange market(2), (4) (US$ billion)

1994 3,265 1,946 119 - 2000 2,461 3,528 193 - 2001 2,185 3,407 206 67 2002 2,076 3,318 172 - 2003 2,035 3,567 168 - 2004 2,156 3,866 165 102

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Notes :(1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 數字會根據認可機構的最新更改而作出每月 (2) Figures are revised monthly to take account of any 修訂。表內數字是在二零零五年二月底公布 subsequent amendments submitted by authorised 的統計數字。 institutions. Figures in the table refer to statistics released at end February 2005. (3) 數字由香港金融管理局自一九九四年開始提 (3) Figures were first available from Hong Kong 供。 Monetary Authority in 1994. (4) 包括現貨、遠期及外匯掉期交易。資料來自 (4) Including spot, outright forward and foreign 香港金融管理局三年一度的統計調查,故數 exchange swap transactions. Only tri-yearly 字每三年公布一次。 figures are available because the data are obtained from a survey conducted by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority once every three years.

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圖 2.1 認可機構及本港代表辦事處 Chart 2.1 Authorized Institutions and Local Representative Offices

本港代表辦事處 本港代表辦事處 29.0% Local 29.2% 33.5% 持牌銀行 Local 持牌銀行 representative Licensed representative Licensed offices banks offices banks



接受存款公司 11.7% 11.9% 有限制牌 Deposit-taking 接受存款公司 照銀行 companies Deposit-taking Restricted 13.7% 有限制牌照銀行 companies licence Restricted licence 1994 banks 2004 banks

圖 2.2 銀行業的機構單位數目(1) 及就業人數(1) Chart 2.2 Number of Establishments(1) and Persons Engaged(1) in the Banking Industry

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged 2 400 120 000

2 000 100 000

1 600 80 000

1 200 60 000

800 40 000

400 20 000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Note : (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year.

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圖 2.3 外滙儲備資產(1), (2), (3), (4) Chart 2.3 Amount of Foreign Currency Reserve Assets(1), (2), (3), (4)

外滙儲備資產(百萬美元) 按人口平均計算的外滙儲備資產(美元) Amount of foreign currency reserve assets (US$ million) Per capita foreign currency reserve assets (US$) 140,000 24,000

120,000 20,000

100,000 16,000 80,000 12,000 60,000 8,000 40,000

20,000 4,000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

外滙儲備資產 按人口平均計算的外滙儲備資產 Amount of foreign currency reserve assets Per capita foreign currency reserve assets

註釋 : 數字會根據認可機構的最新更改而作出每月修 Notes : Figures are revised monthly to take account of any 訂。圖內數字是在二零零五年二月底公布的統計 subsequent amendments submitted by authorised 數字。 institutions. Figures in the chart refer to statistics released at end February 2005. (1) 外滙儲備資產包括外匯基金及土地基金中的 (1) Foreign currency reserve assets consist of foreign 外幣資產。但由一九九八年十一月起,土地 currency assets from the Exchange Fund and the 基金的資產已被併入外匯基金內。 Land Fund. As from November 1998, the assets of the Land Fund were merged into the Exchange Fund. (2) 不包括未平倉遠期合約,但包括黃金。 (2) Excluding unsettled forward transactions but including gold. (3) 一九九七年十月起的數字,並不包括香港參 (3) Figures as from October 1997 have been adjusted 與國際貨幣基金組織安排之援助泰國財政方 to exclude the loan extended to Thailand under the 案所提供的貸款。 financing package organized by the International Monetary Fund. (4) 載於本圖內由一九九六年至二零零零年的數 (4) Figures for 1996 to 2000 presented in this chart 字與載於本刊較早期號的數字或有不同,這 may be different from those presented in the 是由於以下其中一項或兩項因素所致: earlier issues of this publication owing to one or (a) 自二零零零年八月起編製人口數字的 both of the following reasons: 方法有所改變。 (a) The change in the approach for compiling (b) 二零零一年人口普查結果為人口數據 population figures since August 2000. 提供最新基準性資料。 (b) The availability of up-to-date benchmark population data based on the results of the 2001 Population Census.

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圖 2.4 存款及貸款 Chart 2.4 Deposits and Loans

存款/貸款(十億元) 貸存比率 (百分比) Loans / deposits ($ billion) Loan-to-deposit ratio (%) 5,000 200

4,500 180 4,000 160 3,500 140 3,000 120 2,500 100

2,000 80 1,500 60 1,000 40 500 20

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

客戶存款 客戶貸款及墊款 貸存比率 Customer deposits Loans and advances to customers Loan-to-deposit ratio

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概念及方法 Concepts and Methods

香港實行存款機構三級制,分別為持牌銀行、 Hong Kong maintains a three-tier system of 有限制牌照銀行及接受存款公司,統稱為認可 deposit-taking institutions, namely, licensed banks, 機構。 restricted licence banks, deposit-taking companies. They are collectively known as authorized institutions.

在本港只有持牌銀行才可經營往來及儲蓄戶口 In Hong Kong, only licensed banks may operate 業務,並接受公眾任何數額與期限的存款,以 current and savings accounts, and accept deposits of 及支付或接受客戶簽發或存入的支票。 any size and maturity from the public and pay or collect cheques drawn by or paid in by customers.

有限制牌照銀行 主要從事商人銀行及資本市場 Restricted licence banks are principally engaged in 活動等業務,亦可接受五十萬港元或以上任何 merchant banking and capital market activities. They 期限的存款。 may take deposits of any maturity of HK$500,000 and above.

接受存款公司 主要從事私人消費信貸及證券等 Deposit-taking companies mainly engage in a range 多種專門業務。這些公司只可接受十萬港元或 of specialised activities, including consumer finance 以上,最初存款期最少為三個月的存款。 and securities business. They may take deposits of HK$100,000 or above with an original term of maturity of at least three months.

除了上述可在香港經營存款業務的三類認可機 Apart from the above three categories of authorized 構外,外地銀行亦可在香港設立本地代表辦事 institutions that are permitted to carry on the business 處。這些辦事處不得從事任何香港銀行業務, of taking deposits in Hong Kong, foreign banks may 其主要職責只限於外地銀行與香港客戶之間的 establish local representative offices in Hong Kong. 聯繫工作。 However, they are not allowed to engage in any banking business in Hong Kong and their role is confined mainly to liaison work between the foreign banks and their customers in Hong Kong.

用語及定義 Terms and Definitions

銀行業 包括持牌銀行、有限制牌照銀行、接受 The banking industry covers licensed banks, restricted 存款公司及本港代表辦事處。 licence banks, deposit-taking companies and local representative offices.

機構單位 是指在單一擁有權或控制權下,在單 An establishment is defined as an economic unit 一地點從事一種或主要從事一種經濟活動的經 which engages, under a single ownership or control, 濟單位,例如個別工廠、工場、零售店及辦公 in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity 室。 at a single physical location, e.g. an individual factory, workshop, retail shop and office.

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就業人數 包括所有於統計日期工作最少一小時 Persons engaged include all individual proprietors, 及經常參與機構單位業務的東主、合夥人,以 partners and persons having family ties with any of 及與東主或合夥人有親屬關係並在機構單位工 the proprietors or partners and working in the 作而無正薪的人士;及所有於統計日期向機構 establishment without regular pay, who are actively 單位直接支取薪酬的全職受薪僱員,以及有限 engaged in the work of the establishment for at least 公司的在職董事,其中包括長期或臨時聘用 one hour on the survey reference date; and all 的,無論這些僱員正在本港或其他地方工作或 full-time salaried personnel or employees and 暫時缺勤(即正在放病假、分娩假、年假、事假 working directors of limited companies directly paid 的工人及罷工者)。在統計日期工作最少一小時 by the establishment, both permanent and temporary, 的兼職僱員,以及夜班或通宵班的僱員亦包括 who are either at work (whether or not in Hong Kong) 在內。由一九九九年三月開始,有關點算就業 or temporarily absent from work (viz. those on sick 人數的工作時數定義由原有的「在統計日期工作 leave, maternity leave, annual vacation or casual 最少三小時」改為「在統計日期工作最少一小 leave, and on strike) on the survey reference date. 時」。 Part-time employees and employees on night/irregular shifts working for at least one hour on the survey reference date are also included. As from March 1999, the rule for counting the number of persons engaged has been changed from the previous definition of “working for at least three hours” to a new definition of “working for at least one hour”.

本地生產總值 是指一個國家或地區的所有常住 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the 生產單位,在一個指定的期間內,未扣除固定 total value of production of all resident producing 資本消耗的生產總價值。 units of a country or territory in a specified period, before deducting allowance for consumption of fixed capital.

生產總額 是以淨收利息連同其他明確地收取的 Gross output is measured by the net interest receipts, 服務費、租金收入、佣金及其他收費來計算。 together with other explicit service charges, rentals, commissions and other fees received.

增加價值 是生產總額減去中間投產消耗(生產過 Value added is defined as the value of gross output 程中所耗用的貨物和服務的價值)。 less the value of intermediate consumption (the value of goods and services used up in the course of production).

由一九九零年起,外匯頭寸 的定義並不包括結 Foreign currency positions, as from 1990, are defined 構資產及負債(包括固定資產及物業投資、海外 to exclude structural assets and liabilities (including 分行資本、海外附屬公司和有關公司之投資以 investment in fixed assets and premises, overseas 及資本貸款)。 branch capital, investment in overseas subsidiaries and related companies and loan capital).

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貨幣供應量 M1 是指市民持有的法定紙幣和硬幣 Money supply M1 refers to the sum of legal tender 加上持牌銀行的客戶活期存款。 notes and coins held by the public plus customers’ demand deposits placed with licensed banks.

貨幣供應量 M2 是指貨幣供應量 M1 所包括的項 Money supply M2 refers to the sum of M1 plus 目,加上持牌銀行客戶的儲蓄及定期存款,再 customers’ savings and time deposits with licensed 加上持牌銀行發行而由非認可機構持有的可轉 banks plus negotiable certificates of deposits issued by 讓存款證。 licensed banks held by non-authorized institutions.

貨幣供應量 M3 是指貨幣供應量 M2 所包括的各 Money supply M3 refers to the sum of M2 plus 項,再加上有限制牌照銀行及接受存款公司客 customer deposits with restricted licence banks and 戶的存款,再加上以上兩類認可機構發行而由 deposit-taking companies plus negotiable certificates 非認可機構持有的可轉讓存款證。 of deposits issued by restricted licence banks and deposit-taking companies held by non-authorized institutions.

外幣掉期存款 是指顧客在現貨市場購買外幣, Foreign currency swap deposits are deposits involving 然後存入認可機構,但同時訂下遠期合約,將 customers buying foreign currencies in the spot market 該筆外幣「本金加利息」在存款到期時售予認可 and placing them as deposits with authorized 機構。從分析角度來看,這類掉期存款應當作 institutions, while at the same time entering into a 港元定期存款。 contract to sell such foreign currencies (principal plus interest) forward in line with the maturity of such deposits. For most analytical purposes, they should be regarded as Hong Kong dollar time deposits.

港元銀行同業拆息 是指渣打銀行在銀行同業市 Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rates (HIBOR) refer to 場收市時的三個月中間利率報價的期內平均 the average of middle closing rates for three months 數。中間利率是借入利率和拆出利率的平均 quoted by the Standard Chartered Bank in the 數。 interbank money market over the period.

流動資金調節機制 是早期香港式的貼現窗。銀 Liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) was an earlier 行可以利用合資格證券作為抵押品,並按照金 Hong Kong version of a discount window. Banks 管局定出的拆出息率與金管局達成回購協議, could borrow overnight funds from the HKMA 藉此借取隔夜資金。此外,銀行也可按照拆入 through repurchase agreements of eligible securities at 息率將剩餘的隔夜資金存入金管局。流動資金 the Offer Rate set by the HKMA. They could also 調節機制於一九九八年九月七日被貼現窗取 place surplus funds overnight with the HKMA at the 代。在貼現窗運作下,香港金融管理局不再向 Bid Rate. The LAF was replaced by the Discount 銀行借入資金。 Window on 7 September 1998, the HKMA no longer bids surplus funds from banks.

在香港,貼現窗 是指銀行用合資格證券作為抵 In Hong Kong, the Discount Window is the facility 押品訂立回購協議,向金管局借取隔夜港元資 through which banks can borrow Hong Kong dollar 金的機制。 funds overnight from the HKMA through repurchase agreements using eligible securities as collateral.

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統計表 Statistical Tables

表 2.1 認可機構及本港代表辦事處 Table 2.1 Authorized Institutions and Local Representative Offices

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

認可機構及本港代表辦事處數目 537 381 361 318 302 293 Number of authorized institutions and local representative offices 持牌銀行 180 154 147 133 134 133 Licensed banks 有限制牌照銀行 63 48 49 46 42 40 Restricted licence banks 接受存款公司 137 61 54 45 39 35 Deposit-taking companies 本港代表辦事處 157 118 111 94 87 85 Local representative offices

世界最大五百間銀行在本港設行的情況 236 186 176 168 170 157 Presence of world's largest 500 banks in Hong Kong

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表 2.2 銀行業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Table 2.2 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Banking Industry

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目(1) 1 925 1 837 1 798 1 688 1 588 1 529 Number of establishments(1) (-1.6) (-4.4) (-2.1) (-6.1) (-5.9) (-3.7)

就業人數(1) 78 795 77 000 76 335 74 370 70 928 71 910 Number of persons engaged(1) (5.8) (-4.5) (-0.9) (-2.6) (-4.6) (1.4)

業務收益指數 (2000=100) 72.8 100.0 102.7 101.8 101.8 106.1 Business receipts index (2000=100) (5.1) (0.8) (2.7) (-0.8) (#) (4.2)

生產總額 92,031 131,456 129,886 129,605* 130,151 N.A. Gross output (13.3) (6.2) (-1.2) (-0.2) (0.4) (-)

增加價值 73,757 104,826 101,715 101,486* 101,682 N.A. Value added (11.1) (7.1) (-3.0) (-0.2) (0.2) (-) 在以要素成本計算的本地生產總值所佔 比率 (百分比) 7.6 8.5 8.4 8.4 8.6 N.A. Contribution to GDP at factor cost (%) 增加價值在生產總額所佔比率 80.1 79.7 78.3 78.3* 78.1 N.A. Value added as % of gross output

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. # 表示變動百分率在 ± 0.05%以內。 # Denotes change within ± 0.05%.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 25 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 2.3 外滙儲備資產及貨幣供應量 Table 2.3 Foreign Currency Reserve Assets and Money Supply 十億元(另有註明除外) $ billion (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

外滙儲備資產(1), (2), (3) (百萬美元) 49,274 107,583 111,159 111,919 118,388 123,569 Amount of foreign currency reserve (14.6) (11.8) (3.3) (0.7) (5.8) (4.4) assets(1), (2), (3) (US$ million) 按人口平均計算的外滙儲備資產(4) (美元) 8,052 16,030 16,446 16,492 17,295* 17,920 Per capita foreign currency reserve (12.3) (10.5) (2.6) (0.3) (4.9) (3.6) assets(4) (US$)

貨幣供應量 M1 185 244 258 296 413 484 Money supply M1 (-1.2) (8.3) (5.8) (14.6) (39.8) (17.2)

貨幣供應量 M2 1,992 3,649 3,550 3,518 3,813 4,167 Money supply M2 (12.9) (7.8) (-2.7) (-0.9) (8.4) (9.3)

貨幣供應量 M3 2,071 3,693 3,594 3,562 3,858 4,190 Money supply M3 (13.6) (7.5) (-2.7) (-0.9) (8.3) (8.6)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. 數字會根據認可機構的最新更改而作出每月修 Figures are revised monthly to take account of any 訂。表內數字是在二零零五年二月底公布的統計 subsequent amendments submitted by authorised 數字。 institutions. Figures in the table refer to statistics released at end February 2005. (1) 外匯儲備資產包括外匯基金及土地基金中的 (1) Foreign currency reserve assets consist of foreign 外幣資產。但由一九九八年十一月起,土地 currency assets from the Exchange Fund and the 基金的資產已被併入外匯基金內。 Land Fund. As from November 1998, the assets of the Land Fund were merged into the Exchange Fund. (2) 不包括未平倉遠期合約,但包括黃金。 (2) Excluding unsettled forward transactions but including gold. (3) 一九九七年十月起的數字,並不包括香港參 (3) Figures as from October 1997 have been adjusted 與國際貨幣基金組織安排之援助泰國財政方 to exclude the loan extended to Thailand under the 案所提供的貸款。 financing package organized by the International Monetary Fund. (4) 載於本表內二零零零年的數字與載於本刊較 (4) Figures for 2000 presented in this table may be 早期號的數字或有不同,這是由於以下其中 different from that presented in the earlier issues of 一項或兩項因素所致: this publication owing to one or both of the (a) 自二零零零年八月起編製人口數字的 following reasons : 方法有所改變。 (a) The change in the approach for compiling (b) 二零零一年人口普查結果為人口數據 population figures since August 2000. 提供最新基準性資料。 (b) The availability of up-to-date benchmark population data based on the results of the 2001 Population Census.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 26 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 2.4 認可機構的流動資金、資本充足比率及盈利能力 Table 2.4 Liquidity, Capital Adequacy and Profitability of Authorized Institutions

% 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

流動資金(1) Liquidity(1) 貸存比率(2) 167.8 69.8 64.1 62.6 57.1 55.8 Loan-to-deposit ratio(2) 港元貸存比率(2), (3) 110.2 89.3 88.8 88.5 81.5 82.6 Hong Kong dollar loan-to-deposit ratio(2), (3)

資本充足比率 Capital adequacy

股本與資產比率(4) 10.2 8.6 10.5 10.6 10.5 10.7 Equity to assets ratio(4)

資本充足比率(5) 17.4 17.8 16.5 15.7 15.3 15.4 Capital adequacy ratio(5)

盈利能力 Profitability

淨息差 1.02 1.43 1.45 1.52 1.41 1.18 Net interest margin

成本與收入比率 43.0 45.5 47.2 46.3 45.8 48.8 Cost-income ratio

註釋 : 數字會根據認可機構的最新更改而作出每月修 Notes : Figures are revised monthly to take account of any 訂。 subsequent amendments submitted by authorised institutions. (1) 所載數字僅反映香港辦事處的狀況。 (1) Figures relate to Hong Kong office(s) only. (2) 一九九八年及以後的數字經已修訂,以包括 (2) Figures for 1998 and onwards have been revised 期限少於一個月的外匯基金存款。 due to a change in the definition of customer deposits to include Exchange Fund placements with maturity less than one month. (3) 港元存款已包括外幣掉期存款。 (3) Hong Kong dollar deposits have been adjusted to include foreign currency swap deposits. (4) 數字反映所有本地銀行的香港辦事處及海外 (4) Figures refer to Hong Kong office(s) and overseas 分行的狀況。 branches for all local banks. (5) 數字是指所有本地註冊機構的綜合比率。 (5) Figures refer to consolidated ratios for all locally incorporated institutions.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 27 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 2.5 認可機構的資產質素比率 Table 2.5 Asset Quality of Authorized Institutions

% 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

資產質素 (1) Asset quality (1) 壞賬準備與平均資產總額比率 0.04 0.26 0.23 0.24 0.24 0.01 Bad debt charge to average total assets 佔貸款總額的比率 (2) As % of total loans(2) 準備金(3) - 2.98 2.82 2.39 1.98 1.42 Provisions(3) 特定分類貸款(4) Classified loans(4) 總額 - 6.08 5.73 4.53 3.74* 2.11 Gross 扣除特殊準備金 - 3.96 3.75 2.98 2.54* 1.39 Net of specific provisions 扣除所有準備金 - 3.11 2.92 2.13 1.76* 0.68 Net of all provisions 不履行貸款(5) - 4.72 4.37 3.46 2.95* 1.56 Non-performing loans(5) 逾期三個月以上的貸款及經重組貸款 - 5.12 4.16 3.41 2.81* 1.54 Overdue for more than 3 months and rescheduled loans 信用卡撇賬比率(6) - 3.88 5.46 13.25 10.02 4.73 Credit card charge-off ratio(6) 住宅按揭貸款拖欠比率(7) - 1.32 1.22 1.06 0.86 0.38 Delinquency ratio of residential mortgage lending(7)

註釋 : (1) 除壞賬準備金及信用卡撇賬比率外,所載數 Notes : (1) Figures relate to Hong Kong office(s) and in the 字反映香港辦事處及海外分行(如為本地認 case of local authorized institutions, include 可機構)的狀況。 overseas branches except for the bad debt charge and credit card charge-off ratio. (2) 數字由香港金融管理局自一九九五年開始提 (2) Figures were first available from Hong Kong 供。 Monetary Authority in 1995. (3) 數字是指未動用的準備金總額。 (3) Figures refer to the amount of total provisions outstanding. (4) 特定分類貸款是指被列為「次級」、「呆滯」 (4) Classified loans are those graded as 或「虧損」類別的貸款。 “substandard”, “doubtful” or “loss”. (5) 數字由香港金融管理局自一九九九年開始提 (5) Figures were first available from Hong Kong 供,指利息已記入暫記帳或已停止累計利息 Monetary Authority since 1999, refer to loans on 的貸款。 which interest has been placed in suspense or interest accrual has ceased. (6) 數字由香港金融管理局自一九九六年開始提 (6) Figures were first available from Hong Kong 供,根據每月信用卡業務調查結果計算。 Monetary Authority since 1996, based on a monthly credit card survey. (7) 拖欠比率是逾期超過三個月以上的按揭貸款 (7) Delinquency ratio is measured by a ratio of total 總額佔未償還按揭貸款總額的比率。 amount of loans overdue for more than 3 months to total outstanding loans.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 28 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 2.6 所有認可機構的港元資產負債表 Table 2.6 Hong Kong Dollar Balance Sheet of All Authorized Institutions

十億元 $ billion 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

負債 1,870 3,047 2,915 2,854 2,985 3,189 Liabilities 香港銀行同業借款 436 380 290 236 285 294 Amount due to authorized institutions in Hong Kong 境外銀行同業借款 174 221 164 147 143 143 Amount due to banks outside Hong Kong 客戶存款 912 1,847 1,852 1,823 1,929 2,017 Deposits from customers 未償還可轉讓存款證 64 151 135 138 132 124 Negotiable certificates of deposit outstanding 其他負債 284 447 473 509 495* 610 Other liabilities

資產 1,973 2,814 2,718 2,687 2,783* 2,942 Assets 紙幣及硬幣 10 14 12 11 13 13 Notes and coins 香港銀行同業貸款 437 380 287 236 295 291 Amount due from authorized institutions in Hong Kong 境外銀行同業貸款 140 153 111 96 144 156 Amount due from banks outside Hong Kong 客戶貸款及墊款 1,119 1,652 1,648 1,616 1,573 1,667 Loans and advances to customers 可轉讓存款證 37 98 87 90 86 74 Negotiable certificates of deposit (NCD) held 其他可轉讓債務工具 (可轉讓存款證除 外) 125 329 355 395 397 459 Negotiable debt instrument held, other than NCDs 政府票據及債券 107 201 213 234 221 273 Government bills, notes and bonds 其他債務工具 18 128 142 160 176 186 Other debt instruments held 其他資產 106 188 220 244 276* 283 Other assets

註釋 : 數字會根據認可機構的最新更改而作出每月修 Note : Figures are revised monthly to take account of any 訂。表內數字是在二零零五年二月底公布的統計 subsequent amendments submitted by authorised 數字。 institutions. Figures in the table refer to statistics released at end February 2005.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 29 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 2.7 所有認可機構的外幣資產負債表 Table 2.7 Foreign Currency Balance Sheet of All Authorized Institutions

十億元 $ billion 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

負債 5,450 3,614 3,239 3,145 3,521 3,948 Liabilities 香港銀行同業借款 276 163 180 157 185 203 Amount due to authorized institutions in Hong Kong 境外銀行同業借款 3,904 1,530 1,295 1,246 1,305 1,508 Amount due to banks outside Hong Kong 客戶存款 1,033 1,681 1,554 1,495 1,638 1,849 Deposits from customers 未償還可轉讓存款證 36 26 37 73 110 132 Negotiable certificates of deposit outstanding 其他負債 201 213 173 173 284 256 Other liabilities

資產 5,347 3,847 3,436 3,312 3,707 4,195 Assets 紙幣及硬幣 2 2 2 2 2 3 Notes and coins 香港銀行同業貸款 277 171 182 159 177 184 Amount due from authorized institutions in Hong Kong 境外銀行同業貸款 2,497 2,297 2,049 1,823 1,998 2,392 Amount due from banks outside Hong Kong 客戶貸款及墊款 2,145 809 537 461 462 489 Loans and advances to customers 可轉讓存款證 22 37 40 44 58 48 Negotiable certificates of deposit (NCD) held 其他可轉讓債務工具 (可轉讓存款證除 外) 309 427 553 715 800 870 Negotiable debt instrument held, other than NCDs 政府票據及債券 92 70 80 92 102 86 Government bills, notes and bonds 其他債務工具 216 358 473 623 698 784 Other debt instruments held 其他資產 95 104 72 108 209 209 Other assets

註釋 : 數字會根據認可機構的最新更改而作出每月修 Note : Figures are revised monthly to take account of any 訂。表內數字是在二零零五年二月底公布的統計 subsequent amendments submitted by authorised 數字。 institutions. Figures in the table refer to statistics released at end February 2005.

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表 2.8 客戶存款 Table 2.8 Deposits from Customers

十億元 $ billion 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

客戶存款 1,946 3,528 3,407 3,318 3,567 3,866 Customer deposits (12.7) (8.5) (-3.4) (-2.6) (7.5) (8.4) 港元(1) 1,016 1,851 1,855 1,825 1,931 2,018 Hong Kong dollar(1) (18.4) (4.4) (0.2) (-1.6) (5.8) (4.5) 外幣(2) 929 1,677 1,552 1,493 1,636 1,848 Foreign currency(2) (7.1) (13.5) (-7.4) (-3.8) (9.6) (13.0)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. 數字會根據認可機構的最新更改而作出每月修 Figures are revised monthly to take account of any 訂。表內數字是在二零零五年二月底公布的統計 subsequent amendments submitted by authorised 數字。 institutions. Figures in the table refer to statistics released at end February 2005. (1) 包括外幣掉期存款。 (1) Adjusted to include foreign currency swap deposits. (2) 不包括外幣掉期存款。 (2) Adjusted to exclude foreign currency swap deposits.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 31 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 2.9 貸款及墊款 Table 2.9 Loans and Advances

十億元(另有註明除外) $ billion (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

最優惠利率(1) (年率) 7.26 9.22 7.00 5.11 5.00 5.02 Best lending rate(1) (% per annum)

貸款及墊款總額 3,265 2,461 2,185 2,076 2,035 2,156 Loans & advances to all customers (14.3) (-12.5) (-11.2) (-5.0) (-2.0) (5.9) 供在港使用(2), (3) 1,259 1,861 1,790 1,743 1,709 1,792 For use in Hong Kong(2), (3) (17.0) (2.3) (-3.8) (-2.6) (-2.0) (4.9) 製造業 86 74 71 71 80* 99 Manufacturing (16.4) (-7.5) (-2.5) (-1.3) (13.5) (27.8) 運輸業 72 105 102 104 110* 121 Transport (14.5) (0.4) (-2.9) (1.2) (6.2) (9.3) 建造業及物業發展 249 398 389 379 360 386 Building, construction and property (38.1) (3.6) (-2.5) (-3.8) (-4.8) (7.2) development 批發及零售業 137 120 101 100 94 99 Wholesale and retail trade (38.3) (-16.0) (-15.7) (-2.5) (-6.7) (9.2) 酒店、旅舍及飲食業 20 37 40 43 36 32 Hotels, boarding house and catering (23.7) (3.7) (8.7) (-0.7) (-11.3) (-10.5) 與財務及金融有關公司 (認可機構除外) 161 170 142 125 147 168 Financial concern (other than (2.6) (-10.5) (-15.4) (-10.1) (16.8) (14.2) authorized institutions) 個別人士購買住宅樓宇 298 626 647 642 616 611 Professional and private individuals (11.4) (2.8) (3.0) (-0.8) (-4.0) (-0.9) for purchase of residential properties 個別人士其他用途 106 148 150 143 137 149 Professional and private individuals (2.7) (7.8) (2.2) (-3.8) (-4.6) (9.5) for other purposes 其他 129 183 148 136 128 126 Others (11.8) (34.9) (-20.1) (-2.7) (-6.9) (1.0)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. 數字會根據認可機構的最新更改而作出每月修 Figures are revised monthly to take account of any 訂。表內數字是在二零零五年二月底公布的統計 subsequent amendments submitted by authorised 數字。 institutions. Figures in the table refer to statistics released at end February 2005. (1) 是指香港上海匯豐銀行的最優惠利率的期內 (1) Best lending rate refers to the average of the rates 平均數字。 over the period quoted by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. (2) 隨著新貸款、墊款及撇賬申報表於一九九四 (2) With the introduction of the new Return on Loans 年十二月推出,若干認可機構已把某些貸款 and Advances and Provisions as from December 重新分類。因此九四年以後的數字並不可跟 1994, a number of authorized institutions have 以前年度的數字作嚴格比較。上列的變動百 reclassified certain components. As a result, 分率已就重新分類作出調整。 figures from 1994 onwards are not strictly comparable with those of previous years. Percentage changes shown have been adjusted for re-classification effect. (3) 不包括貿易融資貸款。 (3) Excluding loans and advances for trade financing.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 32 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 2.10 香港銀行同業拆息市場 Table 2.10 Hong Kong Interbank Market

十億元(另有註明除外) $ billion (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

三個月港元銀行同業拆息(1) (期內平均數 字,年率) 4.76 6.11 3.56 1.79 0.96 0.39 3-month Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate(1) (Period average, % per annum)

流動資金調節機制拆出利率/貼現窗基本利 率(2) (期末,年率) 5.75 8.00 3.25 2.75 2.50 3.75 Liquidity adjustment facility offer rate/Discount Window Base Rate(2) (End of period, % per annum)

香港銀行同業拆借市場平均每日成交量(3) 119 193 206 172 168 165 Average daily trading volume of Hong - (21.7) (7.0) (-16.5) (-2.6) (-1.7) Kong interbank market(3)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 是指渣打銀行在銀行同業市場收市時的三個 (1) It is based on the average of middle closing rates 月中間利率報價的期內平均數。 for three months quoted by the Standard Chartered Bank in the interbank money market over the period. (2) 流動資金調節機制在一九九二年六月八日推 (2) Liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) was 出。由九八年九月七日起,流動資金調節機 introduced on 8 June 1992. As from 7 September 制拆出利率改稱為貼現窗基本利率。流動資 1998, LAF was changed to Discount Window 金調節機制拆出利率適用於各種合資格證 Base Rate. LAF offer rate applied to all eligible 券,而貼現窗基本利率只作為計算因持不同 securities while base rate is only the foundation for 數量證券而釐定不同利率的基礎,故兩者不 calculating different discount rates in respect of 能直接比較。 different percentage thresholds of eligible securities held. As such, the Base Rate is not strictly comparable to the LAF offer rate. (3) 數字由香港金融管理局自一九九四年開始提 (3) Figures were first available from Hong Kong 供。 Monetary Authority in 1994.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 33 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 2.11 外匯市場 Table 2.11 Foreign Exchange Market

十億元(另有註明除外) $ billion (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

所有認可機構的外匯頭寸 Foreign currency positions of all authorized institutions 現貨資產 5,526 4,091 3,700 3,743 4,022 4,553 Spot assets 遠期買入額 7,267 6,711 6,643 6,575 7,252 7,770 Forward purchases 現貨負債 5,624 3,891 3,507 3,601 3,898 4,333 Spot liabilities 遠期沽出額 7,138 6,857 6,757 6,627 7,302* 7,959 Forward sales 現貨未平倉淨額 -98 200 192 142 124 220 Net spot position 遠期未平倉淨額 129 -146 -114 -52 -50 -190 Net forward position 未平倉淨額 31 54 78 90 74 30 Open position

外匯市場平均每日成交量(1) (十億美元) - - 67 - - 102 Average daily trading volume of foreign exchange market(1) (US$ billion)

註釋 : 數字會根據認可機構的最新更改而作出每月修 Notes : Figures are revised monthly to take account of any 訂。表內數字是在二零零五年二月底公布的統計 subsequent amendments submitted by authorised 數字。 institutions. Figures in the table refer to statistics released at end February 2005. (1) 包括現貨、遠期及外匯掉期交易。資料來自 (1) Including spot, outright forward and foreign 香港金融管理局三年一度的統計調查,故數 exchange swap transactions. Only tri-yearly 字每三年公布一次。 figures are available because the data are obtained from a survey conducted by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority once every three years.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 34 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 2.12 銀行業的選定最新統計數字 Table 2.12 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Banking Services

十億元(另有註明除外) $ billion (unless otherwise specified) 2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

機構單位數目 1 590 1 547 1 524 1 531 1 535 1 526 Number of establishments

就業人數 70 346 70 240 69 756 71 441 73 200 73 242 Number of persons engaged

業務收益指數 (2000=100) 102.7 107.6 105.8 102.5 99.9 116.3 Business receipts index (2000=100)

認可機構及本港代表辦事處數目 308 302 306 303 296 293 Number of authorized institutions and local representative offices 持牌銀行 134 134 136 134 133 133 Licensed banks

有限制牌照銀行 41 42 42 43 42 40 Restricted licence banks

接受存款公司 40 39 39 37 36 35 Deposit-taking companies

本港代表辦事處 93 87 89 89 85 85 Local representative offices

外匯儲備資產 (百萬美元) 112,132 118,388 123,752 120,770 118,398 123,569 Amount of foreign currency reserve assets (US$ million)

貨幣供應量 M1 349 413 436 448 445 484 Money supply M1

貨幣供應量 M2 3,671 3,813 3,812 3,827 3,908 4,167 Money supply M2

貨幣供應量 M3 3,712 3,858 3,859 3,876 3,949 4,190 Money supply M3

香港銀行同業拆借市場平均每日成交量 170 175 138 151 164 206 Average daily trading volume of Hong Kong interbank market

客戶存款 3,433 3,567 3,556 3,570 3,632 3,866 Customer deposits

港元 1,886 1,931 1,887 1,884 1,881 2,018 Hong Kong dollar

外幣 1,547 1,636 1,669 1,686 1,751 1,848 Foreign currency

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 35 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

資料來源 Data Sources

表 資料來源 Table Sources

2.1 香港金融管理局 2.1 Hong Kong Monetary Authority

2.2 政府統計處 2.2 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組; Employment Statistics Section; 商業服務統計組; Business Services Statistics Section; 國民收入統計組(二) 一 National Income Section (2)1

2.3-2.11 香港金融管理局 2.3-2.11 Hong Kong Monetary Authority

其他有關刊物 Further References

年報,香港金融管理局編製 Annual Report, published by Hong Kong Monetary Authority

就業及空缺統計(詳細統計表) Employment and Vacancies Statistics (Detailed Tables)

本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product

香港統計年刊 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics

香港統計月刊 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics

金融數據月報,香港金融管理局編製 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, published by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority

季報,香港金融管理局編製 Quarterly Bulletin, published by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority

服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries

就業及空缺按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Employment and Vacancies Statistics

倉庫業、通訊業、銀行業、財務業、保險業及 Report on Annual Survey of Storage, Communication, 商用服務業按年統計調查報告 Banking, Financing, Insurance and Business Services

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 36 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

電影業 3 Film Entertainment Services

概要 Highlights

電影業在香港的文化及創意產業中佔重要地 Film entertainment industry occupies a position of 位。 importance among Hong Kong's cultural and creative industries.

二零零四年,從事電影業的機構單位有 In 2004, there were 1 100 establishments, employing 1 100 間,僱用約 6 300 名員工。上述機 about 6 300 people, in the film entertainment industry. 構包括影片處理服務公司、電影製片 These included motion picture film processing 廠、電影製作公司、電影院及從事電影 companies, film studios, motion picture companies, 發行及影片出租服務的機構單位。 cinemas, movie theatres and establishments engaged in distribution and hiring of motion picture films.

二零零三年,電影業為香港帶來 14 億元 During 2003, the film entertainment industry generated 生產淨值或增加價值,佔本地生產總值 a net output or value added of $1.4 billion, or 0.1% of 的 0.1%。 Hong Kong's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

二零零四年,電影門票收益共 9.5 億元, In 2004, the films released commercially generated a 較零三年上升 6%。此外,電影業於零四 total of $950 million in cinema receipts, 6% higher than 年的業務收益,與零三年比較,錄得 2003. In addition, business receipts of the film 3.7%增幅。 entertainment industry recorded an increase of 3.7% in 2004, compared with 2003.

二零零四年,影碟及其他已錄製的磁帶 In 2004, about $740 million worth of video discs and 產品進口總值約為 7.4 億元,較零三年下 other recorded magnetic tapes were imported, 跌 11.2%。整體出口總值則為 10.7 億 representing a decrease of 11.2%. The corresponding 元,較零三年增加 2.1%。按出口類別分 value of total exports increased to $1,070 million, or by 析,轉口總值為 7.4 億元,而港產品出口 2.1% compared with 2003. Analyzed by type of export, 總值則為 3.3 億元,較零三年分別顯著上 the value re-exported was $740 million and the value of 升 20.9% 及下跌 24.2%。 domestic exports was $330 million, representing a significant growth of 20.9% and drop of 24.2% respectively when compared with 2003.

電影製作除了直接對本港經濟有貢獻 Apart from contributing to the local economy directly, 外,亦為其他支援行業創造職位,有利 film production also benefits the overall employment 改善整體就業情況。在二零零三年四 situation by creating more job vacancies for its 月,影視及娛樂事務管理處推出電影貸 supporting industries. In April 2003, the Television and 款保證基金,目的是協助建立本地電影 Entertainment Licensing Authority launched the Film 融資架構,以支援電影業的長遠健康發 Guarantee Fund (FGF) which was aimed to help build 展。電影貸款保證基金自推出以來,至 up a local film-financing infrastructure to support the 二零零四年十二月,共接獲七宗申請, long-term healthy development of the film 全部均獲批核。 entertainment industry. As at December 2004, the FGF had approved all seven applications since its launch.

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主要統計數字及統計圖 Key Statistics and Charts

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 電影業 Film Entertainment Industry

年 機構單位數目(1) 就業人數(1) 增加價值 業務收益指數(2) 票房收入 Year Number of Number of persons Value added Business receipts Box office takings establishments(1) engaged(1) index(2) (2000=100)

1994 1 301 5 851 1,932** - 1,384 2000 1 112 5 535 1,664** 100.0 964 2001 1 130 6 101 1,133** 115.2 1,034 2002 1 221 6 413 1,373** 104.8 908 2003 1 196 6 248 1,424** 107.2 899 2004 1 094 6 337 N.A. 111.2 953

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Notes : (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (2) Business receipts indices of the industry were first 製。 compiled in 1996. ** 數字是根據有限數據而作出的粗略估計,在 ** These are crude estimates which are compiled 日後得到更多資料時可能會作頗大修訂,因 based on limited data. They may be subject to 此在運用這數字時,應小心留意這點。 considerable revisions when more data become available. Special care should be taken when interpreting them.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 38 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

圖 3.1 電影業的機構單位數目(1) 及就業人數(1) Chart 3.1 Number of Establishments(1) and Persons Engaged(1) in the Film Entertainment Industry

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged 2 000 10 000

1 600 8 000

1 200 6 000

800 4 000

400 2 000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Note : (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year.

圖 3.2 票房收入 Chart 3.2 Box Office Takings

百萬元 $ million 2,000





0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 39 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

概念及方法 Concepts and Methods

所有公開上映的電影,必須送交影視及娛樂事 All films released to public must be submitted to the 務管理處檢查。除電影預告、教育影片和文化 Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority for 影片外,所有擬在香港公開上映的電影會按電 censorship. Except for film trailers, instructional 影三級制分級。 films and cultural films, all films intended for public exhibition are classified according to the three-tier film classification system in Hong Kong.

在所有經評級的電影中,作商業上映的電影祇 Commercially released films only constitute a small 佔一小部分,而一套電影亦可以不同版本多次 proportion of all the classified films. Multiple 送檢。 submissions on different versions of a single film is also possible.

用語及定義 Terms and Definitions

在編製統計數字時, 電影業 包括影片處理服務 For statistical compilation purpose, the film 公司、電影製片廠、電影製作公司、電影院及 entertainment industry covers motion picture film 從事電影發行及影片出租服務的機構單位。 processing companies, film studios, motion picture companies, cinemas, movie theatres and establishments engaged in distribution and hiring of motion picture films.

機構單位 是指在單一擁有權或控制權下,在單 An establishment is defined as an economic unit 一地點從事一種或主要從事一種經濟活動的經 which engages, under a single ownership or control, 濟單位,例如個別工廠、工場、零售店及辦公 in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity 室。 at a single physical location, e.g. an individual factory, workshop, retail shop and office.

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就業人數 包括所有於統計日期工作最少一小時 Persons engaged include all individual proprietors, 及經常參與機構單位業務的東主、合夥人,以 partners and persons having family ties with any of 及與東主或合夥人有親屬關係並在機構單位工 the proprietors or partners and working in the 作而無正薪的人士;及所有於統計日期向機構 establishment without regular pay, who are actively 單位直接支取薪酬的全職受薪僱員,以及有限 engaged in the work of the establishment for at least 公司的在職董事,其中包括長期或臨時聘用 one hour on the survey reference date; and all 的,無論這些僱員正在本港或其他地方工作或 full-time salaried personnel or employees and 暫時缺勤(即正在放病假、分娩假、年假、事假 working directors of limited companies directly paid 的工人及罷工者)。在統計日期工作最少一小時 by the establishment, both permanent and temporary, 的兼職僱員,以及夜班或通宵班的僱員亦包括 who are either at work (whether or not in Hong Kong) 在內。由一九九九年三月開始,有關點算就業 or temporarily absent from work (viz. those on sick 人數的工作時數定義由原有的「在統計日期工作 leave, maternity leave, annual vacation or casual 最少三小時」改為「在統計日期工作最少一小 leave, and on strike) on the survey reference date. 時」。 Part-time employees and employees on night/irregular shifts working for at least one hour on the survey reference date are also included. As from March 1999, the rule for counting the number of persons engaged has been changed from the previous definition of “working for at least three hours” to a new definition of “working for at least one hour”.

本地生產總值 是指一個國家或地區的所有常住 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the 生產單位,在一個指定的期間內,未扣除固定 total value of production of all resident producing 資本消耗的生產總價值。 units of a country or territory in a specified period, before deducting allowance for consumption of fixed capital.

生產總額 主要包括機構單位提供服務所收取的 Gross output comprises mainly receipts from services 費用、佣金和其他服務費、轉售物品的毛利和 rendered in the form of fees, commissions and other 租金收入。 service charges, margin on resale of goods and rentals received.

增加價值 是生產總額減去中間投產消耗(生產過 Value added is defined as the value of gross output 程中所耗用的貨物和服務的價值)。 less the value of intermediate consumption (the value of goods and services used up in the course of production).

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統計表 Statistical Tables

表 3.1 電影業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Table 3.1 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Film Entertainment Industry

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目(1) 1 301 1 112 1 130 1 221 1 196 1 094 Number of establishments(1) (12.6) (1.1) (1.6) (8.1) (-2.0) (-8.5)

就業人數(1) 5 851 5 535 6 101 6 413 6 248 6 337 Number of persons engaged(1) (-17.5) (5.5) (10.2) (5.1) (-2.6) (1.4)

業務收益指數(2) (2000=100) - 100.0 115.2 104.8 107.2 111.2 Business receipts index(2) (2000=100) - (14.4) (15.2) (-9.1) (2.3) (3.7)

生產總額 6,237** 5,568** 5,091** 4,926** 5,161** N.A. Gross output (17.6) (29.8) (-8.6) (-3.2) (4.8) (-)

增加價值 1,932** 1,664** 1,133** 1,373** 1,424** N.A. Value added (39.7) (71.0) (-31.9) (21.2) (3.7) (-) 在以要素成本計算的本地生產總值內所 佔比率 (百分比) 0.2** 0.1** 0.1** 0.1** 0.1** N.A. Contribution to GDP at factor cost (%)

增加價值在生產總額所佔比率 31.0** 29.9** 22.3** 27.9** 27.6** N.A. Value added as % of gross output

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (2) Business receipts indices of the industry were first 製。 compiled in 1996. ** 數字是根據有限數據而作出的粗略估計,在 ** These are crude estimates which are compiled 日後得到更多資料時可能會作頗大修訂,因 based on limited data. They may be subject to 此在運用這數字時,應小心留意這點。 considerable revisions when more data become available. Special care should be taken when interpreting them.

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表 3.2 票房收入及經評級的電影數目 Table 3.2 Box Office Takings and Number of Films Classified

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

票房收入 1,384 964 1,034 908 899 953 Box office takings (-10.1) (5.2) (7.3) (-12.2) (-1.0) (6.0) 本地電影(1) - - - - 433 403 Local films(1) - - - - - (-6.9)

外國電影(1), (2) - - - - 467 550 Foreign films(1), (2) - - - - - (17.8)

經評級的電影數目 1 687 1 068 1 169 1 944 1 555 1 295 Number of films classified (20.7) (-24.1) (9.5) (66.3) (-20.0) (-16.7)

經諮詢的電影數目(3) - 181 59 72 60 28 Number of films with advice given(3) - - (-67.4) (22.0) (-16.7) (-53.3)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字由影視及娛樂事務管理處自二零零三年 (1) Figure was first available from the Television and 開始提供。 Entertainment Licensing Authority in 2003. (2) 包括中國內地及台灣出品的電影。 (2) Including productions in mainland of China and Taiwan. (3) 數字由影視及娛樂事務管理處自二零零零年 (3) Figure was first available from the Television and 開始提供。 Entertainment Licensing Authority in 2000.

表 3.3 影碟及其他已錄製的磁帶的進出口貨值 Table 3.3 Imports and Exports of Video Discs and Other Recorded Magnetic Tapes

百萬元 $ million 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

進口 [1,848] 347 551 577 831 738 Imports (-15.3) (59.0) (4.8) (43.9) (-11.2)

整體出口 [816] 1,250 1,441 1,030 1,052 1,074 Total exports (45.0) (15.3) (-28.6) (2.2) (2.1) 港產品出口 [242] 890 782 582 437 332 Domestic exports (64.3) (-12.1) (-25.7) (-24.8) (24.2) 轉口 [574] 360 659 448 614 743 Re-exports (12.3) (82.9) (-32.0) (37.2) (20.9)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. [ ] 一九九六年以前的數字包括已錄製非影像的 [ ] Figures prior to 1996 include recorded media for 媒體 (不包括磁帶),因此不可與九六年及以 non-image recording (excluding magnetic tapes) 後的數字作比較。 and therefore are not comparable with those for 1996 and onwards.

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表 3.4 電影業的選定最新統計數字 Table 3.4 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Film Entertainment Services

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 機構單位數目 1 154 1 206 1 147 1 081 1 063 1 084 Number of establishments

就業人數 6 483 6 253 6 403 6 119 6 203 6 621 Number of persons engaged

業務收益指數 (2000=100) 114.2 113.5 109.2 110.3* 116.5* 108.8 Business receipts index (2000=100)

票房收入 (百萬元) 249 239 230 256* 269* 199 Box office takings ($ million) 本地電影 123 149 125 105* 70* 103 Local films 外國電影 126 90 104 151* 199* 96 Foreign films

經評級的電影數目 282 275 411 221 365 298 Number of films classified

經諮詢的電影數目 22 10 3 7 10* 8 Number of films with advice given

影碟及其他已錄製的磁帶的 進出口貨值 (百萬元) Imports/exports of video discs and other recorded magnetic tapes ($ million) 進口 221 229 153 182 159 244 Imports 整體出口 230 281 207 247 232 387 Total exports 港產品出口 88 90 73 95 77 86 Domestic exports 轉口 142 191 134 152 156 301 Re-exports

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資料來源 Data Sources

表 資料來源 Table Sources

3.1 政府統計處 3.1 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組; Employment Statistics Section; 商業服務統計組; Business Services Statistics Section; 國民收入統計組(二) 一 National Income Section (2)1

3.2 影視及娛樂事務管理處 3.2 Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority

3.3 政府統計處 3.3 Census and Statistics Department 貿易資料分析組 Trade Analysis Section

其他有關刊物 Further References

年報 ,影視及娛樂事務管理處編製 Annual Report, published by the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority

就業及空缺統計(詳細統計表) Employment and Vacancies Statistics (Detailed Tables)

本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product

香港統計年刊 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics

香港統計月刊 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics

香港商品貿易統計 Hong Kong Merchandise Trade Statistics

服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries

就業及空缺按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Employment and Vacancies Statistics

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 45 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 46 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

金融市場及基金管理業 4 Financial Markets and Fund Management Services

概要 Highlights

香港是公認的主要國際金融中心,其效率和 Hong Kong is widely recognised as a major 處理風險的系統均符合國際公認的標準。 international financial centre. Its efficiency and risk management systems are in line with internationally accepted standards.

二零零三年,金融市場及基金管理業為香港 The financial markets and fund management industry 帶來約 276億元的生產淨值或增加價值,佔 generated net output or value added of about $27.6 本地生產總值的2.3%。與一九九四年的數 billion, contributing to 2.3% of Hong Kong's Gross 字比較,其增加價值上升137%。 Domestic Product (GDP) in 2003. Compared to 1994, the value added of the industry increased by 137%.

二零零四年,從事該行業的機構單位為數 In 2004, some 2 400 establishments and 26 000 2 400間,就業人數約 26 000名。這包括證 people were engaged in the business. These included 券公司、期貨、金銀貿易及外匯經紀/交易 stock and share companies; commodity futures, gold 商、證券、金銀貿易和期貨交易所、基金管 bullion and foreign exchange brokers/dealers; stock, 理公司以及提供各類其他金融服務的公司。 bullion and commodity exchanges; fund management companies; and firms providing other various financial services.

二零零四年底,在香港交易及結算所有限公 At the end of 2004, 892 companies were listed on the 司 ( 香港交易所) 主板上市的公司共有 892 Main Board of the Hong Kong Exchanges and 間,總市值為 66,290億元。雖然上市公司 Clearing Limited (HKEx), with a total market 的數目較零三年增加了4.7%,但總市值則 capitalization of $6,629 billion. Despite an increase 上升 21%。零四年的平均每日成交金額為 of only 4.7% in the number of listed companies, 159億元,較零三年的 103 億元上升55%。 market capitalization was observed to rise 21% over 2003. Average daily turnover of listed securities amounted to $15.9 billion in 2004, increased by 55% as compared with the $10.3 billion in 2003.

二零零四年內共有49 間新公司在香港交易 There were 49 newly listed companies on the Main 所的主板上市,共籌集得資金約940億元。 Board of HKEx in 2004, raising a total capital of 另外,亦有公司透過發行認股權以及私人配 about $94 billion. In addition, funds were also tapped 售等活動籌集資金。 through activities like rights issues and private placements.

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自一九九三年七月首間中國國有企業以發行 Since July 1993 when the first Chinese state owned H股的方式在香港交易所上市後,香港作為 company was listed on the Hong Kong Exchanges and 中國內地主要集資中心的角色便越趨重要。 Clearing Limited (HKEx) through issuance of H 在二零零零年七月,首間中國國有企業亦在 shares, the role of Hong Kong as a major fund-raising 香港交易所的創業板上市。截至零四年底, centre for the mainland of China had become 在香港交易所上市的H股共有 109隻,總市 increasingly important. In July 2000, the first Chinese 值達4,615億元。 state owned company was also launched on the Growth Enterprise Market of HKEx. By the end of 2004, there were 109 H shares listed on the HKEx, with market capitalization of $461.5 billion.

二零零四年,恒生指數期貨交投維持活躍。 In 2004, Hang Seng Index futures remained actively 加上恒生指數期權、股票期權及港元銀行同 traded. Together with tradings on Hang Seng Index 業拆息期貨等,香港交易所衍生產品市場的 options, stock options, HIBOR futures, etc., average 平均每日成交量達71 270張,與零三年比較 daily turnover in the HKEx Derivatives Market was 增加 21%,而與一九九四年比較更增加了 71 270 contracts, increased by 21% compared with 2.7倍。 2003 and increased by 2.7 times compared with 1994.

香港是亞洲其中一個最自由及活躍的債券市 Hong Kong is one of the most active and liberal debt 場。在二零零四年底,港元債券的未償還總 markets in Asia. At the end of 2004, the outstanding 額為 6,079億元,較零三年上升9%,其中 amount of the Hong Kong dollar debt securities was 包括 1,226億元的外匯基金票據及債券和 $607.9 billion, increased by 9% compared with 2003. 4,853億元的其他債券。外匯基金票據及債 This amount comprised $122.6 billion of Exchange 券 於 零四年的平均每日成交金額達 167億 Fund Bills and Notes and $485.3 billion of other 元,每日約有 14% 的票據在市場轉手。 issues. The average daily turnover of Exchange Fund Bills and Notes amounted to $16.7 billion in 2004, i.e. about 14% of such papers changed hands daily.

香港亦是亞洲的主要基金管理中心。在二零 Hong Kong is also a leading fund management centre 零四年底,受認可基金公司管理的認可基金 in Asia. A total of 1 872 authorized funds of net worth 有1 872種,較零三年下跌4.7%;基金淨值 US$551.2 billion, representing decrease of 4.7% and 達5,512億美元,較零三年上升3.2%。 a growth of 3.2% respectively compared to 2003, were under the management of the authorised fund houses at the end of 2004.

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主要統計數字及統計圖 Key Statistics and Charts 百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 金融市場及基金管理服務業 Financial Markets and Fund Management Services Industry

年 機構單位數目(1), (2) 就業人數(1), (2) 增加價值(2) 業務收益指數(3) Year Number of Number of Value added(2) Business receipts establishments(1), (2) persons engaged(1), (2) index(3) (2000=100)

1994 2 569 24 249 11,632** - 2000 2 464 30 156 31,763** 100.0 2001 2 523 30 201 23,505** 80.1 2002 2 545 28 497 22,217** 68.7 2003 2 368 26 070 27,585** 85.8 2004 2 354 26 015 N.A. 116.2

金融產品的交易情況 Trading in financial products

恆生指數期貨 金銀業貿易場 香港認可基金 香港交易所平均 平均每日成交量 的黃金買賣 的資產淨值(5) 年 每日成交金額(4) (合約張數) 平均每日成交金額 (百萬美元) Year Average daily Average daily turnover Average daily turnover Net asset value of turnover(4) in Hong of Hang Seng Index of gold trading in the authorized funds in Kong Exchanges futures Chinese Gold and Silver Hong Kong(5) (contracts) Exchange Society (US$ million)

1994 4,586 16 906 286 56,568 2000 12,680 16 288 50 311,449 2001 8,187 18 220 37 285,210 2002 6,652 19 602 34 342,134 2003 10,419 27 588 39 534,288 2004 15,960 34 824 38 551,219

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Notes :(1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 數字包括其他金融機構及金融服務,如銀行 (2) Figures included other financial institutions and 結算所、信用咭服務、指定代理/信託公 financial services, such as bank clearing house, 司、證券及股票登記或轉名服務等。 credit card service, nominee/trustee companies, stock and shares registration and transfer services, etc. (3) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (3) Business receipts indices of the industry were first 製。 compiled in 1996. (4) 包括主板及於一九九九年十一月二十五日推 (4) Including Main Board and Growth Enterprise 出的創業板。 Market which was launched on 25 November 1999. (5) 指證券及期貨事務監察委員會認可的基金, (5) Figures refer to funds authorized by the Securities 該會於一九八九年五月成立。 and Futures Commission, which was established in May 1989. ** 數字是根據有限數據而作出的粗略估計,在 ** These are crude estimates which are compiled 日後得到更多資料時可能會作頗大修訂,因 based on limited data. They may be subject to 此在運用這數字時,應小心留意這點。 considerable revisions when more data become available. Special care should be taken when interpreting them.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 49 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

圖 4.1 金融市場及基金管理服務業的機構單位數目(1), (2)及就業人數(1), (2) Chart 4.1 Number of Establishments(1), (2) and Persons Engaged(1), (2) in the Financial Markets and Fund Management Services Industry

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged 3 500 35 000

3 000 30 000

2 500 25 000

2 000 20 000

1 500 15 000

1 000 10 000

500 5 000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Notes :(1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 數字包括其他金融機構及金融服務,如銀行 (2) Figures included other financial institutions and 結算所、信用咭服務、指定代理/信託公 financial services, such as bank clearing house, 司、證券及股票登記或轉名服務等。 credit card service, nominee/trustee companies, stock and shares registration and transfer services, etc.

圖 4.2 在香港交易所上市的公司總市值(1) Chart 4.2 Market Capitalization(1) of Stocks Listed on Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited

十億元 $ billion 8,000








0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

註釋 : (1) 包括主板及於一九九九年十一月二十五日推 Note : (1) Including Main Board and Growth Enterprise 出的創業板。 Market which was launched on 25 November 1999.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 50 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

圖 4.3 香港交易所平均每日成交金額(1) Chart 4.3 Average Daily Turnover(1) in Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited

平均每日成交金額(百萬元) Average daily turnover ($ million) 20,000





0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

註釋 : (1) 包括主板及於一九九九年十一月二十五日推 Notes: (1) Including Main Board and Growth Enterprise 出的創業板。 Market which was launched on 25 November 1999.

圖 4.4 恆生指數期貨平均每日成交量 Chart 4.4 Average Daily Turnover of Hang Seng Index Futures

合約張數 Contracts 40 000

35 000

30 000

25 000

20 000

15 000

10 000

5 000

0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 51 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

圖 4.5 認可基金數目及資產淨值 Chart 4.5 Number and Net Asset Value of Authorized Funds

認可基金數目 認可基金資產淨值(百萬美元) Number of authorized funds Net asset value of authorized funds (US$ million) 4 000 600,000

3 000 450,000

2 000 300,000

1 000 150,000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

(1) (2) 認可基金數目 認可基金資產淨值 Number of authorized funds(1) Net asset value of authorized funds(2)

註釋 : (1) 指該年度三月底的數字。 Notes : (1) Figures refer to end March of the corresponding year. (2) 指該年度十二月底的數字。 (2) Figures refer to end December of the corresponding year.

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概念及方法 Concepts and Methods

金融市場及投資管理業的運作是由證券及期貨事 Operation of the financial markets and the 務監察委員會( 證監會) 所監管,金融市場及基金 investment management industry is regulated by the 管理服務業從業員所提供的服務包括(一)在交易 Securities and Futures Commission (SFC). Services 所進行證券買賣和 (二)基金銷售及管理。 rendered by intermediaries in the financial markets and fund management services industry are mainly related to (a) trading of securities in exchanges and (b) sales and management of funds.

香港聯合交易所有限公司(聯交所)、香港期貨交 The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the 易所有限公司(期交所)及香港中央結算有限公司 Stock Exchange), Hong Kong Futures Exchange 於二零零零年三月六日合併成為香港交易及結算 Limited (the Futures Exchange) and Hong Kong 所有限公司(香港交易所)的全資附屬有限公司。 Securities Clearing Company Limited became wholly-owned subsidiaries of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) on 6 March 2000.

香港交易所的業務範圍包括擁有主板及創業板的 Business of HKEx covers the Primary Market 集資市場、交易市場、衍生產品市場和股票期權 including the Main Board and the Growth Enterprise 市場。在此進行的證券交易包括股票、認股權 Market, the Secondary Market, the Derivatives 證、債券、單位信託基金/互惠基金、股票指 Market and the Traded Options Market. Securities 數、指數期貨、股票及指數期權、利率及外匯產 traded here include stocks, warrants, debts securities, 品等。一部分的上市股票亦容許賣空。恒生指數 unit trusts/mutual funds, equity index, index futures, 服務公司製訂一系列的股票市場指數,藉以量度 stock and index options, interest rate and foreign 各股票於市場內的表現。 exchange products. Short selling is also allowed for some of the listed stocks. To gauge the performance of stocks in the market, a number of stock market indices are compiled by the Hang Seng Index Services Limited.

金銀業貿易場經營的黃金市場,是世界最活躍黃 The Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society 金買賣市場之一。在金銀業貿易場交易的黃金純 operates a gold bullion market which is among the 度為百分之九十九,稱為九九金。九九金是以兩 most active in the world. Gold traded through the 計算,並以港元報價。 Society is of 99 per cent fineness and is measured in teals and quoted in Hong Kong dollars.

在香港交易所合併後,證監會承擔了包括監察交 After their merger under HKEx, the SFC assumed 易所參與者業務、監察他們遵守操守規則及流動 primary responsibility for supervising the businesses 資本規定的情況,以及確保他們設有適當的管理 of exchange participants, monitoring their 及監控系統等主要職責。 compliance with conduct rules and liquid capital requirements, and ensuring that they have proper systems of management and control.

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進行受規管活動的業務的人士,一般須向證監會 Persons conducting business in regulated activities 領取牌照或在證監會註冊。受規管的活動共有 are generally required to be licensed or registered 9 種類別,它們分別是:(i) 類證券交易, with the SFC. There are 9 types of regulated activity. (ii) 期貨合約交易, (iii) 槓桿式外匯交易, They are: (i) dealing in securities; (ii) dealing in (iv) 就證券提供意見, (v) 就期貨合約提供意 futures contracts; (iii) leveraged foreign exchange 見, (vi) 就機構融資提供意見, (vii) 提供自動 trading, (iv) advising on securities, (v) advising on 化交易服務, (viii) 提供證券保證金融資,及 futures contracts, (vi) advising on corporate finance; (ix) 提供資產管理。 (vii) providing automated trading services, (viii) securities margin financing; and (ix) asset management.

非認可財務機構的法團如進行下列活動,便需要 A corporation (not being an authorized financial 領取牌照: institution) needs a licence if it: (i) 經營某類受規管活動的業務或顯示自己經 (i) carries on a business in a regulated activity or 營某類受規管活動的業務;或 holds out as carrying on a business in a regulated (ii) (不論由該法團或由另一人代表)在香港或 activity; or 從香港以外地方向公眾積極推廣其提供的任何服 (ii) actively markets, whether by itself or another person on its behalf and whether in Hong Kong or 務,而該等服務如在香港提供便會構成某類受規 from a place outside Hong Kong, to the public any 管活動。 services that it provides, which would constitute a

regulated activity if provided in Hong Kong. 在以上的任何一種情況下,該法團必須是持牌法 團。 In each case, the corporation has to be a licensed

corporation. 凡以個人身分為其乃持牌法團的主事人就任何以 業務形式進行的受規管活動執行受規管職能的人 An individual needs a licence if he performs a 士,或顯示其執行該項職能;在這種情況下,便 regulated function for his principal which is a 需要領取牌照成爲其主事人的持牌代表。此外, licensed corporation in relation to a regulated activity 如果該人士乃其主事人法團的執行董事,亦需要 carried on as a business or holds out as performing 獲核准成為負責人員。 such function. In that case, he has to be a licensed representative accredited to his principal. In addition, if he is an executive director of that corporation, he also needs to be approved as a responsible officer.

