[Summary Translation]


August 2010

Panasonic Corporation


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The tender offer pursuant to this statement is subject to the provision of Chapter II-2, Section 1 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan (Act No.25 of 1948, as amended). This Statement is prepared in accordance with Article 27-9 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan.

【Name of person filing】 Panasonic Corporation 【Address or Location】 1006, Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka 【Nearest Contact Place】 Same as stated above. 【Telephone number】 06-6908-1121 Hideaki Kawai, Officer, General Manager, 【Contact Person】 Corporate Finance & IR Group 【Name of attorney-in-fact】 N/A 【Address of attorney-in-fact】 N/A 【Nearest Contact Place】 N/A 【Telephone number】 N/A 【Contact Person】 N/A 【Places for Public Inspection】 Panasonic Corporation (1006, Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka) Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.

(2-1, Nihonbashi Kabutocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo) Osaka Securities Exchange Co., Ltd. (8-16, Kitahama 1-Chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi)

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(Note 1) In this Statement, “Tender Offeror” or “Company” means Panasonic Corporation.

(Note 2) In this Statement, “Target” means SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.

(Note 3) Where the figures in this Statement have been rounded or truncated, the amount recorded in the total column may not always coincide with the actual sum of the relevant figures.

(Note 4) In this Statement, “Act” means the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Act No. 25 of 1948, as amended).

(Note 5) In this Statement, “Enforcement Order” means the Enforcement Order of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Government Ordinance No. 321 of 1965, as amended).

(Note 6) In this Statement, “TOB Order” means the Cabinet Office Ordinance on Disclosure of Takeover Bids of Shares Conducted by Non-Issuers (Ministry of Finance Japan Ordinance No. 38 of 1990, as amended).

(Note 7) Unless otherwise described in this Statement, any reference to the number of days or the date and time shall mean the number of days or the date and time in Japan.

(Note 8) The tender offer that is the subject of this Statement (the “Tender Offer”) is being conducted in compliance with the procedures and information disclosure standards prescribed by the Act. These procedures and standards may not necessarily be identical to those in the United States of America. In particular, Section 13(e) or Section 14(d) of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the rules and regulations thereunder shall not apply to the Tender Offer, and therefore the Tender Offer may or may not be conducted in compliance with any procedures and standards thereunder.

(Note 9) Unless otherwise described in this Statement, all procedures relating to the Tender Offer shall be conducted in Japanese. Although all or part of the documents relating to the Tender Offer have also been prepared in English, if there is any discrepancy between the English and the Japanese versions of the documents, the Japanese version shall prevail.

(Note 10) This Statement contains “forward-looking statements,” as defined in Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Due to known or unknown risks, uncertainties or other factors, actual results may differ materially from any forecasts or other similar statements, indicated explicitly or implicitly as “forward-looking statements.” Neither the Tender Offeror nor any of its affiliates can ensure that forecasts or other similar statements, indicated explicitly or implicitly as “forward-looking statements” will consequently

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eventuate. The “forward-looking statements” contained in this Statement have been prepared based on information available to the Tender Offeror as of the date of the filing of this Statement, and the Tender Offeror and its affiliates are not under any obligation to update or modify any such “forward-looking statements” to reflect future events or developments, except as may be required by any applicable laws and regulations.

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Table of Contents

I. Terms and Conditions of the Tender Offer ...... - 6 - 1. Name of Target...... - 6 - 2. Class of Shares to be Purchased...... - 6 - 3. Purpose of the Tender Offer ...... - 6 - 4. Tender Offer Period, Purchase Price and Number of Share Certificates, etc. Scheduled to be Purchased ...... - 16 - 5. Holding Ratio of Share Certificates, etc. after Tender Offer...... - 23 - 6. Approval, etc. with respect to Acquisition of Share Certificates...... - 24 - 7. Method of Tendering Share Certificates, etc. in the Tender Offer and Canceling the Tender of Share Certificates, etc...... - 24 - 8. Funds Required for Purchase, etc...... - 27 - 9. Condition of the Company Issuing Securities to be Used as Consideration for Purchase, etc...... - 30 - 10. Method of Settlement ...... - 30 - 11 Other Conditions and Methods of Purchase, Etc...... - 31 - II. Description of Tender Offeror ...... - 33 - 1. If Tender Offeror is a Company ...... - 33 - 2. If Tender Offeror is an entity other than a company ...... - 139 - 3. If Tender Offeror is an individual ...... - 139 - III. Share certificates, etc. owned and traded by Tender Offeror and special related parties...... - 140 - 1. Ownership of share certificates, etc...... - 140 - 2. Trading of share certificates, etc...... - 500 - 3. Material agreements executed in respect of the share certificates, etc...... - 500 - 4. Agreement of purchase, etc. of share certificates, etc. on and after the filing date of the registration statement ...... - 500 - IV. Transactions, etc. between the Tender Offeror and the Target...... - 501 - 1. Transactions between the Tender Offeror and the Target or its directors and a summary thereof...... - 501 - 2. Agreements between the Tender Offeror and the Target or its directors and a summary thereof...... - 501 - V. Description of the Target...... - 510 - 1. Profits and losses for the last three years ...... - 510 - 2. Stock Price information ...... - 511 - 3. Shareholder information...... - 512 - 4. Other Matters ...... - 517 -

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I. Terms and Conditions of the Tender Offer

1. Name of Target SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.

2. Class of Shares to be Purchased Common stock

3. Purpose of the Tender Offer (1) Overview of the Tender Offer The Company currently owns 50.05% (3,082,309,227 shares) of the aggregate number of issued shares of the Target (as of June 30, 2010: 6,158,053,099 shares). The Target is a consolidated subsidiary of the Company; however, a decision was made recently to acquire all of the issued shares of the Target’s common stock (excluding the treasury shares owned by the Target) through the Tender Offer in order to make the Target the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary. With respect to the Tender Offer, no maximum or minimum number of shares scheduled to be purchased has been established.

According to the “Announcement of Implementation of Tender Offer for Shares of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. by Controlling Shareholder Panasonic Corporation and on Recommendation for Shareholders to Tender Shares in Tender Offer” released by the Target on July 29, 2010 (the “Target Press Release”), at the Board of Directors meeting of the Target held on the same day, the Target has adopted a resolution to announce its opinion to endorse the Tender Offer and to recommend that the Target’s shareholders tender their shares in the Tender Offer.

(2) Description of the Decision Making Process through which the Decision to Implement the Tender Offer was Made, and Management Policies after the Tender Offer Since its establishment in 1918, the Company has been conducting business broadly in the electronics industry, guided by its basic management philosophy, which states that “the mission of an enterprise is to contribute to the progress and development of society and the well-being of people worldwide through its business activities.” On the other hand, the Target has been developing its activities, such as manufacturing, sales, maintenance and services, in the Energy Business Segment, Electronic Device Business Segment, Digital System Business Segment, Commercial Business Segment, Consumer Electronics Segment and Other Business Segment, and, under the management philosophy, “We are committed to becoming an indispensable element in the lives of people all over the world,” and has been striving to increase customer value. Under these circumstances, the Company and the Target, with the objective of overcoming a harsh global competitive environment, aiming to maximize the corporate values of both the Company and the Target, agreed on November 7, 2008, to enter into discussions regarding a capital and business alliance based on the premise of making the Target a subsidiary of the Company, and made an announcement on December 19, 2008, titled “Panasonic and SANYO Agree to Capital and Business Alliance.” Thereafter, as described in the press release titled “Panasonic Announces the Result of Tender Offer for SANYO Shares” dated December 10, 2009, the Company implemented a tender offer (the “Previous Tender Offer”) for the Target’s shares and came to own 50.19% of the total number of voting rights of all shareholders, etc.

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of the Target (as of September 30, 2009), and the Target became a consolidated subsidiary of the Company.

As a result, the Panasonic Group has become a company group with further reach and expertise in the electronics industry with 6 segments: Digital AVC Networks, Home Appliances, PEW and PanaHome, Components and Devices, and Other, as well as SANYO. On January 8, 2010, the Company announced the Annual Management Policy Fiscal 2011 for the new Panasonic Group, and set out the vision of becoming the “No. 1 Green Innovation Company in the Electronics Industry” towards 2018, the 100th anniversary of its foundation. Furthermore, on May 7, 2010, the Company announced its three-year midterm management plan called “Green Transformation 2012” (“GT12”), which is the first step toward realizing the above vision. Under GT12, the entire Panasonic Group will make group-wide efforts to shift its paradigm for growth and to lay a foundation to become a Green Innovation Company, while integrating its contribution to the environment and business growth. By the time this plan is completed, the Panasonic Group should be a company filled with significant growth potential. In particular, the Company will drastically shift its management resources to energy systems, heating/refrigeration/air conditioning, network AV, healthcare, security, and LED, as the group’s 6 key business areas. With regard to these business areas, the Company expects energy systems, heating/refrigeration/air conditioning, and network AV to be the core businesses of the group and to drive sales and revenues of all group companies, and the Company intends to significantly develop the 3 business areas of healthcare, security, and LED as the next-generation key businesses. Furthermore, with those businesses as the core of the Company’s businesses, the Panasonic Group will pursue a form of growth unique to it, through the provision of “comprehensive solutions for the entire home, the entire building, and the entire town.”

Also, the Target, sharing the vision as the Panasonic Group and the concept of GT12, formulated its new midterm management plan (the “Target’s Midterm Plan”) that was announced in detail on May 11, 2010. In the Target’s Midterm Plan, the Target clearly states that it will aim to “establish the foundation for a highly profitable company by demonstrating synergy,” and that it will, in addition to further strengthening the management culture aiming to improve profitability, accelerate concentrated investment of its management resources to the energy business and enhance the competitiveness of profitable businesses in order to establish continuous competitive superiority. In particular, in the solar cell business that is included in the energy systems, one of the 6 key business areas of the Panasonic Group, the Target will make aggressive investments for the purpose of increase in production of cells and modules, and will accelerate the development of next generation solar cells so as to become, in Fiscal 2013, the No. 1 player in the domestic market and to become, in Fiscal 2016, one of the top 3 players in the global market. Also, the Target has a policy of firmly maintaining its world leading status in the consumer rechargeable battery business by increasing sales in existing uses and developing new uses. Furthermore, in the HEV and EV business (rechargeable batteries for eco cars), the Target aims to gain a 40% global market share in Fiscal 2021.

In addition, the Company and the Target set up the “Collaboration Committee” after the Previous Tender Offer, and have considered specific measures to generate synergies. As a result, the Company and the Target established a goal to generate synergies for over 80 billion yen in the group’s operating profit, in Fiscal 2013, through various measures such as strengthening the group-wide sales network in the solar cell business, and optimizing their

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strengths to the fullest extent in the lithium-ion battery business. The contents of these measures are incorporated in GT12.

Although the Company and the Target have already shared a management strategy as group companies and have implemented various collaborative measures, including sales of “HIT” solar cells through Panasonic’s sales channels on a full-fledged scale starting from July this year, the business environment surrounding the Panasonic Group continues to change dramatically and rapidly. While business expansion opportunities have been presented by the rapidly expanding environment-related and energy-related markets and the burgeoning emerging markets, competition with Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese companies as well as Japanese, U.S. and European companies, etc. has intensified not only in the Digital AVC Networks segment, but also in the fields of rechargeable battery, solar cell and electric vehicle-related business, etc. It has become difficult for companies to prevail over the global competition in the expanding market without speeding up the strategy execution and implementing all measures to demonstrate further group-wide potential. In addition, as the collaborative measures, which are the key to demonstrating group-wide potential, are in the execution phase, it is expected that the results of these collaborative measures will be achieved earlier and more steadily to maximize the effects of such measures, through the Company making the Target its wholly-owned subsidiary. In such circumstances, taking the proposal of the Company as an opportunity, the Company and the Target have, since around the end of June 2010, continuously discussed and considered various measures to further increase the corporate value of both companies. As a result, the Company and the Target came to the conclusion that realizing the acceleration of decision-making and maximization of the group synergies by making the Target a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company through the Tender Offer and transactions thereafter and accelerating efforts toward becoming the “No. 1 Green Innovation Company in the Electronics Industry” are significantly beneficial, not only to expand the corporate value of the Target but also to expand the corporate value of the entire Panasonic Group. Along with such discussions and considerations, the Company has been discussing and considering with Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd. ( “Panasonic Electric Works”), a consolidated subsidiary of the Company, and has also come to the conclusion that making Panasonic Electric Works a wholly-owned subsidiary are highly beneficial not only to expand the corporate value of Panasonic Electric Works but also to expand the corporate value of the entire Panasonic Group.

Furthermore, the three companies - the Company, Panasonic Electric Works and the Target - resolved, at their respective Board of Directors meetings held on July 29, 2010, to pursue a plan of the Company’s acquisition of all shares of Panasonic Electric Works and the Target (collectively the “Subsidiaries”) in order to make them wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company (the “Acquisition of All Shares of the Subsidiaries”) by around April, 2011 and released the “Announcement of the Agreement toward Panasonic’s Acquisition of All Shares of Panasonic Electric Works and SANYO.” In order to implement the Acquisition of All Shares of the Subsidiaries, the Company resolved, to simultaneously commence a tender offer for the shares of common stock of Panasonic Electric Works and the Tender Offer (collectively the “Tender Offers of the Subsidiaries”). In the event that the Acquisition of All Shares of the Subsidiaries is not achieved by the Tender Offers of the Subsidiaries, the Company is thereafter anticipated to implement share exchanges to make each of Panasonic Electric Works and the Target a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company (the “Share Exchanges of the Subsidiaries”) in order to complete the Acquisition of All Shares of the Subsidiaries.

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In future, the Company, Panasonic Electric Works and the Target will pursue the establishment of the new Panasonic Group, under which the three companies will be genuinely integrated, and will make efforts to (i) maximize value creation by strengthening contacts with customers, (ii) realize speedy and lean management, and (iii) accelerate growth businesses by boldly shifting management resources.

Furthermore, in order to realize these objectives, the Panasonic Group’s business organization is scheduled to be restructured by around January 2012. From the perspective of “maximization of customer value,” the basic policy of such restructuring is to integrate and reorganize the business and marketing divisions of the three companies into three business sectors: “Consumer,” “Components and Devices” and “Solutions,” and to design optimal business models that are most suitable for the character of each business. The Company will make efforts to establish a business organization under which it can effectively compete against global competitors in each business and in each industry. The direction of the reorganization of each business sector will be as follows: - Consumer business sector: The Panasonic Group will reorganize its marketing function on a global basis. Under the reorganization, the Panasonic Group will enhance the function of its frontline business and accelerate the creation of customer-oriented products. Also, the Panasonic Group will work to strengthen, among others, its overseas consumer business by strategically distributing its marketing resources in Japan and overseas. - Components and Devices business sector: The Panasonic Group will strengthen the cooperation among the development, production and sales functions for each component and device having a common business model. By combining marketing and technology, the Panasonic Group will strengthen its “proposal”-style business, which foresees the potential needs of customers and aim to expand the business as an independent business that does not rely on internal needs. Particularly in this business sector, the Panasonic Group will continue to make maximum use of the Target’s strengths, such as its rechargeable batteries business and solar business, as well as its customer network. - Solutions business sector: The Panasonic Group will unify the development, production and sales functions for each solution for business customers. The Panasonic Group aims to offer the most suitable products, services and solutions as quickly as possible, grasping customers’ needs in as timely a fashion as possible. In addition, the “comprehensive solutions for the entire home, the entire building and the entire town” that encompass these solutions will be accelerated. Particularly in this business sector, the Panasonic Group will continue to make maximum use of the strength and customer network of Panasonic Electric Works.

In addition to the reorganization, the head office will aim for a “lean and speedy” global head office by strengthening its strategic functions, while integrating and streamlining the three companies’ organizations. The details of the reorganization will be announced as soon as they are determined.

Further, together with this reorganization, Panasonic Group will consider integrating its brands, in principle, into “Panasonic” in the future. However, “SANYO” will continue to be partially utilized, depending on the particular business or region.

The Company believes that the Acquisitions of All Shares of the Subsidiaries and business

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reorganization mentioned above will promote the integration of the three companies’ advantages and the “proposal” capabilities for “comprehensive solutions,” and will enable rapid increase in global competitiveness especially in the “energy systems,” “heating/refrigeration/air conditioning” and “network AV” business, which are indicated in the GT12 as core businesses to lead sales and profits of the entire group companies. Also, in each business such as “healthcare,” “security,” and “LED,” which is positioned as the “key business for the next generation”, the Company will make efforts to accelerate the growth of such business by combining the capacities of the three companies for research and development as well as market development. Additionally, the Company intends to realize further reinforcement of management structure and cost competitiveness through business integration and unification of the business sites of the three companies, and through optimizing and streamlining the head office organization. Through these measures, the Company aims to ensure the achievement of the targets of the midterm management plan, GT12, which the Company announced on May 7, 2010: “10 trillion yen in sales, 5 percent or more in operating profit to sales ratio, 10 percent in ROE, a three-year accumulative total of over 800 billion yen in free cash flow, and 50 million ton reduction in CO2 emissions compared to the estimated amount of emissions (using the fiscal year 2005 as the base)” targeted for the fiscal year ending March 2013, and further aims to exceed these targets.

As mentioned above, for the purpose of the Acquisition of All Shares of the Subsidiaries, the three companies - the Company, Panasonic Electric Works and the Target - adopted a plan whereby the Company will implement the Tender Offers of the Subsidiaries and the Share Exchanges of the Subsidiaries (scheduled). In the event that the “Acquisition of All Shares of the Target” is not achieved by the Tender Offer, a share exchange to make the Company a wholly-owning parent company and the Target a wholly-owned subsidiary after the Tender Offer (the “Share Exchange”) is anticipated to be implemented in order to promote the Acquisition of All Shares of the Target. For the details of the Share Exchange, please refer to “(4) Policies Regarding Organizational Restructuring, etc. after the Tender Offer (Matters Concerning the so-called “Two-Tier Purchase”)” described below.

(3) Measures to Ensure the Fairness of the Tender Offer such as Measures to Ensure the Fairness of the Tender Offer Purchase Price, and Measures to Avoid Conflicts of Interest Taking into consideration the fact that the Target is the Company’s consolidated subsidiary as of the date of the filing of this Statement, and the fact that there are continuing business and personnel relationships between the Company and the Target, the Company and the Target have implemented the measures set forth below to ensure the fairness of the Tender Offer such as measures to ensure the fairness of the tender offer purchase price for the Target’s share (the “Tender Offer Purchase Price”) relating to the Tender Offer and measures to avoid conflicts of interest, etc.

(i) Procurement of a Valuation Report from an Independent, Third-Party Valuation Institution In order to ensure the fairness of the Tender Offer Purchase Price, when determining the Tender Offer Purchase Price, the Company has used as a reference a valuation report (the “Valuation Report,” Valuation Record Date: July 27, 2010) that was submitted on July 29, 2010 by Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. (“Nomura Securities”), the financial advisor acting as a

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third-party valuation institution independent from the Company and from the Target. The methods used by Nomura Securities were the average market price analysis, the comparable company analysis, and the discounted cash flow analysis (the “DCF Analysis”); the per-share value of the Target’s common stock calculated based on each of the foregoing methods is set forth below.

(a) Average Market Price Analysis: 112 yen to 138 yen Based on the average market price analysis, using July 27, 2010, as the record date, the per-share value of the Target’s common stock has been determined to be 112 yen to 138 yen, based on the respective average closing prices for the most recent 6 months, the most recent 3 months, the most recent 1 month and the most recent 1 week, and on the closing price on the record date of the shares of the Target’s common stock on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

(b) Comparable Company Analysis: 46 yen to 85 yen Based on the comparable company analysis, the value of the Target’s shares of common stock has been evaluated by comparing the market stock prices and financial indicators that show profitability, etc., of those listed companies that are engaged in businesses that are relatively similar to the Target’s, and the per-share value of the Target’s common stock has been determined to be 46 yen to 85 yen.

(c) DCF Analysis: 113 yen to 233 yen The DCF Analysis is a method of analyzing the corporate value of the Target and the value of the Target’s shares of common stock based on its projected earnings and its investment plans set forth in its business plans, interviews with the Target’s management, publicly disclosed information and various other factors, etc. by discounting the Target’s future free cash flow projections to the present value using a specific discount rate (e.g., cost of capital applicable to the Target, etc.); based on this method, the per-share value of the Target’s common stock has been determined to be 113 yen to 233 yen.

The Company valued that the (proposed) purchase price with respect to the Tender Offer will be 138 yen, based on the nature and results of each of the valuation methods set forth in the Valuation Report and the results of negotiations and discussions with the Target, etc., and by comprehensively taking into account various factors such as (i) results of the business, legal, accounting and tax due diligence on the Target, (ii) the possibility of obtaining the endorsement of the Tender Offer by the Target’s Board of Directors, (iii) market trends of the price of the Target’s common stock; and (iv) the projected number of shares to be tendered in the Tender Offer. Thereafter, the Company ultimately decided at the Board of Directors meeting held on July 29, 2010, that the Tender Offer Purchase Price shall be 138 yen, after receiving on July 29, 2010 from Nomura Securities a fairness opinion stating that the (proposed) tender offer purchase price of 138 yen valued through the above-mentioned process is proper for the Company from a financial viewpoint. The Tender Offer Purchase Price of 138 yen per-share represents a premium of (i) 16.9% (rounded to the first decimal place; the same shall apply to indications of percentages hereinafter in this paragraph) over the closing price of the Target’s shares of common stock of 118 yen in ordinary trading on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on July 28, 2010, which is the day immediately preceding the day on which the Company announced the commencement of the Tender Offer, (ii) 21.1% over the simple average closing price of 114 yen (rounded down to a whole number; the same shall apply to indications of prices in yen hereinafter in this paragraph) in ordinary trading in the previous one-month period (from June

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29, 2010 to July 28, 2010), (iii) 9.5% over the simple average closing price of 126 yen in ordinary trading in the previous three-month period (from April 30, 2010 to July 28, 2010) or (iv) 0.7% over the simple average closing price of 137 yen in ordinary trading in the previous six-month period (from January 29, 2010 to July 28, 2010). In addition, the Tender Offer Purchase Price represents a premium of (i) 0.7% over the closing price of the Target’s shares of common stock of 137 yen in ordinary trading on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on August 20, 2010, which is the business day immediately preceding the commencement date of the Tender Offer, (ii) 5.3% over the simple average closing price of 131 yen in ordinary trading in the previous one-month period (from July 21, 2010 to August 20, 2010), (iii) 9.5% over the simple average closing price of 126 yen in ordinary trading in the previous three-month period (from May 21, 2010 to August 20, 2010) or (iv) 1.5% over the simple average closing price of 136 yen in ordinary trading in the previous six-month period (from February 22, 2010 to August 20, 2010).

(ii) The Target’s Procurement of a Share Valuation Report According to the Target Press Release, the Target requested that ABeam M&A Consulting Ltd. (“ABeam M&A Consulting”), which is the financial advisor acting as a third-party valuation institution independent from the Company and from the Target, evaluate the value of the Target’s shares of common stock. Further, ABeam M&A Consulting obtained materials, such as the Target’s financial data and business plans, and received an explanation from the Target, in order to collect and review information necessary for analyzing the value of the Target’s shares of common stock. Based on such information, it analyzed the value of the Target’s shares based upon and subject to certain assumptions and conditions, and submitted a valuation report (the “Share Valuation Report,” Valuation Record Date: July 28, 2010) to the Target on July 29, 2010. According to the Target, the methods used by ABeam M&A Consulting in analyzing the value of the Target’s shares of common stock were the average market price analysis, the comparable company analysis, and the DCF analysis, and the per-share value of the Target’s shares of common stock calculated using each of the foregoing methods was as set forth below.

(a) Average Market Price Analysis: 114 yen to 140 yen According to the Target, based on the average market price analysis, using July 28, 2010, as the record date, the per-share value of the Target’s common stock has been determined to be 114 yen to 140 yen, based on the respective average closing prices and the respective volume weighted average prices for the most recent 6 months, the most recent 3 months and the most recent 1 month, and on the closing price on the record date of the Target’s shares of common stock on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

(b) Comparable Company Analysis: 78 yen to 110 yen The comparable company analysis is a method of evaluating the value of the shares of the Target’s common stock by comparing the market stock prices and financial indicators that show profitability, etc., of those listed companies that are engaged in businesses that are similar to the Target’s. According to the Target, based on this method, the per-share value of the Target’s shares of common stock has been determined to be 78 yen to 110 yen.

(c) DCF Analysis: 100 yen to 163 yen The DCF Analysis is a method of analyzing the corporate value of the Target and the value of the Target’s shares of common stock based on various factors such as its projected earnings and its investment plans set forth in its business plans, publicly disclosed information and the synergies expected to be generated by making the Target the Company’s wholly-owned

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subsidiary etc., by discounting the Target’s future free cash flow projections to the present value using a specific discount rate (e.g., cost of capital applicable to the Target, etc.). According to the Target, based on this method, the per-share value of the Target’s common stock has been determined to be 100 yen to 163 yen. Further, according to the Target, on July 29, 2010, as an opinion concerning the fact that the resolution of the Board of Directors meeting of the Target to announce its opinion to endorse the Tender Offer and to recommend that the Target’s shareholders tender their shares in the Tender Offer is not disadvantageous to the minority shareholders of the Target, the Board of Directors of the Target received from ABeam M&A Consulting a fairness opinion concerning the fact that the Tender Offer Purchase Price is not disadvantageous to the minority shareholders of the Target, especially from a viewpoint of fairness of consideration, stating that the Tender Offer Purchase Price of 138 yen with respect to the Tender Offer is proper to shareholders of the Target other than tender offerors, etc. (meaning “Controlling Shareholders and other parties set forth in the Enforcement Regulations” provided for in Article 441-2 of the Securities Listing Regulations of Tokyo Stock Exchange including the Tender Offeror) from a financial point of view.

(iii) Advice from a Law Firm According to the Target Press Release, in connection with the discussions held, and the decisions made, by the Target’s Board of Directors, Mori Hamada & Matsumoto law firm, as the legal advisor, has provided the Target’s Board of Directors with legal advice concerning the decision-making method, procedures, etc. to be used by the Board of Directors, including various procedures relating to the Tender Offer.

(iv) Approval of Directors and Auditors with No Material Interests According to the Target Press Release, since the Target received a proposal concerning the Tender Offer from the Company around the end of June 2010, the Target has discussed and negotiated with the Company concerning the purchase price of the Tender Offer and other terms and conditions several times, and the Target has carefully reviewed and considered the terms and conditions, given the contents of the Share Valuation Report and the fairness opinion obtained from ABeam M&A Consulting, and taking into account legal advice provided by Mori Hamada & Matsumoto law firm, its legal advisor. As a result, at the Board of Directors meeting held on July 29, 2010 (5 directors in attendance out of 8 directors), it was determined that the Tender Offer would contribute to the further development of the Target’s business, that the conditions relating to the Tender Offer are appropriate, and that the Tender Offer provided all of the Target’s shareholders with an opportunity to sell the Target’s share for a reasonable price, and therefore a resolution was adopted with the approval of all of the directors in attendance to endorse the Tender Offer, and to recommend that the Target’s shareholders tender their shares in the Tender Offer. Further, all of the Target’s auditors who attended the above Board of Directors’ meeting (4 auditors, including 3 outside auditors out of 5 auditors (including 3 outside auditors)) expressed the opinion that they had no objection for the Target’s Board of Directors to endorse the Tender Offer, and to recommend that the Target’s shareholders tender their shares in the Tender Offer. It should be noted that, according to the Target, Messrs. Susumu Koike, Junji Esaka and Kenjiro Matsuba, directors of the Target, because they were officers or employees of the Company or its affiliate until 2008 (Mr. Koike) or until 2009 (Mr. Esaka and Mr. Matsuba), and Messrs. Susume Koike and Junji Esaka are corporate advisors of the Company at present, did not participate in any of the discussions or voting on the Tender Offer, for the purpose of maintaining the fairness and the neutrality of the Target’s decisions, and did not participate in any of the discussions/negotiations with the Company on behalf of the Target. The

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Company has been informed, further, that Mr. Takae Makita, auditor of the Target, because he was an officer of the Company until 2009, and he is a corporate advisor of the Company at present, did not participate in the above-referenced discussions, for the purpose of maintaining the fairness and the neutrality of the Target’s decisions.

(v) Relatively Long Period of the Tender Offer, etc. Pursuant to applicable laws and regulations, the tender offer period of a tender offer is required to be at least 20 business days; the Company has, by causing the tender offer period of the Tender Offer to be relatively long (i.e., 31 business days), ensured the fairness of the Tender Offer Purchase Price by ensuring that all of the Target’s shareholders will have sufficient opportunity to consider and decide whether or not to tender their shares in the Tender Offer, and that an opportunity for other offerors to commence a tender offer for the Target’s shares has been secured. Further, the Company and the Target have not made any agreement that would restrict the Target and an offeror other than the Company to make contacts with each other, etc., in the case where such other offeror emerges.

(4) Policies Regarding Organizational Restructuring, etc. after the Tender Offer (Matters Concerning the so-called “Two-Tier Purchase”) As explained in “(1) Overview of the Tender Offer” and “(2) Description of the Decision-Making Process through which the Decision to Implement the Tender Offer was Made and Management Policies after the Tender Offer” above, the Company’s policy is to make the Target the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, and the Company plans to acquire all of the issued shares of common stock of the Target (excluding the Target’s shares owned by the Company) through the Tender Offer and through the Share Exchange (defined hereinafter). That is to say, if the Company does not acquire all of the issued shares of common stock of the Target (excluding treasury shares that the Target holds) through the Tender Offer, the Company plans to acquire all of the issued shares of common stock of the Target (excluding the Target’s shares owned by the Company) after the Tender Offer by implementing the Share Exchange with the Target and the Target will become the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary. In such way, the Company will provide the Target’s shareholders (other than the Company) with the choice of either selling their shares at the Tender Offer Purchase Price or becoming shareholders of the Company through the Share Exchange, which would enable them to continuously support the Panasonic Group's efforts to realize GT12 and to become the “No. 1 Green Innovation Company in the Electronics Industry.” It is anticipated that, in connection with the Share Exchange, the shares of the Company’s stock will be issued in consideration for shares of the Target’s common stock owned by all of the Target’s shareholders (other than the Company); upon going through the necessary statutory procedures, all of the Target’s shares of common stock, including the Target’s shares that were not tendered in the Tender Offer (excluding the Target’s shares owned by the Company) will be exchanged for shares of the Company’s common stock, and every shareholder of the Target, to whom not less than 1 share of the Company's share is allocated, will become a shareholder of the Company. The Share Exchange is planned to be implemented, and the effective date thereof is scheduled to occur, in or around April 2011. The Share Exchange is planned to be implemented in the form of a summary share exchange (kanni kabushiki kokan) prescribed in the main text of Article 796, Paragraph 3 of the Companies Act, without obtaining the approval of the Company’s shareholders at a general meeting of shareholders. Further, the Share Exchange may be implemented in the form of a short form share exchange (ryakushiki kabushiki kokan) prescribed in the provisions

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of Article 784, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act, without obtaining the approval of the Target’s shareholders at a general meeting of shareholders. To ensure the fairness and the validity of the share exchange ratio applicable to the Share Exchange, such share exchange ratio will be determined after the completion of the Tender Offer, with reference to the share exchange ratio evaluated by a third party valuation institution independent from the Company and the Target, through consultations between the Company and the Target, giving full consideration to the interest of the Company’s shareholders as well as the interest of the Target’s shareholders, respectively; however, when determining the consideration to be received by the Target’s shareholders upon the Share Exchange (i.e., the Company’s shares; provided, however, that, if there is a fractional number of share less than one whole share in the number of shares to be received, cash equivalent to such fractional share shall be distributed in accordance with the Companies Act), the Target’s share is expected to be valued based on a price equivalent to the Tender Offer Purchase Price. In connection with the Share Exchange, any shareholder of the Target, which will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, will be entitled to demand that the Target purchase the shares owned by such shareholder pursuant to the procedures prescribed by the Companies Act and other applicable laws and regulations. In such event, the purchase price shall ultimately be determined by the court.

(5) Prospects for Delisting and Reasons Therefore The Target’s shares of common stock are currently listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and on the first section of the Osaka Securities Exchange. Because the Company has not set the maximum number of shares scheduled to be purchased through the Tender Offer, depending on the results of the Tender Offer, it is possible that shares of the Target’s common stock will be delisted pursuant to the delisting standards of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Osaka Securities Exchange, following the implementation of the specified procedures. Further, even if the applicable criteria for delisting are not met upon the completion of the Tender Offer, the Company plans to make the Target its wholly-owned subsidiary thereafter through the Share Exchange as described in “(4) Policies Regarding Organizational Restructuring, etc. after the Tender Offer (Matters Concerning the so-called “Two-Tier Purchase”)” above, and if such procedures are implemented, the Target’s shares of common stock will be delisted after the specified procedures are completed pursuant to the delisting standards of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Osaka Securities Exchange. After the delisting, it will be impossible to trade the Target’s shares of common stock on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Osaka Securities Exchange.

(6) Matters Concerning Material Agreements between the Company and Shareholders of the Target on the Tender in the Tender Offer N/A

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4. Tender Offer Period, Purchase Price and Number of Share Certificates, etc. Scheduled to be Purchased (1) Tender Offer Period a. Tender Offer Period determined at time of filing of the Statement From August 23, 2010 (Monday) through October 6, 2010 Tender Offer Period (Wednesday) (31 business days) Date of public notice August 23, 2010 (Monday) Public notice will be made electronically, as well as in a notice to be Name of newspaper in which published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun. public notice is to be The URL of the website on which the electronic public notice will published be posted is as follows: (http://info.edinet-fsa.go.jp/)

b. Possible extension of Tender Offer Period at Target’s request N/A

c. Contact information in case of extension of Tender Offer Period N/A

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(2) Tender Offer purchase price Share certificates 138 yen per share of common stock Certificates of Stock - Acquisition Rights

Bond certificates with stock - acquisition rights

Trust beneficiary certificates for share - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipt for share - certificates, etc. ( ) In order to ensure the fairness of the Tender Offer Purchase Price, when determining the Tender Offer Purchase Price, the Company has used as a reference the Valuation Report that was submitted on July 29, 2010 by Nomura Securities, the financial advisor acting as a third-party valuation institution independent from the Company and from the Target. The methods used by Nomura Securities were the average market price analysis, the comparable company analysis, and the DCF Analysis; the per-share value of the Target’s common stock calculated based on each of the foregoing methods is set forth below.

(a) Average Market Price Analysis: 112 yen to 138 yen Based on the average market price analysis, using July 27, 2010, as the record date, the per-share value of the Target’s common stock has been determined to be 112 yen to 138 yen, based on the respective average closing prices for the most recent 6 months, the most recent 3 months, the most recent 1 month and the most recent 1 week, and on the closing price on the record date of the shares of the Target’s common stock on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

(b) Comparable Company Analysis: 46 yen to 85 yen Based on the comparable company analysis, the value of the Target’s shares of common stock has been evaluated by comparing the market stock prices Basis of calculation and financial indicators that show profitability, etc., of those listed companies that are engaged in businesses that are relatively similar to the Target’s, and the per-share value of the Target’s common stock has been determined to be 46 yen to 85 yen.

(c) DCF Analysis: 113 yen to 233 yen The DCF Analysis is a method of analyzing the corporate value of the Target and the value of the Target’s shares of common stock based on its projected earnings and its investment plans set forth in its business plans, interviews with the Target’s management, publicly disclosed information and various other factors, etc. by discounting the Target’s future free cash flow projections to the present value using a specific discount rate (e.g., cost of capital applicable to the Target, etc.); based on this method, the per-share value of the Target’s common stock has been determined to be 113 yen to 233 yen.

The Company valued that the (proposed) purchase price with respect to the Tender Offer will be 138 yen, based on the nature and results of each of the valuation methods set forth in the Valuation Report and the results of negotiations and discussions with the Target, etc., and by comprehensively taking into account various factors such as (i) results of the business, legal, accounting and tax due diligence on the Target, (ii) the possibility of

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obtaining the endorsement of the Tender Offer by the Target’s Board of Directors, (iii) market trends of the price of the Target’s common stock; and (iv) the projected number of shares to be tendered in the Tender Offer. Thereafter, the Company ultimately decided at the Board of Directors meeting held on July 29, 2010, that the Tender Offer Purchase Price shall be 138 yen, after receiving on July 29, 2010 from Nomura Securities a fairness opinion stating that the (proposed) tender offer purchase price of 138 yen valued through the above-mentioned process is proper for the Company from a financial viewpoint.

The Tender Offer Purchase Price of 138 yen per-share represents a premium of (i) 16.9% (rounded to the first decimal place; the same shall apply to indications of percentages hereinafter in this paragraph) over the closing price of the Target’s shares of common stock of 118 yen in ordinary trading on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on July 28, 2010, which is the day immediately preceding the day on which the Company announced the commencement of the Tender Offer, (ii) 21.1% over the simple average closing price of 114 yen (rounded down to a whole number; the same shall apply to indications of prices in yen hereinafter in this paragraph) in ordinary trading in the previous one-month period (from June 29, 2010 to July 28, 2010), (iii) 9.5% over the simple average closing price of 126 yen in ordinary trading in the previous three-month period (from April 30, 2010 to July 28, 2010) or (iv) 0.7% over the simple average closing price of 137 yen in ordinary trading in the previous six-month period (from January 29, 2010 to July 28, 2010).

In addition, the Tender Offer Purchase Price represents a premium of (i) 0.7% over the closing price of the Target’s shares of common stock of 137 yen in ordinary trading on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on August 20, 2010, which is the business day immediately preceding the commencement date of the Tender Offer, (ii) 5.3% over the simple average closing price of 131 yen in ordinary trading in the previous one-month period (from July 21, 2010 to August 20, 2010), (iii) 9.5% over the simple average closing price of 126 yen in ordinary trading in the previous three-month period (from May 21, 2010 to August 20, 2010) or (iv) 1.5% over the simple average closing price of 136 yen in ordinary trading in the previous six-month period (from February 22, 2010 to August 20, 2010). (Process to determine the Tender Offer Purchase Price) Although the Company and the Target have already shared a management strategy as group companies and have implemented various collaborative measures, including sales of “HIT solar” batteries through Panasonic’s sales channels on a full-fledged scale starting from July this year, the business environment surrounding the Panasonic Group continues to change dramatically and rapidly. While business expansion opportunities have been presented by the rapidly expanding environment-related and energy-related markets and the burgeoning emerging markets, competition with Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese companies, as well as Japanese, U.S. Process of calculation and European companies, etc. has intensified not only in the Digital AVC Networks segment, but also in the fields of rechargeable battery, solar cell and electric vehicle-related business, etc. It has become difficult for companies to prevail over the global competition in the expanding market without speeding up the strategy execution and implementing all measures to demonstrate further group-wide potential.

In such circumstances, taking the proposal of the Company as an opportunity, the Company and the Target have, since around the end of June 2010, continuously discussed and considered various measures to further

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increase the corporate value of both companies. As a result, the Company and the Target came to the conclusion that realizing the acceleration of decision-making and maximization of the group synergies by making the Target a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company through the Tender Offer and transactions thereafter and accelerating efforts toward becoming the “No. 1 Green Innovation Company in the Electronics Industry” are significantly beneficial, not only to expand the corporate value of the Target but also to expand the corporate value of the entire Panasonic Group. Therefore, the Company decided to commence the Tender Offer, and through the process described below, determined the Tender Offer Purchase Price.

(a) Name of the Third-Party from which the Company received the Opinion in the Process of Calculation In determining the Tender Offer Purchase Price, around June 2010, the Company requested Nomura Securities, the financial advisor acting as a third-party valuation institution and independent from the Company and the Target, to calculate the value of the Target’s shares of common stock, and the Company received the Valuation Report from Nomura Securities on July 29, 2010. In addition, the Company received the fairness opinion from Nomura Securities on July 29, 2010, stating that the Tender Offer Purchase Price of 138 yen is proper for the Company from a financial viewpoint.

(b) Summary of the Opinion Nomura Securities calculated the value of the Target’s shares of common stock by using the average market price analysis, the comparable company analysis, and the DCF analysis; the per-share value of the Target’s shares of common stock calculated based on each of the foregoing methods is set forth below.

Average Market Price Analysis: 112 yen to 138 yen Comparable Company Analysis: 46 yen to 85 yen DCF Analysis: 113 yen to 233 yen

(c) Process to determine the Tender Offer Purchase Price based on the Opinion The Company ultimately decided at the Board of Directors meeting held on July 29, 2010 that the Tender Offer Purchase Price shall be 138 yen, based on the nature and results of each of the valuation methods set forth in the Valuation Report and the results of negotiations and discussions with the Target, etc., and by comprehensively taking into account various factors such as (i) results of the business, legal, accounting and tax due diligence, (ii) the possibility of obtaining the endorsement of the Tender Offer by the Target’s Board of Directors, (iii) market trends of the price of the Target’s shares of common stock; and (iv) the projected number of shares to be tendered in the Tender Offer.

(Measures to Ensure the Fairness of the Tender Offer such as Measures to Ensure the Fairness of the Tender Offer Purchase Price, and Measures to Avoid Conflicts of Interest)

Taking into consideration the fact that the Target is the Company’s consolidated subsidiary as of the commencement date of the Tender Offer and the fact that there are continuing business and personnel relationships between the Company and the Target, the Company and the Target have implemented the measures set forth below to ensure the fairness of the

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Tender Offer such as measures to ensure the fairness of the Tender Offer Purchase Price for the Target’s shares of common stock relating to the Tender Offer and measures to avoid conflicts of interest, etc.

(a) Procurement of a Valuation Report from an Independent, Third-Party Valuation Institution In order to ensure the fairness of the Tender Offer Purchase Price, when determining the Tender Offer Purchase Price, the Company has used as a reference the Valuation Report that was submitted on July 29, 2010 by Nomura Securities, the financial advisor acting as a third-party valuation institution independent from the Company and from the Target.

(b) The Target’s Procurement of a Share Valuation Report According to the Target Press Release, the Target requested that ABeam M&A Consulting, which is the financial advisor acting as a third-party valuation institution independent from the Company and from the Target, evaluate the value of the Target’s shares of common stock. Further, ABeam M&A Consulting obtained materials, such as the Target’s financial data and business plans, and received an explanation from the Target, in order to collect and review information necessary for analyzing the value of the Target’s shares of common stock. Based on such information, it analyzed the value of the Target’s shares based upon and subject to certain assumptions and conditions, and submitted the Share Valuation Report to the Target on July 29, 2010. According to the Target, the methods used by ABeam M&A Consulting in analyzing the value of the Target's shares of common stock were the average market price analysis, the comparable company analysis, and the DCF analysis, and the per-share value of the Target’s shares of common stock calculated using each of the foregoing methods was as set forth below. x. Average Market Price Analysis: 114 yen to 140 yen According to the Target, based on the average market price analysis, using July 28, 2010, as the record date, the per-share value of the Target’s common stock has been determined to be 114 yen to 140 yen, based on the respective average closing prices and the respective volume weighted average prices for the most recent 6 months, the most recent 3 months and the most recent 1 month, and on the closing price on the record date of the Target’s shares of common stock on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. y. Comparable Company Analysis: 78 yen to 110 yen The comparable company analysis is a method of evaluating the value of the shares of the Target's common stock by comparing the market stock prices and financial indicators that show profitability, etc., of those listed companies that are engaged in businesses that are similar to the Target’s. According to the Target, based on this method, the per-share value of the Target’s shares of common stock has been determined to be 78 yen to 110 yen. z. DCF Analysis: 100 yen to 163 yen The DCF Analysis is a method of analyzing the corporate value of the Target and the value of the Target’s shares of common stock based on various factors such as its projected earnings and its investment plans set forth in its business plans, publicly disclosed information and the synergies expected to be generated by making the Target the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary etc., by discounting the Target’s future free cash flow projections to the present value using a specific discount rate (e.g.,

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cost of capital applicable to the Target, etc.). According to the Target, based on this method, the per-share value of the Target’s common stock has been determined to be 100 yen to 163 yen.

Further, according to the Target, on July 29, 2010, as an opinion concerning the fact that the resolution of the Board of Directors meeting of the Target to announce its opinion to endorse the Tender Offer and to recommend that the Target’s shareholders tender their shares in the Tender Offer is not disadvantageous to the minority shareholders of the Target, the Board of Directors of the Target received from ABeam M&A Consulting, especially from a viewpoint of fairness of consideration, a fairness opinion concerning the fact that the Tender Offer Purchase Price is not disadvantageous to the minority shareholders of the Target, stating that the Tender Offer Purchase Price of 138 yen with respect to the Tender Offer is proper to shareholders of the Target other than tender offerors, etc. (meaning “Controlling Shareholders and other parties set forth in the Enforcement Regulations” provided for in Article 441-2 of the Securities Listing Regulations of Tokyo Stock Exchange including the Tender Offeror) from a financial point of view.

(c) Advice from a Law Firm According to the Target Press Release, in connection with the discussions held, and the decisions made, by the Target’s Board of Directors, Mori Hamada & Matsumoto law firm, as the legal advisor, has provided the Target’s Board of Directors with legal advice concerning the decision-making method, procedures, etc. to be used by the Board of Directors, including various procedures relating to the Tender Offer.

(d) Approval of Directors and Auditors with No Material Interests According to the Target Press Release, since the Target received a proposal concerning the Tender Offer from the Company around the end of June 2010, the Target has discussed and negotiated with the Company concerning the purchase price of the Tender Offer and other terms and conditions several times, and the Target has carefully reviewed and considered the terms and conditions, given the contents of the Share Valuation Report and the fairness opinion obtained from ABeam M&A Consulting, and taking into account legal advice provided by Mori Hamada & Matsumoto law firm, its legal advisor.

As a result, at the Board of Directors’ meeting held on July 29, 2010 (5 directors in attendance out of 8 directors), it was determined that the Tender Offer would contribute to the further development of the Target’s business, that the conditions relating to the Tender Offer are appropriate, and that the Tender Offer provided all of the Target’s shareholders with an opportunity to sell the Target’s share for a reasonable price, and therefore a resolution was adopted with the approval of all of the directors in attendance to endorse the Tender Offer, and to recommend that the Target’s shareholders tender their shares in the Tender Offer. Further, all of the Target’s auditors who attended the above Board of Directors' meeting (4 auditors, including 3 outside auditors out of 5 auditors (including 3 outside auditors)) expressed the opinion that they had no objection for the Target’s Board of Directors to endorse the Tender Offer, and to recommend that the Target’s shareholders tender their shares in the Tender Offer.

It should be noted that, according to the Target, Messrs. Susumu Koike, Junji Esaka and Kenjiro Matsuba, directors of the Target, because they were officers or employees of the Company or its affiliate until 2008 (Mr. Koike)

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or until 2009 (Mr. Esaka and Mr. Matsuba), and Messrs. Susume Koike and Junji Esaka are corporate advisors of the Company at present, did not participate in any of the discussions or voting on the Tender Offer, for the purpose of maintaining the fairness and the neutrality of the Target’s decisions, and did not participate in any of the discussions/negotiations with the Company on behalf of the Target. The Company has been informed, further, that Mr. Takae Makita, auditor of the Target, because he was an officer of the Company until 2009, and he is a corporate advisor of the Company at present, did not participate in the above-referenced discussions, for the purpose of maintaining the fairness and the neutrality of the Target’s decisions.

(e) Relatively Long Period of the Tender Offer, etc. Pursuant to applicable laws and regulations, the tender offer period of a tender offer is required to be at least 20 business days; the Company has, by causing the tender offer period of the Tender Offer to be relatively long (i.e., 31 business days), ensured the fairness of the Tender Offer Purchase Price by ensuring that the Target’s shareholders will have sufficient opportunity to consider and decide whether or not to tender their shares in the Tender Offer, and that an opportunity for other offerors to commence a tender offer for the Target’s shares has been secured.

Further, the Company and the Target have not made any agreement that would restrict the Target and an offeror other than the Company to make contacts with each other, etc., in the case where such other offeror emerges.

(3) Number of share certificates, etc. scheduled to be purchased Number of shares scheduled Minimum number of shares Maximum number of shares to be purchased scheduled to be purchased scheduled to be purchased 3,059,465,509 (shares) - (shares) - (shares) Note 1) No minimum or maximum number of share certificates, etc. scheduled to be purchased has been established in the Tender Offer. The Company will purchase all of the share certificates, etc. tendered in the Tender Offer.

Note 2) The number of shares scheduled to be purchased (3,059,465,509 shares) is calculated by deducting the sum of the number of shares of the Target held by the Tender Offeror as of the date of the filing of this Statement (3,082,309,227 shares) and the number of treasury shares held by the Target as of March 31, 2010 as described in the securities report for the 86th term that was submitted by the Target on June 23, 2010 (16,278,363 shares), from the aggregate number of issued shares as of June 30, 2010, as described in the quarterly report for the first quarter of the 87th term that was submitted by the Target on August 4, 2010 (6,158,053,099 shares).

Note 3) Shares less than one unit are also subject to the Tender Offer. If a shareholder exercises the right to demand the purchase of shares less than one unit pursuant to the Companies Act, the Target may purchase its own shares during the tender offer period pursuant to the procedures required under the applicable laws and regulations.

Note 4) The Tender Offeror does not plan to purchase treasury shares held by the Target through the Tender Offer.

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5. Holding Ratio of Share Certificates, etc. after Tender Offer Number of Category voting rights (a) Number of voting rights relating to share certificates, etc. scheduled to 3,059,465 be purchased (b) Number of voting rights relating to potential share certificates, etc. included in item (a) above (c) Number of voting rights relating to trust beneficiary certificates and depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. included in item (b) above (d) Number of voting rights relating to share certificates owned by the 3,082,309 Tender Offeror (as of August 23, 2010) (e) Number of voting rights relating to potential share certificates, etc. included in item (d) above (f) Number of voting rights relating to trust beneficiary certificates and depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. included in item (e) above (g) Number of voting rights relating to share certificates, etc. owned by 5,552 special related parties (as of August 23, 2010) (h) Number of voting rights relating to potential share certificates, etc. - included in item (g) above (i) Number of voting rights relating to trust beneficiary certificates and - depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. included in item (h) above (j) Total number of voting rights of shareholders, etc. of the Target (as of 6,130,300 March 31, 2010) Ratio of number of voting rights relating to share certificates, etc. scheduled to be purchased to the total number of voting rights of 49.81 shareholders, etc. (a/j) (%) Holding ratio of share certificates, etc. after Tender Offer 100.00 ((a+d+g)/(j+(b-c)+(e-f)+(h-i)) × 100) (%)

Note 1) The “Number of voting rights relating to share certificates, etc. scheduled to be purchased” (Item (a)) is the number of voting rights relating to the number of shares scheduled to be purchased for the Tender Offer.

Note 2) The “Number of voting rights relating to share certificates, etc. owned by special related parties” (Item (g)) is the total number of voting rights relating to share certificates, etc. owned by each special related party (including share certificates, etc. in cases stipulated in each Items of Article 7 Paragraph 1 of Enforcement Order and excluding the treasury shares held by the Target, who is a special related party). Share certificates, etc. owned by the special related parties (excluding the treasury shares held by the Target) are also subject to the Tender Offer. Therefore, the “Number of voting rights relating to share certificates, etc. owned by special related parties” (Item (g)) is not included in the numerator in the calculation of the “Holding ratio of share certificates, etc. after Tender Offer,” in order to avoid calculating that number twice.

Note 3) The “total number of voting rights of shareholders, etc. of the Target” (Item (j)) is the total number of voting rights of all shareholders as of March 31, 2010 as described in the quarterly report for the first quarter of the 87th term that was submitted by the Target on August 4, 2010 (indicated therein as 1,000 shares per unit). However, since the shares less than one unit and cross-held shares are also

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subject to the Tender Offer, in calculating the “Ratio of number of voting rights relating to share certificates, etc. scheduled to be purchased to the total number of voting rights of shareholders, etc.” and the “Holding ratio of share certificates, etc. after Tender Offer,” the total number of voting rights (6,141,774 units), corresponding to the number of shares (6,141,774,736 shares) obtained by deducting the number of treasury shares held by the Target as of March 31, 2010 as described in the securities report for the 86th term that was submitted by the Target on June 23, 2010 (16,278,363 shares), from the total number of shares of common stock issued as of March 31, 2010 as described in the quarterly report for the first quarter of the 87th term that was submitted by the Target on August 4, 2010 (6,158,053,099 shares), is used as the “Total number of voting rights of shareholders, etc. of the Target” (Item (j)).

Note 4) The “Ratio of the number of voting rights relating to share certificates, etc. scheduled to be purchased to the total number of voting rights of shareholders, etc.” and the “Holding ratio of share certificates, etc. after the Tender Offer” are rounded to the second decimal place.

6. Approval, etc. with respect to Acquisition of Share Certificates N/A

7. Method of Tendering Share Certificates, etc. in the Tender Offer and Canceling the Tender of Share Certificates, etc. (1) Method of tendering share certificates, etc. in the Tender Offer a. Tender Offer Agent Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. 9-1, Nihonbashi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

b. Please fill out the “Form for Tender” and submit such form to the head office or any branch of the tender offer agent in Japan (excluding NOMURAJOY, the exclusive Internet service provided by the tender offer agent) by no later than 3:30 p.m. on the last day of the Tender Offer Period. Personal seals and identification documents may be required at the time of tender. (See Note 1 below.) Share certificates, etc. tendered via NOMURAJOY, the exclusive Internet service provided by the tender offer agent, will be accepted by the method shown on the website of NOMURAJOY (https://www.nomurajoy.jp/). However, even if share certificates, etc. are tendered using the Internet, share certificates, etc. that are tendered via Nomura Home Trade, which is an online service of the tender offer agent, may not be accepted.

c. In order to tender share certificates, etc. in the Tender Offer, the share certificates, etc. will need to be registered in accounts set up in the name of the tendering shareholders, etc. with the tender offer agent (the “Tendering Shareholder Account”). As a result, the share certificates, etc. that are registered in accounts with financial instruments dealers other than the tender offer agent (including the special accounts set up with The Sumitomo Trust and Banking Co., Ltd., the account manager of the Target’s special accounts) will need to be transferred into a Tendering Shareholder Account before they can be tendered in the Tender Offer.

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d. No share certificates, etc. tendered to the Tender Offer through any financial instruments dealers other than the tender offer agent will be accepted under the Tender Offer.

e. Shareholders that reside outside Japan and that do not have a trading account with the tender offer agent (including corporate shareholders, etc.; the “Non-Resident Shareholders, etc.”) are requested to tender share certificates, etc. to the Tender Offer through their standing proxies residing in Japan. Share certificates, etc. submitted by Non-Resident Shareholders, etc. will not be accepted via NOMURAJOY, the exclusive Internet service provided by the tender offer agent.

f. As for individual shareholders residing in Japan, any difference between the purchase price for the share certificates, etc. sold through the Tender Offer and the original cost of acquiring the same shall generally be subject to self-assessment taxation separate from other income with regard to capital gains on the shares. (See Note 2 below.)

g. Upon acceptance of a Form for Tender, the tender offer agent shall deliver a receipt of such form to the tendering shareholders, etc. To the tendering shareholders who tendered share certificates, etc. via NOMURAJOY, the exclusive Internet service provided by the tender offer agent, the receipt will be delivered by displaying such receipt on the tendering screen.

h. In the event that all of the tendered share certificates, etc. are not purchased, the share certificates, etc. not purchased shall be returned to the tendering shareholders, etc.

Note 1) Seals, Identification Documents Identification documents as well as personal seals are necessary when shareholders open a new account with Nomura Securities Co., Ltd., the tender offer agent. Shareholders who already have an account therewith may also be requested to present identification documents in certain cases. Details regarding necessary identification documents and related matters can be obtained from the tender offer agent.

Principal Identification Documents Individuals: Originals, issued within six months of submission to the tender offer agent, of: i) a copy of residence registry (jyumin-hyo); ii) a certificate of record of residence registry (jyumin-hyo-no-kisai-jikou-shoumeisho); iii) a certificate of record of alien registration card (gaikokujin-touroku-genpyou-no-kisai-jikou-shoumeisho); iv) a copy of alien registration card (gaikokujin-touroku-genpyou); or v) a certificate of registered seal (inkan-touroku-shoumeisho).

Valid originals of: i) national health insurance card of any kind (kenkou-hoken-sho); ii) driver’s license; iii) basic resident registration card (jyumin-kihon-daicho card) indicating shareholder’s name, address and date of birth;

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iv) welfare card of any kind (fukushi-techo); v) alien registration certificate (gaikokujin-touroku-shoumeisho); vi) passport; or vii) national pension book (kokumin-nenkin-techo) issued before December 31, 1996.

* Identification documents must be valid. * Identification documents must allow confirmation of: (1) the expiration date of the identification documents; and (2) the address, name and date of birth of the individual shareholder stated in the Form for Tender.

* If tendering by mail, please ensure that the originals or copies of any of the documents mentioned above are enclosed. Where copies are submitted, the originals may be required to be presented as well, if deemed necessary. Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. will mail a “Letter With Respect to the Transaction” to the address described in the identification documents for verification of identification.

Corporations: Certificate of corporate registry; or documents issued by governmental authorities:

* Such documents must allow confirmation of: (1) the corporate name; and (2) the location of head office or principal office

In addition to the documents identifying the corporate shareholder, identification documents of the corporate shareholder’s representative, its proxy or the person having authority to execute agreements is required.

Non-Resident Shareholders: For foreign individual shareholders that do not reside in Japan and corporations with a head office or principal office outside Japan, identification documents issued by a foreign government recognized by the Japanese government or a competent international organization, or any other similar documents equivalent to identification documents for residents of Japan, are required.

If you would like to open a new account at NOMURAJOY, please request a kit for opening an account from the website of NOMURAJOY (https://www.nomurajoy.jp/) and conduct the necessary procedures. It will require a certain period to open the account, so please confirm the required period, etc. and conduct the procedures early.

Note 2) Self-assessment taxation separate from other income with regard to capital gains on shares (for individual shareholders): For individual shareholders, capital gains realized from income received on a

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transfer of shares will generally be subject to self-assessment taxation separate from other income. Each shareholder should consult his or her own licensed tax accountant or other expert with respect to any specific questions regarding tax consequences and is responsible for his or her own decisions.

(2) Method of canceling the tender of share certificates, etc. to the Tender Offer Tendering shareholders, etc. may, at any time during the Tender Offer Period, cancel any agreement relating to the Tender Offer. Tendering shareholders, etc. who wish to cancel their tenders must deliver, or send by mail, a cancellation notice stating that such tendering shareholder, etc. is canceling his/her tender for the Tender Offer (the “Cancellation Notice”) together with the receipt of Form for Tender, to the head office or any branches of the person specified below (excluding NOMURAJOY, the exclusive Internet service provided by the tender offer agent) in Japan that accepted the tender no later than 3:30 p.m. on the last day of the Tender Offer Period. Please note that the Cancellation Notice, if sent by mail, must be received no later than 3:30 p.m. on the last day of the Tender Offer Period. If tendering shareholders, etc. wish to cancel any tender made via NOMURAJOY, please conduct the cancellation procedures by the method shown on the website of NOMURAJOY (https://www.nomurajoy.jp/) no later than 3:30 p.m. on the last day of the Tender Offer Period.

Person authorized to receive the Cancellation Notice: Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. 9-1, Nihonbashi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo (or any other branches in Japan of Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.)

(3) Method of returning share certificates, etc. If a tendering shareholder, etc. gives such notice of cancellation by the method described in “(2) Method of canceling the tender of share certificates, etc. to the Tender Offer” above, the relevant share certificates, etc. will be returned promptly following the completion of the cancellation procedures by the method described in “(4) Method of returning share certificates, etc.” of “10. Method of Settlement” below.

(4) Name and address of head offices of financial instruments dealers and banks, etc. responsible for keeping custody of and returning share certificates Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. 9-1, Nihonbashi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

8. Funds Required for Purchase, etc. (1) Funds, etc. required for purchase, etc.

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(a) Payment for purchase (yen) 422,206,240,242 Type of consideration other than - cash Total value of consideration other - than cash (b) Commission 1,400,000,000 (c) Others 55,000,000 Total (a)+(b)+(c) 423,661,240,242

Note 1) “Payment for purchase (yen)” (Item (a)) above is the amount calculated by multiplying the number of shares scheduled to be purchased (3,059,465,509 shares) by the purchase price per share of 138 yen. Note 2) “Commission” (Item (b)) is the estimated amount of commission to be paid to the tender offer agent. Note 3) “Others” (Item (c)) is comprised of estimated fees and expenses for public notice, the printing of the tender offer explanatory statement and other necessary documents. Note 4) The other costs and expenses to be paid to the tender offer agent and the fees, etc. for legal counsel will also be paid. However, the amounts of such expenses and fees have not yet been determined. Note 5) Consumption tax and similar charges are not included in any amount above.

(2) Deposits or loans, etc. which may be applied to funds required for purchase, etc. a. Existing deposits as of one or two days prior to the filing date Amount Type of Deposits (thousands of yen)

- - Total (a) -

b. Borrowings as of the day preceding the filing date (i)【Financial institutions】 Lender’s Name, etc. of Description of loan Amount business Lender agreement (thousands of yen) category 1 - - - - Total -

(ii)【Non-financial institutions】 Lender’s business Name, etc. of Description of loan Amount category Lender agreement (thousands of yen) - - - -

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Total -

c. Funds to be borrowed after the filing date (i)【Financial institutions】 Lender’s Amount Name, etc. of Description of loan business (thousands of Lender agreement category yen)

1 - - - -

Total (b) -

(ii)【Non-financial institutions】 Lender’s business Amount Name, etc. of Lender Description of loan agreement category (thousands of yen) - - - -

Total (c) -

d. Other methods of financing Amount Description (thousands of yen)

Deposit with Panasonic Global Treasury Center B.V. 987,009,988

Total (d) 987,009,988 Note 1) Panasonic Global Treasury Center B.V. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Tender Offeror and engages in receiving the deposit of funds and issuance of loans, etc. for Panasonic group, including the funds of the Tender Offeror. Note 2) In order to ensure that the above financing is provided, the Tender Offeror has obtained a certification of deposit from Panasonic Global Treasury Center B.V., and bank certifications of deposit relating to the deposit of Panasonic Global Treasury Center B.V. from Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Citibank Japan, Ltd. and Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd., which are the financial institutions in which Panasonic Global Treasury Center B.V. has deposited its money.

e. Total amount of deposits or loans which may be applied to funds required for purchase, etc.

987,009,988 thousand yen ((a)+(b)+(c)+(d))

Note) The Tender Offeror has also commenced a tender offer for the common stock of Panasonic Electric Works as of August 23, 2010. The estimate amount of funds required for the Tender Offer is 423,661,240,242 yen, the estimate amount of funds required for the tender offer for the common stock of Panasonic Electric Works is 396,988,464,410 yen, and the total estimated amount of funds required

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for each of these tender offers is 820,649,704,652 yen.

(3) Relationship, etc. between Tender Offeror and the company issuing securities to be used as consideration for purchase, etc. N/A

9. Condition of the Company Issuing Securities to be Used as Consideration for Purchase, etc. N/A

10. Method of Settlement (1) Names and addresses of the head offices of the financial instruments dealers and banks, etc. responsible for settlement of purchase, etc. Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. 9-1, Nihonbashi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

(2) Tender Offer settlement commencement date October 14, 2010 (Thursday)

(3) Method of settlement A notice of purchase, etc. through the Tender Offer shall be mailed to the addresses of the tendering shareholders, etc. (or to the addresses of the standing proxies in the case of non-resident shareholders, etc.) without delay after the expiry of the tender offer period (except where the shares were tendered via NOMURAJOY, the exclusive Internet service provided by the tender offer agent). In the case where the shares were tendered via NOMURAJOY, a notice of purchase will be delivered by the means prescribed on NOMURAJOY’s website (https://www.nomurajoy.jp/). Payment for the shares will be made in cash. The tendering shareholders, etc. will receive the sales proceeds resulting from the Tender Offer through the methods designated by the tendering shareholders, etc., such as remittance (the tendering shareholders, etc. may be liable for remittance charges).

(4) Method of returning share certificates, etc. In the event that all of the tendered share certificates, etc. are not purchased under the terms and conditions mentioned in “(2) Conditions of withdrawal, etc. of Tender Offer, details thereof and method of disclosure of withdrawal, etc.” of “11 Other Conditions and Methods of Purchase, Etc.” provided below, the share certificates, etc. required to be returned will be returned promptly on or after the commencement date of the settlement (or the date of withdrawal, etc. in the event of a withdrawal, etc. of the Tender Offer) by way of restoring the record of the shares back to the state that existed immediately prior to the relevant tender. (If the tendering shareholders, etc. would like to transfer the record of the share certificates, etc. to an account established with any other financial instruments dealer, etc., please indicate accordingly.)

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11 Other Conditions and Methods of Purchase, Etc. (1) Conditions set forth in each Item of Article 27-13, Paragraph 4 of the Act A maximum or minimum number of the share certificates, etc. scheduled to be purchased has not been established in the Tender Offer. Therefore, the Tender Offeror will purchase all of the tendered share certificates, etc.

(2) Conditions of withdrawal, etc. of Tender Offer, details thereof and method of disclosure of withdrawal, etc. Upon the occurrence of any event listed in Article 14, Paragraph 1, Items 1.1 through 1.9, Items 1.12 through 1.18, Items 3.1 through 3.8, and Item 4, and in Article 14, Paragraph 2, Items 3 through 6 of the Enforcement Order, the Tender Offeror may withdraw the Tender Offer. In the event that the Tender Offeror intends to withdraw the Tender Offer, the Tender Offeror shall give public notice electronically and then post notice in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun that such public notice has been made; provided, however, that, if it is impracticable to give such notice by the last day of the tender offer period, the Tender Offeror shall make a public announcement pursuant to Article 20 of the TOB Order and give public notice immediately thereafter.

(3) Conditions for reduction of price of purchase etc. details thereof and method of disclosure of reduction Pursuant to Article 27-6, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Act, if the Target takes any action enumerated in Article 13, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Order during the tender offer period, the Tender Offeror may reduce the price of purchase etc. in accordance with the methods provided for in Article 19, Paragraph 1 of the TOB Order. In the event that the Tender Offeror intends to reduce the price of purchase, etc., the Tender Offeror shall give public notice electronically, and then post notice in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun that such public notice has been made; provided, however, that, if it is impracticable to give such notice by the last day of the tender offer period, the Tender Offeror shall make a public announcement pursuant to Article 20 of the TOB Order and give public notice immediately thereafter. If the price of purchase, etc. is reduced, the Tender Offeror shall purchase any and all tendered share certificates, etc. at such reduced price, even if such share certificates, etc. were tendered prior to such public notice.

(4) Matters concerning tendering shareholders, etc. right of cancellation of the tender Tendering shareholders, etc. may cancel a tender of the Tender Offer at any time during the tender offer period. The method of cancellation shall be as described herein under “(2) Method of canceling the tender of share certificates to Tender Offer” of “7. Method of Tendering Share Certificates, etc. in the Tender Offer and Canceling the Tender of Share Certificates, etc.” No compensation for damages or penalty payments shall be claimed against any tendering shareholders, etc. by the Tender Offeror in the event that the tender by such tendering shareholders is cancelled. The cost of returning the tendered share certificates, etc. shall also be borne by the Tender Offeror.

(5) Method of disclosure if the terms and conditions, etc. of the Tender Offer are changed If any terms or conditions, etc. of the Tender Offer are to be changed, the Tender Offeror

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shall give public notice electronically regarding the details, etc. of such changes and then post notice in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun that such public notice has been made; provided, however, that, if it is impracticable to give such notice by the last day of the tender offer period, the Tender Offeror shall make a public announcement pursuant to Article 20 of the TOB Order and give public notice immediately thereafter. If any change is made to the terms and conditions of the Tender Offer, the Tender Offeror shall purchase any and all tendered share certificates, etc. in accordance with the amended terms and conditions, etc., even if such share certificates, etc. were tendered prior to such public notice.

(6) Method of disclosure if amendment statement is filed If an amendment statement is filed with the Director-General of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau, except for the case provided for in the proviso of Article 27-8, Paragraph 11 of the Act, the Tender Offeror shall forthwith make a public announcement of the contents thereof that pertain to the contents of the Public Notice of the Commencement of Tender Offer, in accordance with the method set forth in Article 20 of the TOB Order. The Tender Offeror shall also forthwith amend the tender offer explanatory statement and deliver the amended tender offer explanatory statement to the tendering shareholders, etc. who have already received the tender offer explanatory statement; provided, however, that, if the scope of the amendment is narrow, the Tender Offeror will instead prepare a document stating the reason(s) for the amendment, the matters amended and the contents as amended and deliver said document to the tendering shareholders, etc.

(7) Method of disclosure of results of the Tender Offer The Tender Offeror shall make a public announcement regarding the results of the Tender Offer, in accordance with the methods provided for in Article 9-4 of the Enforcement Order and Article 30-2 of the TOB Order, on the day immediately following the last day of the Tender Offer Period.

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II. Description of Tender Offeror

1. If Tender Offeror is a Company (1) Summary description of the Company a. History of the Company Date History March 1918 Matsushita Electric Devices Manufacturing Works was set up by Konosuke Matsushita, at Ohiraki-cho, Fukushima-ku, Osaka-City, and manufacture of wiring device started March 1923 Bullet-shaped battery-powered lamp was developed and marketed April 1927 “National” brand name was instituted May 1933 Head office was moved to Kadoma and divisional system was instituted August 1935 Matsushita Electric Trading Co. was incorporated December 1935 Matsushita Electric Trading Co. was reorganized into Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. (incorporated as of December 15, 1935; capital 10,000,000 yen) May 1949 Shares of the Company were listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange and Osaka Securities Exchange September 1951 Shares of the Company were listed on Nagoya Stock Exchange January 1952 Capital participation with Nakagawa Kikai (former Matsushita Refrigeration Company) December 1952 Matsushita Electronics Corporation was incorporated, under the technical cooperation with Philips of the Netherlands, and four plants of the tube factory were removed from the Company May 1953 Central Research Laboratory was instituted February 1954 Capital participation with Victor Company of Japan, Limited December 1955 Kyushu Matsushita Electric Co., Ltd. (presently Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd.) was incorporated May 1956 Osaka Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. (presently Panasonic Ecology Systems Co., Ltd.) was incorporated January 1958 Subsidiary Company, Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd. (presently Panasonic Mobile Communications Co., Ltd.), was incorporated and the communication device manufacturing division was removed from the Company September 1959 Matsushita Electric Corporation of America (presently Panasonic Corporation of North America) were incorporated (bases for manufacture and distribution were incorporated overseas thereafter ) January 1961 Masaharu Matsushita became the President and Director

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August 1962 Capital participation with Toho Electric Machinery Co., Ltd. (former Matsushita Graphic Communication Systems, Inc.) November 1969 Matsushita Kotobuki Electronics Industries, Ltd. (presently Panasonic Shikoku Electronics Co., Ltd.) was incorporated December 1971 Shares of the Company were listed on New York Stock Exchange December 1975 Issuance of US dollar convertible bonds with the total face amount of 100,000,000 dollars January 1976 Subsidiary company, Matsushita Electronic Components Co., Ltd. (presently Panasonic Electronic Devices Co., Ltd.), was incorporated and the electronic device manufacturing division was removed from the Company January 1977 Subsidiary companies, Matsushita Housing Equipment Co., Ltd. and Matsushita Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd. were incorporated and the household equipment manufacturing division and the industrial equipment manufacturing division were removed from the Company February 1977 Toshihiko Yamashita became the President and Director January 1979 Subsidiary company, Matsushita Battery Industrial Co., Ltd., was incorporated and the battery manufacturing division was removed from the Company July 1985 Financial subsidiary, Panasonic Finance (America), Inc., was incorporated in the United States of America (in May 1986, two companies were incorporated in Europe, also) October 1985 Basic Research Laboratory, Semiconductor Research Center was founded February 1986 Akio Tanii became the President and Director March 1987 The fiscal year end was changed from November 20 to March 31. April 1988 Merger with Matsushita Electric Trading Co. April 1989 Company founder Konosuke Matsushita passed away December 1990 Acquisition of MCA Inc., a major entertainment company in the United States of America February 1993 Yoichi Morishita became the President and Director May 1993 Joint venture agreement with Philips of the Netherlands with respect to Matsushita Electronics Corporation was cancelled, and all of the shares of Matsushita Electronics Corporation held by Philips were acquired April 1995 Merger with Matsushita Housing Equipment Co., Ltd. June 1995 Transfer to the Seagram Company Ltd., of 80 percent of the interest in MCA held by the subsidiary in America

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February 1999 Upon resolution at the 91st Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, retirement of treasury shares out of profit of 50,000,000 shares (98,800,000,000 yen) was conducted April 2000 Matsushita Refrigeration Company became a wholly-owned subsidiary by share exchange June 2000 Kunio Nakamura became the President and Director April 2001 Merger with Matsushita Electronics Corporation April 2002 Incorporation of Toshiba Matsushita Display Technology Co., Ltd., the joint venture with TOSHIBA CORPORATION, for the liquid crystal business October 2002 Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd., Kyushu Matsushita Electric Co., Ltd., Matsushita Seiko Co, Ltd., Matsushita Kotobuki Electronics Industries, Ltd. and Matsushita Graphic Communication Systems, Inc. became wholly owned subsidiaries by share exchange January 2003 Transition to the business domain-based management system by reorganization Group company, Kyushu Matsushita Electric Co., Ltd. (presently Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd.), merged with Matsushita Graphic Communication Systems, Inc. April 2003 Incorporation of Matsushita Toshiba Picture Display Co., Ltd., the joint venture with TOSHIBA CORPORATION, for the cathode ray tube business (presently MT Picture Display Co., Ltd.) Matsushita Electronic Components Co., Ltd. and Matsushita Battery Industrial Co., Ltd. became wholly-owned subsidiaries by share exchange “Panasonic” was adopted as the Global brand April 2004 Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd. (presently Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd.), PanaHome Corporation and subsidiaries thereof became the consolidated subsidiaries, due to purchase of additional shares of Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd. April 2005 Merger with Matsushita Industrial Information Equipment Co., Ltd. February 2006 Transfer to Vivendi Universal S.A. of all of the interest in the Universal Studios related companies (former MCA Inc.) held by the subsidiary in America June 2006 Fumio Ohtsubo became the President and Director March 2007 Matsushita Toshiba Picture Display Co., Ltd. became a wholly owned subsidiary August 2007 Victor Company of Japan, Limited and its subsidiaries changed from consolidated subsidiaries to equity method affiliates, by conducting allocation of new shares, by Victor Company of Japan, Limited, to a third party April 2008 Merger with Matsushita Refrigeration Company

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October 2008 Name of the Company changed from Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. to Panasonic Corporation Merger with the Matsushita Battery Industrial Co., Ltd. April 2009 Transfer to Toshiba Corporation of all of the interest in Toshiba Matsushita Display Technology Co., Ltd. held by the Company December 2009 SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries became consolidated subsidiaries as a result of the acquisition of the majority of voting rights in SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. January 2010 Implementation of the absorption-type company split, to have Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd. succeed to the business of the internal division company, System Solutions Company (accordingly, Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd.’s name changed to Panasonic System Networks Co., Ltd.) b. Business purpose of the company and its business

1) Business purpose of the company The purpose of the Tender Offeror shall be to engage in the following businesses. 1. manufacture and sale of electric machinery and equipment, communication and electronic equipment, as well as lighting equipment; 2. manufacture and sale of gas, kerosene and kitchen equipment, as well as machinery and equipment for building and housing; 3. manufacture and sale of machinery and equipment for office and transportation, as well as for sales activities; 4. manufacture and sale of medical, health and hygienic equipment, apparatus and materials; 5. manufacture and sale of optical and precision machinery and equipment; 6 manufacture and sale of batteries, battery-operated products, carbon and manganese and other chemical and metal products; 7. manufacture and sale of air conditioning and anti-pollution equipment, as well as industrial machinery and equipment; 8. manufacture and sale of other machinery and equipment; 9. engineering and installation of machinery and equipment related to any of the preceding items as well as engineering and performance of and contracting for other construction work; 10. production and sale of software; 11. sale of iron and steel, nonferrous metals, minerals, oil, gas, ceramics, paper, pulp, rubber, leather, fiber and their products; 12. sale of foods, beverages, liquor and other alcoholics, agricultural, livestock, dairy and marine products, animal feed and their raw materials; 13. manufacture and sale of drugs, quasi-drugs, cosmetics, fertilizer, poisonous and deleterious substance and other chemical products;

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14. manufacture and sale of buildings and other structures and components thereof; 15. motion picture and musical entertainment business and promotion of sporting events: 16. export and import of products, materials and software mentioned in each of the preceding item (other than item 9); 17. providing repair and maintenance services for the products, goods and software mentioned in each of the preceding items for itself and on behalf of others; 18. provision of information and communication services, and broadcasting business; 19. provision of various services utilizing the Internet including Internet access and e-commerce; 20. business related to publishing, printing, freight forwarding, security, maintenance of buildings, nursing care, dispatch of workers, general leasing, financing, non-life insurance agency and buying, selling, maintaining and leasing of real estate; 21. investment in various businesses; 22. accepting commission for investigations, research, development and consulting related to any of the preceding items; and 23. all other business or businesses incidental or related to any of the preceding items.

2) Description of the business of the company Panasonic Group engages in manufacturing, sales and service activities in areas related to the Company’s business as a general producer of electronic and electric products, by closely cooperating with each of the Group Companies, domestically and globally.

Since changing its corporate name from Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. to Panasonic Corporation on October 1, 2008, the Company is proceeding to unify the Panasonic brand globally. By doing so, the Company aims to harness the combined strength of the Panasonic Group and to bring together the achievements under the name of Panasonic to enhance the brand value. Panasonic Group also aims to propose a lifestyle of the future and to contribute to the well-being of people worldwide through its business activities.

Business segments correspond to categories of activity. There are six business categories. The “Digital AVC Networks” includes video and audio equipment, and information and communications equipment. “Home Appliances” includes household equipment. “PEW and PanaHome” includes electrical supplies, electric products, building materials and equipment, and housing business. “Components and Devices” includes semiconductors, electronic components, batteries, etc. “SANYO” includes solar cells, lithium-ion batteries, and optical pickups, etc. “Other” includes factory automation (FA) equipment and industrial equipment.

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With respect to production, the Company adopts a system in which the Company or a subsidiary is responsible for the production of a particular product. Especially in recent years, the Company is expanding overseas business and strengthening production by the overseas subsidiaries. With respect to sales, domestically, products are sold according to sales channels mainly through local sales companies and local distributors having sales offices across Japan. Sales are made directly to large customers, such as government and other public offices, and corporations.

With respect to export, the products are sold from the Company mainly to local sales companies and local distributors worldwide.

Moreover, the Company purchases some of the products manufactured by a domestic subsidiary, and sells them in the same manner as the Company’s products through the aforementioned sales channels. Furthermore, with respect to products manufactured by the overseas subsidiaries, such products are sold all over the world mainly through local distributors.

On the other hand, products are imported mainly through the Company. The Company is making an effort to increase imports to promote international cooperation.

Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd., PanaHome Corporation and SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. conduct some of their domestic and overseas sales on their own, not following the above-mentioned form of sale.

Main products and services and the companies in charge of each of the business segments are as follows:

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Business Segments & Main Products and Services Companies in Charge

Digital AVC Networks

Video and Audio Equipment Plasma and Panasonic Corporation, Panasonic LCD TVs, Blu-ray Discs and DVD recorders, Mobile Communications Co., Ltd., camcorders, digital cameras, personal and Panasonic System Networks Co., home audio equipment, SD Memory Cards and Ltd., Panasonic Shikoku Electronics other recordable media, optical pickup and Co., Ltd., Panasonic Corporation of other electro-optic devices North America, Panasonic AVC Networks Czech, s.r.o. Information and Communications Equipment PCs, optical disc drives, multi-function printers, telephones, mobile phones, facsimile equipment, broadcast- and business-use AV equipment, communications network-related equipment, traffic-related systems, car AVC equipment, healthcare equipment, etc.

Home Appliances

Refrigerators, room air conditioners, washing Panasonic Corporation, Panasonic machines and clothes dryers, vacuum cleaners, Ecology Systems Co., Ltd., electric irons, microwave ovens, rice cookers, Panasonic Home Appliances other cooking appliances, dish washer/dryers, Air-Conditioning (Guangzhou) Co., electric fans, air purifiers, electric heating Ltd., Panasonic Refrigeration equipment, electric hot water supply Devices Singapore Pte. Ltd. equipment, sanitary equipment, electric lamps, ventilation and air-conditioning equipment, compressors, vending machines, etc.

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PEW and PanaHome

Lighting fixtures, wiring devices, personal-care Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd., products, health enhancing products, PanaHome Corporation water-related products, modular kitchen systems, interior furnishing materials, exterior finishing materials, electronic materials, automation controls, detached housing, rental apartment housing, medical and nursing care facilities, home remodeling, residential real estate, etc.

Components and Devices

Semiconductors, electric components Panasonic Corporation, Panasonic (capacitors, tuners, circuit boards, power Electronic Devices Co., Ltd., supplies, circuit components, electromechanical Panasonic Electronic Devices components, speakers, etc.), batteries, etc. Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Panasonic Semiconductor Asia Pte. Ltd., Panasonic Energy (Wuxi) Co., Ltd.


Solar cells, lithium-ion batteries, optical SANYO Electric Co., Ltd., SANYO pickups, capacitors, semiconductors, digital Consumer Electronics Co., Ltd. cameras, LCD TVs, projectors, showcases, commercial air conditioners, medical information systems, refrigerators, washing machines, room air conditioners, car navigation systems, etc.


Electronic-components-mounting machines, Panasonic Corporation, Panasonic industrial robots, welding equipment, bicycles, Factory Solutions Co., Ltd., imported materials and components, etc. Panasonic Welding Systems Co., Ltd., Panasonic Factory Solutions Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., Panasonic Welding Systems (Tangshan) Co., Ltd.

(Note 1) In December 2009, SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries became consolidated subsidiaries of the Company.

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(Note 2) In January 2010, Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd. succeeded the business of the internal division company, System Solutions Company, and changed its name to Panasonic System Networks Co., Ltd.

(Note 3) Panasonic Shikoku Electronics Co., Ltd. will change its name to Panasonic Healthcare Co., Ltd. on October 1, 2010.

c. Amount of paid-in capital and total number of issued shares of the company As of August 23, 2010 Amount of paid-in capital (yen) Total number of issued shares(shares) 258,740,486,073 2,453,053,497

d. Major shareholders As of March 31, 2010 Shareholding ratio to total Number of shares owned Name Address number of issued shares (1,000 shares) (%) The Master Trust Bank of Japan, 11-3, Hamamatsucho Ltd. 2-chome, Minato-ku, 112,992 4.60 (Trust account) Tokyo (Note 2)

Moxley & Co. 270 PARK AVENUE, (standing proxy NEW YORK, N.Y. Sumitomo Mitsui 10017-2070 U.S.A 103,982 4.23 Banking (1-2 Yurakucho 1-chome, Corporation) Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) Japan Trustee Services Bank, 8-11 Harumi 1-chome, . 95,565 3.89 Ltd Chuo-ku, Tokyo (Trust account) (Note 3) Nippon Life 5-12 Imabashi 3-chome, Insurance 67,000 2.73 Chuo-ku, Osaka Company Sumitomo Mitsui 1-2 Yurakucho 1-chome, Banking 57,024 2.32 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Corporation Panasonic Employee 1006 Ooaza Kadoma, 40,192 1.63 Shareholding Kadoma-shi, Osaka Association State Street bank P.O.BOX 351 BOSTON and Trust Co., Ltd. MASSACHUSETTS 33,827 1.37 (standing proxy 02101 U.S.A

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Mizuho Corporate (3-3 Marunouchi 1-chome, Bank, Ltd.) Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) Mitsui Sumitomo 27-2 Shinkawa 2-chome, Insurance Co., 32,605 1.32 Chuo-ku, Tokyo Ltd. Sumitomo Life 4-35 Shiromi 1-chome, 31,382 1.27 Insurance Co. Chuo-ku, Osaka Daikin Industries, Umeda Center Building, 4-12 Nakazaki-Nishi 28,605 1.16 Ltd. 2-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka Total - 603,178 24.58 (Note 1) Holdings of less than 1,000 shares have been omitted.

(Note 2) The number of shares owned by the Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) indicates the number of such shares, etc. related to the trust business entrusted to the Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation etc. as are reentrusted to the Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd.

(Note 3) The number of shares owned by the Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd.(Trust account) indicates the number of such shares, etc. related to the trust business entrusted to the Sumitomo Trust and Banking Co., Ltd., etc. as are reentrusted to the Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd.

(Note 4) The Company holds 382,448 thousand (15.59 %) of the treasury shares.

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e. Employment history of officers and number of shares owned by the officers As of August 23, 2010 Number of shares Date of Title Position Name Employment history owned birth (100 shares) Apr. 1962 Joined the Company President, Matsushita Electronic Jun. 1992 (U.K.) Ltd. Director of the Company Jun. 1993 Director, Corporate Management Division for America Director, Corporate Management Chairman of the Oct. 1993 Board of Division for North America Kunio Jul. 5, Directors Managing Director of the 836 Nakamura 1939 Jun. 1996 (Representative Company Director) Senior Managing Director of the Company Jun. 1997 President, AVC Networks Company Jun. 2000 President of the Company Chairman of the Board of Jun. 2006 Directors (present post) Apr. 1968 Joined the Company

Director, Washing Machine Oct. 1981 Business Division Feb. 1986 Director of the Company Managing Director of the Jun. 1990 Vice Chairman Company of the Board of Masayuki Oct. 16, Senior Managing Director of the Directors Jun. 1992 79,130 Matsushita 1945 Company (Representative Director, Corporate Industrial Director) Aug. 1993 Marketing & Sales Division In charge of Overseas Jul. 1995 Operations Executive Vice President of the Jun. 1996 Company Vice Chairman of the Board of Jun. 2000 Directors (present post) President and Fumio Sep. 5, Apr. 1971 Joined the Company 586 Director Ohtsubo 1945 President, Matsushita (Representative Jan. 1989 Director) Electronics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Director of the Company Jun. 1998 Vice President, AVC Networks Company

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Number of shares Date of Title Position Name Employment history owned birth (100 shares) Managing Director of the Jun. 2000 Company President, Panasonic AVC Jan. 2003 Networks Company Senior Managing Director of the Jun. 2003 Company President of the Company Jun. 2006 (present post) Apr. 1970 Joined the Company President, Matsushita Electric Jun. 1998 () Co., Ltd. Director of the Company Vice President, AVC Company / Jun. 2000 in charge of Visual Products Group Director, Visual Products Apr. 2001 Business Group of AVC In charge of Company Domestic Executive Vice Senior Vice President, AVC Consumer Jun. 2001 President and Company Marketing, Toshihiro Oct. 27, Director 373 Domestic Sakamoto 1946 Jun. 2003 In charge of Corporate Planning (Representative Consumer Director) Managing Director of the Satisfaction and Jun. 2004 Design Company Senior Managing Director of the Apr. 2006 Company / President, Panasonic AVC Networks Company Executive Vice President of the Company (present post) / in Apr. 2009 charge of Domestic Consumer Marketing and Design (present post) In charge of Domestic Consumer Apr. 2010 Satisfaction (present post) Executive Vice In charge of Takahiro Jun. 16, Apr. 1970 Joined the Company 345 President and Corporate Mori 1947 Director, Corporate Apr. 2001 Director Planning, Communications Division (Representative Corporate Executive Officer of the Director) Division for Jun. 2003 Promoting Company System & Oct. 2003 In charge of CSR Office

- 44 -

Number of shares Date of Title Position Name Employment history owned birth (100 shares) Equipment Managing Director of the Business, and Company / in charge of Jun. 2005 Electrical Corporate Communications Supplies Sales, Division Project Sales and In charge of Corporate Planning Apr. 2006 Building Products (present post) Sales Senior Managing Director of the Apr. 2008 Company Executive Vice President of the Company (present post) / in charge of Corporate Division for Apr. 2009 Promoting System & Equipment Business, and Electrical Supplies Sales, Project Sales and Building Products Sales (present post) Apr. 1970 Joined the Company President, Matsushita Jun. 2001 Communication Industrial Co., Ltd. Executive Officer of the Jun. 2003 Company Managing Executive Officer of Executive Vice Jun. 2004 the Company / Director of the Representative in President and Tokyo Branch Tokyo / in charge Yasuo Sep. 19, Director Managing Director of the 252 of External Katsura 1947 Jun. 2007 (Representative Company Affairs Division Director) Senior Managing Director of the Company Representative in Tokyo Apr. 2009 (present post) / in charge of External Affairs Division (present post)

Executive Vice President of the Apr. 2010 Company (present post)

Senior In charge of Hitoshi Jun. 6, Apr. 1970 Joined the Company 158 Managing Overseas Otsuki 1947 President, Panasonic Electronic Jun. 2000 Director Operations (U.K.) Ltd. (Representative Director) Executive Officer of the Company / Director of Europe Jun. 2003 Division / Chairman of Matsushita Europe Ltd. Managing Executive Officer of the Company / in charge of Apr. 2007 Overseas Operations (present post)

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Number of shares Date of Title Position Name Employment history owned birth (100 shares) Managing Director of the Jun. 2007 Company Senior Managing Director of the Apr. 2009 Company (present post) Apr. 1971 Joined the Company Director, in charge of PDP Apr. 2000 Division Executive Officer of the Jun. 2005 Company Senior Vice President, Panasonic Senior AVC Networks Company / Managing President, AVC Apr. 2006 Oct. 24, Director, Visual Products and Director Networks Ken Morita 211 1948 Display Devices Business Group (Representative Company Managing Executive Officer of Director) Apr. 2007 the Company Senior Managing Executive Officer of the Company / Apr. 2009 President, AVC Networks Company (present post) Senior Managing Director of the Jun. 2009 Company (present post) Senior In charge of Ikusaburo Oct. 8, Joined the Ministry of Jul. 1971 161 Managing Legal Affairs, Kashima 1948 International Trade and Industry Director Intellectual Director General of Price Bureau Jul. 1999 (Representative Property and of Economic Planning Agency Director) Corporate Resigned from the Ministry of Business Ethics Jan. 2001 Economy, Trade and Industry Vice President of National Apr. 2001 Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Vice Chairman, Information Jun. 2003 Technology Promotion Agency Jun. 2004 Joined the Company Director of the Company / Jun. 2005 Deputy Chief of Overseas Operations Managing Director of the Company / in charge of Legal Affairs (present post), Corporate Apr. 2007 Risk Management, Corporate Information Security, and Corporate Business Ethics (present post)

- 46 -

Number of shares Date of Title Position Name Employment history owned birth (100 shares) In charge of Intellectual Property Apr. 2009 (present post) Senior Managing Director of the Apr. 2010 Company (present post) Joined Matsushita Electric Apr. 1971 Works, Ltd. Director, Matsushita Electric Feb. 2002 Works, Ltd. Director, Executive Senior Dec. 2003 Managing Officer, Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd. Jun. 2005 Senior Managing Director, In charge of Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd. Senior Technology and Managing Corporate Executive Vice President, Apr. 10, Jun. 2006 Director Division for Junji Nomura Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd. 180 1947 (Representative Promoting Director) Energy Solutions Managing Director of the Business Jun. 2009 Company / in charge of Special Task In charge of Technology Feb. 2010 (present post) Senior Managing Director of the Company (present post) / in charge of Corporate Apr. 2010 Division for Promoting Energy Solutions Business (present post) Apr. 1974 Joined the Company Vice President, Panasonic AVC Apr. 2003 Networks Company / Director, Systems Business Group Executive Officer of the Company / Director, Corporate Jun. 2004 Management Division for North America / Chairman, Matsushita Managing In charge of Yoshihiko May 11, Electric Corporation of America 221 Director Industrial Sales Yamada 1951 Managing Executive Officer of Apr. 2007 the Company In charge of Industrial Sales Apr. 2010 (present post)

Managing Director of the Jun. 2010 Company (present post)

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Number of shares Date of Title Position Name Employment history owned birth (100 shares) Apr. 1978 Joined the Company Director, Matsushita Jun. 2002 Refrigeration Company In charge of Corporate Marketing Division for National Brand Home Appliances and Corporate Marketing Division Apr. 2005 for National Brand Wellness President, Home Products / Director, Corporate Appliances Marketing Division for National Managing Company / in Kazunori Jun. 12, Brand Home Appliances 153 Director charge of Takami 1954 Executive Officer of the Lighting Apr. 2006 Company Company Managing Executive Officer of Apr. 2008 the Company President, Home Appliances Company (present post) / in Apr. 2009 charge of Lighting Company (present post) Managing Director of the Jun. 2009 Company (present post) Apr. 1975 Joined the Company General Manager, Corporate Jun. 2003 Accounting Group Executive Officer of the Apr. 2006 In charge of Company Accounting, Managing Makoto Feb. 14, In charge of Accounting and Finance and Apr. 2007 228 Director Uenoyama 1953 Finance (present post) Information Director of the Company Systems Jun. 2007 (present post) In charge of Information Apr. 2009 Systems (present post) Managing Director of the Apr. 2010 Company (present post) Apr. 1977 Joined the Company in charge of General Affairs and Jun. 2003 Social Relations In charge of Personnel, Executive Officer of the Managing Masatoshi Feb. 9, General Affairs Company / in charge of 160 Director Harada 1955 Apr. 2008 and Social Personnel and General Affairs Relations (present post) Jun. 2008 Director of the Company Managing Director of the Apr. 2010 Company (present post)

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Number of shares Date of Title Position Name Employment history owned birth (100 shares) President, Nippon Life Insurance Apr. 1997 Company

Jan. 4, Chairman, Nippon Life Director Ikuo Uno - 1935 Apr. 2005 Insurance Company (present post) Director of the Company Jun. 2005 (present post) President, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (present Jun. 2005 post) / Chairman, Board of Masayuki Dec. 2, Director Directors of Sumitomo Mitsui 10 Oku 1944 Financial Group (present post) Director of the Company Jun. 2008 (present post)

Mar. 1973 Joined the Company Director, Corporate Apr. 2003 Manufacturing Innovation In charge of Division Manufacturing Executive Officer of the Innovation, Jun. 2003 Facility Company Management, In charge of Manufacturing Quality Masashi Aug. 20, Director Innovation (present post), 124 Administration, Makino 1948 Facility Management (present FF Customer post), Quality Administration Support & Apr. 2009 (present post), FF Customer Management and Support & Management (present Environmental post), Environmental Affairs Affairs (present post) and Recycling Business Promotion Director of the Company Jun. 2009 (present post) Apr. 1978 Joined the Company President, Panasonic System Solutions Company / Director, Apr. 2006 Corporate Construction Business Promotion Division President, Executive Officer of the Panasonic System Takashi Sep. 28, Apr. 2007 Director Company 179 Networks Co., Toyama 1955 President, System Networks Ltd. Company (present post) / Jan. 2010 President, Panasonic System Networks Co., Ltd. (present post) Director of the Company Jun. 2010 (present post)

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Number of shares Date of Title Position Name Employment history owned birth (100 shares) May 1940 Joined the Company Oct. 1947 Director of the Company Executive Vice President of the Aug. 1949 Honorary Company Chairman of the Board of Masaharu Sep. 17, Jan. 1961 President of the Company 95,980 Directors and Matsushita 1912 Chairman of the Board of Feb. 1977 Executive Directors Advisor Honorary Chairman, the Board of Directors and Executive Jun. 2000 Advisor, Member of the Board (present post) Apr. 1971 Joined the Company Director of Kyushu Matsushita Jun. 1999 Electric Co., Ltd. Managing Director, Kyushu Jun. 2001 Senior Corporate Matsushita Electric Co., Ltd. Kenichi May 2, Auditor 139 Hamada 1947 Senior Managing Director, (Full-time) Jun. 2003 Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd. Vice President, Panasonic Jun. 2005 Communications Co., Ltd. Senior Corporate Auditor of the Jun. 2007 Company (present post) Apr. 1972 Joined the Company President, Panasonic do Brasil Feb. 2001 Ltda. Senior Corporate Masahiro Jul. 18, Auditor Seyama Director, Latin American 164 1949 (Full-time) Jun. 2005 operations / President, Panasonic Corporation of Latin America Senior Corporate Auditor of the Jun. 2008 Company (present post) Chairman, Sumitomo Life Jul. 2001 Insurance Company

Corporate Yasuo Oct. 5, Corporate Auditor of the Jun. 2003 30 Auditor Yoshino 1939 Company (present post) Honorary Advisory of Sumitomo Jul. 2007 Life Insurance Company (present post) Corporate Ikuo Hata Aug. 6, Apr. 1957 Appointed to be a judge - Auditor 1931 Apr. 1992 President, Osaka District Court

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Number of shares Date of Title Position Name Employment history owned birth (100 shares) Sep. 1995 Registered as attorney at law (member of Osaka Bar Association) (present post) Deputy Director, Nippon Choutei Kyoukai (Japan Jun. 1998 Federation of Arbitrators Associations) Member of Supreme Court’ s Jul. 2001 Building-Related Litigation Commission Corporate Auditor of the Jun. 2004 Company (present post) Apr. 1959 Joined Mitsui & Co., Ltd. Corporate Auditor, Mitsui & Jun. 1997 Co., Ltd. Corporate Hiroyuki Mar. 1, Executive Managing Director - Auditor Takahashi 1937 Oct. 2000 and Secretary-General, Japan Corporate Auditors Association Corporate Auditor of the Jun. 2006 Company (present post) Total 179,620

(Note 1) Holdings of less than 100 shares have been omitted. (Note 2) Masayuki Matsushita, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, is the eldest son of Masaharu Matsushita, the Honorary Chairman of the Board and Executive Advisor, Member of the Board. (Note 3) Directors Ikuo Uno and Masayuki Oku are both “outside directors,” as defined in Article 2, Item 15 of the Companies Act. (Note 4) Corporate Auditors Yasuo Yoshino, Ikuo Hata and Hiroyuki Takahashi are “outside corporate auditors,” as defined in Article 2, Item 16 of the Companies Act. (Note 5) The Company implemented the “executive officer system” (yakuin seido) as of June 27, 2003, in order to provide for the execution of business in various Panasonic Group companies. Directors who concurrently serve as Executive Officers are not included in the above list.

