November - 2017 In November took place the JCI's biggest annual event, the In this Bulletin: World Congress. In this meeting, delegates of country members elected next year's officers, shared and explored ideas for international collaboration, searched for new ways  Message of ASAC to create impact and recognized the achievements of President. outstanding active citizens around the world.  Participation of ASAC and JCI in the In the current ASAC Bulletin of November 2017, we invite you to enjoy news and beautiful images of the JCI World Congress 2017 JCI World and the activities of JCI affiliated to ASAC. Congress.  Activities of the JCI Dear JCI Senators, this edition is presented with the greatest Senates affiliated to appreciation to you, on behalf of the Director of ASAC Bulletin and Social Media 2017-2018, Sen. 70291 Alex Mejia ASAC, November Villalobos. 2017.  Actions of ASAC Executive Committee in October and November 2017.  News of JCI Events in 2018.

ASAC Website: - Write to us: [email protected] News, directories, photos, On Facebook: ASAC JCI. On twitter: @ASACJCI newsletters and general Acknowledgments.- ASAC Executive Committee, Directors ASAC Programs, JCI Senates attached to information from ASAC and JCI ASAC. Senates in the Americas. Source Template Newsletter.- ASAC template. November - 2017 Message of ASAC President.-

Dear Senator, dear reader, We are reaching the end of and an exciting year, and we can already see that it starts to get busy with activities for festivities related to Christmas and the New Year. As a Board of Directors we are looking at our activities and how to proceed towards the next year to continue with achieving our objectives working together with you, our fellow senators and young JCI members. I am pleased to know that we did not have to deal with any significant natural disasters in these past weeks. My thoughts are still with all who are recovering from the devastations we have seen and experienced coming from these natural disasters a few months ago in our region. I do hope that the recovery of all affected is moving into the right direction and that their lives are back to normal. My prayers are with all of them and I am asking of all who can help, to continue to give a helping hand to make the lives of these groups of people better. As we have mentioned in our latest newsletter, the 2017 JCI World Congress was executed in Amsterdam the Netherlands from the 6th to the 10th of November. I have participated in this great event with fellow Senators and it was truly an event with many highlights. To name a few of these highlights; The visit of Her Royal highness Crown Princess of Japan Kōtaishi Naruhito Shinnōhi Masako, a very special keynote by the seventh UN Secretary General and 2001 Nobel Piece Price winner Kofi Annan, The JCI Nations night, The Senate dinner on the river, the Joint Boards meeting, the Japan night, the election of the 2018 JCI President Marc Brian Lim from the Philippines and the 2018 Board members. I was very happy to see many Senators and members from our region participating in the World congress. I thank you, our fellow senators who have participated and for the representation of our Association. To the young members; thank you for your active participation and the will to continuously develop yourselves to continue to create positive change in our communities. I am asking all of you to share your experiences and the acquired knowledge with those who could not attend this World Congress. The Conference Organizing Committee, JCI the Netherlands and their Senators organized a very good event for all of JCI. With the experiences we have had, I can say that we all have had a good time meeting friends, making new friends and enjoying Amsterdam. Furthermore, I congratulate all the 2018 JCI Board Members and all their National Organizations, Local Organizations, friends and Families for their election and the contributions they have made to support all these newly elected officers. My appreciation and congratulations also goes out to all the members and Senators who have served our organizations and associations in the different Boards of Directors these past months, including JCI Board Members of 2017. You have truly contributed to the positive developments within JCI and our Association and the positive changes we are realizing in the different communities in the different countries in our region and around the World. In these past weeks our fellow senators from the different senates kept working hard developing activities as you will see in this newsletter and I congratulate all of you with your successes. Going forward I want to ask of you to keep supporting our objectives. Keep supporting the development of the young people by guiding, mentoring, and sharing your experiences with them in order for them to become better and bring about positive changes in our communities. I am wishing for you to have an enjoyable time preparing for the festivities in December and to have a good time celebrating with friends and family. Let us also continue demonstrating that “Earth’s great treasure lies in hum personality; and that Service to humanity is the Best Work of Life! JCI Senator # 70145 Max Apapoe ASAC President 2017 – 2018 2017 JCI World Congress.-  Event held in Amsterdam, Holland.  ASAC members of the Board who participated in the event: Max Apapoe – November - 2017 ASAC President; Randall S. Young – ASAC Treasurer; Anita Lazarte - ASAC Director for South America, Ernst W. Langmann – ASAC Ambassador.  Images day 1, Candidates to international positions with the participation of several JCI Members - JCI Senators described in detail in the ASAC Bulletin of September 2017, Opening Ceremony with the presence of 13 former JCI World Presidents. JCI World Congress 2017.-

