CE02487 Project
Date Printed: 06/16/2009 JTS Box Number: IFES 76 Tab Number: 74 Document Title: Project V.O.T.E Document Date: May-96 Document Country: United States -- Texas Document Language: English IFES ID: CE02487 Project o o o Voters of Tomorrow through Education I May/June 1996, Vol. 6, No.2 !'\ Message from ~he~ecretary Honorary Board Members ~ '\ Has it Teal~ been a ;~'{T? That's the ques- Kay Bailey Hutchison tion I'm asking rilyself as I sil-down to write this u.s. Senalor column. Yes, anpther school ye1u-, is drawing t.o a _".,." .•,,,-,, •• ·/7 cl0:-e. Tea~hers;md students are aI~:ady making . ,.""",_w,,'- / theIr vacauon plans. But before we'tum out the.~...... 'George W. Bush/ classroom lights~or the summer, I wa'riuo·take;;' Governor ,/ moment to revietv what has happened during the / course of this f995-96 school year. And for i' Project V.Q.T:E:, what a year it's been! Dan Mo.?,es ".,..,.",.,.~""" Attorney/General T he biggestne~;'~::es with regard to the continued growth of // our program'. Ten new charter sites were added this year. Let's welcome Mi'''ch' I M 0.""'- ."' ae oses ":th\t.~ewestmembers of the Project V.O.T.E. family: Temple ISO, Clear Commissioner of Educalion CreeJ(·'ISD,.~vin ISO, Amarillo ISO, Lubbock ISO, Abilene ISO, Teias Education Agency Tatum ISO, Klein'IS,Q.~ Brenh,am ISO, and Brownsville ISO. It's great "\ to have all of you on board"".. \ """':"'0<>.: ~ " ....,'l< George Bayoud, Jr. With the addition of these conlmunities, the Project V.O.T.E.
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