ELECTION '08: THE NEXT GENERATION OF LEADERS nnewsletterewsletter 22008.indd008.indd 1 11/7/2009/7/2009 33:58:02:58:02 PPMM 2008-2009 Contents INSTITUTE DIRECTOR: Dr. Roderick P. Hart ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR; RESEARCH: Dr. Sharon E. Jarvis 3 From the Director ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR; ADMINISTRATION: Mr. Chuck Courtney 4 UT Votes ASSISTANT DIRECTOR; RESEARCH: Making the College Vote Count Dr. Natalie Stroud STRAUSS RESEARCH FELLOW: 6 Strauss Civic Internship Award Dr. Nicholas Valentino Civic Internship Award Letter DIRECTOR; EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH: Ms. Deborah Wise NEW POLITICS FORUM PROJECT MANAGER: 8 TexElects Ms. Emily Balanoff ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE & DESIGN: New Politics Forum Trains for 2008 Ms. Melissa Huebsch 9 STAFF WRITER: Mr. Nicolas Hundley 10 Strauss Notes: American Trustees CENTER FOR DELIBERATIVE OPINION RESEARCH Speak Up! Speak Out! DIRECTOR: Dr. Robert Luskin Associate Director Courtney Joins Institute Researching Objectivity for PBS OFFICE OF SURVEY RESEARCH DIRECTOR: Ms. Veronica Inchauste 12 Research Report: MANAGER: Mr. O’Neil Provost Publications Research Fellowships ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE: Ms. Beth Van Riper RESEARCH ASSISTANTS: 14 Supporting the Institute Ms. Jeannette Bellemeur Ms. Erin Boeke Burke Institute at Hispanic Community Fair Ms. Colene Lind Ms. Cathy Setzer INTERN: Ms. Dareth Finn http://www.annettestrauss.org PLEASE SEND CORRESPONDENCE TO: Annette Strauss Institute 3001 Lake Austin Boulevard, Suite 2.316 Austin, Texas 78703 Phone (512) 471-1959 Fax (512) 471-1927 email:
[email protected] nnewsletterewsletter 22008.indd008.indd 2 11/7/2009/7/2009 33:58:53:58:53 PPMM From the Director 3 Roderick P. Hart 2008: Year of Change The cornerstone of both presidential campaigns in 2008 was a promise to lead the country in a new direction.