Images day 2, Business visits, Senate program, Caucus and President JCI November - 2017 2018 World Elections and JCI 2018 Executive Vice Presidents. Elected as 2018 JCI World President, Marc Brian Lim, JCI Philippines. In 2018, Dawn Hetzel, JCI USA, will be the 2018 JCI Senate World President. As one highlight of the election, 2018 JCI Executive Vice President, JCI Senator Andrés Gutiérrez from JCI Colombia. JCI World Congress 2017.- November - 2017

Images day 3; JCI Senate Dinner and Participation of the JCI Senate in the JCI Nations Festival. JCI World Congress 2017.- November - 2017

Images day 3, Participation of the JCI Senate in various activities of the JCI World Congress, outgoing 2017 JCI Team and incoming 2018. JCI World Congress 2017.-

November - 2017

 Images day 4, JCI Senators’ visit to the Hague and election of JCI Vice Presidents for the Americas.  2018 Elections and appointments of JCI members of the Americas.-  Rhonda Anderson (USA), Rajiv Hieralal (Surinam), Leticia Martínez (Paraguay) and Sandra Salgueiro (Bolivia) - JCI Vice Presidents for the Americas.  Víctor Machín (Uruguay) - Legal Advisor.  Argenis Angulo () - Director of Growth and Development for the Americas.  Aarón Ríos (Mexico) and Mike Walsh (USA) - Members of the Americas to the “Peace is Possible” Committee.  Ana Brenda González (México) and Carlos Vilela (Peru) - Members of the Americas to the Sponsorship Committee.  Dawn Hetzel (USA), Arrey Obenson (USA), Andrés Gutiérrez (Colombia), Franco Cagnoti (Argentina) - Members of the Americas to the Strategic Planning Committee. JCI World Congress 2017.-

Topics discussed at the JCI Senate Joint November - 2017 Boards Meeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 9, 2017. 1. Opening by Senator Pascal DIKE, President of the World Senate 2. Minutes of silence for missing senators (President) 3. Self-presentation by the members of the board 4. Discussions and greetings (Secretary) 5. Approval of the program (President) 6. Approval of the minutes of the November 2016 meeting in Quebec, Canada (Secretary) 7. Secretary's Report (Jacques ARNAL) 8. Report of the JCI Staff Officer (JCI Staff) 9. Previous cases: Orientation for the First Time / JCI Staff World Senate Day JCI Staff / ASAC Representative Senator Expectations JCI Staff / ASE Representative 10. New Business: Annual reports of the main members of the association of associations Representative of ASE Summit Senator of the JCI Update of the JCI strategic plan president 11. Future JCI meetings (for information). Conference of the Americas Conference on Africa and the Middle East Asia and the Pacific Conference European Conference Annual meeting of the US JCI Senate UU JCI Foundation and GYEF JCI Sponsorship Committee 12. Presentation of the future World Congress (representative of the COC) 13. Other matters / Final comments (All) 14. JCI Creed by the senator present with the smallest number 15. Closing with JCI Creed. JCI World Congress 2017.- November - 2017 3rd Meeting of the Board of the Association of JCI Senators in Europe (ASE). At the bottom an image of the agenda of the meeting. Future Analysis of JCI in Europe: 1. How to better support young entrepreneurs in Europe? 2. How can senators be mentors to jaycees? 3. How to supply business projects to JCI members? 4. Presentation of the project of the summit of the senators. 5. Updating of the website 6. Early registration for the meeting of the senators. board/ JCI World Congress 2017.- November - 2017 Images of closing ceremony. The JCI 2018 World Congress will take place in Goa, India.

2018 JCI World President Review - Marc Brian Lim National Organization: JCI Philippines

He was born on December 26, 1978 in the city of Dagupan, Philippines. He has a degree in Sciences, with orientation in Operations and Management and Marketing Strategies. In 2010, he was elected Counselor of the City of Dagupan. In 2013, he was elected Vice Mayor of Dagupan. Since 2007, Lim serves as Chief Executive Officer of the family-owned company Magic Group of Companies.

Lim was admitted as a member of JCI Dagupan Bangus in 2008, and was elected Local President in 2013. In 2014, he was elected Area Vice President for Area One and distinguished with JCI Senate No. 73006. He was elected President National in 2015.

In 2015, at the JCI World Congress in Kanazawa, Japan, Lim was elected Vice President of JCI, and in Quebec City during the 2016 JCI World Congress, he was elected to serve as Executive Vice President of JCI. He attended seven JCI Area Conferences and three JCI World Congresses. November - 2017 Activities of JCI Senates.-

JCI Senate of Ecuador.-

Meeting at the house of JCI Senator Pablo Donoso. ASAC Salutation of ASAC for his recovery. Participation of the JCI Senate in the Smile Operation program. Activities of JCI Senates.-

November - 2017 JCI .-

 Meeting of Pereira JCI Senate board members, celebrating the birthday of ASAC past President Silviana Garzón.  Meeting of JCI Senate board members from Valle del Cauca, Bucaramanga, Antioquia, Valledupar and Cartagena.  Lunch in Santa Marta attending JCI Senators Douglas Vásquez (Ecuador) & Alex Mejía (Colombia) ASAC Director of Bulletin and Social Media. Activities of JCI Senates.- November - 2017 Meeting JCI Senators in celebration of the birthday of JCI Senate of Honduras.- JCI Senator and ASAC past President Manuel Pineda. Activities of JCI Senates.- November - 2017

JCI Senate of Panamá.- Participation in the parade that promotes and enhances the importance of showing in homes and communities the values and principles that should be handled in the family and positively impact society, event promoted by the National Commission of Civic and Civic Values of Panama. Reception of JCI Senators in the house of JCI Senator Luis Pimentel. Activities of JCI Senates.- November - 2017  Management report 2015-2017 submitted by the JCI Senate of Dominican President of the JCI Dominican Republic Senate, Senator JCI Iris Acosta. The attendees recognized the Republic.- President for her outstanding performance.

JCI Senate of Venezuela.- JCI Senatorship awarded to Argenis Angulo. Actions of ASAC Executive Committee November - 2017 Months October - November 2017.-

Preparation and publication of documents.  ASAC Bulletins of October and November 2017.  Minutes of the 16th ASAC General Assembly 2017 in Punta Cana (English version).  ASAC By Laws, updated after amendments approved during the ASAC General Assembly 2017 in Punta Cana (English version).  ASAC Director of Bulletin and Social Networks Biannual Report (June - November 2017).  Updating information in ASAC website and promotion of 10th Encounter of JCI Senators 2018, in Cartagena, Colombia. Meetings  ASAC Executive Committe Virtual Meeting held on October 26, 2017 by Skype. Attendance to events.  Participation of the Ambassador ASAC, Sen. JCI Ernst Langmann, at the JCI Argentina, JCI Uruguay and JCI Austria National Conventions.  Senator Participation JCJ Anita Lazarte - ASAC Director for South America, at the JCI Bolivia National Convention.  Participation of JCI Senator Alex Mejía - Director of ASAC Bulletin and Social Media in the JCI Colombia National Convention.  Participation of JCI Senator Alex Ulloa - ASAC Green Senate Program Director in the JCI Honduras National Convention.  Participation of ASAC in Mexico JCI Senate National Convention: Sen. Rafael Taveras, Director for Mexico, Central America and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean; Sen. Mónica Ramos, Legal Counsel; Sen. Iris Archibold, IPP; Sen. Carmen Torres, past President; and Sen. Joaquín Martínez, past President and Webmaster.  Participation of JCI Senator Max Apapoe, ASAC President, in the JCI Suriname and JCI West Indies National Conventions.  Participation of ASAC Board members in the 2017 JCI World Congress and Joint Boards Meeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Sen. Max Apapoe, ASAC President; Sen. Randall Young, Treasurer; Sen. Anita Lazarte, Director for South America; and Ernst W. Langmann, Ambassador. November - 2017 2018 JCI Conferences.- 2018 JCI AFRICA & MIDDLE EAST CONFERENCE Cotonú, Benin From May 9 to 12, 2018 Website: URL de registro:

2018 JCI ASIA - PACIFIC CONFERENCE Kagoshima, Japón From May 24 to 27, 2018 Registration URL:

2018 JCI CONFERENCE OF THE AMERICAS Miami, USA From June 6 to 9, 2018 Website: Registration URL:

2018 JCI EUROPEAN CONFERENCE Riga, Letonia From June 19 to 22, 2018 Website: Registration URL: