From: Steven Donziger [
[email protected] Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 7:04 PM To: David Kuhn Subject: Book Proposal attached Attachments: kuhn Itr1S.doc; Chapter Outline2.doc; Characters.doc Let me know what you think ... I am certainly willing to do another draft, so do not hesitate to come back at me. Tks, SRD Steven Danziger 212-570-4499 (land) 212-570-9944 (fax) 917-566-2526 (cell) Steven R. Donziger Law Offices of Steven R. Donziger, P.C. 245 W. 104th St., #5 New York, New York 10025 Email:
[email protected] PLAINTIFF’S EXHIBIT 806# 11 Civ. 0691 (LAK) DONZ00006706 Page 1 of 1 Plaintiff's Exhibit 806# p. 1 of 40 Amazon Awakening American Oil, Rainforest Indians, and the Epic Legal Battle of Our Time By Steven R. Donziger Summary I propose a book, Amazon Awakening, documenting one of the epic environmental battles of contemporary times -- one that traverses two continents, pits indigenous groups in a remote part of Ecuador's Amazon rainforest against a giant American oil company, spans four decades, has billions of dollars in play in a high-stakes trial, involves a team of highly dedicated American lawyers including myself, and could end up saving the lives of thousands of rainforest dwellers. The battle is over who is responsible for the $6 billion clean-up of what experts believe is the worst oil contamination on the planet, created deliberately by Texaco (now Chevron) in Ecuador's rainforest from 1964 to 1992 to save a few cents on the barrel. This contamination is thirty times larger than the spill produced by the Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska.