FBIDAT, AUGUST S068 PAGE FOURTEEN matirb^Bt^r lEtn^ning H rralb

Elarle B. VanOamp, missUe tech­ Pfc. James J. Gaiilin, son of. plus from last year for a total of nician second class, Mrs. Elizabeth K. Gaulin, 32 Hazel General Fund 8264,248.91. 13,590 About Town Navy, son of Mr. and Mm. Bari St., and Pfc. Robert D. Bu^er, Of this amount, 861,226.05 was paid out during the montji, leav­ Member of the Audit VanOsmp, 20 Farmington St., is son of Mrs. David Buaher, 76 W. CEORGE DE CORMIER SAYS, Bureau o f Ohroulatlou IiVHiofai A. Warren Jr., interior serving aboard Uie fleet ballistic Middle Tpke., both of the United At $3,365,666 ing 8213,022.86 in the' fund of oommunioatioeui riectriclan, fire­ missile nuclear-powered subma­ States Marine Corps, are serving which ^,644.89 is owed. man, , son of rine U jS.S. Abraham Lincoln, on with the Second ^ttalion. Third Into the fire district reserve fund went 866,818 in contributions during Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Warren patrol aomewhere in the Atlantic. , of the Third Marine According to the town’s month­ CORMIER (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION) Sr., Rt. 2, is serving alboard Oie Hie tour will last two months, and Division, currently assigned aboard ly fiscal report, the General Fund July, to be added to 895,696.49 sur­ VOL. LXXXn, NO. 271 destroyer UB.S. Decatur, which the sub will remain submerged was increased to 83,746,736,17, of plus from the previous fiscal year the Seventh Fleet ships in the for a total of 8162,014.49. recently spent eight daya at the throughout the entire patrol. F a r East. an expiected total of 88,440,193 in MOTORS M ly PVench Riviera in the course of receipts from taxes, fines and per­ The town's directors appro­ priated $170,000 during July to pay the ship’s eiWiise with the Sixth Mias Carol-Ann Cejkowski, 15 Miss EKanne Lechausee, 659 B. mits, current services, state as- Fleet in the Mediterranean. sis^nce and m iscellaneous for part of the estimated cost of haRdlei qHallty Oakiwood Rd., Miss Julie Demeo, Center St., is leaving tomorrow the hew central firehouse,, wjdch 23 Elarl St., and Miss P atricia Mc­ morning from Logan Airport, Bos­ sources, during July. The French C3uto of Manchester was to total $230,000 (the remain­ Buddhists Ask Fulbright Predicts The majority of the total, Xn Donnell, 30 Ensign St., are leav­ ton, Mass., for Welsbaden, Ger­ ing 8W,000 to be borrowed), appar­ will hold its annual picnic Sunday ing tomorrow by Pan American jet many, to visit her father. Col. 727,847.57, was received in pay­ tars, priced it from 11 am . to sunset at Wickham ently not knowing that the fund airliner for a two-week stay at Ralph Lechausse of the United ment for property taxes. contsdned only about $162,000. Psu-k. 1t»e event is open to all Eabow Beach Surf Club, Paget, States Air Force, who is stationed W hen added to the 8172,268.94 menibers and friends. Subsequently General Manager sell aad at the Bermuda. there. Miss L,echausse is a junior surplus from the previous fiscal Richard Martin pared down the at the Boston Conservatory of year, the General Fund contains cost to $222,000 by dropping the Intervention in Russell L. Crawford, aviation 80 Music. 83,919,000.11, of which 8553,333.86 ~Plus Ban Vote machintots mate second class, contingency fund from S to about 8 best of baak FOR RENT was paid out during the month, per cent of the firehouse cost and United States Navy, srai of Mr. leaving 83.365.666.25 in the fund &the Senate Armed Servicea Com-«Gen. Curtla E. Lemay, Air Force 8 and 16 mm. Movie Projectors and Mrs. Russell L. Crawford, 20 cutting inspection cost from $7,- By JOHN CHADWICK at the b^inning of August. 000 to $3,000. mittee and senators who serve on chief of . The subcommittee —sound or sUent, also X nun. Goodwin St., is serving with At­ Bloodmobile Visit The General Fund Reserve Fund terais. These WASHINGTON (AP) — slide projectors. tack Squadron 56, which recently With 8162,000 allocated, the fund the joint Senate-House Atomic chairm an. Sen. John Stennls, D- contained 8206,838.03 at the be­ has a total of $14.94 unallocated, South Viet Nam Sen. J. W. Fulbright says his Energy Committee have been Miss., reported Lemay supported returned to its home base, Naval At Elks Thursday Intern Leaves WELDON DRUG CO. John Poffinbarger, who has been ginning of the month, of which plus unexpended appropriations foreign relations committee sitting in. the -treaty but expressed “far Air Station, l.emoore, Calif., after 835,000 is allocated for board of ears aiuet be Ml Main St^TeL MI S-6S21 six months duty aboard the attack serving as intern at Emanuel Lu­ from previous years of $183,403.63 should be ready within two The armed services group has more concern than the other mil­ The Red Cro.ss Bloodmobile will education projects, leaving 8161,- for a balance of $183,418.12. HUE, South Viet Nam asked Secretary of Defense Rob­ itary chiefs.” aircraft carrier U.S.S. Ticonder- be in Manchester next Thursday theran Church for the past year, weeks to send the limited nu­ will preach his last sermon Sun­ 838.03 unallocated. Other Funds seeatobe (AP) Pressure for world in­ ert S. McNamara for a statement Lemay will have a chance to oga. While at sea the ship visited for its monthly visit. clear test ban treaty to the Hawaii; Subic Bay and Manila, day morning at the 8 and 9 o’clock There is a total of 8346,687.05 in The parking meter fund received tervention in South Vietj setting forth how safeguards testify publicly Monday before It will be stationed at the EUks the Reserve Fund, however, in­ $276 during Uie month in interest Senate floor. urged by the Joint Chiefs of Staff the foreign relations committee, Philippdnes; Hong Kong, British Home, 30 BlaseU St., fro -i 1:45 services. At the second service, he Nam’s Buddhist crisis mount-1 Orown Colony: and Yokosuka and will assist the Rev. C. Henry An­ cluding encumbered but unpaid on $30,000 invested in U.S. Savings The Arkansas Democrat pre­ are to be carried out. Fulbright along with Geh. Earle Wheeler, to 6:30 p.m. bonds, which, when added to the GEORGE DE CORMIER apprseiatsds’ ed today with warning from Kobe, Japan. derson, pastor, in administering appropriations and unencumbered dicts overwhelming ratification of said he does not expect this to Army chief of staff, Adm. David All persons working or residing Holy Communion. balances from allocations made $36,561.46 in the fund, totals $36,- Buddhist leaders in Saigon' the ban on all -but underground delay acUon by his committee. McDonald, Chief of Naval Opera­ in the Manchester area are urged Mr. Poffinbarger, a native of during previous years. 837.48. , blsusts—perhaps with fewer than McNamara has given the pac. tions, and Gen. David Shoup. the Paul O. Begin, son of Mr. and to contact Red Cross headquarters that more fiepr suicides and Mrs. L,eo J. Begin, 943 K. Middle Princeton. III., is a 1960 graduate Water Receipts The dog license fund received 20 votes in opposition. his blessing, and the military Marine Corps commandant. in the Chamber of Commerce $56, which, added to the previous PERFORMANCE PUFFS bloodshed are imminent. Fulbright made this forecast chiefs have endorsed it provided Sen. Barry Goldwater, R-Arlz., Tpke., is undergoing nine weeks of of Augustana College, Rock Is­ The Water Fund took in 855,- They cabled pleas to President^ basic training at the Great Lakes building, to make arrangements land, III., where he received his 883.49 during July, which, a^ed year surplus totals $2,878.23 of Friday after John A. McCone, di­ the ban is accompanied by certain a member of the Stennis subcom­ Wirtz Plan for a blood donation. which $220.24 was expended, leav­ Kennedy, U.N. Secretary-General rector of the Central Intelligence safeguards to reduce what they mittee, told newsmen "I just don't Naval Training Center, M. B.A. degree, and had studied for to the previous year’s surplus of '42 CORVAIR MONZA, M o M 900 2-Door U Thant and Buddhist organlza-, Manchester's monthly quota of two yeaf-s, before coming to M an­ 868,569.51, brought the July total ing a balance of $2,667.99. Equlpjpjed with radio, heater, whitewalls, buckets and Agency, told the committee he term disadvantages and risks, think the military have their 150 pints of blood was met exactly, Of the total $8,692,193 the direc­ tlons for some outside brake to favors ratification and regards These safeguards include an ag- hearts in this." And. in a speech chester, at Augustana Theological to 8124,453. a 4-speed all synchro transmlssiott. (White C ^IQ C the South Viet Nam government’s when the bloodmobile was sta­ Seminary. Rock Island. tors have budgeted for the 1963-84 finish with red interior). AITW the treaty as compatible with na- gresslve program for nuclear Friday night in Madison, Wis., Eases Fear Daily See our eomplete adectioo Of this amount, 86,595.96 was fiscal year, $676,326.34 was expend­ alleg^ed treatm ent of Buddhists. ‘ tioned at South Methodist Church His wife, also a native of spent during the month, leaving tional security. | weapons development through un- Goldwater described the test ban Deliveries during its July visit. ed in July; $19,533.31 is encumber­ The ’cables detailed burnings, Earller, Fulbright had said the derground tests, maintenance of pact as the first step toward a of famous . . . Princeton, is a teacher of voice. the July 31 total a t 8117,857.04, of '62 CUSTOM 400 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR hunger strike and demonstrations Red Cross officials point out They have a son, David, and have ed, leaving an unencumbered bal­ vote might be 80-20 In favor of I modem nuclear laboratory faciji- nonaggression treaty sealing So which 82.584.28 is encumbered. ance of $7,996,334.35. 2-Door. Equipped with radio, heater, 8-speed with over­ and claimed "the govemmmt ig­ Of W alkout **We'll Be the importance and urgency of been living at 64 Church St. dur­ The water reserve fund began the pact—well over the required | Ues, a readiness to resume at- viet domination of European sat- this program, and would like to drive and individual seats. R1Q9S nores all this because President two-third majority. McCone's en­ mospheric 'testing promptly should ellltes. ing the internship period at the month with 8216.523.15 unallo­ (White finish). (Ngo Dlnh) Diem is lU-advised by Here To see more new donors- when the Emanuel. He has assisted the Rev. cated. received 81.648 during the dorsement probably reduced the the Soviet Union abrogate the Republican congressional lead- Bloodmobile makes its Acgnst visit people about him." opposition further, Fulbright told treaty and improvement of tech- ers urged President Kennedy to WASHINGTON (AP) — Service Mr. Anderson with visitations, month, for a total available for '59 THUNDERBIRD 2-DOOR HARDTOP ■Ihey added "other sacrifices Rail negotiations inched for­ CANDIES to town. preaching, Instruction of the con­ appropriation of 8218,171.15. newsmen. niques to detect violations. demand withdrawal of Soviet W har FREE DELIVERY with power steering, brakes, seat and window R 1 Q Q E are Imminent, despite our Inter­ McCtone's secret testimony! Friday, the Senate preparedness ti-oops ffo^i as a “second ward today, spurred by condi­ firmation class and directed youth In addition, there is 833,339.62 lifts. (Powder blue with matching interior). ITaoJ diction and other mass demcn- W e Sell" work. rounded out the first week of I subcommittee, a unit of the step" beyond the ,>artial outlaw- tional union acceptance of a unencumbered remaining from ap­ 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Btrations with bloodshed are in committee hearings. Members of | armed services committee, heard; ing of nuclear testing. Mr. and Mrs. Poffinbarger and propriations during the previous prospect.” Ijahor Department proposal Call THROW ’EM their son will leave for Illinois year. DONT AWAY! early Monday morning. After vis­ R. 8. 8. Ounewardene, Ceylon’s for.ai'bitration of the two key 649-5341 • Sewer Funds ARTHUR DRUG chief delegate to the United Na­ issues in the prolonged work QUINN’S PHARMACY iting with their parents in FTince- The sewer fund took in $19.- Still plenty of wear left in ton, Mr. Poffinbarger will resume tions, announced that he expects rules dispute. 954.36 of an estim ated $293,710 to ask for a special session of the 878 MAIN 8T. your shoes when you have his studies at the Lutheran School expected during the fiscal year. WAGON WONDERS The union.s' provisional accept­ them rebuilt In a profession­ of Theology, Rock Island, HI. U.N. General Assembly to deal ance on Friday of Secretary of Added to the 827.030.95 in the with the sltuaUon. Costs Pressing Nikita al shoe repair shop. ALL Labor W. Willard Wirtz' proposal fund, the department had 846,- His country is principally Bud­ WORK GUARANTEED! 985.31 available, of which 823,611 SUMMER DISCOUNT '62 FALCON 4-DOOR -to which the carrler.s agreed Eleady to go with standard transmission dhist and he himself Is s Bud­ was expended, leaving 823,374.21 WASHINGIUN (AP) __ ••ground of U.S.-Soviet negotiations does have, as all of u.s have, without reservation signaled a St. James’ Pupils smd a gas saving six. 41795 dhist. possible major breakthrough in MANCHESTER FIRE DEPARTMENFS SAM YULYES at the end of July. ON FUEL OIL He told newsmen that he had Thich Tieu Dieu, 71, Buddhist to reduce tensions. Meanwhile he some great unfinished task.; for In the sewer reserve fund, 816,- Soviet Premier Khrushchev is is directing consultations with the its own people in which it would the deadlock that threatens to pro­ 8 ^ each ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN A man and a woman on the sincerity. " He told newsmen A. black sunroof with radio, heater, Caps Cod. Avenue, the greensward on either Another 19 were released after join a mammoth weekend trea­ way to work found the money unions' position "may present Professional CLOSED SATURDAY 1 P.M,—CLOSED THURSDAY white tires, tinted windshield, back-up lights f | T 4K Capt. Hugh Lavallee, 29, of the | reflecting pool, and In- HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) — Thirty- treatm ent. Self-Bepair sure hunt for the rest of the $7 bags — two zippered grips, a EVENINGS DURING JUNE, JULY and AUGUST an insurmountable obstacle " to and more in this beauty. • Massachusetts National Guard, j dependence Avenue. one home-made maps of nearby The impact as the car drove million loot from Britain's great briefcase and a suitcase .'X) final settlement. _ ALSO — CARPET parachuted' 20,(XX) feet from his' "You know,” says Coveil, "if Taylor Lake Village, at 10 cents into the caboose knocked luggage, train robbery. yards from a road through Red­ Unless the dispute is settled or '58 AMERICAN disabled fighter plane on Friday, a man finds the street pavement each, brought 11-year-old (Ilath- seats and passengers pell mell. Of Spacecraft Any hole found dug in the coun­ lands Wood. CLEANING A little red 2-door with a standard shift and was rescued by the crew of hard on his feet, he’s going to leen Wakeland a profit of $3.10 Railroad officials said the tryside, for example, should be The loot apparently had been ■ (Continued on Page Three) NATIVE PEACHES 'n MACS The ideal 2nd car. a Soviet fishing vessel. ' walk on the sidewalk or grass.” after she discovered that slght- freight was moved onto the siding reported, the police said. dumped only a short time before | "They were extremely friendly” , Problems facing the police de-1 seers will pay for maps showing from the main track to allow the Poses Puzzle The appeal came after the dis­ the discovery by John Ahern. c3, Tel. 649-1752 Lavallee said. "No one spoke En-: partment and a host of other gov-1 the homes of the nation’s astro- self-propelled passenger car to go '57 CHEVROLET by. covery Friday of four discarded' a clerk and Mrs. Esa Hargrave, I Groceries, Soda, Pastf^, Dairy Products, Cold CutTj THE RIGHT TOOL A 4-door with radio, heater, standard shift glish fluently, but I was able to ernment agencies range from aid nauts. By HOWARD BENEDICT bags stuffed with $282,520 in bank Only one case was half hidden, FOR SALE corhmunicate with them. They all to the footsore or sick to keeping But they also got her In trouble The switch, they said, was still notes in a wooded Surrey beauty Ahem was giving Mrs. Har- GARNER’S RUG and the 6 cylinder engine. shook my hand several times and George Lincoln Rockwell's Ameri- with the law, represented by City | open as the car reached it. They BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) -Are Bulletins and Dpholstery Cleaning FOR THE JOB This car is really sharp and must be seen. there gremlins in space who tarn spot. grave a lift on his motorcycle. Open 7 Days Every Week kept saying ‘Peace.’ I just smiled can Nazis apart from the march- Marshal A. A. (Red) Lancon, | sought to learn why today, Culled from AP Wires O R RENT and thanked them.” ers. Authorities frown on Rock- Lancon put a stop to the sale. | It was the first accident result- per with satellites and then put The find, bringing the total i Th® engine of his motorcycle over- I For Your Convenience! Rear Adm. Chester L. Harding,' well’s plans for a counter demon- He said he did it to protect the , ing in the death of a New Haven them back in working 'rier! amount recovered so far to $678,-i they stopped at Red- mCDICRL commandant of the 1st Coast stration. but he has indicated he privacy of the astronauts. passenger since 1981. again? 1 179. strengthened a police theory , lands Wood. FERRY CAPSIZES 276 OAKLAND ST. — MANCHESTER Guard District, sent a message may try. Cathleen. undaunted, is making i Richard Lamporte of Bethel, sit- That’s the only explanation two ^ang which pounced with' Ahern said he thought a picnic NAHA, Okinawa (AP)—An PHflRmftCY to the rescue ship, Johannes The police department is al- a new batch of the maps, with ting drectly behind engineer Wil-scientists have for the mysterious ’ precision on the Glasgow- party had left the bags, Okinawan ferry boat carrying OLDIES BUT GOODIES Ware, reading in part: "Your ready getting complaints from the full backing of her mother, 11am Qlivarson, recalled his slight blackout and sudden rejuvenation I-ondon mail train 10 days ago Finding them stuffed with mon MHNI.niMIK.1,8. M. 1-4146 ey, he said "I couldn't believe it. about 200 persons capsized and ‘ *2“' prompt action ... is greatly ap- motorists who fore,see a huge Mrs. W. R. Wakeland. : surprise as he felt the car swerve equipment on four U.S. satellites i panicking, sank off Okinawa today but IX r i traffic■ jam. ■ “Memorial Bridge ■■ "Newspaper reporters. televi- off the main track. in the last year. Five pensons have been ar- I '^® never seen so much money —including four American serv­ 55 BUICK 2-DOOR HARDTOP. Then he heard Oliverason The mystery was underlined rested and charged with minor before RADIO, HEATER, AUTOMATIC. icemen—were reported rescued. (Continued on Page Three) shout; “Hold on!” this week when, within three days. roles in the robbery. Police said the gang evidently Two persons were known dead AVOID MAmTENANIX HEADACHES & EXPENSIVE REPAIRS! (2 TO CHOOSE FROM). 4195 "The next thing I knew,” Lam­ it was announced that two of the Yard pressed the hunt for the big is dumping loot too hot to handle and about 14 were believed porte said, "I was thrown side- I satellites—the ANNA geodetic shots. anywhere and by the easeful, missing. .Authorities here said 54 NASH 4-DOOR. ways into s fellow seated across, sphere and the Telstar 2 commu-' The police, coast guard navy Several gang members, police ail information presently avail­ Special attention i M Y i o R m s m WITH STANDARD SHIFT. 4295 from me. I picked myself up and ‘ nications package—had c,ome back kept a special watch on the En- i able indicated that the four # a Sat. to Noon within a few minutes was taken to life. gl'sh Channel in case any g a n g I (Contlnuorl on Page Three) servicemen who were rescued given to young to the hospital in an ambulance.” I Scientists closely connected with , were the only Americans aboard '54 BUICK 4-DOOR. Lamporte was released after each program, here for a satellite the craft. The ferry, the SOO-ton growing feet by ROADMASTER. 495 examination. .conference, were asked their opin- .Midori Maru, had left N aha’s DOUBLE ^ '’®^®^^ Hurlburt, about 59, ion of the celestial goings-on. romari port at 11 a.m. heading of Roxbury,n 1 /-,Conn., was pro­ Richard B. Kershner of the Ap- for Kumejlma Island. 50 miles qualified shoe per­ 55 MERCURY 2-DOOR nounced dead on arrival at a WORLD GREEN HARDTOP. 4295 plied Physics Laboratory Johns! to the west. hospital. Hopkins University, which devel- ^30 Days to Better Grades’ sonnel! J The inside of the car was a oped ANNA, reported that after t .AN.ADA N-HE.ADS HIT BUILDIND MATERIALS '55 NASH 4-DOOR terrific mess with bodies and two months of Inactivity, ANNA’s MOStXlW (.\P) — Pravda SEDAN. 4195 seats all jammed up together and STAMPS four flashing lights inexplicably : «arne

