E 1936 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks October 12, 1995 (R-VA), Bill Goodling (R-PA), Bart Gordon AZ), Bart Stupak (D±MI), and Jim Talent (R± tober 22±29, 1995 as, World Population Aware- (D-TN), Lindsay Graham (R-SC), Jim Green- MO). ness Week in the State of Indiana. wood (R-PA), Gil Gutknecht (R-MN), Ralph Representatives John Tanner (D±TN), In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set Hall (D-TX), Mel Hancock (R-MO), Jane Har- Randy Tate (R±WA), Billy Tauzin (D±LA), my hand and caused to be affixed the Great man (D-CA), J. Dennis Hastert (R-IL), Alcee Charles Taylor (R±NC), Frank Tejeda (D± Seal of the State of Indiana at the Capitol in Hastings (D-FL), James Hayes (D-LA), J.D. TX), Bennie Thompson (D±MS), Ray Thorn- Indianapolis on this 29th day of September, Hayworth (R-AZ), Joel Hefley (R-CO), and ton (D±AR), Karen Thurman (D±FL), Peter 1995. Wally Herger (R-CA). Torkildsen (R±MA), Robert Torricelli (D± f Representatives Earl Hilliard (D-AL), Mau- NJ), Edolphus Towns (D±NY), Walter R. rice Hinchey (D-NY), David Hobson (R-OH), Tucker III (D±CA), Robert Underwood (D± HAMPSHIRE CHEMICAL Pete Hoekstra (R-MI), Tim Holden (D-PA), GU), Fred Upton (R±MI), Peter Visclosky (D± CORPORATION HONORED Steve Horn (D-CA), John Hostettler (R-IN), IN), Bruce Vento (D±MN), Harold Volkmer Amo Houghton (R-NY), Steny Hoyer (D-MD), (D±MO), Enid Waldholtz (R±UT), Robert Duncan Hunter (R-CA), Tim Hutchinson (R- Walker (R±PA), James Walsh (R±NY), Zach HON. KEN BENTSEN AR), Henry Hyde (R-IL), Ernest Istook (R- Wamp (R±TX), Mike Ward (D±KY), J.C. OF TEXAS OK), Andy Jacobs (D-IN), Sheila Jackson-Lee Watts (R±OK), Henry Waxman (D±CA), Curt IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (D-TX), William Jefferson (D-LA), Nancy Weldon (R±PA), Dave Weldon (R±FL), Jerry Johnson (R-CT), Sam Johnson (R-TX), Tim Weller (R±IL), Rick White (R±WA), Edward Thursday, October 12, 1995 Johnson (D-SD), Harry Johnston (D-FL), Whitfield (R±KY), Bob Wise (D±WV), Frank Mr. BENTSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- Walter Jones, Jr. (R-NC), Paul Kanjorski (D- Wolf (R±VA), C.W. Bill Young (R±FL), Don PA), Marcy Keptur (D-OH), Sue Kelly (R- nize Hampshire Chemical Corp. of Deer Park, Young (R±AK), and Dick Zimmer (R±NY). TX, which was recently selected by the Deer NY), Joseph Kennedy (D-MA), Patrick Ken- TotalÐ285 members. nedy (D-RI), Peter King (R-NY), Jack Kings- Park Chamber of Commerce as the Industry ton (R-GA), and Scott Klug (R-WI). SENATE MEMBERS of the Year for 1995. Representatives Jim Kolbe (R-AZ), John Senators John Ashcroft (R±MO), Ben Hampshire Chemical Corp. is an inter- LaFalce (D-NY), Ray LaHood (R-IL), Tom Nighthorse Campbell (R±CO), Thad Cochran national specialty chemical company with Lantos (D-CA), Steve Largent (R-OK), Rick (R±MS), Bennett Johnston (D±LA), Jon Kyle more than 150 employees at its Deer Park (R±AZ), Joseph Lieberman (D±CT), Trent Lazio (R-NY), Jim Leach (R-IA), Jerry Lewis plant. This facility opened in 1982 and pro- (R-CA), John Lewis (D-GA), Ron Lewis (R- Lott (R±MS), Connie Mack (R±FL), Carol KY), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), John Linder Moseley-Braun (D±IL), Frank Murkowski (R± duces dispersing agents, chelating agents, (R-GA), William Lipinski (D-IL), Bob Living- AR), Charles Robb (D±VA), Olympia Snowe and glycine. These agents are used in the ston (R-LA), Frank Lo Biondo (R-NJ), Zoe (R±ME), Strom Thurmond (R±SC), and Paul construction industry, the production of syn- Lofgren (D-CA), James Longley (R-ME), Nita Wellstone (D±MN). thetic rubber, and the leather tanning industry. Lowey (D-NY), Frank Lucas (R-OK), William f Glycine is utilized in the food and pharma- Luther (D-MN), Bill McCollum (R-FL), Jim ceutical industries and is used primarily to McCrery (R-LA), Joe McDade (R-PA), John INDIANA PROCLAMATION mask the bitter aftertaste of artificial sweeten- McHugh (R-NY), Scott McInnis (R-CO), Mi- ers and to add stability to certain essential vi- chael McNulty (D-NY), Carolyn Maloney (D- NY), Thomas Manton (D-NY), and Don HON. LEE H. HAMILTON tamins. Manzullo (R-IL). OF INDIANA Hampshire Chemical has long been commit- Representatives Bill Martini (R±NJ), IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ted to ensuring the welfare of its employees Frank Mascara (D±PA), Robert Matsui (D± and the citizens of Deer Park and surrounding CA), Martin Meehan (D±MA), Carrie Meek Thursday, October 12, 1995 areas through the use of safe and environ- (D±FL), Robert Menendez (D±NJ), Jack Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, the week of mentally sound work practices in the produc- Metcalf (R±WA), Jan Meyers (R±KS), Kweisi October 22 is World Population Awareness tion of quality goods. More importantly, Hamp- Mfume (D±MD), John