MÆRSK Birthday

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MÆRSK Birthday CO 00 O) m * Eh yj CD •—J A short time ago the training ship "DANMARK" celebrated her 50th MÆRSK birthday. No age for a sailing vessel. Many sailing ships are much older, none more beautiful. POST A. P. Møller has been actively interested in the "DANMARK" for more than 50 years. Going back to the time when the ship was being built, Mr. A. P. Møller was already a firm supporter of the idea, and Published by A.P. Møller, Copenhagen our organisation has followed the same principle every time the ship's Editor: Einar Siberg continued existence has been in question. Printers: Dansk Kliché Fabrik We are convinced that apprenticeship on board ''DANMARK'' is ex- tremely valuable to future officers. A considerable number of A. P. Møller's masters and other navigators have been apprentices on "DANMARK". This also goes for many of the people who fill responsible posts on land. History confirms and experience has tought us that life at sea develops Local correspondents: strong personalities. I am convinced that training time on board "DANMARK" has contributed its share in this connection and still HONG KONG: Thomas Thune Andersen INDONESIA: Erwin Saropie does. JAPAN: S. Osano On the occasion of her 50th anniversary I express the hope that the PHILIPPINES: Lydia B. Cervantes valuable and excellent work on board "DANMARK" and the special SINGAPORE: Davin Tan training and education, which results, may continue in that tradition THAILAND: Thavi Tantisunthorn and spirit of heretofore. UNITED KINGDOM: Ann Thornton U.S. EAST COAST: Barney Brennan There are alway many of A. P. Møller trainees on "DANMARK" U.S. WEST COAST: John J. Harkin and there will be many more in the future. U.S. GULF: Mary Jane Eck 7 W17p V nr\n ^^llg rrratnloti dl-Uiai.^o ."HAMMADl iyillMtljllMV" an,1u ,.,.„W13IU 11 HCl guu1u T-.-lUeJVU . DISA: B. Trier-Hansen MAERSK AIR: Lotte Valbjørn MÆRSK DATA: Keld Balle-Mortensen On 31 May Mr. Bjarne Fogh took over the presidency of the Danish THE YARD: Jørgen Petersen Shipowners' Association, having been vice-president for four years. PAPYRO-TEX: Helge Madsen Mr. Fogh has undertaken an important and demanding task in addi- PHARMA-PLAST: Vicki Stene tion to his other areas of responsibility. I am confident that as presi- ROSTI: Leif O. Jensen dent of the Association, he will render Danish shipping in general ROULUND: Else Frejlev good service. We congratulate Mr. Fogh. MÆRSK MC-KINNEY MØLLER Volume 22, No. 2 July 1983 Reproduction permitted with acknowledgement of source. Mr. Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller celebrates his 70th birthday on Wednesday, 13th July. He is a very modest person himself and would certainly wish us to be so too. But on the occasion of his 70th birthday we feel impelled to express our heartfelt congratulations in admiration of his impressive work. His unique vision and initiative combined with rare creativeness and working capacity has enabled Mr. Mc-Kinney Møller not only to carry on his father's lifework but also to expand our activities internationally so that we are now a world-wide organization. The Mærsk name is recognised and respected all over the globe, and the A.P. Møller companies' extensive activities throughout the world are most beneficial to the Danish society. We wish Mr. Mc-Kinney Møller all the best in the future and express our thanks for his trust and inspiring cooperation. The Boards of the Shipping Companies Amaliehaven n Tuesday May 10 the park at Larsens daily - as I have done - and on many occa- an extremely positive response. An inquiry O Plads was inaugurated. It was a gift sions viewed it from land and sea, you would submitted to our distinguished neighbours, from the A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine have found it impossible to ignore the unat- who honour us through their presence to- Mc-Kinney Møller Foundation. Their Royal tractiveness of Larsens Plads with its empty, day, was also answered in the affirmative. Majesties, Queen Margrethe and Queen In- ugly sheds and buildings. And such a pity - The means. The A.P. Møller og Hustru grid, His Royal Highness, Prince Henrik, this part of the City being the most beautiful Chastine Mc-Kinney Møller Foundation, and 200 other guests were present at the in- and dignified of Frederiksstaden. And in- originally founded by my father, had the auguration. deed several others had conceived the idea means, and the credit for the realisation of Having welcomed the guests, the Chairman much earlier. Eigtved had a plan, Meldahl the park correctly belongs to my dear of the Foundation, Shipowner Mærsk Mc- had one and so had many others. parents. Kinney Møller, presented the park to the We inquired whether the area was for sale. It Theirs is the credit but not the responsibility. State, represented by the Prime Minister, was, in spite of advanced building projects The artistic design of the park was placed in Mr. Poul Schlüter, and the City of Copen- including plans for high-rise buildings. the hands of the Belgian landscape architect, hagen represented by the Lord Mayor, Mr. The approval Of course, the approval of the Jean Delogne, who assumed the task with Egon Weidekamp, with these words: idea was vital and so was the acceptance of great reverence. He studied the Danish "There are three essential prerequisites for the park as a gift both by the State, and by climate, took pictures of half the City and the creation of this park: The idea, the ap- the City of Copenhagen. prepared his layout based entirely on proval and the means. We applied to the then Prime Minister, Mr. nature's own materials. He travelled about The idea did not require exceptional genius. Anker Jørgensen, and the Lord Mayor, Mr. Europe to find the most suitable limestone If you had walked about this area almost Egon Weidekamp, and very soon received and carefully selected the type of Bornholm 4 Shipowner, Mr. Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller, handing over the deed of gift for Amaliehaven to the Prime Minister, Mr. Poul Schlüter, and the Lord Major, Mr. Egon Weidekamp. Mr. Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller showing Queen Margrethe round in Amaliehaven. Behind them on the left is the sculptor, Arnaldo Pomodoro, and in the middle the gar- den 's architect, Jean Delogne. granite to be used. He considered retaining a hen Mr. Poul Schlüter was given the has been advanced even before it was finish- central axis and protecting the long, narrow T floor and said among other things: ed and concluded by saying: park from the traffic noise in Toldbodgade "Last night I leafed through my 'Hafnia "Nowadays we talk so much of the people essential. He wished to create a microclimate Hodierna', printed in 1748. It is also called being entitled to have a say in connection for the vegetation in the park and made great 'detailed Description of Copenhagen, Royal with the planning and layout of their own efforts to find the correct lighting for after Residence and Capital, with an Explanation areas, and in principle I agree. My guess is dark - not just of the park itself, but also of of all the Curiosities of this large City to- that a formal hearing of the neighbours its fountains. day'. That was in 1748. would have been in favour of this grand pro- He selected trees and plants with great care. The book tells of the royal park, called after ject. I shall even venture the guess that be- The columns and the sun-like sculptures at Queen Amalie, Frederik the Third's wife. tween 90 and 100 per cent of the Danes and the two waterfalls are designed by the Italian When the first Amalienborg burnt down in of the many tourists, who will be visiting the sculptor, Arnaldo Pomodoro, who has ap- 1689, the area existing today from Sankt park, will find that it is an attractive part of proached his task with similar reverence and Annæ to Esplanaden was a park for many the harbour front. respect. Together with Monsieur Delogne, many years. And now the area is once again Once more, thank you. I hope that the Signor Pomodoro has created the sculptures a park. Copenhageners will enjoy their park and around the centre fountain so that they are I think that the new park is exciting, daring take good care of it." in harmony with the inspiring surroundings. and different. It is festive, creative and The sculptures are the link between the park challenging. fter inauguration, "Amaliehaven" was and the palace square with its activities and The park will be a worthy contribution to the A opened to the public, and since May 10 ceremonies. And in the other direction they renovation of the Copenhagen harbour thousands of Copenhageners and tourists are the link to the harbour and the sea. front. But it is also a contribution to have been to see it. The park has also His sun-like sculptures at the two waterfalls Frederiksstaden, the most dignified quarter become a favourite recreational area for the represent his idea of the connection between in Copenhagen with beautiful mansions, neighbours and the staff of the surrounding the sun and the sea and the special light of pleasant streets and courtyard environ- firms, who quite often spend their lunch Copenhagen. ments. hour in the peaceful environment of what We owe our sincere thanks to Monsieur All these buildings are situated around used to be Larsens Plads. Delogne and Signor Pomodoro. Amalienborg Castle. Now this area is open Originally Larsens Plads included the area And we also extend our thanks to everybody to the public, and the fine architecture of along Toldbodgade from Sankt Annæ Plads else involved; Kampsax, our architect, Mr.
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