n . ■■

i ■ / P A G E f IX H IKANCHESTBR ilVENDJO HERALD. MANCHESTER. (X)NNw SATURDAY, AUGUST 17,1968 MANCHSSTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, C O N N , SATURDAY, AUGUST 17,1963 iK n it mumataly thraAtans ttia iatagrity Wonders of UteTJniverse i JUmrlrfflter of tba JudldAl ayvtam Hsalf. . . . Connecticut ISortiUtg Ifrrdii^ •‘Apart from what they regard as tha ahorteominga of Uie Federal Satellites to Relay 0 0 . ora. syatem aetna wtol-meanlng people Yankee Churches apparently btolere that the judi­ By A.H.(X cial rather than the political Obbreli af Cbriat St. Bridget’s Church ^ First Church of Christ Sclentlat Weather Informatioii proreaa to mcca likely to breed bet­ Orange Hal. B. Orater Bt. Rev. doha F. Oetoney Mnaoale Temple We suppose it will be aomathing Bev. Stanley B. Hastma ter aotutlona of pressing or thorny of a shame when, eventually, Con­ necessary to handle tha data oom- BUSINESS SERVICES DIRECTORY 11 am., Sunday service, Sunday By DB. 1. M. LEVITT ■mm* problems. TWa to a compliment to Bev. Dennis B. Hussey Ing from 0iem. 1 M i S necticut gets around to , the busi­ •:4S ajm., BiMa elaasas for all School and nursery. Dli««ior, The Fels PlaBetarinm the judiciary but untrue to demo­ n e many challaagliif pnWams ness of creating a sixth eoagraa- ages naaea at 7, 8, 0, 10 and 11 sm . ■-’Soul” will be the subject of the Of The FraaklUi InstHute inherent In this aystam ■aaaa that cratic principle. That point of view 10:46 am.. Morning Worship. Deason-Semion. The (^Iden ’T« t A aatellite to monitor continuous­ the SMS will not be launched for slonal district for itself out of Guaat Speaker: W. & Hebbard of Chnreh ef the Aasamptien to from Paakna 77: IS. Scriptural ly weather developmenta to re­ H IG H G R A D E 80WCMP1KMI ■Anti to aometimea difficult for judges mere territory and a mere sec­ a few yeara Srientlsts hop# that MANCHESTER GLASS n y S S to A) West Hartford. Adame St. aad Tbdmpaon Bd. selecUonB will Include: Paalms 82: place the short-period viewing of In 1967 or 1968 the SMB will go 06# . #4 ••«••••••••••••••. •• to taaiat, for it carries ostensibly tion of its population inataad df 7 pjB., Bvening Wondiip. Devo- Bev. Francis J. Mihalrir 5. Oorrelatlve paasagea from "Sci­ our current ’Tiroe satellite* will be MANCHESTER • For Auto WIndnIrields ■te K0MA0 666^66666«*6666««**** authentic judicial hallmarks—the into the aky. As a point of liet, e For Store Front* and PRINTING TIUrEE KS8tlM 66»*666«6»666«***6 E>9 electing a congresaman-at-large ttonal Satvice: Haul Ketoey of Faster ence and Health with Key to' the developed if studies of the Syn­ the last Tiros to ba launched will function of statutory construction Bev. Fraacls T. Butler Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, chronous Meteorological Satellite on sizes of windows Or« MEMb from some never never land as MAncbaater in chaifs. go into a synchronona orMt to pro­ AUTO PARTS and the power of judicial review. nniraday, 7:M pm.-, >Udweek include p. 330: t l to 13. (SMS) prove its 'easibUlty. At tEAFOOD e For Table Tops ' JOB AND COMMERCIAL has become the state's tradition. at 7, 8, 0, i0:15 and 8 p.m., Wednesday meeting. stake in this'-program to the vast vide basic data for the SMS. Been THJo Am xaS^^tum: _ . “If the Congreas or’a state legis­ the ejtperience j|ataied_ tai launch­ a d ' CHOICE VAMEH PRINTING The congressmen we get this 11:30. Reading Room hours at 740 sum of -money this country can ing the Synconu (Synrimnoua OPEN 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. prompt and BIfIclent Printing lature has passed an inadequate way are much more interesting Sarah Methedlst Ctanrch Main St., excepting legal holidays save through improved weather Ahrash At Yonr Serrlee Far Quality SATURDAY 8 A.M. to NOON Of AD Kinds Bev. J. Manley Shaw D J>. S t dames’ Oiarck Monday th ro u ^ Saturday, 11 Am. forecasts, and its 'Ipipact will be (^mmunlcaUons SatelUtea) will be :a‘x4sr=5s.smff55 statute why should it not be re- than congressmen who come from used in to g , larmcblnr^tee SMB. • MACHINE SHOP SERVICE a te tba local a m pahUrttd boro. Tised by judicial construction? If some established district. They B«t. Bay C. HaSto Jr. Bev. Edward d. Beardoa, Pastor to 4 p.m. felt, in many fields.\ I Still MUjl^ • EQDIFHENT . All rtoMa of repabUoatfoa of opoetti— make much more splash and ex­ Bev. Eugene F. Torpey Meteorological rateU il^are not • PARTB (Msv and rebnllt) Seafood J. A. WHITE COMMUNITY PRESS 4lap6r in the end some of UieTiigb speed oratory of the sun's striking the daUeate, 289-4333 in ’’extras” when he is rushed for 9 T r * ^ 9 i. S son., OoitasdiensA. Bev. danoes L. Baaaein, BUalater Church ot the Naxarcae picture ovef any part of the pbotosensltive anrfocest la w daea year pr ihlrana aad Stevenson^s Esso for Fine Service had to add a tractor trailer-track VACUUM CLEJONEBS, what would eventuate would be a hto climax career, and we were t ara., Divtaie WorriUp. Text: tM Mtota St. earth. This will overcome the se­ to its fleet and thto means that he feels that only trained men can HEATERS, FANS, Lsika !•: *7-48. Hiem«: "Jemia’ The SMS must pnvidlL tho k I- srortlea. Par fuB lafonaatloB Power and Hand 'Tonla give the kind of service that has Paul Dodge ■i^stanttol transfer of legtolative persuaded. Here there had devri- 9:30 Am^, Sunday SciMol with Rev. Robert J. Shoff, Pastor rious handicap of the operational enttot with Informatton abara the Pafaitiaf, and Decorating Toola they now go up into Canada, down SEWING MACHINE8 oped a man who could use more Dora, tabor and Teara.” Nursery Tiros satelUtes which are space- ran repairs set this moving service apart. He power to the court. A function ctoaaes for all agea Adult CUes heat budget of the earth. FaTsthto, Garden and Land Teola pick-up and deUvery service. Thto to Tennessee, Ohio, lUlnots and Pontiac, Inc. words per minute than anytxHly in tat pariah house. atudies ‘Tfen Who Met the Mas­ 9 :30 a.m.. Church School etossee oriented. Tiroe satellites cover have the engine cleaned, a through Into the central United takes pride in his work and so do gAturday, August IT more ill-auited to judges can hard­ new infrared Imaging •yateiui Pouf Dedau Pontloc Baby, Honaebdld, Party is particularly convenient and a hto men, and the result shows in 878 Main SL—TeL 649-2881 AH work gucHOEf od political history, use them tai any ter." for all ages. only 25 per cent of the earth on I must be explored, desiguad' aitd aad Baaqnet SappBca special tune-up job done or for a States, Of course, with thto trailer- ly ba imagined, situated as they conceivable order (sometimes we Ohlrary Orarch 10:30 Am., CSiildren’s (Biurch each orbit and the 25 per cent m e . place to buy gas and ■ oil, where service greatly appreciated. TTie the high quality of moving service A Debate Of Jnetieci 10:46 Am., Morning Worship. fabricated. 378 MAIN STREET Invalid Needs station to open d ^ y from 7 a.m. truck, they con take much larger given by Manchester Moving are, and should be, aloof from suspected him of playing with (Aieerahd* at God) Sermon by the Rev. E. Carw>n Mc- and Nursery. may not include that portion of Finally, there is the quaatk» of courtesy and service axe the main loaxto, but don’t worry if you do audience and saying some of hto M7 B. MMdIe Tpke. 10:45 Am.. Worship Service. the earth in wlilch the meteorolo­ Phone M9-2881 objectives, 'Atop in at Stevenson’s to 9 p.m. Trucking Co. Juatiea Arthur J. Ooldbeig, the the podtieal arena and beholden to Latnon, gueat mintoter from Oan- altitude itabUtoatlon. What will ba Among other Itema carried at not have a fuU load; It to not ne­ Incidentally, you do not have to Upholstery sentences backwards) and‘making Bov. Kranrth L.. Onatafeea, Faatar adA S p ^ a l music. Supervised Message by the Rev. R. Alfred gist to vitally interested. the cheapest and beat way to ori­ Brno Station, 405 Main St. Richard cessary, the(y will take port loads DON WILLIS newaat member of tha United no one for their conscisntious oon- Swain, missionary appointee to In­ Following the Tiroe series will We Urge You To Support Stovenson’o Baao you will find have a great big moving job to en­ ■ and Shop 7 all come out Bounding aa if it were nursery. and Bobert Stevenson have been M States Supreme Court, and Rustics duot. Such a course would also de­ f :46 am., Sunday School ctoaaea come the fully earth-oriented Nim­ ent the antalUta so that its Sen­ thoM rugg;ed Atlra Uree, aleo and welcome them. Their driver of joy Manchester Moving A "lYuck- Re-upholstering the moet Impressive and rasusur- Monday through Friday, 0 Am., dia. TTveme: "Compromise: The Be­ sors are always directed toward llie Lutz Junior Museum Custom Made running the station about two KeUy-^ringfleid and Goodyear. this mammoth troUei^truck to, John'Marshall Hartan. one of its nigrate the legislative process, Ing brand of common sense. for an ages. 'Vacation Bible School for ages 4 ginning of Defeat," bus, which wUl be launched in a years and older re;si^enta of Man­ ing Company’s service. They are 8 IR A 8 E polar orbit to furnish continuous 'They have plenty of recape and naturally, a men with plenty of pleased to do any moving job for mors conaarvatlve standbys, were since it would tend to relieve legis­ U am., Dlvtaie Worship, Ser­ through 15. 6 p.m., Youth Service. ^ devised to provide altitude stabil- chester may remember when their experience, and you con expect the * Modern Furniture The greatest Republican vote mon by Pastor Ouatafson. 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. for winter driving you can buy you, and the same quality of work 18 Main St., Tel. 849-4531 both apaakara at functions of tha lators from having to account to getter of hto time. Sadlak, was Saturday, 9 am.. Meet at church I ‘“ Uon V nV ltm la how to Wiudaw Covirifiss father, Joeeph Stevenson ran the sno-caps, new or recaps at reason­ same safe and courteous servlet ond Antiques 6:80 pm., Bvening Prayer.. to picnic at Miaquamicut. Message by the Rev. R. Alfred the earth. ^ p U * the t o e de-, the weight station. is always there. Amaricaa Bar Aaaociatian maat- tha electorate. The outcome would succeeded by the greatest Dem­ 7:80 pan., FamSy Gospel Serv­ Swain. 'Theme: "Freedom March­ lays inherentIt in this system, t h e . * « u m « « ^ able p ^ es. that has always marked Manches­ Whether you want your entire e Store Stools and Booths ocratic vote getter of his time, dlctoted by the booster syatam. a Window Shades Both Richard and Robert Stev­ For sure ataiting, day in and ter Moving & Trucking Co. home moved without turning a Specializing In iag out la Chicago. Both mads Inevitably be a leascning, on the ice, Sermon by Ron Crilins.. A Secead Oongregatloaal Cdrareh ers for Christ." Nimbus satellites will provide It has been estimated that ac­ enson have had previous experience e Custom Furniture Frank Kowalski. Unlike Sadlak, fsiHtoUi. iHm, "Silent Witness, Wedneepday, 7:30 p.m.. Prayer the next significant advance^ in RtM C h n aiui a Vertical aad Veoetlaa BUada day out, get an Atlas battery and More and more businesses are finger or the reg;ular moving job, Slipcovers and Draperies •paaehas to wMtoi H should be pcs* one hand, of judicial independence who used to float casual rumors 386 N. Mala St. curate five-day weather forecasts in working at other places. Richard be Bure your car will start every let Manchester Moving A Truck­ IRAKE SGRVIC8 w n ba shown. Bev. Felix H. Davto. MUntoter and Praise service. weather forecasting. can save this country over five ^ o a o M B y Drapes aad Hardware attended the Esso retail school, j calling upon Manchester Moving Made to Order tohle for Inttoligent dtlaena to sub- and, on the other, of legislative of higher aspirations mainly tai Weitaieaday, 8 p.m.. Bible study The ultimate advance will come time. Of course a full line of ac- Sc Trucking Co. to move offices, ing Co. do the work for you. They Complete Selection of Materials Mrs. Mchard Plnney, billion dollars annually. With a 18 Haaaaway SL It really Is a pleasant experience cearoriea such ae polishes, outboard ■cribs; both said things that, in rsaponaibUity, thus polluting the order to make sure of hto own and Prayer ServKM. John Zanelia Aasoclate Minister North Methodist (%ureh with the SMS which will orbit for they have found that It saves will move your entire household FREE ESTIMATES Front End AHgomMt post, Kowalski let hto own vote the earth in 23 ttours 56.1 minutes Synchronous Meteorological Satel­ Del Kaowlea, Prop. FINDELL'S to stop at this station for the .serv­ motor oils, fire lighters etc. are funllture and set it up for you, our jndgmestt. nsad urgantly to ba blood atraam of our ayatem of gov- will be in chair*- 9:30 a.m.. Morning Worship. 300 Parker Si lite it may well be that this coun­ ice is swift, reliable and courteous. always available. A full tine of them time and money to have this Lower Level of the Psrkade aaM Just now. But they did speak getting prowess spur him into a Rev. Earle R. Custer, Pastor at an altitude of alxnit 22,300 miles 486 MIDDLE ITKE., EAST firm do the work. They have thto down to the last piece of china, or 649-6324 General Repoir Woifc ammant. We should ba on guard real ambition for hlgtwr nomina­ Nursery. Sermon: "Challenge and to remain stationary over a given try will realise this tramandous Can 648-0012 The Hiurtble Oil Co. is proud of lw«d ton^M, spark plugs, ignition be happy to give their regular ftpm acmawhat oppotota pbiloao- Trlnl^ Cevraaat Chnrdi Responae,” by the Rev. Mr. Davto. potential before tha end of the Phone 643-4866 the fact that their Esso Stations parts, condensoTB, rotors, points to rial cartons for eveiy need. For against any such deliberate or un­ tion, to the United States Senate Haehnsatack S t Near BeesMy St 9:30 a.m., Worship Service. Ser­ point on the equator. Once the instance, medical supplies are moving job, which to pretty spe­ pblas; 'touNild wa ba forced to willing folly. — an ambition ao real ha never SMS becomes operational, global decade! The SMS to om more ex­ 3-DAY R. A. PBARL, Prop. are Wept spotlessly clean and to mention just a few of the many cial, too. They will put down rugs, Berv. K. BJnar Bask, Pastor Gospel Hall mon by The Rev. James M. Gage ample of how research tn apace those meeting their high standard car necee^es are stocked at all ptu;ked in a special carton aa are cboeaa whicb apaaeb wa thought "Our schema of ordered liberty quite made it back to hto ow n of Coventry former pastor of North weather forecasting will become a Instruments. Elach item to wrapped set up beds, place the furniture 416 Center St. travel can benefit mankind. SERVICE! of cleanliness the Hianble .Top Urmea just whbre you want it, and their CUNLIFFE ■loaC naadad to ba made right now, to based, like tha oonunon law, on nomination 'when the Ug battle 10:15 a.m„ Morning worship Church in 1948 and now retired. routine procedure. Copyright 1661 in white paper and marked. A doc­ TOURAINE Tho Rot. C. Lealle Strand, confer- Three .Types Studied Rated Reet Room sign is awarded Hate to polWi your car? Let prices are really reasonable. For ws mlgMt lean toward that dtoiv- enlightened and uniformly applied bad been lost. In return for keep­ 10:30 Am., Breaking Bread. Nursery. Oeaeral Faatnrra Faatm OHp. and Stevenson's Eteo Station has Stevenson's Bteo do the work foe tor or dentist can walk out ef the ing quiet after the nomination of sneo auperlntandent, guoat preach CMirently three configurations of office, and when he goes to his estimates phone Walter Perrett at MOTOR SALES aisd by Justict Hartan. legal principles, not on ad hoc no­ Or. 13:15 p.m., Sunday School. the SMS are under study. The rURNITUBE CLEANING CAMPING received this award. you. They not only polish and wax 643-6563. PAINTS Abe Ribicoff for the Senate, Ko- 7 p.m.. Gospel Meeting. Oonomunity Baprist Church Stevenson’s 'Etoso have a repair­ your car for you but they clean the new office everything will be in EXPERT AUTO BODY and Jnsttca Ooldbarg delivarad a tions of tohat to right or wrong in watoki was apparently promised a Wednesday, 7:30 pm.. Midweek 585 E. Center St. first will weigh but tOO pounds and order, files, furniture, instruments Through their association with service with the Rev. Mr. Raak ’Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Prayer and will be launched with a Tbor-Del- ers license and they can do most interiors as well. The prices Burnham’s Van Service of Geor­ FENDER REPAIRS remcBBtranca to those alamenta in a particular ease.” Washington poet, which was apoc- Rev. Alex H. Elseaser, Minister A Thought for To4B7 EQUIPMENT any repair Job on any make of car charged are really so reasonaide and supplies placed exactly 'where For Bost Rm u Ho ified last January when Praaident ahariitg the Bible study. Bible meeting. ta )>ooster. Incidentally, this to gia, Manchester Moving A Truck­ ENAMEL and LACQUER our national Ufa srhlch woiUd Hka Such was tha rich kernel of the booster which has a fantastic by tl Tents, Oots, Steeping Bagib and they have two bays to serve and they do such a wonderful job he spew ed. A buaineas firm can ing Co. can provide moving serv­ Kennedy nominated him to the Enuuiuel Lutherau Church 9:30 a.m.. Worship Service. Dr. the public. They will tune your Uiat it simply does not pay you to enjoy the same ease in moving. BEFINISHINGS to defy and dtoenffit and ignore Justice Harlan’s argument As Sudveraive AeU-vities Control Center Cengregatlitlanal Chnreh Edward Clark of Connecticut reliability record — 18 successful CMmta af Air eialtreaara. Steves ice all over the country. tha rulings of thenbuprsme Court, Haltedled &aichA ateh af Christ Bev. C. Henry Aaderaom Pastor launches out of 19 attempts. The Laateraa cor and put it in A-1 condition, put In all that hard labor, let Desks, files, chairs, machines and Need to store furniture' for a REASONABLE PRICES PAUL'S against the emphasis of Justice Board. Council of Ouirehes, gueat min­ clean the engine, balance the Stevenson's do the work for you. all office equipment will be taken pnrtieulaAy In the field of dvU Bev. CUBard O. Sbapaoa, Mlaister John Pofflnbarger, Intern ister. Seroion: “Love or Perish.” next will be the 5-pound config­ On Oalag And Osraing while? Store it in Manchester FREE ESTIMATES Goldberg’s speech, it eet up some­ Since that time, a .odrioui gams Bav. daaepk H. Dudley, uration to be launched by the At­ T u n n p i K E MANCHESTER wheels, re-pack them if necessary, Incidentally, they do all the polish­ from the old office and transport­ Moving A Trucking Company’s PAINT SUPPLY rights and radal relationships. thing of a debate between the Jua- has been in progress. The S ^ ate Omreh School classes through Much.has )>ean edid about the ing and waxing for one of Man­ ed to the new one with no fuss or Aasoelate Miaiater 8 a.m., Morning Suffrages. Grade 2 will meet in education las-Agena system. The last to the check the brakes, and if needed, do new fireproof and vermin-proof BT. 83—VERNON, CONN. “It to too lata tat our tatotory,” Judiciary Committee, whkh should 9 a.m., Divine Worship. Holy 1.000- pound system to be launched necemity and the art of going to SURPLUS SALES CO. a new brake job for you. You are chester’s largest car dealers so you bother. Simply tell Manchester storage vault where it will be ab­ Just Above the Traffic Girds 645 Main StrMt tieea. But we can take the point building. Crib room for bablea church. Halford E. laiOMk in one AUTO BODY know that they really do a fine ha said, “to deny that the Consti­ of view of both—^the Justice Gold­ hold a hearing on the nomthatlon, 9:16 a.m.. Church service. Dr. Communion. Qiupch School for into an eccentric orbit with an ap­ 169 N. MAIN ST. sure of a good and thorough job Moving A Tiucking Co. 'what you solutely safe until you need iL TEL MS-0016 . Tel. 649-0300 keeps postponiiig such hearing. In children 4-10. Nursery. Sermon at ogee (its greatest distance from of hto numerous articlas, sug­ at Depot Square when you take your car to Stev­ job. want done aAd leave the Vest 'fo The rates are very reasonable. tution as intarprated by the Con- berg belief that, the Court having KarUs Deyaameyar, European au­ St. Mary’s Episcopal Church gests that we'Should also he ean- Stop in at Stevenson’.s Esso Sla^ a manner which suggests that thor, educator apd editor, guest both services by Jrtui Pofflnbar­ the earth) of 22,300 miles, and, Open OaUy to B:00 P.BL enson’s Esso Station. them. Why not engage the services of s gtttuUon, to tha aupreme law of the taken a position, that should in­ ger, “Know the Thing* That Make Cbnrch and Park St ceriied about the neeeerity and v l^ i^ Road service is offered for tion the next time you need gas or moving company that is Irvily in­ Kowalski to never going to make preechei. Nuraery for young chil­ Res'. George F. Nostrand, Rector when the satellite arrives at its J.IFARB—648-7111 Walter Perrett; owner of Man­ land. - deed be reepected as the law of it. Meanwhile, Connecticut Dem­ dren tat kindergarten room. for Peace.” apogee, a rocket motor will fur­ importance of going hosne from WRECKER those wlio may run into trouble, oil, you will enjoy their courteo\B chester Moving Sc Trucking Co., terested in giving the very best Rev. John D. Hughes church. Only too often people go­ they have a pick-up truck for this service, your car will enjoy Uw "No Jtidge or lawyer worthy of tha land—tha Justice Harlan con­ ocrats, acting as If they were nish the "kick in the apogee” to has built a One business through' I moving service possible, Manches- B e r u b e 's Rev. WUUam F. Gender HI ing home from otHireb appear SERVICE work and should you w^ant work extra zip that Esso gaa g^ves it his insistence upon quality mov- !' trav*ter X4nvinarMoving A'A 'IVurkln^'Trucking C!n.Co. ? tha mnqp can attach any conati- viction, that the Court itself must afraid they mig^t be accused of Rev. Bonald E. HsMenian circularize the orbit at Uie 22,- TYPEWBITEB SERVICB not keeping a bargain, keep tosu' Area Churches 3.000- mlle altitude. rested, ’ or bored, or unduly pious. done on your car and it is not con- and you will also get a bonus be 479 Sllddle Tpke. E. ttrtienal tanportanea to currant re­ ataarriaa restraint as to how far it Ing statements supporting Kowal­ At this altitude the SMS can —^They have been oonforted. In­ PORTABLE TV RENTALS venient to drive over, simply phone sides, for they give Plaid Stamps Blancheater vivals of the old and discraditad 7:30 a.m., Holy (Communion. formed and assured, aad now are toiould go or reach or be tempted ski for the appointment Such view about one-third of the earth's Motorola and Zenith Boles HEALTH CAPSULES doctrine of Interposition or milUfl- SL Francis of Assisi Church 10 a.m.. Morning Prayer with surface, of which some 38 million satisfied with tbsBMelrM and Annual Reports BEBUD.T TYPBWB1TERS tai iiisning to write, rather than statements have come, ao far, from nrat Oaagregatteaal Church of » sermon by the Rev. Mr. Gender. their world for another week. ■ad Service by MIfliae! A. IVtti. .Il.n. eattoB." Senators Dodd and Ribicoff and V6f1GS South Windsor square miles to usable. By com­ ROYALS. UNDERWOODS. judge, the law of the land. Summer choir. Baby-sitting. Nur­ How different was the exper­ Travelers See Grand Canyon^ WHAT CAUSES PIZZPtESS L. C. SMITHS Etc. "Iha Judidal proceas,” said Jus- First District Congressman Dad Bar. Jeha A. Laeey, Miaiater Bev. Gordon B. WadhamA Pastor parison the Nimbus sensors can We Service AU Blokes ef TV, By Departments Rev. Edward J. Badzevlch, sery In the CSiildren’s Chapel. see only about 4 per cent of this ience of Jesus! Wa road that after Radios and Fhoaograplw IN VDONG PEOPLE ? We Handle Stnttonery Alanc tiet Goldberg tat a paaaaga vritlch dario. Wednesday, 10 a.m., Holy Com he had attended Uia synagogue at An Improvement In Angusts 9:30 a.m., Service of Worship. Aaelstant Pastor area under optimum conditions. With Office Machine SnppUra should stir and move ua aU, “as- Presumably, it to considered im­ munlon. Also some Tiros pictures which are Capernaum, he "entered the house Marineland^ Homes of Stars HOUSING AUTHORITY AddreMogrnph Plates As Once upon a time, many many portant that the party leadership 9. 10:15 and Dally, 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer. occasionally seen as a mosaic of of Sion and Androw." Thcro he MODERN The success of the existing 100- Desired suines' paaca. It rests upon unrs- should have a reputation for keep­ Boekvine Methodist Church MasBea at 7, 8, unit housing for the elderly proj­ 11:30 A m . many pictures will be a thing of found a sick woman, Fstor'a moth- ■arred acceptance of and compU- yaara ago, there was a month call­ ing its word. Just how it Mm do 143 Grove St. er-ln-law. He gave her sympathy At the begiiming of their second«'arrivlng at their motel that night, ect tai Manchester prompted the A. J. BERUBE. Proa. Bev. Laarraee M. Hill, Pastor 8t. John’s Polish National the pest, for on single frames the T V SE R V IC E ^ — swimming_____ Z_ _ was greaUy------A.1-- enjoyed aaca with tba deetolona of the ed August which was nicknamed this, without landing Kowalski in S t Maurice Church Catholic Church entire weather pattern of a third and the power of God in miniatry. week of travel, Manchester area Manchester Housing Authority to 649-3477 — 643-6843 the job he was apparently promto- Tim Badger was the first in the begin a second 100-unlt section on OBuit of last resort. Democratic the month of the dog days. 9:30 a.m.. Morning Worship led Bolton Rev. Walter A. Hyszko of the earth will be vtolble(. This He took the meesage of the eyna- 99 SUMMER ST. peraone touring the west proceed­ pool, as usual. The tournament ed, or some equivalent, is some­ gogue and gave it a practical ap­ S Blocka Fyon McKm 8t. 11 acres adjoining the present gwvamnient cannot endure if the One classical reason for calling by Andrew Morgan. Rev. Beraard L. MeGurk capability means that the SMS DUCOagdDULUXRfflHOHRK ed through beautiful Monument bingo scores were totaled, and August the month of the dog days thing of a puszlc not even unlim­ Pastor Masses at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. system will be simpler for the plication tn this home. That to the three top winners were Sally WeathttI (hardens. G Monday, 7:16 p.m.. Prayer and taw to defied by those tai or out of ited statements in hto behalf would storage capacity, since 64 pictures what is needed more and more in TEU 6M-n00 'Volloy tn Colorado. The first section was im­ VIC’S PIZZA SHOP was that In August Sirius, the dog discussion time. •itoe travelero are on the Ameri­ Miller, Barbara Walker and Tim authority. answer. Masaea at 7, 8:30. 10 and 11:30 Concordia Lutheran Church and the on-board computers can our times. If only more of our 166 MIDDLE TURNPIKE, WEST Badger, who were awarded their mediately occupied, according to 153 IV. Middle Turnplka “Dadalona In a democracy are star, timed its rising so it got up But even while the fate Kowal­ be eliminated. The SMS pictures church members had the knack of can Beauty Tour, arranged by the the MHA’s annual report for the Unloa OoBgTCgattoaal Church a.m. 40 Pitkin St MANCHESTER newly formed Weotern Holiday prizes. Phone 849-3700 not Immune from criticism. 'Hiey with the sun. ski developed for himself from the Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, Pastor will be instantly relayed to sta­ taking the message and the power The group left their mote) 1962-63 fiscal year, and removals Cnitod Cbaroh of Chrlat HMivaaiu itnM The tour, which to co-edu- have remained so few, and va­ C all 644-1111 Another more realistic reason exhilarating experience of being a BoekvWe Sacred Heart Chnreh tions on the earth where they can of the worriiip experience into the Wednesday morning and crossed PIZZA may ba changed by legislation or congreaaman with no district to be monitored, so that if close-ups home, into the place of bualnaae, cnUonal, to twing led by Mr. and cancies so quickly filled from s for calling August the month of Bav. Para J. Bowmaa, Pastor Rt. SO, 'Vernon 9 am.. Holy Ckimmunion, STEVENSOirS Mrs. Bruce Vanderbrook, owners, the street to spend the day at FOR REPAIRS, ecnsUtutlonal. amendment, or even still In doubt, hto successor, Ber­ Rev. Ralph Kelly, Pastor Church school, nursery. of certain areas are desirable they into the friendly circle aad into Disneyland. Never has anyone growing waiting list, that a fed­ SPAGHETTI the dog days was that August al­ assisted by Mrs. Lucille Williams eral government loan was ob­ REPLACEMENT reoonaldcred by the Court itself. nard Grabowskl. who, when he 9 ajn.. Worship Service. The 10:30 Am., Service, Church can be made available to the me­ the antagonlritc worid, what 443-7043 crammed more into one 12-hour RAVIOLI ways produced at least one span of first came into nomination and teorologist. of Bolton. tained to start the second section. ON ALL TYPES OF Bnt unUl and unleae ao changed, to Rev. J. <3ood Brown, interim pastor Masses at 7:30, 8:30, 10 and school, nursery. transfonnatlona would taka place! ESSO An event of g;rea*t interest and period. They returned to the mo­ defy them or obstruct them Is to wsather so horribly hot and humid election seemed twice aa quiet as of BtHton Congregational C3huroh, 11:15 a.m. Wednesday. 7:30 p.m.. Vesper It is comtemplated that the first Rev. Alex H. BUeaser tel after the fireworks display, Technical difficulties In acquit^ OPEN DAILY the original Sadlak and the orig­ service. SMS will be launched in an equa­ . 40.') MAIN ST. ! excitement to the readers of the ing adjoining property liave been deny the law itself." and full of the suffering and the gueat preacher. Community BSiHiat‘Church tour occurred while traveling tired but happy, and laughing over TME MOST COMMON CAUSE 7:30 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. inal Kowatoko added together, has St. Bernard’s Churcb torial orbit at longitude 90 degrees TEL. 649-8290 the marvelous time they had had. OF PIZZINESS IN overcome, and the New Haven To this, and to its criticten of death of drought that not even a SECOND TO ONE west, which is a point in the Pa- REAL TRANQUIUTT nduihward in Monument Valley. firm of Pederaon and Tllney has SUNDAYS begun to make what seems the United MethedM Ohurrh S t Bernard's Ter., RodcvHle The bus was flagged down by a Allen Hill admitted that he had PEOPLE UNPER 40 IS 4 P.M. to 10:,30 P.M. lawyers and judges who think dog felt like rising at all. kind of move inevitable for the of­ Rev. Patrick P. Mahoney, Pastor KARACHI, Pakistan (API- The cific Ocean several hundred miles EL PASO. Tex. (AP) — A rign * Tune-ups been on every ride twice, and all PLAIN OLP NERVOUSNESS. been engaged to design the addi­ Bolton average Pakistani .drlnk.s 21 cups west of Ecuador. Eventually for on the bulletin board in fimit of a Reuben Plen’s motorist" who had hit one of the tional unMs. CLOSED MONDAYS thamarivea entitled to apactol con­ Tbese dog days, when they fice. Bev. Abraat W. Saagrej-, Minister * Engine Cleaning ^tfalto of travel — out of gas. It were convinced that the shrieks came, were the particular days of Just the .other day, Oongraas- Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of tea a week, according to gov- of these satellites will be used to large church reads: "iranquU-__^ of the girls while on the bob-sled , It i* not in*-nd-d:» b-ol • dte"®**** Manchester, though only 16th duct because in their opinion the ernment figures. Only a Briton, j cover the entire earth. Only two | irers are no substitute tor a clear Texaco Station turned out to be Chief Joe, a Hopi were heard for miles. Sally Miller in population in CJonnecticut, blgtaeat court in the land has gone all the summer which really tried man Grabowskl made his first real 9:30 Am., Worship. Sermon: a.m. * Minor Repairs Indian guide, who was showing the WOODCOCK bow into the big time wHh a force­ "Good Souls in a Bad Society." consuming 36 cups, tope this. ground readout stations will be conscience.” had taken Mrs. Vanderbrook for a nanlu second in the number of too far in tha field of racial rela- men’s souls, and discouraged al­ 381 Moia Street area to Baroneea VonBruegenn and drive at Autopia, and after they and many exolamations on the available federally sponsored low REFRIGERATION CO. most anybody from being patriotic ful intervention in the field of the S t Pater's Episcopal Church * Plaid Stamps her party. The txaroness is a well- had gotten under way admitted beauty of the occasion were heard. rent units availowe to the aged Ostrmsky ttenshlpa, our hearty amen. deteriorating relationship between St. Jehn’s Episeopal Church Wapping known authoreae. The maids' lamidry carts proved about summer itself. It was sn ef­ Phone 443-9149 that she had never driven before. in Connecticut, and third In DEALER IN WASTE H m vary tognifloant and impor­ the United’States and . He f B t 80, Veraon Bev. James A. Blidsall, Vicar Continuing on, the boys and Mrs. Vanderbrook, realizing that to be a popular method of trons- planned project size. tant ramazks of Justice Harlan fort to keep breathing; movement requested an Immediate round of Bev. James I. Grant, Pastor HydramaUe ‘rranwntosion girls enjoyed the scenery, and this was very true, had completed portation between cabins. Wltnee MATERIALS were psriisps addreaeed to some­ was a matter of shoving the heavy discussions between our two for­ 8:30 a.m., Morning Prayer and Repairing CUSTOM MADE finally stopped at the Arizona- the trip with her eyes closed. Roger ses saw Valerie Wahrek, Doreen BOARD OF HEALTH MANCHESTER eign ministers, to clear up nuitters 8 Am., Holy Ctommunion. sermon. LAST DAY AH Work Gaaraateed Utoh state line for lunch. Mar-sha Clark aqd Mrs. Vanderbrook being thing of the same general prob­ atmosphere to one side; it was in­ CANVAS AWNINGS Wiley had brought back the moet STbe Advisory Board of Health like de Gaulle's refusal to sign the 9:30 Am, Morning prayer and Fredertekson and Tim Badger ate packages, a shopping bag full propelled shout by the more ener­ conatota of five members appoint­ RAGS, IR O N lem, but from a quite different deed the dog, dug into some cool nuclear test ban treaty, and the sermon. Vernon Methodist, Church Texaco Lnbtieatloa Service their lunch with one foot in each getic boys. MEMORIAL CO. hole of dirt underneath some ever­ Wednesday. 10 Am., Holy Com. Route Se Marineland of the Pacific was ed by the board of directors, to Opposite Bast Cemetery angle—the angle of how far the sale of French grain to ciommuniat toate. the first sight to be visited on The following day was spent serve five years each. SCRAP METAL green or earth-hugging shrub, who China. muniem. Bev. Robert Firhy We Give St:9C Greea Stampe Arriving at Grand Canyon on Bi^mama Court should go or should Monday through Friday, 9 Am Thursday, smd Allen Hill was the traveling to Wlnnemucca, Nev., present members are Dr. George constructed for hinuelf the only "As far as I’m concerned, de the afternoon of Aug. 5. the group which was to be their stop-over. A. F. Lundberg Jr., chairman. Dr. Quality Memorials be «q>acted to go in providing the Gaitile T a s“ sla^;i)ed « noon. Vacation school. 9 ajn.. Morning worship and transferred to park buses for the only one who' could wake up the and PAPER sensible life. otters. After lunch at the fabulous Weary heads hit pillows that night Melvin Horwltz, secretary. Dr. A. guide .panacea for every ill and often,” said Grabowskl. "A friend child care. Sermon by pastor. East Rim Drive. They were ac- with thoughts of good thingrs to Elmer Diskan, acting director of Over SO Years Experience maladjustment of our modem so­ As we contemplate the Special TaleettviUe Coagrngationsl Summer Sunday School. cot)jpanied by a park ranger who Marineland Restaurant, they tour­ 7SI PARKER ST. doesn't have to keep pledging his it ed Universal and Revue Studios come at Salt I^ke City and Yel­ health, Raymond (}uish and Jacob Tel. 643-5735 or MS-5879 ciety. qualities such dog days used to loyalty to a fellow friend; our Oh arch answered many questions and ex­ lowstone National Park, and points R. Sandals. Coil 449.5807 Bev. Robert K. Shlmoda, Mlaister First Lutheran Church TW Ca!-W ^¥NiE Suburbia plained the geological history of where they saw scenes being shot beyond. Justice Harlan spoke for some have in August of old, wf''find we word has al-ways been good and de Rockville for the "Virginian” television ser­ During the year, a meeting was A. A IM IC m . Prop. have one dominant instinct, which I Gaulle, who envisions himself as It the canyon. This was of particular ies, and spoke to Joan Stanley who held to determine whether the . balance and rastralnt in usa of or 9:30 a.m.. Morning Service. Rev. The Rev. DavM O. Jaxbeimer, D.D. interest to Franrie Smith who town should continue mass inocu­ Hsnison SL, Manchester wHww M*a tom* ra is not to write or even think a another Napoleon, is our only ally Leonard Hotanberg, chaplain at Pastor Today wa.s doing a guest spot in the resort to the pow^r of the Court, to question our word. .. As far as finds geology intriguing. episode. They also saw Bob Fuller lation of Sabin Oral Polio Virus and much of his language is so word which might taunt them back Harvard University, gueat minto- THB MAQAnNE OF The driver of the bus had played I'm concerned, this is de Gaulle’s PLEASANT PLAC'ES ‘ SEE US FOR: of the “Laramie” show, and wan­ Radioio Today | Vaccine. The board voted to con­ clear and memorable we wish to toward iis. There shall be in this 8:30 a-in-. Church Service. in many movies; the most re­ dered through the sets for “Mc- form with the recommendations of Waterloo. Let us wait on any ‘ A MONTHLY FBATURE OF e AtauntaHun BoD Up AranlnOi cent was in the Longest Day star­ present much of hto argument in space, therefore, no reference to more programs to aid France un­ • Vsnetlaa Blinds Hale's Navy”. The tour ^ id e was the United States surgeon general rOUB HOBOEIOWN DAILY ring John Wayne. and the State Department of WATKINS-WEST hto oarn words, aa foUowa: 66 degree temperature records, or til de Gaulle changes hto attitude. o Stenn Dows an added attraction himself as „ VDBC-UM If he doesn't, then I think he NEW8PAPEB o Cainblnation Windows That evening the tourists stayed he’d played small parts In “Leave 1:00 WecKend Review Health. ■xpart “Times like these are bound to to cool breezes or to the intoxicat­ at the Bright Angri Lodge. Danc­ 3:06 Je rry Bishop CALL should be let go alone like he It To Beaver,” "Wagon Train” 6:00 Weekend Review Plans were made for a makeup FUNERAL • MOVNt* produce temptations and pressures ing lightnese of an air which seems NESITTEINII' eHUMS IRanrlirBtFr Monchostor Awniag Co. ing to a very western or­ and “Laramie’’. 8:06 Rtynor Shines clinic for type 1 vaccine and for wants and see how long he lasts i 195 WEST CENTER ST. 1:00 News Sign Off * 643-6563 to depart from or even to short cut to combine the wines of May and by himself." chestra completed the day. For dinner that evening, the future odministratioifVif tjpe 2 and SERVICE • FACKmO 43 SPRL'CE ST. Tdeidione M9-SM1 Monday, the 6th, all participat­ group went to Dino’s Restaurant w nc-isM type 3. tha proceas of diange which the September. When such blessings Let us display enough internna- Stinting l^naUk EstnbUsked IM t ed In the Hermit’s Rest Drive, and 1:00 News tional friendship to warn Presi­ on Sunset Strip, and afterwards 1:16 Times Farm News releases were issued by the Constitution aatahliriies .... do come in August, one enjoys Amg 19th to 30th were served "klckapoo juice" and to the Crescendo, a night club, for 1:30 Saturday Katlses board urging oil susceptible resi­ ORMAND J. WEST them quietly and discreetly, and dent de Gaulle not to make the crackers for refreshment. 3:00 Red Box vs. Indiana dents to be Immunized against in­ <5we#el» t S “One of the current notions that mistake of assuming that any the floor show. To complete the 4:40 ICO Director bolds subtle capacity for serious without making any public fuss 9 A.M. to 12 Noon Afterward, everybody clamored day. they drove up Mulholland 6:00 News. Sports and Wsather fluenza. (Connecticut cx>ngresaman-at-toxge aboard Qie bus anxious to be on Drive, a mountain-top road, where 6:30 N.Y. Giants vs. Detroit Lions The Advisory Board of Health mtochito is a view of the judicial over them. to just another congressman. 9:30 Monitor the rood again. On the )vay to they viewed the panorama of lights 10:3<> Just Ja ss again went on record as favoring 142 B. CENTER ST. function that seems increasingly Ages 4 thru 15 Kingman, the day’s destination, a of Los Angeles, Hollywood and 11:00 Mews fhiordation of Manchester’s water 11:30 SU rltobi 'Serenads Mancbe«ter*s Oldest Mtonchester Moving eemlng Into vogue. Tlua to that all stop 'WM made at a candy shop Beverly Hills. 1:00 Sign on supplies, consolidation of the two daCleianciaa in our society which Mahalo ami aloha! Come on down io Dairy and confections were purchased by Friday started with a tour of WHaT-«W public sewer systems and the ex- With Finest Faculties and Trucking Co, Tel. 643-4694 many. Doreen Crawford proved the stars’ homes in Beverly Hills 1 :00 Bob Slrkin tensim o f sanitary sewers into out- have failed of correction by other Queen for a trip to the tiopicB that’s almori as 2:00 Meta vs. Dodeera MANCHESTER HRE DEPARTMENTS tliat she had the sweetest tooth and BelAire. Many comments were 4:30 Easy Ed Show l3Ting areas. It also recommended means should find a cure in the To Register lalaxiag aa the real thing! Yea’ll find we’ve here. made concerning ■ the beautiful 6:00 Radio Tonight that the board of directors pass a eourts. Hto principal theme of gone "South Seas", with eveiythiiig from palm Tw Msntlw ]ob.. .we teve juitthe ripMlta Font Tuesday morning, while touring i homes and grounds they saw 7:30 Dance Party resturant licensing ordinance. 14fh ANNUAL iB:30fBob Slrkin Show thasa ramarka will ba to «*siu«ma trees to colorful lets. 'VouH also find the moat Feist for it .. ta eohre Io laifch Hoover Dam, Dudley Young and That evening, at Bakersfield 10:00 Tonight at My Place refreshing tropical taste treats this side of I « edn?. . . nhU Is . ton O fi* W several other boys threatened to Hacienda, the group dined and 12 Oo Sign Off tha v a lle y .o f that thasto from push John Crittenden over the danced, and a wonderful time was WPOF—14U the tfiTM prlnc^Ml ataw^MlaU PEACH SHORTCAKE FESTIVAL COME Waikiki. So bring the family and join the luau C8U K hr cent tolp to ira 1:00 Joel Caah at Dairy Queen! dam, but derided to q[>are him so had by all. 6:00 BUI Hughes DUGAN’S lEER that are most recently heard in Its they could enjoy his quick wit for Saturday, after a much needed 12:00 G irard FOR FUN... wnfF—me ^ Bottle Cose f e o m M , ■upport. These arc: doubt whether ON THE LOT NEXT TO NREHOUSE the raat of the tour. rest, the bus was back on the road T l 'ei» ‘o'loy SPECIAL! PAINTCQ again, loaded with boys and girls 1:00 G te News tha Fedotal qnriem to any longar MAIN AND HILLIARD STREETS COME E A J o h n s o n ______Noontime found the tour at the 2:30 Yankees vs. While Sox Ptoa Tax and Deposit 72323 wiAlN ^T., M ANCHESTER— PHONE 649-4501 Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas, still a little over-awed by the 6:00 Showcase and Newa •deguito to meet the naada of TROPICAL Nev., for lunch. The head waiter wonders of the post three days. In 8:30 Gordon and AU That Jazs hamburgers - FRIDAY, AUG. 23— STARTS AT 4:30 P.M. TO LEARN... the afternoon they checked into 12:30 Sign Off ~blKOMAT^ DI^ILLE^ ■iodani American aoriaty; -impa- BUY THE PAINT THAT'S WORTH THE WORK allowed the ashtrays to “disap­ ' * ^ vt'oortj-J Uanca with tha alonmaas of poUtt- SUNDAE pear” into pockets and pocket- their motel at Yoaeralte National Cocoa Producers AUy EXTRA DRY GIN afl 'mAviimM ganerally; and an book of aouvenlr seekers while his Park. 10 Proof Full Qt, All You Can Eat! bock was turned. Unleashed energy took over in b ^ lita r quick and unoompromto- % PAINTS Tbat afternoon, while croasing the form of horse^y. Allen Hill LAGOe. Nigeria — A eoeoo-pro- llr pNieniai for things that caU Adults 75e— Childrun under 14, 40c the Mojave Desert, the members kept Tim Badger buoy while some­ ducera alliance of BraxU, Ghana, DAIRY QUEEN NO. 1 DAIRY QUEEN NO. 2 of the tour got oS the bua to en­ one threw Tim’a aneakers on the Ivory Coast, Oomeraua and Ni­ look for tie foldOD arches. .. McDiuld i^ , t^ r M m m . I vantun to aay at the ■^CKETS AT THE DOOR geria bos been formed with bead-' YICHI'S «^tsaftl|at this view of tha coaniie M OWNED AND OPERATED OWNED AND OPBBATBD joy the cool 100 degree tempera­ roof, but 'Tim proved his a^Uty 44 WEST CENTER STREET By AL ELKIN ture. Allen HUI collected aoihe du- by retrieving them. Alter dinner, quarters tn Logos. It to Intended - PACKAGE STORE ^aaa o f the judiciary is not only MUSIC lY POLICE aad FIREMEN'S RAND By FRED ANNULLI to sebtorve price sUUUty tai the SILVER LANE EXTENSION 488 HARTFORD ROAD 807 W. MIDDLX Mons looking “gem strnies” to sell tho group watriied the world-fo' 33 BPMKIJ. ST. Biqwiriitant with the prtairiplas of TUe AdvL Sponsored By Keith’s Variety and News Shop - Advertise in The Herald—It Pays on hto return to Manchester. Upon mous Firefall from Glaci|r Point, worid. coco aoriaty but VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL % 1 V. 0» \ . PAGE SEVEN MANCHESTER IVKNINO HERALD, MANCHESIEE, CONN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17,1968