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認可財務機構的法團如進行下列活動,便需要註 A corporation (being an authorized financial 冊: institution) needs a registration if it: (i) 經營某類受規管活動的業務或顯示自己經 (i) carries on a business of regulated activity or holds 營某類受規管活動的業務;或 out as carrying on a business in a regulated activity; (ii) (不論由該法團或由另一人代表)在香港或 or 從香港以外地方向公眾積極推廣其提供的任何服 務,而該等服務如在香港提供便會構成某類受規 (ii) actively markets, whether by itself or another 管活動。 person on its behalf and whether in Hong Kong or from a place outside Hong Kong, to the public any 在以上的任何一種情況下,該法團必須是註冊機 services that it provides, which would constitute a 構。 regulated activity if provided in Hong Kong.

就註冊機構進行的任何受規管活動而執行任何受 In each case, the corporation has to be a registered 規管職能的有關人士(例如在證券交易部門工作 institution. 的銀行職員),均毋須向證監會領取牌照或在證 監會註冊。然而,假如上述人士擬從事受規管活 Relevant individuals who perform regulated 動,則其必須是名列由金管局備存的紀錄冊的人 functions in relation to regulated activities for 士。 registered institutions (e.g. bank staff working in the securities dealing department) are not required to be licensed or registered with the SFC. However, their names have to be entered in the register maintained by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) if they are to perform regulated activities.

另一方面,為了能夠評核並管理本身業務的固有 Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 風險,香港交易所仍會繼續監察其參與者業務的 (HKEx), on the other hand, continues to monitor 若干方面,特別是繼續監察及執行有關交易、結 some aspects of the businesses of its participants in 算及風險管理等幾方面的規則。 order to assess and manage the risks inherent in its own operations. In particular, it continues to monitor and enforce compliance with the rules relating to trading, clearing and risk management.

給予公眾人士認購的基金一定要證監會所認可。 Funds offered to public must be authorized by the 不給予香港公眾人士認購的基金則不須要證監會 SFC. Funds that are not intended for sale to public in 的認可。因此,實際在香港運作的基金的資產應 Hong Kong need not be authorized. The actual asset 較列載於表 4.11 內的數字為高,因該表的數字只 size of funds operated in Hong Kong is therefore 包括認可基金。 likely to be larger than the figures presented in table.4.11, which cover authorized funds only.

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用語及定義 Terms and Definitions

在編製統計數字時, 金融市場及基金管理業 包 For statistical compilation purpose, the financial 括證券公司、期貨及金銀貿易經紀/交易商、證 markets and fund management services industry 券、金銀貿易和期貨交易所、外幣兌換店、外匯 covers stock and share companies; commodity 經紀/交易商及基金管理公司。 futures and gold bullion brokers/dealers; stock, bullion and commodity exchanges; money changers; foreign exchange brokers/dealers and fund management companies.

機構單位 是指在單一擁有權或控制權下,在單 An establishment is defined as an economic unit 一地點從事一種或主要從事一種經濟活動的經濟 which engages, under a single ownership or control, 單位,例如個別工廠、工場、零售店及辦公室。 in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single physical location, e.g. an individual factory, workshop, retail shop and office.

就業人數 包括所有於統計日期工作最少一小時 Persons engaged include all individual proprietors, 及經常參與機構單位業務的東主、合夥人,以及 partners and persons having family ties with any of 與東主或合夥人有親屬關係並在機構單位工作而 the proprietors or partners and working in the 無正薪的人士;及所有於統計日期向機構單位直 establishment without regular pay, who are actively 接支取薪酬的全職受薪僱員,以及有限公司的在 engaged in the work of the establishment for at least 職董事,其中包括長期或臨時聘用的,無論這些 one hour on the survey reference date; and all 僱員正在本港或其他地方工作或暫時缺勤(即正 full-time salaried personnel or employees and 在放病假、分娩假、年假、事假的工人及罷工 working directors of limited companies directly paid 者)。在統計日期工作最少一小時的兼職僱員, by the establishment, both permanent and temporary, 以及夜班或通宵班的僱員亦包括在內。由一九九 who are either at work (whether or not in Hong 九年三月開始,有關點算就業人數的工作時數定 Kong) or temporarily absent from work (viz. those on 義由原有的「在統計日期工作最少三小時」改為 sick leave, maternity leave, annual vacation or casual 「在統計日期工作最少一小時」。 leave, and on strike) on the survey reference date. Part-time employees and employees on night/irregular shifts working for at least one hour on the survey reference date are also included. As from March 1999, the rule for counting the number of persons engaged has been changed from the previous definition of “working for at least three hours” to a new definition of “working for at least one hour”.

本地生產總值 是指一個國家或地區的所有常住 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the 生產單位,在一個指定的期間內,未扣除固定資 total value of production of all resident producing 本消耗的生產總價值。 units of a country or territory in a specified period, before deducting allowance for consumption of fixed capital.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 56 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

生產總額 是以服務費、佣金、經紀費、租金收 Gross output is measured by the service charges, 入及其他收費計算。但不包括其本人帳目下的金 commissions and brokerages, rentals received and 融及其他資產買賣的盈虧數目。 other fees received. However, any gain/loss trading in financial and other assets on own account is excluded in estimating the gross output.

增加價值 是生產總額減去中間投產消耗(生產過 Value added is defined as the value of gross output 程中所耗用的貨物和服務的價值)。 less the value of intermediate consumption (the value of goods and services used up in the course of production).

總市值 是指上市公司的權益股本的市場價值。 Market capitalization refers to the market value of 所包括的上市公司是按公司的註冊地而釐定(只 equity capital of listed companies. The inclusion of 包括在香港及中國內地註冊成立的公司),和在 listed companies is based on their places of 某些情況下,根據公司的業務進行地點而定(只 incorporation (only those incorporated in Hong Kong 包括在香港進行業務的公司)。停業超過一年的 and the mainland of China are included) and for some 公司則不包括在內。 cases, based on their places of business (only those with business in Hong Kong are included). Those companies under suspension for over one year are not included.

創業板 的目的是為那些成立時間較短而未能符 The objective of the Growth Enterprise Market 合在主板上市的業務及溢利紀錄規定的公司提供 (GEM) is to provide capital formation facilities for 集資設施。 younger companies that cannot meet the operating and profit record criteria for listing on the Main Board.

所有普通股指數 包括在香港交易所上市的每一 All Ordinaries Indices (AOI) includes the ordinary 間公司的普通股,但不包括 (一)外地公司的股 shares of every company listed on Hong Kong 票,而該公司的主要業務在香港以外及中國內地 Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) except 進行;或(二)停牌超過一年的股票;或(三)不是 (a) stocks of overseas incorporated whose principal 以港元交易的股票。 activities are carried on outside Hong Kong and the mainland of China; or (b) stocks which have been suspended for over one year; or (c) stocks which are not traded in Hong Kong dollars.

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平均股息收益率 等於 Average dividend yield is equal to

∑ ()每股派息× 發行股數 ∑ (Dividend per share × Number of issued shares) × 100% × 100% ∑ ()收市價× 發行股數 ∑×(Closing price Number of issued shares)

平均市盈率 等於 Average price earning ratio is equal to

∑ ()收市價× 發行股數 ∑(Closing price × Number of issued shares) ∑ ()每股盈利× 發行股數 ∑×(Earnings per share Number of issued shares)

每股盈利 是由減去少數股東權益、優先股股 Earnings per share (EPS) is derived by dividing the 息及非經常性項目後的除稅後盈利除以在該 consolidated profit after taxation less minority interests 財政年度的加權平均發行股數。每股盈利是 and preference dividends and before extraordinary items 以年率計算,它會因應紅利及認股權的派 by the weighted average of number of issued shares 發、股票拆細及合併而作出調整。 during the corresponding financial year. EPS is annualized and adjusted as and when bonus and rights issues, share splits and consolidations are made.

香港交易所的 成交量及成交金額 是單方向計 Trading turnover volume and value in Hong Kong 算的。 Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) are counted on a one-way basis.

賣空 是銷售者沒有擁有某指定股票而對該股 Short selling is the sale of a designated security which 票作出銷售。該銷售者需要借入股票以作交 the seller does not own and is consummated by the 收之用。 delivery of securities borrowed by or for the account of the seller.

合約成交量 是以單方向計算的合約成交數 Contract turnover volume is the number of contracts 目。 traded, counted on a one-way basis.

外匯基金票據計劃 是在一九九零年三月推 The Exchange Fund Bills programme was introduced in 出,是一種促進本港進行金融管理的貨幣市 March 1990 as a money market instrument to facilitate 場工具。外匯基金債券計劃 下的兩年期債券 monetary management in Hong Kong. As for the 在九三年五月推出,三年期債券在九三年十 Exchange Fund Notes programme, two-year Notes were 月推出,五年期債券在九四年九月推出,七 introduced in May 1993, three-year Notes in October 年期債券在九五年十一月推出,而十年期債 1993, five-year Notes in September 1994, seven-year 券亦在九六年十月推出。 Notes in November 1995, and ten-year Notes in October 1996.

保本基金 的投資組合局限於短期銀行存款及 Capital preservation fund invests exclusively in 優質債券。基於保本基金的投資項目關係 , short-term Hong Kong Dollar bank deposits and high 它是 一種相當保守和風險較低的投資產品。 quality debt securities. By nature of its investment components, the capital preservation fund is a conservative and low-risk investment product.

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貨幣市場基金 投資於短期的有息貨幣市場工 Money market fund invests generally in short-term high 具,利用龐大的資本賺取比銀行存款較高的 quality interest bearing securities, with an aim to achieve 利息。 a relatively higher interest rate comparable to that earned on bank deposits.

保證基金 是一種提供資本保證或最低回報率 Guaranteed fund provides a guarantee or conditional 保證的投資基金。保證基金大致上可分為 guarantee on the capital invested or a minimum rate of 「投資掛鈎」與「非投資掛鈎」兩類。 return on investment. Guaranteed funds can be investment-linked or non-investment-linked.

債券基金 主要投資由政府、公共機構或大型 Bond fund invests in bonds or debt instruments issued by 企業所發行的債券(或債務工具)。債券基 governments, public organisations or large corporations. 金的回報,主要來自債券的利息收入或在市 Its returns come through income generated by recurrent 場買賣債券所獲的利潤。 interest income earned from the underlying bonds or any profit earned from trading the bonds in the market.

均衡基金 主要是投資於股票及債券的組合。 Balanced fund is a mix of bonds and equities. Typically, 一個典型的均衡基金,會分散投資於全球或 it invests in both equities and bonds, either globally or 某個地區的市場的股票及債券,藉以減低投 regionally, spreading the investment risk and taking 資風險和獲取較理想的投資機會。 advantage of investment opportunities.

股票基金 (又稱進取基金或增長基金)主要 Equity fund, sometimes called an aggressive fund or 是投資在積金局核准證券交易所上市的股 growth fund, primarily invests in equities (or shares) 票。它以長期資本增值為目標,賺取較高的 listed on approved stock exchanges. It aims for a high 回報。 rate of return through capital appreciation over a period of time.

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統計表 Statistical Tables

表 4.1 金融市場及基金管理服務業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務收益指數、生產總額 及增加價值 Table 4.1 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Financial Markets and Fund Management Services Industry

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目(1), (2) 2 569 2 464 2 523 2 545 2 368 2 354 Number of establishments(1), (2) (15.6) (4.4) (2.4) (0.9) (-7.0) (-0.6)

就業人數(1), (2) 24 249 30 156 30 201 28 497 26 070 26 015 Number of persons engaged(1), (2) (2.7) (9.8) (0.1) (-5.6) (-8.5) (-0.2)

業務收益指數(3) (2000=100) - 100.0 80.1 68.7 85.8 116.2 Business receipts index(3) (2000=100) - (35.1) (-19.9) (-14.2) (24.9) (35.4)

生產總額(2) 23,264** 55,104** 45,426** 42,453** 49,181** N.A. Gross output(2) (-4.3) (23.3) (-17.6) (-6.5) (15.8) (-)

增加價值(2) 11,632** 31,763** 23,505** 22,217** 27,585** N.A. Value added(2) (-16.4) (24.2) (-26.0) (-5.5) (24.2) (-) 在以要素成本計算的本地生產總值內所 佔比率 (百分比) 1.2** 2.6** 1.9** 1.8** 2.3** N.A. Contribution to GDP at factor cost (%) 增加價值在生產總額所佔比率 50.0** 57.6** 51.7** 52.3** 56.1** N.A. Value added as % of gross output

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 數字包括其他金融機構及金融服務,如銀行 (2) Figures include other financial institutions and 結算所、信用咭服務、指定代理/信託公 financial services, such as bank clearing house, 司、證券及股票登記或轉名服務等。 credit card service, nominee/trustee companies, stock and shares registration and transfer services, etc. (3) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (3) Business receipts indices of the industry were first 製。 compiled in 1996. ** 數字是根據有限數據而作出的粗略估計,在 ** These are crude estimates which are compiled 日後得到更多資料時可能會作頗大修訂,因 based on limited data. They may be subject to 此在運用這數字時,應小心留意這點。 considerable revisions when more data become available. Special care should be taken when interpreting them.

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表 4.2 證券期貨市場的持牌人/註冊人數目 Table 4.2 Number of Licensees/Registrants in Securities and Futures Markets

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

持牌法團(1) - - - - 1 318 1 297 Licensed Corporations(1) 聯交所參與者 - - - - 452 436 participants 期交所參與者 - - - - 123 116 Hong Kong Futures Exchange participants 聯交所/期交所參與者 - - - - 3 9 Hong Kong Stock Exchange / Hong Kong Futures Exchange participants 非參與者 - - - - 740 736 Non-participants

註冊機構 - - - - 98 97 Registered Institutions

持牌代表(2) - - - - 16 376 18 357 Licensed Representatives(2) 聯交所參與者 - - - - 7 350 7 660 Hong Kong Stock Exchange participants 期交所參與者 - - - - 421 398 Hong Kong Futures Exchange participants 聯交所/期交所參與者 - - - - 150 424 Hong Kong Stock Exchange / Hong Kong Futures Exchange participants 非參與者 - - - - 8 455 9 875 Non-participants

註釋 : 《證券及期貨條例》在二零零三年四月一日開始實 Notes : The Securities and Futures Ordinance commenced on 施。此條例引入嶄新的單一發牌機制,允許獲准 1 April 2003. Under that ordinance, the new single 進行一類或多類受規管活動者只需申領一個牌 licensing regime was introduced. A corporation or an 照。 individual may apply for a single licence to carry on different types of regulated activity. (1) 持牌法團包括持牌法團及短期持牌法團。 (1) Licensed Corporations include licensed corporations and temporary licensed corporations. (2) 持牌代表包括持牌代表、臨時持牌代表及短 (2) Licensed Representatives include licensed 期持牌代表。 representatives, provisional licensed representatives and temporary licensed representatives.

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表 4.3 證券期貨市場的受規管活動數目 Table 4.3 Number of Regulated Activities in Securities and Futures Markets

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

持牌法團 Licensed Corporations 證券交易 - - - - 676 660 Dealing in securities 期貨合約交易 - - - - 151 151 Dealing in futures contracts 槓桿式外匯交易 - - - - 15 18 Leveraged foreign exchange trading 就證券提供意見 - - - - 1 029 821 Advising on securities 就期貨合約提供意見 - - - - 225 179 Advising on futures contracts 就機構融資提供意見 - - - - 889 572 Advising on corporate finance 提供自動化交易服務 - - - - 83 55 Providing automated trading services 提供證券保證金融資 - - - - 8 8 Securities margin financing 提供資產管理 - - - - 1 028 767 Asset management

註冊機構 Registered Institutions 證券交易 - - - - 94 93 Dealing in securities 期貨合約交易 - - - - 0 0 Dealing in futures contracts 槓桿式外匯交易 - - - - 0 0 Leveraged foreign exchange trading 就證券提供意見 - - - - 95 91 Advising on securities 就期貨合約提供意見 - - - - 2 2 Advising on futures contracts 就機構融資提供意見 - - - - 89 72 Advising on corporate finance 提供自動化交易服務 - - - - 23 16 Providing automated trading services 提供證券保證金融資 - - - - 0 0 Securities margin financing 提供資產管理 - - - - 90 73 Asset management

註釋 : 《證券及期貨條例》在二零零三年四月一日開始實 Note : The Securities and Futures Ordinance commenced on 施。此條例引入嶄新的單一發牌機制,允許獲准 1 April 2003. Under that ordinance, the new single 進行一類或多類受規管活動者只需申領一個牌 licensing regime was introduced. A corporation or an 照。 individual may apply for a single licence to carry on different types of regulated activity.

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表 4.3 (續) 證券期貨市場的受規管活動數目 Table 4.3 (Cont’d) Number of Regulated Activities in Securities and Futures Markets

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

持牌代表 Licensed Representatives 證券交易 - - - - 11 848 12 527 Dealing in securities 期貨合約交易 - - - - 3 584 4 118 Dealing in futures contracts 槓桿式外匯交易 - - - - 873 1 058 Leveraged foreign exchange trading 就證券提供意見 - - - - 11 511 6 906 Advising on securities 就期貨合約提供意見 - - - - 2 057 657 Advising on futures contracts 就機構融資提供意見 - - - - 10 155 3 369 Advising on corporate finance 提供自動化交易服務 - - - - 2 022 628 Providing automated trading services 提供證券保證金融資 - - - - 120 16 Securities margin financing 提供資產管理 - - - - 9 884 3 478 Asset management

註釋 : 《證券及期貨條例》在二零零三年四月一日開始實 Note : The Securities and Futures Ordinance commenced on 施。此條例引入嶄新的單一發牌機制,允許獲准 1 April 2003. Under that ordinance, the new single 進行一類或多類受規管活動者只需申領一個牌 licensing regime was introduced. A corporation or an 照。 individual may apply for a single licence to carry on different types of regulated activity.

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表 4.4 在香港交易所上市的公司數目、總市值、收益率及市盈率 Table 4.4 Number of Listed Companies, Market Capitalization, Yield and Price Earning Ratio of Stocks Listed on Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

上市公司數目 Number of listed companies 主板 529 736 756 812 852 892 Main Board (10.9) (5.0) (2.7) (7.4) (4.9) (4.7) H 股 15 47 50 54 64 72 H Shares (150.0) (6.8) (6.4) (8.0) (18.5) (12.5) 其他 514 689 706 758 788 820 Others (9.1) (4.9) (2.5) (7.4) (4.0) (4.1) 創業板(1) - 54 111 166 185 204 Growth Enterprise Market(1) - (671.4) (105.6) (49.5) (11.4) (10.3) H 股(2) - 3 8 20 28 37 H Shares (2) - - (166.7) (150.0) (40.0) (32.1) 其他 - 51 103 146 157 167 Others - (628.6) (102.0) (41.7) (7.5) (6.4)

上市公司總市值 (百萬元) 2,085,182 4,862,440 3,946,306 3,611,319 5,547,847 6,695,893 Total market capitalization ($ million) (-29.9) (2.7) (-18.8) (-8.5) (53.6) (20.7) 主板 2,085,182 4,795,150 3,885,342 3,559,099 5,477,670 6,629,177 Main Board (-29.9) (1.4) (-19.0) (-8.4) (53.9) (21.0) H 股(2) 19,981 85,140 99,813 129,248 403,117 455,152 H Shares(2) (9.6) (103.3) (17.2) (29.5) (211.9) (12.9) 其他 2,065,201 4,710,010 3,785,529 3,429,851 5,074,553 6,174,025 Others (-30.2) (0.5) (-19.6) (-9.4) (48.0) (21.7) 以總市值計在世界的排名(3) 8 11 10 10 10 9 Ranking in the world in terms of market capitalization(3) 創業板(1) - 67,290 60,964 52,220 70,177 66,716 Growth Enterprise Market(1) - (829.8) (-9.4) (-14.0) (34.4) (-4.9) H 股(2) - 992 1,889 2,393 5,063 6,376 H Shares (2) - - (90.4) (26.7) (111.6) (25.9) 其他 - 66,298 59,075 49,827 65,114 60,340 Others - (816.1) (-10.9) (-15.7) (30.7) (-7.3)

收益率及市盈率 Yield and price earning ratio 所有普通股指數的平均股息收益率 (百分比) 4.1 2.0 2.9 3.4 2.9 2.9 Average dividend yield of AOI (%) 所有普通股指數的平均市盈率 10.7 12.8 12.2 14.9 19.0 18.7 Average price earning ratio of AOI

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 創業板於一九九九年十一月二十五日推出。 (1) Growth Enterprise Market was launched on 25 November 1999. (2) 在二零零零年七月二十七日,第一間中國國 (2) The first Chinese state owned company with H 有企業以 H 股類別在創業板上市。 shares was listed in Growth Enterprise Market on 27 July 2000. (3) 排名是根據世界交易所聯會每月世界股票市 (3) Ranking is based on World Federation of Stock 場統計報告而訂定。 Exchanges monthly statistics report.

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表 4.5 香港交易所的成交金額 Table 4.5 Turnover in Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

成交總金額 1,137,414 3,131,852 1,989,504 1,643,054 2,583,829 3,974,112 Total turnover (-7.0) (63.2) (-36.5) (-17.4) (57.3) (53.8) 主板 1,137,414 3,047,565 1,950,087 1,599,075 2,545,676 3,948,351 Main Board (-7.0) (59.1) (-36.0) (-18.0) (59.2) (55.1) 創業板(1) - 84,287 39,417 43,979 38,154 25,761 Growth Enterprise Market(1) - (2 238.1) (- 53.2) ( 11.6) (- 13.2) (- 32.5)

所有上市證券的平均每日成交金額(2) 4,586 12,680 8,187 6,652 10,419 15,960 Average daily turnover(2) of all listed (-6.6) (60.5) (-35.4) (-18.7) (56.6) (53.2) securities 主板 4,586 12,338 8,025 6,474 10,265 15,857 Main Board (-6.6) (59.1) (-35.0) (-19.3) (58.6) (54.5) 所有股票 3,929 11,579 7,494 5,957 9,140 13,643 All equity stocks (-4.4) (61.3) (-35.3) (-20.5) (53.4) (49.3) H 股 133 665 1,009 566 2,022 3,750 H Shares (6.4) (59.9) (51.7) (-43.9) (257.2) (85.5) 其他股票 3,796 10,914 6,485 5,391 7,118 9,893 Other equity stocks (-4.7) (61.4) (-40.6) (-16.9) (32.0) (39.0) 其他上市證券(3) 436 759 531 517 1,125 2,214 Other listed securities(3) (-14.0) (31.3) (-30.0) (-2.6) (117.6) (96.8) 創業板(1) - 341 162 178 154 103 Growth Enterprise Market(1) - (136.8) (-52.5) (9.9) (-13.5) (-33.1) H 股(4) - 64 25 16 19 29 H Shares (4) - - (-60.9) (-36.0) (18.8) (52.6) 其他股票 - 313 137 162 135 74 Other stocks - (117.4) (-56.2) (18.2) (-16.7) (-45.2)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 創業板於一九九九年十一月二十五日推出。 (1) Growth Enterprise Market was launched on 25 November 1999. (2) 由於進位原因,所有股票與其他上市證券的 (2) The sum of average daily turnover for all equity 平均每日成交金額之和可能與所有上市證券 stocks and other listed securities may not equal to 的平均每日成交金額不相等。 average daily turnover of all listed securities due to rounding. (3) 包括債券、單位信託基金/互惠基金、衍生 (3) Including debts securities, unit trusts/mutual 認股權證、股本認股權證及股票掛鈎票據。 funds, derivative warrants, equity warrants and equity linked instruments. (4) 在二零零零年七月二十七日,第一間中國國 (4) The first Chinese state owned company with H 有企業以 H 股類別在創業板上市。 shares was listed in Growth Enterprise Market on 27 July 2000.

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表 4.6 香港交易所的賣空量 Table 4.6 Short Selling in Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

賣空(1) Short selling(1) 股份數目 (千股) - 3 561 815 6 228 395 6 058 301 10 575 339 15 460 155 Number of shares (thousand shares) 成交金額 - 77,198 65,627 70,601 85,150 130,787 Value of transactions 賣空佔總成交金額比率 (百分比) - 2.46* 3.30* 4.30* 3.30* 3.29 Ratio of short selling to turnover (%)

註釋 : (1) 自一九九四年一月三日起容許受監管的股份 Note : (1) Regulated short selling was introduced on 賣空活動。 3 January 1994.

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表 4.7 香港交易所新證券的發行情況 Table 4.7 New Issues in Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

新證券發行數目 Number of new issues 主板 242 388 265 775 771 1 419 Main Board (11.5) (16.9) (-31.7) (192.5) (-0.5) (84.0)

股票 54 43 31 60 46 49 Stocks (-20.6) (38.7) (-27.9) (93.5) (-23.3) (6.5) 其他(1) 188 345 234 715 725 1 370 Others(1) (26.2) (14.6) (-32.2) (205.6) (1.4) (89.0) 創業板(2) - 48 59 59 27 21 Growth Enterprise Market(2) - (585.7) (22.9) (#) (-54.2) (-22.2) H 股(3) - 3 5 12 8 9 H Shares (3) - - (66.7) (140.0) (-33.3) (1.3) 其他 - 44 52 47 19 12 Others - (528.6) (18.2) (-9.6) (-59.6) (-36.8)

新證券發行金額 (百萬元) Value of new issues ($ million) 主板 312,150 171,273 66,525 129,042 165,185 340,872 Main Board (50.9) (43.0) (-61.2) (94.0) (28.0) (106.4) 股票 17,360 117,303 21,599 44,974 57,066 94,465 Stocks (-40.5) (654.0) (-81.6) (108.2) (26.9) (65.5) H 股 9,880 51,751 6,068 16,874 46,845 40,017 H Shares (21.4) (1 113.7) (-88.3) (178.1) (177.6) (-14.6) 其他股票 7,481 65,552 15,531 28,100 10,221 54,448 Other stocks (-64.4) (480.5) (-76.3) (80.9) (-63.6) (432.7) 其他(1) 294,790 53,970 44,926 84,068 108,119 246,407 Others(1) (65.9) (-48.2) (-16.8) (87.1) (28.6) (127.9) 創業板(2) - 14,815 4,116 7,011 2,075 2,694 Growth Enterprise Market(2) - (835.9) (-72.2) (70.3) (-70.4) (29.8) H 股(3) - 644 764 1,173 1,422 694 H Shares (3) - - (18.6) (53.5) (21.2) (-51.2) 其他股票 - 14,171 3,352 5,951 653 2,000 Other stocks - (795.2) (-76.3) (77.5) (-89.0) (206.3)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 包括債券、單位信託基金/互惠基金、衍生 (1) Including debts securities, unit trusts/mutual 認股權證、股本認股權證及股票掛釣票據。 funds, derivative warrants, equity warrants and equity linked instruments. (2) 創業板於一九九九年十一月二十五日推出。 (2) Growth Enterprise Market was launched on 25 November 1999. (3) 在二零零零年七月二十七日,第一間中國國 (3) The first Chinese state owned company with H 有企業以 H 股類別在創業板上市。 shares was listed in Growth Enterprise Market on 27 July 2000. # 表示變動百分率在 ± 0.05%以內。 # Denotes change within ± 0.05%.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 67 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 4.8 香港交易所衍生產品市場的平均每日成交量 Table 4.8 Average Daily Turnover in the Derivatives Market of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 合約張數 Contracts 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 平均每日成交量 19 352 38 912 43 753 45 027 58 687 71 270 Average daily turnover (77.8) (13.9) (12.4) (2.9) (30.3) (21.4) 恆生指數期貨 16 906 16 288 18 220 19 602 27 588 34 824 Hang Seng Index futures (74.3) (-22.4) (11.9) (7.6) (40.7) (26.2) 小型恆生指數期貨(1) - 2 072 3 188 4 522 5 064 5 092 Mini-Hang Seng Index futures(1) - - (53.9) (41.8) (12.0) (0.6) 恆生指數期權(1) 2 446 2 203 2 965 4 369 8 596 8 215 Hang Seng Index options(1) (71.5) (-24.6) (34.6) (47.4) (96.7) (-4.4) MSCI 中國外資自由投資指數期貨(2) - - 20 8 1 0 MSCI China Free Index futures(2) - - - (-60.0) (-87.5) (-100.0) 道瓊斯工業平均指數期貨(3) - - - 41 37 11 Dow Jones Industrial Average futures(3) - - - - (-9.8) (-70.3) 股票期貨(4) - 13 29 86 76 70 Stock futures(4) - (-43.5) (123.1) (196.6) (-11.6) (-7.9) 股票期權(4) - 16 958 16 567 15 203 17 122 22 720 Stock options(4) - (90.6) (-2.3) (-8.2) (12.6) (32.7) 國際股票期貨(5) - - 13 0 0 0 International stock futures(5) ------國際股票期權(5) - - 26 0 0 0 International stock options(5) ------日轉期匯(6) - 13 17 33 N.A. N.A. Rolling Forex futures(6) - (-64.9) (30.8) (94.1) (-) (-) 三個月港元銀行同業拆息期貨(7) - 1 316 2 607 1 144 194 326 Three-month HIBOR futures(7) - (4.3) (98.1) (-56.1) (-83.0) (68.0) 一個月港元銀行同業拆息期貨(8) - 49 59 4 1 3 One-month HIBOR futures(8) - (22.5) (20.4) (-93.2) (-75.0) (200.0) 三年期外匯基金債券期貨(9) - - 42 15 8 9 Three-year Exchange Fund Note futures(9) - - - (-64.3) (-46.7) (12.5)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 小型恆生指數期貨於二零零零年十月九日推 (1) Mini-Hang Seng Index futures were launched on 9 出。 October 2000. (2) MSCI 中國外資自由投資指數期貨於二零零 (2) MSCI China Free Index futures were launched on 一年五月七日推出。並於二零零四年三月二 7 May 2001 and were suspended on 27 March 十七日停止買賣。 2004. (3) 道瓊斯工業平均指數期貨於二零零二年五月 (3) Dow Jones Industrial Average futures were 六日推出。 launched on 6 May 2002. (4) 股票期貨於一九九五年三月三十一日推出, (4) Stock futures were launched on 31 March 1995. 股票期權則於九五年九月八日推出。 Stock options were launched on 8 September 1995. (5) 國際股票期貨及期權於二零零一年十月四日 (5) International stock futures and options were 推出。 launched on 4 October 2001. (6) 首批日轉期匯(馬克及日圓) 於一九九五年十 (6) The first batch of currency futures (DEM, JPY) 一月三日推出,第二批日轉期匯(英鎊) 於九 were launched on 3 November 1995 and the 六年九月二十日推出,而第三批日轉期匯 second batch of currency futures (GBP) were (歐羅) 則於九九年四月三十日推出。日轉期 launched on 20 September 1996. The third batch 匯於二零零二年五月十七日停止買賣。 of currency futures (EUR) were launched on 30 April 1999. Rolling forex futures were suspended on 17 May 2002. (7) 三個月港元銀行同業拆息期貨於一九九七年 (7) Three-month HIBOR futures were re-launched on 九月二十六日再次推出。 26 September 1997. (8) 一個月港元銀行同業拆息期貨於一九九八年 (8) One-month HIBOR futures were launched on 十月二十日推出。 20 October 1998. (9) 三年期外匯基金債券期貨於二零零一年十一 (9) Three-year Exchange Fund Note futures was 月十九日推出。 launched on 19 November 2001.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 68 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 4.9 金銀業貿易場的黃金買賣報價及平均每日成交金額 Table 4.9 Trading Prices and Average Daily Turnover of Gold Trading in the Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

買賣報價 (以每兩港元計) Trading price ($/tael) 最高 3,662 2,908 2,742 3,284 3,848 4,222 High (-2.8) (-3.6) (-5.7) (19.8) (17.2) (9.7) 最低 3,410 2,457 2,377 2,576 2,969 3,475 Low (13.0) (5.2) (-3.3) (8.4) (15.3) (17.0) 收市 3,533 2,537 2,572 3,199 3,844 4,047 Closing (-1.6) (-5.8) (1.4) (24.4) (20.1) (5.3)

平均每日成交金額 (百萬元) 286 50 37 34 39 38 Average daily turnover ($ million) (3.2) (-19.4) (-26.0) (-8.1) (14.7) (-2.6)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Note : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year.

表 4.10 港元債務工具市場 Table 4.10 Hong Kong Dollar Debt Instruments Market

百萬元 $ million 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

外匯基金票據及債券以外的港元債務工具 的未償還總額(1) - 363,496 380,068 415,387 437,612 485,325 Outstanding amount of Hong Kong dollar - (6.3) (4.6) (9.3) (5.4) (10.9) debt instruments, other than Exchange Fund Bills and Notes(1)

外匯基金票據及債券的未償還總額 52,340 108,602 113,750 117,476 120,152 122,579 Outstanding amount of Exchange Fund (86.5) (6.6) (4.7) (3.3) (2.3) (2.0) Bills and Notes

外匯基金票據及債券以外的新發行港元債 務工具(1) - 180,625 152,051 180,084 170,472 170,837 New issues of Hong Kong dollar debt - (16.4) (-15.8) (18.4) (-5.3) (0.2) instruments, other than Exchange Fund Bills and Notes(1)

外匯基金票據及債券的平均每日成交金額 22,311 23,781 21,206 22,342 20,790 16,724 Average daily turnover of Exchange Fund (48.9) (47.5) (-10.8) (5.4) (-6.9) (-19.6) Bills and Notes

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字由香港金融管理局自一九九五年開始提 (1) Figures were first available from the Hong Kong 供。 Monetary Authority in 1995.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 69 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 4.11 認可基金數目及資產淨值 Table 4.11 Number and Net Asset Value of Authorized Funds

百萬美元(另有註明除外) US$ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

認可單位信託及互惠基金數目(1) 903 1 613 1 870 1 890 1 965 1 872 Number of authorized unit trusts and (0.2) (0.3) (15.9) (1.1) (4.0) (-4.7) mutual funds(1) 香港成立(2) 73 81 75 90 91 99 Domiciled in Hong Kong(2) (-3.9) (0.0) (-7.4) (20.0) (1.1) (8.8) 香港以外地區成立 830 1 532 1 795 1 800 1 874 1 773 Domiciled outside Hong Kong (0.6) (0.3) (17.2) (0.3) (4.1) (-5.4)

認可單位信託及互惠基金資產淨值(3) 56,568 311,449 285,210 342,134 534,288 551,219 Net asset value of authorized unit trusts (24.3) (4.2) (-8.4) (20.0) (56.2) (3.2) and mutual funds(3) 香港成立(2) 10,630 5,982 5,996 5,351 6,793 8,355 Domiciled in Hong Kong(2) (514.9) (-31.2) (0.2) (-10.8) (26.9) (23.0) 香港以外地區成立 45,938 305,467 279,214 336,783 527,496 542,864 Domiciled outside Hong Kong (5.0) (5.3) (-8.6) (20.6) (56.6) (2.9)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 指該年度三月底的數字。 (1) Figures refer to end March of the corresponding year. (2) 如個別基金的合法信託人於香港依據法律成 (2) A fund is domiciled in Hong Kong if its legal 立,該基金便屬在香港成立。 trustee has Hong Kong as the place of legal domicile. (3) 指該年度十二月底的數字。 (3) Figures refer to end December of the corresponding year.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 70 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 4.12 強制性公積金(強積金)計劃業務 Table 4.12 Business of Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Schemes

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

核准受託人數目 - - 20^ 20 19 19 Number of approved trustees

註冊計劃數目 - - 51^ 49 48 47 Number of registered schemes

核准成分基金數目 - - 300^ 311 319 323 Number of approved constituent funds

核准匯集投資基金數目 - - 220^ 232 250 255 Number of approved pooled investment funds

強積金計劃的核准成分基金資產淨值(1) - - 36,013 55,063 89,409 120,183 Net asset values(1) of approved constituent (52.9) (62.4) (34.4) funds of MPF Schemes 保本基金 - - 5,329 9,404 14,150 18,237 Capital preservation fund (76.5) (50.5) (28.9) 貨幣市場基金 - - 456 600 740 856 Money market fund (31.6) (23.3) (15.7) 保證基金 - - 7,312 10,988 14,937 18,528 Guaranteed fund (50.3) (35.9) (24.0) 債券基金 - - 219 425 1,051 1,486 Bond fund (94.1) (147.3) (41.4) 均衡基金 - - 16,599 26,665 45,173 61,526 Balanced fund (60.6) (69.4) (36.2) 股票基金 - - 6,098 6,982 13,360 19,550 Equity fund (14.5) (91.3) (46.3)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字包括從職業退休計劃轉移過來的資產。 (1) Figures include assets transferred from the Occupational Retirement Schemes. ^ 指二零零一年度十一月底的數字。 ^ Figures refer to end November 2001.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 71 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 4.13 金融市場及基金管理業的選定最新統計數字 Table 4.13 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Financial Markets and Fund Management Services

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 機構單位數目 2 354 2 376 2 472 2 263 2 326 2 354 Number of establishments

就業人數 25 499 26 899 25 938 25 067 26 090 26 964 Number of persons engaged

業務收益指數 (2000=100) 95.8 109.7 128.9 104.8 103.0* 128.1 Business receipts index (2000=100)

香港交易所 Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 上市公司數目 Number of listed companies 主板 838 852 856 869 877 892 Main Board H 股 59 64 66 68 68 72 H Shares 其他 779 788 790 801 809 820 Others 創業板 179 185 192 199 203 204 Growth Enterprise Market H 股 23 28 31 35 37 37 H Shares 其他 156 157 161 164 166 167 Others 上市公司總市值 Total market capitalization 主板 4,708,475 5,447,670 5,690,505 5,482,574 5,898,387 6,629,177 Main Board H 股 220,241 403,117 389,365 392,515 429,234 455,152 H Shares 其他 4,488,234 5,074,553 5,301,140 5,090,059 5,469,153 6,174,025 Others 以總市值計在世界的排名 9 10 8 10 8 9 Ranking in the world in terms of market capitalization 創業板 67,987 70,177 78,986 72,670 62,164 66,716 Growth Enterprise Market H 股 3,628 5,063 6,382 6,401 6,679 6,376 H Shares 其他 64,359 65,114 72,604 66,269 55,485 60,340 Others

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 72 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 4.13 (續) 金融市場及基金管理業的選定最新統計數字 Table 4.13 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Financial Markets and Fund Management Services 百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

香港交易所 Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 收益率及市盈率 Yield and price earning ratio

所有普通股指數的平均股息 收益率 (百分比) 3.5 2.9 3.0 3.2 3.2 2.9 Average dividend yield of AOI (%)

所有普通股指數的平均市盈率 16.4 19.0 17.3 15.8 16.7 18.7 Average price earning ratio of AOI

上市證券的平均每日成交金額 Average daily turnover of all listed securities 主板 11,759 15,102 19,511 13,771 12,217 17,945 Main Board

所有股票 10,567 13,158 17,074 11,943 10,444 15,137 All equity stocks

H 股 2,090 3,742 5,225 3,549 2,972 3,282 H Shares

其他股票 8,477 9,416 11,849 8,394 7,472 11,855 Other equity stocks

其他上市證券 1,192 1,944 2,437 1,828 1,773 2,808 Other listed securities

創業板 222 183 226 69 48 72 Growth Enterprise Market

H 股 18 36 57 17 17 24 H Shares

其他股票 204 147 169 52 31 48 Other stocks

賣空 Short selling

股份數目 (千股) 2 405 946 3 342 777 4 533 425 4 347 882 3 475 051 3 103 798 Number of shares (thousand shares)

成交金額 19,853 26,378 42,541 31,918 27,935 28,392 Value of transactions

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 73 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 4.13 (續) 金融市場及基金管理業的選定最新統計數字 Table 4.13 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Financial Markets and Fund Management Services 百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

香港交易所 Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 新證券發行數目 Number of new issues

主板 212 305 356 328 304* 431 Main Board

股票 15 15 8 15 9 17 Stocks

其他 197 290 348 313 295* 414 Others

創業板 6 9 8 7 5 1 Growth Enterprise Market

H 股 1 5 3 4 2 0 H Shares

其他 5 4 5 3 3 1 Others

新證券發行金額 Value of new issues

主板 32,234 86,395 72,058 80,579 62,870 125,365 Main Board

股票 7,936 42,502 19,690 33,876 2,580 38,319 Stocks

H 股 2,442 38,033 3,051 22,020 0 14,946 H Shares

其他股票 5,494 4,469 16,639 11,856 2,580 23,373 Other stocks

其他 24,298 43,893 52,368 46,703 60,290 87,046 Others

創業板 247 1,251 1,921 386 274 113 Growth Enterprise Market

H 股 58 960 277 255 161 0 H Shares

其他股票 189 291 1,644 131 113 112 Other stocks

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 74 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 4.13 (續) 金融市場及基金管理業的選定最新統計數字 Table 4.13 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Financial Markets and Fund Management Services

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

香港交易所 - 衍生產品市場 Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited - Derivatives Market 平均每日成交量 (合約張數) 61 855 66 439 78 809 83 331 76 976 71 426 Average daily turnover (contracts)

恆生指數期貨 30 281 30 346 33 468 36 649 34 386 34 852 Hang Seng Index futures

小型恆生指數期貨 5 414 5 492 5 566 6 419 6 165 5 464 Mini-Hang Seng Index futures

恆生指數期權 9 524 6 494 8 030 10 053 7 143 7 717 Hang Seng Index options

MSCI 中國外資自由投資指數期貨 1 0 0 0 0 0 MSCI China Free Index futures

道瓊斯工業平均指數期貨 38 27 17 9 8 9 Dow Jones Industrial Average futures 股票期貨 91 79 81 65 52 82 Stock futures

股票期權 16 313 22 846 25 723 21 002 20 995 23 170 Stock options

三個月港元銀行同業拆息期貨 97 273 274 315 229 129 Three-month HIBOR futures

一個月港元銀行同業拆息期貨 1 4 0 8 3 1 One-month HIBOR futures

三年期外匯基金債券期貨 1 14 15 9 10 2 Three-year Exchange Fund Note futures

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 75 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 4.13 (續) 金融市場及基金管理業的選定最新統計數字 Table 4.13 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Financial Markets and Fund Management Services

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

金銀業貿易場的黃金買賣 Gold trading in the Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society 買賣報價 (以每兩港元計) Trading price ($/tael)

最高 3,605 3,848 3,948 3,948 3,829 4,222 High

最低 3,165 3,411 3,626 3,475 3,606 3,832 Low

收市 3,534 3,844 3,915 3,653 3,827 4,053 Closing

平均每日成交金額 35 36 42 34 31 49 Average daily turnover

外匯基金票據及債券的未償還總額 119,684 120,152 120,581 121,239 121,887 122,579 Outstanding amount of Exchange Fund Bills and Notes 外匯基金票據及債券的平均每日 成交金額 16,738 14,826 14,364 17,507 18,275 16,751 Average daily turnover of Exchange Fund Bills and Notes

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 76 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 4.13 (續) 金融市場及基金管理業的選定最新統計數字 Table 4.13 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Financial Markets and Fund Management Services

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

強制性公積金(強積金)計劃業務 Business of Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Schemes 核准受託人數目 19 19 19 19 19 19 Number of approved trustees

註冊計劃數目 48 48 48 48 47 47 Number of registered schemes

核准成分基金數目 319 319 321 321 319 323 Number of approved constituent funds

核准匯集投資基金數目 250 250 253 253 253 255 Number of approved pooled investment funds 強積金計劃的核准成分基金資產淨值 78,653 89,409 97,041 99,898 107,750 120,183 Net asset values of approved constituent funds of MPF Schemes 保本基金 13,051 14,150 15,185 16,143 17,164 18,237 Capital preservation fund

貨幣市場基金 703 740 771 799 823 856 Money market fund

保證基金 14,101 14,937 15,893 16,428 17,430 18,528 Guaranteed fund

債券基金 672 1,051 1,151 1,190 1,308 1,846 Bond fund

均衡基金 38,949 45,173 49,396 50,105 53,915 61,526 Balanced fund

股票基金 11,176 13,360 14,645 15,232 17,110 19,550 Equity fund

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 77 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

資料來源 Data Sources

表 資料來源 Table Sources 4.1 政府統計處 4.1 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組; Employment Statistics Section; 商業服務統計組; Business Services Statistics Section; 國民收入統計組(二) 一 National Income Section (2)1 4.2-4.3 證券及期貨事務監察委員會 4.2-4.3 The Securities and Futures Commission 4.4- 4.8 香港交易及結算所有限公司 4.4- 4.8 Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 4.9 金銀業貿易場 4.9 The Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society 4.10 香港金融管理局 4.10 Hong Kong Monetary Authority 4.11 證券及期貨事務監察委員會 4.11 The Securities and Futures Commission 4.12 強制性公積金計劃管理局 4.12 Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority

其他有關刊物 Further References

年報,香港交易及結算所有限公司編製 Annual Report, published by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 年報,強制性公積金計劃管理局編製 Annual Report, published by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority 年報,香港金融管理局編製 Annual Report, published by Hong Kong Monetary Authority 年報,證券及期貨事務監察委員會編製 Annual Report, published by The Securities and Futures Commission 就業及空缺統計(詳細統計表) Employment and Vacancies Statistics (Detailed Tables) 本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product 香港統計年刊 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 香港統計月刊 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics 服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries 就業及空缺按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Employment and Vacancies Statistics 倉庫業、通訊業、銀行業、財務業、保險業及 Report on Annual Survey of Storage, Communication, 商用服業務按年統計調查報告 Banking, Financing, Insurance and Business Services 統計摘要,強制性公積金計劃管理局編製 Statistical Digest, published by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 78 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

進出口貿易業 5 Import and Export Trade

概要 Highlights

在香港的經濟發展中,進出口貿易業一直扮 The import and export trade has been playing an 演著重要的角色。二零零四年,在港經營的 important role in the development of Hong Kong’s 進出口貿易機構單位為 95 500 間,就業人數 economy. In 2004, there were 95 500 import/export 為 499 000 人, 其中包括在職東主及股東、 trading establishments in Hong Kong, with 499 000 全職僱員以及兼職員工(例如經紀)。 people, including working proprietors and partners, full-time employees and part-time workers (such as commission agents) engaged in the sector.

進出口貿易業在二零零三年的生產淨值為 The import and export trade produced a net output of 2,549 億元,較一九九四年增加 53%。其增 $254.9 billion in 2003, representing an increase of 加價值佔二零零三年香港本地生產總值的 53% over 1994. It’s value added accounted for 21.6% 21.6%。 of Hong Kong’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2003.

在二零零四年,香港的進出口貨值為 41,300 In 2004, the value of Hong Kong imported and 億元,較零三年上升 16.4%。二零零四年香 exported goods was $4,130 billion, representing an 港的整體出口貨值( 包括港產品出口和轉口 increase of 16.4% compared to 2003. Hong Kong’s 貨品)為 20,190 億元,較零三年上升 15.9%。 total exports of goods (comprising domestic exports 在整體出口貨值當中,港產品出口貨值上升 and re-exports) in 2004 amounted to $2,019 billion, or 3.5%,轉口貨值則上升 16.8%。在零四年, increased by 15.9% when compared with 2003. 香港對中國內地的轉口貨值續有增加。 Within total exports of goods, the value of domestic exports increased by 3.5%, and that of re-exports increased by 16.8%. Continued increase in re-exports to the mainland of China was observed in 2004.

一九九四年至二零零四年期間,港產品出口 During 1994 to 2004, the value of domestic exports 貨值下跌 43%,而轉口貨值則錄得 100%的 decreased by 43%, while a growth of 100% was 增長。導致這現象的主因,是由於本地製造 observed in the value of re-exports. This was largely 業的生產程序遷往中國內地,而不少以外發 attributable to the relocation of local manufacturing 加工安排在中國內地生產的貨品均會運回香 activities to the mainland of China. Quite a large amount of the goods produced in the mainland of 港,再轉口至其他國家/地區。 China under the outward processing arrangement were sent back to Hong Kong and re-exported to other countries/territories.

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繼二零零三年錄得 11.5%的按年升幅後,隨着 Mirroring the profile of continuous increase in 二零零四年轉口持續上升,二零零四年進口 re-exports over the course of 2004, the value of 貨值較二零零三年進一步增加 16.9%,達 imports bolstered further by 16.9% over 2003 to 21,110 億元。 $2,111 billion, after a year-on-year increase of 11.5% in 2003.

除了對外商品貿易外,香港亦有進行服務貿 In addition to external trade in goods, Hong Kong is 易。在二零零四年,香港的服務輸出及輸入 also engaged in trade in services. In 2004, Hong 分別為 4,076 億元及 2,250 億元。與零三年 Kong exported and imported services with values of 比較,服務輸出上升 17.3%及服務輸入上升 $407.6 billion and $225.0 billion respectively. 14.7%。零四年服務輸出淨額錄得 1,826 億 Compared to 2003, exports of services increased by 元盈餘,高於零三年的 1,514 億元盈餘。這 17.3% and imports of services increased by 14.7%. 些服務可經由進出口貿易公司或其他行業的 Net exports of services in 2004 amounted to $182.6 公司輸出或輸入,而其中商貿服務及其他與 billion, higher than the $151.4 billion in 2003. While 貿易相關的服務則主要是經由進出口貿易公 these services could be exported or imported by the 司輸出或輸入。 import/export firms or companies in other sectors, most of the merchanting and other trade-related services were exported or imported by import/export firms.

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主要統計數字及統計圖 Key Statistics and Charts

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 進出口貿易業 Import and Export Trade

年 機構單位數目(1) 就業人數(1) 增加價值 業務收益指數 Year Number of Number of persons Value added Business receipts index establishments(1) engaged(1) (2000=100)

1994 104 881 512 122 166,908 96.8 2000 104 455 523 639 240,521 100.0 2001 100 438 506 383 244,148 85.9 2002 102 902 497 777 249,031 83.5 2003 97 977 492 992 254,891 89.0 2004 95 451 498 748 N.A. 100.0

對外商品貿易 External Merchandise Trade 港產品出口 港產品出口貨 年 進口貨值 進口貨值指數 貨值 值指數 轉口貨值 轉口貨值指數 Year Import value Value index for Domestic Value index for Re-export Value index for imports export value domestic value re-exports (2000=100) exports (2000=100) (2000=100)

1994 1,250,709 75.4 222,092 122.7 947,921 68.1 2000 1,657,962 100.0 180,967 100.0 1,391,722 100.0 2001 1,568,194 94.6 153,520 84.8 1,327,467 95.4 2002 1,619,419 97.7 130,926 72.3 1,429,590 102.7 2003 1,805,770 108.9 121,687 67.2 1,620,749 116.5 2004 2,111,123 127.3 125,982 69.6 1,893,132 136.0

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Note : (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year.

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圖 5.1 進出口貿易業的機構單位數目(1) 及就業人數(1) Chart 5.1 Number of Establishments(1) and Persons Engaged(1) in the Import and Export Trade

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged 120 000 600 000

100 000 500 000

80 000 400 000

60 000 300 000

40 000 200 000

20 000 100 000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Note : (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year.

圖 5.2 按主要供應地劃分的商品進口貨值 Chart 5.2 Imports of Goods by Main Supplier

進口貨值百分比 % of import value 100% 90% 80%

70% 60% 50%

40% 30% 20%

10% 0% 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

中國內地 日本 台灣 美國 其他 The mainland of China Japan Taiwan U.S.A. Others

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圖 5.3 按主要目的地劃分的港產品出口貨值 Chart 5.3 Domestic Exports of Goods by Main Destination

港產品出口貨值百分比 % of domestic export value 100% 90% 80% 70%

60% 50% 40%

30% 20% 10%

0% 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

美國 中國內地 英國 德國 其他 U.S.A The mainland of China U.K. Germany Others

圖 5.4 涉及外發中國內地加工的貿易(1) Chart 5.4 Trade Involving Outward Processing in the Mainland of China(1)

百萬元 $ million 2,000,000 1,800,000 1,600,000

1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000

400,000 200,000 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

原產地為中國內地經 由中國內地進口的貨品 輸往中國內地的轉口貨品 輸往中國內地 本港輸往其他地方的轉口貨品 Imports of goods from Re-exports of goods to 的港產出口貨品 Re-exports of goods of the mainland of the mainland of China the mainland of China Domestic exports of goods to China origin to other places the mainland of China

註釋 : (1) 貨值不包括無須按貨品分類的貨品和交易。 Note : (1) The value excludes commodities and transactions not classified according to kind.

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概念及方法 Concepts and Methods

香港的對外商品貿易統計是根據進出口報關表 Hong Kong’s external merchandise trade statistics are 上的資料編製。《中華人民共和國香港特別行政 compiled based on information contained in 區基本法》說明,香港特別行政區為單獨的關稅 import/export declarations. The Hong Kong Special 地區。香港與中國內地之間的商品貿易,亦須辦 Administrative Region is a separate customs territory, 理進出口報關。有關的統計資料,亦包括在香港 as stated in “The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special 的對外商品貿易統計數字內。 Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China”. Import/export declaration is also required for Hong Kong’s merchandise trade with the mainland of China, and statistics relating to this are included in Hong Kong’s external merchandise trade statistics.

對外商品貿易統計數字劃分為 (一)進口;(二)港 Statistics on external merchandise trade are classified 產品出口以及 (三)轉口。貨值或貨量可用作量度 into (a) imports; (b) domestic exports and (c) 對外商品貿易的變動。商品貿易一般是按運輸方 re-exports. External merchandise trade can be 式、貨品類別及貿易夥伴國家來劃分以方便分 measured in terms of value or volume. To facilitate 析。近年,涉及外發中國內地加工的貨品的貿易 analysis, merchandise trade is usually classified 在香港對外商品貿易總貨量中也佔一重要角色。 according to transport mode, goods types and country of trade partners. In recent years, trading of goods related to outward processing in the mainland of China also played a very important role in the total volume of Hong Kong’s external merchandise trade.

服務貿易是指服務輸出和服務輸入。服務輸出即 Trade in services (TIS) refers to exports of services and 是向世界其他地方出售服務;而服務輸入則是向 imports of services. Exports of services are the sales of 世界其他地方購入服務。 services to the rest of the world, whereas imports of services are the purchases of services from the rest of the world.

服務輸入及輸出是指香港經濟體系的「居民」與 Imports and exports of services represent transactions 「非居民」之間進行的交易。根據國際標準,一 between “residents” of the economy of Hong Kong and 個經濟體系的居民是指通常在該經濟體系內經 “non-residents”. According to international standards, 營業務的機構,以及通常在該經濟領域居住的人 residents refer to organizations which ordinarily 士。 operate in the economy, and persons who normally stay in the economic territory.

服務輸入及輸出按不同服務類別分類,包括運 Imports and exports of services are classified into 輸、旅遊、保險服務、金融服務、商貿服務及其 different types of services, including transportation, 他與貿易相關的服務,以及其他服務。有關分類 travel, insurance services, financial services, 的詳情,請參閱《香港服務貿易統計報告》。 merchanting and other trade-related services, and other services. For details of the classification, please refer to the Report on Hong Kong Trade in Services Statistics.

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香港與中國內地之間的服務貿易視作對外交 Hong Kong’s TIS with the mainland of China are 易,並包括在香港服務貿易統計數字內。 treated as external transactions and included in Hong Kong’s TIS statistics.

香港服務貿易統計數字是根據各項數據資料來 Hong Kong’s TIS statistics are compiled based on data 源編製而成的,包括從機構和住戶的統計調查搜 collected via various sources, including establishment 集所得的數據,以及從行政記錄及其他資料來源 and household surveys, administrative records and 所得的數據。 other data sources.

除傳統的進出口貿易公司外,進出口貿易業 亦包 In addition to traditional import and export trading 括那些營運性質由製造業轉為貿易業的公司,及 firms, import and export trade also covers those firms 從事分判製造工序予香港以外地方的進出口貿 which have shifted their operational status from 易公司。 manufacturing to trading, and import and export trading firms which have been engaged in sub-contract processing arrangement in places outside Hong Kong.

不少本港製造業公司分判製造工序,把那些勞工 Many local manufacturing firms have been relocating 密集及較低增加價值的製造工序遷移至香港以 their labour-intensive and lower value added 外地方。有些製造業公司仍在香港保留一些涉及 manufacturing processes outside Hong Kong through 較高技術及較先進科技的生產工序。但很多以前 sub-contract processing arrangement. Some 從事製造業的公司則將整個生產工序遷往香港 manufacturing firms are still undertaking some 以外地方,特別是中國內地。在香港的公司則祇 operation processes in Hong Kong, in particular those 保留其他非製造的功能,例如市場銷售、訂單處 involving higher skill and more advanced technology. 理、材料採購、設計、產品發展、品質控制、包 However, many firms previously engaged in 裝及後勤服務等。雖然這些香港公司會為香港以 manufacturing have moved all processes to places 外的生產活動提供技術支援服務,但它們已由製 outside Hong Kong, especially to the mainland of 造業公司轉為服務供應公司。 China, leaving only non-manufacturing activities such as marketing, orders processing, materials sourcing, design, product development, quality control, packaging and logistics with the local firms. Hence the local firms have shifted from being manufacturing firms to service-providers, although they may provide technical support services to the manufacturing activities outside Hong Kong.

此外,不少傳統的進出口貿易公司在不同程度 Besides, many traditional import and export firms also 上為香港以外的生產單位提供與製造業相關的 render, to various degrees, manufacturing–related 技術支援服務。在九十年代中,本港有不少新 technical support services to the production units 公司成立,作為香港以外的新生產機構的香港 outside Hong Kong. In the mid 90s, quite a large 基地,其經營方式與傳統的進出口公司不同。 number of new firms were set up to serve as a local 這等香港貿易公司和香港以外的生產機構的關 base for new manufacturing firms outside Hong Kong, 係極為密切,事實上很多時兩方均由同一企業 operating in a way somewhat different from traditional 家擁有。 importers and exporters. The local trading firms and the factories outside Hong Kong are highly associated, in fact, they are often owned by the same entrepreneur.

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用語及定義 Terms and Definitions

機構單位 是指在單一擁有權或控制權下,在單一 An establishment is defined as an economic unit which 地點從事一種或主要從事一種經濟活動的經濟 engages, under a single ownership or control, in one or 單位,例如個別工廠、工場、零售店及辦公室。 predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single physical location, e.g. an individual factory, workshop, retail shop and office.

就業人數 包括所有於統計日期工作最少一小時 Persons engaged include all individual proprietors, 及經常參與機構單位業務的東主、合夥人,以及 partners and persons having family ties with any of the 與東主或合夥人有親屬關係並在機構單位工作 proprietors or partners and working in the 而無正薪的人士;及所有於統計日期向機構單位 establishment without regular pay, who are actively 直接支取薪酬的全職受薪僱員,以及有限公司的 engaged in the work of the establishment for at least 在職董事,其中包括長期或臨時聘用的,無論這 one hour on the survey reference date; and all full-time 些僱員正在本港或其他地方工作或暫時缺勤(即 salaried personnel or employees and working directors 正在放病假、分娩假、年假、事假的工人及罷工 of limited companies directly paid by the 者)。在統計日期工作最少一小時的兼職僱員, establishment, both permanent and temporary, who are 以及夜班或通宵班的僱員亦包括在內。由一九九 either at work (whether or not in Hong Kong) or 九年三月開始,有關點算就業人數的工作時數定 temporarily absent from work (viz. those on sick leave, 義由原有的「在統計日期工作最少三小時」改為 maternity leave, annual vacation or casual leave, and 「在統計日期工作最少一小時」。 on strike) on the survey reference date. Part-time employees and employees on night/irregular shifts working for at least one hour on the survey reference date are also included. As from March 1999, the rule for counting the number of persons engaged has been changed from the previous definition of “working for at least three hours” to a new definition of “working for at least one hour”.

本地生產總值 是指一個國家或地區的所有常住 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the 生產單位,在一個指定的期間內,未扣除固定資 total value of production of all resident producing units 本消耗的生產總價值。 of a country or territory in a specified period, before deducting allowance for consumption of fixed capital.

生產總額 包括從銷售貨物所賺得的毛利、租金收 Gross output consists of margin on sales of goods, 入、佣金、各類收費及其他服務收費。銷售中所 rentals, commissions, fees and other service charges. 賺得的毛利是相等於貨物的售價和已扣除物價 The margin on sales is equal to the sales value less the 升值的貨物成本之間的差額。 cost of goods sold which is adjusted for price appreciation.

增加價值 是生產總額減去中間投產消耗(生產過 Value added is defined as the value of gross output less 程中所耗用的貨物和服務的價值)。 the value of intermediate consumption (the value of goods and services used up in the course of production).

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商品貿易指數 已更新,新系列是以二零零零年為 The merchandise trade index numbers have been 基期。二零零零年以前的新系列指數是將以往發 updated. The new series has year 2000 as the base 表的舊系列指數(以一九九零年為基期)按比例換 year. In the new series, indexes for periods prior to 算得來,所用的換算因子是根據新舊系列在二零 2000 are obtained by rescaling the previously 零零年重疊期間的數值而計算的。 published series, which has 1990 as the base year, using a conversion factor derived from the levels of the old and new series in the overlapping period of 2000.

貿易單位價格指數 的計算方法,首先是根據商品 The trade unit value index is obtained by first 貿易統計所得的貨品單位價格及進出口價格調 computing the price relative (based on unit values and 查所得的貨品實際價格,計算出計算期與上年度 product specification price data) in the current period 的貨品價格對比,再用上年度的商品貿易貨值作 over that in the previous year, and then using the 為權數,將計算期的各項貨品價格對比合成指 merchandise trade values in the previous year as 數。因此,這指數是以上年度為基期,最後用連 weights to aggregate the price relatives of different 續相乘方法,將以上年度為基期的指數轉為以二 commodity items. The result, being an index with the 零零零年度為基期的指數。 previous year as base, is converted to an index with 2000 as base by the method of chaining.

貿易貨量指數 的計算方法是首先計算各個市場 The trade quantum index is derived by first deflating 中個別貨品項目的平減價格貨值(即該項貨品的 merchandise trade values at the sub-class-country level 貨值除以相應的單位價格指數),而整體貨品的 by their corresponding unit value indices to derive the 平減價格貨值是由個別貨品項目的平減價格貨 deflated values. Deflated values for higher levels of 值相加而得來。貨量指數則根據各項貨品的平減 aggregation are then obtained by summing up the 價格貨值與基期比較而計算出來。 deflated values of the components. The trade quantum indices based on the changes in deflated values with respect to the base period can then be derived.

進口貨品 是指在香港以外出產或製成的貨品,輸 Imports of goods are goods which have been produced 入香港供本地使用或轉口,以及再進口的香港產 or manufactured in places outside the jurisdiction of 品。其貨值是以到岸價計算。 Hong Kong and brought into Hong Kong for domestic use or for subsequent re-export as well as Hong Kong products re-imported. Their values are recorded on c.i.f. (cost, insurance and freight) basis.

港產品出口貨物 是指本港天然產品或在本港經 Domestic exports of goods are the natural produce of 過製造工序,以致其基本原料的形狀、性質、式 Hong Kong or the products of a manufacturing process 樣或用途受到永久改變的產品。其貨值是以離岸 in Hong Kong which has changed permanently the 價計算。 shape, nature, form or utility of the basic materials used in manufacture. Their values are recorded on f.o.b. (free-on-board) basis.

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轉口貨品 是指輸出曾經自外地輸入本港的貨 Re-exports of goods are products which have 品,而這些貨品並沒有在本港經過任何製造工 previously been imported into Hong Kong and which 序,以致永久改變其形狀、性質、式樣或用途。 are re-exported without having undergone in Hong 其貨值是以離岸價計算。 Kong a manufacturing process which has changed permanently the shape, nature, form or utility of the product. Their values are recorded on f.o.b. (free-on-board) basis.

「到岸價值」 是指貨物運抵香港時的成本價值, C.I.F. (cost, insurance and freight) represents the 包括保險費、運費、佣金以及貨物由付運地運到 purchase price (or cost if not bought) of the goods on 本港入口商時所需的一切費用。 arrival in Hong Kong, including insurance, freight, commission and all the other costs, charges and expenses incidental to the sale and delivery of the goods to Hong Kong.

「離岸價值」 是指貨物在裝載到離港運輸工具上 F.O.B. (free-on-board) represents the selling price (or 時,對海外進口商而言的成本價值,包括賣方利 cost if not sold) of the goods to the customer abroad, 潤、本地運輸、出口包裝、裝載費用、本地保險 including all the other costs, charges and expenses 費、文件費用(包括領事費和配額費)及本地或 accruing up to the point where the goods are loaded on 海外代理人的佣金。 board the exporting carrier. Other costs, charges and expenses generally consist of seller's profit, local transportation cost, export packing costs, loading charges, local insurance charges, documentation fees (including consular fee and quota charges), and commissions payable to local or overseas agency.

中國內地外發加工 是指以合約安排介於香港及 Outward processing (OP) in the mainland of China is 中國內地所進行的生產程序。其安排受以下的限 defined as a contractual agreement between a Hong 制:(一)其中原料或半製成品全部或部分須由香 Kong party and a party in the mainland of China to 港方面供應;以及(二)其中的製成品須運回香港 carry out production processing in the mainland, which 本地銷售或轉口往香港以外國家。 is subject to the following conditions : (a) the raw materials or semi-manufactures required have to be supplied wholly or partly by the Hong Kong party; and (b) the processed goods have to be returned to Hong Kong for local consumption or export to an overseas country.

服務輸入及輸出 是指香港經濟體系的「居民」與 Imports and exports of services represent transactions 「非居民」之間進行的交易。根據國際標準,一 between “residents” of the economy of Hong Kong and 個經濟體系的居民是指通常在該經濟體系內經 “non-residents”. According to international standards, 營業務的機構,以及通常在該經濟領域居住的人 residents refer to organizations which ordinarily 士。 operate in the economy, and persons who normally stay in the economic territory.

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分判製造工序予中國內地的活動 是指一項香港 Sub-contract processing arrangement in the mainland 機構與內地機構的合約安排。香港機構根據合約 of China (SPAC) is defined as a contractual agreement 將生產工序由香港分判予內地進行,不論生產所 between a party in Hong Kong and a party in the 需的原料或半製成品是否須部分或全部由港方 Mainland, whereby the Hong Kong party places an 提供,或經加工後的製成品是否須運返香港作本 order with the party in the Mainland to carry out 銷或出口往外國。 production processing in the Mainland, regardless of whether the raw materials or semi-manufactures required have to be supplied wholly or partly by the Hong Kong party, or the processed goods have to be returned to Hong Kong for local consumption or exporting to overseas countries.

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統計表 Statistical Tables

表 5.1 進出口貿易業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Table 5.1 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Import and Export Trade

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目(1) 104 881 104 455 100 438 102 902 97 977 95 451 Number of establishments(1) (21.3) (5.8) (-3.8) (2.5) (-4.8) (-2.6)

就業人數(1) 512 122 523 639 506 383 497 777 492 992 498 748 Number of persons engaged(1) (18.1) (5.7) (-3.3) (-1.7) (-1.0) (1.2)

業務收益指數 (2000 = 100) 96.8 100.0 85.9 83.5 89.0 100.0 Business receipts index (2000 = 100) (13.6) (12.0) (-14.1) (-2.8) (6.5) (12.4)

生產總額 314,272 402,300 402,496 405,406 414,601 N.A. Gross output (13.6) (8.8) (#) (0.7) (2.3) (-)

增加價值 166,908 240,521 244,148 249,031 254,891 N.A. Value added (11.9) (12.5) (1.5) (2.0) (2.4) (-) 在以要素成本計算的本地生產總值內所 佔比率 (百分比) 17.2 19.6 20.1 20.7 21.6 N.A. Contribution to GDP at factor cost (%) 增加價值在生產總額所佔比率 53.1 59.8 60.7 61.4 61.5 N.A. Value added as % of gross output

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. # 表示變動百分率在 ± 0.05%以內。 # Denotes change within ± 0.05%.

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表 5.2 商品貿易指數(1) Table 5.2 Merchandise Trade Index Numbers(1)

(2000 = 100) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

進口 Imports 貨值指數 75.4 100.0 94.6 97.7 108.9 127.3 Value index 單位價格指數 105.2 100.0 96.9 93.1 92.8 95.5 Unit value index 貨量指數 71.6 100.0 98.0 105.7 119.1 135.9 Quantum index

港產品出口 Domestic exports 貨值指數 122.7 100.0 84.8 72.3 67.2 69.6 Value index 單位價格指數 106.3 100.0 95.3 92.2 92.4 93.8 Unit value index 貨量指數 114.1 100.0 89.8 79.7 73.8 75.6 Quantum index

轉口 Re-exports 貨值指數 68.1 100.0 95.4 102.7 116.5 136.0 Value index 單位價格指數 105.6 100.0 98.0 95.4 94.0 95.0 Unit value index 貨量指數 63.3 100.0 97.6 108.2 125.6 146.1 Quantum index

註釋 : (1) 商品貿易指數已更新,新系列是以二零零零 Note : (1) The merchandise trade index numbers have been 年為基期。二零零零年以前的新系列指數是 updated. The new series has year 2000 as the base 將以往發表的舊系列指數(以一九九零年為 year. In the new series, indexes for periods prior 基期)按比例換算得來,所用的換算因子是根 to 2000 are obtained by rescaling the previously 據新舊系列在二零零零年重疊期間的數值而 published series, which has 1990 as the base year, 計算的。 using a conversion factor derived from the levels of the old and new series in the overlapping period of 2000.

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表 5.3 香港在世界主要商品貿易國家的排名位置 Table 5.3 Hong Kong’s Position among Leading World Merchandise Traders

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

進口 7 10 10 10 11 11 Imports

出口 9* 10 10 11 11 11 Exports

總計 8 10 10 11 11 11 Total trade

註釋 : 本表內所列的排名位置是以「世界貿易組織」的資 Note : The ranking in this table is based on the data released by 料數據為根據,因此可能有別於根據其他來源的對 the “World Trade Organization (WTO)”. It may 外商品貿易統計數字而訂定的排名。 therefore be different from the ranking based on external merchandise trade statistics published by other sources.

表 5.4 按貨品類別劃分的進口貨值 Table 5.4 Imports by Commodity Section

百萬元 $ million 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

進口 1,250,709 1,657,962 1,568,194 1,619,419 1,805,770 2,111,123 Imports (16.6) (19.0) (-5.4) (3.3) (11.5) (16.9) 食物及活動物 50,776 57,438 54,413 53,682 53,801 54,993 Food and live animals (17.4) (3.0) (-5.3) (-1.3) (0.2) (2.2) 飲料及煙草 19,178 10,642 10,358 9,836 9,295 10,707 Beverages and tobacco (5.9) (-2.2) (-2.7) (-5.0) (-5.5) (15.2) 除燃料外的非食用未加工材料 23,816 23,233 20,674 20,020 21,514 22,141 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels (25.8) (5.7) (-11.0) (-3.2) (7.5) (2.9) 礦物燃料、滑潤劑及有關物質 24,378 35,321 31,489 32,301 36,443 49,999 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related (25.1) (23.7) (-10.8) (2.6) (12.8) (37.2) materials 動物及植物油、脂肪及蠟 3,007 3,184 3,365 3,269 2,252 2,224 Animal and vegetable oil, fats and (141.8) (25.6) (5.7) (-2.9) (-31.1) (-1.3) waxes 未列入其他分類的化學品及有關產品 84,122 104,559 89,942 94,093 105,109 127,655 Chemicals and related products, not (25.9) (16.3) (-14.0) (4.6) (11.7) (21.4) elsewhere classified 主要以材料分類的製成品 259,536 282,506 253,642 259,434 288,300 326,888 Manufactured goods classified chiefly (17.8) (13.1) (-10.2) (2.3) (11.1) (13.4) by materials 機械及運輸設備 443,633 707,766 688,090 746,578 875,106 1,072,722 Machinery and transport equipment (17.5) (30.9) (-2.8) (8.5) (17.2) (22.6) 雜項製成品 337,549 432,398 415,695 399,167 412,999 442,529 Miscellaneous manufactured articles (11.4) (11.2) (-3.9) (-4.0) (3.5) (7.2) 未列入其他分類的貨品及交易 4,714 916 526 1,038 950 1,265 Commodities and transactions, not (19.0) (-74.8) (-42.6) (97.4) (-8.5) (33.2) elsewhere classified

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Note : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year.

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表 5.5 按貨品類別劃分的港產品出口貨值 Table 5.5 Domestic Exports by Commodity Section

百萬元 $ million 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

港產品出口 222,092 180,967 153,520 130,926 121,687 125,982 Domestic exports (-0.4) (6.1) (-15.2) (-14.7) (-7.1) (3.5) 食物及活動物 2,883 1,724 1,469 1,525 1,373 1,368 Food and live animals (15.4) (1.9) (-14.8) (3.8) (-9.9) (-0.4) 飲料及煙草 2,968 1,026 1,050 1,141 1,410 1,834 Beverages and tobacco (2.5) (8.0) (2.3) (8.7) (23.6) (30.1) 除燃料外的非食用未加工材料 1,818 1,903 1,838 1,788 2,393 3,150 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels (8.6) (27.2) (-3.4) (-2.8) (33.8) (31.7) 礦物燃料、滑潤劑及有關物質 834 847 923 1,041 1,368 1,545 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related (-57.0) (42.7) (8.9) (12.8) (31.5) (12.9) materials 動物及植物油、脂肪及蠟 128 73 58 81 73 68 Animal and vegetable oil, fats and (13.4) (-68.8) (-20.5) (39.6) (-9.9) (-7.0) waxes 未列入其他分類的化學品及有關產品 8,418 6,300 5,489 5,305 5,803 6,661 Chemicals and related products, not (8.4) (11.4) (-12.9) (-3.3) (9.4) (14.8) elsewhere classified 主要以材料分類的製成品 26,455 15,877 12,964 11,272 9,158 8,648 Manufactured goods classified chiefly (-5.6) (1.6) (-18.3) (-13.1) (-18.8) (-5.6) by materials 機械及運輸設備 62,211 44,846 32,816 24,568 17,981 20,999 Machinery and transport equipment (0.8) (12.9) (-26.8) (-25.1) (-26.8) (16.8) 雜項製成品 112,472 107,773 96,440 83,596 81,565 81,079 Miscellaneous manufactured articles (0.1) (4.5) (-10.5) (-13.3) (-2.4) (-0.6) 未列入其他分類的貨品及交易 3,906 597 473 610 562 629 Commodities and transactions, not (-4.5) (-60.5) (-20.9) (29.2) (-8.0) (12.0) elsewhere classified

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Note : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year.

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表 5.6 按貨品類別劃分的轉口貨值 Table 5.6 Re-exports by Commodity Section

百萬元 $ million 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

轉口 947,921 1,391,722 1,327,467 1,429,590 1,620,749 1,893,132 Re-exports (15.2) (18.1) (-4.6) (7.7) (13.4) (16.8) 食物及活動物 15,980 18,515 16,445 15,196 14,031 11,584 Food and live animals (21.3) (8.4) (-11.2) (-7.6) (-7.7) (-17.4) 飲料及煙草 14,234 6,157 5,643 5,357 4,700 5,113 Beverages and tobacco (13.0) (-9.7) (-8.3) (-5.1) (-12.3) (8.8) 除燃料外的非食用未加工材料 15,677 17,685 15,022 14,537 16,106 16,788 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels (19.6) (-0.6) (-15.1) (-3.2) (10.8) (4.2) 礦物燃料、滑潤劑及有關物質 8,468 3,357 2,693 2,369 2,618 3,441 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related (12.2) (-21.3) (-19.8) (-12.0) (10.5) (31.4) materials 動物及植物油、脂肪及蠟 1,873 988 682 732 572 508 Animal and vegetable oil, fats and (235.2) (-24.4) (-31.0) (7.4) (-21.9) (-11.2) waxes 未列入其他分類的化學品及有關產品 56,731 74,983 66,743 70,188 78,692 94,902 Chemicals and related products, not (25.2) (12.0) (-11.0) (5.2) (12.1) (20.6) elsewhere classified 主要以材料分類的製成品 165,653 216,264 195,114 203,868 223,838 253,494 Manufactured goods classified chiefly (15.6) (14.0) (-9.8) (4.5) (9.8) (13.2) by materials 機械及運輸設備 304,789 560,832 560,060 658,920 802,393 990,121 Machinery and transport equipment (17.9) (29.9) (-0.1) (17.7) (21.8) (23.4) 雜項製成品 361,579 492,212 464,613 457,356 476,712 515,642 Miscellaneous manufactured articles (10.7) (11.8) (-5.6) (-1.6) (4.2) (8.2) 未列入其他分類的貨品及交易 2,936 729 452 1,067 1,086 1,538 Commodities and transactions, not (18.9) (-71.0) (-38.0) (136.0) (1.8) (41.7) elsewhere classified

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Note : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year.

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表 5.7 按選定國家/地區劃分的商品貿易統計數字 Table 5.7 Merchandise Trade Statistics by Selected Countries/Territories

百萬元 $ million 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

按主要供應地劃分的進口貨值 Imports by main supplier 中國內地 470,876 714,987 681,980 717,074 785,625 918,275 The mainland of China (17.1) (17.7) (-4.6) (5.1) (9.6) (16.9) 日本 195,036 198,976 176,599 182,569 213,995 256,141 Japan (9.6) (22.3) (-11.2) (3.4) (17.2) (19.7) 台灣 107,310 124,172 107,929 115,906 125,203 153,812 Taiwan (14.2) (23.6) (-13.1) (7.4) (8.0) (22.8) 美國 89,343 112,801 104,941 91,478 98,730 111,994 U.S.A. (12.5) (14.4) (-7.0) (-12.8) (7.9) (13.4)

按主要目的地劃分的港產品出口貨值 Domestic exports by main destination 美國 61,419 54,438 47,589 41,908 39,130 38,636 U.S.A. (1.9) (6.0) (-12.6) (-11.9) (-6.6) (-1.3) 中國內地 61,009 54,158 49,547 41,374 36,757 37,898 The mainland of China (-3.7) (7.4) (-8.5) (-16.5) (-11.2) (3.1) 英國 10,292 10,681 8,578 7,588 7,762 8,190 U.K. (-4.4) (2.8) (-19.7) (-11.5) (2.3) (5.5) 德國 12,811 9,294 5,818 4,273 4,853 4,985 Germany (-8.3) (8.8) (-37.4) (-26.6) (13.6) (2.7)

按主要來源地劃分的轉口貨值 Re-exports by main origin 中國內地 545,831 849,517 808,370 863,967 967,104 1,135,469 The mainland of China (15.2) (18.0) (-4.8) (6.9) (11.9) (17.4) 日本 121,936 137,338 125,649 135,793 161,231 194,247 Japan (10.9) (13.3) (-8.5) (8.1) (18.7) (20.5) 台灣 72,060 87,942 80,321 94,275 107,144 133,874 Taiwan (11.5) (22.2) (-8.7) (17.4) (13.7) (24.9) 美國 43,678 65,465 65,193 62,900 63,158 61,771 U.S.A. (16.7) (15.4) (-0.4) (-3.5) (0.4) (-2.2)

按主要目的地劃分的轉口貨值 Re-exports by main destination 中國內地 322,835 488,823 496,574 571,870 705,787 850,645 The mainland of China (17.6) (22.5) (1.6) (15.2) (23.4) (20.5) 美國 210,077 311,047 282,189 291,043 285,084 302,964 U.S.A. (16.5) (15.4) (-9.3) (3.1) (-2.0) (6.3) 日本 54,745 82,050 83,551 80,743 91,154 104,733 Japan (24.0) (21.5) (1.8) (-3.4) (12.9) (14.9) 德國 41,617 50,599 45,774 44,567 51,369 57,915 Germany (2.0) (14.7) (-9.5) (-2.6) (15.3) (12.7)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Note : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year.

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表 5.8 涉及外發中國內地加工的貿易(1) Table 5.8 Trade Involving Outward Processing in the Mainland of China(1)

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

涉及外發加工貿易的估計貨值 Estimated value of outward processing trade 輸往中國內地的港產出口貨品 41,959 39,304 35,172 28,848 24,924 24,825 Domestic exports of goods to the (-7.0) (4.3) (-10.5) (-18.0) (-13.6) (-0.4) mainland of China 輸往中國內地的轉口貨品 139,221 242,929 224,381 248,801 301,223 361,610 Re-exports of goods to the mainland of (21.0) (22.8) (-7.6) (10.9) (21.1) (20.0) China 從中國內地進口的貨品 354,912 567,000 531,960 531,034 564,933 661,543 Imports of goods from the mainland of (20.2) (16.3) (-6.2) (-0.2) (6.4) (17.1) China 原產地為中國內地經本港輸往其他地方 的轉口貨品 422,544 647,338 578,329 594,708 603,592* 684,888 Re-exports of goods of the mainland of (15.9) (13.5) (-10.7) (2.8) (1.5) (13.5) China origin to other places

涉及外發加工貿易的估計比率 (百分比) Estimated proportion of outward processing trade (%) 輸往中國內地的港產出口貨品 71.4 72.7 71.0 69.8 68.0 65.7 Domestic exports of goods to the mainland of China 輸往中國內地的轉口貨品 43.3 49.7 45.2 43.5 42.7 42.5 Re-exports of goods to the mainland of China 從中國內地進口的貨品 75.9 79.3 78.0 74.0 71.7 72.0 Imports of goods from the mainland of China 原產地為中國內地經本港輸往其他地方 的轉口貨品 82.0 85.1 82.2 82.5 79.5* 79.3 Re-exports of goods of the mainland of China origin to other places

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 貨值不包括無須按貨品分類的貨品和交易。 (1) The value excludes commodities and transactions not classified according to kind.

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表 5.9 按主要服務組別劃分的服務輸出及輸入 Table 5.9 Exports and Imports of Services by Major Service Group

百萬元 $ million 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003+ 2004+

服務輸出(1) 222,239 301,813 307,657 335,362* 347,432* 407,555 Exports of services(1) (11.3) (13.7) (1.9) (9.0) (3.6) (17.3) 運輸 81,115 99,513 93,675 103,751 105,601 131,187 Transportation (11.8) (11.5) (-5.9) (10.8) (1.8) (24.2) 旅遊(1) 53,953 46,019 46,362 58,134* 55,575* 70,145 Travel(1) (4.1) (7.4) (0.7) (25.4) (-4.4) (26.2) 保險服務 3,430 3,452 3,556 3,421 3,672 3,949 Insurance services (0.5) (12.6) (3.0) (-3.8) (7.3) (7.5) 金融服務 17,090 20,859 21,823 20,235* 20,154 22,180 Financial services (19.0) (8.6) (4.6) (-7.3) (-0.4) (10.1) 商貿服務及其他與貿易相關的服務 44,531 97,616 106,447 115,996 128,616 144,753 Merchanting and other trade-related (12.5) (19.7) (9.0) (9.0) (10.9) (12.5) services 其他服務 22,119 34,355 35,794 33,826 33,814 35,341 Other services (23.4) (15.8) (4.2) (-5.5) (#) (4.5)

服務輸入 160,568 191,543 192,453 199,676 196,080 224,992 Imports of services (15.9) (4.1) (0.5) (3.8) (-1.8) (14.7) 運輸 48,233 48,628 50,916 48,518 48,812 58,765 Transportation (8.9) (23.9) (4.7) (-4.7) (0.6) (20.4) 旅遊 66,745 97,402 96,057 96,846 89,133 102,201 Travel (21.6) (-4.4) (-1.4) (0.8) (-8.0) (14.7) 保險服務 6,417 4,111 4,028 4,618 5,101 5,756 Insurance services (42.3) (-17.4) (-2.0) (14.6) (10.5) (12.8) 金融服務 5,849 5,536 5,242 4,876 5,403 6,062 Financial services (31.9) (-3.4) (-5.3) (-7.0) (10.8) (12.2) 商貿服務及其他與貿易相關的服務 8,149 11,170 11,802 14,660 16,809 19,637 Merchanting and other trade-related (1.1) (6.3) (5.7) (24.2) (14.7) (16.8) services 其他服務 25,175 24,695 24,408 30,158 30,822 32,571 Other services (12.8) (13.7) (-1.2) (23.6) (2.2) (5.7)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 二零零二年至二零零三年的數字已根據香港 (1) Figures from 2002 to 2003 have been revised to 旅遊發展局所發布到港旅客境內消費開支的 incorporate the revised data on destination 修訂數字而作出修訂。 consumption expenditure of incoming visitors and travellers released by the Hong Kong Tourism Board. + 數字在日後會作出修訂。 + Figures are subject to revision later on. # 表示變動百分率在增減 0.05%以內。 # Denotes change within ± 0.05%.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 97 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 5.10 從事製造業相關活動的進出口公司及製造業公司的機構單位數目、就業人數、增加價 值及銷貨收益 Table 5.10 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Value Added and Sales Revenue of Import/Export Firms with Manufacturing-Related Activities and Manufacturing Firms

十億元(另有註明除外) $ billion (unless otherwise specified) 1994 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

從事製造業相關活動的進出口公司(1) Import/export firms with manufacturing-related activities(1) 機構單位數目 20 490 22 334 19 000 15 647 16 378 15 231 Number of establishments (14.7) (3.2) (-14.9) (-17.6) (4.7) (-7.0) 就業人數 (千人) 140.4 133.6 120.9 108.2 112.8 109.1 Number of persons engaged (31.2) (-7.8) (-9.5) (-10.5) (4.3) (-3.3) (thousands) 增加價值 38.0 57.3 60.2 60.2 68.2 65.4 Value added (32.4) (-9.3) (5.0) (#) (13.3) (-4.2) 銷貨收益(2) 390.0 485.6 483.5 436.0 461.6 428.8 Sales revenue(2) (48.3) (-9.1) (-0.4) (-9.8) (5.9) (-7.1) 以往曾經為製造公司 Operated as manufacturing firms before 機構單位數目 7 284 5 979 5 551 4 463 4 261 3 944 Number of establishments (17.5) (-8.7) (-7.2) (-19.6) (-4.5) (-7.4) 就業人數 (千人) 66.4 47.1 41.7 40.9 37.3 36.0 Number of persons engaged (36.1) (-16.1) (-11.4) (-2.0) (-8.9) (-3.3) (thousands) 增加價值 20.2 17.6 18.9 21.7 24.8 23.7 Value added (40.3) (-33.7) (7.8) (14.5) (14.3) (-4.3) 銷貨收益(2) 199.1 154.0 149.9 163.3 165.5 158.8 Sales revenue(2) (60.3) (-22.0) (-2.7) (8.9) (1.4) (-4.1) 成立時為進出口公司 Set up as Import/Export firm 機構單位數目 13 208 16 355 13 449 11 183 12 117 11 288 Number of establishments (13.2) (8.3) (-17.8) (-16.8) (8.3) (-6.8) 就業人數 (千人) 74.0 86.5 79.2 67.3 75.5 73.1 Number of persons engaged (26.9) (-2.5) (-8.5) (-15.0) (12.2) (-3.2) (thousands) 增加價值 17.8 39.8 41.3 38.5 43.5 41.6 Value added (24.5) (8.4) (3.8) (-6.7) (12.8) (-4.2) 銷貨收益(2) 190.9 331.5 333.6 272.7 296.1 270.0 Sales revenue(2) (37.5) (-1.5) (0.6) (-18.2) (8.6) (-8.8)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字是指從事分判製造工序予中國內地及提 (1) Figures refer to import and export firms engaged 供與製造業相關的技術支援的進出口貿易公 in sub-contract processing arrangement in the 司。 mainland of China (SPAC) and providing manufacturing-related technical support services. (2) 銷貨收益包括銷售自行生產的貨物和轉售從 (2) Sales revenue includes revenue from selling of 外購買的貨物所得的收益。此外,有關貨物 goods produced in-house and those purchased 包括本地生產貨品及透過分判製造工序予中 from external parties. Also, it covers goods 國內地生產的產品。 produced locally and those produced in the mainland through SPAC. # 表示變動百分率在 ± 0.05%以內。 # Denotes change within ± 0.05%.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五 98 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 5.10 (續) 從事製造業相關活動的進出口公司及製造業公司的機構單位數目、就業人 數、增加價值及銷貨收益 Table 5.10 (Cont’d.) Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Value Added and Sales Revenue of Import/Export Firms with Manufacturing-Related Activities and Manufacturing Firms

十億元(另有註明除外) $ billion (unless otherwise specified) 1994 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

製造業公司 Manufacturing firms 機構單位數目 31 988 20 383 18 958 17 258 16 460 15 156 Number of establishments (-7.0) (-9.1) (-7.0) (-9.0) (-4.6) (-7.9) 就業人數 (千人) 433.7 223.2 214.2 197.9 186.4 172.4 Number of persons engaged (-14.1) (-11.3) (-4.0) (-7.6) (-5.8) (-7.5) (thousands) 增加價值 86.5 65.8 69.8 61.8 53.4 46.7 Value added (-5.1) (-7.2) (6.1) (-11.5) (-13.6) (-12.5) 銷貨收益(2) 330.1 230.4 252.0 224.8 189.0 157.9 Sales revenue(2) (-2.4) (-12.0) (9.4) (-10.8) (-15.9) (-16.5)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (2) 銷貨收益包括銷售自行生產的貨物和轉售從 (2) Sales revenue includes revenue from selling of 外購買的貨物所得的收益。此外,有關貨物 goods produced in-house and those purchased 包括本地生產貨品及透過分判製造工序予中 from external parties. Also, it covers goods 國內地生產的產品。 produced locally and those produced in the mainland through SPAC.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 99 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 5.11 進出口貿易業的選定最新統計數字 Table 5.11 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Import and Export Trade

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

機構單位數目 96 459 96 834 95 144 94 605 95 530 96 523 Number of establishments

就業人數 489 012 490 700 486 851 494 614 510 240 503 287 Number of persons engaged

業務收益指數 (2000=100) 98.2 97.4 85.9 98.4 109.6* 106.0 Business receipts index (2000=100)

商品貿易指數 - 進口 (2000=100) Merchandise trade index numbers - imports (2000=100) 貨值指數 114.1 120.0 112.6 127.3 135.2 134.2 Value index

單位價格指數 92.4 92.8 94.0 94.8 96.2 96.8 Unit value index

貨量指數 125.5 131.6 121.8 136.7 143.3 141.8 Quantum index

商品貿易指數 - 港產品出口 (2000=100) Merchandise trade index numbers - domestic exports (2000=100) 貨值指數 77.5 71.0 57.0 66.2 78.1 77.1 Value index

單位價格指數 92.8 91.8 91.9 92.5 94.5 95.7 Unit value index

貨量指數 84.6 78.3 63.3 72.8 84.1 82.0 Quantum index

商品貿易指數 - 轉口 (2000=100) Merchandise trade index numbers - re-exports (2000=100) 貨值指數 123.8 127.2 117.0 133.2 146.7 147.3 Value index

單位價格指數 93.6 93.4 94.2 94.6 95.4 95.8 Unit value index

貨量指數 134.1 138.6 126.5 143.5 156.6 157.6 Quantum index

服務業統計摘要 二零零五 100 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 5.11 (續) 進出口貿易業的選定最新統計數字 Table 5.11 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Import and Export Trade

百萬元 $ million 2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

按貨品類別劃分的進口貨值 473,123 497,245 466,710 527,782 560,202 556,430 Imports by commodity section

食物及活動物 12,956 16,033 13,645 13,331 13,293 14,724 Food and live animals

飲料及煙草 2,301 2,628 2,588 2,657 2,733 2,729 Beverages and tobacco

除燃料外的非食用未加工材料 5,479 5,616 5,603 5,637 5,607 5,295 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels

礦物燃料、滑潤劑及有關物質 9,409 10,033 10,756 12,102 13,309 13,833 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 動物及植物油、脂肪及蠟 617 615 574 646 485 519 Animal and vegetable oil, fats and waxes 未列入其他分類的化學品及有關產品 27,187 28,503 28,026 31,178 32,407 36,044 Chemicals and related products, not elsewhere classified 主要以材料分類的製成品 71,510 79,895 73,735 86,534 83,764 82,855 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by materials 機械及運輸設備 226,894 247,199 237,572 269,023 282,724 283,402 Machinery and transport equipment

雜項製成品 116,545 106,452 93,893 106,365 125,560 116,710 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

未列入其他分類的貨品及交易 226 270 318 309 320 319 Commodities and transactions, not elsewhere classified

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 101 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 5.11 (續) 進出口貿易業的選定最新統計數字 Table 5.11 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Import and Export Trade

百萬元 $ million 2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

按貨品類別劃分的港產品出口貨值 35,081 32,102 25,800 29,949 35,355 34,877 Domestic exports by commodity section

食物及活動物 329 392 330 341 359 339 Food and live animals

飲料及煙草 330 452 420 475 488 451 Beverages and tobacco

除燃料外的非食用未加工材料 594 697 758 759 688 945 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels

礦物燃料、滑潤劑及有關物質 486 370 265 300 456 523 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 動物及植物油、脂肪及蠟 12 19 20 19 15 15 Animal and vegetable oil, fats and waxes 未列入其他分類的化學品及有關產品 1,510 1,559 1,368 1,558 1,792 1,942 Chemicals and related products, not elsewhere classified 主要以材料分類的製成品 2,074 2,214 2,012 2,311 2,156 2,168 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by materials 機械及運輸設備 4,376 4,593 4,869 4,967 5,343 5,820 Machinery and transport equipment

雜項製成品 25,231 21,656 15,598 19,060 23,906 22,515 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

未列入其他分類的貨品及交易 139 150 161 158 151 159 Commodities and transactions, not elsewhere classified

服務業統計摘要 二零零五 102 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 5.11 (續) 進出口貿易業的選定最新統計數字 Table 5.11 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Import and Export Trade

百萬元 $ million 2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

按貨品類別劃分的轉口貨值 430,582 442,684 407,167 463,341 510,257 512,366 Re-exports by commodity section

食物及活動物 3,379 4,241 3,127 2,910 2,813 2,733 Food and live animals

飲料及煙草 1,143 1,305 1,216 1,255 1,390 1,252 Beverages and tobacco

除燃料外的非食用未加工材料 4,360 4,103 3,763 4,600 4,429 3,997 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels

礦物燃料、滑潤劑及有關物質 681 719 739 760 888 1,054 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 動物及植物油、脂肪及蠟 154 203 167 125 121 95 Animal and vegetable oil, fats and waxes 未列入其他分類的化學品及有關產品 20,878 20,760 20,414 23,399 25,569 25,521 Chemicals and related products, not elsewhere classified 主要以材料分類的製成品 55,904 61,162 54,994 67,553 65,396 65,551 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by materials 機械及運輸設備 210,099 225,971 212,846 239,333 264,209 273,732 Machinery and transport equipment

雜項製成品 133,726 123,887 109,519 123,026 145,050 138,047 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

未列入其他分類的貨品及交易 259 334 383 381 392 383 Commodities and transactions not elsewhere classified

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 103 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 5.11 (續) 進出口貿易業的選定最新統計數字 Table 5.11 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Import and Export Trade

百萬元 $ million 2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

按選定國家/地區劃分的商品貿易統計數字 Merchandise trade statistics by selected countries/territories 按主要供應地劃分的進口貨值 Imports by main supplier

中國內地 214,059 213,049 192,377 224,049 253,201 248,648 The mainland of China

日本 54,697 59,871 58,577 65,521 66,942 65,101 Japan

台灣 32,246 35,212 34,160 39,566 40,370 39,715 Taiwan

美國 24,340 28,589 26,439 27,671 27,815 30,069 U.S.A.

按主要目的地劃分的港產品出口貨值 Domestic exports by main destination

美國 12,525 10,665 7,560 8,504 11,585 10,987 U.S.A.

中國內地 10,344 9,179 7,302 9,418 10,549 10,629 The mainland of China

英國 2,260 2,140 1,657 1,770 2,425 2,339 U.K.

德國 1,305 1,260 1,116 1,173 1,327 1,370 Germany

按主要來源地劃分的轉口貨值 Re-exports by main origin

中國內地 261,096 266,549 239,889 273,100 309,392 313,088 The mainland of China

日本 41,670 44,134 42,542 49,132 51,588 50,986 Japan

台灣 28,050 29,561 27,594 33,429 36,586 36,265 Taiwan

美國 15,735 15,967 14,602 15,381 16,234 15,553 U.S.A.

按主要目的地劃分的轉口貨值 Re-exports by main destination

中國內地 185,172 194,346 179,976 213,115 229,904 227,650 The mainland of China

美國 80,366 76,804 62,680 72,609 85,247 82,428 U.S.A.

日本 23,528 25,086 23,723 24,697 27,042 29,271 Japan

德國 13,349 14,545 12,662 13,804 15,160 16,288 Germany

服務業統計摘要 二零零五 104 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 5.12 服務貿易的選定最新統計數字 Table 5.12 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Trade in Services

百萬元 $ million 2003+ 2004+ 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

按主要服務組別劃分的服務輸出及輸入 Exports and imports of services by major service group 服務輸出(1) 95,276* 102,832* 93,443* 92,245* 108,697* 113,170 Exports of services(1)

運輸 28,418 29,141 30,287 31,477* 35,221* 34,202 Transportation

旅遊(1) 15,946* 19,377* 16,546* 16,451* 17,624* 19,524 Travel(1)

保險服務 878 1,034 915 1,014 937 1,083 Insurance services

金融服務 5,102 5,206 5,875 5,314 5,426* 5,565 Financial services

商貿服務及其他與貿易相關的服務 36,246 39,217 30,901 29,940 40,342* 43,570 Merchanting and other trade-related services 其他服務 8,686 8,857 8,919* 8,049* 9,147* 9,226 Other services

服務輸入 54,240 54,164 51,415 53,719* 60,224* 59,634 Imports of services

運輸 13,223 13,934 13,219 14,364* 15,503* 15,679 Transportation

旅遊 25,852 23,369 23,697 25,131 27,897 24,476 Travel

保險服務 1,211 1,491 1,219 1,417 1,400 1,720 Insurance services

金融服務 1,359 1,497 1,518 1,460 1,464* 1,620 Financial services

商貿服務及其他與貿易相關的服務 4,724 5,291 4,103 4,004 5,459* 6,071 Merchanting and other trade-related services 其他服務 7,871 8,582 7,659 7,343 8,501* 9,068 Other services

註釋 : (1) 數字已根據香港旅遊發展局所發布到港旅客 Notes : (1) Figures have been revised to incorporate the 境內消費開支的修訂數字而作出修訂。 revised data on destination consumption expenditure of incoming visitors and travellers released by the Hong Kong Tourism Board. + 數字在日後會作出修訂。 + Figures are subject to revision later on.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 105 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

資料來源 Data Sources

表 資料來源 Table Sources

5.1 政府統計處 5.1 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組; Employment Statistics Section; 商業服務統計組; Business Services Statistics Section; 國民收入統計組(二) 一 National Income Section(2)1

5.2 政府統計處 5.2 Census and Statistics Department 貿易資料分析組 Trade Analysis Section

5.3 世界貿易組織 5.3 World Trade Organization

5.4-5.7 政府統計處 5.4-5.7 Census and Statistics Department 貿易資料分析組 Trade Analysis Section

5.8 政府統計處 5.8 Census and Statistics Department 貿易統計調查及研究組 Trade Surveys & Research Section

5.9 政府統計處 5.9 Census and Statistics Department 國民收入統計組(一) 三 National Income Section(1)3

5.10 政府統計處 5.10 Census and Statistics Department 工業生產及旅遊統計組; Industrial Production and Tourism Statistics Section; 經銷服務統計組 Distribution Services Statistics Section

服務業統計摘要 二零零五 106 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

其他有關刊物 Further References

香港對外商品貿易回顧 Annual Review of Hong Kong External Merchandise Trade

就業及空缺統計(詳細統計表) Employment and Vacancies Statistics (Detailed Tables) 本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product

對外商品貿易數字 External Merchandise Trade Figures

香港統計年刊 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics

香港對外商品貿易 Hong Kong External Merchandise Trade

香港統計月刊 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics

香港商品貿易指數 Hong Kong Merchandise Trade Index Numbers

香港商品貿易統計 Hong Kong Merchandise Trade Statistics

服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries

就業及空缺按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Employment and Vacancies Statistics

批發、零售、進口與出口貿易、食肆及酒店按 Report on Annual Survey of Wholesale, Retail and 年統計調查報告 Import and Export Trades, Restaurants and Hotels

香港服務貿易統計報告 Report on Hong Kong Trade in Services Statistics

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 107 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

服務業統計摘要 二零零五 108 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

保險業 6 Insurance Services

概要 Highlights

香港是亞洲的一個主要保險中心,吸引了 Being a leading insurance centre in Asia, Hong Kong 很多世界主要的保險公司來港。在二零零 has attracted many world’s major insurance 四年底,香港有 180 名獲授權保險人,其 companies. At the end of 2004, we had 180 中 22 名是再保險人。香港並有 476 名獲 authorized insurers of which 22 were reinsurers. 授權保險經紀和約 31 200 名獲委任保險 There were also 476 authorized insurance brokers 代理人。 and about 31 200 appointed insurance agents in Hong Kong.

保險業於二零零三年的生產淨值達 180 The net output of the insurance industry amounted to 億元,佔該年本地生產總值的 1.5%。 $18 billion in 2003, or 1.5% of Hong Kong’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the year.

二零零四年共有 7 600 間保險機構單位在 Altogether, 7 600 insurance establishments were run 港經營,僱用約 28 000 人。這些機構包 in 2004, engaging about 28 000 persons. These 括人壽保險人、一般保險人、保險經紀及 included life insurers, general insurers, insurance 保險代理人,以及為保險人提供支援服務 brokers and agents, as well as various companies 的各類機構。 providing supporting services to insurers.

二零零四年底,香港有 237 名合資格的精 At the end of 2004, Hong Kong had 237 qualified 算師,較上年增加 13.9%。 actuaries, representing an increase of 13.9% over a year earlier.

來自長期保險業務和一般保險業務的保 Premium income (for long term insurance business 費收入,由二零零二年的 890 億元增加至 and general insurance business) increased by 14.6% 零三年的 1,020 億元,上升 14.6%。一九 from $89 billion in 2002 to $102 billion in 2003. 九四年至二零零三年間的平均按年增長 The average annual growth rate between 1994 and 率為 11.2%。 2003 was 11.2%.

二零零三年底,有效的長期保險保單數目 At the end of 2003, the number of long term 超過 590 萬張,而長期保險業務在零三年 insurance policies in force exceeded 5.9 million. In 持續增長,保單保費較零二年增加 17.9% terms of office premium, long term insurance 至 772 億元。此外,一般保險業務的毛保 business in 2003 recorded a growth of 17.9% 費亦錄得 5.6% 的升幅至 248 億元。 compared to 2002, amounting to $77.2 billion. Besides, the general insurance business also registered an increase of 5.6% in gross premiums to $24.8 billion.

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隨著強制性公積金計劃於二零零零年末 As a result of the commencement of the operation of 開始實行,由保險公司管理的退休計劃的 Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes introduced in 重要性相對下降。截至零四年十二月三十 end 2000, the relative importance of insurance 一日,由保險公司管理的職業退休計劃有 company managed retirement schemes declined. 653 項,受保僱員人數為 9 000 名,佔就 As at 31 December 2004, there were 653 業人口不足 1%。 occupational retirement schemes under the management of insurance companies. These schemes cover 9 000 employees, accounting for less than 1% of the employed population.

香港出口信用保險局( 信保局) 於一九六 Established by statute in 1966, the Hong Kong 六年依法成立,為香港貨物和服務出口商 Export Credit Insurance Corporation (the 提供多項保險服務。信保局在二零零四年 Corporation) provides a wide range of insurance 的承保總額為 295 億元,較零三年上升 facilities to Hong Kong exporters of goods and 4.6%。保費淨收入上升 14.1%。在零四 services. The Corporation’s total insured business 年,接近 1.6% 的整體出口貨值由該局承 in 2004 amounted to $29.5 billion, representing an 保。 increase of 4.6% compared to 2003. Net premium income showed an increase of 14.1%. In 2004, almost 1.6% of Hong Kong’s total exports in value terms were insured by the Corporation.

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主要統計數字及統計圖 Key Statistics and Charts

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 保險業 Insurance Industry

年 機構單位數目(1) 就業人數(1) 增加價值 業務收益指數 Year Number of Number of persons Value added Business receipts index establishments(1) engaged(1) (2000=100)

1994 4 975 20 271 12,208 82.1 2000 6 934 24 871 14,615 100.0 2001 7 174 26 644 15,268 114.2 2002 7 760 26 718 15,994 126.0 2003 7 742 27 052 18,059 150.1 2004 7 568 27 714 N.A. 182.8

保費收入 Premium Income

年 長期保險業務的保單保費 一般保險業務的毛保費(2) 出口信用保單的保費淨收入(3) Year Office premiums from long Gross premiums from general Net premium income of export term insurance business insurance business(2) credit policies(3)

1994 19,478 19,737 72 2000 46,515 17,872 93 2001 56,858 19,436 101 2002 65,517 23,448 100 2003 77,225 24,766 99 2004 N.A. N.A. 113

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Notes : (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 不包括香港出口信用保險局的保費。 (2) Not including premiums of export credit policies of the Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation. (3) 指截至該年三月底的十二個月內的總計。 (3) Figures refer to the total in the twelve-month period ended March of the corresponding year.

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圖 6.1 保險業的機構單位數目(1) 及就業人數(1) Chart 6.1 Number of Establishments(1) and Persons Engaged(1) in the Insurance Industry

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged 8 000 40 000

7 000 35 000

6 000 30 000

5 000 25 000

4 000 20 000

3 000 15 000

2 000 10 000

1 000 5 000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Note : (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year.

圖 6.2 保險人數目 Chart 6.2 Number of Insurers

保險人數目 Number of insurers 200





0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

長期業務 一般業務 綜合業務 Long term business only General business only Composite business

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 112 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

圖 6.3 保費收入 Chart 6.3 Premium Income

百萬元 $ million 110,000 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 長期保險的保單保費 一般保險的毛保費 Office premiums of long term insurance Gross premiums of general insurance

圖 6.4 出口信用保險保單的受保出口貨值(1)及佔本地整體出口貨值的比率 Chart 6.4 Value of Insured Exports(1) Covered by Export Credit Insurance Policies and as a Percentage of Total Value of Exports of Hong Kong

受保出口貨值佔 本地整體出口貨值比率 受保出口貨值(百萬元) Insured exports as a % of total Value of insured exports ($ million) value of exports of Hong Kong 30,000 3.0

25,000 2.5

20,000 2.0

15,000 1.5

10,000 1.0

5,000 0.5

0 0.0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

受保出口貨值 受保出口貨值佔本地整體出口貨值比率 Value of insured exports Insured exports as a % of total value of exports of Hong Kong

註釋 : (1) 指截至該年三月底的十二個月內的總計。 Note : (1) Figures refer to the total in the twelve-month period ended March of the corresponding year.

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概念及方法 Concepts and Methods

保險服務 分為一般保險和長期保險業務。一般 Insurance services are classified into general 保險業務包括意外及健康、汽車、貨運、資產損 insurance and long term insurance. For general 壞、一般法律責任和出口信用保險六大類。長期 insurance, there are six main classes of businesses, 保險的主要業務則包括個人人壽、團體人壽、退 including accident and health, motor vehicle, goods 休計劃、年金及永久健康業務。 in transit, property damage, general liability and export credit insurance. For long term insurance, the main classes of businesses are individual life, group life, retirement scheme, annuity and permanent health.

保險公司條例規定, 保險人 在香港提供保險服 Insurers providing insurance services in Hong Kong 務必須獲取保險業監督之授權。為確保保險人能 must obtain authorization from the Insurance 提供足夠的保障及保險服務予大眾及適當地處 Authority according to Insurance Companies 理其業務,保險人必須達到實繳股本、償付準備 Ordinance (ICO). To ensure that the insurers are 金、董事及控權人須為合適和適當人選及有足夠 able to provide an adequate level of security and 再保險安排等要求。保險經紀及保險代理人 必 services to the insuring public and manage its affairs 須根據保險公司條例的有關條文分別獲取授權 properly, the insurers must meet the requirements on 或委任。任何人士均不得同時身兼獲授權保險經 paid-up capital, solvency margin, fitness and 紀及獲委任保險代理人。 properness of directors and controllers and adequacy of reinsurance arrangements. Insurance brokers and insurance agents must obtain authorization or appointment respectively in accordance with the relevant provisions of the ICO. A person is prohibited from holding himself out as an authorized insurance broker and an appointed insurance agent at the same time.

香港出口信用保險局(信保局)根據法例於一九 The Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation 六六年成立,由香港特別行政區政府全資擁有。 (the Corporation) provides export credit insurance 信保局為香港貨物和服務的出口商,在放賬予海 service in Hong Kong. The Corporation is 外買家時提供 出口信用保險服務 。 established by statute in 1966 and its capital is wholly-owned by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to provide insurance services to Hong Kong exporters of goods and services trading on credit terms with overseas buyers.

職業退休計劃 業務是由職業退休計劃條例所規 Occupational retirement scheme business is 管,除獲得豁免的計劃外,所有其他計劃必須註 governed by the Occupational Retirement Schemes 冊。所有計劃均由保險安排規管或受信託管限。 Ordinance (ORSO) and must be registered unless it is exempted under ORSO. The schemes can either be regulated by insurance arrangement or governed by trusts.

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用語及定義 Terms and Definitions

在編製統計數字時, 保險業 包括從事一般及長 For statistical compilation purpose, the insurance 期保險業務的保險人、保險代理及經紀及其他保 industry covers insurers carrying on general and long 險服務機構單位。 term business, insurance agents and brokers as well as other insurance service establishments.

機構單位 是指在單一擁有權或控制權下,在單 An establishment is defined as an economic unit 一地點從事一種或主要從事一種經濟活動的經 which engages, under a single ownership or control, 濟單位,例如個別工廠、工場、零售店及辦公室。 in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single physical location, e.g. an individual factory, workshop, retail shop and office.

就業人數 包括所有於統計日期工作最少一小時 Persons engaged include all individual proprietors, 及經常參與機構單位業務的東主、合夥人,以及 partners and persons having family ties with any of 與東主或合夥人有親屬關係並在機構單位工作 the proprietors or partners and working in the 而無正薪的人士;及所有於統計日期向機構單位 establishment without regular pay, who are actively 直接支取薪酬的全職受薪僱員,以及有限公司的 engaged in the work of the establishment for at least 在職董事,其中包括長期或臨時聘用的,無論這 one hour on the survey reference date; and all 些僱員正在本港或其他地方工作或暫時缺勤(即 full-time salaried personnel or employees and 正在放病假、分娩假、年假、事假的工人及罷工 working directors of limited companies directly paid 者)。在統計日期工作最少一小時的兼職僱員, by the establishment, both permanent and temporary, 以及夜班或通宵班的僱員亦包括在內。由一九九 who are either at work (whether or not in Hong 九年三月開始,有關點算就業人數的工作時數定 Kong) or temporarily absent from work (viz. those 義由原有的「在統計日期工作最少三小時」改為 on sick leave, maternity leave, annual vacation or 「在統計日期工作最少一小時」。 casual leave, and on strike) on the survey reference date. Part-time employees and employees on night/irregular shifts working for at least one hour on the survey reference date are also included. As from March 1999, the rule for counting the number of persons engaged has been changed from the previous definition of “working for at least three hours” to a new definition of “working for at least one hour”.

本地生產總值 是指一個國家或地區的所有常住 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the 生產單位,在一個指定的期間內,未扣除固定資 total value of production of all resident producing 本消耗的生產總價值。 units of a country or territory in a specified period, before deducting allowance for consumption of fixed capital.

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生產總額 人壽保險公司的生產總額等於經營費 Gross output of life insurance companies is imputed 用和僱員報酬的總和。一般保險公司則包括扣去 by the sum of operating expenses and compensation 賠償淨額的保留備用保險費淨值和投資金融資 of employees. For general insurance companies, the 產所得的收入,以及從代理人或其他服務(包括 net retained premiums less net claims paid, plus 分保佣金)所得的收入和租金收入。至於保險代 income from investments of financial assets, and 理人、經紀及專為提供專業保險服務的公司的生 receipts from agency or other services rendered and 產總額,則包括服務收費、管理費及佣金。 rentals received are included in their gross output. For insurance agents, brokers and other specialist firms rendering professional services, their gross output is measured by their service receipts, fees and commissions.

增加價值 是生產總額減去中間投產消耗(生產 Value added is defined as the value of gross output 過程中所耗用的貨物和服務的價值)。 less the value of intermediate consumption (the value of goods and services used up in the course of production).

保險經紀 指作為保單持有人或潛在保單持有人 Insurance broker is a person who carries on the 的代理人,在香港或從香港經營洽談或安排保險 business of negotiating or arranging contracts of 合約的業務的人,或經營就有關保險的事宜提供 insurance in or from Hong Kong as the agent of the 意見的業務的人。 policy holder or potential policy holder or advising on matters related to insurance.

保險代理人 指顯示自己是一名或以上保險人的 Insurance agent is a person who holds himself out to 代理人或分代理人而在香港或從香港就保險合 advise on or arrange contracts of insurance in or from 約提供意見或安排該等合約的人。 Hong Kong as an agent or subagent of one or more insurers.

保單保費 就保險人的任何財政年度而言,指(i) Office premiums, in relation to a financial year of an 如屬整付保費保單,保單持有人在該財政年度內 insurer, means (i) for policies with single mode of 所支付的保費;或(ii)如屬定期繳付保費保單,保 payment, the premiums paid by the policy holders 單持有人在保單估值日期所結算的整年保費或 during the financial year; or (ii) for policies with 在該財政年度內所支付的彈性保費。 regular mode of payment, the annualized premiums of the policies as at the valuation date or the flexible premium paid by the policy holders during the financial year.

供款數額 就退休計劃業務而言,指僱員及僱主 Amount of contributions, in relation to retirement 向計劃基金提供的款額。 schemes business, means the amounts contributed by the employees and employers to the scheme funds.

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毛保費 就保險人的任何財政年度而言,指(i)已 Gross premiums in relation to a financial year of an 扣除保單中指明的折扣,或已扣除因風險的終止 insurer means (i) premiums after deduction of 或減少風險而作出的退款,但尚未扣除保險人分 discounts specified in policies or refunds of premiums 出的再保險保費及其須付的佣金的保費;及(ii) made in respect of any termination or reduction of 包括保險人根據所接受的再保險合約而可收取 risks but before deduction of premiums for 的保費。 reinsurance ceded and of commissions payable by the insurer; and (ii) includes premiums receivable by the insurer under reinsurance contracts accepted by the insurer.

儲備金 是未滿期保費,未過期風險準備金及未 Technical reserves is the total of unearned premiums, 決申索準備金(包括已招致但未報賠申索準備金) unexpired risks provision and outstanding claims 的總和。 provision (including incurred but not reported provision).

須付的佣金毛額 就保險人的任何財政年度而 Gross commission payable, in relation to a financial 言,指在該年度內已記錄為就保險合約的開始、 year of an insurer, means the amounts, whether or not 修訂或續保而須付予中介人或分出者的款額,不 paid during that year, which are recorded during that 論該款額是否已在該年度內支付。 year as due to intermediaries and cedants in respect of the inception, amendment or renewal of contracts of insurance.

已償付申索毛額 指在扣除從再保險人及其他方 Gross claims paid is the amount paid by an insurer in 面收回的款項前,保險人支付以供全部或部分了 full or partial settlement of: (i) claims, including 結以下項目的款額:(i)申索,包括計入超過一個 claims relating to business accounted for over a longer 財政年度的業務所涉及的申索;及(ii)保險人招致 period than a financial year; and (ii) expenses (such as (不論是透過其職員的僱用或由於其他原因)的開 legal, medical, surveying or engineering costs) which 支(例如法律、醫療、測量或工程方面的費用), are incurred by the insurer, whether through the 並直接是為了結個別申索所引致,不論該等個別 employment of its own staff or otherwise, and are 申索是否為上述所提及者。 directly attributable to the settlement of individual claims, whether or not the individual claims in question are those mentioned above, before deduction of recoveries from reinsurers and other parties.

已償付申索淨額 指扣除從再保險人及其他方面 Net claims paid is the gross claims paid after 收回的款項後的已償付申索額。 deduction of recoveries from reinsurers and other parties.

淨保費 就保險人的任何財政年度而言,指從毛 Net premium, in relation to a financial year of an 保費中扣除分出再保險保費後的淨額。 insurer, means the net amount after deduction from the gross premiums of premiums for reinsurance ceded.

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統計表 Statistical Tables

表 6.1 保險業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Table 6.1 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Insurance Industry

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目(1) 4 975 6 934 7 174 7 760 7 742 7 568 Number of establishments(1) (-0.2) (5.5) (3.5) (8.2) (-0.2) (-2.2)

就業人數(1) 20 271 24 871 26 644 26 718 27 052 27 714 Number of persons engaged(1) (2.4) (-1.1) (7.1) (0.3) (1.3) (2.4)

業務收益指數 (2000=100) 82.1 100.0 114.2 126.0 150.1 182.8 Business receipts index (2000=100) (23.1) (13.1) (14.2) (10.3) (19.1) (21.8)

生產總額 16,431 21,581 23,054 25,654 27,057 N.A. Gross output (26.1) (12.0) (6.8) (11.3) (5.5) (-)

增加價值 12,208 14,615 15,268 15,994 18,059 N.A. Value added (28.8) (18.6) (4.5) (4.8) (12.9) (-) 在以要素成本計算的本地生產總值內所 佔比率 (百分比) 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.5 N.A. Contribution to GDP at factor cost (%) 增加價值在生產總額所佔比率 74.3 67.7 66.2 62.3 66.7 N.A. Value added as % of gross output

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year.

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表 6.2 保險人、保險經紀、保險代理人及精算師數目 Table 6.2 Number of Insurers, Insurance Brokers, Insurance Agents and Actuaries

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

獲授權保險人數目 229 205 204 195 188 180 Number of authorized insurers (0.0) (-1.0) (-0.5) (-4.4) (-3.6) (-4.3) 長期業務 41 44 45 46 46 45 Long term business only (2.5) (4.8) (2.3) (2.2) (0.0) (-2.2) 一般業務 169 142 140 130 123 116 General business only (-0.6) (-2.7) (-1.4) (-7.1) (-5.4) (-5.7) 綜合業務 19 19 19 19 19 19 Composite business (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0)

獲授權只經營再保險業務的保險人數目(1) 30 28 29 27 23 22 Number of insurers authorized to carry on - (0.0) (3.6) (-6.9) (-14.8) (-4.3) reinsurance business only(1)

獲授權保險經紀數目(2) - 376 399 436 464 476 Number of authorized insurance brokers(2) - (7.4) (6.1) (9.3) (6.4) (2.6)

獲委任保險代理人數目(2) - 33 776 32 788 31 484 31 635 31 207 Number of appointed insurance agents(2) - (-34.5) (-2.9) (-4.0) (0.5) (-1.4) 個人代理人 - 30 942 30 271 29 527 29 662 29 218 Individual agents - (-36.2) (-2.2) (-2.5) (0.5) (-1.5) 公司代理人 - 2 834 2 517 1 957 1 973 1 989 Corporate agents - (-9.1) (-11.2) (-22.2) (0.8) (0.8)

精算師人數 81 166 183 198 208 237 Number of actuaries (26.6) (8.5) (10.2) (8.2) (5.1) (13.9)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字由保險業監理處自一九九四年開始提 (1) Figures were first available from the Office of the 供。 Commissioner of Insurance in 1994. (2) 一九九五年前,保險經紀及保險代理人無須 (2) Registration of insurance brokers and agents was 註冊。 not required before 1995.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 119 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 6.3 長期保險業務 Table 6.3 Long Term Insurance Business

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

長期保險保單 Long term insurance policies 保單數目 2 627 732 4 308 911 4 725 394 5 243 968 5 575 194 5 952 386 Number of policies (13.0) (12.8) (9.7) (11.0) (6.3) (6.8) 保單保費 19,478 41,297 46,515 56,858 65,517 77,225 Office premiums (25.7) (13.9) (12.6) (22.2) (15.2) (17.9) 有效個人人壽業務 Individual life in-force business 保單數目 2 524 079 4 245 750 4 605 380 4 932 062 5 224 165 5 606 222 Number of policies (12.5) (12.3) (8.5) (7.1) (5.9) (7.3) 保單保費 13,956 31,028 35,613 41,943 49,603 61,789 Office premiums (30.4) (17.6) (14.8) (17.8) (18.3) (24.6) 新造個人人壽業務 Individual life new business 保單數目 569 578 918 724 905 787 955 751 952 098 982 643 Number of policies (3.2) (30.2) (-1.4) (5.5) (-0.4) (3.2) 保單保費 4,361 9,654 10,284 13,218 17,548 24,185 Office premiums (12.2) (36.5) (6.5) (28.5) (32.8) (37.8) 有效團體人壽業務 Group life in-force business 保單數目 8 327 13 295 14 335 14 145 13 768 14 315 Number of policies (8.8) (9.5) (7.8) (-1.3) (-2.7) (4.0) 受保人數(1) 632 138 1 000 801 1 036 675 1 009 338 1 091 009 1 069 862 Number of lives covered(1) - (3.8) (3.6) (-2.6) (8.1) (-1.9) 保單保費 574 1,015 1,094 1,197 1,191 1,201 Office premiums (29.9) (5.0) (7.8) (9.4) (-0.5) (0.8)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字由保險業監理處自一九九四年開始提 (1) Figures were first available from the Office of the 供。 Commissioner of Insurance in 1994.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 120 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 6.3 (續) 長期保險業務 Table 6.3 (Cont’d.) Long Term Insurance Business

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

退休計劃業務(2) Retirement scheme business(2) 保單數目 11 057 13 886 17 527 77 258 71 740 66 388 Number of policies (22.2) (0.4) (26.2) (340.8) (-7.1) (-7.5) 受保人數(1) 414 279 415 665 368 254 1 254 894 1 662 936 1 788 638 Number of lives covered(1) - (-3.5) (-11.4) (240.8) (32.5) (7.6) 供款 4,867 8,933 8,802 12,069 12,764 12,405 Contributions (13.4) (2.1) (-1.5) (37.1) (5.8) (-2.8) 年金業務 Annuity business 保單數目 215 1 960 28 725 50 409 60 681 59 108 Number of policies ( 33.5) ( 693.5) (1 365.6) ( 75.5) ( 20.4) (- 2.6) 保單保費 1.8 42.6 532.4 966.0 1,127.8 927.0 Office premiums ( 350.0) (14 100.0) (1 149.8) ( 81.4) ( 16.8) (- 17.8) 永久健康業務 Permanent health business 保單數目 84 054 34 018 59 423 170 085 204 830 206 341 Number of policies (28.3) (179.5) (74.7) (186.2) (20.4) (0.7) 保單保費 79 278 474 682 832 903 Office premiums (38.6) (81.7) (70.5) (43.9) (21.9) (8.6)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字由保險業監理處自一九九四年開始提 (1) Figures were first available from the Office of the 供。 Commissioner of Insurance in 1994. (2) 只包括受保險安排所規管的退休計劃。 (2) Including only the part of retirement schemes managed by insurance arrangement.

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表 6.4 一般保險業務 Table 6.4 General Insurance Business

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

毛保費 19,737 16,532 17,872 19,436 23,448 24,766 Gross premiums (15.5) (-7.8) (8.1) (8.8) (20.6) (5.6) 直接業務 14,828 13,271 14,273 15,402 18,269 18,496 Direct business (15.6) (-6.5) (7.6) (7.9) (18.6) (1.2) 分入再保險業務 4,909 3,261 3,599 4,034 5,179 6,270 Reinsurance inward business (15.3) (-12.6) (10.4) (12.1) (28.4) (21.1)

儲備金 12,225 17,506 18,244 19,131 21,658 24,905 Technical reserves (26.2) (4.9) (4.2) (4.9) (13.2) (15.0) 直接業務 8,538 12,200 12,923 13,835 15,010 16,823 Direct business (26.9) (6.5) (5.9) (7.1) (8.5) (12.1) 分入再保險業務 3,687 5,306 5,321 5,296 6,648 8,082 Reinsurance inward business (24.6) (1.4) (0.3) (-0.5) (25.5) (21.6)

須付的佣金 4,860 4,223 4,288 4,439 4,599 4,711 Commissions payable (7.3) (-11.8) (1.5) (3.5) (3.6) (2.4) 直接業務 3,493 3,337 3,382 3,487 3,592 3,474 Direct business (6.1) (-9.9) (1.3) (3.1) (3.0) (-3.3) 分入再保險業務 1,367 886 906 952 1,007 1,237 Reinsurance inward business (10.5) (-18.2) (2.3) (5.1) (5.8) (22.8)

已償付申索毛額 7,224 10,366 11,473 10,801 9,849 9,654 Gross claims paid (-2.6) (-14.9) (10.7) (-5.9) (-8.8) (-2.0) 直接業務 4,855 8,450 9,245 8,803 8,100 7,556 Direct business (-3.1) (5.6) (9.4) (-4.8) (-8.0) (-6.7) 分入再保險業務 2,369 1,916 2,228 1,998 1,749 2,098 Reinsurance inward business (-1.7) (-54.0) (16.3) (-10.3) (-12.5) (20.0)

已償付申索淨額 4,261 6,749 7,296 6,989 6,825 6,954 Net claims paid (3.6) (-2.3) (8.1) (-4.2) (-2.3) (1.9) 直接業務 2,844 5,271 5,797 5,472 5,589 5,359 Direct business (-4.7) (7.0) (10.0) (-5.6) (2.1) (-4.1) 分入再保險業務 1,417 1,478 1,499 1,517 1,236 1,595 Reinsurance inward business (25.3) (-25.2) (1.4) (1.2) (-18.5) (29.0)

承保對象數目 Coverage 承保車輛數目 453 940 456 006 490 068 546 072 612 228 548 630 Number of vehicles covered (3.1) (-6.8) (7.5) (11.4) (12.1) (-10.4) 承保船隻數目 6 154 4 827 4 523 5 461 5 631 5 645 Number of vessels covered (-6.0) (-14.9) (-6.3) (20.7) (3.1) (0.2) 有效僱員補償保單數目 217 320 233 947 226 141 225 048 254 303 266 111 Number of employee's compensation (1.2) (-1.8) (-3.3) (-0.5) (13.0) (4.6) policies in-force

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Note : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year.

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表 6.5 受保險安排所規管的職業退休計劃(1) Table 6.5 Occupational Retirement Schemes Regulated by Insurance Arrangement(1)

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

受保險安排所規管的計劃數目 - 4 799 1 246 864 727 653 Number of schemes regulated by insurance - (-31.6) (-74.0) (-30.7) (-15.9) (-10.2) arrangement 獲豁免的計劃數目 - 251 248 241 243 240 Number of exempted schemes - (2.4) (-1.2) (-2.8) (0.8) (-1.2) 已註冊的計劃數目 - 4 548 998 623 484 413 Number of registered schemes - (-32.9) (-78.1) (-37.6) (-22.3) (-14.7)

受保險安排所規管及已註冊的計劃成員數目 - 68 000 22 000 14 000 11 000 9 000 Number of members covered by registered - (-61.4) (-67.6) (-36.4) (-21.4) (-18.2) schemes regulated by insurance arrangement 佔就業人口比率(2) - 2 1 @ @ @ As % of employed population(2)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 職業退休計劃條例於一九九三年十月十五日 (1) The Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance 開始運作。在條例正式實行之前,現有計劃 came into operation on 15 October 1993. There 的僱主可於為期兩年的過渡期內申請註冊或 was a two-year transitional period for employers 豁免。過渡期於九五年十月十五日完結。 of schemes which already existed prior to the commencement of the ordinance to apply for registration or exemption. The transitional period ended on 15 October 1995. (2) 載於本表內二零零零年的數字與載於本刊較 (2) Figures for 2000 presented in this table may be 早期號的數字或有不同,這是由於以下其中 different from those presented in the earlier issues 一項或兩項因素所致: of this publication owing to one or both of the (a) 自二零零零年八月起編製人口數字的 following reasons: 方法有所改變。 (a) The change in the approach for compiling (b) 二零零一年人口普查結果為人口數據 population figures since August 2000. 提供最新基準性資料。 (b) The availability of up-to-date benchmark population data based on the results of the 2001 Population Census. @ 百分率少於 0.5%。 @ Less than 0.5%.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 123 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 6.6 香港出口信用保險局的保險業務 Table 6.6 Insurance Business of the Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

出口信用保險保單數目(1) 2 071 2 573 2 395 2 412 2 543 2 606 Number of export credit insurance (3.8) (15.2) (-6.9) (0.7) (5.4) (2.5) policies(1)

出口信用保險服務的保費淨收入(1) 72 93 101 100 99 113 Net premium income of export credit (4.3) (13.4) (8.4) (-1.0) (-1.0) (14.1) insurance services(1)

出口信用保險服務的賠償淨額(1) 17 25 40 49 23 1 Net claims of export credit insurance (10.6) (-25.2) (57.9) (22.5) (-53.1) (-95.7) services(1)

受保出口貨值(1) 15,631 23,639 27,258 26,681 28,166 29,465 Insured exports(1) (-0.1) (10.9) (15.3) (-2.1) (5.6) (4.6) 成衣(2) 4,746* 5,005* 5,094* 4,823* 4,845 4,601 Clothing(2) (1.0) (12.2) (1.8) (-5.3) (0.5) (-5.0) 玩具(2) 1,949* 2,568* 2,822 2,877 3,129 3,687 Toys(2) (-7.9) (4.2) (9.9) (1.9) (8.8) (17.8) 塑膠(2) 499* 957* 1,300* 1,121* 1,312 1,301 Plastic(2) (-29.1) (-11.5) (35.8) (-13.8) (17.0) (-0.8) 電子產品(2) 1,334* 2,729* 3,727 3,749 3,768 3,953 Electronics(2) (-4.9) (8.4) (36.6) (0.6) (0.5) (4.9) 其他(2) 7,103* 12,380* 14,315* 14,111* 15,112 15,923 Others(2) (5.6) (14.6) (15.6) (-1.4) (7.1) (5.4)

實付賠償(1) 51 43 80 88 37 41 Cash claims payments(1) (48.0) (-51.1) (87.2) (10.0) (-58.0) (10.8)

受保出口貨值佔本地整體出口貨值比率 1.3 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.6 Insured exports as a % of total value of exports of Hong Kong

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 指截至該年三月底的十二個月內的總計。 (1) Figures refer to the total in the twelve-month period ended March of the corresponding year. (2) 由於受保出口貨值按主要貨物重新分類,本 (2) Figures prior to 2003 presented in this table may 表內二零零三年以前的數字與本刊較早期號 be different from those presented in the earlier 的數字或有不同。 issues of this publication owing to re-classification of insured exports by major products.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 124 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 6.7 保險業的選定最新統計數字 Table 6.7 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Insurance Services

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

機構單位數目 7 765 7 593 7 691 7 510 7 558 7 512 Number of establishments

就業人數 27 412 27 014 27 407 27 105 27 250 29 095 Number of persons engaged

業務收益指數 (2000=100) 152.6 170.7 172.0 184.7 176.5* 197.8 Business receipts index (2000=100)

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 125 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

資料來源 Data Sources

表 資料來源 Table Sources

6.1 政府統計處 6.1 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組; Employment Statistics Section; 商業服務統計組; Business Services Statistics Section; 國民收入統計組(二)一 National Income Section (2)1

6.2 香港精算學會; 6.2 Actuarial Society of Hong Kong ; 保險業監理處 Office of the Commissioner of Insurance

6.3-6.4 保險業監理處 6.3-6.4 Office of the Commissioner of Insurance

6.5 強 制性公積金計劃管理局 6.5 Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority

6.6 香港出口信用保險局 6.6 Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation

其他有關刊物 Further References

年報,香港出口信用保險局編製 Annual Report, published by the Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation

年報,強 制性公積金計劃管理局編製 Annual Report, published by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority

年報,保險業監理處編製 Annual Report, published by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance

就業及空缺統計(詳細統計表) Employment and Vacancies Statistics (Detailed Tables)

本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product

服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries

就業及空缺按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Employment and Vacancies Statistics

香港統計年刊 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics

香港統計月刊 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics

倉庫業、通訊業、銀行業、財務業、保險業及 Report on Annual Survey of Storage, Communication, 商用服務業按年統計調查報告 Banking, Financing, Insurance and Business Services

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 126 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

陸上運輸業 7 Land Transport Services

概要 Highlights

香港的陸上運輸服務方便快捷、四通八達, Hong Kong’s land transport services are efficient, 而且十分安全。二零零四年,陸上運輸工具 geographically comprehensive and safe. They served 每日載客約 1 090 萬人次。 around 10.9 million passenger journeys a day in 2004.

二零零三年,來自陸上運輸業的增加價值約 The land transport industry generated about 319 億元,佔該年本地生產總值的 2.7%。 $31.9 billion value added in 2003, or 2.7% of Hong 零四年,提供主要陸上運輸服務的機構單位 Kong’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the year. In 有 481 間,包括提供公共巴士服務、電車及 2004, there were 481 establishments providing the 鐵路運輸服務、停車場服務和汽車隧道服務 main land transport services. These included 的公司,估計在零四年內從事主要陸上運輸 companies providing motor services, tramway and 行業的人士約有 38 000 名。 railway services, car park services and vehicular tunnel services. It was estimated that 38 000 people were involved in providing main land transport services in 2004.

陸上公共交通工具是香港市民最普遍使用 Public land transport is the most popular mode of 的。在二零零四年,平均每天, . In 2004, on daily average,

— 六間主要提供巴士服務公司合共提供超 - the six main companies providing bus services 過 650 條路線,載客 410 萬人次; together carried 4.1 million passenger journeys on over 650 routes;

— 地下鐵路,包括零二年開始啟用的將軍 - the Mass Transit Railway, including the Tseung 澳線,共有 1 050 個車卡,載客超過 230 Kwan O Line opened in 2002, operated a fleet of 萬人次; 1 050 rail cars, handled over 2.3 million passenger journeys;

— 九廣鐵路(東鐵)有 444 個車卡,鐵路長 - the Kowloon-Canton Railway (East Rail) carried 35.5 公里,載客 800 000 人次; 800 000 passenger journeys with a fleet of 444 cars along a 35.5-kilometre railway;

— 九廣鐵路(西鐵)有 154 個車卡,鐵路長 - the Kowloon-Canton Railway (West Rail) carried 30.5 公里,載客 130 000 人次; 130 000 passenger journeys with a fleet of 154 cars along a 30.5-kilometre railway;

— 九廣鐵路( 輕鐵) 有 119 個車卡,載客 - the Kowloon-Canton Railway (Light Rail) handled 360 000 人次; 360 000 boardings with a fleet of 119 cars;

— 164 輛電車行分別走港島北岸長 13 公里 - the electric trams served 230 000 boardings with 的雙程路軌及約 3 公里的單程路軌,載 164 trams along its 13-kilometre double track and 客 230 000 人次; about 3-kilometre single track, which runs along

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 127 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

the northern shore of ;

— 公共小巴共 4 350 架(每架最多可載 16 - a fleet of 4 350 public light (each with a 人),載客超過 170 萬人次; maximum passenger capacity of 16) carried over 1.7 million passenger journeys;

— 共 18 000 架的士,載客 100 萬人次;及 - a total of 18 000 taxis served 1.0 million passenger trips; and

— 山頂纜車直達海拔 373 米的山頂,途經 - the Peak Tramways, climbing 373 metres on 的地點,有些斜度達 1 比 2 ,載客近 gradients as steep as one-in-two, carried 11 000 11 000 人次,大部分是觀光的遊客。 passenger trips, mostly for sightseers.

二零零四年十月,尖沙咀支線通車,九廣鐵 In October 2004, with the opening of the Tsim Sha 路(東鐵)的南面總站由紅磡延伸至尖東。 Tsui Extension, the Kowloon-Canton Railway (East 同年十二月,馬鞍山鐵路(馬鐵)通車,這 Rail) has been extended southwards from Hung Hom 條新線的乘客可在大圍站轉車前往東鐵沿 to East Tsim Sha Tsui. In December of the same year, 線地區。 the Ma On Shan Rail came into service, enabling passengers of the new line easy transfer at Tai Wai Station to areas along East Rail.

二零零四年,香港與中國內地的陸上過境交 In 2004, cross-border land traffic between Hong Kong 通的客運量及汽車流量分別錄得 17.6%及 and the mainland of China registered increase of 17.6% 9.9%升幅。每日經各個出入境管制站過境的 in passenger traffic and 9.9% in vehicular traffic 人數約 371 000 人,而平均每日經過三個邊 respectively. Every day, about 371 000 people crossed 境通道的車輛超過 40 000 架次,其中 70% the border at various control points. The three road 是貨運車輛,反映香港與中國內地日益密切 crossing points together handled an average of over 的聯繫。為加强陸上過境交通,落馬洲管制 40 000 vehicles a day. Goods vehicles accounted for 站於零三年一月實施 24 小時通關。這項安 70% of the traffic, reflecting the ever closer links with 排為市民帶來更多便利。 the mainland of China. To enhance the cross-border land traffic, the 24-hour passenger clearance service at Lok Ma Chau control point started on January 2003. This arrangement had brought about greater travel convenience to the public.

鐵路運輸在香港與中國內地之間的客運和 Railways continued to play an important role in 貨運交通方面仍擔當重要的角色。二零零四 carrying passenger and freight traffic between Hong 年,乘火車過境的旅客有 9 300 萬人次。由 Kong and the mainland of China. In 2004 some 93 中國內地進口的貨物共 208 000 公噸,由香 million passengers crossed the border by rail. A total 港出口往中國內地的貨物共 64 000 公噸。 of 208 000 tonnes of goods were imported from, and 64 000 tonnes of goods exported to, the mainland of China.

香港擁有全世界最繁忙的道路,在二零零四 Hong Kong has the busiest roads in the world, 年底,路面行車密度為每公里 274 輛。政府 registering a vehicle density of 274 vehicles per 於零四年興建了 10 公里新的可行車道路, kilometre of road at the end of 2004. Reflecting 反映政府一直致力改善路面車輛的流動情 government’s continued efforts in improving vehicular 況。零四年底,按每百名人口計算的可行車 flows on roads, 10 kilometres of new trafficable roads 道路長度為 28 米,較一九九四年多 4%。 were made available in 2004. Length of trafficable roads per 100 population averaged to 28 metres at the end of 2004, 4% more than in 1994.

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主要統計數字及統計圖 Key Statistics and Charts

陸上運輸業 Land Transport Industry

機構單位數目 (不包括 就業人數 (不包括的 就業人數 (包括的 的士、公共小巴及貨運 士、公共小巴及貨運車 士、公共小巴及貨運 增加價值 (百 年 車輛的營運者)(1) 輛的營運者)(1) 車輛的營運者)(1), (2) 萬元) 業務收益指數(3) Year Number of Number of persons Number of persons Value added Business receipts establishments (not engaged (not engaged (including ($ million) index(3) including operators of including operators of operators of taxis, (2000=100) taxis, public light buses taxis, public light public light buses and goods vehicles)(1) buses and goods and goods vehicles)(1) vehicles)(1), (2)

1994 184 28 977 141 200 26,122 - 2000 415 38 120 146 200 35,397 100.0 2001 497 39 120 147 600 34,788 102.4 2002 539 38 989 138 800 34,179 99.5 2003 511 39 172 144 400* 31,911 94.6 2004 481 38 298 150 700 N.A. 101.8

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Notes :(1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 為包括的士、公共小巴及貨運車輛的營運者 (2) Specially estimated to take into account operators 而編製的特別估計數字,日後可能會作出修 of taxis, public light buses and goods vehicles. 訂。 The figures are subject to revisions later on. (3) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (3) Business receipts indices of the industry were first 製。 compiled in 1996.

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千人(另有註明除外) Thousands (unless otherwise specified) 進出香港的道路及鐵路交通 每日乘搭陸上公共交通工具的平均人次 Inward and Outward Average Daily Public Land Transport Passenger Journeys Movements by Road and by Rail

貨物(5) 年 乘客(4) (千公噸) 巴士(6) 鐵路(7) 公共小巴(8) 的士(9) 居民巴士(10) Year Passengers(4) Cargo(5) Buses(6) Railways(7) Public light Taxis(9) Residents' (thousand buses(8) services(10) tonnes)

1994 45 925 34 062 3 513 3 485 1 777 1 068* 90 2000 101 709 40 384* 4 173 3 483 1 607 977* 132 2001 106 637 37 288* 4 296 3 474 1 634 974* 153 2002 117 636 39 758* 4 397 3 527 1 655 979* 170 2003 115 508 40 272* 4 118 3 420 1 631* 975* 174* 2004 135 849 40 474 4 136 3 837 1 706 1 030 178

註釋 : (4) 指抵港及離港乘客的總人次,但不包括被拒 Notes : (4) Figures refer to the total number of passenger 入境者及司機。 arrivals and departures, but excluding refused landing passengers and drivers. (5) 指貨物總裝卸量,但不包括鐵路運輸的牲畜。 (5) Figures refer to the total tonnes of cargo discharged and loaded, but excluding livestock by rail. (6) 包括九巴、中巴(至一九九八年八月三十一日 (6) Including , China Motor Bus 止)、新大嶼山巴士、城巴、龍運巴士、新巴 (up to 31 August 1998), , , (一九九八年九月一日開始)及九廣鐵路巴 , (from 1 士。 September 1998) and Kowloon-Canton Railway Bus. (7) 包括地下鐵路、九廣鐵路(東鐵,西鐵及輕 (7) Including Mass Transit Railway, 鐵)、香港電車及山頂纜車。 Kowloon-Canton Railway (East Rail, West Rail and Light Rail), Hongkong Tramways and Peak Tramways. (8) 包括綠色專線小巴及紅色小巴。二零零三年 (8) Including Green Minibus and Red Minibus. The 一月至二零零四年十一月的紅色小巴乘客人 whole series of Red Minibus patronage figures for 次已於二零零五年二月修訂。二零零三年前 the period from January 2003 to November 2004 的數字是基於一九九七年進行的「使用公共 was revised in February 2005. Figures before 小巴服務情況統計調查」的結果估計。而二 2003 are estimated based on the results of the 零零三年及以後的乘客人次則基於二零零二 Survey on Patronage of Public Light Buses 年進行的相似統計調查的結果估計。 conducted in 1997, while those for 2003 and after are based on the results of a similar survey conducted in end 2002. (9) 一九八九年一月至二零零四年十一月的的士 (9) The whole series of taxi patronage figures for the 乘客人次已於二零零五年二月修訂。二零零 period from January 1989 to November 2004 was 三年二月起的按月乘客人次,是根據該月的 revised in February 2005. Figures for the months 士的營運資料而估計。至於較前月份的乘客 since February 2003 are estimated using the taxi 人次,由於沒有相似的資料,只能基於一些 operating data of the corresponding month. For 較粗略的假設而估算。 the earlier months, since similar data were not available, the figures were revised only on the basis of some crude assumptions. (10) 「居民巴士」在較早期內稱為「屋邨巴士」。 (10) “Residents’ services” was referred to as “residential coaches” in the earlier issues.

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圖 7.1 陸上運輸業的機構單位數目(1), (2) 及就業人數(1), (2) Chart 7.1 Number of Establishments(1), (2) and Persons Engaged(1), (2) in the Land Transport Industry

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged 600 60 000

500 50 000

400 40 000

300 30 000

200 20 000

100 10 000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Notes :(1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 不包括的士、公共小巴及貨運車輛的營運者。 (2) Not including operators of taxis, public light buses and goods vehicles.

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圖 7.2 每日乘搭陸上公共交通工具的平均人次 Chart 7.2 Average Daily Public Land Transport Passenger Journeys

每日平均人次(千人) Average daily passenger journeys (thousands) 12 000

10 000

8 000

6 000

4 000

2 000

0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 巴士 鐵路 公共小巴 的士 居民巴士 (1) (2) (3) (4)(1) Buses Railways Public light buses Taxis Residents' services(5)(1)

註釋 : (1) 包括九巴、中巴(至一九九八年八月三十一日 Notes : (1) Including Kowloon Motor Bus, China Motor Bus 止)、新大嶼山巴士、城巴、龍運巴士、新巴 (up to 31 August 1998), New Lantao Bus, Citybus, (一九九八年九月一日開始)及九廣鐵路巴 Long Win Bus, New World First Bus (from 1 士。 September 1998) and Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation Bus. (2) 包括地下鐵路、九廣鐵路(東鐵,西鐵及輕 (2) Including Mass Transit Railway, 鐵)、香港電車及山頂纜車。 Kowloon-Canton Railway (East Rail, West Rail and Light Rail), Hongkong Tramways and Peak Tramways. (3) 包括綠色專線小巴及紅色小巴。二零零三年 (3) Including Green Minibus and Red Minibus. The 一月至二零零四年十一月的紅色小巴乘客人 whole series of Red Minibus patronage figures for 次已於二零零五年二月修訂。二零零三年前 the period from January 2003 to November 2004 的數字是基於一九九七年進行的「使用公共 was revised in February 2005. Figures before 小巴服務情況統計調查」的結果估計。而二 2003 are estimated based on the results of the 零零三年及以後的乘客人次則基於二零零二 Survey on Patronage of Public Light Buses 年進行的相似統計調查的結果估計。 conducted in 1997, while those for 2003 and after are based on the results of a similar survey conducted in end 2002. (4) 一九八九年一月至二零零四年十一月的的士 (4) The whole series of taxi patronage figures for the 乘客人次已於二零零五年二月修訂。二零零 period from January 1989 to November 2004 was 三年二月起的按月乘客人次,是根據該月的 revised in February 2005. Figures for the months 士的營運資料而估計。至於較前月份的乘客 since February 2003 are estimated using the taxi 人次,由於沒有相似的資料,只能基於一些 operating data of the corresponding month. For 較粗略的假設而估算。 the earlier months, since similar data were not available, the figures were revised only on the basis of some crude assumptions. (5) 「居民巴士」在較早期內稱為「屋邨巴士」。 (5) “Residents’ services” was referred to as “residential coaches” in the earlier issues.

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圖 7.3 經道路及鐵路(1)進出香港的貨物 Chart 7.3 Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo by Road and by Rail(1)

千公噸 Thousand tonnes 25 000

20 000

15 000

10 000

5 000

0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

卸下 裝上 Discharged Loaded

註釋 : (1) 不包括經鐵路運輸的牲畜。 Note : (1) Excluding livestock by rail.

圖 7.4 進出香港的車輛 Chart 7.4 Inward and Outward Movements of Motor Vehicles

車輛數目(千輛) Number of vehicles (thousands) 16 000 14 000 12 000 10 000 8 000 6 000 4 000 2 000 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 (1) (2) 貨運車輛 客運車輛 私家車() (2) Goods vehicles(1) Passenger vehicles Private cars()

註釋 : (1) 貨運車輛包括輕型貨運車輛、中型貨運車 Notes : (1) Goods vehicles include light goods vehicles, 輛、貨櫃車、泥頭車、油缸車及掛有 T 牌的 medium goods vehicles, container trucks, dump 左軚車。 trucks, oil tanker vehicles and T-plate vehicles. (2) 二零零四年之前的客運車輛數字包括旅遊巴 (2) Prior to 2004, figures of passenger vehicles 士、公共小巴及出租汽車。自二零零四年起, include coaches, public light buses and hire cars. 出租汽車數字包括在私家車數字之內。 As from 2004 onwards, figures for hire cars are included in those for private cars.

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圖 7.5 領牌車輛(1)及駕駛執照數目(2) Chart 7.5 Number of Vehicles Licensed(1) and Number of Driving Licences(2)

領牌車輛數目 (千輛) 駕駛執照數目(千個) Number of vehicles licensed (thousands) Number of driving licences (thousands) 900 5 000 800 4 500 700 4 000 3 500 600 3 000 500 2 500 400 2 000 300 1 500 200 1 000 100 500 0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

領牌車輛 駕駛執照 Vehicles licensed Driving licences

註釋 : (1) 不包括軍用車輛。 Notes : (1) Excluding military vehicles. (2) 不包括學習駕駛執照。 (2) Excluding learner’s driving licences.

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概念與方法 Concepts and Methods

用語及定義 Terms and Definitions

在編製統計數字時,陸上運輸業 包括提供陸路客 For statistical compilation purpose, the land transport 運服務、陸路貨運服務、停車場服務、汽車隧道 industry covers establishments rendering land 服務及其他陸路運輸輔助服務的機構單位。 passenger transport services, land freight transport services, car park services, vehicular tunnel services and other supporting services to land transport.

機構單位 是指在單一擁有權或控制權下,在單一 An establishment is defined as an economic unit 地點從事一種或主要從事一種經濟活動的經濟 which engages, under a single ownership or control, 單位,例如個別工廠、工場、零售店及辦公室。 in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single physical location, e.g. an individual factory, workshop, retail shop and office.

就業人數 包括所有於統計日期工作最少一小時 Persons engaged include all individual proprietors, 及經常參與機構單位業務的東主、合夥人,以及 partners and persons having family ties with any of 與東主或合夥人有親屬關係並在機構單位工作 the proprietors or partners and working in the 而無正薪的人士;及所有於統計日期向機構單位 establishment without regular pay, who are actively 直接支取薪酬的全職受薪僱員,以及有限公司的 engaged in the work of the establishment for at least 在職董事,其中包括長期或臨時聘用的,無論這 one hour on the survey reference date; and all 些僱員正在本港或其他地方工作或暫時缺勤(即 full-time salaried personnel or employees and 正在放病假、分娩假、年假、事假的工人及罷工 working directors of limited companies directly paid 者)。在統計日期工作最少一小時的兼職僱員, by the establishment, both permanent and temporary, 以及夜班或通宵班的僱員亦包括在內。由一九九 who are either at work (whether or not in Hong Kong) 九年三月開始,有關點算就業人數的工作時數定 or temporarily absent from work (viz. those on sick 義由原有的「在統計日期工作最少三小時」改為 leave, maternity leave, annual vacation or casual 「在統計日期工作最少一小時」。 leave, and on strike) on the survey reference date. Part-time employees and employees on night/irregular shifts working for at least one hour on the survey reference date are also included. As from March 1999, the rule for counting the number of persons engaged has been changed from the previous definition of “working for at least three hours” to a new definition of “working for at least one hour”.

本地生產總值 是指一個國家或地區的所有常住 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the 生產單位,在一個指定的期間內,未扣除固定資 total value of production of all resident producing 本消耗的生產總價值。 units of a country or territory in a specified period, before deducting allowance for consumption of fixed capital.

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生產總額 是由收取所得的服務費計算,即客運及 Gross output is measured by the service charges 貨運收入。 received, viz. passenger and freight revenue.

增加價值 是生產總額減去中間投產消耗(生產過 Value added is defined as the value of gross output 程中所耗用的貨物和服務的價值)。 less the value of intermediate consumption (the value of goods and services used up in the course of production).

進出香港的車輛 是指經落馬洲、文錦渡及沙頭角 Inward and outward movements of motor vehicles 出入境管制站往返中國內地的車輛。 refers to traffic through the Control Points at Lok Ma Chau, Man Kam To and Sha Tau Kok to and from the mainland of China.

陸上運輸設備的貿易統計數字 包括鐵路或電車 Trade statistics on land transport equipment includes 路機車、路軌裝備及配件、鐵路車輛及其零件; imports and exports of railway or tramway 各類機械交通信號設備;用作載人或運貨的汽 locomotives, track fixtures and fittings, rolling stock 車、特殊用途汽車、裝有引擎的汽車底盤及其他 and parts thereof; mechanical traffic signalling 有關的零件及附件;用於未配有起重或裝卸設備 equipment of all kinds; motor vehicles for the 的自動推進工程車、適用於火車站月台的拖拉機 transport of persons or goods, special purpose motor 及上述有關零件;電單車;機械推動的殘疾人用 vehicles, chassis fitted with engines and other related 車及其他有關的車輛零件及附件的進口及出口 parts and accessories; self-propelled works trucks not 貨值。 fitted with lifting and handling equipment, tractors of the type used on railway station platform and parts of the foregoing vehicles; motorcycles; mechanically propelled invalid carriages and other related parts and accessories of vehicles.

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統計表 Statistical Tables

表 7.1 陸上運輸業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Table 7.1 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Land Transport Industry

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目 (不包括的士、公共小巴及貨 運車輛的營運者)(1) 184 415 497 539 511 481 Number of establishments (not including (20.3) (8.9) (19.8) (8.5) (-5.2) (-5.9) operators of taxis, public light buses and goods vehicles)(1)

就業人數 (不包括的士、公共小巴及貨運車 輛的營運者)(1) 28 977 38 120 39 120 38 989 39 172 38 298 Number of persons engaged (not (6.1) (-2.3) (2.6) (-0.3) (0.5) (-2.2) including operators of taxis, public light buses and goods vehicles)(1)

就業人數 (包括的士、公共小巴及貨運車輛 的營運者)(1), (2) 141 200 146 200 147 600 138 800 144 400* 150 700 Number of persons engaged (including (7.1) (3.8) (0.9) (-6.0) (4.1) (4.4) operators of taxis, public light buses and goods vehicles)(1), (2)

業務收益指數(3) (2000=100) - 100.0 102.4 99.5 94.6 101.8 Business receipts index(3) (2000=100) - (2.2) (2.4) (-2.8) (-5.0) (7.7)

生產總額 44,047 57,830 56,590 55,946 53,507 N.A. Gross output (9.1) (3.8) (-2.1) (-1.1) (-4.4) (-)

增加價值 26,122 35,397 34,788 34,179 31,911 N.A. Value added (13.1) (6.9) (-1.7) (-1.8) (-6.6) (-) 在以要素成本計算的本地生產總值內所 佔比率 (百分比) 2.7 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.7 N.A. Contribution to GDP at factor cost (%) 增加價值在生產總額所佔比率 59.3 61.2 61.5 61.1 59.6 N.A. Value added as % of gross output

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 為包括的士、公共小巴及貨運車輛的營運者 (2) Specially estimated to take into account operators 而編製的特別估計數字,日後可能會作出修 of taxis, public light buses and goods vehicles. 訂。 The figures are subject to revisions later on. (3) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (3) Business receipts indices of the industry were first 製。 compiled in 1996.

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表 7.2 每日乘搭陸上公共交通工具的平均人次 Table 7.2 Average Daily Public Land Transport Passenger Journeys

千人 Thousands 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

人次總計(1) 9 933* 10 371* 10 531* 10 729* 10 319* 10 887 Total passenger journeys(1) (1.9) (1.9) (1.5) (1.9) (-3.8) (5.5) 巴士(2) 3 513 4 173 4 296 4 397 4 118 4 136 Buses(2) (1.8) (3.8) (3.0) (2.4) (-6.3) (0.4) 鐵路(3) 3 485 3 483 3 473* 3 527 3 420 3 837 Railways(3) (4.0) (#) (-0.3) (1.6) (-3.0) (12.2) 公共小巴(4) 1 777 1 607 1 634 1 655 1 631* 1 706 Public light buses(4) (2.3) (1.3) (1.7) (1.3) (-1.4) (4.6) 的士(5) 1 068* 977* 974* 979* 975* 1 030 Taxis(5) (-4.7) (1.0) (-0.3) (0.6) (-0.4) (5.7) 居民巴士(6) 90 132 153 170 174* 178 Residents' services(6) (4.6) (14.9) (16.5) (10.7) (2.4) (2.5)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 因應的士及紅色小巴乘客人次數字的修訂,一 (1) The whole series of total public transport 九八九年一月至二零零四年十一月的公共交 patronage figures for the period from January 通乘客總人次的整個系列數字均已於二零零 1989 to November 2004 was revised in February 五年二月修訂。 2005 owing to the revisions in taxi and Red Minibus patronage figures. (2) 包括九巴、中巴(至一九九八年八月三十一日 (2) Including Kowloon Motor Bus, China Motor Bus 止)、新大嶼山巴士、城巴、龍運巴士、新巴(一 (up to 31 August 1998), New Lantao Bus, Citybus, 九九八年九月一日開始)及九廣鐵路巴士。 Long Win Bus, New World First Bus (from 1 September 1998) and Kowloon-Canton Railway Bus. (3) 包括地下鐵路、九廣鐵路(東鐵,西鐵及輕 (3) Including Mass Transit Railway, 鐵)、香港電車及山頂纜車。 Kowloon-Canton Railway (East Rail, West Rail and Light Rail), Hongkong Tramways and Peak Tramways. (4) 包括綠色專線小巴及紅色小巴。二零零三年 (4) Including Green Minibus and Red Minibus. The 一月至二零零四年十一月的紅色小巴乘客人 whole series of Red Minibus patronage figures for 次已於二零零五年二月修訂。二零零三年前 the period from January 2003 to November 2004 的數字是基於一九九七年進行的「使用公共 was revised in February 2005. Figures before 小巴服務情況統計調查」的結果估計。而二 2003 are estimated based on the results of the 零零三年及以後的乘客人次則基於二零零二 Survey on Patronage of Public Light Buses 年進行的相似統計調查的結果估計。 conducted in 1997, while those for 2003 and after are based on the results of a similar survey conducted in end 2002. (5) 一九八九年一月至二零零四年十一月的的士 (5) The whole series of taxi patronage figures for the 乘客人次已於二零零五年二月修訂。二零零 period from January 1989 to November 2004 was 三年二月起的按月乘客人次,是根據該月的 revised in February 2005. Figures for the months 士的營運資料而估計。至於較前月份的乘客 since February 2003 are estimated using the taxi 人次,由於沒有相似的資料,只能基於一些 operating data of the corresponding month. For 較粗略的假設而估算。 the earlier months, since similar data were not available, the figures were revised only on the basis of some crude assumptions. (6) 「居民巴士」在較早期內稱為「屋邨巴士」。 (6) “Residents’ services” was referred to as “residential coaches” in the earlier issues. # 表示變動百分率在 ± 0.05%以內。 # Denotes change within ± 0.05%.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 138 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 7.3 經道路及鐵路進出香港的乘客人數 Table 7.3 Inward and Outward Movements of Passengers by Road and by Rail

千人 Thousands 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

乘客總計(1) 45 925 101 709 106 637 117 636 115 508 135 849 Total movements of passengers(1) (6.1) (12.7) (4.8) (10.3) (-1.8) (17.6) 抵港 23 197 51 048 53 557 59 234 58 156 68 438 Arrivals (5.7) (12.6) (4.9) (10.6) (-1.8) (17.7) 離港 22 728 50 661 53 080 58 402 57 352 67 411 Departures (6.5) (12.7) (4.8) (10.0) (-1.8) (17.5)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 不包括被拒入境者及司機。 (1) Excluding refused landing passengers and drivers.

表 7.4 經道路及鐵路進出香港的貨物 Table 7.4 Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo by Road and by Rail

千公噸 Thousand tonnes 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

卸下 16 349 22 460* 20 682* 21 368* 21 004* 21 391 Discharged (10.0) (8.0) (-7.9) (3.3) (-1.7) (1.8) 道路運輸 15 203 22 142* 20 409* 21 085* 20 751* 21 183 By road (11.6) (8.0) (-7.8) (3.3) (-1.6) (2.1) 鐵路運輸(1) 1 146 318 273 283 253 208 By rail(1) (-8.1) (8.5) (-14.2) (3.7) (-10.6) (-17.8)

裝上 17 713 17 924* 16 606* 18 390* 19 268* 19 083 Loaded (15.6) (-0.9) (-7.4) (10.7) (4.8) (-1.0) 道路運輸 17 368 17 791* 16 509* 18 288* 19 192* 19 019 By road (16.1) (-0.7) (-7.2) (10.8) (4.9) (-0.9) 鐵路運輸(1) 345 133 97 102 76 64 By rail(1) (-5.5) (-23.1) (-27.1) (5.2) (-25.5) (-15.8)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 不包括牲畜。 (1) Excluding livestock.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 139 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 7.5 進出香港的車輛 Table 7.5 Inward and Outward Movements of Motor Vehicles 千輛 Thousands 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

車輛總計 8 182 11 207 11 334 12 423 13 183 14 482 Total movements of motor vehicles (10.5) (8.5) (1.1) (9.6) (6.1) (9.9) 貨運車輛(1) 7 806 9 402 9 148 9 788 9 947 10 188 Goods vehicles(1) (10.0) (5.9) (-2.7) (7.0) (1.6) (2.4) 客運車輛(2) 149 453 551 619 833 1 292 Passenger vehicles(2) (17.7) (16.5) (21.6) (12.3) (34.6) (55.1) 私家車 227 1 352 1 635 2 017 2 405 3 001 Private cars (25.7) (27.4) (20.9) (23.4) (19.2) (24.8) 抵港 4 078 5 595 5 663 6 209 6 583 7 236 Inward movements (10.2) (8.4) (1.2) (9.6) (6.0) (9.9) 貨運車輛(1) 3 893 4 700 4 570 4 889 4 968 5 096 Goods vehicles(1) (9.8) (5.9) (-2.8) (7.0) (1.6) (2.6) 客運車輛(2) 73 227 274 312 420 641 Passenger vehicles(2) (19.2) (16.4) (20.7) (13.9) (34.6) (52.6) 私家車 112 668 819 1 008 1 195 1 498 Private cars (23.4) (26.3) (22.6) (23.1) (18.6) (25.4) 離港 4 104 5 612 5 671 6 214 6 600 7 246 Outward movements (10.7) (8.7) (1.1) (9.6) (6.2) (9.8) 貨運車輛(1) 3 912 4 702 4 578 4 898 4 977 5 092 Goods vehicles(1) (10.2) (5.9) (-2.6) (7.0) (1.6) (2.3) 客運車輛(2) 77 226 276 307 412 651 Passenger vehicles(2) (16.3) (16.5) (22.1) (11.2) (34.2) (58.0) 私家車 115 684 816 1 008 1 211 1 503 Private cars (28.0) (28.6) (19.3) (23.5) (20.1) (24.1)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 貨運車輛包括輕型貨運車輛、中型貨運車 (1) Goods vehicles include light goods vehicles, 輛、貨櫃車、泥頭車、油缸車及掛有 T 牌的 medium goods vehicles, container trucks, dump 左軚車。 trucks, oil tanker vehicles and T-plate vehicles. (2) 二零零四年之前的客運車輛數字包括旅遊巴 (2) Prior to 2004, figures of passenger vehicles 士、公共小巴及出租汽車。自二零零四年起, include coaches, public light buses and hire cars. 出租汽車數字包括在私家車數字之內。 As from 2004 onwards, figures for hire cars are included in those for private cars.

表 7.6 進出香港的火車 Table 7.6 Inward and Outward Movements of Trains

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

貨運火車 (載有貨物車卡) 69 403 27 138 23 080 25 910 22 184 15 299 Cargo trains (number of laden wagons) (-10.2) (-0.9) (-15.0) (12.3) (-14.4) (-31.0) 抵港 51 612 19 786 16 909 18 003 15 704 10 616 Arrivals (-9.4) (1.6) (-14.5) (6.5) (-12.8) (-32.4) 離港 17 791 7 352 6 171 7 907 6 480 4 683 Departures (-12.3) (-7.0) (-16.1) (28.1) (-18.0) (-27.7)

客運火車 (班次) 3 940 5 848 5 999 6 159 7 004 9 068 Passenger trains (numbers) (1.2) (12.7) (2.6) (2.7) (13.7) (29.5)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Note : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 140 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 7.7 牌照及道路統計數字 Table 7.7 Licence and Road Statistics

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

牌照 Licences 領牌車輛數目 462 410 516 782 525 376 525 551 524 249* 532 872 Number of vehicles licensed (5.2) (2.5) (1.7) (#) (-0.2) (1.6) 電單車 (包括機動三輪車) 20 399 25 500 27 116 28 350 30 266 32 735 Motorcycles (including motor (6.1) (5.1) (6.3) (4.6) (6.8) (8.2) tricycles) 私家車 279 420 332 379 340 568 340 855 338 930 344 713 Private cars (7.5) (3.3) (2.5) (0.1) (-0.6) (1.7) 的士 17 856 17 983 18 045 18 040 18 114 18 043 Taxis (1.2) (-0.1) (0.3) (#) (0.4) (-0.4) 公共巴士 8 650 12 089 12 564 12 957 12 998* 12 865 Public buses (5.6) (3.8) (3.9) (3.1) (0.3) (-1.0) 私家巴士 278 434 469 479 477 473 Private buses (5.7) (0.7) (8.1) (2.1) (-0.4) (-0.8) 公共小巴 4 322 4 340 4 340 4 343 4 334 4 328 Public light buses (-0.1) (-0.1) (#) (0.1) (-0.2) (-0.1) 私家小巴 2 426 2 051 2 012 1 983 1 925 1 889 Private light buses (1.6) (-2.4) (-1.9) (-1.4) (-2.9) (-1.9) 貨運車輛 121 325 114 277 112 585 111 025 109 777 110 477 Goods vehicles (0.8) (0.4) (-1.5) (-1.4) (-1.1) (0.6) 特別用途車輛 256 487 550 696 774 851 Special purpose vehicles (4.1) (12.5) (12.9) (26.5) (11.2) (9.9) 政府車輛(1) 7 478 7 242 7 127 6 823 6 654 6 498 Government vehicles(1) (4.5) (-1.7) (-1.6) (-4.3) (-2.5) (-2.3) 駕駛執照數目(2) 2 952 078 3 881 538 4 082 370 4 232 210 4 361 660* 4 534 964 Number of driving licences(2) (3.4) (7.8) (5.2) (3.7) (3.1) (4.0)

道路 Roads 可行車的道路長度 (米) 1 660 713 1 904 286 1 911 146 1 924 485 1 933 885 1 943 398 Length of trafficable roads (metres) (2.2) (1.0) (0.4) (0.7) (0.5) (0.5)

按每百名人口計算的可行車道路長度(3) (米) 27.1 28.4 28.3 28.4 28.3* 28.2 Length of trafficable roads per 100 (0.2) (-0.1) (-0.3) (0.3) (-0.4) (-0.2) population(3) (metres)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 不包括軍用車輛。 (1) Excluding military vehicles. (2) 不包括學習駕駛執照。 (2) Excluding learner’s driving licences. (3) 載於本表內二零零零年的數字與載於本 (3) Figures for 2000 presented in this table may be 刊較早期號的數字或有不同,這是由於以 different from that presented in the earlier issues of 下其中一項或兩項因素所致: this publication owing to one or both of the (a) 自二零零零年八月起編製人口數字的 following reasons : 方法有所改變。 (a) The change in the approach for compiling (b) 二零零一年人口普查結果為人口數據 population figures since August 2000. 提供最新基準性資料。 (b) The availability of up-to-date benchmark population data based on the results of the 2001 Population Census. # 表示變動百分率在 ± 0.05%以內。 # Denotes change within ± 0.05%.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 141 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 7.8 陸上運輸設備的進出口貨值 Table 7.8 Imports and Exports of Land Transport Equipment

百萬元 $ million 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

進口 47,989 19,680 20,770 22,282 24,136 22,367 Imports (0.5) (21.0) (5.5) (7.3) (8.3) (-7.3)

整體出口 25,711 7,344 8,481 11,444 15,131 13,107 Total exports (-14.1) (4.1) (15.5) (34.9) (32.2) (-13.4) 港產品出口 4 3 3 1 1 4 Domestic exports (-72.7) (-21.3) (-8.1) (-79.7) (-8.8) (673.7) 轉口 25,707 7,341 8,478 11,443 15,131 13,103 Re-exports (-14.0) (4.1) (15.5) (35.0) (32.2) (-13.4)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Note : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 142 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 7.9 陸上運輸業的選定最新統計數字 Table 7.9 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Land Transport Services

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

機構單位數目 (不包括的士、公共小巴及貨 運車輛的營運者) 517 510 505 452 498 468 Number of establishments (not including operators of taxis, public light buses and goods vehicles)

就業人數 (不包括的士、公共小巴及貨運車 輛的營運者) 39 418 38 808 38 585 38 315 38 138 38 152 Number of persons engaged (not including operators of taxis, public light buses and goods vehicles)

就業人數 (包括的士、公共小巴及貨運車輛 的營運者) 143 800* 146 500* 147 200* 152 200* 150 300* 153 100 Number of persons engaged (including operators of taxis, public light buses and goods vehicles)

業務收益指數 (2000=100) 97.7 99.5 98.2 100.0 102.7* 106.4 Business receipts index (2000=100)

每日乘搭陸上公共交通工具的平均人次 (千 人) Average daily public land transport passenger journeys (thousands) 巴士 4 154 4 300 4 134 4 104 4 112 4 193

Buses 鐵路 3 517 3 682 3 741 3 682 3 877 4 043

Railways 公共小巴(1) 1 663* 1 687* 1 668* 1 689* 1 731* 1 736 (1) Public light buses 的士(2) 1 030* 1 009* 1 026* 1 004* 1 053* 1 038 (2) Taxis 居民巴士 180* 179* 170 177 182 183 Residents’ services

註釋 : (1) 包括綠色專線小巴及紅色小巴。二零零三年一 Notes : (1) Including Green Minibus and Red Minibus. The 月至二零零四年十一月的紅色小巴乘客人次 whole series of Red Minibus patronage figures 已於二零零五年二月修訂。 for the period from January 2003 to November 2004 was revised in February 2005. (2) 一九八九年一月至二零零四年十一月的的士 (2) The whole series of taxi patronage figures for the 乘客人次已於二零零五年二月修訂。二零零三 period from January 1989 to November 2004 was 年二月起的按月乘客人次,是根據該月的士的 revised in February 2005. Figures for the months 營運資料而估計。 since February 2003 are estimated using the taxi operating data of the corresponding month.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 143 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 7.9 (續) 陸上運輸業的選定最新統計數字 Table 7.9 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Land Transport Services

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

經道路及鐵路進出香港的乘客人數 (千人) 31 314 32 436 31 194 33 870 35 099 35 685 Inward and outward movements of passengers by road and by rail (thousands) 抵港 15 815 16 316 15 749 17 052 17 660 17 977 Arrivals

離港 15 499 16 120 15 445 16 818 17 439 17 708 Departures

經道路及鐵路進出香港的貨物 (千公噸) 10 805* 10 513* 9 115* 10 321* 10 972* 10 066 Inward and outward movements of cargo by road and by rail (thousand tonnes) 卸下 5 822* 5 468* 4 703* 5 321* 5 964* 5 403 Discharged

道路運輸 5 763* 5 401* 4 650* 5 264* 5 913* 5 356 By road

鐵路運輸 59 67 53 57 51 47 By rail

裝上 4 983* 5 045* 4 412* 5 000* 5 008* 4 663 Loaded

道路運輸 4 971* 5 029* 4 400* 4 984* 4 989* 4 646 By road

鐵路運輸 12 16 12 16 19 17 By rail

進出香港的貨運車輛 (千輛) 2 680 3 586 2 312 2 566 2 750 2 560 Inward and outward movements of goods vehicles (thousands) 抵港 1 343 1 790 1 156 1 283 1 376 1 281 Inward movements

離港 1 337 1 797 1 157 1 283 1 374 1 279 Outward movements

進出香港的火車 Inward and outward movements of trains

貨運火車 (載有貨物車卡) 5 058 4 973 4 018 3 953 3 761 3 567 Cargo trains (number of laden wagons)

抵港 3 678 3 496 2 932 2 742 2 590 2 352 Arrivals

離港 1 380 1 477 1 086 1 211 1 171 1 215 Departures

客運火車 (班次) 1 812 1 980 1 998 2 298 2 382 2 390 Passenger trains (numbers)

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 144 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 7.9 (續) 陸上運輸業的選定最新統計數字 Table 7.9 (Cont’d) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Land Transport Services

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

領牌車輛數目 522 745 524 249 525 687 528 172 529 869 532 872 Number of vehicles licensed

電單車 (包括機動三輪車) 29 658 30 266 30 649 31 265 31 861 32 735 Motorcycles (including motor tricycles) 私家車 338 201 338 930 340 020 341 760 342 697 344 713 Private cars

的士 18 038 18 114 18 128 18 108 18 076 18 043 Taxis

公共巴士 12 894 12 998 12 910 12 867 12 850 12 865 Public buses

私家巴士 482 477 475 470 473 473 Private buses

公共小巴 4 337 4 334 4 331 4 331 4 342 4 328 Public light buses

私家小巴 1 926 1 925 1 909 1 908 1 891 1 889 Private light buses

貨運車輛 109 732 109 777 109 866 110 101 110 337 110 477 Goods vehicles

特別用途車輛 774 744 785 778 800 851 Special purpose vehicles

政府車輛 6 703 6 654 6 614 6 584 6 542 6 498 Government vehicles

可行車的道路長度 (米) 1 932 249 1 933 885 1 935 298 1 935 679 1 937 725 1 943 398 Length of trafficable roads (metres)

陸上運輸設備的進出口貨值 (百萬元) Imports/exports of land transport equipment ($ million) 進口 5,299 6,503 6,164 6,329 5,128 4,746 Imports

整體出口 3,997 3,857 4,305 3,099 2,622 3,081 Total exports

港產品出口 @ @ 0 2 1 1 Domestic exports

轉口 3,997 3,857 4,305 3,098 2,621 3,079 Re-exports

註釋: @ 少於五十萬元。 Note: @ Less than $500,000.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 145 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

資料來源 Data Sources

表 資料來源 Table Sources

7.1 政府統計處 7.1 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組; Employment Statistics Section; 商業服務統計組; Business Services Statistics Section; 國民收入統計組(二) 一 National Income Section (2)1

7.2 運輸署 7.2 Transport Department

7.3 入境事務處 7.3 Immigration Department

7.4 政府統計處 7.4 Census and Statistics Department 貿易資料處理組; Trade Statistics Processing Section;

香港海關; Customs and Excise Department; 九廣鐵路公司 Kowloon Canton Railway Corporation

7.5 香港海關 7.5 Customs and Excise Department

7.6 九廣鐵路公司 7.6 Kowloon Canton Railway Corporation

7.7 運輸署; 7.7 Transport Department; 路政署 Highways Department

7.8 政府統計處 7.8 Census and Statistics Department 貿易資料分析組 Trade Analysis Section

其他有關刊物 Further References

運輸資料年報,運輸署編製 Annual Transport Digest, published by the Transport Department

就業及空缺統計(詳細統計表) Employment and Vacancies Statistics (Detailed Tables)

本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product

香港統計年刊 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics

香港統計月刊 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics

服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries

就業及空缺按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Employment and Vacancies Statistics

運輸及有關服務按年統計調查報告 Report on Annual Survey of Transport and Related Services

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 146 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

海上運輸業 8 Maritime Transport Services

概要 Highlights

香港擁有全世界其中一個最繁忙和最有 Hong Kong is served by one of the world's busiest 效率的港口。二零零三年,來自海上運輸 and most efficient ports. The maritime transport 業的增加價值約為 307 億元,佔本地生產 industry generated about $30.7 billion of value 總值的 2.6%。 added, or 2.6% of Hong Kong's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2003.

海上運輸業包括船務代理;遠洋輪船/港 The maritime transport industry included ship agents; 澳船隻船東及營運者;港海渡輪及其他港 owners and operators of sea-going vessels/Hong 內海上運輸服務的營運者;經營貨櫃業的 Kong-Macao vessels; operators of harbour ferries 公司;提供海上貨運代理服務及其他海上 and miscellaneous inland water transport services; 運輸輔助服務的公司。二零零四年,從事 companies in the container business; and companies 主要海上運輸業(不包括躉船/駁船、船 providing sea cargo forwarding services and other 上起卸服務)的機構單位約有 5 300 間, supporting services to water transport. In 2004, 人數達 49 000 名。 there were a total of 5 300 establishments and 49 000 people engaged in the main maritime transport services (not including barges/lighters, stevedoring services).

二零零四年,進出香港的船隻流量為 In 2004, the port registered a total of 451 000 inward 451 000 航次。平均每天有近 1 200 艘船 and outward vessel movements. On an average day 隻進出港口,其中包括 200 艘遠洋輪船和 some 1 200 vessels (including 200 sea-going ships 約 1 000 艘內河船隻,穿梭其間,為繁忙 and about 1 000 river vessels) entered or left the port, 的港口提供服務。 providing services to the busy port activities.

在一九九四年至二零零四年間,河運是發 River trade has become the fastest growing maritime 展最快的海上運輸模式。在這期間,河運 transport mode from 1994 to 2004. During this 貨物流量上升 1.1 倍,而經河運的貨櫃吞 period, river cargo movements rose by 1.1 times and 吐量則增加 3.7 倍。但與零三年比較,河 container throughput by river surged by 3.7 times. 運貨物流量錄得 2.7%的輕微跌幅。 However, compared with 2003, container throughput by river recorded a slight decrease of 2.7%.

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至於港內客運服務方面,二零零四年小輪 On internal passenger transport, ferry service was 載客量為 5 700 萬人次,較零三年增加 provided to 57 million passengers in 2004, 6.3% 6.3%,但較一九九四年減少 34%。過去 higher than in 2003 but 34% less than in 1994. The 十年小輪乘客人次下降的主要原因,是政 drop in ferry passenger journeys over the past decade 府大規模地擴展陸上運輸網絡。 was largely a result of the extensive expansion of land transport networks.

二零零四年,港口處理的貨運量為 2.2 億 A total of 220 million tonnes of cargo and 22 million 公噸,而貨櫃吞吐量則為 2 200 萬個標準 T.E.U. containers were handled by the port in 2004. 貨櫃單位,與零三年比較,分別有 6.4% As compared with 2003, the respective increases 及 7.5%的升幅。葵涌的貨櫃碼頭合共處 were 6.4% and 7.5%. The container terminals at 理了 1 340 萬個標準貨櫃單位,佔全年總 Kwai Chung handled 13.4 million T.E.U.s, about 吞吐量的 61%。其餘的分別經中流作業處 61% of the total throughout. The others were 理,或由內河船隻運載。部分由於華南地 handled by mid-stream operation or carried by river 區的貨物量增長,貨物流量於零四年相應 vessels. The increase in cargo movement in 2004 提高。 was partly attributable to the growth of the South China cargo cake.

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主要統計數字及統計圖 Key Statistics and Charts

海上運輸業 Maritime Transport Industry

機構單位數目 就業人數 就業人數 (不包括躉船/駁船 (不包括躉船/駁船 (包括躉船/駁船營 營運者及船上貨物 營運者及船上貨物 運者及船上貨物起 增加價值 年 起卸服務提供者)(1) 起卸服務提供者)(1) 卸服務提供者)(1), (2) (百萬元) 業務收益指數(3) Year Number of Number of Number of Value added Business receipts establishments persons engaged persons engaged ($ million) index(3) (not including (not including (including (2000=100) operators of operators of operators of barges/lighters and barges/lighters and barges/lighters and stevedoring stevedoring stevedoring services services services providers)(1) providers)(1) providers)(1), (2)

1994 4 203 41 893 68 100 20,026 - 2000 5 304 44 134 70 700 28,186 100.0 2001 5 386 46 166 70 300 27,574 110.4 2002 5 594 46 855 71 300 27,477 107.2 2003 5 409 45 705 72 500* 30,657 120.5 2004 5 334 48 689 77 800 N.A. 149.3

進出香港的海運及河運交通 Inward and Outward Movements by Ocean and by River

乘客(5) 貨物(6) 年 遠洋輪船 內河客輪 內河貨船(4) (千人) (千公噸) Year Ocean vessels River passenger River cargo Passengers(5) Cargo(6) ferries vessels(4) (thousands) (thousand tonnes)

1994 74 350 126 370 183 330 20 919 141 025 2000 74 830 119 680 238 790 19 145 174 642 2001 74 280 122 440 232 920 19 910 178 210 2002 70 530 126 680 239 810 20 863 192 511 2003 70 910 125 590 239 600 18 547 207 612 2004 71 370 143 910 235 480 21 300 220 879

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Notes :(1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 為包括躉船/駁船營運者及船上貨物起卸服 (2) Specially estimated to take into account operators 務提供者而編製的特別估計數字,日後可能 of barges/lighters and stevedoring services 會作出修訂。 providers. The figures are subject to revisions later on. (3) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (3) Business receipts indices of the industry were 製。 first compiled in 1996. (4) 由一九九九年開始,內河貨船不包括遊艇及 (4) Starting from 1999, river cargo vessels exclude 漁船。 pleasure vessels and fishing boats. (5) 指抵港及離港乘客的總人次,但不包括被拒 (5) Figures refer to the total number of passenger 入境者。 arrivals and departures, but excluding refused landing passengers. (6) 指貨物總裝卸量,但不包括過境貨物。 (6) Figures refer to the total tonnes of cargo discharged and loaded, but not including transit cargo.

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圖 8.1 海上運輸業的機構單位數目(1), (2)及就業人數(1), (2) Chart 8.1 Number of Establishments(1), (2) and Persons Engaged(1), (2) in the Maritime Transport Industry

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged 7 000 70 000

6 000 60 000

5 000 50 000

4 000 40 000

3 000 30 000

2 000 20 000

1 000 10 000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Notes :(1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 不包括躉船/駁船營運者及船上貨物起卸服 (2) Not including operators of barges/lighters and 務提供者。 stevedoring services providers.

圖 8.2 以海運及河運進出香港的貨物(1) Chart 8.2 Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo(1) by Ocean and by River

千公噸 Thousand tonnes 180 000

160 000

140 000

120 000

100 000

80 000

60 000

40 000

20 000

0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

海運 河運 By ocean By river

註釋 : (1) 不包括過境貨物。 Note : (1) Not including transit cargo.

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圖 8.3 按主要貨物裝卸地點劃分的貨櫃吞吐量(1), (2) Chart 8.3 Container Throughput(1), (2) by Main Cargo Handling Location

千個標準貨櫃單位 Thousand T.E.U.s 16 000 14 000

12 000 10 000

8 000 6 000 4 000 2 000

0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 貨櫃碼頭 貨櫃碼頭以外 Container terminals Other than container terminals

註釋 : (1) 一九九八年開始,一系列新的貨櫃吞吐量數 Notes : (1) Starting from 1998, a new series of container 字已經開始編製。因此,一九九八年及以後 throughput has been compiled. Figures for 1998 的數字不可與一九九八年前的數字作嚴格比 and onwards are thus not strictly comparable with 較。 those prior to 1998. (2) 數字包括載貨及空貨櫃。 (2) Figures include laden and empty containers.

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概念及方法 Concepts and Methods

港口運輸可分為海運及河運。河運的活動範圍局 Port traffic are classified into ocean traffic and river 限於船舶及港口管制條例內訂明的內河航限,而 traffic. River traffic is those performed within the 海運則在此範圍以外。 river trade limits while ocean traffic is the otherwise. The river trade limits are defined in the Shipping and Port Control Ordinance.

用語及定義 Terms and Definitions

在編製統計數字時,海上運輸業 包括提供遠洋 For statistical compilation purpose, maritime 及沿岸海上運輸服務和提供港內海上運輸服務 transport industry covers establishments rendering 的機構單位,從事海上貨運代理、貨櫃裝卸/租 ocean and coastal water transport services as well as 賃服務、營運貨櫃碼頭及其他海上運輸輔助服務 those providing inland water transport services. 的機構單位亦包括在內。 Establishments engaged in sea cargo forwarding services, containers haulage/leasing services, container terminal operation as well as other supporting services to water transport are also included.

機構單位 是指在單一擁有權或控制權下,在單 An establishment is defined as an economic unit 一地點從事一種或主要從事一種經濟活動的經 which engages, under a single ownership or control, 濟單位,例如個別工廠、工場、零售店及辦公室。 in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single physical location, e.g. an individual factory, workshop, retail shop and office.

就業人數 包括所有於統計日期工作最少一小時 Persons engaged include all individual proprietors, 及經常參與機構單位業務的東主、合夥人,以及 partners and persons having family ties with any of 與東主或合夥人有親屬關係並在機構單位工作 the proprietors or partners and working in the 而無正薪的人士;及所有於統計日期向機構單位 establishment without regular pay, who are actively 直接支取薪酬的全職受薪僱員,以及有限公司的 engaged in the work of the establishment for at least 在職董事,其中包括長期或臨時聘用的,無論這 one hour on the survey reference date; and all 些僱員正在本港或其他地方工作或暫時缺勤(即 full-time salaried personnel or employees and 正在放病假、分娩假、年假、事假的工人及罷工 working directors of limited companies directly paid 者)。在統計日期工作最少一小時的兼職僱員, by the establishment, both permanent and temporary, 以及夜班或通宵班的僱員亦包括在內。由一九九 who are either at work (whether or not in Hong 九年三月開始,有關點算就業人數的工作時數定 Kong) or temporarily absent from work (viz. those 義由原有的「在統計日期工作最少三小時」改為 on sick leave, maternity leave, annual vacation or 「在統計日期工作最少一小時」。 casual leave, and on strike) on the survey reference date. Part-time employees and employees on night/irregular shifts working for at least one hour on the survey reference date are also included. As from March 1999, the rule for counting the number of persons engaged has been changed from the previous definition of “working for at least three hours” to a new definition of “working for at least one hour”.

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本地生產總值 是指一個國家或地區的所有常住 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the 生產單位,在一個指定的期間內,未扣除固定資 total value of production of all resident producing 本消耗的生產總價值。 units of a country or territory in a specified period, before deducting allowance for consumption of fixed capital.

生產總額 是由收取所得的服務費計算,即客運 Gross output is measured by the service charges 及貨運收入。在外地註冊的輪船,其香港船東的 received, viz. passenger and freight revenue. The 生產額則可能不計算在此數字內。 output of Hong Kong shipowner whose vessels are registered abroad may not be accounted for in the


增加價值 是生產總額減去中間投產消耗(生產 Value added is defined as the value of gross output 過程中所耗用的貨物和服務的價值)。 less the value of intermediate consumption (the value of goods and services used up in the course of production).

自一九九三年開始,遠洋輪船 和 內河船隻 的 Starting from 1993, ocean vessels and river vessels 定義已根據其停靠港口是否在內河航限範圍內 have been redefined according to whether or not their 而加以修訂。 ports of call are beyond the river trade limits.

內河航限 已於船舶及港口管制條例清楚訂明。 River trade limits are defined in the Shipping and Port 內河航限是指香港鄰近水域,一般指香港與珠 Control Ordinance. The river trade limits means the 江、大鵬灣及澳門,及其他在廣東和廣西與香港 waters in the vicinity of Hong Kong, which broadly 鄰近水域相連的內陸水域。內河貿易與其他海上 includes the Pearl River, Mirs Bay and Macao, and 運輸貿易的分別是以內河航限為根據。 other inland waters in Guangdong and Guangxi which are accessible from waters in the vicinity of Hong Kong. The distinction between river trade and other waterborne trade is based on the river trade limits.

持牌小輪服務 是根據渡輪服務條例發出牌照經 Licensed ferry service is any ferry service operated 營的任何渡輪服務。 under a licence granted under the Ferries Ordinance.

卸貨量 包括進口貨物及抵港的轉運貨物。 Cargo discharged includes imports and inward transhipment.

裝貨量 包括出口(港產品出口及轉口)貨物及離 Cargo loaded includes exports (domestic exports and 港的轉運貨物。 re-exports) and outward transhipment.

二十呎標準貨櫃單位 是以二十呎×八呎×八呎的 T.E.U. refers to Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (based 標準貨櫃為根據。 on a standardized container size of 20 feet × 8 feet × 8.feet).

海上運輸設備的貿易統計數字 包括巡航船、遊 Trade statistics on maritime transport equipment 覽船、渡輪、貨船、駁船、拖船、推船及類似運 includes imports and exports of cruise ships, 載人或貨品的船舶進口及出口貨值。 excursion boats, ferry-boats, cargo ships, barges, tugs, pusher craft and similar vessels for the transport of persons or goods.

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統計表 Statistical Tables

表 8.1 海上運輸業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Table 8.1 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Maritime Transport Industry

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目 (不包括躉船/駁船營運者及 船上貨物起卸服務提供者)(1) 4 203 5 304 5 386 5 594 5 409 5 334 Number of establishments (not including ( 12.2) ( 3.4) ( 1.5) ( 3.9) (- 3.3) (- 1.4) operators of barges/lighters and stevedoring services providers)(1)

就業人數 (不包括躉船/駁船營運者及船上 貨物起卸服務提供者)(1) 41 893 44 134 46 166 46 855 45 705 48 689 Number of persons engaged (not ( 5.3) ( 2.2) ( 4.6) ( 1.5) (- 2.5) ( 6.5) including operators of barges/lighters and stevedoring services providers)(1)

就業人數 (包括躉船/駁船營運者及船上貨 物起卸服務提供者)(1), (2) 68 100 70 700 70 300 71 300 72 500* 77 800 Number of persons engaged (including ( 9.5) ( 4.7) (- 0.5) ( 1.4) ( 1.7) ( 7.3) operators of barges/lighters and stevedoring services providers)(1), (2)

業務收益指數(3) (2000=100) - 100.0 110.4 107.2 120.5 149.3 Business receipts index(3) (2000=100) - ( 18.3) ( 10.4) (- 2.9) ( 12.4) ( 23.9)

生產總額 42,238 68,288 65,372 69,054 77,077 N.A. Gross output ( 12.4) ( 20.9) (- 4.3) ( 5.6) ( 11.6)

增加價值 20,026 28,186 27,574 27,477 30,657 N.A. Value added ( 12.2) ( 9.7) (- 2.2) (- 0.4) ( 11.6) 在以要素成本計算的本地生產總值內所 佔比率 (百分比) 2.1 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.6 N.A. Contribution to GDP at factor cost (%) 增加價值在生產總額所佔比率 47.4 41.3 42.2 39.8 39.8 N.A. Value added as % of gross output

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 為包括躉船/駁船營運者及船上貨物起卸服 (2) Specially estimated to take into account operators 務提供者而編製的特別估計數字,日後可能 of barges/lighters and stevedoring services 會作出修訂。 providers. The figures are subject to revision later on . (3) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (3) Business receipts indices of the industry were 製。 first compiled in 1996.