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Title Name Position

Managing Executive Kazuhiro Tsuga President, Automotive Systems Company Officer Managing Executive Takumi Kajisha In charge of Corporate Communications Officer Managing Director, Corporate Management Division for Asia and Oceania / Executive Ikuo Miyamoto President, Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. Officer Managing Senior Vice President, AVC Networks Company / Executive Yoshiiku Miyata Director, Visual Products and Display Devices Business Group Officer Managing Representative in Kansai / in charge of Corporate Risk Management and Executive Yutaka Takehana Corporate Information Security Officer Managing Executive Toshiaki Kobayashi President, Panasonic Electronic Devices Co., Ltd. Officer

Executive Masaaki Fujita In charge of Global Procurement and Global Logistics Officer

Executive Yoshihisa Fukushima In charge of Intellectual Property Officer

Executive Naoto Noguchi President, Energy Company Officer

Executive Osamu Waki President, Panasonic Mobile Communications Co., Ltd. Officer

Executive Director, Corporate Management Division for North America/ Joseph Taylor Officer Chairman & CEO, Panasonic Corporation of North America

In charge of Channel Promotion, Domestic Consumer Products Marketing Executive Jun Ishii Division Officer President, Panasonic Consumer Marketing Co., Ltd.

Executive Director, Corporate Management Division for and Northeast Asia / Toshiro Kisaka Officer Chairman, Panasonic Corporation of China

Executive Director, Corporate Management Division for CIS, the Middle East and Masato Tomita Officer Africa

Executive General Manager, Corporate Finance & IR Group / Hideaki Kawai Officer In charge of Global Finance Administration Center

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Title Name Position

Executive Takeshi Uenoyama In charge of Device Technology Officer

Executive Director, Corporate Marketing Division for Digital AVC Products, Shiro Nishiguchi Officer Consumer Products Marketing

Executive Yoshiyuki Miyabe In charge of Digital Network & Software Technology Officer

Executive Director, Corporate Management Division for Europe / Chairman & CEO, Laurent Abadie Officer Panasonic Europe Ltd.

Executive COO, Panasonic Europe Ltd. / President, Panasonic Marketing Europe Yoshihisa Shiokawa Officer GmbH

Executive Yoshio Ito President, Lighting Company Officer

Executive Hidetoshi Osawa Director, Corporate Communications Division Officer

Executive Yoshiaki Nakagawa General Manager, Corporate Planning Group Officer

Executive Senior Vice President, AVC Networks Company / Mamoru Yoshida Officer Director, Network Business Group

Executive Tsuyoshi Nomura Director, Corporate Manufacturing Innovation Division Officer

Executive Senior Vice President, System Networks Company and Executive Senior Nobuharu Akamine Officer Vice President, Panasonic System Networks Co., Ltd.

Executive Director, Corporate Engineering Quality Kuniaki Okahara Officer Administration Division

Executive Director, Home Appliances and Wellness Products Marketing Division, Yukio Nakashima Officer Consumer Products Marketing

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(2) Financial condition

Consolidated Financial Statements (March 31, 2010 and 2009)

a. Consolidated Balance Sheets

March 31, 2010 and 2009

Yen (millions)

Assets 2010 2009

Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents (Note 9) 1,109,912 973,867 Time deposits (Note 9) 92,032 189,288 Short-term investments (Notes 5 and 18) — 1,998

Trade receivables (Note 16): Related companies (Note 4) 37,940 16,178 Notes 74,028 42,582 Accounts (Note 17) 1,097,230 727,504 Allowance for doubtful receivables (24,158) (21,131)

Net trade receivables 1,185,040 765,133

Inventories (Note 3) 913,646 771,137 Other current assets (Notes 11, 17 and 18) 505,418 493,271

Total current assets 3,806,048 3,194,694

Investments and advances: Associated companies (Notes 4 and 18) 177,128 123,959 Other investments and advances (Notes 5, 9 and 18) 459,634 427,792

Total investments and advances 636,762 551,751

Property, plant and equipment (Notes 6, 7, 9 and 18): Land 391,394 298,346 Buildings 1,767,674 1,532,359 Machinery and equipment 2,303,633 2,229,123 Construction in progress 128,826 213,617

4,591,527 4,273,445 Less accumulated depreciation 2,635,506 2,698,615

Net property, plant and equipment 1,956,021 1,574,830

Other assets: Goodwill (Notes 8 and 18) 923,001 410,792 Intangible assets (Notes 7, 8 and 18) 604,865 120,712 Other assets (Notes 10 and 11) 431,360 550,537

Total other assets 1,959,226 1,082,041

8,358,057 6,403,316

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

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Yen (millions)

Liabilities and Equity 2010 2009

Current liabilities: Short-term debt, including current portion of long-term debt (Notes 6, 9 and 18) 299,064 94,355 Trade payables: Related companies (Note 4) 66,596 58,315 Notes 59,516 38,196 Accounts (Note 17) 945,334 582,857 Total trade payables 1,071,446 679,368 Accrued income taxes (Note 11) 39,154 26,139 Accrued payroll 149,218 115,845 Other accrued expenses (Note 19) 826,051 672,836 Deposits and advances from customers 64,046 60,935 Employees’ deposits 10,009 269 Other current liabilities (Notes 10, 11, 17 and 18) 356,875 350,681 Total current liabilities 2,815,863 2,000,428 Noncurrent liabilities: Long-term debt (Notes 6, 9 and 18) 1,028,928 651,310 Retirement and severance benefits (Note 10) 435,799 404,367 Other liabilities (Note 11) 397,694 134,630 Total noncurrent liabilities 1,862,421 1,190,307 Panasonic Corporation shareholders’ equity: Common stock (Note 12): Authorized - 4,950,000,000 shares Issued - 2,453,053,497 shares (2,453,053,497 shares in 2009) 258,740 258,740 Capital surplus (Note 12) 1,209,516 1,217,764 Legal reserve (Note 12) 93,307 92,726 Retained earnings (Note 12) 2,349,487 2,479,416 Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (Notes 5, 10, 13 and 17): Cumulative translation adjustments (352,649) (341,592) Unrealized holding gains (losses) of available-for-sale securities 40,700 (10,563) Unrealized gains (losses) of derivative instruments 1,272 (4,889) Pension liability adjustments (137,555) (237,333) Total accumulated other comprehensive loss (448,232) (594,377) Treasury stock, at cost (Note 12): 382,448,008 shares (382,411,876 shares in 2009) (670,330) (670,289) Total Panasonic Corporation shareholders’ equity 2,792,488 2,783,980 Noncontrolling interests 887,285 428,601

3,679,773 3,212,581 Commitments and contingent liabilities (Notes 6 and 19)

8,358,057 6,403,316

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

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b. Consolidated Statements of Operations

Years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Revenues, costs and expenses:

Net sales: Related companies (Note 4) 209,938 223,231 371,216 Other 7,208,042 7,542,276 8,697,712

Total net sales 7,417,980 7,765,507 9,068,928 Cost of sales (Notes 4, 16 and 17) (5,341,059) (5,667,287) (6,377,240) Selling, general and administrative expenses (Note 16) (1,886,468) (2,025,347) (2,172,207) Interest income 12,348 23,477 34,371 Dividends received 6,746 11,486 10,317 Other income (Notes 5, 6 and 17) 47,896 52,709 70,460 Interest expense (25,718) (19,386) (20,357) Other deductions (Notes 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17 and 18) (261,040) (523,793) (179,279)

Income (loss) before income taxes (29,315) (382,634) 434,993

Provision for income taxes (Note 11): Current 58,147 61,840 128,181 Deferred 83,686 (24,482) (13,608)

141,833 37,358 114,573 Equity in earnings (losses) of associated companies (Note 4) 481 16,149 (9,906)

Net income (loss) (170,667) (403,843) 310,514 Less net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests (67,202) (24,882) 28,637

Net income (loss) attributable to Panasonic Corporation (103,465) (378,961) 281,877


Net income (loss) per share attributable to Panasonic Corporation

common shareholders (Note 14): Basic (49.97) (182.25) 132.90 Diluted — (182.25) 132.90

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

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c. Consolidated Statements of Equity Years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Common stock (Note 12): Balance at beginning of year 258,740 258,740 258,740

Balance at end of year 258,740 258,740 258,740

Capital surplus (Note 12): Balance at beginning of year 1,217,764 1,217,865 1,220,967 Sale of treasury stock (8) (101) 59 Decrease from issuance of new shares by a subsidiary — — (3,161) Equity transactions with noncontrolling interests and others (8,240) — —

Balance at end of year 1,209,516 1,217,764 1,217,865

Legal reserve (Note 12): Balance at beginning of year 92,726 90,129 88,588 Transfer from retained earnings 581 2,597 1,541

Balance at end of year 93,307 92,726 90,129

Retained earnings (Note 12): Balance at beginning of year prior to adjustment 2,479,416 2,948,065 2,737,024 Effects of changing the pension plan measurement date, net of tax (Note 10) — (3,727) —

Balance at beginning of year as adjusted 2,479,416 2,944,338 2,737,024 Net income (loss) attributable to Panasonic Corporation (103,465) (378,961) 281,877 Cash dividends to Panasonic Corporation stockholders (25,883) (83,364) (69,295) Transfer to legal reserve (581) (2,597) (1,541)

Balance at end of year 2,349,487 2,479,416 2,948,065

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (Note 13): Balance at beginning of year prior to adjustment (594,377) (173,897) 107,097 Effects of changing the pension plan measurement date, net of tax (Note 10) — (73,571) —

Balance at beginning of year as adjusted (594,377) (247,468) 107,097 Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax 146,145 (346,909) (280,994)

Balance at end of year (448,232) (594,377) (173,897)

Treasury stock (Note 12): Balance at beginning of year (670,289) (598,573) (495,675) Repurchase of common stock (72) (72,416) (103,112) Sale of treasury stock 31 700 214

Balance at end of year (670,330) (670,289) (598,573)

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Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Noncontrolling interests: Balance at beginning of year prior to adjustment 428,601 514,620 551,154 Effects of changing the pension plan measurement date, net of tax (Note 10) — (3) —

Balance at beginning of year as adjusted 428,601 514,617 551,154 Cash dividends paid to noncontrolling interests (14,619) (20,803) (19,807) Acquisition transaction 532,360 — 29,248 Issuance of shares by subsidiaries — — 40,000 Change in consolidated subsidiaries — — (90,470) Equity transactions with noncontrolling interests and others (2,402) (1,422) (3,520) Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests (67,202) (24,882) 28,637

Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax: Translation adjustments 1,238 (18,043) (8,260) Unrealized holding gains (losses) of available-for-sale securities 2,378 (1,619) (3,806) Unrealized gains (losses) of derivative instruments 68 (12) 332 Pension liability adjustments 6,863 (19,235) (8,888)

Balance at end of year 887,285 428,601 514,620

Disclosure of comprehensive income (loss): Net income (loss) (170,667) (403,843) 310,514

Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax: Translation adjustments (9,819) (130,843) (137,514) Unrealized holding gains (losses) of available-for-sale securities 53,641 (57,624) (119,195) Unrealized gains (losses) of derivative instruments 6,229 (9,227) 3,796 Pension liability adjustments 106,641 (188,124) (48,703)

Comprehensive income (loss) (13,975) (789,661) 8,898 Comprehensive income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests (56,655) (63,791) 8,015

Comprehensive income (loss) attributable to Panasonic Corporation 42,680 (725,870) 883

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

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d. Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

Years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Cash flows from operating activities (Note 16): Net income (loss) (170,667) (403,843) 310,514 Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by

operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 298,270 364,806 320,534 Net gain on sale of investments (5,137) (13,512) (14,402) Provision for doubtful receivables 10,862 10,538 6,008 Deferred income taxes 83,686 (24,482) (13,608) Write-down of investment securities (Notes 4, 5 and 18) 6,944 92,016 31,842 Impairment loss on long-lived assets (Notes 7 and 8) 83,004 313,466 44,627

Cash effects of changes in, excluding acquisition: Trade receivables (119,966) 249,123 (56,677) Inventories 100,576 21,011 (37,372) Other current assets 24,151 30,279 39,602 Trade payables 83,719 (199,176) (41,568) Accrued income taxes 6,706 (33,358) 5,765 Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 102,743 (157,660) 9,973 Retirement and severance benefits (8,655) (107,196) (128,937) Deposits and advances from customers (7,368) (21,191) (15,915) Other 33,465 (4,174) 5,672

Net cash provided by operating activities 522,333 116,647 466,058

Cash flows from investing activities (Note 16): Proceeds from sale of short-term investments 6,442 — 697 Purchase of short-term investments (6,369) — — Proceeds from disposition of investments and advances 61,302 221,127 313,947 Increase in investments and advances (8,855) (34,749) (160,423) Capital expenditures (375,648) (521,580) (418,730) Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and equipment 117,857 40,476 151,279 (Increase) decrease in time deposits 99,274 (136,248) 166,750 Purchase of shares of newly consolidated subsidiaries, net of acquired companies’ cash and cash equivalents (Note 2) (174,808) — (68,309) Other (42,854) (38,503) (46,582)

Net cash used in investing activities (323,659) (469,477) (61,371)

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Cash flows from financing activities (Note 16): Increase (decrease) in short-term debt (3,360) (34,476) (5,815) Proceeds from long-term debt 53,172 442,515 1,344 Repayments of long-term debt (54,780) (83,257) (46,750)

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Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Dividends paid to Panasonic Corporation shareholders (Note 12) (25,883) (83,364) (69,295) Dividends paid to noncontrolling interests (14,619) (20,803) (19,807) Repurchase of common stock (Note 12) (72) (72,416) (103,112) Sale of treasury stock (Note 12) 23 599 273 Purchase of noncontrolling interests (11,095) — — Proceeds from issuance of shares by subsidiaries — — 39,866 Other (359) (86) (252)

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (56,973) 148,712 (203,548)

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (5,656) (36,831) (129,521) Effect of changes in consolidated subsidiaries (Note 16) — — (93,441)

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 136,045 (240,949) (21,823) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 973,867 1,214,816 1,236,639

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 1,109,912 973,867 1,214,816

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008

(1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

(a) Description of Business

Panasonic Corporation (hereinafter, the “Company,” including consolidated subsidiaries, unless the context otherwise requires) is one of the world’s leading producers of electronic and electric products. The Company currently offers a comprehensive range of products, systems and components for consumer, business and industrial use based on sophisticated electronics and precision technology, expanding to building materials and equipment, and housing business.

Sales by product category in fiscal 2010 were as follows: Digital AVC Networks—43%, Home Appliances—15%, PEW and PanaHome*—20%, Components and Devices—11%, SANYO*—5%, and Other—6%. A sales breakdown in fiscal 2010 by geographical market was as follows: Japan—54%, North and South America—12%, Europe—11%, and Asia and Others—23%.

The Company is not dependent on a single supplier, and has no significant difficulty in obtaining raw materials from suppliers.

* PEW stands for Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd. and PanaHome stands for PanaHome Corporation. SANYO stands for SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.

(b) Basis of Presentation of Consolidated Financial Statements

The Company and its domestic subsidiaries maintain their books of account in conformity with financial accounting standards of Japan, and its foreign subsidiaries in conformity with those of the countries of their domicile.

The consolidated financial statements presented herein have been prepared in a manner and reflect adjustments which are necessary to conform with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

(c) Principles of Consolidation

The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its majority-owned, controlled subsidiaries. The Company also consolidates entities in which controlling interest exists through variable interests in accordance with the provisions of Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 810, “Consolidation.” Investments in companies and joint ventures over which the Company has the ability to exercise significant influence (generally through a voting interest of between 20% to 50%) are included in “Investments and advances—Associated companies” in the consolidated balance sheets. All significant intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. (d) Revenue Recognition

The Company generates revenue principally through the sale of consumer and industrial products, equipment, and supplies. The Company recognizes revenue when persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists, delivery has occurred, and

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title and risk of loss have been transferred to the customer or services have been rendered, the sales price is fixed or determinable, and collectibility is reasonably assured.

Revenue from sales of products is generally recognized when the products are received by customers. Revenue from sales of certain products with customer acceptance provisions related to their functionality is recognized when the product is received by the customer and the specific criteria of the product functionality are successfully tested and demonstrated.

The Company enters into arrangements with multiple elements, which may include any combination of products, equipment, installation and maintenance. The Company allocates revenue to each element based on its relative fair value if such element meets the criteria for treatment as a separate unit of accounting as prescribed in the provisions of ASC 605, “Revenue Recognition.” Product revenue is generally recognized upon completion of installation or upon shipment if installation is not required. Maintenance revenue is recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the maintenance agreement.

The Company’s policy is to accept product returns only in the case that the products are defective. The Company issues contractual product warranties under which it guarantees the performance of products delivered and services rendered for a certain period of time. A liability for the estimated product warranty related cost is established at the time revenue is recognized, and is included in “Other accrued expenses.” Estimates for accrued warranty cost are primarily based on historical experience and current information on repair cost.

Historically, the Company has made certain allowances related to sales to its consumer business distributors. Such allowances are generally provided to compensate the distributors for a decline in the product’s value, and are classified as a reduction of revenue on the consolidated statements of operations. Estimated price adjustments are accrued when the related sales are recognized. The estimate is made based primarily on the historical experience or specific arrangements made with the distributors.

The Company also occasionally offers incentive programs to its distributors in the form of rebates. These rebates are accrued at the latter of the date at which the related revenue is recognized or the date at which the incentive is offered, and are recorded as reductions of sales in accordance with in the provisions of ASC 605.

Taxes collected from customers and remitted to governmental authorities are accounted for on a net basis and therefore are excluded from revenues in the consolidated statements of operations.

(e) Leases (See Note 6)

The Company accounts for leases in accordance with the provisions of ASC 840, “Leases.” Leases of the assets under certain conditions are recorded as capital leases in property, plant and equipment in the consolidated balance sheets.

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(f) Inventories (See Note 3)

Finished goods and work in process are stated at the lower of cost (average) or market. Raw materials are stated at cost, principally on a first-in, first-out basis or average basis, not in excess of current replacement cost.

(g) Foreign Currency Translation (See Note 13)

Foreign currency financial statements are translated in accordance with the provisions of ASC 830, “Foreign Currency Matters,” under which all assets and liabilities are translated into yen at year-end rates and income and expense accounts are translated at weighted-average rates. Adjustments resulting from the translation of financial statements are reflected under the caption, “Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss),” a separate component of equity.

(h) Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant and equipment is stated at cost. Depreciation is computed primarily using the straight-line method based on the following estimated useful lives:

Buildings 5 to 50 years Machinery and equipment 2 to 10 years

Effective April 1, 2009, the Company and certain of its domestic subsidiaries changed their depreciation method from the declining-balance method to the straight-line method. The Company believes that the straight-line method better reflects the pattern of consumption of the future benefits to be derived from those assets being depreciated and provides a better matching of costs and revenues over the assets’ estimated useful lives. Under the provisions of ASC 250, “Accounting Changes and Error Corrections,” a change in depreciation method is treated on a prospective basis as a change in estimate and prior period results have not been restated. The change in depreciation method caused a decrease in depreciation expense by 11,031 million yen for the year ended March 31, 2010. Net loss attributable to Panasonic Corporation and basic net loss per share attributable to Panasonic Corporation common shareholders decreased by 6,861 million yen and 3.31 yen, respectively, for the year ended March 31, 2010. Impact on diluted net income (loss) per share attributable to Panasonic Corporation common shareholders for the year ended March 31, 2010 has been omitted because the Company did not have potentially dilutive common shares that were outstanding for the period.

(i) Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets (See Notes 7 and 8)

Goodwill represents the excess of costs over the fair value of net assets of businesses acquired. The Company adopted the provisions of ASC 350, “Intangibles—Goodwill and Other.” Goodwill and intangible assets determined to have an indefinite useful life are not amortized, and are instead reviewed for impairment at least annually based on assessment of current estimated fair value of the intangible asset. The goodwill impairment test is a two-step test. Under the first step, the fair value of the reporting unit is compared with its carrying value (including goodwill). If the fair value of the reporting unit is less than its carrying value, an indication of goodwill impairment exists for the reporting unit and the enterprise must perform the second step of the impairment test (measurement). If

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the fair value of the reporting unit exceeds its carrying amount, the second step does not need to be performed. Under the second step, an impairment loss is recognized for any excess of the carrying amount of the reporting unit’s goodwill over the implied fair value of that goodwill. The implied fair value of goodwill is determined by allocating the fair value of the reporting unit in a manner similar to a purchase price allocation in business combinations. The residual fair value after this allocation is the implied fair value of the reporting unit goodwill. Fair value of the reporting unit is determined using a guideline merged and acquired company method, guideline public company method, and a discounted cash flow analysis. The provisions of ASC 350 also requires that intangible assets with estimable useful lives be amortized over their respective estimated useful lives to their estimated residual values, and reviewed for impairment based on an assessment of the undiscounted cash flows expected by the asset, whenever impairment indications are presented. An impairment charge is recognized for the amount by which the carrying amount of the asset exceeds the fair value of the asset. (j) Investments and Advances (See Notes 4, 5, 13 and 18)

Investments and advances primarily consist of investments in and advances to associated companies, cost method investments, available-for-sale securities, and long-term deposits. Cost method investments and long-term deposits are recorded at historical cost.

The equity method is used to account for investments in associated companies in which the Company exerts significant influence, generally having a 20% to 50% voting interest, and corporate joint ventures. The Company also uses the equity method for certain investees if the minority shareholders have substantive participating rights. Under the equity method of accounting, investments are stated at their underlying net equity value after elimination of intercompany profits. The cost method is used when the Company does not have significant influence.

The excess of cost of the stock of the associated companies over the Company’s share of their net assets at the acquisition date, included in the equity investment balance, is recognized as equity method goodwill. Such equity method goodwill is not being amortized and is instead tested for impairment as part of the equity method investment.

The Company accounts for debt and marketable equity securities in accordance with the provisions of ASC 320, “Investments—Debt and Equity Securities.”

The provisions of ASC 320 require that certain investments in debt and marketable equity securities be classified as held-to-maturity, trading, or available-for-sale securities. The Company classifies its existing marketable equity securities other than investments in associated companies and all debt securities as available-for-sale. Available-for-sale securities are carried at fair value with unrealized holding gains or losses included as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), net of applicable taxes.

Realized gains and losses are determined on the average cost method and reflected in earnings.

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On a continuous basis, but no less frequently than at the end of each quarter, the Company evaluates the carrying amount of each of the investments in associated companies, cost method investments and available-for-sale securities for possible other-than-temporary impairment. Factors considered in assessing whether an indication of other-than-temporary impairment exists include the period of time the fair value has been below the carrying amount or cost basis of investment, financial condition and prospects of each investee, and other relevant factors.

Investments in associated companies, cost method investments and available-for-sale securities are reduced to fair value by a charge to earnings when impairment is considered to be other than temporary. Impairment is measured based on the amount by which the carrying amount or cost basis of the investment exceeds its fair value. Fair value is determined based on quoted market prices, discounted cash flows or other valuation techniques as appropriate. (k) Allowance for Doubtful Receivables

An allowance for doubtful trade receivables and advances is provided at an amount calculated based on historical experience, while specific allowances for doubtful trade receivables and advances are provided for the estimated amounts considered to be uncollectible after reviewing individual collectibility.

(l) Income Taxes (See Note 11)

Income taxes are accounted for under the asset and liability method. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases, and operating loss and tax credit carryforwards.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date.

The Company accounts for uncertainty in tax positions in accordance with the provisions of ASC 740, “Income Taxes.” The Company recognizes the effect of income tax positions only if those positions are more likely than not of being sustained. Recognized income tax positions are measured at the largest amount that is greater than 50% likely of being realized. Changes in recognition or measurement are reflected in the period in which the change in judgment occurs. The Company records interests and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits in “Provision for income taxes—Current” in the consolidated statements of operations.

(m) Advertising (See Note 16)

Advertising costs are expensed as incurred.

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(n) Net Income (loss) per Share (See Note 14)

The Company accounts for net income (loss) per share in accordance with the provisions of ASC 260, “Earnings Per Share.” This statement establishes standards for computing net income (loss) per share and requires dual presentation of basic and diluted net income (loss) per share on the face of the statements of operation for all entities with complex capital structures.

Under the provisions of ASC 260, basic net income (loss) per share is computed based on the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding during each period, and diluted net income (loss) per share assumes the dilution that could occur if securities or other contracts to issue common stock were exercised or converted into common stock or resulted in the issuance of common stock.

(o) Cash Equivalents

Cash equivalents include all highly liquid debt instruments purchased with a maturity of three months or less. (p) Derivative Financial Instruments (See Notes 13, 17 and 18)

Derivative financial instruments utilized by the Company are comprised principally of foreign exchange contracts, interest rate swaps, cross currency swaps and commodity futures used to hedge currency risk and commodity price risk.

The Company accounts for derivative instruments in accordance with the provisions of ASC 815, “Derivatives and Hedging.” On the date the derivative contract is entered into, the Company ordinarily designates the derivative as either a hedge of the fair value of a recognized asset or liability or of an unrecognized firm commitment (“fair-value” hedge), a hedge of a forecasted transaction or of the variability of cash flows to be received or paid related to a recognized asset or liability (“cash-flow” hedge), or a foreign-currency fair-value or cash-flow hedge (“foreign-currency” hedge). The Company formally documents all relationships between hedging instruments and hedged items, as well as its risk management objective and strategy for undertaking various hedge transactions. The Company also formally assesses, both at the hedge’s inception and on an ongoing basis, whether the derivatives that are used in hedging transactions are highly effective in offsetting changes in fair values or cash flows of hedged items. The Company does not offset fair value of contracts in gain and loss positions.

Changes in the fair value of a derivative that is highly effective and that is designated and qualifies as a fair-value hedge, along with the loss or gain on the hedged asset or liability or unrecognized firm commitment of the hedged item that is attributable to the hedged risk, are recorded in earnings. Changes in the fair value of a derivative that is highly effective and that is designated and qualifies as a cash-flow hedge are recorded in other comprehensive income (loss), until earnings are affected by the variability in cash flows of the designated hedged item. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are highly effective as hedges and that are designated and qualify as foreign-currency hedges are recorded in either earnings or other comprehensive income (loss), depending on whether the hedge transaction is a fair-value hedge or a cash-flow hedge. The

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ineffective portion of the change in fair value of a derivative instrument that qualifies as either a fair-value hedge or a cash-flow hedge is reported in earnings.

(q) Impairment of Long-Lived Assets (See Note 7)

The Company accounts for impairment or disposition of long-lived assets in accordance with the provisions of ASC 360, “Property, Plant, and Equipment.” In accordance with the provisions of ASC 360, long-lived assets, such as property, plant and equipment, and purchased intangibles subject to amortization, are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset or asset group may not be recoverable. Recoverability of assets to be held and used is measured by a comparison of the carrying amount of an asset to estimated undiscounted future cash flows expected to be generated by the asset. If the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its estimated future cash flows, an impairment charge is recognized for the amount by which the carrying amount of the asset exceeds the fair value of the asset.

(r) Restructuring Charges (See Note 15)

The Company accounts for costs associated with exit or disposal activities in accordance with the provisions of ASC 420, “Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations.” Pursuant to the provisions of ASC 420, liabilities for restructuring costs are recognized when the liability is incurred, which may be subsequent to the date when the Company has committed to a restructuring plan. (s) Stock-Based Compensation (See Note 12)

The provisions of ASC 718, “Compensation—Stock Compensation” address accounting and disclosure requirements with measurement of the cost of employee service using a fair-value-based method of accounting for stock-based employee compensation plans.

(t) Segment Information (See Note 20)

The Company accounts for segment information in accordance with the provisions of ASC 280, “Segment Reporting.” Pursuant to the provisions of ASC 280, the reporting segments are the components of the Company for which separate financial information is available that is evaluated regularly by the chief operating decision maker of the Company in deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing performance.

(u) Fair Value Measurements (See Note 18)

On April 1, 2008, the Company adopted the provisions of ASC 820, “Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures” for all financial assets and liabilities and nonfinancial items that are recognized or disclosed at fair value in the consolidated financial statements on a recurring basis. The provisions of ASC 820 defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosures about fair value measurements. On April 1, 2009, the Company adopted the provisions of ASC 820 for nonfinancial assets and liabilities that are recognized or disclosed at fair value in the consolidated financial statements on a nonrecurring basis.

(v) Use of Estimates

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The preparation of consolidated financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the consolidated financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Significant estimates and assumptions are reflected in valuation and disclosure of revenue recognition, allowance for doubtful receivables, valuation of inventories, impairment of long-lived assets, environmental liabilities, valuation of deferred tax assets, uncertain tax positions, employee retirement and severance benefit plans, and assets acquired and liabilities assumed by business combinations.

(w) Adoption of New Accounting Standards

On April 1, 2009, the Company adopted the provisions of ASC 805, “Business Combinations.” The provisions of ASC 805 requires most identifiable assets, liabilities, noncontrolling interests (previously referred to as minority interests), and goodwill acquired in a business combination to be recorded at full fair value. On April 1, 2009, the Company adopted the provisions of ASC 810, “Consolidation.” ASC 810 requires noncontrolling interests to be reported as a component of equity, which changes the accounting for transactions with noncontrolling interest holders. The provisions of ASC 805 is applied to business combinations occurring after the effective date. The provisions of ASC 810 is applied prospectively to all noncontrolling interests, including any that arose before the effective date and the disclosure requirement is applied retrospectively. As a result, the prior years’ consolidated financial statements have been reclassified in order to conform with the presentation used for the year ended March 31, 2010.

(x) Reclassifications

Certain reclassifications have been made to the prior years’ consolidated financial statements in order to conform with the presentation used for the year ended March 31, 2010. (2) Acquisition

On December 16, 2009, the Company acquired all preferred shares of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. (SANYO) through a tender offer. On December 21, 2009, the Company subsequently converted the preferred shares to common shares, resulting in an acquisition of 50.2% of the voting rights and a controlling interest of SANYO.

SANYO is in the business of manufacturing and sales of solar cells, rechargeable batteries, electronic devices, commercial equipment, audio-visual equipment, home appliances, and other electronic and electric products. As a result of this acquisition, a collaborating relationship between the Company and SANYO is established under the large business strategy as an united business group to generate synergy, such as the further expansion in the solar business, reinforcement of competitiveness in the rechargeable battery business, strengthening of the financial and business position of SANYO through the application of the Company’s cost reduction know-how, and creation of a comprehensive solution business centered on the environment and energy.

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The fair value of noncontrolling interests was measured based on the market price per share of SANYO as of the acquisition date. The fair value of the consideration paid for the controlling interests of SANYO and the noncontrolling interests as of the acquisition date is as follows:

Yen (millions)

Fair value of consideration: Cash 403,780 Fair value of noncontrolling interests 532,360

Total 936,140

Acquisition-related cost of 5,058 million yen was included in other deductions in the consolidated statements of operations for the year ended March 31, 2010.

Assets acquired and liabilities assumed reflected in the Company’s consolidated balance sheet as of the acquisition date were as follows:

Yen (millions)

Cash and cash equivalents 228,972 Other current assets 653,709 Investments and advances 105,643 Property, plant and equipment 404,468 Goodwill 514,419 Intangible assets 494,103 Other assets 48,596

Total assets acquired 2,449,910

Current liabilities 606,639 Noncurrent liabilities 907,131

Total liabilities assumed 1,513,770

Total net assets acquired 936,140

Trade notes receivable, trade accounts receivable and other short-term receivables recorded at the fair value were included in other current assets in the table above, and the fair value was measured by deducting allowance for doubtful receivables of 73 million yen, 5,319 million yen and 964 million yen from their contractual amounts of 26,001 million yen, 314,175 million yen, 23,941 million yen, respectively. Long-term receivables recorded at the fair value were included in investments and advances, and the fair value was measured by deducting allowance for doubtful receivables of 2,730 million yen from their contractual amounts of 10,999 million yen.

Intangible assets of 492,476 million yen were subject to amortization, which include right of trademark of 45,451 million yen with a 10-year weighted-average useful life, customer relationship of 52,011 million yen with a 12-year weighted-average useful life and patents and know-how of 355,490 million yen with a 10-year weighted-average useful life. The total amount of goodwill is included in “SANYO” segment, and is not deductible for tax purpose.

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Accrued warranty costs of 4,253 million yen were included in current liabilities in the table above.

Net sales and loss before income taxes of SANYO and its subsidiaries that are included in the consolidated statements of operations for the year ended March 31, 2010 are 399,888 million yen and 23,352 million yen, respectively.

The unaudited pro forma information shows the results of the Company’s consolidated operations for the year ended March 31, 2010 and 2009 as though SANYO and its subsidiaries had been consolidated at the beginning of fiscal 2010 and 2009. The pro forma data is not necessarily indicative of the Company’s results of operations that would actually have been reported if the transaction in fact had occurred on April 1, 2009 or 2008, and is not necessarily representative of the Company’s consolidated results of operations for future periods.


Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Net sales 8,617,400 9,537,809 Net income (loss) attributable to Panasonic Corporation (155,294) (482,520)



2010 2009

Net income (loss) per share attributable to Panasonic

Corporation common shareholders: Basic (75.00) (232.06) Diluted — (232.06)

Diluted net income (loss) per share attributable to Panasonic Corporation common shareholders for the year ended March 31, 2010 has been omitted because the Company did not have potentially dilutive common shares that were outstanding for the period. (3) Inventories

Inventories at March 31, 2010 and 2009 are summarized as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Finished goods 497,153 439,747 Work in process 159,699 129,949 Raw materials 256,794 201,441

913,646 771,137

(4) Investments in and Advances to, and Transactions with Associated Companies

Certain financial information in respect of associated companies in aggregate at March 31, 2010 and 2009, and for the three years ended March 31, 2010 is shown below. The most significant of these associated companies as of March 31, 2010 are JVC KENWOOD Holdings, Inc. (JVC KENWOOD HD) and Sumishin Matsushita

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Financial Services Co., Ltd. (SMFC). At March 31, 2010, the Company has a 27.6% equity ownership in JVC KENWOOD HD and a 22.6% equity ownership in SMFC.

The Company formerly consolidated Victor Company of Japan, Ltd. (JVC) and its subsidiaries. On August 10, 2007, JVC issued and allocated new shares of its common stock to third parties. As a result, the Company’s shareholding of JVC decreased from 52.4% to 36.8%, and JVC and its subsidiaries became associated companies under the equity method. On October 1, 2008, JVC and Kenwood Corporation integrated management by establishing JVC KENWOOD HD through a share transfer. The Company has 27.6% shareholding of JVC KENWOOD HD.

The Company formerly had a 34.0% equity ownership in SMFC. On November 5, 2009, the Company sold certain equity interest to The Sumitomo Trust and Banking Co., Ltd. and as a result, the Company had a 22.6% equity ownership in SMFC. On April 1, 2010, SMFC and STB Leasing Co., Ltd. merged its business to form Sumishin Panasonic Financial Services Co., Ltd. (SPFC). As a result, the Company has a 15.1% equity ownership in SPFC. The Company continues to apply the equity method subsequent to April 1, 2010 as the Company continues to hold significant influence over operating and financial policies of SPFC.

The Company formerly accounted for the investment in Toshiba Matsushita Display Technology Co., Ltd. (TMD) and its subsidiaries under the equity method. On April 28, 2009, the Company sold all of its shares in TMD to Toshiba Corporation.

Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Current assets 1,065,594 1,012,194 Other assets 488,755 526,722

1,554,349 1,538,916 Current liabilities 775,170 961,503 Other liabilities 370,949 292,788

Net assets 408,230 284,625

Company’s equity in net assets 146,825 102,966

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Net sales 1,176,332 1,568,499 1,968,527 Gross profit 254,507 292,589 377,989 Net loss (10,572) (70,779) (52,915) Purchases and dividends received from associated companies for the three years ended March 31, 2010 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Purchases from 287,598 315,829 424,242 Dividends received 4,301 4,528 5,434

Retained earnings include undistributed earnings of associated companies in the amount of 33,489 million yen and 36,594 million yen, as of March 31, 2010 and 2009, respectively.

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During the years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, the Company incurred a write-down of 3,605 million yen, 18,121 million yen and 23,668 million yen, respectively, for other-than-temporary impairment of investments and advances in associated companies. The fair values of the investments and advances in associated companies were based on quoted market price or discounted cash flows by using appropriate discounted rate. An impairment charge was recorded to reduce the carrying value of the assets to fair value. The write-down is included in other deductions in the consolidated statements of operations.

Investments in associated companies include equity securities which have quoted market values at March 31, 2010 and 2009 compared with related carrying amounts are as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Carrying amount 50,314 12,825 Market value 61,294 11,093 (5) Investments in Securities

The Company classifies its existing marketable equity securities other than investments in associated companies and all debt securities as available-for-sale.

The cost, fair value, gross unrealized holding gains and gross unrealized holding losses of available-for-sale securities included in short-term investments, and other investments and advances at March 31, 2010 and 2009 are as follows:

Yen (millions)


Gross Gross unrealized unrealized Fair holding holding Cost value gains losses

Noncurrent: Equity securities 275,579 379,358 104,666 887 Corporate and government bonds 3,894 3,961 75 8 Other debt securities 568 585 22 5

280,041 383,904 104,763 900

Yen (millions)


Gross Gross unrealized unrealized Fair holding holding Cost value gains losses

Current: Corporate and government bonds 1,972 1,998 26 —

1,972 1,998 26 —

Noncurrent: Equity securities 269,735 284,356 32,510 17,889

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Yen (millions)


Gross Gross unrealized unrealized Fair holding holding Cost value gains losses

Corporate and government bonds 4,290 4,395 110 5 Other debt securities 5,492 5,515 23 —

279,517 294,266 32,643 17,894

The cost, fair value, gross unrealized holding gains and gross unrealized holding losses of held-to-maturity securities included in other investments and advances are 1,954 million yen, 1,887 million yen, 16 million yen and 83 million yen at March 31, 2010, respectively. Maturities of investments in available-for-sale securities at March 31, 2010 and 2009 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Fair Fair Cost value Cost value

Due within one year — — 1,972 1,998 Due after one year through five years 4,462 4,546 9,782 9,910 Equity securities 275,579 379,358 269,735 284,356

280,041 383,904 281,489 296,264

Maturity of investments in held-to-maturity securities at March 31, 2010 is due after 10 years. The cost and fair value of the related investments are 1,954 million yen and 1,887 million yen, respectively.

Proceeds from sale of available-for-sale securities for the years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 were 18,275 million yen, 73,782 million yen and 106,466 million yen, respectively. The gross realized gains on sale of available-for-sale securities for the years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 were 3,756 million yen, 797 million yen and 7,415 million yen, respectively. The gross realized losses on sale of available-for-sale securities for the years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 were 88 million yen, 11 million yen and 148 million yen, respectively. The cost of securities sold in computing gross realized gains and losses is determined by the average cost method.

During the years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, the Company incurred a write-down of 2,965 million yen, 73,861 million yen and 8,002 million yen, respectively, for other-than-temporary impairment of available-for-sale securities, mainly reflecting the aggravated market condition of certain industries in Japan. The write-down is included in other deductions in the consolidated statements of operations.

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Gross unrealized holding losses on investments in available-for-sale securities and the fair value of the related investments, aggregated by investment category and length of time that individual securities have been in a continuous unrealized loss position, at March 31, 2010 and 2009 are as follows:

Yen (millions)


Less than 12 months 12 months or more Total

Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized value losses value losses value losses

Equity securities 6,222 887 — — 6,222 887 Corporate and government bonds 1,194 8 — — 1,194 8 Other debt securities 40 5 — — 40 5

7,456 900 — — 7,456 900

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Yen (millions)


Less than 12 months 12 months or more Total

Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized value losses value losses value losses

Equity securities 105,647 17,889 — — 105,647 17,889 Corporate and government bonds 1,780 5 — — 1,780 5

107,427 17,894 — — 107,427 17,894

The gross unrealized loss position has been continuing for a relatively short period of time. Based on this and other relevant factors, management has determined that these investments are not considered other-than-temporarily impaired. The Company did not have investment securities that had been in a continuous loss position for twelve months or more at March 31, 2010 and 2009.

Gross unrealized holding losses on investments in held-to-maturity securities and the fair value of the related investments are 83 million yen and 1,281 million yen, respectively.

The carrying amounts of the Company’s cost method investments totaled 22,039 million yen and 40,755 million yen at March 31, 2010 and 2009, respectively. For substantially all such investments, the Company estimated that the fair value exceeded the carrying amounts of investments (that is, the investments were not impaired). For the years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, certain investments were considered other-than-temporarily impaired, resulting in a write-down of 374 million yen, 34 million yen and 172 million yen, respectively.

At March 31, 2010 and 2009, equity securities with a book value of 15,753 million yen and 13,333 million yen were pledged as collateral for the deferred payments of certain taxes based on the Japanese Custom Act and Consumption Tax Law, respectively. (6) Leases

The Company has capital and operating leases for certain land, buildings, and machinery and equipment with SMFC and other third parties.

During the years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, the Company sold and leased back certain land, buildings, and machinery and equipment for 95,316 million yen, 16,582 million yen and 109,311 million yen, respectively. The base lease term is 1 to 10 years. The resulting leases are being accounted for as operating leases or capital leases. The resulting gains of these transactions, included in other income in the consolidated statements of operations, were not significant. Regarding certain leased assets, the Company has options to purchase the leased assets, or to terminate the leases and guarantee a specified value of the leased assets thereof, subject to certain conditions, during or at the end of the lease term. Regarding leased land and buildings, there are no future commitments, obligations, provisions, or circumstances that require or result in the Company’s continuing involvement.

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At March 31, 2010 and 2009, the gross book value of land, buildings, and machinery and equipment under capital leases, including the above-mentioned sale-leaseback transactions was 164,119 million yen and 136,445 million yen, and the related accumulated depreciation recorded was 59,698 million yen and 65,001 million yen, respectively.

Rental expenses for operating leases, including the above-mentioned sale-leaseback transactions were 64,124 million yen, 63,490 million yen and 59,886 million yen for the years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively.

Future minimum lease payments under non-cancelable capital leases and operating leases at March 31, 2010 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

Capital Operating leases leases Year ending March 31 2011 42,548 71,686 2012 30,215 42,942 2013 27,116 26,267 2014 12,229 20,074 2015 9,939 4,770 Thereafter 32,999 4,226

Total minimum lease payments 155,046 169,965

Less amount representing interest 10,276

Present value of net minimum lease payments 144,770

Less current portion 40,171

Long-term capital lease obligations 104,599

(7) Long-Lived Assets

The Company periodically reviews the recorded value of its long-lived assets to determine if the future cash flows to be derived from these assets or related asset group will be sufficient to recover the remaining recorded asset values. Impairment losses are included in other deductions in the consolidated statements of operations, and are not charged to segment profit.

The Company recognized impairment losses in the aggregate of 79,259 million yen of long-lived assets during fiscal 2010.

The Company recorded impairment losses for certain machinery and finite-lived intangible assets related to domestic liquid crystal display panel manufacturing facilities. As a result of the continuously substantial decline of product prices, the Company estimated that the carrying amounts would not be recoverable through future cash flows. The fair value was based on the discounted estimated cash flows expected to result from the use and eventual disposition of the assets.

The Company also recorded impairment losses for certain land, buildings, and machinery and equipment related to domestic battery manufacturing facilities. Due to the revamp of manufacturing capacity of lithium-ion battery business, certain factories experienced a downturn in profitability. In addition, the Company had to transfer a part of its nickel-hydrogen battery business in relation to the acquisition of SANYO.

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As a result, the carrying amounts of certain domestic battery manufacturing facilities would not be recoverable through future cash flows. The fair value of land was determined through an appraisal based on the comparable sales method. The fair value of buildings, and machinery and equipment was determined through an appraisal based on the repurchase cost.

Impairment losses of 37,872 million yen, 7,063 million yen, 24,329 million yen, 8,897 million yen and 1,098 million yen were related to “Digital AVC Networks,” “Home Appliances,” “Components and Devices,” “SANYO” and the remaining segments, respectively.

The Company recognized impairment losses in the aggregate of 313,466 million yen of long-lived assets during fiscal 2009.

The Company recorded impairment losses for certain buildings, machinery and finite-lived intangible assets related to domestic liquid crystal display panel manufacturing facilities. As a result of the substantial decline of product prices due to the significant market downturn, the Company estimated that the carrying amounts would not be recoverable through future cash flows. The fair value of buildings and remaining assets, respectively, was determined through an appraisal based on the comparable sales method and the discounted estimated cash flows expected to result from the use and eventual disposition of the assets.

The Company also recorded impairment losses for certain buildings, machinery and finite-lived intangible assets related to domestic and overseas plasma display panel manufacturing facilities. As a result of the substantial decline of product prices due to the significant market downturn, the Company estimated that the carrying amounts would not be recoverable through future cash flows. The fair value of buildings and remaining assets, respectively, was determined through an appraisal based on the comparable sales method and the orderly liquidation value.

Impairment losses of 252,372 million yen, 18,131 million yen, 19,077 million yen, 18,747 million yen and 5,139 million yen were related to “Digital AVC Networks,” “Home Appliances,” “PEW and PanaHome,” “Components and Devices” and the remaining segments, respectively.

The Company recognized impairment losses in the aggregate of 44,554 million yen of long-lived assets during fiscal 2008.

The Company recorded impairment losses related to manufacturing facilities used in its domestic semiconductors business. As the profitability of domestic business declined, the Company estimated that the carrying amounts would not be recovered by the future cash flows. The fair value of manufacturing facilities was based on the discounted estimated future cash flows expected to result from the use and eventual disposition of them.

The Company also recorded impairment losses related to certain buildings and manufacturing facilities used in its device business at an overseas subsidiary. Due to the downsizing of business, the Company wrote down the carrying amounts of these assets to the fair value. The fair value was based on the discounted estimated future cash flows.

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Impairment losses of 1,167 million yen, 2,231 million yen, 39,490 million yen and 1,666 million yen were related to “Digital AVC Networks,” “Home Appliances,” “Components and Devices”and the remaining segments, respectively. (8) Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets

The changes in the carrying amount of goodwill by business segment for the years ended March 31, 2010 and 2009 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

Digital AVC Home PEW and Components Networks Appliances PanaHome and Devices SANYO Other Total

Balance at March

31, 2008: Goodwill 319,392 14,756 89,941 70,172 — 12,990 507,251 Accumulated impairment losses (77,349) — — — — — (77,349)

242,043 14,756 89,941 70,172 — 12,990 429,902

Goodwill acquired during the year 702 — 262 — — 30 994 Translation adjustments — — (10,583 ) — — — (10,583) Other (3,780) — (5,741 ) — — — (9,521)

Balance at March 31,

2009: Goodwill 316,314 14,756 73,879 70,172 — 13,020 488,141 Accumulated impairment losses (77,349) — — — — — (77,349)

238,965 14,756 73,879 70,172 — 13,020 410,792

Goodwill acquired during the year — — — — 514,419 — 514,419 Goodwill impaired during the year — — — (3,745 ) — — (3,745) Translation adjustments — — 2,070 — — — 2,070 Other — — — (535 ) — — (535)

Balance at March 31,

2010: Goodwill 316,314 14,756 75,949 69,637 514,419 13,020 1,004,095 Accumulated (77,349) — — (3,745 ) — — (81,094)

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Yen (millions)

Digital AVC Home PEW and Components Networks Appliances PanaHome and Devices SANYO Other Total impairment losses

238,965 14,756 75,949 65,892 514,419 13,020 923,001

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Acquired intangible assets, excluding goodwill, at March 31, 2010 and 2009 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Gross Gross Average carrying Accumulated carrying Accumulated amortization amount amortization amount amortization period

Finite-lived intangible

assets: Patents and know-how 439,608 54,684 60,317 41,063 10 years Software 283,075 210,726 257,859 188,439 4 years Other 172,497 30,337 56,040 28,059 13 years

895,180 295,747 374,216 257,561

Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Indefinite-lived intangible assets 5,432 4,057

Aggregate amortization expense for finite-lived intangible assets for the years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 was 46,175 million yen, 38,903 million yen and 38,343 million yen, respectively. Estimated amortization expense for the next five years is as follows:

Yen (millions) Year ending March 31 2011 83,551 2012 75,017 2013 66,696 2014 60,558 2015 53,794

The Company recognized impairment losses of 73 million yen of indefinite-lived intangible assets, in connection with the decline of their fair value during fiscal 2008. The impairment losses are included in other deductions in the consolidated statements of operations.

Impairment losses of finite-lived intangible assets that are being amortized are included in impairment losses of long-lived assets discussed in Note 7.

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(9) Long-term Debt and Short-term Borrowings

Long-term debt at March 31, 2010 and 2009 is set forth below:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Unsecured Straight bond, due 2011, interest 1.64% 100,000 100,000 Unsecured Straight bond, due 2012, interest 1.14% 100,000 100,000 Unsecured Straight bond, due 2014, interest 1.404% 200,000 200,000 Unsecured Straight bond, due 2019, interest 2.05% 100,000 100,000 Unsecured Straight bonds issued by subsidiaries, due 2010- 2019, interest 0.53% - 2.02% 182,406 60,143 Unsecured bank loans, due 2009 - 2015, effective interest 1.1% in fiscal 2010 and 1.6% in fiscal 2009 404,318 22,043 Secured bank loans by subsidiaries, due 2009 - 2026, effective interest 2.04% in fiscal 2010 and 2.51% in fiscal 2009 4,558 3,136 Capital lease obligations 144,770 112,331

1,236,052 697,653 Less current portion 207,124 46,343

1,028,928 651,310

The aggregate annual maturities of long-term debt after March 31, 2010 are as follows:

Yen (millions) Year ending March 31 2011 207,124 2012 368,594 2013 74,721 2014 283,617 2015 98,872 2016 and thereafter 203,124

As is customary in Japan, short-term and long-term bank loans are made under general agreements which provide that security and guarantees for future and present indebtedness will be given upon request of the bank, and that the bank shall have the right, as the obligations become due, or in the event of their default, to offset cash deposits against such obligations due to the bank.

Each of the loan agreements grants the lender the right to request additional security or mortgages on certain assets. At March 31, 2010 and 2009, other investments and advances, and property, plant and equipment with a book value of 9,933 million yen and 4,967 million yen respectively, was pledged as collateral by subsidiaries for secured loans from banks. At March 31, 2010 and 2009, loans subject to such general agreements amounted to 6,761 million yen and 7,130 million yen, respectively.

The balance of short-term loans also includes borrowings under acceptances and short-term loans of foreign subsidiaries. The weighted-average interest rate on short-term borrowings outstanding at March 31, 2010 and 2009 was 2.5% and 3.5%, respectively.

(10) Retirement and Severance Benefits

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The Company and certain subsidiaries have contributory, funded benefit pension plans covering substantially all employees who meet eligibility requirements. Benefits under the plans are primarily based on the combination of years of service and compensation.

In addition to the plans described above, upon retirement or termination of employment for reasons other than dismissal, employees are entitled to lump-sum payments based on the current rate of pay and length of service. If the termination is involuntary or caused by death, the severance payment is greater than in the case of voluntary termination. The lump-sum payment plans are not funded.

Effective April 1, 2002, the Company and some of the above-mentioned subsidiaries amended their benefit pension plans by introducing a “point-based benefits system,” and their lump-sum payment plans to cash balance pension plans. Under point-based benefits system, benefits are calculated based on accumulated points allocated to employees each year according to their job classification and years of service. Under the cash balance pension plans, each participant has an account which is credited yearly based on the current rate of pay and market-related interest rate.

During the year ended March 31, 2009, the Company changed the measurement date to March 31 for those postretirement benefit plans with a December 31 measurement date in conformity with the measurement date provisions of ASC 715 “Compensation-Retirement Benefits.” The benefit obligations and plan assets of these plans were remeasured as of April 1, 2008. Net periodic benefit cost, net of tax, for the period from January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2008, in the amount of 3,727 million yen has been recorded as a reduction of beginning fiscal 2009 balance of “retained earnings.” Changes in fair value of plan assets and benefit obligations during the same transition period has been recorded, as a reduction of beginning fiscal 2009 balance of “accumulated other comprehensive income (loss),” in the amount of 73,571 million yen, net of tax of 44,726 million yen. Reconciliation of beginning and ending balances of the benefit obligations of the contributory, funded benefit pension plans, the unfunded lump-sum payment plans, and the cash balance pension plans, and the fair value of the plan assets at March 31, 2010 and 2009 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Change in benefit obligations: Benefit obligations at beginning of year prior to adjustment 1,821,937 1,828,803 ASC 715 measurement date adjustment — 4,378 Benefit obligations at beginning of year as adjusted 1,821,937 1,833,181 Service cost 50,285 49,660 Interest cost 51,239 50,114 Prior service benefit — (666) Actuarial (gain) loss 12,040 (6,150) Benefits paid (102,014) (85,073) Effect of changes in consolidated subsidiaries 388,648 (5,560) Foreign currency exchange impact (1,304) (13,569) Curtailments, settlements and other (6,724) — Benefit obligations at end of year 2,214,107 1,821,937

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Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Change in plan assets: Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year prior to adjustment 1,413,646 1,737,634 ASC 715 measurement date adjustment — (118,514) Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year as adjusted 1,413,646 1,619,120 Actual return on plan assets 197,127 (268,049) Employer contributions 87,963 153,161 Benefits paid (93,462) (77,682) Effect of changes in consolidated subsidiaries 176,036 — Foreign currency exchange impact (1,044) (12,904) Curtailments, settlements and other (5,259) — Fair value of plan assets at end of year 1,775,007 1,413,646 Funded status (439,100) (408,291)

The accumulated benefit obligation for the pension plans was 2,155,066 million yen and 1,814,118 million yen at March 31, 2010 and 2009, respectively.

The projected benefit obligations and the fair value of plan assets for the pension plans with projected benefit obligations in excess of plan assets, and the accumulated benefit obligations and the fair value of plan assets for the pension plans with accumulated benefit obligations in excess of plan assets at March 31, 2010 and 2009 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Plans with projected benefit obligations in excess of plan assets: Projected benefit obligations 2,094,302 1,821,937 Fair value of plan assets 1,649,951 1,413,646

Plans with accumulated benefit obligations in excess of plan assets: Accumulated benefit obligations 2,035,647 1,814,118 Fair value of plan assets 1,649,951 1,413,646 Accounts recognized in the consolidated balance sheet at March 31, 2010 and 2009 consist of:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Other assets 5,251 — Other current liabilities (8,552) (3,924) Retirement and severance benefits (435,799) (404,367)

(439,100) (408,291)

Amounts recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) at March 31, 2010 and 2009 consist of:

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Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Prior service benefit (197,508) (222,519) Actuarial loss 455,780 641,371

258,272 418,852

Net periodic benefit cost for the contributory, funded benefit pension plans, the unfunded lump-sum payment plans, and the cash balance pension plans of the Company for the three years ended March 31, 2010 consist of the following components:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Service cost – benefits earned during the year 50,285 49,660 52,830 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 51,239 50,114 50,667 Expected return on plan assets (43,971) (48,659) (52,861) Amortization of prior service benefit (25,011) (24,606) (27,046) Recognized actuarial loss 43,576 22,391 15,448

Net periodic benefit cost 76,118 48,900 39,038

The estimated prior service benefit and actuarial loss for the defined benefit pension plans that will be amortized from accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) into net periodic benefit cost for fiscal 2011 are gain of 25,011 million yen and loss of 29,444 million yen, respectively.

Weighted-average assumptions used to determine benefit obligations at March 31, 2010 and 2009 are as follows:

2010 2009

Discount rate 2.6% 2.7%

Rate of compensation increase 1.8% 1.7%

Weighted-average assumptions used to determine net cost for the three years ended March 31, 2010 are as follows:

2010 2009 2008

Discount rate 2.7% 2.7% 2.7% Expected return on plan assets 3.1% 3.1% 3.1% Rate of compensation increase 1.7% 1.7% 1.6% The expected return on plan assets is determined based on the portfolio as a whole and not on the sum of the returns on individual asset categories, considering long-term historical returns, asset allocation, and future estimates of long-term investment returns.

Each plan of the Company has a different investment policy, which is designed to ensure sufficient plan assets are available to provide future payments of pension benefits to the eligible plan participants and is individually monitored for compliance and appropriateness on an on-going basis. Considering the expected long-term rate of return on plan assets, each plan of the Company establishes a “basic” portfolio comprised of the optimal combination of equity securities and debt securities. Plan

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assets are invested in individual equity and debt securities using the guidelines of the “basic” portfolio in order to generate a total return that will satisfy the expected return on a mid-term to long-term basis. The Company evaluates the difference between expected return and actual return of invested plan assets on an annual basis to determine if such differences necessitate a revision in the formulation of the “basic” portfolio. The Company revises the “basic” portfolio when and to the extent considered necessary to achieve the expected long-term rate of return on plan assets.

The Company’s pension plan assets allocation is approximately 40% for equity securities, approximately 40% for debt securities, and approximately 20% for other investments, primarily for life insurance company general accounts.

For the Company’s major defined benefit pension plans, equity investments are invested mainly in listed equity securities, broadly in Japanese equity, developed international equity and emerging markets. The debt securities investments are comprised primarily of government, municipal, and corporate bonds. The Company mainly chooses debt securities with rating above BBB, high liquidity and appropriate repayment, and has appropriately diversified the investments by sector and geography. As for investments in life insurance company general accounts, the contracts with the insurance companies include a guaranteed interest rate and return of capital. Other investments include fund-of-funds investment, equity long/short hedge funds investment and private equity investment. Fund-of-funds investment and equity long/short hedge funds investment are primarily invested in listed equity securities with frequency of transactions and stable return, while private equity investment are diversified products with low correlation.

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The fair values of the Company’s pension plan assets at March 31, 2010, by asset category are as follows:

Yen (millions)

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total

Cash and cash equivalents 44,336 20,281 — 64,617

Equity securities: Japanese companies 116,053 — — 116,053 Foreign companies 84,218 — — 84,218 Commingled funds (a) — 485,091 — 485,091

Debt securities: Government and Municipal bonds 204,898 — — 204,898 Corporate bonds — 41,113 — 41,113 Commingled funds (b) — 451,246 — 451,246 Life insurance company general accounts — 198,049 — 198,049 Other (c) — 114,610 15,112 129,722

Total 449,505 1,310,390 15,112 1,775,007

(a) These funds invest mainly in listed equity securities, approximately 60% Japanese companies and 40% foreign companies. (b) Primarily invests in Japanese government bonds and foreign government bonds. (c) Other investments primarily include fund-of-funds investment, equity long/short hedge funds.

The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are discussed in Note 18. Level 1 assets are comprised principally of equity securities and government and municipal bonds, which are valued using unadjusted quoted market price in active markets with sufficient volume and frequency of transactions.

Level 2 assets are comprised principally of commingled funds, which are valued at their net asset values that are determined by the fund family and have daily liquidity, corporate bonds, which are valued using quoted prices for identical assets in market that are not active, and life insurance company general accounts, which are valued at conversion value. Fund of funds investment, hedge funds investment that use equity long/short strategies included in level 2, which primarily invest in listed equity securities and debt securities, are valued based on net asset value.

Level 3 assets are comprised principally of collateralized loan obligation investment and private equity investment, which are valued based on prices and other relevant information such as similar market transactions and latest round of financing data.

The reconciliation of the beginning and ending balances of level 3 assets is as follows:

Yen (millions)

Collateralized loan obligation Private equity Total

Balance at beginning of year 630 5,635 6,265 Effect of changes in consolidated subsidiaries 5,822 — 5,822 Realized gains (losses) 804 27 831 Unrealized gains (losses) relating to assets held 2,393 23 2,416 Purchases, sales, issuances and settlements, net (656) 712 56

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Yen (millions)

Collateralized loan obligation Private equity Total

Transfers out of Level 3 (278) — (278)

Balance at ending of year 8,715 6,397 15,112

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The Company expects to contribute 91,195 million yen to its defined benefit plans in fiscal 2011.

The benefits expected to be paid from the defined pension plans in each fiscal year 2011 – 2015 are 120,297 million yen, 124,578 million yen, 125,097 million yen, 124,246 million yen and 127,403 million yen, respectively. The aggregate benefits expected to be paid in the five years from fiscal 2016 – 2020 are 660,662 million yen. The expected benefits are based on the same assumptions used to measure the Company’s benefit obligation at March 31 and include estimated future employee service. (11) Income Taxes

Income (loss) before income taxes and income taxes for the three years ended March 31, 2010 are summarized as follows:

Yen (millions)

Domestic Foreign Total

For the year ended March 31, 2010 Income (loss) before income taxes (80,125) 50,810 (29,315)

Income taxes: Current 22,105 36,042 58,147 Deferred 80,954 2,732 83,686

Total income taxes 103,059 38,774 141,833

For the year ended March 31, 2009 Income (loss) before income taxes (345,776) (36,858) (382,634)

Income taxes: Current 38,297 23,543 61,840 Deferred (10,232) (14,250) (24,482)

Total income taxes 28,065 9,293 37,358

For the year ended March 31, 2008 Income before income taxes 266,972 168,021 434,993

Income taxes: Current 85,009 43,172 128,181 Deferred (16,068) 2,460 (13,608)

Total income taxes 68,941 45,632 114,573

The Company and its subsidiaries in Japan are subject to a National tax of 30%, an Inhabitant tax of approximately 20.5%, and a deductible Enterprise tax of approximately 7.4% varying by local jurisdiction, which, in aggregate, resulted in a combined statutory tax rate in Japan of approximately 40.5% for the three years ended March 31, 2010.

The effective tax rates for the years differ from the combined statutory tax rates for the following reasons:

2010 2009 2008

Combined statutory tax rate (40.5)% (40.5)% 40.5% Lower tax rates of overseas subsidiaries (38.4) (1.1) (6.9) Expenses not deductible for tax purposes 25.7 0.8 0.7 Change in valuation allowance allocated to income tax expenses 473.8 41.8 (5.4) Tax effects attributable to investments in subsidiaries 45.7 5.8 (4.8)

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2010 2009 2008

Per capita tax 8.3 0.6 0.6 Goodwill impairment 5.2 — — Other 4.0 2.4 1.6

Effective tax rate 483.8% 9.8% 26.3%

The significant components of deferred income tax expenses for the three years ended March 31, 2010 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Deferred tax expense (exclusive of the effects of other components listed below) 111,579 94,250 16,898 Benefits of net operating loss carryforwards (27,893) (118,732) (30,506)

83,686 (24,482) (13,608)

The tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to significant portions of the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities at March 31, 2010 and 2009 are presented below:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Deferred tax assets: Inventory valuation 94,596 78,930 Expenses accrued for financial statement purposes but not currently included in taxable income 154,679 138,580 Property, plant and equipment 295,091 246,276 Retirement and severance benefits 253,636 233,924 Tax loss carryforwards 616,648 333,383 Other 237,797 232,994

Total gross deferred tax assets 1,652,447 1,264,087 Less valuation allowance 1,014,703 477,997

Net deferred tax assets 637,744 786,090

Deferred tax liabilities: Net unrealized holding gains of available-for-sale securities (42,458) (5,882) Intangible assets (194,691) — Other (89,242) (41,814)

Total gross deferred tax liabilities (326,391) (47,696)

Net deferred tax assets 311,353 738,394

In assessing the realizability of deferred tax assets, management considers whether it is more likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. The ultimate realization of deferred tax assets is dependent upon the generation of future taxable income during the periods in which those temporary differences and loss carryforwards become deductible. Management considers the scheduled reversal of deferred tax liabilities, projected future taxable income, and tax planning strategies in making this assessment. Based upon the level of historical taxable income and projections for future taxable income over the periods in which the deferred tax assets are deductible, management believes it is more likely than not that

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the Company will realize the benefits of these deductible differences and loss carryforwards, net of the existing valuation allowances at March 31, 2010.

The net change in total valuation allowance for the years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 was an increase of 536,706 million yen, an increase of 129,427 million yen and a decrease of 90,267 million yen, respectively.

At March 31, 2010, the Company had, for income tax purposes, net operating loss carryforwards of approximately 1,667,709 million yen, of which 1,527,953 million yen expire from fiscal 2011 through 2017 and the remaining balance will expire thereafter or do not expire. At March 31, 2010, the Company had, for income tax purposes, tax credit carryforwards of approximately 58,482 million yen, which expire from fiscal 2011 through 2013. Net deferred tax assets and liabilities at March 31, 2010 and 2009 are reflected in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets under the following captions:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Other current assets 232,165 227,059 Other assets 358,416 547,580 Other current liabilities (1,470) (1,168) Other liabilities (277,758) (35,077)

Net deferred tax assets 311,353 738,394

The Company has not recognized a deferred tax liability for the undistributed earnings of its foreign subsidiaries and foreign corporate joint ventures of 875,626 million yen as of March 31, 2010, because the Company currently does not expect those unremitted earnings to reverse and become taxable to the Company in the foreseeable future. A deferred tax liability will be recognized when the Company no longer plans to indefinitely reinvest undistributed earnings. The calculation of related unrecognized deferred tax liability is not practicable. A reconciliation of the beginning and ending amounts of unrecognized tax benefits for the three years ended March 31, 2010 is as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Balance at beginning of year (7,187) (9,327) (4,281) Increase related to prior year tax positions (685) (1,835) (4,657) Decrease related to prior year tax positions 1,780 3,561 82 Increase related to current year tax positions (1,195) (484) (2,023) Change in consolidated subsidiaries (3,339) — — Settlements 747 60 1,552 Translation adjustments 36 838 —

Balance at end of year (9,843) (7,187) (9,327)

As of March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, the total amount of unrecognized tax benefits are 9,843 million yen, 7,187 million yen and 8,287 million yen, respectively, that if recognized, would reduce the effective tax rate. The Company does not expect that the total amount of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change within the next twelve months. The Company has accrued interests and penalties related to

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unrecognized tax benefits and the amount of interest and penalties included in provision for income taxes and cumulative amount accrued were not material as of and for the years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008.

The Company files income tax returns in Japan and various foreign tax jurisdictions. There are a number of subsidiaries which operate within each of the Company’s major jurisdictions resulting in a range of open tax years. The open tax years for the Company is fiscal 2010, and its significant subsidiaries in Japan, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and China range from fiscal 2004 and thereafter.

(12) Stockholders’ Equity

The Company may repurchase its common stock from the market pursuant to the Company Law of Japan. For the years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively, 53,863, 30,875,208 and 45,294,912 shares were repurchased for the aggregate cost of approximately 72 million yen, 72,416 million yen and 103,112 million yen, respectively, primarily with the intention to hold as treasury stock to improve capital efficiency.

The Company sold 17,731, 399,673 and 127,610 shares of its treasury stock for the years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively. The difference between sales price and book value was charged to capital surplus in the consolidated balance sheets.

The Company Law of Japan provides that an amount equal to 10% of appropriations be appropriated as a capital reserve or legal reserve until the aggregated amount of capital reserve and legal reserve equals 25% of stated capital. The capital reserve and legal reserve are not available for dividends but may be transferred to capital surplus or retained earnings or stated capital upon approval of the shareholders’ meeting.

Cash dividends and transfers to the legal reserve charged to retained earnings during the three years ended March 31, 2010 represent dividends paid out during the periods and related appropriation to the legal reserve. Cash dividends per share paid during the three years ended March 31, 2010 amounted to 12.50 yen, 40.00 yen and 32.50 yen, respectively. The accompanying consolidated financial statements do not include any provisions for the year-end dividend of 5.0 yen per share, totaling approximately 10,353 million yen in respect of the year ended March 31, 2010 approved by the board of directors in May 2010.

In accordance with the Company Law of Japan, there are certain restrictions on payment of dividends in connection with the treasury stock repurchased. As a result of restrictions on the treasury stock repurchased, retained earnings of 671,223 million yen at March 31, 2010 were restricted as to the payment of cash dividends.

The Company’s directors and certain senior executives were granted options to purchase the Company’s common stock. All stock options become fully exercisable two years from the date of grant and have a four-year term. Information with respect to stock options is as follows:

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Number of Weighted-average shares exercise price (Yen)

Balance at March 31, 2007 47,000 2,008 Exercised (8,000) 1,895 Forfeited (27,000) 2,163

Balance at March 31, 2008 12,000 1,734 Forfeited (12,000) 1,734

Balance at March 31, 2009 — — Balance at March 31, 2010 — —

Treasury stock reserved for options at March 31, 2007 was 30,000 shares. There was no treasury stock reserved for options from March 31, 2008 through 2010.

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(13) Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)

Components of other comprehensive income (loss) for the three years ended March 31, 2010 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

Pre-tax Tax Net-of-tax amount expense amount

For the year ended March 31, 2010

Translation adjustments: Translation adjustments arising during the period (21,186) — (21,186) Less: Reclassification adjustment for (gains) losses included in net income (loss) 10,129 — 10,129

Net translation adjustments (11,057) — (11,057)

Unrealized holding gains (losses) of available-for-sale

securities: Unrealized holding gains (losses) arising during the period 88,042 (36,356) 51,686 Less: Reclassification adjustment for (gains) losses included in net income (loss) (703) 280 (423)

Net unrealized gains (losses) 87,339 (36,076) 51,263

Unrealized holding gains (losses) of derivative

instruments: Unrealized holding gains (losses) arising during the period 4,607 (1,543) 3,064 Less: Reclassification adjustment for (gains) losses included in net income (loss) 4,657 (1,560) 3,097

Net unrealized gains (losses) 9,264 (3,103) 6,161

Pension liability adjustments: Prior service benefit arising during the period — — — Less: Amortization of prior service benefit included in net periodic benefit cost (23,947) 8,962 (14,985)

Net prior service benefit (23,947) 8,962 (14,985)

Actuarial gain (loss) arising during the period 139,867 (49,300) 90,567 Less: Amortization of actuarial gain (loss) included in net periodic benefit cost 39,159 (14,963) 24,196

Net actuarial gain (loss) 179,026 (64,263) 114,763

Net pension liability adjustments 155,079 (55,301) 99,778

Other comprehensive income (loss) 240,625 (94,480) 146,145

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Yen (millions)

Pre-tax Tax Net-of-tax amount expense amount

Yen (millions)

Pre-tax Tax Net-of-tax amount expense amount

For the year ended March 31, 2009

Translation adjustments: Translation adjustments arising during the period (116,738) — (116,738) Less: Reclassification adjustment for (gains) losses included in net income (loss) 3,938 — 3,938

Net translation adjustments (112,800) — (112,800)

Unrealized holding gains (losses) of

available-for-sale securities: Unrealized holding gains (losses) arising during the period (167,397) 67,907 (99,490) Less: Reclassification adjustment for (gains) losses included in net income (loss) 73,075 (29,590) 43,485

Net unrealized gains (losses) (94,322) 38,317 (56,005)

Unrealized holding gains (losses) of derivative

instruments: Unrealized holding gains (losses) arising during the period (4,043) 1,565 (2,478) Less: Reclassification adjustment for (gains) losses included in net income (loss) (10,855) 4,118 (6,737)

Net unrealized gains (losses) (14,898) 5,683 (9,215)

Pension liability adjustments: Prior service benefit arising during the period 345 (140) 205 Less: Amortization of prior service benefit included in net periodic benefit cost (22,727) 7,742 (14,985)

Net prior service benefit (22,382) 7,602 (14,780)

Actuarial gain (loss) arising during the period (273,853) 100,104 (173,749) Less: Amortization of actuarial gain (loss) included in net periodic benefit cost 26,422 (6,782) 19,640

Net actuarial gain (loss) (247,431) 93,322 (154,109)

Net pension liability adjustments (269,813) 100,924 (168,889)

Other comprehensive income (loss) (491,833) 144,924 (346,909)

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Yen (millions)

Pre-tax Tax Net-of-tax amount expense amount

For the year ended March 31, 2008

Translation adjustments: Translation adjustments arising during the period (128,047) — (128,047) Less: Reclassification adjustment for (gains) losses included in net income (1,207) — (1,207)

Net translation adjustments (129,254) — (129,254)

Unrealized holding gains of available-for-sale

securities: Unrealized holding gains (losses) arising during the period (199,198) 83,370 (115,828) Less: Reclassification adjustment for (gains) losses included in net income 735 (296) 439

Net unrealized gains (losses) (198,463) 83,074 (115,389)

Unrealized holding gains (losses) of derivative

instruments: Unrealized holding gains (losses) arising during the period 5,014 (1,914) 3,100 Less: Reclassification adjustment for (gains) losses included in net income 612 (248) 364

Net unrealized gains (losses) 5,626 (2,162) 3,464

Pension liability adjustments: Prior service benefit arising during the period 1,954 (6) 1,948 Less: Amortization of prior service benefit included in net periodic benefit cost (24,197) 7,806 (16,391)

Net prior service benefit (22,243) 7,800 (14,443)

Actuarial gain (loss) arising during the period (62,744) 27,095 (35,649) Less: Amortization of actuarial gain (loss) included in net periodic benefit cost 13,660 (3,383) 10,277

Net actuarial gain (loss) (49,084) 23,712 (25,372)

Net pension liability adjustments (71,327) 31,512 (39,815)

Other comprehensive income (loss) (393,418) 112,424 (280,994)

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(14) Net Income (Loss) per Share Attributable to Panasonic Corporation Common Shareholders

A reconciliation of the numerators and denominators of the basic and diluted net income (loss) per share attributable to Panasonic Corporation common shareholders computation for the three years ended March 31, 2010 is as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Net income (loss) attributable to Panasonic Corporation common shareholders (103,465) (378,961) 281,877

Number of shares

2010 2009 2008

Average common shares outstanding 2,070,623,618 2,079,296,525 2,120,986,052

Dilutive effect:

Stock options — 3,818

Diluted common shares outstanding

2,079,296,525 2,120,989,870


2010 2009 2008

Net income (loss) per share attributable to Panasonic

Corporation common shareholders: Basic (49.97) (182.25) 132.90 Diluted — ( 182.25) 132.90

Diluted net income (loss) per share attributable to Panasonic Corporation common shareholders for the year ended March 31, 2010 has been omitted because the Company did not have potentially dilutive common shares that were outstanding for the period.

The effect of stock options was not included in the calculation of diluted net loss per share for the year ended March 31,2009 as the effect would be antidilutive due to the net loss incurred for the year. (15) Restructuring Charges

In connection with the reorganization of the Company’s operations, the Company has incurred certain restructuring charges. Components and related amounts of the restructuring charges, before the related tax effects, for the years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Expenses associated with the implementation of early

retirement programs: Domestic 33,070 26,452 27,050 Overseas 5,884 11,899 5,594

Total 38,954 38,351 32,644 Expenses associated with the closure and integration of 15,918 15,049 6,922

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Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008


Total restructuring charges 54,872 53,400 39,566

These restructuring charges are included in other deductions in the consolidated statements of operations. The Company has provided early retirement programs to those employees voluntarily leaving the Company. The accrued early retirement programs are recognized when the employees accept the offer and the amount can be reasonably estimated. Expenses associated with the closure and integration of locations include amounts such as moving expenses of facilities and costs to terminate leasing contracts incurred at domestic and overseas manufacturing plants and sales offices. An analysis of the accrued restructuring charges for the years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 is as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Balance at beginning of year 32,523 4,761 10,020 New charges 54,872 53,400 39,566 Cash payments (78,006) (25,638) (44,825)

Balance at end of year 9,389 32,523 4,761

The following represents significant restructuring activities for the year ended March 31, 2010 by business segment:

Digital AVC Networks Digital AVC Networks segment continued selection and concentration of its businesses for improving its cost competitiveness. The restructuring activities mainly consisted of the early retirement programs in Japan.

Total restructuring charges amounted to 15,409 million yen, including expenses associated with the implementation of early retirement programs of 11,757 million yen.

Home Appliances Home Appliances segment restructured its operations to accelerate concentration of its business for strengthening its management structure. The restructuring activities were mainly integrations of overseas manufacturing bases and the early retirement programs in Japan.

Total restructuring charges amounted to 8,561 million yen, including expenses associated with the implementation of early retirement programs of 5,145 million yen.

PEW and PanaHome PEW and PanaHome segment restructured to improve cost efficiency in Japan and overseas bases.

Total restructuring charges amounted to 6,975 million yen.

Components and Devices Components and Devices segment restructured to mainly improve efficiency and cost effectiveness in Japan.

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Total restructuring charges amounted to 8,173 million yen, including expenses associated with the implementation of early retirement programs of 6,451 million yen.

SANYO SANYO segment restructured to mainly improve cost effectiveness in Japan.

Total restructuring charges amounted to 3,483 million yen.

Other Other segment restructured mainly to improve efficiency in domestic companies.

Total restructuring charges amounted to 12,271 million yen, including expenses associated with the implementation of early retirement programs of 10,300 million yen.

The following represents significant restructuring activities for the year ended March 31, 2009 by business segment:

Digital AVC Networks Digital AVC Networks segment restructured mainly to accelerate selection and concentration of its businesses for improving its cost competitiveness. The restructuring activities mainly consisted of the implementation of early retirement programs in Japan.

Total restructuring charges amounted to 34,748 million yen, including expenses associated with the implementation of early retirement programs of 29,029 million yen.

Home Appliances Home Appliances segment restructured its operations to accelerate concentration of its business for strengthening its management structure. The restructuring activities mainly consisted of integrations in Japan.

Total restructuring charges amounted to 3,206 million yen.

PEW and PanaHome PEW and PanaHome segment restructured mainly its housing business in Japan. Total restructuring charges amounted to 5,673 million yen.

Components and Devices Components and Devices segment restructured mainly to improve efficiency in its components business.

Total restructuring charges amounted to 3,957 million yen, including expenses associated with the implementation of early retirement programs of 3,277 million yen.

Other Other segment restructured mainly to improve efficiency in overseas sales companies.

The restructuring charges amounted to 5,816 million yen, including expenses associated with the implementation of early retirement programs of 4,145 million yen.

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The following represents significant restructuring activities for the year ended March 31, 2008 by business segment:

Digital AVC Networks Digital AVC Networks segment restructured mainly to accelerate selection and concentration of its businesses for improving its cost competitiveness. The restructuring activities mainly consisted of the implementation of early retirement programs in Japan.

Total restructuring charges amounted to 15,356 million yen, including expenses associated with the implementation of early retirement programs of 14,168 million yen.

Home Appliances Home Appliances segment restructured its operations to accelerate concentration of its business for strengthening its management structure. The restructuring activities mainly consisted of integrations in Japan.

Total restructuring charges amounted to 8,375 million yen, including expenses associated with the implementation of early retirement programs of 5,611 million yen.

PEW and PanaHome PEW and PanaHome segment mainly restructured its housing business in Japan. The restructuring activities mainly consisted of the implementation of early retirement programs.

Total restructuring charges amounted to 11,581 million yen, including expenses associated with the implementation of early retirement programs of 8,888 million yen.

Components and Devices Components and Devices segment restructured mainly to improve efficiency in its battery business.

Total restructuring charges amounted to 3,128 million yen.

JVC JVC segment incurred restructuring charges in the amount of 750 million yen in its domestic entertainment business.

Other Other segment incurred restructuring charges in the amount of 376 million yen mainly in overseas sales companies. (16) Supplementary Information to the Statements of Operations and Cash Flows

Research and development costs, advertising costs, shipping and handling costs and depreciation charged to income for the three years ended March 31, 2010 are as follows:

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Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Research and development costs 476,903 517,913 554,538 Advertising costs 150,866 174,939 200,890 Shipping and handling costs 129,114 146,920 159,418 Depreciation 251,839 325,835 282,102

Foreign exchange losses included in other deductions for the years ended March 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 are 3,486 million yen, 7,501 million yen and 11,492 million yen, respectively.

Shipping and handling costs are included in selling, general and administrative expenses in the consolidated statements of operations.

In fiscal 2010, 2009 and 2008, the Company sold, without recourse, trade receivables of 443,673 million yen, 458,321 million yen and 443,464 million yen to independent third parties for proceeds of 442,779 million yen, 456,870 million yen and 441,778 million yen, and recorded losses on the sale of trade receivables of 894 million yen, 1,451 million yen and 1,686 million yen, respectively. In fiscal 2010, 2009 and 2008, the Company sold, with recourse, trade receivables of 355,512 million yen, 411,778 million yen and 397,796 million yen to independent third parties for proceeds of 355,113 million yen, 411,022 million yen and 397,421 million yen, and recorded losses on the sale of trade receivables of 399 million yen, 756 million yen and 375 million yen, respectively. Those losses are mainly included in selling, general and administrative expenses. The Company is responsible for servicing the receivables. Included in trade notes receivable and trade accounts receivable at March 31, 2010 are amounts of 37,619 million yen without recourse and 26,576 million yen with recourse scheduled to be sold to independent third parties. The sale of trade receivables was accounted for under the provision of ASC 860, “Transfers and Servicing,” which provides accounting and reporting standards for transfer and servicing of financial assets and extinguishments of liabilities. Interest expenses and income taxes paid, and noncash investing and financing activities for the three years ended March 31, 2010 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Cash paid: Interest 26,301 19,627 20,911 Income taxes 51,441 95,198 122,416

Noncash investing and financing activities: Capital leases 37,505 12,235 36,330

JVC and its subsidiaries became associated companies under equity method from consolidated companies in August, 2007. Certain financial information of JVC and its subsidiaries at the date of deconsolidation is as follows:

Yen (millions)

Assets: Current assets 311,080 Other assets 115,546

Total 426,626

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Yen (millions)

Liabilities: Current liabilities 242,336 Other liabilities 36,149

Total 278,485

(17) Derivatives and Hedging Activities

The Company operates internationally, giving rise to significant exposure to market risks arising from changes in foreign exchange rates, interest rates and commodity prices. The Company assesses these risks by continually monitoring changes in these exposures and by evaluating hedging opportunities. Derivative financial instruments utilized by the Company to hedge these risks are comprised principally of foreign exchange contracts, interest rate swaps, cross currency swaps and commodity derivatives. The Company does not hold or issue derivative financial instruments for trading purpose.

Amounts included in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) at March 31, 2010 are expected to be recognized in earnings principally over the next twelve months. The maximum term over which the Company is hedging exposures to the variability of cash flows for foreign currency exchange risk is approximately five months.

The Company is exposed to credit risk in the event of non-performance by counterparties to the derivative contracts, but such risk is considered mitigated by the high credit rating of the counterparties.

The contract amounts of foreign exchange contracts, interest rate swaps, cross currency swaps and commodity futures at March 31, 2010 and 2009 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Forward: To sell foreign currencies 375,430 334,586 To buy foreign currencies 196,439 190,495 Cross currency swaps 31,797 33,953 Interest rate swaps 33,702 —

Commodity futures: To sell commodity 40,194 48,858 To buy commodity 113,682 168,527 The fair values of derivative instruments at March 31, 2010 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

Asset derivatives Liability derivatives

Consolidated balance Fair Consolidated balance Fair sheet location value sheet location value

Derivatives designated as hedging instruments

under ASC 815: Foreign exchange contracts Other current assets 415 Other current liabilities (1,971) Commodity Other current assets 11,330 Other current liabilities (3,345)

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Yen (millions)

Asset derivatives Liability derivatives

Consolidated balance Fair Consolidated balance Fair sheet location value sheet location value


Total derivatives designated as hedging instruments

under ASC 815 11,745 (5,316)

Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments

under ASC 815: Foreign exchange contracts Other current assets 8,590 Other current liabilities (2,307) Cross currency swaps — — Other current liabilities (283) Interest rate swaps Other current assets 23 — — Commodity futures Other current assets 1,231 Other current liabilities (1,231)

Total derivatives not designated as hedging instruments under

ASC 815 9,844 (3,821)

Total derivatives 21,589 (9,137)

The fair values of derivative instruments at March 31, 2009 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

Asset derivatives Liability derivatives

Consolidated balance Fair Consolidated balance Fair sheet location value sheet location value

Derivatives designated as hedging instruments

under ASC 815: Foreign exchange contracts Other current assets 2,299 Other current liabilities (9,094) Cross currency swaps Other current assets 275 — — Commodity futures Other current assets 9,285 Other current liabilities (53,050)

Total derivatives designated as hedging instruments

under ASC 815 11,859 (62,144)

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Yen (millions)

Asset derivatives Liability derivatives

Consolidated balance Fair Consolidated balance Fair sheet location value sheet location value

Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments

under ASC 815: Foreign exchange contracts Other current assets 204 Other current liabilities (808) Cross currency swaps Other current assets 1,260 — — Commodity futures Other current assets 4,670 Other current liabilities (4,670)

Total derivatives not designated as hedging instruments under

ASC 815 6,134 (5,478)

Total derivatives 17,993 (67,622)

The effect of derivative instruments on the consolidated statement of operations for the year ended March 31, 2010 is as follows:

Yen (millions)

Hedging instruments in ASC 815 fair value Location of gain or (loss) Amount of gain or (loss) hedging relationships recognized in operations recognized in operations

Commodity futures Other income (deductions) 41,003

Total 41,003

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Yen (millions)

Related hedged items in ASC 815 fair value Location of gain or (loss) Amount of gain or (loss) hedging relationships recognized in operations recognized in operations

Trade accounts receivable (payable) Other income (deductions) (39,024)

Total (39,024)

Fair value hedges resulted in gains of 1,979 million yen of ineffectiveness.

Yen (millions)

Location of gain or (loss) Amount of gain or (loss) Amount of gain or (loss) reclassified from reclassified from Derivatives in recognized in OCI accumulated OCI accumulated OCI ASC 815 cash flow on derivative into operations into operations hedging relationships (effective portion) (effective portion) (effective portion)

Foreign exchange contracts (613) Other income (deductions) (4,599) Cross currency swaps (291) Other income (deductions) (16) Commodity futures 3,611 Cost of sales (42)

Total 2,707 (4,657)

Yen (millions)

Location of gain or (loss) recognized in Amount of gain or (loss) recognized in Derivatives in operations on derivative operations on derivative ASC 815 cash flow (ineffective portion and amount (ineffective portion and amount hedging relationships excluded from effectiveness testing) excluded from effectiveness testing)

Foreign exchange contracts Other income (deductions) 1,228 Cross currency swaps — — Commodity futures — —

Total 1,228

Yen (millions)

Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments Location of gain or (loss) recognized in Amount of gain or (loss) recognized in under ASC 815 operations on derivative operations on derivative

Foreign exchange contracts Other income (deductions) 2,950 Cross currency swaps Other income (deductions) (1,543) Interest rate swaps Other income (deductions) (3) Commodity futures Other income (deductions) 0

Total 1,404

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The effect of derivative instruments on the consolidated statement of operations for the three months ended March 31, 2009 is as follows:

Yen (millions)

Hedging instruments in ASC 815 fair value Location of gain or (loss) Amount of gain or (loss) hedging relationships recognized in operations recognized in operations

Commodity futures Other income (deductions) 5,700

Total 5,700

Yen (millions)

Related hedged items in ASC 815 fair value Location of gain or (loss) Amount of gain or (loss) hedging relationships recognized in operations recognized in operations

Trade accounts receivable (payable) Other income (deductions) (5,352)

Total (5,352)

Fair value hedges resulted in gains of 348 million yen of ineffectiveness.

Yen (millions)

Location of gain or (loss) Amount of gain or (loss) Amount of gain or (loss) reclassified from reclassified from Derivatives in recognized in OCI accumulated OCI accumulated OCI ASC 815 cash flow on derivative into operations into operations hedging relationships (effective portion) (effective portion) (effective portion)

Foreign exchange contracts (9,251) Other income (deductions) 2,355 Cross currency swaps (90) Other income (deductions) (16) Commodity futures 2,484 Cost of sales (1,879)

Total (6,857) 460

Yen (millions)

Location of gain or (loss) recognized in Amount of gain or (loss) recognized in Derivatives in operations on derivative operations on derivative ASC 815 cash flow (ineffective portion and amount (ineffective portion and amount hedging relationships excluded from effectiveness testing) excluded from effectiveness testing)

Foreign exchange contracts Other income (deductions) (1,226) Cross currency swaps — — Commodity futures — —

Total (1,226)

Yen (millions)

Location of gain or (loss) recognized in Amount of gain or (loss) recognized in Derivatives not designated as operations on derivative operations on derivative hedging instruments (ineffective portion and amount (ineffective portion and amount under ASC 815 excluded from effectiveness testing) excluded from effectiveness testing)

Foreign exchange contracts Other income (deductions) 814 Cross currency swaps Other income (deductions) 1,624 Commodity futures Other income (deductions) 0

Total 2,438

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(18) Fair Value

The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair value of each class of financial instruments for which it is practicable to estimate that value:

Cash and cash equivalents, Time deposits, Trade receivables, Short-term debt, Trade payables and Accrued expenses The carrying amount approximates fair value because of the short maturity of these instruments.

Short-term investments The fair value of short-term investments is estimated based on quoted market prices.

Investments and advances The fair value of investments and advances is estimated based on quoted market prices or the present value of future cash flows using appropriate current discount rates.

Long-term debt The fair value of long-term debt is estimated based on quoted market prices or the present value of future cash flows using appropriate current discount rates.

Derivative financial instruments The fair value of derivative financial instruments, all of which are used for hedging purposes, is estimated based on unadjusted market prices or quotes obtained from brokers, which are periodically validated by pricing models using observable inactive market inputs.

The estimated fair values of financial instruments, all of which are held or issued for purposes other than trading, at March 31, 2010 and 2009 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Carrying Fair Carrying Fair amount value amount value


Assets: Short-term investments — — 1,998 1,998 Other investments and advances 454,313 454,516 424,237 423,223

Liabilities: Long-term debt, including current portion (1,236,052) (1,250,048) (697,653) (698,502)


Other current assets:

Forward: To sell foreign currencies 3,511 3,511 — — To buy foreign currencies 5,494 5,494 2,503 2,503 Cross currency swaps — — 1,535 1,535 Interest rate swaps 23 23 — —

Commodity futures: To sell commodity — — 13,955 13,955 To buy commodity 12,561 12,561 — —

Other current liabilities:

Forward: To sell foreign currencies (2,390) (2,390) (9,902 ) (9,902 ) To buy foreign currencies (1,888) (1,888) — — Cross currency swaps ( 283) (283) — —

- 106 -

Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Carrying Fair Carrying Fair amount value amount value

Commodity futures: To sell commodity (4,576) (4,576) — — To buy commodity — — (57,720 ) (57,720 ) Limitations Fair value estimates are made at a specific point in time, based on relevant market information and information about the financial instruments. These estimates are subjective in nature and involve uncertainties and matters of significant judgments and therefore cannot be determined with precision. Changes in assumptions could significantly affect the estimates.

The provisions of ASC 820 defines fair value and establishes a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are as follows:

Level 1 — Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets. Level 2 — Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable, and inputs that are derived principally from or corroborated by observable market data by correlation or other means. Level 3 — Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.

The following table presents assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis at March 31, 2010 and 2009:

Yen (millions)


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total


Available-for-sale securities: Equity securities 379,358 — — 379,358 Corporate and government bonds — 3,961 — 3,961 Other debt securities — 585 — 585

Total available-for-sale securities 379,358 4,546 — 383,904

Derivatives: Foreign exchange contracts — 9,005 — 9,005 Interest rate swaps — 23 — 23 Commodity futures 12,561 — — 12,561

Total derivatives 12,561 9,028 — 21,589

Total 391,919 13,574 — 405,493


Derivatives: Foreign exchange contracts — (4,278) — (4,278) Cross currency swaps — (283) — (283)

- 107 -

Yen (millions)


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total

Commodity futures (3,345) (1,231) — (4,576)

Total derivatives (3,345) (5,792) — (9,137)

Total (3,345) (5,792) — (9,137)

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Yen (millions)


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total


Available-for-sale securities: Equity securities 284,356 — — 284,356 Corporate and government bonds — 6,393 — 6,393 Other debt securities — 5,515 — 5,515 Derivatives 9,285 8,708 — 17,993

Total 293,641 20,616 — 314,257

Liabilities: Derivatives (57,720) (9,902) — (67,622)

Total (57,720) (9,902) — (67,622)

The Company’s existing marketable equity securities and commodity futures are included in Level 1, which are valued using an unadjusted quoted market price in active markets with sufficient volume and frequency of transactions. Level 2 available-for-sale securities include all debt securities, which are valued using inputs other than quoted prices that are observable. Level 2 derivatives including foreign exchange contracts and commodity futures are valued using quotes obtained from brokers, which are periodically validated by pricing models using observable market inputs, such as foreign currency exchange rates and market prices for commodity futures.

The following table presents assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis for the years ended March 31, 2010 and 2009:

Yen (millions)


Fair value Total gains (losses) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total

Assets: Investments in associated companies (3,605) 1,058 — 1,980 3,038 Long-lived assets (79,259) — — 27,800 27,800 Goodwill (3,745) — — 0 0

Yen (millions)


Total gain Fair value s (losses) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total

Assets: Investments in associated companies (18,121) 9,326 — 2,151 11,477

During the year ended March 31, 2010, the Company classified most of assets described above in Level 3 as the Company used unobservable inputs to value these

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assets when recognizing impairment losses related to the assets. The fair value for the major assets was measured through estimated future cash flows. The Company classified certain investments in Level 1 as the Company used an unadjusted quoted market price in active markets as input to value the investment.

During the year ended March 31, 2009, the Company classified the impaired security, representing a substantial portion of the write-down, in Level 1 as the Company used an unadjusted quoted market price in active markets as input to value the investment. The remaining impaired security is classified in Level 3 as the Company used unobservable inputs to value the investment. (19) Commitments and Contingent Liabilities

The Company provides guarantees to third parties mainly on bank loans provided to associated companies and customers. The guarantees are made to enhance their credit. For each guarantee provided, the Company is required to perform under the guarantee if the guaranteed party defaults on a payment. Also, as discussed in Note 16, the Company sold certain trade receivables to independent third parties, some of which are with recourse. If the collectibility of those receivables with recourse becomes doubtful, the Company is obligated to assume the liabilities. At March 31, 2010, the maximum amount of undiscounted payments the Company would have to make in the event of default was 38,480 million yen. The carrying amount of the liabilities recognized for the Company’s obligations as a guarantor under those guarantees at March 31, 2010 and 2009 were immaterial.

As discussed in Note 6, in connection with the sale and leaseback of certain machinery and equipment, the Company guarantees a specific value of the leased assets. For each guarantee provided, the Company is required to perform under the guarantee if certain conditions are met during or at the end of the lease term. At March 31, 2010, the maximum amount of undiscounted payments the Company would have to make in the event that these conditions were met was 40,528 million yen. The carrying amount of the liabilities recognized for the Company’s obligations as a guarantor under those guarantees at March 31, 2010 and 2009 were immaterial. The Company issues contractual product warranties under which it generally guarantees the performance of products delivered and services rendered for a certain period or term. The change in accrued warranty costs for the years ended March 31, 2010 and 2009 are summarized as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009

Balance at beginning of year 41,478 36,178 Change in consolidated subsidiaries 4,253 — Liabilities accrued for warranties issued during the period 51,704 51,526 Warranty claims paid during the period (45,489) (45,797) Changes in liabilities for pre-existing warranties during the period, including expirations (640) (429)

Balance at end of year 51,306 41,478

At March 31, 2010, commitments outstanding for the purchase of property, plant and equipment approximated 105,260 million yen.

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Certain subsidiaries are under the contracts to purchase specific raw materials until 2020. At March 31, 2010, commitments outstanding for this contract approximated 113,210 million yen.

Liabilities for environmental remediation costs are recorded when it is probable that obligations have been incurred and the amounts can be reasonably estimated. In January 2003, the Company announced that disposed electric equipment that contained polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB equipment) might be buried in the ground of its four manufacturing facilities and one former manufacturing facility. The applicable laws require that PCB equipment be appropriately maintained and disposed of by July 2016. The Company has accrued estimated total cost of 9,513 million yen for necessary actions such as investigating whether the PCB equipment is buried at the facilities, including excavations, maintaining and disposing the PCB equipment that is already discovered, and soil remediation, since it represents management’s best estimate or minimum of the cost, but the payments are not considered to be fixed and reliably determinable.

The Company and certain subsidiaries are under the term of leasehold interest contracts for lands of domestic factories and have obligations for restitution on their leaving. The asset retirement obligations cannot be reasonably estimated because the durations of use of the leased assets are not specified and there are no plans to undertake relocation in the future. Therefore the Company did not recognize asset retirement obligations.

The Company and certain of its subsidiaries are subject to a number of legal proceedings including civil litigations related to tax, products or intellectual properties, or governmental investigations. Since November 2007, the Company and MT Picture Display Co., Ltd. (MTPD), a subsidiary of the Company, are subject to investigations by government authorities, including the Japan Fair Trade Commission, the U.S. Department of Justice and the European Commission, in respect of alleged antitrust violations relating to cathode ray tubes (CRTs). Subsequent to these actions by the authorities, a number of class action lawsuits have been filed in the U.S. and Canada against the Company and certain of its subsidiaries. In October 2009, the Japan Fair Trade Commission issued a cease and desist order against MTPD and assessed a fine against its three subsidiaries in South East Asia, but each named company filed for a hearing to challenge the orders which is currently subject to proceedings. Since February 2009, the Company is subject to investigations by government authorities, including the U.S. Department of Justice and the European Commission, in respect of alleged antitrust violations relating to compressors for refrigerator use. Subsequent to these actions by the authorities, a number of class action lawsuits have been filed in the U.S. and Canada against the Company and certain of its subsidiaries. The Company has been cooperating with the various governmental investigations. Depending upon the outcome of these different proceedings, the Company and certain of its subsidiaries may be subject to an uncertain amount of fines, and accordingly the Company has accrued for certain probable and reasonable estimated amounts for the fines. Other than those above, there are a number of legal actions against the Company and certain subsidiaries. Management is of the opinion that damages, if any, resulting from these actions will not have a material effect on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.

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(20) Segment Information

In accordance with the provisions of ASC 280, the segments reported below are the components of the Company for which separate financial information is available that is evaluated regularly by the chief operating decision maker of the Company in deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing performance.

Business segments correspond to categories of activity classified primarily by markets, products and brand names. “Digital AVC Networks” includes video and audio equipment, and information and communications equipment. “Home Appliances” includes household equipment. “PEW and PanaHome” includes electrical supplies, electric products, building materials and equipment, and housing business. “Components and Devices” includes semiconductors, electronic components, batteries and electric motors. “SANYO” includes solar cells, lithium-ion batteries, optical pickups, and others. “Other” includes electronic-parts-mounting machines, industrial robots and industrial equipment. The Company has changed the internal business transactions between Global Procurement Service Company and other segments since April 1, 2008. Accordingly, segment information for “Other” and “Corporate and eliminations” of fiscal 2008 have been reclassified to conform to the presentation for fiscal 2010 and 2009. Information by segment for the three years ended March 31, 2010 is shown in the tables below:

By Business Segment:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Sales: Digital AVC Networks: Customers 3,360,278 3,701,996 4,267,217 Intersegment 49,223 46,961 52,377 Total 3,409,501 3,748,957 4,319,594 Home Appliances: Customers 951,503 1,009,958 1,126,037 Intersegment 190,739 212,992 190,365 Total 1,142,242 1,222,950 1,316,402 PEW and PanaHome: Customers 1,573,393 1,717,168 1,854,023 Intersegment 58,720 49,094 56,269 Total 1,632,113 1,766,262 1,910,292 Components and Devices: Customers 697,346 779,761 989,414 Intersegment 307,988 347,509 409,270 Total 1,005,334 1,127,270 1,398,684 SANYO: Customers 399,888 — — Intersegment 4,953 — — Total 404,841 — — Other: Customers 435,572 556,624 650,941 Intersegment 576,582 515,114 433,313 Total 1,012,154 1,071,738 1,084,254

- 112 -

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

JVC: Customers — — 181,296 Intersegment — — 1,846 Total — — 183,142 Eliminations (1,188,20 5 (1,171,67 0 (1,143,44 0 Consolidated total 7,417,980 7,765,507 9,068,928

Segment profit (loss): Digital AVC Networks 87,289 3,176 252,239 Home Appliances 66,525 48,980 86,412 PEW and PanaHome 34,742 40,081 96,405 Components and Devices 36,094 7,107 104,989 SANYO (730) — — Other 19,727 23,927 64,205 JVC — — (9,672) Corporate and eliminations (53,194) (50,398) (75,097) Total segment profit 190,453 72,873 519,481 Interest income 12,348 23,477 34,371 Dividends received 6,746 11,486 10,317 Other income 47,896 52,709 70,460 Interest expense (25,718) (19,386) (20,357) Other deductions (261,040) (523,793) (179,279) Consolidated income (loss) before income taxes (29,315) (382,634) 434,993

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Identifiable assets: Digital AVC Networks 2,127,042 2,016,112 2,592,856 Home Appliances 666,403 689,111 758,976 PEW and PanaHome 1,252,243 1,258,465 1,356,588 Components and Devices 831,009 926,897 1,013,522 SANYO 2,435,829 — — Other 239,736 216,411 416,217 JVC — — — Corporate and eliminations 805,795 1,296,320 1,305,455

Consolidated total 8,358,057 6,403,316 7,443,614

Depreciation (including intangibles other than

goodwill): Digital AVC Networks 85,364 142,026 91,607 Home Appliances 28,392 34,891 37,457 PEW and PanaHome 49,180 51,906 44,124 Components and Devices 74,527 97,177 89,799 SANYO 28,877 — — Other 11,004 14,176 14,835 JVC — — 6,008 Corporate and eliminations 20,670 24,562 36,615

- 113 -

Consolidated total 298,014 364,738 320,445

Capital investment (including intangibles other than

goodwill): Digital AVC Networks 258,999 250,891 228,358 Home Appliances 36,324 56,206 48,925 PEW and PanaHome 33,918 45,059 51,676 Components and Devices 87,400 141,974 139,003 SANYO 33,487 — — Other 7,988 12,262 13,331 JVC — — 3,542 Corporate and eliminations 6,203 27,652 18,625

Consolidated total 464,319 534,044 503,460

Corporate expenses include certain corporate R&D expenditures and general corporate expenses.

Corporate assets consist of cash and cash equivalents, time deposits, marketable securities in short-term investments, investments and advances and other assets related to unallocated expenses.

Intangibles mainly represent patents and software.

By Geographical Area:

Sales attributed to countries based upon the customer’s location and property, plant and equipment are as follows:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008

Sales: Japan 3,994,379 4,082,233 4,544,772 North and South America 917,898 996,647 1,250,677 Europe 771,251 962,981 1,212,971 Asia and Others 1,734,452 1,723,646 2,060,508

Consolidated total 7,417,980 7,765,507 9,068,928

United States included in North and South America 781,264 857,896 1,081,183 China included in Asia and Others 903,531 855,352 941,685

Property, plant and equipment: Japan 1,571,914 1,230,868 1,353,421 North and South America 42,215 31,694 34,260 Europe 48,444 48,398 69,844 Asia and Others 293,448 263,870 299,848

Consolidated total 1,956,021 1,574,830 1,757,373

There are no individually material countries which should be separately disclosed in North and South America, Europe, and Asia and Others, except for the United States of America and China on sales. Transfers between business segments or geographic

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segments are made at arms-length prices. There are no sales to a single external major customer for the three years ended March 31, 2010.

The following information shows sales, geographical profit and identifiable assets which are attributed to geographic areas based on the country location of the Company or its subsidiaries for the three years ended March 31, 2010. In addition to the disclosure requirements under ASC 280, the Company discloses this information as supplemental information in light of the disclosure requirements of the Japanese Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, which a Japanese public company is subject to:

Yen (millions)

2010 2009 2008


Japan: Customers 4,324,430 4,435,587 4,908,850 Intersegment 1,542,034 1,617,969 1,880,654

Total 5,866,464 6,053,556 6,789,504

North and South America: Customers 867,288 946,098 1,196,419 Intersegment 20,229 18,639 16,646

Total 887,517 964,737 1,213,065

Europe: Customers 742,226 934,525 1,170,932 Intersegment 15,960 34,977 47,300

Total 758,186 969,502 1,218,232

Asia and Others: Customers 1,484,036 1,449,297 1,792,727 Intersegment 1,035,297 1,008,345 1,167,322

Total 2,519,333 2,457,642 2,960,049 Eliminations (2,613,520) (2,679,930) (3,111,922)

Consolidated total 7,417,980 7,765,507 9,068,928

Geographical profit (loss): Japan 146,866 72,673 422,071 North and South America 9,116 (2,783) 22,136 Europe (23,225) (30,451) 20,438 Asia and Others 113,491 82,611 125,056 Corporate and eliminations (55,795) (49,177) (70,220)

Consolidated total 190,453 72,873 519,481

Identifiable assets: Japan 5,950,513 3,957,637 4,410,600 North and South America 403,831 285,039 320,487 Europe 275,790 272,513 430,149 Asia and Others 1,372,983 935,440 1,208,534 Corporate and eliminations 354,940 952,687 1,073,844

Consolidated total 8,358,057 6,403,316 7,443,614

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Consolidated Financial Statements (June 30 and March 31, 2010 )

a. Consolidated Balance Sheets

June 30 and March 31, 2010

Yen (millions)

Assets June 30, 2010 March 31, 2010

Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents 1,169,237 1,109,912 Time deposits 86,385 92,032

Trade receivables: Notes 76,850 74,283 Accounts (Note 12) 1,106,918 1,134,915 Allowance for doubtful receivables (24,625) (24,158)

Net trade receivables 1,159,143 1,185,040

Inventories (Note 2) 975,862 913,646 Other current assets (Notes 12 and 13) 556,331 505,418

Total current assets 3,946,958 3,806,048

Investments and advances (Notes 3 and 13) 547,593 636,762

Property, plant and equipment (Note 5): Land 385,976 391,394 Buildings 1,751,581 1,767,674 Machinery and equipment 2,232,063 2,303,633 Construction in progress 117,024 128,826

4,486,644 4,591,527 Less accumulated depreciation 2,589,539 2,635,506

Net property, plant and equipment 1,897,105 1,956,021

Other assets: Goodwill 920,655 923,001 Intangible assets (Note 5) 593,341 604,865 Other assets 445,379 431,360

Total other assets 1,959,375 1,959,226

8,351,031 8,358,057

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

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Consolidated Balance Sheets

June 30 and March 31, 2010

Yen (millions)

Liabilities and Equity June 30, 2010 March 31, 2010

Current liabilities: Short-term debt, including current portion of long-term debt (Notes 11 and 13) 406,882 299,064

Trade payables: Notes 62,328 59,608 Accounts (Note 12) 1,010,959 1,011,838

Total trade payables 1,073,287 1,071,446

Accrued income taxes 40,098 39,154 Accrued payroll 163,567 149,218 Other accrued expenses 853,722 826,051 Deposits and advances from customers 72,612 64,046 Employees’ deposits 9,983 10,009 Other current liabilities (Notes 12 and 13) 367,078 356,875

Total current liabilities 2,987,229 2,815,863

Noncurrent liabilities: Long-term debt (Note 13) 1,008,100 1,028,928 Retirement and severance benefits 424,971 435,799 Other liabilities 384,789 397,694

Total noncurrent liabilities 1,817,860 1,862,421


Panasonic Corporation shareholders’ equity: Common stock (Note 6) 258,740 258,740 Capital surplus 1,127,206 1,209,516 Legal reserve 93,797 93,307 Retained earnings 2,382,322 2,349,487

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss): Cumulative translation adjustments (410,781) (352,649) Unrealized holding gains (losses) of available-for-sale securities (Note 3) (910) 40,700 Unrealized gains of derivative instruments (Note 12) 7,077 1,272 Pension liability adjustments (136,026) (137,555)

Total accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (540,640) (448,232)

Treasury stock, at cost (Note 6) (670,692) (670,330)

Total Panasonic Corporation shareholders’ equity (Note 10) 2,650,733 2,792,488

Noncontrolling interests (Note 10) 895,209 887,285

Total equity (Note 10) 3,545,942 3,679,773

Commitments and contingent liabilities (Notes 4 and 14)

8,351,031 8,358,057

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

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b. Consolidated Statements of Operations

Three months ended June 30, 2010 and 2009

Yen (millions)

Three months ended June 30

2010 2009

Revenues, costs and expenses: Net sales 2,161,126 1,595,458 Cost of sales (Note 12) (1,570,787) (1,170,871) Selling, general and administrative expenses (506,501) (444,770) Interest income 2,769 2,913 Dividends received 3,058 3,417 Other income (Notes 11 and 12) 14,982 9,145 Interest expense (7,381) (6,045) Other deductions (Notes 5, 11 and 12) (12,936) (41,012)

Income (loss) before income taxes 84,330 (51,765) Provision for income taxes 38,337 7,752 Equity in earnings (losses) of associated companies 1,745 (1,839)

Net income (loss) (Note 10) 47,738 (61,356) Less net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests (Note 10) 4,060 (8,379)

Net income (loss) attributable to Panasonic Corporation (Note 10) 43,678 (52,977)


Net income (loss) per share attributable to Panasonic Corporation common

shareholders (Note 8): Basic 21.10 (25.58) Diluted — —

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

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c. Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

Three months ended June 30, 2010 and 2009

Yen (millions)

Three months ended June 30

2010 2009

Cash flows from operating activities: Net income (loss) (Note 10) 47,738 (61,356) Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by

operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 89,249 65,895 Net gain on sale of investments (3,733) (241) Provision for doubtful receivables 2,569 798 Deferred income taxes 121 21,511 Write-down of investment securities (Note 11) 537 529 Impairment losses on long-lived assets (Notes 5) 205 1,031

Cash effects of change in: Trade receivables 6,143 (71,640) Inventories (90,092) (21,235) Other current assets (20,404) (26,625) Trade payables 19,805 74,520 Accrued income taxes 2,756 (3,176) Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 91,557 79,634 Retirement and severance benefits (9,602) (8,699) Deposits and advances from customers 7,618 7,601 Other 417 11,469

Net cash provided by operating activities 144,884 70,016

Cash flows from investing activities: Proceeds from disposition of investments and advances 54,464 31,809 Increase in investments and advances (453) (1,827) Capital expenditures (94,135) (102,526) Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and equipment 63,914 3,519 (Increase) decrease in time deposits 1,883 2,655 Other (6,286) (16,917)

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities 19,387 (83,287)


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d. Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

Three months ended June 30, 2010 and 2009

Yen (millions)

Three months ended June 30

2010 2009

Cash flows from financing activities: Increase (decrease) in short-term debt 42,668 110,645 Proceeds from long-term debt 2,185 — Repayments of long-term debt (37,802) (6,592) Dividends paid to Panasonic Corporation shareholders (Notes 9 and 10) (10,353) (15,530) Dividends paid to noncontrolling interests (Note 10) (5,031) (7,062) Repurchase of common stock (Note 10) (374) (25) Sale of treasury stock (Note 10) 8 11 Purchase of noncontrolling interests (Note 10) (60,778) (596) Other (22) 573

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (69,499) 81,424

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (35,447) (894)

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 59,325 67,259

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 1,109,912 973,867

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 1,169,237 1,041,126

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

(1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

(a) Description of Business

Panasonic Corporation (hereinafter, the “Company,” including consolidated subsidiaries, unless the context otherwise requires) is one of the world’s leading producers of electronic and electric products. The Company currently offers a comprehensive range of products, systems and components for consumer, business and industrial use based on sophisticated electronics and precision technology, expanding to building materials and equipment, and housing business.

Sales by product category for the three months ended June 30, 2010 were as follows: Digital AVC Networks—36%, Home Appliances—14%, PEW and PanaHome*—16%, Components and Devices—9%, SANYO*—19%, and Other—6%. A sales breakdown by geographical market was as follows: Japan—49%, North and South America—13%, Europe—10%, and Asia and Others—28%.

The Company is not dependent on a single supplier, and has no significant difficulty in obtaining raw materials from suppliers.

* PEW stands for Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd. and PanaHome stands for PanaHome Corporation. SANYO stands for SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.

(b) Basis of Presentation of Consolidated Financial Statements

The Company and its domestic subsidiaries maintain their books of account in conformity with financial accounting standards of Japan, and its foreign subsidiaries in conformity with those of the countries of their domicile.

The consolidated financial statements presented herein have been prepared in a manner and reflect adjustments which are necessary to conform with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (U.S. GAAP). (c) Principles of Consolidation

The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its majority-owned, controlled subsidiaries. The Company also consolidates entities in which controlling interest exists through variable interests in accordance with the provisions of Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 810, “Consolidation.” Investments in companies and joint ventures over which we have the ability to exercise significant influence (generally through an voting interest of between 20% to 50%) are included in “Investments and advances” in the consolidated balance sheets. All significant intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.

The Company has 671 consolidated subsidiaries and 238 associated companies under equity method as of June 30, 2010.

(d) Use of Estimates

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The preparation of consolidated financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the consolidated financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Significant estimates and assumptions are reflected in valuation and disclosure of revenue recognition, allowance for doubtful receivables, valuation of inventories, impairment of long-lived assets, environmental liabilities, valuation of deferred tax assets, uncertain tax positions, employee retirement and severance benefit plans, and assets acquired and liabilities assumed by business combinations. (e) Adoption of New Accounting Pronouncements

On April 1, 2010, the Company adopted Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2009-16, “Accounting for Transfers of Financial Assets.” ASU2009-16 removes the concept of a qualifying special-purpose entity (QSPE) from ASC 860, “Transfers and Servicing,” and the exception from applying ASC 810 to QSPEs, thereby requiring transferors of financial assets to evaluate whether to consolidate transferees that previously were considered QSPEs. ASU 2009-16 also clarifies ASC 860’s sale-accounting criteria pertaining to legal isolation and effective control and creates more stringent conditions for reporting a transfer of a portion of a financial asset as a sale. The adoption of ASU 2009-16 did not have a material effect on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.

On April 1, 2010, the Company adopted ASU 2009-17, “Improvements to Financial Reporting by Enterprises Involved with Variable Interest Entities.” ASU 2009-17, which amends ASC 810, revises the test for determining the primary beneficiary of a Variable Interest Entities (VIE) from a primarily quantitative risks and rewards calculation based on the VIE’s expected losses and expected residual returns to a primarily qualitative analysis based on identifying the party or related-party (if any) with the power to direct the activities that most significantly impact the VIE’s economic performance and the obligation to absorb losses of, or the right to receive benefits from, the VIE that could potentially be significant to the VIE. The adoption of ASU 2009-17 did not have a material effect on the Company’s consolidated financial statements. (2) Inventories

Inventories at June 30 and March 31, 2010 are summarized as follows:

Yen (millions)

June 30, 2010 March 31, 2010

Finished goods 530,805 497,153 Work in process 174,335 159,699 Raw materials 270,722 256,794

975,862 913,646

(3) Investments in Securities

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In accordance with ASC 320, “Investments—Debt and Equity Securities,” the Company classifies its existing marketable equity securities other than investments in associated companies and all debt securities as available-for-sale.

The cost, fair value, net unrealized holding gains (losses) of available-for-sale securities included in short-term investments, and investments and advances at June 30 and March 31, 2010 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

June 30, 2010

Net unrealized holding gains Cost Fair value (losses)

Noncurrent: Equity securities 274,295 306,185 31,890 Corporate and government bonds 3,896 3,998 102 Other debt securities 567 565 (2)

278,758 310,748 31,990

Yen (millions)

March 31, 2010

Net unrealized holding gains Cost Fair value (losses)

Noncurrent: Equity securities 275,579 379,358 103,779 Corporate and government bonds 3,894 3,961 67 Other debt securities 568 585 17

280,041 383,904 103,863

The carrying amount of the Company’s held-to-maturity securities totaled 1,954 million yen at March 31, 2010.

The carrying amounts of the Company’s cost method investments totaled 27,725 million yen and 22,039 million yen at June 30 and March 31, 2010, respectively. (4) Leases

The Company has operating leases for certain land, buildings, and machinery and equipment. Future minimum lease payments under operating leases at June 30, 2010 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

Due within 1 year 75,716 Due after 1 year within 2 years 51,202 Due after 2 years within 3 years 36,207 Due after 3 years within 4 years 26,452 Due after 4 years within 5 years 4,820 Thereafter 3,766

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Yen (millions)

Total minimum lease payments 198,163

(5) Long-Lived Assets

The Company periodically reviews the recorded value of its long-lived assets to determine if the future cash flows to be derived from these assets will be sufficient to recover the remaining recorded asset values. Impairment losses are included in other deductions in the consolidated statements of operations, and are not charged to segment profit.

The Company recognized impairment losses in the aggregate of 205 million yen of long-lived assets for the three months ended June 30, 2010.

Impairment losses for the three months ended June 30, 2010 mainly related to “Digital AVC Networks” segment.

The Company recognized impairment losses in the aggregate of 1,031 million yen of long-lived assets for the three months ended June 30, 2009.

Impairment losses for the three months ended June 30, 2009 mainly related to “Components and Devices” segment. (6) Number of Common Shares

Number of common shares authorized and issued and number of treasury common shares as of June 30 and March 31, 2010 are as follows:

Number of shares

June 30, 2010 March 31, 2010

Common stock: Authorized 4,950,000,000 4,950,000,000 Issued 2,453,053,497 2,453,053,497 Treasury stock 382,718,300 382,448,008

(7) Panasonic Corporation Shareholders’ Equity per Share

Panasonic Corporation shareholders’ equity per share as of June 30 and March 31, 2010 are as follows:


June 30, 2010 March 31, 2010

Panasonic Corporation shareholders’ equity per share 1,280.34 1,348.63 (8) Net Income (Loss) per Share Attributable to Panasonic Corporation Common Shareholders

A reconciliation of the numerators and denominators of the basic attributable to Panasonic Corporation common shareholders computation for three months June 30, 2010 and 2009 are as follows:

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Yen (millions)

Three months ended June 30

2010 2009

Net income (loss) attributable to Panasonic Corporation common shareholders 43,678 (52,977)

Number of shares

Three months ended June 30

2010 2009

Average common shares outstanding 2,070,402,824 2,070,636,858


Three months ended June 30

2010 2009

Net income (loss) per share attributable to Panasonic Corporation common shareholders: Basic 21.10 (25.58)

Diluted net income per share attributable to Panasonic Corporation common shareholders has been omitted because the Company did not have potentially dilutive common shares that were outstanding for the period, respectively.

(9) Cash Dividends

On May 7, 2010, the board of directors approved a year-end dividend of 5.0 yen per share, totaling 10,353 million yen on outstanding common stock as of March 31, 2010. The dividends, which became effective on May 31, 2010, were sourced out of retained earnings.

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(10) Equity

The change in the carrying amount of Panasonic Corporation shareholders’ equity, noncontrolling interests and total equity in the consolidated balance sheets for the three months ended June 30, 2010 and 2009 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

Three months ended June 30, 2010

Panasonic Corporation Noncontrolling shareholders’ equity interests Total equity

Balance at April 1, 2010 2,792,488 887,285 3,679,773 Dividends paid to Panasonic Corporation shareholders (10,353) — (10,353) Dividends paid to noncontrolling interests — (5,031) (5,031) Repurchase of common stock (374) — (374) Sale of treasury stock 8 — 8 Equity transactions with noncontrolling interests (82,306) 24,029 (58,277) Other — 17 17

Comprehensive income (loss): Net income 43,678 4,060 47,738 Other comprehensive income (loss), net

of tax: Translation adjustments (58,132) (13,313) (71,445) Unrealized holding gains (losses) of available-for-sale securities (41,610) (2,052) (43,662) Unrealized holding gains (losses) of derivative instruments 5,805 (22) 5,783 Pension liability adjustments 1,529 236 1,765

Total comprehensive income (loss) (48,730) (11,091) (59,821)

Balance at June 30, 2010 2,650,733 895,209 3,545,942

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Yen (millions)

Three months ended June 30, 2009

Panasonic Corporation Noncontrolling shareholders’ equity interests Total equity

Balance at April 1, 2009 2,783,980 428,601 3,212,581 Dividends paid to Panasonic Corporation shareholders (15,530) — (15,530) Dividends paid to noncontrolling interests — (7,062) (7,062) Repurchase of common stock (25) — (25) Sale of treasury stock 11 — 11 Equity transactions with noncontrolling interests (392) (204) (596) Other — 51 51

Comprehensive income (loss): Net income (loss) (52,977) (8,379) (61,356)

Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax: Translation adjustments (2,692) 392 (2,300) Unrealized holding gains of available-for-sale securities 33,638 1,375 35,013 Unrealized holding gains of derivative instruments 3,452 47 3,499 Pension liability adjustments (3,212) (2,527) (5,739)

Total comprehensive income (loss) (21,791) (9,092) (30,883)

Balance at June 30, 2009 2,746,253 412,294 3,158,547

(11) Supplementary Information

Included in other deductions for the three months ended June 30, 2010 and 2009 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

Three months ended June 30

2010 2009

Expenses associated with the implementation of the early retirement programs in the domestic and overseas subsidiaries 927 21,586 Write-down of investment securities 537 529 Foreign exchange losses — 4,720

Foreign exchange gains included in other income for the three months ended June 30, 2010 are 809 million yen.

Net periodic benefit cost for three months ended June 30, 2010 and 2009 are 14,484 million yen and 17,935 million yen, respectively.

132,989 million yen of short-term bonds, which were newly issued during the three months ended June 30, 2010, are included in short-term debt, including current portion of long-term debt in the consolidated balance sheets as of June 30, 2010.

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(12) Derivatives and Hedging Activities

The Company operates internationally, giving rise to significant exposure to market risks arising from changes in foreign exchange rates, interests rates and commodity prices. The Company assesses these risks by continually monitoring changes in these exposures and by evaluating hedging opportunities. Derivative financial instruments utilized by the Company to hedge these risks are comprised principally of foreign exchange contracts, interests rate swaps, cross currency swaps and commodity derivatives. The Company does not hold or issue derivative financial instruments for trading purpose.

The Company accounts for derivative instruments in accordance with ASC 815, “Derivatives and Hedging.” Amounts included in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) at June 30, 2010 are expected to be recognized in earnings principally over the next twelve months. The maximum term over which the Company is hedging exposures to the variability of cash flows for foreign currency exchange risk is approximately five months.

The Company is exposed to credit risk in the event of non-performance by counterparties to the derivative contracts, but such risk is considered mitigated by the high credit rating of the counterparties. The fair values of derivative instruments at June 30, 2010 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

Asset derivatives Liability derivatives

Consolidated balance Fair Consolidated balance Fair sheet location value sheet location value

Derivatives designated as hedging

instruments under ASC 815: Foreign exchange contracts Other current assets 15,611 Other current liabilities (54) Commodity futures Other current assets 1,415 Other current liabilities (8,426)

Total derivatives designated as hedging instruments under

ASC 815 17,026 (8,480)

Derivatives not designated as hedging

instruments under ASC 815: Foreign exchange contracts Other current assets 13,248 Other current liabilities (1,416) Cross currency swaps — — Other current liabilities (895) Interest rate swaps Other current assets 20 — — Commodity futures Other current assets 2,781 Other current liabilities (2,781)

Total derivatives not designated as hedging instruments under

ASC 815 16,049 (5,092)

Total derivatives 33,075 (13,572)

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The fair values of derivative instruments at March 31, 2010 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

Asset derivatives Liability derivatives

Consolidated balance Fair Consolidated balance Fair sheet location value sheet location value

Derivatives designated as hedging

instruments under ASC 815: Foreign exchange contracts Other current assets 415 Other current liabilities (1,971) Commodity futures Other current assets 11,330 Other current liabilities (3,345)

Total derivatives designated as hedging instruments under ASC

815 11,745 (5,316)

Derivatives not designated as hedging

instruments under ASC 815: Foreign exchange contracts Other current assets 8,590 Other current liabilities (2,307) Cross currency swaps — — Other current liabilities (283) Interest rate swaps Other current assets 23 — — Commodity futures Other current assets 1,231 Other current liabilities (1,231)

Total derivatives not designated as hedging instruments under ASC

815 9,844 (3,821)

Total derivatives 21,589 (9,137)

The effect of derivative instruments on the consolidated statement of operations for the three months ended June 30, 2010 is as follows:

Yen (millions)

Hedging instruments in ASC 815 fair value Location of gain or (loss) Amount of gain or (loss) hedging relationships recognized in operations recognized in operations

Commodity futures Other income (deductions) (13,843)

Total (13,843)

Yen (millions)

Related hedged items in ASC 815 fair value Location of gain or (loss) Amount of gain or (loss) hedging relationships recognized in operations recognized in operations

Trade accounts receivable (payable) Other income (deductions) 14,450

Total 14,450

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Fair value hedges resulted in gains of 607 million yen of ineffectiveness.

Yen (millions)

Location of gain (loss) Amount of gain (loss) Amount of gain (loss) reclassified from reclassified from Derivatives in ASC recognized in OCI on accumulated OCI accumulated OCI 815 cash flow derivative into operations into operations hedging relationships (effective portion) (effective portion) (effective portion)

Foreign exchange contracts 12,674 Other income (deductions) (1,840) Commodity futures (1,185) Cost of sales 418

Total 11,489 (1,422)

Yen (millions)

Location of gain (loss) recognized in Amount of gain (loss) recognized in Derivatives in ASC operations on derivative operations on derivative 815 cash flow (ineffective portion and amount excluded (ineffective portion and amount excluded from hedging relationships from effectiveness testing) effectiveness testing)

Foreign exchange contracts Other income (deductions) 406 Commodity futures — —

Total 406

Yen (millions)

Derivatives not designated Location of gain (loss) Amount of gain (loss) as hedging instruments recognized in operations recognized in operations under ASC 815 on derivative on derivative

Foreign exchange contracts Other income (deductions) 21,500 Cross currency swaps Other income (deductions) (612) Interest rate swaps Other income (deductions) (3) Commodity futures Other income (deductions) 0

Total 20,885

The effect of derivative instruments on the consolidated statement of operations for the three months ended June 30, 2009 is as follows:

Yen (millions)

Hedging instruments in ASC 815 fair value Location of gain or (loss) Amount of gain or (loss) hedging relationships recognized in operations recognized in operations

Commodity futures Other income (deductions) 11,248

Total 11,248

Yen (millions)

Related hedged items in ASC 815 fair value Location of gain or (loss) Amount of gain or (loss) hedging relationships recognized in operations recognized in operations

Trade accounts receivable (payable) Other income (deductions) (10,832)

Total (10,832)

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Fair value hedges resulted in gains of 416 million yen of ineffectiveness.

Yen (millions)

Location of gain (loss) Amount of gain (loss) Amount of gain (loss) reclassified from reclassified from Derivatives in ASC recognized in OCI on accumulated OCI accumulated OCI 815 cash flow derivative into operations into operations hedging relationships (effective portion) (effective portion) (effective portion)

Foreign exchange contracts (2,310) Other income (deductions) (6,142) Cross currency swaps (291) Other income (deductions) (16) Commodity futures 771 Cost of sales (705)

Total (1,830) (6,863)

Yen (millions)

Location of gain (loss) recognized in Amount of gain (loss) recognized in Derivatives in ASC operations on derivative operations on derivative 815 cash flow (ineffective portion and amount excluded (ineffective portion and amount excluded hedging relationships from effectiveness testing) from effectiveness testing)

Foreign exchange contracts Other income (deductions) 64 Cross currency swaps — — Commodity futures — —

Total 64

Yen (millions)

Derivatives not designated Location of gain (loss) Amount of gain (loss) as hedging instruments recognized in operations recognized in operations under ASC 815 on derivative on derivative

Foreign exchange contracts Other income (deductions) (4,617) Cross currency swaps Other income (deductions) 319 Commodity futures Other income (deductions) 0

Total (4,298)

(13) Fair Value

The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair value of each class of financial instruments for which it is practicable to estimate that value:

Cash and cash equivalents, Time deposits, Trade receivables, Short-term debt, Trade payables, Accrued expenses The carrying amount approximates fair value because of the short maturity of these instruments.

Investments and advances The fair value of investments and advances is estimated based on quoted market prices or the present value of future cash flows using appropriate current discount rates.

Long-term debt, including current portion

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The fair value of long-term debt is estimated based on quoted market prices or the present value of future cash flows using appropriate current discount rates.

Derivative financial instruments The fair value of derivative financial instruments, all of which are used for hedging purposes, is estimated based on unadjusted market prices or quotes obtained from brokers, which are periodically validated by pricing models using observable inactive market inputs.

The estimated fair values of financial instruments, all of which are held or issued for purposes other than trading, at June 30 and March 31, 2010 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

June 30, 2010 March 31, 2010

Carrying Fair Carrying Fair amount value amount value


Assets: Other investments and advances 379,944 380,273 454,313 454,516

Liabilities: Long-term debt, including current portion (1,195,215) (1,221,478) (1,236,052) (1,250,048)


Other current assets:

Forward: To sell foreign currencies 22,551 22,551 3,511 3,511 To buy foreign currencies 6,308 6,308 5,494 5,494 Interest rate swaps 20 20 23 23

Commodity futures: To sell commodity 3,698 3,698 — — To buy commodity 498 498 12,561 12,561

Other current liabilities:

Forward: To sell foreign currencies (1,445) (1,445) (2,390) (2,390) To buy foreign currencies (25) (25) (1,888) (1,888) Cross currency swaps (895) (895) (283) (283)

Commodity futures: To sell commodity (29) (29) (4,576) (4,576) To buy commodity (11,178) (11,178) — — Limitations

Fair value estimates are made at a specific point in time, based on relevant market information and information about the financial instruments. These estimates are subjective in nature and involve uncertainties and matters of significant judgments and therefore cannot be determined with precision. Changes in assumptions could significantly affect the estimates.

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ASC 820 defines fair value and establishes a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are as follows:

Level 1 — Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets.

Level 2 — Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable, and inputs that are derived principally from or corroborated by observable market data by correlation or other means.

Level 3 — Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.

Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis

The following table presents assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis at June 30 and March 31, 2010:

Yen (millions)

June 30, 2010

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total


Available-for-sale securities: Equity securities 306,185 — — 306,185 Corporate and government bonds — 3,998 — 3,998 Other debt securities — 565 — 565

Total available-for-sale securities 306,185 4,563 — 310,748

Derivatives: Foreign exchange contracts — 28,859 — 28,859 Interest rate swaps — 20 — 20 Commodity futures 2,067 2,129 — 4,196

Total derivatives 2,067 31,008 — 33,075

Total 308,252 35,571 — 343,823


Derivatives: Foreign exchange contracts — (1,470) — (1,470) Cross currency swaps — (895) — (895) Commodity futures (10,555) (652) — (11,207)

Total derivatives (10,555) (3,017) — (13,572)

Total (10,555) (3,017) — (13,572)

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Yen (millions)

March 31, 2010

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total


Available-for-sale securities: Equity securities 379,358 — — 379,358 Corporate and government bonds — 3,961 — 3,961 Other debt securities — 585 — 585

Total available-for-sale securities 379,358 4,546 — 383,904

Derivatives: Foreign exchange contracts — 9,005 — 9,005 Interest rate swaps — 23 — 23 Commodity futures 12,561 — — 12,561

Total derivatives 12,561 9,028 — 21,589

Total 391,919 13,574 — 405,493


Derivatives: Foreign exchange contracts — (4,278) — (4,278) Cross currency swaps — (283) — (283) Commodity futures (3,345) (1,231) — (4,576)

Total derivatives (3,345) (5,792) — (9,137)

Total (3,345) (5,792) — (9,137)

The Company’s existing marketable equity securities and commodity futures are included in Level 1, which are valued using an unadjusted quoted market price in active markets with sufficient volume and frequency of transactions.

Level 2 available-for-sale securities include all debt securities, which are valued using inputs other than quoted prices that are observable. Level 2 derivatives including foreign exchange contracts and commodity futures are valued using quotes obtained from brokers, which are periodically validated by pricing models using observable market inputs, such as foreign currency exchange rates and market prices for commodity futures.

Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis

For three months ended June 30, 2010 and 2009, there were no circumstances that required any significant assets and liabilities that are not measured at fair value on an ongoing basis to be measured and recognized at fair value.

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(14) Commitments and Contingent Liabilities

The Company provides guarantees to third parties mainly on bank loans provided to associated companies and customers. The guarantees are made to enhance their credit. For each guarantee provided, the Company is required to perform under the guarantee if the guaranteed party defaults on a payment. Also the Company sold certain trade receivables to independent third parties, some of which are with recourse. If the collectibility of those receivables with recourse becomes doubtful, the Company is obligated to assume the liabilities. At June 30, 2010, the maximum amount of undiscounted payments the Company would have to make in the event of default is 33,464 million yen. The carrying amount of the liabilities recognized for the Company’s obligations as a guarantor under those guarantees at June 30 and March 31, 2010 was insignificant.

In connection with the sale and lease back of certain machinery and equipment, the Company guarantees a specific value of the leased assets. For each guarantee provided, the Company is required to perform under the guarantee if certain conditions are met during or at the end of the lease term. At June 30, 2010, the maximum amount of undiscounted payments the Company would have to make in the event that these conditions are met is 47,914 million yen. The carrying amount of the liabilities recognized for the Company’s obligations as guarantors under those guarantees at June 30 and March 31, 2010 was insignificant.

The Company and certain subsidiaries are under the term of leasehold interest contracts for lands of domestic factories and have obligations for restitution on their leaving. The asset retirement obligations cannot be reasonably estimated because the durations of use of the leased assets are not specified and there are no plans to undertake relocation in the future. Therefore the Company did not recognize asset retirement obligations.

The Company and certain of its subsidiaries are subject to a number of legal proceedings including civil litigations related to tax, products or intellectual properties, or governmental investigations. Since November 2007, the Company and MT Picture Display Co., Ltd. (MTPD), a subsidiary of the Company, are subject to investigations by government authorities, including the Japan Fair Trade Commission, the U.S. Department of Justice and the European Commission, in respect of alleged antitrust violations relating to cathode ray tubes (CRTs). Subsequent to these actions by the authorities, a number of class action lawsuits have been filed in the U.S. and Canada against the Company and certain of its subsidiaries. In October 2009, the Japan Fair Trade Commission issued a cease and desist order against MTPD and assessed a fine against its three subsidiaries in South East Asia, but each named company filed for a hearing to challenge the orders which is currently subject to proceedings. Since February 2009, the Company is subject to investigations by government authorities, including the U.S. Department of Justice and the European Commission, in respect of alleged antitrust violations relating to compressors for refrigerator use. Subsequent to these actions by the authorities, a number of class action lawsuits have been filed in the U.S. and Canada against the Company and certain of its subsidiaries. The Company has been cooperating with the various governmental investigations. Depending upon the outcome of these different proceedings, the Company and certain of its subsidiaries may be subject to an uncertain amount of fines, and accordingly the Company has accrued for certain probable and

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reasonable estimated amounts for the fines. Other than those above, there are a number of legal actions against the Company and certain subsidiaries. Management is of the opinion that damages, if any, resulting from these actions will not have a material effect on the Company’s consolidated financial statements. (15) Segment Information

In accordance with the provisions of ASC 280, “Segment Reporting”, the segments reported below are the components of the Company for which separate financial information is available that is evaluated regularly by the chief operating decision maker of the Company in deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing performance.

Business segments correspond to categories of activity classified primarily by markets, products and brand names. “Digital AVC Networks” includes video and audio equipment, and information and communications equipment. “Home Appliances” includes household equipment. “PEW and PanaHome” includes electrical supplies, electric products, building materials and equipment, and housing business. “Components and Devices” includes electronic components, semiconductors, and batteries. “SANYO” includes solar cells, lithium-ion batteries, optical pickups, and others. “Other” includes electronic-parts-mounting machines, industrial robots and industrial equipment.

The company transferred its motor business to Home Appliances on April 1, 2010. Accordingly, segment information for Home Appliances and Components and Devices in fiscal 2010 are reclassified to conform to the presentation for fiscal 2011.

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By Business Segment Information by business segment for the three months ended June 30, 2010 and 2009 is shown in the tables below:

Yen (millions) Three months ended June 30

2010 2009 Sales: Digital AVC Networks: Customers 816,864 763,092 Intersegment 14,858 10,213 Total 831,722 773,305 Home Appliances: Customers 275,862 257,988 Intersegment 46,919 48,644 Total 322,781 306,632 PEW and PanaHome: Customers 378,533 346,159 Intersegment 12,725 11,468 Total 391,258 357,627 Components and Devices: Customers 159,802 148,325 Intersegment 76,463 65,004 Total 236,265 213,329 SANYO: Customers 407,311 — Intersegment 5,673 — Total 412,984 — Other: Customers 122,754 79,894 Intersegment 152,673 124,824 Total 275,427 204,718 Eliminations (309,311) (260,153) Consolidated total 2,161,126 1,595,458

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Yen (millions)

Three months ended June 30

2010 2009

Segment profit (loss): Digital AVC Networks 27,851 (13,602) Home Appliances 32,259 18,595 PEW and PanaHome 8,348 (7,805) Components and Devices 11,847 (9,744) SANYO 5,009 — Other 12,750 (884) Corporate and eliminations (14,226) (6,743)

Total segment profit 83,838 (20,183)

Interest income 2,769 2,913 Dividends received 3,058 3,417 Other income 14,982 9,145 Interest expense (7,381) (6,045) Other deductions (12,936) (41,012)

Consolidated income (loss) before income taxes 84,330 (51,765)

Corporate expenses include certain corporate R&D expenditures and general corporate expenses.

By Geographical Area

Sales attributed to countries based upon the customer’s location for the three months ended June 30, 2010 and 2009 are as follows:

Yen (millions)

Three months ended June 30

2010 2009

Sales: Japan 1,054,397 858,770 North and South America 286,044 203,607 Europe 223,823 167,136 Asia and Others 596,862 365,945

Consolidated total 2,161,126 1,595,458

United States included in North and South America 238,017 175,574 China included in Asia and Others 304,460 173,766

There are no individually material countries of which should be separately disclosed in North and South America, Europe, and Asia and Others, except for the United States of America and China.

Transfers between business segments or geographic segments are made at arms-length prices. There are no sales to a single external major customer for the three months ended June 30, 2010 and 2009.

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(16) Subsequent Events

The Company resolved, at the board of directors meeting held on July 29, 2010, to pursue a plan to the Company’s acquisition of all shares of PEW and SANYO (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Subsidiaries”) in order to make them wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company by around April 2011 by way of tender offers and, thereafter, share exchanges. In order to implement the acquisition of all shares of the Subsidiaries, the Company resolved, at its above-mentioned board of directors meeting, to simultaneously commence tender offers for common shares of the Subsidiaries. With respect to the tender offers, if the Company purchases all of the shares of the Subsidiaries eligible to be purchased, the maximum aggregate purchase amount is expected to be 818.4 billion yen.

2. If Tender Offeror is an entity other than a company N/A

3. If Tender Offeror is an individual N/A

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III. Share certificates, etc. owned and traded by Tender Offeror and special related parties

1. Ownership of share certificates, etc. (1) Total number of share certificates, etc. owned by Tender Offeror and/or special related parties (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 owned of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order 3,086,469 - 1,392 Share certificates (voting rights) (voting rights) (voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with - - - stock acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3,086,469 - 1,392 Total number of share 3,087,861 - - certificates, etc. owned (Total number of potential share (-) - - certificates, etc.)

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(2) Share certificates, etc. owned by Tender Offeror (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates, etc. 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 owned of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order 3,082,309 - - Share certificates (voting rights) (voting rights) (voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with - - - stock acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3,082,039 - - Total number of share 3,082,039 - - certificates, etc. owned (Total number of potential share (-) - - certificates, etc.)

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(3) Share certificates owned by special related parties (aggregate) (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 owned of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order 4,160 - 1,392 Share certificates (voting rights) (voting rights) (voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with - - - stock acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4,160 1,392 Total number of share 5,552 - - certificates, etc. owned (Total number of potential share (-) - - certificates, etc.)

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(4) Share certificates owned by special related parties (breakdown) a. Special related parties

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Panasonic Pension Fund Management Co., Ltd. Address 1-19, Nakamachi, Kadoma-shi, Osaka, Japan Description of profession or business Financial instruments business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender A company which has a special shareholding relationship with the Offeror Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Address 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan Description of profession or business Manufacturing and sales of various electronic equipments Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender A company which has a special shareholding relationship with the Offeror Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Sanei Corporation Address 4-3, Izumi-cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, Japan Description of profession or business Building maintenance industry Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender A company which has a special shareholding relationship with the Offeror Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name ASAHI PLATING CO., LTD. Address 5-16, Shinmori 4-chome, Asahi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan Description of profession or business Manufacture of electric equipments Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender A company which has a special shareholding relationship with the Offeror Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010)

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Name AKAISHIKOGYO Co., Ltd. Address 94-2, Otsuki-cho, Ashikaga-shi, Tochigi, Japan Description of profession or business Metal products manufacturing industry Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender A company which has a special shareholding relationship with the Offeror Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name TOMITA Electric Co., Ltd. Address 2479, Yoshida Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan Description of profession Manufacture, sales of electric coil for compressor and various or business electrical equipments Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender A company which has a special shareholding relationship with the Offeror Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name STC COMPANY Limited Address 233, Nittakanai-cho, Ota–-shi, Gunma, Japan Description of profession or business Manufacture, sales of condensing unit Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender A company which has a special shareholding relationship with the Offeror Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name KONAN DENKI Co., Ltd. Address 1-26, Minamigasahigasi 1-chome, Kusatsu-shi, Shiga, Japan Description of profession or business For domestic use electric appliances manufacturing industry Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender A company which has a special shareholding relationship with the Offeror Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name SHIGA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Address 3-38, Higashi-Kusatsu 2-chome, Kusatsu-shi, Shiga, Japan Description of profession Manufacture and sales of electric equipments

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or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender A company which has a special shareholding relationship with the Offeror Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Osaka Chuo SANYO Tokki Sales Co., Ltd. Address 7-1, Nakatsu 7-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan Description of profession or business Manufacture and Sales of electric equipments Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender A company which has a special shareholding relationship with the Offeror Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name AC-techno SANYO Co., Ltd. Address 597-1, Nisshin-cho 3-chome, Kita-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama, Japan Description of profession or business Maintainance of air-conditioning equipments Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender A company which has a special shareholding relationship with the Offeror Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Ikeda Electric Co., Ltd. Address 404-1, Nishi-Nobusue, Himeji-shi, Hyogo, Japan Description of profession or business Manufacture and sales of electric equipments appliances Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender A company which has a special shareholding relationship with the Offeror Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yasuo Katsura 1006, Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of Address the Tender Offeror) Description of profession or business Director of the Tender Offeror Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000

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Relationship with Tender Offeror An officer of the Tender Offeror

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masayuki Sato 22-6, Motomachi, Kadoma-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of Address Panasonic Business Services Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic Business Services Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shigeki Ando 1-61, Shiromi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of Panasonic Environmental Technology Solutions Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic Environmental Technology Solutions Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Satoshi Noda 8-1, Shimo-meguro 1-chome, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The Address address of Minebea Motor Manufacturing Corporation) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, Minebea Motor Manufacturing Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Nobuaki Seino 1-75, Hirashimizu 1-chome, Yamagata-shi, Yamagata, Japan (The Address address of Yamagata Panasonic Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Yamagata Panasonic Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

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(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masahiro Doi 101 Moo 2 Teparak Road, T.Bangsaothong Ging A.Bangsaothong, Address Samutprakarn 10540, Thailand (The address of Panasonic Automotive Systems Asia Pacific (Thailand) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, Panasonic Automotive Systems Asia Pacific (Thailand) or business Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hidehiro Ochiai 7-6, Toranomon 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address Address of Japan Mayday Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Japan Mayday Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Eitaro Sugimoto 8-7, Nishitenma 6-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of Denshi Kaikan Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, Denshi Kaikan Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Michihiro Kurokawa 1-61, Shiromi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of EStir Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, EStir Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship

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Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Miwako Kondo 13-10, Kyobashi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address PDC Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, PDC Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shingo Tanaka 13-10, Kyobashi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address PDC Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, PDC Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshiyuki Watanabe 416, Watarihashi-cho, Izumo-shi, Shimane, Japan (The address of Address Sanin Panasonic Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Sanin Panasonic Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masaaki Hirano 1-1, Inazu-cho 3-chome, Toyonaka-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address Address of Panasonic Welding Systems Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, Panasonic Welding Systems Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship

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Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroki Mano Phuoc Long, B Ward District 9, Hochiminh City, S.R. Vietnam Address (The address of Panasonic AVC Networks Vietnam Co., Ltd.)

Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic AVC Networks Vietnam Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Katsuaki Shimaoka 1-15, Matsuo-cho, Kadoma-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of Address Panasonic AVC Technology Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic AVC Technology Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hironori Taniwaki 41-1, Koyo-cho, Matsusaka-shi, Mie, Japan (The address of Shin Address Nihon Industry Co., Ltd.)

Description of profession or business Director, Shin Nihon Industry Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tomoharu Kawasaki 6-4, Tonoshima-cho, Kadoma-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of Address Moriguchi Kadoma Chamber of Commerce and Industry) Description of profession or business Director, Moriguchi Kadoma Chamber of Commerce and Industry Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000

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Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kikuo Matsunaga 600, Saedo-cho, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, Japan (The Address of Panasonic System Solutions Infrastructure Co., Address Ltd.)

Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic System Solutions Infrastructure Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Makoto Nakamura 1-62, Minoshima 4-chome, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka, Address Japan (The address of Panasonic Communications Products Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic Communications Products Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takao Hagiwara 1755-2, Ipponmatsu, Chikusei-shi, Ibaraki, Japan (The address of Address Panahome Sekisho Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panahome Sekisho Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshito Fujiki 205-2, Sanzaemonborinishinomachi, Himeji-shi, Hyogo, Japan Address (The address of Panahome Hyogo Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panahome Hyogo Co., Ltd. Contact information Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law

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Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroshi Ikemoto 19-18, Shibaura 3-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address Address of Natex Co., Ltd.)

Description of profession or business Director, Natex Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Mitsugu Sasaki 1-56, Nishiawaji 3-chome, Higashiyodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Address Osaka, Japan (The address of Sansha Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Sansha Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Seiichiro Igaki 13-10, Kyobashi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address Panasonic Industrial Sales Japan Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, Panasonic Industrial Sales Japan Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Naoki Kamo 13-10, Kyobashi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address Panasonic Industrial Sales Japan Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, Panasonic Industrial Sales Japan Co., Ltd.

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or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takeshi Uragami 49 Tokyo Rd. Qingdao Free Trade Zone Qingdao, Shandong, Address P.R.China (The address of Panasonic Electronic Devices (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic Electronic Devices (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Mikio Ueda 7th floor, HSBC Tower, 1000 Lujiazui Ring Road, Pudong New Address Area, Shanghai, P.R.China (The address of Panasonic Finance (China) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic Finance (China) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kenji Seko 1-1, Matsushita-cho, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of Address Panasonic Battery Engineering Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic Battery Engineering Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hajime Miyake Address 1-1, Matsushita-cho, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of

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Panasonic Battery Engineering Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic Battery Engineering Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Seiichiro Sano 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Susumu Koike 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Mitsuru Homma 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Junji Esaka Address 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The

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address of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masato Ito 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Morihiro Kubo 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shigeharu Yoshii 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kenjiro Matsuba Address 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The

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address of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hideo Matsui 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takae Makita 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yuji Taniguchi 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Life Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Life Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hisamoto Yanagita Address 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The

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address of SANYO Life Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Life Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kazumasa Kato 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Life Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Life Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Taisuke Outani 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Life Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Life Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroyuki Yamada 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Life Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Life Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Satori Hirota Address 11/F, SEG Store & Transport Building, No.12 Taohua Road, Futian

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Bonded Zone, Shenzhen, P.R.China (The address of SANYO Electric International Logistics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO Electric International Logistics (Shenzhen) Co., or business Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Noriyuki Kondo 11/F, SEG Store & Transport Building, No.12 Taohua Road, Futian Address Bonded Zone, Shenzhen, P.R.China (The address of SANYO Electric International Logistics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO Electric International Logistics (Shenzhen) Co., or business Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Saburo Yamasaki 11/F, SEG Store & Transport Building, No.12 Taohua Road, Futian Address Bonded Zone, Shenzhen, P.R.China (The address of SANYO Electric International Logistics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO Electric International Logistics (Shenzhen) Co., or business Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Michio Takahashi SANYO House, 18 Colonial way, Watford, Herts, WD24 4PT, Address U.K. (The address of SANYO Electric International Finance (U.K.) Plc) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric International Finance (U.K.) Plc Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

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(As of August 23, 2010) Name Morifumi Hanada 1-1, Sanyo-cho, Daito-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of SANYO Address Heart-Ecology Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Heart-Ecology Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shinya Nagamachi 1-1, Sanyo-cho, Daito-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of SANYO Address Heart-Ecology Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Heart-Ecology Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tetsuji Hashiguchi 1-1, Sanyo-cho, Daito-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of SANYO Address Heart-Ecology Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Heart-Ecology Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Mitsuhiro Kuroda 1-1, Sanyo-cho, Daitoshi, Osaka, Japan (The address of SANYO Address Heart-Ecology Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Heart-Ecology Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

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(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yujiro Komoto 606-1, Dangecho, Kasai-shi, Hyogo, Japan (The address of Harima Address SANYO Industries Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Harima SANYO Industries Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Norio Simomura 606-1, Dangecho Kasai-shi, Hyogo, Japan (The address of Harima Address SANYO Industries Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Harima SANYO Industries Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Chozo Nakagawa 606-1, Dange-cho Kasai-shi Hyogo, Japan (The address of Harima Address SANYO Industries Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Harima SANYO Industries Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kazuyuki Koga 6-1, Mizue-cho, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa, Japan Address (The address of JFE URBAN RECYCLE CORPORATION) Description of profession or business Director, JFE URBAN RECYCLE CORPORATION Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

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(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroshi Horii 6-1, Mizue-cho, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa, Japan Address (The address of JFE URBAN RECYCLE CORPORATION) Description of profession or business Director, JFE URBAN RECYCLE CORPORATION Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shingo Sumi 6-1, Mizue-cho, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa, Japan Address (The address of JFE URBAN RECYCLE CORPORATION) Description of profession or business Director, JFE URBAN RECYCLE CORPORATION Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takeshi Akuzawa 25-1, Sengoku 3-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan Address (The address of SANYO Creative Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Creative Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoichi Yamada 25-1, Sengoku 3-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan Address (The address of SANYO Creative Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Creative Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

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(As of August 23, 2010) Name Nobuhiro Okuda 25-1, Sengoku 3-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan Address (The address of SANYO Creative Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Creative Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kazuo Fukuda 25-1, Sengoku 3-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan Address (The address of SANYO Creative Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Creative Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kiyotaka Honda 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Associate Support Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Associate Support Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Haruyuki Sanada 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Associate Support Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Associate Support Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

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(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masahiro Iizuka Jalan Raya Bogor Km 35, Cimanggis, Depok 16955, Address Indonesia (The address of PT SANYO Jaya Components Indonesia) Description of profession or business Director, PT SANYO Jaya Components Indonesia Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Koshiro Kitagawa Jalan Raya Jakarta Bogor Km 35, Cimanggis, Depok 16955, Address Indonesia (The address of PT SANYO Jaya Components Indonesia) Description of profession or business Director, PT SANYO Jaya Components Indonesia Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masafumi Kimura Jalan Raya Jakarta Bogor Km 35, Cimanggis, Depok 16955, Address Indonesia (The address of PT SANYO Jaya Components Indonesia) Description of profession or business Director, PT SANYO Jaya Components Indonesia Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takao Nishiyama Jalan Raya Jakarta Bogor Km 35, Cimanggis, Depok 16955, Address Indonesia (The address of PT SANYO Jaya Components Indonesia) Description of profession or business Director, PT SANYO Jaya Components Indonesia Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000

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Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroji Matsumura Jalan Raya Jakarta Bogor Km 35, Cimanggis, Depok 16955, Address Indonesia (The address of PT SANYO Jaya Components Indonesia) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, PT SANYO Jaya Components Indonesia Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Toru Yukii No.10, Street 17A, BIEN HOA INDUSTRIAL ZONE ⅡBien Address Hoa, Dong Nai Province, Vietnam (The address of SANYO DI Solutions Vietnam Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO DI Solutions Vietnam Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Koji Sekiyama No.10, Street 17A, BIEN HOA INDUSTRIAL ZONE ⅡBien Address Hoa, Dong Nai Province, Vietnam (The address of SANYO DI Solutions Vietnam Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO DI Solutions Vietnam Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroshi Minagoe No.10, Street 17A, BIEN HOA INDUSTRIAL ZONE ⅡBien Address Hoa, Dong Nai Province, Vietnam (The address of SANYO DI Solutions Vietnam Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO DI Solutions Vietnam Corporation Contact information Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law

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Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Junichi Fukunaga No.10, Street 17A, BIEN HOA INDUSTRIAL ZONE ⅡBien Address Hoa, Dong Nai Province, Vietnam (The address of SANYO DI Solutions Vietnam Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO DI Solutions Vietnam Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Osamu Nakagawa 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Cash Management Center Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Cash Management Center Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroki Osaki 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Cash Management Center Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Cash Management Center Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kiyotaka Nagai 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Cash Management Center Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Cash Management Center Co., Ltd. Contact information Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law

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Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroaki Matsuda 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Cash Management Center Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Cash Management Center Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Eiji Wakazono 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Cash Management Center Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Cash Management Center Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shuichi Ida 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Cash Management Center Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Cash Management Center Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takayuki Hamada 745 Fort Street, Suite 800 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, U.S.A. (The Address address of SANYO Global Insurance Inc.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Global Insurance Inc. Contact information Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law

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Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Katsuhisa Kawashima 5/F, Block1, Vision Business Park, Gaoxin South Road , Shenzhen, Address P.R.China (The address of SANYO Digital Design (Shenzhen) Limited) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Digital Design (Shenzhen) Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Makoto Arai 5/F, Block1, Vision Business Park, Gaoxin South Road, Shenzhen, Address P.R.China (The address of SANYO Digital Design (Shenzhen) Limited) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Digital Design (Shenzhen) Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Keiichi Fujimoto 5/F, Block1, Vision Business Park, Gaoxin South Road, Shenzhen, Address P.R.China (The address of SANYO Digital Design (Shenzhen) Limited) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Digital Design (Shenzhen) Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masanori Motoki 5/F, Block1, Vision Business Park, Gaoxin South Road, Shenzhen, Address P.R.China (The address of SANYO Digital Design (Shenzhen)

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Limited) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Digital Design (Shenzhen) Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Ikuo Utaka 5/F, Block1, Vision Business Park, Gaoxin South Road, Shenzhen, Address P.R.China (The address of SANYO Digital Design (Shenzhen) Limited) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Digital Design (Shenzhen) Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Isao Oba 101, Tachikawa-cho, 7-chome, Tottori-shi, Tottori, Japan (The Address address of SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kiyomi Miki 101, Tachikawa-cho, 7-chome, Tottori-shi, Tottori, Japan (The Address address of SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hironori Shimode

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101, Tachikawa-cho, 7-chome, Tottori-shi, Tottori, Japan (The Address address of SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Fumio Yonezawa 101, Tachikawa-cho, 7-chome, Tottori-shi, Tottori, Japan (The Address address of SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Akihiko Zako 101, Tachikawa-cho, 7-chome, Tottori-shi, Tottori, Japan (The Address address of SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroshi Tanaka 101, Tachikawa-cho, 7-chome, Tottori-shi, Tottori, Japan (The Address address of SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroshi Tanuma

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101, Tachikawa-cho, 7-chome, Tottori-shi, Tottori, Japan (The Address address of SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takao Ando 101, Tachikawa-cho, 7-chome, Tottori-shi, Tottori, Japan (The Address address of SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takatoshi Nakashima 101, Tachikawa-cho, 7-chome, Tottori-shi, Tottori, Japan (The Address address of SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.) Description of profession Corporate Auditor, SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., or business LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Sachio Waki 101, Tachikawa-cho, 7-chome, Tottori-shi, Tottori, Japan (The Address address of SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.) Description of profession Corporate Auditor, SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., or business LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Ryota Tominaga

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101, Tachikawa-cho, 7-chome, Tottori-shi, Tottori, Japan (The Address address of SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.) Description of profession Corporate Auditor, SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., or business LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takaaki Okazaki 101, Tachikawa-cho, 7-chome, Tottori-shi, Tottori, Japan (The Address address of SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.) Description of profession Corporate Auditor, SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CO., or business LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shoji Ando 476, Minamiyoshikata 3-chome, Tottori-shi, Tottori, Japan (The Address address of TEGA SANYO INDUSTRY CO., LTD.)

Description of profession or business Director, TEGA SANYO INDUSTRY CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kunitomo Notsu 101, Tachikawa-cho, 7-chome, Tottori-shi, Tottori, Japan (The Address address of TORISAN BUSINESS SERVICE CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Liquidator, TORISAN BUSINESS SERVICE CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010)

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Name Yasunori Kawamoto 3 Xingda Road, Huangpu, Guangzhou, P.R.China (The address of Address Guangzhou SANYO Car Electronics Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Guangzhou SANYO Car Electronics Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroya Ikeda 3 Xingda Road, Huangpu, Guangzhou, P.R.China (The address of Address Guangzhou SANYO Car Electronics Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, Guangzhou SANYO Car Electronics Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masahisa Ide West of Xukou Town Wuzhong District Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, Address P.R.China (The address of SANYO ELECTRIC HOME APPLIANCES (SUZHOU) CO., LTD.) Description of profession Director, SANYO ELECTRIC HOME APPLIANCES (SUZHOU) or business CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Toshinari Kobayashi West of Xukou Town Wuzhong District Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, Address P.R.China (The address of SANYO ELECTRIC HOME APPLIANCES (SUZHOU) CO., LTD.) Description of profession Director, SANYO ELECTRIC HOME APPLIANCES (SUZHOU) or business CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

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(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tetsuya Kikuchi West of Xukou Town Wuzhong District Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, Address P.R.China (The address of SANYO ELECTRIC HOME APPLIANCES (SUZHOU) CO., LTD.) Description of profession Corporate Auditor, SANYO ELECTRIC HOME APPLIANCES or business (SUZHOU) CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hirokazu Okada West of Xukou Town Wuzhong District Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, Address P.R.China (The address of SUZHOU SANYO ELECTRO-MECHANICAL CO., LTD.) Description of profession Director, SUZHOU SANYO ELECTRO-MECHANICAL CO., or business LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Minoru Sugimoto No.8, North-East Street 4, Eco.&Tech. Development, Dalian, Address P.R.China (The address of DALIAN SANYO HOME APPLIANCE CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, DALIAN SANYO HOME APPLIANCE CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshiyuki Shimozato No.8, North-East Street 4, Eco.&Tech. Development, Dalian, Address P.R.China (The address of DALIAN SANYO HOME APPLIANCE CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, DALIAN SANYO HOME APPLIANCE CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship

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Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Noriaki Tozaki Plot 10 Phase 4, Prai Industrial Estate, 13600 Prai, Penang, Address Malaysia (The address of SANYO Automedia Sdn. Bhd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Automedia Sdn. Bhd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Chiaki Yoshida Plot 10 Phase 4, Prai Industrial Estate, 13600 Prai, Penang, Address Malaysia (The address of SANYO Automedia Sdn. Bhd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Automedia Sdn. Bhd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yasuhiro Mizokami 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi Osaka, Japan (The Address address of NTT DATA SANYO SYSTEM CORPORATION) Description of profession or business Director, NTT DATA SANYO SYSTEM CORPORATION Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroshi Shiokawa 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of NTT DATA SANYO SYSTEM CORPORATION) Description of profession or business Director, NTT DATA SANYO SYSTEM CORPORATION Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship

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Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Keiji Inoue 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of NTT DATA SANYO SYSTEM CORPORATION) Description of profession Corporate Auditor, NTT DATA SANYO SYSTEM or business CORPORATION Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masami Murata 2055 Sanyo Ave., San Diego, CA 92154 U.S.A. (The address of Address SANYO North America Corp.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO North America Corp. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Toshiaki Inoue 2055 Sanyo Ave., San Diego, CA 92154 U.S.A. (The address of Address SANYO North America Corp.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO North America Corp. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Jiro Takeda 2055 Sanyo Ave., San Diego, CA 92154 U.S.A. (The address of Address SANYO North America Corp.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO North America Corp. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship

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Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hideharu Nagasawa Level 28, Tower 1, KCC, 51 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, Address N.T., Hong Kong (The address of SANYO Electric (Hong Kong) Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric (Hong Kong) Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tadao Oishi Level 28, Tower 1, KCC, 51 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, Address N.T., Hong Kong (The address of SANYO Electric (Hong Kong) Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric (Hong Kong) Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Naoki Ikegami Level 28, Tower 1, KCC, 51 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, Address N.T., Hong Kong (The address of SANYO Electric (Hong Kong) Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric (Hong Kong) Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kageyuki Takatsuka Level 28, Tower 1, KCC, 51 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, Address N.T., Hong Kong (The address of SANYO Electric (Hong Kong) Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric (Hong Kong) Ltd. Contact information Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law

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Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Megumu Hiramatsu Level 28, Tower 1, KCC, 51 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, Address N.T., Hong Kong (The address of SANYO Electric (Hong Kong) Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric (Hong Kong) Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Atsuhiro Sakagami Level 28, Tower 1, KCC, 51 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, Address N.T., Hong Kong (The address of SANYO Electric (Hong Kong) Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric (Hong Kong) Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Toshiji Fukui 28F, Full Link Plaza, No.18, Chaoyangmenwai Street, Chaoyang Address District, Beijing, P.R.China (The address of SANYO Electric (China) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric (China) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hidetoshi Arima 28F, Full Link Plaza, No.18, Chaoyangmenwai Street, Chaoyang Address District, Beijing, P.R.China (The address of SANYO Electric

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(China) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric (China) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Atsushi Sato No. 6 Commonwealth Lane #03-01/02 GMTI Building, Singapore Address 149547 (The address of SANYO Asia Pte Ltd) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Asia Pte Ltd Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror. (As of August 23, 2010) Name Masuro Kukita 10-10, Hongo 3-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO ENEOS Solar Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO ENEOS Solar Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yasuhiko Ito 10-10, Hongo 3-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO ENEOS Solar Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO ENEOS Solar Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Fumihisa Endo 50, 52 Soi Ramintra 64, Ramintra Road, Kannayao, Bangkok Address 10230, Thailand (The address of Proactive Solution Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, Proactive Solution Co., Ltd.

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or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshiyuki Yamaato 1-1, Koiso, Higashiura-cho, Tsuna, Hyogo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Energy Logistics Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy Logistics Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shigezo Torii 1-1, Koiso, Higashiura-cho, Tsuna, Hyogo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Energy Logistics Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Energy Logistics Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Eijyu Horie 1-1, Koiso, Higashiura-cho, Tsuna, Hyogo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Energy Logistics Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy Logistics Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shigeru Nomoto 1-1, Koiso, Higashiura-cho, Tsuna, Hyogo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Energy Logistics Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO Energy Logistics Co., Ltd.

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or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Mitsuhiko Inamuro 5, Kisshoin-shinden-ichinodan-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto, Japan Address (The address of SANYO GS Soft Energy Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO GS Soft Energy Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takahisa Awajitani 5, Kisshoin-shinden-ichinodan-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Address Japan (The address of SANYO GS Soft Energy Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO GS Soft Energy Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Koji Umehara 5, Kisshoin-shinden-ichinodan-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Address Japan (The address of SANYO GS Soft Energy Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO GS Soft Energy Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Toshiro Yanagawa 5, Kisshoin-shinden-ichinodan-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Address Japan (The address of SANYO GS Soft Energy Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO GS Soft Energy Co., Ltd.

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or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hideo Miura 174, Asonaka, Kaizuka-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of SANYO Address Energy Kaizuka Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy Kaizuka Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yukichi Uesugi 407, Minamidoi, Kashunota, Minamiawaji-shi, Hyogo, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Energy Nandan Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy Nandan Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yukio Osaki 407, Minamidoi, Kashunota, Minamiawaji-shi, Hyogo, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Energy Nandan Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy Nandan Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Mitsuru Iguchi 260 Orchard Road #14-01 The Heeren, Singapore 238855 (The Address address of SANYO Energy (Singapore) Corporation Pte Ltd) Description of profession Director, SANYO Energy (Singapore) Corporation Pte Ltd

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or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Daisuke Takahashi 260 Orchard Road #14-01 The Heeren, Singapore 238855 (The Address address of SANYO Energy (Singapore) Corporation Pte Ltd) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy (Singapore) Corporation Pte Ltd Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Fumitoshi Terashima 260 Orchard Road #14-01 The Heeren, Singapore 238855 (The Address address of SANYO Energy (Singapore) Corporation Pte Ltd) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy (Singapore) Corporation Pte Ltd Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shuichi Kinoshita 260 Orchard Road #14-01 The Heeren, Singapore 238855 (The Address address of SANYO Energy (Singapore) Corporation Pte Ltd) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy (Singapore) Corporation Pte Ltd Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Koji Narimoto Lot 11, Batamindo Industrial Park, Muka Kuning, Batam Island, Address Indonesia (The address of PT. SANYO Energy Batam) Description of profession or business Director, PT. SANYO Energy Batam

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Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shinya Nakajima Lot 11, Batamindo Industrial Park, Muka Kuning, Batam Island, Address Indonesia (The address of PT. SANYO Energy Batam) Description of profession or business Director, PT. SANYO Energy Batam Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Fumitsugu Tachihara 10F, No. 200, Sec. 1, Keelung Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. (The Address address of SANYO Energy (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masaaki Ueda 10F, No. 200, Sec. 1, Keelung Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. (The Address address of SANYO Energy (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO Energy (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Sozan Doi 10F, No. 200, Sec. 1, Keelung Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. (The Address address of SANYO Energy (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.

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Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Toshihiro Kita No. 12 Rongyuan Road, Tianjin Hi-Tech Industry Park, Huayuan Address Industry Development Area, P.R.China (The address of SANYO Energy (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Katsushiro Goto No. 16 Yongchang Zhonglu BDA, Beijing, P.R.China (The address Address of SANYO Energy (Beijing) CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy (Beijing) CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masahiro Sakoda No. 16 Yongchang Zhonglu BDA, Beijing, P.R.China (The address Address of SANYO Energy (Beijing) CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy (Beijing) CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kiyoshige Horioka No. 16 Yongchang Zhonglu BDA, Beijing, P.R.China (The address Address of SANYO Energy (Beijing) CO., LTD.) Description of profession Director, SANYO Energy (Beijing) CO., LTD.

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or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshihiko Hayashi No. 16 Yongchang Zhonglu BDA, Beijing, P.R.China (The address Address of SANYO Energy (Beijing) CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy (Beijing) CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Isao Utsunomiya No.86 Sunwu Road, Xukou, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Address Jiangsu Province, P.R.China (The address of SANYO Energy (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Koji Nishishita No.86 Sunwu Road, Xukou, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Address Jiangsu Province, P.R.China (The address of SANYO Energy (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy (Suzhou) Co.,Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shinsuke Nakahori No.86 Sunwu Road, Xukou, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Address Jiangsu Province, P.R.China (The address of SANYO Energy

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(Suzhou) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masahiko Asada Avenida Santa Barbara 601, Ex-Ejido San Nicolas, M. Escobedo, Address N.L., Mexico C.P. 66050 (The address of SANYO Energy, S.A. de C.V.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy, S.A. de C.V. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Atsushi Ota Avenida Santa Barbara 601, Ex-Ejido San Nicolas, M. Escobedo, Address N.L., Mexico C.P. 66050 (The address of SANYO Energy, S.A. de C.V.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy, S.A. de C.V. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshinobu Nakatani Avenida Santa Barbara 601, Ex-Ejido San Nicolas, M. Escobedo, Address N.L., Mexico C.P. 66050 (The address of SANYO Energy, S.A. de C.V.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Energy, S.A. de C.V. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010)

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Name Hitoshi Ibuta 217, Fukumo, Omachi-cho, Kishima-gun, Saga, Japan (The Address address of Saga SANYO Industries Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Saga SANYO Industries Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kazuya Shimizu 217, Fukumo, Omachi-cho, Kishima-gun, Saga, Japan (The Address address of Saga SANYO Industries Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Saga SANYO Industries Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Satoshi Niimi 217, Fukumo, Omachi-cho, Kishima-gun, Saga, Japan (The Address address of Saga SANYO Industries Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Saga SANYO Industries Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hideki Ishida 217, Fukumo, Omachi-cho, Kishima-gun, Saga, Japan (The Address address of Saga SANYO Industries Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Saga SANYO Industries Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shinji Takagaki

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217, Fukumo, Omachi-cho, Kishima-gun, Saga, Japan (The Address address of Saga SANYO Industries Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Saga SANYO Industries Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroya Nishimoto 217, Fukumo, Omachi-cho, Kishima-gun, Saga, Japan (The Address address of Saga SANYO Industries Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Saga SANYO Industries Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Katsuhiro Harada 217, Fukumo, Omachi-cho, Kishima-gun, Saga, Japan (The Address address of Saga SANYO Industries Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, Saga SANYO Industries Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Setsuo Takatori 16-8, Sotokanda 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address Address of OS ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, OS ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shinichi Torii Address 16-8, Sotokanda 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address

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of OS ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, OS ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kenichi Igarashi 98-1, Oaza Motohara, Kamikawa-machi, Kodama-gun, Saitama, Address Japan (The address of SANYO Mediatec Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Mediatec Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Sadao Okada 98-1, Oaza Motohara, Kamikawa-machi, Kodama-gun, Saitama, Address Japan (The address of SANYO Mediatec Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Mediatec Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kimio Miyazawa 98-1, Oaza Motohara, Kamikawa-machi, Kodama-gun, Saitama, Address Japan (The address of SANYO Mediatec Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Mediatec Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Akira Tsukihashi Address 98-1, Oaza Motohara, Kamikawa-machi, Kodama-gun, Saitama,

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Japan (The address of SANYO Mediatec Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Mediatec Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Akira Ibaragi 98-1, Oaza Motohara, Kamikawa-machi, Kodama-gun, Saitama, Address Japan (The address of SANYO Mediatec Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Mediatec Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Makoto Yamaguchi 98-1, Oaza Motohara, Kamikawa-machi, Kodama-gun, Saitama, Address Japan (The address of SANYO Mediatec Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Mediatec Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Norio Matsumura 98-1, Oaza Motohara, Kamikawa-machi, Kodama-gun, Saitama, Address Japan (The address of SANYO Mediatec Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Mediatec Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hidenori Deki Address 1771, Nakamaruko, Ueda-shi, , Japan (The address of

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SANYO Seimitsu Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Seimitsu Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Toshiro Ikeuchi 1771, Nakamaruko, Ueda-shi, Nagano, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Seimitsu Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Seimitsu Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masanori Kobayashi 1771, Nakamaruko, Ueda-shi, Nagano, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Seimitsu Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Seimitsu Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tomoaki Nakajima 1771, Nakamaruko, Ueda-shi, Nagano, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Seimitsu Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Seimitsu Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Keizo Mori Address 1771, Nakamaruko, Uedashi, Nagano, Japan (The address of

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SANYO Seimitsu Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Seimitsu Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kenji Kubota 1771, Nakamaruko, Ueda-shi, Nagano, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Seimitsu Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Seimitsu Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yuichi Fukuzumi 1771, Nakamaruko, Ueda-shi, Nagano, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Seimitsu Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Seimitsu Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masahiro Homoto 1-1, Sanyo-cho, Daito-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of SANYO Address Tuners Industries Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Tuners Industries Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoji Sasaki Address 1-1, Sanyo-cho, Daito-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of SANYO

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Tuners Industries Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Tuners Industries Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kazuhiko Koga 1-1, Sanyo-cho, Daito-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of SANYO Address Tuners Industries Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Tuners Industries Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshiaki Yahiro 1-1, Sanyo-cho, Daito-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of SANYO Address Tuners Industries Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Tuners Industries Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kazuhiro Takeda 3F, Yuraku Building, Bakurocho, Nihonbashi, 7-8, Bakuro-cho Address 2-chome, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of SANYO Electric Device Sales Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Device Sales Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kenichi Abe

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3F, Yuraku Building, Bakurocho, Nihonbashi, 7-8, Bakuro-cho Address 2-chome, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of SANYO Electric Device Sales Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Device Sales Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Katsunori Horiguchi 3F, Yuraku Building, Bakurocho, Nihonbashi, 7-8, Bakuro-cho Address 2-chome, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of SANYO Electric Device Sales Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Device Sales Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hideyuki Maehara 3F, Yuraku Building, Bakurocho, Nihonbashi, 7-8, Bakuro-cho Address 2-chome, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of SANYO Electric Device Sales Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Device Sales Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masanori Nagai 3F, Yuraku Building, Bakurocho, Nihonbashi, 7-8, Bakuro-cho Address 2-chome, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of SANYO Electric Device Sales Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Device Sales Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

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(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshitsugu Hongo 3F, Yuraku Building, Bakurocho, Nihonbashi, 7-8, Bakuro-cho Address 2-chome, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of SANYO Electric Device Sales Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Device Sales Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kiyoshi Hibino 6-3, Yushima 1-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO OPTEC DESIGN CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO OPTEC DESIGN CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Minoru Kume 6-3, Yushima 1-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO OPTEC DESIGN CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO OPTEC DESIGN CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Toshiro Iwai Block 6, Hua Jian Industrial Building, Shekou, Shenzhen, Address P.R.China (The address of SANYO Electric (Shekou) Limited) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric (Shekou) Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship

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Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Toshihiko Nakajima Block 6, Hua Jian Industrial Building, Shekou, Shenzhen, Address P.R.China (The address of SANYO Electric (Shekou) Limited) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric (Shekou) Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroto Oishi 49 Walnut Street, Norwood, New Jersey 07648, U.S.A. (The Address address of SANYO Electronic Device Sales (USA) Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electronic Device Sales (U.S.A) Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Nobuo Nagata Meixiu Road, Meilin Industrial District, Futian, Shenzhen, Address Guangdong, P.R.China (The address of Shenzhen SANYO HUAQIANG Optical Technology Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, Shenzhen SANYO HUAQIANG Optical Technology or business Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tsuneyoshi Kawauchi Meixiu Road, Meilin Industrial District, Futian, Shenzhen, Address Guangdong, P.R.China (The address of Shenzhen SANYO HUAQIANG Optical Technology Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, Shenzhen SANYO HUAQIANG Optical Technology or business Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tomoaki Shikata 70 Anson Road #23-00 Hub Synergy Point, Singapore 079905 Address (The address of SANYO ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD) Description of profession Director, SANYO ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS or business (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Akihiko Okihara 70 Anson Road #23-00 Hub Synergy Point, Singapore 079905 Address (The address of SANYO ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD) Description of profession Director, SANYO ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS or business (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kazuo Aoki 70 Anson Road, #23-00 Hub Synergy Point, Singapore (The Address address of SANYO PRECISION SINGAPORE PTE LTD) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO PRECISION SINGAPORE PTE LTD Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Eiichi Yukawa 13 Road north of Hongye, HubaiStreet, Hongye 138 Industrial District Tangxia Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, Address P.R.China (The address of DONGGUAN HUAQIANG SANYO MOTOR CO., LTD.) Description of profession Director, DONGGUAN HUAQIANG SANYO MOTOR CO.,

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or business LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Makoto Tomotsugu 13 Road north of Hongye, HubaiStreet, Hongye 138 Industrial District Tangxia Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, Address P.R.China (The address of DONGGUAN HUAQIANG SANYO MOTOR CO., LTD.) Description of profession Corporate Auditor, DONGGUAN HUAQIANG SANYO MOTOR or business CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kuniyasu Araki No.348 Lushan Rd.Suzhou New District, Suzhou, Jiangsu, Address P.R.China (The address of SANYO ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (SUZHOU) CO., LTD.) Description of profession Director, SANYO ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (SUZHOU) or business CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kuniaki Hirota Xiang Shui River, Industrial Area, Daya Bay, Huizhou, Address Guangdong, P.R.China (The address of SANYO Optical Component (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Optical Component (Huizhou) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Seiichi Tomioka

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Xiang Shui River, Industrial Area, Daya Bay, Huizhou, Address Guangdong, P.R.China (The address of SANYO Optical Component (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Optical Component (Huizhou) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takami Kitazawa Building C, Haoyi West Sanyo New Industrial Estate Shajing, Bao’an Region, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, P.R.China Address (The address of SANYO MOTOR PARTS (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO MOTOR PARTS (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tetsuo Watanabe Lot A, Quang Chau Industrial Park, Viet Yen Dist., Bac Giang Address Province, Vietnam (The address of SANYO-HQ Device Vietnam Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO-HQ Device Vietnam Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yasushi Takimoto Lot A, Quang Chau Industrial Park, Viet Yen Dist., Bac Giang Address Province, Vietnam (The address of SANYO-HQ Device Vietnam Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO-HQ Device Vietnam Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship

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Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hideo Kasahara Lot A, Quang Chau Industrial Park, Viet Yen Dist., Bac Giang Address Province, Vietnam (The address of SANYO-HQ Device Vietnam Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO-HQ Device Vietnam Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Teruo Ikeda Jalan Raya Jakarta Bogor, Km. 35 Cimanggis, Depok 16996, Address Indonesia (The address of P.T. SANYO Jaya Components Indonesia) Description of profession or business Director, P.T. SANYO Jaya Components Indonesia Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yuji Yamamura Jalan Raya Jakarta Bogor, Km. 35 Cimanggis, Depok 16996, Address Indonesia (The address of P.T. SANYO Jaya Components Indonesia) Description of profession or business Director, P.T. SANYO Jaya Components Indonesia Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshiyuki Nishiyama Jalan Raya Jakarta Bogor, Km. 35 Cimanggis, Depok 16996, Address Indonesia (The address of P.T. SANYO Jaya Components Indonesia) Description of profession or business Director, P.T. SANYO Jaya Components Indonesia Contact information Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law

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Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroshige Ota Level 27, Tower 1, KCC, 51 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, Address N.T., Hong Kong (The address of SANYO Electronic Components (H.K.) Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electronic Components (H.K.) Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Teruyoshi Izumimoto Level 27, Tower 1, KCC, 51 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, Address N.T., Hong Kong (The address of SANYO Electronic Components (H.K.) Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electronic Components (H.K.) Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tadashi Yoshida Level 27, Tower 1, KCC, 51 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, Address N.T., Hong Kong (The address of SANYO Electronic Components (H.K.) Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electronic Components (H.K.) Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hideo Akiyama 27 & 28/F, Tower 1, Kowloon Commerce Centre, 51 Kwai Cheong Address Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong (The address of SANYO OPTRONICS (HONG KONG) Co., Ltd.)

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Description of profession or business Director, SANYO OPTRONICS (HONG KONG) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroshi Koyama 27 & 28/F, Tower 1, Kowloon Commerce Centre, 51 Kwai Cheong Address Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong (The address of SANYO OPTRONICS (HONG KONG) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO OPTRONICS (HONG KONG) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Noriyasu Kato 27 & 28/F, Tower 1, Kowloon Commerce Centre, 51 Kwai Cheong Address Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong (The address of SANYO OPTRONICS (HONG KONG) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO OPTRONICS (HONG KONG) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takayuki Tsubaki 27 & 28/F, Tower 1, Kowloon Commerce Centre, 51 Kwai Cheong Address Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong (The address of SANYO OPTRONICS (HONG KONG) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO OPTRONICS (HONG KONG) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

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(As of August 23, 2010) Name Katsuyuki Saiga 1-10, Yushima 2-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO T&S Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO T&S Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tsutomu Mannari 1-10, Yushima 2-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO T&S Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO T&S Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroaki Isojima 5-15, Hiyoshi-cho 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of Nihon Business Agency Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Nihon Business Agency Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kazutoshi Yamamoto 5-15, Hiyoshi-cho 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of Nihon Business Agency Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Nihon Business Agency Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

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(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takashi Hirao Stahlgruberring 4, 81829, Munich, Germany (The address of Address SANYO Sales & Marketing Europe GmbH) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Sales & Marketing Europe GmbH Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Mitsunobu Nakatani Stahlgruberring 4, 81829, Munich, Germany (The address of Address SANYO Sales & Marketing Europe GmbH) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Sales&Marketing Europe GmbH Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Koichi Shinohara Stahlgruberring 4, 81829, Munich, Germany (The address of Address SANYO Sales&Marketing Europe GmbH) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Sales&Marketing Europe GmbH Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Ken Namba Via Bisceglie 76, Milano, 20152 Italy (The address of SANYO Address Airconditioners Europe Srl.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Airconditioners Europe Srl. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

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(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tetsuro Inoue Room No.2012, Ruijing Building, Mao Ming Road South 205, Address Shanghai, P.R.China (The address of SANYO Electric Trading Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Trading Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Seigo Wake Room No.2012, Ruijing Building, Mao Ming Road South 205, Address Shanghai, P.R.China (The address of SANYO Electric Trading Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Trading Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masayuki Mori North Wing, 3F, Block 2, Vision Shenzhen Business Park, No.9 Gaoxin 9th South Road, Shenzhen Hi-tech Industrial Park, Address Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P.R.China(The address of SANYO Sales & Marketing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Sales & Marketing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takeyuki Kamei North Wing, 3F, Block 2, Vision Shenzhen Business Park, No.9 Gaoxin 9th South Road, Shenzhen Hi-tech Industrial Park, Address Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P.R.China (The address of SANYO Sales & Marketing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Sales & Marketing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu

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Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Keisuke Yabuki 3/F Solid House Build. 2285 Don Chino Roces Avenue Makati Address City, Philippines (The address of SANYO Philippines, Inc.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Philippines, Inc. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yukihiro Saika Jl. Danau Sunter Barat Blok A III, No.38-39 Jakarta 14350, Address Indonesia (The address of PT. SANYO Sales Indonesia) Description of profession or business Director, PT. SANYO Sales Indonesia Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takami Fukuda EJIP Industrial Park, Plot 1A No.1-2, Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi, Address Indonesia (The address of PT. SANYO Indonesia) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, PT. SANYO Indonesia Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tatsuo Nakahara EJIP Industrial Park, Plot 1A No.1-2, Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi, Address Indonesia (The address of PT. SANYO Indonesia) Description of profession or business Director, PT. SANYO Indonesia Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu

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Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Akio Watanabe EJIP Industrial Park, Plot 1A No.1-2, Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi, Address Indonesia (The address of PT. SANYO Indonesia) Description of profession or business Director, PT. SANYO Indonesia Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Akihiro Suda EJIP Industrial Park, Plot 1A No.1-2, Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi, Address Indonesia (The address of PT. SANYO Indonesia) Description of profession or business Director, PT. SANYO Indonesia Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tomokazu Akashi Tower A, Ground Floor 112-118 Talavera Road, North Ryde, Address NSW, 2113, Australia (The address of SANYO Oceania Pty Limited) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Oceania Pty Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Keiji Uemura 4th Roschinskiy proezd 19-2, Moscow, Russia (The address of Address LLC SANYO Electric CIS) Description of profession or business Director, LLC SANYO Electric CIS Contact information Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law

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Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Sohei Goto 9850 Siempre Viva Road, Suite 3, San Diego, CA 92154, U.S.A. Address (The address of SANYO CUSTOMS BROKERAGE, INC.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO CUSTOMS BROKERAGE, INC. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hideaki Tsuchiya 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of Haier SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Haier SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroshi Takafuji Roque Perez 3650, Buenos Aires, Argentina (The address of Address Newsan S.A.) Description of profession or business Director, Newsan S.A. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Suguru Nishibe 10F, No.266, Sung Chiang Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C (The Address address of SANYO Electric (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric (Taiwan) Co., Ltd Contact information Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law

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Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tadashi Nagamine 10F, No.266, Sung Chiang Road., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. (The Address address of SANYO Electric (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric (Taiwan) Co., Ltd Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Satoru Hotta 10F, No.266, Sung Chiang Road., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. (The Address address of SANYO Electric (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric (Taiwan) Co., Ltd Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yuyo Murakami 7F, 266 Sung Chiang Road, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. (The address of Address Chen ho Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Chen ho Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Atsushi Jinguji 1.01, Level 1, Wisma Academy, 4A, Jalan 19/1, 46300 Petaling Address Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia (The address of SANYO Sales & Service Sdn. Bhd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Sales & Service Sdn. Bhd.

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Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masatsugu Yamano Oulton Works, School Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, Nr33 9NA, U.K. Address (The address of SANYO Industries (U.K.) Limited) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Industries (U.K.) Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tsutomu Fujita 1-1, Sanyo-cho, Daito-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of SANYO Address Electric System Solution Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric System Solution Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hidenori Yamamoto 1-1, Sanyo-cho, Daito-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of SANYO Address Electric System Solution Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO Electric System Solution Co., Ltd. or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshinori Saito 1-1, Sanyo-cho, Daito-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of SANYO Address Electric System Solution Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric System Solution Co., Ltd.

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Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Ryo Okano 1-1, Sanyo-cho, Daito-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of SANYO Address Electric System Solution Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric System Solution Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tetsuro Minami 1-1, Sanyo-cho, Daito-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of SANYO Address Electric System Solution Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric System Solution Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Joji Suwa 3333 Sanyo Road, Forrest City, Arkansas 72335, U.S.A. (The Address address of SANYO Manufacturing Corporation) Description of profession Director, SANYO Manufacturing Corporation or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tsutomu Nozaki 3333 Sanyo Road, Forrest City, Arkansas 72335, U.S.A. (The Address address of SANYO Manufacturing Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Manufacturing Corporation

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Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yasuo Funazo 3333 Sanyo Road, Forrest City, Arkansas 72335, U.S.A. (The Address address of SANYO Manufacturing Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Manufacturing Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Koji Kimura 3333 Sanyo Road, Forrest City, Arkansas 72335, U.S.A. (The Address address of SANYO Manufacturing Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Manufacturing Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroyuki Manabe Oulton Works, School Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR33 9NA, U.K. Address (The address of SANYO Industries (U.K.) Limited) Description of profession Director, SANYO Industries (U.K.) Limited or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshikiyo Morikawa East Jakarta Industrial Park (EJIP) Plot 1A-3 Lemahabang, Address Cikarang Selatan Bekasi-17550, Indonesia (The address of P.T. SANYO Electronics Indonesia) Description of profession Director, P.T. SANYO Electronics Indonesia

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or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Teiji Minami East Jakarta Industrial Park (EJIP) Plot 1A-3 Lemahabang, Address Cikarang Selatan Bekasi-17550, Indonesia (The address of P.T. SANYO Electronics Indonesia) Description of profession or business Director, P.T. SANYO Electronics Indonesia Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Munetoshi Kajiya East Jakarta Industrial Park (EJIP) Plot 1A-3 Lemahabang, Address Cikarang Selatan Bekasi-17550, Indonesia (The address of P.T. SANYO Electronics Indonesia) Description of profession or business Director, P.T. SANYO Electronics Indonesia Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takashi Yonenaga East Jakarta Industrial Park (EJIP) Plot 1A-3 Lemahabang, Address Cikarang Selatan Bekasi-17550, Indonesia (The address of P.T. SANYOElectronics Indonesia) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, P.T. SANYO Electronics Indonesia Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Manabu Sakai

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Calle Cuarta No.55 Ciudad Industrial Nueva Tijuana, B.C.Mexico Address 22500 (The address of SANYO Manufacturing S.A. de C.V.) Description of profession or business Treasurer, SANYO Manufacturing S.A. de C.V. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Atsuo Saijo Vison (Shenzhen) Soft Business Park Block-1, Geoxin South Road/Keji South Road, Shenzhen, P.R.China (The address of Address SHENZHEN HUAQIANG SANYO TECHNOLOGY DESIGN CO., LTD.) Description of profession Director, SHENZHEN HUAQIANG SANYO TECHNOLOGY or business DESIGN CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshihiko Yano Vison (Shenzhen) Soft Business Park Block-1, Geoxin South Road/Keji South Road, Shenzhen, P.R.China (The address of Address SHENZHEN HUAQIANG SANYO TECHNOLOGY DESIGN CO., LTD.) Description of profession Director, SHENZHEN HUAQIANG SANYO TECHNOLOGY or business DESIGN CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takashi Hinauchi Vison (Shenzhen) Soft Business Park Block-1, Geoxin South Road/Keji South Road, Shenzhen, P.R.China (The address of Address SHENZHEN HUAQIANG SANYO TECHNOLOGY DESIGN CO., LTD.) Description of profession Director, SHENZHEN HUAQIANG SANYO TECHNOLOGY or business DESIGN CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000

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Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Keiichi Yodoshi Vison (Shenzhen) Soft Business Park Block-1, Geoxin South Road/Keji South Road, Shenzhen, P.R.China (The address of Address SHENZHEN HUAQIANG SANYO TECHNOLOGY DESIGN CO., LTD.) Description of profession Director, SHENZHEN HUAQIANG SANYO TECHNOLOGY or business DESIGN CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Satoru Ozaki Dynamic House, 64, Church Street, Bangalore 560001, India (The Address address of SANYO BPL Private Limited) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO BPL Private Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kazuyuki Yoshida 320-1, Yamagata, Kisuki-cho, Unnan-shi, Shimane, Japan (The Address address of Shimane SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Shimane SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshihiro Miki 320-1, Yamagata, Kisuki-cho, Unnan-shi, Shimane, Japan (The Address address of Shimane SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Shimane SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu

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Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshiyuki Arikawa 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Solar Energy System Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Solar Energy System Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masahiko Hasunuma 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Solar Energy System Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Solar Energy System Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kazuharu Maeda 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Solar Energy System Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Solar Energy System Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yasunori Suzuki 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Solar Energy System Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Solar Energy System Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tetsuhiro Maeda 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Solar Energy System Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Solar Energy System Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Seiichi Kiyama 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Solar Energy System Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Solar Energy System Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Nobuyuki Tsujino 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Solar Energy System Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Solar Energy System Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hitoshi Hieda 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Solar Energy System Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Solar Energy System Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Nobuo Hanehira 970 East 236th Street, Carson, CA 90745 U.S.A. (The address of Address SANYO Solar (U.S.A) LLC) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Solar (U.S.A) LLC Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masato Nishikuni 2510 Dorog, Ipari Park, Hungary (The address of SANYO Address HUNGARY KFT.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO HUNGARY KFT. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masashi Morizane 2510 Dorog, Ipari Park, Hungary (The address of SANYO Address HUNGARY KFT.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO HUNGARY KFT. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Akihiro Onishi 2510 Dorog, Ipari Park, Hungary (The address of SANYO Address HUNGARY KFT.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO HUNGARY KFT. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shigeki Muneyasu 2510 Dorog, Ipari Park, Hungary (The address of SANYO Address HUNGARY KFT.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO HUNGARY KFT. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yasuyoshi Kawanishi 5745 Gaffin Road SE, Salem, Oregon 97317, U.S.A. (The address Address of SANYO Solar of Oregon LLC) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Solar of Oregon LLC Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masahiro Furukawa No.888, West-south Street, Shahekou District, Dalian, P.R.China Address (The address of Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yasuhito Taniguchi 233, Nittakanai-cho, Ota-shi, Gunma, Japan (The address of STC Address COMPANY Limited) Description of profession or business Director, STC COMPANY Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshio Ida 15-5, Sannou 1-chome, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka, Japan Address (The address of HAKATA SANGYO Co., Limited) Description of profession or business Director, HAKATA SANGYO Co., Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Etsuo Toriyama No.4 Liulin Street, Dadong District, Shenyang, P.R.China (The Address address of China Resources (Shenyang) SANYO Compressor Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, China Resources (Shenyang) SANYO Compressor Co., or business Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Koji Mori 21013 Gallarate (VA), Via Varese 90, Italy (The address of Address SANYO ARGO CLIMA S.r.L.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO ARGO CLIMA S.r.L. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Fumio Azemoto 6-1, Kaji-cho 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO SHOWA PANEL SYSTEM CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO SHOWA PANEL SYSTEM CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu

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Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Akira Ichinozuka 6-1, Kaji-cho 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO SHOWA PANEL SYSTEM CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO SHOWA PANEL SYSTEM CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hideo Yamada 6-1, Kaji-cho 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO SHOWA PANEL SYSTEM CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO SHOWA PANEL SYSTEM CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshiaki Hasegawa 28/3 Moo 1, Suwintawong Road, Chachoengsao 24000, Thailand Address (The address of SANYO Commercial Solutions (Thailand) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Commercial Solutions (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kazuhiro Shimura 28/3 Moo 1, Suwintawong Road, Chachoengsao 24000, Thailand Address (The address of SANYO Commercial Solutions (Thailand) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Commercial Solutions (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

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Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tetsuji Tokunaga 28/3 Moo 1, Suwintawong Road, Chachoengsao 24000, Thailand Address (The address of SANYO Commercial Solutions (Thailand) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Commercial Solutions (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shuji Goto 28/3 Moo 1, Suwintawong Road, Chachoengsao 24000, Thailand Address (The address of SANYO Commercial Solutions (Thailand) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Commercial Solutions (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kenji Maru 2001 Sanyo avenue, San Diego, CA 92154, U.S.A. (The address of Address SANYO E & E Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO E & E Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Keisuke Honda 2001 Sanyo avenue, San Diego, CA 92154, U.S.A. (The address of Address SANYO E & E Corporation) Description of profession Director, SANYO E & E Corporation

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or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tsutomu Hara 2001 Sanyo avenue, San Diego, CA 92154, U.S.A. (The address of Address SANYO E & E Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO E & E Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shinji Takeuchi 2001 Sanyo avenue, San Diego, CA 92154, U.S.A. (The address of Address SANYO E & E Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO E & E Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Keiji Wada 10 Songlan Street, Economic & Techinical Development Area, Address Dalian, P.R.China (The address of Dalian SANYO Air Conditioner Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Dalian SANYO Air Conditioner Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshio Araki No.88 West Tieshan Road Economical & Technology Address Development Zone, Dalian, P.R.China (The address of Dalian

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SANYO High-Efficient Refrigeration System Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, Dalian SANYO High-Efficient Refrigeration System Co., or business Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hideki Kawashima No.6 Songlan Street, Economic & Technology Development Zone, Address Dalian, P.R.China (The address of DALIAN SANYO COLD-CHAIN CO., LTD) Description of profession or business Director, DALIAN SANYO COLD-CHAIN CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Koichiro Aoki 346-1, Dekijima, Kumagaya-shi, Saitama, Japan (The address of Address Prodex Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Prodex Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Sakumi Shibusawa 346-1, Dekijima, Kumagaya-shi, Saitama, Japan (The address of Address Prodex Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Prodex Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Norimasa Hoshino

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No.4 Liulin Street Da Dong, District Shenyang, P.R.China (The Address address of SHENYANG SANYO AIRCONDITIONER CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SHENYANG SANYO AIRCONDITIONER CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Toshihiro Matsunaga No.4 Liulin Street Da Dong, District Shenyang, P.R.China (The Address address of SHENYANG SANYO AIRCONDITIONER CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SHENYANG SANYO AIRCONDITIONER CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masahiko Matsumoto EJIP INDUSTRIAL PARK PLOT 8M-2 CIKARANG SELATAN, Address BEKASI 17550, Indonesia (The address of P.T JAYA INDAH CASTING) Description of profession or business Director, P.T JAYA INDAH CASTING Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshio Watabe No.8 Songlan St. Dalian Economic & Technical Development Address Zone, P.R.China (The address of Dalian SANYO Compressor Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Dalian SANYO Compressor Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

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(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshinori Noboru No.8 Songlan St. Dalian Economic & Technical Development Address Zone, P.R.China (The address of Dalian SANYO Compressor Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Dalian SANYO Compressor Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Keiji Nishida 12-2, Matsuyama-cho, Mooka-shi, Tochigi, Japan (The address of Address Technodevice Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Technodevice Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yasuhiro Makino 12-2, Matsuyama-cho, Mooka-shi, Tochigi, Japan (The address of Address Technodevice Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Technodevice Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tatsuya Tani 94-2, Otsuki-cho, Ashikaga-shi, Tochigi, Japan (The address of Address AKAISHIKOGYO Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, AKAISHIKOGYO Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship

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Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Toshiyuki Shiihashi 94-2, Otsuki-cho, Ashikaga-shi, Tochigi, Japan (The address of Address AKAISHIKOGYO Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, AKAISHIKOGYO Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroshi Nozaki 9-11 Bi Tang West 2nd Street, Jiang Wan 1st Road, Foshan, Address Guangdong, P.R.China (The address of GUANGDONG SANYO AIR CONDITIONER CO., LTD.) Description of profession Director, GUANGDONG SANYO AIR CONDITIONER CO., or business LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Katsumi Morito 9-11 Bi Tang West 2nd Street, Jiang Wan 1st Road, Foshan, Address Guangdong, P.R.China (The address of GUANGDONG SANYO AIR CONDITIONER CO., LTD.) Description of profession Direcotor, GUANGDONG SANYO AIR CONDITIONER CO., or business LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takayuki Kondo 2479, Yoshida Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of TOMITA Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, TOMITA Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Eiichi Enomoto No.118 Huaihe West Road, Economical & Technology Address Development Zone, Dalian, P.R.China (The address of Dalian SANYO Refrigeration Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Dalian SANYO Refrigeration Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kenzo Matsumoto EJIP Industrial Park Plot 1A No.1-2 Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi, Address Indonesia (The address of PT. SANYO Indonesia) Description of profession or business Director, PT. SANYO Indonesia Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takao Oya 6-1, Kaji-cho 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The SANYO Address SHOWA PANEL SYSTEM CO., LTD.) Description of profession Corporate Auditor, SANYO SHOWA PANEL SYSTEM CO., or business LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yasunori Wada 50-14, Furuichimachi 1-chome, Maebashi-shi, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Electric Facility Engineering Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Facility Engineering Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshinori Mori 50-14, Furuichimachi 1-chome, Maebashi-shi, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Electric Facility Engineering Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Facility Engineering Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Toru Shimoshikiryo 50-14, Furuichimachi 1-chome, Maebashi-shi, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Electric Facility Engineering Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Facility Engineering Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shinya Kozono 4-8, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address Medicom Solution Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Medicom Solution Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroyuki Komiya 4-8, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan(The address of Address Medicom Solution Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Medicom Solution Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Katsunori Tamura 4-8, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address Medicom Solution Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Medicom Solution Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masanori Ishikawa 9-1, Higashi-temma 2-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan Address (The address of Medicom Communications Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Medicom Communications Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Junpei Hata 9-1, Higashi-temma 2-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan Address (The address of Medicom Communications Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Medicom Communications Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yuji Taketomi 751, Kitaoki, Aza-Yawataseki, Oaza-Higashiwada, Nagano-shi, Address Nagano, Japan (The address of Medicom Koushinetsu Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Medicom Koushinetsu Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Nobuyuki Fujishige 3-20, Asahi 3-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Medicom Software Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Medicom Software Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hisao Nishimura 3-20, Asahi 3-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Medicom Software Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Medicom Software Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Toshihiko Miyamae 61-20, Kameido 7-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shizuo Kametsugi 61-20, Kameido 7-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Motohiro Nishino 61-20, Kameido 7-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takayuki Takayanagi 61-20, Kameido 7-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shigeru Tada 61-20, Kameido 7-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yukio Miyaushiro 61-20, Kameido 7-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Mitsuo Sato 61-20, Kameido 7-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroyuki Yamada 61-20, Kameido 7-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kenji Goto 61-20, Kameido 7-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shinichi Yasumoto 61-20, Kameido 7-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tomomi Oketani 61-20, Kameido 7-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Electric Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Koichi Hyuga 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Telephone Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Telephone Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Teruhisa Yamamoto 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Telephone Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Telephone Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshinobu Taniguchi 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Telephone Service Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Telephone Service Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Nobuhiro Fujita 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Oura-gun, Gunma, Japan Address (The address of SANYO Tokyo Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Tokyo Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kyo Watabe 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Tokyo Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Tokyo Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Koichiro Iizuka 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Tokyo Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Tokyo Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Jun Nakamura 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Tokyo Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Tokyo Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masakazu Moriyama 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Aqua Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Aqua Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Ikuo Shiigi 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Aqua Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Aqua Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Zenyu Izumoji 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Aqua Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Aqua Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shunichiro Oku 3-38, Higashi-Kusatsu 2-chome, Kusatsu-shi, Shiga, Japan (The Address address of SHIGA ELECTRIC CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SHIGA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Noboru Nishio No.39 Hanheyan Street, Dongcheng-Qu, Beijin, P.R.China (The Address address of BEIJING SANYO CLEANING Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, BEIJING SANYO CLEANING Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kentaro Mochizuki No.8, 17A, BIEN HOA INDUSRIALZONE 2, DONG NAI, Address VIETNAM (The address of SANYO HA ASEAN Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO HA ASEAN Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tetsuo Harada No.8, 17A, BIEN HOA INDUSRIALZONE 2, DONG NAI, Address VIETNAM (The address of SANYO HA ASEAN Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO HA ASEAN Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Isao Date No.8, 17A, BIEN HOA INDUSRIALZONE 2, DONG NAI, Address VIETNAM (The address of SANYO HA ASEAN Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO HA ASEAN Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shinichi Matsuda No.8, 17A, BIEN HOA INDUSRIALZONE 2, DONG NAI, Address VIETNAM (The address of SANYO HA ASEAN Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO HA ASEAN Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shinya Takagaki No.8, 17A, BIEN HOA INDUSRIALZONE 2, DONG NAI, Address VIETNAM (The address of SANYO HA ASEAN Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO HA ASEAN Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tetsuo Hirota No.8, 17A, BIEN HOA INDUSRIALZONE 2, DONG NAI, Address VIETNAM (The address of SANYO HA ASEAN Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO HA ASEAN Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masakazu Matsumoto No. L-2, Hefei New and High Tech Industrial Development Zone, Address Hefei, Anhui, P.R.China (The address of Hefei Rongshida SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Hefei Rongshida SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu

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Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Keiko Kawamoto 2479, Yoshida Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of TOMITA Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, TOMITA Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Haruo Saen 2479, Yoshida Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of TOMITA Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, TOMITA Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tomio Arai 2479, Yoshida Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of TOMITA Electric Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, TOMITA Electric Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Noriyuki Yasuda 233, Nittakanai-cho, Ota-shi, Gunma, Japan (The address of STC Address COMPANY Limited) Description of profession or business Director, STC COMPANY Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu

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Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shuichi Akaishi 94-2, Otsuki-cho, Ashikaga-shi, Tochigi, Japan (The address of Address AKAISHIKOGYO Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, AKAISHIKOGYO Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroki Yoshizawa No.118 Huaihe West Road, Economical & Technology Address Development Zone, Dalian, P.R.China (The address of Dalian Honjo Chemical Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, Dalian Honjo Chemical Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yukinori Honjo No.118 Huaihe West Road, Economical & Technology Address Development Zone, Dalian, P.R.China (The address of Dalian Honjo Chemical Corporation) Description of profession Director, Dalian Honjo Chemical Corporation or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tatsuo Ishijima 12-2, Matsuyama-cho, Mooka-shi, Tochigi, Japan (The address of Address Technodevice Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Technodevice Co., Ltd.

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Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Ryozo Kitamura 3-38, Higashi-Kusatsu 2-chome, Kusatsu-shi, Shiga, Japan (The Address address of SHIGA ELECTRIC CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SHIGA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masaharu Nakano 3-38, Higashi-Kusatsu 2-chome, Kusatsu-shi, Japan (The address Address of SHIGA ELECTRIC CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SHIGA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Motohide Hirosato 31, Hiroike-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, Japan (The address Address of SANYO Tokai Commercial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO Tokai Commercial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yasuhiro Shibata 1-10, Ueno1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd.

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Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Akira Hashimoto 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO LSI Design-System Soft Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO LSI Design-System Soft Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tomio Yanagitaira 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO LSI Design-System Soft Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO LSI Design-System Soft Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tomofumi Watanabe 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO LSI Design-System Soft Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO LSI Design-System Soft Co., Ltd. or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yuji Goto 476, Hideyasu, Hanyu-shi, Saitama, Japan (The address of Kanto Address SANYO Semiconductors Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Kanto SANYO Semiconductors Co., Ltd.

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Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masafumi Tei 476, Hideyasu, Hanyu-shi, Saitama, Japan (The address of Kanto Address SANYO Semiconductors Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, Kanto SANYO Semiconductors Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tetsuya Onoda 476, Hideyasu, Hanyu-shi, Saitama, Japan (The address of Kanto Address SANYO Semiconductors Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Kanto SANYO Semiconductors Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Isao Ochiai 476, Hideyasu, Hanyu-shi, Saitama, Japan (The address of Kanto Address SANYO Semiconductors Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, Kanto SANYO Semiconductors Co., Ltd. or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hideyuki Kuwano 476, Hideyasu, Hanyu-shi, Saitama, Japan (The address of Kanto Address SANYO Semiconductors Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Kanto SANYO Semiconductors Co., Ltd.

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Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Toru Kato 476, Hideyasu, Hanyu-shi, Saitama, Japan (The address of Kanto Address SANYO Semiconductors Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Kanto SANYO Semiconductors Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Satoru Kaneko 3000, Oaza Chiyakou, Ojiya-shi, Niigata, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Atsushi Bando 3000, Oaza Chiyakou, Ojiya-shi, Niigata, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Mamoru Ando 3000, Oaza Chiyakou, Ojiya-shi, Niigata, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masaharu Wataguchi 3000, Oaza Chiyakou, Ojiya-shi, Niigata, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Corporate Auditor, SANYO Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., or business Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroki Eto 3000, Oaza Chiyakou, Ojiya-shi, Niigata, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Corporate Auditor, SANYO Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., or business Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tadashi Natsume 3000, Oaza Chiyakou, Ojiya-shi, Niigata, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tetsuo Ishizuka 19-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Semicon Device Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semicon Device Co., Ltd.

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Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Seiji Torii 19-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Semicon Device Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semicon Device Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Naoyoshi Kato 19-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Semicon Device Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Semicon Device Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshiro Ochiai 19-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Semicon Device Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO Semicon Device Co., Ltd. or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takashi Ishida 18th Floor, International Trade Centre, 712 Prince Edward Road Address East and 112 King Fuk Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong (The address of SANYO Semiconductor (H.K.) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO Semiconductor (H.K.) Co., Ltd.

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or business Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masanori Maeda 5-3 South 2 Rd. Tantzu, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. (The address of Address SANYO Electronic (TAICHUNG) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electronic (TAICHUNG) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shigeyuki Murai Blk.6, Hua-jian Industrial Bldg., Shekou Industrial Zone, Address Guangdon, P.R.China (The address of SANYO Semiconductor (Shekou) Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor (Shekou) Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Akio Tanigawa No.10 Eunos Road 8 #03-04 Singapore Post Centre Singapore Address 408600 (The address of SANYO Semiconductor (S) Pte Ltd) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor (S) Pte Ltd Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shigeru Yoshii 1/7 Moo 5, Rojana Industrial Park, Tambol Karnham, Amphur Address Utai, Ayutthaya 13210, Thailand (The address of SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR (THAILAND) CO., LTD.)

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Description of profession or business Director, SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR (THAILAND) CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Keiichi Hodate 1/7 Moo 5, Rojana Industrial Park, Tambol Karnham, Amphur Address Utai, Ayutthaya 13210, Thailand (The address of SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR (THAILAND) CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR (THAILAND) CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tetsuzo Yamakawa 1/7 Moo 5, Rojana Industrial Park, Tambol Karnham, Amphur Address Utai, Ayutthaya 13210, Thailand (The address of SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR (THAILAND) CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR (THAILAND) CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takayuki Sawai 1/7 Moo 5, Rojana Industrial Park, Tambol Karnham, Amphur Address Utai, Ayutthaya 13210, Thailand (The address of SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR (THAILAND) CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR (THAILAND) CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010)

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Name Masahiro Mori Luisita Industrial Park Special Export Processing Zone San Address Miguel, Tarlac City, 2301 Philippines (The address of SANYO Semiconductor Manufacturing Philippines Corporation) Description of profession Director, SANYO Semiconductor Manufacturing Philippines or business Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshinobu Nomura Luisita Industrial Park Special Export Processing Zone San Address Miguel, Tarlac City, 2301 Philippines (The address of SANYO Semiconductor Manufacturing Philippines Corporation) Description of profession Director, SANYO Semiconductor Manufacturing Philippines or business Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masaya Ota Unit 03, Level 08, Discoverer Block, International Tech Park Address Whitefield Road, Bangalore-560066, India (The address of SANYO LSI Technology India Private Limited) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO LSI Technology India Private Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kenichi Kojima Unit 03, Level 08, Discoverer Block, International Tech Park Address Whitefield Road, Bangalore-560066, India (The address of SANYO LSI Technology India Private Limited) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO LSI Technology India Private Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

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(As of August 23, 2010) Name Susumu Yamada Unit 03, Level 08, Discoverer Block, International Tech Park Address Whitefield Road, Bangalore-560066, India (The address of SANYO LSI Technology India Private Limited) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO LSI Technology India Private Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Nobuhiro Arai Unit 03, Level 08, Discoverer Block, International Tech Park Address Whitefield Road, Bangalore-560066, India (The address of SANYO LSI Technology India Private Limited) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO LSI Technology India Private Limited Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shigeo Kimura 18th Floor, International Trade Centre, 712 Prince Edward Road Address East and 112 King Fuk Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong (The address of SANYO Semiconductor Electronics (HK) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor Electronics (HK) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yasuo Kitahira 18th Floor, International Trade Centre, 712 Prince Edward Road Address East and 112 King Fuk Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong (The address of SANYO Semiconductor Electronics (HK) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor Electronics (HK) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Contact information Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu

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Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kenichi Komaba 6F., No.101, Songren Rd., Sinyi District, Taipei City 110 Taiwan, Address R.O.C. (The address of SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR TAIPEI CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR TAIPEI CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Ryuji Nozawa 6F., No.101, Songren Rd., Sinyi District, Taipei City 110 Taiwan, Address R.O.C. (The address of SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR TAIPEI CO., LTD.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR TAIPEI CO., LTD. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Noriaki Sakamoto Road 8 Tan Thuan Export Processing Zone, Ho Chi Minh City, Address Vietnam (The address of SANYO Semiconductor (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hitoshi Takagishi Road 8 Tan Thuan Export Processing Zone, Ho Chi Minh City, Address Vietnam (The address of SANYO Semiconductor (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.)

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Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Noriyasu Sakai Road 8 Tan Thuan Export Processing Zone, Ho Chi Minh City, Address Vietnam (The address of SANYO Semiconductor (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Michito Igarashi 247 Kansas Street, El Segundo, CA 90245, U.S.A. (The address of Address IR-SA Integrated Technologies Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, IR-SA Integrated Technologies Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yutaka Kubota 247 Kansas Street, El Segundo, CA 90245, U.S.A. (The address of Address IR-SA Integrated Technologies Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, IR-SA Integrated Technologies Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Teruo Tabata Address 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The

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address of SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kazuhiro Yoshida 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yasuo Kondo 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Eiju Maehara 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Ichiro Shimada Address 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The

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address of SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tetsuya Kubota 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kenichi Murawaki 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tetsuya Yoshitomi 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masaaki Yaguchi Address 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The

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address of SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Takashi Okuma 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hiroshi Ono 1-1, Sakata 1-chome, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma, Japan (The Address address of SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Katsuhiro Okumura 1-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Ryuhei Takashima Address 1-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of

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SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Junichi Soda 1-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Katsumi Tsuneyama 1-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yu Kuwanaga 1-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Daiki Miyamoto Address 1-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of

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SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hirokazu Teshima 1-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Isamu Sato 1-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kenichi Takakura 1-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Corporate Auditor, SANYO Electric Sales Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Morio Kikuta Address 1-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of

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SANYO Electric Commercial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO Electric Commercial Equipment Systems Co., or business Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshio Ohashi 1-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Commercial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO Electric Commercial Equipment Systems Co., or business Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Noboru Fujita 1-10, Ueno 1chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Commercial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO Electric Commercial Equipment Systems Co., or business Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Syoichi Takahashi 1-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Commercial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, SANYO Electric Commercial Equipment Systems Co., or business Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kenzo Kurokawa Address 1-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of

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SANYO Electric Commercial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Corporate Auditor, SANYO Electric Commercial Equipment or business Systems Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Shigeharu Komatsu 1-10, Ueno 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address SANYO Electric Commercial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Corporate Auditor, SANYO Electric Commercial Equipment or business Systems Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kiichiro Sakiyama 1300, Aza-Onaha, Nishihara-cho, Nakagami-gun, Okinawa, Japan Address (The address of Okinawa SANYO Sales Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, Okinawa SANYO Sales Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tetsuo Nakanishi 35, Fuseya 1-chome, Ginan-cho, Hashima-gun, Gifu, Japan (The Address address of Gifu SANYO Sales Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, Gifu SANYO Sales Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Nobuyuki Shichi Address 35, Fuseya 1-chome, Ginan-cho, Hashima-Gun, Gifu, Japan (The

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address of Gifu SANYO Sales Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, Gifu SANYO Sales Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kiyofumi Nakata 31, Hiroike-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, Japan (The address Address of SANYO Tokai Commercial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Tokai Commercial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Motoichiro Otsuki 31, Hiroike-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, Japan (The address Address of SANYO Tokai Commercial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, SANYO Tokai Commercial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hidetoshi Akagi 31, Hiroike-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, Japan (The address Address of SANYO Tokai Commercial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Corporate Auditor, SANYO Tokai Commercial Equipment or business Systems Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Kotaro Murase Address 12-7, Higashi-shinbashi 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The

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address of Panasonic Electric Works Networks Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic Electric Works Networks Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Fujio Harada 1048, Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of Address Panasonic Electric Works Building Management Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Director, Panasonic Electric Works Building Management Co., or business Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Katsuhiko Takata 26-2, Taihei 1-chome, Sumida-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address Panasonic Denzai System Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic Denzai System Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Hidenobu Takase 26-2, Taihei 1-chome, Sumida-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address of Address Panasonic Denzai System Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic Denzai System Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Fumio Ogawa 7-13, Higashi Ueno 6-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan (The address Address of Shinwa Shomei Corporation)

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Description of profession or business Director, Shinwa Shomei Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Keizo Morimitsu 331-1, Okatoyo-cho, Nangoku-shi, Kochi, Japan (The address of Address Minamishikoku National Tokkihanbai Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Minamishikoku National Tokkihanbai Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Motohiko Nakamura 2841-1, Takinomiya, Ayagawa-cho, Ayauta-gun, Kagawa, Japan Address (The address of Panasonic Electric Works Kagawa Corporation) Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic Electric Works Kagawa Corporation Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Masahiro Yoshida 1-3, Shiromi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan (The Address address of Panasonic Electric Works Home Engineering Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic Electric Works Home Engineering Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Tetsuhiko Segawa

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31-26, Daikan-cho, Higashi-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi (The address of Address Panasonic Electric Works Living Chubu Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Corporate Auditor, Panasonic Electric Works Living Chubu Co., or business Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoichi Murota 111, Aza-Ishizuka, Koriyama-shi, Fukushima, Japan (The address Address of Panasonic Electric Works Koriyama Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic Electric Works Koriyama Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Koichi Morita 1048, Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of Address Panasonic Electric Works AGE-FREE Shops Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic Electric Works AGE-FREE Shops Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Toshiyuki Asai 1048, Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of Address Panasonic Electric Works Business Life Support Co., Ltd.) Description of profession Corporate Auditor, Panasonic Electric Works Business life support or business Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

(As of August 23, 2010) Name Yoshihiko Namba

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1048, Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka, Japan (The address of Address Panasonic Electric Works Analysis Center Co., Ltd.) Description of profession or business Director, Panasonic Electric Works Analysis Center Co., Ltd. Name: Masanori Tsujikawa, Attorney-at-law Address: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Contact information Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-3288-7000 Relationship with Tender An officer of the company with a special shareholding relationship Offeror with the Tender Offeror.

- 263 -

b. Number of share certificates, etc. owned

Panasonic Pension Fund Management Co., Ltd. (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates -(voting rights) -(voting rights) 1,392 (voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total - - 1,392 Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1,392 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 0 (voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 0 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 0 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) Although the Target, who is a special related party, owns 16,326,704 shares of the Target’s common shares (0.27% of the aggregate number of issued shares of the Target), the number of share certificates owned is presented as 0 voting rights because all of the Target’s common shares that it owns are treasury shares.

- 264 -

Sanei Corporation (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2 (voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

ASAHI PLATING CO., LTD. (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 29 (voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 29 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 29 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 265 -

AKAISHIKOGYO Co., Ltd. (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 63 (voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 63 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 63 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

TOMITA Electric Co., Ltd. (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 408 (voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 408 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 408 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 266 -

STC COMPANY Limited (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 100 (voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 100 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 100 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

KONAN DENKI Co., Ltd. (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 97 (voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 97 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 97 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 267 -

SHIGA ELECTRICCO., LTD. (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 210 (voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 210 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 210 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Osaka Chuo SANYO Tokki Sales Co., Ltd. (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 24 (voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 24 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 24 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 268 -

AC-techno SANYO Co., Ltd. (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 45 (voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 45 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 45 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that it owns, stated above, includes 45 voting rights corresponding to 45,944 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to its equity in the Sanyo Electric Business Partners Stockholders’ Association.

Ikeda Electric Co., Ltd. (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7 (voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 269 -

Yasuo Katsura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Masayuki Sato (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 53(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 53 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 53 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 270 -

Shigeki Ando (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Satoshi Noda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 271 -

Nobuaki Seino (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Masahiro Doi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 272 -

Hidehiro Ochiai (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Eitaro Sugimoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,616 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 273 -

Michihiro Kurokawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Miwako Kondo (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 274 -

Shingo Tanaka (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Yoshiyuki Watanabe (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 275 -

Masaaki Hirano (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Hiroki Mano (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 276 -

Katsuaki Shimaoka (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Hironori Taniwaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 277 -

Tomoharu Kawasaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,361 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kikuo Matsunaga (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 278 -

Makoto Nakamura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Takao Hagiwara (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 20(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 20 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 20 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 279 -

Yoshito Fujiki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 0(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 0 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 0 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) Yoshito Fujiki, who is a special related party, owns 86 shares of the Target’s common shares. However, the number of share certificates owned is presented as 0 voting rights because the number of shares that he owns is less than one unit of the Target’s common shares (1,000 shares).

Hiroshi Ikemoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 280 -

Mitsugu Sasaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Seiichiro Igaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 281 -

Naoki Kamo (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Takeshi Uragami (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 282 -

Mikio Ueda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Kenji Seko (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 33(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 33 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 33 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 283 -

Hajime Miyake (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Seiichiro Sano (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 20(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 20 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 20 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,535 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Executives Stockholders’ Association.

- 284 -

Susumu Koike (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,172 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Executives Stockholders’ Association.

Mitsuru Homma (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 20(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 20 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 20 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,506 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Executives Stockholders’ Association.

- 285 -

Junji Esaka (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,789 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Executives Stockholders’ Association.

Masato Ito (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 15(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 15 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 15 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,332 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Executives Stockholders’ Association.

- 286 -

Morihiro Kubo (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 15(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 15 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 15 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,288 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Executives Stockholders’ Association.

Shigeharu Yoshii (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,623 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Executives Stockholders’ Association.

- 287 -

Kenjiro Matsuba (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,789 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Executives Stockholders’ Association.

Hideo Matsui (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 102(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 102 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 102 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,500 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Executives Stockholders’ Association.

- 288 -

Takae Makita (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,789 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Executives Stockholders’ Association.

Yuji Taniguchi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,197 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 289 -

Hisamoto Yanagita (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,672 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kazumasa Kato (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,619 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 290 -

Taisuke Outani (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,892 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Hiroyuki Yamada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,887 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 291 -

Satori Hirota (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,465 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Noriyuki Kondo (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,708 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 292 -

Saburo Yamasaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Michio Takahashi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 293 -

Morifumi Hanada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,456 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Shinya Nagamachi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,191 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 294 -

Tetsuji Hashiguchi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,448 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Mitsuhiro Kuroda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,343 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 295 -

Yujiro Komoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,006 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Norio Simomura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,557 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 296 -

Chozo Nakagawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 20(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 20 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 20 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Kazuyuki Koga (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,720 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 297 -

Hiroshi Horii (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,093 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Shingo Sumi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,618 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 298 -

Takeshi Akuzawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,773 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yoichi Yamada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,410 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 299 -

Nobuhiro Okuda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 9(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 9 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 9 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,373 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kazuo Fukuda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,919 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 300 -

Kiyotaka Honda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,964 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Haruyuki Sanada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 19(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 19 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 19 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 301 -

Masahiro Iizuka (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,850 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Koshiro Kitagawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,064 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 302 -

Masafumi Kimura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 14(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 14 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 14 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 14 voting rights corresponding to 14,371 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Takao Nishiyama (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,775 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 303 -

Hiroji Matsumura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,956 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Toru Yukii (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,107 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 304 -

Koji Sekiyama (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,129 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Hiroshi Minagoe (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,241 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 305 -

Junichi Fukunaga (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 12(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 12 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 12 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 12 voting rights corresponding to 12,678 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Osamu Nakagawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 9(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 9 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 9 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,436 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 306 -

Hiroki Osaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 11(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 11 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 11 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 11 voting rights corresponding to 11,660 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association and the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kiyotaka Nagai (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,645 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 307 -

Hiroaki Matsuda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,586 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Eiji Wakazono (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,894 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 308 -

Shuichi Ida (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Takayuki Hamada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 9(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 9 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 9 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 9 voting rights corresponding to 9,220 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 309 -

Katsuhisa Kawashima (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 15(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 15 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 15 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Makoto Arai (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,950 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 310 -

Keiichi Fujimoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,003 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Masanori Motoki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 0(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 0 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 0 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) Masanori Motoki, who is a special related party, owns 645 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association. However, such shares are not included in the number of share certificates, etc., stated above, because the number of such shares is less than one unit of the Target’s common shares (1,000 shares).

- 311 -

Ikuo Utaka (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 16(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 16 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 16 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,662 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Isao Oba (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,489 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

- 312 -

Kiyomi Miki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Hironori Shimode (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 313 -

Fumio Yonezawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Akihiko Zako (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,136 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 314 -

Hiroshi Tanaka (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,827 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

Hiroshi Tanuma (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,230 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 315 -

Takao Ando (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,233 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

Takatoshi Nakashima (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,920 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

- 316 -

Sachio Waki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,337 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

Ryota Tominaga (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 55(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 55 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 55 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 317 -

Takaaki Okazaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 16(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 16 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 16 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 16 voting rights corresponding to 16,719 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Shoji Ando (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 318 -

Kunitomo Notsu (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Yasunori Kawamoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 11(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 11 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 11 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 11 voting rights corresponding to 11,490 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 319 -

Hiroya Ikeda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,590 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Masahisa Ide (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,219 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 320 -

Toshinari Kobayashi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,327 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tetsuya Kikuchi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 12(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 12 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 12 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 12 voting rights corresponding to 12,573 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 321 -

Hirokazu Okada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,630 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Minoru Sugimoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 14(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 14 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 14 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 14 voting rights corresponding to 14,709 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 322 -

Yoshiyuki Shimozato (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,920 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Noriaki Tozaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 15(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 15 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 15 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 11 voting rights corresponding to 11,033 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 323 -

Chiaki Yoshida (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,172 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yasuhiro Mizokami (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,653 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 324 -

Hiroshi Shiokawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,173 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Keiji Inoue (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 14(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 14 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 14 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 325 -

Masami Murata (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Toshiaki Inoue (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 11(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 11 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 11 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 9 voting rights corresponding to 9,129 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 326 -

Jiro Takeda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,447 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Hideharu Nagasawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 15(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 15 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 15 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,695 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

- 327 -

Tadao Oishi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,225 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Naoki Ikegami (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,457 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 328 -

Kageyuki Takatsuka (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 15(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 15 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 15 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,926 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Megumu Hiramatsu (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,393 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 329 -

Atsuhiro Sakagami (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,788 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Toshiji Fukui (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,531 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 330 -

Hidetoshi Arima (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 24(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 24 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 24 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,384 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

Atsushi Sato (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 12(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 12 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 12 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,738 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 331 -

Masuro Kukita (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,601 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yasuhiko Ito (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,366 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 332 -

Fumihisa Endo (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,445 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yoshiyuki Yamaato (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,276 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 333 -

Shigezo Torii (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,203 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Eijyu Horie (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,677 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 334 -

Shigeru Nomoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,842 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Mitsuhiko Inamuro (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 9(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 9 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 9 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,868 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 335 -

Takahisa Awajitani (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,308 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Koji Umehara (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 336 -

Toshiro Yanagawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,705 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Hideo Miura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,695 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 337 -

Yukichi Uesugi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 9(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 9 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 9 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Yukio Osaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,731 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 338 -

Mitsuru Iguchi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 34(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 34 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 34 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 34 voting rights corresponding to 34,643 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Daisuke Takahashi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,230 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 339 -

Fumitoshi Terashima (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 13(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 13 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 13 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,989 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

Shuichi Kinoshita (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,378 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 340 -

Koji Narimoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,100 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Shinya Nakajima (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,415 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 341 -

Fumitsugu Tachihara (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,421 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Masaaki Ueda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,008 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 342 -

Sozan Doi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,007 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Toshihiro Kita (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,638 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 343 -

Katsushiro Goto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Masahiro Sakoda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 9(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 9 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 9 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 9 voting rights corresponding to 9,475 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 344 -

Kiyoshige Horioka (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,122 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yoshihiko Hayashi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,553 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 345 -

Isao Utsunomiya (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,345 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Koji Nishishita (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,174 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 346 -

Shinsuke Nakahori (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,036 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Masahiko Asada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,044 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 347 -

Atsushi Ota (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,565 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yoshinobu Nakatani (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,494 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 348 -

Hitoshi Ibuta (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,378 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kazuya Shimizu (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 349 -

Satoshi Niimi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. provided certificates, etc. provided Number of share for in Article 7, Paragraph for in Article 7, Paragraph certificates owned 1, Item 2 of the 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement Order Enforcement Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Depositary receipts for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share 1 - - certificates, etc owned (Total number of potential (-) - - share certificates, etc) (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,312 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Hideki Ishida (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. provided certificates, etc. provided Number of share for in Article 7, Paragraph for in Article 7, Paragraph certificates owned 1, Item 2 of the 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement Order Enforcement Order Share certificates 0(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Depositary receipts for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Total 0 - - Total number of share 0 - - certificates, etc owned (Total number of potential (-) - - share certificates, etc) (Note) Hideki Ishida, who is a special related party, owns 744 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association. However, such shares are not included in the number of share certificates, etc., stated above, because the number of such shares is less than one unit of the Target’s common shares (1,000 shares).

- 350 -

Shinji Takagaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Hiroya Nishimoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,285 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 351 -

Katsuhiro Harada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,200 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Setsuo Takatori (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 352 -

Shinichi Torii (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,179 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kenichi Igarashi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,576 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 353 -

Sadao Okada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Kimio Miyazawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 12(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 12 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 12 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 12 voting rights corresponding to 12,965shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 354 -

Akira Tsukihashi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,488 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Akira Ibaragi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,726 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

- 355 -

Makoto Yamaguchi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,173 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Norio Matsumura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,774 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 356 -

Hidenori Deki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,904 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Toshiro Ikeuchi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,769 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 357 -

Masanori Kobayashi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,595 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tomoaki Nakajima (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,987 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 358 -

Keizo Mori (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,177 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

Kenji Kubota (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,926 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 359 -

Yuichi Fukuzumi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,675 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Masahiro Homoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,049 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 360 -

Yoji Sasaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,983 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kazuhiko Koga (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,750 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 361 -

Yoshiaki Yahiro (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,143 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kazuhiro Takeda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 19(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 19 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 19 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,980 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

- 362 -

Kenichi Abe (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Katsunori Horiguchi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,841 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Related Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 363 -

Hideyuki Maehara (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,205 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Masanori Nagai (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 11(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 11 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 11 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 11 voting rights corresponding to 11,511 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 364 -

Yoshitsugu Hongo (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,766 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kiyoshi Hibino (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 365 -

Minoru Kume (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,360 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Toshiro Iwai (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 16(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 16 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 16 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 16 voting rights corresponding to 16,228 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 366 -

Toshihiko Nakajima (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,487 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Hiroto Oishi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,918 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 367 -

Nobuo Nagata (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Tsuneyoshi Kawauchi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 11(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 11 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 11 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,810 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 368 -

Tomoaki Shikata (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,872 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Akihiko Okihara (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,431 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 369 -

Kazuo Aoki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,450 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Eiichi Yukawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,920 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 370 -

Makoto Tomotsugu (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,091 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kuniyasu Araki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,102 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 371 -

Kuniaki Hirota (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 13(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 13 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 13 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Seiichi Tomioka (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,077 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 372 -

Takami Kitazawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,612 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tetsuo Watanabe (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 373 -

Yasushi Takimoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 35(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 35 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 35 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 26 voting rights corresponding to 26,697 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Hideo Kasahara (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,897 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 374 -

Teruo Ikeda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,413 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yuji Yamamura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,238 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 375 -

Yoshiyuki Nishiyama (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,613 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Hiroshige Ota (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 376 -

Teruyoshi Izumimoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,215 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tadashi Yoshida (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,491 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 377 -

Hideo Akiyama (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 20(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 20 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 20 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 9 voting rights corresponding to 9,788 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

Hiroshi Koyama (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 378 -

Noriyasu Kato (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 12(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 12 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 12 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Takayuki Tsubaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,904 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 379 -

Katsuyuki Saiga (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 9(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 9 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 9 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 9 voting rights corresponding to 9,030 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tsutomu Mannari (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,766 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 380 -

Hiroaki Isojima (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Kazutoshi Yamamoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,203 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 381 -

Takashi Hirao (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 9(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 9 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 9 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,913 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

Mitsunobu Nakatani (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,013 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 382 -

Koichi Shinohara (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,300 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Ken Namba (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 0(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 0 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 0 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) Ken Namba, who is a special related party, owns 859 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association. However, such shares are not included in the number of share certificates, etc., stated above, because the number of such shares is less than one unit of the Target’s common shares (1,000 shares).

- 383 -

Tetsuro Inoue (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,494 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Seigo Wake (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,658 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 384 -

Masayuki Mori (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,110 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Takeyuki Kamei (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 22(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 22 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 22 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 22 voting rights corresponding to 22,328 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 385 -

Keisuke Yabuki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 12(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 12 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 12 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 12 voting rights corresponding to 12,815 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yukihiro Saika (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,181 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 386 -

Takami Fukuda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,019 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tatsuo Nakahara (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,156 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 387 -

Akio Watanabe (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,050 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Akihiro Suda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,735 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 388 -

Tomokazu Akashi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Keiji Uemura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 0(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 0 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 0 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) Keiji Uemura, who is a special related party, owns 903 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association. However, such shares are not included in the number of share certificates, etc., stated above, because the number of such shares is less than one unit of the Target’s common shares (1,000 shares).

- 389 -

Sohei Goto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,792 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Hideaki Tsuchiya (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,340 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 390 -

Hiroshi Takafuji (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 9(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 9 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 9 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 9 voting rights corresponding to 9,223 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Suguru Nishibe (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 391 -

Tadashi Nagamine (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,544 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Satoru Hotta (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,985 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

- 392 -

Yuyo Murakami (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,357 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Atsushi Jinguji (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 9(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 9 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 9 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 9 voting rights corresponding to 9,505 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 393 -

Masatsugu Yamano (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 56(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 56 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 56 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 11 voting rights corresponding to 11,895 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tsutomu Fujita (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 20(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 20 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 20 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 20 voting rights corresponding to 20,761 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 394 -

Hidenori Yamamoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 10 voting rights corresponding to 10,315 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yoshinori Saito (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,865 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 395 -

Ryo Okano (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,413 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tetsuro Minami (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,001 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 396 -

Joji Suwa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Tsutomu Nozaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 9(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 9 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 9 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,974 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

- 397 -

Yasuo Funazo (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 15(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 15 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 15 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 15 voting rights corresponding to 15,195 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Koji Kimura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,185 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 398 -

Hiroyuki Manabe (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,355 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yoshikiyo Morikawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,655 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 399 -

Teiji Minami (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,422 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Munetoshi Kajiya (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 11(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 11 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 11 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 11 voting rights corresponding to 11,665 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 400 -

Takashi Yonenaga (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,510 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Manabu Sakai (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,792 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 401 -

Atsuo Saijo (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 15(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 15 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 15 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 14 voting rights corresponding to 14,260 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yoshihiko Yano (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,526 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 402 -

Takashi Hinauchi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,737 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Keiichi Yodoshi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 23(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 23 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 23 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,373 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Exectives Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 403 -

Satoru Ozaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,067 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kazuyuki Yoshida (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 404 -

Yoshihiro Miki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 20(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 20 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 20 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Yoshiyuki Arikawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,313 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 405 -

Masahiko Hasunuma (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 0(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 0 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 0 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) Masahiko Hasunuma, who is a special related party, owns 925 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association. However, such shares are not included in the number of share certificates, etc., stated above, because the number of such shares is less than one unit of the Target’s common shares (1,000 shares).

Kazuharu Maeda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 15(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 15 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 15 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 12 voting rights corresponding to 12,148 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 406 -

Yasunori Suzuki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Tetsuhiro Maeda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 407 -

Seiichi Kiyama (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,599 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Nobuyuki Tsujino (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,867 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 408 -

Hitoshi Hieda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,851 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Nobuo Hanehira (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,734 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 409 -

Masato Nishikuni (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,250 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Masashi Morizane (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,711 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 410 -

Akihiro Onishi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 10 voting rights corresponding to 10,481 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Shigeki Muneyasu (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,877 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 411 -

Yasuyoshi Kawanishi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,427 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Masahiro Furukawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 412 -

Yasuhito Taniguchi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,810 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yoshio Ida (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,500 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 413 -

Etsuo Toriyama (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 13(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 13 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 13 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 13 voting rights corresponding to 13,584 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Koji Mori (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,706 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 414 -

Fumio Azemoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 0(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 0 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 0 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) Fumio Azemoto, who is a special related party, owns 928 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association. However, such shares are not included in the number of share certificates, etc., stated above, because the number of such shares is less than one unit of the Target’s common shares (1,000 shares).

Akira Ichinozuka (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 415 -

Hideo Yamada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,397 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yoshiaki Hasegawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,773 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 416 -

Kazuhiro Shimura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 17(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 17 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 17 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 17 voting rights corresponding to 17,099 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tetsuji Tokunaga (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,920 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 417 -

Shuji Goto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,814 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kenji Maru (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 10 voting rights corresponding to 10,996 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 418 -

Keisuke Honda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,570 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tsutomu Hara (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,557 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 419 -

Shinji Takeuchi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,326 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Keiji Wada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,646 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 420 -

Yoshio Araki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 22(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 22 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 22 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Hideki Kawashima (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,871 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 421 -

Koichiro Aoki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Sakumi Shibusawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,294 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 422 -

Norimasa Hoshino (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 10 voting rights corresponding to 10,759 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Toshihiro Matsunaga (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,826 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 423 -

Masahiko Matsumoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,106 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yoshio Watabe (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 27(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 27 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 27 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 13 voting rights corresponding to 13,157 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

- 424 -

Yoshinori Noboru (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 11(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 11 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 11 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 11 voting rights corresponding to 11,239 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Keiji Nishida (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 11(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 11 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 11 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 11 voting rights corresponding to 11,845 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 425 -

Yasuhiro Makino (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,553 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tatsuya Tani (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,121 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 426 -

Toshiyuki Shiihashi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,452 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Hiroshi Nozaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,727 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 427 -

Katsumi Morito (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,294 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Takayuki Kondo (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,174 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 428 -

Eiichi Enomoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,028 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kenzo Matsumoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,217 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 429 -

Takao Oya (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,219 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yasunori Wada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,257 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 430 -

Yoshinori Mori (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,269 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Toru Shimoshikiryo (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,821 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 431 -

Shinya Kozono (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 9(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 9 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 9 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,701 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Hiroyuki Komiya (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,430 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 432 -

Katsunori Tamura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 10 voting rights corresponding to 10,328 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Masanori Ishikawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 10 voting rights corresponding to 10,116 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 433 -

Junpei Hata (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 9(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 9 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 9 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 9 voting rights corresponding to 9,178 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yuji Taketomi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,925 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 434 -

Nobuyuki Fujishige (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 14(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 14 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 14 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 9 voting rights corresponding to 9,418 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Hisao Nishimura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 13(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 13 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 13 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,682 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 435 -

Toshihiko Miyamae (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,528 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Shizuo Kametsugi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,072 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 436 -

Motohiro Nishino (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,813 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Takayuki Takayanagi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 12(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 12 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 12 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 12 voting rights corresponding to 12,149 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 437 -

Shigeru Tada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 10 voting rights corresponding to 10,084 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yukio Miyaushiro (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,855 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 438 -

Mitsuo Sato (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,323 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Hiroyuki Yamada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 0(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 0 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 0 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) Hiroyuki Yamada, who is a special related party, owns 848 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association. However, such shares are not included in the number of share certificates, etc., stated above, because the number of such shares is less than one unit of the Target’s common shares (1,000 shares).

- 439 -

Kenji Goto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,514 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Shinichi Yasumoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 440 -

Tomomi Oketani (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,824 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Koichi Hyuga (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 441 -

Teruhisa Yamamoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Yoshinobu Taniguchi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,341 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 442 -

Nobuhiro Fujita (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,156 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kyo Watabe (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,130 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 443 -

Koichiro Iizuka (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,191 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Jun Nakamura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 14(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 14 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 14 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 14 voting rights corresponding to 14,268 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 444 -

Masakazu Moriyama (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,700 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Ikuo Shiigi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,107 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 445 -

Zenyu Izumoji (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,209 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Shunichiro Oku (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,560 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 446 -

Noboru Nishio (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 12(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 12 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 12 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 12 voting rights corresponding to 12,323 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kentaro Mochizuki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,529 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 447 -

Tetsuo Harada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 22(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 22 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 22 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 19 voting rights corresponding to 19,380 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Isao Date (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 448 -

Shinichi Matsuda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,215 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Shinya Takagaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,662 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 449 -

Tetsuo Hirota (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 21(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 21 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 21 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 21 voting rights corresponding to 21,374 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Masakazu Matsumoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,993 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 450 -

Keiko Kawamoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Haruo Saen (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 451 -

Tomio Arai (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Noriyuki Yasuda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 452 -

Shuichi Akaishi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 0(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 0 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 0 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) Shuichi Akaishi, who is a special related party, owns 886 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association. However, such shares are not included in the number of share certificates, etc., stated above, because the number of such shares is less than one unit of the Target’s common shares (1,000 shares).

Hiroki Yoshizawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 453 -

Yukinori Honjo (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Tatsuo Ishijima (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 454 -

Ryozo Kitamura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Masaharu Nakano (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 0(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 0 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 0 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) Masaharu Nakano, who is a special related party, owns 530 shares of the Target’s common stock. However, the number of share certificates owned is presented as 0 voting rights because the number of shares that he owns is less than one unit of the Target’s common shares (1,000 shares).

- 455 -

Motohide Hirosato (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Yasuhiro Shibata (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,699 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 456 -

Akira Hashimoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,941 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tomio Yanagitaira (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,682 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 457 -

Tomofumi Watanabe (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,853 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yuji Goto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 16(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 16 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 16 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 16 voting rights corresponding to 16,207 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 458 -

Masafumi Tei (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 5 voting rights corresponding to 5,478 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tetsuya Onoda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 459 -

Isao Ochiai (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,405 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Hideyuki Kuwano (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 460 -

Toru Kato (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,800 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Satoru Kaneko (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,411 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 461 -

Atsushi Bando (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,506 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Mamoru Ando (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,395 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 462 -

Masaharu Wataguchi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,566 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Hiroki Eto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 11(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 11 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 11 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 9 voting rights corresponding to 9,092 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 463 -

Tadashi Natsume (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,248 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tetsuo Ishizuka (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,387 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 464 -

Seiji Torii (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,331 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Naoyoshi Kato (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 465 -

Yoshiro Ochiai (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,591 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Takashi Ishida (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,948 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 466 -

Masanori Maeda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 9(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 9 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 9 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,242 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Shigeyuki Murai (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,595 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 467 -

Akio Tanigawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,806 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Shigeru Yoshii (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,161 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 468 -

Keiichi Hodate (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,769 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tetsuzo Yamakawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 22(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 22 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 22 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 22 voting rights corresponding to 22,445 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 469 -

Takayuki Sawai (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,153 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Masahiro Mori (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,415 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 470 -

Yoshinobu Nomura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,908 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Masaya Ota (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 0(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 0 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 0 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) Masaya Ohta, who is a special related party, owns 339 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association. However, such shares are not included in the number of share certificates, etc., stated above, because the number of such shares is less than one unit of the Target’s common shares (1,000 shares).

- 471 -

Kenichi Kojima (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 14(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 14 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 14 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 10 voting rights corresponding to 10,862 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Susumu Yamada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,692 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 472 -

Nobuhiro Arai (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,001 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Shigeo Kimura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 11(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 11 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 11 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 11 voting rights corresponding to 11,913 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 473 -

Yasuo Kitahira (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,882 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kenichi Komaba (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,810 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 474 -

Ryuji Nozawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,708 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Noriaki Sakamoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,937 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 475 -

Hitoshi Takagishi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,348 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Noriyasu Sakai (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 476 -

Michito Igarashi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,343 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yutaka Kubota (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 11(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 11 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 11 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,278 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 477 -

Teruo Tabata (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 17(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 17 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 17 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,271 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

Kazuhiro Yoshida (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 12(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 12 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 12 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 4 voting rights corresponding to 4,489 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

- 478 -

Yasuo Kondo (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Eiju Maehara (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,776 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 479 -

Ichiro Shimada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 21(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 21 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 21 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 21 voting rights corresponding to 21,687 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tetsuya Kubota (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 0(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 0 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 0 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) Tetsuya Kubota, who is a special related party, owns 637 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association. However, such shares are not included in the number of share certificates, etc., stated above, because the number of such shares is less than one unit of the Target’s common shares (1,000 shares).

- 480 -

Kenichi Murawaki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,098 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tetsuya Yoshitomi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,950 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 481 -

Masaaki Yaguchi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,848 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Takashi Okuma (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 482 -

Hiroshi Ono (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 14(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 14 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 14 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Katsuhiro Okumura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 8 voting rights corresponding to 8,291 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 483 -

Ryuhei Takashima (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,323 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Junichi Soda (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 3 voting rights corresponding to 3,195 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 484 -

Katsumi Tsuneyama (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 9(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 9 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 9 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 9 voting rights corresponding to 9,404 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yu Kuwanaga (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 14(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 14 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 14 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 14 voting rights corresponding to 14,746 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 485 -

Daiki Miyamoto (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 12(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 12 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 12 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Hirokazu Teshima (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,974 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Exectives Stockholders’ Association.

- 486 -

Isamu Sato (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 5(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 5 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 5 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Kenichi Takakura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 6(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 6 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 6 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,518 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 487 -

Morio Kikuta (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 7(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 7 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 7 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 7 voting rights corresponding to 7,875 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Yoshio Ohashi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 8(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 8 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 8 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,808 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 488 -

Noboru Fujita (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 16(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 16 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 16 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 16 voting rights corresponding to 16,234 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Syoichi Takahashi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,853 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 489 -

Kenzo Kurokawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 26(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 26 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 26 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Shigeharu Komatsu (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,075 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 490 -

Kiichiro Sakiyama (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 12(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 12 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 12 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 12 voting rights corresponding to 12,904 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Tetsuo Nakanishi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 30(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 30 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 30 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 491 -

Nobuyuki Shichi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 1 voting right corresponding to 1,460 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Kiyofumi Nakata (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 10(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 10 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 10 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 6 voting rights corresponding to 6,083 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 492 -

Motoichiro Otsuki (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,582 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

Hidetoshi Akagi (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - - (Note) The number of share certificates, etc., that he owns, stated above, includes 2 voting rights corresponding to 2,514 shares (rounded down to the whole number) that correspond to his equity in the Sanyo Electric Employees Stockholders’ Association.

- 493 -

Kotaro Murase (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Fujio Harada (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 494 -

Katsuhiko Takata (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Hidenobu Takase (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

- 495 -

Fumio Ogawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Keizo Morimitsu (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

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Motohiko Nakamura (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Masahiro Yoshida (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

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Tetsuhiko Segawa (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 3(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 3 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 3 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Yoichi Murota (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

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Koichi Morita (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 2(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 2 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 2 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

Toshiyuki Asai (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 4(voting rights) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock - - - acquisition rights Bond certificates with stock - - - acquisition rights Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 4 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 4 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

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Yoshihiko Namba (As of August 23, 2010) Number of share Number of share certificates, etc. certificates, etc. Number of share provided for in Article provided for in Article

certificates owned 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 7, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement of the Enforcement Order Order Share certificates 1(voting right) -(voting rights) -(voting rights) Certificates of stock acquisition rights - - - Bond certificates with stock acquisition rights - - - Trust beneficiary certificates for share - - - certificates, etc. ( ) Depositary receipts for share certificates, etc. - - - ( ) Total 1 - - Total number of share certificates, etc owned 1 - - (Total number of potential share certificates, etc) (-) - -

2. Trading of share certificates, etc. (1) Trading during the sixty-day period prior to the filing date of the registration statement N/A 3. Material agreements executed in respect of the share certificates, etc. N/A

4. Agreement of purchase, etc. of share certificates, etc. on and after the filing date of the registration statement N/A When the shareholders’ right of demand for purchasing shares less than one unit is executed by a shareholder pursuant to the Companies Act, the Target may purchase its treasury shares during the Tender Offer Period in accordance with the statutory procedures.

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IV. Transactions, etc. between the Tender Offeror and the Target

1. Transactions between the Tender Offeror and the Target or its directors and a summary thereof The material transactions between the Tender Offeror and the Target were the sales of finished products, merchandise, materials, etc. to the Target and the purchases of finished products, merchandise, materials, etc. from the Target. The amounts are provided below. (millions of yen) 101th Term 102th Term 103th Term (From April 1, 2007 (From April 1, 2008 (From April 1, 2009 Fiscal term through March 31, 2008) through March 31, 2009) through March 31, 2010)

Sales of finished products, merchandise, materials, 11,708 6,150 5,715 etc. to Target Purchases of finished products, merchandise, 1,471 1,716 3,446 materials, etc. from Target

Note 1) Consumption tax, etc. is not included in the transaction amounts.

2. Agreements between the Tender Offeror and the Target or its directors and a summary thereof (1) Agreements between the Tender Offeror and the Target or its directors and a summary thereof According to the Target Press Release, at the Board of Directors meeting of the Target held on July 29, 2010, the Target has adopted a resolution to announce its opinion to endorse the Tender Offer and to recommend that the Target’s shareholders tender their shares in the Tender Offer.

(2) Description of the Decision Making Process through which the Decision to Implement the Tender Offer was Made

Since its establishment in 1918, the Company has been conducting business broadly in the electronics industry, guided by its basic management philosophy, which states that “the mission of an enterprise is to contribute to the progress and development of society and the well-being of people worldwide through its business activities.” On the other hand, the Target has been developing its activities, such as manufacturing, sales, maintenance and services, in the Energy Business Segment, Electronic Device Business Segment, Digital System Business Segment, Commercial Business Segment, Consumer Electronics Segment and Other Business Segment, and, under the management philosophy, “We are committed to becoming an indispensable element in the lives of people all over the world,” and has been striving to increase customer value. Under these circumstances, the Company and the Target, with the objective of overcoming a harsh global competitive environment, aiming to maximize the corporate values of both the Company and the Target, agreed on November 7, 2008, to

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enter into discussions regarding a capital and business alliance based on the premise of making the Target a subsidiary of the Company, and made an announcement on December 19, 2008, titled “Panasonic and SANYO Agree to Capital and Business Alliance.” Thereafter, as described in the press release titled “Panasonic Announces the Result of Tender Offer for SANYO Shares” dated December 10, 2009, the Company implemented the Previous Tender Offer and came to own 50.19% of the total number of voting rights of all shareholders, etc. of the Target (as of September 30, 2009), and the Target became a consolidated subsidiary of the Company.

As a result, the Panasonic Group has become a company group with further reach and expertise in the electronics industry with 6 segments: Digital AVC Networks, Home Appliances, PEW and PanaHome, Components and Devices, and Other, as well as SANYO. On January 8, 2010, the Company announced the Annual Management Policy Fiscal 2011 for the new Panasonic Group, and set out the vision of becoming the “No. 1 Green Innovation Company in the Electronics Industry” towards 2018, the 100th anniversary of its foundation. Furthermore, on May 7, 2010, the Company announced its three-year midterm management plan called GT12, which is the first step toward realizing the above vision. Under GT12, the entire Panasonic Group will make group-wide efforts to shift its paradigm for growth and to lay a foundation to become a Green Innovation Company, while integrating its contribution to the environment and business growth. By the time this plan is completed, the Panasonic Group should be a company filled with significant growth potential. In particular, the Company will drastically shift its management resources to energy systems, heating/refrigeration/air conditioning, network AV, healthcare, security, and LED, as the group’s 6 key business areas. With regard to these business areas, the Company expects energy systems, heating/refrigeration/air conditioning, and network AV to be the core businesses of the group and to drive sales and revenues of all group companies, and the Company intends to significantly develop the 3 business areas of healthcare, security, and LED as the next-generation key businesses. Furthermore, with those businesses as the core of the Company’s businesses, the Panasonic Group will pursue a form of growth unique to it, through the provision of “comprehensive solutions for the entire home, the entire building, and the entire town.”

Also, the Target, sharing the vision as the Panasonic Group and the concept of GT12, formulated the Target’s Midterm Plan that was announced in detail on May 11, 2010. In the Target’s Midterm Plan, the Target clearly states that it will aim to “establish the foundation for a highly profitable company by demonstrating synergy,” and that it will, in addition to further strengthening the management culture aiming to improve profitability, accelerate concentrated investment of its management resources to the energy business and enhance the competitiveness of profitable businesses in order to establish continuous competitive superiority. In particular, in the solar cell business that is included in the energy systems, one of the 6 key business areas of the Panasonic Group, the Target will make aggressive investments for the purpose of increase in production of cells and modules, and will accelerate the development of next generation solar cells so as to become, in Fiscal 2013, the No. 1 player in the domestic market and to become, in Fiscal 2016, one of the top 3 players in the global market. Also, the Target has a policy of firmly maintaining its world leading status in the consumer rechargeable battery business by increasing sales in existing uses and

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developing new uses. Furthermore, in the HEV and EV business (rechargeable batteries for eco cars), the Target aims to gain a 40% global market share in Fiscal 2021.

In addition, the Company and the Target set up the “Collaboration Committee” after the Previous Tender Offer, and have considered specific measures to generate synergies. As a result, the Company and the Target established a goal to generate synergies for over 80 billion yen in the group’s operating profit, in Fiscal 2013, through various measures such as strengthening the group-wide sales network in the solar cell business, and optimizing their strengths to the fullest extent in the lithium-ion battery business. The contents of these measures are incorporated in GT12.

Although the Company and the Target have already shared a management strategy as group companies and have implemented various collaborative measures, including sales of “HIT” solar cells through Panasonic’s sales channels on a full-fledged scale starting from July this year, the business environment surrounding the Panasonic Group continues to change dramatically and rapidly. While business expansion opportunities have been presented by the rapidly expanding environment-related and energy-related markets and the burgeoning emerging markets, competition with Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese companies as well as Japanese, U.S. and European companies, etc. has intensified not only in the Digital AVC Networks segment, but also in the fields of rechargeable battery, solar cell and electric vehicle-related business, etc. It has become difficult for companies to prevail over the global competition in the expanding market without speeding up the strategy execution and implementing all measures to demonstrate further group-wide potential. In addition, as the collaborative measures, which are the key to demonstrating group-wide potential, are in the execution phase, it is expected that the results of these collaborative measures will be achieved earlier and more steadily to maximize the effects of such measures, through the Company making the Target its wholly-owned subsidiary. In such circumstances, taking the proposal of the Company as an opportunity, the Company and the Target have, since around the end of June 2010, continuously discussed and considered various measures to further increase the corporate value of both companies. As a result, the Company and the Target came to the conclusion that realizing the acceleration of decision-making and maximization of the group synergies by making the Target a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company through the Tender Offer and transactions thereafter and accelerating efforts toward becoming the “No. 1 Green Innovation Company in the Electronics Industry” are significantly beneficial, not only to expand the corporate value of the Target but also to expand the corporate value of the entire Panasonic Group. Along with such discussions and considerations, the Company has been discussing and considering with Panasonic Electric Works, a consolidated subsidiary of the Company, and has also come to the conclusion that making Panasonic Electric Works a wholly-owned subsidiary are highly beneficial not only to expand the corporate value of Panasonic Electric Works but also to expand the corporate value of the entire Panasonic Group.

Furthermore, the three companies - the Company, Panasonic Electric Works and the Target -– resolved, at their respective Board of Directors meetings held on July 29, 2010, to pursue a plan of the Acquisition of All Shares of the Subsidiaries by around

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April, 2011 and released the “Announcement of the Agreement toward Panasonic’s Acquisition of All Shares of Panasonic Electric Works and SANYO.” In order to implement the Acquisition of All Shares of the Subsidiaries, the Company resolved, to simultaneously commence the Tender Offers of the Subsidiaries. In the event that the Acquisition of All Shares of the Subsidiaries is not achieved by the Tender Offers of the Subsidiaries, the Company is thereafter anticipated to implement the Share Exchanges of the Subsidiaries.

In future, the Company, Panasonic Electric Works and the Target will pursue the establishment of the new Panasonic Group, under which the three companies will be genuinely integrated, and will make efforts to (i) maximize value creation by strengthening contacts with customers, (ii) realize speedy and lean management, and (iii) accelerate growth businesses by boldly shifting management resources.

Furthermore, in order to realize these objectives, the Panasonic Group’s business organization is scheduled to be restructured by around January 2012. From the perspective of “maximization of customer value,” the basic policy of such restructuring is to integrate and reorganize the business and marketing divisions of the three companies into three business sectors: “Consumer,” “Components and Devices” and “Solutions,” and to design optimal business models that are most suitable for the character of each business. The Company will make efforts to establish a business organization under which it can effectively compete against global competitors in each business and in each industry. The direction of the reorganization of each business sector will be as follows: - Consumer business sector: The Panasonic Group will reorganize its marketing function on a global basis. Under the reorganization, the Panasonic Group will enhance the function of its frontline business and accelerate the creation of customer-oriented products. Also, the Panasonic Group will work to strengthen, among others, its overseas consumer business by strategically distributing its marketing resources in Japan and overseas. - Components and Devices business sector: The Panasonic Group will strengthen the cooperation among the development, production and sales functions for each component and device having a common business model. By combining marketing and technology, the Panasonic Group will strengthen its “proposal”-style business, which foresees the potential needs of customers and aim to expand the business as an independent business that does not rely on internal needs. Particularly in this business sector, the Panasonic Group will continue to make maximum use of the Target’s strengths, such as its rechargeable batteries business and solar business, as well as its customer network. - Solutions business sector: The Panasonic Group will unify the development, production and sales functions for each solution for business customers. The Panasonic Group aims to offer the most suitable products, services and solutions as quickly as possible, grasping customers’ needs in as timely a fashion as possible. In addition, the “comprehensive solutions for the entire home, the entire building and the entire town” that encompass these solutions will be accelerated. Particularly in this business sector, the Panasonic Group will continue to make maximum use of the strength and customer network of Panasonic Electric Works.

In addition to the reorganization, the head office will aim for a “lean and speedy”

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global head office by strengthening its strategic functions, while integrating and streamlining the three companies’ organizations. The details of the reorganization will be announced as soon as they are determined.

Further, together with this reorganization, Panasonic Group will consider integrating its brands, in principle, into “Panasonic” in the future. However, “SANYO” will continue to be partially utilized, depending on the particular business or region.

The Company believes that the Acquisitions of All Shares of the Subsidiaries and business reorganization mentioned above will promote the integration of the three companies’ advantages and the “proposal” capabilities for “comprehensive solutions,” and will enable rapid increase in global competitiveness especially in the “energy systems,” “heating/refrigeration/air conditioning” and “network AV” business, which are indicated in the GT12 as core businesses to lead sales and profits of the entire group companies. Also, in each business such as “healthcare,” “security,” and “LED,” which is positioned as the “key business for the next generation”, the Company will make efforts to accelerate the growth of such business by combining the capacities of the three companies for research and development as well as market development. Additionally, the Company intends to realize further reinforcement of management structure and cost competitiveness through business integration and unification of the business sites of the three companies, and through optimizing and streamlining the head office organization. Through these measures, the Company aims to ensure the achievement of the targets of the midterm management plan, GT12, which the Company announced on May 7, 2010: “10 trillion yen in sales, 5 percent or more in operating profit to sales ratio, 10 percent in ROE, a three-year accumulative total of over 800 billion yen in free cash flow, and 50 million ton reduction in CO2 emissions compared to the estimated amount of emissions (using the fiscal year 2005 as the base)” targeted for the fiscal year ending March 2013, and further aims to exceed these targets.

As mentioned above, for the purpose of the Acquisition of All Shares of the Subsidiaries, the three companies - the Company, Panasonic Electric Works and the Target - adopted a plan whereby the Company will implement the Tender Offers of the Subsidiaries and the Share Exchanges of the Subsidiaries (scheduled). In the event that the Acquisition of All Shares of the Target is not achieved by the Tender Offer, the Share Exchange is anticipated to be implemented after the Tender Offer in order to promote the Acquisition of All Shares of the Target. For the details of the Share Exchange, please refer to “(4) Policies Regarding Organizational Restructuring, etc. after the Tender Offer (Matters Concerning the so-called “Two-Tier Purchase”)” of “3. Purpose of the Tender Offer” of “I. Terms and Conditions of the Tender Offer” described above.

(3) Measures to Ensure the Fairness of the Tender Offer such as Measures to Ensure the Fairness of the Tender Offer Purchase Price, and Measures to Avoid Conflicts of Interest Taking into consideration the fact that the Target is the Company’s consolidated subsidiary as of the date of the filing of this Statement, and the fact that there are continuing business and personnel relationships between the Company and the Target,

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the Company and the Target have implemented the measures set forth below to ensure the fairness of the Tender Offer such as measures to ensure the fairness of the Tender Offer Purchase Price relating to the Tender Offer and measures to avoid conflicts of interest, etc.

(i) Procurement of a Valuation Report from an Independent, Third-Party Valuation Institution In order to ensure the fairness of the Tender Offer Purchase Price, when determining the Tender Offer Purchase Price, the Company has used as a reference the Valuation Report that was submitted on July 29, 2010 by Nomura Securities, the financial advisor acting as a third-party valuation institution independent from the Company and from the Target. The methods used by Nomura Securities were the average market price analysis, the comparable company analysis, and the DCF Analysis; the per-share value of the Target’s common stock calculated based on each of the foregoing methods is set forth below.

(a) Average Market Price Analysis: 112 yen to 138 yen Based on the average market price analysis, using July 27, 2010, as the record date, the per-share value of the Target’s common stock has been determined to be 112 yen to 138 yen, based on the respective average closing prices for the most recent 6 months, the most recent 3 months, the most recent 1 month and the most recent 1 week, and on the closing price on the record date of the shares of the Target’s common stock on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

(b) Comparable Company Analysis: 46 yen to 85 yen Based on the comparable company analysis, the value of the Target’s shares of common stock has been evaluated by comparing the market stock prices and financial indicators that show profitability, etc., of those listed companies that are engaged in businesses that are relatively similar to the Target’s, and the per-share value of the Target’s common stock has been determined to be 46 yen to 85 yen.

(c) DCF Analysis: 113 yen to 233 yen The DCF Analysis is a method of analyzing the corporate value of the Target and the value of the Target’s shares of common stock based on its projected earnings and its investment plans set forth in its business plans, interviews with the Target’s management, publicly disclosed information and various other factors, etc. by discounting the Target’s future free cash flow projections to the present value using a specific discount rate (e.g., cost of capital applicable to the Target, etc.); based on this method, the per-share value of the Target’s common stock has been determined to be 113 yen to 233 yen.

The Company valued that the (proposed) purchase price with respect to the Tender Offer will be 138 yen, based on the nature and results of each of the valuation methods set forth in the Valuation Report and the results of negotiations and discussions with the Target, etc., and by comprehensively taking into account various factors such as (i) results of the business, legal, accounting and tax due diligence on the Target, (ii) the possibility of obtaining the endorsement of the Tender Offer by the Target’s Board of Directors, (iii) market trends of the price of the Target’s common stock; and (iv) the projected number of shares to be tendered in the Tender Offer. Thereafter, the Company ultimately decided at the Board of Directors meeting held on

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July 29, 2010, that the Tender Offer Purchase Price shall be 138 yen, after receiving on July 29, 2010 from Nomura Securities a fairness opinion stating that the (proposed) tender offer purchase price of 138 yen valued through the above-mentioned process is proper for the Company from a financial viewpoint. The Tender Offer Purchase Price of 138 yen per-share represents a premium of (i) 16.9% (rounded to the first decimal place; the same shall apply to indications of percentages hereinafter in this paragraph) over the closing price of the Target’s shares of common stock of 118 yen in ordinary trading on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on July 28, 2010, which is the day immediately preceding the day on which the Company announced the commencement of the Tender Offer, (ii) 21.1% over the simple average closing price of 114 yen (rounded down to a whole number; the same shall apply to indications of prices in yen hereinafter in this paragraph) in ordinary trading in the previous one-month period (from June 29, 2010 to July 28, 2010), (iii) 9.5% over the simple average closing price of 126 yen in ordinary trading in the previous three-month period (from April 30, 2010 to July 28, 2010) or (iv) 0.7% over the simple average closing price of 137 yen in ordinary trading in the previous six-month period (from January 29, 2010 to July 28, 2010). In addition, the Tender Offer Purchase Price represents a premium of (i) 0.7% over the closing price of the Target’s shares of common stock of 137 yen in ordinary trading on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on August 20, 2010, which is the business day immediately preceding the filing date of this Statement, (ii) 5.3% over the simple average closing price of 131 yen in ordinary trading in the previous one-month period (from July 21, 2010 to August 20, 2010), (iii) 9.5% over the simple average closing price of 126 yen in ordinary trading in the previous three-month period (from May 21, 2010 to August 20, 2010) or (iv) 1.5% over the simple average closing price of 136 yen in ordinary trading in the previous six-month period (from February 22, 2010 to August 20, 2010).

(ii) The Target’s Procurement of a Share Valuation Report According to the Target Press Release, the Target requested that ABeam M&A Consulting, which is the financial advisor acting as a third-party valuation institution independent from the Company and from the Target, evaluate the value of the Target’s shares of common stock. Further, ABeam M&A Consulting obtained materials, such as the Target’s financial data and business plans, and received an explanation from the Target, in order to collect and review information necessary for analyzing the value of the Target’s shares of common stock. Based on such information, it analyzed the value of the Target’s shares based upon and subject to certain assumptions and conditions, and submitted the Share Valuation Report to the Target on July 29, 2010. According to the Target, the methods used by ABeam M&A Consulting in analyzing the value of the Target’s shares of common stock were the average market price analysis, the comparable company analysis, and the DCF analysis, and the per-share value of the Target’s shares of common stock calculated using each of the foregoing methods was as set forth below.

(a) Average Market Price Analysis: 114 yen to 140 yen According to the Target, based on the average market price analysis, using July 28, 2010, as the record date, the per-share value of the Target’s common stock has been determined to be 114 yen to 140 yen, based on the respective average closing prices and the respective volume weighted average prices for the most recent 6 months, the most recent 3 months and the most recent 1 month, and on the closing price on the

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record date of the Target’s shares of common stock on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

(b) Comparable Company Analysis: 78 yen to 110 yen The comparable company analysis is a method of evaluating the value of the shares of the Target’s common stock by comparing the market stock prices and financial indicators that show profitability, etc., of those listed companies that are engaged in businesses that are similar to the Target’s. According to the Target, based on this method, the per-share value of the Target’s shares of common stock has been determined to be 78 yen to 110 yen.

(c) DCF Analysis: 100 yen to 163 yen The DCF Analysis is a method of analyzing the corporate value of the Target and the value of the Target’s shares of common stock based on various factors such as its projected earnings and its investment plans set forth in its business plans, publicly disclosed information and the synergies expected to be generated by making the Target the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary etc., by discounting the Target’s future free cash flow projections to the present value using a specific discount rate (e.g., cost of capital applicable to the Target, etc.). According to the Target, based on this method, the per-share value of the Target’s common stock has been determined to be 100 yen to 163 yen. Further, according to the Target, on July 29, 2010, as an opinion concerning the fact that the resolution of the Board of Directors meeting of the Target to announce its opinion to endorse the Tender Offer and to recommend that the Target’s shareholders tender their shares in the Tender Offer is not disadvantageous to the minority shareholders of the Target, the Board of Directors of the Target received from ABeam M&A Consulting a fairness opinion concerning the fact that the Tender Offer Purchase Price is not disadvantageous to the minority shareholders of the Target, especially from a viewpoint of fairness of consideration, stating that the Tender Offer Purchase Price of 138 yen with respect to the Tender Offer is proper to shareholders of the Target other than tender offerors, etc. (meaning “Controlling Shareholders and other parties set forth in the Enforcement Regulations” provided for in Article 441-2 of the Securities Listing Regulations of Tokyo Stock Exchange including the Tender Offeror) from a financial point of view.

(iii) Advice from a Law Firm According to the Target Press Release, in connection with the discussions held, and the decisions made, by the Target’s Board of Directors, Mori Hamada & Matsumoto law firm, as the legal advisor, has provided the Target’s Board of Directors with legal advice concerning the decision-making method, procedures, etc. to be used by the Board of Directors, including various procedures relating to the Tender Offer.

(iv) Approval of Directors and Auditors with No Material Interests According to the Target Press Release, since the Target received a proposal concerning the Tender Offer from the Company around the end of June 2010, the Target has discussed and negotiated with the Company concerning the purchase price of the Tender Offer and other terms and conditions several times, and the Target has carefully reviewed and considered the terms and conditions, given the contents of the Share Valuation Report and the fairness opinion obtained from ABeam M&A Consulting, and taking into account legal advice provided by Mori Hamada &

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Matsumoto law firm, its legal advisor. As a result, at the Board of Directors meeting held on July 29, 2010 (5 directors in attendance out of 8 directors), it was determined that the Tender Offer would contribute to the further development of the Target’s business, that the conditions relating to the Tender Offer are appropriate, and that the Tender Offer provided all of the Target’s shareholders with an opportunity to sell the Target’s share for a reasonable price, and therefore a resolution was adopted with the approval of all of the directors in attendance to endorse the Tender Offer, and to recommend that the Target’s shareholders tender their shares in the Tender Offer. Further, all of the Target’s auditors who attended the above Board of Directors’ meeting (4 auditors, including 3 outside auditors out of 5 auditors (including 3 outside auditors)) expressed the opinion that they had no objection for the Target’s Board of Directors to endorse the Tender Offer, and to recommend that the Target’s shareholders tender their shares in the Tender Offer. It should be noted that, according to the Target, Messrs. Susumu Koike, Junji Esaka and Kenjiro Matsuba, directors of the Target, because they were officers or employees of the Company or its affiliate until 2008 (Mr. Koike) or until 2009 (Mr. Esaka and Mr. Matsuba), and Messrs. Susume Koike and Junji Esaka are corporate advisors of the Company at present, did not participate in any of the discussions or voting on the Tender Offer, for the purpose of maintaining the fairness and the neutrality of the Target’s decisions, and did not participate in any of the discussions/negotiations with the Company on behalf of the Target. The Company has been informed, further, that Mr. Takae Makita, auditor of the Target, because he was an officer of the Company until 2009, and he is a corporate advisor of the Company at present, did not participate in the above-referenced discussions, for the purpose of maintaining the fairness and the neutrality of the Target’s decisions.

(v) Relatively Long Period of the Tender Offer, etc. Pursuant to applicable laws and regulations, the tender offer period of a tender offer is required to be at least 20 business days; the Company has, by causing the tender offer period of the Tender Offer to be relatively long (i.e., 31 business days), ensured the fairness of the Tender Offer Purchase Price by ensuring that all of the Target’s shareholders will have sufficient opportunity to consider and decide whether or not to tender their shares in the Tender Offer, and that an opportunity for other offerors to commence a tender offer for the Target’s shares has been secured. Further, the Company and the Target have not made any agreement that would restrict the Target and an offeror other than the Company to make contacts with each other, etc., in the case where such other offeror emerges.

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V. Description of the Target

1. Profits and losses for the last three years (1) Profit and loss information (millions of yen) March 31, 2008 March 31, 2009 March 31, 2010 Fiscal year end (84th Term) (85th Term) (86th Term) Sales 1,417,946 1,001,783 911,212

Sales cost 1,245,592 890,941 817,781 Selling, general and 156,462 114,699 99,488 administrative expenses Non-operating income 34,931 19,285 15,193

Non-operating expenses 47,888 39,835 42,474

Net income/(net loss) 18,905 (100,536) (84,111)

(millions of yen) March 31, 2011 Fiscal Period (87th Term) First Consolidated Fiscal Quarter Sales 387,392

Sales cost 310,204 Selling, general and 63,240 administrative expenses Net income/(net loss) of the 10,552 Quarter

Note 1) Consumption tax, etc. is not included in the sales figures. Note 2) The above information (including Note 1) was prepared based on the securities reports for the 84th, 85th and 86th terms, which were submitted by the Target respectively on June 30, 2008, June 29, 2009, and June 23, 2010, and the quarterly report for the first quarter of the 87th term that was submitted by the Target on August 4, 2010. Note 3) The above information for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2011 (the 87th term) was prepared based on the quarterly consolidated financial statements of the first consolidated fiscal quarter for the 87th term, as described in the above quarterly report for the first quarter of the 87th term.

(2) Per share information (yen) March 31, 2008 March 31, 2009 March 31, 2010 Fiscal year end (84th Term) (85th Term) (86th Term) Net income/(net loss) per share 3.08 (16.37) (13.69)

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Dividends per share - - -

Net assets per share 9.75 (7.12) 28.66

(yen) March 31, 2011 Fiscal Period (87th Term) End of First Consolidated Fiscal Quarter Net income/(net loss) per share 1.72

Dividends per share -

Net assets per share 17.78

Note 1) The above information was prepared based on the securities reports for the 84th, 85th and 86th terms, which were submitted by the Target respectively on June 30, 2008, June 29, 2009, and June 23, 2010, and the quarterly report for the first quarter of the 87th term that was submitted by the Target on August 4, 2010.

Note 2) The above information for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2011 (the 87th term) was prepared based on the quarterly consolidated financial statements of the first consolidated fiscal quarter for the 87th term, as described in the above quarterly report for the first quarter of the 87th term.

2. Stock Price information (yen) Name of financial instruments exchange, or licensed financial First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange instruments firm /association February March April May June July August Month 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 Maximum 156 154 159 156 135 152 138 Stock Price Minimum 138 143 147 125 112 110 136

Note) The above information for August 2010 is up to and including August 20, 2010.

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3. Shareholder information (1) Ownership status As of March 31, 2010 Status of Shares (Number of shares per unit: 1,000 shares)

Foreign entities, etc. Status of shares National Category Financial Other less than and local Financial Individuals instrument corporate Total one unit govern- institutions or others firms entities Other than (shares) ments Individuals individuals

Number of 2 79 116 1,916 394 89 252,698 255,294 - shareholders Number of shares owned 19 613,632 221,012 3,791,313 268,737 580 1,252,220 6,147,513 10,540,099 (shares) Shareholding - 9.99 3.60 61.67 4.37 0.01 20.36 100.00 - Ratio (%) Note 1) With respect to the 16,280,363 treasury shares, 16,280 units are included in the above “Individuals or other” category, and 363 shares are included in the above “Status of shares less than one unit” category. The number of treasury shares recorded in the shareholders register is 16,280,363, however, the actual number of shares held as of March 31, 2010 is 16,278,363 shares.

Note 2) The 33 units of shares held by Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc. are included in the above “Other corporate entities” category.

Note 3) All Class A preferred shares and Class B preferred shares were retired as of December 25, 2009.

Note 4) The above information (including Notes 1 through 3) was prepared based on the Target’s securities report for the 86th term submitted on June 23, 2010.

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(2) Number of Shares Owned by Major Shareholders and Directors/Officers a. Major Shareholders’ Information As of March 31, 2010 Number of Shareholding ratio to Name Address shares owned total number of issued (1,000 shares) shares (%) Panasonic Corporation 1006, Oaza Kadoma, 3,082,309 50.05 (Note 2) Kadoma-shi, Osaka Oceans Holdings Co., 10-1, Roppongi 6-chome, 589,080 9.57 Ltd. (Note 1) Mitato-ku, Tokyo Sumitomo Mitsui Banking 1-2, Yurakucho 1-chome, 184,742 3.00 Corporation Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Daiwa Securities SMBC Principal Investments 9-1, Marunouchi 1-chome, 86,826 1.41 Co. Ltd. (Note 1) (Note Chuo-ku, Tokyo 3) Japan Trustee Services 8-11, Harumi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, 63,458 1.03 Bank, Ltd. (trust account) Tokyo SANYO Electric 5-5, Keihan-Hondori 2-chome, Employees Stockholders’ 47,385 0.77 Moriguchi-shi, Osaka Association Nippon Life Insurance 5-12, Imabashi 3-chome, 39,441 0.64 Company Chuo-ku, Osaka Sumitomo Life Insurance 4-35, Shiromi 1-chome, 30,000 0.49 Company Chuo-ku, Osaka Japan The Master Trust Bank of 11-3, Hamamatsucho 2-chome, Japan, Ltd. (trust 29,731 0.48 Minato-ku, Tokyo account) Mitsui Sumitomo 27-2, Shinkawa 2-chome, Insurance Company, 23,435 0.38 Chuo-ku, Tokyo Limited Total 4,176,408 67.82

Note 1) Oceans Holdings Co., Ltd. and Daiwa Securities SMBC Principal Investments Co. Ltd. (formerly Evolution Investments Co., Ltd.), which were the major shareholders of the Target as of the end of the fiscal year of the 85th term of the Target (March 31, 2009), are no longer major shareholder as of the end of the fiscal year of the 86th term of the Target (March 31, 2010) .

Note 2) Panasonic Corporation, which was not the major shareholder of the Target as of the end of the fiscal year of the 85th term of the Target (March 31, 2009), is a major shareholder as of the end of the fiscal year of the 86th term of the Target (March 31, 2010).

Note 3) Evolution Investments Co., Ltd. merged with Daiwa Securities SMBC Principal Investments Co. Ltd. as of December 25, 2009.

Note 4) The above information (including Notes 1 through 3) was prepared based on the Target’s securities report for the 86th term submitted on June 23, 2010.

Note 5) According to the quarterly report for the first quarter of the 87th term, which

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was submitted by the Target on August 4, 2010, the Target is unaware of any changes in major shareholders during the first quarter of the 87th term.

b. Information Regarding Directors and Officers

As of June 23, 2010 Shareholding Number of ratio to total Name Title Position shares owned number of issued (1,000 shares) shares (%) Executive Seiichiro Sano Director and President 19 0.00 President Senior Executive Vice President Executive General Manager, Corporate Director and Planning H.Q., Susumu Furuike 5 0.00 Executive Vice Head of Corporate Reform President Head of IT Head of Production Engineering Executive Vice President Executive Head of Energy Business Director and Head of Energy Solutions Mitsuru Homma 20 0.00 Executive Vice Head of Public Relations, and President General Manager, International Sales & Marketing H.Q. Executive Vice President Executive Vice Head of Procurement Junji Esaka Executive Director and Chairman, 1 0.00 President SANYO Consumer Electronics Co., Ltd. Senior Vice President Company President, Mobile Masato Ito Director Energy Company 15 0.00

Senior Vice President Morihiro Kubo Director Head of Quality & CS 15 0.00 Company President, Digital System Company Senior Vice President Shigeharu Yoshii Director 3 0.00 Head of Corporate Management Senior Vice President Kenjiro Matsuba Director 3 0.00 General Manager, Finance H.Q. Standing Hideo Matsui Corporate - 101 0.00 Auditor Standing Takae Makida Corporate - 1 0.00 Auditor Corporate Takeharu Nagata - - - Auditor Corporate Akira Nakata - - - Auditor Corporate Katsumasa Muneyoshi - - - Auditor Total - - 183 0.00

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Note 1) The Corporate Auditors, Takeharu Nagata, Akira Nakata and Katsumasa Muneyoshi are outside statutory auditors as defined in Article 2, Item 16 of the Companies Act.

Note 2) Koichi Maeda, who served as Executive Director and Executive Vice President of the Target has resigned from the position of Executive Director of the Target as of the conclusion of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders held on June 22, 2010. The number of shares owned by such Executive Director as of the date of such change is 50,000 shares.

Note 3) The Target has adopted the executive officer system (shikkoyakuin seido) in order to promote the making of business decisions by the board of directors from the perspective of the SANYO group as a whole, and to strengthen the supervision and monitoring of the Target’s overall management by the board of directors, and to reinforce the Target’s business execution. The executive officers consist of the following thirty nine (39) members:

Position Title Name

Seiichiro President Sano

General Manger, Corporate Planning H.Q. Senior Susumu Head of Corporate Reform Executive Furuike Vice President Head of IT Head of Production Engineering

Head of Energy Business

Executive Mitsuru Head of Energy Solutions Vice President Homma Head of Public Relations General Manager, International Sales & Marketing H.Q.

Executive Head of Procurement Junji Esaka Vice President Chairman, SANYO Consumer Electronics Co., Ltd.

Senior Vice Masato Ito Company President, Mobile Energy Company President

Senior Vice Morihiro Head of Quality & CS President Kubo Company President, Digital System Company

Senior Vice Shigeharu Head of Corporate Management President Yoshii

Senior Vice Kenjiro General Manager, Finance H.Q. President Matsuba

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Senior Vice Hidetoshi Company President, Commercial Solutions Company President Arima

President, SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Vice President Teruo Tabata Head of Solar Technical Strategies

General Manager, Strategic Business Promotion H.Q. Vice President Shinya Tsuda General Manager, R & D H.Q. General Manager, Environmental Management H.Q.

Keiichi Vice President Head of Projector Division, Digital System Company Yodoshi

Katsuhisa Vice President General Manager, Quality & CS H.Q. Kawashima

Vice President Satoru Hotta Deputy General Manager, International Sales and Management H.Q.

Tetsuhiro Vice President Head of Solar Division Maeda

Yoshio Vice Company President and Head of International Sales Management Vice President Watabe Division, Commercial Solutions Company

Head of Business Management Division and Head of Airconditioners Vice President Takao Ando Division, Commercial Solutions Company

Chief Regional Officer (Europe, Middle East and Africa), International Sales Vice President Takashi Hirao & Marketing H.Q.

Hirokazu Head of Domestic Sales Management Division, Commercial Solutions Vice President Teshima Company

Tsutomu Vice President Vice Company President and Head of TV Division, Digital System Company Nozaki

Shinji Vice President Company President, Electronic Device Company Takagaki

Kazuhiro Vice President and Head of Management Planning Office, SANYO Vice President Yoshida Semiconductor Co., Ltd.

Hideharu Vice President Deputy General Manager, Corporate Planning H.Q. Nagasawa

Junichiro Vice President Head of DI Division, Digital System Company Tabuchi

Takahiro President and Head of Appliances Division, SANYO Consumer Electronics Vice President Wada Co., Ltd.

Masami Chief Regional Officer (North America), International Sales & Marketing Vice President Murata H.Q.

Fumitoshi Vice Company President and Head of Global CRM Division, Mobile Energy Vice President Terashima Company

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Vice President Hiroki Osaki Deputy General Manager, Finance H.Q.

Senior Executive Director and Head of Automotive Division, SANYO Vice President Isao Oba Consumer Electronics Co., Ltd.

Vice President Teruaki Naito Head of Internal Control Office

Yoshinori Chief Regional Officer (Asia Pacific and India), International Sales & Vice President Nakatani Marketing H.Q.

Vice Company President and Head of Mechatronics Division, Electronic Vice President Keizo Mori Device Company

Katsushiro Vice President Head of Lithium-Ion Battery Division, Mobile Energy Company Goto

Vice President Akira Ibaraki Head of Optical Electronics Division, Electronic Device Company

Hiroshi Vice President Head of HEV Division Ikeuchi

Setsuo Vice President Head of Management Planning Office, Electronic Device Company Takatori

Yasuhiro General Manger, Corporate Marketing H.Q. Vice President Shibata Deputy General Manger, CRM H.Q.

Vice President Yasuo Kondo Head of Hyper Device Division, SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd.

Vice President Takao Yajima General Manager, IT System H.Q.

Note 4) The above information (including Notes 1 through 3, but excluding the shareholding ratio to total number of issued shares) was prepared based on the Target’s securities report for the 86th term submitted on June 23, 2010.

Note 5) The shareholding ratio of each executive officer to the total number of issued shares is rounded to the second decimal place.

Note 6) According to the quarterly report for the first quarter of the 87th term, which was submitted by the Target on August 4, 2010, there were no changes in directors and officers during the period starting from the day after June 23, 2010, which is the filing date of the securities report for the 86th term, until August 4, 2010, which is the filing date for the quarterly report for the first quarter of the 87th term.

4. Other Matters (i) As announced in “ON Semiconductor to Acquire SANYO Semiconductor from SANYO Electric in Strategic Transaction” (http://sanyo.com/news/2010/07/15-1.html) on July 15, 2010, the Target passed a resolution to enter into a purchase agreement pursuant to which the Target agreed to transfer all of the shares it holds in the Target’s consolidated subsidiary, SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd. and the loan receivables held by the Target

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against SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd. to Semiconductor Components Industries LLC, the head office of which is located in the State of Arizona, USA. Semiconductor Components Industries LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ON Semiconductor Corporation, the head office of which is located in the State of Arizona, USA, and which is listed on NASDAQ. According to the Target’s announcement, the purchase price is planned to be approximately 33.0 billion yen, and is subject to adjustment, which will be made based on amounts of cash and deposit, etc. that exist as of the closing date.

(ii) According to the press release announced by the Target on July 16, 2010, titled “Notice Concerning Change of Subsidiary (SANYO Electric Logistics Co., Ltd.),” the Target accepted a tender offer to be made by LS Holdings Co., Ltd., a company owned by an investment fund managed by the Longreach Group for all of the shares it holds in the Target’s consolidated subsidiary, SANYO Electric Logistics Co., Ltd., and, as a result of the successful completion of the same tender offer, SANYO Electric Logistics Co., Ltd. will be changed from the Target’s subsidiary to the subsidiary of LS Holdings Co., Ltd. on July 30, 2010, the settlement date of the tender offer. According to the press release, owing to the transfer of share as a result of the successful completion of the tender offer, the Target expects to post 9.4 billion yen for non-consolidated financial results and 4.2 billion yen for consolidated financial results as capital gain in the financial results for fiscal year ending March 2011.

(iii) The Target announced its “Revision to Forecast for the 1st Six-month of the Fiscal Year ending March 2011” on July 28, 2010. The summary of the announcement is as follows. The information below is extracted from the announcement made by the Target, and the Company is not in a position to verify the accuracy and the validity thereof and has not verified the same.

(The content of the announcement made by the Target) SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. (SANYO) has revised its forecast for first six-months of the Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2011 (FY2011; for the period from April 1, 2010 through September 30, 2010) announced on May 6, 2010.

1. Forecast for Consolidated Financial Results (Unit: Millions of yen) Net sales Operating income Income (loss) from continuing operations, before income taxes Previous Forecast 850,000 11,000 3,000 (A) Current Forecast 820,000 24,000 22,000 (B) Change (B-A) (30,000) 13,000 19,000 Change (%) (3.5) 118.2 633.3 Six-months of 766,404 6,468 (28,903) FY2011 ended Sep. 30, 2010 Previous forecast announced on May 6, 2010.

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Reasons for Revision Regarding the forecast for the first six-months of fiscal year ending March 2011(FY2011), the operating income is expected to surpass previous forecasts thanks to a combination of improved results in photovoltaic systems, optical pickups, capacitors, and car electronics businesses and group-wide cost reduction activities. In addition, income from continuing operations, before income taxes and net income attributable to SANYO are expected to show significant increases from increase in the operating income and expected capital gain due to the stock transfer of SANYO Electric Logistics Co., Ltd. which is planned to be done in the second quarter of FY2011. As a result, the forecast for the first six-months of FY2011 has been largely revised upward. For net sales, approximately 57 billion yen is excluded in accordance with the semiconductor business being classified as discontinued operation.

The full year forecast for FY2011 will, however, remain the same, due to the uncertain economic situation in Europe and United States and uncertain foreign exchange rate fluctuation which are expected to continue.

Note) The semiconductor business has been a discontinued operation since first quarter of the FY2011. In accordance with this, any figures attribute to the semiconductor business which is classified as discontinued operation in accordance with United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S.G.A.A.P), is excluded from revised net sales, operating income, and income before income taxes and attributable to noncontrolling interests from continuing operations. Accordingly, SANYO has reclassified the results of first six-months of the Fiscal Year ended March 31, 2010.

(iv) According to the press release announced by the Target on August 20, 2010 entitled “Notice Concerning Dissolution of Subsidiary (SANYO GS Soft Energy Co., Ltd.) and Possible Inability to Collect Account Receivables,” the Target resolved to end the business of its consolidated subsidiary, SANYO GS Soft Energy Co., Ltd. (a joint venture between the Target and GS Yuasa Corporation; the Target’s investment ratio: 51%; hereinafter “SGS”), around the end of February 2011 and, thereafter, to promptly dissolve SGS and implement a special liquidation. In addition, in accordance with such dissolution, there arose the possible inability to collect the Target’s account receivables from SGS (a short-term loan of 4 billion yen (estimate)). According to said press release, the influence of SGS's dissolution and the Target's inability to collect account receivables on the Target's consolidated business results is minor.


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