Mica (R±FL), Dan Mil- ler (R±FL), George Miller (D±CA), David Week. The theme of this year's efforts is the shire Chemical has maintained an active role Minge (D±MN), Patsy Mink (D±HI), Joe promotion of gender equality through the in building bridges within the community. As a Moakley (D±MA), G.V. Montgomery (D±MS), eradication of female illiteracy, full employment member of the Deer Park Emergency Plan- Carlos Moorhead (R±CA), Jim Moran (D±VA), opportunities for women, reduction of infant ning Committee, the Community Advisory Constance Morella (R±MD), John Murtha (D± mortality, and universal access to family plan- Council, the Houston Corporation Recycle PA), Sue Myrick (R±NC), Richard Neal (D± ning. Council, and the Deer Park Rotary, Hampshire MA), George Nethercutt (R±WA), Mark Neu- Recently, the Governor of Indiana, Evan Chemical has demonstrated its dedication to mann (R±WI), Charlie Norwood (R±GA), John Bayh, issued a proclamation declaring the improving the quality of life in Deer Park. Olver (D±MA), Bill Orton (D±UT), Michael Hampshire's participation in the Senior Oxley (R±OH), and Frank Pallone (D±NJ). week of October 22 as World Population Representatives Mike Parker (D±MS), Ed Awareness Week in the State of Indiana. Olympics, Deer Park's parks and recreation Pastor (D±AZ), Donald Payne (D±NJ), L.F. Knowing my colleagues interest in this issue, summer programs, and area Little League and Payne (D±VA), Nancy Pelosi (D±CA), Collin I include the full text of Governor Bayh's proc- youth basketball has led to numerous awards, Peterson (D±MN), Pete Peterson (D±FL), lamation. including the Chemical Manufacturers Asso- Tom Petri (R±WI), Owen Pickett (D±VA), STATE OF INDIANA, PROCLAMATION ciation Community Outreach Program Award Glenn Poshard (D±IL), Deborah Pryce (R± TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS MAY COME, and the Texas Chemical Council Distinguished OH), Jack Quinn (R±NY), George Radanovich Service Award. (R±CA), Nick Rahall (D±WV), Jim Ramstad GREETING (R±MN), Charles Rangel (D±NY), Jack Reed Whereas, world population is currently 5.7 With all of its previous accolades, I am (D±RI), Bill Richardson (D±NM), Frank Riggs billion and increases by nearly 100 million pleased, but not surprised, that Hampshire (R±CA), Dana Rohrabacher (R±CA), Carlos people each year, virtually all of whom are Chemical has been selected as the outstand- Romero-Barcelo (D±PR), Ileana Ros- born in countries that can least afford to ac- ing company in Deer Park for 1995. I hope Lehtinen (R±FL), Charlie Rose (D±NC), Lu- commodate their current populations; and Hampshire will continue to lead the way in cille Roybal-Allard (D±CA), Ed Royce (R± Whereas, by the year 2015, three billion forging partnerships between business and the CA), Bobby Rush (D±IL), Matt Salmon (R± people (the equivalent of the entire world community in Deer Park and the Houston population as recently as 1960) are projected AZ), Bernard Sanders (I±VT), and Mark San- area, and I wish the company and its employ- ford (R±SC). to reach their reproductive years; and Representatives Jim Saxton (R±NJ), Joe Whereas, the environmental and economic ees the best of luck in the future. Scarborough (R±FL), Steve Schiff (R±NM), impact of this level of growth may prevent f Dan Schaefer (R±CO), Patricia Schroeder (D± inhabitants of poorer countries from improv- CO), Charles Schumer (D±NY), Robert C. ing their quality of life and, at the same DAVIS-BACON: REFORM, NOT Scott (D±VA), Andrea Seastrand (R±CA), time, may negatively affect the standard of REPEAL John Shadegg (R±AZ), E. Clay Shaw, Jr. (R± living in more affluent regions; and FL), Bud Shuster (R±PA), Norman Sisiky (D± Whereas, the International Conference on VA), David Skaggs (D±CO), Joe Skeen (R± Population and Development held last year HON. CURT WELDON NM), Ike Skelton (D±MO), Louise Slaughter in Cairo crafted a 20-year Program of Action, OF PENNSYLVANIA (D±NY), Christopher Smith (R±NJ), Lamar approved by 180 nations including the United IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Smith (R±TX), Mark Souder (R±IN), Floyd D. States, for achieving a more equitable dis- Thursday, October 12, 1995 Spence (R±SC), John Spratt, Jr. (D±SC), Cliff tribution of the world's population relative Stearns (R±FL), Charles Stenholm (D±TX), to its environment and resources; Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, Louis Stokes (D±OH), Steve Stockman (R± Now, Therefore, I, Evan Bayh, Governor of I am today introducing, along with 19 of my TX), Gerry Studds (D±MA), Bob Stump (R± the State of Indiana, do hereby proclaim Oc- colleagues, the Davis-Bacon Act Reform October 12, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 1937 Amendments of 1995.
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