0.' MANCHESTER EVENING pSRAU). MANCHESTER, OONN^/^ATURDAY, AUGUST 17,1968 it" PAQE8IX Talented Field Closely Bunched Behind Leader Ellis DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE BY ROUSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE LITTLE SPORTS ■V I / TsAvfE, VouR AcaDEtiW sro^W A S A coMPLere fabrication / a »4td Zdo Denizens TW iseis, IP 'toO v iA < s Ai ICO Playoff Looms Again S l h l c e S o m e MEI'^TIONED THB e i e e s R , I' d s u e r soa , POSSIBILITV OF A COURT FISKT /, PER STICKiH)' VOUR AC M 6S SSdvee :ii OtiB OVER THE DICTION ARV, VOO eAscended Dare HiU 70-70—140 N E E D ii N o s e INTO M V IZoo denim MiertT 6ET REAOV Tt) FACe COtH 7 S w e n le HARTFORD (AP) — Thet*“ : Ken SUU 7070-140 A M E R IC A N l e a g u e 0U6INESS/ INSTEAD .d A q w tte too m t l m h n per and Uonel Hebert, all dead­ KroU at the m ne spot In 1960, X —Don Parson 7358—140 W. L. P o t «.B. SPIRACV CHARSES AUONJ© f d en im way they’re bunched, it looks lock ed a t 185. Arnold Palmer started .the playoff Juan,. Rodrigues 7968—140 r u . 3EST V'lAaFOR ’ITH VDOK PAsmJCR IN ^ BG iidles A1 Geiberger 73-68—140 New York ... .7 6 42 .644 — $OME ROSiM TO tConfiiMmeBt 9 C1sn et today the |40,000 Inauranoe Stare In Ootneback tradition by ousUng Jack Fleck 52 5 6 7 CRIME / BVTHE WAY,3UD6E f o r t m l io a Bob Shave 7959—141 Mtameeoto ,... .68 * ) U®, LUa VOO OFF verteimtet City Open Golf Tournament And hist whan It looked as on the first and Biill OoUlns on the Randy Glorer 6973—141 .67 sat 5 6 3 ILJ R e n c h v i s o n t h e 12 Heenne (ab.) ID Feminine X-^tm Grant 7071—141 OMoogo ...... » '/i M 16T A K & / though JuUua Boroe, the National third extra h/i BUNNY ON FOR 8udden*death playoff. Sunday. Tommy Aaron 7458—143 BUGGS Size, , ■nSefcra HEpicpoebT ’mst’a the way tt haa been the the Maaters and POA' champion, Ctoveland ...... 68 63 .479 191/, MUnCeran BUI Salvatore 6973—143 .460 r iSAKE? nZoo denim paat three years. might not survive the cutoff be­ Johnny Pott 7969—143 Loe Angelee .. .57 67 22 HOW DO YA YTH EV F S e L TM ATS ISDitheerten from Africn BlZofUaenl aca The Leaders: V SSFtotectiw Nobody is concedinK anything cause of poor opening rounds, Stan koael 7970—143 Detroit ...... 5 3 65 A48 28 LIKE TH EM , 1 G O O D ,B u~ I'D DIFFICULT, josua? 2SRaTM they regained their top form. Wm EUi« 4557—138 Babe Ltchardua 7072—143 .449 nbitanea SdSuppUcala eov arir' and here’B why: A1 Keller Jr. 6978—143 Kaneaa Oty .. .6 3 65 28 DOC? XL.KE TO TEST BUT M U a iid - Boros posted a slx-under-par 65, Geonte B ey er 89-68—194 .4 3 77 5 5 8 84 nPooeM 2SSmoalh s S ^ Ooing Into today’! third round, AH W all J r . 6»56—138 HatoM Rneece 7970—143 WasMngton .. T H E M I N 22 God ot love 2S KHMVJwaEmopesa flacB TotfciMTYotklMEf . . eiendef Wes EUls’ a part-time pro one of Friday’s best scores, for BU iyiC aiiM r 67-68—138 Don Fairfield 71-71—143 Friday’s ResuHa 40Cltmafi«iliiratrashalln . dlFatardhim Dan Sikes 71-71—143 WATeR/ 24 Division u y i t i i Dare Harr 6969-138 Jack Fleck 7971—143 32TMler p a r 66-5T—198. Another hot challenger -as Bob Bruce Cramplon 7157—188 Claude King 7971—143 Los Angeles 9, Detroit 8, 24 Horn iT w Right behind in the hot com­ Ooalby, 1963 winner, also with a Julius Boroe 74-6^139 Jack Rule 7971—143 Today’s Games 35 Rounded J BUI Eslnlckl 7971—143 IT HI petition at the Wethersfield, Coun­ 140. Jay Hebert 6970—139 Jar Dolan 7971—143 Washington (Daniels 8-8) at 96 Aflimutira r r Goalby beat Wall last year on Bob Goalby 6971—140 reply J try caub’s 35-85—71 layout are Charles Huckaby 70-70—140 Bifly Maxwell 79'n—143 Minnesota (Sttgman 12-11). H the seventh extra hole. In 1961, X—Denotes Amateur Cleveland (Lntinan 7-7) at Bos­ STDamsd nr • “ r j i lon g d riv in g G eorge B a yer, 69-68— Ja c k Nlcklans 7357—140 I# 39 Wed EM u ton (Moobouqnette 15-7). 3AKE 40 Fluff ST New Y«»rk (Downing 8-8) at YNOWS 3UD6E 41 Seed container Chicago (Peters 12-5). «3 Violently ST ST 28 C l RENl6iy|5A _ 45 North or South 1 '1 ~ 1 Detroit (Banning 8-12) at Los HARPMflM»=.§ Sports Viewing Angeles (M. Lee 05) (N). ST w j F J ) Group of r GBOmS BATBt dACK IffOIDLAVS Dodgers Make Big Bid, (Barber 16-10) at s r SATUBOAT Kansas City (Bakow 7-7) (N). BY V. T. HAMLIN «il hie m J ALI.Y OOP 2 P.IB.— D od gers vs. M eta 5T| WelL-Known Trio Hot on EUU’ Heels in ICO NATIONAL LEAGUE 83Iroquoiluofaui 1 # 1 r 1 EJ 1 Ofaannel 18 CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Ind£u> W. U Pot. G*. I'M TH' KING WILUE ' AW, TOU CAN'T NO, I W A S KING PONT 2 pjB.—Indians vs. Bed Box HE'S BEEN TALKIN' BE.' YOU'RE OIAJILEY, BUT BELIEVE 89 stagger H ■ i i mm Ohannel'SO Los Angeles ..71 48 Ji»7 — rr. 54 Coterie San Francisoo.68 58 562 4 a b o u t .' KING CHARLEI? NOW I'M KING 65 Communista 42 a * r 1:80—^Yankees va Oilcage Can’t Out-Fumble Mets WILUE.' ChM inel S L ouis ...... 67 54 554 5 66 Writing fluids W" So i IT 87 Snead's mound 8:80—Insurance City Opew ISIWW VnRTf f A Pl— Tha^baas-runnlng before Uie Metas-hospital for xrays after he was Philadelphia ..65 58 528 8 DOWN Ward, Hall Take Lead Channel S r4r/, i § 0 ^ J every indication <*f trying to ■cracth single was sacrificed to he's been beaned. SPadiydanna 1 8 pjn.—Wide Worid of Sports out-Met the Mets Friday second and took third on a passed • * • M llw toih ee...... 62 60 508 lO'/, dBerpin events (Boiler Skntlng, Soap PHILS-PIRATES— H ouston ...... 46 77 574 37 night and give away a game, ball. Maury n^Us looped a little Box Derby, Bridge) single to left to score him and Philadelphia's Chris Short Umlt- N ew Y ork ____89 81 5 2 5 S2>/i In AiL. Rookie Battle Channel 8 but ttie New Yoricers wouldn’t Wills scampered to third on Jim ed Pittsburgh to eight Mts and Friday’s Results 10 p.m.—^FTght of the Week stand for it. Giniam’s single to left. Wally Moon pitched the PhllUes to their fifth Loe Angeles 9, New York 7. (Bodrigues vs. Moyer) QUT OUR WAY BY J. R. W n X IA M I 16 gamaa,bout front. But the Indians closed This business of blowing games, tapped to Duke Carmel at first, straight victory. Johnny ChUison PMladelphia 8, Pittsburgh 0. ■ ■ ■ the gap on home nms by John Channel 8 after all, is a Met specialty. So Cannel froze with the ball and the moved the first PhilUe run into Milwaukee 8, Houston 2. M«w York Yankees, with an* Romano and Larry Brown. they carefully araited wtil the bases were loaded. ’The tie-break­ scoring posiUon with a sacrifice, St. Louis 13, San Francisoo 9. h om ers and 22 nm a driven in, SUNDAY MOW I KNOW WHY H E'S W ELL, H R S aea touchdown. A fourtti5oy(n pass Y7U NMAEPfAE PO YOU THINK. from center sailed iM5t West punt­ Burton suffered a back Injury SO? er Ed Srihreck of Notre Dame High MlAiMl BlEAiOH, Fla. (AP) — In an exhibition game at Oak (West Haven) and gwve the East H effner Bests Tribe Luis Rodrlguea and Denny Moyer, land two weeks ago. Progress I Major League! reports first listed bis absence Another 75-Lap Feature Race possession on the West 10. two ex-champions trying to got BEN CASEY as a month, then indefinite. ’Three plays later Duffy, a 200- back to the top, meet tonight in Lss=JLeaders=J pounder from Wethersfield, BOSTON (AP)—R o o k i s breaking stuff. I threw a lot the 10-round main event at Miami Now Holovak has identified his On Tap at Riverside Tonight aliment as "a disc problem In NA'nONAL LEAGUE plunged ever from the one, and Bob Heffner has his self- of sliders and they were going Beach Convention Hail. Ms b a ck .” FIO U C W I ^ taught slider snapping again w ell. Rodriguez after sweeping seven Batting (875 at bats) — Groat, quarterbaok Ron Westfort of Mer­ "Burton Is flMahed,** Holovak CONVINCE TlMMBf 8t. Laois, A44; Glennente, Pitts- iden Ptatt passed to halfback Len­ and Its to>elling victories for ■■Ibe tips of iny fing'ers were straight in 1962 while watting for AGAWAM, Maas.—The aecond^course, was his Riverside 500 vic­ moist at the start of the game. said last night. "A t least every THE mCT WALL tory with Buddy Krebs of South borgh, fiS l; Gonxalec, PhlladeliHiia, ny Clements of Southington for the Red Sox. a shot at the welterweight title, TE-lnp feature race the season Tbe fastball was sailing on me Indlcatlon prtnts that way. Oif aBtMeWUAfO o t .828; PliMon, Oncfainatl, and T. the deciding two^point conversion. The 34-year-old rigdithander won the ohampdonship with a 15- W indsor. so I went with the bilking course, Pve been wrong before T H R D D U lS la on tap tonight at Riverside Dixon bus been on the winning Davis, Los Angeles, -324. , In the fourth quarter, guard summoned from the Seattle round decision over Emile Griffith EOlNSTDEMtr farm club in mid-June beat r tu ff. and I hope I am now. But dMMeyaja P a rk S peedw ay, and aU the old end of two features, a 80-lapper Bom — Aaron, Milwaukee, 90; ’Tom Samoee of Westport Staples March 21 at Los Angeles. snsiiected this when he got intercepted a Westfort pass on (Meveland, 75, for Ms tMrd OonfUmt with Slider favwitea will be battling furious­ and more recently the 100-lap ’Ted Flood and WMte, St. Louis, 85; "I wasn't counting on the Then the CUban-bom Rodriguec hurt. Tappett Trophy race. the East 33, but a oUpplng pen­ major league victory last ly to salvage eome glory before Bose, Oinoinnatl, and Mays, San fastball. I have the most con­ promptly lest the title back to "You’re always hoping In 8tUl in there punching, but 48 alty set the West back and East night with ninth inning relief the stock ear campaign cornea to Fianidsoo, 84. fidence in my slider. GriffiUi on a 16-round apUt de­ thing like this but we definite­ points away from the lead, is Dan­ Runs Batted In — Aaron, MU' linebacker Bob Huffman of Middle- from Dick Radatz. cision'June 8 at New York. He is a close. Heffnpr had a thres-Mtter 'T feel I can call on the ly ore not planning an Barton ny GkluUo of Waterbury. Danny wanfcee, 100; WMte, St. Louis, 87; town spiked the threat hy inter­ gunning for another match with BY FRANK O’NEAi. TTie al|dit-race card gets under­ through six innings, then gave slider at any time. I started ^ s season.” SHORT RIBS way at 8:15. This is the 10th placed second to winner Krebs in Pinson, dncinnatl, and Boyer, St. cepting a West pass on the 28. the New Yorker. up a solo homer to John Ro- fooling around with that pitch The former Northwestern ahowing for the stocks this sea- last week’s 80-lap event. L ouIb, 82; .Santo, Chicago, and Duffy, besides scoring the EhuH « ml MA. h. TM b. Ill Nl CM. mano in the seventh and a on my own In 1959. I've just y io y ef, from Portland, Ore., is University star had knee and Joooo a Threat Bobfaison, dncinnatl, 80. touchdown, was the game’s top campaigning for another crack at ankle miseries which sidelined While he’s pretty much..,ut ef two-mn drive to Larry Brown kept it up since then.” f CAST Off SOUR SOtOEOF) All syM win be on Ed Patnode Hite — Groat, St. Louis, 167; runner with 61 yards In 16 carries. Heffner said he made a fine the Junior middleweight crown. He him virtually all of 1960. He Westfield and Dick Dixon of the picture, Jocco Maggiacomo of He carried almost the whole of­ In the eighth. o t Ftesaa, Otartanati, 164; White, St. When two bad-hop Mts put finish at York lost season won it from Joey Glambra last Oc­ was Mndered by Injuries in ’61 [ OPPRESSION. Rl5£UP/j' Warrtiouae Point, the one-two PoughkeepNe, N. Y., continues to fensive load for his team after Louis, 151; Aaron, BfUwaokee, 146; runners on second and third when he won three or four in tober in Portland. Then, 'with the but last fall had what Holovak AHDKA MAN' point w»sn at the Agawam oval. thrill the fans every time he rolls halftiack. Jim Williams of New Gonsalex, PMladelplite, 147. with one out in the finale, a roiw but said the big second title at stake, he lost twice to terms "a great season,” adding Naither has won the championship Ms car onto the track. ’Ihe former DooUes — Groat, St. Louis, 86; Haven HlUhouse went out in the “It’s a staggering loss.” three-time Riverside king, who Manager Johnny Peaky called half season is not ty^cal of Ralph Dupaa on 15-round dedsions. baCore, although both have been Pinson, Cincinnati, and Gonzalez, third period with a knee injury. his minor league career., strong contenders for years. has about 30 years of driving ex­ The West got Its touchdown in for "The Monster." BY DICK C A V A L U perience bSMnd Mm, baa won two PMladelpMa, 38; WUUams, OM- The victory was the third After Brown walked and MORTY MEEKLE Patnode has an eight-point lead ongo, 28; GaUlssn, Philadelphia, the first quarter, going 48 yards rookie Vic Devalillo doubled esrar Dixon—hardly a comfortable straii^t lap races at Agawam. in nine plays after tai^e FraiUc straight for Heffner counting Jocco broke Ms own track rec­ 37. A his exhibition triumph at him home with one out in the Over 80,000 Expected at Cleveland fishiMi in this unpredictable Triples — Pinson, dneteoatL 18; Oollazo of Bridgeport Baasick re­ first inning. Heffner retired aport The WMp Oty whlx, sur- ord for that distance a few weeks covered an Bast fumbla Quarter­ (Jooperstown. Gonodoz, PHtedelphla, 10; Baock "Except for those couple of the next 15 men in order. W Fei SOU w aae IN OH.AUTUBBfT LEADING WHAT DIOVOUG*/TDMAI« prlsingty enou^i, ham’t won a ago when he streaHed over the back Buddy CJhemovetz of Notre and WUltenis, OUoago, and ’Tsy- bad hops the kid could have ESghl of the outs were on e-<7._ S H O W B U aN & SQ WHAT o r eveBvmiNi?— AAOIZiyCAUOH 60 HASPS solo feature seaami, although asphalt course in 18:00.88. That’a MAN?// lor, PhUadelpUa, 9. Dame (West Haven) scored on a finished it,” Pesky said after­ grounders to show the effec- - — a-n lOreXL he's In the money almost every the mark the boys will be shooting DID YOU DQ MC.DUOLey? IWASADANCaR, ■C*rG?=zl?^ Home Buns — MoOovey, San rollout from the one-foot line but ward. “But with a fmsh guy tiveneoB of the slider. Football Twin-Bill "V weak. Hia main claim to fam e, e f at timlght. halfhcwk Johnny Poe of West L6APINOMAN.. Franctsoo, 34; Aaron, MUwaokee, warmed up I had to Make the Mantilla Mt his second hom­ Haven was stopped on a sweep S3; Mays, San Francisoo, 29; ch a n g e.” er with the bases empty and BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE for the extra point. Santo. Chicago, and WMte, St. Crowd Boos Move Clinton his 17th with two on It was the third win for the L ou is, 21. The crowd loudly booed the in the first inning off toser May Set New Mark C AWMOWweCTglPCFinM/j East in the series, sponsored by Jock Kralick. ^ THE PROBLEM'S SOLVED, CtiRIS/ Fltohlng (10 decisions)—Perra- move, making it plain they the Connecticut High School wuted Heffner to go the dis­ Two Hits for *Yaz’ tMIS 6EMTLEMAN W6 AfiREED TO noskh Los Angeles, 18-2, .867; Ma- (loaches Association for the bene­ looey, GinclnnatL 18-4, A18; Mc- tance.- Radatz finished up in Yastrzemski. who entered NEW YORK (A P )—Cleveland’s Municipal Stadium, MrEP m id i's DOG UNTIL lUldl fit of local charitiee. The West five pitches, getting Woody the game well ahead in the GETS BACK HOME. P ro C harts Bean, Ptttoburgh, 12-8, AOO; Kou- has won one game and two have Held on a foul to the catcher batting race 'with a .^ 2 mark, which has had a somewhat deserted look for baseball this ------W TKURRW OlXeRWVAN fax, Los Angeles, 18-5, .878; Mar- been ties. kshiil, San Francisco, 18-6, .760. and plnchhitter AI Luplow on had a single and homer in four summer, may strain under the weight of upwards of 80,000 tripe. Mantilla also had two St^eouts — Koufax, Los An­ a popup to short. fans tonight for a doubleheadef'—in pro football. Prospects aoL M ts i m m l u geles, 214; Drysdale, Los Angeles, Novelty Softball Homers by Lu Clinton. are better than average for an ail-tk 6 -n Peaky said he wasn’t sure if 206; Maloney, Cincinnati, 187; The world feunous California Felix Mantilla and Carl Yas- time Cleveland crowd as the De- Outiee, a novelty softball team trzemski accounted for five he would keep Mantilla in cen­ Bears, 17-7, last Saturday in Martohal, San Francisoo, 164; troit Lions play the New York Gi­ Ithaca, N. Y. At that time Coach wWI make their first Connecticut Sox runs. Heffner drove in an­ ter for severM games because ants and the Cleveland Browns Gulp, Philadelphia, 144. Ailie Sherman used numerous new­ appearance against the Burnside other with a grounder and T want to get Gary Geiger face the Baltimore Colta in a pair FYank Malzone doubled across back to, he’s been holding a comers and he intends to continue AMERICAN LEAGUE Dovelettes (38-12) Monday night of NaUonal Football League ex­ CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER at 6:16 at the East Hartford High th e oth er. b o t ba n d .” wholesale substitution tonight. Batting (276 at bats—Yas- The save was the 10th of hibition games. Srtiool Field. The Cuties organized ‘Tm starting to feel bet­ All 67,000 reaerved seats have "We like to win," the Giants' tnem sld, Boston, .388; Kaline, De­ the season for Radatz who has 12 years ago featurs a clever 34' ter,” Heffner said. "I’m stort­ been sold and 13,000 unreeerved two-time NFL coach of the year troit, .816; RolUns, Minnesota, Inch shortstop, "iBeulah.” ing to Mt the target with my w on 12. F YOU’D BEEN A 'STUFF .816; Pearson, Loe Angeles, .301; seats and some standing room says, "but we have to look at our I FEW PiWE l a t e r . SUPINeBACK youngsters. We have an Impres­ Malzone, Boston .397. tickets will go on sale two and I THIS SPOT WOUtP’VB ■ tlW SO M B - sive rookie crop this year and we BY LANK LEONARD Btnia—Allison, Minnesota and one-half hours before the first MICKEY FINN HAP EKSHTFEETOP, .ITHINKl gome starts at 6:30 p.m. E3DT. don’t want to make any snap de­ 8ANP PUMPB>UP BDNNING—Amaaiag bow theyf DEFENSIVE LINK — Started Tresh, New York, 75; Yastrzem- skl, Boston and Kaline, Detroit, The Cleveland football record is cision s,” OtJIT.BASyi kasft oasMngi back to ageleea Alex weeding out old group by trading 75; Oolavito, Detroit, 67. 82,872, set by the Browns and the Sherman plans to use Y. A. T it­ W Aeteraethe big msm. They have Rosie Grier. That stUl leaves Andy Buns Batted In—Stuart, Bos­ Giants in a regrular season NFL tle and Ralph GugJlelmi at quar­ aatiqualed company for Mm in Robustelll, Dick Modzrtewakl, Jim ton, 85; Kaline, Detroit, 80; Wag­ game in 1960. terback and there's possibility that Hugh MIcaihinwy, aalvalged from Katoavage from group that haa ner, Los Angeles, 71; AllisoU, Min­ The big doubleheader, a repeat young Glynn Grifflng, the rookie lebmeeota. Otonto wouldn’t nix a hung together since 1966. John Lovetere, ex-Ram, subs for Roeey, nesota, 68; Battey, Minnesota, and of an attraction that drew 11,683 from Ole Miss, wdll see some ac­ tra d e fo e a Qrow, but tfaey’U get Howard, New York, 66. last year, is the feature of a tion. Grifflng did not play against ifiDsy with FhU King end Joe strength for fineeee. Charley Janerette is the spare. B -f Hits — Yastrsemski, Boston, packed Saturday pro football ex- the Bears lost Saturday. Jfoiriaon. B— hibition program. Four other L IN E B A C K IN G — N ot aa aUefc 148; Kaline, Detroit, 141; Pearson, The Lions defeated the Browns. MASSING — A ny 37-year-old imee are scheduled, with Green aa it used to be. Tom Scott has Los Angeles, 182; Malzone, Bos­ 24-10. in their pre-season opener quarteihack has to be a risk, but iy at Dallas and Minnesota been around a long time. 9am ton and V ersa lles, M innesota, ISO. last Sunday in Detroit. With Milt th ey sbCNfid a ll be risk s lik e Y . A . Huff’s reputation haa slipped. Bill Doubles—^YastiMmskl, BMton, at Los Angeles in the NFL, and TltUe, whose apeyneae matehee Kansas City 've. Oakland at Seat­ Plum on the injured list, Earl Winter is only a aeoond year man. 84; Oausey, Wansss dty, 20; Pow­ Morrail, an eight-year veteran hia imttnwiair- ABie Sherman baa tle and San Diego at Denver in Careful attention being paid to er and Versallee, Mlnneso^ 25; from Michigan State, will start at ftdth in Ralph GugUekni. Glynn the AITU back-up men like Jerry HlUebrand, Alvia, Cleveland, Lumpe, Hansas for the Lions. QUlfing is for future. A— Lou Slahy, Hickey Walker and Cite and Torres, Los Angeles, 34. Heavy Program :BBOBZV04G — Probably the ’Triples — Versalles, Minnesota The hea-vy weekend jragram Among the Giants promising BY LEFF and McWILUAHM A i Ouraky. B— rookies who will see action are DAVY JONES atroogaat part o t team. Conaider- fiEODNDABY — Uaed to be the and Hinton, WasMngtoo. 11; Ol- 'was kicked off last night with Roger Reynolds, a flanker back hur that the Otonto like to throw, question mark of the defense. Now moU, Kansas City, 9; Fregosi, Los three games. In the National from Bowling Green, Ohio and Nat It’B just aa weU. Del Sho/ner is H’s the aolid part with Dick lynch Angeles, 7. League, the St. Louis Cardinals YOU WOMTUVEl made their pre-season debut a Craddock, a fullback from Parsons MR. ABERNATHl BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY "YEAH,6URe...BUT THEY LOUD 'N ' CLBAR^ ITLLIBST YOU ANOTHER^ Bonpwrall apUt wlda Frank Gifford, and Erich Barnes at the comers, Home Buns—Stuart, Boston, SO; , OU GH T METRYIW TO WE'VE HEARD them 5 GEES TO KEEP ME LONG EMOUSII-Rki in foey wt year o t comeback, should KlUebrew, Minnesota, 28; Allisah, happy one, edging the San Fran­ College. Iowa. WARNED YOU FROM TELLING HOW COLLECT A O M r s I Jkn Patton and Alan Webb at NEVER TO COME BLOW UP TH' MARINA 6AV ENOUGH TO HANG be 50 par cent better. Aaron Thom­ aafeties and Dick Pasonen knock­ Minnesota, 26; Howard, New cisco 49ers at Salt Lake City, 24- Reynolds, in his flrat appear­ BOTH OF THEM. VOirVE BEENTRYIN’ WORTH o r SLACK* I ance in a Giant uniform, caught ^ X KNOW, BL TO MV OFFICE/ R3R VOU...SO '(DU GOTTA MAH. FROM ME ~ I as, if not used wide, wiU tnaale ing for a Job. The (Me Mlae boyo— York, 28; Wagner, Los Angeles, 22; and the Pittsburgh Steelers B ^ n GIVE ME RVE GRANDS three passes for 77 yards against ■yOUCAK/TREAUy Joe Walton aa starting tight and. Grifflng and Louis Guy—have see- 32. whipped the PM iodel^a Eagles, WORTH OF LAM DOUGH the Bears: Craddock has been □DC BLAME HIM ntara are atttats. A. ondaiy aptitudes. A— P lta U n g (10 d ecision s) — Bsk- 24-13 at Bethlehem, Pa. In the date, Boston, 12-4, .750; pWd, New tone AFT, game, the Buffalo Bi- looking good in the drills and is □DC OFFENSTVE IXNE — The gam­ expected to get a long look by gm aiA B Y — Coach Aitts Shar- York, 17-6, .789; Downing, New sons overwhelmed the New York u o : ble la hi tbe middla, WMacba-4aas coach Sherman and his staff. man likes this squad better than York, 8-8, .727; Pasoual, M ^ Jets at Buffalo. 2-8. for tbe flrat time in a decade. Ckeg The Giants-Liona enct^ter will Larson moves to center. Bookie any he has had, yet there i nesota and Boaton, New York, O f bou rse, the G iants wrill have be televised live in New York on BoUn gets atarUng - guard port. enough ifty psuts to keep Giants 15-6, .714. ALL-OUT EFFORT— ^Mexican Davis Cupper Rafael Osuno goes all-out after a drive by their veterans on display. - too. WAR-TV (channel 9) beginning at Age risk at tackles—Jack Stroud from being a eoUd favorite to Stzlkeouto — Running, Detroit^ Ameri<»tn Chuck McKinley in theip. match at Los Angeles yesterday. Osuno won a long They ipclude backs Alex Webeter, 6:30 p.m. It also wto be broadcast Phil King 'gnd Joe Morrison. In & oad Itnesr Brown. Guard DansU peat to the East MalMy, It’s the 147;. SUgmon, MhuMoofo, 144; match 6-2, 8-6, ^2, 2-6, 6^ and gave Mexico a split in tiie singles. Dennis Ralston of Draa is toisaog star. Good d^pth cMng theyMse bawi Bring with Barber, BaMmore and Fisarro, over Btatton WNSW. addition, Hugh McEHhenny, ihe raorat eraeora haw tong ean tha ChStoL*l5r‘ fbe*"l?ew'^‘5S t!l U 5. defeated Antonio Pfilafox, 6-1, 6-4, 8-6, 6-S to set the stage fw today’s dou- TIm G tonta lert tbeir openiclg one-time king o t NFL baUbeeke, ^ Uea. With yafiterdjQf’i split. Itodao w m d iron BBtedog to favorits. (AP liiotofax.) t o toe Catooffo w » p la y. -

fy PAOB MIMB ICANCHHSTE& BVBSNlNG HEBALD, MAMCHBBIBB, OOHII^ ^T U B D A Y , AUQXJST 1 7 ,196S, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17,1&6I P A C n U G H T 72 Hoowa For Sate 72 Lota For Sate 7S Resort Property For Salt T4 Honaea For Sals T2 Hoosm For Sale 72 Hdusea For Sak 72 Honsaa For Bala 72 HooMl^irBak n By F A 6A L Y and SHORTEN Apartmoita— Plata— SCHOOL STREET—Double value! TWO BUILDINO lots, prime loca­ COVENTRY LAKE Waterfront THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW f o u r b e d r o o m raised ranch, IDEAL 8 BEDROOM rsncdi. 1% 1CAIICBB8TER Ooontry Chib cottage, 8 bedrooms, electric Roofing:— Siding: 16 Tawmento 63 OONOORO R D -^ e m itlM n m ^ 8PLIT-LBVBL, 7 rooms, 1% baths, BOWERS SCHOOL area — Excel­ area. S1A room custom built randi, Splendid duplex, 6-6, oil heat, alu­ tion, dty utilities. Phllbrick Agen­ large recreation room, a foU lent 8 room ranch, large com- bathe,. screened pordi, fan base­ kitchen, screened porch, dock, famUy room, kitchen with lot 100X180. acieencd pordi, priced minum'* stcimB, d ^ b le garage, cy, 649-8464. R. DION ROOFINO and oldiiig, al­ TWO . tJNFORNIBHED rooms. baths, S car g a r ^ , axoeUent con­ l^ t-in s , intercom eystem leted recreation room, 3-sone ment Includes flnirited .lec room rowboat. Ideally locded. Must be below a»saisal. Owaar. 0M868^ double ML Quick sale price $18,- terations, ceilings, painting and Tinker Building. Ladiea preferred. dition, 838.800. ra lb rlok Agency, thra^out the boose, genge, ei^big system, large eeramie aad den, disfawwriier. attic ts 800. Robert B. Anderson, Realtor, LAKE VIEW lot, Lake Bungee, sold. 743-6861. gutter woA. Satisfaction guaran­ » A nd vcm iona did he hold o u rf meik 649-8464. Woodstock, SO miles from Man­ T mE CMCES scare m M ii 8 0 7 1D Apply Qlenney’s Men’s Shop, 789 125™® a-yeaiwoid, lasiooo. gtile bath, fireplace, hot water oU and maiqr extras. Bandy to sht. 628-1776, 828-0189. CLASSIFIED te e . tree estimates. 64S-48S2. lets Sff/UMTIL THE RRCT 0C3MMRCIAL heat, garsge, city utilities, ame- ping and schools. Ckxid nelghbnrs! chester, adjacent lot avail­ CHIMBLEV AND « MADE A fOlEi| Main Bt. acm. Realtor, iH'BBBi. PhUbrlok A ^ o y , 648-8464. Wanted— Real Estate i t 1^ (hive, exceUent landscaped eiHmntop- Drive. Cell owner. 848- SOUTH WINDSOR — jBlx rooms able. 649-1898. BIDWBLX. HOME Improvement TO RENT— 4 room heated apart­ PORTER STREET area — Older 6 0348. Iftai^eater CASH FOR YOUR property. Cus­ Company — Roofing, siding, al­ UH-0UT10 lot Sensibly priced. Charies Le» ]dua lovely heated basement play­ / SW tA R I T ! M MORS ment. Tel. 648-6118 between 8:80 room home, 8 bedrooms, gerage, peranoe, 649-7630, 648-6664. room, two baths, garage, clean INDUSTRIAL LOT for sale, raU tomers waiting for ranches, capes, terations. additions and remodel­ dETAfACKOF^ COVENTRY LAKE — 4 room cot­ road siding, on Parker Street. CaU ADVERTISING attASETTE SMOKiNd.' ciam m tl a.m. - 4 :S0 p.m. Abode treee, located on qtdet T Room cape, boilt-ias, loads and neat. Dishwaidier and cutting colonials. Manchester area. How­ ing of al\ types. Excellent work­ tage, 3 wooded lots. Owner will THIS TIME m w a h street,,. handy to shopping and at caMneto, atiachsd garage, board, Extra cloeets. Price $17,- 649-8891. ard Realty Co., 282-6276. Cart I ITIJ f o u r ROOb^p and hath, first One Foot sacrifice. John B. Loppen. Ihc., manship. 649-6496. transportation, $18,900. S h r i e k bomb tiidtvr, and summer 600. Glenn Roberts Agency, MLS Zinsser, 643-0088. floor, tom ace and automatic hot MAGNIHCENT B-ZONE LOT for sale, 64x866; aU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Agency, 649-8464. 64941261, 6488318. Realtor, 644-1631, 644-1887. water, parking. Apply 22 Winder- GARTH ROAD facilities, Including sidewalks. WANTED — DB8IRAELB buUd- 8 AJM. to 5 PAL CUSTOM CAPE — AA sane. 6% Roofinf and Chinuicys 16-A mere Ave., Rockville. OOI/JNIAL — Formal dining room, MANCHESTER GREEN Area — CaU 649-8891. ing lot In Manchester, 100 feet In The Country cabinet kitchen with dishweaher, rooms, one unfinished, immacu­ frontage, city water and sewer. ROOnNO - Speclallring repairing Is the bast way to deai^be 6H room quaUty built ranch, late, beautiful recreation room, Coventry Like new 6 room Colonial with FOUR ROOMS, heat, hot water, den, 8 bedrooms, attached garage, recreation room, combinations, CaU 649-6822. COPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT roofs of all kinds, new roofs, gut- stove, refrigerator, large yard, this stylish 7 room Colohlal on family kitemen with built-ins, flick of the switch gives summer lot 103x613. Marion B. Rohertsen. excellent conditida. For Indi­ 4-4 winterised, fireplaces. oU fireplace, fenced yard. Near Legal Notice MCNDAT Ik n F|UDA1' 10:M A.M.—SATUBDAF 9 AJL ter work. chlThneys cleaned, fc* quiet neighboriiood, 1116 monthly. West Center Street In MMiches- Realtor, 648-6968. cooling, ovendse 3-car garage, HAVE CUSTOMERS for howses paired. Aluminum siding. 3*0 ter. Many deluxe features and one foot in town, best de­ vidual attention can . . . large Tot E. J. Carpenter. Broker, air beat, income $40 per znionth. schools. Owner 648-4084. 848-6988. scribes the setting for this OBDEB OF NOTICE and lots. Let us list your property. years’ experience. Free estimates. at a down-to-earth prlca. Only QUIET SECLUSION - Huge 849-6061, 649-9182. 4 rooms vacant. After down AT A COURT OF PROBATE held St Char-Bon Real Estate, 648-0688. PLEASE READ YOUR AD lovely spUt level home on payment 813.83 per month. Ex­ MANCHESTER — 6 bedroom ex­ Manchester, within and for the District Gall Hmvley. 643-0361. 648-0768. NICE APARTMENT o< four (4> $30,900. screened porch, immaculate ecutive ranch, 8 fireplaces, 3 rooms In splendid condition. Near Brent Rd., in Manchester. 8 BOWERS SCHOOL AREA — 8 cellent tnvestment. of Manchester, on the 14th day of Au- mt *W«at Ada” are taken ever the phone me a aen- room Split, IH baths, gara; B A N AGENCY batlu, heated patio, kitchen buUt- suet. 1963. . , . bedrooms, 2 full baths. Ideal lo­ room Cape, fuU abed dormer. 8 Legal Notice n , ------ihe adrerttoer ohoaM read his ed the FIRST DAT IT everything. B ox33,. Herald. large rooms, Manchester, $18,9 ins, acre lot. Bel Air Real Estate, Preient. Hon. John J. WaJlett. Judse cation for entire famUy. Re­ Roger Negro baths, fireplace, oU hot water Elatate of James E. Smith, late APFBARS and REPORT ERRORS la ttme tor the next taner- Radio-TV Repair Sdryicca 18 Cariton W. Hutchins, 649-6183. 643-9332. Man^eeter In said District, deceased. AT A COURT OF PROBATE held St duced for quick sale to $19,600. heat fu a g e , 816,900. 648A878 F oot room ranch - hot ahr Mshchester. within and for the district ttaa. The Herald Is lespoasihle for only ONE taoorreet or omitted APARTMENTS. 649- Upon application of Loie M. Bonac- CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, 9-8-4 ROOM ANDOVER — $18,900. Immaculate 648-8737 heat, copper plumbing. $9,900. MANCHESTER — Immaculate 6 oorel administratrix, praylns for au- of Manchester, on the 14th day of Au- toaerttoa tor any adrerUaement and then only to the extent at a jarvis Realty Co. STATELY TEN ROOM manston lo­ Xu.st. A.D. 1963. , . available all hours. Satisfaction j 6229, 9-6. 2 bedroom ranch, 100x600 lot, room Cape, finished rec room thorit5-*to sell certain real estate par- a^Bsbe mod” taerttoa. teroro which do not lessen the ratae of cated irithin walking dUtoace ot U^Iarly described In said application Present Hon. John J. Wallett. Judxs guaranteed. Call 649-1315. r e a l t o r s • MLS • oversize garage, ideal for newly­ with bar, high assumable mort­ Biitate of Lillian E. HlcklnZ, late of the aiiniHaimmt srlD not be eorreeted by ”mahe geod” lasertloa. THRBE ROOM heated apartment. downtown Manchester, yet se­ on file, it is J . w Manchester, In said district, deceased. weds or retired couple. Rayee Three room furnished cottage, gage, no cloring costs. Avoid the ORDERED: That said appllc^lop be $66; 6 room heated, $100. GArfleld Jarvis Realty Co. Agency, 648-4808. SO. WINDSOR — Magnificent 7 cluded for privacy, all rooms ex­ hesird and determined at the PrObate Upon application of Ralph R. Russell, 9-9923. a p p r a i s e r s gas heat, $6,900. rush—this one will not last long. executor. praylnB for authority to sell Millinery, Dresomakinj 19 room raised ranch with family tremely laHra. B fireplaces, 4H Howard Realty Co., 282-6276, Carl office In Manchester, in said District, certain real estate particularly de­ REAimiRS • MLS • CIRCA 1800 - Restored Colonial, 9 baths, 2-car detached garage, on the J6th day of August. 1963, at 2H ROOM APARTMENT, stove, 388 East Canter SL room and 2-car garage, custom Zinsser, 64S-OOM. eleven o ’clock In the forenoon, and that scribed In said lyjpllcatlon on file, it la bb boiatbd alterations , general sewing, rooms, 3H baths, fireplaces, 'spacious grounds add beauW and ORDERED: That the foregolnR ap- ^**^ ?SS DIAL 643-2711 j refrigerator and all utUlUes. coim- built for present owners. 4- bed­ notice be given to lUl persons Interest­ dre.samaklng. smocked hats and* 648-4112 APPRAISERS screened ^rcb, original features distinction to this beautiful iiome, ed In said estate of the pendency of llcatlon be heard and determined at try location, $90 monthly. 649-4555. rooms, 1% baths, buUt-ln oven •VERNON — 8 bedroom Split, Ble Probate office In Manchester in pillows. Call 649-2218. throughout, garage, acreage and range, beautifully paneled $39,000. PhUbrlek Agency, tf* CHAMBERS REALTY said application and the time and Bvea. 646-7814 — 648-7847 888 Bast Center 6t. dining room, bullt-lns, den, plus place of hearing thereon, by publishing said District, on the 26th day of Ao- 8:80-4:30. Carlton W. Hutchins, 649-6182 living room with picture $^dows 8464. gu.st, A.D. 1963. at two o'clock in tha rec room with bar, laundry room, a copy of this order In some newi*- afternoon, and that notice be fflven to FIVE ROOM modem tenement. 648-4118 and fireplace, dining room, $21,- garage, plus extras. 643-6(^. paper having a circulation in said dis­ all persons Interested In said estate of Movte*-—TrueWnf— COVENTRY — 7 room home, 600. Minimum down to qualified EXCELLENT 6-ROOM Oolonial 64S-2325 — 649-7005 trict. St least seven days before the North End, $62 monthly. Apply 260x880 treed lot, stone fireplace, day of said hearing, to appear If they the pendency of eald application and TROUBLE REAGHIN8 OUR AUVERTISER7 Eves. 640-7814 — 648-7847 buyer. Robert Wolverton Agency, home, beautifully landscaped lot, ROCKVILIjE — 6 room ranch com­ the time and place of hearing thereon, Storage *® Apt. 4, 10 Depot Square. 2-car g a ru e, 2 large sheds. Bel see cause at said time and place and 649-2818. only 819,600. Joeeph Bortfa, Brok­ pletely renovated, exceUent, con­ be heard relative thereto, and return bv publishing a copy of this order la MANCHESTER — 6 room Ranch. Air Real Estate, 648-0882. some newspaper having a circulation In MANCHESTER Package Delivery. er, 649-0320. venient location, $18,500. 649-7319 make to this Court, and by mailing on said district at least seven days be­ Dogyi— ^Birda—Peta 41 Household Goods 51 ____ . . . dishwasher, disposal, attic fan, at- LARGE 6 ROOM Cape, 8 acres, or before August 16. 1963. by certified M-Hoir Aisweriig StnriM Light trucking and package de­ Help Wanted— Female 35; 'iURfiSi ROOM apartment, steam I gsrage, nicely landscaped . ,, ■...... — J — ------! MANCHESTER — If you are look or 643-8009. mall a copv of this order to PrisHlln fore the day of said hearing, to at^ livery. Refrigerators, washers and MANCHESTER RANCH - 8 twd- many extras. $19,600. Owner-648- MANCHESTER Vldnlty — 36^42 ^ home that you can move pear If they see cause at said time and FOR SALE — Washer and dryer, heat, hot water. Call 643-905.3. , close to sclxils, $16,900. rooms, kitchen with bullt-lns, S Weber (ih Wildwood Road Torring- stoye ,-moving specialty. Folding WOMAN FOR GENERAL office BOARDING and Grooming — Trllh CDLONIAL RANCH — 6 rooms, foot ranch buUt IW . treed without touching even so i FORD STREET — 6 room frame ton Conn Ix>ls M Bonaceorsl 133 piece and' be heard relative thereto, apartment size gas stove, baby Phllbrick Agency, 649-8464. birch cabinets, dining room, liv­ 2967. and make return to this court F rti to HoraM Roadort chalia for rent. 649-0762. work, some typing, 8 days, in- your Cocker, Poodle or pooch to SIX ROOM DUPLEX, built-in 1^ baths, modem kitchen with lot, oU hot water heat, ahimimim ^ paint brush, ^ call us j house, all utilities, needs paint, Prospect St.. East Hartford, Conn JOHN J. WAI.LETT. Judge carriage. Best off^. 742-8068. ing room with fireplace, natural MANCHESTER — 6 room home combinations, 19 foot Uvlng team ^ immaculate 7 JOHN J. W AIXETT Judge eluding Saturday.lay. wmpanyCompany bene- ij your satisfaction. Called for and stove, garage. $128. Inquire 9 $400 DOWN FOR one-year-old I bullt-lns, 2-car attached garage, $12,900. Joseph '^rth. Broker, delivered If desired. Harmony woodwork, aluminum combina­ with 1V4 acres, oil heat, full base­ with flroplMe, famUy ^ kttch-i , beautiful view. fits. Grant's. Parkade. Orchard Street. Phone 643-6306. bedroom ranch on acre lot. New* lot 300x280, $22,900. Phllbrick 649-0320. Painting— Papering B1 Hill Kennels, Hebron Rd., Bolton, tions, 8-years-old, $18,800. PUl- ment, only $11,600. Large down en with' buUt-ins, 8 bedroom s,' —. Used furniture. ly redecorated. Stove and refrig­ A ^ c y , 649-8464. Asking only $23,500. T. J. Crock­ 643-6427. FOR SALE SIX ROOMS, second floor, central­ brick Agency, 649-84

About Town Manchester WATBS will meet Business Bodies Tueoday at the Italian American Club, 135 Eldridge St. Weig'hlng; In will be from 6 to 7 p.m., after which there will be a splash party at the home of Mrs. Oerald W ag­ ner, Warehouse Point. Those at­ tending are reminded to bring folding chairs. Top losers for last month were Mrs. John Vignone, 16'.4 pounds; Mrs. Peter Sadloski. 14 pounds, and Mrs. Rachel ' ... ' t * ‘c << Kraetchmar, 14 pounds.

The Rotary Club will meet Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at the Man­ chester Country Club. Kenneth J "'V, » ' , * ^ ' ' '* , , R. Shroff of India, a student at Harvard School of Business Ad- mini.stration, will speak on "Some Methods of Protecting Your In­ vestments in the Stock Market.” He IS an investment advisor with the''Secu"ities Exchange Commis­ sion. and conducts an advisory service called Selective Securities.

Miss Elizabeth Niven of Cupar Fite. Scotland, arrived in Man- ' Chester yesterday. She will be a I .guest of Miss Emily W. Smith. ■ 53 E. Middle Tpke.. for four weeks. Tliis Is her firs, visit to this country. She is a Girl Guide and foiTnerly entertained mem­ bers O G’rl S’OUt 'nrcon ’ 'Tn-. ••ProETess in confidence in Downtown Manchester’ is behind tiii.s new lucaae at ...... o.'.s me., Chester, when they were in Scot­ The new front leads the way—through two entrances -t o the firm s interior e x ^ s io n ian-’. estimated 1.800 square feet additional...... floor space, All of the . women's . . and children s depart- menbs on first floor and basement have been expanded to meet demand.s of customers, Vldliam Bu.sch, Sunset Council. Degree of Poca­ m l X ^ I s S d today. "Our customers have brought this about with their patronage. Nov-Now we can hontas, will meet Monday at 7 better display our wide variety of merchandise as weil^s provide thore^room for ouj^stwk he add- p.m. at Tinker Hall. A keeper of Progress in confidence in Downtown Man- records will be appointed to sei-ve ed The "Smiling Service" .4tore actually is showing / i rea lousinesses Lise Auckland Post Office charter," Busch added. (Herald photo by Ofiara.) the unexpired term of the late Mrs. Mildred Tedford. The charter The new Biickland Post Office, whose construction was begun the spring. The *30,000 structure, of brick veneer over rnaso*^ SAFETY CUNIC Training'713 were written during the month , 'iraped in M almas', two years after the construction bid was accepted by the block, encloses about 1,700 square feet of floor space, liwludlty RockweU's Management ,.o " " “ h" Tn,'n^nt“ ‘\aK«T^ ’ '"emory. Information will be read sorting and shipping equipment for Postmaster Olln Gerlch s let- “W ho’a behind the world's big­ Program, has been assigned to the of July. on a Great Council session planned Post Office Department in De-iember, 1960. now stands complete, tea* collection and distribution operations. No delivery gest tire robbery and ail those production function of the firm's or 18 per cent was in cooperation Haven in October The proudly flying its American flag. The National Construction PlainviUe plant as an inventor>' ; with other brokers and total of 96 audited, inate at the office, but boxes are maintained for area resldeoita highnvay accidenta? . . . is it wob­ Co., Bo.sion, began the building's superstructure last winter —the and scheduling co-ordinator. units were sold. Robert W. Bar foundation was already poured—and completed the work during and buslne.s8es. (Herald photo by Ofiara.) ______bly bail-joints . . . looee idler arms Seavey, who joined the Marlin- lows, vice president and general Enid R. Mitchell, seaman ap­ . . . or Wiggly tie-rod ends?” Rockwell Corp., of Jamestown, N, I m anner, said that July was the Area mechanics are invited to prentice in the U.S. Navy, son of Klein, Peter Grady and Neal Nar- in 1962, is a graduate of the ' Hrm s fourth straight month of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Mitchell, visit a highway safety clinic Mon­ L iv ereit^ ‘ W ° H a r « ^ ‘“ whe“r e “he «ales volume approaching »2 mil- con. day at 7:30 p.m. at the Mott's lion per month. 67 Homestetid St., recently report­ Playground The pick-up sticks tournament "WOW" What Service OoiMnunity Hall on E. Middle received his B.S. degree in Busi­ ed for duty at the Naval Station, winners were: Harriet Grovas, Ttpke. to find out. ness Management. NEW PRODUCTS: New realism Newport, R. I. Jimmy Lessard, Robert Cobb, PLACE ORDER— PICK IT UP IN 10 MINUTES H^gh Nyberg of MOOG Indus­ He is a member of Epsilon Ai- for the youngster — and oldster — Notes Brenda Ashwell, John Torzsa, DON’T BELIEVE US? THEN TRY US! tries, St. Louis. Mo., will be the ]* a Zeta, honorary business fra­ who is addicted to customizing Richard T. Sylvester, son of Mr. Ricky Berthiaume, Leslie Burke, featured speaker and will present ternity of the University. He is model cars is provided by "Cub and Mrs. Joseph J. Sylvester, 43 Sandy McKay. Suzie O’Connell, Scarborough Rd., is a recent grad­ a m(wie. The clinic, "FYont End married to the former Martha Mc­ Set" offered by Structo Manufac­ The special event for this week Terry Landers and Beverly Shat- PIZZA-RAY'S System and Ball Joints,” is spon­ Kinney and the couple have a nine turing Co., Freeport, III., with inter­ uate of junior platoon leaders tuck. class at the U.S. Marine Corps at all playgrounds su.pervised by sored by the Manchester Auto month old daughter, Catherine. changeable parts of heavy gauge The girls’ softball teams played 130 SPRUCE STREET — Ml 3*0031 Parts Inc.. Broad St., and the In his new assignment. Seavey steel. Extra features are wind­ School. Quantico, Va., a course the Recreation Dept, was a water­ conducted for future Marine offi- at Bowers School finishing with Open 2-11—Sun. 4-10 Rodcviile Auto Parts Inc. will report to Roy L. erson, shield, gear shift and a tailgate for melon contest. The following chll-1 Bowers 3, West Side 1. SMALL LARGE production control mana at the Sat. till 12 a station wagon that raises and dren were winners: I Next week will be the final IN NEW POST Plainville Division. lowers, i . Athlete’s foot sufferers CLOSED WEDNESDAY Town firemen from Co. 2 and S Bowers School: Kathy Coughlin, week for all playground activities. 75c ♦1,25 lUchaid E. Seavey of ATI Park can now fight fungi with light by Coleen Keenan, Gail Hathaway, 25o Extra Each Item HEADS AUXILIARY simply placing their feet In a last night at 10:40 were called out The playgrounds will be open Mon­ St., a recent graduate of Marlin- to Woodbrldge and Jensen Sts. The Betty JubenvUle and Laurie Hurd. day through Wednesday from 9:30 Mrs. Charles S. Burr of 102 Ade- portable ultra-violet light cabinet for three to four minutes. The caller reported smoke coming from Buckley: Gregory Johnston, Betty a.m. to noon and from 2:30 p.m. laid Rd. has been named president a bam. Firemen found no smoke Warner, Mary White, Richard Wil­ to 6. Thursday morning buses will of the American Association of “ Fungitrol” device is offered by Shelton Metal Products Co. of nor fire. cox and Debbie Palmer. Charter pick up children at the various Nurserymen Ladles Auxiliary. Oak: Suzle O’Cormell, Malda Lord, playgrounds and tran.sport them Mrs. Burr received an unanimous Shelton. Conn. BOTH Kevin O’Cormell. Robbie Lord and to the West Side Oval for their n o w : I vote during a July 23 luncheon at- Mickey Choman. Green: Terry Mc- STORES I tended by some 136 ladies at the Business activity in New England annual playground field day and Gurkln, Sandy McKay, Danny picnic. A ' f C ^ ‘ Sheraton-Llncoln in Houston, Tex., during the second quarter of 1963 Hospital Notes Schaeler, Paul McGurkin and GREEN ' scene of the annual convention of showed a "mild response to an Playgrounds will close for the STAMPS American Nurserymen and their uptrend," according to the month­ Susan Humphreys. Nathan Hale: season Friday at noon. Open Visiting hours are t to 8 p.m. Diane Pagani, Mary Lopes, Tom­ auxiliary group. ly Business Review of the Federal for all areas, except maternity my Krajewski, Mary Pongratz and Reserve Bank of Boston. Nonfarm where they are 2 to 4 'p.m., and Kathy McCkinn. BRIEFS payroll employment in June was 6:30 to 8 pjn. and private rooms, MONDAYS Keeney St. School: Terry Cor­ 1 The Barrows and Wallace R ea l: up .1 per cent from a year ago. where they are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. coran, Kelly Corcoran, Denise OPEN ALU DAY Estate Co., with Manchester offices Gains in Connecticut, New Hamp- Visitors are requested not to Berthiaume and Ricky Bcrthlaume. ALL YEAR! at 85 E. Center St., today reported shire and Vermont offset net de- smoke In patients’ rooms. No more Robertson: Michael Balon, Kathy ; sales agreements totaling *1,972,- dines in the other three states. than two visitors at one time per SUNDAY Balon, Kathy Bryant, Beatrice FAIRWAY patient. William Skoneski of 43 Eldward Scarpello and Jackie Scaipello. PINE PHARMACY St. has been appointed chairman Valley: Debbie Tedford, Ruthle Patients Today; 205 664 CENTER ST.— MI 9-9814 of the Connecticut State Em­ Sanzo, Scott C3hartler and Billy G & B BUILDING ployes Assooiation's Insurance ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Tedford. Verplanck: Sharon Nel­ Committee. Skoneski, a member Minnie Hyman, Fairtiaven Rest son, Denise Albert, Lois Steely, CONTRACTORS of Chapter 66 of the CSEA, also Home, RockviHe; Mrs. Frances Robert (^k>bb and Frederick O u­ was recently re-elected presidetrt Zanks, 41 Dart HIU Rd., Wapping; ter. Waddell: Lorri Heritage, San­ CUSTOM HOMES of the Comptrollers Department Reynaud Beaulieu, Ellington; Mrs Be modern with PICCOLOS PIZZA PALACE OUR SPECIALTY dra Fletcher, Judy Hubbard, HoUy group, where he is employed, and Alice ipim, 109 Cooper HIU St.; Shorts, Pam Heritage and Randy MAIN—Just North From Post Offloe—^Tel. 649'8406 Joseph Barth—649-0320 4 5 7 1/2 is a delegate to the OS'EA Annual David Wiley, 79 Niles Dr,; Mrs. Trudeau. West Side: Anna Marie Convention in October. Doris (3oppa, 51 Englewood Dr.; Donna Mae Tedford, 25 Putnam PIZZA. GRINDERS and SPAGHEHI William Cooper of 75 Green St.; Roland Folsy, S Windemere TO GO OR TO EAT HERE Manor Rd., agent for the Pruden­ Ave., Rockville; Hilmer Noren, 9 r V ir o .N i A'nc' tial Insurance Co. here, will par- Robin Rd.; Jean MacKenzie, 44 Plain Pina 75c, Modium $1.00, Large $1.25 ).\i 1'()irr tldpate in the Agents Forum pro­ Victoria Rd.; Mrs. Magdelene ITEMS 25c EACH WESTOWN gram on Sept. 10 during the 1963 C'Connor, 6 Alice Dr.; Guy Fin­ y MEANS annual convention of the National ney, 10 Ravine Rd., South Wind­ Open Tueaday-Wednesday-Sunday 9 AJH. to It Midnight ■ 1 PHARMACY I I Association of Life Underwriters sor; Irene Dumais, 58 Overland Open Thursday Friday, Saturday 9 AM. to 8 AM. 489 Hartford Rd.— MI 9-9046 to be held at the Americana Hotel, St.; Theodore Kasek, 76 Oliver CLOSED MONDAY Bal Harbour, Fla., Sept. 8 through Rd.; Ralph Scudieri, 866 Center ,^\jlfE!RlGAN Ooi•All To jmaintain our continuity 12. The Forum’s theme is, "After St.; Kathy Lucas, Storrs; June the Sale . . . Then What?," a dis­ Wilson, Wilshire Rd., 'Vernon; for fuel oils, service, of medical service we are cussion of life insurance sales and Henry Kij>ecki, 141 Orestwood Dr.; Mrs. Edith RowseU, 353 Main heating equipment Open All Day St.; Cindylee Bockus, 502 Graham PLUHBING phone 522-8151 The Andrew Anaaldi Co. will Rd., Wapping; Mrs. Santina Ca- V fV buUd a J9,700 addition (new boileV rino, 2545 ElUngton Rd.. Wap­ BANTLY OIL CO. Water Heaters 170 PEARL STREET room) to the Rogers Corp. plant ping; Mrs. Rose LaShay, 34 Cor­ DOUBLE HEATING SUNDAY FUEL OIL HARTFORD, CONN. on Mil! St. The room will provide nell St.; Kashmir Gut, 19 Clinton Humidifiers two-hour fire resistancy for the 881 MAIN STREET St. WORLD GREEN Phone 649-4696 high pressure boiler system, which ADMITTED TODAY: Mrs. Ar Dehumidifiers AIR GONDITimtlNG in effect would contain any fire line Oox, Tolland. within the room for that period of BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son Air Cleaners time if a fire occurred. to Mr. and Mrs. George Bensche, STAMPS 202 Woodbrldge St. Heat Pumps The Delaware Power & Light HLRTHB TODAY; A daughter A L L W E E K Co. has purchased a second Pratt to Mr. and Mrs. George Collette, ARE YOU IN Water Pumps DRIVEWAYS A Whitney Aircraft "Turbojet WILLIAMS Andover. Power Pac,” an automatic gas tur­ Water Coolers D0BCHAJU3ED YBBTERDAY: or Free Esfimafes On: bine electrical peaking unit. The Laila Janaus, East Hartford; Mary out of OIL SERVICE, Inc. unit, rated at 17,000 kilowatts for Benson, 64 Mt. Nebo Pi.; Margaret Water Softeners intermittent duty, will go into Thulln, 61 Bruce Rd.; Paul Mi­ HOT WATER? BITUMINOUS ASPHALT PAVING service in May, 1964. Notice Zone Control chaud, Hudson Falls, N. Y.; How­ GENERAL ELECTRIC DEALERS ard Brooks, East Hartfonl; Wil­ Just ’a day for fuel • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS liam Tennant, 801 Main St.; Albert Bath Rooms Known for Quality Products and Servieh WE HAVE DAILY can get you out of double! » GAS STATIONS • BASKETBALL COURTS Adams, 85- Spruce St.; Henry Police i4rrests Leister. Hebron; Mrs. Alberta DELIVERY TO THE 841 Broad St.. Manchester—Ml 9-4548 ALL WORK PERSONALLY SUPERVISED Eistaibrook, Coventry; Doris Hef- If you live in a typical house, feman, 58 W. Main i^., Rockville; you could easily run out of hot Jeffries Uniteds, 17, Marlbor­ Mrs. Anna Peck, East Hartford; WE ARE 100% INSURED ough, and Timothy M. Wright, 16, water several times a week. Susan Palmer, Andover; Mrs. BOLTON Now you can have all the hot Andover, very early this morning Betty King. CJoventry; John Ma­ water you need at one time for were charged with making an un­ loney, 16 Frederick Rd.; Francis DE MAIO BROTHERS SINCE 1920 necessary noi.'ie with a motor vehi­ flqlan. Rockville; Mrs. EJvelyn AREA only o day. Think o f it— cle. Both motorists were observed Cloutier, 28 William St.; Jtdm Du- only 9H^* a day! TEL. 643-7691— WE CARRY JENNITE SEALER squealing their tires as they left beck, Fairhaven Rest Hopie, Rock­ Yes, thanks to Mobllheat— a W. Center St. drive-in restaurant ville; Alice O'Conner, 39 Locust and on oil-fired hot water heater shortly after midnight, police said. St.; Sally Dunnells, (Center Rd., of correct capacity—your family The youths will be pi’esented in LENOX NEED TIRES? Vernon; Mrs. Marlene Klotzer and can take care ofal/theirwBehing Manchester's Circuit Court 12 on son. Vernon; Mrs. Patricia Ma­ needs at one time. Sept. 9 to answer to the charges. loney and daughter, 166 Wells PHARMACY Richard Shea, 38, no certain ad­ St.; Mrs. Glenda Houle and 294 E. CENTER ST. Mom can do the family wash, dress, arrested yesterday for in­ Sis can do the dishes at tam e 40fo DISCOUNT son. Leona Dr., Vernon; Mrs. toxication, posted a *25 cash bond tim e Junior takes his bath, and Laura Morano and daughter, 19 H T EL Ml 94)894 CNO d o w n PAYMENT — FREE MOUNTING and WM released for presentation Eidridge St.; Mrs. Irme Connors you enjoy a shower. BOTH in Circuit Court 12 on Aug. 26. It and daughter, 14(7 Orchard St., Don’tdelay—phone us today. was earlier reported that Shea was Rockville; Mrs. Sonja Bissonnette Find out how easy it is to switch m custody for a Monday court and son, 6 Pioneer Circle; Mrs. to a M obilheat-fi^ water heaU GOODYEAR NYLONS date. Alma Otto and son, Storrs; Mrs. WITH TUFSYN — TAX, EX. Elsie James and daughter, En­ *ABtraf/emiiy of/m r. STORES ” MAN KILLED b I? CAB field; Mra. Florence King and WEST HARTFORD (AP) — An daughter, Mansfield Center. 6.70x15...... 8.88 7i0x14...... 1IUI8 elderly man weui injured fatally DISCHAROEID TODAY; Joseph yesterday afternoon when struck Strhnaitis, 27 Homestead St...... 14.88 by a car as he stood on the lawn of MORIARTY 7.10x15...... 12J8 m M his home at 73 Woodrow St. The 'PUKADE” and MAIN ST. victim. Arthur C. Dow. 70, died Arhitera Busy 7i0x14...... 14J8 8.50x13...... 11 JO about four hours after the Incident. .v— .* Mono i.x«.. BROTHERS Police said the driver of the car CJIICACJO — About 96,000 la ^ r ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE was Emma L. Hoxie, 79, of 34 contract require or permit toe Middlefield Drive. Her car ran q arbitration of grievances, Com- Ml 3-5135 OIL CHANGE stop sign and collided with a car at merce Clearing House estimates. Arbiters made more thsm 28,000 ATLANTIC OR QUAKER STATE OIL OPEN AS USUAL toe intersection of Woodrow and 301*315 C«nt*r St. DOUBLE ilttr STAMPS . Ellsworth streets, before running awards last year. tip on to toe lawn, they said. KTT.T.im IN CRASH STAMFORD (AP) — Hardin WE GIVE Wheat. 47, of 835 Broad St., GREEN STAMPS DISCOUNT MONDAYS Bridgeport, waa fatally Injured yesterday when the tru^ he waa FREE UaiVERY drlv’.ig wEui hit by a train. Police Mobllheat STATION said the mlsh^ occurrfd at an in* Cole’s y 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. dustrtal grade croaslhg in the A* dean-acNee DEEIE8 MONTH if M80ST Springdale section. The croesing 1» ( ^ ) 461 WEST CENTER STREET — 649-0980 ARTHUR DRU8 equip^ with signals that were operating at the time, police said.

----- AUG, 17 thin AUG.» CHMLinnpt4l

•4? MOBW JMDWMfPi ■. ». ProataOM • C f K ^ More Negroes |TV Notebook] Will Appear NSW TOBK (AP)—Sylvia sii^ made for crying. May^ In TV Roles Why, despite her dinpcMition, she’a u « ia l^ oeM la By BOB THOMAS some terribly tiagic par*- S P MwrIe-TeleTtalon W riter And maybe tbat’a wHy thoroughly ewloylnff p le a a w HOLiLTWOOD (A P )—> eunray pimmitt employmont to averybj^ o f the faU aeason’a television pro- Sy hit Broadway oonaedy. * rrammlnS .dlscloaes that viewwrs Lauehlng.'’ She’s done oomediea wiU be seeinc more racial Inte­ tong tour as "Auntie gration. Mame” and even eome mov- Mindful of continuing preesurea l«»—tout fhe generaUy ^ haa from Negro organlmtloos, produc­ to fight lo oomrinoe prodttcem ers appear to be pkumta* she can play comedy. employment of Negroee, both in •pegUng rolea and atmosphere players. Borne shows are being written about matters of race. A recently filmed "Ben Casey” segment con­ cerns a Negro baseball atar, played by 'Sammy Davis Jr., who reouires an operation to save hta Bight Dr. Casey (Vincent Ed­ wards) comes into conflict with a white-hating neuroeurgemi vrtio is Negro. ' " I was thrUled with the script,” Davis. "Intolerance should be attacked, no matter arhlch side It Is on." I CBS’s historical series, "Great Adventure," has filmed a drama titled "Go Down, Moees." It con­ cerns the underground railroad of SYLVIA SIDNEY pre-OvU War days and stars ‘X3ne produoer once enld, flatly, Ethel Waters, Ruby Dee and ■Sylvia Sidney oan’t play comedy,’ Brock Peters. Miss Sidney says. "So my agent Several new series have cast Showed him a flock of reviews I Negroes In continuing roles. A bos- got in 'Auntie Meme,’ ail of which idtal show, "Breaking Point,” will said how good I was in a comedy ieature a dietitian played by Vir­ role. He read them over and said, ginia Capers. "Mr; Novak,” con­ cerning life in a big city high •WeH. these are certainly ma^ school, WiU have Vince Howard as velous reviews, but I still don’t i history teacher. Bob Williams think she can play comedy.’ Thefs wUl be a factory cutup In "The what rm up against.” New Phil SUvers Show.” She says that Hollywood and the Amanda Randolph continues as pubHc Jiurt began to think of her maid for the Danny Thomas fam in tragric terms. She played the maA parts SO Web that she wae Uy. trapped in thoee tear-etalned roles. David Janssen as "Tlie Fugi "I wasn’t about to go on strike tlve” has filmed a show in which lu. takes a job as handler of a or anything about it,” she sajns. B« win iM for MBCr« “Volo* «C the DeeertT priseflghUr, played by James Ed­ "After all. aoting U my buslneas. wards. Ruby Dee also is In the Besides, I fell Into some naety M p.m . habits which oould only be grati­ oast. which belongs sUU to the o Dick Van Dyke has an upcom­ fied by making good money. W het turee who have always llv sd ^ing ^show ^ in which he worries that nasty habits ? Well, things like there.” I his baby has been twitched at the e a tk « weH and wearing good Modern Day Thoreau And mankind better <*o lom ^ hoepltal. When he locales the oth- olothes." tblng fast to roG»*" er couple In the supposed mlxup, inss Sidney lent the only rtsr profeesor's eeteem. Right now the ..« finds they"— are“— — Negroes, in her femMy. She’s a first oousin florariAM andMTwl fauna are ahead. Take I played__ by Greg Morris and Mlml of Dr. Atoert Sbbin, dlsooverer of NBC Special Subject ttie road-runner, for euunple, "Not Dillard. . Sabin polio vaccine. In fact, Mias everybody loves the road runner,” Count Basie, L eo* Home and Sidney and Dr. SeMn were raised he Observes with tart sadness of Nat King Cole wiU be gueet stars t^ eth er. before ttmt Hie earVer the creature known to consider on the Judy Garland Show. Miss She gives Dr. Sabin much of me Br BOTH *. THOMPSON I kyeras oredit for her getting the role hi ■te-nm wom ry rleerew heve we- however, were In a quaU ^------a delicaiqr,- ‘tieoauae------nothing Home and Diahann Carroll srlU ferent vein and had to do sritn ^ Hkely to make an animal un- appear with Danny Kaye. "The Defenders” which led to her ■M to wArm up « W|>**P Emmy nomiaation. Btfkr thta week beoeoee NBC, sifbjeote pertinent to hU Me m popular aa the tendency to eat Among other featured roles In B n g ^ profeeeoc at Ookimhia uw-1 thing* which we oursehree would future shows: Archie Moore as a •T was staying with Albert and M l oominf: TtMiredey, ia splkini' Ms famUy in Cincinnati,’’ she says, M kite aummer aehedule with a vecslty or aa a noted drama critic. to eat. Sportsmen are afraid town bartender in "P erry (He hM served for a time i this reduces the number they will Mason”; Greg Morris as a Ma­ "because I was ill. The offer came fii^ n ew , tovln*»yp*wl«o«<*-f«"- for The Defenders’ part, and I eglor (looumentery, •'Votee o t Ui« ident of the New York Drama h* able to kUl in their more effi- rine pilot in ‘”The lieutenant” ; OriUos’ Circle). ____^ cient way, eo natursMy they feel Miml DUIard as one of five pa didn’t think I wae well enough DMNTt” (Xuff. as, 10 p.m.) with to take it. But be said I oouM do JoMDh Wood KruKxh— Aeadeasy Thaatra srtf-edueation did. ^ I rrs riTmi Uu Fred MacMurray, Juae Haver. "Casablanca. ' Humphrey Bogart. Not beiiw able to do as NBC ••A week after I \ “ *• ABB TTSaWH Rather than admit gambling 11:88 (88) Lata Shsw ^ nolMng in my mind which oould < 8> Baft Bwmmj loaaes MacMurray Jrtna a wild "Plunder In the (Hsaai «d and t ^ to R»l> 4 in Tuow aranhim hunt (R) Ford AgiB.. and ttoenoe 10 inUea into the qot have got there byoy a pictw <«> Cjui^ ftewH-s ( 8-0888) Oallaal Mea (38) Mews sad Wsathsr gBiliiniT~i to seA cut the nian po«t oBTd/’ h« ta quoted »« aey*ner| •• } Mm Ic Of Aiiskess* Robert Mc^eeney, William 11:88 (88) Oartala Tlase 1Ofb himeetf, aHfUnc';addli«: **9CMl6ry"semety M l da uEm E oS bo*? leas so.” 7:** < *) •! M*wa- Clevelaad a t Boatcai Ceaar Rcanero. Margaret Lindsay. and took mori af tha Thorean . (49) Inagle * ^ A widow aiAeraes to■ ‘try • to outwit Which Shows Rrutch’a scholarship eocnea tote t iU ( 8) - a cxm man. "The Judy Oariand Show” i I W o o d B m h ^ tiva siMwa had bean taped; IQ ^ y as he looks backward In ttos% 9:8 (fh 8» tte 94 Wkare_Ara FeaT (O o a tto a e d OaaX MUto to the ice ages and theei 1 SI S S M S S !^ (4 9 I S t r a t a ^ Aw "RlOhaid Boona Show,'’ aai ari ■;U «) U*lM Wm« Joe B. R obs, Molly Ploon. Ib ^ W m B e Hits w « ba the suh- beyimd. Wouldn’t you he startlei^ 1:19 ( I ) B ig 1 A e ^ riage broker promises to pair her ogy series, has been ari had S:M ( » rkTohrlitoplMn "Bom b» Clipper.” Maria Mai HEADQUARTERS J a r i o f a j r NBC News ma- th a r o a d ru n n er riunSd I n aQhal-i he wants to know, if a dtooaanr ( 8> TUi !■ Tke Ufa clients wttb tcelebritlea. (R ) the mnaas of plajm lght CM a, T. Bey. }>9h89> Sunday Night M e^ . ------oolor naaradiqr, aateiL'’ Krutah goea on to ooer- were tO lumber toward you todayT *lfrtc»ltTO Os rande 8-49) BaaebaB By OFMTBIA IXmBT O deta, s to r y a m to r o f Oka aa (M> Dawa BlMa laatttate f (Color) "Apache.” Burt Lan- on MBOJ^ flO-kt pen. tend tiiat roeri-ninnata and quaH Well. . . yee? Well It seems If Yankees vs. Cbicaao easter. Jeon Peters. Ttie Oght (or AP IMevMan-BAdto Writer But antB pramtar dates it I 'U i V S*y*» • Qallatt (89) Issaea aad Aaswan HDD, to their anriei^ pattern priaerve we look carefully Thursday night a tone Indian who J>oA. JPuL S jl&L HOU.YWOOD (A P)—The fAvor- tember and October, the pni 5 Is*** ®* '**• ■*»«' Noted personality InteiTleaed. battles the U.S. Army. (R) noture’a botonoe wUle maei laay we'U see the professor with a hand­ < 8) The Aaawer 8:89 (89) m m ite liMioor a h 6 poolside sport of of earii of the M new Hhsw 9ri9 Beaaaia (Caler) Ba a ful of something infinitely older, ,000 y e a rs . (88) Sacred Heart 6:88 ( 8-49j8nia|sr dicting next season’s hit tolevlslaii shows. 2«Asoa fsr yengoanos" lailrht Ward Bond, Bd Wynn. BhreilKiat Bob Hope. James Darren. The oomiminity Is full of srif- Fame Came Fast Iioeis...1he deaett gnoaia tin own captain on w ay to a sea Fcnraga and STEREO thoee walking at me either, I dim’t (88) The Chriatephera W ri9 J 81 Candid Camera proclaimed eiqperts oo Om atdijoot, fS* pen, KDQ^R^ mnnuDiaert, (he gisnt Sagauro <48) Oral Bebarta must leave hla grandson behted. peat ef Iteirii 66). want to miss what promises to 9:46^(88) The Saon^ Heart (H) and the moat faaoinatlng aiveet To Chamberlaiii Oaotus ‘to oentuey and a hrif to (B ) Leap deha SBvac fS)“ the growtog,” hut watch out bo a n re treat. . . for the liarra- 18:891 8) Lamp Uata Mr Feat Fa a ^ ) Of The ITeek. of me game is that almoat any­ With Dr. Oeorpe Crathera. (88) Oaeat Artiats Osneeat Service On-All Models lhare’a m ri vtitoin again, Man tkm la being drawn from Krutch’s I (B-88) BaHwlaUe (CMor) Douglas nurbaaka, Cfreer body can ,be right HOEX.TWOOD Thia fa The Ufa Award - w in n in g doeamantary bad television series, no matter N B C V rV U tbeae glacete wtth tosoca p to *^ nature works (right up there with 19:16 ( 8) The Chriatephera 19:19 ( 8) What's My Uaet IF YOU OWN A BOAT CHECK OUR Chamboilala could about the freeing of some Funvt. John Daly Moderator. Panelists: how dismal Uie results. Squally a S a a d a y , again to the profesoor’a liaaitto- Thoreau) a strange mixture of tiio 18:88 ( 8) Loch Dp dad U r r an mdiiua after centuries af MOIC oommiaaary bandage. (R) „ Bennett Cerf. Arlene lYancla, obviously, no o im , not even the M m - tS (S-M pjiL T . R e p e a t fadtton tteri this biped Is "Vha haunting and the factual. Sixth In a aerlea exploring the Martin Gabel. Phyllis Newman. MARINE EQUIPMENT without canahir a stegle »«— a ta o f pubL t r , l a m T nature of aln In todap'a world. (ll^ > Meet llw Press (Calm') (S48A8) Crnelal Bammer shrewd men tmo make the pro­ tu rn . m ori dangerous to evetyUriug rise Topic la envy and atatua aeeklng. Public Affairs Presentation tltot kves os wen oa to btasiSf.’’ OUldleaa after seven yearn of ( 8) Cembat Secoari of a five pert news study gram doolalona and place them on A month later “Dr. KDdara” ( 8) Vtdleoa of the Integration eegmgatlon ■r W beet ItoSer) to Tbs mnc« I watched the advancs „ (48) Faith For Today (49) Probe netTfork achediflos, haa found any was rsboniEA an NBC t marriage, a young couple suffera (89) Film struggle confronting the naUon. footage roS oei, the m ere oMva the tenetons and dtooord, to ’The Mid- 11:89 ( 8) Camera Three I * 8) Newa Cltiieiis Bond Radio Soles and Service surefire tray to prodetormine series with Chamberlain in the James Macandrew, hoot Inter­ 9:88 . 8) Mr. Ed whether an oiqponsivo effort will Betmyemr on^MBC^to*%toee^ desert beoaene. MMd ereaturea due ChUd-Gcte A ll the Acfaea" on view with Budora Welty on craft Alaui Young, Ooania H trw ( 9(8888) News A Wenther title irie. He waa a taD-hiosm ater r. Aag. 66 (7BO-6:80 of writing. The talking horse advoeataa oth­ (48) Saaday EdMea turn out to bo a Hon or a mouae. sidel up to meet the nafiHBSut ew NBC-TV’a "The Elleventh Hour” within weeks. Beperi at JUn. 68, < 8) Cgmmeate d People er means trhen a teenager con­ I (B> Soa. NIaM Mevto After two woriu of visiting tele­ be waHoi...a hog fkoMee on hte Wednesday, Aug. 61 (10-H pjn. (B ) Film siders horso h«i«. ^ love ta'tsmaa. "Variety (Jlri." Bing Croriiy. Dumont Color TV Chfunberlain, a mnikri. ]_ head. He gitoets tba crltteiB be (88) I BeUeve (R) Bob Hope. vision sets, talking with protnicers, ant young man, now faces the BXXT. Repeat of May 22). „ (48) Westeia Jamheree (89) Bay Scherer Saaday Bapert i I 8) Mevie Maaterptoees directora, stars, executives and, of real criebri^a (wdeal an lorie to 11:16 (B ) Am erleaas A t Worii Coverage of the werirs major ■’Adventure.” Clark GaUe, Greer course, press agents, I have been 11:86 ( 8) Capitol Beports events. Gorson and from Iris noontime rare ateak 11:88 ( 8) A Qaeat tor Certaiaty (88) Trae Adveetare I (88) Late Stww ELECTRONICS assured that every new series en­ and salad. Byes follow Us ptng- ( 8) Schema Today (89) Operatlaa Saceess countered undoubtedly wlU be a (49) Take Two ■The Bat" V. Price ress to Ms teUe. Vtottors nluspsr (B ) For Toar fafonaatioa { S) Acstfew ThMtra LARORATORIES hU. TUESDAY T elevision PROGRAM (88) Thla la the Ufe 7:8 .*8) Little Island.'* Jeanne Car- to each otiier even feDow ptejmn 18:88 ( 8) C .N . laterBaUanal Soae But there Is really no way to stM talking shop. Jon Provost. Juno Lockhart. acm. m m o A & w . (18-89) Larettn Fanns elderly green replacement fa ( 8) Take Twe Lassie proves a better handler i (U > Featare U teU. Previews of an upewming SiM ( S> FWn (Mar < 849-89) Onaen F or A D m (B ) Film for a burro entered In a race Ihu 'Aie young star handlen tha SHS (SSI MooniBa Prarara met mth nostllity by the squad. > ( S) Haws A Weather Show don’t help: sometimss a whole thing gracefully, but It la 8:19 ( 8) To T d The XMb (R) (88) Blag Aroaad Baaday does Cully. (R) ( S) Memeat ef Medllailen 649-1124 SS * S JMm aeae (M Oanfait (8988) Fan Don’t Bay (OMori Sri9 ( 8 ) Lloyd Bridxea Show (48) Problem Today ( 8) Feerama STANEK single show is a dandy and the easy to understand n A y a lo t e f S:9S t to Hawaarai BallcUa Bsori ( 8) DIoMTery ’68 > ( t> Hawscepe Dolores Michaels, Jeff Bridyes. A 18:88 ( 8) We Believe (BA8) Easiga Bta 8 Tboatar breakthrough to stardom. 1:88 ( 8) Perception 7:88 ( 8) Dennis The Menace vacation making Us lliri asorie Id tS ( » Inraiuh Abonl (8849) Make Bram For DaAAy (88-89) Em pire (C olor) (88) Schlae 18 P ia BowHng Jay North, EMward Everett Hor^ static about It. ss K star. ‘,‘TwUlgU of HotMr.' ( 8) Admiral Jock Show Richaid Bgan, Ryan O'Neal. Aa (88) Saadiv Matlaee ton, Mr. Wilson erics Dennis' ‘*n»e Long, Hot Summer"— For what prossason talk Is s S \ m FSSftrw 'SSi:^ (4919) DtaooTory ’68 escaped convicted murderer "Back from Dead.” Marsha help In getting permission to pub­ stAiriiij' Paul Newman, Oraon which he plays a lawysr. SMS I » n aa Uehsxas (4998) Amorloaa Nowioiand Hunt. worth, there's a lot about the to' t o L i g n j nlaw seeks revenge against Redlgo. lish Uncle Ned's rnrapadia (R) Welles. Joanne Woodward, twe The televiston series wM I ( 8) Admiral Jack Skew (^t) (48) W laalag Pins comhm NBC BUI Dana comedy ae­ some new aspecte tbte sea (In P r o f.) (84) Two Centarles ef Symphony 1:16 J 8) Foar Cengreaamaa tram ((Jplor) Prof. Ludv^ Von Drake Remhdc, Anthony BVancidaa and CEILING (18) Fnm (4989) Hawaiiaa Eye rlea. By c(dncldence It wlU occupy Coaaectlcat tolls why "Space la Der Biggest notably because Kildare wOl be ( S> to iataDraba Shaw 1:88 ( 8) Washington Report Angela Lanabuiy—wlH be NBC- the Sunday night spot vacated v j (88) First Skew Robert Conrad, Connie Stevens. Place I Know Of." (R) TVa “Saturday Night at the 1 promoted from totem to rerid "Reach (or tiie Sky." lUl Lopaka searches for communist (88) Catholic Hoar 1 8-99-88) The detsana (Calar) "Blnslgn O’Toole,” which received pbjNdcian ta the O iri episode. T ^ ( S IM W Oraneha Moore. agents In Formosa. (R) A series o t conversations on the CMige U caught In a battle of Movies” color feature A a g . 17 (9 - the same kind of talk last year at ( 88) Tima Stoesef I (84) Summer Drama Festival Tatlcan Council. James O'Gara. 31st Century TVcocns. (R ) Ceilings leap into life and become intriguinf patterns of depth and dimen­ moans our hero wm acMewe (48) AAm lral u d host. Father PVederick McManus, l^ jn . sayr. Repeat of Feb. 16, * this time but survived for only one Swabbj teaw ' ( 8) Fietare This 8:88 (8 ) Ed Satov^ Sh.;, sion with tile! change of uniform—froas the Ugh- 8:89 (88) E arly Shew Game show Jerrv Van Dyke, guest. Guests: Joan Sutherland Della 1963). H ie screeq^y warn a d a p ted season. "Snow Fire.” Don McGownn. (48) Best af Groaeho collar totem’s Jacket to a Sbnt. host. Reero. Stu Kenton, othen. Ray ftvan William Faulkner’s novel of CBS ( 8) Oolek Draw MeOraor (18-88) Dick FeweU Theatre 1:98 ( 8) Fear Oommanlty Bloch orchestnu (R ) love and bate bi the Dtwp South. A ceiling job in your home is not how cheap you can « t It, K is how good necktie and wUte coat. I I 8> ______(48) SkerlH el Ooehloe Anthony Franciosa. Julie London. a ls o “He win also be asorc m m F l» Fanr Honeh (Oslar) (18) Film you want it and how long it will last. I f you like a gootl job call Mr. Charles ( O P ay In OanH When a nightclub proprietor la and said Chamberiato, "aad caa stead (89) The B iy F ietare framed, employes resort to 649-4920 or 644-0601. Brush or spray. HtHues, Offices, IhdustriaL enthusiaatic prodlidloiis. TUs la ( 8) News imd Waathor their former ''criminal'’ profea- ri> to Dr. ameanie. Aa a laalter > O M I % r M m fa n to U (84) Wlmt’ a New slons. (R ) unusual to that It wUl attempt to of fact, Ray (Raymcad Tfassey. (49) News ( 84989) The Vatoacbables M ONDAY T elevision PROGRAM marry fantasy and satire in a y y & na Wjmam Ms ooetar) aad I had am bfggeri I m m > Canasntnflsn (89) IB s F ietare M:99 (8 ) Keefe Brasselle Shm me Chaaael comedy. It concerns the adven­ flglit—just ta the series, of course ( 9998S4 Savan Kays (49) M r. to e k y ^ Featuring Noelle Adam, Ann B. ( S) Tewn Crier [ ^***s»“ ■* tures of a visitor ftom another I ( » L m O t U fa ( 8) Weather. Mews aad gporta Davis, Rocky Grasiano. Guests; I ( J> Fanr Benatar —the other day over wlietbM a m m T e rn m a t tmweeettem ( 8) OaUawa, Duke BUIngton, Arisne DeMarco, 'S !?••**■« Prayera I < S> Weather. Newa A trani. planet who arrivea equipped with man suffering traea tookemia (18) Weather Swen Swenson. :36 ( S) MaaieBts af Oamtoit CHARLES MODERN HOME (O olor) 19:19 buUt-to antennae and assorted (M) Film Free. (88) BepoH From ATTIC FANS 1:48 ( 8) Nearsespc. EaUrilB B. ehould be told be waa a tsniihial ( 9fM fa Teanaasas Brafa Far« (48) Adreatares In Tima Program capturing the mood :46 I 8) Opaiatiaa ^fybabiit (B> Weatber powers Including abUity to become I ( SI Sonrab Fbr Taaoairaw af (84) HaeksklB Bab (896t> T ia lb a r Oanaeaaaaeea (89) News a different city each week. Be ready for the hot weather (49> Beparmaa Painters, Builders, Decorators mvlsihle at (88) Otabbease =- ( 8) Olese ^ On Bp sofa ahead with a HUNTE5R ATTIC :U ( 8) Faith A Order (89) Newa The theory le that the Uddlos Hona Day Hayort > (S ) Chibbaase flaky Bdawrda, onsfuaric woasan ( 9988-89) News FAN installed in your home. „ (B) Weatter I ( 81 Claaam an Bparta wlU enjoy the m sgic and the adults ^rs ( 8) To TeD The Troth ecOTomte revolution. ,, :88 ( 8) FereemiaB appreciate the satire and every­ for NBC-TVto *Saael." flies to ( SA94S> ( apteri (88) Fetor Gona r”''" , ' Complete with fan louvers and ( 8) Vrieaii af Mr. OMb. • < 8-88A9) Newa 098S> a t i S t a r (89) Film an carpentry work. :66 ( 8) LaVn TaBt Absst i I S> Aftei *fNaner Mayle body wlU bo happy. Mierioo CMy wWto the aeriea tstoea j ______(81) Weather. Leeid News 11:18 ( 994919) News. Weothsr A I Yraterdny.” Judy Holiday, I ( n As n a Waria Tnas (84) Aaim als at the Beaibeas Siwrts :88 ( 8) Oaptaia Kaagaiaa William Holden. ABC and many of the erystal- a oumfner vaoaUou, to be wiCb (19-49) News And Wsothsc (81) Big News :S8 (48) Frsatien af Seicaea baU gasors are axpoottog tatereet- Miariene Dietrich during her night It)- :88 ( 8) Him Biehaida (Sl^ealag Bepart, Nawa A OS) _ 7:19 (88)iss: epeouMSpeelal mm Bepart (89) News A Wealher w eatbar tog response to "Burke’s Law,’’ an cMb engagement there. Sally goea (IS) Harray Ohan Bbiw 7:15 (88)(18) Baekatare- • ■ U:1C ( S) iteesday Starlight (8) t u S La Lamm flhaw (89) F ilm MANCHESTER (89) Sports Can "Fire Over Africa.” H. (B-88) Bampn Beam action series done ta a debonair r i Mtos Dtetrtoh'a request, flhe (9S) Haira _ ^ O'Hara, I (9S) Haibara. BaraarS Shaw (49)149) N m s (49) Steve 'AKea Show (48) Sana Tba d aw n i* * 'i *•*"• •■f Wealher and sophisticated manner. It stars had mode four trips to ■niupe ( 8) The'David Nlvea Theatre U:19 (89) Sports Mtindap :18 ( 8) Debbia Draha Shaw (B ) Amcrieaa Maauira OLDSMOBILE ^ (SS) Men af Daaliinr 7:99 (8949) Howa aad WesOier a mlUlonalre man-about-town who wtth the star, and has been n M (88-89)- Laram ... - ie . U:85 I 8) SportsvlSw :S8 ( 8) MOIianairo 0 8 ) jfaarfal B as^ 11:89 (18-80) T on lgh f Show (O) 7sU (B ) Bpedal Bepart •'TOtrR OLDSMOBIUS DBAUDR” la also a poUce detective. bsr during her IMS ( S) naanaaf ( 8) Bari Ot Orooeba 7 :U (B ) Soamar mghligbta f&wTMria wn van on a ( 8) Cinema 8 :46 (48) K iag And Odla Shaw (89) Sparta Oamera K number of shows hava been V e g s A ^Ootar) ^ ______Jailed Stand tnr for Action." Robest :I8 ( 8) Calaadar (49) Naira 512 WEST CENTER ST1NEET aa a material witness. (R) Taylor, Brian Dohlevy. (B-88> Say TThao 7:99 (8889) Vaaday Night at toe May- ( 8) First Ban Theatre 18:48 ( S) News A W eatM v ( 8) Ifha Da Fau TTsalT ies m s-mt "Lucy Gallant.'' , O. 18:45 (45) L o ^ ’ s P ra yer (48) Manlag Maria (Color) “T^ ^ te n .” Robert m a n n a Daetara Meston 11:55 ( 8 ) Moment o f M e d lt is ^ 18:88 ( 8) Hamemakera Mavia MUrtum. Robert Wagner. Jet (9 (84) The Mass M edia 1:88 ( 8) Newseope, Momeata at Osm- (B-88) Play Faur Haaeb flphter squadron acUon fat ALUMINUM LADDERS (4989) Combat tort A Hymn WILSON (C olor) Korea. (R ) > HIsM Vic Morrow. Riok JSsoo. Aa (89) Mews _ ( 8) Day fa Cau4 i Dakslos NEW or USED 16'to 28*^1.00 ft. TRULY DBJCKNIS ELECTRICAL CO. :8t ( 8> Almanac Larry Ward. Beverly Garland. A :8S (BA8) The Prtea Is BMM missing witnem could clear the ResldentiaI-Coinm.-hid. (C olor) 32'to40'~$1.30ft. 649-4817 —- 64S-1S88 “«gyUes^ amnrder charge. (B) CHICKEN ( 8) Jaaa Wyaua Oswplete with ripss :8S (B A S ) n rT rilln ) (84) The iS m 'M tSta D r a w B i a 6 1 WEDNESDAY TeZeuision PROGRAM ( 948A8) Sevan Kays I (S I TacaWen Ptayhonse sad poBsys. ;88 ( 8) Lava of LBs 8:99 ( 8> Edge at Mlgbl James Drury, Doug MoCanra. FraiA Aletter. Evelyn Ward. A COBURN ft MIDDLEBROOK. hw. Prsatetg-Day Bsntee (8t-M> Laretia Fonag Hopping a freight to elude rob­ (8SA8) Taar Fbat humWing Inventor develops a C A S H O N L Y (C olor: machine that forces people to ( 98949) Ooeen far a Bor bers. the Vlrglmnan lands In ttie ( 8-49-88) Taaamaai toll the truth. INVESTMENTS O f 8:8 ( 8) Ta T ^ tba Tintb lap of a pretty girl. (R) 18:88 I 8) Baarob fa r Ta ( 8-49A9) F an r Fmmy, FWany tCB. OBOROB r iOHNflON 6B., Ham gar O A U . I B (8989) Ton Dos'* Say (Cafari (8 ) Gale Storm (88-88) T n lh or Flbna ( 8) Diacavenr ’•8 (1949) Wogen Train HM LW tJL IKAM M OflONS HAMHUBD VERNON PlekD p U l (8948) Nile Do Fan TraatT John Mmntlre, Art Linkletter. « . . . V, ( S-49-at) Fathar _____ Oeorge Fenneman. hoot. TonighU I8:6fe (B ) Nawa Day Bcnari aterts include a home-made ON ALL BXOHANOB8 LUTED AMD HWlJMryiBfa—sil PI'l I A l itnUDB PAINT aad W A U fAPBB 8:8 ‘ 8) Newa, Danglas' Bdwards The wagon train encounters a 1:89 ( 8) Besi BaBci Western without hersea. VEBNON OmOLB TriS < S» 5:W (8988) Match Oome boys town in a prairie "^ o s t AN MAIN W HBia' f r n i . g Q g .U 6 B ( 8) Konger Andy Show town. " (R) ( SA948) Gcocnl BupMa 9ri9 < •> Bpaalals TB L. 646-1666 D E m (88A8) At Banm HKb n Juck Beany. Bob Hope. Dick Van ( 98948) American Baadatnnd (84) Travri Time IriS (48) Barbara Benaid SB Dyke. Senor Wences. (R ) 676-6666 4:8 (8848) Bewa, Aftoraoon Koparl 8:8 ( 8) Baseball 1:88 ( 8) As The WaiM TSms ( 94999) Btoaey Barke 4 :8 ( 8) B li 8 t W t r o Mets vs. Phillies (8988) 1 1 ^ Beam For DaAdy (84) Laymen’s OaMe to Medsan I 8) Oanacctieal M ivfithi Warren Oates. Unruly taon- A rt (88) TUa la the Aaswar •? Pvevriit Stoney’s F e t bvbhebbn ( 8) JUasIral Jack Bhow (88' Harvey DIm b Wbaw * •*»" rodeo. (R) (18^) Discovery ’8 8:8 ( 8) Dobie OlUis (48) Haws <8 4 >^rits WHfc A Sealpter 4:8 (8949). Amerieaa Newsstand ( 9898) Oelag My Way 1:89 (49) Barbara Baraaid » i iT DOES Make A'DifferuMB WhaB Tom 8aT«!| 8 :8 (88) F lro l Show Gene Kelly, Gladys Cooper. Two ^ LlahfettM* jKew women battle for custody at a 1:19 (B ) Spectal Hapmt ^ 2 * *•*»:, R<>«e. Marie, Rod "Give Me A SaUor.” Martha W ell be (lad to show yoa a mateli- (99) Man af UaaUny SerHng. Jim Backoa. Baye. Bob Hope. Bchoqlglrt. Gl) leas seleettoa sf MekAwfc u r 9:99 ( 9) Faaawaid (84) Am et Earth -it * * ^^1^ Admiral Jack Show (la (M) 'fbe Bagtime Era BIgelew carpet right !■ your «w a (8SA9) PMsIe Wn TMk < 81 Paoswara 9:8 ( 8) The Beveriy Hillbillies (C olor) S “ ®* Allen Lndden. boot (888) Ibstory Thsatre home. Blake yoor home carpet (49-89) D ay la Oanrt Guest celebrities. m m aflEor 4% IS iib *A S ^ a.d Dwrifay Robert Imler. Barbara Lund. A eomfortaUe! 8:84 (89) Midday B m *rt ( 84989) Ben Coney S AV I N G S Peace Corps worker Is marked 8:89 I 8) Haase Party David Brinkley's Janraol Ton T Im r i (8 ) for death In Vietnam. (R) ■;8 (8 ) Eariy Show (U ) Visits w l8 a SoBiptor (88A8) The Dseams ai/t/ I - O A N M ovie "Tlnie Bomb.” Curt Juryena. MANCHESTER CARPET (48AS) Jane Wyman Proa to a3uSrrB)“" \ ^ t ) f I \ I i it 763 M A IN STR EET — T B L. 643-1191 _ M avia 9 :8 ( S) Dick Van Dyke Shew 8'A6 (88A8> Hmra Q»«ela Master dasa T e a r M on A MMoP) ( 8) Baekv A His Friends Marv Tyler Moore. Morey Am ­ 8:98 ( 8) Edgw al Night M A9 • S I Ntnmp The iNars (8 ) SbraHf af Coebise sterdam. Rob and Sam do a n i Blala St. — 646-6161 (88-88) T araw a F om Cm rade Ctome. M E e Stokey, DID YOU KNOW? 8:8 (8 ) Foaag World Laurel and Hardy type sketch. ti8 ( 8) Mews A Weather ( 8-49-99) Ooeea Far A Day hpri. Guests: Jeanne (fratn. Ed jLsaoaseTSB>e stassT Fisaasia4 iwstitlTlir BfaM «e » 8:88 ( 8) Ta The TrnOi Begley. TImh Ey flrntto Ato Not HoUt EonBftig? (14) TTbat’ s New ( 8-898) Oar Maa Hlggias (89A9) Fan Dra’t Bay (eatori (BT Baelag 1667 MAIN Wr., MANCMBfl’fBB a BODTB 61, OOyBMTHT Lgnscfl are prasmbed to correct an incorrect cnrvatnre af ( 8 ) News Stanley Holloway, Paul Hartman. ( 9) DIsesTetT ’91 (H ) Pacta at Warh Kays • ri6 (8 ) Victory at Sea Higgins displays a talent for (89-49) grba Da Fan TraalT '49: Air Pawer the eye, mosclu or atmie other characteristie distathanee cre- I (S> Lovw Ot Ufa 8:15 ( 8 ) British Coleadar handicapping race horses. (R) I < A) Newa Daagiaa Bdwarda n r i9 ( 999949) News. Weather aad 9:U < 8) Wealher. News aad Spelts (84) Foeta a l Work I ( 9) Baaget A a iy Bbmr ated by nature, sidiiiess er in jnry. If normal vision is a HABIT (O olor) d:8 ( 8) 878 Freelact 1 9 :8 ( 8) Reckoalag (88-89) 8fk«cb Gaine *lilg Nawa then so is the antomobile, shoes for your feet, roof over yonr ( (------(8 ) News A Weather (88^) The Eleventh Hear ( 949-89) American ~ ~ (89) Raws aad ( B Ssarsk War Tsmarrssr (84) Film Frog. ( 989-8) Naked City I (88-89) Newe. A ften a aa Bepart U:U 8) Maaday BtarHght head, finesse in food flavoring, hearing aids, etc. (S9aa) 'Fifab so Osnossnsaess (8 ) Lode Baager John Larch, Gretchen Wyler. Un­ I . 8) Big 9 Theater “The Case of Dr. Lanrent. ' Jeon UTEST CAPITOL RECORDS < 98999) Fkrisr Knows Bswl ( 8 ) News ambitious partner tries to thwart (88A9) Make Beam Far Daddy Gabin, Nicole (tonrcel When cmnfortable vUdon to attained then atodisappeeie the I CB) Bawa Dny B spsot 8:8 (8 ) ClabhoBse his ambitious______sidekick fa the ( 8) Admiral Jack Show : (M ) Btove ABea Shew discimiforts of those less fortunate; such as uFltwardneaB, re­ ( 8 Boot SaBsr 9:8 ( 8) Close Up Oa Sparta Junk business. (R ) (49-89) Diacayery ’91 (88) Sparta Banadnp 8 :8 I 98-8) News (84) Mnslo ef Ameriea > (49-89) Am ericas Newaslaad ■ 8) Sparta Flew "I Love You Because” flexes, perception, sensitivity and also headaches etpsed by CB49) A t ITMa K itty 7ri8 < 8) -Bouh Blders 8 : 8 (84) Glean Geald I (B ) Marie al 6 I A> cEaenm 8 (8 ) Weaiiber. Local Newa 11:8 (8-98940) News. Weather aad "Doctor Rhythm." ^ Guy Named Joe.” Spencer By AL MARTINO straining, etc. (M> BaeksUa Bab SpoTta ( 8) Admiral Jack Bbaw- Tracy, Irenne Dunne. (8949) News A Weather (8 ) Big News (In P ro g.) (8tAt) Taafght (Oelsv) STEBBO or H I-FI ( 8 ) Film (8 ) News A Wsathsr (89) Film (48) Lecd's Prayer 7:19 (8 ) Speelal Bepart U :U ( 8) Wi^esday Starlight (99) Three Staages ( 8) Nesrseape. Mameata a f Cam- 7:U (8 ) The Sqaare 88 "Big City." M. O'Brien, Robert Customized Seat Covers (49) The Adm iral Bad ttirakiir fari aad Hymn (8 ) Sperle Camera Preston. Customized Auto Tope Tfcm-m ( 8) News. Weather A Mementa AT ( 8 ) Ifawa (8 ) Steve AUea Shew 8:88 (99) Early Bhow Of Meditattaa 7;8 ( 8) The Freee and 8a Mane U : 8 (8 ) Sports Boandap "Flgtoer Attack.” S. Hayden. (88> Newa RAY MUSIC SHOP Don WILLIS Garage IM t I Issne U : 8 ( 8) Sports View TURNPIKE « 9) Fatri Bear flPBOALiaTB a t Special broadcast miniim U :8 (88-8) Toalgbt Shew (Celer) (49) Sheriff af Oaekloe (IMSOODNT BBOOBOS) cnaraes and a: couBterebaryes.a. ( 8) Cinema 8 (89) Far Fanr lafatraarian AJbby Dalton, Hollywood’s new- 1616 M AIN ST« MANOHBOI BR 616 6666 6THBBL ALM U niBN T s ir i ward____ Bari U'rett, Dean of Jouraal- "Random Haiweat,” Ronald Oola ism, Columbia U.; Jamra Kil- maa. G. Oaraon. AUTO SEAT OOVER ( 8) Newa t "celebrity mother,” takes her b a n d instbijm bntb s o l d — MtoaMM EQBIVIGB! (84) WhaPe Hew 11 8 natriefc. Jr„ Rldunond News- 8:8 (8 ) The Lerd’e Prayer I f f W. Middle T^*e^-d4S-d8d5 (49) News Ixriiy with her eairii day to the set BBNTBD — RBPAIBBD — TAVCHT __ OBNBRAL ADTO BBPAIB Leader; Grover Hall Jr., M«a5- 1 :8 ( 8) Meweeepe. Mimsats 8 Ceafa 9:88 (49) OaB Mr. M Of NBC-TVs "Joey Bishop Show." ■ ntriMP »-486t — 18 NAIM BT. smnery Advertiser. eUieva fen A Hyma T n ^ The Vtogfatea

Burr, the stgr> .wtsbsg tBa-ahow eotild be lined m with' ^’Rildara” Mason Show so that the s^Ofi %mild have THpRSDAY Tekviaion PR0 GI1AM equal chanoea is stag R out tor Runs Smooth poptoarity. •-'(V43K'»£^Sbm r Waiting to thy wings is anothey — Twortn Hile Stanley ’Ganmer project, - . ___^ . s( Oh Mm « I < S> Ta J M Tba Tralh HOULTWOOD (AP)—The body baaed on his books' about Donald AilA lay on the office floor. The door Lam and Bertha' Cool, private t t s ^ Wba Da Tan Viaatt Ohaaebarlaia. burat open and In ruahed Perry eyes. I ( 3) Mawa, Dasflaa Biirwda . On dntr at A liU J jn W M S ih I ( I) Baager AaXrlbaw a medical Sto- Kaaon. He took wie look, knelt “ CBS has first Option - oa the (M> Wsathw KaMiOaaM quickly and tooted the fallen aeries,” Mrs. Jackson said, "biit tBS < t> Ds«sntaa4te Oar WarH risAdS) Amaeleaa Baadataad man’a wriat as a ' voice in the at the moment shows’ like dura ( t> M eads M Mr. Oeekev awa AHaraaaa BapaH After OUU^ ha ■Wt)l. bp ap next room said, “cali a doctor.” seem to be a little bit out Of style. fdW ( t> laPs T A Akeal 3 Tbaalar talarlrton. Bearer oaa t be maai. ■iSS < S> Clsststa ■sasares Baaar Fkt Baddr IR) “No need tor a doctor,” aaid They’ll come back — but maybe ^ . Jaek Miiw fiSA ( t j The DalaeUroB, P erry. next year I can do some travel­ ___ A) Diaeararr *W “Print it,” called the director, ing with the family. When-'yon ( iSSk tM Kaaas Www ' <|H9> AsMrleaa Mawaataad I 0 » FIrat Shew Keating an oM-faiOiioned girt. oainf the motion picture phrase have time, you can’t afford. It; (SMkSTnTciewB ‘^Wtani from tlio Saa.” NarW Stave- rriivea one of hla roaag Indlcatlnc that no re>takes would when you can aHord It, thera’s 9:U < U SSlie BwkeSbew Brand. J. Starling. r\ n>mancaa.JR) . be necessary. no tim e.” StSS < mneaalrs (_S>AdaUial■ - ...... amSk . (M) Tha Paea al Swadaa I S) Best a( Qraaohe m Prograta AtM »AW ) Sha Urair Ones (Otlar) That’s the merry murderous S:4S <4S> Klas jm 4 Odie ibew. (M> imia T jg ^ D a i^ ^ J llo ria Nall, Qatos way things go as “Perry Ifaaon” M:SS ( t> OalawCw stmis its seventh—and probably Bwabbi Sbaw X eli^’a Navy ills (Ml The BaStSaa Bra ' last—season on CBS. NBC Shifts (4S) KaniBg Jtevte ' WUd BM 1 mm After years during which cast M ils ( 3) Bemaashire Karla ■ott & " ^ u le,.. Joan Hsabatt. and bSUnd-tbe-scenes personnel OM9> Pta r Tear Baaeh (Otital Dnuna of It dltamnia of aa an- ( S) Oay to Om H nurse. (B> 'hhve remained pretty much to To Boasting UM ( t) diSA tact, the operation runs like the UtSS The M ea to BIsW (Oalart lit) m al’a Nm ^ program oa lAa proverbial watch. More often than < S> jsaa Wjnaaa (4»> Nawa — ------_.aert aa ttowad bp (S|JS> Oeaeealrallea l^iloaogai^turanst, J o a a p h not, regulars , Wil­ Of Ite Films < M S^> Saraa Kara liam TWlman, and I S) liara Of Ufa William Hopper go through re­ <«|W) Tear n*a( basiasKaa Is'UnKVR^ambar HOLLYWOOD (AP) — ’The Na­ (Color) hearsals and then the scene is tional Broadcaattog Co. recently ( S -1 ^ ) Taaaaaaea Brato Vkrd iki mar have filmed, Just once. was almoet apologetic about dedl- ItiM ( S) Saarab Par Taaarraw h'a de^h/OlU Producer Oail Patrick Jackson, Oaaeral BaaaBal ; 1 ^ I ^ B a r p cem ed that CBS has pushed the <»-SS> At Raaie WMi Rlito ( •> Nawa aad WaaSbar (m M A Nawa It is actually boasting about the I (4S) Barbara Beniard Shaw da The Warld Taraa TravN Tlaia 11iM ?S> ‘SnSadar'SSSSd to • p.m. < 8) Oaaaa^oat MariaUaia ( S A ^ Nawa A Waalhar **BrUaii." Robert Taylor. OaorM tures, edits them and sllpe to the (M) Thli la Ike Ufe Barbara Baraard Sbaw K m ItiW Maa at DesHar ) I 3) Award Theatre U iM Sbaw MB. why it elects to run moviss on (5 ) Bpaalal Bmwrl m i Wide OaaaIrr A lot. of viewers, including this Saturday and Monday nights. TTie s.-ss < S> WaaiwarS Holliman. PeUr Duka. A ^Indian *T5re Call.” Joaaaatta one, soon learned that it was pret­ Lotd’a Prarar ty easy to watch the whole legal Last season, when two of Hs (W> Kidder Baaart ate oa her injured hofsa. (R) ItSS ( t j Nawaaapa, KaaMati al Oaaa- show on CBS and then switch over Monday night aeries died from < S> Haaaa - Farfy ( S-SA4S) Adraalnraa a* Oaala fatf A Kjrmn for the last half of “ IQIdare.” The lack .of public interest, NBC (M-ia) The D a ^ ia aad Barrlat (in Nawa anedical plot lines could be picked ilM S) Faaa Wjrmaa Fraaaata (It) Mea lata Space slipped to a two-hour featore as tiW (n.M> Nawi Aaiarlaaa K emilra up and the climax was easily un­ a stop-gap. It proved so popular derstood. that “Monday Night at the Come fail, however. Mason Movies” will be conttoued through starts half way through Kildare. the new season. And if six years experience watch­ FRIDAY Television PROGRAM NBC, however, does not Just ing Mason is a qualification, T pick any old movie. 8)18 ( 8) Bsum Fatly ( t> Naaaeaey would say that it would be almost The network purchased two ex­ i 7 S> TaWa Orlar (8988) The Dstfaia (48) K Spaal impossible to start watching at its I (IS) Karatag Prarars (9988) Jane Wyama P i ■■■■)■ (It) Flha pensive packages of features from < S) Kameali (M OamtaH tiW (8988) Newa UiAt ( 98-88-(98-8848) Nawa, Waaker aad half way point. Its plots are tight­ two top studios, about 70 pictures. 848 • t> B A n « NlgM ly knit, usually very complicmed Donald Bays, program manager, (aM8>LairaMa Taaag Sbaw __ Maws and tovOlvei a number o f charac­ ( 98lU8) (IBM Far A Bay k hNawa aad Waaksr and his assistants saw all of them, •iSI < 8) Ta T M Tha T ia k ______>’s Ornate al Mtevtea ters. Sometimes the viewer can sometimes more than once, and {W in sE rJi-ay (Cakt, Harvey OIris." Judy Oar- lose the thread of an episode by chose the best 30. (IS) Weatoar __ John Hodtak. merely leaving his set for a drink I ( I) A Qaeal tar OartaiaW Whs Da Tea Tkaair (4t) Steve AH«n 8hew Several yardsticks w srs used. ( 8) FHeada af Kr. Oaef ar o f water. One, of course, was the boxotfice ) ( I ) Let’s T ak Abaat popularity of the star (Marilyn ( S) Oaptala Ksagaaea -(I98A> Iftlwb Qams I (4S) FreaUer arieleeee Alls (898|> Nawa. Aflaiaaaa BipaX Chums • Monroe, CSary Grant, Robm ( I ) Baa Biehaidt AdB ( ^ i H a 8 ihaalra^ ''Oreea iDolphta kroet.’ Mitchum, William Holden — and <. ubtedly Gable, Bogart and (SMS) Balapar Biam ( » Adadial ktek Shaw lS:4f (48) Lord’s P ra yer (48) Baaa The Olewa (IA8A) INaaavaty '8A ipa, K smaate af Cam- Elisabeth Taylor—are sure-fire.) ( » Dabbla Drake Shaw AiSI (8A8A) Amcrteaa Nawaalaal 148 Hyympa. ”We are always looking tor a t;S ( I ) KUUaaalrr ( S> Beat af Oraaeha a m (tt> FIrat Shaw (88) Nawa^ big-outdoor action picture,” said S:« (48) D ag aad Odia Shaw "Heart of a (BilUi.’* Jaaa Aad( liM ( 8) Haws. Wo Bays, “because U attracts the m m ( I ) Ualaadar aoa. Richard Willlaaa. of Medlto«sa family audience.” (18-88) Bar Whaa (A ) AdaMral Saak ( 8) t ^ Da Tea Traatf . Much of the criticism about

Bemanukara Karto careless cutting. Bays says that (It-M ) Flar Fear flaaah (Oaltat ^ ^^AMhSrAnd Swabl ( 8) Day la Osart -iABORATORIES the average movie -with commer­ i ( 8) Ahaasar (tl8 PAINTING cials is almost perfect for « two- (IM S) The Priea la BIslA (Otlar) INTBKIOR, EXTERIOR hour-period. Sometimes, however ( 8) daaa Wynuta ' (II-W ) CaaeoahraMta WAUUPAPBR BOfMU .277 BROAD they run as long as 140 minutes, ( f-IA48> Sovaa Kara I (IS) Flha which means surgery if the film ( 8) Lave Of Lila I ( S> NXra A VaaSka* FAFERHANOINO Is to be used on Monday nights. (88-88) Taar F i r a I ■mpNaataa (84) WkaFa Haw FLOORS aad OEIUNOS (Color) (48) Nawa PAINTHD ami REFDOSHRD The Saturday nig^t movies .often ( A-8^> Taaaaaaea Braia Shad I (48) AMeaa F a M run past 11 p.m. to avoid the II:W ( 8 ) Baarak Far T ammtaw Wirttiiwablp Oaanuiteed (8988) Trntir Or Wsaaasaaasaa Pnliy Insured neceiikty of editing. ( A8A48) Father Kaawa Baal (88) Nawa A Waalhar "When I watch the films, I’m (84) Aataaala af Bm Saaabara always looking for natural breaks, (8|) Sapirmaa ( A8A48) Oaaeral C a pital (99) Nawa LEO PELLETIER the ends ’of acts or sesnss,” Bays (88) g a b basaa conttoued. "There are logical .!a ? *W L sr& 2 K ® w ( 8) Otaaeap aa Sparta spots for commercials. And, if the 11( AS8-M) Nawa Or fUm runs long, I’m' watching 'for (88) Newa A4S-99U scenes to cut out without Injuring (IS) Barvev Otsea SWw 749 the vdiole.” (M) News (IS) Fi B i Bays said musicals have proved (48) Barbara Bernard Shaw (88) Weather. Laeal Nawa ' WHERE names. And some of the films 1 (88) KMday BapaH I ( 8) Bawkida PETS are only two or three years old. Brio___ Fleming. CItait Baatwood, Y O U SEE Beeauae of helpiag awaat aid Danny has done so well that A lady. Hoard;Roardy becomea " impitcatesimpll THIS couple of seasons back he was In a jewel theft. (R) PET FO O D S Think of Career, (II) MeraaUeaal ShrwMme SIGN making plans to taper off Ms ap­ Doa Ameche, hmt. "Spanlah Na- pearances to the “Danny ’Iltomas MoBafaf CTrctia."CTrctiB." (R ) Money Will Come Show” to a point where the Ahow ^AW^>_OheyMiBaIMS) Oheyaaaa PET ATTIR E Jltait Walker. Oie'yene (lada hli coidd roll along without him. Last aeU ae'ected aa the auKor of HOLLYWOOD (AP) — "Never aeaaon with his real w ife and bta mountain man'a elXer. (R> ' 9 cwcIm i SiippRM mind the money. ’Think o f the ca­ television wife, Marjorie Lord, he (84) The Face af SwWea h v i i h ' s — -M, ---- (88) TMrtreiM I til I insjai a reer—a ^ the money will come.” took oH for Europe. They mAde I (84) (K a n GeaM Seeds, Shrabt ’Ihat is the advice Danny Thom­ some shows to. Europe but the I ( 9) Beale 88 F U R N IT U R E as has for young performers these bulk o f the programs w ere -made- Karvhi .KUner. GHeaa CorbeU. 1115 M A IN BT. Lowe Matetewceice days. Danny can cite his own in Hollywood, using the two chll- Line's kindnem to aa Injured dog career as proof. dreh to the cast, and Sid Melton Is repaid by hla betiur accused of bOWn PROWwFe OLIVA'S ESSO Thomas is a wealthy man who and Pat Carroll. KKeh All HARTFORD RD. Aa luual, Thomas and Sheldco iCIpIo^ Sp’ olata: ^Leslie XTggama, stars to his own television series ___ fcGrath, Oloria Lambert, and heads one of the moet suc­ Leonard, his partner,. wilt use the Victor Griffin, Bill Ventura, oth- SURWELL'S TEXACO cessful program packaging com­ show occasionally aa the incuba­ ere. (R) tor tor. their new - program toeas.. I.A8A48> The FUatataam (Cater) 1476 Silver Lane, E. Hartford LITTLE & panies to the business. It Is pro­ - Fred makes a trial rua to the ducing five network shows next matamity ward with Barney aa RUDY’S SERV. STATION M cKINNEY season. He often recalls the Ad­ aUuid-ln for WUma. UR) 134 E. CE NTJCR ST. vice given to him by Abe Last- (84) Oaaala Kaster IS WOODBRIDOE ST. Coming Shows 948 ( 988-48) I'm Dirkeas . . . Bs’s vogel, his sigent. Fenater W YM AN OIL CO., ln«. Maachester—MS-tT4S “It was to 1943,” Thomas said. John Aatin. Marty Ingela. Be­ cause ehe displays no Jealousy 34 m a i n ST. ” I gfot an offer to play at the A convicted murdered named Harry decides Kate doesn't love |l ; Roxy 'Theater to New York tor ()uitm (gueet star Don (3ordon) ea- him. (R) WM. PECK LUMBER, Inc. |3,7M a week. I rushed to Abe to (topea from prtaon to seek revenge ( 8) Deputy COMPLETE (84) Sainmar Drama Faaitval 2 M A IN ST. talk about the news. But-he Just against Jim Redigb (aarlea atar ills (.8) Allred BKchcack Rear BEAUTY shook his head, Richard E gan ), Whom he hla mea Gilbert Roland, Loraine Day. Aa ELEN’S TEXACO “He told me that he had a betr for hia troUMea in "Nobody Diea embittered autocrat challenges SERVICE hla son to a drinking bout tor a 381 M AIN ST. ter date for-me—to the European on Saturday” on NBC-TVa. ‘Tkn- stake the son needs. (R) W e attend to. theater of operations. ’The war pjre” color aeries Tuesday, Aug. 30 « 8 ^ TJlia M e a Is Bight (Cater) NASSIFF ARMS every detail that would be over sometime, Lastvo- (8:30 to 8:30 pm, EDT, Repead BUI (hillen la emcee keeps you look- ( 8-88-M) 71 Sanae* Strip W l MAIN ST. gel said, and the guys would come o f A|>rU 16, 1863), Btrem ZImbalist. Bdward Byrnes. ing your best. home and. wonder here I was KOokle - investigates a crash DICK’S GULF SERV. vdien they were fighting. ' Joey Barnes (Joey BMiop) de- oauaad by a sabotaged bnAe Itne. (R ) 476 HARTFORD RD. * u m B o D e c - “He said that I ’d better gp, even cidAs to show why - he' was a 18:18 (88-38) The Jaek Pear Prerram Gom eo Beauty if I had to take a little less mon­ stra%ht "A ” student at expectant JColor) Guests: Aieunder King. GARNER RUG CLEAN fathers’ school, to “The Baby ' k Gregory. Lea Prujl and ey- Kary ForFord and the caat of "Bo- 8 GRISW OLD ST. S^c/fo ” How much less?’ I aked. Formula” Saturday, Aug. 17, on nd the t Fringe." (R) OM-Z74S "Well, 33,600 less?” he said. I ’T h e Newr Joey Bishop Show” l> Portrait Leadersn in various walks oT Hfe STATE SERV. STATION tM Main St., Manebester went, took my $180 and I ’ve never (N P C -T V oedor broadcast, 8:30 talk about their careers and 770 M AIN ST. regretted It.” p.m. E D T; repeat o f March 8 ). philosophies. • I- •' ' /

ATm^fc Daily Net I^eig Ron T h e W a F i^ Mm We«k Ended ; «« D. a, 1 ii Angnetlt, 19U

13,562 ' SS te I Mmibee ’ot tbe Audit l^eeday tiwidy 1w«t— e< d n on tioB ^4»nehe$ter^/4 City of Village Charm

VOL. L X X X n , NO. 272 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST W, 1963 (CTweMled A dw rtM ns «■ l>i«e 14) PRICE SEVEN CENTS - \ Names of Buddhists Hold Dot Roster Biggest Protest,

HOLLYWOOD (AP)— ^Thefto converge on Washington Aug. 28 in support of civil rights legis­ Aug. 28 civil rights march on lation, Among show b u ^ e s s per- Washington will get support sonaliUes w ho. have announced from some (rf Hollywcwd’s their Intention 'to be there are: Students Strike most famous names. Tony Curtis, Tony Franclosa, Pet­ Plans for cooperation with the er Brown, Paul Newman, Joanne Negro drive are being formulated Woodward, Billy WUder, Sidney by a stellar committee. The chair­ PolUer, Pearl Bailey, Dick .Or^- SAIGON. South Viet Nam man Is Charlton Heston. After in­ ory, Sammy Davis Jr., Brando, (A P )— Buddhist leaders said itial meetings, he went to New Hestmi and Gamer. „ Burt Lancaster and Gregory today a Vietnamese army of­ Heads of Services Yoi4[ 'for a television show and his ficer got into a shooting hght duUes are being carried on by Peck are expected to fly to Wash­ James Gamer and Marlon Bran­ ington from film locaUons in Sunday with Buddhist demon­ do. Paris. Harry Belafraite has been strators in Da Nang. Several An estimated 100,000 to 280,000 released from'- a performance at demonstrators were reported Back N-Ban Treaty Negroes and whites are expected the Greek Theater here so he can attend. wounded and the was Mel Ferrer, chairman ot the beaten. broadcast committee, gave some Buddhist priests in Hue said WASHINGTON (AP) — fDavid U. McDonald, chief of na- ot the background ot the group. The heads of the Air Torce, F elloir Alum ni: they had received news of the A XT J XA • I ^ Sboup. f~rwT-.FT7»n^TTt of the "Ours is a self-dissolving (ngan- Incident in a cable from monks in Army, Navy and speaking m turn, izaUon whose sole purpose is to Da Nang, a coastal town in cen­ united today in support of the | subscribed to tins poaitiao. lend support to the march on tral South Viet Nam. Meredith an d Washington, which we feel is for According to the Buddhist ac­ limited nuclear test ban wppeet of the treaty, be- a just cause,” he said. "W e don’t count, a demonstration of about treaty provided minimum ^ hearings of the even have a name for the group. Senate Foreign Relations. Armed 10,000 Buddhist followers began security safeguards are guar­ Services and Atocnic Energy com­ Ross B arnett "Our purpose is to help get late Sunday in a Da Nang street.' anteed. mittees. is con&tiooed on across to the pubUc what the mis­ An officer idefied as Capt. Vo compn- Gen. Curtis E. LeMay. chief of benrive. aggressne and continu­ OXFORD, Miss. (A P )— sion of the march Is—as Presi­ Thanh Xuan reportedly tried to dent Keimedy said, a peaceful as­ the Air Force, testified that the ing undctgmuDd weapons testing The white people stared stiff­ drive his jeep into the crowd . and military disadvantage.s “ can only permitted ixider the treaty. sembly to petiUon for a redress fired shots when he found him­ ly ahead, without expression. be made acceptable" by safe­ In addition, they said it is of grievances. Perhaps by the use self surrounded. guards previously outlined by based on maiotenaace of mod­ The few Negroes in the audi­ of our names we can get more The cable said five or six dem­ Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, chair­ em miclcar laboratory facilities ence watched somberly in attenUon to that mission that can onstrators were wounded, after other people." > man of the Joint C ^efs of Staff. and programs, a state at readi­ small, self-conscious groups. which the crowd pulled the of­ He and the other chiefs made ness to resume atmospheric test­ Except for a few glances, neith­ The committee has chartered a A youngster at dockside maintains a vigil while police and divers search Crystal Lake ficer from the Jeep and beat him, plane to fly stars to Washington clear, imder questioning by Sen. ing. and improred faciSties for er gro«m seemed to look at the this morning fw the body of George Stiles. Divers alongside the boat are replenishing while burning his jeep'. Aug. 27. ■rillhe price • for ■ fare■ and Richard B. Russell. D-Ga.. chair­ detecting any rioiatian at toe other. 1\>gether, imder the taU Buddhist ^ y Scouts intervened one night's lodging is $244 and their air tanks. (Herald photo by ^nto.) man of the Senate Armed Serv­ treaty and manXaining knowl­ oaka, they sat in awkward silence and dragged the officer to safety, I ices (kimmittee. that they would edge of JBino-Soriet nneiear activ­ some stars have dcmated $600, so 'f ------the message said. | and watched what neither had not have approved the treaty ban­ ity. capabilities and acMeve- that local woriiers for Negro or- In Saigon, Buddhist monks con­ ever seen before. $;anlzaUons can go, too. ning tests in the atmosphere, mentx. James Howard Meredith, a tinued a 48-hour hunger strike. underwater and in outer space if Secretary of Defense Robert 8. Ferrer’s broadcast committee Body of Stiles and university students boycotted i slight man of 30, became the first consists of Curtis, Wilder, Andre Lost Miners Found, they had not been assured safe- . McNamara testified earber classes in Hue as the Buddhists Negro to graduate from the Uni­ Previn, director Blake Edwards guards would be provided. toe bearings that provisinn would verity of Mississippi in its 118- stepped up their campaign LeMay, Gen. Earle G. Wheel- and writers Stanley Shapiro and Not Yet Found, against the government. j year history. Without incident, be Nate Monaster. It was formed aft- ar. Army chief of staff, Adm. | received what some are calling ter Ferrer told his feUow mem­ Supplies Lowered Authorities sought to head off the IS mllUon diploma, that being bers that the best funcUm they Heart Blamed further outbreaks, but another the eeUmated cost of the soldiers could perform was in the field of young monk was reported deter­ arid U.S. marshals it took to get public information. mined to bum himself to death and keep Meredith at Ole Miss. "A t first we wanted to put on HAZELTON, Pa|. (AP)^-««> R*ven up for This afternoon, State Police as a protest agalnstfthe regime dead. The scene Sunday bore no re­ a television special, but we ran Rescue workers lowered soup, were still searching for the of President Ngo Dinh Diem, a Goldwater in Dilemma The next step is to bore a big Roman Catholic. semblance to the night he entered, into the equal-time problem ," medical supplies, head lamps body of George Stiles, 52, of last Sept. 80, in an explosion of said Ferrer. "If we had an hour, enough hole to bring the men out. Four monks and one nun have j H. B. Charm bury, secretary of violence and death. Few people at the networks would have to give and a requested cigar today to 125 Hollister St., missing af­ committeed fiery suicide to press three eoal minors trapped minaa, estimated tt might take ter his sailboat capsized yes­ Buddhist demands for religious Over N-Test Ban Vote anywhore from a day to a week (Contlmied on Page Two) < (OoBtfoued en Page Four) since'Tuesday near the bot­ terday afternoon in Oystal equality and government reforms. Ralph Ditzler, distriot mine in­ The government denies Buddhist tom of a 400-foot shaft. spector, however, said it would Lake. charges that they are being per­ By JACK BELL ^woild peace was WBcated to to­ "We’r« all ok«y," sboutsd .lake two to three days, -Hia family theorizes that Stiles secuted. Aaaoclatsd Press PoUUcal Witter day's iasoe of toe party organ, David .r«Uto. 86, ciat.” after a drill pieitMd M|s gsagway befbfi ' disappearing from the forth between Saigon and Hue, Bairy Goldwftter appears to be A front page O m m j to toHneeed Visit to Titof iiidiclftes adiere the men fled aflSr the Ditsler said be wanted to start boat. He has had a history of 400 liniles to the north, to coordin­ struggling with a decision on the ^*Test Ban Mupport Growa" In main shaft walls cdllapsed. the rescue digging, but had to heart trouble, suffering a serious ate the anti-government movement limited nuclear test ban treaty mwitinntog oppositlofi to toe Contact was made Just before bold up because the trapped men attack about three years ag®. in the two centers. that could affect his 1964 GKIP treaty, tt refers to Goldwater as midnight Sunday after they vlr- were too tired to direct the oper< Manning a DUKW and a motor About 17,000 demonstrators. presidential aspirations. a "frequent aDy" a t toe **far Nikita Strong at Home ation. launch and using a two-man div­ If the Arizona Republican votes riglit-Jolin Birdi dczncct.** All activity outside the mine ing team, police resumed dragging (Continued on Page Etoven) against ratification of a treaty be A "no" vote by Goldwater en stopped and most of the onlook­ and diving operations early this has called “one small step to­ the treaty mmld add to toe By WIULIAM L. RYAN ^to do well. When relations sagged, Faubus Urg es ers returned to their homes. Sil­ morning after searching late into ward peaceful coexistence” of a already voluminous evidence toat AP Special Correspondent Khrushchev appeared to be having ence fell over the area as the last night the area where Stiles kind that could only give “ tyranny if be were the Republican nom­ difficulties at home. three men, now aware that res­ apparently slipped from his boat a protected sanctuary from which inee opposing KennedT he would The often-chilled Sovlet-Yugos- Parley Avoid cue was only a matter of time, after it had capsized in squally State N ew s lav romance basks again this The Soviet leader oetensibly is it can erode or attack freedom." be no "me too" candidate. on vacation but to the Red Chinese slept peacefully some 400 feet winds at about 3:30 p.m. he will set himself apart from a Such a vote would put him at week. Premier Khrushchev is who call Tito the arch-enemy of below. Stiles and his son, William, 18, majority of politicans to both par-1 odds with a m ajoiitv at his Senate beaded for Belgrade, and his visit world communism, Khrushchev Race Disputes Fellin told Ditxler that he and were 'competing ip a saiUng race, ties. I GOP colleagues and protaaMy the Throne later were going to try Roundup seems to betoken a significant hardly could have - delivered a a regular Sunday afternoon event By a negative vote he would big majority at the party leaders, victory at home for his policies. more calculated slap in the face. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, and dig out Bova, who was sep­ at the lake, when a powerful gust sharpen — if, indeed, they need Goldwater conceded in a Mad- arated from them about 28 yar^ Whatever Khrushchev’s trouble For almost 10 years Khrushchev W.Va. (AP)—Gov. Orvall E. Fau- of wind suddenly upset the boat. sharpening — his foreign policy ison. Wis.. speech last Friday that may be with divisions in the Com­ by debris. • - - — Tlie son said that Ms father differences with President Ken-' "a tremendaus number of people has tried to have the Belgrade- bus of Arkansas appealed today munist world, his meeting Tuesday Moscow feud swept under the rug. Ditzler explained also that “was able to straddle the hull of Blast Kills Worker nedy. Kennedy is certain to be his seem to srant this treaty." But with President Tito indicates that He was Just emerging as top man for the Southern Governors Con­ while soup, drugs, lights and party's nominee for a second he said Qiev may not know the medical supplies were sent down, in his own bailiwick, Khrushchev among equals in the post-Stalin ference to avoid controversial is­ (Continued on Page Etoven) At Russell Plant term. implications it involves as a Is at the pinnacle of his personal "collective leadership" early in blankets were not because they That the Democrats intend to "first step" toward a nonaggres- sues which he said could destroy were afraid the hole might be political power. 1984 when there was a report of the group’s usefulness. plug the treaty to next year's cam------f Soviet-lTugoslav relations get a gestures from Tito seeking a re­ blocked. Study Series Starts MIDDLETOWN (AP) — paign as a significant step toward' (Cawttoned am Page Nine) periodic defrosting. The defroster, Faubus, chairman, opened the After the first contact, a mi- The explosion of the expan­ conciliation and a common effort first conference session in the crophone was lowered and Fellin switched on again about a year toward world Communist victory, i A guide to good studying, “30 sion tank of a boiler at the ago, is going full blast. wake of reports that a civil talked with his wife, Anna, and Dairs to Better Grades,” starts By November of that year there rights group would attempt to son, Joe. Russell Manufacturing Co. to­ Once again, the recurring Bel- were clear signs of thaw. Khrush­ today in The Herald. Students ‘Go Directly to SaW? grade-Moecow ritual of mutual ad­ demonstrate here against - pro- Fellin reported he and Henry who read the series will learn day killed one man and in­ chev and other Kremlin leaders posed resolutions of Gov. George Throne, 28, were in one section miration will arouse questions in showed up at a Yugoslav recep-' how to lick the homework load jured another, police said. the United States, which, since tion in Moscow. • ' : C. Wallace of Alabama. I amd Louis Bova, 82, separated and come out with better The plant, which makes items Stalin cast Tito from the Com In the spring of 1988 Khrush- marks. Find it on page 2. such as brake linings and webbing, (Continued on Page Four) munlst fold in 1948, has invested chev announced that he and Niko- (Gontlnned ofi Page Eleven) was closed last week for vacation Train Robbers Played more than a billion dollars in one lal Bulganin, successor to the dis- and the boiler was being fired for or another form of assltance to I graced G e o ^ Madenkov as pre-1 the resumption of production, they Yugoslavia. | mier, would go to Belgi^e. It was said. Khrushchev, in Stadin’s tim e,; a Journey bf penance, for Stalin’s | The man fatally injured to the Monopoly with Plunder joined with other Soviet leaders extremes^ agidnst the Yugoslav blast was identified as Arthur La- in calling Tito a traitor tor re- party. Khrushchev imbibed toast Moon Shot Cost Soars Barge, 59, of 30 Berkley Rd., Mid­ Jecting total Moscow domination, after toast in Belgiade to re- f ______dletown. LONDON (A P )—Scotland Yard^-described as unattzactive with Since Stalin’s death, Yugoslav- newed an# undying friendship. I Another employe,. Adolph J- Za- experts, studying 18 sets of finger-' dark brown hair, a round, broad Soviet relations have serired as a This understanding was sealed EDITOR’S NOTE — The cost of?>than 20,000 firms and 300,000 peo-^ytheir way. More than 11.8 billion wackl, 51, of 101 Hubbard St., pH„u .. 0,. (air ' barometer of Khrushchev’s in mid-1986. n t o made a triumphs’ space exploration goes higher and pie eventually will be involved in has been earmarked (or Saturn Rockfall, a section of Middlefield, used by the great train robbery '‘unattractive Loudon accent." authority. When relations with I *■ ' —r----- higher. More than 20,000 business the project. ’That’s about $2 billion development In this fiscal year. I suffered first degree hums on the Belgrade were good, he seemed | (CooManed'an Page Eight) firms and 300,000 persons are ex­ a year in salaries alone. Estimated cost for each launching' left arm and leg. gang 10 days ago, hoped today! Detectives asked airitoes to pected to be involved in the three- North American estimates that of the 360-foot vehicles, including The plant is located on the East that the prints would identify. eck passenger of persons man moon rocket project. The about half its contract dollars will booster price, is $00 million. i Main St. extension. more of the men who got aw ay! ^^-ing out of London on the day cost: At least $20 billion and some go to subcontractors and sup­ with $7.28 mllUon. the car was left. Before the hardware can be Fire officials said the expansion say twice that amount. Associated pliers. The prints were found in build- ' phyig, operator o f toe flown, it must be thorougly tank had a capacity of about 150 Press aerospace writer Howard While North American, Grum­ ings at isolated Leatherslade Middle West CWldren groundtested, and launch pads gallons and was a n4w one that parking loL said the man who left Benedict reports on the most ex­ man and their subcontractors must be built. For fiscal 1964, Farm at Oakley, the gang's hide­ it told her he was flying from pensive peacetime venture ever un­ work on the lunar ferry, himdreds had been installed Friday and test­ out 18 miles from where the Glas- NASA has requested $800 million ed Saturday. They said LaBarge London and would return on Sept. dertaken by man. more firms are busy developing to construct test facilities in Mis­ glow-London mall train was held and Zawacki. maintenance em­ the hundreds of thousands of parts, sissippi, Alabama, Louisiana. Cape up. Police hoped they would match ployes of the company were appar­ « IPage I Get White House Pups By HOWARD BENEDICT large and small, for the gigantic Canaveral and other centers. prints in the yard's criminal rec­ CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) Saturn V rocket which in two min­ The biggest construction expen­ ently working on or near the new ords. —The launching of the three-man utes will consume 2,100 tons of diture in the next few years will piece of equipment when it blew Other possible clues included. HYANNIS PORT, Mass. (AP)—^ Butterfly and Streaker, along Apollo spaceship toward the moon fuel to start the astronauts on beat Cape Canaveral where near­ out. —A Monopoly set. a card game A Missouri boy and an Illinois with Blackle and W hite' Tips, late in this decade will climax toe ly one billion dollars will go into Normally, they said, an expan­ usually played with stage money sion tank is not subject to inter­ girl will get two direct-line de­ were bom June 14 to Pushlnka, most expensive peacetime irenture launching complexs and support but believed used by gang mem­ scendants of the Soviet space dog nal pressure. bers playing with their banknote Bulletins a gift to the Kennedys from So­ ever undertaken by man. facilities. Already, 8,000 constnic- Strelka from toe WMte House ken­ Estimates of the total coat range Views Divided tlon workers are on the job. Next loot while they waited to their hide­ CaOed froto AP Wins nel. viet Premier Khrushchev. Hie from $20 biUlcHi to $40 billion. year there will be 4,000 more. Fees Total $168:1)00 out to make Uieir getaway Mark Burce, 9, of Columbia, pups were aired by Charlie, Caro­ ' ’Ihe fat price tag was under­ Why the high price for the NEW HAVEN (AP)—Fees paid —A house to a respectable district Mo., and Karen House, 10, of West­ line Kennedy’s tenter. Caroline scored last week when the Nation­ great moon adventure? of London where, detectives were O n Progress to lobbyists working for and FnUE .AT MAXKMOm chester. lU., a Chicago suburb, named all four pups. al Aeronautics and Space Admin­ Walter C. Williams, associate di­ told, 12 men began holding night against bills before the 1963 Gen­ RERUN (AP)—TW totorier expressed amazement Sunday Mrs. Kennedy In a hospital re­ istration announced signing of the rector of the Manned Spaceflight meetings behind darkened 'wind­ eral Assembly totaled $168,000,: of Maaera'a Stewk 11— le , a largw when they learned that Mrs. Jbhn covering from the birth o-,a pre­ largest contract it baa ever nego­ Aiding Latins Center, recently gave this expla­ ows last March. the New Haven Register reported ! restauraat — the BevSw Tpke., F. Kennedy had chosen them from mature baby who lived leas than tiated. North American Aviation nation : -Five men sought for question­ among 8,000 applicants for pup- two days, asked to see some of to its Sunday editions. w— destroyed today by a (ire Jhc. received toe $934.4 million WASHINGTON (AP) —Tbe Al- ^ ing because they have been ab­ toat broke oat ia toe kttebm. pi6S. the letters requesting pups. plum (or Initial development and Tlie figure, compiled from re­ sent from their homes since the liance tor Progreaa, Pi^rtdent All four Berfia fire caaipoiliea "I can hardly believe it," said Ten were selected for her. Fkom ports filed with the secretary o< robbery. production of the Aix>llo craft’s Kennedy’s master plan for help- wooden saiUng ships have not respoaded. T W '^argMol aiana Marie, a minister’s son, who ac- thqse the First Lady ^ o s e Karen two major sections, the command state, inchdes only fees that must —A trail of five-pound banknotes tog LaUn American nations. hM “P*"® “ ’ ®y *’®«" came a few aoiantes after ao— cldentaUy killed his dog with j i and Mark to receive the puppies. and service modules. be reported under state law. to 8t. Helier, Jersey, one of the cost U.S. taxpayers $2.8 billion. ® ,, w, * „ u j mad firm — were «tiB battlkig swinging baseball bat tola sum- On lined paper, in pencU, .Mark The command module will house The Regdeter said the figure (jhannel Islands. There are ml3«d views on how , J o be able to fly higher wd tor llaiBFS ma hoar mad a baif had_written Mrs. Kennedy: the three astronauts en route to does not reflect the total eamiirgs —A suitcase and a briefcase well it is doing. ^searchers found toat later. Depoty CUef Richard Si- Karen said she originally ^got “The other day I hears on the the moon and during the return _ ® . they not only needed a vehicle of lobbyists. found stuffed with $282,820 in a atom» was ovecca—a by aoaike. onele of— the------standard White , House -u radio tost flte dog Mr. Kruachev trip. The service module will con­ The 10-yeM program marking that would give high engine per- Dozens of the reports indicated Surrey wood last Friday. letters rejecting requests (or toe (aic) gave to you had pupa and tain propulsion, power and other its5 second btothday is a U.S.- formance, 'but one thgt could pro- that a retainer was paid to a —A second-hand black Austin-, No other iajaiies were reported. pups because of the number of you didn’t know what to do with supporting equipment. L«tto American undertaking tect its pilots from heat and cold lobbyist—but amounts - were not Healey sports car, found to a applications. But then came Sun­ them. On June the 8th I was play­ Elarlier,* NASA signed a $887.9 aimed at replacing poverty and and provide an environment to specified, it was said. Other firms parking lot where it had been TOL'RS AT HIDEOAT day’s telephone call from Mrs. ing baseball. I was batting. Our million contract with Grumman stagnation with economic and so- '\vhich a pilot or crew could sur- reported that their own salaried left by a dapper man and a plump, LONDON (AP> — Leatherslade Evelyn Lincoln, President Kenne­ I was swinging the bat apd I ac- Aircraft Shigineering Corn, to de­ clal progress. -vlve?" employes were used as lobbyists pockmarked woman. Farm, ased as a Wdewwl hy tha dy’s personal secretary, and Karen dog Midget got behind me when velop the third section of w Apollo A long weekend of second an-. Exi^toatlon of North Ameri- and that they received no s p ^ a l The couple bought the car (or great traia rohhery gaag, wIB be said, ‘ T m all mixed up. I’m so cldentally Mt her in the head. She ship, the lunar excursion module in niveraary observance will be cll- ca's approach on the cotomand and fees. $2,338—all to five-pound notes—the throara apea to ttghtaerra. at M hitnpy.** died almost immedltly (sic). I am which two of toe pilots will ride maxed here Tuesday. Kennedy service modules provides a good Among those paying some of day after the robbery. ceata a Wad. Beraard Rixaa. ita Even her parents^ a member of the Parkade 4 H to the hmar surface while the wlQ meet with Alliance for Prog- Insight into the complexity of the the highest fees were the tosur- Police found the car Friday quite believe It—they caUed the (chib). I^ndget was my p i t ^ L main body of the ship orbits the reas viaitora and Vice President project. ance industry, trading stamp night after giving nationwide pub­ BouBced today. PsS ce have al- White House to make sure It I was to' dog care. If you Would moon. Lyndon B. Johnson will ‘address NASA selected North American firms, optometrist groups, liquor licity to Us re^strgtlon number moat fhdahed toeir work ia too wasn’t a pnuik. " let me have one of the pupe I Both contracts cover work until the Organization of American for the job to 1961 and toe com ­ interests and public utility firms. and to a description of the cou- Of the brown puppies bom to could centtame in 4 H ." “ Thank mid-1966. Statea. pany worked under temporary con­ About 150 firms, interest groups !ple. it by TWaday. Puahlnka, daughter .of the Soviet you very much for your coopera- The .i^ U o effort la so wlde- The Kennedy administration’a tract until last week while plan­ and indi'viduala filed. I Hit man la about 38, 4 teat taH, dog that orWted the earth, Karm tioo." spread that it cannot be handled obeckllat oa what the program ners and engineers hammered out One large ^>sndsr was khs Stats fiat nottd, tanned and with teown get Butterfly, a female. Mark by a handful «f companies. The hair. ' triU noatva Streaker., a mala. am Fage Twa). sgaM e g w o y eattmatea that mora am Pag* Two) (O O B dueg m Paga F o w ) 4) Tha «a a a a .(8 la o •boto 14, warn V.