; •• :-r- -'y... ’-.rry\' ? 25 Western Ave.-*-Miller St. i Sketchy ResumeofTimely Hap- Snapshots of Prominent Men i HIS I 26 Washington St.—Mills St. »■ v penings at the National Capital. Who Figure In the Kinetoscope .•«>' J \ /i >v 27 Early St.—Harrison St. Conservation Question the Cen- Drama —Great Step Forward Ave.—Early St. On 17,1909, C. G. W., of St. John, tral Figure of the Scenes. :: Taken For the Nation’s Welfare. 28 Speedwell September 34 Water St.—Cole Ave. New Brunswick, Canada, applied to The Pru- dential for a It was issued, as L. W. R. R. Station. $500 policy. but, By JAMES A. EDGERTON. only twenty-nine, was selected pro- 35 Morris St.—D., & 'the Republican fessor and director of the Yale forestry his wife he did not take it. He re- Representative Dwight, Ave. objecting, whip, recently strolled into the house school Which was established on a 3 6 Morris St.—Ford when was and said, ceived a which into Clayton performing Finchot foundation. slight injury developed -‘Well, well, I see we are having moving 37 South St.—Madison Ave. pictures today:1’ The close association of the two men blood-poisoning, and he died in a few days. could assurance that even though Pin- Place. a series of moving pictures gives 43 Franklin St.—Franklin His her own is of of events recent- ehot has gone the Finchot policies, wife, through fault, deprived have beeu taken ken St. ly happening in Washington they which are the only conservation poli- 45 Maple Ave.—Oak St—Boy the money that should be hers. IF United ever had would show at least four figures cies the States worthy The action Market St.—Macculloch Ave. ■standing out from the background and the name, are to remain. 46 the de- indulging in wild efforts to make his- of President Taft in appointing St.—Park Place. forester’s friend and associate is 47 Washington tory. They may not have made his- posed at but at least did their tory that, they deserving of all praise, ns s i 52 Police Headquarters. best. The four were Representative own attitude in submergin' si whom Ave.—Linden St. of ■ George W. Norris Nebraska, ul feelings and urging that. w<* 54 Evergreen camera would have in the the caught his own fate, the conservation pi -i .. of Uncle Joe Cannon’s 56 South St—Elm St. act overturning in congress be pressed through. house majority; Representative Everis The people of the nee South St.—Pine St. the millionaire 63 A. Hayes of California, a few such lessons of sinking privati insurgent leader, who would have been considerations for the public good 64 Sussex St. The Prudential with President Ave—Henry pictured In conference When we come to a time when .public famous conference at which Ave. Taft—that affairs are in a way sacred then, and 65 Washington St.—Atno what but nobody knows just happened, only then, shall we have real free gov- news went Macculloch ken St. from which the buzzing ernment. When any man, be he citi- 72 Ave.—Boy the that Cannon’s over country goose zen or official, allows private reasons South St.—Park Place. was cooked; Representative Gilbert M. to influence him in the performance of >3 whose nel was brevetted a brigadier gen- Hitchcock, the Omaha editor, public duty he is in that far a traitor Ave.—Abbett Ave. the to 74 Ridgedale eral. General Grant ordered that an- name is mentioned in succession to the public. That is the next great Burkett and who would have other attempt be made on the fort, Senator truth we as a people have to master. Macculloch Ave.—Madison St. 82 replacing General Butler with General ©3 Ave.—Cutler St. Terry. Another brigade was added to Speedwell the force. 92 Memorial Hospital—Morris St. General Curtis’ brigade advanced by degrees, lying down flat and then run- Kemble Ave. 93 All Souls’ Hospital—Mt. ning forward ten or fifteen yards. The Ave.—Public School. enemy got in one volley at them, which 9 4 Maple was ineffective, and by that time the 95 Ave.—Public School. attackers were just under the walls Speedwell of the fort and below the plane of fire. 96 R. D. Foote’s Property—James St. The attackers scaled the walls and took the bastion nearest the Cape Fear river, and then began a stubborn fight REMOVAL Under authority of the fire commit- hospital, 93—All Souls’ hospital, 94- toward the seacoast end, driving the from one traverse to another. tee Chief Engineer J. Fred Runyon Maple avenue public school, 95—Speed- garrison Though wounded four times during and Town Electrician Frank E. Pier- well avenue public school, 96—R. D. The the day, General Curtis kept his com- announce son have made a rearrangement of the Foote’s property, James street. to mand until sunset, when an exploding ENNIS & CO. beg calls of the first nearest lire alarm box to1 the Foote special department shell sent a piece of metal against his that have is No. 82—Macculloch avenue they alarm system which went into effect place him senseless and rob head, knocking to re- five o’clock. and Madison street, a half mile away. • moved their office thejproperty Saturday afternoon at biug him of his left eye. lie remained CW. No has been made in the num- Under the new system the specials are change unconscious five hours, and it was cently purchased by them on Elm numbered in the nineties and in the bers of the fire alarm boxes on the thought that he was dead. His obit- The Dal- written the Street, and formerly occupied by future there will be no fire alarm box streets. uary ^vas by was new master box newspaper correspondents. He Co. It will afford them with a number in the nineties. A non-interfering rymple-Hastings Tl GEORGE KNOXX/sf HI GILBERTM.mrCffCOCKVi commissioned brigadier general after The special calls are not boxes but has been placed in police headquart- to meet their customers and rr,a» " """""'" that exploit and some years later re- ,great pleasure from which ers, replacing the one formerly in use designate particular places ceived a medal of honor for his serv- and not the non-inter- friends at their new stand, and, in view of an alarm may be telephoned to police which, having ices there. an alarm will be fering feature, has once or twice in now made on headquarters where Thomas L,. Uewis of Ohio was re- many improvements being the past ten years caused confusion rung in on the master box there for elected president of the United Mine wheu a street box has been pulled at their new purchase, they will be better of America over that particular number. the same time the master box was Workers William of Ohio at than ever before to take care of These call numbers are 92—Memorial turning in an alarm. Green by 2J,0[»7 majority equipped Indianapolis. the wants of their patrons. A corporation to compete with the talk, most of It to the fantastic men for merely opposing the speaker. belongs manufacturers of shirt waists was in- At and political pipe dream variety. That any rate, the wise ones about the corporated in Trenton, N. J., by the there are many people who would like capitol dnte the downfall of Cannon striking shirt waist makers in New from the hour of that to see Roosevelt president again there interview. York. is no question, and it is entirely rea- President Taft the dis- Hitchcock and Janies. sonable to suppose some of them are approved of three members of the first working toward this end. From talk- missal Representative Gilbert M. Hitchcock the Naval with men who were close to the class at academy in As of Nebraska, who has made several at- ing I am convinced napolis, Md„ for intoxication. tacks from the floor and in committee ex-president, however, that he has nothing to do with these Govenor Hughes of New York ap- on Secretary Ballinger, is a Democrat, efforts, would hot '{hem pointed John N. Carlisle of Watertown but the son of a Republican United countenance and wfil not consent to be a can- a member of the public service com- States senator and the son-in-law of a again didate for president. Nevertheless the mission. Republican governor of his state. He picture must include this more or less was born in Omaha in 1859, went to a vague and shadows background. German university for two years, took Another powerful instrument for con- the law course in the University of servation and other good things has Michigan, practiced for two years and come into birth in the house of gov- then went into the newspaper business. ernors. Finally this body is perma- He is now proprietor of the Omaha established and will hold ^3ffijy£,AWyS.G/iAV£’S Ilf I Morning and Evening World-Herald, nently year- meetings at different state capitals. of which paper he once made AVilliam ly PROMINENT FIGURES IN PUBLIC LIFE AT WASHINGTON. It is a great step forward and one J. Bryan editor. Mr. Hitchcock is now whose possible consequences no one serving his third term in congress and in tne it is well that we should learn it m u can foresee. It is worthy of note been projected on the screen is discussed as a possible candidate for Secre- cause that so concerns the future as that the plan adopted is along the lines attitude of burling charges at United States senator. Secretary Bal- that of conservation. advocated Mr. William George Jor- tary Richard Achilles Bulllnger, and linger has characterized Hitchcock's by Professor S. the under- dan, the real/ author of the idea, anci Henry Graves, A Quartet. charges as untruthful, unclean and of who is to succeed Representative that the governors gave Mr. Jordan a study Pinehot, has used various other adjectives re- in our kineto- vote of thanks for his work. the “fired forester” on Feb. 1. As to the other figures garding them. public The camera Mould also have caught scope drama, Representative George the roM’ over the Democratic house W. Norris of Nebraska, the man who Representative Ollie M. James of ‘HERO OF FORT FISHER.” members of the Balliuger-Pinohot in- introduced the amendment which de- Kentucky, who was elected one of tfie vestigating committee, but Just what prived I he speaker of the appointment Ballinger Investigators against deter- Noted Exploit of the Late General it would have made of that unpleas of the Ballinger investigating, is an mined opposition, although the other Newton M. Curtis. antness is beyond my power to de- insurgent who is serving his fourth nominee of the Democratic caucus, General Newton Martin Curtis, the scribe. Whatever it Mas it would term in the house. Bike Professor Henry T. Rainey, was defeated, was j hero of Fort Fisher and author of in have been interesting. The central Graves, he was born in Ohio, but ten born Kentucky in 1ST 1, received an “From Bull Run to Chaueellorsvllle,” Buying Dry Goods in 18(11. Ills father died academic education, was a in the figure, of course, would have been years earlier, page who recently died In , Ollie M. .lames of Kentucky—Ollie while he was a child, and his only Kentucky legislature, studied law and was born In St. Lawrence county, N. James, large and full of rounded peri- brother was killed in the civil war. was admitted to the bar at the age Y., May 21, 1835, where he still had. Mail or ods; Ollie James, the friend of Bryan This compelled the hoy to help support of twenty, was an attorney for Gov- By ’Phone. at Ogdeusburg, a home. lie attended and foe of all "plutes;” Ollie James— the family, which lie did by hiring out ernor Goebel in his contest, has three the Gouverneur the tremendous of with But wily attempt to picture hlwV He to neighboring farmers. He then times been chairman of the Kentucky Wesleyan seminary. forego advantages shopping in Democratic con- The day after Fort Sumter surren- a store like this It was whom Cooper, the Wisconsin taught school and earned enough to at- delegation national DON’Tgreat because you happen to be Ideated at dered to tlie Confederates it was sug- insurgent, insisted on calling Jesse tend Baldwin university and an inde- ventions and Is now soiviug his fourth a distance. Orders mail from in the town of De N. by any place within fifty James and whom "Brother Bob” Ohau- pendent normal at Valparaiso, Ind. He term in congress. The only objection gested Peyster, Y\, where he was living, that it send miles will reach us in a few hours, and will be filled so ler. after the Denver convention, re- continued touching, studied law at of the Republicans against making quickly fourteen men to Ogdeusburg to form ferred to as “Oily Jam.” Brother Boh nights and was admitted to the bar at Mr. James a member of the Ballinger that you will be surprised to find the goods delivered to you by committee was that he part of a company that should join the bad in charge Lewis Stuyvesant (’hau- 1 he age of twenty-two. Shortly after- investigating wagon or mail, often the same day you write. is a bitter Union forces. Curtis, then twenty-six ler’s boom, which may have accounted ward he went to Nebraska and began partisan, while the charges years old, was for organizing a com- We have bettered our Mail Order service so for his feelings. Lewis, it will be re- holding office almost immediately. He against Rainey were that lie had in- year by year troduced the Panama resolutions. pany and taking it to Ogdeusburg to as to make it to those membered, was a candidate for presl- was three times prosecuting attorney whoily satisfactory people out ofvtown join a regiment there. \ dent, except in the convention. He and twice district judge. He has a President Taft made no secret of the who don’t find it convenient to visit the store He started in to raise a company be- frequently. now lie is he ran and will of elected small fact that he opposed Rainey for this says sorry faculty being by very You can feel whtn send reason. The re- fore President Lincoln called for vol- you your orders here never do it again, which we can readi- margins, but, in the language of the specific Democrats by mail, an unteers and in April was in Albany or be ly believe. Brother Bob came back song, of getting there just the stlme. torted that when administration ’phone telegraph that they will filled in the most Intelli- it should not with eighty men, whose services, along from that convention full of amaze- Mr. Norris is a speaker of force and was being investigated gent way by experienced shoppers, who will carefully interpret choose the men to investigate it. But with his own, he wanted to offer. The ment at the manner in which the New has tlje courage to stand on his own and will the all this concerned Ollie little company was made a part of the your wishes, you get goods speedily by mail, ex- York delegation hud been left in a feet. His unti-Cannon amendment only indirectly Sixteenth New and Cur- or side eddy while Oklahoma, Ollie James was adopted by three majority and, James, who says he wants but the York, young press freight, as you elect. truth and will do ills best to find it. tis was its captain. He was at the first and Jim Dahlmnn ran things. measured by the results flowing from Thank your stars if you have a ’phone at your elbow for He also avers that if be is a pro- battle of Bull Run and served with the it, was the most severe jolt Uncle Joe then can what wish and Conservation the Storm Center. nounced the fact will reflect Army of the Potomac until the battle you explain fully you we can act on has yet received. partisan the credit on the administra- of Antietam. He was wounded during orders It is a striking fact that all these Representative Everls A. Hayes, the greater your instantly. tion if the committee should give it the peninsular campaign, after which moving picture scenes have revolved head of the insurgent caucus and the If you uesire to talk with any head of a department or a clean bill of health. he was promoted to be lieutenant colo- about the Ballluger-Piuehot contro- man who had the fumous conference Newark.” nel of the One Hundred and Forty-sec- sales person just call “3460, versy. Anything that happens in the with the president which cinched the A Midwinter Night’s Dream.' ond regiment. He was soon made its national capital these days somehow Norris victory over Cannon, was once An to date of Washington , and it was with that bears relation to this all engrossing a Wisconsin lawyer who made mil- up picture command^ would not be without a ref- he saw his hardest fighting. struggle. Even the house of govern- lions in the iron mines and then went complete oftenest connected with & CO. rumors The HAHNE erence to certain underground exploit ors spent one day discussing conserva- to California, where he is now a capi- of a secret cabal in Washington, New his name was the assault and capture tion, and one of the chief events of the talist and newspaper publisher. He The Greeta State Store, York and elsewhere that a lot of of Fort Fisher, which was a strong National Civic federation in session was born in Wisconsin in 1855 and peo- is the actuating force behind seacoast fortification in North Carolina at the same time was the ovation giv- graduated from the state university ple say Broad,New 6* Halsey Sts., Newark,N. J. this whole conservation row. These between Cape Fear river and the At- en to Gifford Pinehot. It Is impossible In his California home he fs known as some of which have become lantic ocean. It resisted all attacks un- that an affair which bulks so large on a reformer and by ills decency and lib- rumors, public, are to the effect that the til the winter of 18(54-5. His regiment the present as does this conservation erality as an employer is very populai charges against Ballinger have beeu was of a force under the com- fight and that so intimately concerns with liis printers, who at one time part fomented for the purpose of discredit- mand of General Butler which was the future can be otherwise than his- voted him a handsome present. Mr. ing the Taft administration and nomi- lauded near the fort. toric, and for this reason as well as Hayes is serving his third term in con- nating Theodore Roosevelt for presi- Colonel Curtis led his men close up others it behooves the people to keep gress. Nobody knows just what was dent in 1912. According to report, this to the fort while the fleet bombarded a watchful eye on what transpires in said at his conference with the presi- secret organization, which is popularly it. General Butler gave up the fight Washington in connection therewith. dent. Ostensibly it concerned the se- known as the “return from Elba" and ordered Colonel Curtis to retire. Hfcnry Solon Graves, the new for- lection of the Ballinger investigators, crowd, is composed of newspaper men, The colonel and his men remained near ester, has been the head of the Yale but it is not impossible that the whole “muck raking” magazines, insurgents, the walls of the fort. He kept sending forestry school since 1900. He was question of the relation of the insur- conservationists, a few members of back word that he could take it if his born In Marietta, O., in 1871 and was gents to the administration was gone congress and a greater or less number superior would let him. He finally re- educated at Yale, taking special for- over. Shrewd guessers have opined it Roosevelt Republicans throughout tired after the* fourth order directing estry courses in Harvard and at Mu- that Hayes assured Taft the insurgents the country. The allegations have him to do so. nich, Germany. For years he was the would support bis policies and was as- tven gone to the length of asserting the return of the expedition -companion and assistant of Gifford sured in turn that the president had Upon that these men would not weep to see to Fort Monroe General Grant, hearing Pinehot, the two working together nothing to do with the house fight and a Democratic congress elected. of the colonel’s exploit, sent for him on the Vanderbilt estate at Biltmore, only asked loyalty to his measures, the The writer believes that, while there and asked a lot of information about N. C., and in the forestry bureau at inference being that he had no big be a of truth in all this the seacoast and the colo- Tbeu stick with which to may grata fortification, 'Washington. Graves, though patronage punish r-—«-- 1 1

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