MAILS 'i, From Zn Franele? ' Maru.-Jan- . r?0 Persia 7. For San Francisco; 3:30 Nippon Mam. Jan. 6 From Vancouver: Niagara, Jan. 26. For Vancouver:' Edition Ktapara. Jan. 7.

Evening Bulletin. Est. 182, No. 63C2 12 PAGES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, TUESDAV, JANUARY 4, UH6. 12 PAG Hawaiian! Star. Vol. XXIII. No. 7317 U; wo era IC A PTC two TO ACT M SUMMME Cffil LMSMG


LOOMS UP STRONG .;:fPppclaI Star-Bulltl- u ''ablel D. Jan. 4. Action by Congress to retain the pres- " WASHINGTON TAKEN BY VJILSOW; i ent duty on sugar will begin early in February, when other matters have CASE M. FOR been cleared away. The plans of the administration have not changed WIIJATION and the prospects are that the legislation will be put through on the lines fr - , already mapped out C. S. ALBERT. National :: CONGRESS 3)' Committeeman Rice pDEFIGIIlin Brings Latest Political Gos- GREAT DODY TO NAVY OFFICERS P. Meeting sip From G. 0. Possible-Brit-ish in Washington Attack on Administration ' RULE WORLD, IS v; . i HAWAII SHOULD SEND Cabinet Troubles Bring ! SIX DELEGATES,' BUT WITHOUT INSTRUCTING IHNSAN'S IDEA One Resignation, Others Allowed only Two But r ; Territory J j Believed Pending Situation is Favorable for Representative Campbell Pro- Secretary Daniels Lavs Down " More; j--' f Associated Pi ess Servtce by Federal Wlrelesal Seating Four Finds Fol- - PHmUy-levf- poses Strong Confedera- Policy Which Must Be WASHINGTON, I). C, .fan. 4. As result of the l. Islands Have Many Strong tion of Nations lowed Hereafter oping crisis,. it: was 'announctl this aft 'niwn that the American o Friends in Both Parties eriiincnt, will act in the Persia cas

I THINKS COULDUPHOLD PRESIDENT HAS SPOKEN, taking every means" E. Hughes as a po- "The president alul the secretary of state are Justice Charles will ssible Republican presidential candi-dat- e INTERNATIONAL LAW SERVICE MUST BE SILENT possible to obtain full facts regarding this grave matter. They is gaining such strength that he act as soon as information is obtained' the announcement says. may be nominated on the second bal- Hon. Charles A. Rice. Associated Press by Federal JjV'lreless Associated Press by Federal Wireless In the absence of definite Vu cabinet meeting called lot In the national -- convention next WASHINGTON, D. Jan. 4. An Washington; d. Jan. 4 June. :'.' international confederation of the Hereafter navy officers will not be al- for this afternoon was eaucelled. Such is the opinion of Charles A. MAUI NEW YEAR wcrld, composed of all nations, for lowed to discuss publicly the naval Secretary Lansing has ordered the U. S. consuls at Alexandria, iiice, national committeeman for Ha- the purpose of preserving international program as laid down by the adminia Malta and Cairo to gather immediately affidavits from survivors,of waii, who returned today from an ex- - law, elaborate peace plan is the latest tration. 'r:' y-- ."y . -- the Persia. .';'' - . tcnslveLmalnlau'd-trl- p thM principal ob- proposed. Thia new order of things became ject of which vas to attend the Re- It is the suggestion of Representa- known today when Secretary of the Washington FESTIVITY GIVES WASHINGTON.;!). C, Jan. 4. With the international situation, publican national convention In tive Philip P. Campbell of Kansas and Navy Daniels disclosed the fact that 1 last month. was proposed by him in a reeolution he has refused requests for permission sharpened by the sinking of the Persia, overshadowing all else in : on Committeeman Rice brings back a introduced in the house this afternoon. to Rear-admir- al Austin M. Knight Vyongress us u-K- - wasmngion, uuiay resuiueu auii irownu whole budget of interesting Informa- The confederation would be modelled president of the Naval War College, Reginald McKenna. returned from his brief honeymoon to face a serious problem of , tion and comment on matters political SPLENDID SPORT along the lines of the constitution of and Rear-admir- al Bradley A. Fiske, and congressional, Perhaps the most the , the bill providing also of the . Nival War College, to national policy. ; r directly Important feature is that the for a president a vice-preside- nt a con- apeak on matters involving the plans Though a numbercf important measures were introduced today , political situation calls for Hawaii to gress and a supreme court. Laws en- for naval expansion. FORD GOES HOI during the congressional sittings,' bills which under other circum- send an unlnstructed delegation to Hospitable Valley Isle Host for by would be In making the announcement, Mr. unnoticed,-whil- acted the confederation stances would have' created sensations were sent in almost e cago to ' said:- - having next June and furthermore the supreme lawa of the worldy 3 Daniels "The president cloak-room- Many Over Four- - s ,o4 -- demand the seating of a delegation of Visitors outlined policy for naval construc- the lobbies and were tilled with discussions six. Instead of th,e two at present day Celebration tion, it would be better for civilians AVOIDS foreign and domestic questions arising from the acute crisis in rela- -' " QUIETLY; - allotted, i to lead in the fight for enlargement tions with Austria. ; ; ,. r Ever since the national committee Special Star-liulletl- n Correspondence) BIDS EOR VORK while naval should follow an President Wilson' has taken personal charge of the Persia case. r pruning the G. O. P conven-- V WAILUKU Maul, Jan. 3. That unbroken policy of not attempting to row He callejl upon the state department and the department of justice, tioa delegations, following the at eclipsed influence legislation." HANDS the Chicago convention of 1912 and Maui's New Year celebration WELCOME for all reports and documents bearing upon the case and upon its the subsequent defeat, a strong effort anything yet undertaken on the island ramifications which mil?ht shed licrht on the nrobleni and is devotincr li a 8 been made on the part of certain is the unanimous decision not only of much time ii its consideration. Influential Republicans to cut down people 'of 100 well-founde- 1 local but the visitors Stays in Car at Station; Early in the day there Were persistent and apparently d the delegations in states where the Re- have been here since Friday that - policy publican yote Is comparatively small morjiing. : ;r- Na Flowers Wanted, He "reports that the 'administration's foreign would be . In spite of the severe .storm ?. . -- . mm! fn the territories and possession-- a--s as met opposition being that gripped Maui for several days -- : Known under fire virtually soon the senate the 1 law all sent six accredited delegates Makes : TtiSston last week, good weather beginning said to have a line? of attack developed. This attack was confidently to Chicago In 1912 but the committee well as ' - Tuesday put the race track as Associated Press by Federal Wireless expected to be launched today, but the shortness of the senate sos-io- n afterward cut future territorial repre- the feelings of Maul people in the sentatlon to two. right condition for a remarkable New Tenders Are Above Army Esti- DETROIT, Mich., Jan. 4. Henry prevented anything but the routine of assembly. As soon as the Six and Make Fight by Federal Wireless Ford, auto manufacturer and peace ad- ad- Year's celebration. mates; Range From $126,- -' Associated Press senate session opened, a resolution was introduced calling for At the committee meeting last The festivities opened on Friday WASHINGTON D. Jan. 4. Rep- vocate, arrived home today after, his journment out of respect to the memory 'of the late Justice Lamar, month Committeeman Rice made a 000 to $98,000 J resentative' Isaac R. SherwoodC cf Ohio, suddenly abandoned itinerary in Eu- evening with the biggest social event - ' who died duriner the holiday reeess. (!onsennentlv. the senate ad- - strong and largely successful fight to . .v-.;- a veteran Democrat land Civil War rope. He took pains to avoid the in many years In the shape of a great 1 get the delegation-restored to six. armory, Barracks,' officers' quarters and veteran, in a speech in the house to- welcoming delegations which met tne journed after being in session only ten minutes and no opportunity not feel military ball. The where the hauling private While the committee did that affair took place, was turned Into a other buildings at Fort De Russy will day, attacked the milltaritts and the train his car and was given for the heralded criticism. change, owing -- It could make another scene of beauty by an abundance of not be built at once unlesd the war program of military expansion.1 ne evaded acceptance of huge bouqueta cf -- re- That the administration leaders and the president are expecting to' technicalities, leading Republicans a , larger ap proposed that army should be flowers sent him. He remained In Ha palm, leaves and other decorations. department Sen- - wise j 50,000. he had crowd" dis- some attack is certain. Previous to the meeting of the senate, agreed with Mr. Rice that the By past 8 fully 400 propriation, all of the bids opened duced to He said that private car until the had to elect six a quarter o'clock Civil War coun- , plan will be for Hawaii people had assembled for the concert, this morning In the office of Capt D. fouaht in 42 battles in the pelled, and then proceeded to his a lui iiiiaiii . uiuiic vi iiiioovui viiau man J l hie iuiuuuiti,c vu delegated to convention and wage again if war breaks : v.: V the the numbers of which were announc- L. Stone, quartermaster, proving too and would enlist try heme. foreign relations, told the president that he had intimations some : years seating. : S3 a fight,for their The national by high.- - out though he is old. A public meeting in his honor is ed Capt Desmond Collins, who was ' - senators were planning to assail administration's course in deal- meet Washington ' - v y the committee will in master of ceremonies. The music by The lowest bid was several thous- planned. : the last week In May to hear contests, above the estimate made ing with the belligerents, the implication being that the sinking of win-nln- g the 4th Cavalry band was by far the and dollars and Hawaii has a. fine prospect of was sent .the Lusitania, Persia anu other liners and resultant loss of American here. This bid, the lowest t ' ...... its right to six delegates, if the " SDEVLIN LEAVES (Continued on page five) in by the Honolulu Planing Mill and STEAMER ADRIFT lives would furnish the theme. Still other senators were planning local representatives handle the situ- the figure was 198,500. ation right to voice a criticism of the administration's Mexican policy, said Chair , Bids were called for 1 field officers' Is are half ' 1 The situation that there quarters, 3 officers' quarters, uiau oluuc. t v Continued on page eight) " t NOTED 6 officers' quarters, WEALTHY ESTATE During the day the president asked to his office in the'Whitc MWm, 2 barrack buildings," 1 guard, house, House the members, of the foreign relations committee, and it was 1 dispensary, and an administration given out that this important conference Avas primarily to discuss the buildings bids were as follows: STRICTLY The Associated Press by Federal Wireless rrisis irrnwincr out of thp Riihinarinp paninnirrn nml ita HKtnictinn of TRIP Ixjrd-Youn- g Co., 5107,811; City. M1U, 4. Associated Press by Federal Wireless ANGLER, ARRIVES Planing Mill, $98,-50- 0; MINNEAPOLIS, Minnn Jan. ships and killing of Americans. $104,185; Honolulu foot- NEW YORK, N. YV Jan. 4 Bowler & Iverson $126,279; Tom Shevlin, the famous Yale all-arou- ath- anxiety ia felt here for the Spalding Construction Co $101,100. ball player, coach and PORTLAND was to lete, who recently died of pneumonia, safety of the steamship Jhessalonikf, REAL Today a cablegram sent the to wife and two children an which had serious engine trouble last m.u w IBIIIUB TO TRY FISHING Washington ask-in-e left his r war department at estate valued at $3,500,000. He car- week and secured a steamer to tow Wit WMAJk kUUWU UltV VUWUiVb for instructions and' until' word is - ried insurance amounting to $t,5CO,- her . in, according to wireless advices Washington nothing ; received from 000, which goea to the two companies Saturday. Today the steamer wire' Associated Pjess Service by Federal Wireless J can be. done here. HONOLULU Bringing with him an $11,000 Italian of which he was the head.' lessed in that a storm came up dur- LONDON, Eng., Jan. 4. The crisis in the British cabinet, which, make motor car and an intense dt sire ing which the tow-line-s parted. Ships it is reported,will result in a wholesale reorganization, is not yet : are standing by to aid the steamer H to capture the gamiest anie fisl in SPECIAL CALIFORNIA ended.,.:::.;-- y .'v soon calma and the these islands, F. K. Burnham, a San at as the weather development ' Rosarians Will Sail From and Francisco sportsman and nnsler. not- LEG ISLATURE . M EETIN G passengers have been transferred te Its only definite today .is theAresignation of Go Directly Back to City ed throughout California, anied tin the steamer Patria, one of the vessels John A. Simon as secretary of state for home affairs, but other resig- the Matsonia this morning, : accom- Associated Press by Federal Wireless which came to the aid of the Thea-aalonik- i. nations are rumored. The position of Chancellor of the Exchequer on Willamette panied by Mrs. Burnham. Th'y will SACRAMENTO, Cau Jan. 4. Cali : . McKenna and Walter Runciman, "president of the board of trade, is occupy the beach cottrge if Allan RUSH fornia's legislators are arriving for the When the Royal. Rosarians come Herbert, at Waikikl. VDUIND special session which opens tomorrow. undecided. Sir John Simon refused to reconsider his resignation; ? Portland-t- o Honolulu trip years ago from their Four or five Mr. Burnham Its principal , business is the amend- Portland-Hawai- RURAL will be j. strictly a i made his Initial visit to Hawaii, and ments to the primary law, and legisla CREDITS cruise, for no other- - mainland port the thought of enjoying game fishing tion will also be introduced to aid the Derby Plan Raises Huge than Portland will be touched at ac- here has been in his mind ever since, FOR Y. MEMBERS San Diego exposition. - Army by the yielded to islands1 cording! to a letter received until he the call " special local committee on the Itosarl-a- n and came over. Mr. Burnham plans DILL LAUNCHED LONDON, Eng., Jan. 4. Nearly 2,500,000 recruits have been prime to specimens game HERO OF MONITOR excursion. Dean Vincent catch of all the An enthusiastic gathering of more added to the British colors under the Lord Derby plan, according to minister the Rosarians, writes as fish in the territory He will be here VICTORY IS DEAD tt 40 men met today In Cooke hall figures October 23 follows: j .'' ' until March, when. he will leave for than the announced today. In the interval between "After considerable negotiations a big-gam-e shooting trip in Africa. at the Y. M. C. A. to arrange the final PHILADELPHIA, Pa Jan. 4. Wil- - Associated Press by Federal Wireless and December 15, .1,150,000 unmarried and 1,679,000 married men 10O mem- WASHINGTON, D. Jan, 4. Both with the steamship company, we Mr. Burnham is said by officers of details for the campaign for liam Durst aged 76, sole survivor of C nresented Ihemsplvps for service. Of linmarriejl men. the nhvsieal the Matsonia to have a room 45 by 100 will; begin in house and senate today bills were found it impossible to secure the bers in minutes which the crew of the U. S. S. Monitor examinations and other tests resulted in the. elimination of 207,000, Great Northern under charter at the 30 feet, in his "San Francisco resi- tomorrow afternoon at 2 o clock. which in 1862 fought and won the his- introduced carrying out the adminis- Mid-Wint- on while 221,854 men were rejected, net 2,400,146 time of your Carnival, but dence, filled with nothing but trophies Names of 300 prospects were selected toric battle against the Confederate tration's plan for legislation rural married a increase of of his skill as an angler. and big-gam- e by the- - campaign committees. credits. Under the plan as outlined ' - we thought perhaps you would be as various ron-cla-d Mem mac died here today. in this period, with the recruiting still continuing. . glad to! see us a little later as you hunter. He has had thrilling experi- ReDresentatlves of all six teams or in the bills,: government control : of ar- ences by the score. the Honolulu Automobile club were the system of extending credit to the would at that time, and so have TWO EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS ranged lo leave bere on or about the present and four members for each agriculturists will be vested In a fed- 12th ofi April, reaching Honolulu on "NOTHING IMPORTANT," team were tendered by the Y. M. C. FELT IN OREGON TOWN eral farm loan board of five members. Welsh Miners Again "Resisting pro- - 12 A. . A. assigned the Loans will be made to farmers by or about the 13th or 13th., SAYS TODAY E. Larimer We have secured the entire ship snecta to the various teams, and also NEWPORT, Ore, Jan. 4 Two or more federal land banks. LONDON, Eng., Jan. 4. The thousands of miners of South Wales arranged personnal the ; six "end will sail directly from Portland to the .of earthquake were recorded here Win-ston- shocks have themselves in opposition to conscription. James e, the islands and directly back, making The following cablegram from offi- teams from the Y. M. C. A. today. People became frightened and declared Portland-Honolul- u cial German sources was received this Ed Towse nresided meeting president of the miners' federation, said unless the Poli it strictly a trip. " at the rushed from their homes, but no dam- that ; MISSING VESSEL Secretary : ; "Assuring you of the appreciation morning: .' this afternoon, and General age waa done. : ticians are careful there will be no coal for the Bitish navy.' of the entire membership of the Roy- "German Headquarters, Jan. 4. Paul Suner talked on the needs of the al Ro6artans for the splendid courte- Nothing Important ia happening today campaign and the . benefits derived THIRD OPERATION ON sies you have already extended to us in any of the war theaters." from membership in the association. 71 and trusting that nothing will inter- Charles R. Frazier, chairman of the FORMER MEXICAN CHIEF flfj VADASH RIVER RUSSIANS SAY our proposed trip, I am, with publicity committee gave a report on fere with PROCLAIM HIR0HIT0 mm V best wishes and the season's greet- the work that has been done, stating EL PASO, Tex--, 4a n. 4. A third ings, .! HEIR ON APRIL 29 that 22 names had already been hand- performed today operation was here 4. Anxiety ;"Most sincerely yours. ed la for membership. on Gen. - Victoriano Huerta, former TOKIO, Japan, Jan. is FLOODS HOMES -- of Jap- ! DEAN VINCENT." (Special Cable to Nippu Jiji) A larce clock will be placed in front president of Mexico, for the removal felt here as to the fate the ADVffi Y.-'M- anese steamer Senja Maru, which TOKIO Japan, Jan. 4. The formal of C. A. tomorrow afternoon. of fluid in intestinal : har the the tract been, spoken it left Oran, a ceremony proclaiming Prince Hiro-hit-o, The clock will have a dial with 100 not since eldest son of Emperor Yoshihito, minutes and Jay A. Urice will turn the port on the 'Mediterranean 200 miles Associated Press by Federal Wireless Associated Press by Federal Wireless j NEW MISTRESS TAKES Algiers, on November 14. RENT as Crown Prince will be held at the mlnuate hand and at the same time from LAFAYETTE, Ind., Jan. 4. The PETROGRAD, Russia, Jan. 4Cff-eia-l FOR IN HOUSE Furnished or unfurnished, a Imperial Palace on April 29, the an- mark the progress of the campaign on CHARGE WHITE r r Wabash river is rising and there Is announcement here today declares i ris- of the r " large two-stor- y Apply niversary. of the birth of the prince. the clock. : smw danger of a flood. The water has that northeast Ciernowru house. - . c408 Heretanla fit:, or phone All solicitors from the Honolulu WASHINGTON, i D. C, Jan. 4. en four feet in several places. At aians are making continuous prcr'- - an 3 Orasa 6r hay placed : in a,jipe for Auto Club are- requested to meet at Mrs. Woodrow Wilson,. returning from SAN FRANCISCO, CaU'.Jan.. 4. Connorsville .the residents moved out, The German losses are great a few days will cause It to smoke as the Y. M. C. A. before 2 o'clock to- her honeymoon in Hot Springs,' took Sugar: 95 deg. test 4.45 cents. Pre- as the water was reaching the second prisoner are beir3 taksn Ij t sweetly as when It was new, morrow afternoon. charge of the White House today. - vious quotation, 48 cents. V floor of the homes. STAB-BULLETI- TWO HONOLtrtTJ N, TUESDAY jAXTTAfcY.4. 1.01 6.


WITH WIFE ENDS DESERVE MORE IS BLAMED FOR FGR IN ADVANCE LODGES INDUCT WE 8TORE EVERYTHING. CITY TRANSFER COMPANY JAMES H. LOVE PHONE 1281 NEW ROMANCE PAY SAYS CHIEF BROKEN I RST LOGAN INSISTS NEW OFFICERS MILLINERY Exclusive Models, : Love's - .'. Latest Shapes John H. SrriiJ?v r!rkley multi- - Asking that a raise :n saiaries be Jumping from a carriage which she Supervisors Have Been Ap- Officers installed last night at a sil mllllonalre,''--whose-- dautfiU-- r Dorothy given tc some of the men holding believed was about to overturn in a joint meeting of Harniony Lodse, No. MISS POWER Out of Revenue Inde-Iiende- 1s held In Honolulu the out- positions in his department. dangerous stretch of the road which propriating 3, and Excelsior Lodge. No. 1, Boston Building come of a case ar?in? out or the death Fire CUef Charles Thurston appeared leads up Tantalus, and proceeding to Due in May and Nov. Order of Odd Fellow s, wjere: of Mrs. Moore, wjiora MJss SirlnR ran last nfcsht at the meeting of the walk a few steps, Mrs. W. R. Castle Harmony Iodge Kd Smith, noble yesterday slipped and fell, fracturing grand: Ed C. Noble, vice grand: Taul down when 'driving an automobile, has - Though the report of Bank Examin- acci- G., secretary : Bicknell. given up his plan of divorcing the Mr. '.Thurston asked that three cap- and dislocating her wrist The er M. A. Drummond, published yester Smith, f. J. in a piece of road to P. past woman he married 27 years ajro. in tains le raised from $35 to $110 a dent occurred day in the Star-Bulleti- accuses City treasurer; Nielsen, r. aj Mr. attention L. M. Straus, chaplain; C. order to marry rre.tty young nurBe, month, that three other captains be which Castle called the and County Treasurer I). L. Conkling grand; ; on I)eceniber (J.. ; M. Mrs. Genevieve. Ecker. raised .from $90 to $100 a month, and of the supervisors, . .14. with "false economy" in handling the Jivcnson. P, warden T. I.utz. through asking that it' be put in better condi- conductor; H E. McCoy, p. G., R. S. Mrs. Spring, who' passed drivers , from $85 to $100. The chief city finances, Conkling today de- ;'.-- - Mr G. S. N, G.. II. i Honolulu on tie jTenyo Marn on De- himself wanted $250 Instead of $225, tion. ,,' clined to make any statement in the S. Rubel. I. It. cember 20, effected a reconciliation and afJted for his assistant, Wallace The, letter at that time was referred .fyhre, P. G , K. S. V. G , J. A. Wil- the committee on roads, and no matter. liams. L. S. V. G.. J. I jpnertz.- - P.. S. S.. With her husband within 24 hours of Blaisdoll, $25 more than his present to "If that's the way Drummond sees action, according to Mr. Castle, has L. S. --S., C. C. Luddinston. her arrival in San Francisco, and after salary lof $160. things, all right," says Conkling. "Per. HBeKz. the couple had jglven out a "ointly ever been taken to inform him that the I..G., and II. B. Ryan. P. G.. O. G. Thurtston claimed that money Is be- sonally'I do not care to enter into any - ; ax Signed that there would communication had been received or Excelsior A.' A. Durant, noble statement! le ing waist ed in other departments. He discussion over the i matter." MiM no divorce, they left in an automobile that the road would be fixed up. He grand; I). G. Jopson. vice grand; L. (The L;ative) asked - some of. be and Mayor Lane likewise declined to bound, as they announced, "on a sec: that If saved has now sent a second letter to the 1. LaHerre, secretary; E. L. Samson, given Ho the firemen. Though the board which, will be read tonight at a make any statement relative to the treasurer; S. A. Campbell, past grand; ond honeymoon.") firemen do more work than many oth appropriation of more money than Everybody concerned is now happy, meeting of that body. A. Engle chaplain; E. II. Browh. ers.. he said, they receive much less "I will leave it. for your legal ad- has come in to the city In revenue, warden; R. X. Melanrhy, conductor; except Mrs. Ecker, and even she will pay, TASTES LIKE CANDY not admit she's unhappy. Mrs. aid cited as an example the driv- visers to say as to the obligation of preferring to "wait until we have A. C. Horn, R. S. N. G J. A. Williams. that ers the costly new fire1 over The Ecker, who is herself suing for a di- of engines the city and county," he writes, rela- talked it with the board." R. S. V. G J. Hange, L. S. V. C... C. whore salaries are not as high as to the accident which be- mayor Would not say whether he con- W. Varis, I. G. vorce, and sanctioned the announce- tive ' has. those of the drivers of the police pa-tro- Mrs. sidered . the report a Justifiable criti- , The committees, appointed by Har- ' ment that she would Barry Mr. fallen Castie. , ; is and effective in aetion. , ' pleasant its -- C''-.- It Spring as soon as boih were free, "Just what action J shall take, I cism of the supervisors or treasurer. mony Ixidge, were as follows: Supervisor Arnold, cer- - when was chairman of the have, not made up my .mind, but Nothing in It, Says Logan. Finance Ed C. Welter, C. Evenson, Mi-La- first met the millionaire she Xo pain, no bad after etTeets. x is engaged Mrs. in depa tment committee, said little ex- tainly we are very seriously aggrieved Supervisor Daniel Logan said today I. G , and H. B. Myhre, P. G. griping,no as a nurse for Spring , November, 1914. cept to announce that the matter is and not ourselves only, but air the that there is absolutely no foundation Cemetery P. Smith, P. G., P. Niel-son- ehronie eontipatiun. G excellent for not. yet definitely settled. Supervisor lot owners and occupants of . lots on to the statement by Examiner Drum- P. , and Ed Smith. X. G. Larwn led the opposition. the mountain road. mond that "it is evident the cash basis Entertainment H. B. Ryan, P. G., GAMBLERS GIVEN Thurston stood lirm' for his point, "I desire to keep the matter before fund was taken Into consideration at S. Rubel and M. T. Lutz. says G., apd declared that he had been too you," Mr. Castle , in concluJing the time of making appropriations." Corresiondence P. Smith. P. J. 25c A BOX. from Ryan, G. THICK COLD GREETING moc'est; in asking for increased sala this second letter,; "and to secure : "We never considered the cash Bicknell and H. B. P. 4 ! I'. ries in the past He said that he did ydu .not necessarily a promise, but ac- basis fund in that light at all," says ,Trustees--- W. R. Foster. C. II. ' not ask for anything outrageous, but tual" action."- - V" the chairman of the expenditures com- Brown, P. G., and E. L. Schwarzberg, ON VALLEY ISLE ,i P. G. " .- that he wanted what was coming "I city :-.' -- - to mittee. advised the treasurer i him. The matter was finally ENTIRE JliRY PANEL The following were elected trustees Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd. J to Gambling was barred on Maui dur- deferred use the cash basis fund rather than for the coming year by Excelsior to be taken up again tonight ? the registered warrants, but made it ing the-- race meeting and bronco rid- IN ASHFORD'S COURT Lodge No. Tr Melville T. Simontcn, The Rexall Store clear we were appropriating - Among that hot En-gl- e. ing contest which was given to cele- the adjustments that were Alexander G. Horn and Walter A. Fort and Hotel Street Phone 1297 brate the end of the year, and several made last night in salaries was one IS WANTED TOMORROW out of the cash basis fund but out of by the prospective revenue due in May Open Evenings Until 11:13 men temporarily! residing in Honolulu proposed Auditor James Bicknell i who live by chance lost more than whereby the deputy auditor is given and November. v by v Some, misapprehension appears, to .Radio advices received today expenses by making trip to Maui an increase of $25 a month; clerk-Rob- -. practically & the among menjbers of the, 1$16 cir- "We have already taken Castle CoOke's shipping department "Amog who over ert Bicknell gets $100 a Ed- exist those went for the month, cuit court trial jury panel in Judge care of the deficit that Drummond from the T. K. K. liner Nippu Maru. year-en- d was "Slats" Johnson; ward Hopkins, $150, and Eli says Logan. fair Crawford Ashfcrd'g division, as well as among mentions," "We knew stated that the steamer will be off famed as the owner of the most elab- $75. we had a deficit, and we did not walk port at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning, orate crooked gambling outfit ever those jurors' belonging to the' existing Attorney A. M. Brown was refused 1: 15 on into it blindly. The board last night Probably she will sail about 10 taken by the police here! Johnson, it panel, regarding the 'dates my a request for an Increase in the sala which they are to attend court The voted to follow suggestion to wipe o'clock Thursday morning for San is said, came back poorer than he $75,000 $80,000 C ry of Deputy W. T. Garden. Depu newly drawn panel of 1916 trial jur- out between and of the Francisco, taking mail. v "went, mainly because on the day he ty A. M. Cristy was raised from. $250 deficit We shall give the roads Oriental Novelties J will required next took a boat for Maul a wireless was ors not be until practically nothing of general to $275 a month soon after' his and Monday morning, January 10, 9 out the goods' is the sent from police headquarters here appointment, at fund, and there is bound to be a big Our stock of Japanese curios and silk giving- - Carden's and Mr. Brown o'clock, when , the work of the new a description of Johnson and said it was understood Mr. saving thereby which, can be used to most comprehensive in Honolulu. It challenges your containing close Carden term will begin. ; Regarding the ex- a warning to keep was to have a, raise later. A request help to pay, the deficit. ' watch on him. I piring 1915 term, trials will continue consideration. Do not neglect visiting it. It offers bar- for a raise in the salary of Deputy Judge during "Besides there 13 a large part of in Ashford's court the re- in; pocket. Charles Chillingworth also failed of 9 the 1915 appropriation which still gains that cannot fail their appeal to taste and - balance of this week, and at o'clock TICHENOR AT . r- GUEST approval. will begin mains unspent There is the water tomorrow morning a trial investigation appropriation $20,000,1 RICHARDS HOME; TO Five hundred dollars was voted as will full panel of of emergency which require the which only $1500 has been so an ftrjd, for the extradition jury now serving. rea- of used JAPANESE BAZAAR TALK FOR AD CLUB the. For . this far, and the fire trucks, which will of criminals. son Judge. Ashjford has revoked all not Opposite;Catholie Church - ;. .'..' r V; now fall 1915 appropriation,; Fort Street ir outstanding ' excuses, and has called under the xwB mail. John S. Tichenor, army and navy YOUNG amount to $32,500. ' ecrettry of the; Y. M. C. A who was J. L IS LOW for a full attendance of talesmen. "Of the permanent improvement.' some ago arranging $9511 appropriated,) Two Beautiful Calendars in Honolulu time BIDDER FOR ' fund, was over SEWER tour of for the adoption of a plan to secure After a three months the November 30. Of this fund,.. $56,700,;t Distinctly different and artistically v an army association for Oaho. arrived ON KAWAIAHA0 JOB mainland, during which, she visited including $30,000 or so for, . electric - spent better than any calendars we In Honolulu this afternoon from the '.i her former home ln Arizona and have seen. These two girl sub Orient, on the transport Thomas, J. L. Young was' jow bidder on the the Christmas holidays with relatives fire alarm system, was not spent jects from the brush ofW. Haskell During his "stay in the city he will Kawalahao street sewer project in and friends. Miss Ruth Benedict, sec- "Advances returnable to the general Coffin are so cleverly reproduced be a guest at the home of Mr. and Kewalo at the opening of bids on the retary of Central Union" church, return- fund on November 30, and which have in eight colors that it is difficult Mrs. Theodore Richards, and tomor- work today at noon, his bid being for ed ta Honolulu in the steamer Mat-soni- a since been increased, were as follows :; to distinguish them from the row afternoon will taUc at the Ad $4201. the work to be accomplished in today. School fund, $3500; improvement dis-- ' original water color. Please let us Club luncheon at the Alexander 90 working days. Lord-Youn- g Engi- tricts, $8000; curbing Kapahulu road; send you this set Enclose 5c to. Young hotel. He will also call upon neering Comaany bid for. '60 davs at LEGAL NOTICE. $3100, a total of $14,600. Besides the cover wrapping and mailing cost. many of the supporters of an army Y. i $40C, and William' Cullen for 110 days foregoing figures " the estimated savi M. C. A. in thfe city. IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT ing on appropriations to December 31, GouraudV ' Court for the Territory of Hawaii. 1915, is $15,394. This makes a total "4 The United States of America, of $137,694, leaving only about $6000 - Plaintiff, va.. A. Haneberg, et ajs., De- of actual cash deficit remaining. Oriental Cream fendants, . . V "In other words," continues the su- renders to the skin a beautiful, toft, I . Action brought in said District pervisor, "the over-appropriatio- pearfyyhite appearance. Ia use for Fj " WHERE Court, Petition filed in the of- nearly three quarters f a century. and the are mainly against the . revenue of fice of the Clerk of said District Court, FEIO. T. ROTORS k SOU, 37 Great JoaetSURTork ' 1916, which will undoubtedly show a kr Honolulu. - considerable increase over' that of The President of the United States 1915." :';'v EATING of America, Greeting:. "Leaving out of the question the A. HANEBERG; JOHN II ESTATE, banking on 1916 fg revenue," continued Limited, a corporation organized and Supervisor Logan, "on account of the existing under and by virtue of the large public improvements undertaken laws of the Territory of Hawaii; E. last year, the board ,of supervisors is C. PETERS; yJ. A. MAGOON ; KAM not responsible for all of the over-appropriatio-ns Two Offices SHEE; YOUNG TAU; SEE SUNG made. The legislature WAI OAHU SUGAR COMPANY, ordered payments by the city' and on a Limited, a corporation organized and county, after the first six months' ap- Damp Day existing under and by virture of the propriations were made, amounting to laws of the Territory of Hawaii; $10,000 or $12,000. This included the HING CHONG; THE TERRITORY payment of $5000 overdrafts on circuit I OF HAWAII; JOHN BROWN, JAMES court expenses, over which the board PLEASURE -- E- BLACK, TOM WHITE. RICHARD has absolutely no control and since E ROE, JOHN DOE, MARY BROWN. that payment the board has been call- This Desk WiU Keep SARAH BLACK, MARY ROE, JANE ed on to pay another $5000 to cover AwLfeh'Lu DOE- - and CARRIE ROE, unknown a further court deficiency. Just one taste of these wonder- . To) owners and claimants; "Although this is charged against ful EDISON MAZDA Lamps in pT Your Temper Smooth You. are hereby directed to appear the biennial appropriation by the leg- i your dining-roo- m will whet your and answer the Petition in an action islature for the courts, it is actual H lira an obvious contrast. In one office wooden entitled as above, brought against you cash gone out of the municipal treas- appetite to have them in, every it; District Court of the United ury indeed room ini your hous2 --wherever HERE'S that swell or shrink as the weather changes ; the in the meantime and there States, in and for the Territory of Ha- is little hope that the courts will not there is 'an electric light socket. drawers wedged tight, work retarded, temper spoiled, effi- waii, within 20 days from and after be heavily indebted to the city and upon you of a certified copy county of present term. ciency lowered. In the other smooth-workin- g, time-savin- g, service at the end the !Xi Petition herein, together large in the excess of pD cf Plaintiff's "Another item cfficiency-increasirig"- -i , v r . , with a certified copy of this Summons. appropriations is that of $20,000 for And you are hereby notified that water Investigation, voted in pursu- unless you appear ; and answer as ance of public demand,; through a MAZDA LAMPS i required, the said Plaintiff will meeting of citizens under the auspices above Wlth-Po- t Increasing the amount of take Judgment of condemnation of the of the Chamber of Commerce, yet an current used, these lamps givo three herein when reg- old-sty- le a lands described'in the Petition unforeseen contingency the times the hght that carbon Art Metal Desks are indifferent every purpose: executive, steno- any other relief demanded in ular appropriations were .being con- to weather conditions.' The draw- - graphic, bookkeeping or filing and for lamps give. the Petition. sidered." , : . . economy puts the safety and . ra always glide smoothly, filled use. Any style This made in wood. HONORABLE within the as well as empty, in wet weather Art Metal makes in steel, and WITNESS THE convenience of electric light SANFORD B. DOLE and THE HON- everyone. I as well as dry, after years of use makes it belter. . reach of ORABLE CHARLES F. CLEMONS, Packed five in a rowin a handy carton. as when new. The mechanical Don't continue to compromise iHIilOO jMEN IN District Court, this 1 action is unnoticeable. time-wasti- Judges of said The man with ng wooden desks. at the desk unconsciously concen- 27th day of November, in the year of Ultimately, all desk will be steel. nine hundred trates on his work his attention Wood is in use because it was first our Lord one thousand ELECTRIC SHOP isnt diverted by heavy-pullin- g available, and fifteen and of the Independence oSuSOF and traditions cling. Join on the 5th 'drawers. of United States the one hundred Before you put another dollar the Fort Street Art Metal Desks have many into desks, Jnote all the arguments and fortieth. filing conveniences that further for an 4 (SEAL) against both wood and DAVIS, Clerk, facilitate desk detail They are steeL Then you can choose wisely. (Signed) F. L. for the modern method office ; for "Making Office Work Easier" is PLACE firm xlay. DOLE'S the man or in business to a Free Book we have just pub- (Memo By order of Court:) - They1 are fire-resisti- ng and ver-- lished that will help you decide The foregoing suit seeks to con- .min-proo- f, unaffected by wear or what is best for YOU I demn for military purposes land sit- Waipio Peninsu- justice is very weather. The standard finish is Call for it today, and at the uate at north end of The "department. of Isl- non-committ- a rich distinctive Olive Green; 6ame time we will be glad to show la, Wa I pio and Waikele District, regarding whether but you may, if desired, have any you the Art Meul line. If you and of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, as Judge Sanford B. Dole will be ;reap-poioted- ," wood finish to match the general cannot call, just 'phone and we shown on map 224-1- 5, office Depart- said Henry - Holmes, presid- We have collectors in all the large cities' of color-sche- of your office. will send the Book to you. You ment Engineer. U.' S. Army, Honolulu, ent-of the Bar Association, today, of genuine ancient There are Art Metal Desks for ought to have it including 1(K63 acres rice; 2.76 acres following his return from Washington, China,' and our collections sugar; 1.18 acres salt marsh1; and 5.46 D. C where, he went as representa- Porcelains, Carvings, Bronzes, Jades, etc., is Agents acres of other land; this tract as des- tive of the association in the interest cribed in the petition has its point of of Judge Dole. One of the very finest in the world. beginning on east side of road run- "The. assistant attorney-genera- l told ning in southerly direction from Wai-pah- u me that he had received from the Railroad station and at a dis- islands a large number of letters with See bur unusually beautiful specimens. - ThejWaterhouse Co., Ltd. tance of about 1,970 feet - along said regard to Judge Dole, but that was road from railroad crossing at a sta- all he had to say." Bishop Street Alexander Young Building tion marked by a h. Iron pipe, Mr. Holmes says that, in his opin- from which station Ewa Territorial ion, the department of justice will Triangulation Station : bears by true have placed before it full account NN "Buy on Bishop Street" ta i azimuth 232 degrees 28 minutes 3(5 of Judge Dole's career as a public seconds. man. He would venture no opinion, Phone 3038 1152 Nuuanu Street 6362 Jan. 4. 11, IS, 25. Feb. 1, 8, 15 however, as to Judge Dole's chances ; 22,. 29, Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28 Apr.. 4. 4 for reappointment, v HONOLULU BTAE-- B U LLET1N, TUESDAY. JANUARY 4, 1910. TI1KETR NO CHANCE FOR SPRIi-PEDE- N JUDGE DOLE, IS BIG BABGAIKS IN GOOD GROCERIES Mothers' Club of Kaimukl will hold a benefit pocial and dance at ANDREWS' VIEW - CASE WILL NOT kalani school hall on Friday evening mm- Music wfll be given by the Fair Ha Medriesday Specials wall Glee Club. Thinks Vaughan Will Get Place; ( ! All A meeting of the territorial grand Fill Federal Vacancies AHEAD OF TIME BE DISMISSED jury will be held at 2 o'clock next With Mainlanders tii Thursday afternoon, at which time it probably will complete . the work on . "We are not going to have Judge WhKitena ...... Keirular Prirt'JiV k:V. ...SPKCIAL AT its annual report. Dole reappointed. Probably Horace ...... ArrlviriK Mvral hours before hfr The citv and county attorney's cf ; Honey (Tea Uanlen) . . . . . , . -- Heirular Ifioe . . . . , 2.V expctd time, o'clock, the U. S. fire has no intention of dismissing the W. Vaughan will get the United jar...... SPECIAL AT Nearly . $2000 in was in army transport Thomas docked at case of Dorothy Spring, a tourist; and rates taken States district court judgeship," said .nV- - b water sewer yes Chestnuts Kegiilar Prkv .SPECIAL AT I.k 2:35 this afternoon at 1'ier 10. from Dr. John C. Peden. physician at the the and works Lorrin Andrews this morning, as he Ih...... trday After the 15th of this month stepped down the gangway of Nagasaki. : Queen's hospital, who are under in the Jlanila and She fails for 10 5 failing to aid a person a penalty of ier cent will be added Matsonia. returning from Washington San Francisco at o'clock tomorrow dictment for 1-2-- V for delinquency.: HENRY MAY & CO., 7-1 afternoon. injured by an automobile. to the rate and other eastern cities. LTD. Turn the Uttle disc to (.'apt. M. Healey 'reported an An em;. Katie denial of the report "It looks to me very much as if all J. A clothing uneventful trip, and said good weath- this morning that the case would be box of women's for Pol the vacancies in federal Jobs here are lait day him dismissed was made today by Deputy Ifh relief will be sent out this week to be filled by the appointment of men er the three had enabled ty Woman's Guild of St. Clem to get in quicker than he had antici- City Attorney A. M. Cristy, who is the from the mainland." added Andrews. handling the prosecution. ent's church. The guild will be glad "When we tell them we want EVERYTHING pated. - The transport has only two that " any to include in the box any garments people a. W mm TkA nfrerage jpassengers for Honolulu and know nothing about report Hawaii men, who know the St to dismiss the case, Mr. Cristy said that are contributed within the next Islands and conditions here, appoint OC tons of freight. days. Eye and Ear if Through are fc6 first 'i don't intend to dismiss it. Why few ed, they applaud heartily, and then paHnengers I? "$7 4S0 fiteerage. should The reason that the grand turn around and give mainland part cabin, second and jury did not During 1915 122 law cases were dis From here the Thomas will take a indict the defendants for ies the appointments." manslaughter may have been because posed of in Circuit Judge Stuart's Mr. number J of passengers, including Andrews said the Honolulu they already were court, according a report completed un- V. Ogan, commander under indictment to postmastership question was still 1 i Lieut Joseph on another charge." yesterday. report 132 nubmarine divifiion, who The shows that settled when he left Washington. Mr. of the third "It is the most miraculous yarn T cases are still pending. Of the cases Do You has teen, ordered to Washington for Andrews went to Washington as have heard yet." said , Deputy Attor- disposed of, 96 were jury and Freight from Honolulu waive chairman of the Republican territorial duty there. ney Will Carden, commenting on the 26 were jury trials. will be 120 tons. central committee from the islands, report this mornme. and tried to get the next national con- Miss Spring and Doctor Peden are Through' the efforts of the .tourist vention for Honolulu. He withdrew Hear We ? MRS. QUINN IN CRITICAL scheduled to "enter plea in Circuit department of the Chicago. Union Pa his motion after there was no chance Judge Ashford's court at 9 o'clock to cific and Northwestern Railroad at of obtaining this city. CONDITION FROM BURNS morrow morning. it for Chicago, a ; dozen tourists will leave not, us demon st ra t e San Francisco in the GGreat Northern If let As a result of burns received last Sentiment in official circles in on February 14, for Honolulu. The con-venien- cti her-hom- e Washington is growing against send- to you the merits and night at hi Palolo valley, party K. Quinn this afternoon is TAVERN will remain in the islands for ing mainlanders to fill federal office Mrs. Clem HEIE'S five days. of the - in critical condition. Physicians beV in Hawaii, says C. A. Rice, Kauai sen- "the Club"- men-- de-jnd- s ator and Republican commit- lieve that Mrs. Quinn's life now national Ik on whether or not she swal- Dr. Arthur Hodgins has purchased teeman for the territory. He returned 4 man likes to where there are other men, M. on Kee-- lowed flames from the lamp which ex- the home of Walter Glffard from Washington today, accompanied "LITTLE wjiere there's companionship of his own kind; HAVE street will take : posses by GEM" ploded when she tried to blow it but. MIL aumoku and Mrs Rice. plenty They thliik that by tomorrow morning sion about April 1. Mr. Giffard, who "They are feeling more and more and of men from whom to choose has not been in the best of health strongly local choices be ; ' it can be positively decided . whether that should vronies.,, or not she will live. lately, will spend a good part of his made," he said. "Possibly the next EARPHONE r: Mrs. Qufnnls clothes caught fire last MATSONIA NIGHT time hereafter at his Volcano place district attorney will be a local man." There are no fiier club-hous- e 'facilities anywhere reports night when she tried to blow out a on Hawaii. He heard in the capital, that was awarded the than are here in this buildinng. They include a lamp, and she ran from the house en- Judge Dole would not be reappointed It splendid Gym, with physical Instructor; Billiard veloped in flames. Her body was bad- An appeal on exceptions from Cir and that Horace W. Vaughan, tempo gold medal at the P. P. I. bles and Bowling Alleys, Checkers and Card Rooms, e rary ly burned. Dr. J.' T. Way son was There will be a dinner-danc- at cult Judge Whitney's court has been district attorney, might succeed Reading and Writing Rooms; a place to eat and a In supreme by to the federal judgeship. Fran-cisc- o, called to dress the burns. Heinle's Tavern this evening honor filed in the court the de Exposition at San place to sleep, too. : v of the passengers and officers of the fendant in the case of James Stewart "The visit of the congressional par S. S. Matsonla, which from the & Company against Col. Z. S. Spald ty here has impressed on Washington 1915. Have a place tD lounge through your spare hour, and RECKLESS DRIVING IS arrived your coast this morning. Officers of the ing of Kauai. The case was an action folks the fact that appointments to likewise let boy have the same advantage, among - v REAL COSTLY PASTIME army and navy and their ladies, tour for damages, a jury having found for office here should be made from clear-heade- genial fellows. -- i ; lsts and local society folk are also the plaintiff. among residents" he says. -- & DOUCHERTY-- f Full membership cost Is $10 per year without any :1V Lewis Clement, operator at the Mar- cordially Invited to attend the dinner fWALL w uoiicai ucDinmenr -- Initiation fee.' Ycur religious belief is not a bar to coni wireless station, was fined $150 and dance, an unusually good musical That there may be consideraMe " r r t your membership. this morning by Judge J. M. Monsar-ra- t program and to hear the princess of foundation to a report that he is to be for heedless driving. entertainers. Miss Elizabeth Meyers, CASCARETS FOR ppolnted district attorney to succeed Clement, 't was charged, drove his in her latest mainland successes. Jeff McCarn, wa the statement made machine recklessly out of the road Adv.. today by Horace W. Vaughan. who has from the;Marconi station, and. collided been acting as temporary district at Y.M.G.A. with a machine in which were Mr. and i '. HEADACHE, COLDS, torney since the departure of the Ten Qudlhyinn i Mrs. K. Wilson. In the collision , J. I BOOKED j nessean. 100 MEN IN 100 MINUTES bone was PASSENGERS Mrs. Wilson's collar broken 4 - I think that the department of jus Hotel Street, near Fort and she was in the hospital for three Manoa, San tlce needs me as district attorney Join on the 5th accident, which oc Per Matson str. for weeks after the 4 p. 4: D. here," Mr. Vaughan said, "and there early in December. Francisco, in., January J. LIVER, BOWELS curred Davies, P. Kruse, George Hill, Waldo fore I have reason to believe that I B. Stone, Yee Kui, A. Loesser, G. E. ill be appointed." Join Your Friends TERRITORIAL GRAND Kubey, Mr. Vaughan added, however, that. Arnold, Mrs. J. Kubey, Master yet, Miss Bettencourt, Master M. Moss-- as he has had no information L u n c h time. Many JURY MEETING TODAY Enjoy Life! Don't Stay Bilious, rom Washington, D. at man, Miss Y. Kubey, Miss M. Ade, J. on the suh . DAIRY PRODUCTS B. Newkirk, Mrs. J. B. Newkirk, Mr. ick, neaaacny ana ject His statement regarding the dis prominent v business men A special meeting of the territorial trict attorneyship tended to quiet th Pure Island Cream and Milk Fresh Butter 11 Velvet" was held In the Judiciary and Mrs. Newport, Fred Harris, H. A. Constipated - grand jury Godfrey persistent rumor to the effect that he come here every day for building this afternoon at which, time, McClelland, Mrs. McClelland, was to be appointed to Judge ;'rv:-- j- tee Cream. Turner, Mrs. Turner, Lieut M. Clem succeed . it is believed, it took further steps Get Rid of Breath, Sour Sanford B. Dole on the local federal the '': completing report. ent, T. H. Jensen, Mrs. J. o. McClel- Bad v:; Honolulu Dairymen's Association toward its annual bench. MID-DA- Y G. S. W. ' the report will land, J. Carson, L. Fit2gerald, Stomach, Coated Tongue, ;who :: It is understood that Asked..regarding his assistant 4676; 15412 'f try lengthy one, will bo forth- L. Bergstrom, J. W. Garnett, MrsG, F. be in case .Is appointed. LUNCHEONETTE, 25c be a anJ wife," Indigestion he Mr. coming In a few "days." Sproul, S. L. Sproul and Mrs. E. Vaughan said: ; N. Moyer, Mrs. D. Morley, R. Bern-stro- m "I will appoint a man who will be Choice: of sandwich or salad, Both meh and women are Invited to and wife, Geo. A. Hill, E. W. Get a 10-ce- nt box now. entirely acceptable to the people of and piece of Apple Pie a la the entertainment to be given tonight Greene, Miss Ruth P. Allen, Miss Flo- They're fine! Cascarets liven your the islands." Mode, with cup of "Just Right" PHONE 2295 REACHES in the gymnasium of the new Y. W. C. rence Bernice, Miss E. Sherman, Mrs. iver, clean yonr thirty feet of bowels Indications now are that C. C. Bit- - Coffee, Tea or Cocoa. .A. building by the girls of the. various E. H. Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hol-ma- n. and sweeten your stoniach. You eat ting will be assistant district attorney Hustace-Pec- k GoM Xtdi. .1..lT extension clObs of the organization. one or two,; like candy, before going f Vaughan is appointed permanently. Theater Refreshments ALL KINDS OF ROCK AND SAND FOR CONCRETE WORK. to bed and in the morning your head Bitting has been assisting Mr. ' - FIREWOOD AND COAL, s clear, tongue is clean,- stomach Vaughan, without pay, since the latter F. & O. Chocolates 93 QUEEN STREET P. O. BOX 212 sweet, breath right and cold gone. Get temporarily assumed the duties of dis Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., Limited a box from yourJ druggist and enjoy trict attorney. Rawley's Pure Ice Cream the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel Fight to Last Ditch. If every note issued by the Bank there would be enough gold to bring ' cleansing you ever experienced. Cas The score or more of habeas corpus England presented in. Condition, December 31, 1313. of were at the bank them Statement of carets stop sick headache, biliousness, cases which now are pending in the ndigestlon, bad breath and constipa ocal U. S. district court are to be ';''..':;::' liabilities.. j :;. ; fought to the last ditch" by Mr. assets: tion. ';':;'. Vaughan. give Cas- - If a case is lost by the gov .$139.174.00! Capital . . . $200,000.00 Mothers should a whole "clean-up,- Cash on hand and in bank. caret to cross, bilious, sick, feverish ernment during the " it im- 'Bonds J., 12.30L25Trust and agency accounts. 419,657.70 mediately will be appealed to the 77,118.20Undlvided profits ...... 34,t7b.5 children any time. They are harm-- court appeals Real estate ...... Adv. of of the ninth circuit Stocks and other invest- - Dividends unpaid 300.00 ess and never gripe or sicken. n California. ments! ...... 77.6S3.75 In giving out the foregoing informa Mortgages secured by real DAILY REMINDERS tion today, District Attorney Vaugh estate' . 74.205.93 an intimated that his office does not if. Loans, demand and time... 265.933.14 To get value, sell It by auction. See ntend to dismiss any of the cases A Decorator Furniture and fixtures ... 5.000.00 auction ads. AdT. - brtfught by persons who have been de- New York Accrued interest receivable 3,217.41 Roond : the Island In auto, 14.00. tained at the federal immigration sta- Lewis Stables. Phone 2141. adv. tion pending an investigation of their $654,634.68 $654,634.68 Tbe'first, grocery bargains of the rights to enter, or reenter the terri- in Honolulu year see Henry May & Co.'s specials tory., "I- for Wednesday. ', r Territory of Hawaii. ) . Make 1916 a year of economy. It is ' ' ; .;; )SS...... easy, if you buy your clothes at the City and County of Honolulu ) : 4 fub on Hotel street & I, A. N. Campbell, Treasurer' of the Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., Ltd., Sixty-five hundred dollars for a Viewers cooke, Ltd. aolemnly ; Is to best of my fully vi do swear that the above statement true the beautiful suburban home worth knowledge and belief. A. N. CAMPBELL. $10,000. See the Trent Trust Co.,. Ltd, HELP WANTED. Everything in the way of clothing Subscribed and. sworn to before me this 4th day of January, A. D. 1916. necessaries can be found at Yee Woman cashier for cafe; one that has announce Chan's, King and Bethel streets. had restaurant experience and can - JNO. GUILD, give bond. box Star-Bulleti- n. Adv. Address 260; Notary Public, First Judicial Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. 6362-3- t That MR. A. M. MORGENTHALER will arrive 63624an. 4, 8. 12. 15. '; People who live in Hawaii should products "May use Hawaii's ask for Experienced seamstress wanted for al- in Honolulu on January 3rd, 1916, with the largest flower old Kona coffee at 1 fen ry May teration workroom. Apply Jeffa & Co.'s. ' Fashion Co., Inc.v Haw. Trust Bldg., and most complete line of Wall Hangings and Mural moved from 302-31- Mrs. W. L. Howell has rooms 8. V 6362-3- t 327 Pensacola street to 1100 Bere- - Decorations ever exhibited in Honolulu. tania, corner Pensacola; Telephone FOR SALE. 2646. Adv. Whether you prefer the late fic Two old automobiles. Phone 2543. - 6362-3- - tion or that which has become classi- . t y Representing:- - cal, you can find it at Arleigh's. on Hotel street FOR RENT. t Fine showing of the very latest Thomas Strahan Co. styles in women's hats. High quali Room with uiet family; hot and coU ty, workmanship. Mrs. J. Mil water; use of phone; walking dis- skilful 767 Makers of Fine Wall Papers ton, Fort street Adv. tance of city. Kinau, or phone If you wish the very best work 1825. 6302-2- t manship, coupled with the greatest Clean furnished rooms. Phone 2543. H. K. skill and experience : visit 6362-t-f Allen Higgins Co. FOR THE SEASON'S FESTIVITIES lope, eyesight specialist and manu facturing optician. Fort street Adv. BY AUTHORITY, i New line of brassieres, Junlfonn Manufacturers of "Vogue" Papers Everything in Glass, China. Silver and Kitchen Ware. and Prudential goods maternity and SEALED TENDERS. F surgical corsets and belts; new fall models, front and back lace corsets. Sealed Tenders, will be received by Goodwin Corset Shop, Pantheon bldg. the Superintendent of Public Works The Baeck Co. Adv. up until 11 o'clock noon of Wednes- 0? .. day, March 8, 1916, for the furnishing A complete line of Imported Papers WDircvorxd oc ltd The foundation stone of the physio- cf Metal Furniture for the Judiciary logical building of the new Welsh Na- Building, in Honolulu, Oahu. And many other decorative specialties "the house of HOUSEWARES" V tional School of Medicine was laid The Superintendent of Public L on August 12. Works, reserves the right to reject 53-6- 5 KING STREET. HONOLULU any and all tenders. Plans, specifications and blank of proposal on Erw inflamed by xv forms are file in the IQJlpCg office of the Superintendent of Public lunroauiUioiuaiiiM. 1" - Dainty Oriental Goods at ' wucKiy"It rcuereaI oy hitihu Works, Capitol building, Honolulu. Eye Beatfj. No Smarting A. C. WHEELER, Just Eye Comfort At Acting Superintendent of Public SAYEGUSA'S Vour Dniggtit'i 50c per Bonk. Mniai Eyt Works. Phbne 1522 Nuuarm Street BaIvtf&Tube:Sc. For Btok ! fkt Eyt Free uk Honolulu, January "4, 1916. DtSiwa or ISirbt Ell Catij C. QJcs ; 6362-10- t BTAB-BULLETI- N. 4 1 DIG. FOUR k HONOLULU TUESDAY, JANUARY

