FBIDAT, AUGUST S068 PAGE FOURTEEN matirb^Bt^r lEtn^ning H rralb Elarle B. VanOamp, missUe tech­ Pfc. James J. Gaiilin, son of. plus from last year for a total of nician second class, United States Mrs. Elizabeth K. Gaulin, 32 Hazel General Fund 8264,248.91. 13,590 About Town Navy, son of Mr. and Mm. Bari St., and Pfc. Robert D. Bu^er, Of this amount, 861,226.05 was paid out during the montji, leav­ Member of the Audit VanOsmp, 20 Farmington St., is son of Mrs. David Buaher, 76 W. CEORGE DE CORMIER SAYS, Bureau o f Ohroulatlou IiVHiofai A. Warren Jr., interior serving aboard Uie fleet ballistic Middle Tpke., both of the United At $3,365,666 ing 8213,022.86 in the' fund of oommunioatioeui riectriclan, fire­ missile nuclear-powered subma­ States Marine Corps, are serving which ^,644.89 is owed. man, United States Navy, son of rine U jS.S. Abraham Lincoln, on with the Second ^ttalion. Third Into the fire district reserve fund went 866,818 in contributions during Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Warren patrol aomewhere in the Atlantic. Regiment, of the Third Marine According to the town’s month­ CORMIER (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION) Sr., Rt. 2, is serving alboard Oie Hie tour will last two months, and Division, currently assigned aboard ly fiscal report, the General Fund July, to be added to 895,696.49 sur­ VOL. LXXXn, NO. 271 destroyer UB.S. Decatur, which the sub will remain submerged was increased to 83,746,736,17, of plus from the previous fiscal year the Seventh Fleet ships in the for a total of 8162,014.49. recently spent eight daya at the throughout the entire patrol. F a r East. an expiected total of 88,440,193 in MOTORS M ly PVench Riviera in the course of receipts from taxes, fines and per­ The town's directors appro­ priated $170,000 during July to pay the ship’s eiWiise with the Sixth Mias Carol-Ann Cejkowski, 15 Miss EKanne Lechausee, 659 B. mits, current services, state as- Fleet in the Mediterranean. sis^nce and m iscellaneous for part of the estimated cost of haRdlei qHallty Oakiwood Rd., Miss Julie Demeo, Center St., is leaving tomorrow the hew central firehouse,, wjdch 23 Elarl St., and Miss P atricia Mc­ morning from Logan Airport, Bos­ sources, during July. The French C3uto of Manchester was to total $230,000 (the remain­ Buddhists Ask Fulbright Predicts The majority of the total, Xn Donnell, 30 Ensign St., are leav­ ton, Mass., for Welsbaden, Ger­ ing 8W,000 to be borrowed), appar­ will hold its annual picnic Sunday ing tomorrow by Pan American jet many, to visit her father. Col. 727,847.57, was received in pay­ tars, priced it from 11 am . to sunset at Wickham ently not knowing that the fund airliner for a two-week stay at Ralph Lechausse of the United ment for property taxes. contsdned only about $162,000. Psu-k. 1t»e event is open to all Eabow Beach Surf Club, Paget, States Air Force, who is stationed W hen added to the 8172,268.94 menibers and friends. Subsequently General Manager sell aad at the Bermuda. there. Miss L,echausse is a junior surplus from the previous fiscal Richard Martin pared down the at the Boston Conservatory of year, the General Fund contains cost to $222,000 by dropping the Intervention in Russell L. Crawford, aviation 80 Music. 83,919,000.11, of which 8553,333.86 ~Plus Ban Vote machintots mate second class, contingency fund from S to about 8 best of baak FOR RENT was paid out during the month, per cent of the firehouse cost and United States Navy, srai of Mr. leaving 83.365.666.25 in the fund &the Senate Armed Servicea Com-«Gen. Curtla E. Lemay, Air Force 8 and 16 mm. Movie Projectors and Mrs. Russell L. Crawford, 20 cutting inspection cost from $7,- By JOHN CHADWICK at the b^inning of August. 000 to $3,000. mittee and senators who serve on chief of staff. The subcommittee —sound or sUent, also X nun. Goodwin St., is serving with At­ Bloodmobile Visit The General Fund Reserve Fund terais. These WASHINGTON (AP) — slide projectors. tack Squadron 56, which recently With 8162,000 allocated, the fund the joint Senate-House Atomic chairm an. Sen. John Stennls, D- contained 8206,838.03 at the be­ has a total of $14.94 unallocated, South Viet Nam Sen. J. W. Fulbright says his Energy Committee have been Miss., reported Lemay supported returned to its home base, Naval At Elks Thursday Intern Leaves WELDON DRUG CO. John Poffinbarger, who has been ginning of the month, of which plus unexpended appropriations foreign relations committee sitting in. the -treaty but expressed “far Air Station, l.emoore, Calif., after 835,000 is allocated for board of ears aiuet be Ml Main St^TeL MI S-6S21 six months duty aboard the attack serving as intern at Emanuel Lu­ from previous years of $183,403.63 should be ready within two The armed services group has more concern than the other mil­ The Red Cro.ss Bloodmobile will education projects, leaving 8161,- for a balance of $183,418.12. HUE, South Viet Nam asked Secretary of Defense Rob­ itary chiefs.” aircraft carrier U.S.S. Ticonder- be in Manchester next Thursday theran Church for the past year, weeks to send the limited nu­ will preach his last sermon Sun­ 838.03 unallocated. Other Funds seeatobe (AP) Pressure for world in­ ert S. McNamara for a statement Lemay will have a chance to oga. While at sea the ship visited for its monthly visit. clear test ban treaty to the Hawaii; Subic Bay and Manila, day morning at the 8 and 9 o’clock There is a total of 8346,687.05 in The parking meter fund received tervention in South Vietj setting forth how safeguards testify publicly Monday before It will be stationed at the EUks the Reserve Fund, however, in­ $276 during Uie month in interest Senate floor. urged by the Joint Chiefs of Staff the foreign relations committee, Philippdnes; Hong Kong, British Home, 30 BlaseU St., fro -i 1:45 services. At the second service, he Nam’s Buddhist crisis mount-1 Orown Colony: and Yokosuka and will assist the Rev. C. Henry An­ cluding encumbered but unpaid on $30,000 invested in U.S. Savings The Arkansas Democrat pre­ are to be carried out. Fulbright along with Geh. Earle Wheeler, to 6:30 p.m. bonds, which, when added to the GEORGE DE CORMIER apprseiatsds’ ed today with warning from Kobe, Japan. derson, pastor, in administering appropriations and unencumbered dicts overwhelming ratification of said he does not expect this to Army chief of staff, Adm. David All persons working or residing Holy Communion. balances from allocations made $36,561.46 in the fund, totals $36,- Buddhist leaders in Saigon' the ban on all -but underground delay acUon by his committee. McDonald, Chief of Naval Opera­ in the Manchester area are urged Mr. Poffinbarger, a native of during previous years. 837.48. , blsusts—perhaps with fewer than McNamara has given the pac. tions, and Gen. David Shoup. the Paul O. Begin, son of Mr. and to contact Red Cross headquarters that more fiepr suicides and Mrs. L,eo J. Begin, 943 K. Middle Princeton. III., is a 1960 graduate Water Receipts The dog license fund received 20 votes in opposition. his blessing, and the military Marine Corps commandant. in the Chamber of Commerce $56, which, added to the previous PERFORMANCE PUFFS bloodshed are imminent. Fulbright made this forecast chiefs have endorsed it provided Sen. Barry Goldwater, R-Arlz., Tpke., is undergoing nine weeks of of Augustana College, Rock Is­ The Water Fund took in 855,- They cabled pleas to President^ basic training at the Great Lakes building, to make arrangements land, III., where he received his 883.49 during July, which, a^ed year surplus totals $2,878.23 of Friday after John A. McCone, di­ the ban is accompanied by certain a member of the Stennis subcom­ Wirtz Plan for a blood donation. which $220.24 was expended, leav­ Kennedy, U.N. Secretary-General rector of the Central Intelligence safeguards to reduce what they mittee, told newsmen "I just don't Naval Training Center, M. B.A. degree, and had studied for to the previous year’s surplus of '42 CORVAIR MONZA, M o M 900 2-Door U Thant and Buddhist organlza-, Manchester's monthly quota of two yeaf-s, before coming to M an­ 868,569.51, brought the July total ing a balance of $2,667.99. Equlpjpjed with radio, heater, whitewalls, buckets and Agency, told the committee he term disadvantages and risks, think the military have their 150 pints of blood was met exactly, Of the total $8,692,193 the direc­ tlons for some outside brake to favors ratification and regards These safeguards include an ag- hearts in this." And. in a speech chester, at Augustana Theological to 8124,453. a 4-speed all synchro transmlssiott. (White C ^IQ C the South Viet Nam government’s when the bloodmobile was sta­ Seminary. Rock Island. tors have budgeted for the 1963-84 finish with red interior). AITW the treaty as compatible with na- gresslve program for nuclear Friday night in Madison, Wis., Eases Fear Daily See our eomplete adectioo Of this amount, 86,595.96 was fiscal year, $676,326.34 was expend­ alleg^ed treatm ent of Buddhists. ‘ tioned at South Methodist Church His wife, also a native of spent during the month, leaving tional security.
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