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表 8.2 進出香港的船隻 Table 8.2 Inward and Outward Movements of Vessels

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

遠洋輪船 74 350 74 830 74 280 70 530 70 910 71 370 Ocean vessels ( 11.3) (- 0.6) (- 0.7) (- 5.0) ( 0.5) ( 0.7)

內河客輪往/來自珠江口岸 42 330 52 250 53 920 55 740 56 480 67 950 River passenger ferries to/from Pearl ( 15.8) ( 0.9) ( 3.2) ( 3.4) ( 1.3) ( 20.3) River Ports

內河客輪往/來自澳門 84 040 67 430 68 520 70 940 69 110 75 960 River passenger ferries to/from Macao ( 11.9) (- 0.9) ( 1.6) ( 3.5) (- 2.6) ( 9.9)

內河貨船(1) 183 330 238 790 232 920 239 810 239 600 235 480 River cargo vessels(1) ( 20.0) ( 3.6) (- 2.5) ( 3.0) (- 0.1) (- 1.7)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 由一九九九年開始,內河貨船不包括遊艇及 (1) Starting from 1999, river cargo vessels exclude 漁船。 pleasure vessels and fishing boats.

表 8.3 經海運及河運進出香港的乘客人數 Table 8.3 Inward and Outward Movements of Passengers by Ocean and by River

千人 Thousands 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

乘客總計(1) 20 919 19 145 19 910 20 863 18 547 21 300 Total movements of passengers(1) ( 4.1) ( 10.2) ( 4.0) ( 4.8) (- 11.1) ( 14.8) 抵港 10 340 9 379 9 730 10 003 8 836 9 919 Arrivals ( 4.6) ( 10.2) ( 3.7) ( 2.8) (- 11.7) ( 12.3) 離港 10 578 9 767 10 180 10 860 9 711 11 381 Departures ( 3.7) ( 10.3) ( 4.2) ( 6.7) (- 10.6) ( 17.2)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 不包括被拒入境者。 (1) Excluding refused landing passengers.

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表 8.4 按營辦商劃分的港內客運服務估計乘客人次 Table 8.4 Estimated Passenger Journeys of Internal Passenger Transport by Operator 千人 Thousands 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

估計乘客人次 85 870 56 140 55 431 54 990 53 381 56 717 Estimated passenger journeys ( 0.1) (- 1.9) (- 1.3) (- 0.8) (- 2.9) ( 6.3) 油蔴地小輪/新世界第一渡輪(1) 40 169 14 153 14 534 14 885 14 133 14 541 Hongkong and Yaumati Ferry/New (- 2.3) (- 6.9) ( 2.7) ( 2.4) (- 5.0) ( 2.9) World First Ferry(1) 天星小輪 36 161 28 579 28 462 28 677 27 287 29 529 Star Ferry ( 1.2) (- 0.3) (- 0.4) ( 0.8) (- 4.8) ( 8.2) 持牌渡輪 9 539 13 407 12 436 11 428 11 961 12 647 Licensed ferries ( 6.9) ( 0.2) (- 7.2) (- 8.1) ( 4.7) ( 5.7)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 香港油蔴地小輪船有限公司的渡輪服務牌照 (1) The ferry service licences of the Hongkong & 由二零零零年一月十五日起轉交新世界第一 Yaumati Ferry Co. Ltd. were transferred to the 渡輪服務有限公司。由二零零零年二月起, New World First Ferry Services Ltd. starting 乘客人次不包括汽車渡輪所運載汽車內的估 from 15 January 2000. Starting from February 計乘客人次。 2000, the passenger journeys did not include estimated number of passenger journeys in vehicles carried by the vehicular ferry services.

表 8.5 以海運及河運進出香港的貨物(1) Table 8.5 Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo(1) by Ocean and by River

千公噸 Thousand tonnes 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

卸下 92 844 106 935 110 472 119 729 128 554 134 854 Discharged ( 16.0) ( 0.6) ( 3.3) ( 8.4) ( 7.4) ( 4.9) 海運 76 672 88 003 88 506 93 444 99 363 104 612 By ocean ( 12.4) (- 0.7) ( 0.6) ( 5.6) ( 6.3) ( 5.3) 河運 16 172 18 932 21 966 26 284 29 191 30 242 By river ( 37.2) ( 7.1) ( 16.0) ( 19.7) ( 11.1) ( 3.6)

裝上 48 181 67 707 67 738 72 782 79 058 86 025 Loaded ( 26.4) ( 8.3) (#) ( 7.4) ( 8.6) ( 8.8) 海運 34 274 42 934 42 170 44 857 49 255 54 006 By ocean ( 23.0) ( 8.4) (- 1.8) ( 6.4) ( 9.8) ( 9.6) 河運 13 907 24 773 25 568 27 925 29 803 32 019 By river ( 35.6) ( 8.0) ( 3.2) ( 9.2) ( 6.7) ( 7.4)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 不包括過境貨物。 (1) Not including transit cargo. # 表示變動百分率在± 0.05%以內。 # Denotes change within ± 0.05%.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 156 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 8.6 按主要貨物裝卸地點劃分的貨櫃吞吐量(1), (2) Table 8.6 Container Throughput(1), (2) by Main Cargo Handling Location

千個標準貨櫃單位 Thousand T.E.U.s 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

貨櫃吞吐量 11 050 18 098 17 826 19 144 20 449 21 984 Container throughput ( 20.1) ( 11.6) (- 1.5) ( 7.4) ( 6.8) ( 7.5)

貨櫃碼頭 7 278 11 603 11 285 11 892 12 070 13 425 Container terminals ( 25.6) ( 12.7) (- 2.7) ( 5.4) ( 1.5) ( 11.2) 抵港 3 397 5 506 5 376 5 706 5 910 6 554 Inward ( 23.5) ( 13.9) (- 2.4) ( 6.1) ( 3.6) ( 10.9) 離港 3 881 6 096 5 909 6 186 6 160 6 871 Outward ( 27.4) ( 11.6) (- 3.1) ( 4.7) (- 0.4) ( 11.5)

貨櫃碼頭以外 3 772 6 495 6 541 7 252 8 379 8 559 Other than container terminals ( 10.7) ( 9.8) ( 0.7) ( 10.9) ( 15.5) ( 2.1) 海運 2 839 3 033 3 011 3 326 3 904 4 204 Ocean ( 1.5) ( 6.8) (- 0.7) ( 10.5) ( 17.4) ( 7.7) 抵港 1 595 1 700 1 669 1 775 1 988 2 267 Inward ( 6.1) ( 10.2) (- 1.8) ( 6.4) ( 11.9) ( 14.1) 離港 1 244 1 333 1 341 1 551 1 917 1 936 Outward (- 3.9) ( 2.8) ( 0.6) ( 15.6) ( 23.6) ( 1.0) 河運 933 3 462 3 531 3 926 4 475 4 355 River ( 52.8) ( 12.5) ( 2.0) ( 11.2) ( 14.0) (- 2.7) 抵港 477 1 773 1 788 2 011 2 288 2 268 Inward ( 52.1) ( 7.5) ( 0.8) ( 12.5) ( 13.8) (- 0.9) 離港 456 1 689 1 743 1 916 2 186 2 087 Outward ( 53.6) ( 18.4) ( 3.2) ( 9.9) ( 14.1) (- 4.5)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 一九九八年開始,一系列新的貨櫃吞吐量數 (1) Starting from 1998, a new series of container 字已經開始編製。因此,一九九八年及以後 throughput has been compiled. Figures for 1998 的數字不可與一九九八年前的數字作嚴格比 and onwards are thus not strictly comparable with 較。 those prior to 1998. (2) 數字包括載貨及空貨櫃。 (2) Figures include laden and empty containers.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 157 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 8.7 海員統計數字 Table 8.7 Seafarers Statistics

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

在商船海員管理處登記僱用本港海員的船 公司數目 45 29 29 29 29 27 Number of shipping companies listed (- 10.0) ( 11.5) ( 0.0) ( 0.0) ( 0.0) (- 6.9) with Mercantile Marine Office to employ Hong Kong seafarers

登記海員數目 Number of seafarers registered 根據《商船(海員招募)條例》 63 981 - - - - - Under "Merchant Shipping (#) - - - - - (Recruiting of Seamen) Ordinance" 根據《商船(海員)條例》 - 3 611 3 701 3 799 3 911 4 055 Under "Merchant Shipping (Seafarers) - ( 3.4) ( 2.5) ( 2.6) ( 2.9) ( 3.7) Ordinance"

僱用海員數目 1 383 813 759 740 762 822 Number of seafarers employed (- 21.1) (- 27.8) (- 6.6) (- 2.5) ( 3.0) ( 7.9)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. # 表示變動百分率在± 0.05%以內。 # Denotes change within ± 0.05%.

表 8.8 註冊船隻統計數字 Table 8.8 Statistics on Vessels Registered

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

香港註冊船舶的淨噸位 4 601 483 5 978 729 7 941 601 9 341 601 11 889 308 14 640 579 Net tonnage of ships registered in Hong (- 0.1) ( 27.1) ( 32.8) ( 17.6) ( 27.3) ( 23.1) Kong

香港註冊小輪及渡輪船隻數目 806 707 668 650 623 620 Number of launches and ferry vessels (- 6.5) ( 3.7) (- 5.5) (- 2.7) (- 4.2) (- 0.5) registered in Hong Kong

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Note : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year.

表 8.9 海上運輸設備的進出口貨值 Table 8.9 Imports and Exports of Maritime Transport Equipment 百萬元 $ million 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

進口 458 75 133 398 122 347 Imports (- 37.9) (- 28.0) ( 77.7) ( 199.4) (- 69.4) ( 185.1)

整體出口 76 125 47 193 56 138 Total exports (- 70.1) ( 507.7) (- 62.5) ( 311.3) (- 71.1) ( 148.0) 港產品出口 62 116 7 0 0 0 Domestic exports (- 66.2) (2 529.7) (- 93.6) - - - 轉口 14 9 39 193 56 138 Re-exports (- 80.2) (- 45.8) (349.3) ( 389.5) (- 71.1) ( 148.0)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Note : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 158 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 8.10 海上運輸業的選定最新統計數字 Table 8.10 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Maritime Transport Services

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

機構單位數目 (不包括躉船/駁船營運者及船上 貨物起卸服務提供者) 5 356 5 497 5 514 5 225 5 322 5276 Number of establishments (not including operators of barges/lighters and stevedoring services providers)

就業人數 (不包括躉船/駁船營運者及船上貨物 起卸服務提供者) 45 996 46 126 47 739 49 407 47 895 49 714 Number of persons engaged (not including operators of barges/lighters and stevedoring services providers)

就業人數 (包括躉船/駁船營運者及船上貨物起 卸服務提供者) 72 200* 73 800* 75 900* 78 400* 77 700* 79 300 Number of persons engaged (including operators of barges/lighters and stevedoring services providers)

業務收益指數 (2000 = 100) 129.6 134.2 124.3 146.2 160.7 166.1 Business receipts index (2000 = 100)

進出香港的船隻 Inward and outward movements of vessels

遠洋輪船 17 810 18 460 17 480 17 500 17 680 18 710 Ocean vessels

內河客輪往/來自珠江口岸 13 570 17 120 16 930 16 970 16 840 17 210 River passenger ferries to/from Pearl River Ports 內河客輪往/來自澳門 17 840 17 720 18 110 18 460 19 920 19 480 River passenger ferries to/from Macao

內河貨船 60 380 60 990 56 530 59 780 60 090 59 080 River cargo vessels

經海運及河運進出香港的乘客人數(千人) 5 346 5 109 4 967 5 250 5 673 5 410 Inward and outward movements of passengers by ocean and by river (thousands) 抵港 2 559 2 376 2 313 2 437 2 653 2 517 Arrivals

離港 2 787 2 732 2 655 2 814 3 020 2 893 Departures

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 159 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 8.10 (續) 海上運輸業的選定最新統計數字 Table 8.10 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Maritime Transport Services

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

按營辦商劃分的港內客運服務估計乘客人次 (千人) 13 428 14 696 13 654 13 907 13 780 15 376 Estimated passenger journeys of internal passenger transport by operator (thousands) 新世界第一渡輪 3 581 3 662 3 503 3 662 3 614 3 762 New World First Ferry

天星小輪 6 971 7 855 7 108 7 013 7 149 8 259 Star Ferry

持牌渡輪 2 876 3 180 3 044 3 232 3 017 3 355 Licensed ferries

以海運及河運進出香港的貨物(千公噸) 51 808 55 268 55 502 55 320 55 120 54 938 Inward and outward movements of cargo by ocean and by river (thousand tonnes) 卸下 31 548 34 237 34 044 34 586 33 598 32 626 Discharged

海運 23 957 26 545 26 668 27 106 26 072 24 765 By ocean

河運 7 591 7 692 7 376 7 480 7 526 7 861 By river

裝上 20 260 21 031 21 458 20 734 21 522 22 312 Loaded

海運 12 914 12 892 12 764 13 202 13 979 14 060 By ocean

河運 7 346 8 140 8 693 7 531 7 542 8 252 By river

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 160 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 8.10 (續) 海上運輸業的選定最新統計數字 Table 8.10 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Maritime Transport Services

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

按主要貨物裝卸地點劃分的貨櫃吞吐量 (千個標準貨櫃單位) 5 290 5 376 5 202 5 403 5 783 5 595 Container throughput by main cargo handling location (thousand T.E.U.s)

貨櫃碼頭 3 174 3 072 2 887 3 270 3 706 3 563 Container terminals

抵港 1 531 1 534 1 411 1 590 1 809 1 744 Inward

離港 1 643 1 538 1 476 1 680 1 897 1 819 Outward

貨櫃碼頭以外 2 117 2 304 2 315 2 133 2 077 2 032 Other than container terminals

海運 982 1 119 1 239 1 059 979 927 Ocean

抵港 482 568 652 603 536 476 Inward

離港 500 551 587 456 443 451 Outward

河運 1 134 1 185 1 076 1 075 1 099 1 105 River

抵港 592 589 522 581 603 562 Inward

離港 543 596 554 494 496 543 Outward

海上運輸設備的進出口貨值(百萬元) Imports/exports of maritime transport equipment ($ million) 進口 7 71 129 12 159 47 Imports

轉口 1 2 71 20 11 36 Re-exports

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 161 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

資料來源 Data Sources

表 資料來源 Table Sources

8.1 政府統計處 8.1 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組; Employment Statistics Section; 商業服務統計組; Business Services Statistics Section; 國民收入統計組(二)一 National Income Section (2)1

8.2 海事處 8.2 Marine Department

8.3 入境事務處 8.3 Immigration Department

8.4 運輸署 8.4 Transport Department

8.5 政府統計處 8.5 Census and Statistics Department 船隻及貨運統計組 Shipping & Cargo Statistics Section

8.6-8.8 海事處 8.6-8.8 Marine Department

8.9 政府統計處 8.9 Census and Statistics Department 貿易資料分析組 Trade Analysis Section

其他有關刊物 Further References

運輸資料年報 ,運輸署編製 Annual Transport Digest, published by the Transport Department

就業及空缺統計(詳細統計表) Employment and Vacancies Statistics (Detailed Tables)

本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product

香港統計年刊 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics

香港統計月刊 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics

香港港口統計數字一覽 ,海事處編製 Port of Hong Kong in Figures, published by the Marine Department

服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries

就業及空缺按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Employment and Vacancies Statistics

運輸及有關服務按年統計調查報告 Report on Annual Survey of Transport and Related Services

香港港口統計年報 ,海事處編製 Port of Hong Kong Statistical Tables, published by the Marine Department

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 162 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

專業服務業 9 Professional Services

概要 Highlights

香港商業得以運作暢順,並發展成為地區服 Excellent professional services underpin the smooth 務中心,實有賴卓越的專業服務。 operation of the business sector and Hong Kong’s development into a regional services hub.

二零零三年,專業服務業為本港帶來約 The professional services industry generated about 323 億元的增加價值,佔本地生產總值的 $32.3 billion of value added, or 2.7% of Hong Kong’s 2.7%,並於零四年為約 88 000 人提供職位。 Gross Domestic Product (GDP), in 2003 and provided jobs for almost 88 000 people in 2004.

二零零四年,本港約有 11 700 間專業服務機 In 2004, there were about 11 700 professional 構單位,包括 1 900 間會計及核數公司、 services establishments, including 1 900 accounting 1 800 間簿記公司、1 500 間律師行和大律師 and auditing firms, 1 800 bookkeeping firms, 1 500 行、2 900 間建築、測量及工程公司以及 solicitor and barrister firms, 2 900 architectural, 3 600 間管理顧問公司。 surveying and engineering firms and 3 600 management consultant firms.

隨著本港整體經濟情況的改善,二零零四年 Along with the improvement in the overall economic 專業服務業的業務收益與上年比較上升 situation of Hong Kong, the business receipts of 4.6%。 professional services industry increased by 4.6% in 2004 over a year earlier.

撇除短期的波動,專業服務業於過去十年的 Putting aside short term volatility, the development of 發展甚為顯著。一九九四至二零零四年間, professional services industry over the past decade 專業服務業的機構單位數目及就業人數分別 was quite remarkable. Number of establishments and 上升 30% 及 27%。 同一期間,註冊專業人 persons engaged increased by 30% and 27% 士的總數亦顯著增加;當中會計師的數目增 respectively between 1994 and 2004. During the 長率最高,平均按年增長率達 10%。 same period, the total number of registered professionals also increased remarkably, with certified public accountants increasing at the fastest rate of 10% per year on average.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 163 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

主要統計數字及統計圖 Key Statistics and Charts

專業服務業 Professional Services Industry

增加價值 年 機構單位數目(1) 就業人數(1) (百萬元) 業務收益指數(2) Year Number of Number of Value added Business receipts establishments(1) persons engaged(1) ($ million) index(2) (2000=100)

1994 8 956 69 904 24,955 - 2000 9 893 77 811 31,917 100.0 2001 10 350 80 312 32,598 98.8 2002 10 723 80 890 31,364 92.9 2003 11 190 83 960 32,306 96.3 2004 11 656 88 495 N.A. 100.7

專業人士人數 Number of Professional Personnel

香港工程師學會 年 執業大律師 律師 會計師(3) 註冊建築師(4), (5) 法定會員(5) Year Practising Solicitors Certified public Registered Corporate barristers accountants(3) architects(4), (5) members of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (5)

1994 559 3 307 8 415 1 044 5 535 2000 755 4 890 17 653 1 600 8 852 2001 776 4 931 18 924 1 687 9 370 2002 794 5 630 20 065 1 816 9 604 2003 840 5 301 21 819 1 956 9 997 2004 882 5 415 22 836 2 022 10 452

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Notes :(1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (2) Business receipts indices of the industry were first 製。 compiled in 1996. (3) 指該年度十月底的數字。 (3) Figures refer to end October of the corresponding year. (4) 建築師註冊條例在一九九零年生效。 (4) The Architects Registration Ordinance came into effect in 1990. (5) 指該年度三月底的數字。 (5) Figures refer to end March of the corresponding year.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 164 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

圖 9.1 專業服務業的機構單位數目(1) 及就業人數(1) Chart 9.1 Number of Establishments(1) and Persons Engaged(1) in the Professional Services Industry

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged 12 000 120 000

10 000 100 000

8 000 80 000

6 000 60 000

4 000 40 000

2 000 20 000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Note : (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year.

圖 9.2 律師人數及註冊建築師人數(1), (2) Chart 9.2 Number of Lawyers and Registered Architects(1), (2)

律師人數 註冊建築師人數 Number of lawyers Number of registered architects 6 000 2 400

5 000 2 000

4 000 1 600

3 000 1 200

2 000 800

1 000 400

0 0 1 994 1 995 1 996 1 997 1 998 1 999 2 000 2 001 2 002 2 003 2 004 註冊建築師 執業大律師 律師 Registered architects Practising barristers Solicitors

註釋 : (1) 建築師註冊條例在一九九零年生效。 Notes : (1) The Architects Registration Ordinance came into effect in 1990. (2) 指該年度三月底的數字。 (2) Figures refer to end March of the corresponding year.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 165 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

圖 9.3 會計師人數(1) 及香港工程師學會法定會員人數(2) Chart 9.3 Number of Certified Public Accountants(1) and Corporate Members of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers(2)

香港工程師學會法定會員人數 會計師人數 Number of corporate members of Number of certified public accountants the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers 24 000 16 000

21 000 14 000

18 000 12 000

15 000 10 000

12 000 8 000

9 000 6 000

6 000 4 000

3 000 2 000

0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

會計師 香港工程師學會法定會員 Certified public accountants Corporate members of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

註釋 : (1) 指該年度十月底的數字。 Notes : (1) Figures refer to end October of the corresponding year. (2) 指該年度三月底的數字。 (2) Figures refer to end March of the corresponding year.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 166 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

概念及方法 Concepts and Methods

自一九九零年開始,所有 建築師 必須根據建築 All architects must register with the Hong Kong 師註冊條例規定,向香港建築師學會註冊。 Institute of Architects under the Architects Registration Ordinance starting from 1990.

一九七五年,香港工程師學會透過「香港工程師 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers established 學會條例」成為法定團體。學會的法定會員乃專 in 1975 by the HKIE Ordinance. Corporate members 業工程師,如其符合《工程師註冊條例》中的相 of the HKIE are professional engineers who could 關資格,均可註冊為註冊專業工程師。而學會的 become Registered Professional Engineers by 法定會籍亦被政府及各工程機構廣泛確認為專 meeting certain requirements in the Engineers 業工程師入職的主要條件。 Registration Ordinance. Corporate Members of the HKIE are widely recognised by the Government of the HKSAR and other employers as recruitment qualifications for professional engineers.

律師 /可分為大律師及律師,並根據法律執業者 Lawyers comprise barristers and solicitors which are 條例註冊。大律師受香港大律師公會監管,而律 registered under the Legal Practitioners Ordinance. 師則由香港律師會管制。 Barristers are monitored by the Hong Kong Bar Association while solicitors are regulated by the Law Society of Hong Kong.

所有 會計師 都必須根據專業會計師條例規定, All certified public accountants must register with the 向香港會計師公會註冊。 Hong Kong Institue of Certified Public Accountants under the Professional Accountants Ordinance.

用語及定義 Terms and Definitions

在編製統計數字時, 專業服務業 包括提供法 For statistical compilation purpose, the professional 律、會計、核數、簿記、建築、測量及工程服務 services industry covers establishments rendering 和商業管理及顧問服務的機構單位。 legal, accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, architectural, surveying and engineering services as well as those engaged in business management and consultancy services.

機構單位 是指在單一擁有權或控制權下,在單一 An establishment is defined as an economic unit 地點從事一種或主要從事一種經濟活動的經濟 which engages, under a single ownership or control, 單位,例如個別工廠、工場、零售店及辦公室。 in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single physical location, e.g. an individual factory, workshop, retail shop and office.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 167 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

就業人數 包括所有於統計日期工作最少一小時 Persons engaged include all individual proprietors, 及經常參與機構單位業務的東主、合夥人,以及 partners and persons having family ties with any of 與東主或合夥人有親屬關係並在機構單位工作 the proprietors or partners and working in the 而無正薪的人士;及所有於統計日期向機構單位 establishment without regular pay, who are actively 直接支取薪酬的全職受薪僱員,以及有限公司的 engaged in the work of the establishment for at least 在職董事,其中包括長期或臨時聘用的,無論這 one hour on the survey reference date; and all 些僱員正在本港或其他地方工作或暫時缺勤(即 full-time salaried personnel or employees and 正在放病假、分娩假、年假、事假的工人及罷工 working directors of limited companies directly paid 者)。在統計日期工作最少一小時的兼職僱員, by the establishment, both permanent and temporary, 以及夜班或通宵班的僱員亦包括在內。由一九九 who are either at work (whether or not in Hong Kong) 九年三月開始,有關點算就業人數的工作時數定 or temporarily absent from work (viz. those on sick 義由原有的「在統計日期工作最少三小時」改為 leave, maternity leave, annual vacation or casual 「在統計日期工作最少一小時」。 leave, and on strike) on the survey reference date. Part-time employees and employees on night/irregular shifts working for at least one hour on the survey reference date are also included. As from March 1999, the rule for counting the number of persons engaged has been changed from the previous definition of “working for at least three hours” to a new definition of “working for at least one hour”.

生產總額 包括機構單位提供服務所獲取的服務 Gross output comprises mainly receipts from services 費用,佣金及其他收入。 rendered in the form of fees, commissions and other service charges.

本地生產總值 是指一個國家或地區的所有常住 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the 生產單位,在一個指定的期間內,未扣除固定資 total value of production of all resident producing 本消耗的生產總價值。 units of a country or territory in a specified period, before deducting allowance for consumption of fixed capital.

增加價值 是生產總額減去中間投產消耗(生產過 Value added is defined as the value of gross output 程中所耗用的貨物和服務的價值)。 less the value of intermediate consumption (the value of goods and services used up in the course of production).

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 168 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

統計表 Statistical Tables

表 9.1 專業服務業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Table 9.1 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Professional Services Industry

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目(1) 8 956 9 893 10 350 10 723 11 190 11 656 Number of establishments(1) ( 24.5) ( 2.1) ( 4.6) ( 3.6) ( 4.4) ( 4.2)

就業人數(1) 69 904 77 811 80 312 80 890 83 960 88 495 Number of persons engaged(1) ( 15.0) ( 4.3) ( 3.2) ( 0.7) ( 3.8) ( 5.4)

業務收益指數(2) (2000=100) - 100.0 98.8 92.9 96.3 100.7 Business receipts index(2) (2000=100) - ( 3.5) (- 1.2) (- 5.9) ( 3.7) ( 4.6)

生產總額 38,811 48,000 47,783 47,079 49,147 N.A. Gross output ( 23.9) ( 2.6) (- 0.5) (- 1.5) ( 4.4) ( -)

增加價值 24,955 31,917 32,598 31,364 32,306 N.A. Value added ( 22.7) ( 0.2) ( 2.1) (- 3.8) ( 3.0) ( -) 在以要素成本計算的本地生產總值內所 佔比率 (百分比) 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.7 N.A. Contribution to GDP at factor cost (%) 增加價值在生產總額所佔比率 64.3 66.5 68.2 66.6 65.7 N.A. Value added as % of gross output

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (2) Business receipts indices of the industry were first 製。 compiled in 1996.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 169 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 9.2 法律服務 Table 9.2 Legal Services

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

律師人數 3 866 5 645 5 707 6 424 6 141 6 297 Number of lawyers ( 8.9) ( 3.6) ( 1.1) ( 12.6) (- 4.4) ( 2.5) 執業大律師 559 755 776 794 840 882 Practising barristers (- 1.9) ( 3.7) ( 2.8) ( 2.3) ( 5.8) ( 5.0) 律師 3 307 4 890 4 931 5 630 5 301 5 415 Solicitors ( 10.9) ( 3.6) ( 0.8) ( 14.2) (- 5.8) ( 2.2)

提供法律服務的機構單位數目(1), (2) 972 1 365 1 401 1 451 1 492 1 504 Number of establishments rendering legal - ( 9.9) ( 2.6) ( 3.6) ( 2.8) ( 0.8) services (1), (2) 大律師 426 606 665 708 722 756 Barristers - ( 15.6) ( 9.7) ( 6.5) ( 2.0) ( 4.7) 律師 546 759 736 743 770 748 Solicitors - ( 5.7) (- 3.0) ( 1.0) ( 3.6) (- 2.9)

送交本地法院的案件數目 761 411 719 998 792 945 748 195 647 142 575 103 Number of cases filed in local courts and ( 4.9) (- 41.2) ( 10.1) (- 5.6) (- 13.5) (- 11.1) tribunals

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 指該年度三月底的數字。 (1) Figures refer to end March of the corresponding year. (2) 數字來自「僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查」。 (2) Figures are based on the Quarterly Survey of Employment and Vacancies.

表 9.3 會計服務 Table 9.3 Accounting Services

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

會計師人數(1) 8 415 17 653 18 924 20 065 21 819 22 836 Number of certified public accountants(1) ( 13.6) ( 9.5) ( 7.2) ( 6.0) ( 8.7) ( 4.7)

提供會計、核數及簿記服務的 機構單位數目(2), (3) 2 298 3 129 3 181 3 387 3 607 3 700 Number of establishments rendering - ( 7.2) ( 1.7) ( 6.5) ( 6.5) ( 2.6) accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services(2), (3) 會計及核數 965 1 450 1 586 1 722 1 798 1 889 Accounting and auditing - ( 8.9) ( 9.4) ( 8.6) ( 4.4) ( 5.1) 簿記及一般會計 1 333 1 679 1 595 1 665 1 809 1 811 Bookkeeping and general accounting - ( 5.9) (- 5.0) ( 4.4) ( 8.6) ( 0.1)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 指該年度十月底的數字。 (1) Figures refer to end October of the corresponding year. (2) 指該年度三月底的數字。 (2) Figures refer to end March of the corresponding year. (3) 數字來自「僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查」。 (3) Figures are based on the Quarterly Survey of Employment and Vacancies.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 170 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 9.4 建築及工程服務 Table 9.4 Architectural and Engineering Services

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

註冊建築師人數(1), (2) 1 044 1 600 1 687 1 816 1 956 2 022 Number of registered architects(1), (2) ( 6.7) ( 4.6) ( 5.4) ( 7.6) ( 7.7) ( 3.4)

香港工程師學會法定會員人數(2) 5 535 8 852 9 370 9 604 9 997 10 452 Number of corporate members of the ( 8.7) ( 5.4) ( 5.9) ( 2.5) ( 4.1) ( 4.6) Hong Kong Institution of Engineers(2)

提供建築、測量及工程服務的 機構單位數目(2), (3) 2 187 2 484 2 585 2 691 2 689 2 854 Number of establishments rendering ( 23.1) (- 5.1) ( 4.1) ( 4.1) (- 0.1) ( 6.1) architectural, surveying and engineering services(2), (3)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 建築師註冊條例在一九九零年生效。 (1) The Architects Registration Ordinance came into effect in 1990. (2) 指該年度三月底的數字。 (2) Figures refer to end March of the corresponding year. (3) 數字來自「僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查」。 (3) Figures are based on the Quarterly Survey of Employment and Vacancies.

表 9.5 專業服務業的選定最新統計數字 Table 9.5 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Professional Services

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

機構單位數目 11 206 11 287 11 808 11 637 11 501 11 676 Number of establishments

就業人數 85 367 83 962 87 339 87 441 88 477 90 724 Number of persons engaged

業務收益指數 (2000 = 100) 96.0 100.2 99.3 102.5 97.6 103.4 Business receipts index (2000 = 100)

會計師人數(1) 21 677 21 835 22 054 22 355 22 560 22 839 Number of certified public accountants(1)

註釋 : (1) 指該季最後一日的數字。 Note : (1) Figures refer to the last day of the corresponding quarter.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 171 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

資料來源 Data Sources

表 資料來源 Table Sources

9.1 政府統計處 9.1 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組; Employment Statistics Section; 商業服務統計組; Business Services Statistics Section; 國民收入統計組(二) 一 National Income Section (2)1

9.2 香港大律師公會; 9.2 Hong Kong Bar Association; 司法機構; Judiciary; 香港律師會; The Law Society of Hong Kong; 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組 Employment Statistics Section

9.3 香港會計師公會; 9.3 Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants; 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組 Employment Statistics Section

9.4 建築師註冊管理局; 9.4 Architects Registration Board; 香港工程師學會; The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers; 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組 Employment Statistics Section

其他有關刊物 Further References

就業及空缺統計(詳細統計表) Employment and Vacancies Statistics (Detailed Tables)

本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product

香港統計年刊 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics

香港司法機構年報,司法機構編製 Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report, published by the Judiciary

香港統計月刊 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics

服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries

就業及空缺按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Employment and Vacancies Statistics

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 172 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

地產服務業 10 Real Estate Services

概要 Highlights

二零零三年,來自地產服務業的增加價值為 Value added generated by the real estate services 625 億元,佔該年本地生產總值的 5.3%。在 industry in 2003 was $62.5 billion, contributing to 零四年從事地產服務業的機構單位約 8 900 5.3% of Hong Kong’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 間,包括地產代理商、提供地產發展、租賃 in that year. Establishments engaged in real estate 及保養管理服務的機構單位,從業人數超過 services industry included real estate agencies and 87 000 人。 those providing real estate development, leasing and maintenance management services. About 8 900 establishments with more than 87 000 people were engaged in rendering real estate services in 2004.

在新住宅單位方面,二零零四年內約有 For the new domestic units, about 26 000 private 26 000 個私人住宅單位落成,較二零零三年 domestic units were completed in 2004, decreased by 下跌 1.4%。至於公營房屋方面,香港房屋委 1.4% when compared with 2003. In the public sector, 員會及香港房屋協會在零四年共興建了 the Hong Kong Housing Authority and Hong Kong 15 400 個租住單位,較零三年下跌 15.9%。 Housing Society built 15 400 rental flats in 2004, representing a decrease of 15.9% when compared with 2003.

二零零四年,私人非住宅樓宇的落成量較零 In 2004, completion of private non-domestic premises 三年下跌 8.9%。私人廠房在零四年的供應量 decreased by 8.9% as compared to 2003. Supply of 上升 19.4%至 37 000 平方米。另一方面,商 private factory in 2004 increased by 19.4% to 37 000 業樓宇的落成量及私人寫字樓的供應量分別 square metres. On the other hand, completion of 下跌 22.9%及 6.4%至 91 000 平方米及 commercial premises and supply of private offices 280 000 平方米。 decreased by 22.9% and 6.4% to 91 000 square metres and 280 000 squares metres respectively.

物業市場在二零零四年無論在價格和物業交 The property market picked up markedly in 2004 in 投量方面皆顯著上升, 主要是因為市場氣氛 terms of both prices and trading activity, as market 在經濟明顯好轉下持續改善。與零三年比 sentiment continued to improve amidst the distinct 較,零四年全年樓宇單位交投量增加 41%。 economic upturn. Trading volume of building units 樓宇單位買賣合約總值亦大幅增加 86%。 for the year 2004 as a whole increased by 41% over 2003. Total considerations of sale and purchase agreements of building units also increased significantly by 86% over the same period.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 173 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

主要統計數字及統計圖 Key Statistics and Charts 百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified ) 地產服務業 Real Estate Services Industry

年 機構單位數目(1), (2) 就業人數(1), (2) 增加價值 業務收益指數(3) Year Number of Number of persons Value added Business receipts establishments(1), (2) engaged(1), (2) index(3) (2000=100)

1994 13 030 67 437 118,774 - 2000 11 185 82 996 77,652 100.0 2001 10 015 80 522 71,936 83.1 2002 10 044 84 704 66,968 81.0 2003 8 760 85 321 62,508 86.0 2004 8 856 87 209 N.A. 97.4

私人住宅單位總存量(4), (5), (6), (7) 年 物業轉讓契約總值 (單位數目) 私人寫字樓總存量(6) (千平方米) Year Considerations of assignments Stock of private domestic units(4), Stock of private offices(6) of properties (5), (6), (7) (number of units) (thousand sq. m.)

1994 478,887 869 577 6 850 2000 292,961 1 031 533 9 086 2001 266,488 1 064 013 9 132 2002 210,124 1 031 496 9 271 2003 217,164 1 061 620 9 539 2004 324,033 1 091 561 9 795

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Notes :(1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 數字包括從事物業擁有及轉售的機構單位。 (2) Figures include establishments engaged in property holding and resale. (3) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (3) Business receipts indices of the industry were first 製。 compiled in 1996. (4) 由二零零二年開始,可在公開市場買賣之居 (4) From 2002 onwards, HOS/PSPS/MIH/FFSS/SCH 屋/私人參建居屋/中等入息家庭房屋計劃/住 flats that can be traded in open market (i.e. flats 宅發售計劃/夾心階層住屋計劃(即居屋第三 sold prior to HOS Phase 3B or flats having paid off 期乙之前出售的單位或已繳補價的單位)被 premia) are classified as private housing. These 歸類為私人永久房屋。有關數字不會包括在 figures are excluded from subsidized sale flats 公營住宅單位項目下的資助出售單位,而在 under public domestic units and shown in 私人住宅單位項目下的「居屋/私人參建居屋 “HOS/PSPS/MIH/FFSS/SCH open market flats” /中等入息家庭房屋計劃/房協住宅發售計劃/ under private domestic units separately. Figures in 夾心階層住屋計劃公開市場單位」中列出。 2002 are thus not strictly comparable with those of 二零零二年數字與較早年份數字因此不可直 earlier years. 接比較。 (5) 包括香港房屋協會提供的市區改善計劃單 (5) Including flats provided by the Hong Kong 位。 Housing Society under the Urban Improvement Scheme. (6) 數字由差餉物業估價署提供。一九九四年及 (6) Figures available from the Rating and Valuation 二零零零至二零零二年的總存量已經調整, Department. Stock figures for 1994 and 2000 to 以配合差餉估價紀錄。 2002 have been adjusted in order to reconcile them with the rating record. (7) 一九九四、二零零零及二零零一年的數字是 (7) Figures for 1994, 2000 and 2001 are all inclusive 包括村屋在內。而二零零二至二零零四年的 of village houses. However, figures for 2002 to 數字則不包括村屋。 2004 exclude village houses.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 174 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

圖 10.1 地產服務業的機構單位數目(1), (2)及就業人數(1), (2) Chart 10.1 Number of Establishments(1), (2) and Persons Engaged(1), (2) in the Real Estate Services Industry

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged 16 000 160 000

14 000 140 000

12 000 120 000

10 000 100 000

8 000 80 000

6 000 60 000

4 000 40 000

2 000 20 000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Notes :(1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 數字包括從事物業擁有及轉售的機構單位。 (2) Figures include establishments engaged in property holding and resale.

圖 10.2 物業轉讓契約的數目及涉及的總值 Chart 10.2 Number and Total Considerations of Assignments of Properties

契約數目 總值 (百萬元) Number of assignments Total considerations ($ million) 300 000 1,200,000

250 000 1,000,000

200 000 800,000

150 000 600,000

100 000 400,000

50 000 200,000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

契約數目 總值 Number of assignments Total considerations

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 175 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

概念及方法 Concepts and Methods

用語及定義 Terms and Definitions

在編製統計數字時,地產服務業 包括提供地產發 For statistical compilation purpose, the real estate 展、租賃、保養管理、經紀及代理服務的機構單 services industry covers establishments rendering real 位。 estate development, leasing, maintenance management, brokerage and agency services.

機構單位 是指在單一擁有權或控制權下,在單一 An establishment is defined as an economic unit 地點從事一種或主要從事一種經濟活動的經濟 which engages, under a single ownership or control, 單位,例如個別工廠、工場、零售店及辦公室。 in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single physical location, e.g. an individual factory, workshop, retail shop and office.

就業人數 包括所有於統計日期工作最少一小時 Persons engaged include all individual proprietors, 及經常參與機構單位業務的東主、合夥人,以及 partners and persons having family ties with any of 與東主或合夥人有親屬關係並在機構單位工作 the proprietors or partners and working in the 而無正薪的人士;及所有於統計日期向機構單位 establishment without regular pay, who are actively 直接支取薪酬的全職受薪僱員,以及有限公司的 engaged in the work of the establishment for at least 在職董事,其中包括長期或臨時聘用的,無論這 one hour on the survey reference date; and all 些僱員正在本港或其他地方工作或暫時缺勤(即 full-time salaried personnel or employees and 正在放病假、分娩假、年假、事假的工人及罷工 working directors of limited companies directly paid 者)。在統計日期工作最少一小時的兼職僱員, by the establishment, both permanent and temporary, 以及夜班或通宵班的僱員亦包括在內。由一九九 who are either at work (whether or not in Hong Kong) 九年三月開始,有關點算就業人數的工作時數定 or temporarily absent from work (viz. those on sick 義由原有的「在統計日期工作最少三小時」改為 leave, maternity leave, annual vacation or casual 「在統計日期工作最少一小時」。 leave, and on strike) on the survey reference date. Part-time employees and employees on night/irregular shifts working for at least one hour on the survey reference date are also included. As from March 1999, the rule for counting the number of persons engaged has been changed from the previous definition of “working for at least three hours” to a new definition of “working for at least one hour”.

本地生產總值 是指一個國家或地區的所有常住 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the 生產單位,在一個指定的期間內,未扣除固定資 total value of production of all resident producing 本消耗的生產總價值。 units of a country or territory in a specified period, before deducting allowance for consumption of fixed capital.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 176 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

地產發展商的 生產總額 包括物業發展毛利、服 Gross output of the real estate developers comprises 務收費,以及佣金和租金收入等。從事地產租 the margin on property development, service charges, 賃、經紀及管理服務的公司的生產總額,相等於 commissions and rentals received, etc. For firms 其收入,其中包括出租其公司所擁有的物業的租 engaged in real estate leasing, brokerage and 金收入、物業買賣中賺得的佣金,以及地產管理 management services, their gross output corresponds 費及其他服務的收益。 to their receipts which comprise rental received from leased properties owned by these companies, commissions earned in respect of property transactions, real estate management fees and other service receipts.

增加價值 是生產總額減去中間投產消耗(生產過 Value added is defined as the value of gross output 程中所耗用的貨物和服務的價值)。 less the value of intermediate consumption (the value of goods and services used up in the course of production).

住宅單位 是指設有專用廚房和浴室(及/或廁 Domestic units are defined as independent dwellings 所)的獨立居住單位。 with separate cooking facilities and bathroom (and/or lavatory).

住宅單位的 樓面面積 即該單位的「實用面積」。 Floor area for a domestic unit is its ‘saleable area’. 「實用面積」是指單位獨佔的樓面面積,包括露 ‘Saleable area’ is defined as the floor area exclusively 台及走廊,但不包括樓梯、升降機槽、渠管、大 allocated to the unit including balconies and 堂及公用廁所等公用地方。量度「實用面積」時, verandahs but excluding common areas such as stairs, 是從圍繞該單位的外牆向外的一面或該單位與 lift shafts, pipe ducts, lobbies and communal toilets. 毗連單位的共用牆的中間點量起計。窗台、天 It is measured from the outside of the exterior 井、花園、庭院、平台、車位等地方則不包括在 enclosing walls of the unit and the middle of the party 內。 walls between two units. Bay windows, yards, gardens, terraces, flat roofs, carports and the like are excluded from the area.

非住宅樓宇的 面積 是指其「內部樓面面積」, Floor area for non-domestic accommodation is its 量度範圍是有關單位牆壁(或與毗連單位的共用 ‘internal floor area’. ‘Internal floor area’ is defined 牆)圍繞的全部面積。 as the area of all enclosed space of the unit measured to the internal face of enclosing external and/or party walls.

寫字樓 包括商用樓宇內的物業,但不包括綜合 Offices comprise premises situated in buildings 用途樓宇內的非住宅用途單位。 designed for commercial/business purposes. Excluded are non-domestic floors in composite buildings.

商業樓宇 包括零售業樓宇及其他設計或改建作 Commercial premises include retail premises and 商業用途的樓宇,但不包括專作寫字樓用途的樓 other premises designed or adapted for commercial 宇,亦不包括車位。 use, with the exception to purpose-built offices. Car parking space is excluded.

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貨倉 包括設計或改建作倉庫或冷藏庫的樓宇及 Storage premises comprise premises designed or 其附屬寫字樓,並包括位於貨櫃碼頭區內的樓 adapted for use as godowns or cold stores and include 宇。 ancillary offices. Premises located within container terminals are included.

樓宇買賣合約 是指就將來出售或購買物業所訂 Agreements for sale and purchase refer to agreements 的合約,該物業可以是一幢正在興建的樓宇或已 for future sale or purchase of property which may be a 落成的樓宇。 building under construction or a completed building.

樓宇轉讓契約 是指訂明不可分割業權(即樓宇單 Assignments of building units refer to documents 位)轉讓的文件。 which effect the transfer of ownership of property of undivided shares of a lot, i.e. building units.

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統計表 Statistical Tables

表 10.1 地產服務業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Table 10.1 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Real Estate Services Industry

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目(1), (2) 13 030 11 185 10 015 10 044 8 760 8 856 Number of establishments(1), (2) ( 18.8) (- 5.9) (- 10.5) ( 0.3) (- 12.8) ( 1.1)

就業人數(1), (2) 67 437 82 996 80 522 84 704 85 321 87 209 Number of persons engaged(1), (2) ( 9.1) (- 0.7) (- 3.0) ( 5.2) ( 0.7) ( 2.2)

業務收益指數(3) (2000=100) - 100.0 83.1 81.0 86.0 97.4 Business receipts index(3) (2000 = 100) - (- 0.1) (- 16.9) (- 2.5) ( 6.2) ( 13.3)

生產總額 140,868 106,384 102,137 99,685 95,015 N.A. Gross output ( 29.6) (- 6.7) (- 4.0) (- 2.4) (- 4.7) ( - )

增加價值 118,774 77,652 71,936 66,968 62,508 N.A. Value added ( 28.6) (- 11.1) (- 7.4) (- 6.9) (- 6.7) ( - ) 在以要素成本計算的本地生產總值內所 佔比率 (百分比) 12.3 6.3 5.9 5.6 5.3 N.A. Contribution to GDP at factor cost (%) 增加價值在生產總額所佔比率 84.3 73.0 70.4 67.2 65.8 N.A. Value added as % of gross output

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 數字包括從事物業擁有及轉售的機構單位。 (2) Figures include establishments engaged in property holding and resale. (3) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (3) Business receipts indices of the industry were first 製。 compiled in 1996.

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表 10.2 政府土地拍賣及批租 Table 10.2 Disposals of Government Land

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

公開拍賣/投標 Public auction/tender 面積 (平方米) 168 481 296 239 87 841 64 199 20 333 72 478 Area (sq. m.) (- 19.0) ( 46.0) (- 70.3) (- 26.9) (- 68.3) ( 256.5) 地價 (百萬元) 15,783 15,813 3,022 4,066 587 18,890 Premium ($ million) (- 8.4) ( 65.3) (- 80.9) ( 34.5) (- 85.6) (3 118.1)

私人協約方式批地 Private treaty grant 面積 (平方米) 700 267 860 548 820 067 848 140 218 131 295 409 Area (sq. m.) ( 92.7) (- 55.9) (- 4.7) ( 3.4) (- 74.3) ( 35.4)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Note : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year.

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表 10.3 按樓宇類別劃分的住宅單位落成量 Table 10.3 Completions of Domestic Units by Type of Premises 單位數目 Number of units 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

所有住宅單位 79 744 81 912 116 884 71 773 56 581 46 285 All domestic units ( 19.8) ( 16.9) ( 42.7) (- 38.6) (- 21.2) (- 18.2) 公營(1) Public(1) 租住單位(2) 20 274 31 926 56 288 33 629 18 290 15 391 Rental flats(2) (- 11.3) ( 204.7) ( 76.3) (- 40.3) (- 45.6) (- 15.9) 資助出售單位(3), (4) 25 143 21 050 34 334 7 092 11 894 4 858 Subsidized sale flats(3), (4) ( 57.5) (- 11.3) ( 63.1) (- 79.3) ( 67.7) (- 59.2) 私人 Private 市區改善計劃/市值發展項目(5) 154 3 146 0 0 0 0 Urban Improvement Scheme/Full ( 123.2) ( 472.0) - - - - Market Value Developments (5) 其他(6) 34 173 25 790 26 262 31 052 26 397 26 036 Others(6) ( 23.5) (- 27.0) ( 1.8) - (- 15.0) (- 1.4)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 指截至該年三月底的十二個月內的總計。 (1) Figures refer to the total in the twelve-month period ended March of the corresponding year. (2) 包括香港房屋委員會及香港房屋協會提供的 (2) Figures refer to public rental flats provided by the 租住單位,其中由香港房屋委員會提供的中 Hong Kong Housing Authority and the Hong 轉房屋單位及由香港房屋協會提供的長者安 Kong Housing Society, including interim housing 居樂住屋計劃單位亦包括在內。 flats of the Hong Kong Housing Authority and Senior Citizen Residences Scheme flats of the Hong Kong Housing Society. (3) 包括香港房屋委員會提供的居者有其屋計劃 (3) Including subsidized sale flats provided by the (居屋)、私人機構參建居屋計劃 (私人參建居 Hong Kong Housing Authority under the Home 屋)、租者置其屋計劃、可租可買計劃、重建 Ownership Scheme (HOS), Private Sector 置業計劃及中等入息家庭房屋計劃;以及香 Participation Scheme (PSPS), Tenants Purchase 港房屋協會提供的住宅發售計劃及夾心階層 Scheme (TPS), Buy or Rent Option Scheme 住屋計劃下的資助出售單位。 (BRO), Mortgage Subsidy Scheme (MSS) and Middle Income Housing Scheme (MIH); and the Hong Kong Housing Society under the Flat-For-Sale Scheme (FFSS) and Sandwich Class Housing Scheme (SCH). (4) 二零零三年及零四年數字包括當年落成的剩 (4) 2003 and 2004 figures include surplus 餘居屋/私人參建居屋/房協住宅發售計劃單 HOS/PSPS/FFSS completed in the year 位。從二零零三年起,除了出售少量剩餘及 concerned. The production and sale of HOS flats 回購的單位給綠表申請者之外,居屋已經無 has ceased indefinitely since 2003, except for a 限期停止興建和出售。至於已落成和興建中 small number of unsold and returned flats which 的居屋單位,則會在不與私人市場直接競爭 will be sold to Green Form applicants. For those 的原則下,改作其他居住用途。 HOS flats that are completed or under construction, these will be disposed of through market-friendly means. (5) 包括香港房屋協會提供的市區改善計劃及市 (5) Including flats provided by the Hong Kong 值發展項目單位。 Housing Society under the Urban Improvement Scheme(UIS) and Full Market Value Developments(FMV). (6) 數字由差餉物業估價署提供。一九九四年及 (6) Figures available from the Rating and Valuation 二零零零至二零零一年的數字是包括村屋在 Department. Figures for 1994 and 2000 to 2001 內。而二零零二至二零零四年的數字則不包 are all inclusive of village houses. However, 括村屋。 figures for 2002 to 2004 exclude village houses.

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表 10.4 按類別劃分的私人非住宅樓宇落成量 Table 10.4 Completions of Private Non-domestic Premises by Type 千平方米 Thousand sq. m. 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

所有私人非住宅樓宇 1 312 257 282 339 448 408 All private non-domestic premises ( 14.3) (- 70.2) ( 9.7) ( 20.2) ( 32.2) (- 8.9) 寫字樓 502 96 76 166 299 280 Offices ( 21.6) (- 77.5) (- 20.8) ( 118.4) ( 80.1) (- 6.4) 商業樓宇 240 64 132 138 118 91 Commercial premises (- 12.2) (- 68.8) ( 106.3) ( 4.5) (- 14.5) (- 22.9) 廠房(1) 368 91 74 8 31 37 Factory(1) ( 2.5) ( 11.0) (- 18.7) (- 89.2) ( 287.5) ( 19.4) 貨倉 203 6 - 27 - - Storage premises ( 97.0) (- 95.9) - - - -

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 包括分層工廠大廈、工貿大廈及特殊廠房。 (1) Including flatted factories, industrial/office premises and specialized factories.

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表 10.5 住宅單位總存量 Table 10.5 Stock of Domestic Units 單位數目 Number of units 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

所有住宅單位 1 730 224 2 047 728 2 134 726 2 081 363* 2 113 149 2 152 297 All domestic units ( 3.7) ( 3.7) ( 4.2) (- 2.5) ( 1.5) ( 1.9) 公營(1) Public(1) 租住單位(2) 679 231 687 461 694 037 684 379 678 994 693 473 Rental flats(2) ( 1.0) ( 0.9) ( 1.0) (- 1.4) (- 0.8) ( 2.1) 資助出售單位(3), (4) 181 416 328 734 376 676 365 488* 372 535 367 263 Subsidized sale flats(3), (4) ( 13.1) ( 14.4) ( 14.6) - ( 1.9) (- 1.4) 私人 Private

居屋/私人參建居屋/中等入息家庭房 屋計劃/住宅發售計劃/夾心階層住屋 計劃公開市場單位(4) - - - 42 280 44 879 47 824 HOS/PSPS/MIH/FFSS/SCH open - - - - ( 6.1) ( 6.6) market flats(4) 市區改善計劃/市值發展項目(1), (5) 3 568 5 620 5 620 7 240 8 766 8 766 Urban Improvement Scheme/Full ( 2.0) ( 10.8) ( 0.0) ( 28.8) ( 21.1) ( 0.0) Market Value Developments(1), (5) 其他(6) 866 009 1 025 913 1 058 393 981 976 1 007 975 1 034 971 Others(6) ( 4.0) ( 2.5) ( 3.2) - ( 2.6) ( 2.7)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 指截至該年三月底的數字。 (1) Figures refer to end of March of the corresponding year. (2) 包括香港房屋委員會提供的租住單位及中轉房 (2) Figures refer to public rental flats and interim housing 屋單位;以及香港房屋協會提供的租住單位及 flats provided by the Hong Kong Housing Authority; and 長者安居樂住屋計劃單位。 public rental flats and Senior Citizen Residences Scheme flats provided by the Hong Kong Housing Society. (3) 包括香港房屋委員會提供的居者有其屋計劃 (3) Including subsidized sale flats provided by the Hong (居屋)、私人機構參建居屋計劃 (私人參建居 Kong Housing Authority under the Home Ownership 屋)、租者置其屋計劃、可租可買計劃、重建置 Scheme (HOS), Private Sector Participation Scheme 業計劃及中等入息家庭房屋計劃;以及香港房 (PSPS), Tenants Purchase Scheme (TPS), Buy or Rent 屋協會提供的住宅發售計劃及夾心階層住屋計 Option Scheme (BRO), Mortgage Subsidy Scheme 劃下的資助出售單位。居屋、私人參建居屋及 (MSS) and Middle Income Housing Scheme (MIH); and 可租可買/重建置業計劃單位不包括已落成但 the Hong Kong Housing Society under the Flat-For-Sale 未推出發售及已推出發售但未落成的單位。由 Scheme (FFSS) and Sandwich Class Housing Scheme 二零零三年第一季開始,購回/交易取消個案及 (SCH). HOS, PSPS and BRO/MSS flats exclude those 個別未售出的單位亦不包括在內。 flats completed but not yet put up for sale and those flats put up for sale but not yet completed. From Q1 2003 onwards, they also exclude buyback/rescinded cases and individual unsold flats. (4) 由二零零二年開始,可在公開市場買賣的居屋/ (4) From 2002 onwards, HOS/PSPS/MIH/FFSS/SCH flats 私人參建居屋/中等入息家庭房屋計劃/住宅發 that can be traded in open market (i.e. flats sold prior to 售計劃/夾心階層住屋計劃(即居屋第三期乙之 HOS Phase 3B or flats having paid off premia) are 前出售的單位或已繳補價的單位)歸類為私人 classified as private housing. These figures are excluded 永久房屋。有關數字不包括在公營住宅單位項 from subsidized sale flats under public domestic units 目下的資助出售單位,而是在私人住宅單位項 and shown in “HOS/PSPS/MIH/FFSS/SCH open market 目下的「居屋/私人參建居屋/中等入息家庭房 flats” under private domestic units separately. Figures in 屋計劃/房協住宅發售計劃/夾心階層住屋計劃 2002 are thus not strictly comparable with those of 公開市場單位」中列出。二零零二年數字與較 earlier years. 早年份數字因此不可直接比較。 (5) 包括香港房屋協會提供的市區改善計劃及市值 (5) Including flats provided by the Hong Kong Housing 發展項目單位。 Society under the Urban Improvement Scheme(UIS) and Full Market Value Developments(FMV). (6) 數字由差餉物業估價署提供。一九九四年及二 (6) Figures are provided from the Rating and Valuation 零零零至二零零二年的總存量已經調整,以配 Department. Stock figures for 1994 and 2000 to 2002 合差餉估價紀錄。一九九四、二零零零及二零 have been adjusted in order to reconcile them with the 零一年的數字是包括村屋在內。而二零零二至 rating record. Figures for 1994, 2000 and 2001 are all 二零零四年的數字則不包括村屋。 inclusive of village houses. However, figures for 2002 to 2004 exclude village houses.

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表 10.6 私人非住宅樓宇總存量 (1) Table 10.6 Stock of Private Non-domestic Premises (1)

千平方米 Thousand sq. m. 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

所有私人非住宅樓宇(1) 38 519 42 828 42 947 43 214 43 463 43 862 All private non-domestic premises(1) ( 1.3) ( 0.1) ( 0.3) ( 0.6) ( 0.6) ( 0.9) 寫字樓 6 850 9 086 9 132 9 271 9 539 9 795 Offices ( 7.2) ( 1.3) ( 0.5) ( 1.5) ( 2.9) ( 2.7) 商業樓宇 7 992 8 985 9 102 9 245 9 306 9 408 Commercial premises ( 1.7) ( 0.8) ( 1.3) ( 1.6) ( 0.7) ( 1.1) 廠房(2) 20 495 21 346 21 333 21 309 21 237 21 269 Factory(2) (- 0.3) (- 0.5) (- 0.1) (- 0.1) (- 0.3) ( 0.2) 貨倉 3 183 3 411 3 380 3 389 3 381 3 390 Storage premises (- 0.8) (- 0.8) (- 0.9) ( 0.3) (- 0.2) ( 0.3)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 一九九四年及二零零零至二零零二年的總存 (1) Stock figures for 1994 and 2000 to 2002 have been 量已經調整,以配合差餉估價紀錄。 adjusted in order to reconcile them with the rating record. (2) 包括分層工廠大廈、工貿大廈及特殊廠房。 (2) Including flatted factories, industrial/office premises and specialized factories.

表 10.7 送達土地註冊處登記的文件數目 Table 10.7 Number of Documents Received for Registration in the Land Registry

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

買賣合約數目 118 481 87 140 89 609 87 049 88 268 125 107 Number of agreements for sale and (- 13.5) (- 13.0) ( 2.8) (- 2.9) ( 1.4) ( 41.7) purchase 地段 3 589 1 396 1 419 1 128 959 1 627 Land (- 6.9) (- 16.8) ( 1.6) (- 20.5) (- 15.0) ( 69.7) 樓宇單位 114 892 85 744 88 190 85 921 87 309 123 480 Building units (- 13.7) (- 12.9) ( 2.9) (- 2.6) ( 1.6) ( 41.4)

物業轉讓契約數目 145 341 156 028 147 601 122 714 112 485 138 353 Number of assignments of properties (- 8.9) ( 7.4) (- 5.4) (- 16.9) (- 8.3) ( 23.0) 地段 7 465 4 006 3 564 2 980 2 433 3 247 Land (- 6.9) (- 9.9) (- 11.0) (- 16.4) (- 18.4) ( 33.5) 樓宇單位 137 876 152 022 144 037 119 734 110 052 135 106 Building units (- 9.0) ( 7.9) (- 5.3) (- 16.9) (- 8.1) ( 22.8)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Note : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year.

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表 10.8 送達土地註冊處登記的文件涉及的總值 Table 10.8 Considerations of Documents Received for Registration in the Land Registry

百萬元 $ million 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

買賣合約總值 505,496 242,996 209,527 195,756 196,672 371,147 Total considerations of agreements for ( 19.1) (- 15.3) (- 13.8) (- 6.6) ( 0.5) ( 88.7) sale and purchase 地段 81,548 20,476 16,719 10,363 7,254 19,360 Land ( 8.2) (- 32.6) (- 18.3) (- 38.0) (- 30.0) ( 166.9) 樓宇單位 423,948 222,520 192,808 185,393 189,418 351,787 Building units ( 21.5) (- 13.3) (- 13.4) (- 3.8) ( 2.2) ( 85.7)

物業轉讓契約總值 478,887 292,961 266,488 210,124 217,164 324,033 Total considerations of assignments of ( 17.2) (- 12.7) (- 9.0) (- 21.2) ( 3.4) ( 49.2) properties 地段 80,977 19,921 22,964 12,014 9,879 18,333 Land (- 1.0) (- 44.2) ( 15.3) (- 47.7) (- 17.8) ( 85.6) 樓宇單位 397,910 273,040 243,524 198,110 207,285 305,700 Building units ( 21.8) (- 9.0) (- 10.8) (- 18.6) ( 4.6) ( 47.5)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Note : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year.

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表 10.9 地產服務業的選定最新統計數字 Table 10.9 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Real Estate Services

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

機構單位數目 8 473 8 645 8 847 8 888 8 807 8 882 Number of establishments

就業人數 85 164 85 946 85 039 87 636 88 699 87 460 Number of persons engaged

業務收益指數 (2000 = 100) 90.7 98.8 96.0 82.1 97.6* 114.1 Business receipts index (2000 = 100)

政府土地拍賣及批租 Disposals of government land

公開拍賣/投標 Public auction/tender

面積 (平方米) 8 044 0 6 902 35 119 0 30 457 Area (sq. m.)

地價 (百萬元) 235 0 304 4 466 0 14 120 Premium ($ million)

私人協約方式批地 Private treaty grant

面積 (平方米) 86 563 89 242 16 122 12 710 139 637* 126 940 Area (sq. m.)

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 186 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 10.9 (續) 地產服務業的選定最新統計數字 Table 10.9 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Real Estate Services

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

買賣合約數目 22 684 29 955 34 779 29 863 24 855 35 610 Number of agreements for sale and purchase

地段 213 317 420 409 314 484 Land

樓宇單位 22 471 29 638 34 359 29 454 24 541 35 126 Building units

買賣合約總值 (百萬元) 48,083 74,986 98,360 89,477 64,681 118,629 Total considerations of agreements for sale and purchase ($ million) 地段 2,202 2,097 4,317 6,197 2,447 6,399 Land

樓宇單位 45,881 72,889 94,043 83,280 62,234 112,230 Building units

物業轉讓契約數目 25 259 33 874 31 716 39 687 28 622 38 328 Number of assignments of properties

地段 621 635 656 886 820 885 Land

樓宇單位 24 638 33 239 31 060 38 801 27 802 37 443 Building units

物業轉讓契約總值 (百萬元) 52,103 72,074 64,412 95,818 73,992 89,811 Total considerations of assignments of properties ($ million) 地段 2,169 1,990 2,499 6,200 4,269 5,365 Land

樓宇單位 49,934 70,084 61,913 89,618 69,723 84,446 Building units

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 187 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

資料來源 Data Sources

表 資料來源 Table Sources

10.1 政府統計處 10.1 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組; Employment Statistics Section; 商業服務統計組; Business Services Statistics Section; 國民收入統計組(二) 一 National Income Section (2)1

10.2 地政總署 10.2 Lands Department

10.3 & 10.5 香港房屋委員會; 10.3 & 10.5 Hong Kong Housing Authority; 差餉物業估價署 Rating and Valuation Department

10.4 & 10.6 差餉物業估價署 10.4 & 10.6 Rating and Valuation Department

10.7-10.8 土地註冊處 10.7-10.8 Land Registry

其他有關刊物 Further References

年報 ,香港房屋協會編製 Annual Report, published by the Hong Kong Housing Society

就業及空缺統計(詳細統計表) Employment and Vacancies Statistics (Detailed Tables)

本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product

香港統計年刊 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics

香港統計月刊 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics

香港物業報告,差餉物業估價署編製 Hong Kong Property Review, published by the Rating and Valuation Department

香港社會及經濟趨勢 Hong Kong Social and Economic Trends

屋宇署資料月報,屋宇署編製 Monthly Digest - Buildings Department, published by the Buildings Department

屋宇建築、建造及地產按年統計調查報告 Report on Annual Survey of Building, Construction and Real Estate Sectors

建造工程完成量按季統計調查報告 Report on the Quarterly Survey of Construction Output

服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries

就業及空缺按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Employment and Vacancies Statistics

工務專刊,政府總部環境運輸及工務局編製 Works Digest, published by the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau, Government Secretariat

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 188 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

電訊服務業 11 Telecommunications Services

概要 Highlights

香港擁有全球其中一套最完善的電訊基建設 Hong Kong has one of the world’s most sophisticated 施,亦是亞太區的通訊樞紐。隨著技術不斷 telecommunications infrastructure and serves as the 改進和引入更多競爭,電訊服務業近年發展 communications hub for Asia-Pacific region. Along 迅速。 with the continuous development in technology and introduction of more competition, the telecommunications services industry had undergone rapid expansion in the recent years.

電訊業包括提供固定和流動電話服務、無線 The telecommunications industry covers 電傳呼服務、互聯網服務以及其他電訊服務 establishments rendering fixed and mobile telephone 的機構單位。二零零三年,來自電訊業的增 services, radio paging services, Internet services and 加價值約為 227 億元,較零二年下跌 7.0 %, other telecommunications services. In 2003, this 佔該年本地生產總值的 1.9%。在零四年,電 industry generated $22.7 billion value added, a 訊業的機構單位共有 443 間,合共為 20 000 decrease by 7.0% compared with 2002, and 人提供職位。 contributing to 1.9% of the 2003 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Hong Kong. In 2004, there were 443 establishments in this telecommunications industry, providing jobs for some 20 000 people.

在二零零三年,電訊市場全面開放。更多固 In 2003, the telecommunications market was fully 定電訊網絡營辦商獲得發牌,於零三年一月 liberalised. Further competition was introduced with 開始提供服務,進一步引入競爭。在零四年, more fixed telecommunications network operators 共有 34 間固定電訊網絡營辦商提供各項固 licensed to provide services from January 2003. In 定電訊服務,包括本地有線固網服務、本地 2004, there were 34 fixed telecommunications 無線固網服務、衛星對外固網服務及電纜對 network operators providing various fixed 外固網服務。 telecommunications services, including local wireline-based fixed network services, local wireless- based fixed network services, satellite based external fixed network services and cable-based external fixed network services.

在二零零四年,5 間本地有線固定電話網絡 In 2004, 5 local wireline fixed telephone network 營辦商提供超過 380 萬條電話線,較零三年 operators provided services to over 3.8 million 下跌 1.1%。零四年的人均電話密度為每百名 telephone lines, a 1.1% drop in the number of 人口有 55 條電話線。 telephone lines compared with 2003. The telephone density in 2004 stood at 55 exchange lines per 100 population.

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除本地電話服務外,用戶可透過本地固網營 Apart from local telephone services, external 辦商及其他網絡營辦商( 例如流動電話服務 telephone services are accessible by customers 營辦商),獲提供對外電話服務。在二零零四 through local fixed network operators and other 年,共錄得 49 億分鐘由本港撥出及 20 億分 network operators such as mobile phone service 鐘由外地撥入的通訊量,較零三年分別增加 operators. In 2004, a total of 4.9 billion minutes of 16.6%及 21.5%。 outgoing traffic and 2 billion minutes of incoming traffic were recorded, representing an increase of 16.6% and 21.5% respectively compared with 2003.

無線通訊服務方面,第三代流動電話(3G)服 On wireless services, Third Generation Mobile (3G) 務已在二零零四年一月在香港推出。由於公 service was launched in Hong Kong since January 共流動無線電話服務營辦商的減價及積極推 2004. Public mobile telephone business showed a 廣,流動無線電話業務於二零零四年進一步 continued expansion in 2004, under the price cuts and 增長。截至零四年底,流動無線電話用戶的 intensive promotion put up by the operators. As at the 數目較上年增加 13.4%至 820 萬。每百名人 end of 2004, the number of mobile telephone 口中便有 118 個流動無線電話服務用戶,使 subscribers increased by 13.4% over a year earlier to 香港成為全球最普遍使用該項服務的地區之 8.2 million. The number of mobile telephone service 一。 subscriber units per 100 population reached 118, making Hong Kong one of the places with the highest penetration of this service in the world.

截至二零零四年底,香港有 188 間持牌的互 As at the end of 2004, Hong Kong had 188 licensed 聯網服務公司,較零三年減少 6.5%。互聯網 Internet Service Providers (ISP), a drop of 6.5% 服務的接駁模式亦有顯著轉變,以寬頻取代 compared with 2003. The mode of ISP connection, 撥號接駁及私人租用線路接駁。零四年底, however, had undergone a major change in 2002, with 以撥號接駁及以私人租用線路接駁上網的已 broadband replacing dial-up access and lease lines 登記客戶戶口數目分別為 100 萬個及 2 300 access. As at the end of 2004, there were 1 million 個,較零三年分別下跌 7.4%及 17.5%。另 一 registered customer accounts with dial-up access and 方面,以寬頻連接互聯網則有所增加。在零 2 300 with leased line access, a drop of 7.4% and 四年,寬頻互聯網接駁客戶戶口數目為 150 17.5% respectively when comparing with 2003. On 萬個,較零三年上升 20.6%。互聯網的使用 the other hand, the use of Internet with broadband 量於過去數年錄得顯著增長,但透過公共電 connection increased. In 2004, there were 1.5 million 話網絡接駁的互聯網使用量則由零三年的 registered broadband Internet access customer 36 億分鐘下跌 46.8%,至零四年的 19 億分 accounts, representing a 20.6% increase over 2003. 鐘。透過寬頻網絡接駁互聯網的使用量由零 Internet usage also recorded significant growth in the 三年的 934 000 兆兆比特顯著上升至零四年 past several years. Internet usage through Public 的 2 950 000 兆兆比特,彌補了透過公共電 Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) dropped by 話網絡接駁互聯網的使用量下跌。 46.8% from 3.6 billion minutes in 2003 to 1.9 billion minutes in 2004. The lost traffic is replaced by Internet access via broadband networks, the volume of which increased markedly from 934 000 terabits in 2003 to 2 950 000 terabits in 2004.

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主要統計數字及統計圖 Key Statistics and Charts

電訊業 Telecommunications Industry

機構單位數目(1) 就業人數(1) 增加價值(3) 年 (通訊業(2)) (通訊業(2)) (百萬元) 業務收益指數(4) Year Number of Number of Value added(3) Business receipts establishments(1) persons engaged(1) ($ million) index(4) (2000=100) (Communications (Communications industry(2)) industry(2))

1994 724 33 662 - - 2000 1 219 38 164 21,756 100.0 2001 1 217 39 150 24,307 85.4 2002 1 241 34 977 24,376 81.1 2003 1 092 30 019 22,678 78.0 2004 1 065 30 719 N.A. 76.2

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Notes :(1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 通訊業,除包括電訊業外,更包括提供速遞 (2) Communications industry covers, in addition to 和信差服務及其他通訊服務的機構單位。 the telecommunications industry therein, establishments rendering courier and messenger services and miscellaneous communications services. (3) 電訊業的增加價值於一九九六統計年度開始 (3) Value added of the telecommunications industry 編製。 was first available in the reference year 1996. (4) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (4) Business receipts indices of the industry were first 製。 compiled in 1996.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 191 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

電訊服務 Telecommunication Services

互聯網使用量 互聯網使用量 (透過公共電話網絡 (透過 公共流動無線電話 電話線數目(5) 對外電話通訊量 接駁)(6) 寬頻網絡接駁(7), (8) 用戶系統數目(9) 年 (千條) (百萬分鐘) (百萬分鐘) (兆兆比特) (千個) Year Number of External telephone Internet traffic Internet traffic Number of public exchange lines(5) traffic volume volume via public volume via mobile (thousands) (million minutes) switched telephone broadband radio-telephone networks(6) networks(7), (8) subscriber units(9) (million minutes) (terabits) (thousands)

1994 3 114 2 956 - - 432 2000 3 946 4 933 14 989 2 909 5 234 2001 3 926 5 430 11 056 73 607 5 702 2002 3 842 5 707 5 550 215 296 6 219 2003 3 820 5 909 3 564 933 728 7 194 2004 3 780 6 974 1 897 2 949 652 8 158

註釋 : (5) 包括直通內線式電話線、圖文傳真線及電文 Notes : (5) Including Direct Dialing In lines, Facsimile lines 線路的直撥服務。 and Datel lines. (6) 數字由電訊管理局自一九九七年八月開始提 (6) Figures were first available from the Office of the 供。不包括透過私人租用線路及使用寬頻服 Telecommunications Authority in August 1997. 務接駁的客戶。 Not including customer access via leased circuits and broadband services. (7) 寬頻互聯網接駁指利用導線解調器、異步傳 (7) Broadband Internet access refers to services with 輸模式(ATM) 、非對稱數碼用戶線路 downloading speed of 1 Mbps or above using (ADSL)、數碼用戶線路(DSL)或其他技術而 cable modem, ATM (asynchronous transfer 下載速度達每秒一兆比特或以上的服務。 mode), ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line), DSL (digital subscriber line) or other technology. (8) 數字由電訊管理局自二零零零年十一月開始 (8) Figures were first available from the Office of the 提供。 Telecommunications Authority in November 2000. (9) 包括預付儲值智能咭及個人通訊服務的用 (9) Including pre-paid stored-value SIM cards and 戶。 PCS subscribers.

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圖 11.1 通訊業(1) 的機構單位數目(2) 及就業人數(2) Chart 11.1 Number of Establishments(2) and Persons Engaged(2) in the Communications Industry(1)

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged 1 400 70 000

1 200 60 000

1 000 50 000

800 40 000

600 30 000

400 20 000

200 10 000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged

註釋 : (1) 通訊業,除包括電訊業外,更包括提供速遞 Notes : (1) Communications industry covers, in addition to 和信差服務及其他通訊服務的機構單位。 the telecommunications industry therein, establishments rendering courier and messenger services and miscellaneous communications services. (2) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 (2) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year.

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圖 11.2 電話線數目(1) Chart 11.2 Number of Exchange Lines(1)

電話線數目(千條) 按每百名人口計算的電話線數目 Number of exchange lines (thousands) Number of exchange lines per 100 population 7 000 70

6 000 60

5 000 50

4 000 40

3 000 30

2 000 20

1 000 10

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 (2) 住宅電話線 商用電話線 按每百名人口計算的電話線數目 Residential lines Business lines Number of exchange lines per 100 population(2)

註釋 : (1) 包括直通內線式電話線、圖文傳真線及電文 Notes : (1) Including Direct Dialing In lines, Facsimile lines 線路的直撥服務。 and Datel lines. (2) 載於本圖內由一九九六年至二零零零年的數 (2) Figures for 1996 to 2000 presented in this chart 字與載於本刊較早期號的數字或有不同,這 may be different from those presented in the 是由於以下其中一項或兩項因素所致: earlier issues of this publication owing to one or (a) 自二零零零年八月起編製人口數字的 both of the following reasons : 方法有所改變。 (a) The change in the approach for compiling (b) 二零零一年人口普查結果為人口數據 population figures since August 2000. 提供最新基準性資料。 (b) The availability of up-to-date benchmark population data are based on the results of the 2001 Population Census.

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圖 11.3 公共流動無線電話用戶系統及公共無線電傳呼接收器數目 Chart 11.3 Number of Public Mobile Radio-telephone Subscriber Units and Public Radio Paging Receivers

用戶系統/接收器數目(千個) Number of subscriber units / receivers (thousands) 9 000

8 000

7 000

6 000

5 000

4 000

3 000

2 000

1 000

0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

(1) (2) 流動無線電話用戶系統 無線電傳呼接收器 Mobile radio-telephone subscriber units(1) Radio paging receivers(2)

註釋 : (1) 包括預付儲值智能咭及個人通訊服務的用 Notes : (1) Including pre-paid stored-value SIM cards and 戶。 PCS subscribers. (2) 一九九五年前的數字是以另一種方法編製。 (2) Figures before 1995 were compiled using a different approach.

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概念及方法 Concepts and Methods

電訊服務 主要可分為有線服務及無線服務。提供 Telecommunications services are mainly classified 這兩種服務的供應商必須持有電訊管理局所發 into wireline services and wireless services. Service 的牌照。 providers of both classes must be licensed by the Office of the Telecommunication Authority (OFTA).

有線服務 包括(一)本地電話服務;(二)對外 Wireline services cover (a) local telephone services; 電話服務;(三)互聯網服務;及(四)專用電 (b) external telephone services; (c) internet services; 報及電報服務。 and (d) telex and telegram services.

至於無線服務,主要有兩類業務,分別是公共流 As for wireless services, public mobile 動無線電話服務及公共無線電傳呼服務。 radio-telephone services and public radio paging services are the two main streams of businesses.

用語及定義 Terms and Definitions

在編製統計數字時,電訊業 包括提供固定及流動 For statistical compilation purpose, the 電話、電報、公共無線電傳呼、互聯網及其它電 telecommunications industry covers establishments 訊服務的機構。 rendering fixed and mobile telephone services, telegraph services, public radio paging services, internet services and miscellaneous telecommunications services.

機構單位 是指在單一擁有權或控制權下,在單一 An establishment is defined as an economic unit 地點從事一種或主要從事一種經濟活動的經濟 which engages, under a single ownership or control, 單位,例如個別工廠、工場、零售店及辦公室。 in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single physical location, e.g. an individual factory, workshop, retail shop and office.

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就業人數 包括所有於統計日期工作最少一小時 Persons engaged include all individual proprietors, 及經常參與機構單位業務的東主、合夥人,以及 partners and persons having family ties with any of 與東主或合夥人有親屬關係並在機構單位工作 the proprietors or partners and working in the 而無正薪的人士;及所有於統計日期向機構單位 establishment without regular pay, who are actively 直接支取薪酬的全職受薪僱員,以及有限公司的 engaged in the work of the establishment for at least 在職董事,其中包括長期或臨時聘用的,無論這 one hour on the survey reference date; and all 些僱員正在本港或其他地方工作或暫時缺勤(即 full-time salaried personnel or employees and 正在放病假、分娩假、年假、事假的工人及罷工 working directors of limited companies directly paid 者)。在統計日期工作最少一小時的兼職僱員, by the establishment, both permanent and temporary, 以及夜班或通宵班的僱員亦包括在內。由一九九 who are either at work (whether or not in Hong Kong) 九年三月開始,有關點算就業人數的工作時數定 or temporarily absent from work (viz. those on sick 義由原有的「在統計日期工作最少三小時」改為 leave, maternity leave, annual vacation or casual 「在統計日期工作最少一小時」。 leave, and on strike) on the survey reference date. Part-time employees and employees on night/irregular shifts working for at least one hour on the survey reference date are also included. As from March 1999, the rule for counting the number of persons engaged has been changed from the previous definition of “working for at least three hours” to a new definition of “working for at least one hour”.

本地生產總值 是指一個國家或地區的所有常住 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the 生產單位,在一個指定的期間內,未扣除固定資 total value of production of all resident producing 本消耗的生產總價值。 units of a country or territory in a specified period, before deducting allowance for consumption of fixed capital.

生產總額 一般以服務收費計算,包括電話服務 Gross output is measured generally by service charges 中出租電話機的收入,公共無線電傳呼服務中從 received, including rentals received for letting 銷售公共無線電傳呼接收器所得的毛利,以及提 telephone sets in the case of telephone services, 供服務而收取其他的費用及佣金。 margins from sales of public radio paging receivers in the case of public radio paging services, and other fees and commissions received for services rendered.

增加價值 是生產總額減去中間投產消耗(生產 Value added is defined as the value of gross output 過程中所耗用的貨物和服務的價值)。 less the value of intermediate consumption (the value of goods and services used up in the course of production).

公共流動無線電話服務 是由蜂窩式流動電話營 Public Mobile Radio-telephone Services (PMRS) is 辦商所提供的流動電話服務,現時最為普及。 the most commonly used mobile telephone services provided by licensed cellular phone operators.

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個人通訊服務 是一種在 1.7/1.8 京赫頻段操作的 Personal Communications Services (PCS) is a kind of 數碼式流動電話網絡,其特點是成本低而可為大 digital mobile telephone networks which operates in 量客戶提供服務。 the 1.7/1.8 GHz band, generally characterised by low cost and the ability to serve a very large number of customers.

電訊設備的貿易統計數字 包括有線電話或有線 Trade statistics on telecommunications equipment 電報用的電動器具、無線電話或電報傳送器具及 includes imports and exports of electrical apparatus 其他裝有接收器的傳送器具的進口及出口貨值。 for line telephony or line telegraphy, transmission apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy and other apparatus incorporating reception apparatus.

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統計表 Statistical Tables

表 11.1 電訊業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Table 11.1 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Telecommunications Industry

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目(1) (通訊業(2) ) 724 1 219 1 217 1 241 1 092 1 065 Number of establishments(1) ( 29.1) ( 11.2) (- 0.2) ( 2.0) (- 12.0) (- 2.5) (Communications industry(2) ) 機構單位數目(電訊業(3) ) - - 579 580 467 443 Number of establishments - - - ( 0.2) (- 19.5) (- 5.1) (Telecommunications industry(3) ) 機構單位數目(其他通訊服務,電訊服務 除外(3) ) - - 644 661 625 622 Number of establishments - - - ( 2.6) (- 5.4) (- 0.5) (Miscellaneous communications services, excluding telecommunications services(3) )

就業人數(1) (通訊業(2) ) 33 662 38 164 39 150 34 977 30 019 30 719 Number of persons engaged(1) ( 9.2) ( 6.4) ( 2.6) (- 10.7) (- 14.2) ( 2.3) (Communications industry(2) ) 就業人數(電訊業(3) ) - - 27 858 24 030 18 667 19 932 Number of persons - - - (- 13.7) (- 22.3) ( 6.8) engaged(Telecommunications industry(3) ) 就業人數 (其他通訊服務,電訊服務除外(3) ) - - 10 444 10 947 11 352 10 787 Number of persons - - - ( 4.8) ( 3.7) (- 5.0) engaged(Miscellaneous communications services, excluding telecommunications services(3) )

業務收益指數(4) (2000=100) - 100.0 85.4 81.1 78.0 76.2 Business receipts index(4) (2000=100) - ( 8.4) (- 14.6) (- 5.0) (- 3.8) (- 2.3)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 通訊業,除包括電訊業外,更包括提供速遞 (2) Communications industry covers, in addition to 和信差服務及其他通訊服務的機構單位。 the telecommunications industry therein, establishments rendering courier and messenger services and miscellaneous communications services. (3) 自二零零一年第三季起,「通訊業」已細分 (3) Starting from the 3rd quarter 2001, 為「電訊業」及「其他通訊服務(電訊服務除 “communications industry” is splitted into 外)」。零一年的數字是該年第三季和第四季 “telecommunications industry” and 的估計數字的平均數。 “miscellaneous communications services (excluding telecommunications services)”. Figures for the year 2001 are averages of the 3rd quarter and the 4th quarter of the year. (4) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (4) Business receipts indices of the industry were first 製。 compiled in 1996.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 199 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 11.1 (續) 電訊業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務收益指數、生產總額及增加價值 Table 11.1 (Cont’d.) Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Business Receipts Index, Gross Output and Value Added of the Telecommunications Industry

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

生產總額(5)(電訊業) - 51,624 49,488 46,635 45,304 N.A. Gross output(5)(Telecommunications - ( 6.7) (- 4.1) (- 5.8) (- 2.9) industry)

增加價值(5)(電訊業) - 21,756 24,307 24,376 22,678 N.A. Value added(5)(Telecommunications - ( 25.9) ( 11.7) ( 0.3) (- 7.0) industry) 在以要素成本計算的本地生產總值內所 佔比率 (百分比) - 1.8 2.0 2.0 1.9 N.A. Contribution to GDP at factor cost (%) 增加價值在生產總額所佔比率 - 42.1 49.1 52.3 50.1 N.A. Value added as % of gross output

生產總額(通訊業(2) ) 39,945* 62,732 60,156 59,106 58,992 N.A. Gross output (Communications ( 13.8) ( 7.5) (- 4.1) (- 1.7) (- 0.2) industry(2) )

增加價值(通訊業(2) ) 22,577* 27,426 29,360 29,291 27,597 N.A. Value added (Communications ( 12.9) ( 19.1) ( 7.1) (- 0.2) (- 5.8) industry(2) ) 在以要素成本計算的本地生產總值內所 佔比率 (百分比) 2.3 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.3 N.A. Contribution to GDP at factor cost (%) 增加價值在生產總額所佔比率 56.5* 43.7 48.8 49.6 46.8 N.A. Value added as % of gross output

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (2) 通訊業,除包括電訊業外,更包括提供速遞 (2) Communications industry covers, in addition to 和信差服務及其他通訊服務的機構單位。 the telecommunications industry therein, establishments rendering courier and messenger services and miscellaneous communications services. (5) 電訊業的生產總額及增加價值於一九九六統 (5) Gross output and value added of the 計年度開始編製。 telecommunications industry were first available in the reference year 1996.

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表 11.2 有線電話服務 Table 11.2 Wireline Telephone Services

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

電話線數目(1) (千條) 3 114 3 946 3 926 3 842 3 820 3 780 Number of exchange lines(1) (thousands) ( 5.3) ( 2.8) (- 0.5) (- 2.1) (- 0.5) (- 1.1) 商用電話線 1 206 1 736 1 765 1 708 1 701 1 662 Business lines ( 7.6) ( 5.3) ( 1.6) (- 3.2) (- 0.4) (- 2.3) 住宅電話線 1 908 2 210 2 161 2 134 2 119 2 118 Residential lines ( 4.0) ( 0.9) (- 2.2) (- 1.2) (- 0.7) (- 0.1) 按每百名人口計算的電話線數目(2) 50.9 58.8 58.1 56.6 55.8* 54.8 Number of exchange lines per 100 population(2)

圖文傳真線數目 (千條) 252 404 411 546 491 456 Number of facsimile lines (thousands) ( 11.5) ( 5.2) ( 1.7) ( 32.8) (- 10.0) (- 7.1)

本地專用線路 Local leased lines 數目(千條) - - - 176 175 176 Numbers (thousands) - - - - (- 0.8) ( 0.9) 總容量(每秒兆比特) - - - 363 950 455 564 580 161 Total capacity (Mbps) - - - - ( 25.2) ( 27.4)

本地固定電訊網絡服務營辦商電話號碼成 功轉攜數目(3) (千個) - - - - - 207 Number of successful portings in local ------fixed telecommunications network services operators(3) (thousands)

固定有線電話網絡營辦商數目 1 4 4 4 5 5 Number of wireline based fixed telephone network operators

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 包括直通內線式電話線、圖文傳真線及電文 (1) Including Direct Dialing In lines, Facsimile lines 線路的直撥服務。 and Datel lines. (2) 載於本表內二零零零年的數字與載於本刊較 (2) Figures for 2000 presented in this table may be 早期號的數字或有不同,這是由於以下其中 different from that presented in the earlier issues of 一項或兩項因素所致: this publication owing to one or both of the (a) 自二零零零年八月起編製人口數字的方 following reasons : 法有所改變。 (a) The change in the approach for compiling (b) 二零零一年人口普查結果為人口數據提 population figures since August 2000. 供最新基準性資料。 (b) The availability of up-to-date benchmark population data are based on the results of the 2001 Population Census. (3) 指本地固定電訊網絡營辦商之間的電話號碼 (3) Figures refer to the number of successful portings 成功轉攜安排的數字。為提高營辦商電話號 from one local fixed telecommunications network 碼轉攜服務運作的透明度,電訊管理局自二 service operator to another. With a view to 零零四年七月開始公布有關統計數字。 enhancing the transparency in the operation of operator number portability, Office of Telecommunications Authority has published the statistics since July 2004.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 201 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 11.3 對外電訊通訊量 Table 11.3 External Telecommunications Traffic

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

對外電話總通訊量(百萬分鐘) 2 955.7 4 932.9 5 429.6 5 706.9 5 908.8 6 973.8 Total external telephone traffic volume ( 17.3) ( 16.6) ( 10.1) ( 5.1) ( 3.5) ( 18.0) (million minutes) 撥出總數 1 537.7 3 074.9 3 487.3 3 950.9 4 232.6 4 936.5 Total outgoing ( 16.6) ( 20.6) ( 13.4) ( 13.3) ( 7.1) ( 16.6) 由接線生接駁的撥出 87.9 12.5 5.7 3.1 1.6 N.A. Operator assisted outgoing ( 1.9) (-42.4) (- 54.4) (- 45.6) (- 48.4) 對外直撥電話撥出(1) 1 449.9 3 062.4 3 481.6 3 947.8 4 231.0 N.A. IDD outgoing (1) ( 17.6) ( 21.1) ( 13.7) ( 13.4) ( 7.2) 撥入總數(2) 1 418.0 1 858.0 1 942.3 1 756.0 1 676.2 2 037.3 Total incoming(2) ( 18.2) ( 10.6) ( 4.5) (- 9.6) (- 4.5) ( 21.5)

對外專用電報總通訊量(3) (千分鐘) 34 711 6 277 4 424 3 792 2 558 1 651 Total external telex traffic volume(3) (- 10.8) (- 23.5) (- 29.5) (- 14.3) (- 32.5) (- 35.4) (thousand minutes)

對外電報總通訊量(4) (千訊息) 231 29 17 11 7 N.A. Total external telegram traffic volume(4) (- 30.4) (- 25.6) (- 41.4) (- 35.3) (- 36.3) (thousand messages)

國際電話卡服務商數目(5) 7 3 2 2 1 0 Number of international calling card ( 600.0) (- 75.0) (- 33.3) ( 0.0) (- 50.0) (- 100.0) service providers(5)

對外電訊服務營辦商數目(5) - 183 199 215 221 222 Number of external telecommunications - ( 14.4) ( 8.7) ( 8.0) ( 2.8) ( 0.5) service operators(5)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 包括圖文傳真及數據撥出。 (1) Including facsimile and data outgoing traffic. (2) 估計數字。 (2) Estimated figures. (3) 不包括轉發的專用電報。 (3) Not including telex refile traffic. (4) 不包括船舶與陸地之間的通訊。 (4) Not including ship/shore traffic. (5) 國際電話卡服務於一九九三年推出。對外電 (5) International calling card service was launched in 訊服務於一九九九年推出,並逐步取代國際 1993. External telecommunications service was 電話卡服務。 launched in 1999 to replace the international calling card service.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 202 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 11.4 對外電訊設施容量(1) Table 11.4 Capacity of External Telecommunications Facilities(1)

每秒兆比特 Mbps 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

已裝備容量(2) - 17 625 234 613 586 339 622 161 646 445 Equipped capacity(2) - - (1 231.1) ( 149.9) ( 6.1) ( 3.9)

電纜(3) - 16 497 232 459 584 063 620 686 644 698 Cable(3) - - (1 309.1) ( 151.3) ( 6.3) ( 3.9)

衛星(4) - 1 128 2 154 2 276 1 475 1 748 Satellite(4) - - ( 91.0) ( 5.7) (- 35.2) ( 18.5)

已使用容量(5) - 7 132 49 725 95 860 134 195 167 321 Activated capacity(5) - - ( 597.2) ( 92.8) ( 40.0) ( 24.7)

電纜(3) - 6 145 48 254 94 226 132 945 165 825 Cable(3) - - ( 685.3) ( 95.3) ( 41.1) ( 24.7)

衛星(4) - 987 1 471 1 634 1 250 1 495 Satellite(4) - - ( 49.0) ( 11.1) (- 23.5) ( 19.6)

註釋: 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字由電訊管理局自二零零零年第三季開始 (1) Figures were first available from the Office of the 提供。 Telecommunications Authority in the 3rd quarter 2000. (2) 指已安裝了需要的終端設備及隨時能為客戶 (2) Figures refer to the capacity of the external 提供服務的對外線路容量。 circuits, which are equipped with the necessary termination equipment so that the capacity is readily available to customers in Hong Kong upon request. (3) 包括海底電纜系統及陸上電纜系統。 (3) Including submarine cable systems and overland cable systems. (4) 包括衛星(上載/下載)系統、微波鏈路系統及 (4) Including satellite uplink/downlink systems, 衛星(於香港上載)廣播系統。 microwave link systems and satellite uplink systems at Hong Kong end for broadcasting traffic. (5) 指已由客戶使用的對外線路容量。 (5) Figures refer to the capacity of the external circuits, which are being used by the customers.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 203 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 11.5 互聯網服務 Table 11.5 Internet Services

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

持牌互聯網服務供應商數目(1) 3 235 258 236 201 188 Number of licensed Internet Service ( 200.0) ( 47.8) ( 9.8) (- 8.5) (- 14.8) (- 6.5) Providers (ISPs) (1)

互聯網使用量 Internet traffic volume 客戶透過公共電話網絡接駁(2) (百萬分鐘) - 14 989 11 056 5 550 3 564 1 897 Customer access via public switched - ( 37.2) (- 26.2) (- 49.8) (- 35.8) (- 46.8) telephone networks(2) (million minutes) 客戶透過寬頻網絡接駁(3), (4)(兆兆比特) - 2 909 73 607 215 296 933 728 2 949 652 Customer access via broadband - - (2 430.3) ( 192.5) ( 333.7) ( 215.9) networks(3), (4) (terabits)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 互聯網服務牌照於一九九三年正式發出。 (1) Internet service licence was formally issued in 1993. (2) 數字由電訊管理局自一九九七年八月開始提 (2) Figures were first available from the Office of the 供。不包括透過私人租用線路及使用寬頻服 Telecommunications Authority in August 1997. 務接駁的客戶。 Not including customer access via leased circuits and broadband services. (3) 寬頻互聯網接駁指利用導線解調器、異步傳 (3) Broadband Internet access refers to services with 輸模式(ATM) 、非對稱數碼用戶線路 downloading speed of 1 Mbps or above using (ADSL)、數碼用戶線路(DSL)或其他技術而 cable modem, ATM (asynchronous transfer 下載速度達每秒一兆比特或以上的服務。 mode), ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line), DSL (digital subscriber line) or other technology. (4) 數字由電訊管理局自二零零零年十一月開始 (4) Figures were first available from the Office of the 提供。 Telecommunications Authority in November 2000.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 204 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 11.5 (續) 互聯網服務 Table 11.5 (Cont’d.) Internet Services

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

持牌互聯網服務供應商客戶數目(5), (6) Number of customers of licensed Internet Service Providers (ISPs) (5), (6) 以撥號接駁的已登記客戶戶口 (不包括 互聯網儲值卡) - 2 283 047 2 018 238 1 371 705 1 084 368 1 003 604 Registered customer accounts with - ( 31.6) (- 11.6) (- 32.0) (- 20.9) (- 7.4) dial-up access (excluding Internet pre-paid calling cards) 作撥號接駁用途的互聯網儲值卡 - 38 708 18 569 14 978 20 411 9 800 Internet pre-paid calling cards for - (-67.1) (- 52.0) (- 19.3) ( 36.3) (- 52.0) dial-up access 以私人租用線路接駁的已登記客戶戶口 - 11 527 7 066 3 439 2 739 2 259 Registered customer accounts with - ( 53.8) (- 38.7) (- 51.3) (- 20.4) (- 17.5) leased line access 寬頻互聯網接駁客戶戶口(3), (7) - 392 118 623 302 989 115 1 230 607 1 484 486 Registered broadband Internet access - - ( 59.0) ( 58.7) ( 24.4) ( 20.6) customer accounts(3), (7) 住宅 - - - 915 517 1 134 041 1 370 056 Households - - - - ( 23.9) ( 20.8) 辦公室 - - - 70 623 90 611 108 371 Offices - - - - ( 28.3) ( 19.6) 其他 - - - 2 975 5 955 6 059 Others - - - - ( 100.2) ( 1.7)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (3) 寬頻互聯網接駁指利用導線解調器、異步傳 (3) Broadband Internet access refers to services with 輸模式(ATM) 、非對稱數碼用戶線路 downloading speed of 1 Mbps or above using (ADSL)、數碼用戶線路(DSL)或其他技術而 cable modem, ATM (asynchronous transfer 下載速度達每秒一兆比特或以上的服務。 mode), ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line), DSL (digital subscriber line) or other technology. (5) 數字由電訊管理局自一九九九年開始提供。 (5) Figures were first available from the Office of the 根據互聯網服務供應商申報的估計數字,不 Telecommunications Authority in 1999. 包括不屬於持牌互聯網服務供應商客戶的使 Estimated figures are based on the return from the 用者。 ISPs and do not include users who are not customers of the licensed ISPs. (6) 已登記客戶戶口指互聯網服務供應商的客戶 (6) Registered customer accounts refer to the 戶口(包括免費的客戶戶口)。擁有超過一個客 customer accounts of ISPs (including those 戶登入識別碼的登記客戶戶口只算作一個已 free-of-charge customer accounts). For a 登記的客戶戶口。數字不包括只獲提供電郵 registered customer account which has more than 地址的客戶戶口。 one user login ID, it is counted as one registered customer account only. Figures do not include customer accounts which are provided with e-mail addresses only. (7) 數字由電訊管理局自二零零零年開始提供 , (7) Figures were first available from the Office of the 但其詳細分類的數字則於二零零二年開始提 Telecommunications Authority in 2000, but 供。 figures at detailed breakdown were first available in 2002.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 205 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 11.6 公共流動無線電話服務 Table 11.6 Public Mobile Radio-telephone Services

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

公共流動無線電話用戶系統數目(1) (千個) Number of public mobile radio-telephone subscriber units(1) (thousands) 總數 432 5 234 5 702 6 219 7 194 8 158 Total ( 48.5) ( 31.2) ( 8.9) ( 9.1) ( 15.7) ( 13.4)

週期性結帳(包括數碼式 800/900 兆赫 和個人通訊服務)(2) 432 4 173 4 256 4 207 4 408 4 575 Post-paid (including Digital ( 48.5) ( 14.3) ( 2.0) (- 1.2) ( 4.8) ( 3.8) 800/900 MHz and PCS)(2) 預付儲值智能咭(3) - 1 061 1 445 2 012 2 787 3 583 Pre-paid stored-value SIM cards(3) - ( 212.5) ( 36.2) ( 39.2) ( 38.5) ( 28.6) 2.5 代客戶 (2), (4) (千個) - - - 171 730 1 349 2.5G customers (2), (4) (thousands) - - - - ( 326.9) ( 84.8) 按每百名人口計算的公共流動無線電話 用戶系統數目(5) 7.1 78.0 84.4 91.6 105.1* 118.3 Number of public mobile radio-telephone subscriber units per 100 population(5)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 包括預付儲值智能咭及個人通訊服務的用 (1) Including pre-paid stored-value SIM cards and 戶。 PCS subscribers. (2) 由二零零四年一月起,數據已包括第 3 代流 (2) With effect from January 2004, the figures include 動服務。 3G mobile services. (3) 數字由電訊管理局自一九九七年開始提供。 (3) Figures were first available from the Office of the Telecommunications Authority since 1997. (4) 第 2.5 代客戶指在統計年十二月份中已選用 (4) 2.5G customers refer to those customers who have 第 2.5 代服務(包括通用分組無線電服務 joined the service plans for 2.5G services (GPRS)及 IS-95B 服務)或至少使用第 2.5 代 (including general packet radio service (GPRS) 服務一次的客戶。 and IS-95B services) or used the 2.5G services at least once in December of the reference year. (5) 載於本表內二零零零年的數字與載於本刊較 (5) Figures for 2000 presented in this table may be 早期號的數字或有不同,這是由於以下其中 different from that presented in the earlier issues of 一項或兩項因素所致: this publication owing to one or both of the (a) 自二零零零年八月起編製人口數字的方法 following reasons : 有所改變。 (a) The change in the approach for compiling (b) 二零零一年人口普查結果為人口數據提供 population figures since August 2000. 最新基準性資料。 (b) The availability of up-to-date benchmark population data are based on the results of the 2001 Population Census.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 206 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 11.6 (續) 公共流動無線電話服務 Table 11.6 (Cont’d.) Public Mobile Radio-telephone Services

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

短訊數目(2), (6) (千個) Number of short messages (2), (6) (thousands) 發送(7) - - - 196 380 416 845 1 035 698 Sent (7) - - - - ( 112.3) ( 148.5) 接收(7) - - - 514 914 1 024 560 1 920 079 Received (7) - - - - ( 99.0) ( 87.4)

本地流動網絡營辦商電話號碼成功轉攜數 目(千個) - 1 489 1 843 952 1 036 1 099 Number of successful portings in local - - ( 23.7) (- 48.3) ( 8.8) ( 6.1) mobile network operators (thousands)

公共流動無線電話服務營辦商 4 3 3 3 3 3 Number of PMRS operators

個人通訊服務營辦商(8) - 6 6 6 6 6 Number of PCS operators(8)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (2) 由二零零四年一月起,數據已包括第 3 代流 (2) With effect from January 2004, the figures include 動服務。 3G mobile services. (6) 短訊服務包括流動服務客戶之間發送及接收 (6) Short message service (SMS) includes short 的短訊,由固定位置發送到流動服務客戶的 messages sent and received between mobile 短訊,和由流動服務客戶發送到固定位置的 customers, messages sent to mobile customers 短訊。數字由電訊管理局自二零零二年五月 from fixed locations and messages sent by mobile 開始提供。 customers to fixed locations. Figures were first available from the Office of the Telecommunications Authority since May of 2002. (7) 發送的短訊數目指由流動服務客戶發送的短 (7) The number of short messages sent refers to the 訊,並不包括由固定位置發送的短訊。接收 number of short messages sent by mobile 的短訊數目指由流動服務客戶接收的短訊, customers only and does not include short 並不包括由固定位置接收的短訊。接收短訊 messages sent from fixed locations. The number 的數目大於發送短訊的數目,是由於一些短 of short messages received refers to the number of 訊有多過一名接收者。 short messages received by mobile customers only and does not include short messages received from fixed locations. The number of messages received exceeds the number of messages sent because some sent messages were received by more than one recipient. (8) 個人通訊服務牌照於一九九六年九月三十日 (8) PCS licences were first issued on 30 September 首次發出。 1996.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 207 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 11.7 公共無線電傳呼服務 Table 11.7 Public Radio Paging Services

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

公共無線電傳呼服務牌照數目 - 26 22 20 10 6 Number of public radio paging service licences

公共無線電傳呼服務頻道數目 - 72 57 54 42 28 Number of public radio paging service channels

公共無線電傳呼接收器數目(1) (千個) 1 356 328 253 197 178 158 Number of public radio paging ( 9.0) (- 4.2) (- 22.9) (- 22.1) (- 9.6) (- 11.3) receivers(1) (thousands) 按每百名人口計算的無線電傳呼接收器 數目(2) 22.2 4.9 3.7 2.9 2.6 2.3 Number of radio paging receivers per 100 population(2)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 一九九五年前的數字是以另一種方法編製。 (1) Figure before 1995 were compiled using a different approach. (2) 載於本表內二零零零年的數字與載於本刊較 (2) Figures for 2000 presented in this table may be 早期號的數字或有不同,這是由於以下其中 different from that presented in the earlier issues of 一項或兩項因素所致: this publication owing to one or both of the (a) 自二零零零年八月起編製人口數字的方法 following reasons : 有所改變。 (a) The change in the approach for compiling (b) 二零零一年人口普查結果為人口數據提供 population figures since August 2000. 最新基準性資料。 (b) The availability of up-to-date benchmark population data are based on the results of the 2001 Population Census.

表 11.8 電訊設備的進出口貨值 Table 11.8 Imports and Exports of Telecommunications Equipment

百萬元 $million 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

進口 25,345 62,083 67,682 64,840 58,110 71,432 Imports ( 13.5) ( 40.3) ( 9.0) (- 4.2) (- 10.4) ( 22.9)

整體出口 19,756 42,339 41,360 44,547 48,535 53,058 Total exports ( 20.2) ( 21.4) (- 2.3) ( 7.7) ( 9.0) ( 9.3)

港產品出口 2,233 1,456 1,448 301 399 131 Domestic exports (- 5.1) ( 13.4) (- 0.6) (- 79.2) ( 32.4) (- 67.2)

轉口 17,523 40,883 39,912 44,246 48,137 52,927 Re-exports ( 24.5) ( 21.7) (- 2.4) ( 10.9) ( 8.8) ( 10.0)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Note : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 208 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 11.9 電訊服務業的選定最新統計數字 Table 11.9 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Telecommunications Services

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

機構單位數目(通訊業) 1 046 1 139 1 094 1 103 1 026 1 035 Number of establishments (Communications industry) 機構單位數目(電訊業) 442 489 474 444 422 430 Number of establishments (Telecommunications industry) 機構單位數目(其他通訊服務,電訊服務除 外) 604 650 620 659 604 605 Number of establishments (Miscellaneous communications services, excluding telecommunications services)

就業人數(通訊業) 30 238 31 451 30 964 31 157 30 108 30 646 Number of persons engaged (Communications industry) 就業人數(電訊業) 18 860 19 763 20 354 19 873 19 941 19 561 Number of persons engaged (Telecommunications industry) 就業人數(其他通訊服務,電訊服務除外) 11 378 11 688 10 610 11 284 10 167 11 085 Number of persons engaged (Miscellaneous communications services, excluding telecommunications services)

業務收益指數 (2000 = 100) 76.9 78.1 75.0 75.0 76.5* 78.5 Business receipts index (2000 = 100)

電話線數目(千條) 3 814 3 820 3 806 3 787 3 772 3 780 Number of exchange lines (thousands)

商用電話線 1 693 1 701 1 691 1 665 1 659 1 662 Business lines

住宅電話線 2 121 2 119 2 116 2 112 2 113 2 118 Residential lines

圖文傳真線數目(千條) 500 491 483 475 466 456 Number of facsimile lines (thousands)

本地專用線路 Local leased lines

數目(千條) 174 175 173 171 173 176 Numbers (thousands)

總容量(每秒兆比特) 418 451 455 564 488 223 509 670 541 995 580 161 Total capacity (Mbps)

本地固定電訊網絡服務營辦商電話號碼成功轉 攜數目(千個) N.A. N.A. N.A. 52 79 76 Number of successful portings in local fixed telecommunications network services operators (thousands)

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 209 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 11.9 (續) 電訊服務業的選定最新統計數字 Table 11.9 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Telecommunications Services

2003 2004

第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

公共流動無線電話用戶系統數目(千個) Number of public mobile radiotelephone subscriber units (thousands)

總數 6 754 7 194 7 349 7 626 8 006 8 158 Total

週期性結帳(包括數碼式 800/900 兆赫和 個人通訊服務) 4 330 4 408 4 491 4 543 4 548 4 575 Post-paid (including Digital 800/900 MHz and PCS) 預付儲值智能咭 2 424 2 787 2 858 3 083 3 458 3 583 Pre-paid stored-value SIM cards

2.5 代客戶(千個) (1) 536 730 996 1 024 1 211 1 349 2.5G customers (thousands) (1)

短訊數目(千個) Number of short messages (thousands)

發送 110 393 161 956 216 832 234 468 256 816 327 582 Sent

接收 266 759 348 142 415 749 442 353 481 876 580 100 Received

公共無線電傳呼接收器數目 (千個) 171 178 176 157 149 158 Number of public radio paging receivers (thousands)

本地流動網絡營辦商電話號碼成功轉攜數目 (千個) 243 204 199 259 361 279 Number of successful portings in local mobile network operators (thousands) 對外電訊設施容量 (每秒兆比特) Capacity of external telecommunications facilities (Mbps) 已裝備容量 616 829 622 161 625 256 623 990 635 021* 646 445 Equipped capacity

電纜 615 306 620 686 623 763 622 569 633 508 644 698 Cable

衛星 1 523 1 475 1 493 1 421 1 513* 1 748 Satellite

已使用容量 126 422 134 195 144 197 150 269 158 169* 167 321 Activated capacity

電纜 125 168 132 945 142 872 149 106 156 867 165 825 Cable

衛星 1 254 1 250 1 325 1 163 1 302* 1 495 Satellite

註釋 : (1) 第 2.5 代客戶指在統計季最後月份中已選 Note : (1) 2.5G customers refer to those customers who have 用第 2.5 代服務(包括通用分組無線電服務 joined the service plans for 2.5G services (including (GPRS)及 IS-95B 服務)或至少使用第 2.5 general packet radio service (GPRS) and IS-95B 代服務一次的客戶。 services) or used the 2.5G services at least once in

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 210 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

the ending month of reference quarter.

表 11.9 (續) 電訊服務業的選定最新統計數字 Table 11.9 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Telecommunications Services

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

互聯網使用量 Internet traffic volume 客戶透過公共電話網絡接駁(百萬分鐘) 825 682 587 508 434 368 Customer access via public switched telephone networks (million minutes) 客戶透過寬頻網絡接駁(兆兆比特) 281 296 371 737 486 014 671 943 796 193 995 502 Customer access via broadband networks (terabits)

持牌互聯網服務供應商客戶數目 Number of customers of licensed Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

以撥號接駁的已登記客戶戶口 (不包括互聯 網儲值卡) 1 110 968 1 084 368 1 059 003 1 041 698 1 012 954 1 003 604 Registered customer accounts with dial-up access (excluding Internet pre-paid calling cards) 作撥號接駁用途的互聯網儲值卡 19 164 20 411 11 204 9 797 9 626 9 800 Internet pre-paid calling cards for dial-up access 以私人租用線路接駁的已登記客戶戶口 3 084 2 739 2 643 2 544 2 358 2 259 Registered customer accounts with leased line access 寬頻互聯網接駁客戶戶口 1 169 723 1 230 607 1 265 323 1 324 901 1 437 746 1 484 486 Registered broadband Internet access customer accounts 住宅 1 078 343 1 134 041 1 165 555 1 212 242 1 327 134 1 370 056 Households

辦公室 85 425 90 611 93 536 101 589 104 859 108 371 Offices

其他 5 955 5 955 6 232 11 070 5 753 6 059 Others

電訊設備的進出口貨值 (百萬元) Imports/exports of telecommunications equipment ($ million) 進口 16,121 15,124 14,496 18,502 18,140 20,294 Imports 整體出口 13,300 12,341 10,909 12,991 14,017 15,141 Total exports 港產品出口 139 98 39 25 25 43 Domestic exports 轉口 13,161 12,244 10,870 12,966 13,992 15,098 Re-exports

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 211 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

資料來源 Data Sources

表 資料來源 Table Sources

11.1 政府統計處 11.1 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組; Employment Statistics Section; 商業服務統計組; Business Services Statistics Section; 國民收入統計組(二) 一 National Income Section (2)1

11.2 - 11.7 電訊管理局 11.2 - 11.7 Office of the Telecommunications Authority

11.8 政府統計處 11.8 Census and Statistics Department 貿易資料分析組 Trade Analysis Section

其他有關刊物 Further References

就業及空缺統計(詳細統計表) Employment and Vacancies Statistics (Detailed Tables)

本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product

香港統計年刊 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics

香港統計月刊 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics

就業及空缺按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Employment and Vacancies Statistics

倉庫業、通訊業、銀行業、財務業、保險業及 Report on Annual Survey of Storage, Communication, 商用服務業按年統計調查報告 Banking, Financing, Insurance and Business Services

服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries

電訊管理局營運基金報告書,電訊管理局編製 Office of the Telecommunications Authority Trading Fund Report, published by the Office of the Telecommunications Authority

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 212 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

批發及零售業 12 Wholesale and Retail Trade

概要 Highlights

就機構單位數目及僱用人數而言,批發及 The wholesale and retail trade is one of the biggest 零售業是香港較大的服務行業之一。二零 service industries in terms of number of establishments 零四年,從事主要批發及零售業務 (不包括 and employment. In 2004, there were about 70 000 零售攤檔及小販) 的機構約 70 000 間,就 business undertakings in the main wholesale and retail 業人數約 286 000 名。 trade (not including retail pitches and hawkers), engaging some 286 000 people.

二零零三年,批發及零售業的增加價值約 The wholesale and retail trade generated about $39.4 394 億元,佔本地生產總值的 3.3%。 billion value added in 2003, or 3.3% of Hong Kong's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

二零零四年批發及零售業的總業務收益較 Total business receipts of the wholesale and retail trade 零三年上升 9.5%。 in 2004 was 9.5% higher than in 2003.

零售業在二零零四年錄得顯著升幅。除了本地 Retail trade registered a notable growth in 2004. Apart 消費需求持續復蘇及強勁的訪港旅遊業,令整 from sustained revival in local consumer demand and 體零售業務的強勁增長,特別是在二零零四年 vibrant inbound tourism, the strong growth in overall 上半年,由於二零零三年三月後期嚴重急性呼 retail business, especially in the first half of 2004, was 吸系統綜合症爆發令零售額下跌,導致比較基 partly due to a relatively low base of comparison owing 準相對較低。零售業銷售在二零零四年八月的 to reduced business caused by the SARS outbreak in 升幅漸趨緩和,其中相關因素是是自二零零三 the latter part of March 2003. Retail sales increased at 年七月下旬實施「個人遊」計劃後,旅客消費在 a more moderate pace in August 2004. A relevant 八月迅速回升令二零零三年八月的比較基數較 factor was a higher base of comparison due to the 高所致。在二零零四年後期,零售業銷售增長 instant boost to tourist spending after the launch of the 加快,這反映在經濟復蘇越來越穩固而勞動市 Individual Visit Scheme since late July 2003. In the 場情況有所改善的同時,消費需求進一步增 latter part of 2004, growth in retail sales accelerated 強。 which reflected the further strengthening in consumer demand as the economic recovery became more and more established and as labour market conditions improved in tandem.

與二零零三年比較,零四年的零售業總銷 For 2004 as a whole, total retail sales increase by 9.1% 貨數量上升 9.1%,而總銷貨價值則上升 in volume or 10.8% in value when compared with 10.8%。在零四年,所有零售商類別當中, 2003. Amongst all types of retail outlets, sales of 電器及攝影器材、汽車及汽車零件、珠寶首 electrical goods and photographic equipment, motor 飾、鐘錶及名貴禮物、百貨公司貨品、傢 vehicles and parts, jewellery, watches and clocks, and 具及固定裝置、雜項消費品、服裝、鞋類、 valuable gifts, commodities in department stores, 有關製品及其他衣物配件、雜項耐用消費品和 furniture and fixtures, miscellaneous consumer goods, 超級市場貨品的銷貨數量均錄得升幅。 wearing apparel, footwear, allied products and other clothing accessories, miscellaneous consumer durable goods and commodities in supermarkets recorded increases in volume.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 213 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

主要統計數字及統計圖 Key Statistics and Charts 百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 批發及零售業 Wholesale and Retail Trade

機構單位數目 就業人數 (不包括零售攤檔 (不包括零售攤檔 就業人數 (街市攤檔除外) 及 (街市攤檔除外) 及 (包括所有零售攤檔 年 小販)(1) 小販)(1) 及小販)(1), (2) 增加價值 業務收益指數 Year Number of Number of persons Number of persons Value added Business receipts establishments (not engaged engaged index including retail (not including (including all retail (2000=100) pitches (other than retail pitches (other pitches and market stalls) and than market stalls) hawkers)(1), (2) hawkers)(1) and hawkers)(1)

1994 70 169 284 770 286 600 48,558 114.6 2000 73 029 288 444 298 800 45,505 100.0 2001 74 480 290 506 303 200 45,285 96.0 2002 75 257 285 965 299 500 42,874 90.6 2003 70 899 276 054 292 400* 39,379 87.9 2004 69 924 286 223 303 400 N.A. 96.3

零售業銷貨價值 Retail Sales

價值指數(3) 數量指數(3) 年 總銷貨價值 (九九年十月至零零年九月=100) (九九年十月至零零年九月=100) Year Value of total sales Value index(3) Volume index(3) (Oct 99-Sep 00=100) (Oct 99-Sep 00=100)

1994 201,150 108.0 111.9 2000 186,700 100.2 100.8 2001 184,387 99.0 102.0 2002 176,859 94.9 99.3 2003 172,863 92.8 98.8 2004 191,612 102.9 107.7

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Notes : (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 為包括所有零售攤檔及小販而編製的特別估 (2) Specially estimated to take into account all retail 計數字,日後可能會作出修訂。 pitches and hawkers. The figures are subject to revisions later on. (3) 以一九九九至二零零零年為基期的零售指數 (3) The 1999/2000-based retail sales indices are 新數列,自一九九九年十月起編製。有關重 compiled from October 1999 onwards. More 訂零售指數的詳情已在二零零一年六月份的 details on the rebasing of the retail sales indices 《零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告》內說 are described in the June 2001 issue of the Report 明。 on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 214 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

圖 12.1 批發及零售業的機構單位數目(1), (2) 及就業人數(1), (2) Chart 12.1 Number of Establishments(1), (2) and Persons Engaged(1), (2) in the Wholesale and Retail Trade

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged 80 000 400 000

60 000 300 000

40 000 200 000

20 000 100 000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged

註釋 : (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 Notes :(1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 不包括零售攤檔(街市攤檔除外)及小販。 (2) Not including retail pitches (other than market stalls) and hawkers.

圖 12.2 零售指數 Chart 12.2 Indices of Retail Sales

指數 (一九九九年十月至二零零零年九月=100) Index (October 1999 - September 2000=100) 140







0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

價值指數 數量指數 Value index Vo lu me in d ex

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 215 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

概念及方法 Concepts and Methods

用語及定義 Terms and Definitions

機構單位 是指在單一擁有權或控制權下,在單 An establishment is defined as an economic unit 一地點從事一種或主要從事一種經濟活動的經 which engages, under a single ownership or control, 濟單位,例如個別工廠、工場、零售店及辦公 in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity 室。 at a single physical location, e.g. an individual factory, workshop, retail shop and office.

就業人數 包括所有於統計日期工作最少一小時 Persons engaged include all individual proprietors, 及經常參與機構單位業務的東主、合夥人,以 partners and persons having family ties with any of 及與東主或合夥人有親屬關係並在機構單位工 the proprietors or partners and working in the 作而無正薪的人士;及所有於統計日期向機構 establishment without regular pay, who are actively 單位直接支取薪酬的全職受薪僱員,以及有限 engaged in the work of the establishment for at least 公司的在職董事,其中包括長期或臨時聘用 one hour on the survey reference date; and all 的,無論這些僱員正在本港或其他地方工作或 full-time salaried personnel or employees and 暫時缺勤(即正在放病假、分娩假、年假、事假 working directors of limited companies directly paid 的工人及罷工者)。在統計日期工作最少一小時 by the establishment, both permanent and temporary, 的兼職僱員,以及夜班或通宵班的僱員亦包括 who are either at work (whether or not in Hong Kong) 在內。由一九九九年三月開始,有關點算就業 or temporarily absent from work (viz. those on sick 人數的工作時數定義由原有的「在統計日期工作 leave, maternity leave, annual vacation or casual 最少三小時」改為「在統計日期工作最少一小 leave, and on strike) on the survey reference date. 時」。 Part-time employees and employees on night/irregular shifts working for at least one hour on the survey reference date are also included. As from March 1999, the rule for counting the number of persons engaged has been changed from the previous definition of “working for at least three hours” to a new definition of “working for at least one hour”.

本地生產總值 是指一個國家或地區的所有常住 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the 生產單位,在一個指定的期間內,未扣除固定 total value of production of all resident producing 資本消耗的生產總價值。 units of a country or territory in a specified period, before deducting allowance for consumption of fixed capital.

生產總額 包括從銷售貨物所賺得的毛利、租金 Gross output consists of margin on sales of goods, 收入、佣金、各類收費及其他服務收費。銷售 rentals, commissions, fees and other service charges. 中所賺得的毛利是相等於貨物的售價和已扣除 The margin on sales is equal to the sales value less the 物價升值的貨物成本之間的差額。 cost of goods sold which is adjusted for price appreciation.

增加價值 是生產總額減去中間投產消耗(生產過 Value added is defined as the value of gross output 程中所耗用的貨物和服務的價值)。 less the value of intermediate consumption (the value of goods and services used up in the course of production).

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 216 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

零售價值指數 是就整個零售業及各主要零售商 The value index of retail sales, which is compiled for 類別而編製,以量度零售商的銷售在價值方面 the entire retail trade as well as for each major type of 的變動。 retail outlets, measures the change in sales of retail outlets in value terms.

