EIGHTY FRIENDS partment executives declare they litz, Miss Eliza Elley, Miss 'An- na Kustanski SURPRISE MISSIONARY art confident that they do not ex- LOCALBANK PLAN CELEBRATED48TH P~e~ t~e ~eig%bori~ff ~tate ~ r~ise ELECTIONOFFICLRS ' I Piano solo ...... Miss Adams TUSCOLAREPEAL an~ objection to Michigan's system. 'Dialogue, !~udie and Anna !!ur- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Tuckey en- The states' which have approved tanski tertained on Friday, about eighty ANNIVERSAR the plan formally are Ohio, Illi- iNS|i]UC|iON ME[| Song ...... Mrs. Cole mEEi CA DiDATE TO REORGANIZEfriends and members of the Mizpah nois, Indiana, Kentucky (pleasure Song ...... :... Mrs. Avery and Riverside Mennonite churches cars oniy), Tennessee, , Song', "God Be with You Till We Voters Will Make Choice Be- in honor of Rev. G. M. Powers .of Mr. and Mrs.'J. S. McCrea Utah, Province of Ontario, New Will Be Held on March 25; Meet Again," by Grange. Expect Examination by Bank- Nigeria, Africa, who has been the Married in Ellington Jersey, New Hampshire, Colorado, Other News frown The evening was: closed with a tween W. H. Cook and ing Department at evangelist for both churches since Alabama, Georgia, New York, potluck supper. A. D. Gallery Early Date. Jan. 1..The event was a complete in 1885. Connecticut, M~ryland, Maine, Ar- County Seat. On the evening of April 12, the surprise to Mr. Powers. kansas, Louisiana, South Dakota, Ellington Grange will visit the The bountiful potluck dinner Candidates whose names will ap- Mr. and Mrs. James S. McCrea, Oregon, Oklahoma, South Caro- Probate Judge H. Walter Cooper Gagetown Grange at the home of M. B. Auten and Frederick H. served at noon was followed by an pear on the ballot to select Tus- well known couple here, celebrated lina, West Virginia, Rhode Island, was confronted with the poignant Hugh Carson and have charge, of Pinney returned Monday from a afternoon of devotional .services, cola county's representative to the their 48th wedding anniversary Massachusetts, Vermont, District task on Tuesday of committing to the meeting. conference in Lansing with the talks and musical numbers. Rev. state convention called for ratifi- Sunday, March 19, at their home. of Columbia, and Florida. the Pontiac State Hospital, Joseph State Banking Department officials G. D. Clink, pastor of bath church- cation or rejection of the proposed Owing to weather conditions in- Following a request of the legis- Storm, 20, of Akron and a fresh- and a representative of the Federal es, gave a short address. Rev. BAPTIST S. S. TO 21st amendment to the United vited guests from out-of-town Were lature, Secretary of State Frank D. man student at Central State Reserve System, bringing with I Powers' talk on his life before and HAVE WINTER PICNIC States constitution were announced unable to be here, however a pleas- Fitzgerald extended the time for Teachers College at Mt. Pleasant. ,them a more definite idea pf what I after going] to Africa as a mission- this week by the committee of ant day was passed with Mr. and the use .of 1932 plates until April The young man came home for the the plans of those officials are in- i ary was filled with interest. Musi- There is to be a mid-year Sunday county officers designated to select Mrs. Sam Blades and family, Mr. 1. This extension was made be- week-end' Friday and that night be- sofar as they affect local banks. I cal .selections by the O'Dell group cause of the fac.t that many motor- School picnic at the Baptist church them under the terms of recently For a limited time longer it will 1were much enjoyed. and Mrs. Ray Hulburt and family, came violently deranged. Dan McCrea, Wm. Turner and Mrs. ists and companies owning fleets of ~Friday evening, March 29, with a enacted Heidkamp bill.. be necessary for both banks here/, John Tuckey, in behalf of .the trucks were unable to secure funds picnic dinner. Each class arranges Wilbert H. Cook of Akron, Mudge being present. A bountiful County Clerk Morrison has called to continue doing business on thd] Riverside congregation, presented which were in banks. No further their own menu and scheme, while pledged to vote in the convention very limited basis which has ap- / Mr. Powers with a new 405 Win- dinner was served at noon and the a meeting: of election officials of afternoon spent in visiting and re- extension will be made and after games, such as boat race, swim- for repeal of the 18th amendment, plied for the past few weeks, while ches.ter rifle. Mrs. Win. Coulter of April 1, motorists will be required the 23 townships of Tuscola county ming race, high dive, tug of war, will oppose Arthur D. Gallery of calling old times. on Saturday, March 25, at the court in the meantime plans are being the Mizpah church pre~ented him to have either 1933 plates or 1932 etc., will be carried out. No charge, Caro, pledged ,to vote in the con- formulated in Lansin~ to permit with a friendship quilt. Virgil Mr. and Mrs. McCrea were m/~r- house when a school of ins.truction ried in Ellington by Rev. Cope on pla.tes with the windshield permit. and it is for all ages in the Sunday vention for retaining the 18th the re-organization of all banks in Spitler of Gagetown took a photo- will be held and state and conven- School. amendment. the state which are nbt in a post' graph of the group at the close of March 18, 1885. Mr. McCrea was tion bMlots will be delivered to born and reared in that vicinity The form of the ballot will be tiofi at this time to permit the the program. township officials. as follows: withdrawal of all their deposits at and Mrs. McCrea came from Cana- da. The couple spent all but fif- "Delegates to the convention 100 cents on every dollar. FIAL PAY E YS Circuit Judge Henry H. Smith THE [ANSIN0 called for the purpose of ratifying In general, this plan of re-organ- visited the new Tuscola court house or rejecting .the following pro- jzatiSn will operate in somewhat this community, those years having on Tuesday for the firs.t time since lived on a homestead in North- posed amendment to the constitu- .th~ following manner. After a the completion of the new county tion of the ": thorough appraisal of all of the as- ~ROW L[S~ B[AN~ lwestern . Eight children building'. Judge Smith was taken MERRYG0-ROUND came to gladden the home and are "Sec. I.~ The eighteenth article sets of a bank, with present day val- severely ill late in December and of amendment to the constitution ues applied to everything', it will be i all living: Mrs. Ray Hulburt, Mrs. Edifice, Pride of County, Cost o Sam Blades, and Dan McCrea in his last sight of the interior of ,the Governor Suggests Obstruc- of the United States is hereby re- determined to what extent that $178,000 in Round incompleted building was a few pealed." present value of the assets wiil per- I Cass City, Howard in California, tionist Legislators Take Potato Growers Plan to Re- Malcolm in the army, at present in Numbers. days afer the Christmas holiday. "Sec. 2. The transportation or mit the bank to pay its money out to a Vacation. importation into any state, terri- the depositors. It will be deter- duce Their Acreage 2 Wyoming, and Kenneth, Stanley [and Dennis in Canada.. Dennis Godfrey Schultz, county road tory or possession of .the United mined upon a percentage basis, States for delivery or use therein Per Cent. lives on the old homestead. Tuscola county's new court house commissioner, has received word By Fred D. Keister. equally applied to every depositor. is paid to the last cent, says Coun- that the March apportionment of of intoxicating liquors, in violation Friends join with relatives .in Lansing, Mich.--"It would be All assets of a depreciated present ty Treasurer Arthur Whittenburg, Reconstruction Finance Corpora- of the laws thereof, is hereby pro- Michigan farmers are consider- congratulating them and wishing fine," observed His Excellency, !the value or of a doub.tful value will be who issued the final payment tion funds for Tuscola county roads hibited.'l ing some rather drastic re-adjust- them many more happy married Governor~of Michigan, 'if the legis- so considered, and only the assets checks to 13 firms on Monday. The ds available. Five hundred dollars "Delegation for repeal of the ments in crop acreage for 1933, ac- years together. lators who are permitting politics which are perfectly sound and of total cost of the. handsome new call- will be expended on 46-8, $2,000 on eighteenth amendment and ratifica- cording to the Intentions to Plant of either party to prevent action on present value will be used in de- rice is $178,000.00 in round num- 46-9, and $800 on 81-12, according tion of .the twenty-first amend- report released by the Michigan relief legislation sorely needed by ciding" to what extent a bank may bers. These figures do nb.t include %0 plans of the county road commis- ment." Co-operative Crop RepOrting Ser- Confederate Bills, all of Michigan, would take a vaca- release its deposits. On this basis, the landscaping ,costs. sion. Men will be placed on these [] Wilbert H. Cook. vice. Although bean growers tion at the Thousand Islands and i~ it is decided that a bank may Final payment checks were is- projects as soon as possible. A "Delegation against the repeal of throughout the state reduced their Relies of S. S. Jones remain a month on each island." release only 50% of its deposits at sued to the following firms and ~ crew will probably be set to work the eighteenth amendment and acreage materially in 1932, a fur- The newshawks, those eagle-eyed the present time the remaining on Monday if frost conditions do ratification of the twenty-first 50% each depdsitor's account ther cut appears probable this year. In these days when script is men- amounts: and hard boiled watchers in the of Englehart Bros., plumbing not interfere. If%he weather con, amendment." will then be withheld until such The indicated acreage for 1933 is tioned so often, S. S. jones of tower, are unanimous in believing I and heating ...... $2136.08 ditions are unfavorable, removal of [] Arthur D. Gallery. time as further releases may be only 417,000 acres or 13 per cent Greenleaf resurrected some Con- in the sincerity of purpose of Gov- Monroe Benbrook Co., wood brush will be made. On Friday, at made .on an equal basis to each less than that harvested last sea- federate paper money which he ernor Comstock, and equally unan- Probate Judge H. Walter Cooper, furniture ...... 1459.50 Caro, Harry Hagenen a~d Mr. son. Allowing for abandonment in finds his friends much interested imous in .the opinion that his eye County Clerk S. W. Morrison. and depositor. McCauley Stee~ Metal Tiney of ,the state maintenance de- It was contemplated by the State past years, such an acreage would in. This money was brought back and mind are on the immediate Presecutor Maurice C. Ransford Works, ventilating ...... 485.00 partment conferred with ,superin- Banking Department each de- be the smallest planted in this from .the South when W. J. M. present, rather than on the second were members of .the committee that Wm. L. Potts, electrical tendent of maintenance of Huron, positor should receive preferred state since 1921 and is 133,000 Jones, Mr. Jones' father~ had com- Tuesday in November, 1934. He is who made the nominations. equipment ...... 70.20 Sanilac, Tuscola, St. Clair and La- stock or certificates of indebtedness acres or 24 per cent smMler than pleted his service with the Union t not being crowded or jostled in Rite Way Shade Co., vene- peer counties. .~ of the bank for that percentage of the 10-year average harvested forces in the War of the Rebellion. this position, however, for most of One is a bill which says that tian blinds ...... 113.85 Sickness Kept his deposit which will have to be amount. A yield equal to the 10- Wm. H. Kuni, architectural the men in power and a large ma- held up at the present time, and year average on such an acreage "Six months after the ratification jority of the members of the legis- of" a treaty of peace between the services ...... 1885.66 Robt. Brown Passed Pastors from Pulpits that this preferred stock or certifi- would result in a production of Walker & Co., additional lature are playing for the gallery ed/tee of indebtedness shall be is- 4,337,000 bushels (2,337,000 bags) Confederate States and the United instead ,of the goal. It may be States of America, the Confederate lettering ...... 15.69 Away Wednesday Two Cass City ministers were sued to the depositors under .terms compared with last year's large Aft Metal Construction Co., necessary, added the governor,' to which will require it to be re- crop of 7,090,000 bushels (4,254,000 States of America will pay $5.00 to unable to fill their pulpit appoint- metal equipment ...... 1071.86 Fighting courageously and pa- adjourn the legislature and go di- deemed by the bank within a peri- bags). The United States report bearer. Fundable in 8% stock ments Sunday because of illness. C. M. Kelly, general con- tiently for 4a~ years against the rect to the people with a program od of a few years. It will be re- bonds of ,the CoSederate States." Rev. T. S. Bo.ttrell has been ill on field beans shows 1,343,000 tract ...... 5450.63 ravages of tuberculosis, death fi- for the forgotten taxpayer. deemed, of course, just as fast as It is dated at Richmond, Va., Sept. since March 15 with the flu. On acres indicated for harvest this Herbert A. Daly, overhang- nally claimed victory over Robert the slow and doubtful assets of the year, which is nearly equivalent to 2, 1861. Oscar G. Olander, Michigan di- Sunday, Rev. F. Field of Port Hu- i.ngs and cur.tains ...... 67.65 Brown late Wednesday afternoon, bank can be .turned into money, and the 1,348,000 acres harvested in The other bill is for the amount rector of public safety and com- ron, district superintendent~ sup-~ John Stamos, labor and March 22, at his home on West at any rate must be redeemed 1932. A net increase of 42,000 of $10.00 payable two years after missfoner of the state police, heart- plied the pulpit at the M. E. church. electrical wiring ...... 17.00 Houghton street. within the period of years which acres is reported for the pinto the ratification of peace. ily endorses the comment of the On Sunday morning at 8:30 Englehart Bros., motor ...... 71.00 Born October 28, 1900, near Bad will be specified, probably five states ~vhile the Great Northern Mr. Jones, the soldier, brought Florida judge, U. O. Thompson, o'clock, Rev. P. J. Allured discov- Hall Electric Co., electri- Axe, he came to Case City with his years. area reports ,a prospective acreage home a quar.t measure of bullets who sentenced the assassin Zan- ered that. a severe attack of laryn- cal wiring ...... 875.00 parents at the age of four years. • This plan really amounts to tell- practically the same as that • har- picked up from the battle-field of gara to the electric chair after gitis would keep him from preach- ing depositors of the bank that Gettysburg and these are now in He attended grade and high schools Mayor Cermak's death and ,the at- ing that day. Services were con-. vested in 1932. here and at the age of 1.6 went to they will not be permitted to with- Michigan potato growers plan to the possession of his son, S. S. tempt to kill President-elect Roo- du.cted in the morning as usual at Detroit. He entered the employ of draw this percentage of their ac- reduce their acreage 2 per cent Jones. sevelt. Said Judge Thompson: the Presbyterian church, however. the Michigan Bell Telephone Co. in count for the time being. compared with that harvested in N[WS OF TH[ "There should be immediate legis- J. L. Cathcart read the sermon and that city as a lineman 14 years ago~ Both Mr. Auten and Mr. Pinn~y 1932. The 255,000 acres indicated lation by Congress f6r the confis~ Mrs. A. J. Knapp was in charge of and rapidly advanced ,to the posiZ seemed to be quite well satisfied for harvest in 1933 is the same as cation of all firearms illegally the worship hour. Local Dairymen Lion of automatic service man, in- With such an arrangement as this. the 10-year average harvested acre- owned. Three times assassins NEARBYS[ flO $ stalling several automatic service They have frankly admitted that age for ,this state. For the country roaming at large and permitted to Awarded Diplomas equipments in large buildings in BOY SCOUT NOTES. the banks in Case City were not in t as a whole the 1933 Intentions Re- carry pistols have assassinated a Detroit. such a condition that they could port indicates 3,185,000 acres which Happenings Here and There president of the United States." Charles Kirkpatrick of McGreg: His health broke down 4½ years After a vigorous work-out at repay every one of their depositors is 5.4 per cent less than the 3,368,- In this view, Commissioner Oland- or, R. H. Menish of Sandusky and Garnered from the Chron- ago, and in an effort to regain it, basket ball Monday evefiing, the in full at the same time, though 000~acres harvested in 1932. er thoroughly concurs. He would] A. H. Ainsworth of Carsonville he was a patient in sanatoriums in Scouts had a good drill on life sav- they have not doubted the fact Michigan's sugar beet acreage icle's Exchanges. like to see.• immediate prosecution I have received their diplomas from Michigan and spent nearly two ing, specifically, learning how to they would be able to repay each for the coming crop season is still of every dealer or pawnbroker sell- the National Dairy Association for years in . He came break free from the grip of a depositor if time were given them uncertain. Last year 11 of the ing fire arms in Michigan witho U t I' the year ending March 31, 1932, to Case City 1% years ago and has drowning man in the water. Sev- " to do so. Under this plan then, an state's 16 plants were operated at ,the written permit of chiefs of po- i through the office of the Sanilac Plans are being made by com- gradually failed in health, o eral grips were considered. The equal percentage of each deposi- practically full capacity and 121,, lice or sheriffs, as provided in the] county agricultural agent. mittees of the Brown City Wom- In May, 1921, he was united in next ,training will be to turn that .tot's ac~count will be segregated in- 000 acres were harvested. At- In order to receive recognition en's Club for tl~e holding of a May present lightly enforced Michigan man around in the water and swim to this preferred stock or certifi- tempts are being" made to ope~' marriage with Miss Florence Anne law. Representative Perry, of from this national association, the festival of the Sanilac County Oleson, who survives him with two him to shore. This takes consider- ca.tes of indebtedness, to be repaid more factories this year and a entire herd must produce 300 Federation of Women's Clubs in .Newberry, is reported to be fram- able land practice, after which the to the depositors as the banks are children, Robert and Betty Anne. maximum acreage is practically as- pounds or more of butterfat for the Brown City this spring, and for mg a rigid enforcement and pen- Scouts°to go to Bay City for the able to do so. It has riot ye,t been He also leaves his mother, Mrs. S. sured for as many plants as will year. the observance of annum Pioneer alty bill to strengthen the exist- same training in the water. Eight determined what percentages of.the H~: Brown, of Case City~ tw.o sisters, be able to run. Charles Kirkpatrick's herd of 23 day in which pioneer residents of ing statute. or nine of the boys are showing up deposits in the two local banks will Mrs. Mable Goff of Pontiac and Intentions reports on feed crops cows produced on an average of the community will be guests of very well: have to be withheld, as a complete for Michigan point to a corn acre- Mrs. Theo. Hendrick of Case City, Congressman Prentiss M. Brown, 321 pounds of butterfat. Mr. Ains- the club. and pne brother, Frederick, a stu- examination by ,the State Banking age the same as that harvested in Plans being' completed by ,the of St. Ignace, a newly elected Den- worth's herd of 13 cows produced a~e dent at Central State Teachers' Department will have to be made 1932, a 5 per cent reduction in U. S. government for the erection ocrat to the House of Representa- OIL STATION AT KARR'S 322 pounds of butterfat and Mr. .College at Mr. Pleasant. b~efore deciding that in each case. oats acreage, and a I0 per cent cu,t of a new coast guard station on tives, has been assigned a member- CORNERS ROBBED MONDAY ~Menish's herd of 6 cows produced F~neral services will be held at However, it is expected that this in barley acreage. If the indicated federal lands at Harbor Beach. ship on the important commi~ee on an average of 387 pounds of the residence on Saturday at 2:00 will be done within a short time figure of 1,200,000 acres of oats is The building will be 200 x 250 feet on banking. Mr. Brown is the Taking a glass out of the front butterfat. These records were p. m. and interment will be made now, so ,that normal business in not excee~led this will be the small- in size, with a channel to a dock president of the First National door of the gas station of the made for .the year ending March in Elkland cemetery. both banks here may again be re- est acreage of this crop in Michi- 31, 1932. for the coast guard boat. It is Bank in his home town, and his Michigan 0il Co. at Karr's Corners sumed at an early date. gan since 1901. The indicated Only a small number of dairy- thought construction will start in legal work has been largely devot- on M-81, robbers made their en- acreage of tame hay for the state men throughout the state have the May, and that the operations will THE TRAVELING GAVEL ed to the practice of civil and buM- trance and helped themseives to hess law. He was one .of the GOVERNOR EXTENDS is 2 per cent more .than that cut honor of receiving" these diplomas cost from $25,000 ,to $35,000. ARRIVES AT CEDAR RUN tobacco, cigarettes and candy Mon- last season, some further increase during any one year and each one At a special meeting of the Mar- Democrats who voted to give Pres- day evening. BANK HOLIDAY IN MICH. in alfalfa being anticipated. ident Roosevelt broad authority to of the men are, to be complimented lette village council, it was decided The Ellington Center Grange, The above estimates of acreage cut down appropmatlon" " S , including Governor William A. Comstock on developing a herd of such high to issue script in denominations of No. 1727, met with the Ellington CASS CITY MARKETS. indicated for harvest in 1933 are production. one dollar and five dollar vMues, congressional salaries, and the sav- issued his third proclamation rela- based upon an analysis of past re- Grange, No. 1650, Friday night, at ing of severM hundred million dol- which would be available for trad- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest March 23, 1933. tive to banks Wednesday, further lationships between repor.ted plant- lars a year now being paid to pen- extending the holiday for an in- ing purposes in local business Beardsley at Cedar Run, bringing ing intentions and final estimates places, the managers or owners of sioners who were not actually in- Buying price--- definite period. Under this procla- Half-rate Stickers with them the traveling gavel Wheat, No. 2, mixed ...... 45 of acreage harvested, assuming which would cooperate in this man- jured or stricken with disease in mation banks in the state will con- which is on its way home to Gage- Oats, bushel ...... 18 that farmers will encounter about ner. These scrip coupons are in military or naval service be,tween tinue operation as they have for Are Recognized town. About 80 were present. Rye, bushel ...... 31 the usual difficulties at planting the form of a promissory note, re- April 6th, 1917, and November the past month, and under the Ellington Center Grange con- Peas, bushel ...... 1.20 time and depart from expressed in- deemable in cash by Marlette vil- :~lth, 1918. The gentleman from terms of the emergency banking in Other States ducted the business meeting and Beans, cwt ...... !.50 tentions to the same extent as they lage, November I, 1933. St. Ignace favors the immediate legislation which was finally en- have in past years. The acrehges presented the following program: payment of the bonus and ,the pay- Light Red Kidney Beans,'cwt 1.60 acted Tuesday. actually planted may be. smaller Michigan motorists who operate Song ment of all claims for genuine war Dark Red Kidney Beans, cwt. 1.75 - or larger than those indicated in their cars on half-rate windshield MARRIAGE LICENSES. The Lord's Prayer by Grange service disability, but is opposed to Barley cwt ...... 50 COMING AUCTION. this report depending upon weath- sticker permits until August 1, will Reading ...... Mrs. Mudge maintaining athletes and veterans Buckwheat, cwt ...... 60 er conditions, price changes, finan- be able to 'drive in 28 other states Harold C. Brown, 21, Mayville; Piano solo ...... Miss Adams enjoying" good health on either Butterfat, pound ...... 17 S. B. CMley will quit farming cial conditions, legislation with re- without being stopped, according to Sallie Morse, 18, Caro. Song ...... Thomas Avery part or full time pensions. The new Butter, pound ...... 15 operations on his farm a mile west spect to limiting agricultural pro- formal assurances already received Harry K. Hall, 31, Mayville; Al- Reading ...... Mrs. Latshaw Congress is considering the wis- Eggs, doz ...... 9 of Gagetown on Wednesday, April duction, and the effect of the report by the Department of State. ' ma Brown, 25, Mayville. , Dialogue, Ruth and Dorothy Pol- dom of publishinig the names and Hogs, live weight..: ...... 3½ 5. Full particulars will be printed itself upon .farmers' actions. Ohio, Indiana and Illinoiis have J. D. Sheldon, 20, Caro; Marie lack pensions of all veterans who are Cattle, 2 4 in the Chronicle next week. notified the departmen.t that Michi- E. Scott, 19, Fairgrove. Accordion solo ...... Thos. Avery and have been engaged in paying Calves ...... 5 gan motorists using 1932 licenses Daniel Samuel Gray, 27, Vassar; Reading" ...... Matkin civic occupations in spite of their Hens ...... 8 13 Mr. and Mrs. Hazen McLachlan Fortune do~s not smile on those and the windshield permit, will not Flossie Barbara Euler, 25, Sebe- Reading ...... Mrs. Elley "disabilities." Springers ...... 8 13 spent the week with Mrs. McLach- who wait. It laughs at them. be stopped. OffMal notice of Wis- waing. One-act play, "Popkin family mak- White ducks, 5 lbs. and. up, lb. 7 lan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. isaac consi~Fs assent to the plan has not John i;~c~e~mn,"~ ~ v - C3, Cass City; ing a trip to New York," .M2rs. Lieut. Governor Allen Stebbins Advertise it in the Chronicle. Hall, returning" ,to Detroit Sunday. Advertise it in the Chronicle. been received as yet, although de- Eva Bailey~ 49, Caro. Jessie Moyer, Mrs. M$.ble Kei- Turn to page 5, please. /


• ~ .... ; " ' ~ust of Breathitt count, Scenes From Heart of Earthquake Zone [i Kentucky, when it became insol- • 0 News,4 Rev.ew of Current vent. i The assets of the bank were not sufficient to pay all depositors, and Events the World Over it was contended that money re- ceived from the United States by i veterans for insurance and disabil- ity allowanc@s was money of the National Topics Interpreted United States while on deposit in Congress Quickly Acts on President Roosevelt's Re- banks to the credit of veterans and by William Bruckart quest for New Legislation--Reopening of Banks was therefore entitled to priority. The Suprc:ma court decided other Wabi'Ang~Ono--:ihe banking cri~i~ Lhe decisl,s.ns e; the admini~-trad,o,=~.. Spurs Upturn in Business Activities. wise. through which the nation is passing illustrates better Sound money advocates have ex- \ F SPECIAL interest to Roman Real Danger than language the pressed much fear over the "emer- p RESIDENT R00SEVELT'S re- templated law are wheat, corn, cot- O Catholics is the allocution de- Not Realized delicacy of bal- gency banking legislation that was quest to congress that he be ton, cattle, sheep, hogs, milk, dairy livered by Pope Plus at the secret ance that exists enacted by congress with a speed given authority to make cuts in the products, tobacco and rice. consistory inaugurating the holy in normal times in the country's that has been equalled only in war salaries of government employees Along with this the President pro- year. His holiness financial structure and the money time. It is true that the law is noth- up to 15 per cent, poses the scaling down of farm issued a warning that we use in daily life. An ob- ing but wide open inflation. None and to make reduc- mortgages and a reduction in the that communism is ject lesson has been furnished also denies it, anywhere. The sound "tions in the amounts interest rates through agricultural attempting, to ex- in the methods developed by the money group, however, are not so paid to veterans, credit agencies, all of which are to ploit the world's po- federal government to deal with the fearful of the law as they would that authority to in- be consolidated under the direction litical and economic problem, for those methods show be if it were enacted as a perma- elude practically an of Henry Morgenthau, fir. disorders and ex- clearly how a misstep or a slip nent policy. Their only concern entire revamping of pressed a fervent would wreck all that has been ac- now is, and they seem justified in it, the government pol- ANKS began opening for busi- wish for disarma- complished, including restoration of over the question whether the icy as it applies to B ness on March 13. On that date ment and settle- public confidence. emergency provisions will be with- government expend- only banks connected with the Fed- ment of war debts. It has })een, and continues to be, drawn at the proper time. The taw itures, as it ap- eral Reserve system and located in The pontif be- an ordeal by fire or whatever meth- provides that its emergency sections stowed the Roman may be withdrawn by Presidential plies to veterans of Fedora1 Reserve bank cities opened Pope Plus ods they used of old as a test, for purple on six new President the World war and their doors under licenses from the President Roosevelt and his secre- proclamation, which would be an cardinals of the church and an- Roosevelt other wars, met Treasury department. Banks in all tary of the treasury, William H. action restoring the former cur- with a quick re- clearing house cities that had ap- nounced that two others would be Woodin. Thus far; Mr. Woodin has rency basis. If the currency is- sponse on the part of the house of plied for and been issued licenses elevated later. The six elevated retained his sense of humor, and sued under its provisions is taken representatives and the senate° either by the federal treasury, or were: Pietro Fumasoni-Biondi, for- it appears due to that fact alone that out of circulation slowly there The bill passed the senate by a in case of state banks, by state mer apostolic delegate at Washing- he has been able to last under the ought not to be any bad effects, ac- vote of 62 to 13. Forty-three Dem- banking departments, began open- ton; Archbishop Villeneauve of Que- strain of the perilous period. cording to the experts on money ocrats and nineteen Republicans ing on Tuesday, and those in the bec, Angelo Dolci, Archbishop Innit- As time passes since the memorable questions. voted for the measure; four Demo- smaller cities and towns on Wednes- zer of Vienna, Archbishop Costa of night of March 5, when the Presi- crats and nine Republicans against day. Florence and Archbishop Fossati of dent, by proclamation, closed the President Roosevelt is going for- it. There were no restrictions placed Turin. country's banks, and when he called ward in carrying out his prom- The vote in the house was 266 for on the banks in the way of limit° the congress into extraordinary ses- ises to reorgan- the measure and 138 against ito That ing withdrawals, except where the ITH a special message of only sion, it became more evident that Carries Out ize the government result was not achieved without depositor was attempting to secure W 72 words--the shortest Pres- the country could not know the real His Pramises as though he in- difficulty, and the difficulty came in sums that would indicate hoarding idential message ever written~ danger of the situation at its worst. tended to accom- the