DE CORMIER SAYS, Bureau O F Ohroulatlou Iivhiofai A
FBIDAT, AUGUST S068 PAGE FOURTEEN matirb^Bt^r lEtn^ning H rralb Elarle B. VanOamp, missUe tech Pfc. James J. Gaiilin, son of. plus from last year for a total of nician second class, United States Mrs. Elizabeth K. Gaulin, 32 Hazel General Fund 8264,248.91. 13,590 About Town Navy, son of Mr. and Mm. Bari St., and Pfc. Robert D. Bu^er, Of this amount, 861,226.05 was paid out during the montji, leav Member of the Audit VanOsmp, 20 Farmington St., is son of Mrs. David Buaher, 76 W. CEORGE DE CORMIER SAYS, Bureau o f Ohroulatlou IiVHiofai A. Warren Jr., interior serving aboard Uie fleet ballistic Middle Tpke., both of the United At $3,365,666 ing 8213,022.86 in the' fund of oommunioatioeui riectriclan, fire missile nuclear-powered subma States Marine Corps, are serving which ^,644.89 is owed. man, United States Navy, son of rine U jS.S. Abraham Lincoln, on with the Second ^ttalion. Third Into the fire district reserve fund went 866,818 in contributions during Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Warren patrol aomewhere in the Atlantic. Regiment, of the Third Marine According to the town’s month CORMIER (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION) Sr., Rt. 2, is serving alboard Oie Hie tour will last two months, and Division, currently assigned aboard ly fiscal report, the General Fund July, to be added to 895,696.49 sur VOL. LXXXn, NO. 271 destroyer UB.S. Decatur, which the sub will remain submerged was increased to 83,746,736,17, of plus from the previous fiscal year the Seventh Fleet ships in the for a total of 8162,014.49.
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