零售量指數 則是以價值指數再用一個特別編製 The volume index of retail sales, which is obtained by 的平減價格指數調整後得出,以量度零售商銷 deflating the value index by a specially constructed 售的實質變動。數量指數亦即反映扣除貨品的 price index, measures the change in sales of retail 物價變動後的零售價值變動。 outlets in real terms. That is, the volume index reflects changes in retail sales value with the effect of price movements of commodities sold discounted.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 217 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

統計表 Statistical Tables

表 12.1 批發及零售業的機構單位數目、就業人數、業務收益指數、生產總額、增加價值及 零售業總銷貨額 Table 12.1 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Business Receipts Index, Gross Output, Value Added and Total Retail Sales of the Wholesale and Retail Trade

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目 (不包括零售攤檔 (街市攤檔 除外) 及小販)(1) 70 169 73 029 74 480 75 257 70 899 69 924 Number of establishments (not including ( 1.4) ( 3.3) ( 2.0) ( 1.0) (- 5.8) (- 1.4) retail pitches (other than market stalls) and hawkers)(1)

就業人數 (不包括零售攤檔 (街市攤檔除外) 及小販)(1) 284 770 288 444 290 506 285 965 276 054 286 223 Number of persons engaged (not ( 2.4) ( 5.1) ( 0.7) (- 1.6) (- 3.5) ( 3.7) including retail pitches (other than market stalls) and hawkers)(1)

就業人數 (包括所有零售攤檔及小販)(1), (2) 286 600 298 800 303 200 299 500 292 400* 303 400 Number of persons engaged (including all ( 1.6) ( 4.5) ( 1.5) (- 1.2) (- 2.4) ( 3.7) retail pitches and hawkers)(1), (2)

業務收益指數 (2000 = 100) 114.6 100.0 96.0 90.6 87.9 96.3 Business receipts index (2000=100) ( 12.5) ( 3.9) (- 4.0) (- 5.7) (- 2.9) ( 9.5)

生產總額 97,174 93,669 94,563 88,539 81,052 N.A. Gross output ( 13.2) ( 2.0) ( 1.0) (- 6.4) (- 8.5) ( - )

增加價值 48,558 45,505 45,285 42,874 39,379 N.A. Value added ( 11.9) (- 1.1) (- 0.5) (- 5.3) (- 8.2) ( - ) 在以要素成本計算的本地生產總值內 所佔比率 (百分比) 5.0 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.3 N.A. Contribution to GDP at factor cost (%) 增加價值在生產總額所佔比率 50.0 48.6 47.9 48.4 48.6 N.A. Value added as % of gross output

零售業總銷貨價值 201,150 186,700 184,387 176,859 172,863 191,612 Value of total retail sales ( 11.9) ( 3.8) (- 1.2) (- 4.1) (- 2.3) ( 10.8)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 (1) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year. (2) 為包括所有零售攤檔及小販而編製的特別估 (2) Specially estimated to take into account all retail 計數字,日後可能會作出修訂。 pitches and hawkers. The figures are subject to revisions later on.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 218 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 12.2 零售價值指數(1) Table 12.2 Value Indices of Retail Sales(1)

(一九九九年十月至二零零零年九月=100) (October 1999 - September 2000=100) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

所有零售商類別 108.0 100.2 99.0 94.9 92.8 102.9 All retail outlets (11.9) (3.8) (-1.2) (-4.1) (-2.3) (10.8) 食品、酒類飲品及煙草 (超級市場除外) 89.7 101.4 103.5 100.2 99.7 102.3 Food, alcoholic drinks and tobacco (6.8) (3.4) (2.1) (-3.2) (-0.5) (2.6) (other than supermarkets) 新鮮及急凍魚類及禽畜肉類(2) - 100.1 103.6 101.9 102.1 91.7 Fish, livestock and poultry, fresh or - - (3.5) (-1.7) (0.2) (-10.2) frozen(2) 新鮮蔬果(2) - 99.2 87.9 70.9 64.8 75.1 Fruits and vegetables, fresh(2) - - (-11.4) (-19.4) (-8.6) (15.8) 麵包、糕餅、糖果及餅乾(2) - 101.6 106.6 111.6 115.1 123.7 Bread, pastry, confectionery and - - (5.0) (4.6) (3.1) (7.5) biscuits(2) 其他食品(2) - 103.0 107.9 102.9 105.3 111.8 Other foodstuffs(2) - - (4.8) (-4.7) (2.4) (6.1) 酒類飲品及煙草(2) - 104.1 105.3 105.1 92.6 107.0 Alcoholic drinks and tobacco(2) - - (1.2) (-0.2) (-11.9) (15.6) 超級市場(3) 74.4 100.1 102.9 103.7 102.6 105.7 Supermarkets(3) (10.9) (3.4) (2.8) (0.8) (-1.0) (3.0) 燃料 104.3 101.0 92.1 78.6 72.6 73.2 Fuels (3.4) (13.1) (-8.8) (-14.6) (-7.6) (0.8) 衣物、鞋類及有關製品 131.7 101.8 97.1 94.9 88.1 102.9 Clothing, footwear and allied products (26.1) (6.6) (-4.6) (-2.2) (-7.2) (16.9) 服裝(4) - 101.5 96.6 94.4 87.1 102.9 Wearing apparel(4) - (6.1) (-4.8) (-2.3) (-7.7) (18.1) 鞋類、有關製品及其他衣物配件(4) - 103.4 99.9 98.1 93.5 103.3 Footwear, allied products and other - (9.9) (-3.3) (-1.9) (-4.6) (10.4) clothing accessories(4)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 以一九九九至二零零零年為基期的零售指數 (1) The 1999/2000-based retail sales indices are 新數列,自一九九九年十月起編製。有關重 compiled from October 1999 onwards. More 訂零售指數的詳情已在二零零一年六月份的 details on the rebasing of the retail sales indices 《零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告》內說 are described in the June 2001 issue of the Report 明。 on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales. (2) 二零零零年以前沒有此類別的分類數字。 (2) Separate breakdown for this category is not available prior to 2000. (3) 不包括百貨公司內的超級市場部門。 (3) Not including supermarket sections of department stores. (4) 一九九八年以前沒有此類別的分類數字。 (4) Separate breakdown for this category is not available prior to 1998.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 219 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 12.2 (續) 零售價值指數(1) Table 12.2 (Cont’d.) Value Indices of Retail Sales(1)

(一九九九年十月至二零零零年九月=100) (October 1999 - September 2000=100) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

耐用消費品 117.7 102.4 100.5 92.9 90.4 102.6 Consumer durable goods ( 3.2) ( 12.7) (- 1.9) (- 7.6) (- 2.6) ( 13.5) 汽車及汽車零件 183.4 103.7 98.5 93.2 81.0 97.5 Motor vehicles and parts (- 4.0) ( 18.9) (- 5.1) (- 5.3) (- 13.1) ( 20.4) 電器及攝影器材(2) - 101.7 102.0 96.3 99.9 116.1 Electrical goods and photographic - - ( 0.2) (- 5.6) ( 3.8) ( 16.2) equipment(2) 傢具及固定裝置(4) - 102.5 101.1 88.7 84.3 90.5 Furniture and fixtures(4) - ( 13.7) (- 1.4) (- 12.3) (- 4.9) ( 7.3) 其他未分類耐用消費品(2) - 101.9 99.3 87.4 88.5 88.3 Other consumer durable goods, not - - (- 2.6) (- 12.0) ( 1.3) (- 0.3) elsewhere classified(2) 百貨公司 145.2 99.0 101.5 100.8 97.9 109.9 Department stores ( 7.3) (- 1.0) ( 2.6) (- 0.7) (- 2.9) ( 12.3) 珠寶首飾、鐘錶及名貴禮物 123.6 97.8 91.1 87.4 84.9 104.4 Jewellery, watches and clocks, and ( 12.7) (- 0.8) (- 6.8) (- 4.1) (- 2.9) ( 23.0) valuable gifts 其他消費品 89.1 98.5 98.8 93.1 94.3 103.4 Other consumer goods ( 20.6) (- 1.6) ( 0.3) (- 5.8) ( 1.2) ( 9.7) 書報、文具及禮品(2) - 99.1 102.5 97.5 91.1 91.2 Books, newspapers, stationery and - - ( 3.4) (- 4.9) (- 6.6) ( 0.1) gifts(2) 中藥(2) - 98.8 94.7 93.3 96.4 86.7 Chinese drugs and herbs(2) - - (- 4.1) (- 1.5) ( 3.4) (- 10.0) 眼鏡店(2) - 98.9 96.4 96.2 86.0 89.4 Optical shops(2) - - (- 2.6) (- 0.1) (- 10.7) ( 4.0) 藥物及化粧品(2) - 99.2 101.9 101.9 108.4 121.3 Medicines and cosmetics(2) - - ( 2.7) (#) ( 6.3) ( 11.9) 其他未分類消費品(2) - 97.5 95.6 82.4 83.1 98.5 Other consumer goods, not - - (- 1.9) (- 13.8) ( 0.9) ( 18.6) elsewhere classified(2)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 以一九九九至二零零零年為基期的零售指數 (1) The 1999/2000-based retail sales indices are 新數列,自一九九九年十月起編製。有關重 compiled from October 1999 onwards. More 訂零售指數的詳情已在二零零一年六月份的 details on the rebasing of the retail sales indices 《零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告》內說 are described in the June 2001 issue of the Report 明。 on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales. (2) 二零零零年以前沒有此類別的分類數字。 (2) Separate breakdown for this category is not available prior to 2000. (4) 一九九八年以前沒有此類別的分類數字。 (4) Separate breakdown for this category is not available prior to 1998. # 表示變動百分率在± 0.05%以內。 # Denotes change within ± 0.05%.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 220 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 12.3 零售量指數(1) Table 12.3 Volume Indices of Retail Sales(1)

(一九九九年十月至二零零零年九月=100) (October 1999 - September 2000=100) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

所有零售商類別 111.9 100.8 102.0 99.3 98.8 107.7 All retail outlets (5.8) (8.3) (1.2) (-2.6) (-0.6) (9.1) 食品、酒類飲品及煙草 (超級市場除外) 99.0 101.9 106.2 106.2 107.8 107.9 Food, alcoholic drinks and tobacco (2.5) (3.0) (4.2) (#) (1.5) (#) (other than supermarkets) 新鮮及急凍魚類及禽畜肉類(2) - 101.0 108.9 112.0 117.1 100.9 Fish, livestock and poultry, fresh or - - (7.8) (2.8) (4.6) (-13.9) frozen(2) 新鮮蔬果(2) - 100.2 88.8 75.8 68.4 76.9 Fruits and vegetables, fresh(2) - - (-11.3) (-14.6) (-9.7) (12.3) 麵包、糕餅、糖果及餅乾(2) - 101.7 108.3 115.1 120.8 129.2 Bread, pastry, confectionery and - - (6.5) (6.2) (5.0) (7.0) biscuits(2) 其他食品(2) - 103.3 109.1 107.4 111.6 116.3 Other foodstuffs(2) - - (5.7) (-1.6) (3.9) (4.2) 酒類飲品及煙草(2) - 104.0 107.9 107.5 93.2 109.1 Alcoholic drinks and tobacco(2) - - (3.7) (-0.4) (-13.3) (17.0) 超級市場(3) 91.8 100.2 101.8 102.1 101.3 104.1 Supermarkets(3) (3.7) (9.3) (1.6) (0.2) (-0.8) (2.8) 燃料 130.9 98.7 87.2 74.6 66.5 63.5 Fuels (-1.5) (5.0) (-11.6) (-14.5) (-10.9) (-4.5) 衣物、鞋類及有關製品 121.5 103.8 104.2 100.6 96.3 104.8 Clothing, footwear and allied products (15.8) (19.4) (0.3) (-3.5) (-4.3) (8.8) 服裝(4) - 103.6 104.2 99.8 94.7 103.2 Wearing apparel(4) - (19.4) (0.6) (-4.2) (-5.1) (8.9) 鞋類、有關製品及其他衣物配件(4) - 105.2 103.9 105.0 105.5 114.1 Footwear, allied products and other - (19.5) (-1.3) (1.1) (0.5) (8.1) clothing accessories(4)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 以一九九九至二零零零年為基期的零售指數 (1) The 1999/2000-based retail sales indices are 新數列,自一九九九年十月起編製。有關重 compiled from October 1999 onwards. More 訂零售指數的詳情已在二零零一年六月份的 details on the rebasing of the retail sales indices 《零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告》內說 are described in the June 2001 issue of the Report 明。 on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales. (2) 二零零零年以前沒有此類別的分類數字。 (2) Separate breakdown for this category is not available prior to 2000. (3) 不包括百貨公司內的超級市場部門。 (3) Not including supermarket sections of department stores. (4) 一九九八年以前沒有此類別的分類數字。 (4) Separate breakdown for this category is not available prior to 1998. # 表示變動百分率在± 0.05%以內。 # Denotes change within ± 0.05%.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 221 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 12.3 (續) 零售量指數(1) Table 12.3 (Cont’d.) Volume Indices of Retail Sales(1)

(一九九九年十月至二零零零年九月=100) (October 1999 - September 2000=100) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

耐用消費品 104.5 103.8 110.0 111.3 117.8 139.7 Consumer durable goods (- 0.4) ( 22.1) ( 6.0) ( 1.1) ( 5.9) ( 18.6) 汽車及汽車零件 165.4 104.2 104.8 110.1 95.7 117.9 Motor vehicles and parts (- 11.3) ( 21.7) ( 0.5) ( 5.1) (- 13.1) ( 23.1) 電器及攝影器材(2) - 103.2 113.5 117.4 138.0 170.9 Electrical goods and photographic - - (9.9) ( 3.5) ( 17.5) ( 23.9) equipment(2) 傢具及固定裝置(4) - 102.3 100.7 90.9 90.8 99.4 Furniture and fixtures(4) - ( 19.5) (- 1.6) (- 9.7) (- 0.2) ( 9.5) 其他未分類耐用消費品(2) - 106.1 121.0 119.7 133.8 139.8 Other consumer durable goods, not - - ( 14.0) (- 1.0) ( 11.8) ( 4.5) elsewhere classified(2) 百貨公司 151.8 100.2 106.0 106.5 103.5 114.2 Department stores ( 0.3) ( 3.9) ( 5.8) ( 0.5) (- 2.8) ( 10.3) 珠寶首飾、鐘錶及名貴禮物 115.3 98.0 93.1 83.7 75.4 84.6 Jewellery, watches and clocks, and ( 6.3) (- 2.2) (- 5.0) (- 10.1) (- 9.9) ( 12.3) valuable gifts 其他消費品 104.4 98.2 97.8 93.6 96.0 104.8 Other consumer goods ( 15.9) ( 0.7) (- 0.4) (- 4.3) ( 2.5) ( 9.1) 書報、文具及禮品(2) - 97.4 94.1 88.4 82.5 81.7 Books, newspapers, stationery and - - (- 3.4) (- 6.1) (- 6.8) (- 0.9) gifts(2) 中藥(2) - 98.7 95.7 98.6 102.7 90.6 Chinese drugs and herbs(2) - - (- 3.1) ( 3.1) ( 4.1) (- 11.7) 眼鏡店(2) - 99.0 96.1 98.5 93.0 96.6 Optical shops(2) - - (- 2.9) ( 2.5) (- 5.5) ( 3.8) 藥物及化粧品(2) - 99.2 102.0 103.2 110.4 124.0 Medicines and cosmetics(2) - - ( 2.8) ( 1.2) ( 6.9) ( 12.3) 其他未分類消費品(2) - 97.4 96.4 85.2 87.5 102.2 Other consumer goods, not - - (- 1.0) (- 11.7) ( 2.8) ( 16.8) elsewhere classified(2)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 以一九九九至二零零零年為基期的零售指數 (1) The 1999/2000-based retail sales indices are 新數列,自一九九九年十月起編製。有關重 compiled from October 1999 onwards. More 訂零售指數的詳情已在二零零一年六月份的 details on the rebasing of the retail sales indices 《零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告》內說 are described in the June 2001 issue of the Report 明。 on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales. (2) 二零零零年以前沒有此類別的分類數字。 (2) Separate breakdown for this category is not available prior to 2000. (4) 一九九八年以前沒有此類別的分類數字。 (4) Separate breakdown for this category is not available prior to 1998.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 222 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 12.4 食品批發 Table 12.4 Wholesale of Food Items

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

牲畜(1) (頭) 2 850 340 2 371 366 2 358 361 2 215 905 2 209 923 2 304 265 Live animals(1) (head) (- 0.7) ( 1.6) (- 0.5) (- 6.0) (- 0.3) ( 4.3)

米(2) (公噸) 358 070 310 240 321 279 338 055 331 176 313 136 Rice(2) (tonnes) (- 3.9) (- 5.3) ( 3.6) ( 5.2) (- 2.0) (- 5.4)

鮮活、凍鮮或冷藏魚類(3) (公噸) 170 220 165 450 156 930 156 440 144 317 142 868 Live, chilled and frozen fish(3) (tonnes) (- 6.0) (- 0.8) (- 5.1) (- 0.3) (- 7.7) (- 1.0)

新鮮蔬菜(4) (公噸) 486 390 589 047 588 803 577 350 542 402 533 482 Fresh vegetables(4) (tonnes) ( 18.7) (- 3.7) (#) (- 1.9) (- 6.1) (- 1.6)

家禽(5) (公噸) 78 860 72 426 59 420 62 250 62 969 32 563 Poultry(5) (tonnes) (- 6.8) ( 1.2) (- 18.0) ( 4.8) ( 1.2) (- 48.3)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over preceding year. (1) 指經由屠房屠宰的生豬、牛及羊。 (1) Figures refer to live pigs, cows and sheep slaughtered in abattoirs. (2) 指全港的總供應量,包括轉口數字。 (2) Figures refer to total supply in Hong Kong, i.e. including re-export. (3) 指全港的淨供應量,即本地生產加上入口 (3) Figures refer to net supply in Hong Kong, i.e. local 量,再減去出口及轉口的數字。 production plus total import, excluding export and re-export. (4) 指經由漁農自然護理署及蔬菜統營處管理的 (4) Figures refer to the throughput of wholesale food 食品批發市場的銷售量。 markets administered by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and Vegetable Marketing Organization. (5) 指經由漁農自然護理署管理的指定家禽批發 (5) Figures refer to live poultry traded in designated 市場所批銷的活家禽。 wholesale poultry markets administered by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. # 表示變動百分率在± 0.05%以內。 # Denotes change within ± 0.05%.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 223 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 12.5 批發及零售業的選定最新統計數字 Table 12.5 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Wholesale and Retail Trade

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

機構單位數目 (不包括零售攤檔 (街市攤檔除 外) 及小販) 71 193 69 643 70 597 70 724 68 743 69 633 Number of establishments (not including retail pitches (other than market stalls) and hawkers)

就業人數 (不包括零售攤檔 (街市攤檔除外) 及 小販) 273 815 281 795 284 363 285 055 286 211 289 261 Number of persons engaged (not including retail pitches (other than market stalls) and hawkers)

就業人數 (包括所有零售攤檔及小販) 290 100 299 500 302 500 302 200 302 400 306 300 Number of persons engaged (including all retail pitches and hawkers)

業務收益指數 (2000 = 100) 88.2 92.9 96.3 95.1 94.6* 99.1 Business receipts index (2000 = 100)

零售業總銷貨價值 (百萬元) 43,121 45,305 48,055 47,716 46,774 49,067 Value of total retail sales ($ million)

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 224 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 12.5 (續) 批發及零售業的選定最新統計數字 Table 12.5 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Wholesale and Retail Trade

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

零售價值指數 (一九九九年十月至二零零零年九月=100) Value index of retail sales (Oct. 1999 - Sep. 2000 =100) 所有零售商類別 92.6 97.3 103.2 102.5 100.4 105.4 All retail outlets

食品、酒類飲品及煙草 (超級市場除外) 98.5 105.7 103.6 96.0 99.8 109.6 Food, alcoholic drinks and tobacco (other than supermarkets) 新鮮及急凍魚類及禽畜肉類 93.9 96.2 111.6 86.6 79.3 89.3 Fish, livestock and poultry, fresh or frozen 新鮮蔬果 70.2 63.4 59.4 86.9 83.3 70.5 Fruits and vegetables, fresh

麵包、糕餅、糖果及餅乾 129.4 126.4 118.7 102.4 139.4 134.4 Bread, pastry, confectionery and biscuits 其他食品 97.7 121.9 103.6 104.8 104.9 133.7 Other foodstuffs 酒類飲品及煙草 96.5 108.6 108.0 102.6 103.4 114.0 Alcoholic drinks and tobacco

超級市場 103.2 100.9 102.0 102.9 109.9 108.0 Supermarkets

燃料 76.4 71.6 68.9 79.5 75.7 68.8 Fuels

衣物、鞋類及有關製品 86.2 100.5 101.5 99.4 97.6 113.3 Clothing, footwear and allied products

服裝 84.4 100.5 99.9 101.3 96.8 113.5 Wearing apparel

鞋類、有關製品及其他衣物配件 97.4 100.3 110.9 87.7 102.5 111.9 Footwear, allied products and other clothing accessories

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 225 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 12.5 (續) 批發及零售業的選定最新統計數字 Table 12.5 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Wholesale and Retail Trade

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

零售價值指數 (一九九九年十月至二零零零年九月=100) Value index of retail sales (Oct. 1999 - Sep. 2000 =100) 耐用消費品 90.8 90.3 102.8 104.5 103.0 100.1 Consumer durable goods

汽車及汽車零件 80.5 75.2 94.5 99.4 102.3 93.8 Motor vehicles and parts 電器及攝影器材 96.7 107.0 120.5 114.9 110.6 118.5 Electrical goods and photographic equipment 傢具及固定裝置 81.7 85.6 98.0 89.9 89.1 84.8 Furniture and fixtures 其他未分類耐用消費品 104.3 77.2 74.3 102.1 99.0 77.7 Other consumer durable goods, not elsewhere classified 百貨公司 92.4 117.7 110.5 99.3 102.3 127.4 Department stores

珠寶首飾、鐘錶及名貴禮物 87.7 96.1 104.5 107.8 98.9 106.3 Jewellery, watches and clocks, and valuable gifts 其他消費品 94.4 90.0 108.3 109.4 99.2 96.6 Other consumer goods

書報、文具及禮品 97.0 89.0 88.8 92.2 95.8 87.8 Books, newspapers, stationery and gifts 中藥 100.5 92.5 89.3 89.7 85.3 82.6 Chinese drugs and herbs

眼鏡店 91.5 73.8 96.0 99.6 90.1 72.1 Optical shops 藥物及化粧品 108.5 102.1 132.1 126.5 116.6 110.0 Medicines and cosmetics 其他未分類消費品 78.8 80.7 101.6 107.9 89.4 95.2 Other consumer goods, not elsewhere classified

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 226 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 12.5 (續) 批發及零售業的選定最新統計數字 Table 12.5 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Wholesale and Retail Trade

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

零售量指數 (一九九九年十月至二零零零年九月=100) Volume index of retail sales (Oct. 1999 - Sep. 2000 =100) 所有零售商類別 99.4 101.4 109.3 106.9 106.0 108.8 All retail outlets

食品、酒類飲品及煙草 (超級市場除外) 106.3 114.7 110.6 101.7 104.6 114.7 Food, alcoholic drinks and tobacco (other than supermarkets) 新鮮及急凍魚類及禽畜肉類 108.8 112.1 124.7 94.2 86.5 98.1 Fish, livestock and poultry, fresh or frozen 新鮮蔬果 71.4 66.4 60.0 93.1 83.3 71.2 Fruits and vegetables, fresh

麵包、糕餅、糖果及餅乾 135.8 132.8 124.2 107.1 145.7 139.7 Bread, pastry, confectionery and biscuits 其他食品 103.5 129.9 109.0 109.6 109.1 137.5 Other foodstuffs 酒類飲品及煙草 97.2 109.3 109.8 105.4 105.1 116.0 Alcoholic drinks and tobacco

超級市場 101.8 99.6 100.7 101.4 108.2 106.2 Supermarkets

燃料 70.1 65.0 61.3 69.0 65.1 58.6 Fuels

衣物、鞋類及有關製品 98.7 102.2 109.2 96.4 103.8 109.7 Clothing, footwear and allied products

服裝 96.4 100.4 106.4 96.7 101.6 108.0 Wearing apparel

鞋類、有關製品及其他衣物配件 112.6 112.8 125.7 94.3 116.9 119.5 Footwear, allied products and other clothing accessories

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 227 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 12.5 (續) 批發及零售業的選定最新統計數字 Table 12.5 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Wholesale and Retail Trade

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

零售量指數 (一九九九年十月至二零零零年九月=100) Volume index of retail sales (Oct. 1999 - Sep. 2000 =100) 耐用消費品 118.7 117.1 139.0 143.5 140.1 136.2 Consumer durable goods 汽車及汽車零件 94.8 85.8 116.3 121.8 123.4 109.9 Motor vehicles and parts 電器及攝影器材 132.9 147.0 175.7 170.5 162.0 175.6 Electrical goods and photographic equipment 傢具及固定裝置 88.5 93.7 107.1 97.9 99.0 93.6 Furniture and fixtures 其他未分類耐用消費品 158.9 118.9 115.7 161.5 157.8 124.4 Other consumer durable goods, not elsewhere classified 百貨公司 99.3 120.2 117.1 101.6 107.6 130.4 Department stores

珠寶首飾、鐘錶及名貴禮物 79.1 81.3 85.0 88.5 80.8 84.2 Jewellery, watches and clocks, and valuable gifts 其他消費品 96.3 91.3 109.9 110.9 100.6 97.6 Other consumer goods

書報、文具及禮品 88.1 80.0 79.9 83.0 85.8 78.1 Books, newspapers, stationery and gifts 中藥 106.8 99.3 94.1 94.0 89.2 85.2 Chinese drugs and herbs

眼鏡店 101.0 81.1 105.1 107.6 97.0 76.7 Optical shops 藥物及化粧品 110.4 103.7 134.3 128.8 119.8 113.0 Medicines and cosmetics 其他未分類消費品 83.6 84.4 105.7 111.8 93.1 98.4 Other consumer goods, not elsewhere classified

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 228 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

表 12.5 (續) 批發及零售業的選定最新統計數字 Table 12.5 (Cont’d.) Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Wholesale and Retail Trade

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

食品批發 Wholesale of food items

牲畜(頭) 545 670 540 879 605 786 573 932 571 354 553 193 Live animals (head)

米(公噸) 81 773 78 763 79 102 89 097 72 683 72 254 Rice (tonnes)

新鮮蔬菜(公噸) 137 373 138 020 133 693 134 035 131 566 134 188 Fresh vegetables (tonnes)

家禽(公噸) 16 199 16 662 9 700 5 098 7 049 10 716 Poultry (tonnes)

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 229 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

資料來源 Data Sources

表 資料來源 Table Sources

12.1 政府統計處 12.1 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組; Employment Statistics Section; 商業服務統計組; Business Services Statistics Section; 國民收入統計組(二) 一; National Income Section (2)1; 經銷服務統計組 Distribution Services Statistics Section 12.2 - 12.3 政府統計處 12.2 - 12.3 Census and Statistics Department 經銷服務統計組 Distribution Services Statistics Section

12.4 漁農自然護理署 12.4 Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

其他有關刊物 Further References

就業及空缺統計(詳細統計表) Employment and Vacancies Statistics (Detailed Tables)

本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product

香港統計年刊 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics

香港統計月刊 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics

服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries

就業及空缺按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Employment and Vacancies Statistics

批發、零售、進口與出口貿易、食肆及酒店按 Report on Annual Survey of Wholesale, Retail and 年統計調查報告 Import and Export Trades, Restaurants and Hotels

零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 230 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

電腦及有關服務 13 Computer and Related Services

概要 Highlights

隨著使用電腦及資訊科技日趨普及,電腦及 Following the trend of increasing popularity in the use 有關服務界別在本地經濟所擔當的角色愈來 of computer and information technology, computer 愈重要。近年政府及私人機構均積極推廣資 and related services domain has played a more and 訊科技的發展和應用。 more important role in the local economy. In recent years, the Government and the private sector have both shown great initiative in promoting the development and application of information technology.

資訊科技相關服務業是與電腦及有關服務界 Among others, information technology related 別有密切關係的行業之一。在二零零四年, services industry is one of the industries closely 約有 4 400 機構單位及 25 000 人從事資訊科 related to the computer and related services domain. 技相關服務。事實上,與一九九四年比較, In 2004, there were about 4 400 establishments and 機構單位數目上升 193%,而就業人數則上 25 000 persons engaged in the information 升 216%。在經濟方面的貢獻,這行業在二 technology related services. Indeed, these 零零三年為本港帶來 73 億元的增加價值,佔 represented a 193% increase in number of 該年本地生產總值的 0.6%。 establishments and 216% increase in number of persons engaged compared with 1994. In terms of economic contribution, this industry generated $7.3 billion value added in 2003, which accounted for 0.6% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the year.

此外,香港是外國公司與中國內地或亞洲其 Besides, Hong Kong is a major intermediary centre 他國家之間的電腦產品(包括電腦硬件、軟件 for the trading of computer products (including 及電腦硬件的零件及附件) 貿易的主要中介 computer hardware, software and parts and 中心。有關電腦產品的貿易活動貨值在過去 accessories of computer hardware) between foreign 十年間顯著增長。在二零零四年,電腦產品 firms and the mainland of China or other Asian 的進口貨值達 1,923 億元,較一九九四年的 countries. The value of trading activities related to 401 億元增加 3.8 倍;其整體出口貨值(包 computer products grew remarkably in the past 括港產品出口及轉口)為 1,989 億元,較九 decade. In 2004, imports of computer products 四年的 425 億元上升了 3.7 倍。 reached $192.3 billion, 3.8 times greater than $40.1 billion in 1994; the corresponding total exports (including domestic exports and re-exports) reached $198.9 billion, representing an increase of 3.7 times compared with $42.5 billion in 1994.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 231 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

除與電腦及有關服務界別有密切關係的行業 Apart from industries closely related to the computer 外,其他行業的機構單位及各政府部門亦僱 and related services domain, establishments in other 用相當數目的員工從事資訊科技職務以協助 industries and government departments also 日常運作。據職業訓練局的一項統計調查顯 employed a considerable number of persons in 示,在二零零四年初,在本港從事資訊科技 occupations with information technology functions to 職務的僱員有 62 000 人。與一九九四年比 support their daily operations. According to a survey 較,有 78%的增加。 conducted by the Vocational Training Council, there were 62 000 information technology employees in Hong Kong in early 2004. Compared to 1994, this represented a 78% increase over the years.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 232 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

電腦及有關服務界別的涵蓋範圍 Coverage of Computer and Related Services Domain

就編製及分析統計數字的角度而言,「電腦 In the context of statistical compilation and analysis, 及有關服務」並非一個服務「行業」,而是 “computer and related services” is not regarded as a 一個服務「界別」。 service “industry”. Instead, it is a service “domain”.

服務界別有別於服務行業,它包括在不同行業 A service domain differs from a service industry in 內與一個共同主題相關的經濟活動。提供電腦 that a domain comprises those economic activities 及有關服務的機構單位分別來自不同行業, straddling different industries but are somehow 大致可分為下列兩組: related to a common purpose. Establishments involved in the provision of computer and related services straddle a number of industries and can broadly be classified into the following two groups :

I. 業務與這個界別有密切關係的機構單 I. Establishments closely related to the domain : 位 : 資訊科技相關服務公司 Information technology related services companies

II. 部分業務與這個界別有關的機構單位 : II. Establishments partly related to the domain : 辦公室器材(傢具及固定裝置除外)的經 Distributors of office machines, appliances and 銷商 -- 在這組別內,只有那些電腦器材 equipment (except furniture and fixtures) -- 的批發商、零售商及進口商與出口商是 within this group, only those wholesalers, 和這界別有關。 retailers and importers/exporters of computer equipment are related to the domain

有關服務界別定義的詳情,請參閱「概念及 For more details on the definition of a service domain, 方法」部分的介紹段落。 please refer to the introductory paragraphs in the section “Concepts and Methods”.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 233 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

主要統計數字及統計圖 Key Statistics and Charts

I. 資訊科技相關服務(1)公司 Information Technology Related Services(1) Companies

增加價值 年 機構單位數目(2) 就業人數(2) (百萬元) Year Number of establishments(2) Number of persons engaged(2) Value added ($ million)

1994 1 490 7 934 2,551* 2000 3 304 21 933 7,833 2001 3 756 27 116 6,396 2002 4 245 26 925 7,087 2003 4 288 25 330 7,264 2004 4 372 25 086 N.A.

註釋 : (1) 自二零零一年第三季起,「資料處理及製表 Notes :(1) Starting from the 3rd quarter 2001, “data 服務」重新命名為「資訊科技相關服務」。 processing and tabulating services” is renamed as “information technology related services”. (2) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 (2) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 234 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

II. 辦公室器材(傢具及固定裝置除外)經銷商 Distributors of Office Machines, Appliances and Equipment (except Furniture and Fixtures) 百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 電腦產品的進出口貨值(4) 機構單位數目(1), (2), (3) 就業人數(1), (2), (3) Imports and Exports of Computer Products(4)

Number of Number of 年 establishments(1), (2), (3) persons engaged(1), (2), (3) 進口 整體出口(5) Year Imports Total exports(5)

1994 3 637 26 335 40,131 42,480 2000 3 674 27 917 127,387 108,059 2001 3 873 29 518 131,086 117,557 2002 4 021 28 480 140,480 137,785 2003 3 369 25 275 169,349 172,937 2004 3 492 26 706 192,290 198,937

註釋 : (1) 數字是指「進出口商」(在十二月底的數目) Notes :(1) Figures refer to total number of 和「批發商及零售商」(在六月底的數目)的 importers/exporters (as at end December); and 總計。 retailers and wholesalers (as at end June). (2) 數字除包括電腦器材經銷商外,亦包括從事 (2) In addition to distributors of computer equipment, 其他辦公室器材(傢具及固定裝置除外)批 the figures cover also establishments and persons 發、零售及進出口貿易的機構單位數目及就 engaged in wholesaling, retailing and importing./ 業人數。 exporting of other office machines, appliances and equipment (except furniture and fixtures). (3) 數字來自「僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查」。 (3) Figures are based on the Quarterly Survey of Employment and Vacancies. (4) 包括電腦硬件、軟件及硬件的零件及附件。 (4) Including computer hardware, software and parts and accessories of computer hardware. (5) 包括港產品出口及轉口。 (5) Including domestic exports and re-exports.

III. 整個電腦及有關服務界別 The Entire Computer and Related Services Domain

年 業務收益指數(1) (2000=100) Year Business receipts index(1) (2000=100)

1994 - 2000 100.0 2001 88.4 2002 93.4 2003 98.7 2004 118.8

註釋 : (1) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 Note : (1) Business receipts indices of the industry were first 製。 compiled in 1996.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 235 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

圖 13.1 資訊科技相關服務(1)公司的機構單位數目(2) 及就業人數(2) Chart 13.1 Number of Establishments(2) and Persons Engaged(2) for Information Technology Related Services(1) Companies

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged 5 000 50 000 4 500 45 000 4 000 40 000 3 500 35 000 3 000 30 000 2 500 25 000 2 000 20 000 1 500 15 000 1 000 10 000 500 5 000 0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged

註釋 : (1) 自二零零一年第三季起,「資料處理及製表 Notes :(1) Starting from the 3rd quarter 2001, “data 服務」重新命名為「資訊科技相關服務」。 processing and tabulating services” is renamed as “information technology related services”. (2) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 (2) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 236 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

圖 13.2 辦公室器材(傢具及固定裝置除外)經銷商的機構單位數目(1), (2), (3) 及就業人數(1), (2), (3) Chart 13.2 Number of Establishments(1), (2), (3) and Persons Engaged(1), (2), (3) for Distributors of Office Machines, Appliances and Equipment (except Furniture and Fixtures)

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged 4 500 45 000 4 000 40 000 3 500 35 000 3 000 30 000 2 500 25 000 2 000 20 000 1 500 15 000 1 000 10 000 500 5 000 0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged

註釋 : (1) 數字是指「進出口商」(在十二月底的數目) Notes : (1) Figures refer to total number of 和「批發商及零售商」(在六月底的數目)的總 importers/exporters (as at end December); and 計。 retailers and wholesalers (as at end June). (2) 數字除包括電腦器材經銷商外,亦包括從事 (2) In addition to distributors of computer equipment, 其他辦公室器材(傢具及固定裝置除外)批 the figures cover also establishments and persons 發、零售及進出口貿易的機構單位數目及就 engaged in wholesaling, retailing and importing/ 業人數。 exporting of other office machines, appliances and equipment (except furniture and fixtures). (3) 數字來自「僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查」。 (3) Figures are based on the Quarterly Survey of Employment and Vacancies.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 237 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

圖 13.3 電腦產品的進出口貨值 Chart 13.3 Imports and Exports of Computer Products

百萬元 $ million 220,000 200,000 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

進口 整體出口(1) Imports Total exports(1)

註釋 : (1) 包括港產品出口及轉口。 Note : (1) Including domestic exports and re-exports.

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概念及方法 Concepts and Methods

就編製及分析統計數字的角度而言,「電腦及有 In the context of statistical compilation and analysis, 關服務」並非一個服務「行業」,而是一個服務 “computer and related services” is not regarded as a 「界別」。 service “industry”. Instead, it is a service “domain”.

服務界別 有別於服務行業,它包括橫跨不同行 A service domain differs from a service industry in 業,但與一個共同主題相關的經濟活動。一個與 that it comprises those economic activities straddling 電腦及有關服務界別關係密切的服務行業內的 different industries but are somehow related to a common purpose. For the computer and related 所有機構單位都可能與該服務界別有關。但在另 services domain, it may include all activities carried 外一些與該服務界別關係不太密切的服務行業 out by all establishments in a service industry that is 內,只有部分的機構單位,或甚至只是這些機構 closely related to the domain. For a service industry 單位的部分經濟活動,是與電腦及有關服務界別 that is less closely related, however, only a portion of 有關的。 the establishments in the industry or even only part of the activities of the establishments is related to the computer and related services domain.

電腦及有關服務 包含一系列的服務,包括電腦器 Computer and related services involve a range of 材經銷商提供的銷售、安裝及維修服務,以及資 services, including selling, installation and 訊科技相關及軟件發展服務等。因此,與這界別 maintenance services rendered by distributors of 有關的機構單位會分別來自不同的行業,如辦公 computer equipment as well as information 室器材批發、零售及進出口貿易,以及資訊科技 technology related and software development 相關服務。 services, etc. Hence, establishments related to this domain straddle a number of industries such as wholesale, retail and import/export of office equipment and information technology related services.

編製電腦及有關服務界別的 業務收益指數 時, To compile business receipts index for the computer 有關的業務收益數據是分別從提供資訊科技相 and related services domain, business receipts data 關服務的機構單位,及主要從事電腦器材買賣的 are collected from establishments rendering 經銷商搜集得來。 information technology related services and distributors who mainly deal in computer equipment.

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用語及定義 Terms and Definitions

機構單位 是指在單一擁有權或控制權下,在單一 An establishment is defined as an economic unit 地點從事一種或主要從事一種經濟活動的經濟 which engages, under a single ownership or control, 單位,例如個別工廠、工場、零售店及辦公室。 in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single physical location, e.g. an individual factory, workshop, retail shop and office.

就業人數 包括所有於統計日期工作最少一小時 Persons engaged include all individual proprietors, 及經常參與機構單位業務的東主、合夥人,以及 partners and persons having family ties with any of 與東主或合夥人有親屬關係並在機構單位工作 the proprietors or partners and working in the 而無正薪的人士;及所有於統計日期向機構單位 establishment without regular pay, who are actively 直接支取薪酬的全職受薪僱員,以及有限公司的 engaged in the work of the establishment for at least 在職董事,其中包括長期或臨時聘用的,無論這 one hour on the survey reference date; and all 些僱員正在本港或其他地方工作或暫時缺勤(即 full-time salaried personnel or employees and 正在放病假、分娩假、年假、事假的工人及罷工 working directors of limited companies directly paid 者)。在統計日期工作最少一小時的兼職僱員, by the establishment, both permanent and temporary, 以及夜班或通宵班的僱員亦包括在內。由一九九 who are either at work (whether or not in Hong Kong) 九年三月開始,有關點算就業人數的工作時數定 or temporarily absent from work (viz. those on sick 義由原有的「在統計日期工作最少三小時」改為 leave, maternity leave, annual vacation or casual 「在統計日期工作最少一小時」。 leave, and on strike) on the survey reference date. Part-time employees and employees on night/irregular shifts working for at least one hour on the survey reference date are also included. As from March 1999, the rule for counting the number of persons engaged has been changed from the previous definition of “working for at least three hours” to a new definition of “working for at least one hour”.

本地生產總值 是指一個國家或地區的所有常住 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the 生產單位,在一個指定的期間內,未扣除固定資 total value of production of all resident producing 本消耗的生產總價值。 units of a country or territory in a specified period, before deducting allowance for consumption of fixed capital.

生產總額 包括按機構單位提供服務所收取的費 Gross output comprises mainly receipts from services 用、佣金及其他收入,轉售貨物的毛利及租金收 rendered in the form of fees, commissions and other 入。 service charges, margin on resale of goods and rentals received.

增加價值 是生產總額減去中間投產消耗(生產過 Value added is defined as the value of gross output 程中所耗用的貨物和服務的價值)。 less the value of intermediate consumption (the value of goods and services used up in the course of production).

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電腦硬件的貿易統計數字 包括自動資料處理機 Trade statistics on computer hardware includes 及其儲存、輸入或輸出部件、磁性或光學閱讀 imports and exports of automatic data processing 器、將資料以代碼形式轉錄到資料媒體的機器及 machines and storage, input or output units thereof, 處理這些資料的機器及網絡裝置設備的進口及 magnetic or optical readers, machines for 出口貨值。 transcribing data onto data media in coded form, machines for processing such data and network units equipment.

電腦硬件的零件及附件的貿易統計數字 包括與 Trade statistics on parts and accessories of 上述電腦硬件有關的零件及附件(如外殼及按 computer hardware includes imports and exports of 鈕)的進口及出口貨值。 parts and accessories such as cases and buttons for the computer hardware mentioned in the above paragraph.

一九九二年電腦軟件的貿易統計數字 包括已錄 Trade statistics on computer software for 1992 製信息(聲音或影像除外)的磁帶及其他媒體的 includes imports and exports of tapes and other 進口及出口貨值。由一九九六年起,此數字包括 recorded media reproducing phenomena other than 已錄製信息(聲音或影像除外)的激光閱讀系統 sound or image. Starting from 1996, this statistics 用的圓盤、磁帶及其他媒體的進口及出口貨值。 includes imports and exports of discs for laser reading systems, magnetic tapes and other recorded media for producing phenomena other than sound or image.

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統計表 Statistical Tables

第一部分 : 資訊科技相關服務(1)公司

Part I : Information Technology Related Services(1) Companies

表 13.1 資訊科技相關服務(1)公司的機構單位數目、就業人數、生產總額及增加價值 Table 13.1 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged, Gross Output and Value Added for Information Technology Related Services(1) Companies

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目(2) 1 490 3 304 3 756 4 245 4 288 4 372 Number of establishments(2) ( 25.3) ( 40.1) ( 13.7) ( 13.0) ( 1.0) ( 2.0)

就業人數(2) 7 934 21 933 27 116 26 925 25 330 25 086 Number of persons engaged(2) ( 13.3) ( 53.0) ( 23.6) (- 0.7) (- 5.9) (- 1.0)

生產總額 3,768* 15,153 13,369 13,340 13,925 N.A. Gross output ( 15.4) ( 39.0) (- 11.8) (- 0.2) ( 4.4)

增加價值 2,551* 7,833 6,396 7,087 7,264 N.A. Value added ( 26.3) ( 14.1) (- 18.3) ( 10.8) ( 2.5) 在以要素成本計算的本地生產總值內所 佔比率 (百分比) 0.3* 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 N.A. Contribution to GDP at factor cost (%) 增加價值在生產總額所佔比率 67.7* 51.7 47.8 53.1 52.2 N.A. Value added as % of gross output

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 自二零零一年第三季起,「資料處理及製表 (1) Starting from the 3rd quarter 2001, “data 服務」重新命名為「資訊科技相關服務」。 processing and tabulating services” is renamed as “information technology related services”. (2) 數字是該年內四季的估計數字的平均數。 (2) Figures are averages of the four quarterly estimates of the year.

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第二部分 : 辦公室器材(傢具及固定裝置除外)經銷商 Part II : Distributors of Office Machines, Appliances and Equipment (except Furniture and Fixtures)

表 13.2 辦公室器材(傢具及固定裝置除外)經銷商的機構單位數目及就業人數 Table 13.2 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged for Distributors of Office Machines, Appliances and Equipment (except Furniture and Fixtures)

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目(1), (2), (3) 3 637 3 674 3 873 4 021 3 369 3 492 Number of establishments(1), (2), (3) - ( 6.6) ( 5.4) ( 3.8) (- 16.2) ( 3.7)

機構單位數目(電腦、電腦周邊設備及套 裝軟件(4)) - - - 3 141 2 836 2 845 Number of establishments (Computer, - - - - (- 9.7) ( 0.3) computer peripherals and software packages(4)) 機構單位數目(其他辦公室器材,傢具及 固定裝置除外(4)) - - - 880 533 647 Number of establishments (Other - - - - (- 39.4) ( 21.4) office machines, appliances and equipment, except furniture and fixtures(4))

就業人數(1), (2), (3) 26 335 27 917 29 518 28 480 25 275 26 706 Number of persons engaged(1), (2), (3) - (- 2.8) ( 5.7) (- 3.5) (- 11.3) ( 5.7)

就業人數(電腦、電腦周邊設備及套裝軟 件(4)) - - - 22 301 21 119 21 597 Number of persons engaged - - - - (- 5.3) ( 2.3) (Computer, computer peripherals and software packages(4)) 就業人數(其他辦公室器材,傢具及固定 裝置除外(4)) - - - 6 179 4 156 5 109 Number of persons engaged (Other - - - - (- 32.7) ( 22.9) office machines, appliances and equipment, except furniture and fixtures(4))

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字是指「進出口商」(在十二月底的數目) (1) Figures refer to total number of 和「批發商及零售商」(在六月底的數目)的 importers/exporters (as at end December); and 總計。 retailers and wholesalers (as at end June). (2) 數字除包括電腦器材經銷商外,亦包括從事 (2) In addition to distributors of computer equipment, 其他辦公室器材(傢具及固定裝置除外)批 the figures cover also establishments and persons 發、零售及進出口貿易的機構單位數目及就 engaged in wholesaling, retailing and 業人數。 importing/exporting of other office machines, appliances and equipment (except furniture and fixtures). (3) 數字來自「僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查」。 (3) Figures are based on the Quarterly Survey of Employment and Vacancies. (4) 自二零零一年第三季起,「辦公室器材(傢具 (4) Starting from the 3rd quarter 2001, “distribution of 及固定裝置除外)經銷商」已細分為「電腦、 office machines, appliances and equipment 電腦周邊設備及套裝軟件」及其他辦公室器 (except furniture and fixtures)” is splitted into 材(傢具及固定裝置除外)。 “computer, computer peripherals and software packages” and other office machines, appliances and equipment (except furniture and fixtures).

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表 13.3 電腦產品的進出口貨值 Table 13.3 Imports and Exports of Computer Products

百萬元 $ million 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

電腦硬件 Computer hardware 進口 16,145 48,763 50,291 53,404 54,740 58,111 Imports ( 27.5) ( 12.0) ( 3.1) ( 6.2) ( 2.5) ( 6.2) 整體出口 10,228 32,227 35,998 49,623 50,446 53,736 Total exports ( 12.4) ( 2.2) ( 11.7) ( 37.8) ( 1.7) ( 6.5) 港產品出口 1,372 293 402 2,158 2,781 3,151 Domestic exports ( -7.1) (- 50.2) ( 37.4) ( 437.0) ( 28.9) ( 13.3) 轉口 8,855 31,935 35,596 47,465 47,665 50,585 Re-exports ( 16.2) ( 3.2) ( 11.5) ( 33.3) ( 0.4) ( 6.1)

電腦硬件的零件及附件 Parts and accessories of computer hardware 進口 22,291 77,166 78,561 85,535 112,694 132,497 Imports ( 33.4) ( 48.0) ( 1.8) ( 8.9) ( 31.8) ( 17.6) 整體出口 31,520 74,109 78,570 85,138 119,474 142,805 Total exports ( 15.7) ( 30.9) ( 6.0) ( 8.4) ( 40.3) ( 19.5) 港產品出口 11,686 4,019 2,798 1,597 1,867 1,875 Domestic exports (- 6.1) (- 9.0) (- 30.4) (- 42.9) ( 16.9) ( 0.4) 轉口 19,834 70,090 75,772 83,541 117,607 140,931 Re-exports ( 34.0) ( 34.3) ( 8.1) ( 10.3) ( 40.8) ( 19.8)

電腦軟件(1) Computer software(1) 進口 1,695 1,458 2,234 1,541 1,915 1,682 Imports ( 24.4) ( 9.7) ( 53.2) (- 31.0) ( 24.2) (- 12.2) 整體出口 732 1,723 2,989 3,024 3,017 2,396 Total exports ( 1.3) ( 12.1) ( 73.5) ( 1.2) (- 0.2) (- 20.6) 港產品出口 231 844 1,358 1,501 1,557 1,250 Domestic exports ( 5.3) ( 4.4) ( 60.9) ( 10.5) ( 3.7) (- 19.7) 轉口 501 878 1,631 1,523 1,460 1,146 Re-exports (- 0.5) ( 20.7) ( 85.7) (- 6.7) (- 4.1) (- 21.5)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 不包括只錄製聲音或影像的激光圓盤、磁帶 (1) Figures do not include laser discs, magnetic tapes 及其他媒體。因此,這些數字與載於本刊較 and other recorded media for producing sound or 早期號的數字或有不同。 image only. Hence, they may be different from those presented in the earlier issues of this publication.

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第三部分 : 整個電腦及有關服務界別 Part III : The Entire Computer and Related Services Domain

表 13.4 電腦及有關服務界別的業務收益指數 Table 13.4 Business Receipts Index for the Computer and Related Services Domain

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

業務收益指數(1) (2000=100) - 100.0 88.4 93.4 98.7 118.8 Business receipts index(1) (2000=100) - ( 24.6) (- 11.6) ( 5.7) ( 5.7) ( 20.4)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (1) Business receipts indices of the industry were first 製。 compiled in 1996.

表 13.5 從事資訊科技職務的就業人數(1) Table 13.5 Number of Persons Engaged in Occupations with Information Technology Functions(1)

1994(2) 1998(3) 2000(4) 2002(5) 2004(6)

從事資訊科技職務的就業人數 34 943 44 847 61 356 63 098 62 098 Number of persons engaged in ( 13.8) ( 17.8) ( 36.8) ( 2.8) (- 1.6) occupations with information technology functions

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與前次調查數字比較的變動百分 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the 率。 previous survey. (1) 資訊科技職務包括資訊科技管理,資訊科技/ (1) Information technology functions include 軟件開發、電訊及網絡,技術支援(資訊保 information technology management, information 安、資料庫、系統程式編製、實地支援),操 technology/software development, 作服務,以及資訊科技教育及訓練。數字包 telecommunications and networking, technical 括在政府部門從事這些職務的人員。 support (information technology security, database, systems programming, field support), operation services, and information technology education and training. Including those worked in government bureaux and departments. (2) 指一九九三年十二月/一九九四年一月的數 (2) Figure refers to December 1993/January 1994. 字。 (3) 指一九九八年一月/二月的數字。 (3) Figure refers to January/February 1998. (4) 指二零零零年二月/三月的數字。 (4) Figure refers to February/March 2000. (5) 指二零零二年二月/三月的數字。 (5) Figure refers to February/March 2002. (6) 指二零零四年三月的數字。 (6) Figure refers to March 2004.

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表 13.6 資訊科技在工商業的使用情況和普及程度(1) Table 13.6 Information Technology Usage and Penetration in the Business Sector(1)

% 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

有使用下列資訊科技的機構單位所佔的百分比 Percentage of establishments having 個人電腦 - 51.5 49.7 54.5 54.8 58.4 Personal computers 連接互聯網 - 37.3 37.2 44.2 47.5 50.4 Internet connection 網頁/網站 - 7.3 10.7 11.8 13.5 14.8 Web pages/Web sites 透過電子途徑預訂或購買產品、服務 或資料 - 4.9 6.2 7.1 9.6 11.7 Ordered or purchased goods, services or information through electronic means 透過電子途徑獲取產品、服務或資料 - 35.3 40.0 45.2 51.0 53.0 Received goods, services or information through electronic means 透過電子途徑售賣產品、服務或資料 - 0.3 1.1 1.5 1.1 1.3 Sold goods, services or information through electronic means 透過電子途徑遞送產品、服務或資料 - 8.1 12.4 12.1 13.6 15.3 Delivered goods, services or information through electronic means

註釋 : (1) 數字於二零零零統計年度開始編製。 Note : (1) Figures were first available in the reference year 2000.

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表 13.7 電腦及有關服務界別的選定最新統計數字 Table 13.7 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Computer and Related Services Domain

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

機構單位數目 (資訊科技相關服務) 4 462 4 270 4 464 4 124 4 442 4 459 Number of establishments (Information technology related services)

就業人數 (資訊科技相關服務) 25 281 24 275 25 778 25 509 24 681 24 376 Number of persons engaged (Information technology related services)

業務收益指數 (2000 = 100) 101.5 109.4 107.4 114.4 124.5* 128.9 Business receipts index (2000 = 100)

電腦產品的進出口貨值 (百萬元) Imports and exports of computer products ($ million) 電腦硬件 Computer hardware

進口 15,072 13,826 14,317 13,203 16,717 13,873 Imports

整體出口 13,258 12,786 13,192 12,257 14,266 14,021 Total exports

港產品出口 674 559 715 674 673 1,090 Domestic exports

轉口 12,584 12,227 12,477 11,583 13,593 12,931 Re-exports

電腦硬件的零件及附件 Parts and accessories of computer hardware

進口 29,758 31,948 31,255 30,742 36,841 33,658 Imports

整體出口 31,309 34,750 32,795 30,482 41,300 38,228 Total exports

港產品出口 432 560 567 359 429 520 Domestic exports

轉口 30,877 34,190 32,228 30,123 40,872 37,708 Re-exports

電腦軟件 Computer software

進口 469 483 344 451 399 488 Imports

整體出口 623 703 567 594 591 643 Total exports

港產品出口 363 403 290 324 311 325 Domestic exports

轉口 260 300 277 271 281 318 Re-exports

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 247 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

資料來源 Data Sources

表 資料來源 Table Sources

13.1 政府統計處 13.1 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組; Employment Statistics Section; 國民收入統計組(二) 一 National Income Section (2)1

13.2 政府統計處 13.2 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組 Employment Statistics Section

13.3 政府統計處 13.3 Census and Statistics Department

貿易資料分析組 Trade Analysis Section

13.4 政府統計處 13.4 Census and Statistics Department 商業服務統計組 Business Services Statistics Section

13.5 職業訓練局 13.5 Vocational Training Council

13.6 政府統計處 13.6 Census and Statistics Department 科技統計組 Science and Technology Statistics Section

其他有關刊物 Further References

就業及空缺統計(詳細統計表) Employment and Vacancies Statistics (Detailed Tables)

本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product

香港統計年刊 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics

香港統計月刊 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics

香港商品貿易統計 Hong Kong Merchandise Trade Statistics

資訊科技業人力調查報告書,職業訓練局編製 Manpower Survey Report of the Information Technology Sector, published by the Vocational Training Council

服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries

就業及空缺按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Employment and Vacancies Statistics

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 248 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

旅遊 Tourism 14

概要 Highlights

香港持續為亞洲其中一個最受歡迎的旅 Hong Kong continues to be one of the most popular 遊地點,也是舉行國際會議和展覽的熱門 visitor destinations in Asia and a favourite location 地方。 for hosting international conventions and exhibitions.

在二零零四年,從事與旅遊服務有密切關 In 2004, 42 300 people were engaged in industries 係的行業( 如酒店及旅行社) 的就業人數 closely related to tourism (e.g. hotels and travel 有 42 300 人。而另有 277 300 人從事部 agents) and 277 300 people in industries partly 分業務與旅遊服務有關的行業(如餐館、 related to tourism (e.g. restaurants, retail, transport 零售商、運輸服務營辦商及其他為訪港旅 operators and other service providers serving 客提供服務的機構)。 visitors).

以對香港經濟的貢獻而言,訪港旅遊及外 In terms of economic contributions, inbound tourism 訪旅遊在二零零三年合共為香港帶來 and outbound tourism together generated $29.3 293 億港元的增加價值及 122 900 職位, billion value added and 122 900 jobs in 2003, or 分別佔本地生產總值 2.5%及總就業人數 2.5% of total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 3.8%。 3.8% of total employment of Hong Kong respectively.

香港在二零零四年的訪港旅客達 2 180 萬 The number of incoming visitors in 2004 reached 人次,較零三年的 1 550 萬人次顯著上升 21.8 million, increased significantly by 40.4% as 40.4%,創出歷史新高。 compared with 15.5 million in 2003 and set the highest record for visitor arrivals in history.

自一九九四年以來,中國內地一直是香港 The mainland of China remained the major source 旅客主要市場來源。此外,由於進一步推 market of visitors to Hong Kong since 1994. 行「個人遊」計劃,二零零四年來自中國 Furthermore, owing to the further extension of 內地的旅客繼續錄得迅速增長。 “Individual Visit Scheme” (IVS), the number of visitors from the mainland of China continued to increase rapidly in 2004.

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來自中國內地的旅客在零四年達 1 220 萬 Visitor arrivals from the mainland of China reached 人次,佔訪港旅客總人次 56.1%,其次是 12.2 million in 2004, accounted for 56.1% of the 南亞及東南亞(9.5%)和台灣(9.5%)。 total visitor arrivals in 2004, followed by South and Southeast Asia (9.5%) and Taiwan (9.5%).

在二零零四年,香港的酒店及旅客賓館合 In 2004, hotels and tourist guest houses in Hong 共提供 44 000 個房間。房間入住率由零 Kong provided 44 000 guest rooms in total. The 三年的 70%上升至零四年的 88%,已回復 room occupancy rate increased from 70% in 2003 to 至嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症爆發前的水 88% in 2004 and rebounded to pre-SARS levels. 平。

二零零四年,本港居民的離境人次為 In 2004, the number of departures made by Hong 6 890 萬,較零三年上升 13.1%。中國內 Kong residents totalled to 68.9 million, 13.1% more 地仍然是本港居民的主要外遊地點。 than in 2003. The mainland of China continued to be the predominant destination.

二零零四年,共有 267 個會議和 53 個展 A total of 267 conventions and 53 exhibitions with 覽在香港舉行,並獲國際參與。平均每項 international participation were held in Hong Kong 會議及展覽來自香港以外地區的代表人 in 2004. The average number of delegates from 數分別約為 177 名和 9 000 名。 places outside Hong Kong for each convention and exhibition were about 177 and 9 000 respectively.

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旅遊、會議及展覽服務界別的 Coverage of Tourism, Convention 涵蓋範圍 and Exhibition Services Domain

就編製及分析統計數字的角度而言,「旅 In the context of statistical compilation and analysis, 遊、會議及展覽服務」並非一個服務「行 “tourism, convention and exhibition services” is not 業」,而是一個服務「界別」。 regarded as a service “industry”. Instead, it is a service “domain”.

服務界別有別於服務行業,它包括在不同 A service domain differs from a service industry in 行業內與一個共同主題相關的經濟活 that a domain comprises those economic activities 動。提供旅遊、會議及展覽服務的機構單 straddling different industries but are somehow 位涉及多種不同的經濟活動,大致可分為 related to a common purpose. Establishments 下列三組: involved in the provision of tourism related services and convention and exhibition services fall into a wide range of economic activities, which can broadly be classified into the following three groups :

I. 業務與旅遊界別有密切關係的機構 I. Establishments closely related to the tourism 單位: domain : 酒店及旅行社 Hotels and travel agents

II. 部分業務與旅遊界別有關的機構單 II. Establishments partly related to the tourism 位 : domain : 餐館、零售商、運輸服務營辦商及其 Restaurants, retailers, transport operators and 他為訪港旅客提供服務的機構 other service providers serving visitors

III. 業務與會議及展覽服務界別有密切 III. Establishments closely related to convention and 關係的機構單位: exhibition services domain : 會議及展覽主辦機構 Convention and exhibition organizers

有關服務界別定義的詳情,請參閱「概念 For more details on the definition of a service 及方法」部分的介紹段落。 domain, please refer to the introductory paragraphs in the section “Concepts and Methods”.

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主要統計數字及統計圖 Key Statistics and Charts

I. 酒店及旅行社 Hotels and Travel Agents

訪港旅客人數(4) 本港居民離港人數 年 機構單位數目(1) 就業人數(1), (2) 業務收益指數(3) (千人) (千人) Year Number of Number of Business Visitor arrivals(4) Hong Kong establishments(1) persons receipts index(3) (thousands) resident departures engaged(1), (2) (2000=100) (thousands)

1994 3 261 57 835 - 9 331 32 587 2000 2 953 46 639 100.0 13 059 58 901 2001 2 922 47 086 93.0 13 725 61 096 2002 2 846 44 478 83.6 16 566 64 540 2003 2 840 41 386 65.6 15 537 60 936 2004 2 748 42 304 85.4 21 811 68 903

註釋 : (1) 數字是指「酒店及旅舍」(在六月底的數目) Notes : (1) Figures refer to total number of hotels and 和「旅行社及票務代理」(在三月底的數目) boarding houses (as at end June); and travel 的總計。 agents and airline ticket agents (as at end March). (2) 數字指行業內的總就業人數,而該行業同時 (2) Figures here refer to persons engaged in the 服務旅客及本地顧客。此處的就業人數與表 industry as a whole which serves both visitors 14.9 內的數字不同。表 14.9 的數字指與旅遊 and local residents. They differ from similar 相關的活動的就業人數。 figures in table 14.9, which represent the number of persons engaged in the tourism-related activities only. (3) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (3) Business receipts indices of the industry were 製。 first compiled in 1996. (4) 包括來自中國內地的過境旅客及海員。 (4) Including transients and seamen from the mainland of China.

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II. 餐館、零售商、運輸服務營辦商及其他為訪港旅客提供服務的機構 Restaurants, Retailers, Transport Operators and Other Service Providers Serving Visitors

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 訪港旅客消費(6), (7) 年 機構單位數目(1), (2), (3), (4) 就業人數(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) (酒店賬單除外) Year Number of Number of Visitor spending(6), (7) establishments(1), (2), (3), (4) persons engaged(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) (excluding hotel bills)

1994 30 122 282 582 N.A. 2000 32 073 285 453 31,895 2001 34 522 294 734 32,720 2002 34 117 281 262 43,364* 2003 32 455 256 390 44,285* 2004 33 201 277 288 54,370

註釋 : (1) 數字是指「零售商及餐館」(在六月底的數目) Notes : (1) Figures refer to total number of retailers and 和「遊樂場」(在三月底的數目)的總計。 restaurants (as at end June); and amusement parks (as at end March). (2) 包括衣物及鞋類、攝影器材、電器、古玩、 (2) Including establishments engaged in retail of 玻璃製品、禮品及紀念品、珠寶首飾、旅行 clothing and footwear, cameras and photographic 袋、鐘錶、化粧品和百貨公司等零售機構單 equipment, electrical goods, antiques, glassware, 位,以及飲食場所和遊樂場,所有這些行業 gifts and souvenirs, jewellery and travel goods, 的機構單位數目及就業人數,不論為訪港旅 watches and cosmetics; department stores; eating 客服務與否,都包括在內。 and drinking places; and amusement parks. The total number of establishments and persons engaged in these industries are presented here, irrespective of whether establishments are serving tourists or not. (3) 由於運輸服務營辦商(以的士為主)的詳細分 (3) Not including transport operators (mainly taxis) 類數字沒有提供,因此不包括在內。 because estimates for such detailed breakdown are not available. (4) 數字來自「僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查」。 (4) Figures are based on the Quarterly Survey of Employment and Vacancies. (5) 數字指行業內的總就業人數,而該行業同時 (5) Figures here refer to persons engaged in the 服務旅客及本地顧客。此處的就業人數與表 industry as a whole which serves both visitors 14.9 內的數字不同。表 14.9 的數字指與旅遊 and local residents. They differ from similar 相關的活動的就業人數。 figures in table 14.9, which represent the number of persons engaged in the tourism-related activities only. (6) 以訪港過夜旅客及入境不過夜旅客的總消 (6) Approximated by total overnight visitor and 費,再扣除酒店賬單計算。 same-day in-town visitor spending less that covered by hotel bills. (7) 數字為香港旅遊發展局在二零零三年十一月 (7) Figures refer to the new data on tourism 份所發布的新一套旅遊開支數字。 expenditure released by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) in November 2003.

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III. 會議及展覽主辦機構 Convention and Exhibition Organizers

年 在香港舉行的會議及展覽數目(1) Year Total number of conventions and exhibitions held(1)

1994 241 2000 306 2001 247 2002 255 2003 172 2004 320

註釋 : (1) 統計數字是以香港旅遊發展局已知資料為根 Note : (1) Statistics are based on information known to the 據,不包括只有香港代表出席的本地會議或 Hong Kong Tourism Board and do not include 展覽。 conventions/exhibitions attended only by Hong Kong delegates.

IV. 整個旅遊、會議及展覽服務界別 The Entire Tourism, Convention and Exhibition Services Domain

年 業務收益指數(1), (2) (2000=100) Year Business receipts index(1), (2) (2000=100)

1994 - 2000 100.0 2001 96.2 2002 106.5* 2003 98.8* 2004 125.5

註釋 : (1) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 Notes :(1) Business receipts indices of the industry were 製。 first compiled in 1996. (2) 部分數據來自香港旅遊發展局的離境旅客問 (2) Part of the data are based on the Departing 卷調查。二零零二年至二零零三年的數字已 Visitors Survey conducted by the Hong Kong 根據香港旅遊發展局所發布到港旅客境內消 Tourism Board (HKTB). Figures for 2002 to 費開支的修訂數字而作出修訂。修訂旅遊數 2003 have been revised to incorporate the revised 字主要是因為採用了經改良的中國內地旅客 data series on destination consumption 開支估計數字。 expenditure of incoming visitors and travellers released by the HKTB. The revision to the tourism data is mainly due to the adoption of enhanced estimates of spending of Mainland visitors.

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圖 14.1 酒店及旅行社的機構單位數目(1) 及就業人數(1), (2) Chart 14.1 Number of Establishments(1) and Persons Engaged(1), (2) for Hotels and Travel Agents

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged 4 000 80 000

3 500 70 000

3 000 60 000

2 500 50 000

2 000 40 000

1 500 30 000

1 000 20 000

500 10 000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged

註釋 : (1) 數字是指「酒店及旅舍」(在六月底的數目) Notes : (1) Figures refer to total number of hotels and 和「旅行社及票務代理」(在三月底的數目) boarding houses (as at end June); and travel 的總計。 agents and airline ticket agents (as at end March). (2) 數字指行業內的總就業人數,而該行業同時 (2) Figures here refer to persons engaged in the 服務旅客及本地顧客。此處的就業人數與表 industry as a whole which serves both visitors 14.9 內的數字不同。表 14.9 的數字指與旅遊 and local residents. They differ from similar 相關的活動的就業人數。 figures in table 14.9, which represent the number of persons engaged in the tourism-related activities only.

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圖 14.2(a) 訪港旅客消費(1) Chart 14.2(a) Visitor Spending(1) 訪港旅客消費 (百萬元) Visitor spending ($ million) 70,000







0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

訪港旅客酒店賬單 訪港旅客其他消費 Visitor spending on hotel bills Other visitor spending

圖 14.2(b) 訪港旅客人均消費(1) Chart 14.2(b) Visitor Per Capita Spending(1) 訪港旅客人均消費 (元) Visitor per capita spending ($) 6,000






0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

過夜旅客 入境不過夜旅客 Overnight visitor Same-day in-town visitor

註釋 : (1) 數字為香港旅遊發展局在二零零三年十一月 Note : (1) Figures refer to the new data on tourism 份所發布的新一套旅遊開支數字。 expenditure released by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) in November 2003.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 256 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

圖 14.3 酒店(1)房間數目及房間入住率(2) Chart 14.3 Number of Rooms and Room Occupancy Rate(2) of Hotels(1)

房間數目 房間入住率 (百分比) Number of rooms Room occupancy rate (%) 50 000 100 45 000 90 40 000 80 35 000 70 30 000 60 25 000 50 20 000 40 15 000 30 10 000 20 5 000 10 0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 甲級高價酒店 乙級高價酒店 中價酒店 High tariff A hotels High tariff B hotels Medium tariff hotels

旅客賓館 房間入住率 (百分比) Tourist guest houses Room occupancy rate (%)

註釋 : (1) 一九九八年前的數字指前香港旅遊協會會員 Notes : (1) Figures before 1998 refer to member hotels and 酒店及旅舍/賓館。由一九九八年開始,數字 member hotels/guest houses of the previous Hong 包括所有獲民政事務總署牌照事務處發牌經 Kong Tourist Association. Figures from 1998 營的酒店及旅客賓館。 onwards cover all hotels and tourist guest houses with licences for operation issued by the Office of the Licensing Authority of the Home Affairs Department. (2) 房間入住率是根據有回應香港旅遊發展局每 (2) Room Occupancy rate is compiled based on data 月進行的「酒店房間入住率統計調查」所提 reported by those hotels and tourist guest houses 供的資料計算。 which have responded to the Hong Kong Tourism Board’s monthly Hotel Room Occupancy Surveys.

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圖 14.4 餐館、零售商、運輸服務營辦商及其他為訪港旅客提供服務的機構的機構單位 數目(1), (2), (3), (4)及就業人數(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) Chart 14.4 Number of Establishments(1), (2), (3), (4) and Persons Engaged(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) for Restaurants, Retailers, Transport Operators and Other Service Providers Serving Visitors

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged 40 000 400 000

35 000 350 000

30 000 300 000

25 000 250 000

20 000 200 000

15 000 150 000

10 000 100 000

5 000 50 000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目 就業人數 Number of establishments Number of persons engaged

註釋 : (1) 數字是指「零售商及餐館」(在六月底的數目) Notes : (1) Figures refer to total number of retailers and 和「遊樂場」(在三月底的數目)的總計。 restaurants (as at end June); and amusement parks (as at end March). (2) 包括衣物及鞋類、攝影器材、電器、古玩、 (2) Including establishments engaged in retail of 玻璃製品、禮品及紀念品、珠寶首飾、旅行 clothing and footwear, cameras and photographic 袋、鐘錶、化粧品和百貨公司等零售機構單 equipment, electrical goods, antiques, glassware, 位,以及飲食場所和遊樂場,所有這些行業 gifts and souvenirs, jewellery and travel goods, 的機構單位數目及就業人數,不論為訪港旅 watches and cosmetics; department stores; eating 客服務與否,都包括在內。 and drinking places; and amusement parks. The total number of establishments and persons engaged in these industries are presented here, irrespective of whether establishments are serving tourists or not. (3) 由於運輸服務營辦商(以的士為主)的詳細分 (3) Not including transport operators (mainly taxis) 類數字沒有提供,因此不包括在內。 because estimates for such detailed breakdown are not available. (4) 數字來自「僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查」。 (4) Figures are based on the Quarterly Survey of Employment and Vacancies. (5) 數字指行業內的總就業人數,而該行業同時 (5) Figures here refer to persons engaged in the 服務旅客及本地顧客。此處的就業人數與表 industry as a whole which serves both visitors 14.9 內的數字不同。表 14.9 的數字指與旅遊 and local residents. They differ from similar 相關的活動的就業人數。 figures in table 14.9, which represent the number of persons engaged in the tourism-related activities only.

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圖 14.5 會議數目及平均每項會議來自香港以外地區的代表人數(1) Chart 14.5 Number of Conventions and Average Number of Delegates from Places Outside Hong Kong per Convention(1)

會議數目 平均每項會議來自香港以外地區的代表人數 Number of conventions Average number of delegates from places outside Hong Kong per convention 400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 會議數目 平均每項會議來自香港以外地區的代表人數 Number of conventions Average number of delegates from places outside Hong Kong per convention

註釋 : (1) 統計數字是以香港旅遊發展局已知資料為根 Note : (1) Statistics are based on information known to the 據,不包括只有香港代表出席的本地會議或 Hong Kong Tourism Board and do not include 展覽。 conventions/exhibitions attended only by Hong Kong delegates.

圖 14.6 展覽數目及平均每項展覽來自香港以外地區的代表人數(1) Chart 14.6 Number of Exhibitions and Average Number of Delegates from Places Outside Hong Kong per Exhibition(1)

展覽數目 平均每項展覽來自香港以外地區的代表人數 Number of exhibitions Average number of delegates from places outside Hong Kong per exhibition 100 10 000

80 8 000

60 6 000

40 4 000

20 2 000

0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 展覽數目 平均每項展覽來自香港以外地區的代表人數 Number of exhibitions Average number of delegates from places outside Hong Kong per exhibition

註釋 : (1) 統計數字是以香港旅遊發展局已知資料為根 Note : (1) Statistics are based on information known to the 據,不包括只有香港代表出席的本地會議或 Hong Kong Tourism Board and do not include 展覽。 conventions/exhibitions attended only by Hong Kong delegates.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 259 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

概念及方法 Concepts and Methods

就編製及分析統計數字的角度而言,「旅遊」並 In the context of statistical compilation and analysis, 非一個服務「行業」,而是一個服務「界別」。 “tourism” is not regarded as a service “industry”. Instead, it is a service “domain”.

服務界別 有別於服務行業,它包括橫跨不同行 A service domain differs from a service industry in 業,但與一個共同主題相關的經濟活動。一個與 that it comprises those economic activities straddling 旅遊服務界別關係密切的服務行業內的所有機 different industries but are somehow related to a 構單位都可能與該服務界別有關。但在另外一些 common purpose. For the tourism domain, it may 與該服務界別關係不太密切的服務行業內,只有 include all activities carried out by all establishments 部分的機構單位,或甚至只是這些機構單位的部 in a service industry that is closely related to the 分經濟活動,是與旅遊服務界別有關的。 domain. For a service industry that is less closely related, however, only a portion of the establishments in the industry or even only part of the activities of the establishments is related to the tourism domain.

提供 旅遊有關服務 的機構單位,涉及極多元化 Establishments involved in the provision of tourism 的經濟活動,包括空運業、酒店業、食肆、海上 related services fall into a wide range of economic 運輸業、陸路運輸業、零售業及其他有關服務行 activities, straddling the air transport, hotels, 業。可是,這些機構單位的經濟活動,亦並非全 restaurants, water transport, land transport, retail and 部與旅遊服務有關。與旅遊服務有密切聯繫的行 many other related service industries. Yet not all 業,如旅行社和酒店,機構單位的所有業務活 activities carried out by establishments in these 動,實際上是與旅遊服務有關的。至於其他的行 industries are related to tourism. For those 業(例如零售、食肆及交通營辦商),其中只有小 industries that are closely related to tourism such as 部分的機構單位提供旅遊有關服務,而這部分亦 travel agents and hotels, practically all activities 只佔整體的一小部分,因為此等機構單位同時為 carried out by the establishments involved are related 旅客及本地顧客提供服務。 to tourism. In other industries that are partly related to tourism such as retail, restaurants and transport operators, only a relatively minor portion of the establishments provide tourism related services and such services may account for a small portion of the total activities of those establishments as they serve both visitors and local customers concurrently.

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計算旅遊對香港經濟的貢獻時,不能簡單地總計 When compiling the economic contribution of 與旅遊有關行業的就業人數、業務收益,或增加 tourism, one should not simply add up the number of 價值,因為這樣會導致大幅超額計算。要估計旅 persons engaged, business receipts or the value 遊的經濟貢獻,經濟合作及發展組織建議利用比 added of the tourism-related industries as this would 率把選定與旅遊有關行業內屬於旅遊的增加價 end up with significant over-counting. To estimate 值和就業人數區分出來。有關的增加價值及就業 the economic contribution of tourism, the 人數的數字請參閱表 14.9。 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recommends the compilation of ratios for selected tourism-related industries so as to differentiate the portion of value added and employment that is attributable to tourism from the whole. The figures on value added and persons engaged are presented in table 14.9

表 14.1 及 14.7 包含另外一套就業數字。表內的 Tables 14.1 and 14.7 contain another set of 就業人數指行業內的總就業人數,而該些行業同 employment figures. Figures in these two tables 時服務旅客及本地顧客。該處的就業人數與表 refer to persons engaged in the industry as a whole, 14.9 內的數字不同。表 14.9 的就業人數指與旅遊 which serves both visitors and local residents. They 相關的活動的就業人數。 differ from similar figures in table 14.9, which represent the number of persons engaged in the tourism-related activities only.

用語及定義 Terms and Definitions

機構單位 是指在單一擁有權或控制權下,在單 An establishment is defined as an economic unit 一地點從事一種或主要從事一種經濟活動的經 which engages, under a single ownership or control, 濟單位,例如個別工廠、工場、零售店及辦公室。 in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single physical location, e.g. an individual factory, workshop, retail shop and office.

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就業人數 包括所有於統計日期工作最少一小時 Persons engaged include all individual proprietors, 及經常參與機構單位業務的東主、合夥人,以及 partners and persons having family ties with any of 與東主或合夥人有親屬關係並在機構單位工作 the proprietors or partners and working in the 而無正薪的人士;及所有於統計日期向機構單位 establishment without regular pay, who are actively 直接支取薪酬的全職受薪僱員,以及有限公司的 engaged in the work of the establishment for at least 在職董事,其中包括長期或臨時聘用的,無論這 one hour on the survey reference date; and all 些僱員正在本港或其他地方工作或暫時缺勤(即 full-time salaried personnel or employees and 正在放病假、分娩假、年假、事假的工人及罷工 working directors of limited companies directly paid 者)。在統計日期工作最少一小時的兼職僱員, by the establishment, both permanent and temporary, 以及夜班或通宵班的僱員亦包括在內。由一九九 who are either at work (whether or not in Hong 九年三月開始,有關點算就業人數的工作時數定 Kong) or temporarily absent from work (viz. those 義由原有的「在統計日期工作最少三小時」改為 on sick leave, maternity leave, annual vacation or 「在統計日期工作最少一小時」。 casual leave, and on strike) on the survey reference date. Part-time employees and employees on night/irregular shifts working for at least one hour on the survey reference date are also included. As from March 1999, the rule for counting the number of persons engaged has been changed from the previous definition of “working for at least three hours” to a new definition of “working for at least one hour”.

房間入住率 是根據有回應香港旅遊發展局每月 Room occupancy rate is compiled based on data 進行的「酒店房間入住率統計調查」所提供的資 reported by those hotels and tourist guest houses 料計算。 which have responded to the Hong Kong Tourism Board’s monthly ‘Hotel Room Occupancy Surveys’.

香港酒店分類制度,是由香港旅遊發展局根據一 The Hong Kong Hotel Classification System is 些數量性和質量性的指標來訂定酒店類別。這些 maintained by HKTB according to a combination of 質量性指標包括坐落地點、設施等等因素;至於 quantitative and qualitative indicators. The 數量性指標則包括房租水平和員工/房數比例。每 qualitative indicators include such factors as 年年初,香港旅遊發展局會按需要修訂酒店分類 location, facilities, etc., while the quantitative 表。 indicators include room tariff level and staff/room ratio. The list will be revised as necessary at the beginning of each year.

訪港旅客 是指經辦理出入境手續抵港的非香港 Visitor arrivals refer to arrivals by all non-Hong 居民。 Kong residents through immigration formalities.

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統計表 Statistical Tables

第一部分: 酒店及旅行社 Part I : Hotels and Travel Agents

表 14.1 酒店及旅行社的機構單位數目、就業人數及業務收益指數 Table 14.1 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged and Business Receipts Index for Hotels and Travel Agents

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目(1) 3 261 2 953 2 922 2 846 2 840 2 748 Number of establishments(1) ( 7.9) ( 3.0) (- 1.0) (- 2.6) (- 0.2) (- 3.2)

就業人數(1), (2) 57 835 46 639 47 086 44 478 41 386 42 304 Number of persons engaged(1), (2) ( 0.4) ( 3.3) ( 1.0) (- 5.5) (- 7.0) ( 2.2)

業務收益指數(3) (2000=100) - 100.0 93.0 83.6 65.6 85.4 Business receipts index(3) (2000 = 100) - ( 17.0) (- 7.0) (- 10.0) (- 21.6) ( 30.3)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字是指「酒店及旅舍」(在六月底的數目) (1) Figures refer to total number of hotels and 和「旅行社及票務代理」(在三月底的數目) boarding houses (as at end June); and travel 的總計。 agents and airline ticket agents (as at end March). (2) 數字指行業內的總就業人數,而該行業同時 (2) Figures here refer to persons engaged in the 服務旅客及本地顧客。此處的就業人數與表 industry as a whole which serves both visitors 14.9 內的數字不同。表 14.9 的數字指與旅遊 and local residents. They differ from similar 相關的活動的就業人數。 figures in table 14.9, which represent the number of persons engaged in the tourism-related activities only. (3) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (3) Business receipts indices of the industry were 製。 first compiled in 1996.

表 14.2 訪港旅客(1) Table 14.2 Visitor Arrivals(1)

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

訪港旅客人數 (千人) 9 331 13 059 13 725 16 566 15 537 21 811 Number of visitor arrivals (thousands) ( 4.4) ( 15.3) ( 5.1) ( 20.7) (- 6.2) ( 40.4)

訪港旅客所使用交通模式 (百分比) Visitor arrivals by mode of transport (%) 空 67.5 51.4 47.6 41.6 32.1 32.1 By air 陸 23.2 32.6 36.8 43.3 53.7 54.9 By land 海 9.3 16.0 15.6 15.1 14.2 13.0 By sea i 註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 包括來自中國內地的過境旅客及海員。 (1) Including transients and seamen from the mainland of China.

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表 14.3 訪港旅客消費(1) Table 14.3 Visitor Spending(1) 百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

訪港過夜旅客總消費 40,794 40,789 51,768* 48,778* 61,142 Total overnight visitor spending ( 5.6) (#) ( 26.9) (- 5.8) ( 25.3) 酒店賬單 11,555 11,183 11,992* 9,183* 12,335 Hotel bills ( 5.9) (- 3.2) ( 7.2) (- 23.4) ( 34.3) 其他消費 29,240 29,606 39,776* 39,595* 48,807 Other spending ( 5.5) ( 1.3) ( 34.4) (- 0.5) ( 23.3) 購物 19,516 19,778 24,847* 28,317* 34,185 Shopping ( 6.5) ( 1.3) ( 25.6) ( 14.0) ( 20.7) 酒店外膳食 5,827 5,729 7,964* 6,445* 8,154 Meals outside hotels ( 8.0) (- 1.7) ( 39.0) (- 19.1) ( 26.5) 娛樂 730 935 1,580* 1,222* 1,641 Entertainment ( 4.5) ( 28.1) ( 69.0) (- 22.6) ( 34.3) 觀光 924 923 1,380* 423* 589 Tours (- 25.4) (- 0.1) ( 49.5) (- 69.3) ( 39.3) 其他 2,242 2,241 4,005* 3,188* 4,238 Others ( 8.7) (- 0.1) ( 78.7) (- 20.4) ( 32.9)

訪港過夜旅客人均消費 (元) 4,612 4,588 4,837* 5,041* 4,478 Overnight visitor per capita spending ($) (- 5.8) (- 0.5) ( 5.4) ( 4.2) (- 11.2)

訪港入境不過夜旅客總消費 2,699 3,164 3,637 4,748 5,612 Total same-day in-town visitor spending ( 34.9) ( 17.2) ( 15.0) ( 30.5) ( 18.2) 酒店賬單 43 50 50 58 49 Hotel bills ( 41.3) ( 14.0) (- 0.1) ( 16.8) (- 14.6) 其他消費 2,656 3,114 3,588 4,690 5,563 Other spending ( 34.8) ( 17.3) ( 15.2) ( 30.7) ( 18.6) 購物 2,197 2,599 2,775 3,882 4,664 Shopping ( 36.2) ( 18.3) ( 6.8) ( 39.9) ( 20.1) 酒店外膳食 218 241 334 361 418 Meals outside hotels ( 30.0) ( 10.9) ( 38.4) ( 7.9) ( 15.8) 其他 241 273 478 448 481 Others ( 27.4) ( 13.7) ( 74.9) (- 6.4) ( 7.5)

訪港入境不過夜旅客人均消費 (元) 640 654 620 811 689 Same-day in-town visitor per capita spending ($) ( 10.0) ( 2.2) (- 5.2) ( 30.8) (- 15.0)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Note : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字為香港旅遊發展局在二零零三年十一月 (1) Figures refer to the new data on tourism 份所發布的新一套旅遊開支數字。 expenditure released by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) in November 2003. # 表示變動百分率在± 0.05%以內。 # Denotes change within ± 0.05%.

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表 14.4 訪港過夜旅客訪港目的及平均留港時間 Table 14.4 Purpose of Visit and Average Length of Stay of Overnight Visitors

1994 2000 2001 2002(1) 2003(2) 2004

訪港過夜旅客訪港目的 (百分比) Purpose of visit of overnight visitors (%) 度假 58 55 50 47 45 50 Vacation 商務/會議 29 30 30 32 31 25 Business/meetings 探訪親友 5 8 10 14 18 20 Visiting friends/relatives 途經香港 6 6 9 7 6 5 En route 其他目的 2 1 2 # 1 1 Other purposes

平均留港時間 (晚) 3.9 3.0 3.1 3.6 4.1 3.7 Average length of stay (nights)

註釋 : (1) 只包括二零零二年七月至十二月的數字。 Notes : (1) 2002 data covers the period Jul – Dec only. (2) 只包括二零零三年第一、三及四季的數字。 (2) 2003 data covers quarters 1, 3 and 4 only. # 數字少於 0.5%。 # Figure less than 0.5%.

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表 14.5 酒店統計數字 Table 14.5 Hotel Statistics

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

甲級高價酒店 High tariff A hotels 酒店數目 20 18 17 17 17 17 Number of hotels 房間數目 11 313 9 988 9 473 9 473 9 473* 9 473 Number of rooms 房間入住率(百分比)(1) 82 82 74 80 67 84 Room occupancy rate(%)(1)

乙級高價酒店 High tariff B hotels 酒店數目 23 28 31 32 30* 33 Number of hotels 房間數目 11 791 14 773 15 552 16 587 15 786* 16 073 Number of rooms 房間入住率(百分比)(1) 88 84 81 86 72 89 Room occupancy rate(%)(1)

中價酒店 Medium tariff hotels 酒店數目 32 44 44 42 42* 42 Number of hotels 房間數目 9 062 11 579 11 624 11 444 11 465* 11 038 Number of rooms 房間入住率(百分比)(1) 85 84 80 85 70 89 Room occupancy rate(%)(1)

所有酒店(2) All hotels(2) 酒店數目 75 95 98 98 96 101 Number of hotels 房間數目 32 166 36 749 37 132 38 949 38 133 39 128 Number of rooms 房間入住率(百分比)(1) 85 83 79 84 70 88 Room occupancy rate(%)(1)

註釋 : 一九九四年的數字指前香港旅遊協會會員酒店及 Notes : Figures for 1994 refer to member hotels and member 旅舍/賓館。由一九九八年開始,數字包括所有獲 hotels/guest houses of the previous Hong Kong Tourist 民政事務總署牌照事務處發牌經營的酒店及旅客 Association. Figures from 1998 onwards cover all 賓館。 hotels and tourist guest houses with licences for operation issued by the Office of the Licensing Authority of the Home Affairs Department. (1) 房間入住率是根據有回應香港旅遊發展局每 (1) Room Occupancy rate is compiled based on data 月進行的「酒店房間入住率統計調查」所提 reported by those hotels and tourist guest houses 供的資料計算。 which have responded to the Hong Kong Tourism Board’s monthly ‘Hotel Room Occupancy Surveys’. (2) 由一九九八年開始,「甲級高價酒店」,「乙 (2) Starting from 1998, the sum of the figures for 級高價酒店」及「中價酒店」數字的合計可 ‘High tariff A hotels’, ‘High tariff B hotels’ and 能少於「所有酒店」的數字。這是由於沒有 ‘Medium tariff hotels’ may be less than the 足夠的資料把一些新涵蓋的酒店按不同的房 figures for ‘All hotels’. This is because there is 租價格歸類。 no sufficient information for some of the newly covered hotels to be classified into different tariff categories of hotels.

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表 14.5(續) 酒店統計數字 Table 14.5 (Cont’d) Hotel Statistics

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

旅客賓館 Tourist guest houses 旅客賓館數目 10 410 408 397 414 440 Number of tourist guest houses 房間數目 1 324 4 742 4 710 4 675 4 803 5 234 Number of rooms 房間入住率(百分比)(1) 87 82 76 78 65 83 Room occupancy rate(%)(1)

各類酒店及旅客賓館 All categories 酒店/旅客賓館數目 85 505 506 495 510 541 Number of hotels/tourist guest houses 房間數目 33 490 41 491 41 842 43 624 42 936 44 362 Number of rooms 房間入住率(百分比)(1) 85 83 79 84 70 88 Room occupancy rate(%)(1)

註釋 : 一九九四年的數字指前香港旅遊協會會員酒店及 Notes : Figures for 1994 refer to member hotels and member 旅舍/賓館。由一九九八年開始,數字包括所有獲 hotels/guest houses of the previous Hong Kong Tourist 民政事務總署牌照事務處發牌經營的酒店及旅客 Association. Figures from 1998 onwards cover all 賓館。 hotels and tourist guest houses with licences for operation issued by the Office of the Licensing Authority of the Home Affairs Department. (1) 房間入住率是根據有回應香港旅遊發展局每 (1) Room Occupancy rate is compiled based on data 月進行的「酒店房間入住率統計調查」所提 reported by those hotels and tourist guest houses 供的資料計算。 which have responded to the Hong Kong Tourism Board’s monthly ‘Hotel Room Occupancy Surveys’.

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表 14.6 按目的地劃分的本港居民離港人數 Table 14.6 Hong Kong Resident Departures by Destination

千人 Thousands 1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

按目的地劃分的本港居民離港人數(1) 32 587 58 901 61 096 64 540 60 936 68 903 Hong Kong resident departures by ( 6.3) ( 10.8) ( 3.7) ( 5.6) (- 5.6) ( 13.1) destination(1) 中國內地(2) 24 798 50 083 52 003 55 648 52 556 59 676 The mainland of China(2) ( 6.9) ( 10.9) ( 3.8) ( 7.0) (- 5.6) ( 13.5) 澳門 4 991 4 207 4 294 4 182 3 953 4 224 Macao ( 0.2) ( 10.9) ( 2.1) (- 2.6) (- 5.5) ( 6.9) 其他國家/地區 2 798 4 611 4 799 4 710 4 427 5 004 Other countries/territories ( 12.7) ( 10.4) ( 4.1) (- 1.9) (- 6.0) ( 13.0)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 本港居民離港後,除所申報的目的地外,亦 (1) On departing from Hong Kong, a resident may 可能到其他的地方。 also be travelling to other places apart from the destination claimed. (2) 不包括司機。 (2) Excluding drivers.

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第二部分 : 餐館、零售商、運輸服務營辦商及其他為訪港旅客提供服務 的機構 Part II : Restaurants, Retailers, Transport Operators and Other Service Providers Serving Visitors

表 14.7 餐館、零售商、運輸服務營辦商及其他為訪港旅客提供服務的機構的機構單位數目及 就業人數 Table 14.7 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged for Restaurants, Retailers, Transport Operators and Other Service Providers Serving Visitors

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

機構單位數目(1), (2), (3), (4) 30 122 32 073 34 522 34 117 32 455 33 021 Number of establishments(1), (2), (3), (4) - ( 6.3) ( 7.6) (- 1.2) (- 4.9) ( 1.7)

就業人數(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) 282 582 285 453 294 734 281 262 256 390 277 288 Number of persons engaged(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) - ( 5.0) ( 3.3) (- 4.6) (- 8.8) ( 8.2)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 數字是指「零售商及餐館」(在六月底的數目) (1) Figures refer to total number of retailers and 和「遊樂場」(在三月底的數目)的總計。 restaurants (as at end June); and amusement parks (as at end March). (2) 包括衣物及鞋類、攝影器材、電器、古玩、 (2) Including establishments engaged in retail of 玻璃製品、禮品及紀念品、珠寶首飾、旅行 clothing and footwear, cameras and photographic 袋、鐘錶、化粧品和百貨公司等零售機構單 equipment, electrical goods, antiques, glassware, 位,以及飲食場所和遊樂場,所有這些行業 gifts and souvenirs, jewellery and travel goods, 的機構單位數目及就業人數,不論為訪港旅 watches and cosmetics; department stores; eating 客服務與否,都包括在內。 and drinking places; and amusement parks. The total number of establishments and persons engaged in these industries are presented here, irrespective of whether establishments are serving tourists or not. (3) 由於運輸服務營辦商(以的士為主)的詳細分 (3) Not including transport operators (mainly taxis) 類數字沒有提供,因此不包括在內。 because estimates for such detailed breakdown are not available. (4) 數字來自「僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查」。 (4) Figures are based on the Quarterly Survey of Employment and Vacancies. (5) 數字指行業內的總就業人數,而該行業同時 (5) Figures here refer to persons engaged in the 服務旅客及本地顧客。此處的就業人數與表 industry as a whole which serves both visitors 14.9 內的數字不同。表 14.9 的數字指與旅遊 and local residents. They differ from similar 相關的活動的就業人數。 figures in table 14.9, which represent the number of persons engaged in the tourism-related activities only.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 269 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

第三部分 : 會議及展覽主辦機構 Part III : Convention and Exhibition Organizers

表 14.8 會議及展覽數目及來自香港以外地區的代表人數(1) Table 14.8 Number of Conventions/Exhibitions (1) and Delegates from Places Outside Hong Kong

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

會議 Conventions 會議數目 182 246 198 209 130 267 Number of conventions (- 39.5) ( 12.3) (- 19.5) ( 5.6) (- 37.8) ( 105.4) 來自香港以外地區的代表人數 21 183 30 055 29 795 33 199 17 535 47 240 Number of delegates from places (- 53.1) ( 25.2) (- 0.9) ( 11.4) (- 47.2) ( 169.4) outside Hong Kong 平均每項會議來自香港以外地區的代表 人數 116 122 150 159 135 177 Average number of delegates from (- 22.4) ( 11.4) ( 23.2) ( 5.6) (- 15.1) ( 31.1) places outside Hong Kong per convention

展覽 Exhibitions 展覽數目 59 60 49 46 42 53 Number of exhibitions ( 25.5) ( 0.0) (- 18.3) (- 6.1) (- 8.7) ( 26.2) 來自香港以外地區的代表人數 170 998 251 612 322 492 346 368 295 261 450 571 Number of delegates from places ( 24.8) ( 19.1) ( 28.2) ( 7.4) (- 14.8) ( 52.6) outside Hong Kong 平均每項展覽來自香港以外地區的代表 人數 2 898 4 194 6 581 7 530 7 030 8 501 Average number of delegates from (- 0.6) ( 19.1) ( 56.9) ( 14.4) (- 6.6) ( 20.9) places outside Hong Kong per exhibition

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 統計數字是以香港旅遊發展局已知資料為根 (1) Statistics are based on information known to the 據,不包括只有香港代表出席的本地會議或 Hong Kong Tourism Board and do not include 展覽。 conventions/exhibitions attended only by Hong Kong delegates.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 270 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

第四部分 : 旅遊服務的經濟貢獻(1) (訪港入境旅遊及外訪旅遊) Part IV : Economic Contribution of Tourism(1) (Inbound and Outbound)

表 14.9 增加價值及就業人數 Table 14.9 Value Added and Number of Persons Engaged

百萬元(另有註明除外) $ million (unless otherwise specified) 1995 1998 2001 2002 2003

入境旅遊 Inbound tourism 增加價值(2) 26,300 19,200 20,400 26,400* 21,000 Value added(2)

就業人數(3) N.A. 74 900 80 900 104 900* 99 200 Number of persons engaged (3)

外訪旅遊 Outbound tourism 增加價值(2) 7,400 7,400 9,200 10,000* 8,200 Value added (2)

就業人數(3) N.A. 20 900 23 100 21 800* 23 600 Number of persons engaged (3)

旅遊服務(入境旅遊及外訪旅遊) Tourism(Inbound and Outbound) 增加價值(2) 33,700 26,700 29,500 36,400* 29,300 Value added (2) [3.2%] [2.2%] [2.4%] [3.0%] [2.5%]

就業人數(3) N.A. 95 800 104 000 126 800* 122 900 Number of persons engaged (3) (3.1%) (3.2%) (3.9%) (3.8%)

註釋 : 方括號內數字表示在以要素成本計算的本地生產 Notes : Figures in square brackets refer to % share to GDP at 總值內所佔的百分比,而圓括號內數字表示在總就 factor cost and figures in round brackets refer to % to 業人數所佔的百分比。 total employment.

(1) 要估計旅遊的經濟貢獻,經濟合作及發展組 (1) To estimate the economic contribution of tourism, 織建議利用比率把選定與旅遊相關的行業內 the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and 屬於入境旅遊的增加價值和就業人數區分出 Development (OECD) recommends the 來。 compilation of ratios for selected tourism-related industries so as to differentiate the portion of value added and employment that is attributable to tourism from the whole. (2) 主要資料來源 : 按經濟活動劃分的本地生 (2) Main data sources : GDP by economic activity at 產總值詳細數字、按年經濟統計調查、旅遊 detailed level, annual economic surveys, tourism 發展局的旅遊統計數字。 statistics of the Hong Kong Tourism Board. (3) 主要資料來源 : 就業綜合統計數字。 (3) Main data source : composite employment estimates.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 271 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

第五部分 : 整個旅遊、會議及展覽服務界別 Part V : The Entire Tourism, Convention and Exhibition Services Domain

表 14.10 旅遊、會議及展覽服務界別的業務收益指數 Table 14.10 Business Receipts Index for the Tourism, Convention and Exhibition Services Domain

1994 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

業務收益指數(1), (2) (2000=100) - 100.0 96.2 106.5* 98.8* 125.5 Business receipts index(1), (2) (2000=100) - ( 13.7) (- 3.8) ( 10.7) (- 7.3) ( 27.1)

註釋 : 括號內的數字是與上年比較的變動百分率。 Notes : Figures in brackets are percentage changes over the preceding year. (1) 該行業的業務收益指數於一九九六年開始編 (1) Business receipts indices of the industry were 製。 first compiled in 1996. (2) 部分數據來自香港旅遊發展局的離境旅客問 (2) Part of the data are based on the Departing 卷調查。二零零二年至二零零三年的數字已 Visitors Survey conducted by the Hong Kong 根據香港旅遊發展局所發布到港旅客境內消 Tourism Board (HKTB). Figures for 2002 to 費開支的修訂數字而作出修訂。修訂旅遊數 2003 have been revised to incorporate the revised 字主要是因為採用了經改良的中國內地旅客 data series on destination consumption 開支估計數字。 expenditure of incoming visitors and travellers released by the HKTB. The revision to the tourism data is mainly due to the adoption of enhanced estimates of spending of Mainland visitors.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 272 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

第六部分 : 旅遊的選定最新統計數字 Part VI : Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Tourism

表 14.11 旅遊的選定最新統計數字 Table 14.11 Selected Up-to-date Statistics on Tourism

2003 2004 第三季 第四季 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

業務收益指數(1), (2) (2000 = 100) 111.4* 133.1* 117.4* 118.0* 125.6* 141.1 Business receipts index(1), (2) (2000 = 100)

訪港旅客人數(千人) 4 415 5 174 4 935 5 077 5 745 6 053 Number of visitor arrivals (thousands)

訪港旅客所使用交通模式 (百分比) Visitor arrivals by mode of transport (%)

空 31.7 33.2 30.8 33.0 31.2 32.1 By air

陸 53.7 53.1 55.4 54.2 55.8 54.9 By land

海 14.6 13.7 13.8 12.8 13.0 13.0 By sea

房間入住率 (百分比) 80.3 88.0 84.0 85.0 88.7 92.0 Room occupancy rate (%)

甲級高價酒店 75.7 85.3 82.0 80.3 84.7 90.7 High tariff A hotels

乙級高價酒店 81.3 89.3 86.0 87.0 91.3 93.0 High tariff B hotels

中價酒店 82.7 89.7 85.0 87.3 90.0 92.0 Medium tariff hotels

旅客賓館 72.7 83.0 79.0 81.0 84.0 87.3 Tourist guest houses

按目的地劃分的本港居民離港人數 (千人) 16 769 16 536 15 805 17 451 17 908 17 740 Hong Kong resident departures by destination (thousands) 中國內地 14 212 14 454 13 677 15 151 15 314 15 533 The mainland of China

澳門 1 169 949 968 1 018 1 187 1 051 Macao

其他國家/地區 1 388 1 133 1 160 1 282 1 407 1 156 Other countries/territories

註釋 : (1) 指旅遊、會議及展覽服務界別的業務收益指 Notes : (1) Business receipts indices refer to the tourism, 數。 convention and exhibition services domain. (2) 部分數據來自香港旅遊發展局的離境旅客問 (2) Part of the data are based on the Departing 卷調查。二零零三年第三季至二零零四年第 Visitors Survey conducted by the Hong Kong 三季的數字已根據香港旅遊發展局所發布到 Tourism Board (HKTB). Figures for Q3 2003 港旅客境內消費開支的修訂數字而作出修 to Q3 2004 have been revised to incorporate the 訂。修訂旅遊數字主要是因為採用了經改良 revised data series on destination consumption 的中國內地旅客開支估計數字。 expenditure of incoming visitors and travellers released by the HKTB. The revision to the tourism data is mainly due to the adoption of enhanced estimates of spending of Mainland visitors.

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 273 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

資料來源 Data Sources

表 資料來源 Table Sources

14.1 政府統計處 14.1 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組; Employment Statistics Section; 商業服務統計組 Business Services Statistics Section

14.2 - 14.5 香港旅遊發展局 14.2 - 14.5 Hong Kong Tourism Board

14.6 入境事務處 14.6 Immigration Department

14.7 政府統計處 14.7 Census and Statistics Department 就業統計組 Employment Statistics Section

14.8 香港旅遊發展局 14.8 Hong Kong Tourism Board

14.9 政府統計處 14.9 Census and Statistics Department 國民收入統計組(二)一; National Income Section (2)1; 就業統計組 Employment Statistics Section

14.10 政府統計處 14.10 Census and Statistics Department 商業服務統計組 Business Services Statistics Section

其他有關刊物 Further References

香港旅遊業統計,香港旅遊發展局編製 A Statistical Review of Hong Kong Tourism, published by the Hong Kong Tourism Board

航空公司使用統計,香港旅遊發展局編製 Airline Statistics, published by the Hong Kong Tourism Board

就業及空缺統計(詳細統計表) Employment and Vacancies Statistics (Detailed Tables)

本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product

香港統計年刊 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics

香港酒店業統計,香港旅遊發展局編製 Hong Kong Hotel Industry, published by the Hong Kong Tourism Board

香港統計月刊 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics

酒店入住率報告,香港旅遊發展局編製 Hotel Room Occupancy Report, published by the Hong Kong Tourism Board

酒店供應情況,香港旅遊發展局編製 Hotel Supply Situation, published by the Hong Kong Tourism Board

服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 274 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

就業及空缺按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Employment and Vacancies Statistics

批發、零售、進口與出口貿易、食肆及酒店按 Report on Annual Survey of Wholesale, Retail and 年統計調查報告 Import and Export Trades, Restaurants and Hotels

食肆的收入及購貨額按季統計調查報告 Report of Quarterly Survey of Restaurants Receipts and Purchases

會議、展覽及企業活動統計,香港旅遊發展局 Statistics on Conventions, Exhibitions & Corporate 編製 Events, published by the Hong Kong Tourism Board

香港旅遊業 —統計概覽,香港旅遊發展局編製 Tourism in Hong Kong The Figures, published by the Hong Kong Tourism Board

旅遊業收益統計,香港旅遊發展局編製 Tourism Receipts, published by the Hong Kong Tourism Board

訪港旅客統計,香港旅遊發展局編製 Visitor Arrival Statistics, published by the Hong Kong Tourism Board

訪港旅客分析報告,香港旅遊發展局編製 Visitor Profile Report, published by the Hong Kong Tourism Board

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 275 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

服務業統計摘要 二零零五年 276 Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2005

附錄 Appendices

政府統計處刊物一覽 (截至二零零五年四月一日) List of Publications of the Census and Statistics Department (as at 1.4.2005)

印刷版售價(港元) Price of Print Version (HK$) 最新期號## 不包括 連本地 郵費 郵費 Not Including Including Local 名稱 Title Latest Issue## Postage Postage

綜合性統計刊物 General Statistical Digests 香港經濟趨勢 (半月刊) Hong Kong Economic Trends (half-monthly) 31/3/2005 12.0 15.0 香港統計月刊 ** § Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics ** § 3/2005 77.0 93.5 香港統計年刊 § Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics § 2004 94.0 122.0 香港社會及經濟趨勢 (雙年刊) § Hong Kong Social and Economic Trends (biennial) § 2003 100.0 116.4 香港的發展(1967 - 2002)-統計圖表集 A Graphic Guide on Hong Kong's Development (1967 - - 38.0 54.4 (特刊) § 2002) (ad hoc) § 香港統計數字一覽 (年刊) ++ Hong Kong in Figures (annual) ++ 2005 <------免費 Free ------>

對外貿易 External Trade 商品貿易統計 Merchandise Trade Statistics 香港商品貿易統計: Hong Kong Merchandise Trade Statistics : 進口 (月刊) Imports (monthly) 12/2004 197.0 225.0 港產品出口及轉口 (月刊) Domestic Exports and Re-exports (monthly) 12/2004 197.0 225.0 周年附刊,按國家及貨品劃分: Annual Supplement, Country by Commodity : - 進口 - Imports 2004 197.0 225.0 - 港產品出口及轉口 - Domestic Exports and Re-exports 2004 197.0 244.0 上述商品貿易統計刊物亦備電腦輸出縮微 The above merchandise trade statistics publications are also 膠片(COM)+: available in Computer Output Microfiche (COM) + : 進口 (月刊) Imports (monthly) 12/2004 52.5 55.5 港產品出口 (月刊) Domestic Exports (monthly) 12/2004 33.0 36.0 轉口 (月刊) Re-exports (monthly) 12/2004 70.0 73.0 周年附刊 Annual Supplement - 進口 - Imports 2004 93.5 96.5 - 港產品出口 - Domestic Exports 2004 70.5 73.5 - 轉口 - Re-exports 2004 146.5 149.5 香港對外商品貿易 (月刊) Hong Kong External Merchandise Trade (monthly) 1/2005 65.0 81.5 香港對外商品貿易回顧 (年刊) Annual Review of Hong Kong External Merchandise Trade 2003 56.0 64.2 (annual) 香港商品貿易指數 (月刊) Hong Kong Merchandise Trade Index Numbers (monthly) 1/2005 19.0 23.0 對外商品貿易數字 (月刊) External Merchandise Trade Figures (monthly) 2/2005 <------免費 Free ------> 按產品所屬工業劃分的港產品出口統計數字 Domestic Exports Statistics Classified by Industrial Origin Q1-Q4/2004 <------免費 Free ------> (季刊) (quarterly) 船務統計 Shipping Statistics 香港船務統計 (季刊) Hong Kong Shipping Statistics (quarterly) 10-12/2004 47.0 55.5 服務貿易統計 Trade in Services Statistics 香港服務貿易統計報告 (年刊) Report on Hong Kong Trade in Services Statistics (annual) 2002 38.0 42.4

國民收入 National Income 本地生產總值 (季刊) Gross Domestic Product (quarterly) Q4/2004 28.0 32.5 本地生產總值 (年刊) ++ Gross Domestic Product (annual) ++ 2004 54.0 62.2 本地生產總值特刊,二零零二年八月 Special Report on Gross Domestic Product, August 2002 - 46.0 54.2 (特刊) (ad hoc)

國際收支平衡 Balance of Payments 香港國際收支平衡統計 Balance of Payments Statistics of Hong Kong 1997 to 1999 - 14.0 18.0 一九九七年至一九九九年 (特刊) (ad hoc) 香港國際收支平衡統計 (季刊) Balance of Payments Statistics of Hong Kong (quarterly) Q4/2004 24.0 28.0

勞工 Labour 勞動人口、就業及空缺統計 Labour Force, Employment and Vacancy Statistics 綜合住戶統計調查按季統計報告書 Quarterly Report on General Household Survey 10-12/2004 38.0 46.5 就業及空缺按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Employment and Vacancies Statistics 12/2004 30.0 34.5 建築地盤就業及空缺按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Employment and Vacancies at 12/2004 24.0 28.0 Construction Sites

A1 政府統計處刊物一覽 (截至二零零五年四月一日) (續) List of Publications of the Census and Statistics Department (as at 1.4.2005) (Cont’d) 印刷版售價(港元) Price of Print Version (HK$) 最新期號## 不包括 連本地 郵費 郵費 Not Including Including Local 名稱 Title Latest Issue## Postage Postage 勞動人口、就業及空缺統計 (續) Labour Force, Employment and Vacancy Statistics (Cont’d) 就業及空缺統計(詳細統計表)(年刊) : Employment and Vacancies Statistics (Detailed Tables) (annual) : 甲系列 (服務業) Series A (Services Sectors) 2004 62.0 78.4 乙系列 (批發、零售、飲食及酒店業) Series B (Wholesale and Retail Trades, Restaurants and 2004 48.0 52.4 Hotels) 丙系列 (工業) Series C (Industrial Sectors) 2004 93.0 109.4 丁系列 (進出口貿易業) Series D (Import/Export Trades) 2003 29.0 33.0 工資及勞工收入統計 Wages and Labour Earnings Statistics 工資及薪金總額按季統計報告 Quarterly Report of Wage and Payroll Statistics 12/2004 33.0 41.5 經理級與專業僱員薪金及僱員福利統計 Report of Salaries and Employee Benefits Statistics 2004 18.0 22.4 報告 (高層管理人員除外) (年刊) § Managerial and Professional Employees (Excluding Top Management) (annual) § 從事公營建築工程的工人每日平均工資 Average Daily Wages of Workers Engaged in Public Sector 1/2005 <------免費 Free ------> (月刊) Construction Projects (monthly) 人力統計 Manpower Statistics 二零零二年人力培訓及工作技能需求機構 Report on 2002 Establishment Survey on Manpower - 48.0 56.2 單位統計調查報告 (特刊) Training and Job Skills Requirements (ad hoc)

消費物價及住戶開支 Consumer Prices and Household Expenditure

消費物價指數月報 Monthly Report on the Consumer Price Index 2/2005 37.0 41.5 消費物價指數年報 Annual Report on the Consumer Price Index 2004 51.0 59.2 一九九九至二零零零年住戶開支統計調查 1999/2000 Household Expenditure Survey and the Rebasing - 28.0 36.2 及重訂消費物價指數基期 (特刊) of the Consumer Price Indices (ad hoc)

工商業 Commerce and Industry 工業生產 Industrial Production 工業生產按年統計調查報告 Report on Annual Survey of Industrial Production 2003 60.0 68.2 工業生產按季指數 Quarterly Index of Industrial Production Q4/2004 7.0 10.0 製造業按季生產者價格指數 Quarterly Producer Price Indices for Manufacturing Industries Q4/2004 6.0 9.0 紡織業生產按季統計數字 Quarterly Textile Production Statistics Q4/2004 3.0 6.0 經銷及服務業 Distribution and Services 批發、零售、進口與出口貿易、食肆及 Report on Annual Survey of Wholesale, Retail and Import 2003 58.0 66.2 酒店按年統計調查報告 and Export Trades, Restaurants and Hotels 食肆的收入及購貨額按季統計調查報告 Report on Quarterly Survey of Restaurant Receipts and Q4/2004 4.0 7.0 Purchases 零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales 1/2005 8.0 11.0 運輸及有關服務按年統計調查報告 Report on Annual Survey of Transport and Related Services 2003 42.0 46.0 倉庫業、通訊業、銀行業、財務業、保險業 Report on Annual Surveys of Storage, Communication, 2003 50.0 54.4 及商用服務業按年統計調查報告 Banking, Financing, Insurance and Business Services 服務行業按季業務收益指數 Quarterly Business Receipts Indices for Service Industries Q4/2004 8.0 11.0 服務業統計摘要 (年刊) Statistical Digest of the Services Sector (annual) 2004 122.0 138.4 服務業統計摘要按季補充資料 Quarterly Supplement to Statistical Digest of the Services Q3/2004 60.0 69.0 Sector 屋宇建築及建造 Building and Construction 屋宇建築、建造及地產業按年統計調查 Report on Annual Survey of Building, Construction and Real 2003 46.0 50.4 報告 Estate Sectors 建造工程完成量按季統計調查報告 Report on the Quarterly Survey of Construction Output Q4/2004 14.0 18.0 特選建築材料平均批發價格 (月刊) Average Wholesale Prices of Selected Building Materials 12/2004 <------免費 Free ------> (monthly) 政府合約的工資及材料成本指數 (月刊) Index Numbers of the Costs of Labour and Selected Materials 10/2004 <------免費 Free ------> Used in Government Contracts (monthly) 公營建築工程的工資及材料成本指數 Index Numbers of the Costs of Labour and Materials Used in 12/2004 <------免費 Free ------> (1995年6月=100) (月刊) Public Sector Construction Projects (June 1995=100) (monthly) 公營建築工程的工資及材料成本指數 Index Numbers of the Costs of Labour and Materials Used in 1/2005 <------免費 Free ------> (2003年4月=100) (月刊) Public Sector Construction Projects (April 2003=100) (monthly)

A2 政府統計處刊物一覽 (截至二零零五年四月一日) (續) List of Publications of the Census and Statistics Department (as at 1.4.2005) (Cont’d)

印刷版售價(港元) Price of Print Version (HK$) 最新期號## 不包括 連本地 郵費 郵費 Not Including Including Local 名稱 Title Latest Issue## Postage Postage

工商業 (續) Commerce and Industry (Cont’d) 能源 Energy 香港能源統計 (季刊) Hong Kong Energy Statistics (quarterly) Q3/2004 14.0 18.0 香港能源統計 (年刊) Hong Kong Energy Statistics (annual) 2003 28.0 32.0 其他經濟及工商業統計 Other Economic and Business Statistics 業務展望按季統計調查報告 Report on Quarterly Business Tendency Survey Q1/2005 20.0 24.0 手頭訂單按月統計調查 Monthly Survey of Orders-on-hand 10/2003 8.0 11.0 香港對外直接投資統計 (年刊) External Direct Investment Statistics of Hong Kong (annual) 2003 38.0 42.0 海外公司駐香港的地區代表 Report on Annual Survey of Regional Offices Representing 2004 30.0 34.0 按年統計調查報告 Overseas Companies in Hong Kong 資訊科技在工商業的使用情況 Report on Annual Survey on Information Technology Usage 2004 38.0 46.2 和普及程度按年統計調查報告 and Penetration in the Business Sector 工商業創新活動按年統計調查 Report on Annual Survey of Innovation Activities in the 2003 34.0 42.2 報告 Business Sector 香港-資訊社會 (年刊) Hong Kong as an Information Society (annual) 2004 96.0 104.2

人口 Population 香港二零零一年人口普查 Hong Kong 2001 Population Census 二零零一年人口普查 (特刊) 2001 Population Census (ad hoc) 簡要報告 Summary Results - 38.0 46.2 主要報告-第一冊 Main Report - Volume I - 84.0 100.4 主要報告-第二冊 Main Report - Volume II - 66.0 82.4 主要統計表 Main Tables - 70.0 86.4 統計圖解 Graphic Guide - 30.0 38.2 有關各區議會分區的基本統計表 Basic Tables for District Council Districts - 34.0 42.2 有關香港島各選區的基本統計表 Basic Tables for Constituency Areas : Hong Kong Island - 40.0 56.4 有關九龍各選區的基本統計表 Basic Tables for Constituency Areas : Kowloon - 48.0 64.4 有關新界各選區的基本統計表 Basic Tables for Constituency Areas : New Territories - 74.0 102.0 區議會分區及選區統計表的附件- Boundary Maps Complementary to Tables for District - 122.0 150.0 區域分界地圖 Council Districts and Constituency Areas 有關各規劃統計小區的基本統計表 Basic Tables for Tertiary Planning Units - 82.0 110.0 規劃統計小區統計表的附件-區域 Boundary Maps Complementary to Tables for Tertiary - 42.0 50.2 分界地圖 Planning Units 主題性報告-青年 Thematic Report - Youths - 36.0 44.2 主題性報告-女性及男性 Thematic Report - Women and Men - 40.0 48.2 主題性報告-長者 Thematic Report - Older Persons - 36.0 44.2 主題性報告-少數族裔人士 Thematic Report - Ethnic Minorities - 44.0 52.2 主題性報告-內地來港定居未足七年 Thematic Report - Persons from the Mainland Having - 38.0 46.2 人士 Resided in Hong Kong for Less Than 7 Years 主題性報告-單親人士 Thematic Report - Single Parents - 36.0 44.2 其他與人口有關的刊物 Other Publications relating to Population 香港人口推算 2004-2033 (特刊) Hong Kong Population Projections 2004-2033 (ad hoc) - 28.0 36.2 香港人口生命表 1998-2033 (特刊) Hong Kong Life Tables 1998-2033 (ad hoc) - 28.0 32.4 香港人口趨勢 1981-2001 (特刊) Demographic Trends in Hong Kong 1981-2001 (ad hoc) - 28.0 36.2

社會資料 Social Data 從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social Data Collected via the General Household Survey 第三十九號專題報告書 (特刊) : Special Topics Report No. 39 (ad hoc) : - 51.0 55.4 勞工流動情況 Labour mobility 主題性住戶統計調查第二十號報告書 Thematic Household Survey Report No. 20 (ad hoc) : - 68.0 84.4 (特刊) : 資訊科技的使用情況和普及程度 Information Technology Usage and Penetration

A3 政府統計處刊物一覽 (截至二零零五年四月一日) (續) List of Publications of the Census and Statistics Department (as at 1.4.2005) (Cont’d) 印刷版售價(港元) Price of Print Version (HK$) 最新期號## 不包括 連本地 郵費 郵費 Not Including Including Local 名稱 Title Latest Issue## Postage Postage

社會資料 (續) Social Data (Cont’d) 按區議會分區劃分的人口及住戶統計資料 Population and Household Statistics Analysed by District 2004 17.0 20.7 (年刊) Council District (annual) 一九九八年在香港發生的罪案及罪案事主 Crime and Its Victims in Hong Kong in 1998 (ad hoc) - 38.0 54.4 (特刊) 香港的女性及男性 - 主要統計數字 Women and Men in Hong Kong - Key Statistics (annual) 2004 60.0 68.2 (年刊)

統計分類表 Classification Lists 香港進出口貨物分類表(協調制度), Hong Kong Imports and Exports Classification List 二零零二年版 (特刊) (Harmonized System), 2002 Edition (ad hoc) 第一冊:第一至第十類貨物 Volume One: Commodity Section I – X - 24.0 40.4 第二冊:第十一至第二十二類貨物 Volume Two: Commodity Section XI – XXII - 26.0 42.4 第三冊:按字母次序排列的貨物目錄 Volume Three: Alphabetical List of Articles - 28.0 44.4 香港商品貿易統計分類表,二零零二年版 Hong Kong Merchandise Trade Statistics Classification, 2002 - 62.0 78.4 (特刊) Edition (ad hoc) 香港標準行業分類 (第一冊) (特刊)++ Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification (Volume One) - 135.0 163.0 (ad hoc)++

統計發展報告 Report on Statistical Development 統計發展概要 (年刊) §§ An Outline of Statistical Development (annual) §§ 2004 46.0 54.2

註釋 : 除另有註明外,所有刊物均以中、英文對照形式出版。獲取 Notes : Unless otherwise specified, all publications are published in bilingual 刊物的方法載於第 A10 頁。 format. Means of obtaining the publications are given in page A10. 市民可到網上「香港統計數據書店」 No postage is needed for download version of the publications (in PDF (http://www.statisticalbookstore.gov.hk)購買刊物的下載版 format), which can be purchased online at the “Statistical Bookstore, (PDF 格式)。購買刊物的下載版無須繳付郵費。 Hong Kong” (http://www.statisticalbookstore.gov.hk). ## Q1、Q2、Q3、Q4代表第一、第二、第三和第四季。 ## Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 represent respectively the first, second, third and fourth quarter. ** 《香港統計月刊》的選定章節在網上有售。此外,月刊 ** Selected sections of the Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics are 每期所載的專題文章亦供分別選購。這些特定章節及專 available for purchase online. Besides, feature articles in each issue 題文章只提供下載版。詳情請瀏覽網上「香港統計數據 can be purchased separately. Selected sections and individual 書店」(http://www.statisticalbookstore.gov.hk)內「《香港 feature articles are only available in download versions. Please 統計月刊》的選定章節」一節。 refer to the “Selected Sections of Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics (HKMDS)” section of the online “Statistical Bookstore, Hong Kong” (http://www.statisticalbookstore.gov.hk). ++ 分別備有中文版和英文版。 ++ Available in separate Chinese and English versions. + 祇有英文版。 + Available in English version only. § 本刊物的印刷版亦於部分郵局出售(查詢熱線:(852) 2921 § Print version of this publication is also put for sale at selected Post 2222)。 Offices (enquiry hotline: (852) 2921 2222). §§ 此刊物的2004年版亦備有唯讀光碟版(PDF格式),售價為 §§ A CD-ROM version (in PDF format) is also available for the 2004 38.1港元,連本地郵費則為41.1港元。 edition. The selling price is HK$38.1, or HK$41.1 if including local postage. 所列售價及郵費日後或有修訂。外地郵費將於收到訂購要求 All quoted prices and postages are subject to revision. Postage for 後另行通知。 external mailings will be advised upon receipt of orders. 有關政府統計處刊物及其他統計產品的最新資料,請瀏覽本 For up-to-date information of the publications and other statistical 處網站內「產品及服務」一節(http://www. products of the Census and Statistics Department, please visit the info.gov.hk/censtatd/chinese/prod_serv/index.html)或致電刊物 "Products & Services" section on the website of the department 出版組查詢(電話:(852) 2582 3025)。 (http://www.info.gov.hk/censtatd/eng/prod_serv/index.html) or call the Publications Unit of the department at (852) 2582 3025.

A4 政府統計處唯讀光碟產品一覽 (截至二零零五年四月一日) List of CD-ROM Products of the Census and Statistics Department (as at 1.4.2005)

售價不包括 售價連本地 郵費(港元) 郵費(港元) Price Not Price Including Including Local Postage (HK$) Postage (HK$)

二零零一年人口普查 2001 Population Census - 統計表唯讀光碟 (不定期) ++ - TAB on CD-ROM (ad hoc) ++ 1,690.0 1,711.2 載有372個常用統計表。有關統計表涉及的 Contains 372 commonly used statistical tables. The tables cover a 主題廣泛,包括人口、住戶、教育、經濟、 wide range of topics including demographic, household, 房屋、內部遷移及人口分組等本港住戶及人 education, economic, housing, internal migration and home 口特徵。選定統計表亦載列按區議會分區/ moving, and population sub-group characteristics of the 選區及規劃統計小區/街段劃分的統計數 households and population in Hong Kong. There are also 字。 geographical breakdown of the statistics by District Council District/Constituency Area and Tertiary Planning Unit/Street Block in selected tables. - 地圖唯讀光碟 (不定期) - MAP on CD-ROM (ad hoc) 840.0 857.0 以常用的格式提供一套數碼化的香港地 Contains a set of digital maps of Hong Kong in commonly used 圖,內載的地域分界數碼地圖包括香港海岸 formats. The digital maps for geographical delineation included 線、區議會分區/選區分界、規劃統計小區 therein are Coastline of Hong Kong, District Council (及其合併組) 分界、街段-小合併組分界 District/Constituency Area Boundary, Tertiary Planning Unit (and 及新市鎮分界。配合適當的電腦軟件,這套 Groupings) Boundary, Small Street Block Group Boundary and 數碼地圖可把載於《二零零一年人口普查- New Town Boundary. When used with suitable computer 統計表唯讀光碟》內的統計數據作地理顯示 software, the digital maps can be used for geographical 之用。 presentation of the statistical data contained in the 2001 Population Census - TAB on CD-ROM. 關於購買以上兩套光碟事宜,請致電人口統 Please call the Demographic Statistics Section at (852) 2716 8025 計組 (電話:( 852) 2716 8025)。 for matters relating to the purchase of the above two sets of CD-ROM. - 普查易2001 (不定期) - Hong Kong CensusPro 2001 (ad hoc) ) 這光碟產品由Info Mapping 普查易2001人口普查光碟套裝是一套功能 CensusPro 2001 GIS CD-ROM Package is a powerful ) (Hong Kong) Limited生產及銷 強大的知識為本產品,它能幫助使用者有效 knowledge-based product that enables users to perform customer ) 售。有關查詢及訂購,請直接 地進行客戶資訊分析和客戶關係管理的工 profiling and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) easily ) 與該公司聯絡。 作。普查易2001光碟內載有超過400個由政 and efficiently. CensusPro 2001 includes over 400 statistical ) (電話:(852) 2779 6088)。 府統計處提供的香港二零零一年人口普查 tables of the Hong Kong 2001 Population Census provided by the ) 統計表,分區數碼地圖及功能超卓的地理訊 Census and Statistics Department, digital boundary maps, and the ) This CD-ROM is produced and 息系統,當中包含了全香港居民的人口特 superb Geographical Information System (GIS) functions and ) marketed by the Info Mapping 徵、經濟、教育、住戶、房屋等統計數據, features. Statistical data on the demographic, economic, education, ) (Hong Kong) Limited. For 使用者可以透過簡單和容易使用的功能介 household and housing characteristics of the population are ) enquiries and purchase, please 面,來選擇和提取資料。 included and can be easily selected and retrieved through intuitive ) contact the company direct at and easy-to-use application interface. ) (852) 2779 6088.

普查易2001共有4種資料輸出模式:主題性 CensusPro 2001 provides output in mainly 4 ways: thematic maps, ) 地圖、預設格式報表、統計圖表、及檔案匯 formatted reports, bar/pie charts, and export files in dbf/Excel ) 出(支援數據庫/試算表/純文字等格式)。普 files/text files. CensusPro 2001 can be used in areas like ) 查易2001光碟可應用於規劃業務策略、直接 strategic business/service planning, direct marketing and ) ) 市場推廣或宣傳、客戶資料分析、以及作其 promotion, customer analysis and profiling, and many other ) 他的商業性分析等。 business analysis purposes and applications. ) - SUPERMAP Hong Kong 2001 (不定期) - SUPERMAP Hong Kong 2001 (ad hoc) ) 這些光碟產品由數碼門有限公 • 涵蓋全面的人口普查數據,配合最新數碼 • Covers comprehensive population census datasets with the use ) 司生產及銷售。有關查詢及訂 地圖作介面 of the latest digital maps as interface ) 購,請直接與該公司聯絡 (電 • 採用具世界領導地位之地理信息系統進 • Manipulates and analyses through employing world leading ) 話:(852) 2811 0079)。 行處理及分析 Geographical Information System (GIS) technology ) • 可作多重圖像化分析人口普查數據 • Provides multiple views of population census data ) These CD-ROMs are produced • 有助機構進行深入的市場及客戶資訊分析 • Helps organisations with in-depth market analysis or customer ) and marketed by Smartal profiling through data linkage ) Solutions Limited. For enquiries

) and purchase, please contact the ) company direct at (852) 2811 ) 0079. )

A5 政府統計處唯讀光碟產品一覽 (截至二零零五年四月一日) (續) List of CD-ROM Products of the Census and Statistics Department (as at 1.4.2005) (Cont’d) 售價不包括 售價連本地 郵費(港元) 郵費(港元) Price Not Price Including Including Local Postage (HK$) Postage (HK$)

) 這些光碟產品由數碼門有限公 對外商品貿易 External Merchandise Trade ) 司生產及銷售。有關查詢及訂 - 香港對外商品貿易唯讀光碟 - Hong Kong External Merchandise Trade CD-ROM ) 購,請直接與該公司聯絡 (電 列載過去二十四個月的按月貿易統計數字 Contains monthly trade data for past 24 months and annual trade data ) 話:(852) 2811 0079)。 及過往八年的按年貿易統計數字(按年數字 for past 8 years (annual figures are only available in the annual ) 只載於周年報),並包括按貨品類別 (《標 edition). Detailed statistics classified by commodity (using the ) These CD-ROMs are produced 準國際貿易分類 (第三次修訂版)》 或《協 "Standard International Trade Classification (Revision 3)" or the ) and marketed by Smartal 調制度》)、國家/地區及運輸方式劃分的詳 "Harmonized System"), by country/territory and by mode of transport ) Solutions Limited. For enquiries 細貿易統計數字。 are also included. ) and purchase, please contact the

company direct at (852) 2811 - 香港船務統計唯讀光碟 (按季產品) - Hong Kong Shipping Statistics CD-ROM (quarterly) ) 0079. 列載自一九九三年以來,按運輸方式、裝運 Contains data back-dated to 1993 on cargo and laden container ) 種類、裝貨/卸貨國家/地區及港口、貨 throughput statistics analysed by mode of transport, shipment type, ) 品、貨物種類、貨物裝卸地點及與中國內地 country/territory and port of loading/discharge, commodity cargo type, ) 有關的轉運劃分的貨物及載貨貨櫃吞吐量 cargo handling location and transhipment related to the mainland of ) 統計數字。 China. )

註釋 : ++ 分別備有中文版和英文版。 Notes : ++ Available in separate Chinese and English versions. 所列售價及郵費日後或有修訂。外地郵費將於收到訂購要求 All quoted prices and postages are subject to revision. Postage for 後另行通知。 external mailings will be advised upon receipt of orders. 有關政府統計處刊物及其他統計產品的最新資料,請瀏覽本 For up-to-date information of the publications and other statistical 處網站內「產品及服務」一節(http://www. products of the Census and Statistics Department, please visit the info.gov.hk/censtatd/chinese/prod_serv/index.html)或致電刊物 "Products & Services" section on the website of the department 出版組查詢(電話:(852) 2582 3025)。 (http://www.info.gov.hk/censtatd/eng/prod_serv/index.html) or call the Publications Unit of the department at (852) 2582 3025.


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6. 香港的發展 (1967-2002) - 統計圖表集 38.0 16.4 54.4 -- (J69090300B0)




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訂閱表格(1)服務業統計摘要按季補充資料(二零零五年期刊) Subscription Form(1) Quarterly Supplement to Statistical Digest of the Services Sector (2005 Issues)

致:政府統計處物流及生產者價格統計組 To: Logistics and Producer Prices Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department 香港九龍紅磡蕪湖街 83 號莊士紅磡廣場 23 樓 Chuang’s Hung Hom Plaza Sub-office, 23/F, 莊士紅磡廣場分處 83 Wuhu Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong (電話 : (852) 2123 1038 (Tel. No.: (852) 2123 1038 傳真 : (852) 2123 1048) Fax No.: (852) 2123 1048) 請在適當空格( )內加上(√ )號。Please tick (√ ) in the appropriate box ( ). (港元 HK$) 總計 每本本地 每本售價 每本合計(a) 本數(b) (a) x (b) 刊期 刊物出版日期 郵費(2)&(3) Price per Total price No. of Total Issue To be published Local postage copy (a) copies (b) amount (2)&(3) (a) x (b) F 二零零五年第一季 First Quarter 2005 二零零五年七月 36.0 9.0 45.0 (J68000501B0) July 2005 F 二零零五年第二季 Second Quarter 2005 二零零五年十月 36.0 9.0 45.0 (J68000502B0) October 2005 F 二零零五年第三季 Third Quarter 2005 二零零六年一月 36.0 9.0 45.0 (J68000503B0) January 2006 合計 TOTAL :

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