ranks of the President's party, when the person making the with- the President secured legislation That accounts for much of the so-, plish something. Heads are falling and its passage would not have been drawa] was required to state his amending the Volstead act and mak- crecy experienced during the sev- everywhere; new faces are appear- possible without the aid of Repub- purpose and give his name and ad- ing 3.05 per cent beer legal in the eral days succeeding March 5, when ing" with a suddenness that is quite lican members of the house. In a dress. United States. The President's 72 the treasury was unable to tell fully unusual even after a change in ad- party caucus 92 Democratic mem- The banks were also required not words were : what was happening. There had to mhfistrath)n, and plans are being bers bolted the President's leader- to pay out gold or gold certificates, % recommend to the congress the be a period in which to survey the formuluted that are announced as ship and voted against the measure, the embargo the President had passage of legislation for the imme- situation and consider as quietly as definitely in the direction of money their opposition being to that por- placed on gold being continued, and .diate modification of the Volstead frightened men could, what the best saving in the cost of government. tion of the bill giving the President vast amounts of the metal were be- act, in order to legalize the manu- course was. It must be stated, however, that dictatorial powers in the matter of ing returned to the banks. Up to facture and sale of beer and other In other words, to save the bank- the appointments thus far, for the expenditures for veterans. At the March 18 it was estimated the Fed- I beverages of such alcoholic content ing structure from wreckage and most part, have been generally rec- final roll call, 197 Democrats and 69 oral Reserve bank in New York had as is permissible under the Con- hold the currency of the nation up ognized as "plums." They are the :Republicans voted for the bill, and rece'ived more than $100,000,000 of stitution; and to provide through in the faith of the people, drastic higher-ups. Some animosity is be- 92 Democrats, 4~1 Republicans and hoarded gold and in Chicago more such manufacture and sale, by sub- action was required. ing aroused, and it is possible that than $23,,000,000 had been returned. ~ve Farmer-Laborites against it. stantial taxes, a proper and much It became evident immediately it will spread to congress where pol- Here are photos from the heart of the earthquake zone which took The returns throughout the nation Several members who were opposed needed revenue for the government. after the decision had been reached iticians want, and are counting 110 lives and did damage .to property estimated at $50,000,000 in the indicated a larger amount of gold to the bill but who did not wish to "I deem action at this time to be to close the banks until legislative upon, their share of the pie. Rifts Los Angeles area of Southern California. Photo No. 1 shows, a street brought back to the banks than the be recorded as against an economy of the highest importance." remedies could be enacted, that the may result. At any rate, the Presi- scene in Compton where 20 persons were killed by the collapse of a total withdrawal of the metal since measure, decided not to vote. The beer bill provides for an al- most diffficult job lay ahead. The dent has moved boldly on his ap- building; No. 2, shows the ruins of a high school building in Long February 1, though the government An analysts of the Vote shows that coholic content of not over 3.05 per banks could be closed with ease, pointments, thus far, Just as he Beach, the town considered the quake's epicenter and where 65 lives did not give out any definite state- but they could not be opened with moved with boldness in dealing with 68 per cent of the Democrats voting cent, for a tax of $5 a barrel, for were lost; No. 3, shows homeless and penniless refugees being" fed by meat on the subject. the same celerity. So a group of the banking crisis. and 62 per cent of the Republicans a license fee of $1,000 for each the U. S. at Long Beach. stood by it, but leaders said that the It was after the President had brewery, and the law to be effec- earnest men,. government officials, Attention should be called, in Democratic percentage for the meas- repeated and emphasized the em- tive 15 days after it is signed by the bankers and economists, set to passing, however, that in the bank- ure would have been much lower bargo he had placed on gold pay- President, which means beer will work to find out the way. ing crisis, Secretary Woodin relied ~a~A~k~Z~~~ ~j~ by ~the dramatic episode of the par- had not a parliamentary maneuver ments that Governor Blood of Utah be on sale shortly after the first of Those men recognized that pub- to an amazing extent upon the ad- ~~~g~%~~ alytic whose body was healed, and been invoked to prevent rebel signed a bill passed by the legisla- April. lic confidence was shaken. It had vice and co-operation of the men sins forgiven; we noted the Mas- l!ous members of the party caucus ture requiring "the treasurer of the The bill was passed by a strictly been disturbed by isolated cases who had preceded him in charge of L~~~ ter's ideal of Sabbath observance. from going through with their plans., state of Utah and of each taxing non-partisan vote. In the house such as had occurred in Michigan the treasury. Ogden L. Mills, for- Then we glanced at three of His Still another factor was credited subdivision within the state to pay 238 Democrats voted for it, and 58 and in . These had result- mer secretary, has participated in exquisite parables, and were eapti- with part of the favorable vote, and all public employees under their against; 73 Republicans~for and 39 ed in hundreds of thousands of peo- all of the many conferences. by' ~harlesE. D~an~ rated by their charms. We mar- that was the word passed around jurisdiction ingold coin." against, and 5 Farmer-Labor for. ple rushing to the banks to with- Respecting this sharing of the yelled at the serenity of Jesus in the house cloakrooms that President Where will Utah get the gold? Twenty members did not vote, and draw their money. That was-nat- labor, there is gossip around Wash- Jesus Our Example in Service. the midst of a violent tempest, and Roosevelt planned to denounce the The President, in a published there are two vacancies. ural. Whether it was right or ington that Mr. Mills and his asso- Lesson for Mar. 26. Isaiah 42:1-7. were impressed by His skill in tam- statement and also a national broad- opposition in a nation-wide radio Kansas was the only state whose wrong to be a hoarder does not ciates had worked out the program Golden Text: Acts 10:38. ing a raving maniac. We followed cast, detailed in simple language broadcast if the bill had failed of representatives voted solidly against figure here. The condition ° hap- for closing the banks and for their This is a review lesson, bringing the curious crowd that swarmed the reasons for the national bank approval. the bill, while the representatives of pened, and in order to reopen the reopening on a new basis, just as to a close our three months' study about Him, and rejoiced with Ja- .holiday and the plans for opening. i b It is believed the President will 18 states voted all wet. In seven banks, there had to be a measure has been done, but that' President of the life of Jesus as recorded Y irus over the recovery of his darl- He was careful to emphas'ize the make a saving of approximately states the representatives cast a of confidence re-established. Roosevelt, while still President- Mark's graphic gospel. By this time ing, and with the poor woman point that the time of opening any $385,000,000 in the expenditures for dry majority. Here is where the emergency elect, declined to sanction the plan. we are fully aware of the rapidity healed of affliction. bank was not determined by its banking legislation enters the pic- None knows, of course, ~#heti~er this ~eteran relief by cutting out all men The senate amended the house of Mark, and his emphasis on the Finally, we diverted our atten- relative condition, but by the ability ture. It proposed to make sufficient is true. It can be dismissed, there- whose disability, on which claims bill to include wine, to make the al- deeds of the Master rather than tion, for the moment, from the gos- of the officials of the Federal Re- funds available so that the banks fore, as being among the things that for relief are based, was not the re- coholic content of both 3.05 instead His discourses. Jesus stands be- pel record, that we might consider serve banks and of the Treasury could have all of the cash they are most interesting, if true. sult of war service. The reduction of 3.2 and to prohibit sale to chil- fore us now, after our loving exam- one of the toughest social problems, department to make the proper needed to pay out when their depos- in the salaries of government em- dren under sixteen years of age. ination of Mark's brief sketch, as a alcoholism. check for the issuing of licenses. itors called for it. Unless the ployees is expected to save approxi- The vote in the senate was 43 for The new administration, appar, ;tireless worker of unflagging in- He explained that banks that were banks could do that, there was no dustry. We marvel at His energy, In ~the next quarter our inspir- mately another $150,000,000. the bill and 30 against, also along ently is going to have nothing not sound would not be permitted use to reopen them; if they could a heavenly capacity dispensed with- ing studies in Mark will contimle. In the senate an effort was made strictly non-partisan lines. to do with crop to open except under government do that, nearly all of us were made out haste or loss of poise. We have already covered six chap- to delay the passage of the act by It is estimated that $5 a barrel No Crop Price price stabilization. supervision for the purpose of re- to feel that there was no necessity We championed with John the ters. The remaininig ten are yet proposing amendments and the sen- tax on beer will produce about $125,- Stabilization K e n r y Morgen- organizing them. for taking our money out of the Ba~ptist, that intrepid herald who to be read. In them we shall find ate chamber resounded to the ora- 000,000 additional revenue. thau, Jr., who is The reopened banks were supplied tory of friends of the veterans bank, except, of course, the money the new chairman of the Federal foreshadowed the approaching Mes- new evidences of the beauty and af- with a liberal allowance of the new and of federal employees, battling that we had to spend for food and Farm board, is dead set against ft. siah. We went with Jesus into the fectiveness of our Lord's ministry, currency based on bank assets, but LANS for immediate reconstruc- against certain and overwhelming p clothes and ordinary expenses. He wants to get the governmer~t wilderness, there to share in His and the authority of His teachings. in practically no ease was any of tion and rehabilitation are well odds to win some amendment to the out of the field as quickly as he temptation. We heard His first Best of all, we shall share in the this needed as the deposits exceed- under way in Los Angeles and its bill. Secretary Woodin several times can. And with the power he is preaching, and witnessed His~early glorious drama of His cross, and ed the withdrawals,, and in many suburbs, where earth tremors caused has expressed his amazement at the understood to have from the hands recruiting. We traced the events shall experience anew the riot.- cases the new currency was re- 115 deaths and property damage es- ]XTHILE the President has re- calm demeanor of of the President, there remains lit- of a busy Sabbath; we were thrilled rious power of His risenPresence. turned to the Federal Reserve timated, at $75,000,000: An appeal v v eeived Republican aid in se- has been made to the federal gov- People Calm the American peo- tle chance that Mr. Morgenthau curing desired legislation• for his banks. in Crisis pie in the crisis. ernment and the Reconstruction contemplates indulging in any op- ..... ,, nr- banking, economy and beer program, He said he be- erations sucl! as the previous Farm RESIDENT R00SE~rELT :ook Finance corporation for the major- he will probably not p ity of funds needed for rebuilding. lieved that no other people in the board employed to keep prices up. be able to depeud time out from the urging, of world would have accepted the sit- It might be said in eonm.-:ction .new legislation to give some con- Congress passed a bill, introduced ~pon it to the same uation with the same philosophical with Mr. Morgenthau's appoint- sideration to the tilting of impor- by Senator William G. McAdoo of extent at least for Los Angeles, for an emergency ap- calmness and understanding that ment, that eventually h.e will blos- t a n t diplomatic ~]!i~ his farm program. propriation of $5,000,000 to reIieve marked their attitude in the circum- som out as the agricultural spokes- posts. He has sent~~il}iill Here is That contemplates immediate distress. stance of a Presidential order that man for the president. He may giving Presi- the o, closed all banks at one stroke of the The earthquake will probably give even overshadow the secretary of d e n t dictatorial err Worth Bing- ~f~~!.:.~ the pen. It made solution of the to science the first accurate records agriculture, Henry A. Wallace. Ttla~. powers in so manip- ham, Louisville. problem much easier. Of thatthere of just how the earth shakes dur- of course, is a guess, but Presi- FUEL ulating the price of Ky., as ambassador can be no doubt. ing such a disaster, information dent Roosevelt wants to amalga- farm products as to to Great Britain; i{{{!!i{}!~i{i!!{i!i~{ii~i{{~il}ii!i$1i::ii{::;i:ili::::~iiii!iI It may be several months before which may be highly valuable in mate all of the various agencies bring them up to banking, as we have known it in having to do with farm credit and president of R: H. constructing buildings to withstand Thafs what is termed a Secretary normal times, will be operating make them function as one unit. Maw & Co., New ~:::-:::z earthquakes in the future. parity price. The Wallace ~" again. But that should not be dis- Supervision of this work is slated Y o r k department ~i::}::i!}iii~j~}i!!:@::::i~ contemplated 1 a w 'i:i:~:?i:!:!. ======::l couraging. The banking operations HE French cabinet is sounding to be placed in Mr. Morgenthau'g would authorize the President act, store, as ambassa- ii~ii [!