never seen the holiday season so or- and Master Suffet Mrs. W. H. Wil- lulu in the interests of their respective " derly as this year. , v : liams and Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Law- lines. rence, arrived on the Matsonia today. MISS CORA VARNEY: We of the Dr. Harvey has been here before, and William Paty of Castl Cook v W M Y. AW C. A. are especially proiiJ of was so enthusiastic a booster for Ha-ai- l Ltd arrived on the Matsonia thla m Imm the cork carpet in the library, not only that he Induced the others to morning, after a vacation trip to th mmt appearance be- come out here for winter as well. because pf its neat but the mainland. cause it came around Cape Horn to get here. It was In one of the freight Mrs. George U McConihe of the Ho- Mis Hilda Smith, stenographer In RILEY H. ALLEN EDITOR vessels that was held up by the,slides tel Biltmore,' New York, arrived on the office of Attorney K. C. Peters, re-turn- ei COL. Ia W. V. KEXXOX. who ha? hi the canal. ; the Matsonia this morning, to pass the to Honolulu on the Matsonia TCKSDAY. 4, 1!)10. MISPLACED GENEROSITY. been commander of the 23th , winter here. She brought her motor this morning, after a vacation tr!p la .. ...UXUAItY will leave on the( Thomas with Mrs A. H. JONES, manager insurance car and chauffeur, and win stay sev- the mainland. Kennon for the mainland. department Alexander : & Baldwin: eral months. .''".."' 100 MEN IN 100 MINUTES. V It is with surprise and grief that the super- We printed 750V of our shipping al Mis Daisy Smith, secretary of generosity to W. H. HUTTON of the detective de endars, but they were practically all Miss Ethelwyn Castle was a return- of public Instruction, re visors view the results of their partm-n- t, who went to Ms to assist gone long before closing time yester- ing passenger on the Matsonia this turned on the Matsonia today, after a Iono-lul- - although morning. ; .. The Y. M. (V A. lias t made good " i n I ii city employes. Some salaries having In entertaining the members of the day, we enforced strictly the vacation passed in the states certain National Guard at a rallj Friday night rule of only one to a person. We did in working out its two foremost ideals smooth ease and celerity, the land-offic- e Mrs. C. TL wife Maj. been raised with has returned to Honolulu. a business handing them Staaton. of W. " : U Hutton of S.kane, owner or J 1 i - out, you may be sure. Charles E. Stanton of the quartermas : Ch ri s t 'm n c i t i zen s 1 i p a ri c ron in u n t y wel fa re. i.Mor.i ttp;r"ft1 mi nil sides bv- the re- & ... - . HURON K. A6HFORD, who has ter corps, r, S, A, of Sm Francisco, the Hutton Fernwell building in forwa- ir I that city, and part owner of fa- and because it has made good,- this busy, cipients of salaries that have not been raised. bef.n visiting in Hiio and at the Vol- - WILLIAM C. PETERSON, assist- arrived today on the Matsonfa for a the mous Hercules silver-lea- d mine near rd-looking Of who last ;tano. returned to Honolulu this ant postmaster: I am now working or visit, accompan-f- by her sister, Mrs institution has the confidence An instance is that Chief Thurston, M. f Wallace. Idahv arrived on the Mat'' - Mr. expec s resume my report of postoffice business fo E. Holloway. :j4flg- Ashtcrd to sonia todar for a visit of- - indefinite ' ; fire share in or and of the city. urged department quarter year. . upjort night that the h!, duties M clerk. to tne first tIr. the last the Post length. This is Mr. Hutton's second whirl-"win- Young and myself be Mr. and Mrs. George Sand, tour- Tomorrow afternoon it will carrv out a d til, distribution of increases. And the lire cnit judge within a few days master bo; trip U the islands. ' J able to s irprise Honolulu when it is ists from the states, arrived today on membership JD) Men in 100 a good case for his men. record- - the Matsonia, coming on campaign chief makes out very MR. Y. 1'CHIDA. manager of the issued, because we did a here their , M 4 :Z-- - smashing business during the Christ first visit to Hawaii. WOULD NAME ENGINES Miftutes." V - V'y They work long hours and they get less than White Sewing- Machine branch office cn Meui. who has: been spending the mas season. I am fairly eating fig be- FOR CITY DISTRICTS These 100 members are not sought just policemen. True, there are few fires, but Mun holidays in Honolulu, will return to ures getting the report ready. Mrs. M. C. Kosers. head nurse at cause members are needed at the V. M. ( A. prevention better than cure! his'V. ailuku home on the Mauna Loa, Pala Hospital. Paia. Maul, came tack isn't CHARLES. F. MANT, superintend to islands today on the That the city's new fire en- employ-i- s leaving tomorrow. the Mkts mia. three to increase the revenues. It is good business This iirguing for salary raises in city ent Seamen's Institute: The Star accompanied by her sister. Miss Caro- gines should be named after districts our work immensely in on a broad basis to get them. Tlie Y. M. C, A. the logical result of the present and pint M It. and MRS. FRED TROW Bulletin aids line Couch. of Honolulu is the belief of Supervtsor BRIDGE of Kauai, who arrived from ! helping to locate sailors whose fami Daniel Logan. Mr. Logan ha numerous n lie8 on ;,the: mainland, think, they gested -- is splendidly ejuiped in all directions. To supervisoral policy. In instances the Garafcn isie-0'- December r V C. V. Hodge, a prominent San Fran- the names of Kewalo7Ki-i: get the best use out of this equipment, it were jumied without any apparently spend the ay reiad cisco advertising man, was among the kaako" and "Kalihr for the big feI--, salaries g lews. Today and yesterday en- i- passengers arriving on the -i i.- -. . . i the Matsonia ii.. ik(i At :x .1 ; for their heme this afternoon miuuiu iiuiiuK! j ww or inure men man ii now good reason therefor. Immediately 'there ap o'clock cn the Kinau. paper has been successful in finding today, lie is here for a visit.. gines have been put through tests to two men, in the last few months determine their pumping power, with handles. Kvery businessman can ajreciate pear nerfectlv uood reasons why all salaries whom should never been v K. H. MQYER, night we have able results said to be very satisfactory to is MRS. cashier to locate by ordinary means. A party of Illinois residents, Mr the probable this view of the situation. The plan not should be increased. lhus the disproportion Young cufe ,0Ilg I)eritid, Mrs. W. and Mr. and Mrs. authorities, and it is that at the and J. Wells Lthey will be accepted officially tonight running nt full capacity. Its output can be expenses and expenditures sailed for the mainlandfain the steam-fo- r Charles B. Wells, arrived today on between overhead ' oy continue, the Matsonia. The latter have been the smerv!Hos. materially increased with little increase in rmanent improvement not only ARRIVALS FROM here liefore, and were so delighted 4 .. I overhead. And the plant can and will hut grows more nonceame.II..' I ride if J. M. Parsell. a New Vork MAINLAND TODAY i with Hawaii that theyl brought with A series of lectures on Hawaii fort them thii time Mr. and Mrs. W. J. the benefit of starving children. In capitalist ; ".. . . lKnefit immensely the hundred or more new Wells. The party plans to stay here war-ridde- n Serbia is being planned by - a i " I f Francis Gayof Gay & Robinson, members The additional revenues from the The Ford peace party is to go ti rough tier-- k. ijne, secretary of two months! ' H. L. Kelsey, who is well known in franklin owners of Maka well plantation, Kauai, Honolulu, and who now is residing iu i I how-- - bo't- - today on Matsonia. I . proposed membership increase wil not, many in a lockup train. Doors will bo returned the Lewis Tiger, Theodore Martin, J. A. the East. He has written to the Ha- ll. waii lafor--. ever, go into a treasury surplus, for there isnH ed and Windows clasped, no cameras Of field of a little card bearing a picture of oVed vVancisco McEwen: ind W, Wolcott. San Promotion Committee for f rom San down to San Fiancisco commercial men, arrived cn mation regarding slides and picture any. 'rel- on Diego to see California - So rapidly grow such departments as glasses allowed. XNo clmnee will taken the Southern - .'. " of the ' M exposition." the Matsonia- twl "Ma; island. igious,-.'" employment and other non-reven- ue these dangerous men and women drawing any delivered at the SSunveiling of the wash. producing features of the Y. M.'s work, .that unsuspecting German subject into their toils. state stone in October, i9u George N. Wilcox, proprietor of . Lane was formerly a newspaper man ' Grove . Farm - Plantation of Lihue it needs $1000 dollars additional income from ... in western state. f the Kauai, was among the islanders re- membership. There are signs that members of Congress ;.;nWD PMnMU turning on the Matsonia today acres of nikgnificently im- Never before in Honolulu 's history has the Will press for Vigorous action in regard to tne Honolulu Gas Company's meter repair Holmes, the Honolulu attor- - 3 proved h s it e i ! om e w t h a Association been so well equipped or so thor- illegal British bMade rent to Washington for the 3-ye- ar old, very well-bui- lt and thoroughly modern oughly organized to make itself a power for merce. It is quite time tliat the matter be attend the funeral and setUe up'tho Bar Association in the interests of citizen-producin- Judge S. B. Dole, came back to this 6 g estate of his sister, Miss Rose O'Byrne bungalow, shingled exterior, rooms, conveniently )racticalt Christian, good in treated with ; something besides watchful city today on the Matsonia, accom- : : died mursaay. bath-rooni- s, n who in Oakland last arranged, large lauafs, two one of them . the community. It is more and more of a corn talking. Mr. O'Byrne will return here as soon panied by Mrs. Holmes. They have . f as he completes this duty. He has been visiting friends and relatives in a shower;' detached fjuarters' for 3 servants; stable, munily Venter. Social, religious, charitable, the ' been connected with the gas company States. ' - chicken corral, fine garbage. 'L v.- educational, athletic activities are developing And after the Teutons have quit their sub- ia8t 13 months for the ' Hamm-Youn- g great A. A. Young of . the . von with rapidity. clubs Ho-nolula- On high bluff, overlooking Waialae The ovs of the marine campaigns in the North Sea and the Company was among the ns a Bay and " city a strong factor in building up character Mediterranean, there are still the Aegean and coming back today on the Koko Head, the house is hidden from the street at - l'l a business trip to center at the Y. M. A. The work for dis- t he Black and the Casper and the Japan and lllMllNimVIFW Matsonia after the the end of a beautiful drive that curves between ' mainland. charged prisoners has its mainspring here. the China and the Sargasso and a-fe- w others. well laid lawns dotted with inanv kinds of trees PlRfHTTT .IlIEKtE ST ART: Rev. John Logan Marquis was The particularly important work of citizenship t and ornamental shmbs and flowers, and fruit trees. -- V among the passengers on the Matso- ,4 .1' education, carried on primarily among the A good statistician can do anything with nia today from San Francisco. Near 20th Ave., less than a mile from the car line, a leisure ly te walk. ' aliens of the islands, is under a department of figures, SO undoubtedly tlie supervisors up and sing carols arouiid town next V that One looking snug in a home, - ; - Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dickey, Jr., for seclusion without the necet- Y. M. C. ;;' : Lhrtstma8- the A. Z- : will be able to prove that they have not e.a?. sity for keeping indoors a s protection against the curious pas- -' prominent socially in , were Scho- - m bouts . at serby, and at the same time to have the advantage of a widely When .the fifty or inioro men canvass Hono- emerged-fro- lUlu on the wrongrside of the ednkll: , The passengers on the Matsonia, together - : - - . , : . . out ,a ban- .sweeping outlook of ocean and hill will find this an unequaled lulu tomorrpw afternoon from 2 to 3:40 o'clock, field on? Saturday brought with 76- other eastern tourists.. The tcuci. ner crowd. Chaplain Feaiy.nas struca Dickeys are on their wedding trip. . bargain. Present owner wants to get closer to car line. they should find it no trouble whatever to get he keynote on what to do for the en 100 members in 100 minutes. application Usted man- - T. II. Petrie, secretary of Castle & In fact, the day It is very possible that a strict Cooke, Ltd., arrived on the Matsonia V-t- of t4mile-a-minute- ,, achievement is past. To-da- v of drastic immigrant rules would also have kept C. B. GAGE: Everyone appeared this morning, returning from a busi- Price $65SOO . pleased with the ar- ''. i it af'f" it is miles a Two hundred Commissioner-genera- ancestors to be very much ness trip to San Francisco, v "two minute." l Camirietti's rangements at the Y. W. C. A. last Fally iworth $10,000 new members tomorrow afternoon will more out of this country. evening. The change "tooted in the W. A. Anderson, a well-know- n resi- See the Real Estate Department at once. nearly uphold the Y. M. C. A. record of getting past few, months ts remarkable. dent, returned on - the Matsonia this morning after an extended stay on things done in a clean-cu- t way. Britannia rules ' the seas but J apaii never- - njrtf. akaiko akana: as a re the coast. theless finds it necessary to send a squadron of ISi?more Sfx&f J. Abraham, a prominent Oakland GOOD FOR HANA. warships to Suez to protect her shipping. will be done by the Christian Endeav merchant, arrived today on the Mat- or societies In Hawaii' m. iaib man sonia, accompanied by his wife and ever before. family, to visit the islands. ..The spirit of home improvement which lias "There are ,no friends in this business," said steadily mounted in Hawaii in recent years has Supervisor Larsen at a board meeting last J. WESLEY THOMPSON: I un Mrs. Jack Doyle returned on the derstand that Judge Stuart is going to Matsonia this morning. Yesterday culminated oer oivMaui in a live society just night. Quite correct, even if unexpected. start a singing clufe. He ought to ask was her birthday anniversary and in sts-- launched at Hana an association for com- me to Join. Now. I remember wnen honor of the occasion Chief Steward Toun Cam Tnnoo tho PVnnMlSL" Came tO - ...... , " ' C. Y. Wilmarth prepared a fine,- large Vi We are headquarters for munity benefit. Hana and the east end of Tsow tliat the president is back irom i.lins Nashville, Tenn birthday cake, which was presented "A Maui are going to be heard from, if the energy to her. A auuc,muuu '"6 auafl .iao--1- fipoRfjR CLARK: So inant peo- - and of the governor s ofnee to "ginger" first meeting a few days dence over domestic relations. pie came into the Benjamin L. Marx of the law firm Souvenir Spoons my tell me the eight day ciock over of Frear, Prosser, Anderson and assortment town. ago Largest and best 4 are, translated into action. finally decld- - in . -" .'r. hMrf was stoDiied that I Marx, returned to this city on the Improvements are needed for the e'ast end iserlin's order that the r ord party couldn t ed to have it sent down to tne ciock Matsonia today after a trip to tEe QOClor X of Maui and the new organization has deter- talk in Germaiiy goes far to explain why Mr. Ior rei'air: mainland. Mrs. Marx returned with VIEIR JEWE LRY CO., Ltd. him ;. v '; :'v;-- :; v;113 Hotel mined to get them. Some of the "folks at Rrvan is to irrin it later. JAY A. URICE: Much interest Street'.;, "... '.. ; . I me home" need waking up, and the members of nas Deen laKea ui uio. Mrs. Dora Ahlborn arrived on the ( ; . organited at the class, which has been Matsonia this morning. the club are going to do the waking. It is all lienrv I'ord Should have bent his enercies Y. M. C. A., and a number or men m " I. . . . A. V im-)roveme- me ue i )art of the territory-wid-e realization nts 4i, e l i terestea in current morn- that iu iiiiis uiCiuuy out ui iuc suuuiauues day have already Joined Miss Jean Ross arrived this and progress do not come of them- ing on the Matsonia, coming here to lore Liinsimas. be married.. Officers of the big liner selves they need Clood A. RlCHLEY: AVe have patched stirring up. roads and .... said she was the prettiest girl on the .buildings Ikn rlnt,i.n f Initio Phi1lin'rkf steamer. sightly don't grow they have to i una j piuuu ui me, xuci inai tue oiuy that was shot full or noies at FURNISHED be built and it takes hard work to do it. Talk- French so retiring is an Englishman. the time of the revolution here, and Mr." and Mrs. C. R. Smead, hotel Palolo Road ...... 4. 2 bedrooms...... 125.00 far as any : new have it looking as neat people of Los Angeles, arrived on the Beach Walk . . . . . U ...... 2 " ing is all right in its place but is often building...... 65.00 there of those in the capitol hiorning, coming to see Heights . . . . 3 " 75.00 asx Matsonia this Alewa ...... 7...... so much of it to delay action. The mainland suffers from an epidemic of the islands. 2.08 Rook St., Puunul ...... 4 ...... 75.00 Good --WILLIAM HOLT of Waialua: W'aikikI (on the beach)...... 4 ...... 75.00 for Hana! la grippe but Congress goes talking on. This has been one of the wettest Lindsay Scrutton, a retired capital- seasons I have ever seen here, .but ist, came to Honolulu this morning on frnm nnw rn I th?nlr xce will have bet- - Baron Zweidink may the Matsonia. This is his second trip have still a third DoubtleSS Col. Roosevelt had predicted just ter weather. When it is raining early to thiislands. UNFURNISHED think coming. what hannnpd to thp Pprsin ' in the year It Is my oDservation mat thA .ntpr wtiipr in better than Col. George de Vergne Lanihuli Drive (Manoa) . . ;'...... 25.00 ' la arrived it possible." f usuaL this morning on the Matsonia. He is (Part furnished.) 'l cannot .see where the action of tip the second series of Tuesday even a member of the Legion of Honor, and 14 Mendonca Tract (Liliha SL) 3 20.00 JAPANESE WOMEN r women in doing woik lo assist their Ing discussions on the general sub JOHN R. KELLETT. sergeant of a personal friend of Charles Rice and 770 Klnau St. 4 .... 32.50 vv f husbands can be classed under the Ject "What Jesus Says About Present detectives: If the "bad actors' keep Francis Gay. 1004 W. 5th Ave., Kaimukt...... 4 head of interfering with labor ques- Day Social Questions." the New Year resolution they .have 1020 Aloha Lane ',;. .'. i . i ...... 2 18.00 '..-i...- tions. Housework, for "women surely Tonight the men who wish to dine apparently made, judging from the A party of Chicago people, Includ 1562 Nuuanu Ave.. ... r .... 50.00. DEPRIVE MEN OF cannot be classed under the head of together will meet in the Y. M. C. A few arrests thus far in the year, we ing Dr. W. S. Harvey, Mrs. Harvey 1312 Center St, Kaimvki.j. 2 .... 25.00 T 6 be be jmrt Tr qnrt Mrs . P H.; . 2 manly labor," concluded Mr. Arita. . cafeteria at o'clock. The class won't kent do hv miid: jfv 1818 Beretania St...... i ...... 25.00 gins in Cooke Hall at 6:45 and ends Walalae Road ...... i ... , . 15 IjOO.OO at 7:30 sharp. All men of the city are (Bet. 6th and 7th Aves.) : JOBS, SAYS ARITA invited to enroll. There are no Hyde and Oahu, Manpt...;...... 2 35.00 - '. - - . bio bibEFass charges. 2355 Oahu Ave., Manoa...... 5 i70.00 .' 929 Green Street...... 2 35.00 J0HNsbi7 :.:-r,t- . GEN. PLANNING 1317 Makiki Street...... 2 35.00 . "I do rot believe that the women 1225 Wilhelmina R.sei ...... 2 25.00 ; who come here from Japan to marry VISIT TO BIG ISLAND Want Avenue 3 20.00. I BEGINS TONIGHT 7th ...... I limm . Japanese jpterfere with the ibor situ- 14th and Palolo Aves., Kaimuki . 2 4 4 . ! 22.50 ation," said Acting Consul H. Arila After a few days in Honolulu, dur 1712 King St ...... j...... 3 30.00 w hen discussing the Caminetti Imfni-gratio- n ing which he will assist Capt. Charles ! 2051 Lanihuli Drive ( Manoa ) . . . . 2 35.00 repor. The only large men's Bible class S. Lincoln In getting in touch with Quick Hackfeld and Prospect... i...... 3 27.50 Action .' "The fact that some of the women to be conducted down town this year the officers and members of the 1st 1321 Palolo Road ...... :...... 2 18.00 :.-'l:- 'C-.- 4 open Y. M. A. Brig-ge- n. do a little work in the fields and in will at the this even Infantry, Samuel I. John Lisf your Houses to Rent? with us. y You 1246 Kinau . . : : 2 30.00 ing under the direction of A. A. Eber-sole- . son, National Guard of Hawaii, will the gardens does not constitute an at- would be surprised to know the number of in- 1221 Pensacola St...... ;. . . . 4 40.00 tack on the labor for men. The work Cooke Hall will be the meeting leave Thursday for Hawaii, where he 1704 King St 3 30.00 " place, and . the class begins 6:45 will probably Gen "-.- .if is of an entirely different charactor. at remain a week. quiries for houses that we are receiving right now. c , o'clock. ' eral Johnson returned today from 'Japanese laborers re allowed to Mr. Ebersole takes up the first of a Maui. . bring their families here, and a small series of 10 lessons on "What Jesus The trip to Hawaii is planned by GUARDIAN CO., LTD., Henry Vaterhouse Trust Co., majority of the omen work in the Says About the Fundamental Re- the commanding general of the Guard TRUST fields. When they do so, their work ligious Questions." There will be reg- as an inspection and to attend to de ' Is far different from that of the men. ular weekly sessions of the class until tails of business connected with the Stangenwald -- BIdg.-: . Merchant Street IM Light work ia being done by many of the- - present series is ended on March troops on the Big Island. His aides- - Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts., Honolulu them, but as far as interfering with 14. de-cam- p, who returned from Maul men, I -- the work of do ndt believe Cn March 21, Mr. Ebersole" will take with him, will not go toJFIawaiL v STAB-BULLETI- FIYT3 HONOLULU N; TUESDAY, JAKTARY 4,

George Cummlngs was third. Japanese race, half-mil- e dash, con 1 YEAR stituted the fifth evcnL ! The purse PREPAREDNESS Bishop - Company, Bankers was $100. All horses entering must I be owned and ridden by Japanese ' " Sillts was barred. Laiden won this (Established 1858) 1-- FESTIVITY GIVES race in 55 5 seconds. Yokohama was VILL BE TOPIC A nr. 1 . BOTTOMLEY J L. OOCKBURN y second and Peahi Girl third. S. M. DAMON A. W. T. three-year-ol- v - Balance Sheet as at Dec. 21. 1?t5.. Sixth event, for three-quarte-rs of a mile dash; purse. J assets .'':;r--.- ;;-' liabilities. $250. Harry A. Baldwin's Senator B OF LECTURES SPLENDID SPORT 3-- Bofidf. Stocks and rn- - Capital and Surplus 949,117.56 won in 1 :22 Tbos. Hollingers Sea the vestments ...... $ 2,396,595.00 Due to Banks ...... & Bolt came in second. Loans, Discounts and 'Letters of Credit ...... 266,719.01 Thomas Cummings won the foot Overdrafts .5.066,347.71; Deposits ...... 8,728.411.05 (Continued from page one) raee, 220 yards. In 27 4-- as against Y. M. C. A. Arranges With Four lightest ;' Taiylor, Wm. Co?l- - Real Estate 'and Bank ;. j . ' Morris and Frank ever on MauL Encore aft- gold was Speakers for First Month Furniture .,..' C8.408.70. , test heard hoi A medal the reward. Customers'. Liability un- - I p , er encore showed the Immense sppre The eighth event was trotting or of Thursday Talks most Uer Letters of Credit.. 266.719.01 : , elation of the Maul people. pacing, 2:15 class; beats; purse 1 ' program Otherj Assets 240.351.66, The entire was as follows: of $400; won by Harold D in the first A "DreDareuness sexres" of Thurs . . . . .4th Cavalry Band Time, 2.29; second. Cash and Due. .from . j . Overture .... three heats. first. day night lectures Is announced' to be Bayonet Drill...... Co. G. N. G. II. 2: 28. and third, 2.33. This was Joe ' delicious Banks ...l...f , 1,895,797.74 ';. given at the Y. M. C. A. during the v' Monologue "The Baseball Game by a SUva's horse. The other contestant month of January. Four speakers are $10,034,2192 810.034,219.82 Bootblack." wais James Corn well's Maui Boy. on the list to discuss phases of mili- Encore: "An English Knight and an Harvester Wins Cup. tary service and management of army ROYAL aiid : ;. Irishman." The next event, around which great ;. ! V affairs. Honolulu; T. lC Dec. 31. 1915. : Butt's Manual of Arms. . Co. I, N. G. H. interest centered, because of the On Thursday night of week Baking Powder I, up this I, Allen W. T. Bottomley. do solemnly swear that the foregoing Bal- Silent Manual of Arms.. Co. N. G. H. handsome cup put by the Maui Judge Sanford B. Dole will speak on tasty ance Sheet represent a true and correct statement of the affairs of the "Danny Deever...... H. V. Baldwin hotel, was carried off by Jerry Brod "The Law of Military Service," taking is indispensable to Banking; house of Bishop & Company as at Dec. 31, 1915, to the best of Encore: Song "The Star Spangled erick's Harvester. The horse leading up some of the legal phases of ser- my knowledge"! nd belief. ALLEN W. T. BOTTOMLEY. Banner," all Joining In Chorus. at; each eighth pole won $25; the vice in the army and the right of the the preparation of sworn before me this 31st day of December, 1915. Song "Let Me Like a Soldier Fall" horse that finished first won $100. and hot Subscribed and to state to demand such service from its hot-bread- s, J. HARRIS MACKENZIE, ...... W. H. Hutton the Maui Hotel Cup. Harry A. Bald citizens. the finest cake,, H. Finale by 4th Cavalry Band. win's Frances B led steadily through Capt. S. the Quartermast -- Notary PublicFirst Judicial Circuit, T. J. Fair of Two encores. the 11 eighth poles, but Jerry Broder er Corps will be the speaker on the rolls and biscuit At 9:45 dancing began, the grand ick's Harvester won the race and cup following Thursday, January 13. when 2--5 muffins. march, in which 150 couples look their In 2: 52 for the mile and a half. he will tell of the methods used by Riding THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HAWAII places, was led by Brig.-gen- .' Samuel I. Steer Contest. the army in depots and supply trains Johnson, N. G. H., and Mrs. Harry B. The next event was the steer riding for providing supplies and munitions , contest, with or without saddle; pull j Penhallow. ;. Delicious refreshments to an army in action. Capt. Fair will HE) snjjssTinniinriE: AT HONOLULU were served out of doors under a pa- leather permitted. This was one of take as his subject "Supplying the MAS vilion. At 2:30 the ball, pronounced the Tunniest happenings of the day Army in the Field." At the Leaven CONDENSED BALANCE 8HEET, DECEMBER 31, 1915. by all the biggest success on Maui, Manuel Francis and Willie Smyth worth school and at the Army War No other baking powder equals it in finished with the final encore. were both so successful that neither college, Capt. Fair has made a scien won, in came in togeth RESOURCES. I LIABILITIES. Committee in Charge. and fact both tific study of this feature of the arruy strength, purity and wholesomeness. er; The first prize of $15 was allowed and is thus especially qualified to tell t IMAAPiinlt) ...1 f.ftO.000.00 The chairman of the committee in to; .. e..t. nA. ... each of them. of V ftojmi Coo BJt-SO-O froo. and Investments. W 69,536X3; Surplus and Undivided charge of the affair was' Capt.AVYH; it Loans Steer Roping Contest. On "Caring Wounded." ' t'uaiomera' LlaWUty unaer rroms 284.880.15 Young., Cupt. Desmond Collins was novelty rop for Snd Sim tmi AJdrtti. '.; re- In the Hawaiian steer On January 20. Col. Rudolph G. LeUer of Credit.. , i 72X88.93J Circulation ...... 449,997.50 secretary. The personnel of the Box S99, Honolulu Hawaii, r Rtyat Baking PomUr C. S'r Ywk. U.S.A. fol- ing contest the conditions were that chief surgeon of the Hawaiian , 22,500.00! Letters of Credit .. 7z.5ss.y3 mainder of the committee was as Ebert 5, Fund. IL S. Treasurer j ..... the steer must be roped on the run department will tell of the practical 1Y fpAtn Rimk . - .. 878 SX3J50, Dividend Warrants ...... 3.041.50 lows: led to stump (to repre O. and a forked workings of his department in war Deposits 2,285,163.43 , : Capta. W. F. Kaae, J. Whitehead. Cash In Vault ...... 673.393.84 ...... sent a tree) and tied to the same with conditions. "Caring for the Wounded" Other Resoarcaa 39.1T Other Liabilities ...... 6.170.26 J. J. Walsh, Henry Robinson; Lieuts. a pin rope. Best time was to consti G. von Tempsky, J. will be Col. Ebert's subject are free to members of the associa glneerinj company tor the territory F. A. Lufkln, R.. tute the winning of the race. There ajked will $3,601,841.77. B. McKenzie, George Murray, A lecture to follow Is that on "Tra tion and their friends. Tickets of tor $37.0, they receive $3,601,841.77 were some 15 entries and the event may only $30W. , ditions of Discipline,", by Capt. Paul admission be procured at the Wra. Chillingworth, A. Robinson. : "was most Interesting. . George Rich general Y. M. C. A. office. A large con- iRaces Flrtt-Ctas- s. '.' B. Malone of the 2nd Infantry, who is The investigation that has beer are ardson won first prize of $25 in 45 lec- M. von Holt, Vice-Preside-nt: Rudolf Bucbly, of Saturday ?a.s all well known to Honolulu, audiences. audience is expected at the first ducted for several months by Will U T. Peckf President: II. The weather seconds. Ed. Lindsay won the second Jserles Cecil Brown, Chairman of the Board. George P. Castle, Jas. be Maui, turned He will speak on the moral effect of ture of tbls by Judge Dole on Wayne, special agent for the depart Cashier; that could desired. prize in 1:7. This number was com - McLean, N( Wilcox, Directors.. . masse, biggest attend- army discipline and the relation of the Thursday of this week, inent of public works, has been com- L. Geo. out en and the ...... 1 . 1 ,4 bined with the fifteenth event, which discipline of a standing army . I .1 i n n . trim This Bank is an active U. 8. Government Depositary, and is under the ance since the races began to be program to the ? was on Currency. entered the and for life of a nation. ;ayment. The contractors were al- supervision 'of the U. S. Comptroller of the Maul feature was recorded. Between which a third prize was to be award KEWAL0 CLAIMS ARE - Individual Firm and Corporation Accounts,, whether large or small. 2500 and 2700 people paid admission. The Thursday night lectures at the lowed $32,000 for damages by the last ed. It seemed best to combine the association are of a popular nature READY FOR PAYMENT legislature, less lawful claims, and respectfully soucuea. The 2000 general admission tickets ! two events, they were so near-- alike were sold before the day of the races. and a wide variety of subjects are dis- Though residents of Kewalo claim the $3000 is considered by the public Soldiers Take Honor. N cussed throughout the year. These to had land damaged in works department as rightly belong-in- r The largest line of automobiles in the David Kululoa, one of the visiting have their lectures are held in Cooke hall and the fill madA hv th Torrt-Vort-"- ? Pn-- . to land owners. history of the race track was checked. soldiers, won first prize of a $65 sad The promoters of the races and fron dle in the bronco-bustin- g contest, the 3!shipfrustCom tier sports were Angus McPhee and conditions of which were as follows: F. H. Locey, and to them all the creel- - "Horses to furnished by the giv be ! STATEMENT OF CONDITION A8 AT DECEMBER 31, 1915. It for the splendid affair Is to be racing committee and drawn by lot; en. Twenty one hundred dollars was riders not allowed to puTl'leafher or taken in by admissions, and un- tie stirrups; riders to mount any Cation "hand and in Bank derstood today that, the committee jddges may "4eem necessary . 2,161 .64 horse as Trust Fundi on DepoBll...... s ...... came out ahead of the game a re . .;.;... oo.w to determine the winner. Best aver- Bonds J ...... i . .... ,v ' sult that the most sanguine of sport age in riding wins." w . . . . -- T. . . 2,oo.oo Stocks andother Investments . : . .;...... lovers urf Maul believed would be im Hardy, also one of the visiting sol- Louis secured, by Mortgage on Real Estate; f ...... JJ'JJJ-J- J possible? when the idea of such a New diers, won the second prize, $25, ..' was proposed. calf-branding VotiM. Derand dTimt .c. .15J""J Year's celebration first The conditions of the Account 1 celrable J'tzt'tf The officers for the day were as contest were not alt6gether easy...... '...i.'..and Fixtures ...... Office and Vault Furniture follows: : - .' They were; "A roper is not JLllowed InJ . . . . J-J- J Accrued reit and . Commissions ...... Judges1 of all races S. S. Pixson, to catch by the leg but must make a Oftlce-Buildin- g Real EstaU, and Site 3J'2S?'J2 G. round-the-nec- k wv. . 1,275.66 George Kinney, H. Field. clean catch and throw Asita othrr than those specified above ...... Judges of all Sports D. his calf by dlsmonntlok'' from his Very Many People Saved Very Many Dollars ';-- - ' Flemlng.W;- - JL Clark,- A. Betts. - horse; no twisting 'tvi9'-"nec- k al- ; it & WMM. Starters A. .McPhee, F. H, Locey. lowed; roper must' tie (Tils calf and In-Thi- Here Yesterday s Great Clearance Sale! . Time-keeper- s J. J. Walsh, J. D. proceed to the fire to get his branding-iron- ; ' ; '' " " Mclnerny. - man who brands his calf ' S : "'v'UABILITiES. - first Despite the weather we had a crowded store on the opening day, and again today. If you haven't Clerk of Course W. E. Hal, Sr. wins." camtal v . . '...... y...... v;. . .$200,000.00 been here yet, come tomorrow. This Clearance Sale marks tho cleanup of all our winter stocks at Judge Clerk George Cummlngs. Malkal Keliiliki won first prize of deepest price Nothing has been held in reserve. Every department contains real bargains., i . .. -- . . . sacrifices. Undivided j?rofiU ...... t v : vr-.- v iJ'SfJJ From 9:30 until about 5 In the aft $10 and Manuel Francis ne second of Trust and" Agency Balances...... ernoon stayed the track, the crowd at $5. Maikai is Maui's champion roper, Miss Your Share Money-Savin- g Opportunities! Come Once and all the events were followed with Don't of These at ',. v - :'': $374,717.01 anyway, and everyone 'expected him keenest interest. ; v the ' to carry oft the first prize. I -- ' ' ' ' C ; :' ; ,. t' Results:: McPhee Beat Low. '.: ; City ti County of Honolulu, . In their order with the results the day's Reduce Prices on this - :- ' " A special, event close4 the - Territory of Hawaii.- - events were scheduled as follows: Pretty Wash ''..::. COMPANY, sport. It was the roping;; match be- L WILIiARD E. BROWN, Treasurer of the BISHOP TRUST event, five-mil- e bicycle race, First tween Eben Low, , alias '.'Rawhide LlMITEDTcaJSOlemnly sweat thaLthe above statement Is true to the best off. . called g BROWN, Ben," who holds the Hawaiian steer-ropin- MILLINERY m. Vnnftim tnt hllif. (SienedV WILLARD E. Trotting or pacing, free-for-al- l; 1-- one-arme- d Dresses - record for men (1:6, mile heats;- best three in five; purse, So to be generat question d day of December, 1915. made in Hilo, February, 1908), and seems the 8ubscribe4-B- sworn to before me this 31st $400. . - Angus Reductions are so decided that it ' ARTHUR BERG, McPhee, who holds.' the world's of those who have looked over the Signed) First heat won by Denervo. Time, 2-- - roping record (35 5 see,- made at will pay to purchase 3-- several for the i Notary Public, First 5. : 2:19 Cheyenne, Wyo., 1907. and 'since then showing The reason is that they were Judicial Circuit Territory of Hawaii. Second heat won by Welcome Boy. coming season. They are all right tip-to-da- te. lost an arm). The match was for $250 bought to be sold this season, so go Time, 2:24. op- -- a side. The winner also takes his Voile, Ratine, Novelty won : by Welcome Boy. m " Third .Heat ponent's horse, saddle, bridle, rope, they must. It is to your advantage to rr ft 2-- 2:19 5. Weaves in light colors and in all sizes. r: Time. spurs and hat this being an old cus- benefit by this condition. ' JraGHlric. BaimJis, jum: Fourth heat won by Welcome Boy. tom that prevailed among the western ivea 3-- 5. and Winter Hats. Straws, J '' j '.' (Incorporated June, 1913) Time, 2:23 cowboys many years ago. At that time $5.00 to $8.00 values, All Fall v ;;.vO!X.;:i' Third event, half-mil- e dash; free-- it was a sign of good sportsmanship ehilTon and light weight velvet hats, Statemit of Condition at the Close of Business. December 31,' 1915. for-al- l; purse, $200; won by Dr. Fitz- for the loser to give the winner the now gerald's Copra against Jerry Broder-Ick'- s appurtenances above referred to. The modlshly trimmed. Brims' broad or j '. RESOURCES. , v, . v CJ ' Harvester. loser is not compelled to give them, $9.00 to $15.00 values, (IJC narrow as you choose. Loans, Dislounts and Ovefdrafu:. $205.93145 : Fat' Man's Race. ,' but the winner Is obliged to take them JC ! now. . . . Cash and Due from Banks and Bankers ...... 66,960.16 The fourth event caused no end of If they are offered...... The balance of the stock is divided 5,205.12 was the man's race. - ex- Customers'? Liability under Letters of Credit ...... merriment It fat The winner was Angus , McPhee. $10.00 to $20.00 values, into three Jots at the following ah other r:;rrr.::.;;;rr:v. 13,299.41; Tfie contestants had to be over 200 Time, 1 mln. 37 sec' xs: $291,403.14 pounds in weight,, and, "must be fat The 4th Cavalry band played during jQ tremely low prices. : ... . .j . .. The distance was 100 yards. The first the entire morning and afternoon and . LIABILITIES. Crow-e- ll music'-gav- prize of $10 was won by Sheriff by their excellent e much . 3-- $3.45, $4.75, $5.50 Capital paid In ...... $100,000.00 In 16 5 seconds. David Kalne pleasure. Surplus and Undivided Profits ...10,124.97 came in second, prize was $5. and f Billy" Field served a special dinner Deposits 176,073.05 at the Maui hotel at 6 o'clock, which .i... : Letters of Credit ...... V...... 5.205.12 was largely patronized. Here the Embroideries $291,403.14 band played again an excellent pro- An Ideal Complexion gram. All Winter Suits Territory of Hawaii, City and County of Honolulu, ss. Dance In Evening. at Just a Half I, L NAKASA, cashier of the Pacific Bank, Ltd., do solemnly swear that event evening was under-trimmin- gs my The of the the A snowy exhibit of delicate the above statement is true to the best 0 knowledge and belief. Gives that snowy dance at the Alexander House Settle- to Go :: l .1.: KAKASA, Cashier. ment gymnasium. For several years that will help the woman white com the gym New Year's dance has been All of the Winter Suits are slated Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3d day of January, 1916. ; who makes her own clothing a long v plexion which a Maul feature. It has always been to go without any delay in this sale. P. H. BURNETTE, well year ex- way toward making her money give re attended. This was no The prices are so low for the very evi- i Notary Public; First Judicial Circuit. T. H. fashion ception. The Mary E. Hoffman or- her just twice as much as at any other quires the well chestra furnished excellent dance dent good values that the full assort- time. groomed woman music. After the dinner at the hotel ments will not last much longer. was over the band offered their ser- 45-inc- .v h Flouncings, the $3.00 kind, I to possess. vices for many of the dances. Their Latest styles and fabrics, in gray, uamian rust Company, Ltd. appearance was the signal for a merry At $1.50 the yard. navy, black, novelty serge and silk GouraudY entrance of many more who enjoyed evening suc- put . Statement of Condition. December 31, 1915. the dance, and the was a The same sort of reductions are pongee. cess in every sense of the world. Be- on the 'narrower widths of flouncings, Sale Prices, $14.85, $15.50, $21.75, ASSETS. ; fore the party broke up, as a grateful Oriental Cream appreciation of the services of the 4th edgings, insertings, headings, etc. ; $24.85, $32.90. Cash on Hand and In Banks ...... $ 46.707.80 Wc wQ send at complexion Bonds ...... 17,611.25 book of Pow- Cavalry band over $60 was presented I...... fni"ftt and : tOC Its 65.740.30 for to cover to the leader for the. men. der leaves 15c - by Mortgages 70,642.00 The band favored Maui people New Blankets in the Clearavvay Loans Secured Real Estate 1 cost of mailing and wrapping. ' .VV, with a Sunday afternoon concert, Loans. Dedand and Time 90,621.50 FERD. T. HOPKINS A SON. Prop. Blankets that were ordered for the early winter trade, but which were delayed Accounts Receivable ...... V 38.395.79 which was much enjoyed. Today the Furniture and Fixtures. 1 . 4.210.86 guests on Maui have been visiting the by the slide at Culebra. We have another stock coming so the prices on these places in ' the por- Accrued Iaterest Receivable. . . 2.909.63 of interest central Wool and Wool Nap Blankets are ; Assets other than those-epecifie- above ...... 9,584.95 tion of the island. : ;p . .... I I . , $346,424.08 DANCING CLASSES. Banquet Ends Festivities. ., wind-u- p 50 t Miss Buckland will resume The of several merry days Cut to 333 ; LIABILITIES. j her dancing classes in Phoenix took place at the Maui hotel this CapIUl Stock ...... VlV. i'. .$200,000.00 hall, corner of Beretania and evening in the shape of a banquet in Sale prices by easy stages from $2.00 to $12.75. Surplua ... 1 0.000.00 Fort streets, the first week in honor of the visiting military men. All Undivided Profits ...... '' ..... 33.031.15 January. local officers were also in attendance. Trust and Agency Balances ...... 103,341.94 A class for adults will be Several parties made up of Maul peo- Other Liabilities ...... ---.....- ...... S. 50.99 started on Friday evening, Jan- ple reserved tables in other parts of $346,424.08. uary 7, at 8 o'clock. the hotel's spacious dining room. The Hotel "Billy"-Field'- I Friday after- menu was up to s (SA City County of Honolulu, ss. : Children's class best Territory of Hawaii, and Roses the hall. . A delightful V W. W. CHAMBERLAIN, treasurer of the GUARDIAN TRUST COM- noon at 4 o'clock, January 14. adorned L dance to which invitations ex- Street PANY, LIMITED, do solemnly awear that the above statement Is true to Arrangements for private were v classes or individual instruction tended closed the evening. my knowledge and belief. . W. W. CHAMBERLAIN. the best of may by telephoning It is the hope of all that next New r be made mc this 1st day of January, 1916. . Subscribed and sworn to before 1342. Year's Day may . witness similar T. EDGAR ROBINSON, events on the Valley Isle. 3C Notary Public First Judicial Circuit. STAR-BULLETI- nOXOLTJLU X. TUESDAY, JAXUAKY 4, 1916.

Honolulu Stock Exchangt HTLr-- t Tuesday. Jan. 4. .You Gan Get I " I rVi n,J L hi 7i ARE YOU PLEASED ? MERCANTILE. BkL Asked. HHMjjlEj Alexander & Baidwln.Ltd 22 .... L IF NOT, SEE . Cv Brewer & Co...... RAWLEY'S SUGAR. MINNESOTA BRIDAL COUPLES MATSONIA BRINGS Kwa Plantation Co. .... 26 274 1ST Haiku Sugar Co...... , .. 210 PURE MAKE MATSONIA Haw. Agri. Co...... US Haw. & Sug. Co...... 4 44 HONEYMOON SHIP Haw.' Sugar Co...... 49. Gastle & Cooke, Ltd. ICECREAM HAVE NEW SET MANY TOURISTS Honokaa Sugar Co...... 6 6U Honorau Sugar Co...... ' Agents :;:: Wedding Cake Served in Honor Hutchinson S. Plan. Co...... for ...j in many of .the fpmal of Tiffanys and Michigan Kahuku Plan. Co...... Sunday jlavor.s in bricks OFBOILEflS FROM STATES Kekaha Sugar Co. 'r 170 Fire, Life, Marine, Automobile Newlyweds Kolca Sugar Co...... 150 or bulk this week on few. McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd : 8" Tourists, Baggage Insurance minutOs notice. When the Matfonia. which arrived Oahu Sugar Co 29 29 H That the boflr troubles v. hioh rt-n-- here tflay from San Francisco, Honolulu will do; a bigger tourist j Olaa Sugar Co.. Ltd.. :, 9 10 drt-- the tiant Hill liner Minnesota reached thp coast cn her last inward business this season than in a num- Onomea Sugar Co." . 46H PHONE 4225 -- : hejflss off the Ibw?r California trip, she was hailed by the newspapers ber of years, if the list of tourists Paauhau S. Plan. Co... . coast were of a "purely mechanical as a honeymoon ship, as two bridal who' arrived this morning on the Mat- Pacific Sugar Mill ...... nature" and not caused hy the d couples, one of them and Mrs. sonia is an accurate index. The flag- Paia Plan. Co...... 210 : I plotters" activities of "war J. A. Tiffany t well known to Honolu ship of the Matson fleet docked Pepeekeo Sugar Co...... Are You One Of Alexander throwing chemicals Into the tubes, Ian-?- were on board. Says the San promptly at 7:30 at Pier V, bringing Pioneer Mill Co. . . 36 3614 was stated . by United States S tidier, Francisco Chronicle of Ifcicember 22: visitors from the West, Chicago, Bos- San Carlos Mill Co, Ltd. . . . . 9 vising Inspector John K. Huli;er In "Romance clustered thickly around ton, New .York: and other eastern Waialua Jigri. Co. 2794 28 Those People San Chronicle of Deeemher Francisco the good ship Matsonia, for her points. Wailuku Sugar Co...... 22, arriving here yesterday on tiie Ven- youthful skipper, Captain Franci3 Ed Talking about the number of tour- Co. Waimanalo Sugar ...... wlio ea n ' 1 o tura..' i Y. never seem wards, hronaht two ridal couplra into ists. : Chief Steward C. Wilmarth Waimea Sugar Mill Co...... Baldwin New toilers will have to he installed port from Honolulu yesterday. In commented that in several cases, peo- keep those 11 1 s to MISCELLANEOUS. avcoii in the liner before she is allowed each case the course of true love over; ple who have been here before are Haiku F. & P. Co., Com." Limited. leave Fan Kraucisco, Mr., Bulger stat ...... straight!" Tlien ojn'n a came obstacles, and Dan Cunid came returning, this time bringing with Haiku F. & P. Co., Pfd...... 1 ed, after he had read and passed on with 1 k i n 11 1 i 1 1 1 wit the victor, covered laurels. tnem nair a aozen or more rnenas. Haw. Electric Co...... e w a reou w the final reports' of Inspectors In of A. Crais. our passengers the case Herbert "A number of are also Haw. Pineapple Co...... 34 montlily Sugar Factors Guthrie and Ixlan. wealthy meat packer of Detroit, and tourists who have never been to the your statement "The local inspectors at Seattle put Hilo Tt. R. Co ifS .... his beautiful bride it was a case of islands before," he said. "It's the peo Ry. Co., and canceled cheeks will Commission Merchants in , tliree days examining the .Minne Hilo Com...... youthful sweethearts, separated for ple who come back again and who B. & M. Co., 16 HAMM-YOUN- Q Hon. you to make your THE von CO, sota before they passed her as sea years, only to meet in a strange city bring their friends vith them, though, Ltd... enable and Insurance Agents LTD, Honolulu worthy. When she came here she wa3 Hon. Gas Co., Pfd...... , . and plight their troth at the altar.; who are the best boosters for Hono Hon. Gas Co., 105 cash balanco every tinu. .Agents: in had Ehaiie, but we are satisfied that boy and girl, the couple were Com.... agency "As lulu." Hon. R. T. & L. .... no human was connected with the, Wgh school Mat-so- n Co...:.. lovers in Detroit. At Capt. I.-- Charles 'Peterson, the I. S. Nav. . Special room for ladiex Agents for her troubles. Before she can leave. age the girl went Easf' to finishing commander, who has been with Co...... not only must she new boilers, ia's Mutual Tel. Co. 20 Hawaiian Commercial V Suxar Phone 1498 have school and college, the boy in another Matson line 10 years and in charge ...... comfort. but her pumps, auxiliaries and all the Oahu Ry. & Land Co. ... 147 Co., - - FRANK W. HUSTACE direction to a uaersity. Years of the big liner ever since she was machinery must be in first-clas- s Pahang Rubber Co. . 18 other passed and their paths did not cross, placed in service, except the first two .... Haiku Sugar Company. Automobile and MotorcyclM . t Tanjong Co. " condition," said the. suiervisiug in months ag 'tlvf-ye- on the Olok Rubber 29 30 . but three on when Repaired ';:-.- trips, was the bridge the Paia Plantation. spector. r , : BONDS. street In New York steamer arrived.: He was- - greeted 427 Queen SL, rear Judiciary C.W. Wiley, marine superintendent tl),ey trav1 Hamakua Ditch Co. Cs,. Haul Agricultural Company. Building. "Love reawakened and heartily by his many friends in this for the Hill Company, while un-de- r Haw. C. & Co. Sugar Company. siid that ejed to Hawaii foi a honeymoon port him on Sugar 5s. Bank of Hawaii, Ltd. Hawaiian his company would undoubtedly com- who congratulated his Haw, Irr. Co. 100 tropic skies. They are now on recovery from a severe of rheu- 6s...... Kahuku Plantation Company. ply with the order of: the inspectors. attack Haw. Ter. rs. Pub. Imp.. . their way back to Detroit, where thej matism which has kept him ashore for ...... Corf Fort and Merchant McBryde Sugar. Co., Ltd. BEEF SUPREME lie would take no actlcn nntil he had will make their home. Haw. Ter, Pub. Imp. 4s...... ' two round trips of the Matsonia, so Company. received instruction from St. l'uul. : Haw. Ter. Kahulul Railroad ' from Romance of Five Years. 1 run for &t 4u3 ...... Inspector of Boilers J. P. Dolan said years of whicS that he has been off the Il3,w,. Tcr, Kauai Railway Company. PARKER RANCH 'Five the tale lore days.- ;- 3Vs new boilers would cost at least finally united IJeut. James A, Tiffany '; Hilo R.R.Co. 6s Issue 01 .... 65 L ' Feeling Again. . Kauai Fruit Land Co, Ltd. vice-go.'ern- Fine Metropolitan Meat Market $175,100. of Jolo in the far-of- f Hilo R.R.C0; R.& E.Con.63 &5 ' feeling fine again," remarked .... Honolua 3445 ; , i , Miss Susie- - Davis of "I am Honokaa Sug. Co. 90 Ranea. Phone and Captain Peterson," as he shook hands 6s... ..f. San Diego, ran its course and then; in Hon. Gas Co., 103 with Capt. William R. FoBter. the har Ltd. Cs...... Honolulu the marriage ceremony waS Hon. R. T. & L. Co. 6s. 104 .... HARBOR ; M. A. Madsen. ter- NOTES performed. :: ... , l' bormaster; Capt Ry. ritorial pilot; and many other friends Kauai Co. 6s 100 . ... of FOR ICE COLD DRINKS AND "Fellow passengers oh the Man- McBryde Sugar Co. 5s...' .... to the newspaper- 1 14 PER ICE CREAM Next mail from the coast will arrive churia, the gir! bound to;;Honolnlu'rtfl here, not mention Mutual Tel. 5s i; CENT ' ; ....106 .... Res-taric- k men. FIRE INSURANCE TRY THE on the Persia,-- TV K. K. liner, become the secretary to1 Bishop Oahu Ry. fe Land Co. 5s...... young f Captain reported a very Honolulu Friday. and the fleer on his Peterson Oahu Sugar Co. 6s .... 109 LIMITED HAWAIIAN DRUG CO. way seat-mate- s The Mat- to the Philippines met as heavy sea the first day out Olaa Sugar Co. 6s . . . . 100 V2 . . . Hotel and Bethel Streets Collef ton of Customs Malcolm A. at Captain Andrew Dixon's sonia ran into a stiff gale, which blew Pacific G. '& Fer. Co. 6s...... THE Franklin has appointed James L. Ka- - table. 'The acquaintanceship formed 63 miles an hour. The commander Sugar Co. 95 ripened Pacific Mill 6a .. .. leeuee K N. K. Letters ef is ama night inspector to succeed S. R. then, through correspondence, changed his course 110 miles further San Carlos Mill Co. 68,...... B. F. Dillingham Co. " ; into love, and when Lieut. Tiffany south, to get out of,, the storm zone. L., Short, resigned. Waialua Agri. Co. 5s...... Credit and Travelers' Checks LIMITED. HONOLULU PHOTO came back,. to Honolulu! this month he The rest of the trip the ocean was v i throughout The Sonoma,, from here December claimed his bride. like a millpond," he added. Purser Sales: Between Boards 50 Olaa available the world. General Agents for Hawaii: SUPPLY CO. "They were married four days be- P. O. Whitney said the running time 100, 100 28; arrived at San Francisco at noon 9;200, Olaa 95, 75, 250, Atlas Assurance Company of yesterday, making run in 5 days, fore sailing and an immense wedding was 5 days 18 hours 49 minutes. 100, 50. 250, 100 Olaa 9; 50, 75 Wai- KODAK HEADQUARTErtS the by London, New York. UnderwriV 7 hours, 30 minutes. cake was served Chief Steward C. New ' Year's Eve was celebrated in alua 27; 25, 100, 30, 699;Oahu Sug, Co. V 1059 Fort 8treet ere' Agency; Providence Wash- Y. Wilmarth on the Matsonia when a truly metropolitan manner, with a 29; 25 Ewa 20, 20, 60. 10, 5 26; Ewa ington Insurance Co, , ! their secret leaked ouL" ' - grand march, midnight supper with 27 Next mail for the coast goes at 4 ; 200 H. C. & S. Co. 43 ; 70, 80, 4th floor Stangenwald Bulldln. Letters received here, a few days cabaret features and other stunts. As 20 B. & M. Co. 20 Cable Transfers o'clock this afternoon in the Manoa, ago by Hon. 17; Oahu Sug. from Mrs.: Tiffany friends stat the hour of midnight sounded, the Co. 29; 25 27; 300 sailing from Pier 19. The Nippon ed they, now visiting Waialua Waialua The tliat are relatives lights in the dining hall were extin 2714; 100 Oahu Sug. Co. 29; 50 MuL at Lowest Rates Maru, sailing probably Thursday, will in California, and will later, go on to transparency irom Stradivariue mail to San Francisco. guished, and a Tel. Co. 20; 15 Haw. Pineapple Co. MORGAN also take the eastern states. Lieut, and . Mrs. Happy J. F. CO., LTD. of Pianos. which shone the words "1916. 20 Pioneer 20, 15 Pahang Tiffany will call on friends here next 34; 36; . New Year to All," was illumined. It Rub. Co. 17; 10 Pahang Rub. Co 17; STOCK BROKERS Bergstrom When the Oceanic steamer Ventura spring on the way to the Philippines was made by Chief Engineer C. C. transport port on J5000 Oahu Sug. Co. 6s 108;. $2000 Information Furnished and Leans Music Co. eft here at 4 o'clock yesterday after while the is in the ' , v H ,. Kinsman. Hon R. T. & L. Co. 5s 105; $9000 Olaa Made. noon for Pago-Pag- o and Sydney, she voyage to Manila., The Matsonia brought 140 cabin and 6s $1000 Olaa $10,000 C. Co. r Merchant Street 8tar Bulldlnj tons of pines from 156 bags 100; 100; Brewer & took four canned 16 steerage passengers, also McBryde 5s 100; 50 H. B. & M. Co. Phone 1572 Dunedin, New- - Zealand. cargo, of Hcnolulu for 6730 of ; HIGH CHARTER RATES of mail and tons : . (Umlted) RENEW YOUR GARDEN un- , which 4321 are for Honolulu. She it.Session Sales 5, 45 Waialua New Plants, Bulbs and Rooted Nip- ATTRACT TWO city. 27; Because the T. K4K. steamer SHIPS loaded 28 automobiles for this 377, 200, 59 MuL' Tel. Co. 20; 10 Pa- SUGAR FACTORS . .Plants of All Kinds. Yo- 13 autos for Hilo. FOR RENT pon Maru was a daj late leaving SUGAR There are hang Rub. Co. 17. COMMISSION MERCHANTS kohama, she is not expected to arrive TO CARRYING MRS. E. M. TAYLOR SHIPPING AND INSUR- Electricity, gas, screens la tn touiea. here before tomorrow. ; Her schedule T of oat a3lBnl niintaHrn Qft At& fnat Hotel SL, opp. Young Cafe ' ANCE AGENTS Fine cottage in town; 121. called for the linr to dock here to- Despatches from Seattle to San T PASSENGERS ARRIVED 4.58 cts.. or $91.60 per ton. . .. day. ."" Francisco papers state that attractive .I 4 New house; $25. rates and the closing of the Panama Per Matson str.' Matsonia, from San - cottage; fine location; $25. Due here January 12 from San canal have caused the PacifhAlaska Francisco, today J. Abrahamson, r0 RT ST, HONOLULU, T. H. HANAN8 Francisco for the Orient, Is the China Navigation Company to charter the Miss B. Abrahamson Miss J. Abra- Sugar 4.58cts BEST 8H0ES Mail steamer China, which Is sche- steamships Admiral Sebree and Ad- hamson, Mrs. J.! Abrahamson, Mrs. J. H. SCHNACK Thurs- miral Clark in the sugar be- Ahlborn, Albert Alien, W. A. An- t duled to sail from the coast trade Dora 842 day Honolulu, Nagasaki, Manila tween New York and the West In- derson, Lorrln Andrews, Mrs. . E. R. Henry Waterhouse Trust Co Kaahumanu 8L Telephone SS33 MclNERNY SHOE STORE for Beuter, List Of Officers and Directors: Hongkong. .''- -; dies. ';:; ;' Ayers Dr. Gustav Barr, A. J. Fort above King SL and F. C. Ltd. E. P. BISHOP. . .President Acute indigestion caused the death get Mrs. A. J. Beuter and infant, Honolulu .... It is understood that the vessels Benedict, W. A. Members Stock and Bond . at sea on his ship of Capt. Charles a rate of. $600 a day. The Admiral Benedict, Miss Ruth Exchange, O. H. ROBERTSON...... A. Bruce; R-- C. Bryan, ; I' I R. P. Bloomer, II. .Vice-Preside- nt Manager Hr-- Jackson of the Matson bark Sebree,' formerly the steamer Rut- Burgess, Mrs. Fort and Merchant Streets . and He died November 28, five Mrs, R. C. Bryan, V. J. Telephone 1208 '?' Rithet land, and the Admiral Clark, formerly Miss Burmaster, R. IVERS . ... .Secretary days after the bark left here. The Ogdensburg, in V. J. Burgess, Alvina the steamer operated F.' K. Burnham, Mrs. F. K. Burnham, E. Am R. ROSS . . . .Treasurer body was burled at sea. ; the ore-carryi- trade on the Great Miss F. Butler, Mrs. J. H. Calvert. The Rolph Navigation and Coal O. R. CARTER. . .Director 1 Lakes. Carol, P...... IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Miss Peggy Calvert, Richard Company has purchased the Mexican C. H. COOKE. Dlrectof I' (ill.i. feHe3s SMm4S ima Wf They have undergone alterations at in for Dis- M. Carol, Miss P. M. Carol, Miss Elin- steamer General Y. Pesqueira from somouaa. United States and the Brooklyn. N. Y.. to fit them for the Mrs. J. R. GALT. . . . . Director and Territory of Hawaii In or Castle, Miss Ethelwyn Qastle, the American-Mexica- n Steamship and ...... trict requirements of Seattle-Alask- a Bankruptcy. :y the Mabel W. Castle, Mrs. A. Catlin, Mrs. Trading Company. The Pesqueira's Bv A. COOKE...... Director service. It is the company's intention M.-Coo- k,. Miss In matter of A. A. Wilson, a E L. Conroy, Mrs. Cora original name was the Cede. She was A. GARTLEY...... Director IF YOU WISH 70 ADVERTISE IN the to bring them to the Pacific coast in Couch, Chas. S: Davis. Wm. bankrupt. Caroline built for German owners at Flushing 1 NEWSPAPERS time for the heavy traffic movement Wrm. A. Dickey. D. O. MAY...... Auditor 1: To the creditors of A. A. Wilson of A. Dickey, Jr., Mrs. in 1892. - - to the north next spring. . Doyle, D. Anywnere, at Any 'jime. Call on or Honolulu. City and County of Honolu- Jr., S. Domkowitz, Mrs. J. Fraser Mr. Edward Frost, F. Gay, Writ lu, Territory of Hawaii, and district L, Giddings, ' BORGErM JUSTWANTED f Mrs. N. H. Gesner, Miss aforesaid, a bankrupt. Gil-mor- e. THE iDAKB ADVERTISING AGENCY Howard Gilmore, Mrs. Howard Notice is hereby given that on the Good-loe- , 124 Sansome Street San Francisco TO WADE, SO HE STOOD Miss C. Goodloe, Mrs. P. & CO. v 1915, BISHOP "Sth day of December, the said C. Goodwin, Mis3 Irene Hall. A A. Wilson was duly adjudicated J. ' H. BURNETTE IN WATER TEN HOURS W. S. Harvey, Mrs. W. S. Harvey and BANKERS P. meeting y. bankrupt, and thaL the first maid. C. V. Hodge, Mrs. E. M. Hollo-wa- PAINTING, HANGING." MEAT MARKET A GROCERY Eommistloner of Deeds for California of- PAPER Fay 4 yearly on 8avlngs Ds--- of the creditors will be held at my John Borgen's idea of spending a Henry Holmes, Mrs. Henry and New York; NOTARY PUBLIC fices, room 11, Magoon building, Ho- posits, compounded twlcs Draws Mortgages, Deeds, Bills of pleasant day is so original that it land- Holmes, Wm. Hughes, Mrs. J. A. Phone J. Ward, 1936, for prices on cal- - on Jan- g. Annually. nolulu, T. H.. the 15th dav of ed him in the police station this morn- Hughes. Miss Irene Hughes, E. W. soming, painting and paper-hangin- PHONE 3451 ; Sale, Leases, Wills, etc. Attorney for 9 $' uary, A. I). 1916, at o'clock in the on L. W. E. C. Klinker. Cheap, good quality. 6362-6- t ing, where he is held suspicion Hules, Hutton, but Q. the District Courts. 79 MERCHANT forenoon, at which time the said cred- that he is insane.; Mrs. E. C. Klinker. Mis3 E. N. C. YEE HOP & CO. STREET, HONOLULU. Phone 18.6 itors may attend, prove their claims, Borgen yesterday, morning waded S. Lawrence, Mrs. N. S. Lawrence, SHERIFF'S SALE' NOTICE. . THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE appoint a trustee, examine the bank- into a stream at Lane and King Miss IJllian Lem. C. J. Ludwigsen, BANK, LIMITED. rupt such, M. 1 and transact other business streets and after securing a position Elias Lyman, Miss R. Lyman, Under and by virtue of a Writ of Yen. .; CHOP SUI CITY WILL COMPANY, LTD. may '".""':: as properly come before said Lyndsey, Rev. John Logan Execution issued by Honorable - Importers of best lumber and building suitable to his mood stood there until Michael the Capital subscribed ...48,000,000 93 North King 8treet meeting. 6:10 p. ro., spending about 10 hours in Marquis. Mrs. B. Marsden, Mrs. War- T. B. Stnart, Third Judge of the Cir- Capital paid up...... 30,000,000 (Between Maunakea and Smith.) materials. Prices low, and we giv G. R. JOSEPH PRATT, the water. Observers! finally called a ren Marshall, Mrs. M. Marshall. cuit Court of the First Circuit, Terri ; Reserve fund .. 20,000,000 your order prompt attention whether ' Benj. Mr? ...... Call and see our brand new CHOP Referee in Bankruptcy. policeman, and Borgen was locked up. Theo. F. Martin. U MarT. tory of Hawaii, on the 29th day of t 8. AWOK1, Local Manager We built hun-- f V McConi-he- . 8UI House Everything Neat large or amalL hive Honolulu, January 4, 1916. His only explanation of his stunt was BenJ. L. Marx, M fs. Geo. L. December, 1915, In the ofWill- per- matter .'.'-:?v- reds of houeses In this city with f3C2-l- t A. McEwen. snd Clean. yon that he "just wanted to wade." Mr3. E. McDonald. J. iam W. Hole, doine business under fect satisfaction. If want to Inlld Miss D. McLeod. Mrs. E. G. McLeod the name of The Reliable Auto Shop, Tbet may be reserved by phone. onuJt us M. No. 1713 - :. J. Neff. Mrs. G. H. Mead, Miss plaintiff, against the Hawaiian Trans-ncrtatio- n Mead, U C. Miller. Mrs. U C Miller, Company, Limited, a corpor Loan 412 DAY TO THE S. W. Milner, W. P. Naquin. Mrs. W. ation,' defendant, I did in said Hone ioneyto P. Naquin, C. H. D. Norton, M!s3 B lulu. City and County of Honolulu, Patterson. T. H. Petrie, Wm. Paty, HOME INSURANCE CO. OF HAWAII, Territory aforesaid, on the 3d day of " Clothes for Men SERVICE MAINLAND Clias. Rice. Mrs. Chas. Rice, Al B. January, 1916, levy upon and shall of K,-'''- :'.-:.- Osteopathy Mrs. M. C. Rogers. Miss DR SCHwRMANN Rodman, fer for sale and sell at public auction 8 KING bTREET, CORNER FORT. ROYAL TOGGERY Jean Ross, Geo. I.. Sands, Mrs. Geo. L. to the highest bidders, at Berttanla and Union Streets Schwab, Lindsay Scrutton. the Police Sands. IL, Station, Kalakaua Hale, in Honoi el SL, at Bishop Phom 1733 R. Smead, Mrs. C. Miss said HAWAIIAN TRUST II C. luia, at 12 o'clrfck noon of Friday, the W. Same Rate Same Rate D. Smith, Miss H. Smith, S. J. Snyder, CO, LTD. So-pe- r. 4th day of February, 1916, all San Francisco Los Angeles Mrs. S. J. Snyder, Miss Blanche the Stan-woo- rrghL title and interest of the said Ha Mrs. C. E. Stanton, Mrs. A. ' y Transportation Lim- en a Miss J. Stevens. Master Shnm-wa- waiian Company, Carries Trust Old Mayflower MAKIKI KINDERARTFN Suffel. F. H. Suffel. Mrs. F. II ited, defendant. In and to the follow Business In all Its THE FLOATINu rAUOt uK THE PACIFIC ing described articles of property, un A select private school for white Suffel. Allen Testa, Lewis Tiger, Col branches. Kona Coffee Get). DeLa Vergne. Jno. D. Waite, Mrs less the sura of Six Hundred and Sev children only. Enroll now 15-10- for. V en and 0 ($607.15) dollars, that the new year; $3 per month. " Jno D. Waite, Mrs. Ward, Miss always pleases. "S.S, Great Nohtheri Ward, G. Welsh, C. B. Wells, W. J. leing the amount for which said Exe Phone 2388. 1429 Makiki St. , in- FOR SALE The Fastest and Most Luxurious Ship In Pacific Waters. Wells. Mrs.W, J. Wells, II. H. Wil cution was issued, together with Phone 1271. Hams. Mrs. H. H. Williams, G. N. Wil-coX- , terest, costs, my fees . and expenses FOR THE MAINLAND are previously paid: 51700 Fine building lot 87x120, or Leave 15, Feb. 4, Feb. 26, Mar 16 L. V. Wolcott. Miss Alice Yates. Honolulu...... 4. ...Jan. Young, A. Young. Property to be sold: 1 10,000 sq. ft., on Leilehua SL, Perry Arrive San Francisco .Jan. 20, Feb. 9, Men. 2, Mch. 21 A. A. Mrs. A. bus body, 2 tanks, 1 Remmy Tract, School, SL BASKETRY Genera nr. Fort nd STEER More mail arrived today. The Mat-scni- a tor and 1 box tools. Economize In everything Beautiful South Sea up. AUE brcught in 156 bags from San Terms: Cash. 1150Lots 50x100, Kapahulu TracL Baskets just received. Francisco; v. ' y"- - Dated Honolulu, January 3, 1916. Campbell Ave. Easy HAWAII SOUTH FOR RESERVATIONS, DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE, ETC H nr. Terms. 4 JULIUS WV ASCII. Use White Wings SEAS CURIO CO. FRED L. WALDRON, LTD, Agents Honolulu Deputy Sheriff, Young Building n lYhen Your Eyes Need Care District of Honolula City and County of Honolulu. P. E. R. STRAUCH At Your Grocer's. Try Marine Eye Beaedy 6362-Ja-n. 'V fa S 30E 30E 4, 20, Feb, '3. Walty Bldg. 64 S. King 8L ETAB-BTOLETI- HONOLULU N, TUESDAY, JANTARY 4. 1111(1. SEVEN

CLUB GIRLS WILL i VETERANS OF OPERA HOUSE Hopular Theater Commencing Monday Jan. I7th Thursday Night OFFER MUSICAL FOREIGN WARS , AND FOR A LIMITED SEASON ONLY TREAT TONIGHT ItPerolco Upera ONLY A LIMITED ENGAGEMENT Special Biblical and Educational Program .;-r-.v- .- :- : Work of Y. Wf C. A. Extension Hawaiian Post No. tH. Veterans of Forei.n Wars, ill give a smoker and company Department Shown in Third vaudeville entertainment Janvury l Egypt of Week's Events at Mansfield Hall, near Fort Shafter. Joseph - in to which a general iavitaticn to all Opening- With 6& eligible soldiers vor is ex- fed Good o V. W. C. A. PARTS, AND ideas what the C. IN THREE U depart- tended. J. Edward?, who organized doing here In its extension post. Is cut uf will gained tonight .by the notices the ment be those i smoker, to members and asking them who attend the entertainment to be each to bring at least cne eligible ill of Corps Scenic Views Europ given in the gymnasium of the new man to the entertainment. de Ballet building by the girls of the different At the end of the year the charter Orchestra of 20 pieces clubs that have been organized under was closed, more than half a hundred and America the association. names being signed. Many thers Seats on Sale Two . Hawaiian songs, "Ainahau" have expressed their intention of join-- , Vror (,v and "Lei O Kaiulani," sung by a club MONDAY, JAN. 10, at ALSO SHOWING inc the organization. T , from the Kaiulani home under the The post at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii Promotion Committee of Miss Alice E. Harrison, will which is made up rf members cf the be the opening number on the pro- 25th Inrantry, is rapidly filling' up, and Prices, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1:00 A wonderful feature gram. ... has beaten the local in point of The Boy Scouts of France ' Following this will come a dumb membership, there being now more film masterpiece In. six bell drill under the leadership of Miss than "," men cn the charter roll. The reels. A thrill from Leonora Andersen, physical director, charter of the 2'th post is still open start to finish surpass- PRICES: 10 AND 25 CENTS. COMMENCING 7:15 by and is thought there will 100 SAN FRANCISCO the Maile Club of Liliuokalani it he ing the greit "Cabina." MATINEES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 2:30 school. ; members before it is closed. "The Chinese Narcissus." one of A sensation in filmdpm. TONIGHT 8 Reels of Selected Pictures TONIGHT Mrs, W. F. Frear's compositions, will Bellevue Hotel be sung by the members of the Girl The curtainn raiser Guardian society under the direction POPULAR TO AID Geary and Taylor Sts. starts at 7:30. The big of Miss May Fraser, Mrs. Ernest E. picture starts' at , 8 Goo ' r accompanying on the piano. Strictly First-CIa- ss o'clock.; : How a certain young Chinese girl Prices, 10c, 20c 30c. i'', decides on what to do for a life work UPLIFT MOVIES mm mt i i upon graduating from a school of Built of concrete and physical culture in Shanghai forms steeL Private bath to the basis of the plot for a little play, programs "A Several excellent of real every room; 12 minutes Chinese Girl's Commencement high-clas- s Biblical and educational ; Problem," which the Tse Mui Club is films been brought from Exposition; head- giving. nor- which have here Miss Maude Drake of the for special will shown mal school has girls. exhibitions be quarters for island resi- THEATER drilled these to the public during the last half of LIBERTY Music on a Chinese harp by Mrs. L. C. dents. Rates, $2 per this week at the cozy and newly;reno-vate- d Lum will follow play. ai . the little Popular theater. A feature film day and up; American TONIGHT...... 7:40 P. IVL Pageant Closing Number. in parts, "Joseph in Girls of Club, who three entitled Special Paramount Feature the Beretania Egypt," is an artisti and realistic pro- plan, $4 per day and up. 3" have been drilled by . Mrs. Parade Pumps Norma duction of the old favorite Bible story. DANIEL FROHMAN PRESENTS Adams, will stage a Hawaiian pa- pictures unusually geant closing The are clear and as tlie number. The the photography throughout is excel- girls will be dressed to represent the lent; moreover, follow the text quite different -- islands of the Hawaiian closelyT These were shown at the MARGUERITE CLARK group. v.; First Methodist church as a part .of A grand march by all the girls who the New Year's watch meeting ser- In 3II white Canvas; white Canvas, have taken part in the entertainment vices, and met with universal favor. DAINTY AND BEWITCHING IN will close the program. Educational programs during this black trimmed; all black Canvas. Successful in evei way was the big engagement will comprise scenic and reception held last night in the new travel pictures of Europe and America building, I the of the association including romantic San Diego, pic- Sisters" With and without straps. v proving themselves charming host- turesque Zuercy and river; "Brittany, Vjhirie7 esses to the 500 or more people who France; Pisa; Italy; a trip to Madeira w A Tense Drama of Austrian Courtship came in honor of the occasion. and other interesting views and sub- Little Marguerite's Captivating Girlishness In the receiving line were Mrs. B. jects. F. Dillingham, m honorary, president, beginning move- Makes This Drama a Masterpiece Classic Prices $2.00 and $2.50 Mrs. F. Frear, president; Miss This is the of a Walter instigated by officials Y. Helen M. A. Taylor, of ment of the member the M. C. A., army chaplains uspsndere 35th Episode of the national board, Miss C. B. Chan- and several Pathe Weekly and of our local pastors to have pictures Just Received dler, general secretary cf the local or- ganization. ' which have real mert in every sense Romance of Elaine No formal program arranged. of the word, exhibited in' this terri- Was The frecfy-slidin- g cord Pri;o! Mrs. A. G. M; Miss Alice tory. As it is anticipated that these Robertson. ' Return of Craig Kennedy Box Seats," 50 Cents Hopper and Philip Hall each sang dur exhibitions will be generously attend- in back adjusts itself to every 1 ed by ladies and children, the manage- 3cfee?ii e ing the evening, and the Hawaiian motion or posture avoid- M orchestra from the Y. M. C. A. fur- ment of the Popular nas decided to Pie rs nished string music-downstai- in the permit no smoking on the' main floor ing strain on clothes Tor during engagement. ! lobby. .. the shoulders and ensuring Credit Due to Miss Varney. Special matinees will be given Fri- very much of the credit for the ef day and Saturday. always V ;;V:;'H-'-

r -- . is v... j ficient and satisfactory manner in which the new Y. W. C. A. building Absolute Comfort has been put in readiness for OPERA SEAT SALE PARKER RANCH the association to enter it as a per Avoid; imitations I They Gecla Wortti Seeing manent home is given to Miss Cora C. Varney, associate secretary, on are all inferior. Look for whose shoulders have been a great the words SHIRLEY ' "We are making a special showing this week of Jap- deal - TO OPEN MONDAY Produces of the responsibility and hard PRESIDENT stamped on the best bevf anese Kimonos, hand embroidered Waist Patterns and work. in these Islands. We ' Miss Varney looked after the reno the buckles. In this Way other novel oriental silk productions. Big values at vating and remodelling of Ihe build offer you this week de Opera Com- you will be sure of getting moderate prices. ' ; ing, the interior arrangements, the The Folco Grand planning of various rooms and offices, pany sails from San Francisco day the genuine goods, light, the furnishing, etc., and for months after tomorrow on the Great North- cool, strong and supremely has been "on the job" day after day. ern, bound for Honolulu, where the - i... four-wee- Highest In conjunction with the architects and k grand opera season will be comfortable, unconditionally Standard contractors, she decided a number opened one week from Monday, Jan- guaranteed by the makers. of Important matters and the result uary 17. has been a splendid home ready when Madame de Folco, who remained in The C A. Edgarton Mfg. Co. SHGTEN the schedule called for the association Honolulu while her husband, Eugehio irim-Fe- d to enter it - v de Folco, the tenor and owner of the Shirley, Masx, O. S. A.; Go: company, went to the coast to make Beef Hotel arrangements, de- - For Sale Everywhere , f Street QUITS U. transportation has AND S0ARES S. cided to open the sale of seats on COURT WORK; WILL Monday of next week. Office room for handling the tickets has been secured PRACTISE LAW HERE at the headquarters; of the Hawaii Promotion Committee in the Alexan- The management of tho boys' indus- Peal After serving , the federal govern der Young hotel building. trial school and the girls' industrial FRESH COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON ment for more than five years in the Verdi's "Aida," the opening opera, school at Waialee and Stoiliill respect- HOME-SMOKE- capacity of official stenograuher in will be given two nights in' succession, ively yesterday passedlfroni the .'hands D "PRIDE OF JERICHO" HAMS the local United, States district court, Monday and Tuesday, January 17 and of the department of Education to the Ofieita Oliver P. Soares has tendered his res 18, to be followed the first week by jurisdiction of the newly-appointe- d in- ignation and will devote, his time to "II -- ovatore," "Traviata" and "Rigo-letto.- " dustrial schools commission, of which the practise of law in the district : A. F. Griffiths is chairman and "Mrs. Metropolitan court. The resignation, which has A. h. Andrews, secretary. At a meet- Meat Market every , Wide Stock of been handed to Judge C. F. Clemons, HAWAIIAN BAND AT ing of the commission yesterday, V PHONE 2445 is to take effect not later than Janu- it was decided that for a while, at description ary 15. Mr. Soares has proved ah ef THOMAS SQUARE TONIGHT least, no change will be made; in the ficient and popular official. His suc- principalship of the boys' school- - cessor probably w ill be selected with leadership The Best at Any Price in a few days. Under the of Prof. Peter Kalani, the: Hawaiian band will give square, PORN. a public concert in Thomas beginning at 7:30 o'clock tonight. The. TiT1 777) CASHMAX On Dec. 30. 1 9 15, Ma TTT VvT at program for evening wilt be ternity home, Honolulu, to ..Mr. and the as Mrs. J. J. Cashman of Laimi Read, follows: . America. -' i & son. : March "The Grand Duke" (new) -- " - Cor. Pauahi tfort Street The water of the. Antarctic ocean Is . C. Fried maun colder than of the Arctic. Overture "Raymond" . : ...... Harold Serenade-- " Pagsitoko". .L; Salamanca Selection "Belle of Bohemia", i . . . .' u1Ia d 6 1 Hawaiian Songs One . . . .Hawaiian Band Glee Club Fine Oriented Display Selection Rasasiler's "Sunny Good Songs" ...... H. Alford 'YREE'S Hesitation "Valse a la Mode" (new) showing wonderful stock fANTISEPTIC , We are a Pinch of M. Clure JOWOER .....:.Noble TyreeY One-Ste- p "Mollie Dear, ICs You of Kimonos, I'm After" (new);...... Pether Antiseptic Powder Aloha Oe; Hawaii Ponoi. Mandarin Goats Ib of wmtw a The Star. Spangled Banner. tandAMtt antiseptic. MhiMlntloa ( ready tor lmne&Ute QItm arid Japanese tnauat relief to cataxrkai and infected copdlQoan e th mn-ru-a Membran. TTBOniTjn Silk Goods. A3 A DOCCHB. Tyree a Antlaeptio la (f)i Pfpsg a powarfal gemlclAthiteand pre-rrati- T GLASSWARE, of dlaeaaa, and doea HARDWARE, away with ma aaa of daarer-oua- , votaonooa, aant-tai- r ? v CROCKERY, renedlea, awn aa carbolic " FURNITURE. acid, aulabaw at alar, alcakvlde Ubleta. etc. A 2Sc box af TrrMa Antl- - eptle Powder Bakea S cailoaa fN of atasaara tiUMptx aoianoa. ;:S.:Ozaki For aaia tqr drsxflata aracy-wker- a. fhone 1S89 109-1- 5 King St. fiXKO TOR FREB tiXTLM AND BOOKLET. 25c, 50c, Tl J. S. TTREE, Chenist, Inc., m Kin ifiDwj C. STAR-nUIXETI- N 75 CITS PER ill! Waakla rfo. D. - EIGHT

where in Washington. I tell you. the trip of the congressional party here JUSTICE HUGHES did a world of good." says Rice. "Why, SAVE YOUR HA R even such Democrats as Bascom Stem p and Saunders of Virginia, will do anything they can for us and Car- mm IS LOOMING UP ter Glass, also of Virginia, is the BEAUTIFY IT conflicting claims same way. I believe we can count AI en them to remember Hawaii's situa-tionM- n confuse you when you the tariff fight, if there isra and REN IF ;v. tire-ho- i FOR NOMINATION fisht WITH to choose a ld . "Though the Republicans in Con- 'DAIERINE' gress worked and voted against the fast to this thought:-- emergency war tax extension, and Bishop Trust, Go., Ltd., (Continued from page one) though they will undoubtedly take Spend 25 Cents! Dandruff Dis- Bethel Street of some raps at retention of the sugar The joint judgment a a dozen Republican candidates who tarifl. they all say in Washington the appears and Hair Stops" majority o f consume rs and hope for the support of the territory's present tariff will be retained. The " Coming Out delegation and will have ever? reason Republicans will make what political motor car manu fac turers is to use their influence toward seating capital is possible out of the Demo- six instead of two. t' :. cratic shift, but all realize that it is Try This! Hair Gets Beautiful, Goodyear Tires give better, sup- TRANSFERRING that Committeeman Rice, strongly a necessary measure." Wavy and Thick in a longer service. ported by Senator Smoot of Utah, Mr, Rice thinks that President Wil- The SERVICE of this Compan y to th rublic mean na?Kace ON made a successful fight in the com- son is losing strength in the country Few Moments ITS WAY to your home orjhote) in '60 minutes after the Steamer hat mittee to get the words in : the call large. He expects, however, that unloaded the trunks on the wharf. Our complete enu.pment injures Goodyear sales to both of at quick "without the right to vote" eliminated, Mr. Wilson will be renominated in the If you care for heavy hair, that this delivery. these two great markets are thus establishing the voting power for Democratic convention, though the glistens with beauty and is '.radiant Honolulu Hawaii's delegation if it is seated. Bryan element is active and likely to with life; has an Incomparable soft- Construction & Draying Co., Ltd. much larger than those of any The meeting of the national com- make a bitter fight and cause a serious ness and is fluffy and lustrous, try J. J. BELSER, Manager mittee brought out almost a conclave division. Naturally Rice is sanguine Danderine. Phone 4981 Daggage Agents, tire. possibil-itfe- n other "favorite sons." success, though he free- I -- : of the various of Republican Just one application doubles the ,jv Ttil. i(i6 i." those-also-mentione- t il. iiyn, ing is on Piano and Furniture Movers d' and oth ly admits the necessity of picking a beauty of your hair, besides it imme- AM Our Wagons ers in Washington. Senator Weeks strpng man from among the many diately dissolves every particle of and Trucks General Offices: of Massachusetts, burton aspirants. Htighes, he says, stead- you heavy, 65 S. Queen Iowa, dandruff; cannot have nice, St of Ohio. Senator Cummins of fastly refuses to allow his name to be healthy hair if you have dandruff. This Service First. Senator Borah of Idaho, mentioned, but the convention may scurf robs the hair of its nt destructive Root Of New York and former t vice-nreaide- such opposition, and in overwhelm lustre, its strength and r Its very life, GOORWEAR Fairbanks of Indiana were fact, Hughes' refusals are steadily and if not overcome it produces a in evidence around the New ViHard, making him stronger. scalp; was tne feverishness and itching of the where the meeting held and Honolulu Claim Not Pressed. tarnish, loosen and die; I commingled. iv: press Invitation the hair roots T RES Doiiticians Hawaii did not the then the hair falls out fast. m N. Demonstrations fop Hughes. for the G. O. P. convention to meet in neglected and A. SANFORD niirht hefore the meetins: of the Francis- If your hair has been The Honolulu next summer. San faded, dry, scraggy or too oily, optician nationaf committee, a great dinner was co was very keen to get the big con- is thin, get a ; 25-ce- bottle of Knowlton's held at the New winarci. it was at clave and as such friends of Hawaii as may & co. NOTICE a remarkable and were work- Danderine at any drug store or toilet boston' building, fokt st., ovkh this dinner that Congressman Julius Kahn counter; apply a little as directed and European war demands significant demonstration in favor of ing hard for San Francisco, Rice join- occurred, showing the way the Sev- ten minutes after you will say this have caused a shortage Hughes ed in boosting for San Francisco. you in the world'a supply of former governor of New York is re- western and coast states also was the best investment ever eral made. . materials used in the garded. As various speakers glowing worked for the ExDosition City, but manufacture o f Wh i t e ly dwelt on Republican prospects In showed Chicago 30, We sincerely believe, regardless of IPY0U'JIIE the first ballot If you Tread Tires. : general and the need for "naming a San Francisco 13, St. Louis 7 and everything else advertised, that LOOIONG winner," cries and shouts broke out Philadelphia 2, Chicago winning at desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair The color of Goodyear and lots of it no dandruff no Itch- FORTHB BEST Tires may ultimately he spontaneously all arouna tne taDie, once. w Hughes!" which will ing scalp and. no more falling hair -- changed from White to Hughes! The Republican platform ' 4 you must use Knowlton's Danderine. Black. .. And this Rt a time when avowed be promulgated for the next national and receptive candidates were sitting ramnalen will be a distinctly progres- - If eventually why not now? Adv. Our supply of the required all around the banquet board!" com- sive document, says- - Rice. . ' Contrary materials assures the ments Mr. Rice. party out or power is According to a scientist ani- greater portion of our to precedent, the German Th hanauet was Riven by the going convention first The mals have been distributed over the ' 1916 season! output of to hold its m , of Rennbllcan Clubs of which on June 7, axis, Good Teeth Good - jires hemg furnished Iaene Republicans will assemble world by the oscillation of its Health. 11 John Hays Hammond Is president. while a week later the Democrats will which has changed the climate in va- Z with White Treads. one Uammnnd. it is understood, was go Into session. rious lands. . Good Spirits of the backers of San Francisco for "And we wUl give the Democratio the convention, at least when the big party a platform of up-to-da- te progres- A system of standards for electrical - Hties were flashing their hundred- sive measures it will have to meet," machinery -- has been arrived at be- Good teeth enable yoa thousand dollar checks, 'Frisco's was Rice prophesies. ' ; tween the United States and England, signed by Hammond. and it is thought that they will ul- to chew your food. This a Tn Senator Borah of Idaho made HERE CONFIRM timately be made universal. M If M ives good digestion the powerful impression at the banquet. LETTERS E foundation of good Health, Ilia sDeech was considered oy many RWm-SIT- PURCHASE i the best of .those there. ASTHMA COUGHS W 00 Spirits. . Hughes? CROUP Second Ballot for which have been received WHOOPING COUCH SPASMODIC f sav-- 8 of the big Letters BRONCHITIS CATARRH COLDS . Hp the first ballot Irwin Es V will very probably find the here by the trustees of the VA ' Care for your teeth vritK convention by red-rr- al delegates split many ways, with favor- tate confirm the prchase the 'he delicious and efficient dividing the vote, eovernmcnt of the Irwin site for v l ite sons and others building. is on second ballot there the new government It M but that the tnt-transfe- r may he a landslide for Hughes. Yet stated that the papers covering EUJ7 of, government U though mainland politicians talk the site to the A timcle, safe and effective treatment avoid- even they years. seriously of possibility, commit- ye now being prepared and that ing drags. Ued vrith success for 35 this h Riehy ' within time. The air carrying the antiseptic vapor, inhaled Rice thinks the Hawaii dele- win a short every Dreaming easy. teeman government will pay $200,000 for with breath, makes gation Bhoould- - go unlnstructed and The oothesthesore throat, any mem- the site, but this' will not mciuae any aid stops thecttigh. without individual pledges of tsarina restful nifthX Per-nnaii- v. AVithin 60 days after to-wh- Improvements: bers as at they will do. Cresolene is in valuable not express himself notice is givett by the government that to mothers with young he does bnon to of any particular candidate, It wants the 'land, buildings must De children and a In favor expense own- sufferers from Asthma, and emphasizes that Hawaii nas gooa removed at the of the Smd us postal for frimHa in all the leading candidates ers. '' descriptive booklet a m a - .; old ar OKuoaurt llip brusquely decline to CRESOLENE CO. and should not ' approx VAPO listen to the claims of any. Australia's Wheat yield will q CTtWtSt., W.T. t "In" fact, Hawaii has friends every- - imate 145,000,000 bushels.

he Bank of Hawaii, Limited ; 'in- - Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii. Statement of Condition at close of business December 31, 1915. i RESOURCES aw. Loans, Discounts and Overdrafts ..4.V. $5,304,434.69 w 1 1 .lub 11 thought Bonds 1,522.603.35 oung men en are idle, activities Bunk Premises, Honolulu ...... 156,635.68 could S--1 in the Y ful men find Bank Premises, Lihue Branch. 11,625.00 find it easier who Customers' Liabilities Under Letters of Credit 154,390.53 e bring man value in Y.M.C.A. .7 to buck up against be better the Other Asset . ... 2,956.43 oth- membership, "l; muscle-strainin- g, ! ' No man and the boy in touch with Cash and Due from Banks 2f18o,463.76 their fellows in ed So sa id Socrates. who are sweat-makin- g, ers of serious purpose be- V physical can give his best work along a It helps men and boys to $948,109.44 to improve themselves struggle, than the older man. line for which he is not fitted. trying come better citizens.'; But bet- , .' ;- - like- . LIABILITIES. lh and to help others to do ter, still, it offers theui 'Incen- Up! $ 600,000.00 But they both need it to keep vim Capital Paid ...... Are you sure that you are in the physically. THEI-SHLVE- blood clearness in the eye wise, mentally and tives MA KB S Surplus and Undivided Profits .. 1 755,240.22 in the and If you ...... l...... that betokens a man who 13 fit work you are best fitted for? BETTER MEX. , Pension Fund ...... 43,833.75 Here is a club organization that is are you can make yourself more fit; The most important Influences of of Credit Outstanding...... 154.390.53 men all boys. It offers the you put yourself Letters ...... for all and If you are not, can your are?' exerted "through the men . Tomorrow we want "you to Gym equipment on the Islands, life Reserved for Interest; ...... f 12,000.00 finest cn theright. track. boys you know, the ones you meet join, if you do not join today. " for healthful athletic exercise and the and Dividends Uncalled For 460.00 men and boys, In work and ' amusement. .V, companionship cf other The "Y" night school is neither a Tomorrow we are going af- Deposits .. . . . , ...... J...... 7,772,164.94 with friendly rivalry as an incen- ...f their fad nor an experiment., It is a sure- ter "100 Men in 100 Minutes." tive to keep everlastingly at it. Y. M. C. A. Club Of--. $9,338,109.44 result-gette- r for those who have The fire fers you a place to eat which We may not get to see you, Swimming, Boxing, Fencing, brains and natural ability, but who excellent without being but send In your name for a City and County of Honolulu is have lacked opportunity; Each course expensive; a place to play, . membership just the same. Territory of - Hawaii, ss. Wrestling, Basket Ball, Hand under a practical and competent in- a place to spend a half hour Tumbling, Ring is ' I, A. Lewis, Jr., Vice-Preside- nt and .Manager, being first duly sworn, Ball, Tennis, 7 that might; otherwise be You'll find your money's structor. - do solemnly swear that the above Is true to the best of my knowledge and Trapeze Work, Riinning, wasted, a place to bring 7 worth, if you'll only come for- ; your friends for entertain- A. JR., Mechanical Drawing, English Arith- and belief. V LEWIS. Jumping, Hurdling, Vaulting, ment or important business, V Vice-Preside-nt Manager. Cook-keepin- g, and Military Drill, Indian Clubs, metic, Machine Shop, Carpuutry, ; in fact all the facilities of ; And your support will help Examined and found, correct: Shortnand, Investments, Bus- any club, including "Gymna- ' the other fellow, too. and Dumb-bells- . E. F. BISHOP. law and others. sium, Billiards, Bowling and r M iness Join and if you can,, why not pay A. cCANDLKSS, : V J. advantages yourself : Swimming. v -- V-- R, A. COOKE, Get these for begin week. Make up the fee for a "little brother," some your boy or younger brother. Classes this v T ZENO K. MYERS, Auditor. and younger lad whom you know cannot Directors. boy to come in your mind to. visit the classes this Lrge another man or - pay own. ', evening and bring a friend and . There's incentive enough! Why afford to his . , Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3d day of January, 1916. with you.-- ' $5.00 your membership and : 1 JOIN; for your joining? Send in your check ... ,. J. D. MARQUES. very tuition, based upon ; Itegular Membership costs V. Full TODAY. a nominal ight now,; or in on your way 7 Notary Publte; First 'Judicial Circuit, T. H. Do it the cost of your materials is all it call membership costs $10, which includes Join BEFORE the 5th. will cost. home. You'll be glad you joined. gym privileges. Officers C. H. COOKE . . . . ; President Vice-Preside- ,E. D. TENNEY : ; - . . nt Vice-Preside- A. Lewis, Jr. . nt and. Manager F. B. DAMON : . . . Cashier G G. O. FULLER . i , Assistant Cashier R. McCORRISTON , . . . . Assistant Cashier FRANK CRAWFORD . ' Cashier Lihue Branch ' -- -- Z. K. MYERS . y'i . . . Auditor IV G. H. DAVERILL - . ' Assistant Cashier A. B. CLARK Assistant Cashier B. Men E. CLARK Assistant Cashier lOO Directors - on C. Join the 5th H. COOKE. President E. D. TENNEY. Vice-Presld- en t Castle & Cooke, Ltd. Vice-Preside- A. LEWIS. JR.. nt and Manager . 'V C. H. ATHERTON, Treas. Ewa Plantation Co Ltd. You We're waiting 4 E. F. BISHOP, President C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. can't get there F. W MACFARLANE, Prea. L ibby McNeill & Ubby, Hon. J. A. McCANDLESS, Director of Oahu Sugar Co. too quickly to welcome you LSI GEO. R. CARTER, Director Hawaiian Trust Co.. Ltd. R, A. COOKE. President Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. F. B. DAMON, Ca.hier . F. C. ATHERTON, Director J. B. At hert on Estate, Ltd. r - j. AJiard-working,ma- n always seems .to be, I . f- lucky. On the' Fame' principle tlmt luck us-- SPORTS, CLASSIFIED AN IV SHIITIXQ. uallv breaks in favor of the best ball team- - SECTION E. AV. Howe.

- HONOLULU STAB-BULLETI- N, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4,1916. NINE SEAVASPS FORCE ROUND OF GAI Foraiwi IIOIISES.OM.VESTffllllO!llitT, MISSIS JAPANESE LINE OFGFiJOHNSON TOVALLEY ISLE REAL HOSPITAL CARE IF WOUNDED WEIGHTY TDK and the floor was perfect for the oc- forcements were rushed through the Adiutant-Gener- al of Naiional LOS ANGELES Canadians, By Clever Surgery TO CHANGE ROUTE casion. The spacious building present- storm of bursting shells to take their TO: DECIDE 01 Guard is Host and Guest at ed an animated scene of gayety and and Doctoring. Lose Only places. Although our guns were with Many New Year Affairs I mirth when Brig.-gen- -, Samuel I. John 10 Per Cent of Steeds in 300 yards of the enemy there never son led the grand march with Mrs. was a wagon or a gun lost, in what - Activities of Submar- - Selden B. Kingsbury Passes Old World Relations With U. S, Teuton Many delightful social events mark Harry Penhallow. :Oyer 300 couples OTTAWA, . An interesting is known as one of the fiercest en Ships completed the march which, with the Away After Dining With Son; official account, of how horses fare in gagements that has taken place in this Will Come Early , in - ines Send N.Y.K. ed the visit to Maul over New Year war. -- smart uniforms of the officers of the Good Hope of Brig gen. Samuel I. Johnson of the Was Civil War Veteran war is contained in: a report received Deliberations' Round National Guard of Hawaii. Banquets; National Guard and the costumes of here from the Chief Remount Officer Horse's wounds heal more rapidly the ladies respondent in jewels, was a than a man's. Cases of, horses with dinners and a grand, ball given by few with the Canadian troops In France. Wireless5! (Special Cable to Nippu Jiji.) magnificent sight The band of the Stricken with heart disease a l.",000 10 bullets in them have Wen known Associated Press br Fleral V.- the 3d Infantry. N. G. IL, were the ., There are approximately horses 4. Submarine IT. S.-A- them-selv- es moments he bad retired for the report recovery TOKIO, Japan, Jan. interspersed by 4th Cavalry, excelled after with the Canadian 'Army Corps in to complete within a Mediterranean, main features, 'smaller night. Judge Selden Bingham Kings very few weeks. In some gress will reconvene today, with the attacks in the Eastern d in rendering delightful music fact, wound private affairs. Gen.rJohnson return-'- n France, and the report points out that canal, one of which bury, wejl-know- in Honolulu and es ed horses foreign relations of the United near the Suez today from the Valley Island. ' for the occasion, assisted by Miss even in modern warfare each infantry have been back in the fir States J sunk the Nippon Yusen Kaisha liner Hoffman's Dancing contin- pecially In Wailuku, Maul, where he ing line within a week. If a horse in the most critical condition that v ! orchestra. division 21,000 men requires 6200 Maru, led company to re- Gen. Johnson entertained the off- lived for many years, died in An of cannot walk, however, he is usually have yet existed since the German and, Yasaka the ued until the wee' small hours of the '.,'-- -' government per- icers and wives of the National Guard geles on December 20. horses. considered a hopeless case, and Austrian admiralties began quest of the Japanese morning of New Year's Day. Continuing, the report reads: must their sub mission to change the routes of the of Maui'at a banquet in the new and Guests at the ball given by the 3d Judge Kingsbury had dined with his be destroyed. These horses and marine campaigns against unarmed dining-roo- 'The horses of a division are taken Japan-Europ- e to the Cape of spacious of the' Maul ho Infantry, N. G. Lieut-col- . son, Attorney Fred C. Kingsbury, dur those which are killed outright, are merchant ships. . liners nightl H.. were: care of by 12 veterinary officers and Good Hope course, and the govern tel at Walluku on New Year's and Mrs. Harry Baldwin. Capt Mrs. in g the evening.: He was feeling well thrown to one side, during an engage In the senate several questions arb ! good one mobile veterinary section of 27 l 1 ... - ment lias consented. ('overs were laid for 20 guests, Arthur Collins, Capt and' Mrs.: H. B. and was in unusually spirits. He ment ana buried alter. cemmg up 1 or lmmeuiaie uecision. of the 4th died shortly after he retired. At the men, which attends to the horses In Loss Is Only 10 Per Cent Among the more important of these During dinner the band Penhallow, Capt and Mrs. W. H. the firing line. is BATTLESHIPS Cavalry, U. S. A., rendered an excel Young, Mrs. O. White- time of her husband's death, Mrs "In the hospitals, cases are divided the resolution. Introduced by Senator THREE Capt and J. "There is one hos- SUEZ CANAL lent program of music. An innovation head, Capt. Mrs. Kingsbury was in' Washington. D. C. Canadian field into contagious diseases and wound Smith of South Carolina, calling upon. FOR and J. J. Walsh, Mr. Consul-genera- -- l pital in France composed of 387 men . TOKIO, Japan, 4. Three ships on was cabaret feature of Baldwin, vlsitin? her brother. ed. The hospitals are absolutely mod Congress to provide for formal In Jan. Maui the and Mrs. F. F. Mrs D. P. capacity of a been ordered by the Imperial the banquet arid between courses danc Penhallow, Mrs. Reynolds. Mr. KJohh Edward Jones, who is In the and six officers. It has a era in every respect. Great care is Quiry into the Interference with Amer- have and capital leave, of to 1000 cases, work avoid .government to to Ca--v by guests was indulged ini L. on a absence prior and the which is taken to putting the horses to ican .shipping by British authorities hasten the Sue? lng. the Mrs. W. West, Mrs. and Miss Serby, departing new France, really to in protecting Japanese tables were beautifully decorated Mr. Mrs. C. D. Lufkin, Capt T. for a station in done there is remarkable. undue pain. Animals are seldom oper and for an Investigation of the sinking nal. assist The and Born in Camden, Ohio; in 1840, Horses, which In previous wars and on flipping in those waters. They are with American Beauty roses and maid D. Collins, Maj. P. C. Lindsay, Mr. ated without chloroform. To date of the Lusitahia. In this connection Judge Kingsbury celebrated his 75th in civilian life, would be destroyed at only, 10 per cent the Toklwa, 21 knots, 9000 tons dis- enhair ferns. - O and Mrs. R. B, Dodge, Mr and Mrs. of the Canadian Senator Stone, chairman of the for- ' f birthday anniversary on October 29. once, are so successfully horses at the front have 500 1 treated that succumbed eign placement, with a complement of Dinner On Monday. William Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. year. 18(54, A.B relations committee, which has e " last In he received his in due course they become for mili- and very few of these died from dis men;-th- Kasuga, ship of the Guard Rice, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Baldwin, Mr. fit t h e resol utlon. under consideration, sister The officers of the National degree at Oberlin iCollege.. and of in- ease. Most Nisshin, 7736 .tons, and the Chitose, and Mrs. George Weight, Mr: arid Mrs. that tary duty in the firing line. It is of them are killed In bat called at the state department yester- of Maul entertained at dinner at the A.M. inM871. On August 17. 1865. he teresting to note that of 07 horses tie., - Brig.-ge- n. 4760 tons. The- warships will leave at Maul on , Monday W. H. Field. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Mat day and held a long conference with hotel last married Huldah W- - Cornine In Ohio. sent In on one occasion, only 12 died. "Doctoring a hor39 is no simple mat once.. I. Johnson staff. Covert thews, Mrs. Weddich, Capt. Kaae, - Soprpt.irv t.nnsfne Nlfh'r wrmlrf Samuel and -- she having died in 1901. His second Five hundred and ninety five eventu- ten. There are more than 4i)V dis t . . t a. . 72 guests. John Lieut. R. von Tempsky, Miss Alexa I xne anerwara, nor were laid for Gen. wife was Katydid J. Jones, whom h ally became fit for reissue or to be eases to which a horse is subiect. As uiscuss situation son entertained the ladles of the offi ton Tempsky, Mrs. Dora von Temp- - would they reveal the subject matter : married in Washington, D. C, on Sep sold as casta for easy duty. he cannot tell you how he is feelintr. cers. The elite of Maul was repre sky. Miss Loy, Miss Whlsler, Miss tember 25, 1907. Bhe survives him. It is very difficult to diacnosa his of their conversation. ; CALIFORNIA.LAND: parties wer Brooks, Miss Wodehouse, Miss Armine Work Under Firing Line.. , .' sented. Several dinner While a student in Oberlin. Judge 'The mAn lr nnHor tho mnct case. The Canadian veterinirians ''iM-----M- 1 given on the above occasion by Ton Tempsky.' Misa Gwen von Temp iv. also ' Kingsbury answered the North's call ing conditions,' often exposed to the 8now sre&t skiu ,ln .thu respect. They prominent society ladles. The, floral sky, Judge and Mrs. McKay, 3fr. and to arms and enlisted in Company C, "se principal aruss. ana tnoy were most elaborate, and Mrs.. A. Rattray. Mr. and Mrs. H fire of rifle and big gun. They are decorations C 2nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He saw tip gath!lave also developed to a high degree spacious dining-roo- of the Maul K. Duncan, Lieut Perry, Lieut Lufkin, around the lines all the time Illll ACCUSED! the considerable service in the West Vir ering in wounded horses; their usf f serums. hotel was a scene of animated coloj Lieut McKenzle; Lieut I Kanacholo, ginia campaigns during the early part P war WOULfiiBOLISH brilliancy. Dancing followed din Lieut Chllllngworth, Mr. and Mrs. manship Is remarkable Wounded hJLS?Viins nojf the; and of the Civil War and, after the battle horses are first ndt: nare,(e(1 ee mes ner. The 4th Cavalry band, U. S. A Gooding Field.7 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. of Cross Lanes, was taken prisoner, can.Valk ald.0" excellent, of mu- Capt and Mrs. Durriey, Mr. Any horse that Is rushed vSJJ0?. PATENT FRAUDS rendered an program. Thompson, and . spent a month in ,Llbby prison g U evening. 1 Short, Mr. Duke,, Mr. Ayres. MrJ and being back to the mobile section, or field WrdsJf sUaS sic 'during the, "' before transferred to Parish hospital, , SDpoun95s Ball at Walluku. lirs. Bennet. Mr. and Mrs. w. A. Bala prison in North Carolina. He was pa his wounds are carefully Sra haynd'two n. every given The National Guard ball on Decern win, Murray, Brlg.-ge- Johnson, roled in August 1862, and two years treated and care him. pounds 0f oats, eight pounds of straw, OFFICERS' TEST -- "During by Wireless 31 was a social event which will Lieut and Mrs. Peters, Lieut: and later, was exchanged. ' Near the close the second battle of Ypres,or In lleu of this," four pounds extra Associated Press federal ber when Canadians were pressed to 4. long be remembered as the most suc- Mrs. Perry, Capt Robinson, Lieut of the war he was provost marshal at the hay and two pounds oats, or any other SAN FRANCISCO. Cal, Jan. sup-fodd- er Lieut-Wilco- x, utmost, no was - pre- cessful ever held on the Valley Robinson, Lieut Wlch Columbia, Ohio. Upon the completion their at time the nrocurahii f piii tnnA vntna- Sensational charges of fraud were affair ply of Isle. The armory, in which the ball man, Lieut Larrlson, Lieut; Osmers of the war, he resumed his studies.. horses diminished at the firing mait, sugar beet,-o- r vegetables. The , WASHINGTON, D. C Jan. 4. That ferred by the officials of the federal -- was given, was beautifully ,de;corated ana many otners. v Took Three Year Tour. VV'f':. .' ime. as casuaiues occurred, amongcanadian horses are roIlingMn fat the annual test ride for officers of land office here yesterday afternoon, rein-sinc- e - Judge Kingsbury first came to Ha- battery and transport horses, they have been in against the California Trona Cora- -' France." the army, which requires that every ' 1907, three-yea- r pany. ':' waii in following a offiter of every rank shall ride 90 tour of the world- - . He finally settled Victor Berndt, president of the Rail- HIS miles in three days and pass a phy Valley Company of ' , 1WER C0OPLETES DIGESTIF here and, on February 9. 1909, waa sical examination at the conclusion to road appointed Judge of the second circuit opened the ball by --attacking the .valid- test his fitness for service, has failed granted court at Walluku, Maui, his appoint- ity of the application patents coming company, on the ground Chat ment from Theodore Roose lishes no good purpose is the. opinion to the COURT DECISIONS velt, who then was president He he Consolidated Goldfields Company iraiiSUEIIEJIE expressed in his annual . report by - served a full term of four years, being Africa,: a - British- concern, Brig.-ge- n. A, Garllngton, of South' - -- Ernest ' -- : : i'- J--.- by " ". ; ' succeeded W. S. who holds the. majority; of stock la, the 'J. 'i V - .""' J? - i' l i Judfe Edines, who reccftntneads that company. - n4- - - - the obligation upon all officers to take . Brfneine to a close, work which has "I expect to iiaye the work adyanc Prior to his : coming to ; TbeTrona company In 3913 was sus- Hawaii, this test be abolished.' lasted vec period, of four ; years, .enough, to call bids on the Judge Kingsbury was superintendent TiioSSS fight the potash at ed iar for tained la Its 'for . The JnspectSr general1 also recom- E. zo.vuv of schools in Searles'Lake against H.-- wwen Jias meat, me siuay oi publishing by April l,' said Mr.,Thay- - Flint and Constantine claims at pages 'of court decisions, and which counties, Michigan, for;, eight years. mends that the annual obstacle ride, Lee, who had relocated the claims, fer hbpe to book will in a new book of practi today, '"and have the and in 1876 was admitted to the bar which every officer is obliged to take, and - demanded, $100.000,000,, for ;tlje. 'result cally 1,000 pages. Secretary of the Ter- completed by July 1. It has been in In Coldwater, Michigan. After a suc- by by which calls for a three miles gallop Broperty. Associated Press Federal Wireless Associated Press Federal Wireless 11 min- yester- teresting I am glad most n over nine jumps in not over ritory Wade Warren Thaler work but ' that cessful law. practise, he removed, to WASHINGTON D, C, Jan.; 4.rSan WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 4.Sur-geo- , . utes, be not required in of of a brow of it is about over." Idaho, where hei. remained until 1903. , ; future day passed hand over tired ' tos Dumont, the famous Brazilian General Blue Issued a formal - more 45 years old. and murmured, aV prayer:; of , thanks- Mr.. Thayer took up the work by Judge. Kingsbury was a member of Is o country aft- ficers than " aviator, who on of the delegates in warning to the yesterday "' t.; 85 A In Inspector glViQg. s. ''.' .;' contract Act of the last legisla the Hawaiian Bar Association, Sons attendance at the Pan-Americ- Scien ernoon, announcing epi- recommendation the ''' that the worst general's report which will affect Mr.Tbayer. Is working , 09. a digest ture provides an appropriation of of the American Revolution, American tific Congress, was one of the leading demic of Influenza ever known in the the of. have, been,, ren- ?5000r .whereby the supreme court is Geographical Societt, Grand Army of speakers yesterday, urging greater part of the army, if acted up- . b Court decision that that all the United States is now spreading over ' ' , supreme . , of Ha- to procure a complete digest of all Its the Republic, Historical Society pf Ha- on. Is that a heavier marching shoe be dered by the court Americas Bhould unite In : the 'even t. the entire country. U. S. CONSUL AT SALONIKI waii from the time of Its ; inception decisions since the' beginning of the waii and Navy League. He was a Re- that any one of the various republics persons already adopted, the sole of which should bo r Scores of have died, hob-nail- TEUTON-BUSINESS,- . TtaesQ of territory '. ': '"y' y publican, Congregationalist In faith, a reinforced with s. HANDLES. to . date., decisions consist be made the object' of an attack for declared the surgeon general, and he 4: 1 Twelve years ago Judge Edlngs. pro- Mason and a member of the Unlver-- ' . SALpNlKl, Greece Jan, General 12: volumes: of good. site.. Eve.ry .case conquest by any power foreign to urged local health: authorities to take -c- 8?ty r, ommander-in-chief al- eyery duced digest supreme court and Country clubs in Honolulu. '. .'''.;.-- of the carefully and a. of the , ';.. Sarrall, has .been read America, ' prompt steps to fight the disease. , Here.-- , Secretary Thayer's He was the author of five of lied forces. yesterday requested point tot law digested . and classified. decisions,; but has volumes He predicted that an aeroplane ser In Cleveland and Detroit, the an KehL--t- o , law . . many published American consul,. 'Mr. . Practically all of thejwork-ha- s been been made Independently of this and briefs and lec vice North and South' ' he 'between nouncemetft said, there are 100,000 : tures,. Temple , had a host of In take charge of the Turkish interestt done at- - night - daring , th.e last four furthermore brings the decisions down He friends the America will soon be an accomplished cases, and the epidemic is sweeping masonic --written territory, was In this city. - Later 4n the flay he also years. The digests ;haye been to datev The secretary has followed and: well liked by his thing, and suggested that an aerial pa east and west, having been reported , ;.;'''- - .' requested Mh. KeUI io lake over th out in - long hand 1 on separate the system of the West Publishing associates. trol should be encouraged for the pro- - in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Teuton5 cards number 110,- - Company in carrying out his compila He- IS survived by a widow, three tection of the entire coastline of the Interests cards, and these : - San Francisco and Seattle. : -- , V: " "y ". sons and a daughter. : , ..y. . tton." ?:.,.v' two American continents.. The government, continued the an- ITALY! PUTS DOCK WORKERS- - Bryan Indorses Lansing. . nouncement, is unable to handle the Yeekly Calendar REJOICE-KEMPJNSK- CpNSCRiPTON." I Wiluam Jennings Bryan spoke in in UNDER situation, and . local authorities dorsement of the "One for all; all for the 4.-r- 7be Italian meet epidemic as they ROME, JJj. Jan. AND QRAB0WSKY WITH one" urged by Secre must the best MONDAY : government Js, tightening Us grip, an can, and, aided by the public, suppress Hawaiian Lodge No. 21; Stat- consolidating tary Lansing in his address at the as anolher ste'u 'toward . FOUR .LETTER NAMES opening of the congress. The sugges- the outbreak. ed; 7:30 p. m. - all the ' energies of ; the. country, aq. tion of . his successor in the office of nounced yesterday ; thtt-l- t woud, Because they wished to have their the state department that the repub- - A N - U R I C ! future held all 'dock: laborers as .under names changed, two TUESDAY members of the ics of the Americas should agree up Honolulu Lodge No. 409; Spe- military control In iorder to facilitate iiiADlIB : : : 2nd Infantry of. ap band. Fort Shafter on the formation of a commission to 'Newest Discovery in Chemistry. shipment supplies 4nd' also to The cial, Second Degree; 7:30 p.m. - the oft plied, to; Governor Pinkham , for help settle boundary disputes and stop the prevent as. far as poss)Dieany delays and were given privilege yesterday - ! " the shiprrient of munitions to revolution- Tliii a discovery of Doctor ' I POLICY MEET T0DJIGI1T is recent from strikes " by " - that executive. Robert Alexander sts was heartily seconded by Mr. f -'-- Pierce, who is head of the Invalids' WEDNESDAY ;,;B'f - '.,- r: Kemplnskl and Stephen Edward Grab- Bryan. C Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buf- FRANCE REQUISITIONS . , , Hawaiian Lodge No. 21; Spe- owsky were the two candidates for a falo, N. Y. Experiment at Dr. Pierce's SUPPLYrX)g-LEATHE- change name.. Henceforth they will ; cial, First Degree; 7:30 p. m. "A Progressing AdverlisingPoiicy Capt Charles S. Lincoln, 'recently of JAPANESE EWVOy Hospital for several years proved that PARIS, France, Jan. 4. In order to assigned by the war department as Insp- bear through life ; the respective cog there is no other eliminator of uric army, which That Won." : TO RUSSIA N EARING THURSDAY satisfy the needs of the ector-instructor to the 1st nomens of Robert Alexander Kemp acid that can be compared to it. For 1 wUl Utle the Y. M. . are growing constantly, the govern- This be the of National Guard -- of Hawaii; will meet and Stephen Edward. Gray... END OF JOURNEY those easily- - recognized symptoms of C. A, Day announcements at the , Ad FRIDAY , ment yesterday announced that it had of -- Regiment to- Club on Wednesday luncheon In all' officers "the 1st inflammation as backache, scalding requisition supplies of at WRECK d decided to all night at 7:30 at the armory, Capt OF SCHOONER IS (Special Cable to Nippu Jiji.)-TOKI- urine-an- Jrequent urination, as well in France, beginning with Jan- the Alexander Young Hotel. Seven yester- SOLD FOR ELEVEN 8ATURDAY leather will pre- Lincoln moved into Honolulu DOLLARS Japan, Jan. 4 The special as Bedimed in the urine, or if uric secretaries of the Y. M:C. A. ,.u--'rr---:y- uary 5. ThlB step is in line with oth- day.- representative of Russia to Japan, acid in the blood has caused rheuma- Lei Aloha Chapter No. 3, O. ers already taken, by which France sent seven points in the policy of the Wednesday night Capt Lincoln will GULFPORT. Mass. The AmericAn v E. S.; Stated; 7:30 p. m. association telling how the seven! poli- '' whose coming is believed to fore- tism, it is simply wonderful how sure- every ., ; "An-uric- mobilizes available resource for, meet the . men of . the .1st Battalion. schooner John W. Dana of Boston, shadow a treaty the empires, ly " acts. The best of results cies hate multiplied the membership & between prosecution of the war. : 2nd , which, was wrecked Dwpnihpr fmir the by five equipment by. five. Thursday he. will meet the, Bat; will reach Antung tomorrow or the axe always obtained in cases of acute and the r v talloti. and Friday the 3rd JJattalion. miles southeast of Chandeleur Island, by - gravel General Secretary Paul Super will day after. He will be met Cover- rheumatism in the joints, in 8CHOFIELD LODGE Following the , meetings with the men has been sold at auction here by the nor-gener- S. Teraucht of Iftirea and and gout, and Invariably the pains and CIVIL WAR VETERAN'S v the meeting Ad Club - preside at at the Capt Lincoln will begin his real work underwriters for $11. Tlfa vessel was M. "of per- WEDNESDAY- ar- Adachl, who was minister Japan stiffness which so frequently and BRILLIANT CAREER ENDS and a number of stunts have been Guard.' meeting . loaded with asphalt with, the National the from Brighton, to Mexico. Mr. Adachl has left Tokio sistently accompany the disease rap-Idl- y ranged for the luncheon, but these will companies on "their regular, drill Port of , and with, her cargo, to join Mr. Korea, 8ATURDAY not be made known In advance. Mrs. Teraucht In disappear. Associated Press by Federal W4reless j nights and holding inspections, dates was valued at about $26,500. whence they will proceed to Antung. Go to your nearest "drug store and Work la Third Degree; 7:30 G."IC Tackabury will sing a solo, ac- - COUNCIL BLUFFS, la., Jan. 4. to be announced later.. : 50-ce- nt ;.; g-'- simply ask for a package of p, m. MaJ.-gen- . companied by Miss Edith Gatfield. B g g g Grenville Mellen Dodge, 3 S "An-urlc- " The men who will talk for the asso- I ll'IlS OREGON IN GRIP OF manufactured by Dr. Pierce, whose brilliant ,. exploits . during the MAUI PEOPLEENJOYFINE or even write Dr. Pierce for a free ciation are Glenn IT. Jackson, physical LESS, RAINFALL IN 1915 GALE AND him died COLD -- Civil War made famous, at Loomls, BITTER sample. If you suspect kidney or blad- his home here yesterday. He was 85 director; Charles: P. boys' MUSIC BY CAVALRY BAND ; THAN R AVERAGE HERMANNS SOHNE. ; work secretary; Jay A. Urice educa- der trouble, send him a sample of years old. .. y ''.. secretary; S. Robley, secre- Associarea rewrat Wrreressi your water and describe symptoms. notable to his country tional W. Lovers . of good music had a rare j ,. Because of the fact Janu Versammlungen In K. of P. halL Two 6enices tary K. that PORTLAND, Ore Jan. 4 The gales Dr. Pierce V chemist will examine, it, assure General Dodge a place among of boys' clubs; Rolla Thomas, treat on the occasion or the roncert ary, February, March, May and Montags, Januar 3 und 17; 7 office secretary; A. E. Larimer, men's which have been sweeping the Pa then Dr. Pierce will report to you Februar history makers of the Civil War given In the grounds of the Maul hotel .June .of, year 1915 were short Ore- und 21; Maerz 6 und 20. the secretary, and Mr. Super. the clflc coast of late have reached without fee or charge. Reconstruction periods. at Walluku on Sunday afternoon last . of rain the total rainfall Hono- in- "Ah-url- and in gon and last night the whole state, Note.-- c is 37 times more ac- W. WOLTERS, PraesidenL As a soldier his valor is attested by by the .4th Cavalry baid. U. S. A. A lulu for the whole year 1915 Is ' I cluding this city, was covered .with than lithia in eliminating uric C. BOLTE, Sekretaer. facjL U. BE Honolulans, .who were, stay- .by tive the that four horses were shot S.TR00PSMAY number of .less 1.56 Inches than the nor- from four to five inches of snow, driv- acid, and is a harmless reliablo from under him in the battle of Pea ing oyer from the races, and a large mal ralnfalL bit annual (Tnis annual en into drifts by the bitter cold wind may safe- HONOLULU LODGE 1, -- TAKEN FROM HAITI SOON who at- chemical compound that be NO. Ridge, and that he himself received assemblage of Maul .residents . rainfall is computed on fi gures blowing. r that was There Is no sign ly given to children, .'but should be MODERN ORDER OF PHOENIX. wounds in several battles. tended the musicale were enthusias- ,18 taken for a period of years, ot a letup in the cold weather, accord- only by grown-up- s who actually As a pioneer in western railroad Associated by tic In applause. A delightful pro- used Press Federal Wireless their and is 31.03 inches. The , 1915. ing to the local forecaster. per- building he has the Union Pacific rail- gram classical was rendered wish to restore their kidneys to Will meet at their home, corner ot WASHINGTON, D. C Jan. 4. of music total Is 29.47 inches. - fect health, by conscientiously tisin? Beretania and Fort streets, every road, whose line he located and whose and Bandmaster M. A, Quinto. most .1915 heav- Hopes were expressed at the navy de- Rainfall during was one box- - more in cases Thursday evening 7:30 construction he superintended, stand- courteously responded to the numer- by inches,' or extreme at o'clock. partment yesterday afternoon that the ' ier six however, than MARY BAKER .EDDY'S as "An-uric- " (thanks to Doctor CHARLES HUSTACE, ing today monument to his '; -- JB Leader, as a ous encores. in . year previous, 1914 United States soon will be able to the the SON PASSES AWAY Pierce's achievement) Is by the , Secretary. - ' memory. This very fine aggregation of sklVe--1 far withdraw its naval forces from Haiti. fall amounting to 23.07 Inches. most perfect kidney and bladder cor- The cruiser Prairie left Philadelphia musicians will long be remembered y Measurenrenti by 'months dur- G. 72 W. Glover, years old, only son rector' obtainable. adv. : HONOLULU LODGE, 616, B. P. O. E, YUAN FOLLOWS SUIT; yesterday afternoon with supplies for the Maul people and their visit , to ing the past year are as follows : of the late Mary Baker Eddy, head of meets In their hall Walluku Is but another bond' of good January, .35; the detachment in Haiti. The vessel February, .82; the Christian Science church, ( . . NAMES ERA K0 KEN fellowship died at The state department has Inquired on King St near will put Into Port Royal. Caro- which exists between the March, .4 2 ; April. 1.93 ; May, .20 ; -- South ' his home . in the Black Hills, near of Great, Britain whether Jthe British Fort, every Friday lina, army and citizen life on the islands. 2.02; and there will take on board a June, .86; July, August. .18; Lead, S.. D., December 27. , Vbjitlag - (Special Cable to Nlppu Jijl.) embargo on logwood from Jamaica is evening. detachment of , which will re- September, 1.56; October,, 144 ;, Glover . attracted - much attention brothers are co TOKIO,. Japan, Jan. 4. Yuan Shlh-Ka-l now was ' to be operative against the United lieve those on duty In the Island. Villlam Wehnert arrested at November, 10.68; December,' . - has named the new era of his before , his mother's death by Insti- States.: ': ; dially invited tu st She probably will remain in Haiti un- Paterson, N. J., for the murder of his 9.Q1. ToUl, 29.4,7. inches. ob- ;:.';., rule as emperor. Ko Ken, following the tuting a suit in Massachusetts to tend. til the final withdrawal of American brother, Andrew,' a milk dealer, round. tain, a part her Y,' E.K? T of. fortune. He was her death. C J. MK'AKTII Chinese Imperial custom. ; . troops.-- -' r shot to death In his stable. ' ' i' ..""'- - awarded approximately 1250,000 after He was not a Christian Scientist. .'.., ;.'. .. .v STAR-BULLETI- TEN HONOLULU N, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 101

' ' : ' ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' ""' "" '; "" """ I - . '. a 1 1 ,Z i j rz nVgLX J vr ? i w B.V.D. For Many Men of Many Minds i LULUS WIN DUO PACIFICCOAST Dove of Peace Heads FERRIERA FAINTS FROM hk lone ser-- vice-unde- 1 Jockey D. Ferrlera, who drove T OF GAMES FRO I Harvester in the Maul Nw Year MAKES RECORD 1915 Poultry Exhibit races in the mile and a half and wear (feel the three-quarter- s dash, returned to Honolulu thiji morning. He cloth and mark; Ball Clubs in Organized Ball Jim full of praise for the sportsman- IN ATHLETICS Weeghmand Purchase P.B.C, ship of tbe Maui men, and says workman--s- hi Gilmore Left Out in Cold With Gwinner and Sinclair Fielder he had the time of his life on the the Valley Isle. Ferriera's nrtme Is -- "com-fortabry-c- ur Jones Will' Manage St. Louis Browns and Joe Tinker is big p) the Standing of Bowling Clubs. trocd on Maul, for he won the Slated-fo- r Cubs Two Eight Club Leagues Named race of the day. bringing back to Western Stars Must Travel Chicago W. . L. IV t I. Willie un Honoljlua 27 18 9 the cwner of Harvester. Many Miles to Compete in M' Lucjis fifty-do'la- r The dove of peace has been the big National League Club, the present 16 8 .6CT the handsome to paid for Colts ...... 24 the Maui Hotel put up Championship Matches , derwear (tiy it and revel in the joy thing in tb poultry Hue for the past owners, of course, be their Service .24 15 9 .62: cut that on Hf-nr- y fail- holdings. for this race. As indicated else- month, and" although Ford Cosmos ...... 24 10 14 .417 3 Phil Ball ai.d his associates in where, Frances B." won the eleven (By Associated Press) body ed to lineup the warring factions in F. B. (T V...... 27 10 17 .:$7. 4 of unhampered limb and St, T.lub to elghtl s pole3. but Ferrlera kept SAN FRANCISCO. CaL. Jan. the European' leagues, the white flag the lxuis Federal league Nationals ...... 24 .25 a great war precluded non-binding,4skin-soothi- ng" raised in America. Peace hav the SL Louis American, this 618 woiktug: Harvester right along While th has movement) hat been up, cup away any International competition, the the came to the warring factions, but it property also to be bought from the Honolulus 2. and took the from Iast night's match "Mai.l Ilia riding surprised every- past year generally is considered to came sting to mauy of the present owners. B. O. 1. (because of wltblts I'. body, Ferrlera has not been have been abanner cne for the ama- underwear men Interested in baseball. 4 Each Federal league club tc be i Tonight at 6:45 Washlngtfns vs, ftr un- on Maul for some eight years. teurs throughout the United States, soft-feeli- in cold. responsible for the players It . has XX Club. fit ng Jim Gilmore was left out the He was the recipient of particularly I he Pacific coast, its loose and fabric) . fighting president of der contract and to have the right to herty and for Gilmore was tbe ct ngratiilations ;from everybody due to the Panama-iaclfic- . .Exposition.-- thought-'- ' he dispose of such players to any chit : Honolulus took two out of three the .Feds, and It was that, The At. the end of the mile and a half Thanks to the big fair, a greater num- care of but he re- in organized baseball.; from the IV H. C last evening in tbe old-tim- e, would be taken 5 whole he fainte'l, and his friends hal' ber of high-clas- s national performers Bury all thoughts of the nothing in the draw. Harry The Federal league as a Y. M. C. A. senior bowlfng1eaue an.i ceived to carry h'm off the race track. coast than at any skin-tigh- magnate the to be responsible for the players un thereby held their tie for first place have visited the t, undergarments Sinclair, ttwwalthy of Reducing for the events he had other time In the hisrory of its ath- chafing der contract to the Kansas City and two games went to the Ho p Feds, also' tabled to land. He wanted The first lost 15 poandvin two davs bf.-r- Buffalo clubs, each franchise having nolulus easily, but the last was verv letics. ;.:..;.;-.- and remember only , , the New T6rtc Giants., but could not Saturday. This fact astonished coast a tre- The league will have B. C. That this has given the I',-;-' the weight. lliihner of Pitts- been forfeited. close. In the last frame the P. Maui men who knew make power to players of those 18 pins, the the mendous Impetus in amateur athletics burg wanted to buy jinto the Pirates the sell the won out by Gomes and Soares jockey. Ferrlera and the other ; all branches is the consensus . of key two clubs. delivering strikes at the critical point in Dre)fus-fai- d no-Ric- '"'. Honolulu horsemen who returned This &J Woven Label but 6 All lawsuits now pending in the Haney of the Honolulus ;JijV opinion and the result of the national Canned-Branc- Walter B. V. D. Closed R. V. h in- this morning claim that te championships held In the exposition D. Coat Cut courts are to be withdrawn. This the best average of the evening, 188 on New were Union Suits MADE FOR THE. tlifkey was let out by the cnly 200 game dur- races the Year the stadium summer has. pretty thor- Crotth Under s and cludes about a dozen cases of lnjunc He also bowled the best in the history of Maul. last (Pat. U.S.A. hlrts St. Louis;' Americans . and Fielder against players, these player- ing the match. Winne did very well oughly convinced all bands that the Knee Length Draw- Ball, tlons and 11.00 and Jones his place u itb the s-are de- ' coast athlete must be reckoned with. ers,. 50c and up. takei fo belong to the clubs for the winners. upward Suit. MS Fed magnate", ad owner of, the Browns. prived of them because of the in- The P. B. C. signed Elisha Andrews His performances, compared favorably the BEST RETAIL TRACE ward the Garment. Baltimore,;' V Sy about .the size of junctions. yesterday, and he proved a tower of with those of his eastern brethren. Honolulu Will Stage ( TrM Mart Jt(. (Y & fjl. Of. J ft-t- n fiMrin) Boston, could not break into the. ma 7 Players of the Federal League Btrength to the club in his. first match The Pacific coast has been well rep- jors and fans in the city are whose contracts have expired are free Andrews averaged 174 and bowled resented in the roll of national , and I fighting mad. The players in the Feds to sign whore they wish. ' 189 for eecond high game of the even A.A. U. Championships world's champions by such names as many of ing1. - will be sold at auctlonVarid 8 That part of the peace agree- O. P. Soares was second man for MeLouehlin.' Johnston. Horlne.l Bee- Most any store will gladly sell you B. V.D., but never- them receive Cuts in? their eal ment pertaining to the International hiR team. .. ;. Honolulu will be given the A. A. IT son, Drew, Kelly and others, and there t theless, it's safest to insist on seeing the label above. - 5 ' :. ' - ries. ; ..',. League to be left to a committee con- Tonight at' 6:45 the Intermediate national 'swimming . championships in are many who think that this list Charles 11. Weeghman, president of sisting of the national commission, leaguers stage their weekly match July. Xorrln-- . Andrews, who returned would have been augmented had more the late Chifeds, will be the owner President Gilmore of the Federal The Washington three men team from the mainland this morning, stat championship events been held within Cubs. him will go Tink- Barrow of the meets the XX Club trio. Both won ed that be bad been assured by Sec teasonable reaching, distance. The of the With: League, President games tonight's The B.V.D. Company, New YorL er and many Fed stars. This may International League, one representa-o-f their first three and retary Rubien of the A. A. U. that the East practically has had a monopoly Bresnahan will be let go Federal League club match will probably decide the best big aquatic events' of the year woiild of them. It costs both time and mon- mean that the Baltimore team in department, by the Restaurant man, Bresnahan is one representative of the Buffalo the intermediate go to Honolulu this year , ey to get to. them from here. The ac- and Last night's scores : for Toledo. Summing the sit Feds. committee to meet in Cin- Inasmuch as Hawaii holds tbe cham- quisition of the national tennis title is slated This - Honolulus. up. not appear as if the 4 with absolute pow- pionship In the sprints, the coming a shining example of this. ... uation it does cinnati on Jan. ' 1st 2nd 3rd Total Feds made anything in the move. er to make a final decision. meet with the. best swimming stars of a chance, Gear ...... 163 178 151 492 the world will mean much to the sport brings up discussed sub- Weeghman and Ball have 9 Any further transferring of clubs 178 : This the oft Winne 162 181 521 here. . Duke will then have meet holding cham- but Sinclair Gwinner and the players to be individual affairs, not subject to to ject of the fairness of .; Haney .179 185 '200 564 and-i- t peace agreement. ... the best of the country is cer- pionship competitions where' athletes will suffer. ? Clark . .. .139 152 .114 4 tain more ..stars would the St. A Discordant Note! that of, the from all parts,of the country will have Fielder , Joens states that Frans ...... 167 165 148 '480 come: for a championship meet than reaching Browns will win the American CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex.. Dec. 22. a reasonably equal chance of louls will be present in j"ebriiary y. Order participate. To bold year with tho "The Cubs are not for sale." 100-yar- them in to League pennant, next 826 842 794 2462 d event never Slou was Charles P. answer The has been the tennis championship, for example, 5end of the Browns and This Taft's P. B. C. for consolidation question concerning his listed as an outdoor standard by the ear year: on the edge of the Weeghman" states that the tonight to a Azevedo 134' 134 410 - after feds. agreement ...... 142 A. A. IT., and It was necessary- to" se- considered by many on the will have enough strength with attitude toward the peace Rodrigues .... .110 143 175 42f cure votesOf governors of Atlantic is organized tbe a mail the Pacific coast a manifest hardship to the Chifeds' added to 'bring home the between baseball and Santos ...... 147 120 .267 the union on the s lbject. after gaini- the? In- the-res- t country race next Federal Leagne, which is said to ,.. - ? ; of the and unfair. bacon in the National. The Gomes ... ;'v;t.',- 134 '134 ng- the conseht ; of TKe championship promise to be a strange one. clude the purchase of the Chicago Na- Andrews ... . .167 - 166 189 522 Aifdrews' That a greater proportion 6f athletes"! year committee. Mr. has,; been near centers of but as most of the players will be sold tionals by Charles Weeghman Mr. Soares ...... 133 156 180 471 quoted in a number of the eastern are in the East the highest bidder. Undoes not look Taft is on a hunting trip on his ranch publications, and his work in landln? population is hot denied, but that the to the long should be selected like a run away race for. any team. near here' and was reached by 701 719 812 2232 the A. A. U. event will mean much Atlantic seaboard Kauff and Lee Magee "are slat- distance telephone. for the advancement of tbe sport in Instead of some central states , point, Benny 1 ,:'-,- - unjust. absolutely nothing to the '' : deemed ed for the Giants. Hal Chase and Ed "There is Hawaii. " sala- report President Weeghman of ;' j ft, Gonetchy may catch on, but their that Philadelphli mighty high., the Chicago Federals will buy the Chi- That the ftew York or (Jane, ries have been WILLS WINS DECISION go- JVrs. peace agreement as cago Cubs .he declared. , "No propo- athlete wouldthlnk4wlceJefore Polnt3 in the year play F.EIES Herrmann sition for the purchase of . the Cubs OVER ing to Europe every to for Its handed out by. Chairman LANGF0RD LAST I any a Is unquestioned. Yet McLough-li- n the wonderful K C Cook's Book.Mxs. Janet of the national commission are a has been made nor have made title Read Carefully la ' McKenzie School ' proposals to sell, trade, or otherwise NIGHT IN20 ROUNDS and Johnston of San Francisco, in Hill, of Boston Cookinz follows: ...-.''- every housewife how become prepare ;ptayers of the Federal dispose of my holdings. The Cubs are order to defend their tennis honors lame, tells to an expert cook how to 1 All year year, to make such appetizing dishes the family will go simply wild over what you set League are c41gible to play in organ not for sale." Associated Press by Federal Wireless are required, after " Mr. baseball mat- a journey longer than the sea voyage, before them. k Ized ball - Taft added that . NEW ORLEANS, La.. Jan. 4. Har- as- would not engage his attention requires, about the same length, of The K C Cook's Book Is illustrated In 9 colors, contains 90 tested and . Weeghman and his ters ry. Wills of was given 2 Chatles California the expen- proven recipes inac oc every until his return to Cincinnati in Jan- the-en- d time , to make and is quite as wiu successful sociates ' In the Chicago Federal decision .at of the 20th round if few simple suggestions are followed. uary.- : sive. To the new and untried aspi- time the fegVCAN League Club are to naveune cmcago in bis boxing bout with Sam Langford Book been prepared CUABANTT, ' the conditions practi- The K C Cook's has last night. Wills-showe- d an Improve- rants for honors cally are prohibitive. An hour or two at an expense of many thousands of dollars, ment in his' work and. Sam' was unable and if purchased at a store would easily cost to put .Over his celebrated body punch. and a dollar or two Is all the Atlantic GQEBIG LEADS LORRIN ANDREWS who wants try. his for- 50 cents, yet we give it absolutely free as we The result of last night's bout gives coast player to K. disposal un- want you to know exactly wnat J isaxing Wills tbe best claim to the colorel tune has to have at his ao ror you ux The time record for playing a game ' Powder is and what it wiu - - ' der present conditions, it Is pointed In majors year was by heavyweight title. - ; your own kitchen. You need this won oUflCFSft,- the this made OUt. , ,' " , .. .'";. :.::::v: '"''':-:"-- WILL HEAD New York and Boston of the National . derral book it is ox nw unponance 0A1 League closing sea- Frank Waterbury" of Hamilton, to every housewife. 1 1 on the day of the The argument is applicable in all m son. In spite of the heavy hitting and defeated Frank Ingirsoll of Elgin, III., ' three-cushio- of amateur sport championships in n billiards last month. lines How to get frequent scoring the time consumed which presumably are open to the na- tho r ' - Sounds like an ad for a jewelry store. LEAGUE IN was 62 minutes.' i tion's athletes. The question is not CooH'a Booll 1916 f ' Uro. Co. - raised In the case of an event such Write your name and address The St. Louis Browns have taken on as the boat race held by the college V plainly on this coupon. At- - . uucago. another rookie pitcher hailiLg from JOHNNY POE crews on the Hudson river, which Is i x Ucn tne colorea ceruncate Z5-ce- ' - . nt .-: 1' ... the Mound City suburbs. His name, is .to x packed in cans. STATE Y. M. C. A Lorrin Andrews was elected presl: r :'--.- :'.- - an annual affair belonging the linrlMviwrtlflrfNiAi. CALIFORNIA Miller Ash and he has made a good competing crews quite as much as ; ISendUjeCoQk'iBooA sending both to us. LEAGUE. dent of the Oahu league at a myelin t (Of the , Killed in m. BOWLING Jerseyyille, III., in- Iddod Tern will be mighty tlad yoa W. L. Pinfall Ave held last evening. He will succeed record with the the Fighting Near Ypres, the annual boat race on the Thames Mfg. dependent team. He will get a trial eights of Yale Har- did. J3L c Honolulu". U 2 10,692 .875 Lieut. G. L. Van Deusen, who will Sept 25, 1915.) f between the and x Chlcaie y. Ues MracO. in the spring. vard, Is theirs. is where a national I.. CHICAGO Sacramento .....12 4 10,133 ..50 leave for the coast In the near future (Lines by a Princeton Classmate) t- It iJinKiHmintiitftmn" vice-preslde- . 6 9.564 S21 B. Franklin Hollinger. n. : Johnny or an open title is to be competed for --4nV II. S. N. T. S.. .. .10 ' f Poe; f -- manager; (Manuel an Amateur Athletic Union nAiMKM Ft. McDowell . . .. 9 7 10t34 fct and J. Paresi, Just how excited the enthusiasts' Stocky little chap, you know. such as x is yestern Oakland ... 8 8 ia.131 .5W treasurer and Stephens, secre were while Mahan, Boles and others He'd no call to take in slack! event, that the far athletes tary, were the other officers elected. were ripping through the Yale line is 4 '.Most too feels that time, distance anil expense ' small for quarteback, 3 13 8,644 ,1S Fcur teams will be represented in shown by 13000 worth of valuables 4-- Made it somehow played it are all against them, , elements with 18'- s, 3 13 8.375 -- Oahu league this year. Puna-hou- found under' the wooden seats at the though; v which the eastern athlete does hot the Why not spend the week-en- d at O. Pinfall Ave e. Honolulus and St stadium. However, this year's gath- Johnny Poe. - have to contend. ..6 1U3 19- - Ix)uls Alumni being the representa- ering was much, more careful than "A- - ..3 573 '191 tives in f?e circuit. It was stated at two years ago, when valuables to the Johnny Poe There is a growing feeling on the ..12 22R2 1P1-- last night's meeting that the first amount of $10,000 were picked up. More than 20 years ago coast that some steps should be tak- 11 .. i 1693 ISf same of the Olympic series would h Wasn't he a ghastly sight en toward rectifying these conditions, IHI 223S 5. 4-- Is i k.12 lt" ivyi on February Capt Norris As at Yale there is sure to be a When we'd fought the snowball and it not at all unlikely that the a e w a .. 6 iu3 n Stayton and George Bruns were d change in the' coaching system at ;":':' fight? question will: be brought up by the Unusual Attractions .. 9 1654 I-- - official umpires for the Olym- Penn. next year. It is generally ad Hardly had. a face to show; Pacific coast representatives at some 1 f .. 9 1G49 pic series, and also for the 1916 sea- .' meeting of Union, milted by Penn graduates that the Johnny Poe. future the Insofar ; Rates, $3.50 a day, 21.00 a week. 1 ; f ;' .1092 son of Oahu League. cne-ma- n ..5 the system Is the proper one and .''.- -' as It relates to track and field ath- 2168 1 . ...'''..: ..12 . must be adhered to if Penn is to get Johnny Poe; letics. , !., 9 16C7 iTf 30 Miles by Tickets over O. R. R. Ash is a good name for a Stove back her gridiron prestige of former f Freshman president? That's so! 4.- b 173 ,17 League years. Besides doing a lot of b g Homely face and ready grin Wells-Farg- o 6 icco ; player at any rate. He comes PAIA RACQUETERS WIN Auto Road OfTice. ir from Jerseyville. Illinois, where the things for Harvard football, Percy Lord the veil of years grows Haughtbn has college . .' . FROM PUUNENE STARS '. water tank is the principal building. caused other thin! i"-- to ; errors of Dead 3 512 171 authorities realize the f "somewhere lnElanders?" Kosloski. FL McD. .. .V-- (Special Star-Bulleti- n Correspondence) - ways. 9 1518 icr- their No! '; f .. Thorpe crowded Into - Jim has back 4- ; t- WAILUKU, Jan. 3. On 3 505 16S Johnny Poe? Christmas football limelight again. . Jim won the 168 The death of Tom Shevlin, the Yale Day, at the Pala tennis courts, the c 3 Hchmoldt. Saeto. . j . 3 505 ''' professional football championship of by : 167 coach this fall, will be regretted by Johnny Poe: Pala team easily won all but one N. T. . 9 1504 all-st- ar f King, Ohio for the Masaillon cast in all football fans. Shevlin was a type Well, how he'd like to go, set and by score of games, 52 to 25, ..". . 1H0 167 : that's S. a game against Canton Profes- - the game, 4- 6 999 167 of man who did much for the Scrapper he was, first and last, over Puunene. Each club had three We attend to Checking and Sealing of 4. sionals almost alone and unaided, boot- and Walter Camp stated that the for- Never let a fight get past, teams that entered the tournament, ...6 978 163 ing a couple of goals from the field f 976 163 mer Yale end was one of the two Hunted 'em through Mexico; and each team played three sets.; The Mills. Hon.t ..6 and tearing things wide open in other - . . . 9 1455 162 greatest ends that ever donned the ; Johnny Poe. playing began promptly at 9 In the Babbitt, O. respects. However, probably McGraw ' moleskins. Yale has benefited by the morning. : Total were as follows; Hughes, O.. .. 9 1453 161 would be much more Interested to Ehrett. O...... 9 1450 161 coaching of Shevlin on a number of Johnny Poe; C. Burns and F. Burns (Paia) vs. how to Mc-Nico- hear that Jim had learned hit ll, on . 9 1450 161 occasions and it was the Minneapolis That's the Celtic strain, you Taylor and Hansen, McLaren and all outgoing steamers without inconvenience to passengen. Panes, Ft. McD. .. a slow curve. .'.'-'- ;; Ramseur," Sacto. . ..6 98 161 man who brought the "Minnesota '. know, f McLaren and Murray (Puune- 6 967 161 shift" east Soldier, miner, ranchman, he; ne), 6-- 3, 6--2, 6-- 0. ; We Mosley, Hon. ...r .. MAY PAY $7500 FOR also make a specialty of Furniture Moving. Angwin, O.. : ... . . ,. 9 1436 160 Trailed the land, from sea to sea. Lindsay and Beeman (Pala) vs. Mc- Miller, S. J 479 160 CLOTHES LINCOLN WORE - Eddie Mahan will not be a football f Couldn't let things get too slow; Laren and McNicolI, Taylor and Han- ..3 -- 3 479 160 coach, going work, Johnny he intends to de Poe. f sen, McLaren and Murray (Puunene), Union-Pacif- ic WASHINGTON, D. C Congress declares. Which is a biff for the ru- 6-- 3, 6--1, 6-- 3. Transfer Company,Ltd., TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY has been asked to appropriate 17500 mor that he would have charge of the Johnny Poe. Baldwin and Hebert (Pala) vs. Mc- to purchase the suit of clothes Abra- Andover eleven. Still the 1916 foot- Dead In battle, laid so low, : Laren and McNicolI, McLaren and XI. take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE as- ball season is a long way off and Ed- Bearing in your burial place . Murray, Taylor Hansen (Puune- v;.;.':;'.:';:"- S. Mail Carriers. ham Lincoln wore the night of his ' and (Tablets). Druggists refund money if sassination at Ford's Theater in 1S65. die may change his plans when the f Tartar of your CerHeTrace, ne), 4-- 6, 6--5, 6-- 2. Total, Paia, 52; Pu- it fails to cure. The signature ot Representative Roberts of Massachu- collegians start booting the pigskin xiess you, Johnny, rest you so; unene, 25. King St next (o Young Hotel Phone 1878 about again. Many others Johnny Poe. E. W. GROVE is on each box. Man setts has introduced abill to acquire have been f the relic, owned by a Washington unable to resist the call of the game, E. Sutton, in the N. Y. Herald. The street trees of Paris number ufactured by the PARIS MEDICINE - '- ;- businessman, for the Lincoln Mem- so why not Mahan, a natural player, if 4- .' 86,000, 26000 being planes, 16,000 chest- Louis, u. s. a; one. ' ' co., st. orial.":- ".'.':; there was ever . ft f ttf ttfttf t'.f t nuts and 1400 elms. I STAB-BULLETI- HONOLULU N, TUESDAY, .TAXTTABY 4. 1 01 n. KLTTTE

r u a

I I I I I I I i UJ I II Jl I I iff rtrnDm 7 V - V V I . w - v Mlv mm m v LJmt mm-- '4. m N U Lv V HAM LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE liy First Circuit Territory of Hawaii. At Chambers In Probate. mm In the matter of.the estate of Torao Matsumoto, deceased. WANTED TfTI A TQ On reading and filing the petition KONA COFFEE of Naomasa Matsumoto of' Honolulu, By a single gentleman, a furnished the father of the hbove named, alleg- room in a strictly modern home. Kona Coffee Co., phone 5422; roatt.ed ing that Torao Matsumoto of Honolu- Boarding and rooming houses need coffee; wholesale and retail; 602 lu aforesaid, died Intestate at said Ho- not answer. Address box 2rS, this Beretania street 2fift-4- m nolulu on the 20th day of December, office. FOR A. D. 191."i, leaving property within the i'irtt SALE FOR RENT AUTOS FOR jurisdiction of necessary HIRE. CLOTHES CLEANING M this court to Dealers to Increase their business by Black Minorca or hatching. 52 Desirable be upon, and praying selling epKrf houses In various parta of administered soda from the Hon. Soda er 13. Violin. Jfancy koa wotxl the city, furnished and Smith Street Auto Stand, tel. 1000 or The Pioneer, clothes cleaned and re- MERCHANT TAILOR that Letters of Administration issue to Water Wks. Chas. E. Frasher, Mgr. unfuraisbed. LOOS; Beretanla-Emma- , back, case and bow; fine island sou- at J15. IIS. $20, 123. $30, $40 open day and night. paired. TeL 3125. said petitioner. Naomasa Matsumoto. 6106-ly-r Xi venir mad by Dix: price $3(. .21-- . up to $125 a month. See Hat our. 6349 3m 6081-t- f Tal Chong Co.. 1126 Nuuanu st Ladles' It is ordered, that Monday, the 31st In acres 's-mil- e office. d of land at and gents' suits made to order. day of January, A. D. 191". at 9 o'clock A young lady desires a good-size- Walalua. Trent Trust Co, Ltd.. Fort 1916 8 ' ' from King For hire cylinder Cadillac and Harada; clothes TeL 1029. 6306-3- m Haleiwa: suitable for chicken St, between and Merchant' cleaned; .i a. m., be and hereby, is apixinted for partly furnished room, with dinner. Y. M. C. A, 6121-t- ranch; price 6038-t-f - Packard cars; opposite f Address C. M.. this office. C3tl-3- t $4o. Address Harry hearing said petition in the court room 1503 Tel. 29'J9. Island trips a specialty W.'K. Ahn, 272 King, opp. Depot La-- : of Judiciary Roberts, Hougbtailing road. Pa- ' first-clas- s this court in the building Rooms for light housekeeping. For mechanical service 8ultltorluxn, ladles' and gents' clothes dies' and gents' suits made to order. POSITION WANTED. lama. 63tlt-t- f Gantal C3.".3 1258 in the City and County of Honolulu Place, Fort and Vineyard - telephone 4444. tf cleanec. Nuuanu, teL 1350. Already-mad- e suits at a reduction, sts. time-savin- m 6190-6- m ; at which time and place air persons The Transo envelope, ! 6236-t-f 6309-3- An experienced woman cook would it AUTO PAINTER concerned may appear and show like position Apply to Y. W. C. A. No addressing necessary L. B. Renovatory; cleaned, cause, if any they have, why said pe 63.")8-6- Ho- Modern bungalow; reasonable rent; C clothes MOTORCYCLE t in seuding out bills or receipts. , Star-Bulleti- 1226 City Painting Shop, Kins. nr. Souta dyed and repaired; phone 4148. tition should not be granted. nolulu n Co Ltd., ;sole Kaplolanl St Inquire 1332. expert carriage paint- 6104-6- ' Hy ' 6257-t-f ------iti, auto and the court. PROFESSIONAL CARDS agents for patentee. tf ;;' er; all work guaranteed. 621341 - Motorcycle sup- J. AB DOMINIS, Honolulu Cyclery Alewa 8team cleaning. Alakea st, nr. Gas Co. plies and repairing; old motorcycles Clerk. Circuit Court First Circuit Two horses; one doib. harness, two Heights furnished cottage after 6234-t- f s HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. Dec. 15. B bought and sold. Alakea, above King Dated. Honolulu, Dec. 28. 1915. sing, harnesses, one doub. wagon, Tel. 1842. 6338 tf Telephone 093. W. J. K6binson, attorney for peti 511 bldg.. two sing, wagons. Call at Telephone Diamond, 1463 S. King. TeL 4236. st Jas. T. Taylor, Stangenwald ' BLACHSMJTHINQ 6195-6- m Office. , 6343-t- f FAMILY HOTEL - 6313-3- tioner. consulting civil engineer 63.r6-De- c. 28, Jan. 4, 11, 18. k5375-t- f lldewalk grating. Iron doors, machin- Alewa, nr. lower road, about U-acr- e, The Pierpolnt, formerly Caasldy, only CLEANING AND DYEING. ery repaired and general blacksm I th- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE MUSIC INSTRUCTOR. water, lawn, shade ornamental borne hotel. Walkikl Beach; -- coo of cottages ing. Nelll's Work Shop, 135 Mer- Royal Clothes Cleaning Shop, Tel. 3149 PRINTING First Judicial Circuit, Territory of trees; Ideal site; Instalments, cash. slsts individual and sla '. 6204-6- 6309-t- 1000-f- ; accompaniment Tel. 1842. f gle rooms; t chant it 6213-t- f Hawaii. At Chambers In Probate Ukulele Instruction, T cuslne excellent; We do not boast of low prices which In the matter of the. estate of Lydia and solo specialist A. A. Santos, promenade pier at the end of .whica BUY AND SELL Ohio Clothes Cleaning Shop. TeL 1496. poor Bingham Coan, 1187 Garden lane. Phone 2810. One 6A Powers mot Ion picture ma- is splendid bathing pool and beautl usually coincide with quality; deceased. 3 6307-3- m 6243-t- chine: used only months; at a "V ';. ; but we "know bow" to put life NOTICE TO CREDITORS. f ful view. 2005 Kalia road. TeL Dlamondi; watches and jewelry bought bargain. 636 1 -- 6t 2879. ' hustle and go Into printed matter The undersigned, bating been Terms reasonable. . 120X1 f sole and exchanged. J. Carlo, Fort Sunrise, Punchbowl & Hotel; teL 4473. MASSAGE. and that is what talks loudest and duly appointed executor of the will of Jand : 6335-3- m One Rhode Island red one white ROSELAWN HOTEL. longest Honolulu Star-Bulleti- n Jot Lydia Bingham Coan, deceased, here- Mr. Mrs. C. & S. Hashimoto, mas- Plymouth Rock, young roosters. Tel. Rooms with sleeping porches; dlnlnj BAMBOO Street-Branc- h by gives to all creditors of said - WORKS. S. Kaneko. 170 Hotel street near Printing Department Alakea notice seurs, electroneerlng and baths. 178 1842. . ; i CU31 tf room open to the public; excellent 63493m Office. Merchant Rtrt deceased to present their claims duly 8. Beretanla nr. Emma; teL 2637. board, home cooking; Bamboo furniture; Bereta-nl-a River. dinners 60c; lalkl ill authenticated and with proper, vouch 6308-6- m Koa and painted furniture; reaa. Car- i 6078-t- Sundays . and holidays, dinner 75c st f PAINTER. ers, any even if . CARD. CA8ES if exist, the claim is penter. I. Takano, 544 S. King st. Single meals by the day or week. " secured by mortgage upon real estate, OPTICIAN. 6303-3- m 1202 : 4137. Special rates by the month. NApplJ BUTCHER SHOP. Business and visiting cards, engraved S. Shlrakl, Nuuanu; Tel. to him at his office, 303 Stangenwald Painting and paperhanging. All Inter-Islan- 1366 S. King phone 2699. i or printed, In attractive Russia building, Honolulu, Territory of Ha Jong Chong, 1042 Nuuanu, bet Hotel d an4 Oahu .Railroad ship- st; Kayahara, 14C5 S. King. TeL 4624. 6327-t-f ; ; , .'. , work guaranteed. Bids submitted 4k Star-Bulleti- n office, " 631S-3- cases, patent detachable waii, within six months from the King; watchmaker and Jeweler. ping books at tf leather k5328-t- f date free. m arda. Star-Bulleti- n offl. of the first publication of this notice, 6310-3- J . : six from- - day Four dozen scarlet Illy bulbs, U. TeL LOST ; ; BICYCLE 8T0RE POULTRY AND FRUIT. or within months the ' - 6287-t- CLOTHING doe, will be TJ. Ogata, 1049 River st, nr. Hotel; 1842. f they fall or the same' for White bulldog, li:rr XL Toshlnaga, Emma, nr. Beretania st Nosan Sbokai, watermelons; Aala lane ever barred, and all persons indebted watches, brooches, rings, etc., cheap. tail and ears clipped; Pay for your clothing as convenient-op-en 6323-2- m FOR OR EXCHANGE. black muzzle; harness on. 20 off on ail bicycles and bicycle 6099-t-f to the Bald estate are nereby notified 8ALE - m charge !6358-6t- - supplies. 6210-t-f account with The payment 'r 6064-t- to make immediate to the Second-han- d , Model Clothiers, Fort st f ' " MASSAGE. cameras and lenses PLUMBER undersigned executor. Koda-grap- as such exchanged. h H. Takafujl, 1314 Beretanla; baby car - bought sold or CURIO STORE Honolulu, T. H.,- December 20; 1915, K. Oshima, massage. Phone 1827. . riage tires; also gasoline and olL K. Fujiwara, 67 Beret, tel. 4320. Ex- Shop, Hotel and Union sts. ROBBINS B. ANDERSON, . 6090-t-f 6299-S- m 6307-t- f K. Iwahara, moved to 146 N. King. opp. pert plumber and tinsmith. Executor of the will of Lydia Bingham m KISSES 6347-3- " TAFT AND,;. If. Haxnada, baby carriage tires re- ; Fisbmarket Curios cheap. Phone Coan, deceased SCULPTOR AND DESIGNER. COCONUT PLANTS FOR SALE. 6299-3- m HE RATHER LIKES; IT TeL 6041. 1078. Frear, Prosser, Anderson & Marx, tired. Nuuanu st - Seigyu Alno, sculptor and designer. va- . - 6089-t- attorneys for executor. r, Coconut plants for sale, Samean f V t 111. c. 20 near CHICAGO, for- 6351-De- 21. 28, Jan Vll,18. Tel. 4046. S. Beretanla st, riety. Apply A. D. Hills, Llhui The digntty of atomeya, Bicycles? Punchbowl King. SOFT DRINKS NuuantL. 6324-3- m Kauai. 5277-t- f mer President Taft has been-disturbed- . - A- - luscious Mss was planted7 on -- a 9 .irsoTe-t- r DRUMMERS I will make' your . business BY AUTH 6 RIXY Out soda DRESSMAKER street, a daughter Florence. his expansive mustache by Gerald Ipe i grow. esoaa ' If yon want good quarters to display uon. water, vvil, uaas. De- Farrar, at the end of the performance fn.f 6106-ly- v SEALED TENDERS v 1180 opp. Ye WATERHOUSE In Honolulu, your samples use E Frasher. Met. r On Tal Lee, Nuuanu, Butterfly- - in Hllo. Osorlo's Liberty; dresses, waists, skirts, etc, cember 1 2. 1915, to M r. and M rs. of "Madame at the audi- store. 6940-t-f 1801 torium, and a moment An CAFE ... . SHOE STORE Sealed tenders will be received by to order and already made. John WaUrhouse, of Kewalo for the former made a son. ' president was plainly "rattled."" - v - the Maui Loan Fund Commission at 6334-3- m street, . Tee Tl Chan, chop suey bouse: clean Banzai Shoe S.ore, Beret, nr. Nuuanu. Wailuku,. Maul, T. 11., op v to - i:sw MAUHILI In this city, December 31, Then the inevitable Taft s mi. came dining-roo- m upstairs; nice and cooL to rescue president gave School children's shoes a specialty. o'clock p. m. of Friday, 3 January 7, MILITARY TAILOR .1915, to Mr. and Mrs. John Keawe the and the All chop suey; open EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. ' his arm to kinds of until 07Jtn 1916. : " Mauhili of King and Alapal streets, the diva and escorted her V- -, v xnldiilgnL 119-12- 3 Hotel ' Wong, 1131 Nuuanu; military and to dressing room. - street For furnishing tools and labor for L. J. a son.;- - ::y:-- v; her 201-6- m T. NakanishL 34 Beretanla nr. Nuu SHIRT MAKER constructing complete a kitchen and civilian suits made to order; reaa. Taft entered the opera bouse during good boys. 1 MIUKAMI In this city, December 30, ana, for cooks, yard , ,: 6321-3- m ; the second act, just as the Span- dining-room- ice and 'electric building ."' Miyu-kam- "Star The Manhattan Cafe; meals at all Phone 4511; residence phone 4511. Mrs. S. Masakl, Beret & Maunakea; 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Seitaro l gled Banner" theme was being play- . 5246-t- and cold storage room at the Kula of King, near street, a hours; known for quality and ser- I dresses and shirtwaists to order. TUXEDO SHINING PARLGfR. Smith ' . ' ' ed. At the end of the last act Con- . 6345-3- m Sanitarium, Kula, MaaL vice; you abould eat there '..son.-- ductor Capanini rushed to his box and - - 6314-t- Pacific Employment Agency, 1166 Un Plans and specifications and blank f The Expert and Pacific Shoeblack YOU In this city, December 23.J1915, insisted that he meet the prima donna. ion St., opp. Pacific Club, for all SODA WATER. forms for proposals are on file In the Stands, Tuxedo Shop, Hotel and st, to Mr. and Mrs. You Dong Men of They entered the space behind . th Boston Cafe, coolest place In town. kinds of Jlelp. . Phone 4136; : resi office of the Maui Loan Fund Com 1125 Fort st; 8 shines 50c. 17 shines comes Hon.- - Jack lane, off Nuuanu street, a son scenes and Miss Farrar turned to giVa After the show drop In. Open day dence, phone 4136. 6106-t-f The besi from the Soda mission Wailuku, Maui, and in the M. mgr., C. C. Zamora. Water Wks. That s the kind you SI. G. Faria. Jong Bok. the conductor his usual kiss. but. In- and night BIJou theater. Hotel St office of the Superintendent of Public . 6351-l- m Mgr. PA DJ) EN In 3, stead she embraced the former 'chief 'K 6539-t-f Japanese help of all kinds, male and waut Chas. E. Frasher. Works. Capitol building, Honolulu, T. this city, January female. G. Iliraoka, 1210 E'limnst, 6106-l-yr II.- 1916, to .T. and Mm. Harold M. executive. . :..".. r "': ,.:v-.- BORN. !:yr '.;. lumbla Lunch Rooms; quick service phone 14?0. 6054 tf The Maui Loan Fund Commission :. Padden of 1610 Kamaaula avenuf, Oh!' she cried, but the opportunity and cleallne&s our motto; open day 8HIRTMAKER. reserves the right to reject any and Auwaiolimu, a daughter Estelle could not be missed She stretched and night Hotel, opp. Bethel street Aloha, Employment Office, Tel. 4889; KORT In Honolulu, Dec. 26, 1915, to Eugene. ':' ; ' her beautiful neck and the deed"was all bids. ' 6518-t- Alapal Rap'.d office. YAMATOYA, Mr; and Mrs. Charles W. Kort ol 1 done. ". '";'. '. , f st., fpp Transit MAUI LOAN FUND COMMISSION, " MAYEDA In this city, January 1, j All kin Is of help furnished. 3641 Hobron avenue Kaimukl, a 1916, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Mayeda of After some compliments ' ' tfid, to order; now R. A. WADSWORTH, ' 4 In Eagle" BetneL Hotel and 6101-t-f Shirts, pajamas, made son.-- ' ; The bet 1305 opp. Secretary. Kanoa lane, Pala'ma. a' son. dressing room the. former' preiideaC . King. ?place eat; fine at new location, Fort st, Dec. 24, 1915, to t.j A to : Honolulu, nice : ALULI In : 6236-t-f 6355-10- t BENJAMIN In this city, December emerged stroking bis mustache! He For best gardener, ring 4136. 6109-t-f Kukul TeL 2331. 103(1 borne cooking. Open night and day. st Mr. and Mrs. Noa W. Aluli of 27, 1913, to ..Mr. and Mrs; Waau entered his automobile still' smiling. ' k5338-t-f daughter. -; .h- klmo--v Morris lane, Palama, a Benjamin fcf. Hustace street, Kewalo, m e B; Yamatoya, shirts, pajamas, SEALED TENDERS. m . i Dec. 24, 1915. l ; WONG In Honolulu. a dauglej-i- , ; . - ve to order. Nuuanu, near PauanL Ma-goo- f Augustus not n New Orleans Cafe, Substantial meals, ' to Mr. and Mrs. Wong Kal of 6533-t- L will be received by congress- moderate. Alakea, cor. Merchant st FURNITURE Sealed tenders block, Queen street, a son. ; terms Democratic, ', 65&Mf the Oahu Loan Fund Commission at man from Dis- 1218 WHITE In Honolulu, December 2S. the Second Kentucky; Fuji Co., Palama bldg., cor. N. It AkagL Nuuanu st; shtrtmaker. its office in the Executive building, trict, was inaugurated year Jet -- for a four I 6307-3- m 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford F. " CONTRACTOR. King lb 1879; furniture, Honolulu, up 12 noon of .. . .' Beret; tel. T. H to White, of 779D Lunalilo street, a Adelina Patti term. rugs, pictures, mirrors; reasonable. Tuesday, January 4, 1916: - J daughter Beatrice Ella. Senator Tillman, chairman- of 4he N. 83 S. st;."phone m Yamamoto. Kukul : i 6315-3- . laying 6" Mains CIGARS For the of Water In Honolulu, December 27, naval affairs committee, will introduce' 4816; general contractor; building, in Kewalo, Honolulu, T. H. YUEN ; painting papering. HOUSE. 1915. to Mr. and Mrs. Yuen Yim, of in the senate a bill for the establish- bouse and Fuji Co, 618 N. King; 2d band furni TEA specifications and blank FITZPATRICK BROS.- - 6354-t- Plans and government f , ture bought made to order, repaired. Beretania street, near Athletic Park, ment of a armor plate fac- forms for proposals are ou file in the ; ' Ikesu, best Japanese dinners. T. W. .:; tory. . I t- - 63155m W-ork- a son. .v 6183-t- Honolulu Water s office, Hono- K. Nekotooto ft Co., tel. 4438; general Oda, prop. Tel. 3212. f K A AH A NUT In Honolulu, December - lulu, H. :,. contractor,- building, T. kaa-hanui- ,' painting and C. Imoto, 515 King, nr. LUIba, expert n 26, 1915, Mr. Mrs. Oahu Loan Corn-missio- to and Frank papering. 6303-l- y ana TRUNK STORE The Fund plumber tinsmith; phone 2073. right: reject any or Jr., of Gulick avenue, Kalihi, 6268-6- m reserves the to a son. i United Construction Co., 6 Beretanla Sakoda, 1079 River st; suit cases, new all bids. second-ban- d KAAI In Honolulu, December 23, st; phone 5058; building, concrete Fujikawa, cor. King & South sts., tel. and clothing, cheap. OAHU LOAN FUND COMMISSION. 6345-3- m ' 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. James I. Kaat work and lot clearing. 6234-t- f rugs, (Sgd.) E. G. DUISENBERG. 1623; mirrors, etc., reasonable. of 915 Alapai lane, Palama, a daugb 6316-3- m Secretary. '"-- VvS; Building, cement work, painting, TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. '6353-10- t ter. . plumbing, etc Aloha Bldg. Co., 1464 1281 3998. NEVES In Honolulu, Dec. 27, 1915, ' Klnoshita, Fort; tel. New 1 and cheapest in town. Nakat-- i V King at. phone 1576. M. K. Goto, and 2d hand goods bought and sold. he best to Mr. and Mrs. Peter JFaria Neves Store, 10SI Klver street. H. C. son-Clar- ence. 6298-3n- t su Trunk ORDERS TO BIDDERS ON JOB of Elm, near Cedar street, a 6355-6- m . i No. 88E for Furnishing and Install- '."' , T. Fukucht phone 4822; general con CUT FLOWERS ing Electrical Equipment. FUKUDA In Honolulu, Dec. 27, 1915. tractor and builder; bouse painting, u You are hereby notified that the to Mr. and Mrs. Tatsuji Fukuda of 'paper banging. 6222-6- m T. Kunlklyo, 1111 Fort; Phone 1635. terms of this specification have been North King street Palama, a son. 6298-3- m UMBRELLA MAKER. altered in accordance with letter of KAM In Honolulu, Dec. 26, 1915. to Painting Shop, 762 Be re-ta- n 8. Iwakawa proposals Mr. . and Mrs. Kam Koon Wing of re- December 31, and that laJ. tela. 3709, 3596; carpentry, Harada, fresh cut flowers; tel. 3029. R. Mizuta. Umbrellas made and will be received for this machinery 423 Kuakini street, a son. . paper hanging. 6289-t-f 6121-t-f paired. 1284 Fort, nr. Kukul; phone VANDERFORD Honolulu, 25, ' emitting the installation. Copies of In Dec. 5553-t-t Van-derfor- 3745. . . this letter of alterations may be ob- 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. William d Wing Tal Co, 1216 Nuuanu; teL 4375. Klmura, flowers. Fort st Phone 5147. Ka------tained in the office of the Board of of 1342C Gulick avenue, Furniture,"; bouse painting, papering. ' v ' 6084-t-f ' WATCHMAKER ' lihi, a daughter. m :' Harbor Commissioners. . .630i-6- Honolulu, 23, 1915, Waklta, cut flowers; Aloba Lue. Y. Tomlkawa, form. 471 Queen, now A. C. WHEELER, FOSTER In Dec. 11. Fujita, "contractor, and builder. 160 Hotel; Jewelry reasonable. Acting Chairman. Board of Harbor to Mr, and Mrs. Enos A. Foster of ,at Kahaku-mak- a. 6324-3- m Kapaakea, Moiliili, a son painter, paper banger. Phone 5002. Commissioners. " ' : . : 6300-ly-r . FIREWOOD. Honolulu, December 31, 1915. Y. Sato, 52 BereUnla; watch repairing. 6339-De- c. 31. 3, 4, &, 6, ANDRADE In Honolulu, December Co Jan. 2C Segawa, contractor, 604 Beretanla. Tanaba Pauahl, nr. River st, tel. 6326-3t-n 30, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Manuel 6076-ly- 2657; firewood whole- r and caarcoal, NOTICE. Andrade, of l."9 Kinau lane, a sale and retail. 6297-6- DIVIDEND NOTICE. daushter. & Building Co, Pala- mjll Contracting The opening of the bids 'for Sugar SOUZA In Honolulu. December 29. ma: 6184-t- f J 1913, Mr. and Mrs. M. estimates furnished. & Handling Machinery for Sugar Con- to Manuel The German Savings Loan Society. Souza, of 1327 Luso street, a son. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. (The German Bank.) veying System. Job. H. C. 88-- Hilot JEWELRY STORE. post- CHANG In Honolulu, December 2S, 526 California St, San Francisco, Cal. Wharf, Hilo, Hawaii, has been 1915, Mrs. Chang Hong 3, 2 to Mr. and Geo. M. Tamada, general contractor. Tenshodo, 61 N. Hotel st; watches poned from 2 p. m., January to Yen, 403 Vineyard a sou. Mc-- of street n Estimates furnished. No. 208 and clocka repaired, complete line For the half year ending December p. m., January 7. HEW LEN In Honolulu. December Candless Building. Telephone 2157. of Jewelry. S. Murakami, manager. 31, 1915, a dividend has been declared A. C. WHEELER, 27, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Rolert 5265-t- f 6330-3- m at rate of four (4) ; per cent per Acting Chairman, Board of Harbor the , Hew Len, of 1827 North Queen HER LETTER TO SANTA CLAUS. annum on all deposits, payable on and Commissioners; . street, a son Robert No use; tip-to- e won't do, my Banko Ctx, Nuuam and Vineyard. TeL JADE Monday. 3, 1916. Divi-- . 6361-Ja- n. 4. 5, 6. dear; but don't repine or cry. JEWELRY after January 3.. AKANA In Honolulu, December 24, letter-ma- n paper-banging- ,' The is drawing near, 3151. Contracts building, Cong On Co 24 Hotel at, Smith dends not called for are added to the we see him now close by; bet 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Akana, T He'll take your letter in his care and see cement work, cleans lota. and Nuuanu: special attention paid deposit account and earn dividends Thomas J. Wicks, former superin- 664 a it rightly senU k5327-t- of South Beretania street sod Along wun many omers mere f to stylish European Jewelry, rings, 1, .1916. of Hempstead, L. I. Water that are for Santa meant from January tendent the John. pott man. ' brooches, scarf pins, necklaces, GEORGE TOURNY, Works, convicted of misusing $330 in IENRIQUES In Honolulu, Decem- Find the T. HokUshin; 715 S. King. tel. 2054. AXSWER TO SATURDAY'S PUZZLE, . bracelets, etc. Manager. year in and. papering.; Finest quality and funds, was sentenced to one ber 20, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Housedtlatinr ,;, 6332-l- y - ' 6361-12- t 13711 Upper right corner down, In front of girl. 6330-60- 1 best of workmanship. Jail. Souza Henriques, of Bates HONOLULU- - 5APBULLEllL .TCES&AYr. JANHAllY 4. 1 016;

