0F WASHINGTON REVISED FIRE ALARM NUMBERS. ; •• :-r- -'y... ’-.rry\' ? 25 Western Ave.-*-Miller St. i Sketchy ResumeofTimely Hap- Snapshots of Prominent Men i HIS I 26 Washington St.—Mills St. »■ v penings at the National Capital. Who Figure In the Kinetoscope .•«>' J \ /i >v 27 Early St.—Harrison St. Conservation Question the Cen- Drama —Great Step Forward Ave.—Early St. On 17,1909, C. G. W., of St. John, tral Figure of the Scenes. :: Taken For the Nation’s Welfare. 28 Speedwell September 34 Water St.—Cole Ave. New Brunswick, Canada, applied to The Pru- dential for a It was issued, as L. W. R. R. Station. $500 policy. but, By JAMES A. EDGERTON. only twenty-nine, was selected pro- 35 Morris St.—D., & 'the Republican fessor and director of the Yale forestry his wife he did not take it. He re- Representative Dwight, Ave. objecting, whip, recently strolled into the house school Which was established on a 3 6 Morris St.—Ford when was and said, ceived a which into Clayton performing Finchot foundation. slight injury developed -‘Well, well, I see we are having moving 37 South St.—Madison Ave. pictures today:1’ The close association of the two men blood-poisoning, and he died in a few days. could assurance that even though Pin- Place. a series of moving pictures gives 43 Franklin St.—Franklin His her own is of of events recent- ehot has gone the Finchot policies, wife, through fault, deprived have beeu taken ken St. ly happening in Washington they which are the only conservation poli- 45 Maple Ave.—Oak St—Boy the money that should be hers. IF United ever had would show at least four figures cies the States worthy The action Market St.—Macculloch Ave. ■standing out from the background and the name, are to remain. 46 the de- indulging in wild efforts to make his- of President Taft in appointing St.—Park Place. forester’s friend and associate is 47 Washington tory. They may not have made his- posed at but at least did their tory that, they deserving of all praise, ns s i 52 Police Headquarters. best. The four were Representative own attitude in submergin' si whom Ave.—Linden St. of ■ George W. Norris Nebraska, ul feelings and urging that. w<* 54 Evergreen camera would have in the the caught his own fate, the conservation pi -i .. of Uncle Joe Cannon’s 56 South St—Elm St. act overturning in congress be pressed through. house majority; Representative Everis The people of the United States nee South St.—Pine St. the millionaire 63 A. Hayes of California, a few such lessons of sinking privati insurgent leader, who would have been considerations for the public good 64 Sussex St. The Prudential with President Ave—Henry pictured In conference When we come to a time when .public famous conference at which Ave. Taft—that affairs are in a way sacred then, and 65 Washington St.—Atno what but nobody knows just happened, only then, shall we have real free gov- news went Macculloch ken St. from which the buzzing ernment. When any man, be he citi- 72 Ave.—Boy the that Cannon’s over country goose zen or official, allows private reasons South St.—Park Place. was cooked; Representative Gilbert M. to influence him in the performance of >3 whose nel was brevetted a brigadier gen- Hitchcock, the Omaha editor, public duty he is in that far a traitor Ave.—Abbett Ave. the to 74 Ridgedale eral. General Grant ordered that an- name is mentioned in succession to the public. That is the next great Burkett and who would have other attempt be made on the fort, Senator truth we as a people have to master. Macculloch Ave.—Madison St. 82 replacing General Butler with General ©3 Ave.—Cutler St. Terry. Another brigade was added to Speedwell the force. 92 Memorial Hospital—Morris St. General Curtis’ brigade advanced by degrees, lying down flat and then run- Kemble Ave. 93 All Souls’ Hospital—Mt. ning forward ten or fifteen yards. The Ave.—Public School. enemy got in one volley at them, which 9 4 Maple was ineffective, and by that time the 95 Ave.—Public School. attackers were just under the walls Speedwell of the fort and below the plane of fire. 96 R. D. Foote’s Property—James St. The attackers scaled the walls and took the bastion nearest the Cape Fear river, and then began a stubborn fight REMOVAL Under authority of the fire commit- hospital, 93—All Souls’ hospital, 94- toward the seacoast end, driving the from one traverse to another. tee Chief Engineer J. Fred Runyon Maple avenue public school, 95—Speed- garrison Though wounded four times during and Town Electrician Frank E. Pier- well avenue public school, 96—R. D. The the day, General Curtis kept his com- announce son have made a rearrangement of the Foote’s property, James street. to mand until sunset, when an exploding ENNIS & CO. beg calls of the first nearest lire alarm box to1 the Foote special department shell sent a piece of metal against his that have is No. 82—Macculloch avenue they alarm system which went into effect place him senseless and rob head, knocking to re- five o’clock. and Madison street, a half mile away. • moved their office thejproperty Saturday afternoon at biug him of his left eye. lie remained CW. No has been made in the num- Under the new system the specials are change unconscious five hours, and it was cently purchased by them on Elm numbered in the nineties and in the bers of the fire alarm boxes on the thought that he was dead. His obit- The Dal- written the New York Street, and formerly occupied by future there will be no fire alarm box streets. uary ^vas by was new master box newspaper correspondents. He Co. It will afford them with a number in the nineties. A non-interfering rymple-Hastings Tl GEORGE KNOXX/sf HI GILBERTM.mrCffCOCKVi commissioned brigadier general after The special calls are not boxes but has been placed in police headquart- to meet their customers and rr,a» " """""'" that exploit and some years later re- ,great pleasure from which ers, replacing the one formerly in use designate particular places ceived a medal of honor for his serv- and not the non-inter- friends at their new stand, and, in view of an alarm may be telephoned to police which, having ices there. an alarm will be fering feature, has once or twice in now made on headquarters where Thomas L,. Uewis of Ohio was re- many improvements being the past ten years caused confusion rung in on the master box there for elected president of the United Mine wheu a street box has been pulled at their new purchase, they will be better of America over that particular number. the same time the master box was Workers William of Ohio at than ever before to take care of These call numbers are 92—Memorial turning in an alarm. Green by 2J,0[»7 majority equipped Indianapolis. the wants of their patrons. A corporation to compete with the talk, most of It to the fantastic men for merely opposing the speaker. belongs manufacturers of shirt waists was in- At and political pipe dream variety. That any rate, the wise ones about the corporated in Trenton, N. J., by the there are many people who would like capitol dnte the downfall of Cannon striking shirt waist makers in New from the hour of that to see Roosevelt president again there interview. York. is no question, and it is entirely rea- President Taft the dis- Hitchcock and Janies. sonable to suppose some of them are approved of three members of the first working toward this end. From talk- missal Representative Gilbert M. Hitchcock the Naval with men who were close to the class at academy in As of Nebraska, who has made several at- ing I am convinced napolis, Md„ for intoxication. tacks from the floor and in committee ex-president, however, that he has nothing to do with these Govenor Hughes of New York ap- on Secretary Ballinger, is a Democrat, efforts, would hot '{hem pointed John N. Carlisle of Watertown but the son of a Republican United countenance and wfil not consent to be a can- a member of the public service com- States senator and the son-in-law of a again didate for president. Nevertheless the mission. Republican governor of his state. He picture must include this more or less was born in Omaha in 1859, went to a vague and shadows background. German university for two years, took Another powerful instrument for con- the law course in the University of servation and other good things has Michigan, practiced for two years and come into birth in the house of gov- then went into the newspaper business. ernors. Finally this body is perma- He is now proprietor of the Omaha established and will hold ^3ffijy£,AWyS.G/iAV£’S Ilf I Morning and Evening World-Herald, nently year- meetings at different state capitals. of which paper he once made AVilliam ly PROMINENT FIGURES IN PUBLIC LIFE AT WASHINGTON. It is a great step forward and one J. Bryan editor. Mr. Hitchcock is now whose possible consequences no one serving his third term in congress and in tne it is well that we should learn it m u can foresee. It is worthy of note been projected on the screen is discussed as a possible candidate for Secre- cause that so concerns the future as that the plan adopted is along the lines attitude of burling charges at United States senator.
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