~ii, that are not going to go forward as out the members of the chamber hands, and it takes no stretch of Dependable flor to , and T tng through the secretary of agri- Jesse i. Straus they used to will be of the type the imagination to foresee the trend Josephus Daniels, I of deputies in an attempt to whip culture, to fix a parity price of each that does not interfere with the bulk of events. war secretary of the navy, under up a majority in favor of paying There is no heat so satisfactory as coal heat farm product" that is, a price at of the folks. Ordinary transactions Of course, one of the reasons why whom Mr. Roosevelt served as as- the $19,261,432 war which the producer of the product can even now be carried out the rearrangement was planned, tt and there is no coal more dependable than those we sistant secretary, as ambassador to debt installment to would be placed on a parity with through the banks without the was stated, is to effect savings of Mexico. the United States carry in stock. the producer of manufactured ar- slightest hitch. The story it tells government money. The President At least one of these will meet which was default- ticles. For example, the secretary is,one of accomplishing what many thinks such an organization will not of agriculture might declare $1 a with some opposition in the sen- ed on December 15. observers here feared were insur- A COAL FOR EVERY NEED. Former Premier be so expensive to operate. But it bushel to be the parity price of ate. Senator Arthur Robinson mountable difficulties when they Herriot has been remains to be seen whether this will wheat. The object then would be (Rep., Ind.) announced that he first arose. lobbying in the gov- be true. to manipulate the price of wheat would offer evidence that Mr. Bing- I There was much that was not ernment's behalf, The experienced observers in ~pward until the desired parity ham had made speeches in England i written for the metropolitan press seeking pledges to Washington take the position that Daniel BOo~oLump Size. price should be reached. which caused him to be labeled as 1 in the stress of the perilous week vote favorably in it is easy to se e where savings can In order to raise the prices of "apologetic American." ] of March 5. Things happened so case Premier Dala- be made in eliminating useless or farm products the secretary of agri- Advisers of the President, how, I fast .and the dangers were so grave surplus agencies of the government. culture under the terms of the bill ever, ' declared that he was ful}y sat- I dier should decide Premier that many trained newspaper cor- to bring the matter Yet, it is [tot so easy to attain those would invoke various devices. He respondents found themselves at a Miller Creek FurnaceEggsize. to a vote. Herriot Oaladier savings. Payrolls in government of- might employ the domestic allot- loss to present the picture. They has been telling the deputies that flees, once established, nearly al- ment plan to influence the prices all issues emphatically and pa- were handicapped, of course, by the it is necessary to act quickly, as the ways have a tendency to grow, and of one group of commodities and tr'iotically. _ secrecy that the officials found nec- government would like to have the the politicians proceed to fill places the government land leasing plan in essary and consequently there was payment coincide with the departure as fast as they can and to create Phoenix Lump Size, the case of another group. ~[ ~0RLD war veterans, ctoherU~te- confusion. Hence, it appears like- of the new French ambassador to new jobs where possible. The re- Secretary Wallace insists that' it v v ed States Supreme ly that some months must elapse Washington. sult is, and it applies to the pro- cided, are without priority over before there can be an analysis of would not be a price fixing law for posed unification of farm credit PROMPT DELIVERY. ORDER TODAY. the reason that no price wouldbe other depositors in the claims I the circumstances. At least, there /~ TORNADO swept the Tennes- agencies as well as others, those fixed by fiat. Instead, a price would against insolvent banks for the] must be more time before we can ~ see-KentUcky border from the now on the payroll are more than be declared to aim at and the money received from the United learn from the experience of these Mississippi river to the Cumber- likely to stay. How they will be measures adopted would be those States. The ruling was handed events what the lessons were and ! FARM PRODUCE CO. land mountains, killing 30 persons, squeezed off is something that none I Judged most likely to raise the price down in a case involving a deposit ~ what can be done to prevent a re- I injuring more than 200 and d~d here have been able to answer to to the point desired° ! of approxhnately $6,000 which Sam currence of the dangers and the un- Telephone 54 Spicer had in the ~argis Bank and damage estimated at $i,000,000. The products covered in the con- wise moves, if there were such in 1933. ~Vestern Union. (~. 1933, Western Newsoal~er Union. ©, Newspaper CASS CITY, MICHIGAN. CASS CITY CHRONICLE FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1933. PAGE THREE. m] J. Lee Evans, Mrs. Evans and Webster, and family the~ first of lAlpine and son, Kenneth, of Bad GAGETOWN. NOVESTA. Mrs. Roy Ashcroft were callers in the week. I Axe. I HUGE PROJECTS ARE, ! Cass City Tuesday forenoon. COMPLETED IN 1932 Senior Play-- We did not like the ice storm, Roy Ashcroft returned to Pon- Miss Mary Belle Hartsell was I The Senior class ,of the Gage- but many folks fell for it. tiac ,to go back to work. called to Caro Friday to see her HOSPITAL NOTES. town high school are presenting I. W. York of Lansing, field rep- Faye Clark, who was on the sick brother, Melvin Hartsell, who had I __ _ Engineers Push Conquest their play at Elkton Friday eve- resentative for the Auto Owners' list, is: a lot better. been fatally injured in an accident t Mrs. Win. Phettaplace returned Jack Sharkey, heavyweight cham- ning. The characters are as fol- Insurance Co., was a business cal- Rev. Hazzard and family at- in Flint. He passed away on Mon- 1 to her home on Wednesday of last pion of the world, recently went of Natural Forces. lows: ler at the A. H. Henderson home tended church at the Free Metho- day and funeral services were held ! week. ;-hunting in Canada. He had a splen- Mrs. Samuel Warren .... Louise Thiel on the 16th inst. dist church in Shover Friday eve- Wednesday. She returned hometo Wallace Fritz of Pigeon, who ~did arsenal with him. There were Washington.--How man pushed Miss Gloria Warren .... Helen Free- Edgar Preston, who has been ning. the George Hartsell home Wednes-~] had been a patient for some time, :all sorts of rifles with all sorts of ahead on many fronts in his con- , day afternoon where she works. I was able to return home Wednes- man. spending some time at the home of Mrs. Rayworth's sister has gone sights. It happens that the moose quest of natural forces during 1932 Roxanna Blossom ...... Olive Nutt his brother, Robert, of Cambridge, ,to Pontiac to see friends. She was taken very ill after this lday , March 15. in the reNon where Sharkey hunt: is shown in a bulletin from the Na- and is bein~ taken care of at the i John Burns of Kingston is still Antoh~cttc (Tony) ~Varre~ ~eth- ?,~k:}~., re:turned home on Wedncs ?,~rs. Cora A!field is spending a ,ed ~re ro~Hy ~ iittie o~t of his tional Geographic society, oui;]iMmg ;Mart~ Ha~"r.~ei~ bome~ We wish i p~+~,.~ ~.... erine Hunter. day iast, bringing his brother with few days in Cass ,City. ~class. They seem to belong to the so,he of the outstanding engineering J her a speedy recovery. I a ...... Brant Alien ...... Thomas Seuryneck him. Robert is in poor health. Mrs. Catherine Orr of Caro was lighter divisions. The one Sharkey movements of the year. Despite George Peters of Kingston was [ Lily, a maid ...... Metva LaFave a busines caller in Wilmot Monday able to return home Saturday. :shot, so they tell me, would have financial difficulties, dams, bridges, ...."Mrs. A. H. Henderson visited on As Norris Mellendorf's birthday! Maggie, a maid ...... Mable Anthes night. ', Emma Cook is still a patient weighed in with Kid Chocolate. tunnels and other significant works Wednesday of last week with Mrs. was on Monday, March 20, a birth- Cuppers, a butler ...... Lloyd Fink- Miss Mary Waxiell, who has l here. Nevertheless, he brought home the have reached completion or pro- Lucinda Williams in Cass City. day dinner was served in his honor l been working in Deford, is home' Emmett Elwell, who for some antlers and displayed them to an gressed in all parts of the world. binger. 3 Mr. and Mrs. William Holeomb on Sunday. The following guests Emmerson Hawley'....Henry Kelley for a time. time had been ill at his home, was ~acquaintance. "Most important of the dams com- and family of Redford, Mich., vis- ~were entertained at dinner, Mr. Sadie Tweed ...... Vernita O'Rourke brought to ,the hospital Wednes- "What are you going to do with pleted was that at Dneprostroy ited over the week-end at the home Mrs. Chas. Woodruff spent the i and Mrs. Levi Helwig and children, Mrs. Merry ...... Felicia Haidzias day, March 15, for medical treat- them?" inquired the latter. "Fas- across the Dnieper (Dnepr) river, of Mrs. Holeomb's uncle and moth- week-end with her' son, Harry Lenora and Elwyn, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, a butler ...... Daune Wood ment. He passed away on Sunday ;ten them on the cat?" in the Russian Soviet union, about er, Ducan McArthur and Mrs. Sar- Woodruff, in Pontiac. Stanley Mellendorf and Paul Ha~- Miss Irene Dupree is directing evening. 150 miles north of the Black sea," ah Gillies. wick of Elktand, Miss Gladys the play. Brown and Mrs. Agnes Roberts of Col. Hugh L. Cooper, who re- says the bulletin. "Its construction The little baby of Mrs. John Mc- RESCUE. Grant and Mr. and Mrs. John Mac- Advertise it in the Chronicle. ~cently was decorated by the Soviet was superintended by American en- Robbie is very sick at present. government for his work as a con- Gordon Helmbotd, Gagetown gineers. The dam is 3,350 feet long Mrs. Phoebe Ferguson was a sulting engineer in Russia, has a sophomore, accompanied by Presi- Mr. and Mrs. Jess Putman and and 146 feet high. The maximum visitor on Thursday last in Cass beautiful estate at Stamford, Conn. dent Warriner of Central State sons, Alton and William, visited in capacity of its generators will be City, spending the day with Miss Anyone who has seen it wonders 900,000 horse power, which com- Teachers' College attended the Sat- I South Oliver last Wednesday eve- Nora Mioshier at the Wallace With- how Colonel Cooper could have pares with the 600,000 horse power urday program of the state stu- ning. Iey home. spent most of the last ten years in at Muscle Shoals. dent conference at the People's Mr. and Mrs. John MacCullum' The farm known as the Sam another country, even to build a "In the state of Bahia, Brazil, a church at East Lansing, Mar. 11. spent last Week visiting relatives The conference was under the di- Wagg farm on section 13, Novesta, $115,000,000 hydro-electric plant. huge power dam was completed and in Pontiac. set to furnishing energy to the city rection of the State Y. M. C. A. has changed hands again. The new purchaser is Milton Sudgen of Mr. and Mrs. William Tebeau of A famous surgeon performed an of Bahia (Sao Salvador). The struc- atudent committee and Dr. Henry Van Dusen, the guest speaker, who Elkland township, who takes pos- Pontiac are spending some time at ~)peration on an Eastern potentate ture of 1,150 feet long and 131 feet the Gilbert Tebeau home. high. is dean of men of the Union Theo- session this spring. wKo came to this country, and was Bower Connell of Pontiac spent :a bit uncertain as to what fee he -"Two widely separated projects logical Semir/ary in New York Mrs. Catherine Englehart was the week-end at his home here. should charge. Considering the op- on the North American continent City, gave a speech on " The Real- relieved to get a letter from her ~eration, the surgeon thought it was made available large amounts of ity of Religion." ~ son, Frank, who lives in Los An- Miss Vera MaeCullum spent the worth $5,000, but his wife disagreed energy without the construction of geles, Cal. They were not injured week-end at the Arthur Ellieott ila with him. She said that here was dams. The first was on the United Miss Esther Wald and Iris by the quake and had no property home. ,one patient who could afford to pay States side of the Rio Grande, near Flannery of Detroit spent the damage. It was a ,thrilling sensa- Mr. and Mrs. George Hartsell Eagle Pass, Texas, where, by grav- week-end with Mrs. Wald. tion were Cass City callers Saturday "In all rny llfe I never received a surprise equal to more. Finally, the surgeon took a however. the one this morning when your check was re- billhead, wrote on it merely, "The Ity diversion, an 80-mile canal was The Women's Study Club meet- Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Binder have afternoon. ceived/" writes Mrs. V/. Bittinger of Pennsylvania~ king can do no wrong," and sent it supplied with water whose flow wilt ing was potsponed until Thursday. moved to the Frank Hegler home. Miss Irene Ellicott visited a few in. There are stories that he got a produce electric energy before be- Miss Margaret Wald of Saginaw Mr. Binder is preparing to build a days at the Arthur Moore home check for all the way from $100,000 ing used for irrigation. The second spent the week-end with her moth- barn on his newly acquired farm last week. WHO can understand her reaction better than a busy was the Bea~iharnois project, in "" mother who is always confronted with the problem to $250,000. Anyhow, it appears to or, Mrs. F. Wald. in section 15. The class in religion wilt meet Canada, a 15-mile power canal be- of stretching a limited income? $51.813 extra in one have been a royal fee. Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Rocheleau The Ladies' Aid Society of the on Wednesday evening, March 29; tween Lake St. Francis and Lake month means so much to any family, and all Mrs. Bit° were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.. Novesta F. W. B. chm'ch met on with Rev. Harper, at the parsonage St. Louis, on the south side of the ringer invested was a 3¢ stamp and her spare time. Every time I go to Princeton I and Mrs. C. P. Hunter. Wednesday, March 15, with Mr. at Elkton. ~realize all over again what a beau- St. Lawrence river near Montreal. and Mrs. Roy Clark. About thirty- I This same opportunity is open to you. THE PARENTS" The hydro-electric plant operated Roy. Father McCullough spent Mrs/Jennie Martin will entertain 'tiful university it is, with its Goth- five were preser~t. Next meeting I MAGAZINE is the outstanding publication in the field by the canal water will furnish en- Wednesday in Detroit. the ladies' aid at her home this ~Ic buildings and its great campus will be with Mrs. R. E. Johnson at I of child study and parent education. It deals with every" ergy to Montreal. Elaine LaFave was surprised week. shaded by tall and ancient treem Deford on the second Tuesday in I phase of child care and training from crib to college. Until recently I supposed that the Colorado River Turned. Sunday afternoon when about 15 Mr. and Mrs. Eli Pine and sons The magazine now reaches more than 300,000 homes April. [ throughout the country--but there are scores of faro- university must have been found- "At the site of the Hoover dam, neighbor children celebrated her and Mr. and Mrs. James Dunn of ,ed by the Poes, but investigation birthday at her home. They all Colwood were Sunday visitors at flies in your vicinity who need and on the Colorado river, between want the guidance it offers. discloses that those mainly respon- Arizona and Nevada, work on what seemed to enjoy themselves anda ELLINGTON AND the John O'Rourke home'. delightful supper was served them. ,sibile were an Ebenezer Pemberton will be the world's greatest dam, is Mrs. Charles Britt, who has been Thee rewards for their new and re- ~of Harvard, and a Johnathan Dick- more than a year ahead of sched- Miss Mary Burdon was a Sunday NOVESTA. very ill, is somewhat better at this newal subscriptions can easily :inson of Yale. The latter was the ule. For the first time, probably, in dinner guest at the home of Mr. writing. We wish her a speedy bring you that Aame happiness, com- and Mrs. Henry Peteprin of Coil- first president, although the insti. millions of years, a section of the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stine were recovery. fort and security each month throughout the years Mall your re- -tution was then known as the "Col. bed of the Colorado river at a dam Ing. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mellendorf I lege of New Jersey" and situated site ts dry. On November 13 the Mr. Anthes is able to be around quest for details today. This 3¢ in- Mrs. Harvey O'Dell at Elmwood. ahd son, Norris, and Mrs. John Mc- vestment ca= yield enormous 4ivi~ .at Elizabeth. It was not until stream was turned into a tunnel, again after being.ill for many The dinner was in honor of Mr. Alpine and son, Kenneth, visited dendsS Aaron Burr was president that it bored in the canyon wall, and di- weeks. gtine's birthday which occurred on last Wednesday at the Stanley Mel- moved first to Newark and then verted for nearly a mile. On the Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bedore are Monday. lendorf home in Elktand. Dept. N, The Parents" Magazine "to Princeton. Nassau hall, which I ! site of the structure, thus left dry, the proud parents of a baby girl. Mrs. A. F. Jones is seriously ill Earl Webster of Detroit visited 114 East 32nd St., New York, N.Y~ :believe is Georgian in design, was the actual preparations are being Waldo Weiler New at ~the home of his brother, Ray I started in 1754 and finished two of at ,the Pleasant Home Hospital in made for laying the dam's founda- is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Anthony years later. Cass City. % tion. Weiier. Mr. Weiler has been ill "In Europe, the Moselle canal Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parrott and the past few days. They tell me that Johnathan Ed- first planned 180 years ago, was Kent were Sunday guests of Mr. I ...... J wards was one of Princeton's pres- completed. The 19-mile waterway Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ohring of and Mrs. Harry Tallmadge and idents. I know that Big Bill Ed- ts on the Moselle river, a tributary Saginaw are going to move in the family in Sandusky. wards was one of its guards. He of the Rhine, in northeastern place where Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. John Zinnecker played on two teams which beat France, and connects Metz and Thi- McDonald lived before movin~ in spent Sunday with the latter's par- Yale, in which victories Arthur Poe onville. their new home. ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cones. figured largely. The Poes appear'ed "In the United States, the Illinois Dr. K. M. Norris of Detroit was Mr. and Mrs. Luke Tuckey and in Princeton football suits in the waterway, making possible barge a caller in town Tuesday. family are moving to the Rober£ early 80s. S. J. Poe was the first. service between Chicago and New Mrs. Mary LaFave of Detroit is Gallagher farm, which they have Then came Edgar A. Poe, captain Orleans. was completed. now living" in the apartment over purchased. in '89 and '90. Next was the im- "In the United States five im- Miss Bureligh's store. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Turner and mortal Johnny Poe, and after him portant federal government high- Mr. and Mrs. Dan McKinnon of Cressy Steele spent Sunday after- Net Poe and Arthur Poe. ways, opening up historic and scenic Detroit spent Sunday in town. noon at the Mack Little home. spots, were put into use: the Mount Art LaCross of Alpena is visit- The penny arcades are doing a Vernon Memorial highway, from ing at Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKin- first-class business in New York. Washington to the home of George n0n's. WILMOT. It doesn't appear to be so much the Washington: the Trail Ridge road French Coffee 2 , -.45c depression price as a game the ar- tn the Rocky Mountain National Mrs. Charles Powelt died sudden- cades have put in= All of them now park, one of the hiehest scenic roads KINGSTON. ly at her home east and north of have one of those boards where you in the world; the Cadillac mountain Wilmot Monday night. shoot a marble up an ineline and road on Mr. Desert island: a new George Allen died at his home Edward Hopps spent last week Jewel Coffee :3 It falls Into one of various holes, 5o© scenic highwaY in Glacier National one-half mile west of town Satur- with his grandparents here as the -all of which are numbered. The park and a scenic road along the day, March 18, after several management offers prizes for high Ford trade school was closed for COUNTRY CLUB, DEL MONTE crest of a portion of the Blue Ridge months' illness. He leaves three the week. He is back to school scores and the players gamble on mountains in the Shenandoah Na- brothers, Wesley and Grant of this week. it. Crowds stand around waiting to tional park, Viroinia. MAXWELL HOUSE, BEECHNUT Northern Michigan, and Wright, Win. Wilcox is having trouble play. The big league ball players Railway Construction. who lived with him, and four sis- with his foot that was cut with AND WHITEHOUSE COFFEE, lb tin. ~ased to spend a lot of time on this ters, Mrs. Mamie Maxwell o~ Ohio, "Railways crept into new terri- an axe a eoupleof months ago. game in Florida last spring. Pep- tories on five Continents, and in Hattie of Ontario, Mrs. Daisy Pat- per Martin was an expert at it. New Zealand. The longest new rail- ton of Detroit and Lily of King- Mrs. Ed. Hartt and son, Barton, way in the western hemisphere was sion. He has lived in this vicinity were at Detroit Sunday to a birth- A man whose business it is to opened in northern Argentina in Au- for many years. Funeral services day party dinner at Ross Hartt's. supply towels to public washrooms gust. Of broad gauge, it Joins pre- were held Tuesday afternoon in the Mrs. Hartt and daughter, Allie, says that people wash a lot more "2 lb, pkg. viously existing rails and affords a M. E. church, Rev. Jones officiat- were at the flower show. 17c in summer than in winter. He de- Soda Crackers short cut between Tucuman and Elmer Thorp had the misfortune clares that with the coming of cold ing. Mendoza. It is 189 miles in length. to lose one of his work horses. weather the demand for towels Born to Mr. and Mrs. Norman "New railroad construction was Master William Moulton of Caro suffers a noticeable decrease. Ruggies on Wednesday, a daugh- practically at a standstill in the spent Saturday with his grandpar Avondale Red Salmon 13c ~, 1933. Bell Syndicate.--WNU Service. ter. United States. Only 32 miles of new Chas. Berman left Sunday for a ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MouIton. railway was constructed, while 1,380 Mrs. Tony Kaminski and Mrs Children Undergo Operation business trip to New York City. miles of small branch line 'feeders' Stanley Adaniski are on the siet small size, pkg. Sanford, Maine.--Four of the was abandoned. An orchestra composed of young Mother's Oats 5c list. eight children of Mr. and Mrs. Char- "Most important rail development people from Snover gave a splendid Mr. and Mrs. Win. Moulton spen lie Fletcher, of Shapleigh, under- in the United States was the steady sacred concert in ,the M. E. church Wednesday in Caro with their son went appendicitis operations at the electrification of standard railways Sunday evening. Country Club, 15 oz. pkg. Miss Bernice Evans of Pontia same time. in suburban districts. Main line Edward Gingrich of Cass City Bran Flakes 10c spe~t the week-end with her par electrification was completed by one was a business caller here Friday. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Evans. I ~1 i lit i ,111 railway system betwen New York E. R. and Lillian Hartt of Pon- Miss Ina Atfield spent Sunda: and Wilmington. Work is progress- tiac spent Friday and Saturday Girl Hops Trains at the home of John Tyrell i] tng between the latter city and here with relatives. Shover. in Evening Dress Washington. Miss Bernice Stewart of Fern- Miss Opal Ashcroft is on the sic: °Pittsburgh, Pa.--The food at "The most important bridge to dale spent the week-end at ,the Al- 10c list. Margate Tea the county jail tastes "mighty reach completion In the United bert Peter home. May Gardens Orange Pekoe Tea . ½ lb. pkg. 25c good" to Betty Wilson, twenty- States was the Jersey City-New- Irveline Steele spent the week- year-old Denver girl who started ark viaduct, which Is four miles end as the guest of Tivila Green. hitch-hiking home from New long and crosses two rivers at a Mr. and Mrs. Sol Morse spent York in evening clothes. She's level to I,ermit the passage of ocean- Monday and Tuesday in Flint. glad also to be indoors with a going ships. The structure became 22~ lb. Sack Next Sunday night, there will snowstorm raging outside, she one of the most heavily traveled Rolled Oats 39c be a union temperance program in told attendants. entrances to and exists from New Betty was ordered held for York city. It is estimated that 20,- the Baptist church. Thos. Everett and Nell Burns YOUR EYES five days by Magistrate Thomas 000,000 automobiles will pass over transacted business in Caro Satur- D. Jones in Morals court when it each year. Actual health depends up- Granulated Sugar 42c arraigned with two °~young men. "Among other bridges completed day. on good eyesight. Railroad detectives said the In the United States were the The wrong glasses are three were found sleeping under Schuylkill river bridge at Philadel- Fence of Elk Antlera worse than no glasses at all. bar newspapers in a box car in the Glasses which may have been Palmolive Soap 5c phia; the Westinghouse bridge near A fence made of elk antlers, said B. & O. yards at Glenwood. Pittsburgh: and the Rogue river to be as effective as barbed wire, Correct at the time of the She told Jones that for more bridge, near Gold Beach, Ore. is used around the headquarters of fitting--may now be inju- packages than a year she saved her money "The most significant land recla- a forest ranger at Mammoth rious to your eyes. Eyes to get to New York, but once Super Suds 15c mation projects were carried on Springs, Wyo. should be carefully examined there she lost her job. So she in the Netherlands, where the every three or four years decided to go back home. With- throughout middle age. Dutch continued to rob the Zuider- Wise Woman out funds she started hitch-hik- zee: and in Italy, where thousands "The power of woman," said Hi Let an expert optometrist 17c ing, but in Connelsville she of acres of the once malaria-infest- 4 lbs. Bananas Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "must serve you. boarded the freight train with ed Pontine marshes, south of Rome. be considered superior, since no the two youths whom she de- were drained and turned into farm clared "perfect gentlemen." man can be wiser than the woman A. H. HIGGINS whose advice directs him." !


CASS CITY CHRONICLE Mrs. Melissa Eno is quite ill at Mrs. C. W. Clarke and Mrs. C0r- IvyÙrite scripture verse. nell of CarÙ were callers in town Published Weekly. her home here. ROBOTS NOW CARRY ~~~L~~¢--I ~The Sunday School will convene Mr. and iVirs. D. Krug were cal- Thursday morning. ! at 11:30 p. m. Epworth League The Tri-County Chronicle and lers in Bad Axe Tuesday. Mrs. Walter Mann and little son UNdErGROUND !meets in the chur6h, 6:30 p. m. Cass City Enterprise consolidated Lorene McGrath is spending the and Mrs. Willis Campbell spent Union Lenten service next Thurs- April 20, 19o6. A. J. Knapp spent the week-end week with friends in Lapeer. SaturOay in Saginaw. day in the Methodist church. Rev. Employed a~ l~Mlmen in Presbyterian Church--Paul J. Voelker and Rev. Allured will be in Detroit. B. L. Middleton of Croswell was Mrs. Ward Benkelman, Mrs. Fred Jaus and Miss Laura Jaus Allured, minister. Sunday, March the speakers. Subscription Price in Advance. Ben Benkleman, Jr., spent Satur- a visitor in Cass City Saturday. New York Post Office...... 26: In Tuscola, Huron or Sanilac spent Thursday in Saginaw. Bethel Church services--Sunday day in Detroit. Mrs. Alex Henry spent Thursday 10:30 to 12:30 Morning worship School at eleven o'clock. Morning counties, $1.00 a year in advance. and Friday with friends in Ypsilan- Mr. and Mrs. Marshall of Flint New York.--Fifteen hundred ro- D. Krug spent from Friday until bot mailmen went to work here for and Church School. Sermon: "The worship at noon, In other parts of Michigan, $1.50 ti. spent Saturday night and Sunday a year. In United States (outside Sunday in Lansing. at the home of Walter Hyatt. Uncle Sam. Unlike their brothers World's Need of Christian Leader- T. S. Bottrell, Pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Warner ship"--the harvest indeed is plen- of Michigan), $2.00 a year. Dr. I. D. McCoy made a business in flesh and blood these miniature spent Friday and Saturday in De- Mr: and Mrs. M. E. Kenney and teous, but the laborers are few. Cass City Church of the Naza- Adve~tiMng rates made known robot couriers wor~ u~dergrou~d troll whizzing up and down New York, Adult le. ~o~ : ~esu% Our Example i rene--Sunday services as follows: on application. Carol Heller spent the week-end tus were Sunday dinner guests at in Service"--reviewing the events[Sunday School at 2:00 p. m. Entered as second class matter Irvine Ebright of Detroit is visit- across bridges, under streets, be- with her friend, Catherine Mellick, ing with his sister, Mrs. W. Web- the L. McDonald home in Gage- recorded in ,the firs~ six chapters,, Preaching at 3:00 p. m. Sunday April 27, 1906, at the post office town. neath skyscrapers, and with such in Bad Axe. ber, ,this week. precision and accuracy that they de- of Mark. ~ [evening service at 7:30 will be in at Cass City, Michigan, under the Mrs. Mason Wilson and daugh- L. Bailey and daughters, Cath- Mrs. R. Milligan and daughter, liver every day in the neighborhood This is the last Sabbath service Icharge of the N. Y. P. S. with Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. ter, Lucille, and Miss Goldie Wit- erine and Lucile, spent Tuesday gf- Agnes, were callers in CarÙ Thurs- of 6,000,000 letters. of our denominational year--an opt I Lawrence Blackmer as leader. We H. F. Lenzner, Publisher son spent Saturday and Sunday ternoon in Saginaw. day afternoon. Few of tim millions in New, York portunity for every member t6\] extend a cordial invitation to all. with relatives and friends in De- prove his faith and loyalty to '° E.R. Ferguson, Pastor. Mrs. Jane Bentley, who has spent Clare Z. Bailey of Midland spent are aware that these dynamic robot troit and Royal Oak. Christ and the church. the pas,t six weeks in Bad Axe Saturday and Sunday at his par- mailmen ever exist, yet they have nursing, returned home this week. The Malfem Club and ,their fam- been hard at work for more than 6,00, Christian Endeavor. Bet- Argyle M. E. Church~Guy Lan- ental home here. ilies met at the home of Mr. and thirty years. And in all that time ty Pinney will le~d a discussion on don of Cass City is expected to Mrs. A. A. Hitchcock of High- Waunetta Warner entertained a Mrs. Roy Allen Friday. A potluck they have not i0st so much as a "India." sing at the M. E. church, Argyle, land Park is spending the week number of girl friends at a pajama with her sister, Mrs. A. J. Knapp. dinner was served at noon and the single letter: 7:30, Joint evening service at the on Sunday, March 26, 8 p. m. party at her home Friday night. afternoon spent in a social time. Methodist church. Holbrook---Preaching service at • Mrs. Glenn Giles, who has been These latest additions to your Willis Campbell visited his fa- The B-D Club met last evening Uncle Sam's post office are in the Thursday, March 30, 7:30, Union 2:00 p. m. Sunday, March 26, at receiving medical care in Ann Ar- ther, who is quite ill at his home in mid-week service at the Methodist the M. E. church. Sunday School bor, returned home Tuesday for a at ,the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. form of metal torpedoes shot by Alpena, Friday night and Saturday. compressed air through cast-iron church. at 3:00 p. m. two weeks' stay. Doerr. The evening was spent in Mrs. Ewing, who has spent the playing cards and light refresh- pipe at high speed to more than Cumber~Preaching service Sun- • Mr. and Mrs. Wylie of Detro£t past few months with her son in ments were served. fifty post office and sub post office Decker M. E. Circuit--Shabbona day, 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, spent from Friday until Sunday at Church--Church School ° at 10:30 10:45. Pinnebog, has returned to her home Division No. 4 of the Ladies' Aid stations in New York and Brooklyn. l the home of Mrs. Wylie's parents, a. m. Young people's service at Wickware--Sunday, March 26, on South Segar St. of the M. E. church met at the Travel 30 Miles an Hour, Mr. and Mrs. D. Tyo. 3:00 p. m. Topic, "Recreation or Sunday School, 10:30 a. m. Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Win. Moreton of home of Mrs. Edd. Baker for a pot- The carriers which resemble long, Week-end guests at the G. A. Dissipation." Leader, Donald Cais- day, March 24, last chapter in Detroit spent the week-end as luck supper and social meeting thin, milk cans, hold between five Striffler home were Mr. and Mrs. ter. Evening- service at 7:30 p. m. Mission study at the home of Miss guests aL the J. A. Sandham and Tuesday evening. Mrs. Stanley and six hundred letters apiece and Willett Hazard of Keego Harbor, Prayer service on Thursday at Gladys Nicol, 8:00 pm. A. McPhail homes. Heron and Mrs. Warren Wood were are shot by compressed air at a and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shay of 8:00 p. m. H. N. Hichens, Pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell assistant hostesses. speed of 30 miles per h~ur through Decker Church--Church School Walled Lake. tubes buried about 4 feet below the of Detroit were guests at ,the home Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Morley of at 10:30 a.m. Morning service at Evangelical Church- Sunday, positions on the ballot and Tuscola Mrs. Mulholland, who has been street surface. ~ The tube lines con- of the former's brother, Willis, Sat- Detroit spe~t the past week at the at 11:30 a. m. Prayer service on March 26:--Sunday School meets county voters will be asked to se -~ with her mother, Mrs. D. Tyo, re- sist of sections of cast-iron piping urday night and Sunday. home of the latter's parents, Mr. Tuesday at 8:00 p. m. every Sunday at 10 o'clock for the lect either a dry or wet candidate turned Lo her home in Sand Lake 81£. inches inside diameter, joined Mrs. J. A. Sandham and daugh- and Mrs. Clarence Quick. Mr. Mor- Elmer Church--Morning service study of God's word. Morning to attend the convention for the Sunday. Mrs. Tyo has been ill, together by bell and spigot joints. ter, Joanna, Mrs. A. McPhail, Fran- ley returned to his work in De- at 10:30 a. m. Church School at worship at 11 o'clock. Subject for purpose of retaining or repealing but is much better. Change of direction is accom- ces Henry, and Mrs. Win. Moreton troit Sunday and Mrs. Morley re- meditation, "The Potter and the the 18th amendment. Mrs. E. W. Douglas entertained plished by casting sections at true ii:00 a. m. Prayer service on spent Saturday in Saginaw. mained for another week. Wednesday at 8:00 p. m. Clay." Arthur D. Gallery of CarÙ, per- ,Lhe bridge club at her home Thurs- curvatures so that the containers Because of weather conditions J. H. James, Pastor. • The League will meet at 7 o'clock sonally dry, and an ardent advo- day night. A potluck supper was Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Wood Ùleft can slide along without reduction for one-half hour for special music cate of the dry cause for many Sunday for Lansing where ,they and icy highways in and near Lan- in speed. served at seven o'clock and the the first part of this week, Gagetown Church ~ of the Naza- years, is one of thecandidates visited at the home of their son, sing, Compressed air exerting a force and congregational hymn singing. evening enjoyed with cards. A. J. Bell, agricultural specialist, rene~Old time revival. Where? named. If Tuscola county voters Charles Wood, for a few days. approximately five pounds per At 7:30, the pastor will speak on Mrs. Andrew Schwegler and was unable to be in town Tuesday At the Church of the Nazarene in want to register their dry senti- ~ichard VanWinkle entertained square inch on the ends of the car- "Living One's Own Life." A cor- daughter, Joan, went to Lansing for the meeting at the G. A. S`trif- Gagetown. dial welcome to all. ments, they have the opportunity Friday morning to visit her mother, the bridge club at his home last riers is supplied by electrically April 3. But it cannot be done by Wednesday night. An enjoyable tier implement store. It has been When? Mar.:26 to April 9, each H. I. Voelker, Pas£or. Mrs. J. M. Clougl% for a few weeks. driven fans or "blowers" in the evening at 7:45. Sundays, 10!00 staying away from the voting evening was passed by the young postponed until April 6. basements of the post office. The While away, she will also visit her a. m., Sunday School; preaching at Baptist Church~Preaching Sun- booth. people and light refreshments were The Cass City Grange met at the air under pressure is conducted sister, Mrs. Chas. Stevens, in Cas- 11:00, Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m. day morning at 10:30. Theme, served. home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ben- from the blowers into tanks and sopolis. The Rev. W. F. Wiggs of Mid- "Our Liquid Assets." The Lambda Sigma met at the kelman Friday evening. The order thence into the tubes. COUNTY HOME RULE. The regular meeting of the Mis- of business was conducted by the land, Mich., is ,to be the evangelist. Sunday School at 11:45, Cecil sionary Society of the Methodist high school on Thursday night. o Thirteen Seconds" Apart. He is noted for his powerful Brown, superintendent. Jig-saw puzzles and games served Master, Frank Hutchinson, after Departure of the carriers from We do not agree with Profes- church met at .the home of Mrs. A. which ,the program was presented preaching and beautiful singing. Junior B. Y. P. U. at 3 :t)0 Betty sors Reed and Brumage, of the McPhail on South Segar St.., Fri- as the evening, s ententainment. post offices along the ° tube line is For a period of Sundays from 5:00 Brown, president. Senior B: Y. P. Popcorn and apples were served as including talks by Ralph Rawson regulated by an electrical device University of Michigan, who have day afternoon. Mrs. E. W. Douglas and Leslie Lounsbury, followed by to 5:30 p. m., he will be heard over U. at 6:30. Something new each refreshments. timed to release the containers at jus,t submitted a report to the leg- conducted the devotional and Mrs. discussions. Instrumental duets radio station WBCM, Bay City. meeting. islature advocating home rule for Thos. Colwell the program. A high school party sponsored intervals of ]3 seconds. Sending Tune in Sunday. We will also Preaching at 7:30. Subject, "The were given by Mrs. Frank Hutch- and receiving conduits branch off counties. It is only fair to these Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ruppel and by the Freshmen was given in ,the inson and Eunice Schell. Refresh- have a male quartette as one of Meaning of the Cross." Happy library of the school on Friday from the main line to each station gentlemen, however, to say that daughter, Yvonne, of Detroit, spent ments were served at the close of our musical features during the Half-hour at 8:30 with special mu- they also recommend that this evening. Hot dog sandwiches and and are equipped with air valves meeting'. sic. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Rup- the evening. prevent undue escape com- form of local' government be made coffee were served and a good time tÙ of We exLend a welcome to all. You Union prayer meeting Thursday pel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. The Art Club was entertained by pressed air. optional with each county. enjoyed by all present. are a stranger here only once. evening. Crandell. Mrs. Crandell returned Mrs. Ralph Ward at her home on Tt~e pneumatic tubes are extreme- It is true that abuses have crept The Queen Esther society was E. R. Ferguson, Pastor. William R. Curtis, Pastor. with them to attend the flower South Segar St., Friday. A quilt ly economical in that the com- into township governorship--but show and visit her daughter for entertained at the home of Virginia was tied, to be given to the As- that is equally true of all govern- Rawson Monday night. After the pressed air makes a continuous cir- First M. E. Church--Services for Mennonite Church--Riverside-- ,the week. sociated Charities, in the afternoon • / Township government cuit of the system, very little ever Sunday morning, preaching at ten me~t. • is Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gallagher, business was transacted, a delight- and at six o'clock a dinner was Sunday, March 26, will be conduct- beicg lost when the compressors o'clock, followed by Sunday School. close to the people and because of who are moving: to CarÙ, were de- ful social time was had, after served by ,the hostess, the table be- ed at the usual time. Both morn- are in ope~htion. As the air is com- Sunday evening, preaching at that, some form of it should be re- lightfully surprised on Monday which a luncheon was served. ing decorated in the St. Patrick's ing and evening services will be pressed at the last gate slowing up seven-thirLy. tained; at least in part if not in evening when twenty-three friends The "Broadcasters" of the Meth- day colors• Besides a large num- conducted by the pastor. the tube on its entry into a post Mizpah -- The revival services its entirety as we know it ,today. came to their home for a farewell odist Sunday School, a class taught ber of members present, were Mrs. The evening service will be of an Perhaps one-half of our township office, a mechanical airgate returns evangelistic nature. Fifteen man- now in progress, with Rev. Schweit- visit. They took refreshments with by Mrs. E. W. Douglas, enjoyed a Edw. Golding, Mrs. A. Ertel of it to the main tube line to be used units might be eliminated in the ttLes of singing gospel songs, fol- zer as evangelist, will be concluded ,them and a very ejoyable evening social time at the home of Mrs. Al- Cass City, and Mrs. Hazen McLach- anew. interest of lower costs of govern- was spent. bert Gallagher on Monday evening lin of Detroit. lowed by an evangelisLic sermon. Friday night. ment, but for .rural dis.tracts to sur- Come prepared to recite your fa- G.D. Clink, Pastor. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Knapp, Mr. where a supper was enjoyed. G. A. Striffler was honored on render all their rights would b@ a Stewart Wilsey, one of the in- Experts Enjoy Finding mistake~we know too well what and Mrs. E. W. Douglas, Mrs. Mary his birthday at the Sam Bardwell Gekeler, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. s.tructors at M. S. C. at East Lan- farm home Friday evening. ~PhirLy- Names for Dinosaurs happens when government becomes sing, expects to arrive this week- too much centralized. Colwell were those from town who two neighbors and friends were Billings, Mont.--Naming a dino- Chronicle end to spend the spring vacation saur is more fun than picking out a Liners Professor Sutherland, also of the attended the South Novesta farm- present and enjoyed an evening of with his mother, Mrs. Charles Wil- name for a family's first-born as far University, urges in common re- ers' club meeting on Friday at the cards and dancing. A potluck sup- a sey. as scientists in the Beauvais creek port ,the abolition of justice courts. home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard per was served and a lovely birth- RATES--Liner of 25 words or HORSE FOR SALE cheap. Will region, south of here, are con- He would substitute a county court Retherford. A number of friends enjoyed an day cake r~ade by Miss Theda less, 25 cents each insertion. take cattle for part payment. "for local justice courts, which he Miss Catherine Hunt, who has evening of bridge at the Glenn Bardwell was presented to the cerned. Over 25 words, one cent a word Arthur Gerou, 7 miles west of ~Such long names as hoplitosaur- declares are unsuitable for the per- been taking a month's course at Profit home Friday night. Mrs• honored guest• Out-of-town guests for each insertion. Cass City. 3-24-1 us, camptosaurus, sauropod, and ty- formance of judicial duties. We Merrill Palmer dchool in DeLroit, Archie McLachlin and Miss Mildred were Mr. and Mrs. W. Hazard of ranosaurus rex have a meaning all FOR SALE--Registered purebred FOR SALE--One 3-year-old and fail to see where that is sufficient through d scholarship won at M. Knight were the prize winners. A Keego Harbor and Mr. and Mr;~. W. S. C., came home Saturday for a luncheon was served by the hosLess~ Shay of Walled Lake• their own, taken from some of the Holstein bull, 16 months old; al- two 2-year-old colts. John Mor- reason for the elimination of these risÙn, 1 east, 4 north, 2 east and two weeks' vacation• On April 3, Milton Sudgen has purchased Mrs. John Wagner received no- things for which the Greeks had a so a quantity of sweet clover officials. Township justices per- ½ north of Cass City. 3-17-2 she will return to M. S. C. to re- the Wagg farm in Novesta town- tice of the marriage of her young- name. seed for sale cheap. Emory form many duties f~om which they Hoplitosaurus, for instance, Is a sume her studies. ship and the'Sugden farm, a mile est daughter, Alice, to Walter Lounsbury. 3-24-1 receive no remuneration whatever. combination of the Greek term for FARM TO REN~T for money or on west of Cass City, was purchased Leonard of Detroit. The event They are a part of every corn- The M. M. Class of the Methodist a type of heavily armored soldier~ CATTLE BOUGHT or shipped shares. Renter must have good by M. D. Hartt. Mr. Hartt expects took place in Detroit on Nov. 10, muniLy and act ~as friendly arbiter Sunday School met at the home of hoplites--and saurus is Greek through the Elmwood Shipping references. A. Doerr, Cass City. to move to this farm in the ,spring, 1932. Mrs. Leonard graduated in countless dispuLes which they Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beardsley Fri- for lizardlike. Ergo, hoplitosaurus Association, buyer, or trucker, 3-24-1. are able to settle without recourse day night• A quilt was made for but will continue to conduct his from `the Cass City high school Louis Darowitz. Call 159-F-3 o~ with the class of 1922 and for the means a heavily armed, lizardlike BABY CHICKS--We can supply to the higher courts. In this alone the Associated Charities and the grocery business here. animal. An almost perfect speci- Joe Leishman, Phone 132-F-32, .they save more to the taxp~ayer remainder of the evening spent in Keith McConkey, Mildred Knight• past six or seven years has held a Cass City. 2-3-tf you with chicks from 1 day to position in the Gleaner Temple in men, the first to be found, was 4 weeks old. We do custom than is ever received in fees. They jig-saw puzzles and games. The and Stanley Striffler attended the dug up near Beauvais creek last may not be legal-minded, but their social committee was Mrs. Clara opening of a new A. & P. store Detroit which She resigned M/arch CASH PAID for cream at Kenney's, hatching. Bring eggs on Wednes- 15, 1933. Mr. Leonard is a mem- summer by an American Museum of day. Prices reasonable• Decker- decisions are based on a knowledge Spaven, Mrs. J. Leishman and Mrs. located on Genesee St., in Saginaw, Natural History expedition• Cass City. 3-24-tf ber of the city fire department of ville phone 43. Deckerville of the circumstan,ces, combined E. Beardsley. Friday evening. This store is said Curator B~trnum Brown of the with common sense and mercy. to be the best equipped and stocked Detroit. They will make their IF YOUR COAT or suit needs Hatchery. 3-17-12p The Woman's Missionary Society museum, head of the Beauvafs cleaning and pressi~ag for spring They should be retained. store belonging to the A. & P. di- home at 16 Cortland St., Detroit• of the Evangelical church met Fri- creek expedition, hailed the discov- wear, why not have it done now ? FARM FOR RENT--80-acres, good vision in five states. day afternoon with Mrs. B. A. E1- ery of the hoplitosaurus as the most Robinson's Laundry and Dry land and buildings, the Henry liott at her home. Miss Martha GRADUATE HAY PRESSER. The Guild of the Presbyterian Peanuts Contain Much Fat significant achievement of the fos- Cleaning. 3-24: Helwig farm, 4 miles north and Striffler was in charge of the pro- church' e~tertained the Missionary A pound of whole peanuts con- sil hunters this year• 1½ miles east of Cass City. En- gram which consisted of a mis- Society at the home of Joanna Mc- Camptosaurus combines Greek POULTRY WANTED~Witl pay quire of Wm. Helwig. 3-24-1 Justice George M. Clark woke up tains nearly a half-pound• of fat sionary play and several readings. Rae Monday night. A very inter- words to describe a small dinosaur for hens, 8c and 13c; springers in a Grand Rapids Hotel on Feb- and nearly one-fourth of a pound Refreshments were in accordance esting" meeting was reported. Mrs. with a flexible neck• A her b eater, 8c and 13c. Gillies' Creamery Wi~ BUY cream, eggs and poultry • uary 14, the first day of the Mich- of protein. with St. Patrick's day, green MacNamee had charge of the de- this species was identified by an- ,telephone 184. 3-3-tf at our store on East" Main St. igan Bank Holiday, with less than fruiLed gelatine and green frosted votional service after which Mrs. other nearly perfect skeleton found M. C. McLellan. Phone 6: .2-27-tf dollar in his pocket. It reminded WILL PAY CASH for Winchester I layer cake being served. G. H. Burke gave a study on pic- in 1931. FOR SALE--Alfalfa hay. John him of the old days in Bad Axe ,MICKIE SAYS-- The sauropods include such glgan- pump-gun. Must be in first The regular meeting of the Ep- tures in the life of Christ. Forty- Gray, 5 miles west and 1 mile when his folks went broke in the tic dirmsaurs as the brontosaurus, class condi~Lion. Frank Hegler, worth League of the Methodist six ladies enjoyed this unusual sot~th of Cuss City. 3-24-1 panic of 1893 and he was compelled meeting. Refreshments w e r e which had more brains in its back Deford. 3-24-1 to leave school and work for a year church was held with 'Ray Fleenor "qOU ~gDVrA I~ ~AOR~'gl J served by the social committee at than in Its head. BABY CHICKS---We are now on a "hay press" for a dollar a day, at his home Tuesday evening. A the close of the evening. Tyranosaurus rex was the king of FOR SALE--2 brood• sows, due booking orders for chicks for de- payable ,to his mother and "traded very good attendance was reported. ~'AW'~. ~/' QOT'TA ~EE "T14AT' kings among dinosaurs, as his name Apr. 1; also mixed hay for sale. livery when you want them and out groceries." But he meant to The main social event of the eve- M. B. Auten explained the new N'~|T NOTioEo = AQVER.T|SE ,i indicates. Most vicious and rapa- Biddle Bros., Phone 162-F-5. offering liberal discount for early be a lawyer and for the next nine ning was the gan)e "bunco," at banking law to members of tl~e |i~ O~R. ~67,,a440 FAN%IL~/ 14EkV SPA PEP,.. ) AI4 D "TELL~ E'M cious of all the dinosaurs, he was 3-17-2. orders. Every chick Michigan years studied under a kerosene which Marie Claandler and Carl Rotary Club Tuesday. Mr. Auten, ,JEST ~.~44Y"Tt4EY e~4OUt~ equipped physically and mentally to Accredited. See us before order- lamp at night, while working for Schell were prize winners. Ice E. B. Schwaderer and Frederick OO (~Z.ME~-'S' Win4 YOU be the biggest bully of a race of FOR SALE--Span of black geld- ing elsewhere. Elkland Roller in summer and teaching cream and' cake were served as re- Pinney were in Lansing Monday farmers bullies. ings, 7 and 8 years old; matched; Mills. 2-10-tf school in winter at $36.00 a month. freshments, and witnessed the passing of this weight, 3,200. C. E. Hartsell, 7 act by both branches of the legis- Happy days came back again The Junior Music Club met at miles nor`th and l~/& miles east FOR SERVICE-wPurebred roan lature. Mr. Auten spoke highly of when .this "commoner" of the the home of Martha and Mary Lou Farm Life Keeps Pair of Cass City. Phone 102-F-22. Belgian stallion coming 4 years the regard in which H. P. 0rr, sen- | ',/A ~r e:¢ Michigan Supreme Court became a McCoy for their regular business "Too 3-24-2* old. Choicely bred and absoh~te- ator from this district, is held by Busy to Quarrel" full fledged lawyer on his 29th meeting and musical program ly sound. Farm located six miles members of the legislature. Mr. Aurora, Ill.~Mr. and Mrs. ~ohn birthday, and sixteen years later Thursday evening. The program ~c~" ~ ,~----~ RADIO ACCESSoRIEs--All kinds south and 1½ east of Cass City, Orr is one of the senate leaders, Schmidt Of Hinckley, Ill., who have took his place in the highest court committee, Ruth Schenck and How- of radio accessories at the May or 2½ east of Deford..License Mr. Auten said. not had a quarrel in 63 years of of this state. "I can still work a ard Taylor, gave an interesting married life, "because we have been & Douglas furniture store, Cass No. 2424. Robt. Homer & Sons. hay press, if necessary," Justice prbgram on the works of Johann Friends of the following students too occupied with problems of the City. 1-17-tf . 3-10-4. Clark .told the Grand Rapids clerk Strauss. Ruth Schenck gave a will be glad to know they will be farm,,' observed their anniversary February 14 and evidently it con- paper on Johann Strauss, Jr., and at their homes all of next week, recently with a family reception. PEDIGREED Barred Rock egg~ for BUYER AND SELLER are quickly vinced the young man, for he Howard Taylor on Johann Strauss, coming this week-end for the The couple were married at Hinck- setting, 290-egg: strain. Also brought together through the ,loaned Judge Clark $2.00 to get Sr. Mrs. I. D. McCoy, the honor- spring vacation; Esther and Donald ley, In 1869, and each is eighty-three baby bed for saie. 3 miles west, Chronicle liner column. The reg- ary president, rendered three piano Schell, Barbara Taylor, Evelyn back to Lansing. Both the hotel years of age. 1 mile south of Cass City. Ben . ular user has long since found bill and the loan were paid and selections, "Valse Brilliante," Cho- Robinson, Mabel Crandall, Harriet They farmed continuously for 60 Ratter, 3-24-1 this out. The cost of these li£tle now £t appears that no hay press- pin; "Waltz in C Minor," Chopin; Tindale, Pauline and Delores Sand- years, then retired and moved Into. ads is small. ers who are judges will be needed and "Waltz," Rachmaninoff. A ham, Virginia Day and Lucile NOTICE of Dissolution of Partner- the village. ship---Notice is hereby given to WANTED--Poultry and calves at in Michigan this year. record, "The Blue Danube" by Knight, all of M. S. C. in Eas`t "When you work hard an~ your the public at large: The partner- Moore's Shoe Shop, Gagetown, Strauss, was played. The commit- Lansing; Frederick Brown, Mildred mind is on your job, on matter~vhat ship of Korte & Streeter has on Wednesdays and Saturdays, tee for the next meeting is Patricia Karr, Blanche Stafford, CasweI1 it is, you haven't got time fo~ quar- Delay puts out the fire of pur- been dissolved and discontinued or e.very day at Joe Leishman's and Elizabeth Pinney. The Junior Hunter and Albert Warner, all of rels," Mrs. Schmidt said. With the pose. Elmwood store. Phone 132-F-32. Music Club is an independent club, Central State Teachers' College, couple at their anniversary celebra- and hereafter the Kroger Meat Buyer, Louis Darowitz, Phone not sponsored by the Cass •City Mr. Pleasant; Margaret Landon of tion were seven children. Market will be conducted in the Advertise it in the Chronic!e~ ~usic Club as stated last week° Ypsi!anti, name of Ear! Streeter. 3-24-2p 159-F-3, Cass City. 3-2-tf

J/i!i) i:: ~..... Y • /

CASS CITy, MICHIGAN. CASS CITY CHRONICLE--FRIDAY, MARCH, 24, 1933. PAGE FIVE;: e SAYS BALD EAGLE Adopts Metric System Charge for Helping Farmers The Amateur Athletic union t : Apply for Loans Is Prohibited UNJUSTLY DEFAMED Prissy's Quest which is the oldest and largest of t Quality i Service ! Price i American amateur sports govern- l WE DELIVER Farmers who apply for loans this A-legal description of the land By HELEN ST. BERNARD ing bodies, has adopted the metric 1 Audubon Head Comes to Bat system of nJeasurement for all its / :year from ,the..$90,000,000 fund on which the crops are to be plant- ed is also requ!r~ed, together with for National Emblem. track and field events. " ] ,at~thorized by congress for crop mdies'HE Wednesday afternoon La- .production loans, should refuse to a statement of the acreage of crops Aid society of Midhill grown by the applicant in 1932, New York.--Condemning a recent .pay any fees for help in ~he prep- widely circulated press release was stunned into silence. Eleven The first man to quit work is Independent Grocery" and ,the yields obtained. The appli- .aration of their loan applications, which in effect defamed the bald pairs of hitherto busy. hands were usually the last one to be promoted. it was declared by the director of cant is required to file a statement eagle, .emblem of our national inde- idle. Eleven flannelette night gowns " i M. D. HARTT. Telephone 149. the Crop Production Loan Office at of seed and feed on hand at the pendence, Dr. T. Gilbert Pearson, for the small inmates of the Or- ELECTION NOTICE. Washington, D0 C time of ~tpplyin~ for a loan. president of the National Associa- )hans' asylum were forgotten. The tion of Audubon Societies, ~tated: twelfth member of the 'faAd," Pris- To the Qt~atified Electors of the POST TOASTiES The law as enacted by congress i To obtain the loan, the appiiea- cilla Pratt, was standing at the "It is unfortunate that recent township of Elkland: Large package ...... 10C this year specifically prohibits the ttio n blank stipulates, the applicant door, her hand on the knob, her Notice is hereby given, that at publicity concerning the bald eagle ,charging of any fee for .'the prep-[must agree to use. the money round, face flushed, her eyes shin- the time of holding the Biennial APPLE BUTTER ~ " has been calculated to detract from aration of the application. Notarial!loane d only for the purchase of ing. In her other hand, she held Spring Election Monday, April 3, Quart jar 14c the character and reputation of this some gaily colored, descriptive cir- A. D. 1933 delegates will beelec- fees, however, are s'till necessary, supplies necessary for crop pro-. stately and picturesque bird which culars, the covers of which bore a ted to meat in convention for the as are fees charged by the county duct!on in 1933 on the land de- purpose of ratifying or rejecting PINEAPPLE 2 for long has been the emblem of our picture of a diminutive steamer. recording off!elM for recording the the Twenty-first Amendment to (Broken Sliced)No. 2 can ...... 23c scribed. country. While the story in ques- ,Think of it," and her voice was lien given as security for the loan, tion indulges in no • deliberate mis- the ,Constitution of the United Significant differences between husky with emotion. "Four months and for searching the records for t statement of facts, yet the em- States. NEWQuartORLEANScanMOLASSES 13 C the 1933 and 1932 reghlations gov- of ~omanceI ~Honolulu-- Method of Electing. prior liens. phasis placed upon some of these Japan! Clmrry blossom time in Ja- Prospective borrowers need not i erning crop production loans are is both unfair and misleading. The The number of delegates shallbe pan ! . India--and the Taj Mahal ! one hundred, .consisting of one den write to Washington for applica- that this year the maximum i~er- fact that Benjamin Franklin and Egypt ! The Nile and the Pyramids! John James Audubon questioned agate from each representative dis- tion blanks and detailed informa- mitred to any one borr.ower is Italy and Vesuvius--Venice ! St. CAMPFIRE MARSHMALLOWS 18c the wisdom of this choice of the erict in this state now existing. tion about the loans, Mr. Ham- $300, and that, to qualify for a Marks and the plgeonsl Monte A board consisting of the respec- • Pound package ...... bald eagle to be our country's em- Carlo and the Rock of Gibraltar! tive judges of probate, county -mond, Tuscola county agricultural loan, borrowers must agree `to re/ blem should in no wise create any JIG-SAW PUZZLE FREE. Mine . o . for . . . four . . • whole clerks and prosecuting attorneys of agent, said, but may get that ma- duce their acreage of cash crGps misgivings in the minds of patroit- . . months!" the county or counties in which terial directly from him. 30 per cent below their 1932 acre- ic, bird-loving citizens. Even though Prissy had read the literature of such representative district lies The application blank this year age, provided ,their farming opera- we are reminded by them that the shall select two ,candidates for del- ROLLED tions are ~bove a specified mini- 'The Golden Tour' thoroughly. egates to such convention • • • one OA,S ..... 9 lb. sack 21c requires a statement of the amount bald eagle's diet is not at all times Mrs. Carruthers, the minister's mum. As in 1932, a first lien on admirable, and that he will rob the of whom shall pledge himself to of the loan desired, the number of wife, was the first to speak. the 1933 crop is required. Loans fish hawk on occasion, we would, VOTE FOR RATIFICATION of acres for which seed and fertilizer "We are glad you had the money are to be repaid on or before Oct. on these same grounds be led to the said twenty-first amendment are to be purchased, `the amount left you by your uncle, Prissy. You to the constitution of the United 247' 55c 31, 1933. The regulations make i.t malign the character of many of desired for feed, and the amount have worked so hard taking care States, and one Of whom shall unlawful for any person to dispose our wild birds and mammals whose ,desired for ~uel and oil for trac- of your folks. Getting along in pledge himself to. VOTE FOR RE- of or assist in disposing of any lives, for the most part, are ruled Per package ...... 1 fie tors. The application also requires years . . . and never having mar- JECTION of said 'twenty-first crops given as security for any by the law of the Jungle. amendment to the constitution of a statement of the amount of the crop loan, except for the account ried. Money . . ." SEEDLESS "When a beautiful and accom- the United States. loan which is `to be used for mak- of the secretary of agriculture. The newly made heiress started • ~,RAISINS ...... 2 lb. pkg. 13 plished actress captivates her audi- Form of Ballot. c The regulations require each bor- to button on her coat, her eyes ing repairs or for the purchase ,Of ence with the grace and po~4er of The board of election commis- rower 'to agree to plant a garden traveling from face to face. She other supplies. The sum total of her performance, they are not curi- sioners in each county shall cause for home use and to plant sufficient spoke slowly and distinctly. "Yes, ~these several items must not ex- ous to know what she has had for the names of ,the candidates for Fruit SpeciaJs • acreage to provide necessary live- all that! Getting along in years ceed the maximum rates per acre, dinner: it may have been corned delegates to such convention to be . . . never having married . o o printed on one ballot, separate specified in the regulations. stock feed. beef and cabbage! In like manner BANANAS and that is why I am going to spend from any other ballot, which ballot Large, ripe:... ~ 25c we admire the bald-eagle when, in part of the money Uncle Charlie ~ shall be in the following form. 5 the beauty and majesty of his noble left me . . • going around the ] "Delegates to 'the convention "THE ~ANSING The ashes of that historic Demo- HEAD LETTUCE form and powerful flight, he soars world! I'm going to see things!" I called for the purpose of ratifying MERRY-GO-ROUND crat, Thomas Jefferson, should rest Large and firm ...... 2 for 15C in extra repose, now that his faith- aloft into the blue empyrean;' or Priscilla Pratt, the staid demure ] or rejecting the following proposed fuI servant, Rush CuIver, of Mar- from his aerie on beetling crag or little spinster of Midhill~going ]amendment to the constitution of GRAPEFRUIT ~the United S'tates: Concluded from first page. quette has caught up with the par- towering pine he surveys .the world around the world ! Yellow, juicy...... 3 for 10c beneath, or sallies forth in quest 'Sac. 1. The Eighteenth article "is said to be planning for a joint ty. This distinguished and life "A trip around the world!" and of amendment to the Constitution long Democrat has received an ap- of daily food. At such .times he Mrs. Smiley clicked her teeth. "My, CELERY, California, N. legislative committee in charge-of seems to rise above the menial of the United States is hereby re- the celebration of the 60th anniver- pointment as special deputy'attor- my. If you should change your pealed. Extra large, per stalk ...... ~J~.~ hey general of Michigan, assigned things of earth and thus becomes mind, Prissy, you might take a nice 'Sac. 2. The transportation or sary of the buildinig of the present a symbol of valor and of power FRESH TOMATOES state capitioi at Lansing, which by Attorney Gefleral Patrick tI. little trip down to Pittsburgh. It's importation into any state, terri- 15c which constitutes him no mean em- tory, or possession of the United Per pound ...... birthday runs , through most of O'Brien to clear up some impor- only a ~ day's ride from here, and tant and long drawn out upper pen- blem of our country." there are lots of theaters and pic- States for delivery or use therein 1933. On April 24, 1873, the Mich- of intoxicating liquors, in violation I igan legislature appointed a com- "insula litigation. Rush Culver ar- tures and big stores." "I am going around--the world! of the laws thereof, is hereby pro- mittee, long in advance, .to arrange rived in Marquette in 1888 and at Jeanne D'Arc of Royal hibited. for the laying of the cm-ner stone once stepped into the spotlight as You don't understand, ~ none' of you! 'Delegation for the Repeal of the of the million and a half dollar attorney for the victorious home- Blood, Says Magazine I want romanceI Something I have Eighteenth Amendment and Rat!f!-I~ / capitol building which Michigan steaders in their case against the Paris.--What was the famous never had." cation of the Twenty-first Amend-I~ had ordered built. The corner old Keweenaw Land Association, a "secret" of Jeanne d'Arc, France's John Blake, Midhill's carpenter, ment 1~ frequently quoted Michigan dec!s: heroic woman savior who was was a regular caller at Prissy's ltt- [] John Doe " [] stone was laid on Oat. 2, 1873, by , " t~ tle cottage on Main street. He lived 'Governor John J. Bagley of Detroit. ion. Later he was mayor of Mar- burned at the stake by the Eng- Delegation against the Repeal!~ across the apple orchard in the It required five years to finish the quette and appointed by President lish ? of the Eighteenth Amendment and Spe c,ials home he .had built many years be- Ratification of the Twenty-first U building, which cost $1,510,130.59. Wilson as receiver of the U. S. Is it true that this famous "se- fore, when he had first asked Prissy Amendment In these days of overdrafts and Land Office. Mr. Culver built the cret" of which the Maid of Dom- to marry him. John had always [] Richard Roe" plus expenditures, it is interesting town of Birch, a one time lumber remy spoke so frequently was the at Henry'sGrocery made things easy for Prissy. He Who May Vote. ~o observe that the builders of a activity, and was in the midst of fact that in her veins ran the royal had told her at that time, that he person by to state institution completed in 1878" many peninsula deveIopments ac- blood of France? Each .entitled law RAISINS vo'te for members of the legislature returned an unexpected refund of tivities. When Judge O'Brien lived In a sensational article, the Mar- would wait--always. Seedless. Prissy had the ~irculars ready to shall be entitled to vote in this 2 13c $15,110A6, unused from the amount in the peninsula he and his new cure de France, a monthly maga- zine that corresponds in dignity to show John when he came that election for as many delegates to appropriated. assistant became close friends. the convention as there are repre- the Atlantic Monthly, asserts that night. sentatives in the house of repre- Large package ...... 1Oc this relationship existed, tlmt the "Winter has set in now, Prissy, sentatives from the district in Senator Joe C. Foster of Lan- Some Old Rocks Maid of Orleans was, in fact, of and you'd better get in another ton which such elector resides. BO-PEEP AMONIA 23 ,sing is a 'fish, and deer" resident The Highlanders of the western the blood royal. of coal while Jeff has it. And I The person, or persons to a num- Quart bottle ...... C Of the upper peninsula, and reput- told Watkins to leave you a few coasts of have a short This is what she whispered to ber equal to the number of repre- , r ~ed to be a powerful hunter. He is proverb : "New boat--old rocks." Charles VII, this is why the king's of his hubbard squash when he sentatives in the house of repre- one of the youngest members' of the Do not suppose that as you in your confessor had her escorted to head- passes.. ." sentatives from such district, re- State Senate and of the 'bear cat" turn essay the dangerous voyage of quarters by all the grand seigneurs "I don't think . . . I'll need Ceiving 'the highest number of votes variety of fighters, regardless of of France, this is why implicit any more coal, John . . . nor any for delegates to said convention in life you can afford to disregard the each representative district shall Free Jig Saw Puzzle party lines, when he believes he is obedience was so willingly given of the squash, although his squash long experience of mankind. Be be elected delegate. ,' with -- 'right. His speech ~n the senate on her. are fine, I know." sure that, as Coleridge said, "Not When Convention Is To Be Held. March 11 will likely mark the high without celestial observation can In presenting this question, to- John looked up quickly. "NOT' l-lb. CAMPFIRE 18c The delegates so chosen shall point of direct shooting for this ever terrestrial charts be accurate- gether with proof and deduction, he drawled. • MARSHMALLOWS "You have been a good, true meet in ,convention in the Capitol session. Describing the "receiver- ly constructed."~Henley Hanson. the Mercure de France has loosed in the City of Lansing on the 10th ship racket," as: he calls it, the sen- a controversy that is attracting friend, John . . . and I have day of April, 1933, at 10:00 o'clock ator read a list of. pallbearers for wide attention. thought, perhaps, some day I could in the forenoon for the purpose of defunct Michigan banks, trust com- Book Made of Palm Leaves repay you for all your kindness." or rejecting said Twenty- 2 for 25c panies and other institutions, giv- "It's been nothing, Prissy." John first Amendment to the Constitu- APRICOTS.. A novel gift has been presented War Vet Raises His Own ing their name and pay in a voice to Keuka college, women's institu- was embarrassed. "You remember tion of ,the United States .of Ameri- CLEAN QUICK 5 lb. pkg. 21C which could be heard all over the tion at Penn Yan, N. Y., by Rev. Z. Drum and Bugle Corps what I told you twenty years ca. back? When you were ready to Notice is hereby given, thi~t the lot. According to Senator Foster, F. Griffiin. It is a valuable book, Colorado Springs, Colo.--Waiter one Detroit°lawyer received $25,000 come to me . . . I'd be waitin'? place of holding said election in the one of the ancient Hindoo Shastas, D. Hodgkinsons, a World war vet- Township of Elkland will be at the for "initial fees," another $18,000 I ain't changed. Prissy . • ." made of numerous palm leaves, on eran, is raising his own drum and 'town hall. oooBROOM 21c in "temporary fees," another $10,- "I know, 3ohn. Life ha's been which is Written in Sanscrit, the hn~le corps. The polls of said election will be 000 for 30 days work (?), still an- sacred language of India and on( hard for me . . • and it would open at 7 o'clock a. m., and will re- he corps is composed of four lit- liave been harder if it hadn't been EVERY DAY 2 for 9c ~ther "advance fees" of $60,000. In of the oldest known, the life o: Hodgkinsons, Joan, ~four and main open until 6 o'clock p. m., one case the attorney drew $750 a Ram, a Hindoo god. -half; Duane, seven; Fred, eight, for you." Eastern Standard Time, .of said day month and his assistant, a dentist, Jbhn hitched his chair closer and of election, unless the Board of Jim, ten. leaned forward. He placed his btg Election Inspectors shall in their MILK...... h. Henry I go't $500 a month. These fees, bit- ]l four are buglers, and both .ingly observed Senator Foster, Jumping Hare hard hand over hers. His voice was discretion, adjourn the polls at 12 ,d and Jim are adept with a o'clock, noon, for ,one hour. were paid ahead of any returns The jumping hare, or ~spring gentle: "Prissy, life is hard " . • We Buy Cream and Eggs. Telephone 82. haas, of South Africa, does grew m. if you haven't anyone to care C. E. PATTERSON, whatever to stock or bondholders, 'heir father was an man damage at night to growing crops for . . . or car e for you. Har~ Clerk of said Township. and added, for good measure: 'ing the war, and apparently 3-24-2 ~ : "~ ! ~- can leap 25 or more times its ow~ . . . and lonely. And I love you Dated, March 18, 1933. "This racket in Michigan is a co- ]e out of the conflict without the length. Scientists place this ani just the same." lossM stem from a ffrustlng and un- rsion of most soldiers to such real in a family by itself, althougl Prissy reached out for her sew- suspecting public, already badly Ls as "first call" and reveille. plundered." Further the senator it strongly resembles a true har~ ing that lay on the window seat. sMth not. and is about the Same in size. She dropped tt over the gaily colored circulars In her lap and her

i hands were folded on top of it; lan Who "Died" idle, Juat as eleven pairs of hands Tells How It Felt had lain idle that afternoon on sew- Los Angeles.~How does It Ing, at the Aid society. She met AuCtIonSale O[ Horses .~el to die---then come back to John's kind gray eyes, so near. He re? smiled at her. In the opinion of fifty-nine- "I'll do my best to make you ear-old William Lindsey who, happy, Prissy. I'll try to bring all MONDAY ) far as a physician could tell, the beauty I can Into your life. ,as "dead," there isn't much All the romance and the happiness . . . that comes with love, Prissy March 27 ) it. ~, dear. rll love you .... always." Place Your Order For "Just going away and coming Commencing at one o'clock p. m. ack; that's all," mused the She smiled at John and his hand ioneer resident in county jail. tightened over hers. Lindsey was in Jail, booked "Do you suppose I could give you On the farm mile n a technical charge of having all the romance and happiness you een 4ntoxicated. have wanted all these years?" he north of "To tell the truth, I don't be- asked gently. "Do you, Prissy? We [eve I was 'under the weath- might take a trtp down to Pitts- r,'" he explained. burgh for two or three days, but Maple Syrup Peters is anxious to get the plaster "You see I had been working on his walls so he can move in next Kingston 5 to 16 hours a day out in a estaurant. I'd just had a birth- month." There will be sold on the farmi ½ mile north of Kingston, a carload of Wisconsin and lay and I drank a little moon- "Life wouldn't mean much if you Dakota horses including broke horses weighing 1,100 to L700 pounds. don't have ~some one to love hine---just a couple drinks. These horses are especially bred for farm use, and are all good farm chunks. They have "Well, I remember being all Labels yo u • . . been shipped at great expense and will be sold to the highest bidder. .ight and feeling fine on the "'Would you like to honeymoon at :orner of First and Rowan Pittsburgh, Prissy?" Every horse that is broug t into the ring will be sold as represented. Let's get together "I have always wanted to go to ~ WITH THE ;treats. and have an old-time auction, with no by-bidders. "1 must have had a stroke-- .Pittsburgh, John, since I was a mite /, )no .that 'killed' me, the doctors of a girl. Alwaysi" TERMS MADE KNOWN ON DAY OF SALE. retd. Prissy's head was against John's "If that stroke 'killed' me it shoulder now. "And they say the / sn't so bad to die. blast furnaces ltgh t the sky up WORTHY TAIT, Auctioneer. A. L. GATEWOOD, Sales Mgr. Cads City Chromcle "1 didn't feel any pain--Just beautiful, nights . . ." ~elt myself slipping." ((5) by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) / (WNII Service)



' m i ii SHABBONA. REOPEN EX-KAISER'S PANAlVlA CANAL HAS o By ED KRESSY [ The Shabbona L. D. S. Sunday • ,FAMOUS.0LDCHAPEL FEW INTEffBUPTiONS BUD 'n' BUB School party •held Friday evening, March 17, at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Krause was attended Last Divine Service Was High Flood Cause of Re- The Explorers club has moved by approximately 50 people, who into its new quarters on Central all had a very good time. After Marriage of Princess. cent Traffic Suspension. Park West. The walls of these big the former part of the evening had rooms, with their rough plaster and Berlin. ~ The ex-kaiser's former been spent in playing various Washington.~Too much water, chapel atop the tmperfal castle in beamed ceilings, enclose as many games, a brief program, consisting where engineers had feared there records of adventure and as much Berlin, after being closed for al- of the following, was given: Song, might sometime be too little: made of the spirit of romance as any en- most 20 years, has been opened to 'When the Roll Is C~lled up Yon- necessary tim closing of the Pan- closure on this sDinning globe, itere the public. 'l'he last divine sea-ice der," by an.~ "~xe'"~ of St. Patrick, ama canal to traitic for the better you meet men who have sailed the held in the chapel was in May, 1913, Lillian Dunlap. Reading, Helen part of a day a few weeks ago. The seven iseas, traveled the five conti- on the occasion of the marriage of Pringle. Dialogue by Ira Bullock reason for the suspension was an ndnts. They know places, whic h to Princess Victoria Luise, the kai- unusually high flood in the Chagres and Grant Brown. Vocal solo, Veta the rest of us are just names, as ser's only daughter, to the duke of river which discharged into the Holcomb. Reeitation, Irene Dun- well as we know the block on which Brunswick, descendant of the dukes canal, makes possible Gatun lake lap. Harmonica solo, Ivan Vader. we live, or our own front yard. And of Cumberland, archenemies of the through which ships pass, and is Talk by Mrs. Gertrude Maxwell. here they have brought trophies of Hohenzollern dynasty. the chief source of water for op- Song, "God Be with You Till We their wanderings. Spears and blow- The chapel is located beneath the erating the locks. A special dam Meet Again," by all. Repeating of pipes, bows and axes lean in cor- fine cupola crowning the imperial to cost $15,500,000, is under con- the Lord's Prayer led by Sheriff ners. Great horned and antlered castle on Unter den Linden, a fa- struction now, designed to prevent Holcomb. Immediately following heads thrust themselves from miliar sight to every American tour- an overabundance of water in the 'the program, a short business wooden plaques. Queer knives rest ist who visited the German capital. canal in the future, and to hold an meeting was held during which en tables and stands. •Photographs The chapel and cupola rest on the additional supply in reserve for the WF.LL,$o ~0~4 I~R'rlIAT-- ~N~V Mrs. Gertrude Maxwell and Mrs. ~E~ ~ 7o OU~ t4OME~ show the dark depths of jungles, il- giant portal on the west side of-the dry season. The chief damage Sheriff Holcomb were appointed as limitable stretches of desert, or the castle modeled after the famous wrought by the flood, probably not blanched barrens of ice hummocked entertainment committee and Mrs. Constantine arch in Rome. To give over $50,000, wa~ to the uncom- loneliness of polar regions. Win. Dunlap and Mrs. Arthur the massive portal the necessary pleted da'm. Meredith as :the food committee * * * foundation 3,000 bulky wooden piles 12 Ships a Day for 18 Years. for the next party which is to be In cabinets along the walls are were rammed into the swampy held April 2, at the same home. "On December 1, 1932, exactly souvenirs of the trail breakers, the earth. The castle as well at the Then lunch was served. The num- 6,682 days had passed since the pioneers. A rifle, perhaps; a sex- greater part of the German capital ber of those who attend 'these par- canal was opened to the commerce tant; a diary; a ship's log. And is built on marshy land formed by of the world; and on only a little ties has been steadily increasing, in cases stand shoulder to shoulder the rivers Spree'and Havel. handful of these days had there and it is hoped that it will con- the books they have written, testi- Sixty-Five Feet in Diameter. been no procession of ships passing tinue to do so in the .f~ture: Ev- mony of trial and hardship, of vic- from Atlantic to Pacific or from Pa- eryone, young and old, is invited to The octagonal chapel measures 65 :~.~!ili tory wrested from the forces of na- cific attend the party next month. feet in diameter, soaring 160 feet to Atlantic. The few and brief ture, of knowledge gained through from the floor to the inner top of occasions when traffic was suspend- courage or plodding and persistent the cupola. The altar, a present ed were for the most part during aN Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones of Flint TI~E~6-RIB I/~DIA~ ~AVA~EI~IO~JSk~TT~IATA~WA~; gVE~qTODAV't~II;2JJLUg/~TI4EWORD UI41