LORD-YOUN- SEE HOTEL G Engineering Co., Ltd. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. am aw .. mm Engineers and Contractor Ptpw b Alex Osbcrn-Initructo- Af-rt- a hool DAYS TO SAN COYNEFOR FURNITURE Tab Cowiadtd to tb f r m inBufVXCAHhy FRANCISCO. Panthecn Block. Honolulu, T. H. 5i ' ' " - A DAY Young Building - SMJfflT Telephone 2610 and 5487. IH 90 CHAPTERS A CHAPTER 'T FOR SAN FRANCISCO: FOR SYDNEY: SAN FRANCISCO 13 S off Unto Squar a i r 1' Sierra ..Jan. Ventura ...... Jan. Gry Strt, wl ...J-Fe- Ventura b. 8 Sonoma 24 European Plan $1.50 tfay p - CO...... Jan. 1 M'CHESNEY COFFEE Sonoma Feb. 29 14 New York Dress Co. Brcaatatt 60c Lunch 60c Dif ll.OQ Sierra ...... Feb. 1 Mo it Famous Meals m th United States COFFEE ROASTERS Sierra ...March 21 Ventura ...... March e ste-- l struc- t New an J concrete 4 Ladies and Centlemens Taller. ture. 250 rooms, 250 connect- Dealers in Old Kona Coffee m l C. BREWER & CO LTD. General Agents 1101 Union St, fir. Hotel 8L ing bathrooms. Homelike com Merchant St Honolulu .fort rather than unnecessarily-expensiv- luxury. In center of

theatre, cafe and retail districts.r On fir lines transferring all WIRE FENCE AND GATES DIAMONDS over city. Take municipal car-lin- e to Motor Bus' The very best for every use. FINEQUALITY direct door. rORTKC,MtaCA.'TILtA! . tOtt TMt MAM V rAC TVR ZM fOU THl AMBITWtS TOVTM Matson Navigation Company meets trains and steamers. ' j LOW PRICES Hot! Ft-wa- i TT)fniEd at Ha- 1 l j; C. AXTELL'S waiian J uland fr a quarter. Cable Direct Service Between San Francisco and Honolulu CULMAN'S ddra TrawHa" X B 0 Code. Alakea Street

THROUGH-DEALE- BY-MAI- R WAY VERSUSDIRECT L. FROM SAN FRANCISCO: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: Matsonia ...... Jan. 4 Manoa ...... Jan. 4 H.MIYAKE SPECIAL SALE After you Jiave iltviilctl that your product is lulvertisable, S S. Lurline Jan. 11 I. S. Matsonia ...... Jan. 12 PLEASANTON HOTEL Grass Linen and Pongee Waist bii? problcins of ilistribution will confront vou. Goods : Patterns. . Wilhelmina..v;w..Jan. 13 S. S. Lurline...... Jan. 13 Oriental Art LUXURIOUS AND . Will you sell through dealers; or bv inail? The latter is SS. COMFORTABLE YEE CHAN 4. CO. S. S. Manoa...... Jan. 25 S. S. Wllhefmina...... Jan. 2ft Fort, above Beretania STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Corner King and Bethel Streets usually a temptation. Often, like mot temptations, it may 300 ROOMS 50 BATHS j ': S. S. Hilonian, Honolulu direct, November 13. to' a; pitfall. : i':: Seattle for For instance, it -- ouhl be impossible for the. Cudahy Pack- Toyo Panamas CURIOS, JEWELRY AND ing Comi)any to sell Dutch Cleanserby mair, for. the reason CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED, Agents, Honolulu NOVELTIES. that the housewife would buy a package today "For Men, Women and Children. Hotel and perhaps Wahiawa HAWAIIAN JEWELRY & another jiackage next week. K. UYEDA, NOVELTY CO. Each package would mean a 10c 1023 Nuuanu St. Nearly 1000. feet elevation; hear de- j sale. But, the cost of selling the cost of all the necessary pot; grand scenery; fine bass fishing. King and Bethel Streets For particulars address E. L. KRUSS, correspondence and so on would more than wipe out all pos- Wahiawa. Phone 0393. sible profit. TOYO KISEN KAISHA DEVELOPING Thus, you see, a 10c article of that kind would be iniossi-bl- e PRINTING : ENLARGING JAMES NOTT, JR. SEASIDE HOTEL of sale by the di reef -- by-mail method. Eveil a 25c article Steamers of the above company will call at and leave Honolulu on Best , in the City. . Plumber and Sheet Metal would seldom permit of such a method. And yet, it depends. i or about the dates mentioned below: Honolulu Picture Framing A CHARMINGLY SITUATED AT . Worker Some novelties, such as a FOR SAN FRANCISCO: : Supply Co. WAIKIKI watch fob, can be sold by that method FOR THE ORIENT: Phone 2566 74 S. Beretania Delightful Rooms; Perfect successfully. Although it brings only 25c, a thing of this kind . . . . 14 ' 8. S. Tenyo Maru. ..Jan. 8. 8. Nippon Maru.; ...Jan. I Cuisine. 4c. may cost only Therefore, the seller would have 21c which Nippon Maru ...... Jan. 29 8. S. Shinyo Maru...... Jan. 18 might take care of the cost of getting an inquiry through an . . . 1 1 15 Y. TAKAKUWA & CO. RE-TIR- Shinyo .. . .. Feb. Chiyo Maru E AND Maru...... Feb. ' 'Limited. CORAL GARDEN HOTEL . advertising medium, and might also cover the other expenses - See the Wonderful Marine Pic SUPPLY CO. Persia Maru...... Feb. 29 Tenyo Maru ...... Mar. 7 "NAMCO- CRABS, packed In In KANEOHE BAY follow-u- p ' tures GUARANTEE of letters and other literature necessary to complete 4 Sanitary' Cant, Wood lined. Glass-bottome- d row. sail and SATISFACTION the 25c Nuuanu St. near King St. boats for hire Good Meals sale. But if that article should cost the advertiser 20c CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED, Agents, Honolulu Served. Corner Nuuanu and Pauahl Sts. it would be impossible.for him to market that successfully by A. L. Mac KAY E, Proprietor. the direct-b- y Tinail method. - But when you sell goods like wire fence, on which JhelWaterhouse Co., Ltd. & the AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- FQNG INN CO. N S. S. CO. THE PANAMA CANAL LINE HEINIE'S TAVERN r orders average from fifteen to J,wenty-fiv- e dollars each Underwood Typewriters. In Antiques and Chinese for A Steajner will be despatched from NEW YORK FOR HONOLULU Most Popular Beach Resort every the City, Merchandise order, then if it does cost you 75c to get your inquiry through and Pacific Coast Ports TEN DAYS via Straits of Magellan. Ras that are Right the advertising medium and to complete the sale through the From SEATTLE AND TACOMA, S. S. ALASKAN, to sail on or American and European Plan. Nuuanu, above Pauahi about February 11. , "On the Beach at Waikiki" follow-u- p literature even then you will probably make money For particulars as to rates, etc., apply to on each sale because the sales cost might thus be less 51 C. P. MORSE, H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD. than ' I General Freight Agent. Agents. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO Suggestions and designs for of the amount sold: Thus, your selling cost might be low Best ; direct-by-ma- YOU.. ALL! RESETTING AND REMODEL- enough to make tljis il method profitable. grade ING OLD JEWELRY. If you sell by. mail, there is another element enters in. " Gold and Platinum Settings. that SYTEET SHOP! of work CANADIAN-AUSTRALIA- N ; WALL & DOUGHERTY You have to get repeat business. In other words, you have to ROYAL MAIL LINE done on be fairly sure that your this year's customer, when lie decides Subject to change without notice.. . ft m ' and Voncouver: Suva, Auckland and Sydney Men's! tp use some more goods in your line two years from now, will For Victoria For - SATISFACTION Niagara ...... Jan. 7 - Niagara 29 SERVICE- Women's Territorial Agents for choose your concern from which to buy. Because, as a rule, ...... Jan. --. - SAFETY. -- Makura ...... Feb. 4 Makura .....Feb, 23 " UowerV Merchant Patrol ; and Chil- STANDARD GAS ENGINES a mail order . business must make its profit by dividing the THE0; H. DAVIES & CO., LTD., GENERAL AGENTS 4 ,1M7 Alakea SU " 1 dren's ; first selling expense over a lot of subsequent orders, which ul- Offlcs Phona; Res. Phons -- timately must come the person whom '515 1051 Shoes. Honolulu Iron Works Company in from you this year Manufacturers' win as a new customer. Otherwise, your cost of the first sale MOVEMENTS OF store : ; DO may be sd high that you will lose money. V MAIL STEAMERS IT ELECTRICALLY FURNISH YOUR HOME RjGHT D. J. CASHMAN There is another element in a mail order business espe- AWNINGS TESSELS TO JIBRJYE Dy fitting .It lhteughout with our TENTS AND cially if you are selling a staple article, an article which most Hawaiian Electric Co. Laundry Luau Tents cV Canopies for Rent dependable electric fixture. people want and use. ' You have got to sell on the basis of price. Wednesday, Jan. 5. ELECTRIC SHOP Thirty Yeara' Experience Messenger Boy; Fort St, near Allen,' upstairs. Kauai W. G. Hall, I.-- I. str. 1135 It is easier for the average person to call up the, local store -- 4344 Fort St - 6. Phona - Thursday, Jan. Phone ,1467. , R I Q H and me so-and-s- is easier to do Yokohama Nippon Maru, T. K. K. F E T ! Phone say:1 'Send It that than and 3461 ; J; to go to the, trouble to send for goods by mail. It is a tempta- Str. ; E T Maul Claudine, I.-- I. str. TICK t too, go to store, you Also reservations S Have You Had Your Feet tion, to the home because know the man Friday, Jan. 7. any point on JORDAN; Australia Niagara, C.-- str. tbs " Silvas Toggery; "Footographed" Yet? and you can see what you are getting. If people send to a dis- zoalslazid y;gcoi)S WELLS-FAR-G- Limited REGAL BOOT SHOP tant city for their goods rather than buy them at home, it must VESSELS TO DEPART 8e O they-believ- I A CO " " 'Fort be thai e they can get those goods for less money. 72.8., St. "THE STORE FOR GOOD Fort and Hote.1 Streets Wednesday, 5. King CLOTHES' -- Jan. St. Tel. iiV Price, then, is an element which you have to have in favor Hilo Mauna Kea, I.-- I. str. Elks' Building. King Street OAHU RAILWAY TIME TAHLE goods. mail-orde- r largely Thursday, Jan. 6. of your Sometimes projects fail San Francisco Nippon Maru, T. K. Music Co. through the fact that it is so hard to make people see that they K. str. OUTWARD Honolulu Kauai W. G. Hall. I.-- I. str. For WAialua, ' Walanae. n FOR i will save money. If you were offered a box of Uneeda biscuits : Kahnkn " All kinds - of Wrapping Papers and Friday, Jan. 7. way xa., I Eyerything Mjisical 4 stations 9:15 a. 3J0 jx n. Twines, Printing ana writing papers. for oc, you would instinctively say to yourself, I save 2c,' . Yokohama Persia Maru, T. K. K. For Pearl City, Ews Mill and "waj - PURE ICE AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N KAKttt str.:- v Clarion because you know their value. If you were shown a picture stations f7: 30 a. 3:15 a. ex, Fort, next tothe. Phone 1128 A. SUPPLY CO, LTD. Vancouver Niagara. C.-- str. 11:30 a. m, 2:15 p. " nx 3J0 p. xa Tnrt and Onppn Streets. Honolulu of a good.'pair.of shoes, and it was explained that these were Maui Claudine, I.-- I. OAHU ICE CO. str. 5:15 p. a, J9: 30 p. ta., tHM5 p. xa. Phon .1410. Geo. G. Guild. Gen. Mgr. $4 shoes for $2.95, yoit might be impelled to buy because you For Wahiawa and Lellehua I0:2t 1 KAILS 1 a. in.. f2?40 p. nu, 5.00 p. m, 11:99 might think that the, value was an undeniable bargain. But p. m. ' :; " ...-JUl- latest. ... Mails are due from, the following INWARD you would be far less likely to buy those shoes than you would j Fiction at The Wall Paper points as follows: Arrlv Honolulu from Kahuku, WaV HUB cut-pric- e ; - . be to buy those crackers. San Francisco Persia Maru, Jan. 7. alua and Walanae 8; 58 a. 5:22 House of Hawaii ' xxl. A,RLEIGH.'S So, what you have to offer must be seen in order to be Japan and Philippines Nippon Maru,. p. m. - : ; ... on Hotel St. if appreciated, it would best to have your goods on Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill and & COOKE, LTD. Australia Niagara, Jan. 7. Pearl City 17:43 a. nx, ,8.36 a. xxl, LEWERS to? - dealers' counters rather than in a catalogue. Yet that is only Vancouver Niagara, Jan. 26. 11:02 a. m.. 1M0 p. m, L2i p. EU, Mail will depart for the following 3:31 p. 7:30 p. m, - : one, of the many reasons why through-the-deale- r. distributor HVHACKFELD & CO. a points as follows: Arrive Honolulu from .Wahiawa an direct-by-ma- Nippon ft. - NOTHING COUNTS LIKE. is best, even though it seems less romantic tlijn a il San Francisco Maru. Jan. Leilehua 3:13 a. m.,- fl:55 p. BL - Jjimited'v SERVICE. WE GIVE IT. method. Philippines and Japan China, Jari. 12. 4:oi p. 7:10 p. xa. Ccmmission Merchants KERSHNER VULCANIZING Australia Sonoma, Jan. 24. The Haleiwa Limited, a two-hoot- 5 v ' ' Niagara, first-cla- ss HdNQLULTJ .'' CO, LTD." '. Vancouver Jan. 7. trnln (only tickets honored) 1177 Alakea St Phono 2434.. leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:11 I I ' TRANSPORT SERYICE a. uj.. ar-riv- es Flak and. Miller Tlrea.' I for Haleiwa hotel; returning - in Honolulu at 10:10 p. m. Th MUTUA L TELEPHONE CO.," LTD. Logan, at coast V Limited stops only at Pearl City .and tonight PURE, ISLAND MILK AND Thomas, due here 6 o'clock Walanae. PACIFIC ENGINEERING: from Manila. Dally. fExcept Saniay. ISunday csilj, i t .CREAM. Mclnerny Pak, Sherman,-a- t Manila. G. P. DENI30N, SMITH, ! COMPANY, LTD. F.C Honolulu Dairymen's Attn Elegant Lots Sheridan, due here January 13 from Superlntendant. O. P. A. Consulting, Designing and Con San Francisco, for Manila. 4676 Phones 1542 CHAS. DESKY, Agent " structing Engineers. Both to gain over Dix, at Manila. CHRISTMAS POSTALS Bridges, Buildings,; Concrete Struct SHANGHAI. China. the Bank control Chinese affairs. Philippines. Merchant, near Fort ; Hank of Communi on part Japan Warren, in the tures, Steel Structures, Sanitary Sys of. China and the This action the of has Buford, at CristobaL SHOW DR. HINDLEY IS tems, Reports and Estimates on pro- cations have opened their of i ices to tended to silence many Chinese who money to subscribers of the opposed the monarchy, but feel that ALIVE ON WEST FRONT jects. Phone 1045. refund 1 i 5 National Salvation r'und. The demand China should present an unbroken PASSENGERS EXPECTED

money sub- . uollegian. MILLIN ERY for the return of the which front to outside interference. Passengers for Honolulu on the HILO, Dec. 31 Christmas postcards gare largely the purpose Many Chinese newspapers op- been D. Hind-- lothes at the scribers for which transport Sheridan which leaves San have received from Dr. G. j ot strengthening governuicnt vn-de- r posed monarchy dropped ley, R. A. M. C - the the have that January 5 will be fol- who is now a lieu- , HONOLULU HAT CO. STEINWAY republic had become so insist- fight to resume opposition Ja- Francisco the Jlarion. the the to C': tenant with the British expeditionary Bargains in Other Pianos : lowing:-; Bethel ent since the beginning: of the mon- pan. forces In France. . The postmark dates Hotel St., near PLAYER PIANOS Maj. Lacy, Quartermaster's archical movement that the govern- However, the . changed F. E. of the communication are all Decem- PIANO CO., LTD. attitudeyon THAYER ment officials apparently felt that it the part of the Chinese towards their Corps; Capt;W. C. Done, 25th In fan ber 2, bo the doctor, who-- once prac- 156 Hotel St. Phone 2313 try; Capt W, C. Baker, C. A. 1st w as inadvisable to ; retain tho money own internal affairs has not prevent C: tised in Hilo, was well on the day he of unwilling givers,; td many .Chinese, from withdrawing Lieuts.; George II. Paine, Field Artil- mailed the. cards. C. C. Kennedy and Canton i Dry Gbods Since the? establishment! of the Na- their money from the patriotic fund. lery; 'John D. Bennett, Infantry; F E. II. Austin were among those who Lv Martin, C. A. C.J S. H. Tilghman, Company. ; tional Salvation Fund seven months V...... received the Xmas card. J, ago 1750,000 has been contributed at PLACES EXPORT. BAN, C. AC; L. J. Ehern, Field ; Dr. Hindley Is attachexl to the Roy- Love Bldg 1144.1146 Fort Street R. Meyers, A. 2nd H. To Shanghai alone. "As there is a large CODjLIVER G. C. C; Lieuts. al Fusiliers in the capacity of physi- New Management ON OIL Burlin-gam- e. Under, Hotel St, hear Bethel St element m" this city opposed to the J. iKnerr, C. A. C; Cris ;M. cian, and he has evidently attained a BAILEY FURNITURE CO. change in the form of government it C. A. C; Roy L, Jones, Io fan-tr- y; higher rank than when volunteered ST.- - JOHNS, N. F. Because infor- Raymond Morris, Infantry.' le is likely that the withdrawals from mation, had been received a' large for active service at the front. numerous. that one-tim-e the fund will be quantity of cod iiver oil had found its The Hilo man thinks a lot A 1 The National Salvation Fund grew Thirty-fiv- e about his old town always re- Perfection in Style, Fit and way . to Germany,?. where': tha glycerin, Australia! cadets, who for. he - Fabric rat out of the patriotic outbursts following contained in it could ba utilized In the have been on tour of Canada and the members to write and keep In touch, ' Rochester-Adle- r Clothes the Japanese demands, last sprins. The govern- United States,. were reviewed by Act with llilo. The story 'about his sup- ' manufacture of explosives, the a-t- , recent action of Japan, in conjunction ment has canceled aU the .licenses ot tag-Mayo- r, .McAneny at the New York posed death alarmed h'm many Iriends ' with, European powers, seeking, a '.- 1 ago, EYE REIIEDTi the traders. ' ; ' ' City HalL; , - a month or so but they have been f postponement - THE IDEAL fnYLltJIIIIIE Watery Bjea ul f of the monacbical move Hereafter, oil may .be. sent to the ssured by letters which were writ- . menu regarded by many Chi- T-8rms-,whicl.- EYELIDS has been United States only if consigned to the or --Boston, or-- 4a a leaui9equentto, the' date on which nese as "resumption 'of Japan's effort British, consuls-gener- al he supposed to 3 JJj .,at New York havQ .ben indorsed , by. the consulates. is have lied.